Tag Archives: Rate-limiting

Developer Week 2024 wrap-up

Post Syndicated from Phillip Jones original https://blog.cloudflare.com/developer-week-2024-wrap-up

Developer Week 2024 has officially come to a close. Each day last week, we shipped new products and functionality geared towards giving developers the components they need to build full-stack applications on Cloudflare.

Even though Developer Week is now over, we are continuing to innovate with the over two million developers who build on our platform. Building a platform is only as exciting as seeing what developers build on it. Before we dive into a recap of the announcements, to send off the week, we wanted to share how a couple of companies are using Cloudflare to power their applications:

We have been using Workers for image delivery using R2 and have been able to maintain stable operations for a year after implementation. The speed of deployment and the flexibility of detailed configurations have greatly reduced the time and effort required for traditional server management. In particular, we have seen a noticeable cost savings and are deeply appreciative of the support we have received from Cloudflare Workers.
FAN Communications

Milkshake helps creators, influencers, and business owners create engaging web pages directly from their phone, to simply and creatively promote their projects and passions. Cloudflare has helped us migrate data quickly and affordably with R2. We use Workers as a routing layer between our users’ websites and their images and assets, and to build a personalized analytics offering affordably. Cloudflare’s innovations have consistently allowed us to run infrastructure at a fraction of the cost of other developer platforms and we have been eagerly awaiting updates to D1 and Queues to sustainably scale Milkshake as the product continues to grow.

In case you missed anything, here’s a quick recap of the announcements and in-depth technical explorations that went out last week:

Summary of announcements


Announcement Summary
Making state easy with D1 GA, Hyperdrive, Queues and Workers Analytics Engine updates A core part of any full-stack application is storing and persisting data! We kicked off the week with announcements that help developers build stateful applications on top of Cloudflare, including making D1, Cloudflare’s SQL database and Hyperdrive, our database accelerating service, generally available.
Building D1: a Global Database D1, Cloudflare’s SQL database, is now generally available. With new support for 10GB databases, data export, and enhanced query debugging, we empower developers to build production-ready applications with D1 to meet all their relational SQL needs. To support Workers in global applications, we’re sharing a sneak peek of our design and API for D1 global read replication to demonstrate how developers scale their workloads with D1.
Why Workers environment variables contain live objects Bindings don’t just reduce boilerplate. They are a core design feature of the Workers platform which simultaneously improve developer experience and application security in several ways. Usually these two goals are in opposition to each other, but bindings elegantly solve for both at the same time.


Announcement Summary
Leveling up Workers AI: General Availability and more new capabilities We made a series of AI-related announcements, including Workers AI, Cloudflare’s inference platform becoming GA, support for fine-tuned models with LoRAs, one-click deploys from HuggingFace, Python support for Cloudflare Workers, and more.
Running fine-tuned models on Workers AI with LoRAs Workers AI now supports fine-tuned models using LoRAs. But what is a LoRA and how does it work? In this post, we dive into fine-tuning, LoRAs and even some math to share the details of how it all works under the hood.
Bringing Python to Workers using Pyodide and WebAssembly We introduced Python support for Cloudflare Workers, now in open beta. We’ve revamped our systems to support Python, from the Workers runtime itself to the way Workers are deployed to Cloudflare’s network. Learn about a Python Worker’s lifecycle, Pyodide, dynamic linking, and memory snapshots in this post.


Announcement Summary
R2 adds event notifications, support for migrations from Google Cloud Storage, and an infrequent access storage tier We announced three new features for Cloudflare R2: event notifications, support for migrations from Google Cloud Storage, and an infrequent access storage tier.
Data Anywhere with Pipelines, Event Notifications, and Workflows We’re making it easier to build scalable, reliable, data-driven applications on top of our global network, and so we announced a new Event Notifications framework; our take on durable execution, Workflows; and an upcoming streaming ingestion service, Pipelines.
Improving Cloudflare Workers and D1 developer experience with Prisma ORM Together, Cloudflare and Prisma make it easier than ever to deploy globally available apps with a focus on developer experience. To further that goal, Prisma ORM now natively supports Cloudflare Workers and D1 in Preview. With version 5.12.0 of Prisma ORM you can now interact with your data stored in D1 from your Cloudflare Workers with the convenience of the Prisma Client API. Learn more and try it out now.
How Picsart leverages Cloudflare’s Developer Platform to build globally performant services Picsart, one of the world’s largest digital creation platforms, encountered performance challenges in catering to its global audience. Adopting Cloudflare’s global-by-default Developer Platform emerged as the optimal solution, empowering Picsart to enhance performance and scalability substantially.


Announcement Summary
Announcing Pages support for monorepos, wrangler.toml, database integrations and more! We launched four improvements to Pages that bring functionality previously restricted to Workers, with the goal of unifying the development experience between the two. Support for monorepos, wrangler.toml, new additions to Next.js support and database integrations!
New tools for production safety — Gradual Deployments, Stack Traces, Rate Limiting, and API SDKs Production readiness isn’t just about scale and reliability of the services you build with. We announced five updates that put more power in your hands – Gradual Deployments, Source mapped stack traces in Tail Workers, a new Rate Limiting API, brand-new API SDKs, and updates to Durable Objects – each built with mission-critical production services in mind.
What’s new with Cloudflare Media: updates for Calls, Stream, and Images With Cloudflare Calls in open beta, you can build real-time, serverless video and audio applications. Cloudflare Stream lets your viewers instantly clip from ongoing streams. Finally, Cloudflare Images now supports automatic face cropping and has an upload widget that lets you easily integrate into your application.
Cloudflare Calls: millions of cascading trees all the way down Cloudflare Calls is a serverless SFU and TURN service running at Cloudflare’s edge. It’s now in open beta and costs $0.05/ real-time GB. It’s 100% anycast WebRTC.


Announcement Summary
Browser Rendering API GA, rolling out Cloudflare Snippets, SWR, and bringing Workers for Platforms to all users Browser Rendering API is now available to all paid Workers customers with improved session management.
Cloudflare acquires Baselime to expand serverless application observability capabilities We announced that Cloudflare has acquired Baselime, a serverless observability company.
Cloudflare acquires PartyKit to allow developers to build real-time multi-user applications We announced that PartyKit, a trailblazer in enabling developers to craft ambitious real-time, collaborative, multiplayer applications, is now a part of Cloudflare. This acquisition marks a significant milestone in our journey to redefine the boundaries of serverless computing, making it more dynamic, interactive, and, importantly, stateful.
Blazing fast development with full-stack frameworks and Cloudflare Full-stack web development with Cloudflare is now faster and easier! You can now use your framework’s development server while accessing D1 databases, R2 object stores, AI models, and more. Iterate locally in milliseconds to build sophisticated web apps that run on Cloudflare. Let’s dev together!
We’ve added JavaScript-native RPC to Cloudflare Workers Cloudflare Workers now features a built-in RPC (Remote Procedure Call) system for use in Worker-to-Worker and Worker-to-Durable Object communication, with absolutely minimal boilerplate. We’ve designed an RPC system so expressive that calling a remote service can feel like using a library.
Community Update: empowering startups building on Cloudflare and creating an inclusive community We closed out Developer Week by sharing updates on our Workers Launchpad program, our latest Developer Challenge, and the work we’re doing to ensure our community spaces – like our Discord and Community forums – are safe and inclusive for all developers.

Continue the conversation

Thank you for being a part of Developer Week! Want to continue the conversation and share what you’re building? Join us on Discord. To get started building on Workers, check out our developer documentation.

New tools for production safety — Gradual deployments, Source maps, Rate Limiting, and new SDKs

Post Syndicated from Tanushree Sharma original https://blog.cloudflare.com/workers-production-safety

2024’s Developer Week is all about production readiness. On Monday. April 1, we announced that D1, Queues, Hyperdrive, and Workers Analytics Engine are ready for production scale and generally available. On Tuesday, April 2, we announced the same about our inference platform, Workers AI. And we’re not nearly done yet.

However, production readiness isn’t just about the scale and reliability of the services you build with. You also need tools to make changes safely and reliably. You depend not just on what Cloudflare provides, but on being able to precisely control and tailor how Cloudflare behaves to the needs of your application.

Today we are announcing five updates that put more power in your hands – Gradual Deployments, source mapped stack traces in Tail Workers, a new Rate Limiting API, brand-new API SDKs, and updates to Durable Objects – each built with mission-critical production services in mind. We build our own products using Workers, including Access, R2, KV, Waiting Room, Vectorize, Queues, Stream, and more. We rely on each of these new features ourselves to ensure that we are production ready – and now we’re excited to bring them to everyone.

Gradually deploy changes to Workers and Durable Objects

Deploying a Worker is nearly instantaneous – a few seconds and your change is live everywhere.

When you reach production scale, each change you make carries greater risk, both in terms of volume and expectations. You need to meet your 99.99% availability SLA, or have an ambitious P90 latency SLO. A bad deployment that’s live for 100% of traffic for 45 seconds could mean millions of failed requests. A subtle code change could cause a thundering herd of retries to an overwhelmed backend, if rolled out all at once. These are the kinds of risks we consider and mitigate ourselves for our own services built on Workers.

The way to mitigate these risks is to deploy changes gradually – commonly called rolling deployments:

  1. The current version of your application runs in production.
  2. You deploy the new version of your application to production, but only route a small percentage of traffic to this new version, and wait for it to “soak” in production, monitoring for regressions and bugs. If something bad happens, you’ve caught it early at a small percentage (e.g. 1%) of traffic and can revert quickly.
  3. You gradually increment the percentage of traffic until the new version receives 100%, at which point it is fully rolled out.

Today we’re opening up a first-class way to deploy code changes gradually to Workers and Durable Objects via the Cloudflare API, the Wrangler CLI, or the Workers dashboard. Gradual Deployments is entering open beta – you can use Gradual Deployments with any Cloudflare account that is on the Workers Free plan, and very soon you’ll be able to start using Gradual Deployments with Cloudflare accounts on the Workers Paid and Enterprise plans. You’ll see a banner on the Workers dashboard once your account has access.

When you have two versions of your Worker or Durable Object running concurrently in production, you almost certainly want to be able to filter your metrics, exceptions, and logs by version. This can help you spot production issues early, when the new version is only rolled out to a small percentage of traffic, or compare performance metrics when splitting traffic 50/50. We’ve also added observability at a version level across our platform:

  • You can filter analytics in the Workers dashboard and via the GraphQL Analytics API by version.
  • Workers Trace Events and Tail Worker events include the version ID of your Worker, along with optional version message and version tag fields.
  • When using wrangler tail to view live logs, you can view logs for a specific version.
  • You can access version ID, message, and tag from within your Worker’s code, by configuring the Version Metadata binding.

