Tag Archives: Amazon OpenSearch

Simplify your query management with search templates in Amazon OpenSearch Service

Post Syndicated from Arun Lakshmanan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/simplify-your-query-management-with-search-templates-in-amazon-opensearch-service/

Amazon OpenSearch Service is an Apache-2.0-licensed distributed search and analytics suite offered by AWS. This fully managed service allows organizations to secure data, perform keyword and semantic search, analyze logs, alert on anomalies, explore interactive log analytics, implement real-time application monitoring, and gain a more profound understanding of their information landscape. OpenSearch Service provides the tools and resources needed to unlock the full potential of your data. With its scalability, reliability, and ease of use, it’s a valuable solution for businesses seeking to optimize their data-driven decision-making processes and improve overall operational efficiency.

This post delves into the transformative world of search templates. We unravel the power of search templates in revolutionizing the way you handle queries, providing a comprehensive guide to help you navigate through the intricacies of this innovative solution. From optimizing search processes to saving time and reducing complexities, discover how incorporating search templates can elevate your query management game.

Search templates

Search templates empower developers to articulate intricate queries within OpenSearch, enabling their reuse across various application scenarios, eliminating the complexity of query generation in the code. This flexibility also grants you the ability to modify your queries without requiring application recompilation. Search templates in OpenSearch use the mustache template, which is a logic-free templating language. Search templates can be reused by their name. A search template that is based on mustache has a query structure and placeholders for the variable values. You use the _search API to query, specifying the actual values that OpenSearch should use. You can create placeholders for variables that will be changed to their true values at runtime. Double curly braces ({{}}) serve as placeholders in templates.

Mustache enables you to generate dynamic filters or queries based on the values passed in the search request, making your search requests more flexible and powerful.

In the following example, the search template runs the query in the “source” block by passing in the values for the field and value parameters from the “params” block:

GET /myindex/_search/template
      "source": {   
         "query": { 
             "bool": {
               "must": [
                   "match": {
                    "{{field}}": "{{value}}"
 "params": {
    "field": "place",
    "value": "sweethome"

You can store templates in the cluster with a name and refer to them in a search instead of attaching the template in each request. You use the PUT _scripts API to publish a template to the cluster. Let’s say you have an index of books, and you want to search for books with publication date, ratings, and price. You could create and publish a search template as follows:

PUT /_scripts/find_book
  "script": {
    "lang": "mustache",
    "source": {
      "query": {
        "bool": {
          "must": [
              "range": {
                "publish_date": {
                  "gte": "{{gte_date}}"
              "range": {
                "rating": {
                  "gte": "{{gte_rating}}"
              "range": {
                "price": {
                  "lte": "{{lte_price}}"

In this example, you define a search template called find_book that uses the mustache template language with defined placeholders for the gte_date, gte_rating, and lte_price parameters.

To use the search template stored in the cluster, you can send a request to OpenSearch with the appropriate parameters. For example, you can search for products that have been published in the last year with ratings greater than 4.0, and priced less than $20:

POST /books/_search/template
  "id": "find_book",
  "params": {
    "gte_date": "now-1y",
    "gte_rating": 4.0,
    "lte_price": 20

This query will return all books that have been published in the last year, with a rating of at least 4.0, and a price less than $20 from the books index.

Default values in search templates

Default values are values that are used for search parameters when the query that engages the template doesn’t specify values for them. In the context of the find_book example, you can set default values for the from, size, and gte_date parameters in case they are not provided in the search request. To set default values, you can use the following mustache template:

PUT /_scripts/find_book
  "script": {
    "lang": "mustache",
    "source": {
      "query": {
        "bool": {
          "filter": [
              "range": {
                "publish_date": {
                  "gte": "{{gte_date}}{{^gte_date}}now-1y{{/gte_date}}"
              "range": {
                "rating": {
                  "gte": "{{gte_rating}}"
              "range": {
                "price": {
                  "lte": "{{lte_price}}"
        "from": "{{from}}{{^from}}0{{/from}}",
        "size": "{{size}}{{^size}}2{{/size}}"

In this template, the {{from}}, {{size}}, and {{gte_date}} parameters are placeholders that can be filled in with specific values when the template is used in a search. If no value is specified for {{from}}, {{size}}, and {{gte_date}}, OpenSearch uses the default values of 0, 2, and now-1y, respectively. This means that if a user searches for products without specifying from, size, and gte_date, the search will return just two products matching the search criteria for 1 year.

You can also use the render API as follows if you have a stored template and want to validate it:

POST _render/template
  "id": "find_book",
  "params": {
    "gte_date": "now-1y",
    "gte_rating": 4.0,
    "lte_price": 20

Conditions in search templates

The conditional statement that allows you to control the flow of your search template based on certain conditions. It’s often used to include or exclude certain parts of the search request based on certain parameters. The syntax as follows:

{{#Any condition}}
  ... code to execute if the condition is true ...

The following example searches for books based on the gte_date, gte_rating, and lte_price parameters and an optional stock parameter. The if condition is used to include the condition_block/term query only if the stock parameter is present in the search request. If the is_available parameter is not present, the condition_block/term query will be skipped.

GET /books/_search/template
  "source": """{
    "query": {
      "bool": {
        "must": [
          "term": {
            "in_stock": "{{is_available}}"
            "range": {
              "publish_date": {
                "gte": "{{gte_date}}"
            "range": {
              "rating": {
                "gte": "{{gte_rating}}"
            "range": {
              "price": {
                "lte": "{{lte_price}}"
  "params": {
    "gte_date": "now-3y",
    "gte_rating": 4.0,
    "lte_price": 20,
    "is_available": true

By using a conditional statement in this way, you can make your search requests more flexible and efficient by only including the necessary filters when they are needed.

To make the query valid inside the JSON, it needs to be escaped with triple quotes (""") in the payload.

Loops in search templates

A loop is a feature of mustache templates that allows you to iterate over an array of values and run the same code block for each item in the array. It’s often used to generate a dynamic list of filters or queries based on the values passed in the search request. The syntax is as follows:

{{#list item in array}}
  ... code to execute for each item ...

The following example searches for books based on a query string ({{query}}) and an array of categories to filter the search results. The mustache loop is used to generate a match filter for each item in the categories array.

GET books/_search/template
  "source": """{
    "query": {
      "bool": {
        "must": [
          "match": {
            "category": "{{list}}"
          "match": {
            "title": "{{name}}"
  "params": {
    "name": "killer",
    "list": ["Classics", "comics", "Horror"]

The search request is rendered as follows:

  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": [
          "match": {
            "title": "killer"
          "match": {
            "category": "Classics"
          "match": {
            "category": "comics"
          "match": {
            "category": "Horror"

The loop has generated a match filter for each item in the categories array, resulting in a more flexible and efficient search request that filters by multiple categories. By using the loops, you can generate dynamic filters or queries based on the values passed in the search request, making your search requests more flexible and powerful.

Advantages of using search templates

The following are key advantages of using search templates:

  • Maintainability – By separating the query definition from the application code, search templates make it straightforward to manage changes to the query or tune search relevancy. You don’t have to compile and redeploy your application.
  • Consistency – You can construct search templates that allow you to design standardized query patterns and reuse them throughout your application, which can help maintain consistency across your queries.
  • Readability – Because templates can be constructed using a more terse and expressive syntax, complicated queries are straightforward to test and debug.
  • Testing – Search templates can be tested and debugged independently of the application code, facilitating simpler problem-solving and relevancy tuning without having to re-deploy the application. You can easily create A/B testing with different templates for the same search.
  • Flexibility – Search templates can be quickly updated or adjusted to account for modifications to the data or search specifications.

Best practices

Consider the following best practices when using search templates:

  •  Before deploying your template to production, make sure it is fully tested. You can test the effectiveness and correctness of your template with example data. It is highly recommended to run the application tests that use these templates before publishing.
  • Search templates allow for the addition of input parameters, which you can use to modify the query to suit the needs of a particular use case. Reusing the same template with varied inputs is made simpler by parameterizing the inputs.
  • Manage the templates in an external source control system.
  • Avoid hard-coding values inside the query—instead, use defaults.


In this post, you learned the basics of search templates, a powerful feature of OpenSearch, and how templates help streamline search queries and improve performance. With search templates, you can build more robust search applications in less time.

If you have feedback about this post, submit it in the comments section. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the Amazon OpenSearch Service forum or contact AWS Support.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates and new features in OpenSearch Service.

About the authors

Arun Lakshmanan is a Search Specialist with Amazon OpenSearch Service based out of Chicago, IL. He has over 20 years of experience working with enterprise customers and startups. He loves to travel and spend quality time with his family.

Madhan Kumar Baskaran works as a Search Engineer at AWS, specializing in Amazon OpenSearch Service. His primary focus involves assisting customers in constructing scalable search applications and analytics solutions. Based in Bengaluru, India, Madhan has a keen interest in data engineering and DevOps.

Detect, mask, and redact PII data using AWS Glue before loading into Amazon OpenSearch Service

Post Syndicated from Michael Hamilton original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/detect-mask-and-redact-pii-data-using-aws-glue-before-loading-into-amazon-opensearch-service/

Many organizations, small and large, are working to migrate and modernize their analytics workloads on Amazon Web Services (AWS). There are many reasons for customers to migrate to AWS, but one of the main reasons is the ability to use fully managed services rather than spending time maintaining infrastructure, patching, monitoring, backups, and more. Leadership and development teams can spend more time optimizing current solutions and even experimenting with new use cases, rather than maintaining the current infrastructure.

With the ability to move fast on AWS, you also need to be responsible with the data you’re receiving and processing as you continue to scale. These responsibilities include being compliant with data privacy laws and regulations and not storing or exposing sensitive data like personally identifiable information (PII) or protected health information (PHI) from upstream sources.

In this post, we walk through a high-level architecture and a specific use case that demonstrates how you can continue to scale your organization’s data platform without needing to spend large amounts of development time to address data privacy concerns. We use AWS Glue to detect, mask, and redact PII data before loading it into Amazon OpenSearch Service.

Solution overview

The following diagram illustrates the high-level solution architecture. We have defined all layers and components of our design in line with the AWS Well-Architected Framework Data Analytics Lens.


