Tag Archives: AI/ML

Directing ML-powered Operational Insights from Amazon DevOps Guru to your Datadog event stream

Post Syndicated from Bineesh Ravindran original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/directing_ml-powered_operational_insights_from_amazon_devops_guru_to_your_datadog_event_stream/

Amazon DevOps Guru is a fully managed AIOps service that uses machine learning (ML) to quickly identify when applications are behaving outside of their normal operating patterns and generates insights from its findings. These insights generated by DevOps Guru can be used to alert on-call teams to react to anomalies for business mission critical workloads. If you are already utilizing Datadog to automate infrastructure monitoring, application performance monitoring, and log management for real-time observability of your entire technology stack, then this blog is for you.

You might already be using Datadog for a consolidated view of your Datadog Events interface to search, analyze and filter events from many different sources in one place. Datadog Events are records of notable changes relevant for managing and troubleshooting IT Operations, such as code, deployments, service health, configuration changes and monitoring alerts.

Wherever DevOps Guru detects operational events in your AWS environment that could lead to outages, it generates insights and recommendations. These insights/recommendations are then pushed to a user specific Datadog endpoint using Datadog events API. Customers can then create dashboards, incidents, alarms or take corrective automated actions based on these insights and recommendations in Datadog.

Datadog collects and unifies all of the data streaming from these complex environments, with a 1-click integration for pulling in metrics and tags from over 90 AWS services. Companies can deploy the Datadog Agent directly on their hosts and compute instances to collect metrics with greater granularity—down to one-second resolution. And with Datadog’s out-of-the-box integration dashboards, companies get not only a high-level view into the health of their infrastructure and applications but also deeper visibility into individual services such as AWS Lambda and Amazon EKS.

This blogpost will show you how to utilize Amazon DevOps guru with Datadog to get real time insights and recommendations on their AWS Infrastructure. We will demonstrate how an insight generated by Amazon DevOps Guru for an anomaly can automatically be pushed to Datadog’s event streams which can then be used to create dashboards, create alarms and alerts to take corrective actions.

Solution Overview

When an Amazon DevOps Guru insight is created, an Amazon EventBridge rule is used to capture the insight as an event and routed to an AWS Lambda Function target. The lambda function interacts with Datadog using a REST API to push corresponding DevOps Guru events captured by Amazon EventBridge

The EventBridge rule can be customized to capture all DevOps Guru insights or narrowed down to specific insights. In this blog, we will be capturing all DevOps Guru insights and will be performing actions on Datadog for the below DevOps Guru events:

  • DevOps Guru New Insight Open
  • DevOps Guru New Anomaly Association
  • DevOps Guru Insight Severity Upgraded
  • DevOps Guru New Recommendation Created
  • DevOps Guru Insight Closed
Figure 1: Amazon DevOps Guru Integration with Datadog with Amazon EventBridge and AWS.

Figure 1: Amazon DevOps Guru Integration with Datadog with Amazon EventBridge and AWS.

Solution Implementation Steps


Before you deploy the solution, complete the following steps.

    • Datadog Account Setup: We will be connecting your AWS Account with Datadog. If you do not have a Datadog account, you can request a free trial developer instance through Datadog.
    • Datadog Credentials: Gather the credentials of Datadog keys that will be used to connect with AWS. Follow the steps below to create an API Key and Application Key
      Add an API key or client token

        1. To add a Datadog API key or client token:
        2. Navigate to Organization settings, then click the API keys or Client Tokens
        3. Click the New Key or New Client Token button, depending on which you’re creating.
        4. Enter a name for your key or token.
        5. Click Create API key or Create Client Token.
        6. Note down the newly generated API Key value. We will need this in later steps
        7. Figure 2: Create new API Key.

          Figure 2: Create new API Key.

      Add application keys

      • To add a Datadog application key, navigate to Organization Settings > Application Keys.If you have the permission to create application keys, click New Key.Note down the newly generated Application Key. We will need this in later steps

Add Application Key and API Key to AWS Secrets Manager : Secrets Manager enables you to replace hardcoded credentials in your code, including passwords, with an API call to Secrets Manager to retrieve the secret programmatically. This helps ensure the secret can’t be compromised by someone examining your code,because the secret no longer exists in the code.
Follow below steps to create a new secret in AWS Secrets Manager.

  1. Open the Secrets Manager console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/secretsmanager/
  2. Choose Store a new secret.
  3. On the Choose secret type page, do the following:
    1. For Secret type, choose other type of secret.
    2. In Key/value pairs, either enter your secret in Key/value
Figure 3: Create new secret in Secret Manager.

Figure 3: Create new secret in Secret Manager.

Click next and enter “DatadogSecretManager” as the secret name followed by Review and Finish

Figure 4: Configure secret in Secret Manager.

Figure 4: Configure secret in Secret Manager.

Option 1: Deploy Datadog Connector App from AWS Serverless Repository

The DevOps Guru Datadog Connector application is available on the AWS Serverless Application Repository which is a managed repository for serverless applications. The application is packaged with an AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) template, definition of the AWS resources used and the link to the source code. Follow the steps below to quickly deploy this serverless application in your AWS account

      • Login to the AWS management console of the account to which you plan to deploy this solution.
      • Go to the DevOps Guru Datadog Connector application in the AWS Serverless Repository and click on “Deploy”.
      • The Lambda application deployment screen will be displayed where you can enter the Datadog Application name
        Figure 5: DevOps Guru Datadog connector.

        Figure 5: DevOps Guru Datadog connector.

         Figure 6: Serverless Application DevOps Guru Datadog connector.

        Figure 6: Serverless Application DevOps Guru Datadog connector.

      • After successful deployment the AWS Lambda Application page will display the “Create complete” status for the serverlessrepo-DevOps-Guru-Datadog-Connector application. The CloudFormation template creates four resources,
        1. Lambda function which has the logic to integrate to the Datadog
        2. Event Bridge rule for the DevOps Guru Insights
        3. Lambda permission
        4. IAM role
      • Now skip Option 2 and follow the steps in the “Test the Solution” section to trigger some DevOps Guru insights/recommendations and validate that the events are created and updated in Datadog.

Option 2: Build and Deploy sample Datadog Connector App using AWS SAM Command Line Interface

As you have seen above, you can directly deploy the sample serverless application form the Serverless Repository with one click deployment. Alternatively, you can choose to clone the GitHub source repository and deploy using the SAM CLI from your terminal.

The Serverless Application Model Command Line Interface (SAM CLI) is an extension of the AWS CLI that adds functionality for building and testing serverless applications. The CLI provides commands that enable you to verify that AWS SAM template files are written according to the specification, invoke Lambda functions locally, step-through debug Lambda functions, package and deploy serverless applications to the AWS Cloud, and so on. For details about how to use the AWS SAM CLI, including the full AWS SAM CLI Command Reference, see AWS SAM reference – AWS Serverless Application Model.

Before you proceed, make sure you have completed the pre-requisites section in the beginning which should set up the AWS SAM CLI, Maven and Java on your local terminal. You also need to install and set up Docker to run your functions in an Amazon Linux environment that matches Lambda.

