Tag Archives: AWS Professional Services

Best practices for managing Terraform State files in AWS CI/CD Pipeline

Post Syndicated from Arun Kumar Selvaraj original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/best-practices-for-managing-terraform-state-files-in-aws-ci-cd-pipeline/


Today customers want to reduce manual operations for deploying and maintaining their infrastructure. The recommended method to deploy and manage infrastructure on AWS is to follow Infrastructure-As-Code (IaC) model using tools like AWS CloudFormation, AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) or Terraform.

One of the critical components in terraform is managing the state file which keeps track of your configuration and resources. When you run terraform in an AWS CI/CD pipeline the state file has to be stored in a secured, common path to which the pipeline has access to. You need a mechanism to lock it when multiple developers in the team want to access it at the same time.

In this blog post, we will explain how to manage terraform state files in AWS, best practices on configuring them in AWS and an example of how you can manage it efficiently in your Continuous Integration pipeline in AWS when used with AWS Developer Tools such as AWS CodeCommit and AWS CodeBuild. This blog post assumes you have a basic knowledge of terraform, AWS Developer Tools and AWS CI/CD pipeline. Let’s dive in!

Challenges with handling state files

By default, the state file is stored locally where terraform runs, which is not a problem if you are a single developer working on the deployment. However if not, it is not ideal to store state files locally as you may run into following problems:

  • When working in teams or collaborative environments, multiple people need access to the state file
  • Data in the state file is stored in plain text which may contain secrets or sensitive information
  • Local files can get lost, corrupted, or deleted

Best practices for handling state files

The recommended practice for managing state files is to use terraform’s built-in support for remote backends. These are:

Remote backend on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3): You can configure terraform to store state files in an Amazon S3 bucket which provides a durable and scalable storage solution. Storing on Amazon S3 also enables collaboration that allows you to share state file with others.

Remote backend on Amazon S3 with Amazon DynamoDB: In addition to using an Amazon S3 bucket for managing the files, you can use an Amazon DynamoDB table to lock the state file. This will allow only one person to modify a particular state file at any given time. It will help to avoid conflicts and enable safe concurrent access to the state file.

There are other options available as well such as remote backend on terraform cloud and third party backends. Ultimately, the best method for managing terraform state files on AWS will depend on your specific requirements.

When deploying terraform on AWS, the preferred choice of managing state is using Amazon S3 with Amazon DynamoDB.

AWS configurations for managing state files

  1. Create an Amazon S3 bucket using terraform. Implement security measures for Amazon S3 bucket by creating an AWS Identity and Access Management (AWS IAM) policy or Amazon S3 Bucket Policy. Thus you can restrict access, configure object versioning for data protection and recovery, and enable AES256 encryption with SSE-KMS for encryption control.
  1. Next create an Amazon DynamoDB table using terraform with Primary key set to LockID. You can also set any additional configuration options such as read/write capacity units. Once the table is created, you will configure the terraform backend to use it for state locking by specifying the table name in the terraform block of your configuration.
  1. For a single AWS account with multiple environments and projects, you can use a single Amazon S3 bucket. If you have multiple applications in multiple environments across multiple AWS accounts, you can create one Amazon S3 bucket for each account. In that Amazon S3 bucket, you can create appropriate folders for each environment, storing project state files with specific prefixes.

Now that you know how to handle terraform state files on AWS, let’s look at an example of how you can configure them in a Continuous Integration pipeline in AWS.


