Tag Archives: Cloudflare Workers

Cloudflare Developer Summer Challenge

Post Syndicated from Jenanne Vaccaro original https://blog.cloudflare.com/developer-summer-challenge/

Cloudflare Developer Summer Challenge

Cloudflare Developer Summer Challenge

There are a lot of experiences we have all grown to miss over the last year and a half. After hearing from our community, two of the top experiences they miss are collaborating with peers, and getting Cloudflare swag. Perhaps even in the reverse order! In-person events like conferences were once a key channel to satisfy both these interests, however today’s remote world makes that much harder. But does it have to?

Today, we are excited to introduce the Cloudflare Developer Summer Challenge. We will be rewarding 300 participants with boxes of our most popular swag, while enabling collaboration with other participants through our Workers Discord channel.

To participate, you have to build a project that uses Cloudflare Workers and at least one other product in our rapidly expanding developer platform. We will judge submissions and award swag boxes to those with the most innovative projects, limited to one box per person. The Challenge will be open for submissions between today, and closing November 1, 2021. See a full list of terms and conditions here.

Cloudflare Developer Summer Challenge

What are the details?

Cloudflare’s developer platform offers all the building blocks to create end-to-end applications with products across compute, storage, and frontend services. To successfully participate in the Cloudflare Developer Summer Challenge, you need to build a project with at least two of the following products in the Cloudflare developer platform. Bonus points for using more! These products include:

  • Cloudflare Workers: an edge-based serverless computing platform where you can deploy code automatically worldwide, with speed, security, and scale baked in.
  • Workers KV: a global low-latency key value data store for exceptionally high read volumes, making it possible to build highly dynamic APIs and websites which respond as quickly as a cached static file would.
  • Durable Objects: a storage platform providing low-latency coordination and consistent storage at the edge, enabling stateful serverless use cases.
  • Cloudflare Pages: a Jamstack web development platform to collaborate on and deploy high performance sites quickly across the world.

How will submissions be judged?

Submissions will be based on three criteria:

  • The first criteria is to meet the basic requirements of the challenge. This includes using at least two products in the platform, and submitting the live link of your project and your code repository. You must submit before November 1, 2021.
  • The second criteria we will judge is around innovation. Projects that are unique and useful to users will be more likely to win the swag boxes.
  • The third criteria is based on the breadth of the Cloudflare platform you use. The more products you integrate, the better!

How do I participate?

Step 1: Get Started: You can get started with the developer platform by visiting the Cloudflare Workers Quickstart Guide, and reviewing the Workers KV and/or Durable Objects documentation. To host your frontend site on Cloudflare Pages, you can visit the Pages Quickstart Guide.

Step 2: Build your Project: If you would like inspiration, you can view our tutorials, and examples. You can also view our Built With Workers page. If you want to try and build something more advanced, you can see some additional examples below.

Step 3: Share your Project: Successful submission includes a link to your live project, and a link to your code repository. We also encourage you to share your work, or pictures of you unboxing/ using your swag by tagging @CloudflareDev on Twitter with the hashtag #CloudflareSummerChallenge.

Cloudflare Developer Summer Challenge

Optional: Engage with the Community To promote collaboration and interaction with peers, we will have a dedicated channel in the Cloudflare Workers Discord server. For those who want to, you can learn what others are building, share your project, or join Q&A sessions if you have questions or need help getting started. You can also meet developers participating around the world.

What are examples of advanced projects I can build?

The Cloudflare developer platform is ideal for a wide range of use cases – from augmenting existing applications to building entirely new ones without needing to maintain underlying infrastructure. Essentially, you write the code, and we handle the rest. Running on the Cloudflare edge network, applications scale automatically and run worldwide within seconds of users.

Build a Serverless API for your Frontend

Cloudflare Workers’ high performance and edge network make it well-suited for building APIs. It is also a great companion to your frontend applications on Cloudflare Pages. You can use Workers as the backend, and build your frontend with frameworks such as React, Gatsby, Hugo, Svelte, and more — and then deploy your site onto Pages.

You can easily begin building a serverless API for your frontend by creating a new Workers project with the Wrangler CLI:

‘wrangler generate serverless-api https://github.com/cloudflare/worker-typescript-template’

To complete this type of project, you can follow the rest of the steps outlined in our Pages documentation.

Build an Interactive Game

Combining Cloudflare Workers, Durable Objects, and WebSockets makes a powerful platform for managing state at the edge. Running on Cloudflare’s global network enables exceptionally low latency, so users can interact instantly worldwide. Examples of interactive applications can range from chat rooms to multiplayer video games.

To build interactive video games, you can integrate with popular tools such as Unity and WebGL using an authoritative client model (we have an example of how to achieve this). You do not even need expertise in building video games. Following this example above, the client can run a compiled game directly in the browser with WebAssembly. The server, running on Cloudflare Workers, can be interacted with via WebSockets, and uses Durable Objects to manage game state.

Cloudflare Developer Summer Challenge

Build an E-Commerce Experience

Whether you are building a small e-commerce app or an online ordering site with millions of requests per month, your users can experience exceptional performance and reliability with Cloudflare’s developer platform.

At a small scale, you can instantly personalize a user’s e-commerce experience by setting up A/B testing, performing localization, or providing geo-specific targeting, such as local currency or exchange rates. You can see the linked code samples to quickly get started.

Integration with Workers KV and other third party tools can also streamline the development process. Instead of having to build out an entire database for your application, you can use Workers KV to store product information such as product ID, name, description, price, etc. Outside the Workers platform, you can integrate with popular tools such as Stripe or Shopify. To learn more about how to build an e-commerce application with Workers, Workers KV, and Stripe, you can read this blog post on building an e-commerce experience.

At a larger scale, we have customers building their entire online ordering site on Workers and Pages. Dig, a popular American restaurant chain with nearly 50 locations nationwide, decided to run their ordering site on Cloudflare’s developer platform. They needed high performance and reliability as traffic spiked during the pandemic. The team used a headless React application that is entirely hosted on Cloudflare Pages. Javascript calls an underlying API to get and handle dynamic ordering logic. You can learn more about their story in this case study.


We have heard from our community, and we want to help bring back some of their favorite pre-pandemic experiences: collaboration and swag. The Cloudflare Developer Summer Challenge is meant to do just that. While the last year and a half has transformed the way we all live, it has also been a period of significant expansion of the Cloudflare developer platform. With new products across compute, storage, and frontend services, you now have all the building blocks to quickly create powerful applications end-to-end on our edge network. We hope you enjoy the experience (and the swag!). We cannot wait to see what you build!

Building the Cloudflare Summer Challenge Application

Post Syndicated from Luke Edwards original https://blog.cloudflare.com/building-the-cloudflare-summer-challenge-application/

Building the Cloudflare Summer Challenge Application

Building the Cloudflare Summer Challenge Application

If you haven’t already heard, we’re hosting the Cloudflare Summer Developer Challenge, a contest for the Cloudflare community at large. Anybody – yes, including you – can sign up for free and compete for a chance to win one of 300 available prizes. To submit you need to use  at least two products from the Cloudflare developer platform — which makes this contest a great opportunity to give them a try if you haven’t already! The top 300 submissions will receive a box of our most popular swag, so you should give it a go!

Coincidentally, the Cloudflare Summer Developer Challenge’s landing page and signup workflow qualifies as a valid project submission (so meta), so if you’re looking for some inspiration, this walkthrough will shed some light on how it was built.


At its core, the application is a series of static HTML pages, most of which have a form to submit, with a backend API to handle those submissions, and a storage layer to persist the data. In a Cloudflare lens, this would point towards using Pages, a Worker, and Workers KV. And while this should be the preferred stack for a project like this, truthfully, this “application” was originally intended to be a single HTML page with a single form, but its list of requirements grew over time, as things tend to do. So instead, this project began as–and remains–a Workers Site project, comprised of a single Worker and a single Workers KV namespace.

Workers Sites, the precursor to our Pages product, is a pattern where your Worker handles all the requests for your site’s assets. While doing this, your Worker Site can still include backend-y things, like offering a collection of JSON API endpoints. Basically, Workers Sites is a coined term for building monoliths within a Worker, but without the negative associations that the word “monolith” can bring. Given that a Workers Site is still a Worker, this means your monolith is deployed globally – tough to beat!

As with all Workers Sites, routing is the primary concern. For this, I used the worktop web framework, which includes a router among many other utilities. (Disclosure: I am also the author of worktop.) This allowed me to quickly structure the layout of the entire application:

import { Router } from 'worktop';
import * as Cache from 'worktop/cache';

const API = new Router;

API.add('GET', '/', (req, res) => {
  res.send(200, 'TODO: send HTML for landing page');

API.add('GET', '/rules', (req, res) => {
  res.send(200, 'TODO: send HTML for terms & conditions');

API.add('POST', '/signup', (req, res) => {
  res.send(201, 'TODO: parse & save initial registration');

API.add('GET', '/submit', (req, res) => {
  res.send(200, 'TODO: render the unique submission form');

API.add('POST', '/submit', (req, res) => {
  res.send(201, 'TODO: parse, validate, save submission data');

// init; w/ Cache API

At this point, nothing useful is happening, but having an application skeleton laid out like this is my preferred format for a TODO list. It’s very satisfying to go through and fill out the handler bodies as development progresses. Additionally, the Cache.listen helper at the bottom of the file integrates the entire application with the Cache API, which I know I’ll want since most of the requests will be for the static HTML pages anyway.

Building and Optimizing the Client pages

Historically, deploying a Workers Site meant uploading all of your assets into a KV namespace. Then you would include something like @cloudflare/kv-asset-handler into your Worker so that incoming requests would seamlessly route to keys within the namespace. However, I chose to go a different route.

Knowing that each of my static pages would – at most – have one CSS stylesheet and sometimes only one JavaScript file, I thought it would be pretty nifty to include a build system that would inline these assets into the built HTML page. This would mean that my static HTML pages would have absolutely zero network requests for additional resources, which is generally good news for performance.

And while I would love to say that I did this purely for performance reasons, I must also admit that the lazy-me appreciated that I didn’t have to set up additional URL routing, deal with KV asset uploading, or deal with additional Cache lifespans. A win-win in this case!

The trouble is: avoiding any external assets is not a common goal. In fact, this is very much a side quest I bestowed upon myself. And since no frameworks (that I know of, at least) can do this, I had to assemble my own miniature toolkit to accommodate my needs.

In the end, it proved to be a fun detour and didn’t take very long at all to put together. I incorporated Stylus, my preferred CSS preprocessor, and came up with a rather simple convention to inline CSS and/or JS files where needed. Instead of fancy AST parsers and transformers, I opted to simply read the HTML file contents as strings and search for HTML comments that matched the <!-- inject:(path) --> format:

<!-- submit/index.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8"/>
    <title>Submit Project | Cloudflare Developer Summer Challenge</title>
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="https://www.cloudflare.com/favicon-128.png">
    <!-- inject:submit/index.styl -->
    <!-- inject:index.js -->
    <!-- ... -->

In this example, the submit/index.html file is injecting the submit/index.styl, which is its own stylesheet, and the index.js script, which does not live within the `submit` directory because it’s used by other pages. The toolkit looks at both asset paths, converts the Stylus to plain CSS, and then embeds the contents into the appropriate <script> or <style> HTML tags.

Finally, for production builds, the setup will pass the final HTML source through a minifier, which compresses the entire document, including any CSS or JavaScript that was injected. This step is optional, but it never hurts to send fewer bytes down the wire.

Once these pages were built, I was satisfied with the Network Activity panel when loading the main page:

Building the Cloudflare Summer Challenge Application

You can see how the localhost document loads, only dispatching a single request for the favicon-128.png file, which is hosted externally. The three data:image/* requests are Blob URLs and don’t actually transfer network packets. All in all, this means that the HTML document is fully self-contained.

Including HTML into the Worker

Workers can send anything in a Response. Of course, this includes a HTML string. If I wanted to make things incredibly difficult for myself, I could have skipped the /src directory with its own build system, and instead written the HTML, CSS, and JS entirely within a JS string. This would certainly work, but it would be a nightmare to maintain and (for me, at least) be extremely error prone:

API.add('GET', '/', (req, res) => {
  // Note: Worktop APIs
  res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html;charset=utf-8');
  res.send(200, `
    <!doctype html>
    <html lang="en">
        <title>Demo | Insanity</title>
          body {
            background: #fff;
            color: #424242;
          /* more */
          $('form').onsubmit = function (ev) {
            // ...
        <!-- my entire page content -->

Thankfully, I planned ahead and already have a build system that produces better HTML files anyway. So now I just needed a way to load those built outputs into my Worker code.

Now for the second half of this project’s toolkit; I find it perfectly acceptable to have a two-step build pipeline. Here, this means that the static site should be built first, followed by building the Worker. I was planning to use TypeScript to author my Worker anyway, which meant I was already going to need a build step – the only change here is that these build steps would now have to be sequential and ordered.

The Worker is built using esbuild, which is an extremely quick JavaScript bundler and compiler that is capable of translating TypeScript, too. It also has its own plugin system, which allowed me the opportunity to add the “inline my HTML files” behavior I needed. The Worker’s build script actually isn’t too intimidating and allows the Worker to `import` HTML files directly. This allows the insanity from above can be safely replaced with this pattern:

import { Router } from 'worktop';
import * as Cache from 'worktop/cache';

// loaded via esbuild plugin
import LANDING from 'index.html';
import RULES from 'rules/index.html';

API.add('GET', '/', (req, res) => {
  res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html;charset=utf-8');
  res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'public,max-age=60');
  res.send(200, LANDING);

API.add('GET', '/rulees', (req, res) => {
  res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html;charset=utf-8');
  res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'public,max-age=1800');
  res.send(200, RULES);

// ...

// init; w/ Cache API

Of course, this is much cleaner and sensible in the long-run. Clarity makes it easier to identify and extract common patterns into utility functions. I took the opportunity to introduce a render function, the first of many reusable helpers this project would encounter:

// worker/utils.ts
import type { ServerResponse } from 'worktop/response';

export function render(res: ServerResponse, template: string) {
  res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html;charset=UTF-8');
  res.send(200, template);

// worker/index.ts
import * as utils from './utils';

API.add('GET', '/', (req, res) => {
  res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'public,max-age=60');
  return utils.render(res, LANDING);

API.add('GET', '/rulees', (req, res) => {
  res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'public,max-age=1800');
  return utils.render(res, RULES);

Finally, most of the pages need to dynamically insert values into the HTML markup. For example, the submission form should render with the participant’s name and email address and the landing page is required to reflect the current value of remaining prizes. Much like any other monolithic application, the Worker Site is fully aware – and capable – of injecting these values where needed.

To do this, I standardized the {{ variable }} syntax in my project’s HTML. Each of these variables would be replaced during the Worker request with the appropriate value. Of course, it also requires that each endpoint actually provide the correct information to make the substitutions. With this in mind, I modified the `render` utility and updated the landing page’s route handler:

// worker/utils.ts
import type { KV } from 'worktop/kv';
import type { ServerResponse } from 'worktop/response';

// TypeScript placeholder
// Defines the `DATA` KV binding
declare const DATA: KV.Namespace;

export function render(res: ServerResponse, template: string, values: Record<string, string> = {}) {
  for (let key in values) {
    template = template.replace('{{ ' + key + ' }}', values[key]);
  res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html;charset=UTF-8');
  res.send(200, template);
export function toCount(): Promise<string> {
  return DATA.get('::remain', 'text').then(v => v || '300+');
// worker/index.ts
import * as utils from './utils';

API.add('GET', '/', async (req, res) => {
  // Get the "::remain" count from KV
  const count = await utils.toCount();
  // Short-term TTL for remaining swag updates
  res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'public,max-age=60');
  // Render the HTML, passing in `count` variable
  return utils.render(res, LANDING, { count });

With these changes, the landing page will always check the KV namespace for the latest ::remain value and inject it into the correct location. If you’re interested in checking out the project’s source code, you’ll find that this pattern is used in nearly every HTML response.

Accepting Form Submissions

As expected, this application made heavy use of form submissions. Luckily, the Fetch API offers a variety of built-in body parsers to make retrieval of the data trivial. Additionally, worktop offers a convenience function that will automatically invoke the correct parser based on the request’s Content-Type header. It’s aptly named req.body().

It’s easy to parse and retrieve user data, but it still has to be validated. There are a number of ways to do this, all of which boil down to an input object, a group of rules, and a loop through those rules, collecting any error messages into an errors object. This is precisely what my utils.validate helper does, allowing me to clearly define and manage my rules inline.

Let’s see how this looks within the POST /submit handler, which accepts the initial registration form:

// worker/index.ts
import * as utils from './utils';

API.add('POST', '/signup', async (req, res) => {
  try {
    var input = await req.body<Entry>();
  } catch (err) {
    return toError(res, 400, 'Error parsing input');

  let { email, firstname, lastname } = input || {};
  firstname = String(firstname||'').trim();
  lastname = String(lastname||'').trim();
  email = String(email||'').trim();

  let { errors, invalid } = utils.validate({
    email, firstname, lastname
  }, {
    email(val: string) {
      if (val.length < 1) return 'Required';
      return utils.isEmail(val) || 'Invalid email address';
    firstname(val: string) {
      return val.length > 1 || 'Required';
    lastname(val: string) {
      return val.length > 1 || 'Required';

  if (invalid) {
    return res.send(422, errors);
  // The `input` is valid!
  return res.send(200, 'TODO: finish me');

Only after the data is considered valid can data be stored into KV for future use. For the initial registration, a number of things need to happen:

  1. Ensure that the input.email hasn’t already been registered;
  2. Persist the new registration using the `input` values, identifying each document with the user:<email> key;
  3. Generate and save a unique code for the registration, which will be used later to ensure (a) that unregistered persons cannot submit projects and (b) that a registrant can only submit once;
  4. Send the user an email, containing their unique submission link; and
  5. Render a confirmation page, reminding the user to check their inbox for their link.

It can seem like a lot, but after piecing together a few utility helpers and abstractions, it can actually feel quite approachable:

// worker/index.ts
import * as utils from './utils';
import * as Sparkpost from './emails';
import * as Signup from './signup';
import * as Code from './code';

function toError(res: ServerResponse, status: number, reason: string) {
  return res.send(status, { status, reason });

API.add('POST', '/signup', async (req, res) => {
  try {
    var input = await req.body<Entry>();
  } catch (err) {
    return toError(res, 400, 'Error parsing input');
  let { email, firstname, lastname } = input || {};
  firstname = String(firstname||'').trim();
  lastname = String(lastname||'').trim();
  email = String(email||'').trim();
  // truncated: validation
  // Ensure email is not already in use
  let exists = await Signup.find(email);
  if (exists) return toError(res, 400, 'You have already signed up');

  // Generate new `Entry` record
  let entry = Signup.prepare({ email, firstname, lastname });

  // create "user:<unique email>" document
  let isOK = await Signup.save(entry);
  if (!isOK) return toError(res, 500, 'Error persisting entry');

  // create "code:<unique value>" document
  isOK = await Code.save(entry);
  if (!isOK) return toError(res, 500, 'Error saving unique code');

  // dispatch "We received your registration" email
  let sent = await Sparkpost.confirm(entry);
  if (!sent) return toError(res, 500, 'Error sending confirmation email');

  // render "Thank you, check your {{ email }} for next steps" page
  return utils.render(res, CONFIRM, { email: entry.email });

A full HTML response is returned, which means that the client-side form handler should be able to see this content and render it directly in the browser window. This can be seen in the following index.js snippet, which was referenced earlier in the submit/index.html as an injected asset:

// (client) index.js

$('form').onsubmit = async function (ev) {

  var form = ev.target;
  var res = await fetch(form.action, {
    method: form.method || 'POST',
    body: new FormData(form),

  // truncate: clear existing errors

  if (res.ok) {
    // Receive HTML response
    let html = await res.text();
    // Force-write the new HTML into this window
    document.documentElement.innerHTML = html;
  } else {
    // truncate: render errors

BONUS: Because a full HTML response is returned, and all the client-side <form> elements are semantically correct, the form submission workflow will work with JavaScript disabled! The client-side validation will remain functional, but be a degraded experience – the error dialog won’t popup and any error messages will not appear beneath their respective form inputs.

