Tag Archives: AWS re:Invent

re:Invent 2020 Liveblog: Partner Keynote

Post Syndicated from AWS News Blog Team original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/reinvent-2020-liveblog-partner-keynote/

Join us Thursday, Dec. 3, from 7:45-9:30 a.m., for the AWS Partner Keynote with Doug Yeum, head of Worldwide Channels and Alliances; Sandy Carter, vice president, Global Public Sector Partners and Programs; and Dave McCann, vice president, AWS Migration, Marketplace, and Control Services. Developer Advocates Steve Roberts and Martin Beeby will be liveblogging all the announcements and discussion.

See you at 7:45 a.m. (PST) Thursday!

— Steve & — Martin


New – Amazon S3 Replication Adds Support for Multiple Destination Buckets

Post Syndicated from Marcia Villalba original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-amazon-s3-replication-adds-support-for-multiple-destination-buckets/

Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) supports many types of replication, including S3 Same-Region Replication (SRR), which launched in 2019 and S3 Cross-Region Replication (CRR), which has been around since 2015. Today, we are happy to announce S3 Replication support for multiple destination buckets. S3 Replication now gives you the ability to replicate data from one source bucket to multiple destination buckets. With S3 Replication (multi-destination) you can replicate data in the same AWS Regions using S3 SRR or across different AWS Regions by using S3 CRR, or a combination of both.

Before this launch, if you needed to have multiple copies of your data in different S3 buckets, you had to build your own S3 replication service by monitoring S3 events, identifying created objects, and using AWS Lambda functions to copy objects to each destination bucket.

This launch removes the need for you to develop your own solutions to replicate the data across multiple destinations. You can use the flexibility of S3 Replication (multi-destination) to store multiple copies of your data in different storage classes, with different encryption types, or across different accounts depending on its intended use. Additionally, when replicating to multiple destinations, you can use CloudWatch metrics to track replication progress for each region pair.

S3 Replication (multi-destination) is an extension to S3 Replication, and it supports all existing S3 Replication features like Replication Time Control (RTC) and delete marker replication. If you need a predictable replication time backed by a Service Level Agreement, you can use RTC to replicate objects in less than 15 minutes.

How to Get Started With S3 Replication (multi-destination)
In order to get S3 Replication working, all the buckets involved in the replication (source and destinations) must have bucket versioning enabled.

To setup S3 Replication (multi-destination), you need to define replication rules. You can create a new rule in the bucket Management page, under Replication Rules.

Screenshot of adding a rule

When creating a new replication rule, one very important step is to set up permissions for replication, as S3 will need to replicate objects on your behalf. To do that, you can follow the instructions available in the S3 documentation page.

To create the replication rule, just follow the steps in the console. You can specify to which objects of the bucket this rule applies, the destination bucket, if you want to change the storage class of the replicated objects and many other preferences for your replicated objects.

Screenshot configuring the replication rule

One thing to have in mind when activating a rule is that the replication will start for all new objects added to the bucket from that moment. Objects uploaded to the bucket before the rule was created need to be copied using one time operations like S3 batch operations or S3 copy.

If you want to monitor the progress of your replication using CloudWatch metrics, don’t forget to click the Replication metrics and notifications checkbox.

Screenshot of configuring replication rules metrics

Now that we support multiple destinations for replication, rule priorities are used when there are two or more rules with the same destination. When that happens, the rule with the highest priority will be applied. For the same destination bucket, a lower priority rule will not be applied when the replication configuration has two or more rules with overlapping scope. If there are two or more rules with the same scope and different destinations, both rules will be applied.

You can see a summary of all your rules in the Replication rules listing under the bucket Management page.

Screenshot of replication rules listing

Monitoring Replication
When you have all the rules configured, you can start uploading objects to the source bucket and monitor how they get replicated in all the different destinations.

To know the replication status of an object in the source bucket, you can see the Replication status in the object Details. The status types are:

  • COMPLETED: The replication was successful in all the destinations.
  • PENDING: The replication is still in progress.
  • FAILED: The replication failed to replicate in at least one of the destinations. When there is a failure in replication, the only way to fix it is by uploading the object again.

screenshot of object metadata

For replicated objects, you will see the REPLICA status under the Replication status.

You can also use CloudWatch metrics to monitor the replication. First, you need to enable metrics for each of the rules. And then in the bucket Metrics, you can choose which rules you want to see the metrics of and see the charts for each of them; the metrics are also available in the CloudWatch console.

Screenshot of replication metrics

S3 Replication (multi-destination) is available today in all AWS Regions. To get started, you can use the AWS Management Console, SDKs, S3 API, or AWS CloudFormation to create replication rules from one source bucket to multiple destination buckets.

Pricing for S3 Replication (multi-destination) applies for each rule. For pricing information, please visit the Amazon S3 pricing page.

For more information about this new feature visit the S3 Replication page.



New AWS Amplify Admin UI Helps You Develop App Backends, No Cloud Experience Required

Post Syndicated from Marcia Villalba original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-amplify-admin-ui-helps-you-develop-app-backends-no-cloud-experience-required/

Today AWS Amplify announces new Admin UI to configure an application backend, and manage app users and content outside the AWS console. This new feature makes it easier to use AWS services and accelerates the development and management of full-stack web and mobile apps.

We launched AWS Amplify in November 2018, and since then it has been helping front-end web and mobile developers to quickly develop and deploy cloud-connected web and mobile applications. In order to stay ahead of the curve and deliver innovation to customers, businesses need to ship features fast. However, developers and non-developers who are unfamiliar with AWS fundamentals require training, which slows the entire process down.

AWS Amplify today launches a new Admin UI that enables team members to interface with AWS without requiring an AWS account (only the first deployment requires an AWS account).

The Admin UI provides simple yet powerful tools to model database tables, add authentication and authorization, and manage app content, users, and groups. It also offers the ability to manage the application users and content. The AWS Amplify Admin UI focuses on data types rather than backend infrastructure. All the backend resources generate infrastructure as code (IaC) templates that can be committed in the team repository and integrated with AWS Amplify continuous deployment workflow to manage the different environments.

Let’s Look at an Example Using the New AWS Amplify Admin UI
Imagine that you are a front-end web developer creating a website for a local restaurant. The restaurant owner wants to have a website where they can show their daily menu, and wants a simple way to update the content of the page every day.

There are many ways to solve this problem. You can spin up a server and install a CMS for the restaurant owner to manage the menu. For this particular use case, having a server exclusively to do this is just over-provisioning resources. Or, you can create the CMS yourself using serverless tools; however, this adds a lot of complexity and extra time to the development cycle.

Another option is to use the new AWS Amplify Admin UI that allows you to take advantage of many AWS managed services to create the backend quickly and also provides the ability to manage the application users and content.

The first thing you need to do is to create a new AWS Amplify app backend in the AWS Console. AWS Amplify will create a backend environment called staging. When, your app backend is ready, open the new Admin UI. If you would like to get another developer working on this application who doesn’t have experience with AWS, nor access to the AWS account, now you can grant access to them so they can continue the work on the UI. But for now, let’s imagine that you are going to do all the development.

Screenshot of opening the admin ui

The Admin UI contains all the tools that application developers need to configure the application backend and that content managers need to update the application content.

In the sidebar of the Admin UI (as shown in the following illustration), you can find all the different options for setting up your application.

To get started with the restaurant website, you need a menu data model. For that, first go to Data (1), then create a new data model call Menu (2), add the necessary fields and Save and deploy (3) the model. Saving and deploying the model will create all the needed AWS resources in the backend, like an AWS AppSync API and a Amazon DynamoDB table to host the menu items. Deploying takes a few minutes.

Screenshot for data modeling

After your model is deployed, you can start working on your website. For this example I will be using React, one of the web frameworks supported by AWS Amplify, but you can do the same example with any of the supported frameworks.

First, you need to install the AWS Amplify CLI:

npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli

Then create a new React application:

npx create-react-app react-amplified
cd react-amplified

When your application is created, you can configure it with the AWS Amplify application we just created. For that, go back to the Admin UI and select Local setup instructions (1), and execute the amplify command (2) in the directory where the web application is stored in your computer.

Screenshot of pulling amplify configuration

When you execute that command, a browser window will open that asks you if you are sure that you want to log in to the AWS Amplify Admin UI. Selecting yes will grant the AWS Amplify CLI access to deploy updates to the backend directly from your local desktop. The CLI will prompt you with a few questions about your local environment, and finally will ask if you plan to modify this backend locally. Choose yes.

When that process ends, you will notice some changes in your web application directory: a couple of new directories were created (amplify and src/models) and also a new file (aws-exports.js). These files and directories hold all the configuration for your AWS Amplify application.

Now it’s time to develop your application. To access the menu data model you created in the first steps, you will use the DataStore library from AWS Amplify. DataStore allows you to connect to your deployed database and perform CRUD, sort and filter operations from your UI to manipulate backend data. In the Admin UI, you can see some examples on how to create, update, delete and query the model.

Screenshot of using the data model

When the website is ready, it’s time to add some content. The restaurant owner is the one adding the menu items. In order for them to be able to add items, they need to have permissions to access the Admin UI for this application.

To do this, you need to create a new Admin UI account for the restaurant owner with the correct permissions. Go to the AWS Amplify console for your application and then to the Admin UI management and invite users.

When adding new users to the Admin UI you can define their permission scope. If you want to grant them full access, they will be able to configure and manage the application backend environment, and if you want them just to be able to edit the content, you can give them the manage only access scope. For the restaurant owner grant manage only permissions.

Screenshot for inviting new users to the AdminUI

After sending the invite, the restaurant owner will receive an email with a link to access the Admin UI and a username and password to log in. When they log in, they can go to the Content tab (1) and start adding items in their menu (2) and they can see the items available in the table in the screen (3).

Screenshot adding new content

From this screen, the restaurant owner can add, delete and edit items in their menu whenever they want to. These changes are reflected in the website immediately after they save.

The use cases for Admin UI are endless, such as blogs, e-commerce sites, planning apps, etc. Developers can build complex and feature-rich apps by focusing on their domain-specific data model instead of spending hours deploying and stitching together cloud infrastructure. AWS Amplify gives front-end developers the fastest and easiest way to develop mobile and web apps. And all accessible to developers that are not familiar with the cloud and without the need to give AWS access to everybody in the team.

AWS Amplify Admin UI is available at launch in: US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Canada (Central), Europe (Frankfurt), Europe (Ireland), and Europe (London).

For more information, visit the Amplify service page. Get started building a data model without an AWS account in the sandbox experience.


Amazon EKS Distro: The Kubernetes Distribution Used by Amazon EKS

Post Syndicated from Martin Beeby original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/amazon-eks-distro-the-kubernetes-distribution-used-by-amazon-eks/

Our customers have told us that they want to focus on building innovative solutions for their customers, and focus less on the heavy lifting of managing Kubernetes infrastructure. That is why Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) has been so popular; we remove the burden of managing Kubernetes while our customers glean the benefits.

However, not all customers choose to use Amazon EKS. For example, they may have existing infrastructure investments, data residency requirements or compliance obligations that lead them to operate Kubernetes on-premises. Customers in these situations tell us that they spend a lot of effort to track updates, figure out compatible versions of Kubernetes and the complicated matrix of underlying components, test them for compatibility, and keep pace with the Kubernetes release cadence, which can be as frequent as every three to four months. If customers are not able to maintain pace for testing and qualifying new versions, they risk breaking changes, version compatibility issues, and running unsupported versions of Kubernetes lacking critical security patches.

We have learned a lot while providing Amazon EKS at AWS and have developed a deep understanding of how to deliver Kubernetes with operational security, stability, and reliability. Today we are sharing Amazon EKS Distro, which we built using that knowledge.

EKS Distro is a distribution of the same version of Kubernetes deployed by Amazon EKS, which you can use to manually create your own Kubernetes clusters anywhere you choose. EKS Distro provides the installable builds and code of open source Kubernetes used by Amazon EKS, including the dependencies and AWS-maintained patches. Using a choice of cluster creation and management tooling, you can create EKS Distro clusters in AWS on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), in other clouds, and on your on-premises hardware.

