Tag Archives: AWS Amplify

Using generative infrastructure as code with Application Composer

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/using-generative-infrastructure-as-code-with-application-composer/

This post is written by Anna Spysz, Frontend Engineer, AWS Application Composer

AWS Application Composer launched in the AWS Management Console one year ago, and has now expanded to the VS Code IDE as part of the AWS Toolkit. This includes access to a generative AI partner that helps you write infrastructure as code (IaC) for all 1100+ AWS CloudFormation resources that Application Composer now supports.


Application Composer lets you create IaC templates by dragging and dropping cards on a virtual canvas. These represent CloudFormation resources, which you can wire together to create permissions and references. With support for all 1100+ resources that CloudFormation allows, you can now build with everything from AWS Amplify to AWS X-Ray.

­­Previously, standard CloudFormation resources came only with a basic configuration. Adding an Amplify App resource resulted in the following configuration by default:

    Type: AWS::Amplify::App
      Name: <String>

And in the console:

AWS App Composer in the console

AWS App Composer in the console

Now, Application Composer in the IDE uses generative AI to generate resource-specific configurations with safeguards such as validation against the CloudFormation schema to ensure valid values.

When working on a CloudFormation or AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) template in VS Code, you can sign in with your Builder ID and generate multiple suggested configurations in Application Composer. Here is an example of an AI generated configuration for the AWS::Amplify::App type:

AI generated configuration for the Amplify App type

AI generated configuration for the Amplify App type

These suggestions are specific to the resource type, and are safeguarded by a check against the CloudFormation schema to ensure valid values or helpful placeholders. You can then select, use, and modify the suggestions to fit your needs.

You now know how to generate a basic example with one resource, but let’s look at building a full application with the help of AI-generated suggestions. This example recreates a serverless application from a Serverless Land tutorial, “Use GenAI capabilities to build a chatbot,” using Application Composer and generative AI-powered code suggestions.

Getting started with the AWS Toolkit in VS Code

If you don’t yet have the AWS Toolkit extension, you can find it under the Extensions tab in VS Code. Install or update it to at least version 2.1.0, so that the screen shows Amazon Q and Application Composer:

Amazon Q and Application Composer

Amazon Q and Application Composer

Next, to enable gen AI-powered code suggestions, you must enable Amazon CodeWhisperer using your Builder ID. The easiest way is to open Amazon Q chat, and select Authenticate. On the next screen, select the Builder ID option, then sign in with your Builder ID.

Enable Amazon CodeWhisperer using your Builder ID

Enable Amazon CodeWhisperer using your Builder ID

After sign-in, your connection appears in the VS Code toolkit panel:

Connection in VS Code toolkit panel

Connection in VS Code toolkit panel

Building with Application Composer

With the toolkit installed and connected with your Builder ID, you are ready to start building.

  1. In a new workspace, create a folder for the application and a blank template.yaml file.
  2. Open this file and initiate Application Composer by choosing the icon in the top right.
Initiate Application Composer

Original architecture diagram

The original tutorial includes this architecture diagram:

Original architecture diagram

Initiate Application Composer

First, add the services in the diagram to sketch out the application architecture, which simultaneously creates a deployable CloudFormation template:

  1. From the Enhanced components list, drag in a Lambda function and a Lambda layer.
  2. Double-click the Function resource to edit its properties. Rename the Lambda function’s Logical ID to LexGenAIBotLambda.
  3. Change the Source path to src/LexGenAIBotLambda, and the runtime to Python.
  4. Change the handler value to TextGeneration.lambda_handler, and choose Save.
  5. Double-click the Layer resource to edit its properties. Rename the layer Boto3Layer and change its build method to Python. Change its Source path to src/Boto3PillowPyshorteners.zip.
  6. Finally, connect the layer to the function to add a reference between them. Your canvas looks like this:
Your App Composer canvas

Your App Composer canvas

The template.yaml file is now updated to include those resources. In the source directory, you can see some generated function files. You will replace them with the tutorial function and layers later.

In the first step, you added some resources and Application Composer generated IaC that includes best practices defaults. Next, you will use standard CloudFormation components.

Using AI for standard components

Start by using the search bar to search for and add several of the Standard components needed for your application.

Search for and add Standard components

Search for and add Standard components

  1. In the Resources search bar, enter “lambda” and add the resource type AWS::Lambda::Permission to the canvas.
  2. Enter “iam” in the search bar, and add type AWS::IAM::Policy.
  3. Add two resources of the type AWS::IAM::Role.

Your application now look like this:

Updated canvas

Updated canvas

Some standard resources have all the defaults you need. For example, when you add the AWS::Lambda::Permission resource, replace the placeholder values with:

FunctionName: !Ref LexGenAIBotLambda
Action: lambda:InvokeFunction
Principal: lexv2.amazonaws.com

Other resources, such as the IAM roles and IAM policy, have a vanilla configuration. This is where you can use the AI assistant. Select an IAM Role resource and choose Generate suggestions to see what the generative AI suggests.

Generate suggestions

Generate suggestions

Because these suggestions are generated by a Large Language Model (LLM), they may differ between each generation. These are checked against the CloudFormation schema, ensuring validity and providing a range of configurations for your needs.

Generating different configurations gives you an idea of what a resource’s policy should look like, and often gives you keys that you can then fill in with the values you need. Use the following settings for each resource, replacing the generated values where applicable.

  1. Double-click the “Permission” resource to edit its settings. Change its Logical ID to LexGenAIBotLambdaInvoke and replace its Resource configuration with the following, then choose Save:
  2. Action: lambda:InvokeFunction
    FunctionName: !GetAtt LexGenAIBotLambda.Arn
    Principal: lexv2.amazonaws.com
  3. Double-click the “Role” resource to edit its settings. Change its Logical ID to CfnLexGenAIDemoRole and replace its Resource configuration with the following, then choose Save:
  4. AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
        - Action: sts:AssumeRole
          Effect: Allow
            Service: lexv2.amazonaws.com
      Version: '2012-10-17'
      - !Join
        - ''
        - - 'arn:'
          - !Ref AWS::Partition
          - ':iam::aws:policy/AWSLambdaExecute'
  5. Double-click the “Role2” resource to edit its settings. Change its Logical ID to LexGenAIBotLambdaServiceRole and replace its Resource configuration with the following, then choose Save:
  6. AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
        - Action: sts:AssumeRole
          Effect: Allow
            Service: lambda.amazonaws.com
      Version: '2012-10-17'
      - !Join
        - ''
        - - 'arn:'
          - !Ref AWS::Partition
          - ':iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole'
  7. Double-click the “Policy” resource to edit its settings. Change its Logical ID to LexGenAIBotLambdaServiceRoleDefaultPolicy and replace its Resource configuration with the following, then choose Save:
    - Action:
        - lex:*
        - logs:*
        - s3:DeleteObject
        - s3:GetObject
        - s3:ListBucket
        - s3:PutObject
      Effect: Allow
      Resource: '*'
    - Action: bedrock:InvokeModel
      Effect: Allow
      Resource: !Join
        - ''
        - - 'arn:aws:bedrock:'
          - !Ref AWS::Region
          - '::foundation-model/anthropic.claude-v2'
  Version: '2012-10-17'
PolicyName: LexGenAIBotLambdaServiceRoleDefaultPolicy
  - !Ref LexGenAIBotLambdaServiceRole

Once you have updated the properties of each resource, you see the connections and groupings automatically made between them:

Connections and automatic groupings

Connections and automatic groupings

To add the Amazon Lex bot:

  1. In the resource picker, search for and add the type AWS::Lex::Bot. Here’s another chance to see what configuration the AI suggests.
  2. Change the Amazon Lex bot’s logical ID to LexGenAIBot update its configuration to the following:
  3. DataPrivacy:
      ChildDirected: false
    IdleSessionTTLInSeconds: 300
    Name: LexGenAIBot
    RoleArn: !GetAtt CfnLexGenAIDemoRole.Arn
    AutoBuildBotLocales: true
      - Intents:
          - InitialResponseSetting:
                EnableCodeHookInvocation: true
                IsActive: true
                PostCodeHookSpecification: {}
                  - Message:
                        Value: Hi there, I'm a GenAI Bot. How can I help you?
            Name: WelcomeIntent
              - Utterance: Hi
              - Utterance: Hey there
              - Utterance: Hello
              - Utterance: I need some help
              - Utterance: Help needed
              - Utterance: Can I get some help?
          - FulfillmentCodeHook:
              Enabled: true
              IsActive: true
              PostFulfillmentStatusSpecification: {}
                EnableCodeHookInvocation: true
                IsActive: true
                PostCodeHookSpecification: {}
            Name: GenerateTextIntent
              - Utterance: Generate content for
              - Utterance: 'Create text '
              - Utterance: 'Create a response for '
              - Utterance: Text to be generated for
          - FulfillmentCodeHook:
              Enabled: true
              IsActive: true
              PostFulfillmentStatusSpecification: {}
                EnableCodeHookInvocation: true
                IsActive: true
                PostCodeHookSpecification: {}
            Name: FallbackIntent
            ParentIntentSignature: AMAZON.FallbackIntent
        LocaleId: en_US
        NluConfidenceThreshold: 0.4
    Description: Bot created demonstration of GenAI capabilities.
        - BotAliasLocaleSetting:
                CodeHookInterfaceVersion: '1.0'
                LambdaArn: !GetAtt LexGenAIBotLambda.Arn
            Enabled: true
          LocaleId: en_US
  4. Choose Save on the resource.

Once all of your resources are configured, your application looks like this:

New AI generated canvas

New AI generated canvas

Adding function code and deployment

Once your architecture is defined, review and refine your template.yaml file. For a detailed reference and to ensure all your values are correct, visit the GitHub repository and check against the template.yaml file.

  1. Copy the Lambda layer directly from the repository, and add it to ./src/Boto3PillowPyshorteners.zip.
  2. In the .src/ directory, rename the generated handler.py to TextGeneration.py. You can also delete any unnecessary files.
  3. Open TextGeneration.py and replace the placeholder code with the following:
  4. import json
    import boto3
    import os
    import logging
    from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
    LOG = logging.getLogger()
    region_name = os.getenv("region", "us-east-1")
    s3_bucket = os.getenv("bucket")
    model_id = os.getenv("model_id", "anthropic.claude-v2")
    # Bedrock client used to interact with APIs around models
    bedrock = boto3.client(service_name="bedrock", region_name=region_name)
    # Bedrock Runtime client used to invoke and question the models
    bedrock_runtime = boto3.client(service_name="bedrock-runtime", region_name=region_name)
    def get_session_attributes(intent_request):
        session_state = intent_request["sessionState"]
        if "sessionAttributes" in session_state:
            return session_state["sessionAttributes"]
        return {}
    def close(intent_request, session_attributes, fulfillment_state, message):
        intent_request["sessionState"]["intent"]["state"] = fulfillment_state
        return {
            "sessionState": {
                "sessionAttributes": session_attributes,
                "dialogAction": {"type": "Close"},
                "intent": intent_request["sessionState"]["intent"],
            "messages": [message],
            "sessionId": intent_request["sessionId"],
            "requestAttributes": intent_request["requestAttributes"]
            if "requestAttributes" in intent_request
            else None,
    def lambda_handler(event, context):
        LOG.info(f"Event is {event}")
        accept = "application/json"
        content_type = "application/json"
        prompt = event["inputTranscript"]
            request = json.dumps(
                    "prompt": "\n\nHuman:" + prompt + "\n\nAssistant:",
                    "max_tokens_to_sample": 4096,
                    "temperature": 0.5,
                    "top_k": 250,
                    "top_p": 1,
                    "stop_sequences": ["\\n\\nHuman:"],
            response = bedrock_runtime.invoke_model(
            response_body = json.loads(response.get("body").read())
            LOG.info(f"Response body: {response_body}")
            response_message = {
                "contentType": "PlainText",
                "content": response_body["completion"],
            session_attributes = get_session_attributes(event)
            fulfillment_state = "Fulfilled"
            return close(event, session_attributes, fulfillment_state, response_message)
        except ClientError as e:
            LOG.error(f"Exception raised while execution and the error is {e}")
  5. To deploy the infrastructure, go back to the App Composer extension, and choose the Sync icon. Follow the guided AWS SAM instructions to complete the deployment.
App Composer Sync

App Composer Sync

After the message SAM Sync succeeded, navigate to CloudFormation in the AWS Management Console to see the newly created resources. To continue building the chatbot, follow the rest of the original tutorial.


This guide demonstrates how AI-generated CloudFormation can streamline your workflow in Application Composer, enhance your understanding of resource configurations, and speed up the development process. As always, adhere to the AWS Responsible AI Policy when using these features.

AWS Weekly Roundup — AWS Lambda, AWS Amplify, Amazon OpenSearch Service, Amazon Rekognition, and more — December 18, 2023

Post Syndicated from Donnie Prakoso original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-weekly-roundup-aws-lambda-aws-amplify-amazon-opensearch-service-amazon-rekognition-and-more-december-18-2023/

My memories of Amazon Web Services (AWS) re:Invent 2023 are still fresh even when I’m currently wrapping up my activities in Jakarta after participating in AWS Community Day Indonesia. It was a great experience, from delivering chalk talks and having thoughtful discussions with AWS service teams, to meeting with AWS Heroes, AWS Community Builders, and AWS User Group leaders. AWS re:Invent brings the global AWS community together to learn, connect, and be inspired by innovation. For me, that spirit of connection is what makes AWS re:Invent always special.

Here’s a quick look of my highlights at AWS re:Invent and AWS Community Day Indonesia:

If you missed AWS re:Invent, you can watch the keynotes and sessions on demand. Also, check out the AWS News Editorial Team’s Top announcements of AWS re:Invent 2023 for all the major launches.

Recent AWS launches
Here are some of the launches that caught my attention in the past two weeks:

Query MySQL and PostgreSQL with AWS Amplify – In this post, Channy wrote how you can now connect your MySQL and PostgreSQL databases to AWS Amplify with just a few clicks. It generates a GraphQL API to query your database tables using AWS CDK.

Migration Assistant for Amazon OpenSearch Service – With this self-service solution, you can smoothly migrate from your self-managed clusters to Amazon OpenSearch Service managed clusters or serverless collections.

AWS Lambda simplifies connectivity to Amazon RDS and RDS Proxy – Now you can connect your AWS Lambda to Amazon RDS or RDS proxy using the AWS Lambda console. With a guided workflow, this improvement helps to minimize complexities and efforts to quickly launch a database instance and correctly connect a Lambda function.

New no-code dashboard application to visualize IoT data – With this announcement, you can now visualize and interact with operational data from AWS IoT SiteWise using a new open source Internet of Things (IoT) dashboard.

Amazon Rekognition improves Face Liveness accuracy and user experience – This launch provides higher accuracy in detecting spoofed faces for your face-based authentication applications.

AWS Lambda supports additional concurrency metrics for improved quota monitoring – Add CloudWatch metrics for your Lambda quotas, to improve visibility into concurrency limits.

AWS Malaysia now supports 3D-Secure authentication – This launch enables 3DS2 transaction authentication required by banks and payment networks, facilitating your secure online payments.

Announcing AWS CloudFormation template generation for Amazon EventBridge Pipes – With this announcement, you can now streamline the deployment of your EventBridge resources with CloudFormation templates, accelerating event-driven architecture (EDA) development.

Enhanced data protection for CloudWatch Logs – With the enhanced data protection, CloudWatch Logs helps identify and redact sensitive data in your logs, preventing accidental exposure of personal data.

Send SMS via Amazon SNS in Asia Pacific – With this announcement, now you can use SMS messaging across Asia Pacific from the Jakarta Region.

Lambda adds support for Python 3.12 – This launch brings the latest Python version to your Lambda functions.

CloudWatch Synthetics upgrades Node.js runtime – Now you can use Node.js 16.1 runtimes for your canary functions.

Manage EBS Volumes for your EC2 fleets – This launch simplifies attaching and managing EBS volumes across your EC2 fleets.

See you next year!
This is the last AWS Weekly Roundup for this year, and we’d like to thank you for being our wonderful readers. We’ll be back to share more launches for you on January 8, 2024.

Happy holidays!


New for AWS Amplify – Query MySQL and PostgreSQL database for AWS CDK

Post Syndicated from Channy Yun original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-for-aws-amplify-query-mysql-and-postgresql-database-for-aws-cdk/

Today we are announcing the general availability to connect and query your existing MySQL and PostgreSQL databases with support for AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK), a new feature to create a real-time, secure GraphQL API for your relational database within or outside Amazon Web Services (AWS). You can now generate the entire API for all relational database operations with just your database endpoint and credentials. When your database schema changes, you can run a command to apply the latest table schema changes.

In 2021, we announced AWS Amplify GraphQL Transformer version 2, enabling developers to develop more feature-rich, flexible, and extensible GraphQL-based app backends even with minimal cloud expertise. This new GraphQL Transformer was redesigned from the ground up to generate extensible pipeline resolvers to route a GraphQL API request, apply business logic, such as authorization, and communicate with the underlying data source, such as Amazon DynamoDB.

However, customers wanted to use relational database sources for their GraphQL APIs such as their Amazon RDS or Amazon Aurora databases in addition to Amazon DynamoDB. You can now use @model types of Amplify GraphQL APIs for both relational database and DynamoDB data sources. Relational database information is generated to a separate schema.sql.graphql file. You can continue to use the regular schema.graphql files to create and manage DynamoDB-backed types.

