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In-stream anomaly detection with Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion and Amazon OpenSearch Serverless

Post Syndicated from Rupesh Tiwari original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/in-stream-anomaly-detection-with-amazon-opensearch-ingestion-and-amazon-opensearch-serverless/

Unsupervised machine learning analytics has emerged as a powerful tool for anomaly detection in today’s data-rich landscape, especially with the growing volume of machine-generated data. In-stream anomaly detection offers real-time insights into data anomalies, enabling proactive response. Amazon OpenSearch Serverless focuses on delivering seamless scalability and management of search workloads; Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion complements this by providing a robust solution for anomaly detection on indexed data.

In this post, we provide a solution using OpenSearch Ingestion that empowers you to perform in-stream anomaly detection within your own AWS environment.

In-stream anomaly detection with OpenSearch Ingestion

OpenSearch Ingestion makes the process of in-stream anomaly detection straightforward and at less cost. In-stream anomaly detection helps you save on indexing and avoids the need for extensive resources to handle big data. It lets organizations apply the appropriate resources at the appropriate time, managing large data efficiently and saving money. Using peer forwarders and aggregate processors can make things more complex and expensive; OpenSearch Ingestion reduces these issues.

Let’s look at a use case showing an OpenSearch Ingestion configuration YAML for in-stream anomaly detection.

Solution overview

In this example, we walk through the setup of OpenSearch Ingestion using a random cut forest anomaly detector for monitoring log counts within a 5-minute period. We also index the raw logs to provide a comprehensive demonstration of the incoming data flow. If your use case requires the analysis of raw logs, you can streamline the process by bypassing the initial pipeline and focus directly on in-stream anomaly detection, indexing only the identified anomalies.

The following diagram illustrates our solution architecture.

The configuration outlines two OpenSearch Ingestion pipelines. The first, non-ad-pipeline, ingests HTTP data, timestamps it, and forwards it to both ad-pipeline and an OpenSearch index, non-ad-index. The second, ad-pipeline, receives this data, performs aggregation based on the ID within a 5-minute window, and conducts anomaly detection. Results are stored in the index ad-anomaly-index. This setup showcases data processing, anomaly detection, and storage within OpenSearch Service, enhancing analysis capabilities.

Implement the solution

Complete the following steps to set up the solution:

  1. Create a pipeline role.
  2. Create a collection.
  3. Create a pipeline in which you specify the pipeline role.

The pipeline assumes this role in order to sign requests to the OpenSearch Serverless collection endpoint. Specify the values for the keys within the following pipeline configuration:

  • For sts_role_arn, specify the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the pipeline role that you created.
  • For hosts, specify the endpoint of the collection that you created.
  • Set serverless to true.
version: "2"
# 1st pipeline
      path: "/${pipelineName}/test_ingestion_path"
    - date:
        from_time_received: true
        destination: "@timestamp"
    - pipeline:
        name: "ad-pipeline"
    - opensearch:
        index: "non-ad-index"
          sts_role_arn: "arn:aws:iam::{account-id}:role/pipeline-role"
          region: "us-east-1"
          serverless: true
# 2nd pipeline
      name: "non-ad-pipeline"
    - aggregate:
        identification_keys: ["id"]
        group_duration: "300s"
    - anomaly_detector:
        keys: ["value"] # value will have sum of logs
            output_after: 200 
    - opensearch:
          sts_role_arn: "arn:aws:iam::{account-id}:role/pipeline-role"
          region: "us-east-1"
          serverless: true
        index: "ad-anomaly-index"

For a detailed guide on the required parameters and any limitations, see Supported plugins and options for Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion pipelines.

  1. After you update the configuration, confirm the validity of your pipeline settings by choosing Validate pipeline.

A successful validation will display a message stating Pipeline configuration validation successful.” as shown in the following screenshot.

If validation fails, refer to Troubleshooting Amazon OpenSearch Service for troubleshooting and guidance.

Cost estimation for OpenSearch Ingestion

You are only charged for the number of Ingestion OpenSearch Compute Units (Ingestion OCUs) that are allocated to a pipeline, regardless of whether there’s data flowing through the pipeline. OpenSearch Ingestion immediately accommodates your workloads by scaling pipeline capacity up or down based on usage. For an overview of expenses, refer to Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion.

The following table shows approximate monthly costs based on specified throughputs and compute needs. Let’s assume that operation occurs from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM on weekdays, with a cost of $0.24 per OCU per hour.

The formula would be: Total Cost/Month = OCU Requirement * OCU Price * Hours/Day * Days/Month.

Throughput Compute Required (OCUs) Total Cost/Month (USD)
1 Gbps 10 576
10 Gbps 100 5760
50 Gbps 500 28800
100 Gbps 1000 57600
500 Gbps 5000 288000

Clean up

When you are done using the solution, delete the resources you created, including the pipeline role, pipeline, and collection.


With OpenSearch Ingestion, you can explore in-stream anomaly detection with OpenSearch Service. The use case in this post demonstrates how OpenSearch Ingestion simplifies the process, achieving more with fewer resources. It showcases the service’s ability to analyze log rates, generate anomaly notifications, and empower proactive response to anomalies. With OpenSearch Ingestion, you can improve operational efficiency and enhance real-time risk management capabilities.

Leave any thoughts and questions in the comments.

About the Authors

Rupesh Tiwari, an AWS Solutions Architect, specializes in modernizing applications with a focus on data analytics, OpenSearch, and generative AI. He’s known for creating scalable, secure solutions that leverage cloud technology for transformative business outcomes, also dedicating time to community engagement and sharing expertise.

Muthu Pitchaimani is a Search Specialist with Amazon OpenSearch Service. He builds large-scale search applications and solutions. Muthu is interested in the topics of networking and security, and is based out of Austin, Texas.

Petabyte-scale log analytics with Amazon S3, Amazon OpenSearch Service, and Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion

Post Syndicated from Jagadish Kumar original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/petabyte-scale-log-analytics-with-amazon-s3-amazon-opensearch-service-and-amazon-opensearch-ingestion/

Organizations often need to manage a high volume of data that is growing at an extraordinary rate. At the same time, they need to optimize operational costs to unlock the value of this data for timely insights and do so with a consistent performance.

With this massive data growth, data proliferation across your data stores, data warehouse, and data lakes can become equally challenging. With a modern data architecture on AWS, you can rapidly build scalable data lakes; use a broad and deep collection of purpose-built data services; ensure compliance via unified data access, security, and governance; scale your systems at a low cost without compromising performance; and share data across organizational boundaries with ease, allowing you to make decisions with speed and agility at scale.

You can take all your data from various silos, aggregate that data in your data lake, and perform analytics and machine learning (ML) directly on top of that data. You can also store other data in purpose-built data stores to analyze and get fast insights from both structured and unstructured data. This data movement can be inside-out, outside-in, around the perimeter or sharing across.

For example, application logs and traces from web applications can be collected directly in a data lake, and a portion of that data can be moved out to a log analytics store like Amazon OpenSearch Service for daily analysis. We think of this concept as inside-out data movement. The analyzed and aggregated data stored in Amazon OpenSearch Service can again be moved to the data lake to run ML algorithms for downstream consumption from applications. We refer to this concept as outside-in data movement.

Let’s look at an example use case. Example Corp. is a leading Fortune 500 company that specializes in social content. They have hundreds of applications generating data and traces at approximately 500 TB per day and have the following criteria:

  • Have logs available for fast analytics for 2 days
  • Beyond 2 days, have data available in a storage tier that can be made available for analytics with a reasonable SLA
  • Retain the data beyond 1 week in cold storage for 30 days (for purposes of compliance, auditing, and others)

In the following sections, we discuss three possible solutions to address similar use cases:

  • Tiered storage in Amazon OpenSearch Service and data lifecycle management
  • On-demand ingestion of logs using Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion
  • Amazon OpenSearch Service direct queries with Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)

Solution 1: Tiered storage in OpenSearch Service and data lifecycle management

OpenSearch Service supports three integrated storage tiers: hot, UltraWarm, and cold storage. Based on your data retention, query latency, and budgeting requirements, you can choose the best strategy to balance cost and performance. You can also migrate data between different storage tiers.

Hot storage is used for indexing and updating, and provides the fastest access to data. Hot storage takes the form of an instance store or Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes attached to each node.

UltraWarm offers significantly lower costs per GiB for read-only data that you query less frequently and doesn’t need the same performance as hot storage. UltraWarm nodes use Amazon S3 with related caching solutions to improve performance.

Cold storage is optimized to store infrequently accessed or historical data. When you use cold storage, you detach your indexes from the UltraWarm tier, making them inaccessible. You can reattach these indexes in a few seconds when you need to query that data.

For more details on data tiers within OpenSearch Service, refer to Choose the right storage tier for your needs in Amazon OpenSearch Service.

Solution overview

The workflow for this solution consists of the following steps:

  1. Incoming data generated by the applications is streamed to an S3 data lake.
  2. Data is ingested into Amazon OpenSearch using S3-SQS near-real-time ingestion through notifications set up on the S3 buckets.
  3. After 2 days, hot data is migrated to UltraWarm storage to support read queries.
  4. After 5 days in UltraWarm, the data is migrated to cold storage for 21 days and detached from any compute. The data can be reattached to UltraWarm when needed. Data is deleted from cold storage after 21 days.
  5. Daily indexes are maintained for easy rollover. An Index State Management (ISM) policy automates the rollover or deletion of indexes that are older than 2 days.

The following is a sample ISM policy that rolls over data into the UltraWarm tier after 2 days, moves it to cold storage after 5 days, and deletes it from cold storage after 21 days:

    "policy": {
        "description": "hot warm delete workflow",
        "default_state": "hot",
        "schema_version": 1,
        "states": [
                "name": "hot",
                "actions": [
                        "rollover": {
                            "min_index_age": "2d",
                            "min_primary_shard_size": "30gb"
                "transitions": [
                        "state_name": "warm"
                "name": "warm",
                "actions": [
                        "replica_count": {
                            "number_of_replicas": 5
                "transitions": [
                        "state_name": "cold",
                        "conditions": {
                            "min_index_age": "5d"
                "name": "cold",
                "actions": [
                        "retry": {
                            "count": 5,
                            "backoff": "exponential",
                            "delay": "1h"
                        "cold_migration": {
                            "start_time": null,
                            "end_time": null,
                            "timestamp_field": "@timestamp",
                            "ignore": "none"
                "transitions": [
                        "state_name": "delete",
                        "conditions": {
                            "min_index_age": "21d"
                "name": "delete",
                "actions": [
                        "retry": {
                            "count": 3,
                            "backoff": "exponential",
                            "delay": "1m"
                        "cold_delete": {}
                "transitions": []
        "ism_template": {
            "index_patterns": [
            "priority": 100


UltraWarm uses sophisticated caching techniques to enable querying for infrequently accessed data. Although the data access is infrequent, the compute for UltraWarm nodes needs to be running all the time to make this access possible.

When operating at PB scale, to reduce the area of effect of any errors, we recommend decomposing the implementation into multiple OpenSearch Service domains when using tiered storage.

The next two patterns remove the need to have long-running compute and describe on-demand techniques where the data is either brought when needed or queried directly where it resides.

Solution 2: On-demand ingestion of logs data through OpenSearch Ingestion

OpenSearch Ingestion is a fully managed data collector that delivers real-time log and trace data to OpenSearch Service domains. OpenSearch Ingestion is powered by the open source data collector Data Prepper. Data Prepper is part of the open source OpenSearch project.

With OpenSearch Ingestion, you can filter, enrich, transform, and deliver your data for downstream analysis and visualization. You configure your data producers to send data to OpenSearch Ingestion. It automatically delivers the data to the domain or collection that you specify. You can also configure OpenSearch Ingestion to transform your data before delivering it. OpenSearch Ingestion is serverless, so you don’t need to worry about scaling your infrastructure, operating your ingestion fleet, and patching or updating the software.

There are two ways that you can use Amazon S3 as a source to process data with OpenSearch Ingestion. The first option is S3-SQS processing. You can use S3-SQS processing when you require near-real-time scanning of files after they are written to S3. It requires an Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon S3) queue that receives S3 Event Notifications. You can configure S3 buckets to raise an event any time an object is stored or modified within the bucket to be processed.

Alternatively, you can use a one-time or recurring scheduled scan to batch process data in an S3 bucket. To set up a scheduled scan, configure your pipeline with a schedule at the scan level that applies to all your S3 buckets, or at the bucket level. You can configure scheduled scans with either a one-time scan or a recurring scan for batch processing.

For a comprehensive overview of OpenSearch Ingestion, see Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion. For more information about the Data Prepper open source project, visit Data Prepper.

Solution overview

We present an architecture pattern with the following key components:

  • Application logs are streamed into to the data lake, which helps feed hot data into OpenSearch Service in near-real time using OpenSearch Ingestion S3-SQS processing.
  • ISM policies within OpenSearch Service handle index rollovers or deletions. ISM policies let you automate these periodic, administrative operations by triggering them based on changes in the index age, index size, or number of documents. For example, you can define a policy that moves your index into a read-only state after 2 days and then deletes it after a set period of 3 days.
  • Cold data is available in the S3 data lake to be consumed on demand into OpenSearch Service using OpenSearch Ingestion scheduled scans.

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

The workflow includes the following steps:

  1. Incoming data generated by the applications is streamed to the S3 data lake.
  2. For the current day, data is ingested into OpenSearch Service using S3-SQS near-real-time ingestion through notifications set up in the S3 buckets.
  3. Daily indexes are maintained for easy rollover. An ISM policy automates the rollover or deletion of indexes that are older than 2 days.
  4. If a request is made for analysis of data beyond 2 days and the data is not in the UltraWarm tier, data will be ingested using the one-time scan feature of Amazon S3 between the specific time window.

For example, if the present day is January 10, 2024, and you need data from January 6, 2024 at a specific interval for analysis, you can create an OpenSearch Ingestion pipeline with an Amazon S3 scan in your YAML configuration, with the start_time and end_time to specify when you want the objects in the bucket to be scanned:

version: "2"
      compression: "gzip"
        start_time: 2023-12-28T01:00:00
        end_time: 2023-12-31T09:00:00
          - bucket:
              name: <bucket-name>
        region: "us-east-1"
        sts_role_arn: "arn:aws:iam::<acct num>:role/PipelineRole"
    acknowledgments: true
    - parse_json:
    - date:
        from_time_received: true
        destination: "@timestamp"           
    - opensearch:                  
        index: "logs_ondemand_20231231"
        hosts: [ "https://search-XXXX-domain-XXXXXXXXXX.us-east-1.es.amazonaws.com" ]
          sts_role_arn: "arn:aws:iam::<acct num>:role/PipelineRole"
          region: "us-east-1"


Take advantage of compression

Data in Amazon S3 can be compressed, which reduces your overall data footprint and results in significant cost savings. For example, if you are generating 15 PB of raw JSON application logs per month, you can use a compression mechanism like GZIP, which can reduce the size to approximately 1PB or less, resulting in significant cost savings.

Stop the pipeline when possible

OpenSearch Ingestion scales automatically between the minimum and maximum OCUs set for the pipeline. After the pipeline has completed the Amazon S3 scan for the specified duration mentioned in the pipeline configuration, the pipeline continues to run for continuous monitoring at the minimum OCUs.

For on-demand ingestion for past time durations where you don’t expect new objects to be created, consider using supported pipeline metrics such as recordsOut.count to create Amazon CloudWatch alarms that can stop the pipeline. For a list of supported metrics, refer to Monitoring pipeline metrics.

CloudWatch alarms perform an action when a CloudWatch metric exceeds a specified value for some amount of time. For example, you might want to monitor recordsOut.count to be 0 for longer than 5 minutes to initiate a request to stop the pipeline through the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) or API.

Solution 3: OpenSearch Service direct queries with Amazon S3

OpenSearch Service direct queries with Amazon S3 (preview) is a new way to query operational logs in Amazon S3 and S3 data lakes without needing to switch between services. You can now analyze infrequently queried data in cloud object stores and simultaneously use the operational analytics and visualization capabilities of OpenSearch Service.

OpenSearch Service direct queries with Amazon S3 provides zero-ETL integration to reduce the operational complexity of duplicating data or managing multiple analytics tools by enabling you to directly query your operational data, reducing costs and time to action. This zero-ETL integration is configurable within OpenSearch Service, where you can take advantage of various log type templates, including predefined dashboards, and configure data accelerations tailored to that log type. Templates include VPC Flow Logs, Elastic Load Balancing logs, and NGINX logs, and accelerations include skipping indexes, materialized views, and covered indexes.

With OpenSearch Service direct queries with Amazon S3, you can perform complex queries that are critical to security forensics and threat analysis and correlate data across multiple data sources, which aids teams in investigating service downtime and security events. After you create an integration, you can start querying your data directly from OpenSearch Dashboards or the OpenSearch API. You can audit connections to ensure that they are set up in a scalable, cost-efficient, and secure way.

Direct queries from OpenSearch Service to Amazon S3 use Spark tables within the AWS Glue Data Catalog. After the table is cataloged in your AWS Glue metadata catalog, you can run queries directly on your data in your S3 data lake through OpenSearch Dashboards.

Solution overview

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

This solution consists of the following key components:

  • The hot data for the current day is stream processed into OpenSearch Service domains through the event-driven architecture pattern using the OpenSearch Ingestion S3-SQS processing feature
  • The hot data lifecycle is managed through ISM policies attached to daily indexes
  • The cold data resides in your Amazon S3 bucket, and is partitioned and cataloged

The following screenshot shows a sample http_logs table that is cataloged in the AWS Glue metadata catalog. For detailed steps, refer to Data Catalog and crawlers in AWS Glue.

Before you create a data source, you should have an OpenSearch Service domain with version 2.11 or later and a target S3 table in the AWS Glue Data Catalog with the appropriate AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions. IAM will need access to the desired S3 buckets and have read and write access to the AWS Glue Data Catalog. The following is a sample role and trust policy with appropriate permissions to access the AWS Glue Data Catalog through OpenSearch Service:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "Service": "directquery.opensearchservice.amazonaws.com"
            "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

The following is a sample custom policy with access to Amazon S3 and AWS Glue:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "Statement1",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "es:ESHttp*",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:es:*:<acct_num>:domain/*"
            "Sid": "Statement2",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Sid": "GlueCreateAndReadDataCatalog",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

To create a new data source on the OpenSearch Service console, provide the name of your new data source, specify the data source type as Amazon S3 with the AWS Glue Data Catalog, and choose the IAM role for your data source.

After you create a data source, you can go to the OpenSearch dashboard of the domain, which you use to configure access control, define tables, set up log type-based dashboards for popular log types, and query your data.

After you set up your tables, you can query your data in your S3 data lake through OpenSearch Dashboards. You can run a sample SQL query for the http_logs table you created in the AWS Glue Data Catalog tables, as shown in the following screenshot.

Best practices

Ingest only the data you need

Work backward from your business needs and establish the right datasets you’ll need. Evaluate if you can avoid ingesting noisy data and ingest only curated, sampled, or aggregated data. Using these cleaned and curated datasets will help you optimize the compute and storage resources needed to ingest this data.

Reduce the size of data before ingestion

When you design your data ingestion pipelines, use strategies such as compression, filtering, and aggregation to reduce the size of the ingested data. This will permit smaller data sizes to be transferred over the network and stored in your data layer.


In this post, we discussed solutions that enable petabyte-scale log analytics using OpenSearch Service in a modern data architecture. You learned how to create a serverless ingestion pipeline to deliver logs to an OpenSearch Service domain, manage indexes through ISM policies, configure IAM permissions to start using OpenSearch Ingestion, and create the pipeline configuration for data in your data lake. You also learned how to set up and use the OpenSearch Service direct queries with Amazon S3 feature (preview) to query data from your data lake.

To choose the right architecture pattern for your workloads when using OpenSearch Service at scale, consider the performance, latency, cost and data volume growth over time in order to make the right decision.

  • Use Tiered storage architecture with Index State Management policies when you need fast access to your hot data and want to balance the cost and performance with UltraWarm nodes for read-only data.
  • Use On Demand Ingestion of your data into OpenSearch Service when you can tolerate ingestion latencies to query your data not retained in your hot nodes. You can achieve significant cost savings when using compressed data in Amazon S3 and ingesting data on demand into OpenSearch Service.
  • Use Direct query with S3 feature when you want to directly analyze your operational logs in Amazon S3 with the rich analytics and visualization features of OpenSearch Service.

As a next step, refer to the Amazon OpenSearch Developer Guide to explore logs and metric pipelines that you can use to build a scalable observability solution for your enterprise applications.

About the Authors

Jagadish Kumar (Jag) is a Senior Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS focused on Amazon OpenSearch Service. He is deeply passionate about Data Architecture and helps customers build analytics solutions at scale on AWS.

Muthu Pitchaimani
is a Senior Specialist Solutions Architect with Amazon OpenSearch Service. He builds large-scale search applications and solutions. Muthu is interested in the topics of networking and security, and is based out of Austin, Texas.

Sam Selvan
is a Principal Specialist Solution Architect with Amazon OpenSearch Service.

Bring your workforce identity to Amazon EMR Studio and Athena

Post Syndicated from Manjit Chakraborty original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/bring-your-workforce-identity-to-amazon-emr-studio-and-athena/

Customers today may struggle to implement proper access controls and auditing at the user level when multiple applications are involved in data access workflows. The key challenge is to implement proper least-privilege access controls based on user identity when one application accesses data on behalf of the user in another application. It forces you to either give all users broad access through the application with no auditing, or try to implement complex bespoke solutions to map roles to users.

Using AWS IAM Identity Center, you can now propagate user identity to a set of AWS services and minimize the need to build and maintain complex custom systems to vend roles between applications. IAM Identity Center also provides a consolidated view of users and groups in one place that the interconnected applications can use for authorization and auditing.

IAM Identity Center enables centralized management of user access to AWS accounts and applications using identity providers (IDPs) like Okta. This allows users to log in one time with their existing corporate credentials and seamlessly access downstream AWS services supporting identity propagation. With IAM Identity Center, Okta user identities and groups can be automatically synced using SCIM 2.0 for accurate user information in AWS.

Amazon EMR Studio is a unified data analysis environment where you can develop data engineering and data science applications. You can now develop and run interactive queries on Amazon Athena from EMR Studio (for more details, refer to Amazon EMR Studio adds interactive query editor powered by Amazon Athena ). Athena users can access EMR Studio without logging in to the AWS Management Console by enabling federated access from your IdP via IAM Identity Center. This removes the complexity of maintaining different identities and mapping user roles across your IdP, EMR Studio, and Athena.

You can govern Athena workgroups based on user attributes from Okta to control query access and costs. AWS Lake Formation can also use Okta identities to enforce fine-grained access controls through granting and revoking permissions.

IAM Identity Center and Okta single sign-on (SSO) integration streamlines access to EMR Studio and Athena with centralized authentication. Users can have a familiar sign-in experience with their workforce credentials to securely run queries in Athena. Access policies on Athena workgroups and Lake Formation permissions provide governance based on Okta user profiles.

This blog post explains how to enable single sign-on to EMR Studio using IAM Identity Center integration with Okta. It shows how to propagate Okta identities to Athena and Lake Formation to provide granular access controls on queries and data. The solution streamlines access to analytics tools with centralized authentication using workforce credentials. It leverages AWS IAM Identity Center, Amazon EMR Studio, Amazon Athena, and AWS Lake Formation.

Solution overview

IAM Identity Center allows users to connect to EMR Studio without needing administrators to manually configure AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles and permissions. It enables mapping of IAM Identity Center groups to existing corporate identity roles and groups. Admins can then assign privileges to roles and groups and assign users to them, enabling granular control over user access. IAM Identity Center provides a central repository of all users in AWS. You can create users and groups directly in IAM Identity Center or connect existing users and groups from providers like Okta, Ping Identity, or Azure AD. It handles authentication through your chosen identity source and maintains a user and group directory for EMR Studio access. Known user identities and logged data access facilitates compliance through auditing user access in AWS CloudTrail.

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

Solution Overview

The EMR Studio workflow consists of the following high-level steps:

  1. The end-user launches EMR Studio using the AWS access portal URL. This URL is provided by an IAM Identity Center administrator via the IAM Identity Center dashboard.
  2. The URL redirects the end-user to the workforce IdP Okta, where the user enters workforce identity credentials.
  3. After successful authentication, the user will be logged in to the AWS console as a federated user.
  4. The user opens EMR Studio and navigates to the Athena query editor using the link available on EMR Studio.
  5. The user selects the correct workgroup as per the user role to run Athena queries.
  6. The query results are stored in separate Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) locations with a prefix that is based on user identity.

To implement the solution, we complete the following steps:

  1. Integrate Okta with IAM Identity Center to sync users and groups.
  2. Integrate IAM Identity Center with EMR Studio.
  3. Assign users or groups from IAM Identity Center to EMR Studio.
  4. Set up Lake Formation with IAM Identity Center.
  5. Configure granular role-based entitlements using Lake Formation on propagated corporate identities.
  6. Set up workgroups in Athena for governing access.
  7. Set up Amazon S3 access grants for fine-grained access to Amazon S3 resources like buckets, prefixes, or objects.
  8. Access EMR Studio through the AWS access portal using IAM Identity Center.
  9. Run queries on the Athena SQL editor in EMR Studio.
  10. Review the end-to-end audit trail of workforce identity.


To follow along this post, you should have the following:

  • An AWS account – If you don’t have one, you can sign up here.
  • An Okta account that has an active subscription – You need an administrator role to set up the application on Okta. If you’re new to Okta, you can sign up for a free trial or a developer account.

For instructions to configure Okta with IAM Identity Center, refer to Configure SAML and SCIM with Okta and IAM Identity Center.

Integrate Okta with IAM Identity Center to sync users and groups

After you have successfully synced users or groups from Okta to IAM Identity Center, you can see them on the IAM Identity Center console, as shown in the following screenshot. For this post, we created and synced two user groups:

  • Data Engineer
  • Data Scientists

Workforce Identity groups in IAM Identity Center

Next, create a trusted token issuer in IAM Identity Center:

  1. On the IAM Identity Center console, choose Settings in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create trusted token issuer.
  3. For Issuer URL, enter the URL of the trusted token issuer.
  4. For Trusted token issuer name, enter Okta.
  5. For Map attributes¸ map the IdP attribute Email to the IAM Identity Center attribute Email.
  6. Choose Create trusted token issuer.
    Create a Trusted Token Issuer in IAM Identity Center

The following screenshot shows your new trusted token issuer on the IAM Identity Center console.

Okta Trusted Token Issuer in Identity Center

Integrate IAM Identity Center with EMR Studio

We start with creating a trusted identity propagation enabled in EMR Studio.

An EMR Studio administrator must perform the steps to configure EMR Studio as an IAM Identity Center-enabled application. This enables EMR Studio to discover and connect to IAM Identity Center automatically to receive sign-in and user directory services.

The point of enabling EMR Studio as an IAM Identity Center-managed application is so you can control user and group permissions from within IAM Identity Center or from a source third-party IdP that’s integrated with it (Okta in this case). When your users sign in to EMR Studio, for example data-engineer or data-scientist, it checks their groups in IAM Identity Center, and these are mapped to roles and entitlements in Lake Formation. In this manner, a group can map to a Lake Formation database role that allows read access to a set of tables or columns.

The following steps show how to create EMR Studio as an AWS-managed application with IAM Identity Center, then we see how the downstream applications like Lake Formation and Athena propagate these roles and entitlements using existing corporate credentials.

  1. On the Amazon EMR console, navigate to EMR Studio.
  2. Choose Create a Studio.
  3. For Setup options, select Custom.
  4. For Studio name, enter a name.
  5. For S3 location for Workspace storage, select Select existing location and enter the Amazon S3 location.

Create EMR Studio with Custom Set up option

6. Configure permission details for the EMR Studio.

Note that when you choose View permission details under Service role, a new pop-up window will open. You need to create an IAM role with the same policies as shown in the pop-up window. You can use the same for your service role and IAM role.

Permission details for EMR studio

  1. On the Create a Studio page, for Authentication, select AWS IAM Identity Center.
  2. For User role, choose your user role.
  3. Under Trusted identity propagation, select Enable trusted identity propagation.
  4. Under Application access, select Only assigned users and groups.
  5. For VPC, enter your VPC.
  6. For Subnets, enter your subnet.
  7. For Security and access, select Default security group.
  8. Choose Create Studio.

Enable Identity Center and Trusted Identity Propagation

You should now see an IAM Identity Center-enabled EMR Studio on the Amazon EMR console.

IAM Identity Center enabled EMR Studio

After the EMR Studio administrator finishes creating the trusted identity propagation-enabled EMR Studio and saves the configuration, the instance of the EMR Studio appears as an IAM Identity Center-enabled application on the IAM Identity Center console.

EMR Studio appears under AWS Managed app in IAM Identity Centre

Assign users or groups from IAM Identity Center to EMR Studio

You can assign users and groups from your IAM Identity Center directory to the EMR Studio application after syncing with IAM. The EMR Studio administrator decides which IAM Identity Center users or groups to include in the app. For example, if you have 10 total groups in IAM Identity Center but don’t want all of them accessing this instance of EMR Studio, you can select which groups to include in the EMR Studio-enabled IAM app.

The following steps assign groups to EMR Studio-enabled IAM Identity Center application:

  1. On the EMR Studio console, navigate to the new EMR Studio instance.
  2. On the Assigned groups tab, choose Assign groups.
  3. Choose which IAM Identity Center groups you want to include in the application. For example, you may choose the Data-Scientist and Data-Engineer groups.
  4. Choose Done.

This allows the EMR Studio administrator to choose specific IAM Identity Center groups to be assigned access to this specific instance integrated with IAM Identity Center. Only the selected groups will be synced and given access, not all groups from the IAM Identity Center directory.

Assign Trusted Identity Propagation enabled EMR studio to your user groups by selecting groups from Studio settings

Set up Lake Formation with IAM Identity Center

To set up Lake Formation with IAM Identity Center, make sure that you have configured Okta as the IdP for IAM Identity Center, and confirm that the users and groups form Okta are now available in IAM Identity Center. Then complete the following steps:

  1. On the Lake Formation console, choose IAM Identity Center Integration under Administration in the navigation pane.

You will see the message “IAM Identity Center enabled” along with the ARN for the IAM Identity Center application.

  1. Choose Create.

In a few minutes, you will see a message indicating that Lake Formation has been successfully integrated with your centralized IAM identities from Okta Identity Center. Specifically, the message will state “Successfully created identity center integration with application ARN,” signifying the integration is now in place between Lake Formation and the identities managed in Okta.

IAM Identity Center enabled AWS Lake Formation

Configure granular role-based entitlements using Lake Formation on propagated corporate identities

We will now set up granular entitlements for our data access in Lake Formation. For this post, we summarize the steps needed to use the existing corporate identities on the Lake Formation console to provide relevant controls and governance on the data, which we will later query through the Athena query editor. To learn about setting up databases and tables in Lake Formation, refer to Getting started with AWS Lake Formation

This post will not go into the full details about Lake Formation. Instead, we will focus on a new capability that has been introduced in Lake Formation—the ability to set up permissions based on your existing corporate identities that are synchronized with IAM Identity Center.

This integration allows Lake Formation to use your organization’s IdP and access management policies to control permissions to data lakes. Rather than defining permissions from scratch specifically for Lake Formation, you can now rely on your existing users, groups, and access controls to determine who can access data catalogs and underlying data sources. Overall, this new integration with IAM Identity Center makes it straightforward to manage permissions for your data lake workloads using your corporate identities. It reduces the administrative overhead of keeping permissions aligned across separate systems. As AWS continues enhancing Lake Formation, features like this will further improve its viability as a full-featured data lake management environment.

In this post, we created a database called zipcode-db-tip and granted full access to the user group Data-Engineer to query on the underlying table in the database. Complete the following steps:

  1. On the Lake Formation console, choose Grant data lake permissions.
  2. For Principals, select IAM Identity Center.
  3. For Users and groups, select Data-Engineer.
  4. For LF-Tags or catalog resources, select Named Data Catalog resources.
  5. For Databases, choose zipcode-db-tip.
  6. For Tables, choose tip-zipcode.
    Grant Data Lake permissions to users in IAM Identity Center

Similarly, we need to provide the relevant access on the underlying tables to the users and groups for them to be able to query on the data.

  1. Repeat the preceding steps to provide access to the Data-Engineer group to be able to query on the data.
  2. For Table permissions, select Select, Describe, and Super.
  3. For Data permissions, select All data access.

You can grant selective access on rows and comments as per your specific requirements.

Grant Table permissions in AWS Data Lake

Set up workgroups in Athena

Athena workgroups are an AWS feature that allows you to isolate data and queries within an AWS account. It provides a way to segregate data and control access so that each group can only access the data that is relevant to them. Athena workgroups are useful for organizations that want to restrict access to sensitive datasets or help prevent queries from impacting each other. When you create a workgroup, you can assign users and roles to it. Queries launched within a workgroup will run with the access controls and settings configured for that workgroup. They enable governance, security, and resource controls at a granular level. Athena workgroups are an important feature for managing and optimizing Athena usage across large organizations.

In this post, we create a workgroup specifically for members of our Data Engineering team. Later, when logged in under Data Engineer user profiles, we run queries from within this workgroup to demonstrate how access to Athena workgroups can be restricted based on the user profile. This allows governance policies to be enforced, making sure users can only access permitted datasets and queries based on their role.

  1. On the Athena console, choose Workgroups under Administration in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create workgroup.
  3. For Authentication, select AWS Identity Center.
  4. For Service role to authorize Athena, select Create and use a new service role.
  5. For Service role name, enter a name for your role.
    Select IAM Identity Centre for Athena Authentication option
  6. For Location of query result, enter an Amazon S3 location for saving your Athena query results.

This is a mandatory field when you specify IAM Identity Center for authentication.

Configure location for query result and enable user identity based S3 prefix

After you create the workgroup, you need to assign users and groups to it. For this post, we create a workgroup named data-engineer and assign the group Data-Engineer (propagated through the trusted identity propagation from IAM Identity Center).

  1. On the Groups tab on the data-engineer details page, select the user group to assign and choose Assign groups.
    Assign groups option is available in the Groups tab of Workgroup settings

Set up Amazon S3 access grants to separate the query results for each workforce identity

Next, we set up Amazon S3 grants.

You can watch the following video to set up the grants or refer to Use Amazon EMR with S3 Access Grants to scale Spark access Amazon S3 for instructions.

Initiate login through AWS federated access using the IAM Identity Center access portal

Now we’re ready to connect to EMR Studio and federated login using IAM Identity Center authentication:

  1. On the IAM Identity Center console, navigate to the dashboard and choose the AWS access portal URL.
  2. A browser pop-up directs you to the Okta login page, where you enter your Okta credentials.
  3. After successful authentication, you’ll be logged in to the AWS console as a federated user.
  4. Choose the EMR Studio application.
  5. After you federate to EMR Studio, choose Query Editor in the navigation pane to open a new tab with the Athena query editor.

The following video shows a federated user using the AWS access portal URL to access EMR Studio using IAM Identity Center authentication.

Run queries with granular access on the editor

On EMR Studio, the user can open the Athena query editor and then specify the correct workgroup in the query editor to run the queries.

Athena Query result in data-engineer workgroup

The data engineer can query only the tables on which the user has access. The query results will appear under the S3 prefix, which is separate for each workforce identity.

Review the end-to-end audit trail of workforce identity

The IAM Identity Center administrator can look into the downstream apps that are trusted for identity propagation, as shown in the following screenshot of the IAM Identity Center console.

AWS IAM Identity Center view of the trusted applications

On the CloudTrail console, the event history displays the event name and resource accessed by the specific workforce identity.

Auditors can see the workforce identity who executed the query on AWS Data Lake

When you choose an event in CloudTrail, the auditors can see the unique user ID that accessed the underlying AWS Analytics services.

Clean up

Complete the following steps to clean up your resources:

  1. Delete the Okta applications that you created to integrate with IAM Identity Center.
  2. Delete IAM Identity Center configuration.
  3. Delete the EMR Studio that you created for testing.
  4. Delete the IAM role that you created for IAM Identity Center and EMR Studio integration.


In this post, we showed you a detailed walkthrough to bring your workforce identity to EMR Studio and propagate the identity to connected AWS applications like Athena and Lake Formation. This solution provides your workforce with a familiar sign-in experience, without the need to remember additional credentials or maintain complex role mapping across different analytics systems. In addition, it provides auditors with end-to-end visibility into workforce identities and their access to analytics services.

To learn more about trusted identity propagation and EMR Studio, refer to Integrate Amazon EMR with AWS IAM Identity Center.

About the authors

Manjit Chakraborty is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS. He is a Seasoned & Result driven professional with extensive experience in Financial domain having worked with customers on advising, designing, leading, and implementing core-business enterprise solutions across the globe. In his spare time, Manjit enjoys fishing, practicing martial arts and playing with his daughter.

Neeraj Roy is a Principal Solutions Architect at AWS based out of London. He works with Global Financial Services customers to accelerate their AWS journey. In his spare time, he enjoys reading and spending time with his family.