Architecture on how to use terraform in an AWS CI pipeline

Figure 1: Example architecture on how to use terraform in an AWS CI pipeline

This diagram outlines the workflow implemented in this blog:

  1. The AWS CodeCommit repository contains the application code
  2. The AWS CodeBuild job contains the buildspec files and references the source code in AWS CodeCommit
  3. The AWS Lambda function contains the application code created after running terraform apply
  4. Amazon S3 contains the state file created after running terraform apply. Amazon DynamoDB locks the state file present in Amazon S3



Before you begin, you must complete the following prerequisites:

Setting up the environment

  1. You need an AWS access key ID and secret access key to configure AWS CLI. To learn more about configuring the AWS CLI, follow these instructions.
  2. Clone the repo for complete example: git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/manage-terraform-statefiles-in-aws-pipeline
  3. After cloning, you could see the following folder structure:
AWS CodeCommit repository structure

Figure 2: AWS CodeCommit repository structure

Let’s break down the terraform code into 2 parts – one for preparing the infrastructure and another for preparing the application.

Preparing the Infrastructure

  1. The main.tf file is the core component that does below:
      • It creates an Amazon S3 bucket to store the state file. We configure bucket ACL, bucket versioning and encryption so that the state file is secure.
      • It creates an Amazon DynamoDB table which will be used to lock the state file.
      • It creates two AWS CodeBuild projects, one for ‘terraform plan’ and another for ‘terraform apply’.

    Note – It also has the code block (commented out by default) to create AWS Lambda which you will use at a later stage.

  1. AWS CodeBuild projects should be able to access Amazon S3, Amazon DynamoDB, AWS CodeCommit and AWS Lambda. So, the AWS IAM role with appropriate permissions required to access these resources are created via iam.tf file.
  1. Next you will find two buildspec files named buildspec-plan.yaml and buildspec-apply.yaml that will execute terraform commands – terraform plan and terraform apply respectively.
  1. Modify AWS region in the provider.tf file.
  1. Update Amazon S3 bucket name, Amazon DynamoDB table name, AWS CodeBuild compute types, AWS Lambda role and policy names to required values using variable.tf file. You can also use this file to easily customize parameters for different environments.

With this, the infrastructure setup is complete.

You can use your local terminal and execute below commands in the same order to deploy the above-mentioned resources in your AWS account.

terraform init
terraform validate
terraform plan
terraform apply

Once the apply is successful and all the above resources have been successfully deployed in your AWS account, proceed with deploying your application. 

Preparing the Application

  1. In the cloned repository, use the backend.tf file to create your own Amazon S3 backend to store the state file. By default, it will have below values. You can override them with your required values.
bucket = "tfbackend-bucket" 
key    = "terraform.tfstate" 
region = "eu-central-1"
  1. The repository has sample python code stored in main.py that returns a simple message when invoked.
  1. In the main.tf file, you can find the below block of code to create and deploy the Lambda function that uses the main.py code (uncomment these code blocks).
data "archive_file" "lambda_archive_file" {

resource "aws_lambda_function" "lambda" {
  1. Now you can deploy the application using AWS CodeBuild instead of running terraform commands locally which is the whole point and advantage of using AWS CodeBuild.
  1. Run the two AWS CodeBuild projects to execute terraform plan and terraform apply again.
  1. Once successful, you can verify your deployment by testing the code in AWS Lambda. To test a lambda function (console):
    • Open AWS Lambda console and select your function “tf-codebuild”
    • In the navigation pane, in Code section, click Test to create a test event
    • Provide your required name, for example “test-lambda”
    • Accept default values and click Save
    • Click Test again to trigger your test event “test-lambda”

It should return the sample message you provided in your main.py file. In the default case, it will display “Hello from AWS Lambda !” message as shown below.

Sample Amazon Lambda function response

Figure 3: Sample Amazon Lambda function response

  1. To verify your state file, go to Amazon S3 console and select the backend bucket created (tfbackend-bucket). It will contain your state file.
Amazon S3 bucket with terraform state file

Figure 4: Amazon S3 bucket with terraform state file

  1. Open Amazon DynamoDB console and check your table tfstate-lock and it will have an entry with LockID.
Amazon DynamoDB table with LockID

Figure 5: Amazon DynamoDB table with LockID

Thus, you have securely stored and locked your terraform state file using terraform backend in a Continuous Integration pipeline.


