All posts by Kirankumar Chandrashekar

Deploy CloudFormation Hooks to an Organization with service-managed StackSets

Post Syndicated from Kirankumar Chandrashekar original

This post demonstrates using AWS CloudFormation StackSets to deploy CloudFormation Hooks from a centralized delegated administrator account to all accounts within an Organization Unit(OU). It provides step-by-step guidance to deploy controls at scale to your AWS Organization as Hooks using StackSets. By following this post, you will learn how to deploy a hook to hundreds of AWS accounts in minutes.

AWS CloudFormation StackSets help deploy CloudFormation stacks to multiple accounts and regions with a single operation. Using service-managed permissions, StackSets automatically generate the IAM roles required to deploy stack instances, eliminating the need for manual creation in each target account prior to deployment. StackSets provide auto-deploy capabilities to deploy stacks to new accounts as they’re added to an Organizational Unit (OU) in AWS Organization. With StackSets, you can deploy AWS well-architected multi-account solutions organization-wide in a single click and target stacks to selected accounts in OUs. You can also leverage StackSets to auto deploy foundational stacks like networking, policies, security, monitoring, disaster recovery, billing, and analytics to new accounts. This ensures consistent security and governance reflecting AWS best practices.

AWS CloudFormation Hooks allow customers to invoke custom logic to validate resource configurations before a CloudFormation stack create/update/delete operation. This helps enforce infrastructure-as-code policies by preventing non-compliant resources. Hooks enable policy-as-code to support consistency and compliance at scale. Without hooks, controlling CloudFormation stack operations centrally across accounts is more challenging because governance checks and enforcement have to be implemented through disjointed workarounds across disparate services after the resources are deployed. Other options like Config rules evaluate resource configurations on a timed basis rather than on stack operations. And SCPs manage account permissions but don’t include custom logic tailored to granular resource configurations. In contrast, CloudFormation hooks allows customer-defined automation to validate each resource as new stacks are deployed or existing ones updated. This enables stronger compliance guarantees and rapid feedback compared to asynchronous or indirect policy enforcement via other mechanisms.

Follow the later sections of this post that provide a step-by-step implementation for deploying hooks across accounts in an organization unit (OU) with a StackSet including:

  1. Configure service-managed permissions to automatically create IAM roles
  2. Create the StackSet in the delegated administrator account
  3. Target the OU to distribute hook stacks to member accounts

This shows how to easily enable a policy-as-code framework organization-wide.

I will show you how to register a custom CloudFormation hook as a private extension, restricting permissions and usage to internal administrators and automation. Registering the hook as a private extension limits discoverability and access. Only approved accounts and roles within the organization can invoke the hook, following security best practices of least privilege.

StackSets Architecture

As depicted in the following AWS StackSets architecture diagram, a dedicated Delegated Administrator Account handles creation, configuration, and management of the StackSet that defines the template for standardized provisioning. In addition, these centrally managed StackSets are deploying a private CloudFormation hook into all member accounts that belong to the given Organization Unit. Registering this as a private CloudFormation hook enables administrative control over the deployment lifecycle events it can respond to. Private hooks prevent public usage, ensuring the hook can only be invoked by approved accounts, roles, or resources inside your organization.

Architecture for deploying CloudFormation Hooks to accounts in an Organization

Diagram 1: StackSets Delegated Administration and Member Account Diagram

In the above architecture, Member accounts join the StackSet through their inclusion in a central Organization Unit. By joining, these accounts receive deployed instances of the StackSet template which provisions resources consistently across accounts, including the controlled private hook for administrative visibility and control.

The delegation of StackSet administration responsibilities to the Delegated Admin Account follows security best practices. Rather than having the sensitive central Management Account handle deployment logistics, delegation isolates these controls to an admin account with purpose-built permissions. The Management Account representing the overall AWS Organization focuses more on high-level compliance governance and organizational oversight. The Delegated Admin Account translates broader guardrails and policies into specific infrastructure automation leveraging StackSets capabilities. This separation of duties ensures administrative privileges are restricted through delegation while also enabling an organization-wide StackSet solution deployment at scale.

