GitHub Availability Report: November 2020

Post Syndicated from Keith Ballinger original


In November, we experienced two incidents resulting in significant impact and degraded state of availability for issues, pull requests, and GitHub Actions services.

November 2 12:00 UTC (lasting 32 minutes)

The SSL certificate for * expired, impacting web requests for UI and services. There was an auto-generated issue indicating the certificate was within 30 days of expiration, but it was not addressed in time. Impact was reported, and the on-call engineer remediated it promptly.

We are using this occurrence to evaluate our current processes, as well as our tooling and automation, within this area to reduce the likelihood of such instances in the future.

November 27 16:04 UTC (lasting one hour and one minute)

Our service monitors detected abnormal levels of replication lag within one of our MySQL clusters affecting the GitHub Actions service.

Due to the recency of this incident, we are still investigating the contributing factors and will provide a more detailed update in next month’s report.

In summary

We place great importance in the reliability of our services along with the trust that our users place in us every day. We’ll continue to keep you updated on the progress we’re making to ensure this. To learn more about what we’re working on, visit the GitHub engineering blog.

re:Invent 2020 Liveblog: Partner Keynote

Post Syndicated from AWS News Blog Team original

Join us Thursday, Dec. 3, from 7:45-9:30 a.m., for the AWS Partner Keynote with Doug Yeum, head of Worldwide Channels and Alliances; Sandy Carter, vice president, Global Public Sector Partners and Programs; and Dave McCann, vice president, AWS Migration, Marketplace, and Control Services. Developer Advocates Steve Roberts and Martin Beeby will be liveblogging all the announcements and discussion.

See you at 7:45 a.m. (PST) Thursday!

— Steve & — Martin


Impressive iPhone Exploit

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original

This is a scarily impressive vulnerability:

Earlier this year, Apple patched one of the most breathtaking iPhone vulnerabilities ever: a memory corruption bug in the iOS kernel that gave attackers remote access to the entire device­ — over Wi-Fi, with no user interaction required at all. Oh, and exploits were wormable­ — meaning radio-proximity exploits could spread from one nearby device to another, once again, with no user interaction needed.


Beer’s attack worked by exploiting a buffer overflow bug in a driver for AWDL, an Apple-proprietary mesh networking protocol that makes things like Airdrop work. Because drivers reside in the kernel — ­one of the most privileged parts of any operating system­ — the AWDL flaw had the potential for serious hacks. And because AWDL parses Wi-Fi packets, exploits can be transmitted over the air, with no indication that anything is amiss.


Beer developed several different exploits. The most advanced one installs an implant that has full access to the user’s personal data, including emails, photos, messages, and passwords and crypto keys stored in the keychain. The attack uses a laptop, a Raspberry Pi, and some off-the-shelf Wi-Fi adapters. It takes about two minutes to install the prototype implant, but Beer said that with more work a better written exploit could deliver it in a “handful of seconds.” Exploits work only on devices that are within Wi-Fi range of the attacker.

There is no evidence that this vulnerability was ever used in the wild.

EDITED TO ADD: Slashdot thread.

Building a scalable streaming data processor with Amazon Kinesis Data Streams on AWS Fargate

Post Syndicated from Florian Mair original

Data is ubiquitous in businesses today, and the volume and speed of incoming data are constantly increasing. To derive insights from data, it’s essential to deliver it to a data lake or a data store and analyze it. Real-time or near-real-time data delivery can be cost prohibitive, therefore an efficient architecture is key for processing, and becomes more essential with growing data volume and velocity.

In this post, we show you how to build a scalable producer and consumer application for Amazon Kinesis Data Streams running on AWS Fargate. Kinesis Data Streams is a fully managed and scalable data stream that enables you to ingest, buffer, and process data in real time. AWS Fargate is a serverless compute engine for containers that works with AWS container orchestration services like Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), which allows us to easily run, scale, and secure containerized applications.

This solution also uses the Amazon Kinesis Producer Library (KPL) and Amazon Kinesis Client Library (KCL) to ingest data into the stream and to process it. KPL helps you optimize shard utilization in your data stream by specifying settings for aggregation and batching as data is being produced into your data stream. KCL helps you write robust and scalable consumers that can keep up with fluctuating data volumes being sent to your data stream.

The sample code for this post is available in a GitHub repo, which also includes an AWS CloudFormation template to get you started.

What is data streaming?

Before we look into the details of data streaming architectures, let’s get started with a brief overview of data streaming. Streaming data is data that is generated continuously by a large number of sources that transmit the data records simultaneously in small packages. You can use data streaming for many use cases, such as log processing, clickstream analysis, device geo-location, social media data processing, and financial trading.

A data streaming application consists of two layers: the storage layer and the processing layer. As stream storage, AWS offers the managed services Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK), but you can also run stream storages like Apache Kafka or Apache Flume on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) or Amazon EMR. The processing layer consumes the data from the storage layer and runs computations on that data. This could be an Apache Flink application running fully managed on Amazon Kinesis Analytics for Apache Flink, an application running stream processing frameworks like Apache Spark Streaming and Apache Storm or a custom application using the Kinesis API or KCL. For this post, we use Kinesis Data Streams as the storage layer and the containerized KCL application on AWS Fargate as the processing layer.

Streaming data processing architecture

This section gives a brief introduction to the solution’s architecture, as shown in the following diagram.

The architecture consists of four components:

  • Producer group (data ingestion)
  • Stream storage
  • Consumer group (stream processing)
  • Kinesis Data Streams auto scaling

Data ingestion

For ingesting data into the data stream, you use the KPL, which aggregates, compresses, and batches data records to make the ingestion more efficient. In this architecture, the KPL increased the per-shard throughput up to 100 times, compared to ingesting the records with the PutRecord API (more on this in the Monitoring your stream and applications section). This is because the records are smaller than 1 KB each and the example code uses the KPL to buffer and send a collection of records in one HTTP request.

The record buffering can consume enough memory to crash itself; therefore, we recommend handling back-pressure. A sample on handling back-pressure is available in the KPL GitHub repo.

Not every use case is suited for using the KPL for ingestion. Due to batching and aggregation, the KPL has to buffer records, and therefore introduces some additional per-record latency. For a large number of small producers (such as mobile applications), you should use the PutRecords API to batch records or implement a proxy that handles aggregation and batching.

In this post, you set up a simple HTTP endpoint that receives data records and processes them using the KPL. The producer application runs in a Docker container, which is orchestrated by Amazon ECS on AWS Fargate. A target tracking scaling policy manages the number of parallel running data ingestion containers. It adjusts the number of running containers so you maintain an average CPU utilization of 65%.

Stream storage: Kinesis Data Streams

As mentioned earlier, you can run a variety of streaming platforms on AWS. However, for the data processor in this post, you use Kinesis Data Streams. Kinesis Data Streams is a data store where the data is held for 24 hours and configurable up to 1 year. Kinesis Data Streams is designed to be highly available and redundant by storing data across three Availability Zones in the specified Region.

The stream consists of one or more shards, which are uniquely identified sequences of data records in a stream. One shard has a maximum of 2 MB/s in reads (up to five transactions) and 1 MB/s writes per second (up to 1,000 records per second). Consumers with Dedicated Throughput (Enhanced Fan-Out) support up to 2 MB/s data egress per consumer and shard.

