За 9 евро из Германия – впечатления и перспективи

Post Syndicated from Светла Енчева original https://toest.bg/za-9-evro-iz-germaniya-vpechatleniya-i-perspektivi/

Изминаха близо два месеца, откакто Германия въведе месечния билет от 9 евро, позволяващ неограничено пътуване из цялата страна с регионален транспорт. Как се развива експериментът и какви са перспективите след приключването му в края на август?

Старт със смесени чувства

Едно от клишетата за германците е, че те много обичат да се оплакват от обществения си транспорт, който в сравнение с този в повечето страни си е направо образцов. Към началото на юни обаче, когато евтиният билет започна да важи, действително имаше основания за недоволство, които продължават и до днес. Влакове, които закъсняват с половин-един час, а нерядко дори отпадат, не е нещо, с което хората в Германия са свикнали. Но е факт, че през последните месеци влаковете в страната никак не са точни, а в много градове общественият транспорт е видимо разреден. Всичко това помрачаваше еуфорията от въвеждането на билета.

На всичко отгоре на 3 юни влак дерайлира край Гармиш-Партенкирхен в Бавария, в резултат на което загинаха петима души, а над 60 бяха ранени. Причините още се изясняват. Трагичният инцидент провокира философа Волфрам Айленбергер да отправи остра критика към „Дойче Бан“, която според него е станала некомпетентна и „напълно е загубила контрол над мисията си“, в движението на влаковете цари хаос, а хората, работещи в железниците, изпитват срам. Айленбергер споделя, че поради тези причини в последните седмици преди влаковата катастрофа е имал предчувствие, че нещо лошо ще се случи.

За тези проблеми не можем да виним билета от 9 евро.

Общественият транспорт в Германия е станал нетипично неточен основно по две причини. Първата причина е същата, поради която в последно време и на много летища по света цари хаос и е пълно с отменени полети. И поради която в почти всички магазини и заведения в Германия (и вероятно не само там) има обяви, че се търси персонал. Става дума за ковид кризата – в резултат на нея множество работещи са съкратени и все още получават компенсации, поради което не тръгват на работа. Затова почти навсякъде се усеща недостиг на служители.

Втората причина е, че по време на пандемията, когато хората почти не пътуваха, в страната започнаха множество крупни ремонти на релси и гари, част от които още не са приключили. Затова много влакове се движат с променен маршрут, което пък затруднява движението на други и води до дълго чакане по гарите, препълнени влакове, изпуснати транспортни връзки и много нерви.

© Светла Енчева

С евтиния билет влаковете очаквано стават още по-препълнени.

Няма как да се предостави точна статистика колко от закупилите този билет го ползват, за да ходят на работа, и колко – за да попътуват за удоволствие. Но е факт, че препълнените влакове са тъкмо тези към популярните дестинации. От личен опит мога да потвърдя, че ако се запътвате към градове като Дюселдорф, Кьолн, Хайделберг, Франкфурт или дори Вупертал, ще разберете, че стадният инстинкт ви е присъщ, колкото и да се смятате за неконформист. Защото ще видите стотици хора, които едновременно с вас се канят да направят същото, което и вие. А някои от тях дори ще разпознаете на гарата на връщане.

Сред пътуващите за 9 евро има всякакви типажи – от представители на средната класа до социално слаби семейства, които най-сетне могат да си позволят да заведат децата си на разходка или в зоопарк в друг град. И страшно много младежи. Както и много хора от всякакви възрасти с куфари, издаващи, че са тръгнали не на еднодневен излет, а на пътешествие с преспиване. Сред тези типажи с особена слава се сдобиват

пънкарите, пътуващи до Зюлт.

Зюлт е остров в Северно море, на границата с Дания, известен като най-скъпото място в Германия. Там цените на имотите са по-високи и от мюнхенските, а на почивка ходят най-големите тузари в страната. До началото на юни богатите и свикнали на лукс жители на острова едва ли са виждали жив пънкар, защото представителите на тази субкултура са отрицание на всичко, което обичайните му посетители са.

Това се променя в началото на юни, когато групи пънкари, „въоръжени“ с евтиния билет, започват да прииждат на остров Зюлт. С по една раница на гърба и тонколона под мишница те се настаняват директно на плажовете. Там слушат музика, пеят, пушат, пият значителни количества алкохол, ядат, спят и… облекчават естествените си нужди. За ужас на местните, които непрекъснато подават оплаквания и дори издигат барикада от бетонни блокове, за да ограничат достъпа на „натрапниците“ до определени места.

В същото време много германци искрено се забавляват със ситуацията с пънкарите в Зюлт, защото едно от нещата, които средностатистическият германец никак не обича, е демонстрирането на богатство и луксозен начин на живот. Именно на това демонстриране пънкарите показват среден пръст (образно, а понякога и буквално) – нещо, което възпитаните средностатистически граждани няма да си позволят, но пък могат да му се порадват. И да се посмеят на пънкарската песен, посветена на билета от 9 евро и Зюлт:

Ползата за градовете

За разлика от Зюлт, повечето места, привличащи закупилите евтиния билет, печелят от нарасналата си популярност. Хората не само пътуват дотам, а и в общия случай консумират нещо – поне напитка, сладолед или пица. Някои си купуват сувенири, посещават музеи и други забележителности. Затова градовете, които имат какво да предложат, определено печелят от антикризисната мярка. Сред тълпи и сергии с всевъзможни джунджурии Хайделберг например, който и без това е магнит за туристите, е заприличал на Несебър през август. Далеч по-малко са онези, които отиват да разгледат Дармщат, да речем.

Вупертал е относително беден град в индустриалния Северозапад, известен с две неща – висящата си железница/трамвай и танцовия театър на Пина Бауш. И двете се преплитат във филма на Вим Вендерс „Пина“, посветен на паметта на известната хореографка, починала малко преди началото на снимките. Билетът от 9 евро повиши популярността на Вупертал, защото с него може да се пътува и с прословутия висящ трамвай, който е част от обществения транспорт на града. Наистина впечатляващо, когато железницата се носи над река Вупер или минава над хорските глави. Човек може да помечтае за такъв транспорт над Перловската река. Макар местните да са свикнали и да не се удивляват всеки път, когато се качват на трамвая.

Сложни времена за кондукторите

„А, стойте си спокойно, предполагам, че всички сте си купили билет. За 9 евро ще сте глупави, ако не сте. Исках само да ви кажа „здравейте“ и да видя как сте.“ Тези думи се приписват на анонимен кондуктор в самото начало след въвеждането на билета. Въпреки че комай всеки си е купил въпросния билет, се случва, макар и по-рядко от преди, кондуктори да правят проверки в градския транспорт и регионалните влакове, защото все някак трябва да си заслужат заплатите.

В някои случаи обаче работата им се превръща в абсурд. Влаковете към по-популярните дестинации понякога са толкова претъпкани, че се налага човек да е направо йога акробат, за да намери поза, в която едновременно да запази равновесие и да диша. Стига се дотам, че пътници масово се настаняват в първа класа, без да имат право на това. По високоговорителите се разнасят безпомощни призиви хората без билет за първа класа да я напуснат, но в последна сметка кондукторите ги оставят да си пътуват, защото във втора класа няма никакво място.

В експресните влакове пък, в които билетът от 9 евро не важи, все се намират пътници, които не са разбрали това (или се правят на неразбрали). А не е трудно да се отличат тези влакове от регионалните по това, че са бели, с червена линия (която понякога в периода на Прайда е в цветовете на дъгата). „Не издържам вече – нетипично за германски служител пред клиент (в мое лице) излива душата си кондукторът в един експрес. – Вече почти два месеца минаха и още има такива, които не са разбрали, че за белите влакове с червена линия билетът не важи. И когато им обяснявам, пак не разбират. Имали редовен билет за 9 евро. Какво повече мога да направя?!“

А от септември – какво?

От септември месечен билет за 9 евро няма да има. Въпросът е не дали експериментът ще бъде продължен под някаква форма, а как точно ще бъде продължен. Основанията да се търси трайна промяна в цените на обществения транспорт в Германия са няколко:

Първо, междинната равносметка след първия месец е положителна. Не само пътуванията с влак са се увеличили, а и някои хора все пак са слезли от колите си, за да използват обществен транспорт. В резултат задръстванията в 23 от 26 изследвани града са намалели, като най-голямо е облекчаването на трафика в Хамбург и Висбаден.

Второ, въпреки ясната заявка, че евтиният билет е само за три месеца, обществените очаквания за някаква форма на осигуряване на трайно ниски суми за пътуване са високи. На фона на инфлацията и очакваните ограничения на употребата на газ и поради войната в Украйна хората имат нужда от някакъв позитивен отдушник.

Трето, освен скъпа, системата за карти и билети за обществения транспорт в Германия е изключително сложна. Има не само много различни видове превозни документи, ами те се различават и в безбройните транспортни области в страната. Всичко това е в състояние да докара един неопитен пътник до сълзи, особено ако се опитва да си купи билет от автомат. Билетът от 9 евро представлява рязко опростяване на тази система.

Четвърто, други европейски страни вече предлагат свои варианти за евтин обществен транспорт. В Испания например цените на градския транспорт са намалени с 30%, а от 1 септември до края на годината човек ще може да пътува безплатно с държавните железници на кратки и средни разстояния, стига да си е купил карта за многократни пътувания.

Сигурно е обаче, че наследникът на евтиния билет ще струва повече от 9 евро.

Защото дори богата страна като Германия не би си позволила да налива в подобна мярка огромно количество бюджетни средства за неограничен период от време. Освен това е не е достатъчно само общественият транспорт да е достъпен – той трябва да се поддържа и развива. А това също не става без пари.

Засега се обсъждат различни варианти на достъпен месечен билет – между 29 и 69 евро, както и 365 евро за годишна карта. Въпросът е как цената хем да не е разорителна за държавата, общините и самите транспортни организации, хем да продължава да е мотивираща за хората в Германия. Но не чак толкова мотивираща, че пътуването с влак да се превърне в екшън.

Снимки: © Светла Енчева


Formulating ‘Out of Memory Kill’ Prediction on the Netflix App as a Machine Learning Problem

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/formulating-out-of-memory-kill-prediction-on-the-netflix-app-as-a-machine-learning-problem-989599029109

by Aryan Mehra
Farnaz Karimdady Sharifabad, Prasanna Vijayanathan, Chaïna Wade, Vishal Sharma and Mike Schassberger

Aim and Purpose — Problem Statement

The purpose of this article is to give insights into analyzing and predicting “out of memory” or OOM kills on the Netflix App. Unlike strong compute devices, TVs and set top boxes usually have stronger memory constraints. More importantly, the low resource availability or “out of memory” scenario is one of the common reasons for crashes/kills. We at Netflix, as a streaming service running on millions of devices, have a tremendous amount of data about device capabilities/characteristics and runtime data in our big data platform. With large data, comes the opportunity to leverage the data for predictive and classification based analysis. Specifically, if we are able to predict or analyze the Out of Memory kills, we can take device specific actions to pre-emptively lower the performance in favor of not crashing — aiming to give the user the ultimate Netflix Experience within the “performance vs pre-emptive action” tradeoff limitations. A major advantage of prediction and taking pre-emptive action, is the fact that we can take actions to better the user experience.

This is done by first elaborating on the dataset curation stage — specially focussing on device capabilities and OOM kill related memory readings. We also highlight steps and guidelines for exploratory analysis and prediction to understand Out of Memory kills on a sample set of devices. Since memory management is not something one usually associates with classification problems, this blog focuses on formulating the problem as an ML problem and the data engineering that goes along with it. We also explore graphical analysis of the labeled dataset and suggest some feature engineering and accuracy measures for future exploration.

Challenges of Dataset Curation and Labeling

Unlike other Machine Learning tasks, OOM kill prediction is tricky because the dataset will be polled from different sources — device characteristics come from our on-field knowledge and runtime memory data comes from real-time user data pushed to our servers.

