Tag Archives: AI

Introducing Constellation, bringing AI to the Cloudflare stack

Post Syndicated from Celso Martinho original http://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-constellation/

Introducing Constellation, bringing AI to the Cloudflare stack

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Introducing Constellation, bringing AI to the Cloudflare stack

The Cloudflare Workers' ecosystem now features products and features ranging from compute, hosting, storage, databases, streaming, networking, security, and much more. Over time, we've been trying to inspire others to switch from traditional software architectures, proving and documenting how it's possible to build complex applications that scale globally on top of our stack.

Today, we're excited to welcome Constellation to the Cloudflare stack, enabling developers to run pre-trained machine learning models and inference tasks on Cloudflare's network.

One more building block in our Supercloud

Machine learning and AI have been hot topics lately, but the reality is that we have been using these technologies in our daily lives for years now, even if we do not realize it. Our mobile phones, computers, cars, and home assistants, to name a few examples, all have AI. It's everywhere.

But it isn't a commodity to developers yet, though. They often need to understand the mathematics behind it, the software and tools are dispersed and complex, and the hardware or cloud services to run the frameworks and data are expensive.

Today we're introducing another feature to our stack, allowing everyone to run machine learning models and perform inference on top of Cloudflare Workers.

Introducing Constellation, bringing AI to the Cloudflare stack

Introducing Constellation

Constellation allows you to run fast, low-latency inference tasks using pre-trained machine learning models natively with Cloudflare Workers scripts.

Some examples of applications that you can deploy leveraging Constellation are:

  • Image or audio classification or object detection
  • Anomaly Detection in Data
  • Text translation, summarization, or similarity analysis
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Sentiment analysis
  • Speech recognition or text-to-speech
  • Question answering

Developers can upload any supported model to Constellation. They can train them independently or download pre-trained models from machine learning hubs like HuggingFace or ONNX Zoo.

However, not everyone will want to train models or browse the Internet for models they didn't test yet. For that reason, Cloudflare will also maintain a catalog of verified and ready-to-use models.

We built Constellation with a great developer experience and simple-to-use APIs in mind. Here's an example to get you started.

Image classification application

In this example, we will build an image classification app powered by the Constellation inference API and the SqueezeNet model, a convolutional neural network (CNN) that was pre-trained on more than one million images from the open-source ImageNet database and can classify images into no more than 1,000 categories.

SqueezeNet compares to AlexNet, one of the original CNNs and benchmarks for image classification, by being much faster (~3x) and much smaller (~500x) while still achieving similar levels of accuracy. Its small footprint makes it ideal for running on portable devices with limited resources or custom hardware.

First, let's create a new Constellation project using the ONNX runtime. Wrangler now has functionality for Constellation built-in with the constellation keyword.

$ npx wrangler constellation project create "image-classifier" ONNX

Now let’s create the wrangler.toml configuration file with the project binding:

# Top-level configuration
name = "image-classifier-worker"
main = "src/index.ts"
compatibility_date = "2022-07-12"

constellation = [
      binding = 'CLASSIFIER',
      project_id = '2193053a-af0a-40a6-b757-00fa73908ef6'

Installing the Constellation client API library:

$ npm install @cloudflare/constellation --save-dev

Upload the pre-trained SqueezeNet 1.1 ONNX model to the project.

$ wget https://github.com/microsoft/onnxjs-demo/raw/master/docs/squeezenet1_1.onnx
$ npx wrangler constellation model upload "image-classifier" "squeezenet11" squeezenet1_1.onnx

As we said above, SqueezeNet classifies images into no more than 1,000 object classes. These classes are actually in the form of a list of synonym rings or synsets. A synset has an id and a label; it derives from Princeton's WordNet database terminology, the same used to label the ImageNet image database.

To translate SqueezeNet's results into human-readable image classes, we need a file that maps the synset ids (what we get from the model) to their corresponding labels.

$ mkdir src; cd src
$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/microsoft/onnxjs-demo/master/src/data/imagenet.ts

And finally, let’s code and deploy our image classification script:

import { imagenetClasses } from './imagenet';
import { Tensor, run } from '@cloudflare/constellation';

export interface Env {
    CLASSIFIER: any,

export default {
    async fetch(request: Request, env: Env, ctx: ExecutionContext) {
        const formData = await request.formData();
        const file = formData.get("file");
        const data = await file.arrayBuffer();
        const result = await processImage(env, data);
        return new Response(JSON.stringify(result));

async function processImage(env: Env, data: ArrayBuffer) {
    const input = await decodeImage(data)

    const tensorInput = new Tensor("float32", [1, 3, 224, 224], input)

    const output = await run(env.CLASSIFIER, "MODEL-UUID", tensorInput);

    const probs = output.squeezenet0_flatten0_reshape0.value
    const softmaxResult = softmax(probs)
    const results = imagenetClasses(softmaxResult, 5);
    const topResult = results[0];
    return topResult

This script reads an image from the request, decodes it into a multidimensional float32 tensor (right now we only decode PNGs, but we can add other formats), feeds it to the SqueezeNet model running in Constellation, gets the results, matches them with the ImageNet classes list, and returns the human-readable tags for the image.

Pretty simple, no? Let’s test it:

$ curl https://ai.cloudflare.com/demos/image-classifier -F file=@images/mountain.png | jq .name


$ curl https://ai.cloudflare.com/demos/image-classifier -F file=@images/car.png | jq .name


$ curl https://ai.cloudflare.com/demos/image-classifier -F file=@images/dog.png | jq .name

Ibizan hound

Introducing Constellation, bringing AI to the Cloudflare stack

You can see the probabilities in action here. The model is quite sure about the Alp and the Convertible, but the Ibizan hound has a lower probability. Indeed, the dog in the picture is from another breed.

This small app demonstrates how easy and fast you can start using machine learning models and Constellation when building applications on top of Workers. Check the full source code here and deploy it yourself.


Transformers were introduced by Google; they are deep-learning models designed to process sequential input data and are commonly used for natural language processing (NLP), like translations, summarizations, or sentiment analysis, and computer vision (CV) tasks, like image classification.

Transformers.js is a popular demo that loads transformer models from HuggingFace and runs them inside your browser using the ONNX Runtime compiled to WebAssembly. We ported this demo to use Constellation APIs instead.

Here's the link to our version: https://transformers-js.pages.dev/

Introducing Constellation, bringing AI to the Cloudflare stack

Interoperability with Workers

The other interesting element of Constellation is that because it runs natively in Workers, you can orchestrate it with other products and APIs in our stack. You can use KV, R2, D1, Queues, anything, even Email.

Here's an example of a Worker that receives Emails for your domain on Cloudflare using Email Routing, runs Constellation using the t5-small sentiment analysis model, adds a header with the resulting score, and forwards it to the destination address.

import { Tensor, run } from '@cloudflare/constellation';
import * as PostalMime from 'postal-mime';

export interface Env {
    SENTIMENT: any,

export default {
  async email(message, env, ctx) {
    const rawEmail = await streamToArrayBuffer(event.raw, event.rawSize);
    const parser = new PostalMime.default();
    const parsedEmail = await parser.parse(rawEmail);

    const input = tokenize(parsedEmail.text)
    const output = await run( env.SENTIMENT, "MODEL-UUID", input);

    var headers = new Headers();
    headers.set("X-Sentiment", idToLabel[output.label]);
    await message.forward("[email protected]", headers);

Now you can use Gmail or any email client to apply a rule to your messages based on the 'X-Sentiment' header. For example, you might want to move all the angry emails outside your Inbox to a different folder on arrival.

Start using Constellation

Constellation starts today in private beta. To join the waitlist, please head to the dashboard, click the Workers tab under your account, and click the "Request access" button under the Constellation entry. The team will be onboarding accounts in batches; you'll get an email when your account is enabled.

Introducing Constellation, bringing AI to the Cloudflare stack

In the meantime, you can read our Constellation Developer Documentation and learn more about how it works and the APIs. Constellation can be used from Wrangler, our command-line tool for configuring, building, and deploying applications with Cloudflare developer products, or managed directly in the Dashboard UI.

We are eager to learn how you want to use ML/AI with your applications. Constellation will keep improving with higher limits, more supported runtimes, and larger models, but we want to hear from you. Your feedback will certainly influence our roadmap decisions.

One last thing: today, we've been talking about how you can write Workers that use Constellation, but here's an inception fact: Constellation itself was built using the power of WebAssembly, Workers, R2, and our APIs. We'll make sure to write a follow-up blog soon about how we built it; stay tuned.

As usual, you can talk to us on our Developers Discord (join the #constellation channel) or the Community forum; the team will be listening.

Query Cloudflare Radar and our docs using ChatGPT plugins

Post Syndicated from Ricky Robinett original http://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-chatgpt-plugins/

Query Cloudflare Radar and our docs using ChatGPT plugins

Query Cloudflare Radar and our docs using ChatGPT plugins

When OpenAI launched ChatGPT plugins in alpha we knew that it opened the door for new possibilities for both Cloudflare users and developers building on Cloudflare. After the launch, our team quickly went to work seeing what we could build, and today we’re very excited to share with you two new Cloudflare ChatGPT plugins – the Cloudflare Radar plugin and the Cloudflare Docs plugin.

The Cloudflare Radar plugin allows you to talk to ChatGPT about real-time Internet patterns powered by Cloudflare Radar.

The Cloudflare Docs plugin allows developers to use ChatGPT to help them write and build Cloudflare applications with the most up-to-date information from our documentation. It also serves as an open source example of how to build a ChatGPT plugin with Cloudflare Workers.

