HTTP/2 zero-day脆弱性により史上最大のDDoS攻撃が発生

Post Syndicated from Grant Bourzikas original

本日未明、Cloudflareは、GoogleおよびAmazon AWSとともに、「HTTP/2 Rapid Reset」攻撃と名付けられた新種の脆弱性(zero-day )の存在を公表しました。この攻撃は、HTTP/2プロトコルの弱点を悪用し、巨大で超ボリューメトリックな分散サービス妨害(DDoS)攻撃を発生させます。Cloudflareはここ数カ月間、こうした嵐のような攻撃の軽減に取り組んでいました。その中には 、1秒間に2億100万リクエスト(rps)を超える、弊社がこれまでに観測した最大の攻撃の3倍ほどの規模となる攻撃も含まれています。2023年8月末以降、Cloudflareはその他の1,000万rpsを超える攻撃を1,100回以上軽減しましたが、この間DDoSの最大記録である7,100万rpsを超える攻撃が184回にも及びました。


攻撃を受けていますか?それとも、保護を追加したいですか? ヘルプを受けるには、こちらをクリックしてください

このzero-dayは、脅威アクターたちに、脆弱性の解析ツールであるスイスアーミーナイフを悪用して被害者を攻撃することができる、今までにない全く新しいツールを提供したのです。 これらの攻撃に対する対処は複雑で困難を伴うものでしたが、このような攻撃は、Cloudflareにとって、zero-dayの脆弱性の影響を軽減する特別な技術開発の機会となりました。

Cloudflareを使用しているのであれば、HTTPのDDoSは軽減され、保護されています。 以下、この脆弱性に関する詳細情報と、安全確保のためのリソースと推奨事項を掲載します。


2023年8月下旬、弊社のチーム(Cloudflare zero-day)は、Standard HTTP/2プロトコル(インターネットとすべてのWebサイトが機能するために重要な基本プロトコル)を悪用する、未知の脅威行為者によって開発された新たな脆弱性を観測しました。Rapid Resetと名付けられたこの新しいzero-day 脆弱性攻撃は、HTTP/2のStreamキャンセル機能を利用し、リクエストを送信して即座にキャンセルすることを何度も繰り返すものです。  

この単純な「リクエスト、キャンセル、リクエスト、キャンセル」パターンを大規模に自動化することで、脅威アクターはサービス拒否を作り出し、HTTP/2の実装(Standard )を実行しているサーバーやアプリケーションを停止させることができるのです。 さらに、この記録的な攻撃について注目すべき重要な点は、およそ20,000台のマシンで構成される控えめな規模のボットネットが関与していたことです。 Cloudflareは、数十万台から数百万台のマシンで構成される、これよりも桁違いに大規模なボットネットを定期的に検出しています。 比較的小規模なボットネットが、HTTP/2をサポートするほぼすべてのサーバーやアプリケーションを無力化してしまうほどの可能性を秘め、これほど大量のリクエストを出力するという事実は、この脆弱性が無防備なネットワークにとっていかに脅威となるかを強調しています。

脅威アクターはHTTP/2の脆弱性とボットネットを併用し、これまでにない速度でリクエストを増幅させました。 その結果、Cloudflareのチームは、断続的にエッジが不安定になるという体験をしました。 当社のシステムは圧倒的多数の着信攻撃を軽減することができましたが、その量はネットワーク内のいくつかのコンポーネントに過負荷をかけ、断続的に4xxおよび5xxエラーが発生し、少数のお客様のパフォーマンスに影響を与えました。

これらの問題を軽減し、すべての顧客に対する潜在的な攻撃を停止させることに成功した後、弊社のチームは直ちに責任ある情報開示プロセスを開始しました。 この脆弱性を一般に公表する前に、どのように弊社のミッションを前進させ、弊社のネットワークに依存しているインターネットの大部分を保護するために協力できるかについて、同業者と話し合いました。

この攻撃の技術的な詳細については、別のブログ記事で取り上げています。 HTTP/2 Rapid Reset: 記録的な攻撃のデコンストラクション(脱構築)


「完全な情報開示」というものは存在しません。 攻撃を阻止し、新たなインシデントに対応するためには、組織やセキュリティチームが常に侵害を想定したマインドセットが必要です。なぜなら、zero-day 、新たな進化を遂げる脅威アクターグループ、今までにはないような斬新な攻撃やテクニックが常に存在するからです。

この「違反を想定」するマインドセットは、情報共有のための重要な基盤であり、インターネットの安全性を確保するものとなります。 Cloudflareは、このような攻撃を経験・軽減しつつ、業界全体がこの攻撃に耐えられることを保証するために、業界のパートナーと協力します。  

この攻撃を軽減する過程で、弊社のCloudflareチームは、このような DDoS攻撃を阻止するための新技術を開発・構築し、この攻撃のみならず今後発生するその他の大規模な攻撃に対しても、弊社独自の軽減策をさらに改善してきました。 こうした取り組みにより、全体的な軽減能力と回復力が大幅に向上した。 Cloudflareを使用している場合、保護されていると確信しています。

また、この脆弱性を悪用されないようにするためのパッチを開発しているWebサーバーソフトウェアパートナーにも警告を発しました。 — 詳細は同社のWebサイトを参照してください。

情報開示は1回で終わりません。 Cloudflareの生命線は、より良いインターネットを確保することであり、それはこのような事例から生じています。 インターネットに広範な影響が及ばないよう、業界パートナーや政府と協力する機会があれば、規模や業種を問わず、あらゆる組織のサイバー耐性を向上させる弊社の役割を果たします。


HTTP/2 Rapid Resetと、Cloudflare に対するこれらの記録的な攻撃のオリジンは何ですか?

Cloudflareが、こうした攻撃を最初に観測した企業のひとつであることは奇妙に思えるかもしれません。 DDoS攻撃に対して世界で最も強固な防御を持つ企業を、なぜ脅威アクターが攻撃するのでしょうか?  

実際、Cloudflareは、攻撃がより脆弱なターゲットに向けられる前に、時折攻撃を観測します。 脅威アクターは、ツールを実際の攻撃のためにデプロイする前に、ツールを開発し、テストする必要があります。 記録的な攻撃手法を持つ脅威アクターにとって、その攻撃手法がどれほど大規模で効果的なものかをテストし、把握することは極めて困難といえるでしょう。その攻撃を受け止めるだけのインフラストラクチャがないからです。弊社はネットワークパフォーマンスに関する透明性を共有し、公開されているパフォーマンスチャートから攻撃の測定値を得ることがでるため、この脅威アクターは悪用能力を把握するために弊社をターゲットにしたと考えられます。



私は20年以上CSOを務めており、このような情報開示や発表を数え切れないほど経験しました。しかし 、 Log4J で あれ、 Solarwindsであれ、 EternalBlue WannaCry/NotPetyaであれ、Heartbleed であれ、 Shellshock であれ、セキュリティインシデントには共通点があります。凄まじい爆発が世界中に波及し、私が率いたあらゆる組織を完全に混乱させるおそれがあるのです—業界や規模に関わりなくです。

これらの多くは、私たちが制御できなかったかもしれない攻撃や脆弱性だったのです。 しかし、この問題が私の制御できるところから生じたか否かにかかわらず、私が主導して成功したイニシアチブを、私たちに有利に傾かなかった多層防御と区別したのは、このようなzero-day脆弱性やエクスプロイトが特定されたときに対応する能力だったのです。    

今回のRapid Resetは違うと言いたいところですが、そうではありません。 私はすべてのCSOにこう呼びかけています—私のように何十年もセキュリティインシデントを経験してきた人であっても、今日が勤務初日という人であっても、サイバーインシデント対応チームを立ち上げ、確実な保護対策を取るべきです—今こそその時なのです。

できるだけ多くのセキュリティベンダーに対して対応する機会を与えるため、今日まで情報を制限してきました。 しかし、ある時点で、このようなzero-day脅威を公開する責任が生じました。 今日がその日なのです。 つまり、今日以降、脅威アクターはHTTP/2の脆弱性をかなりの部分把握することになるので、その悪用は必然的に容易になり、防御側と攻撃側の間の競争—パッチを当てるのが先か、悪用するのが先かが始まるのです。 組織は、システムがテストされることを想定し、確実に保護するための事前対策を講じるべきなのです。

これはLog4Jのような脆弱性を思い出させます。多くの亜種が日々出現し、そして今後数週間、数カ月、数年と出現し続けることでしょう。 より多くのリサーチャーや脅威アクターがこの脆弱性を試すようになれば、さらに高度なバイパスを含む、より短い悪用サイクルを持つ別の亜種が見つかるかもしれません。  

Log4Jと同様、このようなインシデントの管理は「パッチを当てて完了」というような単純なものではありません。 インシデント管理、パッチ適用、セキュリティ保護の進化を、継続的なプロセスに変える必要があるのです。なぜなら、脆弱性の亜種ごとにパッチを適用してリスクを軽減させることはできても、解消されるわけではないからです。

警鐘を鳴らすつもりはないですが、単刀直入に言います。これを真剣に受け止めてください。 組織に何も起こらないように、必ずアクティブなインシデントとして扱ってください。


セキュリティー上の出来事は、一つとして同じものはなく、またそれらから多くのことが学べます。 CSOの皆さん、すぐに実行に移さなければならない推奨事項をここでお伝えします。 今回だけでなく、この先何年間にも渡って実行してください。

  • 外部ネットワークおよびパートナーネットワークの外部接続を理解し、インターネットに接続しているシステムは次の緩和策を実施してください。
  • 既存のセキュリティ保護と、保護すべき能力を理解し、攻撃を検出し、対応し、ネットワークに問題があれば直ちに修復します。
  • DDoS攻撃対策が、必ずデータセンターの外にあるようにしてください。トラフィックがデータセンターに到達してしまうと、DDoS攻撃を軽減することが難しくなるからです。
  • DDoS攻撃対策アプリケーション(レイヤー7)、およびWebアプリケーションファイアウォールを確保してください。 さらに、ベストプラクティスとして、DNS、ネットワークTraffic(レイヤー3)、APIファイアウォールに対する完全なDDoS攻撃対策を確実に保持してください。
  • Webサーバーおよびオペレーティングシステムのパッチが、インターネットに接続しているWebサーバーに導入されているようにします。 また、Terraformのビルドやイメージのようなすべての自動化が完全にパッチされていることを確認し、旧バージョンのWebサーバが誤ってセキュアなイメージ上でプロダクションにデプロイされないようにします。
  • 最後の手段として、脅威を軽減するためにHTTP/2とHTTP/3(これも脆弱である可能性が高い)をオフにすることを検討してください。  なぜなら、HTTP/1.1にダウングレードすると、パフォーマンスに大きな問題が生じるからです。
  • レジリエンスを持たせるために、セカンダリでクラウドベースの DDoS L7 プロバイダーをペリメータ―(境界)で検討してください。

Cloudflareのミッションは、より良いインターネットの構築を支援することです。 DDoS攻撃対策の現状に不安を感じるお客様には、DDoS攻撃を軽減するために、弊社のDDoS能力とレジリエンスを無料で提供させていただきます。この30日間、弊社はこのような攻撃と戦いながら、クラス最高のシステムをさらに向上させてきました。

さらに詳しくお知りになりたい方は、zero-dayの詳細と対応方法に関するウェビナーをご覧ください。保護されているかどうか不明な場合、またはどのように保護されるのか知りたい場合は、お問い合わせください。また、この攻撃の技術的な詳細につきましては、別のブログ記事HTTP/2 Rapid Reset: 記録的な攻撃を脱構築するで詳しく解説しております。最後に、攻撃の標的にされている場合、または早急な保護が必要な場合は、お近くのCloudflare 担当者にお問い合わせいただくか、をご覧ください。

HTTP/2 Zero-Day 漏洞導致破紀錄的 DDoS 攻擊

Post Syndicated from Grant Bourzikas original

今天早些時候,Cloudflare 與 Google 和 Amazon AWS 一起披露了一個新型 zero-day 漏洞的存在,名為「HTTP/2 Rapid Reset」攻擊。此攻擊利用 HTTP/2 通訊協定中的弱點來產生巨大的超容量分散式阻斷服務 (DDoS) 攻擊。近幾個月來,Cloudflare 緩解了一系列此類攻擊,其中包括一起比我們之前觀察到的任何攻擊規模大三倍的攻擊,每秒要求數 (rps) 超過 2.01 億。自 2023 年 8 月底以來,Cloudflare 緩解了超過 1,100 起 rps 超過 1000 萬的其他攻擊,其中 184 起攻擊超過了我們之前 7100 萬 rps 的 DDoS 記錄。


這個 zero-day 漏洞為威脅執行者提供了一個重要的新工具,即漏洞中的瑞士軍刀,能夠以前所未有的規模利用和攻擊受害者。雖然這些攻擊有時非常複雜且難以應對,但正是因為它們,Cloudflare 才有機會開發專用技術來減輕 zero-day 漏洞的影響。

如果您使用 Cloudflare 進行 HTTP DDoS 緩解,則會受到保護。我們在下文提供了有關此漏洞的更多資訊,以及有關您可以採取哪些措施來保護自己的資源和建議。

解構攻擊:每個 CSO 需要瞭解的事情

2023 年 8 月下旬,我們的 Cloudflare 團隊注意到一個由未知威脅執行者開發的新 zero-day 漏洞,它所利用的標準 HTTP/2 通訊協定是一種基本通訊協定,對網際網路和所有網站的正常運作至關重要。這種新穎的 zero-day 漏洞攻擊稱為 Rapid Reset,它利用 HTTP/2 的串流取消功能,一次又一次地傳送要求並立即取消它。  

透過大規模自動執行這種簡單的「要求、取消、要求、取消」模式,威脅執行者能夠建立阻斷服務並摧毀任何執行 HTTP/2 標準實作的伺服器或應用程式。此外,關於這起破紀錄的攻擊,還有一個重要事項需要注意,它涉及一個中等規模的殭屍網路,由大約 20,000 台機器組成。Cloudflare 會定期偵測比它大幾個數量級的殭屍網路 — 包括數十萬甚至數百萬台機器。對於一個相對較小的殭屍網路來說,輸出如此大量的要求,有可能使幾乎所有支援 HTTP/2 的伺服器或應用程式癱瘓,這凸顯了此漏洞對未受保護的網路的威脅有多大。

威脅執行者將殭屍網路與 HTTP/2 漏洞結合使用,以我們從未見過的速度放大了要求。因此,我們的 Cloudflare 團隊經歷了某種間歇性的邊緣不穩定。雖然我們的系統能夠緩解絕大部分傳入的攻擊,但這些流量會使我們網路中的部分元件過載,從而影響少數客戶的效能,並出現間歇性的 4xx 和 5xx 錯誤,而所有這些錯誤都被迅速解決了。


我們在另一篇部落格文章中更詳細地介紹了該攻擊的技術細節:HTTP/2 Rapid Reset:解構破紀錄的攻擊

Cloudflare 和業界如何遏止這種攻擊?