Secondly, and more importantly, the sheer volume of the runtime data is a lot. Several devices running Netflix will log memory usage at fixed intervals. Since the Netflix App does not get killed very often (fortunately!), this means most of these entries represent normal/ideal/as expected runtime states. The dataset will thus be very biased/skewed. We will soon see how we actually label which entries are erroneous and which are not.

Dataset Features and Components

The schema figure above describes the two components of the dataset — device capabilities/characteristics and runtime memory data. When joined together based on attributes that can uniquely match the memory entry with its device’s capabilities. These attributes may be different for different streaming services — for us at Netflix, this is a combination of the device type, app session ID and software development kit version (SDK version). We now explore each of these components individually, while highlighting the nuances of the data pipeline and pre-processing.

Device Capabilities

All the device capabilities may not reside in one source table — requiring multiple if not several joins to gather the data. While creating the device capability table, we decided to primary index it through a composite key of (device type ID, SDK version). So given these two attributes, Netflix can uniquely identify several of the device capabilities. Some nuances while creating this dataset come from the on-field domain knowledge of our engineers. Some features (as an example) include Device Type ID, SDK Version, Buffer Sizes, Cache Capacities, UI resolution, Chipset Manufacturer and Brand.

Major Milestones in Data Engineering for Device Characteristics

Structuring the data in an ML-consumable format: The device capability data needed for the prediction was distributed in over three different schemas across the Big Data Platform. Joining them together and building a single indexable schema that can directly become a part of a bigger data pipeline is a big milestone.

Dealing with ambiguities and missing data: Sometimes the entries in BDP are contaminated with testing entries and NULL values, along with ambiguous values that have no meaning or just simply contradictory values due to unreal test environments. We deal with all of this by a simple majority voting (statistical mode) on the view that is indexed by the device type ID and SDK version from the user query. We thus verify the hypothesis that actual device characteristics are always in majority in the data lake.

Incorporating On-site and field knowledge of devices and engineers: This is probably the single most important achievement of the task because some of the features mentioned above (and some of the ones redacted) involved engineering the features manually. Example: Missing values or NULL values might mean the absence of a flag or feature in some attribute, while it might require extra tasks in others. So if we have a missing value for a feature flag, that might mean “False”, whereas a missing value in some buffer size feature might mean that we need subqueries to fetch and fill the missing data.

Runtime Memory, OOM Kill Data and ground truth labeling

Runtime data is always increasing and constantly evolving. The tables and views we use are refreshed every 24 hours and joining between any two such tables will lead to tremendous compute and time resources. In order to curate this part of the dataset, we suggest some tips given below (written from the point of view of SparkSQL-like distributed query processors):

  • Filtering the entries (conditions) before JOIN, and for this purpose using WHERE and LEFT JOIN clauses carefully. Conditions that eliminate entries after the join operation are much more expensive than when elimination happens before the join. It also prevents the system running out of memory during execution of the query.
  • Restricting Testing and Analysis to one day and device at a time. It is always good to pick a single high frequency day like New Years, or Memorial day, etc. to increase frequency counts and get normalized distributions across various features.
  • Striking a balance between driver and executor memory configurations in SparkSQL-like systems. Too high allocations may fail and restrict system processes. Too low memory allocations may fail at the time of a local collect or when the driver tries to accumulate the results.

Labeling the data — Ground Truth

An important aspect of the dataset is to understand what features will be available to us at inference time. Thus memory data (that contains the navigational level and memory reading) can be labeled using the OOM kill data, but the latter cannot be reflected in the input features. The best way to do this is to use a sliding window approach where we label the memory readings of the sessions in a fixed window before the OOM kill as erroneous, and the rest of the entries as non-erroneous. In order to make the labeling more granular, and bring more variation in a binary classification model, we propose a graded window approach as explained by the image below. Basically, it assigns higher levels to memory readings closer to the OOM kill, making it a multi-class classification problem. Level 4 is the most near to the OOM kill (range of 2 minutes), whereas Level 0 is beyond 5 minutes of any OOM kill ahead of it. We note here that the device and session of the OOM kill instance and the memory reading needs to match for the sanity of the labeling. Later the confusion matrix and model’s results can later be reduced to binary if need be.

Summary of OOM Prediction — Problem Formulation

The dataset now consists of several entries — each of which has certain runtime features (navigational level and memory reading in our case) and device characteristics (a mix of over 15 features that may be numerical, boolean or categorical). The output variable is the graded or ungraded classification variable which is labeled in accordance with the section above — primarily based on the nearness of the memory reading stamp to the OOM kill. Now we can use any multi-class classification algorithm — ANNs, XGBoost, AdaBoost, ElasticNet with softmax etc. Thus we have successfully formulated the problem of OOM kill prediction for a device streaming Netflix.

Data Analysis and Observations

Without diving very deep into the actual devices and results of the classification, we now show some examples of how we could use the structured data for some preliminary analysis and make observations. We do so by just looking at the peak of OOM kills in a distribution over the memory readings within 5 minutes prior to the kill.

Different device types

From the graph above, we show how even without doing any modeling, the structured data can give us immense knowledge about the memory domain. For example, the early peaks (marked in red) are mostly crashes not visible to users, but were marked erroneously as user-facing crashes. The peaks marked in green are real user-facing crashes. Device 2 is an example of a sharp peak towards the higher memory range, with a decline that is sharp and almost no entries after the peak ends. Hence, for Device 1 and 2, the task of OOM prediction is relatively easier, after which we can start taking pre-emptive action to lower our memory usage. In case of Device 3, we have a normalized gaussian like distribution — indicating that the OOM kills occur all over, with the decline not being very sharp, and the crashes happen all over in an approximately normalized fashion.

Feature Engineering, Accuracy Measures and Future Work Directions

We leave the reader with some ideas to engineer more features and accuracy measures specific to the memory usage context in a streaming environment for a device.

  • We could manually engineer features on memory to utilize the time-series nature of the memory value when aggregated over a user’s session. Suggestions include a running mean of the last 3 values, or a difference of the current entry and running exponential average. The analysis of the growth of memory by the user could give insights into whether the kill was caused by in-app streaming demand, or due to external factors.
  • Another feature could be the time spent in different navigational levels. Internally, the app caches several pre-fetched data, images, descriptions etc, and the time spent in the level could indicate whether or not those caches are cleared.
  • When deciding on accuracy measures for the problem, it is important to analyze the distinction between false positives and false negatives. The dataset (fortunately for Netflix!) will be highly biased — as an example, over 99.1% entries are non-kill related. In general, false negatives (not predicting the kill when actually the app is killed) are more detrimental than false positives (predicting a kill even though the app could have survived). This is because since the kill happens rarely (0.9% in this example), even if we end up lowering memory and performance 2% of the time and catch almost all the 0.9% OOM kills, we will have eliminated approximately. all OOM kills with the tradeoff of lowering the performance/clearing the cache an extra 1.1% of the time (False Positives).


This post has focussed on throwing light on dataset curation and engineering when dealing with memory and low resource crashes for streaming services on device. We also cover the distinction between non-changing attributes and runtime attributes and strategies to join them to make one cohesive dataset for OOM kill prediction. We covered labeling strategies that involved graded window based approaches and explored some graphical analysis on the structured dataset. Finally, we ended with some future directions and possibilities for feature engineering and accuracy measurements in the memory context.

Stay tuned for further posts on memory management and the use of ML modeling to deal with systemic and low latency data collected at the device level. We will try to soon post results of our models on the dataset that we have created.

I would like to thank the members of various teams — Partner Engineering (Mihir Daftari, Akshay Garg), TVUI team (Andrew Eichacker, Jason Munning), Streaming Data Team, Big Data Platform Team, Device Ecosystem Team and Data Science Engineering Team (Chris Pham), for all their support.

Formulating ‘Out of Memory Kill’ Prediction on the Netflix App as a Machine Learning Problem was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

How We Sent an AWS Snowcone into Orbit

Post Syndicated from Jeff Barr original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/how-we-sent-an-aws-snowcone-into-orbit/

I have been a fan of space travel and the US space program since I was 4 or 5 years old. I remember reading about the Mercury and Gemini programs, and watched with excitement as Lunar Module Eagle landed on the Moon.

Today, with the cost to reach Low Earth Orbit (LEO) seemingly declining with each launch, there are more opportunities than ever before to push the boundaries of what we know, conducting ever-more bold experiments and producing vast amounts of raw data. Making the situation even more interesting, today’s experiments can use more types of sensors, each collecting data with higher resolution and at a greater sampling frequency. Dealing with this vast amount of data is a huge challenge. Bandwidth on NASA’s constellation of Tracking and Data Relay Satellites (TDRS) is limited, and must be shared equitably across a growing number of missions. Latency, while almost negligible from LEO, becomes a consideration when sending data from the Moon, Mars, or from beyond the bounds of the Solar System.

When we start to think about sending hardware into space, another set of challenges come about. The hardware must be as light as possible in order to minimize the cost to launch it. It must, however, be durable enough to withstand extreme vibration and G-forces during launch, and able to function in a microgravity environment once in orbit. Once in orbit, the hardware must be able to safely connect to the host spacecraft’s power, cooling, and network systems.

AWS Snowcone on the International Space Station
As you may have already read, we recently sent an AWS Snowcone SSD to the International Space Station. Since Amazon Prime does not currently make deliveries to the ISS, the Snowcone traveled aboard a Falcon 9 rocket as part of the first Axiom Space Mission (Ax-1). As part of this mission, four private astronauts ran experiments and conducted technology demos that spanned 17 days and 240 trips around Earth.

The Snowcone is designed to run edge computing workloads, all protected by multiple layers of encryption. After data has been collected and processed locally, the device is typically shipped back to AWS so that the processed data can be stored in the cloud and processed further. Alternatively, AWS DataSync can be used to copy data from a Snowcone device back to AWS.

On the hardware side, the Snowcone is small, exceptionally rugged, and lightweight. With 2 CPUs, 4 GB of memory, and 14 TB of SSD storage, it can do a lot of local processing and storage, making it ideal for the Ax-1 mission.

Preparing for the Journey
In preparation for the trip to space, teams from AWS, NASA, and Axiom Space worked together for seven months to test and validate the Snowcone. The validation process included a rigorous safety review, a detailed thermal analysis, and testing to help ensure that the device would survive vibration at launch and in flight to the ISS. The Snowcone was not modified, but it did end up wrapped in Kapton tape for additional electrical and thermal protection.

On the software side, the AWS Machine Learning Solutions Lab worked closely with Axiom to develop a sophisticated machine learning model that would examine photos taken aboard the ISS to help improve the crew experience in future Axiom missions. The photos were taken by on-board Nikon cameras, stored in Network Attached Storage (NAS) on the ISS, and then transferred from the NAS to the Snowcone over the Joint Station LAN. Once the photos are on the Snowcone, the model was was able to return results within three seconds.

On Board the ISS
After the Snowcone was up and running, the collective team did some initial testing and encountered a few issues. For example, the photos were stored on the NAS with upper-case extensions but the code on the Snowcone was looking for lower-case. Fortunately, the Earth-based team was able to connect to the device via SSH in order to do some remote diagnosis and reconfiguration.

An updated ML model became available during the mission. The team was able to upload a largish (30 GB) AMI to the Snowcone and put the model into production with ease.

The Snowcone remains aboard the ISS, and is available for other experiments through the end of 2022. If you are a researcher, student, or part of an organization that is interested in performing experiments that involve processing data remotely on the ISS, you can express your interest at [email protected]. One interesting use case should be of interest to medical researchers. Many of the medical measurements and experiments conducted on the ISS generate data that must currently be downloaded to Earth for processing and analysis. Taking care of these steps while in orbit could reduce the end-to-end time for downloading and analysis from 20 hours to just 20 minutes, creating the potential for a 60-fold increase in the number of possible experiments.

Net-net, the experiment showed that it is possible to extend cloud computing to the final frontier.