Sending Transactional Emails

It should (hopefully) come as no surprise that programmatically sending an email is pretty straightforward these days. We chose to use SparkPost, but practically every service has the same API mechanics:

  • Obtain an API Token
  • Send a POST request to an endpoint with:
    • your API Token as an Authorization header
    • your recipient, sender identity, and text and/or HTML content as the POST body
  • Wait for a 200-level response, or deal with any API errors

Most email-as-a-service providers allow you to define templates, which allow you to replace variables with unique values per email – essentially the same thing our utils.render function is doing with our HTML contents. The benefit of this is that you only have to worry about writing your emails once; then you’re just POST’ing new values to the API endpoint.

SparkPost allows templates to be referenced by a custom name rather than a randomly generated identifier, which makes it easy to track and debug templates over time.

// worker/emails.ts
import type { Entry } from './signup';

// wrangler secret
// @see https://developers.sparkpost.com/api/#header-authentication
declare const SPARKPOST_KEY: string;

 * Assemble the POST request for all SparkPost email triggers
 * @see https://developers.sparkpost.com/api/transmissions/#transmissions-post-send-a-template
async function send(
  templateid: string,
  recipient: Entry,
  values?: Record<string, string>
): Promise<boolean> {
  const res = await fetch('https://api.sparkpost.com/api/v1/transmissions', {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      'Authorization': SPARKPOST_KEY,
    body: JSON.stringify({
      content: {
        template_id: templateid,
      recipients: [{
        address: {
          email: recipient.email,
          name: recipient.firstname + ' ' + recipient.lastname,
        substitution_data: values || {},

  let data = await res.json() as {
    results: {
      id: string;
      total_rejected_recipients: number;
      total_accepted_recipients: number;

  return res.ok && data.results.total_accepted_recipients === 1;
 * Confirming user's signup
 * Sending unique submission form
export function confirm(entry: Entry): Promise<boolean> {
  return send('devchallenge-confirm', entry, {
    firstname: entry.firstname,
    code: entry.code,

The above snippet includes the entire POST request formatter – there’s nearly more type-hinting than there is code! Also shown is an example confirm method, which is responsible for sending the unique submission link to the newly-registered user. You’ll notice that firstname and code are the injected variables, required by the “devchallenge-confirm” template.

Overall Performance

I’d call this a success!

Even though this certainly wasn’t my first Worker project – and definitely won’t be my last – I’m consistently amazed how much the Workers runtime lets me get away with. I mean, if you could only take away two points from this article, they should be:

  1. I was able to build a moderately complex application, from scratch, while incorporating a Cache layer, a globally-replicated storage layer, and a super-performant JS runtime, all of which live under the same roof.
  2. I (probably) spent more time fussing with a custom client-side build pipeline than I did piecing together the mission-critical API form handlers.

The cherry on top: Should this contest go viral and lure in millions of visitors, I’d only be paying a couple of dollars at the end of the month. Obviously I have a bias here, but it’s pretty amazing really.

Finally, performance-wise, this may justify the time spent fiddling with the HTML build output:

Building the Cloudflare Summer Challenge Application

Lessons Learned

As I alluded to earlier, if I were to rebuild this application, or if I were to add more to it down the road, I would replace the Workers Site architecture with a Pages project and deploy a Worker in front of it for my API requirements and dynamic KV injections.

Since the static assets would no longer be embedded into the Worker’s source, I would need to replace the `utils.render` approach for another utility that fetches the URL from Pages (which becomes my “origin server”) and then uses HTMLRewriter to inject the variables. Also, not that I was anywhere near the 1MB size limit, the largest contributor to my Worker’s bytesize would disappear.

But, more significantly, this refactor would also reduce my total tooling since the majority of the project’s complexity lies in the custom build system for the frontend assets. In other words, the entire /src directory could have been built and deployed like a normal static website, which would allow me to make use of existing frameworks and/or toolkits instead of taking my self-imposed detour. There would have been no need to create a custom frontend toolkit and its bridge to get the static assets loaded into my Worker.

However, none of this is to say that Workers Sites was a bad approach for this application. It’s quite the contrary! This is all to highlight the flexibility of Worker Sites – and the Workers platform at large. Cloudflare Pages exists so that I, the developer, can lean into existing, well-traveled paths and let the experts worry about toolkits, build pipelines, and deployments… But that doesn’t prevent you, the resident expert, from customizing every aspect if that’s your desire.


Introducing Deploy Hooks for Cloudflare Pages

Post Syndicated from Nevi Shah original https://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-deploy-hooks-for-cloudflare-pages/

Introducing Deploy Hooks for Cloudflare Pages

Introducing Deploy Hooks for Cloudflare Pages

With Cloudflare Pages, deploying your Jamstack applications is easier than ever — integrate with GitHub and a simple git push deploys your site within minutes. However, one of the limitations of Pages was that triggering deployments to your site only happens within the confines of committing to GitHub. We started thinking about how users who author content consistently on their site — our bloggers and writers — may not always be editing their copy directly via the code but perhaps through a different service. Headless content management systems (CMSs) are a simple solution to solve this problem, allowing users to store their backend content through an editing interface as a service for an application like Pages.

It made us wonder: what if we could trigger deployments based on updates made in other places rather than just via GitHub? Today, we are proud to announce a new way to connect your Pages application with your headless CMSs and databases: introducing Deploy Hooks for Pages.

What’s a headless CMS?

Headless CMSs such as Contentful, Ghost and Sanity.io allow optimization of content formatting for any type of interface. With tools like these, you can leverage a “decoupled” content management model where all you need to focus on is writing your content within the CMS editing interface and let its API handle the rest!

Sounds great! What’s the catch?

We started thinking about the implications for those of you who integrate with these headless tools and what your workflow might look like as it relates to Pages. You would build, for example, your blog application on Pages but update all of your content directly on your headless CMS and may make changes to your content three to four times a day. So how exactly does the data from your CMS show up on your Pages site and stay in sync? Enter Deploy Hooks!

What are Deploy Hooks?

Deploy Hooks are URLs created on Pages that accept an HTTP POST request to trigger new deployments outside the realm of a git command. Instead of manually redeploying your site via another git push, any time you update the content within your chosen headless CMS, the Deploy Hook will automatically send a real-time update to Pages. On the Pages side, once these updates are received, a new site build will be triggered to include any new data or content detected. It’s that easy!

Introducing Deploy Hooks for Cloudflare Pages

How can I create a Deploy Hook?

To set up your deploy hook, navigate to the Deploy Hooks section in your Pages project’s settings. In this section there are two input parameters needed to properly configure your deploy hook and obtain your URL:

  1. Deploy Hook Name: You can name your deploy hook something like “Contentful” or “My Blog” to identify which source the Deploy Hook is monitoring. A unique name for each deploy hook will also help you to differentiate hooks in the event that you create multiple Deploy Hooks for your Pages site.
  2. Branch to Build: You can specify which branch will be built and deployed when the URL is requested with the Deploy Hook. This is especially helpful if you’d like to stage your changes first instead of pushing directly to your production branch.
Introducing Deploy Hooks for Cloudflare Pages

How can I use a Deploy Hook with my headless CMS?

You can put the unique URL provided in the dashboard into just about any service that accepts a Deploy Hook URL. In a headless CMS, you can create and configure a new webhook and, depending on the tool, you can sometimes choose which events you’d like to trigger deployments. Once you’ve configured this webhook, you can paste the Deploy Hook URL provided by Pages to connect your chosen CMS with your Pages project. After that, you’re all set to update content in your headless tool.

What else can I do with a Deploy Hook?

After creating your Deploy Hook, Pages also provides you with the HTTP POST request snippet with your URL that looks something like this:

curl -X POST "https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/pages/webhooks/deploy_hooks/ 66c5dd3a-989f-4ba7-a6e2-6d2695524d7”

Every time you execute the snippet, you will trigger a new build to your Pages site. In addition to utilizing this snippet for a forced deployment within your command line, you can also customize your CI/CD pipeline and trigger deployments only under certain conditions. For example, you only want to deploy if there were changes within specific directories and only after an extensive test suite passes. Additionally, this snippet is useful for scheduling a CRON trigger to initiate builds on a specific timeline or cadence. Read more about how to use Pages deploy hooks in our docs.

Try it for yourself!

Sound like fun? Try it for yourself using our tutorial, How to Build a Blog Using Nuxt.js and Sanity.io on Cloudflare Pages or create your own. We can’t wait to see what you build on Pages with Deploy Hooks!

P.S. — we’re hiring!

Want to help us shape the future of development on the web? Join our team!

Modernizing a familiar approach to REST APIs, with PostgreSQL and Cloudflare Workers

Post Syndicated from Kristian Freeman original https://blog.cloudflare.com/modernizing-a-familiar-approach-to-rest-apis-with-postgresql-and-cloudflare-workers/

Modernizing a familiar approach to REST APIs, with PostgreSQL and Cloudflare Workers

Postgres is a ubiquitous open-source database technology. It contains a vast number of features and offers rock-solid reliability. It’s also one of the most popular SQL database tools in the industry. As the industry builds “modern” developer experience tools—real-time and highly interactive—Postgres has also served as a great foundation. Projects like Hasura, which offers a real-time GraphQL engine, and Supabase, an open-source Firebase alternative, use Postgres under the hood. This makes Postgres a technology that every developer should know, and consider using in their applications.

For many developers, REST APIs serve as the primary way we interact with our data. Language-specific libraries like pg allow developers to connect with Postgres in their code, and directly interact with their databases. Yet in almost every case, developers reinvent the wheel, building the same connection logic on an app-by-app basis.

Many developers building applications with Cloudflare Workers, our serverless functions platform, have asked how they can use Postgres in Workers functions. Today, we’re releasing a new tutorial for Workers that shows how to connect to Postgres inside Workers functions. Built on PostgREST, you’ll write a REST API that communicates directly with your database, on the edge.

This means that you can entirely build applications on Cloudflare’s edge — using Workers as a performant and globally-distributed API, and Cloudflare Pages, our Jamstack deployment platform, as the host for your frontend user interface. With Workers, you can add new API endpoints and handle authentication in front of your database without needing to alter your Postgres configuration. With features like Workers KV and Durable Objects, Workers can provide globally-distributed caching in front of your Postgres database. Features like WebSockets can be used to build real-time interactions for your applications, without having to migrate from Postgres to a new database-as-a-service platform.

PostgREST is an open-source tool that generates a standards-compliant REST API for your Postgres databases. Many growing database-as-a-service startups like Retool and Supabase use PostgREST under the hood. PostgREST is fast and has great defaults, allowing you to access your Postgres data using standard REST conventions.

It’s great to be able to access your database directly from Workers, but do you really want to expose your database directly to the public Internet? Luckily, Cloudflare has a solution for this, and it works great with PostgREST: Cloudflare Tunnel. Cloudflare Tunnel is one of my personal favorite products at Cloudflare. It creates a secure tunnel between your local server and the Cloudflare network. We want to expose our PostgREST endpoint, without making our entire database available on the public internet. Cloudflare Tunnel allows us to do that securely.

Modernizing a familiar approach to REST APIs, with PostgreSQL and Cloudflare Workers

By using PostgREST with Postgres, we can build REST API-based applications. In particular, it’s an excellent fit for Cloudflare Workers, our serverless function platform. Workers is a great place to build REST APIs. With the open-source JavaScript library postgrest-js, we can interact with a PostgREST endpoint from inside our Workers function, using simple JS-based primitives.

By the way — if you haven’t built a REST API with Workers yet, check out our free video course with Egghead: “Building a Serverless API with Cloudflare Workers”.

Scaling applications built on Postgres is an incredibly common problem that developers face. Often, this means duplicating your Postgres database and distributing reads between your primary database, and a fleet of “read replicas”. With PostgREST and Workers, we can begin to explore a different approach to solving the scaling problem. Workers’ unique architecture allows us to deploy hyper-performant functions in front of Postgres databases. With tools like Workers KV and Durable Objects, exposed in Workers as basic JavaScript APIs, we can build intelligent caches for our databases, without sacrificing performance or developer experience.

If you’d like to learn more about building REST APIs in Cloudflare Workers using PostgREST, check out our new tutorial! We’ve also provided two open-source libraries to help you get started. cloudflare/postgres-postgrest-cloudflared-example helps you set up a Cloudflare Tunnel-backed Postgres + PostgREST endpoint. postgrest-worker-example is an example of using postgrest-js inside of Cloudflare Workers, to build REST APIs with your Postgres databases.

Modernizing a familiar approach to REST APIs, with PostgreSQL and Cloudflare Workers

With postgrest-js, you can build dynamic queries and request data from your database using the JS primitives you know and love:

// Get all users with at least 100 followers
const { data: users, error } = await client
.gte('followers', 100)

You can also join our Cloudflare Developers Discord community! Learn more about what you can build with Cloudflare Workers, and meet our wonderful community of developers from around the world. Get your invite link here.

The Cloudflare Startup Enterprise Plan: helping new startups bootstrap

Post Syndicated from Jade Q. Wang original https://blog.cloudflare.com/the-cloudflare-startup-enterprise-plan-helping-new-startups-bootstrap/

The Cloudflare Startup Enterprise Plan: helping new startups bootstrap

The Cloudflare Startup Enterprise Plan: helping new startups bootstrap

Early in the life of most startups, there is a time of incredible hustle, creative problem solving, and making the impossible possible through out-of-the-box thinking and elbow grease. Grizzled veterans, who have lived through those days of running on coffee and shoestring budgets, look back on that time and fascinate the newcomers with war stories of back in the day, of adventures and first wins, when they kept the lights on by sheer force of will.

To help early stage startups get going, Cloudflare is giving away one year of the Startup Enterprise plan to all early stage startups in participating accelerator programs. That early stage time is special for product development, and entrepreneurs unlock worlds of possibilities when they have advanced tools on their hands, such as the power of the Cloudflare network.

What’s included in the Startup Enterprise plan?

In addition to the core offerings in the Pro and Business plans (e.g., CDN, DNS, WAF, custom SSL cert, 50 page rules), when founders sign up for the Startup Enterprise plan they’ll get special access to:

  • Cloudflare Workers: 50 million requests / month.
    • Deploy serverless code instantly across the globe to give it exceptional performance, reliability, and scale.
  • Cloudflare for Teams: 50 seats.
    • Zero Trust security platform, unified network security as-a-service built natively into the Cloudflare network
  • Cloudflare Stream: 500K min/month; 100K minutes storage.
    • An affordable, scalable, on-demand video platform with simple, comprehensive APIs.

Additionally, when there are new Cloudflare products that are still in early access, participants on the Startup Enterprise plan can tell us about their use case for the product managers’ consideration for early access.

What startups are eligible for the Startup Enterprise plan?

To be eligible for the Startup Enterprise plan, a startup must be currently enrolled in a participating accelerator program or be a recent graduate. Additional eligibility criteria will be listed on the vendor perk info page of the accelerator program.

Get started

  • If you are a founder in a participating accelerator program, find the Cloudflare perk from your program’s vendor perk page and follow the instructions there.
  • If you are a founder in a program that is not yet a partner, drop us a line at [email protected], or ask the folks who run the vendor perk program at your accelerator program to drop us a line at [email protected].If you run or work for an accelerator program, or are friends with folks who do, do drop us a line at [email protected]. We’d love to make our tools available to your portfolio companies.

Announcing Green Compute on Cloudflare Workers

Post Syndicated from Aly Cabral original https://blog.cloudflare.com/announcing-green-compute/

Announcing Green Compute on Cloudflare Workers

Announcing Green Compute on Cloudflare Workers

All too often we are confronted with the choice to move quickly or act responsibly. Whether the topic is safety, security, or in this case sustainability, we’re asked to make the trade off of halting innovation to protect ourselves, our users, or the planet. But what if that didn’t always need to be the case? At Cloudflare, our goal is to bring sustainable computing to you without the need for any additional time, work, or complexity.

Enter Green Compute on Cloudflare Workers.

Green Compute can be enabled for any Cron triggered Workers. The concept is simple: when turned on, we’ll take your compute workload and run it exclusively on parts of our edge network located in facilities powered by renewable energy. Even though all of Cloudflare’s edge network is powered by renewable energy already, some of our data centers are located in third-party facilities that are not 100% powered by renewable energy. Green Compute takes our commitment to sustainability one step further by ensuring that not only our network equipment but also the building facility as a whole are powered by renewable energy. There are absolutely no code changes needed. Now, whether you need to update a leaderboard every five minutes or do DNA sequencing directly on our edge (yes, that’s a real use case!), you can minimize the impact of any scheduled work, regardless of how complex or energy intensive.

How it works

Cron triggers allow developers to set time-based invocations for their Workers. These Workers happen on a recurring schedule, as opposed to being triggered by application users via HTTP requests. Developers specify a job schedule in familiar cron syntax either through wrangler or within the Workers Dashboard. To set up a scheduled job, first create a Worker that performs a periodic task, then navigate to the ‘Triggers’ tab to define a Cron Trigger.

Announcing Green Compute on Cloudflare Workers

The great thing about cron triggered Workers is that there is no human on the other side waiting for a response in real time. There is no end user we need to run the job close to. Instead, these Workers are scheduled to run as (often computationally expensive) background jobs making them a no-brainer candidate to run exclusively on sustainable hardware, even when that hardware isn’t the closest to your user base.

Cloudflare’s massive global network is logically one distributed system with all the parts connected, secured, and trusted. Because our network works as a single system, as opposed to a system with logically isolated regions, we have the flexibility to seamlessly move workloads around the world keeping your impact goals in mind without any additional management complexity for you.

Announcing Green Compute on Cloudflare Workers

When you set up a Cron Trigger with Green Compute enabled, the Cloudflare network will route all scheduled jobs to green energy hardware automatically, without any application changes needed. To turn on Green Compute today, signup for our beta.

Real world use

If you haven’t ever had the pleasure of writing a cron job yourself, you might be wondering — what do you use scheduled compute for anyway?

There are a wide range of periodic maintenance tasks necessary to power any application. In my working life, I’ve built a scheduled job that ran every minute to monitor the availability of the system I was responsible for, texting me if any service was unavailable. In another instance, a job ran every five mins, keeping the core database and search feature in sync by pulling all new application data, transforming it, then inserting into a search database. In yet another example, a periodic job ran every half hour to iterate over all user sessions and cleanup sessions that were no longer active.

Scheduled jobs are the backbone of real world systems. Now, with Green Compute on Cloudflare Workers all these real world systems and their computationally expensive background maintenance tasks, can take advantage of running compute exclusively on machines powered by renewable energy.

The Green Network

Our mission at Cloudflare is to help you tackle your sustainability goals. Today, with the launch of the Carbon Impact Report we gave you visibility into your environmental impact. The collaboration with the Green Web Foundation gave green hosting certification for Cloudflare Pages. And our launch of Green Compute on Cloudflare Workers allows you to exclusively run on hardware powered by renewable energy. And the best part? No additional system complexity is required for any of the above.

