Tag Archives: Amazon Redshift

Implementing multi-tenant patterns in Amazon Redshift using data sharing

Post Syndicated from Rajesh Francis original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/implementing-multi-tenant-patterns-in-amazon-redshift-using-data-sharing/

Software service providers offer subscription-based analytics capabilities in the cloud with Analytics as a Service (AaaS), and increasingly customers are turning to AaaS for business insights. A multi-tenant storage strategy allows the service providers to build a cost-effective architecture to meet increasing demand.

Multi-tenancy means a single instance of software and its supporting infrastructure is shared to serve multiple customers. For example, a software service provider could generate data that is housed in a single data warehouse cluster, but accessed securely by multiple customers. This storage strategy offers an opportunity to centralize management of data, simplify ETL processes, and optimize costs. However, service providers have to constantly balance between cost and providing a better user experience for their customers.

With the new data sharing feature, you can use Amazon Redshift to scale and meet both objectives of managing costs by simplifying storage and ETL pipelines while still providing consistent performance to customers.  You can ingest data into a cluster designated as a producer cluster, and share this live data with one or more consumer clusters. Clusters accessing this shared data are isolated from each other, therefore performance of a producer cluster isn’t impacted by workloads on consumer clusters. This enables consuming clusters to get consistent performance based on individual compute capacity.

In this post, we focus on various AaaS patterns, and discuss how you can use data sharing in a multi-tenant architecture to scale for virtually unlimited users. We discuss detailed steps to use data sharing with different storage strategies.

Multi-tenant storage patterns

Multi-tenant storage patterns help simplify the architecture and long-term maintenance of the analytics platform. In a multi-tenant strategy, data is stored centrally in a single cluster for all tenants, enabling simplification of the ETL ingestion pipeline and data management. In the previously published whitepaper SaaS Storage Strategies, various models of storage and benefits are covered for a single cluster scenario.

The three strategies you can choose from are:

  • Pool model – Data is stored in a single database schema for all tenants, and a new column (tenant_id) is used to scope and control access to individual tenant data. Access to the multi-tenant data is controlled using views built on the tables.
  • Bridge model – Storage and access to data for each tenant is controlled at individual schema level in the same database.
  • Silo model – Storage and access control to data for each tenant is maintained in separate databases

The following diagram illustrates the architecture of these multi-tenant storage strategies.

The following diagram illustrates the architecture of these multi-tenant storage strategies.

In the following sections, we will discuss how these multi-tenant strategies can be implemented using Amazon Redshift data sharing feature with a multi-cluster architecture.

Scaling your multi-tenant architecture using data sharing

AaaS providers implementing multi-tenant architectures were previously limited to resources of a single cluster to meet the compute and concurrency requirements of users across all the tenants. As the number of tenants increased, you could either turn on concurrency scaling or create additional clusters. However, the addition of new clusters means additional ingestion pipelines and increased operational overhead.

With data sharing in Amazon Redshift, you can easily and securely share data across clusters. Data ingested into the producer cluster is shared with one or more consumer clusters, which allows total separation of ETL and BI workloads. Several consumer clusters can read data from the managed storage of a producer cluster. This enables instant, granular, and high-performance access without data copies and movement. Workloads accessing shared data are isolated from each other and the producer. You can distribute workloads across multiple clusters while simplifying and consolidating the ETL ingestion pipeline into one main producer cluster, providing optimal price for performance.

Consumer clusters can in turn be producers for the data sets they own. Customers can optimize costs even further by collocating multiple tenants on the same consumer cluster. For instance, you can group low volume tier 3 tenants into a single consumer cluster to provider a lower cost offering, while high volume tier 1 tenants get their own isolated compute clusters. Consumer clusters can be created in the same account as producer or in a different AWS account. With this you can have separate billing for the consumer clusters, where you can chargeback to the business group that uses the consumer cluster or even allow your customers to use their own Redshift cluster in their account, so they pay for usage of the consumer cluster. The following diagram shows the difference in ETL and consumer access patterns in a multi-tenant architecture using data sharing versus a single cluster approach without data sharing.

Consumer clusters can in turn be producers for the data sets they own.

Multi-tenant architecture with data sharing compared to single cluster approach

Creating a multi-tenant architecture for an AaaS solution

For this post, we use a simple data model with a fact and a dimension table to demonstrate how to leverage data sharing to design a scalable multi-tenant AaaS solution. We cover detailed steps involved for each storage strategy using this data model. The tables are as follows:

  • Customer – dimension table containing customer details
  • Sales – fact table containing sales transactions

We use two Amazon Redshift ra3.4xl clusters, with 2 nodes each, and designate one cluster as producer and other as consumer.

The high-level steps involved in enabling data sharing across clusters are as follows:

  1. Create a data share in the producer cluster and assign database objects to the data share.
  2. From the producer cluster, grant usage on the data share to consumer clusters, identified by namespace or AWS account.
  3. From the consumer cluster, create an external database using the data share from the producer
  4. Query the tables in the data share through the external shared database in the consumer cluster. Grant access to other users to access this shared database and objects.

Creating producer and consumer Amazon Redshift clusters

Let us start by creating two Amazon Redshift ra3.4xl clusters with 2-nodes each, one for the producer and other for consumer.

  1. On the Amazon Redshift cluster, create two clusters of RA3 instance type, and name them ds-producer and ds-consumer-c1, respectively.
  1. Next, log in to Amazon Redshift using the query editor. You can also use a SQL client tool like DBeaver, SQL Workbench, or Aginity Workbench. For configuration information, see Connecting to an Amazon Redshift cluster using SQL client tools.

Get the cluster namespace of the producer and consumer clusters from the console. We will use the namespaces to create the tenant table and to create and access the data shares. You can also get the cluster namespaces by logging into each of the clusters and executing the SELECT CURRENT_NAMESPACE statement in the query editor.

Please note to replace the corresponding namespaces in the code sections wherever producercluster_namespace, consumercluster1_namespace, and consumercluster_namespace is referenced.

The following screenshot shows the namespace on the Amazon Redshift console.

Now that we have the clusters created, we will go through the detailed steps for the three models. First, we will cover the Pool model, followed by Bridge model and finally the Silo model.

Pool model

The pool model represents an all-in, multi-tenant model where all tenants share the same storage constructs and provides the most benefit in simplifying the AaaS solution.

With this model, data storage is centralized in one cluster database, and data is stored for all tenants in the same set of data models. To scope and control access to tenant data, we introduce a column (tenant_id) that serves as a unique identifier for each tenant.

Security management to prevent cross-tenant access is one of the main aspects to address with the pool model. We can implement row-level security and provide secure access to the data by creating database views and set application-level policies by creating groups with specific access and assigning users to the groups. The following diagram illustrates the pool model architecture.

The following diagram illustrates the pool model architecture.

To create a multi-tenant solution using the pool model, you create data shares for the pool model in the producer cluster, and share data with the consumer cluster. We provide more detail on these steps in the following sections.

Creating data shares for the pool model in the producer cluster

To create data shares for the pool model in the producer cluster, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the producer cluster as an admin user and run the following script.

Note that we have a tenant table to store unique identifiers for each tenant or consumer (tenant).

We add a column (tenant_id) to the sales and customer tables to uniquely identify tenant data. This tenant_id references the tenant_id in the tenant table to uniquely identify the tenant and consumer records. See the following code:

/*       datasharing datasetup pool model     */

-- Create Schema
create schema sales;

t_tenantid int8 not null,
t_name varchar(50) not null,
t_namespace varchar(50),
t_account varchar(16)

-- Create tables for multi-tenant sales schema
drop table sales.customer;
  c_tenantid int8 not null,
  c_custid int8 not null,
  c_name varchar(25) not null,
  c_region varchar(40) not null,
  Primary Key(c_tenantid, c_custid)

  s_tenantid int8 not null,
  s_orderid int8 not null,
  s_custid int8 not null,
  s_totalprice numeric(12,2) not null,
  s_orderdate date not null,
  Primary Key(s_tenantid, s_orderid)
  1. Set up the tenant table with the details for each consumer cluster, and ingest data into the customer dimension and sales fact tables. Using the COPY command is the recommended way to ingest data into Amazon Redshift, but for illustration purposes, we use INSERT statements:
    -- Ingest data 
    insert into sales.tenant values
    (0, 'primary', '<producercluster_namespace>',''),
    (1, 'tenant1', '<consumercluster1_namespace>',''),
    (2, 'tenant2', '<consumercluster2_namespace>','');
    insert into sales.customer values
    (1, 1, 'Customer 1', 'NorthEast'),
    (1, 2, 'Customer 2', 'SouthEast'),
    (2, 1, 'Customer 3', 'NorthWest'),
    (2, 2, 'Customer 4', 'SouthEast');
    truncate table sales.sales;
    insert into sales.sales values
    (1, 1, 1, 2434.33, '2020-11-21'),
    (1, 2, 2, 54.90, '2020-5-5'),
    (1, 3, 2, 9678.99, '2020-3-8'),
    (2, 1, 2, 452.24, '2020-1-23'),
    (2, 2, 1, 76523.10, '2020-11-3'),
    (2, 3, 1, 6745.20, '2020-10-01');
    select count(*) from sales.tenant;
    select count(*) from sales.customer;
    select count(*) from sales.sales;

Securing data on the producer cluster by restricting access

In the pool model, no external user has direct access to underlying tables. All access is restricted using views.

  1. Create a view for each of the fact and dimension tables to include a condition to filter records from the consumer tenant’s namespace. In our example, we create v_customersales to combine sales fact and customer dimension tables with a restrictive filter for tenant.namespace = current_namespace. See the following code:
    /* We will create late binding views          */
    /* but materialized views could also be used  */
    create or replace view sales.v_customer as
    select * 
    from sales.customer c, sales.tenant t
    where c.c_tenantid = t.t_tenantid 
    and t.t_namespace  = current_namespace;
    create or replace view sales.v_sales as
    select * 
    from sales.sales s, sales.tenant t
    where s.s_tenantid = t.t_tenantid 
    and t.t_namespace  = current_namespace;
    create or replace view sales.v_customersales as 
    select c_tenantid, c_name, c_region, 
    	date_part(w, to_date(s_orderdate,'YYYY-MM-DD')) as "week", 
    	date_part(mon, to_date(s_orderdate,'YYYY-MM-DD')) as "month", 
    	date_part(dow, to_date(s_orderdate,'YYYY-MM-DD')) as "dow",
    	date_part(yr, to_date(s_orderdate,'YYYY-MM-DD')) as "year",
    	date_part(d, to_date(s_orderdate,'YYYY-MM-DD')) as "dom", 
    from sales.tenant t, sales.customer c, sales.sales s
    where t.t_tenantid = c.c_tenantid 
    and c.c_tenantid = s.s_tenantid 
    and c.c_custid = s.s_custid 
    and t.t_namespace = current_namespace 
    select * from sales.v_customersales;

Now that we have database objects created in the producer cluster, we can share the data with the consumer clusters.

Sharing data with the consumer cluster

To share data with the consumer cluster, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a data share for the sales data:
    /* Create Datashare and add objects to the share    */
    CREATE DATASHARE salesshare;

  1. Enter the following code to alter the data share, add the sales schema to be shared with the consumer clusters, and add all tables in the sales schema to be shared with the consumer cluster:
    /* Add objects at desired granularities: schemas, tables,   */
    /* views include materialized, and SQL UDFs                 */
    ALTER DATASHARE salesshare ADD SCHEMA sales;  -- New addition to create SCHEMA first
    /*For pool model, we share only the views and not tables */
    ALTER DATASHARE SalesShare ADD TABLE sales.v_customer;
    ALTER DATASHARE SalesShare ADD TABLE sales.v_customersales;

For the pool model, we share only the views with the consumer cluster and not the tables. The ALTER statement ADD TABLE is used to add both views and tables.

  1. Grant usage on the sales data share to the namespace of the BI consumer cluster. You can get the namespace of the BI cluster from the console or using the SELECT CURRENT_NAMESPACE statement in the BI cluster. See the following code:
    /* Grant access to consumer clusters                                */
    /* login to Consumer BI Cluster and get the Namespace from          */
    /* the Redshift console or using SELECT CURRENT_NAMESPACE           */
    --Namespace refers to the namespace GUID of the consumer cluster in the account
    GRANT USAGE ON DATASHARE salesshare TO NAMESPACE '<consumercluster1_namespace>'
    --Account numbers are 12 digit long
    GRANT USAGE ON DATASHARE salesshare TO ACCOUNT 'Consumer_AWSAccount';

  1. View data shares that are shared from the producer cluster:

The following screenshot shows the output.

The following screenshot shows the output.

You can also see the data shares and their detailed objects and consumers using the following commands:

DESC DATASHARE salesshare;

Viewing and querying data shares for the pool model from the consumer cluster

To view and query data shares from the consumer cluster, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the consumer cluster as an admin user and view the data share objects:
    /* Login to Consumer cluster as awsuser:                  */
    /* View datashares and create local database for querying */
    select * from SVV_DATASHARE_OBJECTS;

The following screenshot shows the results.

The following screenshot shows the results.

  1. Create a new database from the data share of the producer cluster:
    /* Create a local database and schema reference           */
    CREATE DATABASE sales_db FROM DATASHARE salesshare
    OF NAMESPACE '<producercluster_namespace>';

  1. Optionally, you can create an external schema in the consumer cluster pointing to the schema in the database of the producer cluster.

Creating a local external schema in the consumer cluster allows schema-level access controls within the consumer cluster, and uses a two-part notation when referencing shared data objects (localschema.table; vs. external_db.producerschema.table). See the following code:

/* Create External Schema - Optional                     */
/* reason for schema: give specific access to schema     */
/* using shared alias get access to a secondary database */
  1. Now you can query the shared data from the producer cluster by using the syntax tenant.schema.table:
    select * from sales_db.sales.customer;
    select * from sales_db.sales.v_customersales;

  1. From the tenant1 consumer cluster, you can view the databases and the tenants that are accessible to tenant1. tenant1_schema is as follows:
    select * from SVV_REDSHIFT_DATABASES;

The following screenshot shows the results.

The following screenshot shows the results.

Creating local consumer users and controlling access

You can control access to users in your consumer cluster by creating users and groups, and assigning access to the data share objects.

  1. Log in as an admin user on consumer cluster 1 and enter the following code to create tenant1_group, grant usage on the local database sales_db and schema sales_schema to the group, and assign the user tenant1_user to the tenant1_group:
    /* Consumers can create own users and assign privileges */
    /* Create tenant1_group and assign privileges to read   */
    /* sales_db and the sales_schema                        */
    /* Create tenant1_user in tenant1_group                 */
    create group tenant1_group;
    create user tenant1_user password 'Redshift#123!' in group tenant1_group;
    GRANT USAGE ON DATABASE sales_db TO tenant1_group;
    GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA sales_schema TO GROUP tenant1_group;

  1. Now, login as tenant1_user to consumer cluster 1 and select data from the views v_customer and v_customersales:
    /* select from view returns only sales records related */
    /* to Consumer A namespace                             */
    select * from sales_db.sales.v_customer;
    select * from sales_db.sales.v_customersales;

You should see only the data relevant to tenant 1 and not the data that is associated with tenant 2.

You should see only the data relevant to tenant 1 and not the data that is associated with tenant 2.


Create Materialized views to optimize performance

Consumer clusters can have their own database objects which are local to the consumer. You can also create materialized views on the datashare objects and control when to refresh the dataset for your consumers. This provides another level of isolation from the producer cluster, and will ensure the consumer clusters go against their local dataset.

  1. Log in as an admin user on consumer cluster 1 and enter the following code to create a materialized view for customersales. This will create a local view that can be periodically refreshed from the consumer cluster.


/* Create materialized view in consumer cluster        */
create MATERIALIZED view tenant1_sales.mv_customersales as 
select c_tenantid, c_name, c_region, 
	date_part(w, to_date(s_orderdate,'YYYY-MM-DD')) as "week", 
	date_part(mon, to_date(s_orderdate,'YYYY-MM-DD')) as "month", 
	date_part(dow, to_date(s_orderdate,'YYYY-MM-DD')) as "dow",
	date_part(yr, to_date(s_orderdate,'YYYY-MM-DD')) as "year",
	date_part(d, to_date(s_orderdate,'YYYY-MM-DD')) as "dom", 
from sales_db.tenant t, sales_db.customer c, sales_db.sales s
where t.t_tenantid = c.c_tenantid 
and c.c_tenantid = s.s_tenantid 
and c.c_custid = s.s_custid 
and t.t_namespace = current_namespace;

select * from tenant1_sales.mv_customersales top 100;

REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW tenant1_sales.mv_customersales;


With the preceding steps, we have demonstrated how you can control access to the tenant data in the same datastore using views. We also reviewed how data shares help efficiently share data between producer and consumer clusters with transaction consistency. We also saw how a local materialized view can be created to further isolate your BI workloads for your customers and provide a consistent, performant user experience. In the next section we will discuss the Bridge model.

Bridge model

In the bridge model, data for each tenant is stored in its own schema in a database and contains a similar set of tables. Data shares are created for each schema and shared with the corresponded consumer. This is an appealing balance between silo and pool model, providing both data isolation and ETL consolidation. With Amazon Redshift, you can create up to 9,900 schemas. For more information, see Quotas and limits in Amazon Redshift.

With data sharing, separate consumer clusters can be provisioned to use the same managed storage from producer cluster. Consumer clusters have all the capabilities of a producer cluster, and can in turn be producer clusters for data objects they own. Consumers can’t share data that is already shared with them. Without data sharing, queries from all customers are directed to a single cluster. The following diagram illustrates the bridge model.

The following diagram illustrates the bridge model.

To create a multi-tenant architecture using bridge model, complete the steps in the following sections.

Creating database schemas and tables for the bridge model in the producer cluster

As we did in the pool model, the first step is to create the database schema and tables. We log in to the producer cluster as an admin user and create separate schemas for each tenant. For our post, we create two schemas, tenant1 and tenant2, to store data for two tenants.

  1. Log in to the producer cluster as the admin user.
  1. Use the script below to create two schemas, tenant1 and tenant2, and create tables for customer dimension and sales facts under each of the two schemas. See the following code:
    /* Bridge -  Data Model */
    -- Create schemas tenant1 and tenant2
    create schema tenant1;
    create schema tenant2;
    -- Create tables for tenant1
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tenant1.customer (
      c_custid int8 not null ,
      c_name varchar(25) not null,
      c_region varchar(40) not null,
      Primary Key(c_custid)
    ) diststyle ALL sortkey(c_custid);
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tenant1.sales (
      s_orderid int8 not null,
      s_custid int8 not null,
      s_totalprice numeric(12,2) not null,
      s_orderdate date not null,
      Primary Key(s_orderid)
    ) distkey(s_orderid) sortkey(s_orderdate, s_orderid) ;
    -- Create tables for tenant2
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tenant2.customer (
      c_custid int8 not null ,
      c_name varchar(25) not null,
      c_region varchar(40) not null,
      Primary Key(c_custid)
    ) diststyle ALL sortkey(c_custid);
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tenant2.sales (
      s_orderid int8 not null,
      s_custid int8 not null,
      s_totalprice numeric(12,2) not null,
      s_orderdate date not null,
      Primary Key(s_orderid)
    ) distkey(s_orderid) sortkey(s_orderdate, s_orderid) ;

  1. Ingest data into the customer dimension and sales fact tables. Using the COPY command is the recommended way to ingest data into Amazon Redshift, but for illustration purposes, we use the INSERT statement:
    -- ingest data for tenant1
    -- ingest customer data
    insert into tenant1.customer values
    (1, 'Customer 1', 'NorthEast'),
    (2, 'Customer 2', 'SouthEast');
    -- ingest sales data
    insert into tenant1.sales values
    (1, 1, 2434.33, '2020-11-21'),
    (2, 2, 54.90, '2020-5-5'),
    (3, 2, 9678.99, '2020-3-8');
    select count(*) from tenant1.customer;
    select count(*) from tenant1.sales;
    -- ingest data for tenant2
    -- ingest customer data
    insert into tenant2.customer values
    (1, 'Customer 3', 'NorthWest'),
    (2, 'Customer 4', 'SouthEast');
    -- ingest sales data
    truncate table tenant2.sales;
    insert into tenant2.sales values
    (1, 2, 452.24, '2020-1-23'),
    (2, 1, 76523.10, '2020-11-3'),
    (3, 1, 6745.20, '2020-10-01');
    select count(*) from tenant2.customer;
    select count(*) from tenant2.sales;

Creating data shares and granting usage to the consumer cluster

In the following code, we create two data shares, tenant1share and tenant2share, to share the database objects under the two schemas to the respective consumer clusters.

  1. Create two datashares tenant1share and tenant2share to share the database objects under the two schemas to the respective consumer clusters.
    /*   Create Datashare and add database objects to the datashare   */
    CREATE DATASHARE tenant1share;
    CREATE DATASHARE tenant2share;

  1. Alter the datashare and add the schema(s) for respective tenants to be shared with the consumer cluster
    ALTER DATASHARE tenant1share ADD SCHEMA tenant1;
    ALTER DATASHARE tenant2share ADD SCHEMA tenant2;

  1. Alter the datashare and add all tables in the schema(s) to be shared with the consumer cluster

Getting the namespace of the first consumer cluster

  1. Log in to the consumer cluster and get the namespace from the console or by running the select current_namespace command:
    /* Grant access to tenant1 schema for Tenant1 BI Cluster */
    /* login to tenant1 BI Cluster and get the Namespace 
     * or get the Namespace from the Redshift console */


  1. Grant usage on the data share for the first tenant to the namespace of the BI cluster. You can get the namespace of the BI cluster from the console or using the SELECT CURRENT_NAMESPACE statement in the BI cluster:
    -- Grant usage on the datashare to the first consumer cluster
    -- Namespace refers to the namespace GUID of the consumer cluster 
    GRANT USAGE ON DATASHARE tenant1share TO NAMESPACE '<consumercluster1_namespace>'
    --Account numbers are 12 digit long (optional)
    --GRANT USAGE ON DATASHARE tenant1share TO ACCOUNT '<Consumer_AWSAccount>';

Getting the namespace of the second consumer cluster

  1. Log in to the second consumer cluster and get the namespace from the console or by running the select current_namespace command:
    /* Grant access to tenant2 schema for Tenant2 BI Cluster */
    /*login to tenant1 BI Cluster and get the Namespace      */

  1. Grant usage on the data share for the second tenant to the namespace of the second consumer cluster you just got from the previous step:
    -- Grant usage on the datashare to the second consumer cluster
    GRANT USAGE ON DATASHARE tenant2share TO NAMESPACE '<consumercluster2_namespace>'
    --Account numbers are 12 digit long (optional)
    --GRANT USAGE ON DATASHARE tenant2share TO ACCOUNT '<Consumer_AWSAccount>';

  1. To view data shares from the producer cluster, enter the following code:
    /*   View Datashares created, Datashare objects and consumers     */
    select * from SVV_DATASHARES;
    select * from SVV_DATASHARE_OBJECTS;
    select * from SVV_DATASHARE_CONSUMERS;

The following screenshot shows the commands in the query editor.

The following screenshot shows the commands in the query editor.

The following screenshot shows the query results.

The following screenshot shows the query results.

Accessing data using the consumer cluster from the data share

To access data using the consumer cluster, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the first consumer cluster ds-consumer-c1, as an admin user.
  1. View data share objects from the SVV_DATASHARE_OBJECTS system view:
    /* Consumer cluster as adminuser
    /* List the shares available and review contents for each 
    -- You can view datashare objects associated with the cluster
    -- using either of the two commands
    select * from SVV_DATASHARES;

The following screenshot shows the query results.

The following screenshot shows the query results.

--View objects shared in inbound share for consumer

The following screenshot shows the query results.

The following screenshot shows the query results.

--View namespace or clusters granted usage to a datashare
select * from svv_datashare_consumers;
  1. Create a local database in the first consumer cluster, and an external schema to be able to provide controlled access to the specific schema to the consumer clusters:
    /* Create a local database and schema reference        */
    /* to the share objects                                */
    CREATE DATABASE tenant1_db FROM DATASHARE tenant1share
    OF NAMESPACE '<producercluster_namespace>';

  1. Query the database tables using the three-part notation db.tenant.table:
    select * from tenant1_db.tenant1.customer;
    select * from tenant1_db.tenant1.sales;

  1. Optionally, you can create an external schema.

There are two reasons to create an external schema: either to enable two-part notation access to the tables from the consumer cluster, or to provide restricted access to the specific schemas for selected users, when multiple schemas are shared from the producer cluster. See the following code for our external schema:

/* Create External Schema */
  1. If you created the local schemas, you can use the following two-part notation to query the database tables:
    select * from tenant1_schema.customer;
    select * from tenant1_schema.sales;

  1. You can view the shared databases by querying the SVV_REDSHIFT_DATABASES table:
    select * from SVV_REDSHIFT_DATABASES;

The following screenshot shows the query results.

The following screenshot shows the query results.

Creating consumer users for managing access

Still logged in as an admin user to the consumer cluster, you can create other users who have access to the database objects.

  1. Create users and groups, and assign users and object privileges to the groups with the following code:
    /* Consumer can create own users and assign privileges */
    /* Create tenant1_user and assign privileges to        */
    /* read datashare from tenant1 schema                  */
    create group tenant1_group;
    create user tenant1_user password 'Redshift#123!' in group tenant1_group;
    GRANT USAGE ON DATABASE tenant1_db TO tenant1_user;
    GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA tenant1_schema TO GROUP tenant1_group;

Now tenant1_user can log in and query the shared tables from tenant schema.

  1. Log in to the consumer cluster as tenant1_user and query the tables:
    /* Consumer cluster as tenant1_user - As a consumer cluster */
    /* administrator, you must follow these steps:              */
    select * from tenant1_db.tenant1.customer;
    select * from tenant1_db.tenant1.sales;
    /* If you have created and External Schema                  */
    /* you can use the two-part notation to query tables.       */
    select * from tenant1_schema.customer;
    select * from tenant1_schema.sales;

Revoking access to a data share (optional)

  1. At any point, if you want to revoke access to the data share, you can the REVOKE USAGE command:
    /* To revoke access at any time use the REVOKE USAGE command */
    --Namespace refers to the namespace GUID of the consumer cluster in the account
    REVOKE USAGE ON DATASHARE Salesshare FROM NAMESPACE '<consumercluster1_namespace>'
    --Account numbers are 12 digit long
    REVOKE USAGE ON DATASHARE Salesshare FROM ACCOUNT '<Consumer_AWSAccount>';

Silo model

The third option is to store data for each tenant in separate databases within a cluster. If you need your data isolated from other tenants, you can use the silo model and each database may have distinct data models, monitoring, management, and security footprints.

Amazon Redshift supports cross-database queries across databases, which allow you to simplify data organization. You can store common or granular datasets used across all tenants in a centralized database, and use the cross-database query capability to join relevant data for each tenant.

The steps to create a data share in a silo model is similar to a bridge model; however, unlike a bridge model (where data share is for each schema), the silo model has a data share created for each database. The following diagram illustrates the architecture of the silo model.

The following diagram illustrates the architecture of the silo model.

Creating data shares for the silo model in the producer cluster

To create data shares for the silo model in the producer cluster, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the producer cluster as an admin user and create separate databases for each tenant:
    /** Silo Model – Create databases for the 2 tenants **/
    create database tenant1_silodb;
    create database tenant2_silodb;

  1. Log in again to the producer cluster with the database name and user ID for the database that you want to share (tenant1_silodb) and create the schema and tables:
    /* login to tenant1_db and create schema tenant1 and tables*/
    create schema tenant1_siloschema;
    -- Create tables for tenant1
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tenant1_silodb.tenant1_siloschema.customer (
      c_custid int8 not null ,
      c_name varchar(25) not null,
      c_region varchar(40) not null,
      Primary Key(c_custid)
    ) diststyle ALL sortkey(c_custid);
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tenant1_silodb.tenant1_siloschema.sales (
      s_orderid int8 not null,
      s_custid int8 not null,
      s_totalprice numeric(12,2) not null,
      s_orderdate date not null,
      Primary Key(s_orderid)
    ) distkey(s_orderid) sortkey(s_orderdate, s_orderid) ;
    insert into tenant1_siloschema.customer values
    (1, 'Customer 1', 'NorthEast'),
    (2, 'Customer 2', 'SouthEast');
    truncate table tenant1_siloschema.sales;
    insert into tenant1.sales values
    (1, 1, 2434.33, '2020-11-21'),
    (2, 2, 54.90, '2020-5-5'),
    (3, 2, 9678.99, '2020-3-8');

  1. Create a data share with a name for the first tenant (for example, tenant1dbshare):
    /*   Create datashare and add database objects to the datashare   */
    CREATE DATASHARE tenant1_silodbshare;

  1. Run Alter datashare commands to add the schemas to be shared with the consumer cluster and add all tables in the schemas to be shared with the consumer cluster:
    ALTER DATASHARE tenant1_silodbshare ADD SCHEMA tenant1_siloschema;
    ALTER DATASHARE tenant1_silodbshare ADD ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA tenant1_siloschema;

  1. Grant usage on the data share for first tenant to the namespace of the BI cluster. You can get the namespace of the BI cluster from the console or using the SELECT CURRENT_NAMESPACE statement in the BI cluster:
    --Namespace refers to the namespace GUID of the consumer cluster in the account
    GRANT USAGE ON DATASHARE tenant1_silodbshare TO NAMESPACE ‘<consumercluster1_namespace>’
    --Account numbers are 12 digit long (optional)
    --GRANT USAGE ON DATASHARE tenant1_silodbshare TO ACCOUNT '<AWS-Account>';

Viewing and querying data shares for the silo model from the consumer cluster

To view and query your data shares, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the consumer cluster as an admin user.
  2. Create a new database from the data share of the producer cluster:
    CREATE DATABASE tenant1_silodb FROM DATASHARE tenant1_silodbshare
    OF NAMESPACE ‘<producercluster_namespace>’;

Now you can start querying the shared data from the producer cluster by using the syntax – tenant.schema.table. If you created an external schema, then you can also use the two-part notation to query the tables.

  1. Query the data with the following code:
    select * from tenant1_silodb.tenant1.customer;
    select * from tenant1_silodb.tenant1.sales;

  1. Optionally, you can create an external schema pointing to the schema in the database of the producer cluster. This allows you query shared tables using a two-part notation. See the following code:
    CREATE EXTERNAL SCHEMA tenant1_siloschema FROM REDSHIFT DATABASE 'tenant1_silodb' SCHEMA 'tenant1';
    --With this Schema, you can access using two-part notation to select from data share tables
    select * from tenant1_siloschema.customer;
    select * from tenant1_siloschema.sales;

  1. You can repeat the same steps for tenant2 to share the tenant2 database with tenant2 You can also control access to users in your consumer cluster by creating users and groups, and assigning access to the data share objects.

System views to view data shares

We have introduced new system tables and views to easily identify the data shares and related objects. You can use three different groups of system views to view the data share objects:

  • Views starting with SVV_DATASHARES – has detail of datashares and objects in a datashare.
View Name Purpose
SVV_DATASHARES View a list of data shares created on the cluster and data shares shared with the cluster
SVV_DATASHARE_OBJECTS View a list of objects in all data shares created on the cluster or shared with the cluster
SVV_DATASHARE_CONSUMERS View a list of consumers for data share created on the cluster
  • Views starting with SVV_REDSHIFT – contains details on both local and remote Redshift databases.
View Name Purpose
SVV_REDSHIFT_DATABASES List of all databases that a user has access to
SVV_REDSHIFT_SCHEMAS List of all schemas that user has access to
SVV_REDSHIFT_TABLES List of all tables that a user has access to
SVV_REDSHIFT_COLUMNS List of all columns that a user has access to
SVV_REDSHIFT_FUNCTIONS List of all functions that user has access to
  • Views starting with SVV_ALL– contain local and remote databases, external schemas including  spectrum and federated query, and external schema references to shared data.  If you create external schemas in consumer cluster, you need to use the SVV_ALL views to look at the objects.
View Name Purpose
SVV_ ALL _SCHEMAS Union of list of all schemas from SVV_REDSHIFT_SCHEMA view and consolidated list of all external tables and schemas that user has access to
SVV_ ALL _TABLES List of all tables that a user has access to
SVV_ ALL _COLUMNS List of all columns that a user has access to
SVV_ ALL _FUNCTIONS List of all functions that user has access to

Considerations for choosing a storage strategy

You can adopt a storage strategy or choose a hybrid approach based on business, technical, and operational requirements. Before deciding on a strategy, consider the quotas and limits for various objects in Amazon Redshift, and the number of databases per cluster or number of schemas per database to check if it meets your requirements. The following table summarizes these considerations.