Let’s do a deeper dive into how each of these plugins work and how we built them.

Cloudflare Radar ChatGPT plugin

When ChatGPT introduced plugins, one of their use cases was retrieving real-time data from third-party applications and their APIs and letting users ask relevant questions using natural language.

Cloudflare Radar has lots of data about how people use the Internet, a well-documented public API, an OpenAPI specification, and it’s entirely built on top of Workers, which gives us lots of flexibility for improvements and extensibility. We had all the building blocks to create a ChatGPT plugin quickly. So, that's what we did.

We added an OpenAI manifest endpoint which describes what the plugin does, some branding assets, and an enriched OpenAPI schema to tell ChatGPT how to use our data APIs. The longest part of our work was fine-tuning the schema with good descriptions (written in natural language, obviously) and examples of how to query our endpoints.

Amusingly, the descriptions ended up much improved by the need to explain the API endpoints to ChatGPT. An interesting side effect is that this benefits us humans also.

    "/api/v1/http/summary/ip_version": {
        "get": {
            "operationId": "get_SummaryIPVersion",
            "parameters": [
                    "description": "Date range from today minus the number of days or weeks specified in this parameter, if not provided always send 14d in this parameter.",
                    "required": true,
                    "schema": {
                        "type": "string",
                        "example": "14d",
                        "enum": ["14d","1d","2d","7d","28d","12w","24w","52w"]
                    "name": "dateRange",
                    "in": "query"

Luckily, itty-router-openapi, an easy and compact OpenAPI 3 schema generator and validator for Cloudflare Workers that we built and open-sourced when we launched Radar 2.0, made it really easy for us to add the missing parts.

import { OpenAPIRouter } from '@cloudflare/itty-router-openapi'

const router = OpenAPIRouter({
  aiPlugin: {
    name_for_human: 'Cloudflare Radar API',
    name_for_model: 'cloudflare_radar',
    description_for_human: "Get data insights from Cloudflare's point of view.",
      "Plugin for retrieving the data based on Cloudflare Radar's data. Use it whenever a user asks something that might be related to Internet usage, eg. outages, Internet traffic, or Cloudflare Radar's data in particular.",
    contact_email: '[email protected]',
    legal_info_url: 'https://www.cloudflare.com/website-terms/',
    logo_url: 'https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/512/5969/5969044.png',

We incorporated our changes into itty-router-openapi, and now it supports the OpenAI manifest and route, and a few other options that make it possible for anyone to build their own ChatGPT plugin on top of Workers too.

The Cloudflare Radar ChatGPT is available to non-free ChatGPT users or anyone on OpenAI’s plugin's waitlist. To use it, simply open ChatGPT, go to the Plugin store and install Cloudflare Radar.

Query Cloudflare Radar and our docs using ChatGPT plugins

Once installed, you can talk to it and ask questions about our data using natural language.

When you add plugins to your account, ChatGPT will prioritize using their data based on what the language model understands from the human-readable descriptions found in the manifest and Open API schema. If ChatGPT doesn't think your prompt can benefit from what the plugin provides, then it falls back to its standard capabilities.

Another interesting thing about plugins is that they extend ChatGPT's limited knowledge of the world and events after 2021 and can provide fresh insights based on recent data.

Here are a few examples to get you started:

"What is the percentage distribution of traffic per TLS protocol version?"

Query Cloudflare Radar and our docs using ChatGPT plugins

"What's the HTTP protocol version distribution in Portugal?"

Query Cloudflare Radar and our docs using ChatGPT plugins

Now that ChatGPT has context, you can add some variants, like switching the country and the date range.

“How about the US in the last six months?”

Query Cloudflare Radar and our docs using ChatGPT plugins

You can also combine multiple topics (ChatGPT will make multiple API calls behind the scenes and combine the results in the best possible way).

“How do HTTP protocol versions compare with TLS protocol versions?”

Query Cloudflare Radar and our docs using ChatGPT plugins

Out of ideas? Ask it “What can I ask the Radar plugin?”, or “Give me a random insight”.

Be creative, too; it understands a lot about our data, and we keep improving it. You can also add date or country filters using natural language in your prompts.

Cloudflare Docs ChatGPT plugin

The Cloudflare Docs plugin is a ChatGPT Retrieval Plugin that lets you access the most up-to-date knowledge from our developer documentation using ChatGPT. This means if you’re using ChatGPT to assist you with building on Cloudflare that the answers you’re getting or code that’s being generated will be informed by current best practices and information located within our docs. You can set up and run the Cloudflare Docs ChatGPT Plugin by following the read me in the example repo.

Query Cloudflare Radar and our docs using ChatGPT plugins

The plugin was built entirely on Workers and uses KV as a vector store. It can also keep its index up-to-date using Cron Triggers, Queues and Durable Objects.

The plugin is a Worker that responds to POST requests from ChatGPT to a /query endpoint. When a query comes in, the Worker converts the query text into an embedding vector via the OpenAI embeddings API and uses this to find, and return, the most relevant document snippets from Cloudflare’s developer documentation.

The way this is achieved is by first converting every document in Cloudflare’s developer documentation on GitHub into embedding vectors (again using OpenAI’s API) and storing them in KV. This storage format allows you to find semantically similar content by doing a similarity search (we use cosine similarity), where two pieces of text that are similar in meaning will result in the two embedding vectors having a high similarity score. Cloudflare’s entire developer documentation compresses to under 5MB when converted to embedding vectors, so fetching these from KV is very quick. We’ve also explored building larger vector stores on Workers, as can be seen in this demo of 1 million vectors stored on Durable Object storage. We’ll be releasing more open source libraries to support these vector store use cases in the near future.

So ChatGPT will query the plugin when it believes the user’s question is related to Cloudflare’s developer tools, and the plugin will return a list of up-to-date information snippets directly from our documentation. ChatGPT can then decide how to use these snippets to best answer the user’s question.

The plugin also includes a “Scheduler” Worker that can periodically refresh the documentation embedding vectors, so that the information is always up-to-date. This is advantageous because ChatGPT’s own knowledge has a cutoff of September 2021 – so it’s not aware of changes in documentation, or new Cloudflare products.

The Scheduler Worker is triggered by a Cron Trigger, on a schedule you can set (eg, hourly), where it will check which content has changed since it last ran via GitHub’s API. It then sends these document paths in messages to a Queue to be processed. Workers will batch process these messages – for each message, the content is fetched from GitHub, and then turned into embedding vectors via OpenAI’s API. A Durable Object is used to coordinate all the Queue processing so that when all the batches have finished processing, the resulting embedding vectors can be combined and stored in KV, ready for querying by the plugin.

This is a great example of how Workers can be used not only for front-facing HTTP APIs, but also for scheduled batch-processing use cases.

Let us know what you think

We are in a time when technology is constantly changing and evolving, so as you experiment with these new plugins please let us know what you think. What do you like? What could be better? Since ChatGPT plugins are in alpha, changes to the plugins user interface or performance (i.e. latency) may occur. If you build your own plugin, we’d love to see it and if it’s open source you can submit a pull request on our example repo. You can always find us hanging out in our developer discord.

Batteries included: how AI will transform the who and how of programming

Post Syndicated from John Graham-Cumming original http://blog.cloudflare.com/ai-will-transform-programming/

Batteries included: how AI will transform the who and how of programming

Batteries included: how AI will transform the who and how of programming

The 1947 paper titled “Preparation of Problems for EDVAC-Type Machines” talks about the idea and usefulness of a “subroutine”. At the time there were only a tiny number of computers worldwide and subroutines were a novel idea, and it was clear that these subroutines were going to make programmers more productive: “Many operations which are thus excluded from the built-in set are still of sufficiently frequent occurrence to make undesirable the repetition of their coding in detail.”

Looking back it seems amazing that subroutines had to be invented, but at the time programmers wrote literally everything they needed to complete a task. That made programming slow, error-prone and restricted who could be a programmer to a relatively small group of people.

Luckily, things changed.

You can look at the history of computer programming as improvements in programmer productivity and widening the scope of who is a programmer. Think of syntax highlighting, high-level languages, IDEs, libraries and frameworks, APIs, Visual Basic, code completion, refactoring tools, spreadsheets, and so on.

And here we are with things changing again.

The new programmers

The recent arrival of LLMs capable of assisting programmers in writing, debugging and modifying code is yet another step. It’s a step at both making programmers more productive and helping more people be programmers.

As programmers a lot of what we do is arcane.

Sure, we have helped create the modern world, but we spend a lot of time on things that actually exclude many from being programmers. Think of how many times you’ve messed up syntax, misinterpreted the result of calling a function, or made an off-by-one error in a loop.

And we’re expected to operate at a concrete and abstract level simultaneously. We hold the architecture and state of a system in our heads, imagining the program as data flows through it, and worry about a missing semicolon.

This is, frankly, weird.

That weirdness is partly why the children’s programming language Scratch eliminates much of the arcana. It’s designed to stop the user making small mistakes that add up to not making progress on a program. Its on-screen shapes are designed to show how a program flows and loops. What if AI eliminates much of our odd work and lets people concentrate on the thing they are creating?

I think that would be wonderful and would open the world of programming to many, many more people. But we’re not there yet. We’re at the point where AIs are hugely helpful assistants in the traditional art of programming. And this week Cloudflare will introduce its own AI assistants to make programmers using Cloudflare Workers much more productive. And these assistants are going to help more people use the Cloudflare Developer Platform.

The new platforms

A developer platform without AI isn’t going to be much use. It’ll be a bit like a developer platform that can’t do floating point arithmetic, or handle a list of data. We’re going to see every developer platform have AI capability built in because these capabilities will allow developers to make richer experiences for users.

