All posts by Eric Johnson

Modernizing deployments with container images in AWS Lambda

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original

This post is written by Joseph Keating, AWS Modernization Architect, and Virginia Chu, Sr. DevSecOps Architect.

Container image support for AWS Lambda enables developers to package function code and dependencies using familiar patterns and tools. With this pattern, developers use standard tools like Docker to package their functions as container images and deploy them to Lambda.

In a typical deployment process for image-based Lambda functions, the container and Lambda function are created or updated in the same process. However, some use cases require developers to create the image first, and then update one or more Lambda functions from that image. In these situations, organizations may mandate that infrastructure components such as Amazon S3 and Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) are centralized and deployed separately from their application deployment pipelines.

This post demonstrates how to use AWS continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) services and Docker to separate the container build process from the application deployment process.


There is a sample application that creates two pipelines to deploy a Java application. The first pipeline uses Docker to build and deploy the container image to the Amazon ECR. The second pipeline uses AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) to deploy a Lambda function based on the container from the first process.

This shows how to build, manage, and deploy Lambda container images automatically with infrastructure as code (IaC). It also covers automatically updating or creating Lambda functions based on a container image version.

Example architecture

Example architecture

The example application uses AWS CloudFormation to configure the AWS Lambda container pipelines. Both pipelines use AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeBuild, and AWS CodeCommit. The lambda-container-image-deployment-pipeline builds and deploys a container image to ECR. The sam-deployment-pipeline updates or deploys a Lambda function based on the new container image.

The pipeline deploys the sample application:

  1. The developer pushes code to the main branch.
  2. An update to the main branch invokes the pipeline.
  3. The pipeline clones the CodeCommit repository.
  4. Docker builds the container image and assigns tags.
  5. Docker pushes the image to ECR.
  6. The lambda-container-image-pipeline completion triggers an Amazon EventBridge event.
  7. The pipeline clones the CodeCommit repository.
  8. AWS SAM builds the Lambda-based container image application.
  9. AWS SAM deploys the application to AWS Lambda.


To provision the pipeline deployment, you must have the following prerequisites:

Infrastructure configuration

The pipeline relies on infrastructure elements like AWS Identity and Access Management roles, S3 buckets, and an ECR repository. Due to security and governance considerations, many organizations prefer to keep these infrastructure components separate from their application deployments.

To start, deploy the core infrastructure components using CloudFormation and the AWS CLI:

  1. Create a local directory called BlogDemoRepo and clone the source code repository found in the following location:
    mkdir -p $HOME/BlogDemoRepo
    cd $HOME/BlogDemoRepo
    git clone
  2. Change directory into the cloned repository:
    cd modernize-deployments-with-container-images-in-lambda/
  3. Deploy the s3-iam-config CloudFormation template, keeping the following CloudFormation template names:
    aws cloudformation create-stack \
      --stack-name s3-iam-config \
      --template-body file://templates/s3-iam-config.yml \
      --parameters file://parameters/s3-iam-config-params.json \
      --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM

    The output should look like the following:

    Output example for stack creation

    Output example for stack creation

Application overview

The application uses Docker to build the container image and an ECR repository to store the container image. AWS SAM deploys the Lambda function based on the new container.

The example application in this post uses a Java-based container image using Amazon Corretto. Amazon Corretto is a no-cost, multi-platform, production-ready Open Java Development Kit (OpenJDK).

The Lambda container-image base includes the Amazon Linux operating system, and a set of base dependencies. The image also consists of the Lambda Runtime Interface Client (RIC) that allows your runtime to send and receive to the Lambda service. Take some time to review the Dockerfile and how it configures the Java application.

Configure the repository

The CodeCommit repository contains all of the configurations the pipelines use to deploy the application. To configure the CodeCommit repository:

  1. Get metadata about the CodeCommit repository created in a previous step. Run the following command from the BlogDemoRepo directory created in a previous step:
    aws codecommit get-repository \
      --repository-name DemoRepo \
      --query repositoryMetadata.cloneUrlHttp \
      --output text

    The output should look like the following:

    Output example for get repository

    Output example for get repository

  2. In your terminal, paste the Git URL from the previous step and clone the repository:
    git clone <insert_url_from_step_1_output>

    You receive a warning because the repository is empty.

    Empty repository warning

    Empty repository warning

  3. Create the main branch:
    cd DemoRepo
    git checkout -b main
  4. Copy all of the code from the cloned GitHub repository to the CodeCommit repository:
    cp -r ../modernize-deployments-with-container-images-in-lambda/* .
  5. Commit and push the changes:
    git add .
    git commit -m "Initial commit"
    git push -u origin main

Pipeline configuration

This example deploys two separate pipelines. The first is called the modernize-deployments-with-container-images-in-lambda, which consists of building and deploying a container-image to ECR using Docker and the AWS CLI. An EventBridge event starts the pipeline when the CodeCommit branch is updated.

The second pipeline, sam-deployment-pipeline, is where the container image built from lambda-container-image-deployment-pipeline is deployed to a Lambda function using AWS SAM. This pipeline is also triggered using an Amazon EventBridge event. Successful completion of the lambda-container-image-deployment-pipeline invokes this second pipeline through Amazon EventBridge.

Both pipelines consist of AWS CodeBuild jobs configured with a buildspec file. The buildspec file enables developers to run bash commands and scripts to build and deploy applications.

Deploy the pipeline

You now configure and deploy the pipelines and test the configured application in the AWS Management Console.

  1. Change directory back to modernize-serverless-deployments-leveraging-lambda-container-images directory and deploy the lambda-container-pipeline CloudFormation Template:
    cd $HOME/BlogDemoRepo/modernize-deployments-with-container-images-in-lambda/
    aws cloudformation create-stack \
      --stack-name lambda-container-pipeline \
      --template-body file://templates/lambda-container-pipeline.yml \
      --parameters file://parameters/lambda-container-params.json  \
      --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
      --region us-east-1

    The output appears:

    Output example for stack creation

    Output example for stack creation

  2. Wait for the lambda-container-pipeline stack from the previous step to complete and deploy the sam-deployment-pipeline CloudFormation template:
    aws cloudformation create-stack \
      --stack-name sam-deployment-pipeline \
      --template-body file://templates/sam-deployment-pipeline.yml \
      --parameters file://parameters/sam-deployment-params.json  \
      --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
      --region us-east-1

    The output appears:

    Output example of stack creation

    Output example of stack creation

  3. In the console, select CodePipelinepipelines:

  4. Wait for the status of both pipelines to show Succeeded:
  5. Navigate to the ECR console and choose demo-java. This shows that the pipeline is built and the image is deployed to ECR.
  6. Navigate to the Lambda console and choose the MyCustomLambdaContainer function.
  7. The Image configuration panel shows that the function is configured to use the image created earlier.
  8. To test the function, choose Test.
  9. Keep the default settings and choose Test.

This completes the walkthrough. To further test the workflow, modify the Java application and commit and push your changes to the main branch. You can then review the updated resources you have deployed.


This post shows how to use AWS services to automate the creation of Lambda container images. Using CodePipeline, you create a CI/CD pipeline for updates and deployments of Lambda container-images. You then test the Lambda container-image in the AWS Management Console.

For more serverless content visit Serverless Land.

Implementing header-based API Gateway versioning with Amazon CloudFront

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original

This post is written by Amir Khairalomoum, Sr. Solutions Architect.

In this blog post, I show you how to use Lambda@Edge feature of Amazon CloudFront to implement a header-based API versioning solution for Amazon API Gateway.

Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easier for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. Amazon CloudFront is a global content delivery network (CDN) service built for high-speed, low-latency performance, security, and developer ease-of-use. Lambda@Edge is a feature of Amazon CloudFront, a compute service that lets you run functions that customize the content that CloudFront delivers.

The example uses the AWS SAM CLI to build, deploy, and test the solution on AWS. The AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) is an open-source framework that you can use to build serverless applications on AWS. The AWS SAM CLI lets you locally build, test, and debug your applications defined by AWS SAM templates. You can also use the AWS SAM CLI to deploy your applications to AWS, or create secure continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipelines.

After an API becomes publicly available, it is used by customers. As a service evolves, its contract also evolves to reflect new changes and capabilities. It’s safe to evolve a public API by adding new features but it’s not safe to change or remove existing features.

Any breaking changes may impact consumer’s applications and break them at runtime. API versioning is important to avoid breaking backward compatibility and breaking a contract. You need a clear strategy for API versioning to help consumers adopt them.

Versioning APIs

Two of the most commonly used API versioning strategies are URI versioning and header-based versioning.

URI versioning

This strategy is the most straightforward and the most commonly used approach. In this type of versioning, versions are explicitly defined as part of API URIs. These example URLs show how domain name, path, or query string parameters can be used to specify a version:

To deploy an API in API Gateway, the deployment is associated with a stage. A stage is a logical reference to a lifecycle state of your API (for example, dev, prod, beta, v2). As your API evolves, you can continue to deploy it to different stages as different versions of the API.

Header-based versioning

This strategy is another commonly used versioning approach. It uses HTTP headers to specify the desired version. It uses the “Accept” header for content negotiation or uses a custom header (for example, “APIVER” to indicate a version):


This approach allows you to preserve URIs between versions. As a result, you have a cleaner and more understandable set of URLs. It is also easier to add versioning after design. However, you may need to deal with complexity of returning different versions of your resources.

Overview of solution

The target architecture for the solution uses Lambda@Edge. It dynamically routes a request to the relevant API version, based on the provided header:

Architecture overview

Architecture overview

In this architecture:

  1. The user sends a request with a relevant header, which can be either “Accept” or another custom header.
  2. This request reaches the CloudFront distribution and triggers the Lambda@Edge Origin Request.
  3. The Lambda@Edge function uses the provided header value and fetches data from an Amazon DynamoDB table. This table contains mappings for API versions. The function then modifies the Origin and the Host header of the request and returns it back to CloudFront.
  4. CloudFront sends the request to the relevant Amazon API Gateway URL.

In the next sections, I walk you through setting up the development environment and deploying and testing this solution.

Setting up the development environment

To deploy this solution on AWS, you use the AWS Cloud9 development environment.

  1. Go to the AWS Cloud9 web console. In the Region dropdown, make sure you’re using N. Virginia (us-east-1) Region.
  2. Select Create environment.
  3. On Step 1 – Name environment, enter a name for the environment, and choose Next step.
  4. On Step 2 – Configure settings, keep the existing environment settings.

    Console view of configuration settings

    Console view of configuration settings

  5. Choose Next step. Choose Create environment.

Deploying the solution

Now that the development environment is ready, you can proceed with the solution deployment. In this section, you download, build, and deploy a sample serverless application for the solution using AWS SAM.

Download the sample serverless application

The solution sample code is available on GitHub. Clone the repository and download the sample source code to your Cloud9 IDE environment by running the following command in the Cloud9 terminal window:

git clone ./api-gateway-header-based-versioning

This sample includes:

  • template.yaml: Contains the AWS SAM template that defines your application’s AWS resources.
  • hello-world/: Contains the Lambda handler logic behind the API Gateway endpoints to return the hello world message.
  • edge-origin-request/: Contains the Lambda@Edge handler logic to query the API version mapping and modify the Origin and the Host header of the request.
  • init-db/: Contains the Lambda handler logic for a custom resource to populate sample DynamoDB table

Build your application

Run the following commands in order to first, change into the project directory, where the template.yaml file for the sample application is located then build your application:

cd ~/environment/api-gateway-header-based-versioning/
sam build


Build output

Build output

Deploy your application

Run the following command to deploy the application in guided mode for the first time then follow the on-screen prompts:

sam deploy --guided


Deploy output

Deploy output

The output shows the deployment of the AWS CloudFormation stack.

Testing the solution

This application implements all required components for the solution. It consists of two Amazon API Gateway endpoints backed by AWS Lambda functions. The deployment process also initializes the API Version Mapping DynamoDB table with the values provided earlier in the deployment process.

Run the following commands to see the created mappings:

STACK_NAME=$(grep stack_name ~/environment/api-gateway-header-based-versioning/samconfig.toml | awk -F\= '{gsub(/"/, "", $2); gsub(/ /, "", $2); print $2}')

DDB_TBL_NAME=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --region us-east-1 --stack-name $STACK_NAME --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==`DynamoDBTableName`].OutputValue' --output text) && echo $DDB_TBL_NAME

aws dynamodb scan --table-name $DDB_TBL_NAME


Table scan results

Table scan results

When a user sends a GET request to CloudFront, it routes the request to the relevant API Gateway endpoint version according to the provided header value. The Lambda function behind that API Gateway endpoint is invoked and returns a “hello world” message.

To send a request to the CloudFront distribution, which is created as part of the deployment process, first get its domain name from the deployed AWS CloudFormation stack:

CF_DISTRIBUTION=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --region us-east-1 --stack-name $STACK_NAME --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==`CFDistribution`].OutputValue' --output text) && echo $CF_DISTRIBUTION


Domain name results

Domain name results

You can now send a GET request along with the relevant header you specified during the deployment process to the CloudFront to test the application.

Run the following command to test the application for API version one. Note that if you entered a different value other than the default value provided during the deployment process, change the --header parameter to match your inputs:

curl -i -o - --silent -X GET "https://${CF_DISTRIBUTION}/hello" --header "Accept:application/vnd.example.v1+json" && echo


Curl results

Curl results

The response shows that CloudFront successfully routed the request to the API Gateway v1 endpoint as defined in the mapping Amazon DynamoDB table. API Gateway v1 endpoint received the request. The Lambda function behind the API Gateway v1 was invoked and returned a “hello world” message.

Now you can change the header value to v2 and run the command again this time to test the API version two:

curl -i -o - --silent -X GET "https://${CF_DISTRIBUTION}/hello" --header "Accept:application/vnd.example.v2+json" && echo


Curl results after header change

Curl results after header change

The response shows that CloudFront routed the request to the API Gateway v2 endpoint as defined in the mapping DynamoDB table. API Gateway v2 endpoint received the request. The Lambda function behind the API Gateway v2 was invoked and returned a “hello world” message.

This solution requires valid a header value on each individual request, so the application checks and raises an error if the header is missing or the header value is not valid.

You can remove the header parameter and run the command to test this scenario:

curl -i -o - --silent -X GET "https://${CF_DISTRIBUTION}/hello" && echo


No header causes a 403 error

No header causes a 403 error

The response shows that Lambda@Edge validated the request and raised an error to inform us that the request did not have a valid header.

Mitigating latency

In this solution, Lambda@Edge reads the API version mappings data from the DynamoDB table. Accessing external data at the edge can cause additional latency to the request. In order to mitigate the latency, solution uses following methods:

  1. Cache data in Lambda@Edge memory: As data is unlikely to change across many Lambda@Edge invocations, Lambda@Edge caches API version mappings data in the memory for a certain period of time. It reduces latency by avoiding an external network call for each individual request.
  2. Use Amazon DynamoDB global table: It brings data closer to the CloudFront distribution and reduces external network call latency.

Cleaning up

To clean up the resources provisioned as part of the solution:

  1. Run following command to delete the deployed application:
    sam delete
  2. Go to the AWS Cloud9 web console. Select the environment you created then choose Delete.


Header-based API versioning is a commonly used versioning strategy. This post shows how to use CloudFront to implement a header-based API versioning solution for API Gateway. It uses the AWS SAM CLI to build and deploy a sample serverless application to test the solution in the AWS Cloud.

To learn more about API Gateway, visit the API Gateway developer guide documentation, and for CloudFront, refer to Amazon CloudFront developer guide documentation.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Introducing cross-account Amazon ECR access for AWS Lambda

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original

This post is written by Brian Zambrano, Enterprise Solutions Architect and Indranil Banerjee, Senior Solution Architect.

In December 2020, AWS announced support for packaging AWS Lambda functions using container images. Customers use the container image packaging format for workloads like machine learning inference made possible by the 10 GB container size increase and familiar container tooling.

Many customers use multiple AWS accounts for application development but centralize Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) images to a single account. Until today, a Lambda function had to reside in the same AWS account as the ECR repository that owned the container image. Cross-account ECR access with AWS Lambda functions has been one of the most requested features since launch.

From today, you can now deploy Lambda functions that reference container images from an ECR repository in a different account within the same AWS Region.


The example demonstrates how to use the cross-account capability using two AWS example accounts:

  1. ECR repository owner: Account ID 111111111111
  2. Lambda function owner: Account ID 222222222222

The high-level process consists of the following steps:

  1. Create an ECR repository using Account 111111111111 that grants Account 222222222222 appropriate permissions to use the image
  2. Build a Lambda-compatible container image and push it to the ECR repository
  3. Deploy a Lambda function in account 222222222222 and reference the container image in the ECR repository from account 111111111111

This example uses the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) to create the ECR repository and its repository permissions policy. AWS SAM provides an easier way to manage AWS resources with CloudFormation.

To build the container image and upload it to ECR, use Docker and the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI). To build and deploy a new Lambda function that references the ECR image, use AWS SAM. Find the example code for this project in the GitHub repository.

Create an ECR repository with a cross-account access policy

Using AWS SAM, I create a new ECR repository named cross-account-function in the us-east-1 Region with account 111111111111. In the template.yaml file, RepositoryPolicyText defines the permissions for the ECR Repository. This template grants account 222222222222 access so that a Lambda function in that account can reference images in the ECR repository:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Description: SAM Template for cross-account-function ECR Repo

    Type: AWS::ECR::Repository
      RepositoryName: cross-account-function
        Version: "2012-10-17"
          - Sid: CrossAccountPermission
            Effect: Allow
              - ecr:BatchGetImage
              - ecr:GetDownloadUrlForLayer
                - arn:aws:iam::222222222222:root
          - Sid: LambdaECRImageCrossAccountRetrievalPolicy
            Effect: Allow
              - ecr:BatchGetImage
              - ecr:GetDownloadUrlForLayer
                  - arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:222222222222:function:*

    Description: "ECR RepositoryUri which may be referenced by Lambda functions"
    Value: !GetAtt HelloWorldRepo.RepositoryUri

The RepositoryPolicyText has two statements that are required for Lambda functions to work as expected:

  1. CrossAccountPermission – Allows account 222222222222 to create and update Lambda functions that reference this ECR repository
  2. LambdaECRImageCrossAccountRetrievalPolicy – Lambda eventually marks a function as INACTIVE when not invoked for an extended period. This statement is necessary so that Lambda service in account 222222222222 can pull the image again for optimization and caching.