When you simply provide any MySQL or PostgreSQL database information, whether behind a virtual private cloud (VPC) or publicly accessible on the internet, AWS Amplify automatically generates a modifiable GraphQL API that securely connects to your database tables and exposes create, read, update, or delete (CRUD) queries and mutations. You can also rename your data models to be more idiomatic for the frontend. For example, a database table is called “todos” (plural, lowercase) but is exposed as “ToDo” (singular, PascalCase) to the client.

With one line of code, you can add any of the existing Amplify GraphQL authorization rules to your API, making it seamless to build use cases such as owner-based authorization or public read-only patterns. Because the generated API is built on AWS AppSync‘ GraphQL capabilities, secure real-time subscriptions are available out of the box. You can subscribe to any CRUD events from any data model with a few lines of code.

Getting started with your MySQL database in AWS CDK
The AWS CDK lets you build reliable, scalable, cost-effective applications in the cloud with the considerable expressive power of a programming language. To get started, install the AWS CDK on your local machine.

$ npm install -g aws-cdk

Run the following command to verify the installation is correct and print the version number of the AWS CDK.

$ cdk –version

Next, create a new directory for your app:

$ mkdir amplify-api-cdk
$ cd amplify-api-cdk

Initialize a CDK app by using the cdk init command.

$ cdk init app --language typescript

Install Amplify’s GraphQL API construct in the new CDK project:

$ npm install @aws-amplify/graphql-api-construct

Open the main stack file in your CDK project (usually located in lib/<your-project-name>-stack.ts). Import the necessary constructs at the top of the file:

import {
} from '@aws-amplify/graphql-api-construct';

Generate a GraphQL schema for a new relational database API by executing the following SQL statement on your MySQL database. Make sure to output the results to a .csv file, including column headers, and replace <database-name> with the name of your database, schema, or both.


Run the following command, replacing <path-schema.csv> with the path to the .csv file created in the previous step.

$ npx @aws-amplify/cli api generate-schema \
    --sql-schema <path-to-schema.csv> \
    --engine-type mysql –out lib/schema.sql.graphql

You can open schema.sql.graphql file to see the imported data model from your MySQL database schema.

input AMPLIFY {
     engine: String = "mysql"
     globalAuthRule: AuthRule = {allow: public}

type Meals @model {
     id: Int! @primaryKey
     name: String!

type Restaurants @model {
     restaurant_id: Int! @primaryKey
     address: String!
     city: String!
     name: String!
     phone_number: String!
     postal_code: String!

If you haven’t already done so, go to the Parameter Store in the AWS Systems Manager console and create a parameter for the connection details of your database, such as hostname/url, database name, port, username, and password. These will be required in the next step for Amplify to successfully connect to your database and perform GraphQL queries or mutations against it.

In the main stack class, add the following code to define a new GraphQL API. Replace the dbConnectionConfg options with the parameter paths created in the previous step.

new AmplifyGraphqlApi(this, "MyAmplifyGraphQLApi", {
  apiName: "MySQLApi",
  definition: AmplifyGraphqlDefinition.fromFilesAndStrategy(
    [path.join(__dirname, "schema.sql.graphql")],
      name: "MyAmplifyGraphQLSchema",
      dbType: "MYSQL",
      dbConnectionConfig: {
        hostnameSsmPath: "/amplify-cdk-app/hostname",
        portSsmPath: "/amplify-cdk-app/port",
        databaseNameSsmPath: "/amplify-cdk-app/database",
        usernameSsmPath: "/amplify-cdk-app/username",
        passwordSsmPath: "/amplify-cdk-app/password",
  authorizationModes: { apiKeyConfig: { expires: cdk.Duration.days(7) } },
  translationBehavior: { sandboxModeEnabled: true },

This configuration assums that your database is accessible from the internet. Also, the default authorization mode is set to Api Key for AWS AppSync and the sandbox mode is enabled to allow public access on all models. This is useful for testing your API before adding more fine-grained authorization rules.

Finally, deploy your GraphQL API to AWS Cloud.

$ cdk deploy

You can now go to the AWS AppSync console and find your created GraphQL API.

Choose your project and the Queries menu. You can see newly created GraphQL APIs compatible with your tables of MySQL database, such as getMeals to get one item or listRestaurants to list all items.

For example, when you select items with fields of address, city, name, phone_number, and so on, you can see a new GraphQL query. Choose the Run button and you can see the query results from your MySQL database.

When you query your MySQL database, you can see the same results.

How to customize your GraphQL schema for your database
To add a custom query or mutation in your SQL, open the generated schema.sql.graphql file and use the @sql(statement: "") pass in parameters using the :<variable> notation.

type Query {
     listRestaurantsInState(state: String): Restaurants @sql("SELECT * FROM Restaurants WHERE state = :state;”)

For longer, more complex SQL queries, you can reference SQL statements in the customSqlStatements config option. The reference value must match the name of a property mapped to a SQL statement. In the following example, a searchPosts property on customSqlStatements is being referenced:

type Query {
      searchPosts(searchTerm: String): [Post]
      @sql(reference: "searchPosts")

Here is how the SQL statement is mapped in the API definition.

new AmplifyGraphqlApi(this, "MyAmplifyGraphQLApi", { 
    apiName: "MySQLApi",
    definition: AmplifyGraphqlDefinition.fromFilesAndStrategy( [path.join(__dirname, "schema.sql.graphql")],
        name: "MyAmplifyGraphQLSchema",
        dbType: "MYSQL",
        dbConnectionConfig: {
        //	...ssmPaths,
     }, customSqlStatements: {
        searchPosts: // property name matches the reference value in schema.sql.graphql 
        "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE content LIKE CONCAT('%', :searchTerm, '%');",

The SQL statement will be executed as if it were defined inline in the schema. The same rules apply in terms of using parameters, ensuring valid SQL syntax, and matching return types. Using a reference file keeps your schema clean and allows the reuse of SQL statements across fields. It is best practice for longer, more complicated SQL queries.

Or you can change a field and model name using the @refersTo directive. If you don’t provide the @refersTo directive, AWS Amplify assumes that the model name and field name exactly match the database table and column names.

type Todo @model @refersTo(name: "todos") {
     content: String
     done: Boolean

When you want to create relationships between two database tables, use the @hasOne and @hasMany directives to establish a 1:1 or 1:M relationship. Use the @belongsTo directive to create a bidirectional relationship back to the relationship parent. For example, you can make a 1:M relationship between a restaurant and its meals menus.

type Meals @model {
     id: Int! @primaryKey
     name: String!
     menus: [Restaurants] @hasMany(references: ["restaurant_id"])

type Restaurants @model {
     restaurant_id: Int! @primaryKey
     address: String!
     city: String!
     name: String!
     phone_number: String!
     postal_code: String!
     meals: Meals @belongsTo(references: ["restaurant_id"])

Whenever you make any change to your GraphQL schema or database schema in your DB instances, you should deploy your changes to the cloud:

Whenever you make any change to your GraphQL schema or database schema in your DB instances, you should re-run the SQL script and export to .csv step mentioned earlier in this guide to re-generate your schema.sql.graphql file and then deploy your changes to the cloud:

$ cdk deploy

To learn more, see Connect API to existing MySQL or PostgreSQL database in the AWS Amplify documentation.

Now available
The relational database support for AWS Amplify now works with any MySQL and PostgreSQL databases hosted anywhere within Amazon VPC or even outside of AWS Cloud.

Give it a try and send feedback to AWS re:Post for AWS Amplify, the GitHub repository of Amplify GraphQL API, or through your usual AWS Support contacts.


P.S. Specially thanks to René Huangtian Brandel, a principal product manager at AWS for his contribution to write sample codes.

AWS Weekly Roundup – EC2 DL2q instances, PartyRock, Amplify’s 6th birthday, and more – November 20, 2023

Post Syndicated from Channy Yun original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-weekly-roundup-ec2-dl2q-instances-partyrock-amplifys-6th-birthday-and-more-november-20-2023/

Last week I saw an astonishing 160+ new service launches. There were so many updates that we decided to publish a weekly roundup again. This continues the same innovative pace of the previous week as we are getting closer to AWS re:Invent 2023.

Our News Blog team is also finalizing new blog posts for re:Invent to introduce awesome launches with service teams for your reading pleasure. Jeff Barr shared The Road to AWS re:Invent 2023 to explain our blogging journey and process. Please stay tuned in the next week!

Last week’s launches
Here are some of the launches that caught my attention last week:

Amazon EC2 DL2q instances – New DL2q instances are powered by Qualcomm AI 100 Standard accelerators and are the first to feature Qualcomm’s AI technology in the public cloud. With eight Qualcomm AI 100 Standard accelerators and 128 GiB of total accelerator memory, you can run popular generative artificial intelligence (AI) applications and extend to edge devices across smartphones, autonomous driving, personal compute, and extended reality headsets to develop and validate these AI workloads before deploying.

PartyRock for Amazon Bedrock – We introduced PartyRock, a fun and intuitive hands-on, generative AI app-building playground powered by Amazon Bedrock. You can experiment, learn all about prompt engineering, build mini-apps, and share them with your friends—all without writing any code or creating an AWS account.

You also can now access the Meta Llama 2 Chat 13B foundation model and Cohere Command Light, Embed English, and multilingual models for Amazon Bedrock.

AWS Amplify celebrates its sixth birthday – We announced six new launches; a new documentation site, support for Next.js 14 with our hosting and JavaScript library, added custom token providers and an automatic React Native social sign-in update to Amplify Auth, new ChangePassword and DeleteUser account settings components, and updated all Amplify UI packages to use new Amplify JavaScript v6. You can also use wildcard subdomains when using a custom domain with your Amplify application deployed to AWS Amplify Hosting.

Amplify docs site UI

Also check out other News Blog posts about major launches published in the past week:

Other AWS service launches
Here are some other bundled feature launches per AWS service:

Amazon Athena  – You can use a new cost-based optimizer (CBO) to enhance query performance based on table and column statistics, collected by AWS Glue Data Catalog and Athena JDBC 3.x driver, a new alternative that supports almost all authentication plugins. You can also use Amazon EMR Studio to develop and run interactive queries on Amazon Athena.

Amazon CloudWatch – You can use a new CloudWatch metric called EBS Stalled I/O Check to monitor the health of your Amazon EBS volumes, the regular expression for Amazon CloudWatch Logs Live Tail filter pattern syntax to search and match relevant log events, observability of SAP Sybase ASE database in CloudWatch Application Insights, and up to two stats commands in a Log Insights query to perform aggregations on the results.

Amazon CodeCatalyst – You can connect to a Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) from CodeCatalyst Workflows, provision infrastructure using Terraform within CodeCatalyst Workflows, access CodeCatalyst with your workforce identities configured in IAM Identity Center, and create teams made up of members of the CodeCatalyst space.

Amazon Connect – You can use a pre-built queue performance dashboard and Contact Lens conversational analytics dashboard to view and compare real-time and historical aggregated queue performance. You can use quick responses for chats, previously written formats such as typing in ‘/#greet’ to insert a personalized response, and scanning attachments to detect malware or other unwanted content.

AWS Glue – AWS Glue for Apache Spark added new six database connectors: Teradata, SAP HANA, Azure SQL, Azure Cosmos DB, Vertica, and MongoDB, as well as the native connectivity to Amazon OpenSearch Service.

AWS Lambda – You can see single pane view of metrics, logs, and traces in the AWS Lambda console and advanced logging controls to natively capture logs in JSON structured format. You can view the SAM template on the Lambda console and export the function’s configuration to AWS Application Composer. AWS Lambda also supports Java 21 and NodeJS 20 versions built on the new Amazon Linux 2023 runtime.

AWS Local Zones in Dallas – You can enable the new Local Zone in Dallas, Texas, us-east-1-dfw-2a, with Amazon EC2 C6i, M6i, R6i, C6gn, and M6g instances and Amazon EBS volume types gp2, gp3, io1, sc1, and st1. You can also access Amazon ECS, Amazon EKS, Application Load Balancer, and AWS Direct Connect in this new Local Zone to support a broad set of workloads at the edge.

Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) – You can standardize access control to Kafka resources using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) and build Kafka clients for Amazon MSK Serverless written in all programming languages. These are open source client helper libraries and code samples for popular languages, including Java, Python, Go, and JavaScript. Also, Amazon MSK now supports an enhanced version of Apache Kafka 3.6.0 that offers generally available Tiered Storage and automatically sends you storage capacity alerts when you are at risk of exhausting your storage.

Amazon OpenSearch Service Ingestion – You can migrate your data from Elasticsearch version 7.x clusters to the latest versions of Amazon OpenSearch Service and use persistent buffering to protect the durability of incoming data.

Amazon RDS –Amazon RDS for MySQL now supports creating active-active clusters using the Group Replication plugin, upgrading MySQL 5.7 snapshots to MySQL 8.0, and Innovation Release version of MySQL 8.1.

Amazon RDS Custom for SQL Server extends point-in-time recovery support for up to 1,000 databases, supports Service Master Key Retention to use transparent data encryption (TDE), table- and column-level encryption, DBMail and linked servers, and use SQL Server Developer edition with the bring your own media (BYOM).

Additionally, Amazon RDS Multi-AZ deployments with two readable standbys now supports minor version upgrades and system maintenance updates with typically less than one second of downtime when using Amazon RDS Proxy.

AWS Partner Central – You can use an improved user experience in AWS Partner Central to build and promote your offerings and the new Investments tab in the Partner Analytics Dashboard to gain actionable insights. You can now link accounts and associated users between Partner Central and AWS Marketplace and use an enhanced co-sell experience with APN Customer Engagements (ACE) manager.

Amazon QuickSight – You can programmatically manage user access and custom permissions support for roles to restrict QuickSight functionality to the QuickSight account for IAM Identity Center and Active Directory using APIs. You can also use shared restricted folders, a Contributor role and support for data source asset types in folders and the Custom Week Start feature, an addition designed to enhance the data analysis experience for customers across diverse industries and social contexts.

AWS Trusted Advisor – You can use new APIs to programmatically access Trusted Advisor best practices checks, recommendations, and prioritized recommendations and 37 new Amazon RDS checks that provide best practices guidance by analyzing DB instance configuration, usage, and performance data.

There’s a lot more launch news that I haven’t covered. See AWS What’s New for more details.

See you virtually in AWS re:Invent
AWS re:Invent 2023Next week we’ll hear the latest from AWS, learn from experts, and connect with the global cloud community in Las Vegas. If you come, check out the agenda, session catalog, and attendee guides before your departure.

If you’re not able to attend re:Invent in person this year, we’re offering the option to livestream our Keynotes and Innovation Talks. With the registration for online pass, you will have access to on-demand keynote, Innovation Talks, and selected breakout sessions after the event.


Manage roles and entitlements with PBAC using Amazon Verified Permissions

Post Syndicated from Abhishek Panday original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/manage-roles-and-entitlements-with-pbac-using-amazon-verified-permissions/

Traditionally, customers have used role-based access control (RBAC) to manage entitlements within their applications. The application controls what users can do, based on the roles they are assigned. But, the drive for least privilege has led to an exponential growth in the number of roles. Customers can address this role explosion by moving authorization logic out of the application code, and implementing a policy-based access control (PBAC) model that augments RBAC with attribute-based access control (ABAC).

In this blog post, we cover roles and entitlements, how they are applicable in apps authorization decisions, how customers implement roles and authorization in their app today, and how to shift to a centralized PBAC model by using Amazon Verified Permissions.

Describing roles and entitlements, approaches and challenges of current implementations

In RBAC models, a user’s entitlements are assigned based on job role. This role could be that of a developer, which might grant permissions to affect code in the pipeline of an app. Entitlements represent the features, functions, and resources a user has permissions to access. For example, a customer might be able to place orders or view pets in a pet store application, or a store owner might be entitled to review orders made from their store.

The combination of roles assigned to a user and entitlements granted to these roles determines what a human user can do within your application. Traditionally, application access has all been handled in code by hard coding roles that users can be assigned and mapping those roles directly to a set of actions on resources. However, as the need to apply more granular access control grows (as with least privilege), so do the number of required hard-coded roles that are assigned to users to obtain this level of granularity. This problem is frequently called role explosion, where role definitions grow exponentially which requires additional overhead from your teams to manage and audit roles effectively. For example, the code to authorize request to get details of an order has multiple if/else statements, as shown in the following sample.

boolean userAuthorizedForOrder (Order order, User user){
    if (user.storeId == user.storeID) {
        if (user.roles.contains("store-owner-roles") {            // store owners can only access orders for their own stores  
            return true; 
        } else if (user.roles.contains("store-employee")) {
            if (isStoreOpen(current_time)) {                      // Only allow access for the order to store-employees when
                return true                                       // store is open 
    } else {
        if (user.roles("customer-service-associate") &amp;&amp;           // Only allow customer service associates to orders for cases 
                user.assignedShift(current_time)) &amp;&amp;              // they are assinged and only during their assigned shift
                user.currentCase.order.orderId == order.orderId
         return true;
    return false; 

This problem introduces several challenges. First, figuring out why a permission was granted or denied requires a closer look at the code. Second, adding a permission requires code changes. Third, audits can be difficult because you either have to run a battery of tests or explore code across multiple files to demonstrate access controls to auditors. Though there might be additional considerations, these three challenges have led many app owners to begin looking at PBAC methods to address the granularity problem. You can read more about the foundations of PBAC models in Policy-based access control in application development with Amazon Verified Permissions. By shifting to a PBAC model, you can reduce role growth to meet your fine-grained permissions needs. You can also externalize authorization logic from code, develop granular permissions based on roles and attributes, and reduce the time that you spend refactoring code for changes to authorization decisions or reading through the code to audit authorization logic.