EKS Distro includes upstream open source Kubernetes components and third-party tools including configuration database, network, and storage components necessary for cluster creation. They include Kubernetes control plane components (kube-controller-manager, etcd, and CoreDNS) and Kubernetes worker node components (kubelet, CNI plugins, CSI Sidecar images, Metrics Server and AWS-IAM-authenticator).

Building a Cluster
The EKS Distro repository has everything you need to build and create Kubernetes clusters. The repository contains the raw documentation for EKS Distro, and it has been built and published at https://distro.eks.amazonaws.com.

To create a new cluster, I follow this section of the documentation. The guide explains how I can build all of the parts and ultimately deploy a cluster to some EC2 instances on AWS using the open source tool kOps. EKS Distro works with many other tools besides kOps. You can find the details in the partner section of the documentation, and many partners have released blogs today that explain how you can deploy using their tooling.

The guide explains that before I can build my cluster, I need to get several container images. I can get them from the EKS Distro Container repository, download them as a tarball, or build them from scratch. I opt to build my containers from scratch and follow the Build Guide. An hour later, I have managed to create twenty containers and have pushed them into Amazon Elastic Container Registry.

The instructions detail several prerequisites that are required by both the build and deploy stages. I follow the guide and install all of the tools suggested.

Next, as per the guide, I locate the kops.sh script in the development folder of the EKS Distro repository. After running the script, it prompts me to enter a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN). I provide newsblog.thebeebs.net.

This script does several things, including creating an S3 bucket in my account to store artifacts required by kOps. Also, it creates a file called newsblog.thebeebs.net.yaml. I edit this file and replace the container Image URLs with ones that point to my images in Elastic Container Registry.

I continue to follow the guide, which now instructs me to run some kOps commands to create my cluster. These commands use the newsblog.thebeebs.net.yaml file, which was an output of the previous step.

kops create -f ./$CLUSTER_NAME.yaml
kops create secret --name $CLUSTER_NAME sshpublickey admin -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
kops update cluster $CLUSTER_NAME --yes
kops validate cluster --wait 10m
cat << EOF > aws-iam-authenticator.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: aws-iam-authenticator
  namespace: kube-system
    k8s-app: aws-iam-authenticator
  config.yaml: |
    clusterID: $CLUSTER_NAME

One of these commands creates a file called aws-iam-authenticator.yaml. I will apply this file to my kubernetes cluster so that it works correctly with the aws-iam-authenticator.

kubectl apply -f aws-iam-authenticator.yaml

I can now verify that my Kubernetes cluster is using the EKS Distro images by using kubectl to list all of the namespaces.

kubectl get po --all-namespaces -o json | jq -r .items[].spec.containers[].image | sort

Lastly, I delete my cluster by using kOps and issuing a delete command.

kops delete -f ./newsblog.thebeebs.net.yaml --yes

New versions of EKS Distro will be released soon after we make releases to Amazon EKS. The source code, open source tools, and settings are provided for reproducible builds so you can be assured EKS Distro matches what is deployed by Amazon EKS.

Things to Know
EKS Distro supports the same versions of Kubernetes and point releases that Amazon EKS uses. EKS Distro provides the same upstream versions of Kubernetes and dependencies that operating system vendors have tested and confirmed work with Kubernetes. This means that EKS Distro already works with common operating systems, such as CentOS, Canonical Ubuntu, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Suse, and more.

Pricing and Support
EKS Distro is an open source project and will be distributed for free. Please collaborate with us on GitHub to make it even better. For example, if you find any issues, please submit them or create a pull request and we will fix them on a best effort basis. Partners will receive support through the Amazon Partner Network program and customers that adopt EKS Distro through partners will receive support from those providers.

What is Coming Next?
In 2021 we will be launching EKS Anywhere, which will provide an installable software package for creating and operating Kubernetes clusters on-premises and automation tooling for cluster lifecycle support, it will enable you to centrally backup, recover, patch, and upgrade your production clusters with minimal disruption. EKS Anywhere creates clusters based on EKS Distro, and so you will have version consistency with Amazon EKS. This version and tooling consistency will reduce support costs, and eliminate the redundant effort of using multiple tools for managing your on-premises and Amazon EKS clusters.

Available Now
EKS Distro is available today for download and you can get the source and builds from GitHub. To help you get started, check out the documentation.

Happy Deploying!

— Martin

re:Invent 2020 – Preannouncements for Tuesday, December 1

Post Syndicated from Jeff Barr original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/reinvent-2020-preannouncements-for-tuesday-december-1/

Andy Jassy just gave you a hint about some upcoming AWS launches, and I’ll have more to say about them when they are ready. To tide you over until then, here’s a summary of what he pre-announced:

Smaller AWS Outpost Form Factors – We are introducing two new sizes of AWS Outposts, suitable for locations such as branch offices, factories, retail stores, health clinics, hospitals, and cell sites that are space-constrained and need access to low-latency compute capacity. The 1U (rack unit) Outposts server will be equipped with AWS Graviton 2 processors; the 2U Outposts server will be equipped with Intel® processors. Both sizes will be able to run EC2, ECS, and EKS workloads locally, all provisioned and managed by AWS (including automated patching and updates).

Amazon ECS Anywhere – You will soon be able to run Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) in your own data center, giving you the power to select and standardize on a single container orchestrator that runs both on-premises and in the cloud. You will have access to the same ECS APIs, and you will be able to manage all of your ECS resources with the same cluster management, workload scheduling, and monitoring tools and utilities. Amazon ECS Anywhere will also make it easy for you to containerize your existing on-premises workloads, run them locally, and then connect them to the AWS Cloud.

Amazon EKS Anywhere – You will also soon be able to run Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) in your own data center, making it easy for you to set up, upgrade, and operate Kubernetes clusters. The default configuration for each new cluster will include logging, monitoring, networking, and storage, all optimized for the environment that will host the cluster. You will be able to spin up clusters on demand, and you will be able to backup, recover, patch, and upgrade production clusters with minimal disruption.

Again, I’ll have more to say about these when they are ready, so stay tuned, and enjoy the rest of AWS re:Invent!


AWS Panorama Appliance: Bringing Computer Vision Applications to the Edge

Post Syndicated from Martin Beeby original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/using-computer-vision-applications-at-the-edge/

At AWS re:Invent today, we gave a preview of the AWS Panorama Appliance. Also, we announced the AWS Panorama SDK is coming soon. These allow organizations to bring computer vision to their on-premises cameras and make automated predictions with high accuracy and low latency.

Over the past couple of decades, computer vision has gone from a topic discussed by academics to a tool used by businesses worldwide. Cloud has been critical in enabling this growth, and we have had an explosion of services and infrastructure capabilities that have made the previously impossible possible.

Customers face challenges with their physical systems, whether it be inspecting parts on a manufacturing line, ensuring workers wear hard hats in hazardous areas or analyzing customer traffic in retail stores. Customers often solve these problems by manually monitoring live video feeds or reviewing recorded footage after an issue or incident has occurred. These solutions are manual, error-prone, and difficult to scale.

Computer Vision is increasingly being used to perform these inspection tasks using models running in the cloud. Still, there are circumstances when relying exclusively on the cloud is not optimal due to latency requirements or intermittent connectivity that make a round trip to the cloud unfeasible.

What Was Announced Today
You can now develop a computer vision model using Amazon SageMaker and then deploy it to a Panorama Appliance that can then run the model on video feeds from multiple network and IP cameras. The Panorama Appliance and its associated console are now in preview.

Coming soon, we have the Panorama SDK, which is a Software Development Kit (SDK) that can be used by third-party device manufacturers to build Panorama-enabled devices. The Panorama SDK is flexible, with a small footprint, making it easy for hardware vendors to build new devices in various form factors and sensors to satisfy use cases across different industries and environments, including industrial sites, low light scenarios, and the outdoors.

Unboxing the Appliance
Jeff was sent a Panorama Appliance a few weeks before AWS re:Invent so that we could write this blog; here is a picture of the device set up in Jeff’s office.

To set up the Panorama Appliance, I head over to the console and click on Get Started.

The console presents me with a three-step guide to getting a computer vision model running on the Panorama Appliance. In this blog, I will only look at Step 1, which helps me set up the Panorama Appliance.

I plugged the Panorama Appliance into the local network with an ethernet cable, and so in the configure step, I choose the Ethernet option.

The console creates a configuration archive, based on my input, that can set up the device. I download the file and transfer it to a USB key, which I will then plug into the Panorama Appliance.

I power on the Panorama Appliance and plug in the USB key; lights begin to flash as the Panorama Appliance connects to AWS. A green message appears on the console after a little while, saying that the Panorama Appliance is connected and online.

The guide then asks me to Add camera streams.

There are two ways to Add cameras: Automatic and Manual. I select Automatic, which will search the subnet for available cameras.

Some of the network cameras are password-protected. I add the Username and Password so that the Panorama Appliance can connect.

The Panorama Appliance is now connected to the network cameras, and my Panorama Appliance is ready to use.

The next step is to create an application and then deploy it to the Panorama Appliance. Over the next few weeks, I will produce a demo application, and when the service becomes Generally Available, I look forward to talking about it on this blog and sharing with you what I have created.

Get Started
To get started with the AWS Panorama Appliance, visit the product page. To get started with the AWS Panorama SDK, check out the documentation. We are excited to see what our customers will develop with the Panorama Appliance, and the sort of products third-party device manufacturers will build with the Panorama SDK.

Happy Automating!

— Martin







Amazon Lookout for Vision – New ML Service Simplifies Defect Detection for Manufacturing

Post Syndicated from Marcia Villalba original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/amazon-lookout-for-vision-new-machine-learning-service-that-simplifies-defect-detection-for-manufacturing/

Today, I’m excited to announce Amazon Lookout for Vision, a new machine learning (ML) service that helps customers in industrial environments to detect visual defects on production units and equipment in an easy and cost-effective way.

Can you spot the circuit board with the defect in these images?

Image of 3 circuit boards - one is faulty

Maybe you can if you are familiar with circuit boards, but I have to say that it took me a while to discover the error. Humans, when properly trained and are well rested, are great at finding anomalies in a set of objects. However, when they are tired or not properly trained – like me in this example – they can be slow, prone to errors and inconsistent.

That’s why many companies use machine vision technologies to detect anomalies. However, these technologies need to be calibrated with controlled lighting and camera viewpoints. In addition, you need to specify hard-coded rules that define what is a defect and what is not, making the technologies very specialized and complex to build.

Lookout for Vision is a new machine learning service that helps increase industrial product quality and reduce operational costs by automating visual inspection of product defects across production processes. Lookout for Vision uses deep learning models to replace hard-coded rules and handles the differences in camera angle, lighting and other challenges that arise from the operational environment. With Lookout for Vision, you can reduce the need for carefully controlled environments.

Using Lookout for Vision, you can detect damages to manufactured parts, identify missing components or parts, and uncover underlying process-related issues in your manufacturing lines.

How to Get Started With Lookout for Vision
The first thing I want to mention is that to use Lookout for Vision, you don’t need to be a machine learning expert. Lookout for Vision is a fully managed service and comes with anomaly detection models that can be optimized for your use case and your data.

There are several steps for using Lookout for Vision. The first is preparing the dataset, which includes creating a dataset of images and adding labels to the images. Then, Lookout for Vision uses this dataset to automatically train the ML model that learns to detect anomalies in your product. The final part is using the model in production. You can keep evaluating the performance of your trained model and improve it at any time using tools that Lookout for Vision provides.

Service console tutorial for getting started

Preparing the Data
To get started with the model, you first need a set of images of your product. For better results, include images with normal (no defects) and anomalous content (includes defects). To get started with training, you will need at least 20 normal images and 10 anomalous images.

There are many ways of importing images into Lookout for Vision from the AWS Management Console: You can provide manifests for annotated images using the Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth service, provide images from an S3 bucket or upload directly from your computer.