The Earth-based team was able to communicate remotely with the orbiting Snowcone in order to launch, test, and update the model. They then demonstrated that they were able to repeat this process as needed, processing photos from onboard research experiments and making optimal use of the limited bandwidth that is available between space stations and Earth.

All-in-all, this experiment was deemed a success, and we learned a lot as we identified and addressed the challenges that arise when sending AWS hardware into space to serve the needs of our customers.

Check out AWS for Aerospace and Satellite to learn more about how we support our customers and our partners as they explore the final frontier. If you are ready to deploy a Snowcone on a space or an Earth-bound mission of your own, we are ready, willing, and able to work with you!


Simplify analytics on Amazon Redshift using PIVOT and UNPIVOT

Post Syndicated from Ashish Agrawal original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/simplify-analytics-on-amazon-redshift-using-pivot-and-unpivot/

Amazon Redshift is a fast, fully managed cloud data warehouse that makes it simple and cost-effective to analyze all your data using standard SQL and your existing business intelligence (BI) tools.

Many customers look to build their data warehouse on Amazon Redshift, and they have many requirements where they want to convert data from row level to column level and vice versa. Amazon Redshift now natively supports PIVOT and UNPIVOT SQL operators with built-in optimizations that you can use for data modeling, data analysis, and data presentation. You can apply PIVOT and UNPIVOT to tables, sub-queries, and common table expressions (CTEs). PIVOT supports the COUNT, SUM, MIN, MAX, and AVG aggregate functions.

You can use PIVOT tables as a statistics tool that summarizes and reorganizes selected columns and rows of data from a dataset. The following are a few scenarios where this can be useful:

  • Group the values by at least one column
  • Convert the unique values of a selected column into new column names
  • Use in combination with aggregate functions to derive complex reports
  • Filter specific values in rows and convert them into columns or vice versa
  • Use these operators to generate a multidimensional reporting

In this post, we discuss the benefits of PIVOT and UNPIVOT, and how you can use them to simplify your analytics in Amazon Redshift.

PIVOT overview

The following code illustrates the PIVOT syntax:

    AS <alias_source_query>  
    IN ( [pivot_value_first], [pivot_value_second],  
    ... [pivot_value_last])  
) AS <alias_pivot>
<optional ORDER BY clause>;

The syntax contains the following parameters:

  • <get_source_data> – The SELECT query that gets the data from the source table
  • <alias_source_query> – The alias for the source query that gets the data
  • <agg_func> – The aggregate function to apply
  • <agg_col> – The column to aggregate
  • <pivot_col> – The column whose value is pivoted
  • <pivot_value_n> – A list of pivot column values separated by commas
  • <alias_pivot> – The alias for the pivot table
  • <optional ORDER BY clause> – An optional parameter to apply an ORDER BY clause on the result set

The following diagram illustrates how PIVOT works.

PIVOT instead of CASE statements

Let’s look at an example of analyzing data from a different perspective than how it’s stored in the table. In the following example, book sales data is stored by year for each book. We want to look at the book_sales dataset by year and analyze if there were any books sold or not, and if sold, how many books were sold for each title. The following screenshot shows our query.

The following screenshot shows our output.

Previously, you had to derive your desired results set using a CASE statement. This requires you to add an individual CASE statement with the column name for each title, as shown in the following code:

SELECT year,
MAX (CASE WHEN bookname = 'Harry Potter' THEN sales else NULL
END) "Harry Potter",
MAX (CASE WHEN bookname = 'Sherlock' THEN sales ELSE NULL END)
FROM book_sales GROUP BY year order by year;

With the out-of-the-box PIVOT operator, you can use a simpler SQL statement to achieve the same results:

  SELECT bookname, year, sales
  FROM book_sales
) AS d
  FOR bookname IN ('LOTR', 'GOT', 'Harry Potter', 'Sherlock')
) AS piv
order by year;

UNPIVOT overview

The following code illustrates the UNPIVOT syntax:

    AS <alias_source_query> 
    IN (column_name_1, column_name_2 ..... column_name_n)  
) AS <alias_unpivot>
<optional ORDER BY clause>; 

The code uses the following parameters:

  • <get_source_data> – The SELECT query that gets the data from the source table.
  • <alias_source_query> – The alias for the source query that gets the data.
  • <optional INCLUDE NULLS> – An optional parameter to include NULL values in the result set. By default, NULLs in input columns aren’t inserted as result rows.
  • <value_col> – The name assigned to the generated column that contains the row values from the column list.
  • <name_col> – The name assigned to the generated column that contains the column names from the column list.
  • <column_name_n> – The column names from the source table or subquery to populate value_col and name_col.
  • <alias_unpivot> – The alias for the unpivot table.
  • <optional ORDER BY clause> – An optional parameter to apply an ORDER BY clause on the result set.

The following diagram illustrates how UNPIVOT works.

UNPIVOT instead of UNION ALL queries

Let’s look at the following example query with book_sales_pivot.

We get the following output.

Previously, you had to derive this result set using UNION ALL, which resulted in a long and complex query form, as shown in the following code:

select * from
(SELECT year, 'lotr' AS book, LOTR AS sales FROM (SELECT * FROM book_sales_pivot)
SELECT year, 'got' AS book, GOT AS sales FROM (SELECT * FROM book_sales_pivot)
SELECT year, 'harry potter' AS book, "Harry Potter" AS sales FROM (SELECT * FROM book_sales_pivot)
SELECT year, 'sherlock' AS book, "Sherlock" AS sales FROM (SELECT * FROM book_sales_pivot)
order by year;

With UNPIVOT, you can use the following simplified query:

select * from book_sales_pivot UNPIVOT INCLUDE NULLS
(sales for book in ("LOTR", "GOT", "Harry Potter", "Sherlock"))
order by year;

UNPIVOT is straightforward compared to UNION ALL. You can further clean this output by excluding NULL values from the result set. For example, you can exclude book titles from the result set if there were no sales in a year:

select * from book_PIVOT UNPIVOT
(sales for book in ("LOTR", "GOT", "Harry Potter", "Sherlock"))
order by year;

By default, NULL values in the input column are skipped and don’t yield a result row.

Now that we understand the basic interface and usability, let’s dive into a few complex use cases.

Dynamic PIVOT tables using stored procedures

The query of PIVOT is static, meaning that you have to enter a list of PIVOT column names manually. In some scenarios, you may not want to manually use your PIVOT values because your data keeps changing, and it gets difficult to maintain the list of values and update the PIVOT query manually.

To handle these scenarios, you can take advantage of the dynamic PIVOT stored procedure:

        non_pivot_cols : Text list of columns to be added to the SELECT clause
        table_name     : Schema qualified name of table to be queried
        agg_func       : Name of the aggregate function to apply
        agg_col        : Name of the column to be aggregated
        pivot_col      : Name of the column whose value will be pivoted
        result_set     : Name of cursor used for output      

non_pivot_cols IN VARCHAR(MAX),
table_name IN VARCHAR(MAX),
agg_func IN VARCHAR(32),
agg_col IN VARCHAR(MAX),
pivot_col IN VARCHAR(100),
result_set INOUT REFCURSOR )
AS $$
sql        VARCHAR(MAX) := '';
result_t   VARCHAR(MAX) := '';
cnt INTEGER := 1;
no_of_parts INTEGER := 0;
item_for_col character varying := '';
item_pivot_cols character varying := '';

sql := 'SELECT  listagg (distinct ' || pivot_col || ', '','') within group (order by ' || pivot_col || ')  from ' || table_name || ';';

EXECUTE sql ||' ;' INTO result_t;

no_of_parts := (select REGEXP_COUNT ( result_t , ','  ));

    item_for_col := item_for_col + '''' + (select split_part("result_t",',',cnt)) +''''; 
    item_pivot_cols := item_pivot_cols + '"' + (select split_part("result_t",',',cnt)) +'"'; 
    cnt = cnt + 1;
    IF (cnt < no_of_parts + 2) THEN
        item_for_col := item_for_col + ',';
        item_pivot_cols := item_pivot_cols + ',';
    END IF;
    EXIT simple_loop_exit_continue WHEN (cnt >= no_of_parts + 2);

PIVOT_sql := 'SELECT ' || non_PIVOT_cols || ',' || item_pivot_cols || ' from ( select * from ' || table_name || ' ) as src_data PIVOT ( ' || agg_func || '(' || agg_col || ') FOR ' || pivot_col || ' IN (' || item_for_col || ' )) as PIV order by ' || non_PIVOT_cols || ';';

-- Open the cursor and execute the SQL
OPEN result_set FOR EXECUTE PIVOT_sql;

$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

CALL public.sp_dynamicPIVOT ('year','public.book_sales','MAX','sales','bookname', 'PIVOT_result');

PIVOT example using CTEs

You can use PIVOT as part of a CTE (Common Table Expression). See the following example code:

with dataset1 as
(Select bookname,sales from public.book_sales)
select * from dataset1 PIVOT (
 FOR bookname IN ('LOTR', 'GOT', 'Harry Potter', 'Sherlock')

Multiple aggregations for PIVOT

The following code illustrates multiple aggregations for PIVOT:

WITH dataset1 AS
 SELECT 1 AS "rownum",
 FROM PUBLIC.book_sales)
 SELECT rownum,"LOTR" as avg_sales_lotr,"GOT" as avg_sales_got,"Harry Potter" as avg_sales_harrypotter,"Sherlock" as avg_sales_sherlock
 FROM dataset1 PIVOT (avg(sales) FOR bookname IN ('LOTR','GOT','Harry Potter','Sherlock')) AS avg_sales) a
 SELECT rownum, "LOTR" as sum_sales_lotr,"GOT" as sum_sales_got,"Harry Potter" as sum_sales_harrypotter,"Sherlock" as sum_sales_sherlock
 FROM dataset1 PIVOT (sum(sales) FOR bookname IN ('LOTR',
 'GOT', 'Harry Potter', 'Sherlock')) AS sum_sales) b
using (rownum);


Although PIVOT and UNPIVOT aren’t entirely new paradigms of SQL language, the new native support for these operators in Amazon Redshift can help you achieve many robust use cases without the hassle of using alternate operators. In this post, we explored a few ways in which the new operators may come in handy.

Adapt PIVOT and UNPIVOT into your workstreams now and work with us as we evolve the feature, incorporating more complex option sets. Please feel free to reach out to us if you need further help to achieve your custom use cases.

About the authors

Ashish Agrawal is currently Sr. Technical Product Manager with Amazon Redshift building cloud-based data warehouse and analytics cloud service. Ashish has over 24 years of experience in IT. Ashish has expertise in data warehouse, data lake, Platform as a Service. Ashish is speaker at worldwide technical conferences.

Sai Teja Boddapati is a Database Engineer based out of Seattle. He works on solving complex database problems to contribute to building the most user friendly data warehouse available. In his spare time, he loves travelling, playing games and watching movies & documentaries.

Maneesh Sharma is a Senior Database Engineer at AWS with more than a decade of experience designing and implementing large-scale data warehouse and analytics solutions. He collaborates with various Amazon Redshift Partners and customers to drive better integration.

Eesha Kumar is an Analytics Solutions Architect with AWS. He works with customers to realize business value of data by helping them building solutions leveraging AWS platform and tools.

[$] Living with the Rust trademark

Post Syndicated from original https://lwn.net/Articles/901816/

The intersection of free software and trademark law has not always been
smooth. Free-software licenses have little to say about trademarks but,
sometimes, trademark licenses can appear to take away some of the freedoms
that free-software licenses grant. The Firefox browser has often been the focal point for trademark-related
controversy; happily, those problems appear to be in the past now. Instead,
the increasing popularity of the Rust
is drawing attention to its trademark policies.

4 key statistics to build a business case for an MDR partner

Post Syndicated from Jake Godgart original https://blog.rapid7.com/2022/07/21/4-key-statistics-to-build-a-business-case-for-an-mdr-partner/

4 key statistics to build a business case for an MDR partner

From one person to the next, the word “impact” may have wildly different connotations. Is the word being used in a positive or negative sense? For an understaffed security organization attempting to fend off attacks and plug vulnerabilities, the impact of all of that work is most likely negative: more work, less success to show for it, and more stress to take home.