Each record written to Kinesis Data Streams has a partition key, which is used to group data by shard. In this example, the data stream starts with five shards. You use random generated partition keys for the records because records don’t have to be in a specific shard. Kinesis Data Streams assigns a sequence number to each data record, which is unique within the partition key. Sequence numbers generally increase over time so you can identify which record was written to the stream before or after another.

Stream processing: KCL application on AWS Fargate

This post shows you how to use custom consumers—specifically, enhanced fan-out consumers—using the KCL. Enhanced fan-out consumers have a dedicated throughput of 2 MB/s and use a push model instead of pull to get data. Records are pushed to the consumer from the Kinesis Data Streams shards using HTTP/2 Server Push, which also reduces the latency for record processing. If you have more than one instance of a consumer, each instance has a 2 MB/s fan-out pipe to each shard independent from any other consumers. You can use enhanced fan-out consumers with the AWS SDK or the KCL.

For the producer application, this example uses the KPL, which aggregates and batches records. For the consumer to be able to process these records, the application needs to deaggregate the records. To do this, you can use the KCL or the Kinesis Producer Library Deaggeragtion Modules for AWS Lambda (support for Java, Node.js, Python, and Go). The KCL is a Java library but also supports other languages via a MultiLangDaemon. The MultiLangDaemon uses STDIN and STDOUT to communicate with the record processor, so be aware of logging limitations. For this sample application, you use enhanced fan-out consumers with the KCL for Python 2.0.1.

Due to the STDOUT limitation, the record processor logs data records to a file that is written to the container logs and published to Amazon CloudWatch. If you create your own record processor, make sure it handles exceptions, otherwise records may be skipped.

The KCL creates an Amazon DynamoDB table to keep track of consumer progress. For example, if your stream has four shards and you have one producer instance, your instance runs a separate record processor for each shard. If the consumer scales to two instances, the KCL rebalances the record processor and runs two record processors on each instance. For more information, see Using the Kinesis Client Library.

A target tracking scaling policy manages the number of parallel running data processor containers. It adjusts the number of running containers to maintain an average CPU utilization of 65%.

Container configuration

The base layer of the container is Amazon Linux 2 with Python 3 and Java 8. Although you use KCL for Python, you need Java because the record processor communicates with the MultiLangDaemon of the KCL.

During the Docker image build, the Python library for the KCL (version 2.0.1 of amazon_kclpy) is installed, and the sample application (release 2.0.1) from the KCL for Python GitHub repo is cloned. This allows you to use helper tools (samples/ so you can focus on developing the record processor. The KCL is configured via a properties file (

For logging, you have to distinguish between logging of the MultiLangDaemon and the record processor. The logging configuration for the MultiLangDaemon is specified in logback.xml, whereas the record processor has its own logger. The record processor logs to a file and not to STDOUT, because the MultiLangDaemon uses STDOUT for communication, therefore the Daemon would throw an unrecognized messages error.

Logs written to a file (app/logs/record_processor.log) are attached to container logs by a subprocess that runs in the container entry point script ( The starting script also runs set_properties_py, which uses environment variables to set the AWS Region, stream name, and application name dynamically. If you want to also change other properties, you can extend this script.

The container gets its permissions (such as to read from Kinesis Data Streams and write to DynamoDB) by assuming the role ECSTaskConsumerRole01. This sample deployment uses 2 vCPU and 4 GB memory to run the container.

Kinesis capacity management

When changes in the rate of data flow occur, you may have to increase or decrease the capacity. With Kinesis Data Streams, you can have one or more hot shards as a result of unevenly distributed partition keys, very similar to a hot key in a database. This means that a certain shard receives more traffic than others, and if it’s overloaded, it produces a ProvisionedThroughputExceededException (enable detailed monitoring to see that metric on shard level).

You need to split these hot shards to increase throughput, and merge cold shards to increase efficiency. For this post, you use random partition keys (and therefore random shard assignment) for the records, so we don’t dive deeper into splitting and merging specific shards. Instead, we show how to increase and decrease throughput capacity for the whole stream. For more information about scaling on a shard level, see Strategies for Resharding.

You can build your own scaling application utilizing the UpdateShardCount, SplitShard, and MergeShards APIs or use the custom resource scaling solution as described in Scale Amazon Kinesis Data Streams with AWS Application Auto Scaling or Amazon Kineis Scaling Utils. The Application Auto Scaling is an event-driven scaling architecture based on CloudWatch alarms, and the Scaling Utils is a Docker container that constantly monitors your data stream. The Application Auto Scaling manages the number of shards for scaling, whereas the Kinesis Scaling Utils additionally handles shard keyspace allocations, hot shard splitting, and cold shard merging. For this solution, you use the Kinesis Scaling Utils and deploy it on Amazon ECS. You can also deploy it on AWS Elastic Beanstalk as a container or on an Apache Tomcat platform.


For this walkthrough, you must have an AWS account.

Solution overview

In this post, we walk through the following steps:

  1. Deploying the CloudFormation template.
  2. Sending records to Kinesis Data Streams.
  3. Monitoring your stream and applications.

Deploying the CloudFormation template

Deploy the CloudFormation stack by choosing Launch Stack:

The template launches in the US East (N. Virginia) Region by default. To launch it in a different Region, use the Region selector in the console navigation bar. The following Regions are supported:

  • US East (Ohio)
  • US West (N. California)
  • US West (Oregon)
  • Asia Pacific (Singapore)
  • Asia Pacific (Sydney)
  • Europe (Frankfurt)
  • Europe (Ireland)

Alternatively, you can download the CloudFormation template and deploy it manually. When asked to provide an IPv4 CIDR range, enter the CIDR range that can send records to your application. You can change it later on by adapting the security groups inbound rule for the Application Load Balancer.

Sending records to Kinesis Data Streams

You have several options to send records to Kinesis Data Streams. You can do it from the CLI or any API client that can send REST requests, or use a load testing solution like Distributed Load Testing on AWS or Artillery. With load testing, additional charges for requests occur; as a guideline, 10,000 requests per second for 10 minutes generate an AWS bill of less than $5.00. To do a POST request via curl, run the following command and replace ALB_ENDPOINT with the DNS record of your Application Load Balancer. You can find it on the CloudFormation stack’s Outputs tab. Ensure you have a JSON element “data”. Otherwise, the application can’t process the record.

curl --location --request POST '<ALB_ENDPOINT>' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{"data":" This is a testing record"}'

Your Application Load Balancer is the entry point for your data records, so all traffic has to pass through it. Application Load Balancers automatically scale to the appropriate size based on traffic by adding or removing different sized load balancer nodes.

Monitoring your stream and applications

The CloudFormation template creates a CloudWatch dashboard. You can find it on the CloudWatch console or by choosing the link on the stack’s Outputs tab on the CloudFormation console. The following screenshot shows the dashboard.

This dashboard shows metrics for the producer, consumer, and stream. The metric Consumer Behind Latest gives you the offset between current time and when the last record was written to the stream. An increase in this metric means that your consumer application can’t keep up with the rate records are ingested. For more information, see Consumer Record Processing Falling Behind.