Batteries included: how AI will transform the who and how of programming

If you’ve used a phone’s picture library recently you’ve probably discovered that you can search by what’s in an image. Type ‘cat’ and you can see all the cat pictures you’ve taken. Image classification like this is an example of the sort of functionality that a developer platform should provide so that a programmer can build a productive and exciting experience for their users.

That’s why this week we’ll be announcing AI features built directly into the Cloudflare Workers platform so that developers have a rich toolset at their disposal. And they’ll be able to train and upload their own models to run on our global network.

AI systems, by their nature, require a lot of data both for training and for executing models. Think giga- to petabytes. And a lot of that data needs to move around. Unlike a database where data might largely be stored and accessed infrequently, AI systems are alive with moving data.

To accommodate that, platforms need to stop treating data as something to lock in developers with. Data needs to be free to move from system to system, from platform to platform, without transfer fees, egress or other nonsense. If we want a world of AI, we need a world of data fluidity. We’ll look this week at how Cloudflare (including our R2) enables that.

Batteries included: how AI will transform the who and how of programming

I like to think (it has to be!)

As I look back at 40 years of my programming life, I haven’t been this excited about a new technology… ever. That’s because AI is going to be a pervasive change to how programs get written, who writes programs and how all of us interact with software.

In a talk, Andrew Ng called AI “The New Electricity”. Does that seem exaggerated? I don’t think so. Electricity utterly altered work and life for everyone and has become so much part of life that when electricity supplies fail it’s a shock.

AI is going to have a similarly profound effect on the way we live and work, and will be equally pervasive. And AI is already here, not just in the form of ChatGPT and Google Bard, but through machine translation, agents like Siri and Alexa, and a myriad of unseen systems that do something humans can’t do: keep up with the speed of the Internet helping to protect it and us.

And, I predict, AI is going to help people be smarter. That effect has already been seen with the ancient game Go. In 2016, one of the world’s strongest Go players, Lee Sedol, was beaten by AlphaGo and later retired. But something interesting has happened: Go players playing against AI are getting stronger. Humans are learning new strategies and improving.

I think AI has the potential to do that for all of us. And for programmers I think it’ll make us more productive and make more people programmers.

Which makes me wonder what a 2047 paper entitled “Preparation of Programs for NEURAL-Type Machines” will introduce. What new exciting way of programming is there for us to discover in the next few years? What cybernetic ecology will be created that makes the flow of ideas from the brain to silicon so much quicker?

Batteries included: how AI will transform the who and how of programming

How companies are boosting productivity with generative AI

Post Syndicated from Chris Reddington original https://github.blog/2023-05-09-how-companies-are-boosting-productivity-with-generative-ai/

Is your company using generative AI yet?

While it’s still in its infancy, generative AI coding tools are already changing the way developers and companies build software. Generative AI can boost developer and business productivity by automating tasks, improving communication and collaboration, and providing insights that can inform better decision-making.

In this post, we’ll explore the full story of how companies are adopting generative AI to ship software faster, including:

Want to explore the world of generative AI for developers? 🌎

Check out our generative AI guide to learn what it is, how it works, and what it means for developers everywhere.

Get the guide >

What is generative AI?

Generative AI refers to a class of artificial intelligence (AI) systems designed to create new content similar to what humans produce. These systems are trained on large datasets of content that include text, images, audio, music, or code.

Generative AI is an extension of traditional machine learning, which trains models to predict or classify data based on existing patterns. But instead of simply predicting the outcome, generative AI models are designed to identify underlying patterns and structures of the data, and then use that knowledge to quickly generate new content. However, the main difference between the two is one of magnitude and the size of the prediction or generation. Machine learning typically predicts the next word. Generative AI can generate the next paragraph.

AI-generated image from Shutterstack of a developer using a generative AI tool to code faster.
AI-generated image from Shutterstack of a developer using a generative AI tool to code faster.

Generative AI tools have attracted particular interest in the business world. From marketing to software development, organizational leaders are increasingly curious about the benefits of the new generative AI applications and products.

“I do think that all companies will adopt generative AI tools in the near future, at least indirectly,” said Albert Ziegler, principal machine learning engineer at GitHub. “The bakery around the corner might have a logo that the designer made using a generative transformer. The neighbor selling knitted socks might have asked Bing where to buy a certain kind of wool. My taxi driver might do their taxes with a certain Excel plugin. This adoption will only increase over time.”

What are some business uses of generative AI tools? 💡

  • Software development: generative AI tools can assist engineers with building, editing, and testing code.
  • Content creation: writers can use generative AI tools to help personalize product descriptions and write ad copy.
  • Design creation: from generating layouts to assisting with graphics, generative AI design tools can help designers create entirely new designs.
  • Video creation: generative AI tools can help videographers with building, editing, or enhancing videos and images.
  • Language translation: translators can use generative AI tools to create communications in different languages.
  • Personalization: generative AI tools can assist businesses with personalizing products and services to meet the needs of individual customers.
  • Operations: from supply chain management to pricing, generative AI tools can help operations professionals drive efficiency.

How generative AI coding tools are changing the developer experience

Generative AI has big implications for developers, as the tools can enable them to code and ship software faster.

How is generative AI affecting software development?⚡

Check out our guide to learn what generative AI coding tools are, what developers are using them for, and how they’re impacting the future of development.

Get the guide >

Similar to how spell check and other automation tools can help writers build content more efficiently, generative AI coding tools can help developers produce cleaner work—and the models powering these tools are getting better by the month. Tools such as GitHub Copilot, for instance, can be used in many parts of the software development lifecycle, including in IDEs, code reviews, and testing.

The science backs this up. In 2022, we conducted research into how our generative AI tool, GitHub Copilot, helps developers. Here’s what we found:

Source: Research: quantifying GitHub Copilot’s impact on developer productivity and happiness

GitHub Copilot is only continuing to improve. When the tool was first launched for individuals in June 2022, more than 27% of developers’ code was generated by GitHub Copilot, on average. Today, that number is 46% across all programming languages—and in Java, that jumps to 61%.

How can generative AI tools help you build software? 🚀

These tools can help:

  • Write boilerplate code for various programming languages and frameworks.
  • Find information in documentation to understand what the code does.
  • Identify security vulnerabilities and implement fixes.
  • Streamline code reviews before merging new or edited code.

Explore GitHub’s vision for embedding generative AI into every aspect of the developer workflow.

Using generative AI responsibly 🙏

Like all technologies, responsibility and ethics are important with generative AI.

In February 2023, a group of 10 companies including OpenAI, Adobe, the BBC, and others agreed upon a new set of recommendations on how to use generative AI content in a responsible way.

The recommendations were put together by the Partnership on AI (PAI), an AI research nonprofit, in consultation with more than 50 organizations. The guidelines call for creators and distributors of generative AI to be transparent about what the technology can and can’t do and disclose when users might be interacting with this type of content (by using watermarks, disclaimers, or traceable elements in an AI model’s training data).

Is generative AI accurate? 🔑

Businesses should be aware that while generative AI tools can speed up the creation of content, they should not be solely relied upon as a source of truth. A recent study suggests that people can identify whether AI-generated content is real or fake only 50% of the time. Here at GitHub, we named our generative AI tool “GitHub Copilot” to signify just this—the tool can help, but at the end of the day, it’s just a copilot. The developer needs to take responsibility for ensuring that the finished code is accurate and complete.

How companies are using generative AI

Even as generative AI models and tools continue to rapidly advance, businesses are already exploring how to incorporate these into their day-to-day operations.

This is particularly true for software development teams.

“Going forward, tech companies that don’t adopt generative AI tools will have a significant productivity disadvantage,” Ziegler said. “Given how much faster this technology can help developers build, organizations that don’t adopt these tools or create their own will have a harder time in the marketplace.”

3 primary generative AI business models for organizations 📈

Enterprises all over the world are using generative AI tools to transform how work gets done. Three of the business models organizations use include:

  • Model as a Service (MaaS): Companies access generative AI models through the cloud and use them to create new content. OpenAI employs this model, which licenses its GPT-3 AI model, the platform behind ChatGPT. This option offers low-risk, low-cost access to generative AI, with limited upfront investment and high flexibility.
  • Built-in apps: Companies build new—or existing—apps on top of generative AI models to create new experiences. GitHub Copilot uses this model, which relies on Codex to analyze the context of the code to provide intelligent suggestions on how to complete it. This option offers high customization and specialized solutions with scalability.
  • Vertical integration: Vertical integration leverages existing systems to enhance the offerings. For instance, companies may use generative AI models to analyze large amounts of data and make predictions about prices or improve the accuracy of their services.

Duolingo, one of the largest language-learning apps in the world, is one company that recently adopted generative AI capabilities. They chose GitHub’s generative AI tool, GitHub Copilot, to help their developers write and ship code faster, while improving test coverage. Duolingo’s CTO Severin Hacker said GitHub Copilot delivered immediate benefits to the team, enabling them to code quickly and deliver their best work.

”[The tool] stops you from getting distracted when you’re doing deep work that requires a lot of your brain power,” Hacker noted. “You spend less time on routine work and more time on the hard stuff. With GitHub Copilot, our developers stay in the flow state and keep momentum instead of clawing through code libraries or documentation.”

After adopting GitHub Copilot and the GitHub platform, Duolingo saw a:

  • 25% increase in developer speed for those who are new to working with a specific repository
  • 10% increase in developer speed for those who are familiar with the respective codebase
  • 67% decrease in median code review turnaround time

“I don’t know of anything available today that’s remotely close to what we can get with GitHub Copilot,” Hacker said.