In this blog, we demonstrate implementing permissions in a PBAC model through a demo application. The demo application uses Cognito groups to manage role assignment, Verified Permissions to implement entitlements for the roles. The approach restricts the resources that a role can access using attribute-based conditions. This approach works well in usecases when you already have a system in place to manage role assignment and you can define resources that a user may access by matching attributes of the user with attributes of the resource.

Demo app

Let’s look at a sample pet store app. The app is used by 2 types of users – end users and store owners. The app enables end users to search and order pets. The app allows store owners to list orders for the store. This sample app is available for download and local testing on the aws-samples/avp-petstore-sample Github repository. The app is a web app built by using AWS Amplify, Amazon API-Gateway, Amazon Cognito, and Amazon Verified Permissions. The following diagram is a high-level illustration of the app’s architecture.

Architectural Diagram


  1. The user logs in to the application, and is re-directed to Amazon Cognito to sign-in and obtain a JWT token.
  2. When user take an action (eg. ListOrders) in the application, the application calls Amazon API-Gateway to process the request.
  3. Amazon API-Gateway forwards the request to a lambda function, that call Amazon Verified Permissions to authorize the action. If the authorization results in deny, the lambda returns Unauthorized back to the application.
  4. If the authorization succeed, the application continues to execute the action.

RBAC policies in action

In this section, we focus on building RBAC permissions for the sample pet store app. We will guide you through building RBAC by using Verified Permissions and by focusing on a role for store owners, who are allowed to view all orders for a store. We use Verified Permissions to manage the permissions granted to this role and Amazon Cognito to manage role assignments.

We model the store owner role in Amazon Cognito as a user group called Store-Owner-Role. When a user is assigned the store owner role, the user is added to the “Store-Owner-Role” user group. You can create the users and users groups required to follow along with the sample application by visiting managing users and groups in Amazon Cognito.

After users are assigned to the store owner role, you can enforce that they can list all orders in the store by using the following RBAC policy. The policy provides access to any user in the Store-Owner-Role to perform the ListOrders and GetStoreInventory actions on any resource.

permit (
         principal in MyApplication::Group::"Store-Owner-Role",
         action in [

Based on the policy we reviewed – the store owner will receive a Success! when they attempt to list existing orders.

Eve is permitted to list orders

This example further demonstrates the division of responsibility between the identity provider (Amazon Cognito) and Verified Permissions. The identity provider (IdP) is responsible for managing roles and memberships in roles. Verified Permissions is responsible for managing policies that describe what those roles are permitted to do. As demonstrated above, you can use this process to add roles without needing to change code.

Using PBAC to help reduce role explosion

Up until the point of role explosion, RBAC has worked well as the sole authorization model. Unfortunately, we have heard from customers that this model does not scale well because of the challenge of role explosion. Role explosion happens when you have hundreds or thousands of roles, and managing and auditing those roles becomes challenging. In extreme cases, you might have more roles than the number of users in your organization. This happens primarily because organizations keep creating more roles, with each role granting access to a smaller set of resources in an effort to follow the principle of least privilege.

Let’s understand the problem of role explosion through our sample pet store app. The pet store app is now being sold as a SaaS product to pet stores in other locations. As a result, the app needs additional access controls to ensure that each store owner can view only the orders from their own store. The most intuitive way to implement these access controls was to create an additional role for each location, which would restrict the scope of access for a store owner to their respective store’s orders. For example, a role named petstore-austin would allow access only to resources in the Austin, Texas store. RBAC models allow developers to predefine sets of permissions that can be used in an application, and ABAC models allow developers to adapt those permissions to the context of the request (such as the client, the resource, and the method used). The adoption of both RBAC and ABAC models leads to an explosion of either roles or attribute-based rules as the number of store locations increases.

To solve this problem, you can combine RBAC and ABAC policies into a PBAC model. RBAC policies determines the actions the user can take. Augmenting these policies with ABAC policies allows you to control the resouces they can take those actions on. For example, you can scope down the resources a user can access based on identity attributes, such as department or business unit, region, and management level. This approach mitigates role explosion because you need to have only a small number of predefined roles, and access is controlled based on attributes. You can use Verified Permissions to combine RBAC and ABAC models in the form of Cedar policies to build this PBAC solution.

We can demonstrate this solution in the sample pet store app by modifying the policy we created earlier and adding ABAC conditions. The conditions specify that users can only ListOrders of the store they own. The store a store owner owns is represented in Amazon Cognito by employmentStoreCode. This policy now expands on the granularity of access of the original RBAC policy without leading to numerous RBAC policies.

permit (
         principal in MyApplication::Group::"Store-Owner-Role",
         action in [
) when { 
          principal.employmentStoreCode == resource.storeId 

We demonstrate that our policy restricts access for store owners to the store they own, by creating a user – eve – who is assigned the Store-Owner-Role and owns petstore-london. When Eve lists orders for the petstore-london store, she gets a success response, indicating she has permissions to list orders.
Eve is permitted to list orders for petstore-london

Next, when even tries to list orders for the petstore-seattle store, she gets a Not Authorized response. She is denied access as she does not own petstore-seattle.

Eve is not permitted to list orders for petstore-seattle

Step-by-step walkthrough of trying the Demo App

If you want to go through the demo of our sample pet store app, we recommend forking it from aws-samples/avp-petstore-sample Github repo and going through this process in README.md to ensure hands-on familiarity.

We will first walk through setting up permissions using only RBAC for the sample pet store application. Next, we will see how you can use PBAC to implement least priveledge as the application scales.

Implement RBAC based Permissions

We describe setting up policies to implement entitlements for the store owner role in Verified Permissions.

    1. Navigate to the AWS Management Console, search for Verified Permissions, and select the service to go to the service page.
    2. Create new policy store to create a container for your policies. You can create an Empty Policy Store for the purpose of the walk-through.
    3. Navigate to Policies in the navigation pane and choose Create static policy.
    4. Select Next and paste in the following Cedar policy and select Save.
permit (
        principal in MyApplication::Group::"Store-Owner-Role",
        action in [
  1. You need to get users and assign the Store-Owner-Role to them. In this case, you will use Amazon Cognito as the IdP and the role can be assigned there. You can create users and groups in Cognito by following the below steps.
    1. Navigate to Amazon Cognito from the AWS Management Console, and select the user group created for the pet store app.
    2. Creating a user by clicking create user and create a user with user name eve
    3. Navigate to the Groups section and create a group called Store-Owner-Role .
    4. Add eve to the Store-Owner-Role group by clicking Add user to Group, selecting eve and clicking the Add.
  2. Now that you have assigned the Store-Owner-Role to the user, and Verified Permissions has a permit policy granting entitlements based on role membership, you can log in to the application as the user – eve – to test functionality. When choosing List All Orders, you can see the approval result in the app’s output.

Implement PBAC based Permissions

As the company grows, you want to be able to limit GetOrders access to a specific store location so that you can follow least privilege. You can update your policy to PBAC by adding an ABAC condition to the existing permit policy. You can add a condition in the policy that restricts listing orders to only those stores the user owns.

Below is the walk-though of updating the application

    1. Navigate to the Verified Permissions console and update the policy to the below.
permit (
         principal in MyApplication::Group::"Store-Owner-Role",
         action in [
) when { 
          principal.employmentStoreCode == resource.storeId 
  1. Navigate to the Amazon Cognito console, select the user eve and click “Edit” in the user attributes section to update the “custom:employmentStoreCode”. Set the attribute value to “petstore-london” as eve owns the petstore-london location
  2. You can demonstrate that eve can only list orders of “petstore-london” by following the below steps
    1. We want to make sure that latest changes to the user attributed are passed to the application in the identity token. We will refresh the identity token, by logging out of the app and logging in again as Eve. Navigate back to the application and logout as eve.
    2. In the application, we set the Pet Store Identifier as petstore-london and click the List All Orders. The result is success!, as Eve is authorized to list orders of the store she owns.
    3. Next, we change the Pet Store Identifier to petstore-seattle and and click the List All Orders. The result is Not Authorized, as Eve is authorized to list orders of stores she does not owns.

Clean Up section

You can cleanup the resources that were created in this blog by following these steps.


In this post, we reviewed what roles and entitlements are as well as how they are used to manage user authorization in your app. We’ve also covered RBAC and ABAC policy examples with respect to the demo application, avp-petstore-sample, that is available to you via AWS Samples for hands-on testing. The walk-through also covered our example architecture using Amazon Cognito as the IdP and Verified Permissions as the centralized policy store that assessed authorization results based on the policies set for the app. By leveraging Verified Permissions, we could use PBAC model to define fine-grained access while preventing role explosion. For more information about Verified Permissions, see the Amazon Verified Permissions product details page and Resources page.

Abhishek Panday

Abhishek is a product manager in the Amazon Verified Permissions team. He has been working with the AWS for more than two years, and has been at Amazon for more than five years. Abhishek enjoys working with customers to understand the customer’s challenges and building products to solve those challenges. Abhishek currently lives in Seattle and enjoys playing soccer, hiking, and cooking Indian cuisines.

Jeremy Ware

Jeremy is a Security Specialist Solutions Architect focused on Identity and Access Management. Jeremy and his team enable AWS customers to implement sophisticated, scalable, and secure IAM architecture and Authentication workflows to solve business challenges. With a background in Security Engineering, Jeremy has spent many years working to raise the Security Maturity gap at numerous global enterprises. Outside of work, Jeremy loves to explore the mountainous outdoors participate in sports such as Snowboarding, Wakeboarding, and Dirt bike riding.

AWS Week in Review – Step Functions Versions and Aliases, EC2 Instances with Graviton3E Processors, and More – June 26, 2023

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-week-in-review-step-functions-versions-and-aliases-ec2-instances-with-graviton3e-processors-and-more-june-26-2023/

It’s now summer in the northern hemisphere, and you can feel it in London where I live. But let’s not get distracted by the nice weather and go through your AWS updates from the previous seven days.

Last Week’s Launches
Another interesting week with many announcements! Here are some that got more of my attention:

Architectural diagram for AWS Step Functions versioning and aliasesAWS Step FunctionsYou can now use versions and aliases to maintain multiple versions of your workflows, track which version was used for each execution, and create aliases that route traffic between workflow versions. To learn more, refer to this blog post.

AWS SAM – You can now simplify the way you define an AppSync GraphQL API in AWS SAM with the new a resource abstraction that includes everything necessary for a typical AppSync GraphQL API definition, including the API schema, the resolver pipeline functions, and data sources.

AWS Amplify – With the new Amplify UI Builder Figma plugin, you can theme your components, upgrade to new Amplify UI kit versions, and generate and preview React code from your designs directly in Figma.

AWS Local ZonesNow available in Manila, Philippines. You can use AWS Local Zones for applications that require single-digit millisecond latency or local data processing.

AWS Control Tower – The integration with Security Hub is now generally available. You can now enable over 170 Security Hub detective controls that map to related control objectives from AWS Control Tower. AWS Control Tower also detects drifts when you disable a control from Security Hub.

Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose – You can now deliver streaming data to Amazon Redshift Serverless. In this way, you can build an analytics platform without having to manage ingestion infrastructure or data warehouse clusters.

Amazon CloudWatch Internet MonitorNow available in all standard AWS Regions. Internet Monitor helps you diagnose internet issues between your AWS hosted applications and your application’s end users.

AWS Verified Access – Now provides improved logging functionality. With that, It’s easier to author and troubleshoot application access policies by reviewing the end-user context received from third-party services.

Amazon Managed Grafana – Now supports Trace Analytics with the OpenSearch Grafana data source plugin in addition to the existing support for Log Analytics. You can simplify the correlation and analysis of logs and trace data stored in OpenSearch along with metrics from other data sources.

Amazon CloudWatch Logs Insights – You can now use the new dedup command in your queries to view unique results based on one or more fields. Duplicates are discarded based on the sort order so that only the first result is kept.

AWS Config – Now supports 21 more resource types for services such as AWS Amplify, AWS App Mesh, AWS App Runner, Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose, and Amazon SageMaker.

Amazon EC2 – Announcing the new EC2 C7gn and Hpc7g instances that use Graviton3E processors. The Graviton3E processor delivers higher memory bandwidth and compute performance than Graviton2, and higher vector instruction performance than Graviton3. Read more in Jeff’s C7gn and Channy’s Hpc7g blog posts.

Amazon EFS – Provisioned Throughput now supports up to 10 GiB/s (from 3 GiB/s) for reads and 3 GiB/s (from 1 GiB/s) for writes.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS News
Architecture diagram for AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry sample app.A few more news items and blog posts you might have missed:

Good tipsMitigate Common Web Threats with One Click in Amazon CloudFront

A nice seriesLet’s Architect! Open-source technologies on AWS

An interesting solutionDeploy a serverless ML inference endpoint of large language models using FastAPI, AWS Lambda, and AWS CDK

For AWS open-source news and updates, check out the latest newsletter curated by Ricardo to bring you the most recent updates on open-source projects, posts, events, and more.

Upcoming AWS Events
Here are some opportunities to meet and learn:

AWS Applications Innovation Day (June 27) – Learn how product teams across applications, security, and artificial intelligence (AI) are collaborating with AWS Partners like Asana, Slack, Splunk, Atlassian, Okta, and more to help organizations work smarter together. For more information on the event, refer to this blog post.

AWS Summits – Get together to connect, collaborate, and learn about AWS in Hong Kong (July 20), New York (July 26), Taiwan (Aug 2 & 3), Sao Paulo (Aug 3).

AWS re:Invent (Nov 27 – Dec 1) – Join us to hear the latest from AWS, learn from experts, and connect with the global cloud community. Registration is now open.

Amazon Prime Day (July 11-12) is coming, and you can learn more in this blog post. We should keep an eye out for Jeff’s annual Prime Day post following the event.

That’s all from me for this week. Come back next Monday for another Week in Review!


This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

Week in Review – AWS Verified Access, Java 17, Amplify Flutter, Conferences, and More – May 1, 2023

Post Syndicated from Sébastien Stormacq original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/week-in-review-aws-verified-access-java-17-amplify-flutter-conferences-and-more-may-1-2023/

Conference season has started and I was happy to meet and talk with iOS and Swift developers at the New York Swifty conference last week. I will travel again to Turino (Italy), Amsterdam (Netherlands), Frankfurt (Germany), and London (UK) in the coming weeks. Feel free to stop by and say hi if you are around. But, while I was queuing for passport control at JFK airport, AWS teams continued to listen to your feedback and innovate on your behalf.

What happened on AWS last week ? I counted 26 new capabilities since last Monday (not counting last Friday, since I am writing these lines before the start of the day in the US). Here are the eight that caught my attention.

Last Week on AWS

Amplify Flutter now supports web and desktop apps. You can now write Flutter applications that target six platforms, including iOS, Android, Web, Linux, MacOS, and Windows with a single codebase. This update encompasses not only the Amplify libraries but also the Flutter Authenticator UI library, which has been entirely rewritten in Dart. As a result, you can now deliver a consistent experience across all targeted platforms.

AWS Lambda adds support for Java 17. AWS Lambda now supports Java 17 as both a managed runtime and a container base image. Developers creating serverless applications in Lambda with Java 17 can take advantage of new language features including Java records, sealed classes, and multi-line strings. The Lambda Java 17 runtime also has numerous performance improvements, including optimizations when running Lambda functions on Graviton 2 processors. It supports AWS Lambda Snap Start (in supported Regions) for fast cold starts, and the latest versions of the popular Spring Boot 3 and Micronaut 4 application frameworks

AWS Verified Access is now generally available. I first wrote about Verified Access when we announced the preview at the re:Invent conference last year. AWS Verified Access is now available. This new service helps you provide secure access to your corporate applications without using a VPN. Built based on AWS Zero Trust principles, you can use Verified Access to implement a work-from-anywhere model with added security and scalability.

AWS Support is now available in Korean. As the number of customers speaking Korean grows, AWS Support is invested in providing the best support experience possible. You can now communicate with AWS Support engineers and agents in Korean when you create a support case at the AWS Support Center.

AWS DataSync Discovery is now generally available. DataSync Discovery enables you to understand your on-premises storage performance and capacity through automated data collection and analysis. It helps you quickly identify data to be migrated and evaluate suggested AWS Storage services that align with your performance and capacity needs. Capabilities added since preview include support for NetApp ONTAP 9.7, recommendations at cluster and storage virtual machine (SVM) levels, and discovery job events in Amazon EventBridge.

Amazon Location Service adds support for long-distance matrix routing. This makes it easier for you to quickly calculate driving time and driving distance between multiple origins and destinations, no matter how far apart they are. Developers can now make a single API request to calculate up to 122,500 routes (350 origins and 350 destinations) within a 180 km region or up to 100 routes without any distance limitation.

