All posts by Netflix Technology Blog

Building In-Video Search

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

Boris Chen, Ben Klein, Jason Ge, Avneesh Saluja, Guru Tahasildar, Abhishek Soni, Juan Vimberg, Elliot Chow, Amir Ziai, Varun Sekhri, Santiago Castro, Keila Fong, Kelli Griggs, Mallia Sherzai, Robert Mayer, Andy Yao, Vi Iyengar, Jonathan Solorzano-Hamilton, Hossein Taghavi, Ritwik Kumar


Today we’re going to take a look at the behind the scenes technology behind how Netflix creates great trailers, Instagram reels, video shorts and other promotional videos.

Suppose you’re trying to create the trailer for the action thriller The Gray Man, and you know you want to use a shot of a car exploding. You don’t know if that shot exists or where it is in the film, and you have to look for it it by scrubbing through the whole film.

Exploding cars — The Gray Man (2022)

Or suppose it’s Christmas, and you want to create a great instagram piece out all the best scenes across Netflix films of people shouting “Merry Christmas”! Or suppose it’s Anya Taylor Joy’s birthday, and you want to create a highlight reel of all her most iconic and dramatic shots.

Making these comes down to finding the right video clips amongst hundreds of thousands movies and TV shows to find the right line of dialogue or the right visual elements (objects, scenes, emotions, actions, etc.). We have built an internal system that allows someone to perform in-video search across the entire Netflix video catalog, and we’d like to share our experience in building this system.

Building in-video search

To build such a visual search engine, we needed a machine learning system that can understand visual elements. Our early attempts included object detection, but found that general labels were both too limiting and too specific, yet not specific enough. Every show has special objects that are important (e.g. Demogorgon in Stranger Things) that don’t translate to other shows. The same was true for action recognition, and other common image and video tasks.

The Approach

We found that contrastive learning between images and text pairs work well for our goals because these models are able to learn joint embedding spaces between the two modalities. This approach is also able to learn about objects, scenes, emotions, actions, and more in a single model. We also found that extending contrastive learning to videos and text provided a substantial improvement over frame-level models.

In order to train the model on internal training data (video clips with aligned text descriptions), we implemented a scalable version on Ray Train and switched to a more performant video decoding library. Lastly, the embeddings from the video encoder exhibit strong zero or few-shot performance on multiple video and content understanding tasks at Netflix and are used as a starting point in those applications.

The recent success of large-scale models that jointly train image and text embeddings has enabled new use cases around multimodal retrieval. These models are trained on large amounts of image-caption pairs via in-batch contrastive learning. For a (large) batch of N examples, we wish to maximize the embedding (cosine) similarity of the N correct image-text pairs, while minimizing the similarity of the other N²-N paired embeddings. This is done by treating the similarities as logits and minimizing the symmetric cross-entropy loss, which gives equal weighting to the two settings (treating the captions as labels to the images and vice versa).

Consider the following two images and captions:

Images are from Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery (2022)

Once properly trained, the embeddings for the corresponding images and text (i.e. captions) will be close to each other and farther away from unrelated pairs.

Typically embedding spaces are hundred/thousand dimensional.

At query time, the input text query can be mapped into this embedding space, and we can return the closest matching images.

The query may have not existed in the training set. Cosine similarity can be used as a similarity measure.

While these models are trained on image-text pairs, we have found that they are an excellent starting point to learning representations of video units like shots and scenes. As videos are a sequence of images (frames), additional parameters may need to be introduced to compute embeddings for these video units, although we have found that for shorter units like shots, an unparameterized aggregation like averaging (mean-pooling) can be more effective. To train these parameters as well as fine-tune the pretrained image-text model weights, we leverage in-house datasets that pair shots of varying durations with rich textual descriptions of their content. This additional adaptation step improves performance by 15–25% on video retrieval tasks (given a text prompt), depending on the starting model used and metric evaluated.

On top of video retrieval, there are a wide variety of video clip classifiers within Netflix that are trained specifically to find a particular attribute (e.g. closeup shots, caution elements). Instead of training from scratch, we have found that using the shot-level embeddings can give us a significant head start, even beyond the baseline image-text models that they were built on top of.

Lastly, shot embeddings can also be used for video-to-video search, a particularly useful application in the context of trailer and promotional asset creation.

Engineering and Infrastructure

Our trained model gives us a text encoder and a video encoder. Video embeddings are precomputed on the shot level, stored in our media feature store, and replicated to an elastic search cluster for real-time nearest neighbor queries. Our media feature management system automatically triggers the video embedding computation whenever new video assets are added, ensuring that we can search through the latest video assets.

The embedding computation is based on a large neural network model and has to be run on GPUs for optimal throughput. However, shot segmentation from a full-length movie is CPU-intensive. To fully utilize the GPUs in the cloud environment, we first run shot segmentation in parallel on multi-core CPU machines, store the result shots in S3 object storage encoded in video formats such as mp4. During GPU computation, we stream mp4 video shots from S3 directly to the GPUs using a data loader that performs prefetching and preprocessing. This approach ensures that the GPUs are efficiently utilized during inference, thereby increasing the overall throughput and cost-efficiency of our system.

At query time, a user submits a text string representing what they want to search for. For visual search queries, we use the text encoder from the trained model to extract an text embedding, which is then used to perform appropriate nearest neighbor search. Users can also select a subset of shows to search over, or perform a catalog wide search, which we also support.

If you’re interested in more details, see our other post covering the Media Understanding Platform.


Finding a needle in a haystack is hard. We learned from talking to video creatives who make trailers and social media videos that being able to find needles was key, and a big pain point. The solution we described has been fruitful, works well in practice, and is relatively simple to maintain. Our search system allows our creatives to iterate faster, try more ideas, and make more engaging videos for our viewers to enjoy.

We hope this post has been interesting to you. If you are interested in working on problems like this, Netflix is always hiring great researchers, engineers and creators.

Building In-Video Search was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Streaming SQL in Data Mesh

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

Democratizing Stream Processing @ Netflix

By Guil Pires, Mark Cho, Mingliang Liu, Sujay Jain

Data powers much of what we do at Netflix. On the Data Platform team, we build the infrastructure used across the company to process data at scale.

In our last blog post, we introduced “Data Mesh” — A Data Movement and Processing Platform. When a user wants to leverage Data Mesh to move and transform data, they start by creating a new Data Mesh pipeline. The pipeline is composed of individual “Processors” that are connected by Kafka topics. The Processors themselves are implemented as Flink jobs that use the DataStream API.

Since then, we have seen many use cases (including Netflix Graph Search) adopt Data Mesh for stream processing. We were able to onboard many of these use cases by offering some commonly used Processors out of the box, such as Projection, Filtering, Unioning, and Field Renaming.

An example of a Data Mesh pipeline which moves and transforms data using Union, GraphQL Enrichment, and Column Rename Processor before writing to an Iceberg table.

By keeping the logic of individual Processors simple, it allowed them to be reusable so we could centrally manage and operate them at scale. It also allowed them to be composable, so users could combine the different Processors to express the logic they needed.

However, this design decision led to a different set of challenges.

Some teams found the provided building blocks were not expressive enough. For use cases which were not solvable using existing Processors, users had to express their business logic by building a custom Processor. To do this, they had to use the low-level DataStream API from Flink and the Data Mesh SDK, which came with a steep learning curve. After it was built, they also had to operate the custom Processors themselves.

Furthermore, many pipelines needed to be composed of multiple Processors. Since each Processor was implemented as a Flink Job connected by Kafka topics, it meant there was a relatively high runtime overhead cost for many pipelines.

We explored various options to solve these challenges, and eventually landed on building the Data Mesh SQL Processor that would provide additional flexibility for expressing users’ business logic.

The existing Data Mesh Processors have a lot of overlap with SQL. For example, filtering and projection can be expressed in SQL through SELECT and WHERE clauses. Additionally, instead of implementing business logic by composing multiple individual Processors together, users could express their logic in a single SQL query, avoiding the additional resource and latency overhead that came from multiple Flink jobs and Kafka topics. Furthermore, SQL can support User Defined Functions (UDFs) and custom connectors for lookup joins, which can be used to extend expressiveness.

Data Mesh SQL Processor

Since Data Mesh Processors are built on top of Flink, it made sense to consider using Flink SQL instead of continuing to build additional Processors for every transform operation we needed to support.

The Data Mesh SQL Processor is a platform-managed, parameterized Flink Job that takes schematized sources and a Flink SQL query that will be executed against those sources. By leveraging Flink SQL within a Data Mesh Processor, we were able to support the streaming SQL functionality without changing the architecture of Data Mesh.

Underneath the hood, the Data Mesh SQL Processor is implemented using Flink’s Table API, which provides a powerful abstraction to convert between DataStreams and Dynamic Tables. Based on the sources that the processor is connected to, the SQL Processor will automatically convert the upstream sources as tables within Flink’s SQL engine. User’s query is then registered with the SQL engine and translated into a Flink job graph consisting of physical operators that can be executed on a Flink cluster. Unlike the low-level DataStream API, users do not have to manually build a job graph using low-level operators, as this is all managed by Flink’s SQL engine.

SQL Experience on Data Mesh

The SQL Processor enables users to fully leverage the capabilities of the Data Mesh platform. This includes features such as autoscaling, the ability to manage pipelines declaratively via Infrastructure as Code, and a rich connector ecosystem.

In order to ensure a seamless user experience, we’ve enhanced the Data Mesh platform with SQL-centric features. These enhancements include an Interactive Query Mode, real-time query validation, and automated schema inference.

To understand how these features help the users be more productive, let’s take a look at a typical user workflow when using the Data Mesh SQL Processor.

  • Users start their journey by live sampling their upstream data sources using the Interactive Query Mode.
  • As the user iterate on their SQL query, the query validation service provides real-time feedback about the query.
  • With a valid query, users can leverage the Interactive Query Mode again to execute the query and get the live results streamed back to the UI within seconds.
  • For more efficient schema management and evolution, the platform will automatically infer the output schema based on the fields selected by the SQL query.
  • Once the user is done editing their query, it is saved to the Data Mesh Pipeline, which will then be deployed as a long running, streaming SQL job.
Overview of the SQL Processor workflow.

Users typically iterate on their SQL query multiple times before deploying it. Validating and analyzing queries at runtime after deployment will not only slow down their iteration, but also make it difficult to automate schema evolution in Data Mesh.

To address this challenge, we have implemented a query validation service that can verify a Flink SQL query and provide a meaningful error message for violations in real time. This enables users to have prompt validation feedback while they are editing the query. We leverage Apache Flink’s internal Planner classes to parse and transform SQL queries without creating a fully-fledged streaming table environment. This makes the query service lightweight, scalable, and execution agnostic.

To effectively operate thousands of use cases at the platform layer, we built opinionated guardrails to limit some functionalities of Flink SQL. We plan on gradually expanding the supported capabilities over time. We implemented the guardrails by recursively inspecting the Calcite tree constructed from user’s query. If the tree contains nodes that we currently don’t support, the query will be rejected from being deployed. Additionally, we translate Flink’s internal exceptions containing cryptic error messages into more meaningful error messages for our users. We plan on continuing our investments into improving the guardrails, as having proper guardrails help to improve the user experience. Some ideas for the future include rules to reject expensive and suboptimal queries.

To help Data Mesh users iterate quickly on their business logic, we have built the Interactive Query Mode as part of the platform. Users can start live sampling their streaming data by executing a simple `SELECT * FROM <table>` query. Using the Interactive Query Mode, Data Mesh platform will execute the Flink SQL query and display the results in the UI in seconds. Since this is a Flink SQL query on streaming data, new results will continue to be delivered to the user in real-time.

Users can continue to iterate and modify their Flink SQL query and once they’re satisfied with their query output, they can save the query as part of their stream processing pipeline.

To provide this interactive experience, we maintain an always-running Flink Session Cluster that can run concurrent parameterized queries. These queries will output their data to a Mantis sink in order to stream the results back to the user’s browser.

An animated gif showing the interactive query mode in action
Interactive Query mode in action

Learnings from our journey

In hindsight, we wish we had invested in enabling Flink SQL on the DataMesh platform much earlier. If we had the Data Mesh SQL Processor earlier, we would’ve been able to avoid spending engineering resources to build smaller building blocks such as the Union Processor, Column Rename Processor, Projection and Filtering Processor.

Since we’ve productionized Data Mesh SQL Processor, we’ve seen excitement and quick adoption from our Data Mesh users. Thanks to the flexibility of Flink SQL, users have a new way to express their streaming transformation logic other than writing a custom processor using the low-level DataStream API.

While Flink SQL is a powerful tool, we view the Data Mesh SQL Processor as a complimentary addition to our platform. It is not meant to be a replacement for custom processors and Flink jobs using low-level DataStream API. Since SQL is a higher-level abstraction, users no longer have control over low-level Flink operators and state. This means that if state evolution is critical to the user’s business logic, then having complete control over the state can only be done through low-level abstractions like the DataStream API. Even with this limitation, we have seen that there are many new use cases that are unlocked through the Data Mesh SQL Processor.

Our early investment in guardrails has helped set clear expectations with our users and keep the operational burden manageable. It has allowed us to productionize queries and patterns that we are confident about supporting, while providing a framework to introduce new capabilities gradually.

Future of SQL on Data Mesh

While introducing the SQL Processor to the Data Mesh platform was a great step forward, we still have much more work to do in order to unlock the power of stream processing at Netflix. We’ve been working with our partner teams to prioritize and build the next set of features to extend the SQL Processor. These include stream enrichment using Slowly-Changing-Dimension (SCD) tables, temporal joins, and windowed aggregations.

Stay tuned for more updates!

Streaming SQL in Data Mesh was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Kubernetes And Kernel Panics

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

How Netflix’s Container Platform Connects Linux Kernel Panics to Kubernetes Pods

By Kyle Anderson

With a recent effort to reduce customer (engineers, not end users) pain on our container platform Titus, I started investigating “orphaned” pods. There are pods that never got to finish and had to be garbage collected with no real satisfactory final status. Our Service job (think ReplicatSet) owners don’t care too much, but our Batch users care a lot. Without a real return code, how can they know if it is safe to retry or not?

These orphaned pods represent real pain for our users, even if they are a small percentage of the total pods in the system. Where are they going, exactly? Why did they go away?

This blog post shows how to connect the dots from the worst case scenario (a kernel panic) through to Kubernetes (k8s) and eventually up to us operators so that we can track how and why our k8s nodes are going away.

Where Do Orphaned Pods Come From?

Orphaned pods get lost because the underlying k8s node object goes away. Once that happens a GC process deletes the pod. On Titus we run a custom controller to store the history of Pod and Node objects, so that we can save some explanation and show it to our users. This failure mode looks like this in our UI:

What it looks like to our users when a k8s node and its pods disappear

This is an explanation, but it wasn’t very satisfying to me or to our users. Why was the agent lost?

Where Do Lost Nodes Come From?

Nodes can go away for any reason, especially in “the cloud”. When this happens, usually a k8s cloud-controller provided by the cloud vendor will detect that the actual server, in our case an EC2 Instance, has actually gone away, and will in turn delete the k8s node object. That still doesn’t really answer the question of why.

How can we make sure that every instance that goes away has a reason, account for that reason, and bubble it up all the way to the pod? It all starts with an annotation:

"apiVersion": "v1",
"kind": "Pod",
"metadata": {
"annotations": {
"": "Something really bad happened!",

Just making a place to put this data is a great start. Now all we have to do is make our GC controllers aware of this annotation, and then sprinkle it into any process that could potentially make a pod or node go away unexpectedly. Adding an annotation (as opposed to patching the status) preserves the rest of the pod as-is for historical purposes. (We also add annotations for what did the terminating, and a short reason-code for tagging)

The pod-termination-reason annotation is useful to populate human readable messages like:

  • “This pod was preempted by a higher priority job ($id)”
  • “This pod had to be terminated because the underlying hardware failed ($failuretype)”
  • “This pod had to be terminated because $user ran sudo halt on the node”
  • “This pod died unexpectedly because the underlying node kernel panicked!”

But wait, how are we going to annotate a pod for a node that kernel panicked?

Capturing Kernel Panics

When the Linux kernel panics, there is just not much you can do. But what if you could send out some sort of “with my final breath, I curse Kubernetes!” UDP packet?

Inspired by this Google Spanner paper, where Spanner nodes send out a “last gasp” UDP packet to release leases & locks, you too can configure your servers to do the same upon kernel panic using a stock Linux module: netconsole.

Configuring Netconsole

The fact that the Linux kernel can even send out UDP packets with the string ‘kernel panic’, while it is panicking, is kind of amazing. This works because netconsole needs to be configured with almost the entire IP header filled out already beforehand. That is right, you have to tell Linux exactly what your source MAC, IP, and UDP Port are, as well as the destination MAC, IP, and UDP ports. You are practically constructing the UDP packet for the kernel. But, with that prework, when the time comes, the kernel can easily construct the packet and get it out the (preconfigured) network interface as things come crashing down. Luckily the netconsole-setup command makes the setup pretty easy. All the configuration options can be set dynamically as well, so that when the endpoint changes one can point to the new IP.

Once this is setup, kernel messages will start flowing right after modprobe. Imagine the whole thing operating like a dmesg | netcat -u $destination 6666, but in kernel space.

Netconsole “Last Gasp” Packets

With netconsole setup, the last gasp from a crashing kernel looks like a set of UDP packets exactly like one might expect, where the data of the UDP packet is simply the text of the kernel message. In the case of a kernel panic, it will look something like this (one UDP packet per line):

Kernel panic - not syncing: buffer overrun at 0x4ba4c73e73acce54
[ 8374.456345] CPU: 1 PID: 139616 Comm: insmod Kdump: loaded Tainted: G OE
[ 8374.458506] Hardware name: Amazon EC2 r5.2xlarge/, BIOS 1.0 10/16/2017
[ 8374.555629] Call Trace:
[ 8374.556147] <TASK>
[ 8374.556601] dump_stack_lvl+0x45/0x5b
[ 8374.557361] panic+0x103/0x2db
[ 8374.558166] ? __cond_resched+0x15/0x20
[ 8374.559019] ? do_init_module+0x22/0x20a
[ 8374.655123] ? 0xffffffffc0f56000
[ 8374.655810] init_module+0x11/0x1000 [kpanic]
[ 8374.656939] do_one_initcall+0x41/0x1e0
[ 8374.657724] ? __cond_resched+0x15/0x20
[ 8374.658505] ? kmem_cache_alloc_trace+0x3d/0x3c0
[ 8374.754906] do_init_module+0x4b/0x20a
[ 8374.755703] load_module+0x2a7a/0x3030
[ 8374.756557] ? __do_sys_finit_module+0xaa/0x110
[ 8374.757480] __do_sys_finit_module+0xaa/0x110
[ 8374.758537] do_syscall_64+0x3a/0xc0
[ 8374.759331] entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x62/0xcc
[ 8374.855671] RIP: 0033:0x7f2869e8ee69

Connecting to Kubernetes

The last piece is to connect is Kubernetes (k8s). We need a k8s controller to do the following:

  1. Listen for netconsole UDP packets on port 6666, watching for things that look like kernel panics from nodes.
  2. Upon kernel panic, lookup the k8s node object associated with the IP address of the incoming netconsole packet.
  3. For that k8s node, find all the pods bound to it, annotate, then delete those pods (they are toast!).
  4. For that k8s node, annotate the node and then delete it too (it is also toast!).

Parts 1&2 might look like this:

for {
n, addr, err := serverConn.ReadFromUDP(buf)
if err != nil {
klog.Errorf("Error ReadFromUDP: %s", err)
} else {
line := santizeNetConsoleBuffer(buf[0:n])
if isKernelPanic(line) {
panicCounter = 20
go handleKernelPanicOnNode(ctx, addr, nodeInformer, podInformer, kubeClient, line)
if panicCounter > 0 {
klog.Infof("KernelPanic context from %s: %s", addr.IP, line)

And then parts 3&4 might look like this:

func handleKernelPanicOnNode(ctx context.Context, addr *net.UDPAddr, nodeInformer cache.SharedIndexInformer, podInformer cache.SharedIndexInformer, kubeClient kubernetes.Interface, line string) {
node := getNodeFromAddr(addr.IP.String(), nodeInformer)
if node == nil {
klog.Errorf("Got a kernel panic from %s, but couldn't find a k8s node object for it?", addr.IP.String())
} else {
pods := getPodsFromNode(node, podInformer)
klog.Infof("Got a kernel panic from node %s, annotating and deleting all %d pods and that node.", node.Name, len(pods))
annotateAndDeletePodsWithReason(ctx, kubeClient, pods, line)
err := deleteNode(ctx, kubeClient, node.Name)
if err != nil {
klog.Errorf("Error deleting node %s: %s", node.Name, err)
} else {
klog.Infof("Deleted panicked node %s", node.Name)

With that code in place, as soon as a kernel panic is detected, the pods and nodes immediately go away. No need to wait for any GC process. The annotations help document what happened to the node & pod:

A real pod lost on a real k8s node that had a real kernel panic!


Marking that a job failed because of a kernel panic may not be that satisfactory to our customers. But they can take satisfaction in knowing that we now have the required observability tools to start fixing those kernel panics!

Do you also enjoy really getting to the bottom of why things fail in your systems or think kernel panics are cool? Join us on the Compute Team where we are building a world-class container platform for our engineers.

Kubernetes And Kernel Panics was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Zero Configuration Service Mesh with On-Demand Cluster Discovery

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

by David Vroom, James Mulcahy, Ling Yuan, Rob Gulewich

In this post we discuss Netflix’s adoption of service mesh: some history, motivations, and how we worked with Kinvolk and the Envoy community on a feature that streamlines service mesh adoption in complex microservice environments: on-demand cluster discovery.

A brief history of IPC at Netflix

Netflix was early to the cloud, particularly for large-scale companies: we began the migration in 2008, and by 2010, Netflix streaming was fully run on AWS. Today we have a wealth of tools, both OSS and commercial, all designed for cloud-native environments. In 2010, however, nearly none of it existed: the CNCF wasn’t formed until 2015! Since there were no existing solutions available, we needed to build them ourselves.

For Inter-Process Communication (IPC) between services, we needed the rich feature set that a mid-tier load balancer typically provides. We also needed a solution that addressed the reality of working in the cloud: a highly dynamic environment where nodes are coming up and down, and services need to quickly react to changes and route around failures. To improve availability, we designed systems where components could fail separately and avoid single points of failure. These design principles led us to client-side load-balancing, and the 2012 Christmas Eve outage solidified this decision even further. During these early years in the cloud, we built Eureka for Service Discovery and Ribbon (internally known as NIWS) for IPC. Eureka solved the problem of how services discover what instances to talk to, and Ribbon provided the client-side logic for load-balancing, as well as many other resiliency features. These two technologies, alongside a host of other resiliency and chaos tools, made a massive difference: our reliability improved measurably as a result.

Eureka and Ribbon presented a simple but powerful interface, which made adopting them easy. In order for a service to talk to another, it needs to know two things: the name of the destination service, and whether or not the traffic should be secure. The abstractions that Eureka provides for this are Virtual IPs (VIPs) for insecure communication, and Secure VIPs (SVIPs) for secure. A service advertises a VIP name and port to Eureka (eg: myservice, port 8080), or an SVIP name and port (eg: myservice-secure, port 8443), or both. IPC clients are instantiated targeting that VIP or SVIP, and the Eureka client code handles the translation of that VIP to a set of IP and port pairs by fetching them from the Eureka server. The client can also optionally enable IPC features like retries or circuit breaking, or stick with a set of reasonable defaults.

A diagram showing an IPC client in a Java app directly communicating to hosts registered as SVIP A. Host and port information for SVIP A is fetched from Eureka by the IPC client.

In this architecture, service to service communication no longer goes through the single point of failure of a load balancer. The downside is that Eureka is a new single point of failure as the source of truth for what hosts are registered for VIPs. However, if Eureka goes down, services can continue to communicate with each other, though their host information will become stale over time as instances for a VIP come up and down. The ability to run in a degraded but available state during an outage is still a marked improvement over completely stopping traffic flow.

Why mesh?

The above architecture has served us well over the last decade, though changing business needs and evolving industry standards have added more complexity to our IPC ecosystem in a number of ways. First, we’ve grown the number of different IPC clients. Our internal IPC traffic is now a mix of plain REST, GraphQL, and gRPC. Second, we’ve moved from a Java-only environment to a Polyglot one: we now also support node.js, Python, and a variety of OSS and off the shelf software. Third, we’ve continued to add more functionality to our IPC clients: features such as adaptive concurrency limiting, circuit breaking, hedging, and fault injection have become standard tools that our engineers reach for to make our system more reliable. Compared to a decade ago, we now support more features, in more languages, in more clients. Keeping feature parity between all of these implementations and ensuring that they all behave the same way is challenging: what we want is a single, well-tested implementation of all of this functionality, so we can make changes and fix bugs in one place.

This is where service mesh comes in: we can centralize IPC features in a single implementation, and keep per-language clients as simple as possible: they only need to know how to talk to the local proxy. Envoy is a great fit for us as the proxy: it’s a battle-tested OSS product at use in high scale in the industry, with many critical resiliency features, and good extension points for when we need to extend its functionality. The ability to configure proxies via a central control plane is a killer feature: this allows us to dynamically configure client-side load balancing as if it was a central load balancer, but still avoids a load balancer as a single point of failure in the service to service request path.

Moving to mesh

Once we decided that moving to service mesh was the right bet to make, the next question became: how should we go about moving? We decided on a number of constraints for the migration. First: we wanted to keep the existing interface. The abstraction of specifying a VIP name plus secure serves us well, and we didn’t want to break backwards compatibility. Second: we wanted to automate the migration and to make it as seamless as possible. These two constraints meant that we needed to support the Discovery abstractions in Envoy, so that IPC clients could continue to use it under the hood. Fortunately, Envoy had ready to use abstractions for this. VIPs could be represented as Envoy Clusters, and proxies could fetch them from our control plane using the Cluster Discovery Service (CDS). The hosts in those clusters are represented as Envoy Endpoints, and could be fetched using the Endpoint Discovery Service (EDS).

