Security updates for Monday

Post Syndicated from original

Security updates have been issued by Debian (trafficserver), Fedora (freeciv, gnutls, kernel, libldb, mingw-gdk-pixbuf, owncloud-client, rust-ffsend, samba, thunderbird, and zlib), Gentoo (apache, binutils, chromium, glibc, gstreamer, libarchive, libebml, nokogiri, puma, qemu, xen, and xterm), Mageia (golang, libtiff, poppler, python-django, and ruby-sinatra), Red Hat (.NET 6.0 and .NET Core 3.1), SUSE (chromium, cifs-utils, kernel, open-iscsi, and trousers), and Ubuntu (webkit2gtk).

How we store and process millions of orders daily

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original


In the real world, after a passenger places a GrabFood order from the Grab App, the merchant-partner will prepare the order. A driver-partner will then collect the food and deliver it to the passenger. Have you ever wondered what happens in the backend system? The Grab Order Platform is a distributed system that processes millions of GrabFood or GrabMart orders every day. This post aims to share the journey of how we designed the database solution that powers the order platform.


What are the design goals when building the database solution? We collected the requirements by analysing query patterns and traffic patterns.

Query patterns

Here are some important query examples that the Order Platform supports:

  1. Write queries:

    a. Create an order.

    b. Update an order.

  2. Read queries:

    a. Get order by id.

    b. Get ongoing orders by passenger id.

    c. Get historical orders by various conditions.

    d. Get order statistics (for example, get the number of orders)

We can break down queries into two categories: transactional queries and analytical queries. Transactional queries are critical to online order creation and completion, including the write queries and read queries such as 2a or 2b. Analytical queries like 2c and 2d retrieves historical orders or order statistics on demand. Analytical queries are not essential to the oncall order processing.

Traffic patterns

Grab’s Order Platform processes a significant amount of transaction data every month.

During peak hours, the write Queries per Second (QPS) is three times of primary key reads; whilst the range Queries per Second are four times of the primary key reads.

Design goals

From the query and traffic patterns, we arrived at the following three design goals:

  1. Stability – the database solution must be able to handle high read and write QPS. Online order processing queries must have high availability. Even when some part of the system is down, we must be able to provide a degraded experience to the end users allowing them to still be able to create and complete an order.
  2. Scalability and cost – the database solution must be able to support fast evolution of business requirements, given now we handle up to a million orders per month. The solution must also be cost effective at a large scale.
  3. Consistency – strong consistency for transactional queries, and eventually consistency for analytical queries.


The first design principle towards a stable and scalable database solution is to use different databases to serve transactional and analytical queries, also known as OLTP and OLAP queries. An OLTP database serves queries critical to online order processing. This table keeps data for only a short period of time. Meanwhile, an OLAP database has the same set of data, but serves our historical and statistical queries. This database keeps data for a longer time.

What are the benefits from this design principle? From a stability point of view, we can choose different databases which can better fulfil our different query patterns and QPS requirements. An OLTP database is the single source of truth for online order processing; any failure in the OLAP database will not affect online transactions. From a scalability and cost point of view, we can choose a flexible database for OLAP to support our fast evolution of business requirements. We can maintain less data in our OLTP database while keeping some older data in our OLAP database.

To ensure that the data in both databases are consistent, we introduced the second design principle – data ingestion pipeline. In Figure 1, Order Platform writes data to the OLTP database to process online orders and asynchronously pushes the data into the data ingestion pipeline. The data ingestion pipeline ensures that the OLAP database data is eventually consistent.

Figure 1: Order Platform database solution overview

Architecture details

OLTP database

There are two categories of OLTP queries, the key-value queries (for example, load by order id) and the batch queries (for example, Get ongoing orders by passenger id). We use DynamoDB as the database to support these OLTP queries.

Why DynamoDB?

  1. Scalable and highly available: the tables of DynamoDB are partitioned and each partition is three-way replicated.
  2. Support for strong consistent reads by primary key.
  3. DynamoDB has a mechanism called adaptive capacity to handle hotkey traffic. Internally, DynamoDB will distribute higher capacity to high-traffic partitions, and isolate frequently accessed items to a dedicated partition. This way, the hotkey can utilise the full capacity of an entire partition, which is up to 3000 read capacity units and 1000 write capacity units.
Figure 2: DynamoDB table structure overview. Source: Amazon Web Services (2019, 28 April)

In each DynamoDB table, it has many items with attributes. In each item, it has a partition key and sort key. The partition key is used for key-value queries, and the sort key is used for range queries. In our case, the table contains multiple order items. The partition key is order ID. We can easily support key-value queries by the partition key.

order_id (PK) state pax_id created_at pax_id_gsi
order1 Ongoing Alice 9:00am
order2 Ongoing Alice 9:30am
order3 Completed Alice 8:30am

Batch queries like ‘Get ongoing orders by passenger id’ are supported by DynamoDB Global Secondary Index (GSI). A GSI is like a normal DynamoDB table, which also has keys and attributes.