Different ways to import your images.

After you upload the images, you need to add labels to classify the images in your dataset as normal or anomalous. Labeling is a very important step, as this is the key information that Lookout for Vision uses to train the model for your use case.

For this demo, I import the images from an S3 bucket. If you’ve organized the images in your S3 bucket by folder name (/anomaly/01.jpeg), Lookout for Vision will automatically import the folder structure into corresponding labels.

Training the Model
When our dataset is ready, we need to train our model with it. The training button is enabled once you have the minimum number of labeled images: 20 normal and 10 anomalous.

Depending on the size of the dataset, training may take a while to complete: for me, it took around an hour to train the model with 100 images. Note that you will begin incurring costs when Lookout for Vision starts to actually train the model. After training is complete, your model is ready to detect anomalies in new images.

Screenshot of a model in training.

Evaluating the Model
There are a couple of ways to evaluate whether your model is ready to be deployed to production. The first is to review the performance metrics of the model and the second is to run some productionlike tests that will help you to verify if the model is ready to be deployed.

There are three main performance metrics: precision, recall and the F1 score. Precision measures the percentage of times the model prediction is correct and recall measures the percentage of true defects the model identified. F1 score is used to determine the model performance metric.

Screenshot of model performance metrics

If you want to run some production-like tests to verify if your model is ready, use the run trial detection feature. This will enable you to run your Lookout for Vision model and predict anomalies on new images. You can further improve the model by manually verifying the results and adding new training images.

Create a new job to predict anomalies.

I used the three images that appear at the beginning of this post for my trial detection. The trial detection job ran for 15-20 minutes, and after that Lookout for Vision used the trained model to classify the images into “Normal” and “Anomaly.” When Lookout for Vision finalizes the trial detection job, you can verify the results as correct or incorrect, and add this images to the dataset.

Screenshot verifying the results of the trial

Using the Model in Production
To use Lookout for Vision, you need to integrate the AWS SDKs or CLI in the systems that are processing the images of the products in the manufacturing line, and internet connectivity is required for this to work. The first thing you need to do is to start the model. When using Lookout for Vision, you are billed for the time your model is running and making inferences. For example, if you start your model at 8 a.m. and stop it at 5 p.m., you will be billed for 9 hours.

# Example CLI
aws lookoutvision start-model 
--project-name circuitBoard 
--model-version 1
--additional-output-config "Bucket=<OUTPUT_BUCKET>,Prefix=<PREFIX_KEY>" 
--min-anomaly-detection-units 10 

# Example response
{ "status" : "STARTING_HOSTING" }

When your model is ready, you can call the detect-anomalies API from Lookout for Vision.

# Example CLI
aws lookoutvision detect-anomalies 
--project-name circuitBoard 
--model-version 1 

And this API will return a JSON response that shows if the image is an anomaly or not, along with the confidence level of that prediction.

    "DetectAnomalyResult": {
        "Source": {
            "Type": "direct"
        "IsAnomalous": true,
        "Confidence": 0.97

When you are done with detecting anomalies for the day, use the stop-model API. In the Lookout for Vision service console you can find code snippets on how to use these APIs.

When you are using Lookout for Vision in production, you’ll find a dashboard that helps you to sort and track the production lines by most defective line, line with the most recent defects, and the line with the highest anomaly ratio.

Available Today
Lookout for Vision is available in all AWS Regions.

To get started with Amazon Lookout for Vision, visit the service page today.


New – Amazon Lookout for Equipment Analyzes Sensor Data to Help Detect Equipment Failure

Post Syndicated from Harunobu Kameda original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-amazon-lookout-for-equipment-analyzes-sensor-data-to-help-detect-equipment-failure/

Companies that operate industrial equipment are constantly working to improve operational efficiency and avoid unplanned downtime due to component failure. They invest heavily and repeatedly in physical sensors (tags), data connectivity, data storage, and building dashboards over the years to monitor the condition of their equipment and get real-time alerts. The primary data analysis methods are single-variable threshold and physics-based modeling approaches, and while these methods are effective in detecting specific failure types and operating conditions, they can often miss important information detected by deriving multivariate relationships for each piece of equipment.

With machine learning, more powerful technologies have become available that can provide data-driven models that learn from an equipment’s historical data. However, implementing such machine learning solutions is time-consuming and expensive owing to capital investment and training of engineers.

Today, we are happy to announce Amazon Lookout for Equipment, an API-based machine learning (ML) service that detects abnormal equipment behavior. With Lookout for Equipment, customers can bring in historical time series data and past maintenance events generated from industrial equipment that can have up to 300 data tags from components such as sensors and actuators per model. Lookout for Equipment automatically tests the possible combinations and builds an optimal machine learning model to learn the normal behavior of the equipment. Engineers don’t need machine learning expertise and can easily deploy models for real-time processing in the cloud.

Customers can then easily perform ML inference to detect abnormal behavior of the equipment. The results can be integrated into existing monitoring software or AWS IoT SiteWise Monitor to visualize the real-time output or to receive alerts if an asset tends toward anomalous conditions.

How Lookout for Equipment Works
Lookout for Equipment reads directly from Amazon S3 buckets. Customers can publish their industrial data in S3 and leverage Lookout for Equipment for model development. A user determines the value or time period to be used for training and assigns an appropriate label. Given this information, Lookout for Equipment launches a task to learn and creates the best ML model for each customer.

Because Lookout for Equipment is an automated machine learning tool, it gets smarter over time as users use Lookout for Equipment to retrain their models with new data. This is useful for model re-creation when new invisible failures occur, or when the model drifts over time. Once the model is complete and can be inferred, Lookout for Equipment provides real-time analysis.

With the equipment data being published to S3, the user can scheduled inference that ranges from 5 minutes to one hour. When the user data arrives in S3, Lookout for Equipment fetches the new data on the desired schedule, performs data inference, and stores the results in another S3 bucket.

Set up Lookout for Equipment with these simply steps:

  1. Upload data to S3 buckets
  2. Create datasets
  3. Ingest data
  4. Create a model
  5. Schedule inference (if you need real-time analysis)

1. Upload data
You need to upload tag data from equipment to any S3 bucket.

2. Create Datasets

Select Create dataset, and set Dataset name, and set Data Schema. Data schema is like a data design document that defines the data to be fed in later. Then select Create.

creating datasets console

3. Ingest data
After a dataset is created, the next step is to ingest data. If you are familiar with Amazon Personalize or Amazon Forecast, doesn’t this screen feel familiar? Yes, Lookout for Equipment is as easy to use as those are.

Select Ingest data.

Ingesting data consoleSpecify the S3 bucket location where you uploaded your data, and an IAM role. The IAM role has to have a trust relationship to “lookoutequipment.amazonaws.com” You can use the following policy file for the test.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "Service": "lookoutequipment.amazonaws.com"
      "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

The data format in the S3 bucket has to match the Data Schema you set up in step 2. Please check our technical documents for more detail. Ingesting data takes a few minutes to tens of minutes depending on your data volume.

4. Create a model
After data ingest is completed, you can train your own ML model now. Select Create new model. Fields show us a list of fields in the ingested data. By default, no field is selected. You can select fields you want Lookout for Equipment to learn. Lookout for Equipment automatically finds and trains correlations from multiple specified fields and creates a model.

Image illustrates setting up fields.

If you are sure that your data has some unusual data included, you can optionally set the windows to exclude that data.

setting up maintenance windowOptionally, you can divide ingested data for training and then for evaluation. The data specified during the evaluation period is checked compared to the trained model.

setting up evaluation window

Once you select Create, Lookout for Equipment starts to train your model. This process takes minutes to hours depending on your data volume. After training is finished, you can evaluate your model with the evaluation period data.

model performance console

5. Schedule Inference
Now it is time to analyze your real time data. Select Schedule Inference, and set up your S3 buckets for input.

setting up input S3 bucket

You can also set Data upload frequency, which is actually the same as inferencing frequency, and Offset delay time. Then, you need to set up Output data as Lookout for Equipment outputs the result of inference.

setting up inferenced output S3 bucket

Amazon Lookout for Equipment is In Preview Today
Amazon Lookout for Equipment is in preview today at US East (N. Virginia), Asia Pacific (Seoul), and Europe (Ireland) and you can see the documentation here.

– Kame

Amazon Monitron, a Simple and Cost-Effective Service Enabling Predictive Maintenance

Post Syndicated from Julien Simon original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/amazon-monitron-a-simple-cost-effective-service-enabling-predictive-maintenance/

Today, I’m extremely happy to announce Amazon Monitron, a condition monitoring service that detects potential failures and allows user to track developing faults enabling you to implement predictive maintenance and reduce unplanned downtime.

True story: A few months ago, I bought a new washing machine. As the delivery man was installing it in my basement, we were chatting about how unreliable these things seemed to be nowadays; never lasting more than a few years. As the gentleman made his way out, I pointed to my aging and poorly maintained water heater, telling him that I had decided to replace it in the coming weeks and that he’d be back soon to install a new one. Believe it or not, it broke down the next day. You can laugh at me, it’s OK. I deserve it for not planning ahead.

As annoying as this minor domestic episode was, it’s absolutely nothing compared to the tremendous loss of time and money caused by the unexpected failure of machines located in industrial environments, such as manufacturing production lines and warehouses. Any proverbial grain of sand can cause unplanned outages, and Murphy’s Law has taught us that they’re likely to happen in the worst possible configuration and at the worst possible time, resulting in severe business impacts.

To avoid breakdowns, reliability managers and maintenance technicians often combine three strategies:

  1. Run to failure: where equipment is operated without maintenance until it no longer operates reliably. When the repair is completed, equipment is returned to service; however, the condition of the equipment is unknown and failure is uncontrolled.
  2. Planned maintenance: where predefined maintenance activities are performed on a periodic or meter basis, regardless of condition. The effectiveness of planned maintenance activities is dependent on the quality of the maintenance instructions and planned cycle. It risks equipment being both over- and under-maintained, incurring unnecessary cost or still experiencing breakdowns.
  3. Condition-based maintenance: where maintenance is completed when the condition of a monitored component breaches a defined threshold. Monitoring physical characteristics such as tolerance, vibration or temperature is a more optimal strategy, requiring less maintenance and reducing maintenance costs.
  4. Predictive maintenance: where the condition of components is monitored, potential failures detected and developing faults tracked. Maintenance is planned at a time in the future prior to expected failure and when the total cost of maintenance is most cost-effective.

Condition-based maintenance and predictive maintenance require sensors to be installed on critical equipment. These sensors measure and capture physical quantities such as temperature and vibration, whose change is a leading indicator of a potential failure or a deteriorating condition.

As you can guess, building and deploying such maintenance systems can be a long, complex, and costly project involving bespoke hardware, software, infrastructure, and processes. Our customers asked us for help, and we got to work.

Introducing Amazon Monitron
Amazon Monitron is an easy and cost-effective condition monitoring service that allows you to monitor the condition of equipment in your facilities, enabling the implementation of a predictive maintenance program.


Setting up Amazon Monitron is extremely simple. You first install Monitron sensors that capture vibration and temperature data from rotating machines, such as bearings, gearboxes, motors, pumps, compressors, and fans. Sensors send vibration and temperature measurements hourly to a nearby Monitron gateway, using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology allowing the sensors to run for at least three years. The Monitron gateway is itself connected to your WiFi network, and sends sensor data to AWS, where it is stored and analyzed using machine learning and ISO 20816 vibration standards.

As communication is infrequent, up to 20 sensors can be connected to a single gateway, which can be located up to 30 meters away (depending on potential interference). Thanks to the scalability and cost efficiency of Amazon Monitron, you can deploy as many sensors as you need, including on pieces of equipment that until now weren’t deemed critical enough to justify the cost of traditional sensors. As with any data-driven application, security is our No. 1 priority. The Monitron service authenticates the gateway and the sensors to make sure that they’re legitimate. Data is also encrypted end-to-end, without any decryption taking place on the gateway.