To deploy this stack, run the following commands:

git clone
cd sam-ecr-repo
sam build
AWS SAM build results

AWS SAM build results

sam deploy --guided
SAM deploy results

AWS SAM deploy results

Once AWS SAM deploys the stack, a new ECR repository named cross-account-function exists. The repository has a permissions policy that allows Lambda functions in account 222222222222 to access the container images. You can verify this in the ECR console for this repository:

Permissions displayed in the console

Permissions displayed in the console

You can also extend this policy to enable multiple accounts by adding additional account IDs to the Principal and Condition evaluations lists in the CrossAccountPermission and LambdaECRImageCrossAccountRetrievalPolicy permissions policy. Narrowing the ECR permission policy is a best practice. With this launch, if you are working with multiple accounts in an AWS Organization we recommend enumerating your account IDs in the ECR permissions policy.

Amazon ECR repository policies use a subset of IAM policies to control access to individual ECR repositories. Refer to the ECR repository policies documentation to learn more.

Build a Lambda-compatible container image

Next, you build a container image using Docker and the AWS CLI. For this step, you need Docker, a Dockerfile, and Python code that responds to Lambda invocations.

  1. Use the AWS-maintained Python 3.9 container image as the basis for the Dockerfile:
    CMD ["app.handler"]

    The code for this example, in, is a Hello World application.

    import json
    def handler(event, context):
        return {
            "statusCode": 200,
            "body": json.dumps({"message": "hello world!"}),
  2. To build and tag the image and push it to ECR using the same name as the repository (cross-account-function) for the image name and 01 as the tag, run:
    $ docker build -t cross-account-function:01 .

    Docker build results

    Docker build results

  3. Tag the image for upload to the ECR. The command parameters vary depending on the account id and Region. If you’re unfamiliar with the tagging steps for ECR, view the exact commands for your repository using the View push commands button from the ECR repository console page:
    $ docker tag cross-account-function:01
  4. Log in to ECR and push the image:
    $ aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
    $ docker push

    Docker push results

    Docker push results

Deploying a Lambda Function

The last step is to build and deploy a new Lambda function in account 222222222222. The AWS SAM template below, saved to a file named template.yaml, references the ECR image for the Lambda function’s ImageUri. This template also instructs AWS SAM to create an Amazon API Gateway REST endpoint integrating the Lambda function.

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Description: Sample SAM Template for sam-ecr-cross-account-demo

    Timeout: 3
    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
      PackageType: Image
        - x86_64
          Type: Api
            Path: /hello
            Method: get

    Description: "API Gateway endpoint URL for Prod stage for Hello World function"
    Value: !Sub "https://${ServerlessRestApi}.execute-api.${AWS::Region}"

Use AWS SAM to deploy this template:

cd ../sam-cross-account-lambda
sam build
AWS SAM build results

AWS SAM build results

sam deploy --guided
SAM deploy results

SAM deploy results

Now that the Lambda function is deployed, test using the API Gateway endpoint that AWS SAM created:

Testing the endpoint

Testing the endpoint

Because it references a container image with the ImageUri parameter in the AWS SAM template, subsequent deployments must use the –resolve-image-repos parameter:

sam deploy --resolve-image-repos


This post demonstrates how to create a Lambda-compatible container image in one account and reference it from a Lambda function in another account. It shows an example of an ECR policy to enable cross-account functionality. It also shows how to use AWS SAM to deploy container-based functions using the ImageUri parameter.

To learn more about serverless and AWS SAM, visit the Sessions with SAM series and find more resources at Serverless Land.


Accelerating serverless development with AWS SAM Accelerate

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original

Building a serverless application changes the way developers think about testing their code. Previously, developers would emulate the complete infrastructure locally and only commit code ready for testing. However, with serverless, local emulation can be more complex.

In this post, I show you how to bypass most local emulation by testing serverless applications in the cloud against production services using AWS SAM Accelerate. AWS SAM Accelerate aims to increase infrastructure accuracy for testing with sam sync, incremental builds, and aggregated feedback for developers. AWS SAM Accelerate brings the developer to the cloud and not the cloud to the developer.

AWS SAM Accelerate

The AWS SAM team has listened to developers wanting a better way to emulate the cloud on their local machine and we believe that testing against the cloud is the best path forward. With that in mind, I am happy to announce the beta release of AWS SAM Accelerate!

Previously, the latency of deploying after each change has caused developers to seek other options. AWS SAM Accelerate is a set of features to reduce that latency and enable developers to test their code quickly against production AWS services in the cloud.

To demonstrate the different options, this post uses an example application called “Blog”. To follow along, create your version of the application by downloading the demo project. Note, you need the latest version of AWS SAM and Python 3.9 installed. AWS SAM Accelerate works with other runtimes, but this example uses Python 3.9.

After installing the pre-requisites, set up the demo project with the following commands:

  1. Create a folder for the project called blog
    mkdir blog && cd blog
  2. Initialize a new AWS SAM project:
    sam init
  3. Chose option 2 for Custom Template Location.
  4. Enter as the location.

AWS SAM downloads the sample project into the current folder. With the blog application in place, you can now try out AWS SAM Accelerate.

AWS SAM sync

The first feature of AWS SAM Accelerate is a new command called sam sync. This command synchronizes your project declared in an AWS SAM template to the AWS Cloud. However, sam sync differentiates between code and configuration.

AWS SAM defines code as the following:

Anything else is considered configuration. The following description of the sam sync options explains how sam sync differentiates between configuration synchronization and code synchronization. The resulting patterns are the fastest way to test code in the cloud with AWS SAM.

Using sam sync (no options)

The sam sync command with no options deploys or updates all infrastructure and code like the sam deploy command. However, unlike sam deploy, sam sync bypasses the AWS CloudFormation changeset process. To see this, run:

sam sync --stack-name blog
AWS SAM sync with no options

AWS SAM sync with no options

First, sam sync builds the code using the sam build command and then the application is synchronized to the cloud.

Successful sync

Successful sync

Using SAM sync code, resource, resource-id flags

The sam sync command can also synchronize code changes to the cloud without updating the infrastructure. This code synchronization uses the service APIs and bypasses CloudFormation, allowing AWS SAM to update the code in seconds instead of minutes.

To synchronize code, use the --code flag, which instructs AWS SAM to sync all the code resources in the stack:

sam sync --stack-name blog --code
AWS SAM sync --code

AWS SAM sync with the code flag

The sam sync command verifies each of the code types present and synchronizes the sources to the cloud. This example uses an API Gateway REST API and two Lambda functions. AWS SAM skips the REST API because there is no external OpenAPI file for this project. However, the Lambda functions and their dependencies are synchronized.

You can limit the synchronized resources by using the --resource flag with the --code flag:

sam sync --stack-name blog --code --resource AWS::Serverless::Function
SAM sync specific resource types

SAM sync specific resource types

This command limits the synchronization to Lambda functions. Other available resources are AWS::Serverless::Api, AWS::Serverless::HttpApi, and AWS::Serverless::StateMachine.

You can target one specific resource with the --resource-id flag to get more granular:

sam sync --stack-name blog --code --resource-id HelloWorldFunction
SAM sync specific resource

SAM sync specific resource

This time sam sync ignores the GreetingFunction and only updates the HelloWorldFunction declared with the command’s --resource-id flag.

Using the SAM sync watch flag

The sam sync --watch option tells AWS SAM to monitor for file changes and automatically synchronize when changes are detected. If the changes include configuration changes, AWS SAM performs a standard synchronization equivalent to the sam sync command. If the changes are code only, then AWS SAM synchronizes the code with the equivalent of the sam sync --code command.

The first time you run the sam sync command with the --watch flag, AWS SAM ensures that the latest code and infrastructure are in the cloud. It then monitors for file changes until you quit the command:

sam sync --stack-name blog --watch
Initial sync

Initial sync

To see a change, modify the code in the HelloWorldFunction (hello_world/ by updating the response to the following:

return {
  "statusCode": 200,
  "body": json.dumps({
    "message": "hello world, how are you",
    # "location": ip.text.replace("\n", "")

Once you save the file, sam sync detects the change and syncs the code for the HelloWorldFunction to the cloud.

AWS SAM detects changes

AWS SAM detects changes

Auto dependency layer nested stack

During the initial sync, there is a logical resource name called AwsSamAutoDependencyLayerNestedStack. This feature helps to synchronize code more efficiently.

When working with Lambda functions, developers manage the code for the Lambda function and any dependencies required for the Lambda function. Before AWS SAM Accelerate, if a developer does not create a Lambda layer for dependencies, then the dependencies are re-uploaded with the function code on every update. However, with sam sync, the dependencies are automatically moved to a temporary layer to reduce latency.

Auto dependency layer in change set

Auto dependency layer in change set

During the first synchronization, sam sync creates a single nested stack that maintains a Lambda layer for each Lambda function in the stack.

Auto dependency layer in console

Auto dependency layer in console

These layers are only updated when the dependencies for one of the Lambda functions are updated. To demonstrate, change the requirements.txt (greeting/requirements.txt) file for the GreetingFunction to the following:


AWS SAM detects the change, and the GreetingFunction and its temporary layer are updated:

Auto layer synchronized

Auto dependency layer synchronized

The Lambda function changes because the Lambda layer version must be updated.

Incremental builds with sam build

The second feature of AWS SAM Accelerate is an update to the SAM build command. This change separates the cache for dependencies from the cache for the code. The build command now evaluates these separately and only builds artifacts that have changed.

To try this out, build the project with the cached flag:

sam build --cached
The first build establishes cache

The first build establishes cache

The first build recognizes that there is no cache and downloads the dependencies and builds the code. However, when you rerun the command:

The second build uses existing cached artifacts

The second build uses existing cached artifacts

The sam build command verifies that the dependencies have not changed. There is no need to download them again so it builds only the application code.

Finally, update the requirements file for the HelloWorldFunction (hello_w0rld/requirements.txt) to:


Now rerun the build command:

AWS SAM build detects dependency changes

AWS SAM build detects dependency changes

The sam build command detects a change in the dependency requirements and rebuilds the dependencies and the code.

Aggregated feedback for developers

The final part of AWS SAM Accelerate’s beta feature set is aggregating logs for developer feedback. This feature is an enhancement to the already existing sam logs command. In addition to pulling Amazon CloudWatch Logs or the Lambda function, it is now possible to retrieve logs for API Gateway and traces from AWS X-Ray.

To test this, start the sam logs:

sam logs --stack-name blog --include-traces --tail

Invoke the HelloWorldApi endpoint returned in the outputs on syncing:


The sam logs command returns logs for the AWS Lambda function, Amazon API Gateway REST execution logs, and AWS X-Ray traces.

AWS Lambda logs from Amazon CloudWatch

AWS Lambda logs from Amazon CloudWatch

Amazon API Gateway execution logs from Amazon CloudWatch

Amazon API Gateway execution logs from Amazon CloudWatch

Traces from AWS X-Ray

Traces from AWS X-Ray

The full picture

Development diagram for AWS SAM Accelerate

Development diagram for AWS SAM Accelerate

With AWS SAM Accelerate, creating and testing an application is easier and faster. To get started:

  1. Start a new project:
    sam init
  2. Synchronize the initial project with a development environment:
    sam sync --stack-name <project name> --watch
  3. Start monitoring for logs:
    sam logs --stack-name <project name> --include-traces --tail
  4. Test using response data or logs.
  5. Iterate.
  6. Rinse and repeat!

Some caveats

AWS SAM Accelerate is in beta as of today. The team has worked hard to implement a solid minimum viable product (MVP) to get feedback from our community. However, there are a few caveats.

  1. Amazon State Language (ASL) code updates for Step Functions does not currently support DefinitionSubstitutions.
  2. API Gateway OpenAPI template must be defined in the DefiitionUri parameter and does not currently support pseudo parameters and intrinsic functions at this time
  3. The sam logs command only supports execution logs on REST APIs and access logs on HTTP APIs.
  4. Function code cannot be inline and must be defined as a separate file in the CodeUri parameter.


When testing serverless applications, developers must get to the cloud as soon as possible. AWS SAM Accelerate helps developers escape from emulating the cloud locally and move to the fidelity of testing in the cloud.

In this post, I walk through the philosophy of why the AWS SAM team built AWS SAM Accelerate. I provide an example application and demonstrate the different features designed to remove barriers from testing in the cloud.

We invite the serverless community to help improve AWS SAM for building serverless applications. As with AWS SAM and the AWS SAM CLI (which includes AWS SAM Accelerate), this project is open source and you can contribute to the repository.

For more serverless content, visit Serverless Land.

Visualizing AWS Step Functions workflows from the AWS Batch console

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original

This post written by Dhiraj Mahapatro, Senior Specialist SA, Serverless.

AWS Step Functions is a low-code visual workflow service used to orchestrate AWS services, automate business processes, and build serverless applications. Step Functions workflows manage failures, retries, parallelization, service integrations, and observability so builders can focus on business logic.

AWS Batch is one of the service integrations that are available for Step Functions. AWS Batch enables users to more easily and efficiently run hundreds of thousands of batch computing jobs on AWS. AWS Batch dynamically provisions the optimal quantity and compute resource classifications based on the volume and specific resource requirements of the batch jobs submitted. AWS Batch plans, schedules, and runs batch computing workloads across the full range of AWS compute services and features, such as AWS FargateAmazon EC2, and spot instances.

Now, Step Functions is available to AWS Batch users through the AWS Batch console. This feature enables AWS Batch users to augment compute options and have additional orchestration capabilities to manage their batch jobs.

This blog walks through Step Functions integration in AWS Batch console and shows how AWS Batch users can efficiently use Step Functions workflow orchestrators in batch workloads. A sample application also highlights the use of AWS Lambda as a compute option for AWS Batch.

Introducing workflow orchestration in AWS Batch console

Today, AWS users use AWS Batch for high performance computing, post-trade analytics, fraud surveillance, screening, DNA sequencing, and more. AWS Batch minimizes human error, increases speed and accuracy, and reduces costs with automation so that users can refocus on evolving the business.

In addition to using compute-intensive tasks, users sometimes need Lambda for simpler, less intense processing. Users also want to combine the two in a single business process that is scalable and repeatable.

Workflow orchestration (powered by Step Functions) in AWS Batch console allows orchestration of batch jobs with Step Functions state machine:

Workflow orchestration in Batch console

Workflow orchestration in Batch console

Using batch-related patterns from Step Functions

Error handling

Step Functions natively handles errors and retries of its workflows. Users rely on this native error handling mechanism to focus on building business logic.

Workflow orchestration in AWS Batch console provides common batch-related patterns that are present in Step Functions. Handling errors while submitting batch jobs in Step Functions is one of them.

Getting started with orchestration in Batch

Getting started with orchestration in Batch

  1. Choose Get Started from Handle complex errors.
  2. From the pop-up, choose Start from a template and choose Continue.

A new browser tab opens with Step Functions Workflow Studio. The Workflow Studio designer has a workflow pattern template pre-created. Diving deeper into the workflow highlights that the Step Functions workflow submits a batch job and then handles success and error scenarios by sending Amazon SNS notifications, respectively.

Alternatively, choosing Deploy a sample project from the Get Started pop-up deploys a sample Step Functions workflow.

Deploying a sample project

Deploying a sample project

This option allows creating a state machine from scratch, reviewing the workflow definition, deploying an AWS CloudFormation stack, and running the workflow in Step Functions console.

Deploy and run from console

Deploy and run from console

Once deployed, the state machine is visible in the Step Functions console as:

Viewing the state machine in the AWS Step Functions console

Viewing the state machine in the AWS Step Functions console

Select the BatchJobNotificationStateMachine to land on the details page:

View the state machine's details

View the state machine’s details

The CloudFormation template has already provisioned the required batch job in AWS Batch and the SNS topic for success and failure notification.

To see the Step Functions workflow in action, use Start execution. Keep the optional name and input as is and choose Start execution:

Run the Step Function

Run the Step Function

The state machine completes the tasks successfully by Submitting Batch Job using AWS Batch and Notifying Success using the SNS topic:

The successful results in the console

The successful results in the console

The state machine used the AWS Batch Submit Job task. The Workflow orchestration in AWS Batch console now highlights this newly created Step Functions state machine:

The state machine is listed in the Batch console

The state machine is listed in the Batch console

Therefore, any state machine that uses this task in Step Functions for this account is listed here as a state machine that orchestrates batch jobs.

Combine Batch and Lambda

Another pattern to use in Step Functions is the combination of Lambda and batch job.

Select Get Started from Combine Batch and Lambda pop-up followed by Start from a template and Continue. This takes the user to Step Functions Workflow studio with the following pattern. The Lambda task generates input for the subsequent batch job task. Submit Batch Job task takes the input and submits the batch job:

Combining AWS Lambda with AWS Step Functions

Combining AWS Lambda with AWS Step Functions

Step Functions enables AWS Batch users to combine Batch and Lambda functions to optimize compute spend while using the power of the different compute choices.

Fan out to multiple Batch jobs

In addition to error handling and combining Lambda with AWS Batch jobs, a user can fan out multiple batch jobs using Step Functions’ map state. Map state in Step Functions provides dynamic parallelism.

With dynamic parallelism, a user can submit multiple batch jobs based on a collection of batch job input data. With visibility to each iteration’s input and output, users can easily navigate and troubleshoot in case of failure.

Easily navigate and troubleshoot in case of failure

Easily navigate and troubleshoot in case of failure

AWS Batch users are not limited to the previous three patterns shown in Workflow orchestration in the AWS Batch console. AWS Batch users can start from scratch and build Step Functions state machine by navigating to the bottom right and using Create state machine:

Create a state machine from the Step Functions console

Create a state machine from the Step Functions console

Create State Machine in AWS Batch console opens a new tab with Step Functions console’s Create state machine page.

Design a workflow visually

Design a workflow visually

Refer building a state machine AWS Step Functions Workflow Studio for additional details.