That’s why Rapid7 commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a June 2022 Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study to learn how our real MDR customers are seeing tangible impacts to their bottom line by partnering with Rapid7.

The study found that Rapid7’s SOC expertise – with XDR technology that generated improved visibility – enabled a composite organization using Rapid7 Managed Detection and Response (MDR) to:

  • Quickly extend its coverage with skilled headcount
  • Put formal processes in place for cyberattack detection and response

The analysis was conducted using a hypothetical composite organization created for the purposes of the study, with insights gleaned from four real-life MDR customers. This composite reflects a profile we see often: a small team of two security analysts tasked with protecting 1,800 employees and 2,100 assets.

The study concluded that partnering with Rapid7 MDR services experts enabled the composite organization to achieve end-to-end coverage and cut down on detection and response times. Impact like that can open the door to true progress.

Any MDR financial justification like this will come down to four main factors: return on investment (ROI), savings from building out your SOC team, the reduction in risk to your organization, and the time to see value/impact. Let’s break down these four key statistics from the study in more detail.

1. ROI

In the Forrester study, the composite organization – once partnered with Rapid7 – saw productivity gains accelerate efficiencies across alert investigation, response actions, and report creation. They were also protected with 24/7 eyes-on-glass and expert security support. Savings from security-team productivity gains totaled over $930,000 and Rapid7 MDR services in total delivered an ROI of 549% for the composite organization over the course of the three-year analysis. That kind of money can be reinvested to strengthen other parts of a security program and act as a profit driver for the business.

This greater overall visibility is powered by XDR capabilities that can customize protection to assess and block specific threats. Continuously analyzing activity in this way enables more targeted and prioritized containment actions that lead to better curation.

2. Hiring savings

In any sort of managerial capacity, the word “headcount” can have an exhausting connotation. Having to hire a skilled professional, onboard that person to the point they’re contributing in a meaningful way, and then do it all again to fill out perhaps multiple vacancies in pursuit of a productive SOC team – it’s a lot. And it sucks up time and valuable resources, which is perhaps the biggest advantage attackers have over a security organization in need.  

Partnering with Rapid7 MDR afforded the composite organization:

  • Time savings for existing security team members
  • Avoided headcount and onboarding for potential new team members
  • Security-breach cost avoidance by extending the team with a dedicated MDR services provider

This led to total quantified benefits with a present value of $4.03 million over three years.

3. Potential benefit

The above stat is great, but you may be asking what sort of start-up costs did the composite organization incur? According to the Forrester study, for the composite organization, partnering with Rapid7 MDR meant spending around $620,000 over the course of three years. Digging into that number a bit more, the organization spread the investment into smaller yearly increments.

Compared to the costs of hiring multiple full-time employees (FTEs) who can do exactly what one needs them to do (and hopefully more), $620,000 quickly begins to look more attractive than what one might pay those FTEs over, say, five years. For a deeper dive into the actual purchasing process of MDR services, check out this handy MDR buyer’s guide.

4. Payback period

For the total three-year investment of just over $620,000, the composite organization experienced payback in less than three months! At the time of the investment in Rapid7 MDR, the composite organization had key objectives like improved visibility across the entire security environment, a complete security solution backed by the right expertise, and 24/7/365 coverage.

The chief information security officer at a healthcare firm said it took two members of their security team, each working four hours a day over the course of two weeks, to complete implementation. In some instances, Rapid7 MDR was able to detect and respond to incidents the first day the service was live.

A complete economic picture

When it comes to under-resourced teams, the economics boil down to a simple comparison: The costs for an MDR provider like Rapid7 versus a potential multiyear attempt to stretch an already-overloaded staff to investigate every alert and mitigate every threat.

Impact aside, a year of MDR service can often equate to the cost of one or two open headcounts. At that point, the economic benefits are the cherry on top. After all, it’s always easier (and more impactful) to instantly extend your team with expert headcount, saving time and resources in onboarding and bringing in experts ready to make an impact from day one. Bundle it all together and you’re building a business case for the potential to bring your organization greater expertise, significant cost avoidance, and positive ROI.

At the end of the day, Rapid7 MDR can give existing security specialists some much-needed breathing room while helping the business into a better overall competitive position. Put another way: More coverage. More money. More time. Less stress.
You can read the entire Forrester Consulting TEI study to get the deep-dive from interviewed customers – along with the numbers and stories they shared – on Rapid7 MDR.

Deploying a SOAR Tool Doesn’t Have to Be Hard: I’ve Done It Twice

Post Syndicated from Ryan Fried original https://blog.rapid7.com/2022/07/21/deploying-a-soar-tool-doesnt-have-to-be-hard-ive-done-it-twice/

Deploying a SOAR Tool Doesn’t Have to Be Hard: I’ve Done It Twice

As the senior information security engineer at Brooks, an international running shoe and apparel company, I can appreciate the  challenge of launching a security orchestration, automation, and response (SOAR) tool for the first time. I’ve done it at two different companies, so I’ll share some lessons learned and examples of how we got over some speed bumps and past friction points. I’ll also describe the key steps that helped us create a solid SOAR program.

At Brooks we selected Rapid7’s InsightConnect (ICON) as our security automation tool after a thorough product review. I was familiar with ICON because I had used it at a previous company. There are other SOAR tools out there, but InsightConnect is my preferred option based on my experience, its integrations, support, and Rapid7’s track record of innovation in SOAR. InsightConnect is embedded in everything we do now. We use it to slash analyst time spent on manual, repetitive tasks and to streamline our incident response and vulnerability management processes.

When you’re starting out with SOAR, there are two important things you need to put in place.

  • One is getting buy-in from your active directory (AD) team on the automation process and the role they need to play. At Brooks, we have yearly goals that are broken down into quarters, so getting it on their quarterly goals as part of our overall SOAR goal was really important.  This also applies to other areas of the IT and security organizations
  • The second is getting all the integrations set up within the first 30 to 60 days. It’s critical because your automation tool is only as good as the integrations you have deployed. Maybe 50% to 60% of them fall under IT security, but the other 30% or 40% are still pretty important, given how dependent security teams are on other organizations and their systems. So, getting buy-in from the teams that own those systems and setting up all the integrations are key.

Start with collaboration and build trust

A successful SOAR program requires trust and collaboration with your internal partners – essentially, engineering and operations and the team that sets up your active directory domain – because they help set up the integrations that the security automations depend on. You need to develop that trust because IT teams often hesitate when it comes to automation.

In conversations with these teams, let them know you won’t be completely automating things like blocking websites or deleting users. In addition, stress that almost everything being done will require human interaction and oversight. We’re just enriching and accelerating the many of the processes we already have in place. Therefore, it will free up their time in addition to ours because it’s accomplishing things that they do for us already. And remember we have the ability to see if something happened that may have been caused by the SOAR tool, so it’s automation combined with human decision-making.

For example, say something starts not working. The team asks you: “Hey, what’s changed?” With ICON up and running, you can search within seconds to see, for example, what firewall changes have happened within the last 24 hours. What logins have occurred? Are there any user account lockouts? I can search that in seconds. Before, it used to take me 15 to 30 minutes to get back to them with a response. Not any more. That’s what I call fast troubleshooting.

Meet with your security analysts and explain the workflows

Right from the beginning, it’s important to meet with your security analysts and explain the initial workflows you’ve created. Then, get them thinking about the top five alerts that happen most often and consume a lot of their time, and what information they need from those alerts. For instance, with two-factor authentication logs, the questions might be, “What’s the device name? Who’s the user’s manager? What’s their location?” Then, you can work in the SOAR tool to get that information for them. This will help them see the benefit firsthand.

This approach helps with analyst retention because the automation becomes the platform glue for all of your other tools. It also reduces the time your analysts have to spend on repetitive drudge work. Now, they’re able to give more confident answers if something shows up in the environment, and they can focus on more creative work.

Dedicate a resource to SOAR

I believe it’s important to have one person dedicated to the SOAR project at least half-time for the first six months. This is where teams can come up short. When the staff and time commitment is there, the process quickly expands beyond simple tasks. Then you’re thinking, “What else can I automate? What additional workflows can I pick up from the Rapid7 workflow marketplace and customize for our own use?”

Take advantage of the Rapid7 Extensions Library

The good news is you don’t need to build workflows (playbooks) from scratch. The Rapid7 Extensions Library contains hundreds of workflows which you can use as a core foundation for your needs. Then you can tweak the last 15% to 20% to make the workflow fit even better. These pre-built workflows get you off the ground running. Think of them not as ready-to-go tools, but more as workflow ideas and curated best practices. The first time I used InsightConnect, I used the phishing workflow and started seeing value in less than two weeks.

Implementing a security automation tool within a company’s network environment can be a challenge if you don’t come at it the right way. I know because I’ve been there. But Rapid7’s InsightConnect makes it easier by enabling almost anything you can imagine. With a SOAR solution, your analysts will spend less time on drudge work and more time optimizing your security environment. These are real benefits I’ve seen firsthand at Brooks. You can have them as well by following this simple approach. Best of luck.

Additional reading:


Get the latest stories, expertise, and news about security today.

Critical Vulnerabilities in GPS Trackers

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2022/07/critical-vulnerabilities-in-gps-trackers.html

This is a dangerous vulnerability:

An assessment from security firm BitSight found six vulnerabilities in the Micodus MV720, a GPS tracker that sells for about $20 and is widely available. The researchers who performed the assessment believe the same critical vulnerabilities are present in other Micodus tracker models. The China-based manufacturer says 1.5 million of its tracking devices are deployed across 420,000 customers. BitSight found the device in use in 169 countries, with customers including governments, militaries, law enforcement agencies, and aerospace, shipping, and manufacturing companies.

BitSight discovered what it said were six “severe” vulnerabilities in the device that allow for a host of possible attacks. One flaw is the use of unencrypted HTTP communications that makes it possible for remote hackers to conduct adversary-in-the-middle attacks that intercept or change requests sent between the mobile application and supporting servers. Other vulnerabilities include a flawed authentication mechanism in the mobile app that can allow attackers to access the hardcoded key for locking down the trackers and the ability to use a custom IP address that makes it possible for hackers to monitor and control all communications to and from the device.

The security firm said it first contacted Micodus in September to notify company officials of the vulnerabilities. BitSight and CISA finally went public with the findings on Tuesday after trying for months to privately engage with the manufacturer. As of the time of writing, all of the vulnerabilities remain unpatched and unmitigated.

These are computers and computer vulnerabilities, but because the computers are attached to cars, the vulnerabilities become potentially life-threatening. CISA writes:

These vulnerabilities could impact access to a vehicle fuel supply, vehicle control, or allow locational surveillance of vehicles in which the device is installed.

I wouldn’t have buried “vehicle control” in the middle of that sentence.

Zabbix Summit: A celebration of all things monitoring and open-source

Post Syndicated from Arturs Lontons original https://blog.zabbix.com/zabbix-summit-a-celebration-of-all-things-monitoring-and-open-source/21738/

Many of us have visited a number of different conferences over the years. The setting and the goal of the conferences can vary by a large degree – from product presentations to technology stack overviews and community get-togethers. Zabbix Summit is somewhat special in that, as it aims to combine all of the aforementioned goals and present them in a friendly, inclusive, and approachable manner.

As an open-source product with a team consisting of open-source enthusiasts, it is essential for us to ensure that the core tenets of what we stand for are also represented in the events that we host, especially so for Zabbix Summit. Our goal is for our attendees to feel right at home and welcome during the Summit – no matter if you’re a hardened IT and monitoring professional or just a beginner looking to chat and learn from the leading industry experts.

Connecting with the Zabbix community

Networking plays a large part in achieving the goals that we have set up for the event. From friendly banter during coffee breaks and speeches (you never know when a question will turn into a full-fledged discussion) to the evening fun-part events – all of this helps us build our community and encourages people to help each other and mutually contribute to each other’s projects.