Setting up your gateways and sensors only requires installing the Monitron mobile application on an Android mobile device with Bluetooth support for gateway setup, and NFC support for sensor setup. This is an extremely simple process, and you’ll be monitoring in minutes. Technicians will also use the mobile application to receive alerts indicating abnormal machine conditions. They can acknowledge these alerts and provide feedback to improve their accuracy (say, to minimize false alerts and missed anomalies).

Customers are already using Amazon Monitron today, and here are a couple of examples.

Fender Musical Instruments Corporation is an iconic brand and a leading manufacturer of stringed instruments and amplifiers. Here’s what Bill Holmes, Global Director of Facilities at Fender, told us: “Over the past year we have partnered with AWS to help develop a critical but sometimes overlooked part of running a successful manufacturing business which is knowing the condition of your equipment. For manufacturers worldwide, uptime of equipment is the only way we can remain competitive with a global market. Ensuring equipment is up and running and not being surprised by sudden breakdowns helps get the most out of our equipment. Unplanned downtime is costly both in loss of production and labor due to the firefighting nature of the breakdown. The Amazon Monitron condition monitoring system has the potential of giving both large industry as well as small ‘mom and pop shops’ the ability to predict failures of their equipment before a catastrophic breakdown shuts them down. This will allow for a scheduled repair of failing equipment before it breaks down.

GE Gas Power is a leading provider of power generation equipment, solutions and services. It operates many manufacturing sites around the world, in which much of the manufacturing equipment is not connected nor monitored for health. Magnus Akesson, CIO at GE Gas Power Manufacturing says: “Naturally, we can reduce both maintenance costs and downtime, if we can easily and cheaply connect and monitor these assets at scale. Additionally, we want to take advantage of advanced algorithms to look forward, to know not just the current state but also predict future health and to detect abnormal behaviors. This will allow us to transition from time-based to predictive and prescriptive maintenance practices. Using Amazon Monitron, we are now able to quickly retrofit our assets with sensors and connecting them to real- time analytics in the AWS cloud. We can do this without having to require deep technical skills or having to configure our own IT and OT networks. From our initial work on vibration-prone tumblers, we are seeing this vision come to life at an amazing speed: the ease-of-use for the operators and maintenance team, the simplicity, and the ability to implement at scale is extremely attractive to GE. During our pilot, we were also delighted to see one-click capabilities for updating the sensors via remote Over the Air (OTA) firmware upgrades, without having to physically touch the sensors. As we grow in scale, this is a critical capability in order to be able to support and maintain the fleet of sensors.

Now, let me show you how to get started with Amazon Monitron.

Setting up Amazon Monitron
First, I open the Monitron console. In just a few clicks, I create a project, and an administrative user allowed to manage it. Using a link provided in the console, I download and install the Monitron mobile application on my Android phone. Opening the app, I log in using my administrative credentials.

The first step is to create a site describing assets, sensors, and gateways. I name it “my-thor-project.”

Application screenshot

Let’s add a gateway. Enabling BlueTooth on my phone, I press the pairing button on the gateway.

Application screenshot

The name of the gateway appears immediately.

Application screenshot

I select the gateway, and I configure it with my WiFi credentials to let it connect to AWS. A few seconds later, the gateway is online.

Application screenshot

My next step is to create an asset that I’d like to monitor, say a process water pump set, with a motor and a pump that I would like to monitor. I first create the asset itself, simply defining its name, and the appropriate ISO 20816 class (a standard for measurement and evaluation of machine vibration).

Application screenshot

Then, I add a sensor for the motor.

Application screenshot

I start by physically attaching the sensor to the motor using the suggested adhesive. Next, I specify a sensor position, enable the NFC on my smartphone, and tap the Monitron sensor that I attached to the motor with my phone. Within seconds, the sensor is commissioned.

Application screenshot

I repeat the same operation for the pump. Looking at my asset, I see that both sensors are operational.

Application screenshot

They are now capturing temperature and vibration information. Although there isn’t much to see for the moment, graphs are available in the mobile app.

Application screenshot

Over time, the gateway will keep sending this data securely to AWS, where it will be analyzed for early signs of failure. Should either of my assets exhibit these, I would receive an alert in the mobile application, where I could visualize historical data, and decide what the best course of action would be.

Getting Started
As you can see, Monitron makes it easy to deploy sensors enabling predictive maintenance applications. The service is available today in the US East (N. Virginia) region, and using it costs $50 per sensor per year.

If you’d like to evaluate the service, the Monitron Starter Kit includes everything you need (a gateway with a mounting kit, five sensors, and a power supply), and it’s available for $715. Then, you can scale your deployment with additional sensors, which you can buy in 5-packs for $575.

Starter kit picture

Give Amazon Monitron a try, and let us know what you think. We’re always looking forward to your feedback, either through your usual AWS support contacts, or on the AWS Forum for Monitron.

– Julien

Special thanks to my colleague Dave Manley for taking the time to educate me on industrial maintenance operations.

Amazon Connect – Now Smarter and More Integrated With Third-Party Tools

Post Syndicated from Sébastien Stormacq original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/amazon-connect-smarter-and-more-integrated/

We launched Amazon Connect in 2017 and, since then, thousands of customers have created their own contact centers in the cloud. Amazon Connect makes it easy for non-technical customers to design interaction flows, manage agents, and track performance metrics.

For example, when I book a Best Western hotel room in Europe by phone, the call is managed by Amazon Connect. In the UK, the Post Office went from ideation to production rollout in just three weeks. In France, WebHelp, a global leader in Business Process Outsourcing, activated thousands of workstations and remote agents in just 72 hours.

Since I last blogged about Amazon Connect, the team has been continuously listening for your feedback and, today, I am happy to announce a new set of capabilities to make Amazon Connect smarter and more integrated with third-party tools.

We are using Machine Learning (ML) to make Amazon Connect smarter at analyzing conversations in real time, finding relevant information needed by contact center agents, and authenticating customers by the sound of their voice. The second set of capabilities makes Amazon Connect easier to integrate with third party tools or services to present unified customer profile information to contact center agents, and to make it easier to manage their tasks.

Let’s go into the details, one by one.

Contact Lens Real Time
Contact Lens for Amazon Connect is a set of machine learning (ML) capabilities allowing contact center supervisors to better understand the sentiment, trends, and compliance of customer conversations. It was first announced during re:Invent 2019 and available since July 2020. It allows to effectively train agents, replicate successful interactions, and to identify crucial company and product feedback.

Starting today, you can get real-time insights into customer experience during the live calls, such as a customer expressing dissatisfaction. Customer experience analytics and alerts for live calls are delivered in Amazon Connect’s real-time metrics dashboard. It makes it easy for supervisors to identify when to listen-in on a critical call, and to provide guidance to the agent via chat, or have the agent transfer the call to them for assistance.

You, as the contact center manager, can define rules using specific terms such as “not happy,” “poor quality product,” and “cancel my subscription.” Contact Lens uses natural language processing (NLP) to perform intelligent matching to automatically detect variations of the spoken words even when the example phrases are limited.

Create Rules for real time analytics

Contact Lens analyzes in-progress calls in real time to detect when the rule criteria for a customer experience issue is met, and immediately creates an alert next to the live call in the Amazon Connect dashboard to notify supervisors of the situation.

Real Time alert based on rules

With this launch, we are adding 13 language variants to post-call analytics, in addition to the 5 already supported :English (United States), English (Great Britain), English (Australia), English (India), and Spanish (United States).

The new language variants for post-call analytics are: English (Ireland), English (Scotland), English (Wales), Spanish (Spain), French (Canada), French (France), Portuguese (Portugal), Portuguese (Brazil), German (Germany), German (Switzerland), Italian (Italy), Arabic (Gulf), and Hindi (India).

Contact Lens for Amazon Connect real-time is available in 4 language variants: English (United States), English (Great Britain), English (Australia), and Spanish (United States). More language variants will be added at later stage.

For more details visit this launch page.

Amazon Connect Wisdom (Preview)
Wisdom provides built-in agent assistance capabilities in Amazon Connect, including machine learning (ML) powered search and real-time recommendations, to quickly enable agents with relevant information for resolving customer issues.

As an agent, I can type questions or phrases in the Wisdom search box, without guessing what keyword I should use. Wisdom understands what information I am searching for. It surfaces results in the agent’s preferred Amazon Connect application, the web-based one we do provide, or the ones you built.

Amazon Connect Wisdom search results

Wisdom comes with pre-built connectors to third-party knowledge repositories to provide most relevant results to agents. Wisdom includes connectors for Salesforce and ServiceNow during the preview, with more to come at launch.

Wisdom may use Contact Lens Real Time analytics to analyse the conversation in real-time. It detects the customer issue, finds related content in the connected repositories, and provides proactive recommendations to help the agent resolve it. For example, Wisdom can detect that a customer is talking about a problem with the handbag they bought last week, recommend an article that describes similar products defect, and provide instructions with a link to the order management application needed to initiate an exchange.

Wisdom is available in preview, you can signup today or visit the launch page.

Amazon Connect Voice ID (Preview)
Amazon Connect Voice ID provides real-time caller authentication which makes voice interactions in contact centers more secure and efficient.

To effectively recognise me as “Sébastien”, Voice ID must learn how I am talking. This is the enrolment phase. Then it compares the sound of my voice with the one enrolled earlier. This is the verification phase.

To meet with personal data protection laws, contact center agents capture my consent to use Voice ID.

During the enrolment phase, Voice ID listens to the call until it has captured 30 seconds of my voice. Then it creates my voiceprint, which uniquely authenticates me. A voiceprint is a mathematical representation that captures unique aspects of an individual’s voice such as speech rhythm, pitch, intonation, and loudness. I do not need to say or repeat any specific phrases to let Voice ID create my voiceprint. Voice ID provides an API that can be used to opt-out a customer.

When I call back in, Voice ID just needs 10 seconds of my voice to authenticate me. My voice can be captured as part of a typical interaction with the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) happening at the start of the call, or when I first start to talk with the agent. For example when I am answering questions, such as “what’s your first and last name?” and “what are you calling about?”, Voice ID uses this audio to generate my voiceprint again. It compares it with the one enrolled earlier. Voice ID then generates an authentication score depending on the confidence of the match. Contact center managers can use this score to create policies in Amazon Connect to let agents see a real-time result (“authenticated” or “not authenticated”) in their web-based application. Agents can then decide to proceed with the call or ask for additional authentication credentials.

Amazon Connect Voice ID is available in preview. You can signup today or visit this launch page.

Amazon Connect Customer Profiles
Customer Profiles is a unified profile for Amazon Connect that brings together customer information from disparate sources without having to build integrations or wrangle data.

Providing agents (or automatic IVR systems) with accurate and unified customer profile information at the right moment helps them to deliver better service to customers, and to resolve calls faster. Using Customer Profiles, agents must not navigate out of Amazon Connect, or switch between different applications to get the customer insights they need.

With just a few clicks, System Administrators can integrate customer profile data from applications like Salesforce, ServiceNow, Zendesk, and Marketo to build your own homegrown integration. Setting up connectors for Customer Profiles requires no programming or data integration expertise.

Once enabled, Customer Profiles automatically detects customer records from the applications. It matches and deduplicates them. This results in accurate and up-to-date profiles displayed to agents within their Connect web-based experience.

Amazon Connect Customer Profile

Learn more about Amazon Connect Customer Profile by visiting the launch page.

Amazon Connect Tasks
Amazon Connect Tasks makes it easy to automate, track, and manage contact center agent tasks. It provides a single place for contact center managers to prioritize, assign, and track customer service tasks across the disparate applications used by agents, so that they are focused on the highest priority work of any type.

Tasks can be sourced from third-party applications, such as a CRM solution, or to update a business-specific system. For example, you can programmatically create tasks for agents to follow-up on a customer case in a third party application like Salesforce, or complete an action item in a business-specific application, such as processing a claim in an insurance system. You can also automate tasks that dont require agent interaction, to ensure your agents spend more time focused on customers.