To delete all the resources created as part of the repository, run the below command from your terminal.

terraform destroy


In this blog post, we explored the fundamentals of terraform state files, discussed best practices for their secure storage within AWS environments and also mechanisms for locking these files to prevent unauthorized team access. And finally, we showed you an example of how efficiently you can manage them in a Continuous Integration pipeline in AWS.

You can apply the same methodology to manage state files in a Continuous Delivery pipeline in AWS. For more information, see CI/CD pipeline on AWS, Terraform backends types, Purpose of terraform state.

Arun Kumar Selvaraj

Arun Kumar Selvaraj is a Cloud Infrastructure Architect with AWS Professional Services. He loves building world class capability that provides thought leadership, operating standards and platform to deliver accelerated migration and development paths for his customers. His interests include Migration, CCoE, IaC, Python, DevOps, Containers and Networking.

Manasi Bhutada

Manasi Bhutada is an ISV Solutions Architect based in the Netherlands. She helps customers design and implement well architected solutions in AWS that address their business problems. She is passionate about data analytics and networking. Beyond work she enjoys experimenting with food, playing pickleball, and diving into fun board games.

How Huron built an Amazon QuickSight Asset Catalogue with AWS CDK Based Deployment Pipeline

Post Syndicated from Corey Johnson original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/how-huron-built-an-amazon-quicksight-asset-catalogue-with-aws-cdk-based-deployment-pipeline/

This is a guest blog post co-written with Corey Johnson from Huron.

Having an accurate and up-to-date inventory of all technical assets helps an organization ensure it can keep track of all its resources with metadata information such as their assigned oners, last updated date, used by whom, how frequently and more. It helps engineers, analysts and businesses access the most up-to-date release of the software asset that bring accuracy to the decision-making process. By keeping track of this information, organizations will be able to identify technology gaps, refresh cycles, and expire assets as needed for archival.

In addition, an inventory of all assets is one of the foundational elements of an organization that facilitates the security and compliance team to audit the assets for improving privacy, security posture and mitigate risk to ensure the business operations run smoothly. Organizations may have different ways of maintaining an asset inventory, that may be an Excel spreadsheet or a database with a fully automated system to keep it up-to-date, but with a common objective of keeping it accurate. Even if organizations can follow manual approaches to update the inventory records but it is recommended to build automation, so that it is accurate at any point of time.

The DevOps practices which revolutionized software engineering in the last decade have yet to come to the world of Business Intelligence solutions. Business intelligence tools by their nature use a paradigm of UI driven development with code-first practices being secondary or nonexistent. As the need for applications that can leverage the organizations internal and client data increases, the same DevOps practices (BIOps) can drive and delivery quality insights more reliably

In this post, we walk you through a solution that Huron and manage lifecycle for all Amazon QuickSight resources across the organization by collaborating with AWS Data Lab Resident Architect & AWS Professional Services team.

About Huron

Huron is a global professional services firm that collaborates with clients to put possible into practice by creating sound strategies, optimizing operations, accelerating digital transformation, and empowering businesses and their people to own their future. By embracing diverse perspectives, encouraging new ideas, and challenging the status quo, Huron creates sustainable results for the organizations we serve. To help address its clients’ growing cloud needs, Huron is an AWS Partner.

Use Case Overview

Huron’s Business Intelligence use case represents visualizations as a service, where Huron has core set of visualizations and dashboards available as products for its customers. The products exist in different industry verticals (healthcare, education, commercial) with independent development teams. Huron’s consultants leverage the products to provide insights as part of consulting engagements. The insights from the product help Huron’s consultants accelerate their customer’s transformation. As part of its overall suite of offerings, there are product dashboards that are featured in a software application following a standardized development lifecycle. In addition, these product dashboards may be forked for customer-specific customization to support a consulting engagement while still consuming from Huron’s productized data assets and datasets. In the next stage of the cycle, Huron’s consultants experiment with new data sources and insights that in turn fed back into the product dashboards.