AWS Firewall Manager adds support for multiple administrators. You can now create up to 10 AWS Firewall Manager administrator accounts from AWS Organizations to manage your firewall policies. You can delegate responsibility for firewall administration at a granular scope by restricting access based on OU, account, policy type, and Region, thereby enabling policy management tasks to be implemented faster and more effectively.

AWS AppSync supports TypeScript and source maps in JavaScript resolvers. With this update, you can take advantage of TypeScript features when you write JavaScript resolvers. With the updated libraries, you get improved support for types and generics in AppSync’s utility functions. The updated AppSync documentation provides guidance on how to get started and how to bundle your code when you want to use TypeScript.

Amazon Athena Provisioned Capacity. Athena is a query service that makes it simple to analyze data in S3 data lakes and 30 different data sources, including on-premises data sources or other cloud systems, using standard SQL queries. Athena is serverless, so there is no infrastructure to manage, and–until today–you pay only for the queries that you run. Starting last week, you can now get dedicated capacity for your queries and use new workload management features to prioritize, control, and scale your most important queries, paying only for the capacity you provision.

X in Y – We made existing services available in additional Regions and locations:

Upcoming AWS Events
And to finish this post, I recommend you check your calendars and sign up for these AWS events:

AWS Serverless Innovation DayJoin us on May 17, 2023, for a virtual event hosted on the Twitch AWS channel. We will showcase AWS serverless technology choices such as AWS Lambda, Amazon ECS with AWS Fargate, Amazon EventBridge, and AWS Step Functions. In addition, we will share serverless modernization success stories, use cases, and best practices.

AWS re:Inforce 2023 – Now register for AWS re:Inforce, in Anaheim, California, June 13–14. AWS Chief Information Security Officer CJ Moses will share the latest innovations in cloud security and what AWS Security is focused on. The breakout sessions will provide real-world examples of how security is embedded into the way businesses operate. To learn more and get the limited discount code to register, see CJ’s blog post Gain insights and knowledge at AWS re:Inforce 2023 in the AWS Security Blog.

AWS Global Summits – Check your calendars and sign up for the AWS Summit close to where you live or work: Seoul (May 3–4), Berlin and Singapore (May 4), Stockholm (May 11), Hong Kong (May 23), Amsterdam (June 1), London (June 7), Madrid (June 15), and Milano (June 22).

AWS Community Day – Join community-led conferences driven by AWS user group leaders close to your city: Chicago (June 15), Manila (June 29–30), and Munich (September 14). Recently, we have been bringing together AWS user groups from around the world into Meetup Pro accounts. Find your group and its meetups in your city!

AWS User Group Peru Conference – There is more than a new edge location opening in Lima. The local AWS User Group announced a one-day cloud event in Spanish and English in Lima on September 23. Three of us from the AWS News blog team will attend. I will be joined by my colleagues Marcia and Jeff. Save the date and register today!

You can browse all upcoming AWS-led in-person and virtual events and developer-focused events such as AWS DevDay.

Stay Informed
That was my selection for this week! To better keep up with all of this news, don’t forget to check out the following resources:

That’s all for this week. Check back next Monday for another Week in Review!

— seb

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

Content Repository for Unstructured Data with Multilingual Semantic Search: Part 1

Post Syndicated from Patrik Nagel original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/content-repository-for-unstructured-data-with-multilingual-semantic-search-part-1/

Unstructured data can make up to 80 percent of data in the day-to-day business of financial organizations. For example, these organizations typically store and read PDFs and images for claim processing, underwriting, and know your customer (KYC). Organizations need to make this ingested data accessible and searchable across different entities while logically separating data access according to role requirements.

In this two-part series, we use AWS services to build an end-to-end content repository for storing and processing unstructured data with the following features:

  • Dynamic access control-based logic over unstructured data
  • Multilingual semantic search capabilities

In part 1, we build the architectural foundation for the content repository, including the resource access control logic and a web UI to upload and list documents.

Solution overview

The content repository includes four building blocks:

Frontend and interaction: For this function, we use AWS Amplify, which is a set of purpose-built tools and features to help frontend web and mobile developers quickly build full-stack applications on AWS. The React application uses the AWS Amplify authentication feature to quickly set up a complete authentication flow integrated into Amazon Cognito. Amplify also hosts the frontend application.

Authentication and authorization: Implementing dynamic resource access control with a combination of roles and attributes is fundamental to your content repository security. Amazon Cognito provides a managed, scalable user directory, user sign-up and sign-in flows, and federation capabilities through third-party identity providers. We use Amazon Cognito user pools as the source of user identity for the content repository. You can work with user pool groups to represent different types of user collection, and you can manage their permissions using a group-associated AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role.

Users authenticate against the Amazon Cognito user pool. The web app will exchange the user pool tokens for AWS credentials through an Amazon Cognito identity pool in the content repository. You can complement the IAM role-based authorization model by mapping your relevant attributes to principal tags that will be evaluated as part of IAM permission policies. This allows a dynamic and flexible authorization strategy. For use cases that need federation with third-party identity providers, you can base your user collection on existing user group attributes, such as Active Directory group membership.

Backend and business logic: Authenticated users are redirected to the Amazon API Gateway. API Gateway provides managed publishing for application programming interfaces (APIs) that act as the repository’s “front door.” API Gateway also interacts with the repository’s backend through RESTful APIs. This makes the business logic of the content repository extensible for future use cases, such as transcription and translation. We use AWS Lambda as a serverless, event-driven compute service to run specific business logic code, such as uploading a document to the content repository.

Content storage: Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) provides virtually unlimited scalability and high durability. With Amazon S3, you can cost-effectively store unstructured documents in their native formats and make it accessible in a secure and scalable way. Enriching the uploaded documents with tags simplifies data governance with fine-grained access control.

Technical architecture

The technical architecture of the content repository with these four components can be found in Figure 1.

Technical architecture of the content repository

Figure 1. Technical architecture of the content repository

Let’s explore the architecture step by step.

  1. The frontend uses the Amplify JS library to add the authentication UI component to your React app, allowing authenticated users to sign in.
  2. Once the user provides their sign-in credentials, they are redirected to Amazon Cognito user pools to be authenticated.
  3. Once the authentication is successful, Amazon Cognito invokes a pre-token generation Lambda function. This function customizes the identity (ID) token with a new claim called department. This new claim is the Amazon Cognito group name from the cognito:preferred_role claim.
  4. Amazon Cognito returns the identity, access, and refresh token in JSON format to the frontend.
  5. The Amplify client library stores the tokens and handles refreshes using the refresh token while the React frontend application calls the API Gateway with the ID token. Note: Usually, you would use the access token to grant access to authorized resources. For this architecture, we use the ID token because we have enriched it with the custom claim during step 3.
  6. API Gateway uses its native integration with Amazon Cognito and validates the ID token’s signature and expiration using Amazon Cognito user pool authorizer. For more complex authorization scenarios, you can use API Gateway Lambda authorizer with the AWS JSON Web Token (JWT) Verify library for verifying JWTs signed by Amazon Cognito.
  7. After successful validation, API Gateway passes the ID token to the backend Lambda function, which can verify and authorize upon it for access control.
  8. Upon document upload action, the backend Lambda function calls the Amazon Cognito identity pool to exchange the ID token for the temporary AWS credentials associated with the cognito:preferred_role claim.
  9. The document upload Lambda function returns a pre-signed URL with the custom department claim in the Amazon S3 path prefix as well as the object tag. The Amazon S3 pre-signed URL is used for the document upload from the frontend application directly to Amazon S3.
  10. Upon document list action, similar to step 8, the backend Lambda function exchanges the ID token for the temporary AWS credentials. The Lambda function returns only the documents based on the user’s preferred group and associated custom department claim.


You must have the following prerequisites for this solution:



The following steps will deploy two AWS CDK stacks into your AWS account:

  • content-repo-stack (blog-content-repo-stack.ts) creates the environment detailed in Figure 1.
  • demo-data-stack (userpool-demo-data-stack.ts) deploys sample users, groups, and role mappings.

To continue setup, use the following commands:

  1. Clone the project git repository:
    git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/content-repository-with-dynamic-access-control content-repository
  2. Install the necessary dependencies:
    cd content-repository/backend-cdk
    npm install
  3. Configure environment variables:
    export CDK_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query 'Account' --output text)
    export CDK_DEFAULT_REGION=$(aws configure get region)
  4. Bootstrap your account for AWS CDK usage:
  5. Deploy the code to your AWS account:
    cdk deploy --all

Using the repository

Once you deploy the CDK stacks in your AWS account, follow these steps:

1. Access the frontend application:

a. Copy the amplifyHostedAppUrl value shown in the AWS CDK output from the content-repo-stack.

b. Use the URL with your web browser to access the frontend application.

c. A temporary page displays until the automated build and deployment of the React application completes after 4-5 minutes.

2. Application sign-in and role-based access control (RBAC):

a. The React webpage prompts you to sign in and then change the temporary password.

b. The content repository provides two demo users with credentials as part of the demo-data-stack in the AWS CDK output. In this walkthrough, we use the sales-user user, which belongs to the sales department group to validate RBAC.

3. Upload a document to the content repository:

a. Authenticate as sales-user.

b. Select upload to upload your first document to the content repository.

c. The repository provides sample documents in the assets sub-folder.

4. List your uploaded document:

a. Select list to show the uploaded sales content.

b. To verify the dynamic access control, repeat steps 2 and 3 for the marketing-user user, which belongs to the marketing department group.

c. Sign-in to the AWS Management Console and navigate to the Amazon S3 bucket with the prefix content-repo-stack-s3sourcebucket to confirm that all the uploaded content exists.

Implementation notes

Frontend deployment and cross-origin access

The content-repo-stack contains an AwsCustomResource construct. This construct uses the Amplify API to start the release job of the Amplify hosted frontend application. The preBuild step of the Amplify application build specification dynamically configures its backend for the Amazon Cognito-based authentication. The required Amazon Cognito configuration parameters are retrieved from the AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store during build time. Similarly, the Amplify application postBuild step updates the Amazon S3 cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) rule for the Amazon S3 bucket to only allow cross-origin access from the Amplify-hosted URL of the frontend application.

Application sign-in and access control

The Amazon Cognito identity pool configuration is set to Choose role from token for authenticated users, as in Figure 2. This setup permits authenticated users to pass the roles in the ID token that the Amazon Cognito user pool assigned. Backend Lambda functions use the roles that appear in the cognito:roles and cognito:preferred_role claims in the ID token for RBAC.

Amazon Cognito identity pool configuration – using tokens to assign roles to authenticated users

Figure 2. Amazon Cognito identity pool configuration – using tokens to assign roles to authenticated users

In the attributes for access control section, we configured a custom mapping from the augmented department token claim to a tag key, as in Figure 3. The backend logic uses the tag key to match the PrincipalTag condition in IAM policies to control access to AWS resources.

Amazon Cognito identity pool configuration – custom mapping from claim names to tag keys

Figure 3. Amazon Cognito identity pool configuration – custom mapping from claim names to tag keys

Document upload

The presigned_url.py Lambda function generates a pre-signed Amazon S3 URL using the department token claim as the key. This function automatically organizes the uploaded document into a logical structure in the Amazon S3 source bucket. Accordingly, the cognito:preferred_role used for the Amazon S3 client credentials in the Lambda function has a permission policy using the PrincipalTag department to dynamically limit access to the Amazon S3 key, as in Figure 4.

Permission policy using PrincipalTag to upload documents to Amazon S3

Figure 4. Permission policy using PrincipalTag to upload documents to Amazon S3

Document listing

The list functionality only shows the uploaded content belonging to the preferred group of authenticated Amazon Cognito user pool user. To only list the files that a specific user (for example, sales-user) has access to, use the PrincipalTag s3:prefix condition, as in Figure 5.

Permission policy using s3:prefix condition with session tags to list documents

Figure 5. Permission policy using s3:prefix condition with session tags to list documents


In the backend-cdk subdirectory, delete the deployed resources:

cdk destroy --all


In this blog, we demonstrated how to build a content repository with an easy-to-use web application for unstructured data that ingests documents while maintaining dynamic access control for users within departments. These steps provide a foundation to build your own content repository to store and process documents. As next steps, based on your organization’s security requirements, you can implement more complex access control use cases by balancing IAM role and principal tags. For example, you can use Amazon Cognito user pool custom attributes for additional dimensions such as document “clearance” with optional modification in the pre-token generation Lambda.

In the next part of this blog series, we will enrich the content repository with multi-lingual semantic search features while maintaining the access control fundamentals we’ve already implemented. For additional information on how you can build a solution to search for information across multiple scanned documents, PDFs, and images with compliance capabilities, please refer our Document Understanding Solution from AWS Solutions Library.

AWS Week in Review – December 19, 2022

Post Syndicated from Sébastien Stormacq original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-week-in-review-december-19-2022/

We are half way between the re:Invent conference and the end-of-year holidays, and I did expect the cadence of releases and news to slow down a bit, but nothing is further away from reality. Our teams continue to listen to your feedback and release new capabilities and incremental improvements.

This week, many items caught my attention. Here is my summary.

The AWS Pricing Calculator for Amazon EC2 is getting a redesign to provide you with a simplified, consistent, and efficient calculator to estimate costs. It also added a way to bulk estimate costs for EC2 instances, EC2 Dedicated Hosts, and Amazon EBS services. Try it for yourself today.

AWS Pricing Calculator

Amazon CloudWatch Metrics Insights alarms now enables you to trigger alarms on entire fleets of dynamically changing resources (such as automatically scaling EC2 instances) with a single alarm using standard SQL queries. For example, you can now write a query like this to collect data about CPU utilization over your entire dynamic fleet of EC2 instances.

SELECT AVG(CPUUtilization) FROM SCHEMA("AWS/EC2", InstanceId)

AWS Amplify is a command line tool and a set of libraries to help you to build web and mobile applications connected to a cloud backend. We released Amplify Library for Android 2.0, with improvements and simplifications for user authentication. The team also released Amplify JavaScript library version 5, with improvements for React and React Native developers, such as a new notifications channel, also known as in-app messaging, that developers can use to display contextual messages to their users based on their behavior. The Amplify JavaScript library has also received improvements to reduce the overall bundle size and installation size.

Amazon Connect added granular access control based on resource tags for routing profiles, security profiles, users, and queues. It also adds bulk import for user hierarchy tags. This allows you to use attribute-based access control policies for Amazon Connect resources.

Amazon RDS Proxy now supports PostgreSQL major version 14. RDS Proxy is a fully managed, highly available database proxy for Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) that makes applications more scalable, more resilient to database failures, and more secure. It is typically used by serverless applications that can have a large number of open connections to the database server and may open and close database connections at a high rate, exhausting database memory and compute resources.

AWS Gateway Load Balancer endpoints now support Ipv6 addresses. You can now send IPv6 traffic through Gateway Load Balancers and its endpoints to distribute traffic flows to dual stack appliance targets.

Amazon Location Service now provides Open Data Maps maps, in addition to ESRI and Here maps. I also noticed that Amazon is a core member of the new Overture Maps Foundation, officially hosted by the Linux Foundation. The mission of the Overture Maps Foundation is to power new map products through openly available datasets that can be used and reused across applications and businesses. The program is driven by Amazon Web Services (AWS), Facebook’s parent company Meta, Microsoft, and Dutch mapping company TomTom.

AWS Mainframe Modernization is a set of managed tools providing infrastructure and software for migrating, modernizing, and running mainframe applications. It is now available in three additional AWS Regions and supports AWS CloudFormation, AWS PrivateLink, AWS Key Management Service.

X in Y. Jeff started this section a while ago to list the expansion of new services and capabilities to additional Regions. I noticed 11 Regional expansions this week:

Other AWS News
This week, I also noticed these AWS news items:

Amazon SageMaker turned 5 years old 🎉🎂. You can read the initial blog post we published at the time. To celebrate the event, the Amazon Science published this article where AWS’s Vice President Bratin Saha reflects on the past and future of AWS’s machine learning tools and AI services.

The security blog published a great post about the Cedar policy language. It explains how Amazon Verified Permissions provides a pre-built, flexible permissions system that you can use to build permissions based on both ABAC and RBAC in your applications. Cedar policy language is also at the heart of Amazon Verified Access I blogged about during re:Invent.

And just like every week, my most excellent colleague Ricardo published the open source newsletter.

Upcoming AWS Events
Check your calendars and sign up for these AWS events:

AWS re:Invent recaps in your area. During the re:Invent week, we had lots of new announcements, and in the next weeks, you can find in your area a recap of all these launches. All the events will be posted on this site, so check it regularly to find an event nearby.

AWS re:Invent keynotes, leadership sessions, and breakout sessions are available on demand. I recommend that you check the playlists and find the talks about your favorite topics in one collection.

AWS Summits season will restart in Q2 2023. The dates and locations will be announced here.

Stay Informed
That is my selection for this week! Heads up – the Week in Review will be taking a short break for the end of the year, but we’ll be back with regular updates starting on January 9, 2023. To better keep up with all of this news, do not forget to check out the following resources:

— seb
This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

AWS Week in Review – November 21, 2022

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-week-in-review-november-21-2022/

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

A new week starts, and the News Blog team is getting ready for AWS re:Invent! Many of us will be there next week and it would be great to meet in person. If you’re coming, do you know about PeerTalk? It’s an onsite networking program for re:Invent attendees available through the AWS Events mobile app (which you can get on Google Play or Apple App Store) to help facilitate connections among the re:Invent community.