The dashboard also shows you the average CPU utilization for the consumer and producer applications, the number of PutRecords API calls to ingest data into Kinesis Data Streams, and how many user records are ingested.

Without using the KPL, you would see one PutRecord equals one user record, but in our architecture, you should see a significantly higher number of user records than PutRecords. The ratio between UserRecords and PutRecords operations strongly depends on KPL configuration parameters. For example, if you increase the value of RecordMaxBufferedTime, data records are buffered longer at the producer, more records can be aggregated, but the latency for ingestion is increased.

All three applications (including the Kinesis Data Streams scaler) publish logs to their respective log group (for example, ecs/kinesis-data-processor-producer) in CloudWatch. You can either check the CloudWatch logs of the Auto Scaling Application or the data stream metrics to see the scaling behavior of Kinesis Data Streams.

Cleaning up

To avoid additional cost, ensure that the provisioned resources are decommissioned. To do that, delete the images in the Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) repository, the CloudFormation stack, and any remaining resources that the CloudFormation stack didn’t automatically delete. Additionally, delete the DynamoDB table DataProcessorConsumer, which the KCL created.


In this post, you saw how to run the KCL for Python on AWS Fargate to consume data from Kinesis Data Streams. The post also showed you how to scale the data production layer (KPL), data storage layer (Kinesis Data Streams), and the stream processing layer (KCL). You can build your own data streaming solution by deploying the sample code from the GitHub repo. To get started with Kinesis Data Streams, see Getting Started with Amazon Kinesis Data Streams.

About the Author

Florian Mair is a Solutions Architect at AWS.He is a t echnologist that helps customers in Germany succeed and innovate by solving business challenges using AWS Cloud services. Besides working as a Solutions Architect, Florian is a passionate mountaineer, and has climbed some of the highest mountains across Europe.

Certificates from Let’s Encrypt (R3 active)

Post Syndicated from original

Let’s Encrypt has announced that, as of today, the TLS certificates issued
by the Let’s Encrypt certificate authority are using a new intermediate
certificate. “While LE will start using their new _roots_ next year, the change today
is using a _variant_ of their “R3” certificate which is cross-signed
from IdenTrust, rather than chaining back to their “ISRG Root X1”.

This will affect you if you’re using DANE, TLSA records in DNS, signed
by DNSSEC, to advertise properties of the certificate chain which remote
systems should expect to see.”

Controlling data lake access across multiple AWS accounts using AWS Lake Formation

Post Syndicated from Rafael Suguiura original

When deploying data lakes on AWS, you can use multiple AWS accounts to better separate different projects or lines of business. In this post, we see how the AWS Lake Formation cross-account capabilities simplify securing and managing distributed data lakes across multiple accounts through a centralized approach, providing fine-grained access control to the AWS Glue Data Catalog and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) locations.

Use case

Keeping each business unit’s resources as compute and storage in its own AWS account allows for easier cost allocation and permissions governance. In the other hand, centralizing your Data Catalog into a single account with Lake Formation removes the overhead of managing multiple catalogs in isolated data silos, simplifying the management and data availability.

For this post, we use the example of a company with two separate teams:

  • The Analytics team is responsible for data ingestion, validation, and cleansing. After processing the income data, they store it on Amazon S3 and use Lake Formation for the Data Catalog, in a primary AWS account.
  • The Business Analyst team is responsible for generating reports and extracting insight from such data. They use Amazon Athena running in a secondary AWS account.

When a secondary account needs to access data, the data lake administrator use Lake Formation to share data across accounts, avoiding data duplication, silos, and reducing complexity. Data can be shared at the database or table level, and the administrator can define which tables and columns each analyst has access to, establishing a centralized and granular access control. The following diagram illustrates this architecture.

Architecture overview

We provide two AWS CloudFormation templates to set up the required infrastructure for this data lake use case. Each template deploys the resources in one of the accounts (primary and secondary).

In the primary account, the CloudFormation template loads the sample data in the S3 bucket. For this post, we use the publicly available dataset of historic taxi trips collected in New York City in the month of June 2020, in CSV format. The dataset is available from the New York City Taxi & Limousine Commission, via Registry of Open Data on AWS, and contains information on the geolocation and collected fares of individual taxi trips.

The template also creates a Data Catalog configuration by crawling the bucket using an AWS Glue crawler, and updating the Lake Formation Data Catalog on the primary account.


To follow along with this post, you must have two AWS accounts (primary and secondary), with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) administrator access.

Deploying the CloudFormation templates

To get started, launch the first CloudFormation template in the primary account:

After that, deploy the second template in the secondary account:

You now have the deployment as depicted in the following architecture, and are ready to set up Lake Formation with cross-account access.

Setting up Lake Formation in the primary account

Now that you have the basic infrastructure provisioned by the template, we can dive deeper into the steps required for Lake Formation configuration. First sign in to the primary account on the AWS Management Console, using the existing IAM administrator role and account.

Assigning a role to our data lake

Lake Formation administrators are IAM users or roles that can grant and delegate Lake Formation permissions on data locations, databases, and tables. The CloudFormation template created an IAM role with the proper IAM permissions, named LakeFormationPrimaryAdmin. Now we need to assign it to our data lake:

  1. On the Lake Formation console, in the Welcome to Lake Formation pop-up window, choose Add administrators.
    1. If the pop-up doesn’t appear, in the navigation pane, under Permissions, choose Admins and database creators.
    2. Under Data Lake Administrators, choose Grant.
  2. For IAM users and roles, choose LakeFormationPrimaryAdmin.
  3. Choose Save.

After we assign the Lake Formation administrator, we can assume this role and start managing our data lake.

  1. On the console, choose your user name and choose Switch Roles.

  1. Enter your primary account number and the role LakeFormationPrimaryAdmin.
  2. Choose Switch Role.

For detailed instructions on changing your role, see Switching to a role (console).

Adding the Amazon S3 location as a storage layer

Now you’re the Lake Formation administrator. For Lake Formation to implement access control on the data lake, we need to include the Amazon S3 location as a storage layer. Let’s register our existing S3 bucket that contains sample data.

  1. On the Lake Formation console, in the navigation pane, under Register and Ingest, choose Data lake locations.
  2. For Amazon S3 path, choose Browse.
  3. Choose the S3 bucket in the primary account, referenced in the CloudFormation template outputs as S3BucketPrimary.
  4. Choose Register location.

Configuring access control

When you create the template, an AWS Glue crawler populates the Data Catalog with the database and catalog pointing to our S3 bucket. By default, Lake Formation adds IAMAllowedPrincipals permissions, which isn’t compatible with cross-account sharing. We must disable it on our database and table. For this post, we use Lake Formation access control in conjunction with IAM. For more information, see Change Data Catalog Settings.

  1. On the Lake Formation console, in the navigation pane, under Data Catalog, choose Databases.
  2. Choose gluedatabaseprimary.
  3. Choose Edit.
  4. Deselect Use only IAM access control for new tables in this database.
  5. Choose Save.

  1. On the database details page, on the Actions menu, choose Revoke.
  2. For IAM users and roles, choose IAMAllowedPrincipals.
  3. For Database permissions, select Super.