The architecture is comprised of a number of components:

Source data

Data may be coming from many tens to hundreds of sources, including databases, file transfers, logs, software as a service (SaaS) applications, and more. Organizations may not always have control over what data comes through these channels and into their downstream storage and applications.

Ingestion: Data lake batch, micro-batch, and streaming

Many organizations land their source data into their data lake in various ways, including batch, micro-batch, and streaming jobs. For example, Amazon EMR, AWS Glue, and AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) can all be used to perform batch and or streaming operations that sink to a data lake on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). Amazon AppFlow can be used to transfer data from different SaaS applications to a data lake. AWS DataSync and AWS Transfer Family can help with moving files to and from a data lake over a number of different protocols. Amazon Kinesis and Amazon MSK also have capabilities to stream data directly to a data lake on Amazon S3.

S3 data lake

Using Amazon S3 for your data lake is in line with the modern data strategy. It provides low-cost storage without sacrificing performance, reliability, or availability. With this approach, you can bring compute to your data as needed and only pay for capacity it needs to run.

In this architecture, raw data can come from a variety of sources (internal and external), which may contain sensitive data.

Using AWS Glue crawlers, we can discover and catalog the data, which will build the table schemas for us, and ultimately make it straightforward to use AWS Glue ETL with the PII transform to detect and mask or and redact any sensitive data that may have landed in the data lake.

Business context and datasets

To demonstrate the value of our approach, let’s imagine you’re part of a data engineering team for a financial services organization. Your requirements are to detect and mask sensitive data as it is ingested into your organization’s cloud environment. The data will be consumed by downstream analytical processes. In the future, your users will be able to safely search historical payment transactions based on data streams collected from internal banking systems. Search results from operation teams, customers, and interfacing applications must be masked in sensitive fields.

The following table shows the data structure used for the solution. For clarity, we have mapped raw to curated column names. You’ll notice that multiple fields within this schema are considered sensitive data, such as first name, last name, Social Security number (SSN), address, credit card number, phone number, email, and IPv4 address.

Raw Column Name Curated Column Name Type
c0 first_name string
c1 last_name string
c2 ssn string
c3 address string
c4 postcode string
c5 country string
c6 purchase_site string
c7 credit_card_number string
c8 credit_card_provider string
c9 currency string
c10 purchase_value integer
c11 transaction_date date
c12 phone_number string
c13 email string
c14 ipv4 string

Use case: PII batch detection before loading to OpenSearch Service

Customers who implement the following architecture have built their data lake on Amazon S3 to run different types of analytics at scale. This solution is suitable for customers who don’t require real-time ingestion to OpenSearch Service and plan to use data integration tools that run on a schedule or are triggered through events.


Before data records land on Amazon S3, we implement an ingestion layer to bring all data streams reliably and securely to the data lake. Kinesis Data Streams is deployed as an ingestion layer for accelerated intake of structured and semi-structured data streams. Examples of these are relational database changes, applications, system logs, or clickstreams. For change data capture (CDC) use cases, you can use Kinesis Data Streams as a target for AWS DMS. Applications or systems generating streams containing sensitive data are sent to the Kinesis data stream via one of the three supported methods: the Amazon Kinesis Agent, the AWS SDK for Java, or the Kinesis Producer Library. As a last step, Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose helps us reliably load near-real-time batches of data into our S3 data lake destination.

The following screenshot shows how data flows through Kinesis Data Streams via the Data Viewer and retrieves sample data that lands on the raw S3 prefix. For this architecture, we followed the data lifecycle for S3 prefixes as recommended in Data lake foundation.

kinesis raw data

As you can see from the details of the first record in the following screenshot, the JSON payload follows the same schema as in the previous section. You can see the unredacted data flowing into the Kinesis data stream, which will be obfuscated later in subsequent stages.


After the data is collected and ingested into Kinesis Data Streams and delivered to the S3 bucket using Kinesis Data Firehose, the processing layer of the architecture takes over. We use the AWS Glue PII transform to automate detection and masking of sensitive data in our pipeline. As shown in the following workflow diagram, we took a no-code, visual ETL approach to implement our transformation job in AWS Glue Studio.

glue studio nodes

First, we access the source Data Catalog table raw from the pii_data_db database. The table has the schema structure presented in the previous section. To keep track of the raw processed data, we used job bookmarks.

glue catalog

We use the AWS Glue DataBrew recipes in the AWS Glue Studio visual ETL job to transform two date attributes to be compatible with OpenSearch expected formats. This allows us to have a full no-code experience.

We use the Detect PII action to identify sensitive columns. We let AWS Glue determine this based on selected patterns, detection threshold, and sample portion of rows from the dataset. In our example, we used patterns that apply specifically to the United States (such as SSNs) and may not detect sensitive data from other countries. You may look for available categories and locations applicable to your use case or use regular expressions (regex) in AWS Glue to create detection entities for sensitive data from other countries.

It’s important to select the correct sampling method that AWS Glue offers. In this example, it’s known that the data coming in from the stream has sensitive data in every row, so it’s not necessary to sample 100% of the rows in the dataset. If you have a requirement where no sensitive data is allowed to downstream sources, consider sampling 100% of the data for the patterns you chose, or scan the entire dataset and act on each individual cell to ensure all sensitive data is detected. The benefit you get from sampling is reduced costs because you don’t have to scan as much data.

PII Options

The Detect PII action allows you to select a default string when masking sensitive data. In our example, we use the string **********.


We use the apply mapping operation to rename and remove unnecessary columns such as ingestion_year, ingestion_month, and ingestion_day. This step also allows us to change the data type of one of the columns (purchase_value) from string to integer.


From this point on, the job splits into two output destinations: OpenSearch Service and Amazon S3.

Our provisioned OpenSearch Service cluster is connected via the OpenSearch built-in connector for Glue. We specify the OpenSearch Index we’d like to write to and the connector handles the credentials, domain and port. In the screen shot below, we write to the specified index index_os_pii.

opensearch config

We store the masked dataset in the curated S3 prefix. There, we have data normalized to a specific use case and safe consumption by data scientists or for ad hoc reporting needs.

opensearch target s3 folder

For unified governance, access control, and audit trails of all datasets and Data Catalog tables, you can use AWS Lake Formation. This helps you restrict access to the AWS Glue Data Catalog tables and underlying data to only those users and roles who have been granted necessary permissions to do so.

After the batch job runs successfully, you can use OpenSearch Service to run search queries or reports. As shown in the following screenshot, the pipeline masked sensitive fields automatically with no code development efforts.

You can identify trends from the operational data, such as the amount of transactions per day filtered by credit card provider, as shown in the preceding screenshot. You can also determine the locations and domains where users make purchases. The transaction_date attribute helps us see these trends over time. The following screenshot shows a record with all of the transaction’s information redacted appropriately.

json masked

For alternate methods on how to load data into Amazon OpenSearch, refer to Loading streaming data into Amazon OpenSearch Service.

Furthermore, sensitive data can also be discovered and masked using other AWS solutions. For example, you could use Amazon Macie to detect sensitive data inside an S3 bucket, and then use Amazon Comprehend to redact the sensitive data that was detected. For more information, refer to Common techniques to detect PHI and PII data using AWS Services.


This post discussed the importance of handling sensitive data within your environment and various methods and architectures to remain compliant while also allowing your organization to scale quickly. You should now have a good understanding of how to detect, mask, or redact and load your data into Amazon OpenSearch Service.

About the authors

Michael Hamilton is a Sr Analytics Solutions Architect focusing on helping enterprise customers modernize and simplify their analytics workloads on AWS. He enjoys mountain biking and spending time with his wife and three children when not working.

Daniel Rozo is a Senior Solutions Architect with AWS supporting customers in the Netherlands. His passion is engineering simple data and analytics solutions and helping customers move to modern data architectures. Outside of work, he enjoys playing tennis and biking.

Try semantic search with the Amazon OpenSearch Service vector engine

Post Syndicated from Stavros Macrakis original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/try-semantic-search-with-the-amazon-opensearch-service-vector-engine/

Amazon OpenSearch Service has long supported both lexical and vector search, since the introduction of its kNN plugin in 2020. With recent developments in generative AI, including AWS’s launch of Amazon Bedrock earlier in 2023, you can now use Amazon Bedrock-hosted models in conjunction with the vector database capabilities of OpenSearch Service, allowing you to implement semantic search, retrieval augmented generation (RAG), recommendation engines, and rich media search based on high-quality vector search. The recent launch of the vector engine for Amazon OpenSearch Serverless makes it even easier to deploy such solutions.

OpenSearch Service supports a variety of search and relevance ranking techniques. Lexical search looks for words in the documents that appear in the queries. Semantic search, supported by vector embeddings, embeds documents and queries into a semantic high-dimension vector space where texts with related meanings are nearby in the vector space and therefore semantically similar, so that it returns similar items even if they don’t share any words with the query.

We’ve put together two demos on the public OpenSearch Playground to show you the strengths and weaknesses of the different techniques: one comparing textual vector search to lexical search, the other comparing cross-modal textual and image search to textual vector search. With OpenSearch’s Search Comparison Tool, you can compare the different approaches. For the demo, we’re using the Amazon Titan foundation model hosted on Amazon Bedrock for embeddings, with no fine tuning. The dataset consists of a selection of Amazon clothing, jewelry, and outdoor products.


A search engine is a special kind of database, allowing you to store documents and data and then run queries to retrieve the most relevant ones. End-user search queries usually consist of text entered in a search box. Two important techniques for using that text are lexical search and semantic search. In lexical search, the search engine compares the words in the search query to the words in the documents, matching word for word. Only items that have all or most of the words the user typed match the query. In semantic search, the search engine uses a machine learning (ML) model to encode text from the source documents as a dense vector in a high-dimensional vector space; this is also called embedding the text into the vector space. It similarly codes the query as a vector and then uses a distance metric to find nearby vectors in the multi-dimensional space. The algorithm for finding nearby vectors is called kNN (k Nearest Neighbors). Semantic search does not match individual query terms—it finds documents whose vector embedding is near the query’s embedding in the vector space and therefore semantically similar to the query, so the user can retrieve items that don’t have any of the words that were in the query, even though the items are highly relevant.