If you’re not coming to re:Invent, no worries, you can get a free online pass to watch keynotes and leadership sessions.

Last Week’s Launches
It was a busy week for our service teams! Here are the launches that got my attention:

AWS Region in Spain – The AWS Region in Aragón, Spain, is now open. The official name is Europe (Spain), and the API name is eu-south-2.

Amazon Athena – You can now apply AWS Lake Formation fine-grained access control policies with all table and file format supported by Amazon Athena to centrally manage permissions and access data catalog resources in your Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) data lake. With fine-grained access control, you can restrict access to data in query results using data filters to achieve column-level, row-level, and cell-level security.

Amazon EventBridge – With these additional filtering capabilities, you can now filter events by suffix, ignore case, and match if at least one condition is true. This makes it easier to write complex rules when building event-driven applications.

AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK) – The ACK for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) is now generally available and lets you provision and manage EC2 networking resources, such as VPCs, security groups and internet gateways using the Kubernetes API. Also, the ACK for Amazon EMR on EKS is now generally available to allow you to declaratively define and manage EMR on EKS resources such as virtual clusters and job runs as Kubernetes custom resources. Learn more about ACK for Amazon EMR on EKS in this blog post.

Amazon HealthLake – New analytics capabilities make it easier to query, visualize, and build machine learning (ML) models. Now HealthLake transforms customer data into an analytics-ready format in near real-time so that you can query, and use the resulting data to build visualizations or ML models. Also new is Amazon HealthLake Imaging (preview), a new HIPAA-eligible capability that enables you to easily store, access, and analyze medical images at any scale. More on HealthLake Imaging can be found in this blog post.

Amazon RDS – You can now transfer files between Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) for Oracle and an Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) file system. You can use this integration to stage files like Oracle Data Pump export files when you import them. You can also use EFS to share a file system between an application and one or more RDS Oracle DB instances to address specific application needs.

Amazon ECS and Amazon EKS – We added centralized logging support for Windows containers to help you easily process and forward container logs to various AWS and third-party destinations such as Amazon CloudWatch, S3, Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose, Datadog, and Splunk. See these blog posts for how to use this new capability with ECS and with EKS.

AWS SAM CLI – You can now use the Serverless Application Model CLI to locally test and debug an AWS Lambda function defined in a Terraform application. You can see a walkthrough in this blog post.

AWS Lambda – Now supports Node.js 18 as both a managed runtime and a container base image, which you can learn more about in this blog post. Also check out this interesting article on why and how you should use AWS SDK for JavaScript V3 with Node.js 18. And last but not least, there is new tooling support to build and deploy native AOT compiled .NET 7 applications to AWS Lambda. With this tooling, you can enable faster application starts and benefit from reduced costs through the faster initialization times and lower memory consumption of native AOT applications. Learn more in this blog post.

AWS Step Functions – Now supports cross-account access for more than 220 AWS services to process data, automate IT and business processes, and build applications across multiple accounts. Learn more in this blog post.

AWS Fargate – Adds the ability to monitor the utilization of the ephemeral storage attached to an Amazon ECS task. You can track the storage utilization with Amazon CloudWatch Container Insights and ECS Task Metadata endpoint.

AWS Proton – Now has a centralized dashboard for all resources deployed and managed by AWS Proton, which you can learn more about in this blog post. You can now also specify custom commands to provision infrastructure from templates. In this way, you can manage templates defined using the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) and other templating and provisioning tools. More on CDK support and AWS CodeBuild provisioning can be found in this blog post.

AWS IAM – You can now use more than one multi-factor authentication (MFA) device for root account users and IAM users in your AWS accounts. More information is available in this post.

Amazon ElastiCache – You can now use IAM authentication to access Redis clusters. With this new capability, IAM users and roles can be associated with ElastiCache for Redis users to manage their cluster access.

Amazon WorkSpaces – You can now use version 2.0 of the WorkSpaces Streaming Protocol (WSP) host agent that offers significant streaming quality and performance improvements, and you can learn more in this blog post. Also, with Amazon WorkSpaces Multi-Region Resilience, you can implement business continuity solutions that keep users online and productive with less than 30-minute recovery time objective (RTO) in another AWS Region during disruptive events. More on multi-region resilience is available in this post.

Amazon CloudWatch RUM – You can now send custom events (in addition to predefined events) for better troubleshooting and application specific monitoring. In this way, you can monitor specific functions of your application and troubleshoot end user impacting issues unique to the application components.

AWS AppSync – You can now define GraphQL API resolvers using JavaScript. You can also mix functions written in JavaScript and Velocity Template Language (VTL) inside a single pipeline resolver. To simplify local development of resolvers, AppSync released two new NPM libraries and a new API command. More info can be found in this blog post.

AWS SDK for SAP ABAP – This new SDK makes it easier for ABAP developers to modernize and transform SAP-based business processes and connect to AWS services natively using the SAP ABAP language. Learn more in this blog post.

AWS CloudFormation – CloudFormation can now send event notifications via Amazon EventBridge when you create, update, or delete a stack set.

AWS Console – With the new Applications widget on the Console home, you have one-click access to applications in AWS Systems Manager Application Manager and their resources, code, and related data. From Application Manager, you can view the resources that power your application and your costs using AWS Cost Explorer.

AWS Amplify – Expands Flutter support (developer preview) to Web and Desktop for the API, Analytics, and Storage use cases. You can now build cross-platform Flutter apps with Amplify that target iOS, Android, Web, and Desktop (macOS, Windows, Linux) using a single codebase. Learn more on Flutter Web and Desktop support for AWS Amplify in this post. Amplify Hosting now supports fully managed CI/CD deployments and hosting for server-side rendered (SSR) apps built using Next.js 12 and 13. Learn more in this blog post and see how to deploy a NextJS 13 app with the AWS CDK here.

Amazon SQS – With attribute-based access control (ABAC), you can define permissions based on tags attached to users and AWS resources. With this release, you can now use tags to configure access permissions and policies for SQS queues. More details can be found in this blog.

AWS Well-Architected Framework – The latest version of the Data Analytics Lens is now available. The Data Analytics Lens is a collection of design principles, best practices, and prescriptive guidance to help you running analytics on AWS.

AWS Organizations – You can now manage accounts, organizational units (OUs), and policies within your organization using CloudFormation templates.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS News
A few more stuff you might have missed:

Introducing our final AWS Heroes of the year – As the end of 2022 approaches, we are recognizing individuals whose enthusiasm for knowledge-sharing has a real impact with the AWS community. Please meet them here!

The Distributed Computing ManifestoWerner Vogles, VP & CTO at Amazon.com, shared the Distributed Computing Manifesto, a canonical document from the early days of Amazon that transformed the way we built architectures and highlights the challenges faced at the end of the 20th century.

AWS re:Post – To make this community more accessible globally, we expanded the user experience to support five additional languages. You can now interact with AWS re:Post also using Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, French, Japanese, and Korean.

For AWS open-source news and updates, here’s the latest newsletter curated by Ricardo to bring you the most recent updates on open-source projects, posts, events, and more.

Upcoming AWS Events
As usual, there are many opportunities to meet:

AWS re:Invent – Our yearly event is next week from November 28 to December 2. If you can’t be there in person, get your free online pass to watch live the keynotes and the leadership sessions.

AWS Community DaysAWS Community Day events are community-led conferences to share and learn together. Join us in Sri Lanka (on December 6-7), Dubai, UAE (December 10), Pune, India (December 10), and Ahmedabad, India (December 17).

That’s all from me for this week. Next week we’ll focus on re:Invent, and then we’ll take a short break. We’ll be back with the next Week in Review on December 12!


AWS Week in Review – October 24, 2022

Post Syndicated from Channy Yun original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-week-in-review-october-24-2022/

Last week, we announced plans to launch the AWS Asia Pacific (Bangkok) Region, which will become our third AWS Region in Southeast Asia. This Region will have three Availability Zones and will give AWS customers in Thailand the ability to run workloads and store data that must remain in-country.

In the Works – AWS Region in Thailand
With this big news, AWS announced a 190 billion baht (US 5 billion dollars) investment to drive Thailand’s digital future over the next 15 years. It includes capital expenditures on the construction of data centers, operational expenses related to ongoing utilities and facility costs, and the purchase of goods and services from Regional businesses.

Since we first opened an office in Bangkok in 2015, AWS has launched 10 Amazon CloudFront edge locations, a highly secure and programmable content delivery network (CDN) in Bangkok. In 2020, we launched AWS Outposts, a family of fully managed solutions delivering AWS infrastructure and services to virtually any on-premises or edge location for a truly consistent hybrid experience in Thailand. This year, we also plan the upcoming launch of an AWS Local Zone in Bangkok, which will enable customers to deliver applications that require single-digit millisecond latency to end users in Thailand.

Photo courtesy of Conor McNamara, Managing Director, ASEAN at AWS

The new AWS Region in Thailand is also part of our broader, multifaceted investment in the country, covering our local team, partners, skills, and the localization of services, including Amazon Transcribe, Amazon Translate, and Amazon Connect.

Many Thailand customers have chosen AWS to run their workloads to accelerate innovation, increase agility, and drive cost savings, such as 2C2P, CP All Plc., Digital Economy Promotion Agency, Energy Response Co. Ltd. (ENRES), PTT Global Public Company Limited (PTT), Siam Cement Group (SCG), Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, The Stock Exchange of Thailand, Papyrus Studio, and more.

For example, Dr. Werner Vogels, CTO of Amazon.com, introduced the story of Papyrus Studio, a large film studio and one of the first customers in Thailand.

“Customer stories like Papyrus Studio inspire us at AWS. The cloud can allow a small company to rapidly scale and compete globally. It also provides new opportunities to create, innovate, and identify business opportunities that just aren’t possible with conventional infrastructure.”

For more information on how to enable AWS and get support in Thailand, contact our AWS Thailand team.

Last Week’s Launches
My favorite news of last week was to launch dark mode as a beta feature in the AWS Management Console. In Unified Settings, you can choose between three settings for visual mode: Browser default, Light, and Dark. Browser default applies the default dark or light setting of the browser, dark applies the new built-in dark mode, and light maintains the current look and feel of the AWS console. Choose your favorite!

Here are some launches that caught my eye for web, mobile, and IoT application developers:

New AWS Amplify Library for Swift – We announce the general availability of Amplify Library for Swift (previously Amplify iOS). Developers can use Amplify Library for Swift via the Swift Package Manager to build apps for iOS and macOS (currently in beta) platforms with Auth, Storage, Geo, and more features.

The Amplify Library for Swift is open source on GitHub, and we deeply appreciate the feedback we have gotten from the community. To learn more, see Introducing the AWS Amplify Library for Swift in the AWS Front-End Web & Mobile Blog or Amplify Library for Swift documentation.

New Amazon IVS Chat SDKs – Amazon Interactive Video Service (Amazon IVS) now provides SDKs for stream chat with support for web, Android, and iOS. The Amazon IVS stream chat SDKs support common functions for chat room resource management, sending and receiving messages, and managing chat room participants.

Amazon IVS is a managed, live-video streaming service using the broadcast SDKs or standard streaming software such as Open Broadcaster Software (OBS). The service provides cross-platform player SDKs for playback of Amazon IVS streams you need to make low-latency live video available to any viewer around the world. Also, it offers Chat Client Messaging SDK. For more information, see Getting Started with Amazon IVS Chat in the AWS documentation.

New AWS Parameters and Secrets Lambda Extension – This is new extension for AWS Lambda developers to retrieve parameters from AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store and secrets from AWS Secrets Manager. Lambda function developers can leverage this extension to improve their application performance as it decreases the latency and the cost of retrieving parameters and secrets.

Previously, you had to initialize either the core library of a service or the entire service SDK inside a Lambda function for retrieving secrets and parameters. Now you can simply use the extension. To learn more, see AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store documentation and AWS Secrets Manager documentation.

New FreeRTOS Long Term Support Version – We announce the second release of FreeRTOS Long Term Support (LTS) – FreeRTOS 202210.00 LTS. FreeRTOS LTS offers a more stable foundation than standard releases as manufacturers deploy and later update devices in the field. This release includes new and upgraded libraries such as AWS IoT Fleet Provisioning, Cellular LTE-M Interface, coreMQTT, and FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP.

All libraries included in this FreeRTOS LTS version will receive security and critical bug fixes until October 2024. With an LTS release, you can continue to maintain your existing FreeRTOS code base and avoid any potential disruptions resulting from FreeRTOS version upgrades. To learn more, see the FreeRTOS announcement.

Here is some news on performance improvement and increasing capacity:

Up to 10X Improving Amazon Aurora Snapshot Exporting Speed – Amazon Aurora MySQL-Compatible Edition for MySQL 5.7 and 8.0 now speed up to 10x faster snapshot exports to Amazon S3. The performance improvement is automatically applied to all types of database snapshot exports, including manual snapshots, automated system snapshots, and snapshots created by the AWS Backup service. For more information, see Exporting DB cluster snapshot data to Amazon S3 in the Amazon Aurora documentation.

3X Increasing Amazon RDS Read Capacity – Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) for MySQL, MariaDB, and PostgreSQL now supports 15 read replicas per instance, including up to 5 cross-Region read replicas, delivering up to 3x the previous read capacity. For more information, see Working with read replicas in the Amazon RDS documentation.

2X Increasing AWS Snowball Edge Compute Capacity – The AWS Snowball Edge Compute Optimized device doubled the compute capacity up to 104 vCPUs, doubled the memory capacity up to 416GB RAM, and is now fully SSD with 28TB NVMe storage. The updated device is ideal when you need dense compute resources to run complex workloads such as machine learning inference or video analytics at the rugged, mobile edge such as trucks, aircraft or ships.  You can get started by ordering a Snowball Edge device on the AWS Snow Family console.

2X Increasing Amazon SQS FIFO Default Quota – Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) announces the increase of default quota up to 6,000 transactions per second per API action. It is double the previous 3,000 throughput quota for a high throughput mode for FIFO (first in, first out) queues in all AWS Regions where Amazon SQS FIFO queue is available. For a detailed breakdown of default throughput quotas per Region, see Quotas related to messages in the Amazon SQS documentation.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS News
Here are some other news items that you may find interesting:

22 New or Updated Open Datasets on AWS – We released 22 new or updated datasets, including Amazonia-1 imagery, Bitcoin and Ethereum data, and elevation data over the Arctic and Antarctica. The full list of publicly available datasets is on the Registry of Open Data on AWS and is now also discoverable on AWS Data Exchange.

Sustainability with AWS Partners (ft. AWS On Air) – This episode covers a broad discipline of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues across all regions, organization types, and industries. AWS Sustainability & Climate Tech provides a comprehensive portfolio of AWS Partner solutions built on AWS that address climate change events and the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

AWS Open Source News and Updates #131 – This newsletter covers latest open-source projects such as Amazon EMR Toolkit for VS Code, a VS Code Extension to make it easier to develop Spark jobs on EMR and AWS CDK For Discourse, sample codes that demonstrates how to create a full environment for Discourse, etc. Remember to check out the Open source at AWS keep up to date with all our activity in open source by following us on @AWSOpen.

Upcoming AWS Events
Check your calendars and sign up for these AWS events:

AWS re:Invent 2022 Attendee Guide – Browse re:Invent 2022 attendee guides, curated by AWS Heroes, AWS industry teams, and AWS Partners. Each guide contains recommended sessions, tips and tricks for building your agenda, and other useful resources. Also, seat reservations for all sessions are now open for all re:Invent attendees. You can still register for AWS re:Invent either offline or online.

AWS AI/ML Innovation Day on October 25 – Join us for this year’s AWS AI/ML Innovation Day, where you’ll hear from Bratin Saha and other leaders in the field about the great strides AI/ML has made in the past and the promises awaiting us in the future.

AWS Container Day at Kubecon 2022 on October 25–28 – Come join us at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2022, where we’ll be hosting AWS Container Day Featuring Kubernetes on October 25 and educational sessions at our booth on October 26–28. Throughout the event, our sessions focus on security, cost optimization, GitOps/multi-cluster management, hybrid and edge compute, and more.

You can browse all upcoming in-person, and virtual events.

That’s all for this week. Check back next Monday for another Week in Review!

— Channy

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

Lifting and shifting a web application to AWS Serverless: Part 2

Post Syndicated from Marcia Villalba original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/lifting-and-shifting-a-web-application-to-aws-serverless-part-2/

In part 1, you learn if it is possible to migrate a non-serverless web application to a serverless environment without changing much code. You learn different tools that can help you in this process, like Lambda Web Adaptor and AWS Amplify. By the end, you have migrated an application into a serverless environment.

However, if you test the migrated app, you find two issues. The first one is that the user session is not sticky. Every time you log in, you are logged out unexpectedly from the application. The second one is that when you create a new product, you cannot upload new images of that product.

This final post analyzes each of the problems in detail and shows solutions. In addition, it analyzes the cost and performance of the solution.

Authentication and authorization migration

The original application handled the authentication and authorization by itself. There is a user directory in the database, with the passwords and emails for each of the users. There are APIs and middleware that take care of validating that the user is logged in before showing the application. All the logic for this is developed inside the Node.js/Express application.