  Pool Bridge Silo
Separation of tenant data Views Schema Database
ETL pipeline complexity Low Low Medium
Limits 100,000 tables (RA3 – 4x, 16x large clusters) 9,900 schemas per database 60 databases per cluster
Chargeback to consumer accounts Yes Yes Yes
Scalability High High High


In this post, we discussed how you can use the new data sharing feature of Amazon Redshift to implement an AaaS solution with a multi-tenant architecture while meeting SLAs for consumers using separate Amazon Redshift clusters. We demonstrated three types of models providing various levels of isolation for the tenant data. We compared and contrasted the models and provided guidance on when to choose an implementation model. We encourage you to try the data sharing feature to build your AaaS or software as a service (SaaS) solutions.

About the Authors

Rajesh Francis is a Sr. Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS. He specializes in Amazon Redshift and works with customers to build scalable Analytic solutions.




Neeraja Rentachintala is a Principal Product Manager with Amazon Redshift. Neeraja is a seasoned Product Management and GTM leader, bringing over 20 years of experience in product vision, strategy and leadership roles in data products and platforms. Neeraja delivered products in analytics, databases, data Integration, application integration, AI/Machine Learning, large scale distributed systems across On-Premise and Cloud, serving Fortune 500 companies as part of ventures including MapR (acquired by HPE), Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Informatica and Expedia.com.


Jeetesh Srivastva is a Sr. Analytics specialist solutions architect at AWS. He specializes in Amazon Redshift and works with customers to implement scalable solutions leveraging Redshift and other AWS Analytic services. He has worked to deliver on premises and cloud based analytic solutions for customers in banking & finance and hospitality industry verticals.

Data monetization and customer experience optimization using telco data assets: Part 2

Post Syndicated from Vikas Omer original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/part-2-data-monetization-and-customer-experience-optimization-using-telco-data-assets/

Part 1 of this series explains the importance of building and implementing a customer experience (CX) management and data monetization strategy for telecom service providers (TSPs), and the major challenges driving these initiatives. It also includes an AWS CloudFormation template to set up a demonstration of the solution using AWS services. It covers transforming and enriching multiple datasets, and offers information about data standardization, baselining an analytics data model to marry different datasets like deep packet inspection (DPI) engine embedded Packet Switch (PS) probe, CRM, subscriptions, media, carrier, device, and network configuration management in the data warehouse with AWS Glue, AWS Lambda, and Amazon Redshift.

In this post, I demonstrate how you can enable data analysts, scientists, and advanced business users to query data from Amazon Redshift or Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) directly. I also demonstrate configuring a simple drag-and-drop interface for self-service analytics so you can prepare and publish insights based on enriched data stored in Amazon Redshift or Amazon S3 through Amazon QuickSight.

Solution overview

The following diagram illustrates the workflow of the solution.

In part 1 of this series, we discuss the overall workflow. In this post, we focus on the following steps:

  1. Catalog the processed raw, aggregate, and dimension data in the AWS Glue Data Catalog using the DPI processed data crawler.
  2. Interactively query data directly from Amazon S3 using Amazon Athena and visualize in QuickSight.
  3. Enable self-service analytics using QuickSight to prepare and publish insights based on data residing in the Amazon Redshift cluster.

Querying data using Amazon Redshift

After creating your Amazon Redshift cluster, you can immediately run queries by using the query editor on the Amazon Redshift console. Complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon Redshift console, in the navigation pane, choose Clusters.

A cluster with the identifier <redshift database name>-<cloudformation stack> should be present. For this example, the cluster is cemdm-telco.

  1. Choose Editor.
  2. Enter the required credentials to connect to the Amazon Redshift query editor. (Database name, Database user, and Database password are the ones you entered while creating the CloudFormation stack.)

  1. Choose Connect to database.

Upon successful authentication, you’re directed to the query editor.

  1. Run a few queries to check if data is in the tables.

In the following code, <table-name> is the Amazon Redshift table name:

select count(1) from cemdm.<table-name>;

The following query extracts the number of unique subscriber count by age group with Apple devices browsing retail domain websites or apps in or around shopping malls. You can also extract the list of subscribers and micro-segment them by consumption (total data volume) or by adding KPIs like recency and frequency.

  count(distinct f.customer_id)as "Unique Subs Count"
  cemdm.f_daily_dpi f
inner join cemdm.d_customer_demographics dcd on f.customer_id = dcd.customer_id
inner join cemdm.d_tac dt on f.tac_code = dt.tac_sid
inner join cemdm.d_device dd on dt.device_sid = dd.device_sid
inner join cemdm.d_dpi_dictionary ddd on f.protocol_id = ddd.app_id
inner join cemdm.d_location dl on f.location_id = dl.location_id
  dd.device_manufacturer = 'Apple' 
and ddd.media_category = 'Retail' 
and location_tier_4 ilike '%mall%'
group by 1 
order by 2 desc;

The following screenshot shows the output.

Unloading processed and enriched data from Amazon Redshift to Amazon S3

Amazon Redshift also includes Amazon Redshift Spectrum, which allows you to directly run SQL queries against exabytes of unstructured data in Amazon S3 data lakes. No loading or transformation is required, and you can use open data formats, including Avro, CSV, Ion, JSON, ORC, and Parquet. Amazon Redshift Spectrum automatically scales query compute capacity based on the data being retrieved, so queries against Amazon S3 run quickly, regardless of dataset size.

Amazon Redshift Spectrum gives you the freedom to store your data where you want, in the format you want, and have it available for processing when you need it. This is particularly helpful if you need to offload cold or historical data on Amazon Redshift to Amazon S3 in open data format. You can still access this data through Amazon Redshift via Amazon Redshift Spectrum plus any other application.

TSP data assets also include a lot of unstructured event data. This data is transient, and only valuable for a short amount of time. Therefore, you can leave it on Amazon S3 and access it from Amazon Redshift directly through Amazon Redshift Spectrum. You can use a lake house architecture approach, where hot, mostly static, and corporate data is in the warehouse, and the events data is in the data lake.

Alternatively, you can analyze data on Amazon S3 using Athena.

  1. Use the queries in the following table (in the Unload Statement column) in the Amazon Redshift query editor to unload data from Amazon Redshift to Amazon S3. For instructions, see Unloading data to Amazon S3. Provide the following information:
    • <aws-stack-name> – The name of the CloudFormation stack
    • <aws-region> – The Region in which you deployed the stack (for example, us-east-1)
    • <s3-bucket-name> – The bucket that you created while deploying the stack
    • <aws-account-id> – The AWS account ID in which you deployed the stack
    • <table-name> – The name of the Amazon Redshift table
Amazon Redshift Table Unload Statement



unload ('select * from  cemdm.<table-name>') 
       to 's3://<s3-bucket-name>/dpi/processed/<table-name>/' 
       iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::<aws-account-id>:role /RedshiftBasicCustom-<aws-region>-<aws-stack-name>' 
       PARTITION BY (date_id, hour_id);

unload ('select * from  cemdm.<table-name>') 
       to 's3://<s3-bucket-name>/dpi/processed/f_daily_dpi/' 
       iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::<aws-account-id>:role/RedshiftBasicCustom-<aws-region>-<aws-stack-name>' 
       PARTITION BY (date_id);









unload ('select * from  cemdm.<table-name>') 
   to 's3://<s3-bucket-name>/dpi/processed/<table-name>/' 
       iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::<aws-account-id>:role /RedshiftBasicCustom-<aws-region>-<aws-stack-name>' 

Alternatively, you can copy the Amazon Redshift AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role ARN to unload data to Amazon S3 from the console under the cluster’s properties.

  1. Verify that the data has been unloaded to Amazon S3 under <s3-bucket-name>/dpi/processed/.
  2. On the AWS Glue console, in the navigation pane, choose Crawlers.
  3. Select DPIProcessedDataCrawler.
  4. Choose Run crawler.

  1. Wait for the crawler to show the status Stopping.

The tables added against the DPIProcessedDataCrawler crawlers should show 11.

  1. Under Databases, choose Tables.
  2. Verify the following 11 tables are created under the cemdm database:
    • processed_f_raw_dpi
    • processed_f_hourly_dpi
    • processed_f_daily_dpi
    • processed_d_customer_demographics
    • processed_d_device
    • processed_d_dpi_dictionary
    • processed_d_location
    • processed_d_operator_plmn
    • processed_d_tac
    • processed_d_tariff_plan
    • processed_d_tariff_plan_desc

Visualizing data using QuickSight

QuickSight is a business analytics service you can use to build visualizations, perform one-time analysis, and get business insights from your data. For more information, see What Is Amazon QuickSight?

To connect QuickSight to Amazon Redshift as your data source, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a private connection from Amazon QuickSight to an Amazon Redshift cluster.

These steps involve creating a new private subnet that the CloudFormation stack already created. Use the private subnet that isn’t used by Amazon Redshift cluster for your QuickSight connection.

QuickSight provides out-of-the-box integration with Amazon Redshift, making it simple to query and visualize your Redshift data. For more information, see Creating a Dataset from an Autodiscovered Amazon Redshift Cluster or Amazon RDS Instance.

  1. For Schema, choose cdmdm.
  2. For Tables, select f_daily_dpi.
  3. Choose Edit/Preview data.

  1. Add data and prepare the following table relationships in the Data Prep Use the information provided to create the relationships between different tables:
Table A Name Table A Attribute Join Type Table B Name Table B Attribute
f_daily_dpi customer_id LEFT d_tariff_plan customer_id
f_daily_dpi tac_code INNER d_tac tac_sid
f_daily_dpi sgsn_plmn_sid INNER d_operator_plmn plmn_sid
f_daily_dpi location_id LEFT d_location location_id
f_daily_dpi protocol_id INNER d_dpi_dictionary app_id
f_daily_dpi customer_id LEFT d_customer_demographics customer_id
d_tariff_plan tariff_plan_id INNER d_tariff_plan_desc tariff_plan_id
d_tac device_sid INNER d_device device_sid

You can join d_operator_plmn with sgsn_plmn_sid and home_plmn_sid, but because the sample data only contains home subscriber data, a second join of f_raw_dpi data with d_operator_plmn on home_plmn_sid and plmn_sid is not present in the given relationship of tables.

The following screenshot shows the table relationships.

  1. Name your analysis CEMDM.
  2. Choose Save & visualize.

The following screenshots demonstrate a few QuickSight analyses created from the dataset we created. For more information about creating analyses in QuickSight, see Working with Analyses. You can divide all analyses across all the available attributes. We use the use case from part 1 of this series.

The following screenshot shows visualizations of user demographics on the Demographics tab.

The following screenshot shows visualizations of user interest on the Interest Analysis tab.

The following screenshot shows visualizations of user locations on the Location tab.

The following screenshot shows visualizations of device information on the Device tab.

The following screenshot shows visualizations of subscription information on the Subscriptions tab.

The following screenshot shows visualizations of roaming users on the Roaming tab.

The following screenshot shows visualizations on the Sub Details tab. You can drill down to subscriber-level details from any dashboard across any dimension or apply global-level filters to narrow down the desired segment.

You can also build these reports using Athena as a data connector. QuickSight provides out-of-the-box integration with Athena, which lets you run SQL queries on top of the metadata in your AWS Glue Data Catalog. For more information, see Creating a Dataset Using Amazon Athena Data.

You can also use Amazon Redshift metadata as a business glossary and visualize it using QuickSight with the following custom SQL:

    n.nspname as "Schema",c1.relname as "Table Name", c.attname as "Column Name", 'Attribute' as "Type",
    c.attnum as "Ordinal Position",typnotnull as "Is Not Null",typdefault as "Default Value", t.typname as "Data Type",
    split_part(d.description,'|',1) as "Category", 
    split_part(d.description,'|',2) as "Source",
    split_part(d.description,'|',3) as "Transient/Derived",
    split_part(d.description,'|',4) as "Is PII",
    split_part(d.description,'|',5) as "Is Business Sensitive",
    split_part(d.description,'|',6) as "Description"  
  from pg_catalog.pg_attribute c
  inner join pg_class c1 on c.attrelid=c1.oid
  inner JOIN pg_type t on t.oid=c.atttypid
  inner join pg_catalog.pg_namespace n on c1.relnamespace=n.oid
  inner join pg_catalog.pg_description d on d.objoid=c1.oid AND c.attnum = d.objsubid
  where n.nspname='cemdm' and c.attnum > 0
    pn.nspname as "Schema",pc.relname "Table Name",null as "Column Name", 'Table' as "Type", 
    null as "Ordinal Position",null as "Is Not Null",null as "Default Value",null as "Data Type",
    split_part(pd.description,'|',1) as "Category", 
    split_part(pd.description,'|',2) as "Source",
    split_part(pd.description,'|',3) as "Transient/Derived",
    split_part(pd.description,'|',4) as "Is PII",
    split_part(pd.description,'|',5) as "Is Business Sensitive",
    split_part(pd.description,'|',6) as "Description"
  from pg_catalog.pg_description pd 
  inner join pg_class pc on pd.objoid = pc.oid
  inner join pg_catalog.pg_namespace pn on pc.relnamespace = pn.oid
  where pn.nspname = 'cemdm' and pd.objsubid = 0
) x
order by "Table Name", nvl("Ordinal Position",0);

The following screenshot shows a sample visualization which you can build on QuickSight.

For more information about running custom Amazon Redshift SQL using Amazon QuickSight, see Using the Query Editor.

QuickSight allows creating template from existing analysis. You can use the resulting template to create a dashboard. For more information, see Evolve your analytics with Amazon QuickSight’s new APIs and theming capabilitiesYou can also embed QuickSight dashboards into your own apps, websites, and wikis without the need to provision and manage users (readers) in QuickSight. For more information, see New in Amazon QuickSight – session capacity pricing for large scale deployments, embedding in public websites, and developer portal for embedded analytics.”

Cleaning up

To avoid incurring future charges, delete the resources you created. Manually delete anything created outside of the CloudFormation stack and then the stack itself.


In this post, I demonstrated how data analysts, data scientists, and advanced business users can easily query multiple data sources and generate actionable insights including user interest profiles, segments, and micro-segments. Downstream systems like campaign management systems, customer care portals, and customer-facing applications; internal teams like retention, marketing, CX, and network; and workloads like machine learning can greatly benefit from the insights generated from this solution. You can automate these insights and integrate them with northbound systems, and trigger them based on a schedule or an event.

I also demonstrated how business users are empowered with self-service analytics to help them perform data exploration and publish ready-made insights in the form of dashboards. You can also create stories to drive data-heavy conversations based on enriched data stored in Amazon Redshift or Amazon S3.

Perceiving customer behavior across multiple touchpoints is the key for any business to thrive. And the essence of this solution is to capitalize on data and drive CX and monetization initiatives holistically across your organization. This framework allows you to accelerate your journey towards improving CX and generating new revenue streams by using existing data assets.

You can progressively augment this solution by adding additional data sources to evolve into a customer data platform hosting 360° profiles of individual subscribers correlated from multiple data sources. This solution can further support new and existing marketing, partnerships, loyalty, retention, network planning, and network optimization initiatives to drive revenue growth and improve profitability while keeping subscribers happy and loyal. It also helps you define an organization-wide standard for data visualization, self-service analytics, metadata discovery, and data marketplace.

For more ways to expand this solution, consider the following services:

  • AWS Data Exchange makes it easy to find, subscribe to, and use third-party data in the cloud. You can merge it with in-house data assets to span existing insights across multiple domains.
  • Amazon Pinpoint is a flexible and scalable outbound and inbound marketing communications service. You can connect with customers over channels like email, SMS, push, or voice. You can segment and micro-segment your campaign audience for the right customer and personalize your messages with the right content.

As always, AWS welcomes feedback. This is a wide-open space to explore, so reach out to us if you want to dive deep into understanding how you can build this solution and more on AWS. Please submit comments or questions in the comments section.

About the Author

Vikas Omer is an analytics specialist solutions architect at Amazon Web Services. Vikas has a strong background in analytics, customer experience management (CEM) and data monetization, with over 11 years of experience in the telecommunications industry globally. With six AWS Certifications, including Analytics Specialty, he is a trusted analytics advocate to AWS customers and partners. He loves traveling, meeting customers, and helping them become successful in what they do.

Building a cost efficient, petabyte-scale lake house with Amazon S3 lifecycle rules and Amazon Redshift Spectrum: Part 2

Post Syndicated from Cristian Gavazzeni original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/part-2-building-a-cost-efficient-petabyte-scale-lake-house-with-amazon-s3-lifecycle-rules-and-amazon-redshift-spectrum/

In part 1 of this series, we demonstrated building an end-to-end data lifecycle management system integrated with a data lake house implemented on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) with Amazon Redshift and Amazon Redshift Spectrum. In this post, we address the ongoing operation of the solution we built.

Data ageing process after a month (ongoing)

Let’s assume a month has elapsed since walking through the use case in the last post, and old historical data was classified and tiered accordingly to policy. You now need to enter the new monthly data generated into the lifecycle pipeline as follows:

  • June 2020 data – Produced and consolidated into Amazon Redshift local tables
  • December 2019 data – Migrated to Amazon S3
  • June 2019 data – Migrated from Amazon S3 to S3-IA
  • March 2019 data – Migrated from S3-IA to Glacier

The first step required is to increase the ageing counter of all the Parquet files (both midterm and shortterm prefixes), using aws s3api get-object-tagging to check the current value and increasing by 1 with aws s3api set-object-tagging. This can be cumbersome if you have many objects, but you can automate it with Amazon S3 CLI scripts or SDKs like Boto3 (Phyton).

The following is a simple Python script you can use to check the current tag settings for all keys in the prefix extract_shortterm:

from boto3 import client 
import re 
conn = client('s3') 
def printtags(mybucket, myprefix): 
    for key in conn.list_objects(Bucket = mybucket, Prefix = myprefix)['Contents']: 
        if key['Key'].endswith('.parquet'): 
            tagset = conn.get_object_tagging(Bucket=mybucket, Key=key['Key'])['TagSet'] 
            stringa = str(tagset) 
            stringtag = (re.findall("\d+", stringa)) 
            tagvalue = int(stringtag[0]) 
            print((key['Key']), "ageing = ", tagvalue) 
#below set parameters bucket and prefix accordingly with your env 
printtags('rs-lakehouse-blog-post', 'extract_shortterm/')

This second Python script lists all current tag settings for all keys in the prefix extract_shortterm, increases by 1 ageing, and lists the keys and new tag values. If other tags were added to these objects prior to this step, this new tag overwrites the entire tagSet. The set object tagging operation is not an append, but a completely new PUT.

from boto3 import client 
import re
conn = client('s3') 
def updateTags(mybucket, myprefix): 
    for key in conn.list_objects(Bucket = mybucket, Prefix = myprefix)['Contents']: 
        if key['Key'].endswith('.parquet'): 
            tagset = conn.get_object_tagging(Bucket = mybucket, Key=key['Key'])['TagSet'] 
            stringa = str(tagset) 
            stringtag = (re.findall("\d+", stringa)) 
            tagvalue = int(stringtag[0]) 
            print((key['Key']), "Current ageing = ", tagvalue) 
            tagvalue = tagvalue+1 
            put_tags_response = conn.put_object_tagging(Bucket=mybucket, Key = key['Key'], Tagging = {'TagSet': [ { 'Key': 'ageing', 'Value': str(tagvalue) }, ] } ) 
printtags('rs-lakehouse-blog-post', 'extract_shortterm/')

To run the pipeline described before, you need to perform the following:

  1. Unload the December 2019 data.
  2. Apply the tag ageing to 6.
  3. Add the new Parquet file as a new partition to the external table taxispectrum.taxi_archive.

For the relevant syntax, see [part 1]. You can automate these tasks using an AWS Lambda function and use a monthly schedule.

Check the results with a query to the external table and don’t forget to remove unloaded items from the Amazon Redshift local table, as you did in part 1 of this series.

In this use case, we know exactly the mapping of June 2019 to the Amazon S3 key name because we used a specific naming convention. If your use case is different, you can use the two pseudo-columns automatically created in every Amazon Redshift external table: $path and $size. See the following code:

select pickup, 
from taxispectrum.taxi_archive 
where pickup between '2019-06-01 00:00:00' and '2019-06-30 23:59:59' 
limit 10

 The following screenshot shows our results.

The following screenshot shows our results. 

We’re migrating the March 2019 Parquet file to Glacier, so you should remove the related partition from the AWS Glue Data Catalog:

ALTER TABLE taxispectrum.taxi_archive
DROP PARTITION (yearmonth=‘2019-03’)

Right to be forgotten

One of the pillar rules of GDPR is the “right to be forgotten” rule—the ability for a customer or employee to request deletion of any personal data.

Implementing this feature for external tables on Amazon Redshift requires a different approach than for local tables, because external tables don’t support delete and update operations.

You can implement two different approaches.

In and out

In this first approach, you copy the external table to a temporary Amazon Redshift table, delete the specific rows, unload the temporary table to Amazon S3 and overwrite the key name, and drop the temporary (internal table).

Let’s assume that the drivers in the dataset are identified with column pulocid. We want to delete all records related to a driver identified with pulocid 129 and who worked between October 2019 and November 2019.

  1. With the following code (from Amazon Redshift), you can identify a every single row matched with specific single Parquet file:
    select pickup,
    from taxispectrum.taxi_shortterm
    where pulocid = 129 and pickup between ‘2019-10-01 00:00:00’ and ‘2019-11-30 23:59:59’

The following screenshot shows our results.

 The following screenshot shows our results.

  1. When checking the applied tags, note the value associated to the ageing tag, or save the output of the following command in a temporary JSON file:
    aws s3api get-object-tagging \
    --bucket rs-lakehouse-blog-post \
    --key extract_shortterm/green_tripdata_2019-10000.parquet > \

  2. Create two temporary tables, one for each of the two Parquet files matching the query (October and November):
    create table temporaryoct (like greentaxi);

  3. Copy the Parquet file to the local table, using the format as parquet attribute:
    copy temporaryoct
    from ‘s3://rs-lakehouse-blog-post/extract_shortterm/green_tripdata_2019-10000.parquet’
    iam_role ‘arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/BlogSpectrumRole’
    format as parquet

  4. Delete the records matching the “right to be forgotten” request criteria:
    delete from temporaryoct 
    where pulocid = 129 and pickup between '2019-10-01 00:00:00' and '2019-11-30 23:59:59'

  5. Overwrite the Parquet file with the UNLOAD command (note the allowoverwrite option):
    unload ('select * from temporaryoct') 
    to 's3://rs-lakehouse-blog-post/extract_shortterm/green_tripdata_2019-10000.parquet’ 
    iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/BlogSpectrumRole' 
    parquet parallel off allowoverwrite

  6. Drop the temporary table:
    drop table temporaryoct;

In more complex use cases, user data might span multiple months, and our approach might not be effective. In these cases, using Spark to process and rewrite the Parquet could be a better and faster solution.

In other use cases, the number of records to be deleted could be a majority. If so, as an alternative to the delete and unload steps, you could use CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE AS (CTAS). CTAS creates an external table based on the column definition from a query and writes the results of that query on Amazon S3.

Edit your own

The second option is to use an external editor to access the Amazon S3 file and remove specific records. You could use a Spark script with the following steps:

  1. Create a DataFrame.
  2. Import a Parquet file in memory.
  3. Remove records matching your criteria.
  4. Overwrite the same Amazon S3 key with the new data.

Building a simple data ageing dashboard

Sometimes data temperature is very predictable and based on ageing, but in some cases, especially when data is originated and accessed from different entities, it’s not easy to build a model to fit the best storage transition strategy. For these scenarios, you can use Amazon S3 analytics storage class analysis and Amazon S3 access logs.

Storage class analytis observes the infrequent access patterns of a filtered set of data over a period of time. You can use the analysis results to help you improve your lifecycle policies. You can configure storage class analysis to analyze all the objects in a bucket rr, and configure filters to group objects together for analysis by a common prefix (objects that have names that begin with a common string), by object tags, or by both prefix and tags. Filtering by object groups is the best way to benefit from storage class analysis.

To achieve a better understanding of how data is accessed (and who accessed it, and when) and build a custom tiering strategy, you can use Amazon S3 access logs. This feature doesn’t have any additional costs, but log retention incurs Amazon S3 storage costs. You first define a recipient to store the logs.

  1. Create a new bucket named rs-lakehouse-blog-post-logs.
  2. To set up S3 Server access logging on the source bucket rs-lakehouse-blog-post on the Amazon S3 console, on the Properties tab, choose Server access logging.
  3. For Target bucket, enter rs-lakehouse-blog-post-logs.
  4. For Target prefix, leave blank.
  5. Choose Save.

You first define a recipient to store the logs.

Let’s assume that after few days of activities, you want to discover how users and applications accessed the data.

  1. On the Amazon Redshift console, create an external table to map the Amazon S3 access logs:
    CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE taxispectrum.s3accesslogs(
        BucketOwner                   varchar(256), 
        Bucket                        varchar(256), 
        RequestDateTime               varchar(256), 
        RemoteIP                      varchar(256), 
        Requester                     varchar(256), 
        RequestID                     varchar(256), 
        Operation                     varchar(256), 
        Key                           varchar(256), 
        RequestURI_operation          varchar(256),
        RequestURI_key                varchar(256),
        RequestURI_httpProtoversion   varchar(256),
        HTTPstatus                    varchar(256), 
        ErrorCode                     varchar(256), 
        BytesSent                     varchar(256), 
        ObjectSize                    varchar(256), 
        TotalTime                     varchar(256), 
        TurnAroundTime                varchar(256), 
        Referrer                      varchar(256), 
        UserAgent                     varchar(256), 
        VersionId                     varchar(256)
    ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.RegexSerDe'
        'input.regex' = '([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) \\[(.*?)\\] ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) \"([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*)\" (-|[0-9]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) (\"[^\"]*\") ([^ ]*)'
    LOCATION 's3://rs-lakehouse-blog-post-logs/'

  2. Check the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy S3-Lakehouse-Policy created in part 1 and add the following two lines to the JSON definition file:

  3. Query a few columns:
    select bucket, 
    from taxispectrum.s3accesslogs

The following screenshot shows our results.

The following screenshot shows our results.

This report is a starting point for both auditing purposes and for analyzing access patterns. As a next step, you could use a business intelligence (BI) visualization solution like Amazon QuickSight and create a dataset in order to create a dashboard showing the most and least accessed files.

Cleaning up

To clean up your resources after walking through this post, complete the following steps:

  1. Delete the Amazon Redshift cluster without the final cluster snapshot:
    aws redshift delete-cluster –-cluster-identifier redshift-cluster-1

  2. Delete the schema and table defined in AWS Glue:
    aws glue delete-table \
        –-database-name blogdb \
        –-name taxi_archive 
    aws glue delete-table \
        –-database-name blogdb \
        –-name s3accesslogs 
    aws glue delete-database –-name blogdb

  3. Delete the S3 buckets and all their content:
    aws s3 rb s3://rs-lakehouse-blog-post –-force
    aws s3 rb s3://rs-lakehouse-blog-post-logs –-force 


In the first post in this series, we demonstrated how to implement a data lifecycle system for a lake house using Amazon Redshift, Redshift Spectrum, and Amazon S3 lifecycle rules. In this post, we focused on how to operationalize the solution with automation scripts (with the AWS Boto3 library for Python) and S3 Server access logs.

About the Authors

Cristian Gavazzeni is a senior solution architect at Amazon Web Services. He has more than 20 years of experience as a pre-sales consultant focusing on Data Management, Infrastructure and Security. During his spare time he likes eating Japanese food and travelling abroad with only fly and drive bookings.



Francesco MarelliFrancesco Marelli is a senior solutions architect at Amazon Web Services. He has lived and worked in London for 10 years, after that he has worked in Italy, Switzerland and other countries in EMEA. He is specialized in the design and implementation of Analytics, Data Management and Big Data systems, mainly for Enterprise and FSI customers. Francesco also has a strong experience in systems integration and design and implementation of web applications. He loves sharing his professional knowledge, collecting vinyl records and playing bass.

Amazon Redshift 2020 year in review

Post Syndicated from Corina Radovanovich original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/amazon-redshift-2020-year-in-review/

Today, more data is created every hour than in an entire year just 20 years ago. Successful organizations are leveraging this data to deliver better service to their customers, improve their products, and run an efficient and effective business. As the importance of data and analytics continues to grow, the Amazon Redshift cloud data warehouse service is evolving to meet the needs of our customers. Amazon Redshift was the first data warehouse built for the cloud in 2012, and we’ve constantly listened to our customers to deliver on our promise of a fast, scalable, and easy-to-use service that makes it possible to deliver insight across an organization with a single and consistent view of your data—even with the enormous growth in data we’re experiencing. That’s why tens of thousands of customers like Nasdaq, Dollar Shave Club, and VOO are betting on Amazon Redshift to gain the insight they need. You can hear from customers about how they’re using Amazon Redshift in the AWS re:Invent 2020 sessions How Twilio scaled business intelligence with a data lake powered by AWS and How Vyaire uses AWS analytics to scale ventilator product and save lives.

In 2020, we continued to innovate at a fast clip, releasing dozens of new features and capabilities to make it easier to analyze all your data with a Lake House Architecture, get fast performance at any scale, and lower your costs with predictable pricing. Some of these new features were major efforts that required extensive development and engineering work, and others were relatively minor, but when considered as an aggregate make a big difference to our customers’ ability to do things like migrate to Amazon Redshift from legacy on-premises data warehouses, or support new use cases.

Lake House and AWS integrated

At AWS, we believe in adopting a Lake House Architecture so you can easily integrate your data warehouse with the data lake on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), purpose-built data stores, and with other analytics services without moving and transforming your data explicitly. For more information about this approach, see the post Harness the power of your data with AWS Analytics by Rahul Pathak, and watch his AWS re:Invent 2020 analytics leadership session.

The following image shows how Amazon Redshift integrates with the data lake and other services.

The following image shows how Amazon Redshift integrates with the data lake and other services.

Since we released the Amazon Redshift Spectrum feature a couple years ago, customers have been querying exabytes of data directly in the lake in Apache Parquet, an open file format. With data lake export released in 2019, you can save the results of an Amazon Redshift query back into the lake. This means you can take advantage of (or be ready to evolve to) real-time analytics and machine learning (ML) and AI use cases without re-architecture, because Amazon Redshift is fully integrated with your data lake. In 2020, we also released new capabilities like Amazon Redshift data sharing (preview), so you can easily share data across Amazon Redshift clusters (both internally and externally) so every user has a live and consistent view of data.

Customers like Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, Yelp, Fannie Mae, and many more are benefitting from data sharing. Steven Moy from Yelp shared, “The data sharing feature seamlessly allows multiple Redshift clusters to query data located in our RA3 clusters and their managed storage. This eliminates our concerns with delays in making data available for our teams, and reduces the amount of data duplication and associated backfill headache. We now can concentrate even more of our time making use of our data in Redshift and enable better collaboration instead of data orchestration.”

With Amazon Redshift Federated Query, you can combine operational data that is stored in popular databases such as Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) and Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL. We also offer Amazon RDS for MySQL and Amazon Aurora MySQL support in preview. For more information, see Announcing Amazon Redshift federated querying to Amazon Aurora MySQL and Amazon RDS for MySQL.