  1. Choose Revoke.
  2. On the database details page, choose View Tables.
  3. Select the table that starts with lf_table.
  4. On the Actions menu, choose Revoke.
  5. For IAM users and roles, choose IAMAllowedPrincipals.
  6. For Database permissions, select Super.
  7. Choose Revoke.

You can now see the metadata and Amazon S3 data location in the table details. The CloudFormation template ran an AWS Glue crawler that populated the table.

Granting permissions

Now we’re ready to grant permissions to the Business Analyst users. Because they’re in a separate AWS account, we need to share the database across accounts.

  1. On the Lake Formation console, under Data Catalog¸ choose Databases.
  2. Select our database.
  3. On the Actions menu, choose Grant.
  4. Select External account.
  5. For AWS account ID or AWS organization ID, enter the secondary account number.
  6. For Table, choose All tables.
  7. For Table permissions, select Select.
  8. For Grantable permissions, select Select.

Grantable permissions are required to allow the principal to pass this grant to other users and roles. For our use case, the secondary account LakeFormationAdministrator grants access to the secondary account BusinessAnalyst. If this permission is revoked on the primary account in the future, all access granted to BusinessAnalyst and LakeFormationAdministrator on the secondary account is also revoked.

For this post, we share the database with a single account. Lake Formation also allows sharing with an AWS organization.

  1. Choose Grant.

Sharing specific tables across accounts

Optionally, instead of sharing the whole database, you can share specific tables across accounts. You don’t need to share the database to share a table underneath it.

  1. On the Lake Formation console, under Data Catalog, choose Tables.
  2. Select the table that starts with lf_table.
  3. On the Actions menu, choose Grant.
  4. Select External account.
  5. For AWS account ID or AWS organization ID, enter the secondary account number.

You can also choose specific columns to share with the secondary account. For this post, we share five columns.

  1. For Columns, choose Include columns.
  2. For Include columns, choose the following columns
    1. vendorid
    2. lpep_pickup_datetime
    3. lp_dropoff_taketime
    4. store_and_forward_flag
    5. ratecodeid
  3. For Table permissions, select Select.
  4. For Grantable permissions, select Select.
  5. Choose Grant.

Setting up Lake Formation in the secondary account

Now that the primary account setup is complete, let’s configure the secondary account. We access the resource share and create appropriate resource links, pointing to the databases or tables in the primary account. This allows the data lake administrator to grant proper access to the Business Analyst team, who queries the data through Athena. The following diagram illustrates this architecture.

Assigning a role to our data lake

Similar to the primary account, we need to assign an IAM role as the Lake Formation administrator. To better differentiate the roles, this one is named LakeFormationSecondaryAdmin.

  1. On the Lake Formation console, under Permissions, choose Admins and database creators.
  2. Under Data Lake Administrators, choose Grant.
  3. In the pop-up window, choose LakeFormationSecondaryAdmin.
  4. Choose Save.
  5. On the console, switch to the LakeFormationSecondaryAdmin role.

Sharing resources

Lake Formation shares resources (databases and tables) by using AWS Resource Access Manager. AWS RAM provides a streamlined way to share resources across AWS accounts and also integrates with AWS Organizations. If both primary and secondary accounts are in the same organization with resource sharing enabled, resources shares are accepted automatically and you can skip this step. If not, complete the following steps:

  1. On the AWS RAM console, in the navigation pane, under Shared with me, choose Resource shares.
  2. Choose the Lake Formation share.
  3. Choose Accept resource share.

The resource status switches to Active.

Creating a resource link

With the share accepted, we can create a resource link in the secondary account. Resource links are Data Catalog virtual objects that link to a shared database or table. The resource link lives in your account and the referenced object it points to can be anywhere else.

  1. On the Lake Formation console, under Data Catalog, choose Databases.
  2. Choose Create database.
  3. Select Resource link.
  4. For Resource link name, enter a name, such as lf-primary-database-rl.
  5. For Shared database, choose gluedatabaseprimary.

The shared database’s owner ID is populated automatically.

  1. Choose Create.

You can use this resource link the same way you use database or table references in Lake Formation. The following screenshot shows the resource link listed on the Databases page.

Granting permissions

As the creator of the resource link, at this point only you (IAM role LakeFormationSecondaryAdmin) can view and access this object in the Data Catalog. To grant visibility on the resource link to our Business Analyst users (IAM role LakeFormationSecondaryAnalyst), we need to grant them describe permissions.

  1. On the Lake Formation console, navigate to the database details page.
  2. On the Actions menu, choose Grant.
  3. For IAM users and roles, choose LakeFormationSecondaryAnalyst.
  4. For Resource Link permissions, select Describe and deselect Super.
  5. Choose Grant.

Granting permissions on a resource link doesn’t grant permissions on the target (linked) database or table, so let’s do it now. For our use case, the analysts only need SQL SELECT capabilities, and only to the specific columns of the table.

  1. In the navigation pane, under Data Catalog, choose Databases.
  2. Select lf-primary-database-rl.
  3. On the Actions menu, choose Grant on Target.
  4. In the Grant permissions dialog box, choose My account.
  5. For IAM users and roles, choose LakeFormationSecondaryAnalyst.
  6. Choose the table that starts with lf_table.
  7. Under Columns, select Include Columns and select the first five columns.
  8. For Table permissions, select Select.
  9. Choose Grant.

Accessing the data

With all the Lake Formation grants in place, the users are ready to access the data at the proper level.

  1. In the secondary account, switch to the role LakeFormationSecondaryAnalyst.
  2. On the Athena console, choose Get Started.
  3. On the selection bar, under Workgroup, choose LakeFormationCrossAccount.
  4. Choose Switch workgroup.

The screen refreshes; make sure you are in the right workgroup.

To use Lake Formation cross-account access, you don’t need a separate Athena workgroup. For this post, the CloudFormation template created one to simplify deployment with the proper Athena configuration.

  1. For Data source, choose AwsDataCatalog.
  2. For Database, choose lf-primary-database-rl.
  3. For Tables, choose if_table_<string>.
  4. On the menu, choose Preview table.

  1. Choose Run query.

You now have a data analyst on the secondary account with access to an S3 bucket in the primary account. The analyst only has access to the five columns we specified earlier.

Data access that is granted by Lake Formation cross-account access is logged in the secondary account AWS CloudTrail log file, and Lake Formation copies the event to the primary account’s log file. For more information and examples of logging messages, see Cross-Account CloudTrail Logging.

Cleaning up

To avoid incurring future charges, delete the CloudFormation templates after you finish testing the solution.


In this post, we went through the process of configuring Lake Formation to share AWS Glue Data Catalog metadata information across AWS accounts.

Large enterprises typically use multiple AWS accounts, and many of those accounts might need access to a data lake managed by a single AWS account. AWS Lake Formation with cross-account access set up enables you to run queries and jobs that can join and query tables across multiple accounts.

About the Authors

Rafael Suguiura is a Principal Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. He guides some of the world’s largest financial services companies in their cloud journey. When the weather is nice, he enjoys cycling and finding new hiking trails—and when it’s not, he catches up with sci-fi books, TV series, and video games.