You may also want to make sure that each client or user only sees a consistent version of your Worker. We’ve added Version Affinity so that requests associated with a particular identifier (such as user, session, or any unique ID) are always handled by a consistent version of your Worker. Session Affinity, when used with Ruleset Engine, gives you full control over both the mechanism and identifier used to ensure “stickiness”.

Gradual Deployments is entering open beta. As we move towards GA, we’re working to support:

  • Version Overrides. Invoke a specific version of your Worker in order to test before it serves any production traffic. This will allow you to create Blue-Green Deployments.
  • Cloudflare Pages. Let the CI/CD system in Pages automatically progress the deployments on your behalf.
  • Automatic rollbacks. Roll back deployments automatically when the error rate spikes for a new version of your Worker.

We’re looking forward to hearing your feedback! Let us know what you think through this feedback form or reach out in our Developer Discord in the #workers-gradual-deployments-beta channel.

Source mapped stack traces in Tail Workers

Production readiness means tracking errors and exceptions, and trying to drive them down to zero. When an error occurs, the first thing you typically want to look at is the error’s stack trace – the specific functions that were called, in what order, from which line and file, and with what arguments.

Most JavaScript code – not just on Workers, but across platforms – is first bundled, often transpiled, and then minified before being deployed to production. This is done behind the scenes to create smaller bundles to optimize performance and convert from Typescript to JavaScript if needed.

If you’ve ever seen an exception return a stack trace like: /src/index.js:1:342,it means the error occurred on the 342nd character of your function’s minified code. This is clearly not very helpful for debugging.

Source maps solve this – they map compiled and minified code back to the original code that you wrote. Source maps are combined with the stack trace returned by the JavaScript runtime in order to present you with a human-readable stack trace. For example, the following stack trace shows that the Worker received an unexpected null value on line 30 of the down.ts file. This is a useful starting point for debugging, and you can move down the stack trace to understand the functions that were called that were set that resulted in the null value.

Unexpected input value: null
  at parseBytes (src/down.ts:30:8)
  at down_default (src/down.ts:10:19)
  at Object.fetch (src/index.ts:11:12)

Here’s how it works:

  1. When you set upload_source_maps = true in your wrangler.toml, Wrangler will automatically generate and upload any source map files when you run wrangler deploy or wrangler versions upload.
  2. When your Worker throws an uncaught exception, we fetch the source map and use it to map the stack trace of the exception back to lines of your Worker’s original source code.
  3. You can then view this deobfuscated stack trace in real-time logs or in Tail Workers.

Starting today, in open beta, you can upload source maps to Cloudflare when you deploy your Worker – get started by reading the docs. And starting on April 15th , the Workers runtime will start using source maps to deobfuscate stack traces. We’ll post a notification in the Cloudflare dashboard and post on our Cloudflare Developers X account when source mapped stack traces are available.

New Rate Limiting API in Workers

An API is only production ready if it has a sensible rate limit. And as you grow, so does the complexity and diversity of limits that you need to enforce in order to balance the needs of specific customers, protect the health of your service, or enforce and adjust limits in specific scenarios. Cloudflare’s own API has this challenge – each of our dozens of products, each with many API endpoints, may need to enforce different rate limits.

You’ve been able to configure Rate Limiting rules on Cloudflare since 2017. But until today, the only way to control this was in the Cloudflare dashboard or via the Cloudflare API. It hasn’t been possible to define behavior at runtime, or write code in a Worker that interacts directly with rate limits – you could only control whether a request is rate limited or not before it hits your Worker.

Today we’re introducing a new API, in open beta, that gives you direct access to rate limits from your Worker. It’s lightning fast, backed by memcached, and dead simple to add to your Worker. For example, the following configuration defines a rate limit of 100 requests within a 60-second period:

type = "ratelimit"
namespace_id = "1001" # An identifier unique to your Cloudflare account

# Limit: the number of tokens allowed within a given period, in a single Cloudflare location
# Period: the duration of the period, in seconds. Must be either 60 or 10
simple = { limit = 100, period = 60 } 

Then, in your Worker, you can call the limit method on the RATE_LIMITER binding, providing a key of your choosing. Given the configuration above, this code will return a HTTP 429 response status code once more than 100 requests to a specific path are made within a 60-second period:

export default {
  async fetch(request, env) {
    const { pathname } = new URL(request.url)

    const { success } = await env.RATE_LIMITER.limit({ key: pathname })
    if (!success) {
      return new Response(`429 Failure – rate limit exceeded for ${pathname}`, { status: 429 })

    return new Response(`Success!`)

Now that Workers can connect directly to a data store like memcached, what else could we provide? Counters? Locks? An in-memory cache? Rate limiting is the first of many primitives that we’re exploring providing in Workers that address questions we’ve gotten for years about where a temporary shared state that spans many Worker isolates should live. If you rely on putting state in the global scope of your Worker today, we’re working on better primitives that are purpose-built for specific use cases.

The Rate Limiting API in Workers is in open beta, and you can get started by reading the docs.

New auto-generated SDKs for Cloudflare’s API

Production readiness means going from making changes by clicking buttons in a dashboard to making changes programmatically, using an infrastructure-as-code approach like Terraform or Pulumi, or by making API requests directly, either on your own or via an SDK.

The Cloudflare API is massive, and constantly adding new capabilities – on average we update our API schemas between 20 and 30 times per day. But to date, our API SDKs have been built and maintained manually, so we had a burning need to automate this.

We’ve done that, and today we’re announcing new client SDKs for the Cloudflare API in three languages – Typescript, Python and Go – with more languages on the way.

Each SDK is generated automatically using Stainless API, based on the OpenAPI schemas that define the structure and capabilities of each of our API endpoints. This means that when we add any new functionality to the Cloudflare API, across any Cloudflare product, these API SDKs are automatically regenerated, and new versions are published, ensuring that they are correct and up-to-date.

You can install the SDKs by running one of the following commands:

// Typescript
npm install cloudflare

// Python
pip install --pre cloudflare

// Go
go get -u github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-go/v2

If you use Terraform or Pulumi, under the hood, Cloudflare’s Terraform Provider currently uses the existing, non-automated Go SDK. When you run terraform apply, the Cloudflare Terraform Provider determines which API requests to make in what order, and executes these using the Go SDK.

The new, auto-generated Go SDK clears a path towards more comprehensive Terraform support for all Cloudflare products, providing a base set of tools that can be relied upon to be both correct and up-to-date with the latest API changes. We’re building towards a future where any time a product team at Cloudflare builds a new feature that is exposed via the Cloudflare API, it is automatically supported by the SDKs. Expect more updates on this throughout 2024.

Durable Object namespace analytics and WebSocket Hibernation GA

Many of our own products, including Waiting Room, R2, and Queues, as well as platforms like PartyKit, are built using Durable Objects. Deployed globally, including newly added support for Oceania, you can think of Durable Objects like singleton Workers that can provide a single point of coordination and persist state. They’re perfect for applications that need real-time user coordination, like interactive chat or collaborative editing. Take Atlassian’s word for it:

One of our new capabilities is Confluence whiteboards, which provides a freeform way to capture unstructured work like brainstorming and early planning before teams document it more formally. The team considered many options for real-time collaboration and ultimately decided to use Cloudflare’s Durable Objects. Durable Objects have proven to be a fantastic fit for this problem space, with a unique combination of functionalities that has allowed us to greatly simplify our infrastructure and easily scale to a large number of users. – Atlassian

We haven’t previously exposed associated analytical trends in the dashboard, making it hard to understand the usage patterns and error rates within a Durable Objects namespace unless you used the GraphQL Analytics API directly. The Durable Objects dashboard has now been revamped, letting you drill down into metrics, and go as deep as you need.

From day one, Durable Objects have supported WebSockets, allowing many clients to directly connect to a Durable Object to send and receive messages.

However, sometimes client applications open a WebSocket connection and then eventually stop doing…anything. Think about that tab you’ve had sitting open in your browser for the last 5 hours, but haven’t touched. If it uses WebSockets to send and receive messages, it effectively has a long-lived TCP connection that isn’t being used for anything. If this connection is to a Durable Object, the Durable Object must stay running, waiting for something to happen, consuming memory, and costing you money.

We first introduced WebSocket Hibernation to solve this problem, and today we’re announcing that this feature is out of beta and is Generally Available. With WebSocket Hibernation, you set an automatic response to be used while hibernating and serialize state such that it survives hibernation. This gives Cloudflare the inputs we need in order to maintain open WebSocket connections from clients while “hibernating” the Durable Object such that it is not actively running, and you are not billed for idle time. The result is that your state is always available in-memory when you actually need it, but isn’t unnecessarily kept around when it’s not. As long as your Durable Object is hibernating, even if there are active clients still connected over a WebSocket, you won’t be billed for duration.

In addition, we’ve heard developer feedback on the costs of incoming WebSocket messages to Durable Objects, which favor smaller, more frequent messages for real-time communication. Starting today incoming WebSocket messages will be billed at the equivalent of 1/20th of a request (as opposed to 1 message being the equivalent of 1 request as it has been up until now). Following a pricing example:

WebSocket Connection Requests Incoming WebSocket Messages Billed Requests Request Billing
Before 10K 432M 432,010,000 $64.65
After 10K 432M 21,610,000 $3.09

Production ready, without production complexity

Becoming production ready on the last generation of cloud platforms meant slowing down how fast you shipped. It meant stitching together many disconnected tools or standing up whole teams to work on internal platforms. You had to retrofit your own productivity layers onto platforms that put up roadblocks.

The Cloudflare Developer Platform is grown up and production ready, and committed to being an integrated platform where products intuitively work together and where there aren’t 10 ways to do the same thing, with no need for a compatibility matrix to help understand what works together. Each of these updates shows this in action, integrating new functionality across products and parts of Cloudflare’s platform.

To that end, we want to hear from you about not only what you want to see next, but where you think we could be even simpler, or where you think our products could work better together. Tell us where you think we could do more – the Cloudflare Developers Discord is always open.

Sliding window rate limits in distributed systems

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/frequency-capping

Like many other companies, Grab uses marketing communications to notify users of promotions or other news. If a user receives these notifications from multiple companies, it would be a form of information overload and they might even start considering these communications as spam. Over time, this could lead to some users revoking their consent to receive marketing communications altogether. Hence, it is important to find a rate-limited solution that sends the right amount of communications to our users.


In Grab, marketing emails and push notifications are part of carefully designed campaigns to ensure that users get the right notifications (i.e. based on past orders or usage patterns). Trident is Grab’s in-house tool to compose these campaigns so that they run efficiently at scale. An example of a campaign is scheduling a marketing email blast to 10 million users at 4 pm. Read more about Trident’s architecture here.