Using Amazon Connect tasks, agents no longer need to switch between applications to know what work should be completed, and with what priority. Agents can see all their assigned tasks right from the Amazon Connect contact control panel, the same web-based application they use to interact with customers over calls and chat. When a task is assigned, the agent receives a notification with the description of the task, and when required, links to any external applications needed to complete the action. Agents can also create tasks so that follow-up work is not forgotten, for example calling a customer back to provide a status update.

Amazon Connect Accept Tasks Amazon Connect View Task Create a task uisng Amazon Connect Tasks
Incoming Tasks Task Details Create a new Task

Amazon Connect Tasks provides pre-built connectors fo Salesforce and Zendesk. With just a few clicks, you can easily set up rules to automatically create tasks based on pre-defined conditions, as sown on the screenshot hereunder. It also provides an API to create tasks from any other application.

Amazon Connect Task Rules

Learn more about how to configure and to get started with Tasks by visiting the launch page.

Available Today
Three of these new capabilities are available today: Contact Lens Real Time, Customer Profiles, and Tasks. You must register to the preview program to test Wisdom and Voice ID.

Customer Profile and Tasks are available in all AWS Regions where Amazon Connect is available : US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (N. California), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Europe (Frankfurt), and Europe (London). Contact Lens Real Time is available in US West (Oregon), US East (N. Virginia), and Asia Pacific (Sydney) at the moment. Wisdom is available in US East (N. Virginia) and US West (Oregon) during the preview, while Voice ID is available only in US West (Oregon) during the preview.

With Amazon Connect, you only pay for what you use. There are no required up-front payments, long-term commitments, or minimum monthly fees. The price metrics for these new capabilities are detailed on the Amazon Connect pricing page.

Should you need help adding Amazon Connect any of these capabilities to contact flows, please reach out to one of the dozens of Amazon Connect partners available worldwide.

— seb

New – Amazon QuickSight Q Answers Natural-Language Questions About Business Data

Post Syndicated from Harunobu Kameda original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/amazon-quicksight-q-to-answer-ad-hoc-business-questions/

We launched Amazon QuickSight as the first Business Intelligence (BI) service with Pay-per-Session pricing. Today, we are happy to announce the preview of Amazon QuickSight Q, a Natural Language Query (NLQ) feature powered by machine learning (ML). With Q, business users can now use QuickSight to ask questions about their data using everyday language and receive accurate answers in seconds.

For example, in response to questions such as, “What is my year-to-date year-over-year sales growth?” or “Which products grew the most year-over-year?” Q automatically parses the questions to understand the intent, retrieves the corresponding data and returns the answer in the form of a number, chart, or table in QuickSight. Q uses state-of-the art ML algorithms to understand the relationships across your data and build indexes to provide accurate answers. Also, since Q does not require BI teams to pre-build data models on specific datasets, you can ask questions across all your data.

The Need for Q
Traditionally, BI engineers and analysts create dashboards to make it easier for business users to view and monitor key metrics. When a new business question arises and no answers are found in the data displayed on an existing dashboard, the business user must submit a data request to the BI Team, which is often thinly staffed, and wait several weeks for the question to be answered and added to the dashboard.

A sales manager looking at a dashboard that outlines daily sales trends may want to know what their overall sales were for last week, in comparison to last month, the previous quarter, or the same time last year. They may want to understand how absolute sales compare to growth rates, or how growth rates are broken down by different geographies, product lines, or customer segments to identify new opportunities for growth. This may require a BI team to reconstruct the data, create new data models, and answer additional questions. This process can take from a few days to a few weeks. Such specific data requests increase the workload for BI teams that may be understaffed, increases the time spent waiting for answers, and frustrates business users and executives who need the data to make timely decisions.

How Q Works
To ask a question, you simply type your question into the QuickSight Q search bar. Once you start typing in your question, Q provides autocomplete suggestions with key phrases and business terms to speed up the process. It also automatically performs spell check, and acronym and synonym matching, so you don’t have to worry about typos or remember the exact business terms in the data. Q uses natural language understanding techniques to extract business terms (e.g., revenue, growth, allocation, etc.) and intent from your questions, retrieves the corresponding data from the source, and returns the answers in the form of numbers and graphs.

Q further learns from user interactions from within the organization to continually improve accuracy. For example, if Q doesn’t understand a phrase in a question, such as what “my product” refers to, Q prompts the user to choose from a drop-down menu of suggested options in the search bar. Q then remembers the phrase for next time, thus improving accuracy with use. If you ask a question about all your data, Q provides an answer using that data. Users are not limited to asking questions that are confined to a pre-defined dashboard and can ask any questions relevant to your business.

Let’s see a demo. We assume that there is a dashboard of sales for a company.

Dashboard of Quicksight

The business users of the dashboard can drill down and slice and dice the data simply by typing their questions on the Q search bar above.

Let’s use the Q search bar to ask a question, “Show me last year’s weekly sales in California.” Q generates numbers and a graph within seconds.

Generated dashboard

You can click “Looks good” or “Not quite right” on the answer. When clicking “Not quite right,” you can submit your feedback to your BI team to help improve Q. You can also investigate the answer further. Let’s add “versus New York” to the end of the question and hit enter. A new answer will pop up.

Generated new graph

Next, let’s investigate further in California. Type in “What are the best selling categories in California.

categories detail

With Q, you can easily change the presentation. Let’s see another diagram for the same question.

line start

Next, let’s take a look at the biggest industry, “Finance.” Type in “Show me the sales growth % week over week in the Finance sector” to Q, and specify “Line chart” to check weekly sales revenue growth.

The sales revenue shows growth, but it has peak and off-peak spikes. With these insights, you might now consider how to stabilize for a better profit structure.

Getting Started with Amazon QuickSight Q
A new “Q Topics” link will appear on the left navigation bar. Topics are a collection of one or more datasets and are meant to represent a subject area that users can ask questions about. For example, a marketing team may have Q Topics for “Ad Spending,” “Email Campaign,” “Website Analytics,” and others. Additionally, as an author, you can:

  • Add friendly names, synonyms, and descriptions to datasets and columns to improve Q’s answers.
  • Share the Topic to your users so they can ask questions about the Topic.
  • See questions your users are asking, how Q answered these questions, and improve upon the answer.

topic tool barSelect Topics, and set Topic name and its Description.

setting up topics

After clicking the Continue button, you can add datasets to a topic in two ways: You can add one or more datasets directly to your topic by selecting Add datasets, or you can import all the datasets in an existing dashboard into your topic by selecting Import dashboard.

The next step is to make your datasets natural-language friendly. Generally, names of datasets and columns are based on technical naming conventions and do not reflect how they are referred to by end users. Q relies heavily on names to match the right dataset and column with the terms used in questions. Therefore, such technical names must be converted to user-friendly names to ensure that they can be mapped correctly. Below are examples:

  • Dataset Name – D_CUST_DLY_ORD_DTL → Friendly Name: Customer Daily Order Details.
  • Column Name: pdt_cd Column → Friendly name: Product Code

Also, you can set up synonyms for each column so users can use the terms they are most comfortable with. For example, some users might input the term “client” or “segment” instead of “industry.” Q provides a feature to correct to the right name when typing the query, but BI operators can also set up synonyms for frequently used words. Click “Topics” in the left pane and choose the dashboard where you want to set synonyms.

Then, choose “datasets.

Now, we can set a Friendly Name or synonyms as Aliases, such as “client” for “Customer,” or “Segment” for “Industry.”

setting up Friendly Name

After adding synonyms, a user can save the changes and start asking questions in the Q search bar.

Amazon QuickSight Q Preview Available Today
Q is available in preview for US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), US East (Ohio) and Europe (Ireland). Getting started with Q is just a few clicks away from QuickSight. You can use Q with AWS data sources such as Amazon Redshift, Amazon RDS, Amazon Aurora, Amazon Athena, and Amazon S3, or third-party commercial sources such as SQL Server, Teradata, and Snowflake. Salesforce, ServiceNow, and Adobe automatically integrate with all data sources supported by QuickSight, including business applications such as Analytics or Excel.

Learn more about Q and get started with the preview today.

– Kame


New- Amazon DevOps Guru Helps Identify Application Errors and Fixes

Post Syndicated from Harunobu Kameda original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/amazon-devops-guru-machine-learning-powered-service-identifies-application-errors-and-fixes/

Today, we are announcing Amazon DevOps Guru, a fully managed operations service that makes it easy for developers and operators to improve application availability by automatically detecting operational issues and recommending fixes. DevOps Guru applies machine learning informed by years of operational excellence from Amazon.com and Amazon Web Services (AWS) to automatically collect and analyze data such as application metrics, logs, and events to identify behavior that deviates from normal operational patterns.

Once a behavior is identified as an operational problem or risk, DevOps Guru alerts developers and operators to the details of the problem so they can quickly understand the scope of the problem and possible causes. DevOps Guru provides intelligent recommendations for fixing problems, saving you time resolving them. With DevOps Guru, there is no hardware or software to deploy, and you only pay for the data analyzed; there is no upfront cost or commitment.

Distributed/Complex Architecture and Operational Excellence
As applications become more distributed and complex, operators need more automated practices to maintain application availability and reduce the time and effort spent on detecting, debugging, and resolving operational issues. Application downtime, for example, as caused by misconfiguration, unbalanced container clusters, or resource depletion, can result in significant revenue loss to an enterprise.

In many cases, companies must invest developer time in deploying and managing multiple monitoring tools, such as metrics, logs, traces, and events, and storing them in various locations for analysis. Developers or operators also spend time developing and maintaining custom alarms to alert them to issues such as sudden spikes in load balancer errors or unusual drops in application request rates. When a problem occurs, operators receive multiple alerts related to the same issue and spend time combining alerts to prioritize those that need immediate attention.

How DevOps Guru Works
The DevOps Guru machine learning models leverages AWS expertise in running highly available applications for the world’s largest e-commerce business for the past 20 years. DevOps Guru automatically detects operational problems, details the possible causes, and recommends remediation actions. DevOps Guru provides customers with a single console experience to search and visualize operational data by integrating data across multiple sources supporting Amazon CloudWatch, AWS Config, AWS CloudTrail, AWS CloudFormation, and AWS X-Ray and reduces the need to use multiple tools.

Getting Started with DevOps Guru
Activating DevOps Guru is as easy as accessing the AWS Management Console and clicking Enable. When enabling DevOps Guru, you can select the IAM role. You’ll then choose the AWS resources to analyze, which may include all resources in your AWS account or just specified CloudFormation StackSets. Finally, you can set an Amazon SNS topic if you want to send notifications from DevOps Guru via SNS.

DevOps Guru starts to accumulate logs and analyze your environment; it can take up to several hours. Let’s assume we have a simple serverless architecture as shown in this illustration.

When the system has an error, the operator needs to investigate if the error came from Amazon API Gateway, AWS Lambda, or AWS DynamoDB. They must then determine the root cause and how to fix the issue. With DevOps Guru, the process is now easy and simple.

When a developer accesses the management console of DevOps Guru, they will see a list of insights which is a collection of anomalies that are created during the analysis of the AWS resources configured within your application. In this case, Amazon API Gateway, AWS Lambda, and Amazon DynamoDB. Each insight contains observations, recommendations, and contextual data you can use to better understand and resolve the operational problem.

The list below shows the insight name, the status (closed or ongoing), severity, and when the insight was created. Without checking any logs, you can immediately see that in the most recent issue (line1), a problem with a Lambda function within your stack was the cause of the issue, and it was related to duration. If the issue was still occurring, the status would be listed as Ongoing. Since this issue was temporary, the status is showing Closed.


Let’s look deeper at the most recent anomaly by clicking through the first insight link. There are two tabs: Aggregated metrics and Graphed anomalies.

Aggregated metrics display metrics that are related to the insight. Operators can see which AWS CloudFormation stack created the resource that emitted the metric, the name of the resource, and its type. The red lines on a timeline indicate spans of time when a metric emitted unusual values. In this case, the operator can see the specific time of day on Nov 24 when the anomaly occurred for each metric.