Textual vector search

The demo of textual vector search shows how vector embeddings can capture the context of your query beyond just the words that compose it.

In the text box at the top, enter the query tennis clothes. On the left (Query 1), there’s an OpenSearch DSL (Domain Specific Language for queries) semantic query using the amazon_products_text_embedding index, and on the right (Query 2), there’s a simple lexical query using the amazon_products_text index. You’ll see that lexical search doesn’t know that clothes can be tops, shorts, dresses, and so on, but semantic search does.

Search Comparison Tool

Compare semantic and lexical results

Similarly, in a search for warm-weather hat, the semantic results find lots of hats suitable for warm weather, whereas the lexical search returns results mentioning the words “warm” and “hat,” all of which are warm hats suitable for cold weather, not warm-weather hats. Similarly, if you’re looking for long dresses with long sleeves, you might search for long long-sleeved dress. A lexical search ends up finding some short dresses with long sleeves and even a child’s dress shirt because the word “dress” appears in the description, whereas the semantic search finds much more relevant results: mostly long dresses with long sleeves, with a couple of errors.

Cross-modal image search

The demo of cross-modal textual and image search shows searching for images using textual descriptions. This works by finding images that are related to your textual descriptions using a pre-production multi-modal embedding. We’ll compare searching for visual similarity (on the left) and textual similarity (on the right). In some cases, we get very similar results.

Search Comparison Tool

Compare image and textual embeddings

For example, sailboat shoes does a good job with both approaches, but white sailboat shoes does much better using visual similarity. The query canoe finds mostly canoes using visual similarity—which is probably what a user would expect—but a mixture of canoes and canoe accessories such as paddles using textual similarity.

If you are interested in exploring the multi-modal model, please reach out to your AWS specialist.

Building production-quality search experiences with semantic search

These demos give you an idea of the capabilities of vector-based semantic vs. word-based lexical search and what can be accomplished by utilizing the vector engine for OpenSearch Serverless to build your search experiences. Of course, production-quality search experiences use many more techniques to improve results. In particular, our experimentation shows that hybrid search, combining lexical and vector approaches, typically results in a 15% improvement in search result quality over lexical or vector search alone on industry-standard test sets, as measured by the NDCG@10 metric (Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain in the first 10 results). The improvement is because lexical outperforms vector for very specific names of things, and semantic works better for broader queries. For example, in the semantic vs. lexical comparison, the query saranac 146, a brand of canoe, works very well in lexical search, whereas semantic search doesn’t return relevant results. This demonstrates why the combination of semantic and lexical search provides superior results.


OpenSearch Service includes a vector engine that supports semantic search as well as classic lexical search. The examples shown in the demo pages show the strengths and weaknesses of different techniques. You can use the Search Comparison Tool on your own data in OpenSearch 2.9 or higher.

Further information

For further information about OpenSearch’s semantic search capabilities, see the following:

About the author

Stavros Macrakis is a Senior Technical Product Manager on the OpenSearch project of Amazon Web Services. He is passionate about giving customers the tools to improve the quality of their search results.

Choose the k-NN algorithm for your billion-scale use case with OpenSearch

Post Syndicated from Jack Mazanec original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/choose-the-k-nn-algorithm-for-your-billion-scale-use-case-with-opensearch/

When organizations set out to build machine learning (ML) applications such as natural language processing (NLP) systems, recommendation engines, or search-based systems, often times k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) search will be used at some point in the workflow. As the number of data points reaches the hundreds of millions or even billions, scaling a k-NN search system can be a major challenge. Applying Approximate Nearest Neighbor (ANN) search is a great way to overcome this challenge.

The k-NN problem is relatively simple compared to other ML techniques: given a set of points and a query, find the k nearest points in the set to the query. The naive solution is equally understandable: for each point in the set, compute its distance from the query and keep track of the top k along the way.

K-NN concept

The problem with this naive approach is that it doesn’t scale particularly well. The runtime search complexity is O(Nlogk), where N is the number of vectors and k is the number of nearest neighbors. Although this may not be noticeable when the set contains thousands of points, it becomes noticeable when the size gets into the millions. Although some exact k-NN algorithms can speed search up, they tend to perform similarly to the naive approach in higher dimensions.

Enter ANN search. We can reduce the runtime search latency if we loosen a few constraints on the k-NN problem:

  • Allow indexing to take longer
  • Allow more space to be used at query time
  • Allow the search to return an approximation of the k-NN in the set

Several different algorithms have been discovered to do just that.

OpenSearch is a community-driven, Apache 2.0-licensed, open-source search and analytics suite that makes it easy to ingest, search, visualize, and analyze data. The OpenSearch k-NN plugin provides the ability to use some of these algorithms within an OpenSearch cluster. In this post, we discuss the different algorithms that are supported and run experiments to see some of the trade-offs between them.

Hierarchical Navigable Small Worlds algorithm

The Hierarchical Navigable Small Worlds algorithm (HNSW) is one of the most popular algorithms out there for ANN search. It was the first algorithm that the k-NN plugin supported, using a very efficient implementation from the nmslib similarity search library. It has one of the best query latency vs. recall trade-offs and doesn’t require any training. The core idea of the algorithm is to build a graph with edges connecting index vectors that are close to each other. Then, on search, this graph is partially traversed to find the approximate nearest neighbors to the query vector. To steer the traversal towards the query’s nearest neighbors, the algorithm always visits the closest candidate to the query vector next.

But which vector should the traversal start from? It could just pick a random vector, but for a large index, this might be very far from the query’s actual nearest neighbors, leading to poor results. To pick a vector that is generally close to the query vector to start from, the algorithm builds not just one graph, but a hierarchy of graphs. All vectors are added to the bottom layer, and then a random subset of those are added to the layer above, and then a subset of those are added to the layer above that, and so on.

During search, we start from a random vector in the top layer, partially traverse the graph to find (approximately) the nearest point to the query vector in that layer, and then use this vector as the starting point for our traversal of the layer below. We repeat this until we get to the bottom layer. At the bottom layer, we perform the traversal, but this time, instead of just searching for the nearest neighbor, we keep track of the k-nearest neighbors that are visited along the way.

The following figure illustrates this process (inspired from the image in original paper Efficient and robust approximate nearest neighbor search using Hierarchical Navigable Small World graphs).

You can tune three parameters for HNSW:

  • m – The maximum number of edges a vector will get in a graph. The higher this number is, the more memory the graph will consume, but the better the search approximation may be.
  • ef_search – The size of the queue of the candidate nodes to visit during traversal. When a node is visited, its neighbors are added to the queue to be visited in the future. When this queue is empty, the traversal will end. A larger value will increase search latency, but may provide better search approximation.
  • ef_construction – Very similar to ef_search. When a node is to be inserted into the graph, the algorithm will find its m edges by querying the graph with the new node as the query vector. This parameter controls the candidate queue size for this traversal. A larger value will increase index latency, but may provide a better search approximation.

For more information on HNSW, you can read through the paper Efficient and robust approximate nearest neighbor search using Hierarchical Navigable Small World graphs.

Memory consumption

Although HNSW provides very good approximate nearest neighbor search at low latencies, it can consume a large amount of memory. Each HNSW graph uses roughly 1.1 * (4 * d + 8 * m) * num_vectors bytes of memory:

  • d is the dimension of the vectors
  • m is the algorithm parameter that controls the number of connections each node will have in a layer
  • num_vectors is the number of vectors in the index

To ensure durability and availability, especially when running production workloads, OpenSearch indexes are recommended to have at least one replica shard. Therefore, the memory requirement is multiplied by (1 + number of replicas). For use cases where the data size is 1 billion vectors of 128 dimensions each and m is set to the default value of 16, the estimated amount of memory required would be:

1.1 * (4 * 128 + 8 * 16) * 1,000,000,000 * 2 = 1,408 GB.

If we increase the size of vectors to 512, for example, and the m to 100, which is recommended for vectors with high intrinsic dimensionality, some use cases can require a total memory of approximately 4 TB.

With OpenSearch, we can always horizontally scale the cluster to handle this memory requirement. However, this comes at the expense of raising infrastructure costs. For cases where scaling doesn’t make sense, options to reduce the memory footprint of the k-NN system need to be explored. Fortunately, there are algorithms that we can use to do this.

Inverted File System algorithm

Consider a different approach for approximating a nearest neighbor search: separate your index vectors into a set of buckets, then, to reduce your search time, only search through a subset of these buckets. From a high level, this is what the Inverted File System (IVF) ANN algorithm does. In OpenSearch 1.2, the k-NN plugin introduced support for the implementation of IVF by Faiss. Faiss is an open-sourced library from Meta for efficient similarity search and clustering of dense vectors.

However, if we just randomly split up our vectors into different buckets, and only search a subset of them, this will be a poor approximation. The IVF algorithm uses a more elegant approach. First, before indexing begins, it assigns each bucket a representative vector. When a vector is indexed, it gets added to the bucket that has the closest representative vector. This way, vectors that are closer to each other are placed roughly in the same or nearby buckets.

To determine what the representative vectors for the buckets are, the IVF algorithm requires a training step. In this step, k-Means clustering is run on a set of training data, and the centroids it produces become the representative vectors. The following diagram illustrates this process.

Inverted file system indexing concept

IVF has two parameters:

  • nlist – The number of buckets to create. More buckets will result in longer training times, but may improve the granularity of the search.
  • nprobes – The number of buckets to search. This parameter is fairly straightforward. The more buckets that are searched, the longer the search will take, but the better the approximation.

Memory consumption

In general, IVF requires less memory than HNSW because IVF doesn’t need to store a set of edges for each indexed vector.

We estimate that IVF will roughly require the following amount of memory:

1.1 * (((4 * dimension) * num_vectors) + (4 * nlist * dimension)) bytes

For the case explored for HNSW where there are 1,000,000,000 128-dimensional vectors with one layer of replication, an IVF algorithm with an nlist of 4096 would take roughly 1.1 * (((4 * 128) * 2,000,000,000) + (4 * 4096 * 128)) bytes = 1126 GB.

This savings does come at a cost, however, because HNSW offers a better query latency versus approximation accuracy tradeoff.