Clone the source code from the github repo

git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-devops-guru-connector-datadog.git

Build the sample application using SAM CLI

$cd DatadogFunctions

$sam build
Building codeuri: $\amazon-devops-guru-connector-datadog\DatadogFunctions\Functions runtime: java11 metadata: {} architecture: x86_64 functions: Functions
Running JavaMavenWorkflow:CopySource
Running JavaMavenWorkflow:MavenBuild
Running JavaMavenWorkflow:MavenCopyDependency
Running JavaMavenWorkflow:MavenCopyArtifacts

Build Succeeded

Built Artifacts  : .aws-sam\build
Built Template   : .aws-sam\build\template.yaml

Commands you can use next
[*] Validate SAM template: sam validate
[*] Invoke Function: sam local invoke
[*] Test Function in the Cloud: sam sync --stack-name {{stack-name}} --watch
[*] Deploy: sam deploy --guided

This command will build the source of your application by installing dependencies defined in Functions/pom.xml, create a deployment package and saves it in the. aws-sam/build folder.

Deploy the sample application using SAM CLI

$sam deploy --guided

This command will package and deploy your application to AWS, with a series of prompts that you should respond to as shown below:

      • Stack Name: The name of the stack to deploy to CloudFormation. This should be unique to your account and region, and a good starting point would be something matching your project name.
      • AWS Region: The AWS region you want to deploy your application to.
      • Confirm changes before deploy: If set to yes, any change sets will be shown to you before execution for manual review. If set to no, the AWS SAM CLI will automatically deploy application changes.
      • Allow SAM CLI IAM role creation:Many AWS SAM templates, including this example, create AWS IAM roles required for the AWS Lambda function(s) included to access AWS services. By default, these are scoped down to minimum required permissions. To deploy an AWS CloudFormation stack which creates or modifies IAM roles, the CAPABILITY_IAM value for capabilities must be provided. If permission isn’t provided through this prompt, to deploy this example you must explicitly pass --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM to the sam deploy command.
      • Disable rollback [y/N]: If set to Y, preserves the state of previously provisioned resources when an operation fails.
      • Save arguments to configuration file (samconfig.toml): If set to yes, your choices will be saved to a configuration file inside the project, so that in the future you can just re-run sam deploy without parameters to deploy changes to your application.

After you enter your parameters, you should see something like this if you have provided Y to view and confirm ChangeSets. Proceed here by providing ‘Y’ for deploying the resources.

Initiating deployment

        Uploading to sam-app-datadog/0c2b93e71210af97a8c57710d0463c8b.template  1797 / 1797  (100.00%)

Waiting for changeset to be created..

CloudFormation stack changeset
Operation                     LogicalResourceId             ResourceType                  Replacement
+ Add                         FunctionsDevOpsGuruPermissi   AWS::Lambda::Permission       N/A
+ Add                         FunctionsDevOpsGuru           AWS::Events::Rule             N/A
+ Add                         FunctionsRole                 AWS::IAM::Role                N/A
+ Add                         Functions                     AWS::Lambda::Function         N/A

Changeset created successfully. arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:867001007349:changeSet/samcli-deploy1680640852/bdc3039b-cdb7-4d7a-a3a0-ed9372f3cf9a

Previewing CloudFormation changeset before deployment
Deploy this changeset? [y/N]: y

2023-04-04 15:41:06 - Waiting for stack create/update to complete

CloudFormation events from stack operations (refresh every 5.0 seconds)
ResourceStatus                ResourceType                  LogicalResourceId             ResourceStatusReason
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS            AWS::IAM::Role                FunctionsRole                 -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS            AWS::IAM::Role                FunctionsRole                 Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE               AWS::IAM::Role                FunctionsRole                 -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS            AWS::Lambda::Function         Functions                     -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS            AWS::Lambda::Function         Functions                     Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE               AWS::Lambda::Function         Functions                     -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS            AWS::Events::Rule             FunctionsDevOpsGuru           -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS            AWS::Events::Rule             FunctionsDevOpsGuru           Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE               AWS::Events::Rule             FunctionsDevOpsGuru           -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS            AWS::Lambda::Permission       FunctionsDevOpsGuruPermissi   -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS            AWS::Lambda::Permission       FunctionsDevOpsGuruPermissi   Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE               AWS::Lambda::Permission       FunctionsDevOpsGuruPermissi   -
CREATE_COMPLETE               AWS::CloudFormation::Stack    sam-app-datadog               -

Successfully created/updated stack - sam-app-datadog in us-east-1

Once the deployment succeeds, you should be able to see the successful creation of your resources. Also, you can find your Lambda, IAM Role and EventBridge Rule in the CloudFormation stack output values.

You can also choose to test and debug your function locally with sample events using the SAM CLI local functionality.Test a single function by invoking it directly with a test event. An event is a JSON document that represents the input that the function receives from the event source. Refer the Invoking Lambda functions locally – AWS Serverless Application Model link here for more details.

$ sam local invoke Functions -e ‘event/event.json’

Once you are done with the above steps, move on to “Test the Solution” section below to trigger some DevOps Guru insights and validate that the events are created and pushed to Datadog.

Test the Solution

To test the solution, we will simulate a DevOps Guru Insight. You can also simulate an insight by following the steps in this blog. After an anomaly is detected in the application, DevOps Guru creates an insight as shown below

 Figure 7: DevOps Guru insight for DynamoDB

Figure 7: DevOps Guru insight for DynamoDB

For the DevOps Guru insight shown above, a corresponding event is automatically created and pushed to Datadog as shown below. In addition to the events creation, any new anomalies and recommendations from DevOps Guru is also associated with the events

Figure 8 : DevOps Guru Insight pushed to Datadog event stream.

Figure 8 : DevOps Guru Insight pushed to Datadog event stream.

Cleaning Up

To delete the sample application that you created, In your Cloud 9 environment open a new terminal. Now type in the AWS CLI command below and pass the stack name you provided in the deploy step

aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name <Stack Name>

Alternatively ,you could also use the AWS CloudFormation Console to delete the stack


This article highlights how Amazon DevOps Guru monitors resources within a specific region of your AWS account, automatically detecting operational issues, predicting potential resource exhaustion, identifying probable causes, and recommending remediation actions. It describes a bespoke solution enabling integration of DevOps Guru insights with Datadog, enhancing management and oversight of AWS services. This solution aids customers using Datadog to bolster operational efficiencies, delivering customized insights, real-time alerts, and management capabilities directly from DevOps Guru, offering a unified interface to swiftly restore services and systems.

To start gaining operational insights on your AWS Infrastructure with Datadog head over to Amazon DevOps Guru documentation page.

About the authors:

Bineesh Ravindran

Bineesh Ravindran

Bineesh is Solutions Architect at Amazon Webservices (AWS) who is passionate about technology and love to help customers solve problems. Bineesh has over 20 years of experience in designing and implementing enterprise applications. He works with AWS partners and customers to provide them with architectural guidance for building scalable architecture and execute strategies to drive adoption of AWS services. When he’s not working, he enjoys biking, aquascaping and playing badminton..

David Ernst

David is a Sr. Specialist Solution Architect – DevOps, with 20+ years of experience in designing and implementing software solutions for various industries. David is an automation enthusiast and works with AWS customers to design, deploy, and manage their AWS workloads/architectures.

DevSecOps with Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer CLI and Bitbucket Pipelines

Post Syndicated from Bineesh Ravindran original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/devsecops-with-amazon-codeguru-reviewer-cli-and-bitbucket-pipelines/

DevSecOps refers to a set of best practices that integrate security controls into the continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) workflow. One of the first controls is Static Application Security Testing (SAST). SAST tools run on every code change and search for potential security vulnerabilities before the code is executed for the first time. Catching security issues early in the development process significantly reduces the cost of fixing them and the risk of exposure.