Graphed anomalies display detailed graphs for each of the insight’s anomalies. Operators can investigate and look at an anomaly at the resource level and per statistic. The graphs are grouped by metric name.


By reviewing aggregated and graphed anomalies, an operator can see when the issue occurred, whether it is still ongoing, as well as the resources impacted. It appears the increased Lambda duration had a corresponding impact on API Gateway causing timeouts and resulted in 5XX errors in API Gateway.

Dev Ops Guru also provides Relevant events which are related to activities that changed your application’s configuration as illustrated below.


We can now see that a configuration change happened 2 hours before this issue occurred. If we click the point on the graph at 20:30 on 11/24, we can learn more and see the details of that change.

If you click through to the Ops event, the AWS CloudTrail logs would show that the configuration change was twofold: 1) a change in the concurrency provisioned capacity on a Lambda function and 2) the reduction in the integration timeout on an API integration latency.

recommendations to fix

The recommendations tell the operator to evaluate the provisioned concurrency for Lambda and how to troubleshoot errors in API Gateway. After further evaluation, the operator will discover this is exactly correct. The root cause is a mismatch between the Lambda provisioned concurrency setting and the API Gateway integration latency timeout. When the Lambda configuration was updated in the last deployment, it altered how this application responded to burst traffic, and it no longer fit within the API Gateway timeout window. This error is unlikely to have been found in unit testing and will occur repeatedly if the configurations are not updated.

DevOps Guru can send alerts of anomalies to operators via Amazon SNS, and it is integrated with AWS Systems Manager OpsCenter, enabling customers to receive insights directly within OpsCenter as quickly diagnose and remediate issues.

Available for Preview Today
Amazon DevOps Guru is available for preview in US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), Europe (Ireland), and Asia Pacific (Tokyo). To learn more about DevOps Guru, please visit our web site and technical documentation, and get started today.

– Kame



New for AWS Lambda – Container Image Support

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-for-aws-lambda-container-image-support/

With AWS Lambda, you upload your code and run it without thinking about servers. Many customers enjoy the way this works, but if you’ve invested in container tooling for your development workflows, it’s not easy to use the same approach to build applications using Lambda.

To help you with that, you can now package and deploy Lambda functions as container images of up to 10 GB in size. In this way, you can also easily build and deploy larger workloads that rely on sizable dependencies, such as machine learning or data intensive workloads. Just like functions packaged as ZIP archives, functions deployed as container images benefit from the same operational simplicity, automatic scaling, high availability, and native integrations with many services.

We are providing base images for all the supported Lambda runtimes (Python, Node.js, Java, .NET, Go, Ruby) so that you can easily add your code and dependencies. We also have base images for custom runtimes based on Amazon Linux that you can extend to include your own runtime implementing the Lambda Runtime API.

You can deploy your own arbitrary base images to Lambda, for example images based on Alpine or Debian Linux. To work with Lambda, these images must implement the Lambda Runtime API. To make it easier to build your own base images, we are releasing Lambda Runtime Interface Clients implementing the Runtime API for all supported runtimes. These implementations are available via native package managers, so that you can easily pick them up in your images, and are being shared with the community using an open source license.

We are also releasing as open source a Lambda Runtime Interface Emulator that enables you to perform local testing of the container image and check that it will run when deployed to Lambda. The Lambda Runtime Interface Emulator is included in all AWS-provided base images and can be used with arbitrary images as well.

Your container images can also use the Lambda Extensions API to integrate monitoring, security and other tools with the Lambda execution environment.

To deploy a container image, you select one from an Amazon Elastic Container Registry repository. Let’s see how this works in practice with a couple of examples, first using an AWS-provided image for Node.js, and then building a custom image for Python.

Using the AWS-Provided Base Image for Node.js
Here’s the code (app.js) for a simple Node.js Lambda function generating a PDF file using the PDFKit module. Each time it is invoked, it creates a new mail containing random data generated by the faker.js module. The output of the function is using the syntax of the Amazon API Gateway to return the PDF file.

const PDFDocument = require('pdfkit');
const faker = require('faker');
const getStream = require('get-stream');

exports.lambdaHandler = async (event) => {

    const doc = new PDFDocument();

    const randomName = faker.name.findName();

    doc.text(randomName, { align: 'right' });
    doc.text(faker.address.streetAddress(), { align: 'right' });
    doc.text(faker.address.secondaryAddress(), { align: 'right' });
    doc.text(faker.address.zipCode() + ' ' + faker.address.city(), { align: 'right' });
    doc.text('Dear ' + randomName + ',');
    for(let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    doc.text(faker.name.findName(), { align: 'right' });

    pdfBuffer = await getStream.buffer(doc);
    pdfBase64 = pdfBuffer.toString('base64');

    const response = {
        statusCode: 200,
        headers: {
            'Content-Length': Buffer.byteLength(pdfBase64),
            'Content-Type': 'application/pdf',
            'Content-disposition': 'attachment;filename=test.pdf'
        isBase64Encoded: true,
        body: pdfBase64
    return response;

I use npm to initialize the package and add the three dependencies I need in the package.json file. In this way, I also create the package-lock.json file. I am going to add it to the container image to have a more predictable result.

$ npm init
$ npm install pdfkit
$ npm install faker
$ npm install get-stream

Now, I create a Dockerfile to create the container image for my Lambda function, starting from the AWS provided base image for the nodejs12.x runtime:

FROM amazon/aws-lambda-nodejs:12
COPY app.js package*.json ./
RUN npm install
CMD [ "app.lambdaHandler" ]

The Dockerfile is adding the source code (app.js) and the files describing the package and the dependencies (package.json and package-lock.json) to the base image. Then, I run npm to install the dependencies. I set the CMD to the function handler, but this could also be done later as a parameter override when configuring the Lambda function.

I use the Docker CLI to build the random-letter container image locally:

$ docker build -t random-letter .

To check if this is working, I start the container image locally using the Lambda Runtime Interface Emulator:

$ docker run -p 9000:8080 random-letter:latest

Now, I test a function invocation with cURL. Here, I am passing an empty JSON payload.

$ curl -XPOST "http://localhost:9000/2015-03-31/functions/function/invocations" -d '{}'

If there are errors, I can fix them locally. When it works, I move to the next step.

To upload the container image, I create a new ECR repository in my account and tag the local image to push it to ECR. To help me identify software vulnerabilities in my container images, I enable ECR image scanning.

$ aws ecr create-repository --repository-name random-letter --image-scanning-configuration scanOnPush=true
$ docker tag random-letter:latest 123412341234.dkr.ecr.sa-east-1.amazonaws.com/random-letter:latest
$ aws ecr get-login-password | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin 123412341234.dkr.ecr.sa-east-1.amazonaws.com
$ docker push 123412341234.dkr.ecr.sa-east-1.amazonaws.com/random-letter:latest

Here I am using the AWS Management Console to complete the creation of the function. You can also use the AWS Serverless Application Model, that has been updated to add support for container images.

In the Lambda console, I click on Create function. I select Container image, give the function a name, and then Browse images to look for the right image in my ECR repositories.

Screenshot of the console.

After I select the repository, I use the latest image I uploaded. When I select the image, the Lambda is translating that to the underlying image digest (on the right of the tag in the image below). You can see the digest of your images locally with the docker images --digests command. In this way, the function is using the same image even if the latest tag is passed to a newer one, and you are protected from unintentional deployments. You can update the image to use in the function code. Updating the function configuration has no impact on the image used, even if the tag was reassigned to another image in the meantime.

Screenshot of the console.

Optionally, I can override some of the container image values. I am not doing this now, but in this way I can create images that can be used for different functions, for example by overriding the function handler in the CMD value.

Screenshot of the console.

I leave all other options to their default and select Create function.

When creating or updating the code of a function, the Lambda platform optimizes new and updated container images to prepare them to receive invocations. This optimization takes a few seconds or minutes, depending on the size of the image. After that, the function is ready to be invoked. I test the function in the console.

Screenshot of the console.

It’s working! Now let’s add the API Gateway as trigger. I select Add Trigger and add the API Gateway using an HTTP API. For simplicity, I leave the authentication of the API open.

Screenshot of the console.

Now, I click on the API endpoint a few times and download a few random mails.

Screenshot of the console.

It works as expected! Here are a few of the PDF files that are generated with random data from the faker.js module.

Output of the sample application.


Building a Custom Image for Python
Sometimes you need to use your custom container images, for example to follow your company guidelines or to use a runtime version that we don’t support.

In this case, I want to build an image to use Python 3.9. The code (app.py) of my function is very simple, I just want to say hello and the version of Python that is being used.

import sys
def handler(event, context): 
    return 'Hello from AWS Lambda using Python' + sys.version + '!'

As I mentioned before, we are sharing with you open source implementations of the Lambda Runtime Interface Clients (which implement the Runtime API) for all the supported runtimes. In this case, I start with a Python image based on Alpine Linux. Then, I add the Lambda Runtime Interface Client for Python (link coming soon) to the image. Here’s the Dockerfile:

# Define global args
ARG FUNCTION_DIR="/home/app/"

# Stage 1 - bundle base image + runtime
# Grab a fresh copy of the image and install GCC
FROM python:${RUNTIME_VERSION}-alpine${DISTRO_VERSION} AS python-alpine
# Install GCC (Alpine uses musl but we compile and link dependencies with GCC)
RUN apk add --no-cache \

# Stage 2 - build function and dependencies
FROM python-alpine AS build-image
# Install aws-lambda-cpp build dependencies
RUN apk add --no-cache \
    build-base \
    libtool \
    autoconf \
    automake \
    libexecinfo-dev \
    make \
    cmake \
# Include global args in this stage of the build
# Create function directory
RUN mkdir -p ${FUNCTION_DIR}
# Copy handler function
# Optional – Install the function's dependencies
# RUN python${RUNTIME_VERSION} -m pip install -r requirements.txt --target ${FUNCTION_DIR}
# Install Lambda Runtime Interface Client for Python
RUN python${RUNTIME_VERSION} -m pip install awslambdaric --target ${FUNCTION_DIR}

# Stage 3 - final runtime image
# Grab a fresh copy of the Python image
FROM python-alpine
# Include global arg in this stage of the build
# Set working directory to function root directory
# Copy in the built dependencies
COPY --from=build-image ${FUNCTION_DIR} ${FUNCTION_DIR}
# (Optional) Add Lambda Runtime Interface Emulator and use a script in the ENTRYPOINT for simpler local runs
COPY https://github.com/aws/aws-lambda-runtime-interface-emulator/releases/latest/download/aws-lambda-rie /usr/bin/aws-lambda-rie
RUN chmod 755 /usr/bin/aws-lambda-rie
COPY entry.sh /
ENTRYPOINT [ "/entry.sh" ]
CMD [ "app.handler" ]

The Dockerfile this time is more articulated, building the final image in three stages, following the Docker best practices of multi-stage builds. You can use this three-stage approach to build your own custom images:

  • Stage 1 is building the base image with the runtime, Python 3.9 in this case, plus GCC that we use to compile and link dependencies in stage 2.
  • Stage 2 is installing the Lambda Runtime Interface Client and building function and dependencies.
  • Stage 3 is creating the final image adding the output from stage 2 to the base image built in stage 1. Here I am also adding the Lambda Runtime Interface Emulator, but this is optional, see below.