Trident relies on Hedwig, another in-house service, to deliver the messages to users. Hedwig does the heavy lifting of delivering large amounts of emails and push notifications to users while maintaining a high query per second (QPS) rate and minimal delay. The following high-level architectural illustration demonstrates the interaction between Trident and Hedwig.

Diagram of data interaction between Trident and Hedwig

The aim is to regulate the number of marketing comms sent to users daily and weekly, tailored based on their interaction patterns with the Grab superapp.


Based on their interaction patterns with our superapp, we have clustered users into a few segments.

For example:

New: Users recently signed up to the Grab app but haven’t taken any rides yet.
Active: Users who took rides in the past month.

With these metrics, we came up with optimal daily and weekly frequency limit values for each clustered user segment. The solution discussed in this article ensures that the comms sent to a user do not exceed the daily and weekly thresholds for the segment. This is also called frequency capping.

However, frequency capping can be split into two sub-problems:

Efficient storage of clustered user data

With a huge customer base of over 270 million users, storing the user segment membership information has to be cost-efficient and memory-sleek. Querying the segment to which a user belongs should also have minimal latency.

Persistent tracking of comms sent per user

To stay within the daily and weekly thresholds, we need to actively track the number of comms sent to each user, which can be referred to make rate limiting decisions. The rate limiting logic should also have minimal latency, be cost efficient, and not take up too much memory storage.

Optimising storage of user segment data

The problem here is figuring out which segment a particular user belongs to and ensuring that the user doesn’t appear in more than one segment. There are two options that suit our needs and we’ll explain more about each option, as well as what was the best option for us.

Bloom filter 

A Bloom filter is a space-efficient probabilistic data structure that addresses this problem well. Simply put, Bloom filters internally use arrays to track memberships of the elements.

For our scenario, each user segment would need its own bloom filter. We used this bloom filter calculator to estimate the memory required for each bloom filter. We found that we needed approximately 1 GB of memory and 23 hash functions to accurately represent the membership information of 270 million users in an array. Additionally, this method guarantees a false positive rate of  1.0E-7, which means 1 in 1 million elements may get wrong membership results because of hash collision.

With Grab’s existing segments, this approach needs 4GB of memory, which may increase as we increase the number of segments in the future. Moreover, the potential hash collision needs to be handled by increasing the memory size with even more hash functions. Another thing to note is that Bloom filters do not support deletion so every time a change needs to be done, you need to create a new version of the Bloom filter. Although Bloom filters have many advantages, these shortcomings led us to explore another approach.

Roaring bitmaps Roaring bitmaps are sets of unsigned integers consisting of containers of disjoint subsets, which can store large amounts of data in a compressed form. Essentially, roaring bitmaps could reduce memory storage significantly and overcome the hash collision problem. To understand the intuition behind this, first, we need to know how bitmaps work and the possible drawbacks behind it.

To represent a list of numbers as a bitmap, we first need to create an array with a size equivalent to the largest element in the list. For every element in the list, we then mark the bit value as 1 in the corresponding index in the array. While bitmaps work very well for storing integers in closer intervals, they occupy more space and become sparse when storing integer ranges with uneven distribution, as shown in the image below.

Diagram of bitmaps with uneven distribution

To reduce memory footprint and improve the performance of bitmaps, there are compression techniques such as Run-Length Encoding (RLE), and Word Aligned Hybrid (WAH). However, this would require additional effort to implement, whereas using roaring bitmaps would solve these issues.

Roaring bitmaps’ hybrid data storage approach offers the following advantages:

  • Faster set operations (union, intersection, differencing).
  • Better compression ratio when handling mixed datasets (both dense and sparse data distribution).
  • Ability to scale to large datasets without significant performance loss.

To summarise, roaring bitmaps can store positive integers from 0 to (2^32)-1. Each positive integer value is converted to a 32-bit binary, where the 16 Most Significant Bits (MSB) are used as the key and the remaining 16 Least Significant Bits (LSB) are represented as the value. The values are then stored in an array, a bitmap, or used to run containers with RLE encoding data structures.

If the number of integers mapped to the key is less than 4096, then all the integers are stored in an array in sorted order and converted into a bitmap container in the runtime as the size exceeds. Roaring bitmap analyses the distribution of set bits in the bitmap container i.e. if the continuous interval of set bits is more than a given threshold, the bitmap container can be more efficiently represented using the RLE container. Internally, the RLE container uses an array where the even indices store the beginning of the runs and the odd indices represent the length of the runs. This enables the roaring bitmap to dynamically switch between the containers to optimise storage and performance.

The following diagram shows how a set of elements with different distributions are stored in roaring bitmaps.

Diagram of how roaring bitmaps store elements with different distributions

In Grab, we developed a microservice that abstracts roaring bitmaps implementations and provides an API to check set membership and enumeration of elements in the sets. Check out this blog to learn more about it.

Distributed rate limiting

The second part of the problem involves rate limiting the number of communication messages sent to users on a daily or weekly basis and each segment has specific daily and weekly limits. By utilising roaring bitmaps, we can determine the segment to which a user belongs. After identifying the appropriate segment, we will apply the personalised limits to the user using a distributed rate limiter, which will be discussed in further detail in the following sections.

Choosing the right datastore

Based on our use case, Amazon ElasticCache for Redis and DynamoDB were two viable options for storing the sent communication messages count per user. However, we decided to choose Redis due to a number of factors:

  • Higher throughput at lower latency – Redis shards data across nodes in the cluster.
  • Cost-effective – Usage of Lua script reduces unnecessary data transfer overheads.
  • Better at handling spiky rate limiting workloads at scale.

Distributed rate limiter

To appropriately limit the comms our users receive, we needed a rate limiting algorithm, which could execute directly in the datastore cluster, then return the results in the application logic for further processing. The two rate limiting algorithms we considered were the sliding window rate limiter and sliding log rate limiter.

The sliding window rate limiter algorithm divides time into a fixed-size window (we defined this as 1 minute) and counts the number of requests within each window. On the other hand, the sliding log maintains a log of each request timestamp and counts the number of requests between two timestamp ranges, providing a more fine-grained method of rate limiting. Although sliding log consumes more memory to store the log of request timestamp, we opted for the sliding log approach as the accuracy of the rate limiting was more important than memory consumption.

The sliding log rate limiter utilises a Redis sorted set data structure to efficiently track and organise request logs. Each timestamp in milliseconds is stored as a unique member in the set. The score assigned to each member represents the corresponding timestamp, allowing for easy sorting in ascending order. This design choice optimises the speed of search operations when querying for the total request count within specific time ranges.

Sliding Log Rate limiter Algorithm:

  # user specific redis key where the request timestamp logs are stored as sorted set
  keys => user_redis_key

  # limit_value is the limit that needs to be applied for the user
  # start_time_in_millis is the starting point of the time window
  # end_time_in_millis is the ending point of the time window
  # current_time_in_millis is the current time the request is sent
  # eviction_time_in_millis, members in the set whose value is less than this will be evicted from the set

  args => limit_value, start_time_in_millis, end_time_in_millis, current_time_in_millis, eviction_time_in_millis

  # 0 means not_allowed and 1 means allowed
  response => 0 / 1

  # zcount fetches the count of the request timestamp logs falling between the start and the end timestamp
  request_count = zcount user_redis_key start_time_in_millis end_time_in_millis

  response = 0
  # if the count of request logs is less than allowed limits then record the usage by adding current timestamp in sorted set

  if request_count < limit_value then
    zadd user_redis_key current_time_in_millis current_time_in_millis
    response = 1

  # zremrangebyscore removes the members in the sorted set whose score is less than eviction_time_in_millis

  zremrangebyscore user_redis_key -inf eviction_time_in_millis
  return response

This algorithm takes O(log n) time complexity, where n is the number of request logs stored in the sorted set. It is not possible to evict entries in the sorted set like how we have time-to-live (TTL) for Redis keys. To prevent the size of the sorted set from increasing over time, we have a fixed variable eviction_time_in_millis that is passed to the script. The zremrangebyscore command then deletes members from the sorted set whose score is less than eviction_time_in_millis in O(log n) time complexity.

Lua script optimisations

In Redis Cluster mode, all Redis keys accessed by a Lua script must be present on the same node, and they should be passed as part of the KEYS input array of the script. If the script attempts to access keys located on different nodes within the cluster, a CROSSSLOT error will be thrown. Redis keys, or userIDs, are distributed across multiple nodes in the cluster so it is not feasible to send a batch of userIDs within the same Lua script for rate limiting, as this might result in a CROSSSLOT error.

Invoking a separate Lua script call for each user is a possible approach, but it incurs a significant number of network calls, which can be optimised further with the following approach:

  1. Upload the Lua script into the Redis server during the server startup with the SCRIPT LOAD command and we get the SHA1 hash of the script if the upload is successful.
  2. The SHA1 hash can then be used to invoke the Lua script with the EVALSHA command passing the keys and arguments as script input.
  3. Redis pipelining takes in multiple EVALSHA commands that call the Lua script and each invocation corresponds to a userID for getting the rate limiting result.
  4. Redis pipelining groups the EVALSHA Redis commands with Redis keys located on the same nodes internally. It then sends the grouped commands in a single network call to the relevant nodes within the Redis cluster and provides the rate limiting outcome to the client.

Since Redis operates on a single thread, any long-running Lua script can cause other Redis commands to be blocked until the script completes execution. Thus, it’s optimal for the Lua script to execute in under 5 milliseconds. Additionally, the current time is passed as an argument to the script to account for potential variations in time when the script is executed on a node’s replica, which could be caused by clock drift.

By bringing together roaring bitmaps and the distributed rate limiter, this is what our final solution looks like:

Our final solution using roaring bitmaps and distributed rate limiter

The roaring bitmaps structure is serialised and stored in an AWS S3 bucket, which is then downloaded in the instance during server startup. After which, triggering a user segment membership check can simply be done with a local method call. The configuration service manages the mapping information between the segment and allowed rate limiting values.

Whenever a marketing message needs to be sent to a user, we first find the segment to which the user belongs, retrieve the defined rate limiting values from the configuration service, then execute the Lua script to get the rate limiting decision. If there is enough quota available for the user, we send the comms.

The architecture of the messaging service looks something like this:

Architecture of the messaging service


In addition to decreasing the unsubscription rate, there was a significant enhancement in the latency of sending communications. Eliminating redundant communications also alleviated the system load, resulting in a reduction of the delay between the scheduled time and the actual send time of comms.


Applying rate limiters to safeguard our services is not only a standard practice but also a necessary process. Many times, this can be achieved by configuring the rate limiters at the instance level. The need for rate limiters for business logic may not be as common, but when you need it, the solution must be lightning-fast, and capable of seamlessly operating within a distributed environment.