In our case, we have a GSI table where the partition key is the pax_id_gsi. The attribute pax_id_gsi is linked to the main table. It is eventually consistent with the main table that is maintained by DynamoDB. If the Order Platform queries ongoing orders for Alice, two items will be returned from the GSI table.

pax_id_gsi (PK) created_at (SK) order_id
Alice 9:00am order1
Alice 9:30am order2

We also make use of an advanced feature of GSI named sparse index to support ongoing order queries. When we update order status from ongoing to completed, at the same time, we set the pax_id_gsi to empty, so that the linked item in the GSI will be automatically deleted by DynamoDB. At any time, the GSI table only stores the ongoing orders. We use a sparse index mechanism to control our table size for better performance and to be more cost effective.

The next problem is data retention. This is achieved with the DynamoDB Time To Live (TTL) feature. DynamoDB will auto-scan expired items and delete them. But the challenge is when we add TTL to big tables, it will bring a heavy load to the background scanner and might result in an outage. Our solution is to only add a TTL attribute to the new items in the table. Then, we manually delete the items without TTL attributes, and run a script to delete items with TTL attributes that are too old. After this process, the table size will be quite small, so we can enable the TTL feature on the TTL attribute that we previously added without any concern. The retention period of our DynamoDB data is three months.

Costwise, DynamoDB is charged by storage size and the provision of the read write capability. The provision capability is actually auto scalable. The cost is on-demand. So it’s generally cheaper than RDS.

OLAP database

We use MySQL RDS as the database to support historical and statistical OLAP queries.

Why not Aurora? We choose RDS mainly because it is a mature database solution. Even if Aurora can provide better high-availability, RDS is enough to support our less critical use cases. Costwise, Aurora charges by data storage and the number of requested Input/Output Operations per Second (IOPS). RDS charges only by data storage. As we are using General Purpose (SSD) storage, IOPS is free and supports up to 16k IOPS.

We use MySQL partitioning for data retention. The order table is partitioned by creation time monthly. Since the data access pattern is mostly by month, the partition key can reduce cross-partition queries. Partitions older than six months are dropped at the beginning of each month.

Data ingestion pipeline

Figure 3: Data Ingestion Pipeline Architecture.

A Kafka stream is used to process data in the data ingestion pipeline. We choose the Kafka stream, because it has 99.95% SLA. It is not restricted by the OLTP and OLAP database types.

Even if Kafka can provide 99.95% SLA, there is still the chance of stream producer failures. When the producer fails, we will store the message in an Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) and retry. If the retry also fails, it will be moved to the SQS dead letter queue (DLQ), to be consumed at a later time.

On the stream consumer side, we use back-off retry at both stream and database levels to ensure consistency. In a worst-case scenario, we can rewind the stream events from Kafka.

It is important for the data ingestion pipeline to handle duplicate messages and out-of-order messages.

Duplicate messages are handled by the database level unique key (for example, order ID + creation time).

For the out-of-order messages, we implemented the following two mechanisms:

  1. Version update: we only update the most recently updated data. The precision of the update time is in microseconds, which is enough for most of the use cases.
  2. Upsert: if the update events occur before the create events, we simulate an upsert operation.


After launching our solution this year, we have saved significantly on cloud costs. In the earlier solution, Order Platform synchronously writes to DynamoDB and Aurora and the data is kept forever.


In terms of stability, we use DynamoDB as the critical OLTP database to ensure high availability for online order processing. Scalability wise, we use RDS as the OLAP database to support our quickly evolving business requirements by using a rich, multiple index. Cost efficiency is achieved by data retention in both databases. For consistency, we built a single source of truth OLTP database and an OLAP database that is eventually consistent with the help of the data ingestion pipeline.

What’s next?

Currently, the database solution is running on the production environment. Even though the database solution is proven to be stable, scalable and consistent, we still see some potential areas of improvement.

We use MySQL RDS for OLAP data storage. Even though MySQL is stable and cost effective, it is difficult to serve more complicated queries like free text search. Hence, we plan to explore other NoSQL databases like ElasticSearch.

We hope this post helps you understand how we store Grab orders and fulfil the queries from the Grab Order Platform.


Amazon Web Services. (2019, 28 April) Build with DynamoDB: S1 E1 – Intro to Amazon DynamoDB [Video]. YouTube.

Join us

Grab is the leading superapp platform in Southeast Asia, providing everyday services that matter to consumers. More than just a ride-hailing and food delivery app, Grab offers a wide range of on-demand services in the region, including mobility, food, package and grocery delivery services, mobile payments, and financial services across 428 cities in eight countries.

Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!

Kernel prepatch 6.0-rc1

Post Syndicated from original

Linus has released 6.0-rc1 and closed the
merge window for this release.

I actually was hoping that we’d get some of the first rust
infrastructure, and the multi-gen LRU VM, but neither of them
happened this time around. There’s always more releases. But
there’s a lot of continued development pretty much all over the

The codename has also been changed to “Hurr durr I’ma ninja sloth”.

Upcoming Speaking Engagements

Post Syndicated from Webmaster original

This is a current list of where and when I am scheduled to speak:

The list is maintained on this page.

Избори 2022: предварителен списък на секциите в чужбина

Post Syndicated from original

В полунощ беше публикувано решението на ЦИК за автоматично отваряне на секции в чужбина на база активността от предходни избори. Изброени са 734 секции, но това няма да е окончателният списък. Дали на тези места ще има секции въобще зависи не само от това дали чуждестранните власти разрешат, но най-вече дали местната българска организация намери място и събере доброволци за комисията и организацията.