「完美的披露」並不存在。而遏止攻擊和回應新出現的事件需要組織和網路安全團隊以假定違規的心態生活 — 因為總會有另一個 zero-day 漏洞、新發展的威脅執行者團體以及前所未見的新穎攻擊和技術。

這種「假定違規」的心態是資訊分享以及在這種情況下確保網際網路保持安全的重要基礎。在 Cloudflare 遭遇並緩解這些攻擊的同時,我們也與業界合作夥伴合作,以確保整個產業能夠抵禦這種攻擊。  

在緩解此攻擊的過程中,我們的 Cloudflare 團隊開發並專門構建了新技術來阻止這些 DDoS 攻擊,並進一步改進了我們自己的緩解措施來應對此攻擊和未來其他大規模攻擊。這些努力顯著提高了我們的整體緩解功能和復原能力。如果您使用 Cloudflare,我們相信您會受到保護。

我們的團隊也提醒正在開發修補程式以確保此漏洞不會被利用的 Web 伺服器軟體合作夥伴 — 請檢查網站以獲取更多資訊。

披露絕不是一勞永逸的事情。Cloudflare 的命脈是確保更好的網際網路,而這源於諸如此類的實例。當我們有機會與業界合作夥伴和政府合作,以確保網際網路不會受到廣泛影響時,我們正在盡自己的一份力量來提高每個組織的網路復原能力,無論其規模多大或類別為何。


HTTP/2 Rapid Reset 和這些針對 Cloudflare 的破紀錄攻擊的起因是什麼?

奇怪的是,Cloudflare 竟然是最早目睹這些攻擊的公司之一。為什麼威脅執行者會攻擊一間擁有世界上最強大的 DDoS 攻擊防禦能力的公司?  

實際情況是,Cloudflare 經常在攻擊轉向更脆弱的目標之前就發現了攻擊。威脅執行者在將工具部署到外部環境之前,需要先進行開發和測試。威脅執行者雖然掌握了破紀錄攻擊方法,但很難測試並瞭解攻擊的規模和有效性,因為他們沒有基礎架構可以承受他們發起的攻擊。由於我們分享網路效能的透明度,而且他們可以從我們的公開效能圖表中收集到攻擊測量結果,因此,威脅執行者很可能針對我們發起攻擊,藉此來瞭解該漏洞利用的功能。


從 CSO 到 CSO:您應該怎麼做?

我擔任了 20 多年的 CSO,接受過無數這樣的披露和公告。不過,無論是 Log4JSolarwindsEternalBlue WannaCry/NotPetyaHeartbleed 還是 Shellshock,所有這些安全事件都有一個共通性。一場大爆炸在全球蔓延並創造機會,徹底顛覆了我所領導的任何組織,無論產業或規模如何。

其中許多攻擊或漏洞都是我們無法控制的。但無論問題的起因是否在我的控制範圍之內,我所領導的任何成功計畫與那些不利於我們的計畫的區別在於,當識別這樣的 zero-day 漏洞和利用時,我們能夠做出回應。    

雖然我希望我可以說這次的 Rapid Reset 可能會有所不同,但事實並非如此。無論你們是像我這樣經歷過數十年安全事件的洗禮,還是第一天從事這項工作,我都呼籲所有的 CSO,此刻正是確保你們受到保護,並支援網路事件回應團隊的時候。

我們直到今天才公開這些資訊,以讓盡可能多的安全廠商有機會做出反應。然而,在某些時候,公開披露這樣的 zero-day 威脅才是真正負責任的行為。而今天就是那一天。這意味著在今天之後,威脅執行者大多會意識到 HTTP/2 漏洞;而且,利用和啟動防禦者與攻擊者之間的競賽將不可避免地變得微不足道 — 先修補與先利用。組織應假設系統會遭受測試,並採取主動措施以確保保護。

對我來說,這會讓我想起像 Log4J 這樣的漏洞,由於每天都出現許多變體,因此,在未來幾週、幾個月甚至幾年內會不斷地取得成果。隨著越來越多的研究人員和威脅執行者對此漏洞進行實驗,我們可能會發現利用週期更短的不同變體,其中包含更高級的繞過方法。  

就像 Log4J 一樣,管理此類事件並不像「執行修補程式,現在就完成了」那麼簡單。您需要將事件管理、修補和發展安全保護措施轉變為持續進行的流程,這是因為針對每個漏洞變體的修補程式可以降低您的風險,但並不能消除風險。



雖然沒有任何一個安全事件會與下一個完全相同,但我們可以從中汲取一些教訓。CSO 們,以下是我的建議,必須立即實施。不僅在這種情況下,而且在未來的幾年中也一樣:

  • 瞭解您的合作夥伴網路的外部連線,來透過以下緩解措施補救任何面向網際網路的系統。
  • 瞭解您現有的安全保護措施以及您擁有的用於保護、偵測和回應攻擊的功能,並立即修復您網路中遇到的任何問題。
  • 確保將 DDoS 保護部署在您的資料中心外部,因為如果流量到達資料中心,DDoS 攻擊將很難緩解。
  • 確保您為應用程式(第 7 層)提供 DDoS 保護,並確保部署了 Web 應用程式防火牆。此外,作為最佳做法,請確保您為 DNS、網路流量(第 3 層)和 API 防火牆提供完整的 DDoS 保護
  • 確保在所有面向網際網路的 Web 伺服器上部署 Web 伺服器和作業系統修補程式。此外,請確保所有自動化(例如,Terraform)組建和映像均已完全修補,這樣舊版 Web 伺服器就不會意外地透過安全映像部署到生產環境中。
  • 最後一招,請考慮關閉 HTTP/2 和 HTTP/3(可能也易受攻擊)來緩解威脅。這只是萬不得已才能使用的手段,因為如果降級到 HTTP/1.1,將會出現重大的效能問題
  • 考慮在邊界使用基於雲端的輔助 DDoS 第 7 層提供者以提高復原能力。

Cloudflare 的使命是幫助構建更好的網際網路。如果您擔心目前的 DDoS 保護狀態,我們非常樂意免費為您提供 DDoS 功能和復原能力,以緩解任何成功的 DDoS 攻擊嘗試。我們知道您所面臨的壓力,因為我們在過去 30 天內擊退了這些攻擊,並使我們本已最佳的系統變得更加完美。

如果您有興趣瞭解更多資訊,請觀看我們的網路研討會,以詳細瞭解 zero-day 漏洞以及如何應對。如果您不確定自己是否受到保護或想瞭解如何受到保護,請與我們聯絡。我們也在另一篇部落格文章中更詳細地介紹了有關該攻擊的更多技術細節: HTTP/2 Rapid Reset:解構破紀錄的攻擊。最後,如果您成為攻擊目標或需要即時保護,請聯絡您當地的 Cloudflare 代表或造訪

HTTP/2 Rapid Reset:解构这场破纪录的攻击

Post Syndicated from Lucas Pardue original

从 2023 年 8 月 25 日开始,我们开始注意到一些异常大量的 HTTP 攻击袭击了我们的许多客户。我们的自动化 DDoS 系统检测到并缓解了这些攻击。然而,没过多久,它们就开始达到破纪录的规模 – 最终达到了每秒 2.01 亿次请求的峰值。此数量几乎是我们以前最大攻击记录数量的 3 倍。

受到攻击或需要额外保护? 单击此处获取帮助

而更令人担忧的是,攻击者能够利用一个只有 20,000 台机器的僵尸网络发起这样的攻击。而如今有的僵尸网络由数十万或数百万台机器组成。整个 web 网络通常每秒处理10-30 亿个请求,因此使用此方法可以将整个 web 网络的请求数量等级集中在少数目标上,而这并非不可想象。


这是一种规模空前的新型攻击手段,Cloudflare 现有的保护措施在很大程度上能够抵御这种攻击的冲击。虽然最初我们看到了对客户流量的一些影响(在第一波攻击期间影响了大约1% 的请求),但今天我们已经能够改进我们的缓解方法,以阻止任何针对Cloudflare 客户的攻击,并保证自身的系统正常运行。

我们注意到这些攻击的同时,谷歌和 AWS 这两大行业巨头也发现了同样的情况。我们努力加固 Cloudflare 的系统,以确保目前我们所有的客户都能免受这种新的 DDoS 攻击方法的影响,而不会对客户造成任何影响。我们还与谷歌和 AWS 共同参与了向受影响的供应商和关键基础设施提供商披露攻击事件的协调工作。

这种攻击是通过滥用 HTTP/2 协议的某些功能和服务器实施详细信息实现的(详情请参见 CVE-2023-44487)。由于该攻击滥用了 HTTP/2 协议中的一个潜在弱点,我们认为实施了 HTTP/2 的任何供应商都会受到攻击。这包括所有现代网络服务器。我们已经与谷歌和 AWS 一起向网络服务器供应商披露了攻击方法,我们希望他们能够实施补丁。与此同时,最好的防御方法是在任何面向网络的 Web 服务器或 API 服务器前面使用诸如 Cloudflare 之类的 DDoS 缓解服务。

这篇文章深入探讨了 HTTP/2 协议的详细信息、攻击者利用来实施这些大规模攻击的功能,以及我们为确保所有客户受到保护而采取的缓解策略。我们希望通过公布这些详细信息,其他受影响的 Web 服务器和服务能够获得实施缓解策略所需的信息。此外,HTTP/2 协议标准团队以及开发未来 Web 标准的团队可以更好地设计这些标准,以防止此类攻击。

RST 攻击详细信息

HTTP 是为 Web 提供支持的应用协议。HTTP 语义对于所有版本的 HTTP 都是通用的 — 整体架构、术语和协议方面,例如请求和响应消息、方法、状态代码、标头和尾部字段、消息内容等等。每个单独的 HTTP 版本都定义了如何将语义转换为“有线格式”以通过 Internet 进行交换。例如,客户端必须将请求消息序列化为二进制数据并发送,然后服务器将其解析回它可以处理的消息。

HTTP/1.1 使用文本形式的序列化。请求和响应信息以 ASCII 字符流的形式进行交换,通过可靠的传输层(如 TCP)发送,使用以下格式(其中 CRLF 表示回车和换行):

 HTTP-message   = start-line CRLF
                   *( field-line CRLF )
                   [ message-body ]

例如,对于 的一个非常简单的 GET 请求在线路上将如下所示:

GET / HTTP/1.1 CRLFHost: blog.cloudflare.comCRLFCRLF


HTTP/1.1 200 OK CRLFServer: cloudflareCRLFContent-Length: 100CRLFtext/html; charset=UTF-8CRLFCRLF<100 bytes of data>

这种格式在线路上构造消息,这意味着可以使用单个 TCP 连接来交换多个请求和响应。但是,该格式要求每条消息都完整发送。此外,为了正确地将请求与响应关联起来,需要严格的排序;这意味着消息是串行交换的并且不能多路复用。 的两个 GET 请求将是:

GET / HTTP/1.1 CRLFHost: blog.cloudflare.comCRLFCRLFGET /page/2/ HTTP/1.1 CRLFHost: blog.cloudflare.comCRLFCRLF

With the responses:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK CRLFServer: cloudflareCRLFContent-Length: 100CRLFtext/html; charset=UTF-8CRLFCRLF<100 bytes of data>CRLFHTTP/1.1 200 OK CRLFServer: cloudflareCRLFContent-Length: 100CRLFtext/html; charset=UTF-8CRLFCRLF<100 bytes of data>