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Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!

New! Rate Limiting analytics and throttling

Post Syndicated from Radwa Radwan original http://blog.cloudflare.com/new-rate-limiting-analytics-and-throttling/

New! Rate Limiting analytics and throttling

New! Rate Limiting analytics and throttling

Rate Limiting rules are essential in the toolbox of security professionals as they are very effective in managing targeted volumetric attacks, takeover attempts, scraping bots, or API abuse. Over the years we have received a lot of feature requests from users, but two stand out: suggesting rate limiting thresholds and implementing a throttle behavior. Today we released both to Enterprise customers!

When creating a rate limit rule, one of the common questions is “what rate should I put in to block malicious traffic without affecting legitimate users?”. If your traffic is authenticated, API Shield will suggest thresholds based on auth IDs (such a session-id, cookie, or API key). However, when you don’t have authentication headers, you will need to create IP-based rules (like for a ‘/login’ endpoint) and you are left guessing the threshold. From today, we provide analytics tools to determine what rate of requests can be used for your rule.

So far, a rate limit rule could be created with log, challenge, or block action. When ‘block’ is selected, all requests from the same source (for example, IP) were blocked for the timeout period. Sometimes this is not ideal, as you would rather selectively block/allow requests to enforce a maximum rate of requests without an outright temporary ban. When using throttle, a rule lets through enough requests to keep the request rate from individual clients below a customer-defined threshold.

Continue reading to learn more about each feature.

Introducing Rate Limit Analysis in Security Analytics

The Security Analytics view was designed with the intention of offering complete visibility on HTTP traffic while adding an extra layer of security on top. It's proven a great value when it comes to crafting custom rules. Nevertheless, when it comes to creating rate limiting rules, relying solely on Security Analytics can be somewhat challenging.

To create a rate limiting rule you can leverage Security Analytics to determine the filter — what requests are evaluated by the rule (for example, by filtering on mitigated traffic, or selecting other security signals like Bot scores). However, you’ll also need to determine what’s the maximum rate you want to enforce and that depends on the specific application, traffic pattern, time of day, endpoint, etc. What’s the typical rate of legitimate users trying to access the login page at peak time? What’s the rate of requests generated by a botnet with the same JA3 fingerprint scraping prices from an ecommerce site? Until today, you couldn’t answer these questions from the analytics view.

That’s why we made the decision to integrate a rate limit helper into Security Analytics as a new tab called "Rate Limit Analysis," which concentrates on providing a tool to answer rate-related questions.

High level top statistics vs. granular Rate Limit Analysis

In Security Analytics, users can analyze traffic data by creating filters combining what we call top statistics. These statistics reveal the total volume of requests associated with a specific attribute of the HTTP requests. For example, you can filter the traffic from the ASNs that generated more requests in the last 24 hours, or you slice the data to look only at traffic reaching the most popular paths of your application. This tool is handy when creating rules based on traffic analysis.

New! Rate Limiting analytics and throttling

However, for rate limits, a more detailed approach is required.

The new Rate limit analysis tab now displays data on request rate for traffic matching the selected filter and time period. You can select a rate defined on different time intervals, like one or five minutes, and the attribute of the request used to identify the rate, such as IP address, JA3 fingerprint, or a combination of both as this often improves accuracy. Once the attributes are selected, the chart displays the distribution of request rates for the top 50 unique clients (identified as unique IPs or JA3s) observed during the chosen time interval in descending order.

New! Rate Limiting analytics and throttling

You can use the slider to determine the impact of a rule with different thresholds. How many clients would have been caught by the rule and rate limited? Can I visually identify abusers with above-average rate vs. the long tail of average users? This information will guide you in assessing what’s the most appropriate rate for the selected filter.

Using Rate Limit Analysis to define rate thresholds

It takes a few minutes to build your rate limit rule now. Let’s apply this to one of the common use cases where we identify /login endpoint and create a rate limit rule based on the IP with a logging action.

Define a scope and rate.

  • In the HTTP requests tab (the default view), start by selecting a specific time period. If you’re looking for the normal rate distribution you can specify a period with non-peak traffic. Alternatively, you can analyze the rate of offending users by selecting a period when an attack was carried out.

  • Using the filters in the top statistics, select a specific endpoint (e.g., /login). We can also focus on non-automated/human traffic using the bot score quick filter on the right sidebar or the filter button on top of the chart. In the Rate limiting Analysis tab, you can choose the characteristic (JA3, IP, or both) and duration (1 min, 5 mins, or 1 hour) for your rate limit rule. At this point, moving the dotted line up and down can help you choose an appropriate rate for the rule. JA3 is only available to customers using Bot Management.
New! Rate Limiting analytics and throttling
  • Looking at the distribution, we can exclude any IPs or ASNs that might be known to us, to have a better visual on end user traffic. One way to do this is to filter out the outliers right before the long tail begins. A rule with this setting will block the IPs/JA3 with a higher rate of requests.

Validate your rate. You can validate the rate by repeating this process but selecting a portion of traffic where you know there was an attack or traffic peak. The rate you've chosen should block the outliers during the attack and allow traffic during normal times. In addition to that, looking at the sampled logs can be helpful in verifying the fingerprints and filters chosen.

Create a rule. Selecting “Create rate limit rule” will take you to the rate limiting tab in the WAF with your filters pre-populated.

New! Rate Limiting analytics and throttling

Choose your action and behavior in the rule. Depending on your needs you can choose to log, challenge, or block requests exceeding the selected threshold. It’s often a good idea to first deploy the rule with a log action to validate the threshold and then change the action to block or challenge when you are confident with the result. With every action, you can also choose between two behaviors: fixed action or throttle. Learn more about the difference in the next section.

Introducing the new throttle behavior

Until today, the only available behavior for Rate Limiting has been fixed action, where an action is triggered for a selected time period (also known as timeout). For example, did the IP exceed the rate of 20 requests per minute? Then block (or log) all requests from this IP for, let’s say, 10 minutes.

New! Rate Limiting analytics and throttling

In some situations, this type of penalty is too severe and risks affecting legitimate traffic. For example, if a device in a corporate network (think about NAT) exceeds the threshold, all devices sharing the same IP will be blocked outright.

With throttling, rate limiting selectively drops requests to maintain the rate within the specified threshold. It’s like a leaky bucket behavior (with the only difference that we do not implement a queuing system). For example, throttling a client to 20 requests per minute means that when a request comes from this client, we look at the last 60 seconds and see if (on average) we have received less than 20 requests. If this is true, the rule won’t perform any action. If the average is already at 20 requests then we will take action on that request. When another request comes in, we will check again. Since some time has passed the average rate might have dropped, making room for more requests.

New! Rate Limiting analytics and throttling

Throttling can be used with all actions: block, log, or challenge. When creating a rule, you can select the behavior after choosing the action.

New! Rate Limiting analytics and throttling

When using any challenge action, we recommend using the fixed action behavior. As a result, when a client exceeds the threshold we will challenge all requests until a challenge is passed. The client will then be able to reach the origin again until the threshold is breached again.

Throttle behavior is available to Enterprise rate limiting plans.

Try it out!

Today we are introducing a new Rate Limiting analytics experience along with the throttle behavior for all Rate Limiting users on Enterprise plans. We will continue to work actively on providing a better experience to save our customers' time. Log in to the dashboard, try out the new experience, and let us know your feedback using the feedback button located on the top right side of the Analytics page or by reaching out to your account team directly.

How to monitor and query IAM resources at scale – Part 2

Post Syndicated from Michael Chan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-monitor-and-query-iam-resources-at-scale-part-2/

In this post, we continue with our recommendations for using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) APIs. In part 1 of this two-part series, we described how you could create IAM resources and use them soon after for authorization decisions. We also described options for monitoring and responding to IAM resource changes for entire accounts. Now, in part 2 of this post, we’ll cover the API throttling behavior of IAM and AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) and how you can effectively plan your usage of these APIs. We’ll also cover the features of IAM that enable you to right-size the permissions granted to principals in your organization and assess external access to your resources.

Increase your usage of IAM APIs

If you’re a developer or a security engineer, you might find yourself writing more and more automation that interacts with IAM APIs. Other engineers, teams, or applications might also call the IAM APIs within the same account or cross-account. Over time, anyone calling the APIs in your account incrementally increases the number of requests per second. If so, IAM might send a “Rate exceeded” error that indicates you have exceeded a certain threshold of API calls per second. This is called API throttling.

Understand IAM API throttling

API throttling occurs when you exceed the call rate limits for an API. AWS uses API throttling to limit requests to a service. Like many AWS services, IAM limits API requests to maintain the performance of the service, and to ensure fair usage across customers. IAM and AWS STS independently implement a token bucket algorithm for throttling, in which a bucket of virtual tokens is refilled every second. Each token represents a non-throttled API call that you can make. The number of tokens that a bucket holds and the refill rate depends on the API. For each IAM API, a number of token buckets might apply.

We refer to this simply as rate-limiting criteria. Essentially, there are several rate-limiting criteria that are considered when evaluating whether a customer is generating more traffic than the service allows. The following are some examples of these criteria:

  • The account where the API is called
  • The account for read or write APIs (depending on whether the API is a read or write operation)
  • The account from which AssumeRole was called prior to the API call (for example, third-party cross-account calls)
  • The account from which AssumeRole was called prior to the API call for read APIs
  • The API and organization where the API is called

Understand STS API throttling

Although IAM has criteria pertaining to the account from which AssumeRole was called, IAM has its own API rate limits that are distinct from AWS STS. Therefore, the preceding criteria are IAM-specific and are separate from the throttling that can occur if you call STS APIs. IAM is also a global service, and the limits are not Region-aware. In contrast, while STS has a single global endpoint, every Region has its own STS endpoint with its own limits.

The STS rate-limiting criteria pertain to each account and endpoint for API calls. For example, if you call the AssumeRole API against the sts.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com endpoint, STS will evaluate the rate-limiting criteria associated with that account and the ap-northeast-1 endpoint. Other STS API requests that you perform under the same account and endpoint will also count towards these criteria. However, if you make a request from the same account to a different regional endpoint or the global endpoint, that request will count against different criteria.

Note: AWS recommends that you use the STS regional endpoints instead of the STS global endpoint. Regional endpoints have several benefits, including redundancy and reduced latency. To learn more about other benefits, see Managing AWS STS in an AWS Region.

How multiple criteria affect throttling

The preceding examples show the different ways that IAM and STS can independently limit requests. Limits might be applied at the account level and across read or write APIs. More than one rate-limiting criterion is typically associated with an API call, with each request counted against each rate-limiting criterion independently. This means that if the requests-per-second exceeds the applicable criteria, then API throttling occurs and returns a rate-limiting error.