We soon ran into a stumbling block to a seamless migration: Envoy requires that clusters be specified as part of the proxy’s config. If service A needs to talk to clusters B and C, then you need to define clusters B and C as part of A’s proxy config. This can be challenging at scale: any given service might communicate with dozens of clusters, and that set of clusters is different for every app. In addition, Netflix is always changing: we’re constantly adding new initiatives like live streaming, ads and games, and evolving our architecture. This means the clusters that a service communicates with will change over time. There are a number of different approaches to populating cluster config that we evaluated, given the Envoy primitives available to us:

  1. Get service owners to define the clusters their service needs to talk to. This option seems simple, but in practice, service owners don’t always know, or want to know, what services they talk to. Services often import libraries provided by other teams that talk to multiple other services under the hood, or communicate with other operational services like telemetry and logging. This means that service owners would need to know how these auxiliary services and libraries are implemented under the hood, and adjust config when they change.
  2. Auto-generate Envoy config based on a service’s call graph. This method is simple for pre-existing services, but is challenging when bringing up a new service or adding a new upstream cluster to communicate with.
  3. Push all clusters to every app: this option was appealing in its simplicity, but back of the napkin math quickly showed us that pushing millions of endpoints to each proxy wasn’t feasible.

Given our goal of a seamless adoption, each of these options had significant enough downsides that we explored another option: what if we could fetch cluster information on-demand at runtime, rather than predefining it? At the time, the service mesh effort was still being bootstrapped, with only a few engineers working on it. We approached Kinvolk to see if they could work with us and the Envoy community in implementing this feature. The result of this collaboration was On-Demand Cluster Discovery (ODCDS). With this feature, proxies could now look up cluster information the first time they attempt to connect to it, rather than predefining all of the clusters in config.

With this capability in place, we needed to give the proxies cluster information to look up. We had already developed a service mesh control plane that implements the Envoy XDS services. We then needed to fetch service information from Eureka in order to return to the proxies. We represent Eureka VIPs and SVIPs as separate Envoy Cluster Discovery Service (CDS) clusters (so service myservice may have clusters and myservice.svip). Individual hosts in a cluster are represented as separate Endpoint Discovery Service (EDS) endpoints. This allows us to reuse the same Eureka abstractions, and IPC clients like Ribbon can move to mesh with minimal changes. With both the control plane and data plane changes in place, the flow works as follows:

  1. Client request comes into Envoy
  2. Extract the target cluster based on the Host / :authority header (the header used here is configurable, but this is our approach). If that cluster is known already, jump to step 7
  3. The cluster doesn’t exist, so we pause the in flight request
  4. Make a request to the Cluster Discovery Service (CDS) endpoint on the control plane. The control plane generates a customized CDS response based on the service’s configuration and Eureka registration information
  5. Envoy gets back the cluster (CDS), which triggers a pull of the endpoints via Endpoint Discovery Service (EDS). Endpoints for the cluster are returned based on Eureka status information for that VIP or SVIP
  6. Client request unpauses
  7. Envoy handles the request as normal: it picks an endpoint using a load-balancing algorithm and issues the request

This flow is completed in a few milliseconds, but only on the first request to the cluster. Afterward, Envoy behaves as if the cluster was defined in the config. Critically, this system allows us to seamlessly migrate services to service mesh with no configuration required, satisfying one of our main adoption constraints. The abstraction we present continues to be VIP name plus secure, and we can migrate to mesh by configuring individual IPC clients to connect to the local proxy instead of the upstream app directly. We continue to use Eureka as the source of truth for VIPs and instance status, which allows us to support a heterogeneous environment of some apps on mesh and some not while we migrate. There’s an additional benefit: we can keep Envoy memory usage low by only fetching data for clusters that we’re actually communicating with.

A diagram showing an IPC client in a Java app communicating through Envoy to hosts registered as SVIP A. Cluster and endpoint information for SVIP A is fetched from the mesh control plane by Envoy. The mesh control plane fetches host information from Eureka.

There is a downside to fetching this data on-demand: this adds latency to the first request to a cluster. We have run into use-cases where services need very low-latency access on the first request, and adding a few extra milliseconds adds too much overhead. For these use-cases, the services need to either predefine the clusters they communicate with, or prime connections before their first request. We’ve also considered pre-pushing clusters from the control plane as proxies start up, based on historical request patterns. Overall, we feel the reduced complexity in the system justifies the downside for a small set of services.

We’re still early in our service mesh journey. Now that we’re using it in earnest, there are many more Envoy improvements that we’d love to work with the community on. The porting of our adaptive concurrency limiting implementation to Envoy was a great start — we’re looking forward to collaborating with the community on many more. We’re particularly interested in the community’s work on incremental EDS. EDS endpoints account for the largest volume of updates, and this puts undue pressure on both the control plane and Envoy.

We’d like to give a big thank-you to the folks at Kinvolk for their Envoy contributions: Alban Crequy, Andrew Randall, Danielle Tal, and in particular Krzesimir Nowak for his excellent work. We’d also like to thank the Envoy community for their support and razor-sharp reviews: Adi Peleg, Dmitri Dolguikh, Harvey Tuch, Matt Klein, and Mark Roth. It’s been a great experience working with you all on this.

This is the first in a series of posts on our journey to service mesh, so stay tuned. If this sounds like fun, and you want to work on service mesh at scale, come work with us — we’re hiring!

Zero Configuration Service Mesh with On-Demand Cluster Discovery was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

AVA Discovery View: Surfacing Authentic Moments

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

By: Hamid Shahid, Laura Johnson, Tiffany Low


At Netflix, we have created millions of artwork to represent our titles. Each artwork tells a story about the title it represents. From our testing on promotional assets, we know which of these assets have performed well and which ones haven’t. Through this, our teams have developed an intuition of what visual and thematic artwork characteristics work well for what genres of titles. A piece of promotional artwork may resonate more in certain regions, for certain genres, or for fans of particular talent. The complexity of these factors makes it difficult to determine the best creative strategy for upcoming titles.

Our assets are often created by selecting static image frames directly from our source videos. To improve it, we decided to invest in creating a Media Understanding Platform, which enables us to extract meaningful insights from media that we can then surface in our creative tools. In this post, we will take a deeper look into one of these tools, AVA Discovery View.

Intro to AVA Discovery View

AVA is an internal tool that surfaces still frames from video content. The tool provides an efficient way for creatives (photo editors, artwork designers, etc.) to pull moments from video content that authentically represent the title’s narrative themes, main characters, and visual characteristics. These still moments are used by multiple teams across Netflix for artwork (on and off the Netflix platform), Publicity, Marketing, Social teams, and more.

Stills are used to merchandise & publicize titles authentically, providing a diverse set of entry points to members who may watch for different reasons. For example, for our hit title “Wednesday”, one member may watch it because they love mysteries, while another may watch because they love coming-of-age stories or goth aesthetics. Another member may be drawn by talent. It’s a creative’s job to select frames with all these entry points in mind. Stills may be enhanced and combined to create a more polished piece of artwork or be used as is. For many teams and titles, Stills are essential to Netflix’s promotional asset strategy.

Watching every moment of content to find the best frames and select them manually takes a lot of time, and this approach is often not scalable. While frames can be saved manually from the video content, AVA goes beyond providing the functionality to surface authentic frames — it suggests the best moments for creatives to use: enter AVA Discovery View.

Example of AVA Discovery View

AVA’s imagery-harvesting algorithms pre-select and group relevant frames into categories like Storylines & Tones, Prominent Characters, and Environments.

Let’s look deeper at how different facets of a title are shown in one of Netflix’s biggest hits — “Wednesday”.

Storyline / Tone

The title “Wednesday” involves a character with supernatural abilities sleuthing to solve a mystery. The title has a dark, imaginative tone with shades of wit and dry humor. The setting is an extraordinary high school where teenagers of supernatural abilities are enrolled. The main character is a teenager and has relationship issues with her parents.

The paragraph above provides a short glimpse of the title and is similar to the briefs that our creatives have to work with. Finding authentic moments from this information to build the base of the artwork suite is not trivial and has been very time-consuming for our creatives.

This is where AVA Discovery View comes in and functions as a creative assistant. Using the information about the storyline and tones associated with a title, it surfaces key moments, which not only provide a nice visual summary but also provide a quick landscape view of the title’s main narrative themes and its visual language.

Storyline & Tone suggestions

Creatives can click on any storyline to see moments that best reflect that storyline and the title’s overall tone. For example, the following images illustrate how it displays moments for the “imaginative” tone.

Prominent Characters

Talent is a major draw for our titles, and our members want to see who is featured in a title to choose whether or not they want to watch that title. Getting to know the prominent characters for a title and then finding the best possible moments featuring them used to be an arduous task.

With the AVA Discovery View, all the prominent characters of the title and their best possible shots are presented to the creatives. They can see how much a character is featured in the title and find shots containing multiple characters and the best possible stills for the characters themselves.


We don’t want the Netflix home screen to shock or offend audiences, so we aim to avoid artwork with violence, nudity, gore or similar attributes.

To help our creatives understand content sensitivities, AVA Discovery View lists moments where content contains gore, violence, intimacy, nudity, smoking, etc.

Sensitive Moments


The setting and the filming location often provide great genre cues and form the basis of great-looking artwork. Finding moments from a virtual setting in the title or the actual filming location required a visual scan of all episodes of a title. Now, AVA Discovery View shows such moments as suggestions to the creatives.

For example, for the title “Wednesday”, the creatives are presented with “Nevermore Academy” as a suggested environment

Suggested Environment — Nevermore Academy


Algorithm Quality

AVA Discovery View included several different algorithms at the start, and since its release, we have expanded support to additional algorithms. Each algorithm needed a process of evaluation and tuning to get great results in AVA Discovery View.

For Visual Search

  • We found that the model was influenced by the text present in the image. For example, stills of title credits would often get picked up and highly recommended to users. We added a step where such stills with text results would be filtered out and not present in the search.
  • We also found that users preferred results that had a confidence threshold cutoff applied to them.

For Prominent Characters

  • We found that our current algorithm model did not handle animated faces well. As a result, we often find that poor or no suggestions are returned for animated content.

For Sensitive Moments

  • We found that setting a high confidence threshold was helpful. The algorithm was originally developed to be sensitive to bloody scenes, and when applied to scenes of cooking and painting, often flagged as false positives.

One challenge we encountered was the repetition of suggestions. Multiple suggestions from the same scene could be returned and lead to many visually similar moments. Users preferred seeing only the best frames and a diverse set of frames.

  • We added a ranking step to some algorithms to mark frames too visually similar to higher-ranked frames. These duplicate frames would be filtered out from the suggestions list.
  • However, not all algorithms can take this approach. We are exploring using scene boundary algorithms to group similar moments together as a single recommendation.

Suggestion Ranking

AVA Discovery View presents multiple levels of algorithmic suggestions, and a challenge was to help users navigate through the best-performing suggestions and avoid selecting bad suggestions.

  • The suggestion categories are presented based on our users’ workflow relevance. We show Storyline/Tone, Prominent Characters, Environments, then Sensitivities.
  • Within each suggestion category, we display suggestions ranked by the number of results and tie break along the confidence threshold.

Algorithm Feedback

As we launched the initial set of algorithms for AVA Discovery View, our team interviewed users about their experiences. We also built mechanisms within the tool to get explicit and implicit user feedback.

Explicit Feedback

  • For each algorithmic suggestion presented to a user, users can click a thumbs up or thumbs down to give direct feedback.

Implicit Feedback

  • We have tracking enabled to detect when an algorithmic suggestion has been utilized (downloaded or published for use on Netflix promotional purposes).
  • This implicit feedback is much easier to collect, although it may not work for all algorithms. For example, suggestions from Sensitivities are meant to be content watch-outs that should not be used for promotional purposes. As a result, this row does poorly on implicit feedback as we do not expect downloads or publish actions on these suggestions.

This feedback is easily accessible by our algorithm partners and used in training improved versions of the models.

Intersection Queries across Multiple Algorithms

Several media understanding algorithms return clip or short-duration video segment suggestions. We compute the timecode intersections against a set of known high-quality frames to surface the best frame within these clips.

We also rely on intersection queries to help users narrow a large set of frames to a specific moment. For example, returning stills with two or more prominent characters or filtering only indoor scenes from a search query.

Technical Architecture

Discovery View Plugin Architecture

Discovery View Plugin Architecture

We built Discovery View as a pluggable feature that could quickly be extended to support more algorithms and other types of suggestions. Discovery View is available via Studio Gateway for AVA UI and other front-end applications to leverage.

Unified Interface for Discovery

All Discovery View rows implement the same interface, and it’s simple to extend it and plug it into the existing view.

Scalable Categories
In the Discovery View feature, we dynamically hide categories or recommendations based on the results of algorithms. Categories can be hidden if no suggestions are found. On the other hand, for a large number of suggestions, only top suggestions are retrieved, and users have the ability to request more.

Graceful Failure Handling
We load Discovery View suggestions independently for a responsive user experience.

Asset Feedback MicroService

Asset Feedback MicroService

We identified that Asset Feedback is a functionality that is useful elsewhere in our ecosystem as well, so we decided to create a separate microservice for it. The service serves an important function of getting feedback about the quality of stills and ties them to the algorithms. This information is available both at individual and aggregated levels for our algorithm partners.

Media Understanding Platform

AVA Discovery View relies on the Media Understanding Platform (MUP) as the main interface for algorithm suggestions. The key features of this platform are

Uniform Query Interface

Hosting all of the algorithms in AVA Discovery View on MUP made it easier for product integration as the suggestions could be queried from each algorithm similarly

Rich Query Feature Set

We could test different confidence thresholds per algorithm, intersect across algorithm suggestions, and order suggestions by various fields.

Fast Algo Onboarding

Each algorithm took fewer than two weeks to onboard, and the platform ensured that new titles delivered to Netflix would automatically generate algorithm suggestions. Our team was able to spend more time evaluating algorithm performance and quickly iterate on AVA Discovery View.

To learn more about MUP, please see a previous blog post from our team: Building a Media Understanding Platform for ML Innovations.


Discovering authentic moments in an efficient and scalable way has a huge impact on Netflix and its creative teams. AVA has become a place to gain title insights and discover assets. It provides a concise brief on the main narratives, the visual language, and the title’s prominent characters. An AVA user can find relevant and visually stunning frames quickly and easily and leverage them as a context-gathering tool.

Future Work

To improve AVA Discovery View, our team needs to balance the number of frames returned and the quality of the suggestions so that creatives can build more trust with the feature.

Eliminating Repetition

AVA Discovery View will often put the same frame into multiple categories, which results in creatives viewing and evaluating the same frame multiple times. How can we solve for an engaging frame being a part of multiple groupings without bloating each grouping with repetition?

Improving Frame Quality

We’d like to only show creatives the best frames from a certain moment and work to eliminate frames that have either poor technical quality (a poor character expression) or poor editorial quality (not relevant to grouping, not relevant to narrative). Sifting through frames that aren’t up to quality standards creates user fatigue.

Building User Trust

Creatives don’t want to wonder whether there’s something better outside an AVA Discovery View grouping or if anything is missing from these suggested frames.

When looking at a particular grouping (like “Wednesday”’s Solving a Mystery or Gothic), creatives need to trust that it doesn’t contain any frames that don’t belong there, that these are the best quality frames, and that there are no better frames that exist in the content that isn’t included in the grouping. Suppose a creative is leveraging AVA Discovery View and doing separate manual work to improve frame quality or check for missing moments. In that case, AVA Discovery View hasn’t yet fully optimized the user experience.


Special thanks to Abhishek Soni, Amir Ziai, Andrew Johnson, Ankush Agrawal, Aneesh Vartakavi, Audra Reed, Brianda Suarez, Faraz Ahmad, Faris Mustafa, Fifi Maree, Guru Tahasildar, Gustavo Carmo, Haley Jones Phillips, Janan Barge, Karen Williams, Laura Johnson, Maria Perkovic, Meenakshi Jindal, Nagendra Kamath, Nicola Pharoah, Qiang Liu, Samuel Carvajal, Shervin Ardeshir, Supriya Vadlamani, Varun Sekhri, and Vitali Kauhanka for making it all possible.

AVA Discovery View: Surfacing Authentic Moments was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Curbing Connection Churn in Zuul

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

By Arthur Gonigberg, Argha C

Plaintext Past

When Zuul was designed and developed, there was an inherent assumption that connections were effectively free, given we weren’t using mutual TLS (mTLS). It’s built on top of Netty, using event loops for non-blocking execution of requests, one loop per core. To reduce contention among event loops, we created connection pools for each, keeping them completely independent. The result is that the entire request-response cycle happens on the same thread, significantly reducing context switching.

There is also a significant downside. It means that if each event loop has a connection pool that connects to every origin (our name for backend) server, there would be a multiplication of event loops by servers by Zuul instances. For example, a 16-core box connecting to an 800-server origin would have 12,800 connections. If the Zuul cluster has 100 instances, that’s 1,280,000 connections. That’s a significant amount and certainly more than is necessary relative to the traffic on most clusters.

As streaming has grown over the years, these numbers multiplied with bigger Zuul and origin clusters. More acutely, if a traffic spike occurs and Zuul instances scale up, it exponentially increases connections open to origins. Although this has been a known issue for a long time, it has never been a critical pain point until we moved large streaming applications to mTLS and our Envoy-based service mesh.

Fixing the Flows

The first step in improving connection overhead was implementing HTTP/2 (H2) multiplexing to the origins. Multiplexing allows the reuse of existing connections by creating multiple streams per connection, each able to send a request. Rather than requiring a connection for every request, we could reuse the same connection for many simultaneous requests. The more we reuse connections, the less overhead we have in establishing mTLS sessions with roundtrips, handshaking, and so on.

Although Zuul has had H2 proxying for some time, it never supported multiplexing. It effectively treated H2 connections as HTTP/1 (H1). For backward compatibility with existing H1 functionality, we modified the H2 connection bootstrap to create a stream and immediately release the connection back into the pool. Future requests will then be able to reuse the existing connection without creating a new one. Ideally, the connections to each origin server should converge towards 1 per event loop. It seems like a minor change, but it had to be seamlessly integrated into our existing metrics and connection bookkeeping.

The standard way to initiate H2 connections is, over TLS, via an upgrade with ALPN (Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation). ALPN allows us to gracefully downgrade back to H1 if the origin doesn’t support H2, so we can broadly enable it without impacting customers. Service mesh being available on many services made testing and rolling out this feature very easy because it enables ALPN by default. It meant that no work was required by service owners who were already on service mesh and mTLS.

Sadly, our plan hit a snag when we rolled out multiplexing. Although the feature was stable and functionally there was no impact, we didn’t get a reduction in overall connections. Because some origin clusters were so large, and we were connecting to them from all event loops, there wasn’t enough re-use of existing connections to trigger multiplexing. Even though we were now capable of multiplexing, we weren’t utilizing it.

Divide and Conquer

H2 multiplexing will improve connection spikes under load when there is a large demand for all the existing connections, but it didn’t help in steady-state. Partitioning the whole origin into subsets would allow us to reduce total connection counts while leveraging multiplexing to maintain existing throughput and headroom.

We had discussed subsetting many times over the years, but there was concern about disrupting load balancing with the algorithms available. An even distribution of traffic to origins is critical for accurate canary analysis and preventing hot-spotting of traffic on origin instances.

Subsetting was also top of mind after reading a recent ACM paper published by Google. It describes an improvement on their long-standing Deterministic Subsetting algorithm that they’ve used for many years. The Ringsteady algorithm (figure below) creates an evenly distributed ring of servers (yellow nodes) and then walks the ring to allocate them to each front-end task (blue nodes).

The figure above is from Google’s ACM paper

The algorithm relies on the idea of low-discrepancy numeric sequences to create a naturally balanced distribution ring that is more consistent than one built on a randomness-based consistent hash. The particular sequence used is a binary variant of the Van der Corput sequence. As long as the sequence of added servers is monotonically incrementing, for each additional server, the distribution will be evenly balanced between 0–1. Below is an example of what the binary Van der Corput sequence looks like.

Another big benefit of this distribution is that it provides a consistent expansion of the ring as servers are removed and added over time, evenly spreading new nodes among the subsets. This results in the stability of subsets and no cascading churn based on origin changes over time. Each node added or removed will only affect one subset, and new nodes will be added to a different subset every time.

Here’s a more concrete demonstration of the sequence above, in decimal form, with each number between 0–1 assigned to 4 subsets. In this example, each subset has 0.25 of that range depicted with its own color.

You can see that each new node added is balanced across subsets extremely well. If 50 nodes are added quickly, they will get distributed just as evenly. Similarly, if a large number of nodes are removed, it will affect all subsets equally.

The real killer feature, though, is that if a node is removed or added, it doesn’t require all the subsets to be shuffled and recomputed. Every single change will generally only create or remove one connection. This will hold for bigger changes, too, reducing almost all churn in the subsets.

Zuul’s Take

Our approach to implement this in Zuul was to integrate with Eureka service discovery changes and feed them into a distribution ring, based on the ideas discussed above. When new origins register in Zuul, we load their instances and create a new ring, and from then on, manage it with incremental deltas. We also take the additional step of shuffling the order of nodes before adding them to the ring. This helps prevent accidental hot spotting or overlap among Zuul instances.

The quirk in any load balancing algorithm from Google is that they do their load balancing centrally. Their centralized service creates subsets and load balances across their entire fleet, with a global view of the world. To use this algorithm, the key insight was to apply it to the event loops rather than the instances themselves. This allows us to continue having decentralized, client-side load balancing while also having the benefits of accurate subsetting. Although Zuul continues connecting to all origin servers, each event loop’s connection pool only gets a small subset of the whole. We end up with a singular, global view of the distribution that we can control on each instance — and a single sequence number that we can increment for each origin’s ring.

When a request comes in, Netty assigns it to an event loop, and it remains there for the duration of the request-response lifecycle. After running the inbound filters, we determine the destination and load the connection pool for this event loop. This will pull from a mapping of loop-to-subset, giving us the limited set of nodes we’re looking for. We then load balance using a modified choice-of-2, as discussed before. If this sounds familiar, it’s because there are no fundamental changes to how Zuul works. The only difference is that we provide a loop-bound subset of nodes to the load balancer as a starting point for its decision.

Another insight we had was that we needed to replicate the number of subsets among the event loops. This allows us to maintain low connection counts for large and small origins. At the same time, having a reasonable subset size ensures we can continue providing good balance and resiliency features for the origin. Most origins require this because they are not big enough to create enough instances in each subset.

However, we also don’t want to change this replication factor too often because it would cause a reshuffling of the entire ring and introduce a lot of churn. After a lot of iteration, we ended up implementing this by starting with an “ideal” subset size. We achieve this by computing the subset size that would achieve the ideal replication factor for a given cardinality of origin nodes. We can scale the replication factor across origins by growing our subsets until the desired subset size is achieved, especially as they scale up or down based on traffic patterns. Finally, we work backward to divide the ring into even slices based on the computed subset size.

Our ideal subset side is roughly 25–50 nodes, so an origin with 400 nodes will have 8 subsets of 50 nodes. On a 32-core instance, we’ll have a replication factor of 4. However, that also means that between 200 and 400 nodes, we’re not shuffling the subsets at all. An example of this subset recomputation is in the rollout graphs below.

An interesting challenge here was to satisfy the dual constraints of origin nodes with a range of cardinality, and the number of event loops that hold the subsets. Our goal is to scale the subsets as we run on instances with higher event loops, with a sub-linear increase in overall connections, and sufficient replication for availability guarantees. Scaling the replication factor elastically described above helped us achieve this successfully.

Subsetting Success

The results were outstanding. We saw improvements across all key metrics on Zuul, but most importantly, there was a significant reduction in total connection counts and churn.

Total Connections

This graph (as well as the ones below) shows a week’s worth of data, with the typical diurnal cycle of Netflix usage. Each of the 3 colors represents our deployment regions in AWS, and the blue vertical line shows when we turned on the feature.

Total connections at peak were significantly reduced in all 3 regions by a factor of 10x. This is a huge improvement, and it makes sense if you dig into how subsetting works. For example, a machine running 16 event loops could have 8 subsets — each subset is on 2 event loops. That means we’re dividing an origin by 8, hence an 8x improvement. As to why peak improvement goes up to 10x, it’s probably related to reduced churn (below).


This graph is a good proxy for churn. It shows how many TCP connections Zuul is opening per second. You can see the before and after very clearly. Looking at the peak-to-peak improvement, there is roughly an 8x improvement.

The decrease in churn is a testament to the stability of the subsets, even as origins scale up, down, and redeploy over time.

Looking specifically at connections created in the pool, the reduction is even more impressive:

The peak-to-peak reduction is massive and clearly shows how stable this distribution is. Although hard to see on the graph, the reduction went from thousands per second at peak down to about 60. There is effectively no churn of connections, even at peak traffic.

Load Balancing

The key constraint to subsetting is ensuring that the load balance on the backends is still consistent and evenly distributed. You’ll notice all the RPS on origin nodes grouped tightly, as expected. The thicker lines represent the subset size and the total origin size.

Balance at deploy
Balance 12 hours after deploy

In the second graph, you’ll note that we recompute the subset size (blue line) because the origin (purple line) became large enough that we could get away with less replication in the subsets. In this case, we went from a subset size of 100 for 400 servers (a division of 4) to 50 (a division of 8).

System Metrics

Given the significant reduction in connections, we saw reduced CPU utilization (~4%), heap usage (~15%), and latency (~3%) on Zuul, as well.