Web 页面需要比这些示例更复杂的 HTTP 交互。访问 Cloudflare 博客时,您的浏览器将加载多个脚本、样式和媒体资产。如果您使用 HTTP/1.1 访问首页,然后很快决定导航到第 2 页,您的浏览器可以从两个选项中进行选择。要么在第 2 页开始之前等待对您不再需要的页面的所有已排入队列的响应,要么通过关闭 TCP 连接并打开一个新连接来取消进行中的请求。这两种方法都不太实用。浏览器往往通过管理 TCP 连接池(每台主机最多 6 个连接)并在池上实现复杂的请求分派逻辑来绕过这些限制。

HTTP/2 解决了 HTTP/1.1 的许多问题。每个 HTTP 消息都被序列化为一组 HTTP/2 帧,这些帧具有类型、长度、标志、流标识符 (ID) 和有效负载。流 ID 清楚地表明线路上的哪些字节适用于哪个消息,从而允许安全的多路复用和并发。流是双向的。客户端发送帧,服务器使用相同的 ID 回复帧。

在 HTTP/2 中,我们对 的 GET 请求将通过流 ID 1 交换,客户端发送一个 HEADERS 帧,服务器使用一个 HEADERS 帧进行响应,后跟一个或多个 DATA 帧。客户端请求始终使用奇数流 ID,因此后续请求将使用流 ID 3、5 等。可以以任何顺序提供响应,并且来自不同流的帧可以交织。

流多路复用和并发是 HTTP/2 的强大功能。它们可以更有效地使用单个 TCP 连接。HTTP/2 优化了资源获取,尤其是在与优先排序相结合时。另一方面,与 HTTP/1.1 相比,让客户端更容易启动大量并行工作会增加对服务器资源的峰值需求。这显然是拒绝服务的一个载体。

为了提供一些防护措施,HTTP/2 提供了最大活动并发流的概念。SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS 参数允许服务器公布其并发限制。例如,如果服务器声明限制为 100,那么任何时候都最多只能有 100 个请求处于活动状态。如果客户端试图打开超过此限制的流,服务器一定会使用 RST_STREAM 帧拒绝它。流拒绝不会影响连接上的其他正在进行中的流。

真实情况要复杂一些。流有生命周期。下面是 HTTP/2 流状态机的示意图。客户端和服务器管理各自的流状态视图。当发送或接收 HEADERS、DATA 和 RST_STREAM 帧时,它们会触发转换。虽然流状态的视图是独立的,但它们是同步的。

HEADERS 和 DATA 帧包含一个 END_STREAM 标志,当设置为 1 (true) 时,可触发状态转换。

让我们通过一个没有消息内容的 GET 请求示例来解决这个问题。客户端以 HEADERS 帧的形式发送请求,并将 END_STREAM 标志设置为 1。客户端首先将流从空闲状态转换为打开状态,然后立即转换为半关闭状态。客户端半关闭状态意味着它不能再发送HEADERS或DATA,只能发送 WINDOW_UPDATEPRIORITY 或 RST_STREAM 帧。然而,它可以接收任何帧。

一旦服务器接收并解析了 HEADERS 帧,它就会将流状态从空闲转变为打开,然后半关闭,因此它与客户端匹配。服务器半关闭状态意味着它可以发送任何帧,但只能接收 WINDOW_UPDATE、PRIORITY 或 RST_STREAM 帧。

对 GET 的响应包含消息内容,因此服务器发送 END_STREAM 标志设置为 0 的 HEADERS,然后发送 END_STREAM 标志设置为 1 的 DATA。DATA 帧触发服务器上流从半关闭关闭的转换。当客户端收到它时,它也会转换为关闭状态。一旦流关闭,就无法发送或接收任何帧。

将此生命周期应用回并发上下文中,HTTP/2 指出

处于“打开”状态或任一种“半关闭”状态的流计入允许端点打开的最大流数量。处于这三种状态中任何一种状态的流都将计入在 SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS 设置中公布的限制。


HTTP/2 请求取消

在前文中,我们谈到了客户端取消正在进行的请求的问题。与 HTTP/1.1 相比,HTTP/2 支持这种方式的效率要高得多。客户端无需中断整个连接,只需针对单个流发送一个 RST_STREAM 帧。这将指示服务器停止处理该请求并中止响应,从而释放服务器资源并避免浪费带宽。

让我们来看看前面 3 个请求的例子。这一次,客户端在发送完所有 HEADERS 帧后,取消了针对流 1 的请求。服务器在准备好提供响应之前,会解析此 RST_STREAM 帧,并改为只响应流 3 和流 5:

取消请求是一个非常有用的功能。例如,当滚动包含多个图像的网页时,网络浏览器可以取消落在视口之外的图像,这意味着进入视口的图像可以更快地加载。与 HTTP/1.1 相比,HTTP/2 使这种行为更加高效。

被取消的请求流会快速过渡整个流生命周期。 END_STREAM 标志设置为 1 的客户端 HEADERS 状态从空闲状态转换为打开状态再到半关闭状态,然后 RST_STREAM 立即导致从半关闭状态转换为关闭状态。

回想一下,只有处于打开或半关闭状态的流才会影响流并发限制。当客户端取消流时,它立即能够在其位置打开另一个流,并可以立即发送另一个请求。这就是 CVE-2023-44487 能够发挥作用的关键所在。


HTTP/2 请求取消可能被滥用来快速重置无限数量的流。当 HTTP/2 服务器能够足够快地处理客户端发送的 RST_STREAM 帧并拆除状态时,这种快速重置不会导致问题。当整理工作出现任何延误或滞后时,问题就会开始出现。客户端可能会处理大量请求,从而导致工作积压,从而导致服务器上资源的过度消耗。

常见的 HTTP 部署架构会在其他组件前面运行 HTTP/2 代理或负载平衡器。当客户端请求到达时,它会被快速分派,而实际工作则作为异步活动在其他地方完成。这样,代理就能非常高效地处理客户端流量。然而,这种关注点的分离会使代理难以整理正在处理的作业。因此,这些部署更有可能遇到快速重置造成的问题。

Cloudflare 的反向代理处理传入的 HTTP/2 客户端流量时,会将数据从连接的套接字复制到缓冲区,并按顺序处理缓冲的数据。在读取每个请求(HEADERS 和 DATA 帧)时,它会被分派到上游服务。读取 RST_STREAM 帧时,请求的本地状态会被删除,并通知上游请求已被取消。如此循环往复,直到整个缓冲区中的数据处理完毕。然而,这种逻辑可能会被滥用:当恶意客户端开始发送大量请求链,并在连接开始时重置时,我们的服务器就会迫不及待地读取所有请求,给上游服务器造成压力,以至于无法处理任何新的传入请求。

需要强调的是,流并发本身并不能缓解快速重置。无论服务器选择的 SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS 值是多少,客户端可以不断发送请求以创建高请求率。


以下是使用概念验证客户端尝试发出总共 1000 个请求的快速重置示例。我使用了现成的服务器,没有任何缓解措施; 在测试环境中侦听端口 443。为了清楚起见,使用 Wireshark 剖析流量并进行过滤以仅显示 HTTP/2 流量。下载 pcap 以进行后续操作。

要看清楚有点难,因为有很多帧。我们可以通过 Wireshark 的“统计 > HTTP2”工具快速获得摘要:

在此跟踪中,数据包 14 中的第一个帧是服务器的 SETTINGS 帧,它标明最大流并发为 100。在数据包 15 中,客户端发送了几个控制帧,然后开始发出会快速重置的请求。第一个 HEADERS 帧长 26 字节,而随后的所有 HEADERS 帧都只有 9 字节。这种大小差异是由于一种名为 HPACK 的压缩技术造成。数据包 15 总共包含 525 个请求,最高可达 1051 个流。

有趣的是,流 1051 的 RST_STREAM 帧并未包含在数据包 15 中,因此在数据包 16 中,我们看到服务器传回 404 响应。然后,在数据包 17 中,客户端发送 RST_STREAM,然后继续发送余下的 475 个请求。

请注意,虽然服务器声明有 100 个并发流,但客户端发送的两个数据包的 HEADERS 帧数远超此值。客户端无需等待服务器的任何返回流量,它只受限于它可以发送的数据包大小。在此跟踪中未发现服务器 RST_STREAM 帧,表明服务器未发现并发流违规。



首先,当传入请求的速度达到前所未有的峰值时,我们收到了客户端发现 502 错误增多的报告。这种情况发生在我们受影响最大的数据中心,彼时它们正在努力处理所有请求。虽然我们的网络可以应对大规模攻击,但这一特殊漏洞暴露了我们基础设施中的薄弱环节。让我们深入探讨一下详细信息,重点关注当传入的请求到达我们的数据中心之一时如何处理:

我们可以看到我们的基础设施由一系列具有不同职责的不同代理服务器组成。特别是,当客户端连接到 Cloudflare 发送 HTTPS 流量时,它首先会命中我们的 TLS 解密代理:它解密 TLS 流量,处理 HTTP 1、2 或 3 流量,然后将其转发到我们的“业务逻辑”代理。它负责加载每个客户的所有设置,然后将请求正确路由到其他上游服务 – 更重要的是,在我们的例子中,它还负责安全功能。这是处理 L7 攻击缓解的地方。


当发生这种情况时,TLS 代理就无法再连接到其上游代理,因此在最严重的攻击中,一些客户端会看到“502 Bad Gateway”错误。值得注意的是,到目前为止,用于创建 HTTP 分析的日志也是由我们的业务逻辑代理发布的。这样做的后果是,在 Cloudflare 仪表板中看不到这些错误。我们的内部仪表板显示,在最初的攻击浪潮中(在我们实施缓解措施之前),约有 1% 的请求受到影响,在 8 月 29 日最严重的一次攻击中,有几秒钟的峰值达到了约 12%。下图显示了出现这种情况时的两小时内这些错误的比率:


499 错误和 HTTP/2 流并发挑战

一些客户报告的另一个症状是 499 错误增加。造成这种情况的原因有些不同,与本贴前面详述的 HTTP/2 连接中的最大流并发相关。

HTTP/2 设置在连接开始时使用 SETTINGS 帧进行交换。如果没有收到明确的参数,则会使用默认值。客户端建立 HTTP/2 连接后,可以等待服务器的 SETTINGS(慢),也可以使用默认值开始发出请求(快)。对于 SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS,默认值实际上是无限的(流 ID 使用 31 位数字空间,请求使用奇数,因此实际限制是 1073741824)。规范建议服务器提供不少于 100 个数据流。客户端通常偏向于速度,因此不会等待服务器设置,这就造成了一些竞争情况。客户端会赌服务器可能选择的限制;如果客户端赌错了,请求将被拒绝,并且客户端必须重试。在 1073741824 个流上赌有点傻。取而代之,许多客户端决定将自己限制在发布 100 个并发流,希望服务器遵循规范建议。如果服务器选择低于 100 的数值,则客户端赌错了,流将被重置。

服务器重置超出并发限制的流的原因有很多。HTTP/2 是严格的,在出现解析或逻辑错误时会要求关闭流。在 2019 年,Cloudflare 针对 HTTP/2 DoS 漏洞开发了多个缓解措施。其中几个漏洞是由客户端行为不当导致服务器重置流造成的。遏制此类客户端的一个非常有效的策略是对在连接期间服务器重置的次数进行计数,当次数超过某个阈值时,就使用 GOAWAY 帧关闭连接。合法客户可能会在一次连接中犯一两个错误,这是可以接受的。如果客户端犯错误的次数过多,它很可能是损坏的客户端或恶意客户端,关闭连接可以解决这两种情况。

在应对由 CVE-2023-44487 引发的 DoS 攻击时,Cloudflare 将最大流并发降至 64。在进行此更改之前,我们并不知道客户端不会等待 SETTINGS,而是假设并发为 100。某些 Web 页面(如图片库)确实会导致浏览器在连接开始时立即发送 100 个请求。不幸的是,超过限制的 36 个流都需要重置,这触发了我们的计数缓解措施。这意味着我们关闭了合法客户端的连接,导致页面加载完全失败。我们意识到这个互操作性问题后,立即将最大流并发更改为 100。

Cloudflare 方面的行动

在 2019 年,发现了几个与 HTTP/2 实现相关的 DoS 漏洞。作为回应,Cloudflare 开发并部署了一系列检测和缓解措施。CVE-2023-44487 是 HTTP/2 漏洞的另一种表现形式。不过,为了缓解它,我们能够扩展现有的保护,以监控客户端发送的 RST_STREAM 帧,并在它们被用于滥用时关闭连接。客户端对 RST_STREAM 的合法使用不受影响。

除了直接修复外,我们还对服务器的 HTTP/2 帧处理和请求分派代码进行了多项改进。此外,业务逻辑服务器还改进了队列和分派,减少了不必要的工作,提高了对取消操作的响应速度。这些措施多管齐下,减轻了各种潜在滥用模式的影响,并为服务器在饱和前处理请求提供了更多空间。


Cloudflare 已经部署了一套系统,可以通过成本较低的方法有效缓解超大型攻击。其中一个系统名为 IP Jail。对于超容量攻击,该系统会收集参与攻击的客户端 IP,并阻止它们连接到受攻击的财产(无论是在 IP 级别还是在我们的 TLS 代理中)。然而,该系统需要几秒钟才能完全生效; 在这宝贵的几秒钟内,源头已经受到保护,但我们的基础设施仍然需要吸收所有 HTTP 请求。由于这种新的僵尸网络实际上没有启动期,因此我们需要能够在攻击成为问题之前将其消灭。