Enable advanced search capabilities for Amazon Keyspaces data by integrating with Amazon OpenSearch Service

Post Syndicated from Rajesh Kantamani original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/enable-advanced-search-capabilities-for-amazon-keyspaces-data-by-integrating-with-amazon-opensearch-service/

Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra) is a fully managed, serverless, and Apache Cassandra-compatible database service offered by AWS. It caters to developers in need of a highly available, durable, and fast NoSQL database backend. When you start the process of designing your data model for Amazon Keyspaces, it’s essential to possess a comprehensive understanding of your access patterns, similar to the approach used in other NoSQL databases. This allows for the uniform distribution of data across all partitions within your table, thereby enabling your applications to achieve optimal read and write throughput. In cases where your application demands supplementary query features, such as conducting full-text searches on the data stored in a table, you may explore the utilization of alternative services like Amazon OpenSearch Service to meet these particular needs.

Amazon OpenSearch Service is a powerful and fully managed search and analytics service. It empowers businesses to explore and gain insights from large volumes of data quickly. OpenSearch Service is versatile, allowing you to perform text and geospatial searches. Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion is a fully managed, serverless data collection solution that efficiently routes data to your OpenSearch Service domains and Amazon OpenSearch Serverless collections. It eliminates the need for third-party tools to ingest data into your OpenSearch service setup. You simply configure your data sources to send information to OpenSearch Ingestion, which then automatically delivers the data to your specified destination. Additionally, you can configure OpenSearch Ingestion to apply data transformations before delivery.

In this post, we explore the process of integrating  Amazon Keyspaces and Amazon OpenSearch Service using AWS Lambda and Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion to enable advanced search capabilities. The content includes a reference architecture, a step-by-step guide on infrastructure setup, sample code for implementing the solution within a use case, and an AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) application for deployment.

Solution overview

AnyCompany, a rapidly growing eCommerce platform, faces a critical challenge in efficiently managing its extensive product and item catalog while enhancing the shopping experience for its customers. Currently, customers struggle to find specific products quickly due to limited search capabilities. AnyCompany aims to address this issue by implementing advanced search functionality that enables customers to easily search for the products. This enhancement is expected to significantly improve customer satisfaction and streamline the shopping process, ultimately boosting sales and retention rates.

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

The workflow includes the following steps:

  1. Amazon API Gateway is set up to issue a POST request to the Amazon Lambda function when there is a need to insert, update, or delete data in Amazon Keyspaces.
  2. The Lambda function passes this modification to Amazon Keyspaces and holds the change, waiting for a success return code from Amazon Keyspaces that confirms the data persistence.
  3. After it receives the 200 return code, the Lambda function initiates an HTTP request to the OpenSearch Ingestion data pipeline asynchronously.
  4. The OpenSearch Ingestion process moves the transaction data to the OpenSearch Serverless collection.
  5. We then utilize the dev tools in OpenSearch Dashboards to execute various search patterns.


Complete the following prerequisite steps:

  1. Ensure the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) is installed and the user profile is set up.
  2. Install Node.js, npm and the AWS CDK Toolkit.
  3. Install Python and jq.
  4. Use an integrated developer environment (IDE), such as Visual Studio Code.

Deploy the solution

The solution is detailed in an AWS CDK project. You don’t need any prior knowledge of AWS CDK. Complete the following steps to deploy the solution:

  1. Clone the GitHub repository to your IDE and navigate to the cloned repository’s directory:This project is structured like a standard Python project.
    git clone <repo-link>
    cd <repo-dir>

  2. On MacOS and Linux, complete the following steps to set up your virtual environment:
    • Create a virtual environment
      $ python3 -m venv .venv

    • After the virtual environment is created, activate it:
      $ source .venv/bin/activate

  3. For Windows users, activate the virtual environment as follows.
    % .venv\\\\Scripts\\\\activate.bat

  4. After you activate the virtual environment, install the required dependencies:
    (.venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt

  5. Bootstrap AWS CDK in your account:(.venv) $ cdk bootstrap aws://<aws_account_id>/<aws_region>

After the bootstrap process completes, you’ll see a CDKToolkit AWS CloudFormation stack on the AWS CloudFormation console. AWS CDK is now ready for use.

  1. You can synthesize the CloudFormation template for this code:
    (.venv) $ export CDK_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text)
    (.venv) $ export CDK_DEFAULT_REGION=<aws_region>
    (.venv) $ cdk synth -c iam_user_name=<your-iam-user-name> --all

  2. Use the cdk deploy command to create the stack:
    (.venv) $ cdk deploy -c iam_user_name=<your-iam-user-name> --all

    When the deployment process is complete, you’ll see the following CloudFormation stacks on the AWS CloudFormation console:

  • OpsApigwLambdaStack
  • OpsServerlessIngestionStack
  • OpsServerlessStack
  • OpsKeyspacesStack
  • OpsCollectionPipelineRoleStack

CloudFormation stack details

The CloudFormation template deploys the following components:

  1. An API named keyspaces-OpenSearch-Endpoint in API Gateway, which handles mutations (inserts, updates, and deletes) via the POST method to Lambda, compatible with OpenSearch Ingestion.
  2. A keyspace named productsearch, along with a table called product_by_item. The chosen partition key for this table is product_id. The following screenshot shows an example of the table’s attributes and data provided for reference using the CQL editor.
  3. A Lambda function called OpsApigwLambdaStack-ApiHandler* that will forward the transaction to Amazon Keyspaces. After the transaction is committed in keyspaces, we send a response code of 200 to the client as well as asynchronously send the transaction to the OpenSearch Ingestion pipeline.
  4. The OpenSearch ingestion pipeline, named serverless-ingestion. This pipeline publishes records to an OpenSearch Serverless collection under an index named products. The key for this collection is product_id. Additionally, the pipeline specifies the actions it can handle. The delete action supports delete operations; the index action is the default action, which supports insert and update operations.

We have chosen an OpenSearch Serverless collection as our target, so we included serverless: true in our configuration file. To keep things simple, we haven’t altered the network_policy_name settings, but you have the option to specify a different network policy name if needed. For additional details on how to set up network access for OpenSearch Serverless collections, refer to Creating network policies (console).

version: "2"
      path: "/${pipelineName}/test_ingestion_path"
    - date:
        from_time_received: true
        destination: "@timestamp"
    - opensearch:
        hosts: [ "<OpenSearch_Endpoint>" ]
        document_root_key: "item"
        index_type: custom
        index: "products"
        document_id_field: "item/product_id"
        flush_timeout: -1
          - type: "delete"
            when: '/operation == "delete"'
          - type: "index"                      
          sts_role_arn: "arn:aws:iam::<account_id>:role/OpenSearchCollectionPipelineRole"
          region: "us-east-1"
          serverless: true
        # serverless_options:
            # Specify a name here to create or update network policy for the serverless collection
            # network_policy_name: "network-policy-name"

You can incorporate a dead-letter queue (DLQ) into your pipeline to handle and store events that fail to process. This allows for easy access and analysis of these events. If your sinks refuse data due to mapping errors or other problems, redirecting this data to the DLQ will facilitate troubleshooting and resolving the issue. For detailed instructions on configuring DLQs, refer to Dead-letter queues. To reduce complexity, we don’t configure the DLQs in this post.

Now that all components have been deployed, we can test the solution and conduct various searches on the OpenSearch Service index.

Test the solution

Complete the following steps to test the solution:

  1. On the API Gateway console, navigate to your API and choose the ANY method.
  2. Choose the Test tab.
  3. For Method type¸ choose POST.

This is the only supported method by OpenSearch Ingestion for any inserts, deletes, or updates.

  1. For Request body, enter the input.

The following are some of the sample requests:

{"operation": "insert", "item": {"product_id": 1, "product_name": "Reindeer sweater", "product_description": "A Christmas sweater for everyone in the family." } }
{"operation": "insert", "item": {"product_id": 2, "product_name": "Bluetooth Headphones", "product_description": "High-quality wireless headphones with long battery life."}}
{"operation": "insert", "item": {"product_id": 3, "product_name": "Smart Fitness Watch", "product_description": "Advanced watch tracking fitness and health metrics."}}
{"operation": "insert", "item": {"product_id": 4, "product_name": "Eco-Friendly Water Bottle", "product_description": "Durable and eco-friendly bottle for hydration on-the-go."}}
{"operation": "insert", "item": {"product_id": 5, "product_name": "Wireless Charging Pad", "product_description": "Convenient pad for fast wireless charging of devices."}}

If the test is successful, you should see a return code of 200 in API Gateway. The following is a sample response:

{"message": "Ingestion completed successfully for {'operation': 'insert', 'item': {'product_id': 100, 'product_name': 'Reindeer sweater', 'product_description': 'A Christmas sweater for everyone in the family.'}}."}

If the test is successful, you should see the updated records in the Amazon Keyspaces table.

  1. Now that you have loaded some sample data, run a sample query to confirm the data that you loaded using API Gateway is actually being persisted to OpenSearch Service. The following is a query against the OpenSearch Service index for product_name = sweater:
awscurl --service aoss --region us-east-1 -X POST "<OpenSearch_Endpoint>/products/_search" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '
"query": {
"term": {
"product_name": "sweater"
}'  | jq '.'

  1. To update a record, enter the following in the API’s request body. If the record doesn’t already exist, this operation will insert the record.
  2. To delete a record, enter the following in the API’s request body.


You can use Amazon CloudWatch to monitor the pipeline metrics. The following graph shows the number of documents successfully sent to OpenSearch Service.

Run queries on Amazon Keyspaces data in OpenSearch Service

There are several methods to run search queries against an OpenSearch Service collection, with the most popular being through awscurl or the dev tools in the OpenSearch Dashboards. For this post, we will be utilizing the dev tools in the OpenSearch Dashboards.

To access the dev tools, Navigate to the OpenSearch collection dashboards  and select the dashboard radio button, which is highlighted in the screenshot adjacent to the ingestion-collection.

Once on the OpenSearch Dashboards page, click on the Dev Tools radio button as highlighted

This action brings up the Dev Tools console, enabling you to run various search queries, either to validate the data or simply to query it.

Type in your query and use the size parameter to determine how many records you want to be displayed. Click the play icon to execute the query. Results will appear in the right pane.

The following are some of the different search queries that you can run against the ingestion-collection for different search needs. For more search methods and examples, refer to Searching data in Amazon OpenSearch Service.

Full text search

In a search for Bluetooth headphones, we adopted an exacting full-text search approach. Our strategy involved formulating a query to align precisely with the term “Bluetooth Headphones,” searching through an extensive product database. This method allowed us to thoroughly examine and evaluate a broad range of Bluetooth headphones, concentrating on those that best met our search parameters. See the following code:

Fuzzy search

We used a fuzzy search query to navigate through product descriptions, even when they contain variations or misspellings of our search term. For instance, by setting the value to “chrismas” and the fuzziness to AUTO, our search could accommodate common misspellings or close approximations in the product descriptions. This approach is particularly useful in making sure that we capture a wider range of relevant results, especially when dealing with terms that are often misspelled or have multiple variations. See the following code:

Wildcard search

In our approach to discovering a variety of products, we employed a wildcard search technique within the product descriptions. By using the query Fit*s, we signaled our search tool to look for any product descriptions that begin with “Fit” and end with “s,” allowing for any characters to appear in between. This method is effective for capturing a range of products that have similar naming patterns or attributes, making sure that we don’t miss out on relevant items that fit within a certain category but may have slightly different names or features. See the following code:

It is essential to comprehend that queries incorporating wildcard characters often exhibit reduced performance, as they require iterating through an extensive array of terms. Consequently, it is advisable to refrain from positioning wildcard characters at the beginning of a query, given that this approach can lead to operations that significantly strain both computational resources and time.


A status code other than 200 indicates a problem either in the Amazon Keyspaces operation or the OpenSearch Ingestion operation. View the CloudWatch logs of the Lambda function OpsApigwLambdaStack-ApiHandler* and the OpenSearch Ingestion pipeline logs to troubleshoot the failure.

You will see the following errors in the ingestion pipeline logs. This is because the pipeline endpoint is publicly accessible, and not accessible via VPC. They are harmless. As a best practice you can enable VPC access for the serverless collection, which provides an inherent layer of security.

  • 2024-01-23T13:47:42.326 [armeria-common-worker-epoll-3-1] ERROR com.amazon.osis.HttpAuthorization - Unauthenticated request: Missing Authentication Token
  • 2024-01-23T13:47:42.327 [armeria-common-worker-epoll-3-1] ERROR com.amazon.osis.HttpAuthorization - Authentication status: 401

Clean up

To prevent additional charges and to effectively remove resources, delete the CloudFormation stacks by running the following command:

(.venv) $ cdk destroy -c iam_user_name=<your-iam-user-name> --force --all

Verify the following CloudFormation stacks are deleted from the CloudFormation console:

Finally, delete the CDKToolkit CloudFormation stack to remove the AWS CDK resources.


In this post, we delved into enabling diverse search scenarios on data stored in Amazon Keyspaces by using the capabilities of OpenSearch Service. Through the use of Lambda and OpenSearch Ingestion, we managed the data movement seamlessly. Furthermore, we provided insights into testing the deployed solution using a CloudFormation template, ensuring a thorough grasp of its practical application and effectiveness.

Test the procedure that is outlined in this post by deploying the sample code provided and share your feedback in the comments section.

About the authors

Rajesh, a Senior Database Solution Architect. He specializes in assisting customers with designing, migrating, and optimizing database solutions on Amazon Web Services, ensuring scalability, security, and performance. In his spare time, he loves spending time outdoors with family and friends.

Sylvia, a Senior DevOps Architect, specializes in designing and automating DevOps processes to guide clients through their DevOps transformation journey. During her leisure time, she finds joy in activities such as biking, swimming, practicing yoga, and photography.

Simplify data streaming ingestion for analytics using Amazon MSK and Amazon Redshift

Post Syndicated from Sebastian Vlad original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/simplify-data-streaming-ingestion-for-analytics-using-amazon-msk-and-amazon-redshift/

Towards the end of 2022, AWS announced the general availability of real-time streaming ingestion to Amazon Redshift for Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK), eliminating the need to stage streaming data in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) before ingesting it into Amazon Redshift.

Streaming ingestion from Amazon MSK into Amazon Redshift, represents a cutting-edge approach to real-time data processing and analysis. Amazon MSK serves as a highly scalable, and fully managed service for Apache Kafka, allowing for seamless collection and processing of vast streams of data. Integrating streaming data into Amazon Redshift brings immense value by enabling organizations to harness the potential of real-time analytics and data-driven decision-making.

This integration enables you to achieve low latency, measured in seconds, while ingesting hundreds of megabytes of streaming data per second into Amazon Redshift. At the same time, this integration helps make sure that the most up-to-date information is readily available for analysis. Because the integration doesn’t require staging data in Amazon S3, Amazon Redshift can ingest streaming data at a lower latency and without intermediary storage cost.

You can configure Amazon Redshift streaming ingestion on a Redshift cluster using SQL statements to authenticate and connect to an MSK topic. This solution is an excellent option for data engineers that are looking to simplify data pipelines and reduce the operational cost.

In this post, we provide a complete overview on how to configure Amazon Redshift streaming ingestion from Amazon MSK.

Solution overview

The following architecture diagram describes the AWS services and features you will be using.

architecture diagram describing the AWS services and features you will be using

The workflow includes the following steps:

  1. You start with configuring an Amazon MSK Connect source connector, to create an MSK topic, generate mock data, and write it to the MSK topic. For this post, we work with mock customer data.
  2. The next step is to connect to a Redshift cluster using the Query Editor v2.
  3. Finally, you configure an external schema and create a materialized view in Amazon Redshift, to consume the data from the MSK topic. This solution does not rely on an MSK Connect sink connector to export the data from Amazon MSK to Amazon Redshift.

The following solution architecture diagram describes in more detail the configuration and integration of the AWS services you will be using.
solution architecture diagram describing in more detail the configuration and integration of the AWS services you will be using
The workflow includes the following steps:

  1. You deploy an MSK Connect source connector, an MSK cluster, and a Redshift cluster within the private subnets on a VPC.
  2. The MSK Connect source connector uses granular permissions defined in an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) in-line policy attached to an IAM role, which allows the source connector to perform actions on the MSK cluster.
  3. The MSK Connect source connector logs are captured and sent to an Amazon CloudWatch log group.
  4. The MSK cluster uses a custom MSK cluster configuration, allowing the MSK Connect connector to create topics on the MSK cluster.
  5. The MSK cluster logs are captured and sent to an Amazon CloudWatch log group.
  6. The Redshift cluster uses granular permissions defined in an IAM in-line policy attached to an IAM role, which allows the Redshift cluster to perform actions on the MSK cluster.
  7. You can use the Query Editor v2 to connect to the Redshift cluster.


To simplify the provisioning and configuration of the prerequisite resources, you can use the following AWS CloudFormation template:

Complete the following steps when launching the stack:

  1. For Stack name, enter a meaningful name for the stack, for example, prerequisites.
  2. Choose Next.
  3. Choose Next.
  4. Select I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names.
  5. Choose Submit.

The CloudFormation stack creates the following resources:

  • A VPC custom-vpc, created across three Availability Zones, with three public subnets and three private subnets:
    • The public subnets are associated with a public route table, and outbound traffic is directed to an internet gateway.
    • The private subnets are associated with a private route table, and outbound traffic is sent to a NAT gateway.
  • An internet gateway attached to the Amazon VPC.
  • A NAT gateway that is associated with an elastic IP and is deployed in one of the public subnets.
  • Three security groups:
    • msk-connect-sg, which will be later associated with the MSK Connect connector.
    • redshift-sg, which will be later associated with the Redshift cluster.
    • msk-cluster-sg, which will be later associated with the MSK cluster. It allows inbound traffic from msk-connect-sg, and redshift-sg.
  • Two CloudWatch log groups:
    • msk-connect-logs, to be used for the MSK Connect logs.
    • msk-cluster-logs, to be used for the MSK cluster logs.
  • Two IAM Roles:
    • msk-connect-role, which includes granular IAM permissions for MSK Connect.
    • redshift-role, which includes granular IAM permissions for Amazon Redshift.
  • A custom MSK cluster configuration, allowing the MSK Connect connector to create topics on the MSK cluster.
  • An MSK cluster, with three brokers deployed across the three private subnets of custom-vpc. The msk-cluster-sg security group and the custom-msk-cluster-configuration configuration are applied to the MSK cluster. The broker logs are delivered to the msk-cluster-logs CloudWatch log group.
  • A Redshift cluster subnet group, which is using the three private subnets of custom-vpc.
  • A Redshift cluster, with one single node deployed in a private subnet within the Redshift cluster subnet group. The redshift-sg security group and redshift-role IAM role are applied to the Redshift cluster.

Create an MSK Connect custom plugin

For this post, we use an Amazon MSK data generator deployed in MSK Connect, to generate mock customer data, and write it to an MSK topic.

Complete the following steps:

  1. Download the Amazon MSK data generator JAR file with dependencies from GitHub.
    awslabs github page for downloading the jar file of the amazon msk data generator
  2. Upload the JAR file into an S3 bucket in your AWS account.
    amazon s3 console image showing the uploaded jar file in an s3 bucket
  3. On the Amazon MSK console, choose Custom plugins under MSK Connect in the navigation pane.
  4. Choose Create custom plugin.
  5. Choose Browse S3, search for the Amazon MSK data generator JAR file you uploaded to Amazon S3, then choose Choose.
  6. For Custom plugin name, enter msk-datagen-plugin.
  7. Choose Create custom plugin.

When the custom plugin is created, you will see that its status is Active, and you can move to the next step.
amazon msk console showing the msk connect custom plugin being successfully created

Create an MSK Connect connector

Complete the following steps to create your connector:

  1. On the Amazon MSK console, choose Connectors under MSK Connect in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create connector.
  3. For Custom plugin type, choose Use existing plugin.
  4. Select msk-datagen-plugin, then choose Next.
  5. For Connector name, enter msk-datagen-connector.
  6. For Cluster type, choose Self-managed Apache Kafka cluster.
  7. For VPC, choose custom-vpc.
  8. For Subnet 1, choose the private subnet within your first Availability Zone.

For the custom-vpc created by the CloudFormation template, we are using odd CIDR ranges for public subnets, and even CIDR ranges for the private subnets:

    • The CIDRs for the public subnets are,, and
    • The CIDRs for the private subnets are,, and
  1. For Subnet 2, select the private subnet within your second Availability Zone.
  2. For Subnet 3, select the private subnet within your third Availability Zone.
  3. For Bootstrap servers, enter the list of bootstrap servers for TLS authentication of your MSK cluster.

To retrieve the bootstrap servers for your MSK cluster, navigate to the Amazon MSK console, choose Clusters, choose msk-cluster, then choose View client information. Copy the TLS values for the bootstrap servers.

  1. For Security groups, choose Use specific security groups with access to this cluster, and choose msk-connect-sg.
  2. For Connector configuration, replace the default settings with the following:
genv.order.product_id.with=#{number.number_between '101','109'}
genv.order.quantity.with=#{number.number_between '1','5'}
  1. For Connector capacity, choose Provisioned.
  2. For MCU count per worker, choose 1.
  3. For Number of workers, choose 1.
  4. For Worker configuration, choose Use the MSK default configuration.
  5. For Access permissions, choose msk-connect-role.
  6. Choose Next.
  7. For Encryption, select TLS encrypted traffic.
  8. Choose Next.
  9. For Log delivery, choose Deliver to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.
  10. Choose Browse, select msk-connect-logs, and choose Choose.
  11. Choose Next.
  12. Review and choose Create connector.

After the custom connector is created, you will see that its status is Running, and you can move to the next step.
amazon msk console showing the msk connect connector being successfully created

Configure Amazon Redshift streaming ingestion for Amazon MSK

Complete the following steps to set up streaming ingestion:

  1. Connect to your Redshift cluster using Query Editor v2, and authenticate with the database user name awsuser, and password Awsuser123.
  2. Create an external schema from Amazon MSK using the following SQL statement.

In the following code, enter the values for the redshift-role IAM role, and the msk-cluster cluster ARN.

CREATE EXTERNAL SCHEMA msk_external_schema
IAM_ROLE '<insert your redshift-role arn>'
CLUSTER_ARN '<insert your msk-cluster arn>';
  1. Choose Run to run the SQL statement.

redshift query editor v2 showing the SQL statement used to create an external schema from amazon msk

  1. Create a materialized view using the following SQL statement:
    JSON_PARSE(kafka_value) as Data,
  1. Choose Run to run the SQL statement.

redshift query editor v2 showing the SQL statement used to create a materialized view

  1. You can now query the materialized view using the following SQL statement:
select * from msk_mview LIMIT 100;
  1. Choose Run to run the SQL statement.

redshift query editor v2 showing the SQL statement used to query the materialized view

  1. To monitor the progress of records loaded via streaming ingestion, you can take advantage of the SYS_STREAM_SCAN_STATES monitoring view using the following SQL statement:
  1. Choose Run to run the SQL statement.

redshift query editor v2 showing the SQL statement used to query the sys stream scan states monitoring view

  1. To monitor errors encountered on records loaded via streaming ingestion, you can take advantage of the SYS_STREAM_SCAN_ERRORS monitoring view using the following SQL statement:
  1. Choose Run to run the SQL statement.redshift query editor v2 showing the SQL statement used to query the sys stream scan errors monitoring view

Clean up

After following along, if you no longer need the resources you created, delete them in the following order to prevent incurring additional charges:

  1. Delete the MSK Connect connector msk-datagen-connector.
  2. Delete the MSK Connect plugin msk-datagen-plugin.
  3. Delete the Amazon MSK data generator JAR file you downloaded, and delete the S3 bucket you created.
  4. After you delete your MSK Connect connector, you can delete the CloudFormation template. All the resources created by the CloudFormation template will be automatically deleted from your AWS account.


In this post, we demonstrated how to configure Amazon Redshift streaming ingestion from Amazon MSK, with a focus on privacy and security.

The combination of the ability of Amazon MSK to handle high throughput data streams with the robust analytical capabilities of Amazon Redshift empowers business to derive actionable insights promptly. This real-time data integration enhances the agility and responsiveness of organizations in understanding changing data trends, customer behaviors, and operational patterns. It allows for timely and informed decision-making, thereby gaining a competitive edge in today’s dynamic business landscape.

This solution is also applicable for customers that are looking to use Amazon MSK Serverless and Amazon Redshift Serverless.

We hope this post was a good opportunity to learn more about AWS service integration and configuration. Let us know your feedback in the comments section.

About the authors

Sebastian Vlad is a Senior Partner Solutions Architect with Amazon Web Services, with a passion for data and analytics solutions and customer success. Sebastian works with enterprise customers to help them design and build modern, secure, and scalable solutions to achieve their business outcomes.

Sharad Pai is a Lead Technical Consultant at AWS. He specializes in streaming analytics and helps customers build scalable solutions using Amazon MSK and Amazon Kinesis. He has over 16 years of industry experience and is currently working with media customers who are hosting live streaming platforms on AWS, managing peak concurrency of over 50 million. Prior to joining AWS, Sharad’s career as a lead software developer included 9 years of coding, working with open source technologies like JavaScript, Python, and PHP.

Combine AWS Glue and Amazon MWAA to build advanced VPC selection and failover strategies

Post Syndicated from Michael Greenshtein original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/combine-aws-glue-and-amazon-mwaa-to-build-advanced-vpc-selection-and-failover-strategies/

AWS Glue is a serverless data integration service that makes it straightforward to discover, prepare, move, and integrate data from multiple sources for analytics, machine learning (ML), and application development.

AWS Glue customers often have to meet strict security requirements, which sometimes involve locking down the network connectivity allowed to the job, or running inside a specific VPC to access another service. To run inside the VPC, the jobs needs to be assigned to a single subnet, but the most suitable subnet can change over time (for instance, based on the usage and availability), so you may prefer to make that decision at runtime, based on your own strategy.

Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (Amazon MWAA) is an AWS service to run managed Airflow workflows, which allow writing custom logic to coordinate how tasks such as AWS Glue jobs run.

In this post, we show how to run an AWS Glue job as part of an Airflow workflow, with dynamic configurable selection of the VPC subnet assigned to the job at runtime.

Solution overview

To run inside a VPC, an AWS Glue job needs to be assigned at least a connection that includes network configuration. Any connection allows specifying a VPC, subnet, and security group, but for simplicity, this post uses connections of type: NETWORK, which just defines the network configuration and doesn’t involve external systems.

If the job has a fixed subnet assigned by a single connection, in case of a service outage on the Availability Zones or if the subnet isn’t available for other reasons, the job can’t run. Furthermore, each node (driver or worker) in an AWS Glue job requires an IP address assigned from the subnet. When running many large jobs concurrently, this could lead to an IP address shortage and the job running with fewer nodes than intended or not running at all.

AWS Glue extract, transform, and load (ETL) jobs allow multiple connections to be specified with multiple network configurations. However, the job will always try to use the connections’ network configuration in the order listed and pick the first one that passes the health checks and has at least two IP addresses to get the job started, which might not be the optimal option.

With this solution, you can enhance and customize that behavior by reordering the connections dynamically and defining the selection priority. If a retry is needed, the connections are reprioritized again based on the strategy, because the conditions might have changed since the last run.

As a result, it helps prevent the job from failing to run or running under capacity due to subnet IP address shortage or even an outage, while meeting the network security and connectivity requirements.

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.


To follow the steps of the post, you need a user that can log in to the AWS Management Console and has permission to access Amazon MWAA, Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC), and AWS Glue. The AWS Region where you choose to deploy the solution needs the capacity to create a VPC and two elastic IP addresses. The default Regional quota for both types of resources is five, so you might need to request an increase via the console.

You also need an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role suitable to run AWS Glue jobs if you don’t have one already. For instructions, refer to Create an IAM role for AWS Glue.

Deploy an Airflow environment and VPC

First, you’ll deploy a new Airflow environment, including the creation of a new VPC with two public subnets and two private ones. This is because Amazon MWAA requires Availability Zone failure tolerance, so it needs to run on two subnets on two different Availability Zones in the Region. The public subnets are used so the NAT Gateway can provide internet access for the private subnets.

Complete the following steps:

  1. Create an AWS CloudFormation template in your computer by copying the template from the following quick start guide into a local text file.
  2. On the AWS CloudFormation console, choose Stacks in the navigation pane.
  3. Choose Create stack with the option With new resources (standard).
  4. Choose Upload a template file and choose the local template file.
  5. Choose Next.
  6. Complete the setup steps, entering a name for the environment, and leave the rest of the parameters as default.
  7. On the last step, acknowledge that resources will be created and choose Submit.

The creation can take 20–30 minutes, until the status of the stack changes to CREATE_COMPLETE.

The resource that will take most of time is the Airflow environment. While it’s being created, you can continue with the following steps, until you are required to open the Airflow UI.

  1. On the stack’s Resources tab, note the IDs for the VPC and two private subnets (PrivateSubnet1 and PrivateSubnet2), to use in the next step.

Create AWS Glue connections

The CloudFormation template deploys two private subnets. In this step, you create an AWS Glue connection to each one so AWS Glue jobs can run in them. Amazon MWAA recently added the capacity to run the Airflow cluster on shared VPCs, which reduces cost and simplifies network management. For more information, refer to Introducing shared VPC support on Amazon MWAA.

Complete the following steps to create the connections:

  1. On the AWS Glue console, choose Data connections in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create connection.
  3. Choose Network as the data source.
  4. Choose the VPC and private subnet (PrivateSubnet1) created by the CloudFormation stack.
  5. Use the default security group.
  6. Choose Next.
  7. For the connection name, enter MWAA-Glue-Blog-Subnet1.
  8. Review the details and complete the creation.
  9. Repeat these steps using PrivateSubnet2 and name the connection MWAA-Glue-Blog-Subnet2.

Create the AWS Glue job

Now you create the AWS Glue job that will be triggered later by the Airflow workflow. The job uses the connections created in the previous section, but instead of assigning them directly on the job, as you would normally do, in this scenario you leave the job connections list empty and let the workflow decide which one to use at runtime.

The job script in this case is not significant and is just intended to demonstrate the job ran in one of the subnets, depending on the connection.

  1. On the AWS Glue console, choose ETL jobs in the navigation pane, then choose Script editor.
  2. Leave the default options (Spark engine and Start fresh) and choose Create script.
  3. Replace the placeholder script with the following Python code:
    import ipaddress
    import socket
    subnets = {
        "PrivateSubnet1": "",
        "PrivateSubnet2": ""
    ip = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
    subnet_name = "unknown"
    for subnet, cidr in subnets.items():
        if ipaddress.ip_address(ip) in ipaddress.ip_network(cidr):
            subnet_name = subnet
    print(f"The driver node has been assigned the ip: {ip}"
          + f" which belongs to the subnet: {subnet_name}")

  4. Rename the job to AirflowBlogJob.
  5. On the Job details tab, for IAM Role, choose any role and enter 2 for the number of workers (just for frugality).
  6. Save these changes so the job is created.

Grant AWS Glue permissions to the Airflow environment role

The role created for Airflow by the CloudFormation template provides the basic permissions to run workflows but not to interact with other services such as AWS Glue. In a production project, you would define your own templates with these additional permissions, but in this post, for simplicity, you add the additional permissions as an inline policy. Complete the following steps:

  1. On the IAM console, choose Roles in the navigation pane.
  2. Locate the role created by the template; it will start with the name you assigned to the CloudFormation stack and then -MwaaExecutionRole-.
  3. On the role details page, on the Add permissions menu, choose Create inline policy.
  4. Switch from Visual to JSON mode and enter the following JSON on the textbox. It assumes that the AWS Glue role you have follows the convention of starting with AWSGlueServiceRole. For enhanced security, you can replace the wildcard resource on the ec2:DescribeSubnets permission with the ARNs of the two private subnets from the CloudFormation stack.
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": "*"
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::*:role/service-role/AWSGlueServiceRole*"

  5. Choose Next.
  6. Enter GlueRelatedPermissions as the policy name and complete the creation.

In this example, we use an ETL script job; for a visual job, because it generates the script automatically on save, the Airflow role would need permission to write to the configured script path on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).

Create the Airflow DAG

An Airflow workflow is based on a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG), which is defined by a Python file that programmatically specifies the different tasks involved and its interdependencies. Complete the following scripts to create the DAG:

  1. Create a local file named glue_job_dag.py using a text editor.

In each of the following steps, we provide a code snippet to enter into the file and an explanation of what is does.

  1. The following snippet adds the required Python modules imports. The modules are already installed on Airflow; if that weren’t the case, you would need to use a requirements.txt file to indicate to Airflow which modules to install. It also defines the Boto3 clients that the code will use later. By default, they will use the same role and Region as Airflow, that’s why you set up before the role with the additional permissions required.
    import boto3
    from pendulum import datetime, duration
    from random import shuffle
    from airflow import DAG
    from airflow.decorators import dag, task
    from airflow.models import Variable
    from airflow.providers.amazon.aws.operators.glue import GlueJobOperator
    glue_client = boto3.client('glue')
    ec2 = boto3.client('ec2')

  2. The following snippet adds three functions to implement the connection order strategy, which defines how to reorder the connections given to establish their priority. This is just an example; you can build your custom code to implement your own logic, as per your needs. The code first checks the IPs available on each connection subnet and separates the ones that have enough IPs available to run the job at full capacity and those that could be used because they have at least two IPs available, which is the minimum a job needs to start. If the strategy is set to random, it will randomize the order within each of the connection groups previously described and add any other connections. If the strategy is capacity, it will order them from most IPs free to fewest.
    def get_available_ips_from_connection(glue_connection_name):
        conn_response = glue_client.get_connection(Name=glue_connection_name)
        connection_properties = conn_response['Connection']['PhysicalConnectionRequirements']
        subnet_id = connection_properties['SubnetId']
        subnet_response = ec2.describe_subnets(SubnetIds=[subnet_id])
        return subnet_response['Subnets'][0]['AvailableIpAddressCount']
    def get_connections_free_ips(glue_connection_names, num_workers):
        good_connections = []
        usable_connections = []    
        for connection_name in glue_connection_names:
                available_ips = get_available_ips_from_connection(connection_name)
                # Priority to connections that can hold the full cluster and we haven't just tried
                if available_ips >= num_workers:
                    good_connections.append((connection_name, available_ips))
                elif available_ips >= 2: # The bare minimum to start a Glue job
                    usable_connections.append((connection_name, available_ips))                
            except Exception as e:
                print(f"[WARNING] Failed to check the free ips for:{connection_name}, will skip. Exception: {e}")  
        return good_connections, usable_connections
    def prioritize_connections(connection_list, num_workers, strategy):
        (good_connections, usable_connections) = get_connections_free_ips(connection_list, num_workers)
        print(f"Good connections: {good_connections}")
        print(f"Usable connections: {usable_connections}")
        all_conn = []
        if strategy=="random":
            # Good connections have priority
            all_conn = good_connections + usable_connections
        elif strategy=="capacity":
            # We can sort both at the same time
            all_conn = good_connections + usable_connections
            all_conn.sort(key=lambda x: -x[1])
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown strategy specified: {strategy}")    
        result = [c[0] for c in all_conn] # Just need the name
        # Keep at the end any other connections that could not be checked for ips
        result += [c for c in connection_list if c not in result]
        return result

  3. The following code creates the DAG itself with the run job task, which updates the job with the connection order defined by the strategy, runs it, and waits for the results. The job name, connections, and strategy come from Airflow variables, so it can be easily configured and updated. It has two retries with exponential backoff configured, so if the tasks fails, it will repeat the full task including the connection selection. Maybe now the best choice is another connection, or the subnet previously picked randomly is in an Availability Zone that is currently suffering an outage, and by picking a different one, it can recover.
    with DAG(
        schedule_interval=None, # Run on demand only
        start_date=datetime(2000, 1, 1), # A start date is required
    ) as glue_dag:
            retry_delay=duration(seconds = 30),
        def run_job_task(**ctx):    
            glue_connections = Variable.get("glue_job_dag.glue_connections").strip().split(',')
            glue_jobname = Variable.get("glue_job_dag.glue_job_name").strip()
            strategy= Variable.get('glue_job_dag.strategy', 'random') # random or capacity
            print(f"Connections available: {glue_connections}")
            print(f"Glue job name: {glue_jobname}")
            print(f"Strategy to use: {strategy}")
            job_props = glue_client.get_job(JobName=glue_jobname)['Job']            
            num_workers = job_props['NumberOfWorkers']
            glue_connections = prioritize_connections(glue_connections, num_workers, strategy)
            print(f"Running Glue job with the connection order: {glue_connections}")
            existing_connections = job_props.get('Connections',{}).get('Connections', [])
            # Preserve other connections that we don't manage
            other_connections = [con for con in existing_connections if con not in glue_connections]
            job_props['Connections'] = {"Connections": glue_connections + other_connections}
            # Clean up properties so we can reuse the dict for the update request
            for prop_name in ['Name', 'CreatedOn', 'LastModifiedOn', 'AllocatedCapacity', 'MaxCapacity']:
                del job_props[prop_name]

Create the Airflow workflow

Now you create a workflow that invokes the AWS Glue job you just created:

  1. On the Amazon S3 console, locate the bucket created by the CloudFormation template, which will have a name starting with the name of the stack and then -environmentbucket- (for example, myairflowstack-environmentbucket-ap1qks3nvvr4).
  2. Inside that bucket, create a folder called dags, and inside that folder, upload the DAG file glue_job_dag.py that you created in the previous section.
  3. On the Amazon MWAA console, navigate to the environment you deployed with the CloudFormation stack.