Centralized StackSets facilitate account governance through code-based infrastructure management rather than manual account-by-account changes. In summary, the combination of account delegation roles, StackSet administration, and joining through Organization Units creates an architecture to allow governed, infrastructure-as-code deployments across any number of accounts in an AWS Organization.

Sample Hook Development and Deployment

In the section, we will develop a hook on a workstation using the AWS CloudFormation CLI, package it, and upload it to the Hook Package S3 Bucket. Then we will deploy a CloudFormation stack that in turn deploys a hook across member accounts within an Organization Unit (OU) using StackSets.

The sample hook used in this blog post enforces that server-side encryption must be enabled for any S3 buckets and SQS queues created or updated on a CloudFormation stack. This policy requires that all S3 buckets and SQS queues be configured with server-side encryption when provisioned, ensuring security is built into our infrastructure by default. By enforcing encryption at the CloudFormation level, we prevent data from being stored unencrypted and minimize risk of exposure. Rather than manually enabling encryption post-resource creation, our developers simply enable it as a basic CloudFormation parameter. Adding this check directly into provisioning stacks leads to a stronger security posture across environments and applications. This example hook demonstrates functionality for mandating security best practices on infrastructure-as-code deployments.


On the AWS Organization:

On the workstation where the hooks will be developed:

In the Delegated Administrator account:

Create a hooks package S3 bucket within the delegated administrator account. Upload the hooks package and CloudFormation templates that StackSets will deploy. Ensure the S3 bucket policy allows access from the AWS accounts within the OU. This access lets AWS CloudFormation access the hooks package objects and CloudFormation template objects in the S3 bucket from the member accounts during stack deployment.

Follow these steps to deploy a CloudFormation template that sets up the S3 bucket and permissions:

  1. Click here to download the admin-cfn-hook-deployment-s3-bucket.yaml template file in to your local workstation.
    Note: Make sure you model the S3 bucket and IAM policies as least privilege as possible. For the above S3 Bucket policy, you can add a list of IAM Role ARNs created by the StackSets service managed permissions instead of AWS: “*”, which allows S3 bucket access to all the IAM entities from the accounts in the OU. The ARN of this role will be “arn:aws:iam:::role/stacksets-exec-” in every member account within the OU. For more information about equipping least privilege access to IAM policies and S3 Bucket Policies, refer IAM Policies and Bucket Policies and ACLs! Oh, My! (Controlling Access to S3 Resources) blog post.
  2. Execute the following command to deploy the template admin-cfn-hook-deployment-s3-bucket.yaml using AWS CLI. For more information see Creating a stack using the AWS Command Line Interface. If using AWS CloudFormation console, see Creating a stack on the AWS CloudFormation console.
    To get the OU Id, see Viewing the details of an OU. OU Id starts with “ou-“. To get the Organization Id, see Viewing details about your organization. Organization Id starts with “o-

    aws cloudformation create-stack \
    --stack-name hooks-asset-stack \
    --template-body file://admin-cfn-deployment-s3-bucket.yaml \
    --parameters ParameterKey=OrgId,ParameterValue="<Org_id>" \
  3. After deploying the stack, note down the AWS S3 bucket name from the CloudFormation Outputs.

Hook Development

In this section, you will develop a sample CloudFormation hook package that will enforce encryption for S3 Buckets and SQS queues within the preCreate and preDelete hook. Follow the steps in the walkthrough to develop a sample hook and generate a zip package for deploying and enabling them in all the accounts within an OU. While following the walkthrough, within the Registering hooks section, make sure that you stop right after executing the cfn submit --dry-run command. The --dry-run option will make sure that your hook is built and packaged your without registering it with CloudFormation on your account. While initiating a Hook project if you created a new directory with the name mycompany-testing-mytesthook, the hook package will be generated as a zip file with the name at the root your hooks project.

Upload file to the hooks package S3 bucket within the Delegated Administrator account. The packaged zip file can then be distributed to enable the encryption hooks across all accounts in the target OU.