When changes are made to a product analysis, challenges arise when a base reference analysis gets updated because of new feature releases or bug fixes, and all the customer visualizations that are created from it also need to be updated. To maintain the integrity of embedded visualizations, all metadata and lineage must be available to the parent application. This access to the metadata supports the need for updating visuals based on changes as well as automating row and column level security ensuring customer data is properly governed.

In addition, few customers request customizations on top of the base visualizations, for which Huron team needs to create a replica of the base reference and then customize it for the customer. These are maintained by Huron’s in the field consultants rather than the product development team. These customer specific visualizations create operational overhead because they require Huron to keep track of new customer specific visualizations and maintain them for future releases when the product visuals change.

Huron leverages Amazon QuickSight for their Business Intelligence (BI) reporting needs, enabling them to embed visualizations at scale with higher efficiency and lower cost. A large attraction for Huron to adopt QuickSight came from the forward-looking API capabilities that enable and set the foundation for a BIOps culture and technical infrastructure. To address the above requirement, Huron Global Product team decided to build a QuickSight Asset Tracker and QuickSight Asset Deployment Pipeline.

The QuickSight Asset tracker serves as a catalogue of all QuickSight resources (datasets, analysis, templates, dashboards etc.) with its interdependent relationship. It will help;

  • Create an inventory of all QuickSight resources across all business units
  • Enable dynamic embedding of visualizations and dashboards based on logged in user
  • Enable dynamic row and column level security on the dashboards and visualizations based on the logged-in user
  • Meet compliance and audit requirements of the organization
  • Maintain the current state of all customer specific QuickSight resources

The solution integrates an AWS CDK based pipeline to deploy QuickSight Assets that:

  • Supports Infrastructure-as-a-code for QuickSight Asset Deployment and enables rollbacks if required.
  • Enables separation of development, staging and production environments using QuickSight folders that reduces the burden of multi-account management of QuickSight resources.
  • Enables a hub-and-spoke model for Data Access in multiple AWS accounts in a data mesh fashion.

QuickSight Asset Tracker and QuickSight Asset Management Pipeline – Architecture Overview

The QuickSight Asset Tracker was built as an independent service, which was deployed in a shared AWS service account that integrated Amazon Aurora Serverless PostgreSQL to store metadata information, AWS Lambda as the serverless compute and Amazon API Gateway to provide the REST API layer.

It also integrated AWS CDK and AWS CloudFormation to deploy the product and customer specific QuickSight resources and keep them in consistent and stable state. The metadata of QuickSight resources, created using either AWS console or the AWS CDK based deployment were maintained in Amazon Aurora database through the QuickSight Asset Tracker REST API service.

The CDK based deployment pipeline is triggered via a CI/CD pipeline which performs the following functions:

  1. Takes the ARN of the QuickSight assets (dataset, analysis, etc.)
  2. Describes the asset and dependent resources (if selected)
  3. Creates a copy of the resource in another environment (in this case a QuickSight folder) using CDK

The solution architecture integrated the following AWS services.

  • Amazon Aurora Serverless integrated as the backend database to store metadata information of all QuickSight resources with customer and product information they are related to.
  • Amazon QuickSight as the BI service using which visualization and dashboards can be created and embedded into the online applications.
  • AWS Lambda as the serverless compute service that gets invoked by online applications using Amazon API Gateway service.
  • Amazon SQS to store customer request messages, so that the AWS CDK based pipeline can read from it for processing.
  • AWS CodeCommit is integrated to store the AWS CDK deployment scripts and AWS CodeBuild, AWS CloudFormation integrated to deploy the AWS resources using an infrastructure as a code approach.
  • AWS CloudTrail is integrated to audit user actions and trigger Amazon EventBridge rules when a QuickSight resource is created, updated or deleted, so that the QuickSight Asset Tracker is up-to-date.
  • Amazon S3 integrated to store metadata information, which is used by AWS CDK based pipeline to deploy the QuickSight resources.
  • AWS LakeFormation enables cross-account data access in support of the QuickSight Data Mesh

The following provides a high-level view of the solution architecture.