This blog post, shows how we can set up a CI/CD using Bitbucket Pipelines and Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer . Bitbucket Pipelines is a cloud-based continuous delivery system that allows developers to automate builds, tests, and security checks with just a few lines of code. CodeGuru Reviewer is a cloud-based static analysis tool that uses machine learning and automated reasoning to generate code quality and security recommendations for Java and Python code.

We demonstrate step-by-step how to set up a pipeline with Bitbucket Pipelines, and how to call CodeGuru Reviewer from there. We then show how to view the recommendations produced by CodeGuru Reviewer in Bitbucket Code Insights, and how to triage and manage recommendations during the development process.

Bitbucket Overview

Bitbucket is a Git-based code hosting and collaboration tool built for teams. Bitbucket’s best-in-class Jira and Trello integrations are designed to bring the entire software team together to execute a project. Bitbucket provides one place for a team to collaborate on code from concept to cloud, build quality code through automated testing, and deploy code with confidence. Bitbucket makes it easy for teams to collaborate and reduce issues found during integration by providing a way to combine easily and test code frequently. Bitbucket gives teams easy access to tools needed in other parts of the feedback loop, from creating an issue to deploying on your hardware of choice. It also provides more advanced features for those customers that need them, like SAML authentication and secrets storage.

Solution Overview

Bitbucket Pipelines uses a Docker container to perform the build steps. You can specify any Docker image accessible by Bitbucket, including private images, if you specify credentials to access them. The container starts and then runs the build steps in the order specified in your configuration file. The build steps specified in the configuration file are nothing more than shell commands executed on the Docker image. Therefore, you can run scripts, in any language supported by the Docker image you choose, as part of the build steps. These scripts can be stored either directly in your repository or an Internet-accessible location. This solution demonstrates an easy way to integrate Bitbucket pipelines with AWS CodeReviewer using bitbucket-pipelines.yml file.

You can interact with your Amazon Web Services (AWS)  account from your Bitbucket Pipeline using the  OpenID Connect (OIDC)  feature. OpenID Connect is an identity layer above the OAuth 2.0 protocol.

Now that you understand how Bitbucket and your AWS Account securely communicate with each other, let’s look into the overall summary of steps to configure this solution.

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Configure Bitbucket Pipelines as an IdP on AWS.
  3. Create an IAM role.
  4. Add repository variables needed for pipeline
  5. Adding the CodeGuru Reviewer CLI to your pipeline
  6. Review CodeGuru recommendations

Now let’s look into each step in detail. To configure the solution, follow  steps mentioned below.

Step 1: Fork this repo

Log in to Bitbucket and choose **Fork** to fork this example app to your Bitbucket account.


Fork amazon-codeguru-samples bitbucket repository.

Figure 1 : Fork amazon-codeguru-samples bitbucket repository.

Step 2: Configure Bitbucket Pipelines as an Identity Provider on AWS

Configuring Bitbucket Pipelines as an IdP in IAM enables Bitbucket Pipelines to issue authentication tokens to users to connect to AWS.
In your Bitbucket repo, go to Repository Settings > OpenID Connect. Note the provider URL and the Audience variable on that screen.

The Identity Provider URL will look like this:

https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/workspaces/YOUR_WORKSPACE/pipelines-config/identity/oidc  – This is the issuer URL for authentication requests. This URL issues a  token to a requester automatically as part of the workflow. See more detail about issuer URL in RFC . Here “YOUR_WORKSPACE” need to be replaced with name of your bitbucket workspace.

And the Audience will look like:

ari:cloud:bitbucket::workspace/ari:cloud:bitbucket::workspace/84c08677-e352-4a1c-a107-6df387cfeef7  – This is the recipient the token is intended for. See more detail about audience in Request For Comments (RFC) which is memorandum published by the Internet Engineering Task Force(IETF) describing methods and behavior for  securely transmitting information between two parties usinf JSON Web Token ( JWT).

Configure Bitbucket Pipelines as an Identity Provider on AWS

Figure 2 : Configure Bitbucket Pipelines as an Identity Provider on AWS

Next, navigate to the IAM dashboard > Identity Providers > Add provider, and paste in the above info. This tells AWS that Bitbucket Pipelines is a token issuer.

Step 3: Create a custom policy

You can always use the CLI with Admin credentials but if you want to have a specific role to use the CLI, your credentials must have at least the following permissions:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*",
            "Effect": "Allow"
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
                "arn:aws:s3:::codeguru-reviewer-cli-<AWS ACCOUNT ID>*",
                "arn:aws:s3:::codeguru-reviewer-cli-<AWS ACCOUNT ID>*/*"
            "Effect": "Allow"

To create an IAM policy, navigate to the IAM dashboard > Policies > Create Policy

Now then paste the above mentioned json document into the json tab as shown in screenshot below and replace <AWS ACCOUNT ID>   with your own AWS Account ID

Create a Policy.

Figure 3 : Create a Policy.

Name your policy; in our example, we name it CodeGuruReviewerOIDC.

Review and Create a IAM policy.

Figure 4 : Review and Create a IAM policy.

Step 4: Create an IAM Role

Once you’ve enabled Bitbucket Pipelines as a token issuer, you need to configure permissions for those tokens so they can execute actions on AWS.
To create an IAM web identity role, navigate to the IAM dashboard > Roles > Create Role, and choose the IdP and audience you just created.

Create an IAM role

Figure 5 : Create an IAM role

Next, select the “CodeGuruReviewerOIDC “ policy to attach to the role.

Assign policy to role

Figure 6 : Assign policy to role

 Review and Create role

Figure 7 : Review and Create role

Name your role; in our example, we name it CodeGuruReviewerOIDCRole.

After adding a role, copy the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role created:

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) will look like this:


we will need this in a later step when we create AWS_OIDC_ROLE_ARN as a repository variable.

Step 5: Add repository variables needed for pipeline

Variables are configured as environment variables in the build container. You can access the variables from the bitbucket-pipelines.yml file or any script that you invoke by referring to them. Pipelines provides a set of default variables that are available for builds, and can be used in scripts .Along with default variables we need to configure few additional variables called Repository Variables which are used to pass special parameter to the pipeline.

Create repository variables

Figure 8 : Create repository variables

Figure 8 Create repository variables

Below mentioned are the few repository variables that need to be configured for this solution.

1.AWS_DEFAULT_REGION       Create a repository variableAWS_DEFAULT_REGION with value “us-east-1”

2.BB_API_TOKEN          Create a new repository variable BB_API_TOKEN and paste the below created App password as the value

App passwords are user-based access tokens for scripting tasks and integrating tools (such as CI/CD tools) with Bitbucket Cloud.These access tokens have reduced user access (specified at the time of creation) and can be useful for scripting, CI/CD tools, and testing Bitbucket connected applications while they are in development.
To create an App password:

    • Select your avatar (Your profile and settings) from the navigation bar at the top of the screen.
    • Under Settings, select Personal settings.
    • On the sidebar, select App passwords.
    • Select Create app password.
    • Give the App password a name, usually related to the application that will use the password.
    • Select the permissions the App password needs. For detailed descriptions of each permission, see: App password permissions.
    • Select the Create button. The page will display the New app password dialog.
    • Copy the generated password and either record or paste it into the application you want to give access. The password is only displayed once and can’t be retrieved later.