We also launched a native integration with Amazon SageMaker, Amazon Redshift ML (preview), to make it easy to do more with your data with predictive analytics. Now you can create, train, and deploy ML models with SQL on your Amazon Redshift data without relying on an ML expert or learning new tools and languages.

Customers and partners like Datacoral, ZS Associates, Rackspace, and Slalom are benefiting from Amazon Redshift ML. Raghu Murthy from Datacoral shared, “We are really excited about the new Amazon Redshift ML feature. Typically, our mutual customers need to extract data from Amazon Redshift to perform inference for ML. Now that this can be done natively within Amazon Redshift, we see the potential for a huge performance and productivity improvement. We look forward to helping more customers use ML on the data in their Amazon Redshift data warehouse, and to speeding up the inference pipelines our customers are already using ML with this new capability.”

In addition to querying semi-structured data using Amazon Redshift Spectrum in the lake, in 2020 we launched native support for semi-structured data processing with the SUPER data type (preview). This new data type, SUPER, supports nested data formats such as JSON and enables you to ingest, store, and query nested data natively in Amazon Redshift. SUPER data can be queried using PartiQL, a SQL extension used for easily querying both semi-structured and structured data.

Other features we released in 2020 that support the Lake House Architecture and AWS integrations include AWS Lambda UDF, partner console integration (preview), AWS Glue Elastic Views (preview), support for writing to external tables in Amazon S3, the ability to query open-source Apache Hudi and Delta Lake, and much more.

Learn more about the Lake House Architecture in the AWS re:Invent 2020 session The lake house approach to data warehousing with Amazon Redshift, and dive deep into the new data sharing features in the sessions New use cases for Amazon Redshift and Introducing Amazon Redshift ML.

Performance at scale

Amazon Redshift has always been built for fast performance at scale—we know this is important to our customers because you want a data warehouse you can trust to deliver results quickly across all your data. With Amazon Redshift, you get up to 3x better price performance than other cloud data warehouses, and we recently published our benchmark results so you can learn more and even replicate the tests. The benchmarking test was performed with a single cluster, and for customers that have high concurrency workloads, we offer concurrency scaling to scale out your read workloads.

We know you count on Amazon Redshift to deliver consistently fast results from gigabytes to petabytes of data, and from a few users to thousands. As your users scale, the concurrency scaling capability of Amazon Redshift automatically deploys the necessary compute resources to manage the additional load. And, because we know your workloads are growing fast, we’re building Amazon Redshift for the new scale of data with features like AQUA (Advanced Query Accelerator), a new hardware accelerated cache that boosts queries up to 10x faster than other cloud data warehouses. AQUA is available in preview on RA3 4xl and 16xl nodes in select Regions, and will be generally available in January, 2021.

In 2020, we also invested a lot in making it easier to get the best performance by releasing new capabilities for Amazon Redshift to be a self-tuning and self-learning system. This allows you to get the best performance for your workloads without the undifferentiated heavy lifting of tuning your data warehouse with tasks such as defining sort keys, and distribution keys and new capabilities like materialized views, and automatic refresh and query rewrite of materialized views.

Based on internal benchmarking, optimizations made by the automatic table optimization feature have been shown to increase cluster performance by 24% and 34% using the 3 TB and 30 TB TPC-DS benchmarks, respectively, versus a cluster without automatic table optimization. When professional services firm ZS Associates started using automatic table optimizations, Nishesh Aggarwal shared, “When we tested ATO in our development environment, the performance of our queries was 25% faster than our production workload not using ATO, without requiring any additional effort by our administrators.”

Other features delivered in 2020 that support performance at scale include query compilation improvements, 100k table support, HyperLogLog, and much more.

Find out more about how Amazon.com uses Amazon Redshift to perform analytics at scale in the following AWS re:Invent 2020 session, dive deep into the new features with the session Getting the most out of Amazon Redshift automation, and learn more about AQUA with AQUA for Amazon Redshift (Preview).

Best value

We focus on our customers and innovate to ensure Amazon Redshift provides great value, whether you’re starting small at $0.25 per hour or committing with Reserved Instances that allow you save up to 75% compared to on-demand prices when you commit to a 1- or 3-year term. In 2020, we heard from many new and existing customers about the value and performance gains they experienced from the new generation instance type, RA3 with managed storage. By scaling and paying for storage and compute separately, you get the optimal amount of storage and compute for diverse workloads. RA3 allows you to choose the size of your Amazon Redshift cluster based on your performance requirements, and Amazon Redshift managed storage automatically scales your data warehouse storage capacity without you having to add and pay for additional compute instances. In early 2020, we released RA3.4xl, and more recently completed the family with the new and smallest instance size, RA3.xlplus.

Unlike other cloud DWs where you need premium versions for additional enterprise capabilities, Amazon Redshift pricing includes built-in security-like encryption, audit logs, and compliance, and launches within your virtual private cloud (VPC), as well as data compression and data transfer. Amazon Redshift also provides predictability in month-to-month cost even when you have unpredictable or highly concurrent workloads. Each Amazon Redshift cluster earns up to an hour of free concurrency scaling credits per day, which can be used to offset the cost of the transient clusters that are automatically added to handle high concurrency. Additionally, in 2020 we released new cost control features for Amazon Redshift Spectrum and concurrency scaling.

The automatic workload manager (WLM) was updated in 2020 to make it even more effective to help you run a complex mix of applications. A successful workload management scheme ensures SLAs for high-priority workloads, ensures highly efficient resource utilization, and maximizes return on investment (ROI). One approach to solve this problem is to simply add more resources, but this approach is problematic because it leads to unpredictable spend and high invoices. WLM in Amazon Redshift helps you maximize query throughput and get consistent performance for the most demanding analytics workloads, all while optimizing the resources that you’re already paying for. For example, with query priorities, you can now ensure that higher-priority workloads get preferential treatment in Amazon Redshift, including more resources during busy times for consistent query performance. Query monitoring rules provides ways to manage unexpected situations like detecting and preventing runaway or expensive queries from consuming system resources.

We also improved automatic WLM in several ways. It now uses ML to predict the amount of resources a query needs, allowing us to improve overall throughput. In addition, WLM now scales concurrency dynamically, and we enhanced SQA (short query acceleration) with what we call “turbo boost mode,” a feature that is automatically activated when queue buildup is detected and waiting queries don’t require a lot of resources. This allows for more consistent query performance for all queries regardless of priority, as well as more efficient utilization of resources overall.

Many of our customers have started using the Data API released in 2020 to build web services-based applications and to integrate with services like AWS LambdaAWS AppSync, and AWS Cloud9. The Data API simplifies data access, ingest, and egress from languages supported with AWS SDK such as Python, Go, Java, Node.js, PHP, Ruby, and C++, so you can focus on building applications versus managing infrastructure.

Other features delivered in 2020 that make sure you get the best value out of Amazon Redshift include cross-AZ cluster recovery, open-source JDBC and Python drivers, spatial data processing enhancements, TIME and TIMETZ data types, scheduling of SQL queries, pause and resume, and much more.


For an overview of the new features, check out the AWS re:Invent 2020 session What’s new with Amazon Redshift and go deeper with the deep dive on best practices for Amazon Redshift. If you’re still evaluating whether a move to the cloud makes sense, learn more about migrating a legacy data warehouse to Amazon Redshift.

Thanks for all your feedback over the years and cheers to the insights you’ll be gaining from your AWS analytics solutions in 2021.

About the Authors

Corina Radovanovich leads product marketing for cloud data warehousing at AWS. She’s worked in marketing and communications for the biggest tech companies worldwide and specializes in cloud data services.



Eugene Kawamoto is a director of product management for Amazon Redshift. Eugene leads the product management and database engineering teams at AWS. He has been with AWS for ~8 years supporting analytics and database services both in Seattle and in Tokyo. In his spare time, he likes running trails in Seattle, loves finding new temples and shrines in Kyoto, and enjoys exploring his travel bucket list.

Building a cost efficient, petabyte-scale lake house with Amazon S3 lifecycle rules and Amazon Redshift Spectrum: Part 1

Post Syndicated from Cristian Gavazzeni original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/part-1-building-a-cost-efficient-petabyte-scale-lake-house-with-amazon-s3-lifecycle-rules-and-amazon-redshift-spectrum/

The continuous growth of data volumes combined with requirements to implement long-term retention (typically due to specific industry regulations) puts pressure on the storage costs of data warehouse solutions, even for cloud native data warehouse services such as Amazon Redshift. The introduction of the new Amazon Redshift RA3 node types helped in decoupling compute from storage growth. Integration points provided by Amazon Redshift Spectrum, Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) storage classes, and other Amazon S3 features allow for compliance of retention policies while keeping costs under control.

An enterprise customer in Italy asked the AWS team to recommend best practices on how to implement a data journey solution for sales data; the objective of part 1 of this series is to provide step-by-step instructions and best practices on how to build an end-to-end data lifecycle management system integrated with a data lake house implemented on Amazon S3 with Amazon Redshift. In part 2, we show some additional best practices to operate the solution: implementing a sustainable monthly ageing process, using Amazon Redshift local tables to troubleshoot common issues, and using Amazon S3 access logs to analyze data access patterns.

Amazon Redshift and Redshift Spectrum

At re:Invent 2019, AWS announced new Amazon Redshift RA3 nodes. Even though this introduced new levels of cost efficiency in the cloud data warehouse, we faced customer cases where the data volume to be kept is an order of magnitude higher due to specific regulations that impose historical data to be kept for up to 10–12 years or more. In addition, this historical cold data must be accessed by other services and applications external to Amazon Redshift (such as Amazon SageMaker for AI and machine learning (ML) training jobs), and occasionally it needs to be queried jointly with Amazon Redshift hot data. In these situations, Redshift Spectrum is a great fit because, among other factors, you can use it in conjunction with Amazon S3 storage classes to further improve TCO.

Redshift Spectrum allows you to query data that resides in S3 buckets using already in place application code and logic used for data warehouse tables, and potentially performing joins and unions of Amazon Redshift local tables and data on Amazon S3.

Redshift Spectrum uses a fleet of compute nodes managed by AWS that increases system scalability. To use it, we need to define at least an external schema and an external table (unless an external schema and external database are already defined in the AWS Glue Data Catalog). Data definition language (DDL) statements used to define an external table include a location attribute to address S3 buckets and prefixes containing the dataset, which could be in common file formats like ORC, Parquet, AVRO, CSV, JSON, or plain text. Compressed and columnar file formats like Apache Parquet are preferred because they provide less storage usage and better performance.

For a data catalog, we could use AWS Glue or an external hive metastore. For this post, we use AWS Glue.

S3 Lifecycle rules

Amazon S3 storage classes include S3 Standard, S3-IA, S3 One-Zone, S3 Intelligent-Tiering, S3 Glacier, and S3 Glacier Deep Archive. For our use case, we need to keep data accessible for queries for 5 years and with high durability, so we consider only S3 Standard and S3-IA for this time frame, and S3 Glacier only for long term (5–12 years). Data access to S3 Glacier requires data retrieval in the range of minutes (if using expedited retrieval) and this can’t be matched with the ability to query data. We can adopt Glacier for very cold data if you implement a manual process to first restore the Glacier archive to a temporary S3 bucket, and then query this data defined via an external table.

S3 Glacier Select allows you to query on data directly in S3 Glacier, but it only supports uncompressed CSV files. Because the objective of this post is to propose a cost-efficient solution, we didn’t consider it. If for any reason you have constraints for storing in CSV file format (instead of compressed formats like Parquet), Glacier Select might also be a good fit.

Excluding retrieval costs, the cost for storage for S3-IA is typically around 45% cheaper than S3 Standard, and S3 Glacier is 68% cheaper than S3-IA. For updated pricing information, see Amazon S3 pricing.

We don’t use S3 Intelligent Tiering because it bases storage transition on the last access time, and this resets every time we need to query the data. We use the S3 Lifecycle rules that are based either on creation time or prefix or tag matching, which is consistent regardless of data access patterns.

Simulated use case and retention policy

For our use case, we need to implement the data retention strategy for trip records outlined in the following table.

Corporate Rule Dataset Start Dataset end Data Storage Engine
Last 6 months in Redshift Spectrum December 2019 May 2020 Amazon Redshift local tables Amazon Redshift
Months 6–11 in Amazon S3 June 2019 November 2019 S3 Standard Redshift Spectrum
Months 12–14 in S3-IA March 2019 May 2019 S3-IA Redshift Spectrum
After month 15 January 2019 February 2019 Glacier N/A

For this post, we create a new table in a new Amazon Redshift cluster and load a public dataset. We use the New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) Trip Record Data because it provides the required historical depth.

We use the Green Taxi Trip Records, based on monthly CSV files containing 20 columns with fields like vendor ID, pickup time, drop-off time, fare, and other information. 

Preparing the dataset and setting up the Amazon Redshift environment

As a first step, we create an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role for Redshift Spectrum. This is required to allow access to Amazon Redshift to Amazon S3 for querying and loading data, and also to allow access to the AWS Glue Data Catalog whenever we create, modify, or delete a new external table.

  1. Create a role named BlogSpectrumRole.
  2. Edit the following two JSON files, which have the IAM policies according to the bucket and prefix used in this post, as needed, and attach the policies to the role you created:

    	    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    	    "Statement": [
    	            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
    	            "Effect": "Allow",
    	            "Action": "s3:*",
    	            "Resource": [


    	"Version": "2012-10-17",
    	"Statement": [
    			"Sid": "VisualEditor0",
    			"Effect": "Allow",
    			"Action": [
    			"Resource": [

Now you create a single-node Amazon Redshift cluster based on a DC2.large instance type, attaching the newly created IAM role BlogSpectrumRole.

  1. On the Amazon Redshift console, choose Create cluster.
  2. Keep the default cluster identifier redshift-cluster-1.
  3. Choose the node type DC2.large.
  4. Set the configuration to single node.
  5. Keep the default dbname and ports.
  6. Set a primary user password.
  7. Choose Create cluster.
  8. After the cluster is configured, check the attached IAM role on the Properties tab for the cluster.
  9. Take note of the IAM role ARN, because you use it to create external tables.

Copying data into Amazon Redshift

To connect to Amazon Redshift, you can use a free client like SQL Workbench/J or use the AWS console embedded query editor with the previously created credentials.

  1. Create a table according to the dataset schema using the following DDL statement:
    	create table greentaxi(
    	vendor_id integer,
    	pickup timestamp,
    	dropoff timestamp,
    	storeandfwd char(2),
    	ratecodeid integer,
    	pulocid integer,
    	dolocid integer,
    	passenger_count integer,
    	trip_dist real,
    	fare_amount real,
    	extra real,
    	mta_tax real,
    	tip_amount real,
    	toll_amount real,
    	ehail_fee real,
    	improve_surch real,
    	total_amount real,
    	pay_type integer,
    	trip_type integer,
    	congest_surch real

The most efficient method to load data into Amazon Redshift is using the COPY command, because it uses the distributed architecture (each slice can ingest one file at the same time).

  1. Load year 2020 data from January to June in the Amazon Redshift table with the following command (replace the IAM role value with the one you created earlier):
    copy greentaxi from ‘s3://nyc-tlc/trip data/green_tripdata_2020’ 
    	iam_role ‘arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/BlogSpectrumRole’ 
    	delimiter ‘,’ 
    	dateformat ‘auto’
    	region ‘us-east-1’ 
    ignoreheader as 1;

Now the greentaxi table includes all records starting from January 2019 to June 2020. You’re now ready to leverage Redshift Spectrum and S3 storage classes to save costs.

Extracting data from Amazon Redshift

You perform the next steps using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI). For download and installation instructions, see Installing, updating, and uninstalling the AWS CLI version 2.

Use the AWS CONFIGURE command to set the access key and secret access key of your IAM user and your selected AWS Region (same as your S3 buckets) of your Amazon Redshift cluster.

In this section, we evaluate two different use cases:

  • New customer – As a new customer, you don’t have much Amazon Redshift old data, and want to extract only the oldest monthly data and apply a lifecycle policy based on creation date. Storage tiering only affects future data and is fully automated.
  • Old customer – In this use case, you come from a multi-year data growth, and need to move existing Amazon Redshift data to different storage classes. In addition, you want a fully automated solution but with the ability to override and decide what and when to transition data between S3 storage classes. This requirement is due to many factors, like the GDPR rule “right to be forgotten.” You may need to edit historical data to remove specific customer records, which changes the file creation date. For this reason, you need S3 Lifecycle rules based on tagging instead of creation date.

New customer use case

The UNLOAD command uses the result of an embedded SQL query to extract data from Amazon Redshift to Amazon S3, producing different file formats such as CSV, text, and Parquet. To extract data from January 2019, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a destination bucket like the following:
    aws s3 mb s3://rs-lakehouse-blog-post

  2. Create a folder named archive in the destination bucket rs-lakehouse-blog-post:
    aws s3api put-object --bucket rs-lakehouse-blog-post -–key archive

  3. Use the following SQL code to implement the UNLOAD statement. The SELECT on Data data types requires quoting as well as a SELECT statement embedded in the UNLOAD command:
    unload ('select * from greentaxi where pickup between ''2019-01-01 00:00:00'' and ''2019-01-30 23:59:59''')
    to 's3://rs-lakehouse-blog-post/archive/5to12years_taxi'
    iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/BlogSpectrumRole'; 

    1. You can perform a check with the AWS CLI:
      aws s3 ls s3://rs-lakehouse-blog-post/archive/
      2020-10-12 14:49:51          0 
      2020-11-04 09:51:00   34792620 5to12years_taxi0000_part_00
      2020-11-04 09:51:00   34792738 5to12years_taxi0001_part_00

  • The output shows that the UNLOAD statement generated two files of 33 MB each. By default, UNLOAD generates at least one file for each slice in the Amazon Redshift cluster. My cluster is a single node with DC2 type instances with two slices. This default file format is text, which is not storage optimized.

    To simplify the process, you create a single file for each month so that you can later apply lifecycle rules to each file. In real-world scenarios, extracting data with a single file isn’t the best practice in terms of performance optimization. This is just to simplify the process for the purpose of this post.

    1. Create your files with the following code:
      unload ('select * from greentaxi where pickup between ''2019-01-01 00:00:00'' and ''2019-01-31 23:59:59''')
      to 's3://rs-lakehouse-blog-post/archive/green_tripdata_2019-01'
      iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/BlogSpectrumRole' parquet parallel off;

    The output of the UNLOAD commands is a single file (per month) in Parquet format, which takes 80% less space than the previous unload. This is important to save costs related to both Amazon S3 and Glacier, but also for costs associated to Redshift Spectrum queries, which is billed by amount of data scanned.

    1. You can check how efficient Parquet is compared to text format:
      aws s3 ls s3://rs-lakehouse-blog-post/archive/

      2020-08-12 17:17:42   14523090 green_tripdata_2019-01000.parquet 

    1. Clean up previous the text files:
      aws s3 rm s3://rs-lakehouse-blog-post/ --recursive \
      --exclude "*" --include "archive/5to12*"

      The next step is creating a lifecycle rule based on creation date to automate the migration to S3-IA after 12 months and to Glacier after 15 months. The proposed policy name is 12IA-15Glacier and it’s filtered on the prefix archive/.

    1. Create a JSON file containing the lifecycle policy definition named json:
      	"Rules": [
      			"ID": "12IA-15Glacier",
      			"Filter": {
      				"Prefix": "archive"
      			"Status": "Enabled",
      			"Transitions": [
      				"Days": 365,
      				"StorageClass": "STANDARD_IA"
      	                    	"Days": 548,
      	                    	"StorageClass": "GLACIER"

    1. Run the following command to send the JSON file to Amazon S3:
      aws s3api put-bucket-lifecycle-configuration \ 
      --bucket rs-lakehouse-blog-post \ 
      --lifecycle-configuration file://lifecycle.json

    This lifecycle policy migrates all keys in the archive prefix from Amazon S3 to S3-IA after 12 months and from S3-IA to Glacier after 15 months. For example, if today were 2020-09-12, and you unload the 2020-03 data to Amazon S3, by 2021-09-12, this 2020-03 data is automatically migrated to S3-IA.

    If using this basic use case, you can skip the partition steps in the section Defining the external schema and external tables.

    Old customer use case

    In this use case, you extract data with different ageing in the same time frame. You extract all data from January 2019 to February 2019 and, because we assume that you aren’t using this data, archive it to S3 Glacier.

    Data from March 2019 to May 2019 is migrated as an external table on S3-IA, and data from June 2019 to November 2019 is migrated as an external table to S3 Standard. With this approach, you comply with customer long-term retention policies and regulations, and reduce TCO.

    You implement the retention strategy described in the Simulated use case and retention policy section.

    1. Create a destination bucket (if you also walked through the first use case, use a different bucket):
      aws s3 mb s3://rs-lakehouse-blog-post

    2. Create three folders named extract_longtermextract_midterm, and extract_shortterm in the destination bucket rs-lakehouse-blog-post. The following code is the syntax for creating the extract_longterm folder:
      aws s3api put-object --bucket rs-lakehouse-blog-post –key

    3. Extract the data:
      unload ('select * from greentaxi where pickup between ''2019-01-01 00:00:00'' and ''2019-01-31 23:59:59''')
      	to 's3://rs-lakehouse-blog-post/extract_longterm/green_tripdata_2019-01'
      iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/BlogSpectrumRole' parquet parallel off;

    4. Repeat these steps for the February 2019 time frame.

    Managing data ageing with Amazon S3 storage classes and lifecycle policies

    In this section, you manage your data with storage classes and lifecycle policies.

    1. Migrate your keys in Parquet format to Amazon Glacier:
      aws s3api copy-object \
      --copy-source rs-lakehouse-blog-post/extract_longterm/green_tripdata_2019-01000.parquet \
      --storage-class GLACIER \
      --bucket rs-lakehouse-blog-post \
      --key extract_longterm/green_tripdata_2019-01000.parquet
      aws s3api copy-object \
      --copy-source rs-lakehouse-blog-post/extract_longterm/green_tripdata_2019-02000.parquet \
      --storage-class GLACIER \
      --bucket rs-lakehouse-blog-post \
      --key extract_longterm/green_tripdata_2019-02000.parquet

    2. Extract the data from March 2019 to May 2019 (months 12–15) and migrate them to S3-IA. The following code is for March:
      unload ('select * from greentaxi where pickup between ''2019-03-01 00:00:00'' and ''2019-03-31 23:59:59''')
      to 's3://rs-lakehouse-blog-post/extract_midterm/03/green_tripdata_2019-03'
      iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/BlogSpectrumRole' parquet parallel off;

    3. Repeat the previous step for April and May.
    4. Migrate all three months to S3-IA using same process as before. The following code is for March:
      aws s3api copy-object \
      --copy-source rs-lakehouse-blog-post/extract_midterm/03/green_tripdata_2019-03000.parquet \
      --storage-class STANDARD_IA \ 8. --bucket rs-lakehouse-blog-post \
      --key extract_midterm/03/green_tripdata_2019-03000.parquet 

    5. Do the same for other two months.
    6. Check the newly applied storage class with the following AWS CLI command:
      aws s3api head-object \
      --bucket rs-lakehouse-blog-post \
      --key extract_midterm/03/green_tripdata_2019-03000.parquet
          "AcceptRanges": "bytes",
          "LastModified": "2020-10-12T13:47:32+00:00",
          "ContentLength": 14087514,
          "ETag": "\"15bf39e6b3f32b10ef589d75e0988ce6\"",
          "ContentType": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8",
          "Metadata": {},
          "StorageClass": "STANDARD_IA"

    In the next step, you tag every monthly file with a key value named ageing set to the number of months elapsed from the origin date.

    1. Set March to 14, April to 13, and May to 12:
      aws s3api put-object-tagging \
      --bucket rs-lakehouse-blog-post \
      --key extract_midterm/03/green_tripdata_2019-03000.parquet \
      --tagging '{"TagSet": [{ "Key": "ageing", "Value": "14"} ]}'
      aws s3api put-object-tagging \
      --bucket rs-lakehouse-blog-post \
      --key extract_midterm/04/green_tripdata_2019-04000.parquet \
      --tagging '{"TagSet": [{ "Key": "ageing", "Value": "13"} ]}'
      aws s3api put-object-tagging \
      --bucket rs-lakehouse-blog-post \
      --key extract_midterm/05/green_tripdata_2019-05000.parquet \
      --tagging '{"TagSet": [{ "Key": "ageing", "Value": "12"} ]}'

    In this set of three objects, the oldest file has the tag ageing set to value 14, and the newest is set to 12. In the second post in this series, you discover how to manage the ageing tag as it increases month by month.

    The next step is to create a lifecycle rule based on this specific tag in order to automate the migration to Glacier at month 15. The proposed policy name is 15IAtoGlacier and the definition is to limit the scope to only object with the tag ageing set to 15 in the specific bucket.

    1. Create a JSON file containing the lifecycle policy definition named json:
          "Rules": [
                  "ID": "15IAtoGlacier",
                  "Filter": {
                      "Tag": {
                          "Key": "ageing",
                          "Value": "15"
                  "Status": "Enabled",
                  "Transitions": [
                          "Days": 1,
                          "StorageClass": "GLACIER"


    2. Run the following command to send the JSON file to Amazon S3:
      aws s3api put-bucket-lifecycle-configuration \
      --bucket rs-lakehouse-blog-post \
      --lifecycle-configuration file://lifecycle.json 

    This lifecycle policy migrates all objects with the tag ageing set to 15 from S3-IA to Glacier.

    Though I described this process as automating the migration, I actually want to control the process from the application level using the self-managed tag mechanism. I use this approach because otherwise, the transition is based on file creation date, and the objective is to be able to delete, update, or create a new file whenever needed (for example, to delete parts of records in order to comply to the GDPR “right to be forgotten” rule).

    Now you extract all data from June 2019 to November 2019 (7–11 months old) and keep them in Amazon S3 with a lifecycle policy to automatically migrate to S3-IA after ageing 12 months, using same process as described. These six new objects also inherit the rule created previously to migrate to Glacier after 15 months. Finally, you set the ageing tag as described before.

    Use the extract_shortterm prefix for these unload operations.

    1. Unload June 2019 with the following code:
      unload ('select * from greentaxi where pickup between ''2019-06-01 00:00:00 '' and ''2019-06-30 23:59:59''')
      to 's3://rs-lakehouse-blog-post/extract_shortterm/06/green_tripdata_2019-06'
      iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/BlogSpectrumRole' parquet parallel off;

    2. Use the same logic for the remaining months up to October.
    3. For November, see the following code:
      	unload ('select * from greentaxi where pickup between ''2019-11-01 00:00:00'' and ''2019-11-30 23:59:59''')
      	to 's3://rs-lakehouse-blog-post/extract_shortterm/11/green_tripdata_2019-11''
      	iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/BlogSpectrumRole' parquet parallel off;
      aws s3 ls –recursive s3://rs-lakehouse-blog-post/extract_shortterm/
      2020-10-12 14:52:11          0 extract_shortterm/
      2020-10-12 18:45:42          0 extract_shortterm/06/
      2020-10-12 18:46:49   10889436 extract_shortterm/06/green_tripdata_2019-06000.parquet
      2020-10-12 18:45:53          0 extract_shortterm/07/
      2020-10-12 18:47:03   10759747 extract_shortterm/07/green_tripdata_2019-07000.parquet
      2020-10-12 18:45:58          0 extract_shortterm/08/
      2020-10-12 18:47:24    9947793 extract_shortterm/08/green_tripdata_2019-08000.parquet
      2020-10-12 18:46:03          0 extract_shortterm/09/
      2020-10-12 18:47:45   10302432 extract_shortterm/09/green_tripdata_2019-09000.parquet
      2020-10-12 18:46:08          0 extract_shortterm/10/
      2020-10-12 18:48:00   10659857 extract_shortterm/10/green_tripdata_2019-10000.parquet
      2020-10-12 18:46:11          0 extract_shortterm/11/
      2020-10-12 18:48:14   10247201 extract_shortterm/11/green_tripdata_2019-11000.parquet

      aws s3 ls --recursive rs-lakehouse-blog-post/extract_longterm/

      2020-10-12 14:49:51          0 extract_longterm/
      2020-10-12 14:56:38   14403710 extract_longterm/green_tripdata_2019-01000.parquet
      2020-10-12 15:30:14   13454341 extract_longterm/green_tripdata_2019-02000.parquet

    4. Apply the tag ageing with range 11 to 6 (June 2019 to November 2019), using either the AWS CLI or console if you prefer.
    5. Create a new lifecycle rule named 12S3toS3IA, which transitions from Amazon S3 to S3-IA.
    6. With the AWS CLI, create a JSON file that includes the previously defined rule 15IAtoGlacier and new 12S3toS3IA, because the command s3api overwrites the current configuration (no incremental approach) with the new policy definition file (JSON). The following code is the new lifecycle.json:
          "Rules": [
                  "ID": "12S3toS3IA",
                  "Filter": {
                      "Tag": {
                          "Key": "ageing",
                          "Value": "12"
                  "Status": "Enabled",
                  "Transitions": [
                          "Days": 30,
                          "StorageClass": "STANDARD_IA"
                  "ID": "15IAtoGlacier",
                  "Filter": {
                      "Tag": {
                          "Key": "ageing",
                          "Value": "15"
                  "Status": "Enabled",
                  "Transitions": [
                          "Days": 1,
                          "StorageClass": "GLACIER"

      aws s3api get-bucket-lifecycle-configuration \
      --bucket rs-lakehouse-blog-post

    7. Check the applied policies with the following command:
      aws s3api get-bucket-lifecycle-configuration \
      --bucket rs-lakehouse-blog-post

  • You get in stdout a single JSON with merge of 15IAtoGlacier and 12S3toS3IA.

    Defining the external schema and external tables

    Before deleting the records you extracted from Amazon Redshift with the UNLOAD command, we define the external schema and external tables to enable Redshift Spectrum queries for these Parquet files.

    1. Enter the following code to create your schema:
      create external schema taxispectrum
      	from data catalog
      	database 'blogdb'
      	iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/BlogSpectrumRole'
      create external database if not exists;

    2. Create the external table taxi_archive in the taxispectrum external schema. If you’re walking through the new customer use case, replace the prefix extract_midterm with archive:
      create external table taxispectrum.taxi_archive(
      	vendor_id integer,
      	pickup timestamp,
      	dropoff timestamp,
      	storeandfwd char(2),
      	ratecodeid integer,
      	pulocid integer,
      	dolocid integer,
      	passenger_count integer,
      	trip_dist real,
      	fare_amount real,
      	extra real,
      	mta_tax real,
      	tip_amount real,
      	toll_amount real,
      	ehail_fee real,
      	improve_surch real,
      	total_amount real,
      	pay_type integer,
      	trip_type integer,
      	congest_surch real)
      	partitioned by (yearmonth char(7))
      	stored as parquet
      location 's3://rs-lakehouse-blog-post/extract_midterm/'

    3. Add the six files stored in Amazon S3 and three files stored in S3-IA as partitions (if you’re walking through the new customer use case, you can skip the following partitioning steps). The following code shows March and April:
      ALTER TABLE taxispectrum.taxi_archive
      ADD PARTITION (yearmonth='2019-03') 
      LOCATION 's3://rs-lakehouse-blog-post/extract_midterm/03/';
      ALTER TABLE taxispectrum.taxi_archive
      ADD PARTITION (yearmonth='2019-04') 
      LOCATION 's3://rs-lakehouse-blog-post/extract_midterm/04/';

    4. Continue this process up to December 2019, using extract_shortterm instead of extract_midterm.
    5. Check the table isn’t empty with the following SQL statement:
      Select count (*) from taxispectrum.taxi_archive 

    You get the number of entries in this external table.