Note: If you are using your own hooks project and not doing the tutorial, irrespective of it, you should make sure that you are executing the cfn submit command with the --dry-run option. This ensures you have a hooks package that can be distributed and reused across multiple accounts.

Hook Deployment using CloudFormation Stack Sets

In this section, deploy the sample hook developed previously across all accounts within an OU. Use a centralized CloudFormation stack deployed from the delegated administrator account via StackSets.

Deploying hooks via CloudFormation requires these key resources:

  1. AWS::CloudFormation::HookVersion: Publishes a new hook version to the CloudFormation registry
  2. AWS::CloudFormation::HookDefaultVersion: Specifies the default hook version for the AWS account and region
  3. AWS::CloudFormation::HookTypeConfig: Defines the hook configuration
  4. AWS::IAM::Role #1: Task execution role that grants the hook permissions
  5. AWS::IAM::Role #2: (Optional) role for CloudWatch logging that CloudFormation will assume to send log entries during hook execution
  6. AWS::Logs::LogGroup: (Optional) Enables CloudWatch error logging for hook executions

Follow these steps to deploy CloudFormation Hooks to accounts within the OU using StackSets:

  1. Click here to download the hooks-template.yaml template file into your local workstation and upload it into the Hooks package S3 bucket in the Delegated Administrator account.
  2. Deploy the hooks CloudFormation template hooks-template.yaml to all accounts within an OU using StackSets. Leverage service-managed permissions for automatic IAM role creation across the OU.
    To deploy the hooks template hooks-template.yaml across OU using StackSets, click here to download the CloudFormation StackSets template hooks-stack-sets-template.yaml locally, and upload it to the hooks package S3 bucket in the delegated administrator account. This StackSets template contains an AWS::CloudFormation::StackSet resource that will deploy the necessary hooks resources from hooks-template.yaml to all accounts in the target OU. Using SERVICE_MANAGED permissions model automatically handle provisioning the required IAM execution roles per account within the OU.
  3. Execute the following command to deploy the template hooks-stack-sets-template.yaml using AWS CLI. For more information see Creating a stack using the AWS Command Line Interface. If using AWS CloudFormation console, see Creating a stack on the AWS CloudFormation console.To get the S3 Https URL for the hooks template, hooks package and StackSets template, login to the AWS S3 service on the AWS console, select the respective object and click on Copy URL button as shown in the following screenshot:s3 download https url
    Diagram 2: S3 Https URL

    To get the OU Id, see Viewing the details of an OU. OU Id starts with “ou-“.
    Make sure to replace the <S3BucketName> and then <OU_Id> accordingly in the following command:

    aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name hooks-stack-set-stack \
    --template-url https://<S3BucketName> \
    --parameters ParameterKey=OuId,ParameterValue="<OU_Id>" \
    ParameterKey=HookTypeName,ParameterValue="MyCompany::Testing::MyTestHook" \
    ParameterKey=s3TemplateURL,ParameterValue="https://<S3BucketName>" \
  4. Check the progress of the stack deployment using the aws cloudformation describe-stack command. Move to the next section when the stack status is CREATE_COMPLETE.
    aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name hooks-stack-set-stack
  5. If you navigate to the AWS CloudFormation Service’s StackSets section in the console, you can view the stack instances deployed to the accounts within the OU. Alternatively, you can execute the AWS CloudFormation list-stack-instances CLI command below to list the deployed stack instances:
    aws cloudformation list-stack-instances --stack-set-name MyTestHookStackSet

Testing the deployed hook

Deploy the following sample templates into any AWS account that is within the OU where the hooks was deployed and activated. Follow the steps in the Creating a stack on the AWS CloudFormation console. If using AWS CloudFormation CLI, follow the steps in the Creating a stack using the AWS Command Line Interface.