Cloudflare is focused on making it easy to hit your ambitious goals. We are just getting started.

Introducing Workers Usage Notifications

Post Syndicated from Aly Cabral original https://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-workers-usage-notifications/

Introducing Workers Usage Notifications

Introducing Workers Usage Notifications

So you’ve built an application on the Workers platform. The first thing you might be wondering after pushing your code out into the world is “what does my production traffic look like?” How many requests is my Worker handling? How long are those requests taking? And as your production traffic evolves overtime it can be a lot to keep up with. The last thing you want is to be surprised by the traffic your serverless application is handling.  But, you have a million things to do in your day job, and having to log in to the Workers dashboard every day to check usage statistics is one extra thing you shouldn’t need to worry about.

Today we’re excited to launch Workers usage notifications that proactively send relevant usage information directly to your inbox. Usage notifications come in two flavors. The first is a weekly summary of your Workers usage with a breakdown of your most popular Workers. The second flavor is an on-demand usage notification, triggered when a worker’s CPU usage is 25% above its average CPU usage over the previous seven days. This on-demand notification helps you proactively catch large changes in Workers usage as soon as those changes occur whether from a huge spike in traffic or a change in your code.

As of today, if you create a new free account with Workers, we’ll enable both the weekly summary and the CPU usage notification by default. All other account types will not have Workers usage notifications turned on by default, but the notifications can be enabled as needed. Once we collect substantial user feedback, our goal is to turn these notifications on by default for all accounts.

The Worker Weekly Summary

The mission of the Worker Weekly Summary is to give you a high-level view of your Workers usage automatically, in your inbox, without needing to sign in to the Worker’s dashboard. The summary includes valuable information such as total request counts, duration and egress data transfer, aggregated across your account, with breakouts for your most popular Workers that include median CPU time. Where duration accounts for the entire time your Worker spends responding to a request, CPU time is the time a script spends in computational work on the Cloudflare edge, discounting any time spent waiting on network requests, including requests to third-party APIs.

Introducing Workers Usage Notifications

Workers Usage Report

Where the Workers Weekly Summary provides a high-level view of your account usage statistics, the Workers Usage Report is targeted, event-driven and potentially actionable. It identifies those Workers with greater than a 25% increase in CPU time compared to the average of the previous 7 days (i.e., those Workers taking significantly more CPU resources now than in the recent past).

While sometimes these increases may be no surprise, perhaps because you’ve recently pushed a new deployment that you expected to do more CPU heavy work, at other times they may indicate a bug or reveal that a script is unintentionally expensive. The Workers Usage Report gives us an opportunity to let you know when a noticeable change in your compute footprint occurs, so that you can remedy any potential problems right away.

Introducing Workers Usage Notifications

Enabling Notifications

If you’d like to explicitly opt in to notifications, you can start off by clicking Add in the Notifications section of the Cloudflare zone dashboard.

Introducing Workers Usage Notifications
Introducing Workers Usage Notifications

After clicking Add, note the two new entries below “Create Notifications” under the “Workers” Product:

Introducing Workers Usage Notifications

Click on the Select box in line with “ Weekly Summary” for the weekly roll-up, which will then allow you to configure email recipients, webhooks or connect the notification to PagerDuty.

Introducing Workers Usage Notifications

Clicking Select next to “Usage Report” for CPU threshold notifications will send you to a similar configuration experience where you can customize email recipients and other integrations.

Introducing Workers Usage Notifications

What’s next?

As mentioned above, we’re enabling notifications by default for all new free plans on Workers. Before rolling out these notifications by default to all our users, we want to hear from you. Let us know your experience with our Workers usage notifications by joining our Developer Community discord or by sending feedback via the survey in the email notifications.

Our Workers Weekly Summary and on-demand CPU usage notification are just the beginning of our journey to support a wide range of useful, relevant notifications that help you get visibility into your deployments. We want to surface the right usage information, exactly when you need it.

Building Waiting Room on Workers and Durable Objects

Post Syndicated from Fabienne Semeria original https://blog.cloudflare.com/building-waiting-room-on-workers-and-durable-objects/

Building Waiting Room on Workers and Durable Objects

Building Waiting Room on Workers and Durable Objects

In January, we announced the Cloudflare Waiting Room, which has been available to select customers through Project Fair Shot to help COVID-19 vaccination web applications handle demand. Back then, we mentioned that our system was built on top of Cloudflare Workers and the then brand new Durable Objects. In the coming days, we are making Waiting Room available to customers on our Business and Enterprise plans. As we are expanding availability, we are taking this opportunity to share how we came up with this design.

What does the Waiting Room do?

You may have seen lines of people queueing in front of stores or other buildings during sales for a new sneaker or phone. That is because stores have restrictions on how many people can be inside at the same time. Every store has its own limit based on the size of the building and other factors. If more people want to get inside than the store can hold, there will be too many people in the store.

The same situation applies to web applications. When you build a web application, you have to budget for the infrastructure to run it. You make that decision according to how many users you think the site will have. But sometimes, the site can see surges of users above what was initially planned. This is where the Waiting Room can help: it stands between users and the web application and automatically creates an orderly queue during traffic spikes.

The main job of the Waiting Room is to protect a customer’s application while providing a good user experience. To do that, it must make sure that the number of users of the application around the world does not exceed limits set by the customer. Using this product should not degrade performance for end users, so it should not add significant latency and should admit them automatically. In short, this product has three main requirements: respect the customer’s limits for users on the web application, keep latency low, and provide a seamless end user experience.

When there are more users trying to access the web application than the limits the customer has configured, new users are given a cookie and greeted with a waiting room page. This page displays their estimated wait time and automatically refreshes until the user is automatically admitted to the web application.

Building Waiting Room on Workers and Durable Objects

Configuring Waiting Rooms

The important configurations that define how the waiting room operates are:

  1. Total Active Users – the total number of active users that can be using the application at any given time
  2. New Users Per Minute – how many new users per minute are allowed into the application, and
  3. Session Duration – how long a user session lasts. Note: the session is renewed as long as the user is active. We terminate it after Session Duration minutes of inactivity.

How does the waiting room work?

If a web application is behind Cloudflare, every request from an end user to the web application will go to a Cloudflare data center close to them. If the web application enables the waiting room, Cloudflare issues a ticket to this user in the form of an encrypted cookie.

Building Waiting Room on Workers and Durable Objects
Waiting Room Overview

At any given moment, every waiting room has a limit on the number of users that can go to the web application. This limit is based on the customer configuration and the number of users currently on the web application. We refer to the number of users that can go into the web application at any given time as the number of user slots. The total number of users slots is equal to the limit configured by the customer minus the total number of users that have been let through.

When a traffic surge happens on the web application the number of user slots available on the web application keeps decreasing. Current user sessions need to end before new users go in. So user slots keep decreasing until there are no more slots. At this point the waiting room starts queueing.

Building Waiting Room on Workers and Durable Objects

The chart above is a customer’s traffic to a web application between 09:40 and 11:30. The configuration for total active users is set to 250 users (yellow line). As time progresses there are more and more users on the application. The number of user slots available (orange line) in the application keeps decreasing as more users get into the application (green line). When there are more users on the application, the number of slots available decreases and eventually users start queueing (blue line). Queueing users ensures that the total number of active users stays around the configured limit.

To effectively calculate the user slots available, every service at the edge data centers should let its peers know how many users it lets through to the web application.

Coordination within a data center is faster and more reliable than coordination between many different data centers. So we decided to divide the user slots available on the web application to individual limits for each data center. The advantage of doing this is that only the data center limits will get exceeded if there is a delay in traffic information getting propagated. This ensures we don’t overshoot by much even if there is a delay in getting the latest information.

The next step was to figure out how to divide this information between data centers. For this we decided to use the historical traffic data on the web application. More specifically, we track how many different users tried to access the application across every data center in the preceding few minutes. The great thing about historical traffic data is that it’s historical and cannot change anymore. So even with a delay in propagation, historical traffic data will be accurate even when the current traffic data is not.

Let’s see an actual example: the current time is Thu, 27 May 2021 16:33:20 GMT. For the minute Thu, 27 May 2021 16:31:00 GMT there were 50 users in Nairobi and 50 in Dublin. For the minute Thu, 27 May 2021 16:32:00 GMT there were 45 users in Nairobi and 55 in Dublin. This was the only traffic on the application during that time.

Every data center looks at what the share of traffic to each data center was two minutes in the past. For Thu, 27 May 2021 16:33:20 GMT that value is Thu, 27 May 2021 16:31:00 GMT.

Thu, 27 May 2021 16:31:00 GMT: 
  Nairobi: 0.5, //50/100(total) users
  Dublin: 0.5,  //50/100(total) users
Thu, 27 May 2021 16:32:00 GMT: 
  Nairobi: 0.45, //45/100(total) users
  Dublin: 0.55,  //55/100(total) users

For the minute Thu, 27 May 2021 16:33:00 GMT, the number of user slots available will be divided equally between Nairobi and Dublin as the traffic ratio for Thu, 27 May 2021 16:31:00 GMT is 0.5 and 0.5. So, if there are 1000 slots available, Nairobi will be able to send 500 and Dublin can send 500.

For the minute Thu, 27 May 2021 16:34:00 GMT, the number of user slots available will be divided using the ratio 0.45 (Nairobi) to 0.55 (Dublin). So if there are 1000 slots available, Nairobi will be able to send 450 and Dublin can send 550.

Building Waiting Room on Workers and Durable Objects

The service at the edge data centers counts the number of users it let into the web application. It will start queueing when the data center limit is approached. The presence of limits for the data center that change based on historical traffic helps us to have a system that doesn’t need to communicate often between data centers.


In order to let people access the application fairly we need a way to keep track of their position in the queue. A bucket has an identifier (bucketId) calculated based on the time the user tried to visit the waiting room for the first time.  All the users who visited the waiting room between 19:51:00 and 19:51:59 are assigned to the bucketId 19:51:00. It’s not practical to track every end user in the waiting room individually. When end users visit the application around the same time, they are given the same bucketId. So we cluster users who came around the same time as one time bucket.

We mentioned an encrypted cookie that is assigned to the user when they first visit the waiting room. Every time the user comes back, they bring this cookie with them. The cookie is a ticket for the user to get into the web application. The content below is the typical information the cookie contains when visiting the web application. This user first visited around Wed, 26 May 2021 19:51:00 GMT, waited for around 10 minutes and got accepted on Wed, 26 May 2021 20:01:13 GMT.

  "bucketId": "Wed, 26 May 2021 19:51:00 GMT",
  "lastCheckInTime": "Wed, 26 May 2021 20:01:13 GMT",
  "acceptedAt": "Wed, 26 May 2021 20:01:13 GMT",


bucketId – the bucketId is the cluster the ticket is assigned to. This tracks the position in the queue.

acceptedAt – the time when the user got accepted to the web application for the first time.

lastCheckInTime – the time when the user was last seen in the waiting room or the web application.

Once a user has been let through to the web application, we have to check how long they are eligible to spend there. Our customers can customize how long a user spends on the web application using Session Duration. Whenever we see an accepted user we set the cookie to expire Session Duration minutes from when we last saw them.

Waiting Room State

Previously we talked about the concept of user slots and how we can function even when there is a delay in communication between data centers. The waiting room state helps to accomplish this. It is formed by historical data of events happening in different data centers. So when a waiting room is first created, there is no waiting room state as there is no recorded traffic. The only information available is the customer’s configured limits. Based on that we start letting users in. In the background the service (introduced later in this post as Data Center Durable Object) running in the data center periodically reports about the tickets it has issued to a co-ordinating service and periodically gets a response back about things happening around the world.

As time progresses more and more users with different bucketIds show up in different parts of the globe. Aggregating this information from the different data centers gives the waiting room state.

Let’s look at an example: there are two data centers, one in Nairobi and the other in Dublin. When there are no user slots available for a data center, users start getting queued. Different users who were assigned different bucketIds get queued. The data center state from Dublin looks like this:

activeUsers: 50,
    key: "Thu, 27 May 2021 15:55:00 GMT",
      waiting: 20,
    key: "Thu, 27 May 2021 15:56:00 GMT",
      waiting: 40,

The same thing is happening in Nairobi and the data from there looks like this:

activeUsers: 151,
    key: "Thu, 27 May 2021 15:54:00 GMT",
      waiting: 2,
    key: "Thu, 27 May 2021 15:55:00 GMT",
      waiting: 30,
    key: "Thu, 27 May 2021 15:56:00 GMT",
      waiting: 20,

This information from data centers are reported in the background and aggregated to form a data structure similar to the one below:

activeUsers: 201, // 151(Nairobi) + 50(Dublin)
    key: "Thu, 27 May 2021 15:54:00 GMT",
      waiting: 2, // 2 users from (Nairobi)
    key: "Thu, 27 May 2021 15:55:00 GMT", 
      waiting: 50, // 20 from Nairobi and 30 from Dublin
    key: "Thu, 27 May 2021 15:56:00 GMT",
      waiting: 60, // 20 from Nairobi and 40 from Dublin

The data structure above is a sorted list of all the bucketIds in the waiting room. The waiting field has information about how many people are waiting with a particular bucketId. The activeUsers field has information about the number of users who are active on the web application.

Imagine for this customer, the limits they have set in the dashboard are

Total Active Users – 200
New Users Per Minute – 200

As per their configuration only 200 customers can be at the web application at any time. So users slots available for the waiting room state above are 200 – 201(activeUsers) = -1. So no one can go in and users get queued.

Now imagine that some users have finished their session and activeUsers is now 148.

Now userSlotsAvailable = 200 – 148 = 52 users. We should let 52 of the users who have been waiting the longest into the application. We achieve this by giving the eligible slots to the oldest buckets in the queue. In the example below 2 users are waiting from bucket Thu, 27 May 2021 15:54:00 GMT and 50 users are waiting from bucket Thu, 27 May 2021 15:55:00 GMT. These are the oldest buckets in the queue who get the eligible slots.

activeUsers: 148,
    key: "Thu, 27 May 2021 15:54:00 GMT",
      waiting: 2,
      eligibleSlots: 2,
    key: "Thu, 27 May 2021 15:55:00 GMT",
      waiting: 50,
      eligibleSlots: 50,
    key: "Thu, 27 May 2021 15:56:00 GMT",
      waiting: 60,
      eligibleSlots: 0,

If there are eligible slots available for all the users in their bucket, then they can be sent to the web application from any data center. This ensures the fairness of the waiting room.

There is another case that can happen where we do not have enough eligible slots for a whole bucket. When this happens things get a little more complicated as we cannot send everyone from that bucket to the web application. Instead, we allocate a share of eligible slots to each data center.

key: "Thu, 27 May 2021 15:56:00 GMT",
  waiting: 60,
  eligibleSlots: 20,

As we did before, we use the ratio of past traffic from each data center to decide how many users it can let through. So if the current time is Thu, 27 May 2021 16:34:10 GMT both data centers look at the traffic ratio in the past at Thu, 27 May 2021 16:32:00 GMT and send a subset of users from those data centers to the web application.

Thu, 27 May 2021 16:32:00 GMT: 
  Nairobi: 0.25, // 0.25 * 20 = 5 eligibleSlots
  Dublin: 0.75,  // 0.75 * 20 = 15 eligibleSlots

Estimated wait time

When a request comes from a user we look at their bucketId. Based on the bucketId it is possible to know how many people are in front of the user’s bucketId from the sorted list. Similar to how we track the activeUsers we also calculate the average number of users going to the web application per minute. Dividing the number of people who are in front of the user by the average number of users going to the web application gives us the estimated time. This is what is shown to the user who visits the waiting room.

avgUsersToWebApplication:  30,
activeUsers: 148,
    key: "Thu, 27 May 2021 15:54:00 GMT",
      waiting: 2,
      eligibleSlots: 2,
    key: "Thu, 27 May 2021 15:55:00 GMT",
      waiting: 50,
      eligibleSlots: 50,
    key: "Thu, 27 May 2021 15:56:00 GMT",
      waiting: 60,
      eligibleSlots: 0,

In the case above for a user with bucketId Thu, 27 May 2021 15:56:00 GMT, there are 60 users ahead of them. With 30 activeUsersToWebApplication per minute, the estimated time to get into the web application is 60/30 which is 2 minutes.

Implementation with Workers and Durable Objects

Now that we have talked about the user experience and the algorithm, let’s focus on the implementation. Our product is specifically built for customers who experience high volumes of traffic, so we needed to run code at the edge in a highly scalable manner. Cloudflare has a great culture of building upon its own products, so we naturally thought of Workers. The Workers platform uses Isolates to scale up and can scale horizontally as there are more requests.

The Workers product has an ecosystem of tools like wrangler which help us to iterate and debug things quickly.

Workers also reduce long-term operational work.

For these reasons, the decision to build on Workers was easy. The more complex choice in our design was for the coordination. As we have discussed before, our workers need a way to share the waiting room state. We need every worker to be aware of changes in traffic patterns quickly in order to respond to sudden traffic spikes. We use the proportion of traffic from two minutes before to allocate user slots among data centers, so we need a solution to aggregate this data and make it globally available within this timeframe. Our design also relies on having fast coordination within a data center to react quickly to changes. We considered a few different solutions before settling on Cache and Durable Objects.

Idea #1: Workers KV

We started to work on the project around March 2020. At that point, Workers offered two options for storage: the Cache API and KV. Cache is shared only at the data center level, so for global coordination we had to use KV. Each worker writes its own key to KV that describes the requests it received and how it processed them. Each key is set to expire after a few minutes if the worker stopped writing. To create a workerState, the worker periodically does a list operation on the KV namespace to get the state around the world.

Building Waiting Room on Workers and Durable Objects
Design using KV

This design has some flaws because KV wasn’t built for a use case like this. The state of a waiting room changes all the time to match traffic patterns. Our use case is write intensive and KV is intended for read-intensive workflows. As a consequence, our proof of concept implementation turned out to be more expensive than expected. Moreover, KV is eventually consistent: it takes time for information written to KV to be available in all of our data centers. This is a problem for Waiting Room because we need fine-grained control to be able to react quickly to traffic spikes that may be happening simultaneously in several locations across the globe.

Idea #2: Centralized Database

Another alternative was to run our own databases in our core data centers. The Cache API in Workers lets us use the cache directly within a data center. If there is frequent communication with the core data centers to get the state of the world, the cached data in the data center should let us respond with minimal latency on the request hot path. There would be fine-grained control on when the data propagation happens and this time can be kept low.

Building Waiting Room on Workers and Durable Objects
Design using Core Data centers‌‌

As noted before, this application is very write-heavy and the data is rather short-lived. For these reasons, a standard relational database would not be a good fit. This meant we could not leverage the existing database clusters maintained by our in-house specialists. Rather, we would need to use an in-memory data store such as Redis, and we would have to set it up and maintain it ourselves. We would have to install a data store cluster in each of our core locations, fine tune our configuration, and make sure data is replicated between them. We would also have to create a  proxy service running in our core data centers to gate access to that database and validate data before writing to it.

We could likely have made it work, at the cost of substantial operational overhead. While that is not insurmountable, this design would introduce a strong dependency on the availability of core data centers. If there were issues in the core data centers, it would affect the product globally whereas an edge-based solution would be more resilient. If an edge data center goes offline Anycast takes care of routing the traffic to the nearby data centers. This will ensure a web application will not be affected.