为此,我们扩展了 IP Jail 系统,以保护我们的整个基础设施:一旦一个 IP 被“监禁”,它不仅会被阻止连接到受攻击的资产,我们还会禁止相应的 IP 在一段时间内使用 HTTP/2 连接到 Cloudflare 上的任何其他域。因此,无法通过使用 HTTP/1.x 来滥用协议。这就限制了攻击者实施大规模攻击的能力,而共用同一 IP 的任何合法客户端在此期间只会看到非常小的性能下降。基于 IP 的缓解措施是一种非常笨拙的工具 – 这就是为什么我们在这种规模下使用它们时必须非常小心,并尽可能避免误报。此外,僵尸网络中给定 IP 的寿命通常很短,因此任何长期缓解措施都可能弊大于利。下图显示了我们目睹的攻击中 IP 的变化情况:

我们可以看到,在某一天发现的许多新 IP 后来很快就消失了。

由于所有这些操作都在 HTTPS 管道开始时在我们的 TLS 代理中发生,因此与常规的 L7 缓解系统相比,可以节省大量资源。这使我们能够更顺利地应对这些攻击,现在这些僵尸网络造成的随机 502 错误数量已降至零。



我们也在努力改进连接层面的日志记录,使我们能够更快地发现此类协议滥用,从而提高我们的 DDoS 缓解能力。


虽然这是最近一次破纪录的攻击,但我们知道这不会是最后一次。随着攻击的不断复杂化,Cloudflare 坚持不懈地努力,积极主动地识别新的威胁,并在我们的全球网络中部署应对措施,使我们的数百万客户能够立即自动地受到保护。

自从 2017 年以来,Cloudflare 一直为我们的所有客户提供免费、不计量且无限制的 DDoS 防护。此外,我们还提供一系列附加安全功能,以满足各种规模组织的需求。如果您不确定自己是否受到保护,或想了解如何才能受到保护,请联系我们

Model Extraction Attack on Neural Networks

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original

Adi Shamir et al. have a new model extraction attack on neural networks:

Polynomial Time Cryptanalytic Extraction of Neural Network Models

Abstract: Billions of dollars and countless GPU hours are currently spent on training Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) for a variety of tasks. Thus, it is essential to determine the difficulty of extracting all the parameters of such neural networks when given access to their black-box implementations. Many versions of this problem have been studied over the last 30 years, and the best current attack on ReLU-based deep neural networks was presented at Crypto’20 by Carlini, Jagielski, and Mironov. It resembles a differential chosen plaintext attack on a cryptosystem, which has a secret key embedded in its black-box implementation and requires a polynomial number of queries but an exponential amount of time (as a function of the number of neurons).

In this paper, we improve this attack by developing several new techniques that enable us to extract with arbitrarily high precision all the real-valued parameters of a ReLU-based DNN using a polynomial number of queries and a polynomial amount of time. We demonstrate its practical efficiency by applying it to a full-sized neural network for classifying the CIFAR10 dataset, which has 3072 inputs, 8 hidden layers with 256 neurons each, and about 1.2 million neuronal parameters. An attack following the approach by Carlini et al. requires an exhaustive search over 2256 possibilities. Our attack replaces this with our new techniques, which require only 30 minutes on a 256-core computer.

Delegating permission set management and account assignment in AWS IAM Identity Center

Post Syndicated from Jake Barker original

In this blog post, we look at how you can use AWS IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS Single Sign-On) to delegate the management of permission sets and account assignments. Delegating the day-to-day administration of user identities and entitlements allows teams to move faster and reduces the burden on your central identity administrators.

IAM Identity Center helps you securely create or connect your workforce identities and manage their access centrally across AWS accounts and applications. Identity Center requires accounts to be managed by AWS Organizations. Administration of Identity Center can be delegated to a member account (an account other than the management account). We recommend that you delegate Identity Center administration to limit who has access to the management account and use the management account only for tasks that require the management account.

Delegated administration is different from the delegation of permission sets and account assignments, which this blog covers. For more information on delegated administration, see Getting started with AWS IAM Identity Center delegated administration. The patterns in this blog post work whether Identity Center is delegated to a member account or remains in the management account.

Permission sets are used to define the level of access that users or groups have to an AWS account. Permission sets can contain AWS managed policies, customer managed policies, inline policies, and permissions boundaries.

Solution overview

As your organization grows, you might want to start delegating permissions management and account assignment to give your teams more autonomy and reduce the burden on your identity team. Alternatively, you might have different business units or customers, operating out of their own organizational units (OUs), that want more control over their own identity management.

In this scenario, an example organization has three developer teams: Red, Blue, and Yellow. Each of the teams operate out of its own OU. IAM Identity Center has been delegated from the management account to the Identity Account. Figure 1 shows the structure of the example organization.

Figure 1: The structure of the organization in the example scenario

Figure 1: The structure of the organization in the example scenario

The organization in this scenario has an existing collection of permission sets. They want to delegate the management of permission sets and account assignments away from their central identity management team.

  • The Red team wants to be able to assign the existing permission sets to accounts in its OU. This is an accounts-based model.
  • The Blue team wants to edit and use a single permission set and then assign that set to the team’s single account. This is a permission-based model.
  • The Yellow team wants to create, edit, and use a permission set tagged with Team: Yellow and then assign that set to all of the accounts in its OU. This is a tag-based model.

We’ll look at the permission sets needed for these three use cases.

Note: If you’re using the AWS Management Console, additional permissions are required.

Use case 1: Accounts-based model

In this use case, the Red team is given permission to assign existing permission sets to the three accounts in its OU. This will also include permissions to remove account assignments.

Using this model, an organization can create generic permission sets that can be assigned to its AWS accounts. It helps reduce complexity for the delegated administrators and verifies that they are using permission sets that follow the organization’s best practices. These permission sets restrict access based on services and features within those services, rather than specific resources.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Action": [
        "Resource": [


In the preceding policy, the principal can assign existing permission sets to the three AWS accounts with the IDs 112233445566, 223344556677 and 334455667788. This includes administration permission sets, so carefully consider which accounts you allow the permission sets to be assigned to.

The arn:aws:sso:::instance/ssoins-<sso-ins-id> is the IAM Identity Center instance ID ARN. It can be found using either the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) v2 with the list-instances API or the AWS Management Console.

Use the AWS CLI

Use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to run the following command:

aws sso-admin list-instances

You can also use AWS CloudShell to run the command.

Use the AWS Management Console

Use the Management Console to navigate to the IAM Identity Center in your AWS Region and then select Choose your identity source on the dashboard.

Figure 2: The IAM Identity Center instance ID ARN in the console

Figure 2: The IAM Identity Center instance ID ARN in the console

Use case 2: Permission-based model

For this example, the Blue team is given permission to edit one or more specific permission sets and then assign those permission sets to a single account. The following permissions allow the team to use managed and inline policies.

This model allows the delegated administrator to use fine-grained permissions on a specific AWS account. It’s useful when the team wants total control over the permissions in its AWS account, including the ability to create additional roles with administrative permissions. In these cases, the permissions are often better managed by the team that operates the account because it has a better understanding of the services and workloads.

Granting complete control over permissions can lead to unintended or undesired outcomes. Permission sets are still subject to IAM evaluation and authorization, which means that service control policies (SCPs) can be used to deny specific actions.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Action": [
        "Resource": [

Here, the principal can edit the permission set arn:aws:sso:::permissionSet/ssoins-<sso-ins-id>/ps-1122334455667788 and assign it to the AWS account 445566778899. The editing rights include customer managed policies, AWS managed policies, and inline policies.

If you want to use the preceding policy, replace the missing and example resource values with your own IAM Identity Center instance ID and account numbers.

In the preceding policy, the arn:aws:sso:::permissionSet/ssoins-<sso-ins-id>/ps-1122334455667788 is the permission set ARN. You can find this ARN through the console, or by using the AWS CLI command to list all of the permission sets:

aws sso-admin list-permission-sets --instance-arn <instance arn from above>

This permission set can also be applied to multiple accounts—similar to the first use case—by adding additional account IDs to the list of resources. Likewise, additional permission sets can be added so that the user can edit multiple permission sets and assign them to a set of accounts.

Use case 3: Tag-based model

For this example, the Yellow team is given permission to create, edit, and use permission sets tagged with Team: Yellow. Then they can assign those tagged permission sets to all of their accounts.

This example can be used by an organization to allow a team to freely create and edit permission sets and then assign them to the team’s accounts. It uses tagging as a mechanism to control which permission sets can be created and edited. Permission sets without the correct tag cannot be altered.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:sso:::permissionSet/ssoins-<sso-ins-id>/*",
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "aws:ResourceTag/Team": "Yellow"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:sso:::permissionSet/ssoins-<sso-ins-id>/*",
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "aws:RequestTag/Team": "Yellow"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "sso:TagResource",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:sso:::permissionSet/ssoins-<sso-ins-id>/*",
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "aws:ResourceTag/Team": "Yellow",
                    "aws:RequestTag/Team": "Yellow"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Sid": "InlinePolicy",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Sid": "InlinePolicyABAC",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:sso:::permissionSet/ssoins-<sso-ins-id>/*",
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "aws:ResourceTag/Team": "Yellow"

In the preceding policy, the principal is allowed to create new permission sets only with the tag Team: Yellow, and assign only permission sets tagged with Team: Yellow to the AWS accounts with ID 556677889900, 667788990011, and 778899001122.

The principal can only edit the inline policies of the permission sets tagged with Team: Yellow and cannot change the tags of the permission sets that are already tagged for another team.

If you want to use this policy, replace the missing and example resource values with your own IAM Identity Center instance ID, tags, and account numbers.

Note: The policy above assumes that there are no additional statements applying to the principal. If you require additional allow statements, verify that the resulting policy doesn’t create a risk of privilege escalation. You can review Controlling access to AWS resources using tags for additional information.

This policy only allows the delegation of permission sets using inline policies. Customer managed policies are IAM policies that are deployed to and are unique to each AWS account. When you create a permission set with a customer managed policy, you must create an IAM policy with the same name and path in each AWS account where IAM Identity Center assigns the permission set. If the IAM policy doesn’t exist, Identity Center won’t make the account assignment. For more information on how to use customer managed policies with Identity Center, see How to use customer managed policies in AWS IAM Identity Center for advanced use cases.

You can extend the policy to allow the delegation of customer managed policies with these two statements:

    "Sid": "CustomerManagedPolicy",
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": [
    "Resource": [
    "Sid": "CustomerManagedABAC",
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": [
    "Resource": "arn:aws:sso:::permissionSet/ssoins-<sso-ins-id>/*",
    "Condition": {
        "StringEquals": {
            "aws:ResourceTag/Team": "Yellow"

Note: Both statements are required, as only the resource type PermissionSet supports the condition key aws:ResourceTag/${TagKey}, and the actions listed require access to both the Instance and PermissionSet resource type. See Actions, resources, and condition keys for AWS IAM Identity Center for more information.

Best practices

Here are some best practices to consider when delegating management of permission sets and account assignments:

  • Assign permissions to edit specific permission sets. Allowing roles to edit every permission set could allow that role to edit their own permission set.
  • Only allow administrators to manage groups. Users with rights to edit group membership could add themselves to any group, including a group reserved for organization administrators.

If you’re using IAM Identity Center in a delegated account, you should also be aware of the best practices for delegated administration.


Organizations can empower teams by delegating the management of permission sets and account assignments in IAM Identity Center. Delegating these actions can allow teams to move faster and reduce the burden on the central identity management team.

The scenario and examples share delegation concepts that can be combined and scaled up within your organization. If you have feedback about this blog post, submit comments in the Comments section. If you have questions, start a new thread on AWS Re:Post with the Identity Center tag.

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Jake Barker

Jake Barker

Jake is a Senior Security Consultant with AWS Professional Services. He loves making security accessible to customers and eating great pizza.

Roberto Migli

Roberto Migli

Roberto is a Principal Solutions Architect at AWS. Roberto supports global financial services customers, focusing on security and identity and access management. In his free time he enjoys building electronics gadgets and spending time with his family.

Internet traffic patterns in Israel and Palestine following the October 2023 attacks

Post Syndicated from João Tomé original

Internet traffic patterns in Israel and Palestine following the October 2023 attacks

Internet traffic patterns in Israel and Palestine following the October 2023 attacks

On Saturday, October 7, 2023, attacks from the Palestinian group Hamas launched from the Gaza Strip against the south of Israel started a new conflict in the region. Israel officially declared that it is at war the next day. Cloudflare's data shows that Internet traffic was impacted in different ways, both in Israel and Palestine, with two networks (autonomous systems) in the Gaza Strip going offline a few hours after the attacks. Subsequently, on October 9, two additional networks also experienced outages. We also saw an uptick in cyberattacks targeting Israel, including a 1.26 billion HTTP requests DDoS attack, and Palestine.

Starting with general Internet traffic trends, there was a clear increase in Internet traffic right after the attacks reportedly began (03:30 UTC, 06:30 local time). Traffic spiked at around 03:35 UTC (06:35 local time) in both Israel (~170% growth compared with the previous week) and Palestine (100% growth).

That growth is consistent with other situations, where we’ve seen surges in Internet traffic when countrywide events occur and people are going online to check for news, updates, and more information on what is happening, with social media and messaging also playing a role. However, in Palestine, that traffic growth was followed by a clear drop in traffic around 08:00 UTC (11:00 local time).