3.BB_USERNAME  Create a repository variable BB_USERNAME and add your bitbucket username as the value of this variable


After adding a role in Step 4, copy the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role created:

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) will look something like this:


and create AWS_OIDC_ROLE_ARN as a repository variable in the target Bitbucket repository.

Step 6: Adding the CodeGuru Reviewer CLI to your pipeline

In order to add CodeGuruRevewer CLi to your pipeline update the bitbucket-pipelines.yml file as shown below

#  Template maven-build

 #  This template allows you to test and build your Java project with Maven.
 #  The workflow allows running tests, code checkstyle and security scans on the default branch.

 # Prerequisites: pom.xml and appropriate project structure should exist in the repository.

 image: docker-public.packages.atlassian.com/atlassian/bitbucket-pipelines-mvn-python3-awscli

    - step:
        name: Build Source Code
          - maven
          - cd $BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR
          - chmod 777 ./gradlew
          - ./gradlew build
          - build/**
    - step: 
        name: Download and Install CodeReviewer CLI   
          - curl -OL https://github.com/aws/aws-codeguru-cli/releases/download/0.2.3/aws-codeguru-cli.zip
          - unzip aws-codeguru-cli.zip
          - aws-codeguru-cli/**
    - step:
        name: Run CodeGuruReviewer 
        oidc: true
          - export AWS_ROLE_ARN=$AWS_OIDC_ROLE_ARN
          - export S3_BUCKET=$S3_BUCKET

          # Setup aws cli
          - export AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE=$(pwd)/web-identity-token
          - echo $BITBUCKET_STEP_OIDC_TOKEN > $(pwd)/web-identity-token
          - aws configure set web_identity_token_file "${AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE}"
          - aws configure set role_arn "${AWS_ROLE_ARN}"
          - aws sts get-caller-identity

          # setup codegurureviewercli
          - export PATH=$PATH:./aws-codeguru-cli/bin
          - chmod 777 ./aws-codeguru-cli/bin/aws-codeguru-cli

          - export SRC=$BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR/src
          - export OUTPUT=$BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR/test-reports
          - export CODE_INSIGHTS=$BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR/bb-report

          # Calling Code Reviewer CLI
          - ./aws-codeguru-cli/bin/aws-codeguru-cli --region $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION  --root-dir $BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR --build $BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR/build/classes/java --src $SRC --output $OUTPUT --no-prompt --bitbucket-code-insights $CODE_INSIGHTS        
          - test-reports/*.* 
          - target/**
          - bb-report/**
    - step: 
        name: Upload Code Insights Artifacts to Bitbucket Reports 
          - chmod 777 upload.sh
          - ./upload.sh bb-report/report.json bb-report/annotations.json
    - step:
        name: Upload Artifacts to Bitbucket Downloads       # Optional Step
          - pipe: atlassian/bitbucket-upload-file:0.3.3
              FILENAME: '**/*.json'
    - step:
          name: Validate Findings     #Optional Step
            # Looking into CodeReviewer results and failing if there are Critical recommendations
            - grep -o "Critical" test-reports/recommendations.json | wc -l
            - count="$(grep -o "Critical" test-reports/recommendations.json | wc -l)"
            - echo $count
            - if (( $count > 0 )); then
            - echo "Critical findings discovered. Failing."
            - exit 1
            - fi
            - '**/*.json'

Let’s look into the pipeline file to understand various steps defined in this pipeline

Bitbucket pipeline execution steps

Figure 9 : Bitbucket pipeline execution steps

Step 1) Build Source Code

In this step source code is downloaded into a working directory and build using Gradle.All the build artifacts are then passed on to next step

Step 2) Download and Install Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer CLI
In this step Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer is CLI is downloaded from a public github repo and extracted into working directory. All artifacts downloaded and extracted are then passed on to next step

Step 3) Run CodeGuruReviewer

This step uses flag oidc: true which declares you are using  the OIDC authentication method, while AWS_OIDC_ROLE_ARN declares the role created in the previous step that contains all of the necessary permissions to deal with AWS resources.
Further repository variables are exported, which is then used to set AWS CLI .Amazon CodeGuruReviewer CLI which was downloaded and extracted in previous step is then used to invoke CodeGuruReviewer along with some parameters .

Following are the parameters that are passed on to the CodeGuruReviewer CLI
--region $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION   The AWS region in which CodeGuru Reviewer will run (in this blog we used us-east-1).

--root-dir $BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR The root directory of the repository that CodeGuru Reviewer should analyze.

--build $BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR/build/classes/java Points to the build artifacts. Passing the Java build artifacts allows CodeGuru Reviewer to perform more in-depth bytecode analysis, but passing the build artifacts is not required.

--src $SRC Points the source code that should be analyzed. This can be used to focus the analysis on certain source files, e.g., to exclude test files. This parameter is optional, but focusing on relevant code can shorten analysis time and cost.

--output $OUTPUT The directory where CodeGuru Reviewer will store its recommendations.

--no-prompt This ensures that CodeGuru Reviewer does run in interactive mode where it pauses for user input.

-bitbucket-code-insights $CODE_INSIGHTS The location where recommendations in Bitbucket CodeInsights format should be written to.

Once Amazon CodeGuruReviewer scans the code based on the above parameters, it generates two json files (reports.json and annotations.json) Code Insight Reports which is then passed on as artifacts to the next step.

Step 4) Upload Code Insights Artifacts to Bitbucket Reports
In this step code Insight Report generated by Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer is then uploaded to Bitbucket Reports. This makes the report available in the reports section in the pipeline as displayed in the screenshot

CodeGuru Reviewer Report

Figure 10 : CodeGuru Reviewer Report

Step 5) [Optional] Upload the copy of these reports to Bitbucket Downloads
This is an Optional step where you can upload the artifacts to Bitbucket Downloads. This is especially useful because the artifacts inside a build pipeline gets deleted after 14 days of the pipeline run. Using Bitbucket Downloads, you can store these artifacts for a much longer duration.

Bitbucket downloads

Figure 11 : Bitbucket downloads

Step 6) [Optional] Validate Findings by looking into results and failing is there are any Critical Recommendations
This is an optional step showcasing how the results for CodeGururReviewer can be used to trigger the success and failure of a Bitbucket pipeline. In this step the pipeline fails, if a critical recommendation exists in report.

Step 7: Review CodeGuru recommendations

CodeGuru Reviewer supports different recommendation formats, including CodeGuru recommendation summaries, SARIF, and Bitbucket CodeInsights.

Keeping your Pipeline Green

Now that CodeGuru Reviewer is running in our pipeline, we need to learn how to unblock ourselves if there are recommendations. The easiest way to unblock a pipeline after is to address the CodeGuru recommendation. If we want to validate on our local machine that a change addresses a recommendation using the same CLI that we use as part of our pipeline.
Sometimes, it is not convenient to address a recommendation. E.g., because there are mitigations outside of the code that make the recommendation less relevant, or simply because the team agrees that they don’t want to block deployments on recommendations unless they are critical. For these cases, developers can add a .codeguru-ignore.yml file to their repository where they can use a variety of criteria under which a recommendation should not be reported. Below we explain all available criteria to filter recommendations. Developers can use any subset of those criteria in their .codeguru-ignore.yml file. We will give a specific example in the following sections.

version: 1.0 # The version number is mandatory. All other entries are optional.