Deploying the application

The sample application shows fan out to multiple batch jobs pattern. Before deploying the application, you need:

To deploy:

  1. From a terminal window, clone the GitHub repo:
    git clone [email protected]:aws-samples/serverless-batch-job-workflow.git
  2. Change directory:
    cd ./serverless-batch-job-workflow
  3. Download and install dependencies:
    sam build
  4. Deploy the application to your AWS account:
    sam deploy --guided

To run the application using the AWS CLI, replace the state machine ARN from the output of deployment steps:

aws stepfunctions start-execution \
    --state-machine-arn <StepFunctionArnHere> \
    --region <RegionWhereApplicationDeployed> \
    --input "{}"

Step Functions is not limited to AWS Batch’s Submit Job API action

In September 2021, Step Functions announced integration support for 200 AWS Services to enable easier workflow automation. With this announcement, Step Functions is not limited to integrate with AWS Batch’s SubmitJob API but also can integrate with any AWS Batch SDK API today.

Step Functions can automate the lifecycle of an AWS Batch job, starting from creating a compute environment, creating job queues, registering job definitions, submitting a job, and finally cleaning up.

Other AWS service integrations

Step Functions support for 200 AWS Services equates integration with more than 9,000 API actions across these services. AWS Batch tasks in Step Functions can evolve by integrating with available services in the workflow for their pre- and post-processing needs.

For example, batch job input data sanitization can be done inside Lambda and that gets pushed to an Amazon SQS queue or Amazon S3 as an object for auditability purposes.

Similarly, Amazon SNS, Amazon Pinpoint, or Amazon SES can notify once AWS Batch job task is complete.

There are multiple ways to decorate around an AWS Batch job task. Refer to AWS SDK service integrations and optimized integrations for Step Functions for additional details.

Important considerations

Workflow orchestrations in the AWS Batch console only show Step Functions state machines that use AWS Batch’s Submit Job task. Step Functions state machines do not show in the AWS Batch console when:

  1. A state machine uses any other AWS SDK Batch API integration task
  2. AWS Batch’s SubmitJob API is invoked inside a Lambda function task using an AWS SDK client (like Boto3 or Node.js or Java)


The sample application provisions AWS Batch (the job definition, job queue, and ECS compute environment inside a VPC). It also creates subnets, route tables, and an internet gateway. Clean up the stack after testing the application to avoid the ongoing cost of running these services.

To delete the sample application stack, use the latest version of AWS SAM CLI and run:

sam delete


To learn more on AWS Batch, read the Orchestrating Batch jobs section in the Batch developer guide.

To get started, open the workflow orchestration page in the Batch console. Select Orchestrate Batch jobs with Step Functions Workflows to deploy a sample project, if you are new to Step Functions.

This feature is available in all Regions where both Step Functions and AWS Batch are available. View the AWS Regions table for details.

To learn more on Step Functions patterns, visit Serverless Land.

Accepting API keys as a query string in Amazon API Gateway

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original

This post was written by Ronan Prenty, Sr. Solutions Architect and Zac Burns, Cloud Support Engineer & API Gateway SME

Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easier for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. APIs act as the front door to applications and allow developers to offload tasks like authorization, throttling, caching, and more.

A common feature requested by customers is the ability to track usage for specific users or services through API keys. API Gateway REST APIs support this feature and, for added security, require that the API key resides in a header or an authorizer.

Developers may also need to pass API keys in the query string parameters. Best practices encourage refactoring the requests at the client level to move API keys to the header. However, this may not be possible during the migration.

This blog explains how to build an API Gateway REST API that temporarily accepts API keys as query string parameters. This post helps customers who have APIs that accept API keys as query string parameters and want to migrate to API Gateway with minimal impact on their clients. The post also discusses increasing security by refactoring the client to send API keys as a header instead of a query string.

There is also an example project for you to test and evaluate. This solution uses a custom authorizer AWS Lambda function to extract the API key from the query string parameter and apply it to a usage plan. The sample application uses the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) for deployment.

Key concepts

API keys and usage plans

API keys are alphanumeric strings that are distributed to developers to grant access to an API. API Gateway can generate these on your behalf, or you can import them.

Usage plans let you provide API keys to your customers so that you can track and limit their usage. API keys are not a primary authorization mechanism for your APIs. If multiple APIs are associated with a usage plan, a user with a valid API key can access all APIs in that usage plan. We provide numerous options for securing access to your APIs, including resource policies, Lambda authorizers, and Amazon Cognito user pools.

Usage plans define who can access deployed API stages and methods along with metering their usage. Usage plans use API keys to identify who is making requests and apply throttling and quota limits.

How API Gateway handles API keys

API Gateway supports API keys sent as headers in a request. It does not support API keys sent as a query string parameter. API Gateway only accepts requests over HTTPS, which means that the request is encrypted. When sending API keys as query string parameters, there is still a risk that URLs are logged in plaintext by the client sending requests.

API Gateway has two settings to accept API keys:

  1. Header: The request contains the values as the X-API-Key header. API Gateway then validates the key against a usage plan.
  2. Authorizer: The authorizer includes the API key as part of the authorization response. Once API Gateway receives the API key as part of the response, it validates it against a usage plan.

Solution overview

To accept an API key as a query string parameter temporarily, create a custom authorizer using a Lambda function:

Note: the apiKeySource property of your API must be set to Authorizer instead of Header.

Note: the apiKeySource property of your API must be set to Authorizer instead of Header.

  1. The client sends an HTTP request to the API Gateway endpoint with the API key in the query string.
  2. API Gateway sends the request to a REQUEST type custom authorizer
  3. The custom authorizer function extracts the API Key from the payload. It constructs the response object with the API Key as the value for the `usageIdentifierKey` property
  4. The response gets sent back to API Gateway for validation.
  5. API Gateway validates the API key against a usage plan.
  6. If valid, API Gateway passes the request to the backend.

Deploying the solution


This solution requires no pre-existing AWS resources and deploys everything you need from the template. Deploying the solution requires:

You can find the solution on GitHub using this link.

With the prerequisites completed, deploy the template with the following commands:

git clone
cd amazon-apigateway-accept-apikeys-as-querystring
sam build --use-container
sam deploy --guided

Long term considerations

This temporary solution enables developers to migrate APIs to API Gateway and maintain query string-based API keys. While this solution does work, it does not follow best practices.

In addition to security, there is also a cost factor. Each time the client request contains an API key, the custom authorizer AWS Lambda function will be invoked, increasing the total amount of Lambda invocations you are billed for. To ensure you are billed only for valid requests, you can add an identity source to the custom authorizer meaning that only requests containing this identity source will be sent to the Lambda function. Requests that do not contain this identity source will not be billed by Lambda or API Gateway. Migrating to a header-based API key removes the need for a custom authorizer and the extra Lambda function invocations. You can find out more information on AWS Lambda billing here.

Customer migration process

With this in mind, the structure of the request sent by API clients must change from:

GET /some-endpoint?apiKey=abc123456789


GET /some-endpoint
x-api-key: abc123456789

You can provide clients with a notice period when this temporary solution is operational. After, they must migrate to a new API endpoint using a header to provide the API keys. Once the client migration is complete, they can retire the custom solution.

Developer portal

In addition to migrating API keys to a header-based solution, customers also ask us how to manage customer keys and usage plans. One option is to deploy the API Gateway developer portal.

This portal enables your customers to discover available APIs, browse API documentation, register for API keys, test APIs in the user interface, and monitor their API usage. This portal also allows you to publish non-API Gateway managed APIs by uploading OpenAPI definitions. The serverless developer portal can be customized and branded to suit your organization.


This blog post demonstrates how to use custom authorizers in API Gateway to accept API keys as a query string parameter. It also provides an AWS SAM template to deploy an example application for testing. Finally, it discusses the importance of moving customers to header-based API keys and managing those keys with the developer portal.

For more serverless content, visit Serverless Land.

Configuring CORS on Amazon API Gateway APIs

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original

Configuring cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) settings for a backend server is a typical challenge that developers face when building web applications. CORS is a layer of security enforced by modern browsers and is required when the client domain does not match the server domain. The complexity of CORS often leads developers to abandon it entirely by allowing all-access with the proverbial “*” permissions setting. However, CORS is an essential part of your application’s security posture and should be correctly configured.

This post explains how to configure CORS on Amazon API Gateway resources to enforce the least privileged access to an endpoint using the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM). I cover the notable CORS differences between REST APIs and HTTP APIs. Finally, I introduce you to the Amazon API Gateway CORS Configurator. This is a tool built by the AWS Serverless Developer Advocacy team to help you configure CORS settings properly.


CORS is a mechanism by which a server limits access through the use of headers. In requests that are not considered simple, the server relies on the browser to make a CORS preflight or OPTIONS request. A full request looks like this:

CORS request flow

CORS request flow

  1. Client application initiates a request
  2. Browser sends a preflight request
  3. Server sends a preflight response
  4. Browser sends the actual request
  5. Server sends the actual response
  6. Client receives the actual response

The preflight request verifies the requirements of the server by indicating the origin, method, and headers to come in the actual request.

OPTIONS preflight request

OPTIONS preflight request

The response from the server differs based on the backend you are using. Some servers respond with the allowed origin, methods, and headers for the endpoint.

OPTIONS preflight response

OPTIONS preflight response

Others only return CORS headers if the requested origin, method, and headers meet the requirements of the server. If the requirements are not met, then the response does not contain any CORS access control headers. The browser verifies the request’s origin, method, and headers against the data returned in the preflight response. If validation fails, the browser throws a CORS error and halts the request. If the validation is successful, the browser continues with the actual request.

Actual request

Actual request

The browser only sends the access-control-allow-origin header to verify the requesting origin during the actual request. The server then responds with the requested data.

Actual response

Actual response

This step is where many developers run into issues. Notice the endpoint of the actual request returns the access-control-allow-origin header. The browser once again verifies this before taking action.

Both the preflight and the actual response require CORS configuration, and it looks different depending on whether you select REST API or HTTP API.

Configuring API Gateway for CORS

While Amazon API Gateway offers several API endpoint types, this post focuses on REST API (v1) and HTTP API (v2). Both types create a representational state transfer (REST) endpoint that proxies an AWS Lambda function and other AWS services or third-party endpoints. Both types process preflight requests. However, there are differences in both the configuration, and the format of the integration response.


Before walking through the configuration examples, it is important to understand some terminology:

  • Resource: A unique identifier for the API path (/customer/reports/{region}). Resources can have subresources that combine to make a unique path.
  • Method: the REST methods (for example, GET, POST, PUT, PATCH) the resource supports. The method is not part of the path but is passed through the headers.
  • Endpoint: A combination of resources and methods to create a unique API URL.


A popular use of API Gateway REST APIs is to proxy one or more Lambda functions to build a serverless backend. In this pattern, API Gateway does not modify the request or response payload. Therefore, REST API manages CORS through a combination of preflight configuration and a properly formed response from the Lambda function.

Preflight requests

Configuring CORS on REST APIs is generally configured in four lines of code with AWS SAM:

  AllowMethods: "'GET, POST, OPTIONS'"
  AllowOrigin: "'http://localhost:3000'"
  AllowHeaders: "'Content-type, x-api-key'"

This code snippet creates a MOCK API resource that processes all preflight requests for that resource. This configuration is an example of the least privileged access to the server. It only allows GET, POST, and OPTIONS methods from a localhost endpoint on port 3000. Additionally, it only allows the Content-type and x-api-key CORS headers.

Notice that the preflight response only allows one origin to call this API. To enable multiple origins with REST APIs, use ‘*’ for the allow-control-allow-origin header. Alternatively, use a Lambda function integration instead of a MOCK integration to set the header dynamically based on the origin of the caller.


When configuring CORS for REST APIs that require authentication, it is important to configure the preflight endpoint without authorization required. The preflight is generated by the browser and does not include the credentials by default. To remove the authorizer from the OPTIONS method add the AddDefaultAuthorizerToCorsPreflight: false setting to the authorization configuration.

  AddDefaultAuthorizerToCorsPreflight: false


In REST APIs proxy configurations, CORS settings only apply to the OPTIONS endpoint and cover only the preflight check by the browser. The Lambda function backing the method must respond with the appropriate CORS information to handle CORS properly in the actual response. The following is an example of a proper response:

  "statusCode": 200,
  "headers": {
    "access-control-allow-origin":" http://localhost:3000",
  "body": {"message": "hello world"}

In this response, the critical parts are the statusCode returned to the user as the response status and the access-control-allow-origin header required by the browser’s CORS validation.


Like REST APIs, Amazon API Gateway HTTP APIs are commonly used to proxy Lambda functions and are configured to handle preflight requests. However, unlike REST APIs, HTTP APIs handle CORS for the actual API response as well.

Preflight requests

The following example shows how to configure CORS on HTTP APIs with AWS SAM:

    - GET
    - POST
    - http://localhost:3000
    - Content-type
    - x-api-key

This template configures HTTP APIs to manage CORS for the preflight requests and the actual requests. Note that the AllowOrigin section allows more than one domain. When the browser makes a request, HTTP APIs checks the list for the incoming origin. If it exists, HTTP APIs adds it to the access-control-allow-origin header in the response.


When configuring CORS for HTTP APIs with authorization configured, HTTP APIs automatically configures the preflight endpoint without authorization required. The only caveat to this is the use of the $default route. When configuring a $default route, all methods and resources are handled by the default route and the integration behind it. This includes the preflight OPTIONS method.

There are two options to handle preflight. First, and recommended, is to break out the routes individually. Create a route specifically for each method and resource as needed. The second is to create an OPTIONS /{proxy+} method to override the $defaut route for preflight requests.


Unlike REST APIs, by default, HTTP APIs modify the response for the actual request by adding the appropriate CORS headers based upon the CORS configuration. The following is an example of a simple response:

"hello world"

HTTP APIs then constructs the complete response with your data, status code, and any required CORS headers:

  "statusCode": 200,
  "headers": {
    "access-control-allow-origin":"[appropriate origin]",
  "body": "hello world"

To set the status code manually, configure your response as follows:

  "statusCode": 201,
  "body": "hello world"

To manage the complete response like in REST APIs, set the payload format to version one. The payload format for HTTP API changes the structure of the payload sent to the Lambda function and the expected response from the Lambda function. By default, HTTP API uses version two, which includes the dynamic CORS settings. For more information, read how the payload version affects the response format in the documentation.

The Amazon API Gateway CORS Configurator

The AWS serverless developer advocacy team built the Amazon API Gateway CORS Configurator to help you configure CORS for your serverless applications.

Amazon API Gateway CORS Configurator

Amazon API Gateway CORS Configurator

Start by entering the information on the left. The CORS Configurator builds the proper snippets to add the CORS settings to your AWS SAM template as you add more information. The utility demonstrates adding the configuration to all APIs in the template by using the Globals section. You can also add to an API’s specific resource to affect only that API.

Additionally, the CORS Configurator constructs an example response based on the API type you are using.

This utility is currently in preview, and we welcome your feedback on how we can improve it. Feel free to open an issue on GitHub at


CORS can be challenging. For API Gateway, CORS configuration is the number one question developers ask. In this post, I give an overview of CORS with a link to an in-depth explanation. I then show how to configure API Gateway to create the least privileged access to your server using CORS. I also discuss the differences in how REST APIs and HTTP APIs handle CORS. Finally, I introduced you to the API Gateway CORS Configurator to help you configure CORS using AWS SAM.

I hope to provide you with enough information that you can avoid opening up your servers with the “*” setting for CORS. Take the time to understand your application and limit requests to only methods you support and from only originating hosts you intended.

For more serverless content, go to Serverless Land.

Understanding VPC links in Amazon API Gateway private integrations

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original

This post is written by Jose Eduardo Montilla Lugo, Security Consultant, AWS.

A VPC link is a resource in Amazon API Gateway that allows for connecting API routes to private resources inside a VPC. A VPC link acts like any other integration endpoint for an API and is an abstraction layer on top of other networking resources. This helps simplify configuring private integrations.

This post looks at the underlying technologies that make VPC links possible. I further describe what happens under the hood when a VPC link is created for both REST APIs and HTTP APIs. Understanding these details can help you better assess the features and benefits provided by each type. This also helps you make better architectural decisions when designing API Gateway APIs.

This article assumes you have experience in creating APIs in API Gateway. The main purpose is to provide a deeper explanation of the technologies that make private integrations possible. For more information on creating API Gateway APIs with private integrations, refer to the Amazon API Gateway documentation.


AWS Hyperplane and AWS PrivateLink

There are two types of VPC links: VPC links for REST APIs and VPC links for HTTP APIs. Both provide access to resources inside a VPC. They are built on top of an internal AWS service called AWS Hyperplane. This is an internal network virtualization platform, which supports inter-VPC connectivity and routing between VPCs. Internally, Hyperplane supports multiple network constructs that AWS services use to connect with the resources in customers’ VPCs. One of those constructs is AWS PrivateLink, which is used by API Gateway to support private APIs and private integrations.

AWS PrivateLink allows access to AWS services and services hosted by other AWS customers, while maintaining network traffic within the AWS network. Since the service is exposed via a private IP address, all communication is virtually local and private. This reduces the exposure of data to the public internet.

In AWS PrivateLink, a VPC endpoint service is a networking resource in the service provider side that enables other AWS accounts to access the exposed service from their own VPCs. VPC endpoint services allow for sharing a specific service located inside the provider’s VPC by extending a virtual connection via an elastic network interface in the consumer’s VPC.

An interface VPC endpoint is a networking resource in the service consumer side, which represents a collection of one or more elastic network interfaces. This is the entry point that allows for connecting to services powered by AWS PrivateLink.

Comparing private APIs and private integrations

Private APIs are different to private integrations. Both use AWS PrivateLink but they are used in different ways.

A private API means that the API endpoint is reachable only through the VPC. Private APIs are accessible only from clients within the VPC or from clients that have network connectivity to the VPC. For example, from on-premises clients via AWS Direct Connect. To enable private APIs, an AWS PrivateLink connection is established between the customer’s VPC and API Gateway’s VPC.

Clients connect to private APIs via an interface VPC endpoint, which routes requests privately to the API Gateway service. The traffic is initiated from the customer’s VPC and flows through the AWS PrivateLink to the API Gateway’s AWS account:

Consumer connected to provider through VPC Link

Consumer connected to provider through VPC Link

When the VPC endpoint for API Gateway is enabled, all requests to API Gateway APIs made from inside the VPC go through the VPC endpoint. This is true for private APIs and public APIs. Public APIs are still accessible from the internet and private APIs are accessible only from the interface VPC endpoint. Currently, you can only configure REST APIs as private.

A private integration means that the backend endpoint resides within a VPC and it’s not publicly accessible. With a private integration, API Gateway service can access the backend endpoint in the VPC without exposing the resources to the public internet.