Zuul canary metrics

Rolling it Out

As we rolled this feature out to our largest origins — streaming playback APIs — we saw the pattern above continue, but with scale, it became more impressive. On some Zuul shards, we saw a reduction of as much as 13 million connections at peak, with almost no churn.

Today the feature is rolled out widely. We’re serving the same amount of traffic but with tens of millions fewer connections. Despite the reduction of connections, there is no decrease in resiliency or load balancing. H2 multiplexing allows us to scale up requests separately from connections, and our subsetting algorithm ensures an even traffic balance.

Although challenging to get right, subsetting is a worthwhile investment.


We would also like to thank Peter Ward, Paul Wankadia, and Kavita Guliani at Google for developing this algorithm and publishing their work for the benefit of the industry.

Curbing Connection Churn in Zuul was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Detecting Scene Changes in Audiovisual Content

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

Avneesh Saluja, Andy Yao, Hossein Taghavi


When watching a movie or an episode of a TV show, we experience a cohesive narrative that unfolds before us, often without giving much thought to the underlying structure that makes it all possible. However, movies and episodes are not atomic units, but rather composed of smaller elements such as frames, shots, scenes, sequences, and acts. Understanding these elements and how they relate to each other is crucial for tasks such as video summarization and highlights detection, content-based video retrieval, dubbing quality assessment, and video editing. At Netflix, such workflows are performed hundreds of times a day by many teams around the world, so investing in algorithmically-assisted tooling around content understanding can reap outsized rewards.

While segmentation of more granular units like frames and shot boundaries is either trivial or can primarily rely on pixel-based information, higher order segmentation¹ requires a more nuanced understanding of the content, such as the narrative or emotional arcs. Furthermore, some cues can be better inferred from modalities other than the video, e.g. the screenplay or the audio and dialogue track. Scene boundary detection, in particular, is the task of identifying the transitions between scenes, where a scene is defined as a continuous sequence of shots that take place in the same time and location (often with a relatively static set of characters) and share a common action or theme.

In this blog post, we present two complementary approaches to scene boundary detection in audiovisual content. The first method, which can be seen as a form of weak supervision, leverages auxiliary data in the form of a screenplay by aligning screenplay text with timed text (closed captions, audio descriptions) and assigning timestamps to the screenplay’s scene headers (a.k.a. sluglines). In the second approach, we show that a relatively simple, supervised sequential model (bidirectional LSTM or GRU) that uses rich, pretrained shot-level embeddings can outperform the current state-of-the-art baselines on our internal benchmarks.

Figure 1: a scene consists of a sequence of shots.

Leveraging Aligned Screenplay Information

Screenplays are the blueprints of a movie or show. They are formatted in a specific way, with each scene beginning with a scene header, indicating attributes such as the location and time of day. This consistent formatting makes it possible to parse screenplays into a structured format. At the same time, a) changes made on the fly (directorial or actor discretion) or b) in post production and editing are rarely reflected in the screenplay, i.e. it isn’t rewritten to reflect the changes.

Figure 2: screenplay elements, from The Witcher S1E1.

In order to leverage this noisily aligned data source, we need to align time-stamped text (e.g. closed captions and audio descriptions) with screenplay text (dialogue and action² lines), bearing in mind a) the on-the-fly changes that might result in semantically similar but not identical line pairs and b) the possible post-shoot changes that are more significant (reordering, removing, or inserting entire scenes). To address the first challenge, we use pre trained sentence-level embeddings, e.g. from an embedding model optimized for paraphrase identification, to represent text in both sources. For the second challenge, we use dynamic time warping (DTW), a method for measuring the similarity between two sequences that may vary in time or speed. While DTW assumes a monotonicity condition on the alignments³ which is frequently violated in practice, it is robust enough to recover from local misalignments and the vast majority of salient events (like scene boundaries) are well-aligned.

As a result of DTW, the scene headers have timestamps that can indicate possible scene boundaries in the video. The alignments can also be used to e.g., augment audiovisual ML models with screenplay information like scene-level embeddings, or transfer labels assigned to audiovisual content to train screenplay prediction models.

Figure 3: alignments between screenplay and video via time stamped text for The Witcher S1E1.

A Multimodal Sequential Model

The alignment method above is a great way to get up and running with the scene change task since it combines easy-to-use pretrained embeddings with a well-known dynamic programming technique. However, it presupposes the availability of high-quality screenplays. A complementary approach (which in fact, can use the above alignments as a feature) that we present next is to train a sequence model on annotated scene change data. Certain workflows in Netflix capture this information, and that is our primary data source; publicly-released datasets are also available.

From an architectural perspective, the model is relatively simple — a bidirectional GRU (biGRU) that ingests shot representations at each step and predicts if a shot is at the end of a scene.⁴ The richness in the model comes from these pretrained, multimodal shot embeddings, a preferable design choice in our setting given the difficulty in obtaining labeled scene change data and the relatively larger scale at which we can pretrain various embedding models for shots.

For video embeddings, we leverage an in-house model pretrained on aligned video clips paired with text (the aforementioned “timestamped text”). For audio embeddings, we first perform source separation to try and separate foreground (speech) from background (music, sound effects, noise), embed each separated waveform separately using wav2vec2, and then concatenate the results. Both early and late-stage fusion approaches are explored; in the former (Figure 4a), the audio and video embeddings are concatenated and fed into a single biGRU, and in the latter (Figure 4b) each input modality is encoded with its own biGRU, after which the hidden states are concatenated prior to the output layer.

Figure 4a: Early Fusion (concatenate embeddings at the input).
Figure 4b: Late Fusion (concatenate prior to prediction output).

We find:

  • Our results match and sometimes even outperform the state-of-the-art (benchmarked using the video modality only and on our evaluation data). We evaluate the outputs using F-1 score for the positive label, and also relax this evaluation to consider “off-by-n” F-1 i.e., if the model predicts scene changes within n shots of the ground truth. This is a more realistic measure for our use cases due to the human-in-the-loop setting that these models are deployed in.
  • As with previous work, adding audio features improves results by 10–15%. A primary driver of variation in performance is late vs. early fusion.
  • Late fusion is consistently 3–7% better than early fusion. Intuitively, this result makes sense — the temporal dependencies between shots is likely modality-specific and should be encoded separately.


We have presented two complementary approaches to scene boundary detection that leverage a variety of available modalities — screenplay, audio, and video. Logically, the next steps are to a) combine these approaches and use screenplay features in a unified model and b) generalize the outputs across multiple shot-level inference tasks, e.g. shot type classification and memorable moments identification, as we hypothesize that this path would be useful for training general purpose video understanding models of longer-form content. Longer-form content also contains more complex narrative structure, and we envision this work as the first in a series of projects that aim to better integrate narrative understanding in our multimodal machine learning models.

Special thanks to Amir Ziai, Anna Pulido, and Angie Pollema.


  1. Sometimes referred to as boundary detection to avoid confusion with image segmentation techniques.
  2. Descriptive (non-dialogue) lines that describe the salient aspects of a scene.
  3. For two sources X and Y, if a) shot a in source X is aligned to shot b in source Y, b) shot c in source X is aligned to shot d in source Y, and c) shot c comes after shot a in X, then d) shot d has to come after shot b in Y.
  4. We experiment with adding a Conditional Random Field (CRF) layer on top to enforce some notion of global consistency, but found it did not improve the results noticeably.

Detecting Scene Changes in Audiovisual Content was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Migrating Netflix to GraphQL Safely

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

By Jennifer Shin, Tejas Shikhare, Will Emmanuel

In 2022, a major change was made to Netflix’s iOS and Android applications. We migrated Netflix’s mobile apps to GraphQL with zero downtime, which involved a total overhaul from the client to the API layer.

Until recently, an internal API framework, Falcor, powered our mobile apps. They are now backed by Federated GraphQL, a distributed approach to APIs where domain teams can independently manage and own specific sections of the API.

Doing this safely for 100s of millions of customers without disruption is exceptionally challenging, especially considering the many dimensions of change involved. This blog post will share broadly-applicable techniques (beyond GraphQL) we used to perform this migration. The three strategies we will discuss today are AB Testing, Replay Testing, and Sticky Canaries.

Migration Details

Before diving into these techniques, let’s briefly examine the migration plan.

Before GraphQL: Monolithic Falcor API implemented and maintained by the API Team

Before moving to GraphQL, our API layer consisted of a monolithic server built with Falcor. A single API team maintained both the Java implementation of the Falcor framework and the API Server.

Phase 1

Created a GraphQL Shim Service on top of our existing Monolith Falcor API.

By the summer of 2020, many UI engineers were ready to move to GraphQL. Instead of embarking on a full-fledged migration top to bottom, we created a GraphQL shim on top of our existing Falcor API. The GraphQL shim enabled client engineers to move quickly onto GraphQL, figure out client-side concerns like cache normalization, experiment with different GraphQL clients, and investigate client performance without being blocked by server-side migrations. To launch Phase 1 safely, we used AB Testing.

Phase 2

Deprecate the GraphQL Shim Service and Legacy API Monolith in favor of GraphQL services owned by the domain teams.

We didn’t want the legacy Falcor API to linger forever, so we leaned into Federated GraphQL to power a single GraphQL API with multiple GraphQL servers.

We could also swap out the implementation of a field from GraphQL Shim to Video API with federation directives. To launch Phase 2 safely, we used Replay Testing and Sticky Canaries.

Testing Strategies: A Summary

Two key factors determined our testing strategies:

  • Functional vs. non-functional requirements
  • Idempotency

If we were testing functional requirements like data accuracy, and if the request was idempotent, we relied on Replay Testing. We knew we could test the same query with the same inputs and consistently expect the same results.

We couldn’t replay test GraphQL queries or mutations that requested non-idempotent fields.

And we definitely couldn’t replay test non-functional requirements like caching and logging user interaction. In such cases, we were not testing for response data but overall behavior. So, we relied on higher-level metrics-based testing: AB Testing and Sticky Canaries.

Let’s discuss the three testing strategies in further detail.

Tool: AB Testing

Netflix traditionally uses AB Testing to evaluate whether new product features resonate with customers. In Phase 1, we leveraged the AB testing framework to isolate a user segment into two groups totaling 1 million users. The control group’s traffic utilized the legacy Falcor stack, while the experiment population leveraged the new GraphQL client and was directed to the GraphQL Shim. To determine customer impact, we could compare various metrics such as error rates, latencies, and time to render.

We set up a client-side AB experiment that tested Falcor versus GraphQL and reported coarse-grained quality of experience metrics (QoE). The AB experiment results hinted that GraphQL’s correctness was not up to par with the legacy system. We spent the next few months diving into these high-level metrics and fixing issues such as cache TTLs, flawed client assumptions, etc.


High-Level Health Metrics: AB Testing provided the assurance we needed in our overall client-side GraphQL implementation. This helped us successfully migrate 100% of the traffic on the mobile homepage canvas to GraphQL in 6 months.


Error Diagnosis: With an AB test, we could see coarse-grained metrics which pointed to potential issues, but it was challenging to diagnose the exact issues.

Tool: Replay Testing — Validation at Scale!

The next phase in the migration was to reimplement our existing Falcor API in a GraphQL-first server (Video API Service). The Falcor API had become a logic-heavy monolith with over a decade of tech debt. So we had to ensure that the reimplemented Video API server was bug-free and identical to the already productized Shim service.

We developed a Replay Testing tool to verify that idempotent APIs were migrated correctly from the GraphQL Shim to the Video API service.

How does it work?

The Replay Testing framework leverages the @override directive available in GraphQL Federation. This directive tells the GraphQL Gateway to route to one GraphQL server over another. Take, for instance, the following two GraphQL schemas defined by the Shim Service and the Video Service:

The GraphQL Shim first defined the certificationRating field (things like Rated R or PG-13) in Phase 1. In Phase 2, we stood up the VideoService and defined the same certificationRating field marked with the @override directive. The presence of the identical field with the @override directive informed the GraphQL Gateway to route the resolution of this field to the new Video Service rather than the old Shim Service.

The Replay Tester tool samples raw traffic streams from Mantis. With these sampled events, the tool can capture a live request from production and run an identical GraphQL query against both the GraphQL Shim and the new Video API service. The tool then compares the results and outputs any differences in response payloads.

Note: We do not replay test Personally Identifiable Information. It’s used only for non-sensitive product features on the Netflix UI.

Once the test is completed, the engineer can view the diffs displayed as a flattened JSON node. You can see the control value on the left side of the comma in parentheses and the experiment value on the right.

/data/videos/0/tags/3/id: (81496962, null)
/data/videos/0/tags/5/displayName: (Série, value: “S\303\251rie”)

We captured two diffs above, the first had missing data for an ID field in the experiment, and the second had an encoding difference. We also saw differences in localization, date precisions, and floating point accuracy. It gave us confidence in replicated business logic, where subscriber plans and user geographic location determined the customer’s catalog availability.


  • Confidence in parity between the two GraphQL Implementations
  • Enabled tuning configs in cases where data was missing due to over-eager timeouts
  • Tested business logic that required many (unknown) inputs and where correctness can be hard to eyeball


  • PII and non-idempotent APIs should not be tested using Replay Tests, and it would be valuable to have a mechanism to prevent that.
  • Manually constructed queries are only as good as the features the developer remembers to test. We ended up with untested fields simply because we forgot about them.
  • Correctness: The idea of correctness can be confusing too. For example, is it more correct for an array to be empty or null, or is it just noise? Ultimately, we matched the existing behavior as much as possible because verifying the robustness of the client’s error handling was difficult.

Despite these shortcomings, Replay Testing was a key indicator that we had achieved functional correctness of most idempotent queries.

Tool: Sticky Canary

While Replay Testing validates the functional correctness of the new GraphQL APIs, it does not provide any performance or business metric insight, such as the overall perceived health of user interaction. Are users clicking play at the same rates? Are things loading in time before the user loses interest? Replay Testing also cannot be used for non-idempotent API validation. We reached for a Netflix tool called the Sticky Canary to build confidence.

A Sticky Canary is an infrastructure experiment where customers are assigned either to a canary or baseline host for the entire duration of an experiment. All incoming traffic is allocated to an experimental or baseline host based on their device and profile, similar to a bucket hash. The experimental host deployment serves all the customers assigned to the experiment. Watch our Chaos Engineering talk from AWS Reinvent to learn more about Sticky Canaries.

In the case of our GraphQL APIs, we used a Sticky Canary experiment to run two instances of our GraphQL gateway. The baseline gateway used the existing schema, which routes all traffic to the GraphQL Shim. The experimental gateway used the new proposed schema, which routes traffic to the latest Video API service. Zuul, our primary edge gateway, assigns traffic to either cluster based on the experiment parameters.

We then collect and analyze the performance of the two clusters. Some KPIs we monitor closely include:

  • Median and tail latencies
  • Error rates
  • Logs
  • Resource utilization–CPU, network traffic, memory, disk
  • Device QoE (Quality of Experience) metrics
  • Streaming health metrics

We started small, with tiny customer allocations for hour-long experiments. After validating performance, we slowly built up scope. We increased the percentage of customer allocations, introduced multi-region tests, and eventually 12-hour or day-long experiments. Validating along the way is essential since Sticky Canaries impact live production traffic and are assigned persistently to a customer.

After several sticky canary experiments, we had assurance that phase 2 of the migration improved all core metrics, and we could dial up GraphQL globally with confidence.


Sticky Canaries was essential to build confidence in our new GraphQL services.

  • Non-Idempotent APIs: these tests are compatible with mutating or non-idempotent APIs
  • Business metrics: Sticky Canaries validated our core Netflix business metrics had improved after the migration
  • System performance: Insights into latency and resource usage help us understand how scaling profiles change after migration


  • Negative Customer Impact: Sticky Canaries can impact real users. We needed confidence in our new services before persistently routing some customers to them. This is partially mitigated by real-time impact detection, which will automatically cancel experiments.
  • Short-lived: Sticky Canaries are meant for short-lived experiments. For longer-lived tests, a full-blown AB test should be used.

In Summary

Technology is constantly changing, and we, as engineers, spend a large part of our careers performing migrations. The question is not whether we are migrating but whether we are migrating safely, with zero downtime, in a timely manner.

At Netflix, we have developed tools that ensure confidence in these migrations, targeted toward each specific use case being tested. We covered three tools, AB testing, Replay Testing, and Sticky Canaries that we used for the GraphQL Migration.

This blog post is part of our Migrating Critical Traffic series. Also, check out: Migrating Critical Traffic at Scale (part 1, part 2) and Ensuring the Successful Launch of Ads.

Migrating Netflix to GraphQL Safely was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Migrating Critical Traffic At Scale with No Downtime — Part 2

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

Migrating Critical Traffic At Scale with No Downtime — Part 2

Shyam Gala, Javier Fernandez-Ivern, Anup Rokkam Pratap, Devang Shah

Picture yourself enthralled by the latest episode of your beloved Netflix series, delighting in an uninterrupted, high-definition streaming experience. Behind these perfect moments of entertainment is a complex mechanism, with numerous gears and cogs working in harmony. But what happens when this machinery needs a transformation? This is where large-scale system migrations come into play. Our previous blog post presented replay traffic testing — a crucial instrument in our toolkit that allows us to implement these transformations with precision and reliability.

Replay traffic testing gives us the initial foundation of validation, but as our migration process unfolds, we are met with the need for a carefully controlled migration process. A process that doesn’t just minimize risk, but also facilitates a continuous evaluation of the rollout’s impact. This blog post will delve into the techniques leveraged at Netflix to introduce these changes to production.

Sticky Canaries

Canary deployments are an effective mechanism for validating changes to a production backend service in a controlled and limited manner, thus mitigating the risk of unforeseen consequences that may arise due to the change. This process involves creating two new clusters for the updated service; a baseline cluster containing the current version running in production and a canary cluster containing the new version of the service. A small percentage of production traffic is redirected to the two new clusters, allowing us to monitor the new version’s performance and compare it against the current version. By collecting and analyzing key performance metrics of the service over time, we can assess the impact of the new changes and determine if they meet the availability, latency, and performance requirements.

Some product features require a lifecycle of requests between the customer device and a set of backend services to drive the feature. For instance, video playback functionality on Netflix involves requesting URLs for the streams from a service, calling the CDN to download the bits from the streams, requesting a license to decrypt the streams from a separate service, and sending telemetry indicating the successful start of playback to yet another service. By tracking metrics only at the level of service being updated, we might miss capturing deviations in broader end-to-end system functionality.

Sticky Canary is an improvement to the traditional canary process that addresses this limitation. In this variation, the canary framework creates a pool of unique customer devices and then routes traffic for this pool consistently to the canary and baseline clusters for the duration of the experiment. Apart from measuring service-level metrics, the canary framework is able to keep track of broader system operational and customer metrics across the canary pool and thereby detect regressions on the entire request lifecycle flow.

Sticky Canary

It is important to note that with sticky canaries, devices in the canary pool continue to be routed to the canary throughout the experiment, potentially resulting in undesirable behavior persisting through retries on customer devices. Therefore, the canary framework is designed to monitor operational and customer KPI metrics to detect persistent deviations and terminate the canary experiment if necessary.

Canaries and sticky canaries are valuable tools in the system migration process. Compared to replay testing, canaries allow us to extend the validation scope beyond the service level. They enable verification of the broader end-to-end system functionality across the request lifecycle for that functionality, giving us confidence that the migration will not cause any disruptions to the customer experience. Canaries also provide an opportunity to measure system performance under different load conditions, allowing us to identify and resolve any performance bottlenecks. They enable us to further fine-tune and configure the system, ensuring the new changes are integrated smoothly and seamlessly.

A/B Testing

A/B testing is a widely recognized method for verifying hypotheses through a controlled experiment. It involves dividing a portion of the population into two or more groups, each receiving a different treatment. The results are then evaluated using specific metrics to determine whether the hypothesis is valid. The industry frequently employs the technique to assess hypotheses related to product evolution and user interaction. It is also widely utilized at Netflix to test changes to product behavior and customer experience.

A/B testing is also a valuable tool for assessing significant changes to backend systems. We can determine A/B test membership in either device application or backend code and selectively invoke new code paths and services. Within the context of migrations, A/B testing enables us to limit exposure to the migrated system by enabling the new path for a smaller percentage of the member base. Thereby controlling the risk of unexpected behavior resulting from the new changes. A/B testing is also a key technique in migrations where the updates to the architecture involve changing device contracts as well.

Canary experiments are typically conducted over periods ranging from hours to days. However, in certain instances, migration-related experiments may be required to span weeks or months to obtain a more accurate understanding of the impact on specific Quality of Experience (QoE) metrics. Additionally, in-depth analyses of particular business Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) may require longer experiments. For instance, envision a migration scenario where we enhance the playback quality, anticipating that this improvement will lead to more customers engaging with the play button. Assessing relevant metrics across a considerable sample size is crucial for obtaining a reliable and confident evaluation of the hypothesis. A/B frameworks work as effective tools to accommodate this next step in the confidence-building process.

In addition to supporting extended durations, A/B testing frameworks offer other supplementary capabilities. This approach enables test allocation restrictions based on factors such as geography, device platforms, and device versions, while also allowing for analysis of migration metrics across similar dimensions. This ensures that the changes do not disproportionately impact specific customer segments. A/B testing also provides adaptability, permitting adjustments to allocation size throughout the experiment.

We might not use A/B testing for every backend migration. Instead, we use it for migrations in which changes are expected to impact device QoE or business KPIs significantly. For example, as discussed earlier, if the planned changes are expected to improve client QoE metrics, we would test the hypothesis via A/B testing.

Dialing Traffic

After completing the various stages of validation, such as replay testing, sticky canaries, and A/B tests, we can confidently assert that the planned changes will not significantly impact SLAs (service-level-agreement), device level QoE, or business KPIs. However, it is imperative that the final rollout is regulated to ensure that any unnoticed and unexpected problems do not disrupt the customer experience. To this end, we have implemented traffic dialing as the last step in mitigating the risk associated with enabling the changes in production.

A dial is a software construct that enables the controlled flow of traffic within a system. This construct samples inbound requests using a distribution function and determines whether they should be routed to the new path or kept on the existing path. The decision-making process involves assessing whether the distribution function’s output aligns within the range of the predefined target percentage. The sampling is done consistently using a fixed parameter associated with the request. The target percentage is controlled via a globally scoped dynamic property that can be updated in real-time. By increasing or decreasing the target percentage, traffic flow to the new path can be regulated instantaneously.


The selection of the actual sampling parameter depends on the specific migration requirements. A dial can be used to randomly sample all requests, which is achieved by selecting a variable parameter like a timestamp or a random number. Alternatively, in scenarios where the system path must remain constant with respect to customer devices, a constant device attribute such as deviceId is selected as the sampling parameter. Dials can be applied in several places, such as device application code, the relevant server component, or even at the API gateway for edge API systems, making them a versatile tool for managing migrations in complex systems.

Traffic is dialed over to the new system in measured discrete steps. At every step, relevant stakeholders are informed, and key metrics are monitored, including service, device, operational, and business metrics. If we discover an unexpected issue or notice metrics trending in an undesired direction during the migration, the dial gives us the capability to quickly roll back the traffic to the old path and address the issue.

The dialing steps can also be scoped at the data center level if traffic is served from multiple data centers. We can start by dialing traffic in a single data center to allow for an easier side-by-side comparison of key metrics across data centers, thereby making it easier to observe any deviations in the metrics. The duration of how long we run the actual discrete dialing steps can also be adjusted. Running the dialing steps for longer periods increases the probability of surfacing issues that may only affect a small group of members or devices and might have been too low to capture and perform shadow traffic analysis. We can complete the final step of migrating all the production traffic to the new system using the combination of gradual step-wise dialing and monitoring.

Migrating Persistent Stores

Stateful APIs pose unique challenges that require different strategies. While the replay testing technique discussed in the previous part of this blog series can be employed, additional measures outlined earlier are necessary.

This alternate migration strategy has proven effective for our systems that meet certain criteria. Specifically, our data model is simple, self-contained, and immutable, with no relational aspects. Our system doesn’t require strict consistency guarantees and does not use database transactions. We adopt an ETL-based dual-write strategy that roughly follows this sequence of steps:

  • Initial Load through an ETL process: Data is extracted from the source data store, transformed into the new model, and written to the newer data store through an offline job. We use custom queries to verify the completeness of the migrated records.
  • Continuous migration via Dual-writes: We utilize an active-active/dual-writes strategy to migrate the bulk of the data. As a safety mechanism, we use dials (discussed previously) to control the proportion of writes that go to the new data store. To maintain state parity across both stores, we write all state-altering requests of an entity to both stores. This is achieved by selecting a sampling parameter that makes the dial sticky to the entity’s lifecycle. We incrementally turn the dial up as we gain confidence in the system while carefully monitoring its overall health. The dial also acts as a switch to turn off all writes to the new data store if necessary.
  • Continuous verification of records: When a record is read, the service reads from both data stores and verifies the functional correctness of the new record if found in both stores. One can perform this comparison live on the request path or offline based on the latency requirements of the particular use case. In the case of a live comparison, we can return records from the new datastore when the records match. This process gives us an idea of the functional correctness of the migration.
  • Evaluation of migration completeness: To verify the completeness of the records, cold storage services are used to take periodic data dumps from the two data stores and compared for completeness. Gaps in the data are filled back with an ETL process.
  • Cut-over and clean-up: Once the data is verified for correctness and completeness, dual writes and reads are disabled, any client code is cleaned up, and read/writes only occur to the new data store.
Migrating Stateful Systems


Clean-up of any migration-related code and configuration after the migration is crucial to ensure the system runs smoothly and efficiently and we don’t build up tech debt and complexity. Once the migration is complete and validated, all migration-related code, such as traffic dials, A/B tests, and replay traffic integrations, can be safely removed from the system. This includes cleaning up configuration changes, reverting to the original settings, and disabling any temporary components added during the migration. In addition, it is important to document the entire migration process and keep records of any issues encountered and their resolution. By performing a thorough clean-up and documentation process, future migrations can be executed more efficiently and effectively, building on the lessons learned from the previous migrations.