Himanish Kushary is a Senior Big Data Architect at Amazon Web Services. He helps customers across multiple domains build scalable big data analytics platforms. He enjoys playing video games, and watching good movies and TV series.

Techniques for writing least privilege IAM policies

Post Syndicated from Ben Potter original

In this post, I’m going to share two techniques I’ve used to write least privilege AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies. If you’re not familiar with IAM policy structure, I highly recommend you read understanding how IAM works and policies and permissions.

Least privilege is a principle of granting only the permissions required to complete a task. Least privilege is also one of many Amazon Web Services (AWS) Well-Architected best practices that can help you build securely in the cloud. For example, if you have an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance that needs to access an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket to get configuration data, you should only allow read access to the specific S3 bucket that contains the relevant data.

There are a number of ways to grant access to different types of resources, as some resources support both resource-based policies and IAM policies. This blog post will focus on demonstrating how you can use IAM policies to grant restrictive permissions to IAM principals to meet least privilege standards.

In AWS, an IAM principal can be a user, role, or group. These identities start with no permissions and you add permissions using a policy. In AWS, there are different types of policies that are used for different reasons. In this blog, I only give examples for identity-based policies that attach to IAM principals to grant permissions to an identity. You can create and attach multiple identity-based policies to your IAM principals, and you can reuse them across your AWS accounts. There are two types of managed policies. Customer managed policies are created and managed by you, the customer. AWS managed policies are provided as examples, cannot be modified, but can be copied, enhanced, and saved as Customer managed policies. The main elements of a policy statement are:

  • Effect: Specifies whether the statement will Allow or Deny an action.
  • Action: Describes a specific action or actions that will either be allowed or denied to run based on the Effect entered. API actions are unique to each service. For example, s3:ListBuckets is an Amazon S3 service API action that enables an IAM Principal to list all S3 buckets in the same account.
  • NotAction: Can be used as an alternative to using Action. This element will allow an IAM principal to invoke all API actions to a specific AWS service except those actions specified in this list.
  • Resource: Specifies the resources—for example, an S3 bucket or objects—that the policy applies to in Amazon Resource Name (ARN) format.
  • NotResource: Can be used instead of the Resource element to explicitly match every AWS resource except those specified.
  • Condition: Allows you to build expressions to match the condition keys and values in the policy against keys and values in the request context sent by the IAM principal. Condition keys can be service-specific or global. A global condition key can be used with any service. For example, a key of aws:CurrentTime can be used to allow access based on date and time.

Starting with the visual editor

The visual editor is my default starting place for building policies as I like the wizard and seeing all available services, actions, and conditions without looking at the documentation. If there is a complex policy with many services, I often look at the AWS managed policies as a starting place for the actions that are required, then use the visual editor to fine tune and check the resources and conditions.

The policy I’m going to walk you through creating is to grant an AWS Lambda function permission to get specific objects from Amazon S3, and put items in a specific table in Amazon DynamoDB. You can access the visual editor when you choose Create policy under policies in the IAM console, or add policies when viewing a role, group, or user as shown in Figure 1. If you’re not familiar with creating policies, you can follow the full instructions in the IAM documentation.

Figure 1: Use the visual editor to create a policy

Figure 1: Use the visual editor to create a policy

Begin by choosing the first service—S3—to grant access to as shown in Figure 2. You can only choose one service at a time, so you’ll need to add DynamoDB after.

Figure 2: Select S3 service

Figure 2: Select S3 service

Now you will see a list of access levels with the option to manually add actions. Expand the read access level to show all read actions that are supported by the Amazon S3 service. You can now see all read access level actions. For getting an object, check the box for GetObject. Selecting the ? next to an action expands information including a description, supported resource types, and supported condition keys as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Expand Read in Access level, select GetObject, and select the ? next to GetObject

Figure 3: Expand Read in Access level, select GetObject, and select the ? next to GetObject

Expand Resources, you will see that the visual editor has listed object as that is the only resource supported by the GetObject action as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Expand Resources

Figure 4: Expand Resources

Select Add ARN, which opens a dialogue to help you specify the ARN for the objects. Enter a bucket name—such as doc-example-bucket—and then the object name. For the object name you can use a wildcard (*) as a suffix. For example, to allow objects beginning with alpha you would enter alpha*. This is an important step. For this least privileged policy, you are restricting to a specific bucket, and an object prefix. You could even specify an individual object depending on your use case.

Figure 5: Enter bucket name and object name

Figure 5: Enter bucket name and object name

If you have multiple ARNs (bucket and objects) to allow, you can repeat the step.

Figure 6: ARN added for S3 object

Figure 6: ARN added for S3 object

The final step is to expand the request conditions, and choose Add condition. The Add request condition dialogue will open. Select the drop down next to Condition key to list the global condition keys, then the service level condition keys are listed after. You’ll see that there’s an s3:ExistingObjectTag condition that—as the name suggests—matches an existing object tag. You can use this condition key to allow the GetObject request only when the object tag meets your condition. That means you can tag your objects with a specific tag key and value pair, and your policy condition must match this key-value pair to allow the action to execute. When you’re using condition keys with multiple keys or values, you can use condition operators and evaluation logic. As shown in Figure 7, tag-key is entered directly below the condition key. This is the key of the tag to match. For the Operator, select StringEquals to match the tag exactly. Checking If exists tests at least one member of the set of request values, and at least one member of the set of condition key values. The Value to enter is the actual tag value: tag-value as shown in figure 7.

Figure 7: ARN added for S3 object

Figure 7: ARN added for S3 object

That’s it for adding the S3 action, as shown in figure 8.

Figure 8: S3 GetObject action with resource and conditions configured

Figure 8: S3 GetObject action with resource and conditions configured

Now you need to add the DynamoDB permissions by selecting Add additional permissions. Select Choose a service and then select DynamoDB. For actions, expand the Write access level, then choose PutItem.

Figure 9: Choose write access level

Figure 9: Choose write access level

Expand Resources and then select Add ARN. The dialogue that appears will help you build the ARN just like it did for the Amazon S3 service. Enter the Region, for example the ap-southeast-2 (Sydney) Region, the account ID, and the table name. Choosing Add will add the resource ARN to your policy.

Figure 10: Enter Region, account, and table name

Figure 10: Enter Region, account, and table name

Now it’s time to add conditions. Expand Request conditions and then choose Add condition.

There are many DynamoDB conditions that you could use, however you can choose dynamodb:LeadingKeys to represent the first key, or partition keys in a table. You can see from the documentation that a qualifier of For all values in request is recommend. For the Operator you can use StringEquals as your string is going to exactly match, then a Value can use a prefix with wildcard, such as alpha* as shown in figure 11.

Figure 11: Add request conditions

Figure 11: Add request conditions

Choosing Add will take you back to the main visual editor where you can choose Review policy to continue. Enter a name and description for the policy, and then choose Create policy.

You can now attach it to a role to test.

You can see in this example that a policy can use least privilege by using specific resources and conditions. Note that sometimes when you use the AWS Management Console, it requires additional permissions to provide information for the console experience.