A private integration uses a VPC link to encapsulate connections between API Gateway and targeted VPC resources. VPC links allow access to HTTP/HTTPS resources within a VPC without having to deal with advanced network configurations. Both REST APIs and HTTP APIs offer private integrations but only VPC links for REST APIs use AWS PrivateLink internally.

VPC links for REST APIs

When you create a VPC link for a REST API, a VPC endpoint service is also created, making the AWS account a service provider. The service consumer in this case is API Gateway’s account. The API Gateway service creates an interface VPC endpoint in their account for the Region where the VPC link is being created. This establishes an AWS PrivateLink from the API Gateway VPC to your VPC. The target of the VPC endpoint service and the VPC link is a Network Load Balancer, which forwards requests to the target endpoints:

VPC Link for REST APIs

VPC Link for REST APIs

Before establishing any AWS PrivateLink connection, the service provider must approve the connection request. Requests from the API Gateway accounts are automatically approved in the VPC link creation process. This is because the AWS accounts that serve API Gateway for each Region are allow-listed in the VPC endpoint service.

When a Network Load Balancer is associated with an endpoint service, the traffic to the targets is sourced from the NLB. The targets receive the private IP addresses of the NLB, not the IP addresses of the service consumers.

This is helpful when configuring the security groups of the instances behind the NLB for two reasons. First, you do not know the IP address range of the VPC that’s connecting to the service. Second, NLB’s elastic network interfaces do not have any security groups attached. This means that they cannot be used as a source in the security groups of the targets. To learn more, read how to find the internal IP addresses assigned to an NLB.

To create a private API with a private integration, two AWS PrivateLink connections are established. The first is from a customer VPC to API Gateway’s VPC so that clients in the VPC can reach the API Gateway service endpoint. The other is from API Gateway’s VPC to the customer VPC so that API Gateway can reach the backend endpoint. Here is an example architecture:

Private API with private integrations

Private API with private integrations

VPC links for HTTP APIs

HTTP APIs are the latest type of API Gateway APIs that are cheaper and faster than REST APIs. VPC links for HTTP APIs do not require the creation of VPC endpoint services so a Network Load Balancer is not necessary. With VPC Links for HTTP APIs, you can now use an ALB or an AWS Cloud Map service to target private resources. This allows for more flexibility and scalability in the configuration required on both sides.

Configuring multiple integration targets is also easier with VPC links for HTTP APIs. For example, VPC links for REST APIs can be associated only with a single NLB. Configuring multiple backend endpoints requires some workarounds such as using multiple listeners on the NLB, associated with different target groups.

In contrast, a single VPC link for HTTP APIs can be associated with multiple backend endpoints without additional configuration. Also, with the new VPC link, customers with containerized applications can use ALBs instead of NLBs and take advantage of layer-7 load-balancing capabilities and other features such as authentication and authorization.

AWS Hyperplane supports multiple types of network virtualization constructs, including AWS PrivateLink. VPC links for REST APIs rely on AWS PrivateLink. However, VPC links for HTTP APIs use VPC-to-VPC NAT, which provides a higher level of abstraction.

The new construct is conceptually similar to a tunnel between both VPCs. These are created via elastic network interface attachments on the provider and consumer ends, which are both managed by AWS Hyperplane. This tunnel allows a service hosted in the provider’s VPC (API Gateway) to initiate communications to resources in a consumer’s VPC. API Gateway has direct connectivity to these elastic network interfaces and can reach the resources in the VPC directly from their own VPC. Connections are permitted according to the configuration of the security groups attached to the elastic network interfaces in the customer side.

Although it seems to provide the same functionality as AWS PrivateLink, these constructs differ in implementation details. A service endpoint in AWS PrivateLink allows for multiple connections to a single endpoint (the NLB), whereas the new approach allows a source VPC to connect to multiple destination endpoints. As a result, a single VPC link can integrate with multiple Application Load Balancers, Network Load Balancers, or resources registered with an AWS Cloud Map service on the customer side:

VPC Link for HTTP APIs

VPC Link for HTTP APIs

This approach is similar to the way that other services such as Lambda access resources inside customer VPCs.


This post explores how VPC links can set up API Gateway APIs with private integrations. VPC links for REST APIs encapsulate AWS PrivateLink resources such as interface VPC endpoints and VPC endpoint services to configure connections from API Gateway’s VPC to customer’s VPC to access private backend endpoints.

VPC links for HTTP APIs use a different construct in the AWS Hyperplane service to provide API Gateway with direct network access to VPC private resources. Understanding the differences between the two is important when adding private integrations as part of your API architecture design.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Integrating Amazon API Gateway private endpoints with on-premises networks

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original

This post was written by Ahmed ElHaw, Sr. Solutions Architect

Using AWS Direct Connect or AWS Site-to-Site VPN, customers can establish a private virtual interface from their on-premises network directly to their Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). Hybrid networking enables customers to benefit from the scalability, elasticity, and ease of use of AWS services while using their corporate network.

Amazon API Gateway can make it easier for developers to interface with and expose other services in a uniform and secure manner. You can use it to interface with other AWS services such as Amazon SageMaker endpoints for real-time machine learning predictions or serverless compute with AWS Lambda. API Gateway can also integrate with HTTP endpoints and VPC links in the backend.

This post shows how to set up a private API Gateway endpoint with a Lambda integration. It uses a Route 53 resolver, which enables on-premises clients to resolve AWS private DNS names.


API Gateway private endpoints allow you to use private API endpoints inside your VPC. When used with Route 53 resolver endpoints and hybrid connectivity, you can access APIs and their integrated backend services privately from on-premises clients.

You can deploy the example application using the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM). The deployment creates a private API Gateway endpoint with a Lambda integration and a Route 53 inbound endpoint. I explain the security configuration of the AWS resources used. This is the solution architecture:

Private API Gateway with a Hello World Lambda integration.

Private API Gateway with a Hello World Lambda integration.


  1. The client calls the private API endpoint (for example, GET
  2. The client asks the on-premises DNS server to resolve ( You must configure the on-premises DNS server to forward DNS queries for the AWS-hosted domains to the IP addresses of the inbound resolver endpoint. Refer to the documentation for your on-premises DNS server to configure DNS forwarders.
  3. After the client successfully resolves the API Gateway private DNS name, it receives the private IP address of the VPC Endpoint of the API Gateway.
    Note: Call the DNS endpoint of the API Gateway for the HTTPS certificate to work. You cannot call the IP address of the endpoint directly.
  4. Amazon API Gateway passes the payload to Lambda through an integration request.
  5. If Route 53 Resolver query logging is configured, queries from on-premises resources that use the endpoint are logged.


To deploy the example application in this blog post, you need:

  • AWS credentials that provide the necessary permissions to create the resources. This example uses admin credentials.
  • Amazon VPN or AWS Direct Connect with routing rules that allow DNS traffic to pass through to the Amazon VPC.
  • The AWS SAM CLI installed.
  • Clone the GitHub repository.

Deploying with AWS SAM

  1. Navigate to the cloned repo directory. Alternatively, use the sam init command and paste the repo URL:

    SAM init example

    SAM init example

  2. Build the AWS SAM application:
    sam build
  3. Deploy the AWS SAM application:
    sam deploy –guided

This stack creates and configures a virtual private cloud (VPC) configured with two private subnets (for resiliency) and DNS resolution enabled. It also creates a VPC endpoint with (service name = “com.amazonaws.{region}.execute-api”), Private DNS Name = enabled, and a security group set to allow TCP Port 443 inbound from a managed prefix list. You can edit the created prefix list with one or more CIDR block(s).

It also deploys an API Gateway private endpoint and an API Gateway resource policy that restricts access to the API, except from the VPC endpoint. There is also a “Hello world” Lambda function and a Route 53 inbound resolver with a security group that allows TCP/UDP DNS port inbound from the on-premises prefix list.

A VPC endpoint is a logical construct consisting of elastic network interfaces deployed in subnets. The elastic network interface is assigned a private IP address from your subnet space. For high availability, deploy in at least two Availability Zones.

Private API Gateway VPC endpoint

Private API Gateway VPC endpoint

Route 53 inbound resolver endpoint

Route 53 resolver is the Amazon DNS server. It is sometimes referred to as “AmazonProvidedDNS” or the “.2 resolver” that is available by default in all VPCs. Route 53 resolver responds to DNS queries from AWS resources within a VPC for public DNS records, VPC-specific DNS names, and Route 53 private hosted zones.

Integrating your on-premises DNS server with AWS DNS server requires a Route 53 resolver inbound endpoint (for DNS queries that you’re forwarding to your VPCs). When creating an API Gateway private endpoint, a private DNS name is created by API Gateway. This endpoint is resolved automatically from within your VPC.

However, the on-premises servers learn about this hostname from AWS. For this, create a Route 53 inbound resolver endpoint and point your on-premises DNS server to it. This allows your corporate network resources to resolve AWS private DNS hostnames.

To improve reliability, the resolver requires that you specify two IP addresses for DNS queries. AWS recommends configuring IP addresses in two different Availability Zones. After you add the first two IP addresses, you can optionally add more in the same or different Availability Zone.

The inbound resolver is a logical resource consisting of two elastic network interfaces. These are deployed in two different Availability Zones for resiliency.

Route 53 inbound resolver

Route 53 inbound resolver

Configuring the security groups and resource policy

In the security pillar of the AWS Well-Architected Framework, one of the seven design principles is applying security at all layers: Apply a defense in depth approach with multiple security controls. Apply to all layers (edge of network, VPC, load balancing, every instance and compute service, operating system, application, and code).

A few security configurations are required for the solution to function:

  • The resolver security group (referred to as ‘ResolverSG’ in solution diagram) inbound rules must allow TCP and UDP on port 53 (DNS) from your on-premises network-managed prefix list (source). Note: configure the created managed prefix list with your on-premises network CIDR blocks.
  • The security group of the VPC endpoint of the API Gateway “VPCEndpointSG” must allow HTTPS access from your on-premises network-managed prefix list (source). Note: configure the crated managed prefix list with your on-premises network CIDR blocks.
  • For a private API Gateway to work, a resource policy must be configured. The AWS SAM deployment sets up an API Gateway resource policy that allows access to your API from the VPC endpoint. We are telling API Gateway to deny any request explicitly unless it is originating from a defined source VPC endpoint.
    Note: AWS SAM template creates the following policy:

      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
              "Effect": "Allow",
              "Principal": "*",
              "Action": "execute-api:Invoke",
              "Resource": "arn:aws:execute-api:eu-west-1:12345678901:dligg9dxuk/DemoStage/GET/hello"
              "Effect": "Deny",
              "Principal": "*",
              "Action": "execute-api:Invoke",
              "Resource": "arn:aws:execute-api:eu-west-1: 12345678901:dligg9dxuk/DemoStage/GET/hello",
              "Condition": {
                  "StringNotEquals": {
                      "aws:SourceVpce": "vpce-0ac4147ba9386c9z7"


The AWS SAM deployment creates a Hello World Lambda. For demonstration purposes, the Lambda function always returns a successful response, conforming with API Gateway integration response.

Testing the solution

To test, invoke the API using a curl command from an on-premises client. To get the API URL, copy it from the on-screen AWS SAM deployment outputs. Alternatively, from the console go to AWS CloudFormation outputs section.

CloudFormation outputs

CloudFormation outputs

Next, go to Route 53 resolvers, select the created inbound endpoint and note of the endpoint IP addresses. Configure your on-premises DNS forwarder with the IP addresses. Refer to the documentation for your on-premises DNS server to configure DNS forwarders.

Route 53 resolver IP addresses

Route 53 resolver IP addresses

Finally, log on to your on-premises client and call the API Gateway endpoint. You should get a success response from the API Gateway as shown.


{"response": {"resultStatus": "SUCCESS"}}

Monitoring and troubleshooting

Route 53 resolver query logging allows you to log the DNS queries that originate in your VPCs. It shows which domain names are queried, the originating AWS resources (including source IP and instance ID) and the responses.

You can log the DNS queries that originate in VPCs that you specify, in addition to the responses to those DNS queries. You can also log DNS queries from on-premises resources that use an inbound resolver endpoint, and DNS queries that use an outbound resolver endpoint for recursive DNS resolution.

After configuring query logging from the console, you can use Amazon CloudWatch as the destination for the query logs. You can use this feature to view and troubleshoot the resolver.

    "version": "1.100000",
    "account_id": "1234567890123",
    "region": "eu-west-1",
    "vpc_id": "vpc-0c00ca6aa29c8472f",
    "query_timestamp": "2021-04-25T12:37:34Z",
    "query_name": "",
    "query_type": "A",
    "query_class": "IN",
    "rcode": "NOERROR",
    "answers": [
            "Rdata": "”, API Gateway VPC Endpoint IP#1
            "Type": "A",
            "Class": "IN"
            "Rdata": "", API Gateway VPC Endpoint IP#2
            "Type": "A",
            "Class": "IN"
    "srcaddr": "", ONPREMISES CLIENT
    "srcport": "32843",
    "transport": "UDP",
    "srcids": {
        "resolver_endpoint": "rslvr-in-a7dd746257784e148",
        "resolver_network_interface": "rni-3a4a0caca1d0412ab"

Cleaning up

To remove the example application, navigate to CloudFormation and delete the stack.


API Gateway private endpoints allow use cases for building private API–based services inside your VPCs. You can keep both the frontend to your application (API Gateway) and the backend service private inside your VPC.

I discuss how to access your private APIs from your corporate network through Direct Connect or Site-to-Site VPN without exposing your endpoints to the internet. You deploy the demo using AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM). You can also change the template for your own needs.

To learn more, visit the API Gateway tutorials and workshops page in the API Gateway developer guide.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Using serverless to load test Amazon API Gateway with authorization

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original

This post was written by Ashish Mehra, Sr. Solutions Architect and Ramesh Chidirala, Solutions Architect

Many customers design their applications to use Amazon API Gateway as the front door and load test their API endpoints before deploying to production. Customers want to simulate the actual usage scenario, including authentication and authorization. The load test ensures that the application works as expected under high traffic and spiky load patterns.

This post demonstrates using AWS Step Functions for orchestration, AWS Lambda to simulate the load and Amazon Cognito for authentication and authorization. There is no need to use any third-party software or containers to implement this solution.

The serverless load test solution shown here can scale from 1,000 to 1,000,000 calls in a few minutes. It invokes API Gateway endpoints but you can reuse the solution for other custom API endpoints.

Overall architecture

Overall architecture diagram

Overall architecture diagram

Solution design 

The serverless API load test framework is built using Step Functions that invoke Lambda functions using a fan-out design pattern. The Lambda function obtains the user specific JWT access token from Amazon Cognito user pool and invokes the API Gateway authenticated route..

The solution contains two workflows.

1. Load test workflow

The load test workflow comprises a multi-step process that includes a combination of sequential and parallel steps. The sequential steps include user pool configuration, user creation, and access token generation followed by API invocation in a fan-out design pattern. Step Functions provides a reliable way to build and run such multi-step workflows with support for logging, retries, and dynamic parallelism.

Step Functions workflow diagram for load test

Step Functions workflow diagram for load test

The Step Functions state machine orchestrates the following workflow:

  1. Validate input parameters.
  2. Invoke Lambda function to create a user ID array in the series loadtestuser0, loadtestuser1, and so on. This array is passed as an input to subsequent Lambda functions.
  3. Invoke Lambda to create:
    1. Amazon Cognito user pool
    2. Test users
    3. App client configured for admin authentication flow.
  4. Invoke Lambda functions in a fan-out pattern using dynamic parallelism support in Step Functions. Each function does the following:
    1. Retrieves an access token (one token per user) from Amazon Cognito
    2. Sends an HTTPS request to the specified API Gateway endpoint by passing an access token in the header.

For testing purposes, users can configure mock integration or use Lambda integration for the backend.

2. Cleanup workflow

Step Functions workflow diagram for cleanup

Step Functions workflow diagram for cleanup

As part of the cleanup workflow, the Step Functions state machine invokes a Lambda function to delete the specified number of users from the Amazon Cognito user pool.

Prerequisites to implement the solution

The following prerequisites are required for this walk-through:

  1. AWS account
  3. Python 3.7
  4. Pre-existing non-production API Gateway HTTP API deployed with a JWT authorizer that uses Amazon Cognito as an identity provider. Refer to this video from the Twitch series #SessionsWithSAM which provides a walkthough for building and deploying a simple HTTP API with JWT authorizer.

Since this solution involves modifying API Gateway endpoint’s authorizer settings, it is recommended to load test non-production environments or production comparable APIs. Revert these settings after the load test is complete. Also, first check Lambda and Amazon Cognito Service Quotas in the AWS account you plan to use.

Step-by-step instructions

Use the AWS CloudShell to deploy the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) template. AWS CloudShell is a browser-based shell pre-installed with common development tools. It includes 1 GB of free persistent storage per Region pre-authenticated with your console credentials. You can also use AWS Cloud9 or your preferred IDE. You can check for AWS CloudShell supported Regions here. Depending on your load test requirements, you can specify the total number of unique users to be created. You can also specify the number of API Gateway requests to be invoked per user every time you run the load test. These factors influence the overall test duration, concurrency and cost. Refer to the cost optimization section of this post for tips on minimizing the overall cost of the solution. Refer to the cleanup section of this post for instructions to delete the resources to stop incurring any further charges.

  1. Clone the repository by running the following command:
    git clone
  2. Change to the sam-apiloadtest directory and run the following command to build the application source:
    sam build
  3. Run the following command to package and deploy the application to AWS, with a series of prompts. When prompted for apiGatewayUrl, provide the API Gateway URL route you intend to load test.
    sam deploy --guided

    Example of SAM deploy

    Example of SAM deploy

  4. After the stack creation is complete, you should see UserPoolID and AppClientID in the outputs section.

    Example of stack outputs

    Example of stack outputs

  5. Navigate to the API Gateway console and choose the HTTP API you intend to load test.
  6. Choose Authorization and select the authenticated route configured with a JWT authorizer.

    API Gateway console display after stack is deployed

    API Gateway console display after stack is deployed

  7. Choose Edit Authorizer and update the IssuerURL with Amazon Cognito user pool ID and audience app client ID with the corresponding values from the stack output section in step 4.