# The CodeGuru Reviewer CLI produces a recommendations.json file which contains deterministic IDs for each
# recommendation. This ID can be excluded so that this recommendation will not be reported in future runs of the
# CLI.
 - '4d2c43618a2dac129818bef77093730e84a4e139eef3f0166334657503ecd88d'
# We can tell the CLI to exclude all recommendations below a certain severity. This can be useful in CI/CD integration.
 ExcludeBelowSeverity: 'HIGH'
# We can exclude all recommendations that have a certain tag. Available Tags can be found here:
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codeguru/detector-library/java/tags/
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codeguru/detector-library/python/tags/
  - 'maintainability'
# We can also exclude recommendations by Detector ID. Detector IDs can be found here:
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codeguru/detector-library
# Ignore all recommendations for a given Detector ID 
  - detectorId: 'java/[email protected]'
# Ignore all recommendations for a given Detector ID in a provided set of locations.
# Locations can be written as Unix GLOB expressions using wildcard symbols.
  - detectorId: 'java/[email protected]'
      - 'src/main/java/com/folder01/*.java'
# Excludes all recommendations in the provided files. Files can be provided as Unix GLOB expressions.
  - tst/**

The recommendations will still be reported in the CodeGuru Reviewer console, but not by the CodeGuru Reviewer CLI and thus they will not block the pipeline anymore.


In this post, we outlined how you can set up a CI/CD pipeline using Bitbucket Pipelines, and Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer and  we outlined how you can integrate Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer CLI with the Bitbucket cloud-based continuous delivery system that allows developers to automate builds, tests, and security checks with just a few lines of code. We showed you how to create a Bitbucket pipeline job and integrate the CodeGuru Reviewer CLI to detect issues in your Java and Python code, and access the recommendations for remediating these issues.

We presented an example where you can stop the build upon finding critical violations. Furthermore, we discussed how you could upload these artifacts to BitBucket downloads and store these artifacts for a much longer duration. The CodeGuru Reviewer CLI offers you a one-line command to scan any code on your machine and retrieve recommendations .You can use the CLI to integrate CodeGuru Reviewer into your favorite CI tool, as a pre-commit hook,   in your workflow. In turn, you can combine CodeGuru Reviewer with Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) and Software Composition Analysis (SCA) tools to achieve a hybrid application security testing method that helps you combine the inside-out and outside-in testing approaches, cross-reference results, and detect vulnerabilities that both exist and are exploitable.

If you need hands-on keyboard support, then AWS Professional Services can help implement this solution in your enterprise, and introduce you to our AWS DevOps services and offerings.

About the authors:

Bineesh Ravindran

Bineesh Ravindran

Bineesh is Solutions Architect at Amazon Webservices (AWS) who is passionate about technology and love to help customers solve problems. Bineesh has over 20 years of experience in designing and implementing enterprise applications. He works with AWS partners and customers to provide them with architectural guidance for building scalable architecture and execute strategies to drive adoption of AWS services. When he’s not working, he enjoys biking, aquascaping and playing badminton..

Martin Schaef

Martin Schaef

Martin Schaef is an Applied Scientist in the AWS CodeGuru team since 2017. Prior to that, he worked at SRI International in Menlo Park, CA, and at the United Nations University in Macau. He received his PhD from University of Freiburg in 2011.

10 ways to build applications faster with Amazon CodeWhisperer

Post Syndicated from Kris Schultz original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/10-ways-to-build-applications-faster-with-amazon-codewhisperer/

Amazon CodeWhisperer is a powerful generative AI tool that gives me coding superpowers. Ever since I have incorporated CodeWhisperer into my workflow, I have become faster, smarter, and even more delighted when building applications. However, learning to use any generative AI tool effectively requires a beginner’s mindset and a willingness to embrace new ways of working.

Best practices for tapping into CodeWhisperer’s power are still emerging. But, as an early explorer, I’ve discovered several techniques that have allowed me to get the most out of this amazing tool. In this article, I’m excited to share these techniques with you, using practical examples to illustrate just how CodeWhisperer can enhance your programming workflow. I’ll explore:

Before we begin

If you would like to try these techniques for yourself, you will need to use a code editor with the AWS Toolkit extension installed. VS Code, AWS Cloud9, and most editors from JetBrains will work. Refer to the CodeWhisperer “Getting Started” resources for setup instructions.

CodeWhisperer will present suggestions automatically as you type. If you aren’t presented with a suggestion, you can always manually trigger a suggestion using the Option + C (Mac) or Alt + C (Windows) shortcut. CodeWhisperer will also sometimes present you with multiple suggestions to choose from. You can press the → and ← keys to cycle through all available suggestions.

The suggestions CodeWhisperer offers are non-deterministic, which means you may receive slightly different suggestions than the ones shown in this article. If you receive a suggestion that doesn’t suit your needs, try cycling through all available suggestions using the arrow keys or try rephrasing any code comment prompts slightly. Even punctuation changes can produce fresh suggestions.

The examples in this article are written in JavaScript and TypeScript. However, the techniques I’ll demonstrate are equally suited to many of the programming languages supported by CodeWhisperer. Now, onto the examples!

Typing less

At the most basic level, CodeWhisperer can be used as a supercharged auto-complete, significantly reducing your typing when writing individual lines or blocks of code. To use CodeWhisperer in this way, just write code as you normally would. CodeWhisperer will make automatic suggestions as you type. Accept suggestions when they’re helpful, and ignore suggestions when they’re not. In my experience, using CodeWhisperer in this way alone reduces my typing by 50% or more.

Generating functions

Automatically generating function bodies from signatures

Skilled programmers use clear, descriptive names for their functions and parameters. If you follow this practice in your own programming, CodeWhisperer will have all the context it needs to implement many functions for you.

After I enter the function signature below, CodeWhisperer generates the function body for me.

User input (JavaScript):

function standardDeviation(numbers)


function standardDeviation(numbers) {
  let mean = numbers.reduce((a, b) => a + b) / numbers.length;
  let variance =
    numbers.reduce((a, b) => a + Math.pow(b - mean, 2)) / numbers.length;
  return Math.sqrt(variance);

Generating functions from comments

Sometimes a good function signature alone isn’t enough to convey the desired behavior of a function. In those cases, you can use a detailed code comment as a prompt to CodeWhisperer. I recommend using your language’s doc comment delimiter when using this technique.

User Input (JavaScript):

 * Given a list that contains some numbers and strings, format them into a string
 * in which the numbers are prepended with "#" and the strings are wrapped in
 * double quotes.


 * Given a list that contains some numbers and strings, format them into a string
 * in which the numbers are prepended with "#" and the strings are wrapped in
 * double quotes.
function formatList(list) {
  return list
    .map((item) => {
      if (typeof item === "number") {
        return `#${item}`;
      } else {
        return `"${item}"`;
    .join(", ");

Generating classes

You can generate full or partial class implementations from a single code comment. The comment should describe the key properties and behaviors of the class. Simple descriptions are often all that is required.

User input (TypeScript):

 * A folder has a name, children, and an optional parent. A child can't be added
 * twice.


After I write the above block comment, CodeWhisperer provides multiple suggestions, including the following implementation, complete with documentation comments for each method!