Starting with AWS managed policies

AWS managed policies can be a good starting place to see the actions typically associated with a particular service or job function. For example, you can attach the AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess policy to a role used by an Amazon EC2 instance that allows read-only access to all Amazon S3 buckets. It has an effect of Allow to allow access, and there are two actions that use wildcards (*) to allow all Get and List actions for S3—for example, s3:GetObject and s3:ListBuckets. The resource is a wildcard to allow all S3 buckets the account has access to. A useful feature of this policy is that it only allows read and list access to S3, but not to any other services or types of actions.

Let’s make our own custom IAM policy to make it least privilege. Starting with the action element, you can use the reference for Amazon S3 to see all actions, a description of what each action does, the resource type for each action, and condition keys for each action. Now let’s imagine this policy is used by an Amazon EC2 instance to fetch an application configuration object from within an S3 bucket. Looking at the descriptions for actions starting with Get you can see that the only action that we really need is GetObject. You can then use the resource element to restrict an action to a set of objects prefixed with config within a specific bucket.

         "Effect": "Allow",
         "Action": "s3:GetObject",
         "Resource": "arn:aws:s3::: <doc-example-bucket>/<config*>"

Now that you’ve reduced the scope of what this policy can do for service actions and resources, you can add a condition element that uses attribute based access control (ABAC) to define conditions based on attributes—in this case, a resource tag. In this example, when you’re reading objects from a single bucket, you can set specific conditions to further reduce the scope of permissions given to an IAM principal. There’s an s3:ExistingObjectTag condition that you can use to allow the GetObject request only when the object tag meets your condition. That means you can tag your objects with a specific tag key and value pair, and your IAM policy condition must match this key-value pair to allow the API action to successfully run. When you’re using condition keys with multiple keys or values, you can use condition operators and evaluation logic. You can see that ForAnyValue tests at least one member of the set of request values, and at least one member of the set of condition key values. Alternatively, you can use global condition keys that apply to all services:

         "Effect": "Allow",
         "Action": "s3:GetObject",
         "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::<doc-example-bucket>/<config*>",
         "Condition": {
                "ForAnyValue:StringEquals": {
                    "s3:ExistingObjectTag/<tag-key>": "<tag-value>"

In the preceding policy example, the condition element only allows s3:GetObject permissions if the object is tagged with a key of tag-key and a value of tag-value. While you’re experimenting, you can identify errors in your custom policies by using the IAM policy simulator or reviewing the errors messages recorded in AWS CloudTrail logs.


In this post, I’ve shown two different techniques that you can use to create least privilege policies for IAM. You can adapt these methods to create AWS Single Sign-On permission sets and AWS Organizations service control policies (SCPs). Starting with managed policies is a useful strategy when an AWS supplied managed policy already exists for your use case, and then to reduce the scope of what it can do through permissions. I tend to use the visual editor the most for editing policies because it saves looking up the resource and conditions for each action. I suggest that you start by reviewing the policies you’re already using. Start with policies that grant excessive permissions—like the example Administrator policy—and tie them back to the use case of the users or things that need the access. Use the last accessed information, IAM best practices, and look at the AWS Well-Architected best practices and AWS Well-Architected tool.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

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Ben Potter

Ben is the global security leader for the AWS Well-Architected Framework and is responsible for sharing best practices in security with customers and partners. Ben is also an ambassador for the No More Ransom initiative helping fight cyber crime with Europol, McAfee, and law enforcement across the globe. You can learn more about him in this interview.

Security updates for Wednesday

Post Syndicated from original

Security updates have been issued by Debian (brotli, jupyter-notebook, and postgresql-9.6), Fedora (perl-Convert-ASN1 and php-pear), openSUSE (go1.15, libqt5-qtbase, mutt, python-setuptools, and xorg-x11-server), Oracle (firefox, kernel, libvirt, and thunderbird), Red Hat (rh-postgresql10-postgresql and rh-postgresql12-postgresql), SUSE (java-1_8_0-openjdk, python, python-cryptography, python-setuptools, python3, and xorg-x11-server), and Ubuntu (linux, linux-aws, linux-aws-5.4, linux-azure, linux-azure-5.4, linux-gcp, linux-gcp-5.4, linux-hwe-5.4, linux-kvm, linux-oracle, linux-oracle-5.4, linux, linux-aws, linux-azure, linux-gcp, linux-kvm, linux-oracle, linux-raspi, linux, linux-aws, linux-azure, linux-kvm, linux-lts-trusty, linux-raspi2, linux-snapdragon, python-werkzeug, and xorg-server, xorg-server-hwe-16.04, xorg-server-hwe-18.04).

Popov: Linux kernel heap quarantine versus use-after-free exploits

Post Syndicated from original

Alenxander Popov describes
his kernel heap-quarantine patches
designed to protect the system
against use-after-free vulnerabilities. “In July 2020, I got an idea of how to break this heap spraying technique for UAF exploitation. In August I found some time to try it out. I extracted the slab freelist quarantine from KASAN functionality and called it SLAB_QUARANTINE.

If this feature is enabled, freed allocations are stored in the quarantine queue, where they wait to be actually freed. So there should be no way for them to be instantly reallocated and overwritten by UAF exploits.”

Field Notes: Migrating File Servers to Amazon FSx and Integrating with AWS Managed Microsoft AD

Post Syndicated from Kyaw Soe Hlaing original

Amazon FSx provides AWS customers with the native compatibility of third-party file systems with feature sets for workloads such as Windows-based storage, high performance computing (HPC), machine learning, and electronic design automation (EDA).  Amazon FSx automates the time-consuming administration tasks such as hardware provisioning, software configuration, patching, and backups. Since Amazon FSx integrates the file systems with cloud-native AWS services, this makes them even more useful for a broader set of workloads.

Amazon FSx for Windows File Server provides fully managed file storage that is accessible over the industry-standard Server Message Block (SMB) protocol. Built on Windows Server, Amazon FSx delivers a wide range of administrative features such as data deduplication, end-user file restore, and Microsoft Active Directory (AD) integration.

In this post, I explain how to migrate files and file shares from on-premises servers to Amazon FSx with AWS DataSync in a domain migration scenario. Customers are migrating their file servers to Amazon FSx as part of their migration from an on-premises Active Directory to AWS managed Active Directory. Their plan is to replace their file servers with Amazon FSx during Active Directory migration to AWS Managed AD.

Arhictecture diagram


Before you begin, perform the steps outlined in this blog to migrate the user accounts and groups to the managed Active Directory.


There are numerous ways to perform the Active Directory migration. Generally, the following five steps are taken:

  1. Establish two-way forest trust between on-premises AD and AWS Managed AD
  2. Migrate user accounts and group with the ADMT tool
  3. Duplicate Access Control List (ACL) permissions in the file server
  4. Migrate files and folders with existing ACL to Amazon FSx using AWS DataSync
  5. Migrate User Computers

In this post, I focus on duplication of ACL permissions and migration of files and folders using Amazon FSx and AWS DataSync. In order to perform duplication of ACL permission in file servers, I use SubInACL tool, which is available from the Microsoft website.