Of course, the past two years have challenged our preconceptions of how such an event can be hosted in a way where we achieve our usual goals. While hosting a conference online can make things a bit more simple (everyone is already in the comfort of their home or office and organizers don’t have to spend time and other resources renting a venue, for example) the novelty of “online events” can wear of quite quickly. The conversations don’t flow as naturally as they do in person. Perusing through a list of attendees in Zoom isn’t quite the same as noticing a friend or recognizing an acquaintance while standing in line at the snack bar. As for the event speakers – steering your presentation in the correct direction can be quite complex without observing the emotional feedback of your audience. Are they bored? Are they excited? Is everyone half asleep 5 minutes in? Who knows.

With travel and on-premise events slowly becoming a part of our lives again, we’re excited to get back to our usual way of hosting Zabbix Summit. In 2022, it will be held on-premises in Riga, Latvia on October 7-8, and we can’t wait to interact with our community members, clients, and partners face-to-face again!

Making the best Zabbix Summit yet

As with every Zabbix Summit, this year’s event will build on the knowledge and feedback we have gained in previous years to make this year’s Summit the best it has ever been. This year will be special for us – we will be celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Zabbix Summit hosted on-premises! In addition to conducting the event on-site, we will also be live-streaming the event online, so if you can’t meet us in person – tune in and say hello to the Zabbix team virtually!

Zabbix Summit 2019 conference venue

Over the years we have managed to define a set of criteria for the Zabbix Summit speeches with the goal to provide content that can deliver unique value to our attendees. As a Zabbix certified trainer, a Zabbix fan, and a long-time Zabbix user, I know that there are certain types of speeches that immediately attract my attention:

  • In-depth Zabbix functionality overviews from Zabbix experts or Zabbix team members
  • Unique business monitoring use cases
  • Custom Zabbix integrations, applications, and extensions
  • How Zabbix is used in the context of the latest IT trends (e.g.: Kubernetes, cloud environments, configuration management tools such as Ansible and Chef)
  • Designing and scaling Zabbix deployments for different types of large and distributed environments

This is something that we try to put extra focus on for the Zabbix Summit. Speeches like these are bound to encourage questions from the audience and serve as a great demonstration of using Zabbix outside the proverbial box that is simple infrastructure monitoring.

Looking back at Zabbix Summit 2021, we had an abundance of truly unique speeches that can serve as guidelines for complex monitoring use cases. Some of the speeches that come to mind are Wolfgang Alper’s Zabbix meets television – Clever use of Zabbix features, where Wolfgang talked about how Zabbix is used in the broadcasting industry to collect Graylog entries and even monitor TV production trucks!

Not to mention the custom solution used for host identification and creation in Zabbix called Omnissiah, presented during the last year’s Zabbix Summit by Jacob Robinson.

As Zabbix has greatly expanded its set of features since the previous year’s summit, this year we expect the speeches to cover an even larger scope of topics related to many different industries and technology stacks.

Workshops – what to expect

Workshops are a whole other type of ordeal. In an environment where we can have participants coming from different IT backgrounds with very different skill sets, it’s important to make the workshop interesting, while at the same time making it accessible to everyone.

Zabbix workshop session at the Zabbix Summit 2019

There are a few ways we go about this to ensure the best possible workshop experience for our Zabbix Summit attendees:

  • Use native Zabbix features to configure and deploy unique use cases
  • Focus on a thorough analysis of a particular feature, uncovering functionality that many users may not be aware of
  • Demonstrate the latest or even upcoming Zabbix features
  • Interact with the audience and be open to questions and discussions

In the vast majority of cases, this allows keeping a smooth pace during the workshop while also having fun and discussing the potential use cases and the functionality of the features on display.

Becoming Zabbix certified during Zabbix Summit 2022

But why stop at workshops? During the Zabbix Summit conferences, we always give our attendees a chance to test their knowledge by attempting to pass the Zabbix certified user, specialist, or professional certification exams. The exams not only test your proficiency in Zabbix but can also reveal some missing pieces in your Zabbix knowledge that you can discuss with the Zabbix community right on the spot. Receiving a brand new Zabbix certificate is also a great way to start your day, won’t you agree?

A moment of jubilation for our freshly certified Zabbix specialists and professionals

This year the Summit attendees will also get the chance to participate in Zabbix one-day courses focused on problem detection, Zabbix security, Zabbix API, and data pre-processing. Our trainers will walk you through each of these topics from A-Z and they’re worth checking out both for Zabbix beginners as well as seasoned Zabbix veterans. I can attest that by the end of the course you will have a list of features that you will want to try out in your own infrastructure – and I’m saying that as a Zabbix-certified expert.

As for those who already have Zabbix 5.0 certifications – we’ve got a nice surprise in store for you too. We will be holding Zabbix certified specialist and professional upgrade courses, which will get you up to speed with the latest Zabbix 6.0 features and upgrade your certification level to Zabbix 6.0 certified specialist and professional.

Scaling up the Zabbix Summit

But we haven’t slumbered for the last two years of working and hosting events remotely. We have continued growing as a team and expanding our partner and customer network. Who knows what surprises October will bring, but currently our plan is for Zabbix Summit 2022 to reflect our growth.

Zabbix team at the Zabbix Summit 2019

Currently, we stand to host approximately 500 attendees on-site and expect the online viewership to reach approximately 7000 unique viewers from over 80 countries all across the globe.

With over 20 speakers from industries such as banking and finance, healthcare and medical, IT & Telecommunications, and an audience consisting of system administrators, engineers, developers, technical leads, and system architects, Zabbix Summit is the monitoring event for knowledge sharing and networking across different industries and roles.

The fun part

Spending the major part of the day networking and partaking in knowledge sharing can be an amazing experience, but when all is said and done, most of us will want to unwind after an eventful day at the conference. The Zabbix Summit conference fun part events are where you will get to strengthen your bonds with other fellow Zabbix community members and simply relax in an informal atmosphere.

Zabbix Summit 2019 Sunset afterparty

The Zabbix Summit fun part consists of three parties.

  • Kick off Zabbix Summit 2022 by joining the Zabbix team and your fellow conference attendees for an evening of social networking and fun over cocktails and games at the Meet & Greet party.
  • Join the main networking event to mark the 10th anniversary of the Zabbix Summit. Apart from good vibes, cool music, and like-minded people, expect the award ceremony honoring the most loyal Zabbix Summit attendees, fun games to play, and other entertaining activities.
  • Celebrate the end of the Zabbix Summit 2022 by attending the closing party where you can network with conference peers and discuss the latest IT trends with like-minded people in a relaxed atmosphere.
Zabbix Summit 2019 Main party

Invite a travel companion

Zabbix Summit is also a great chance to take a friend or a loved one to the conference. The conference premises are located in the very heart of Riga – perfect for taking strolls across and exploring Riga Old Town.

If you’re interested in a more guided experience for your companion, we invite you to register for the Travel companion upgrade. Your travel companion will get to enjoy the Riga city tour followed by a lunch with the rest of the guests accompanying the Zabbix conference participants. Last time, we nurtured our travel companions with a delightful tour across the Riga Central market, accompanied by the Latvian-famous chef Martins Sirmais, and full of local food tasting. Our team is preparing something special also for this year. The tour will take place on October 7 during the conference time.

Visit the Zabbix offices

Are you a fan of the product and what we stand for? Why not pay us a visit and attend the Zabbix open doors day on October 6 from 13:00 till 15:00. Take a tour of the office and sit down with us for an informal chat and a cup of coffee or tea. There won’t be any speeches, workshops, or presentations, just friendly conversations with Zabbix team, our partners, and the community to warm up before the Summit. Although, there might be friendly foosball and office badminton tournaments if any volunteers will appear.

Welcoming our community members at the Zabbix Summit 2019 Open Doors day

All things said and done – Zabbix Summit is not only about deep technical knowledge and opinion sharing on monitoring. It is and has always been primarily a celebration of the Zabbix community. It is the community feedback that largely shapes the Zabbix summit and helps us build upcoming events on the foundations laid in the previous year. Throughout the years Zabbix summit has grown into much more than a simple conference – it’s an opportunity to travel, visit us, connect with like-minded people and spend a couple of days in a relaxed atmosphere in the heart of a beautiful Northern European city.

The post Zabbix Summit: A celebration of all things monitoring and open-source appeared first on Zabbix Blog.

Learn how to teach computing to 5- to 11-year-olds

Post Syndicated from Rosa Brown original https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/introducing-our-new-course-pathway-for-educators-teaching-computing-to-5-to-11-year-olds/

Introducing children to computing concepts from a young age can help develop their interest and attachment to the subject. While parents might wonder what the best tools and resources are for this, primary and K1–5 educators also need to know what approaches work with their learners.

Girls writing programs on their computers.

‘Teaching computing to 5- to 11-year-olds’ is one of the new course pathways we’ve designed to help educators spark young people’s interest in the subject. Our online courses are made by a team of writers, videographers, illustrators, animators, copy editors, presenters, and subject matter experts. They work together over months of production to create high-quality educational video content for participants all over the world.

This course pathway offers advice and practical activities to: 

  • Support young people to create and solve problems with technology
  • Promote the relevance of computing in young people’s lives
  • Create inclusive learning experiences   

Our new course pathway for primary educators  

The nine courses included give you a comprehensive understanding of teaching computing to younger learners (5- to 11-year-olds). All the courses have been written by a team of subject matter experts, education professionals, and teachers. Some of the courses cover a specific topic, such as programming or physical computing, while others help educators reflect on their teaching practice

Child using Scratch on a laptop.
With Scratch, young people can learn how to program their own games, animations, stories, and more!

All of the courses include a range of ideas to use in your own programming sessions. The activities will help you to introduce concepts like computer networks and the internet to young learners in a relatable way. There are also activities to help learners progress within a topic, such as moving from a block-based programming language like Scratch to a text-based one like Python.      

What will I gain from the courses? 

The courses are an opportunity to: 

  • Discover new computing activities
  • Get support from our team of course facilitators
  • Meet other educators from around the world!  

Do I need any previous experience with computing?

These courses will give you everything you need to teach computing to young learners. No computing experience is required. 

There is also no specific order in which you need to complete the courses. We want educators to complete the courses in an order that makes sense to them.


If you are new to teaching computing, ‘Get started teaching computing in primary schools’ is the place to start. The four-week course will encourage you to think about why it’s important for your learners to build their understanding around computing. You’ll discover how to support learners to become digital makers who can use technology to solve problems. Everyone who registers on the course will have access to an action plan to help implement what they have learnt into their teaching practice.            

Who is the pathway for? 

These are free courses for anyone, anywhere, who is interested in teaching young people about computing. 

A teacher aids children in the classroom

How much time will I spend on each course? 

All of the courses take between two and four weeks to complete, based on participants spending two hours a week on a course. You will have free access to each course for the length of time it takes to complete it. For example, if it’s a two week course, like ‘Creating an inclusive classroom: approaches to supporting learners with SEND in computing’, you will have two weeks of free access to the course. 

Discover what you could learn with ‘Teaching computing to 5- to 11-year-olds’ today.

The post Learn how to teach computing to 5- to 11-year-olds appeared first on Raspberry Pi.

Валс с мандата. (Не)поправимата коалиция

Post Syndicated from Емилия Милчева original https://toest.bg/vals-s-mandata-ne-popravimata-koalitsiya/

В несъстоялия се кабинет на Асен Василев с първия мандат на „Продължаваме промяната“ Корнелия Нинова щяла да е вицепремиер и министър на енергетиката. В този, макар и с мандата на БСП, още не е ясно – като в приказките Нинова ще трябва да извърши поне три подвига, иначе няма да получи половин царство.

Няма да убива ламя, но са ѝ поставили задача да осигури мнозинство за приемане на антикорупционния закон и избора на Бойко Рашков за шеф на КПКОНПИ. Това е „единственото условие“ на „Продължаваме промяната“, както го нарече вицепремиерът в оставка Асен Василев след консултациите с БСП в парламента във вторник. Затова от ПП искат социалистите да държат мандата толкова дълго, колкото е необходимо, за да изпълни 47-мият парламент техния ултиматум.