Parting Thoughts

We have utilized a range of techniques outlined in our blog posts to conduct numerous large, medium, and small-scale migrations on the Netflix platform. Our efforts have been largely successful, with minimal to no downtime or significant issues encountered. Throughout the process, we have gained valuable insights and refined our techniques. It should be noted that not all of the techniques presented are universally applicable, as each migration presents its own unique set of circumstances. Determining the appropriate level of validation, testing, and risk mitigation requires careful consideration of several factors, including the nature of the changes, potential impacts on customer experience, engineering effort, and product priorities. Ultimately, we aim to achieve seamless migrations without disruptions or downtime.

In a series of forthcoming blog posts, we will explore a selection of specific use cases where the techniques highlighted in this blog series were utilized effectively. They will focus on a comprehensive analysis of the Ads Tier Launch and an extensive GraphQL migration for various product APIs. These posts will offer readers invaluable insights into the practical application of these methodologies in real-world situations.

Migrating Critical Traffic At Scale with No Downtime — Part 2 was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Escrow Buddy: An open-source tool from Netflix for remediation of missing FileVault keys in MDM

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

Netflix has open-sourced Escrow Buddy, which helps Security and IT teams ensure they have valid FileVault recovery keys for all their Macs in MDM.

To be a client systems engineer is to take joy in small endpoint automations that make your fellow employees’ day a little better. When somebody is unable to log into their FileVault-encrypted Mac, few words are more joyful to hear than a support technician saying, “I’ve got your back. Let’s look up the recovery key.”

Securely and centrally escrowing FileVault personal recovery keys is one of many capabilities offered by Mobile Device Management (MDM). A configuration profile that contains the FDERecoveryKeyEscrow payload will cause any new recovery key generated on the device, either by initially enabling FileVault or by manually changing the recovery key, to be automatically escrowed to your MDM for later retrieval if needed.

The problem of missing FileVault keys

However, just because you’re deploying the MDM escrow payload to your managed Macs doesn’t necessarily mean you have valid recovery keys for all of them. Recovery keys can be missing from MDM for numerous reasons:

  • FileVault may have been enabled prior to enrollment in MDM
  • The MDM escrow payload may not have been present on the Mac due to scoping issues or misconfiguration on your MDM
  • The Macs may be migrating from a different MDM in which the keys are stored
  • MDM database corruption or data loss events may have claimed some or all of your escrowed keys

Regardless of the cause, the effect is people who get locked out of their Macs must resort to wiping their computer and starting fresh — a productivity killer if your data is backed up, and a massive data loss event if it’s not backed up.

Less than ideal solutions

IT and security teams have approached this problem from multiple angles in the past. On a per-computer basis, a new key can be generated by disabling and re-enabling FileVault, but this leaves the computer in an unencrypted state briefly and requires multiple steps. The built-in fdesetup command line tool can also be used to generate a new key, but not all users are comfortable entering Terminal commands. Plus, neither of these ideas scale to meet the needs of a fleet of Macs hundreds or thousands strong.

Another approach has been to use a tool capable of displaying an onscreen text input field to the user in order to display a password prompt, and then pass the provided password as input to the fdesetup tool for generating a new key. However, this requires IT and security teams to communicate in advance of the remediation campaign to affected users, in order to give them the context they need to respond to the additional password prompt. Even more concerning, this password prompt approach has a detrimental effect on security culture because it contributes to “consent fatigue.” Users will be more likely to approve other types of password prompt, which may inadvertently prime them to be targeted by malware or ransomware.

The ideal solution would be one which can be automated across your entire fleet while not requiring any additional user interaction.

Crypt and its authorization plugin

macOS authorization plugins provide a way to connect with Apple’s authorization services API and participate in decisions around user login. They can also facilitate automations that require information available only in the “login window” context, such as the provided username and password.

Relatively few authorization plugins are broadly used within the Mac admin community, but one popular example is the Crypt agent. In its typical configuration the Crypt agent enforces FileVault upon login and escrows the resulting recovery key to a corresponding Crypt server. The agent also enables rotation of recovery keys after use, local storage and validation of recovery keys, and other features.

While the Crypt agent can be deployed standalone and configured to simply regenerate a key upon next login, escrowing keys to MDM isn’t Crypt’s primary use case. Additionally, not all organizations have the time, expertise, or interest to commit to hosting a Crypt server and its accompanying database, or auditing the parts of Crypt’s codebase relating to its server capabilities.

Introducing Escrow Buddy

Inspired by Crypt’s example, our Client Systems Engineering team created a minimal authorization plugin focused on serving the needs of organizations who escrow FileVault keys to MDM only. We call this new tool Escrow Buddy.

Escrow Buddy logo

Escrow Buddy’s authorization plugin includes a mechanism that, when added to the macOS login authorization database, will use the logging in user’s credentials as input to the fdesetup tool to automatically and seamlessly generate a new key during login. By integrating with the familiar and trusted macOS login experience, Escrow Buddy eliminates the need to display additional prompts or on-screen messages.

Security and IT teams can take advantage of Escrow Buddy in three steps:

  1. Ensure your MDM is deploying the FDERecoveryKeyEscrow payload to your managed Macs. This will ensure any newly generated FileVault key, no matter the method of generation, will be automatically escrowed to MDM.
  2. Deploy Escrow Buddy. The latest installer is available here, and you can choose to deploy to all your managed Macs or just the subset for which you need to escrow new keys.
  3. On Macs that lack a valid escrowed key, configure your MDM to run this command in root context:
defaults write /Library/Preferences/ GenerateNewKey -bool true

That’s it! At next startup or login, the specified Macs should generate a new key, which will be automatically escrowed to your MDM when the Mac next responds to a SecurityInfo command. (Timing varies by MDM vendor but this is often during an inventory update.)

Community contribution

Netflix is making Escrow Buddy’s source available via the Mac Admins Open Source organization on GitHub, the home of many other important projects in the Mac IT and security community, including Nudge, InstallApplications, Outset, and the Munki signed builds. Thousands of organizations worldwide benefit from the tools and ideas shared by the Mac admin community, and Netflix is excited that Escrow Buddy will be among them.

The Escrow Buddy repository leverages GitHub Actions to streamline the process of building new codesigned and notarized releases when new changes are merged into the main branch. Our hope is that this will make it easy for contributors to collaborate and improve upon Escrow Buddy.

A rising tide…

Escrow Buddy represents our desire to elevate the industry standard around FileVault key regeneration. If your organization currently employs a password prompt workflow for this scenario, please consider trying Escrow Buddy instead. We hope you’ll find it more automatic, more supportive of security culture, and enables you to more often say “I’ve got your back” to your fellow employees who need a recovery key.

Elliot Jordan

Escrow Buddy: An open-source tool from Netflix for remediation of missing FileVault keys in MDM was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Native Frame Rate Playback

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

by Akshay Garg, Roger Quero


Maximizing immersion for our members is an important goal for the Netflix product and engineering teams to keep our members entertained and fully engaged in our content. Leveraging a good mix of mature and cutting-edge client device technologies to deliver a smooth playback experience with glitch-free in-app transitions is an important step towards achieving this goal. In this article we explain our journey towards productizing a better viewing experience for our members by utilizing features and capabilities in consumer streaming devices.

If you have a streaming device connected to your TV, such as a Roku Set Top Box (STB) or an Amazon FireTV Stick, you may have come across an option in the device display setting pertaining to content frame rate. Device manufacturers often call this feature “Match Content Frame Rate”, “Auto adjust display refresh rate” or something similar. If you’ve ever wondered what these features are and how they can improve your viewing experience, keep reading — the following sections cover the basics of this feature and explain the details of how the Netflix application uses it.


Netflix’s content catalog is composed of video captured and encoded in one of various frame rates ranging from 23.97 to 60 frames per second (fps). When a member chooses to watch a movie or a TV show on a source device (ex. Set-top box, Streaming stick, Game Console, etc…) the content is delivered and then decoded at its native frame rate, which is the frame rate it was captured and encoded in. After the decode step, the source device converts it to the HDMI output frame rate which was configured based on the capabilities of the HDMI input port of the connected sink device (TV, AVR, Monitor etc). In general, the output frame rate over HDMI is automatically set to 50fps for PAL regions and 60fps for NTSC regions.

Netflix offers limited high frame rate content (50fps or 60fps), but the majority of our catalog and viewing hours can be attributed to members watching 23.97 to 30fps content. This essentially means that most of the time, our content goes through a process called frame rate conversion (aka FRC) on the source device which converts the content from its native frame rate to match the HDMI output frame rate by replicating frames. Figure 1 illustrates a simple FRC algorithm that converts 24fps content to 60fps.

Figure 1 : 3:2 pulldown technique to convert 24FPS content to 60FPS

Converting the content and transmitting it over HDMI at the output frame rate sounds logical and straightforward. In fact, FRC works well when the output frame rate is an integer multiple of the native frame rate ( ex. 24→48, 25→50, 30→60, 24→120, etc…). On the other hand, FRC introduces a visual artifact called Judder when non-integer multiple conversion is required (ex. 24→60, 25→60, etc…), which manifests as choppy video playback as illustrated below:

With Judder
Without Judder

It is important to note that the severity of the judder depends on the replication pattern. For this reason, judder is more prominent in PAL regions because of the process of converting 24fps content to 50fps over HDMI (see Figure 2):

  • Total of 50 frames must be transmitted over HDMI per second
  • Source device must replicate the original 24 frames to fill in the missing 26 frames
  • 50 output frames from 24 original frames are derived as follows:
  • 22 frames are duplicated ( total of 44 frames )
  • 2 frames are repeated three times ( total of 6 frames )
Figure 2: Example of a 24 to 50fps frame rate conversion algorithm

As a review, judder is more pronounced when the frequency of the number of repeated frames is inconsistent and spread out e.g. in the scenario mentioned above, the frame replication factor varies between 2 and 3 resulting in a more prominent judder.

Judder Mitigation Solutions

Now that we have a better understanding of the issue, let’s review the solutions that Netflix has invested in. Due to the fragmented nature of device capabilities in the ecosystem, we explored multiple solutions to address this issue for as many devices as possible. Each unique solution leverages existing or new source device capabilities and comes with various tradeoffs.

Solution #1: Match HDMI frame rate to content Native Frame Rate

The first solution we explored and recently enabled leverages the capability of existing source & sink devices to change the outgoing frame rate on the HDMI link. Once this feature is enabled in the system settings, devices will match the HDMI output frame rate with the content frame rate, either exactly or an integer multiple, without user intervention.

While this sounds like the perfect solution, devices that support older HDMI technologies e.g. HDMI v<2.1, can’t change the frame rate without also changing the HDMI data rate. This results in what is often referred as an “HDMI bonk” which causes the TV to display a blank screen momentarily. Not only is this a disruptive experience for members, but the duration of the blank screen varies depending on how fast the source and sink devices can resynchronize. Figure 3 below is an example of how this transition looks:

Figure 3: Native frame rate experience with screen blanking

Solution #2 : Match HDMI frame rate to content Native Frame Rate w/o screen blanking

Improvements in the recent HDMI standards (HDMI 2.1+) now allow a source device to send the video content at its native frame rate without needing an HDMI resynchronization. This is possible through an innovative technology called Quick Media Switching (QMS) which is an extension of Variable Refresh Rate (VRR) targeted for content playback scenarios. QMS allows a source device to maintain a constant data rate on the HDMI link even during transmission of content with different frame rates. It does so by adjusting the amount of non-visible padding data while keeping the amount of visible video data constant. Due to the constant HDMI data rate, the HDMI transmitter and receiver don’t need to resynchronize, leading to a seamless/glitch-free transition as illustrated in Figure 4.

HDMI QMS is positioned to be the ideal solution to address the problem we are presenting. Unfortunately, at present, this technology is relatively new and adoption into source and sink devices will take time.

Figure 4: Native frame rate experience without screen blanking using HDMI QMS

Solution #3: Frame Rate Conversion within Netflix Application

Apart from the above HDMI specification dependent solutions, it is possible for an application like Netflix to manipulate the presentation time stamp value of each video frame to minimize the effect of judder i.e. the application can present video frames to the underlying source device platform at a cadence that can help the source device to minimize the judder associated with FRC on the HDMI output link.

Let us understand this idea with the help of an example. Let’s go back to the same 24 to 50 fps FRC scenario that was covered earlier. But, instead of thinking about the FRC rate per second (24 ⇒ 50 fps), let’s expand the FRC calculation time period to 3 seconds (24*3 = 72 ⇒50*3 = 150 fps). For content with a native frame rate of 24 fps, the source device needs to get 72 frames from the streaming application in a period of 3 seconds. Now instead of sending 24 frames per second at a regular per second cadence, for each 3 second period the Netflix application can decide to send 25 frames in the first 2 seconds (25 x 2 = 50) and 22 frames in the 3rd second thereby still sending a total of 72 (50+22) frames in 3 seconds. This approach creates an even FRC in the first 2 seconds (25 frames replicated twice evenly) and in the 3rd second the source device can do a 22 to 50 fps FRC which will create less visual judder compared to the 24->50 fps FRC given a more even frame replication pattern. This concept is illustrated in Figure 5 below.

Figure 5: FRC Algorithm from Solution#3 for 24 to 50 fps conversion

NOTE: This solution was developed by David Zheng in the Partner Experience Technology team at Netflix. Watch out for an upcoming article going into further details of this solution.

How the Netflix Application Uses these Solutions

Given the possible solutions available to use and the associated benefits and limitations, the Netflix application running on a source device adapts to use one of these approaches based on factors such as source and sink device capabilities, user preferences and the specific use case within the Netflix application. Let’s walk through each of these aspects briefly.

Device Capability

Every source device that integrates the Netflix application is required to let the application know if it and the connected sink device have the ability to send and receive video content at its native frame rate. In addition, a source device is required to inform whether it can support QMS and perform a seamless playback start of any content at its native frame rate on the connected HDMI link.

As discussed in the introduction section, the presence of a system setting like “Match Content Frame Rate” typically indicates that a source device is capable of this feature.

User Preference

Even if a source device and the connected sink can support Native content frame rate streaming (seamless or non-seamless), a user might have selected not to do this via the source device system settings e.g. “Match Content Frame Rate” set to “Never”. Or they might have indicated a preference of doing this only when the native content frame rate play start can happen in a seamless manner e.g. “Match Content Frame Rate” set to “Seamless”.

The Netflix application needs to know this user selection in order to honor their preference. Hence, source devices are expected to relay this user preference to the Netflix application to help with this run-time decision making.

Netflix Use Case

In spite of source device capability and the user preferences collectively indicating that the Native Content Frame Rate streaming should be enabled, the Netflix application can decide to disable this feature for specific member experiences. As an example, when the user is browsing Netflix content in the home UI, we cannot play Netflix trailers in their Native frame rate due to the following reasons:

  • If using Solution # 1, when the Netflix trailers are encoded in varying content frame rates, switching between trailers will result in screen blanking, thereby making the UI browsing unusable.
  • If using Solution # 2, sending Netflix trailers in their Native frame rate would mean that the associated UI components (movement of cursor, asset selection etc) would also be displayed at the reduced frame rate and this will result in a sluggish UI browsing experience. This is because on HDMI output from the source device, both graphics (Netflix application UI) and video components will go out at the same frame rate (native content frame rate of the trailer) after being blended together on the source device.

To handle these issues we follow an approach as shown in Figure 6 below where we enable the Native Frame Rate playback experience only when the user selects a title and watches it in full screen with minimal graphical UI elements.

Figure 6: Native Frame Rate usage within Netflix application


This article presented features that aim to improve the content playback experience on HDMI source devices. The breadth of available technical solutions, user selectable preferences, device capabilities and the application of each of these permutations in the context of various in-app member journeys represent a typical engineering and product decision framework at Netflix. Here at Netflix, our goal is to maximize immersion for our members through introduction of new features that will improve their viewing experience and keep them fully engaged in our content.


We would like to acknowledge the hard work of a number of teams that came together to deliver the features being discussed in this document. These include Core UI and JS Player development, Netflix Application Software development, AV Test and Tooling (earlier article from this team), Partner Engineering and Product teams in the Consumer Engineering organization and our data science friends in the Data Science and Engineering organization at Netflix. Diagrams in this article are courtesy of our Partner Enterprise Platform XD team.

Native Frame Rate Playback was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Ensuring the Successful Launch of Ads on Netflix

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

By Jose Fernandez, Ed Barker, Hank Jacobs


In November 2022, we introduced a brand new tier — Basic with ads. This tier extended existing infrastructure by adding new backend components and a new remote call to our ads partner on the playback path. As we were gearing up for launch, we wanted to ensure it would go as smoothly as possible. To do this, we devised a novel way to simulate the projected traffic weeks ahead of launch by building upon the traffic migration framework described here. We used this simulation to help us surface problems of scale and validate our Ads algorithms.

Basic with ads was launched worldwide on November 3rd. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the methods we used to ensure a successful launch, including:

  • How we tested the system
  • Netflix technologies involved
  • Best practices we developed

Realistic Test Traffic

Netflix traffic ebbs and flows throughout the day in a sinusoidal pattern. New content or national events may drive brief spikes, but, by and large, traffic is usually smoothly increasing or decreasing. An exception to this trend is when we redirect traffic between AWS data centers during regional evacuations, which leads to sudden spikes in traffic in multiple regions. Region evacuations can occur at any time, for a variety of reasons.

Typical SPS distribution across data centers
SPS distribution across data centers during regional traffic shifts
Fig. 1: Traffic Patterns

While evaluating options to test anticipated load and evaluate our ad selection algorithms at scale, we realized that mimicking member viewing behavior in combination with the seasonality of our organic traffic with abrupt regional shifts were important requirements. Replaying real traffic and making it appear as Basic with ads traffic was a better solution than artificially simulating Netflix traffic. Replay traffic enabled us to test our new systems and algorithms at scale before launch, while also making the traffic as realistic as possible.

The Setup

A key objective of this initiative was to ensure that our customers were not impacted. We used member viewing habits to drive the simulation, but customers did not see any ads as a result. Achieving this goal required extensive planning and implementation of measures to isolate the replay traffic environment from the production environment.

Netflix’s data science team provided projections of what the Basic with ads subscriber count would look like a month after launch. We used this information to simulate a subscriber population through our AB testing platform. When traffic matching our AB test criteria arrived at our playback services, we stored copies of those requests in a Mantis stream.

Next, we launched a Mantis job that processed all requests in the stream and replayed them in a duplicate production environment created for replay traffic. We set the services in this environment to “replay traffic” mode, which meant that they did not alter state and were programmed to treat the request as being on the ads plan, which activated the components of the ads system.

The replay traffic environment generated responses containing a standard playback manifest, a JSON document containing all the necessary information for a Netflix device to start playback. It also included metadata about ads, such as ad placement and impression-tracking events. We stored these responses in a Keystone stream with outputs for Kafka and Elasticsearch. A Kafka consumer retrieved the playback manifests with ad metadata and simulated a device playing the content and triggering the impression-tracking events. We used Elasticsearch dashboards to analyze results.

Ultimately, we accurately simulated the projected Basic with ads traffic weeks ahead of the launch date.

A diagram of the systems involved in traffic replay
Fig. 2: The Traffic Replay Setup

The Rollout

To fully replay the traffic, we first validated the idea with a small percentage of traffic. The Mantis query language allowed us to set the percentage of replay traffic to process. We informed our engineering and business partners, including customer support, about the experiment and ramped up traffic incrementally while monitoring the success and error metrics through Lumen dashboards. We continued ramping up and eventually reached 100% replay. At this point we felt confident to run the replay traffic 24/7.

To validate handling traffic spikes caused by regional evacuations, we utilized Netflix’s region evacuation exercises which are scheduled regularly. By coordinating with the team in charge of region evacuations and aligning with their calendar, we validated our system and third-party touchpoints at 100% replay traffic during these exercises.

We also constructed and checked our ad monitoring and alerting system during this period. Having representative data allowed us to be more confident in our alerting thresholds. The ads team also made necessary modifications to the algorithms to achieve the desired business outcomes for launch.

Finally, we conducted chaos experiments using the ChAP experimentation platform. This allowed us to validate our fallback logic and our new systems under failure scenarios. By intentionally introducing failure into the simulation, we were able to identify points of weakness and make the necessary improvements to ensure that our ads systems were resilient and able to handle unexpected events.

The availability of replay traffic 24/7 enabled us to refine our systems and boost our launch confidence, reducing stress levels for the team.


The above summarizes three months of hard work by a tiger team consisting of representatives from various backend teams and Netflix’s centralized SRE team. This work helped ensure a successful launch of the Basic with ads tier on November 3rd.

To briefly recap, here are a few of the things that we took away from this journey:

  • Accurately simulating real traffic helps build confidence in new systems and algorithms more quickly.
  • Large scale testing using representative traffic helps to uncover bugs and operational surprises.
  • Replay traffic has other applications outside of load testing that can be leveraged to build new products and features at Netflix.

What’s Next

Replay traffic at Netflix has numerous applications, one of which has proven to be a valuable tool for development and launch readiness. The Resilience team is streamlining this simulation strategy by integrating it into the CHAP experimentation platform, making it accessible for all development teams without the need for extensive infrastructure setup. Keep an eye out for updates on this.

Ensuring the Successful Launch of Ads on Netflix was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Debugging a FUSE deadlock in the Linux kernel

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

Tycho Andersen

The Compute team at Netflix is charged with managing all AWS and containerized workloads at Netflix, including autoscaling, deployment of containers, issue remediation, etc. As part of this team, I work on fixing strange things that users report.

This particular issue involved a custom internal FUSE filesystem: ndrive. It had been festering for some time, but needed someone to sit down and look at it in anger. This blog post describes how I poked at /procto get a sense of what was going on, before posting the issue to the kernel mailing list and getting schooled on how the kernel’s wait code actually works!

Symptom: Stuck Docker Kill & A Zombie Process

We had a stuck docker API call:

goroutine 146 [select, 8817 minutes]:
net/http.(*persistConn).roundTrip(0xc000658fc0, 0xc0003fc080, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/net/http/transport.go:2610 +0x765
net/http.(*Transport).roundTrip(0xc000420140, 0xc000966200, 0x30, 0x1366f20, 0x162)
/usr/local/go/src/net/http/transport.go:592 +0xacb
net/http.(*Transport).RoundTrip(0xc000420140, 0xc000966200, 0xc000420140, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/net/http/roundtrip.go:17 +0x35
net/http.send(0xc000966200, 0x161eba0, 0xc000420140, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc00000e050, 0x3, 0x1, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/net/http/client.go:251 +0x454
net/http.(*Client).send(0xc000438480, 0xc000966200, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc00000e050, 0x0, 0x1, 0x10000168e)
/usr/local/go/src/net/http/client.go:175 +0xff
net/http.(*Client).do(0xc000438480, 0xc000966200, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/net/http/client.go:717 +0x45f
/usr/local/go/src/net/http/client.go:585, 0xc000044090, 0xc000438480, 0xc000966100, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/context/ctxhttp/ctxhttp.go:27 +0x10f*Client).doRequest(0xc0001a8200, 0x163bd48, 0xc000044090, 0xc000966100, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...)
/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/client/request.go:132 +0xbe*Client).sendRequest(0xc0001a8200, 0x163bd48, 0xc000044090, 0x13d8643, 0x3, 0xc00079a720, 0x51, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...)
/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/client/request.go:122 +0x156*Client).get(...)
/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/client/request.go:37*Client).ContainerInspect(0xc0001a8200, 0x163bd48, 0xc000044090, 0xc0006a01c0, 0x40, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...)
/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/client/container_inspect.go:18 +0x128*DockerRuntime).Kill(0xc000215180, 0x163bdb8, 0xc000938600, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0)
/var/lib/buildkite-agent/builds/ip-192-168-1-90-1/netflix/titus-executor/executor/runtime/docker/docker.go:2835 +0x310*Runner).doShutdown(0xc000432dc0, 0x163bd10, 0xc000938390, 0x1, 0xc000b821e0, 0x1d, 0xc0005e4710)
/var/lib/buildkite-agent/builds/ip-192-168-1-90-1/netflix/titus-executor/executor/runner/runner.go:326 +0x4f4*Runner).startRunner(0xc000432dc0, 0x163bdb8, 0xc00071e0c0, 0xc0a502e28c08b488, 0x24572b8, 0x1df5980)
/var/lib/buildkite-agent/builds/ip-192-168-1-90-1/netflix/titus-executor/executor/runner/runner.go:122 +0x391
created by
/var/lib/buildkite-agent/builds/ip-192-168-1-90-1/netflix/titus-executor/executor/runner/runner.go:81 +0x411

Here, our management engine has made an HTTP call to the Docker API’s unix socket asking it to kill a container. Our containers are configured to be killed via SIGKILL. But this is strange. kill(SIGKILL) should be relatively fatal, so what is the container doing?

$ docker exec -it 6643cd073492 bash
OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:380: starting container process caused: process_linux.go:130: executing setns process caused: exit status 1: unknown

Hmm. Seems like it’s alive, but setns(2) fails. Why would that be? If we look at the process tree via ps awwfux, we see:

\_ containerd-shim -namespace moby -workdir /var/lib/containerd/io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux/moby/6643cd073492ba9166100ed30dbe389ff1caef0dc3d35
| \_ [docker-init]
| \_ [ndrive] <defunct>

Ok, so the container’s init process is still alive, but it has one zombie child. What could the container’s init process possibly be doing?