Малко се е променило в последните три десетилетия и българската диаспора все още изнася цялата информационна кампания и голяма част от организацията на изборите на свой гръб и за своя сметка. Докато немалко секции се създават в консулства и посолства по подразбиране, огромна част от тях имат много малко гласоподаватели, защото са дипломатически мисии далеч от диаспорите ни.

Затова е важно подаването на заявления за гласуване в чужбина. Благодарение на усилията за промяна на Изборния кодекс след падането на кабинета на ГЕРБ, вече се отварят автоматично секции на база активност от предходни избори. Това означава, че не се налага да се борим за всяка отделна секция и конкретна бройка. Помага и при страни като Германия, където разрешение за секциите следва да се иска преди да завърши кампанията по събиране на заявления, т.е. да се знае къде българите искаме да гласуваме.

Все пак заявленията са важни, за да се отварят допълнителни секции например там, където на на одобреното място, село или град, не е възможно най-вече по логистични причини. Също така ускорява гласуването, тъй като името ви вече ще присъства в избирателните списъци и не се налага да се вписва всичко наново. Не на последно място е лакмус за активността на българите в чужбина, макар честите промени на условията за отваряне на секции да правят сравнението между различни кампании безпредметно.

Очакваме електронният формуляр за заявление за гласуване да бъде пуснат още утре на страницата на ЦИК. Веднага след това ще започна да събирам данните в, както правя в последните 10 години. Данните от предишната кампания ще намерите тук като карта и като таблица.

The post Избори 2022: предварителен списък на секциите в чужбина first appeared on Блогът на Юруков.

Friday Squid Blogging: SQUID Acronym for Making Conscious Choices

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original

I think the U is forced:

SQUID consists of five steps: Stop, Question, Understand, Imagine, and Decide.

As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven’t covered.

Read my blog posting guidelines here.

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up

Post Syndicated from Jeffrey Martin original

Putting in the work!

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up

This week we’re extra grateful for the fantastic contributions our community makes to Metasploit. The Metasploit team landed more than 5 PRs each from Ron Bowes and bcoles, adding some great new capabilities.

Ron Bowes contributed four new modules targeting UnRAR, Zimbra, and ManageEngine ADAudit Plus. These modules offer Metasploit users some excellent new vectors to leverage against targets.

Contributions from bcoles offer improvements to various session interactions to make gathering data on targets more robust and consistent.

Have you seen Cassandra?

Are you using tools to visualize your data? If you are using cassandra-web, a tool made specifically to help you "see" what Cassandra holds, there are new toys for attackers to use to access much more. The new module from krastanoel targets cassandra-web <= 0.5.0 with a directory traversal to read lots of those sensitive details off the target.

New module content (6)

  • Cassandra Web File Read Vulnerability by Jeremy Brown and krastanoel – This module exploits an unauthenticated directory traversal vulnerability in Cassandra Web version 0.5.0 and earlier, allowing arbitrary file read with the web server privileges.
  • UnRAR Path Traversal (CVE-2022-30333) by Ron Bowes and Simon Scannell, which exploits CVE-2022-30333 – This adds two modules for CVE-2022-30333, a symlink-based path traversal vulnerability in unRAR 6.11 and earlier (open-source version 6.1.6 and earlier). The first module creates a .rar with an arbitrary payload that will be extracted to an arbitrary location. The other one specifically targets Zimbra versions 9.0.0 Patch 24 (and earlier) and 8.8.15 Patch 31 (and earlier). These versions use unRAR to scan incoming email and arbitrary command execution is possible if the installed UnRAR on the OS is vulnerable to the same symlink-based path traversal vulnerability. This module generates the .rar file that will need to be emailed to the vulnerable Zimbra server to trigger the payload.
  • Webmin Package Updates RCE by Christophe De La Fuente and Emir Polat, which exploits CVE-2022-36446 – This module exploits an arbitrary command injection in Webmin versions prior to 1.997.
  • UnRAR Path Traversal in Zimbra (CVE-2022-30333) by Ron Bowes and Simon Scannell, which exploits CVE-2022-30333 – This adds two modules for CVE-2022-30333, a symlink-based path traversal vulnerability in unRAR 6.11 and earlier (open source version 6.1.6 and earlier). The first module creates a .rar with an arbitrary payload that will be extracted to an arbitrary location. The other one specifically targets Zimbra versions 9.0.0 Patch 24 (and earlier) and 8.8.15 Patch 31 (and earlier). These versions use unRAR to scan incoming email and arbitrary command execution is possible if the installed UnRAR on the OS is vulnerable to the same symlink-based path traversal vulnerability. This module generates the .rar file that will need to be emailed to the vulnerable Zimbra server to trigger the payload.
  • Zimbra zmslapd arbitrary module load by Darren Martyn and Ron Bowes, which exploits CVE-2022-37393 – This PR adds a local exploit for Zimbra to go from the zimbra user to root by using a sudo-able executable that can load an arbitrary .so file.
  • ManageEngine ADAudit Plus CVE-2022-28219 by Naveen Sunkavally and Ron Bowes, which exploits CVE-2022-28219 – This adds a module that leverages a Java deserialization, directory traversal, and a blind XXE injection vulnerability to gain unauthenticated code execution again vulnerable versions of ManageEngine ADAudit Plus.