Internet traffic patterns in Israel and Palestine following the October 2023 attacks
Internet traffic patterns in Israel and Palestine following the October 2023 attacks

The Palestine uptick in traffic after the Hamas attacks started is more visible when only looking at HTTP requests. Requests in Palestine dropped on Saturday and Sunday, October 7 and 8, as much as 20% and 25%, respectively.

Internet traffic patterns in Israel and Palestine following the October 2023 attacks

Palestine's outages and Internet impact

What drove the drop in Internet traffic in Palestine? Our data shows that two Gaza Strip related networks (autonomous systems or ASNs) were offline on that October 7 morning. Fusion (AS42314) was offline from 08:00 UTC, but saw some recovery after 17:00 UTC the next day; this only lasted for a few hours, given that it went back offline after 12:00 UTC this Monday, October 9.

Internet traffic patterns in Israel and Palestine following the October 2023 attacks

It was the same scenario for DCC North (AS203905), but it went offline after 10:00 UTC and with no recovery of traffic observed as of Monday, October 9. These Internet disruptions may be related to power outages in the Gaza Strip.

Internet traffic patterns in Israel and Palestine following the October 2023 attacks

During the day on October 7, other Palestinian networks saw less traffic than usual. JETNET (AS199046) had around half of the usual traffic after 08:00 UTC, similar to SpeedClick (AS57704), which had around 60% less traffic. After 14:15 on October 9, traffic to those networks dropped sharply (a 95% decrease compared with the previous week), showing only residual traffic.

When looking more closely at the Gaza Strip specifically, we can see that some districts or governorates had a drop in HTTP requests a few hours after the first Hamas attacks. The Gaza Governorate was impacted, with traffic dropping on October 7, 2023, after 09:15 UTC. On October 9, at 18:00 UTC, traffic was 46% lower than in the previous week. (Note: there were spikes in traffic during Friday, October 6, several hours before the attacks, but it is unclear what caused those spikes.)

Internet traffic patterns in Israel and Palestine following the October 2023 attacks

The Deir al-Balah Governorate (on October 9, at 18:00 UTC, traffic was 46% lower than in the previous week) and the Khan Yunis Governorate (50% lower) also both experienced similar drops in traffic:

Internet traffic patterns in Israel and Palestine following the October 2023 attacks
Internet traffic patterns in Israel and Palestine following the October 2023 attacks

In the Rafah Governorate traffic dropped after 19:00 UTC on October 8 (and on October 9, at 18:00 UTC, traffic was 65% lower than in the previous week).

Internet traffic patterns in Israel and Palestine following the October 2023 attacks

Other Palestinian governorates in the West Bank did not experience the same impact to Internet traffic.

Spikes in Internet traffic in Israel

In Israel, Internet traffic surged to ~170% as compared to the previous week right after the Hamas attacks on October 7 at around 03:35 UTC (06:35 local time), and again at around 16:00 UTC (19:00 local time), with ~80% growth compared to the previous week. In both cases, the increase was driven by mobile device traffic.

Internet traffic patterns in Israel and Palestine following the October 2023 attacks

There was also increased traffic, as compared with usual levels, on Sunday, October 8, with notable spikes at around 06:00 (09:00 local time) and 12:00 UTC (15:00 local time), seen in the HTTP requests traffic graph below.

Internet traffic patterns in Israel and Palestine following the October 2023 attacks

Mobile device traffic drove the Saturday, October 7 spikes in traffic, with the daily mobile device usage percentage reaching its highest in the past two months, reaching 56%.

Internet traffic patterns in Israel and Palestine following the October 2023 attacks

Looking at specific Israel districts, traffic looks similar to the nationwide perspective.

Cyber attacks targeting Israel

Cyber attacks are frequent, recurrent, and are not necessarily dependent on actual wars on the ground, as our 2023 attacks landscape clearly showed. However, it is not unusual to see cyberattacks launched in tandem with ground assaults. We saw that in Ukraine, an uptick in cyber attacks started just before war began there on February 24, 2022, and were even more constant, and spread to other countries after that day.

In Israel, we saw a clear uptick in cyber attacks earlier this year, with another wave of notable attacks on October 7 and October 8, 2023, after the Hamas attacks. The largest ones were DDoS attacks targeting Israeli newspapers. One attack on October 8, reached 1.26 billion daily requests blocked by Cloudflare as DDoS attacks, and the other reached 346 million daily requests on October 7, and 332 million daily requests the following day.

Internet traffic patterns in Israel and Palestine following the October 2023 attacks

Looking at these DDoS attacks in terms of requests per second, one of the impacted sites experienced a peak of 1.1 million requests per second on October 8 at 02:00 UTC, and the other Israeli newspaper saw a peak of 745k requests per second at around 06:00 the same day.

Internet traffic patterns in Israel and Palestine following the October 2023 attacks

In Palestine, we also saw application layer DDoS attacks, but not as big. The main one in the past three months was on October 7, 2023, targeting a Palestine online newspaper, reaching 105 million daily requests.

Internet traffic patterns in Israel and Palestine following the October 2023 attacks

Looking at these most notable DDoS attacks targeting Palestine in terms of requests per second (rps), the most impacted site (a Palestinian newspaper) experienced a peak of 214k requests per second at around 17:20 UTC on October 7.

Internet traffic patterns in Israel and Palestine following the October 2023 attacks

Follow Cloudflare Radar for up to date information

We will continue to monitor trends related to this conflict. You can use Cloudflare Radar to check for up to date Internet traffic patterns, including those related to Israel and Palestine. Follow Cloudflare Radar on social media at @CloudflareRadar (Twitter/X), (Mastodon), and (Bluesky).

AWS Weekly Roundup: AWS Control Tower, Amazon Bedrock, Amazon OpenSearch Service, and More (October 9, 2023)

Post Syndicated from Antje Barth original


As the Northern Hemisphere enjoys early fall and pumpkins take over the local farmers markets and coffee flavors here in the United States, we’re also just 50 days away from re:Invent 2023! But before we officially enter pre:Invent sea­­son, let’s have a look at some of last week’s exciting news and announcements.

Last Week’s Launches
Here are some launches that got my attention:

AWS Control Tower – AWS Control Tower released 22 proactive controls and 10 AWS Security Hub detective controls to help you meet regulatory requirements and meet control objectives such as encrypting data in transit, encrypting data at rest, or using strong authentication. For more details and a list of controls, check out the AWS Control Tower user guide.

Amazon Bedrock – Just a week after Amazon Bedrock became available in AWS Regions US East (N. Virginia) and US West (Oregon), Amazon Bedrock is now also available in the Asia Pacific (Tokyo) AWS Region. To get started building and scaling generative AI applications with foundation models, check out the Amazon Bedrock documentation, explore the generative AI space at, and get hands-on with the Amazon Bedrock workshop.

Amazon OpenSearch Service – You can now run OpenSearch version 2.9 in Amazon OpenSearch Service with improvements to search, observability, security analytics, and machine learning (ML) capabilities. OpenSearch Service has expanded its geospatial aggregations support in version 2.9 to gather insights on high-level overview of trends and patterns and establish correlations within the data. OpenSearch Service 2.9 now also comes with OpenSearch Service Integrations to take advantage of new schema standards such as OpenTelemetry and supports managing and overlaying alerts and anomalies onto dashboard visualization line charts.

Amazon SageMakerSageMaker Feature Store now supports a fully managed, in-memory online store to help you retrieve features for model serving in real time for high throughput ML applications. The new online store is powered by ElastiCache for Redis, an in-memory data store built on open-source Redis. The SageMaker developer guide has all the details.

Also, SageMaker Model Registry added support for private model repositories. You can now register models that are stored in private Docker repositories and track all your models across multiple private AWS and non-AWS model repositories in one central service, simplifying ML operations (MLOps) and ML governance at scale. The SageMaker Developer Guide shows you how to get started.

Amazon SageMaker CanvasSageMaker Canvas expanded its support for ready-to-use models to include foundation models (FMs). You can now access FMs such as Claude 2, Amazon Titan, and Jurassic-2 (powered by Amazon Bedrock) as well as publicly available models such as Falcon and MPT (powered by SageMaker JumpStart) through a no-code chat interface. Check out the SageMaker Developer Guide for more details.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS News
Here are some additional blog posts and news items that you might find interesting:

Behind the scenes on AWS contributions to open-source databases – This post shares some of the more substantial open-source contributions AWS has made in the past two years to upstream databases, introduces some key contributors, and shares how AWS approaches upstream work in our database services.

Fast and cost-effective Llama 2 fine-tuning with AWS Trainium – This post shows you how to fine-tune the Llama 2 model from Meta on AWS Trainium, a purpose-built accelerator for LLM training, to reduce training times and costs.

Code Llama code generation models from Meta are now available via Amazon SageMaker JumpStart – You can now deploy Code Llama FMs, developed by Meta, with one click in SageMaker JumpStart. This post walks you through the details.

Upcoming AWS Events
Check your calendars and sign up for these AWS events:

Build On AWS - Generative AIBuild On Generative AI – Season 2 of this weekly Twitch show about all things generative AI is in full swing! Every Monday, 9:00 US PT, my colleagues Emily and Darko look at new technical and scientific patterns on AWS, invite guest speakers to demo their work, and show us how they built something new to improve the state of generative AI. In today’s episode, Emily and Darko discussed how to translate unstructured documents into structured data. Check out show notes and the full list of episodes on

AWS Community Days – Join a community-led conference run by AWS user group leaders in your region: DMV (DC, Maryland, Virginia) (October 13), Italy (October 18), UAE (October 21), Jaipur (November 4), Vadodara (November 4), and Brasil (November 4).

AWS InnovateAWS Innovate: Every Application Edition – Join our free online conference to explore cutting-edge ways to enhance security and reliability, optimize performance on a budget, speed up application development, and revolutionize your applications with generative AI. Register for AWS Innovate Online Americas and EMEA on October 19 and AWS Innovate Online Asia Pacific & Japan on October 26.

AWS re:Invent 2023AWS re:Invent (November 27 – December 1) – Join us to hear the latest from AWS, learn from experts, and connect with the global cloud community. Browse the session catalog and attendee guides and check out the re:Invent highlights for generative AI.

You can browse all upcoming in-person and virtual events.

That’s all for this week. Check back next Monday for another Weekly Roundup!

— Antje

This post is part of our Weekly Roundup series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

Using AWS AppSync and AWS Lake Formation to access a secure data lake through a GraphQL API

Post Syndicated from Rana Dutt original

Data lakes have been gaining popularity for storing vast amounts of data from diverse sources in a scalable and cost-effective way. As the number of data consumers grows, data lake administrators often need to implement fine-grained access controls for different user profiles. They might need to restrict access to certain tables or columns depending on the type of user making the request. Also, businesses sometimes want to make data available to external applications but aren’t sure how to do so securely. To address these challenges, organizations can turn to GraphQL and AWS Lake Formation.

GraphQL provides a powerful, secure, and flexible way to query and retrieve data. AWS AppSync is a service for creating GraphQL APIs that can query multiple databases, microservices, and APIs from one unified GraphQL endpoint.

Data lake administrators can use Lake Formation to govern access to data lakes. Lake Formation offers fine-grained access controls for managing user and group permissions at the table, column, and cell level. It can therefore ensure data security and compliance. Additionally, this Lake Formation integrates with other AWS services, such as Amazon Athena, making it ideal for querying data lakes through APIs.

In this post, we demonstrate how to build an application that can extract data from a data lake through a GraphQL API and deliver the results to different types of users based on their specific data access privileges. The example application described in this post was built by AWS Partner NETSOL Technologies.

Solution overview

Our solution uses Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) to store the data, AWS Glue Data Catalog to house the schema of the data, and Lake Formation to provide governance over the AWS Glue Data Catalog objects by implementing role-based access. We also use Amazon EventBridge to capture events in our data lake and launch downstream processes. The solution architecture is shown in the following diagram.

Appsync and LakeFormation Arch itecture diagram

Figure 1 – Solution architecture

The following is a step by step description of the solution:

  1. The data lake is created in an S3 bucket registered with Lake Formation. Whenever new data arrives, an EventBridge rule is invoked.
  2. The EventBridge rule runs an AWS Lambda function to start an AWS Glue crawler to discover new data and update any schema changes so that the latest data can be queried.
    Note: AWS Glue crawlers can also be launched directly from Amazon S3 events, as described in this blog post.
  3. AWS Amplify allows users to sign in using Amazon Cognito as an identity provider. Cognito authenticates the user’s credentials and returns access tokens.
  4. Authenticated users invoke an AWS AppSync GraphQL API through Amplify, fetching data from the data lake. A Lambda function is run to handle the request.
  5. The Lambda function retrieves the user details from Cognito and assumes the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role associated with the requesting user’s Cognito user group.
  6. The Lambda function then runs an Athena query against the data lake tables and returns the results to AWS AppSync, which then returns the results to the user.


To deploy this solution, you must first do the following:

git clone [email protected]:aws-samples/aws-appsync-with-lake-formation.git
cd aws-appsync-with-lake-formation

Prepare Lake Formation permissions

Sign in to the LakeFormation console and add yourself as an administrator. If you’re signing in to Lake Formation for the first time, you can do this by selecting Add myself on the Welcome to Lake Formation screen and choosing Get started as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 – Add yourself as the Lake Formation administrator

Otherwise, you can choose Administrative roles and tasks in the left navigation bar and choose Manage Administrators to add yourself. You should see your IAM username under Data lake administrators with Full access when done.