If the status is not yet Available, wait until it reaches that state. It shouldn’t take longer than 30 minutes since you deployed the CloudFormation stack.

  1. Choose the environment link on the table to see the environment details.

It’s configured to pick up DAGs from the bucket and folder you used in the previous steps. Airflow will monitor that folder for changes.

  1. Choose Open Airflow UI to open a new tab accessing the Airflow UI, using the integrated IAM security to log you in.

If there’s any issue with the DAG file you created, it will display an error on top of the page indicating the lines affected. In that case, review the steps and upload again. After a few seconds, it will parse it and update or remove the error banner.

  1. On the Admin menu, choose Variables.
  2. Add three variables with the following keys and values:
    1. Key glue_job_dag.glue_connections with value MWAA-Glue-Blog-Subnet1,MWAA-Glue-Blog-Subnet2.
    2. Key glue_job_dag.glue_job_name with value AirflowBlogJob.
    3. Key glue_job_dag.strategy with value capacity.

Run the job with a dynamic subnet assignment

Now you’re ready to run the workflow and see the strategy dynamically reordering the connections.

  1. On the Airflow UI, choose DAGs, and on the row glue_job_dag, choose the play icon.
  2. On the Browse menu, choose Task instances.
  3. On the instances table, scroll right to display the Log Url and choose the icon on it to open the log.

The log will update as the task runs; you can locate the line starting with “Running Glue job with the connection order:” and the previous lines showing details of the connection IPs and the category assigned. If an error occurs, you’ll see the details in this log.

  1. On the AWS Glue console, choose ETL jobs in the navigation pane, then choose the job AirflowBlogJob.
  2. On the Runs tab, choose the run instance, then the Output logs link, which will open a new tab.
  3. On the new tab, use the log stream link to open it.

It will display the IP that the driver was assigned and which subnet it belongs to, which should match the connection indicated by Airflow (if the log is not displayed, choose Resume so it gets updated as soon as it’s available).

  1. On the Airflow UI, edit the Airflow variable glue_job_dag.strategy to set it to random.
  2. Run the DAG multiple times and see how the ordering changes.

Clean up

If you no longer need the deployment, delete the resources to avoid any further charges:

  1. Delete the Python script you uploaded, so the S3 bucket can be automatically deleted in the next step.
  2. Delete the CloudFormation stack.
  3. Delete the AWS Glue job.
  4. Delete the script that the job saved in Amazon S3.
  5. Delete the connections you created as part of this post.


In this post, we showed how AWS Glue and Amazon MWAA can work together to build more advanced custom workflows, while minimizing the operational and management overhead. This solution gives you more control about how your AWS Glue job runs to meet special operational, network, or security requirements.

You can deploy your own Amazon MWAA environment in multiple ways, such as with the template used in this post, on the Amazon MWAA console, or using the AWS CLI. You can also implement your own strategies to orchestrate AWS Glue jobs, based on your network architecture and requirements (for instance, to run the job closer to the data when possible).

About the authors

Michael Greenshtein is an Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect for the Public Sector.

Gonzalo Herreros is a Senior Big Data Architect on the AWS Glue team.

Build an analytics pipeline that is resilient to schema changes using Amazon Redshift Spectrum

Post Syndicated from Swapna Bandla original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/build-an-analytics-pipeline-that-is-resilient-to-schema-changes-using-amazon-redshift-spectrum/

You can ingest and integrate data from multiple Internet of Things (IoT) sensors to get insights. However, you may have to integrate data from multiple IoT sensor devices to derive analytics like equipment health information from all the sensors based on common data elements. Each of these sensor devices could be transmitting data with unique schemas and different attributes.

You can ingest data from all your IoT sensors to a central location on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). Schema evolution is a feature where a database table’s schema can evolve to accommodate for changes in the attributes of the files getting ingested. With the schema evolution functionality available in AWS Glue, Amazon Redshift Spectrum can automatically handle schema changes when new attributes get added or existing attributes get dropped. This is achieved with an AWS Glue crawler by reading schema changes based on the S3 file structures. The crawler creates a hybrid schema that works with both old and new datasets. You can read from all the ingested data files at a specified Amazon S3 location with different schemas through a single Amazon Redshift Spectrum table by referring to the AWS Glue metadata catalog.

In this post, we demonstrate how to use the AWS Glue schema evolution feature to read from multiple JSON formatted files with various schemas that are stored in a single Amazon S3 location. We also show how to query this data in Amazon S3 with Redshift Spectrum without redefining the schema or loading the data into Redshift tables.

Solution overview

The solution consists of the following steps:

  • Create an Amazon Data Firehose delivery stream with Amazon S3 as its destination.
  • Generate sample stream data from the Amazon Kinesis Data Generator (KDG) with the Firehose delivery stream as the destination.
  • Upload the initial data files to the Amazon S3 location.
  • Create and run an AWS Glue crawler to populate the Data Catalog with external table definition by reading the data files from Amazon S3.
  • Create the external schema called iotdb_ext in Amazon Redshift and query the Data Catalog table.
  • Query the external table from Redshift Spectrum to read data from the initial schema.
  • Add additional data elements to the KDG template and send the data to the Firehose delivery stream.
  • Validate that the additional data files are loaded to Amazon S3 with additional data elements.
  • Run an AWS Glue crawler to update the external table definitions.
  • Query the external table from Redshift Spectrum again to read the combined dataset from two different schemas.
  • Delete a data element from the template and send the data to the Firehose delivery stream.
  • Validate that the additional data files are loaded to Amazon S3 with one less data element.
  • Run an AWS Glue crawler to update the external table definitions.
  • Query the external table from Redshift Spectrum to read the combined dataset from three different schemas.

This solution is depicted in the following architecture diagram.


This solution requires the following prerequisites:

Implement the solution

Complete the following steps to build the solution:

  • On the Kinesis console, create a Firehose delivery stream with the following parameters:
    • For Source, choose Direct PUT.
    • For Destination, choose Amazon S3.
    • For S3 bucket, enter your S3 bucket.
    • For Dynamic partitioning, select Enabled.

    • Add the following dynamic partitioning keys:
      • Key year with expression .connectionTime | strptime("%d/%m/%Y:%H:%M:%S") | strftime("%Y")
      • Key month with expression .connectionTime | strptime("%d/%m/%Y:%H:%M:%S") | strftime("%m")
      • Key day with expression .connectionTime | strptime("%d/%m/%Y:%H:%M:%S") | strftime("%d")
      • Key hour with expression .connectionTime | strptime("%d/%m/%Y:%H:%M:%S") | strftime("%H")
    • For S3 bucket prefix, enter year=!{partitionKeyFromQuery:year}/month=!{partitionKeyFromQuery:month}/day=!{partitionKeyFromQuery:day}/hour=!{partitionKeyFromQuery:hour}/

You can review your delivery stream details on the Kinesis Data Firehose console.

Your delivery stream configuration details should be similar to the following screenshot.

  • Generate sample stream data from the KDG with the Firehose delivery stream as the destination with the following template:
    "sensorId": {{random.number(999999999)}},
    "sensorType": "{{random.arrayElement( ["Thermostat","SmartWaterHeater","HVACTemperatureSensor","WaterPurifier"] )}}",
    "internetIP": "{{internet.ip}}",
    "recordedDate": "{{date.past}}",
    "connectionTime": "{{date.now("DD/MM/YYYY:HH:mm:ss")}}",
    "currentTemperature": "{{random.number({"min":10,"max":150})}}",
    "serviceContract": "{{random.arrayElement( ["ActivePartsService","Inactive","SCIP","ActiveServiceOnly"] )}}",
    "status": "{{random.arrayElement( ["OK","FAIL","WARN"] )}}" }

  • On the Amazon S3 console, validate that the initial set of files got loaded into the S3 bucket.
  • On the AWS Glue console, create and run an AWS Glue Crawler with the data source as the S3 bucket that you used in the earlier step.

When the crawler is complete, you can validate that the table was created on the AWS Glue console.

  • In Amazon Redshift Query Editor v2, connect to the Redshift instance and create an external schema pointing to the AWS Glue Data Catalog database. In the following code, use the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the IAM role that your cluster uses for authentication and authorization. As a minimum, the IAM role must have permission to perform a LIST operation on the S3 bucket to be accessed and a GET operation on the S3 objects the bucket contains.
    CREATE external SCHEMA iotdb_ext FROM data catalog DATABASE 'iotdb' IAM_ROLE 'arn:aws:iam::&lt;AWS account-id&gt;:role/&lt;role-name&gt;' 
    CREATE external DATABASE if not exists;

  • Query the table defined in the Data Catalog from the Redshift external schema and note the columns defined in the KDG template:
    select * from iotdb_ext.sensorsiotschemaevol;

  • Add an additional data element in the KDG template and send the data to the Firehose delivery stream:
    "serviceRecommendedDate": "{{date.future}}",

  • Validate that the new data was added to the S3 bucket.
  • Rerun the AWS Glue crawler.
  • Query the table again from the Redshift external schema and note the newly populated dataset vs. the previous dataset for the servicerecommendeddate column:
    select * from iotdb_ext.sensorsiotschemaevol where servicerecommendeddate is not null;

    select * from iotdb_ext.sensorsiotschemaevol where servicerecommendeddate is null;

  • Delete the data element status from the KDG template and resend the data to the Firehose delivery stream.
  • Validate that new data was added to the S3 bucket.
  • Rerun the AWS Glue crawler.
  • Query the table again from the Redshift external schema and note the newly populated dataset vs. previous datasets with values for the status column:
    select * from iotdb_ext.sensorsiotschemaevol order by connectiontime desc;

    select * from iotdb_ext.sensorsiotschemaevol order by connectiontime;


If data is not loaded into Amazon S3 after sending it from the KDG template to the Firehose delivery stream, refresh and make sure you are logged in to the KDG.

Clean up

You may want to delete your S3 data and Redshift cluster if you are not planning to use it further to avoid unnecessary cost to your AWS account.


With the emergence of requirements for predictive and prescriptive analytics based on big data, there is a growing demand for data solutions that integrate data from multiple heterogeneous data models with minimal effort. In this post, we showcased how you can derive metrics from common atomic data elements from different data sources with unique schemas. You can store data from all the data sources in a common S3 location, either in the same folder or multiple subfolders by each data source. You can define and schedule an AWS Glue crawler to run at the same frequency as the data refresh requirements for your data consumption. With this solution, you can create a Redshift Spectrum table to read from an S3 location with varying file structures using the AWS Glue Data Catalog and schema evolution functionality.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave your feedback in the comment section. If you need further assistance with building analytics solutions with data from various IoT sensors, please contact your AWS account team.

About the Authors

Swapna Bandla is a Senior Solutions Architect in the AWS Analytics Specialist SA Team. Swapna has a passion towards understanding customers data and analytics needs and empowering them to develop cloud-based well-architected solutions. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with her family.

Indira Balakrishnan is a Principal Solutions Architect in the AWS Analytics Specialist SA Team. She is passionate about helping customers build cloud-based analytics solutions to solve their business problems using data-driven decisions. Outside of work, she volunteers at her kids’ activities and spends time with her family.

Simplify authentication with native LDAP integration on Amazon EMR

Post Syndicated from Stefano Sandona original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/simplify-authentication-with-native-ldap-integration-on-amazon-emr/

Many companies have corporate identities stored inside identity providers (IdPs) like Active Directory (AD) or OpenLDAP. Previously, customers using Amazon EMR could integrate their clusters with Active Directory by configuring a one-way realm trust between their AD domain and the EMR cluster Kerberos realm. For more details, refer to Tutorial: Configure a cross-realm trust with an Active Directory domain.

This setup has been a key enabler to make corporate users and groups available inside EMR clusters and define access control policies to control their data access (for example, through the Amazon EMR native Apache Ranger integration).

Although this option is still available, Amazon EMR has released support for native LDAP authentication, a new security feature that simplifies the integration with OpenLDAP and Active Directory.

This feature enables the following:

  • automatic configuration of security for the supported applications (HiveServer2, Trino, Presto and Livy) to use the Kerberos protocol under the hood and LDAP as external authentication. This allows a more straightforward integration from external tools that, to connect with cluster endpoints, do not have anymore to setup kerberos authentication but, instead, can simply be configured to provide an LDAP username and password
  • fine-grained access control (FGAC) over who can access your EMR clusters through SSH
  • fine-grained authorization policies on top of Hive Metastore database and tables if used in combination with the native Amazon EMR Apache Ranger integration.

In this post, we dive deep into the Amazon EMR LDAP authentication, showing how the authentication flow works, how to retrieve and test the needed LDAP configurations, and how to confirm an EMR cluster is properly LDAP integrated.

Using the information on this blog:

  • Teams managing EMR clusters can enhance coordination with their LDAP IdP administrators in order to request the proper information and properly perform pre-configuration tests
  • EMR cluster end-users can understand how straightforward it is to connect from external tools to LDAP-enabled EMR clusters compared to the previous Kerberos-based authentication

How Amazon EMR LDAP integration works

When talking about authentication in the context of EMR frameworks, we can distinguish between two levels:

  • External authentication – Used by users and external components to interact with the installed frameworks
  • Internal authentication – Used within the frameworks to authenticate the communications of internal components

With this new feature, internal framework authentication is still managed through Kerberos, but this is transparent to the end-users or external services that, on the other side, use a user name and password to authenticate.

The supported EMR installed frameworks implement an LDAP-based authentication method that, given a set of user name and password credentials, validates them against the LDAP endpoint and, in the case of success, enables the use of the framework.

The following diagram summarizes how the authentication flow works.

The workflow includes the following steps:

  1. A user connects with one of the supported endpoints (such as HiveServer2, Trino/Presto Coordinator, or Hue WebUI) and provides their corporate credentials (user name and password).
  2. The contacted framework uses a custom authenticator that performs the authentication using the EMR Secret Agent service running inside the cluster instances.
  3. The EMR Secret Agent service validates the provided credentials against the LDAP endpoint.
  4. In the case of success, the following occurs:
    • A Kerberos principal is created for the specific user on the cluster MIT key distribution center (MIT KDC) running inside the primary node.
    • The Kerberos principal keytab is created inside the home directory of the user on the primary node.

After the authentication is complete, the user can start using the framework.

Inside all the cluster instances, the SSSD service is configured to retrieve users and groups from the LDAP endpoint and make them available as system users.

The authentication flow when connecting with SSH is a bit different, and is summarized in the following diagram.

The workflow includes the following steps:

  1. A user connects with SSH to the EMR primary instance, providing the corporate credentials (user name and password).
  2. The contacted SSHD service uses the SSSD service to validate the provided credentials.
  3. The SSSD service validates the provided credentials against the LDAP endpoint. In the case of success, the user lands on the related home directory. At this point, the user can use the different CLIs (beeline, trino-cli, presto-cli, curl) to access Hive, Trino/Presto, or Livy.
  4. To use the Spark CLIs (spark-submit, pyspark, spark-shell), the user has to invoke the ldap-kinit script and provide the requested user name and password.
  5. The authentication is performed using the EMR Secret Agent service running inside the cluster instances.
  6. The EMR Secret Agent service validates the provided credentials against the LDAP endpoint.
  7. In the case of success, the following occurs:
    • A Kerberos principal is created for the specific user on the cluster MIT KDC running inside the primary node.
    • The Kerberos principal keytab is created inside the home directory of the user on the primary node.
    • A kerberos ticket is obtained and stored on the user Kerberos ticket cache on the primary node.

After the ldap-kinit script completes, the user can start using the Spark CLIs.

In the following sections, we show how to retrieve the required LDAP setting values and investigate how to launch a cluster with EMR LDAP authentication and test it.

Find the proper LDAP parameters

To configure LDAP authentication for Amazon EMR, the first step is to retrieve the LDAP properties to be used to set up your cluster. You need the following information:

  • The LDAP server DNS name
  • A certificate in PEM format to be used to interact over Secure LDAP (LDAPS) with the LDAP endpoint
  • The LDAP user search base, which is a path (or branch) on the LDAP tree from where to search users (only users belonging to this branch will be retrieved)
  • The LDAP groups search base, which is a path (or branch) on the LDAP tree from where to search groups (only groups belonging to this branch will be retrieved)
  • The LDAP server bind user credentials, which are the user name and password for a service user (usually called a bind user) to be used to trigger LDAP queries and retrieve user information such as user name and group membership.

With Active Directory, an AD admin can retrieve this information directly from the Active Directory Users and Computers tool. When you choose a user in this tool, you can see the related attributes (for example, distinguishedName). The following screenshot shows an example.

From the screenshot, we can see that the distinguishedName for the user john is CN=john,OU=users,OU=italy,OU=emr,DC=awsemr,DC=com, which means that john belongs to the following search bases, ordered from the most narrow to the most wide:

  • OU=users,OU=italy,OU=emr,DC=awsemr,DC=com
  • OU=italy,OU=emr,DC=awsemr,DC=com
  • OU=emr,DC=awsemr,DC=com
  • DC=awsemr,DC=com

Depending on the amount of entries inside a company LDAP directory, using a wide search base may lead to long retrieval times and timeouts. It’s a good practice to configure the search base to be as narrow as possible in order to include all the needed users. In the preceding example, OU=users,OU=italy,OU=emr,DC=awsemr,DC=com may be a good search base if all the users you want to provide access to the EMR cluster are part of that Organizational Unit.

Another way to retrieve user attributes is by using the ldapsearch tool. You can use this method for Active Directory as well as OpenLDAP, and it’s extremely useful to test the connectivity with the LDAP endpoint.

The following is an example with Active Directory (OpenLDAP is similar).

The LDAP endpoint should be resolvable and reachable by Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) EMR cluster instances via TCP on port 636. It’s suggested to run the test from an Amazon Linux 2 EC2 instance belonging to the same subnet as the EMR cluster and having the same EMR security group associated as the EMR cluster instances.

After you launch an EC2 instance, install the nc tool and test the DNS resolution and connectivity. Assuming that DC1.awsemr.com is the DNS name for the LDAP endpoint, run the following commands:

sudo yum install nc
nc -vz DC1.awsemr.com 636

If the DNS resolution isn’t working properly, you should receive an error like the following:

Ncat: Version 7.50 ( https://nmap.org/ncat )
Ncat: Could not resolve hostname "DC1.awsemr.com": Name or service not known. QUITTING.

If the endpoint is not reachable, you should receive an error like the following:

Ncat: Version 7.50 ( https://nmap.org/ncat )
Ncat: Connection timed out.

In either of these cases, the networking and DNS team should be involved in order to troubleshot and solve the issues.

In case of success, the output should look like the following:

Ncat: Version 7.50 ( https://nmap.org/ncat )
Ncat: Connected to
Ncat: 0 bytes sent, 0 bytes received in 0.01 seconds.

If everything works, proceed with the testing and install the openldap clients as follows:

sudo yum install openldap-clients

Then run ldapsearch commands to retrieve information about users and groups from the LDAP endpoint. The following are sample ldapsearch commands:

#Customize these 6 variables

#Search user

We use the following parameters:

  • -x – This enables simple authentication.
  • -D – This indicates the user to perform the search.
  • -w – This indicates the user password.
  • -H – This indicates the URL of the LDAP server.
  • -b – This is the base search.
  • LDAPTLS_CACERT – This indicates the LDAPS endpoint SSL PEM public certificate or the LDAPS endpoint root certificate authority SSL PEM public certificate. This can be obtained from an AD or OpenLDAP admin user.

The following is a sample output of the preceding command:

filter: (sAMAccountName=john)
requesting: *
dn: CN=john,OU=users,OU=italy,OU=emr,DC=awsemr,DC=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: user
cn: john
givenName: john
distinguishedName: CN=john,OU=users,OU=italy,OU=emr,DC=awsemr,DC=com
instanceType: 4
whenCreated: 20230804094021.0Z
whenChanged: 20230804094021.0Z
displayName: john
uSNCreated: 262459
memberOf: CN=data-engineers,OU=groups,OU=italy,OU=emr,DC=awsemr,DC=com
uSNChanged: 262466
name: john
objectGUID:: gTxn8qYvy0SVL+mYAAbb8Q==
userAccountControl: 66048
badPwdCount: 0
codePage: 0
countryCode: 0
badPasswordTime: 0
lastLogoff: 0
lastLogon: 0
pwdLastSet: 133356156212864439
primaryGroupID: 513
objectSid:: AQUAAAAAAAUVAAAAIKyNe7Dn3azp7Sh+rgQAAA==
accountExpires: 9223372036854775807
logonCount: 0
sAMAccountName: john
sAMAccountType: 805306368
userPrincipalName: [email protected]
objectCategory: CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=awsemr,DC=com
dSCorePropagationData: 20230804094021.0Z
dSCorePropagationData: 16010101000000.0Z

As we can see from the sample output, the user john is identified by the distinguished name CN=john,OU=users,OU=italy,OU=emr,DC=awsemr,DC=com, and the data-engineers group to which the user belongs (memberOf value) is identified by the distinguished name CN=data-engineers,OU=groups,OU=italy,OU=emr,DC=awsemr,DC=com.

We can run our ldapsearch queries to retrieve the user and group information using a narrowed search base:

#Customize these 9 variables

#Search User

#Search Group

You can also apply other filters while searching. For more information about how to create LDAP filters, refer to LDAP Filters.

By running ldapsearch commands, you can test the LDAP connectivity and LDAP properties, and determine the needed setup.

Test the solution

After you have verified that the connectivity to the LDAP endpoint is open and the LDAP configurations are correct, proceed with setting up the environment to launch an EMR LDAP-enabled cluster.

Create AWS Secret Manager secrets

Before you create the EMR security configuration, you need to create two AWS Secret Manager secrets. You use these credentials to interact with the LDAP endpoint and retrieve user details such as user name and group membership.

  1. On the Secrets Manager console, choose Secrets in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Store a new secret.
  3. For Secret type, select Other type of secret.
  4. Create a new secret specifying the binduser distinguished name as the key and the binduser password as the value.
  5. Create a second secret specifying in plaintext the LDAPS endpoint SSL public certificate or the LDAPS root certificate authority public certificate.
    This certificate is trusted, allowing a secure communication between the EMR cluster and the LDAPS endpoint.

Create the EMR security configuration

Complete the following steps to create the EMR security configuration:

  1. On the Amazon EMR console, choose Security configurations under EMR on EC2 in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create.
  3. For Security configuration name, enter a name.
  4. For Security configuration setup options, select Choose custom settings.
  5. For Encryption, select Turn on in-transit encryption.
  6. For Certificate provider type¸ select PEM.
  7. For Choose PEM certificate location, enter either a PEM bundle located in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) or a Java custom certificate provider.
    Note that in-transit encryption is mandatory in order to use the LDAP authentication feature. For more information about in-transit encryption, refer to Providing certificates for encrypting data in transit with Amazon EMR encryption.
  8. Choose Next.
  9. Select LDAP for Authentication protocol.
  10. For LDAP server location, enter the LDAPS endpoint (ldaps://<ldap_endpoint_DNS_name>).
  11. For LDAP SSL certificate, enter the second secret you created in Secrets Manager.
  12. For LDAP access filter, enter an LDAP filter that is applied in order to restrict access to a subset of users retrieved from the LDAP user search base. If the field is left empty, no filters are applied and all users belonging to the LDAP user search base can access the EMR LDAP-protected endpoints with their corporate credentials. The following are example filters and their functions:
    • (objectClass=person) – Filter users with the attribute objectClass set as person
    • (memberOf=CN=admins,OU=groups,OU=italy,OU=emr,DC=awsemr,DC=com) – Filter users belonging to the admins group
    • (|(memberof=CN=data-engineers,OU=groups,OU=italy,OU=emr,DC=awsemr,DC=com)(memberof=CN=admins,OU=groups,OU=italy,OU=emr,DC=awsemr,DC=com)) – Filter users belonging either to the data-engineers or the admins group (which we use for this post)
  13. Enter values for LDAP user search base and LDAP group search base. Note that the two search bases do not support inline filters (for example, the following is not supported: OU=users,OU=italy,OU=emr,DC=awsemr,DC=com?subtree?(|(memberof=CN=data-engineers,OU=groups,OU=italy,OU=emr,DC=awsemr,DC=com)(memberof=CN=admins,OU=groups,OU=italy,OU=emr,DC=awsemr,DC=com))).
  14. Select Turn on SSH login. This is needed only if you want your LDAP users to be able to SSH inside cluster instances with their corporate credentials. If SSH login is enabled, the LDAP access filter is needed—otherwise, SSH authentication will fail.
  15. For LDAP server bind credentials, enter the first secret you created in Secrets Manager.
  16. In the Authorization section, keep the defaults selected:
    • For IAM role for applications, select Instance profile.
    • For Fine-grained access control method, select None.
  17. Choose Next.
  18. Review the configuration summary and choose Create.

Launch the EMR cluster

You can launch the EMR cluster using the AWS Management Console, the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), or any AWS SDK.

When you’re creating the EMR on EC2 cluster, be sure to specify the following configurations:

  • EMR version – Use Amazon EMR 6.12.0 or above.
  • Applications – Select Hadoop, Spark, Hive, Hue, Livy and Presto/Trino.
  • Security configuration – Specify the security configuration you created in the previous step.
  • EC2 key pair – Use an existing key pair.
  • Network and security groups – Use a configuration that allows the EMR EC2 instances to interact with the LDAPS endpoint. In the Find the proper LDAP parameters section, you should have confirmed a valid setup.

Confirm the LDAP authentication is working

When the cluster is up and running, you can check the LDAP authentication is working properly.

If SSH login was enabled as part of LDAP authentication inside the EMR SecurityConfiguration, you can SSH into your cluster by specifying an LDAP user, prompting the related password when requested:

ssh myldapuser@<emr_primary_node>

If SSH login was disabled, you can SSH inside the cluster by using the EC2 key pair specified during cluster creation:

ssh -i mykeypair.pem ec2-user@<emr_primary_node>

An alternative way to access the primary instance, if you prefer, is to use Session Manager, a capability of AWS Systems Manager. For more information, refer to Connect to your Linux instance with AWS Systems Manager Session Manager.

When you’re inside the primary instance, you can test that the LDAP users and groups are properly retrieved by using the id command. The following is a sample command to check if the user john is properly retrieved with the related groups:

[ec2-user@ip-10-0-2-237 ~]# id john
uid=941601122(john) gid=941600513(users-group) groups=941600513(users-group),941601123(data-engineers)

You can then test authentication on the different installed frameworks.

First, let’s retrieve the frameworks’ public certificate and store it inside a truststore. All the frameworks share the same public certificate (the one we used to set up in-transit encryption), so you can use any of the SSL protected endpoints (Hive port 10000, Presto/Trino port 8446, Livy port 8998) to retrieve it. Take the certificate from the HiveServer2 endpoint (port 10000):

#Export Hive Server 2 public SSL certificate to a PEM file
openssl s_client -showcerts -connect $(hostname -f):10000 </dev/null 2>/dev/null|openssl x509 -outform PEM > certificate.pem

#Import the PEM certificate inside a truststore
echo "yes" | keytool -import -alias hive_cert -file certificate.pem -storetype JKS -keystore truststore.jks -storepass myStrongPassword

Then use this truststore to securely communicate with the different frameworks.

Use the following code to test HiveServer2 authentication with beeline:

#Use the truststore to connect to the Hive Server 2
beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://$(hostname -f):10000/default;ssl=true;sslTrustStore=truststore.jks;trustStorePassword=myStrongPassword" -n john -p johnPassword 

If using Presto, test Presto authentication with the presto CLI (provide the user password when requested):

#Use the truststore to connect to the Presto coordinator
presto-cli \
--user john \
--password \
--catalog hive \
--server https://$(hostname -f):8446 \
--truststore-path truststore.jks \
--truststore-password myStrongPassword

If using Trino, test Trino authentication with the trino CLI (provide the user password when requested):

#Use the truststore to connect to the Trino coordinator
trino-cli \
--user john \
--password \
--catalog hive \
--server https://$(hostname -f):8446 \
--truststore-path truststore.jks \
--truststore-password myStrongPassword

Test Livy authentication with curl:

#Trust the PEM certificte to connect to the Livy server

#Start session
curl --cacert certificate.pem -X POST \
-u "john:johnPassword" \
--data '{"kind": "spark"}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
https://$(hostname -f):8998/sessions \
-c cookies.txt

#Example of output
#{"id":0,"name":null,"appId":null,"owner":"john","proxyUser":"john","state":"starting","kind":"spark","appInfo":{"driverLogUrl":null,"sparkUiUrl":null},"log":["stdout: ","\nstderr: ","\nYARN Diagnostics: "]}

Test Spark commands with pyspark:

#SSH inside the primary instance with the specific user
ssh john@<emr-primary-node>
#Or impersonate the user
sudo su - john

#Create a keytab and obtain a kerberos ticket running the ldap-kinit tool
$ ldap-kinit
Username: john


#Check the kerberos ticket has been created
$ klist

# Test spark CLIs
$ pyspark

>>> spark.sql("show databases").show()
>>> quit()

Note that here we tested the authentication from within the cluster, but we can interact with Trino, Hive, Presto and Livy even from outside the cluster as far as connectivity and DNS resolution are properly configured. Spark CLIs are the only ones which can be used only from inside the cluster.

To test Hue authentication, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Hue web UI hosted on http://<emr_primary_node>:8888/ and provide an LDAP user name and password.
  2. Test SQL queries inside the Hive and Trino/Presto editors.

To test with an external SQL tool (such as DBeaver connecting to Trino), complete the following steps. Be sure to configure the EMR primary node security group so that it allows TCP traffic from the DBeaver IP to the desired framework endpoint port (for example, 10000 for HiveServer2, 8446 for Trino/Presto) and to properly configure DNS resolution on the DBeaver client machine to properly resolve the EMR primary node hostname.

  1. From your EMR cluster primary instance, copy to an S3 bucket the files truststore.jks (previously created) and /usr/lib/trino/trino-jdbc/trino-jdbc-XXX-amzn-0.jar (change the version XXX depending on the EMR version).
  2. Download on your DBeaver client machine the truststore.jks and trino-jdbc-XXX-amzn-0.jar files.
  3. Open DBeaver and choose Database, then choose Driver Manager.
  4. Choose New to create a new driver.
  5. On the Settings tab, provide the following information:
    • For Driver Name, enter EMR Trino.
    • For Class Name, enter io.trino.jdbc.TrinoDriver.
    • For URL Template, enter jdbc:trino://{host}:{port}.
  6. On the Libraries tab, complete the following steps:
    • Choose Add File.
    • Choose the Trino JDBC driver JAR file from the local file system (trino-jdbc-XXX-amzn-0.jar).
  7. Choose OK to create the driver.
  8. Choose Database and New Database Connection.
  9. On the Main tab, specify the following:
    • For Connect by, select Host.
    • For Host, enter the EMR primary node.
    • For Port, enter the Trino port (8446 by default).
  10. On the Driver properties tab, add the following properties:
    • Add SSL with True as the value.
    • Add SSLTrustStorePath with the truststore.jks file location as the value.
    • Add SSLTrustStorePassword with the truststore.jks password that you used to create it as the value.
  11. Choose Finish.
  12. Choose the created connection and choose the Connect icon.
  13. Enter your LDAP user name and password, then choose OK.

If everything is working, you should be able to browse the Trino catalogs, databases, and tables in the navigation pane. To run queries, choose SQL Editor, then choose Open SQL Editor.

From the SQL Editor, you can query your tables.

Next steps

The new Amazon EMR LDAP authentication feature simplifies the way users can gain access to EMR installed frameworks. When users are using a framework, you may want to govern the data they can access. For this specific topic, you can use LDAP authentication in combination with the native EMR Apache Ranger integration. For more information, refer to Integrate Amazon EMR with Apache Ranger.

Clean up

Complete the following cleanup actions to remove the resources you created following this post and avoid incurring additional costs. For this post, we clean up using the AWS CLI. You can also clean up using similar actions via the console.

  1. If you launched an EC2 instance to check the LDAP connectivity and don’t need it anymore, delete it with the following command (specify your instance ID):
    aws ec2 terminate-instances \
    --instance-ids i-XXXXXXXX \
    --region <your-aws-region>

  2. If you launched an EC2 instance to test DBeaver and don’t need it anymore, you can use the preceding command to delete it.
  3. Delete the EMR cluster with the following command (specify your EMR cluster ID):
    aws emr terminate-clusters \
    --cluster-ids j-XXXXXXXXXXXXX \
    --region <your-aws-region>

    Note that if the EMR cluster has Termination Protection enabled, before you run the preceding terminate-clusters command, you have to disable it. You can do so with the following command (specify your EMR cluster ID):

    aws emr modify-cluster-attributes \
    --cluster-ids j-XXXXXXXXXXXXX \
    --no-termination-protected \
    --region eu-west-1

  4. Delete the EMR security configuration with the following command:
    aws emr delete-security-configuration \
    --name <your-security-configuration> \
    --region <your-aws-region>

  5. Delete the Secrets Manager secrets with the following commands:
    aws secretsmanager delete-secret \
    --secret-id <first-secret-name> \
    --force-delete-without-recovery \
    --region <your-aws-region>
    aws secretsmanager delete-secret \
    --secret-id <second-secret-name> \
    --force-delete-without-recovery \
    --region <your-aws-region>


In this post, we discussed how you can configure and test LDAP authentication on EMR on EC2 clusters. We discussed how to retrieve the needed LDAP settings, test connectivity with the LDAP endpoint, configure your EMR security configuration, and test that the LDAP authentication is properly working. This post also highlighted how the authentication flow is simplified compared to the standard Active Directory cross-realm trust configuration. To learn more about this feature, refer to Use Active Directory or LDAP servers for authentication with Amazon EMR.

About the Authors

Stefano Sandona is a Senior Big Data Solution Architect at AWS. He loves data, distributed systems and security. He helps customers around the world architecting secure, scalable and reliable big data platforms.

Adnan Hemani is a Software Development Engineer at AWS working with the EMR team. He focuses on the security posture of applications running on EMR clusters. He is interested in modern Big Data applications and how customers interact with them.

Enhance data security and governance for Amazon Redshift Spectrum with VPC endpoints

Post Syndicated from Kanwar Bajwa original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/enhance-data-security-and-governance-for-amazon-redshift-spectrum-with-vpc-endpoints/

Many customers are extending their data warehouse capabilities to their data lake with Amazon Redshift. They are looking to further enhance their security posture where they can enforce access policies on their data lakes based on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). Furthermore, they are adopting security models that require access to the data lake through their private networks.

Amazon Redshift Spectrum enables you to run Amazon Redshift SQL queries on data stored in Amazon S3. Redshift Spectrum uses the AWS Glue Data Catalog as a Hive metastore. With a provisioned Redshift data warehouse, Redshift Spectrum compute capacity runs from separate dedicated Redshift servers owned by Amazon Redshift that are independent of your Redshift cluster. When enhanced VPC routing is enabled for your Redshift cluster, Redshift Spectrum connects from the Redshift VPC to an elastic network interface (ENI) in your VPC. Because it uses separate Redshift dedicated clusters, to force all traffic between Redshift and Amazon S3 through your VPC, you need to turn on enhanced VPC routing and create a specific network path between your Redshift data warehouse VPC and S3 data sources.

When using an Amazon Redshift Serverless instance, Redshift Spectrum uses the same compute capacity as your serverless workgroup compute capacity. To access your S3 data sources from Redshift Serverless without traffic leaving your VPC, you can use the enhanced VPC routing option without the need for any additional network configuration.

AWS Lake Formation offers a straightforward and centralized approach to access management for S3 data sources. Lake Formation allows organizations to manage access control for Amazon S3-based data lakes using familiar database concepts such as tables and columns, along with more advanced options such as row-level and cell-level security. Lake Formation uses the AWS Glue Data Catalog to provide access control for Amazon S3.

In this post, we demonstrate how to configure your network for Redshift Spectrum to use a Redshift provisioned cluster’s enhanced VPC routing to access Amazon S3 data through Lake Formation access control. You can set up this integration in a private network with no connectivity to the internet.

Solution overview

With this solution, network traffic is routed through your VPC by enabling Amazon Redshift enhanced VPC routing. This routing option prioritizes the VPC endpoint as the first route priority over an internet gateway, NAT instance, or NAT gateway. To prevent your Redshift cluster from communicating with resources outside of your VPC, it’s necessary to remove all other routing options. This ensures that all communication is routed through the VPC endpoints.