 * A folder has a name, children, and an optional parent. A child can't be added
 * twice.
export class Folder {
  name: string;
  children: Folder[];
  parent?: Folder;

  constructor(name: string, parent?: Folder) {
    this.name = name;
    this.children = [];
    this.parent = parent;

   * Add a child to the folder.
   * @param child The child to add.
   * @returns True if the child was added, false if it was already present.
  addChild(child: Folder): boolean {
    if (this.children.includes(child)) {
      return false;
    child.parent = this;
    return true;

   * Remove a child from the folder.
   * @param child The child to remove.
   * @returns True if the child was removed, false if it wasn't present.
  removeChild(child: Folder): boolean {
    const index = this.children.indexOf(child);
    if (index === -1) {
      return false;
    this.children.splice(index, 1);
    child.parent = undefined;
    return true;

Implementing algorithms

CodeWhisperer enables you to implement well-known algorithms with ease. Simply tell CodeWhisperer which algorithm you want to apply to a particular coding problem, and it will oblige.

User input (JavaScript):

const actors = [ ... ];

// Sort the actors by age using the merge sort algorithm.


const actors = [ ... ];

// Sort the actors by age using the merge sort algorithm.
function mergeSort(arr) {
  if (arr.length < 2) {
    return arr;

  const middle = Math.floor(arr.length / 2);
  const left = arr.slice(0, middle);
  const right = arr.slice(middle);

  return merge(mergeSort(left), mergeSort(right));

function merge(left, right) {
  const result = [];

  while (left.length && right.length) {
    if (left[0].age < right[0].age) {
    } else {

  while (left.length) {

  while (right.length) {

  return result;


Writing unit tests

CodeWhisperer accelerates the implementation of unit tests. Not only is it able to implement the logic for most of the explicit unit tests I ask for, but it often suggests unit tests for edge cases that hadn’t even occurred to me.

When I want CodeWhisperer to implement a unit test, I start with a declaration of the condition I’m testing and the expected result as in the following example.

User input (JavaScript):

describe("Folder.addChild()", () => {
  it("when adding an existing folder should not add duplicate"


describe("Folder.addChild()", () => {
  it("when adding an existing folder should not add duplicate", () => {
    const folder = new Folder("root");
    const child = new Folder("child");

After you’ve written a test or two, CodeWhisperer is likely to suggest more tests, even without explicit prompting.

Tip: You’ll notice that my test description includes 1) the function I’m testing, 2) the condition I’m testing, and 3) what I expect the result to be. Following this three-part pattern is a great way to ensure CodeWhisperer has the context it needs to implement high quality test logic.

Creating sample data

One of the delightful discoveries I’ve made is that CodeWhisperer can generate dummy data—or really any code that has a repeating pattern. As an illustration, for the following list I entered only the first “user” object as an example, and CodeWhisperer helpfully continued the pattern.

User input (JavaScript):

const fakeUsers = [
  { name: "User 1", id: "user1" },


const fakeUsers = [
  { name: "User 1", id: "user1" },
  { name: "User 2", id: "user2" },
  { name: "User 3", id: "user3" },  
  { name: "User 4", id: "user4" },
  { name: "User 5", id: "user5" },
  { name: "User 6", id: "user6" }

It even works for generating random but plausible values like the names seen below.

User input (JavaScript):

const fakeUsers = [
  { name: "Sally", id: "user1" },


const fakeUsers = [
  { name: "Sally", id: "user1" },
  { name: "Bob", id: "user2" },
  { name: "Joe", id: "user3" },
  { name: "Jane", id: "user4" },
  { name: "Jill", id: "user5" },
  { name: "Jack", id: "user6" }

Simplifying regular expressions

While CodeWhisperer can’t translate natural language into custom regular expressions (yet), it does know a lot of commonly used regular expressions. This saves you time by putting these regular expressions at your fingertips whenever you need them.

Let’s look at one notoriously complex but common regular expression.

User input (JavaScript):

 * Function that validates whether a string is a valid email address.


 * Function that validates whether a string is a valid email address.
function validateEmail(email: string): boolean {
  const re =
  return re.test(String(email).toLowerCase());

Learning third-party code libraries faster

CodeWhisperer helps accelerate my learning when I’m using an unfamiliar library, module, or framework. In the example below, I needed to write a utility function that would take a gzip compressed value coming from an API and translate it into a value that the rest of my code could understand. I knew the “pako” library would help me, but I had no idea how to use it. I just prompted CodeWhisperer with an import statement and a comment describing my goal.

import pako from "pako";

 * Accepts a base64-encoded, gzip-compressed JSON string and returns
 * a parsed JSON object.


import pako from "pako";

 * Accepts a base64-encoded, gzip-compressed JSON string and returns
 * a parsed JSON object.
export function decodeGzipJson(base64String) {
  const compressed = atob(base64String);
  const uncompressed = pako.inflate(compressed, { to: "string" });
  return JSON.parse(uncompressed);

Documenting code

CodeWhisperer is capable of generating docstrings and comments for the code it generates, as well as for your existing code. For example, let’s say I want CodeWhisperer to document the matches() method of this FavoritesFilter TypeScript class I’ve implemented (I’ve omitted some implementation details for brevity).

class FavoritesFilter implements IAssetFilter {
  matches(asset: Asset): boolean {

I can just type a doc comment delimiter (/** */) immediately above the method name and CodeWhisperer will generate the body of the doc comment for me.

Note: When using CodeWhisperer in this way you may have to manually trigger a suggestion using Option + C (Mac) or Alt + C (Windows).

class FavoritesFilter implements IAssetFilter {
   * Determines whether the asset matches the filter.
  matches(asset: Asset): boolean {


I hope the techniques above inspire ideas for how CodeWhisperer can make you a more productive coder. Install CodeWhisperer today to start using these time-saving techniques in your own projects. These examples only scratch the surface. As additional creative minds start applying CodeWhisperer to their daily workflows, I’m sure new techniques and best practices will continue to emerge. If you discover a novel approach that you find useful, post a comment to share what you’ve discovered. Perhaps your technique will make it into a future article and help others in the CodeWhisperer community enhance their superpowers.

Kris's profile picture

Kris Schultz (he/him)

Kris Schultz has spent over 25 years bringing engaging user experiences to life by combining emerging technologies with world class design. In his role as 3D Specialist Solutions Architect, Kris helps customers leverage AWS services to power 3D applications of all sorts.

Automating detection of security vulnerabilities and bugs in CI/CD pipelines using Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer CLI

Post Syndicated from Akash Verma original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/automating-detection-of-security-vulnerabilities-and-bugs-in-ci-cd-pipelines-using-amazon-codeguru-reviewer-cli/

Watts S. Humphrey, the father of Software Quality, had famously quipped, “Every business is a software business”. Software is indeed integral to any industry. The engineers who create software are also responsible for making sure that the underlying code adheres to industry and organizational standards, are performant, and are absolved of any security vulnerabilities that could make them susceptible to attack.

Traditionally, security testing has been the forte of a specialized security testing team, who would conduct their tests toward the end of the Software Development lifecycle (SDLC). The adoption of DevSecOps practices meant that security became a shared responsibility between the development and security teams. Now, development teams can, on their own or as advised by their security team, setup and configure various code scanning tools to detect security vulnerabilities much earlier in the software delivery process (aka “Shift Left”). Meanwhile, the practice of Static code analysis and security application testing (SAST) has become a standard part of the SDLC. Furthermore, it’s imperative that the development teams expect SAST tools that are easy to set-up, seamlessly fit into their DevOps infrastructure, and can be configured without requiring assistance from security or DevOps experts.