    Editing the issuer URL

    Editing the issuer URL

  8. Set authorization scope to aws.cognito.signin.user.admin.

    Setting the authorization scopes

    Setting the authorization scopes

  9. Open the Step Functions console and choose the state machine named apiloadtestCreateUsersAndFanOut-xxx.
  10. Choose Start Execution and provide the following JSON input. Configure the number of users for the load test and the number of calls per user:
      "users": {
        "NumberOfUsers": "100",
        "NumberOfCallsPerUser": "100"
  11. After the execution, you see the status updated to Succeeded.


Checking the load test results

The load test’s primary goal is to achieve high concurrency. The main metric to check the test’s effectiveness is the count of successful API Gateway invocations. While load testing your application, find other metrics that may identify potential bottlenecks. Refer to the following steps to inspect CloudWatch Logs after the test is complete:

  1. Navigate to API Gateway service within the console, choose Monitor → Logging, select the $default stage, and choose the Select button.
  2. Choose View Logs in CloudWatch to navigate to the CloudWatch Logs service, which loads the log group and displays the most recent log streams.
  3. Choose the “View in Logs Insights” button to navigate to the Log Insights page. Choose Run Query.
  4. The query results appear along with a bar graph showing the log group’s distribution of log events. The number of records indicates the number of API Gateway invocations.

    Histogram of API Gateway invocations

    Histogram of API Gateway invocations

  5. To visualize p95 metrics, navigate to CloudWatch metrics, choose ApiGateway → ApiId → Latency.
  6. Choose the “Graphed metrics (1)” tab.

    Addig latency metric

    Addig latency metric

  7. Select p95 from the Statistic dropdown.

    Setting the p95 value

    Setting the p95 value

  8. The percentile metrics help visualize the distribution of latency metrics. It can help you find critical outliers or unusual behaviors, and discover potential bottlenecks in your application’s backend.

    Example of the p95 data

    Example of the p95 data


  1. To delete Amazon Cognito users, run the Step Functions workflow apiloadtestDeleteTestUsers. Provide the following input JSON with the same number of users that you created earlier:
    “NumberOfUsers”: “100”
  2. Step Functions invokes the cleanUpTestUsers Lambda function. It is configured with the test Amazon Cognito user pool ID and app client ID environment variables created during the stack deployment. The users are deleted from the test user pool.
  3. The Lambda function also schedules the corresponding KMS keys for deletion after seven days, the minimum waiting period.
  4. After the state machine is finished, navigate to Cognito → Manage User Pools → apiloadtest-loadtestidp → Users and Groups. Refresh the page to confirm that all users are deleted.
  5. To delete all the resources permanently and stop incurring cost, navigate to the CloudFormation console, select aws-apiloadtest-framework stack, and choose Delete → Delete stack.

Cost optimization

The load test workflow is repeatable and can be reused multiple times for the same or different API Gateway routes. You can reuse Amazon Cognito users for multiple tests since Amazon Cognito pricing is based on the monthly active users (MAUs). Repeatedly deleting and recreating users may exceed the AWS Free Tier or incur additional charges.


You can change the number of users and number of calls per user to adjust the API Gateway load. The apiloadtestCreateUsersAndFanOut state machine validation step allows a maximum value of 1,000 for input parameters NumberOfUsers and NumberOfCallsPerUser.

You can customize and increase these values within the Step Functions input validation logic based on your account limits. To load test a different API Gateway route, configure the authorizer as per the step-by-step instructions provided earlier. Next, modify the api_url environment variable within aws-apiloadtest-framework-triggerLoadTestPerUser Lambda function. You can then run the load test using the apiloadtestCreateUsersAndFanOut state machine.


The blog post shows how to use Step Functions and its features to orchestrate a multi-step load test solution. I show how changing input parameters could increase the number of calls made to the API Gateway endpoint without worrying about scalability. I also demonstrate how to achieve cost optimization and perform clean-up to avoid any additional charges. You can modify this example to load test different API endpoints, identify bottlenecks, and check if your application is production-ready.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Implementing a LIFO task queue using AWS Lambda and Amazon DynamoDB

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original

This post was written by Diggory Briercliffe, Senior IoT Architect.

When implementing a task queue, you can use Amazon SQS standard or FIFO (First-In-First-Out) queue types. Both queue types give priority to tasks created earlier over tasks that are created later. However, there are use cases where you need a LIFO (Last-In-First-Out) queue.

This post shows how to implement a serverless LIFO task queue. This uses AWS Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM), and other AWS Serverless technologies.

The LIFO task queue gives priority to newer queue tasks over earlier tasks. Under heavy load, earlier tasks are deprioritized and eventually removed. This is useful when your workload must communicate with a system that is throughput-constrained and newer tasks should have priority.

To help understand the approach, consider the following use case. As part of optimizing the responsiveness of a mobile application, an IoT application validates device IP addresses after connecting to AWS IoT Core. Users open the application soon after the device connects so the most recent connection events should take priority for the validation work.

If the validation work is not done at connection time, it can be done later. A legacy system validates the IP addresses, but its throughput capacity cannot match the peak connection rate of the IoT devices. A LIFO queue can manage this load, by prioritizing validation of newer connection events. It can buffer or load shed earlier connection event validation.

For a more detailed discussion around insurmountable queue backlogs and queuing theory, read “Avoiding insurmountable queue backlogs” in the Amazon Builders’ Library.

Example application

An example application implementing the LIFO queue approach is available at

The application uses AWS SAM and the Lambda functions are written in Node.js. The AWS SAM template describes AWS resources required by the application. These include a DynamoDB table, Lambda functions, and Amazon SNS topics.

The README file contains instructions on deploying and testing the application, with detailed information on how it works.


The example application has the following queue characteristics:

  1. Newer queue tasks are prioritized over earlier tasks.
  2. Queue tasks are buffered if they cannot be processed.
  3. Queue tasks are eventually deleted if they are never processed, such as when the queue is under insurmountable load.
  4. Correct queue task state transition is maintained (such as PENDING to TAKEN, but not PENDING to SUCCESS).

A DynamoDB table stores queue task items. It uses the following DynamoDB features:

  • A global secondary index (GSI) sorts queue task items by a created timestamp, in reverse chronological (LIFO) order.
  • Update expressions and condition expressions provide atomic and exclusive queue task item updates. This prevents duplicate processing of queue tasks and ensures that the queue task state transitions are valid.
  • Time to live (TTL) deletes queue task items once they expire. Under insurmountable load, this ensures that tasks are deleted if they are never processed from the queue. It also deletes queue task items once they have been processed.
  • DynamoDB Streams invoke a Lambda function when new queue task items are inserted into the table and must be processed.

The application consists of the following resources defined in the AWS SAM template:

  • QueueTable: A DynamoDB table containing queue task items, which is configured for DynamoDB Streams to invoke a TriggerFunction.
  • TriggerFunction: A Lambda function, which governs triggering of queue task processing. Source code: app/trigger.js
  • ProcessTasksFunction: A Lambda function, which processes queue tasks and ensures consistent queue task state flow. Source code: app/process_tasks.js
  • CreateTasksFunction: A Lambda function, which inserts queue task items into the QueueTable. Source code: app/create_tasks.js
  • TriggerTopic: An SNS topic which TriggerFunction subscribes to.
  • ProcessTasksTopic: An SNS topic which ProcessTasksFunction subscribes to.

The following diagram illustrates how those resources interact to implement the LIFO queue.

LIFO Architecture diagram

LIFO Architecture diagram

  1. CreateTasksFunction inserts queue task items into QueueTable with PENDING state.
  2. A DynamoDB stream invokes TriggerFunction for all queue task item activity in QueueTable.
  3. TriggerFunction publishes a notification on ProcessTasksTopic if queue tasks should be processed.
  4. ProcessTasksFunction subscribes to ProcessTasksTopic.
  5. ProcessTasksFunction queries for PENDING queue task items in QueueTable for up to 1 minute, or until no PENDING queue task items remain.
  6. ProcessTasksFunction processes each PENDING queue task by calling the throughput constrained legacy system.
  7. ProcessTasksFunction updates each queue task item during processing to reflect state (first to TAKEN, and then to SUCCESS, FAILURE, or PENDING).
  8. ProcessTasksFunction publishes an SNS notification on TriggerTopic if PENDING tasks remain in the queue.
  9. TriggerFunction subscribes to TriggerTasksTopic.

Application activity continues while DynamoDB Streams receives QueueTable events (2) or TriggerTasksTopic receives notifications (9).

LIFO queue DynamoDB table

A DynamoDB table stores the LIFO queue task items. The AWS SAM template defines this resource (named QueueTable):

  • Each item in the table represents a queue task. It has the item attributes taskId (hash key), taskStatus, taskCreated, and taskUpdated.
  • The table has a single global secondary index (GSI) with taskStatus as the hash key and taskCreated as the range key. This GSI is fundamental to LIFO queue characteristics. It allows you to query for PENDING queue tasks, in reverse chronological order, so that the newest tasks can be processed first.
  • The DynamoDB TTL attribute causes earlier queue tasks to expire and be deleted. This prevents the queue from growing indefinitely if there is insurmountable load.
  • DynamoDB Streams invokes the TriggerFunction Lambda function for all changes in QueueTable.

Triggering queue task processing

The application continuously processes all PENDING queue tasks until there is none remaining. With no PENDING queue tasks, the application will be idle.

As the application is serverless, task processing is triggered by events. If a single Lambda function cannot process the volume of PENDING tasks, the application notifies itself so that processing can continue in another invocation. This is a tail call, which is an SNS notification sent by ProcessTasksFunction to TriggerTopic.

The Lambda functions, which collaborate on managing the LIFO queue are:

  • TriggerFunction is a proxy to ProcessTasksFunction and decides if task processing should be triggered. This function is invoked by DynamoDB Streams events on item changes in QueueTable or by a tail call SNS notification received from TriggerTopic.
  • ProcessTasksFunction performs the processing of queue tasks and implements the LIFO queue behavior. An SNS notification published on ProcessTasksTopic invokes this function.

Processing queue task items

The ProcessTasksFunction function processes queue tasks:

  1. The function is invoked by an SNS notification on ProcessTasksTopic.
  2. While the function runs, it polls QueueTable for PENDING queue tasks.
  3. The function processes each queue task and then updates the item.
  4. The function stops polling after 1 minute or if there are no PENDING queue tasks remaining.
  5. If there are more PENDING tasks in the queue, the function triggers another task. It sends a tail call SNS notification to TriggerTopic.

This uses DynamoDB expressions to ensure that tasks are not processed more than once during periods of concurrent function invocations. To prevent higher concurrency, the reserved concurrent executions attribute is set to 1.

Before processing a queue task, the taskStatus item attribute is transitioned from PENDING to TAKEN. Following queue task processing, the taskStatus item attribute is transitioned from TAKEN to SUCCESS or FAILURE.

If a queue task cannot be processed (for example, an external system has reached capacity), the item taskStatus attribute is set to PENDING again. Any aging PENDING queue tasks that cannot be processed are buffered. They are eventually deleted once they expire, due to the TTL configuration.

Querying for queue task items

To get the most recently created PENDING queue tasks, query the task-status-created-index GSI. The following shows the DynamoDB query action request parameters for the task-status-created-index. By using a Limit of 10 and setting ScanIndexForward to false, it retrieves the 10 most recently created queue task items:

  "TableName": "QueueTable",
  "IndexName": "task-status-created-index",
  "ExpressionAttributeValues": {
    ":taskStatus": {
      "S": "PENDING"
  "KeyConditionExpression": "taskStatus = :taskStatus",
  "Limit": 10,
  "ScanIndexForward": false

Updating queue tasks items

The following code shows request parameters for the DynamoDB UpdateItem action. This sets the taskStatus attribute of a queue task item (to TAKEN from PENDING). The update expression and condition expression ensure that the taskStatus is set (to TAKEN) only if the current value is as expected (from PENDING). It also ensures that the update is atomic. This prevents more-than-once processing of a queue task.

  "TableName": "QueueTable",
  "Key": {
    "taskId": {
      "S": "task-123"
  "UpdateExpression": "set taskStatus = :toTaskStatus, taskUpdated = :taskUpdated",
  "ConditionExpression": "taskStatus = :fromTaskStatus",
  "ExpressionAttributeValues": {
    ":fromTaskStatus": {
      "S": "PENDING"
    ":toTaskStatus": {
      "S": "TAKEN"
    ":taskUpdated": {
      "N": "1623241938151"


This post describes how to implement a LIFO queue with AWS Serverless technologies, using an example application as an example. Newer tasks in the queue are prioritized over earlier tasks. Tasks that cannot be processed are buffered and eventually load shed. This helps for use cases with heavy load and where newer queue tasks must take priority.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Deploying machine learning models with serverless templates

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original

This post written by Sean Wilkinson, Machine Learning Specialist Solutions Architect, and Newton Jain, Senior Product Manager for Lambda

After designing and training machine learning models, data scientists deploy the models so applications can use them. AWS Lambda is a compute service that lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers. Lambda’s pay-per-request billing, automatic scaling, and ease of use make it a popular deployment choice for data science teams.

With minimal code, data scientists can turn a model into a cost effective and scalable API endpoint backed by Lambda. Lambda supports container images, Advanced Vector Extensions 2 (AVX2), and functions with up to 10 GB of memory. Using these capabilities, data science teams can deploy larger, more powerful models with improved performance.

To deploy Lambda-based applications, serverless developers can use the AWS Serverless Application Model framework (AWS SAM). AWS SAM creates and manages serverless applications based on templates. It supports local testing, aids best practices, and integrates with popular developer tools. It allows data scientists to define serverless applications, security permissions, and advanced configuration capabilities using YAML.

AWS SAM contains pre-built templates that allow developers to get started quickly. This blog shows how to use machine learning templates to deploy a Scikit-Learn based model that classifies images of handwritten digits from zero to nine. Once deployed to Lambda, you can access the model via a REST API.

This walkthrough creates resources that incur costs in an AWS account. To minimize cost, follow the Cleaning up section to remove resources after completing the walkthrough.


The AWS SAM machine learning templates are available for the Scikit-Learn, PyTorch, TensorFlow, and XGBoost frameworks. Each template deploys a Lambda function to host the model behind an Amazon API Gateway, which serves as the front end and handles authentication. The following diagram shows the architecture of the solution:

Serverless architecture for ML inference

Serverless architecture for ML inference

Creating the containerized Lambda function

This section uses AWS SAM to build, test, and deploy a Docker image containing a pre-trained digit classifier model on Lambda:

  1. Update or install AWS SAM. AWS SAM CLI v1.24.1 or later is required to use the machine learning templates.
  2. In a terminal, create a new serverless application in AWS SAM using the command:
    sam init
  3. Follow the on-screen prompts, select AWS Quick Start Templates as the template source.

    SAM: choose a template source

    SAM: choose a template source

  4. Choose Image as the package type.

    SAM: Choose a package type

    SAM: Choose a package type

  5. Select amazon/python3.8-base as the base image.

    SAM: Choose an runtime image

    SAM: Choose an runtime image

  6. When prompted, enter an application name. AWS SAM uses this to group and label resources it creates.

    SAM: Choose an runtime image

    SAM: Choose an runtime image

  7. Select the desired ML framework from the template list. The walkthrough uses the Scikit-Learn template.

    SAM: choose the application template

    SAM: choose the application template

  8. AWS SAM creates a directory with the name of your application. Change to the new directory and run the AWS SAM build command:
    sam build

    SAM: build results

    SAM: build results

Files generated by AWS SAM

After selecting the template, AWS SAM generates the following files in the application directory:

  • Dockerfile: The application uses the Lambda-provided Python 3.8 base image. It installs the relevant dependencies and defines the CMD variable for the Lambda execution environment to initialize the handler.
    COPY requirements.txt ./
    COPY digit_classifier.joblib /opt/ml/model/1
    RUN python3.8 -m pip install -r requirements.txt -t .
    CMD ["app.lambda_handler"]
  • This Python code runs after the Lambda handler is invoked and generates predictions from the Scikit-Learn model. The model is reused across multiple Lambda invocations by loading it outside the lambda_handler.
    import joblib
    import base64
    import numpy as np
    import json
    from io import BytesIO
    from PIL import Image
    from scipy.ndimage import interpolation
    model_file = '/opt/ml/model'
    model = joblib.load(model_file)
    # Functions to pre-process images (we used same preprocessing when training)
    def moments(image):
        c0, c1 = np.mgrid[:image.shape[0], :image.shape[1]]
        img_sum = np.sum(image)
        m0 = np.sum(c0 * image) / img_sum
        m1 = np.sum(c1 * image) / img_sum
        m00 = np.sum((c0-m0)**2 * image) / img_sum
        m11 = np.sum((c1-m1)**2 * image) / img_sum
        m01 = np.sum((c0-m0) * (c1-m1) * image) / img_sum
        mu_vector = np.array([m0,m1])
        covariance_matrix = np.array([[m00, m01],[m01, m11]])
        return mu_vector, covariance_matrix
    def deskew(image):
        c, v = moments(image)
        alpha = v[0,1] / v[0,0]
        affine = np.array([[1,0], [alpha,1]])
        ocenter = np.array(image.shape) / 2.0
        offset = c -, ocenter)
        return interpolation.affine_transform(image, affine, offset=offset)
    def get_np_image(image_bytes):
        image ='L')
        image = image.resize((28, 28))
        return np.array(image)
    # Lambda handler code
    def lambda_handler(event, context):
        image_bytes = event['body'].encode('utf-8')
        x = deskew(get_np_image(image_bytes))
        prediction = int(model.predict(x.reshape(1, -1))[0])
        return {
            'statusCode': 200,
            'body': json.dumps(
                    "predicted_label": prediction,

After completing these steps, this is the directory structure:

File structure

File structure

Testing the AWS SAM templates

For container image-based Lambda functions, sam build creates and updates a container image in the local Docker repo. It copies the template to the output directory and updates the location for the newly built image.

You can see the following top-level tree under the .aws-sam directory:

SAM build artifacts directory structure

SAM build artifacts directory structure

After building the Docker image, use AWS SAM’s local test functionality to test the endpoint. There are two ways to test the application locally:

  1. Local invoke –event uses the mock data in event.json to invoke the function and generate a prediction. An image of a handwritten digit is encoded as a base64 string in the body attribute in the event.json file. Test using mock event.json:
    sam local invoke InferenceFunction --event events/event.json

    SAM local invoke results

    SAM local invoke results

  2. The start-api command starts up a local endpoint that emulates a REST API endpoint. It downloads an execution container that runs API Gateway and the Lambda function locally. Invoke using the API Gateway emulator:
    sam local start-apiSAM local start-api monitor

SAM local start-api monitorTo test the local endpoint use a REST client, like Postman, to send a POST request to the /classify_digit endpoint.