The Scalable Solution: Durable Objects

Around that time, we learned about Durable Objects. The product was in closed beta back then, but we decided to embrace Cloudflare’s thriving dogfooding culture and did not let that deter us. With Durable Objects, we could create one global Durable Object instance per waiting room instead of maintaining a single database. This object can exist anywhere in the world and handle redundancy and availability. So Durable Objects give us sharding for free. Durable Objects gave us fine-grained control as well as better availability as they run in our edge data centers. Additionally, each waiting room is isolated from the others: adverse events affecting one customer are less likely to spill over to other customers.

Implementation with Durable Objects
Based on these advantages, we decided to build our product on Durable Objects.

As mentioned above, we use a worker to decide whether to send users to the Waiting Room or the web application. That worker periodically sends a request to a Durable Object saying how many users it sent to the Waiting Room and how many it sent to the web application. A Durable Object instance is created on the first request and remains active as long as it is receiving requests. The Durable Object aggregates the counters sent by every worker to create a count of users sent to the Waiting Room and a count of users on the web application.

Building Waiting Room on Workers and Durable Objects

A Durable Object instance is only active as long as it is receiving requests and can be restarted during maintenance. When a Durable Object instance is restarted, its in-memory state is cleared. To preserve the in-memory data on Durable Object restarts, we back up the data using the Cache API. This offers weaker guarantees than using the Durable Object persistent storage as data may be evicted from cache, or the Durable Object can be moved to a different data center. If that happens, the Durable Object will have to start without cached data. On the other hand, persistent storage at the edge still has limited capacity. Since we can rebuild state very quickly from worker updates, we decided that cache is enough for our use case.

Scaling up
When traffic spikes happen around the world, new workers are created. Every worker needs to communicate how many users have been queued and how many have been let through to the web application. However, while workers automatically scale horizontally when traffic increases, Durable Objects do not. By design, there is only one instance of any Durable Object. This instance runs on a single thread so if it receives requests more quickly than it can respond, it can become overloaded. To avoid that, we cannot let every worker send its data directly to the same Durable Object. The way we achieve scalability is by sharding: we create per data center Durable Object instances that report up to one global instance.

Building Waiting Room on Workers and Durable Objects
Durable Objects implementation

The aggregation is done in two stages: at the data-center level and at the global level.

Data Center Durable Object
When a request comes to a particular location, we can see the corresponding data center by looking at the cf.colo field on the request. The Data Center Durable Object keeps track of the number of workers in the data center. It aggregates the state from all those workers. It also responds to workers with important information within a data center like the number of users making requests to a waiting room or number of workers. Frequently, it updates the Global Durable Object and receives information about other data centers as the response.

Worker User Slots

Above we talked about how a data center gets user slots allocated to it based on the past traffic patterns. If every worker in the data center talks to the Data Center Durable Object on every request, the Durable Object could get overwhelmed. Worker User Slots help us to overcome this problem.

Every worker keeps track of the number of users it has let through to the web application and the number of users that it has queued. The worker user slots are the number of users a worker can send to the web application at any point in time. This is calculated from the user slots available for the data center and the worker count in the data center. We divide the total number of user slots available for the data center by the number of workers in the data center to get the user slots available for each worker. If there are two workers and 10 users that can be sent to the web application from the data center, then we allocate five as the budget for each worker. This division is needed because every worker makes its own decisions on whether to send the user to the web application or the waiting room without talking to anyone else.

Building Waiting Room on Workers and Durable Objects
Waiting room inside a data center

When the traffic changes, new workers can spin up or old workers can die. The worker count in a data center is dynamic as the traffic to the data center changes. Here we make a trade off similar to the one for inter data center coordination: there is a risk of overshooting the limit if many more workers are created between calls to the Data Center Durable Object. But too many calls to the Data Center Durable Object would make it hard to scale. In this case though, we can use Cache for faster synchronization within the data center.


On every interaction to the Data Center Durable Object, the worker saves a copy of the data it receives to the cache. Every worker frequently talks to the cache to update the state it has in memory with the state in cache. We also adaptively adjust the rate of writes from the workers to the Data Center Durable Object based on the number of workers in the data center. This helps to ensure that we do not take down the Data Center Durable Object when traffic changes.

Global Durable Object

The Global Durable Object is designed to be simple and stores the information it receives from any data center in memory. It responds with the information it has about all data centers. It periodically saves its in-memory state to cache using the Workers Cache API so that it can withstand restarts as mentioned above.

Building Waiting Room on Workers and Durable Objects
Components of waiting room


This is how the waiting room works right now. Every request with the enabled waiting room goes to a worker at a Cloudflare edge data center. When this happens, the worker looks for the state of the waiting room in the Cache first. We use cache here instead of Data Center Durable Object so that we do not overwhelm the Durable Object instance when there is a spike in traffic. Plus, reading data from cache is faster. The workers periodically make a request to the Data Center Durable Object to get the waiting room state which they then write to the cache. The idea here is that the cache should have a recent copy of the waiting room state.

Workers can examine the request to know which data center they are in. Every worker periodically makes a request to the corresponding Data Center Durable Object. This interaction updates the worker state in the Data Center Durable Object. In return, the workers get the waiting room state from the Data Center Durable Object. The Data Center Durable Object sends the data center state to the Global Durable Object periodically. In the response, the Data Center Durable Object receives all data center states globally. It then calculates the waiting room state and returns that state to a worker in its response.

The advantage of this design is that it’s possible to adjust the rate of writes from workers to the Data Center Durable Object and from the Data Center Durable Object to the Global Durable Object based on the traffic received in the waiting room. This helps us respond to requests during high traffic without overloading the individual Durable Object instances.


By using Workers and Durable Objects, Waiting Room was able to scale up to keep web application servers online for many of our early customers during large spikes of traffic. It helped keep vaccination sign-ups online for companies and governments around the world for free through Project Fair Shot: Verto Health was able to serve over 4 million customers in Canada; Ticket Tailor reduced their peak resource utilization from 70% down to 10%; the County of San Luis Obispo was able to stay online during traffic surges of up to 23,000 users; and the country of Latvia was able to stay online during surges of thousands of requests per second. These are just a few of the customers we served and will continue to serve until Project Fair Shot ends.

In the coming days, we are rolling out the Waiting Room to customers on our business plan. Sign up today to prevent spikes of traffic to your web application. If you are interested in access to Durable Objects, it’s currently available to try out in Open Beta.

Building Product Intelligence Platform with Cloudflare Workers

Post Syndicated from Robert Cepa original https://blog.cloudflare.com/building-product-intelligence-platform-with-cloudflare-workers/

Building Product Intelligence Platform with Cloudflare Workers

Building Product Intelligence Platform with Cloudflare Workers

“You can only improve what you can measure.”

We try to make Cloudflare’s onboarding experience as accessible as possible. For this reason, many customers are able to set up Cloudflare, configure their accounts and products, and discover additional products entirely on their own in our dashboard. Our Customer Onboarding team builds the dashboard experiences that make this possible.

The Onboarding team is data-driven, so we use data to validate our ideas. Rather than shipping the implementation of some idea right away, we run A/B tests with a small percentage of our customers. The results of these tests tell us what we should do with our idea next – either ship it to everyone, try to improve it (and run the test again), or discard it. This practice helps us with hedging our efforts so we don’t waste time on an idea that isn’t fruitful, and it provides us a method to reliably gather more information about needs of our customers. We use a third-party analytics tool to produce data for these A/B tests. This tool helps us to collect and analyse data about how our customers interact with the experiences that we build.

The onboarding experience in the dashboard is just one of many places where our customers interact with Cloudflare. Other Product teams, Customer Success team, and Marketing team build their own experiences in the dashboard and beyond, and they use their own analytics tools that best suit their needs.  Each of those teams has different goals, but we all have one thing in common – we want to understand our customers.

For example, knowing how our customers interact with campaigns and emails that Marketing teams build can help us on the Onboarding team to build a better, more personalized onboarding experience. Similarly, understanding how our customers interact with the onboarding experience in the dashboard can help our Marketing team to create more personalized emails and campaigns.

Using multiple third-party analytics tools across multiple teams created many challenges related to data integrity, security, privacy and performance. In this blogpost, we are going to talk about how we used Cloudflare Workers to build our product intelligence platform to overcome these challenges, serving hundreds of millions of requests per month from over 200 cities over the world, close to our customers, all without having to configure and maintain infrastructure.

Motivation: Data integrity, security, privacy, and performance

In the past, teams at Cloudflare used third-party scripts provided by analytics platforms like Google Analytics and Heap to measure user behavior. These scripts presented multiple challenges:

Data Integrity

In the product analytics world, an “event” is any user interaction with the product. Because we were using third-party scripts to send event data to varied analytics destinations, it was hard to make sure that these event data are consistent across all these destinations. In our case, our analytics tools categorized event data in different ways, creating confusion for our teams. For example, if a Cloudflare customer purchased our Workers product, Heap would send an event named “Purchase Workers”, while Google Analytics called it “Product Purchase Success” with a data attribute label: “workers”. Nobody trusted this data, so they sought out more reliable sources, such as billing databases.

Security and privacy

Third-party analytics vendors use third-party scripts to track end-user behavior. We take security and data privacy very seriously, and these scripts pose risks to us and our customers. They are hard to audit, and make it hard to ensure they don’t send data we don’t want them to send. They also change over time, and can be buggy, inefficient, and hard to test.


We want to give Cloudflare dashboard users a highly performant experience, but third-party scripts can cause slowdowns. For example, they can have a significant size because they try to do a lot of things automatically. Having to load and parse too much JavaScript can extend page load and render times, delay user interaction, and drain more battery. They can also fire too many network requests to multiple servers.

Vendor lock-in

Cloudflare’s dashboard codebase is massive, and hardcoded tracking calls tied to a specific analytics vendor makes that vendor difficult to replace. Moreover, adding a new vendor would require significant effort to add that vendor’s tracking calls everywhere, and would have a negative impact on performance on the frontend.

We wanted to solve these problems by creating a system that would decouple what we measure from how we measure it. The requirements were:

  • Unified API: a single API that all clients adhere to regardless of the vendor they primarily use. Engineers don’t need to understand how analytics vendors work and what data they require.
  • Secure and compliant: we fully own and control the code, protecting our customers from vulnerabilities in third-party code. We fully control how our data is measured, distributed, and stored.
  • Performant: lightweight, fast, and non-blocking on the frontend. Move as much logic as we can to the backend.
  • Flexible: ability to add/replace/remove vendors with relatively small effort on the backend, and no effort on the frontend.

We chose to use Cloudflare Workers, which deploys serverless code on the edge across the globe, as our backend infrastructure. Workers offers the following advantages:

  • Nimbleness through serverless development: Our team is small, and analytics wasn’t our primary focus at the time, so we wanted to create something quickly without having to worry about setting up and maintaining the infrastructure. With Workers, we never have to look at things like system health status, or load balancing and scaling, or how fast it is across the world. Everything is included in the package, and works really well.
  • JavaScript support: Since we work on user experiences, we are mostly UI-engineering focused and use React+TypeScript every day. Our team can write frontend and backend code in the same language, which reduces cognitive load.
  • Dogfooding opportunities: We help to test Workers at scale, which makes the product stronger.

Iteration #1: Sparrow and Trace Worker

Our analytics platform has gone through multiple iterations. The first version had two components – a JavaScript SDK called Sparrow, and a corresponding worker we call Trace.


The Sparrow SDK turns various data about product events into a consistent format, so internal users don’t need to understand API requirements further down the data pipeline.

Sparrow has 2 main features:

// tracks page visits
sparrow.pageview(pathname: string);

// tracks user interaction
sparrow.track(event: string, properties: Record<string, any>);

The pageview function can be run whenever a page loads in an application, which allows us to track where users navigate.

The track function is more generic. We can send any event name with any metadata. For example, the event name can be “purchase product” with properties: { product: “workers” }.

Both functions create a JSON object with the following interface and send it to the Trace Worker, which forwards it along to various analytics platforms:

  event: string,
  deviceId: string,
  userId?: string,
  properties: Record<string, any>

Trace Worker

The Trace Worker receives event data from Sparrow, checks payload correctness to make sure the request came from valid sources, and fans out the data to all connected analytics providers. The following diagram shows the pipeline.

Building Product Intelligence Platform with Cloudflare Workers

Any third-party vendor can be added to Trace Worker, as long as that vendor provides a REST API. How the data are parsed, transformed, and sent to those APIs is implemented by us in our custom functions we call trackers. Trackers aim to replicate the behavior of third-party scripts provided by these vendors. Why are we doing this when we can just use third-party scripts? The main reasons are security and data privacy.

  • We use allowlists to explicitly define event names and event properties that can be sent further upstream. This helps us to prevent sending potentially sensitive information from cookies, URL query parameters, or data payloads. Every event and data property that is not in the allowlist is ignored.
  • On top of that, all allowed properties are sanitized by our internal data scrubber.
  • Always HTTPS: Some third-party scripts still use non-secure HTTP protocol. Trace Worker runs on HTTPS, and we make sure that outgoing requests are also using HTTPS.
  • We fully control the code, which means there are no surprises – the code cannot update without us knowing it.
  • Because the logic lives in the worker, our customers are not exposed to unnecessary client-side risks from using eval or document.write.

Another benefit is performance – because most of our analytics framework’s logic lives in the worker, there’s less JavaScript we need to send to the client, which means faster load times! SparrowJS on its own is super lightweight.

Here’s the simplified implementation of Trace Worker:

import trackers from ‘./trackers;
import { generateContext } from ‘./utils’;
Import { sanitize } from ‘./sanitizer’;

addEventListener(‘fetch’, event => {

async function handle(event: FetchEvent) {
  try {
    const payload = sanitize(await event.request.json());

    const context = await generateContext(event);

    // fan out
    event.waitUntil(Promise.allSettled(trackers.map(tracker => tracker[payload.event === “pageview” ? “pageview” : “event”](payload, context))));

    // return new Response(“OK”, { status:”OK”, statusCode: 200  })
  } catch (err) {
    // logging
    return new Response(“Something went wrong”, { 
      status:”Internal Server Error”, 
      statusCode: 500 

trackers is an array of tracking functions for each third-party vendor. Under the hood, they transform the incoming requests from Sparrow and send them to each vendor’s REST APIs. For example, this is a simplified implementation of Google Analytics tracker that transforms Sparrow payloads to adhere to Measurement Protocol:

const URL = ‘https://www.google-analytics.com/collect’;

export async function event(event: TrackingEvent, context: Context) {
  return fetch(URL, {
    method: ‘POST’,
    body: new URLSearchParams({
      t: ‘event’,
      ea: context.data.event,
      ec: context.data.properties.category || ‘Uncategorized Event’,
      el: context.data.properties.label,

export async function pageview(event: TrackingEvent, context: Context) {
  return fetch(URL, {
    method: ‘POST’,
    body: new URLSearchParams({
      t: ‘pageview’,
      dp: context.data.event

function createCommonParams(context: Context) {
  return {
    tid: context.gaId,
    v: ‘1’,
    cid: context.data.deviceId,
    uid: context.data.userId,

Similarly, Heap tracker implements its own transformation for https://heapanalytics.com/api/track.

As you may have noticed, Trace Worker is not your typical service worker. There is no origin service – Trace Worker is the service, except it runs everywhere in the network.

Problem: Nobody (still) trusts the data

Iteration #1 of our data analytics’ platform worked well for a while, but as more product teams used Sparrow to run their own analyses, we started getting reports of data not looking right. The reports were along the lines of:

  • “Google Analytics underreports Heap by x percent…”
  • “Product purchases are not consistent with DB…”
  • “Signup conversion dropped by x percent, but we don’t think that’s actually happening…”

At the same time, we added another vendor – Amplitude, which made these problems even more complicated, because we now had three systems out of sync.

Due to the distributed nature of our analytics platform, we had a lot of potential breaking points. To find a solution, we needed to answer questions like:

Dashboard/Sparrow problems

  • Are product teams using Sparrow correctly?
  • Do we have any hard redirects that cause request cancellation? Should we try Beacon API and see what changes?
  • How does Trace Worker respond?

Trace Worker problems

  • Are we not catching some exceptions?
  • Are we exceeding runtime limits?
  • Are we hitting firewall/DDoS protection?

Third-party vendors problems

  • Are they silently rejecting or not storing some payloads sent from Trace Worker? Google Analytics always responds with 200 OK to any request. How are other vendors handling requests?
  • Are they having internal issues? How can we know, since these systems are blackboxes?
  • Can we recover any lost data?

If we release Trace Worker and our event volume takes a nosedive, it’s a pretty strong clue that it’s caused by us and we should roll back.

But what if nothing unusual happens for a while, and then page views drop by 20%? 10%? 5%? Is it us, or third-party vendors, or just a nice sunny day in Europe and so people are not sitting behind their desks? As we had no source of truth to compare these data against, this was impossible to answer.

Regardless, we knew we had to get serious about observability before we even begin asking these questions. At the time, there was no wrangler tail or Workers analytics (there are now!). Also, even though we used Sentry, an app monitoring platform, our logger was a very basic wrapper around Sentry’s REST API, because there was no full-blown Sentry SDK for Workers runtime – the current SDKs use globals, causing race-conditions in Workers.

The goals were:

1. Get better at diagnosing our own problems – catch every exception in Trace Worker and every non-200 HTTP response from third-party vendors, and log it to some visible source, with some helpful stack-traces and other metadata like request headers and body.

2. Be able to isolate problems that may be happening outside of our codebase – have a single source of truth for all incoming/outgoing requests which we can query and compare against data in our third-party tools. This would help us discover dropped requests that weren’t represented with an error state.

Iteration #2: New Sentry SDK for Workers

To meet these goals, we implemented and open-sourced a new Sentry SDK for Workers called toucan-js. Toucan adheres to the Sentry unified API guidelines, so the interface is familiar from other SDKs (node/browser). It currently supports capturing errors and messages with stack-traces that can be enhanced with source maps, breadcrumbs, request data/headers/cookies, tags, and extra metadata.

Since we replaced our simple Sentry logger with toucan-js, every single log started having:

  • Full request payload and some allowed headers
  • Stack-trace with source maps
  • Response status code and body (if applicable)

If anything goes wrong, we have all the information we need to reproduce and fix it – request body, headers, stack-trace, and all necessary context.

At the same time, we started sending cloned requests to the /debug/collect endpoint in Google Analytics Tracker that, combined with Sentry alerts, helped us find many dropped requests due to schema adherence problems such as “The value provided for parameter ‘cid’ is invalid.”

Iteration #3: The single source of truth

Better Sentry logs helped us with major drifts, but the data were still slightly off. While we observed some intermittent HTTP errors in Sentry, when we compared the number of these alerts with differences between different analytics platforms the numbers didn’t add up.

Due to this uncertainty, we decided to own the data layer, and create our own database – the single source of truth of all incoming payloads sent from Sparrow to Trace Worker before any transformation.

In order for us to trust the data in this ‘single source of truth’ database, the database needed to receive Sparrow payloads from outside of Trace Worker, preferably from a system that sits right in front of it, with minimal logic, that changes rarely, and that is highly available. Ideally, this system was to do three things – grab the incoming request payload, log it, and forward it to Trace Worker. These payloads should be logged raw, untouched, corresponding to whatever is sent from clients (SparrowJS).

The nice thing about this solution is that even if Trace Worker gets a bad release, we will not lose any data. Another strong case for us owning the data is that incidents in third-party vendors will not affect us anymore, because the solution will open the door for backfilling of dropped requests.