Select Data catalog settings in the left navigation bar and make sure the two IAM access control boxes are not selected, as shown in Figure 3. You want Lake Formation, not IAM, to control access to new databases.

Lake Formation data catalog settings

Figure 3 – Lake Formation data catalog settings

Deploy the solution

To create the solution in your AWS environment, launch the following AWS CloudFormation stack:  Launch Cloudformation Stack

The following resources will be launched through the CloudFormation template:

  • Amazon VPC and networking components (subnets, security groups, and NAT gateway)
  • IAM roles
  • Lake Formation encapsulating S3 bucket, AWS Glue crawler, and AWS Glue database
  • Lambda functions
  • Cognito user pool
  • AWS AppSync GraphQL API
  • EventBridge rules

After the required resources have been deployed from the CloudFormation stack, you must create two Lambda functions and upload the dataset to Amazon S3. Lake Formation will govern the data lake that is stored in the S3 bucket.

Create the Lambda functions

Whenever a new file is placed in the designated S3 bucket, an EventBridge rule is invoked, which launches a Lambda function to initiate the AWS Glue crawler. The crawler updates the AWS Glue Data Catalog to reflect any changes to the schema.

When the application makes a query for data through the GraphQL API, a request handler Lambda function is invoked to process the query and return the results.

To create these two Lambda functions, proceed as follows.

  1. Sign in to the Lambda console.
  2. Select the request handler Lambda function named dl-dev-crawlerLambdaFunction.
  3. Find the crawler Lambda function file in your lambdas/crawler-lambda folder in the git repo that you cloned to your local machine.
  4. Copy and paste the code in that file to the Code section of the dl-dev-crawlerLambdaFunction in your Lambda console. Then choose Deploy to deploy the function.
Copy and paste code into the Lambda function

Figure 4 – Copy and paste code into the Lambda function

  1. Repeat steps 2 through 4 for the request handler function named dl-dev-requestHandlerLambdaFunction using the code in lambdas/request-handler-lambda.

Create a layer for the request handler Lambda

You now must upload some additional library code needed by the request handler Lambda function.

  1. Select Layers in the left menu and choose Create layer.
  2. Enter a name such as appsync-lambda-layer.
  3. Download this package layer ZIP file to your local machine.
  4. Upload the ZIP file using the Upload button on the Create layer page.
  5. Choose Python 3.7 as the runtime for the layer.
  6. Choose Create.
  7. Select Functions on the left menu and select the dl-dev-requestHandler Lambda function.
  8. Scroll down to the Layers section and choose Add a layer.
  9. Select the Custom layers option and then select the layer you created above.
  10. Click Add.

Upload the data to Amazon S3

Navigate to the root directory of the cloned git repository and run the following commands to upload the sample dataset. Replace the bucket_name placeholder with the S3 bucket provisioned using the CloudFormation template. You can get the bucket name from the CloudFormation console by going to the Outputs tab with key datalakes3bucketName as shown in image below.

Figure 5 – S3 bucket name shown in CloudFormation Outputs tab

Figure 5 – S3 bucket name shown in CloudFormation Outputs tab

Enter the following commands in your project folder in your local machine to upload the dataset to the S3 bucket.

cd dataset
aws s3 cp . s3://bucket_name/ --recursive

Now let’s take a look at the deployed artifacts.

Data lake

The S3 bucket holds sample data for two entities: companies and their respective owners. The bucket is registered with Lake Formation, as shown in Figure 6. This enables Lake Formation to create and manage data catalogs and manage permissions on the data.

Figure 6 – Lake Formation console showing data lake location

Figure 6 – Lake Formation console showing data lake location

A database is created to hold the schema of data present in Amazon S3. An AWS Glue crawler is used to update any change in schema in the S3 bucket. This crawler is granted permission to CREATE, ALTER, and DROP tables in the database using Lake Formation.

Apply data lake access controls

Two IAM roles are created, dl-us-east-1-developer and dl-us-east-1-business-analyst, each assigned to a different Cognito user group. Each role is assigned different authorizations through Lake Formation. The Developer role gains access to every column in the data lake, while the Business Analyst role is only granted access to the non-personally identifiable information (PII) columns.

Lake Formation console data lake permissions assigned to group roles

Figure 7 –Lake Formation console data lake permissions assigned to group roles

GraphQL schema

The GraphQL API is viewable from the AWS AppSync console. The Companies type includes several attributes describing the owners of the companies.

Schema for GraphQL API

Figure 8 – Schema for GraphQL API

The data source for the GraphQL API is a Lambda function, which handles the requests.

– AWS AppSync data source mapped to Lambda function

Figure 9 – AWS AppSync data source mapped to Lambda function

Handling the GraphQL API requests

The GraphQL API request handler Lambda function retrieves the Cognito user pool ID from the environment variables. Using the boto3 library, you create a Cognito client and use the get_group method to obtain the IAM role associated to the Cognito user group.

You use a helper function in the Lambda function to obtain the role.

def get_cognito_group_role(group_name):
    response = cognito_idp_client.get_group(
    role_arn = response.get('Group').get('RoleArn')
    return role_arn

Using the AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) through a boto3 client, you can assume the IAM role and obtain the temporary credentials you need to run the Athena query.

def get_temp_creds(role_arn):
    response = sts_client.assume_role(
    return response['Credentials']['AccessKeyId'],
response['Credentials']['SecretAccessKey'],  response['Credentials']['SessionToken']

We pass the temporary credentials as parameters when creating our Boto3 Amazon Athena client.

athena_client = boto3.client('athena', aws_access_key_id=access_key, aws_secret_access_key=secret_key, aws_session_token=session_token)

The client and query are passed into our Athena query helper function which executes the query and returns a query id. With the query id, we are able to read the results from S3 and bundle it as a Python dictionary to be returned in the response.

def get_query_result(s3_client, output_location):
    bucket, object_key_path = get_bucket_and_path(output_location)
    response = s3_client.get_object(Bucket=bucket, Key=object_key_path)
    status = response.get("ResponseMetadata", {}).get("HTTPStatusCode")
    result = []
    if status == 200:
        print(f"Successful S3 get_object response. Status - {status}")
        df = pandas.read_csv(response.get("Body"))
        df = df.fillna('')
        result = df.to_dict('records')
        print(f"Unsuccessful S3 get_object response. Status - {status}")
    return result

Enabling client-side access to the data lake

On the client side, AWS Amplify is configured with an Amazon Cognito user pool for authentication. We’ll navigate to the Amazon Cognito console to view the user pool and groups that were created.

Figure 10 –Amazon Cognito User pools

Figure 10 –Amazon Cognito User pools

For our sample application we have two groups in our user pool:

  • dl-dev-businessAnalystUserGroup – Business analysts with limited permissions.
  • dl-dev-developerUserGroup – Developers with full permissions.

If you explore these groups, you’ll see an IAM role associated to each. This is the IAM role that is assigned to the user when they authenticate. Athena assumes this role when querying the data lake.

If you view the permissions for this IAM role, you’ll notice that it doesn’t include access controls below the table level. You need the additional layer of governance provided by Lake Formation to add fine-grained access control.

After the user is verified and authenticated by Cognito, Amplify uses access tokens to invoke the AWS AppSync GraphQL API and fetch the data. Based on the user’s group, a Lambda function assumes the corresponding Cognito user group role. Using the assumed role, an Athena query is run and the result returned to the user.

Create test users

Create two users, one for dev and one for business analyst, and add them to user groups.

  1. Navigate to Cognito and select the user pool, dl-dev-cognitoUserPool, that’s created.
  2. Choose Create user and provide the details to create a new business analyst user. The username can be biz-analyst. Leave the email address blank, and enter a password.
  3. Select the Users tab and select the user you just created.
  4. Add this user to the business analyst group by choosing the Add user to group button.
  5. Follow the same steps to create another user with the username developer and add the user to the developers group.

Test the solution

To test your solution, launch the React application on your local machine.

  1. In the cloned project directory, navigate to the react-app directory.
  2. Install the project dependencies.
npm install
  1. Install the Amplify CLI:
npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli
  1. Create a new file called .env by running the following commands. Then use a text editor to update the environment variable values in the file.
echo export REACT_APP_APPSYNC_URL=Your AppSync endpoint URL > .env
echo export REACT_APP_CLIENT_ID=Your Cognito app client ID >> .env
echo export REACT_APP_USER_POOL_ID=Your Cognito user pool ID >> .env

Use the Outputs tab of your CloudFormation console stack to get the required values from the keys as follows:

REACT_APP_APPSYNC_URL appsyncApiEndpoint
REACT_APP_CLIENT_ID cognitoUserPoolClientId
  1. Add the preceding variables to your environment.
source .env
  1. Generate the code needed to interact with the API using Amplify CodeGen. In the Outputs tab of your Cloudformation console, find your AWS Appsync API ID next to the appsyncApiId key.
amplify add codegen --apiId <appsyncApiId>

Accept all the default options for the above command by pressing Enter at each prompt.

  1. Start the application.
npm start

You can confirm that the application is running by visiting http://localhost:3000 and signing in as the developer user you created earlier.

Now that you have the application running, let’s take a look at how each role is served from the companies endpoint.

First, sign is as the developer role, which has access to all the fields, and make the API request to the companies endpoint. Note which fields you have access to.

The results for developer role

Figure 11 –The results for developer role

Now, sign in as the business analyst user and make the request to the same endpoint and compare the included fields.

The results for Business Analyst role

Figure 12 –The results for Business Analyst role

The First Name and Last Name columns of the companies list is excluded in the business analyst view even though you made the request to the same endpoint. This demonstrates the power of using one unified GraphQL endpoint together with multiple Cognito user group IAM roles mapped to Lake Formation permissions to manage role-based access to your data.

Cleaning up

After you’re done testing the solution, clean up the following resources to avoid incurring future charges:

  1. Empty the S3 buckets created by the CloudFormation template.
  2. Delete the CloudFormation stack to remove the S3 buckets and other resources.


In this post, we showed you how to securely serve data in a data lake to authenticated users of a React application based on their role-based access privileges. To accomplish this, you used GraphQL APIs in AWS AppSync, fine-grained access controls from Lake Formation, and Cognito for authenticating users by group and mapping them to IAM roles. You also used Athena to query the data.

For related reading on this topic, see Visualizing big data with AWS AppSync, Amazon Athena, and AWS Amplify and Design a data mesh architecture using AWS Lake Formation and AWS Glue.

Will you implement this approach for serving data from your data lake? Let us know in the comments!

About the Authors

Rana Dutt is a Principal Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. He has a background in architecting scalable software platforms for financial services, healthcare, and telecom companies, and is passionate about helping customers build on AWS.

Ranjith Rayaprolu is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS working with customers in the Pacific Northwest. He helps customers design and operate Well-Architected solutions in AWS that address their business problems and accelerate the adoption of AWS services. He focuses on AWS security and networking technologies to develop solutions in the cloud across different industry verticals. Ranjith lives in the Seattle area and loves outdoor activities.

Justin Leto is a Sr. Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services with specialization in databases, big data analytics, and machine learning. His passion is helping customers achieve better cloud adoption. In his spare time, he enjoys offshore sailing and playing jazz piano. He lives in New York City with his wife and baby daughter.

PCI DSS v4.0 on AWS Compliance Guide now available

Post Syndicated from Ted Tanner original

Our mission at AWS Security Assurance Services is to ease Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) compliance for Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers. We work closely with AWS customers to answer their questions about understanding compliance on the AWS Cloud, finding and implementing solutions, and optimizing their controls and assessments. The most frequent and foundational questions have been compiled to create the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) v4.0 on AWS Compliance Guide. The guide is an overview of concepts and principles to help customers build PCI DSS–compliant applications and adhere to the updated version 4.0 requirements. Each section is thoroughly referenced to source AWS documentation, to support PCI DSS reporting requirements. The guide includes AWS best practices and technologies and updates that are applicable to the new PCI DSS v4.0 requirements.

The guide helps customers who are developing payment applications, compliance teams that are preparing to manage assessments of cloud applications, internal assessment teams, and PCI Qualified Security Assessors (QSA) supporting customers who use AWS.

What’s in the guide?

The objective of the guide is to provide customers with the information they need to plan for and document the PCI DSS compliance of their AWS workloads.

The guide includes:

  1. The Shared Responsibility Model and its impact on PCI DSS requirements
  2. What the AWS PCI DSS Level 1 Service Provider status means for customers
  3. Scoping your cardholder data environment
  4. Required diagrams for assessments
  5. Requirement-by-requirement guidance

The guide is most useful for people who are developing solutions on AWS, but it also will help QSAs, internal security assessors (ISAs), and internal audit teams better understand the assessment of cloud applications. It provides examples of the diagrams required for assessments and includes links to AWS source documentation to support assessment evidence requirements.

Compliance at cloud scale

More customers than ever are running PCI DSS–compliant workloads on AWS, with thousands of compliant applications. New security and governance tools available from AWS and the AWS Partner Network (APN) enable building business-as-usual compliance and automated security tasks so you can shift your focus to scaling and innovating your business.

If you have questions or want to learn more, contact your account representative, or leave a comment below.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.