However, with the current migrated application every time you log in, you are logged out unexpectedly from the application. This is because the server code is responsible for handling the authentication and the authorization of the users, and now our server is running in an AWS Lambda function and functions are stateless. This means that there will be one function running per request—a request can load all the products in the landing page, get the details for a product, or log in to the site—and if you do something in one of these functions, the state is not shared across.

To solve this, you must remove the authentication and authorization mechanisms from the function and use a service that can preserve the state across multiple invocations of the functions.

There are many ways to solve this challenge. You can add a layer of authentication and session management with a database like Redis, or build a new microservice that is in charge of authentication and authorization that can handle the state, or use an existing managed service for this.

Because of the migration requirements, we want to keep the cost as low as possible, with the fewest changes to the application. The better solution is to use an existing managed service to handle authentication and authorization.

This demo uses Amazon Cognito, which provides user authentication and authorization to AWS resources in a managed, pay as you go way. One rapid approach is to replace all the server code with calls to Amazon Cognito using the AWS SDK. But this adds complexity that can be replaced completely by just invoking Amazon Cognito APIs from the React application.

Using Cognito

For example, when a new user is registered, the application creates the user in the Amazon Cognito user pool directory, as well as in the application database. But when a user logs in to the web app, the application calls Amazon Cognito API directly from the AWS Amplify application. This way minimizes the amount of code needed.

In the original application, all authenticated server APIs are secured with a middleware that validates that the user is authenticated by providing an access token. With the new setup that doesn’t change, but the token is generated by Amazon Cognito and then it can be validated in the backend.

let auth = (req, res, next) => {
    const token = req.headers.authorization;
    const jwtToken = token.replace('Bearer ', '');

        .then((valid) => {
            if (valid) {
                getCognitoUser(jwtToken).then((email) => {
                    User.findByEmail(email, (err, user) => {
                        if (err) throw err;
                        if (!user)
                            return res.json({
                                isAuth: false,
                                error: true,

                        req.user = user;
            } else {
                throw Error('Not valid Token');
        .catch((error) => {
            return res.json({
                isAuth: false,
                error: true,

You can see how this is implemented step by step in this video.

Storage migration

In the original application, when a new product is created, a new image is uploaded to the Node.js/Express server. However, now the application resides in a Lambda function. The code (and files) that are part of that function cannot change, unless the function is redeployed. Consequently, you must separate the user storage from the server code.

For doing this, there are a couple of solutions: using Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) or Amazon S3. EFS is a file storage, and you can use that to have a dynamic storage where you upload the new images. Using EFS won’t change much of the code, as the original implementation is using a directory inside the server as EFS provides. However, using EFS adds more complexity to the application, as functions that use EFS must be inside an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC).

Using S3 to upload your images to the application is simpler, as it only requires that an S3 bucket exists. For doing this, you must refactor the application, from uploading the image to the application API to use the AWS Amplify library that uploads and gets images from S3.

export function uploadImage(file) {
    const fileName = `uploads/${file.name}`;

    const request = Storage.put(fileName, file).then((result) => {
        return {
            image: fileName,
            success: true,

    return {
        type: IMAGE_UPLOAD,
        payload: request,

An important benefit of using S3 is that you can also use Amazon CloudFront to accelerate the retrieval of the images from the cloud. In this way, you can speed up the loading time of your page. You can see how this is implemented step by step in this video.

How much does this application cost?

If you deploy this application in an empty AWS account, most of the usage of this application is covered by the AWS Free Tier. Serverless services, like Lambda and Amazon Cognito, have a forever free tier that gives you the benefits in pricing for the lifetime of hosting the application.

  • AWS Lambda—With 100 requests per hour, an average 10ms invocation and 1GB of memory configured, it costs 0 USD per month.
  • Amazon S3—Using S3 standard, hosting 1 GB per month and 10k PUT and GET requests per month costs 0.07 USD per month. This can be optimized using S3 Intelligent-Tiering.
  • Amazon Cognito—Provides 50,000 monthly active users for free.
  • AWS Amplify—If you build your client application once a week, serve 3 GB and store 1 GB per month, this costs 0.87 USD.
  • AWS Secrets Manager—There are two secrets stored using Secrets Manager and this costs 1.16 USD per month. This can be optimized by using AWS System Manager Parameter Store and AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS).
  • MongoDB Atlas Forever free shared cluster.

The total monthly cost of this application is approximately 2.11 USD.

Performance analysis

After you migrate the application, you can run a page speed insight tool, to measure this application’s performance. This tool provides results mostly about the front end and the experience that the user perceives. The results are displayed in the following image. The performance of this website is good, according to the insight tool performance score – it responds quickly and the user experience is good.

Page speed insight tool results

After the application is migrated to a serverless environment, you can do some refactoring to improve further the overall performance. One alternative is whenever a new image is uploaded, it gets resized and formatted into the correct next-gen format automatically using the event driven capabilities that S3 provides. Another alternative is to use Lambda on Edge to serve the right image size for the device, as it is possible to format the images on the fly when serving them from a distribution.

You can run load tests for understanding how your backend and database will perform. For this, you can use Artillery, an open-source library that allows you to run load tests. You can run tests with the expected maximum load your site will get and ensure that your site can handle it.

For example, you can configure a test that sends 30 requests per seconds to see how your application reacts:

  target: 'https://xxx.lambda-url.eu-west-1.on.aws'
    - duration: 240
      arrivalRate: 30
      name: Testing
  - name: 'Test main page'
      - post:
          url: '/api/product/getProducts/'

This test is performed on the backend APIs, not only testing your backend but also your integration with the MongoDB. After running it, you can see how the Lambda function performs on the Amazon CloudWatch dashboard.

Running this load test helps you understand the limitations of your system. For example, if you run a test with too many concurrent users, you might see that the number of throttles in your function increases. This means that you need to lift the limit of invocations of the functions you can have at the same time.

Or when increasing the requests per second, you may find that the MongoDB cluster starts throttling your requests. This is because you are using the free tier and that has a set number of connections. You might need a larger cluster or to migrate your database to another service that provides a large free tier, like Amazon DynamoDB.

Cloudwatch dashboard


In this two-part article, you learn if it is possible to migrate a non-serverless web application to a serverless environment without changing much code. You learn different tools that can help you in this process, like AWS Lambda Web Adaptor and AWS Amplify, and how to solve some of the typical challenges that we have, like storage and authentication.

After the application is hosted in a fully serverless environment, it can scale up and down to meet your needs. This web application is also performant once the backend is hosted in a Lambda function.

If you need, from here you can start using the strangler pattern to refactor the application to take advantage of the benefits of event-driven architecture.

To see all the steps of the migration, there is a playlist that contains all the tutorials for you to follow.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Lifting and shifting a web application to AWS Serverless: Part 1

Post Syndicated from Marcia Villalba original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/lifting-and-shifting-a-web-application-to-aws-serverless-part-1/

Customers migrating to the cloud often want to get the benefits of serverless architecture. But what is the best approach and is it possible? There are many strategies to do a migration, but lift and shift is often the fastest way to get to production with the migrated workload.

You might also wonder if it’s possible to lift and shift an existing application that runs in a traditional environment to serverless. This blog post shows how to do this for a Mongo, Express, React, and Node.js (MERN) stack web app. However, the discussions presented in this post apply to other stacks too.

Why do a lift and shift migration?

Lift and shift, or sometimes referred to as rehosting the application, is moving the application with as few changes as possible. Lift and shift migrations often allow you to get the new workload in production as fast as possible. When migrating to serverless, lift and shift can bring a workload that is not yet in the cloud or in a serverless environment to use managed and serverless services quickly.

Migrating a non-serverless workload to serverless with lift and shift might not bring all the serverless benefits right away, but it enables the development team to refactor, using the strangler pattern, the parts of the application that might benefit from what serverless technologies offer.

Why migrate a web app to serverless?

Web apps hosted in a serverless environment benefit most from the capability of serverless applications to scale automatically and for paying for what you use.

Imagine that you have a personal web app with little traffic. If you are hosting in a serverless environment, you don’t pay a fixed price to have the servers up and running. Your web app has only a few requests and the rest of the time is idle.

This benefit applies to the opposite case. For an owner of a small ecommerce site running on a server, imagine if a social media influencer with millions of followers recommends one of their products. Suddenly, thousands of requests arrive and make the site unavailable. If the site is hosted on a serverless platform, the application will scale to the traffic that it receives.

Requirements for migration

Before starting a migration, it is important to define the nonfunctional requirements that you need the new application to have. These requirements help when you must make architectural decisions during the migration process.

These are the nonfunctional requirements of this migration:

  • Environment that scales to zero and scales up automatically.
  • Pay as little as possible for idle time.
  • Configure as little infrastructure as possible.
  • Automatic high availability of the application.
  • Minimal changes to the original code.

Application overview

This blog post guides you on how to migrate a MERN application. The original application is hosted in two different servers: One contains the Mongo database and another contains the Node/js/Express and ReactJS applications.

Application overview

This demo application simulates a swag ecommerce site. The database layer stores the products, users, and the purchases history. The server layer takes care of the ecommerce business logic, hosting the product images, and user authentication and authorization. The web layer takes care of all the user interaction and communicates with the server layer using REST APIs.

How the application looks like

These are the changes that you must make to migrate to a serverless environment:

  • Database migration: Migrate the database from on-premises to MongoDB Atlas.
  • Backend migration: Migrate the NodeJS/Express application from on-premises to an AWS Lambda function.
  • Web app migration: Migrate the React web app from on-premises to AWS Amplify.
  • Authentication migration: Migrate the custom-built authentication to use Amazon Cognito.
  • Storage migration: Migrate the local storage of images to use Amazon S3 and Amazon CloudFront.

The following image shows the proposed solution for the migrated application:

Proposed architecture

Database migration

The database is already in a MongoDB vanilla container that has all the data for this application. As MongoDB is the database engine for our stack, their recommended solution to migrate to serverless is to use MongoDB Atlas. Atlas provides a database cluster in the cloud that scales automatically and you pay for what you use.

To get started, create a new Atlas cluster, then migrate the data from the existing database to the serverless one. To migrate the data, you can first dump all the content of the database to a dump folder and then restore it to the cloud:

mongodump --uri="mongodb://<localuser>:<localpassword>@localhost:27017"

mongorestore --uri="mongodb+srv://<user>:<password>@<clustername>.debkm.mongodb.net" .

After doing that, your data is now in the cloud. The next step is to change the configuration string in the server to point to the new database. To see this in action, check this video that shows a walkthrough of the migration.

Backend migration

Migrating the Node.js/Express backend is the most challenging of the layers to migrate to a serverless environment, as the server layer is a Node.js application that runs in a server.

One option for this migration is to use AWS Fargate. Fargate is a serverless container service that allows you to scale automatically and you pay as you go. Another option is to use AWS AppRunner, a container service that auto scales and you also pay as you go. However, neither of these options align with our migration requirements, as they don’t scale to zero.

Another option for the lift and shift migration of this Node.js application is to use Lambda with the AWS Lambda Web Adapter. The AWS Lambda Web Adapter is an open-source project that allows you to build web applications with familiar frameworks, like Express.js, Flask, SpringBoot, and run it on Lambda. You can learn more about this project in its GitHub repository.

Lambda Web Adapter

Using this project, you can create a new Lambda function that has the Express/NodeJS application as the function code. You can lift and shift all the code into the function. If you want a step-by-step tutorial on how to do this, check out this video.

const lambdaAdapterFunction = new Function(this,`${props.stage}-LambdaAdapterFunction`,
                runtime: Runtime.NODEJS_16_X,
                code: Code.fromAsset('backend-app'),
                handler: 'run.sh',
                environment: {
                    AWS_LAMBDA_EXEC_WRAPPER: '/opt/bootstrap',
                    REGION: this.region,
                    ASYNC_INIT: 'true',
                memorySize: 1024,
                layers: [layerLambdaAdapter],
                timeout: Duration.seconds(2),
                tracing: Tracing.ACTIVE,

The next step is to create an HTTP endpoint for the server application. There are three options for doing this: API Gateway, Application Load Balancer (ALB) , or to use Lambda Function URLs. All the options are compatible with Lambda Web Adapter and can solve the challenge for you.

For this demo, choose function URLs, as they are simple to configure and one function URL forwards all routes to the Express server. API Gateway and ALB require more configuration and have separate costs, while the cost of function URLs is included in the Lambda function.

Web app migration

The final layer to migrate is the React application. The best way to migrate the web layer and to adhere to the migration requirements is to use AWS Amplify to host it. AWS Amplify is a fully managed service that provides many features like hosting web applications and managing the CICD process for the web app. It provides client libraries to connect to different AWS resources, and many other features.

Migrating the React application is as simple as creating a new Amplify application in your AWS account and uploading the React application to a code repository like GitHub. This AWS Amplify application is connected to a GitHub branch, and when there is a new commit in this branch, AWS Amplify redeploys the code.

The Amplify application receives configuration parameters like the function URL endpoint (the server URL) using environmental variables.

const amplifyApp = new App(this, `${props.stage}-AmplifyReactShopApp`, {
            sourceCodeProvider: new GitHubSourceCodeProvider({
                owner: config.frontend.owner,
                repository: config.frontend.repository_name,
                oauthToken: SecretValue.secretsManager('github-token'),
            environmentVariables: {
                REGION: this.region,
                SERVER_URL: props.serverURL,

If you want to see a step-by-step guide on how to make your web layer serverless, you can check this video.

Next steps

However, if you test this migrated app, you will find two issues. The first one is that the user session is not sticky. Every time you log in, you are logged out unexpectedly from the application. The second one is that when you create a new product, you cannot upload new images of that product.

In part two, I analyze each of the problems in detail and find solutions. These issues arise because of the stateless and immutable characteristics of this solution. The next part of this article explains how to solve these issues, also it analyzes costs and performance of the solution.


In this article, you learn if it is possible to migrate a non-serverless web application to a serverless environment without changing much code. You learn different tools that can help you in this process, like the AWS Lambda Web Adaptor and AWS Amplify.

If you want to see the migration in action and learn all the steps for this, there is a playlist that contains all the tutorials for you to follow and learn how this is possible.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

AWS Week in Review – July 4, 2022

Post Syndicated from Marcia Villalba original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-week-in-review-july-04-2022/

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

Summer has arrived in Finland, and these last few days have been hotter than in the Canary Islands! Today in the US it is Independence Day. I hope that if you are celebrating, you’re having a great time. This week I’m very excited about some developer experience and artificial intelligence launches.

Last Week’s Launches
Here are some launches that got my attention during the previous week:

AWS SAM Accelerate is now generally available – SAM Accelerate is a new capability of the AWS Serverless Application Model CLI, which makes it easier for serverless developers to test code changes against the cloud. You can do a hot swap of code directly in the cloud when making a change in your local development environment. This allows you to develop applications faster. Learn more about this launch in the What’s New post.

Amplify UI for React is generally available – Amplify UI is an open-source UI library that helps developers build cloud-native applications. Amplify UI for React comes with over 35 components that you can use, an authentication component that allows you to connect to your backend with no extra configuration, theming for your components. You can also build your UI using Figma. Check the Amplify UI for React site to learn more about all the capabilities offered.

Amazon Connect has new announcements – First, Amazon Connect added support to personalize the flows of the customer experience using Amazon Lex sentiment analysis. It also added support to branch out the flows depending on Amazon Lex confidence scores. Lastly, it added confidence scores to Amazon Connect Customer Profiles to help companies merge duplicate customer records.

Amazon QuickSight – QuickSight authors can now learn and experience Q before signing up. Authors can choose from six different sample topics and explore different visualizations. In addition, QuickSight now supports Level Aware Calculations (LAC) and rolling date functionality. These two new features bring flexibility and simplification to customers to build advanced calculation and dashboards.

Amazon SageMaker – RStudio on SageMaker now allows you to bring your own development environment in a custom image. RStudio on SageMaker is a fully managed RStudio Workbench in the cloud. In addition, SageMaker added four new tabular data modeling algorithms: LightGBM, CatBoost, AutoGluon-Tabular, and TabTransformer to the existing set of built-in algorithms, pre-trained models and pre-built solution templates it provides.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS News
Some other updates and news that you may have missed:

AWS Support announced an improved experience when creating a case – There is a new interface for creating support cases in the AWS Support Center console. Now you can create a case with a simplified three-step process that guides you through the flow. Learn more about this new process in the What’s new post.

New AWS Step Functions workflows collection on Serverless Land – The Step Functions workflows collection is a new experience that makes it easier to discover, deploy, and share AWS Step Functions workflows. In this collection, you can find opinionated templates that implement the best practices to build using Step Functions. Learn more about this new collection in Ben’s blog post.

Podcast Charlas Técnicas de AWS – If you understand Spanish, this podcast is for you. Podcast Charlas Técnicas is one of the official AWS Podcasts in Spanish, which shares a new episode ever other week. The podcast is meant for builders, and it shares stories about how customers implement and learn AWS, how to architect applications, and how to use new services. You can listen to all the episodes directly from your favorite podcast app or from the AWS Podcasts en español website.

AWS open-source news and updates – A newsletter curated by my colleague Ricardo brings you the latest open-source projects, posts, events, and more.

Upcoming AWS Events
Check your calendars and sign up for these AWS events:

AWS Summit New York – Join us on July 12 for the in-person AWS Summit. You can register on the AWS Summit page for free.