I create the entry.sh script below to use it as ENTRYPOINT. It executes the Lambda Runtime Interface Client for Python. If the execution is local, the Runtime Interface Client is wrapped by the Lambda Runtime Interface Emulator.

if [ -z "${AWS_LAMBDA_RUNTIME_API}" ]; then
    exec /usr/bin/aws-lambda-rie /usr/local/bin/python -m awslambdaric
    exec /usr/local/bin/python -m awslambdaric

Now, I can use the Lambda Runtime Interface Emulator to check locally if the function and the container image are working correctly:

$ docker run -p 9000:8080 lambda/python:3.9-alpine3.12

Not Including the Lambda Runtime Interface Emulator in the Container Image
It’s optional to add the Lambda Runtime Interface Emulator to a custom container image. If I don’t include it, I can test locally by installing the Lambda Runtime Interface Emulator in my local machine following these steps:

  • In Stage 3 of the Dockerfile, I remove the commands copying the Lambda Runtime Interface Emulator (aws-lambda-rie) and the entry.sh script. I don’t need the entry.sh script in this case.
  • I use this ENTRYPOINT to start by default the Lambda Runtime Interface Client:
    ENTRYPOINT [ "/usr/local/bin/python", “-m”, “awslambdaric” ]
  • I run these commands to install the Lambda Runtime Interface Emulator in my local machine, for example under ~/.aws-lambda-rie:
mkdir -p ~/.aws-lambda-rie
curl -Lo ~/.aws-lambda-rie/aws-lambda-rie https://github.com/aws/aws-lambda-runtime-interface-emulator/releases/latest/download/aws-lambda-rie
chmod +x ~/.aws-lambda-rie/aws-lambda-rie

When the Lambda Runtime Interface Emulator is installed on my local machine, I can mount it when starting the container. The command to start the container locally now is (assuming the Lambda Runtime Interface Emulator is at ~/.aws-lambda-rie):

docker run -d -v ~/.aws-lambda-rie:/aws-lambda -p 9000:8080 \
       --entrypoint /aws-lambda/aws-lambda-rie lambda/python:3.9-alpine3.12
       /lambda-entrypoint.sh app.handler

Testing the Custom Image for Python
Either way, when the container is running locally, I can test a function invocation with cURL:

curl -XPOST "http://localhost:9000/2015-03-31/functions/function/invocations" -d '{}'

The output is what I am expecting!

"Hello from AWS Lambda using Python3.9.0 (default, Oct 22 2020, 05:03:39) \n[GCC 9.3.0]!"

I push the image to ECR and create the function as before. Here’s my test in the console:

Screenshot of the console.

My custom container image based on Alpine is running Python 3.9 on Lambda!

Available Now
You can use container images to deploy your Lambda functions today in US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Europe (Ireland), Europe (Frankfurt), South America (São Paulo). We are working to add support in more Regions soon. The container image support is offered in addition to ZIP archives and we will continue to support the ZIP packaging format.

There are no additional costs to use this feature. You pay for the ECR repository and the usual Lambda pricing.

You can use container image support in AWS Lambda with the console, AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), AWS SDKs, AWS Serverless Application Model, and solutions from AWS Partners, including Aqua Security, Datadog, Epsagon, HashiCorp Terraform, Honeycomb, Lumigo, Pulumi, Stackery, Sumo Logic, and Thundra.

This new capability opens up new scenarios, simplifies the integration with your development pipeline, and makes it easier to use custom images and your favorite programming platforms to build serverless applications.

Learn more and start using container images with AWS Lambda.


New – Amazon EBS gp3 Volume Lets You Provision Performance Apart From Capacity

Post Syndicated from Harunobu Kameda original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-amazon-ebs-gp3-volume-lets-you-provision-performance-separate-from-capacity-and-offers-20-lower-price/

Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) is an easy-to-use, high-performance block storage service designed for use with Amazon EC2 instances for both throughput and transaction-intensive workloads of all sizes. Using existing general purpose solid state drive (SSD) gp2 volumes, performance scales with storage capacity. By provisioning larger storage volume sizes, you can improve application input / output operations per second (IOPS) and throughput.

However some applications, such as MySQL, Cassandra, and Hadoop clusters, require high performance but not high storage capacity. Customers want to meet the performance requirements of these types of applications without paying for more storage volumes than they need.

Today I would like to tell you about gp3, a new type of SSD EBS volume that lets you provision performance independent of storage capacity, and offers a 20% lower price than existing gp2 volume types.

New gp3 Volume Type

With EBS, customers can choose from multiple volume types based on the unique needs of their applications. We introduced general purpose SSD gp2 volumes in 2014 to offer SSD performance at a very low price. gp2 provides an easy and cost-effective way to meet the performance and throughput requirements of many applications our customers use such as virtual desktops, medium-sized databases such as SQLServer and OracleDB, and development and testing environments.

That said, some customers need higher performance. Because the basic idea behind gp2 is that the larger the capacity, the faster the IOPS, customers may end up provisioning more storage capacity than desired. Even though gp2 offers a low price point, customers end up paying for storage they don’t need.

The new gp3 is the 7th variation of EBS volume types. It lets customers independently increase IOPS and throughput without having to provision additional block storage capacity, paying only for the resources they need.

gp3 is designed to provide predictable 3,000 IOPS baseline performance and 125 MiB/s regardless of volume size. It is ideal for applications that require high performance at a low cost such as MySQL, Cassandra, virtual desktops and Hadoop analytics. Customers looking for higher performance can scale up to 16,000 IOPS and 1,000 MiB/s for an additional fee. The top performance of gp3 is 4 times faster than max throughput of gp2 volumes.

How to Switch From gp2 to gp3

If you’re currently using gp2, you can easily migrate your EBS volumes to gp3 using Amazon EBS Elastic Volumes, an existing feature of Amazon EBS. Elastic Volumes allows you to modify the volume type, IOPS, and throughput of your existing EBS volumes without interrupting your Amazon EC2 instances. Also, when you create a new Amazon EBS volume, Amazon EC2 instance, or Amazon Machine Image (AMI), you can choose the gp3 volume type. New AWS customers receive 30GiB of gp3 storage with the baseline performance at no charge for 12 months.

Available Today

The gp3 volume type is available for all AWS Regions. You can access the AWS Management Console to launch your first gp3 volume.

For more information, see Amazon Elastic Block Store and get started with gp3 today.

– Kame


Preview: AWS Proton – Automated Management for Container and Serverless Deployments

Post Syndicated from Alex Casalboni original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/preview-aws-proton-automated-management-for-container-and-serverless-deployments/

Today, we are excited to announce the public preview of AWS Proton, a new service that helps you automate and manage infrastructure provisioning and code deployments for serverless and container-based applications.

Maintaining hundreds – or sometimes thousands – of microservices with constantly changing infrastructure resources and configurations is a challenging task for even the most capable teams.

AWS Proton enables infrastructure teams to define standard templates centrally and make them available for developers in their organization. This allows infrastructure teams to manage and update infrastructure without impacting developer productivity.

How AWS Proton Works
The process of defining a service template involves the definition of cloud resources, continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines, and observability tools. AWS Proton will integrate with commonly used CI/CD pipelines and observability tools such as CodePipeline and CloudWatch. It also provides curated templates that follow AWS best practices for common use cases such as web services running on AWS Fargate or stream processing apps built on AWS Lambda.

Infrastructure teams can visualize and manage the list of service templates in the AWS Management Console.

This is what the list of templates looks like.

AWS Proton also collects information about the deployment status of the application such as the last date it was successfully deployed. When a template changes, AWS Proton identifies all the existing applications using the old version and allows infrastructure teams to upgrade them to the most recent definition, while monitoring application health during the upgrade so it can be rolled-back in case of issues.

This is what a service template looks like, with its versions and running instances.

Once service templates have been defined, developers can select and deploy services in a self-service fashion. AWS Proton will take care of provisioning cloud resources, deploying the code, and health monitoring, while providing visibility into the status of all the deployed applications and their pipelines.

This way, developers can focus on building and shipping application code for serverless and container-based applications without having to learn, configure, and maintain the underlying resources.

This is what the list of deployed services looks like.

Available in Preview
AWS Proton is now available in preview in US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), and Europe (Ireland); it’s free of charge, as you only pay for the underlying services and resources. Check out the technical documentation.

You can get started using the AWS Management Console here.


New for AWS Lambda – Functions with Up to 10 GB of Memory and 6 vCPUs

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-for-aws-lambda-functions-with-up-to-10-gb-of-memory-and-6-vcpus/

AWS Lambda runs your code on an highly available and scalable compute infrastructure so that you can focus on what you want to build. Do you want to get the advantages of Lambda for workloads that are memory or computationally intensive? Wait no more!

Starting today, you can allocate up to 10 GB of memory to a Lambda function. This is more than a 3x increase compared to previous limits. Lambda allocates CPU and other resources linearly in proportion to the amount of memory configured. That means you can now have access to up to 6 vCPUs in each execution environment. In this way, your multithreaded and multiprocess applications run faster. Since Lambda charges are proportional to memory configured and function duration (GB-seconds), the additional costs for using more memory may be offset by lower duration. I have more on this in the example below.

With more memory and CPU power, and support for the AVX2 instruction set, new use cases — such as machine learning applications; batch and extract, transform, load (ETL) jobs; modelling; genomics; gaming; high-performance computing (HPC); and media processing — become easier to implement and scale with Lambda functions.

Let’s see how this works in practice!

Lambda Function Performance as Memory Increases
When I first wrote about the capability of mounting a shared Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) for Lambda functions, one of the examples I used was a function doing machine learning inference to classify images of birds. The function is using PyTorch to run the inference, applying a pre-trained machine learning model.

Now, I can execute the same function in the updated Lambda execution environment. Let’s see how increasing memory affects the duration of the function. Here are the results of using memory configurations between 1 and 10 GB. To get these numbers, I ran 20 invocations for each memory configuration. Then, I computed the average duration, discarding function initializations. To avoid possible outliers, I also excluded from the average the top and bottom 10% of reported durations. Based on the results, I estimated the charges I would have for 1 million invocations with each configuration.

Graph showing Function Duration and Charges for 1M Invocations as Memory Increases

As you can see, the function is able to use the additional CPU power that comes with more memory, decreasing the duration of the invocations. What is interesting is the impact of increasing memory on my costs.

Lambda charges are related to memory and duration, so if I increase memory and this is reducing duration by the same proportion, the overall charges are about the same. For example, looking at the graph above, when I configure 5 GB of memory, I have the same costs as when I have 1 GB of memory (about $61 for one million invocations), but the function is 5x faster. If I need lower latency, I can increase memory up to 10 GB, where the function is 7.6x faster and I pay a little more ($80 for one million invocations).

Depending on your code and business case, you can find out which memory configuration gives the optimal trade-off between cost and performance. To help you with that, my colleague and friend Alex Casalboni started the AWS Lambda Power Tuning project to help you optimize your Lambda functions in a data-driven way. This open source tool is really useful and has been improved by the support of many contributors. Give it a try!

In my tests, PyTorch is also using the optimizations of the Advanced Vector Extensions 2 (AVX2) instruction set, now available in the Lambda execution environment. With the AVX2 instruction set, the processor allows running a certain set of operations simultaneously. This is extremely beneficial for applications with operations that can run in parallel such as matrix multiplication. As a result, using AVX2 can improve performance by increasing CPU throughput per cycle. This typically helps compute intensive workloads such as machine learning inference, multimedia processing, scientific simulations, and financial modeling applications.

Available Now
AWS Lambda support for larger functions is available in Africa (Cape Town), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Canada (Central), EU (Frankfurt), EU (Ireland), EU (London), EU (Milano), EU (Paris), EU (Stockholm), South America (Sao Paulo), US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (N. California), US West (Oregon).

You can configure up to 10 GB of memory for new or existing Lambda functions using the AWS Management Console, AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), AWS SDKs, and Serverless Application Model.

Here’s a snapshot of the new console experience. We replaced the slider with a field, and you can now configure memory in 1 MB increments (it was 64MB increments before). In this way, the console works similarly to the Lambda API that always accepted memory configurations with 1MB granularity.

There is no change in Lambda pricing, you pay for requests and usage, with duration and Provisioned Concurrency charged at a rate proportional to the amount of memory configured.

Start using Lambda functions with up to 10 GB of memory and 6 vCPUs today.


New for AWS Lambda – 1ms Billing Granularity Adds Cost Savings

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-for-aws-lambda-1ms-billing-granularity-adds-cost-savings/

What I like about AWS Lambda is that it lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers, and you pay only for what you use. Since we launched Lambda in 2014, you have been charged for the number of times your code is triggered (requests) and for the time your code executes, rounded up to the nearest 100ms (duration).