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

The solution consists of the following steps:

  1. Create a Redshift cluster in a private subnet network configuration:
    1. Enable enhanced VPC routing for your Redshift cluster.
    2. Modify the route table to ensure no connectivity to the public network.
  2. Create the following VPC endpoints for Redshift Spectrum connectivity:
    1. AWS Glue interface endpoint.
    2. Lake Formation interface endpoint.
    3. Amazon S3 gateway endpoint.
  3. Analyze Amazon Redshift connectivity and network routing:
    1. Verify network routes for Amazon Redshift in a private network.
    2. Verify network connectivity from the Redshift cluster to various VPC endpoints.
    3. Test connectivity using the Amazon Redshift query editor v2.

This integration uses VPC endpoints to establish a private connection from your Redshift data warehouse to Lake Formation, Amazon S3, and AWS Glue.


To set up this solution, You need basic familiarity with the AWS Management Console, an AWS account, and access to the following AWS services:

Additionally, you must have integrated Lake Formation with Amazon Redshift to access your S3 data lake in non-private network. For instructions, refer to Centralize governance for your data lake using AWS Lake Formation while enabling a modern data architecture with Amazon Redshift Spectrum.

Create a Redshift cluster in a private subnet network configuration.

The first step is to configure your Redshift cluster to only allow network traffic through your VPC and prevent any public routes. To accomplish this, you must enable enhanced VPC routing for your Redshift cluster. Complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon Redshift console, navigate to your cluster.
  2. Edit your network and security settings.
  3. For Enhanced VPC routing, select Turn on.
  4. Disable the Publicly accessible option.
  5. Choose Save changes and modify the cluster to apply the updates. You now have a Redshift cluster that can only communicate through the VPC. Now you can modify the route table to ensure no connectivity to the public network.
  6. On the Amazon Redshift console, make a note of the subnet group and identify the subnet associated with this subnet group.
  7. On the Amazon VPC console, identify the route table associated with this subnet and edit to remove the default route to the NAT gateway.

If you cluster is in a public subnet, you may have to remove the internet gateway route. If subnet is shared among other resources, it may impact their connectivity.

Your cluster is now in a private network and can’t communicate with any resources outside of your VPC.

Create VPC endpoints for Redshift Spectrum connectivity

After you configure your Redshift cluster to operate within a private network without external connectivity, you need to establish connectivity to the following services through VPC endpoints:

  • AWS Glue
  • Lake Formation
  • Amazon S3

Create an AWS Glue endpoint

To begin with, Redshift Spectrum connects to AWS Glue endpoints to retrieve information from the AWS Data Glue Catalog. To create a VPC endpoint for AWS Glue, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon VPC console, choose Endpoints in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create endpoint.
  3. For Name tag, enter an optional name.
  4. For Service category, select AWS services.
  5. In the Services section, search for and select your AWS Glue interface endpoint.
  6. Choose the appropriate VPC and subnets for your endpoint.
  7. Configure the security group settings and review your endpoint settings.
  8. Choose Create endpoint to complete the process.

After you create the AWS Glue VPC endpoint, Redshift Spectrum will be able to retrieve information from the AWS Glue Data Catalog within your VPC.

Create a Lake Formation endpoint

Repeat the same process to create a Lake Formation endpoint:

  1. On the Amazon VPC console, choose Endpoints in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create endpoint.
  3. For Name tag, enter an optional name.
  4. For Service category, select AWS services.
  5. In the Services section, search for and select your Lake Formation interface endpoint.
  6. Choose the appropriate VPC and subnets for your endpoint.
  7. Configure the security group settings and review your endpoint settings.
  8. Choose Create endpoint.

You now have connectivity for Amazon Redshift to Lake Formation and AWS Glue, which allows you to retrieve the catalog and validate permissions on the data lake.

Create an Amazon S3 endpoint

The next step is to create a VPC endpoint for Amazon S3 to enable Redshift Spectrum to access data stored in Amazon S3 via VPC endpoints:

  1. On the Amazon VPC console, choose Endpoints in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create endpoint.
  3. For Name tag, enter an optional name.
  4. For Service category, select AWS services.
  5. In the Services section, search for and select your Amazon S3 gateway endpoint.
  6. Choose the appropriate VPC and subnets for your endpoint.
  7. Configure the security group settings and review your endpoint settings.
  8. Choose Create endpoint.

With the creation of the VPC endpoint for Amazon S3, you have completed all necessary steps to ensure that your Redshift cluster can privately communicate with the required services via VPC endpoints within your VPC.

It’s important to ensure that the security groups attached to the VPC endpoints are properly configured, because an incorrect inbound rule can cause your connection to timeout. Verify that the security group inbound rules are correctly set up to allow necessary traffic to pass through the VPC endpoint.

Analyze traffic and network topology

You can use the following methods to verify the network paths from Amazon Redshift to other endpoints.

Verify network routes for Amazon Redshift in a private network

You can use an Amazon VPC resource map to visualize Amazon Redshift connectivity. The resource map shows the interconnections between resources within a VPC and the flow of traffic between subnets, NAT gateways, internet gateways, and gateway endpoints. As shown in the following screenshot, the highlighted subnet where the Redshift cluster is running doesn’t have connectivity to a NAT gateway or internet gateway. The route table associated with the subnet can reach out to Amazon S3 via VPC endpoint only.

Note that AWS Glue and Lake Formation endpoints are interface endpoints and not visible on a resource map.

Verify network connectivity from the Redshift cluster to various VPC endpoints

You can verify connectivity from your Redshift cluster subnet to all VPC endpoints using the Reachability Analyzer. The Reachability Analyzer is a configuration analysis tool that enables you to perform connectivity testing between a source resource and a destination resource in your VPCs. Complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon Redshift console, navigate to the Redshift cluster configuration page and note the internal IP address.
  2. On the Amazon EC2 console, search for your ENI by filtering by the IP address.
  3. Choose the ENI associated with your Redshift cluster and choose Run Reachability Analyzer.
  4. For Source type, choose Network interfaces.
  5. For Source, choose the Redshift ENI.
  6. For Destination type, choose VPC endpoints.
  7. For Destination, choose your VPC endpoint.
  8. Choose Create and analyze path.
  9. When analysis is complete, view the analysis to see reachability.

As shown in the following screenshot, the Redshift cluster has connectivity to the Lake Formation endpoint.

You can repeat these steps to verify network reachability for all other VPC endpoints.

Test connectivity by running a SQL query from the Amazon Redshift query editor v2

You can verify connectivity by running a SQL query with your Redshift Spectrum table using the Amazon Redshift query editor, as shown in the following screenshot.

Congratulations! You are able to successfully query from Redshift Spectrum tables from a provisioned cluster while enhanced VPC routing is enabled for traffic to stay within your AWS network.

Clean up

You should clean up the resources you created as part of this exercise to avoid unnecessary cost to your AWS account. Complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon VPC console, choose Endpoints in the navigation pane.
  2. Select the endpoints you created and on the Actions menu, choose Delete VPC endpoints.
  3. On the Amazon Redshift console, navigate to your Redshift cluster.
  4. Edit the cluster network and security settings and select Turn off for Enhanced VPC routing.
  5. You can also delete your Amazon S3 data and Redshift cluster if you are not planning to use them further.


By moving your Redshift data warehouse to a private network setting and enabling enhanced VPC routing, you can enhance the security posture of your Redshift cluster by limiting access to only authorized networks.

We want to acknowledge our fellow AWS colleagues Harshida Patel, Fabricio Pinto, and Soumyajeet Patra for providing their insights with this blog post.

If you have any questions or suggestions, leave your feedback in the comments section. If you need further assistance with securing your S3 data lakes and Redshift data warehouses, contact your AWS account team.

Additional resources

About the Authors

Kanwar Bajwa is an Enterprise Support Lead at AWS who works with customers to optimize their use of AWS services and achieve their business objectives.

Swapna Bandla is a Senior Solutions Architect in the AWS Analytics Specialist SA Team. Swapna has a passion towards understanding customers data and analytics needs and empowering them to develop cloud-based well-architected solutions. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with her family.

Simplify access management with Amazon Redshift and AWS Lake Formation for users in an External Identity Provider

Post Syndicated from Harshida Patel original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/simplify-access-management-with-amazon-redshift-and-aws-lake-formation-for-users-in-an-external-identity-provider/

Many organizations use identity providers (IdPs) to authenticate users, manage their attributes, and group memberships for secure, efficient, and centralized identity management. You might be modernizing your data architecture using Amazon Redshift to enable access to your data lake and data in your data warehouse, and are looking for a centralized and scalable way to define and manage the data access based on IdP identities. AWS Lake Formation makes it straightforward to centrally govern, secure, and globally share data for analytics and machine learning (ML). Currently, you may have to map user identities and groups to AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles, and data access permissions are defined at the IAM role level within Lake Formation. This setup is not efficient because setting up and maintaining IdP groups with IAM role mapping as new groups are created is time consuming and it makes it difficult to derive what data was accessed from which service at that time.

Amazon Redshift, Amazon QuickSight, and Lake Formation now integrate with the new trusted identity propagation capability in AWS IAM Identity Center to authenticate users seamlessly across services. In this post, we discuss two use cases to configure trusted identity propagation with Amazon Redshift and Lake Formation.

Solution overview

Trusted identity propagation provides a new authentication option for organizations that want to centralize data permissions management and authorize requests based on their IdP identity across service boundaries. With IAM Identity Center, you can configure an existing IdP to manage users and groups and use Lake Formation to define fine-grained access control permissions on catalog resources for these IdP identities. Amazon Redshift supports identity propagation when querying data with Amazon Redshift Spectrum and with Amazon Redshift Data Sharing, and you can use AWS CloudTrail to audit data access by IdP identities to help your organization meet their regulatory and compliance requirements.

With this new capability, users can connect to Amazon Redshift from QuickSight with a single sign-on experience and create direct query datasets. This is enabled by using IAM Identity Center as a shared identity source. With trusted identity propagation, when QuickSight assets like dashboards are shared with other users, the database permissions of each QuickSight user are applied by propagating their end-user identity from QuickSight to Amazon Redshift and enforcing their individual data permissions. Depending on the use case, the author can apply additional row-level and column-level security in QuickSight.

The following diagram illustrates an example of the solution architecture.

In this post, we walk through how to configure trusted identity propagation with Amazon Redshift and Lake Formation. We cover the following use cases:

  • Redshift Spectrum with Lake Formation
  • Redshift data sharing with Lake Formation


This walkthrough assumes you have set up a Lake Formation administrator role or a similar role to follow along with the instructions in this post. To learn more about setting up permissions for a data lake administrator, see Create a data lake administrator.

Additionally, you must create the following resources as detailed in Integrate Okta with Amazon Redshift Query Editor V2 using AWS IAM Identity Center for seamless Single Sign-On:

  • An Okta account integrated with IAM Identity Center to sync users and groups
  • A Redshift managed application with IAM Identity Center
  • A Redshift source cluster with IAM Identity Center integration enabled
  • A Redshift target cluster with IAM Identity Center integration enabled (you can skip the section to set up Amazon Redshift role-based access)
  • Users and groups from IAM Identity Center assigned to the Redshift application
  • A permission set assigned to AWS accounts to enable Redshift Query Editor v2 access
  • Add the below permission to the IAM role used in Redshift managed application for integration with IAM Identity Center.
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": "*"

Use case 1: Redshift Spectrum with Lake Formation

This use case assumes you have the following prerequisites:

  1. Log in to the AWS Management Console as an IAM administrator.
  2. Go to CloudShell or your AWS CLI and run the following AWS CLI command, providing your bucket name to copy the data:
aws s3 sync s3://redshift-demos/data/NY-Pub/ s3://<bucketname>/data/NY-Pub/

In this post, we use an AWS Glue crawler to create the external table ny_pub stored in Apache Parquet format in the Amazon S3 location s3://<bucketname>/data/NY-Pub/. In the next step, we create the solution resources using AWS CloudFormation to create a stack named CrawlS3Source-NYTaxiData in us-east-1.

  1. Download the .yml file or launch the CloudFormation stack.

The stack creates the following resources:

  • The crawler NYTaxiCrawler along with the new IAM role AWSGlueServiceRole-RedshiftAutoMount
  • The AWS Glue database automountdb

When the stack is complete, continue with the following steps to finish setting up your resources:

  1. On the AWS Glue console, under Data Catalog in the navigation pane, choose Crawlers.
  2. Open NYTaxiCrawler and choose Edit.
  1. Under Choose data sources and classifiers, choose Edit.
  1. For Data source, choose S3.
  2. For S3 path, enter s3://<bucketname>/data/NY-Pub/.
  3. Choose Update S3 data source.
  1. Choose Next and choose Update.
  2. Choose Run crawler.

After the crawler is complete, you can see a new table called ny_pub in the Data Catalog under the automountdb database.

After you create the resources, complete the steps in the next sections to set up Lake Formation permissions on the AWS Glue table ny_pub for the sales IdP group and access them via Redshift Spectrum.

Enable Lake Formation propagation for the Redshift managed application

Complete the following steps to enable Lake Formation propagation for the Redshift managed application created in Integrate Okta with Amazon Redshift Query Editor V2 using AWS IAM Identity Center for seamless Single Sign-On:

  1. Log in to the console as admin.
  2. On the Amazon Redshift console, choose IAM Identity Center connection in the navigation pane.
  3. Select the managed application that starts with redshift-iad and choose Edit.
  1. Select Enable AWS Lake Formation access grants under Trusted identity propagation and save your changes.

Set up Lake Formation as an IAM Identity Center application

Complete the following steps to set up Lake Formation as an IAM Identity Center application:

  1. On the Lake Formation console, under Administration in the navigation pane, choose IAM Identity Center integration.
  1. Review the options and choose Submit to enable Lake Formation integration.

The integration status will update to Success.
Alternatively, you can run the following command:

aws lakeformation create-lake-formation-identity-center-configuration 
--cli-input-json '{"CatalogId": "<catalog_id>","InstanceArn": "<identitycenter_arn>"}'

Register the data with Lake Formation

In this section, we register the data with Lake Formation. Complete the following steps:

  1. On the Lake Formation console, under Administration in the navigation pane, choose Data lake locations.
  2. Choose Register location.
  3. For Amazon S3 path, enter the bucket where the table data resides (s3://<bucketname>/data/NY-Pub/).
  4. For IAM role, choose a Lake Formation user-defined role. For more information, refer to Requirements for roles used to register locations.
  5. For Permission mode, select Lake Formation.
  6. Choose Register location.

Next, verify that the IAMAllowedPrincipal group doesn’t have permission on the database.

  1. On the Lake Formation console, under Data catalog in the navigation pane, choose Databases.
  2. Select automountdb and on the Actions menu, choose View permissions.
  3. If IAMAllowedPrincipal is listed, select the principal and choose Revoke.
  4. Repeat these steps to verify permissions for the table ny_pub.

Grant the IAM Identity Center group permissions on the AWS Glue database and table

Complete the following steps to grant database permissions to the IAM Identity Center group:

  1. On the Lake Formation console, under Data catalog in the navigation pane, choose Databases.
  2. Select the database automountdb and on the Actions menu, choose Grant.
  3. Choose Grant database.
  4. Under Principals, select IAM Identity Center and choose Add.
  5. In the pop-up window, if this is the first time assigning users and groups, choose Get started.
  6. Enter the IAM Identity Center group in the search bar and choose the group.
  7. Choose Assign.
  8. Under LF-Tags or catalog resources, automountdb is already selected for Databases.
  9. Select Describe for Database permissions.
  10. Choose Grant to apply the permissions.

Alternatively, you can run the following command:

aws lakeformation grant-permissions --cli-input-json '
    "Principal": {
        "DataLakePrincipalIdentifier": "arn:aws:identitystore:::group/<identitycenter_group_name>"
    "Resource": {
        "Database": {
            "Name": "automountdb"
    "Permissions": [

Next, you grant table permissions to the IAM Identity Center group.

  1. Under Data catalog in the navigation pane, choose Databases.
  2. Select the database automountdb and on the Actions menu, choose Grant.
  3. Under Principals, select IAM Identity Center and choose Add.
  4. Enter the IAM Identity Center group in the search bar and choose the group.
  5. Choose Assign.
  6. Under LF-Tags or catalog resources, automountdb is already selected for Databases.
  7. For Tables, choose ny_pub.
  8. Select Describe and Select for Table permissions.
  9. Choose Grant to apply the permissions.

Alternatively, you can run the following command:

aws lakeformation grant-permissions --cli-input-json '
    "Principal": {
        "DataLakePrincipalIdentifier": "arn:aws:identitystore:::group/<identitycenter_group_name>"
    "Resource": {
        "Table": {
            "DatabaseName": "automountdb",
            "Name": "ny_pub "
    "Permissions": [


Set up Redshift Spectrum table access for the IAM Identity Center group

Complete the following steps to set up Redshift Spectrum table access:

  1. Sign in to the Amazon Redshift console using the admin role.
  2. Navigate to Query Editor v2.
  3. Choose the options menu (three dots) next to the cluster and choose Create connection.
  4. Connect as the admin user and run the following commands to make the ny_pub data in the S3 data lake available to the sales group:
    create external schema if not exists nyc_external_schema from DATA CATALOG database 'automountdb' catalog_id '<accountid>'; 
    grant usage on schema nyc_external_schema to role "awsidc:awssso-sales"; 
    grant select on all tables in schema nyc_external_schema to role "awsidc:awssso- sales";

Validate Redshift Spectrum access as an IAM Identity Center user

Complete the following steps to validate access:

  1. On the Amazon Redshift console, navigate to Query Editor v2.
  2. Choose the options menu (three dots) next to the cluster and choose Create connection
  3. Choose select IAM Identity Center option for Connect option. Provide Okta user name and password in the browser pop-up.
  4. Once connected as a federated user, run the following SQL commands to query the ny_pub data lake table:
select * from nyc_external_schema.ny_pub;

Use Case 2: Redshift data sharing with Lake Formation

This use case assumes you have IAM Identity Center integration with Amazon Redshift set up, with Lake Formation propagation enabled as per the instructions provided in the previous section.

Create a data share with objects and share it with the Data Catalog

Complete the following steps to create a data share:

  1. Sign in to the Amazon Redshift console using the admin role.
  2. Navigate to Query Editor v2.
  3. Choose the options menu (three dots) next to the Redshift source cluster and choose Create connection.
  4. Connect as admin user using Temporarily credentials using a database user name option and run the following SQL commands to create a data share:
    CREATE DATASHARE salesds; 
    ALTER DATASHARE salesds ADD SCHEMA sales_schema; 
    ALTER DATASHARE salesds ADD TABLE store_sales; 

  5. Authorize the data share by choosing Data shares in the navigation page and selecting the data share salesdb.
  6. Select the data share and choose Authorize.

Now you can register the data share in Lake Formation as an AWS Glue database.

  1. Sign in to the Lake Formation console as the data lake administrator IAM user or role.
  2. Under Data catalog in the navigation pane, choose Data sharing and view the Redshift data share invitations on the Configuration tab.
  3. Select the datashare salesds and choose Review Invitation.
  4. Once you review the details choose Accept.
  5. Provide a name for the AWS Glue database (for example, salesds) and choose Skip to Review and create.

After the AWS Glue database is created on the Redshift data share, you can view it under Shared databases.

Grant the IAM Identity Center user group permission on the AWS Glue database and table

Complete the following steps to grant database permissions to the IAM Identity Center group:

  1. On the Lake Formation console, under Data catalog in the navigation pane, choose Databases.
  2. Select the database salesds and on the Actions menu, choose Grant.
  3. Choose Grant database.
  4. Under Principals, select IAM Identity Center and choose Add.
  5. In the pop-up window, enter the IAM Identity Center group awssso in the search bar and choose the awssso-sales group.
  6. Choose Assign.
  7. Under LF-Tags or catalog resources, salesds is already selected for Databases.
  8. Select Describe for Database permissions.
  9. Choose Grant to apply the permissions.

Next, grant table permissions to the IAM Identity Center group.

  1. Under Data catalog in the navigation pane, choose Databases.
  2. Select the database salesds and on the Actions menu, choose Grant.
  3. Under Principals, select IAM Identity Center and choose Add.
  4. In the pop-up window, enter the IAM Identity Center group awssso in the search bar and choose the awssso-sales group.
  5. Choose Assign.
  6. Under LF-Tags or catalog resources, salesds is already selected for Databases.
  7. For Tables, choose sales_schema.store_sales.
  8. Select Describe and Select for Table permissions.
  9. Choose Grant to apply the permissions.

Mount the external schema in the target Redshift cluster and enable access for the IAM Identity Center user

Complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the Amazon Redshift console using the admin role.
  2. Navigate to Query Editor v2.
  3. Connect as an admin user and run the following SQL commands to mount the AWS Glue database customerds as an external schema and enable access to the sales group:
create external schema if not exists sales_datashare_schema from DATA CATALOG database salesds catalog_id '<accountid>';
create role "awsidc:awssso-sales"; # If the role was not already created 
grant usage on schema sales_datashare_schema to role "awsidc:awssso-sales";
grant select on all tables in schema sales_datashare_schema to role "awsidc:awssso- sales";

Access Redshift data shares as an IAM Identity Center user

Complete the following steps to access the data shares:

  1. On the Amazon Redshift console, navigate to Query Editor v2.
  2. Choose the options menu (three dots) next to the cluster and choose Create connection.
  3. Connect with IAM Identity Center and the provide IAM Identity Center user and password in the browser login.
  4. Run the following SQL commands to query the data lake table:
SELECT * FROM "dev"."sales_datashare_schema"."sales_schema.store_sales";

With Transitive Identity Propagation we can now audit user access to dataset from Lake Formation dashboard and service used for accessing the dataset providing complete trackability. For federated user Ethan whose Identity Center User ID is ‘459e10f6-a3d0-47ae-bc8d-a66f8b054014’ you can see the below event log.

"eventSource": "lakeformation.amazonaws.com",
    "eventName": "GetDataAccess",
    "awsRegion": "us-east-1",
    "sourceIPAddress": "redshift.amazonaws.com",
    "userAgent": "redshift.amazonaws.com",
    "requestParameters": {
        "tableArn": "arn:aws:glue:us-east-1:xxxx:table/automountdb/ny_pub",
        "durationSeconds": 3600,
        "auditContext": {
            "additionalAuditContext": "{\"invokedBy\":\"arn:aws:redshift:us-east-1:xxxx:dbuser:redshift-consumer/awsidc:[email protected]\", \"transactionId\":\"961953\", \"queryId\":\"613842\", \"isConcurrencyScalingQuery\":\"false\"}"
        "cellLevelSecurityEnforced": true
    "responseElements": null,
    "additionalEventData": {
        "requesterService": "REDSHIFT",
        "LakeFormationTrustedCallerInvocation": "true",
        "lakeFormationPrincipal": "arn:aws:identitystore:::user/459e10f6-a3d0-47ae-bc8d-a66f8b054014",
        "lakeFormationRoleSessionName": "AWSLF-00-RE-726034267621-K7FUMxovuq"

Clean up

Complete the following steps to clean up your resources:

  1. Delete the data from the S3 bucket.
  2. Delete the Lake Formation application and the Redshift provisioned cluster that you created for testing.
  3. Sign in to the CloudFormation console as the IAM admin used for creating the CloudFormation stack, and delete the stack you created.


In this post, we covered how to simplify access management for analytics by propagating user identity across Amazon Redshift and Lake Formation using IAM Identity Center. We learned how to get started with trusted identity propagation by connecting to Amazon Redshift and Lake Formation. We also learned how to configure Redshift Spectrum and data sharing to support trusted identity propagation.

Learn more about IAM Identity Center with Amazon Redshift and AWS Lake Formation. Leave your questions and feedback in the comments section.

About the Authors

Harshida Patel is a Analytics Specialist Principal Solutions Architect, with AWS.

Srividya Parthasarathy is a Senior Big Data Architect on the AWS Lake Formation team. She enjoys building data mesh solutions and sharing them with the community.

Maneesh Sharma is a Senior Database Engineer at AWS with more than a decade of experience designing and implementing large-scale data warehouse and analytics solutions. He collaborates with various Amazon Redshift Partners and customers to drive better integration.

Poulomi Dasgupta is a Senior Analytics Solutions Architect with AWS. She is passionate about helping customers build cloud-based analytics solutions to solve their business problems. Outside of work, she likes travelling and spending time with her family.

Secure connectivity patterns for Amazon MSK Serverless cross-account access

Post Syndicated from Tamer Soliman original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/secure-connectivity-patterns-for-amazon-msk-serverless-cross-account-access/

Amazon MSK Serverless is a cluster type of Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) that makes it straightforward for you to run Apache Kafka without having to manage and scale cluster capacity. MSK Serverless automatically provisions and scales compute and storage resources. With MSK Serverless, you can use Apache Kafka on demand and pay for the data you stream and retain on a usage basis.

Deploying infrastructure across multiple VPCs and multiple accounts is considered best practice, facilitating scalability while maintaining isolation boundaries. In a multi-account environment, Kafka producers and consumers can exist within the same VPC—however, they are often located in different VPCs, sometimes within the same account, in a different account, or even in multiple different accounts. There is a need for a solution that can extend access to MSK Serverless clusters to producers and consumers from multiple VPCs within the same AWS account and across multiple AWS accounts. The solution needs to be scalable and straightforward to maintain.

In this post, we walk you through multiple solution approaches that address the MSK Serverless cross-VPC and cross-account access connectivity options, and we discuss the advantages and limitations of each approach.

MSK Serverless connectivity and authentication

When an MSK Serverless cluster is created, AWS manages the cluster infrastructure on your behalf and extends private connectivity back to your VPCs through VPC endpoints powered by AWS PrivateLink. You bootstrap your connection to the cluster through a bootstrap server that holds a record of all your underlying brokers.

At creation, a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) is assigned to your cluster bootstrap server. The bootstrap server FQDN has the general format of boot-ClusterUniqueID.xx.kafka-serverless.Region.amazonaws.com, and your cluster brokers follow the format of bxxxx-ClusterUniqueID.xx.kafka-serverless.Region.amazonaws.com, where ClusterUniqueID.xx is unique to your cluster and bxxxx is a dynamic broker range (b0001, b0037, and b0523 can be some of your assigned brokers at a point of time). It’s worth noting that the brokers assigned to your cluster are dynamic and change over time, but your bootstrap address remains the same for the cluster. All your communication with the cluster starts with the bootstrap server that can respond with the list of active brokers when required. For proper Kafka communication, your MSK client needs to be able to resolve the domain names of your bootstrap server as well as all your brokers.

At cluster creation, you specify the VPCs that you would like the cluster to communicate with (up to five VPCs in the same account as your cluster). For each VPC specified during cluster creation, cluster VPC endpoints are created along with a private hosted zone that includes a list of your bootstrap server and all dynamic brokers kept up to date. The private hosted zones facilitate resolving the FQDNs of your bootstrap server and brokers, from within the associated VPCs defined during cluster creation, to the respective VPC endpoints for each.

Cross-account access

To be able to extend private connectivity of your Kafka producers and consumers to your MSK Serverless cluster, you need to consider three main aspects: private connectivity, authentication and authorization, and DNS resolution.

The following diagram highlights the possible connectivity options. Although the diagram shows them all here for demonstration purposes, in most cases, you would use one or more of these options depending on your architecture, not necessary all in the same setup.

MSK cross account connectivity options

In this section, we discuss the different connectivity options along with their pros and cons. We also cover the authentication and DNS resolution aspects associated with the relevant connectivity options.

Private connectivity layer

This is the underlying private network connectivity. You can achieve this connectivity using VPC peering, AWS Transit Gateway, or PrivateLink, as indicated in the preceding diagram. VPC peering simplifies the setup, but it lacks the support for transitive routing. In most cases, peering is used when you have a limited number of VPCs or if your VPCs generally communicate with some limited number of core services VPCs without the need of lateral connectivity or transitive routing. On the other hand, AWS Transit Gateway facilitates transitive routing and can simplify the architecture when you have a large number of VPCs, and especially when lateral connectivity is required. PrivateLink is more suited for extending connectivity to a specific resource unidirectionally across VPCs or accounts without exposing full VPC-to-VPC connectivity, thereby adding a layer of isolation. PrivateLink is useful if you have overlapping CIDRs, which is a case that is not supported by Transit Gateway or VPC peering. PrivateLink is also useful when your connected parties are administrated separately, and when one-way connectivity and isolation are required.

If you choose PrivateLink as a connectivity option, you need to use a Network Load Balancer (NLB) with an IP type target group with its registered targets set as the IP addresses of the zonal endpoints of your MSK Serverless cluster.

Cluster authentication and authorization

In addition to having private connectivity and being able to resolve the bootstrap server and brokers domain names, for your producers and consumers to have access to your cluster, you need to configure your clients with proper credentials. MSK Serverless supports AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) authentication and authorization. For cross-account access, your MSK client needs to assume a role that has proper credentials to access the cluster. This post focuses mainly on the cross-account connectivity and name resolution aspects. For more details on cross-account authentication and authorization, refer to the following GitHub repo.

DNS resolution

For Kafka producers and consumers located in accounts across the organization to be able to produce and consume to and from the centralized MSK Serverless cluster, they need to be able to resolve the FQDNs of the cluster bootstrap server as well as each of the cluster brokers. Understanding the dynamic nature of broker allocation, the solution will have to accommodate such a requirement. In the next section, we address how we can satisfy this part of the requirements.

Cluster cross-account DNS resolution

Now that we have discussed how MSK Serverless works, how private connectivity is extended, and the authentication and authorization requirements, let’s discuss how DNS resolution works for your cluster.

For every VPC associated with your cluster during cluster creation, a VPC endpoint is created along with a private hosted zone. Private hosted zones enable name resolve of the FQDNs of the cluster bootstrap server and the dynamically allocated brokers, from within each respective VPC. This works well when requests come from within any of the VPCs that were added during cluster creation because they already have the required VPC endpoints and relevant private hosted zones.

Let’s discuss how you can extend name resolution to other VPCs within the same account that were not included during cluster creation, and to others that may be located in other accounts.

You’ve already made your choice of the private connectivity option that best fits your architecture requirements, be it VPC peering, PrivateLink, or Transit Gateway. Assuming that you have also configured your MSK clients to assume roles that have the right IAM credentials in order to facilitate cluster access, you now need to address the name resolution aspect of connectivity. It’s worth noting that, although we list different connectivity options using VPC peering, Transit Gateway, and PrivateLink, in most cases only one or two of these connectivity options are present. You don’t necessarily need to have them all; they are listed here to demonstrate your options, and you are free to choose the ones that best fit your architecture and requirements.

In the following sections, we describe two different methods to address DNS resolution. For each method, there are advantages and limitations.

Private hosted zones

The following diagram highlights the solution architecture and its components. Note that, to simplify the diagram, and to make room for more relevant details required in this section, we have eliminated some of the connectivity options.

Cross-account access using Private Hosted Zones

The solution starts with creating a private hosted zone, followed by creating a VPC association.

Create a private hosted zone

We start by creating a private hosted zone for name resolution. To make the solution scalable and straightforward to maintain, you can choose to create this private hosted zone in the same MSK Serverless cluster account; in some cases, creating the private hosted zone in a centralized networking account is preferred. Having the private hosted zone created in the MSK Serverless cluster account facilitates centralized management of the private hosted zone alongside the MSK cluster. We can then associate the centralized private hosted zone with VPCs within the same account, or in different other accounts. Choosing to centralize your private hosted zones in a networking account can also be a viable solution to consider.

The purpose of the private hosted zone is to be able to resolve the FQDNs of the bootstrap server as well as all the dynamically assigned cluster-associated brokers. As discussed earlier, the bootstrap server FQDN format is boot-ClusterUniqueID.xx.kafka-serverless.Region.amazonaws.com, and the cluster brokers use the format bxxxx-ClusterUniqueID.xx.kafka-serverless.Region.amazonaws.com, with bxxxx being the broker ID. You need to create the new private hosted zone with the primary domain set as kafka-serverless.Region.amazonaws.com, with an A-Alias record called *.kafka-serverless.Region.amazonaws.com pointing to the Regional VPC endpoint of the MSK Serverless cluster in the MSK cluster VPC. This should be sufficient to direct all traffic targeting your cluster to the primary cluster VPC endpoints that you specified in your private hosted zone.

Now that you have created the private hosted zone, for name resolution to work, you need to associate the private hosted zone with every VPC where you have clients for the MSK cluster (producer or consumer).

Associate a private hosted zone with VPCs in the same account

For VPCs that are in the same account as the MSK cluster and weren’t included in the configuration during cluster creation, you can associate them to the private hosted zone created using the AWS Management Console by editing the private hosted zone settings and adding the respective VPCs. For more information, refer to Associating more VPCs with a private hosted zone.

Associate a private hosted zone in cross-account VPCs

For VPCs that are in a different account other than the MSK cluster account, refer to Associating an Amazon VPC and a private hosted zone that you created with different AWS accounts. The key steps are as follows:

  1. Create a VPC association authorization in the account where the private hosted zone is created (in this case, it’s the same account as the MSK Serverless cluster account) to authorize the remote VPCs to be associated with the hosted zone:
aws route53 create-vpc-association-authorization --hosted-zone-id HostedZoneID --vpc VPCRegion=Region,VPCId=vpc-ID
  1. Associate the VPC with the private hosted zone in the account where you have the VPCs with the MSK clients (remote account), referencing the association authorization you created earlier:
aws route53 list-vpc-association-authorizations --hosted-zone-id HostedZoneID
aws route53 associate-vpc-with-hosted-zone --hosted-zone-id HostedZoneID --VPC VPCRegion=Region,VPCId=vpc-ID
  1. Delete the VPC authorization to associate the VPC with the hosted zone:
aws route53 delete-vpc-association-authorization --hosted-zone-id HostedZoneID --vpc VPCRegion=Region,VPCId=vpc-ID

Deleting the authorization doesn’t affect the association, it just prevents you from re-associating the VPC with the hosted zone in the future. If you want to re-associate the VPC with the hosted zone, you’ll need to repeat steps 1 and 2 of this procedure.

Note that your VPC needs to have the enableDnsSupport and enableDnsHostnames DNS attributes enabled for this to work. These two settings can be configured under the VPC DNS settings. For more information, refer to DNS attributes in your VPC.

These procedures work well for all remote accounts when connectivity is extended using VPC peering or Transit Gateway. If your connectivity option uses PrivateLink, the private hosted zone needs to be created in the remote account instead (the account where the PrivateLink VPC endpoints are). In addition, an A-Alias record that resolves to the PrivateLink endpoint instead of the MSK cluster endpoint needs to be created as indicated in the earlier diagram. This will facilitate name resolution to the PrivateLink endpoint. If other VPCs need access to the cluster through that same PrivateLink setup, you need to follow the same private hosted zone association procedure as described earlier and associate your other VPCs with the private hosted zone created for your PrivateLink VPC.


The private hosted zones solution has some key limitations.

Firstly, because you’re using kafka-serverless.Region.amazonaws.com as the primary domain for our private hosted zone, and your A-Alias record uses *.kafka-serverless.Region.amazonaws.com, all traffic to the MSK Serverless service originating from any VPC associated with this private hosted zone will be directed to the one specific cluster VPC Regional endpoint that you specified in the hosted zone A-Alias record.

This solution is valid if you have one MSK Serverless cluster in your centralized service VPC. If you need to provide access to multiple MSK Serverless clusters, you can use the same solution but adapt a distributed private hosted zone approach as opposed to a centralized approach. In a distributed private hosted zone approach, each private hosted zone can point to a specific cluster. The VPCs associated with that specific private hosted zone will communicate only to the respective cluster listed under the specific private hosted zone.

In addition, after you establish a VPC association with a private hosted zone resolving *.kafka-serverless.Region.amazonaws.com, the respective VPC will only be able to communicate with the cluster defined in that specific private hosted zone and no other cluster. An exception to this rule is if a local cluster is created within the same client VPC, in which case the clients within the VPC will only be able to communicate with only the local cluster.

You can also use PrivateLink to accommodate multiple clusters by creating a PrivateLink plus private hosted zone per cluster, replicating the configuration steps described earlier.

Both solutions, using distributed private hosted zones or PrivateLink, are still subject to the limitation that for each client VPC, you can only communicate with the one MSK Serverless cluster that your associated private hosted zone is configured for.

In the next section, we discuss another possible solution.

Resolver rules and AWS Resource Access Manager

The following diagram shows a high-level overview of the solution using Amazon Route 53 resolver rules and AWS Resource Access Manager.

Cross-account access using Resolver Rules and Resolver Endpoints

The solution starts with creating Route 53 inbound and outbound resolver endpoints, which are associated with the MSK cluster VPC. Then you create a resolver forwarding rule in the MSK account that is not associated with any VPC. Next, you share the resolver rule across accounts using Resource Access Manager. At the remote account where you need to extend name resolution to, you need to accept the resource share and associate the resolver rules with your target VPCs located in the remote account (the account where the MSK clients are located).

For more information about this approach, refer to the third use case in Simplify DNS management in a multi-account environment with Route 53 Resolver.