Looking forward

Generative AI is changing the world of software development. And it’s just getting started. The technology is quickly improving and more use cases are being identified across the software development lifecycle. With the announcement of GitHub Copilot X, our vision for the future of AI-powered software development, we’re committed to installing AI capabilities into every step of the developer workflow. There’s no better time to get started with generative AI at your company.

Web Summit Rio 2023: Building an app in 18 minutes with GitHub Copilot X

Post Syndicated from Thomas Dohmke original https://github.blog/2023-05-05-web-summit-rio-2023-building-an-app-in-18-minutes-with-github-copilot-x/

Missed GitHub CEO Thomas Dohmke’s Web Summit Rio 2023 talk? Read his remarks and get caught up on everything GitHub Copilot X.

Hello, Rio! I’m Thomas, and I’m a developer. I’ve been looking forward to this for some time, about a year. When I first planned this talk, I wanted to talk about the future of artificial intelligence and applications. But then I thought, why not show you the full power live on stage. Build something with code.

I’ve been a developer my entire adult life. I’ve been coding since 1989. But as CEO, I haven’t been able to light up my contribution graph in a while. Like all of you, like every developer, my energy, my creativity every day is finite. And all the distractions of life—from the personal to the professional—from morning to night, gradually zaps my creative energy.

When I wake up, I’m at my most creative and sometimes I have a big, light bulb idea. But as soon as the coffee is poured, the distractions start. Slack messages and emails flood in. I have to review a document before a customer presentation. And then I hear my kids yell as their football flew over the fence. And, of course, they want me to go over to our neighbors’ and get it.

Then…I sit back down, I am in wall-to-wall meetings. And by the time the sun comes down, that idea I had in the morning—it’s gone! It’s midnight and I can’t even keep my eyes open. To be honest, in all this, I usually don’t even want to get started because the perception of having to do all the mundane tasks, all the boilerplate work that comes with coding, stops me in my tracks. And I know this is true for so many developers.

The point is: boilerplate sucks! All busywork in life, but especially repetitive work is a barrier between us and what we want to achieve. Every day, building endless boilerplate prevents developers from creating a new idea that will change the world. But with AI, these barriers are about to be shattered.

You’ve likely seen the memes about the 10x developer. It’s a common internet joke—people have claimed the 10x developer many times. With GitHub Copilot and now Copilot X, it’s time for us to redefine this! It isn’t that developers need to strive to be 10x, it’s that every developer deserves to be made 10 times more productive. With AI at every step, we will truly create without captivity. With AI at every step, we will realize the 10x developer.

Imagine: 10 days of work, done in one day. 10 hours of work, done in one hour. 10 minutes of work, done with a single prompt command. This will allow us to amplify our truest self-expression. It will help a new generation of developers learn and build as fast as their minds. And because of this, we’ll emerge into a new spring of digital creativity, where every light bulb idea we have when we open our eyes for the day can be fully realized no matter what life throws at us.

During my presentation, I built a snake game in 15 minutes.

This morning I woke up, and I wanted to build something. I wanted to build my own snake game, originally created back in 1976. It’s a classic. So, 15 minutes are left on my timer. And I’m going to build this snake game. Let’s bring up Copilot X and get going!

See how you can 10x your developer superpowers. Discover GitHub Copilot X.

Why I’m Not So Alarmed About AI And Jobs

Post Syndicated from Bozho original https://techblog.bozho.net/why-im-not-so-alarmed-about-ai-and-jobs/

With the advances in large language models (e.g. ChatGPT), referred to as AI, concerns are rising about a sweeping loss of jobs because of the new tools. Some claim jobs will be completely replaced, others claim that jobs will be cut because of a significant increase in efficiency. Labour parties and unions are organizing conferences about the future of jobs, universal basic income, etc.

These concerns are valid and these debates should be held. I’m addressing this post to the more extreme alarmists and not trying to diminish the rapid changes that these technological advances are bringing. We have to think about regulations, ethical AI and safeguards. And the recent advances are pushing us in that direction, which is good.

But in technology we often live the phrase “when you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail”. The blockchain revolution didn’t happen, and so I think we are a bit more eager than warranted about the recent advances in AI. Let me address three aspects:

First – automation. The claim is, AI will swiftly automate a lot of jobs and many people with fall out of the labour market. The reality is that GPT/LLMs should be integrated in existing business processes. If regular automation hasn’t already killed those jobs, AI won’t do it so quickly. If an organization doesn’t use automation already for boilerplate tasks, it won’t overnight automate them with AI. Let me remind you that RPA (Robotic process automation) solutions have been advertised as AI. They really “kill” jobs in the enterprise. They’ve been around for nearly two decades and we haven’t heard a large alarmed choir about RPA. I’m aware there is a significant difference in LLMs and RPA, but the idea that a piece of technology will swiftly lead to staff reduction across industries is not something I agree with.

Second – efficiency. Especially in software development, where products like Copilot are already production-ready, it seems that with the increase of efficiency, there may be staff reduction. But if a piece of software used to be built for 6 months before AI, it will be built for, say, 3 months with AI. Note that code writing speed is not the only aspect of software development – other overhead and blockers will continue to exist – requirement clarifications, customer feedback, architecture decisions, operational and scalability issues, etc., so increase in efficiency is unlikely to be orders of magnitude. AT the same time, there is a shortage of software developers. With the advances of AI, there will be less of a shortage, meaning more software can be built within the same timeframe.

For outsourcing this means that the price per hour or per finished product may increase because of AI (speed is also a factor in pricing). A company will be able to service more customers for a given time. And there’s certainly a lot of demand for digital transformation. For product companies this increase in efficiency will mean faster time-to-market for the product and new features. Which will make product companies more competitive. In both cases, AI is unlikely to kills jobs in the near future.

Sure, ChatGPT can write a website. You can create a free website with site-builders even today. And this hasn’t killed web developers. It just makes the easiest websites cheaper. By the way, building software once and maintaining it are completely different things. Even if ChatGPT can build a website, maintenance is going to be tough through prompts.

At the same time, AI will put more intellectual pressure on junior developers, who are typically given the boilerplate work, which is going to be more automatable. But on the other hand AI will improve the training process of those junior developers. Companies may have to put more effort in training developers, and career paths may have to be adjusted, but it’s unlikely that the demand for software developers will drop.

Third, there is a claim that generative AI will kill jobs in the creative professions. Ever since I wrote an algorthmic music generator, I’ve been saying that it will not. Sure, composers of elevator music will be eventually gone. But poets, for example, won’t. ChatGPT is rather bad at poetry. It can’t actually write proper poetry. It seems to know just the AABB rhyme scheme, it ignores instructions on meter (“use dactylic tetrameter” doesn’t seem to mean anything to it). With image and video generation, the problem with unrealistic hands and fingers (and similar ones) doesn’t seem to be going away with larger models (even though the latest version of Midjourney is neatly going around it). It will certainly require post-editing. Will it make certain industries more efficient? Yes, which will allow them to produce more content for a given time. Will there be enough demand? I can’t say. The market will decide.

LLMs and AI will be change things. It will improve efficiency. It will disrupt some industries. And we have to debate this. But we still have time.

The post Why I’m Not So Alarmed About AI And Jobs appeared first on Bozho's tech blog.

How generative AI is changing the way developers work

Post Syndicated from Damian Brady original https://github.blog/2023-04-14-how-generative-ai-is-changing-the-way-developers-work/

During a time when computers were solely used for computation, the engineer, Douglas Engelbart, gave the “mother of all demos,” where he reframed the computer as a collaboration tool capable of solving humanity’s most complex problems. At the start of his demo, he asked audience members how much value they would derive from a computer that could instantly respond to their actions.

You can ask the same question of generative AI models. If you had a highly responsive generative AI coding tool to brainstorm new ideas, break big ideas into smaller tasks, and suggest new solutions to problems, how much more creative and productive could you be?

This isn’t a hypothetical question. AI-assisted engineering workflows are quickly emerging with new generative AI coding tools that offer code suggestions and entire functions in response to natural language prompts and existing code. These tools, and what they can help developers accomplish, are changing fast. That makes it important for every developer to understand what’s happening now—and the implications for how software is and will be built.

In this article, we’ll give a rundown of what generative AI in software development looks like today by exploring:

The unique value generative AI brings to the developer workflow

AI and automation have been a part of the developer workflow for some time now. From machine learning-powered security checks to CI/CD pipelines, developers already use a variety of automation and AI tools, like CodeQL on GitHub, for example.

While there’s overlap between all of these categories, here’s what makes generative AI distinct from automation and other AI coding tools:

Automation: 🛤
You know what needs to be done, and you know of a reliable way to get there every time.
Rules-based logic: 🔎
You know the end goal, but there’s more than one way to achieve it.
Machine learning: 🧠
You know the end goal, but the amount of ways to achieve it scales exponentially.
Generative AI: 🌐
You have big coding dreams, and want the freedom to bring them to life.
You want to make sure that any new code pushed to your repository follows formatting specifications before it’s merged to the main branch. Instead of manually validating the code, you use a CI/CD tool like GitHub Actions to trigger an automated workflow on the event of your choosing (like a commit or pull request). You know some patterns of SQL injections, but it’s time consuming to manually scan for them in your code. A tool like Code QL uses a system of rules to sort through your code and find those patterns, so you don’t have to do it by hand. You want to stay on top of security vulnerabilities, but the list of SQL injections continues to grow. A coding tool that uses a machine learning (ML) model, like Code QL, is trained to not only detect known injections, but also patterns similar to those injections in data it hasn’t seen before. This can help you increase recognition of confirmed vulnerabilities and predict new ones. Generative AI coding tools leverage ML to generate novel answers and predict coding sequences. A tool like GitHub Copilot can reduce the amount of times you switch out of your IDE to look up boilerplate code or help you brainstorm coding solutions. Shifting your role from rote writing to strategic decision making, generative AI can help you reflect on your code at a higher, more abstract level—so you can focus more on what you want to build and spend less time worrying about how.