How to address IAM and STS API throttling

In this section, we’ll walk you through some strategies to reduce IAM and STS API throttling.

Query for top callers

With AWS CloudTrail Lake, your organization can aggregate, store, and query events recorded by CloudTrail for auditing, security investigation, and operational troubleshooting. To monitor API throttling, you can run a simple query that identifies the top callers of IAM and STS.

For example, you can make a SQL-based query in the CloudTrail console to identify the top callers of IAM, as shown in Figure 1. This query includes the API count, API event name, and more that are made to IAM (shown under eventSource). In this example, the top result is a call to GetServiceLastAccessedDetails, which occurred 163 times. The result includes the account ID and principal ID that made those requests.

Figure 1: Example AWS CloudTrail Lake query

Figure 1: Example AWS CloudTrail Lake query

You can enable AWS CloudTrail Lake for all accounts in your organization. For more information, see Announcing AWS CloudTrail Lake – a managed audit and security Lake. For sample queries, including top IAM actions by principal, see cloud-trail-lake-query-samples in our aws-samples GitHub repository.

Know when you exceed API call rate limits

To reduce call throttling, you need to know when you exceed a rate limit. You can identify when you are being throttled by catching the RateLimitExceeded exception in your API calls. Or, you can send your application logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs and then configure a metric filter to record each time that throttling occurs, for later analysis or notification. Ideally, you should do this across your applications, and log this information centrally so that you can investigate whether calls from a specific account (such as your central monitoring account) are affecting API availability across your other accounts by exceeding a rate-limiting criterion in those accounts.

Call your APIs with a less aggressive retry strategy

In the AWS SDKs, you can use the existing retry library and provide a custom base for the initial sleep done between API calls. For example, you can set a custom configuration for the backoff or edit the defaults directly. The default SDK_DEFAULT_THROTTLED_BASE_DELAY is 500 milliseconds (ms) in the relevant Java SDK file, but if you’re experiencing throttling consistently, we recommend a minimum 1000 ms for the throttled base delay. You can change this value or implement a custom configuration through the PredefinedBackoffStrategies.SDKDefaultBackoffStrategy() class, which is referenced in the same file. As another example, in the Javascript SDK, you can edit the base retry of the retryDelayOptions configuration in the AWS.Config class, as described in the documentation.

The difference between making these changes and using the SDK defaults is that the custom base provides a less aggressive retry. You shouldn’t retry multiple requests that are throttled during the same one-second window. If the API has other applicable rate-limiting criteria, you can potentially exceed those limits as well, preventing other calls in your account from performing requests. Lastly, be careful that you don’t implement your own retry or backoff logic on top of the SDK retry or backoff logic because this could make throttling worse — instead, you should override the SDK defaults.

Reduce the number of requests by using max items

For some APIs, you can increase the number of items returned by a single API call. Consider the example of the GetServiceLastAccessedDetails API. This API returns a lot of data, but the results are truncated by default to 100 items, ordered alphabetically by the service namespace. If the number of items returned is greater than 100, then the results are paginated, and you need to make multiple requests to retrieve the paginated results individually. But if you increase the value of the MaxItems parameter, you can decrease the number of requests that you need to make to obtain paginated results.

AWS has hundreds of services, so you should set the value of the MaxItems parameter no higher than your application can handle (the response size could be large). At the time of our testing, the results were no longer truncated when this value was 300. For this particular API, IAM might return fewer results, even when more results are available. This means that your code still needs to check whether the results are paginated and make an additional request if paginated results are available.

Consistent use of the MaxItems parameter across AWS APIs can help reduce your total number of API requests. The MaxItems parameter is also available through the GetOrganizationsAccessReport operation, which defaults to 100 items but offers a maximum of 1000 items, with the same caveat that fewer results might be returned, so check for paginated results.

Smooth your high burst traffic

In the table from part 1 of this post, we stated that you should evaluate IAM resources every 24 hours. However, if you use a simple script to perform this check, you could initiate a throttling event. Consider the following fictional example:

As a member of ExampleCorp’s Security team, you are working on a task to evaluate the company’s IAM resources through some custom evaluation scripts. The scripts run in a central security account. ExampleCorp has 1000 accounts. You write automation that assumes a role in every account to run the GetAccountAuthorizationDetails API call. Everything works fine during development on a few accounts, but you later build a dashboard to graph the data. To get the results faster for the dashboard, you update your code to run concurrently every hour. But after this change, you notice that many requests result in the throttling error “Rate exceeded.” Other security teams see “Rate exceeded” errors in their application logs, too.

Can you guess what happened? When you tried to make the requests faster, you used concurrency to make the requests run in parallel. By initiating this large number of requests simultaneously, you exceeded the rate-limiting criteria for the security account from which the sts:AssumeRole action was called prior to the GetAccountAuthorizationDetails API call.

To address scenarios like this, we recommend that you set your own client-side limitations when you need to make a large number of API requests. You can spread these calls out so that they happen sequentially and avoid large spikes. For example, if you run checks every 24 hours, make sure that the calls don’t happen at exactly midnight. Figure 2 shows two different ways to distribute API volume over time:

Figure 2: Call volume that periodically spikes compared to evenly-distributed call volume

Figure 2: Call volume that periodically spikes compared to evenly-distributed call volume

The graph on the left represents a large, recurring API call volume, with calls occurring at roughly the same time each day—such as 1000 requests at midnight every 24 hours. However, if you intend to make these 1000 requests consistently every 24 hours, you can spread them out over the 24-hour period. This means that you could make about 41 requests every hour, so that 41 accounts are queried at 00:00 UTC, another 41 the next hour, and so on. By using this strategy, you can make these requests blend into your other traffic, as shown in the graph on the right, rather than create large spikes. In summary, your automation scheduler should avoid large spikes and distribute API requests evenly over the 24-hour period. Using queues such as those provided by Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) can also help, and when errors are identified, you can put them in a dead letter queue to try again later.

Some IAM APIs have rate-limiting criteria for API requests made from the account from which the AssumeRole was called prior to the call. We recommend that you serially iterate over the accounts in your organization to avoid throttling. To continue with our example, you should iterate the 41 accounts one-by-one each hour, rather than running 41 calls at once, to reduce spikes in your request rates.

Recommendations specific to STS

You can adjust how you use AWS STS to reduce your number of API calls. When you write code that calls the AssumeRole API, you can reuse the returned credentials for future requests because the credentials might still be valid. Imagine that you have an event-driven application running in a central account that assumes a role in a target account and does an API call for each event that occurs in that account. You should consider reusing the credentials returned by the AssumeRole call for each subsequent call in the target account, especially if calls in the central accounts are being throttled. You can do this for AssumeRole calls because there is no service-side limit to the number of credentials that you can create and use. Whether it’s one credential or many, you need to use and store these carefully. You can also adjust the role session duration, which determines how long the role’s credentials are valid. This value can be up to 12 hours, depending on the maximum session duration configured on the role. If you reuse short-term credentials or adjust the session duration, make sure that you evaluate these changes from a security perspective as you optimize your use of STS to reduce API call volume.

Use case #3: Pare down permissions for least-privileged access

Let’s assume that you want to evaluate your organization’s IAM resources with some custom evaluation scripts. AWS has native functionality that can reduce your need for a custom solution. Let’s take a look at some of these that can help you accomplish these goals.

Identify unintended external sharing

To identify whether resources in your accounts, such as IAM roles and S3 buckets, have been shared with external entities, you can use IAM Access Analyzer instead of writing your own checks. With IAM Access Analyzer, you can identify whether resources are accessible outside your account or even your entire organization. Not only can you identify these resources on-demand, but IAM Access Analyzer proactively re-analyzes resources when their policies change, and reports new findings. This can help you feel confident that you will be notified of new external sharing of supported resources, so that you can act quickly to investigate. For more details, see the IAM Access Analyzer user guide.

Right-size permissions

You can also use IAM Access Analyzer to help right-size the permissions policies for key roles in your accounts. IAM Access Analyzer has a policy generation feature that allows you to generate a policy by analyzing your CloudTrail logs to identify actions used from over 140 services. You can compare this generated policy with the existing policy to see if permissions are unused, and if so, remove them.

You can perform policy generation through the API or the IAM console. For example, you can use the console to navigate to the role that you want to analyze, and then choose Generate policy to start analyzing the actions used over a specified period. Actions that are missing from the generated policy are permissions that can be potentially removed from the existing policy, after you confirm your changes with those who administer the IAM role. To learn more about generating policies based on CloudTrail activity, see IAM Access Analyzer makes it easier to implement least privilege permissions by generating IAM policies based on access activity.


In this two-part series, you learned more about how to use IAM so that you can test and query IAM more efficiently. In this post, you learned about the rate-limiting criteria for IAM and STS, to help you address API throttling when increasing your usage of these services. You also learned how IAM Access Analyzer helps you identify unintended resource sharing while also generating policies that serve as a baseline for principals in your account. In part 1, you learned how to quickly create IAM resources and use them when refining permissions. You also learned how to get information about IAM resources and respond to IAM changes through the various services integrated with IAM. Lastly, when calling IAM directly, you learned about bulk APIs, which help you efficiently retrieve the state of your principals and policies. We hope these posts give you valuable insights about IAM to help you better monitor, review, and secure access to your AWS cloud environment!

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the Security, Identity, & Compliance re:Post or contact AWS Support.

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Michael Chan

Michael Chan

Michael is a Senior Solutions Architect for AWS Identity who has advised financial services and global customers of AWS. He enjoys understanding customer problems with identity and access management and helping them solve their security issues at scale.

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Joshua Du Lac

Josh is a Senior Manager of Security Solutions Architects at AWS. Based out of Texas, he has advised dozens of enterprise, global, and financial services customers to accelerate their journey to the cloud while improving their security along the way. Outside of work, Josh enjoys searching for the best tacos in Texas and practicing his handstands.

How to monitor and query IAM resources at scale – Part 1

Post Syndicated from Michael Chan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-monitor-and-query-iam-resources-at-scale-part-1/

In this two-part blog post, we’ll provide recommendations for using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) APIs, and we’ll share useful details on how IAM works so that you can use it more effectively. For example, you might be creating new IAM resources such as roles and policies through automation and notice a delay for resource propagations. Or you might be building a custom cloud security monitoring solution that uses IAM APIs to evaluate the security and compliance of your AWS accounts, and you want to know how to do that without exceeding limits. Although these are just a few example use cases, the insights described in this post are intended to help you avoid anti-patterns when building scalable cloud services that use IAM APIs.

In this post, we describe how to create IAM resources and use them soon after for authorization decisions. We also describe options for monitoring and responding to IAM resource changes for entire accounts. In part 2, we’ll cover the API throttling behavior of IAM and AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) and how you can effectively plan your usage of these APIs. Let’s dive in!