    1. Optionally, you can check the partitions mapped to this table with a query to the Amazon Redshift internal table:
      select * from svv_external_partitions

      Run a SELECT command using partitioning in order to optimize costs related to Redshift Spectrum scanning:

      select * from taxispectrum.taxi_archive where yearmonth='2019-11' and fare_amount > 20

    2. Redshift Spectrum scans only specific partitions matching yearmonth.

    The final step is cleaning all the records extracted from the Amazon Redshift local tables:

    delete from public.greentaxi where pickup between '2019-01-01 00:00:00' and '2019-11-30 23:59:59'


    We demonstrated how to extract historical data from Amazon Redshift and implement an archive strategy with Redshift Spectrum and Amazon S3 storage classes. In addition, we showed how to optimize Redshift Spectrum scans with partitioning.

    In the next post in this series, we show how to operate this solution day by day, especially for the old customer use case, and share some best practices.

    About the Authors

    Cristian Gavazzeni is a senior solution architect at Amazon Web Services. He has more than 20 years of experience as a pre-sales consultant focusing on Data Management, Infrastructure and Security. During his spare time he likes eating Japanese food and travelling abroad with only fly and drive bookings.



    Francesco MarelliFrancesco Marelli is a senior solutions architect at Amazon Web Services. He has lived and worked in London for 10 years, after that he has worked in Italy, Switzerland and other countries in EMEA. He is specialized in the design and implementation of Analytics, Data Management and Big Data systems, mainly for Enterprise and FSI customers. Francesco also has a strong experience in systems integration and design and implementation of web applications. He loves sharing his professional knowledge, collecting vinyl records and playing bass.

    The best new features for data analysts in Amazon Redshift in 2020

    Post Syndicated from Helen Anderson original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/the-best-new-features-for-data-analysts-in-amazon-redshift-in-2020/

    This is a guest post by Helen Anderson, data analyst and AWS Data Hero

    Every year, the Amazon Redshift team launches new and exciting features, and 2020 was no exception. New features to improve the data warehouse service and add interoperability with other AWS services were rolling out all year.

    I am part of a team that for the past 3 years has used Amazon Redshift to store source tables from systems around the organization and usage data from our software as a service (SaaS) product. Amazon Redshift is our one source of truth. We use it to prepare operational reports that support the business and for ad hoc queries when numbers are needed quickly.

    When AWS re:Invent comes around, I look forward to the new features, enhancements, and functionality that make things easier for analysts. If you haven’t tried Amazon Redshift in a while, or even if you’re a longtime user, these new capabilities are designed with analysts in mind to make it easier to analyze data at scale.

    Amazon Redshift ML

    The newly launched preview of Amazon Redshift ML lets data analysts use Amazon SageMaker over datasets in Amazon Redshift to solve business problems without the need for a data scientist to create custom models.

    As a data analyst myself, this is one of the most interesting announcements to come out in re:Invent 2020. Analysts generally use SQL to query data and present insights, but they don’t often do data science too. Now there is no need to wait for a data scientist or learn a new language to create predictive models.

    For information about what you need to get started with Amazon Redshift ML, see Create, train, and deploy machine learning models in Amazon Redshift using SQL with Amazon Redshift ML.

    For information about what you need to get started with Amazon Redshift ML, see the Create, train, and deploy machine learning models in Amazon Redshift using SQL with Amazon Redshift ML blog post.

    Federated queries

    As analysts, we often have to join datasets that aren’t in the same format and sometimes aren’t ready for use in the same place. By using federated queries to access data in other databases or Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), you don’t need to wait for a data engineer or ETL process to move data around.

    re:Invent 2019 featured some interesting talks from Amazon Redshift customers who were tackling this problem. Now that federated queries over operational databases like Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL and Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL are generally available and querying Amazon RDS for MySQL and Amazon Aurora MySQL is in preview, I’m excited to hear more.

    For a step-by-step example to help you get started, see Build a Simplified ETL and Live Data Query Solution Using Redshift Federated Query.

    SUPER data type

    Another problem we face as analysts is that the data we need isn’t always in rows and columns. The new SUPER data type makes JSON data easy to use natively in Amazon Redshift with PartiQL.

    PartiQL is an extension that helps analysts get up and running quickly with structured and semistructured data so you can unnest and query using JOINs and aggregates. This is really exciting for those who deal with data coming from applications that store data in JSON or unstructured formats.

    For use cases and a quickstart, see Ingesting and querying semistructured data in Amazon Redshift (preview).

    Partner console integration

    The preview of the native console integration with partners announced at AWS re:Invent 2020 will also make data analysis quicker and easier. Although analysts might not be doing the ETL work themselves, this new release makes it easier to move data from platforms like Salesforce, Google Analytics, and Facebook Ads into Amazon Redshift.

    Matillion, Sisense, Segment, Etleap, and Fivetran are launch partners, with other partners coming soon. If you’re an Amazon Redshift partner and would like to integrate into the console, contact [email protected].

    RA3 nodes with managed storage

    Previously, when you added Amazon Redshift nodes to a cluster, both storage and compute were scaled up. This all changed with the 2019 announcement of RA3 nodes, which upgrade storage and compute independently.

    In 2020, the Amazon Redshift team introduced RA3.xlplus nodes, which offer even more compute sizing options to address a broader set of workload requirements.

    AQUA for Amazon Redshift

    As analysts, we want our queries to run quickly so we can spend more time empowering the users of our insights and less time watching data slowly return. AQUA, the Advanced Query Accelerator for Amazon Redshift tackles this problem at an infrastructure level by bringing the stored data closer to the compute power

    This hardware-accelerated cache enables Amazon Redshift to run up to 10 times faster as it scales out and processes data in parallel across many nodes. Each node accelerates compression, encryption, and data processing tasks like scans, aggregates, and filtering. Analysts should still try their best to write efficient code, but the power of AQUA will speed up the return of results considerably.

    AQUA is available on Amazon Redshift RA3 instances at no additional cost. To get started with AQUA, sign up for the preview.

    The following diagram shows Amazon Redshift architecture with an AQUA layer.

    AQUA is available on Amazon Redshift RA3 instances at no additional cost.

    Figure 1: Amazon Redshift architecture with AQUA layer

    Automated performance tuning

    For analysts who haven’t used sort and distribution keys, the learning curve can be steep. A table created with the wrong keys can mean results take much longer to return.

    Automatic table optimization tackles this problem by using machine learning to select the best keys and tune the physical design of tables. Letting Amazon Redshift determine how to improve cluster performance reduces manual effort.


    These are just some of the Amazon Redshift announcements made in 2020 to help analysts get query results faster. Some of these features help you get access to the data you need, whether it’s in Amazon Redshift or somewhere else. Others are under-the-hood enhancements that make things run smoothly with less manual effort.

    For more information about these announcements and a complete list of new features, see What’s New in Amazon Redshift.

    About the Author

    Helen Anderson is a Data Analyst based in Wellington, New Zealand. She is well known in the data community for writing beginner-friendly blog posts, teaching, and mentoring those who are new to tech. As a woman in tech and a career switcher, Helen is particularly interested in inspiring those who are underrepresented in the industry.

    Running queries securely from the same VPC where an Amazon Redshift cluster is running

    Post Syndicated from Seetha Sarma original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/running-queries-securely-from-the-same-vpc-where-an-amazon-redshift-cluster-is-running/

    Customers who don’t need to set up a VPN or a private connection to AWS often use public endpoints to access AWS. Although this is acceptable for testing out the services, most production workloads need a secure connection to their VPC on AWS. If you’re running your production data warehouse on Amazon Redshift, you can run your queries in Amazon Redshift query editor or use Amazon WorkSpaces from Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) to connect to Amazon Redshift securely and analyze and graph a data summary in your favorite business intelligence (BI) or data visualization desktop tool.

    With Amazon Redshift, you can query petabytes of structured and semi-structured data across your data warehouse, operational database, and your data lake using standard SQL. Amazon WorkSpaces is a managed, secure Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) solution deployed within an Amazon VPC. In this post, we show how you can run SQL queries on Amazon Redshift securely without VPN using Amazon Redshift query editor and Amazon WorkSpaces. First, we discuss how to run queries that return large datasets from the Amazon Redshift query editor using the UNLOAD command. Next, we discuss how to set up Amazon WorkSpaces and use it to securely run queries on Amazon Redshift. We cover the detailed steps for setting up Amazon WorkSpaces and show different scenarios to test Amazon Redshift queries with Amazon WorkSpaces.

    The following diagram illustrates these architectures.

    Using the Amazon Redshift query editor with UNLOAD command

    Amazon Redshift has a query editor on its console that is typically used to run short queries and explore the data in the Amazon Redshift database. You may have a production scenario with queries that return large result sets. For instance, you may want to unload CSV data for use by a downstream process. In this case, you can run your query in the query editor and use the UNLOAD command to send the output directly to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and get notified when the data is uploaded.

    1. Create separate S3 buckets for each user. You can use the default configuration for the bucket.

    Create separate S3 buckets for each user. You can use the default configuration for the bucket.

    1. On the Amazon Redshift console, choose Editor.
    2. In the Connect to database section, enter the database connection details.
    3. Choose Connect to database.

    Choose Connect to database.

    1. Use the following format for the queries run from the query editor using the IAM role for Amazon Redshift, so the results get uploaded to Amazon S3:
      ('select id, name
      from <your_ schema>.<your_table>)
      TO 's3://<username>/<yy-mm-dd-hh24-mi-ss>/'
      FORMAT as CSV
      iam_role 'arn:aws:iam:<myaccount>:role/MyAmazon_RedshiftUnloadRole';

    Use the following format for the queries run from the query editor.

    This query creates multiple files in the designated user’s S3 bucket under the date/time prefix. The user can preview or download the individual files on the Amazon S3 console.

    This query creates multiple files in the designated user’s S3 bucket under the date/time prefix.

    A large unload may take some time. You can configure Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) to send a notification when the results are uploaded to Amazon S3.

    1. On the Amazon SNS console, choose Topics.
    2. Choose Create topic.

    Choose Create topic.

    1. Create an SNS topic with a meaningful description text, like Your query results are uploaded to S3.

    In the next steps, you edit the access policy of the SNS topic to give permission for Amazon S3 to publish to it.

    1. Change the Principal from "AWS": "*" to "Service": "s3.amazonaws.com".
    2. Scroll down to “Action” and delete everything except “SNS:Publish”. Make sure to delete the extra comma.
    3. Scroll down to “Condition” and modify the text "StringEquals": { "AWS:SourceOwner": <Your account id>} to "ArnLike": { "aws:SourceArn": "arn:aws:s3:*:*:<user-bucket-name>" }.

    In the next steps, you edit the access policy of the SNS topic to give permission for Amazon S3 to publish to it.

    1. In the navigation pane, choose Subscriptions.
    2. Choose Create subscription.

    Choose Create subscription.

    1. Subscribe to the SNS notification with the user’s email address as the endpoint.

    Subscribe to the SNS notification with the user’s email address as the endpoint.

    1. Make sure the user chooses confirms the subscription from their email.
    2. On the Amazon S3 console, choose the Properties tab of the user’s S3 bucket.
    3. Under Event Notifications, choose Create event notification.

    Under Event Notifications, choose Create event notification.

    1. Select All object create events.

    Select All object create events.

    1. For Destination, select SNS topic.
    2. For Specify SNS topic, select Choose from your SNS topics.
    3. For SNS topic, choose the topic you created.

    For SNS topic, choose the topic you created.

    1. Save your settings.
    2. To test the notification, on the Amazon Redshift console, open the query editor.
    3. Edit the UNLOAD query and change the S3 bucket name to the current date and time.
    4. Run the query and check if the user gets the email notification.

    Using Amazon WorkSpaces to run Amazon Redshift queries

    In this section, we cover setting up Amazon WorkSpaces, including Amazon VPC prerequisites, creating an Amazon VPC endpoint for Amazon S3, launching Amazon WorkSpaces in the same VPC where an Amazon Redshift cluster is running, setting up an Amazon WorkSpaces client, installing PSQL or a SQL client, and connecting to the client.

    When setup is complete, we show different scenarios to test with Amazon WorkSpaces, such as testing a SQL command from the Amazon WorkSpaces client, testing SCREEN program to run SQL in the background, and testing PSQL with Amazon S3 and getting a notification through Amazon SNS.


    By default, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) users and roles can’t perform tasks using the AWS Management Console and they don’t have permission to create or modify Amazon VPC resources. Make sure you have administrator privileges or an administrator creates IAM policies that grants sufficient permissions to edit the route table, edit the VPC security group, and enable a DNS hostname for the VPC.

    When you have the correct permissions, complete the following prerequisite steps:

    1. On the Amazon Redshift console, in config, check the cluster subnet groups to make sure the Amazon Redshift cluster is created in an Amazon VPC with at least two subnets that are in separate Availability Zones.
    2. On the Amazon VPC console, edit the route table and make sure to associate these two subnets.
    3. Make sure the Amazon VPC security group has a self-referencing inbound rule for the security group for all traffic (not all tcp). The self-referencing rule restricts the source to the same security group in the VPC, and it’s not open to all networks. Consider limiting to just the protocol and port needed for Redshift to talk to Workspaces.
    4. Edit the DNS hostname of the Amazon VPC and enable it.

    Creating an Amazon VPC endpoint for Amazon S3 for software downloads

    In this step, you create your Amazon VPC endpoint for Amazon S3. This gives you Amazon S3 access to download PSQL from the Amazon repository. Alternatively, you could set up a NAT Gateway and download PSQL or other SQL clients from the internet.

    1. On the Amazon VPC console, choose Endpoints.
    2. Choose Create endpoint.
      Choose Create endpoint.
    3. Search for Service Name: S3
    4. Select the S3 service gateway
      Select the S3 service gateway
    5. Select the Amazon VPC where the Amazon Redshift cluster is running
    6. Select the route table
      Select the route table
    7. Enter the following custom policy for the endpoint to access the Amazon Linux AMI
          "Version": "2008-10-17",
          "Statement": [
                  "Sid": "Amazon Linux AMI Repository Access",
                  "Effect": "Allow",
                  "Principal": "*",
                  "Action": "s3:GetObject",
                  "Resource": [

      Select the Amazon VPC where the Amazon Redshift cluster is running

    8. Create the endpoint

    Launching Amazon WorkSpaces in the VPC where the Amazon Redshift cluster runs

    You’re now ready to launch Amazon WorkSpaces.

    1. On the Amazon WorkSpaces console, choose Launch WorkSpaces.

    On the Amazon WorkSpaces console, choose Launch WorkSpaces.

    1. For Directory types, select Simple AD.

    Directory Service Solutions helps you store information and manage access to resources. For this post, we choose Simple AD.

    Directory Service Solutions helps you store information and manage access to resources. For this post, we choose Simple AD.

    1. For Directory size, select Small.
    2. Enter your directory details.

    Enter your directory details.

    1. For VPC, choose the VPC where the Amazon Redshift cluster is running.
    2. For Subnets, choose the two subnets you created.

    For Subnets, choose the two subnets you created.

    It may take a few minutes to provision the directory. You see the status show as Active when it’s ready.

    It may take a few minutes to provision the directory. You see the status show as Active when it’s ready.

    1. When the directory is provisioned, choose the directory and subnets you created.
    2. Choose Next Step.

    Choose Next Step.

    1. Create and identify your users.

    Create and identify your users.

    1. Use the default settings for the compute bundle.
    2. For Running Mode, select AlwaysOn.

    Alternatively, select AutoStop and adjust the time in order to run long-running queries.

    Alternatively, select AutoStop and adjust the time in order to run long-running queries.

    1. Review and launch WorkSpaces.

    It may take up to 20 minutes to become available.

    Setting up the Amazon WorkSpaces client

    In this section, you configure your Amazon WorkSpaces client.

    1. Use the link from your email to download the Amazon WorkSpaces client.
    2. Register it using the registration code from the email.
    3. Login with your username in the email and your newly created password
    4. In the Amazon WorkSpaces client, open the terminal.

    In the Amazon WorkSpaces client, open the terminal.

    1. Run the following command to capture the IP address:
    hostname -I | awk '{print $2}'

    The following screenshot shows your output.

    The following screenshot shows your output.

    1. On the Amazon Redshift console, choose Clusters.
    2. Choose your cluster.
    3. Save the endpoint information to use later.
    4. Choose the Properties tab.

    Choose the Properties tab.

    1. In the Network and security section, note the VPC security group.
      In the Network and security section, note the VPC security group.
    2. On the Amazon VPC console, under Security, choose Security Groups.
    3. Select the security group that the Amazon Redshift cluster uses.

    Select the security group that the Amazon Redshift cluster uses.

    1. Add an inbound rule with the type Redshift and the source value of the IP Address you captured/32.

    Add an inbound rule with the type Redshift and the source value of the IP Address you captured/32.

    1. On the Amazon WorkSpaces client, use the Amazon Redshift hostname from the endpoint you saved earlier and verify the VPC setup with the following code:
       nslookup <Amazon Redshift hostname>

    If you see an IP address within your subnet range, the private endpoint setup for Amazon Redshift was successful.

    If you see an IP address within your subnet range, the private endpoint setup for Amazon Redshift was successful.

    Testing a SQL command from PSQL or a SQL client in the Amazon WorkSpaces client

    To test a SQL command, complete the following steps:

    1. From the terminal in the Amazon WorkSpaces client, run the following command to install PostgreSQL:
      sudo yum install postgresql-server

    Alternatively, setup a NAT Gateway and download a SQL client such as SQL Workbench on the Amazon WorkSpaces client:

    sudo wget https://www.sql-workbench.eu/Workbench-Build125-with-optional-libs.zip

    Then unzip the content of the downloaded file and save it to a directory:

    unzip Workbench-Build125-with-optional-libs.zip -d ~/Workbench
    1. Use the Amazon Redshift hostname, port, and database names of the Amazon Redshift cluster endpoint you copied earlier and try connecting to the database:
      psql -h <Amazon Redshift hostname> -p <port> -d <database> -U <username> -W

    1. Enter your password when prompted.

    Enter your password when prompted.

    1. Run a SQL command and check the results.

    Testing the SCREEN program to run SQL in the background

    You can use the SCREEN program to run the SQL command in the background and resume to see the results.

    1. From the terminal in the Amazon WorkSpaces client, install the SCREEN program:
      sudo yum install screen

    1. Run the program:

    1. Connect to PSQL:
      psql -h <Amazon Redshift hostname> -p <port> -d <database> -U <username> -W

    1. Enter the password when prompted.
    2. Run the SQL command
    3. Enter the command ctrl A D to detach from the screen.

    The SQL command is now running in the background. You can check by running ps -ef | grep psql.

    The SQL command is now running in the background. You can check by running ps -ef | grep psql.

    1. To go back to that screen, run the following command:
      screen -r

    1. To quit SCREEN, enter the following command:
      ctrl A \

    Testing PSQL with Amazon S3 and Amazon SNS

    Similar to the UNLOAD command we used from the Amazon Redshift query editor in the beginning of this post, you can run PSQL from the Amazon WorkSpaces client, send the output to an S3 bucket, and get an Amazon SNS notification for an object create event.

    1. From the terminal in the Amazon WorkSpaces client, run aws configure to set up AWS credentials with write access to the S3 bucket.
    2. Run the following command to write a single output file to Amazon S3 and send an email notification:
      psql -h <Amazon Redshift hostname> -p <port> -d <database> -U <username> -W -c 'select column1, column2 from myschema.mytable' > s3://<username>/<yy-mm-dd-hh24-mi-ss>/


    This post explained how to securely query Amazon Redshift databases running in an Amazon VPC using the UNLOAD command with the Amazon Redshift query editor and using Amazon WorkSpaces running in the same VPC. Try out this solution to securely access Amazon Redshift databases without a VPN and run long-running queries. If you have any questions or comments, please share your thoughts in the comments section.

    About the Authors

    Seetha Sarma is a Senior Database Specialist Solutions Architect with Amazon Web Services. Seetha provides guidance to customers on using AWS services for distributed data processing. In her spare time she likes to go on long walks and enjoy nature.




    Moiz MianMoiz Mian is a Solutions Architect for AWS Strategic Accounts. He focuses on enabling customers to build innovative, scalable, and secure solutions for the cloud. In his free time, he enjoys building out Smart Home systems and driving at race tracks.

    Scheduling SQL queries on your Amazon Redshift data warehouse

    Post Syndicated from Sain Das original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/scheduling-sql-queries-on-your-amazon-redshift-data-warehouse/

    Amazon Redshift is the most popular cloud data warehouse today, with tens of thousands of customers collectively processing over 2 exabytes of data on Amazon Redshift daily. Amazon Redshift is fully managed, scalable, secure, and integrates seamlessly with your data lake. In this post, we discuss how to set up and use the new query scheduling feature on Amazon Redshift.

    Amazon Redshift users often need to run SQL queries or routine maintenance tasks at a regular schedule. You can now schedule statements directly from the Amazon Redshift console or by using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) without having to use scripting and a scheduler like cron. You can schedule and run the SQL statement using Amazon EventBridge and the Amazon Redshift Data API. The results are available for 24 hours after running the SQL statement. This helps you in a variety of scenarios, such as when you need to do the following:

    • Run SQL queries during non-business hours
    • Load data using COPY statements every night
    • Unload data using UNLOAD nightly or at regular intervals throughout the day
    • Delete older data from tables as per regulatory or established data retention policies
    • Refresh materialized views manually at a regular frequency
    • Back up system tables every night

    EventBridge is a serverless event bus service that makes it easy to connect your applications with data from a variety of sources. EventBridge delivers a stream of real-time data from your own applications, software as a service (SaaS) applications, and AWS services and routes that data to targets including Amazon Redshift clusters. Amazon Redshift integrates with EventBridge to allow you to schedule your SQL statements on recurring schedules and enables you to build event-driven applications. Beside scheduling SQL, you can also invoke the Amazon Redshift Data API in response to any other EventBridge event.

    When creating a schedule using the Amazon Redshift console, you create an EventBridge rule with the specified schedule and attach a target (with the Amazon Redshift cluster information, login details, and SQL command run) to the rule. This rule then runs as per the schedule using EventBridge.

    In this post, we describe how you can schedule SQL statements on Amazon Redshift using EventBridge, and also go over the required security privileges and the steps to schedule a SQL statement using both the AWS Management Console and the AWS CLI.


    To set this up, we need to make sure that the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user (which we use to create the schedule and access the schedule history), the IAM role, and the AWS secret (which stores the database user name and password) are configured correctly.

    1. Make sure that the IAM user who is going to create the schedule has the AmazonEventBridgeFullAccess IAM policy attached to it. The IAM user should also have appropriate access to Amazon Redshift as per their role. We use the placeholder {USER_NAME} to refer to this IAM user in this post.
    1. Store the database credentials to be used for running the scheduled SQL statement securely using AWS Secrets Manager. If you already have a secret created, you can use that. If not, create a new secret to store the Amazon Redshift database name and user name.
    2. Create an IAM role for the Amazon Redshift service with the “Redshift Customizable” option and attach the AmazonRedshiftDataFullAccess AWS managed policy to it.
      1. Ensure that the role has the following trust relationships added to it:
              "Sid": "S1",
              "Effect": "Allow",
              "Principal": {
                "Service": "events.amazonaws.com"
              "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

      2. Add the following AssumeRole permissions so the user can see the schedule history list. Replace the {ACCOUNT_ID} with your AWS account ID and {USER_NAME} with the IAM user you set up:
              "Sid": "S2",
              "Effect": "Allow",
              "Principal": {
                "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::{ACCOUNT_ID}:user/{USER_NAME}"
              "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

      We use the placeholder {ROLE_NAME} to refer to this role in this post.

    1. In addition to the preceding AssumeRole permissions, the IAM user has to be granted AssumeRole permissions on the IAM role you created in order to view the schedule history:
          "Version": "2012-10-17",
          "Statement": [
                  "Sid": "S3",
                  "Effect": "Allow",
                  "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
                  "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::{ACCOUNT_ID}:role/{ROLE_NAME}"

    Now that we have completed the security setup required to schedule SQL statements and view their history, let’s schedule a SQL statement to run at a regular frequency. We can do this using the console or the AWS CLI. We discuss both approaches in this post.

    Scheduling the SQL statement using the console

    Let’s take the example of a fairly common use case where data from a table has to be extracted daily (or at another regular frequency) into Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) for analysis by data scientists or data analysts. You can accomplish this by scheduling an UNLOAD command to run daily to export data from the table to the data lake on Amazon S3. See the following code:

    unload ('select * from edw.trxns')
    to 's3://mybucket/'
    iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::{ACCOUNT_ID}:role/{ROLE_NAME_2}'
    PARTITION BY (trxn_dt);

    {ROLE_NAME_2} in the preceding code is not the same as {ROLE_NAME}. {ROLE_NAME_2} should be an IAM role that has permissions to run the UNLOAD command successfully.

    We can schedule this UNLOAD statement to run every day at 4:00 AM UTC using the following steps:

    1. Sign in to the console. Make sure the IAM user has been granted the necessary permissions.
    2. On the Amazon Redshift console, open the query editor.
    3. Choose Schedule.

    Choose Schedule.

    1. In the Scheduler permissions section, for IAM role, choose the role you created earlier.

    If you don’t have IAM read permissions, you may not see the IAM role in the drop-down menu. In that case, you can enter the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that you created.

    1. For Authentication, select AWS Secrets Manager.
    2. For Secret, choose the secret you configured earlier, which contains the database user name and password.

    You can also use Temporary credentials for authentication as explained in the AWS documentation.

    1. For Database name, enter a name.

    For Database name, enter a name.

    1. In the Query Information section, for Scheduled query name, enter a name for the query.
    2. For SQL query, enter the SQL code.

    You also have the ability to upload a SQL query from a file.

    You also have the ability to upload a SQL query from a file.

    1. In the Scheduling options section, for Schedule query by, select Run frequency.
    2. For Repeat by, choose Day.
    3. For Repeat every, enter 1.
    4. For Repeat at time (UTC), enter 04:00.

    For Repeat at time (UTC), enter 04:00.

    1. In the Monitoring section, you can choose to enable notifications via email or text using Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS).

    If you decide to enable notifications, make sure that the Publish action has been granted to events.amazonaws.com on the SNS topic. You can do this by adding the following snippet to the access policy of the SNS topic. Replace ACCOUNT_ID and SNS_TOPIC_NAME with appropriate values. If you choose to create a new SNS topic during the schedule creation process, then the following access is granted automatically.

          "Sid": "Allow_Publish_Events",
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Principal": {
            "Service": "events.amazonaws.com"
          "Action": "sns:Publish",
          "Resource": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:{ACCOUNT_ID}:{SNS_TOPIC_NAME}"

    Scheduling the SQL statement using the AWS CLI

    You can also schedule SQL statements via the AWS CLI using EventBridge and the Amazon Redshift Data API. For more information about the Amazon Redshift Data API, see Using the Amazon Redshift Data API to interact with Amazon Redshift clusters.

    In the following example, we set up a schedule to refresh a materialized view (called mv_cust_trans_hist) on Amazon Redshift daily at 2:00 AM UTC.

    1. Create an event rule. The following command creates a rule named scheduled-refresh-mv-cust-trans-hist and schedules it to run daily at 2:00 AM UTC. The schedule expression can be provided using cron or rate expressions.
      aws events put-rule \
      --name scheduled-refresh-mv-cust-trans-hist \
      --schedule-expression "cron(0 22 * * ? *)"

    1. Create a JSON object that contains the Amazon Redshift Data API parameters:
      1. For ARN, enter the ARN of your Amazon Redshift cluster.
      2. For the RoleArn and the SecretManagerArn fields, use the ARNs for the role and secret you created earlier.
      3. Enter the database name and the SQL statement to be scheduled for the database and SQL fields.
      4. You can enter any name for the StatementName field.
      5. If you want an event to be sent after the SQL statement has been run, you can set the WithEvent parameter to true. You can then use that event to trigger other SQL statements if needed.
        "Rule": "scheduled-refresh-mv-cust-trans-hist",
        "EventBusName": "default",
        "Id": "scheduled-refresh-mv-cust-trans-hist",
        "Arn": "arn:aws:redshift:us-east-1:{ACCOUNT_ID}:cluster:{REDSHIFT_CLUSTER_IDENTIFIER}",
        "RoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::{ACCOUNT_ID}:role/{ROLE_NAME}",
        "SecretManagerArn": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:{ACCOUNT_ID}:secret:{SECRET_NAME-xxxxxx}",
        "Database": "dev",
        "Sql": "REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW mv_cust_trans_hist;",
        "StatementName": "refresh-mv-cust-trans-hist",
        "WithEvent": true

    1. Create an event target using the JSON file created in the previous step:
      aws events put-targets --cli-input-json file://data.json

    Additional commands

    We have now set up the schedule to refresh the materialized view using the AWS CLI. Let’s quickly go over a few more CLI commands that are useful while scheduling tasks:

    • To list all targets for a particular rule, use:
      aws events list-targets-by-rule --rule <rule-name> 

    • To list all rules, use:
      aws events list-rules

    • To remove a target from a specific rule, use:
      aws events remove-targets --rule <rule-name> --ids 2 

    • To delete a rule, use:
      aws events delete-rule --name <rule-name>

    • To view the schedule history for a particular scheduled SQL statement, use:
      aws redshift-data list-statements --status ALL --statement-name <statement-name>

    Retrieving the SQL status and results

    After the schedule is set up, scheduled queries might be listed in the following places:

    • On the Schedules tab of the details page of your cluster.
    • On the scheduled queries list that you can reach from the navigation pane. To see the list, in the navigation pane, choose Queries and Schedule query list.
    • On the Scheduled queries tab of the query editor (see the following screenshot).

    On the Scheduled queries tab of the query editor (see the following screenshot).

    1. Choose the schedule name to see more details about the scheduled query, including details about any previous runs of the schedule.
    2. In the Schedule history section, you can see the ID (which can be used to retrieve SQL statement results), start time, end time, status, and elapsed time for each previous run of the scheduled SQL statement.

    In the Schedule history section, you can see the ID.

    To retrieve the SQL results, you need to use the AWS CLI (or AWS SDK), but you have to assume the role you created earlier.

    1. To assume this role, run the following command on the command line using the IAM user you configured.
      aws sts assume-role --role-arn "arn:aws:iam::{Account_ID}:role/{Role_Name}" --role-session-name AWSCLI-Session

    The command returns a result set similar to the following code:

        "Credentials": {
            "AccessKeyId": "XXXXXXXXXXXX",
            "SecretAccessKey": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
            "SessionToken": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”
            "Expiration": "2020-10-09T17:13:23+00:00"
        "AssumedRoleUser": {
            "AssumedRoleId": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:AWSCLI-Session",
            "Arn": "arn:aws:sts::{Account_ID}:assumed-role/{Role_Name}/AWSCLI-Session"
    1. Create three environment variables to assume the IAM role by running the following commands. Use the access key, secret access key, and the session token from the preceding results.
      export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=RoleAccessKeyID
      export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=RoleSecretKey
      export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=RoleSessionToken

    1. Run the following command to retrieve the results of the SQL statement. Replace the ID with the ID from the schedule history on the console.
      aws redshift-data get-statement-result --id xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx --region us-east-1 


    The ability to schedule SQL statements using the Amazon Redshift Data API and EventBridge simplifies running routine tasks that previously required scripting. You can configure schedules and manage them either via the console or the AWS CLI. You can also see the previous runs of any scheduled SQL statements directly from the console and choose to be notified when it runs.

    About the Authors

    Sain Das is an Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS and helps customers build scalable cloud solutions that help turn data into actionable insights.




    Vijetha Parampally Vijayakumar is a full stack software development engineer with Amazon Redshift. She is specialized in building applications for Big data, Databases and Analytics.




    André Dias is a Systems Development Engineer working in the Amazon Redshift team. André’s passionate about learning and building new AWS Services and has worked in the Redshift Data API. He specializes in building highly available and cost-effective infrastructure using AWS.