How are generative AI coding tools designed and built?

Building a generative AI coding tool requires training AI models on large amounts of code across programming languages via deep learning. (Deep learning is a way to train computers to process data like we do—by recognizing patterns, making connections, and drawing inferences with limited guidance.)

To emulate the way humans learn patterns, these AI models use vast networks of nodes, which process and weigh input data, and are designed to function like neurons. Once trained on large amounts of data and able to produce useful code, they’re built into tools and applications. The models can then be plugged into coding editors and IDEs where they respond to natural language prompts or code to suggest new code, functions, and phrases.

Before we talk about how generative AI coding tools are made, let’s define what they are first. It starts with LLMs, or large language models, which are sets of algorithms trained on large amounts of code and human language. Like we mentioned above, they can predict coding sequences and generate novel content using existing code or natural language prompts.

Today’s state-of-the-art LLMs are transformers. That means they use something called an attention mechanism to make flexible connections between different tokens in a user’s input and the output that the model has already generated. This allows them to provide responses that are more contextually relevant than previous AI models because they’re good at connecting the dots and big-picture thinking.

Here’s an example of how a transformer works. Let’s say you encounter the word log in your code. The transformer node at that place would use the attention mechanism to contextually predict what kind of log would come next in the sequence.

Let’s say, in the example below, you input the statement from math import log. A generative AI model would then infer you mean a logarithmic function.

And if you add the prompt from logging import log, it would infer that you’re using a logging function.

Though sometimes a log is just a log.

LLMs can be built using frameworks besides transformers. But LLMs using frameworks, like a recurrent neural network or long short-term memory, struggle with processing long sentences and paragraphs. They also typically require training on labeled data (making training a labor-intensive process). This limits the complexity and relevance of their outputs, and the data they can learn from.

Transformer LLMs, on the other hand, can train themselves on unlabeled data. Once they’re given basic learning objectives, LLMs take a part of the new input data and use it to practice their learning goals. Once they’ve achieved these goals on that portion of the input, they apply what they’ve learned to understand the rest of the input. This self-supervised learning process is what allows transformer LLMs to analyze massive amounts of unlabeled data—and the larger the dataset an LLM is trained on, the more they scale by processing that data.

Why should developers care about transformers and LLMs?

LLMs like OpenAI’s GPT-3, GPT-4, and Codex models are trained on an enormous amount of natural language data and publicly available source code. This is part of the reason why tools like ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot, which are built on these models, can produce contextually accurate outputs.

Here’s how GitHub Copilot produces coding suggestions:

  • All of the code you’ve written so far, or the code that comes before the cursor in an IDE, is fed to a series of algorithms that decide what parts of the code will be processed by GitHub Copilot.
  • Since it’s powered by a transformer-based LLM, GitHub Copilot will apply the patterns it’s abstracted from training data and apply those patterns to your input code.
  • The result: contextually relevant, original coding suggestions. GitHub Copilot will even filter out known security vulnerabilities, vulnerable code patterns, and code that matches other projects.

Keep in mind: creating new content such as text, code, and images is at the heart of generative AI. LLMs are adept at abstracting patterns from their training data, applying those patterns to existing language, and then producing language or a line of code that follows those patterns. Given the sheer scale of LLMs, they might generate a language or code sequence that doesn’t even exist yet. Just as you would review a colleague’s code, you should assess and validate AI-generated code, too.

Why context matters for AI coding tools

Developing good prompt crafting techniques is important because input code passes through something called a context window, which is present in all transformer-based LLMs. The context window represents the capacity of data an LLM can process. Though it can’t process an infinite amount of data, it can grow larger. Right now, the Codex model has a context window that allows it to process a couple of hundred lines of code, which has already advanced and accelerated coding tasks like code completion and code change summarization.

Developers use details from pull requests, a folder in a project, open issues—and the list goes on—to contextualize their code. So, when it comes to a coding tool with a limited context window, the challenge is to figure out what data, in addition to code, will lead to the best suggestions.

The order of the data also impacts a model’s contextual understanding. Recently, GitHub made updates to its pair programmer so that it considers not only the code immediately before the cursor, but also some of the code after the cursor. The paradigm—which is called Fill-In-the-Middle (FIM)—leaves a gap in the middle of the code for GitHub Copilot to fill, providing the tool with more context about the developer’s intended code and how it should align with the rest of the program. This helps produce higher quality code suggestions without any added latency.

Visuals can also contextualize code. Multimodal LLMs (MMLLMs) scale transformer LLMs so they process images and videos, as well as text. OpenAI recently released its new GPT-4 model—and Microsoft revealed its own MMLLM called Kosmos-1. These models are designed to respond to natural language and images, like alternating text and images, image-caption pairs, and text data.

GitHub’s senior developer advocate Christina Warren shares the latest on GPT-4 and the creative potential it holds for developers:

Our R&D team at GitHub Next has been working to move AI past the editor with GitHub Copilot X. With this new vision for the future of AI-powered software development, we’re not only adopting OpenAI’s new GPT-4 model, but also introducing chat and voice, and bringing GitHub Copilot to pull requests, the command line, and docs. See how we’re investigating the future of AI-powered software development >

How developers are using generative AI coding tools

The field of generative AI is filled with experiments and explorations to uncover the technology’s full capabilities—and how they can enable effective developer workflows. Generative AI tools are already changing how developers write code and build software, from improving productivity to helping developers focus on bigger problems.

While generative AI applications in software development are still being actively defined, today, developers are using generative AI coding tools to:

  • Get a head start on complex code translation tasks. A study presented at the 2021 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces found that generative AI provided developers with a skeletal framework to translate legacy source code into Python. Even if the suggestions weren’t always correct, developers found it easier to assess and fix those mistakes than manually translate the source code from scratch. They also noted that this process of reviewing and correcting was similar to what they already do when working with code produced by their colleagues.

With GitHub Copilot Labs, developers can use the companion VS Code extension (that’s separate from but dependent on the GitHub Copilot extension) to translate code into different programming languages. Watch how GitHub Developer Advocate, Michelle Mannering, uses GitHub Copilot Labs to translate her Python code into Ruby in just a few steps.

Our own research supports these findings, too. As we mentioned earlier, we found that developers who used GitHub Copilot coded up to 55% faster than those who didn’t. But productivity gains went beyond speed with 74% of developers reporting that they felt less frustrated when coding and were able to focus on more satisfying work.

  • Tackle new problems and get creative. The PACMPL study also found that developers used GitHub Copilot to find creative solutions when they were unsure of how to move forward. These developers searched for next possible steps and relied on the generative AI coding tool to assist with unfamiliar syntax, look up the right API, or discover the correct algorithm.

I was one of the developers who wrote GitHub Copilot, but prior to that work, I had never written a single line of TypeScript. That wasn’t a problem because I used the first prototype of GitHub Copilot to learn the language and, eventually, help ship the world’s first at-scale generative AI coding tool.

– Albert Ziegler, Principal Machine Learning Engineer // GitHub
  • Find answers without leaving their IDEs. Some participants in the PACMPL study also treated GitHub Copilot’s multi-suggestion pane like StackOverflow. Since they were able to describe their goals in natural language, participants could directly prompt GitHub Copilot to generate ideas for implementing their goals, and press Ctrl/Cmd + Enter to see a list of 10 suggestions. Even though this kind of exploration didn’t lead to deep knowledge, it helped one developer to effectively use an unfamiliar API.

A 2023 study published by GitHub in the Association for Computing Machinery’s Queue magazine also found that generative AI coding tools save developers the effort of searching for answers online. This provides them with more straightful forward answers, reduces context switching, and conserves mental energy.

Part of GitHub’s new vision for the future of AI-powered software development is a ChatGPT-like experience directly in your editor. Watch how Martin Woodward, GitHub’s Vice President of Developer Relations, uses GitHub Copilot Chat to find and fix bugs in his code.

  • Build better test coverage. Some generative AI coding tools excel in pattern recognition and completion. Developers are using these tools to build unit and functional tests—and even security tests—via natural language prompts. Some tools also offer security vulnerability filtering, so a developer will be alerted if they unknowingly introduce a vulnerability in their code.

Want to see some examples in action? Check out how Rizel Scarlett, a developer advocate at GitHub, uses GitHub Copilot to develop tests for her codebase:

  • Discover tricks and solutions they didn’t know they needed. Scarlett also wrote about eight unexpected ways developers can use GitHub Copilot—from prompting it to create a dictionary of two-letter ISO country codes and their contributing country name, to helping developers exit Vim, an editor with a sometimes finicky closing process. Want to learn more? Check out the full guide >

The bottom line

Generative AI provides humans with a new mode of interaction—and it doesn’t just alleviate the tedious parts of software development. It also inspires developers to be more creative, feel empowered to tackle big problems, and model large, complex solutions in ways they couldn’t before. From increasing productivity and offering alternative solutions, to helping you build new skills—like learning a new language or framework, or even writing clear comments and documentation—there are so many reasons to be excited about the next wave of software development. This is only the beginning.