Testing with Postman

Testing with Postman

While testing locally, use images smaller than 100 KB. If the file is larger, the request fails with status code: 502 and the error “argument list too long”. After deploying to Lambda, you can use larger images.

Deploying the application to Lambda

After testing the model locally, use the AWS SAM guided deployment process to package and deploy the application:

  1. To deploy a Lambda function based on a container image, the container image must be pushed to Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR). Run the following command to retrieve an authentication token and authenticate the Docker client with the ECR registry. Replace the region and accountID placeholders with your Region and AWS account ID:
    aws --region <region> ecr get-login-password | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <accountID>.dkr.ecr.<region>

    Login Succeeded

    Login Succeeded

  2. Use the AWS CLI to create an ECR repository called classifier-demo:
    aws ecr create-repository \
    --repository-name classifier-demo \
    --image-tag-mutability MUTABLE \
    --image-scanning-configuration scanOnPush=true

    Create ECR repo results

    Create ECR repo results

  3. Copy the repositoryUri from the output. This is needed in the next step. Initiate the AWS SAM guided deployment using the deploy command:
    sam deploy --guided
  4. Follow the on-screen prompts. To accept the default options provided in the interactive experience, press Enter. When prompted for an ECR repository, use the Amazon ECR repository created in the previous step.
    CloudFormation change set verification screen

    CloudFormation change set verification screen

    CloudFormation outputs

    CloudFormation outputs

  5. AWS SAM packages and deploys the application as a versioned entity. After deployment, the production API endpoint is ready to use. The template produces multiple outputs. Find the unique URL of the endpoint in the “HelloWorldAPI” key in the “Outputs” section.

After retrieving the URL, test the live endpoint using a REST client:

Testing with Postman

Testing with Postman

Optimizing performance

After the Lambda function is deployed, you can optimize for latency and cost. To do this, adjust the memory allocation setting for the function, which also linearly changes the allocated vCPU (to learn more, read the AWS News Blog).

The digit classifier model is optimized with 5 GB memory (~3 vCPUs). Any gains beyond 5 GB are relatively minor. Each model responds differently to changes in vCPU and memory, so it is best practice to determine this experimentally. There are open-source tools available to automate performance tuning.

Further optimizations can be made by compiling the source code to take advantage of AVX2 instructions. AVX2 allows Lambda to run more operations per clock cycle, reducing the time it takes a model to generate predictions.

Cleaning up

This walkthrough creates a Lambda function, API Gateway endpoint, and an ECR repository. These resources incur charges so it is recommended to clean up resources to avoid incurring cost. To delete the ECR repository, run:

aws ecr delete-repository --registry-id <account-id> --repository-name classifier-demo --force

To delete the remaining resources, navigate to AWS CloudFormation in the AWS Management Console and select the Region used for the walkthrough. Select the stack created by AWS SAM (the default is “sam-app”) and choose Delete.


Lambda is a cost-effective, scalable, and reliable way for data scientists to deploy CPU-based machine learning models for inference. With support for larger functions sizes, AVX2 instruction sets, and container image support, Lambda can now deploy more complex models while maintaining low latency.

Use the new machine learning templates within AWS SAM today to deploy your first serverless machine learning application in minutes. We look forward to seeing the exciting machine learning applications that you build on Lambda.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Configuring private integrations with Amazon API Gateway HTTP APIs

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original

This post was written by Michael Hume – AWS Solutions Architect Public Sector UKIR.

Customers often want to use Amazon API Gateway REST APIs to send requests to private resources. This feature is useful for building secure architectures using Amazon EC2 instances or container-based services on Amazon ECS or Amazon EKS, which reside within a VPC.

Private integration is possible for REST APIs by using Network Load Balancers (NLB). However, there may be a requirement for private integration with an Application Load Balancer (ALB) or AWS Cloud Map. This capability is built into Amazon API Gateway HTTP APIs, providing customers with three target options and greater flexibility.

You can configure HTTP APIs with a private integration as the front door or entry point to an application. This enables HTTPS resources within an Amazon VPC to be accessed by clients outside of the VPC. This architecture also provides an application with additional HTTP API features such as throttling, cross-origin resource sharing (CORS), and authorization. These features are then managed by the service instead of an application.

HTTP APIs and Application Load Balancers

In the following architecture, an HTTP APIs endpoint is deployed between the client and private backend resources.

HTTP APIs to ALB example

HTTP APIs to ALB example

A VPC link encapsulates connections between API Gateway and targeted VPC resources. HTTP APIs private integration methods only allow access via a VPC link to private subnets. When a VPC link is created, API Gateway creates and manages the elastic network interfaces in a user account. VPC links are shared across different routes and APIs.

Application Load Balancers can support containerized applications. This allows ECS to select an unused port when scheduling a task and then registers that task with a target group and port. For private integrations, an internal load balancer routes a request to targets using private IP addresses to resources that reside within private subnets. As the Application Load Balancer receives a request from an HTTP APIs endpoint, it looks up the listener rule to identify a protocol and port. A target group then forwards requests to an Amazon ECS cluster, with resources on underlying EC2 instances. Targets are added and removed automatically as traffic to an application changes over time. This increases the availability of an application and provides efficient use of an ECS cluster.

Configuration with an ALB

To configure a private integration with an Application Load Balancer.

  1. Create an HTTP APIs endpoint, choose a route and method, and attach an integration to a route using a private resource.

    Attach integration to route

    Attach integration to route

  2. Provide a target service to send the request to an ALB/NLB.

    Integration details

    Integration details

  3. Add both the load balancer and listener’s Amazon Resource Names (ARNs), together with a VPC link.

    Load balancer settings

    Load balancer settings

HTTP APIs and AWS Cloud Map

Modern applications connect to a broader range of resources. This can become complex to manage as network locations dynamically change based on automatic scaling, versioning, and service disruptions. Its challenging, as each service must quickly find the infrastructure location of the resources it needs. Efficient service discovery of any dynamically changing resources is important for application availability.

If an application scales to hundreds or even thousands of services, then a load balancer may not be appropriate. In this case, HTTP APIs private integration with AWS Cloud Map maybe a better choice. AWS Cloud Map is a resource discovery service that provides a dynamic map of the cloud. It does this by registering application resources such as databases, queues, microservices, and other resources with custom names.

For server-side service discovery, if an application uses a load balancer, it must know the load balancer’s endpoint. This endpoint is used as a proxy, which adds additional latency. As AWS Cloud Map provides client-side service discovery, you can replace the load balancer with a service registry. Now, connections are routed directly to backend resources, instead of being proxied. This involves fewer components, making deployments safer and with less management, and reducing complexity.

Configuration with AWS Cloud Map

HTTP APIs to AWS CloudMap example

HTTP APIs to AWS CloudMap example

In this architecture, the Amazon ECS service has been configured to use Amazon ECS Service Discovery. Service discovery uses the AWS Cloud Map API and Amazon Route 53 to create a namespace. This is a logical name for a group of services. It also creates a service, which is a logical group of resources or instances. In this example, it’s a group of ECS clusters. This allows the service to be discoverable via DNS. These resources work together, to provide a service.

Service discovery configuration

Service discovery configuration

To configure a private integration with AWS Cloud Map:

  1. Create an HTTP API, choose a route and method, and attach an integration to a route using a private resource. This is as shown previously for an Application Load Balancer.
  2. Provide a target service to send requests to resources registered with AWS Cloud Map.

    Target service configuration

    Target service configuration

  3. Add both the namespace, service and VPC link.

    Namespace and VPC configuration

    Namespace and VPC configuration


To build the solution in this blog, see the AWS CloudFormation templates in the GitHub repository and, the instructions in the file.


This post discusses the benefits of using API Gateway’s HTTP APIs to access private resources that reside within a VPC, and how HTTP APIs provides three different private integration targets for different use cases.

If a load balancer is required, the application operates at layer 7 (HTTP, HTTPS), requires flexible application management and registering of AWS Lambda functions as targets, then use an Application Load Balancer. However, if the application operates at layer 4 (TCP, UDP, TLS), uses non-HTTP protocols, requires extreme performance and a static IP, then use a Network Load Balancer.

As HTTP APIs private integration methods to both an ALB and NLB only allow access via a VPC link. This enhances security, as resources are isolated within private subnets with no direct access from the internet.

If a service does not need a load balancer, then HTTP APIs provide further private integration flexibility with AWS Cloud Map, which automatically registers resources in a service registry. AWS Cloud Map enables filtering by providing attributes when service discovery is enabled. These can then be used as HTTP APIs integration settings to specify query parameters and filter specific resources.

For more information, watch Happy Little APIs (S2E1): Private integrations with HTTP API.

Building a Jenkins Pipeline with AWS SAM

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original

This post is courtesy of Tarun Kumar Mall, SDE at AWS.

This post shows how to set up a multi-stage pipeline on a Jenkins host for a serverless application, using the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM).


This tutorial uses Jenkins Pipeline plugin. A commit to the main branch of the repository starts and deploys the application, using the AWS SAM CLI. This tutorial deploys a small serverless API application called HelloWorldApi.

The pipeline consists of stages to build and deploy the application. Jenkins first ensures that the build environment is set up and installs any necessary tools. Next, Jenkins prepares the build artifacts. It promotes the artifacts to the next stage, where they are deployed to a beta environment using the AWS SAM CLI. Integration tests are run after deployment. If the tests pass, the application is deployed to the production environment.

CICD workflow diagram

CICD workflow diagram

The following prerequisites are required:

Setting up the backend application and development stack

Using AWS CloudFormation to define the infrastructure, you can create multiple environments or stacks from the same infrastructure definition. A “dev stack” is a copy of production infrastructure deployed to a developer account for testing purposes.

As serverless services use a pay-for-value model, it can be cost effective to use a high-fidelity copy of your production stack. Dev stacks are created by each developer as needed and deleted without having any negative impact on production.

For complex applications, it may not be feasible for every developer to have their own stack. However, for this tutorial, setting up the dev stack first for testing is recommended. Setting up a dev stack takes you through a manual process of how a stack is created. Later, this process is used to automate the setup using Jenkins.

To create a dev stack:

  1. Clone backend application repository
    git clone
  2. Build the application and run the guided deploy command:
    cd aws-sam-jenkins-pipeline-tutorial
    sam build
    sam deploy --guided

    AWS SAM guided deploy output

    AWS SAM guided deploy output

This sets up a development stack and saves the settings in the samconfig.toml file with configuration environment specific to a user. This also triggers a deployment.

  1. After deployment, make a small code change. For example, in the file hello-world/app.js change the message Hello world to Hello world from user <your name>.
  2. Deploy the updated code:
    sam build
    sam deploy -–config-env <your_username>

With this command, each developer can create their own configuration environment. They can use this for deploying to their development stack and testing changes before pushing changes to the repository.

Once deployment finishes, the API endpoint is displayed in the console output. You can use this endpoint to make GET requests and test the API manually.

Deployment output

Deployment output

To update and run the integration test:

  1. Open the hello-world/tests/integ/test-integ-api.js file.
  2. Update the assert statement in line 32 to include <your name> from the previous step:
    it("verifies if response contains my username", async () => {
      assert.include(, "<your name>");
  3. Open package.json and add the line in bold:
      "scripts": {
        "test": "mocha tests/unit/",
        "integ-test": "mocha tests/integ/"
  4. From the terminal, run the following commands:
    cd hello-world
    npm install
    AWS_REGION=us-west-2 STACK_NAME=sam-app-user1-dev-stack npm run integ-test
    If you are using Microsoft Windows, instead run:
    cd hello-world
    npm install
    set AWS_REGION=us-west-2
    set STACK_NAME=sam-app-user1-dev-stack
    npm run integ-test

    Test results

    Test results

You have deployed a fully configured development stack with working integration tests. To push the code to GitHub:

  1. Create a new repository in GitHub.
    1. From the GitHub account homepage, choose New.
    2. Enter a repository name and choose Create Repository.
    3. Copy the repository URL.
  2. From the root directory of the AWS SAM project, run:
    git init
    git commit -am “first commit”
    git remote add origin <your-repository-url>
    git push -u origin main

Creating an IAM user for Jenkins

To create an IAM user for the Jenkins deployment:

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and navigate to IAM.
  2. Select Users from side navigation and choose Add user.
  3. Enter the User name as sam-jenkins-demo-credentials and grant Programmatic access to this user.
  4. On the next page, select Attach existing policies directly and choose Create Policy.
  5. Select the JSON tab and enter the following policy. Replace <YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID> with your AWS account ID:
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Sid": "CloudFormationTemplate",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": [
                "Sid": "CloudFormationStack",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": [
                "Sid": "S3",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": [
                "Sid": "Lambda",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": [
                "Sid": "IAM",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": [
                "Sid": "APIGateway",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": [
  6. Choose Review Policy and add a policy name on the next page.
  7. Choose Create Policy button.
  8. Return to the previous tab to continue creating the IAM user. Choose Refresh and search for the policy name you created. Select the policy.
  9. Choose Next Tags and then Review.
  10. Choose Create user and save the Access key ID and Secret access key.

Configuring Jenkins

To configure AWS credentials in Jenkins:

  1. On the Jenkins dashboard, go to Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins in the Available tab. Search for the Pipeline: AWS Steps plugin and choose Install without restart.
  2. Navigate to Manage Jenkins > Manage Credentials > Jenkins (global) > Global Credentials > Add Credentials.
  3. Select Kind as AWS credentials and use the ID sam-jenkins-demo-credentials.
  4. Enter the access key ID and secret access key and choose OK.

    Jenkins credential configuration

    Jenkins credential configuration

  5. Create Amazon S3 buckets for each Region in the pipeline. S3 bucket names must be unique within a partition:
    aws s3 mb s3://sam-jenkins-demo-us-west-2-<your_name> --region us-west-2
    aws s3 mb s3://sam-jenkins-demo-us-east-1-<your_name> --region us-east-1
  6. Create a file named Jenkinsfile at the root of the project and add:
    pipeline {
      agent any
      stages {
        stage('Install sam-cli') {
          steps {
            sh 'python3 -m venv venv && venv/bin/pip install aws-sam-cli'
            stash includes: '**/venv/**/*', name: 'venv'
        stage('Build') {
          steps {
            unstash 'venv'
            sh 'venv/bin/sam build'
            stash includes: '**/.aws-sam/**/*', name: 'aws-sam'
        stage('beta') {
          environment {
            STACK_NAME = 'sam-app-beta-stage'
            S3_BUCKET = 'sam-jenkins-demo-us-west-2-user1'
          steps {
            withAWS(credentials: 'sam-jenkins-demo-credentials', region: 'us-west-2') {
              unstash 'venv'
              unstash 'aws-sam'
              sh 'venv/bin/sam deploy --stack-name $STACK_NAME -t template.yaml --s3-bucket $S3_BUCKET --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM'
              dir ('hello-world') {
                sh 'npm ci'
                sh 'npm run integ-test'
        stage('prod') {
          environment {
            STACK_NAME = 'sam-app-prod-stage'
            S3_BUCKET = 'sam-jenkins-demo-us-east-1-user1'
          steps {
            withAWS(credentials: 'sam-jenkins-demo-credentials', region: 'us-east-1') {
              unstash 'venv'
              unstash 'aws-sam'
              sh 'venv/bin/sam deploy --stack-name $STACK_NAME -t template.yaml --s3-bucket $S3_BUCKET --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM'
  7. Commit and push the code to the GitHub repository by running following commands:
    git commit -am “Adding Jenkins pipeline config.”
    git push origin -u main

Next, create a Jenkins Pipeline project:

  1. From the Jenkins dashboard, choose New Item, select Pipeline, and enter the project name sam-jenkins-demo-pipeline.

    Jenkins Pipeline creation wizard

    Jenkins Pipeline creation wizard

  2. Under Build Triggers, select Poll SCM and enter * * * * *. This polls the repository for changes every minute.

    Jenkins build triggers configuration

    Jenkins build triggers configuration

  3. Under the Pipeline section, select Definition as Pipeline script from SCM.
    • Select GIT under SCM and enter the repository URL.
    • Set Branches to build to */main.
    • Set the Script Path to Jenkinsfile.

      Jenkins pipeline configuration

      Jenkins pipeline configuration

  4. Save the project.

After the build finishes, you see the pipeline:

Jenkins pipeline stages

Jenkins pipeline stages

Review the logs for the beta stage to check that the integration test is completed successfully.

Jenkins stage logs

Jenkins stage logs


This tutorial uses a Jenkins Pipeline to add an automated CI/CD pipeline to an AWS SAM-generated example application. Jenkins automatically builds, tests, and deploys the changes after each commit to the repository.

Using Jenkins, developers can gain the benefits of continuous integration and continuous deployment of serverless applications to the AWS Cloud with minimal configuration.

For more information, see the Jenkins Pipeline and AWS Serverless Application Model documentation.

We want to hear your feedback! Is this approach useful for your organization? Do you want to see another implementation? Contact us on Twitter @edjgeek or via comments!

Using container image support for AWS Lambda with AWS SAM

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original

At AWS re:Invent 2020, AWS Lambda released Container Image Support for Lambda functions. This new feature allows developers to package and deploy Lambda functions as container images of up to 10 GB in size. With this release, AWS SAM also added support to manage, build, and deploy Lambda functions using container images.

In this blog post, I walk through building a simple serverless application that uses Lambda functions packaged as container images with AWS SAM. I demonstrate creating a new application and highlight changes to the AWS SAM template specific to container image support. I then cover building the image locally for debugging in addition to eventual deployment. Finally, I show using AWS SAM to handle packaging and deploying Lambda functions from a developer’s machine or a CI/CD pipeline.

Push to invoke lifecycle

Push to invoke lifecycle

The process for creating a Lambda function packaged as a container requires only a few steps. A developer first creates the container image and tags that image with the appropriate label. The image is then uploaded to an Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) repository using docker push.