We considered Workers KV — Cloudflare’s low latency key-value store hosted at the network edge — for our storage needs, but being able to query the data was really important for us, because we wanted to diagnose complex problems quickly and select the data based on some property. For this reason, we went in a different direction.

Google BigQuery was our storage solution

We decided to use Google BigQuery for our ‘single source of truth’ database because:

  • It was designed for big data
  • It lets us use SQL to query what we need
  • We can use REST API in our new system to send the logs

Of course, Google BigQuery is a columnar database. How would we use it to store JSON data?

The first option was to write some kind of transformer that would map every object property to a column, but that was against our requirement of a system with minimal logic. The set of allowed characters we could use to name a column was also limited, so we wouldn’t be able to map column names back to original properties.

Due to these limitations we decided to store raw json strings, and use JSON functions to build views on top of these data.

First, we created a partitioned-by-day table called raw with the following schema:

Field name Type
eventId STRING
timestamp TIMESTAMP

Sparrow’s payloads are stored in the data field as stringified JSON.

We don’t run queries against this table directly. Instead, we built a view called raw_normalized that looks something like this:

  json_extract_scalar(data, '$.event') as event, 
  json_extract_scalar(data, '$.deviceId') as deviceId, 
  json_extract_scalar(data, '$.userId') as userId, 
  json_extract_scalar(data, '$.properties.category') as category, 
  json_extract_scalar(data, '$.properties.productName) as productName 
from raw;

With this setup, we can write complex SQL queries while retaining the original JSON values. To demonstrate on a simple example, when we insert a row with data being:

  event: “purchase product”,
  deviceId: “desktop1”,
  userId: “michelle1”,
  properties: { category: “billing”, productName: “workers” }

and then run:

select * from data_normalized where event = ‘purchase product’;

we get:

event deviceId userId category productName
purchase product desktop1 michelle1 billing workers

We had our data layer prepared. But how to actually push the data into BigQuery?

Dispatcher Worker

We created another worker, the Dispatcher, that sits in front of Trace Worker! As we said earlier, the sole purpose of Dispatcher Worker is to:

  1. Read the incoming request body
  2. Send it to BigQuery
  3. Forward the incoming request to Trace Worker

The architecture changed to:

Building Product Intelligence Platform with Cloudflare Workers

Here’s a simplified implementation:

import Toucan from 'toucan-js';
import { BigQueryClient } from “./bigquery”;

const bigQuery = new BigQueryClient({
  serviceAccountEmail: SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL,
  serviceAccountSecret: SERVICE_ACCOUNT_SECRET,
  projectId: PROJECT_ID,
  datasetId: DATASET_ID
addEventListener('fetch', event => {
  const toucan = new Toucan({dsn: DSN, event});
  // do the work without blocking the response
  event.waitUntil(dispatch(event, biqQuery, toucan));

  event.respondWith(return new Response('OK', {
      status: 200,
      statusText: 'OK'
async function dispatch(event: FetchEvent, bigQuery: BigQueryClient, toucan: Toucan) { 
  try {
     // Original request to be sent to Trace Worker
    const requestOriginal = event.request;
    // We clone the request here to allow multiple uses of Body
    const requestClone = requestOriginal.clone();
    // read the request payload
    const payload = await requestClone.text();
    // create a timestamp
    const timestamp = Date.now();
    // send to BQ
    const bigQueryResponse = await bigQuery.insertRow({timestamp, json: payload});
    // log failed logs
    if (!bigQueryResponse.ok) {    
       sentry.captureException(await HttpError.fromResponse(bigQueryResponse));
    // send to trace worker
    const traceResponse = await fetch(TRACE_WORKER_URL, requestOriginal)

    // log failed logs
    if (!traceResponse.ok) {    
       toucan.captureException(await HttpError.fromResponse(traceResponse));
  } catch (err) {

BigQueryClient is a lightweight SDK we implemented to be able to send data to BigQuery. Internally, it builds a request and sends it to Google Cloud Platform using their Stream API. We won’t go into details, but we want to briefly cover how we handle authentication.

Google Cloud APIs use the OAuth 2.0 protocol for authenticating both user accounts and service accounts. In short, the protocol involves building a signed JWT (JSON Web Token), sending it to Google Authorization Server to obtain access token, and sending that access token with all requests to GCP API.

We tried a few libraries to help us build that JWK (such as jsonwebtoken), but they were too slow due to their RSA implementation, and we were hitting runtime limits. So we implemented our own JWT builder using SubtleCrypto, which is a web standard that is also implemented in Cloudflare Workers!

JSON Web Tokens consist of 3 parts:

  1. Header
  2. Body
  3. Signature

First, we build the header:

const tokenHeader = base64UrlEncode(JSON.stringify({
  alg: ‘RS256’,
  typ: ‘JWT’

Then we build the token body, and concatenate with the header to build the token base:

const nowSeconds = Date.now() / 1000;
const tokenTtl = 3600;
const expire = nowSeconds + tokenTtl;

const tokenBody = base64UrlEncode(JSON.stringify({
  scope : ‘https://www.googleapis.com/auth/bigquery.insertdata’
  aud: ‘https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v4/token’,
  exp: expire,
  iat: nowSeconds
const tokenBase = `${tokenHeader}.${tokenBody}`;

All that’s left is signing the token base:

const signature = base64UrlEncode(
    await crypto.subtle.sign(
        name: ‘RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5’,
        hash: { name: ‘SHA-256’ }
     new TextEncoder.encode(tokenBase)
const jwt = `${tokenBase}.${signature}`;

Once we have the JWT, our SDK sends a request to the Authorization Server to retrieve the access token:

const token = await (await fetch (‘https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v4/token’, {
  method: ‘POST’,
  body: 'grant_type=urn%3Aietf%3Aparams%3Aoauth%3Agrant-type%3Ajwt-bearer&assertion=' + jwt,
  headers: { ‘content-type’: ‘application/x-www-form-urlencoded’ }

The access token doesn’t need to be requested with every FetchEvent – it can be reused until it expires. Caching the token helps with performance, because RSA encryption is costly.

BigQueryClient stores the access token in a global variable, so all isolates that share the environment can use it. In fact, that’s the reason we initialize BigQueryClient outside of addEventListener. The SDK manages the token internally and handles the OAuth2 ceremony for the clients – the first call of insertAll generates a JWT to retrieve and store an access token, but subsequent calls of insertAll use the access token from the memory.

With all the pieces put together, this is the state of our analytics pipeline today.

Future work: Risk management

Logging all data gives us great visibility and makes debugging easier. We now have a clear picture of where in the pipeline the problems are, and we have all possible information to fix them. We can react to problems pretty well, but we would like to get better at preventing problems in production before they happen.

We currently have two environments: staging and production. Our staging environment is behind Cloudflare Access, only accessible to Cloudflare employees. When we merge our changes, the CI pipeline automatically deploys them to the staging environment where we can test these changes before they get to production.

While our staging environment helps us with catching catastrophic errors early, it’s not too great for finding errors that may cause partial data drops, because the staging traffic is generally very low, which makes it harder to spot changes in data patterns. From this perspective, our releases are very risky.

To reduce these risks, we need to test our changes with production traffic. We can achieve that with a variant of blue-green deployment approach, ensuring we have two production environments, as identical as possible. We could use another Worker, sitting in front of Blue and Green Dispatcher Workers, receiving live traffic and duplicating all requests to blue/green variants. One of these variants, green for example, would be using live code and live data sources, and the other one, blue, would be in the final stage of testing, with our new code, logging to the staging data sources. Once we validate the data in staging data sources, we can easily cut-over by switching data sources between green and blue.

Future work: Durability

Outages of third-party vendors don’t affect us anymore, since we essentially own the data layer and can backfill dropped events once a vendor is fixed and back online.

This presents us with a question: How can we automate this with Workers?

How can we make sure that everything in our source of truth will eventually get stuffed to the analytics tools?

Can we implement a true distributed and durable streaming platform like Kafka at the edge?

We think we can! More about this next time.

Meet The Workers Team Over Discord

Post Syndicated from Albert Zhao original https://blog.cloudflare.com/meet-the-workers-team-over-discord/

Meet The Workers Team Over Discord

Meet The Workers Team Over Discord

The Cloudflare Workers team is excited to announce the opening of our Discord channel! You can join right away by going here.

Through our Discord channel, you can now connect with the team to ask questions, show off what you’re building, and discuss the platform with other developers.

Sometimes you just need to talk to another human being. Our developer docs will always be the source of truth on the mechanics of Workers, but we want to provide quicker help if you need it.

Growing The Workers Community

Over the past three years, Cloudflare Workers evolved from an initial sandbox for enterprise customers writing edge code to a developer platform for creating new applications and systems.

“We bet our whole business on Workers and it paid off big time,” said Hamlet Batista, CEO of RankSense, a SEO automation platform. “We’ve been saving a lot of money on infrastructure costs and DevOps resources we no longer need.”

Our team is constantly surprised by the palette of use cases from those developing on Workers. For example, a developer in Belgium created a static Workers site that teaches an online tutorial in three different languages on how to make your own face mask, which earned the approval of the Belgian government.

Why Discord?

Discord provides a medium that allows users to openly share their thoughts while maintaining anonymity. It’s also really fast — partially due to Discord’s use of Workers and Cloudflare’s network.

“Workers are in the path of virtually all Discord requests,” said Mark Smith, Director of Infrastructure at Discord. “We are longtime users of Workers and big fans of the power and flexibility they give us to continue building great things for our users.”

As we continue to build the ecosystem of developer tools, we’d love to hear what you’re building, whether it’s a personal site of your pet or an API gateway. Come say hi today.

Using One Cron Parser Everywhere With Rust and Saffron

Post Syndicated from Aaron Loyd original https://blog.cloudflare.com/using-one-cron-parser-everywhere-with-rust-and-saffron/

Using One Cron Parser Everywhere With Rust and Saffron

Using One Cron Parser Everywhere With Rust and Saffron

As part of the development for Cron Triggers on Cloudflare Workers, we had an interesting problem to tackle relating to parsers and the cron expression format. Cron expressions are the format used to write schedules in Cron Triggers, and extensions for cron expressions are everywhere. They vary between parsers and platforms as well, and aren’t standardized by a governing body, which means most parsers out there support many different feature sets, which isn’t good if you’d like something off the shelf that just works.

It can be tough to find the right parser for each part of the Cron Triggers stack, when its user interface, API, and edge service are all written in different languages. On top of that, it isn’t practical to reinvent the wheel multiple times by writing the same parser in different languages and make sure they all match perfectly. So you’re likely stuck with a less-than-perfect solution.

However, in the end, because we wrote our backend service in Rust, it took much less effort to solve this problem. Rust has a great ecosystem for working across multiple languages, which allows us to write a parser once and pull it from the backend to the frontend and everywhere in between with minimal glue code.

The Trouble with Cron

Cron expressions are a set of fields that represent a set of times. They act as a pattern that matches over the minute, hour, day of the month, month, and day of the week of a given time. Since cron is a simple format, it’s easy to extend with extra fields, so some parsers and platforms allow specifying seconds and years as well. However, seconds are a bit too granular and years are a bit too long, so we opted to not support them as part of Cron Triggers.

Using One Cron Parser Everywhere With Rust and Saffron

In the original cron program, the expressions supported were simple, each field could contain either:

  • A star (‘*’) representing all values,
  • A value (a number for all fields or a 3 letter abbreviation for months or days of the week, like JUN or FRI)
  • A range of values (i.e. ‘0-30’), or
  • A set of ranges and/or values (i.e. ‘0-15,30,45-50,55’)

This is a good start for specifying most time patterns, but many extensions exist out there to fill in some gaps. For example,

  • ‘L’ can be used for the day of the month position to specify the last day of the month, or in the day of the week position with a day value to specify the last of that weekday during the month (i.e. 7L, the last Saturday of the month).
  • ‘W’ can be used for the day of the month, and lets you specify “the closest weekday (MON-FRI) to a given day”, like 15W, or the closest weekday to the 15th of the month.
  • ‘/’ can be used for step values in any field. For example, */5 in the minute field is every 5th minute in the hour. This can be combined with a range to specify things such as ‘30-59/5’, or every 5th minute from minute 30 to minute 59 in the hour.
  • ‘#’ can be used with a day of the week value to specify the “nth day of the month”, such as ‘5#3’, or the 3rd Thursday of the month.

So far I’ve only listed extensions we currently support on Workers, but others exist such as ‘H’ in Jenkins and ‘?’ in some cron implementations for start-up time. Most libraries don’t support said extensions, however ‘?’ is used in some implementations in certain circumstances, but not as start-up time. With all these extensions and a lack of standardization, some libraries aren’t guaranteed to support them all.

The Multitude of Libraries

During the development of Cron Triggers, we needed some things to just work, and to do that, we opted to pull some libraries off the shelf from package repositories for different parts of the stack.

In the Rust backend, we needed a cron library that supported all the extensions we wanted, while also leaving off other field extensions like seconds and years, and had an API that let us simply check if a given time matched the expression pattern. None of the crates on crates.io offered these, so we had to write it ourselves. Using the nom crate, it was easy to draft a simple, fast, safe parser, named ‘saffron’. As time went on and we got closer to release, it became clearer which extensions we really wanted to support. It was incredibly easy to add support for the new features without worrying about safety since the compiler checked it for us, so all we had to do was extensive logic testing. Last offset weekdays (“L-XW”) and leap years were difficult to get right the first time, but testing them was easy with Rust.

   fn parse_check_offset_weekend_start_months() {
       let cron = "0 0 L-30W * *";
           &["2021-05-3T00:00:00+00:00", "2022-01-3T00:00:00+00:00"],
   fn parse_check_offset_leap_days() {
       let cron = "0 0 L-1 FEB *";

However, the UI had a different set of requirements. It didn’t need to know whether a given time matched a cron pattern we wanted to provide information to the user about the cron expression they’d written, so it needed to provide a more human readable translation (description) of their cron expression and show them their next five executions (future times). But we were on a limited time budget — we needed something off the shelf.

Using One Cron Parser Everywhere With Rust and Saffron

We used two different JavaScript libraries for displaying info about given cron expressions: one gave us descriptions, the other gave us future times. Since these two libraries were tasked with parsing cron expressions, they also acted as validation; however, just using these two libraries for validation proved to be less than optimal. Both of the libraries supported extensions that were different both from each other and from the backend. Because of that they’d sometimes allow users to add schedules that would be rejected by the API on submit, which doesn’t translate into a good user experience. This validation should happen while the user writes their cron expression, not after they already hit submit! Because of this fracture in extension support, the UI parsers also sometimes didn’t parse expressions that should be supported and were accepted by the API!

Before release on the API side, we simply used a Go library for validation. This proved to be an easy solution, but we quickly noticed that the API accepted more than the schedule runner supported. This caused some triggers to be successfully added to the schedule, but were ignored by the runner because they failed to parse.

So before launch, we were using four completely different parsers! This probably wouldn’t be much of an issue if cron expressions were standardized. But because they aren’t, inconsistencies could exist at every step in the trigger creation process: between the two libraries we used on the frontend, between the frontend and API, and between the API and the backend.

Using One Cron Parser Everywhere With Rust and Saffron

To solve these issues in the UI and API before release, we synced the API and backend with another schedule runner entrypoint that simply read a cron expression from stdio, parsed it, and returned whether it was valid, to make sure they perfectly matched. We also added a validation endpoint to the API that could be used by the UI to check a cron expression, to make sure the backend actually accepted it. This fixed all cases of the API and UI being too accepting of expressions that weren’t supported, but neither of these solutions were optimal.

For one, they weren’t performant. Each time we wanted to validate a cron expression in the UI, we’d have to parse the expression twice in JavaScript (once for a description, and again for future times) and make an request to the API, which would start an instance of the schedule runner, parse the expression, and return whether it properly parsed.

Another reason this was nonoptimal is we were still limited in the features we supported by one library. One of our UI libraries didn’t support the ‘L’ and ‘W’ extensions, and since we also programmed the UI to accept expressions based on whether all parsers accepted it, expressions that used those extensions couldn’t be added.

Using One Cron Parser Everywhere With Rust and Saffron

So even though we dropped it to three parsers before release, it still didn’t seem good enough. Soon after release, I made plans to remedy it and started working on saffron (originally this project was called cfron but Cloudflare’s CTO couldn’t resist suggesting renaming it to saffron because he loves puns) to fill in for the one library holding us back in the UI. It would’ve been OK if missing extension support was the only thing wrong after release, but soon some other issues came up.

Off By One

Saffron is based on the Quartz open source scheduler’s cron parser, which makes days of the week when specified as integers start from 1 (Sunday) and go to 7 (Saturday). Both parsers on the frontend follow the original values for cron, where days start from 0 and go to 6, and 7 could be used for Sunday as well. So when users entered 1-5, the UI told them they were entering a schedule from Monday to Friday, and the backend ended up executing Sunday to Thursday! This was missed when testing Cron Triggers initially and was caught by observant community members on the forum.

Fixing the issue turned out to be a bit difficult. While the library we were using for descriptions had the option to simply switch from 0-6 to 1-7 days of the week, our future times library did not have that option. Luckily, development was already halfway through with replacing it in Saffron. However, we couldn’t place it directly on the frontend yet, since web bindings didn’t exist and I didn’t have time to write them. We needed something easier to develop quickly.

Reintroducing: Cloudflare Workers!

Workers made it incredibly easy to take the existing code, add some wasm entry points for a makeshift API, and call with JavaScript. No need to build a whole separate API in Go! Just take your existing code and put it directly within 100ms of nearly everyone on the Internet. Why call all the way back home when the nearest PoP works just as well?

Plus, we don’t have to worry about building and publishing, wrangler does it for us! For example, our validation code is all written in Rust:

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct ValidationResult {
   errors: Option<Vec<String>>,
pub fn validate(crons: JsArray) -> ValidationResult {
   let len = crons.length();
   let mut map = HashMap::with_capacity(len as usize);
   for i in 0..len {
       let string = match crons.get(i).as_string() {
           Some(string) => string,
           None => {
               return ValidationResult {
                   errors: Some(vec![format!("Element '{}' is not a string", i)]),
       let cron: Cron = match string.parse() {
           Ok(cron) => cron,
           Err(err) => {
               return ValidationResult {
                   errors: Some(vec![format!(
                       "Failed to parse expression at index '{}': {}",
                       i, err
       if let Some(old_str) = map.insert(cron, string.clone()) {
           return ValidationResult {
               errors: Some(vec![format!(
                   "Expression '{}' already exists in the form of '{}'",
                   string, old_str
   ValidationResult { errors: None }

and our code to handle processing the request and response is written in JavaScript:

  const path = new URL(request.url).pathname;
 switch (path) {
   case "/validate": {
     let body;
     try {
       body = await request.json()
     } catch (e) {
       return status(400, "Bad Request");
     let crons = body.crons;
     if (!Array.isArray(crons)) {
       return status(400, "Bad Request");
     let result = validate(crons).errors();
     let success = result == null;
     return apiResponse({}, success, result);

After a week of dedicated development, a Worker was written, the future times were calculated, and the UI was fixed! On top of that, we also implicitly introduced support for more extensions by removing the old parser and replacing it with the same one used on the backend as part of the fix itself. But we’re still using two parsers, so inconsistencies may still exist out there that we haven’t seen yet (that we don’t already know about).