Duplication of the ACL is required because users want to seamlessly access file shares once their computers are migrated to AWS Managed AD. Thus all migrated files and folders have permission with Managed AD users and group objects. For enterprises, the migration of user computers does not happen overnight. Normally, migration takes place in batches or phases. With ACL duplication, both migrated and non-migrated users can access their respective file shares seamlessly during and after migration.

Duplication of Access Control List (ACL)

Before we proceed with ACL duplication, we must ensure that the migration of user accounts and groups was completed. In my demo environment, I have already migrated on-premises users to the Managed Active Directory. In the meantime, we presume that we are migrating identical users to the Managed Active Directory. There might be a scenario where migrated user accounts have different naming such as samAccount name. In this case, we will need to handle this during ACL duplication with SubInACL. For more information about syntax, refer to the SubInACL documentation.

As indicated in following screenshots, I have two users created in the on-premises Active Directory (onprem.local) and those two identical users have been created in the Managed Active Directory too (

Screenshot of on-premises Active Directory (onprem.local)


Screenshot of Active Directory

In the following screenshot, I have a shared folder called “HR_Documents” in an on-premises file server. Different users have different access rights to that folder. For example, John Smith has “Full Control” but Onprem User1 only have “Read & Execute”. Our plan is to add same access right to identical users from the Managed Active Directory, here, so that once John Smith is migrated to managed AD, he can access to shared folders in Amazon FSx using his Managed Active Directory credential.

Let’s verify the existing permission in the “HR_Documents” folder. Two users from onprem.local are found with different access rights.

Screenshot of HR docs

Screenshot of HR docs

Now it’s time to install SubInACL.

We install it in our on-premises file server. After the SubInACL tool is installed, it can be found under “C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Resource Kits\Tools” folder by default. To perform an ACL duplication, run command prompt as administrator and run the following command;

Subinacl /outputlog=C:\temp\HR_document_log.txt /errorlog=C:\temp\HR_document_Err_log.txt /Subdirectories C:\HR_Documents\* /migratetodomain=onprem=corp

There are several parameters that I am using in the command:

  • Outputlog = where log file is saved
  • ErrorLog = where error log file is saved
  • Subdirectories = to apply permissions including subfolders and files
  • Migratetodomain= NetBIOS name of source domain and destination domain

Screenshot windows resources kits

screenshot of windows resources kit

If the command is run successfully, you should able to see a summary of the results. If there is no error or failure, you can verify whether ACL permissions are duplicated as expected by looking at the folders and files. In our case, we can see that there is one ACL entry of identical account from is added.

Note: you will always see two ACL entries, one from onprem.local and another one from domain in all the files and folders that you used during migration.  Permissions are now applied to both at the folder and file level.

screenshot of payroll properties

screenshot of doc 1 properties

Migrate files and folders using AWS DataSync

AWS DataSync is an online data transfer service that simplifies, automates, and accelerates moving data between on-premises storage systems and AWS Storage services such as Amazon S3, Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS), or Amazon FSx for Windows File Server. Manual tasks related to data transfers can slow down migrations and burden IT operations. AWS DataSync reduces or automatically handles many of these tasks, including scripting copy jobs, scheduling and monitoring transfers, validating data, and optimizing network utilization.

Create an AWS DataSync agent

An AWS DataSync agent deploys as a virtual machine in an on-premises data center. An AWS DataSync agent can be run on ESXi, KVM, and Microsoft Hyper-V hypervisors. The AWS DataSync agent is used to access on-premises storage systems and transfer data to the AWS DataSync managed service running on AWS. AWS DataSync always performs incremental copies by comparing from a source to a destination and only copying files that are new or have changed.

AWS DataSync supports the following SMB (Server Message Block) locations to migrate data from:

  • Network File System (NFS)
  • Server Message Block (SMB)

In this blog, I use SMB as the source location, since I am migrating from an on-premises Windows File server. AWS DataSync supports SMB 2.1 and SMB 3.0 protocols.

AWS DataSync saves metadata and special files when copying to and from file systems. When files are copied from a SMB file share and Amazon FSx for Windows File Server, AWS DataSync copies the following metadata:

  • File timestamps: access time, modification time, and creation time
  • File owner and file group security identifiers (SIDs)
  • Standard file attributes
  • NTFS discretionary access lists (DACLs): access control entries (ACEs) that determine whether to grant access to an object

Data Synchronization with AWS DataSync

When a task starts, AWS DataSyc goes through different stages. It begins with examining file system follows by data transfer to destination. Once data transfer is completed, it performs verification for consistency between source and destination file systems. You can review detailed information about the data synchronization stages.

DataSync Endpoints

You can activate your agent by using one of the following endpoint types:

  • Public endpoints – If you use public endpoints, all communication from your DataSync agent to AWS occurs over the public internet.
  • Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) endpoints – If you need to use FIPS 140-2 validated cryptographic modules when accessing the AWS GovCloud (US-East) or AWS GovCloud (US-West) Region, use this endpoint to activate your agent. You use the AWS CLI or API to access this endpoint.
  • Virtual private cloud (VPC) endpoints – If you use a VPC endpoint, all communication from AWS DataSync to AWS services occurs through the VPC endpoint in your VPC in AWS. This approach provides a private connection between your self-managed data center, your VPC, and AWS services. It increases the security of your data as it is copied over the network.

In my demo environment, I have implemented AWS DataSync as indicated in following diagram. The DataSync Agent can be run either on VMware or Hyper-V and KVM platform in a customer on-premises data center.

Datasync Agent Arhictecture

Once the AWS DataSync Agent setup is completed and the task that defined the source file servers and destination Amazon FSx server is added, you can verify agent status in the AWS Management Console.

Console screenshot

Select Task and then choose Start to start copying files and folders. This will start the replication task (or you can wait until the task runs hourly). You can check the History tab to see a history of the replication task executions.

Console screenshot

Congratulations! You have replicated the contents of an on-premises file server to Amazon FSx. Let’s look and make sure the ACL permissions are still intact in their destination after migration. As shown in the following screenshots, the ACL permissions in the Payroll folder still remains as is, both on-premises users and Managed AD users are inside. Once the user’s computers are migrated to the Managed AD, they can access the same file share in Amazon FSx server using Managed AD credentials.

Payroll properties screenshot

Payroll properties screenshot

Cleaning up

If you are performing testing by following the preceding steps in your own account, delete the following resources, to avoid incurring future charges:

  • EC2 instances
  • Managed AD
  • Amazon FSx file system
  • AWS Datasync


You have learned how to duplicate ACL permissions and shared folder permissions during migration of file servers to Amazon FSx. This process provides a seamless migration experience for users. Once the user’s computers are migrated to the Managed AD, they only need to remap shared folders from Amazon FSx. This can be automated by pushing down shared folders mapping with a Group Policy. If new files or folders are created in the source file server, AWS Datasync will synchronize to Amazon FSx server.

For customers who are planning to do a domain migration from on-premises to AWS Managed Microsoft AD, migration of resources like file servers are common. Handling ACL permissions plays a vital role in providing a seamless migration experience. The duplication of ACL can be an option, otherwise, the ADMT tool can be used to migrate SID information from the source Domain to destination Domain. To migrate SID history, SID filtering needs to be disabled during migration.

If you want to provide feedback about this post, you are welcome to submit in the comments section below.