AWS re:Inforce – This is an in-person learning conference with a focus on security, compliance, identity, and privacy. You can register now to access hundreds of technical sessions, and other content. It will take place July 26 and 27 in Boston, MA.

That’s all for this week. Check back next Monday for another Week in Review!

— Marcia

AWS Week in Review – May 16, 2022

Post Syndicated from Marcia Villalba original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-week-in-review-may-16-2022/

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

I had been on the road for the last five weeks and attended many of the AWS Summits in Europe. It was great to talk to so many of you in person. The Serverless Developer Advocates are going around many of the AWS Summits with the Serverlesspresso booth. If you attend an event that has the booth, say “Hi 👋” to my colleagues, and have a coffee while asking all your serverless questions. You can find all the upcoming AWS Summits in the events section at the end of this post.

Last week’s launches
Here are some launches that got my attention during the previous week.

AWS Step Functions announced a new console experience to debug your state machine executions – Now you can opt-in to the new console experience of Step Functions, which makes it easier to analyze, debug, and optimize Standard Workflows. The new page allows you to inspect executions using three different views: graph, table, and event view, and add many new features to enhance the navigation and analysis of the executions. To learn about all the features and how to use them, read Ben’s blog post.

Example on how the Graph View looks

Example on how the Graph View looks

AWS Lambda now supports Node.js 16.x runtime – Now you can start using the Node.js 16 runtime when you create a new function or update your existing functions to use it. You can also use the new container image base that supports this runtime. To learn more about this launch, check Dan’s blog post.

AWS Amplify announces its Android library designed for Kotlin – The Amplify Android library has been rewritten for Kotlin, and now it is available in preview. This new library provides better debugging capacities and visibility into underlying state management. And it is also using the new AWS SDK for Kotlin that was released last year in preview. Read the What’s New post for more information.

Three new APIs for batch data retrieval in AWS IoT SiteWise – With this new launch AWS IoT SiteWise now supports batch data retrieval from multiple asset properties. The new APIs allow you to retrieve current values, historical values, and aggregated values. Read the What’s New post to learn how you can start using the new APIs.

AWS Secrets Manager now publishes secret usage metrics to Amazon CloudWatch – This launch is very useful to see the number of secrets in your account and set alarms for any unexpected increase or decrease in the number of secrets. Read the documentation on Monitoring Secrets Manager with Amazon CloudWatch for more information.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS News
Some other launches and news that you may have missed:

IBM signed a deal with AWS to offer its software portfolio as a service on AWS. This allows customers using AWS to access IBM software for automation, data and artificial intelligence, and security that is built on Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS.

Podcast Charlas Técnicas de AWS – If you understand Spanish, this podcast is for you. Podcast Charlas Técnicas is one of the official AWS podcasts in Spanish. This week’s episode introduces you to Amazon DynamoDB and shares stories on how different customers use this database service. You can listen to all the episodes directly from your favorite podcast app or the podcast web page.

AWS Open Source News and Updates – Ricardo Sueiras, my colleague from the AWS Developer Relation team, runs this newsletter. It brings you all the latest open-source projects, posts, and more. Read edition #112 here.

Upcoming AWS Events
It’s AWS Summits season and here are some virtual and in-person events that might be close to you:

You can register for re:MARS to get fresh ideas on topics such as machine learning, automation, robotics, and space. The conference will be in person in Las Vegas, June 21–24.

That’s all for this week. Check back next Monday for another Week in Review!

— Marcia

Throttling a tiered, multi-tenant REST API at scale using API Gateway: Part 2

Post Syndicated from Nick Choi original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/throttling-a-tiered-multi-tenant-rest-api-at-scale-using-api-gateway-part-2/

In Part 1 of this blog series, we demonstrated why tiering and throttling become necessary at scale for multi-tenant REST APIs, and explored tiering strategy and throttling with Amazon API Gateway.

In this post, Part 2, we will examine tenant isolation strategies at scale with API Gateway and extend the sample code from Part 1.

Enhancing the sample code

To enable this functionality in the sample code (Figure 1), we will make manual changes. First, create one API key for the Free Tier and five API keys for the Basic Tier. Currently, these API keys are private keys for your Amazon Cognito login, but we will make a further change in the backend business logic that will promote them to pooled resources. Note that all of these modifications are specific to this sample code’s implementation; the implementation and deployment of a production code may be completely different (Figure 1).

Cloud architecture of the sample code

Figure 1. Cloud architecture of the sample code

Next, in the business logic for thecreateKey(), find the AWS Lambda function in lambda/create_key.js.  It appears like this:

function createKey(tableName, key, plansTable, jwt, rand, callback) {
  const pool = getPoolForPlanId( key.planId ) 
  if (!pool) {
    createSiloedKey(tableName, key, plansTable, jwt, rand, callback);
  } else {
    createPooledKey(pool, tableName, key, jwt, callback);

The getPoolForPlanId() function does a search for a pool of keys associated with the usage plan. If there is a pool, we “create” a kind of reference to the pooled resource, rather than a completely new key that is created by the API Gateway service directly. The lambda/api_key_pools.js should be empty.

exports.apiKeyPools = [];

In effect, all usage plans were considered as siloed keys up to now. To change that, populate the data structure with values from the six API keys that were created manually. You will have to look up the IDs of the API keys and usage plans that were created in API Gateway (Figures 2 and 3). Using the AWS console to navigate to API Gateway is the most intuitive.

A view of the AWS console when inspecting the ID for the Basic usage plan

Figure 2. A view of the AWS console when inspecting the ID for the Basic usage plan

A view of the AWS Console when looking up the API key value (not the ID)

Figure 3. A view of the AWS Console when looking up the API key value (not the ID)

When done, your code in lambda/api_key_pools.js should be the following, but instead of ellipses (), the IDs for the user plans and API keys specific to your environment will appear.

exports.apiKeyPools = [{
    planName: "FreePlan"
    planId: "...",
    apiKeys: [ "..." ]
    planName: "BasicPlan"
    planId: "...",
    apiKeys: [ "...", "...", "...", "...", "..." ]

After making the code changes, run cdk deploy from the command line to update the Lambda functions. This change will only affect key creation and deletion because of the system implementation. Updates affect only the user’s specific reference to the key, not the underlying resource managed by API Gateway.

When the web application is run now, it will look similar to before—tenants should not be aware what tiering strategy they have been assigned to. The only way to notice the difference would be to create two Free Tier keys, test them, and note that the value of the X-API-KEY header is unchanged between the two.

Now, you have a virtually unlimited number of users who can have API keys in the Free or Basic Tier. By keeping the Premium Tier siloed, you are subject to the 10,000-API-key maximum (less any keys allocated for the lower tiers). You may consider additional techniques to continue to scale, such as replicating your service in another AWS account.

Other production considerations

The sample code is minimal, and it illustrates just one aspect of scaling a Software-as-a-service (SaaS) application. There are many other aspects be considered in a production setting that we explore in this section.

The throttled endpoint, GET /api rely only on API key for authorization for demonstration purpose. For any production implementation consider authentication options for your REST APIs. You may explore and extend to require authentication with Cognito similar to /admin/* endpoints in the sample code.

One API key for Free Tier access and five API keys for Basic Tier access are illustrative in a sample code but not representative of production deployments. Number of API keys with service quota into consideration, business and technical decisions may be made to minimize noisy neighbor effect such as setting blast radius upper threshold of 0.1% of all users. To satisfy that requirement, each tier would need to spread users across at least 1,000 API keys. The number of keys allocated to Basic or Premium Tier would depend on market needs and pricing strategies. Additional allocations of keys could be held in reserve for troubleshooting, QA, tenant migrations, and key retirement.

In the planning phase of your solution, you will decide how many tiers to provide, how many usage plans are needed, and what throttle limits and quotas to apply. These decisions depend on your architecture and business.

To define API request limits, examine the system API Gateway is protecting and what load it can sustain. For example, if your service will scale up to 1,000 requests per second, it is possible to implement three tiers with a 10/50/40 split: the lowest tier shares one common API key with a 100 request per second limit; an intermediate tier has a pool of 25 API keys with a limit of 20 requests per second each; and the highest tier has a maximum of 10 API keys, each supporting 40 requests per second.

Metrics play a large role in continuously evolving your SaaS-tiering strategy (Figure 4). They provide rich insights into how tenants are using the system. Tenant-aware and SaaS-wide metrics on throttling and quota limits can be used to: assess tiering in-place, if tenants’ requirements are being met, and if currently used tenant usage profiles are valid (Figure 5).

Tiering strategy example with 3 tiers and requests allocation per tier

Figure 4. Tiering strategy example with 3 tiers and requests allocation per tier

An example SaaS metrics dashboard

Figure 5. An example SaaS metrics dashboard

API Gateway provides options for different levels of granularity required, including detailed metrics, and execution and access logging to enable observability of your SaaS solution. Granular usage metrics combined with underlying resource consumption leads to managing optimal experience for your tenants with throttling levels and policies per method and per client.


To avoid incurring future charges, delete the resources. This can be done on the command line by typing:

cd ${TOP}/cdk
cdk destroy

cd ${TOP}/react
amplify delete

${TOP} is the topmost directory of the sample code. For the most up-to-date information, see the README.md file.


In this two-part blog series, we have reviewed the best practices and challenges of effectively guarding a tiered multi-tenant REST API hosted in AWS API Gateway. We also explored how throttling policy and quota management can help you continuously evaluate the needs of your tenants and evolve your tiering strategy to protect your backend systems from being overwhelmed by inbound traffic.

Further reading:

Throttling a tiered, multi-tenant REST API at scale using API Gateway: Part 1

Post Syndicated from Nick Choi original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/throttling-a-tiered-multi-tenant-rest-api-at-scale-using-api-gateway-part-1/

Many software-as-a-service (SaaS) providers adopt throttling as a common technique to protect a distributed system from spikes of inbound traffic that might compromise reliability, reduce throughput, or increase operational cost. Multi-tenant SaaS systems have an additional concern of fairness; excessive traffic from one tenant needs to be selectively throttled without impacting the experience of other tenants. This is also known as “the noisy neighbor” problem. AWS itself enforces some combination of throttling and quota limits on nearly all its own service APIs. SaaS providers building on AWS should design and implement throttling strategies in all of their APIs as well.

In this two-part blog series, we will explore tiering and throttling strategies for multi-tenant REST APIs and review tenant isolation models with hands-on sample code. In part 1, we will look at why a tiering and throttling strategy is needed and show how Amazon API Gateway can help by showing sample code. In part 2, we will dive deeper into tenant isolation models as well as considerations for production.

We selected Amazon API Gateway for this architecture since it is a fully managed service that helps developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs. First, let’s focus on how Amazon API Gateway can be used to throttle REST APIs with fine granularity using Usage Plans and API Keys. Usage Plans define the thresholds beyond which throttling should occur. They also enable quotas, which sets a maximum usage per a day, week, or month. API Keys are identifiers for distinguishing traffic and determining which Usage Plans to apply for each request. We limit the scope of our discussion to REST APIs because other protocols that API Gateway supports — WebSocket APIs and HTTP APIs — have different throttling mechanisms that do not employ Usage Plans or API Keys.

SaaS providers must balance minimizing cost to serve and providing consistent quality of service for all tenants. They also need to ensure one tenant’s activity does not affect the other tenants’ experience. Throttling and quotas are a key aspect of a tiering strategy and important for protecting your service at any scale. In practice, this impact of throttling polices and quota management is continuously monitored and evaluated as the tenant composition and behavior evolve over time.

Architecture Overview

Figure 1. Cloud Architecture of the sample code.

Figure 1 – Architecture of the sample code

To get a firm foundation of the basics of throttling and quotas with API Gateway, we’ve provided sample code in AWS-Samples on GitHub. Not only does it provide a starting point to experiment with Usage Plans and API Keys in the API Gateway, but we will modify this code later to address complexity that happens at scale. The sample code has two main parts: 1) a web frontend and, 2) a serverless backend. The backend is a serverless architecture using Amazon API Gateway, AWS Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB, and Amazon Cognito. As Figure I illustrates, it implements one REST API endpoint, GET /api, that is protected with throttling and quotas. There are additional APIs under the /admin/* resource to provide Read access to Usage Plans, and CRUD operations on API Keys.

All these REST endpoints could be tested with developer tools such as curl or Postman, but we’ve also provided a web application, to help you get started. The web application illustrates how tenants might interact with the SaaS application to browse different tiers of service, purchase API Keys, and test them. The web application is implemented in React and uses AWS Amplify CLI and SDKs.


To deploy the sample code, you should have the following prerequisites:

For clarity, we’ll use the environment variable, ${TOP}, to indicate the top-most directory in the cloned source code or the top directory in the project when browsing through GitHub.

Detailed instructions on how to install the code are in ${TOP}/INSTALL.md file in the code. After installation, follow the ${TOP}/WALKTHROUGH.md for step-by-step instructions to create a test key with a very small quota limit of 10 requests per day, and use the client to hit that limit. Search for HTTP 429: Too Many Requests as the signal your client has been throttled.

Figure 2: The web application (with browser developer tools enabled) shows that a quick succession of API calls starts returning an HTTP 429 after the quota for the day is exceeded.

Figure 2: The web application (with browser developer tools enabled) shows that a quick succession of API calls starts returning an HTTP 429 after the quota for the day is exceeded.

Responsibilities of the Client to support Throttling

The Client must provide an API Key in the header of the HTTP request, labelled, “X-Api-Key:”. If a resource in API Gateway has throttling enabled and that header is missing or invalid in the request, then API Gateway will reject the request.

Important: API Keys are simple identifiers, not authorization tokens or cryptographic keys. API keys are for throttling and managing quotas for tenants only and not suitable as a security mechanism. There are many ways to properly control access to a REST API in API Gateway, and we refer you to the AWS documentation for more details as that topic is beyond the scope of this post.

Clients should always test for the response to any network call, and implement logic specific to an HTTP 429 response. The correct action is almost always “try again later.” Just how much later, and how many times before giving up, is application dependent. Common approaches include:

  • Retry – With simple retry, client retries the request up to defined maximum retry limit configured
  • Exponential backoff – Exponential backoff uses progressively larger wait time between retries for consecutive errors. As the wait time can become very long quickly, maximum delay and a maximum retry limits should be specified.
  • Jitter – Jitter uses a random amount of delay between retry to prevent large bursts by spreading the request rate.

AWS SDK is an example client-responsibility implementation. Each AWS SDK implements automatic retry logic that uses a combination of retry, exponential backoff, jitter, and maximum retry limit.

SaaS Considerations: Tenant Isolation Strategies at Scale

While the sample code is a good start, the design has an implicit assumption that API Gateway will support as many API Keys as we have number of tenants. In fact, API Gateway has a quota on available per region per account. If the sample code’s requirements are to support more than 10,000 tenants (or if tenants are allowed multiple keys), then the sample implementation is not going to scale, and we need to consider more scalable implementation strategies.

This is one instance of a general challenge with SaaS called “tenant isolation strategies.” We highly recommend reviewing this white paper ‘SasS Tenant Isolation Strategies‘. A brief explanation here is that the one-resource-per-customer (or “siloed”) model is just one of many possible strategies to address tenant isolation. While the siloed model may be the easiest to implement and offers strong isolation, it offers no economy of scale, has high management complexity, and will quickly run into limits set by the underlying AWS Services. Other models besides siloed include pooling, and bridged models. Again, we recommend the whitepaper for more details.

Figure 3. Tiered multi-tenant architectures often employ different tenant isolation strategies at different tiers. Our example is specific to API Keys, but the technique generalizes to storage, compute, and other resources.

Figure 3- Tiered multi-tenant architectures often employ different tenant isolation strategies at different tiers. Our example is specific to API Keys, but the technique generalizes to storage, compute, and other resources.

In this example, we implement a range of tenant isolation strategies at different tiers of service. This allows us to protect against “noisy-neighbors” at the highest tier, minimize outlay of limited resources (namely, API-Keys) at the lowest tier, and still provide an effective, bounded “blast radius” of noisy neighbors at the mid-tier.

A concrete development example helps illustrate how this can be implemented. Assume three tiers of service: Free, Basic, and Premium. One could create a single API Key that is a pooled resource among all tenants in the Free Tier. At the other extreme, each Premium customer would get their own unique API Key. They would protect Premium tier tenants from the ‘noisy neighbor’ effect. In the middle, the Basic tenants would be evenly distributed across a set of fixed keys. This is not complete isolation for each tenant, but the impact of any one tenant is contained within “blast radius” defined.

In production, we recommend a more nuanced approach with additional considerations for monitoring and automation to continuously evaluate tiering strategy. We will revisit these topics in greater detail after considering the sample code.


In this post, we have reviewed how to effectively guard a tiered multi-tenant REST API hosted in Amazon API Gateway. We also explored how tiering and throttling strategies can influence tenant isolation models. In Part 2 of this blog series, we will dive deeper into tenant isolation models and gaining insights with metrics.

If you’d like to know more about the topic, the AWS Well-Architected SaaS Lens Performance Efficiency pillar dives deep on tenant tiers and providing differentiated levels of performance to each tier. It also provides best practices and resources to help you design and reduce impact of noisy neighbors your SaaS solution.