Using One Cron Parser Everywhere With Rust and Saffron

For example, this expression “0 0 L-1W 2 *”, or “12:00 AM on the closest weekday to the 2nd to last day of the month in February” cannot be parsed by the parser we use for descriptions, but it’s accepted by the API, backend, and Worker, so you can use it in your cron triggers, but the UI won’t give you a description for it.

Using One Cron Parser Everywhere With Rust and Saffron

The Quest for the One True Parser

This brings us to today. In the search of better and faster, we want to bring the number of parsers down from two to one. One source of truth for the entire stack. To make it all faster, we should do parsing on the frontend locally instead of making a call to a remote Worker (if possible). In the API, the separate entry point was a nice easy solution, but starting the schedule runner just to check if a cron string is valid every time a user adds one doesn’t seem like it’s the best it could be.

Luckily Rust has a vibrant ecosystem that can meet all these needs! To bring the parser to the UI, we can compile saffron to wasm and use generated bindings created with wasm-pack. This can be easily integrated with our existing webpack setup, making it simple to get future times and create descriptions of cron strings on the frontend. Then, to bring the parser closer to the API, we can use Rust’s ability to create C APIs that we can then integrate with Go using cgo.

With our parser everywhere, we can then focus exclusively on cron descriptions to replace the one other parser we’re using in the UI. At that point we will have one parser for the whole stack, a single source of truth that anyone can reference to understand how the frontend, API, and backend all work together. It also simplifies our graph. Now instead of multiple libraries written in different languages, we have one library with multiple language wrappers, each serving a different part of the stack. No inconsistencies will exist since they’re all using the same parser!

Using One Cron Parser Everywhere With Rust and Saffron

However, we wanted to do something before that…

We made it open source!

I think this project serves as a great example of Rust’s type system, its safety, and its extensibility across the entire stack. The project itself is simple, easy to understand, and easy to port and provide bindings for. By open sourcing, we can publish packages for these bindings on npm and crates.io, allowing anyone to use these bindings for whatever they want. It also means you can also follow along with development to see the finishing touches get added and maybe make some suggestions for future improvements in the UI and the parser itself.

You can view the project on GitHub at https://github.com/cloudflare/saffron.

Cloudflare Acquires Linc

Post Syndicated from Aly Cabral original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-acquires-linc/

Cloudflare Acquires Linc

Cloudflare Acquires Linc

Cloudflare has always been about democratizing the Internet. For us, that means bringing the most powerful tools used by the largest of enterprises to the smallest development shops. Sometimes that looks like putting our global network to work defending against large-scale attacks. Other times it looks like giving Internet users simple and reliable privacy services like  Last week, it looked like Cloudflare Pages — a fast, secure and free way to build and host your JAMstack sites.

We see a huge opportunity with Cloudflare Pages. It goes beyond making it as easy as possible to deploy static sites, and extending that same ease of use to building full dynamic applications. By creating a seamless integration between Pages and Cloudflare Workers, we will be able to host the frontend and backend together, at the edge of the Internet and close to your users. The Linc team is joining Cloudflare to help us do just that.

Today, we’re excited to announce the acquisition of Linc, an automation platform to help front-end developers collaborate and build powerful applications. Linc has done amazing work with Frontend Application Bundles (FABs), making dynamic backends more accessible to frontend developers. Their approach offers a straightforward path to building end-to-end applications on Pages, with both frontend logic and powerful backend logic in one bundle. With the addition of Linc, we will accelerate Pages to enable richer and more powerful full-stack applications.

Combining Cloudflare’s edge network with Linc’s approach to server-side rendering, we’re able to set a new standard for performance on the web by delivering the speed of powerful servers close to users. Now, I’ll hand it over to Glen Maddern, who was the CTO of Linc, to share why they joined Cloudflare.

Linc and the Frontend Application Bundle (FAB) specification were designed with a single goal in mind: to give frontend developers the best possible tools to build, review, refine, and deploy their applications. An important piece of that is making server-side logic and rendering much more accessible, regardless of what type of app you’re building.

Static vs Dynamic frontends

One of the biggest problems in frontend web development today is the dramatic difference in complexity when moving from generating static sites (e.g. building a directory full of HTML, JS, and CSS files) to hosting a full application (traditionally using NodeJS and a web server like Express). While you gain the flexibility of being able to render everything on-demand and customised for the current user, you increase your maintenance cost — you now have servers that you need to keep running. And unless you’re operating at a global scale already, you’ll often see worse end-user performance as your requests are only being served from one or maybe a couple of locations worldwide.

While serverless platforms have arisen to solve these problems for backend services and can be brought to bear on frontend apps, they’re much less cost-effective than using static hosting, especially if the bulk of your frontend assets are static. As such, we’ve seen a rise of technologies under the umbrella term of “JAMstack”; they aim at making static sites more powerful (like rebuilding based off CMS updates), or at making it possible to deploy small pieces of server-side APIs as “cloud functions”, along with each update of your app. But it’s still fundamentally a limited architecture — you always have a static layer between you and your users, so the more dynamic your needs, the more complex your build pipeline becomes, or the more you’re forced to rely on client-side logic.

Cloudflare Acquires Linc

FABs took a different approach: a deployment artefact that could support the full range of server-side needs, from entirely static sites, apps with some API routes or cloud functions, all the way to full server-side streaming rendering. We also made it compatible with all the cloud hosting providers you might want, so that deploying becomes as easy as uploading a ZIP file. Then, as your needs change, as dynamic content becomes more important, as new frameworks arise that offer increasing performance or you look at moving which provider you’re hosting with, you never need to change your tooling and deployment processes.

The FAB approach

Regardless of what framework you’re working with, the FAB compiler generates a fab.zip file that has two components: a server.js file that acts as a server-side entry point, and an _assets directory that stores the HTML, CSS, JS, images, and fonts that are sent to the client.

Cloudflare Acquires Linc

This simple structure gives us enough flexibility to handle all kinds of apps. For example, a static site will have a server.js of only a few auto-generated lines of server-side code, just enough to add redirects for any files outside the _assets directory. On the other end of the spectrum, an app with full server rendering looks and works exactly the same. It just has a lot more code inside its server.js file.

On a server running NodeJS, serving a compiled FAB is as easy as fab serve fab.zip, but FABs are really designed with production class hosting in mind. They make use of world-class CDNs and the best serverless hosting platforms around.

Cloudflare Acquires Linc

When a FAB is deployed, it’s often split into these component parts and deployed separately. Assets are sent to a low-cost object storage platform with a CDN in front of it, and the server component is sent to dedicated serverless hosting. It’s all deployed in an atomic, idempotent manner that feels as simple as uploading static files, but completely unlocks dynamic server-side code as part of your architecture.

That generic architecture works great and is compatible with virtually every hosting platform around, but it works slightly differently on Cloudflare Workers.

Cloudflare Acquires Linc

Workers, unlike other serverless platforms, truly runs at the edge: there is no CDN or load balancer in front of it to split off /_assets routes and send them directly to the Assets storage. This means that every request hits the worker, whether it’s triggering a full page render or piping through the bytes for an image file. It might feel like a downside, but with Workers’ performance and cost profile, it’s quite the opposite — it actually gives us much more flexibility in what we end up building, and gets us closer to the goal of fully unlocking server-side code.

To give just one example, we no longer need to store our asset files on a dedicated static file host — instead, we can use Cloudflare’s global key-value storage: Workers KV. Our server.js running inside a Worker can then map /_assets requests directly into the KV store and stream the result to the user. This results in significantly better performance than proxying to a third-party asset host.

What we’ve found is that Cloudflare offered the most “FAB-native” hosting option, and so it’s very exciting to have the opportunity to further develop what they can do.

Linc + Cloudflare

As we stated above, Linc’s goal was to give frontend developers the best tooling to build and refine their apps, regardless of which hosting they were using. But we started to notice an important trend —  if a team had a free choice for where to host their frontend, they inevitably chose Cloudflare Workers. In some cases, for a period, teams even used Linc to deploy a FAB to Workers alongside their existing hosting to demonstrate the performance improvement before migrating permanently.

At the same time, we started to see more and more opportunities to fully embrace edge-rendering and make global serverless hosting more powerful and accessible. But the most exciting ideas required deep integration with the hosting providers themselves. Which is why, when we started talking to Cloudflare, everything fell into place.

We’re so excited to join the Cloudflare effort and work on expanding Cloudflare Pages to cover the full spectrum of applications. Not only do they share our goal of bringing sophisticated technology to every development team, but with innovations like Durable Objects starting to offer new storage paradigms, the potential for a truly next-generation deployment, review &  hosting platform is tantalisingly close.

Introducing Cloudflare Pages: the best way to build JAMstack websites

Post Syndicated from Rita Kozlov original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-pages/

Introducing Cloudflare Pages: the best way to build JAMstack websites

Introducing Cloudflare Pages: the best way to build JAMstack websites

Across multiple cultures around the world, this time of year is a time of celebration and sharing of gifts with the people we care the most about. In that spirit, we thought we’d take this time to give back to the developer community that has been so supportive of Cloudflare for the last 10 years.

Today, we’re excited to announce Cloudflare Pages: a fast, secure and free way to build and host your JAMstack sites.

Today, the path from an idea to a website is paved with good intentions

Websites are the way we express ourselves on the web. It doesn’t matter if you’re a hobbyist with a blog, or the largest of corporations with millions of customers — if you want to reach people outside the confines of 140 280 characters, the web is the place to be.

As a frontend developer, it’s your responsibility to bring this expression to life. And make no mistake — with so many frontend frameworks, tooling, and static site generators at your disposal — it’s a great time to be in your line of work.

That is, of course, right up until the point when you’re ready to show your work off to the world. That’s when things can start to get a little hairy.

At this point, continuing to keep things local rather than committing to source starts to become… irresponsible. But then: how do you quickly iterate and maintain momentum? As you change things, you need to make sure those changes don’t get lost — saving them to source control — while keeping in sync with what’s currently deployed to production.

There are no great solutions.

If you’re in a larger organization, you might have a DevOps organization devoted to exactly that: automating deployments using Continuous Integration (CI) tooling.

Most CI tooling, however, is quite cumbersome, and for good reason — to allow organizations to customize their automation, regardless of their stack and setup. But for the purpose of developing a website, it can still feel like an unnecessary and frustrating diversion on the road to delivering your web project. Configuring a .yaml file, adding and removing commands, waiting minutes for each build to run, and praying to the CI gods at each one that these are the right commands. Hopelessly rerunning the same build over and over, and expecting a different result.  

Often, hours are lost. The process stands in the way of you and doing your best work.

Cloudflare Pages: letting frontend devs do what they do best

We think there’s a better way.

With Cloudflare Pages, we set out to simplify every step along the journey by tying deployment to your existing development workflow.

Seamless Git integration, with builds built-in

With Cloudflare Pages, all you have to do is select your repo, and tell us which framework you’re using. We’ll take care of chanting CI incantations on your behalf, while you keep doing what you were already doing: git commit and git push your changes — we’ll build and deploy them for you.

As the project grows, so do the stakes, and the number of collaborators.

For a site in production, changes need to be reviewed thoroughly. As the reviewer, looking at the code, and skimming for red flags only gets you so far. To thoroughly review, you have to commit or git stash your changes, pull down locally, get it running to make sure it actually works — looking at code alone won’t catch everything!

The other developers on the team are not the only stakeholders. There are designers, marketers, PMs who want to provide feedback before the changes go out.

Unique preview URLs

With Cloudflare Pages, each commit gets its own unique URL. Preview URLs make it easier to get meaningful code reviews without the overhead of pulling down the branch. They also make it easier to get feedback from PMs, designers and marketers on the latest iteration, bridging the gap between mocks and code.

Infinite staging

“Does anyone mind if I take over staging?” might also sound like a familiar question. With Cloudflare Pages, each feature branch will have its own dedicated consistent alias, allowing you to have a consistent URL for the latest changes.

With Preview and Production environments, all feature branches and preview links will be built with preview variables, so you can experiment without impacting production data.

When you’re ready to deploy to production, we’ll redeploy to production for you with the updated production environment variables.

Collaboration for all

Collaboration is the key to building amazing websites and products — the more the merrier! As a security company, we definitely don’t want you sharing password and credentials. Which is why we provide multi user access for free for unlimited users — invite all your friends, on us!

Modern sites with modern standards

We all know premature optimization is a cardinal sin, but once your project is in front of customers you want to have the best performance possible. If it’s successful, you also want it to be available!

Today, this is time you have to spend optimizing performance (chasing those 100 lighthouse scores), and scaling, from a few to millions of users.

Luckily, we happen to know a thing or two about running a global network of 200 data centers though, so we’ve got you covered.

With Pages, your site is deployed directly to our edge, milliseconds away from customers, and at global scale.

The latest web standards are fun to read about on Hacker News but not fun to implement yourself. With Cloudflare Pages, we’ll do the heavy lifting to keep you ahead of the curve: IPv6, HTTP/3, TLS 1.3, all the latest image formats.

Oh, and one more thing

We’re really excited for developers and their teams to use Cloudflare Pages to collaborate on the best static sites together. There’s just one thing that didn’t sit quite right with us: why stop at static sites?

What if we could make building full-blown, dynamic applications just as easy?

Although APIs are a core part of the JAMstack, today that refers primarily to the robust API economy developers have access to. And while that’s great, it’s not always enough. If you want to build your own APIs, and store user or application data, you need more than third party APIs. What to do, though?

Well, this is the point at which it’s mighty helpful we’ve already built a global serverless platform: Cloudflare Workers. Workers allows frontend developers to easily write scalable backends to their applications in the same language as the frontend, JavaScript.

Over the coming months, we’ll be working on integrating Workers and Pages into a seamless experience. It’ll work the exact same way Pages does: just write your code, git push, and we’ll deploy it for you. The only difference is, it won’t just be your frontend, it’ll be your backend, too. And just to be clear: this is not just for stateless functions. With Workers KV and Durable Objects, we see a huge opportunity to really enable any web application to be built on this platform.

We’re super excited about the future of Pages, and how with the power of Cloudflare Workers behind it, it represents a bold vision for how new applications are going to be built on the web.

But you know the thing about gifts? They’re no good without someone to receive them. We’d love for you to sign up for our beta and try out Cloudflare Pages!

PS: we’re hiring!

Want to help us shape the future of development on the web? Join our team.

Supporting Jurisdictional Restrictions for Durable Objects

Post Syndicated from Greg McKeon original https://blog.cloudflare.com/supporting-jurisdictional-restrictions-for-durable-objects/

Supporting Jurisdictional Restrictions for Durable Objects

Supporting Jurisdictional Restrictions for Durable Objects

Over the past week, you’ve heard how Cloudflare is making it easy for our customers to control where their data is stored and protected.

We’re not the only ones building these data controls. Around the world, companies are working to figure out where and how to store customer data in a way that is compliant with data localization obligations. For developers, this means new deployment models and new headaches — wrangling infrastructure in multiple regions, partitioning user data based on location, and staying on top of the latest rules from regulators.

Durable Objects, currently in limited beta, already make it easy for customers to manage state on Cloudflare Workers without worrying about provisioning infrastructure. Today, we’re announcing Jurisdictional Restrictions for Durable Objects, which ensure that a Durable Object only stores and processes data in a given geographical region. Jurisdictional Restrictions make it easy for developers to build serverless, stateful applications that not only comply with today’s regulations, but can handle new and updated policies as new regulations are added.

How Jurisdictional Restrictions Work

When creating a Durable Object, developers generate a unique ID that lets a Cloudflare Worker communicate with the Object.

Let’s say I want to create a Durable Object that represents a specific user of my application:

async function handle(request) {
    let objectId = USERS.newUniqueId();
    let user = await USERS.get(objectId);

The unique ID encodes metadata for the Workers runtime, including a mapping to a specific Cloudflare data center. That data center is responsible for handling the creation of the Object and maintaining a routing table entry, so that a Worker can communicate with the Object if the Object migrates to another Cloudflare data center.

If the user is an EU data subject, I may want to ensure that the Durable Object that handles their data only stores and processes data inside of the EU. I can do that when I generate their Object ID, which encodes a restriction that this Durable Object can only be handled by a data center in the EU.

async function handle(request) {
    let objectId = USERS.newUniqueId({jurisdiction: "eu"});
    let user = await USERS.get(objectId);

There are no servers to spin up and no databases to maintain. Handling a new set of regional restrictions will be as easy as passing a different string at ID generation.

Today, we only support the EU jurisdiction, but we’ll be adding more based on developer demand.

By setting restrictions at a per-object level, it becomes easy to ensure compliance without sacrificing developer productivity. Applications running on Durable Objects just need to identify the jurisdictional rules a given Object should follow and set the corresponding rule at creation time. Gone is the need to run multiple clusters of infrastructure across cloud provider regions to stay compliant — Durable Objects are both globally accessible and capable of partitioning state with no infrastructure overhead.

In the future, we’ll add additional features to Jurisdictional Restrictions — including the ability to migrate your Objects between Jurisdictions to handle changes in regulations.

Under the hood with Durable Object ID generation

Durable Objects support two types of IDs: system-generated, where the system creates a unique ID for you, and user-generated, where a user passes in an identifier to access the Durable Object. You can think of the user-provided identifier as a seed to a hash function that determines the data center the object starts in.

By default with system-generated IDs, we construct the ID so that it maps to a data center near the Worker that generated the ID. This data center is responsible for creating the Object and storing a routing record if that Object migrates.

If the user passes in a Jurisdictional Restriction, we instead encode in the ID a mapping to a jurisdiction, which encodes a list of data centers that adhere to the rules of the Jurisdictional Restriction. We guarantee that the data center we select for creating the Object is in this list and that we will not migrate the Object to a data center that isn’t in this list. In the case of the ‘eu’ jurisdiction, that maps to one of Cloudflare’s data centers in the EU.

For user-generated IDs, though, we cannot encode this data in the ID, since we must use the string the user passed us to generate the ID! This is because requests may originate anywhere in the world, and they need to know where to find an Object without depending on coordination. For now, this means we do not support Jurisdictional Restrictions in combination with user-generated IDs.

Join the Durable Objects limited beta

Durable Objects are currently in an invite-only beta, while we scale up our systems and build out additional features. If you’re interested in using Durable Objects to meet your compliance requirements, reach out to us with your use case!

Request a beta invite

Building Black Friday e-commerce experiences with JAMstack and Cloudflare Workers

Post Syndicated from Kristian Freeman original https://blog.cloudflare.com/building-black-friday-e-commerce-experiences-with-jamstack-and-cloudflare-workers/

Building Black Friday e-commerce experiences with JAMstack and Cloudflare Workers

The idea of serverless is to allow developers to focus on writing code rather than operations — the hardest of which is scaling applications. A predictably great deal of traffic that flows through Cloudflare’s network every year is Black Friday. As John wrote at the end of last year, Black Friday is the Internet’s biggest online shopping day. In a past case study, we talked about how Cordial, a marketing automation platform, used Cloudflare Workers to reduce their API server latency and handle the busiest shopping day of the year without breaking a sweat.

The ability to handle immense scale is well-trodden territory for us on the Cloudflare blog, but scale is not always the first thing developers think about when building an application — developer experience is likely to come first. And developer experience is something Workers does just as well; through Wrangler and APIs like Workers KV, Workers is an awesome place to hack on new projects.

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been working on a sample open-source e-commerce app for selling software, educational products, and bundles. Inspired by Humble Bundle, it’s built entirely on Workers, and it integrates powerfully with all kinds of first-class modern tooling: Stripe, an API for accepting payments (both from customers and to authors, as we’ll see later), and Sanity.io, a headless CMS for data management.

This kind of project is perfectly suited for Workers. We can lean into Workers as a static site hosting platform (via Workers Sites), API server, and webhook consumer, all within a single codebase, and deployed instantly around the world on Cloudflare’s network.

If you want to see a deployed version of this template, check out ecommerce-example.signalnerve.workers.dev.

Building Black Friday e-commerce experiences with JAMstack and Cloudflare Workers
The frontend of the e-commerce Workers template.

In this blog post, I’ll dive deeper into the implementation details of the site, covering how Workers continues to excel as a JAMstack deployment platform. I’ll also cover some new territory in integrating Workers with Stripe. The project is open-source on GitHub, and I’m actively working on improving the documentation, so that you can take the codebase and build on it for your own e-commerce sites and use cases.

The frontend

As I wrote last year, Workers continues to be an amazing platform for JAMstack apps. When I started building this template, I wanted to use some things I already knew — Sanity.io for managing data, and of course, Workers Sites for deploying — but some new tools as well.

Workers Sites is incredibly simple to use: just point it at a directory of static assets, and you’re good to go. With this project, I decided to try out Nuxt.js, a Vue-based static site generator, to power the frontend for the application.

Using Sanity.io, the data representing the bundles (and the products inside of those bundles) is stored on Sanity.io’s own CDN, and retrieved client-side by the Nuxt.js application.

Building Black Friday e-commerce experiences with JAMstack and Cloudflare Workers
Managing data inside Sanity.io’s headless CMS interface.

When a potential customer visits a bundle, they’ll see a list of products from Sanity.io, and a checkout button provided by Stripe.

Responding to new checkout sessions and purchases

Making API requests with Stripe’s Node SDK isn’t currently supported in Workers (check out the GitHub issue where we’re discussing a fix), but because it’s just REST underneath, we can easily make REST requests using the library.

When a user clicks the checkout button on a bundle page, it makes a request to the Cloudflare Workers API, and securely generates a new session for the user to checkout with Stripe.

import { json, stripe } from '../helpers'

export default async (request) => {
  const body = await request.json()
  const { price_id } = body

  const session = await stripe('/checkout/sessions', {
    payment_method_types: ['card'],
    line_items: [{
        price: price_id,
        quantity: 1,
    mode: 'payment'
  }, 'POST')

  return json({ session_id: session.id })

This is where Workers excels as a JAMstack platform. Yes, it can do static site hosting, but with just a few extra lines of routing code, I can deploy a highly scalable API right alongside my Nuxt.js application.

Webhooks and working with external services

This idea extends throughout the rest of the checkout process. When a customer is successfully charged for their purchase, Stripe sends a webhook back to Cloudflare Workers. In order to complete the transaction on our end, the Workers application:

  • Validates the incoming data from Stripe to ensure that it’s legitimate. This means that every incoming webhook request is explicitly validated using your Stripe account details, and can be confirmed to be valid before the function acts on it.
  • Distributes payments to the authors using Stripe Connect. When a customer buys a bundle for $20, that $20 (minus Stripe fees) gets distributed evenly between the authors in that bundle — all of this calculation and the associated transfer requests happen inside the Worker.
  • Sends a unique download link to the customer. Using Workers KV, a unique token is set up that corresponds to the customer’s email, which can be used to retrieve the content the customer purchased. This integration uses Mailgun to construct an email and send it entirely over REST APIs.

By the time the purchase is complete, the Workers serverless API will have interfaced with four distinct APIs, persisting records, sending emails, and handling and distributing payments to everyone involved in the e-commerce transaction. With Workers, this all happens in a single codebase, with low latency and a superb developer experience. The entire API is type-checked and validated before it ever gets shipped to production, thanks to our TypeScript template.

Building Black Friday e-commerce experiences with JAMstack and Cloudflare Workers

Each of these tasks involves a pretty serious level of complexity, but by using Workers, we can abstract each of them into smaller pieces of functionality, and compose powerful, on-demand, and infinitely scalable webhooks directly on the serverless edge.


I’m really excited about the launch of this template and, of course, it wouldn’t have been possible to ship something like this in just a few weeks without using Cloudflare Workers. If you’re interested in digging into how any of the above stuff works, check out the project on GitHub!

With the recent announcement of our Workers KV free tier, this project is perfect to fork and build your own e-commerce products with. Let me know what you build and say hi on Twitter!

The Serverlist: Serverless Wasm AI, Building Automatic Platform Optimizations, and more!

Post Syndicated from Connor Peshek original https://blog.cloudflare.com/serverlist-21st-edition/

The Serverlist: Serverless Wasm AI, Building Automatic Platform Optimizations, and more!

Check out our twenty-first edition of The Serverlist below. Get the latest scoop on the serverless space, get your hands dirty with new developer tutorials, engage in conversations with other serverless developers, and find upcoming meetups and conferences to attend.

Sign up below to have The Serverlist sent directly to your mailbox.

Exploring WebAssembly AI Services on Cloudflare Workers

Post Syndicated from Guest Author original https://blog.cloudflare.com/exploring-webassembly-ai-services-on-cloudflare-workers/

Exploring WebAssembly AI Services on Cloudflare Workers

This is a guest post by Videet Parekh, Abelardo Lopez-Lagunas, Sek Chai at Latent AI.

Edge networks present a significant opportunity for Artificial Intelligence (AI) performance and applicability. AI technologies already make it possible to run compelling applications like object and voice recognition, navigation, and recommendations.

AI at the edge presents a host of benefits. One is scalability—it is simply impractical to send all data to a centralized cloud. In fact, one study has predicted a global scope of 90 zettabytes generated by billions of IoT devices by 2025. Another is privacy—many users are reluctant to move their personal data to the cloud, whereas data processed at the edge are more ephemeral.

When AI services are distributed away from centralized data centers and closer to the service edge, it becomes possible to enhance the overall application speed without moving data unnecessarily.  However, there are still challenges to make AI from the deep-cloud run efficiently on edge hardware. Here, we use the term deep-cloud to refer to highly centralized, massively-sized data centers. Deploying edge AI services can be hard because AI is both computational and memory bandwidth intensive. We need to tune the AI models so the computational latency and bandwidth can be radically reduced for the edge.

The Case for Distributed AI Services

Edge network infrastructure for distributed AI is already widely available. Edge networks like Cloudflare serve a significant proportion of today’s Internet traffic, and can serve as the bridge between devices and the centralized cloud. Highly-performant AI services are possible because of the distributed processing that has excellent spatial proximity to the edge data.

We at Latent AI are exploring ways to deploy AI at the edge, with technology that transforms and compresses AI models for the edge. The size of our edge AI model is many orders of magnitudes smaller than the sensor data (e.g., kilobytes or megabytes for the edge AI model, compared to petabytes of edge data). We are exploring using WebAssembly (WASM) within the Cloudflare Workers environment. We want to identify possible operating points for the distributed AI services by exploring achievable performance on the available edge infrastructure.

Architectural Approach for Exploration

WebAssembly (WASM) is a new open-standard format for programs that run on the Web. It is a popular way to enable high-performance web-based applications. WASM is closer to machine code, and thus faster than JavaScript (JS) or JIT. Compiler optimizations, already done ahead of time, reduce the overhead in fetching and parsing application code. Today, WASM offers the flexibility and portability of JS at the near-optimum performance of compiled machine code.

AI models have notoriously large memory usage demands because configuring them requires high parameter counts. Cloudflare already extends support for WASM using their Wrangler CLI, and we chose to use it for our exploration. Wrangler is the open-source CLI tool used to manage Workers, and is designed to enable a smooth developer experience.

How Latent AI Accelerates Distributed AI Services

Latent AI’s mission is to enable ambient computing, regardless of any resource constraints. We develop developer tools that greatly reduce the computing resources needed to process AI on the edge while being completely hardware-agnostic.

Latent AI’s tools significantly compress AI models to reduce their memory size. We have shown up to 10x compression for state-of-the-art models. This capability addresses the load time latencies challenging many edge network deployments. We also offer an optimized runtime that executes a neural network natively. Results are a 2-3x speedup on runtime without any hardware-specific accelerators. This dramatic performance boost offers fast and efficient inferences for the edge.

Our compression uses quantization algorithms to convert parameters for the AI model from 32-bit floating-point toward 16-bit or 8-bit models, with minimal loss of accuracy. The key benefit of moving to lower bit-precision is the higher power efficiency with less storage needed.  Now AI inference can be processed using more efficient parallel processor hardware on the continuum of platforms at the distributed edge.

Exploring WebAssembly AI Services on Cloudflare Workers
Optimized AI services can process data closest to the source and perform inferences at the distributed edge.

Selecting Real-World WASM Neural Network Examples

For our exploration, we use state-of-the-art deep neural networks called MobileNet. MobileNets are designed specifically for embedded platforms such as smartphones, and can achieve high recognition accuracy in visual object detection. We compress MobileNets AI models to be small fast, in order to represent the variety of use cases that can be deployed as distributed AI services. Please see this blog for more details on the AI model architecture.

We use the MobileNetV2 model variant for our exploration. The models are trained with different visual objects that can be detected: (1) a larger sized model with 10 objects derived from ImageNet dataset, and (2) a smaller version with just two classes derived from the COCO dataset. The COCO dataset are public open-source databases of images that are used as benchmarks for AI models. Images are labeled with detected objects such as persons, vehicles, bicycles, traffic lights, etc. Using Latent AI’s compression tool, we were able to compress and compile the MobileNetV2 models into WASM programs. In the WASM form, we can achieve fast and efficient processing of the AI model with a small storage footprint.

We want WASM neural networks to be as fast and efficient as possible. We spun up a Workers app to accept an image from a client, convert and preprocess the image into a cleaned data array, run it through the model and then return a class for that image. For both the large and small MobileNetv2 models, we create three variants with different bit-precision (32-bit floating point, 16-bit integer, and 8-bit integer).  The average memory and inference times for the large AI model are 110ms and 189ms, respectively; And for the smaller AI model, they are 159ms and 15ms, respectively.

Our analysis suggests that overall processing can be improved by reducing the overhead for memory operations. For the large model, lowering bit precision to 8-bits reduces memory operations from 48% to 26%. For the small model, the memory load times dominate over the inference computation with over 90% of the latency in memory operations.

It is important to note that our results are based on our initial exploration, which is focused more on functionality rather than optimization. We make sure the results are consistent by averaging our measurements over 50-100 iterations. We do acknowledge that there are still network and system related latencies that can be further optimized, but we believe that the early results described here show promise with respect to AI model inferences on the distributed edge.  

Exploring WebAssembly AI Services on Cloudflare Workers
Comparison of memory and inference processing times for large and small DNNs.

Learning from Real-World WASM Neural Network Example

What lessons can we draw from our example use case?

First of all, we recommend a minimal compute and memory footprint for AI models deployed to the network edge. A small footprint allows for better line up of data types for WASM AI models to reduce memory load overhead. WASM practitioners know that WASM speed-ups come from the tighter coupling of the API between JavaScript API and native machine code. Because WASM code does not need to speculate on data types, parallelizing compilation for WASM can achieve better optimization.

Furthermore, we encourage the use of running AI models at 8-bit precision to reduce the overall size. These 8-bit AI models are readily compressed and compiled for the target hardware to greatly reduce the overhead in hosting the models for inference. Furthermore, for video imagery, there is no overhead to convert digitized raw data (e.g. image files digitized and stored as integers) to floating-point values for use with floating point AI models.

Finally, we suggest the use of a smart cache for AI models so that Workers can essentially reduce memory load times and focus solely on neural network inferences at runtime. Again, 8-bit models allow more AI models to be hosted and ready for inference. Referring to our exploratory results, hosted small AI models can be served at approximately 15ms inference time, offering a very compelling user experience with low latency and local processing. The WASM API provides a significant performance increase over pure-JS toolchains like Tensorflow.js. For example, for inference time for the large AI model of 189ms on WASM, we have observed a range of 1500ms on Tensorflow.js workflow, which is approximately an 8X difference in compute latency.

Unlocking the Future of the Distributed Edge

With exceedingly optimized WASM neural networks, distributed edge networks can move the inference closer to users, offering new edge AI services closer to the source of the data. With Latent AI technology to compress and compile WASM neural networks, the distributed edge networks can (1) host more models, (2) offer lower latency responses, and (3) potentially lower power utilization with more efficient computing.

Exploring WebAssembly AI Services on Cloudflare Workers
Example person detected using a small AI model, 10x compressed to 150KB.

Imagine for example that the small AI model described earlier can distinguish if a person is in a video feed. Digital systems, e.g. door bell and doorway entry cameras, can hook up to Cloudflare Workers to verify if a person is present in the camera field of view. Similarly, other AI services could conduct sound analyses to check for broken windows  and water leaks. With these distributed AI services, applications can run without access to deep cloud services. Furthermore, the sensor platform can be made with ultra low cost, low power hardware, in very compact form factors.

Application developers can now offer AI services with neural networks trained, compressed, and compiled natively as a WASM neural network. Latent AI developer tools can compress WASM neural networks and provide WASM runtimes offering blazingly fast inferences for the device and infrastructure edge.  With scale and speed baked in, developers can easily create high-performance experiences for their users, wherever they are, at any scale. More importantly, we can scale enterprise applications on the edge, while offering the desired return on investments using edge networks.

About Latent AI

Latent AI is an early-stage venture spinout of SRI International. Our mission is to enable developers and change the way we think about building AI for the edge. We develop software tools designed to help companies add AI to edge devices and to empower users with new smart IoT applications. For more information about the availability of LEIP SDK, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] or check out our website.

Let’s build a Cloudflare Worker with WebAssembly and Haskell

Post Syndicated from Cristhian Motoche original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-worker-with-webassembly-and-haskell/

Let's build a Cloudflare Worker with WebAssembly and Haskell

This is a guest post by Cristhian Motoche of Stack Builders.

At Stack Builders, we believe that Haskell’s system of expressive static types offers many benefits to the software industry and the world-wide community that depends on our services. In order to fully realize these benefits, it is necessary to have proper training and access to an ecosystem that allows for reliable deployment of services. In exploring the tools that help us run our systems based on Haskell, our developer Cristhian Motoche has created a tutorial that shows how to compile Haskell to WebAssembly using Asterius for deployment on Cloudflare.

What is a Cloudflare Worker?

Cloudflare Workers is a serverless platform that allows us to run our code on the edge of the Cloudflare infrastructure. It’s built on Google V8, so it’s possible to write functionalities in JavaScript or any other language that targets WebAssembly.

WebAssembly is a portable binary instruction format that can be executed fast in a memory-safe sandboxed environment. For this reason, it’s especially useful for tasks that need to perform resource-demanding and self-contained operations.

Why use Haskell to target WebAssembly?

Haskell is a pure functional languages that can target WebAssembly. As such, It helps developers break down complex tasks into small functions that can later be composed to do complex tasks. Additionally, it’s statically typed and has type inference, so it will complain if there are type errors at compile time. Because of that and much more, Haskell is a good source language for targeting WebAssembly.

From Haskell to WebAssembly

We’ll use Asterius to target WebAssembly from Haskell. It’s a well documented tool that is updated often and supports a lot of Haskell features.

First, as suggested in the documentation, we’ll use podman to pull the Asterius prebuilt container from Docker hub. In this tutorial, we will use Asterius version 200617, which works with GHC 8.8.

podman run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/workspace -w /workspace terrorjack/asterius:200617

Now we’ll create a Haskell module called fact.hs file that will export a pure function:

module Factorial (fact) where

fact :: Int -> Int
fact n = go n 1
    go 0 acc = acc
    go n acc = go (n - 1) (n*acc)

foreign export javascript "fact" fact :: Int -> Int

In this module, we define a pure function called fact, optimized with tail recursion and exported using the Asterius JavaScript FFI, so that it can be called when a WebAssembly module is instantiated in JavaScript.

Next, we’ll create a JavaScript file called fact_node.mjs that contains the following code:

import * as rts from "./rts.mjs";
import module from "./fact.wasm.mjs";
import req from "./fact.req.mjs";

async function handleModule(m) {
  const i = await rts.newAsteriusInstance(Object.assign(req, {module: m}));
  const result = await i.exports.fact(5);


This code imports rts.mjs (common runtime), WebAssembly loaders, and the required parameters for the Asterius instance. It creates a new Asterius instance, it calls the exported function fact with the input 5, and prints out the result.

You probably have noted that fact is done asynchronously. This happens with any exported function by Asterius, even if it’s a pure function.

Next, we’ll compile this code using the Asterius command line interface (CLI) ahc-link, and we’ll run the JavaScript code in Node:

ahc-link \
  --input-hs fact.hs \
  --no-main \
  --export-function=fact \
  --run \
  --input-mjs fact_node.mjs \

This command takes fact.hs as a Haskell input file, specifies that no main function is exported, and exports the fact function. Additionally, it takes fact_node.mjs as the entry JavaScript file that replaces the generated file by default, and it places the generated code in a directory called node.

Running the ahc-link command from above will print the following output in the console:

[INFO] Compiling fact.hs to WebAssembly
[INFO] Running node/fact.mjs

As you can see, the result is executed in node and it prints out the result of fact in the console.

Push your code to Cloudflare Workers

Now we’ll set everything up for deploying our code to Cloudflare Workers.

First, let’s add a metadata.json file with the following content:

  "body_part": "script",
  "bindings": [
      "type": "wasm_module",
      "name": "WASM",
      "part": "wasm"

This file is needed to specify the wasm_module binding. The name value corresponds to the global variable to access the WebAssembly module from your Worker code. In our example, it’s going to have the name WASM.

Our next step is to define the main point of the Workers script.

import * as rts from "./rts.mjs";
import fact from "./fact.req.mjs";

async function handleFact(param) {
  const i = await rts.newAsteriusInstance(Object.assign(fact, { module: WASM }));
  return await i.exports.fact(param);

async function handleRequest(req) {
  if (req.method == "POST") {
    const data = await req.formData();
    const param = parseInt(data.get("param"));
    if (param) {
      const resp = await handleFact(param);
      return new Response(resp, {status: 200});
    } else {
      return new Response(
        "Expecting 'param' in request to be an integer",
        {status: 400},
  return new Response("Method not allowed", {status: 405});

addEventListener("fetch", event => {

There are a few interesting things to point out in this code:

  1. We import rts.mjs and fact.req.mjs to load the exported functions from our WebAssembly module.
  2. handleFact is an asynchronous function that creates an instance of Asterius with the global WASM module, as a Workers global variable, and calls the exported function fact with some input.
  3. handleRequest handles the request of the Worker. It expects a POST request, with a parameter called param in the request body. If param is a number, it calls handleFact to respond with the result of fact.
  4. Using the Service Workers API, we listen to the fetch event that will respond with the result of handleRequest.

We need to build and bundle our code in a single JavaScript file, because Workers only accepts one script per worker. Fortunately, Asterius comes with Parcel.js, which will bundle all the necessary code in a single JavaScript file.

ahc-link \
  --input-hs fact.hs \
  --no-main \
  --export-function=fact \
  --input-mjs fact_cfw.mjs \
  --bundle \
  --browser \
  --output-dir worker

ahc-link will generate some files inside a directory called worker. For our Workers, we’re only interested in the JavaScript file (fact.js) and the WebAssembly module (fact.wasm). Now, it’s time to submit both of them to Workers. We can do this with the provided REST API.

Make sure you have an account id ($CF_ACCOUNT_ID), a name for your script ($SCRIPT_NAME), and an API Token ($CF_API_TOKEN):

cd worker
curl -X PUT "https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/accounts/$CF_ACCOUNT_ID/workers/scripts/$SCRIPT_NAME" \
     -H  "Authorization: Bearer $CF_API_TOKEN" \
     -F "[email protected];type=application/json" \
     -F "[email protected];type=application/javascript" \
     -F "[email protected];type=application/wasm"

Now, visit the Workers UI, where you can use the editor to view, edit, and test the script. Also, you can enable it to on a workers.dev subdomain ($CFW_SUBDOMAIN); in that case, you could then simply:

       -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
       --data 'param=5'

Beyond a simple Haskell file

So far, we’ve created a WebAssembly module that exports a pure Haskell function we ran in Workers. However, we can also create and build a Cabal project using Asterius ahc-cabal CLI, and then use ahc-dist to compile it to WebAssembly.

First, let’s create the project:

ahc-cabal init -m -p cabal-cfw-example

Then, let’s add some dependencies to our cabal project. The cabal file will look like this:

cabal-version:       2.4
name:                cabal-cfw-example
license:             NONE

executable cabal-cfw-example
  ghc-options: -optl--export-function=handleReq
  main-is:             Main.hs
    aeson >=1.5 && < 1.6,
  default-language:    Haskell2010

It’s a simple cabal file, except for the -optl--export-function=handleReq ghc flag. This is necessary when exporting a function from a cabal project.

In this example, we’ll define a simple User record, and we’ll define its instance automatically using Template Haskell!

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell   #-}

module Main where

import           Asterius.Types
import           Control.Monad
import           Data.Aeson                 hiding (Object)
import qualified Data.Aeson                 as A
import           Data.Aeson.TH
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B8
import           Data.Text

main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn "CFW Cabal"

data User =
    { name :: Text
    , age  :: Int

$(deriveJSON defaultOptions 'User)

NOTE: It’s not necessary to create a Cabal project for this example, because the prebuilt container comes with a lot of prebuilt packages (aesona included). Nevertheless, it will help us show the potential of ahc-cabal and ahc-dist.

Next, we’ll define handleReq, which we’ll export using JavaScript FFI just like we did before.

handleReq :: JSString -> JSString -> IO JSObject
handleReq method rawBody =
  case fromJSString method of
    "POST" ->
      let eitherUser :: Either String User
          eitherUser = eitherDecode (B8.pack $ fromJSString rawBody)
       in case eitherUser of
            Right _  -> js_new_response (toJSString "Success!") 200
            Left err -> js_new_response (toJSString err) 400
    _ -> js_new_response (toJSString "Not a valid method") 405

foreign export javascript "handleReq" handleReq :: JSString -> JSString -> IO JSObject

foreign import javascript "new Response($1, {\"status\": $2})"
  js_new_response :: JSString -> Int -> IO JSObject

This time, we define js_new_response, a Haskell function that creates a JavaScript object, to create a Response. handleReq takes two string parameters from JavaScript and it uses them to prepare a response.

Now let’s build and install the binary in the current directory:

ahc-cabal new-install --installdir . --overwrite-policy=always

This will generate a binary for our executable, called cabal-cfw-example. We’re going to use ahc-dist to take that binary and target WebAssembly:

ahc-dist --input-exe cabal-cfw-example --export-function=handleReq --no-main --input-mjs cabal_cfw_example.mjs --bundle --browser

cabal_cfw_example.mjs contains the following code:

import * as rts from "./rts.mjs";
import cabal_cfw_example from "./cabal_cfw_example.req.mjs";

async function handleRequest(req) {
  const i = await rts.newAsteriusInstance(Object.assign(cabal_cfw_example, { module: WASM }));
  const body = await req.text();
  return await i.exports.handleReq(req.method, body);

addEventListener("fetch", event => {

Finally, we can deploy our code to Workers by defining a metadata.json file and uploading the script and the WebAssembly module using Workers API as we did before.


Workers limits your JavaScript and WebAssembly in file size. Therefore, you need to be careful with any dependencies you add.


Stack Builders builds better software for better living through technologies like expressive static types. We used Asterius to compile Haskell to WebAssembly and deployed it to Cloudflare Workers using the Workers API. Asterius supports a lot of Haskell features (e.g. Template Haskell) and it provides an easy-to-use JavaScript FFI to interact with JavaScript. Additionally, it provides prebuilt containers that contain a lot of Haskell packages, so you can start writing a script right away.

Following this approach, we can write functional type-safe code in Haskell, target it to WebAssembly, and publish it to Workers, which runs on the edge of the Cloudflare infrastructure.

For more content check our blogs and tutorials!

Building Automatic Platform Optimization for WordPress using Cloudflare Workers

Post Syndicated from Yevgen Safronov original https://blog.cloudflare.com/building-automatic-platform-optimization-for-wordpress-using-cloudflare-workers/

Building Automatic Platform Optimization for WordPress using Cloudflare Workers

This post explains how we implemented the Automatic Platform Optimization for WordPress. In doing so, we have defined a new place to run WordPress plugins, at the edge written with Cloudflare Workers. We provide the feature as a Cloudflare service but what’s exciting is that anyone could build this using the Workers platform.

The service is an evolution of the ideas explained in an earlier zero-config edge caching of HTML blog post. The post will explain how Automatic Platform Optimization combines the best qualities of the regular Cloudflare cache with Workers KV to improve cache cold starts globally.

The optimization will work both with and without the Cloudflare for WordPress plugin integration. Not only have we provided a zero config edge HTML caching solution but by using the Workers platform we were also able to improve the performance of Google font loading for all pages.

We are launching the feature first for WordPress specifically but the concept can be applied to any website and/or content management system (CMS).

A new place to run WordPress plugins?

There are many individual WordPress plugins for performance that use similar optimizations to existing Cloudflare services. Automatic Platform Optimization is bringing them all together into one easy to use solution, deployed at the edge.

Traditionally you have to maintain server plugins with your WordPress installation. This comes with maintenance costs and can require a deep understanding of how to fine tune performance and security for each and every plugin. Providing the optimizations on the client side can also lead to performance problems due to the costs of JavaScript execution. In contrast most of the optimizations could be built-in in Cloudflare’s edge rather than running on the server or the client. Automatic Platform Optimization will be always up to date with the latest performance and security best practices.

How to optimize for WordPress

By default Cloudflare CDN caches assets based on file extension and doesn’t cache HTML content. It is possible to configure HTML caching with a Cache Everything Page rule but it is a manual process and often requires additional features only available on the Business and Enterprise plans. So for the majority of the WordPress websites even with a CDN in front them, HTML content is not cached. Requests for a HTML document have to go all the way to the origin.

Building Automatic Platform Optimization for WordPress using Cloudflare Workers

Even if a CDN optimizes the connection between the closest edge and the website’s origin, the origin could be located far away and also be slow to respond, especially under load.

Move content closer to the user

One of the primary recommendations for speeding up websites is to move content closer to the end-user. This reduces the amount of time it takes for packets to travel between the end-user and the web server – the round-trip time (RTT). This improves the speed of establishing a connection as well as serving content from a closer location.

Building Automatic Platform Optimization for WordPress using Cloudflare Workers

We have previously blogged about the benefits of edge caching HTML. Caching and serving from HTML from the Cloudflare edge will greatly improve the time to first byte (TTFB) by optimizing DNS, connection setup, SSL negotiation, and removing the origin server response time.If your origin is slow in generating HTML and/or your user is far from the origin server then all your performance metrics will be affected.

Most HTML isn’t really dynamic. It needs to be able to change relatively quickly when the site is updated but for a huge portion of the web, the content is static for months or years at a time. There are special cases like when a user is logged-in (as the admin or otherwise) where the content needs to differ but the vast majority of visits are of anonymous users.

Zero config edge caching revisited

The goal is to make updating content to the edge happen automatically. The edge will cache and serve the previous version content until there is new content available. This is usually achieved by triggering a cache purge to remove existing content. In fact using a combination of our WordPress plugin and Cloudflare cache purge API, we already support Automatic Cache Purge on Website Updates. This feature has been in use for many years.

Building automatic HTML edge caching is more nuanced than caching traditional static content like images, styles or scripts. It requires defining rules on what to cache and when to update the content. To help with that task we introduced a custom header to communicate caching rules between Cloudflare edge and origin servers.

The Cloudflare Worker runs from every edge data center, the serverless platform will take care of scaling to our needs. Based on the request type it will return HTML content from Cloudflare Cache using Worker’s Cache API or serve a response directly from the origin. Specifically designed custom header provides information from the origin on how the script should handle the response. For example worker script will never cache responses for authenticated users.

HTML Caching rules

With or without Cloudflare for WordPress plugin, HTML edge caching requires all of the following conditions to be met:

  • Origin responds with 200 status
  • Origin responds with "text/html" content type
  • Request method is GET.
  • Request path doesn’t contain query strings
  • Request doesn’t contain any WordPress specific cookies: "wp-*", "wordpress*", "comment_*", "woocommerce_*" unless it’s "wordpress_eli" or "wordpress_test_cookie".
  • Request doesn’t contain any of the following headers:
    • "Cache-Control: no-cache"
    • "Cache-Control: private"
    • "Pragma:no-cache"
    • "Vary: *"

Note that the caching is bypassed if the devtools are open and the “Disable cache” option is active.

Edge caching with plugin

The preferred solution requires a configured Cloudflare for WordPress plugin. We provide the following features set when the plugin is activated:

  • HTML edge caching with 30 days TTL
  • 30 seconds or faster cache invalidation
  • Bypass HTML caching for logged in users
  • Bypass HTML caching based on presence of WordPress specific cookies
  • Decrease load on origin servers. If a request is fetched from Cloudflare CDN Cache we skip the request to the origin server.

How is this implemented?

When an eyeball requests a page from a website and Cloudflare doesn’t have a copy of the content it will be fetched from the origin. As the response is sent from the origin and goes through Cloudflare’s edge, Cloudflare for WordPress plugin adds a custom header: cf-edge-cache. It allows an origin to configure caching rules applied on responses.

Building Automatic Platform Optimization for WordPress using Cloudflare Workers

Based on the X-HTML-Edge-Cache proposal the plugin adds a cf-edge-cache header to every origin response. There are 2 possible values:

  • cf-edge-cache: no-cache

The page contains private information that shouldn’t be cached by the edge. For example, an active session exists on the server.

  • cf-edge-cache: cache, platform=wordpress

This combination of cache and platform will ensure that the HTML page is cached. In addition, we ran a number of checks against the presence of WordPress specific cookies to make sure we either bypass or allow caching on the Edge.

If the header isn’t present we assume that the Cloudflare for WordPress plugin is not installed or up-to-date. In this case the feature operates without a plugin support.

Edge caching without plugin

Using the Automatic Platform Optimization feature in combination with Cloudflare for WordPress plugin is our recommended solution. It provides the best feature set together with almost instant cache invalidation. Still, we wanted to provide performance improvements without the need for any installation on the origin server.

We provide the following features set when the plugin is not activated:

  • HTML edge caching with 30 days TTL
  • Cache invalidation may take up to 30 minutes. A manual cache purge could be triggered to speed up cache invalidation
  • Bypass HTML caching based on presence of WordPress specific cookies
  • No decreased load on origin servers. If a request is fetched from Cloudflare CDN Cache we still require an origin response to apply cache invalidation logic.

Without Cloudflare for WordPress plugin we still cache HTML on the edge and serve the content from the cache when possible. The logic of cache revalidation happens after serving the response to the eyeball. Worker’s waitUntil() callback allows the user to run code without affecting the response to the eyeball and is run in background.

We rely on the following headers to detect whether the content is stale and requires cache update:

  • ETag. If the cached version and origin response both include ETag and they are different we replace cached version with origin response. The behavior is the same for strong and weak ETag values.
  • Last-Modified. If the cached version and origin response both include Last-Modified and origin has a later Last-Modified date we replace cached version with origin response.
  • Date. If no ETag or Last-Modified header is available we compare cached version and origin response Date values. If there was more than a 30 minutes difference we replace cached version with origin response.

Getting content everywhere

Cloudflare Cache works great for the frequently requested content. Regular requests to the site make sure the content stays in cache. For a typical personal blog, it will be more common that the content stays in cache only in some parts of our vast edge network. With the Automatic Platform Optimization release we wanted to improve loading time for cache cold start from any location in the world. We explored different approaches and decided to use Workers KV to improve Edge Caching.

In addition to Cloudflare’s CDN cache we put the content into Workers KV. It only requires a single request to the page to cache it and within a minute it is made available to be read back from KV from any Cloudflare data center.

Updating content

After an update has been made to the WordPress website the plugin makes a request to Cloudflare’s API which both purges cache and marks content as stale in KV. The next request for the asset will trigger revalidation of the content. If the plugin is not enabled cache revalidation logic is triggered as detailed previously.

We serve the stale copy of the content still present in KV and asynchronously fetch new content from the origin, apply possible optimizations and then cache it (both regular local CDN cache and globally in KV).

Building Automatic Platform Optimization for WordPress using Cloudflare Workers

To store the content in KV we use a single namespace. It’s keyed with a combination of a zone identifier and the URL. For instance:

1:example.com/blog-post-1.html => "transformed & cached content"

For marking content as stale in KV we write a new key which will be read from the edge. If the key is present we will revalidate the content.

stale:1:example.com/blog-post-1.html => ""

Once the content was revalidated the stale marker key is deleted.

Moving optimizations to the edge

On top of caching HTML at the edge, we can pre-process and transform the HTML to make the loading of websites even faster for the user. Moving the development of this feature to our Cloudflare Workers environment makes it easy to add performance features such as improving Google Font loading. Using Google Fonts can cause significant performance issues as to load a font requires loading the HTML page; then loading a CSS file and finally loading the font. All of these steps are using different domains.

The solution is for the worker to inline the CSS and serve the font directly from the edge minimizing the number of connections required.

If you read through the previous blog post’s implementation it required a lot of manual work to provide streaming HTML processing support and character encodings. As the set of worker APIs have improved over time it is now much simpler to implement. Specifically the addition of a streaming HTML rewriter/parser with CSS-selector based API and the ability to suspend the parsing to asynchronously fetch a resource has reduced the code required to implement this from ~600 lines of source code to under 200.

export function transform(request, res) {
  return new HTMLRewriter()
    .on("link", {
      async element(e) {
        const src = e.getAttribute("href");
        const rel = e.getAttribute("rel");
        const isGoogleFont =

        if (isGoogleFont && rel === "stylesheet") {
          const media = e.getAttribute("media") || "all";
          const id = e.getAttribute("id") || "";
          try {
            const content = await fetchCSS(src, request);
            e.replace(styleTag({ media, id }, content), {
              html: true
          } catch (e) {

The HTML transformation doesn’t block the response to the user. It’s running as a background task which when complete will update kv and replace the global cached version.

Building Automatic Platform Optimization for WordPress using Cloudflare Workers

Making edge publishing generic

We are launching the feature for WordPress specifically but the concept can be applied to any website and content management system (CMS).

Introducing Cron Triggers for Cloudflare Workers

Post Syndicated from Nancy Gao original https://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-cron-triggers-for-cloudflare-workers/

Introducing Cron Triggers for Cloudflare Workers

Introducing Cron Triggers for Cloudflare Workers

Today the Cloudflare Workers team is thrilled to announce the launch of Cron Triggers. Before now, Workers were triggered purely by incoming HTTP requests but starting today you’ll be able to set a scheduler to run your Worker on a timed interval. This was a highly requested feature that we know a lot of developers will find useful, and we’ve heard your feedback after Serverless Week.

Introducing Cron Triggers for Cloudflare Workers

We are excited to offer this feature at no additional cost, and it will be available on both the Workers free tier and the paid tier, now called Workers Bundled. Since it doesn’t matter which city a Cron Trigger routes the Worker through, we are able to maximize Cloudflare’s distributed system and send scheduled jobs to underutilized machinery. Running jobs on these quiet machines is both efficient and cost effective, and we are able to pass those cost savings down to you.

What is a Cron Trigger and how might I use such a feature?

Introducing Cron Triggers for Cloudflare Workers

In case you’re not familiar with Unix systems, the cron pattern allows you to schedule jobs to run periodically at fixed intervals or at scheduled times. Cron Triggers in the context of Workers allow users to set time-based invocations for the job. These Workers happen on a recurring schedule, and differ from traditional Workers in that they do not fire on HTTP requests.

Most developers are familiar with the cron pattern and its usefulness across a wide range of applications. Pulling the latest data from APIs or running regular integration tests on a preset schedule are common examples of this.

“We’re excited about Cron Triggers. Workers is crucial to our stack, so using this feature for live integration tests will boost the developer experience.” – Brian Marks, Software Engineer at Bazaarvoice

How much does it cost to use Cron Triggers?

Triggers are included at no additional cost! Scheduled Workers count towards your request cap for both the free tier and Workers Bundled, but rest assured that there will be no hidden or extra fees. Our competitors charge extra for cron events, or in some cases offer a very limited free tier. We want to make this feature widely accessible and have decided not to charge on a per-trigger basis. While there are no limits for the number of triggers you can have across an account, note that there is a limit of 3 triggers per Worker script for this feature. You can read more about limits on Workers plans in this documentation.

How are you able to offer this feature at no additional cost?

Cloudflare supports a massive distributed system that spans the globe with 200+ cities. Our nodes are named for the IATA airport code that they are closest to. Most of the time we run Workers close to the request origin for performance reasons (ie SFO if you are in the Bay Area, or CDG if you are lucky enough to be in Paris 🥐🍷🧀).  In a typical HTTP Worker, we do this because we know that performance is of material importance when someone is waiting for the response.

In the case of Cron Triggers, where the user is running a task on a timed basis, those performance needs are different. A few milliseconds of extra latency do not matter as much when the user isn’t actively waiting for the response. The nature of the feature gives us much more flexibility on where to run the job, since it doesn’t have to necessarily be in a city close to the end user.

Cron Triggers are run on underutilized machines to make the best use of our capacity and route traffic efficiently. For example, a job scheduled from San Francisco at 7pm Pacific Time might be sent to Paris because it’s 4am there and traffic across Europe is low.  Sending traffic to these machines during quiet hours is very efficient, and we are more than happy to pass those cost savings down to you. Aside from this scheduling optimization, Workers that are called by Cron Triggers behave similarly to and have all of the same performance and security benefits as typical HTTP Workers.

What’s happening below the hood?

At a high level, schedules created through our API create records in our database. These records contain the information necessary to execute the Worker on the given cron schedule. These records are then picked up by another service which continuously evaluates the state of our edge and distributes the schedules among cities. Once the schedules have been distributed to the edge, a service running in the node polls for changes to the schedules and makes sure they get sent to our runtime at the appropriate time.

If you want to know more details about how we implemented this feature, please refer to the technical blog.

What’s coming next?

With this feature, we’ve expanded what’s possible to build with Workers, and further simplified the developer experience. While Workers previously only ran on web requests, we believe the future of edge computing isn’t strictly tied to HTTP requests and responses.  We want to introduce more types of Workers in the future.

We plan to expand out triggers to include different types, such as data or event-based triggers. Our goal is to give users more flexibility and control over when their Workers run. Cron Triggers are our first step in this direction. In addition, we plan to keep iterating on Cron Triggers to make edge infrastructure selection even more sophisticated and optimized — for example, we might even consider triggers that allow our users to run in the most energy-efficient data centers.

How to try Cron Triggers

Cron triggers are live today! You can try it in the Workers dashboard by creating a new Worker and setting up a Cron Trigger.