Product quantization vector compression

Although you can use HNSW and IVF to speed up nearest neighbor search, they can consume a considerable amount of memory. When we get into the billion-vector scale, we start to require thousands of GBs of memory to support their index structures. As we scale up the number of vectors or the dimension of vectors, this requirement continues to grow. Is there a way to use noticeably less space for our k-NN index?

The answer is yes! In fact, there are a lot of different ways to reduce the amount of memory vectors require. You can change your embedding model to produce smaller vectors, or you can apply techniques like Principle Component Analysis (PCA) to reduce the vector’s dimensionality. Another approach is to use quantization. The general idea of vector quantization is to map a large vector space with continuous values into a smaller space with discrete values. When a vector is mapped into a smaller space, it requires fewer bits to represent. However, this comes at a cost—when mapping to a smaller input space, some information about the vector is lost.

Product quantization (PQ) is a very popular quantization technique in the field of nearest neighbor search. It can be used together with ANN algorithms for nearest neighbor search. Along with IVF, the k-NN plugin added support for Faiss’s PQ implementation in OpenSearch 1.2.

The main idea of PQ is to break up a vector into several sub-vectors and encode the sub-vectors independently with a fixed number of bits. The number of sub-vectors that the original vector is broken up into is controlled by a parameter, m, and the number of bits to encode each sub-vector with is controlled by a parameter, code_size. After encoding finishes, a vector is compressed into roughly m * code_size bits. So, assume we have a set of 100,000 1024-dimensional vectors. With m = 8 and code_size = 8, PQ breaks each vector into 8 128-dimensional sub-vectors and encode each sub-vector with 8 bits.

The values used for encoding are produced during a training step. During training, tables are created with 2code_size entries for each sub-vector partition. Next, k-Means clustering, with a k value of 2code_size, is run on the corresponding partition of sub-vectors from the training data. The centroids produced here are added as the entries to the partition’s table.

After all the tables are created, we encode a vector by replacing each sub-vector with the ID of the closest vector in the partition’s table. In the example where code_size = 8, we only need 8 bits to store an ID because there are 28 elements in the table. So, with dimension = 1024 and m = 8, the total size of one vector (assuming it uses a 32-bit floating point data type) is reduced from 4,096 bytes to roughly 8 bytes!

Product quantization encoding step

When we want to decode a vector, we can reconstruct an approximated version of it by using the stored IDs to retrieve the vectors from each partition’s table. The distance from the query vector to the reconstructed vector can then be computed and used in a nearest neighbor search. (It’s worth noting that, in practice, further optimization techniques like ADC are used to speed up this process for k-NN search).

Product quantization decoding step

Memory consumption

As we mentioned earlier, PQ will encode each vector into roughly m * code_size bits plus some overhead for each vector.

When combining it with IVF, we can estimate the index size as follows:

1.1 * ((((code_size/8) * m + overhead_per_vector) * num_vectors) + (4 * nlist * dimension) + (2 code_size * 4 * dimension) bytes

Using 1 billion vectors, dimension = 128, m = 8, code_size = 8, and nlist = 4096, we get an estimated total memory consumption of 70GB: 1.1 * ((((8 / 8) * 8 + 24) * 1,000,000,000) + (4 * 4096 * 128) + (2^8 * 4 * 128)) * 2 = 70 GB.

Running k-NN with OpenSearch

First make sure you have an OpenSearch cluster up and running. For instructions, refer to Cluster formation. For a more managed solution, you can use Amazon OpenSearch Service.

Before getting into the experiments, let’s go over how to run k-NN workloads in OpenSearch. First, we need to create an index. An index stores a set of documents in a way that they can be easily searched. For k-NN, the index’s mapping tells OpenSearch what algorithms to use and what parameters to use with them. We start by creating an index that uses HNSW as its search algorithm:

PUT my-hnsw-index
  "settings": {
    "index": {
      "knn": true,
      "number_of_shards": 10,
      "number_of_replicas" 1,
  "mappings": {
    "properties": {
      "my_vector": {
        "type": "knn_vector",
        "dimension": 4,
        "method": {
          "name": "hnsw",
          "space_type": "l2",
          "engine": "nmslib",
          "parameters": {
            "ef_construction": 128,
            "m": 24

In the settings, we need to enable knn so that the index can be searched with the knn query type (more on this later). We also set the number of shards, and the number of replicas each shard will have. An index is made up of a collection of shards. Sharding is how OpenSearch distributes an index across multiple nodes in a cluster. For more information about shards, refer to Sizing Amazon OpenSearch Service domains.

In the mappings, we configure a field called my_vector of type knn_vector to store the vector data. We also pass nmslib as the engine to let OpenSearch know it should use nmslib’s implementation of HNSW. Additionally, we pass l2 as the space_type. The space_type determines the function used to compute the distance between two vectors. l2 refers to the Euclidean distance. OpenSearch also supports cosine similarity and the inner product distance functions.

After the index is created, we can ingest some fake data:

POST _bulk
{ "index": { "_index": "my-hnsw-index", "_id": "1" } }
{ "my_vector": [1.5, 2.5], "price": 12.2 }
{ "index": { "_index": "my-hnsw-index", "_id": "2" } }
{ "my_vector": [2.5, 3.5], "price": 7.1 }
{ "index": { "_index": "my-hnsw-index", "_id": "3" } }
{ "my_vector": [3.5, 4.5], "price": 12.9 }
{ "index": { "_index": "my-hnsw-index", "_id": "4" } }
{ "my_vector": [5.5, 6.5], "price": 1.2 }
{ "index": { "_index": "my-hnsw-index", "_id": "5" } }
{ "my_vector": [4.5, 5.5], "price": 3.7 }
{ "index": { "_index": "my-hnsw-index", "_id": "6" } }
{ "my_vector": [1.5, 5.5, 4.5, 6.4], "price": 10.3 }
{ "index": { "_index": "my-hnsw-index", "_id": "7" } }
{ "my_vector": [2.5, 3.5, 5.6, 6.7], "price": 5.5 }
{ "index": { "_index": "my-hnsw-index", "_id": "8" } }
{ "my_vector": [4.5, 5.5, 6.7, 3.7], "price": 4.4 }
{ "index": { "_index": "my-hnsw-index", "_id": "9" } }
{ "my_vector": [1.5, 5.5, 4.5, 6.4], "price": 8.9 }

After adding some documents to the index, we can search it:

GET my-hnsw-index/_search
  "size": 2,
  "query": {
    "knn": {
      "my_vector": {
        "vector": [2, 3, 5, 6],
        "k": 2

Creating an index that uses IVF or PQ is a little bit different because these algorithms require training. Before creating the index, we need to create a model using the training API:

POST /_plugins/_knn/models/my_ivfpq_model/_train
  "training_index": "train-index",
  "training_field": "train-field",
  "dimension": 128,
  "description": "My model description",
  "method": {
                "code_size": 8,
                "m": 8

The training_index and training_field specify where the training data is stored. The only requirement for the training data index is that it has a knn_vector field that has the same dimension as you want your model to have. The method defines the algorithm that should be used for search.

After the training request is submitted, it will run in the background. To check if the training is complete, you can use the GET model API:

GET /_plugins/_knn/models/my_ivfpq_model/filter_path=model_id,state
  "model_id" : "my_ivfpq_model",
  "state" : "created"

After the model is created, you can create an index that uses this model:

PUT /my-hnsw-index
  "settings" : {
    "index.knn": true
    "number_of_shards" : 10,
    "number_of_replicas" : 1,
  "mappings": {
    "properties": {
      "my_vector": {
        "type": "knn_vector",
        "model_id": "my_ivfpq_model"

After the index is created, we can add documents to it and search it just like we did for HNSW.


Let’s run a few experiments to see how these algorithms perform in practice and what tradeoffs are made. We look at an HNSW versus an IVF index using PQ. For these experiments, we’re interested in search accuracy, query latency, and memory consumption. Because these trade-offs are mainly observed at scale, we use the BIGANN dataset containing 1 billion vectors of 128 dimensions. The dataset also contains 10,000 queries of test data mapping a query to the ground truth closest 100 vectors based on the Euclidean distance.

Specifically, we compute the following search metrics:

  • Latency p99 (ms), Latency p90 (ms), Latency p50 (ms) – Query latency at various quantiles in milliseconds
  • recall@10 – The fraction of the top 10 ground truth neighbors found in the 10 results returned by the plugin
  • Native memory consumption (GB) – The amount of memory used by the plugin during querying

One thing to note is that the BIGANN dataset uses an unsigned integer as the data type. Because the knn_vector field doesn’t support unsigned integers, the data is automatically converted to floats.

To run the experiments, we complete the following steps:

  1. Ingest the dataset into the cluster using the OpenSearch Benchmarks framework (the code can be found on GitHub).
  2. When ingestion is complete, we use the warmup API to prepare the cluster for the search workload.
  3. We run the 10,000 test queries against the cluster 10 times and collect the aggregated results.

The queries return the document ID only, and not the vector, to improve performance (code for this can be found on GitHub).

Parameter selection

One tricky aspect of running experiments is selecting the parameters. There are too many different combinations of parameters to test them all. That being said, we decided to create three configurations for HNSW and IVFPQ:

  • Optimize for search latency and memory
  • Optimize for recall
  • Fall somewhere in the middle

For each optimization strategy, we chose two configurations.

For HNSW, we can tune the m, ef_construction, and ef_search parameters to achieve our desired trade-off:

  • m – Controls the maximum number of edges a node in a graph can have. Because each node has to store all of its edges, increasing this value will increase the memory footprint, but also increase the connectivity of the graph, which will improve recall.
  • ef_construction – Controls the size of the candidate queue for edges when adding a node to the graph. Increasing this value will increase the number of candidates to consider, which will increase the index latency. However, because more candidates will be considered, the quality of the graph will be better, leading to better recall during search.
  • ef_search – Similar to ef_construction, it controls the size of the candidate queue for graph traversal during search. Increasing this value will increase the search latency, but will also improve the recall.

In general, we chose configurations that gradually increased the parameters, as detailed in the following table.