Enhancements and features (6)

  • #16800 from adfoster-r7 – This adds support for OpenSSL 3 compatibility with legacy ciphers.
  • #16841 from bcoles – This updates the post/windows/gather/enum_powershell_env module with a code cleanup and expands the module to support non-Meterpreter session types such as shell sessions and PowerShell sessions.
  • #16873 from bcoles – This PR cleans up enum_artifacts, adds documentation, error handling, YAML file parsing, and support for non-meterpreter sessions.
  • #16875 from bcoles – This PR removes the Remove enum_putty Meterpreter script in favor for the existing post module.
  • #16876 from bcoles – Removed the enum_logged_on_users Meterpreter script in favor for the existing post module
  • #16878 from bcoles – Adds partial support for non-Meterpreter sessions for the enum_logged_on_users post module as well as makes use of the read_profile_list method. Resolves Rubocop and msftidy_docs violations.

Bugs fixed (1)

  • #16872 from bcoles – This PR fixes shell_registry_getvalinfo which was truncating registry values at the first space and normalize_key which was causing a crash when only a hive name was passed to the function when running on a shell session.

Get it

As always, you can update to the latest Metasploit Framework with msfupdate
and you can get more details on the changes since the last blog post from

If you are a git user, you can clone the Metasploit Framework repo (master branch) for the latest.
To install fresh without using git, you can use the open-source-only Nightly Installers or the
binary installers (which also include the commercial edition).

Amazon EMR on EKS gets up to 19% performance boost running on AWS Graviton3 Processors vs. Graviton2

Post Syndicated from Melody Yang original

Amazon EMR on EKS is a deployment option that enables you to run Spark workloads on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) easily. It allows you to innovate faster with the latest Apache Spark on Kubernetes architecture while benefiting from the performance-optimized Spark runtime powered by Amazon EMR. This deployment option elects Amazon EKS as its underlying compute to orchestrate containerized Spark applications with better price performance.

AWS continually innovates to provide choice and better price-performance for our customers, and the third-generation Graviton processor is the next step in the journey. Amazon EMR on EKS now supports Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) C7g—the latest AWS Graviton3 instance family. On a single EKS cluster, we measured EMR runtime for Apache Spark performance by comparing C7g with C6g families across selected instance sizes of 4XL, 8XL and 12XL. We are excited to observe a maximum 19% performance gain over the 6th generation C6g Graviton2 instances, which leads to a 15% cost reduction.

In this post, we discuss the performance test results that we observed while running the same EMR Spark runtime on different Graviton-based EC2 instance types.

For some use cases, such as the benchmark test, running a data pipeline that requires a mix of CPU types for the granular-level cost efficiency, or migrating an existing application from Intel to Graviton-based instances, we usually spin up different clusters that host separate types of processors, such as x86_64 vs. arm64. However, Amazon EMR on EKS has made it easier. In this post, we also provide guidance on running Spark with multiple CPU architectures in a common EKS cluster, so that we can save significant time and effort on setting up a separate cluster to isolate the workloads.

Infrastructure innovation

AWS Graviton3 is the latest generation of AWS-designed Arm-based processors, and C7g is the first Graviton3 instance in AWS. The C family is designed for compute-intensive workloads, including batch processing, distributed analytics, data transformations, log analysis, and more. Additionally, C7g instances are the first in the cloud to feature DDR5 memory, which provides 50% higher memory bandwidth compared to DDR4 memory, to enable high-speed access to data in memory. All these innovations are well-suited for big data workloads, especially the in-memory processing framework Apache Spark.

The following table summarizes the technical specifications for the tested instance types:

Instance Name vCPUs Memory (GiB) EBS-Optimized Bandwidth (Gbps) Network Bandwidth (Gbps) On-Demand Hourly Rate
c6g.4xlarge 16 32 4.75 Up to 10 $0.544
c7g.4xlarge 16 32 Up to 10 Up to 15 $0.58
c6g.8xlarge 32 64 9 12 $1.088
c7g.8xlarge 32 64 10 15 $1.16
c6g.12xlarge 48 96 13.5 20 $1.632
c7g.12xlarge 48 96 15 22.5 $1.74

These instances are all built on AWS Nitro System, a collection of AWS-designed hardware and software innovations. The Nitro System offloads the CPU virtualization, storage, and networking functions to dedicated hardware and software, delivering performance that is nearly indistinguishable from bare metal. Especially, C7g instances have included support for Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA), which becomes the standard on this instance family. It allows our applications to communicate directly with network interface cards providing lower and more consistent latency. Additionally, these are all Amazon EBS-optimized instances, and C7g provides higher dedicated bandwidth for EBS volumes, which can result in better I/O performance contributing to quicker read/write operations in Spark.