Architecture Walkthrough:

The following provides a detailed walkthrough of the above architecture.

  • QuickSight Dataset, Template, Analysis, Dashboard and visualization relationships:
    • Steps 1 to 2 represent QuickSight reference analysis reading data from different data sources that may include Amazon S3, Amazon Athena, Amazon Redshift, Amazon Aurora or any other JDBC based sources.
    • Step 3 represents QuickSight templates being created from reference analysis when a customer specific visualization needs to be created and step 4.1 to 4.2 represents customer analysis and dashboards being created from the templates.
    • Steps 7 to 8 represent QuickSight visualizations getting generated from analysis/dashboard and step 6 represents the customer analysis/dashboard/visualizations referring their own customer datasets.
    • Step 10 represents a new fork being created from the base reference analysis for a specific customer, which will create a new QuickSight template and reference analysis for that customer.
    • Step 9 represents end users accessing QuickSight visualizations.
  • Asset Tracker REST API service:
    • Step 15.2 to 15.4 represents the Asset Tracker service, which is deployed in a shared AWS service account, where Amazon API Gateway provides the REST API layer, which invokes AWS Lambda function to read from or write to backend Aurora database (Aurora Serverless v2 – PostgreSQL engine). The database captures all relationship metadata between QuickSight resources, its owners, assigned customers and products.
  • Online application – QuickSight asset discovery and creation
    • Step 15.1 represents the front-end online application reading QuickSight metadata information from the Asset Tracker service to help customers or end users discover visualizations available and be able to dynamically render based on the user login.
    • Step 11 to 12 represents the online application requesting creation of new QuickSight resources, which pushes requests to Amazon SQS and then AWS Lambda triggers AWS CodeBuild to deploy new QuickSight resources. Step 13.1 and 13.2 represents the CDK based pipeline maintaining the QuickSight resources to keep them in a consistent state. Finally, the AWS CDK stack invokes the Asset Tracker service to update its metadata as represented in step 13.3.
  • Tracking QuickSight resources created outside of the AWS CDK Stack
    • Step 14.1 represents users creating QuickSight resources using the AWS Console and step 14.2 represents that activity getting logged into AWS CloudTrail.
    • Step 14.3 to 14.5 represents triggering EventBridge rule for CloudTrail activities that represents QuickSight resource being created, updated or deleted and then invoke the Asset Tracker REST API to register the QuickSight resource metadata.

Architecture Decisions:

The following are few architecture decisions we took while designing the solution.

  • Choosing Aurora database for Asset Tracker: We have evaluated Amazon Neptune for the Asset Tracker database as most of the metadata information we capture are primarily maintaining relationship between QuickSight resources. But when we looked at the query patterns, we found the query pattern is always just one level deep to find who is the parent of a specific QuickSight resource and that can be solved with a relational database’s Primary Key / Foreign Key relationship and with simple self-join SQL query. Knowing the query pattern does not require a graph database, we decided to go with Amazon Aurora to keep it simple, so that we can avoid introducing a new database technology and can reduce operational overhead of maintaining it. In future as the use case evolve, we can evaluate the need for a Graph database and plan for integrating it. For Amazon Aurora, we choose Amazon Aurora Serverless as the usage pattern is not consistent to reserve a server capacity and the serverless tech stack will help reduce operational overhead.
  • Decoupling Asset Tracker as a common REST API service: The Asset Tracker has future scope to be a centralized metadata layer to keep track of all the QuickSight resources across all business units of Huron. So instead of each business unit having its own metadata database, if we build it as a service and deploy it in a shared AWS service account, then we will get benefit from reduced operational overhead, duplicate infrastructure cost and will be able to get a consolidated view of all assets and their integrations. The service provides the ability of applications to consume metadata about the QuickSight assets and then apply their own mapping of security policies to the assets based on their own application data and access control policies.
  • Central QuickSight account with subfolder for environments: The choice was made to use a central account which reduces developer friction of having multiple accounts with multiple identities, end users having to manage multiple accounts and access to resources. QuickSight folders allow for appropriate permissions for separating “environments”. Furthermore, by using folder-based sharing with QuickSight groups, users with appropriate permissions already have access to the latest versions of QuickSight assets without having to share their individual identities.