Config ID Optimization Strategy m ef_construction ef_search
hnsw1 Optimize for memory and search latency 8 32 32
hnsw2 Optimize for memory and search latency 16 32 32
hnsw3 Balance between latency, memory, and recall 16 128 128
hnsw4 Balance between latency, memory, and recall 32 256 256
hnsw5 Optimize for recall 32 512 512
hnsw6 Optimize for recall 64 512 512

For IVF, we can tune two parameters:

  • nlist – Controls the granularity of the partitioning. The recommended value for this parameter is a function of the number of vectors in the index. One thing to keep in mind is that there are Faiss indexes that map to Lucene segments. There are several Lucene segments per shard and several shards per OpenSearch index. For our estimates, we assumed that there would be 100 segments per shard and 24 shards, so about 420,000 vectors per Faiss index. With this value, we estimated a good value to be 4096 and kept this constant for the experiments.
  • nprobes – Controls the number of nlist buckets we search. Higher values generally lead to improved recalls at the expense of increased search latencies.

For PQ, we can tune two parameters:

  • mControls the number of partitions to break the vector into. The larger this value is, the better the encoding will approximate the original, at the expense of raising memory consumption.
  • code_sizeControls the number of bits to encode a sub-vector with. The larger this value is, the better the encoding approximates the original, at the expense of raising memory consumption. The max value is 8, so we kept it constant at 8 for all experiments.

The following table summarizes our strategies.

Config ID Optimization Strategy nprobes m (num_sub_vectors)
ivfpq1 Optimize for memory and search latency 8 8
ivfpq2 Optimize for memory and search latency 16 8
ivfpq3 Balance between latency, memory, and recall 32 16
ivfpq4 Balance between latency, memory, and recall 64 32
ivfpq5 Optimize for recall 128 16
ivfpq6 Optimize for recall 128 32

Additionally, we need to figure out how much training data to use for IVFPQ. In general, Faiss recommends between 30,000 and 256,000 training vectors for components involving k-Means training. For our configurations, the maximum k for k-Means is 4096 from the nlist parameter. With this formula, the recommended training set size is between 122,880 and 1,048,576 vectors, so we settled on 1 million vectors. The training data comes from the index vector dataset.

Lastly, for the index configurations, we need to select the shard count. It is recommended to keep the shard size between 10–50 GBs for OpenSearch. Experimentally, we determined that for HNSW, a good number would be 64 shards and for IVFPQ, 42. Both index configurations were configured with one replica.

Cluster configuration

To run these experiments, we used Amazon OpenSearch Service using version 1.3 of OpenSearch to create the clusters. We decided to use the r5 instance family, which provides a good trade-off between memory size and cost.

The number of nodes will depend on the amount of memory that can be used for the algorithm per node and the total amount of memory required by the algorithm. Having more nodes and more memory will generally improve performance, but for these experiments, we want to minimize cost. The amount of memory available per node is computed as memory_available = (node_memory - jvm_size) * circuit_breaker_limit, with the following parameters:

  • node_memory – The total memory of the instance.
  • jvm_size – The OpenSearch JVM heap size. Set to 32 GB.
  • circuit_breaker_limit – The native memory usage threshold for the circuit breaker. Set to 0.5.

Because HNSW and IVFPQ have different memory requirements, we estimate how much memory is needed for each algorithm and determine the required number of nodes accordingly.

For HNSW, with m = 64, the total memory required using the formula from the previous sections is approximately 2,252 GB. Therefore, with r5.12xlarge (384 GB of memory), memory_available is 176 GB and the total number of nodes required is about 12, which we round up to 16 for stability purposes.

Because the IVFPQ algorithm requires less memory, we can use a smaller instance type, the r5.4xlarge instance, which has 128 GB of memory. Therefore, the memory_available for the algorithm is 48 GB. The estimated algorithm memory consumption where m = 64 is a total of 193 GB and the total number of nodes required is four, which we round up to six for stability purposes.

For both clusters, we use c5.2xlarge instance types as dedicated leader nodes. This will provide more stability for the cluster.

According to the AWS Pricing Calculator, for this particular use case, the cost per hour of the HNSW cluster is around $75 an hour, and the IVFPQ cluster costs around $11 an hour. This is important to remember when comparing the results.

Also, keep in mind that these benchmarks can be run using your custom infrastructure, using Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), as long as the instance types and their memory size is equivalent.


The following tables summarize the results from the experiments.

Test ID p50 Query latency (ms) p90 Query latency (ms) p99 Query latency (ms) Recall@10 Native memory consumption (GB)
hnsw1 9.1 11 16.9 0.84 1182
hnsw2 11 12.1 17.8 0.93 1305
hnsw3 23.1 27.1 32.2 0.99 1306
hnsw4 54.1 68.3 80.2 0.99 1555
hnsw5 83.4 100.6 114.7 0.99 1555
hnsw6 103.7 131.8 151.7 0.99 2055
Test ID p50 Query latency (ms) p90 Query latency (ms) p99 Query latency (ms) Recall@10 Native memory consumption (GB)
ivfpq1 74.9 100.5 106.4 0.17 68
ivfpq2 78.5 104.6 110.2 0.18 68
ivfpq3 87.8 107 122 0.39 83
ivfpq4 117.2 131.1 151.8 0.61 114
ivfpq5 128.3 174.1 195.7 0.40 83
ivfpq6 163 196.5 228.9 0.61 114

As you might expect, given how many more resources it uses, the HNSW cluster has lower query latencies and better recall. However, the IVFPQ indexes use significantly less memory.

For HNSW, increasing the parameters does in fact lead to better recall at the expense of latency. For IVFPQ, increasing m has the most significant impact on improving recall. Increasing nprobes improves the recall marginally, but at the expense of significant increases in latencies.


In this post, we covered different algorithms and techniques used to perform approximate k-NN search at scale (over 1 billion data points) within OpenSearch. As we saw in the previous benchmarks section, there isn’t one algorithm or approach that optimises for all the metrics at once. HNSW, IVF, and PQ each allow you to optimize for different metrics in your k-NN workload. When choosing the k-NN algorithm to use, first understand the requirements of your use case (How accurate does my approximate nearest neighbor search need to be? How fast should it be? What’s my budget?) and then tailor the algorithm configuration to meet them.

You can take a look at the benchmarking code base we used on GitHub. You can also get started with approximate k-NN search today following the instructions in Approximate k-NN search. If you’re looking for a managed solution for your OpenSearch cluster, check out Amazon OpenSearch Service.

About the Authors

Jack Mazanec is a software engineer working on OpenSearch plugins. His primary interests include machine learning and search engines. Outside of work, he enjoys skiing and watching sports.

Othmane Hamzaoui is a Data Scientist working at AWS. He is passionate about solving customer challenges using Machine Learning, with a focus on bridging the gap between research and business to achieve impactful outcomes. In his spare time, he enjoys running and discovering new coffee shops in the beautiful city of Paris.

Detect anomalies on one million unique entities with Amazon OpenSearch Service

Post Syndicated from Kaituo Li original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/detect-anomalies-on-one-million-unique-entities-with-amazon-opensearch-service/

Amazon OpenSearch Service (successor to Amazon Elasticsearch Service) supports a highly performant, integrated anomaly detection engine that enables the real-time identification of anomalies in streaming data. Last year, we released high-cardinality anomaly detection (HCAD) to detect individual entities’ anomalies. With the 1.1 release, we have allowed you to monitor a million entities with steady, predictable performance. HCAD is easiest when described in contrast to the non-HCAD single-stream solution. In a single-stream detector, we detect anomalies for an aggregate entity. For example, we can use a single-stream detector to sift through aggregated traffic across all IP addresses so that users can be notified when unusual spikes occur. However, we often need to identify anomalies in entities, such as individual hosts and IP addresses. Each entity may work on a different baseline, which means its time series’ distribution (measured in parameters such as magnitude, trend, and seasonality, to name a few) are different. The different baselines make it inaccurate to detect anomalies using a single monolithic model. HCAD distinguishes itself from single-stream detectors by customizing anomaly detection models to entities.

Example use cases of HCAD include the following:

  • Internet of things – Continuously tracking the temperature of fridges and warning users of temperatures at which food or medicine longevity is at risk, so users can take measures to avoid them. Each entity has specific categorical fields that describe it, and you can think of the categorical fields as characteristics for those entities. A fridge’s serial number is the categorical field that uniquely identifies the fridges. Using a single model generates a lot of false alarms because ambient temperatures can be different. A temperature of 5° C is normal during winter in Seattle, US, but such a temperature in a tropical place during winter is likely anomalous. Also, users may open the door to a fridge several times, triggering a spike in the temperature. The duration and frequency of spikes can vary according to user behavior. HCAD can group temperature data into geographies and users to detect varying local temperatures and user behavior.
  • Security – An intrusion detection system identifying an increase in failed login attempts in authentication logs. The user name and host IP are the categorical fields used to determine the user accessing from the host. Hackers might guess user passwords by brute force, and not all users on the same host IP may be targeted. The number of failed login counts varies on a host for a particular user at a specific time of day. HCAD creates a representative baseline per user on each host and adapts to changes in the baseline.
  • IT operations – Monitoring access traffic by shard in a distributed service. The shard ID is the categorical field, and the entity is the shard. A modern distributed system usually consists of shards linked together. When a shard experiences an outage, the traffic increases significantly for dependent shards due to retry storms. It’s hard to discover the increase because only a limited number of shards are affected. For example, traffic on the related shards might be as much as 64 times that of normal levels, whereas average traffic across all shards might just grow by a small constant factor (less than 2).

Making HCAD real time and performant while achieving completeness and scalability is a formidable challenge:

  • Completeness – Model all or as many entities as possible.
  • ScalabilityHorizontal and vertical scaling without changing model fidelity. That is, when scaling the machine up or out, an anomaly detector can add models monotonically. HCAD uses the same model and gives the same answer for an entity’s time series as in single-stream detection.
  • Performance – Low impact to system resource usage and high overall throughput.

The first release of HCAD in Amazon OpenSearch Service traded completeness and scalability for performance: the anomaly detector limited the number of entities to 1,000. You can change the setting plugins.anomaly_detection.max_entities_per_query to increase the number of monitored entities per interval. However, such a change incurs a non-negligible cost, which opens the door to cluster instability. Each entity uses memory to host models, disk I/O to read and write model checkpoints and anomaly results, CPU cycles for metadata maintenance and model training and inference, and garbage collection for deleted models and metadata. The more entities, the more resource usage. Furthermore, HCAD could suffer a combinatorial explosion of entities when supporting multiple categorical fields (a feature released in Amazon OpenSearch Service 1.1). Imagine a detector with only one categorical field geolocation. Geolocation has 1,000 possible values. Adding another categorical field product with 1,000 allowed values gives the detector 1 million entities.