Performance test results

To quantify performance, we ran TPC-DS benchmark queries for Spark with a 3TB scale. These queries are derived from TPC-DS standard SQL scripts, and the test results are not comparable to other published TPC-DS benchmark outcomes. Apart from the benchmark standards, a single Amazon EMR 6.6 Spark runtime (compatible with Apache Spark version 3.2.0) was used as the data processing engine across six different managed node groups on an EKS cluster: C6g_4, C7g_4,C6g_8, C7g_8, C6g_12, C7g_12. These groups are named after instance type to distinguish the underlying compute resources. Each group can automatically scale between 1 and 30 nodes within its corresponding instance type. Architecting the EKS cluster in such a way, we can run and compare our experiments in parallel, each of which is hosted in a single node group, i.e., an isolated compute environment on a common EKS cluster. It also makes it possible to run an application with multiple CPU architectures on the single cluster. Check out the sample EKS cluster configuration and benchmark job examples for more details.

We measure the Graviton performance and cost improvements using two calculations: total query runtime and geometric mean of the total runtime. The following table shows the results for equivalent sized C6g and C7g instances and the same Spark configurations.

Benchmark Attributes 12 XL 8 XL 4 XL
Task parallelism (spark.executor.core*spark.executor.instances) 188 cores (4*47) 188 cores (4*47) 188 cores (4*47)
spark.executor.memory 6 GB 6 GB 6 GB
Number of EC2 instances 5 7 16
EBS volume 4 * 128 GB io1 disk 4 * 128 GB io1 disk 4 * 128 GB io1 disk
Provisioned IOPS per volume 6400 6400 6400
Total query runtime on C6g (sec) 2099 2098 2042
Total query runtime on C7g (sec) 1728 1738 1660
Total run time improvement with C7g 18% 17% 19%
Geometric mean query time on C6g (sec) 9.74 9.88 9.77
Geometric mean query time on C7g (sec) 8.40 8.32 8.08
Geometric mean improvement with C7g 13.8% 15.8% 17.3%
EMR on EKS memory usage cost on C6g (per run) $0.28 $0.28 $0.28
EMR on EKS vCPU usage cost on C6g (per run) $1.26 $1.25 $1.24
Total cost per benchmark run on C6g (EC2 + EKS cluster + EMR price) $6.36 $6.02 $6.52
EMR on EKS memory usage cost on C7g (per run) $0.23 $0.23 $0.22
EMR on EKS vCPU usage cost on C7g (per run) $1.04 $1.03 $0.99
Total cost per benchmark run on C7g (EC2 + EKS cluster + EMR price) $5.49 $5.23 $5.54
Estimated cost reduction with C7g 13.7% 13.2% 15%

The total number of cores and memory are identical across all benchmarked instances, and four provisioned IOPS SSD disks were attached to each EBS-optimized instance for the optimal disk I/O performance. To allow for comparison, these configurations were intentionally chosen to match with settings in other EMR on EKS benchmarks. Check out the previous benchmark blog post Amazon EMR on Amazon EKS provides up to 61% lower costs and up to 68% performance improvement for Spark workloads for C5 instances based on x86_64 Intel CPU.

The table indicates C7g instances have consistent performance improvement compared to equivalent C6g Graviton2 instances. Our test results showed 17–19% improvement in total query runtime for selected instance sizes, and 13.8–17.3% improvement in geometric mean. On cost, we observed 13.2–15% cost reduction on C7g performance tests compared to C6g while running the 104 TPC-DS benchmark queries.

Data shuffle in a Spark workload

Generally, big data frameworks schedule computation tasks for different nodes in parallel to achieve optimal performance. To proceed with its computation, a node must have the results of computations from upstream. This requires moving intermediate data from multiple servers to the nodes where data is required, which is termed as shuffling data. In many Spark workloads, data shuffle is an inevitable operation, so it plays an important role in performance assessments. This operation may involve a high rate of disk I/O, network data transmission, and could burn a significant amount of CPU cycles.

If your workload is I/O bound or bottlenecked by current data shuffle performance, one recommendation is to benchmark on improved hardware. Overall, C7g offers better EBS and network bandwidth compared to equivalent C6g instance types, which may help you optimize performance. Therefore, in the same benchmark test, we captured the following extra information, which is broken down into per-instance-type network/IO improvements.

Based on the TPC-DS query test result, this graph illustrates the percentage increases of data shuffle operations in four categories: maximum disk read and write, and maximum network received and transmitted. In comparison to c6g instances, the disk read performance improved between 25–45%, whereas the disk write performance increase was 34–47%. On the network throughput comparison, we observed an increase of 21–36%.

Run an Amazon EMR on EKS job with multiple CPU architectures

If you’re evaluating migrating to Graviton instances for Amazon EMR on EKS workloads, we recommend testing the Spark workloads based on your real-world use cases. If you need to run workloads across multiple processor architectures, for example test the performance for Intel and Arm CPUs, follow the walkthrough in this section to get started with some concrete ideas.