  1. Provision a non-compliant stack without server-side encryption using the following template:
    AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
    Description: |
      This CloudFormation template provisions an S3 Bucket
        Type: 'AWS::S3::Bucket'
        Properties: {}

    The stack deployment will not succeed and will give the following error message

    The following hook(s) failed: [MyCompany::Testing::MyTestHook] and the hook status reason as shown in the following screenshot:

    stack deployment failure due to hooks execution
    Diagram 3: S3 Bucket creation failure with hooks execution

  2. Provision a stack using the following template that has server-side encryption for the S3 Bucket.
    AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
    Description: |
      This CloudFormation template provisions an encrypted S3 Bucket. **WARNING** This template creates an Amazon S3 bucket and a KMS key that you will be charged for. You will be billed for the AWS resources used if you create a stack from this template.
        Type: "AWS::S3::Bucket"
          BucketName: !Sub "encryptedbucket-${AWS::Region}-${AWS::AccountId}"
              - ServerSideEncryptionByDefault:
                  SSEAlgorithm: "aws:kms"
                  KMSMasterKeyID: !Ref EncryptionKey
                BucketKeyEnabled: true
        Type: "AWS::KMS::Key"
        DeletionPolicy: Retain
        UpdateReplacePolicy: Retain
          Description: KMS key used to encrypt the resource type artifacts
          EnableKeyRotation: true
            Version: 2012-10-17
              - Sid: Enable full access for owning account
                Effect: Allow
                  AWS: !Ref "AWS::AccountId"
                Action: "kms:*"
                Resource: "*"
        Value: !Ref EncryptedS3Bucket

    The deployment will succeed as it will pass the hook validation with the following hook status reason as shown in the following screenshot:

    stack deployment pass due to hooks executionDiagram 4: S3 Bucket creation success with hooks execution

Updating the hooks package

To update the hooks package, follow the same steps described in the Hooks Development section to change the hook code accordingly. Then, execute the cfn submit --dry-run command to build and generate the hooks package file with the registering the type with the CloudFormation registry. Make sure to rename the zip file with a unique name compared to what was previously used. Otherwise, while updating the CloudFormation StackSets stack, it will not see any changes in the template and thus not deploy updates. The best practice is to use a CI/CD pipeline to manage the hook package. Typically, it is good to assign unique version numbers to the hooks packages so that CloudFormation stacks with the new changes get deployed.


Navigate to the AWS CloudFormation console on the Delegated Administrator account, and note down the Hooks package S3 bucket name and empty its contents. Refer to Emptying the Bucket for more information.

Delete the CloudFormation stacks in the following order:

  1. Test stack that failed
  2. Test stack that passed
  3. StackSets CloudFormation stack. This has a DeletionPolicy set to Retain, update the stack by removing the DeletionPolicy and then initiate a stack deletion via CloudFormation or physically delete the StackSet instances and StackSets from the Console or CLI by following: 1. Delete stack instances from your stack set 2. Delete a stack set
  4. Hooks asset CloudFormation stack

Refer to the following documentation to delete CloudFormation Stacks: Deleting a stack on the AWS CloudFormation console or Deleting a stack using AWS CLI.


Throughout this blog post, you have explored how AWS StackSets enable the scalable and centralized deployment of CloudFormation hooks across all accounts within an Organization Unit. By implementing hooks as reusable code templates, StackSets provide consistency benefits and slash the administrative labor associated with fragmented and manual installs. As organizations aim to fortify governance, compliance, and security through hooks, StackSets offer a turnkey mechanism to efficiently reach hundreds of accounts. By leveraging the described architecture of delegated StackSet administration and member account joining, organizations can implement a single hook across hundreds of accounts rather than manually enabling hooks per account. Centralizing your hook code-base within StackSets templates facilitates uniform adoption while also simplifying maintenance. Administrators can update hooks in one location instead of attempting fragmented, account-by-account changes. By enclosing new hooks within reusable StackSets templates, administrators benefit from infrastructure-as-code descriptiveness and version control instead of one-off scripts. Once configured, StackSets provide automated hook propagation without overhead. The delegated administrator merely needs to include target accounts through their Organization Unit alignment rather than handling individual permissions. New accounts added to the OU automatically receive hook deployments through the StackSet orchestration engine.