The solution included an automated Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) pipeline to deploy the resources from development to staging and then finally to production. The following provides a high-level view of the QuickSight CI/CD deployment strategy.

Aurora Database Tables and Reference Analysis update flow

The following are the database tables integrated to capture the QuickSight resource metadata.

  • QS_Dataset: This captures metadata of all QuickSight datasets that are integrated in the reference analysis or customer analysis. This includes AWS ARN (Amazon Resource Name), data source type, ID and more.
  • QS_Template: This table captures metadata of all QuickSight templates, from which customer analysis and dashboards will be created. This includes AWS ARN, parent reference analysis ID, name, version number and more.
  • QS_Folder: This table captures metadata about QuickSight folders which logically groups different visualizations. This includes AWS ARN, name, and description.
  • QS_Analysis: This table captures metadata of all QuickSight analysis that includes AWS ARN, name, type, dataset IDs, parent template ID, tags, permissions and more.
  • QS_Dashboard: This table captures metadata information of QuickSight dashboards that includes AWS ARN, parent template ID, name, dataset IDs, tags, permissions and more.
  • QS_Folder_Asset_Mapping: This table captures folder to QuickSight asset mapping that includes folder ID, Asset ID, and asset type.

As the solution moves to the next phase of implementation, we plan to introduce additional database tables to capture metadata information about QuickSight sheets and asset mapping to customers and products. We will extend the functionality to support visual based embedding to enable truly integrated customer data experiences where embedded visuals mesh with the native content on a web page.

While explaining the use case, we have highlighted it creates a challenge when a base reference analysis gets updated and we need to track the templates that are inherited from it make sure the change is pushed to the linked customer analysis and dashboards. The following example scenarios explains, how the database tables change when a reference analysis is updated.

Example Scenario: When “reference analysis” is updated with a new release

When a base reference analysis is updated because of a new feature release, then a new QuickSight reference analysis and template needs to be created. Then we need to update all customer analysis and dashboard records to point to the new template ID to form the lineage.

The following sequential steps represent the database changes that needs to happen.

  • Insert a new record to the “Analysis” table to represent the new reference analysis creation.
  • Insert a new record to the “Template” table with new reference analysis ID as parent, created in step 1.
  • Retrieve “Analysis” and “Dashboard” table records that points to previous template ID and then update those records with the new template ID, created in step 2.

How will it enable a more robust embedding experience

The QuickSight asset tracker integration with Huron’s products provide users with a personalized, secure and modern analytics experience. When user’s login through Huron’s online application, it will use logged in user’s information to dynamically identify the products they are mapped to and then render the QuickSight visualizations & dashboards that the user is entitled to see. This will improve user experience, enable granular permission management and will also increase performance.

How AWS collaborated with Huron to help build the solution

AWS team collaborated with Huron team to design and implement the solution. AWS Data Lab Resident Architect collaborated with Huron’s lead architect for initial architecture design that compared different options for integration and deriving tradeoffs between them, before finalizing the final architecture. Then with the help of AWS Professional service engineer, we could build the base solution that can be extended by Huron team to roll it out to all business units and integrate additional reporting features on top of it.

The AWS Data Lab Resident Architect program provides AWS customers with guidance in refining and executing their data strategy and solutions roadmap. Resident Architects are dedicated to customers for 6 months, with opportunities for extension, and help customers (Chief Data Officers, VPs of Data Architecture, and Builders) make informed choices and tradeoffs about accelerating their data and analytics workloads and implementation.