Build a single multi-arch Docker image

To build a single multi-arch Docker image (x86_64 and arm64), complete the following steps:

  1. Get the Docker Buildx CLI extension.Docker Buildx is a CLI plugin that extends the Docker command to support the multi-architecture feature. Upgrade to the latest Docker desktop or manually download the CLI binary. For more details, check out Working with Buildx.
  2. Validate the version after the installation:
    docker buildx version

  3. Create a new builder that gives access to the new multi-architecture features (you only have to perform this task once):
    docker buildx create --name mybuilder --use

  4. Log in to your own Amazon ECR registry:
    ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text)
    aws ecr get-login-password --region $AWS_REGION | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $ECR_URL

  5. Get the EMR Spark base image from AWS:
    docker pull $SRC_ECR_URL/spark/emr-6.6.0:latest
    aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $SRC_ECR_URL

  6. Build and push a custom Docker image.

In this case, we build a single Spark benchmark utility docker image on top of Amazon EMR 6.6. It supports both Intel and Arm processor architectures:

  • linux/amd64 – x86_64 (also known as AMD64 or Intel 64)
  • linux/arm64 – Arm
docker buildx build \
--platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 \
-t $ECR_URL/eks-spark-benchmark:emr6.6 \
-f docker/benchmark-util/Dockerfile \
--build-arg SPARK_BASE_IMAGE=$SRC_ECR_URL/spark/emr-6.6.0:latest \
--push .

Submit Amazon EMR on EKS jobs with and without Graviton

For our first example, we submit a benchmark job to the Graviton3 node group that spins up c7g.4xlarge instances.

The following is not a complete script. Check out the full version of the example on GitHub.

aws emr-containers start-job-run \
--virtual-cluster-id $VIRTUAL_CLUSTER_ID \
--name emr66-c7-4xl \
--execution-role-arn $EMR_ROLE_ARN \
--release-label emr-6.6.0-latest \
--job-driver '{
    "sparkSubmitJobDriver": {
    "entryPoint": "local:///usr/lib/spark/examples/jars/eks-spark-benchmark-assembly-1.0.jar",
    "sparkSubmitParameters": "........"}}' \
--configuration-overrides '{
"applicationConfiguration": [{
    "classification": "spark-defaults",
    "properties": {
        "spark.kubernetes.container.image": "'$ECR_URL'/eks-spark-benchmark:emr6.6",
        "": “C7g_4”

In the following example, we run the same job on non-Graviton C5 instances with Intel 64 CPU. The full version of the script is available on GitHub.

aws emr-containers start-job-run \
--virtual-cluster-id $VIRTUAL_CLUSTER_ID \
--name emr66-c5-4xl \
--execution-role-arn $EMR_ROLE_ARN \
--release-label emr-6.6.0-latest \
--job-driver '{
    "sparkSubmitJobDriver": {
    "entryPoint": "local:///usr/lib/spark/examples/jars/eks-spark-benchmark-assembly-1.0.jar",
    "sparkSubmitParameters": "........"}}' \    
--configuration-overrides '{
"applicationConfiguration": [{
    "classification": "spark-defaults",
    "properties": {
        "spark.kubernetes.container.image": "'$ECR_URL'/eks-spark-benchmark:emr6.6",
        "”: “C5_4”


In May 2022, the Graviton3 instance family was made available to Amazon EMR on EKS. After running the performance-optimized EMR Spark runtime on the selected latest Arm-based Graviton3 instances, we observed up to 19% performance increase and up to 15% cost savings compared to C6g Graviton2 instances. Because Amazon EMR on EKS offers 100% API compatibility with open-source Apache Spark, you can quickly step into the evaluation process with no application changes.

If you’re wondering how much performance gain you can achieve with your use case, try out the benchmark solution or the EMR on EKS Workshop. You can also contact your AWS Solutions Architects, who can be of assistance alongside your innovation journey.

About the author

Melody Yang is a Senior Big Data Solution Architect for Amazon EMR at AWS. She is an experienced analytics leader working with AWS customers to provide best practice guidance and technical advice in order to assist their success in data transformation. Her areas of interests are open-source frameworks and automation, data engineering and DataOps.

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Post Syndicated from Николай Марченко original

петък 12 август 2022

Около 200 души от 4 ключови фирми на Керопе Чакърян – Ами, Красимир Каменов – Къро и укриващия се в Дубай наркобос Христофорос Никос Аманатидис – Таки са с пропуски…

Crawler Hints supports Microsoft’s IndexNow in helping users find new content

Post Syndicated from Alex Krivit original

Crawler Hints supports Microsoft’s IndexNow in helping users find new content

Crawler Hints supports Microsoft’s IndexNow in helping users find new content

The web is constantly changing. Whether it’s news or updates to your social feed, it’s a constant flow of information. As a user, that’s great. But have you ever stopped to think how search engines deal with all the change?

It turns out, they “index” the web on a regular basis — sending bots out, to constantly crawl webpages, looking for changes. Today, bot traffic accounts for about 30% of total traffic on the Internet, and given how foundational search is to using the Internet, it should come as no surprise that search engine bots make up a large proportion of that what might come as a surprise is how inefficient the model is, though: we estimate that over 50% of crawler traffic is wasted effort.

This has a huge impact. There’s all the additional capacity that owners of websites need to bake into their site to absorb the bots crawling all over it. There’s the transmission of the data. There’s the CPU cost of running the bots. And when you’re running at the scale of the Internet, all of this has a pretty big environmental footprint.

Part of the problem, though, is nobody had really stopped to ask: maybe there’s a better way?

Right now, the model for indexing websites is the same as it has been since the 1990s: a “pull” model, where the search engine sends a crawler out to a website after a predetermined amount of time. During Impact Week last year, we asked: what about flipping the model on its head? What about moving to a push model, where a website could simply ping a search engine to let it know an update had been made?