Ted Tanner

Ted Tanner

Ted is a Principal Assurance Consultant and PCI DSS QSA with AWS Security Assurance Services, and has more than 25 years of IT, security, and compliance experience. He leverages this to provide AWS customers with guidance on compliance and security in the cloud, and how to build and optimize their cloud compliance programs. He is co-author of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) v3.2.1 on AWS Compliance Guide and this v4.0 edition, and the Architecting for PCI DSS Segmentation and Scoping on AWS whitepaper.

Sana Rahman

Sana Rahman

Sana is a Senior Assurance Consultant with AWS Security Assurance Services, and has been a PCI DSS Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) for 8 years. She has extensive knowledge and experience in information security and governance, and deep compliance knowledge in both cloud and hybrid environments. She uses all of this to remove compliance roadblocks for AWS customers and provide guidance in their cloud journey.

Rughved Gadgil

Rughved Gadgil

Rughved is a Senior Solutions Architect with WWCS Enterprise Canada team and excels at using his technical expertise to remove technical hurdles for customers on their cloud adoption journey. He holds five different AWS certifications, and previously worked as a DevOps Specialist for a major airline. He has a keen interest in security and compliance, and is continuously expanding his knowledge and skillsets across the evolving cloud security landscape.

Prompting GitHub Copilot Chat to become your personal AI assistant for accessibility

Post Syndicated from Ed Summers original

Large Language Models (LLMs) are trained on vast quantities of data. As a result, they have the capacity to generate a wide range of results. By default, the results from LLMs may not meet your expectations. So, how do you coax an LLM to generate results that are more aligned with your goals? You must use prompt engineering, which is a rapidly evolving art and science of constructing inputs, also known as prompts, that elicit the desired outputs.

For example, GitHub Copilot includes a sophisticated built-in prompt engineering facility that works behind the scenes. It uses contextual information from your code, comments, open tabs within your editor, and other sources to improve results. But wouldn’t it be great to optimize results and ask questions about coding by talking directly to the LLM?

That’s why we created GitHub Copilot Chat. GitHub Copilot Chat complements the code completion capabilities of GitHub Copilot by providing a chat interface directly within your favorite editor. GitHub Copilot Chat has access to all the context previously mentioned and you can also provide additional context directly via prompts within the chat window. Together, the functionalities make GitHub Copilot a personal AI assistant that can help you learn faster and write code that not only meets functional requirements, but also meets non-functional requirements that are table stakes for modern enterprise software such as security, scalability, and accessibility.

In this blog, we’ll focus specifically on the non-functional requirement of accessibility. We’ll provide a sample foundational prompt that can help you learn about accessibility directly within your editor and suggest code that is optimized for better accessibility. We’ll break down the sample prompt to understand its significance. Finally, we’ll share specific examples of accessibility-related questions and results that demonstrate the power of prompting GitHub Copilot Chat to deliver results that improve accessibility. When using GitHub Copilot Chat, we recommend that you think of yourself as a lead developer who is working with a more junior developer (GitHub Copilot Chat). As the lead developer, it is your responsibility to verify information that is provided by GitHub Copilot Chat and ensure it meets all of your requirements.

Foundational accessibility prompt

You can copy this prompt and paste it directly into GitHub Copilot Chat for Visual Studio Code:

“I need to learn about accessibility and need to write code that conforms with the WCAG 2.1 level A and AA success criteria defined at I want you to be my accessibility coach, a subject-matter expert that makes me think and account for all accessibility requirements and usability enhancements. When you answer questions about accessibility please use reputable sources such as,,, and When possible, please provide links and references for additional learning. When you suggest code please use semantic HTML, ensure it is operable using the keyboard, follow WCAG 2.1 sufficient techniques, and follow the ARIA Authoring Practices Guide and related design patterns. Do you understand these instructions?”

What does this do?

This prompt can serve as your baseline in your codebase, whether you are just starting a project or in the thick of an extensive project.

The prompt consists of:

  1. Providing solid context and background information to help narrow down the scope of solutions.
  2. Defining GitHub Copilot’s role and setting expectations about what feedback we are looking for.
  3. Being specific in the quality of answers we are looking to reference from reputable sources.
  4. Asking for additional resources and context to learn more and ensure the answers we receive are correct. This helps provide feedback to GitHub Copilot.
  5. Dictating one final set of requirements to even further refine the scope based on the resources we have provided.

Note: At any time you can ask GitHub Copilot if it’s still referencing the foundation prompt you provided and it will inform you of its scope.

Query input: Are you still using the instructions I provided?
GitHub Copilot response: Yes, I am still adhering to the instructions you provided. I will continue to assist you in learning about accessibility and writing code that conforms with the WCAG 2.1 level A and AA success criteria. I will use reputable sources for references and additional learning, and ensure that the code suggestions I provide use semantic HTML, are operable using the keyboard, follow WCAG 2.1 sufficient techniques, and follow the ARIA Authoring Practices Guide and related design patterns.

Examples after the setting the foundation prompt

Note: These prompts were submitted in a brand new workspace that contained no source code or files to reference. Repeating these prompts in your codebase may produce different results as GitHub Copilot can use context provided from open tabs and existing files in the codebase. In addition, please keep in mind that results from LLMs are non-deterministic.

Accessibility testing

Query input: How can I test for web accessibility?
GitHub Copilot response: There are several ways to test for web accessibility:

  1. Manual Testing: This involves navigating your website using only a keyboard, checking color contrast, and resizing text to 200% to ensure readability.
  2. Automated Testing: There are several tools available for automated accessibility testing. Some popular ones include:
    1. WAVE: A free web accessibility evaluation tool provided by WebAIM.
    2. Axe: An accessibility testing toolkit built on a library of accessibility rules.
    3. Lighthouse: An open source, automated tool for improving the quality of web pages. It has audits for performance, accessibility, progressive web apps, SEO, and more.
  3. Screen Reader Testing: This involves testing your website using a screen reader tool. Some popular screen readers include NVDA, JAWS, and VoiceOver.
  4. User Testing: This involves testing your website with people with disabilities. This can provide valuable insights into how accessible your website is in practice.

Remember, no single tool or method can catch all accessibility issues, so a combination of methods is often the best approach.

For more information, you can refer to the following resources:


Query input: What are some best practices for creating accessible tables in HTML?
GitHub Copilot response: Creating accessible tables in HTML involves several best practices:

  1. Use <th> for table headers: This helps screen readers identify headers. Also, use the scope attribute to specify whether the header is for a row or a column.
    <th scope="col">Header 1</th>
    <th scope="col">Header 2</th>
    <td>Data 1</td>
    <td>Data 2</td>
  2. Provide captions: Use the <caption> element to provide a brief overview of the table. This is especially helpful for people using screen readers.
    <caption>Overview of sales</caption>
    <!-- rest of the table -->

    Use <thead>, <tbody>, and <tfoot>: These elements help to group different sections of the table and can improve accessibility.

    <thead> <!-- header group -->
    <tbody> <!-- body group -->
    <tfoot> <!-- footer group -->
  3. Avoid complex tables: If possible, avoid using tables for complex data structures. If you must, use rowspan and colspan attributes carefully and provide additional information in cell content or with the title attribute.

  4. Ensure readability without styles: The table should be readable and make sense even when styles are turned off.
  5. Use aria-labelledby for complex tables: If a table has multiple levels of headers, use the aria-labelledby attribute to associate data cells with headers.

For more information, you can refer to the WebAIM guide on creating accessible tables.


Query input: What are some best practices for creating accessible forms in HTML?
GitHub Copilot response: Creating accessible forms in HTML involves several best practices:

  1. Use <label> for form controls: Each form control should have a corresponding <label> element. This helps screen readers identify the purpose of the form control.
    <label for="name">Name:</label>
    <input id="name" name="name" type="text" />
  2. Group related form controls: Use the <fieldset> element to group related form controls and <legend> to provide a description for the group.
    <legend>Choose your favorite pet:</legend>
    <input type="radio" id="dog" name="pet">
    <label for="dog">Dog</label><br>
    <input type="radio" id="cat" name="pet">
    <label for="cat">Cat</label><br>
  3. Provide error messages and feedback: If the user makes an error, provide clear and specific feedback. Use the aria-describedby attribute to associate the form control with the error message.
    <input type="text" id="name" name="name" aria-describedby="nameError">
    <span id="nameError">Please enter your name.</span>
  4. Use correct input types: Use the correct input type for the form control (for example, email, number, date). This can provide the user with the appropriate keyboard on mobile devices.

  5. Make form controls keyboard accessible: Ensure that all form controls and buttons can be accessed and used with the keyboard.
  6. Use ARIA roles and properties when necessary: If a form control requires more complex interaction, use ARIA roles and properties to provide additional information to screen reader users.

For more information, you can refer to the WebAIM guide on creating accessible forms.

Keyboard support

Query input: What are some best practices for creating proper keyboard support in HTML?
GitHub Copilot response: Creating proper keyboard support in HTML involves several best practices:

  1. Logical Tab Order: Ensure that the tab order of the page follows the visual flow of the content. This can be achieved by structuring your HTML in a logical order. Avoid using positive tabindex values as they can disrupt the natural tab order.
  2. Keyboard Focus Indication: It’s important that users can visually identify which element currently has keyboard focus. This can be achieved using CSS to style the :focus state of interactive elements.
    button:focus, a:focus {
    outline: 2px solid blue;
  3. Skip Links: Provide a mechanism to skip to main content or different sections of the page. This can be a link at the top of the page that becomes visible when it receives keyboard focus.
    <a href="#maincontent">Skip to main content</a>
  4. Accessible Interactive Elements: Ensure all interactive elements are accessible via keyboard. This includes links, buttons, form controls, and custom interactive widgets. Use semantic HTML elements whenever possible as they have built-in keyboard accessibility.

  5. Keyboard Support for Custom Widgets: If you’re creating custom interactive widgets (like a dropdown menu or modal dialog), you’ll need to provide additional keyboard support. This often involves handling keypress events for keys like Enter, Space, Escape, and the arrow keys. The WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices Guide provides detailed guidance on how to add keyboard support to various types of widgets.
  6. Avoid Keyboard Traps: Ensure that keyboard users can navigate to and from all parts of the page. Avoid situations where keyboard focus can be trapped in a particular page element.

For more information, you can refer to the WebAIM guide on keyboard accessibility.


Query input: What are some best practices around using proper ARIA roles in HTML?
GitHub Copilot response: ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) roles can be used to improve accessibility, especially when creating complex interactive elements. Here are some best practices:

  1. Use Semantic HTML First: Before using ARIA, consider whether you can use semantic HTML elements. These elements have built-in accessibility features that often make ARIA unnecessary. For example, use a <button> element instead of a <div> with a role="button".
  2. Don’t Change Native Semantics: Avoid using ARIA to change the semantics of native HTML elements. For example, don’t use role="button" on a link (<a>). Instead, use a <button> element.
  3. Use Appropriate Roles: When you do need to use ARIA, ensure you’re using the appropriate role for the element. The ARIA roles model provides a list of roles and their intended use.
  4. Provide Required States and Properties: Some roles require additional ARIA states or properties. For example, a checkbox requires the aria-checked state.
    <div role="checkbox" aria-checked="false">Check me</div>
  5. Use aria-labelledby and aria-describedby: These attributes can be used to provide additional descriptive text for an element.
    <button aria-describedby="info">More Info</button>
    <div id="info">Clicking this button will open more information.</div>
  6. Test with Screen Readers: After adding ARIA roles, test your page with a screen reader to ensure it’s providing the intended information.

Remember, ARIA should be used as a last resort when semantic HTML isn’t sufficient. The WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices Guide provides detailed guidance on how to use ARIA correctly.


Reviewing the questions we asked GitHub Copilot, it suggested a lot of good information for us to learn more about best accessibility and usability practices. A few responses may be open to interpretation, while other responses lack details or specificity. Some examples include:

  • <tfoot> is an HTML element that calls attention to a set of rows summarizing the columns of the table. Including <tfoot> can help ensure the proper understanding of a table. However, not all tables require such rows–therefore, <tfoot> is not mandatory to have a usable table if the data doesn’t require it.
  • The response for the question about forms stressed the importance of the <label> element, which can help identify different labels for their various inputs. However, that response didn’t include any description about adding “for” attributes with the same value as the <input>’s ID. The response did include “for” attributes in the code suggestion, but an explanation about proper use of the “for” attribute would have been helpful.
  • The response to our question about keyboard accessibility included an explanation about interactive controls and buttons that can be accessed and used with a keyboard. However, it did not include additional details that could benefit accessibility such as ensuring a logical tab order, testing tab order, or avoiding overriding default keyboard accessibility for semantic elements.

If you are ever unsure of a recommendation or wish to know more, ask GitHub Copilot more questions on those areas, ask to provide more references/links, and follow up on the documentation provided. As a developer, it is your responsibility to verify the information you receive, no matter the source.


In our exploration, GitHub Copilot Chat and a well-constructed foundational prompt come together to create a personal AI assistant for accessibility that can improve your understanding of accessibility. We invite you to try the sample prompt and work with a qualified accessibility expert to customize and improve it.

Limitations and considerations

While clever prompts can improve the accessibility of the results from GitHub Copilot Chat, it is not reasonable to expect generative AI tools to deliver perfect answers to your questions or generate code that fully conforms with accessibility standards. When working with GitHub Copilot Chat, we recommend that you think of yourself as a lead developer who is working with a more junior developer. As the lead developer, it is your responsibility to verify information that is provided by GitHub Copilot Chat and ensure it meets all of your requirements. We also recommend that you work with a qualified accessibility expert to review and test suggestions from GitHub Copilot. Finally, we recommend that you ensure that all GitHub Copilot Chat code suggestions go through proper code review, code security, and code quality channels to ensure they meet the standards of your team.