Starting today, we are rounding up duration to the nearest millisecond with no minimum execution time.

With this new pricing, you are going to pay less most of the time, but it’s going to be more noticeable when you have functions whose execution time is much lower than 100ms, such as low latency APIs.

For example, let’s look at a simple web app that I have running. In the Amazon CloudWatch Logs, for each invocation there is a REPORT line. To improve readability, I am breaking the REPORT line into three lines here:

REPORT RequestId: 35a7e0cb-4902-490d-b8d3-eb315dded660
Duration: 27.40 ms  Billed Duration: 100 ms Memory Size: 1024 MB  Max Memory Used: 472 MB

With 1ms billing granularity that becomes:

REPORT RequestId: a24d03b5-429d-4ca3-a490-878a52a0182f
Duration: 27.55 ms  Billed Duration: 28 ms Memory Size: 1024 MB  Max Memory Used: 472 MB

My application doesn’t have a lot of traffic, so let’s do a simple production scenario. Let’s say I have 100,000 users for a web/mobile app. I expect each user to call this function via the web/mobile app about 20 times per day. The duration of those invocations is on average 28ms. Each month, I should expect:

  • 100,000 users * 20 invocations * 30 days = 60 million invocations.

Let’s estimate the costs in US East (N. Virginia). For simplicity, I am not considering the Lambda free tier.

The Lambda monthly request charges are unchanged:

  • 60 million invocations * $0.20 per 1M requests = $12

To that, I have to add compute charges based on duration.

The Lambda monthly compute charges with the old 100ms rounded up pricing would have been:

  • 60 million invocations* 100ms * 1G memory * $0.0000166667 for every GB-second = $100

With the new 1ms billing granularity, the duration costs are:

  • 60 million invocations * 28ms * 1G memory * $0.0000166667 for every GB-second = $28

For this scenario, overall costs including request and compute charges are much cheaper ($40) than before ($112).

With this pricing, there is now more of an incentive to optimize the duration of functions even if it is already well below 100ms. Your engineering efforts can reduce costs even more.

If you increase memory to get more CPU power and speed up your functions, you now get the benefit of a lower billed duration below 100ms as well. That means that increasing performance and reducing latency is going to be cheaper than before.

We are applying 1ms billing granularity for duration, including when you have Provisioned Concurrency enabled, in all AWS Regions with the exception of those based in China starting with the December 2020 billing period. Regions in China will get the change from January.

Enjoy the new pricing!


Amazon Elastic Container Registry Public: A New Public Container Registry

Post Syndicated from Martin Beeby original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/amazon-ecr-public-a-new-public-container-registry/

In November, we announced that we intended to create a public container registry, and today at AWS re:Invent, we followed through on that promise and launched Amazon Elastic Container Registry Public (ECR Public).

ECR Public allows you to store, manage, share, and deploy container images for anyone to discover and download globally. You have long been able to host private container images on AWS with Amazon Elastic Container Registry, and now with the release of ECR Public, you can host public ones too, enabling anyone (with or without an AWS account) to browse and pull your published container artifacts.

As part of the announcement, a new website allows you to browse and search for public container images, view developer provided details, and discover the commands you need to pull containers.

If you check the website out now, you will see we have hosted some of our container images on the registry, including including the Amazon EKS Distro images. We also have hundreds of images from partners such as Bitnami, Canonical and HashiCorp.

Publishing A Container
Before I can upload a container, I need to create a repository. There is now a Public tab in the Repositories section of the Elastic Container Registry console. In this tab, I click the button Create repository.

I am taken to the Create repository screen, where I select that I would like the repository to be public.

I give my repository the name news-blog and upload a logo that will be used on the gallery details page. I provide a description and select Linux as the Content type, There is also an option to select the CPU architectures that the image supports, if you have a multi-architecture image you can select more than one architecture type. The content types are used for filtering on the gallery website, this will enable people using the gallery to filter their searches by architecture and operating system support.

I enter some markdown in the About section. The text I enter here will be displayed on the gallery page and would ordinarily explain what’s included in the repository, any licensing details, or other relevant information. There is also a Usage section where I enter some sample text to explain how to use my image and that I created the repository for a demo. Finally, I click Create repository.

Back at the repository page, I now have one public repository. There is also a button that says View push commands. I click on this so I can learn more about how to push containers to the repository.

I follow the four steps contained in this section. The first step helps me authenticate with ECR Public so that I can push containers to my repository. Steps two, three, and four show me how to build, tag, and push my container to ECR Public.

The application that I have containerized is a simple app that runs and outputs a terminal message. I use the docker CLI to push my container to my repository, it’s quite a small container, so it only takes a minute or two.

Once complete, I head over to the ECR Public gallery and can see that my image is now publicly available for anyone to pull.

Pulling A Container
You pull containers from ECR Public using the familiar docker pull command with the URL of the image.

You can easily find this URL on the ECR Public website, where the image URL is displayed along with other published information. Clicking on the URL copies the image URL to your clipboard for an easy copy-paste.

ECR Public image URLs are in the format public.ecr.aws/<namespace>/<image>:<tag>

For example, if I wanted to pull the image I uploaded earlier, I would open my terminal and run the following command (please note: you will need docker installed locally to run these commands).

docker pull public.ecr.aws/r6g9m2o3/news-blog:latest

I have now download the Docker Image onto my machine, and I can run the container using the following command:

docker run public.ecr.aws/r6g9m2o3/news-blog:latest

My application runs and writes a message from Jeff Barr. If you are wondering about the switches and parameters I have used on my docker run command, it’s to make sure that the log is written in color because we wouldn’t want to miss out on Jeff’s glorious purple hair.

Nice to Know
ECR Public automatically replicates container images across two AWS Regions to reduce download times and improve availability. Therefore, using public images directly from ECR Public may simplify your build process if you were previously creating and managing local copies. ECR Public caches image layers in Amazon CloudFront, to improve pull performance for a global audience, especially for popular images.

ECR Public also has some nice integrations that will make working with containers easier on AWS. For example, ECR Public will automatically notify services such as AWS CodeBuild to rebuild an application when a public container image changes.

All AWS customers will get 50 GB of free storage each month, and if you exceed that limit, you will pay nominal charges. Check out the pricing page for details.

Anyone who pulls images anonymously will get 500 GB of free data bandwidth each month, after which they can sign up or sign in to an AWS account to get more. Simply authenticating with an AWS account increases free data bandwidth up to 5 TB each month when pulling images from the internet.

Finally, workloads running in AWS will get unlimited data bandwidth from any region when pulling publicly shared images from ECR Public.

Verification and Namespaces
You can create a custom namespace such as your organization or project name to be used in a ECR Public URL subdomain unless it’s a reserved namespace. Namespaces such as sagemaker and eks that identify AWS services are reserved. Namespaces that identify AWS Marketplace sellers are also reserved.

Available Today
ECR Public is available today and you can find out more over on the product page. Visit the gallery to explore and use available public container software and log into the ECR Console to share containers publicly.

Happy Containerizing!

— Martin

Coming Soon – Amazon EC2 G4ad Instances Featuring AMD GPUs for Graphics Workloads

Post Syndicated from Steve Roberts original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-amazon-ec2-g4ad-instances-featuring-amd-gpus-for-graphics-workloads/

Customers with high performance graphic workloads, such as game streaming, animation, and video rendering for example, are always looking for higher performance with less cost. Today, I’m happy to announce new Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances in the G4 instance family are in the works and will be available soon, to improve performance and reduce cost for graphics-intensive workloads. The new G4ad instances feature AMD’s latest Radeon Pro V520 GPUs and 2nd generation EPYC processors, and are the first in EC2 to feature AMD GPUs.

G4dn instances, released in 2019 and featuring NVIDIA T4 GPUs, were previously the most cost-effective GPU-based instances in EC2. G4dn instances are ideal for deploying machine learning models in production and also graphics-intensive applications. However, when compared to G4dn the new G4ad instances enable up to 45% better price performance for graphics-intensive workloads, including the aforementioned game streaming, remote graphics workstations, and rendering scenarios. Compared to an equally-sized G4dn instance, G4ad instances offer up to 40% improvement in performance.

G4dn instances will continue to be the best option for small-scale machine learning (ML) training and GPU-based ML inference due to included hardware optimizations like Tensor Cores. Additionally, G4dn instances are still best suited for graphics applications that need access to NVIDIA libraries such as CUDA, CuDNN, and NVENC. However, when there is no dependency on NVIDIA’s libraries, we recommend customers try the G4ad instances to benefit from the improved price and performance.

AMD Radeon Pro V520 GPUs in G4ad instances support DirectX 11/12, Vulkan 1.1, and OpenGL 4.5 APIs. For operating systems, customers can choose from Windows Server 2016/2019, Amazon Linux 2, Ubuntu 18.04.3, and CentOS 7.7. Instances using G4ad can be purchased as On-Demand, Savings Plan, Reserved Instances, or Spot Instances. Three instance sizes are available, from G4ad.4xlarge, with 1 GPU, to G4ad.16xlarge with 4 GPUs, as shown below.

Instance Size GPUs GPU Memory (GB) vCPUs Memory (GB) Storage EBS Bandwidth (Gbps) Network Bandwidth (Gbps)
g4ad.4xlarge 1 8 16 64 600 Up to 3 Up to 10
g4ad.8xlarge 2 16 32 128 1200 3 15
g4ad.16xlarge 4 32 64 256 2400 6 25

The new G4ad instances will be available soon in US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), and Europe (Ireland).

Learn more about G4ad instances.

— Steve

Coming Soon – EC2 C6gn Instances – 100 Gbps Networking with AWS Graviton2 Processors

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/coming-soon-ec2-c6gn-instances-100-gbps-networking-with-aws-graviton2-processors/

Based on the amazing feedback from customers such as Snap, NextRoll, Intuit, SmugMug, and Honeycomb who are running their workloads on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances powered by AWS Graviton2, today we are announcing an addition to our broad Arm-based Graviton2 portfolio with C6gn instances that deliver up to 100 Gbps network bandwidth, up to 38 Gbps Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) bandwidth, up to 40% higher packet processing performance, and up to 40% better price/performance versus comparable current generation x86-based network optimized instances.

Compared to C6g instances, this new instance type provides 4x higher network bandwidth, 4x higher packet processing performance, and 2x higher EBS bandwidth. This means that customers with workloads that need high networking bandwidth such as high performance computing (HPC), network appliance, real-time video communications, and data analytics, will be able to bring their biggest and most challenging applications to Arm and take advantage of the performance and cost-optimization.

C6gn instances will be available in 8 sizes:

Name vCPUs Memory
Network Bandwidth
EBS Throughput
c6gn.medium 1 2 Up to 25 Up to 9.5
c6gn.large 2 4 Up to 25 Up to 9.5
c6gn.xlarge 4 8 Up to 25 Up to 9.5
c6gn.2xlarge 8 16 Up to 25 Up to 9.5
c6gn.4xlarge 16 32 25 9.5
c6gn.8xlarge 32 64 50 19
c6gn.12xlarge 48 96 75 28.5
c6gn.16xlarge 64 128 100 38

The new instances are built on the AWS Nitro System, a collection of AWS-designed hardware and software innovations that maximize resource efficiency. C6gn instances support Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA) on the c6gn.16xlarge sizes for workloads that can take advantage of lower network latency (such as HPC and video processing) and use Message Passing Interface (MPI) for highly scalable clusters. These new instances also fully support network frameworks like Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK), making it easier to migrate network appliance workloads.

Coming Soon
EC2 C6gn instances will be available later this month and make it easier to optimize costs for HPC and workloads that require high network bandwidth and low latency. Let me know what you are going to build with them!

To get practice with the AWS Graviton2 architecture, you can try t4g.micro instances for free for up to 750 hours per month until March 31st, 2021.

Learn more about EC2 C6gn instances today.