This solution accommodates multiple centralized MSK serverless clusters in a more scalable and flexible approach. Therefore, the solution counts on directing DNS requests to be resolved by the VPC where the MSK clusters are. Multiple MSK Serverless clusters can coexist, where clients in a particular VPC can communicate with one or more of them at the same time. This option is not supported with the private hosted zone solution approach.


Although this solution has its advantages, it also has a few limitations.

Firstly, for a particular target consumer or producer account, all your MSK Serverless clusters need to be in the same core service VPC in the MSK account. This is due to the fact that the resolver rule is set on an account level and uses.kafka-serverless.Region.amazonaws.com as the primary domain, directing its resolution to one specific VPC resolver endpoint inbound/outbound pair within that service VPC. If you need to have separate clusters in different VPCs, consider creating separate accounts.

The second limitation is that all your client VPCs need to be in the same Region as your core MSK Serverless VPC. The reason behind this limitation is that resolver rules pointing to a resolver endpoint pair (in reality, they point to the outbound endpoint that loops into the inbound endpoints) need to be in the same Region as the resolver rules, and Resource Access Manager will extend the share only within the same Region. However, this solution is good when you have multiple MSK clusters in the same core VPC, and although your remote clients are in different VPCs and accounts, they are still within the same Region. A workaround for this limitation is to duplicate the creation of resolver rules and outbound resolver endpoint in a second Region, where the outbound endpoint loops back through the original first Region inbound resolver endpoint associated with the MSK Serverless cluster VPC (assuming IP connectivity is facilitated). This second Region resolver rule can then be shared using Resource Access Manager within the second Region.


You can configure MSK Serverless cross-VPC and cross-account access in multi-account environments using private hosted zones or Route 53 resolver rules. The solution discussed in this post allows you to centralize your configuration while extending cross-account access, making it a scalable and straightforward-to-maintain solution. You can create your MSK Serverless clusters with cross-account access for producers and consumers, keep your focus on your business outcomes, and gain insights from sources of data across your organization without having to right-size and manage a Kafka infrastructure.

About the Author

Tamer Soliman is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS. He helps Independent Software Vendor (ISV) customers innovate, build, and scale on AWS. He has over two decades of industry experience, and is an inventor with three granted patents. His experience spans multiple technology domains including telecom, networking, application integration, data analytics, AI/ML, and cloud deployments. He specializes in AWS Networking and has a profound passion for machine leaning, AI, and Generative AI.

SaaS access control using Amazon Verified Permissions with a per-tenant policy store

Post Syndicated from Manuel Heinkel original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/saas-access-control-using-amazon-verified-permissions-with-a-per-tenant-policy-store/

Access control is essential for multi-tenant software as a service (SaaS) applications. SaaS developers must manage permissions, fine-grained authorization, and isolation.

In this post, we demonstrate how you can use Amazon Verified Permissions for access control in a multi-tenant document management SaaS application using a per-tenant policy store approach. We also describe how to enforce the tenant boundary.

We usually see the following access control needs in multi-tenant SaaS applications:

  • Application developers need to define policies that apply across all tenants.
  • Tenant users need to control who can access their resources.
  • Tenant admins need to manage all resources for a tenant.

Additionally, independent software vendors (ISVs) implement tenant isolation to prevent one tenant from accessing the resources of another tenant. Enforcing tenant boundaries is imperative for SaaS businesses and is one of the foundational topics for SaaS providers.

Verified Permissions is a scalable, fine-grained permissions management and authorization service that helps you build and modernize applications without having to implement authorization logic within the code of your application.

Verified Permissions uses the Cedar language to define policies. A Cedar policy is a statement that declares which principals are explicitly permitted, or explicitly forbidden, to perform an action on a resource. The collection of policies defines the authorization rules for your application. Verified Permissions stores the policies in a policy store. A policy store is a container for policies and templates. You can learn more about Cedar policies from the Using Open Source Cedar to Write and Enforce Custom Authorization Policies blog post.

Before Verified Permissions, you had to implement authorization logic within the code of your application. Now, we’ll show you how Verified Permissions helps remove this undifferentiated heavy lifting in an example application.

Multi-tenant document management SaaS application

The application allows to add, share, access and manage documents. It requires the following access controls:

  • Application developers who can define policies that apply across all tenants.
  • Tenant users who can control who can access their documents.
  • Tenant admins who can manage all documents for a tenant.

Let’s start by describing the application architecture and then dive deeper into the design details.

Application architecture overview

There are two approaches to multi-tenant design in Verified Permissions: a single shared policy store and a per-tenant policy store. You can learn about the considerations, trade-offs and guidance for these approaches in the Verified Permissions user guide.

For the example document management SaaS application, we decided to use the per-tenant policy store approach for the following reasons:

  • Low-effort tenant policies isolation
  • The ability to customize templates and schema per tenant
  • Low-effort tenant off-boarding
  • Per-tenant policy store resource quotas

We decided to accept the following trade-offs:

  • High effort to implement global policies management (because the application use case doesn’t require frequent changes to these policies)
  • Medium effort to implement the authorization flow (because we decided that in this context, the above reasons outweigh implementing a mapping from tenant ID to policy store ID)

Figure 1 shows the document management SaaS application architecture. For simplicity, we omitted the frontend and focused on the backend.

Figure 1: Document management SaaS application architecture

Figure 1: Document management SaaS application architecture

  1. A tenant user signs in to an identity provider such as Amazon Cognito. They get a JSON Web Token (JWT), which they use for API requests. The JWT contains claims such as the user_id, which identifies the tenant user, and the tenant_id, which defines which tenant the user belongs to.
  2. The tenant user makes API requests with the JWT to the application.
  3. Amazon API Gateway verifies the validity of the JWT with the identity provider.
  4. If the JWT is valid, API Gateway forwards the request to the compute provider, in this case an AWS Lambda function, for it to run the business logic.
  5. The Lambda function assumes an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role with an IAM policy that allows access to the Amazon DynamoDB table that provides tenant-to-policy-store mapping. The IAM policy scopes down access such that the Lambda function can only access data for the current tenant_id.
  6. The Lambda function looks up the Verified Permissions policy_store_id for the current request. To do this, it extracts the tenant_id from the JWT. The function then retrieves the policy_store_id from the tenant-to-policy-store mapping table.
  7. The Lambda function assumes another IAM role with an IAM policy that allows access to the Verified Permissions policy store, the document metadata table, and the document store. The IAM policy uses tenant_id and policy_store_id to scope down access.
  8. The Lambda function gets or stores documents metadata in a DynamoDB table. The function uses the metadata for Verified Permissions authorization requests.
  9. Using the information from steps 5 and 6, the Lambda function calls Verified Permissions to make an authorization decision or create Cedar policies.
  10. If authorized, the application can then access or store a document.

Application architecture deep dive

Now that you know the architecture for the use cases, let’s review them in more detail and work backwards from the user experience to the related part of the application architecture. The architecture focuses on permissions management. Accessing and storing the actual document is out of scope.

Define policies that apply across all tenants

The application developer must define global policies that include a basic set of access permissions for all tenants. We use Cedar policies to implement these permissions.

Because we’re using a per-tenant policy store approach, the tenant onboarding process should create these policies for each new tenant. Currently, to update policies, the deployment pipeline should apply changes to all policy stores.

The “Add a document” and “Manage all the documents for a tenant” sections that follow include examples of global policies.

Make sure that a tenant can’t edit the policies of another tenant

The application uses IAM to isolate the resources of one tenant from another. Because we’re using a per-tenant policy store approach we can use IAM to isolate one tenant policy store from another.


Figure 2: Tenant isolation

Figure 2: Tenant isolation

  1. A tenant user calls an API endpoint using a valid JWT.
  2. The Lambda function uses AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) to assume an IAM role with an IAM policy that allows access to the tenant-to-policy-store mapping DynamoDB table. The IAM policy only allows access to the table and the entries that belong to the requesting tenant. When the function assumes the role, it uses tenant_id to scope access to the items whose partition key matches the tenant_id. See the How to implement SaaS tenant isolation with ABAC and AWS IAM blog post for examples of such policies.
  3. The Lambda function uses the user’s tenant_id to get the Verified Permissions policy_store_id.
  4. The Lambda function uses the same mechanism as in step 2 to assume a different IAM role using tenant_id and policy_store_id which only allows access to the tenant policy store.
  5. The Lambda function accesses the tenant policy store.

Add a document

When a user first accesses the application, they don’t own any documents. To add a document, the frontend calls the POST /documents endpoint and supplies a document_name in the request’s body.

Cedar policy

We need a global policy that allows every tenant user to add a new document. The tenant onboarding process creates this policy in the tenant’s policy store.

permit (    
  action == DocumentsAPI::Action::"addDocument",

This policy allows any principal to add a document. Because we’re using a per-tenant policy store approach, there’s no need to scope the principal to a tenant.


Figure 3: Adding a document

Figure 3: Adding a document

  1. A tenant user calls the POST /documents endpoint to add a document.
  2. The Lambda function uses the user’s tenant_id to get the Verified Permissions policy_store_id.
  3. The Lambda function calls the Verified Permissions policy store to check if the tenant user is authorized to add a document.
  4. After successful authorization, the Lambda function adds a new document to the documents metadata database and uploads the document to the documents storage.

The database structure is described in the following table:

tenant_id (Partition key): String document_id (Sort key): String document_name: String document_owner: String
  • tenant_id: The tenant_id from the JWT claims.
  • document_id: A random identifier for the document, created by the application.
  • document_name: The name of the document supplied with the API request.
  • document_owner: The user who created the document. The value is the user_id from the JWT claims.

Share a document with another user of a tenant

After a tenant user has created one or more documents, they might want to share them with other users of the same tenant. To share a document, the frontend calls the POST /shares endpoint and provides the document_id of the document the user wants to share and the user_id of the receiving user.

Cedar policy

We need a global document owner policy that allows the document owner to manage the document, including sharing. The tenant onboarding process creates this policy in the tenant’s policy store.

permit (    
) when {
  resource.owner == principal && 
  resource.type == "document"

The policy allows principals to perform actions on available resources (the document) when the principal is the document owner. This policy allows the shareDocument action, which we describe next, to share a document.

We also need a share policy that allows the receiving user to access the document. The application creates these policies for each successful share action. We recommend that you use policy templates to define the share policy. Policy templates allow a policy to be defined once and then attached to multiple principals and resources. Policies that use a policy template are called template-linked policies. Updates to the policy template are reflected across the principals and resources that use the template. The tenant onboarding process creates the share policy template in the tenant’s policy store.

We define the share policy template as follows:

permit (    
  principal == ?principal,  
  action == DocumentsAPI::Action::"accessDocument",
  resource == ?resource 

The following is an example of a template-linked policy using the share policy template:

permit (    
  principal == DocumentsAPI::User::"<user_id>",
  action == DocumentsAPI::Action::"accessDocument",
  resource == DocumentsAPI::Document::"<document_id>" 

The policy includes the user_id of the receiving user (principal) and the document_id of the document (resource).


Figure 4: Sharing a document

Figure 4: Sharing a document

  1. A tenant user calls the POST /shares endpoint to share a document.
  2. The Lambda function uses the user’s tenant_id to get the Verified Permissions policy_store_id and policy template IDs for each action from the DynamoDB table that stores the tenant to policy store mapping. In this case the function needs to use the share_policy_template_id.
  3. The function queries the documents metadata DynamoDB table to retrieve the document_owner attribute for the document the user wants to share.
  4. The Lambda function calls Verified Permissions to check if the user is authorized to share the document. The request context uses the user_id from the JWT claims as the principal, shareDocument as the action, and the document_id as the resource. The document entity includes the document_owner attribute, which came from the documents metadata DynamoDB table.
  5. If the user is authorized to share the resource, the function creates a new template-linked share policy in the tenant’s policy store. This policy includes the user_id of the receiving user as the principal and the document_id as the resource.

Access a shared document

After a document has been shared, the receiving user wants to access the document. To access the document, the frontend calls the GET /documents endpoint and provides the document_id of the document the user wants to access.

Cedar policy

As shown in the previous section, during the sharing process, the application creates a template-linked share policy that allows the receiving user to access the document. Verified Permissions evaluates this policy when the user tries to access the document.


Figure 5: Accessing a shared document

Figure 5: Accessing a shared document

  1. A tenant user calls the GET /documents endpoint to access the document.
  2. The Lambda function uses the user’s tenant_id to get the Verified Permissions policy_store_id.
  3. The Lambda function calls Verified Permissions to check if the user is authorized to access the document. The request context uses the user_id from the JWT claims as the principal, accessDocument as the action, and the document_id as the resource.

Manage all the documents for a tenant

When a customer signs up for a SaaS application, the application creates the tenant admin user. The tenant admin must have permissions to perform all actions on all documents for the tenant.

Cedar policy

We need a global policy that allows tenant admins to manage all documents. The tenant onboarding process creates this policy in the tenant’s policy store.

permit (    
  principal in DocumentsAPI::Group::"<admin_group_id>”,

This policy allows every member of the <admin_group_id> group to perform any action on any document.


Figure 6: Managing documents

Figure 6: Managing documents

  1. A tenant admin calls the POST /documents endpoint to manage a document. 
  2. The Lambda function uses the user’s tenant_id to get the Verified Permissions policy_store_id.
  3. The Lambda function calls Verified Permissions to check if the user is authorized to manage the document.


In this blog post, we showed you how Amazon Verified Permissions helps to implement fine-grained authorization decisions in a multi-tenant SaaS application. You saw how to apply the per-tenant policy store approach to the application architecture. See the Verified Permissions user guide for how to choose between using a per-tenant policy store or one shared policy store. To learn more, visit the Amazon Verified Permissions documentation and workshop.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the Amazon Verified Permissions re:Post or contact AWS Support.

Manuel Heinkel

Manuel Heinkel

Manuel is a Solutions Architect at AWS, working with software companies in Germany to build innovative and secure applications in the cloud. He supports customers in solving business challenges and achieving success with AWS. Manuel has a track record of diving deep into security and SaaS topics. Outside of work, he enjoys spending time with his family and exploring the mountains.

Alex Pulver

Alex Pulver

Alex is a Principal Solutions Architect at AWS. He works with customers to help design processes and solutions for their business needs. His current areas of interest are product engineering, developer experience, and platform strategy. He’s the creator of Application Design Framework, which aims to align business and technology, reduce rework, and enable evolutionary architecture.

Use multiple bookmark keys in AWS Glue JDBC jobs

Post Syndicated from Durga Prasad original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/use-multiple-bookmark-keys-in-aws-glue-jdbc-jobs/

AWS Glue is a serverless data integrating service that you can use to catalog data and prepare for analytics. With AWS Glue, you can discover your data, develop scripts to transform sources into targets, and schedule and run extract, transform, and load (ETL) jobs in a serverless environment. AWS Glue jobs are responsible for running the data processing logic.

One important feature of AWS Glue jobs is the ability to use bookmark keys to process data incrementally. When an AWS Glue job is run, it reads data from a data source and processes it. One or more columns from the source table can be specified as bookmark keys. The column should have sequentially increasing or decreasing values without gaps. These values are used to mark the last processed record in a batch. The next run of the job resumes from that point. This allows you to process large amounts of data incrementally. Without job bookmark keys, AWS Glue jobs would have to reprocess all the data during every run. This can be time-consuming and costly. By using bookmark keys, AWS Glue jobs can resume processing from where they left off, saving time and reducing costs.

This post explains how to use multiple columns as job bookmark keys in an AWS Glue job with a JDBC connection to the source data store. It also demonstrates how to parameterize the bookmark key columns and table names in the AWS Glue job connection options.

This post is focused towards architects and data engineers who design and build ETL pipelines on AWS. You are expected to have a basic understanding of the AWS Management Console, AWS Glue, Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS), and Amazon CloudWatch logs.

Solution overview

To implement this solution, we complete the following steps:

  1. Create an Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL instance.
  2. Create two tables and insert sample data.
  3. Create and run an AWS Glue job to extract data from the RDS for PostgreSQL DB instance using multiple job bookmark keys.
  4. Create and run a parameterized AWS Glue job to extract data from different tables with separate bookmark keys

The following diagram illustrates the components of this solution.

Deploy the solution

For this solution, we provide an AWS CloudFormation template that sets up the services included in the architecture, to enable repeatable deployments. This template creates the following resources:

  • An RDS for PostgreSQL instance
  • An Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket to store the data extracted from the RDS for PostgreSQL instance
  • An AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role for AWS Glue
  • Two AWS Glue jobs with job bookmarks enabled to incrementally extract data from the RDS for PostgreSQL instance

To deploy the solution, complete the following steps:

  1. Choose  to launch the CloudFormation stack:
  2. Enter a stack name.
  3. Select I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names.
  4. Choose Create stack.
  5. Wait until the creation of the stack is complete, as shown on the AWS CloudFormation console.
  6. When the stack is complete, copy the AWS Glue scripts to the S3 bucket job-bookmark-keys-demo-<accountid>.
  7. Open AWS CloudShell.
  8. Run the following commands and replace <accountid> with your AWS account ID:
aws s3 cp s3://aws-blogs-artifacts-public/artifacts/BDB-2907/glue/scenario_1_job.py s3://job-bookmark-keys-demo-<accountid>/scenario_1_job.py
aws s3 cp s3://aws-blogs-artifacts-public/artifacts/BDB-2907/glue/scenario_2_job.py s3://job-bookmark-keys-demo-<accountid>/scenario_2_job.py

Add sample data and run AWS Glue jobs

In this section, we connect to the RDS for PostgreSQL instance via AWS Lambda and create two tables. We also insert sample data into both the tables.

  1. On the Lambda console, choose Functions in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose the function LambdaRDSDDLExecute.
  3. Choose Test and choose Invoke for the Lambda function to insert the data.

The two tables product and address will be created with sample data, as shown in the following screenshot.

Run the multiple_job_bookmark_keys AWS Glue job

We run the multiple_job_bookmark_keys AWS Glue job twice to extract data from the product table of the RDS for PostgreSQL instance. In the first run, all the existing records will be extracted. Then we insert new records and run the job again. The job should extract only the newly inserted records in the second run.

  1. On the AWS Glue console, choose Jobs in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose the job multiple_job_bookmark_keys.
  3. Choose Run to run the job and choose the Runs tab to monitor the job progress.
  4. Choose the Output logs hyperlink under CloudWatch logs after the job is complete.
  5. Choose the log stream in the next window to see the output logs printed.

    The AWS Glue job extracted all records from the source table product. It keeps track of the last combination of values in the columns product_id and version.Next, we run another Lambda function to insert a new record. The product_id 45 already exists, but the inserted record will have a new version as 2, making the combination sequentially increasing.
  6. Run the LambdaRDSDDLExecute_incremental Lambda function to insert the new record in the product table.
  7. Run the AWS Glue job multiple_job_bookmark_keys again after you insert the record and wait for it to succeed.
  8. Choose the Output logs hyperlink under CloudWatch logs.
  9. Choose the log stream in the next window to see only the newly inserted record printed.

The job extracts only those records that have a combination greater than the previously extracted records.

Run the parameterised_job_bookmark_keys AWS Glue job

We now run the parameterized AWS Glue job that takes the table name and bookmark key column as parameters. We run this job to extract data from different tables maintaining separate bookmarks.

The first run will be for the address table with bookmarkkey as address_id. These are already populated with the job parameters.

  1. On the AWS Glue console, choose Jobs in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose the job parameterised_job_bookmark_keys.
  3. Choose Run to run the job and choose the Runs tab to monitor the job progress.
  4. Choose the Output logs hyperlink under CloudWatch logs after the job is complete.
  5. Choose the log stream in the next window to see all records from the address table printed.
  6. On the Actions menu, choose Run with parameters.
  7. Expand the Job parameters section.
  8. Change the job parameter values as follows:
    • Key --bookmarkkey with value product_id
    • Key --table_name with value product
    • The S3 bucket name is unchanged (job-bookmark-keys-demo-<accountnumber>)
  9. Choose Run job to run the job and choose the Runs tab to monitor the job progress.
  10. Choose the Output logs hyperlink under CloudWatch logs after the job is complete.
  11. Choose the log stream to see all the records from the product table printed.

The job maintains separate bookmarks for each of the tables when extracting the data from the source data store. This is achieved by adding the table name to the job name and transformation contexts in the AWS Glue job script.

Clean up

To avoid incurring future charges, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon S3 console, choose Buckets in the navigation pane.
  2. Select the bucket with job-bookmark-keys in its name.
  3. Choose Empty to delete all the files and folders in it.
  4. On the CloudFormation console, choose Stacks in the navigation pane.
  5. Select the stack you created to deploy the solution and choose Delete.


This post demonstrated passing more than one column of a table as jobBookmarkKeys in a JDBC connection to an AWS Glue job. It also explained how you can a parameterized AWS Glue job to extract data from multiple tables while keeping their respective bookmarks. As a next step, you can test the incremental data extract by changing data in the source tables.

About the Authors

Durga Prasad is a Sr Lead Consultant enabling customers build their Data Analytics solutions on AWS. He is a coffee lover and enjoys playing badminton.

Murali Reddy is a Lead Consultant at Amazon Web Services (AWS), helping customers build and implement data analytics solution. When he’s not working, Murali is an avid bike rider and loves exploring new places.

Build SAML identity federation for Amazon OpenSearch Service domains within a VPC

Post Syndicated from Mahdi Ebrahimi original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/build-saml-identity-federation-for-amazon-opensearch-service-domains-within-a-vpc/

Amazon OpenSearch Service is a fully managed search and analytics service powered by the Apache Lucene search library that can be operated within a virtual private cloud (VPC). A VPC is a virtual network that’s dedicated to your AWS account. It’s logically isolated from other virtual networks in the AWS Cloud. Placing an OpenSearch Service domain within a VPC enables a secure communication between OpenSearch Service and other services within the VPC without the need for an internet gateway, NAT device, or a VPN connection. All traffic remains securely within the AWS Cloud, providing a safe environment for your data. To connect to an OpenSearch Service domain running inside a private VPC, enterprise customers use one of two available options: either integrate their VPC with their enterprise network through VPN or AWS Direct Connect, or make the cluster endpoint publicly accessible through a reverse proxy. Refer to How can I access OpenSearch Dashboards from outside of a VPC using Amazon Cognito authentication for a detailed evaluation of the available options and the corresponding pros and cons.

For managing access to OpenSearch Dashboards in enterprise customers’ environments, OpenSearch Service supports Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) integration with the customer’s existing identity providers (IdPs) to offer single sign-on (SSO). Although SAML integration for publicly accessible OpenSearch Dashboards works out of the box, enabling SAML for OpenSearch Dashboards within a VPC requires careful design with various configurations.

This post outlines an end-to-end solution for integrating SAML authentication for OpenSearch Service domains running in a VPC. It provides a step-by-step deployment guideline and is accompanied by AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) applications, which automate all the necessary configurations.

Overview of solution

The following diagram describes the step-by-step authentication flow for accessing a private OpenSearch Service domain through SSO using SAML identity federation. The access is enabled over public internet through private NGINX reverse proxy servers running on Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) for high availability.

Solution overview

The workflow consists of the following steps:

  1. The user navigates to the OpenSearch Dashboards URL in their browser.
  2. The browser resolves the domain IP address and sends the request.
  3. AWS WAF rules make sure that only allow listed IP address ranges are allowed.
  4. Application Load Balancer forwards the request to NGINX reverse proxy.
  5. NGINX adds the necessary headers and forwards the request to OpenSearch Dashboards.
  6. OpenSearch Dashboards detects that the request is not authenticated. It replies with a redirect to the integrated SAML IdP for authentication.
  7. The user is redirected to the SSO login page.
  8. The IdP verifies the user’s identity and generates a SAML assertion token.
  9. The user is redirected back to the OpenSearch Dashboards URL.
  10. The request goes through the Steps 1–5 again until it reaches OpenSearch. This time, OpenSearch Dashboards detects the accompanying SAML assertion and allows the request.

In the following sections, we set up a NGINX reverse proxy in private subnets to provide access to OpenSearch Dashboards for a domain deployed inside VPC private subnets. We then enable SAML authentication for OpenSearch Dashboards using a SAML 2.0 application and use a custom domain endpoint to access OpenSearch Dashboards to see the SAML authentication in action.


Before you get started, complete the prerequisite steps in this section.

Install required tools

First, install the AWS CDK. For more information, refer to the AWS CDK v2 Developer Guide.

Prepare required AWS resources

Complete the following steps to set up your AWS resources:

  1. Create an AWS account.
  2. Create an Amazon Route 53 public hosted zone such as mydomain.com to be used for routing internet traffic to your domain. For instructions, refer to Creating a public hosted zone.
  3. Request an AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) public certificate for the hosted zone. For instructions, refer to Requesting a public certificate.
  4. Create a VPC with public and private subnets.
  5. Enable AWS IAM Identity Center. For instructions, refer to Enable IAM Identity Center.

Prepare your OpenSearch Service cluster

This post is accompanied with a standalone AWS CDK application (opensearch-domain) that deploys a sample OpenSearch Service domain in private VPC subnets. The deployed domain is for demonstration purposes only, and is optional.

If you have an existing OpenSearch Service domain in VPC that you want to use for SAML integration, apply the following configurations:

  1. On the Cluster configuration tab, choose Edit and select Enable custom endpoint in the Custom endpoint section.
  2. For Custom hostname, enter a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) such as opensearch.mydomain.com, which you want to use to access your cluster. Note that the domain name of the provided FQDN (for example, mydomain.com) must be the same as the public hosted zone you created earlier.
  3. For AWS certificate, choose the SSL certificate you created earlier.
  4. In the Summary section, optionally enable dry run analysis and select Dry run or deselect it and choose Save changes.

Otherwise, download the accompanied opensearch-domain AWS CDK application and unzip it. Then, edit the cdk.json file on the root of the unzipped folder and configure the required parameters:

  • vpc_cidr – The CIDR block in which to create the VPC. You may leave the default of
  • opensearch_cluster_name – The name of the OpenSearch Service cluster. You may leave the default value of opensearch. It will also be used, together with the hosted_zone_name parameter, to build the FQDN of the custom domain URL.
  • hosted_zone_id – The Route 53 public hosted zone ID.
  • hosted_zone_name – The Route 53 public hosted zone name (for example, mydomain.com). The result FQDN with the default example values will then be opensearch.mydomain.com.

Finally, run the following commands to deploy the AWS CDK application:

cd opensearch-domain

# Create a Python environment and install the reuired dependencies
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Deploy the CDK application
cdk deploy

With the prerequisites in place, refer to the following sections for a step-by-step guide to deploy this solution.

Create a SAML 2.0 application

We use IAM Identity Center as the source of identity for our SAML integration. The same configuration should apply to other SAML 2.0-compliant IdPs. Consult your IdP documentation.

  1. On the IAM Identity Center console, choose Groups in the navigation pane.
  2. Create a new group called Opensearch Admin, and add users to it.
    This will be the SAML group that receives full permissions in OpenSearch Dashboards. Take note of the group ID.OpenSearch Admin Group
  3. Choose Applications in the navigation pane.
  4. Create a new custom SAML 2.0 application.Create SAML application
  5. Download the IAM Identity Center SAML metadata file to use in a later step.IAM Identity Center SAML metadata
  6. For Application start URL, enter [Custom Domain URL]/_dashboards/.
    The custom domain URL is composed of communication protocol (https://) followed by the FQDN, which you used for your OpenSearch Service cluster in the prerequisites (for example, https://opensearch.mydomain.com). Look under your OpenSearch Service cluster configurations, if in doubt.
  7. For Application ACS URL, enter [Custom Domain URL]/_dashboards/_opendistro/_security/saml/acs.
  8. For Application SAML audience, enter [Custom Domain URL] (without any trailing slash).
    OpenSearch domain SAML properties
  9. Choose Submit.
  10. In the Assigned users section, select Opensearch Admin and choose Assign Users.Assign admin group to SAML application
  11. On the Actions menu, choose Edit attribute mappings.Edit SAML application's attribute mapping
  12. Define attribute mappings as shown in the following screenshot and choose Save changes.Configure SAML application's attribute mappings

Deploy the AWS CDK application

Complete the following steps to deploy the AWS CDK application:

  1. Download and unzip the opensearch-domain-saml-integration AWS CDK application.
  2. Add your private SSL key and certificate to AWS Secrets Manager and create two secrets called Key and Crt. For example, see the following code:
    KEY=$(cat private.key | base64) && aws secretsmanager create-secret --name Key --secret-string $KEY
    CRT=$(cat certificate.crt | base64) && aws secretsmanager create-secret --name Crt --secret-string $CRT

    You can use the following command to generate a self-signed certificate. This is for testing only; do not use this for production environments.

    openssl req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -days 1095 -nodes -x509 -subj '/' -keyout private.key -out certificate.crt

  3. Edit the cdk.json file and set the required parameters inside the nested config object:
  • aws_region – The target AWS Region for your deployment (for example, eu-central-1).
  • vpc_id – The ID of the VPC into which the OpenSearch Service domain has been deployed.
  • opensearch_cluster_security_group_id – The ID of the security group used by the OpenSearch Service domain or any other security group that allows inbound connections to that domain on port 80 and 443. This group ID will be used by the Application Load Balancer to forward traffic to your OpenSearch Service domain.
  • hosted_zone_id – The Route 53 public hosted zone ID.
  • hosted_zone – The Route 53 public hosted zone name (for example, mydomain.com).
  • opensearch_custom_domain_name – An FQDN such as opensearch.mydomain.com, which you want to use to access your cluster. Note that the domain name of the provided FQDN (mydomain.com) must be the same as the hosted_zone parameter.
  • opensearch_custom_domain_certificate_arn – The ARN of the certificate stored in ACM.
  • opensearch_domain_endpoint – The OpenSearch Service VPC domain endpoint (for example, vpc-opensearch-abc123.eu-central-1.es.amazonaws.com).
  • vpc_dns_resolver – This must be 10.0.0. if your VPC CIDR is See Amazon DNS server for further details.
  • alb_waf_ip_whitelist_cidrs – This is an optional list of zero or more IP CIDR ranges that will be automatically allow listed in AWS WAF to permit access to the OpenSearch Service domain. If not specified, after the deployment you will need to manually add relevant IP CIDR ranges to the AWS WAF IP set to allow access. For example, ["", ""].
  1. Deploy the OpenSearch Service domain SAML integration AWS CDK application:
    cd opensearch-domain-saml-integration
    # Create a Python environment and install the required dependencies
    python3 -m venv .venv
    source .venv/bin/activate
    pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    # Deploy the CDK application
    cdk deploy

Enable SAML authentication for your OpenSearch Service cluster

When the application deployment is complete, enable SAML authentication for your cluster:

  1. On the OpenSearch Service console, navigate to your domain.
  2. On the Security configuration tab, choose Edit.Enable SAML authentication for OpenSearch domain
  3. Select Enable SAML authentication.
  4. Choose Import from XML file and import the IAM Identity Center SAML metadata file that you downloaded in an earlier step.
  5. For SAML master backend role, use the group ID you saved earlier.
  6. Expand the Additional settings section and for Roles, enter the SAML 2.0 attribute name you mapped earlier when you created the SAML 2.0 application in AWS Identity Center.
  7. Configure the domain access policy for SAML integration.
  8. Submit changes and wait for OpenSearch Service to apply the configurations before proceeding to the next section.

Test the solution

Complete the following steps to see the solution in action:

  1. On the IAM Identity Center console, choose Dashboard in the navigation pane.
  2. In the Settings summary section, choose the link under AWS access portal URL.Login to IAM Identity Centre
  3. Sign in with your user name and password (register your password if this is your first login).
    If your account was successfully added to the admin group, a SAML application logo is visible.
  4. Choose Custom SAML 2.0 application to be redirected to the OpenSearch Service dashboards through SSO without any additional login attempts.Open SAML application
    Alternatively, you could skip logging in to the access portal and directly point your browser to the OpenSearch Dashboards URL. In that case, OpenSearch Dashboards would first redirect you to the access portal to log in, which would redirect you back to the OpenSearch Dashboards UI after a successful login, resulting in the same outcome as shown in the following screenshot.OpenSearch Dashboards UI after successful login


Your public-facing IP must be allow listed by the AWS WAF rule, otherwise a 403 Forbidden error will be returned. Allow list your IP CIDR range via the AWS CDK alb_waf_ip_whitelist_cidrs property as described in the installation guide and redeploy the AWS CDK application for changes to take effect.

Clean up

When you’re finished with this configuration, clean up the resources to avoid future charges.

  1. On the OpenSearch Service console, navigate to the Security configuration tab of your OpenSearch Service domain and choose Edit.
  2. Deselect Enable SAML authentication and choose Save changes.
  3. After the Amazon SAML integration is disabled, delete the opensearch-domain-saml-integration stack using cdk destroy.
  4. Optionally, if you used the provided OpenSearch Service sample AWS CDK stack (opensearch-domain), delete it using cdk destroy.


OpenSearch Service allows enterprise customers to use their preferred federated IdPs such as SAML using IAM Identity Center for clusters running inside private VPC subnets following AWS best practices.

In this post, we showed you how to integrate an OpenSearch Service domain within a VPC with an existing SAML IdP for SSO access to OpenSearch Dashboards using IAM Identity Center. The provided solution securely manages network access to the resources using AWS WAF to restrict access only to authorized network segments or specific IP addresses.

To get started, refer to How can I access OpenSearch Dashboards from outside of a VPC using Amazon Cognito authentication for further comparison of OpenSearch Service domain in private VPC access patterns.

About the Authors

Mahdi Ebrahimi is a Senior Cloud Infrastructure Architect with Amazon Web Services. He excels in designing distributed, highly-available software systems. Mahdi is dedicated to delivering cutting-edge solutions that empower his customers to innovate in the rapidly evolving landscape in the automotive industry.

Dmytro Protsiv is a Cloud Applications Architect for with Amazon Web Services. He is passionate about helping customers to solve their business challenges around application modernization.

Luca Menichetti is a Big Data Architect with Amazon Web Services. He helps customers develop performant and reusable solutions to process data at scale. Luca is passioned about managing organisation’s data architecture, enabling data analytics and machine learning. Having worked around the Hadoop ecosystem for a decade, he really enjoys tackling problems in NoSQL environments.

Krithivasan Balasubramaniyan is a Principal Consultant with Amazon Web Services. He enables global enterprise customers in their digital transformation journey and helps architect cloud native solutions.

Muthu Pitchaimani is a Search Specialist with Amazon OpenSearch Service. He builds large-scale search applications and solutions. Muthu is interested in the topics of networking and security, and is based out of Austin, Texas.

How to migrate asymmetric keys from CloudHSM to AWS KMS

Post Syndicated from Mani Manasa Mylavarapu original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-migrate-asymmetric-keys-from-cloudhsm-to-aws-kms/

In June 2023, Amazon Web Services (AWS) introduced a new capability to AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS): you can now import asymmetric key materials such as RSA or elliptic-curve cryptography (ECC) private keys for your signing workflow into AWS KMS. This means that you can move your asymmetric keys that are managed outside of AWS KMS—such as a hybrid (on-premises) environment, multi-cloud environment, and even AWS CloudHSM—and make them available through AWS KMS. Combined with the announcement on AWS KMS HSMs achieving FIPS 140-2 Security Level 3, you can make sure that your keys are secured and used in a manner that aligns to the cryptographic standards laid out by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

In this post, we will show you how to migrate your asymmetric keys from CloudHSM to AWS KMS. This can help you simplify your key management strategy and take advantage of the robust authorization control of AWS KMS key policies.

Benefits of importing key materials into AWS KMS

In general, we recommend that you use a native KMS key because it provides the best security, durability, and availability compared to other key store options. AWS KMS FIPS-validated hardware security modules (HSMs) generate the key materials for KMS keys, and these key materials never leave the HSMs unencrypted. Operations that require use of your KMS key (for example, decryption of a data key or digital signature signing) must occur within the HSM.

However, depending on your organization’s requirements, you might need to bring your own key (BYOK) from outside. Importing your own key gives you direct control over the generation, lifecycle management, and durability of your keys. In addition, you have full control over the availability of your imported keys because you can set an expiration period or delete and reimport the keys at any time. You have greater control over the durability of your imported keys because you can maintain the original version of the keys elsewhere. If you need to generate and store copies of keys outside of AWS, these additional controls can help you meet your compliance requirements.

Solution overview

At a high level, our solution involves downloading the wrapping key from AWS KMS, using the CloudHSM Command Line Interface (CLI) to import a wrapping key to CloudHSM, wrapping the private key by using the wrapping key in CloudHSM, and uploading the wrapped private key to AWS KMS by using an import token. You can perform the same procedures by using other supported libraries, such as the PKCS #11 library or a JCE provider.

Figure 1: Overall architecture of the solution

Figure 1: Overall architecture of the solution

As shown in Figure 1, the solution involves the following steps:

  1. Create a KMS key without key material in AWS KMS
  2. Download the wrapping public key and import token from AWS KMS
  3. Import the wrapping key provided by AWS KMS into CloudHSM
  4. Wrap the private key inside CloudHSM with the imported wrapping public key from AWS KMS
  5. Import the wrapped private key to AWS KMS

For the walkthrough in this post, you will import into AWS KMS an ECC 256-bit private key (NIST P-256) that’s used for signing purpose from a CloudHSM cluster. When you import an asymmetric key into AWS KMS, you only need to import a private key. You don’t need to import a public key because AWS KMS can generate and retrieve a public key from the private key after the private key is imported.