About the Author


Kirankumar Chandrashekar is a Sr. Solutions Architect for Strategic Accounts at AWS. He focuses on leading customers in architecting DevOps, modernization using serverless, containers and container orchestration technologies like Docker, ECS, EKS to name a few. Kirankumar is passionate about DevOps, Infrastructure as Code, modernization and solving complex customer issues. He enjoys music, as well as cooking and traveling.

Use AWS Network Firewall to filter outbound HTTPS traffic from applications hosted on Amazon EKS and collect hostnames provided by SNI

Post Syndicated from Kirankumar Chandrashekar original

This blog post shows how to set up an Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) cluster such that the applications hosted on the cluster can have their outbound internet access restricted to a set of hostnames provided by the Server Name Indication (SNI) in the allow list in the AWS Network Firewall rules. For encrypted web traffic, SNI can be used for blocking access to specific sites in the network firewall. SNI is an extension to TLS that remains unencrypted in the traffic flow and indicates the destination hostname a client is attempting to access over HTTPS.

This post also shows you how to use Network Firewall to collect hostnames of the specific sites that are being accessed by your application. Securing outbound traffic to specific hostnames is called egress filtering. In computer networking, egress filtering is the practice of monitoring and potentially restricting the flow of information outbound from one network to another. Securing outbound traffic is usually done by means of a firewall that blocks packets that fail to meet certain security requirements. One such firewall is AWS Network Firewall, a managed service that you can use to deploy essential network protections for all of your VPCs that you create with Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC).

Example scenario

You have the option to scan your application traffic by the identifier of the requested SSL certificate, which makes you independent from the relationship of the IP address to the certificate. The certificate could be served from any IP address. Traditional stateful packet filters are not able to follow the changing IP address of the endpoints. Therefore, the host name information that you get from the SNI becomes important in making security decisions. Amazon EKS has gained popularity for running containerized workloads in the AWS Cloud, and you can restrict outbound traffic to only the known hostnames provided by SNI. This post will walk you through the process of setting up the EKS cluster in two different subnets so that your software can use the additional traffic routing in the VPC and traffic filtering through Network Firewall.

Solution architecture

The architecture illustrated in Figure 1 shows a VPC with three subnets in Availability Zone A, and three subnets in Availability Zone B. There are two public subnets where Network Firewall endpoints are deployed, two private subnets where the worker nodes for the EKS cluster are deployed, and two protected subnets where NAT gateways are deployed.

Figure 1: Outbound internet access through Network Firewall from Amazon EKS worker nodes

Figure 1: Outbound internet access through Network Firewall from Amazon EKS worker nodes

The workflow in the architecture for outbound access to a third-party service is as follows:

  1. The outbound request originates from the application running in the private subnet (for example, to and is passed to the NAT gateway in the protected subnet.
  2. The HTTPS traffic received in the protected subnet is routed to the AWS Network Firewall endpoint in the public subnet.
  3. The network firewall computes the rules, and either accepts or declines the request to pass to the internet gateway.
  4. If the request is passed, the application-requested URL (provided by SNI in the non-encrypted HTTPS header) is allowed in the network firewall, and successfully reaches the third-party server for access.

The VPC settings for this blog post follow the recommendation for using public and private subnets described in Creating a VPC for your Amazon EKS cluster in the Amazon EKS User Guide, but with additional subnets called protected subnets. Instead of placing the NAT gateway in a public subnet, it will be placed in the protected subnet, and the Network Firewall endpoints in the public subnet will filter the egress traffic that flows through the NAT gateway. This design pattern adds further checks and could be a recommendation for your VPC setup.