For the next version of HCAD, we devoted much effort to improving completeness and scalability. Our approach captures sizing a cluster right and combines in-memory model hosting and on-disk model loading. Performance metrics show HCAD doesn’t saturate the cluster with substantial cost and still leaves plenty of room for other tasks. As a result, HCAD can analyze one million entities in 10 minutes and flags anomalies in different patterns. In this post, we will explore how HCAD can analyze one million entities and the technical implementations behind the improvements.

How to size domains

Model management is a trade-off: disk-based solutions that reload-use-stop-store models on every interval offer savings in memory but suffer high overhead and are hard to scale. Memory-based solutions offer lower overhead and higher throughput but typically increase memory requirements. We exploit the trade-off by implementing an adaptive mechanism that hosts models in memory as much as allowed (capped via the cluster setting plugins.anomaly_detection.model_max_size_percent), as required by best performance. When models don’t fit in memory, we process extra model requests by loading models from disks.

The use of memory whenever possible is responsible for the HCAD scalability. Therefore, it is crucial to sizing a cluster right to offer enough memory for HCAD. The main factors to consider when sizing a cluster are:

  • Sum of all detectors’ total entity count – A detector’s total entity count is the cardinality of the categorical fields. If there are multiple categorical fields, the number counts all unique combinations of values of these fields present in data. You can decide the cardinality via cardinality aggregation in Amazon OpenSearch Service. If the detector is a single-stream detector, the number of entities is one because there is no defined categorical field.
  • Heap size – Amazon OpenSearch Service sets aside 50% of RAM for heap. To determine the heap size of an instance type, refer to Amazon OpenSearch Service pricing. For example, an r5.2xlarge host has 64 GB RAM. Therefore, the host’s heap size is 32 GB.
  • Anomaly detection (AD) maximum memory percentage – AD can use up to 10% of the heap by default. You can customize the percentage via the cluster setting plugins.anomaly_detection.model_max_size_percent. The following update allows AD to use half of the heap via the aforementioned setting:
PUT /_cluster/settings
	"persistent": {
		"plugins.anomaly_detection.model_max_size_percent": "0.5"
  • Entity in-memory model size – An entity’s in-memory model size varies according to shingle size, the number of features, and Amazon OpenSearch Service version as we’re constantly improving. All entity models of the same detector configuration in the same software version have the same size. A safe way to obtain the size is to run a profile API on the same detector configuration on an experimental cluster before creating a production cluster. In the following case, each entity model of detector fkzfBX0BHok1ZbMqLMdu is of size 470,491 bytes:

Enter the following profile request:

GET /_plugins/_anomaly_detection/detectors/fkzfBX0BHok1ZbMqLMdu/_profile/models

We get the following response:

		"model_id": "fkzfBX0BHok1ZbMqLMdu_entity_GOIubzeHCXV-k6y_AA4K3Q",
		"entity": [{
				"name": "host",
				"value": "host141"
				"name": "process",
				"value": "process54"
		"model_size_in_bytes": 470491,
		"node_id": "OcxBDJKYRYKwCLDtWUKItQ"
  • Storage requirement for result indexes – Real-time detectors store detection results as much as possible when the indexing pressure isn’t high, including both anomalous and non-anomalous results. When the indexing pressure is high, we save anomalous and a random subset of non-anomalous results. OpenSearch Dashboard employs non-anomalous results as the context of abnormal results and plots the results as a function of time. Additionally, AD stores the history of all generated results for a configurable number of days after generating results. This result retention period is 30 days by default, and adjustable via the cluster setting plugins.anomaly_detection.ad_result_history_retention_period. We need to ensure enough disk space is available to store the results by multiplying the amount of data generated per day by the retention period. For example, consider a detector that generates 1 million result documents for a 10-minute interval detector with 1 million entities per interval. One document’s size is about 1 KB. That’s roughly 144 GB per day, 4,320 GB after a 30-day retention period. The total disk requirement should also be multiplied by the number of shard copies. Currently, AD chooses one primary shard per node (up to 10) and one replica when called for the first time. Because the number of replicas is 1, every shard has two copies, and the total disk requirement is closer to 8,640 GB for the million entities in our example.
  • Anomaly detection overhead – AD incurs memory overhead for historical analyses and internal operations. We recommend reserving 20% more memory for the overhead to keep running models uninterrupted.

In order to derive the required number of data nodes D, we must first derive an expression for the number of entity models N that a node can host in memory. We define Si to be the entity model size of detector i. If we use an instance type with heap size H where the maximum AD memory percentage is PN is equal to AD memory allowance divided by the maximum entity model size among all detectors:

We consider the required number of data nodes D as a function of N. Let’s denote by Ci the total entity counts of detector i. Given n detectors, it follows that:

The fact that AD needs an extra 20% memory overhead is expressed by multiplying 1.2 in the formula. The ceil function represents the smallest integer greater than or equal to the argument.

For example, an r5.2xlarge Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance has 64 GB RAM, so the heap size is 32 GB. We configure AD to use at most half of the allowed heap size. We have two HCAD detectors, whose model sizes are 471 KB and 403 KB, respectively. To host 500,000 entities for each detector, we need a 36-data-node cluster according to the following calculation:

We also need to ensure there is enough disk space. In the end, we used a 39-node r5.2xlarge cluster (3 primary and 36 data nodes) with 4 TB Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) storage on each node.

What if a detector’s entity count is unknown?

Sometimes, it’s hard to know a detector’s entity count. We can check historical data and estimate the cardinality. But it’s impossible to predict the future accurately. A general guideline is to allocate buffer memory during planning. Appropriately used, buffer memory provides room for small changes. If the changes are significant, you can adjust the number of data nodes because HCAD can scale in and out horizontally.

What if the number of active entities is changing?

The total number of entities created can be higher than the number of active entities, as evident from the following two figures. The total number of entities in the HTTP logs dataset is 2 million within 2 months, but each entity only appears seven times on average. The number of active entities within a time-boxed interval is much less than 2 million. The following figure presents an example time series of network size of IP addresses from the HTTP logs dataset.

http log data distribution

The KPI dataset also shows similar behavior, where entities often appear in a short amount of time during bursts of entity activities.

kpi data distribution

AD requires large sample sizes to create a comprehensive picture of the data patterns, making it suitable for dense time series that can be uniformly sampled. AD can still train models and produce predictions if the preceding bursty behavior can last a while and provide at least 400 points. However, training becomes more difficult, and prediction accuracy is lower as data gets more sparse.

It’s wasteful to preallocate memory according to the total number of entities in this case. Instead of the total number of entities, we need to consider the maximal active entities within an interval. You can get an approximate number by using a date_histogram and cardinality aggregation pipeline, and sorting during a representative period. You can run the following query if you’re indexing host-cloudwatch and want to find out the maximal number of active hosts within a 10-minute interval throughout 10 days:

GET /host-cloudwatch/_search?size=0
	"query": {
		"range": {
			"@timestamp": {
				"gte": "2021-11-17T22:21:48",
				"lte": "2021-11-27T22:22:48"
	"aggs": {
		"by_10m": {
			"date_histogram": {
				"field": "@timestamp",
				"fixed_interval": "10m"
			"aggs": {
				"dimension": {
					"cardinality": {
						"field": "host"
				"multi_buckets_sort": {
					"bucket_sort": {
						"sort": [{
							"dimension": {
								"order": "desc"
						"size": 1

The query result shows that at most about 1,000 hosts are active during a ten-minute interval:

	"aggregations": {
		"by_10m": {
			"buckets": [{
				"key_as_string": "2021-11-17T22:30:00.000Z",
				"key": 1637188200000,
				"doc_count": 1000000,
				"dimension": {
					"value": 1000

HCAD has a cache to store models and maintain a timestamp of last access for each model. For each model, an hourly job checks the time of inactivity and invalidates the model if the time of inactivity is longer than 1 hour. Depending on the timing of the hourly check and the cache capacity, the elapsed time a model is cached varies. If the cache capacity isn’t large enough to hold all non-expired models, we have an adapted least frequently used (LFU) cache policy to evict models (more on this in a later section), and the cache time of those invalidated models is less than 1 hour. If the last access time of a model is reset immediately after the hourly check, when the next hourly check happens, the model doesn’t expire. The model can take another hour to expire when the next hourly check comes. So the max cache time is 2 hours.

The upper bound of active entities that detector i can observe is:

This equation has the following parameters:

  • Ai is the maximum number of active entities per interval of detector i. We get the number from the preceding query.
  • 120 is the number of minutes in 2 hours. ∆Ti denotes detector i’s interval in minutes. The ceil function represents the smallest integer greater than or equal the argument. ceil(120÷∆Ti) refers to the max number of intervals a model is cached.

Accordingly, we should account for Bi in the sizing formula:

Sizing calculation flow chart

With the definitions of calculating the number of data nodes in place, we can use the following flow chart to make decisions under different scenarios.

sizing flowchart

What if the cluster is underscaled?

If the cluster is underscaled, AD prioritizes more frequent and recent entities. AD makes its best effort to accommodate extra entities by loading their models on demand from disk without hosting them in the in-memory cache. Loading the models on demand means reloading-using-stopping-storing models at every interval, whose overheads are quite high. The overheads mostly have to do with network or disk I/O, rather than with the cost of model inferencing. Therefore, we did it in a steady, controlled manner. If the system resource usage isn’t heavy and there is enough time, HCAD may finish processing the extra entities. Otherwise, HCAD doesn’t necessarily find all the anomalies it could otherwise find.

Example: Analysis of 1 million entities

In the following example, you will learn how to set up a detector to analyze one million entities.