# cat /proc/1528591/stack
[<0>] do_wait+0x156/0x2f0
[<0>] kernel_wait4+0x8d/0x140
[<0>] zap_pid_ns_processes+0x104/0x180
[<0>] do_exit+0xa41/0xb80
[<0>] do_group_exit+0x3a/0xa0
[<0>] __x64_sys_exit_group+0x14/0x20
[<0>] do_syscall_64+0x37/0xb0
[<0>] entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae

It is in the process of exiting, but it seems stuck. The only child is the ndrive process in Z (i.e. “zombie”) state, though. Zombies are processes that have successfully exited, and are waiting to be reaped by a corresponding wait() syscall from their parents. So how could the kernel be stuck waiting on a zombie?

# ls /proc/1544450/task
1544450 1544574

Ah ha, there are two threads in the thread group. One of them is a zombie, maybe the other one isn’t:

# cat /proc/1544574/stack
[<0>] request_wait_answer+0x12f/0x210
[<0>] fuse_simple_request+0x109/0x2c0
[<0>] fuse_flush+0x16f/0x1b0
[<0>] filp_close+0x27/0x70
[<0>] put_files_struct+0x6b/0xc0
[<0>] do_exit+0x360/0xb80
[<0>] do_group_exit+0x3a/0xa0
[<0>] get_signal+0x140/0x870
[<0>] arch_do_signal_or_restart+0xae/0x7c0
[<0>] exit_to_user_mode_prepare+0x10f/0x1c0
[<0>] syscall_exit_to_user_mode+0x26/0x40
[<0>] do_syscall_64+0x46/0xb0
[<0>] entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae

Indeed it is not a zombie. It is trying to become one as hard as it can, but it’s blocking inside FUSE for some reason. To find out why, let’s look at some kernel code. If we look at zap_pid_ns_processes(), it does:

* Reap the EXIT_ZOMBIE children we had before we ignored SIGCHLD.
* kernel_wait4() will also block until our children traced from the
* parent namespace are detached and become EXIT_DEAD.
do {
rc = kernel_wait4(-1, NULL, __WALL, NULL);
} while (rc != -ECHILD);

which is where we are stuck, but before that, it has done:

/* Don't allow any more processes into the pid namespace */

which is why docker can’t setns() — the namespace is a zombie. Ok, so we can’t setns(2), but why are we stuck in kernel_wait4()? To understand why, let’s look at what the other thread was doing in FUSE’s request_wait_answer():

* Either request is already in userspace, or it was forced.
* Wait it out.
wait_event(req->waitq, test_bit(FR_FINISHED, &req->flags));

Ok, so we’re waiting for an event (in this case, that userspace has replied to the FUSE flush request). But zap_pid_ns_processes()sent a SIGKILL! SIGKILL should be very fatal to a process. If we look at the process, we can indeed see that there’s a pending SIGKILL:

# grep Pnd /proc/1544574/status
SigPnd: 0000000000000000
ShdPnd: 0000000000000100

Viewing process status this way, you can see 0x100 (i.e. the 9th bit is set) under SigPnd, which is the signal number corresponding to SIGKILL. Pending signals are signals that have been generated by the kernel, but have not yet been delivered to userspace. Signals are only delivered at certain times, for example when entering or leaving a syscall, or when waiting on events. If the kernel is currently doing something on behalf of the task, the signal may be pending. Signals can also be blocked by a task, so that they are never delivered. Blocked signals will show up in their respective pending sets as well. However, man 7 signal says: “The signals SIGKILL and SIGSTOP cannot be caught, blocked, or ignored.” But here the kernel is telling us that we have a pending SIGKILL, aka that it is being ignored even while the task is waiting!

Red Herring: How do Signals Work?

Well that is weird. The wait code (i.e. include/linux/wait.h) is used everywhere in the kernel: semaphores, wait queues, completions, etc. Surely it knows to look for SIGKILLs. So what does wait_event() actually do? Digging through the macro expansions and wrappers, the meat of it is:

#define ___wait_event(wq_head, condition, state, exclusive, ret, cmd)           \
({ \
__label__ __out; \
struct wait_queue_entry __wq_entry; \
long __ret = ret; /* explicit shadow */ \
init_wait_entry(&__wq_entry, exclusive ? WQ_FLAG_EXCLUSIVE : 0); \
for (;;) { \
long __int = prepare_to_wait_event(&wq_head, &__wq_entry, state);\
if (condition) \
break; \
if (___wait_is_interruptible(state) && __int) { \
__ret = __int; \
goto __out; \
} \
cmd; \
} \
finish_wait(&wq_head, &__wq_entry); \
__out: __ret; \

So it loops forever, doing prepare_to_wait_event(), checking the condition, then checking to see if we need to interrupt. Then it does cmd, which in this case is schedule(), i.e. “do something else for a while”. prepare_to_wait_event() looks like:

long prepare_to_wait_event(struct wait_queue_head *wq_head, struct wait_queue_entry *wq_entry, int state)
unsigned long flags;
long ret = 0;

spin_lock_irqsave(&wq_head->lock, flags);
if (signal_pending_state(state, current)) {
* Exclusive waiter must not fail if it was selected by wakeup,
* it should "consume" the condition we were waiting for.
* The caller will recheck the condition and return success if
* we were already woken up, we can not miss the event because
* wakeup locks/unlocks the same wq_head->lock.
* But we need to ensure that set-condition + wakeup after that
* can't see us, it should wake up another exclusive waiter if
* we fail.
} else {
if (list_empty(&wq_entry->entry)) {
if (wq_entry->flags & WQ_FLAG_EXCLUSIVE)
__add_wait_queue_entry_tail(wq_head, wq_entry);
__add_wait_queue(wq_head, wq_entry);
spin_unlock_irqrestore(&wq_head->lock, flags);

return ret;

It looks like the only way we can break out of this with a non-zero exit code is if signal_pending_state() is true. Since our call site was just wait_event(), we know that state here is TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE; the definition of signal_pending_state() looks like:

static inline int signal_pending_state(unsigned int state, struct task_struct *p)
return 0;
if (!signal_pending(p))
return 0;

return (state & TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE) || __fatal_signal_pending(p);

Our task is not interruptible, so the first if fails. Our task should have a signal pending, though, right?

static inline int signal_pending(struct task_struct *p)
* TIF_NOTIFY_SIGNAL isn't really a signal, but it requires the same
* behavior in terms of ensuring that we break out of wait loops
* so that notify signal callbacks can be processed.
if (unlikely(test_tsk_thread_flag(p, TIF_NOTIFY_SIGNAL)))
return 1;
return task_sigpending(p);

As the comment notes, TIF_NOTIFY_SIGNAL isn’t relevant here, in spite of its name, but let’s look at task_sigpending():

static inline int task_sigpending(struct task_struct *p)
return unlikely(test_tsk_thread_flag(p,TIF_SIGPENDING));

Hmm. Seems like we should have that flag set, right? To figure that out, let’s look at how signal delivery works. When we’re shutting down the pid namespace in zap_pid_ns_processes(), it does:

group_send_sig_info(SIGKILL, SEND_SIG_PRIV, task, PIDTYPE_MAX);

which eventually gets to __send_signal_locked(), which has:

pending = (type != PIDTYPE_PID) ? &t->signal->shared_pending : &t->pending;
sigaddset(&pending->signal, sig);
complete_signal(sig, t, type);

Using PIDTYPE_MAX here as the type is a little weird, but it roughly indicates “this is very privileged kernel stuff sending this signal, you should definitely deliver it”. There is a bit of unintended consequence here, though, in that __send_signal_locked() ends up sending the SIGKILL to the shared set, instead of the individual task’s set. If we look at the __fatal_signal_pending() code, we see:

static inline int __fatal_signal_pending(struct task_struct *p)
return unlikely(sigismember(&p->pending.signal, SIGKILL));

But it turns out this is a bit of a red herring (although it took a while for me to understand that).

How Signals Actually Get Delivered To a Process

To understand what’s really going on here, we need to look at complete_signal(), since it unconditionally adds a SIGKILL to the task’s pending set:

sigaddset(&t->pending.signal, SIGKILL);

but why doesn’t it work? At the top of the function we have:

* Now find a thread we can wake up to take the signal off the queue.
* If the main thread wants the signal, it gets first crack.
* Probably the least surprising to the average bear.
if (wants_signal(sig, p))
t = p;
else if ((type == PIDTYPE_PID) || thread_group_empty(p))
* There is just one thread and it does not need to be woken.
* It will dequeue unblocked signals before it runs again.

but as Eric Biederman described, basically every thread can handle a SIGKILL at any time. Here’s wants_signal():

static inline bool wants_signal(int sig, struct task_struct *p)
if (sigismember(&p->blocked, sig))
return false;

if (p->flags & PF_EXITING)
return false;

if (sig == SIGKILL)
return true;

if (task_is_stopped_or_traced(p))
return false;

return task_curr(p) || !task_sigpending(p);

So… if a thread is already exiting (i.e. it has PF_EXITING), it doesn’t want a signal. Consider the following sequence of events:

1. a task opens a FUSE file, and doesn’t close it, then exits. During that exit, the kernel dutifully calls do_exit(), which does the following:

exit_signals(tsk); /* sets PF_EXITING */

2. do_exit() continues on to exit_files(tsk);, which flushes all files that are still open, resulting in the stack trace above.

3. the pid namespace exits, and enters zap_pid_ns_processes(), sends a SIGKILL to everyone (that it expects to be fatal), and then waits for everyone to exit.

4. this kills the FUSE daemon in the pid ns so it can never respond.

5. complete_signal() for the FUSE task that was already exiting ignores the signal, since it has PF_EXITING.

6. Deadlock. Without manually aborting the FUSE connection, things will hang forever.

Solution: don’t wait!

It doesn’t really make sense to wait for flushes in this case: the task is dying, so there’s nobody to tell the return code of flush() to. It also turns out that this bug can happen with several filesystems (anything that calls the kernel’s wait code in flush(), i.e. basically anything that talks to something outside the local kernel).

Individual filesystems will need to be patched in the meantime, for example the fix for FUSE is here, which was released on April 23 in Linux 6.3.

While this blog post addresses FUSE deadlocks, there are definitely issues in the nfs code and elsewhere, which we have not hit in production yet, but almost certainly will. You can also see it as a symptom of other filesystem bugs. Something to look out for if you have a pid namespace that won’t exit.

This is just a small taste of the variety of strange issues we encounter running containers at scale at Netflix. Our team is hiring, so please reach out if you also love red herrings and kernel deadlocks!

Debugging a FUSE deadlock in the Linux kernel was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

ABAC on SpiceDB: Enabling Netflix’s Complex Identity Types

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

By Chris Wolfe, Joey Schorr, and Victor Roldán Betancort


The authorization team at Netflix recently sponsored work to add Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) support to AuthZed’s open source Google Zanzibar inspired authorization system, SpiceDB. Netflix required attribute support in SpiceDB to support core Netflix application identity constructs. This post discusses why Netflix wanted ABAC support in SpiceDB, how Netflix collaborated with AuthZed, the end result–SpiceDB Caveats, and how Netflix may leverage this new feature.

Netflix is always looking for security, ergonomic, or efficiency improvements, and this extends to authorization tools. Google Zanzibar is exciting to Netflix as it makes it easier to produce authorization decision objects and reverse indexes for resources a principal can access.

Last year, while experimenting with Zanzibar approaches to authorization, Netflix found SpiceDB, the open source Google Zanzibar inspired permission system, and built a prototype to experiment with modeling. The prototype uncovered trade-offs required to implement Attribute Based Access Control in SpiceDB, which made it poorly suited to Netflix’s core requirements for application identities.

Why did Netflix Want Caveated Relationships?

Netflix application identities are fundamentally attribute based: e.g. an instance of the Data Processor runs in eu-west-1 in the test environment with a public shard.

Authorizing these identities is done not only by application name, but by specifying specific attributes on which to match. An application owner might want to craft a policy like “Application members of the EU data processors group can access a PI decryption key”. This is one normal relationship in SpiceDB. But, they might also want to specify a policy for compliance reasons that only allows access to the PI key from data processor instances running in the EU within a sensitive shard. Put another way, an identity should only be considered to have the “is member of the EU-data-processors group” if certain identity attributes (like region==eu) match in addition to the application name. This is a Caveated SpiceDB relationship.

Netflix Modeling Challenges Before Caveats

SpiceDB, being a Relationship Based Access Control (ReBAC) system, expected authorization checks to be performed against the existence of a specific relationship between objects. Users fit this model — they have a single user ID to describe who they are. As described above, Netflix applications do not fit this model. Their attributes are used to scope permissions to varying degrees.

Netflix ran into significant difficulties in trying to fit their existing policy model into relations. To do so Netflix’s design required:

  • An event based mechanism that could ingest information about application autoscaling groups. An autoscaling group isn’t the lowest level of granularity, but it’s relatively close to the lowest level where we’d typically see authorization policy applied.
  • Ingest the attributes describing the autoscaling group and write them as separate relations. That is for the data-processor, Netflix would need to write relations describing the region, environment, account, application name, etc.
  • At authZ check time, provide the attributes for the identity to check, e.g. “can app bar in us-west-2 access this document.” SpiceDB is then responsible for figuring out which relations map back to the autoscaling group, e.g. name, environment, region, etc.
  • A cleanup process to prune stale relationships from the database.

What was problematic about this design? Aside from being complicated, there were a few specific things that made Netflix uncomfortable. The most salient being that it wasn’t resilient to an absence of relationship data, e.g. if a new autoscaling group started and reporting its presence to SpiceDB had not yet happened, the autoscaling group members would be missing necessary permissions to run. All this meant that Netflix would have to write and prune the relationship state with significant freshness requirements. This would be a significant departure from its existing policy based system.

While working through this, Netflix hopped into the SpiceDB Discord to chat about possible solutions and found an open community issue: the caveated relationships proposal.

The Beginning of SpiceDB Caveats

The SpiceDB community had already explored integrating SpiceDB with Open Policy Agent (OPA) and concluded it strayed too far from Zanzibar’s core promise of global horizontal scalability with strong consistency. With Netflix’s support, the AuthZed team pondered a Zanzibar-native approach to Attribute-Based Access Control.

The requirements were captured and published as the caveated relationships proposal on GitHub for feedback from the SpiceDB community. The community’s excitement and interest became apparent through comments, reactions, and conversations on the SpiceDB Discord server. Clearly, Netflix wasn’t the only one facing challenges when reconciling SpiceDB with policy-based approaches, so Netflix decided to help! By sponsoring the project, Netflix was able to help AuthZed prioritize engineering effort and accelerate adding Caveats to SpiceDB.

Building SpiceDB Caveats

Quick Intro to SpiceDB

The SpiceDB Schema Language lays the rules for how to build, traverse, and interpret SpiceDB’s Relationship Graph to make authorization decisions. SpiceDB Relationships, e.g., document:readme writer user:emilia, are stored as relationships that represent a graph within a datastore like CockroachDB or PostgreSQL. SpiceDB walks the graph and decomposes it into subproblems. These subproblems are assigned through consistent hashing and dispatched to a node in a cluster running SpiceDB. Over time, each node caches a subset of subproblems to support a distributed cache, reduce the datastore load, and achieve SpiceDB’s horizontal scalability.

SpiceDB Caveats Design

The fundamental challenge with policies is that their input arguments can change the authorization result as understood by a centralized relationships datastore. If SpiceDB were to cache subproblems that have been “tainted” with policy variables, the likelihood those are reused for other requests would decrease and thus severely affect the cache hit rate. As you’d suspect, this would jeopardize one of the pillars of the system: its ability to scale.

Once you accept that adding input arguments to the distributed cache isn’t efficient, you naturally gravitate toward the first question: what if you keep those inputs out of the cached subproblems? They are only known at request-time, so let’s add them as a variable in the subproblem! The cost of propagating those variables, assembling them, and executing the logic pales compared to fetching relationships from the datastore.

The next question was: how do you integrate the policy decisions into the relationships graph? The SpiceDB Schema Languages’ core concepts are Relations and Permissions; these are how a developer defines the shape of their relationships and how to traverse them. Naturally, being a graph, it’s fitting to add policy logic at the edges or the nodes. That leaves at least two obvious options: policy at the Relation level, or policy at the Permission level.

After iterating on both options to get a feel for the ergonomics and expressiveness the choice was policy at the relation level. After all, SpiceDB is a Relationship Based Access Control (ReBAC) system. Policy at the relation level allows you to parameterize each relationship, which brought about the saying “this relationship exists, but with a Caveat!.” With this approach, SpiceDB could do request-time relationship vetoing like so:

definition human {}

caveat the_answer(received int) {
received == 42
definition the_answer_to_life_the_universe_and_everything {
relation humans: human with the_answer
permission enlightenment = humans

Netflix and AuthZed discussed the concept of static versus dynamic Caveats as well. A developer would define static Caveat expressions in the SpiceDB Schema, while dynamic Caveats would have expressions defined at run time. The discussion centered around typed versus dynamic programming languages, but given SpiceDB’s Schema Language was designed for type safety, it seemed coherent with the overall design to continue with static Caveats. To support runtime-provided policies, the choice was to introduce expressions as arguments to a Caveat. Keeping the SpiceDB Schema easy to understand was a key driver for this decision.

For defining Caveats, the main requirement was to provide an expression language with first-class support for partially-evaluated expressions. Google’s CEL seemed like the obvious choice: a protobuf-native expression language that evaluates in linear time, with first-class support for partial results that can be run at the edge, and is not turing complete. CEL expressions are type-safe, so they wouldn’t cause as many errors at runtime and can be stored in the datastore as a compiled protobuf. Given the near-perfect requirement match, it does make you wonder what Google’s Zanzibar has been up to since the white paper!

To execute the logic, SpiceDB would have to return a third response CAVEATED, in addition to ALLOW and DENY, to signal that a result of a CheckPermission request depends on computing an unresolved chain of CEL expressions.

SpiceDB Caveats needed to allow static input variables to be stored before evaluation to represent the multi-dimensional nature of Netflix application identities. Today, this is called “Caveat context,” defined by the values written in a SpiceDB Schema alongside a Relation and those provided by the client. Think of build time variables as an expansion of a templated CEL expression, and those take precedence over request-time arguments. Here is an example:

caveat the_answer(received int, expected int) {
received == expected

Lastly, to deal with scenarios where there are multiple Caveated subproblems, the decision was to collect up a final CEL expression tree before evaluating it. The result of the final evaluation can be ALLOW, DENY, or CAVEATED. Things get trickier with wildcards and SpiceDB APIs, but let’s save that for another post! If the response is CAVEATED, the client receives a list of missing variables needed to properly evaluate the expression.

To sum up! The primary design decisions were:

  • Caveats defined at the Relation-level, not the Permission-level
  • Keep Caveats in line with SpiceDB Schema’s type-safe nature
  • Support well-typed values provided by the caller
  • Use Google’s CEL to define Caveat expressions
  • Introduce a new result type: CAVEATED

How do SpiceDB Caveats Change Authorizing Netflix Identities?

SpiceDB Caveats simplify this approach by allowing Netflix to specify authorization policy as they have in the past for applications. Instead of needing to have the entire state of the authorization world persisted as relations, the system can have relations and attributes of the identity used at authorization check time.

Now Netflix can write a Caveat similar to match_fine , described below, that takes lists of expected attributes, e.g. region, account, etc. This Caveat would allow the specific application named by the relation as long as the context of the authorization check had an observed account, stack, detail, region, and extended attribute values that matched the values in their expected counterparts. This playground has a live version of the schema, relations, etc. with which to experiment.

definition app {}

caveat match_fine(
expected_accounts list<string>,
expected_regions list<string>,
expected_stacks list<string>,
expected_details list<string>,
expected_ext_attrs map<any>,
observed_account string,
observed_region string,
observed_stack string,
observed_detail string,
observed_ext_attrs map<any>
) {
observed_account in expected_accounts &&
observed_region in expected_regions &&
observed_stack in expected_stacks &&
observed_detail in expected_details &&

definition movie {
relation replicator: app with match_fine
permission replicate = replicator

Using this SpiceDB Schema we can write a relation to restrict access to the replicator application. It should only be allowed to run when

  • It is in the highrisk or birdie accounts
  • AND in either us-west-1 or us-east-1
  • AND it has stack bg
  • AND it has detail casser
  • AND its extended attributes contain the key-value pair ‘foo: bar’

With the playground we can also make assertions that can mirror the behavior we’d see from the CheckPermission API. These assertions make it clear that our caveats work as expected.

- 'movie:newspecial#replicate@app:mover with {"observed_account": "highrisk", "observed_region": "us-west-1", "observed_stack": "bg", "observed_detail": "casser", "observed_ext_attrs": {"foo": "bar"}}'
- 'movie:newspecial#replicate@app:mover with {"observed_account": "lowrisk", "observed_region": "us-west-1", "observed_stack": "bg", "observed_detail": "casser", "observed_ext_attrs": {"foo": "bar"}}'
- 'movie:newspecial#replicate@app:purger with {"observed_account": "highrisk", "observed_region": "us-west-1", "observed_stack": "bg", "observed_detail": "casser", "observed_ext_attrs": {"foo": "bar"}}'


Netflix and AuthZed are both excited about the collaboration’s outcome. Netflix has another authorization tool it can employ and SpiceDB users have another option with which to perform rich authorization checks. Bridging the gap between policy based authorization and ReBAC is a powerful paradigm that is already benefiting companies looking to Zanzibar based implementations for modernizing their authorization stack.


Additional Reading

ABAC on SpiceDB: Enabling Netflix’s Complex Identity Types was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Migrating Critical Traffic At Scale with No Downtime — Part 1

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

Migrating Critical Traffic At Scale with No Downtime — Part 1

Shyam Gala, Javier Fernandez-Ivern, Anup Rokkam Pratap, Devang Shah

Hundreds of millions of customers tune into Netflix every day, expecting an uninterrupted and immersive streaming experience. Behind the scenes, a myriad of systems and services are involved in orchestrating the product experience. These backend systems are consistently being evolved and optimized to meet and exceed customer and product expectations.

When undertaking system migrations, one of the main challenges is establishing confidence and seamlessly transitioning the traffic to the upgraded architecture without adversely impacting the customer experience. This blog series will examine the tools, techniques, and strategies we have utilized to achieve this goal.

The backend for the streaming product utilizes a highly distributed microservices architecture; hence these migrations also happen at different points of the service call graph. It can happen on an edge API system servicing customer devices, between the edge and mid-tier services, or from mid-tiers to data stores. Another relevant factor is that the migration could be happening on APIs that are stateless and idempotent, or it could be happening on stateful APIs.

We have categorized the tools and techniques we have used to facilitate these migrations in two high-level phases. The first phase involves validating functional correctness, scalability, and performance concerns and ensuring the new systems’ resilience before the migration. The second phase involves migrating the traffic over to the new systems in a manner that mitigates the risk of incidents while continually monitoring and confirming that we are meeting crucial metrics tracked at multiple levels. These include Quality-of-Experience(QoE) measurements at the customer device level, Service-Level-Agreements (SLAs), and business-level Key-Performance-Indicators(KPIs).

This blog post will provide a detailed analysis of replay traffic testing, a versatile technique we have applied in the preliminary validation phase for multiple migration initiatives. In a follow-up blog post, we will focus on the second phase and look deeper at some of the tactical steps that we use to migrate the traffic over in a controlled manner.

Replay Traffic Testing

Replay traffic refers to production traffic that is cloned and forked over to a different path in the service call graph, allowing us to exercise new/updated systems in a manner that simulates actual production conditions. In this testing strategy, we execute a copy (replay) of production traffic against a system’s existing and new versions to perform relevant validations. This approach has a handful of benefits.

  • Replay traffic testing enables sandboxed testing at scale without significantly impacting production traffic or user experience.
  • Utilizing cloned real traffic, we can exercise the diversity of inputs from a wide range of devices and device application software versions in production. This is particularly important for complex APIs that have many high cardinality inputs. Replay traffic provides the reach and coverage required to test the ability of the system to handle infrequently used input combinations and edge cases.
  • This technique facilitates validation on multiple fronts. It allows us to assert functional correctness and provides a mechanism to load test the system and tune the system and scaling parameters for optimal functioning.
  • By simulating a real production environment, we can characterize system performance over an extended period while considering the expected and unexpected traffic pattern shifts. It provides a good read on the availability and latency ranges under different production conditions.
  • Provides a platform to ensure that essential operational insights, metrics, logging, and alerting are in place before migration.

Replay Solution

The replay traffic testing solution comprises two essential components.

  1. Traffic Duplication and Correlation: The initial step requires the implementation of a mechanism to clone and fork production traffic to the newly established pathway, along with a process to record and correlate responses from the original and alternative routes.
  2. Comparative Analysis and Reporting: Following traffic duplication and correlation, we need a framework to compare and analyze the responses recorded from the two paths and get a comprehensive report for the analysis.
Replay Testing Framework

We have tried different approaches for the traffic duplication and recording step through various migrations, making improvements along the way. These include options where replay traffic generation is orchestrated on the device, on the server, and via a dedicated service. We will examine these alternatives in the upcoming sections.

Device Driven

In this option, the device makes a request on the production path and the replay path, then discards the response on the replay path. These requests are executed in parallel to minimize any potential delay on the production path. The selection of the replay path on the backend can be driven by the URL the device uses when making the request or by utilizing specific request parameters in routing logic at the appropriate layer of the service call graph. The device also includes a unique identifier with identical values on both paths, which is used to correlate the production and replay responses. The responses can be recorded at the most optimal location in the service call graph or by the device itself, depending on the particular migration.

Device Driven Replay

The device-driven approach’s obvious downside is that we are wasting device resources. There is also a risk of impact on device QoE, especially on low-resource devices. Adding forking logic and complexity to the device code can create dependencies on device application release cycles that generally run at a slower cadence than service release cycles, leading to bottlenecks in the migration. Moreover, allowing the device to execute untested server-side code paths can inadvertently expose an attack surface area for potential misuse.