As suggested in Creating a VPC for your Amazon EKS cluster, using the Public and private subnets option allows you to deploy your worker nodes to private subnets, and allows Kubernetes to deploy load balancers to the public subnets. This arrangement can load-balance traffic to pods that are running on nodes in the private subnets. As shown in Figure 1, the solution uses an additional subnet named the protected subnet, apart from the public and private subnets. The protected subnet is a VPC subnet deployed between the public subnet and private subnet. The outbound internet traffic that is routed through the protected subnet is rerouted to the Network Firewall endpoint hosted within the public subnet. You can use the same strategy mentioned in Creating a VPC for your Amazon EKS cluster to place different AWS resources within private subnets and public subnets. The main difference in this solution is that you place the NAT gateway in a separate protected subnet, between private subnets, and place Network Firewall endpoints in the public subnets to filter traffic in the network firewall. The NAT gateway’s IP address is still preserved, and could still be used for adding to the allow list of third-party entities that need connectivity for the applications running on the EKS worker nodes.

To see a practical example of how the outbound traffic is filtered based on the hosted names provided by SNI, follow the steps in the following Deploy a sample section. You will deploy an AWS CloudFormation template that deploys the solution architecture, consisting of the VPC components, EKS cluster components, and the Network Firewall components. When that’s complete, you can deploy a sample app running on Amazon EKS to test egress traffic filtering through AWS Network Firewall.

Deploy a sample to test the network firewall

Follow the steps in this section to perform a sample app deployment to test the use case of securing outbound traffic through AWS Network Firewall.


The prerequisite actions required for the sample deployment are as follows:

  1. Make sure you have the AWS CLI installed, and configure access to your AWS account.
  2. Install and set up the eksctl tool to create an Amazon EKS cluster.
  3. Copy the necessary CloudFormation templates and the sample eksctl config files from the blog’s Amazon S3 bucket to your local file system. You can do this by using the following AWS CLI S3 cp command.
    aws s3 cp s3://awsiammedia/public/sample/803-network-firewall-to-filter-outbound-traffic/config.yaml .
    aws s3 cp s3://awsiammedia/public/sample/803-network-firewall-to-filter-outbound-traffic/ .
    aws s3 cp s3://awsiammedia/public/sample/803-network-firewall-to-filter-outbound-traffic/network-firewall-eks-collect-all.yaml .
    aws s3 cp s3://awsiammedia/public/sample/803-network-firewall-to-filter-outbound-traffic/network-firewall-eks.yaml .

    Important: This command will download the S3 bucket contents to the current directory on your terminal, so the “.” (dot) in the command is very important.

  4. Once this is complete, you should be able to see the list of files shown in Figure 2. (The list includes config.yaml,, network-firewall-eks-collect-all.yaml, and network-firewall-eks.yaml.)
    Figure 2: Files downloaded from the S3 bucket

    Figure 2: Files downloaded from the S3 bucket

Deploy the VPC architecture with AWS Network Firewall

In this procedure, you’ll deploy the VPC architecture by using a CloudFormation template.

To deploy the VPC architecture (AWS CLI)

  1. Deploy the CloudFormation template network-firewall-eks.yaml, which you previously downloaded to your local file system from the Amazon S3 bucket.

    You can do this through the AWS CLI by using the create-stack command, as follows.

    aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name AWS-Network-Firewall-Multi-AZ \
    --template-body file://network-firewall-eks.yaml \
    --parameters ParameterKey=NetworkFirewallAllowedWebsites,ParameterValue="\,\," \
    --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM

    Note: The initially allowed hostnames for egress filtering are passed to the network firewall by using the parameter key NetworkFirewallAllowedWebsites in the CloudFormation stack. In this example, the allowed hostnames are,, and

  2. Make a note of the subnet IDs from the stack outputs of the CloudFormation stack after the status goes to Create_Complete.
    aws cloudformation describe-stacks \
    --stack-name AWS-Network-Firewall-Multi-AZ

    Note: For simplicity, the CloudFormation stack name is AWS-Network-Firewall-Multi-AZ, but you can change this name to according to your needs and follow the same naming throughout this post.

To deploy the VPC architecture (console)

In your account, launch the AWS CloudFormation template by choosing the following Launch Stack button. It will take approximately 10 minutes for the CloudFormation stack to complete.

Select this image to open a link that starts building the CloudFormation stack

Note: The stack will launch in the N. Virginia (us-east-1) Region. To deploy this solution into other AWS Regions, download the solution’s CloudFormation template, modify it, and deploy it to the selected Region.