Ingest data

We generated 10 billion documents for 1 million entities in our evaluation of scalability and completeness improvement. Each entity has a cosine wave time series with randomly injected anomalies. With help from the tips in this post, we created the index host-cloudwatch and ingested the documents into the cluster. host-cloudwatch records elapsed CPU and JVM garbage collection (GC) time by a process within a host. Index mapping is as follows:

	"mappings": {
		"properties": {
			"@timestamp": {
				"type": "date"
			"cpuTime": {
				"type": "double"
			"jvmGcTime": {
				"type": "double"
			"host": {
				"type": "keyword"
			"process": {
				"type": "keyword"

Create a detector

Consider the following factors before you create a detector:

  • Indexes to monitor – You can use a group of index names, aliases, or patterns. Here we use the host-cloudwatch index created in the last step.
  • Timestamp field – A detector monitors time series data. Each document in the provided index must be associated with a timestamp. In our example, we use the @timetamp field.
  • Filter – A filter selects data you want to analyze based on some condition. One example filter selects requests with status code 400 afterwards from HTTP request logs. The 4xx and 5xx classes of HTTP status code indicate that a request is returned with an error. Then you can create an anomaly detector for the number of error requests. In our running example, we analyze all of the data, and thus no filter is used.
  • Category field – Every entity has specific characteristics that describe it. Category fields provide categories of those characteristics. An entity can have up to two category fields as of Amazon OpenSearch Service 1.1. Here we monitor a specific process of a particular host by specifying the process and host field.
  • Detector interval – The detector interval is typically application-defined. We aggregate data within an interval and run models on the aggregated data. As mentioned earlier, AD is suitable for dense time series that can be uniformly sampled. You should at least make sure most intervals have data. Also, different detector intervals require different trade-offs between delay and accuracy. Long intervals smooth out long-term and short-term workload fluctuations and, therefore, may be less prone to noise, resulting in a high delay in detection. Short intervals lead to quicker detection but may find anticipated workload fluctuations instead of anomalies. You can plot your time series with various intervals and observe which interval keeps relevant anomalies while reducing noise. For this example, we use the default 10-minute interval.
  • Feature – A feature is an aggregated value extracted from the monitored data. It gets sent to models to measure the degrees of abnormality. Forming a feature can be as simple as picking a field to monitor and the aggregation function that summarizes the field data as metrics. We provide a suite of functions such as min and average. You can also use a runtime field via scripting. We’re interested in the garbage collection time field aggregated via the average function in this example.
  • Window delay – Ingestion delay. If the value isn’t configured correctly, a detector might analyze data before the late data arrives at the cluster. Because we ingested all the data in advance, the window delay is 0 in this case.

Our detector’s configuration aggregates average garbage collection processing time every 10 minutes and analyzes the average at the granularity of processes on different hosts. The API request to create such a detector is as follows. You can also use our streamlined UI to create and start a detector.

POST _plugins/_anomaly_detection/detectors
	"name": "detect_gc_time",
	"description": "detect gc processing time anomaly",
	"time_field": "@timestamp",
	"indices": [
	"category_field": ["host", "process"],
	"feature_attributes": [{
		"feature_name": "jvmGcTime average",
		"feature_enabled": true,
		"importance": 1,
		"aggregation_query": {
			"gc_time_average": {
				"avg": {
					"field": "jvmGcTime"
	"detection_interval": {
		"period": {
			"interval": 10,
			"unit": "MINUTES"
	"schema_version": 2

After the initial training is complete, all models of the 1 million entities are up in the memory, and 1 million results are generated every detector interval after a few hours. To verify the number of active models in the cache, you can run the profile API:

GET /_plugins/_anomaly_detection/detectors/fkzfBX0BHok1ZbMqLMdu/_profile/models

We get the following response:

	"model_count": 1000000

You can observe how many results are generated every detector interval (in our case 10 minutes) by invoking the result search API:

GET /_plugins/_anomaly_detection/detectors/results/_search
	"query": {
		"range": {
			"execution_start_time": {
				"gte": 1636501467000,
				"lte": 1636502067000
	"track_total_hits": true

We get the following response:

	"hits": {
		"total": {
			"value": 1000000,
			"relation": "eq"

The OpenSearch Dashboard gives an exposition of the top entities producing the most severe or most number of anomalies.

anomaly overview

You can choose a colored cell to review the details of anomalies occurring within that given period.

press anomaly

You can view anomaly grade, confidence, and the corresponding features in a shaded area.

feature graph

Create a monitor

You can create an alerting monitor to notify you of anomalies based on the defined anomaly detector, as shown in the following screenshot.

create monitor

We use anomaly grade and confidence to define a trigger. Both anomaly grade and confidence are values between 0 and 1.

Anomaly grade represents the severity of an anomaly. The closer the grade is to 1, the higher the severity. 0 grade means the corresponding prediction isn’t an anomaly.

Confidence measures whether an entity’s model has observed enough data such that the model contains enough unique, real-world data points. If a confidence value from one model is larger than the confidence of a different model, then the anomaly from the first model has observed more data.

Because we want to receive high fidelity alerts, we configured the grade threshold to be 0 and the confidence threshold to be 0.99.

edit trigger

The final step of creating a monitor is to add an action on what to include in the notification. Our example detector finds anomalies at a particular process in a host. The notification message should contain the entity identity. In this example, we use ctx.results.0.hits.hits.0._source.entity to grab the entity identity.

edit action

A monitor based on a detector extracts the maximum grade anomaly and triggers an alert based on the configured grade and confidence threshold. The following is an example alert message:


Monitor detect_cpu_gc_time2-Monitor just entered alert status. Please investigate the issue.
- Trigger: detect_cpu_gc_time2-trigger
- Severity: 1
- Period start: 2021-12-08T01:01:15.919Z
- Period end: 2021-12-08T01:21:15.919Z
- Entity: {0={name=host, value=host107}, 1={name=process, value=process622}}

You can customize the extraction query and trigger condition by changing the monitor defining method to Extraction query monitor and modifying the corresponding query and condition. Here is the explanation of all anomaly result index fields you can query.

edit monitor


In this section, we evaluate HCAD’s precision, recall, and overall performance.

Precision and recall

We evaluated precision and recall over the cosine wave data, as mentioned earlier. Such evaluations aren’t easy in the context of real-time processing because only one point is available per entity during each detector interval (10 minutes in the example). Processing all the points takes a long time. Instead, we simulated real-time processing by fast-forwarding the processing in a script. The results are an average of 100 runs. The standard deviation is around 0.12.

The overall average precision, including the effects of cold start using linear interpolation, for the synthetic data is 0.57. The recall is 0.61. We note that no transformations were applied; it’s possible and likely that transformations improve these numbers. The precision is 0.09, and recall is 0.34 for the first 300 points due to interpolated cold start data for training. The numbers pick up as the model observes more real data. After another 5,000 real data points, the precision and recall improve to 0.57 and 0.63, respectively. We reiterate that the exact numbers vary based on the data characteristics—a different benchmark or detection configuration would have other numbers. Further, if there is no missing data, the fidelity of the HCAD model would be the same as that of a single-stream detector.


We ran HCAD on an idle cluster without ingestion or search traffic. Metrics such as JVM memory pressure and CPU of each node are well within the safe zone, as shown in the following screenshot. JVM memory pressure varies between 23–39%. CPU is mostly around 1%, with hourly spikes up to 65%. An internal hourly maintenance job can account for the spike due to saving hundreds of thousands of model checkpoints, clearing unused models, and performing bookkeeping for internal states. However, this can be a future improvement.

jvm memory pressure



We next discuss the specifics of the technical work that is germane to HCAD’s completeness and scalability.

RCF 2.0

In Amazon OpenSearch Service 1.1, we integrated with Random Cut Forest library (RCF) 2.0. RCF is based on partitioning data into different bounding boxes. The previous RCF version maintains bounding boxes in memory. However, a real-time detector only uses the bounding boxes when processing a new data point and leaves them dormant most of the time. RCF 2.0 allows for recreating those bounding boxes when required so that bounding boxes are present in memory when processing the corresponding input. The on-demand recreation has led to nine times memory overhead reduction and therefore can support hosting nine times as many models in a node. In addition, RCF 2.0 revamps the serialization module. The new module serializes and deserializes a model 26 times faster using 20 times smaller disk space.


Regarding feature aggregation, we switched from getting top hits using terms aggregation to pagination via composite aggregation. We evaluated multiple pagination implementations using a generated dataset with 1 million entities. Each entity has two documents. The experiment configurations can vary according to the number of data nodes, primary shards, and categorical fields. We believe composite queries are the right choice because even though they may not be the fastest in all cases, they’re the most stable on average (40 seconds).

Amortize expensive operations

HCAD can face thundering herd traffic, in which many entities make requests like reading checkpoints from disks at approximately the same time. Therefore, we create various queues to buffer pent-up requests. These queues amortize expensive costs by performing a small and bounded amount of work steadily. Therefore, HCAD can offer predictable performance and availability at scale.

In-memory cache

HCAD appeals to caching to process entities whose memory requirement is larger than the configured memory size. At first, we tried a least recently used cache but experienced thrashing when running the HTTP logs workload: with 100 1-minute interval detectors and millions of entities for each detector, we saw few cache hits (many hundreds) within 7 hours. We were wasting CPU cycles swapping models in and out of memory all the time. As a general rule, a hit-to-miss ratio worse than 3:1 is not worth considering caching for quick model accesses.

Instead, we turned to a modified LFU caching, augmented to include heavy hitters’ approximation. A decayed count is maintained for each model in the cache. The decayed count for a model in the cache is incremented when the model is accessed. The model with the smallest decayed count is the least frequently used model. When the cache reaches its capacity, it invalidates and removes the least frequently used model if the new entity’s frequency is no smaller than the least frequently used entity. This connection between heavy hitter approximation and traditional LFU allows us to make the more frequent and recent models sticky in memory and phase out models with lesser cache hit probabilities.

Fault tolerance

Unrecoverable memory state is limited, and enough information of models is stored on disk for crash resilience. Models are recovered on a different host after a crash is detected.

High performance

HCAD builds on asynchronous I/O: all I/O requests such as network calls or disk accesses are non-blocking. In addition, model distribution is balanced across the cluster using a consistent hash ring.


We enhanced HCAD to improve its scalability and completeness without altering the fidelity of the computation. As a result of these improvements, I showed you how to size an OpenSearch domain and use HCAD to monitor 1 million entities in 10 minutes. To learn more about HCAD, see anomaly detection documentation.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the Machine Learning forum.