Server Driven

To address the concerns of the device-driven approach, the other option we have used is to handle the replay concerns entirely on the backend. The replay traffic is cloned and forked in the appropriate service upstream of the migrated service. The upstream service calls the existing and new replacement services concurrently to minimize any latency increase on the production path. The upstream service records the responses on the two paths along with an identifier with a common value that is used to correlate the responses. This recording operation is also done asynchronously to minimize any impact on the latency on the production path.

Server Driven Replay

The server-driven approach’s benefit is that the entire complexity of replay logic is encapsulated on the backend, and there is no wastage of device resources. Also, since this logic resides on the server side, we can iterate on any required changes faster. However, we are still inserting the replay-related logic alongside the production code that is handling business logic, which can result in unnecessary coupling and complexity. There is also an increased risk that bugs in the replay logic have the potential to impact production code and metrics.

Dedicated Service

The latest approach that we have used is to completely isolate all components of replay traffic into a separate dedicated service. In this approach, we record the requests and responses for the service that needs to be updated or replaced to an offline event stream asynchronously. Quite often, this logging of requests and responses is already happening for operational insights. Subsequently, we use Mantis, a distributed stream processor, to capture these requests and responses and replay the requests against the new service or cluster while making any required adjustments to the requests. After replaying the requests, this dedicated service also records the responses from the production and replay paths for offline analysis.

Dedicated Replay Service

This approach centralizes the replay logic in an isolated, dedicated code base. Apart from not consuming device resources and not impacting device QoE, this approach also reduces any coupling between production business logic and replay traffic logic on the backend. It also decouples any updates on the replay framework away from the device and service release cycles.

Analyzing Replay Traffic

Once we have run replay traffic and recorded a statistically significant volume of responses, we are ready for the comparative analysis and reporting component of replay traffic testing. Given the scale of the data being generated using replay traffic, we record the responses from the two sides to a cost-effective cold storage facility using technology like Apache Iceberg. We can then create offline distributed batch processing jobs to correlate & compare the responses across the production and replay paths and generate detailed reports on the analysis.


Depending on the nature of the system being migrated, the responses might need some preprocessing before being compared. For example, if some fields in the responses are timestamps, those will differ. Similarly, if there are unsorted lists in the responses, it might be best to sort them before comparing. In certain migration scenarios, there may be intentional alterations to the response generated by the updated service or component. For instance, a field that was a list in the original path is represented as key-value pairs in the new path. In such cases, we can apply specific transformations to the response on the replay path to simulate the expected changes. Based on the system and the associated responses, there might be other specific normalizations that we might apply to the response before we compare the responses.


After normalizing, we diff the responses on the two sides and check whether we have matching or mismatching responses. The batch job creates a high-level summary that captures some key comparison metrics. These include the total number of responses on both sides, the count of responses joined by the correlation identifier, matches and mismatches. The summary also records the number of passing/ failing responses on each path. This summary provides an excellent high-level view of the analysis and the overall match rate across the production and replay paths. Additionally, for mismatches, we record the normalized and unnormalized responses from both sides to another big data table along with other relevant parameters, such as the diff. We use this additional logging to debug and identify the root cause of issues driving the mismatches. Once we discover and address those issues, we can use the replay testing process iteratively to bring down the mismatch percentage to an acceptable number.


When comparing responses, a common source of noise arises from the utilization of non-deterministic or non-idempotent dependency data for generating responses on the production and replay pathways. For instance, envision a response payload that delivers media streams for a playback session. The service responsible for generating this payload consults a metadata service that provides all available streams for the given title. Various factors can lead to the addition or removal of streams, such as identifying issues with a specific stream, incorporating support for a new language, or introducing a new encode. Consequently, there is a potential for discrepancies in the sets of streams used to determine payloads on the production and replay paths, resulting in divergent responses.

A comprehensive summary of data versions or checksums for all dependencies involved in generating a response, referred to as a lineage, is compiled to address this challenge. Discrepancies can be identified and discarded by comparing the lineage of both production and replay responses in the automated jobs analyzing the responses. This approach mitigates the impact of noise and ensures accurate and reliable comparisons between production and replay responses.

Comparing Live Traffic

An alternative method to recording responses and performing the comparison offline is to perform a live comparison. In this approach, we do the forking of the replay traffic on the upstream service as described in the `Server Driven` section. The service that forks and clones the replay traffic directly compares the responses on the production and replay path and records relevant metrics. This option is feasible if the response payload isn’t very complex, such that the comparison doesn’t significantly increase latencies or if the services being migrated are not on the critical path. Logging is selective to cases where the old and new responses do not match.

Replay Traffic Analysis

Load Testing

Besides functional testing, replay traffic allows us to stress test the updated system components. We can regulate the load on the replay path by controlling the amount of traffic being replayed and the new service’s horizontal and vertical scale factors. This approach allows us to evaluate the performance of the new services under different traffic conditions. We can see how the availability, latency, and other system performance metrics, such as CPU consumption, memory consumption, garbage collection rate, etc, change as the load factor changes. Load testing the system using this technique allows us to identify performance hotspots using actual production traffic profiles. It helps expose memory leaks, deadlocks, caching issues, and other system issues. It enables the tuning of thread pools, connection pools, connection timeouts, and other configuration parameters. Further, it helps in the determination of reasonable scaling policies and estimates for the associated cost and the broader cost/risk tradeoff.

Stateful Systems

We have extensively utilized replay testing to build confidence in migrations involving stateless and idempotent systems. Replay testing can also validate migrations involving stateful systems, although additional measures must be taken. The production and replay paths must have distinct and isolated data stores that are in identical states before enabling the replay of traffic. Additionally, all different request types that drive the state machine must be replayed. In the recording step, apart from the responses, we also want to capture the state associated with that specific response. Correspondingly in the analysis phase, we want to compare both the response and the related state in the state machine. Given the overall complexity of using replay testing with stateful systems, we have employed other techniques in such scenarios. We will look at one of them in the follow-up blog post in this series.


We have adopted replay traffic testing at Netflix for numerous migration projects. A recent example involved leveraging replay testing to validate an extensive re-architecture of the edge APIs that drive the playback component of our product. Another instance included migrating a mid-tier service from REST to gRPC. In both cases, replay testing facilitated comprehensive functional testing, load testing, and system tuning at scale using real production traffic. This approach enabled us to identify elusive issues and rapidly build confidence in these substantial redesigns.

Upon concluding replay testing, we are ready to start introducing these changes in production. In an upcoming blog post, we will look at some of the techniques we use to roll out significant changes to the system to production in a gradual risk-controlled way while building confidence via metrics at different levels.

Migrating Critical Traffic At Scale with No Downtime — Part 1 was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Improved Alerting with Atlas Streaming Eval

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

Ruchir Jha, Brian Harrington, Yingwu Zhao


  • Streaming alert evaluation scales much better than the traditional approach of polling time-series databases.
  • It allows us to overcome high dimensionality/cardinality limitations of the time-series database.
  • It opens doors to support more exciting use-cases.

Engineers want their alerting system to be realtime, reliable, and actionable. While actionability is subjective and may vary by use-case, reliability is non-negotiable. In other words, false positives are bad but false negatives are the absolute worst!

A few years ago, we were paged by our SRE team due to our Metrics Alerting System falling behind — critical application health alerts reached engineers 45 minutes late! As we investigated the alerting delay, we found that the number of configured alerts had recently increased dramatically, by 5 times! The alerting system queried Atlas, our time series database on a cron for each configured alert query, and was seeing an elevated throttle rate and excessive retries with backoffs. This, in turn, increased the time between two consecutive checks for an alert, causing a global slowdown for all alerts. On further investigation, we discovered that one user had programmatically created tens of thousands of new alerts. This user represented a platform team at Netflix, and their goal was to build alerting automation for their users.

While we were able to put out the immediate fire by disabling the newly created alerts, this incident raised some critical concerns around the scalability of our alerting system. We also heard from other platform teams at Netflix who wanted to build similar automation for their users who, given our state at the time, wouldn’t have been able to do so without impacting Mean Time To Detect (MTTD) for all others. Rather, we were looking at an order of magnitude increase in the number of alert queries just over the next 6 months!

Since querying Atlas was the bottleneck, our first instinct was to scale it up to meet the increased alert query demand; however, we soon realized that would increase Atlas cost prohibitively. Atlas is an in-memory time-series database that ingests multiple billions of time-series per day and retains the last two weeks of data. It is already one of the largest services at Netflix both in size and cost. While Atlas is architected around compute & storage separation, and we could theoretically just scale the query layer to meet the increased query demand, every query, regardless of its type, has a data component that needs to be pushed down to the storage layer. To serve the increasing number of push down queries, the in-memory storage layer would need to scale up as well, and it became clear that this would push the already expensive storage costs far higher. Moreover, common database optimizations like caching recently queried data don’t really work for alerting queries because, generally speaking, the last received datapoint is required for correctness. Take for example, this alert query that checks if errors as a % of total RPS exceeds a threshold of 50% for 4 out of the last 5 minutes:


Say if the datapoint received for the last time interval leads to a positive evaluation for this query, relying on stale/cached data would either increase MTTD or result in the perception of a false negative, at least until the missing data is fetched and evaluated. It became clear to us that we needed to solve the scalability problem with a fundamentally different approach. Hence, we started down the path of alert evaluation via real-time streaming metrics.

High Level Architecture

The idea, at a high level, was to avoid the need to query the Atlas database almost entirely and transition most alert queries to streaming evaluation.

Alert queries are submitted either via our Alerting UI or by API clients, which are then saved to a custom config database that supports streaming config updates (full snapshot + update notifications). The Alerting Service receives these config updates and hashes every new or updated alert query for evaluation to one of its nodes by leveraging Edda Slots. The node responsible for evaluating a query, starts by breaking it down into a set of “data expressions” and with them subscribes to an upstream “broker” service. Data expressions define what data needs to be sourced in order to evaluate a query. For the example query listed above, the data expressions are name,errors,:eq,:sum and name,rps,:eq,:sum. The broker service acts as a subscription manager that maps a data expression to a set of subscriptions. In addition, it also maintains a Query Index of all active data expressions which is consulted to discern if an incoming datapoint is of interest to an active subscriber. The internals here are outside the scope of this blog post.

Next, the Alerting service (via the atlas-eval library) maps the received data points for a data expression to the alert query that needs them. For alert queries that resolve to more than one data expression, we align the incoming data points for each one of those data expressions on the same time boundary before emitting the accumulated values to the final eval step. For the example above, the final eval step would be responsible for computing the ratio and maintaining the rolling-count, which is keeping track of the number of intervals in which the ratio crossed the threshold as shown below:

The atlas-eval library supports streaming evaluation for most if not all Query, Data, Math and Stateful operators supported by Atlas today. Certain operators such as offset, integral, des are not supported on the streaming path.

OK, Results?

First and foremost, we have successfully alleviated our initial scalability problem with the polling based architecture. Today, we run 20X the number of queries we used to run a few years ago, with ease and at a fraction of what it would have cost to scale up the Atlas storage layer to serve the same volume. Multiple platform teams at Netflix programmatically generate and maintain alerts on behalf of their users without having to worry about impacting other users of the system. We are able to maintain strong SLAs around Mean Time To Detect (MTTD) regardless of the number of alerts being evaluated by the system.

Additionally, streaming evaluation allowed us to relax restrictions around high cardinality that our users were previously running into — alert queries that were rejected by Atlas Backend before due to cardinality constraints are now getting checked correctly on the streaming path. In addition, we are able to use Atlas Streaming to monitor and alert on some very high cardinality use-cases, such as metrics derived from free-form log data.

Finally, we switched Telltale, our holistic application health monitoring system, from polling a metrics cache to using realtime Atlas Streaming. The fundamental idea behind Telltale is to detect anomalies on SLI metrics (for example, latency, error rates, etc). When such anomalies are detected, Telltale is able to compute correlations with similar metrics emitted from either upstream or downstream services. In addition, it also computes correlations between SLI metrics and custom metrics like the log derived metrics mentioned above. This has proven to be valuable towards reducing Mean Time to Recover (MTTR). For example, we are able to now correlate increased error rates with increased rate of specific exceptions occurring in logs and even point to an exemplar stacktrace, as shown below:

Our logs pipeline fingerprints every log message and attaches a (very high cardinality) fingerprint tag to a log events counter that is then emitted to Atlas Streaming. Telltale consumes this metric in a streaming fashion to identify fingerprints that correlate with anomalies seen in SLI metrics. Once an anomaly is found, we query the logs backend with the fingerprint hash to obtain the exemplar stacktrace. What’s more is we are now able to identify correlated anomalies (and exceptions) occurring in services that may be N hops away from the affected service. A system like Telltale becomes more effective as more services are onboarded (and for that matter the full service graph), because otherwise it becomes difficult to root cause the problem, especially in a microservices-based architecture. A few years ago, as noted in this blog, only about a hundred services were using Telltale; thanks to Atlas Streaming we have now managed to onboard thousands of other services at Netflix.

Finally, we realized that once you remove limits on the number of monitored queries, and start supporting much higher metric dimensionality/cardinality without impacting the cost/performance profile of the system, it opens doors to many exciting new possibilities. For example, to make alerts more actionable, we may now be able to compute correlations between SLI anomalies and custom metrics with high cardinality dimensions, for example an alert on elevated HTTP error rates may be able to point to impacted customer cohorts, by linking to precisely correlated exemplars. This would help developers with reproducibility.

Transitioning to the streaming path has been a long journey for us. One of the challenges was difficulty in debugging scenarios where the streaming path didn’t agree with what is returned by querying the Atlas database. This is especially true when either the data is not available in Atlas or the query is not supported because of (say) cardinality constraints. This is one of the reasons it has taken us years to get here. That said, early signs indicate that the streaming paradigm may help with tackling a cardinal problem in observability — effective correlation between the metrics & events verticals (logs, and potentially traces in the future), and we are excited to explore the opportunities that this presents for Observability in general.

Improved Alerting with Atlas Streaming Eval was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Building a Media Understanding Platform for ML Innovations

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

By Guru Tahasildar, Amir Ziai, Jonathan Solórzano-Hamilton, Kelli Griggs, Vi Iyengar


Netflix leverages machine learning to create the best media for our members. Earlier we shared the details of one of these algorithms, introduced how our platform team is evolving the media-specific machine learning ecosystem, and discussed how data from these algorithms gets stored in our annotation service.

Much of the ML literature focuses on model training, evaluation, and scoring. In this post, we will explore an understudied aspect of the ML lifecycle: integration of model outputs into applications.

An example of using Machine Learning to find shots of Eleven in Stranger Things and surfacing the results in studio application for the consumption of Netflix video editors.

Specifically, we will dive into the architecture that powers search capabilities for studio applications at Netflix. We discuss specific problems that we have solved using Machine Learning (ML) algorithms, review different pain points that we addressed, and provide a technical overview of our new platform.


At Netflix, we aim to bring joy to our members by providing them with the opportunity to experience outstanding content. There are two components to this experience. First, we must provide the content that will bring them joy. Second, we must make it effortless and intuitive to choose from our library. We must quickly surface the most stand-out highlights from the titles available on our service in the form of images and videos in the member experience.

These multimedia assets, or “supplemental” assets, don’t just come into existence. Artists and video editors must create them. We build creator tooling to enable these colleagues to focus their time and energy on creativity. Unfortunately, much of their energy goes into labor-intensive pre-work. A key opportunity is to automate these mundane tasks.

Use cases

Use case #1: Dialogue search

Dialogue is a central aspect of storytelling. One of the best ways to tell an engaging story is through the mouths of the characters. Punchy or memorable lines are a prime target for trailer editors. The manual method for identifying such lines is a watchdown (aka breakdown).

An editor watches the title start-to-finish, transcribes memorable words and phrases with a timecode, and retrieves the snippet later if the quote is needed. An editor can choose to do this quickly and only jot down the most memorable moments, but will have to rewatch the content if they miss something they need later. Or, they can do it thoroughly and transcribe the entire piece of content ahead of time. In the words of one of our editors:

Watchdowns / breakdown are very repetitive and waste countless hours of creative time!

Scrubbing through hours of footage (or dozens of hours if working on a series) to find a single line of dialogue is profoundly tedious. In some cases editors need to search across many shows and manually doing it is not feasible. But what if scrubbing and transcribing dialogue is not needed at all?

Ideally, we want to enable dialogue search that supports the following features:

  • Search across one title, a subset of titles (e.g. all dramas), or the entire catalog
  • Search by character or talent
  • Multilingual search

Use case #2: Visual search

A picture is worth a thousand words. Visual storytelling can help make complex stories easier to understand, and as a result, deliver a more impactful message.

Artists and video editors routinely need specific visual elements to include in artworks and trailers. They may scrub for frames, shots, or scenes of specific characters, locations, objects, events (e.g. a car chasing scene in an action movie), or attributes (e.g. a close-up shot). What if we could enable users to find visual elements using natural language?

Here is an example of the desired output when the user searches for “red race car” across the entire content library.

Screenshot from an internal application where user is shown thumbnail preview of “red race car” results from different titles.
User searching for “red race car”

Use case #3: Reverse shot search

Natural-language visual search offers editors a powerful tool. But what if they already have a shot in mind, and they want to find something that just looks similar? For instance, let’s say that an editor has found a visually stunning shot of a plate of food from Chef’s Table, and she’s interested in finding similar shots across the entire show.

Input image on left side of food on a decorative plate and output images on right side of different food items that look similar to input image.
User provides a sample image to find other similar images

Prior engineering work

Approach #1: on-demand batch processing

Our first approach to surface these innovations was a tool to trigger these algorithms on-demand and on a per-show basis. We implemented a batch processing system for users to submit their requests and wait for the system to generate the output. Processing took several hours to complete. Some ML algorithms are computationally intensive. Many of the samples provided had a significant number of frames to process. A typical 1 hour video could contain over 80,000 frames!

After waiting for processing, users downloaded the generated algo outputs for offline consumption. This limited pilot system greatly reduced the time spent by our users to manually analyze the content. Here is a visualization of this flow.

Sequence diagram showing how different entities interact with each other in case of batch processing system.
On-demand batch processing system flow

Approach #2: enabling online request with pre-computation

After the success of this approach we decided to add online support for a couple of algorithms. For the first time, users were able to discover matches across the entire catalog, oftentimes finding moments they never knew even existed. They didn’t need any time-consuming local setup and there was no delays since the data was already pre-computed.

Sequence diagram showing how different entities interact with each other for online interactive system.
Interactive system with pre-computed data flow

The following quote exemplifies the positive reception by our users:

“We wanted to find all the shots of the dining room in a show. In seconds, we had what normally would have taken 1–2 people hours/a full day to do, look through all the shots of the dining room from all 10 episodes of the show. Incredible!”
Dawn Chenette, Design Lead

This approach had several benefits for product engineering. It allowed us to transparently update the algo data without users knowing about it. It also provided insights into query patterns and algorithms that were gaining traction among users. In addition, we were able to perform a handful of A/B tests to validate or negate our hypotheses for tuning the search experience.

Pain points

Our early efforts to deliver ML insights to creative professionals proved valuable. At the same time we experienced growing engineering pains that limited our ability to scale.

Maintaining disparate systems posed a challenge. They were first built by different teams on different stacks, so maintenance was expensive. Whenever ML researchers finished a new algorithm they had to integrate it separately into each system. We were near the breaking point with just two systems and a handful of algorithms. We knew this would only worsen as we expanded to more use cases and more researchers.

The online application unlocked the interactivity for our users and validated our direction. However, it was not scaling well. Adding new algos and onboarding new use cases was still time consuming and required the effort of too many engineers. These investments in one-to-one integrations were volatile with implementation timelines varying from a few weeks to several months. Due to the bespoke nature of the implementation, we lacked catalog wide searches for all available ML sources.

In summary, this model was a tightly-coupled application-to-data architecture, where machine learning algos were mixed with the backend and UI/UX software code stack. To address the variance in the implementation timelines we needed to standardize how different algorithms were integrated — starting from how they were executed to making the data available to all consumers consistently. As we developed more media understanding algos and wanted to expand to additional use cases, we needed to invest in system architecture redesign to enable researchers and engineers from different teams to innovate independently and collaboratively. Media Search Platform (MSP) is the initiative to address these requirements.

Although we were just getting started with media-search, search itself is not new to Netflix. We have a mature and robust search and recommendation functionality exposed to millions of our subscribers. We knew we could leverage learnings from our colleagues who are responsible for building and innovating in this space. In keeping with our “highly aligned, loosely coupled” culture, we wanted to enable engineers to onboard and improve algos quickly and independently, while making it easy for Studio and product applications to integrate with the media understanding algo capabilities.

Making the platform modular, pluggable and configurable was key to our success. This approach allowed us to keep the distributed ownership of the platform. It simultaneously provided different specialized teams to contribute relevant components of the platform. We used services already available for other use cases and extended their capabilities to support new requirements.

Next we will discuss the system architecture and describe how different modules interact with each other for end-to-end flow.


Architecture diagram showing different sub-modules involved in the system.
System Architecture

Netflix engineers strive to iterate rapidly and prefer the “MVP” (minimum viable product) approach to receive early feedback and minimize the upfront investment costs. Thus, we didn’t build all the modules completely. We scoped the pilot implementation to ensure immediate functionalities were unblocked. At the same time, we kept the design open enough to allow future extensibility. We will highlight a few examples below as we discuss each component separately.

Interfaces – API & Query

Starting at the top of the diagram, the platform allows apps to interact with it using either gRPC or GraphQL interfaces. Having diversity in the interfaces is essential to meet the app-developers where they are. At Netflix, gRPC is predominantly used in backend-to-backend communication. With active GraphQL tooling provided by our developer productivity teams, GraphQL has become a de-facto choice for UI — backend integration. You can find more about what the team has built and how it is getting used in these blog posts. In particular, we have been relying on Domain Graph Service Framework for this project.

During the query schema design, we accounted for future use cases and ensured that it will allow future extensions. We aimed to keep the schema generic enough so that it hides implementation details of the actual search systems that are used to execute the query. Additionally it is intuitive and easy to understand yet feature rich so that it can be used to express complex queries. Users have flexibility to perform multimodal search with input being a simple text term, image or short video. As discussed earlier, search could be performed against the entire Netflix catalog, or it could be limited to specific titles. Users may prefer results that are organized in some way such as group by a movie, sorted by timestamp. When there are a large number of matches, we allow users to paginate the results (with configurable page size) instead of fetching all or a fixed number of results.

Search Gateway

The client generated input query is first given to the Query processing system. Since most of our users are performing targeted queries such as — search for dialogue “friends don’t lie” (from the above example), today this stage performs lightweight processing and provides a hook to integrate A/B testing. In the future we plan to evolve it into a “query understanding system” to support free-form searches to reduce the burden on users and simplify client side query generation.

The query processing modifies queries to match the target data set. This includes “embedding” transformation and translation. For queries against embedding based data sources it transforms the input such as text or image to corresponding vector representation. Each data source or algorithm could use a different encoding technique so, this stage ensures that the corresponding encoding is also applied to the provided query. One example why we need different encoding techniques per algorithm is because there is different processing for an image — which has a single frame while video — which contains a sequence of multiple frames.

With global expansion we have users where English is not a primary language. All of the text-based models in the platform are trained using English language so we translate non-English text to English. Although the translation is not always perfect it has worked well in our case and has expanded the eligible user base for our tool to non-English speakers.

Once the query is transformed and ready for execution, we delegate search execution to one or more of the searcher systems. First we need to federate which query should be routed to which system. This is handled by the Query router and Searcher-proxy module. For the initial implementation we have relied on a single searcher for executing all the queries. Our extensible approach meant the platform could support additional searchers, which have already been used to prototype new algorithms and experiments.

A search may intersect or aggregate the data from multiple algorithms so this layer can fan out a single query into multiple search executions. We have implemented a “searcher-proxy” inside this layer for each supported searcher. Each proxy is responsible for mapping input query to one expected by the corresponding searcher. It then consumes the raw response from the searcher before handing it over to the Results post-processor component.

The Results post-processor works on the results returned by one or more searchers. It can rank results by applying custom scoring, populate search recommendations based on other similar searches. Another functionality we are evaluating with this layer is to dynamically create different views from the same underlying data.

For ease of coordination and maintenance we abstracted the query processing and response handling in a module called — Search Gateway.


As mentioned above, query execution is handled by the searcher system. The primary searcher used in the current implementation is called Marken — scalable annotation service built at Netflix. It supports different categories of searches including full text and embedding vector based similarity searches. It can store and retrieve temporal (timestamp) as well as spatial (coordinates) data. This service leverages Cassandra and Elasticsearch for data storage and retrieval. When onboarding embedding vector data we performed an extensive benchmarking to evaluate the available datastores. One takeaway here is that even if there is a datastore that specializes in a particular query pattern, for ease of maintainability and consistency we decided to not introduce it.

We have identified a handful of common schema types and standardized how data from different algorithms is stored. Each algorithm still has the flexibility to define a custom schema type. We are actively innovating in this space and recently added capability to intersect data from different algorithms. This is going to unlock creative ways of how the data from multiple algorithms can be superimposed on each other to quickly get to the desired results.

Algo Execution & Ingestion

So far we have focused on how the data is queried but, there is an equally complex machinery powering algorithm execution and the generation of the data. This is handled by our dedicated media ML Platform team. The team specializes in building a suite of media-specific machine learning tooling. It facilitates seamless access to media assets (audio, video, image and text) in addition to media-centric feature storage and compute orchestration.

For this project we developed a custom sink that indexes the generated data into Marken according to predefined schemas. Special care is taken when the data is backfilled for the first time so as to avoid overwhelming the system with huge amounts of writes.