Deploy and set up access to the EKS cluster

In this step, you’ll use the eksctl CLI tool to create an EKS cluster.

To deploy an EKS cluster by using the eksctl tool

There are two methods for creating an EKS cluster. Method A uses the eksctl create cluster command without a configuration (config) file. Method B uses a config file.

Note: Before you start, make sure you have the VPC subnet details available from the previous procedure.

Method A: No config file

You can create an EKS cluster without a config file by using the eksctl create cluster command.

  1. From the CLI, enter the following commands.
    eksctl create cluster \
    --vpc-private-subnets=<private-subnet-A>,<private-subnet-B> \
  2. Make sure that the subnets passed to the --vpc-public-subnets parameter are protected subnets taken from the VPC architecture CloudFormation stack output. You can verify the subnet IDs by looking at step 2 in the To deploy the VPC architecture section.

Method B: With config file

Another way to create an EKS cluster is by using the following config file, with more options with the name (cluster.yaml in this example).

  1. Create a file named cluster.yaml by adding the following contents to it.
    kind: ClusterConfig
      name: filter-egress-traffic-test
      region: us-east-1
      version: "1.19"
    availabilityZones: ["us-east-1a", "us-east-1b"]
          us-east-1a: { id: <public-subnet-A> }
          us-east-1b: { id: <public-subnet-B> }
          us-east-1a: { id: <private-subnet-A> }
          us-east-1b: { id: <private-subnet-B> }
    - name: nodegroup
      desiredCapacity: 3
        allow: true
        publicKeyName: main
        - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore
        - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKSWorkerNodePolicy
        - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly
        - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonEC2RoleforSSM
        - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKSServicePolicy
        - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKSClusterPolicy
        - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKS_CNI_Policy
        - yum install -y
        - sudo systemctl enable amazon-ssm-agent
        - sudo systemctl start amazon-ssm-agent

  2. Run the following command to create an EKS cluster using the eksctl tool and the cluster.yaml config file.
    eksctl create cluster -f cluster.yaml

To set up access to the EKS cluster

  1. Before you deploy a sample Kubernetes Pod, make sure you have the kubeconfig file set up for the EKS cluster that you created in step 2 of To deploy an EKS cluster by using the eksctl tool. For more information, see Create a kubeconfig for Amazon EKS. You can use eksctl to do this, as follows.

    eksctl utils write-kubeconfig —cluster filter-egress-traffic-test

  2. Set the kubectl context to the EKS cluster you just created, by using the following command.

    kubectl config get-contexts

    Figure 3 shows an example of the output from this command.

    Figure 3: kubectl config get-contexts command output

    Figure 3: kubectl config get-contexts command output

  3. Copy the context name from the command output and set the context by using the following command.

    kubectl config use-context <NAME-OF-CONTEXT>

To deploy a sample Pod on the EKS cluster

  1. Next, deploy a sample Kubernetes Pod in the  EKS cluster.

    kubectl run -i --tty amazon-linux — sh

    If you already have a Pod, you can use the following command to get a shell to a running container.

    kubectl attach amazon-linux -c alpine -i -t

  2. Now you can test access to a non-allowed website in the AWS Network Firewall stateful rules, using these steps.
    1. First, install the cURL tool on the sample Pod you created previously. cURL is a command-line tool for getting or sending data, including files, using URL syntax. Because cURL uses the libcurl library, it supports every protocol libcurl supports. On the Pod where you have obtained a shell to a running container, run the following command to install cURL.
      apk install curl
    2. Access a website using cURL.
      curl -I

      This gives a timeout error similar to the following.

      curl -I
      curl: (28) Operation timed out after 300476 milliseconds with 0 out of 0 bytes received