    Dream11’s journey to building their Data Highway on AWS

    Post Syndicated from Pradip Thoke original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/dream11s-journey-to-building-their-data-highway-on-aws/

    This is a guest post co-authored by Pradip Thoke of Dream11. In their own words, “Dream11, the flagship brand of Dream Sports, is India’s biggest fantasy sports platform, with more than 100 million users. We have infused the latest technologies of analytics, machine learning, social networks, and media technologies to enhance our users’ experience. Dream11 is the epitome of the Indian sports technology revolution.”

    Since inception, Dream11 has been a data-driven sports technology brand. 

    Since inception, Dream11 has been a data-driven sports technology brand. The systems that power Dream11, including their transactional data warehouse, run on AWS. As Dream11 hosts fantasy sports contests that are joined by millions of Indian sports fans, they have large volumes of transactional data that is organized in a well-defined Amazon Redshift data warehouse. Previously they were using 3rd party services to collect, analyze and build models over user interaction data combined with transactional data. Although this approach was convenient, it presented certain critical issues:

    • The approach wasn’t conducive to 360-degree user analytics. Dream11’s user interactions data wasn’t present on the cloud, where the rest of Dream11’s infrastructure and data were present (AWS, in this case). To get a complete picture of a user’s experience and journey, the user’s interaction data (client events) needs to be analyzed alongside their transactional data (server events). This is known as 360-degree user analytics.
    • It wasn’t possible to get accurate user journey funnel reports. Currently, there are limitations with every tool available on the market with respect to identifying and mapping a given user’s actions across multiple platforms (on the web, iOS, or Android), as well as multiple related apps. This use case is specifically important if your company is a parent to other companies.
    • The statistics on user behavior that Dream11 was getting weren’t as accurate as they wanted. Some of the popular services they were using for web & mobile analytics use the technique of sampling to be able to deal with high volumes of data. Although this is a well-regarded technique to deal with high volumes of data and provides reasonable accuracy in multiple cases, Dream11 wanted statistics to be as accurate as possible.
    • The analytics wasn’t real-time. Dream11 experiences intense use by their users just before and during the real-life sports matches, so real-time and near-real-time analytics is very critical for them. This need wasn’t sufficiently met by the plethora of services they were using.
    • Their approach was leading to high cost for custom analytics for Dream11’s user interactions data, consisting of hundreds of event types. Serverless query engines typically charge by the amount of data scanned and so it can get very expensive if events data isn’t organized properly in separate tables in a data lake to enable selective access.

    All these concerns and needs, led Dream11 to conclude that they needed their own centralized 360-degree analytics platform.

    All these concerns and needs, led Dream11 to conclude that they needed their own centralized 360-degree analytics platform. Therefore, they embarked on the Data Highway project on AWS.

    This project has additional advantages. It is increasingly becoming important to store and process data securely. Having everything in-house can help Dream11 with data security and data privacy objectives. The platform enables 360-degree customer analytics, which further allows Dream11 to do intelligent user segmentation in-house and share only those segments (without exposing underlying transactional or interactions data) with third-party messaging service providers. 

    Design goals

    Dream11 had the following design goals for the project:

    • The system should be easy to maintain and should be able to handle a very high volume of data, consisting of billions of events and terabytes of data daily.
    • The cost should be low and should be pay-as-you-go.
    • Dream11’s web and mobile developers regularly create new types of events to capture new types of interactions. Whenever they add new types of events, they should be immediately available in the system for analytics, and their statistics should immediately reflect in relevant dashboards and reports without any human intervention.
    • Certain types of statistics (such as concurrency) should be available in real-time and near-real time—within 5 minutes or less.
    • Dream11 should be able to use custom logic to calculate key statistics. The analytics should be accurate—no more sampling.
    • The data for various events should be neatly organized in separate tables and analytics-friendly file formats.
    • Although Dream11 will have a common data lake, they shouldn’t be constrained to use a single analytics engine for all types of analytics. Different types of analytics engines excel for different types of queries.
    • The Product Management team should have access to views they commonly use in their decision-making process, such as funnels and user flow diagrams.
    • The system should be extensible by adding lanes in the system. Lanes allow you to reuse your basic setup without mixing events data for different business units. It also potentially allows you to study user behavior across different apps.
    • The system should be able to build 360-degree user profiles
    • The system should provide alerting on important changes to key business metrics.
    • Last but not the least, the system should be secure and reliable with 6 nines of availability guarantee.

    Data Highway architecture

    In less than 3 months, Dream11’s data team built a system that met all the aforementioned goals. The following diagram shows the high-level architecture.

    The following diagram shows the high-level architecture.

    For this project, they used the following components:

    The rest of this post explains the various design choices and trade-offs made by the Dream11’s data engineers. 

    Event ingestion, segregation, and organization

    Dream11 has several hundred event types. These events have common attributes and specific attributes. The following diagram shows the logical structure of these events.

    The following diagram shows the logical structure of these events.

    When the front end receives an event, it saves fields up to common attributes into a message and posts it to Kafka_AllEvents_CommonAttributes. This Kafka topic is the source for the following systems:

    • Apache HBase on Amazon EMR – Provides real-time concurrency analytics
    • Apache Druid – Provides near real-time dimensional analytics
    • Amazon Redshift – Provides session analytics

    The front end also saves events, as they are, into Kafka_AllEvents_AllAttributes. These events are further picked by Apache Ni-Fi, which forwards them to their respective topics. Apache Ni-Fi supports data routing, transformation, and system mediation logic using powerful and scalable directed graphs. Data is transformed and published to Kafka by using a combination of RouteOnAttribute and JoltTransformJSON processors (to parse JSON). Apache Ni-Fi basically reads event names and posts to the Kafka topic with matching names. If Kafka doesn’t have a topic with that name, it creates a new topic with that name. You can configure your Kafka brokers to auto-create a topic when a message is received for a non-existent topic.

    The following diagram illustrates the Amazon S3 sink connector per Kafka topic.

      The following diagram illustrates the Amazon S3 sink connector per Kafka topic.

    The following diagram summarizes the overall design of the system for event ingestion, segregation, and organization.


    The following diagram summarizes the overall design of the system for event ingestion, segregation, and organization.

    Storage, cataloging, ETL, and scheduling

    In this section, we discuss how Dream11 updates their AWS Glue Data Catalog, performs extract, transform, and load (ETL) jobs with Amazon EMR Presto, and uses Apache Airflow for schedule management.

    Updating the AWS Glue Data Catalog with metadata for the target table

    The AWS Glue Data Catalog provides a unified metadata repository across a variety of data sources and data formats. It provides out-of-the-box integration with Amazon S3, Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS), Amazon Redshift, Amazon Redshift Spectrum, Athena, Amazon EMR, and any application compatible with the Apache Hive metastore. You can create your table definitions one time and query across engines. For more information, see FAQ: Upgrading to the AWS Glue Data Catalog.

    Because this Data Catalog is accessible from multiple services that were going to be used for the Data Highway project, Dream11 decided to use it to register all the table definitions.

    Registering tables with AWS Glue Data Catalog is easy. You can use an AWS Glue crawler. It can infer schema from files in Amazon S3 and register a table in the Data Catalog. It works quite well, but Dream11 needed additional actions, such as automatically configuring Kafka Amazon S3 sink connectors etc. Therefore, they developed two Python based crawlers.

    The first Python based crawler runs every 2 hours and looks up Kafka topics. If it finds a new topic, it configures a Kafka Amazon S3 connector sink to dump its data to Amazon S3 every 30 minutes in JSON Gzip format. It also registers a table with Glue Data Catalog so that users can query the JSON data directly, if needed. 

    The second Python based crawler runs once a day and registers a corresponding table for each new table created that day to hold flattened data (Parquet, Snappy). It infers schemas and registers tables with the Data Catalog using its Table API. It adds customization needed by the Dream11 team to the metadata. It then creates Amazon EMR Presto ETL jobs to convert JSON, Gzip data to Parquet, Snappy, and registers them with Apache Airflow to run every 24 hours.

    ETL with Amazon EMR Presto

    Dream11 has a multi node, long-running, multi-purpose EMR cluster. They decided to run scheduled ETL jobs on it for the Data Highway project.

    ETL for an event table involves a simple SELECT FROM -> INSERT INTO command to convert JSON (Gzip) to Parquet (Snappy). Converted data takes up to 70% less space, results in 10 times improvement in Athena query performance. ETL happens once a day. Tables are partitioned by day.

    Data received on Kafka_AllEvents_CommonAttributes topic is loaded to Redshift. ETL involves SELECT FROM -> INSERT INTO to convert JSON (Gzip) to CSV, followed by Amazon Redshift COPY.

    Apache Airflow for schedule management

    Apache Airflow is an open-source tool for authoring and orchestrating big data workflows. With Apache Airflow, data engineers define direct acyclic graphs (DAGs). DAGs describe how to run a workflow and are written in Python. Workflows are designed as a DAG that groups tasks that run independently. The DAG keeps track of the relationships and dependencies between tasks.

    Dream11 uses Apache Airflow to schedule Python scripts and over few hundred ETL jobs on Amazon EMR Presto to convert JSON (Gzip) data for over few hundred events to Parquet (Snappy) format, and converts JSON data containing common attributes for all events to CSV before loading to Amazon Redshift. For more information, see Orchestrate big data workflows with Apache Airflow, Genie, and Amazon EMR: Part 1.

    The following diagram shows the workflow to connect Apache Airflow to Amazon EMR.

    The following diagram shows the workflow to connect Apache Airflow to Amazon EMR.

    The following diagram summarizes the overall design of the system for storage, cataloging, ETL, and scheduling.

    The following diagram summarizes the overall design of the system for storage, cataloging, ETL, and scheduling. 

    Real-time and near-real-time analytics

    In this section, we discuss the real-time and near-real-time analytics performed on Dream11’s data.

    Concurrency analytics with Apache Druid

    Apache Druid is an OLAP-style data store. It computes facts and metrics against various dimensions while data is being loaded. This avoids the need to compute results when a query is run.

    Dream11’s web and mobile events are loaded from the Kafka_AllEvents_CommonAttributes topic to Apache Druid with the help of the Apache Druid Kafka indexing service. Dream11 has a dashboard with different granularity levels and dimensions such as app version, org, and other dimensions present in the common event attributes list.

    Finding active users with Amazon EMR HBase

    Dream11 also needs to identify individual active users at any given time or during a given window. This is required by other downstream teams such as the Data Science team and Digital User Engagement team.

    With the help of a Java consumer, they push all events from the Kafka_AllEvents_ CommonAttributes topic to HBase on an EMR cluster with just required user dimensions. They can query the data in HBase with SQL syntax supported by the Apache Phoenix interface. 

    Session analytics with Amazon Redshift

    Dream11 maintains their transactional data warehouse on Amazon Redshift multi node cluster. Amazon Redshift allows them to run complex SQL queries efficiently. Amazon Redshift would have been a natural choice for event analytics for hundreds of event types. However, in Dream11’s case, events data grows very rapidly and this would be a lot of data in Amazon Redshift. Also, this data loses its value rapidly as time passes (relatively speaking) compared with transactional data. Therefore, they decided to do only session analytics in Amazon Redshift to benefit from its complex SQL query capabilities and to do analytics for individual events with the help of Athena (which we discuss in the next section).

    Data received on Kafka_AllEvents_CommonAttributes is loaded into Amazon S3 every 30 minutes by the associated kafka connector sink. This data is in JSON format with Gzip compression. Every 24 hours, a job runs on Amazon EMR Presto that flattens this data into CSV format. The data is loaded into Amazon Redshift with the COPY command. The data gets loaded first into a staging table. Data in the staging table is aggregated to get sessions data. Amazon Redshift already has transactional data from other tables that, combined now with the session data, allows Dream11 to perform 360-degree user analytics. They can now easily segment users based on their interactions data and transactions data. They can then run campaigns for those users with the help of messaging platforms. 

    Event analytics with Athena

    Dream11 uses Athena to analyze the data in Amazon S3. Athena is an interactive query service that makes it easy to analyze data in Amazon S3 using standard SQL. Athena is serverless, so there is no infrastructure to manage, and you pay only for the queries that you run. It made perfect sense to organize data for over hundreds of event tables in Amazon S3 and analyze them with Athena on demand.

    With Athena, you’re charged based on the amount of data scanned by each query. You can get significant cost savings and performance gains by compressing, partitioning, or converting your data to a columnar format, because each of those operations reduces the amount of data that Athena needs to scan to run a query. For more information, see Top 10 Performance Tuning Tips for Amazon Athena.

    As discussed before, Dream11 has registered over hundreds of tables for events data in JSON format, and similar number of tables for events data in Parquet format with the AWS Glue Data Catalog. They observed a performance gain of 10 times on conversion of data format to Parquet, and an 80% savings in space. Data in Amazon S3 can be queried directly through the Athena UI with SQL queries. The other option they use is connecting to Athena using a JDBC driver from Looker and their custom Java UI for the Data Aware project.

    Athena helps Dream11 produce funnel analytics and user path analytics reports and visualizations.

      Athena helps Dream11 produce funnel analytics and user path analytics reports and visualizations.

     The following diagram summarizes the overall design of the system for real-time and near-real-time analytics and visualization.

     The following diagram summarizes the overall design of the system for real-time and near-real-time analytics and visualization.



    This architecture has enabled Dream11 to achieve all the design goals they set out with. Results of analytics for real-time requirements are available under millisecond latency, and the system costs 40% less than the previous system. Analytics is performed with all the data without sampling, so results are accurate and reliable. All the data and analytics engines are within Dream11’s AWS account, improving data security and privacy.

    As of this writing, the system handles 14 TB of data per day and it has served 80 million requests per minute at peak during Dream11 IPL 2020.

    Doing all their analytics in-house on AWS has not just improved speed, accuracy, and data security, it has also enabled newer possibilities. Now Dream11 has a 360-degree view of their users. They can study their users’ progress across multiple platforms – web, Android, and IOS. This new system is enabling novel applications of machine learning, digital user engagement, and social media technologies at Dream11.

    About the Authors

    Pradip Thoke is a AVP Data Engineering at Dream11 and leads their Data Engineering team. The team involved in this implementation includes Vikas Gite, Salman Dhariwala, Naincy Suman, Lavanya Pulijala, Ruturaj Bhokre, Dhanraj Gaikwad, Vishal Verma, Hitesh Bansal, Sandesh Shingare, Renu Yadav, Yash Anand, Akshay Rochwani, Alokh P, Sunaim and Nandeesh Bijoor.


    Girish Patil is a Principal Architect AI, Big Data, India Scale Apps for Amazon.

    Building high-quality benchmark tests for Amazon Redshift using Apache JMeter

    Post Syndicated from Asser Moustafa original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/building-high-quality-benchmark-tests-for-amazon-redshift-using-apache-jmeter/

    In the introductory post of this series, we discussed benchmarking benefits and best practices common across different open-source benchmarking tools. As a reminder of why benchmarking is important, Amazon Redshift allows you to scale storage and compute independently, and for you to choose an appropriately balanced compute layer, you need to profile the compute requirements of various production workloads. Existing Amazon Redshift customers also desire an approach to scale up with eyes wide open, and benchmarking different Amazon Redshift cluster configurations against various production workloads can help you appropriately accommodate workload expansion. In addition, you may also use benchmark tests to proactively monitor a production cluster’s performance in real time.

    For prospective Amazon Redshift customers, benchmarking Amazon Redshift is often one of the main components of evaluation and a key source of insight into the price-to-performance ratio of different Amazon Redshift configurations.

    Open-source tools, with their cost-efficiency and vendor neutrality, are often the preferred choice for profiling your production workloads and benchmark tests. However, best practices for using these tools are scarce, possibly resulting in flawed compute profiles, flawed benchmark results, customer frustration, or bloated timelines.

    As mentioned, this series is divided into multiple installments, with the first installment discussing general best practices for benchmarking, and the subsequent installments discussing the strengths and challenges with different open-source tools such as SQLWorkbench, psql, and Apache JMeter. In this post, we discuss benchmarking Amazon Redshift with the Apache JMeter open-source tool.

    One final point before we get started: there is a lot that could be said about benchmarking—more than can be accommodated in a single post. Analytics Specialists Solutions Architects such as myself frequently and happily engage with current and prospective customers to help you evaluate your benchmarking strategy and approach at no charge. I highly recommend you take advantage of that benefit by reaching out to your AWS account SA.

    Apache JMeter

    Apache JMeter is an open-source load testing application written in Java that you can use to load test web applications, backend server applications, databases, and more. You can run it on Windows and a number of different Linux/UNIX systems; for this post we run it in a Windows environment. To install Apache JMeter on a Windows EC2 machine, complete the following steps:

    1. Launch a Windows EC2 instance using a Windows Server AMI (such as Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Base).
    2. Connect via RDP to the Windows EC2 Instance (RDP for macOS can be downloaded from Apple’s App Store).
    3. Download and unzip the Apache JMeter .zip file from the Apache JMeter download page.
    4. Download the Redshift JDBC driver and add the driver .jar file to JMeter’s /lib When setting up the JDBC connection in the JMeter GUI, use com.amazon.redshift.jdbc.Driver as the driver class name).
    5. Download the Apache Plugins Manager .jar file to JMeter’s /lib/ext The Apache Plugins Manager enables additional crucial functionality in Apache JMeter for benchmark testing (such as Ultimate Thread Group).
    6. Increase the JVM heap size for Apache JMeter by changing the corresponding JVM parameters in the jmeter.bat file located in the Apache JMeter /bin folder. For example, see the following code:
      edit C:\Dev\apache-jmeter-5.1.1\bin\jmeter.bat rem set HEAP=-Xms1g -Xmx1g -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256m set HEAP=-Xms5g -Xmx5g -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=1g

    1. Choose the jmeter.bat file (double-click) to start Apache JMeter.

    Apache JMeter supports both GUI and CLI modes, and although you may find the Apache JMeter GUI straightforward with a relatively small learning curve, it’s highly recommended that you use the Apache JMeter GUI primarily for defining benchmark tests, and perhaps running small-to-medium-sized benchmark tests. For large load tests, it’s highly recommended that you use the Apache JMeter CLI to minimize the risk of the Apache JMeter GUI exhausting its host’s compute resources, causing it to enter a non-responsive state or fail with an out-of-memory error. Using the CLI for large load tests also helps minimize any impact on the benchmark results.

    In the following example, I demonstrate creating a straightforward load test using both the Apache JMeter GUI and CLI. The load test aims to measure query throughput while simulating 50 concurrent users with the following personas:

    • 20 users submit only small queries, which are of low complexity and typically have a runtime of 0–30 seconds in the current system, such as business intelligence analyst queries
    • 20 users submit only medium queries, which are of moderate complexity and typically have a runtime of 31–300 seconds in the current system, such as data engineer queries
    • 10 users submit only large queries, which are very complex and typically have a runtime over 5 minutes in the current system, such as data scientist queries

    The load test is configured to run for 15 minutes, which is a pretty short test duration, so you can increase that setting to 30 minutes or more. We rely on JMeter’s query throughput calculation, but we can also manually compute query throughput from the runtime metadata that is gathered if we so desire.

    For this post, I skip over discussing the possible Amazon Redshift cluster tweaks that you could use to squeeze every drop of performance out of Amazon Redshift, and instead rely on the strength of its default state to be optimized to achieve excellent query throughput on diverse workloads.

    Apache JMeter has a number of building blocks, such as thread groups, that can be used to define a wide variety of benchmark tests, and each building block can have a number of community implementations (for example, Arrivals Thread Group or Ultimate Thread Group).

    The following diagram provides a basic illustration of the various Apache JMeter building blocks to be leveraged in this load test, how they interact with each other, and the typical order in which are they created; in some cases, I mention the specific implementation of the building block to be used in parenthesis (such as Ultimate Thread Group).

    The following table delves deeper into the purpose that each building block serves in our load test.

    Apache JMeter Component Purpose
    Test Plan Represents an atomic test case (simulate 50 users concurrently querying a Redshift cluster with twice the baseline node count)
    JDBC Connection Configuration Represents all the JDBC information needed to connect to the Amazon Redshift cluster (such as JDBC URL, username, and password)
    User Defined Variables A collection of key-value pairs that can be used as parameters throughout the test plan and make it easier to maintain or change the test behavior
    Listener Captures and displays or writes test output such as SQL result sets
    Thread Group A simulated group of users that perform the test function (submit a SQL query)
    JDBC Request The action to be taken by the simulated users (SQL query text)

    Apache JMeter (GUI)

    The following screenshot is the resulting load test.

    The following screenshot is the resulting load test.

    The following screenshot provides a close up of the building block tree.

    The following screenshot provides a close up of the building block tree.

    In the following sections, we examine each building block in greater detail.

    Test Plan

    The test plan serves as the parent container for our entire benchmark test, and we can change its name in the visual tree that appears in the Apache JMeter GUI by editing the Name field.

    I take advantage of the User Defined Variables section to set my own custom variables that hold values needed by all components in the test case, such as the JDBC URL, test duration, and number of users submitting small, medium, and large queries. The baseDir variable is actually a variable that is intended to be embedded in other variables, rather than directly referenced by other test components. I left all other settings at their default on this page.

    The baseDir variable is actually a variable that is intended to be embedded in other variables, rather than directly referenced by other test components.

    JDBC Connection Configuration

    We use the JDBC Connection Configuration building block to create a database connection pool that is used by the simulated users to submit queries to Amazon Redshift. The value specified in Variable Name for created pool is the identifier that is used to reference this connection pool in other JMeter building blocks. In this example, I named it RedshiftJDBCConfig.

    By setting the Max Number of Connections to 0, the connection pool can grow as large as it needs to. That may not be the desired behavior for all test scenarios, so be sure to set it as you see fit.

    In the Init SQL statements section, I provide an example of how to use SQL to disable the result set cache in Amazon Redshift for every connection created, or perform other similar initialization code.

    Towards the end, I input the database JDBC URL (which is actually a variable reference to a variable defined in the test plan), JDBC driver class name, and database username and password. I left all other fields at their default on this page.

    I left all other fields at their default on this page.

    User Defined Variables

    You can add a User Defined Variables building block in several places, and it’s best to use this capability to limit the scope of each variable. For this post, we use an instance of the User Defined Variables building block to hold the output file names of each listener in this test plan (if you look closely, you can see the values of these variables reference the baseDir variable, which was defined in our test plan). You can also notice three other instances of the User Defined Variables building block for the small, medium, and large thread groups—again so that the scope of variables is kept appropriately narrow.

    You can add a User Defined Variables building block in several places, and it’s best to use this capability to limit the scope of each variable.


    Listeners control where test output is written and how it’s processed. There are many different kinds of listeners that, for example, allow you to capture your test output as a tree, table, or graph. Other listeners can summarize and aggregate test metadata (such as the number of test samples submitted during the test). I choose to add several listeners in this test plan just for demonstration, but I have found the listeners Aggregate Report and View Results in Table to be most helpful to me. The following screenshot shows the View Results in Table output.

    The following screenshot shows the View Results in Table output.

    The following screenshot shows the Aggregate Report output.

    The following screenshot shows the Aggregate Report output.

    You can also save output from listeners after a test run to a different file through the JMeter menu.

    Thread group: Ultimate Thread Group

    A thread group can be thought of as a group of simulated users, which is why for this post, I create three separate thread groups: one to represent each of three previously mentioned user personas being simulated (small, medium, and large). Each thread group is named accordingly.

    We use the Thread Schedule section to control how many users should be created and at what time interval. In this test, I chose to have all 20 small users created at start time without any delays. This is achieved by a one-row entry in the Thread Schedule and setting the Start Threads Count thread group property to 20 users (or the matching variable, as we do in the following screenshot).

    We use the Thread Schedule section to control how many users should be created and at what time interval.

    Alternatively, I could stagger user creation by creating multiple rows and setting the Initial Delay sec field to control each row’s startup delay. With the row entries in the following screenshot, an additional five users are created every 5 seconds.

    With the row entries in the following screenshot, an additional five users are created every 5 seconds.

    Thread group: User Defined Variables

    An additional User Defined Variables instance is added to each of the three thread groups to hold the variables in their individual scope, or that would preferably be configurable at an individual thread group level. For this post, I make the JDBC Connection Configuration a variable so that it’s customizable for each individual thread group (JDBC_Variable_Name_In_Pool). This allows me to, for example, rapidly switch two different test clusters.

    An additional User Defined Variables instance is added to each of the three thread groups to hold the variables in their individual scope.

    JDBC Request

    The JDBC Request can be thought of as the benchmark query or SQL test query to be submitted non-stop by each simulated user in this thread group. To configure this JDBC Request, I specified the appropriate JDBC Connection Configuration and some very simple test SQL. I could have also used Apache JMeter’s ability to parameterize queries so that they vary from one iteration to another using a predetermined set of parameter values. For example, for the SQL statement select * from customer where cust_id=<some value>, Apache JMeter could be configured to set the value in the filter clause to a randomly chosen value from a pre-compiled list of filter values for each sample submission. I left all other settings at their default.

    The JDBC Request can be thought of as the benchmark query or SQL test query to be submitted non-stop by each simulated user in this thread group.

    Apache JMeter (CLI)

    The Apache JMeter GUI saves test plans in .jmx files that can be used to run the same test plan in Apache JMeter’s console mode. The following CLI command demonstrates how you can use the LoadTestExample.jmx file that was created in the previous steps using the GUI to run the same load test:

    > <jmeter_install_dir>\bin\jmeter -n -t LoadTestExample.jmx -e -l test.out

    The sample output is from a 30-second run of LoadTestExample.jmx.

    The sample output is from a 30-second run of LoadTestExample.jmx.

    After the test has completed, several output files are created, such as a JMeter application log, query output files from the listeners (if any), and test statistics from listeners (if any). For this post, the statistical metrics captured for the test run are located in a JSON file inside the report-output directory. See the following screenshot.

    For this post, the statistical metrics captured for the test run are located in a JSON file inside the report-output directory.

    The \report-output\statistics.json file captures a lot of useful metrics, such as the total samples (like SQL queries) submitted during the test duration, achieved query throughput, and number of small, medium, and large queries and their individual throughput. The following screenshot shows a sampling of the data from statistics.json.

    The following screenshot shows a sampling of the data from statistics.json.


    In this series of posts, we discussed several recommended best practices for conducting high-quality benchmark tests. Some of the best practices represented core principles that span all the open-source tools discussed (such as consistency in testing methodology). In this particular post, we reviewed the strengths and appropriateness of Apache JMeter for conducting benchmark tests. I hope this series has been helpful, and strongly encourage current and prospective customers to reach out to me or other AWS colleagues if you wish to delve deeper.

    About the Author

    Asser Moustafa is an Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS based out of Dallas, Texas. He advises customers in the Americas on their Amazon Redshift and data lake architectures and migrations, starting from the POC stage to actual production deployment and maintenance

    How FanDuel Group secures personally identifiable information in a data lake using AWS Lake Formation

    Post Syndicated from Damian Grech original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/how-fanduel-group-secures-personally-identifiable-information-in-a-data-lake-using-aws-lake-formation/

    This post is co-written with Damian Grech from FanDuel

    FanDuel Group is an innovative sports-tech entertainment company that is changing the way consumers engage with their favorite sports, teams, and leagues. The premier gaming destination in the US, FanDuel Group consists of a portfolio of leading brands across gaming, sports betting, daily fantasy sports, advance-deposit wagering, and TV/media, including FanDuel, Betfair US, and TVG. FanDuel Group has a presence across 50 states and over 8.5 million customers. The company is based in New York with offices in California, New Jersey, Florida, Oregon, and Scotland. FanDuel Group is a subsidiary of Flutter Entertainment plc, the world’s largest sports betting and gaming operator with a portfolio of globally recognized brands and a constituent of the FTSE 100 index of the London Stock Exchange.

    In this post, we discuss how FanDuel used AWS Lake Formation and Amazon Redshift Spectrum to restrict access to personally identifiable information (PII) in their data lake.

    The challenge

    In 2018, a series of mergers led to the creation of FanDuel Group, and the combined data engineering team found themselves operating three data warehouses running on Amazon Redshift. The team decided to create a new single platform to replace the three separate warehouses, consisting of a data warehouse containing the core business data model and a data lake to catalog and hold all other types of data. FanDuel’s vision was to create an unified data platform that served their data requirements. This included the ability to ingest and organize real-time and batch datasets, and secure and govern PII.

    Because the end-users of the existing data warehouses were familiar with Amazon Redshift, it was critical that they be able to access the data lake using Amazon Redshift. Other important architecture considerations included a simplified user experience, the ability to scale to huge data volumes, and a robust security model to provision relevant data to analysts and data scientists.

    To accomplish the vision, FanDuel decided to modernize the data platform and introduce Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)-based data lakes. Data lakes are a logical construct that allows data to be stored in its native format using open data formats. With a data lake architecture, FanDuel can enable data analysts to analyze large volume of data without significant modeling. Also, data lakes allow FanDuel to store structured and unstructured data.

    Some of the data to be stored in the data lake was customer PII, so access to this category of data needed to be carefully restricted to only employees who required access to perform their job functions. To address these security challenges, FanDuel first tested out a tag-based approach on Amazon S3 to restrict access to the PII data. The idea was to write two datasets for a single dataset—one with PII and another without PII—and apply tags for files where PII is stored, securing files using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies. This approach was complex and needed 100–200 hours of development time for every data source that was ingested.

    Solution overview

    FanDuel decided to use Lake Formation and Redshift Spectrum to solve this challenge. The following architectural diagram shows how FanDuel secured their data lake.

    The solution includes the following steps:

    1. The FanDuel team registered the S3 location in Lake Formation.

    After the location is registered, Lake Formation takes control of the data lake, thereby eliminating the need to set up complicated policies in IAM.

    1. FanDuel built AWS Glue ETL jobs to extract data from sources, including MySQL databases and flat files. They used AWS Glue to cleanse and transform raw data to form refined datasets stored in Parquet-formatted files. They also used AWS Glue crawlers to register the cleansed datasets in the Data Catalog.
    2. The team used Lake Formation to set up column-based permissions using two roles:
      1. LimitedPIIAnalyst – Granted access to all columns. Only analysts who needed access to PII data were assigned this role.
      2. NonPIIAnalyst – Granted access to non-PII columns. By default, analysts using the data lake were assigned this role.
    3. FanDuel created two external schemas using Redshift Spectrum: one using the NonPIIAnalyst role, and one using the LimitedPIIAnalyst The following code is an example of the DDL that uses the role that was set up in Lake Formation:
      DATABASE 'fanduel_data_lake' REGION 'us-east-1'
      IAM_ROLE 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/NonPIIAnalyst';
      DATABASE 'fanduel_data_lake' REGION 'us-east-1'
      IAM_ROLE 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/LimitedPIIAnalyst';

    FanDuel could already manage access permissions by adding or removing users from a group in Amazon Redshift, so they already had a group consisting of only the analysts who should be permitted access to PII. The following code grants this group access to the limitedpii_data_lake schema, which effectively means only this group can query the data lake using the LimitedPIIAnalyst role:

    GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA nonpii_data_lake TO base_group;
    GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA nonpii_data_lake TO base_group;
    GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA limitedpii_data_lake TO pii_permitted_group;
    GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA limitedpii_data_lake TO pii_permitted_group;


    The ability to extend queries to the data lake with Redshift Spectrum and have column-level access control provides superior control over the S3 tag-based permissions approach that was originally considered. This architecture provided the following benefits for FanDuel:

    • FanDuel could offer new capabilities to data analysts. For example, data analysts could quickly access raw data with PII and combine it with existing data in Amazon Redshift. Lake Formation provided a single view for monitoring the data access patterns.
    • Lake Formation column-level access control allowed them to secure PII data, which otherwise would have taken a complex S3 tag-based approach. This saved 100–200 hours of development time for every new data source and data footprint, because the original approach required creating two files (one with PII and another without PII), tagging files, and setting up permissions based on tags.
    • The ability to extend access from Amazon Redshift to the data lake with appropriate access control has allowed FanDuel to reduce data stored in Amazon Redshift.