To follow along with this walkthrough, make sure that you have the following prerequisites in place:

  1. An active CloudHSM cluster with at least one active HSM and a valid crypto user credential.
  2. An Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance with the CloudHSM Client SDK 5 installed and configured to connect to the CloudHSM cluster. For instructions on how to configure and connect the client instance, see Getting started with AWS CloudHSM.
  3. OpenSSL installed on your EC2 instance (we recommend version 3.0.0 or newer).

Step 1: Create a KMS key without key material in AWS KMS

The first step is to create a new KMS key. You can do this through the AWS KMS console or the AWS CLI, or by running the CreateKey API operation.

When you create your key, keep the following guidance in mind:

  • Set the key material origin to External so that no key material is created for this new key.
  • According to NIST SP 800-57 guidance and cryptography best practice, in general, you should use a single key for only one purpose (for example, if you use an RSA key for encryption, you shouldn’t also use that key for signing). Select the key usage that best suits your use case.
  • Make sure that the key spec match the algorithm specification of the key that you are trying to import from CloudHSM.
  • If you want to use the key in multiple AWS Regions (for example, to avoid the need for a cross-Region call to access the key), consider using a multi-Region key.

To create a KMS key using the AWS CLI

  • Run the following command:
    aws kms create-key --origin EXTERNAL --key-spec ECC_NIST_P256 --key-usage SIGN_VERIFY

Step 2: Download the wrapping public key and import token from AWS KMS

After you create the key, download the wrapping key and import token.

The wrapping key spec and the wrapping algorithm that you select depend on the key that you’re trying to import. AWS KMS supports several standard RSA wrapping algorithms and a two-step hybrid wrapping algorithm. CloudHSM supports both wrapping algorithms as well.

In general, an RSA wrapping algorithm (RSAES_OAEP_SHA_*) with a key spec of RSA_4096 should be sufficient for wrapping ECC private keys because it can wrap the key material completely. However, when importing RSA private keys, you will need to use the two-step hybrid wrapping algorithm (RSA_AES_KEY_WRAP_SHA_*) due to their large key size. The overall process is the same as what’s shown here, but the two-step hybrid wrapping algorithm requires that you encrypt your key material with an Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) symmetric key that you generate, and then encrypt the AES symmetric key with the RSA public wrapping key. Additionally, when you select the wrapping algorithm, you also have a choice between the SHA-1 or SHA-256 hashing algorithm. We recommend that you use the SHA-256 hashing algorithm whenever possible.

Note that each wrapping public key and import token set is valid for 24 hours. If you don’t use the set to import key material within 24 hours of downloading it, you must download a new set.

To download the wrapping public key and import token from AWS KMS

  1. Run the following command. Make sure to replace <KMS KeyID> with the key ID of the KMS key that you created in the previous step. The key ID is the last part of the key ARN after :key/ (for example, arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:<AWS Account ID>:key/<Key ID>). “ImportToken.b64” represents the wrapping token, and “WrappingPublicKey.b64” represents the import token.
    aws kms get-parameters-for-import \
    --key-id <KMS KeyID> \
    --wrapping-algorithm RSAES_OAEP_SHA_256 \
    --wrapping-key-spec RSA_4096 \
    --query "[ImportToken, PublicKey]" \
    --output text \
    | awk '{print $1 > "ImportToken.b64"; print $2 > "WrappingPublicKey.b64"}'

  2. Decode the base64 encoding.
    openssl enc -d -base64 -A -in WrappingPublicKey.b64 -out WrappingPublicKey.bin

To convert the wrapping public key from DER to PEM format

  • The key import pem command in CloudHSM CLI requires that the public key is in PEM format. AWS KMS outputs public keys in the DER format, so you must convert the wrapping public key to PEM format. To convert the public key to PEM format, run the following command:
    openssl rsa -pubin -in WrappingPublicKey.bin -inform DER -outform PEM -out WrappingPublicKey.pem

Step 3: Import the wrapping key provided by AWS KMS into CloudHSM

Now that you have created the KMS key and made the necessary preparations to import it, switch to CloudHSM to import the key.

To import the wrapping key

  1. Log in to your EC2 instance that has the CloudHSM CLI installed and run the following command to use it in an interactive mode:
    /opt/cloudhsm/bin/cloudhsm-cli interactive

  2. Log in with your crypto user credential. Make sure to replace <YourUserName> with your own information and supply your password when prompted.
    login --username <YourUserName> --role crypto-user

  3. Import the wrapping key and set the attribute allowing this key to be used for wrapping other keys.
    key import pem --path ./WrappingPublicKey.pem --label <kms-wrapping-key> --key-type-class rsa-public --attributes wrap=true

    You should see an output similar to the following:

      "error_code": 0,
      "data": {
        "key": {
          "key-reference": "0x00000000002800c2",
          "key-info": {
            "key-owners": [
                "username": "<YourUserName>",
                "key-coverage": "full"
            "shared-users": [],
            "cluster-coverage": "full"
          "attributes": {
            "key-type": "rsa",
            "label": "<kms-wrapping-key>",
            "id": "0x",
            "check-value": "0x5efd07",
            "class": "public-key",
            "encrypt": false,
            "decrypt": false,
            "token": true,
            "always-sensitive": false,
            "derive": false,
            "destroyable": true,
            "extractable": true,
            "local": false,
            "modifiable": true,
            "never-extractable": false,
            "private": true,
            "sensitive": false,
            "sign": false,
            "trusted": false,
            "unwrap": false,
            "verify": false,
            "wrap": true,
            "wrap-with-trusted": false,
            "key-length-bytes": 1024,
            "public-exponent": "0x010001",
            "modulus": "0xd7683010 … b6fc9df07",
            "modulus-size-bits": 4096
        "message": "Successfully imported key"

  4. From the output, note the value for the key label (<kms-wrapping-key> in this example) because you will need it for the next step.

Step 4: Wrap the private key inside CloudHSM with the imported wrapping public key from AWS KMS

Now that you have imported the wrapping key into CloudHSM, you can wrap the private key that you want to import to AWS KMS by using the wrapping key.

Important: Only the owner of a key—the crypto user who created the key—can wrap the key. In addition, the key that you want to wrap must have the extractable attribute set to true.

To wrap the private key

  1. Use the key wrap command in the CloudHSM CLI to wrap the private key that’s stored in CloudHSM. Make sure to replace the following placeholder values with your own information:
    • rsa-oaep specifies the wrapping algorithm.
    • --payload-filter is used to define the key that you want to wrap out of the HSM. You can use the key reference (for example, key-reference=0x00000000002800c2) or reference key attributes, such as the key label. In our example, we used the key label ec-priv-import-to-kms.
    • --wrapping-filter is used to define the key that you will use to wrap out the payload key. This should be the wrapping key that you imported previously from AWS KMS, which was labeled kms-wrapping-key in Step 3.3.
    • --hash-function defines the hash function used as part of the OAEP encryption. This should match the wrapping algorithm that you specified when you got the import parameters from AWS KMS. In our example, it should be SHA-256 because we selected RSAES_OAEP_SHA_256 as the wrapping algorithm previously.
    • --mgf defines the mask generation function used as part of the OAEP encryption. The mask hash function must match the signing mechanism hash function, which is SHA-256 in this example.
    • --path defines the path to the binary file where the wrapped key data will be saved. In this example, we name the file EncryptedECC_P256KeyMaterial.bin but you can specify a different name.
    key wrap rsa-oaep --payload-filter attr.label=ec-priv-import-to-kms --wrapping-filter attr.label=kms-wrapping-key --hash-function sha256 --mgf mgf1-sha256 --path EncryptedECC_P256KeyMaterial.bin

(Optional) To export the public key

  • You can also use the CloudHSM CLI to export the public key of your private key. You will use this key for testing later. Make sure to replace the placeholder values <ec-priv-import-to-kms> and <KeyName.pem> with your own information.
    key generate-file --encoding pem --path <KeyName.pem> --filter attr.label=<ec-priv-import-to-kms>

Step 5: Import the wrapped private key to AWS KMS

Now that you’ve wrapped the private key from CloudHSM, you can import it into AWS KMS.

Note that you have the option to set an expiration time for your imported key. After the expiration time passes, AWS KMS deletes your imported key automatically.

To import the wrapped private key to AWS KMS

  1. If you have been using the CLI or API, the import token is base64 encoded. You must decode the token from base64 to binary format before it can be used. You can use OpenSSL to do this.
    openssl enc -d -base64 -A -in ImportToken.b64 -out ImportToken.bin

  2. Run the following command to import the wrapped private key. Make sure to replace <KMS KeyID> with the key ID of the KMS key that you created in Step 1.
    aws kms import-key-material --key-id <KMS KeyID> \
    --encrypted-key-material fileb://EncryptedECC_P256KeyMaterial.bin \
    --import-token fileb://ImportToken.bin \
    --expiration-model KEY_MATERIAL_DOES_NOT_EXPIRE

Test whether your private key was imported successfully

The nature of asymmetric cryptography means that a digital signature produced by your private key should produce the same signature on the same message, regardless of the tool that you used to perform the signing operation. To verify that your imported private key functions the same in both CloudHSM and AWS KMS, you can perform a signing operation and compare the signature on CloudHSM and AWS KMS to make sure that they are the same.

Another way to check that your imported private key functions are the same in AWS KMS is to perform a signing operation and then verify the signature by using the corresponding public key that you exported from CloudHSM in Step 4. We will show you how to use this method to check that your private key was imported successfully.

To test that your private key was imported

  1. Create a simple message in a text file and encode it in base64.
    echo -n 'Testing My Imported Key!' | openssl base64 -out msg_base64.txt

  2. Perform the signing operation by using AWS KMS. Make sure to replace <YourImported KMS KeyID> with your own information.
    aws kms sign --key-id <YourImported KMS KeyID> --message fileb://msg_base64.txt --message-type RAW --signing-algorithm ECDSA_SHA_256

    The following shows the output of the signing operation.

    "KeyId": "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:111122223333:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab",
    "Signature": "EXAMPLEXsP11QVTkrSsab2CygcgtodDbSpd+j558B4qINpKIxwIhAMkKwd65mA3roo76ItuHiRsbwO9F0XMyuyKCKEXAMPLE",
    "SigningAlgorithm": "ECDSA_SHA_256"

  3. Save the signature in a separate file called signature.sig and decode it from base64 to binary.
    openssl enc -d -base64 -in signature.sig -out signature.bin

  4. Verify the signature by using the public key that you exported from CloudHSM in Step 4.
    openssl dgst -sha256 -verify <KeyName.pem> -signature signature.bin msg_base64.txt

    If successful, you should see a message that says Verified OK.


In this post, you learned how to import an asymmetric key into AWS KMS from CloudHSM by using the CloudHSM CLI.

Although this post focused on migrating keys from CloudHSM, you can also follow the general directions to import your asymmetric key from elsewhere. When you import a private key, make sure that the imported key matches the key spec and the wrapping algorithm that you choose in AWS KMS.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

Mani Manasa Mylavarapu

Mani Manasa Mylavarapu

Manasa is a Software Development Manager at AWS KMS. Manasa leads the development of custom key store features for both the CloudHSM Key Store and External Key Store. Beyond her professional role, Manasa enjoys playing board games and exploring the scenic hikes of Seattle.


Kevin Lee

Kevin is a Senior Product Manager at AWS KMS. Kevin’s work interests include client-side encryption and key management strategy within a multi-tenant environment. Outside of work, Kevin enjoys occasional camping and snowboarding in the Pacific Northwest and playing video games.

Patrick Palmer

Patrick Palmer

Patrick is a Principal Security Specialist Solutions Architect. He helps customers around the world use AWS services in a secure manner, and specializes in cryptography. When not working, he enjoys spending time with his growing family and playing video games.

Preprocess and fine-tune LLMs quickly and cost-effectively using Amazon EMR Serverless and Amazon SageMaker

Post Syndicated from Shijian Tang original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/preprocess-and-fine-tune-llms-quickly-and-cost-effectively-using-amazon-emr-serverless-and-amazon-sagemaker/

Large language models (LLMs) are becoming increasing popular, with new use cases constantly being explored. In general, you can build applications powered by LLMs by incorporating prompt engineering into your code. However, there are cases where prompting an existing LLM falls short. This is where model fine-tuning can help. Prompt engineering is about guiding the model’s output by crafting input prompts, whereas fine-tuning is about training the model on custom datasets to make it better suited for specific tasks or domains.

Before you can fine-tune a model, you need to find a task-specific dataset. One dataset that is commonly used is the Common Crawl dataset. The Common Crawl corpus contains petabytes of data, regularly collected since 2008, and contains raw webpage data, metadata extracts, and text extracts. In addition to determining which dataset should be used, cleansing and processing the data to the fine-tuning’s specific need is required.

We recently worked with a customer who wanted to preprocess a subset of the latest Common Crawl dataset and then fine-tune their LLM with cleaned data. The customer was looking for how they could achieve this in the most cost-effective way on AWS. After discussing the requirements, we recommended using Amazon EMR Serverless as their platform for data preprocessing. EMR Serverless is well suited for large-scale data processing and eliminates the need for infrastructure maintenance. In terms of cost, it only charges based on the resources and duration used for each job. The customer was able to preprocess hundreds of TBs of data within a week using EMR Serverless. After they preprocessed the data, they used Amazon SageMaker to fine-tune the LLM.

In this post, we walk you through the customer’s use case and architecture used.

Solution overview

In the following sections, we first introduce the Common Crawl dataset and how to explore and filter the data we need. Amazon Athena only charges for the data size it scans and is used to explore and filter the data quickly, while being cost-effective. EMR Serverless provides a cost-efficient and no-maintenance option for Spark data processing, and is used to process the filtered data. Next, we use Amazon SageMaker JumpStart to fine-tune the Llama 2 model with the preprocessed dataset. SageMaker JumpStart provides a set of solutions for the most common use cases that can be deployed with just a few clicks. You don’t need to write any code to fine-tune an LLM such as Llama 2. Finally, we deploy the fine-tuned model using Amazon SageMaker and compare the differences in text output for the same question between the original and fine-tuned Llama 2 models.

The following diagram illustrates the architecture of this solution.


Before you dive deep into the solution details, complete the following prerequisite steps:

  1. Create an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket to store the cleaned dataset. For instructions, refer to Create your first S3 bucket.
  2. Set up Athena to run interactive SQL.
  3. Create an EMR Serverless environment.
  4. Prepare Amazon SageMaker Studio to fine-tune your LLM and run Jupyter notebooks. For instructions, refer to Get started.

The Common Crawl dataset

Common Crawl is an open corpus dataset obtained by crawling over 50 billion webpages. It includes massive amounts of unstructured data in multiple languages, starting from 2008 and reaching the petabyte level. It is continuously updated.

In the training of GPT-3, the Common Crawl dataset accounts for 60% of its training data, as shown in the following diagram (source: Language Models are Few-Shot Learners).

Another important dataset worth mentioning is the C4 dataset. C4, short for Colossal Clean Crawled Corpus, is a dataset derived from postprocessing the Common Crawl dataset. In Meta’s LLaMA paper, they outlined the datasets used, with Common Crawl accounting for 67% (utilizing 3.3 TB of data) and C4 for 15% (utilizing 783 GB of data). The paper emphasizes the significance of incorporating differently preprocessed data for enhancing model performance. Despite the original C4 data being part of Common Crawl, Meta opted for the reprocessed version of this data.

In this section, we cover common ways to interact, filter, and process the Common Crawl dataset.

Common Crawl data

The Common Crawl raw dataset includes three types of data files: raw webpage data (WARC), metadata (WAT), and text extraction (WET).

Data collected after 2013 is stored in WARC format and includes corresponding metadata (WAT) and text extraction data (WET). The dataset is located in Amazon S3, updated on a monthly basis, and can be accessed directly through AWS Marketplace.

For example, the following snippet is data from June of 2023:

$  aws s3 ls s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-23/
PRE segments/
2023-06-21  00:34:08       2164  cc-index-table.paths.gz
2023-06-21  00:34:08        637 cc-index.paths.gz
2023-06-21  05:52:05       2724 index.html
2023-06-21  00:34:09     161064  non200responses.paths.gz
2023-06-21  00:34:10     160888 robotstxt.paths.gz
2023-06-21  00:34:10        480 segment.paths.gz
2023-06-21  00:34:11     161082 warc.paths.gz
2023-06-21  00:34:12     160895 wat.paths.gz
2023-06-21  00:34:12     160898 wet.paths.gz


The Common Crawl dataset also provides an index table for filtering data, which is called cc-index-table.

The cc-index-table is an index of the existing data, providing a table-based index of WARC files. It allows for easy lookup of information, such as which WARC file corresponds to a specific URL.

The Common Crawl GitHub repo provides corresponding Athena statements to query the index. For explanations of each field, refer to Common Crawl Index Athena.

For example, you can create an Athena table to map cc-index data with the following code:

  url_surtkey                   STRING,
  url                           STRING,
  url_host_name                 STRING,
  url_host_tld                  STRING,
  url_host_2nd_last_part        STRING,
  url_host_3rd_last_part        STRING,
  url_host_4th_last_part        STRING,
  url_host_5th_last_part        STRING,
  url_host_registry_suffix      STRING,
  url_host_registered_domain    STRING,
  url_host_private_suffix       STRING,
  url_host_private_domain       STRING,
  url_host_name_reversed        STRING,
  url_protocol                  STRING,
  url_port                      INT,
  url_path                      STRING,
  url_query                     STRING,
  fetch_time                    TIMESTAMP,
  fetch_status                  SMALLINT,
  fetch_redirect                STRING,
  content_digest                STRING,
  content_mime_type             STRING,
  content_mime_detected         STRING,
  content_charset               STRING,
  content_languages             STRING,
  content_truncated             STRING,
  warc_filename                 STRING,
  warc_record_offset            INT,
  warc_record_length            INT,
  warc_segment                  STRING)
  crawl                         STRING,
  subset                        STRING)
STORED  AS parquet
LOCATION  's3://commoncrawl/cc-index/table/cc-main/warc/';
# add partitions

# query
select  * from ccindex 
where  crawl = 'CC-MAIN-2018-05' 
  and  subset = 'warc' 
  and  url_host_tld = 'no' 
limit  10

The preceding SQL statements demonstrate how to create an Athena table, add partitions, and run a query.

Filter data from the Common Crawl dataset

As you can see from the create table SQL statement, there are several fields that can help filter the data. For example, if you want to get the count of Chinese documents during a specific period, then the SQL statement could be as follows:

FROM  ccindex
WHERE  (crawl = 'CC-MAIN-2023-14'
  OR crawl = 'CC-MAIN-2023-23')
  AND subset = 'warc'
  AND content_languages ='zho'
LIMIT  10000

If you want to do further processing, you can save the results to another S3 bucket.

Analyze the filtered data

The Common Crawl GitHub repository provides several PySpark examples for processing the raw data.

Let’s look at an example of running server_count.py (example script provided by the Common Crawl GitHub repo) on the data located in s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-23/segments/1685224643388.45/warc/.

First, you need a Spark environment, such as EMR Spark. For example, you can launch an Amazon EMR on EC2 cluster in us-east-1 (because the dataset is in us-east-1). Using an EMR on EC2 cluster can help you carry out tests before submitting jobs to the production environment.

After launching an EMR on EC2 cluster, you need to do an SSH login to the primary node of the cluster. Then, package the Python environment and submit the script (refer to the Conda documentation to install Miniconda):

#  create conda environment
conda  create -y -n example -c dmnapolitano python=3.7 botocore boto3 ujson requests  conda-pack warcio

#  package the conda env
conda  activate example
conda  pack -o environment.tar.gz

#  get script from common crawl github
git  clone https://github.com/commoncrawl/cc-pyspark.git

#  copy target file path to local
aws  s3 cp s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-23/warc.paths.gz .
gzip  -d warc.paths.gz

#  put warc list to hdfs
hdfs  dfs -put warc.paths

#  submit job
spark-submit  --conf spark.yarn.appMasterEnv.PYSPARK_PYTHON=./environment/bin/python \
--conf spark.sql.warehouse.dir=s3://xxxx-common-crawl/output/  \
--master yarn \ 
--deploy-mode cluster \
--archives environment.tar.gz#environment \
--py-files cc-pyspark/sparkcc.py  cc-pyspark/server_count.py --input_base_url  s3://commoncrawl/ ./warc.paths count_demo

It can take time to process all references in the warc.path. For demo purposes, you can improve the processing time with the following strategies:

  • Download the file s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-23/warc.paths.gz to your local machine, unzip it, and then upload it to HDFS or Amazon S3. This is because the .gzip file is not splitable. You need to unzip it to process this file in parallel.
  • Modify the warc.path file, delete most of its lines, and only keep two lines to make the job run much faster.

After the job is complete, you can see the result in s3://xxxx-common-crawl/output/, in Parquet format.

Implement customized possessing logic

The Common Crawl GitHub repo provides a common approach to process WARC files. Generally, you can extend the CCSparkJob to override a single method (process_record), which is sufficient for many cases.

Let’s look at an example to get the IMDB reviews of recent movies. First, you need to filter out files on the IMDB site:

FROM  ccindex
WHERE  (crawl = 'CC-MAIN-2023-06'
  OR crawl = 'CC-MAIN-2023-40')
  AND subset = 'warc'
  AND url like  'https://www.imdb.com/title/%/reviews'
LIMIT  1000

Then you can get WARC file lists that contain IMDB review data, and save the WARC file names as a list in a text file.

Alternatively, you can use EMR Spark get the WARC file list and store it in Amazon S3. For example:

sql  = """SELECT
FROM  ccindex
WHERE  (crawl = 'CC-MAIN-2023-06'
  OR crawl = 'CC-MAIN-2023-40')
  AND subset = 'warc'
  AND url like  'https://www.imdb.com/title/%/reviews'

warc_list  = spark.sql(sql)

#  write result list to s3

The output file should look similar to s3://xxxx-common-crawl/warclist/imdb_warclist/part-00000-6af12797-0cdc-4ef2-a438-cf2b935f2ffd-c000.txt.

The next step is to extract user reviews from these WARC files. You can extend the CCSparkJob to override the process_record() method:

from  sparkcc import CCSparkJob
from  bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from  urllib.parse import urlsplit
class  IMDB_Extract_Job(CCSparkJob):
    name = "IMDB_Reviews"
    def process_record(self, record):
        if self.is_response_record(record):
            # WARC response record
            domain =  urlsplit(record.rec_headers['WARC-Target-URI']).hostname
            if domain == 'www.imdb.com':
                # get web contents
                contents = (
                        .decode("utf-8", "replace")
                # parse with beautiful soup
                soup =  BeautifulSoup(contents, "html.parser")
                # get reviews
                review_divs =  soup.find_all(class_="text show-more__control")
                for div in review_divs:
                    yield div.text,1
if  __name__ == "__main__":
    job = IMDB_Extract_Job()

You can save the preceding script as imdb_extractor.py, which you’ll use in the following steps. After you have prepared the data and scripts, you can use EMR Serverless to process the filtered data.

EMR Serverless

EMR Serverless is a serverless deployment option to run big data analytics applications using open source frameworks like Apache Spark and Hive without configuring, managing, and scaling clusters or servers.

With EMR Serverless, you can run analytics workloads at any scale with automatic scaling that resizes resources in seconds to meet changing data volumes and processing requirements. EMR Serverless automatically scales resources up and down to provide the right amount of capacity for your application, and you only pay for what you use.

Processing the Common Crawl dataset is generally a one-time processing task, making it suitable for EMR Serverless workloads.

Create an EMR Serverless application

You can create an EMR Serverless application on the EMR Studio console. Complete the following steps:

  1. On the EMR Studio console, choose Applications under Serverless in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create application.

  1. Provide a name for the application and choose an Amazon EMR version.

  1. If access to VPC resources is required, add a customized network setting.

  1. Choose Create application.

Your Spark serverless environment will then be ready.

Before you can submit a job to EMR Spark Serverless, you still need to create an execution role. Refer to Getting started with Amazon EMR Serverless for more details.

Process Common Crawl data with EMR Serverless

After your EMR Spark Serverless application is ready, complete the following steps to process the data:

  1. Prepare a Conda environment and upload it to Amazon S3, which will be used as the environment in EMR Spark Serverless.
  2. Upload the scripts to be run to an S3 bucket. In the following example, there are two scripts:
    1. imbd_extractor.py – Customized logic to extract contents from the dataset. The contents can be found earlier in this post.
    2. cc-pyspark/sparkcc.py – The example PySpark framework from the Common Crawl GitHub repo, which is necessary to be included.
  3. Submit the PySpark job to EMR Serverless Spark. Define the following parameters to run this example in your environment:
    1. application-id – The application ID of your EMR Serverless application.
    2. execution-role-arn – Your EMR Serverless execution role. To create it, refer to Create a job runtime role.
    3. WARC file location – The location of your WARC files. s3://xxxx-common-crawl/warclist/imdb_warclist/part-00000-6af12797-0cdc-4ef2-a438-cf2b935f2ffd-c000.txt contains the filtered WARC file list, which you obtained earlier in this post.
    4. spark.sql.warehouse.dir – The default warehouse location (use your S3 directory).
    5. spark.archives – The S3 location of the prepared Conda environment.
    6. spark.submit.pyFiles – The prepared PySpark script sparkcc.py.

See the following code:

# 1. create conda environment
conda  create -y -n imdb -c dmnapolitano python=3.7 botocore boto3 ujson requests  conda-pack warcio bs4
# 2. package the conda  env, and upload to s3
conda  activate imdb 
conda  pack -o imdbenv.tar.gz
aws  s3 cp imdbenv.tar.gz s3://xxxx-common-crawl/env/
# 3. upload scripts to S3
aws  s3 cp imdb_extractor.py s3://xxxx-common-crawl/scripts/
aws  s3 cp cc-pyspark/sparkcc.py s3://xxxx-common-crawl/scripts/
# 4. submit job to EMR Serverless
aws  emr-serverless start-job-run \
    --application-id 00fdsobht2skro2l \
    --execution-role-arn  arn:aws:iam::xxxx:role/EMR-Serverless-JobExecutionRole \
    --name imdb-retrive \
    --job-driver '{
        "sparkSubmit": {
          "entryPoint":  "s3://xxxx-common-crawl/scripts/imdb_extractor.py",
          "entryPointArguments":  ["--input_base_url" ,"s3://commoncrawl/",  "s3://xxxx-common-crawl/warclist/imdb_warclist/part-00000-6af12797-0cdc-4ef2-a438-cf2b935f2ffd-c000.txt",  "imdb_reviews", "--num_output_partitions",  "1"],
          "sparkSubmitParameters":  "--conf spark.sql.warehouse.dir=s3://xxxx-common-crawl/output/ --conf  spark.network.timeout=10000000 —conf  spark.executor.heartbeatInterval=10000000 —conf spark.executor.instances=100  —conf spark.executor.cores=4 —conf spark.executor.memory=16g —conf  spark.driver.memory=16g   —conf  spark.archives=s3://xxxx-common-crawl/env/imdbenv.tar.gz#environment —conf  spark.emr-serverless.driverEnv.PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON=./environment/bin/python  —conf spark.emr-serverless.driverEnv.PYSPARK_PYTHON=./environment/bin/python  —conf spark.executorEnv.PYSPARK_PYTHON=./environment/bin/python —conf  spark.submit.pyFiles=s3://xxxx-common-crawl/scripts/sparkcc.py“

After the job is complete, the extracted reviews are stored in Amazon S3. To check the contents, you can use Amazon S3 Select, as shown in the following screenshot.


The following are the points to consider when dealing with massive amounts of data with customized code:

  • Some third-party Python libraries may not be available in Conda. In such cases, you can switch to a Python virtual environment to build the PySpark runtime environment.
  • If there is a massive amount of data to be processed, try to create and use multiple EMR Serverless Spark applications to parallelize it. Each application deals with a subset of file lists.
  • You may encounter a slowdown issue with Amazon S3 when filtering or processing the Common Crawl data. This is because the S3 bucket storing the data is publicly accessible, and other users may access the data at the same time. To mitigate this issue, you can add a retry mechanism or sync specific data from the Common Crawl S3 bucket to your own bucket.

Fine-tune Llama 2 with SageMaker

After the data is prepared, you can fine-tune a Llama 2 model with it. You can do so using SageMaker JumpStart, without writing any code. For more information, refer to Fine-tune Llama 2 for text generation on Amazon SageMaker JumpStart.

In this scenario, you carry out a domain adaption fine-tuning. With this dataset, input consists of a CSV, JSON, or TXT file. You need to put all review data in a TXT file. To do so, you can submit a straightforward Spark job to EMR Spark Serverless. See the following sample code snippet:

# disable generating _SUCCESS file
spark.conf.set("mapreduce.fileoutputcommitter.marksuccessfuljobs",  "false")

data  = spark.read.parquet("s3://xxxx-common-crawl/output/imdb_reviews/")


After you prepare the training data, enter the data location for Training data set, then choose Train.

You can track the training job status.

Evaluate the fine-tuned model

After training is complete, choose Deploy in SageMaker JumpStart to deploy your fine-tuned model.

After the model is successfully deployed, choose Open Notebook, which redirects you to a prepared Jupyter notebook where you can run your Python code.

You can use the image Data Science 2.0 and the Python 3 kernel for the notebook.

Then, you can evaluate the fine-tuned model and the original model in this notebook.

endpoint_name_original = "jumpstart-dft-meta-textgeneration-llama-2-7b-origin"
endpoint_name_fine_tuned = "jumpstart-ftc-meta-textgeneration-llama-2-7b"

payload = {
    "inputs": "The review of movie 'A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate' is ",
    "parameters": {
        "max_new_tokens": 256,
        "top_p": 0.9,
        "temperature": 0.6,
        "return_full_text": True,
def query_endpoint(payload, endpoint_name):
    client = boto3.client("sagemaker-runtime")
    response = client.invoke_endpoint(
    response = response["Body"].read().decode("utf8")
    response = json.loads(response)
    print(endpoint_name + ": \n" + response[0]['generation'])

query_endpoint(payload, endpoint_name_original)
query_endpoint(payload, endpoint_name_fine_tuned)

The following are two responses returned by the original model and fine-tuned model for the same question.

We provided both models with the same sentence: “The review of movie ‘A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate’ is” and let them complete the sentence.

The original model outputs meaningless sentences:

"The review of movie 'A woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate' is 3.0/5.

A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate(1923)

A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate movie released on 17 October, 1992. The movie is directed by. A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate featured Jeanne Eagles, William Haines, Burr McIntosh and Jack Rollens in lead rols.


In contrast, the fine-tuned model’s outputs are more like a movie review:

" The review of movie 'A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate' is 6.3/10. I liked the story, the plot, the character, the background. The performances are amazing. Rory (Judy Davis) is an Australian photographer who travels to Africa to photograph the people, wildlife, and scenery. She meets Peter (Donald Sutherland), a zoologist, and they begin a relationship..."

Obviously, the fine-tuned model performs better in this specific scenario.

Clean up

After you finish this exercise, complete the following steps to clean up your resources:

  1. Delete the S3 bucket that stores the cleaned dataset.
  2. Stop the EMR Serverless environment.
  3. Delete the SageMaker endpoint that hosts the LLM model.
  4. Delete the SageMaker domain that runs your notebooks.

The application you created should stop automatically after 15 minutes of inactivity by default.

Generally, you don’t need to clean up the Athena environment because there are no charges when you’re not using it.


In this post, we introduced the Common Crawl dataset and how to use EMR Serverless to process the data for LLM fine-tuning. Then we demonstrated how to use SageMaker JumpStart to fine-tune the LLM and deploy it without any code. For more use cases of EMR Serverless, refer to Amazon EMR Serverless. For more information about hosting and fine-tuning models on Amazon SageMaker JumpStart, refer to the Sagemaker JumpStart documentation.

About the Authors

Shijian Tang is a Analytics Specialist Solution Architect at Amazon Web Services.

Matthew Liem is a Senior Solution Architecture Manager at Amazon Web Services.

Dalei Xu is a Analytics Specialist Solution Architect at Amazon Web Services.

Yuanjun Xiao is a Senior Solution Architect at Amazon Web Services.

Mastering market dynamics: Transforming transaction cost analytics with ultra-precise Tick History – PCAP and Amazon Athena for Apache Spark

Post Syndicated from Pramod Nayak original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/mastering-market-dynamics-transforming-transaction-cost-analytics-with-ultra-precise-tick-history-pcap-and-amazon-athena-for-apache-spark/

This post is cowritten with Pramod Nayak, LakshmiKanth Mannem and Vivek Aggarwal from the Low Latency Group of LSEG.

Transaction cost analysis (TCA) is widely used by traders, portfolio managers, and brokers for pre-trade and post-trade analysis, and helps them measure and optimize transaction costs and the effectiveness of their trading strategies. In this post, we analyze options bid-ask spreads from the LSEG Tick History – PCAP dataset using Amazon Athena for Apache Spark. We show you how to access data, define custom functions to apply on data, query and filter the dataset, and visualize the results of the analysis, all without having to worry about setting up infrastructure or configuring Spark, even for large datasets.


Options Price Reporting Authority (OPRA) serves as a crucial securities information processor, collecting, consolidating, and disseminating last sale reports, quotes, and pertinent information for US Options. With 18 active US Options exchanges and over 1.5 million eligible contracts, OPRA plays a pivotal role in providing comprehensive market data.

On February 5, 2024, the Securities Industry Automation Corporation (SIAC) is set to upgrade the OPRA feed from 48 to 96 multicast channels. This enhancement aims to optimize symbol distribution and line capacity utilization in response to escalating trading activity and volatility in the US options market. SIAC has recommended that firms prepare for peak data rates of up to 37.3 GBits per second.

Despite the upgrade not immediately altering the total volume of published data, it enables OPRA to disseminate data at a significantly faster rate. This transition is crucial for addressing the demands of the dynamic options market.

OPRA stands out as one the most voluminous feeds, with a peak of 150.4 billion messages in a single day in Q3 2023 and a capacity headroom requirement of 400 billion messages over a single day. Capturing every single message is critical for transaction cost analytics, market liquidity monitoring, trading strategy evaluation, and market research.

About the data

LSEG Tick History – PCAP is a cloud-based repository, exceeding 30 PB, housing ultra-high-quality global market data. This data is meticulously captured directly within the exchange data centers, employing redundant capture processes strategically positioned in major primary and backup exchange data centers worldwide. LSEG’s capture technology ensures lossless data capture and uses a GPS time-source for nanosecond timestamp precision. Additionally, sophisticated data arbitrage techniques are employed to seamlessly fill any data gaps. Subsequent to capture, the data undergoes meticulous processing and arbitration, and is then normalized into Parquet format using LSEG’s Real Time Ultra Direct (RTUD) feed handlers.

The normalization process, which is integral to preparing the data for analysis, generates up to 6 TB of compressed Parquet files per day. The massive volume of data is attributed to the encompassing nature of OPRA, spanning multiple exchanges, and featuring numerous options contracts characterized by diverse attributes. Increased market volatility and market making activity on the options exchanges further contribute to the volume of data published on OPRA.

The attributes of Tick History – PCAP enable firms to conduct various analyses, including the following:

  • Pre-trade analysis – Evaluate potential trade impact and explore different execution strategies based on historical data
  • Post-trade evaluation – Measure actual execution costs against benchmarks to assess the performance of execution strategies
  • Optimized execution – Fine-tune execution strategies based on historical market patterns to minimize market impact and reduce overall trading costs
  • Risk management – Identify slippage patterns, identify outliers, and proactively manage risks associated with trading activities
  • Performance attribution – Separate the impact of trading decisions from investment decisions when analyzing portfolio performance

The LSEG Tick History – PCAP dataset is available in AWS Data Exchange and can be accessed on AWS Marketplace. With AWS Data Exchange for Amazon S3, you can access PCAP data directly from LSEG’s Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets, eliminating the need for firms to store their own copy of the data. This approach streamlines data management and storage, providing clients immediate access to high-quality PCAP or normalized data with ease of use, integration, and substantial data storage savings.

Athena for Apache Spark

For analytical endeavors, Athena for Apache Spark offers a simplified notebook experience accessible through the Athena console or Athena APIs, allowing you to build interactive Apache Spark applications. With an optimized Spark runtime, Athena helps the analysis of petabytes of data by dynamically scaling the number of Spark engines is less than a second. Moreover, common Python libraries such as pandas and NumPy are seamlessly integrated, allowing for the creation of intricate application logic. The flexibility extends to the importation of custom libraries for use in notebooks. Athena for Spark accommodates most open-data formats and is seamlessly integrated with the AWS Glue Data Catalog.