Last but not the least, our UI team has built a configurable, extensible library to simplify integrating this platform with end user applications. Configurable UI makes it easy to customize query generation and response handling as per the needs of individual applications and algorithms. The future work involves building native widgets to minimize the UI work even further.


The media understanding platform serves as an abstraction layer between machine learning algos and various applications and features. The platform has already allowed us to seamlessly integrate search and discovery capabilities in several applications. We believe future work in maturing different parts will unlock value for more use cases and applications. We hope this post has offered insights into how we approached its evolution. We will continue to share our work in this space, so stay tuned.

Do these types of challenges interest you? If yes, we’re always looking for engineers and machine learning practitioners to join us.


Special thanks to Vinod Uddaraju, Fernando Amat Gil, Ben Klein, Meenakshi Jindal, Varun Sekhri, Burak Bacioglu, Boris Chen, Jason Ge, Tiffany Low, Vitali Kauhanka, Supriya Vadlamani, Abhishek Soni, Gustavo Carmo, Elliot Chow, Prasanna Padmanabhan, Akshay Modi, Nagendra Kamath, Wenbing Bai, Jackson de Campos, Juan Vimberg, Patrick Strawderman, Dawn Chenette, Yuchen Xie, Andy Yao, and Chen Zheng for designing, developing, and contributing to different parts of the platform.

Building a Media Understanding Platform for ML Innovations was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Elasticsearch Indexing Strategy in Asset Management Platform (AMP)

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

By Burak Bacioglu, Meenakshi Jindal

Asset Management at Netflix

At Netflix, all of our digital media assets (images, videos, text, etc.) are stored in secure storage layers. We built an asset management platform (AMP), codenamed Amsterdam, in order to easily organize and manage the metadata, schema, relations and permissions of these assets. It is also responsible for asset discovery, validation, sharing, and for triggering workflows.

Amsterdam service utilizes various solutions such as Cassandra, Kafka, Zookeeper, EvCache etc. In this blog, we will be focusing on how we utilize Elasticsearch for indexing and search the assets.

Amsterdam is built on top of three storage layers.

The first layer, Cassandra, is the source of truth for us. It consists of close to a hundred tables (column families) , the majority of which are reverse indices to help query the assets in a more optimized way.

The second layer is Elasticsearch, which is used to discover assets based on user queries. This is the layer we’d like to focus on in this blog. And more specifically, how we index and query over 7TB of data in a read-heavy and continuously growing environment and keep our Elasticsearch cluster healthy.

And finally, we have an Apache Iceberg layer which stores assets in a denormalized fashion to help answer heavy queries for analytics use cases.

Elasticsearch Integration

Elasticsearch is one of the best and widely adopted distributed, open source search and analytics engines for all types of data, including textual, numerical, geospatial, structured or unstructured data. It provides simple APIs for creating indices, indexing or searching documents, which makes it easy to integrate. No matter whether you use in-house deployments or hosted solutions, you can quickly stand up an Elasticsearch cluster, and start integrating it from your application using one of the clients provided based on your programming language (Elasticsearch has a rich set of languages it supports; Java, Python, .Net, Ruby, Perl etc.).

One of the first decisions when integrating with Elasticsearch is designing the indices, their settings and mappings. Settings include index specific properties like number of shards, analyzers, etc. Mapping is used to define how documents and their fields are supposed to be stored and indexed. You define the data types for each field, or use dynamic mapping for unknown fields. You can find more information on settings and mappings on Elasticsearch website.

Most applications in content and studio engineering at Netflix deal with assets; such as videos, images, text, etc. These applications are built on a microservices architecture, and the Asset Management Platform provides asset management to those dozens of services for various asset types. Each asset type is defined in a centralized schema registry service responsible for storing asset type taxonomies and relationships. Therefore, it initially seemed natural to create a different index for each asset type. When creating index mappings in Elasticsearch, one has to define the data type for each field. Since different asset types could potentially have fields with the same name but with different data types; having a separate index for each type would prevent such type collisions. Therefore we created around a dozen indices per asset type with fields mapping based on the asset type schema. As we onboarded new applications to our platform, we kept creating new indices for the new asset types. We have a schema management microservice which is used to store the taxonomy of each asset type; and this programmatically created new indices whenever new asset types were created in this service. All the assets of a specific type use the specific index defined for that asset type to create or update the asset document.

Fig 1. Indices based on Asset Types

As Netflix is now producing significantly more originals than it used to when we started this project a few years ago, not only did the number of assets grow dramatically but also the number of asset types grew from dozens to several thousands. Hence the number of Elasticsearch indices (per asset type) as well as asset document indexing or searching RPS (requests per second) grew over time. Although this indexing strategy worked smoothly for a while, interesting challenges started coming up and we started to notice performance issues over time. We started to observe CPU spikes, long running queries, instances going yellow/red in status.

Usually the first thing to try is to scale up the Elasticsearch cluster horizontally by increasing the number of nodes or vertically by upgrading instance types. We tried both, and in many cases it helps, but sometimes it is a short term fix and the performance problems come back after a while; and it did for us. You know it is time to dig deeper to understand the root cause of it.

It was time to take a step back and reevaluate our ES data indexing and sharding strategy. Each index was assigned a fixed number of 6 shards and 2 replicas (defined in the template of the index). With the increase in the number of asset types, we ended up having approximately 900 indices (thus 16200 shards). Some of these indices had millions of documents, whereas many of them were very small with only thousands of documents. We found the root cause of the CPU spike was unbalanced shards size. Elasticsearch nodes storing those large shards became hot spots and queries hitting those instances were timing out or very slow due to busy threads.

We changed our indexing strategy and decided to create indices based on time buckets, rather than asset types. What this means is, assets created between t1 and t2 would go to the T1 bucket, assets created between t2 and t3 would go to the T2 bucket, and so on. So instead of persisting assets based on their asset types, we would use their ids (thus its creation time; because the asset id is a time based uuid generated at the asset creation) to determine which time bucket the document should be persisted to. Elasticsearch recommends each shard to be under 65GB (AWS recommends them to be under 50GB), so we could create time based indices where each index holds somewhere between 16–20GB of data, giving some buffer for data growth. Existing assets can be redistributed appropriately to these precreated shards, and new assets would always go to the current index. Once the size of the current index exceeds a certain threshold (16GB), we would create a new index for the next bucket (minute/hour/day) and start indexing assets to the new index created. We created an index template in Elasticsearch so that the new indices always use the same settings and mappings stored in the template.

We chose to index all versions of an asset in the the same bucket – the one that keeps the first version. Therefore, even though new assets can never be persisted to an old index (due to our time based id generation logic, they always go to the latest/current index); existing assets can be updated, causing additional documents for those new asset versions to be created in those older indices. Therefore we chose a lower threshold for the roll over so that older shards would still be well under 50GB even after those updates.

Fig 2. Indices based on Time Buckets

For searching purposes, we have a single read alias that points to all indices created. When performing a query, we always execute it on the alias. This ensures that no matter where documents are, all documents matching the query will be returned. For indexing/updating documents, though, we cannot use an alias, we use the exact index name to perform index operations.

To avoid the ES query for the list of indices for every indexing request, we keep the list of indices in a distributed cache. We refresh this cache whenever a new index is created for the next time bucket, so that new assets will be indexed appropriately. For every asset indexing request, we look at the cache to determine the corresponding time bucket index for the asset. The cache stores all time-based indices in a sorted order (for simplicity we named our indices based on their starting time in the format yyyyMMddHHmmss) so that we can easily determine exactly which index should be used for asset indexing based on the asset creation time. Without using the time bucket strategy, the same asset could have been indexed into multiple indices because Elasticsearch doc id is unique per index and not the cluster. Or we would have to perform two API calls, first to identify the specific index and then to perform the asset update/delete operation on that specific index.

It is still possible to exceed 50GB in those older indices if millions of updates occur within that time bucket index. To address this issue, we added an API that would split an old index into two programmatically. In order to split a given bucket T1 (which stores all assets between t1 and t2) into two, we choose a time t1.5 between t1 and t2, create a new bucket T1_5, and reindex all assets created between t1.5 and t2 from T1 into this new bucket. While the reindexing is happening, queries / reads are still answered by T1, so any new document created (via asset updates) would be dual-written into T1 and T1.5, provided that their timestamp falls between t1.5 and t2. Finally, once the reindexing is complete, we enable reads from T1_5, stop the dual write and delete reindexed documents from T1.

In fact, Elasticsearch provides an index rollover feature to handle the growing indicex problem With this feature, a new index is created when the current index size hits a threshold, and through a write alias, the index calls will point to the new index created. That means, all future index calls would go to the new index created. However, this would create a problem for our update flow use case, because we would have to query multiple indices to determine which index contains a particular document so that we can update it appropriately. Because the calls to Elasticsearch may not be sequential, meaning, an asset a1 created at T1 can be indexed after another asset a2 created at T2 where T2>T1, the older asset a1 can end up in the newer index while the newer asset a2 is persisted in the old index. In our current implementation, however, by simply looking at the asset id (and asset creation time), we can easily find out which index to go to and it is always deterministic.

One thing to mention is, Elasticsearch has a default limit of 1000 fields per index. If we index all types to a single index, wouldn’t we easily exceed this number? And what about the data type collisions we mentioned above? Having a single index for all data types could potentially cause collisions when two asset types define different data types for the same field. We also changed our mapping strategy to overcome these issues. Instead of creating a separate Elasticsearch field for each metadata field defined in an asset type, we created a single nested type with a mandatory field called `key`, which represents the name of the field on the asset type, and a handful of data-type specific fields, such as: `string_value`, `long_value`, `date_value`, etc. We would populate the corresponding data-type specific field based on the actual data type of the value. Below you can see a part of the index mapping defined in our template, and an example from a document (asset) which has four metadata fields:

Fig 3. Snippet of the index mapping
Fig 4. Snippet of nested metadata field on a stored document

As you see above, all asset properties go under the same nested field `metadata` with a mandatory `key` field, and the corresponding data-type specific field. This ensures that no matter how many asset types or properties are indexed, we would always have a fixed number of fields defined in the mapping. When searching for these fields, instead of querying for a single value (cameraId == 42323243), we perform a nested query where we query for both key and the value (key == cameraId AND long_value == 42323243). For more information on nested queries, please refer to this link.

Fig 5. Search/Indexing RPS

After these changes, the indices we created are now balanced in terms of data size. CPU utilization is down from an average of 70% to 10%. In addition, we are able to reduce the refresh interval time on these indices from our earlier setting 30 seconds to 1 sec in order to support use cases like read after write, which enables users to search and get a document after a second it was created

Fig 6. CPU Spike with Old indexing strategy
Fig 7. CPU Usage with New indexing strategy

We had to do a one time migration of the existing documents to the new indices. Thankfully we already have a framework in place that can query all assets from Cassandra and index them in Elasticsearch. Since doing full table scans in Cassandra is not generally recommended on large tables (due to potential timeouts), our cassandra schema contains several reverse indices that help us query all data efficiently. We also utilize Kafka to process these assets asynchronously without impacting our real time traffic. This infrastructure is used not only to index assets to Elasticsearch, but also to perform administrative operations on all or some assets, such as bulk updating assets, scanning / fixing problems on them, etc. Since we only focused on Elasticsearch indexing in this blog, we are planning to create another blog to talk about this infrastructure later.

Elasticsearch Indexing Strategy in Asset Management Platform (AMP) was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Data Reprocessing Pipeline in Asset Management Platform @Netflix

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

By Meenakshi Jindal


At Netflix, we built the asset management platform (AMP) as a centralized service to organize, store and discover the digital media assets created during the movie production. Studio applications use this service to store their media assets, which then goes through an asset cycle of schema validation, versioning, access control, sharing, triggering configured workflows like inspection, proxy generation etc. This platform has evolved from supporting studio applications to data science applications, machine-learning applications to discover the assets metadata, and build various data facts.

During this evolution, quite often we receive requests to update the existing assets metadata or add new metadata for the new features added. This pattern grows over time when we need to access and update the existing assets metadata. Hence we built the data pipeline that can be used to extract the existing assets metadata and process it specifically to each new use case. This framework allowed us to evolve and adapt the application to any unpredictable inevitable changes requested by our platform clients without any downtime. Production assets operations are performed in parallel with older data reprocessing without any service downtime. Some of the common supported data reprocessing use cases are listed below.

Production Use Cases

  • Real-Time APIs (backed by the Cassandra database) for asset metadata access don’t fit analytics use cases by data science or machine learning teams. We build the data pipeline to persist the assets data in the iceberg in parallel with cassandra and elasticsearch DB. But to build the data facts, we need the complete data set in the iceberg and not just the new. Hence the existing assets data was read and copied to the iceberg tables without any production downtime.
  • Asset versioning scheme is evolved to support the major and minor version of assets metadata and relations update. This feature support required a significant update in the data table design (which includes new tables and updating existing table columns). Existing data got updated to be backward compatible without impacting the existing running production traffic.
  • Elasticsearch version upgrade which includes backward incompatible changes, so all the assets data is read from the primary source of truth and reindexed again in the new indices.
  • Data Sharding strategy in elasticsearch is updated to provide low search latency (as described in blog post)
  • Design of new Cassandra reverse indices to support different sets of queries.
  • Automated workflows are configured for media assets (like inspection) and these workflows are required to be triggered for old existing assets too.
  • Assets Schema got evolved that required reindexing all assets data again in ElasticSearch to support search/stats queries on new fields.
  • Bulk deletion of assets related to titles for which license is expired.
  • Updating or Adding metadata to existing assets because of some regressions in client application/within service itself.

Data Reprocessing Pipeline Flow

Figure 1. Data Reprocessing Pipeline Flow

Data Extractor

Cassandra is the primary data store of the asset management service. With SQL datastore, it was easy to access the existing data with pagination regardless of the data size. But there is no such concept of pagination with No-SQL datastores like Cassandra. Some features are provided by Cassandra (with newer versions) to support pagination like pagingstate, COPY, but each one of them has some limitations. To avoid dependency on data store limitations, we designed our data tables such that the data can be read with pagination in a performant way.

Mainly we read the assets data either by asset schema types or time bucket based on asset creation time. Data sharding completely based on the asset type may have created the wide rows considering some types like VIDEO may have many more assets compared to others like TEXT. Hence, we used the asset types and time buckets based on asset creation date for data sharding across the Cassandra nodes. Following is the example of tables primary and clustering keys defined:

Figure 2. Cassandra Table Design

Based on the asset type, first time buckets are fetched which depends on the creation time of assets. Then using the time buckets and asset types, a list of assets ids in those buckets are fetched. Asset Id is defined as a cassandra Timeuuid data type. We use Timeuuids for AssetId because it can be sorted and then used to support pagination. Any sortable Id can be used as the table primary key to support the pagination. Based on the page size e.g. N, first N rows are fetched from the table. Next page is fetched from the table with limit N and asset id < last asset id fetched.

Figure 3. Cassandra Data Fetch Query

Data layers can be designed based on different business specific entities which can be used to read the data by those buckets. But the primary id of the table should be sortable to support the pagination.

Sometimes we have to reprocess a specific set of assets only based on some field in the payload. We can use Cassandra to read assets based on time or an asset type and then further filter from those assets which satisfy the user’s criteria. Instead we use Elasticsearch to search those assets which are more performant.

After reading the asset ids using one of the ways, an event is created per asset id to be processed synchronously or asynchronously based on the use case. For asynchronous processing, events are sent to Apache Kafka topics to be processed.

Data Processor

Data processor is designed to process the data differently based on the use case. Hence, different processors are defined which can be extended based on the evolving requirements. Data can be processed synchronously or asynchronously.

Synchronous Flow: Depending on the event type, the specific processor can be directly invoked on the filtered data. Generally, this flow is used for small datasets.

Asynchronous Flow: Data processor consumes the data events sent by the data extractor. Apache Kafka topic is configured as a message broker. Depending on the use case, we have to control the number of events processed in a time unit e.g. to reindex all the data in elasticsearch because of template change, it is preferred to re-index the data at certain RPS to avoid any impact on the running production workflow. Async processing has the benefit to control the flow of event processing with Kafka consumers count or with controlling thread pool size on each consumer. Event processing can also be stopped at any time by disabling the consumers in case production flow gets any impact with this parallel data processing. For fast processing of the events, we use different settings of Kafka consumer and Java executor thread pool. We poll records in bulk from Kafka topics, and process them asynchronously with multiple threads. Depending on the processor type, events can be processed at high scale with right settings of consumer poll size and thread pool.

Each of these use cases mentioned above looks different, but they all need the same reprocessing flow to extract the old data to be processed. Many applications design data pipelines for the processing of the new data; but setting up such a data processing pipeline for the existing data supports handling the new features by just implementing a new processor. This pipeline can be thoughtfully triggered anytime with the data filters and data processor type (which defines the actual action to be performed).

Error Handling

Errors are part of software development. But with this framework, it has to be designed more carefully as bulk data reprocessing will be done in parallel with the production traffic. We have set up the different clusters of data extractor and processor from the main Production cluster to process the older assets data to avoid any impact of the assets operations live in production. Such clusters may have different configurations of thread pools to read and write data from database, logging levels and connection configuration with external dependencies.

Figure 4: Processing clusters

Data processors are designed to continue processing the events even in case of some errors for eg. There are some unexpected payloads in old data. In case of any error in the processing of an event, Kafka consumers acknowledge that event is processed and send those events to a different queue after some retries. Otherwise Kafka consumers will continue trying to process the same message again and block the processing of other events in the topic. We reprocess data in the dead letter queue after fixing the root cause of the issue. We collect the failure metrics to be checked and fixed later. We have set up the alerts and continuously monitor the production traffic which can be impacted because of the bulk old data reprocessing. In case any impact is noticed, we should be able to slow down or stop the data reprocessing at any time. With different data processor clusters, this can be easily done by reducing the number of instances processing the events or reducing the cluster to 0 instances in case we need a complete halt.

Best Practices

  • Depending on existing data size and use case, processing may impact the production flow. So identify the optimal event processing limits and accordingly configure the consumer threads.
  • If the data processor is calling any external services, check the processing limits of those services because bulk data processing may create unexpected traffic to those services and cause scalability/availability issues.
  • Backend processing may take time from seconds to minutes. Update the Kafka consumer timeout settings accordingly otherwise different consumer may try to process the same event again after processing timeout.
  • Verify the data processor module with a small data set first, before trigger processing of the complete data set.
  • Collect the success and error processing metrics because sometimes old data may have some edge cases not handled correctly in the processors. We are using the Netflix Atlas framework to collect and monitor such metrics.


Burak Bacioglu and other members of the Asset Management platform team have contributed in the design and development of this data reprocessing pipeline.

Data Reprocessing Pipeline in Asset Management Platform @Netflix was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

NTS: Reliable Device Testing at Scale

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

By Benson Ma, ZZ Zimmerman
With contributions from
Alok Ahuja, Shravan Heroor, Michael Krasnow, Todor Minchev, Inder Singh


At Netflix, we test hundreds of different device types every day, ranging from streaming sticks to smart TVs, to ensure that new version releases of the Netflix SDK continue to provide the exceptional Netflix experience that our customers expect. We also collaborate with our Partners to integrate the Netflix SDK onto their upcoming new devices, such as TVs and set top boxes. This program, known as Partner Certification, is particularly important for the business because device expansion historically has been crucial for new Netflix subscription acquisitions. The Netflix Test Studio (NTS) platform was created to support Netflix SDK testing and Partner Certification by providing a consistent automation solution for both Netflix and Partner developers to deploy and execute tests on “Netflix Ready” devices.

Over the years, both Netflix SDK testing and Partner Certification have gradually transitioned upstream towards a shift-left testing strategy. This requires the automation infrastructure to support large-scale CI, which NTS was not originally designed for. NTS 2.0 addresses this very limitation of NTS, as it has been built by taking the learnings from NTS 1.0 to re-architect the system into a platform that significantly improves reliable device testing at scale while maintaining the NTS user experience.


The Test Workflow in NTS

We first describe the device testing workflow in NTS at a high level.

Tests: Netflix device tests are defined as scripts that run against the Netflix application. Test authors at Netflix write the tests and register them into the system along with information that specifies the hardware and software requirements for the test to be able to run correctly, since tests are written to exercise device- and Netflix SDK-specific features which can vary.

One feature that is unique to NTS as an automation system is the support for user interactions in device tests, i.e. tests that require user input or action in the middle of execution. For example, a test might ask the user to turn the volume button up, play an audio clip, then ask the user to either confirm the volume increase or fail the assertion. While most tests are fully automated, these semi-manual tests are often valuable in the device certification process, because they help us verify the integration of the Netflix SDK with the Partner device’s firmware, which we have no control over, and thus cannot automate.

Test Target: In both the Netflix SDK and Partner testing use cases, the test targets are generally production devices, meaning they may not necessarily provide ssh / root access. As such, operations on devices by the automation system may only be reliably carried out through established device communication protocols such as DIAL or ADB, instead of through hardware-specific debugging tools that the Partners use.

Test Environment: The test targets are located both internally at Netflix and inside the Partner networks. To normalize the diversity of networking environments across both the Netflix and Partner networks and create a consistent and controllable computing environment on which users can run certification testing on their devices, Netflix provides a customized embedded computer to Partners called the Reference Automation Environment (RAE). The devices are in turn connected to the RAE, which provides access to the testing services provided by NTS.

Device Onboarding: Before a user can execute tests, they must make their device known to NTS and associate it with their Netflix Partner account in a process called device onboarding. The user achieves this by connecting the device to the RAE in a plug-and-play fashion. The RAE collects the device properties and publishes this information to NTS. The user then goes to the UI to claim the newly-visible device so that its ownership is associated with their account.

Device and Test Selection: To run tests, the user first selects from the browser-based web UI (the “NTS UI”) a target device from the list of devices under their ownership (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Device selection in the NTS UI.

After a device has been selected, the user is presented with all tests that are applicable to the device being developed (Figure 2). The user then selects the subset of tests they are interested in running, and submits them for execution by NTS.

Figure 2: Test selection in the NTS UI.

Tests can be executed as a single test run or as part of a batch run. In the latter case, additional execution options are available, such as the option to run multiple iterations of the same test or re-run tests on failure (Figure 3).

Figure 3: Batch run options in the NTS UI.

Test Execution: Once the tests are launched, the user will get a view of the tests being run, with a live update of their progress (Figure 4).

Figure 4: The NTS UI batch execution view.

If the test is a manual test, prompts will appear in the UI at certain points during the test execution (Figure 5). The user follows the instructions in the prompt and clicks on the prompt buttons to notify the test to continue.

Figure 5: An example confirmation prompt in the NTS UI.

Defining the Stakeholders

To better define the business and system requirements for NTS, we must first identify who the stakeholders are and what their roles are in the business. For the purposes of this discussion, the major stakeholders in NTS are the following:

System Users: The system users are the Partners (system integrators) and the Partner Engineers that work with them. They select the certification targets, run tests, and analyze the results.

Test Authors: The test authors write the test cases that are to be run against the certification targets (devices). They are generally a subset of the system users, and are familiar or involved with the development of the Netflix SDK and UI.

System Developers: The system developers are responsible for developing the NTS platform and its components, adding new features, fixing bugs, maintaining uptime, and evolving the system architecture over time.

From the Use Cases to System Requirements

With the business workflows and stakeholders defined, we can articulate a set of high level system requirements / design guidelines that NTS should in theory follow:

Scheduling Non-requirement: The devices that are used in NTS form a pool of heterogeneous resources that have a diverse range of hardware constraints. However, NTS is built around the use case where users come in with a specific resource or pool of similar resources in mind and are searching for a subset of compatible tests to run on the target resource(s). This contrasts with test automation systems where users come in with a set of diverse tests, and are searching for compatible resources on which to run the tests. Resource sharing is possible, but it is expected to be manually coordinated between the users because the business workflows that use NTS often involve physical ownership of the device anyway. For these reasons, advanced resource scheduling is not a user requirement of this system.

Test Execution Component: Similar to other workflow automation systems, running tests in NTS involve performing tasks external to the target. These include controlling the target device, keeping track of the device state / connectivity, setting up test accounts for the test execution, collecting device logs, publishing test updates, validating test input parameters, and uploading test results, just to name a few. Thus, there needs to be a well-defined test execution stack that sits outside of the device under test to coordinate all these operations.

Proper State Management: Test execution statuses need to be accurately tracked, so that multiple users can follow what is happening while the test is running. Furthermore, certain tests require user interactions via prompts, which necessitate the system keeping track of messages being passed back and forth from the UI to the device. These two use cases call for a well-defined data model for representing test executions, as well as a system that provides consistent and reliable test execution state management.

Higher Level Execution Semantics: As noted from the business workflow description, users may want to run tests in batches, run multiple iterations of a test case, retry failing tests up to a given number of times, cancel tests in single or at the batch level, and be notified on the completion of a batch execution. Given that the execution of a single test case is already complex as is, these user features call for the need to encapsulate single test executions as the unit of abstraction that we can then use to define higher level execution semantics for supporting said features in a consistent manner.

Automated Supervision: Running tests on prototype hardware inherently comes with reliability issues, not to mention that it takes place in a network environment which we do not necessarily control. At any point during a test execution, the target device can run into any number of errors stemming from either the target device itself, the test execution stack, or the network environment. When this happens, the users should not be left without test execution updates and incomplete test results. As such, multiple levels of supervision need to be built into the test system, so that test executions are always cleaned up in a reliable manner.

Test Orchestration Component: The requirements for proper state management, higher level execution semantics, and automated supervision call for a well-defined test orchestration stack that handles these three aspects in a consistent manner. To clearly delineate the responsibilities of test orchestration from those of test execution, the test orchestration stack should be separate from and sit on top of the test execution component abstraction (Figure 6).

Figure 6: The workflow cases in NTS.