    FanDuel will leverage its new data platform to ingest additional data sources with real-time data so analysts and data scientists can gain insights and improve customer experience.

    Questions or feedback? Send an email to [email protected].

    About the Authors

    Damian Grech is a Data Engineering Senior Manager at FanDuel. Damian has over 15 years of experience in software delivery and has worked with organizations ranging from large enterprises to start-ups at their infant stages. In his spare time, you can find him either experimenting in the kitchen or trailing the Scottish Highlands.



    Shiv Narayanan is Global Business Development Manager for Data Lakes and Analytics solutions at AWS. He works with AWS customers across the globe to strategize, build, develop and deploy modern data platforms. Shiv loves music, travel, food and trying out new tech.




    Sidhanth Muralidhar is a Senior Technical Account Manager at Amazon Web Services. He works with large enterprise customers who run their workloads on AWS. He is passionate about working with customers and helping them in their cloud journey. In his spare time, he loves to play and watch football.







    Sharing Amazon Redshift data securely across Amazon Redshift clusters for workload isolation

    Post Syndicated from Harsha Tadiparthi original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/sharing-amazon-redshift-data-securely-across-amazon-redshift-clusters-for-workload-isolation/

    Amazon Redshift data sharing allows for a secure and easy way to share live data for read purposes across Amazon Redshift clusters. Amazon Redshift is a fast, fully managed cloud data warehouse that makes it simple and cost-effective to analyze all your data using standard SQL and your existing business intelligence (BI) tools. It allows you to run complex analytic queries against terabytes to petabytes of structured data, using sophisticated query optimization, columnar storage on high-performance storage, and massively parallel query runs.

    In this post, we discuss how to use Amazon Redshift data sharing to achieve workload isolation across diverse analytics use cases and achieve business-critical SLAs. For more information about this new feature, see Announcing Amazon Redshift data sharing (preview).

    How to use Amazon Redshift data sharing

    Amazon Redshift data sharing allows a producer cluster to share data objects to one or more Amazon Redshift consumer clusters for read purposes without having to copy the data. With this approach, workloads isolated to different clusters can share and collaborate frequently on data to drive innovation and offer value-added analytic services to your internal and external stakeholders. You can share data at many levels, including databases, schemas, tables, views, columns, and user-defined functions, to provide fine-grained access controls that can be tailored for different users and businesses that all need access to Amazon Redshift data.

    Data sharing between Amazon Redshift clusters is a two-step process. First, the producer cluster administrator that wants to share data creates an Amazon Redshift data share, a new named object introduced with this release to serve as a unit of sharing. The producer cluster adds the needed database objects such as schemas, tables, and views to the data share and specifies a list of consumer clusters with which to share the data share. Following that, privileged users on consumer clusters create an Amazon Redshift local database reference from the data share made available to them and grant permissions on the database objects to appropriate users and groups. Users and groups can then list the shared objects as part of the standard metadata queries and start querying immediately.

    Solution overview

    For this post, we use a use case in which the producer cluster is a central ETL cluster hosting enterprise sales data, a 3 TB Cloud DW benchmark dataset based on the TPC-DS benchmark dataset. This cluster serves multiple BI and data science clusters purpose-built for distinct business groups within the organization. One such group is the sales BI team, who runs BI reports using customer sales data created in the central ETL cluster and joined with the product reviews dataset that they loaded into the BI cluster they manage.

    This approach helps the sales BI team isolate data lifecycle management between the enterprise sales dataset in the ETL producer from the product reviews data that they fully manage in the BI consumer cluster to simplify data stewardship. It also allows for agility, allows sizing clusters independently to provide workload isolation, and creates a simple cost charge-back model.

    As depicted in the following diagram, the central ETL cluster etl_cluster hosts the sales data in a schema named sales. We demonstrate how to build the semantic layer later in this post. A superuser in etl_cluster then creates a data share named salesdatashare, adds the bi_semantic schema and all objects in that schema to the data share, and grants usage permissions to the BI consumer cluster named bi_cluster. Keep in mind that a data share is simply a metadata container and represents what data is shared from producer to consumer. No data is actually moved.

    As depicted in the following diagram, the central ETL cluster etl_cluster hosts the sales data in a schema named sales and performs transformations to create a semantic layer required for BI reports in a new schema named bi_semantic.

    The superuser in the BI consumer cluster creates a local database reference named sales_semantic from the data share (step 2 in the preceding diagram). The BI users use the product reviews dataset in the local schema named product_reviews and join with bi_semantic data for reporting purposes (step 3).

    You can find the script in the products review dataset, which we use in this post to load the dataset into bi_cluster. You can load the DW benchmark dataset into etl_cluster using this github link. Loading these datasets into the respective Amazon Redshift clusters is outside the scope of this post, and is a prerequisite to following the instructions we outline.

    The following diagram depicts the cloud DW benchmark data model used.

    The following diagram depicts the cloud DW benchmark data model used.

    The following table summarizes the data.

    Table Name Rows
    STORE_SALES 8,639,936,081
    CUSTOMER_ADDRESS 15,000,000
    CUSTOMER 30,000,000
    ITEM 360,000
    DATE_DIM 73,049

    Building a BI semantic layer

    A BI semantic layer is a representation of enterprise data in a way that simplifies BI reporting requirements and offers better performance. In our use case, the BI semantic layer transforms sales data to create a customer denormalized dataset and another dataset for all store sales by product in a given year. The following queries are run on the etl_cluster to create the BI semantic layer.

    1. Create a new schema to host BI semantic tables with the following SQL:
      Create schema bi_semantic;

    2. Create a denormalized customer view with select columns required for sales BI team:
      create view bi_semantic.customer_denorm 
      from sales.customer c, sales.customer_address ca, sales.customer_demographics cd
      and c.c_current_cdemo_sk=cd.cd_demo_sk;

    1. Create a second view for all product sales with columns required for BI team:
      create view bi_semantic.product_sales
      from sales.store_sales ss, sales.item i, sales.date_dim d
      where ss.ss_item_sk=i.i_item_sk
      and ss.ss_sold_date_sk=d.d_date_sk;

    Sharing data across Amazon Redshift clusters

    Now, let’s share the bi_semantic schema in the etl_cluster with the bi _cluster.

    1. Create a data share in the etl_cluster using the following command when connected to the etl_cluster. The producer cluster superuser and database owners can create data share objects. By default, PUBLICACCESSIBLE is false. If the producer cluster is publicly accessible, you can add PUBLICACCESSIBLE = true to the following command:
      CREATE DATASHARE SalesDatashare;

    1. Add the BI semantic views to the data share. To add objects to the data share, add the schema before adding objects. Use ALTER DATASHARE to share the entire schema; to share tables, views, and functions in a given schema; and to share objects from multiple schemas:
      ALTER DATASHARE SalesDatashare ADD SCHEMA bi_semantic;
      ALTER DATASHARE SalesDatashare ADD ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA bi_semantic;

    The next step requires a cluster namespace GUID from the bi_cluster. One way to find the namespace value of a cluster is to run the SQL statement select current_namespace when connected to the bi_cluster. Another way is on the Amazon Redshift console: choose your Amazon Redshift consumer cluster, and find the value under Namespace located in the General information section.

    1. Add consumers to the data share using the following command:
      GRANT USAGE ON DATASHARE SalesDatashare TO NAMESPACE '1m137c4-1187-4bf3-8ce2-e710b7100eb2';

    1. View the list of the objects added to the share using the following command. The share type is outbound on the producer cluster.
      DESC DATASHARE salesdatashare;

    The following screenshot shows our list of objects.

    The following screenshot shows our list of objects.

    Consuming the data share from the consumer BI Amazon Redshift cluster

    From the bi_cluster, let’s review, consume, and set permissions on the data share for end-user consumption.

    1. On the consumer BI cluster, view the data shares using the following command as any user:

    The following screenshot shows our results. Consumers should be able to see the objects within the incoming share but not the full list of consumers associated with the share. For more information about querying the metadata of shares, see DESC DATASHARE.

    The following screenshot shows our results.

    1. Start the consumption by creating a local database from the salesdatashare. Cluster users with the permission to do so can create a database from the shares. We use the namespace from the etl_cluster.
      CREATE DATABASE Sales_semantic from DATASHARE SalesDatashare OF NAMESPACE '45b137c4-1287-4vf3-8cw2-e710b7138nd9'; 

    Consumers should be able to see databases that they created from the share, along with the databases local to the cluster, at any point by querying SVV_REDSHIFT* tables. Data share objects aren’t available for queries until a local database reference is created using a create database statement.

    1. Run the following command to list the databases in bi_cluster:
      select * from svv_redshift_databases;

    The following screenshot shows that both the local and shared databases are listed so that you can explore and navigate metadata for shared datasets.

    The following screenshot shows that both the local and shared databases are listed so that you can explore and navigate metadata for shared datasets.

    1. Grant usage on the database to bi_group, where bi_group is a local Amazon Redshift group with BI users added to that group:
      GRANT USAGE ON DATABASE sales_semantic TO bi_group;

    Querying as the BI user

    In this section, you connect as a user in the bi_group who got access to the shared data. The user is still connected to the local database on the bi_cluster but can query the shared data via the new cross-database query functionality in Amazon Redshift.

    1. Review the list of objects in the share by running the following SQL:
      SELECT schema_name, table_name, table_type FROM  svv_redshift_tables
           where database_name = 'sales_semantic'

    The following screenshot shows our results.

    The following screenshot shows our results.

    1. Review the list of columns in the customer_denorm view::
      SELECT * FROM  svv_redshift_columns 
         where database_name = 'sales_semantic' and table_name = 'customer_denorm';

    The following screenshot shows our results.

    The following screenshot shows our results.

    1. Query the shared objects using three-part notation just like querying any other local database object, using a notation <database>.<schema>.<view/table>:
      select count(*) from sales_semantic.bi_semantic.customer_denorm;

    Following is your result:


    1. Analyze the local product reviews data by joining the shared customer_denorm data to identify the top ratings by customer states for this BI report:
      SELECT PR.product_category, c.ca_state AS customer_state,
                    count(PR.star_rating) AS cnt
            FROM product_reviews.amazon_reviews PR,               --local data
                 sales_semantic.bi_semantic.customer_denorm  C    –-shared data
            WHERE  PR.customer_id = C.c_customer_sk
               AND PR.marketplace = 'US'
            GROUP BY 1, 2
            order by cnt desc
            Limit 10;

    The following screenshot shows our results.

    The following screenshot shows our results.

    Adding a data science consumer

    Now, let’s assume the company has decided to spin up a data science team to help with new sales strategies, and this team performs analytics on the sales data. The data science team is new and has very different access patterns and SLA requirements compared to the BI team. Thanks to the data sharing feature, onboarding new use cases such as this is easy.

    We add a data science consumer cluster named ds_cluster. Because the data science users need access to data in salesdatashare, the superuser in the etl_cluster can simply grant access to the ds_cluster by adding them as another consumer for the share without moving any data:

    GRANT USAGE ON DATASHARE SalesDatashare TO NAMESPACE ''1h137c4-1187-4w53-8de2-e710b7100es2';

    The following diagram shows our updated architecture with the data science consumer (step 4).

    The following diagram shows our updated architecture with the data science consumer (step 4).

    This way, multiple clusters of different sizes can access the same dataset and isolate workloads to meet their SLA requirements. Users in these respective clusters are granted access to shared objects to meet their stringent security requirements. The producer keeps control of the data and at any point can remove certain objects from the share or remove access to the share for any of these clusters, and the consumers immediately lose access to the data. Also, as more data is ingested into the producer cluster, the consumer sees transactionally consistent data instantly.

    Monitoring and security

    Amazon Redshift offers comprehensive auditing capabilities using system tables and AWS CloudTrail to allow you to monitor the data sharing permissions and usage across all the consumers and revoke access instantly when necessary. The permissions are granted by the superusers from both the producer and the consumer clusters to define who gets access to what objects, similar to the grant commands used in the earlier scenario. You can use the following commands to audit the usage and activities for the data share.

    Track all changes to the data share and the shared database imported from the data share with the following code:

    Select username, share_name, recordtime, action, 
             share_object_type, share_object_name 
      from svl_datashare_change_log
       order by recordtime desc;

    The following screenshot shows our results.

    The following screenshot shows our results.

    Track data share access activity (usage), which is relevant only on the producer, with the following code:

    Select * from svl_datashare_usage;

    The following screenshot shows our results.

    The following screenshot shows our results.


    Amazon Redshift data sharing provides workload isolation by allowing multiple consumers to share data seamlessly without the need to unload and load data. We also presented a step-by-step guide for securely sharing data from a producer to multiple consumer clusters.

    About the Authors

    Harsha Tadiparthi is a Specialist Sr. Solutions Architect, AWS Analytics. He enjoys solving complex customer problems in Databases and Analytics and delivering successful outcomes. Outside of work, he loves to spend time with his family, watch movies, and travel whenever possible.



    Harshida Patel is a Specialist Sr. Solutions Architect, Analytics with AWS.

    Announcing Amazon Redshift federated querying to Amazon Aurora MySQL and Amazon RDS for MySQL

    Post Syndicated from BP Yau original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/announcing-amazon-redshift-federated-querying-to-amazon-aurora-mysql-and-amazon-rds-for-mysql/

    Since we launched Amazon Redshift as a cloud data warehouse service more than seven years ago, tens of thousands of customers have built analytics workloads using it. We’re always listening to your feedback and, in April 2020, we announced general availability for federated querying to Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL and Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for PostgreSQL to enable you to query data across your operational databases, your data warehouse, and your data lake to gain faster and deeper insights not possible otherwise.

    Today, we’re launching a new feature of Amazon Redshift federated query to Amazon Aurora MySQL and Amazon RDS for MySQL to help you expand your operational databases in the MySQL family. With this lake house architecture expansion to support more operational data stores, you can query and combine data more easily in real time and store data in open file formats in your Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) data lake. Your data can then be more available to other analytics and machine learning (ML) tools, rather than siloed in disparate data stores.

    In this post, we share information about how to get started with this new federated query feature to MySQL.


    To try this new feature, create a new Amazon Redshift cluster in a sql_preview maintenance track and Aurora MySQL instance and load sample TPC data into both data stores. To make sure both Aurora MySQL DB instances can accept connections from the Amazon Redshift cluster, you should make sure that both your Amazon Redshift cluster and Aurora MySQL instances are in the same Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) and subnet group. This way, you can add the security group for the Amazon Redshift cluster to the inbound rules of the security group for the Aurora MySQL DB instance.

    If your Amazon Redshift cluster and Aurora MySQL instances are in the different VPC, you can set up VPC peering or other networking to allow Amazon Redshift to make connections to your Aurora MySQL instances. For more information about VPC networking, see Working with a DB instance in a VPC.

    Configuring AWS Secrets Manager for remote database credentials

    Amazon Redshift needs database credentials to issue a federated query to a MySQL database. AWS Secrets Manager provides a centralized service to manage secrets and can be used to store your MySQL database credentials. Because Amazon Redshift retrieves and uses these credentials, they are transient, not stored in any generated code, and discarded after the query runs.

    Storing credentials in Secrets Manager takes only a few minutes. To store a new secret, complete the following steps:

    1. On the Secrets Manager console, choose Secrets.
    2. Choose Store a new secret.
    3. For Select secret type, select Credentials for RDS database.
    4. For User name, enter a name.
    5. For Password, enter a password.
    6. For Select the encryption key, choose DefaultEncryptionkey.
    7. For Select which RDS database this secret will access, choose your database.

    Storing credentials in Secrets Manager takes only a few minutes.

    1. Optionally, copy programmatic code for accessing your secret using your preferred programming languages (which is not needed for this post).
    2. Choose Next.

    After you create the secret, you can retrieve the secret ARN by choosing the secret on the Secrets Manager console. The secret ARN is needed in the subsequent step.

    After you create the secret, you can retrieve the secret ARN by choosing the secret on the Secrets Manager console.

    Setting up IAM role

    You can now pull everything together by embedding the secret ARN into an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy, naming the policy, and attaching it to an IAM role. See the following code:

        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Sid": "AccessSecret",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": "<SecretARN>"
                "Sid": "VisualEditor1",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": "*"

    Finally, attach the same IAM role to your Amazon Redshift cluster.

    1. On the Amazon Redshift console, choose Clusters.
    2. Choose your cluster.
    3. On the Actions drop-down menu, choose Manage IAM roles.

    Finally, attach the same IAM role to your Amazon Redshift cluster.

    1. Choose and add the IAM role you just created.

    Setting up external schema

    The final step is to create an external schema to connect to your Aurora MySQL instance. The following example code creates the external schema statement that you need to run on your Amazon Redshift cluster to complete this step:

    DATABASE 'tpc' 
    URI '<AuroraClusterEndpoint>' 
    PORT 3306 
    IAM_ROLE '<IAMRole>' 
    SECRET_ARN '<SecretARN>'

    Use the following parameters:

    • URI – Aurora MySQL cluster endpoint
    • IAM_Role – IAM role created from the previous step
    • Secret_ARN – Secret ARN

    After you set up the external schema, you’re ready to run some queries to test different use cases.

    Querying live operational data

    You can now query real-time operational data in your Aurora MySQL instance from Amazon Redshift. Note that isolation level is read committed for MySQL. See the following code:

    dev=# select top 10 ws_order_number from mysqlfq.web_sales;
    (10 rows)

    Querying mysqlfq.web_sales in Amazon Redshift routes the request to MySQL tpc database and web_sales table. If you examine the query plan, you can see the query runs at the MySQL instance as shown by the step Remote MySQL Seq Scan:

    dev=# explain select top 10 ws_order_number from mysqlfq.web_sales;
                                              QUERY PLAN                                           
     XN Limit  (cost=0.00..0.20 rows=10 width=8)
       ->  XN MySQL Query Scan web_sales  (cost=0.00..6869.28 rows=343464 width=8)
             ->  Remote MySQL Seq Scan mysqlfq.web_sales  (cost=0.00..3434.64 rows=343464 width=8)
    (3 rows)

    Simplifying ELT and ETL

    You can also extract operational data directly from your Aurora MySQL instance and load it into Amazon Redshift. See the following code:

    dev=# create table staging_customer as select c_customer_id from mysqlfq.customer where c_customer_id not in (select c_customer_id from customer);
    dev=# select count(*) from staging_customer;
    (1 row)

    The preceding code uses CTAS to create and load incremental data from your operational MySQL instance into a staging table in Amazon Redshift. You can then perform transformation and merge operations from the staging table to the target table. For more information, see Updating and inserting new data.

    Combining operational data with data from your data warehouse and data lake

    You can combine live operational data from your Aurora MySQL instance with data from your Amazon Redshift data warehouse and S3 data lake by creating a late binding view.

    To access your S3 data lake historical data via Amazon Redshift Spectrum, create an external table:

    create external schema mysqlspectrum
    from data catalog
    database 'spectrumdb'
    iam_role '<IAMRole>'
    create external database if not exists;
    create external table mysqlspectrum.customer 
    stored as parquet 
    location 's3://<yourS3bucket>/customer/'
    as select * from customer where c_customer_sk <= 100000;

    You can then run queries on the view to gain insight on data across the three sources:

    drop view vwCustomer;
    create view vwCustomer as
    select c_customer_sk, 'redshift' as source from public.customer where c_customer_sk > 100000
    union all
    select c_customer_sk, 'mysql' as source from mysqlfq.customer
    union all
    select c_customer_sk, 's3' as source from mysqlspectrum.customer
    with no schema binding;
    select * from vwCustomer where c_customer_sk in (1, 149712,29033279);

    You should the following three records as output:

    dev=# select * from vwCustomer where c_customer_sk in (1, 149712,29033279);
     c_customer_sk |  source  
          29033279 | mysql
                 1 | s3
            149712 | redshift
    (3 rows)

    If you examine the query plan, you can see that the predicates are pushed down to your MySQL instance to run:

    dev=# explain select * from vwCustomer where c_customer_sk in (1,149712,29033279);
                                                                                QUERY PLAN                                                                            
     XN Subquery Scan vwcustomer  (cost=0.00..48398.40 rows=6988 width=36)
       ->  XN Append  (cost=0.00..48328.52 rows=6988 width=4)
             ->  XN Subquery Scan "*SELECT* 1"  (cost=0.00..40000.03 rows=3 width=4)
                   ->  XN Seq Scan on customer  (cost=0.00..40000.00 rows=3 width=4)
                         Filter: (((c_customer_sk = 1) OR (c_customer_sk = 149712) OR (c_customer_sk = 29033279)) AND (c_customer_sk > 100000))
             ->  XN Subquery Scan "*SELECT* 2"  (cost=0.00..6548.63 rows=5492 width=4)
                   ->  XN MySQL Query Scan customer  (cost=0.00..6493.71 rows=5492 width=4)
                         ->  Remote MySQL Seq Scan mysqlfq.customer  (cost=0.00..6438.79 rows=5492 width=4)
                               Filter: ((c_customer_sk = 1) OR (c_customer_sk = 149712) OR (c_customer_sk = 29033279))
             ->  XN Subquery Scan "*SELECT* 3"  (cost=0.00..1779.86 rows=1493 width=4)
                   ->  XN S3 Query Scan customer  (cost=0.00..1764.93 rows=1493 width=4)
                         ->  S3 Seq Scan mysqlspectrum.customer location:"s3://<yourS3bucket>/customer" format:PARQUET  (cost=0.00..1750.00 rows=1493 width=4)
                               Filter: ((c_customer_sk = 1) OR (c_customer_sk = 149712) OR (c_customer_sk = 29033279))
    (13 rows)

    Available Now

    Amazon Redshift federated querying to Aurora MySQL and Amazon RDS for MySQL is now available for public preview with Amazon Redshift release version 1.0.21591 or later. Refer to the AWS Region Table for Amazon Redshift availability and to check the version of your clusters.

    About the Authors

    BP Yau is an Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS. His role is to help customers architect big data solutions to process data at scale. Before AWS, he helped Amazon.com Supply Chain Optimization Technologies migrate its Oracle data warehouse to Amazon Redshift and build its next-generation big data analytics platform using AWS technologies.


    Zhouyi Yang is a Software Development Engineer for the Amazon Redshift Query Processing team. He’s passionate about gaining new knowledge about large databases and has worked on SQL language features such as federated query and IAM role privilege control. In his spare time, he enjoys swimming, tennis, and reading.



    Entong Shen is a Senior Software Development Engineer for Amazon Redshift. He has been working on MPP databases for over 8 years and has focused on query optimization, statistics, and SQL language features such as stored procedures and federated query. In his spare time, he enjoys listening to music of all genres and working in his succulent garden.

    Building high-quality benchmark tests for Amazon Redshift using SQLWorkbench and psql

    Post Syndicated from Asser Moustafa original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/building-high-quality-benchmark-tests-for-amazon-redshift-using-sqlworkbench-and-psql/

    In the introductory post of this series, we discussed benchmarking benefits and best practices common across different open-source benchmarking tools. In this post, we discuss benchmarking Amazon Redshift with the SQLWorkbench and psql open-source tools. Let’s first start with a quick review of the introductory installment.

    When you use Amazon Redshift to scale compute and storage independently, a need arises to profile the compute requirements of various production workloads so that your Amazon Redshift cluster configuration reflects an appropriately balanced compute layer. You also need an approach to scale up with eyes wide open, and benchmarking different Amazon Redshift cluster configurations against various production workloads can help you appropriately accommodate workload expansion. In addition, you may also use benchmark tests to proactively monitor a production cluster’s performance in real time.

    For prospective Amazon Redshift customers, benchmarking Amazon Redshift is often one of the main components of their evaluation and a key source of insight into the price-to-performance ratio of different Amazon Redshift configurations.

    Open-source tools, with their cost-efficiency and vendor neutrality, are often the preferred choice for profiling production workloads and benchmark tests. However, best practices for using these tools are scarce, possibly resulting in flawed compute profiles, flawed benchmark results, customer frustration, and bloated timelines.

    One final point before we get started: there is a lot that could be said about benchmarking—more than can be accommodated in a single post. Analytics Specialists Solutions Architects such as myself frequently and happily engage with current and prospective customers to help you evaluate your benchmarking strategy and approach at no charge. I highly recommend you take advantage of that benefit by reaching out to your AWS account Solutions Architect.


    SQLWorkbench, also referred to as SQLWorkbench/J, is an open-source SQL query tool that you can freely download as a .zip file. It’s written in Java so it runs on Windows, Linux/UNIX, and macOS, and naturally requires a supported Java runtime environment (JRE). SQLWorkbench also requires a JDBC driver for the database (to download the latest Amazon Redshift JDBC driver, see Configuring a JDBC driver version 1.0 connection).

    SQLWorkbench can run in GUI or console mode. I discuss both in this section, but in my experience, customers typically default to the GUI mode, so we explore that version first. Also, I have found that customers that use SQLWorkbench often use it in a Windows environment (something to keep in mind if operating system has a determination on which open-source tool you use).

    Typically, you stand up a Windows EC2 instance to serve as your benchmark host, and install SQLWorkbench on that machine. When you have SQLWorkbench running, setting up a connection to your Amazon Redshift cluster is quite easy. For this post, I assume you’re familiar with the basics of JDBC connections. The following screenshot shows what the SQLWorkbench connection dialog box might look like when populated with connection information.

    After establishing a successful connection to your Amazon Redshift cluster, a query tab opens, in which you can write and run SQL queries similar to that shown in the following screenshot.

    For benchmark tests, it’s highly recommended to set the maxrows field to a relatively low number to avoid noise from long transmission times of large result sets.

    Unlike the LIMIT clause in a SQL SELECT statement, which can alter (short-circuit) Amazon Redshift query processing, setting the maxrows field (whether to a value as low as 1 or something much higher) has no impact on query processing in Amazon Redshift; maxrows only impacts SQLWorkbench’s rendering workload and overhead. You can easily verify this by running the same query multiple times with different maxrows settings and observing that the number of rows returned for each query on the Amazon Redshift console query history page doesn’t change. Although the resulting query times should still be considered as query runtimes, they certainly help you get closer to a query’s execution time. Setting the maxrows field to a relatively low number also reduces the risk of SQLWorkbench running into an out-of-memory error from very large result sets.

    This straightforward GUI interface is appealing because it has a minimal learning curve and quickly enables you to start submitting benchmark tests against your Amazon Redshift cluster. SQLWorkbench is a very useful tool, and it may be a good fit for informal or simple benchmark tests that deal with a handful of benchmark queries, relatively small tables (such as under 50 million rows in a fact table), and are focused more on determining general directionality of query runtimes (for example, cluster A was faster than cluster B at running business query 123), rather than capturing accurate query runtimes. The GUI interface can also be helpful for quickly and easily tweaking test queries to be more or less intense, or to correct SQL syntax if the query originated from a different platform.

    However, for more formal and complex benchmark tests that deal with large tables and must capture accurate query runtimes, SQLWorkbench’s straightforward GUI interface faces a scalability challenge: inputting potentially hundreds or thousands of benchmark queries, running them sequentially or simultaneously, and capturing their runtimes in a practical manner can prove to be a huge challenge.

    In addition, SQLWorkBench’s rendering and processing times for query result sets are added to a query’s runtime, and so even moderately sized query result sets can lead to potentially significant noise in query runtimes. For example, I recently observed a customer reduce their query runtimes by several orders of magnitude by switching to a command line tool while keeping all other aspects of their benchmark tests and environment constant. Some of the queries were straightforward filter queries with no joins, returning 400,000 rows from a 2 billion-row fact table with approximately 30 mostly integer columns.

    Using console mode

    One way to minimize the scale problem and rendering noise is to switch to SQLWorkbench console mode (the command line interface), which comes bundled with the GUI version of SQLWorkbench in the same downloadable .zip file.

    In this section, we show one way to enter console mode from the Windows command line prompt (note the -showTiming=true flag that enables query execution times print on the screen) and connect to an Amazon Redshift cluster.

    The following code starts SQLWorkbench in console mode:

    c:\ sqlwbconsole64.exe -showTiming=true

    When you’re in console mode, use the following command to connect to an Amazon Redshift cluster:

    SQL> WbConnect -username=<Redshift User> -password=<Redshift User Password> -url=<fully qualified Redshift JDBC URL with port and database> -driver=<Redshift JDBC driver class name>
    For example:
    SQL> WbConnect -username=demouser -password=******* -url=jdbc:redshift://demo-poc-redshift-cluster.xxxxxx.us-west-2.redshift.amazonaws.com:8192/dev -driver=com.amazon.redshift.jdbc.Driver

    The following screenshot shows our output.

    Again, it’s recommended to set the maximum rows for the results sets to a relatively low number, using the following command:

    SQL> set maxrows <number>;

    Although console mode may have a slightly higher learning curve, it can significantly reduce potential rendering noise in a query’s runtime. In addition, SQLWorkbench’s console mode lends itself to scripting, which opens the door to many more sophisticated benchmarking scenarios, particularly when simulating concurrent users and capturing sophisticated metrics.

    Comparing performance of SQLWorkbench modes

    Let’s use an example use case to demonstrate the potential performance differences of both modes of SQLWorkbench. Although Example Corp is a hypothetical company, the use case is quite typical and realistic, and the benchmark results presented are based on actual customer experiences.

    Example Corp has onboarded terabytes of data, over 100 ETL jobs, and thousands of business users to our Amazon Redshift deployment over the past quarter. Data architects and engineers have observed the Amazon Redshift cluster’s average CPU utilization steadily increase, and now wish to scale up the cluster before onboarding additional data, ETL jobs, and users waiting in the project pipeline.

    To determine the optimal cluster size, we perform a few simple benchmark tests on different cluster configurations. We first identify five or so sufficiently complex production queries for benchmarking clusters of different sizes and instance types. We decide query runtime is a sufficient measure of the optimal cluster size, because we’re mainly interested in directional guidance (for example, query runtimes improved significantly with 1.5x cluster size, but only marginally with larger than 1.5x cluster sizes).

    We can use an Amazon Redshift snapshot from our production cluster to quickly stand up a few differently configured clusters varying in node size or node type (such as ra3.4xl vs. ra3.16xl). We use a production snapshot to create the benchmark clusters so we can keep the cluster data identical.

    However, manually running the benchmark queries individually using the SQLWorkbench GUI shows query runtimes actually increased in most cases (compared to the original production cluster) despite the more powerful clusters! Upon a closer look, we realize internet transport noise has not been isolated from the query runtimes. We stand up a dedicated test EC2 machine in the same VPC and Availability Zone as our benchmark Amazon Redshift clusters and install a SQLWorkbench GUI client.

    Running the benchmark queries using the SQLWorkbench GUI provides similar query runtimes as the original cluster configuration. Again, not what was expected. Upon switching to SQLWorkbench console mode, however, we observe an improvement in query runtimes by several orders of magnitude.


    In my experience, psql is the preferred open-source command line query tool for customers running in a Linux/UNIX environment, so in this post, I assume a Linux EC2 instance is being used to run psql. If the standard Amazon Linux AMI was chosen (usually the first one in the list) during EC2 creation, you can use the following commands to update and verify psql v9.2 on the Linux EC2 instance:

    > sudo yum update
    > sudo yum install postgresql
    > psql --help

    Feel free to also search the freely available community AMIs, which might have newer versions of PostGreSQL server and the psql client pre-installed.

    After psql is installed, connecting to an Amazon Redshift cluster is pretty straightforward by specifying a few command line parameters:

    psql -h <Redshift JDBC endpoint> -p <Redshift port> -U <Redshift user> -d <Redshift database> 

    The standard Amazon Redshift port is 5439, but I use port 8192 in the following code because of certain firewall requirements in my environment:

    psql -h benchmark-redshift-cluster1.xxxxx.us-west-2.redshift.amazonaws.com -p 5439 -U masteruser -d dev

    The following screenshot shows our output.

    After you connect to the Amazon Redshift cluster, be sure to run the \timing on command to enable query timing.