About the Author


Kaituo Li is an engineer in Amazon OpenSearch Service. He has worked on distributed systems, applied machine learning, monitoring, and database storage in Amazon. Before Amazon, Kaituo was a PhD student in Computer Science at University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He likes reading and sports.

Choose the right storage tier for your needs in Amazon OpenSearch Service

Post Syndicated from Changbin Gong original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/choose-the-right-storage-tier-for-your-needs-in-amazon-opensearch-service/

Amazon OpenSearch Service (successor to Amazon Elasticsearch Service) enables organizations to perform interactive log analytics, real-time application monitoring, website search, and more. OpenSearch is an open-source, distributed search and analytics suite derived from Elasticsearch. Amazon OpenSearch Service offers the latest versions of OpenSearch, support for 19 versions of Elasticsearch (1.5 to 7.10 versions), and visualization capabilities powered by OpenSearch Dashboards and Kibana (1.5 to 7.10 versions).

In this post, we present three storage tiers of Amazon OpenSearch Service—hot, UltraWarm, and cold storage—and discuss how to effectively choose the right storage tier for your needs. This post can help you understand how these storage tiers integrate together and what the trade-off is for each storage tier. To choose a storage tier of Amazon OpenSearch Service for your use case, you need to consider the performance, latency, and cost of these storage tiers in order to make the right decision.

Amazon OpenSearch Service storage tiers overview

There are three different storage tiers for Amazon OpenSearch Service: hot, UltraWarm, and cold. The following diagram illustrates these three storage tiers.

Hot storage

Hot storage for Amazon OpenSearch Service is used for indexing and updating, while providing fast access to data. Standard data nodes use hot storage, which takes the form of instance store or Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes attached to each node. Hot storage provides the fastest possible performance for indexing and searching new data.

You get the lowest latency for reading data in the hot tier, so you should use the hot tier to store frequently accessed data driving real-time analysis and dashboards. As your data ages, you access it less frequently and can tolerate higher latency, so keeping data in the hot tier is no longer cost-efficient.

If you want to have low latency and fast access to the data, hot storage is a good choice for you.

UltraWarm storage

UltraWarm nodes use Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) with related caching solutions to improve performance. UltraWarm offers significantly lower costs per GiB for read-only data that you query less frequently and don’t need the same performance as hot storage. Although you can’t modify the data while in UltraWarm, you can move the data to the hot storage tier for edits before moving it back.

When calculating UltraWarm storage requirements, you consider only the size of the primary shards. When you query for the list of shards in UltraWarm, you still see the primary and replicas listed. Both shards are stubs for the same, single copy of the data, which is in Amazon S3. The durability of data in Amazon S3 removes the need for replicas, and Amazon S3 abstracts away any operating system or service considerations. In the hot tier, accounting for one replica, 20 GB of index uses 40 GB of storage. In the UltraWarm tier, it’s billed at 20 GB.

The UltraWarm tier acts like a caching layer on top of the data in Amazon S3. UltraWarm moves data from Amazon S3 onto the UltraWarm nodes on demand, which speeds up access for subsequent queries on that data. For that reason, UltraWarm works best for use cases that access the same, small slice of data multiple times. You can add or remove UltraWarm nodes to increase or decrease the amount of cache against your data in Amazon S3 to optimize your cost per GB. To dial in your cost, be sure to test using a representative dataset. To monitor performance, use the WarmCPUUtilization and WarmJVMMemoryPressure metrics. See UltraWarm metrics for a complete list of metrics.

The combined CPU cores and RAM allocated to UltraWarm nodes affects performance for simultaneous searches across shards. We recommend deploying enough UltraWarm instances so that you store no more than 400 shards per ultrawarm1.medium.search node and 1,000 shards per ultrawarm1.large.search node (including both primaries and replicas). We recommend a maximum shard size of 50 GB for both hot and warm tiers. When you query UltraWarm, each shard uses a CPU and moves data from Amazon S3 to local storage. Running single or concurrent queries that access many indexes can overwhelm the CPU and local disk resources. This can cause longer latencies through inefficient use of local storage, and even cause cluster failures.

UltraWarm storage requires OpenSearch 1.0 or later, or Elasticsearch version 6.8 or later.

If you have large amounts of read-only data and want to balance the cost and performance, use UltraWarm for your infrequently accessed, older data.

Cold storage

Cold storage is optimized to store infrequently accessed or historical data at $0.024 per GB per month. When you use cold storage, you detach your indexes from the UltraWarm tier, making them inaccessible. You can reattach these indexes in a few seconds when you need to query that data. Cold storage is a great fit for scenarios in which a low ROI necessitates an archive or delete action on historical data, or if you need to conduct research or perform forensic analysis on older data with Amazon OpenSearch Service.

Cold storage doesn’t have specific instance types because it doesn’t have any compute capacity attached to it. You can store any amount of data in cold storage.

Cold storage requires OpenSearch 1.0 or later, or Elasticsearch version 7.9 or later and UltraWarm.

Manage storage tiers in OpenSearch Dashboards

OpenSearch Dashboards installed on your Amazon OpenSearch Service domain provides a useful UI for managing indexes in different storage tiers on your domain. From the OpenSearch Dashboards main menu, you can view all indexes in hot, UltraWarm, and cold storage. You can also see the indexes managed by Index State Management (ISM) policies. OpenSearch Dashboards enables you to migrate indexes between UltraWarm and cold storage, and monitor index migration status, without using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) or configuration API. For more information on OpenSearch Dashboards, see Using OpenSearch Dashboards with Amazon OpenSearch Service.

Cost considerations

The hot tier requires you to pay for what is provisioned, which includes the hourly rate for the instance type. Storage is either Amazon EBS or a local SSD instance store. For Amazon EBS-only instance types, additional EBS volume pricing applies. You pay for the amount of storage you deploy.

UltraWarm nodes charge per hour just like other node types, but you only pay for the storage actually stored in Amazon S3. For example, although the instance type ultrawarm1.large.elasticsearch provides up to 20 TiB addressable storage on Amazon S3, if you only store 2 TiB of data, you’re only billed for 2 TiB. Like the standard data node types, you also pay an hourly rate for each UltraWarm node. For more information, see Pricing for Amazon OpenSearch Service.

Cold storage doesn’t incur compute costs, and like UltraWarm, you’re only billed for the amount of data stored in Amazon S3. There are no additional transfer charges when moving data between cold and UltraWarm storage.

Example use case

Let’s look at an example with 1 TB of source data per day, 7 days hot, 83 days warm, 365 days cold. For more information on sizing the cluster, see Sizing Amazon OpenSearch Service domains.

For hot storage, you can go through a baseline estimation with the calculation as: storage needed = (daily source data in bytes * 1.25) * (number_of_replicas + 1) * number of days retention. With the best practice for two replicas, we should use two replicas here. The minimum storage requirement to retain 7 TB of data on the hot tier is (7TB*1.25)*(2+1)= 26.25 TB. For this amount of storage, we need 6x R6g.4xlarge.search instances given the Amazon EBS size limit.

We also need to verify from the CPU side, we need 25 primary shards (1TB*1.25/50GB) =25. We have two replicas. With that, we have total 75 active shards. With that, the total vCPU needed is 75*1.5=112.5 vCPU. This means 8x R6g.4xlarge.search instances. This also requires three dedicated c6g.xlarge.search leader nodes.

When calculating UltraWarm storage requirements, you consider only the size of the primary shards, because that’s the amount of data stored in Amazon S3. For this example, the total primary shard size for warm storage is 83*1.25=103.75 TB. Each ultrawarm1.large.search instance has 16 CPU cores and can address up to 20 TiB of storage on Amazon S3. A minimum of six ultrawarm1.large.search nodes is recommended. You’re charged for the actual storage, which is 103.75 TB.

For cold storage, you only pay for the cost of storing 365*1.25=456.25 TB on Amazon S3. The following table contains a breakdown of the monthly costs (USD) you’re likely to incur. This assumes a 1-year reserved instance for the cluster instances with no upfront payment in the US East (N. Virgina) Region.

Cost Type Pricing Usage Cost per month
Instance Usage R6g.4xlarge.search = $0.924 per hour 8 instances * 730 hours in a month = 5,840 hours 5,840 hours * $0.924 = $5,396.16
c6g.xlarge.search = $0.156 per hour 3 instances (leader nodes) * 730 hours in a month = 2,190 hours 2,190 hours * $0.156 = $341.64
ultrawarm1.large.search = $2.68 per hour 6 instances * 730 hours = 4,380 hours 4,380 hours * $2.68 = $11,738.40
Storage Cost Hot storage cost (Amazon EBS) EBS general purpose SSD (gp3) = $0.08 per GB per month 7 days host = 26.25TB 26,880 GB * $0.08 = $2,150.40
UltraWarm managed storage cost = $0.024 per GB per month 83 days warm = 103.75 TB per month 106,240 GB * $0.024 = $2,549.76
Cold storage cost on Amazon S3 = $0.022 per GB per month 365 days cold = 456.25 TB per month 467,200 GB * $0.022 = $10,278.40

The total monthly cost is $32,454.76. The hot tier costs $7,888.20, UltraWarm costs $14,288.16, and cold storage is $10,278.40. UltraWarm allows 83 days of additional retention for slightly more cost than the hot tier, which only provides 7 days. For nearly the same cost as the hot tier, the cold tier stores the primary shards for up to 1 year.


Amazon OpenSearch Service supports three integrated storage tiers: hot, UltraWarm, and cold storage. Based on your data retention, query latency, and budgeting requirements, you can choose the best strategy to balance cost and performance. You can also migrate data between different storage tiers. To start using these storage tiers, sign in to the AWS Management Console, use the AWS SDK, or AWS CLI, and enable the corresponding storage tier.

About the Author

Changbin Gong is a Senior Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS). He engages with customers to create innovative solutions that address customer business problems and accelerate the adoption of AWS services. In his spare time, Changbin enjoys reading, running, and traveling.

Rich Giuli is a Principal Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Service (AWS). He works within a specialized group helping ISVs accelerate adoption of cloud services. Outside of work Rich enjoys running and playing guitar.