Консултациите между БСП и ПП продължиха притеснително кратко – не повече от 40 минути, в които всяка от страните каза пред камерите и фотоапаратите няколко протоколни фрази. А след напускането на медиите от ПП са поставили условията, разменили са по още няколко думи – и толкоз. Прилича на отбиване на номер – за да покажат, че са диалогични, и да използват още малко времето на действие на този парламент. А ако не се получи, няма да са виновни от ПП, а от БСП, защото не са успели да формират „работещо антикорупционно мнозинство“. Другото обяснение е, че сериозните разговори остават зад кулисите.

Дали пък нямаше да е по-лесно Нинова да убие ламя? Сега, ако иска да има правителство, а тя и свитата ѝ от сподвижници – доходоносни места в държавното управление, ще трябва да убеди „Има такъв народ“ да подкрепят Рашков. При това без да гарантира на хората на Слави Трифонов, че ще получат срещу гласуването си места в кабинета – това е условието само за да ги допуснат в преговори. „Ключово за участието на „Продължаваме промяната“ в правителство с мандата на БСП е приемането на проекта за антикорупционен закон и изборът за председател на КПКОНПИ“, заяви във вторник и началничката на кабинета на премиера в оставка Лена Бориславова.

Тестът е издържан

Законът, който ПП смята, че само Рашков може да реализира, трябва да е приет без редакции, при това окончателно – на първо и на второ четене. Първоначалната позиция на ИТН бе неодобрение за Рашков и „за“ закона, за който смятат, че се нуждае от сериозна преработка. Както каза самата Бориславова, ще стане ясно дали ИТН ще склонят – ако участват в заседанието на Комисията по правни и конституционни въпроси, която досега не можеше да събере мнозинство, за да обсъди законопроекта на първо четене.

Стана. След консултациите между ИТН и БСП в сряда пролича една непозната досега и нетипична смиреност и желание за диалогичност от страна на Тошко Йорданов, Ива Митева и Станислав Балабанов – пратениците на Слави Трифонов. Тримата изразиха желание за разговори, съгласие, че избори точно сега не са необходими, и готовност да бъде приет антикорупционният закон след обществено обсъждане и процедурни правила за избор на председател на КПКОНПИ. Констатираха и пълно съвпадение по програмата, с желание да я допълнят със свои предложения. А Корнелия Нинова обяви, че не са поставили червена линия пред името на Бойко Рашков и разговорът е бил „обнадеждаващ“.

Нашето последователно и категорично мнение е, че избори в момента не са необходими. Че изборите няма да доведат до по-добри резултати – напротив, изборите ще задълбочат кризата. И наистина, изходът от едни такива избори може би ще е още едни следващи избори. Затова, ако сме отговорни политици, трябва да направим всичко възможно, което зависи от нас, загърбвайки егото си, за да направим така необходимото да се стигне до кабинет. Запознати сме с програмата. Имаме съвпадение по почти всички точки. Естествено, имаме и нашите допълнения, които са нашата идентичност. 

Ива Митева в началото на разговорите с БСП

Резултатът от консултациите веднага пролича. Комисията по правни и конституционни въпроси се събра в сряда вечерта след половин час закъснение и повече от четири часа обсъжда за второ четене промените в Закона за съдебната власт, в частта за европейските делегирани прокурори. Но след това, в 21:34 ч., Комисията започна обсъждането на антикорупционния закон за първо четене с предложение на Ива Митева (ИТН) за организиране на обществено обсъждане на проекта идната седмица. Тя се мотивира, че законът е нов, че липсва оценка на въздействие, че има „много кусури и недостатъци“. Подкрепиха я с 15 гласа това да стане в началото на следващата седмица.

Eкатерина Захариeва (ГЕРБ) се възпротиви срещу предвидения в проекта мандат от 6 години за шефа на КПКОНПИ, с опция за втори (тоест общо 12 години), заявявайки известното вече – че депутатите на Бойко Борисов няма да го подкрепят.

„Законът има сериозни несъвършенства и трябва да го поправим на второ четене, но трябва да го приемем, за да дадем знак“, заяви Христо Иванов, съпредседател на „Демократична България“. Съгласие с бележките му от името на БСП направи и Явор Божанков. В крайна сметка поне 30% от ултиматума на ПП беше изпълнен – проектът тръгва към пленарната зала, след като получи одобрение за първо четене 40 минути преди полунощ.

И ако има шанс проблемите с ИТН да се уредят (не без предстоящи договорки за постове), БСП ще трябва да разреши и проблемите с отцепниците от ИТН – ония, които последваха сърцето си и обявиха, че няма да подкрепят правителство, в което участва „Има такъв народ“. Тази 6-членна групичка дори се е амбицирала да покълне до гражданско движение (а после – и до партия), за да участва в политическия живот. И те чакат оферти – иначе програмата я харесват.

Работа на БСП като мандатоносител е да търси мнозинство от 121 депутати, които да подкрепят програмата, договорена за първия мандат (на ПП). В същата тази програма фигурират и упоменатите по-горе условия. Но програмите, както е добре известно, служат за опаковка на същинските преговори, които винаги опират до управленски кресла.

„Счупеното носи щастие“

е фраза за лексикон и кръчма, но не върви за провалена коалиция, в която всички се наричаха всякак, гледаха в различни посоки, а лидерите им нито един път не се появиха заедно за тези 7 месеца. Дори да се загърбят ударите под кръста и да се преглътнат обидите – „мафиоти“, „брокери“, „лъжци“, „меки диалогични китки“ и пр., – защото политиците не са тънкообидчиви, не може да се игнорира проруският уклон на БСП. Не и от „Демократична България“, чиито евро-атлантически и европейски позиции са неизменни.

Получавайки третия мандат, Нинова и депутати социалисти тутакси заговориха за подновяване на преговорите с „Газпром“ – сякаш не участват в правителство, което отказа да плаща в рубли за руския газ, докато „Газпром“ наруши едностранно договора, спирайки доставките. Някои, като Иван Ченчев, отидоха още по-далеч, заявявайки, че изгонените 70 руски дипломати и служители трябва да бъдат върнати. После негови съпартийци обясняваха, че няма да стане така – само укрепване на двустранните отношения ще има.

Засега от ПП избягват темата за руския газ. Премиерът в оставка Кирил Петков ще бъде в Азербайджан на 21–22 юли в опит да договори допълнителни количества азерски газ извън настоящите 1 млрд. куб.м по дългосрочния договор. Той призна, че сега на България се налага да купува газ на високи цени от спотпазара – „както го прави цяла Европа“. Преди Петков в Баку беше председателката на ЕК Урсула фон дер Лайен в опит да гарантира енергийната сигурност на ЕС чрез допълнителни количества азерски газ предвид реалната заплаха от спиране на руските доставки.

Не е сигурно, че Петков ще успее – по-ранни опити се провалиха, – но допълнителни количества газ са необходими, тъй като сегашните стигат за задоволяване на потреблението, но не и за нагнетяване на количества в Чирен. ЕК разпореди газохранилищата в Европа да са 90% пълни преди зимния сезон, а българското дори не е наполовина на това изискване. „Ние търсим газ по целия свят, от Щатите до Туркменистан, и това става на правителствено ниво“, заяви председателят на КЕВР Станислав Тодоров. Но нито той, нито Петков коментираха новината от ГЕРБ, че е било закупено синьо гориво от „Винтерсхал“, посредник на „Газпром“.

„Демократична България“ ще преговаря днес с БСП, но още преди това съпредседателят Христо Иванов беше заявил готовност за диалог, независимо дали ще получат третия мандат от президента. Според него БСП трябва да потърси начин да спогоди ИТН и ПП, после ще дойде и решението на Съвета на ДБ. „Ние нямаме проблем с предложението Асен Василев да е премиер“, каза Иванов.

В обединението от три партии – „Да, България“, ДСБ и Зеленото движение – избирателите на ДСБ изглеждат най-непримирими към евентуален кабинет с БСП, но и в „Да, България“ има противници. Партньор в управлението, който се държи като аватар на „Възраждане“, за да не се увеличи парламентарната тежест на формации като „Възраждане“? Не е особено убедително. А вариантът, за който се появиха спекулации – ДБ да го подкрепи, без да участва с министри, би бил лицемерно и страхливо решение. Нещо като „подкрепяме, ама не носим отговорност“.

Ако Корнелия Нинова успее да сглоби правителство, ще се окичи с лаври, но конструкцията няма как да е трайна и да издържи по-дълго от приемането на бюджета за 2023 г. Защото сега под въпрос е и този бюджет, както беше миналогодишният. Провали ли се мандатът, което ще се разбере най-късно до 4 август, предсрочните избори ще са през октомври. Служебното правителство няма за задача да подготвя и внася бюджет. Съвсем сигурно е, че следващият парламент ще е фрагментиран като днешния, което означава, че преговорите за съставяне на правителство може да се проточат. А това означава само едно – че управлението на кабинета на президента Радев ще се удължи.

Държавният глава ще се отърве с най-малко щети, ако третият опит за съставяне на правителство пропадне – той е във втория си и последен мандат. А и Корнелия Нинова, с която са в силно обтегнати отношения, ще се провали (следващите избори ще го потвърдят) и опозицията срещу нея може да успее да я свали от поста. Но ако през август встъпи президентско правителство, отговорността за пълно газохранилище в Чирен, топли радиатори и работеща на газ индустрия през зимата ще е на Румен Радев. Все пак основната задача на служебното правителство би трябвало да е организацията на честни избори.

Заглавна снимка: Корнелия Нинова след преговорите с ИТН в сряда, 20 юли 2022 г. Стопкадър от видеоизлъчване на Novini.bg 


Save time and effort in assessing your teams’ architectures with pattern-based architecture reviews

Post Syndicated from Rostislav Markov original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/save-time-and-effort-in-assessing-your-teams-architectures-with-pattern-based-architecture-reviews/

Enterprise architecture frameworks use architecture reviews as a key governance mechanism to review and approve architecture designs, identify quality enhancements, and align architectural decisions with enterprise-wide standards. Architecture reviews are very thorough, but it typically takes a lot of time and teamwork to prepare for them, which means developers can’t always move as quickly as they’d like.

If your team needs a flexible, faster option to review their architecture, consider adopting pattern-based architecture reviews (PBARs). PBARs may not find every issue that a traditional architecture review will. However, in situations where you need to accommodate tight deadlines or budgets, changing project requirements, or multiple releases, they offer a simpler, quicker, more focused way to address issues and ensure your architecture aligns with business needs.

Pattern-based architecture reviews vs. traditional architecture reviews

PBARs use generic architecture patterns (in other words, generalized, reusable solutions to common design problems) to review non-functional system properties and align architectural patterns to business outcomes.

Traditional architecture reviews
Pattern-based architecture reviews
Consider system architecture as a highly stable documentation of all functional and system needs and their implementation plan

  • Require detailed architecture documentation
  • Review functional requirements, infrastructure configuration, and process specifications
  • Focus on technical configuration completeness
  • Are used to sign off on architectural decisions and/or authorize the implementation plan
Adopt a continuous architecture mindset that focuses on enhancing system composition and quality attributes

  • Use generalized solutions with existing architectural documentation
  • Focus on identifying design inconsistencies and opportunities to improve on required system capabilities and quality attributes via architectural patterns
  • Increase developer productivity and identify opportunities to shorten the implementation plan through component re-use

PBARs are broadly applicable to any cloud initiative, ranging from migration use cases to complex large-scale development initiatives. Here are just a few examples of ways to use them:

  • With cloud migrations, PBARs help manage various infrastructure and integration patterns, including like-for-like moves and full refactoring options.
  • A few infrastructure patterns, such as N-tier architecture, are applicable to many applications. After the pilot phase, these cloud infrastructure patterns serve as reusable blueprints for follow-on migrations, which reduces the amount of repetitive work and ensures compliance with security controls.
  • With new development use cases, PBARs emphasize composition through reusable code
  • Teams with novel uses are encouraged to verify the new pattern through early prototyping as opposed to heavy documentation and requirements analysis.