Additional resources

Generative AI-enabled compliance for software development

Post Syndicated from Mark Paulsen original https://github.blog/2023-04-11-generative-ai-enabled-compliance-for-software-development/

In our recent blog post announcing GitHub Copilot X, we mentioned that generative AI represents the future of software development. This amazing technology will enable developers to stay in the flow while helping enterprises meet their business goals.

But as we have also mentioned in our blog series on compliance, generative AI may soon act as an enabler for developer-focused compliance programs that will drive optimization and keep your development, compliance and audit teams productive and happy.

Today, we’ll explore the potential for generative AI to help enable teams to optimize and automate some of the foundational compliance components of separation of duties that many enterprises still often manage and review manually.

Generative AI has been dominating the news lately—but what exactly is it? Here’s what you need to know, and what it means for developers.

Separation of duties

The concept of “separation of duties,” long used in the accounting world as a check and balance approach, is also adopted in other scenarios, including technology architecture and workflows. While helpful to address compliance, it can lead to additional manual steps that can slow down delivery and innovation.

Fortunately, the PCI-DSS requirements guide provides a more DevOps, cloud native, and AI-enabled approach to separation of duties by focusing on functions and accounts, as opposed to people:

“The purpose of this requirement is to separate the development and test functions from the production functions. For example, a developer can use an administrator-level account with elevated privileges in the development environment and have a separate account with user-level access to the production environment.”

There are many parts of a software delivery workflow that need to have separation of duties in place—but one of the core components that is key for any compliance program is the code review. Having a separate set of objective eyes reviewing your code, whether it’s human or AI-powered, helps to ensure risks, tech debt, and security vulnerabilities are found and mitigated as early as possible.

Code reviews also help enable the concept of separation of duties since it prohibits a single person or a single function, account, or process from moving code to the next part of your delivery workflow. Additionally, code reviews help enable separation of duties for Infrastructure as Code (IaC) workflows, Policy-as-Code configurations, and even Kubernetes declarative deployments.

As we mentioned in our previous blog, GitHub makes code review easy, since pull requests are part of the existing workflow that millions of developers use daily. Having a foundational piece of compliance built-in to the platform that developers know and love keeps them in the flow, while keeping compliance and audit teams happy as well.

Generative AI and pull requests

Wouldn’t it be cool if one-day generative AI could be leveraged to enable more developer-friendly compliance programs which have traditionally been very labor and time intensive? Imagine if generative AI could help enable DevOps and cloud native approaches for separation of duties by automating tedious tasks and allowing humans to focus on key value-added tasks.

Bringing this back to compliance and separation of duties, wouldn’t it be great if a generative AI helper was available to provide an objective set of eyes on your pull requests? This is what the GitHub Next team has been working towards with GitHub Copilot for Pull Requests.

  • Suggestions for your pull request descriptions. AI-powered tags are embedded into a pull request description and automatically filled out by GitHub Copilot based on the code which the developers changed. Going one step further, the GitHub Next team is also looking at the creation of descriptive sentences and paragraphs as developers create pull requests.
  • Code reviews with AI. Taking pull requests and code reviews one step further, the GitHub Next team is looking at AI to help review the code and provide suggestions for changes. This will help enable human interactions and optimize existing processes. The AI would automate the creation of the descriptions, based on the code changes, as well as suggestions for improvements. The code reviewer will have everything they need to quickly review the change and decide to either move forward or send the change back.

When these capabilities are production ready, development teams and compliance programs will appreciate these features for a few reasons. First, the pull request and code review process would be driven by a conversation based on a neutral and independent description. Second, the description will be based on the actual code that was changed. Third, both development and compliance workflows will be optimized and allow humans to focus on value-added work.

While these capabilities are still a work in progress, there are features available now that may help enable compliance, audit, and security teams with GitHub Copilot for Business. The ability for developers to complete tasks faster and stay in the flow are truly amazing. But the ability for GitHub Copilot to provide AI-based security vulnerability filtering nowis a great place for compliance and audit teams within enterprises to get started on their journey to embracing generative AI into their day-to-day practices.

Next steps

Generative AI will enable developers and enterprises to achieve success by reducing manual tasks and enabling developers to focus their creativity on business value–all while staying in the flow.

I hope this blog will help drive positive discussions regarding this topic and has provided a forward looking view into what will be possible in the future. The future ability of generative AI to help enable teams by automating tedious tasks will help humans focus on more value-added work and could eventually be an important part of a robust and risk-based compliance posture.


Explore GitHub Copilot X >

What developers need to know about generative AI

Post Syndicated from Damian Brady original https://github.blog/2023-04-07-what-developers-need-to-know-about-generative-ai/

By now, you’ve heard of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT, DALL-E, and GitHub Copilot, among others. They’re gaining widespread interest thanks to the fact that they allow anyone to create content from email subject lines to code functions to artwork in a matter of moments.

This potential to revolutionize content creation across various industries makes it important to understand what generative AI is, how it’s being used, and who it’s being used by. In this article, we’ll explore what generative AI is, how it works, some real-world applications, and how it’s already changing the way people (and developers) work.

What is generative AI used for?

You may have heard the buzz around new generative AI tools like ChatGPT or the new Bing, but there’s a lot more to generative AI than any one single framework, project, or application.

Traditional AI systems are trained on large amounts of data to identify patterns, and they’re capable of performing specific tasks that can help people and organizations. But generative AI goes one step further by using complex systems and models to generate new, or novel, outputs in the form of an image, text, or audio based on natural language prompts.

Generative AI models and applications can, for example, be used for:

  • Text generation. Text generation, as a field, with AI tools has been in development since the 1970s—but more recently, AI researchers have been able to train generative adversarial networks (GANs) to produce text that models human-like speech. A prime example is OpenAI’s application ChatGPT, which has been trained on thousands of texts, books, articles, and code repositories, and can respond with full answers to natural language prompts and questions.
An example of text generation in ChatGPT
An example of text generation in ChatGPT
  • Image generation. Generative AI models can be used to create new images with natural language prompts, which is one of the most popular techniques with current tools and applications. The goal with text-to-image generation is to create an image that accurately represents the content of a given prompt. For example, when we give the text prompt, “impressionist style oil painting of a Shiba Inu dog giving a tarot card reading,” to the popular AI image generator DALL-E 2 we get something that looks like this (and yes, it’s a gem):
An AI-generated image from DALL-E 2 of a Shiba Inu dog giving a tarot card reading
An AI-generated image from DALL-E 2 of a Shiba Inu dog giving a tarot card reading

An example of a video created with a text prompt using diffusion models from [Imagen Video](https://imagen.research.google/).

  • Programming code generation. Rather than scouring the internet or developer community groups for help with code examples, generative AI models can be used to help generate new programming code with natural language prompts, complete partially written code with suggestions, or even translate code from one programming language to another. This is how, at a simple level, GitHub Copilot works: it uses OpenAI’sCodex model to offer code suggestions right from a developer’s editor. However, as you would with any software development tool, we encourage you to review generated code before merging into production.

  • Data generation. Creating new data—which is called synthetic data—and augmenting existing data sets is another common use case for generative AI. This involves generating new samples from an existing dataset to increase the dataset’s size and improve machine learning models trained on it, all while providing a layer of privacy since real user data is not being utilized to power models. Synthetic data generation provides a way to create useful, meaningful data for more than just ML training though—a number of self-driving car companies like Cruise and Waymo utilize AI-generated synthetic data for training perception systems to prepare vehicles for real-world situations while in operation.

  • Language translation. Natural-language understanding (NLU) models combined with generative AI have become increasingly popular to provide language translations on-the-fly. These types of tools help companies break language barriers and increase their scope of accessibility for customer bases by being able to provide things like support or documentation in their native language. Through complex, deep learning algorithms, generative AI is able to understand the context of a source text and linguistically construct those sentences in another language. This practice can also apply to coding languages, for example, translating a desired function from Python to Java.

The bottom line: Even though generative AI is a relatively new technology, it’s already being used in consumer and business applications. The use cases, as well as the quantity of applications created with it, will continue evolving to meet more distinct and specific needs.

How does generative AI work?

Generative AI models work by using neural networks to identify patterns from large sets of data, then generate new and original data or content.

But what are neural networks? In simple terms, they use interconnected nodes that are inspired by neurons in the human brain. These networks are the foundation of machine learning and deep learning models, which use a complex structure of algorithms to process large amounts of data such as text, code, or images. Training these neural networks involves adjusting the weights or parameters of the connections between neurons to minimize the difference between predicted and desired outputs, which allows the network to learn from mistakes and make more accurate predictions based on the data.

Algorithms are a key component of machine learning and generative AI models. But beyond helping machines learn from data, algorithms are also used to optimize accuracy of outputs and make decisions, or recommendations, based on input data.

While algorithms help automate these processes, building a generative AI model is incredibly complex due to the massive amounts of data and compute resources they require. People and organizations need large datasets to train these models, and generating high-quality data can be time-consuming and expensive.

To restate the obvious, these models are complicated. Need proof? Here are some common generative AI models and how they work:

  • Large language models (LLM): LLMs are a type of machine learning model that process and generate natural language text. One of the most significant advancements in the development of large language models has been the availability of vast amounts of text data, such as books, websites, and social media posts. This data can be used to train models that are capable of predicting and generating natural language responses in a variety of contexts. As a result, large language models have multiple practical applications, such as virtual assistants, chatbots, or text generators, like ChatGPT.

  • Generative adversarial networks (GAN): GANs are one of the most used models for generative AI, and they employ two different neural networks. GANs consist of two different types of neural networks: a generator and a discriminator. The generator network generates new data, such as images or audio, from a random noise signal while the discriminator is trained to distinguish between real data from the training set and the data produced by the generator.