The AWS Professional Services organization is a global team of experts that can help customers realize their desired business outcomes when using the AWS Cloud. The Professional Services team work together with customer’s team and their chosen member of the AWS Partner Network (APN) to execute their enterprise cloud computing initiatives.

Next Steps

Huron has rolled out the solution for one business unit and as a next step we plan to roll it out to all business units, so that the asset tracker service is populated with assets available across all business units of the organization to provide consolidated view.

In addition, Huron will be building a reporting layer on top of the Amazon Aurora asset tracker database, so that the leadership has a way to discover assets by business unit, by owner, created between specific date range or the reports that are not updated since a while.

Once the asset tracker is populated with all QuickSight assets, it will be integrated into the front-end online application that can help end users discover existing assets and request creation of new assets.

Newer QuickSight API’s such as assets-as-a-bundle and assets-as-code further accelerate the capabilities of the service by improving the development velocity and reliability of making changes.


This blog explained how Huron built an Asset Tracker to keep track of all QuickSight resources across the organization. This solution may provide a reference to other organizations who would like to build an inventory of visualization reports, ML models or other technical assets. This solution leveraged Amazon Aurora as the primary database, but if an organization would also like to build a detailed lineage of all the assets to understand how they are interrelated then they can consider integrating Amazon Neptune as an alternate database too.

If you have a similar use case and would like to collaborate with AWS Data Analytics Specialist Architects to brainstorm on the architecture, rapidly prototype it and implement a production ready solution then connect with your AWS Account Manager or AWS Solution Architect to start an engagement with AWS Data Lab team.

About the Authors

Corey Johnson is the Lead Data Architect at Huron, where he leads its data architecture for their Global Products Data and Analytics initiatives.

Sakti Mishra is a Principal Data Analytics Architect at AWS, where he helps customers modernize their data architecture, help define end to end data strategy including data security, accessibility, governance, and more. He is also the author of the book Simplify Big Data Analytics with Amazon EMR. Outside of work, Sakti enjoys learning new technologies, watching movies, and visiting places with family.

Classifying Millions of Amazon items with Machine Learning, Part I: Event Driven Architecture

Post Syndicated from Mahmoud Abid original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/classifying-millions-of-amazon-items-with-machine-learning-part-i-event-driven-architecture/

As part of AWS Professional Services, we work with customers across different industries to understand their needs and supplement their teams with specialized skills and experience.

Some of our customers are internal teams from the Amazon retail organization who request our help with their initiatives. One of these teams, the Global Environmental Affairs team, identifies the number of electronic products sold. Then they classify these products according to local laws and accurately report this data to regulators. This process covers the products’ end-of-life costs and ensures a high quality of recycling.

These electronic products have classification codes that differ from country to country, and these codes change according to each country’s latest regulations. This poses a complex technical problem. How do we automate our compliance teams’ work to efficiently and accurately classify over three million product classifications every month, in more than 38 countries, while also complying with evolving classification regulations?

To solve this problem, we used Amazon Machine Learning (Amazon ML) capabilities to build a resilient architecture. It ingests and processes data, trains ML models, and predicts (also known as inference workflow) monthly sales data for all countries concurrently.

In this post, we outline how we used AWS Lambda, Amazon EventBridge, and AWS Step Functions to build a scalable and cost-effective solution. We’ll also show you how to keep the data secure while processing it in Amazon ML flows.

Solution overview

Our solution consists of three main parts, which are summarized here and detailed in the following sections:

  1. Training the ML models
  2. Evaluating their performance
  3. Using them to run an inference workflow (in other words, label) the sold items with the correct classification codes

Training the Amazon ML model

For training our Amazon ML model, we use the architecture in Figure 1. It starts with a periodic query against the Amazon.com data warehouse in Amazon Redshift.