Use case 1: Create IAM resources and attempt to use them immediately

If you’re a cloud developer, you create and use IAM resources when you develop applications on AWS. For your application to interact with AWS services, you need to grant IAM permissions to your application. Your application—whether it runs on AWS Lambda, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), or another service—will need an associated IAM role and policy that provide the necessary permissions.

Imagine that you want to create least privilege policies for your application. You begin by deploying new or updated IAM resources, such as roles and policies, along with your application updates, and you automate this process to speed up testing and development.

During development, you begin removing unnecessary policy permissions, with your automation testing the updated permissions. However, you notice that some of your updates do not immediately take effect. The following sections address why this occurs and provide insights to help you architect for other scenarios.

Understand the IAM control plane and data plane

Let’s first learn more about the control plane and data plane in IAM. The control plane involves operations to create, read, update, and delete IAM resources, and it’s how you get the current state of IAM. When you invoke IAM APIs, you interact with the control plane. This includes any API that falls under the iam:* namespace. The data plane, in contrast, consists of the authorization system that is used at scale to grant access to the broader set of AWS services and resources. This includes the AWS STS APIs, which have their own sts:* namespace.

When you call the IAM control plane APIs to create, update, or delete resources, you can expect a read-after-write consistent response. This means that you can retrieve (read) the resource and its latest updates immediately after it’s written. In contrast, the IAM data plane, where authorizations occur, is eventually consistent. This means that there will be a delay for IAM resource changes, such as updates to roles and policies, to propagate and reflect in the authorizations that follow. The delay can be several seconds or longer. Because of this, you need to allow for propagation time when you test changes to IAM resources. To learn more about the control plane and data plane of IAM, see Resilience in AWS Identity and Access Management.

Note: Because calls to AWS APIs rely on IAM to check permissions, the availability and scalability of the data plane are paramount. In 2011, the “can the caller do this?” function handled a couple of thousand requests per second. Today, as new services continue to launch and the number of AWS customers increases, AWS Identity handles over half a billion API calls per second worldwide, and the number is growing. Eventually consistent design enables the IAM data plane to maintain the high availability and low latency needed to evaluate permissions on AWS.

This is why when architecting your application, we recommend that you don’t depend on control plane actions such as resource updates for critical parts of your application’s workflow. Instead, you should architect to take advantage of the data plane, which includes STS and the authorization system of IAM. In the next section, we describe how you can do this.

Test permissions with STS scope-down policies

IAM role sessions have a feature called a session policy, which takes effect immediately when a role is assumed. This is an optional policy that you can provide to scope down the role’s existing identity policies, with the permissions being the intersection of the role’s identity-based policies and the session policy. By using session policies, you get specific, scoped-down credentials from a single pre-existing role without having to create new roles or identity policies for each particular session’s use case. You can use session policies for your application or when you test which least privilege policies are best for your application.

Let’s walk through an example of when to use session policies for permissions testing. Imagine that you need permissions that require very specific, fine-grained conditions to attain your ideal least privilege policy. You might iterate on the policy several times, making updates and testing the changes over and over again. If you update a policy attached to a role, you need to wait for these changes to propagate to the IAM data plane. But if you instead specify a scope-down policy when assuming the pre-existing role prior to testing, you can immediately test and observe the effects of your permissions changes. Immediate testing is possible because your role and its original policy have already propagated to the data plane, enabling you to iterate over various scoped-down session policies that operate against the IAM data plane.

Use STS session policies to assume a role with the AWS CLI

There are two ways to provide a session policy during the AssumeRole process: you can provide an inline policy document or the Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of managed session policies. The following example shows how to do this through the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), by passing in a policy document along with the AssumeRole call. If you use this example policy, make sure to replace <123456789012> and <DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET> with your own information.

$ aws sts assume-role \
 --role-arn arn:aws:iam::<123456789012>:role/s3-full-access
 --role-session-name getobject-only-exco
 --policy '{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "s3:GetObject" ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "arn:aws:s3::: <DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET>/*" } ] }'

In this example, we provide a previously created role ARN named s3-full-access, which provides full access to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). We can further restrict the role’s permissions by supplying a policy with the optional --policy option. The inline policy document only allows the GetObject request against the S3 bucket named <DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET>. The effective permissions for the returned session are the intersection of the role’s identity-based policies and our provided session policy. Therefore, the role session’s permissions are limited to only performing the GetObject request against the <DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET>.

Note: The combined size of the passed inline policy document and all passed managed policy ARN characters cannot exceed 2,048 characters. You can reduce the size of the JSON policy document by removing unnecessary whitespace and shortening or removing tags associated with your session.

To learn more about session permissions, see Create fine-grained session permissions using IAM managed policies. In part two of this post, we will describe how you can use role sessions when you need to provide credentials at a high rate.

Use case 2: Monitor and respond to IAM resources for entire accounts

You might need to periodically audit the state of your IAM resources, such as roles and policies, including whether these IAM resources have changed, in a single account or across your entire organization. For example, you might want to check whether roles have overly broad access to actions and resources. Or you might want to monitor IAM resource creation and updates to respond to security-relevant permission changes. In this section, you will learn how to choose the right tool for auditing and monitoring IAM resources across accounts. You will learn about the AWS services that support this use case, the benefits of polling compared to event-based architectures, and powerful APIs that aggregate common information.

Respond to configuration changes with an event-driven approach

Sometimes you might need to perform actions relatively quickly based on IAM changes. For example, you might need to check if a trust policy for a newly created or updated role allows cross-account access. In cases like this, you can use AWS Config rules, AWS CloudTrail, or Amazon EventBridge to detect state changes and perform actions based on these state changes. You can use AWS Config rules to evaluate whether a resource complies with the conditions that you specify. If it doesn’t comply, you can provide a workflow to remediate the non-compliance. With CloudTrail, you can monitor your account’s API calls, and log API calls for your accounts with AWS Organizations integration. EventBridge works closely with CloudTrail and helps you create rules that match incoming events and send them to targets, such as Lambda, where your code can perform analysis or automated remediation. You can even filter out events from your accounts and send them to a central account’s event bus for processing. For an example of how to use EventBridge with IAM Access Analyzer to remediate cross-account access in a role’s trust policy, see Automate resolution for IAM Access Analyzer cross-account access findings on IAM roles. Which feature you choose depends on whether you need to monitor one account or all accounts in your organization, as well as which solution you are more comfortable building with.

One caveat to an event-driven approach is that if many events occur over a short period and your application responds to each event with an IAM API call of its own, you could eventually be throttled by IAM. To address this, you can queue up your responding API calls, distribute them over a longer period, or aggregate them to reduce API call volume. For example, if some of your calls are write APIs (such as UpdateAssumeRolePolicy or CreatePolicyVersion) or read APIs (such as GetRole or GetRolePolicy), you can call them serially with a delay between calls. If you need the latest status on a large number of principals and policies, you can call IAM bulk APIs such as GetAccountAuthorizationDetails, which will return data to you for principals and policies and their relationships in your organization. This approach helps you avoid throttling and querying the IAM control plane with unnecessary and redundant API calls. You will learn more about throttling and how to address it in part two of this post.

Retrieve point-in-time resource information with AWS Config

AWS Config helps you assess, audit, and evaluate the configuration of your AWS resources. It also offers multi-account, multi-Region data aggregation and is integrated with AWS Organizations. With AWS Config, you can create rules that detect and respond to changes. AWS Config also keeps an inventory of AWS resource configurations that you can query through its API, so that you don’t need to make direct API calls to each resource’s service. AWS Config also offers the ability to return the status of resources from multiple accounts and AWS Regions. As shown in Figure 1, you can use the AWS Config console to run a simple SQL-like statement for details on the IAM roles in your entire organization.

Figure 1: Run a query on IAM roles in AWS Config

Figure 1: Run a query on IAM roles in AWS Config

The preceding results also show associated resources, such as the inline and attached policies for the IAM roles. Alternatively, you can obtain these results from the SDK or CLI. The following query that uses the CLI is equivalent to the preceding query that uses the console. If you use this query, make sure to replace DOC-EXAMPLE-CONFIG-AGGREGATOR> with your AWS Config aggregator.

aws configservice select-aggregate-resource-config
--configuration-aggregator-name <DOC-EXAMPLE-CONFIG-AGGREGATOR>
--expression "SELECT accountId, resourceId, resourceName, resourceType, tags, configuration.attachedManagedPolicies, configuration.rolePolicyList WHERE resourceType = 'AWS::IAM::Role'"

Here is the response (note that we’ve adjusted the formatting to make it more readable):

  "accountId": "123456789012",
  "resourceId": "AROAI3X5HCEQIIEXAMPLE",
  "configuration": { 
    "attachedManagedPolicies": [
        "policyArn": "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole",
        "policyName": "AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole"
        "policyArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/mchan-test-cloudtrail-post-to-SNS",
        "policyName": "mchan-test-cloudtrail-post-to-SNS"
    "rolePolicyList": []
  "resourceName": "lambda-cloudtrail-notifications",
  "tags": [],
  "resourceType": "AWS::IAM::Role"

The preceding command returns the details of roles in your organization’s accounts, including the full policy document for the associated inline policy. It also returns the customer-managed policy names and their ARNs, for which you can view the policy documents and versions by using the BatchGetResourceConfig API. Note that AWS Config doesn’t provide the AWS-managed policy documents. However, these are common across accounts, and we will show you how to query that data later in this section.

To query the status of roles in your organization, you need to have AWS Config enabled in each account. You also need an aggregator to monitor your accounts with your organization’s management account or a delegated administrator account. For more details on how to set up AWS Config, see the AWS Config developer guide. After you set up AWS Config, you can periodically call the AWS Config APIs to get a snapshot of the current or prior state of your resources. Furthermore, you can periodically pull the snapshot records and evaluate this information in other tools outside of AWS Config. So before you directly use the IAM APIs to get IAM information, consider using AWS Config—this is what it’s for!

Retrieve IAM resource information directly from IAM

As previously noted, AWS Config can give you a bulk view of your AWS and IAM resources. Additionally, CloudTrail and EventBridge can detect AWS and IAM resource changes and help you act on them. If you need data from IAM beyond what these services offer, you can query the IAM APIs directly to get the latest information on your resources.

A few key APIs can help you audit IAM resources more efficiently, especially in bulk. The first is GetAccountAuthorizationDetails, which enables you to retrieve the principals in your account, their associated inline policy documents (if any), attached managed policies, and their relationships to each other. This API reduces the need to individually call ListRolePolicies and ListAttachedRolePolicies for each role in an account. GetAccountAuthorizationDetails also returns the role trust policy document for roles in the results. Finally, GetAccountAuthorizationDetails allows you to filter the result set. For example, if you don’t need information relating to groups or AWS managed policies, you can exclude these from the API response. You can do this by using the filter parameter to only include the details that you need at the time.