During training, the generator tries to create data that can trick the discriminator network into thinking it’s real. This “adversarial” process will continue until the generator can produce data that is totally indistinguishable from real data in the training set. This process helps both networks improve at their respective tasks, which ultimately results in more realistic and higher-quality generated data.

A diagram illustrating how a generative adversarial network works. Image [CC BY-SA 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en) האדם-החושב on wikipedia
A diagram illustrating how a generative adversarial network works. Image [CC BY-SA 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en) האדם-החושב on wikipedia
  • Transformer-based models: A transformer-based model’s neural networks operate by learning context and meaning through tracking relationships of sequential data, which means these models are really good at natural language processing tasks like machine translation, language modeling, and answering questions. These models have been used in popular language models, such as GPT-4 (which stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer 4), and have also been adapted for other such tasks that require the modeling of sequential data such as image recognition.
  • Variational autoencoder models (VAEs): These models are similar to GANs in that they work with two different neural networks: encoders and decoders. VAEs can take a large amount of data and compress it into a smaller representation, which can be used to create new data that is similar to the original data. VAEs are often used in image, video, and audio generation—and here’s a fun fact: you can train a VAE on datasets like CelebA, which contains over 200,000 images of celebrities, to create completely new portraits of people that don’t exist.
 The smile vector, a concept vector discovered by [Tom White](https://aiartists.org/tom-white) using VAEs trained on the CelebA dataset.
The smile vector, a concept vector discovered by Tom White using VAEs trained on the CelebA dataset.

The real-world applications of generative AI

The impact of generative AI is quickly becoming apparent—but it’s still in its early days. Despite this, we’re already seeing a proliferation of applications, products, and open source projects that are using generative AI models to achieve specific outcomes for people and organizations (and yes, developers, too).

Though generative AI is constantly evolving, it already has some solid real world applications. Here’s just a few of them:


New and seasoned developers alike can utilize generative AI to improve their coding processes. Generative AI coding tools can help automate some of the more repetitive tasks, like testing, as well as complete code or even generate brand new code. GitHub has its own AI-powered pair programmer, GitHub Copilot, which uses generative AI to provide developers with code suggestions. And GitHub also has announced GitHub Copilot X, which brings generative AI to more of the developer experience across the editor, pull requests, documentation, CLI, and more.


Generative AI has the potential to greatly impact and improve accessibility for folks with disabilities through a variety of modalities, such as speech-to-text transcription, text-to-speech audio generation, or assistive technologies. One of the most exciting facets of our GitHub Copilot tool is its voice-activated capabilities that allow developers with difficulties using a keyboard to code with their voice. By leveraging the power of generative AI, these types of tools are paving the way for a more inclusive and accessible future in technology.


Generative AI can take gaming to the next level (get it? 😉) by generating new characters, storylines, design components, and more. Case in point: The developer behind the game, This Girl Does Not Exist, has said that every component of the game—from the storyline to the art and even the music—was generated entirely by AI. This use of generative AI can enable gaming studios to create new and exciting content for their users, all without increasing the developer workload, which frees them up to work on other aspects of the game, such as story development.

Web design

Designers can utilize generative AI tools to automate the design process and save significant time and resources, which allows for a more streamlined and efficient workflow. Additionally, incorporating these tools into the development process can lead to the creation of highly customized designs and logos, enhancing the overall user experience and engagement with the website or application. Generative AI tools can also be used to do some of the more tedious work, such as creating design layouts that are optimized and adaptable across devices. For example, designers can use tools like designs.ai to quickly generate logos, banners, or mockups for their websites.

Microsoft and other industry players are increasingly utilizing generative AI models in search to create more personalized experiences. This includes query expansion, which generates relevant keywords to reduce the number of searches. So, rather than the search engine returning a list of links, generative AI can help these new and improved models return search results in the form of natural language responses. Bing now includes AI-powered features in partnership with OpenAI that provide answers to complex questions and allow users to ask follow-up questions in a chatbox for more refined responses.


Interest has emerged around the potential applications of generative AI in the healthcare field to improve disease detection and diagnosis, advance medical research, and accelerate progress in the pharmaceutical space. Potentially, generative AI could be used to analyze large amounts of data to simulate chemical structures and predict new compounds will be the most effective for new drug discoveries. NVIDIA Clara is one example of a generative AI model specifically designed for medical imaging and healthcare research. (Plus, Gartner suggests more than 30 percent of new pharmaceutical drugs and materials will be discovered via generative AI models by 2025.)

Fun fact: Did you know that ChatGPT recently passed the US Medical Licensing exam without any intervention from clinicians?

Marketing and advertising

In marketing, content is king—and generative AI is making it easier than ever to quickly create large amounts of it. A number of companies, agencies, and creators are already turning to generative AI tools to create images for social posts or write captions, product descriptions, blog posts, email subject lines, and more. Generative AI can also help companies personalize ad experiences by creating custom, engaging content for individuals at speed. Writers, marketers, and creators can leverage tools like Jasper to generate copy, Surfer SEO to optimize organic search, or albert.ai to personalize digital advertising content.

Art and design

As we’ve seen above, the power of AI can be harnessed to create some incredible portraits in a matter of moments (re: the future-telling Shiba 🐕). Artists and designers alike are using these AI tools as a source of inspiration. For example, architects can quickly create 3D models of objects or environments and artists can breathe new life into their portraits by using AI to apply different styles, like adding a Cubist style to their original image. Need proof? Designers are already starting to use AI image generators, such as Midjourney and Microsoft Designer, to create high-quality images by simply typing out Discord commands.


In a recent discussion about tech trends and how they’ll affect the finance sector, Michael Schrage, a research fellow at the MIT Sloan School Initiative on the Digital Economy, said, “I think, increasingly, we’re going to be seeing generative AI used for financial forecasts and scenario generation.” This is a likely path forward—generative AI can be used to analyze large amounts of data to detect fraud, manage risk, and inform decision making. And that has obvious applications in the financial services industry.


Manufacturers are starting to turn to generative AI solutions to help with product design, quality control, and predictive maintenance. Generative AI can be used to analyze historical data to improve machine failure predictions and help manufacturers with maintenance planning. According to research conducted by Capgemini, more than half of European manufacturers are implementing some AI solutions (although so far, these aren’t generative AI solutions). This is largely because the sheer amount of manufacturing data is easier for machines to analyze at speed than humans.

AI as a partner: Generative AI models and tools are narrow in focus, and work best at generating content, code, and images. In research at GitHub, we’ve found that GitHub Copilot helps developers code up to 55% faster, underscoring how generative AI models and tools can improve overall productivity and boost efficiency. Metrics like these show how generative AI tools are already changing how people and teams work—but they also underscore how these tools act as complement to human efforts.

Take this with you

Whether it’s creating visual assets for an ad campaign or augmenting medical images to help diagnose diseases, generative AI is helping us solve complex problems at speed. And the emergence of generative AI-based programming tools has revolutionized the way developers approach writing code.

We know that developers want to design and write software quickly, and tools like GitHub Copilot are enabling them to access large datasets to write more efficient code and boost productivity. In fact, 96% of developers surveyed reported spending less time on repetitive tasks using GitHub Copilot, which in turn allowed 74% of them to focus on more rewarding work.

While these models aren’t perfect yet, they’re getting better by the day—and that’s creating an exciting immediate future for developers and generative AI.

MLPerf Inference v3.0 Shows New Accelerators

Post Syndicated from Cliff Robinson original https://www.servethehome.com/mlperf-inference-v3-0-is-out-nvidia-dell-super-micro-moffett-amd-intel-gigabyte-qualcomm-hpe/

MLPerf Inference v3.0 is out with a number of new accelerators from NVIDIA, Moffett, NeuChips, Rebellions, and more

The post MLPerf Inference v3.0 Shows New Accelerators appeared first on ServeTheHome.

Announcing WAF Attack Score Lite and Security Analytics for business customers

Post Syndicated from Radwa Radwan original https://blog.cloudflare.com/waf-attack-score-for-business-plan/

Announcing WAF Attack Score Lite and Security Analytics for business customers

Announcing WAF Attack Score Lite and Security Analytics for business customers

In December 2022 we announced the general availability of the WAF Attack Score. The initial release was for our Enterprise customers, but we always had the belief that this product should be enabled for more users. Today we’re announcing “WAF Attack Score Lite” and “Security Analytics” for our Business plan customers.

Looking back on “What is WAF Attack Score and Security Analytics?”

Vulnerabilities on the Internet appear almost on a daily basis. The CVE (common vulnerabilities and exposures) program has a list with over 197,000 records to track disclosed vulnerabilities.

That makes it really hard for web application owners to harden and update their system regularly, especially when we talk about critical libraries and the exploitation damage that can happen in case of information leak. That’s why web application owners tend to use WAFs (Web Application Firewalls) to protect their online presence.

Most WAFs use signature-based detections, which are rules created based on specific attacks that we know about. The signature-based method is very fast, has a low rate of false positives (these are the requests that are categorized as attack when they are actually legitimate), and is very efficient with most of the attack categories we know. However, they sometimes have a blind spot when a new attack happens, often called zero-day attacks. As soon as a new vulnerability is found, our security analysts take fast action to stop it in a matter of hours and update the WAF Managed Rules, yet we want to protect our customers during this time as well.

This is the main reason Cloudflare created a complementary feature to the WAF managed rules: a smart machine learning layer to help detect unknown attacks, and protect customers even during the time gap until rules are updated.