There are a heap of advantages to such a model. The website wins: it’s not dealing with unnecessary crawls. It also makes sure that as soon as there’s an update to its content, it’s reflected in the search engine — it doesn’t need to wait for the next crawl. The website owner wins because they don’t need to manage distinct search engine crawl submissions. The search engine wins, too: it saves money on crawl costs, and it can make sure it gets the latest content.

Of course, this needs work to be done on both sides of the equation. The websites need a mechanism to alert the search engines; and the search engines need a mechanism to receive the alert, so they know when to do the crawl.

Crawler Hints — Cloudflare’s Solution for Websites

Solving this problem is why we launched Crawler Hints. Cloudflare sits in a unique position on the Internet — we’re serving on average 36 million HTTP requests per second. That represents a lot of websites. It also means we’re uniquely positioned to help solve this problem:  to help give crawlers hints about when they should recrawl if new content has been added or if content on a site has recently changed.

With Crawler Hints, we send signals to web indexers based on cache data and origin status codes to help them understand when content has likely changed or been added to a site. The aim is to increase the number of relevant crawls as well as drastically reduce the number of crawls that don’t find fresh content, saving bandwidth and compute for both indexers and sites alike, and improving the experience of using the search engines.

But, of course, that’s just half the equation.

IndexNow Protocol — the Search Engine Moves from Pull to Push

Websites alerting the search engine about changes is useless if the search engines aren’t listening — and they simply continue to crawl the way they always have. Of course, search engines are incredibly complicated, and changing the way they operate is no easy task.

The IndexNow Protocol is a standard developed by Microsoft, and Yandex, and it represents a major shift in the way search engines operate. Using IndexNow, search engines have a mechanism by which they can receive signals from Crawler Hints. Once they have that signal, they can shift their crawlers from a pull model to a push model.

In a recent update, Microsoft has announced that millions of websites are now using IndexNow to signal to search engine crawlers when their content needs to be crawled and IndexNow was used to index/crawl about 7% of all new URLs clicked when someone is selecting from web search results.

On the Cloudflare side, since the release of Crawler Hints in October 2021, Crawler Hints has processed about six-hundred-billion signals to IndexNow.

That’s a lot of saved crawls.

How to enable Crawler Hints

By enabling Crawler Hints on your website, with the simple click of a button, Cloudflare will take care of signaling to these search engines when your content has changed via the IndexNow API. You don’t need to do anything else!

Crawler Hints is free to use and available to all Cloudflare customers. If you’d like to see how Crawler Hints can benefit how your website is indexed by the world’s biggest search engines, please feel free to opt-into the service by:

  1. Sign in to your Cloudflare Account.
  2. In the dashboard, navigate to the Cache tab.
  3. Click on the Configuration section.
  4. Locate the Crawler Hints and enable.
Crawler Hints supports Microsoft’s IndexNow in helping users find new content

Upon enabling Crawler Hints, Cloudflare will share when content on your site has changed and needs to be re-crawled with search engines using the IndexNow protocol (this blog can help if you’re interested in finding out more about how the mechanism works).

What’s Next?

Going forward, because the benefits are so substantial for site owners, search operators, and the environment, we plan to start defaulting Crawler Hints on for all our customers. We’re also hopeful that Google, the world’s largest search engine and most wasteful user of Internet resources, will adopt IndexNow or a similar standard and lower the burden of search crawling on the planet.

When we think of helping to build a better Internet, this is exactly what comes to mind: creating and supporting standards that make it operate better, greener, faster. We’re really excited about the work to date, and will continue to work to improve the signaling to ensure the most valuable information is being sent to the search engines in a timely manner. This includes incorporating additional signals such as etags, last-modified headers, and content hash differences. Adding these signals will help further inform crawlers when they should reindex sites, and how often they need to return to a particular site to check if it’s been changed. This is only the beginning. We will continue testing more signals and working with industry partners so that we can help crawlers run efficiently with these hints.

And finally: if you’re on Cloudflare, and you’d like to be part of this revolution in how search engines operate on the web (it’s free!), simply follow the instructions in the section above.

Accelerate deployments on AWS with effective governance

Post Syndicated from Rostislav Markov original

Amazon Web Services (AWS) users ask how to accelerate their teams’ deployments on AWS while maintaining compliance with security controls. In this blog post, we describe common governance models introduced in mature organizations to manage their teams’ AWS deployments. These models are best used to increase the maturity of your cloud infrastructure deployments.

Governance models for AWS deployments

We distinguish three common models used by mature cloud adopters to manage their infrastructure deployments on AWS. The models differ in what they control: the infrastructure code, deployment toolchain, or provisioned AWS resources. We define the models as follows:

  1. Central pattern library, which offers a repository of curated deployment templates that application teams can re-use with their deployments.
  2. Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) as a service, which offers a toolchain standard to be re-used by application teams.
  3. Centrally managed infrastructure, which allows application teams to deploy AWS resources managed by central operations teams.

The decision of how much responsibility you shift to application teams depends on their autonomy, operating model, application type, and rate of change. The three models can be used in tandem to address different use cases and maximize impact. Typically, organizations start by gathering pre-approved deployment templates in a central pattern library.