    It’s also highly recommended that you consider setting the FETCH_COUNT variable to a relatively low number on the psql console to avoid long transmission times for large result sets:

    \set FETCH_COUNT 500 

    By setting this variable, database cursors and the FETCH command are used in conjunction with queries. Setting this variable has no impact on query processing in Amazon Redshift, but rather the number of rows returned to the client application from the fully materialized result set.

    Although the command line nature of psql may have a slightly higher learning curve than similar GUI applications, it also helps keep it lightweight and introduces minimal processing noise into a query’s runtime. For example, I observed a customer’s query runtime improve by several orders of magnitude by simply switching from a GUI tool to command line psql, while keeping all other aspects of the benchmark test and environment constant.

    In addition, psql’s command line interface lends itself to scripting, which opens the door to many more sophisticated benchmarking scenarios, particularly when simulating concurrent users and capturing sophisticated concurrency metrics. In fact, a number of customizable, parameter-driven scripts have already been written by AWS Analytics Specialists such as myself for sophisticated benchmarking compute and concurrency scenarios, and are freely available to current and prospective customers.

    Another utility that you can use in combination with such scripts is Simple Replay, a utility that is freely available on the Amazon Redshift Utilities GitHub repo. Simply Replay can extract workload histories from a source Amazon Redshift cluster and replay those workloads (using the psql command line client) with high fidelity on a different (such as a benchmark test) Amazon Redshift cluster.

    For Simple Replay to extract workload details from an Amazon Redshift cluster, audit logging must be enabled in the cluster, and it may take about an hour for the most recent workloads to propagate to the audit logs.

    After we run the extract command, Simple Replay extracts workload information such as the connection patterns (for example, number of users and their connection timing), COPY and UNLOAD commands, and other SQL queries so that they can be replayed on a different Amazon Redshift cluster with high fidelity (and, in our case, using psql command line as the SQL client). The following screenshot shows our output.

    The workload details are typically stored in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket, which is specified in the Simple Replay configuration file, among other properties. See the following screenshot.

    After running the python3 Extraction.py extraction.yaml command on the command line, we can review the workload details in our target S3 bucket to verify that the expected complexity was captured. The following screenshot shows the workload details on the Amazon S3 console.

    The next step is to replay the extracted workload on a baseline cluster that mirrors our production cluster configuration (to establish a baseline runtime profile) and one or more target clusters using Simple Replay’s replay capability, as shown in the following screenshot.

    Now let’s take another look at the example scenario presented in the previous section to demonstrate using the psql command line client with Simple Replay. Again, Example Corp has onboarded terabytes of data, over 100 ETL jobs, and thousands of business users to our Amazon Redshift deployment over the past quarter. Data architects and engineers have observed the Amazon Redshift cluster’s average CPU utilization steadily increase, and now wish to scale the cluster up (again) before onboarding additional data, ETL jobs, and users waiting in the project pipeline.

    To determine the optimal cluster size, we first use the Simple Replay utility to extract information on all concurrent workloads that have occurred in the past 48 hours, from one-time user queries to BI reporting queries to ETL transformations. After we extract the information from the logs of the source Amazon Redshift cluster, we replay the same workloads on various benchmark cluster configurations. We may repeat this process for other timeframes in the past, such as month-end reporting or timeframes that exhibited unexpected workload spikes. To determine the optimal cluster size, the Example Corp team observes the CPU utilization of each benchmark cluster configuration and chooses the best cluster offering the best price-to-performance ratio.

    For other capabilities and functionality in psql scripts, I recommend you reach out to your AWS account SA to evaluate available benchmarking scripts in relation to your needs and perhaps avoid “reinventing the wheel.”


    In this series of posts, we discussed a number of recommended best practices for conducting high-quality benchmark tests. Some of the best practices represented core principles that span all the open-source tools discussed (such as consistency in testing methodology). In this post, we reviewed the strengths and appropriateness of SQLWorkbench and psql for conducting benchmark tests. I hope this series has been helpful, and strongly encourage current and prospective customers to reach out to me or other AWS colleagues if you wish to delve deeper.

    About the Author

    Asser Moustafa is an Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS based out of Dallas, Texas. He advises customers in the Americas on their Amazon Redshift and data lake architectures and migrations, starting from the POC stage to actual production deployment and maintenance.

    Getting the most out of your analytics stack with Amazon Redshift

    Post Syndicated from Rajiv Gupta original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/getting-the-most-out-of-your-analytics-stack-with-amazon-redshift/

    Analytics environments today have seen an exponential growth in the volume of data being stored. In addition, analytics use cases have expanded, and data users want access to all their data as soon as possible. The challenge for IT organizations is how to scale your infrastructure, manage performance, and optimize for cost while meeting these growing demands.

    As a Sr. Analytics Solutions Architect at AWS, I get to learn firsthand about these challenges and work with our customers to help them design and optimize their architecture. Amazon Redshift is often a key component in that analytics stack. Amazon Redshift has several built-in features to give you out-of-the-box performance, such as automatic workload management, automatic ANALYZE, automatic VACUUM DELETE, and automatic VACUUM SORT. These tuning features enable you to get the performance you need with fewer resources. In addition, Amazon Redshift provides the Amazon Redshift Advisor, which continuously scans your Amazon Redshift cluster and provides recommendations based on best practices. All you need to do is review the recommendations and apply the ones that provide the most benefit.

    In this post, we examine a few challenges to your continually evolving analytics environment and how you can configure it to get the most out of your analytics stack by using the new innovations in Amazon Redshift.

    Choosing the optimal hardware

    The first area to consider is to ensure that you’ve chosen the optimal node type for your workload. Amazon Redshift has three families of node types; RA3, DC2, and DS2. The newest node type, RA3, was built for compute and storage separation so you can cost-effectively scale storage and compute to handle most analytics workloads, and should be chosen for most customers. If you have smaller datasets (< 640 GB of compressed data) or heavier compute needs, you may want to consider the DC2 nodes. Finally, the DS2 node type, while still available, is considered a legacy node type. If you’re using the DS2 node type, you should migrate to RA3 to optimize costs and performance. One of the key benefits of cloud computing is that you’re not tied to one node type. It’s very fast and efficient to migrate between one node type to another using the elastic resize functionality. Because all node types are compatible, no code changes are necessary.

    For each node type, there are different sizes to consider. For the RA3 node type, there are the XLPlus, 4XLarge and 16XLarge sizes, for the DC2 node types, the Large and 8XLarge sizes and for for DS2, the XLarge and 8XLarge sizes. The following table summarizes the allocated resources for each instance type as of December 11, 2020.

    Instance type Disk type Size Memory vCPUs Maximum Nodes
    RA3 xlplus Managed Storage Scales to 32 TB* 32 GB 4 16
    RA3 4xlarge Managed Storage Scales to 64 TB* 96 GB 12 32
    RA3 16xlarge Managed Storage Scales to 128 TB* 384 GB 48 128
    DC2 large SSD 160 GB 16 GB 2 32
    DC2 8xlarge SSD 2.56 TB 244 GB 32 128
    DS2 xlarge Magnetic 2 TB 32 GB 4 32
    DS2 8xlarge Magnetic 16 TB 244 GB 36 128

    When determining the node size and the number of nodes needed in your cluster, consider your processing needs. For the node type you’re using, start with the smallest node size and consider the larger node sizes when you exceed the threshold of number of nodes. For example, for the RA3.XLPlus node type, the maximum number of nodes is 16 nodes. When you exceed this, consider 6 or more of the RA3.4XLarge node. When you exceed 32 nodes of the RA3.4XLarge node type, consider 8 or more of the RA3.16XLarge node. The Amazon Redshift console (see the following screenshot) provides a helpful tool to help you size your cluster taking into consideration parameters such as the amount of storage you need as well as your workload.

    Reserving compute power

    Building and managing a data warehouse environment is a large cross-functional effort often involving an investment in both time and resources. Amazon Redshift provides deep discounts on the hardware needed to run your data warehouse if you reserve your instances. After you’ve evaluated your workloads and have a configuration you like, purchase Reserved Instances (RIs) for discounts from 20% to 75% when compared to on-demand. You can purchase RIs using a Full Upfront, Partial Upfront, or sometimes a No Upfront payment plan. Reserved Instances are not tied to a particular cluster and are pooled across your account. If your needs expand and you decide to increase your cluster size, simply purchase additional Reserved Instances.

    In the following chart, you can compare the yearly on-demand cost of a Redshift cluster to the equivalent cost of a 1-year RI and a 3-year RI (sample charges and discounts are based on 1 node of dc2.large all upfront commitments in the us-east-1 Region as published on November 1st, 2020). If you use your cluster for more than 7.5 months of the year, you save money with the purchase of a 1-year RI. If you use your cluster for more than 4.5 months on-demand, you can save even more money with the purchase of a 3-year RI.

    Managing intermittent workloads

    If your workload is infrequently accessed, Amazon Redshift allows you to pause and resume your cluster. When your cluster is paused, you’re only charged for backup and storage costs. You can pause and resume your cluster using an API command, the Amazon Redshift console, or through a scheduler. One use case where this feature is useful is if you’re using Amazon Redshift as a compute engine that reads data from the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) data lake and unloads the results back to the data lake. In that use case, you only need the cluster running during the data curation process. Another use case where this feature may be useful is if the cluster only needs to be available when the data pipeline runs and for a reporting platform to refresh its in-memory storage.

    When deciding to pause and resume your cluster, keep in mind the cost savings from Reserved Instances. In the following chart, we can compare the daily on-demand cost of an Amazon Redshift cluster to the equivalent cost of a 1-year RI and a 3-year RI when divided by the number of days in the RI (sample charges and discounts are based on 1 node of dc2.large all upfront commitments in the us-east-1 Region as published on November 1st, 2020). If you use your cluster for more than 15 hours in a day, you save money with the purchase of a 1-year RI. If you use your cluster for more than 9 hours in a day, you can save even more money with the purchase of a 3-year RI.

    Managing data growth with RA3

    With use cases expanding, there is more and more demand for data within the analytics environment. In many cases, data growth outpaces the compute needs. In traditional MPP systems, to manage data growth, you could add nodes to your cluster, archive old data, or make choices on which data to include. With Amazon Redshift RA3 with managed storage, instead of the primary storage being on your compute nodes, your primary storage is backed by Amazon S3, which allows for much greater storage elasticity. The compute nodes contain a high-performance SSD backed local cache of your data. Amazon Redshift automatically moves hot data to cache so that processing the hottest data is fast and efficient. This removes the need to worry about storage so you can scale your cluster based on your compute needs. Migrating to RA3 is fast and doesn’t require making any configuration changes. You simply resize your cluster and choose the node type and number of nodes for your target configuration.  The following diagram illustrates this architecture.

    Managing real-time analytics with federated query

    We often see the use case of wanting a unified view of your data that is accessible within your analytics environment. That data might be high-volume log or sensor data that is being streamed into the data lake, or operational data that is generated in an OLTP database. With Amazon Redshift, instead of building pipelines to ingest that data into your data warehouse, you can use you can use the federated query feature and Amazon Redshift Spectrum to expose this data as external schemas and tables for direct querying, joining, and processing. Querying data in place reduces both the storage needs and compute needs of your data warehouse. The query engine de-composes the query and determines which parts of the query processing can be run in the source system. When possible, filters and transformations are pushed down to the source. In the case of an OLTP database, any applicable filters are applied to the query in Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL or Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL. In the case of the data lake, the processing occurs in the Amazon Redshift Spectrum compute layer. The following diagram illustrates this architecture.

    Managing data growth with compression

    When you analyze the steps involved in running a query, I/O operations are usually the most time-consuming step. You can reduce the number of I/O operations and maximize resources in your analytics environment by optimizing storage. Amazon Redshift is a columnar store database and organizes data in 1 MB blocks. The more data that can fit in a 1 MB block, the less I/O operations are needed for reads and writes.

    For every column in Amazon Redshift, you can choose the compression encoding algorithm. Because the column compression is so important, Amazon Redshift developed a new encoding algorithm: AZ64. This proprietary algorithm is intended for numeric and data/time data types. Benchmarking AZ64 against other popular algorithms (ZSTD and LZO) showed better performance and sometimes better storage savings. To apply a column encoding, you typically specify the encoding in the CREATE TABLE statement. If you don’t specifically set a column encoding, Amazon Redshift chooses the most optimal based on the data type you specified either at table creation or when it is first loaded. If you have older tables, they may not be taking advantage of the latest encoding algorithms. You can modify the encoding using the ALTER TABLE statement. The following table summarizes your storage savings and performance improvements.

    Managing spiky workloads with concurrency scaling

    Analytic workloads rarely have even compute requirements 24/7. Instead, spikes appear throughout the day, whether it’s because of an ingestion pipeline or a spike in user activity related to a business event that is out of your control.  

    When user demand is unpredictable, you can use the concurrency scaling feature to automatically scale your cluster. When the cluster sees a spike in user activity, concurrency scaling detects that spike and automatically routes queries to a new cluster within seconds. Queries run on the concurrent cluster without any change to your application and don’t require data movement. You can configure concurrency scaling to use up to 10 concurrent clusters, but it only uses the clusters it needs for the time it needs them. When your query runs against the concurrent cluster, you only pay for the amount of time the query is run and billed per second. The following diagram illustrates this architecture.

    Each cluster earns up to 1 hour of free concurrency scaling credits per day, which is sufficient for 97% of customers. You can also set up costs controls using the usage limits. This feature can alert you or even disable the feature if you exceed a certain amount of usage.

    Managing spiky workloads with elastic resize

    When the user demand is predictable, you can use the elastic resize feature to easily scale your cluster up and down using an API command, the console, or based on a schedule. For example, if you have an ETL workload every night that requires additional I/O capacity, you can schedule a resize to occur every evening during your ETL workload. During an elastic resize, the endpoint doesn’t change and it happens within minutes. If a session connection is running, it’s paused until the resize completes. You can then scale back down at the end of the ETL workload. The following diagram illustrates this process.

    Whether it’s through elastic resize or concurrency scaling, you want to size based on your steady state compute needs, not the peaks, and use features like elastic resize and concurrency scaling.

    Providing access to shared data through multiple clusters

    You may have multiple groups within your organization who want to access the analytics data. One option is to load all the data into one Amazon Redshift cluster and size the cluster to meet the compute needs of all users. However, that option can be costly. Also, isolating the workloads for some of your groups provides a few benefits. Each organization can be responsible for their own cluster charges and if either group has a tight SLA, they can ensure that the other’s queries don’t cause resource contention. One solution for sharing data and isolating workloads is by using the lake house architecture. When you manage your data in a data lake, you can keep it in open formats that are easily transportable and readable by any number of analytics services. Capabilities such as Amazon Redshift Spectrum, data lake export, and INSERT (external table), enable you to easily read and write data from a shared data lake within Amazon Redshift. Each group can live query the external data and join it to any local data they may have. Each group may even consider pausing and resuming their cluster when it is not in use. The following diagram illustrates this architecture.

    Amazon Redshift Spectrum even supports reading data in Apache Hudi and Delta Lake.


    Tens of thousands of customers choose Amazon Redshift to power analytics across their organization, and we’re constantly innovating to meet your growing analytics needs. For more information about these capabilities and see demos of many of the optimizations, see our AWS Online Tech Talks and check out What’s New in Amazon Redshift.

    About the Author

    Rajiv Gupta is a data warehouse specialist solutions architect with Amazon Web Services.

    Introducing Amazon Redshift RA3.xlplus nodes with managed storage

    Post Syndicated from BP Yau original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/introducing-amazon-redshift-ra3-xlplus-nodes-with-managed-storage/

    Since we launched Amazon Redshift as a cloud data warehouse service more than seven years ago, tens of thousands of customers have built analytics workloads using it. We’re always listening to your feedback and, in December 2019, we announced our third-generation RA3 node type to provide you the ability to scale and pay for compute and storage independently. In this post, I share more about RA3, including a new smaller size node type, and information about how to get started.

    RA3 nodes in Amazon Redshift

    The new RA3 nodes let you determine how much compute capacity you need to support your workload and then scale the amount of storage based on your needs. The managed storage of Amazon Redshift automatically uses high-performance, SSD-based local storage as its tier-1 cache. The managed storage takes advantage of optimizations such as data block temperature, data block age, and workload patterns to optimize Amazon Redshift performance and manage data placement across tiers of storage automatically. No action or changes to existing workflows are necessary on your part.

    The first member of the RA3 family was the RA3.16xlarge, and we subsequently added the RA3.4xlarge to cater to the needs of customers with a large number of workloads.

    We’re now adding a new smaller member of the RA3 family, the RA3.xlplus.

    This allows Amazon Redshift to deliver up to three times better price performance than other cloud data warehouses. For existing Amazon Redshift customers using DS2 instances, you get up to two times better performance and double the storage at the same cost when you upgrade to RA3. RA3 also includes AQUA (Advanced Query Accelerator) for Amazon Redshift at no additional cost. AQUA is a new distributed and hardware-accelerated cache that enables Amazon Redshift to run up to ten times faster than other cloud data warehouses by automatically boosting certain types of queries. The preview is open to all customers now, and it will be generally available in January 2021.

    RA3 nodes with managed storage are a great fit for analytics workloads that require best price per performance, with massive storage capacity and the ability to scale and pay for compute and storage independently. In the past, there was pressure to offload or archive old data to other storage because of fixed storage limits, which made maintaining the operational analytics dataset and querying the larger historical dataset when needed difficult. With Amazon Redshift managed storage, we’re meeting the needs of customers that want to store more data in their data warehouse.

    The new RA3.xlplus node provides 4 vCPUs and 32 GiB of RAM and addresses up to 32 TB of managed storage. A cluster with RA3.xlplus node-type can contain up to 32 of these instances, for a total storage of 1024 TB (that’s 1 petabyte!). With the new smaller RA3.xlplus instance type, it’s even easier to get started with Amazon Redshift.

    The differences between RA3 nodes are summarized in the following table.

    vCPU Memory Storage Quota I/O Price
    (US East (N. Virginia))
    ra3.xlplus 4 32 GiB 32TB RMS 0.65 GB/sec $1.086 per hour
    ra3.4xlarge 12 96 GiB 64TB RMS 2 GB/sec $3.26 per hour
    ra3.16xlarge 48 384 GiB 64TB RMS 8 GB/sec $13.04 per hour

    Creating a new Amazon Redshift cluster

    You can create a new cluster on the Amazon Redshift console or the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI). For this post, I walk you through using the Amazon Redshift console.

    1. On the Amazon Redshift console, choose Clusters.
    2. Choose Create cluster.
    3. For Choose the size of the cluster, choose I’ll choose.
    4. For Node type, select your preferred node type (for this post, we select xlplus).

    The following screenshot shows the Cluster configuration page for the US East (N. Virginia) Region. The price may vary slightly in different Regions.

    If you have a DS2 or DC2 instance-based cluster, you can create an RA3 cluster to evaluate the new instance with managed storage. You use a recent snapshot of your Amazon Redshift DS2 or DC2 cluster to create a new cluster based on RA3 instances. We recommend using 2 nodes of RA3.xlplus for every 3 nodes of DS2.xl or 3 nodes of RA3.xlplus for every 8 nodes of DC2.large. For more information about upgrading sizes, see Upgrading to RA3 node types. You can always adjust the compute capacity by adding or removing nodes with elastic resize.

    If you’re migrating to Amazon Redshift from on-premises data warehouses, you can size your Amazon Redshift cluster using the sizing widget on the Amazon Redshift console. On the Cluster configuration page, for Choose the size of the cluster, choose Help me choose.

    Answer the subsequent questions on total storage size and your data access pattern in order to size your cluster’s compute and storage resource.

    The sizing widget recommends the cluster configuration in the Calculated configuration summary section.


    RA3 instances are now available in 16 AWS Regions. For the latest RA3 node type availability, see RA3 node type availability in AWS Regions.

    The price varies from Region to Region, starting at $1.086 per hour per node in US East (N. Virginia). For more information, see Amazon Redshift pricing.

    About the Author

    BP Yau is a Data Warehouse Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS. His role is to help customers architect big data solutions to process data at scale. Before AWS, he helped Amazon.com Supply Chain Optimization Technologies migrate its Oracle data warehouse to Amazon Redshift and build its next generation big data analytics platform using AWS technologies.

    Optimizing tables in Amazon Redshift using Automatic Table Optimization

    Post Syndicated from Paul Lappas original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/optimizing-tables-in-amazon-redshift-using-automatic-table-optimization/

    Amazon Redshift is the most popular and fastest cloud data warehouse that lets you easily gain insights from all your data using standard SQL and your existing business intelligence (BI) tools. Amazon Redshift automates common maintenance tasks and is self-learning, self-optimizing, and constantly adapting to your actual workload to deliver the best possible performance.

    Amazon Redshift has several features that automate performance tuning: automatic vacuum delete, automatic table sort, automatic analyze, and Amazon Redshift Advisor for actionable insights into optimizing cost and performance. In addition, automatic workload management (WLM) makes sure that you use cluster resources efficiently, even with dynamic and unpredictable workloads. Amazon Redshift can even automatically refresh and rewrite materialized views, speeding up query performance by orders of magnitude with pre-computed results. These capabilities use machine learning (ML) to adapt as your workloads shift, enabling you to get insights faster without spending valuable time managing your data warehouse.

    Although Amazon Redshift provides industry-leading performance out of the box for most workloads, some queries benefit even more by pre-sorting and rearranging how data is physically set up on disk. In Amazon Redshift, you can set the proper sort and distribution keys for tables and allow for significant performance improvements for the most demanding workloads.

    Automatic table optimization is a new self-tuning capability that helps you achieve the performance benefits of sort and distribution keys without manual effort. Automatic table optimization continuously observes how queries interact with tables and uses ML to select the best sort and distribution keys to optimize performance for the cluster’s workload. If Amazon Redshift determines that applying a key will improve cluster performance, tables are automatically altered within hours without requiring administrator intervention. Optimizations made by the Automatic table optimization feature have been shown to increase cluster performance by 24% and 34% using the 3 TB and 30 TB TPC-DS benchmark, respectively, versus a cluster without Automatic table optimization.

    In this post, we illustrate how you can take advantage of the Automatic table optimization feature for your workloads and easily manage several thousands of tables with zero administration.

    Solution overview

    The following diagram is an architectural illustration of how Automatic table optimization works:

    As you can notice, as users query the data in Amazon Redshift, automatic table optimization collects the query statistics that are analyzed using a machine learning service to predict recommendations about the sort and distribution keys. These recommendations are later applied using online ALTER statements into the respective Amazon Redshift tables automatically.

    For this post, we consider a simplified version of the of the star schema benchmark (SSB), which consists of the lineitem fact table along with the part and orders dimensional tables.

    We use the preceding dimensional setup to create the tables using the defaults and illustrate how Automatic table optimization can automatically optimize it based on the query patterns.

    To try this solution in your AWS account, you need access to an Amazon Redshift cluster and a SQL client such as SQLWorkbench/J. For more information, see Create a sample Amazon Redshift cluster.

    Creating SSB tables using the defaults

    Let’s start with creating a representative set of tables from the SSB schema and letting Amazon Redshift pick the default settings for the table design.

    1. Create the following tables to set up the dimensional model for the retail system dataset:
      CREATE TABLE orders 
        O_CUSTKEY         BIGINT,
        O_TOTALPRICE      DECIMAL(18,4),
        O_ORDERDATE       DATE,
        O_CLERK           VARCHAR(15),
        O_COMMENT         VARCHAR(79)
      CREATE TABLE part 
        P_NAME          VARCHAR(55),
        P_MFGR          VARCHAR(25),
        P_BRAND         VARCHAR(10),
        P_TYPE          VARCHAR(25),
        P_SIZE          INTEGER,
        P_CONTAINER     VARCHAR(10),
        P_RETAILPRICE   DECIMAL(18,4),
        P_COMMENT       VARCHAR(23)
      CREATE TABLE lineitem 
        L_PARTKEY         BIGINT,
        L_SUPPKEY         BIGINT,
        L_QUANTITY        DECIMAL(18,4),
        L_DISCOUNT        DECIMAL(18,4),
        L_TAX             DECIMAL(18,4),
        L_RETURNFLAG      VARCHAR(1),
        L_LINESTATUS      VARCHAR(1),
        L_SHIPDATE        DATE,
        L_COMMITDATE      DATE,
        L_SHIPMODE        VARCHAR(10),
        L_COMMENT         VARCHAR(44)

      As you can see from the table DDL, apart from the table column definition, no other options are specified. Amazon Redshift defaults the sort key and distribution style to AUTO.

    2. We now load data from the public Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket to our new tables. Use any SQL client tool and run the following command, providing your AWS account ID and Amazon Redshift role:
      COPY orders from 's3://salamander-us-east-1/atoblog/orders/' iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::[Your-AWS_Account_Id]:role/[Your-Redshift-Role]'  CSV gzip region 'us-east-1';
      COPY part from 's3://salamander-us-east-1/atoblog/part/' iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::[Your-AWS_Account_Id]:role/[Your-Redshift-Role]'  CSV gzip region 'us-east-1';
      COPY lineitem from 's3://salamander-us-east-1/atoblog/lineitem/' iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::[Your-AWS_Account_Id]:role/[Your-Redshift-Role]'  CSV gzip region 'us-east-1';

    3. Wait until the table COPY is complete.

    Amazon Redshift automatically assigns the data encoding for the columns and chooses the sort and distribution style based on the size of the table.

    1. Use the following query to review the decisions that Amazon Redshift makes for the column encoding:
      /* Find the column encoding */
      SELECT tablename,
      FROM pg_table_def
      WHERE tablename = 'lineitem'
      AND   schemaname = 'public' LIMIT 5;
      tablename column encoding
      lineitem	l_orderkey	az64
      lineitem	l_partkey	az64
      lineitem	l_suppkey	az64
      lineitem	l_linenumber	az64
      lineitem	l_quantity	az64

    2. Verify the table design choices for the sort and distribution key with the following code:
      SELECT "table",
      FROM svv_table_info
      WHERE "table" IN ('part','lineitem','orders')
      table diststyle sortkey1;
      orders	AUTO(ALL)	AUTO(SORTKEY)
      lineitem	AUTO(EVEN)	AUTO(SORTKEY)

    The tables distribution is set to AUTO(EVEN) or AUTO(ALL), depending on the size of table, and sort key is AUTO(SORTKEY).

    Until now, because no active workloads were ran against these tables, no specific key choices have been made other than marking them as AUTO.

    Querying the SSB tables to emulate the workload

    Now end-users can use the created tables, and Amazon Redshift can support out-of-box performance.

    The following are some sample queries that we can run using this SSB schema. These queries are run a few repeated times to have Amazon Redshift learn the access patterns for sort and distribution key optimization. To run the query several times, we use the \watch option available with the psql client. Otherwise just run this a few dozen times:

    $ psql -h example-corp.cfgio0kcsmjy.us-west-2.redshift.amazonaws.com -U awsuser -d dw -p 5492
    dw=# # \timing on
    Timing is on.
    --turn off result set cache so that each query execution is counted towards a workload sample
    dw=# set enable_result_cache_for_session to off;
    dw=# /* query 1 */ SELECT L_SHIPMODE,SUM(l_quantity) AS quantity FROM lineitem JOIN part ON P_PARTKEY = l_PARTKEY where L_SHIPDATE='1992-02-28' GROUP BY L_SHIPMODE;
     l_shipmode |  quantity   
     MAIL       | 436272.0000
     FOB        | 440959.0000
    Time: 10020.200 ms
    dw=# \watch 2
    dw=# /* query 2 */ SELECT COUNT(o_orderkey) AS orders_count, SUM(l_quantity) AS quantity FROM lineitem JOIN orders ON l_orderkey = o_orderkey WHERE L_SHIPDATE = '1992-02-29'
    Time: 8932.200 ms
    dw=# \watch 2

    The preceding queries are run a few hundred times every 2 seconds, and you can press Ctrl+C to cancel the queries.

    Alternatively, you can also use the query editor to schedule the query and run it multiple times.

    Reviewing recommended sort and distribution keys

    Automatic table optimization uses Amazon Redshift Advisor sort and distribution key recommendations. The Advisor continuously monitors the cluster’s workload and proposes the right sort and distribution keys to improve query speed. With Automatic Table Optimization, the Advisor recommendations are visible in the SVV_ALTER_TABLE_RECOMMENDATIONS system table. This view shows recommendations for all tables, whether or not they are defined for automatic optimization. Recommendations that have auto_eligible = False are not automatically applied, but you can run the DDL to apply the recommendation manually. See the following code:

    select * from svv_alter_table_recommendations
    type      | database | table_id | group_id | ddl                                                                                                                                                 | auto_eligible
    diststyle | db0      | 117892   | 2        | ALTER TABLE /*dkru-558bc9ee-468a-457a-99a9-e73ee7da1a18-g0-0*/ "public"."orders" ALTER DISTSTYLE KEY DISTKEY "o_orderkey" SORT                                                                               | t
     diststyle | db0      | 117885   | 1        | ALTER TABLE /*dkru-558bc9ee-468a-457a-99a9-e73ee7da1a18-g0-1*/ "public"."lineitem" ALTER DISTSTYLE KEY DISTKEY "l_orderkey" SORT| t
     sortkey   | db0      | 117890   | -1       | ALTER TABLE /*skru-15a98513-cf0f-46e8-b454-8bf61ee30c6e-g0-0*/ "public"."lineitem" ALTER SORTKEY ("l_shipdate");|t                

    Applying recommendations to the target tables

    Amazon Redshift takes advantage of the new Automatic table optimization feature to apply the optimization made by the Advisor to the target tables. The conversion is run by the automation during periods of low workload intensity so as to minimize impact on user queries. This can be verified by running the following query:

    SELECT "table",
    FROM svv_table_info
    WHERE "table" IN ('part','lineitem','orders')
    AND   SCHEMA = 'public';
    lineitem	AUTO(KEY(l_orderkey))	AUTO(SORTKEY(l_shipdate)) 
    orders	AUTO(KEY(o_orderkey))	AUTO(SORTKEY)

    You can view all the optimizations that are applied on the tables using the following query:

    select * from svl_auto_worker_action 
    1395658	sortkey	Start                                                                                                                           	2020-10-27 22:37:23.367456	0	                                                                                                                                                                                                        
    1395658	sortkey	Complete                                                                                                                        	2020-10-27 22:37:23.936958	0	SORTKEY: None;                                                                                                                                                                 

    Amazon Redshift can self-learn based on the workload, learn from the table access patterns, and apply the table design optimizations automatically.

    Now let’s run the sample workload queries again after optimization:

    $ psql -h example-corp.cfgio0kcsmjy.us-west-2.redshift.amazonaws.com -U awsuser -d dw -p 5492
    dw=# # \timing on
    Timing is on.
    --turn off result set cache so that each query is executed as if executed first time
    dw=# set enable_result_cache_for_session to off;
    dw=# /* query 1 */ SELECT L_SHIPMODE,SUM(l_quantity) AS quantity FROM lineitem JOIN part ON P_PARTKEY = l_PARTKEY where L_SHIPDATE='1992-02-28' GROUP BY L_SHIPMODE;
     l_shipmode |  quantity   
     MAIL       | 436272.0000
     FOB        | 440959.0000
    Time: 4020.900 ms
    dw=# /* query 2 */ SELECT COUNT(o_orderkey) AS orders_count, SUM(l_quantity) AS quantity FROM lineitem JOIN orders ON l_orderkey = o_orderkey WHERE L_SHIPDATE = '1992-02-29'
    Time: 3532.200 ms

    With the sort and distribution optimization, query 1 and query 2 run with 40% less time elapsed, also shown by the following visual.