During the Lambda create or update process, the Lambda service pulls the image from ECR, optimizes the image for use, and deploys the image to the Lambda service. Once this, and any other configuration processes are complete, the Lambda function is then in Active status and ready to be invoked. The AWS SAM CLI manages most of these steps for you.


The following tools are required in this walkthrough:

Create the application

Use the terminal and follow these steps to create a serverless application:

  1. Enter sam init.
  2. For Template source, select option one for AWS Quick Start Templates.
  3. For Package type, choose option two for Image.
  4. For Base image, select option one for amazon/nodejs12.x-base.
  5. Name the application demo-app.
Demonstration of sam init

Demonstration of sam init

Exploring the application

Open the template.yaml file in the root of the project to see the new options available for container image support. The AWS SAM template has two new values that are required when working with container images. PackageType: Image tells AWS SAM that this function is using container images for packaging.

AWS SAM template

AWS SAM template

The second set of required data is in the Metadata section that helps AWS SAM manage the container images. When a container is created, a new tag is added to help identify that image. By default, Docker uses the tag, latest. However, AWS SAM passes an explicit tag name to help differentiate between functions. That tag name is a combination of the Lambda function resource name, and the DockerTag value found in the Metadata. Additionally, the DockerContext points to the folder containing the function code and Dockerfile identifies the name of the Dockerfile used in building the container image.

In addition to changes in the template.yaml file, AWS SAM also uses the Docker CLI to build container images. Each Lambda function has a Dockerfile that instructs Docker how to construct the container image for that function. The Dockerfile for the HelloWorldFunction is at hello-world/Dockerfile.

Local development of the application

AWS SAM provides local development support for zip-based and container-based Lambda functions. When using container-based images, as you modify your code, update the local container image using sam build. AWS SAM then calls docker build using the Dockerfile for instructions.

Dockerfile for Lambda function

Dockerfile for Lambda function

In the case of the HelloWorldFunction that uses Node.js, the Docker command:

  1. Pulls the latest container base image for nodejs12.x from the Amazon Elastic Container Registry Public.
  2. Copies the app.js code and package.json files to the container image.
  3. Installs the dependencies inside the container image.
  4. Sets the invocation handler.
  5. Creates and tags new version of the local container image.

To build your application locally on your machine, enter:

sam build

The results are:

Results for sam build

Results for sam build

Now test the code by locally invoking the HelloWorldFunction using the following command:

sam local invoke HelloWorldFunction

The results are:

Results for sam local invoke

Results for sam local invoke

You can also combine these commands and add flags for cached and parallel builds:

sam build --cached --parallel && sam local invoke HelloWorldFunction

Deploying the application

There are two ways to deploy container-based Lambda functions with AWS SAM. The first option is to deploy from AWS SAM using the sam deploy command. The deploy command tags the local container image, uploads it to ECR, and then creates or updates your Lambda function. The second method is the sam package command used in continuous integration and continuous delivery or deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, where the deployment process is separate from the artifact creation process.

AWS SAM package tags and uploads the container image to ECR but does not deploy the application. Instead, it creates a modified version of the template.yaml file with the newly created container image location. This modified template is later used to deploy the serverless application using AWS CloudFormation.

Deploying from AWS SAM with the guided flag

Before you can deploy the application, use the AWS CLI to create a new ECR repository to store the container image for the HelloWorldFunction.

Run the following command from a terminal:

aws ecr create-repository --repository-name demo-app-hello-world \
--image-tag-mutability IMMUTABLE --image-scanning-configuration scanOnPush=true

This command creates a new ECR repository called demo-app-hello-world. The –image-tag-mutability IMMUTABLE option prevents overwriting tags. The –image-scanning-configuration scanOnPush=true enables automated vulnerability scanning whenever a new image is pushed to the repository. The output is:

Amazon ECR creation output

Amazon ECR creation output

Make a note of the repositoryUri as you need it in the next step.

Before you can push your images to this new repository, ensure that you have logged in to the managed Docker service that ECR provides. Update the bracketed tokens with your information and run the following command in the terminal:

aws ecr get-login-password --region <region> | docker login --username AWS \
--password-stdin <account id>.dkr.ecr.<region>

You can also install the Amazon ECR credentials helper to help facilitate Docker authentication with Amazon ECR.

After building the application locally and creating a repository for the container image, you can deploy the application. The first time you deploy an application, use the guided version of the sam deploy command and follow these steps:

  1. Type sam deploy --guided, or sam deploy -g.
  2. For Stack Name, enter demo-app.
  3. Choose the same Region that you created the ECR repository in.
  4. Enter the Image Repository for the HelloWorldFunction (this is the repositoryUri of the ECR repository).
  5. For Confirm changes before deploy and Allow SAM CLI IAM role creation, keep the defaults.
  6. For HelloWorldFunction may not have authorization defined, Is this okay? Select Y.
  7. Keep the defaults for the remaining prompts.
Results of sam deploy --guided

Results of sam deploy –guided

AWS SAM uploads the container images to the ECR repo and deploys the application. During this process, you see a changeset along with the status of the deployment. When the deployment is complete, the stack outputs are then displayed. Use the HelloWorldApi endpoint to test your application in production.

Deploy outputs

Deploy outputs

When you use the guided version, AWS SAM saves the entered data to the samconfig.toml file. For subsequent deployments with the same parameters, use sam deploy. If you want to make a change, use the guided deployment again.

This example demonstrates deploying a serverless application with a single, container-based Lambda function in it. However, most serverless applications contain more than one Lambda function. To work with an application that has more than one Lambda function, follow these steps to add a second Lambda function to your application:

  1. Copy the hello-world directory using the terminal command cp -R hello-world hola-world
  2. Replace the contents of the template.yaml file with the following
    AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
    Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
    Description: demo app
        Timeout: 3
        Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
          PackageType: Image
              Type: Api
                Path: /hello
                Method: get
          DockerTag: nodejs12.x-v1
          DockerContext: ./hello-world
          Dockerfile: Dockerfile
        Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
          PackageType: Image
              Type: Api
                Path: /hola
                Method: get
          DockerTag: nodejs12.x-v1
          DockerContext: ./hola-world
          Dockerfile: Dockerfile
        Description: "API Gateway endpoint URL for Prod stage for Hello World function"
        Value: !Sub "https://${ServerlessRestApi}.execute-api.${AWS::Region}"
        Description: "API Gateway endpoint URL for Prod stage for Hola World function"
        Value: !Sub "https://${ServerlessRestApi}.execute-api.${AWS::Region}"
  3. Replace the contents of hola-world/app.js with the following
    let response;
    exports.lambdaHandler = async(event, context) => {
        try {
            response = {
                'statusCode': 200,
                'body': JSON.stringify({
                    message: 'hola world',
        catch (err) {
            return err;
        return response
  4. Create an ECR repository for the HolaWorldFunction
    aws ecr create-repository --repository-name demo-app-hola-world \
    --image-tag-mutability IMMUTABLE --image-scanning-configuration scanOnPush=true
  5. Run the guided deploy to add the second repository:
    sam deploy -g

The AWS SAM guided deploy process allows you to provide the information again but prepopulates the defaults with previous values. Update the following:

  1. Keep the same stack name, Region, and Image Repository for HelloWorldFunction.
  2. Use the new repository for HolaWorldFunction.
  3. For the remaining steps, use the same values from before. For Lambda functions not to have authorization defined, enter Y.
Results of sam deploy --guided

Results of sam deploy –guided

Deploying in a CI/CD pipeline

Companies use continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines to automate application deployment. Because the process is automated, using an interactive process like a guided AWS SAM deployment is not possible.

Developers can use the packaging process in AWS SAM to prepare the artifacts for deployment and produce a separate template usable by AWS CloudFormation. The package command is:

sam package --output-template-file packaged-template.yaml \

For multiple repositories:

sam package --output-template-file packaged-template.yaml \ 
--image-repositories \

Both cases create a file called packaged-template.yaml. The Lambda functions in this template have an added tag called ImageUri that points to the ECR repository and a tag for the Lambda function.

Packaged template

Packaged template

Using sam package to generate a separate CloudFormation template enables developers to separate artifact creation from application deployment. The deployment process can then be placed in an isolated stage allowing for greater customization and observability of the pipeline.


Container image support for Lambda enables larger application artifacts and the ability to use container tooling to manage Lambda images. AWS SAM simplifies application management by bringing these tools into the serverless development workflow.

In this post, you create a container-based serverless application in using command lines in the terminal. You create ECR repositories and associate them with functions in the application. You deploy the application from your local machine and package the artifacts for separate deployment in a CI/CD pipeline.

To learn more about serverless and AWS SAM, visit the Sessions with SAM series at and find more resources at


Tracking the latest server images in Amazon EC2 Image Builder pipelines

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original

This post courtesy of Anoop Rachamadugu, Cloud Architect at AWS

The Amazon EC2 Image Builder service helps users to build and maintain server images. The images created by EC2 Image Builder can be used with Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and on-premises. Image Builder reduces the effort of keeping images up-to-date and secure by providing a graphical interface, built-in automation, and AWS-provided security settings. Customers have told us that they manage multiple server images and are looking for ways to track the latest server images created by the pipelines.

In this blog post, I walk through a solution that uses AWS Lambda and AWS Systems Manager (SSM) Parameter Store. It tracks and updates the latest Amazon Machine Image (AMI) IDs every time an Image Builder pipeline is run. With Lambda, you pay only for what you use. You are charged based on the number of requests for your functions and the time it takes for your code to run. In this case, the Lambda function is invoked upon the completion of the image builder pipeline. Standard SSM parameters are available at no additional charge.

Users can reference the SSM parameters in automation scripts and AWS CloudFormation templates providing access to the latest AMI ID for your EC2 infrastructure. Consider the use case of updating Amazon Machine Image (AMI) IDs for the EC2 instances in your CloudFormation templates. Normally, you might map AMI IDs to specific instance types and Regions. Then to update these, you would manually change them in each of your templates. With the SSM parameter integration, your code remains untouched and a CloudFormation stack update operation automatically fetches the latest Parameter Store value.


This solution uses a Lambda function written in Python that subscribes to an Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) topic. The Lambda function and the SNS topic are deployed using AWS SAM CLI. Once deployed, the SNS topic must be configured in an existing Image Builder pipeline. This results in the Lambda function being invoked at the completion of the Image Builder pipeline.

When a Lambda function subscribes to an SNS topic, it is invoked with the payload of the published messages. The Lambda function receives the message payload as an input parameter. The Lambda function first checks the message payload to see if the image status is available. If the image state is available, it retrieves the AMI ID from the message payload and updates the SSM parameter.

EC2 Image builder architecture diagram

EC2 Image builder architecture diagram


To get started with this solution, the following is required:

Deploying the solution

The solution consists of two files, which can be downloaded from the amazon-ec2-image-builder GitHub repository.

  1. The Python file contains the code for the Lambda function. It first checks the SNS message payload to determine if the image is available. If it’s available, it extracts the AMI ID from the SNS message payload and updates the SSM parameter specified.The ‘ssm_parameter_name’ variable specifies the SSM parameter path where the AMI ID should be stored and updated. The Lambda function finishes by adding tags to the SSM parameter.
  2. The template.yaml file is an AWS SAM template. It deploys the Lambda function, SNS topic, and IAM role required for the Lambda function. I use Python 3.7 as the runtime and assign a memory of 256 MB for the Lambda function. The IAM policy gives the Lambda function permissions to retrieve and update SSM parameters. Deploy this application using the AWS SAM CLI guided deploy:
    sam deploy --guided

After deploying the application, note the ARN of the created SNS topic. Next, update the infrastructure settings of an existing Image Builder pipeline with this newly created SNS topic. This results in the Lambda function being invoked upon the completion of the image builder pipeline.

Configuration details

Configuration details

Verifying the solution

After the completion of the image builder pipeline, use the AWS CLI or check the AWS Management Console to verify the updated SSM parameter. To verify via AWS CLI, run the following commands to retrieve and list the tags attached to the SSM parameter:

aws ssm get-parameter --name ‘/ec2-imagebuilder/latest’
aws ssm list-tags-for-resource --resource-type "Parameter" --resource-id ‘/ec2-imagebuilder/latest’

To verify via the AWS Management Console, navigate to the Parameter Store under AWS Systems Manager. Search for the parameter /ec2-imagebuilder/latest:

AWS Systems Manager: Parameter Store

AWS Systems Manager: Parameter Store

Select the Tags tab to view the tags attached to the SSM parameter:

Image builder tags list

Image builder tags list

Referencing the SSM Parameter in CloudFormation templates

Users can reference the SSM parameters in automation scripts and AWS CloudFormation templates providing access to the latest AMI ID for your EC2 infrastructure. This sample code shows how to reference the SSM parameter in a CloudFormation template.

Parameters :
  LatestAmiId :
    Type : 'AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value<AWS::EC2::Image::Id>'
    Default: ‘/ec2-imagebuilder/latest’

Resources :
  Instance :
    Type : 'AWS::EC2::Instance'
    Properties :
      ImageId : !Ref LatestAmiId


In this blog post, I demonstrate a solution that allows users to track and update the latest AMI ID created by the Image Builder pipelines. The Lambda function retrieves the AMI ID of the image created by a pipeline and update an AWS Systems Manager parameter. This Lambda function is triggered via an SNS topic configured in an Image Builder pipeline.

The solution is deployed using AWS SAM CLI. I also note how users can reference Systems Manager parameters in AWS CloudFormation templates providing access to the latest AMI ID for your EC2 infrastructure.

The amazon-ec2-image-builder-samples GitHub repository provides a number of examples for getting started with EC2 Image Builder. Image Builder can make it easier for you to build virtual machine (VM) images.

Performing canary deployments for service integrations with Amazon API Gateway

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original

This post authored by Dhiraj Thakur and Sameer Goel, Solutions Architects at AWS.

When building serverless web applications, it is common to use AWS Lambda functions as the compute layer for business logic. To manage canary releases, it’s best practice to use Lambda deployment preferences. However, if you use Amazon API Gateway service integrations instead of Lambda functions, it is necessary to manage the canary release at the API level. This post shows how to use canary releases in REST APIs to gradually deploy changes to serverless applications.


Modern applications frequently deploy updates to implement new features. But updating or changing a production application is often risky and may introduce bugs. Canary deployments are a popular strategy to help mitigate this risk.

In a canary deployment, you partially deploy a new software feature and shift some percentage of traffic to a new version of the application. This allows you to verify stability and reduce risk associated with the new release. After gaining confidence in the new version, you continually increment traffic until all traffic flows to the new release. Additionally, a canary deployment can be a cost-effective approach as there is no need to duplicate application resources, compared with other deployment strategies such as blue/green deployments.

In this example, there are two service versions deployed with API Gateway. The canary version receives 10% of traffic and the remaining 90% is routed to the stable version.

Canary deploy example

Canary deploy example

After deploying the new version, you can test the health and performance of the new version. Once you are confident that it is ready for release, you can promote the canary version and send 100% of traffic to this API version.

Promoted deployment example

Promoted deployment example

In this post, I show how to use AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) to build a canary release with a REST API in API Gateway. This is an open-source framework for building serverless applications. It enables developers to define and deploy canary releases and then shift the traffic programmatically. In this example, AWS SAM creates the canary settings necessary to divide traffic and the IAM role used by API Gateway.

API Gateway canary deployment example

For this tutorial, a REST API integrates directly with Amazon DynamoDB. This returns three data attributes from the DynamoDB table. In the canary version, the code is modified to provide additional information from the table.

Create Amazon REST API and other resources

Download the code from this post from The template.yaml file is the AWS SAM configuration for the application, and the api.yaml is the OpenAPI configuration for the API. Deploy this application by following the instructions in the file.

The deployment creates an empty DynamoDB table called “<sam-stack-name>-DataTable-*” and an API Gateway REST API called “Canary Deployment” with the stage “PROD”.

  1. Run the Amazon DynamoDB put-item command to create a new item in the DynamoDB table from the AWS CLI. Ensure you have configured AWS CLI – refer to the quickstart guide to learn more.Replace <tablename> with the DynamoDB table name.
    aws dynamodb put-item --table-name <tablename> --item "{""country"":{""S"":""Germany""},""runner-up"":{""S"":""France""},""winner"":{""S"":""Italy""},""year"":{""S"":""2006""}}" --return-consumed-capacity TOTAL

    It returns a success message:

    Update Amazon DynamoDB output

    Update Amazon DynamoDB output

    You can verify the record in the DynamoDB table in the AWS Management Console:

    Scan of Amazon DynamoDB table

    Scan of Amazon DynamoDB table

  2. Select the REST API “Canary Deployment” in Amazon API Gateway. Choose “GET” under the resource section. In the Integration Request, you see the Mapping Template:
      "Key": {
        "year": {
          "S": "$input.params("year")"
      "TableName": "<stack-name>-DataTable-<random-string>"

    The Integration Response is an HTTP response encapsulating the backend response and template looks like this:The TableName indicates which table is used in the REST API call. The value for year is extracted from the request URL using $input.params(‘year’)

      "year": "$input.path('$.Item.year.S')",
      "country": "$input.path('$')",
      "winner": "$input.path('$.Item.winner.S')"

    It returns the “country”, “year”, “winner” attributes.

  3. You can also check the logs/tracing configuration in the API stage as per the following settings. You can see Amazon CloudWatch Logs are enabled for the API, which helps to check the health of the canary API version.For example, a response code of 2xx indicates that the operation was successful. Other error codes indicate either a client error (4xx) or a server error (5xx). See this link for status code details. Analyze the status of the API in the logs before promoting the canary.

    Enabling logs on the Amazon API Gateway console

    Enabling logs on the Amazon API Gateway console

If you invoke the API endpoint URL in your browser, you can see it returns “country”, “year” and “winner”, as expected from the DynamoDB table.

Invoking endpoint from browser example

Invoking endpoint from browser example

Next, set up the canary release deployment to create a new version of the deployed API and route 10% of the API traffic to it.

Canary deployment

You can now create a new version of the API using the AWS SAM template, which changes the number of attributes returned. With the new version of the API, the additional attribute “runner-up” is returned from the DynamoDB table. For the initial deployment, 10% of API traffic is routed to this API version.