Model 1: Central pattern library

With this model, cloud platform engineers publish a central pattern library from which teams can reference infrastructure as code templates. Application teams reuse the templates by forking the central repository or by copying the templates into their own repository. Application teams can also manage their own deployment AWS account and pipeline with AWS CodePipeline), as well as the resource-provisioning process, while reusing templates from the central pattern library with a service like AWS CodeCommit. Figure 1 provides an overview of this governance model.

Deployment governance with central pattern library

Figure 1. Deployment governance with central pattern library

The central pattern library represents the least intrusive form of enablement via reusable assets. Application teams appreciate the central pattern library model, as it allows them to maintain autonomy over their deployment process and toolchain. Reusing existing templates speeds up the creation of your teams’ first infrastructure templates and eases policy adherence, such as tagging policies and security controls.

After the reusable templates are in the application team’s repository, incremental updates can be pulled from the central library when the template has been enhanced. This allows teams to pull when they see fit. Changes to the team’s repository will trigger the pipeline to deploy the associated infrastructure code.

With the central pattern library model, application teams need to manage resource configuration and CI/CD toolchain on their own in order to gain the benefits of automated deployments. Model 2 addresses this.

Model 2: CI/CD as a service

In Model 2, application teams launch a governed deployment pipeline from AWS Service Catalog. This includes the infrastructure code needed to run the application and “hello world” source code to show the end-to-end deployment flow.

Cloud platform engineers develop the service catalog portfolio (in this case the CI/CD toolchain). Then, application teams can launch AWS Service Catalog products, which deploy an instance of the pipeline code and populated Git repository (Figure 2).

The pipeline is initiated immediately after the repository is populated, which results in the “hello world” application being deployed to the first environment. The infrastructure code (for example, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud [Amazon EC2] and AWS Fargate) will be located in the application team’s repository. Incremental updates can be pulled by launching a product update from AWS Service Catalog. This allows application teams to pull when they see fit.

Deployment governance with CI/CD as a service

Figure 2. Deployment governance with CI/CD as a service

This governance model is particularly suitable for mature developer organizations with full-stack responsibility or platform projects, as it provides end-to-end deployment automation to provision resources across multiple teams and AWS accounts. This model also adds security controls over the deployment process.

Since there is little room for teams to adapt the toolchain standard, the model can be perceived as very opinionated. The model expects application teams to manage their own infrastructure. Model 3 addresses this.

Model 3: Centrally managed infrastructure

This model allows application teams to provision resources managed by a central operations team as self-service. Cloud platform engineers publish infrastructure portfolios to AWS Service Catalog with pre-approved configuration by central teams (Figure 3). These portfolios can be shared with all AWS accounts used by application engineers.

Provisioning AWS resources via AWS Service Catalog products ensures resource configuration fulfills central operations requirements. Compared with Model 2, the pre-populated infrastructure templates launch AWS Service Catalog products, as opposed to directly referencing the API of the corresponding AWS service (for example Amazon EC2). This locks down how infrastructure is configured and provisioned.

Deployment governance with centrally managed infrastructure

Figure 3. Deployment governance with centrally managed infrastructure

In our experience, it is essential to manage the variety of AWS Service Catalog products. This avoids proliferation of products with many templates differing slightly. Centrally managed infrastructure propagates an “on-premises” mindset so it should be used only in cases where application teams cannot own the full stack.

Models 2 and 3 can be combined for application engineers to launch both deployment toolchain and resources as AWS Service Catalog products (Figure 4), while also maintaining the opportunity to provision from pre-populated infrastructure templates in the team repository. After the code is in their repository, incremental updates can be pulled by running an update from the provisioned AWS Service Catalog product. This allows the application team to pull an update as needed while avoiding manual deployments of service catalog products.

Using AWS Service Catalog to automate CI/CD and infrastructure resource provisioning

Figure 4. Using AWS Service Catalog to automate CI/CD and infrastructure resource provisioning

Comparing models

The three governance models differ along the following aspects (see Table 1):

  • Governance level: What component is managed centrally by cloud platform engineers?
  • Role of application engineers: What is the responsibility split and operating model?
  • Use case: When is each model applicable?

Table 1. Governance models for managing infrastructure deployments


Model 1: Central pattern library Model 2: CI/CD as a service Model 3: Centrally managed infrastructure
Governance level Centrally defined infrastructure templates Centrally defined deployment toolchain Centrally defined provisioning and management of AWS resources
Role of cloud platform engineers Manage pattern library and policy checks Manage deployment toolchain and stage checks Manage resource provisioning (including CI/CD)
Role of application teams Manage deployment toolchain and resource provisioning Manage resource provisioning Manage application integration
Use case Federated governance with application teams maintaining autonomy over application and infrastructure Platform projects or development organizations with strong preference for pre-defined deployment standards including toolchain Applications without development teams (e.g., “commercial-off-the-shelf”) or with separation of duty (e.g., infrastructure operations teams)


In this blog post, we distinguished three common governance models to manage the deployment of AWS resources. The three models can be used in tandem to address different use cases and maximize impact in your organization. The decision of how much responsibility is shifted to application teams depends on your organizational setup and use case.

Want to learn more?

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