Training workflow

Figure 1. Training workflow

  1. A labeled dataset containing pre-recorded classification codes is extracted from Amazon Redshift. This dataset is stored in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket and split up by country. The data is encrypted at rest with server-side encryption using an AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key. This is also known as server-side encryption with AWS KMS (SSE-KMS). The extraction query uses the AWS KMS key to encrypt the data when storing it in the S3 bucket.
  2. Each time a country’s dataset is uploaded to the S3 bucket, a message is sent to an Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) queue. This prompts a Lambda function. We use Amazon SQS to ensure resiliency. If the Lambda function fails, the message will be tried again automatically. Overall, the message is either processed successfully, or ends up in a dead letter queue that we monitor (not displayed in Figure 1).
  3. If the message is processed successfully, the Lambda function generates necessary input parameters. Then it starts a Step Functions workflow execution for the training process.
  4. The training process involves orchestrating Amazon SageMaker Processing jobs to prepare the data. Once the data is prepared, a hyperparameter optimization job invokes multiple training jobs. These run in parallel with different values from a range of hyperparameters. The model that performs the best is chosen to move forward.
  5. After the model is trained successfully, an EventBridge event is prompted, which will be used to invoke the performance comparison process.

Comparing performance of Amazon ML models

Because Amazon ML models are automatically trained periodically, we want to assess their performance automatically too. Newly created models should perform better than their predecessors. To measure this, we use the flow in Figure 2.

Model performance comparison workflow

Figure 2. Model performance comparison workflow

  1. The flow is activated by the EventBridge event at the end of the training flow.
  2. A Lambda function gathers the necessary input parameters and uses them to start an inference workflow, implemented as a Step Function.
  3. The inference workflow use SageMaker Processing jobs to prepare a new test dataset. It performs predictions using SageMaker Batch Transform jobs with the new model. The test dataset is a labeled subset that was not used in model training. Its prediction gives an unbiased estimation of the model’s performance, proving that the model can generalize.
  4. After the inference workflow is completed and the results are stored on Amazon S3, an EventBridge event is performed, which prompts another Lambda function. This function runs the performance comparison Step Function.
  5. The performance comparison workflow uses a SageMaker Processing job to analyze the inference results and calculate its performance score based on ground truth. For each country, the job compares the performance of the new model with the performance of the last used model to determine which one was best, otherwise known as the “winner model.” The metadata of the winner model is saved in an Amazon DynamoDB table so it can be queried and used in the next production inference job.
  6. At the end of the performance comparison flow, an informational notification is sent to an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic, which will be received by the MLOps team.

Running inference

The inference flow starts with a periodic query against the Amazon.com data warehouse in Amazon Redshift, as shown in Figure 3.

Inference workflow

Figure 3. Inference workflow

  1. As with training, the dataset is extracted from Amazon Redshift, split up by country, and stored in an S3 bucket and encrypted at rest using the AWS KMS key.
  2. Every country dataset upload prompts a message to an SQS queue, which invokes a Lambda function.
  3. The Lambda function gathers necessary input parameters and starts a workflow execution for the inference process. This is the same Step Function we used in the performance comparison. Now it runs against the real dataset instead of the test set.
  4. The inference Step Function orchestrates the data preparation and prediction using the winner model for each country, as stored in the model performance DynamoDB table. The predictions are uploaded back to the S3 bucket to be further consumed for reporting.
  5. Lastly, an Amazon SNS message is sent to signal completion of the inference flow, which will be received by different stakeholders.

Data encryption

One of the key requirements of this solution was to provide least privilege access to all data. To achieve this, we use AWS KMS to encrypt all data as follows:

Restriction of data decryption permissions

Figure 4. Restriction of data decryption permissions


In this post, we outline how we used a serverless architecture to handle the end-to-end flow of data extraction, processing, and storage. We also talk about how we use this data for model training and inference.

With this solution, our customer team onboarded 38 countries and brought 60 Amazon ML models to production to classify 3.3 million items on a monthly basis.

In the next post, we show you how we use AWS Developer Tools to build a comprehensive continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline that safeguards the code behind this solution.