    Converting existing tables for optimization

    You can easily convert existing tables for Automatic table optimization using the ALTER table command and switch the sort and distribution styles to AUTO so that it can be automatically optimized by Amazon Redshift. See the following code:

    /* Convert a table to a diststyle AUTO table */
    /* Convert  table to a sort key AUTO table */

    Lead time to apply the recommendation

    Amazon Redshift continuously learns from workloads, and optimizations are inserted into the svv_alter_table_recomendations. When an optimization is available, it runs within a defined frequency, as well as in periods of low workload intensity, so as to minimize impact on user queries. For more information about the lead time of applying the recommendation, see  https://docs.aws.amazon.com/redshift/latest/dg/t_Creating_tables.html


    Automatic table optimization for Amazon Redshift is a new capability that applies sort and distribution keys without the need for administrator intervention. Using automation to tune the design of tables lets you get started more easily and decreases the amount of administrative effort. Automatic table optimization enables easy management of large numbers of tables in a data warehouse because Amazon Redshift self-learns, self-optimizes, and adapts to your actual workload to deliver you the best possible performance.

    About the Author

    Paul Lappas is a Principal Product Manager at Amazon Redshift.  Paul is responsible for Amazon Redshift’s self-tuning capabilities including Automatic Table Optimization, Workload Manager, and the Amazon Redshift Advisor. Paul is passionate about helping customers leverage their data to gain insights and make critical business decisions. In his spare time Paul enjoys playing tennis, cooking, and spending time with his wife and two boys.


    Thiyagarajan Arumugam is a Principal Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services and designs customer architectures to process data at scale. Prior to AWS, he built data warehouse solutions at Amazon.com. In his free time, he enjoys all outdoor sports and practices the Indian classical drum mridangam.


    KamCheung Ting is a Senior Software Engineer at Amazon Redshift. He joined Redshift in 2014 and specializes in storage engine, autonomous DB and concurrency scaling.





    Announcing Amazon Redshift data sharing (preview)

    Post Syndicated from Neeraja Rentachintala original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/announcing-amazon-redshift-data-sharing-preview/

    Amazon Redshift is a fast, scalable, secure, and fully managed cloud data warehouse that makes it simple and cost-effective to analyze all your data using standard SQL. Amazon Redshift offers up to 3x better price performance than any other cloud data warehouse. Tens of thousands of customers use Amazon Redshift to process exabytes of data per day and power analytics workloads such as high-performance business intelligence (BI) reporting, dashboarding applications, data exploration, and real-time analytics.

    We’re excited to launch the new Amazon Redshift data sharing capability, which enables you to securely and easily share live data across Amazon Redshift clusters. Data sharing allows you to extend the ease of use, performance, and cost benefits that Amazon Redshift offers in a single cluster to multi-cluster deployments while being able to share data. Data sharing enables instant, granular, and high-performance data access across Amazon Redshift clusters without the need to copy or move it. Data sharing provides live access to data so that your users always see the most up-to-date and consistent information as it’s updated in the data warehouse. There is no additional cost to use data sharing on your Amazon Redshift clusters.

    In this post, we discuss the needs for data sharing in organizations, current challenges when it comes to sharing data, and how Amazon Redshift data sharing addresses these needs.

    Need for sharing data in organizations and current challenges

    We hear from our customers that they want to share data at many levels to enable broad and deep insights but also minimize complexity and cost. For example, data needs to be shared from a central data warehouse that loads and transforms constant streams of updates with BI and analytics clusters that serve a variety of workloads, such as dashboarding applications, ad-hoc queries, and data science. Multiple teams and business groups within an organization want to share and collaborate on data to gain differentiated insights that can help unlock new market opportunities, or analyze cross-group impact. As data becomes more valuable, many organizations are becoming data providers too and want to share data across organizations and offer analytics services to external consumers.

    Before the launch of Amazon Redshift data sharing, in order to share data, you needed to unload data from one system (the producer) and copy it into another (the consumer). This approach can be expensive and introduce delays, especially as the number of consumers grow. It requires building and maintaining separate extract, transform, and load (ETL) jobs to provide relevant subsets of the data for each consumer. The complexity increases with the security practices that must be kept in place to regularly monitor business-critical data usage and ensure compliance. Additionally, this way of sharing doesn’t provide users with complete and up-to-date views of the data and limits insights. Organizations want a simple and secure way to share fresh, complete, and consistent views of data with any number of consumers.

    Introduction to Amazon Redshift data sharing

    Amazon Redshift data sharing allows you to securely and easily share data for read purposes across different Amazon Redshift clusters without the complexity and delays associated with data copies and data movement. Data can be shared at many levels, including schemas, tables, views, and user-defined functions, providing fine-grained access controls that can be tailored for different users and businesses that all need access to the data.

    Consumers can discover shared data using standard SQL interfaces and query it with high performance from familiar BI and analytics tools. Users connect to an Amazon Redshift database in their cluster, and can perform queries by referring to objects from any other Amazon Redshift database that they have permissions to access, including the databases shared from remote clusters. Amazon Redshift enables sharing live and transactionally consistent views of the data, meaning that consumers always view the most up-to-date data, even when it’s continuously updated on the producer clusters. Amazon Redshift clusters that share data can be in the same or different AWS accounts, making it possible for you to share data across organizations and collaborate with external parties in a secure and governed manner. Amazon Redshift offers comprehensive auditing capabilities using system tables and AWS CloudTrail to allow you to monitor the data sharing permissions and the usage across all the consumers and revoke access instantly, when necessary.

    Data sharing provides high-performance access and workload isolation

    Data sharing builds on Amazon Redshift RA3 managed storage, which decouples storage and compute, allowing either of them to scale independently. With data sharing, workloads accessing shared data are isolated from each other. Queries accessing shared data run on the consumer cluster and read data from the Amazon Redshift managed storage layer directly without impacting the performance of the producer cluster.

    You can now rapidly onboard any number of workloads with diverse data access patterns and SLA requirements and not be concerned about resource contention. Workloads accessing shared data can be provisioned with flexible compute resources that meet their workload-specific price performance requirements and be scaled independently as needed in a self-service fashion. You can optionally allow these teams and business groups to pay for what they use with charge-back. With data sharing, the producer cluster pays for the managed storage cost of the shared data, and the consumer cluster pays for the compute. Data sharing itself doesn’t have any cost associated with it.

    Consumer clusters are regular Amazon Redshift clusters. Although consumer clusters can only read the shared data, they can write their own private data and if desired, share it with other clusters, including back to the producer cluster. Building on a managed storage foundation also enables high-performance access to the data. The frequently accessed datasets are cached on the local compute nodes of the consumer cluster to speed up those queries. The following diagram illustrates this data sharing architecture.

    How data sharing works

    Data sharing between Amazon Redshift clusters is a two-step process. First, the administrator of the producer cluster that wants to share data creates a data share, a new named object that serves as a unit of sharing. The administrator of the producer cluster and other privileged users add the needed database objects such as schemas, tables, views (regular, late binding, and materialized) to the data share and specify a list of consumers for sharing purposes. Consumers can be other Amazon Redshift clusters in the same AWS account or separate AWS accounts.

    Next, the administrator of the consumer cluster looks at the shared datasets and reviews the contents of each share. To consume shared data, the consumer cluster administrator creates an Amazon Redshift database from the data share object and assigns permissions to appropriate users and groups in the consumer cluster. Users and groups that have access to shared data can discover and query it using standard SQL and analytics tools. You can join shared data with local data and perform cross-database queries. We have introduced new metadata views and modified JDBC/ODBC drivers so that tools can seamlessly integrate with shared data. The following diagram illustrates this data sharing architecture.

    Data sharing use cases

    In this section, we discuss the common data sharing use cases:

    • Sharing data from a central ETL cluster with multiple, isolated BI and analytics clusters in a hub-spoke architecture to provide read workload isolation and optional charge-back for costs.
    • Sharing data among multiple business groups so they can collaborate for broader analytics and data science. Each Amazon Redshift cluster can be a producer of some data but also can be a consumer of other datasets.
    • Sharing data in order to offer data and analytics as a service across the organization and with external parties.
    • Sharing data between development, test, and production environments, at any granularity.

    Amazon Redshift offers unparalleled compute flexibility

    Amazon Redshift offers you the most flexibility than any other cloud data warehouse when it comes to organizing your workloads based on price performance, isolation, and charge-ability. Amazon Redshift efficiently utilizes compute resources in a cluster to maximize performance and throughput with automatic workload management (WLM). Specifying query priorities allows you to influence the usage of resources across multiple workloads based on business priorities. With Amazon Redshift concurrency scaling, you can elastically scale one or more workloads in a cluster automatically with extra capacity to handle high concurrency and query spikes without any application changes. And with data sharing, you can now handle diverse business-critical workloads that need flexible compute resources, isolation, and charge-ability with multi-cluster deployments while sharing data. You can use WLM and concurrency scaling on both data sharing producer and consumer clusters.

    The combination of these capabilities allows you to evolve from single cluster to multi-cluster deployments easily and cost-efficiently.

    Beyond sharing data across Amazon Redshift clusters

    Along with sharing data across Amazon Redshift clusters, our vision is to evolve data sharing so you can share Amazon Redshift data with the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) data lake by publishing data shares to the AWS Lake Formation catalog. This enables other AWS analytics services to discover and access live and transactionally consistent data in Amazon Redshift managed storage. For example, you could incorporate live data from Amazon Redshift in an Amazon EMR Spark data pipeline, perform ad-hoc queries on Amazon Redshift data using Amazon Athena, or use clean and curated data in Amazon Redshift to build machine learning models with Amazon SageMaker. The following diagram illustrates this architecture.

    Amazon Redshift data sharing in customer environments

    Data sharing across Amazon Redshift clusters within the same account is now available for preview. Sharing across clusters that are in different AWS accounts is coming soon. We worked closely with several customers and partners for an early preview of data sharing and they are excited about the results and possibilities.

    “At Warner Bros. Games, we build and maintain complex data mobility infrastructures to manage data movements across single game clusters and consolidated business function clusters. However, developing and maintaining this system monopolizes valuable team resources and introduces delays that impede our ability to act on the data with agility and speed. Using the Redshift data sharing feature, we can remove the entire subsystem we built for data copying, movement, and loading between Redshift clusters. This will empower all of our business teams to make decisions on the right datasets more quickly and efficiently. Additionally, Redshift data sharing will also allow us to re-architect compute provisioning to more closely align with the resources needed to execute those functions’ SQL workloads—ultimately enabling simpler infrastructure operations.”

    — Kurt Larson, Technical Director, Warner Bros. Analytics

    “The data sharing feature seamlessly allows multiple Redshift clusters to query data located in our RA3 clusters and their managed storage. This eliminates our concerns with delays in making data available for our teams, and reduces the amount of data duplication and associated backfill headache. We now can concentrate even more of our time making use of our data in Redshift and enable better collaboration instead of data orchestration.”

    — Steven Moy, Engineer, Yelp

    “At Fannie Mae, we adopted a de-centralized approach to data warehouse management with tens of Amazon Redshift clusters across many applications. While each team manages their own dataset, we often have use cases where an application needs to query the datasets from other applications and join with the data available locally. We currently unload and move data from one cluster to another cluster, and this introduces delays in providing timely access to data to our teams. We have had issues with unload operations spiking resource consumption on producer clusters, and data sharing allows us to skip this intermediate unload to Amazon S3, saving time and lowering consumption. Many applications are performing unloads currently in order to share datasets, and we plan to convert all such processes to leveraging the new data sharing feature. With data sharing, we can enable seamless sharing of data across application teams and give them common views of data without having to do ETL. We are also able to avoid the data copies between pre-prod, research, and production environments for each application. Data sharing made us more agile and gave us the flexibility to scale analytics in highly distributed environments like Fannie Mae.”

    — Amy Tseng, Enterprise Databases Manager, Fannie Mae

    “Shared storage allowed us to focus on what matters: making data available to end-users. Data is no longer stuck in a myriad of storage mediums or formats, or accessible only through select APIs, but rather in a single flavor of SQL.”

    — Marco Couperus, Engineering Manager, home24

    “We’re excited to launch our integration with Amazon Redshift data sharing, which is a game changer for analytics teams that are looking to improve analytics performance SLAs and reduce data processing delays for diverse workloads across organizations. By isolating workloads that have different access patterns, different SLA requirements such as BI reporting, dashboarding applications, ETL jobs, and data science workloads into separate clusters, customers will now get more control over compute resources and more predictability in their workload SLAs while still sharing common data. The integrations of Etleap with Amazon Redshift data sharing will make sharing data between clusters seamless as part of their existing data pipelines. We are thrilled to offer this integrated experience to our joint customers.”

    — Christian Romming, Founder and CEO, Etleap

    “We’re excited to partner with AWS to enable data sharing for Amazon Redshift within Aginity Pro. Amazon Redshift users can now navigate and explore shared data within Aginity products just like local data within their clusters. Users can then build reusable analytics that combine both local and shared data seamlessly using cross-database queries. Importantly, shared data query performance has the same high performance as local queries without the cost and performance penalty of traditional federation solutions. We’re thrilled to see how our customers will leverage the ability to securely share data across clusters.”

    — Matthew Mullins, CTO, Aginity

    Next steps

    The preview for within account data sharing is available on Amazon Redshift RA3 node types in the following regions:

    • US East (Ohio)
    • US East (N. Virginia)
    • US West (N. California)
    • US West (Oregon)
    • Asia Pacific (Seoul)
    • Asia Pacific (Sydney)
    • Asia Pacific (Tokyo)
    • Europe (Frankfurt)
    • Europe (Ireland)

    For more information about how to get started with the preview, see documentation.

    About the Authors

     Neeraja Rentachintala is a principal product manager with Amazon Web Services who is focused on building Amazon Redshift – the world’s most popular, highest performing, and most scalable cloud data warehouse. Neeraja earned a Bachelor of Technology in Electronics and Communication Engineering from the National Institute of Technology in India and various business program certifications from the University of Washington, MIT Sloan School of Management, and Stanford University.



    Ippokratis Pandis is a senior principal engineer at AWS. Ippokratis leads initiatives in AWS analytics and data lakes, especially in Amazon Redshift. He holds a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Carnegie Mellon University.




    Naresh Chainani is a senior software development manager with Amazon Redshift, where he leads Query Processing, Query Performance, Distributed Systems, and Workload Management with a strong team. He is passionate about building high-performance databases to enable customers to gain timely insights and make critical business decisions. In his spare time, Naresh enjoys reading and playing tennis.







    Get up to 3x better price performance with Amazon Redshift than other cloud data warehouses

    Post Syndicated from Eugene Kawamoto original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/get-up-to-3x-better-price-performance-with-amazon-redshift-than-other-cloud-data-warehouses/

    Since we announced Amazon Redshift in 2012, tens of thousands of customers have trusted us to deliver the performance and scale they need to gain business insights from their data. Amazon Redshift customers span all industries and sizes, from startups to Fortune 500 companies, and we work to deliver the best price performance for any use case. Earlier in 2020, we published a blog post about improved speed and scalability in Amazon Redshift. This includes optimizations such as dynamically adding cluster capacity when you need it with concurrency scaling, making sure you use cluster resources efficiently with automatic workload management (WLM), and automatically adjusting data layout, distribution keys, and query plans to provide optimal performance for a given workload. We also described how customers, including Codeacademy, OpenVault, Yelp, and Nielsen, have taken advantage of Amazon Redshift RA3 nodes with managed storage to scale their cloud data warehouses and reduce costs.

    In addition to improving performance and scale, we are constantly looking at how to also improve the price performance that Amazon Redshift provides. One of the ways we ensure that we provide the best value for customers is to measure the performance of Amazon Redshift and other cloud data warehouses regularly using queries derived from industry-standard benchmarks such as TPC-DS. We completed our most recent tests based on the TPC-DS benchmark in November using the latest version of the products available across the vendors tested at that time. For Amazon Redshift, this includes more than 15 new capabilities released this year prior to November, but not new capabilities announced during AWS re:Invent 2020.

    Best Out-of-the-Box and Tuned Price Performance

    The test completed in November showed that Amazon Redshift delivers up to three times better price performance out-of-the-box than other cloud data warehouses. The following chart illustrates these findings.

    For this test, we ran all 99 queries from the TPC-DS benchmark against a 3 TB data set. We calculated price performance by multiplying the time required to run all queries in hours by the price per hour for each cloud data warehouse. We used clusters with comparable hardware characteristics for each data warehouse. We also used default settings for each cloud data warehouse, except we enabled encryption for all four services because it’s on for two by default, and we disabled result caching where applicable. The default settings allowed us to determine the price performance delivered with no manual tuning effort. We selected the best result out of three runs for each query in order to take advantage of optimizations provided by each service. Finally, to ensure an apples-to-apples comparison, we used public pricing, and compared price performance rather than performance alone. For Amazon Redshift specifically, we used on-demand pricing; Amazon Redshift Reserved Instance pricing provides up to a 60% discount vs. on-demand pricing.

    These results show that Amazon Redshift provides the best price performance out-of-the-box, even for a comparatively small 3 TB dataset. This means that you can benefit from Amazon Redshift’s leading price performance from the start without manual tuning.

    You can also take advantage of performance tuning techniques for Amazon Redshift to achieve even better results for your workloads. We repeated the benchmark test using tuning best practices provided by each cloud data warehouse vendor. After all cloud data warehouses are tuned, Amazon Redshift has 1.5 times better price performance than the nearest cloud data warehouse competitor, as shown in the following chart.

    As with all benchmarks, transparency and reproducibility are crucial. For this reason, we have made the data and queries available on GitHub for anyone to use. See the README in GitHub for detailed instructions on re-running these benchmarks.

    Tuned price performance improves as your data warehouse grows

    One critical aspect of a data warehouse is how it scales as your data grows. Will you be paying more per TB as you add more data, or will your costs remain consistent and predictable? We work to make sure that Amazon Redshift delivers not only strong performance as your data grows, but also consistent price performance. We tested Amazon Redshift price performance using TPC-DS with 3 TB, 30 TB, and 100 TB datasets on three different cluster sizes. As shown in the following graph, Amazon Redshift tuned price performance improved (from $2.80 to $2.41 per TB per run) as the datasets grew. Tuning reduces the amount of network and disk I/O required for a given workload, and has varying impact depending on the combination of workload and cluster size.

    In addition, as shown in the following table, Amazon Redshift out-of-the-box price performance is nearly the same ($4.80 to $5.01 per TB per run) for all three dataset sizes. This linear scaling of price performance across data size and cluster size, both out-of-the-box and tuned, makes sure that Amazon Redshift will scale predictably as your data and workloads grow.

    Amazon Redshift TPC-DS benchmark results, November 2020
      Out-of-Box Tuned
    Data set
    Cluster Runtime
    Price per TB per run Runtime
    Price per TB per run
    3 10 node ra3.4xlarge 1591 $4.80 926 $2.80
    30 5 node ra3.16xlarge 8291 $5.01 4198 $2.53
    100 10 node ra3.16xlarge 13,343 $4.83 6644 $2.41

    You can learn more about Amazon Redshift’s performance on large datasets in How Amazon Redshift powers large-scale analytics for Amazon.com. This AWS re:Invent 2020 session shows how Amazon.com is using Amazon Redshift to keep up with exploding data growth, and how you can upgrade your existing data warehouse workloads to RA3 nodes to get scale and performance at great value.

    Up to 10x better query performance with AQUA

    We’re investing to make sure Amazon Redshift continues to improve as your data warehouse needs grow. As noted earlier, these benchmark results reflect the latest version of Amazon Redshift as of November, 2020. This version includes more than 15 new features released earlier this year, such as distributed bloom filters, vectorized queries, and automatic WLM, but doesn’t include the benefits from new capabilities announced during AWS re:Invent 2020. You can join What’s new with Amazon Redshift at AWS re:Invent 2020 to learn more about the new capabilities.

    These new capabilities include AQUA (Advanced Query Accelerator) for Amazon Redshift. AQUA is a new distributed and hardware-accelerated cache for Amazon Redshift that delivers up to 10x better query performance than other cloud data warehouses. AQUA takes a new approach to cloud data warehousing. AQUA brings the compute to storage by doing a substantial share of data processing in-place on the innovative cache. In addition, it uses AWS-designed processors and a scale-out architecture to accelerate data processing beyond anything traditional CPUs can do today. AQUA’s preview is now open to all customers, and AQUA will be generally available in January 2021. You can learn more about AQUA and other new Amazon Redshift capabilities by joining What’s new with Amazon Redshift at AWS re:Invent 2020.

    Price performance continues to improve

    We’re investing to make sure Amazon Redshift continues to improve as your data warehouse needs grow. As noted earlier, these benchmark results reflect the latest version of Amazon Redshift as of November, 2020. This version includes more than 15 new features released earlier this year, such as distributed bloom filters, vectorized queries, and automatic WLM, but doesn’t include the benefits from new capabilities announced during AWS re:Invent 2020. You can join What’s new with Amazon Redshift at AWS re:Invent 2020 to learn more about the new capabilities.

    Find the best price performance for your workloads

    You can reproduce the results above using the data and queries available on GitHub.

    Each workload has unique characteristics, so if you’re just getting started, a proof of concept is the best way to understand how Amazon Redshift performs for your requirements. When running your own proof of concept, it’s important that you focus on proper cluster sizing and the right metrics—query throughput (number of queries per hour) and price performance. You can make a data-driven decision by requesting assistance with a proof of concept or working with a system integration and consulting partner.

    If you’re an existing Amazon Redshift customer, connect with us for a free optimization session and briefing on the new features announced at AWS re:Invent 2020.

    To stay up-to-date with the latest developments in Amazon Redshift, subscribe to the What’s New in Amazon Redshift RSS feed.

    About the Authors

    Eugene Kawamoto is a director of product management for Amazon Redshift. Eugene leads the product management and database engineering teams at AWS. He has been with AWS for ~8 years supporting analytics and database services both in Seattle and in Tokyo. In his spare time, he likes running trails in Seattle, loves finding new temples and shrines in Kyoto, and enjoys exploring his travel bucket list.



    Stefan Gromoll is a Senior Performance Engineer with Amazon Redshift where he is responsible for measuring and improving Redshift performance. In his spare time, he enjoys cooking, playing with his three boys, and chopping firewood.

    Bringing machine learning to more builders through databases and analytics services

    Post Syndicated from Swami Sivasubramanian original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/bringing-machine-learning-to-more-builders-through-databases-and-analytics-services/

    Machine learning (ML) is becoming more mainstream, but even with the increasing adoption, it’s still in its infancy. For ML to have the broad impact that we think it can have, it has to get easier to do and easier to apply. We launched Amazon SageMaker in 2017 to remove the challenges from each stage of the ML process, making it radically easier and faster for everyday developers and data scientists to build, train, and deploy ML models. SageMaker has made ML model building and scaling more accessible to more people, but there’s a large group of database developers, data analysts, and business analysts who work with databases and data lakes where much of the data used for ML resides. These users still find it too difficult and involved to extract meaningful insights from that data using ML.

    This group is typically proficient in SQL but not Python, and must rely on data scientists to build the models needed to add intelligence to applications or derive predictive insights from data. And even when you have the model in hand, there’s a long and involved process to prepare and move data to use the model. The result is that ML isn’t being used as much as it can be.

    To meet the needs of this large and growing group of builders, we’re integrating ML into AWS databases, analytics, and business intelligence (BI) services.

    AWS customers generate, process, and collect more data than ever to better understand their business landscape, market, and customers. And you don’t just use one type of data store for all your needs. You typically use several types of databases, data warehouses, and data lakes, to fit your use case. Because all these use cases could benefit from ML, we’re adding ML capabilities to our purpose-built databases and analytics services so that database developers, data analysts, and business analysts can train models on their data or add inference results right from their database, without having to export and process their data or write large amounts of ETL code.

    Machine Learning for database developers

    At re:Invent last year, we announced ML integrated inside Amazon Aurora for developers working with relational databases. Previously, adding ML using data from Aurora to an application was a very complicated process. First, a data scientist had to build and train a model, then write the code to read data from the database. Next, you had to prepare the data so it can be used by the ML model. Then, you called an ML service to run the model, reformat the output for your application, and finally load it into the application.

    Now, with a simple SQL query in Aurora, you can add ML to an enterprise application. When you run an ML query in Aurora using SQL, it can directly access a wide variety of ML models from Amazon SageMaker and Amazon Comprehend. The integration between Aurora and each AWS ML service is optimized, delivering up to 100 times better throughput when compared to moving data between Aurora and SageMaker or Amazon Comprehend without this integration. Because the ML model is deployed separately from the database and the application, each can scale up or scale out independently of the other.

    In addition to making ML available in relational databases, combining ML with certain types of non-relational database models can also lead to better predictions. For example, database developers use Amazon Neptune, a purpose-built, high-performance graph database, to store complex relationships between data in a graph data model. You can query these graphs for insights and patterns and apply the results to implement capabilities such as product recommendations or fraud detection.

    However, human intuition and analyzing individual queries is not enough to discover the full breadth of insights available from large graphs. ML can help, but as was the case with relational databases it requires you to do a significant amount of heavy lifting upfront to prepare the graph data and then select the best ML model to run against that data. The entire process can take weeks.

    To help with this, today we announced the general availability of Amazon Neptune ML to provide database developers access to ML purpose-built for graph data. This integration is powered by SageMaker and uses the Deep Graph Library (DGL), a framework for applying deep learning to graph data. It does the hard work of selecting the graph data needed for ML training, automatically choosing the best model for the selected data, exposing ML capabilities via simple graph queries, and providing templates to allow you to customize ML models for advanced scenarios. The following diagram illustrates this workflow.

    And because the DGL is purpose-built to run deep learning on graph data, you can improve accuracy of most predictions by over 50% compared to that of traditional ML techniques.

    Machine Learning for data analysts

    At re:Invent last year, we announced ML integrated inside Amazon Athena for data analysts. With this integration, you can access more than a dozen built-in ML models or use your own models in SageMaker directly from ad-hoc queries in Athena. As a result, you can easily run ad-hoc queries in Athena that use ML to forecast sales, detect suspicious logins, or sort users into customer cohorts.

    Similarly, data analysts also want to apply ML to the data in their Amazon Redshift data warehouse. Tens of thousands of customers use Amazon Redshift to process exabytes of data per day. These Amazon Redshift users want to run ML on their data in Amazon Redshift without having to write a single line of Python. Today we announced the preview of Amazon Redshift ML to do just that.

    Amazon Redshift now enables you to run ML algorithms on Amazon Redshift data without manually selecting, building, or training an ML model. Amazon Redshift ML works with Amazon SageMaker Autopilot, a service that automatically trains and tunes the best ML models for classification or regression based on your data while allowing full control and visibility.

    When you run an ML query in Amazon Redshift, the selected data is securely exported from Amazon Redshift to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). SageMaker Autopilot then performs data cleaning and preprocessing of the training data, automatically creates a model, and applies the best model. All the interactions between Amazon Redshift, Amazon S3, and SageMaker are abstracted away and automatically occur. When the model is trained, it becomes available as a SQL function for you to use. The following diagram illustrates this workflow.

    Rackspace Technology – a leading end-to-end multicloud technology services company, and Slalom –  a modern consulting firm focused on strategy, technology, and business transformation are both users of Redshift ML in preview.

    Nihar Gupta, General Manager for Data Solutions at Rackspace Technology says “At Rackspace Technology, we help companies elevate their AI/ML operationsthe seamless integration with Amazon SageMaker will empower data analysts to use data in new ways, and provide even more insight back to the wider organization.”

    And Marcus Bearden, Practice Director at Slalom shared “We hear from our customers that they want to have the skills and tools to get more insight from their data, and Amazon Redshift is a popular cloud data warehouse that many of our customers depend on to power their analytics, the new Amazon Redshift ML feature will make it easier for SQL users to get new types of insight from their data with machine learning, without learning new skills.”

    Machine Learning for business analysts

    To bring ML to business analysts, we launched new ML capabilities in Amazon QuickSight earlier this year called ML Insights. ML Insights uses SageMaker Autopilot to enable business analysts to perform ML inference on their data and visualize it in BI dashboards with just a few clicks. You can get results for different use cases that require ML, such as anomaly detection to uncover hidden insights by continuously analyzing billions of data points, to do forecasting, to predict growth, and other business trends. In addition, QuickSight can also give you an automatically generated summary in plain language (a capability we call auto-narratives), which interprets and describes what the data in your dashboard means. See the following screenshot for an example.

    Customers like Expedia Group, Tata Consultancy Services, and Ricoh Company are already benefiting from ML out of the box with QuickSight. These human-readable narratives enable you to quickly interpret the data in a shared dashboard and focus on the insights that matter most.

    In addition, customers have also been interested in asking questions of their business data in plain language and receiving answers in near-real time. Although some BI tools and vendors have attempted to solve this challenge with Natural Language Query (NLQ), the existing approaches require that you first spend months in advance preparing and building a model on a pre-defined set of data, and even then, you still have no way of asking ad hoc questions when those questions require a new calculation that wasn’t pre-defined in the data model. For example, the question “What is our year-over-year growth rate?” requires that “growth rate” be pre-defined as a calculation in the model. With today’s BI tools, you need to work with your BI teams to create and update the model to account for any new calculation or data, which can take days or weeks of effort.

    Last week, we announced Amazon QuickSight Q. ‘Q’ gives business analysts the ability to ask any question of all their data and receive an accurate answer in seconds. To ask a question, you simply type it into the QuickSight Q search bar using natural language and business terminology that you’re familiar with. Q uses ML (natural language processing, schema understanding, and semantic parsing for SQL code generation) to automatically generate a data model that understands the meaning of and relationships between business data, so you can get answers to your business questions without waiting weeks for a data model to be built. Because Q eliminates the need to build a data model, you’re also not limited to asking only a specific set of questions. See the following screenshot for an example.

    Best Western Hotels & Resorts is a privately-held hotel brand with a global network of approximately 4,700 hotels in over 100 countries and territories worldwide. “With Amazon QuickSight Q, we look forward to enabling our business partners to self-serve their ad hoc questions while reducing the operational overhead on our team for ad hoc requests,” said Joseph Landucci, Senior Manager of Database and Enterprise Analytics at Best Western Hotels & Resorts. “This will allow our partners to get answers to their critical business questions quickly by simply typing and searching their questions in plain language.”


    For ML to have a broad impact, we believe it has to get easier to do and easier to apply. Database developers, data analysts, and business analysts who work with databases and data lakes have found it too difficult and involved to extract meaningful insights from their data using ML. To meet the needs of this large and growing group of builders, we’ve added ML capabilities to our purpose-built databases and analytics services so that database developers, data analysts, and business analysts can all use ML more easily without the need to be an ML expert. These capabilities put ML in the hands of every data professional so that they can get the most value from their data.

    About the Authors

    Swami Sivasubramanian is Vice President at AWS in charge of all Amazon AI and Machine Learning services. His team’s mission is “to put machine learning capabilities in the hands on every developer and data scientist.” Swami and the AWS AI and ML organization work on all aspects of machine learning, from ML frameworks (Tensorflow, Apache MXNet and PyTorch) and infrastructure, to Amazon SageMaker (an end-to-end service for building, training and deploying ML models in the cloud and at the edge), and finally AI services (Transcribe, Translate, Personalize, Forecast, Rekognition, Textract, Lex, Comprehend, Kendra, etc.) that make it easier for app developers to incorporate ML into their apps with no ML experience required.

    Previously, Swami managed AWS’s NoSQL and big data services. He managed the engineering, product management, and operations for AWS database services that are the foundational building blocks for AWS: DynamoDB, Amazon ElastiCache (in-memory engines), Amazon QuickSight, and a few other big data services in the works. Swami has been awarded more than 250 patents, authored 40 referred scientific papers and journals, and participates in several academic circles and conferences.


    Herain Oberoi leads Product Marketing for AWS’s Databases, Analytics, BI, and Blockchain services. His team is responsible for helping customers learn about, adopt, and successfully use AWS services. Prior to AWS, he held various product management and marketing leadership roles at Microsoft and a successful startup that was later acquired by BEA Systems. When he’s not working, he enjoys spending time with his family, gardening, and exercising.