For this analysis, we used the LSEG Tick History – PCAP OPRA dataset from May 17, 2023. This dataset comprises the following components:

  • Best bid and offer (BBO) – Reports the highest bid and lowest ask for a security at a given exchange
  • National best bid and offer (NBBO) – Reports the highest bid and lowest ask for a security across all exchanges
  • Trades – Records completed trades across all exchanges

The dataset involves the following data volumes:

  • Trades – 160 MB distributed across approximately 60 compressed Parquet files
  • BBO – 2.4 TB distributed across approximately 300 compressed Parquet files
  • NBBO – 2.8 TB distributed across approximately 200 compressed Parquet files

Analysis overview

Analyzing OPRA Tick History data for Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA) involves scrutinizing market quotes and trades around a specific trade event. We use the following metrics as part of this study:

  • Quoted spread (QS) – Calculated as the difference between the BBO ask and the BBO bid
  • Effective spread (ES) – Calculated as the difference between the trade price and the midpoint of the BBO (BBO bid + (BBO ask – BBO bid)/2)
  • Effective/quoted spread (EQF) – Calculated as (ES / QS) * 100

We calculate these spreads before the trade and additionally at four intervals after the trade (just after, 1 second, 10 seconds, and 60 seconds after the trade).

Configure Athena for Apache Spark

To configure Athena for Apache Spark, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Athena console, under Get started, select Analyze your data using PySpark and Spark SQL.
  2. If this is your first time using Athena Spark, choose Create workgroup.
  3. For Workgroup name¸ enter a name for the workgroup, such as tca-analysis.
  4. In the Analytics engine section, select Apache Spark.
  5. In the Additional configurations section, you can choose Use defaults or provide a custom AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role and Amazon S3 location for calculation results.
  6. Choose Create workgroup.
  7. After you create the workgroup, navigate to the Notebooks tab and choose Create notebook.
  8. Enter a name for your notebook, such as tca-analysis-with-tick-history.
  9. Choose Create to create your notebook.

Launch your notebook

If you have already created a Spark workgroup, select Launch notebook editor under Get started.

After your notebook is created, you will be redirected to the interactive notebook editor.

Now we can add and run the following code to our notebook.

Create an analysis

Complete the following steps to create an analysis:

  • Import common libraries:
import pandas as pd
import plotly.express as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go
  • Create our data frames for BBO, NBBO, and trades:
bbo_quote = spark.read.parquet(f"s3://<bucket>/mt=bbo_quote/f=opra/dt=2023-05-17/*")
nbbo_quote = spark.read.parquet(f"s3://<bucket>/mt=nbbo_quote/f=opra/dt=2023-05-17/*")
trades = spark.read.parquet(f"s3://<bucket>/mt=trade/f=opra/dt=2023-05-17/29_1.parquet")
  • Now we can identify a trade to use for transaction cost analysis:
filtered_trades = spark.sql("select Product, Price,Quantity, ReceiptTimestamp, MarketParticipant from trades")

We get the following output:

|Product |Price |Quantity |ReceiptTimestamp |MarketParticipant| 
|QQQ 230518C00329000|1.1700000000000000000|10.0000000000000000000|1684338565538021907,NYSEArca|
|QQQ 230518C00329000|1.1700000000000000000|20.0000000000000000000|1684338576071397557,NASDAQOMXPHLX|
|QQQ 230518C00329000|1.1600000000000000000|1.0000000000000000000|1684338579104713924,ISE|
|QQQ 230518C00329000|1.1400000000000000000|1.0000000000000000000|1684338580263307057,NASDAQOMXBX_Options|
|QQQ 230518C00329000|1.1200000000000000000|1.0000000000000000000|1684338581025332599,ISE|

We use the highlighted trade information going forward for the trade product (tp), trade price (tpr), and trade time (tt).

  • Here we create a number of helper functions for our analysis
def calculate_es_qs_eqf(df, trade_price):
    df['BidPrice'] = df['BidPrice'].astype('double')
    df['AskPrice'] = df['AskPrice'].astype('double')
    df["ES"] = ((df["AskPrice"]-df["BidPrice"])/2) - trade_price
    df["QS"] = df["AskPrice"]-df["BidPrice"]
    df["EQF"] = (df["ES"]/df["QS"])*100
    return df

def get_trade_before_n_seconds(trade_time, df, seconds=0, groupby_col = None):
    nseconds += trade_time
    ret_df = df[df['ReceiptTimestamp'] < nseconds].groupby(groupby_col).last()
    ret_df['BidPrice'] = ret_df['BidPrice'].astype('double')
    ret_df['AskPrice'] = ret_df['AskPrice'].astype('double')
    ret_df = ret_df.reset_index()
    return ret_df

def get_trade_after_n_seconds(trade_time, df, seconds=0, groupby_col = None):
    nseconds += trade_time
    ret_df = df[df['ReceiptTimestamp'] > nseconds].groupby(groupby_col).first()
    ret_df['BidPrice'] = ret_df['BidPrice'].astype('double')
    ret_df['AskPrice'] = ret_df['AskPrice'].astype('double')
    ret_df = ret_df.reset_index()
    return ret_df

def get_nbbo_trade_before_n_seconds(trade_time, df, seconds=0):
    nseconds += trade_time
    ret_df = df[df['ReceiptTimestamp'] < nseconds].iloc[-1:]
    ret_df['BidPrice'] = ret_df['BidPrice'].astype('double')
    ret_df['AskPrice'] = ret_df['AskPrice'].astype('double')
    return ret_df

def get_nbbo_trade_after_n_seconds(trade_time, df, seconds=0):
    nseconds += trade_time
    ret_df = df[df['ReceiptTimestamp'] > nseconds].iloc[:1]
    ret_df['BidPrice'] = ret_df['BidPrice'].astype('double')
    ret_df['AskPrice'] = ret_df['AskPrice'].astype('double')
    return ret_df
  • In the following function, we create the dataset that contains all the quotes before and after the trade. Athena Spark automatically determines how many DPUs to launch for processing our dataset.
def get_tca_analysis_via_df_single_query(trade_product, trade_price, trade_time):
    # BBO quotes
    bbos = spark.sql(f"SELECT Product, ReceiptTimestamp, AskPrice, BidPrice, MarketParticipant FROM bbo_quote where Product = '{trade_product}';")
    bbos = bbos.toPandas()

    bbo_just_before = get_trade_before_n_seconds(trade_time, bbos, seconds=0, groupby_col='MarketParticipant')
    bbo_just_after = get_trade_after_n_seconds(trade_time, bbos, seconds=0, groupby_col='MarketParticipant')
    bbo_1s_after = get_trade_after_n_seconds(trade_time, bbos, seconds=1, groupby_col='MarketParticipant')
    bbo_10s_after = get_trade_after_n_seconds(trade_time, bbos, seconds=10, groupby_col='MarketParticipant')
    bbo_60s_after = get_trade_after_n_seconds(trade_time, bbos, seconds=60, groupby_col='MarketParticipant')
    all_bbos = pd.concat([bbo_just_before, bbo_just_after, bbo_1s_after, bbo_10s_after, bbo_60s_after], ignore_index=True, sort=False)
    bbos_calculated = calculate_es_qs_eqf(all_bbos, trade_price)

    #NBBO quotes
    nbbos = spark.sql(f"SELECT Product, ReceiptTimestamp, AskPrice, BidPrice, BestBidParticipant, BestAskParticipant FROM nbbo_quote where Product = '{trade_product}';")
    nbbos = nbbos.toPandas()

    nbbo_just_before = get_nbbo_trade_before_n_seconds(trade_time,nbbos, seconds=0)
    nbbo_just_after = get_nbbo_trade_after_n_seconds(trade_time, nbbos, seconds=0)
    nbbo_1s_after = get_nbbo_trade_after_n_seconds(trade_time, nbbos, seconds=1)
    nbbo_10s_after = get_nbbo_trade_after_n_seconds(trade_time, nbbos, seconds=10)
    nbbo_60s_after = get_nbbo_trade_after_n_seconds(trade_time, nbbos, seconds=60)

    all_nbbos = pd.concat([nbbo_just_before, nbbo_just_after, nbbo_1s_after, nbbo_10s_after, nbbo_60s_after], ignore_index=True, sort=False)
    nbbos_calculated = calculate_es_qs_eqf(all_nbbos, trade_price)

    calc = pd.concat([bbos_calculated, nbbos_calculated], ignore_index=True, sort=False)
    return calc
  • Now let’s call the TCA analysis function with the information from our selected trade:
tp = "QQQ 230518C00329000"
tpr = 1.16
tt = 1684338579104713924
c = get_tca_analysis_via_df_single_query(tp, tpr, tt)

Visualize the analysis results

Now let’s create the data frames we use for our visualization. Each data frame contains quotes for one of the five time intervals for each data feed (BBO, NBBO):

bbo = c[c['MarketParticipant'].isin(['BBO'])]
bbo_bef = bbo[bbo['ReceiptTimestamp'] < tt]
bbo_aft_0 = bbo[bbo['ReceiptTimestamp'].between(tt,tt+1000000000)]
bbo_aft_1 = bbo[bbo['ReceiptTimestamp'].between(tt+1000000000,tt+10000000000)]
bbo_aft_10 = bbo[bbo['ReceiptTimestamp'].between(tt+10000000000,tt+60000000000)]
bbo_aft_60 = bbo[bbo['ReceiptTimestamp'] > (tt+60000000000)]

nbbo = c[~c['MarketParticipant'].isin(['BBO'])]
nbbo_bef = nbbo[nbbo['ReceiptTimestamp'] < tt]
nbbo_aft_0 = nbbo[nbbo['ReceiptTimestamp'].between(tt,tt+1000000000)]
nbbo_aft_1 = nbbo[nbbo['ReceiptTimestamp'].between(tt+1000000000,tt+10000000000)]
nbbo_aft_10 = nbbo[nbbo['ReceiptTimestamp'].between(tt+10000000000,tt+60000000000)]
nbbo_aft_60 = nbbo[nbbo['ReceiptTimestamp'] > (tt+60000000000)]

In the following sections, we provide example code to create different visualizations.

Plot QS and NBBO before the trade

Use the following code to plot the quoted spread and NBBO before the trade:

fig = px.bar(title="Quoted Spread Before The Trade",
    labels={'x': 'Market', 'y':'Quoted Spread'})
    line_width=1, line_dash="dash", line_color="red",
    annotation_text="NBBO", annotation_font_color="red")
%plotly fig

Plot QS for each market and NBBO after the trade

Use the following code to plot the quoted spread for each market and NBBO immediately after the trade:

fig = px.bar(title="Quoted Spread After The Trade",
    labels={'x': 'Market', 'y':'Quoted Spread'})
    line_width=1, line_dash="dash", line_color="red",
    annotation_text="NBBO", annotation_font_color="red")
%plotly fig

Plot QS for each time interval and each market for BBO

Use the following code to plot the quoted spread for each time interval and each market for BBO:

fig = go.Figure(data=[
    go.Bar(name="before trade", x=bbo_bef.MarketParticipant.unique(), y=bbo_bef['QS']),
    go.Bar(name="0s after trade", x=bbo_aft_0.MarketParticipant.unique(), y=bbo_aft_0['QS']),
    go.Bar(name="1s after trade", x=bbo_aft_1.MarketParticipant.unique(), y=bbo_aft_1['QS']),
    go.Bar(name="10s after trade", x=bbo_aft_10.MarketParticipant.unique(), y=bbo_aft_10['QS']),
    go.Bar(name="60s after trade", x=bbo_aft_60.MarketParticipant.unique(), y=bbo_aft_60['QS'])])
fig.update_layout(barmode='group',title="BBO Quoted Spread Per Market/TimeFrame",
    yaxis={'title':'Quoted Spread'})
%plotly fig

Plot ES for each time interval and market for BBO

Use the following code to plot the effective spread for each time interval and market for BBO:

fig = go.Figure(data=[
    go.Bar(name="before trade", x=bbo_bef.MarketParticipant.unique(), y=bbo_bef['ES']),
    go.Bar(name="0s after trade", x=bbo_aft_0.MarketParticipant.unique(), y=bbo_aft_0['ES']),
    go.Bar(name="1s after trade", x=bbo_aft_1.MarketParticipant.unique(), y=bbo_aft_1['ES']),
    go.Bar(name="10s after trade", x=bbo_aft_10.MarketParticipant.unique(), y=bbo_aft_10['ES']),
    go.Bar(name="60s after trade", x=bbo_aft_60.MarketParticipant.unique(), y=bbo_aft_60['ES'])])
fig.update_layout(barmode='group',title="BBO Effective Spread Per Market/TimeFrame",
    yaxis={'title':'Effective Spread'})
%plotly fig

Plot EQF for each time interval and market for BBO

Use the following code to plot the effective/quoted spread for each time interval and market for BBO:

fig = go.Figure(data=[
    go.Bar(name="before trade", x=bbo_bef.MarketParticipant.unique(), y=bbo_bef['EQF']),
    go.Bar(name="0s after trade", x=bbo_aft_0.MarketParticipant.unique(), y=bbo_aft_0['EQF']),
    go.Bar(name="1s after trade", x=bbo_aft_1.MarketParticipant.unique(), y=bbo_aft_1['EQF']),
    go.Bar(name="10s after trade", x=bbo_aft_10.MarketParticipant.unique(), y=bbo_aft_10['EQF']),
    go.Bar(name="60s after trade", x=bbo_aft_60.MarketParticipant.unique(), y=bbo_aft_60['EQF'])])
fig.update_layout(barmode='group',title="BBO Effective/Quoted Spread Per Market/TimeFrame",
    yaxis={'title':'Effective/Quoted Spread'})
%plotly fig

Athena Spark calculation performance

When you run a code block, Athena Spark automatically determines how many DPUs it requires to complete the calculation. In the last code block, where we call the tca_analysis function, we are actually instructing Spark to process the data, and we then convert the resulting Spark dataframes into Pandas dataframes. This constitutes the most intensive processing part of the analysis, and when Athena Spark runs this block, it shows the progress bar, elapsed time, and how many DPUs are processing data currently. For example, in the following calculation, Athena Spark is utilizing 18 DPUs.

When you configure your Athena Spark notebook, you have the option of setting the maximum number of DPUs that it can use. The default is 20 DPUs, but we tested this calculation with 10, 20, and 40 DPUs to demonstrate how Athena Spark automatically scales to run our analysis. We observed that Athena Spark scales linearly, taking 15 minutes and 21 seconds when the notebook was configured with a maximum of 10 DPUs, 8 minutes and 23 seconds when the notebook was configured with 20 DPUs, and 4 minutes and 44 seconds when the notebook was configured with 40 DPUs. Because Athena Spark charges based on DPU usage, at a per-second granularity, the cost of these calculations is similar, but if you set a higher maximum DPU value, Athena Spark can return the result of the analysis much faster. For more details on Athena Spark pricing please click here.


In this post, we demonstrated how you can use high-fidelity OPRA data from LSEG’s Tick History-PCAP to perform transaction cost analytics using Athena Spark. The availability of OPRA data in a timely manner, complemented with accessibility innovations of AWS Data Exchange for Amazon S3, strategically reduces the time to analytics for firms looking to create actionable insights for critical trading decisions. OPRA generates about 7 TB of normalized Parquet data each day, and managing the infrastructure to provide analytics based on OPRA data is challenging.

Athena’s scalability in handling large-scale data processing for Tick History – PCAP for OPRA data makes it a compelling choice for organizations seeking swift and scalable analytics solutions in AWS. This post shows the seamless interaction between the AWS ecosystem and Tick History-PCAP data and how financial institutions can take advantage of this synergy to drive data-driven decision-making for critical trading and investment strategies.

About the Authors

Pramod Nayak is the Director of Product Management of the Low Latency Group at LSEG. Pramod has over 10 years of experience in the financial technology industry, focusing on software development, analytics, and data management. Pramod is a former software engineer and passionate about market data and quantitative trading.

LakshmiKanth Mannem is a Product Manager in the Low Latency Group of LSEG. He focuses on data and platform products for the low-latency market data industry. LakshmiKanth helps customers build the most optimal solutions for their market data needs.

Vivek Aggarwal is a Senior Data Engineer in the Low Latency Group of LSEG. Vivek works on developing and maintaining data pipelines for processing and delivery of captured market data feeds and reference data feeds.

Alket Memushaj is a Principal Architect in the Financial Services Market Development team at AWS. Alket is responsible for technical strategy, working with partners and customers to deploy even the most demanding capital markets workloads to the AWS Cloud.

Data masking and granular access control using Amazon Macie and AWS Lake Formation

Post Syndicated from Iris Ferreira original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/data-masking-and-granular-access-control-using-amazon-macie-and-aws-lake-formation/

Companies have been collecting user data to offer new products, recommend options more relevant to the user’s profile, or, in the case of financial institutions, to be able to facilitate access to higher credit lines or lower interest rates. However, personal data is sensitive as its use enables identification of the person using a specific system or application and in the wrong hands, this data might be used in unauthorized ways. Governments and organizations have created laws and regulations, such as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the EU, General Data Protection Law (LGPD) in Brazil, and technical guidance such as the Cloud Computing Implementation Guide published by the Association of Banks in Singapore (ABS), that specify what constitutes sensitive data and how companies should manage it. A common requirement is to ensure that consent is obtained for collection and use of personal data and that any data collected is anonymized to protect consumers from data breach risks.

In this blog post, we walk you through a proposed architecture that implements data anonymization by using granular access controls according to well-defined rules. It covers a scenario where a user might not have read access to data, but an application does. A common use case for this scenario is a data scientist working with sensitive data to train machine learning models. The training algorithm would have access to the data, but the data scientist would not. This approach helps reduce the risk of data leakage while enabling innovation using data.


To implement the proposed solution, you must have an active AWS account and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions to use the following services:

Note: If there’s a pre-existing Lake Formation configuration, there might be permission issues when testing this solution. We suggest that you test this solution on a development account that doesn’t yet have Lake Formation active. If you don’t have access to a development account, see more details about the permissions required on your role in the Lake Formation documentation.

You must give permission for AWS DMS to create the necessary resources, such as the EC2 instance where you will run DMS tasks. If you have ever worked with DMS, this permission should already exist. Otherwise, you can use CloudFormation to create the necessary roles to deploy the solution. To see if permission already exists, open the AWS Management Console and go to IAM, select Roles, and see if there is a role called dms-vpc-role. If not, you must create the role during deployment.

We use the Faker library to create dummy data consisting of the following tables:

  • Customer
  • Bank
  • Card

Solution overview

This architecture allows multiple data sources to send information to the data lake environment on AWS, where Amazon S3 is the central data store. After the data is stored in an S3 bucket, Macie analyzes the objects and identifies sensitive data using machine learning (ML) and pattern matching. AWS Glue then uses the information to run a workflow to anonymize the data.

Figure 1: Solution architecture for data ingestion and identification of PII

Figure 1: Solution architecture for data ingestion and identification of PII

We will describe two techniques used in the process: data masking and data encryption. After the workflow runs, the data is stored in a separate S3 bucket. This hierarchy of buckets is used to segregate access to data for different user personas.

Figure 1 depicts the solution architecture:

  1. The data source in the solution is an Amazon RDS database. Data can be stored in a database on an EC2 instance, in an on-premises server, or even deployed in a different cloud provider.
  2. AWS DMS uses full load, which allows data migration from the source (an Amazon RDS database) into the target S3 bucket — dcp-macie — as a one-time migration. New objects uploaded to the S3 bucket are automatically encrypted using server-side encryption (SSE-S3).
  3. A personally identifiable information (PII) detection pipeline is invoked after the new Amazon S3 objects are uploaded. Macie analyzes the objects and identifies values that are sensitive. Users can manually identify which fields and values within the files should be classified as sensitive or use the Macie automated sensitive data discovery capabilities.
  4. The sensitive values identified by Macie are sent to EventBridge, invoking Kinesis Data Firehose to store them in the dcp-glue S3 bucket. AWS Glue uses this data to know which fields to mask or encrypt using an encryption key stored in AWS KMS.
    1. Using EventBridge enables an event-based architecture. EventBridge is used as a bridge between Macie and Kinesis Data Firehose, integrating these services.
    2. Kinesis Data Firehose supports data buffering mitigating the risk of information loss when sent by Macie while reducing the overall cost of storing data in Amazon S3. It also allows data to be sent to other locations, such as Amazon Redshift or Splunk, making it available to be analyzed by other products.
  5. At the end of this step, Amazon S3 is invoked from a Lambda function that starts the AWS Glue workflow, which masks and encrypts the identified data.
    1. AWS Glue starts a crawler on the S3 bucket dcp-macie (a) and the bucket dcp-glue (b) to populate two tables, respectively, created as part of the AWS Glue service.
    2. After that, a Python script is run (c), querying the data in these tables. It uses this information to mask and encrypt the data and then store it in the prefixes dcp-masked (d) and dcp-encrypted (e) in the bucket dcp-athena.
    3. The last step in the workflow is to perform a crawler for each of these prefixes (f) and (g) by creating their respective tables in the AWS Glue Data Catalog.
  6. To enable fine-grained access to data, Lake Formation maps permissions to the tags you have configured. The implementation of this part is described further in this post.
  7. Athena can be used to query the data. Other tools, such as Amazon Redshift or Amazon Quicksight can also be used, as well as third-party tools.

If a user lacks permission to view sensitive data but needs to access it for machine learning model training purposes, AWS KMS can be used. The AWS KMS service manages the encryption keys that are used for data masking and to give access to the training algorithms. Users can see the masked data, but the algorithms can use the data in its original form to train the machine learning models.

This solution uses three personas:

secure-lf-admin: Data lake administrator. Responsible for configuring the data lake and assigning permissions to data administrators.
secure-lf-business-analyst: Business analyst. No access to certain confidential information.
secure-lf-data-scientist: Data scientist. No access to certain confidential information.

Solution implementation

To facilitate implementation, we created a CloudFormation template. The model and other artifacts produced can be found in this GitHub repository. You can use the CloudFormation dashboard to review the output of all the deployed features.

Choose the following Launch Stack button to deploy the CloudFormation template.

Select this image to open a link that starts building the CloudFormation stack

Deploy the CloudFormation template

To deploy the CloudFormation template and create the resources in your AWS account, follow the steps below.

  1. After signing in to the AWS account, deploy the CloudFormation template. On the Create stack window, choose Next.
    Figure 2: CloudFormation create stack screen

    Figure 2: CloudFormation create stack screen

  2. In the following section, enter a name for the stack. Enter a password in the TestUserPassword field for Lake Formation personas to use to sign in to the console. When finished filling in the fields, choose Next.
  3. On the next screen, review the selected options and choose Next.
  4. In the last section, review the information and select I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names. Choose Create Stack.
    Figure 3: List of parameters and values in the CloudFormation stack

    Figure 3: List of parameters and values in the CloudFormation stack

  5. Wait until the stack status changes to CREATE_COMPLETE.

The deployment process should take approximately 15 minutes to finish.

Run an AWS DMS task

To extract the data from the Amazon RDS instance, you must run an AWS DMS task. This makes the data available to Macie in an S3 bucket in Parquet format.

  1. Open the AWS DMS console.
  2. On the navigation bar, for the Migrate data option, select Database migration tasks.
  3. Select the task with the name rdstos3task.
  4. Choose Actions.
  5. Choose Restart/Resume. The loading process should take around 1 minute.

When the status changes to Load Complete, you will be able to see the migrated data in the target bucket (dcp-macie-<AWS_REGION>-<ACCOUNT_ID>) in the dataset folder. Within each prefix there will be a parquet file that follows the naming pattern: LOAD00000001.parquet. After this step, use Macie to scan the data for sensitive information in the files.

Run a classification job with Macie 

You must create a data classification job before you can evaluate the contents of the bucket. The job you create will run and evaluate the full contents of your S3 bucket to determine the files stored in the bucket contain PII. This job uses the managed identifiers available in Macie and a custom identifier.

  1. Open the Macie Console, on the navigation bar, select Jobs.
  2. Choose Create job.
  3. Select the S3 bucket dcp-macie-<AWS_REGION>-<ACCOUNT_ID> containing the output of the AWS DMS task. Choose Next to continue.
  4. On the Review Bucket page, verify the selected bucket is dcp-macie-<AWS_REGION>-<ACCOUNT_ID>, and then choose Next.
  5. In Refine the scope, create a new job with the following scope:
    1. Sensitive data Discovery options: One-time job (for demonstration purposes, this will be a single discovery job. For production environments, we recommend selecting the Scheduled job option, so Macie can analyze objects following a scheduled).
    2. Sampling Depth: 100 percent.
    3. Leave the other settings at their default values.
  6. On Managed data identifiers options, select All so Macie can use all managed data identifiers. This enables a set of built-in criteria to detect all identified types of sensitive data. Choose Next.
  7. On the Custom data identifiers option, select account_number, and then choose Next. With the custom identifier, you can create custom business logic to look for certain patterns in files stored in Amazon S3. In this example, the task generates a discovery job for files that contain data with the following regular expression format XYZ- followed by numbers, which is the default format of the false account_number generated in the dataset. The logic used for creating this custom data identifier is included in the CloudFormation template file.
  8. On the Select allow lists, choose Next to continue.
  9. Enter a name and description for the job.
  10. Choose Next to continue.
  11. On Review and create step, check the details of the job you created and choose Submit.
    Figure 4: List of Macie findings detected by the solution

    Figure 4: List of Macie findings detected by the solution

The amount of data being scanned directly influences how long the job takes to run. You can choose the Update button at the top of the screen, as shown in Figure 4, to see the updated status of the job. This job, based on the size of the test dataset, will take about 10 minutes to complete.

Run the AWS Glue data transformation pipeline

After the Macie job is finished, the discovery results are ingested into the bucket dcp-glue-<AWS_REGION>-<ACCOUNT_ID>, invoking the AWS Glue step of the workflow (dcp-Workflow), which should take approximately 11 minutes to complete.

To check the workflow progress:

  1. Open the AWS Glue console and on navigation bar, select Workflows (orchestration).
  2. Next, choose dcp-workflow.
  3. Next, select History to see the past runs of the dcp-workflow.

The AWS Glue job, which is launched as part of the workflow (dcp-workflow), reads the Macie findings to know the exact location of sensitive data. For example, in the customer table are name and birthdate. In the bank table are account_number, iban, and bban. And in the card table are card_number, card_expiration, and card_security_code. After this data is found, the job masks and encrypts the information.

Text encryption is done using an AWS KMS key. Here is the code snippet that provides this functionality:

def encrypt_rows(r):
    encrypted_entities = columns_to_be_masked_and_encrypted
        for entity in encrypted_entities:
            if entity in table_columns:
                encrypted_entity = get_kms_encryption(r[entity])
                r[entity + '_encrypted'] = encrypted_entity.decode("utf-8")
                del r[entity]
        print ("DEBUG:",sys.exc_info())
    return r

def get_kms_encryption(row):
    # Create a KMS client
    session = boto3.session.Session()
    client = session.client(service_name='kms',region_name=region_name)
        encryption_result = client.encrypt(KeyId=key_id, Plaintext=row)
        blob = encryption_result['CiphertextBlob']
        encrypted_row = base64.b64encode(blob)       
        return encrypted_row
        return 'Error on get_kms_encryption function'

If your application requires access to the unencrypted text, and because access to the AWS KMS encryption key exists, you can use the following excerpt example to access the information:


After performing all the above steps, the datasets are fully anonymized with tables created in Data Catalog and data stored in the respective S3 buckets. These are the buckets where fine-grained access controls are applied through Lake Formation:

  • Masked data — s3://dcp-athena-<AWS_REGION>-<ACCOUNT_ID>/masked/
  • Encrypted data — s3://dcp-athena-<AWS_REGION>-<ACCOUNT_ID>/encrypted/

Now that the tables are defined, you refine the permissions using Lake Formation.

Enable Lake Formation fine-grained access

After the data is processed and stored, you use Lake Formation to define and enforce fine-grained access permissions and provide secure access to data analysts and data scientists.

To enable fine-grained access, you first add a user (secure-lf-admin) to Lake Formation:

  1. In the Lake Formation console, clear Add myself and select Add other AWS users or roles.
  2. From the drop-down menu, select secure-lf-admin.
  3. Choose Get started.
    Figure 5: Lake Formation deployment process

    Figure 5: Lake Formation deployment process

Grant access to different personas

Before you grant permissions to different user personas, you must register Amazon S3 locations in Lake Formation so that the personas can access the data. All buckets have been created with the following pattern <prefix>-<bucket_name>-<aws_region>-<account_id>, where <prefix> matches the prefix you selected when you deployed the Cloudformation template and <aws_region> corresponds to the selected AWS Region (for example, ap-southeast-1), and <account_id> is the 12 numbers that match your AWS account (for example, 123456789012). For ease of reading, we left only the initial part of the bucket name in the following instructions.

  1. In the Lake Formation console, on the navigation bar, on the Register and ingest option, select Data Lake locations.
  2. Choose Register location.
  3. Select the dcp-glue bucket and choose Register Location.
  4. Repeat for the dcp-macie/dataset, dcp-athena/masked, and dcp-athena/encrypted prefixes.
    Figure 6: Amazon S3 locations registered in the solution

    Figure 6: Amazon S3 locations registered in the solution

You’re now ready to grant access to different users.

Granting per-user granular access

After successfully deploying the AWS services described in the CloudFormation template, you must configure access to resources that are part of the proposed solution.

Grant read-only accesses to all tables for secure-lf-admin

Before proceeding you must sign in as the secure-lf-admin user. To do this, sign out from the AWS console and sign in again using the secure-lf-admin credential and password that you set in the CloudFormation template.

Now that you’re signed in as the user who administers the data lake, you can grant read-only access to all tables in the dataset database to the secure-lf-admin user.

  1. In the Permissions section, select Data Lake permissions, and then choose Grant.
  2. Select IAM users and roles.
  3. Select the secure-lf-admin user.
  4. Under LF-Tags or catalog resources, select Named data catalog resources.
  5. Select the database dataset.
  6. For Tables, select All tables.
  7. In the Table permissions section, select Alter and Super.
  8. Under Grantable permissions, select Alter and Super.
  9. Choose Grant.

You can confirm your user permissions on the Data Lake permissions page.

Create tags to grant access

Return to the Lake Formation console to define tag-based access control for users. You can assign policy tags to Data Catalog resources (databases, tables, and columns) to control access to this type of resources. Only users who receive the corresponding Lake Formation tag (and those who receive access with the resource method named) can access the resources.

  1. Open the Lake Formation console, then on the navigation bar, under Permissions, select LF-tags.
  2. Choose Add LF Tag. In the dialog box Add LF-tag, for Key, enter data, and for Values, enter mask. Choose Add, and then choose Add LF-Tag.
  3. Follow the same steps to add a second tag. For Key, enter segment, and for Values enter campaign.

Assign tags to users and databases

Now grant read-only access to the masked data to the secure-lf-data-scientist user.

  1. In the Lake Formation console, on the navigation bar, under Permissions, select Data Lake permissions
  2. Choose Grant.
  3. Under IAM users and roles, select secure-lf-data-scientist as the user.
  4. In the LF-Tags or catalog resources section, select Resources matched by LF-Tags and choose add LF-Tag. For Key, enter data and for Values, enter mask.
    Figure 7: Creating resource tags for Lake Formation

    Figure 7: Creating resource tags for Lake Formation

  5. In the section Database permissions, in the Database permissions part and in Grantable permissions, select Describe.
  6. In the section Table permissions, in the Table permissions part and in Grantable permissions, select Select.
  7. Choose Grant.
    Figure 8: Database and table permissions granted

    Figure 8: Database and table permissions granted

To complete the process and give the secure-lf-data-scientist user access to the dataset_masked database, you must assign the tag you created to the database.

  1. On the navigation bar, under Data Catalog, select Databases.
  2. Select dataset_masked and select Actions. From the drop-down menu, select Edit LF-Tags.
  3. In the section Edit LF-Tags: dataset_masked, choose Assign new LF-Tag. For Key, enter data, and for Values, enter mask. Choose Save.

Grant read-only accesses to secure-lf-business-analyst

Now grant the secure-lf-business-analyst user read-only access to certain encrypted columns using column-based permissions.

  1. In the Lake Formation console, under Data Catalog, select Databases.
  2. Select the database dataset_encrypted and then select Actions. From the drop-down menu, choose Grant.
  3. Select IAM users and roles.
  4. Choose secure-lf-business-analyst.
  5. In the LF-Tags or catalog resources section, select Named data catalog resources.
  6. In the Database permissions section, in the Database permissions section and in Grantable permissions, select Describe and Alter.
  7. Choose Grant.

Now give the secure-lf-business-analyst user access to the Customer table, except for the username column.

  1. In the Lake Formation console, under Data Catalog, select Databases.
  2. Select the database dataset_encrypted and then, choose View tables.
  3. From the Actions option in the drop-down menu, select Grant.
  4. Select IAM users and roles.
  5. Select secure-lf-business-analyst.
  6. In the LF-Tags or catalog resources part, select Named data catalog resources.
  7. In the Database section, leave the dataset_encrypted selected.
  8. In the tables section, select the customer table.
  9. In the Table permission section, in the Table permission section and in Grantable permissions, choose Select.
  10. In the Data Permissions section, select Column-based access.
  11. Select Include columns and select the idusername, mail, and gender columns, which are the data-less columns encrypted for the secure-lf-business-analyst user to have access to.
  12. Choose Grant.
    Figure 9: Granting access to secure-lf-business-analyst user in the Customer table

    Figure 9: Granting access to secure-lf-business-analyst user in the Customer table

Now give the secure-lf-business-analyst user access to the table Card, only for columns that do not contain PII information.

  1. In the Lake Formation console, under Data Catalog, choose Databases.
  2. Select the database dataset_encrypted and choose View tables.
  3. Select the table Card.
  4. In the Schema section, choose Edit schema.
  5. Select the cred_card_provider column, which is the column that has no PII data.
  6. Choose Edit tags.
  7. Choose Assign new LF-Tag.
  8. For Assigned keys, enter segment and for Values, enter mask.
    Figure 10: Editing tags in Lake Formation tables

    Figure 10: Editing tags in Lake Formation tables

  9. Choose Save, and then choose Save as new version.

In this step you add the segment tag in the column cred_card_provider to the card table. For the user secure-lf-business-analyst to have access, you need to configure this tag for the user.

  1. In the Lake Formation console, under Permissions, select Data Lake permissions.
  2. Choose Grant.
  3. Under IAM users and roles, select secure-lf-business-analyst as the user.
  4. In the LF-Tags or catalog resources section, select Resources matched by LF-Tags, and choose add LF-tag and for as Key enter segment and for Values, enter campaign.
    Figure 11: Configure tag-based access for user secure-lf-business-analyst

    Figure 11: Configure tag-based access for user secure-lf-business-analyst

  5. In the Database permissions section, in the Database permissions part and in Grantable permissions, select Describe from both options.
  6. In the Table permission section, in the Table permission part as well as in Grantable permissions, choose Select.
  7. Choose Grant.

The next step is to revoke Super access to the IAMAllowedPrincipals group.

The IAMAllowedPrincipals group includes all IAM users and roles that are allowed access to Data Catalog resources using IAM policies. The Super permission allows a principal to perform all operations supported by Lake Formation on the database or table on which it is granted. These settings provide access to Data Catalog resources and Amazon S3 locations controlled exclusively by IAM policies. Therefore, the individual permissions configured by Lake Formation are not considered, so you will remove the concessions already configured by the IAMAllowedPrincipals group, leaving only the Lake Formation settings.

  1. In the Databases menu, select the database dataset, and then select Actions. From the drop-down menu, select Revoke.
  2. In the Principals section, select IAM users and roles, and then select the IAMAllowedPrincipals group as the user.
  3. Under LF-Tags or catalog resources, select Named data catalog resources.
  4. In the Database section, leave the dataset option selected.
  5. Under Tables, select the following tables: bank, card, and customer.
  6. In the Table permissions section, select Super.
  7. Choose Revoke.

Repeat the same steps for the dataset_encrypted and dataset_masked databases.

Figure 12: Revoke SUPER access to the IAMAllowedPrincipals group

Figure 12: Revoke SUPER access to the IAMAllowedPrincipals group

You can confirm all user permissions on the Data Permissions page.

Querying the data lake using Athena with different personas

To validate the permissions of different personas, you use Athena to query the Amazon S3 data lake.

Ensure the query result location has been created as part of the CloudFormation stack (secure-athena-query-<ACCOUNT_ID>-<AWS_REGION>).

  1. Sign in to the Athena console with secure-lf-admin (use the password value for TestUserPassword from the CloudFormation stack) and verify that you are in the AWS Region used in the query result location.
  2. On the navigation bar, choose Query editor.
  3. Choose Setting to set up a query result location in Amazon S3, and then choose Browse S3 and select the bucket secure-athena-query-<ACCOUNT_ID>-<AWS_REGION>.
  4. Run a SELECT query on the dataset.
    SELECT * FROM "dataset"."bank" limit 10;

The secure-lf-admin user should see all tables in the dataset database and dcp. As for the banks dataset_encrypted and dataset_masked, the user should not have access to the tables.

Figure 13: Athena console with query results in clear text

Figure 13: Athena console with query results in clear text

Finally, validate the secure-lf-data-scientist permissions.