Another useful API is GenerateServiceLastAccessedDetails. This API gives you details about when an IAM resource (user, group, role, or policy) was last used in an attempt to access AWS services. You can use this API to identify roles that are unused and remove them if you don’t need them. IAM Access Analyzer, which you will learn about later in this post, also uses the same information.

The following table summarizes the key APIs that you can use, rather than building your own code that loops for this information individually.

Type of information API How to use the API Frequency of use
User list and user detail GetAccountAuthorizationDetails Pass User to the filter parameter When needed, per account
User’s inline policy User’s inline policy GetAccountAuthorizationDetails Pass User to the filter parameter When needed, per account
User’s attached managed policies GetAccountAuthorizationDetails Pass User to the filter parameter When needed, per account
Role list and role detail GetAccountAuthorizationDetails Pass Role to the filter parameter When needed, per account
Role trust policy GetAccountAuthorizationDetails Pass Role to the filter parameter When needed, per account
Role’s inline policy GetAccountAuthorizationDetails Pass Role to the filter parameter When needed, per account
Role’s attached managed policies GetAccountAuthorizationDetails Pass Role to the filter parameter When needed, per account
Role last used GetAccountAuthorizationDetails Pass Role to the filter parameter When needed, per account
Group list and group detail GetAccountAuthorizationDetails Pass Group to the filter parameter When needed, per account
Group’s inline policy GetAccountAuthorizationDetails Pass Group to the filter parameter When needed, per account
Group’s attached managed policies GetAccountAuthorizationDetails Pass Group to the filter parameter When needed, per account
AWS customer managed policies GetAccountAuthorizationDetails Pass LocalManagedPolicy to the filter parameter When needed, per account
AWS managed policies GetAccountAuthorizationDetails Pass LocalManagedPolicy to the filter parameter 24 hours recommended, globally (once for all accounts within an AWS partition)
Policy versions GetAccountAuthorizationDetails Pass either LocalManagedPolicy or WSManagedPolicy to the filter parameter 24 hours recommended, per account
Services access attempts by an IAM resource GetServiceLastAccessedDetails Submit a job through the GenerateServiceLastAccessedDetails API, which returns a JobId; then retrieve the results after the job completes. Spread total number of requests evenly across 24 hours
Actions access attempts by an IAM resource GetServiceLastAccessedDetails Submit a job through the GenerateServiceLastAccessedDetails API which returns a JobId; then retrieve the results after the job completes. Pass ACTION_LEVEL as the required Granularity parameter. Spread total number of requests evenly across 24 hours

Note: In the table, we suggest that you perform some of these API requests once every 24 hours as a starting point. You might prefer to perform your own analysis at a longer time interval, such as every 48 hours, but we don’t recommend requesting it more often than every 24 hours because these resources (and therefore the details in the responses) don’t change often. These APIs are suitable for periodic, point-in-time collection of information. If you need faster detection of information from GetAccountAuthorizationDetails, consider whether AWS Config rules or EventBridge will fit your needs. For GetServiceLastAccessedDetails, recent activity usually appears within four hours, so more frequent requests are unlikely to provide much value.

Use of these APIs can help you avoid writing code that loops through results to make individual read API calls for each principal, policy, and policy version in an account, which could result in tens of thousands of API requests and call throttling. Instead of iterating over each resource, you should use solutions that return bulk data, such as GetAccountAuthorizationDetails, AWS Config, or an AWS Partner Network solution. However, if you’re experiencing throttling, you will learn some practical considerations on how to handle that later in this post.

Inspect IAM resources across multiple accounts and organizations

Your use case might require that you inspect IAM resources across multiple accounts in your organization. Or perhaps you are an independent software vendor and need to build a software-as-a-service tool to evaluate IAM resources across many organizations. The following considerations can help you address use cases like these.

AWS Organizations integration

Previously, you learned of the benefits of the “service last accessed data” that the GenerateServiceLastAccessedDetails and GetServiceLastAccessedDetails APIs provide. But what if you want to pull this data for multiple accounts in your organization? IAM has bulk APIs that support querying this data across your entire organization, so you don’t need to assume a role in each account to generate the request. To generate a report for entities (organization root, organizational unit, or account) or policies in your organization, use the GenerateOrganizationsAccessReport operation, which returns a JobId that is passed as a parameter to the GetOrganizationsAccessReport operation to check if the report has been generated. When the job status is marked complete, you can retrieve the report.

AWS managed policies

Many customers use AWS managed policies because they align to common job functions. AWS creates and administers these policies, which have their own ARNs, such as arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSCodeCommitPowerUser. AWS managed policies are available for every account, and they are the same for every account. AWS updates them when new services and API operations are introduced. Updated policies are recorded and visible as a new version, so you only need to query for the current AWS managed policies once per evaluation cycle, rather than once per account. Therefore, if you’re evaluating hundreds or thousands of accounts, you shouldn’t include the AWS managed policies and their policy versions in your query. Doing so would result in thousands of redundant API requests and could cause throttling. Instead, you can query the AWS managed policies once and then reuse the results across your analysis and evaluation by caching the results for a period of time (for example, every 24 hours) in your application before requesting them again to check for updates. Because AWS managed policies are available through the GetAccountAuthorizationDetails API, you don’t need to query for the AWS managed policies or their versions as a separate action.

Multi-account limits

The preceding table lists the frequency of API requests as “per account” in many places. If you’re calling IAM APIs by assuming a role in other accounts from a central account, some IAM APIs have rate-limiting criteria that apply to API requests performed from the assuming account (the central account). To query data from multiple accounts, we recommend that you serially iterate over the accounts one-by-one to avoid throttling. You’ll learn more about this strategy, as well as throttling, in part 2 of this blog post.


In this post, you learned about different aspects of IAM and best practices to test and query IAM efficiently. With STS session policies, you can test different policies to help achieve least privilege access. With AWS Config, EventBridge, CloudTrail, and CloudTrail Lake, you can audit your IAM resources and respond to changes while reducing the number of IAM API calls that you make. If you need to call IAM directly, you can use IAM bulk APIs for more efficient retrieval of your resource state. You can learn more about IAM and best practices in part 2 of blog post: How to monitor and query IAM resources at scale – Part 2.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the Security, Identity, & Compliance re:Post or contact AWS Support.

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Michael Chan

Michael Chan

Michael is a Senior Solutions Architect for AWS Identity who has advised financial services and global customers of AWS. He enjoys understanding customer problems with identity and access management and helping them solve their security issues at scale.

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Joshua Du Lac

Josh is a Senior Manager of Security Solutions Architects at AWS. Based out of Texas, he has advised dozens of enterprise, global, and financial services customers to accelerate their journey to the cloud while improving their security along the way. Outside of work, Josh enjoys searching for the best tacos in Texas and practicing his handstands.

Back in 2017 we gave you Unmetered DDoS Mitigation, here’s a birthday gift: Unmetered Rate Limiting

Post Syndicated from Daniele Molteni original https://blog.cloudflare.com/unmetered-ratelimiting/

Back in 2017 we gave you Unmetered DDoS Mitigation, here's a birthday gift: Unmetered Rate Limiting

Back in 2017 we gave you Unmetered DDoS Mitigation, here's a birthday gift: Unmetered Rate Limiting

In 2017, we made unmetered DDoS protection available to all our customers, regardless of their size or whether they were on a Free or paid plan. Today we are doing the same for Rate Limiting, one of the most successful products of the WAF family.

Rate Limiting is a very effective tool to manage targeted volumetric attacks, takeover attempts, bots scraping sensitive data, attempts to overload computationally expensive API endpoints and more. To manage these threats, customers deploy rules that limit the maximum rate of requests from individual visitors on specific paths or portions of their applications.

Until today, customers on a Free, Pro or Business plan were able to purchase Rate Limiting as an add-on with usage-based cost of $5 per million requests. However, we believe that an essential security tool like Rate Limiting should be available to all customers without restrictions.

Since we launched unmetered DDoS, we have mitigated huge attacks, like a 2 Tbps multi-vector attack or the most recent 26 million requests per second attack. We believe that releasing an unmetered version of Rate Limiting will increase the overall security posture of millions of applications protected by Cloudflare.

Today, we are announcing that Free, Pro and Business plans include Rate Limiting rules without extra charges.

…and we are not just dropping any Rate Limiting extra charges, we are also releasing an updated version of the product which is built on the powerful ruleset engine and allows building rules like in Custom Rules. This is the same engine which powers the enterprise-grade Advanced Rate Limiting. The new ‘Rate limiting rules’ will appear in your dashboard starting this week.

No more usage-based charges, just rate limiting when you need and how much you need it.

Back in 2017 we gave you Unmetered DDoS Mitigation, here's a birthday gift: Unmetered Rate Limiting
New Rate Limiting is in everyone’s dashboard under the WAF tab.

Note: starting today, September 29th, Pro and Business customers have the new product available in their dashboard. Free customers will get their rules enabled during the week starting on October 3rd 2022.

End of usage-based charges

New customers get new Rate Limiting by default while existing customers will be able to run both products in parallel: new and previous version.

For new customers, new Rate Limiting rules will be included in each plan according to the following table:

Number of rules 1 2 5

When using these rules, no additional charges will be added to your account. No matter how much traffic these rules handle.

Existing customers will be granted the same amount of rules in the new, unmetered, system as the rules they’re currently using in the previous version (as of September 20, 2022). For example, if you are a Business customer with nine active rules in the previous version, you will get nine rules in the new system as well.

The previous version of Rate Limiting will still be subject to charges when in use. If you want to take advantage of the unmetered option, we recommend rewriting your rules in the new engine. As outlined below, new Rate Limiting offers all the capabilities of the previous version of Rate Limiting and more. In the future, the previous version of Rate Limiting will be deprecated, however we will give plenty of time to self-migrate rules.

New rate limiting engine for all

A couple of weeks ago, we announced that Cloudflare was named a Leader in the Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Web Application and API Protection (WAAP). One of the key services offered in our WAAP portfolio is Advanced Rate Limiting.

The recent Advanced Rate Limiting has shown great success among our Enterprise customers. Advanced Rate Limiting allows an unprecedented level of control on how to manage incoming traffic rate. We decided to give the same rule-building experience to all of our customers as well as some of its new features.