Use case: Applying PBARs across multiple teams to meet stringent go-live date

We introduced PBARs to a global industrial company’s large cloud development initiative where developers had no prior AWS experience and their go-live date was in six months. The initiative spanned over 50 development teams along 10 functional domains and 11 geographical locations from Americas to Asia. Each team was responsible for developing between one and six customer-facing aggregated services exposed via APIs (asset management, tenant billing, customer onboarding, or event analytics).

Socialize initial design patterns

To get the team to use PBARs, we advocated to adopt particular managed/serverless services to reduce management overhead, as shown in Figure 1.

Proposed AWS services for use by development teams

Figure 1. Proposed AWS services for use by development teams

We also shared an initial set of design patterns, including:

Containerized and serverless design patterns

Figure 2. Containerized and serverless design patterns

Shorten review times by applying lessons learned from early adopters

PBARs were run by domain architects, team architects, lead engineers, and product owners. We also invited teams with similar use cases and system requirements for joint reviews.

They brought knowledge and experience that allowed the process to conclude within two weeks for all teams with minimal preparation—significantly faster than traditional reviews.

Complete reviews quicker and increase participation and understanding by focusing the review

Because PBARs move quickly, we had to be specific about the areas we chose to focus on improving or evaluating. We worked towards identifying inconsistencies between system requirements and pattern selection, any special needs, and opportunities to improve on non-functional requirements, including:

  • Security
  • Availability and operations
  • Deployment process
  • Speed and reproducibility
  • Quality concerns and defects

In narrowing the PBAR’s scope, we were also able to complete the architecture reviews more quickly and increase participants’ understanding of the architecture and critical project needs.


Our technical findings showed single points of failure, service scalability limits, or opportunities to automate test/deployment/recovery processes.

The PBARs emphasized pattern reuse and, therefore, standardization in the early development phase. This required follow-on tailoring to individual use cases, such as distinguishing data ingest profiles by data type and throughput or moving from containerized deployments for data analytics jobs to AWS Lambda and Amazon Athena.

PBARs also provided actionable feedback on what to address prior to the go-live date.

  • By emphasizing non-functional aspects, our PBARs helped create a case for zero-defect culture where fixing bugs had priority over new features.
  • Early-adopter teams of architectural patterns served as internal champions, providing informal support to others on how to address review findings.
  • Follow-on game days and performance load tests helped teams gain first-hand exposure to PBAR findings in simulated environments.

Introducing pattern-based architecture reviews in your organization

In large enterprises, PBARs serve as a demand intake mechanism for their cloud center of excellence (CoE). They facilitate adoption of established pattern solutions and contribute new use cases to the enterprise-wide roadmap of cloud architectural patterns.

Three organizational disciplines contribute to PBARs:

  1. Application teams envision system capabilities and outcomes and own decision-making on application design and operations.
  2. The enterprise architecture team oversee the adoption of architectural best practices and work closely with application teams and the cloud CoE to review architectural patterns.
  3. The cloud CoE approves and publishes pattern solutions and tracks their adoption in the cloud service catalog. At AWS, we use AWS Service Catalog portfolios to publish pattern solutions to developers.

Figure 3 describes the high-level process tasks and responsibilities:

  • Application teams solicit PBAR with enterprise architects who help identify and customize suitable design patterns for particular use cases.
  • If the use case requires novel pattern, architects work with the application team on early prototyping and approval of the novel system architecture. They also work with the cloud CoE team to generalize and publish novel pattern solutions in the service catalog of the cloud CoE.

To better align with agile development cycles, we recommend establishing internal commitments on the time to schedule and conduct PBARs as well as auto-approval options for teams re-using existing pattern solutions, in order to allow developers to move as quickly as possible.

Figure 1. PBAR workflow

Figure 3. PBAR workflow

PBARs provide lightweight architectural governance across enterprises. They help focus your teams on non-functional system properties and align architectural patterns to business outcomes.

As shown in our use case, PBARs enable teams to build faster and help change the perception of enterprise-wide architecture reviews as a corporate guardrail. For teams with novel use cases, PBARs encourage pattern validation through early prototyping and therefore provide modern alternative for agile cloud projects.

If you are looking to scale your cloud architecture governance effectively, consider adopting PBARs.

Related information

Use the following links to learn more about patterns you can use on your next architecture review:

Automatically block suspicious DNS activity with Amazon GuardDuty and Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall

Post Syndicated from Akshay Karanth original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/automatically-block-suspicious-dns-activity-with-amazon-guardduty-and-route-53-resolver-dns-firewall/

In this blog post, we’ll show you how to use Amazon Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall to automatically respond to suspicious DNS queries that are detected by Amazon GuardDuty within your Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment.

The Security Pillar of the AWS Well-Architected Framework includes incident response, stating that your organization should implement mechanisms to automatically respond to and mitigate the potential impact of security issues. Automating incident response helps you scale your capabilities, rapidly reduce the scope of compromised resources, and reduce repetitive work by security teams.

Use cases for Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall

Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall is a managed firewall that you can use to block DNS queries that are made for known malicious domains and to allow queries for trusted domains. It provides more granular control over the DNS querying behavior of resources within your VPCs.

Let’s discuss two use cases for Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall:

Use of allow lists – If you have stricter security requirements around network security controls and want to deny all outbound DNS queries for domains that don’t match those on your lists of approved domains (known as allow lists), you can create such rules. This is called a walled garden approach to DNS security. These allow lists only include the domains for which resources within your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) are allowed to make DNS queries through Amazon-provided DNS. This helps to ensure that the DNS queries containing the domains that your organization doesn’t trust are blocked.

Use of deny lists – If your organization prefers to allow all outbound DNS lookups within your accounts by default and only requires the ability to block DNS queries for known malicious domains, you can use DNS Firewall to create deny lists, which include all the malicious domain names that your organization is aware of. DNS Firewall also provides AWS Managed Rules, giving you to the ability to configure protections against known DNS threats like command-and-control (C&C) bots. You can also add block lists from open-source third-party threat intelligence sources.

A few important points about the use of allow and deny lists:

  1. Broader use of allow lists is more effective at blocking a greater number of malicious DNS queries than a short deny list. For example, if your workloads only need access to .com domains, then allowing only .com will block many malicious domains that might be specific to certain countries. View a list of country code top-level domains (ccTLDs).
  2. If you use allow lists, you need to make sure that you keep up with the domains that your applications need to communicate with. Likewise, if you use deny lists, you need to keep up with updates to the lists.
  3. Allow lists and deny lists are not mutually exclusive models and can be used together. For example, let’s say that you have an allow list that only allows .com domains (with the intention of blocking several ccTLDs by default). You can also use the built-in AWS Managed Rules deny list to block known malicious .com domains for an additional layer of security.

Solution overview

Refer to the DNS Firewall documentation to familiarize yourself with its constructs and understand how it works. The automation example we provide in this blog post is focused on providing blocks or alerts for DNS queries with suspicious domain names. For example, consider the scenario where an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance queries a domain name that is associated with a known command-and-control server. As shown in Figure 1, when GuardDuty detects communication with the malicious domain, it initiates a series of steps. First, AWS Step Functions orchestrates the remediation response through a defined workflow, then DNS Firewall adds the suspicious domain to deny list or alert list, and finally GuardDuty notifies the security operators of the attempted communication.

Figure 1: High-level solution overview

Figure 1: High-level solution overview

In this solution, the detection of threats by GuardDuty triggers the automated remediation procedure documented in this post. GuardDuty informs you of the status of your AWS environment by producing security findings. Each GuardDuty finding has an assigned severity level and value that reflects the potential risk that the finding could have to your network as determined by our security engineers. The value of the severity can fall anywhere within the 0.1 to 8.9 range, with higher values indicating greater security risk. To help you determine a response to a potential security issue that is highlighted by a finding, GuardDuty breaks down this range into High, Medium, and Low severity levels. We have seen that many of the DNS-based GuardDuty findings fall into the category of High severity, and many times these findings are strongly indicative of potential compromise (for example, pre ransomware activity).

In this blog post, we specifically focus on the following types of GuardDuty findings:

  • Backdoor:EC2/C&CActivity.B!DNS
  • Impact:EC2/MaliciousDomainRequest.Reputation
  • Trojan:EC2/DNSDataExfiltration

We’ve configured DNS Firewall to block only events with High severity by sending only those domains to the deny list. DNS Firewall sends the rest of the domains to an alert list.

This solution uses Step Functions and AWS Lambda so that incident response steps run in the correct order. Step Functions also provides retry and error-handling logic. Lambda functions interact with networking services to block traffic, and with databases to store data about blocked domain lists and AWS Security Hub finding Amazon Resource Names (ARNs).

How it works

Figure 2 shows the automated remediation workflow in detail.

Figure 2: Detailed workflow diagram

Figure 2: Detailed workflow diagram

The solution is implemented as follows:

  1. GuardDuty detects communication attempts that include a suspicious domain. GuardDuty generates a finding, in JSON format, that includes details such as the EC2 instance ID involved (if applicable), account information, type of finding, domain, and other details. Following is a sample finding (some fields removed for brevity).
      "schemaVersion": "2.0",
      "accountId": "123456789012",
      "id": " 1234567890abcdef0",
      "type": "Backdoor:EC2/C&CActivity.B!DNS",
      "service": {
        "serviceName": "guardduty",
        "action": {
          "actionType": "DNS_REQUEST",
         "dnsRequestAction": {
    "domain": "guarddutyc2activityb.com",
    "protocol": "UDP",
    "blocked": false

  2. Security Hub ingests the finding generated by GuardDuty and consolidates it with findings from other AWS security services. Security Hub also publishes the contents of the finding to the default bus in Amazon EventBridge. Following is a snippet from a sample event published to EventBridge.
      "id": "12345abc-ca56-771b-cd1b-710550598e37", 
      "detail-type": "Security Hub Findings - Imported", 
      "source": "aws.securityhub", 
      "account": "123456789012", 
      "time": "2021-01-05T01:20:33Z", 
      "region": "us-east-1", 
      "detail": { 
        "findings": [ 
            { "ProductArn": "arn:aws:securityhub:us-east-1::product/aws/guardduty", 
            "Types": ["Software and Configuration Checks/Backdoor:EC2.C&CActivity.B!DNS"], 
            "LastObservedAt": "2021-01-05T01:15:01.549Z", 
                {"aws/guardduty/service/action/dnsRequestAction/blocked": "false",
                "aws/guardduty/service/action/dnsRequestAction/domain": "guarddutyc2activityb.com"} 

  3. EventBridge has a rule with an event pattern that matches GuardDuty events that contain the malicious domain name. When an event matching the pattern is published on the default bus, EventBridge routes that event to the designated target, in this case a Step Functions state machine. Following is a snippet of AWS CloudFormation code that defines the EventBridge rule.
    # EventBridge Event Rule - For Security Hub event published to EventBridge:
        Type: "AWS::Events::Rule"
          Description: "Security Hub - GuardDuty findings with DNS Domain"
            - aws.securityhub
                    - "exists": true
          State: "ENABLED"
              Arn: !GetAtt SecurityHubtoDnsFirewallStateMachine.Arn
              RoleArn: !GetAtt SecurityHubtoFirewallStateMachineEventRole.Arn
              Id: "GuardDutyEvent-StepFunctions-Trigger"

  4. The Step Functions state machine ingests the details of the Security Hub finding published in EventBridge and orchestrates the remediation response through a defined workflow. Figure 3 shows the state machine workflow.
    Figure 3: AWS Step Functions state machine workflow

    Figure 3: AWS Step Functions state machine workflow

  5. The first two steps in the state machine, getDomainFromDynamo and isDomainInDynamo, invoke the Lambda function CheckDomainInDynamoLambdaFunction that checks whether the flagged domain is already in the Amazon DynamoDB table. If the domain already exists in DynamoDB, then the workflow continues to check whether the domain is also in the domain list and adds it accordingly. If the domain is not in DynamoDB, then the workflow considers it a new addition and adds the domain to both domain lists, as well as the DynamoDB table.
  6. The next three steps in the state machine—getDomainFromDomainList, isDomainInDomainList, and addDomainToDnsFirewallDomainList—invoke a second Lambda function that checks and updates the DNS Firewall domain lists with the domain name. Figure 4 shows an example of the DNS Firewall rules and associated domain list.
    Figure 4: Sample rules in a DNS Firewall rule group

    Figure 4: Sample rules in a DNS Firewall rule group

    Figure 5 shows the domain lists.