Learn more

The post Prompting GitHub Copilot Chat to become your personal AI assistant for accessibility appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

Incus 0.1 released

Post Syndicated from jake original

The Linux Containers project has
the release version 0.1 of the Incus system container and
virtual-machine manager, which is a community-led fork of Canonical’s LXD. Incus 0.1 “is roughly
equivalent to LXD 5.18 but with a number of breaking changes on top of the
obvious rename
“. There have been some changes made in the two months
since the fork:

With this initial release of Incus, we took the opportunity to remove a lot
of unused or problematic features from LXD. Most of those changes are
things we would have liked to do in LXD but couldn’t due to having strong
guarantees around backward compatibility.

Incus will be similarly strict with backward compatibility in the future,
but as this is the first release of the fork, it was our one big
opportunity to change things.

That said, the API and CLI are still extremely close to what LXD has,
making it trivial if not completely seamless to port from LXD to Incus.

There is an online
version of Incus
for those interested in giving it a try.

[$] Rethinking multi-grain timestamps

Post Syndicated from corbet original

One of the significant features added to the mainline kernel during the 6.6
merge window was multi-grain timestamps, which allow the kernel to
selectively store file modification times with higher resolution without
hurting performance. Unfortunately, this feature also caused some
surprising regressions, and was quickly ushered back out of the kernel as a
result. It is instructive to look at how this feature went wrong, and how
the developers involved plan to move forward from here.

Security updates for Monday

Post Syndicated from jake original

Security updates have been issued by Debian (freerdp2, gnome-boxes, grub2, inetutils, lemonldap-ng, prometheus-alertmanager, python-urllib3, thunderbird, and vinagre), Fedora (freeimage, fwupd, libspf2, mingw-freeimage, thunderbird, and vim), Gentoo (c-ares, dav1d, Heimdal, man-db, and Oracle VirtualBox), Oracle (bind, bind9.16, firefox, ghostscript, glibc, ImageMagick, and thunderbird), Slackware (netatalk), SUSE (ImageMagick, nghttp2, poppler, python, python-gevent, and yq), and Ubuntu (bind9 and vim).

AI Risks

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original

There is no shortage of researchers and industry titans willing to warn us about the potential destructive power of artificial intelligence. Reading the headlines, one would hope that the rapid gains in AI technology have also brought forth a unifying realization of the risks—and the steps we need to take to mitigate them.

The reality, unfortunately, is quite different. Beneath almost all of the testimony, the manifestoes, the blog posts, and the public declarations issued about AI are battles among deeply divided factions. Some are concerned about far-future risks that sound like science fiction. Some are genuinely alarmed by the practical problems that chatbots and deepfake video generators are creating right now. Some are motivated by potential business revenue, others by national security concerns.

The result is a cacophony of coded language, contradictory views, and provocative policy demands that are undermining our ability to grapple with a technology destined to drive the future of politics, our economy, and even our daily lives.

These factions are in dialogue not only with the public but also with one another. Sometimes, they trade letters, opinion essays, or social threads outlining their positions and attacking others’ in public view. More often, they tout their viewpoints without acknowledging alternatives, leaving the impression that their enlightened perspective is the inevitable lens through which to view AI But if lawmakers and the public fail to recognize the subtext of their arguments, they risk missing the real consequences of our possible regulatory and cultural paths forward.

To understand the fight and the impact it may have on our shared future, look past the immediate claims and actions of the players to the greater implications of their points of view. When you do, you’ll realize this isn’t really a debate only about AI. It’s also a contest about control and power, about how resources should be distributed and who should be held accountable.

Beneath this roiling discord is a true fight over the future of society. Should we focus on avoiding the dystopia of mass unemployment, a world where China is the dominant superpower or a society where the worst prejudices of humanity are embodied in opaque algorithms that control our lives? Should we listen to wealthy futurists who discount the importance of climate change because they’re already thinking ahead to colonies on Mars? It is critical that we begin to recognize the ideologies driving what we are being told. Resolving the fracas requires us to see through the specter of AI to stay true to the humanity of our values.

One way to decode the motives behind the various declarations is through their language. Because language itself is part of their battleground, the different AI camps tend not to use the same words to describe their positions. One faction describes the dangers posed by AI through the framework of safety, another through ethics or integrity, yet another through security, and others through economics. By decoding who is speaking and how AI is being described, we can explore where these groups differ and what drives their views.

The Doomsayers

The loudest perspective is a frightening, dystopian vision in which AI poses an existential risk to humankind, capable of wiping out all life on Earth. AI, in this vision, emerges as a godlike, superintelligent, ungovernable entity capable of controlling everything. AI could destroy humanity or pose a risk on par with nukes. If we’re not careful, it could kill everyone or enslave humanity. It’s likened to monsters like the Lovecraftian shoggoths, artificial servants that rebelled against their creators, or paper clip maximizers that consume all of Earth’s resources in a single-minded pursuit of their programmed goal. It sounds like science fiction, but these people are serious, and they mean the words they use.

These are the AI safety people, and their ranks include the “Godfathers of AI,” Geoff Hinton and Yoshua Bengio. For many years, these leading lights battled critics who doubted that a computer could ever mimic capabilities of the human mind. Having steamrollered the public conversation by creating large language models like ChatGPT and other AI tools capable of increasingly impressive feats, they appear deeply invested in the idea that there is no limit to what their creations will be able to accomplish.

This doomsaying is boosted by a class of tech elite that has enormous power to shape the conversation. And some in this group are animated by the radical effective altruism movement and the associated cause of long-term-ism, which tend to focus on the most extreme catastrophic risks and emphasize the far-future consequences of our actions. These philosophies are hot among the cryptocurrency crowd, like the disgraced former billionaire Sam Bankman-Fried, who at one time possessed sudden wealth in search of a cause.

Reasonable sounding on their face, these ideas can become dangerous if stretched to their logical extremes. A dogmatic long-termer would willingly sacrifice the well-being of people today to stave off a prophesied extinction event like AI enslavement.

Many doomsayers say they are acting rationally, but their hype about hypothetical existential risks amounts to making a misguided bet with our future. In the name of long-term-ism, Elon Musk reportedly believes that our society needs to encourage reproduction among those with the greatest culture and intelligence (namely, his ultrarich buddies). And he wants to go further, such as limiting the right to vote to parents and even populating Mars. It’s widely believed that Jaan Tallinn, the wealthy long-termer who co-founded the most prominent centers for the study of AI safety, has made dismissive noises about climate change because he thinks that it pales in comparison with far-future unknown unknowns like risks from AI. The technology historian David C. Brock calls these fears “wishful worries”—that is, “problems that it would be nice to have, in contrast to the actual agonies of the present.”

More practically, many of the researchers in this group are proceeding full steam ahead in developing AI, demonstrating how unrealistic it is to simply hit pause on technological development. But the roboticist Rodney Brooks has pointed out that we will see the existential risks coming—the dangers will not be sudden and we will have time to change course. While we shouldn’t dismiss the Hollywood nightmare scenarios out of hand, we must balance them with the potential benefits of AI and, most important, not allow them to strategically distract from more immediate concerns. Let’s not let apocalyptic prognostications overwhelm us and smother the momentum we need to develop critical guardrails.

The Reformers

While the doomsayer faction focuses on the far-off future, its most prominent opponents are focused on the here and now. We agree with this group that there’s plenty already happening to cause concern: Racist policing and legal systems that disproportionately arrest and punish people of color. Sexist labor systems that rate feminine-coded résumés lower. Superpower nations automating military interventions as tools of imperialism and, someday, killer robots.

The alternative to the end-of-the-world, existential risk narrative is a distressingly familiar vision of dystopia: a society in which humanity’s worst instincts are encoded into and enforced by machines. The doomsayers think AI enslavement looks like the Matrix; the reformers point to modern-day contractors doing traumatic work at low pay for OpenAI in Kenya.

Propagators of these AI ethics concerns—like Meredith Broussard, Safiya Umoja Noble, Rumman Chowdhury, and Cathy O’Neil—have been raising the alarm on inequities coded into AI for years. Although we don’t have a census, it’s noticeable that many leaders in this cohort are people of color, women, and people who identify as LGBTQ. They are often motivated by insight into what it feels like to be on the wrong end of algorithmic oppression and by a connection to the communities most vulnerable to the misuse of new technology. Many in this group take an explicitly social perspective: When Joy Buolamwini founded an organization to fight for equitable AI, she called it the Algorithmic Justice League. Ruha Benjamin called her organization the Ida B. Wells Just Data Lab.

Others frame efforts to reform AI in terms of integrity, calling for Big Tech to adhere to an oath to consider the benefit of the broader public alongside—or even above—their self-interest. They point to social media companies’ failure to control hate speech or how online misinformation can undermine democratic elections. Adding urgency for this group is that the very companies driving the AI revolution have, at times, been eliminating safeguards. A signal moment came when Timnit Gebru, a co-leader of Google’s AI ethics team, was dismissed for pointing out the risks of developing ever-larger AI language models.

While doomsayers and reformers share the concern that AI must align with human interests, reformers tend to push back hard against the doomsayers’ focus on the distant future. They want to wrestle the attention of regulators and advocates back toward present-day harms that are exacerbated by AI misinformation, surveillance, and inequity. Integrity experts call for the development of responsible AI, for civic education to ensure AI literacy and for keeping humans front and center in AI systems.

This group’s concerns are well documented and urgent—and far older than modern AI technologies. Surely, we are a civilization big enough to tackle more than one problem at a time; even those worried that AI might kill us in the future should still demand that it not profile and exploit us in the present.

The Warriors

Other groups of prognosticators cast the rise of AI through the language of competitiveness and national security. One version has a post-9/11 ring to it—a world where terrorists, criminals, and psychopaths have unfettered access to technologies of mass destruction. Another version is a Cold War narrative of the United States losing an AI arms race with China and its surveillance-rich society.

Some arguing from this perspective are acting on genuine national security concerns, and others have a simple motivation: money. These perspectives serve the interests of American tech tycoons as well as the government agencies and defense contractors they are intertwined with.

OpenAI’s Sam Altman and Meta’s Mark Zuckerberg, both of whom lead dominant AI companies, are pushing for AI regulations that they say will protect us from criminals and terrorists. Such regulations would be expensive to comply with and are likely to preserve the market position of leading AI companies while restricting competition from start-ups. In the lobbying battles over Europe’s trailblazing AI regulatory framework, US megacompanies pleaded to exempt their general-purpose AI from the tightest regulations, and whether and how to apply high-risk compliance expectations on noncorporate open-source models emerged as a key point of debate. All the while, some of the moguls investing in upstart companies are fighting the regulatory tide. The Inflection AI co-founder Reid Hoffman argued, “The answer to our challenges is not to slow down technology but to accelerate it.”

Any technology critical to national defense usually has an easier time avoiding oversight, regulation, and limitations on profit. Any readiness gap in our military demands urgent budget increases and funds distributed to the military branches and their contractors, because we may soon be called upon to fight. Tech moguls like Google’s former chief executive Eric Schmidt, who has the ear of many lawmakers, signal to American policymakers about the Chinese threat even as they invest in US national security concerns.

The warriors’ narrative seems to misrepresent that science and engineering are different from what they were during the mid-twentieth century. AI research is fundamentally international; no one country will win a monopoly. And while national security is important to consider, we must also be mindful of self-interest of those positioned to benefit financially.

As the science-fiction author Ted Chiang has said, fears about the existential risks of AI are really fears about the threat of uncontrolled capitalism, and dystopias like the paper clip maximizer are just caricatures of every start-up’s business plan. Cosma Shalizi and Henry Farrell further argue that “we’ve lived among shoggoths for centuries, tending to them as though they were our masters” as monopolistic platforms devour and exploit the totality of humanity’s labor and ingenuity for their own interests. This dread applies as much to our future with AI as it does to our past and present with corporations.

Regulatory solutions do not need to reinvent the wheel. Instead, we need to double down on the rules that we know limit corporate power. We need to get more serious about establishing good and effective governance on all the issues we lost track of while we were becoming obsessed with AI, China, and the fights picked among robber barons.

By analogy to the healthcare sector, we need an AI public option to truly keep AI companies in check. A publicly directed AI development project would serve to counterbalance for-profit corporate AI and help ensure an even playing field for access to the twenty-first century’s key technology while offering a platform for the ethical development and use of AI.

Also, we should embrace the humanity behind AI. We can hold founders and corporations accountable by mandating greater AI transparency in the development stage, in addition to applying legal standards for actions associated with AI. Remarkably, this is something that both the left and the right can agree on.

Ultimately, we need to make sure the network of laws and regulations that govern our collective behavior is knit more strongly, with fewer gaps and greater ability to hold the powerful accountable, particularly in those areas most sensitive to our democracy and environment. As those with power and privilege seem poised to harness AI to accumulate much more or pursue extreme ideologies, let’s think about how we can constrain their influence in the public square rather than cede our attention to their most bombastic nightmare visions for the future.

This essay was written with Nathan Sanders, and previously appeared in the New York Times.

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