A summary of the feature set is outlined in the following table:


with WAF Essential
with Advanced Rate Limiting
Fields available (request) Path Host
Full URI
Full URI
Source IP
User Agent
All fields available in Custom Rules: Including request metadata(1). Same WAF Essential. Request Bot score(1) and body fields(2)
Counting expression Not available Not available Available with access to response headers and response status code Available with access to response headers and response status code Available with access to response headers and response status code
Counting characteristics IP IP IP IP
IP with NAT awareness
IP with NAT awareness
JSON field (New!)
Max Counting period 10 seconds 60 seconds 10 minutes 10 minutes 1 hour
Price Free Included in monthly subscription Included in monthly subscription Included in contracted plan Included in contracted plan

(1): Requires Bots Management add-on
(2): Requires specific plan

Leveraging the ruleset engine. Previous version of Rate Limiting allows customers to scope the rule based on a single path and method of the request. Thanks to the ruleset engine, customers can now write rules like they do in Custom Rules and combine multiple parameters of the HTTP request.

For example, Pro domains can combine multiple paths in the same rule using the OR or AND operators. Business domains can also write rules using Source IP or User Agent. This allows enforcing different rates for specific User Agents. Furthermore, Business customers can now scope Rate Limiting to specific IPs (using IP List, for example) or exclude IPs where no attack is expected.

Back in 2017 we gave you Unmetered DDoS Mitigation, here's a birthday gift: Unmetered Rate Limiting
Both Rate Limiting products can be found under WAF→ Rate Limiting rules. Previous version of Rate Limiting (left) allows filtering traffic for one URL. New Rate Limiting (right) allows you to combine fields like in Custom Rules.

Counting and mitigation expressions are now separate. A feature request we often heard about was the ability to track the rate of requests on a specific path (such as ‘/login’) and, when an IP exceeds the threshold, block every request from the same IP hitting anywhere on your domain. Business and Enterprise customers can now achieve this by using the counting expression which is separate from the mitigation. The former defines what requests are used to compute the rate while the letter defines what requests are mitigated once the threshold has been reached.

Another use case for using the counting expression is when you need to use Origin Status Code or HTTP Response Headers. If you need to use these fields, we recommend creating a counting expression that includes response parameters and explicitly writing a filter that defines what the request parameters that will trigger a block action.

Back in 2017 we gave you Unmetered DDoS Mitigation, here's a birthday gift: Unmetered Rate Limiting
You can now separate the expression used to compute the rate from the expression used for blocking traffic once the rate is exceeded. In this example, all traffic to example.com will be blocked (see mitigation expression at the top) if more than 3 POST requests to ‘/login’ in 1 minute have returned 429 (defined by the counting expression at the bottom).

Counting dimensions. Similarly to the previous version, Free, Pro and Business customers will get the IP-based Rate Limiting. When we say IP-based we refer to the way we group (or count) requests. You can set a rule that enforces a maximum rate of request from the same IPs. If you set a rule to limit 10 requests over one minute, we will count requests from individual IPs until they reach the limit and then block for a period of time.

Advanced Rate Limiting users are able to group requests based on additional characteristics, such as API keys, cookies, session headers, ASN, query parameters, a JSON body field (e.g. the username value of a login request) and more.

What do Enterprise customers get? Enterprise customers can get Rate Limiting as part of their contract. When included in their contract, they get access to 100 rules, a more comprehensive list of fields available in the rule builder, and they get to upgrade to Advanced Rate Limiting. Please reach out to your account team to learn more.

More information on how to use new Rate Limiting can be found in the documentation.

Additional information for existing customers

If you are a Free, Pro or Business customer, you will automatically get the new product in the dashboard. We will entitle you with as many unmetered Rate Limiting rules as you are using in the previous version.

If you are an Enterprise customer using the previous version of Rate Limiting, please reach out to the account team to discuss the options to move to new Rate Limiting.

To take advantage of the unmetered functionality, you will need to migrate your rules to the new system. The previous version will keep working as usual, and you might be charged based on the traffic that its rules evaluate.

Long term, the previous version of Rate Limiting will be deprecated and when this happens all rules still running on the old system will cease to run.

What’s next?

The WAF team has plans to further expand our Rate Limiting capabilities. Features we are considering include better analytics to support the rule creation. Furthermore, new Rate Limiting can now benefit from new fields made available in the WAF as soon as they are released. For example, Enterprise customers can combine Bot Score or the new WAF Attack Score to create a more fine grain security posture.

Introducing Advanced Rate Limiting

Post Syndicated from Daniele Molteni original https://blog.cloudflare.com/advanced-rate-limiting/

Introducing Advanced Rate Limiting

Introducing Advanced Rate Limiting

Still relying solely on IP firewalling? It’s time to change that.

While the IP address might still be one of the core technologies allowing networks to function, its value for security is long gone. IPs are rarely static; nowadays, mobile operators use carrier-grade network address translation (CGNAT) to share the same IP amongst thousands of individual devices or users. Bots then carry out distributed attacks with low request volume from different IPs to elude throttling. Furthermore, many countries consider IP addresses to be personal data, and it would be a great advancement for privacy if a replacement could be found for elements of security that currently rely on IP addresses to function. A product that is affected by this trend is rate limiting.

Rate limiting is designed to stop requests from overloading a server. It relies on rules. A rate limiting rule is defined by a filter (which typically is a path, like /login) and the maximum number of requests allowed from each user over a period of time. When this threshold is exceeded, an action is triggered (usually a block) for subsequent requests from the same user for a period of time (known as a timeout). Traditional throttling solutions bucket together requests with the same IP since they follow the logic “requests from the same IP equals requests from the same user”. However, we hear from customers how not effective it is to use IP-based rate limiting to protect traffic, especially for authenticated APIs.

We are excited to launch Advanced Rate Limiting, a leap forward for throttling technologies. It allows counting requests based on virtually any characteristics of the HTTP request, regardless of its source IP. Rate Limiting is a great defense against brute force, scraping, or targeted DDoS attacks. Consequences of these attacks include leaking of sensitive data, account takeover or exhausting back-end resources. Keeping the rate of requests under control is especially crucial for APIs where each call can trigger costly computation on the server origin.

A step-change innovation for throttling

Advanced Rate Limiting is now part of the Web Application Firewall (WAF). It’s integrated with Firewall Rules and allows counting requests based on characteristics other than IP.

With Advanced Rate Limiting, you can:

  1. Define the rule filter using all HTTP request characteristics, such as URI, method, headers, cookies and body fields. Customers on a Bot Management plan get access to the bot score dynamic field too. You can also use two characteristics of the HTTP response to trigger rate limiting: status code and response headers.
  2. Choose to count requests based on: IP, country, header, cookie, AS Number (ASN), value of a query parameter, or value of a JSON body field. You can use any of these fields individually or by combining them, so that requests are bucketed when these values are the same. It can also set the threshold as the maximum complexity your origin can handle, rather than the maximum number of requests you want to allow.
  3. Use it on all your traffic. As an Enterprise customer, Rate Limiting could be bought on a portion of your total traffic. With Advanced Rate Limiting, you can use the product on all of your traffic without having to worry about caps. Finally, Advanced Rate Limiting is available on the entire Cloudflare network, including in China.

Designed to integrate with your application

In this section, we discuss a few common use cases for using Advanced Rate Limiting to protect your web or API traffic. You can mix and match all these configurations to better suit your security needs and your application. All these use cases can be achieved via dashboard, API and Terraform.

Use case – Protect web traffic with more granular rules

Flexible filters. You can now write rate limiting rules using all the fields of the HTTP request. For example, you can trigger a rule for requests with specific headers (such as User Agent) or throttle traffic from bots sharing the same ASN.

Introducing Advanced Rate Limiting

Separate mitigation expression. You can now separate the mitigation expression from the counting expression. This allows you to define on what part of your website you want to block users once the threshold is reached, and what conditions the request (and response) needs to meet in order to increase the counter. For example, you can count requests to your /login endpoint and then block the same user on the whole site. This is especially useful when you want to include response fields in your counting expression, for example, by counting only requests that return a specific response code but then block a larger portion of traffic.

Introducing Advanced Rate Limiting

Use dynamic fields. Customers can now combine Rate Limiting with rules detecting known vulnerabilities, such as WAF machine learning score. For example, you can block eyeballs after a number of consecutive requests flagged as SQLi have hit your site. Another use case is to trigger a throttling rule only for requests likely originated from bots (by using the bot score in the rule filter) or after a number of login attempts with stolen credentials have been performed (link). You can also use the JA3 fingerprint as a counting dimension, so that you leverage our Bot Machine Learning algorithm to bucket traffic from bots with the same fingerprint.

Introducing Advanced Rate Limiting

Use case – Protect APIs by integrating Rate Limiting with your application

Count requests based on session ID. API traffic is often authenticated, and the session can be tracked with a cookie, header (such as x-api-key) or query value. Advanced Rate Limiting allows you to define where the ID is in the request and track the number of requests relative to the same session, regardless of the IP. This can be an effective way to fend off distributed bot attacks that scrape sensitive data, such as product prices or airline passenger data.

Introducing Advanced Rate Limiting

Trigger rule based on a request body content. The rule filter gives access to the raw body and the JSON-parsed body. You can count requests where a body JSON field has a specific value using the function lookup_json_field() available in the rule filter. This can be useful for GraphQL APIs, where different calls (or mutations) can be performed through the same endpoint but specifying different operations in the request body.

Introducing Advanced Rate Limiting

Rate Limiting based on complexity (coming soon in beta). Some API calls are more complex to serve than others, so counting on the number of requests doesn’t really reflect the actual cost to serve. GraphQL APIs are an example: each call complexity can vary widely based on how much processing the server needs to carry out to serve the request. Your origin can estimate the complexity of each request and return it along with the response, and rate limiting can increment the counter by the complexity estimate provided by the origin. You can then set a complexity threshold in the rule and, when it’s exceeded, subsequent requests will trigger an action, such as block.


Advanced Rate Limiting is generally available for Enterprise customers on the new Advanced plan. See below for more details on what’s included in each plan. Reach out to your Cloudflare account team or Customer Success Manager (CSM) to learn more. If you are a Pro or Biz customer, you won’t be able to use Advanced Rate Limiting, but we are planning to give some advantages to Pro and Biz plans as well.

Enterprise Core Enterprise Advanced
Available request fields in filter Selected standard fields:
Source IP
All standard fields
Body fields
Account takeover fields
Dynamic fields (including Bot Score*)
Available response fields in counting filter Response code
Response Headers
Response code
Response Headers
Counting characteristics IP IP
IP with NAT awareness
Complexity No Yes
Maximum sampling period 10 minutes 1 hour

*requires Bot Management plan

What’s next for Rate Limiting

In the coming months, we are going to collect feedback from our customers to decide what additional features we should include in Advanced Rate Limiting. We have already a few ideas we are exploring, including automatically profiling your traffic and recommending thresholds for your rules.