  1. Go to the canary-stack directory and deploy the application. Be sure to use the same stack name that you used for the previous deployment:
    sam deploy -gAWS CloudFormation deploys the canary version and configures the API to route 10% of traffic the new version.You can validate this by checking the canary setting in the PROD stage. You can see “percentage of requests directed to canary” (new version) is “10%” and “percentage of requests directed to Prod” (previous version) is 90%.
  2. Check the Integration Response. The modified template looks like this:
      "year": "$input.path('$.Item.year.S')",
      "country": "$input.path('$')",
      "winner": "$input.path('$.Item.winner.S')",
      "runner-up": "$input.path('$.Item.runner-up.S')"
  3. Now, test the canary deployment using the API endpoint URL. You can refresh the browser and see the “runner-up” results shown for a small percentage of requests. This demonstrates that 10% of the traffic is routed to the canary. If don’t see this new attribute, even after multiple refreshes, clear your browser cache.Reviewing the Integration Response, you can see that the template now includes the additional attribute “runner-up”. This returns “country”, “year”, “winner” and “runner-up”, as per the new canary release requirement.

    Testing response in browser after change

    Testing response in browser after change

Analyze Amazon CloudWatch Logs

You can analyze the health of the canary version via Amazon CloudWatch Logs. To ensure that there is data in CloudWatch Logs, refresh your browser several times when accessing the API URL.

  1. In the AWS Management Console, navigate to Services -> CloudWatch.
  2. Choose the Region that matches your API Gateway Region, then select Logs on the Left menu.
  3. The logs for API Gateway are named based on the ID of the API. The form is “API-Gateway-Execution-Logs_<api id>/<api stage>
    Viewing the logs, you can see a list of log streams with GUID identifiers. Use the Last Event Time column for a date/time stamp and find a recent execution.
  4. Analyze the canary log to confirm that the REST API call is successful.
Canary promotion options

Canary promotion options

Promote or delete the canary version

To roll back to the initial version, choose Delete Canary or set “Percentage of requests directed to Canary“ to 0. If the Amazon CloudWatch analysis shows that the canary version is operating successfully, you are ready to promote the canary to receive all API traffic.

  1. Navigate to the Canary tab and choose Promote Canary.

    Promoting the canary in the Amazon API Gateway console

    Promoting the canary in the Amazon API Gateway console

  2. Choose Update to accept the settings. This sends 100% traffic to the new version.

    Canary promotion options

    Canary promotion options


See the repo’s for cleanup instructions.


Canary deployments are a recommended practice for testing new versions of applications. This blog post shows how to implement canary deployments for service integrations in API Gateway. I walk through how to analyze the logs generated for canary requests and promote the canary to complete the deployment. Using AWS SAM, you deploy a canary in API Gateway with a predefined routing configuration and strategy.

To learn more, read Building APIs with Amazon API Gateway and Implementing safe AWS Lambda deployments with AWS CodeDeploy.

Troubleshooting Amazon API Gateway with enhanced observability variables

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original

Amazon API Gateway is often used for managing access to serverless applications. Additionally, it can help developers reduce code and increase security with features like AWS WAF integration and authorizers at the API level.

Because more is handled by API Gateway, developers tell us they would like to see more data points on the individual parts of the request. This data helps developers understand each phase of the API request and how it affects the request as a whole. In response to this request, the API Gateway team has added new enhanced observability variables to the API Gateway access logs. With these new variables, developers can troubleshoot on a more granular level to quickly isolate and resolve request errors and latency issues.

The phases of an API request

API Gateway divides requests into phases, reflected by the variables that have been added. Depending upon the features configured for the application, an API request goes through multiple phases. The phases appear in a specific order as follows:

Phases of an API request

Phases of an API request

  • WAF: the WAF phase only appears when an AWS WAF web access control list (ACL) is configured for enhanced security. During this phase, WAF rules are evaluated and a decision is made on whether to continue or cancel the request.
  • Authenticate: the authenticate phase is only present when AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) authorizers are used. During this phase, the credentials of the signed request are verified. Access is granted or denied based on the client’s right to assume the access role.
  • Authorizer: the authorizer phase is only present when a Lambda, JWT, or Amazon Cognito authorizer is used. During this phase, the authorizer logic is processed to verify the user’s right to access the resource.
  • Authorize: the authorize phase is only present when a Lambda or IAM authorizer is used. During this phase, the results from the authenticate and authorizer phase are evaluated and applied.
  • Integration: during this phase, the backend integration processes the request.

Each phrase can add latency to the request, return a status, or raise an error. To capture this data, API Gateway now provides enhanced observability variables based on each phase. The variables are named according to the phase they occur in and follow the naming structure, $ Therefore, you can get data about WAF latency by using $context.waf.latency.

Some existing variables have also been given aliases to match this naming schema. For example, $context.integrationErrorMessage has a new alias of $context.integration.error. The resulting list of variables is as follows:

Phases and variables for API Gateway requests

Phases and variables for API Gateway requests

API Gateway provides status, latency, and error data for each phase. In the authorizer and integration phases, there are additional variables you can use in logs. The $context.phase.requestId provides the request ID from that service and the $context.phase.integrationStatus provide the status code.

For example, when using an AWS Lambda function as the integration, API Gateway receives two status codes. The first, $context.integration.integrationStatus, is the status of the Lambda service itself. This is usually 200, unless there is a service or permissions error. The second, $context.integration.status, is the status of the Lambda function and reports on the success or failure of the code.

A full list of access log variables is in the documentation for REST APIs, WebSocket APIs, and HTTP APIs.

A troubleshooting example

In this example, an application is built using an API Gateway REST API with a Lambda function for the backend integration. The application uses an IAM authorizer to require AWS account credentials for application access. The application also uses an AWS WAF ACL to rate limit requests to 100 requests per IP, per five minutes. The demo application and deployment instructions can be found in the Sessions With SAM repository.

Because the application involves an AWS WAF and IAM authorizer for security, the request passes through four phases: waf, authenticate, authorize, and integration. The access log format is configured to capture all the data regarding these phases:


Once the application is deployed, use Postman to test the API with a sigV4 request.

Configuring Postman authorization

Configuring Postman authorization

To show troubleshooting with the new enhanced observability variables, the first request sent through contains invalid credentials. The user receives a 403 Forbidden error.

Client response view with invalid tokens

Client response view with invalid tokens

The access log for this request is:

    "requestId": "70aa9606-26be-4396-991c-405a3671fd9a",
    "waf-error": "-",
    "waf-status": "200",
    "waf-latency": "8",
    "waf-response": "WAF_ALLOW",
    "authenticate-error": "-",
    "authenticate-status": "403",
    "authenticate-latency": "17",
    "authorize-error": "-",
    "authorize-status": "-",
    "authorize-latency": "-",
    "integration-error": "-",
    "integration-status": "-",
    "integration-latency": "-",
    "integration-requestId": "-",
    "integration-integrationStatus": "-",
    "response-latency": "48",
    "status": "403"

The request passed through the waf phase first. Since this is the first request and the rate limit has not been exceeded, the request is passed on to the next phase, authenticate. During the authenticate phase, the user’s credentials are verified. In this case, the credentials are invalid and the request is rejected with a 403 response before invoking the downstream phases.

To correct this, the next request uses valid credentials, but those credentials do not have access to invoke the API. Again, the user receives a 403 Forbidden error.

Client response view with unauthorized tokens

Client response view with unauthorized tokens

The access log for this request is:

  "requestId": "c16d9edc-037d-4f42-adf3-eaadf358db2d",
  "waf-error": "-",
  "waf-status": "200",
  "waf-latency": "7",
  "waf-response": "WAF_ALLOW",
  "authenticate-error": "-",
  "authenticate-status": "200",
  "authenticate-latency": "8",
  "authorize-error": "The client is not authorized to perform this operation.",
  "authorize-status": "403",
  "authorize-latency": "0",
  "integration-error": "-",
  "integration-status": "-",
  "integration-latency": "-",
  "integration-requestId": "-",
  "integration-integrationStatus": "-",
  "response-latency": "52",
  "status": "403"

This time, the access logs show that the authenticate phase returns a 200. This indicates that the user credentials are valid for this account. However, the authorize phase returns a 403 and states, “The client is not authorized to perform this operation”. Again, the request is rejected with a 403 response before invoking downstream phases.

The last request for the API contains valid credentials for a user that has rights to invoke this API. This time the user receives a 200 OK response and the requested data.

Client response view with valid request

Client response view with valid request

The log for this request is:

  "requestId": "ac726ce5-91dd-4f1d-8f34-fcc4ae0bd622",
  "waf-error": "-",
  "waf-status": "200",
  "waf-latency": "7",
  "waf-response": "WAF_ALLOW",
  "authenticate-error": "-",
  "authenticate-status": "200",
  "authenticate-latency": "1",
  "authorize-error": "-",
  "authorize-status": "200",
  "authorize-latency": "0",
  "integration-error": "-",
  "integration-status": "200",
  "integration-latency": "16",
  "integration-requestId": "8dc58335-fa13-4d48-8f99-2b1c97f41a3e",
  "integration-integrationStatus": "200",
  "response-latency": "48",
  "status": "200"

This log contains a 200 status code from each of the phases and returns a 200 response to the user. Additionally, each of the phases reports latency. This request had a total of 48 ms of latency. The latency breaks down according to the following:

Request latency breakdown

Request latency breakdown

Developers can use this information to identify the cause of latency within the API request and adjust accordingly. While some phases like authenticate or authorize are immutable, optimizing the integration phase of this request could remove a large chunk of the latency involved.


This post covers the enhanced observability variables, the phases they occur in, and the order of those phases. With these new variables, developers can quickly isolate the problem and focus on resolving issues.

When configured with the proper access logging variables, API Gateway access logs can provide a detailed story of API performance. They can help developers to continually optimize that performance. To learn how to configure logging in API Gateway with AWS SAM, see the demonstration app for this blog.


Building storage-first serverless applications with HTTP APIs service integrations

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original

Over the last year, I have been talking about “storage first” serverless patterns. With these patterns, data is stored persistently before any business logic is applied. The advantage of this pattern is increased application resiliency. By persisting the data before processing, the original data is still available, if or when errors occur.

Common pattern for serverless API backend

Common pattern for serverless API backend

Using Amazon API Gateway as a proxy to an AWS Lambda function is a common pattern in serverless applications. The Lambda function handles the business logic and communicates with other AWS or third-party services to route, modify, or store the processed data. One option is to place the data in an Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) queue for processing downstream. In this pattern, the developer is responsible for handling errors and retry logic within the Lambda function code.

The storage first pattern flips this around. It uses native error handling with retry logic or dead-letter queues (DLQ) at the SQS layer before any code is run. By directly integrating API Gateway to SQS, developers can increase application reliability while reducing lines of code.

Storage first pattern for serverless API backend

Storage first pattern for serverless API backend

Previously, direct integrations require REST APIs with transformation templates written in Velocity Template Language (VTL). However, developers tell us they would like to integrate directly with services in a simpler way without using VTL. As a result, HTTP APIs now offers the ability to directly integrate with five AWS services without needing a transformation template or code layer.

The first five service integrations

This release of HTTP APIs direct integrations includes Amazon EventBridge, Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, Simple Queue Service (SQS), AWS System Manager’s AppConfig, and AWS Step Functions. With these new integrations, customers can create APIs and webhooks for their business logic hosted in these AWS services. They can also take advantage of HTTP APIs features like authorizers, throttling, and enhanced observability for securing and monitoring these applications.

Amazon EventBridge

HTTP APIs service integration with Amazon EventBridge

HTTP APIs service integration with Amazon EventBridge

The HTTP APIs direct integration for EventBridge uses the PutEvents API to enable client applications to place events on an EventBridge bus. Once the events are on the bus, EventBridge routes the event to specific targets based upon EventBridge filtering rules.

This integration is a storage first pattern because data is written to the bus before any routing or logic is applied. If the downstream target service has issues, then EventBridge implements a retry strategy with incremental back-off for up to 24 hours. Additionally, the integration helps developers reduce code by filtering events at the bus. It routes to downstream targets without the need for a Lambda function as a transport layer.

Use this direct integration when:

  • Different tasks are required based upon incoming event details
  • Only data ingestion is required
  • Payload size is less than 256 kb
  • Expected requests per second are less than the Region quotas.

Amazon Kinesis Data Streams

HTTP APIs service integration with Amazon Kinesis Data Streams

HTTP APIs service integration with Amazon Kinesis Data Streams

The HTTP APIs direct integration for Kinesis Data Streams offers the PutRecord integration action, enabling client applications to place events on a Kinesis data stream. Kinesis Data Streams are designed to handle up to 1,000 writes per second per shard, with payloads up to 1 mb in size. Developers can increase throughput by increasing the number of shards in the data stream. You can route the incoming data to targets like an Amazon S3 bucket as part of a data lake or a Kinesis data analytics application for real-time analytics.

This integration is a storage first option because data is stored on the stream for up to seven days until it is processed and routed elsewhere. When processing stream events with a Lambda function, errors are handled at the Lambda layer through a configurable error handling strategy.

Use this direct integration when:

  • Ingesting large amounts of data
  • Ingesting large payload sizes
  • Order is important
  • Routing the same data to multiple targets

Amazon SQS

HTTP APIs service integration with Amazon SQS

HTTP APIs service integration with Amazon SQS

The HTTP APIs direct integration for Amazon SQS offers the SendMessage, ReceiveMessage, DeleteMessage, and PurgeQueue integration actions. This integration differs from the EventBridge and Kinesis integrations in that data flows both ways. Events can be created, read, and deleted from the SQS queue via REST calls through the HTTP API endpoint. Additionally, a full purge of the queue can be managed using the PurgeQueue action.

This pattern is a storage first pattern because the data remains on the queue for four days by default (configurable to 14 days), unless it is processed and removed. When the Lambda service polls the queue, the messages that are returned are hidden in the queue for a set amount of time. Once the calling service has processed these messages, it uses the DeleteMessage API to remove the messages permanently.

When triggering a Lambda function with an SQS queue, the Lambda service manages this process internally. However, HTTP APIs direct integration with SQS enables developers to move this process to client applications without the need for a Lambda function as a transport layer.

Use this direct integration when:

  • Data must be received as well as sent to the service
  • Downstream services need reduced concurrency
  • The queue requires custom management
  • Order is important (FIFO queues)

AWS AppConfig

HTTP APIs service integration with AWS Systems Manager AppConfig

HTTP APIs service integration with AWS Systems Manager AppConfig

The HTTP APIs direct integration for AWS AppConfig offers the GetConfiguration integration action and allows applications to check for application configuration updates. By exposing the systems parameter API through an HTTP APIs endpoint, developers can automate configuration changes for their applications. While this integration is not considered a storage first integration, it does enable direct communication from external services to AppConfig without the need for a Lambda function as a transport layer.

Use this direct integration when:

  • Access to AWS AppConfig is required.
  • Managing application configurations.

AWS Step Functions

HTTP APIs service integration with AWS Step Functions

HTTP APIs service integration with AWS Step Functions

The HTTP APIs direct integration for Step Functions offers the StartExecution and StopExecution integration actions. These actions allow for programmatic control of a Step Functions state machine via an API. When starting a Step Functions workflow, JSON data is passed in the request and mapped to the state machine. Error messages are also mapped to the state machine when stopping the execution.

This pattern provides a storage first integration because Step Functions maintains a persistent state during the life of the orchestrated workflow. Step Functions also supports service integrations that allow the workflows to send and receive data without needing a Lambda function as a transport layer.

Use this direct integration when:

  • Orchestrating multiple actions.
  • Order of action is required.

Building HTTP APIs direct integrations

HTTP APIs service integrations can be built using the AWS CLI, AWS SAM, or through the API Gateway console. The console walks through contextual choices to help you understand what is required for each integration. Each of the integrations also includes an Advanced section to provide additional information for the integration.

Creating an HTTP APIs service integration

Creating an HTTP APIs service integration

Once you build an integration, you can export it as an OpenAPI template that can be used with infrastructure as code (IaC) tools like AWS SAM. The exported template can also include the API Gateway extensions that define the specific integration information.

Exporting the HTTP APIs configuration to OpenAPI

Exporting the HTTP APIs configuration to OpenAPI

OpenAPI template

An example of a direct integration from HTTP APIs to SQS is located in the Sessions With SAM repository. This example includes the following architecture:

AWS SAM template resource architecture

AWS SAM template resource architecture

The AWS SAM template creates the HTTP APIs, SQS queue, Lambda function, and both Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles required. This is all generated in 58 lines of code and looks like this:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Description: HTTP API direct integrations

    Type: AWS::SQS::Queue
    Type: AWS::Serverless::HttpApi
          Name: 'AWS::Include'
            Location: './api.yaml'
    Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
        Version: "2012-10-17"
          - Effect: "Allow"
              Service: ""
              - "sts:AssumeRole"
        - PolicyName: ApiDirectWriteToSQS
            Version: '2012-10-17'
              - sqs:SendMessage
              Effect: Allow
                - !GetAtt MyQueue.Arn
    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
      CodeUri: src/
      Handler: app.lambdaHandler
      Runtime: nodejs12.x
        - SQSPollerPolicy:
            QueueName: !GetAtt MyQueue.QueueName
          Type: SQS
            Queue: !GetAtt MyQueue.Arn

    Description: "HTTP API endpoint URL"
    Value: !Sub "https://${MyHttpApi}.execute-api.${AWS::Region}"

The OpenAPI template handles the route definitions for the HTTP API configuration and configures the service integration. The template looks like this:

openapi: "3.0.1"
  title: "my-sqs-api"
          description: "Default response for POST /"
        integrationSubtype: "SQS-SendMessage"
          Fn::GetAtt: [MyHttpApiRole, Arn]
          MessageBody: "$request.body.MessageBody"
            Ref: MyQueue
        payloadFormatVersion: "1.0"
        type: "aws_proxy”
        connectionType: "INTERNET"
x-amazon-apigateway-importexport-version: "1.0"

Because the OpenAPI template is included in the AWS SAM template via a transform, the API Gateway integration can reference the roles and services created within the AWS SAM template.


This post covers the concept of storage first integration patterns and how the new HTTP APIs direct integrations can help. I cover the five current integrations and possible use cases for each. Additionally, I demonstrate how to use AWS SAM to build and manage the integrated applications using infrastructure as code.

Using the storage first pattern with direct integrations can help developers build serverless applications that are more durable with fewer lines of code. A Lambda function is no longer required to transport data from the API endpoint to the desired service. Instead, use Lambda function invocations for differentiating business logic.

To learn more join us for the HTTP API service integrations session of Sessions With SAM! 