System Scalability: Scalability in NTS has different meaning for each of the system’s stakeholders. For the users, scalability implies the ability to always be able to run and interact with tests, no matter the scale (notwithstanding genuine device unavailability). For the test authors, scalability implies the ease of defining, extending, and debugging certification test cases. For the system developers, scalability implies the employment of distributed system design patterns and practices that scale up the development and maintenance velocities required to meet the needs of the users.

Adherence to the Paved Path: At Netflix, we emphasize building out solutions that use paved-path tooling as much as possible (see posts here and here). JVM and Kafka support are the most relevant components of the paved-path tooling for this article.

The Evolution of NTS

With the system requirements properly articulated, let us do a high-level walkthrough of the NTS 1.0 as implemented and examine some of its shortcomings with respect to meeting the requirements.

Test Execution Stack

In NTS 1.0, the test execution stack is partitioned into two components to address two orthogonal concerns: maintaining the test environment and running the actual tests. The RAE serves as the foundation for addressing the first concern. On the RAE sits the first component of the test execution stack, the device agent. The device agent is a monolithic daemon running on the RAE that manages the physical connections to the devices under test (DUTs), and provides an RPC API abstraction over physical device management and control.

Complementing the device agent is the test harness, which manages the actual test execution. The test harness accepts HTTP requests to run a single test case, upon which it will spin off a test executor instance to drive and manage the test case’s execution through RPC calls to the device agent managing the target device (see the NTS 1.0 blog post for details). Throughout the lifecycle of the test execution, the test harness publishes test updates to a message bus (Kafka in this case) that other services consume from.

Because the device agent provides a hardware abstraction layer for device control, the business logic for executing tests that resides in the test harness, from invoking device commands to publishing test results, is device-independent. This provides freedom for the component to be developed and deployed as a cloud-native application, so that it can enjoy the benefits of the cloud application model, e.g. write once run everywhere, automatic scalability, etc. Together, the device agent and the test harness form what is called the Hybrid Execution Context (HEC), i.e. the test execution is co-managed by a cloud and edge software stack (Figure 7).

Figure 7: The test execution stack (Hybrid Execution Context) in NTS 1.0.

Because the test harness contains all the common test execution business logic, it effectively acts as an “SDK” that device tests can be written on top of. Consequently, test case definitions are packaged as a common software library that the test harness imports on startup, and are executed as library methods called by the test executors in the test harness. This development model complements the write once run everywhere development model of test harness, since improvements to the test harness generally translate to test case execution improvements without any changes made to the test definitions themselves.

As noted earlier, executing a single test case against a device consists of many operations involved in the setup, runtime, and teardown of the test. Accordingly, the responsibility for each of the operations was divided between the device agent and test harness along device-specific and non-device-specific lines. While this seemed reasonable in theory, oftentimes there were operations that could not be clearly delegated to one or the other component. For example, since relevant logs are emitted by both software inside and outside of the device during a test, test log collection becomes a responsibility for both the device agent and test harness.

Presentation Layer

While the test harness publishes test events that eventually make their way into the test results store, the test executors and thus the intermediate test execution states are ephemeral and localized to the individual test harness instances that spun them. Consequently, a middleware service called the test dispatcher sits in between the users and the test harness to handle the complexity of test executor “discovery” (see the NTS 1.0 blog post for details). In addition to proxying test run requests coming from the users to the test harness, the test dispatcher most importantly serves materialized views of the intermediate test execution states to the users, by building them up through the ingestion of test events published by the test harness (Figure 8).

Figure 8: The presentation layer in NTS 1.0.

This presentation layer that is offered by the test dispatcher is more accurately described as a console abstraction to the test execution, since users rely on this service to not just follow the latest updates to a test execution, but also to interact with the tests that require user interaction. Consequently, bidirectionality is a requirement for the communications protocol shared between the test dispatcher service and the user interface, and as such, the WebSocket protocol was adopted due to its relative simplicity of implementation for both the test dispatcher and the user interface (web browsers in this case). When a test executes, users open a WebSocket session with the test dispatcher through the UI, and materialized test updates flow to the UI through this session as they are consumed by the service. Likewise, test prompt responses / cancellation requests flow from the UI back to the test dispatcher via the same session, and the test dispatcher forwards the message to the appropriate test executor instance in the test harness.

Batch Execution Stack

In NTS 1.0, the unit of abstraction for running tests is the single test case execution, and both the test execution stack and presentation layer was designed and implemented with this in mind. The construct of a batch run containing multiple tests was introduced only later in the evolution of NTS, being motivated by a set of related user-demanded features: the ability to run and associate multiple tests together, the ability to retry tests on failure, and the ability to be notified when a group of tests completes. To address the business logic of managing batch runs, a batch executor was developed, separate from both the test harness and dispatcher services (Figure 9).

Figure 9: The batch execution stack in NTS 1.0.

Similar to the test dispatcher service, the batch execution service proxies batch run requests coming from the users, and is ultimately responsible for dispatching the individual test runs in the batch through the test harness. However, the batch execution service maintains its own data model of the test execution that is separate from and thus incompatible with that materialized by the test dispatcher service. This is a necessary difference considering the unit of abstraction for running tests using the batch execution service is the batch run.

Examining the Shortcomings of NTS 1.0

Having described the major system components at a high level, we can now analyze some of the shortcomings of the system in detail:

Inconsistent Execution Semantics: Because batch runs were introduced as an afterthought, the semantics of batch executions in relation to those of the individual test executions were never fully clarified in implementation. In addition, the presence of both the test dispatcher and batch executor created a bifurcation in test executions management, where neither service alone satisfied the users’ needs. For example, a single test that is kicked off as part of a batch run through the batch executor must be canceled through the test dispatcher service. However, cancellation is only possible if the test is in a running state, since the test dispatcher has no information about tests prior to their execution. Behaviors such as this often resulted in the system appearing inconsistent and unintuitive to the users, while presenting a knowledge overhead for the system developers.

Test Execution Scalability and Reliability: The test execution stack suffered two technical issues that hampered its reliability and ability to scale. The first is in the partitioning of the test execution stack into two distinct components. While this division had emerged naturally from the setup of the business workflow, the device agent and test harness are fundamentally two pieces of a common stack separated by a control plane, i.e. the network. The conditions of the network at the Partner sites are known to be inconsistent and sometimes unreliable, as there might be traffic congestion, low bandwith, or unique firewall rules in place. Furthermore, RPC communications between the device agent and test harness are not direct, but go through a few more system components (e.g. gateway services). For these reasons, test executions in practice often suffer from a host of stability, reliability, and latency issues, most of which we cannot take action upon.

The second technical issue is in the implementation of the test executors hosted by the test harness. When a test case is run, a full thread is spawned off to manage its execution, and all intermediate test execution state is stored in thread-local memory. Given that much of the test execution lifecycle is involved with making blocking RPC calls, this choice of implementation in practice limits the number of tests that can effectively be run and managed per test harness instance. Moreover, the decision to maintain intermediate test execution state only in thread-local memory renders the test harness fragile, as all test executors running on a given test harness instance will be lost along with their data if the instance goes down. Operational issues stemming from the brittle implementation of the test executors and from the partitioning of the test execution stack frequently exacerbate each other, leading to situations where test executions are slow, unreliable, and prone to infrastructure errors.

Presentation Layer Scalability: In theory, the dispatcher service’s WebSocket server can scale up user sessions to the maximum number of HTTP connections allowed by the service and host configuration. However, the service was designed to be stateless so as to reduce the codebase size and complexity. This meant that the dispatcher service had to initialize a new Kafka consumer, read from the beginning of the target partition, filter for the relevant test updates, and build the intermediate test execution state on the fly each time a user opened a new WebSocket session with the service. This was a slow and resource-intensive process, which limited the scalability of the dispatcher service as an interactive test execution console for users in practice.

Test Authoring Scalability: Because the common test execution business logic was bundled with the test harness as a de facto SDK, test authors had to actually be familiar with the test harness stack in order to define new test cases. For the test authors, this presented a huge learning curve, since they had to learn a large codebase written in a programming language and toolchain that was completely different from those used in Netflix SDK and UI. Since only the test harness maintainers can effectively contribute test case definitions and improvements, this became a bottleneck as far as development velocity was concerned.

Unreliable State Management: Each of the three core services has a different policy with respect to test execution state management. In the test harness, state is held in thread-local memory, while in the test dispatcher, it is built on the fly by reading from Kafka with each new console session. In the batch executor, on the other hand, intermediate test execution states are ignored entirely and only test results are stored. Because there is no persistence story with regards to intermediate test execution state, and because there is no data model to represent test execution states consistently across the three services, it becomes very difficult to coordinate and track test executions. For example, two WebSocket sessions to the same test execution are generally not reproducible if user interactions such as prompt responses are involved, since each session has its own materialization of the test execution state. Without the ability to properly model and track test executions, supervision of test executions is consequently non-existent.

Moving To an Intentional Architecture

The evolution of NTS can best be described as that of an emergent system architecture, with many features added over time to fulfill the users’ ever-increasing needs. It became apparent that this model brought forth various shortcomings that prevented it from satisfying the system requirements laid out earlier. We now discuss the high-level architectural changes we have made with NTS 2.0, which was built with an intentional design approach to address the system requirements of the business problem.

Decoupling Test Definitions

In NTS 2.0, tests are defined as scripts against the Netflix SDK that execute on the device itself, as opposed to library code that is dependent on and executes in the test harness. These test definitions are hosted on a separate service where they can be accessed by the Netflix SDK on devices located in the Partner networks (Figure 10).

Figure 10: Decoupling the test definitions from the test execution stack in NTS 2.0.

This change brings several distinct benefits to the system. The first is that the new setup is more aligned with device certification, where ultimately we are testing the integration of the Netflix SDK with the target device’s firmware. The second is that we are able to consolidate instrumentation and logging onto a single stack, which simplifies the debugging process for the developers. In addition, by having tests be defined using the same programming language and toolchain used to develop the Netflix UI, the learning curve for writing and maintaining tests is significantly reduced for the test authors. Finally, this setup strongly decouples test definitions from the rest of the test execution infrastructure, allowing for the two to be developed separately in parallel with improved velocity.

Defining the Job Execution Model

A proper job execution model with concise semantics has been defined in NTS 2.0 to address the inconsistent semantics between single test and batch executions (Figure 11). The model is summarized as follows:

  • The base unit of test execution is the batch. A batch consists of one or more test cases to be run sequentially on the target device.
  • The base unit of test orchestration is the job. A job is a template containing a list of test cases to be run, configurations for test retries and job notifications, and information on the target device.
  • All test run requests create a job template, from which batches are instantiated for execution. This includes single test run requests.
  • Upon batch completion, a new batch may be instantiated from the source job, but containing only the subset of the test cases that failed earlier. Whether or not this occurs depends on the source job’s test retries configuration.
  • A job is considered finished when its instantiated batches and subsequent retries have completed. Notifications may then be sent out according to the job’s configuration.
  • Cancellations are applicable to either the single test execution level or the batch execution level. Jobs are considered canceled when its current batch instantiation is canceled.
Figure 11: The job execution model in NTS 2.0.

The newly-defined job execution model thoroughly clarifies the semantics of single test and batch executions while remaining consistent with all existing use cases of the system, and has informed the re-architecting of both the test execution and orchestration components, which we will discuss in the next few sections.

Replacement of the Control Plane

In NTS 1.0, the device agent at the edge and the test harness in the cloud communicate to each other via RPC calls proxied by intermediate gateway services. As noted in great detail earlier, this setup brought many stability, reliability, and latency issues that were observed in test executions. With NTS 2.0, this point-to-point-based control plane is replaced with a message bus-based control plane that is built on MQTT and Kafka (Figure 12).

MQTT is an OASIS standard messaging protocol for the Internet of Things (IoT) and was designed as a highly lightweight yet reliable publish/subscribe messaging transport that is ideal for connecting remote devices with a small code footprint and minimal network bandwidth. MQTT clients connect to the MQTT broker and send messages prefixed with a topic. The broker is responsible for receiving all messages, filtering them, determining who is subscribed to which topic, and sending the messages to the subscribed clients accordingly. The key features that make MQTT highly appealing to us are its support for request retries, fault tolerance, hierarchical topics, client authentication and authorization, per-topic ACLs, and bi-directional request/response message patterns, all of which are crucial for the business use cases around NTS.

Since the paved-path solution at Netflix supports Kafka, a bridge is established between the two protocols to allow cloud-side services to communicate with the control plane (Figure 12). Through the bridge, MQTT messages are converted directly to Kafka records, where the record key is set to be the MQTT topic that the message was assigned to. We take advantage of this construction by having test execution updates published on MQTT contain the test_id in the topic. This forces all updates for a given test execution to effectively appear on the same Kafka partition with a well-defined message order for consumption by NTS component cloud services.

The introduction of the new control plane has enabled communications between different NTS components to be carried out in a consistent, scalable, and reliable manner, regardless of where the components were located. One example of its use is described in our earlier blog post about reliable devices management. The new control plane sets the foundations for the evolution of the test execution stack in NTS 2.0, which we discuss next.

Migration from a Hybrid to Local Execution Context

The test execution component is completely migrated over from the cloud to the edge in NTS 2.0. This includes functionality from the batch execution stack in NTS 1.0, since batch executions are the new base unit of test execution. The migration immediately addresses the long standing problems of network reliability and latency in test executions, since the entire test execution stack now sits together in the same isolated environment, the RAE, instead of being partitioned by a control plane.

Figure 12: The test execution stack (Local Execution Context) and the control plane in NTS 2.0.

During the migration, the test harness and the device agent components were modularized, as each aspect of test execution management — device state management, device communications protocol management, batch executions management, log collection, etc — was moved into a dedicated system service running on the RAE that communicated with the other components via the new control plane (Figure 12). Together with the new control plane, these new local modules form what is called the Local Execution Context (LEC). By consolidating test execution management onto the edge and thus in close proximity to the device, the LEC becomes largely immune from the many network-related scalability, reliability, and stability issues that the HEC model frequently encounters. Alongside with the decoupling of test definitions from the test harness, the LEC has significantly reduced the complexity of the test execution stack, and has paved the way for its development to be parallelized and thus scalable.

Proper State Modeling with Event Sourcing

Test orchestration covers many aspects: support for the established job execution model (kicking off and running jobs), consistent state management for test executions, reconciliation of user interaction events with test execution state, and overall job execution supervision. These functions were divided amongst the three core services in NTS 1.0, but without a consistent model of the intermediate execution states that they can rely upon for coordination, test orchestration as defined by the system requirements could not be reliably achieved. With NTS 2.0, a unified data schema for test execution updates is defined according to the job execution model, with the data itself persisted in storage as an append-only log. In this state management model, all updates for a given test execution, including user interaction events, are stored as a totally-ordered sequence of immutable records ordered by time and grouped by the test_id. The append-only property here is a very powerful feature, because it gives us the ability to materialize a test execution state at any intermediate point in time simply by replaying the append-only log for the test execution from the beginning up until the given timestamp. Because the records are immutable, state materializations are always fully reproducible.

Since the test execution stack continuously publishes test updates to the control plane, state management at the test orchestration layer simply becomes a matter of ingesting and storing these updates in the correct order in accordance with the Event Sourcing Pattern. For this, we turn to the solution provided by Alpakka-Kafka, whose adoption we have previously pioneered in the implementation of our devices management platform (Figure 13). To summarize here, we chose Alpakka-Kafka as the basis of the test updates ingestion infrastructure because it fulfilled the following technical requirements: support for per-partition in-order processing of events, back-pressure support, fault tolerance, integration with the paved-path tooling, and long-term maintainability. Ingested updates are subsequently persisted into a log store backed by CockroachDB. CockroachDB was chosen as the backing store because it is designed to be horizontally scalable and it offers the SQL capabilities needed for working with the job execution data model.

Figure 13: The event sourcing pipeline in NTS 2.0, powered by Alpakka-Kafka.

With proper event sourcing in place and the test execution stack fully migrated over to the LEC, the remaining functionality in the three core services is consolidated into dedicated single service in NTS 2.0, effectively replacing and improving upon the former three in all areas where test orchestration was concerned. The scalable state management solution provided by this test orchestration service becomes the foundation for scalable presentation and job supervision in NTS 2.0, which we discuss next.

Scaling Up the Presentation Layer

The new test orchestration service serves the presentation layer, which, as with NTS 1.0, provides a test execution console abstraction implemented using WebSocket sessions. However, for the console abstraction to be truly reliable and functional, it needs to fulfill several requirements. The first and foremost is that console sessions must be fully reproducible, i.e. two users interacting with the same test execution should observe the exact same behavior. This was an area that was particularly problematic in NTS 1.0. The second is that console sessions must scale up with the number of concurrent users in practice, i.e. sessions should not be resource-intensive. The third is that communications between the session console and the user should be minimal and efficient, i.e. new test execution updates should be delivered to the user only once. This requirement implies the need for maintaining session-local memory to keep track of delivered updates. Finally, the test orchestration service itself needs to be able to intervene in console sessions, e.g. send session liveness updates to the users on an interval schedule or notify the users of session termination if the service instance hosting the session is shutting down.

To handle all of these requirements in a consistent yet scalable manner, we turn to the Actor Model for inspiration. The Actor Model is a concurrency model in which actors are the universal primitive of concurrent computation. Actors send messages to each other, and in response to incoming messages, they can perform operations, create more actors, send out other messages, and change their future behavior. Actors also maintain and modify their own private state, but they can only affect each other’s states indirectly through messaging. In-depth discussions of the Actor Model and its many applications can be found here and here.

Figure 14: The presentation layer in NTS 2.0.

The Actor Model naturally fits the mental model of the test execution console, since the console is fundamentally a standalone entity that reacts to messages (e.g. test updates, service-level notifications, and user interaction events) and maintains internal state. Accordingly, we modeled test execution sessions as such using Akka Typed, a well-known and highly-maintained actor system implementation for the JVM (Figure 14). Console sessions are instantiated when a WebSocket connection is opened by the user to the service, and upon launch, the console begins fetching new test updates for the given test_id from the data store. Updates are delivered to the user over the WebSocket connection and saved to session-local memory as record to keep track of what has already been delivered, while user interaction events are forwarded back to the LEC via the control plane. The polling process is repeated on a cron schedule (every 2 seconds) that is registered to the actor system’s scheduler during console instantiation, and the polling’s data query pattern is designed to be aligned with the service’s state management model.

Putting in Job Supervision

As a distributed system whose components communicate asynchronously and are involved with prototype embedded devices, faults frequently occur throughout the NTS stack. These faults range from device loops and crashes to the RAE being temporarily disconnected from the network, and generally result in missing test updates and/or incomplete test results if left unchecked. Such undefined behavior is a frequent occurrence in NTS 1.0 that impedes the reliability of the presentation layer as an accurate view of test executions. In NTS 2.0, multiple levels of supervision are present across the system to address this class of issues. Supervision is carried out through checks that are scheduled throughout the job execution lifecycle in reaction to the job’s progress. These checks include:

  • Handling response timeouts for requests sent from the test orchestration service to the LEC.
  • Handling test “liveness”, i.e. ensuring that updates are continuously present until the test execution reaches a terminal state.
  • Handling test execution timeouts.
  • Handling batch execution timeouts.

When these faults occur, the checks will discover them and automatically clean up the faulting test execution, e.g. marking test results as invalid, releasing the target device from reservation, etc. While some checks exist in the LEC stack, job-level supervision facilities mainly reside in the test orchestration service, whose log store can be reliably used for monitoring test execution runs.


System Behavioral Reliability

The importance of understanding the business problem space and cementing this understanding through proper conceptual modeling cannot be underscored enough. Many of the perceived reliability issues in NTS 1.0 can be attributed to undefined behavior or missing features. These are an inevitable occurrence in the absence of conceptual modeling and thus strongly codified expectations of system behavior. With NTS 2.0, we properly defined from the very beginning the job execution model, the data schema for test execution updates according to the model, and the state management model for test execution states (i.e. the append-only log model). We then implemented various system-level features that are built upon these formalisms, such as event-sourcing of test updates, reproducible test execution console sessions, and job supervision. It is this development approach, along with the implementation choices made along the way, that empowers us to achieve behavioral reliability across the NTS system in accordance with the business requirements.

System Scalability

We can examine how each component in NTS 2.0 addresses the scalability issues that are present in its predecessor:

LEC Stack: With the consolidation of the test execution stack fully onto the RAE, the challenge of scaling up test executions is now broken down into two separate problems:

  • Whether or not the LEC stack can support executing as many tests simultaneously as the maximum number of devices that can be connected to the RAE.
  • Whether or not the communications between the edge and the cloud can scale with the number of RAEs in the system.

The first problem is naturally resolved by hardware-imposed limitations on the number of connected devices, as the RAE is an embedded appliance. The second refers to the scalability of the NTS control plane, which we will discuss next.

Control Plane: With the replacement of the point-to-point RPC-based control plane with a message bus-based control plane, system faults stemming from Partner networks have become a rare occurrence and RAE-edge communications have become scalable. For the MQTT side of the control plane, we used HiveMQ as the cloud MQTT broker. We chose HiveMQ because it met all of our business use case requirements in terms of performance and stability (see our adoption report for details), and came with the MQTT-Kafka bridging support that we needed.

Event Sourcing Infrastructure: The event-sourcing solution provided by Alpakka-Kafka and CockroachDB has already been demonstrated to be very performant, scalable, and fault tolerant in our earlier work on reliable devices management.

Presentation Layer: The current implementation of the test execution console abstraction using actors removed the practical scaling limits of the previous implementation. The real advantage of this implementation model is that we can achieve meaningful concurrency and performance without having to worry about the low-level details of thread pool management and lock-based synchronization. Notably, systems built on Akka Typed have been shown to support roughly 2.5 million actors per GB of heap and relay actor messages at a throughput of nearly 50 million messages per second.

To be thorough, we performed basic load tests on the presentation layer using the Gatling load-testing framework to verify its scalability. The simulated test scenario per request is as follows:

  1. Open a test execution console session (i.e. WebSocket connection) in the test orchestration service.
  2. Wait for 2 to 3 minutes (randomized), during which the session will be polling the data store at 2 second intervals for test updates.
  3. Close the session.

This scenario is comparable to the typical NTS user workflow that involves the presentation layer. The load test plan is as follows:

  1. Burst ramp-up requests to 1000 over 5 seconds.
  2. Add 80 new requests per second for 10 minutes.
  3. Wait for all requests to complete.

We observed that, in load tests of a single client machine (2.4 GHz, 8-Core, 32 GB RAM) running against a small cluster of 3 AWS m4.xlarge instances, we were able to peg the client at over 10,900 simultaneous live WebSocket connections before the client’s limits were reached (Figure 15). On the server side, neither CPU nor memory utilization appeared significantly impacted for the duration of the tests, and the database connection pool was able to handle the query load from all the data store polling (Figures 16–18). We can conclude from these load test results that scalability of the presentation layer has been achieved with the new implementation.

Figure 15: WebSocket sessions and handshake response time percentiles over time during the load testing.
Figure 16: CPU usage over time during the load testing.
Figure 17: Available memory over time during the load testing.
Figure 18: Database requests per second over time during the load testing.

Job Supervision: While the actual business logic may be complex, job supervision itself is a very lightweight process, as checks are reactively scheduled in response to events across the job execution cycle. In implementation, checks are scheduled through the Akka scheduler and run using actors, which have been shown above to scale very well.

Development Velocity

The design decisions we have made with NTS 2.0 have simplified the NTS architecture and in the process made the platform run tests observably much faster, as there are simply a lot less moving components to work with. Whereas it used to take roughly 60 seconds to run through a “Hello, World” device test from setup to teardown, now it takes less than 5 seconds. This has translated to increased development velocity for our users, who can now iterate their test authoring and device integration / certification work much more frequently.

In NTS 2.0, we have thoroughly added multiple levels of observability across the stack using paved-path tools, from contextual logging to metrics to distributed tracing. Some of these capabilities were previously not available in NTS 1.0 because the component services were built prior to the introduction of paved-path tooling at Netflix. Combined with the simplification of the NTS architecture, this has increased development velocity for the system maintainers by an order of magnitude, as user-reported issues in general can now be tracked down and fixed within the same day as they were reported, for example.

Costs Reduction

Though our discussion of NTS 1.0 focused on the three core services, in reality there are many auxiliary services in between that coordinate different aspects of a test execution, such as RPC requests proxying from cloud to edge, test results collection, etc. Over the course of building NTS 2.0, we have deprecated a total of 10 microservices whose roles have been either obsolesced by the new architecture or consolidated into the LEC and test orchestration service. In addition, our work has paved the way for the eventual deprecation of 5 additional services and the evolution of several others. The consolidation of component services along with the increase in development and maintenance velocity brought about by NTS 2.0 has significantly reduced the business costs of maintaining the NTS platform, in terms of both compute and developer resources.


Systems design is a process of discovery and can be difficult to get right on the first iteration. Many design decisions need to be considered in light of the business requirements, which evolve over time. In addition, design decisions must be regularly revisited and guided by implementation experience and customer feedback in a process of value-driven development, while avoiding the pitfalls of an emergent model of system evolution. Our in-field experience with NTS 1.0 has thoroughly informed the evolution of NTS into a device testing solution that better satisfies the business workflows and requirements we have while scaling up developer productivity in building out and maintaining this solution.

Though we have brought in large changes with NTS 2.0 that addressed the systemic shortcomings of its predecessor, the improvements discussed here are focused on only a few components of the overall NTS platform. We have previously discussed reliable devices management, which is another large focus domain. The overall reliability of the NTS platform rests on significant work made in many other key areas, including devices onboarding, the MQTT-Kafka transport, authentication and authorization, test results management, and system observability, which we plan to discuss in detail in future blog posts. In the meantime, thanks to this work, we expect NTS to continue to scale with increasing workloads and diversity of workflows over time according to the needs of our stakeholders.

NTS: Reliable Device Testing at Scale was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.