To learn more about Serverless SaaS architectures in general, we recommend the AWS Serverless SaaS Workshop and the SaaS Factory Serverless SaaS reference solution that inspired it.

Announcing the General Availability of AWS Amplify Studio

Post Syndicated from Steve Roberts original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/announcing-the-general-availability-of-aws-amplify-studio/

Amplify Studio is a visual interface that simplifies front- and backend development for web and mobile applications. We released it as a preview during AWS re:Invent 2021, and today, I’m happy to announce that it is now generally available (GA). A key feature of Amplify Studio is integration with Figma, helping designers and front-end developers to work collaboratively on design and development tasks. To stay in sync as designs change, developers simply pull the new component designs from Figma into their application in Amplify Studio. The GA version of Amplify Studio also includes some new features such as support for UI event handlers, component theming, and improvements in how you can extend and customize generated components from code.

You may be familiar with AWS Amplify, a set of tools and features to help developers get started faster with configuring various AWS services to support their backend use cases such as user authentication, real-time data, AI/ML, and file storage. Amplify Studio extends this ease of configuration to front-end developers, who can use it to work with prebuilt and custom rich user interface (UI) components for those applications. Backend developers can also make use of Amplify Studio to continue development and configuration of the application’s backend services.

Amplify Studio’s point-and-click visual environment enables front-end developers to quickly and easily compose user interfaces from a library of prebuilt and custom UI components. Components are themeable, enabling you to override Amplify Studio‘s default themes to customize components according to your own or your company’s style guides. Components can also be bound to backend services with no cloud or AWS expertise.

Support for developing the front- and backend tiers of an application isn’t all that’s available. From within Amplify Studio, developers can also take advantage of AWS Amplify Hosting services, Amplify‘s fully managed CI/CD and hosting service for scalable web apps. This service offers a zero-configuration way to deploy the application by simply connecting a Git repository with a built-in continuous integration and deployment workflow. Deployment artifacts can be exported to tools such as the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK), making it easy to add support for other AWS services unavailable directly within Amplify Studio. In fact, all of the artifacts that are created in Amplify Studio can be exported as code for you to edit in the IDE of your choice.

You can read all about the original preview, and walk through an example of using Amplify Studio and Figma together, in this blog post published during re:Invent.

UI Event Handlers
Front-end developers are likely familiar with the concepts behind binding events on UI components to invoke some action. For example, selecting a button might cause a transition to another screen or populate some other field with data, potentially supplied from a backend service. In the following screenshot, we’re configuring an event handler for the onClick event on a Card component to open a new browser tab:

Setting a UI event binding

For the selected action we then define the settings, in this case to open a map view onto the location using the latitude and longitude in the card object’s model:

Setting the properties for the action

Extending Components with Code
When you pull your component designs from Figma into your project in Amplify Studio using the amplify pull command, generated JSX code and TypeScript definition files that map to the Figma designs are added to your project. While you could then edit the generated code, the next time you run the pull command, your changes would be overwritten.

Instead of requiring you to edit the generated code, Amplify Studio exposes mechanisms that enable you to extend the generated code to achieve the changes you need without risking losing those changes if the component code files get regenerated. While this was possible in the original preview, the GA version of Amplify Studio makes this process much simpler and more convenient. There are four ways to change generated components within Amplify Studio:

  • Modifying default properties
    Modifying the default properties of components is simple and an approach that’s probably familiar to most developers. These default properties stem from the Amplify UI Library. For example, let’s say we have a custom collection component that derives from the base Collection type, and we want to control how (or even if) the items in the collection wrap when rendered. The Collection type exposes a wrap property which we can make use of:

    <MyCustomCollection wrap={"nowrap"} />
  • Override child UI elements
    Going beyond individual exposed properties, the code that’s generated for components (and all child components) exposes an overrides prop. This prop enables you to supply an object containing multiple prop overrides, giving you full control over extending that generated code. In the following example, I’m changing the color prop belonging to the Title prop of my collection’s items to orange. As I mentioned, the settings object I’m using could contain other properties I want to override too:

    <MyCustomCollectionItem overrides={{"Title": { color: "orange" } }} />
  • Extending collection items with data
    A useful feature when working with items in a collection is to augment items with additional data, and you can do this with the overrideItems prop. You supply a function to this property, accepting parameters for the item and the item’s index in the collection. The output from the function is a set of override props to apply to that item. In the following example, I’m toggling the background color for a collection item depending on whether the item’s index is odd or even. Note that I’m also able to attach code to the item, in this case, an onClick handler that reports the ID of the item that was clicked:

    <MyCustomCollection overrideItems={({ item, index })=>({
      backgroundColor: index % 2 === 0 ? 'white' : 'lightgray',
      onClick: () = alert(`You clicked item with id: ${item.id}`)
    })} />
  • Custom business logic for events
    Sometimes you want to run custom business logic in response to higher-level, logical events. An example would be code to run when an object is created, updated, or deleted in a datastore. This extensibility option provides that ability. In your code, you attach a listener to Amplify Hub’s ui channel. In your listener, you inspect the received events and take action on those of interest. You identify the events using names, which have a specific format, actions:[category]:[action_name]:[status]. You can find a list of all action event names in the documentation. In the following example, I’m attaching a listener in which I want to run some custom code when a new item in a DataStore has completed creation. In my code I need to inspect, in my listener, for an event with the name actions:datastore:create:finished:

    import { Hub } from 'aws-amplify'
    Hub.listen("ui", (capsule) => {
      if (capsule.payload.event === "actions:datastore:create:finished"){
          // An object has been created, do something in response

Component Theming
To accompany the GA release of Amplify Studio, we’ve also released a Figma plugin that allows you to match UI components to your company’s brand and style. To enable it, simply install the Theme Editor plugin from the Figma community link. For example, let’s say I wanted to match Amazon’s brand colors. All I’d have to do is configure the primary color to the Amazon orange (#ff9900) color, and then all components will automatically reflect that primary color.

Get Started with AWS Amplify Studio Today
Visit the AWS Amplify Studio homepage to discover more features, whether you’re a backend or front-end developer, or both! It’s free to get started and designed to help simplify not only the configuration of backend services supporting your application but also the development of your application’s front end and the connections to those backend services. If you’re new to Amplify Studio, you’ll find a tutorial on developing a React-based UI and information on connecting your application to designs in Figma in the documentation.

— Steve

Deploy .NET Blazor WebAssembly Application to AWS Amplify

Post Syndicated from Adilson Perinei original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/deploy-net-blazor-webassembly-application-to-aws-amplify/

Blazor can run your client-side C# code directly in the browser, using WebAssembly. It is a .NET running on WebAssembly, and you can reuse code and libraries from the server-side parts of your application.

Overview of solution

In this post, you will deploy a Blazor WebAssembly Application from git repository to AWS Amplify. We will use .NET 6. to create a Blazor WebAssembly on local machine using AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), use GitHub as a git repository, and deploy the application to Amplify.

Follow this post on: Windows 10, Windows 11/Ubuntu 20.04 LTS/macOS 10.15 “Catalina”, macOS 11.0 “Big Sur”, or macOS 12.0 “Monterey”.

User pushes Blazor WebAssembly code and amplify.yml to Github. This action will trigger the amplify pipeline that will use amplify.yml to build and deploy the application.


We will walk through the following steps:

  • Create Blazor WebAssembly application on our local machine using AWS CLI
  • Test /run the application locally
  • Create a new repository on Github
  • Create a local repository
  • Setup Amplify
  • Test /run the application on AWS


For this walkthrough, you should have the following prerequisites:

Let’s start creating a Blazor WebAssembly application on our local machine using CLI:

    1. Open the command line interface
    2. Create a directory for your application running the following command:

mkdir BlazorWebApp

    1. Change to the application directory running the following command:

cd BlazorWebApp

    1.  Create the Blazor WebAssembly Application running the following command:

dotnet new blazorwasm

    1. Run the application:

dotnet run

    1. Copy the URL after “Now listening on:”, and paste it on your browser.
      Example: http://localhost:5152 (port might be different in your CLI)

Sample app

    1. After testing your application, go back to the terminal and press <ctrl> + c to stop the application.
    2. Create a gitignore for your project running the following command:

dotnet new gitignore

    1. Create a file called “amplify.yml” in the root directory of your application. The name must be exactly “amplify.yml”. This file contains the commands to build your application used by AWS CodeBuild.
    2. Copy and paste the following code to the file amplify.yml.

version: 1
- curl -sSL https://dot.net/v1/dotnet-install.sh > dotnet-install.sh
- chmod +x *.sh
- ./dotnet-install.sh -c 6.0 -InstallDir ./dotnet6
- ./dotnet6/dotnet --version
- ./dotnet6/dotnet publish -c Release -o release
baseDirectory: /release/wwwroot
- '**/*'
paths: []

Create a new repository on Github:

      1. Log in to the Github website and create a new repository:

Create Github repo

      1. Type a name for your repository, choose private, and add a read.me file as shown in the following screenshot:

Create repo

Create a local repository for your application:

      1. On the root folder of your application enter the following commands. Make sure that you have configured git CLI with email and user

git add --all
git commit -m “first commit”
git branch -M main
git remote add origin https://github.com/perinei/blazorToAmplify.git
(replace red text with your repo)
for ssh authentication use:
git remote add origin [email protected]: perinei/blazorToAmplify.git
git push -u origin main

Setup Amplify:

      1. Log in to the AWS account
      2. Go to AWS Amplify Service
      3. On the left panel, choose All apps
      4. Select New app as per the following screen
      5. Select Host Web App from the dropdown list

      1. Choose Github

      1. Select Continue. If you are still logged in on your Github account, then the page will automatically authenticate you, otherwise select the Authenticate Button
      2. Choose your repository: in my case, perinei/bazortoamplify
      3. Branch: main
      4. Select next

      1. Give your app a name
      2. amplify.yml will be automatically detected and will be used to build the application on AWS

      1. Select Next to review the configuration
      2. Select Save and Deploy
      3. Amplify will provision, build, deploy, and verify the application

      1. When the process is complete, select the URL of your application and test the application.

      1. Congratulations! Your Blazor WebAssembly is running on Amplify.

Cleaning up

To avoid incurring future charges, delete the resources. On Amplify, choose your app name on the left panel, select action, and then delete app.


Congratulations, you deployed your first Blazor Webassembly Application to AWS Amplify.

In this blog post you learned how to easily build a full CI/CD pipeline for a Blazor WebAssembly using the AWS amplify. It was only necessary to specify the repository and the commands build the application on the file amplify.yml that should be include on the root folder of repository. You can also easily add a custom domain to your application. Visit Set up custom domains on AWS Amplify Hosting

AWS can help you to migrate .NET applications to the Cloud. Visit .NET on AWS.

The .NET on AWS YouTube playlist is the place to get the latest .NET on AWS videos, including AWS re:Invent sessions.

To learn more about how to amplify.yml to build your application, visit Configuring build settings – AWS Amplify.

Adilson Perinei

Adilson Perinei is an AWS Consultant with six AWS certifications and loves to develop serverless applications using AWS infrastructure..

QsrSoft launches Digital Huddle Board in 3 months with AWS serverless and Fire devices

Post Syndicated from Sushanth Mangalore original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/qsrsoft-launches-digital-huddle-board-in-3-months-with-aws-serverless-and-fire-devices/

QsrSoft is a software as a service (SaaS) company that develops solutions for clients in the restaurant, hospitality, and retail industries to help them achieve operational excellence. QsrSoft has provided these services for more than two decades and now services over 14,000 locations. QsrSoft started using AWS in 2015 and fully migrated all their workloads to AWS by 2016. QsrSoft can innovate rapidly with AWS and use best-in class technologies for cloud-native solutions for their customers.

In QsrSoft’s target industries, it is important to have a way to focus and motivate employees on common objectives. It can be hard to stay on top of ongoing activities and inspire a team towards operational goals. Through client engagement and data collection, QsrSoft identified this as a pressing business challenge that could be solved with technology. After attending an AWS Digital Innovation Program workshop, QsrSoft conceptualized a digital huddle board that connects teams through gamification, communication, recognition, and excellence in shift management. To bring QsrSoft TV to market in the shortest possible time, QsrSoft decided to build using the AWS serverless suite of services.

QsrSoft successfully lowered the barrier of entry when installing a digital huddle board. Using commodity hardware from Amazon devices such as Fire TV Sticks and Fire Smart TVs, QsrSoft released the product as an app in the Amazon App store. Clients can use existing TV screens when rolling out QsrSoft TV, and only have to plug in a Fire TV Stick and pair it with a five-digit code. This blog post describes QsrSoft TV’s architecture and the AWS services employed in building it.

QsrSoft TV architecture

Building on top of their existing microservices architecture and AWS Amplify, a team of three developers brought QsrSoft TV to market in three months. The solution relies heavily on serverless technologies on AWS. Traditionally, in developing a new product, QsrSoft would need to engage several specialized technical resources. Using the fully managed experience of serverless technologies, QsrSoft can focus on delivering business value for the use case. AWS takes care of managing the technology’s hosting and implementation. With serverless, you only pay for what you use, which makes it possible to correlate your costs with the success of your solution.

Figure 1 illustrates the architecture of this solution:

Figure 1. Architecture diagram of QsrSoft TV solution

Figure 1. Architecture diagram of QsrSoft TV solution

Digital huddle board app

The customer-facing component of the solution is the application, which runs on Fire devices in restaurants. AWS Amplify is a service that streamlines development of both web applications and native apps. The app is derived from a single-page application (SPA) developed with Vue.js. AWS Amplify provides features such as integrated authentication, CI/CD, and Web Preview. It also provides GraphQL-based endpoints to access Amazon DynamoDB using AWS AppSync. This enables the QsrSoft development team to function autonomously without dependency on the operations or data integration teams. You can connect to the different Amplify backends from the AWS Management Console or with command line interface (CLI) commands. With the Amplify CLI, you can use default categories for the backends or use the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) to customize them.

GraphQL based API layer

The heart of QsrSoft TV is the API that provides the application with its core functionality. QsrSoft built an AWS AppSync endpoint to power QsrSoft TV’s business logic. AWS Amplify provides an easy way to create a secure AWS AppSync API endpoint through integrated authentication and transport layer security (TLS) for in-transit encryption. The development team can first model the data visually in Amplify Studio. Amplify then creates the queries, subscriptions, and mutations. With a single click from the Studio, you can deploy this model to an AWS AppSync API endpoint. The use of annotations permitted the dev team to customize the model further for the application’s needs, such as indexing by key attributes, authorization, and model relationships. This feature of Amplify Studio saved the development team up to 50% of the total API development effort.

Continuous automated deployments and releases

AWS Amplify abstracts the need for a dedicated operations team. This is enabled by AWS Amplify’s fully managed deployment and hosting for full-stack web applications. The development team connected Amplify to the GitHub repository, and in minutes had a complete CI/CD pipeline in place. There was no need to configure any pipelines or handcraft any YAML files. QsrSoft uses Amplify Web Previews, which enabled the product team and beta testers to preview multiple changes and experiments without releasing code to production. While Amplify deployed the Vue.js application, QsrSoft used fastlane to automate the deployment of the Fire TV application into the Amazon App Store. fastlane is an open-source tool that automates tasks like code signing and releasing the Fire TV binary to the Amazon App Store. This enabled QsrSoft to stay true to its automated deployments and infrastructure as code (IaC) practices.

Simplified password-less authentication

With this command line statement, amplify add auth, QsrSoft laid the groundwork for securing their TV application. Behind the scenes, Amplify uses Amazon Cognito to set up a user pool for the app users. QsrSoft TV provides a password-less login experience to the users, by abstracting the need to log in using a username and password. Instead, you use a five-digit code to pair the Fire TV app with a specific location. Amazon Cognito enables this by securing the app with JSON web tokens (JWT).

Automatic data synchronization

The development team focused on data modeling using the visual tools built into Amplify Studio. Amplify provided an AWS AppSync endpoint, so the developers could use GraphQL to interact with Amplify DataStore. Since the data models in the Amplify Studio support DataStore, the development team can now support an app that works offline. Offline mode is vital to any enterprise application, and it engages QsrSoft TV’s users even during an internet outage. Amplify is used to create an AWS AppSync backend with Amazon DynamoDB tables that match the schema created at the application. As the app interacts with the local DataStore, it starts an instance of its Sync Engine, which publishes the data changes by the application to the DynamoDB backend. An additional AWS Lambda-based backend called QORM, aggregates information from QsrSoft’s custom data warehouse implementation based on Amazon S3 and Amazon Aurora.

The scaling and performance provided by DynamoDB and Lambda allowed QsrSoft to scale without extensive planning, as the number of installs increased. This fully serverless application stack is cost-effective and enables QsrSoft to innovate freely. QsrSoft TV onboarded 100 locations in the first week. QsrSoft projects 7,000+ installs in the first year.


AWS is constantly innovating on behalf of our customers like QsrSoft. By leveraging serverless technologies on AWS, QsrSoft accelerated the go-to-market time for QsrSoft TV. Serverless on AWS provides a low barrier to entry for innovation-focused organizations who want to bring an idea to life quickly to provide business value to their customers.

Amazon Fire devices enable software vendors to make their applications available for large-scale distribution. Fire devices are today being used by several thousand households and workplaces worldwide. Many industries can benefit from developing apps for Amazon Fire devices that can be used on large displays and television screens.

Further reading: