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Aranet — a wireless IOT sensor platform

Post Syndicated from Toms Reksna original https://blog.zabbix.com/aranet-a-wireless-iot-sensor-platform/12953/

Aranet — wireless IoT sensor platform. Wherever you need to measure anything – temperature, air quality, light, or any other physical parameter – Aranet’s main mission is to deliver these measurements simply, easily, and above all – wirelessly. Aranet is manufactured by SAF Tehnika — a company with over 20 years of experience in the telecom industry, microwave radio, and test & measurement equipment manufacturing, and a certified partner of Zabbix.


I. Aranet wireless sensor network (1:41)
II. Aranet in retail (5:53)
III. Indoor air quality and COVID19 (8:20)
IV. Partnership with Aranet (12:11)
V. Questions & Answers (13:52)

Aranet wireless sensor network

Aranet is a wireless sensor network consisting of the Aranet PRO base station and sensors transmitting data to one another over the 868 MHz frequency in Europe and 920 MHz frequency in the United States. This frequency allows us to have a very large line of sight distance between the sensor and the base station — up to 3 kilometers line of sight and a couple of hundred meters indoors.

Sensors are intended to measure different environmental parameters. You can connect up to a hundred sensors per base station. Sensors can be configured to send the data over different intervals — once every minute, two minutes, five, or 10 minutes. Sensors are very power efficient — with a regular AA battery, they will last up to 10 years.

Aranet ecosystem

Aranet technology is based on the LoRa physical layer. We have built our proprietary LPWAN protocol with XXTEA encryption on top of LoRa to make the radio parameters better and to increase the battery life.

Aranet technology

The brain of the system is the Aranet PRO base station – the radio receiver with a built-in web server housing SensorHUB software and internal memory for local data storage. It is made with ease of use in mind – you can connect directly to the base station with your PC, laptop, or phone over Ethernet or Wi-Fi, open up your web browser and access the free SensorHUB software. You don’t even need to install anything.

Aranet PRO base station offers a lot of features such as graphing, exporting data, etc. In addition, its internal memory allows for storing 10 years of readings even if the Internet goes down.

The sensors are sending data to the base station. Several such base stations can be agglomerated into the Aranet Cloud solution collecting data from several base stations and allowing you to access the data from anywhere.

Aranet architecture

With over 20 years of experience in radio manufacturing, we believe that we’ve created one of the best-in-class systems in terms of wireless connectivity with our base stations and in-house cloud. However, we are looking for a strategic partnership where the Aranet system can become a part of a larger system. This brought us to the partnership with Zabbix so that we can integrate our cloud solution with the Zabbix monitoring system.

Aranet philosophy

Aranet Example Use Cases

Aranet for retail


Aranet has been actively used in retail, for instance, Rimi — a chain of Latvian supermarkets, where 6,500 sensors have been installed in 125 stores. Aranet is planning to expand to other Baltic states.

Aranet equipment is primarily used for:

  • Monitoring of freezer temperatures. Earlier, they had to check the temperature manually — somebody had to walk around with the legal pad and check the temperature to make sure that freezers are working properly and to report to the relevant government agencies. Aranet allowed for automating this process.
  • Alarms in case of malfunction. In the case of a malfunction, an alarm can be sent to avoid product spoilage.
  • Working on predictive maintenance, including machine learning algorithms for predictive maintenance to locate anomalies in the defrost cycle temperature data helping to prevent breakages.

Aranet in retail


  • Even the largest supermarkets (8800 m2/94 000 ft2) can be covered with a single base station.
  • Manual data collection can be avoided
  • Freezer temperature operating costs can be optimized (20% energy costs reduction).
  • Product spoilage can be avoided.
  • Litigation/fines for slip and fall accidents can be avoided.

Aranet for indoor air quality and COVID19 safety

Due to COVID19, many governments and health agencies have changed their guidelines, including the Center for Disease Control in the United States, and they now state that COVID19 can be transmitted through aerosols. Aerosols are small droplets that are released when we cough, sneeze, or talk. As these droplets are small — about five microns, they linger in the air for up to nine or more minutes. So, that means that you don’t even have to be in contact with the infected person to actually catch the disease.

This requires proper ventilation practices, which can decrease x10 the time aerosol particles stay in the air.

Aranet4 PRO – a wireless COVID19 safety network

One way to estimate if ventilation is sufficient is to measure CO2. The amount of CO2 (air exhaled by other people) in a certain room is a measure of the risk of contagion. The recommended air circulation per person is 60m3 /h, which is approximately 800ppm CO2 concentration — almost twice as much as the outside value.

Aranet wireless CO2 sensor

Aranet offers a wireless CO2 sensor that also measures temperature, relative humidity, and air pressure. It comes with a useful Bluetooth application, which allows you to easily get the latest readings. But the most important thing is that this sensor can generate alerts. So, whenever the value exceeds the critical level, you have a visual indication — green, yellow, or red, as well as an audible alert prompting to manually increase the ventilation, for instance, by opening windows.

Lately, these sensors have been gaining popularity, especially in schools, universities, and offices as they offer:

  • Simple plug-and-play setup with the Aranet base station.
  • Updating information available locally on each sensor, as well as centrally on the base station, so that you can see what spaces need additional ventilation.
  • Free software – graphs, reports, centralized alarms.
  • Control of airborne COVID19 spread in schools, offices, and other indoor facilities.

Partnership with Aranet

Aranet wireless network can be implemented in many other industries:

  • Horticulture,
  • Livestock,
  • Building Management,
  • Warehousing,
  • Data Centres,
  • Pharma,
  • Medical,
  • Retail.

So, Aranet is looking for integration and distribution partners, which are interested in wireless monitoring. Details of the partnership are available on aranet.com or can be requested from [email protected].

The Aranet’s core value is the wisdom of Lord Kelvin: “you can only improve what you can measure”. So, we strive for delivering these measurements in the easiest and the most straightforward way possible so that you could improve whatever you wish.

Questions & Answers

Question. Is there some way or some benefit to integrating Aranet with Zabbix?

Answer. Aranet has many and diverse applications, as well as Zabbix. So, adding physical parameters on top of the monitoring solution network parameters would help out. For data centers or retail stores, in addition to alerts of something wrong with the network, alarms of something physical happening would be useful. It might be useful to be alerted, for instance, if it’s too hot.

Question. Is it possible to switch your sensors to LoRaWAN so that we can use existing networks?

Answer. We have decided to have our proprietary network based on the LoRa physical layer with proprietary communication software. This decision was made for several reasons:

  • ease of use— the main thing that our customers actually value. Aranet system can be easily set up in a couple of minutes — you just lay the sensors and they start working. With LoRaWAN you have the base station from one provider, and sensors from the other, so it takes time to make the system work. Aranet works out of the box.
  • improved battery due to our protocol.
  • improved security as with Aranet you control the whole ecosystem from the base station to sensors. In addition, with Aranet you won’t face dependencies, password management, or communication issues.
  • private network

Question. Are there any electrical sensors — volts, amps, power, or anything like that?

Answer. We can monitor voltage, but these are mostly for third-party integrations. We have pulse output sensors, which you can connect to these electricity meters, for instance. So, this can be monitored.


Let me subscribe – Zabbix masters IoT topics

Post Syndicated from Wolfgang Alper original https://blog.zabbix.com/let-me-subscribe-zabbix-masters-iot-topics/12710/

Zabbix 5.2 supports two important protocols used in the world of the Internet of Things — MQTT and Modbus. Now we can benefit from the newest Zabbix features and integrate Zabbix network monitoring in the world of IoT.


I. What is MQTT? (3:32:13)
II. MQTT and Zabbix integration (3:39:48)

1.MQTT setup (3:40:03)
2.Node-RED (3:42:12)
3.Splitting data (3:45:45)
4.Publishing data from Zabbix (3:52:23)

III. Questions & Answers (3:55:42)

What is MQTT?

MQTT — the Message Queuing Telemetry Transport was invented in 1999, and designed to be bandwidth-efficient and lightweight, thus battery efficient. Initially, it was developed to allow for monitoring oil pipelines.

It is a well-defined ISO standard — ISO/IEC 20922, and it is getting increasingly adopted due to its suitability for the Internet of Things (IoT), sensor networks, home automation, machine-to-machine (M2M), and mobile applications. MQTT usually uses TCP/IP as the transport protocol — over ports 1883, and can be encrypted using TLS transport mechanism with 8883 as the default port.

There is a variation of MQTT available — MQTT-SN (MQTT for Sensor Networks) used for non-TCP/IP networks, such as Zigbee (IEEE 80215.4 radio-based protocol) or other UDP / Bluetooth-based implementations.

There are 2 types of network entities available: ‘Message broker‘ and ‘Clients‘.

MQTT supports 3 Quality-of Service levels:

— 0: At most once – “Fire and forget” where you might or might not receive the message.
— 1: At least once – The message can be sent/delivered multiple times.
— 2: Exactly once – Safest and slowest service.

MQTT is based on a ‘publish’ / ‘subscribe-to-topic’ mechanism:

1. Publish/subscribe.

Publish/subscribe pattern

MQTT Message Broker consumes messages published by clients (on the left) using two-level ‘Topics‘ (such as, for instance, office temperature, office humidity, or indoor air quality). The clients on the rights side act as subscribers receiving any information published on a particular topic. Every time a message is published to the broker, the broker notifies all of the subscribers (Clients 3 and 4), and these clients get the sensor value.

2. Combined publishing/subscribing

Combined pub/sub

A client can be a subscriber and a publisher at the same time. So, in this example, Client 1 is publishing a brightness value and Client 3 has a subscription for that brightness value. Client 3 may decide that the brightness, for instance, of 1,500 might be too low, so it can publish a new message to the topic ‘office’ to let the light controller know that it should increase the brightness, while Client 2, for instance, the light controller with a subscription, may change the brightness level on receipt of the message.

3. Wildcards subs

+ = single-level, # = multi-level

Wildcards in MQTT are easy. So, you can have, for instance, ‘office + brightness’ topic,  where the ‘+’ sign can be substituted by any topic name. If the ‘+’ sign substitutes just one level in our topic, then it is a single-level wildcard. While the pound sign works for a multi-level wildcard.

MQTT features:

  • Clients can publish and subscribe to one or more topics.
  • One client can publish and subscribe at the same time.
  • Clients can subscribe using single/multi-level wildcards.
  • Clients can choose between three different QoS levels.

MQTT advanced features:

  • Messages can be retained by the broker for new subscribers. So, if a new client subscribes to a particular topic, then the publisher can mark its messages as ‘Retained‘ so that the new subscriber gets the last retained message.
  • Clients can provide a “last will and testament” that will be published by the broker when the client “dies”.

MQTT and Zabbix integration

MQTT setup

Integrating Zabbix into the multiple-client mix

Integrated structure:

1. Four sensors:

    • Server room.
    • Training room.
    • Sales room.
    • Support room.

2. Four different topics:

    • office
    • bielefeld (home town)
    • serverroom
    • trainingroom

3. Mosquitto MQTT Message Broker, which is one of the well-known message brokers.

So, the sensors are publishing the data to the Mosquitto Message Broker, where any MQTT-enabled device or system can pick those values up. In our case, it’s the home automation system, which subscribes to the Message Broker and has access to all of the values published by the sensors.

Thanks to MQTT support in Zabbix 5.2, Zabbix can now subscribe to the Mosquitto Message Broker and immediately get access to all of the sensors publishing their values to the broker.

As we can have multiple subscribers, multiple clients can subscribe to one topic on the Message Broker. So the home automation system can subscribe to the same values published to the Message Broker, as well as Zabbix.


Sooner or later, you will need Node-RED, which is a flow-based programming tool allowing you to subscribe to the broker and to publish messages to the broker acting as the client, as well as to work with the data.

Data Processing in Node-RED

This setup might be useful, if, for instance, some Zabbix trigger fires and passes the information over to the MQTT to publish the outcome of the trigger to the Message Broker, which will be then picked up by the home automation system.

Zabbix publishes data to the broker

You can have two different Zabbix instances subscribing to the same Message Broker acting just as two different clients.

Multiple Zabbix servers sharing the same data


    • Construction kit for the Internet of Things and home automation.
    • Acts as MQTT client able to publish and subscribe.
    • Flow-based tool for visual programming based on Node.js.
    • Graphical web editor.
    • Supports input, processing, and output nodes.
    • Extensible with plugins and custom function nodes.

Different types of nodes can be connected in the workspace. For instance, the nodes subscribing to a topic and transforming the data, or the nodes writing the data to a log file.


We can get the data from the sensors as the raw JSON string containing 20-30 metrics in a payload, and as a parsed JSON object in the Node-RED Debug node with easy-to-read metrics, such as, for instance, temperature, humidity, WiFi quality, indoor air quality, etc.

Multiple metrics in one message

Splitting data

We have different options for data splitting available:

  • Split on MQTT level: use Node-RED to split metrics and then publish them in their own topics (it’s good to set up when other clients can handle only a single metric at a time).

Splitting data in Node-RED


  • Split on Zabbix level: set up an MQTT item as a master item and use Zabbix JSON preprocessing with corresponding dependent items. Its more efficient because Zabbix would need only one subscription.

We can get the data with the brand-new mqtt.get item in Zabbix 5.2:

— Requires Agent 2.
— Requires active checks. As every time a client publishes a message to the topic, we need the broker to push that data to us, we need active checks, so mqtt.get must listen to the subscription and get notified when the new data comes in.
— Broker URL default is localhost.
— User name and password are optional.
— Uses Eclipse Paho Go client library.

One Zabbix agent in active mode sending data to multiple hosts

For our setup with four sensors: in Sales Room, Server Room, Support Room, and Training Room, we need four hosts in Zabbix. Traditionally, you need four different agents to handle them as each agent running as active needs to configure its own hostname. However in our setup, we need just one agent installed and handling different hosts by subscribing to multiple topics.

This is possible because of the the new feature  running active agent checks from multiple hosts which is now available in Zabbix 5.2. All we need is:

—  to set up hosts in Zabbix (as usual),
—  to define our MQTT items (as usual),
—  to set up just one agent with all of the hostnames the agent should be responsible for (the new feature),
—  to set up the master item, which is our mqtt.get item,
—  to define several dependent items and preprocessing for each of the dependent items, and
—  to start preprocessing with JSONPath.

NOTE. Every time the master item gets an update, so do all of the dependent items in Zabbix.

Master item and dependent items

  • Combine both methods: let other clients subscribe to a single metric using their specific topic, but publish all sensor data for Zabbix in one topic.

NOTEData received and displayed on the dashboard is based on the MQTT item, the payload, and the MQTT messages received from the Message Broker.

Sensor data dashboard

Publishing data from Zabbix

Now you want to publish the outcome of a Zabbix trigger, so it can be consumed by other MQTT-enabled devices. Any MQTT subscriber, like Node-RED, should receive the alert. To do that, you need:

  • to define a new media type to send problems to the topic, that is, to pass the data over to the Message Broker:
  • to use the command-line tool for Mosquitto — mosquitto_pub allowing us to publish the message.
mosquitto_pub -h yourbroker.io -m "$1" -t "zabbix/problems/$2"

  • to make sure that the data is sent to the broker in the right format. In this case, we use JSON as transport and define a JSON problem template and a JSON problem recovery template.


In Zabbix, you’ll see the problem, the actions, and the media type firing using the subscription, and in the Debug node of Note-RED, you’ll see that the data is received from Zabbix.

Zabbix problems  published via MQTT

This model with Node-RED can be used to create sophisticated setups. For instance, you can take the data from Zabbix, forward it by actions and media types, preprocess them in Node-RED, and transform the data in many different ways.

IoT devices and other subscribers can react to issues detected by Zabbix using Node-RED

NOTE. To try out the MQTT setup and new Zabbix features, you can use the Live broker available on IntelliTrend new GitHub account, getting data from Zabbix sensors every 10 minutes. You’ll also find templates,  access data, address of the broker, etc. —  everything you need to to get started.

Questions & Answers

Question. If the MQTT client gets overloaded due to high message frequency on subscribe topics, how will that affect Zabbix?

Answer. Here the broker might be overloaded or the Zabbix agent might not be able to follow up. If for the problem with the broker, the quality of service levels is defined in the MQTT protocol, more specifically — QoS level 2, which guarantees delivery. So if QoS2 is used as a QoS level, the messages won’t get lost but would be resent in case of failure.

Question. What else would you expect from the IoT side of Zabbix? What kind of protocols or things would get added? 

Answer. There’s always room for improvement. You can use third-party tools, custom scripts, or any tools to enhance Zabbix. I’m sure that using user script parameters was an excellent design decision. But the official support of MQTT is a quantum leap for Zabbix because it opens the door to most IoT infrastructures, as MQTT is the most important IoT protocol so far.

For instance, one of our customers is monitoring the infrastructure of electricity generators, production systems, etc. They use their own monitoring platform provided by vendors. The request was to integrate alerts or some metrics into Zabbix. The customer’s monitoring platform used MQTT protocol. So, all we had to do was to make their monitoring platform use external scripts and MQTT support.

Lift and shift your Zabbix to Oracle Cloud with MySQL database service

Post Syndicated from Vittorio Cioe original https://blog.zabbix.com/lift-and-shift-your-zabbix-to-oracle-cloud-with-mysql-database-service/12792/


If you are tired of administering the infrastructure on your own and would prefer to gain time to focus on real monitoring activities rather than costly platform upgrades, you can easily lift and shift your MySQL-based Zabbix installation stack to Oracle Cloud.


I. Moving to the Cloud (1:46)
II. Moving Zabbix to Oracle Cloud (2:41)

1. Planning migration (3:22)
2. Migrating Zabbix to Oracle Cloud (6:17)
3. Migrating the database to MySQL Database Service (8:47)

III. Questions & Answers (15:12)

Moving to the Cloud

The data is increasingly moving to the cloud — the consumer data followed by the enterprise data, as enterprises are always a bit slower in adopting technologies.

Data moving to the cloud

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, OCI, is the 4th cloud provider in the Cloud Infrastructure Ranking of the Gartner Magic Quadrant based on ‘Completeness of Vision’ and ‘Ability to Execute’.

OCI is available in 26 regions and has 26 data centers across the world with 12 more planned.

26 Regions Live, 12+ Planned

24+ Industry and Regional Certifications

Moving Zabbix to Oracle Cloud

With Zabbix in the Oracle Cloud you can:

  1. get the latest updates on the technology stack, minimizing downtime and service windows.
  2. convert the time you spend managing your monitoring platform into the time you spend monitoring your platforms.
  3. leverage the most secure and cost-effective cloud platform in the market, including security information and security updates made available by OCI.

Planning migration

To plan effective migration of the on-premise Zabbix instance with clients, proxies, management server, interface, and database, we need to migrate the last three instance components. Basically, we need:

  • the server configuration;
  • on-premise network topology to understand what can communicate with the outside or what would eventually go over VPN, that is, the network topology of client and proxies; and
  • the database.

Migration requirements

We also need to set up the following in the OCI tenancy:

  • MySQL Database System,
  • Compute instance for the Zabbix Server,
  • storage for database and backup,
  • networking/load balancing.

The target architecture involves setting up the VPN from your data center to the Oracle cloud tenancy and deploying the load balancer, the Zabbix server in redundancy over availability domains, and the MySQL database in a separate subnet.

Required Components:
• Cloud Networking,
• Zabbix Cloud Image,
• MySQL Database Service,
• VPN Connection for client/proxies.

Oracle Cloud target architecture for Zabbix

You can also have a lighter setup, for instance, with proxies communicating over TLS connections over the Internet or communicating directly with the Zabbix Server in the Oracle Cloud, and the Zabbix server interfacing with the database. Here, you will need fewer elements: server, database, and VCN.

Oracle Cloud target architecture for Zabbix — a simpler solution

Migrating Zabbix to Oracle Cloud

Zabbix migration to the Oracle Cloud is straightforward.

1. Before you begin:

  • set up tenancy and compartments,
  • set up cloud networking — public and private VCN.

2. Zabbix deployment on the VM:

  • select one-click deployment or DIY — use the official Zabbix OCI Marketplace Image or deploy an OCI Compute Instance and install manually,
  • choose the desired Compute ‘shape’ during deployment.

3. Configuration:

  • start the instance,
  • edit the config file,
  • point to the database with the IP address, username, and password (to do that, you’ll need to open several ports in the cloud network via the GUI).

The OCI infrastructure allows for multiple choices. The Zabbix Server is lightweight software requiring resources. In the majority of cases, a powerful VM will be enough. Otherwise, you’ll have the Oracle Cloud available.

Compute services for any enterprise use case

In the Oracle Cloud you’ll have the bare metal option — the physical machines dedicated to a single customer, Kubernetes container engine, and a lot of fast storage possibilities, which end up being quite cheap.

Migrating the database to MySQL Database Service

MySQL Database Service is the managed offer for MySQL in Oracle Cloud, fully developed, managed, and supported by the MySQL team. It is secure and provides the latest features as it leverages the Oracle Cloud, which has been rated by various sources as one of the most secure cloud platforms.

In addition, the platform is built on the MySQL Enterprise Edition binaries, so it is fully compatible with the platform you might be using. Finally, it costs way less on a yearly basis than a full-blown on-premise MySQL Enterprise subscription.

MySQL Database Service — 100% developed, managed, and supported by the MySQL team

Considerations before migration

Before you begin:

  • check your MySQL 8.0 compatibility,
  • check your database size (to assess the time needed to migrate), and
  • plan a service window.

High-level migration plan

  1. Set up cloud networking.
  2. Set up your (on-premise) networking secure connection (to communicate with the cloud).
  3. Create MySQL Database Service DB System with storage.
  4. Move the data using MySQL Shell Dump & Load utility.

Creating MySQL DB system with just a few clicks

  • Create a customized configuration.
  • Start the wizard to create DB system.
  • Select Virtual Cloud Network (VCN).
  • Select subnet to place your MySQL endpoint.
  • Select MySQL configuration (or create customized instances for your workload).
  • The shape for the DB System (CPU and RAM) will be set automatically.
  • Select the size of the storage for data and backup.
  • Create a backup policy or accept the default.

Creating MySQL instances

You can use MySQL Shell Upgrade Checker Utility to check the compatibility with MySQL8.0.


Loading the data

To move the data, you can use the MySQL Shell Dump & Load utility, which is capable of multi-threading and is callable with the JavaScript methods from MySQL Shell.

So, you can dump on what can be a bastion machine, and load your instance to the cloud. It will take several minutes to load the database of several gigabytes, so it is necessary to plan the service maintenance window accordingly.

In addition, the utility is easy to use. You just need to connect to an instance and dump.

MySQL Shell Dump & Load

The operation is pretty straightforward and the migration time will depend on the size of the database.

Free trial

You can have a test drive of the MySQL Database Service with $300 in cloud credits, which you can spend in the Oracle Cloud on MySQL Database Service or other cloud services.


Questions & Answers

Question. Do you help with migrating the databases from older versions to MySQL 8.0?

Answer. Yes, this is the thing we normally do for our customers — providing guidance, though data migration is normally straightforward.

Question. Does the database size matter? How efficient MySQL Shell Dump is? What if my database is terabytes in size?

Answer. MySQL Shell Dump & Load utility is much more efficient than what MySQL Dump used to be. The database size still matters. In that case, it will require more time, still way less than it used to take





What’s new in Zabbix 5.2

Post Syndicated from Alexei Vladishev original https://blog.zabbix.com/whats-new-in-zabbix-5-2/12550/

Zabbix is a universal open-source enterprise-level monitoring solution, therefore Zabbix has all the enterprise-grade features included: SSO, distributed monitoring, Zabbix Insights, advanced security, no data storage limits, and much more. Zabbix 5.2 offers over 35 new features and functional improvements.


II. New features and functional improvements

1. Synthetic monitoring
2. Keep secrets in the external vault
3. Zabbix insights
4. User roles
5. IoT Monitoring
6. Load balancing
7. User Timezones
8. Yaml for import/export
9. Template improvements
10. Discovery and cloud monitoring
11. Usability improvements
12. Preprocessing improvements
13. Other improvements

III. Questions & Answers


Zabbix gives you freedom, as it offers:

  • no per-metric fees,
  • no license fees,
  • deployment anywhere, and
  • easy migration from on-premise to the cloud and vice versa.

Zabbix also offers business benefits for the companies that need centralized monitoring and collecting data all over their IT infrastructure and other sources.

  • Umbrella monitoring, as Zabbix is flexible to replace most of the monitoring solutions already in use.
  • Free and open-source solution with 24×7 vendor support worldwide.
  • Technical Support at fixed prices for unlimited monitoring regardless of the number of devices monitored and extremely low TCO.

Business benefits

New features and functional improvements

Zabbix 5.2 offers over 35 new features and functional improvements.

Synthetic monitoring

1. Zabbix 5.2 supports complex multi-step scripted data collection, advanced availability checks, and complex interaction with different HTTP APIs.

Multi-step data collection

  • Multiple steps to get data.

Multi-step data collection is needed is, for instance, you need to authenticate and then to retrieve data from different APIs.

Authentification and retrieving data from different API.

  • 2. Check if the whole service works: Zabbix API.

Advanced availability checks and APIs

  • Calculate the sum of unknown parts.

For a list of customers retrieved from an API with URLs behind each customer, Zabbix allows for checking the availability of all URLs.

2. New item-type script

Now the process of data collection can be scripted. It’s no longer a one-step process, so we can take advantage of cycles, event statements, and all the power of JavaScript to retrieve the data.

New item-type scripts

Keep secrets in the external vault

The ability to store secrets in the vault is valuable for using sensitive information, for instance, in financial, military, or government industries, as:

  • all sensitive information is kept outside of Zabbix in a secure place: HashiCorp Vault,
  • no secret data is stored in Zabbix DB, and
  • all sensitive data, such as passwords, API tokens, user names, etc., shall be secured.

So, in Zabbix 5.2 a new user macro type is introduced — Vault secret. In Zabbix 5.0, the secret text was introduced, which is stored in the Zabbix DB, but is never exposed to end-users. With the Vault secret macro, the data is stored externally.

Vault secret macro

Now security measures in Zabbix comply with the best security standards possible:

  • all communications with Zabbix Agent or Zabbix Proxy are encrypted using HTTPS, TLS, or PSK;
  • Agent key restrictions can be used on the Zabbix Agent side;
  • communication with the Zabbix Web Interface is encrypted using HTTPS; and
  • integration with HashCorp Vault is now possible to keep secrets externally.

Security enhancements

NOTE. The one-day security training course is now held by Zabbix with no prerequisites and simple signup.

  • Recommended for experienced Zabbix users.
  • Does not require existing Zabbix certification.
  • Will cover security options on an expert level.
  • Secret macros and Vault.
  • Securing connections using PSKor certificates.
  • Restricting Agent keys.
  • Granular user permissions




Zabbix insights

  • Ability to analyze long term data efficiently using new trigger functions.
  • Zabbix will provide you with information about anomalies.
  • More value out of Zabbix trend data, which is kept longer.

This new feature allows Zabbix to generate alerts, for instance, “Average number of transactions increased by 24% in September”.

Zabbix 5.2 new functions

  • The new functions allow for specifying, which trend data is needed, and then for comparing this data with the data for another period.
trendavg(period, period_shift)
trendcount(period, period_shift)
trenddelta(period, period_shift)
trendmax(period, period_shift)
trendmin(period, period_shift)
trendmin(period, period_shift)
  • Trends tables instead of history. The time shift function is already available in Zabbix, but it has significant limitations, as it works only with history tables, that is, involves heavy processing, and doesn’t allow for specifying an absolute period of time.

  • Use the Gregorian calendar for period and period_shift.

— h (hour), d (day), w (week), M (month), and y (year).

  • Calculate upon the end of a period.
  • Customized event name — a new field in the trigger definition, which is:

— optional, can use Trigger Name instead,
— displaying problem with a context,
— supports a new macro {? … } (“Expression macro”):

      • fmtnum(digits)

— applicable to ITEM.VALUE, ITEM.LASTVALUE and expression macros;
fmtnum(2) gives 14.85 instead of 14.8512345.

      • fmttime(format, time_shift)

— applicable to {TIME};
— uses strftime format codes;
{TIME}.fmttime(“%B,%Y”) gives October 2020.

For instance, to detect abnormal traffic, we can define the expression to compare traffic for different periods. If the difference exceeds the abnormality factor defined by the user macro, Zabbix will generate the event defined by the user.


Then Zabbix will generate the following message:


Use cases
  • Trend functions can be used to detect abnormal behavior of IT metrics and non-IT KPIs.
  • Real-world applications:
    — business performance,
    — sales and marketing,
    — warehousing,
    — human resources,
    — customer support.

User roles

Granular control of user permissions

  • Customer portal, read-only users.
  • Different parts of UI can be made accessible for different user roles.
  • Control what user operations are accessible: maintenance, editing of dashboards, etc.
  • Fine-grained control access to API and its methods for extra security.

In Zabbix 5.2, the ability to define user roles is introduced. It is possible to define as many user roles, as you need. Here, it’s necessary to specify:

  • User type (User, Admin, Super Admin),
  • Access to UI elements (what the user can do),
  • Access to API (if enabled, we may filter by API methods),
  • Access to actions (define, what user actions are available to different users).

User roles defined

IoT Monitoring

Zabbix is a universal solution used to support not only IT infrastructure, so the capacity to monitor factory equipment or sensors is really important. New Zabbix 5.2 now offers out-of-the-box support of Modbus and MQTT protocols — the most important IoT protocols. Now it is possible to monitor sensors and hardware equipment, and integration with built-in management systems, factory equipment, and IoT gateways is available without using external scripts.


Modbus has become a de facto standard communication protocol — a commonly available means of connecting industrial electronic devices working on Agent and Agent 2 TCP or serial connections.


modbus.get — new item key,
endpoint — endpoint defined as protocol://connection_string,
slave id — slave ID,
function — Modbus function,
address — address of first registry, coil or input,
count — number of records to read,
type — type of data,
endianness — endianness configuration offset – number of registers, starting from ‘address’, the results of which will be discarded.

modbus.get is made to get information out of Modbus and returns JSON:

  • MQTT is a standard messaging protocol for the Internet of Things (IoT) among others.
  • Native solution for monitoring messages published by MQTT brokers.
  • Supported by Agent 2 Active Check only.

broker_url — MQTT broker URL (if empty, localhost with port 1883 is used),
topic — MQTT topic (mandatory). Wildcards (+,#) are supported,
username, password — authentication credentials (if required).

  • MQTT subscribes to a specific topic or topics (with wildcards) of the provided broker and
    waits for publications.

Load balancing

Starting from Zabbix 5.2, it has become easy to make horizontal scaling for Zabbix UI and API components. You just need to set up HAProxy or another load balancing solution, then some cluster nodes running as containers on physical or virtual machines or in the cloud, and you’ll get redundancy, high availability, and load balancing out of the box for Zabbix UI and API components.

Horizontal scaling for Zabbix UI and API

User Timezones

Zabbix 5.2 supports user timezones for each user. This is a feature appreciated by larger companies with users connecting to Zabbix UI from different countries or continents.

User timezones for each user

YAML for import/export

For import and export operations in Zabbix YAML is now used by default, though JSON and XML are still supported.

YAML is more user-friendly and easy to edit manually, while JSON and XML are excessive in the use of special characters. So if you keep your templates in a repository, you can modify them using a text editor. All official templates in Zabbix have been already converted to YAML.

YAML for import/export

Template improvements

  • Simpler template names, which are also easier to search for.

  • Templated screens converted to template dashboards. When modifying dashboards now you are dealing with dashboard widgets, not screen elements anymore.

  • See all hosts linked to a specific template.

  • The number of templates in System information.

Discovery and cloud monitoring

  • Host interfaces can be discovered from LLD. Now it is possible to define ways to discover host interfaces when a host prototype is created. This feature is especially useful to discover cloud resources.

  • Hosts without interfaces. We can create virtual hosts or hosts with no interface for service checks, for instance.
  • Tags on host prototypes from any discovery macro. Tags play an increasingly important role in Zabbix, and now in addition to tags on the template level, on the host level, and on the trigger level, it is possible to define tags on the host prototype level as well.

Usability improvements

  • Save filters. This feature is implemented to monitor problems and hosts. In Zabbix 5.2, you can basically name filters. This functionality is similar to that used in modern browsers, such as Firefox or Safari. We have different tabs, and every tab displays a number of problems in real time, and you can easily switch from one filter to another.

Filter tabs

  • Show clearly that any tab in Zabbix UI contains a non-empty list, for instance, the number of preprocessing rules. This functionality is implemented for all tabs in Zabbix UI.

Number of lists displayed in the tabs

  • The default language can now be defined for the system.

Defining system default language

  • Essential configuration parameters moved from defines.inc.php to Zabbix UI, which allows for finer tuning.

Finer tuning

  • SNMP settings in the test item window,  for instance, before adding an item to a template.

Testing SNMP parameters

  • Filters and additional details in the list of dashboards.

Additional information in dashboards

Preprocessing improvements

  • Macros in JavaScript preprocessing (also backported to 5.0).
  • Check for not supported value and override items unsupported for any reason, which is useful for advanced availability checks: any problem -> service is down.

Other improvements

  • In larger environments, there may be performance issues, and understanding what’s happening inside Zabbix is vitally important. Now it is possible to specify diagnostic information to be retrieved from Zabbix. We can also retrieve this information from the Zabbix API.

Retrieving diagnostic information from the value cache log file

  • UI protected from checking the existence of a user.
  • Simpler schedule for unsupported items.
  • Ability to mass-update item Timeout.
  • Ability to retrieve HTTP response headers in Webhooks.
  • Ability to specify the default search path for user parameters.
  • Max length of user macro values increased to 2048 characters.
  • Active Agent can work as multiple hosts (Hostname=host1,host2,host3), which might be useful if you run different services on one host and need to split them.
  • Official support of Docker images.
  • Eventlog-related macros in operational data.
  • Support of user macros in the item description.

Out of the box monitoring and alerting

We have increased the number of integrations supported in Zabbix out-of-the-box and the number of officially supported monitoring templates and plugins for Zabbix Agent 2.

  • Ticketing.

  • Alerting.

  • Monitoring.


You can deploy Zabbix anywhere: on-premise or in the cloud.

Deploy on-premise

Deploy in the cloud

How to upgrade

Procedure for upgrading from Zabbix 5.0 is as for any other Zabbix release:

  • Backup DB.
  • Upgrade packages (Zabbix Server, Frontend)
  • Restart zabbix_server.
  • Watch the log file, Zabbix will start DB schema upgrade automatically.
  • Upgrade all proxies.
  • Update agents (optional).

Otherwise, contact Zabbix engineers, order an upgrade to the new release, and enjoy the new features effortlessly.

Questions & Answers

Question. Does Zabbix plan to support other scripting languages?

Answer. No, we don’t have such plans. We analyzed other languages but selected JavaScript as Zabbix embedded language. However, now you can use any scripting language in Zabbix in external scripts, including PowerShell, Python, etc.

Question. Does Zabbix plan to support other vaults besides HashCorp?

Answer. We might support other solutions. This new Zabbix functionality allows for implementing other vaults. If you need some other vault to be supported, you need to register the respective Zabbix feature request.

Question. Does Zabbix plan to improve the existing graphs and provide official Grafana integration?

Answer. We do plan to provide more advanced visualization options for dashboards. Now we are merging the screens and dashboard functionality, and we plan to release new widgets for more advanced visualization in Zabbix 5.4.

The existing Zabbix plugin for Grafana works smoothly, and we don’t plan to introduce another solution.

Question. Does Zabbix plan to support another database backend, for instance, time-series databases?

Answer. According to Zabbix Roadmap, in Zabbix 5.4 we plan to introduce generic API allowing to connect to any storage for time-series data, that is, to create some official connectors to storage solutions.

Question. Does Zabbix plan to natively support integration with LDAP? At the moment Zabbix provides LDAP support, but we still have to manually create users and so on. Does Zabbix plan to automate it in some way?

Answer. We created this functionality a couple of years ago, but we designed it in a complex way and decided not to implement it yet. It’s not on our shortlist, but we plan to implement it, as it is one of the top-voted features.

Question. Can Agent secrets be stored in the vault?

Answer. At this moment we don’t support this feature. In a highly-distributed environment, where agents are distributed all across your IT infrastructure, you’ll have to maintain a connection between Zabbix Agents and the vault. Still, if you feel the feature should be in Zabbix, feel free to register the respective Zabbix feature request.

Question. Does Zabbix have a Kubernetes operator?

Answer. We don’t have the Kubernetes operator officially supported yet, but there are a few operators available from our community.

Question. Do we plan to improve our report functionality?

Answer. Absolutely. This is the primary focus of Zabbix 5.4 and Zabbix 6.0. We are exploring two directions: improving the widgets to enrich visualization in Zabbix and supporting schedule report generation so that Zabbix would generate PDF reports and send them out on a regular basis.

Question. Do we plan to enable changing server configuration parameters without the need to restart the server?

Answer. That depends on the configuration parameters. It can be implemented for some configuration parameters. What is really needed is the ability to change parameters related to performance in real-time, the ability to change the number of pollers, trappers, escalators, etc. I think this functionality will be implemented soon.

Question. Can we create a Zabbix instance as a code via JSON, XML, or some other way?

Answer. We are moving in this direction. For instance, the transition to YAML format is a step in this way. So, you will be able to keep your templates in the git repository. The missing step is versioning for templates in order to manage templates, as well as the ability to export the whole Zabbix configuration to YAML format. Versioning is on the roadmap to Zabbix 5.4.

Question. Do we plan to support metric gathering from Spring Actuator and Spring Boot? As at the moment, Prometheus is to be used to gather metrics.

Answer. If Prometheus can be used to gather metrics from these systems, Zabbix can do it as well as Zabbix support data collection from Prometheus out-of-the-box. 

Question. How can someone become a partner of Zabbix?

Answer. The best way to become a partner is to contact Zabbix by email at [email protected].

Question. How does Zabbix see interaction with Grafana? As that of competitors or friendly entities?

Answer. Grafana focuses on the visualization of data coming from different sources. Though Grafana provides some monitoring options, I see Grafana as an add-on to Zabbix. If you need a better visualization from Zabbix or Zabbix doesn’t deliver the visualization you expect, you are free to use Grafana.

Zabbix Summit Online 2020: Remote Experience of Sharing Knowledge and Being Together

Post Syndicated from Jekaterina Petruhina original https://blog.zabbix.com/zabbix-summit-online-2020-remote-experience-of-sharing-knowledge-and-being-together/12526/

Zabbix Summit 2020 was supposed to be the greatest Zabbix event of the decade – we planned to celebrate the 10th anniversary Zabbix Summit. But the very different 2020 circumstances intervened, and we had to adjust to the new reality and shift our focus. It so happened that in 2020 we held not the tenth anniversary but the first online Zabbix summit.

Available for everyone

When it was evident that the on-site event is not an option, we made a decision – the event should be available for everyone, and we made it free of charge. The other task was to manage the timing so that Summit would be available for attendees from all over the globe. We managed it efficiently by making the event as long as it was necessary to be convenient for users from Japan and China, Europe, and the USA and Latin American Region. Yes, it was quite a long day for Zabbix Team. However, we achieved what we were aiming for – about 8000 Zabbix enthusiasts from worldwide joined the Zabbix Summit live stream. This year, it became available to have extensive speeches from all regions, because the traveling issue was solved.

We made the most of the focus on the recently released Zabbix 5.2. And of course, we left enough place for use cases and professional tips as well. If, for some reason, you couldn’t join us on October 30, you are always welcome to watch the speeches in the record.


Traditionally every Zabbix Summit delivers an option to attend hands-on workshops. Due to the online format, it was possible to run more workshop sessions than in previous years, and attendees could join as many sessions as they wanted. Moreover, the workshops have been recorded and now are available on the Zabbix website.

Summit fun

Every Zabbix Summit is all about networking and fun. Let’s be honest, this unofficial part means a lot for the community along with the agenda. Unfortunately, we couldn’t meet in person this time and have fun all together at parties. Still, the community chat in Telegram made it clear – there are no boundaries for you guys to keep in touch, discuss ideas, and communicate. You made the networking part exist this year, and we are delighted and grateful for seeing such enthusiasm, activity, and interest in Zabbix. We provided the Summit attendees opportunity to communicate with the Zabbix Sales and Technical team, get acquainted with the event’s sponsors, and ask the questions via special Zoom rooms, and it worked well. Even though there were hundreds and hundreds of thousands of kilometers between the visitors of the event, there was a feeling that it happens here and now – with an audience full of interested people looking for opportunities to learn new things and help others.

What about next year?

Well, we think positive, however, stay realistic. Thus Zabbix Summit 2021 will also be held online.

If you care for better further events organized by Zabbix, we encourage you to fill out this post-Summit survey. It will help us understand what we have to improve to make Zabbix Summit Online 2021 even more generous. 

PS: Take a break and look at some behind the scenes photos – how the Zabbix Summit 2020 looked from the inside.