Field Notes provides hands-on technical guidance from AWS Solutions Architects, consultants, and technical account managers, based on their experiences in the field solving real-world business problems for customers.

Едни (не)отворени данни за язовирите

Post Syndicated from original

Вече два пъти споделям данни, които съм събрал, но нямам време да обработя и използвам. Първия път беше през 2017-та с отчетите искани по ЗДОИ от всички РЗИ в страната относно проверките и глобите за пушене в заведенията. Другите данни пуснах през 2018-та и съдържаха информацията от регистъра за жертвите от войните, в които сме участвали през 20-ти век, но представена в машинно-четим вид.

Днес пускам данни, които събрах в последните дни. За разлика от предишните не съм се отказал да обработя тези и да ги представя в разбираем вид. Смятам обаче, че са важни и ги пускам веднага свободно в случай, че някой иска да ги използва. Докато информацията в тях е вече налична в мрежата, тя е трудна за намиране и използване.

Първият ресурс идва от дневния бюлетин на МОСВ за състоянието на язовирите в страната. Ще го намерите на страницата на министерството. От няколко дни се публикува и в профила на @GovAlertEu:

Тъй като бюлетинът е във PDF формат, числата в него не може да се използват свободно. Не се и публикуват в машинно-четим формат на сайта им или в портала за отворени данни. Затова свалих всички доклади от началото на май, когато е започнал бюлетина и ги свалих в по-лесна за обработване таблица. Може да я свалите тук. Колоните са същите, както таблицата след трета страница. Това, което липсва като информация е класификацията по цвят кои язовири са предназначени за питейни, кои за напояване и кои за производство на енергия.

Другият източник са гаранциите за възобновяема енергия. Те се издават от Агенцията за устойчиво енергийно развитие и ще намерите в регистъра им. Той всъщност е обновен в лесен за търсене и филтриране формат и е прекрасно, че позволява сваляне на справките. Преди седем години беше просто една Excel таблица пълна с грешки, която тогава свалих и показах в интерактивен инструмент. Сега извадих в таблица всички гаранции за енергия на ВЕЦ-ове заедно с произведената енергия по месеци. Може да я свалите тук. Това, което не е удобно е, че няма разбивка по дни кога точно е произведена тази енергия, за да може да съпоставим с изпускане на вода от язовирите.

Друг липсващ елемент, който се опитам сега да събера, е информация кои ВЕЦ-ве са на и надолу по течението на кои язовири. С други думи изпускане на вода от кои язовири би помогнало на кой ВЕЦ точно да произведе повече ток и колко повече. Така може да направим относително точна преценка намаление къде е докарало какви пари на кого. В таблицата виждаме имена на фирми и точни периоди и количества енергия. Тук може би ще е полезен този регистър, но трябва да се изчистят имената, да се вземат координатите и да се съпоставят ВЕЦ-ове с язовири. За доста от гаранциите се вижда, че нямат схема на подпомагане. Затова, макар, че нямаме информация как са продадени и в кой конкретен ден, може да използваме интервалите на спот цените за дадения месец за приблизителна оценка.

Ако някой има идея как може да съберем лесно информация в табличен вид кои от тези язовири имат ВЕЦ-ове надолу по течението и доколко изпусканията на вода ще увеличи производството им, ще се радвам да сподели. Аналогично, ако някой има поглед над сферата и иска да сподели какви проблеми може да има с конкретните справки и разбирането ни за тях. Също, както преди, може да използвате данните по какъвто и да е начин, тъй като са публична информация. Ще се радвам да споделите резултатът в коментарите.

Снимки от Tama66 и pxhere.

The post Едни (не)отворени данни за язовирите first appeared on Блогът на Юруков.

Designing the Raspberry Pi Case Fan

Post Syndicated from original

When I first investigated inserting a fan into the standard Raspberry Pi case there were two main requirements. The first was to keep the CPU cool in all usage scenarios. The second was to reduce or eliminate any changes to the current case and therefore avoid costly tool changes.

The case fan and heatsink

As I had no experience developing a fan, I did what all good engineers do and had a go anyway. We had already considered opening the space above the Ethernet connector to create a flow of air into the case. So, I developed my first prototype from a used Indian takeaway container (I cleaned it first), but the below card version was easier to recreate

The first prototype

Input port over the Ethernet connector
Air duct taped into the top of the case

The above duct is what remains from my first effort, the concept is relatively simple, draw air in over the Ethernet port, and then drive the air down onto the CPU. But it wasn’t good enough, running CPU-burn on all four cores required a fan which sounded like it was about to take off. So I spoke to a professional who did some computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis for us.

It’s a kind of magic

CFD analysis of a cross section of the case

CFD analysis takes a 3D description of the volume and calculates a simulation of fluid flow (the air) through the volume. The result shows where the air moves fastest (the green and red areas)

What this showed us is the position of the fan is important since the fastest moving bit of air is actually quite far from the centre of the processor, also:

Bulk analysis of the air flow through the case

The picture above shows how most of the moving air (green and red) is mainly spinning around inside the fan. This happens because there is a pressure difference between the input and output sides of the fan (the sucky end and the blowy end). Fans just don’t work well that way, they are most efficient when unrestricted. I needed to go back to the drawing board. My next experiment was to add holes into the case to understand how much the airflow could be changed.

Improving airflow

More holes!

After running the tests with additional holes in both the lid and the base I concluded the issue wasn’t really getting air unrestricted in and out of the case (although the holes did make a small difference) but the effect the air duct was having on restricting the flow into the fan itself. Back to the drawing board…

During a long run in the fens, I thought about the airflow over the Ethernet connector and through the narrow duct, wondering how we can open this up to reduce the constriction. I realised it might be possible to use the whole ‘connector end’ of the case as the inlet port.

The breakthrough

My first cardboard ‘bulkhead’

Suddenly, I had made a big difference… By drawing air from around the USB and Ethernet connectors the lid has been left un-modified but still achieves the cooling effect I was looking for. Next was to reduce the direction changes in the air flow and try to make the duct simpler.

The bulkhead

The cardboard bulkhead does exactly what you need to do and nothing more. It separates the two halves of the case, and directs the air down directly at the processor. Using this design and the heatsink, I was able to achieve a cooling capable of easily running the cpuburn application but with an even smaller (quieter) fan.

The next job is to develop a plastic clip to attach the fan into the lid. That’s where our friends at Kinneir Dufort came in. They designed the injection moulded polycarbonate that makes an accurate interface with the Raspberry Pi’s PCB. The ‘bulkhead’ clips neatly into the slots in the lid, almost like it was planned!

The Raspberry Pi Case Fan has been developed with an advanced user in mind. It allows them to use the Raspberry Pi at its limits whilst retaining the unique finished exterior of the Raspberry Pi Case.

For those who love a good graph, here are the temperature results during a quad-core compile of the Linux kernel, as demonstrated in Eben’s launch post on Monday.

Buy your Raspberry Pi 4 Case Fan today

Raspberry Pi Case Fan is available from our Raspberry Pi Approved Resellers. Simply head over to the Case Fan page and select your country from the drop-down menu.

The post Designing the Raspberry Pi Case Fan appeared first on Raspberry Pi.

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