    Figure 5: Domain lists

    Figure 5: Domain lists

    The next step in the state machine, updateDynamoDB, invokes a third Lambda function that updates the DynamoDB table with the domain that was just added to the domain list. Figure 6 shows an example domain entry that gets stored inside the DynamoDB table.

    Figure 6: DynamoDB table entry

    Figure 6: DynamoDB table entry

  7. The notifySuccess step of the state machine uses an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic to send out a message that the automatic block or alert happened.
  8. If there was a failure in any of the previous steps, then the state machine runs the notifyFailure step. The state machine publishes a message on the SNS topic that the automated remediation workflow has failed to complete, and that manual intervention might be required.

Solution deployment and testing

To set up this solution, you’ll do the following steps:

  1. Verify prerequisites in your AWS account.
  2. Deploy the CloudFormation template.
  3. Create a test Security Hub event.
  4. Confirm the entry in the DNS Firewall rule group domain list.
  5. Confirm the SNS notification.
  6. Apply the rule group to your VPC by using DNS Firewall.

Step 1: Verify prerequisites in your AWS account

The sample solution we provide in this blog post requires that you activate both GuardDuty and Security Hub in your AWS account. If either of these services is not activated in your account, do the following:

Step 2: Deploy the CloudFormation template

For this next step, make sure that you deploy the template within the AWS account and the AWS Region where you want to monitor GuardDuty findings and block suspicious DNS activity. Depending on your architecture, you can deploy the solution one time centrally in a security account or deploy it repeatedly across multiple accounts.

To deploy the template

  1. Choose the Launch Stack button to launch a CloudFormation stack in your account:
    Select the Launch Stack button to launch the template

    Note: The stack will launch in the N. Virginia (us-east-1) Region. It takes approximately 15 minutes for the CloudFormation stack to complete. To deploy this solution into other AWS Regions, download the solution’s CloudFormation template and deploy it to the selected Region. Network Firewall isn’t currently available in all Regions. For more information about where it’s available, see the list of service endpoints.

  2. In the AWS CloudFormation console, select the Select Template form, and then choose Next.
  3. On the Specify Details page, provide the following input parameters. You can modify the default values to customize the solution for your environment.
    • AdminEmail – The email address to receive notifications. This must be a valid email address. There is no default value.
    • DnsFireWallAlertDomainListName – The name of the domain list for DNS Firewall that consists of domains that will be only alerted and not blocked. The default value is DemoAlertDomainListAutoUpdated.
    • DnsFireWallBlockDomainListName – The name of the domain list for DNS Firewall that consists of domains that will be blocked. The default value is DemoBlockedDomainListAutoUpdated.
    • DnsFirewallBlockAction – You can select NODATA or NXDOMAIN. NODATA implies that there is no response available if a DNS query from the VPC matches a domain in the block domain list. NXDOMAIN implies that the response is an error message, which indicates that a domain doesn’t exist. The default value is NODATA.

    Figure 7 shows an example of the values entered in the Parameters screen.

    Figure 7: Sample CloudFormation stack parameters

    Figure 7: Sample CloudFormation stack parameters

  4. After you’ve entered values for all of the input parameters, choose Next.
  5. On the Options page, keep the defaults, and then choose Next.
  6. On the Review page, in the Capabilities section, select the check box next to I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources. Then choose Create. Figure 8 shows what the CloudFormation capabilities acknowledgement prompt looks like.
    Figure 8: AWS CloudFormation capabilities acknowledgement

    Figure 8: AWS CloudFormation capabilities acknowledgement

While the stack is being created, check the email inbox that corresponds to the value that you gave for the AdminEmail address parameter. Look for an email message with the subject “AWS Notification – Subscription Confirmation.” Choose the link to confirm the subscription to the SNS topic.

After the Status field for the CloudFormation stack changes to CREATE_COMPLETE, as shown in Figure 9, the solution is implemented and is ready for testing.

Figure 9: CloudFormation stack completed deployment

Figure 9: CloudFormation stack completed deployment

Step 3: Create a test Security Hub event

After the CloudFormation stack has completed deployment, you can test the functionality by creating a test event in the same format as would be published by Security Hub.

To create a test run of the solution

  1. In the AWS Management Console, choose Services, choose CloudFormation, and then for Stack, choose the stack name that you provided in Step 2: Deploy the CloudFormation template.
  2. In the Resources tab for the stack, look for the SecurityHubDnsFirewallStateMachine entry. It should appear as shown in Figure 10.
    Figure 10: CloudFormation stack resources

    Figure 10: CloudFormation stack resources

  3. Choose the link in the entry. You’ll be redirected to the Step Functions console, with the state machine already open. Choose Start execution.
    Figure 11: AWS Step Functions state machine

    Figure 11: AWS Step Functions state machine

  4. To facilitate testing, we’ve provided a test event file. On the Start execution page, in the Input section, paste the C&CActivity.B!DNS finding sample as shown in Figure 12.
    Figure 12: Sample input for the Step Functions state machine execution

    Figure 12: Sample input for the Step Functions state machine execution

  5. Note the domain name guarddutyc2activityb.com for the remote host identified in the GuardDuty finding in the test event on line 57 of the sample. The solution should block or alert traffic from that domain name in the following steps.
  6. Choose Start execution to begin the processing of the test event.
  7. You can now track the state machine processing of the test event. The processing should complete within a few seconds. You can select different steps in the visual Graph inspector to view input and output data. Figure 13 shows the input to the addDomainToDnsFirewallDomainList step that launches a Lambda function that interacts with DNS Firewall.
    Figure 13: Step Functions state machine step details

    Figure 13: Step Functions state machine step details

Step 4: Confirm the entry in the DNS Firewall rule group

Now that a test event was processed by the state machine, you can check whether the DNS Firewall rule group would block traffic to the domain name identified in the GuardDuty finding.

To validate entries in the DNS Firewall rule group

  1. In the AWS Management Console, choose Services, and then choose VPC. In the DNS Firewall section in the left navigation bar, choose DNS Firewall rule groups.
  2. Choose the demoDnsFirewallRuleGroup rule group created by the solution, and you’ll be able to see the rules as shown in Figure 14.
    Figure 14: Select the DNS Firewall rule

    Figure 14: Select the DNS Firewall rule

  3. Choose the domain list associated with the BLOCK rule. Confirm that the rules blocking the traffic from the source and to the domain that you specified in the test event were created. The domain list should look similar to what is shown in Figure 15.
    Figure 15: Verify that the domain was added to the blocked domain list

    Figure 15: Verify that the domain was added to the blocked domain list

Step 5: Confirm the SNS notification

In this step, you’ll view the SNS notification that was sent to the email address you set up.

To confirm the SNS notification

  • Review the email inbox for the value that you provided for the AdminEmail parameter and look for a message with the subject line “AWS Notification Message.” The contents of the message from SNS should be similar to the following.
    {"Blocked":"true","Input":{"ResponseMetadata":{"RequestId":"HOLOAAENUS3MN9B0DS6CO8BF4BVV4KQNSO5AEMVJF66Q9ASUAAJG","HTTPStatusCode":200,"HTTPHeaders":{"server":"Server","date":"Wed, 17 Nov 2021 08:20:38 GMT","content-type":"application/x-amz-json-1.0","content-length":"2","connection":"keep-alive","x-amzn-requestid":"HOLOAAENUS3MN9B0DS6CO8BF4BVV4KQNSO5AEMVJF66Q9ASUAAJG","x-amz-crc32":"2745614147"},"RetryAttempts":0}}}

Step 6: Apply the rule group to your VPC by using DNS Firewall

As part of the CloudFormation template deployment, two test VPCs have been created for you, to demonstrate that you can assign a single DNS Firewall rule group to multiple VPCs. You can also associate this rule group to your existing VPC of interest. To learn how to do this task, see Managing associations between your VPC and Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall rule group. For visibility into DNS queries and for debugging purposes, the template creates log groups that accumulate DNS Resolver query logs.

After you’ve successfully tested the given sample that emulates C&CActivity.B!DNS, you can repeat steps 3 to 6 for the MaliciousDomainRequest.Reputation finding sample and the DNSDataExfiltration finding sample.

These samples are supplied for your convenience, and you will see the blocking action in a matter of minutes. Alternatively, you can use other ways to test, which might need about an hour for blocking action to happen. To initiate DNS C&C activity, you can make a DNS request from your instance (using dig for Linux or nslookup for Windows) against the test domain guarddutyc2activityb.com. Alternatively, you can use GuardDuty Tester, which generates DNS C&C activity and DNS exfiltration unauthorized events.

To take this solution one step further, you can implement automatic aging out of the domains that get added to the domain list. One way to do this is to use the Time to Live feature in DynamoDB and keep repopulating the domain list from DynamoDB at regular intervals of time. The benefit of this is that if the malicious nature of a domain in the domain list changes over time, the list will be kept up to date during this age out and repopulation process.


There are a few considerations that you should keep in mind regarding DNS Firewall:

  • DNS Firewall and AWS Network Firewall work together for improved domain-filtering capability across HTTP(S) traffic. A domain list that you configure in Network Firewall should reflect the domain list configured in DNS Firewall.
  • DNS Firewall filters based on the domain name. It doesn’t translate that domain name to an IP address to be blocked.
  • It’s a best practice to block outbound traffic to port 53 with network access control lists (network ACLs) or Network Firewall so that GuardDuty can monitor DNS queries.
  • DNS Firewall filters DNS queries to the Amazon Route 53 Resolver (also known as AmazonProvidedDNS or VPC .2 Resolver) in the VPC. So for traffic leaving the VPC, we recommend that you use DNS Firewall along with Network Firewall, which you can use to secure traffic that isn’t headed to Amazon Route 53 Resolver. Network Firewall can also block domain names that exist in network traffic leaving the Amazon VPC, such as in HTTP HOST headers, TLS Server Name Indication (SNI) fields, and so on.
  • You can use Network Firewall to block external encrypted DNS services so that these services can’t be used to circumvent your DNS Firewall policies.


In this blog post, you learned how to automatically block malicious domains by using Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall and GuardDuty. You can use this sample solution to automatically block communication to suspicious hosts discovered by GuardDuty, and you can apply those blocks across all configured DNS Firewall firewalls within your account.

All of the code for this solution is available on GitHub. Feel free to play around with the code; we hope it helps you learn more about automated security remediation. You can adjust the code to better fit your unique environment or extend the code with additional steps.

If you have comments about this blog post, submit them in the Comments section below. If you have questions about using this solution, start a thread in the Route 53 Resolver forum or GuardDuty forums, or contact AWS Support.

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Akshay Karanth

Akshay is a senior solutions architect at AWS. He helps digital native businesses learn, build, and grow in the AWS Cloud. Before AWS, he worked at companies such as Juniper Networks and Microsoft in various customer facing roles across networking and security domains. When not at work, Akshay enjoys hiking up a hard trail or cooking a fulfilling meal with his family.


Rohit Aswani

Rohit is a specialist solutions architect focussed on Networking at AWS, where he helps customers build and design scalable, highly-available, secure, resilient, and cost-effective networks. He holds an MS in telecommunication systems management from Northeastern University, specializing in computer networking.


Special thanks to Fabrice Dall’ara who made significant contributions to this post.

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