In this post, we’ll demonstrate how you can leverage Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer Command Line Interface (CLI) to integrate CodeGuru Reviewer into your Jenkins Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipeline. Note that the solution isn’t limited to Jenkins, and it would be equally useful with any other build automation tool. Moreover, it can be integrated at any stage of your SDLC as part of the White-box testing. For example, you can integrate the CodeGuru Reviewer CLI as part of your software development process, as well as run it on your dev machine before committing the code.

Launched in 2020, CodeGuru Reviewer utilizes machine learning (ML) and automated reasoning to identify security vulnerabilities, inefficient uses of AWS APIs and SDKs, as well as other common coding errors. CodeGuru Reviewer employs a growing set of detectors for Java and Python to provide recommendations via the AWS Console. Customers that leverage the CodeGuru Reviewer CLI within a CI/CD pipeline also receive recommendations in a machine-readable JSON format, as well as HTML.

CodeGuru Reviewer offers native integration with Source Code Management (SCM) systems, such as GitHub, BitBucket, and AWS CodeCommit. However, it can be used with any SCM via its CLI. The CodeGuru Reviewer CLI is a shim layer on top of the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) that simplifies the interaction with the tool by handling the uploading of artifacts, triggering of the analysis, and fetching of the results, all in a single command.

Many customers, including Mastercard, are benefiting from this new CodeGuru Reviewer CLI.

“During one of our technical retrospectives, we noticed the need to integrate Amazon CodeGuru recommendations in our build pipelines hosted on Jenkins. Not all our developers can run or check CodeGuru recommendations through the AWS console. Incorporating CodeGuru CLI in our build pipelines acts as an important quality gate and ensures that our developers can immediately fix critical issues.”
                                           Claudio Frattari, Lead DevOps at Mastercard

Solution overview

The application deployment workflow starts by placing the application code on a GitHub SCM. To automate the scenario, we have added GitHub to the Jenkins project under the “Source Code” section. We chose the GitHub option, which would clone the chosen GitHub repository in the Jenkins local workspace directory.

In the build stage of the pipeline (see Figure 1), we configure the appropriate build tool to perform the code build and security analysis. In this example, we will be using Maven as the build tool.

Figure 1: Jenkins pipeline with Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer

Figure 1: Jenkins pipeline with Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer

In the post-build stage, we configure the CodeGuru Reviewer CLI to generate the recommendations based on the review.

Lastly, in the concluding stage of the pipeline, we’ll be analyzing the JSON results using jq – a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor, and then failing the Jenkins job if we encounter observations that are of a “Critical” severity.

Jenkins will trigger the “CodeGuru Reviewer” (see Figure 1) based review process in the post-build stage, i.e., after the build finishes. Furthermore, you can configure other stages, such as automated testing or deployment, after this stage. Additionally, passing the location of the build artifacts to the CLI lets CodeGuru Reviewer perform a more in-depth security analysis. Build artifacts are either directories containing jar files (e.g., build/lib for Gradle or /target for Maven) or directories containing class hierarchies (e.g., build/classes/java/main for Gradle).


Now that we have an overview of the workflow, let’s dive deep and walk you through the following steps in detail:

  1. Installing the CodeGuru Reviewer CLI
  2. Creating a Jenkins pipeline job
  3. Reviewing the CodeGuru Reviewer recommendations
  4. Configuring CodeGuru Reviewer CLI’s additional options

1. Installing the CodeGuru CLI Wrapper

a. Prerequisites

To run the CLI, we must have Git, Java, Maven, and the AWS CLI installed. Verify that they’re installed on our machine by running the following commands:

java -version 
mvn --version 
aws --version 
git –-version

If they aren’t installed, then download and install Java here (Amazon Corretto is a no-cost, multiplatform, production-ready distribution of the Open Java Development Kit), Maven from here, and Git from here. Instructions for installing AWS CLI are available here.

We would need to create an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket with the prefix codeguru-reviewer-. Note that the bucket name must begin with the mentioned prefix, since we have used the name pattern in the following AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions, and CodeGuru Reviewer expects buckets to begin with this prefix. Refer to the following section 4(a) “Specifying S3 bucket name” for more details.

Furthermore, we’ll need working credentials on our machine to interact with our AWS account. Learn more about setting up credentials for AWS here. You can find the minimal permissions to run the CodeGuru Reviewer CLI as follows.

b. Required Permissions

To use the CodeGuru Reviewer CLI, we need at least the following AWS IAM permissions, attached to an AWS IAM User or an AWS IAM role:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*",
            "Effect": "Allow"
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Effect": "Allow"

c.  CLI installation

Please download the latest version of the CodeGuru Reviewer CLI available at GitHub. Then, run the following commands in sequence:

curl -OL https://github.com/aws/aws-codeguru-cli/releases/download/0.0.1/aws-codeguru-cli.zip
unzip aws-codeguru-cli.zip
export PATH=$PATH:./aws-codeguru-cli/bin

d. Using the CLI

The CodeGuru Reviewer CLI only has one required parameter –root-dir (or just -r) to specify to the local directory that should be analyzed. Furthermore, the –src option can be used to specify one or more files in this directory that contain the source code that should be analyzed. In turn, for Java applications, the –build option can be used to specify one or more build directories.

For a demonstration, we’ll analyze the demo application. This will make sure that we’re all set for when we leverage the CLI in Jenkins. To proceed, first we download and install the sample application, as follows:

git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-codeguru-reviewer-sample-app
cd amazon-codeguru-reviewer-sample-app
mvn clean compile

Now that we have built our demo application, we can use the aws-codeguru-cli CLI command that we added to the path to trigger the code scan:

aws-codeguru-cli --root-dir ./ --build target/classes --src src --output ./output

For additional assistance on the CLI command, reference the readme here.

2.  Creating a Jenkins Pipeline job

CodeGuru Reviewer can be integrated in a Jenkins Pipeline as well as a Freestyle project. In this example, we’re leveraging a Pipeline.

a. Pipeline Job Configuration

  1.  Log in to Jenkins, choose “New Item”, then select “Pipeline” option.
  2. Enter a name for the project (for example, “CodeGuruPipeline”), and choose OK.
Figure 2: Creating a new Jenkins pipeline

Figure 2: Creating a new Jenkins pipeline

  1. On the “Project configuration” page, scroll down to the bottom and find your pipeline. In the pipeline script, paste the following script (or use your own Jenkinsfile). The following example is a valid Jenkinsfile to integrate CodeGuru Reviewer with a project built using Maven.
pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('Build') {
            steps {
                // Get code from a GitHub repository
                git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-codeguru-reviewer-java-detectors.git

                // Run Maven on a Unix agent
                sh "mvn clean compile"