  1. Sign in to the Athena console with secure-lf-data-scientist (use the password value for TestUserPassword from the CloudFormation stack) and verify that you are in the correct Region.
  2. Run the following query:
    SELECT * FROM “dataset_masked”.”bank” limit 10;

The user secure-lf-data-scientist will only be able to view all the columns in the database dataset_masked.

Figure 14: Athena query results with masked data

Figure 14: Athena query results with masked data

Now, validate the secure-lf-business-analyst user permissions.

  1. Sign in to the Athena console as secure-lf-business-analyst (use the password value for TestUserPassword from the CloudFormation stack) and verify that you are in the correct Region.
  2. Run a SELECT query on the dataset.
    SELECT * FROM “dataset_encrypted”.”card” limit 10;

    Figure 15: Validating secure-lf-business-analyst user permissions to query data

    Figure 15: Validating secure-lf-business-analyst user permissions to query data

The user secure-lf-business-analyst should only be able to view the card and customer tables of the dataset_encrypted database. In the table card, you will only have access to the cred_card_provider column and in the table Customer, you will have access only in the username, mail, and sex columns, as previously configured in Lake Formation.

Cleaning up the environment

After testing the solution, remove the resources you created to avoid unnecessary expenses.

  1. Open the Amazon S3 console.
  2. Navigate to each of the following buckets and delete all the objects within:
    1. dcp-assets-<AWS_REGION>-<ACCOUNT_ID>
    2. dcp-athena-<AWS_REGION>-<ACCOUNT_ID>
    3. dcp-glue-<AWS_REGION>-<ACCOUNT_ID>
    4. dcp-macie-<AWS_REGION>-<ACCOUNT_ID>
  3. Open the CloudFormation console.
  4. Select the Stacks option from the navigation bar.
  5. Select the stack that you created in Deploy the CloudFormation Template.
  6. Choose Delete, and then choose Delete Stack in the pop-up window.
  7. If you also want to delete the bucket that was created, go to Amazon S3 and delete it from the console or by using the AWS CLI.
  8. To remove the settings made in Lake Formation, go to the Lake Formation dashboard, and remove the data lake locales and the Lake Formation administrator.


Now that the solution is implemented, you have an automated anonymization dataflow. This solution demonstrates how you can build a solution using AWS serverless solutions where you only pay for what you use and without worrying about infrastructure provisioning. In addition, this solution is customizable to meet other data protection requirements such as General Data Protection Law (LGPD) in Brazil, General Data Protection Regulation in Europe (GDPR), and the Association of Banks in Singapore (ABS) Cloud Computing Implementation Guide.

We used Macie to identify the sensitive data stored in Amazon S3 and AWS Glue to generate Macie reports to anonymize the sensitive data found. Finally, we used Lake Formation to implement fine-grained data access control to specific information and demonstrated how you can programmatically grant access to applications that need to work with unmasked data.

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Iris Ferreira

Iris Ferreira

Iris is a solutions architect at AWS, supporting clients in their innovation and digital transformation journeys in the cloud. In her free time, she enjoys going to the beach, traveling, hiking and always being in contact with nature.

Paulo Aragão

Paulo Aragão

Paulo is a Principal Solutions Architect and supports clients in the financial sector to tread the new world of DeFi, web3.0, Blockchain, dApps, and Smart Contracts. In addition, he has extensive experience in high performance computing (HPC) and machine learning. Passionate about music and diving, he devours books, plays World of Warcraft and New World, and cooks for friends.

Leo da Silva

Leo da Silva

Leo is a Principal Security Solutions Architect at AWS and uses his knowledge to help customers better use cloud services and technologies securely. Over the years, he had the opportunity to work in large, complex environments, designing, architecting, and implementing highly scalable and secure solutions to global companies. He is passionate about football, BBQ, and Jiu Jitsu — the Brazilian version of them all.

Use Amazon Athena with Spark SQL for your open-source transactional table formats

Post Syndicated from Pathik Shah original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/use-amazon-athena-with-spark-sql-for-your-open-source-transactional-table-formats/

AWS-powered data lakes, supported by the unmatched availability of Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), can handle the scale, agility, and flexibility required to combine different data and analytics approaches. As data lakes have grown in size and matured in usage, a significant amount of effort can be spent keeping the data consistent with business events. To ensure files are updated in a transactionally consistent manner, a growing number of customers are using open-source transactional table formats such as Apache Iceberg, Apache Hudi, and Linux Foundation Delta Lake that help you store data with high compression rates, natively interface with your applications and frameworks, and simplify incremental data processing in data lakes built on Amazon S3. These formats enable ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability) transactions, upserts, and deletes, and advanced features such as time travel and snapshots that were previously only available in data warehouses. Each storage format implements this functionality in slightly different ways; for a comparison, refer to Choosing an open table format for your transactional data lake on AWS.

In 2023, AWS announced general availability for Apache Iceberg, Apache Hudi, and Linux Foundation Delta Lake in Amazon Athena for Apache Spark, which removes the need to install a separate connector or associated dependencies and manage versions, and simplifies the configuration steps required to use these frameworks.

In this post, we show you how to use Spark SQL in Amazon Athena notebooks and work with Iceberg, Hudi, and Delta Lake table formats. We demonstrate common operations such as creating databases and tables, inserting data into the tables, querying data, and looking at snapshots of the tables in Amazon S3 using Spark SQL in Athena.


Complete the following prerequisites:

Download and import example notebooks from Amazon S3

To follow along, download the notebooks discussed in this post from the following locations:

After you download the notebooks, import them into your Athena Spark environment by following the To import a notebook section in Managing notebook files.

Navigate to specific Open Table Format section

If you are interested in Iceberg table format, navigate to Working with Apache Iceberg tables section.

If you are interested in Hudi table format, navigate to Working with Apache Hudi tables section.

If you are interested in Delta Lake table format, navigate to Working with Linux foundation Delta Lake tables section.

Working with Apache Iceberg tables

When using Spark notebooks in Athena, you can run SQL queries directly without having to use PySpark. We do this by using cell magics, which are special headers in a notebook cell that change the cell’s behavior. For SQL, we can add the %%sql magic, which will interpret the entire cell contents as a SQL statement to be run on Athena.

In this section, we show how you can use SQL on Apache Spark for Athena to create, analyze, and manage Apache Iceberg tables.

Set up a notebook session

In order to use Apache Iceberg in Athena, while creating or editing a session, select the Apache Iceberg option by expanding the Apache Spark properties section. It will pre-populate the properties as shown in the following screenshot.

This image shows the Apache Iceberg properties set while creating Spak session in Athena.

For steps, see Editing session details or Creating your own notebook.

The code used in this section is available in the SparkSQL_iceberg.ipynb file to follow along.

Create a database and Iceberg table

First, we create a database in the AWS Glue Data Catalog. With the following SQL, we can create a database called icebergdb:


Next, in the database icebergdb, we create an Iceberg table called noaa_iceberg pointing to a location in Amazon S3 where we will load the data. Run the following statement and replace the location s3://<your-S3-bucket>/<prefix>/ with your S3 bucket and prefix:

CREATE TABLE icebergdb.noaa_iceberg(
station string,
date string,
latitude string,
longitude string,
elevation string,
name string,
temp string,
temp_attributes string,
dewp string,
dewp_attributes string,
slp string,
slp_attributes string,
stp string,
stp_attributes string,
visib string,
visib_attributes string,
wdsp string,
wdsp_attributes string,
mxspd string,
gust string,
max string,
max_attributes string,
min string,
min_attributes string,
prcp string,
prcp_attributes string,
sndp string,
frshtt string)
USING iceberg
PARTITIONED BY (year string)
LOCATION 's3://<your-S3-bucket>/<prefix>/noaaiceberg/'

Insert data into the table

To populate the noaa_iceberg Iceberg table, we insert data from the Parquet table sparkblogdb.noaa_pq that was created as part of the prerequisites. You can do this using an INSERT INTO statement in Spark:

INSERT INTO icebergdb.noaa_iceberg select * from sparkblogdb.noaa_pq

Alternatively, you can use CREATE TABLE AS SELECT with the USING iceberg clause to create an Iceberg table and insert data from a source table in one step:

CREATE TABLE icebergdb.noaa_iceberg
USING iceberg
AS SELECT * FROM sparkblogdb.noaa_pq

Query the Iceberg table

Now that the data is inserted in the Iceberg table, we can start analyzing it. Let’s run a Spark SQL to find the minimum recorded temperature by year for the 'SEATTLE TACOMA AIRPORT, WA US' location:

select name, year, min(MIN) as minimum_temperature
from icebergdb.noaa_iceberg
group by 1,2

We get following output.

Image shows output of first select query

Update data in the Iceberg table

Let’s look at how to update data in our table. We want to update the station name 'SEATTLE TACOMA AIRPORT, WA US' to 'Sea-Tac'. Using Spark SQL, we can run an UPDATE statement against the Iceberg table:

UPDATE icebergdb.noaa_iceberg
SET name = 'Sea-Tac'

We can then run the previous SELECT query to find the minimum recorded temperature for the 'Sea-Tac' location:

select name, year, min(MIN) as minimum_temperature
from icebergdb.noaa_iceberg
where name = 'Sea-Tac'
group by 1,2

We get the following output.

Image shows output of second select query

Compact data files

Open table formats like Iceberg work by creating delta changes in file storage, and tracking the versions of rows through manifest files. More data files leads to more metadata stored in manifest files, and small data files often cause an unnecessary amount of metadata, resulting in less efficient queries and higher Amazon S3 access costs. Running Iceberg’s rewrite_data_files procedure in Spark for Athena will compact data files, combining many small delta change files into a smaller set of read-optimized Parquet files. Compacting files speeds up the read operation when queried. To run compaction on our table, run the following Spark SQL:

CALL spark_catalog.system.rewrite_data_files
(table => 'icebergdb.noaa_iceberg', strategy=>'sort', sort_order => 'zorder(name)')

rewrite_data_files offers options to specify your sort strategy, which can help reorganize and compact data.

List table snapshots

Each write, update, delete, upsert, and compaction operation on an Iceberg table creates a new snapshot of a table while keeping the old data and metadata around for snapshot isolation and time travel. To list the snapshots of an Iceberg table, run the following Spark SQL statement:

FROM spark_catalog.icebergdb.noaa_iceberg.snapshots

Expire old snapshots

Regularly expiring snapshots is recommended to delete data files that are no longer needed, and to keep the size of table metadata small. It will never remove files that are still required by a non-expired snapshot. In Spark for Athena, run the following SQL to expire snapshots for the table icebergdb.noaa_iceberg that are older than a specific timestamp:

CALL spark_catalog.system.expire_snapshots
('icebergdb.noaa_iceberg', TIMESTAMP '2023-11-30 00:00:00.000')

Note that the timestamp value is specified as a string in format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff. The output will give a count of the number of data and metadata files deleted.

Drop the table and database

You can run the following Spark SQL to clean up the Iceberg tables and associated data in Amazon S3 from this exercise:

DROP TABLE icebergdb.noaa_iceberg PURGE

Run the following Spark SQL to remove the database icebergdb:


To learn more about all the operations you can perform on Iceberg tables using Spark for Athena, refer to Spark Queries and Spark Procedures in the Iceberg documentation.

Working with Apache Hudi tables

Next, we show how you can use SQL on Spark for Athena to create, analyze, and manage Apache Hudi tables.

Set up a notebook session

In order to use Apache Hudi in Athena, while creating or editing a session, select the Apache Hudi option by expanding the Apache Spark properties section.

This image shows the Apache Hudi properties set while creating Spak session in Athena.

For steps, see Editing session details or Creating your own notebook.

The code used in this section should be available in the SparkSQL_hudi.ipynb file to follow along.

Create a database and Hudi table

First, we create a database called hudidb that will be stored in the AWS Glue Data Catalog followed by Hudi table creation:


We create a Hudi table pointing to a location in Amazon S3 where we will load the data. Note that the table is of copy-on-write type. It is defined by type= 'cow' in the table DDL. We have defined station and date as the multiple primary keys and preCombinedField as year. Also, the table is partitioned on year. Run the following statement and replace the location s3://<your-S3-bucket>/<prefix>/ with your S3 bucket and prefix:

CREATE TABLE hudidb.noaa_hudi(
station string,
date string,
latitude string,
longitude string,
elevation string,
name string,
temp string,
temp_attributes string,
dewp string,
dewp_attributes string,
slp string,
slp_attributes string,
stp string,
stp_attributes string,
visib string,
visib_attributes string,
wdsp string,
wdsp_attributes string,
mxspd string,
gust string,
max string,
max_attributes string,
min string,
min_attributes string,
prcp string,
prcp_attributes string,
sndp string,
frshtt string,
year string)
primaryKey = 'station, date',
preCombineField = 'year',
type = 'cow'
LOCATION 's3://<your-S3-bucket>/<prefix>/noaahudi/'

Insert data into the table

Like with Iceberg, we use the INSERT INTO statement to populate the table by reading data from the sparkblogdb.noaa_pq table created in the previous post:

INSERT INTO hudidb.noaa_hudi select * from sparkblogdb.noaa_pq

Query the Hudi table

Now that the table is created, let’s run a query to find the maximum recorded temperature for the 'SEATTLE TACOMA AIRPORT, WA US' location:

select name, year, max(MAX) as maximum_temperature
from hudidb.noaa_hudi
group by 1,2

Update data in the Hudi table

Let’s change the station name 'SEATTLE TACOMA AIRPORT, WA US' to 'Sea–Tac'. We can run an UPDATE statement on Spark for Athena to update the records of the noaa_hudi table:

UPDATE hudidb.noaa_hudi
SET name = 'Sea-Tac'

We run the previous SELECT query to find the maximum recorded temperature for the 'Sea-Tac' location:

select name, year, max(MAX) as maximum_temperature
from hudidb.noaa_hudi
where name = 'Sea-Tac'
group by 1,2

Run time travel queries

We can use time travel queries in SQL on Athena to analyze past data snapshots. For example:

select name, year, max(MAX) as maximum_temperature
from hudidb.noaa_hudi timestamp as of '2023-12-01 23:53:43.100'
group by 1,2

This query checks the Seattle Airport temperature data as of a specific time in the past. The timestamp clause lets us travel back without altering current data. Note that the timestamp value is specified as a string in format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff.

Optimize query speed with clustering

To improve query performance, you can perform clustering on Hudi tables using SQL in Spark for Athena:

CALL run_clustering(table => 'hudidb.noaa_hudi', order => 'name')

Compact tables

Compaction is a table service employed by Hudi specifically in Merge On Read (MOR) tables to merge updates from row-based log files to the corresponding columnar-based base file periodically to produce a new version of the base file. Compaction is not applicable to Copy On Write (COW) tables and only applies to MOR tables. You can run the following query in Spark for Athena to perform compaction on MOR tables:

CALL run_compaction(op => 'run', table => 'hudi_table_mor');

Drop the table and database

Run the following Spark SQL to remove the Hudi table you created and associated data from the Amazon S3 location:

DROP TABLE hudidb.noaa_hudi PURGE

Run the following Spark SQL to remove the database hudidb:


To learn about all the operations you can perform on Hudi tables using Spark for Athena, refer to SQL DDL and Procedures in the Hudi documentation.

Working with Linux foundation Delta Lake tables

Next, we show how you can use SQL on Spark for Athena to create, analyze, and manage Delta Lake tables.

Set up a notebook session

In order to use Delta Lake in Spark for Athena, while creating or editing a session, select Linux Foundation Delta Lake by expanding the Apache Spark properties section.

This image shows the Delta Lake properties set while creating Spak session in Athena.

For steps, see Editing session details or Creating your own notebook.

The code used in this section should be available in the SparkSQL_delta.ipynb file to follow along.

Create a database and Delta Lake table

In this section, we create a database in the AWS Glue Data Catalog. Using following SQL, we can create a database called deltalakedb:


Next, in the database deltalakedb, we create a Delta Lake table called noaa_delta pointing to a location in Amazon S3 where we will load the data. Run the following statement and replace the location s3://<your-S3-bucket>/<prefix>/ with your S3 bucket and prefix:

CREATE TABLE deltalakedb.noaa_delta(
station string,
date string,
latitude string,
longitude string,
elevation string,
name string,
temp string,
temp_attributes string,
dewp string,
dewp_attributes string,
slp string,
slp_attributes string,
stp string,
stp_attributes string,
visib string,
visib_attributes string,
wdsp string,
wdsp_attributes string,
mxspd string,
gust string,
max string,
max_attributes string,
min string,
min_attributes string,
prcp string,
prcp_attributes string,
sndp string,
frshtt string)
USING delta
PARTITIONED BY (year string)
LOCATION 's3://<your-S3-bucket>/<prefix>/noaadelta/'

Insert data into the table

We use an INSERT INTO statement to populate the table by reading data from the sparkblogdb.noaa_pq table created in the previous post:

INSERT INTO deltalakedb.noaa_delta select * from sparkblogdb.noaa_pq

You can also use CREATE TABLE AS SELECT to create a Delta Lake table and insert data from a source table in one query.

Query the Delta Lake table

Now that the data is inserted in the Delta Lake table, we can start analyzing it. Let’s run a Spark SQL to find the minimum recorded temperature for the 'SEATTLE TACOMA AIRPORT, WA US' location:

select name, year, max(MAX) as minimum_temperature
from deltalakedb.noaa_delta
group by 1,2

Update data in the Delta lake table

Let’s change the station name 'SEATTLE TACOMA AIRPORT, WA US' to 'Sea–Tac'. We can run an UPDATE statement on Spark for Athena to update the records of the noaa_delta table:

UPDATE deltalakedb.noaa_delta
SET name = 'Sea-Tac'

We can run the previous SELECT query to find the minimum recorded temperature for the 'Sea-Tac' location, and the result should be the same as earlier:

select name, year, max(MAX) as minimum_temperature
from deltalakedb.noaa_delta
where name = 'Sea-Tac'
group by 1,2

Compact data files

In Spark for Athena, you can run OPTIMIZE on the Delta Lake table, which will compact the small files into larger files, so the queries are not burdened by the small file overhead. To perform the compaction operation, run the following query:

OPTIMIZE deltalakedb.noaa_delta

Refer to Optimizations in the Delta Lake documentation for different options available while running OPTIMIZE.

Remove files no longer referenced by a Delta Lake table

You can remove files stored in Amazon S3 that are no longer referenced by a Delta Lake table and are older than the retention threshold by running the VACCUM command on the table using Spark for Athena:

VACUUM deltalakedb.noaa_delta

Refer to Remove files no longer referenced by a Delta table in the Delta Lake documentation for options available with VACUUM.

Drop the table and database

Run the following Spark SQL to remove the Delta Lake table you created:

DROP TABLE deltalakedb.noaa_delta

Run the following Spark SQL to remove the database deltalakedb:

DROP DATABASE deltalakedb

Running DROP TABLE DDL on the Delta Lake table and database deletes the metadata for these objects, but doesn’t automatically delete the data files in Amazon S3. You can run the following Python code in the notebook’s cell to delete the data from the S3 location:

import boto3

s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
bucket = s3.Bucket('<your-S3-bucket>')

To learn more about the SQL statements that you can run on a Delta Lake table using Spark for Athena, refer to the quickstart in the Delta Lake documentation.


This post demonstrated how to use Spark SQL in Athena notebooks to create databases and tables, insert and query data, and perform common operations like updates, compactions, and time travel on Hudi, Delta Lake, and Iceberg tables. Open table formats add ACID transactions, upserts, and deletes to data lakes, overcoming limitations of raw object storage. By removing the need to install separate connectors, Spark on Athena’s built-in integration reduces configuration steps and management overhead when using these popular frameworks for building reliable data lakes on Amazon S3. To learn more about selecting an open table format for your data lake workloads, refer to Choosing an open table format for your transactional data lake on AWS.

About the Authors

Pathik Shah is a Sr. Analytics Architect on Amazon Athena. He joined AWS in 2015 and has been focusing in the big data analytics space since then, helping customers build scalable and robust solutions using AWS analytics services.

Raj Devnath is a Product Manager at AWS on Amazon Athena. He is passionate about building products customers love and helping customers extract value from their data. His background is in delivering solutions for multiple end markets, such as finance, retail, smart buildings, home automation, and data communication systems.

How to build a unified authorization layer for identity providers with Amazon Verified Permissions

Post Syndicated from Akash Kumar original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-build-a-unified-authorization-layer-for-identity-providers-with-amazon-verified-permissions/

Enterprises often have an identity provider (IdP) for their employees and another for their customers. Using multiple IdPs allows you to apply different access controls and policies for employees and for customers. However, managing multiple identity systems can be complex. A unified authorization layer can ease administration by centralizing access policies for APIs regardless of the user’s IdP. The authorization layer evaluates access tokens from any authorized IdP before allowing API access. This removes authorization logic from the APIs and simplifies specifying organization-wide policies. Potential drawbacks include additional complexity in the authorization layer. However, simplifying the management of policies reduces cost of ownership and the likelihood of errors.

Consider a veterinary clinic that has an IdP for their employees. Their clients, the pet owners, would have a separate IdP. Employees might have different sign-in requirements than the clients. These requirements could include features such as multi-factor authentication (MFA) or additional auditing functionality. Applying identical access controls for clients may not be desirable. The clinic’s scheduling application would manage access from both the clinic employees and pet owners. By implementing a unified authorization layer, the scheduling app doesn’t need to be aware of the different IdPs or tokens. The authorization layer handles evaluating tokens and applying policies, such as allowing the clinic employees full access to appointment data while limiting pet owners to just their pet’s records. In this post, we show you an architecture for this situation that demonstrates how to build a unified authorization layer using multiple Amazon Cognito user pools, Amazon Verified Permissions, and an AWS Lambda authorizer for Amazon API Gateway-backed APIs.

In the architecture, API Gateway exposes APIs to provide access to backend resources. API Gateway is a fully-managed service that allows developers to build APIs that act as an entry point for applications. To integrate API Gateway with multiple IdPs, you can use a Lambda authorizer to control access to the API. The IdP in this architecture is Amazon Cognito, which provides the authentication function for users before they’re authorized by Verified Permissions, which implements fine-grained authorization on resources in an application. Keep in mind that Verified Permissions has limits on policy sizes and requests per second. Large deployments might require a different policy store or a caching layer. The four services work together to combine multiple IdPs into a unified authorization layer. The architecture isn’t limited to the Cognito IdP — third-party IdPs that generate JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) can be used, including combinations of different IdPs.

Architecture overview

This sample architecture relies on user-pool multi-tenancy for user authentication. It uses Cognito user pools to assign authenticated users a set of temporary and least-privilege credentials for application access. Once users are authenticated, they are authorized to access backend functions via a Lambda Authorizer function. This function interfaces with Verified Permissions to apply the appropriate access policy based on user attributes.

This sample architecture is based on the scenario of an application that has two sets of users: an internal set of users, veterinarians, as well as an external set of users, clients, with each group having specific access to the API. Figure 1 shows the user request flow.

Figure 1: User request flow

Figure 1: User request flow

Let’s go through the request flow to understand what happens at each step, as shown in Figure 1:

  1. There two groups of users — External (Clients) and Internal (Veterinarians). These user groups sign in through a web portal that authenticates against an IdP (Amazon Cognito).
  2. The groups attempt to access the get appointment API through API Gateway, along with their JWT tokens with claims and client ID.
  3. The Lambda authorizer validates the claims.

    Note: If Cognito is the IdP, then Verified Permissions can authorize the user from their JWT directly with the IsAuthorizedWithToken API.

  4. After validating the JWT token, the Lambda authorizer makes a query to Verified Permissions with associated policy information to check the request.
  5. API Gateway evaluates the policy that the Lambda authorizer returned, to allow or deny access to the resource.
  6. If allowed, API Gateway accesses the resource. If denied, API Gateway returns a 403 Forbidden error.

Note: To further optimize the Lambda authorizer, the authorization decision can be cached or disabled, depending on your needs. By enabling caching, you can improve the performance, because the authorization policy will be returned from the cache whenever there is a cache key match. To learn more, see Configure a Lambda authorizer using the API Gateway console.


This walkthrough demonstrates the preceding scenario for an authorization layer supporting veterinarians and clients. Each set of users will have their own distinct Amazon Cognito user pool.

Verified Permissions policies associated with each Cognito pool enforce access controls. In the veterinarian pool, veterinarians are only allowed to access data for their own patients. Similarly, in the client pool, clients are only able to view and access their own data. This keeps data properly segmented and secured between veterinarians and clients.

Internal policy

permit (principal in UserGroup::"AllVeterinarians",
   action == Action::"GET/appointment",
   resource in UserGroup::"AllVeterinarians")
   when {principal == resource.Veterinarian };

External policy

permit (principal in UserGroup::"AllClients",
   action == Action::"GET/appointment",
   resource in UserGroup::"AllClients")
   when {principal == resource.owner};

The example internal and external policies, along with Cognito serving as an IdP, allow the veterinarian users to federate in to the application through one IdP, while the external clients must use another IdP. This, coupled with the associated authorization policies, allows you to create and customize fine-grained access policies for each user group.

To validate the access request with the policy store, the Lambda authorizer execution role also requires the verifiedpermissions:IsAuthorized action.

Although our example Verified Permissions policies are relatively simple, Cedar policy language is extensive and allows you to define custom rules for your business needs. For example, you could develop a policy that allows veterinarians to access client records only during the day of the client’s appointment.

Implement the sample architecture

The architecture is based on a user-pool multi-tenancy for user authentication. It uses Amazon Cognito user pools to assign authenticated users a set of temporary and least privilege credentials for application access. After users are authenticated, they are authorized to access APIs through a Lambda function. This function interfaces with Verified Permissions to apply the appropriate access policy based on user attributes.


You need the following prerequisites:

  • The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) installed and configured for use.
  • Python 3.9 or later, to package Python code for Lambda.

    Note: We recommend that you use a virtual environment or virtualenvwrapper to isolate the sample from the rest of your Python environment.

  • An AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role or user with enough permissions to create an Amazon Cognito user pool, IAM role, Lambda function, IAM policy, and API Gateway instance.
  • jq for JSON processing in bash script.

    To install on Ubuntu/Debian, use the following command:

    sudo apt-get install jq

    To install on Mac with Homebrew, using the following command:

    brew install jq

  • The GitHub repository for the sample. You can download it, or you can use the following Git command to download it from your terminal.

    Note: This sample code should be used to test the solution and is not intended to be used in a production account.

    $ git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-cognito-avp-apigateway.git
    $ cd amazon-cognito-avp-apigateway

To implement this reference architecture, you will use the following services:

  • Amazon Verified Permissions is a service that helps you implement and enforce fine-grained authorization on resources within the applications that you build and deploy, such as HR systems and banking applications.
  • Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that developers can use to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale.
  • AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service that lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers, creating workload-aware cluster scaling logic, maintaining event integrations, or managing runtimes.
  • Amazon Cognito provides an identity store that scales to millions of users, supports social and enterprise identity federation, and offers advanced security features to protect your consumers and business.

Note: We tested this architecture in the us-east-1 AWS Region. Before you select a Region, verify that the necessary services — Amazon Verified Permissions, Amazon Cognito, API Gateway, and Lambda — are available in those Regions.

Deploy the sample architecture

From within the directory where you downloaded the sample code from GitHub, first run the following command to package the Lambda functions. Then run the next command to generate a random Cognito user password and create the resources described in the previous section.

Note: In this case, you’re generating a random user password for demonstration purposes. Follow best practices for user passwords in production implementations.

$ bash ./helper.sh package-lambda-functions
Successfully completed packaging files.
$ bash ./helper.sh cf-create-stack-gen-password
Successfully created CloudFormation stack.

Validate Cognito user creation

Run the following commands to open the Cognito UI in your browser and then sign in with your credentials. This validates that the previous commands created Cognito users successfully.

Note: When you run the commands, they return the username and password that you should use to sign in.

For internal user pool domain users

$ bash ./helper.sh open-cognito-internal-domain-ui
 Opening Cognito UI...
 URL: xxxxxxxxx
 Please use following credentials to login:
 Username: cognitouser
 Password: xxxxxxxx

For external user pool domain users

$ bash ./helper.sh open-cognito-external-domain-ui
 Opening Cognito UI...
 URL: xxxxxxxxx
 Please use following credentials to login:
 Username: cognitouser
 Password: xxxxxxxx

Validate Cognito JWT upon sign in

Because you haven’t installed a web application that would respond to the redirect request, Cognito will redirect to localhost, which might look like an error. The key aspect is that after a successful sign-in, there is a URL similar to the following in the navigation bar of your browser.


Test the API configuration

Before you protect the API with Cognito so that only authorized users can access it, let’s verify that the configuration is correct and API Gateway serves the API. The following command makes a curl request to API Gateway to retrieve data from the API service.

$ bash ./helper.sh curl-api

API to check the appointment details of PI-T123
URL: https://epgst74zff.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/appointment/PI-T123
{"appointment": {"id": "PI-T123", "name": "Dave", "Pet": "Onyx - Dog. 2y 3m", "Phone Number": "+1234567", "Visit History": "Patient History from last visit with primary vet", "Assigned Veterinarian": "Jane"}}

API to check the appointment details of PI-T124
URL: https://epgst74zff.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/appointment/PI-T124
{"appointment": {"id": "PI-T124", "name": "Joy", "Pet": "Jelly - Dog. 6y 2m", "Phone Number": "+1368728", "Visit History": "None", "Assigned Veterinarian": "Jane"}}

API to check the appointment details of PI-T125
URL: https://epgst74zff.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/appointment/PI-T125
{"appointment": {"id": "PI-T125", "name": "Dave", "Pet": "Sassy - Cat. 1y", "Phone Number": "+1398777", "Visit History": "Patient History from last visit with primary vet", "Assigned Veterinarian": "Adam"}}

Protect the API

In the next step, you deploy a Verified Permissions policy store and a Lambda authorizer. The policy store contains the policies for user authorization. The Lambda authorizer verifies users’ access tokens and authorizes the users through Verified Permissions.

Update and create resources

Run the following command to update existing resources and create a Lambda authorizer and Verified Permissions policy store.

$ bash ./helper.sh cf-update-stack
 Successfully updated CloudFormation stack.

Test the custom authorizer setup

Begin your testing with the following request, which doesn’t include an access token.

Note: Wait for a few minutes to allow API Gateway to deploy before you run the following commands.

$ bash ./helper.sh curl-api
API to check the appointment details of PI-T123
URL: https://epgst74zff.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/appointment/PI-T123

API to check the appointment details of PI-T124
URL: https://epgst74zff.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/appointment/PI-T124

API to check the appointment details of PI-T125
URL: https://epgst74zff.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/appointment/PI-T125

The architecture denied the request with the message “Unauthorized.” At this point, API Gateway expects a header named Authorization (case sensitive) in the request. If there’s no authorization header, API Gateway denies the request before it reaches the Lambda authorizer. This is a way to filter out requests that don’t include required information.

Use the following command for the next test. In this test, you pass the required header, but the token is invalid because it wasn’t issued by Cognito and is instead a simple JWT-format token stored in ./helper.sh. To learn more about how to decode and validate a JWT, see Decode and verify a Cognito JSON token.

$ bash ./helper.sh curl-api-invalid-token
 {"Message":"User is not authorized to access this resource"}

This time the message is different. The Lambda authorizer received the request and identified the token as invalid and responded with the message “User is not authorized to access this resource.”

To make a successful request to the protected API, your code must perform the following steps:

  1. Use a user name and password to authenticate against your Cognito user pool.
  2. Acquire the tokens (ID token, access token, and refresh token).
  3. Make an HTTPS (TLS) request to API Gateway and pass the access token in the headers.

To finish testing, programmatically sign in to the Cognito UI, acquire a valid access token, and make a request to API Gateway. Run the following commands to call the protected internal and external APIs.

$ ./helper.sh curl-protected-internal-user-api

Getting API URL, Cognito Usernames, Cognito Users Password and Cognito ClientId...
User: Jane
Password: Pa%%word-2023-04-17-17-11-32
Resource: PI-T123
URL: https://16qyz501mg.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/appointment/PI-T123

Authenticating to get access_token...
Access Token: eyJraWQiOiJIaVRvckxxxxxxxxxx6BfCBKASA

{"appointment": {"id": "PI-T123", "name": "Dave", "Pet": "Onyx - Dog. 2y 3m", "Phone Number": "+1234567", "Visit History": "Patient History from last visit with primary vet", "Assigned Veterinarian": "Jane"}}

User: Adam
Password: Pa%%word-2023-04-17-17-11-32
Resource: PI-T123
URL: https://16qyz501mg.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/appointment/PI-T123

Authenticating to get access_token...
Access Token: eyJraWQiOiJIaVRvckxxxxxxxxxx6BfCBKASA

{"Message":"User is not authorized to access this resource"}

User: Adam
Password: Pa%%word-2023-04-17-17-11-32
Resource: PI-T125
URL: https://16qyz501mg.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/appointment/PI-T125

Authenticating to get access_token...
Access Token: eyJraWQiOiJIaVRvckxxxxxxxxxx6BfCBKASA

{"appointment": {"id": "PI-T125", "name": "Dave", "Pet": "Sassy - Cat. 1y", "Phone Number": "+1398777", "Visit History": "Patient History from last visit with primary vet", "Assigned Veterinarian": "Adam"}}

Now calling external userpool users for accessing request

$ ./helper.sh curl-protected-external-user-api
User: Dave
Password: Pa%%word-2023-04-17-17-11-32
Resource: PI-T123
URL: https://16qyz501mg.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/appointment/PI-T123

Authenticating to get access_token...
Access Token: eyJraWQiOiJIaVRvckxxxxxxxxxx6BfCBKASA

{"appointment": {"id": "PI-T123", "name": "Dave", "Pet": "Onyx - Dog. 2y 3m", "Phone Number": "+1234567", "Visit History": "Patient History from last visit with primary vet", "Assigned Veterinarian": "Jane"}}

User: Joy
Password Pa%%word-2023-04-17-17-11-32
Resource: PI-T123
URL: https://16qyz501mg.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/appointment/PI-T123

Authenticating to get access_token...
Access Token: eyJraWQiOiJIaVRvckxxxxxxxxxx6BfCBKASA

{"Message":"User is not authorized to access this resource"}

User: Joy
Password Pa%%word-2023-04-17-17-11-32
Resource: PI-T124
URL: https://16qyz501mg.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/appointment/PI-T124

Authenticating to get access_token...
Access Token: eyJraWQiOiJIaVRvckxxxxxxxxxx6BfCBKASA

{"appointment": {"id": "PI-T124", "name": "Joy", "Pet": "Jelly - Dog. 6y 2m", "Phone Number": "+1368728", "Visit History": "None", "Assigned Veterinarian": "Jane"}}

This time, you receive a response with data from the API service. Let’s recap the steps that the example code performed:

  1. The Lambda authorizer validates the access token.
  2. The Lambda authorizer uses Verified Permissions to evaluate the user’s requested actions against the policy store.
  3. The Lambda authorizer passes the IAM policy back to API Gateway.
  4. API Gateway evaluates the IAM policy, and the final effect is an allow.
  5. API Gateway forwards the request to Lambda.
  6. Lambda returns the response.

In each of the tests, internal and external, the architecture denied the request because the Verified Permissions policies denied access to the user. In the internal user pool, the policies only allow veterinarians to see their own patients’ data. Similarly, in the external user pool, the policies only allow clients to see their own data.

Clean up resources

Run the following command to delete the deployed resources and clean up.

$ bash ./helper.sh cf-delete-stack

Additional information

Verified Permissions is integrated with AWS CloudTrail, a service that provides a record of actions taken by a user, role, or AWS service in Verified Permissions. CloudTrail captures API calls for Verified Permissions as events. You can choose to capture actions performed on a Verified Permissions policy store by the Lambda authorizer. Verified Permissions logs can also be injected into your security information and event management (SEIM) solution for security analysis and compliance. For information about API call quotas, see Quotas for Amazon Verified Permission.


In this post, we demonstrated how you can use multiple Amazon Cognito user pools alongside Amazon Verified Permissions to build a single access layer to APIs. We used Cognito in this example, but you could implement the solution with another third-party IdP instead. As a next step, explore the Cedar playground to test policies that can be used with Verified Permissions, or expand this solution by integrating a third-party IdP.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

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Akash Kumar

Akash is a Senior Lead Consultant at AWS, based in India. He works with customers for application development, security, and DevOps to modernize and re-architect their workloads to the AWS Cloud. His passion is building innovative solutions and automating infrastructure, enabling customers to focus more on their businesses.

Brett Seib

Brett Seib

Brett is a Senior Solutions Architect, based in Austin, Texas. He is passionate about innovating and using technology to solve business challenges for customers. Brett has several years of experience in the enterprise, Internet of Things (IoT), and data analytics industries, accelerating customer business outcomes.

John Thach

John Thach

John is a Technical Account Manager, based in Houston, Texas. He focuses on enabling customers to implement resilient, secure, and cost-effective solutions by using AWS services. He is passionate about helping customers solve unique challenges through their cloud journeys.