Early detection + Powerful mitigation = Safer Internet

Announcing WAF Attack Score Lite and Security Analytics for business customers

The performance of any machine learning drastically depends on the data it was trained on. Our machine learning uses a supervised model that was trained over hundreds of millions of requests generated by WAF Managed Rules, data varies between clean and malicious, some were blended with fuzzy techniques to enable catching similar patterns as covered in our blog “Improving the accuracy of our machine learning WAF”. At the moment, there are three types of attacks our machine learning model is optimized to find: SQL Injection (SQLi), Cross Site Scripting (XSS), and a wide range of Remote Code Execution (RCE) attacks such as shell injection, PHP injection, Apache Struts type compromises, Apache log4j, and similar attacks that result in RCE.

And the reason why we started with them is based on Cloudflare’s Application Security Report. These categories represent more than 24% of the mitigated layer 7 attacks over the last year in our WAF, therefore more prone to exploitations.

In the full Enterprise WAF Attack Score version we offer more granularity on the attack categories and we provide scores for each class where they can be configured freely per domain.

WAF Attack Score Lite Features for Business Plan

WAF Attack Score Lite and the Security Analytics view offer three main functions:

1- Attack detection: This happens through inspecting every incoming HTTP request, bucketing or classifying the requests into 4 types: Attacks, Likely Attacks, Likely Clean and Clean. At the moment there are three types of attacks our machine learning model is optimized to find: SQL Injection (SQLi), Cross Site Scripting (XSS), and a wide range of Remote Code Execution (RCE) attacks.

2- Attack mitigation: The ability to create WAF Custom Rules or WAF Rate Limiting Rules to mitigate requests. We’re exposing a new field cf.waf.score.class that  has preset values: attack, likely_attack, likely_clean and clean. customers can use this field in rules expressions and apply needed actions.

Announcing WAF Attack Score Lite and Security Analytics for business customers

3- Visibility over your entire traffic: Security Analytics is a new dashboard currently in beta. It provides a comprehensive view across all your HTTP traffic, which displays all requests whether they match rules or not. Security Analytics is a great tool for investigating false negatives and hardening your security configurations. Security Events is still available in (Security > Events) and Security Analytics is available in a separate tab (Security > Analytics).

Announcing WAF Attack Score Lite and Security Analytics for business customers

Deployment and configuration

In order to enable WAF Attack Score Lite and Security Analytics, you don’t need to take any action. The HTTP machine learning inspection rollout will start today, and Security Analytics will appear automatically to all Business plan customers by the time the rollout is completed in the upcoming weeks.

It’s worth mentioning that having the detection on and viewing the attack analysis in Security Analytics does not mean you’re blocking traffic. It only offers insights and provides the freedom to create rules and mitigate the desired requests. Creating a rule to block or challenge bad traffic is needed to take effect.

A common use case

Consider an attacker executing an attack using automated web requests to manipulate or disrupt web applications. One of the best ways to identify this type of traffic and mitigate these requests is by combining bot score with WAF Attack Score.

1- Go to the Security Analytics dashboard under Security > Analytics. On the right-hand side the Attack Analysis indicates the attack class. In this case, I can select “Attack” to apply a single filter, or use the quick filters under Insights to propagate multiple filters at once. In addition to the attack class, I can also select the Bot “Automated” filter.

Announcing WAF Attack Score Lite and Security Analytics for business customers

2- After filtering, Security Analytics provides the capability of scrolling down to see the logs and validate the results:

Announcing WAF Attack Score Lite and Security Analytics for business customers

3- Once the selected requests are confirmed, I can select the Create WAF Custom Rules option which will direct me to the Security Events with the pre-assigned filters to deploy a rule. In this case, I want to challenge the requests matched by the rule:

Announcing WAF Attack Score Lite and Security Analytics for business customers

And voila! You have a new rule that challenges traffic matching any automated attack variation.

Next steps

We have been working hard to provide maximum security and visibility for all our customers. This is only one step on this road! We will keep adding more product-focused analytics, and providing additional security against unknown attacks. Try it out, create a rule, and don’t hesitate to contact our sales team if you need the full version of WAF Attack Score.

Automating adverse events reporting for pharma with Amazon Connect and Amazon Lex

Post Syndicated from Siva Thangavel original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/automating-adverse-events-reporting-for-pharma-with-amazon-connect-and-amazon-lex/

Every pharmaceutical company manufacturing medicine must provide customers nationwide with a method to report adverse events following medicine usage as well as emergency assistance as needed. To comply with regulatory policy and enable an Adverse Events Reporting System (AERS), pharma companies must provide dedicated, toll-free phone numbers and contact center agents to handle inbound calls.

But they must also be prepared for sudden spikes in call volume, which can increase contact center agents’ workloads and lead to long wait times for customers. With these limitations comes the possibility that customers may not be able to report adverse events.

Further still, as medicine status keeps changing, all agents must be retrained to handle calls and extend support. Pharma companies incur significant costs for training and onboarding additional agents, as well as the physical infrastructure to support their work.

To overcome these challenges, we designed a self-service Interactive Voice Response (IVR) solution with Amazon Connect. The IVR solution handles customer calls without agent involvement. It captures customer information and records data into an enterprise AERS. It also provides an option to receive a link to an Adverse Events (AE) portal using Short Message Service (SMS), or to be routed to a live agent queue.

In this blog post, we introduce a reference architecture for this use case. This framework can help other pharma companies solve similar problems.

Solution overview

Let’s explore how the IVR solution architecture routes customer calls step by step, as shown in Figure 1.

Adverse events reporting architecture diagram

Figure 1. Adverse events reporting architecture diagram

  1.  Callers who dial in to report a medicine-related AE are routed to the Amazon Lex chatbot through IVR in Amazon Connect.
  2. Callers can proceed to IVR self-service functions, such as understanding the intent of a customer call and the AE.
  3. AEs are analyzed with Amazon SageMaker for a decision on whether to complete the call on IVR or forward it to an agent.
  4. If the caller remains on the self-service option, the bot captures information from 15 to 20 essential questions.
  5. The bot follows a hybrid workflow that allows for guided responses where appropriate and free-text conversations using AWS Lambda. It confirms captured AE information with the caller before closing the call and submitting information to the AERS system.
  6. The bot provides the option to route the call to a human agent contextually.
  7. The bot provides the option to share an AE reporting link over SMS using Amazon Simple Notification System (SNS), so the caller can access it through a mobile device to continue AE reporting outside of the call.
  8. The bot records customer interactions in AERS using Amazon DynamoDB, leveraging the current validated process used by the AE portal team
  9. The bot makes call recordings available for auditing, monitoring, and training purposes. These recordings are not be provided to live agents.
  10. Standard analytics are available to help the business continuously train the bot and measure its performance.

Leveraging IVR as an extended solution

Recorded customer calls can be used for further analytics with Amazon Transcribe. Actionable insights can be derived from the text using a machine learning (ML) model such as AE detection at scale. A (Named Entity Recognition model (NER) model can also identify medicines and caller types.

Further, all recorded calls may be stored in a secure AWS ecosystem and archived for longer durations for compliance purposes. Storage costs can be optimized by setting up a policy to move old calls to Amazon Simple Storage Service Glacier (Amazon S3 Glacier) storage classes and calls over two years old to the Amazon S3 Deep Glacier storage class. This results in significant cost saving and helps companies archive at scale.

Finally, the Amazon Lex bot can be enhanced and continuously trained with additional intents and utterances to handle complex AE reporting for various drugs. This provides significant cost saving and operational efficiencies as bots can be trained faster than human agents, as well as at scale.

Conclusion: Using IVR to better manage AE reporting

This IVR solution was deployed for a pharma company and helped handle unusually high call volumes for AE reporting with its current agent population. It resulted in cost savings in contact center operations and significantly improved the customer experience by reducing wait times.

The IVR solution can also be used with any existing contact center platform to first forward the calls to Amazon Connect for initial triage, and then handover to existing platforms for agent involvement. This adds intelligence to existing contact centers.

This blog post demonstrates how pharma companies can leverage the self-service option for AERS to handle any AE reporting call. With solution enhancements using Amazon SageMaker models, it can quickly be transformed to handle calls for any medicine. They can also:

  • Incorporate related information into the model, such as the age, gender, or existing AEs to further improve the ML prediction performance
  • Leverage audio data augmentation plus handcrafted features to help yield better predictions
  • Use the audio-based diagnostic prediction in an Amazon Connect contact flow to triage the targeted group of incoming calls and escalate to a doctor for follow up if necessary
  • Allow call center agents to use the intelligence provided by the acoustic classification in conjunction with Contact Lens for Amazon Connect, which provides a turn-by-turn transcript; real-time alerts; automated call categorization based on keywords and phrases; sentiment analysis, and sensitive data redaction—truly making it a real-time intelligent solution.

The IVR solution can also be used for other industry use cases where a series of data is collected from customers. This solution improves the customer experience and can be implemented without increasing call center agent counts.

ChatGPT Hardware a Look at 8x NVIDIA A100 Powering the Tool

Post Syndicated from Patrick Kennedy original https://www.servethehome.com/chatgpt-hardware-a-look-at-8x-nvidia-a100-systems-powering-the-tool-openai-microsoft-azure-supermicro-inspur-asus-dell-gigabyte/

If you have heard about the OpenAI ChatGPT AI inference running on the NVIDIA A100 and what to know what a NVIDIA A100 is, this is for you

The post ChatGPT Hardware a Look at 8x NVIDIA A100 Powering the Tool appeared first on ServeTheHome.