                // To run Maven on a Windows agent, use following
                // bat "mvn -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true clean package"
        stage('CodeGuru Reviewer') {
                sh 'ls -lsa *'
                sh 'pwd'
                // Here we’re setting an absolute path, but we can 
                // also use JENKINS environment variables
                sh '''
                    export BASE=/var/jenkins_home/workspace/CodeGuruPipeline/amazon-codeguru-reviewer-java-detectors
                    export SRC=${BASE}/src
                    export OUTPUT = ./output
                    /home/codeguru/aws-codeguru-cli/bin/aws-codeguru-cli --root-dir $BASE --build $BASE/target/classes --src $SRC --output $OUTPUT -c $GIT_PREVIOUS_COMMIT:$GIT_COMMIT --no-prompt
        stage('Checking findings'){
                // In this example we are stopping our pipline on  
                // detecting Critical findings. We are using jq 
                // to count occurrences of Critical severity 
                sh '''
                CNT = $(cat ./output/recommendations.json |jq '.[] | select(.severity=="Critical")|.severity' | wc -l)'
                if (( $CNT > 0 )); then
                  echo "Critical findings discovered. Failing."
                  exit 1
  1. Save the configuration and select “Build now” on the side bar to trigger the build process (see Figure 3).
Figure 3: Jenkins pipeline in triggered state

Figure 3: Jenkins pipeline in triggered state

3. Reviewing the CodeGuru Reviewer recommendations

Once the build process is finished, you can view the review results from CodeGuru Reviewer by selecting the Jenkins build history for the most recent build job. Then, browse to Workspace output. The output is available in JSON and HTML formats (Figure 4).

Figure 4: CodeGuru CLI Output

Figure 4: CodeGuru CLI Output

Snippets from the HTML and JSON reports are displayed in Figure 5 and 6 respectively.

In this example, our pipeline analyzes the JSON results with jq based on severity equal to critical and failing the job if there are any critical findings. Note that this output path is set with the –output option. For instance, the pipeline will fail on noticing the “critical” finding at Line 67 of the EventHandler.java class (Figure 5), flagged due to use of an insecure code. Till the time the code is remediated, the pipeline would prevent the code deployment. The vulnerability could have gone to production undetected, in absence of the tool.

Figure 5: CodeGuru HTML Report

Figure 5: CodeGuru HTML Report

Figure 6: CodeGuru JSON recommendations

Figure 6: CodeGuru JSON recommendations

4.  Configuring CodeGuru Reviewer CLI’s additional options

a.  Specifying Amazon S3 bucket name and policy

CodeGuru Reviewer needs one Amazon S3 bucket for the CLI to store the artifacts while the analysis is running. The artifacts are deleted after the analysis is completed. The same bucket will be reused for all the repositories that are analyzed in the same account and region (unless specified otherwise by the user). Note that CodeGuru Reviewer expects the S3 bucket name to begin with codeguru-reviewer-. At this time, you can’t use a different naming pattern. However, if you want to use a different bucket name, then you can use the –bucket-name option.

Select the Permissions tab of your S3 bucket. Update the Block public access and add the following S3 bucket policy.

Figure 7: S3 bucket settings

Figure 7: S3 bucket settings

S3 bucket policy:

         "Resource":"[Change to ARN for your S3 bucket]/*"

Note that if you must change the bucket’s name, then you can remove the associated S3 bucket in the AWS console under CodeGuru → CI workflows and select Disassociate Workflow.

b.  Analyzing a single commit

The CLI also lets us specify a specific commit range to analyze. This can lead to faster and more cost-effective scans for the incremental code changes, instead of a full repository scan. For example, if we just want to analyze the last commit, we can run:

aws-codeguru-cli -r ./ -s src/main/java -b build/libs -c HEAD^:HEAD --no-prompt

Here, we use the -c option to specify that we only want to analyze the commits between HEAD^ (the previous commit) and HEAD (the current commit). Moreover, we add the –no-prompt option to automatically answer questions by the CLI with yes. This option is useful if we plan to use the CLI in an automated way, such as in our CI/CD workflow.

c.  Encrypting artifacts

CodeGuru Reviewer lets us use a customer managed key to encrypt the content of the S3 bucket that is used to store the source and build artifacts. To achieve this, create a customer owned key in AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) (see Figure 8).

Figure 8: KMS settings

Figure 8: KMS settings

We must grant CodeGuru Reviewer the permission to decrypt artifacts with this key by adding the following Statement to your Key policy:

   "Sid":"Allow CodeGuru to use the key to decrypt artifact",
            "YOUR AWS ACCOUNT ID"

Then, enable server-side encryption for the S3 bucket that we’re using with CodeGuru Reviewer (Figure 9).

S3 bucket settings:

Figure 9: S3 bucket encryption settings

Figure 9: S3 bucket encryption settings

After we enable encryption on the bucket, we must delete all the CodeGuru repository associations that use this bucket, and then recreate them by analyzing the repositories while providing the key (as in the following example, Figure 10):

Figure10: CodeGuru CI Workflow

Figure 10: CodeGuru CI Workflow

Note that the first time you check out your repository, it will always trigger a full repository scan. Consider setting the -c option, as this will allow a commit range.

Cleaning Up

At this stage, you may choose to delete the resources created while following this blog, to avoid incurring any unwanted costs.

  1. Delete Amazon S3 bucket.
  2. Delete AWS KMS key.
  3. Delete the Jenkins installation, if not required further.


In this post, we outlined how you can integrate Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer CLI with the Jenkins open-source build automation tool to perform code analysis as part of your code build pipeline and act as a quality gate. We showed you how to create a Jenkins pipeline job and integrate the CodeGuru Reviewer CLI to detect issues in your Java and Python code, as well as access the recommendations for remediating these issues. We presented an example where you can stop the build upon finding critical violations. Furthermore, we discussed how you can specify a commit range to avoid a full repo scan, and how the S3 bucket used by CodeGuru Reviewer to store artifacts can be encrypted using customer managed keys.

The CodeGuru Reviewer CLI offers you a one-line command to scan any code on your machine and retrieve recommendations. You can run the CLI anywhere where you can run AWS commands. In other words, you can use the CLI to integrate CodeGuru Reviewer into your favourite CI tool, as a pre-commit hook, or anywhere else in your workflow. In turn, you can combine CodeGuru Reviewer with Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) and Software Composition Analysis (SCA) tools to achieve a hybrid application security testing method that helps you combine the inside-out and outside-in testing approaches, cross-reference results, and detect vulnerabilities that both exist and are exploitable.

Hopefully, you have found this post informative, and the proposed solution useful. If you need helping hands, then AWS Professional Services can help implement this solution in your enterprise, as well as introduce you to our AWS DevOps services and offerings.

About the Authors

Akash Verma

Akash Verma

Akash is a Software Development Engineer 2 at Amazon India. He is passionate about writing clean code and building maintainable software. He also enjoys learning modern technologies. Outside of work, Akash loves to travel, interact with new people, and try different cuisines. He also relishes gardening and watching Stand-up comedy.

Debashish Chakrabarty

Debashish Chakrabarty

Debashish is a Sr. Engagement Manager at AWS Professional Services, India with over 21+ years of experience in various IT roles. At ProServe he leads engagements on Security, App Modernization and Migrations to help ProServe customers accelerate their cloud journey and achieve their business goals. Off work, Debashish has been a Hindi Blogger & Podcaster. He loves binge-watching OTT shows and spending time with family.

David Ernst

David Ernst

David is a Sr. Specialist Solution Architect – DevOps, with 20+ years of experience in designing and implementing software solutions for various industries. David is an automation enthusiast and works with AWS customers to design, deploy, and manage their AWS workloads/architectures.