    3. Navigate to the AWS CloudWatch console and check the alert logs for Network Firewall. You will see a log entry like the following sample, indicating that the access to was blocked.
          "firewall_name": "AWS-Network-Firewall-Multi-AZ-firewall",
          "availability_zone": "us-east-1a",
          "event_timestamp": "1623651293",
          "event": {
              "timestamp": "2021-06-14T06:14:53.483069+0000",
              "flow_id": 649458981081302,
              "event_type": "alert",
              "src_ip": "",
              "src_port": xxxxx,
              "dest_ip": "",
              "dest_port": 443,
              "proto": "TCP",
              "alert": {
                  "action": "blocked",
                  "signature_id": 4,
                  "rev": 1,
                  "signature": "not matching any TLS allowlisted FQDNs",
                  "category": "",
                  "severity": 1
              "tls": {
                  "sni": "",
                  "version": "UNDETERMINED",
                  "ja3": {},
                  "ja3s": {}
              "app_proto": "tls"

      The error shown here occurred because the hostname was not added to the Network Firewall stateful rules allow list.

      When you deployed the network firewall in step 1 of the To deploy the VPC architecture procedure, the values provided for the CloudFormation parameter NetworkFirewallAllowedWebsites were just,, and not

Update the Network Firewall stateful rules

In this procedure, you’ll update the Network Firewall stateful rules to allow the domain name.

To update the Network Firewall stateful rules (console)

  1. In the AWS CloudFormation console, locate the stack you used to create the network firewall earlier in the To deploy the VPC architecture procedure.
  2. Select the stack you want to update, and choose Update. In the Parameters section, update the stack by adding the hostname to the parameter NetworkFirewallAllowedWebsites as a comma-separated value. See Updating stacks directly in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide for more information on stack updates.

Re-test from the sample pod

In this step, you’ll test the outbound access once again from the sample Pod you created earlier in the To deploy a sample Pod on the EKS cluster procedure.

To test the outbound access to the hostname

  1. Get a shell to a running container in the sample Pod that you deployed earlier, by using the following command.
    kubectl attach amazon-linux -c alpine -i -t
  2. On the terminal where you got a shell to a running container in the sample Pod, run the following cURL command.
    curl -I
  3. The response should be a success HTTP 200 OK message similar to this one.
    curl -Ik
    HTTP/2 200
    content-type: text/html;charset=UTF-8
    server: Server

If the VPC subnets are organized according to the architecture suggested in this solution, outbound traffic from the EKS cluster can be sent to the network firewall and then filtered based on hostnames provided by SNI.

Collecting hostnames provided by the SNI

In this step, you’ll see how to configure the network firewall to collect all the hostnames provided by SNI that are accessed by an already running application—without blocking any access—by making use of CloudWatch and alert logs.

To configure the network firewall (console)

  1. In the AWS CloudFormation console, locate the stack that created the network firewall earlier in the To deploy the VPC architecture procedure.
  2. Select the stack to update, and then choose Update.
  3. Choose Replace current template and upload the template network-firewall-eks-collect-all.yaml. (This template should be available from the files that you downloaded earlier from the S3 bucket in the Prerequisites section.) Choose Next. See Updating stacks directly for more information.

To configure the network firewall (AWS CLI)

  1. Update the CloudFormation stack by using the network-firewall-eks-collect-all.yaml template file that you previously downloaded from the S3 bucket in the Prerequisites section, using the update-stack command as follows.
    aws cloudformation update-stack --stack-name AWS-Network-Firewall-Multi-AZ \
    --template-body file://network-firewall-eks-collect-all.yaml \
    --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM

To check the rules in the AWS Management Console

  1. In the AWS Management Console, navigate to the Amazon VPC console and locate the AWS Network Firewall tab.
  2. Select the network firewall that you created earlier, and then select the stateful rule with the name log-all-tls.
  3. The rule group should appear as shown in Figure 4, indicating that the logs are captured and sent to the Alert logs.
    Figure 4: Network Firewall rule groups

    Figure 4: Network Firewall rule groups

To test based on stateful rule

  1. On the terminal, get the shell for the running container in the Pod you created earlier. If this Pod is not available, follow the instructions in the To deploy a sample Pod on the EKS cluster procedure to create a new sample Pod.
  2. Run the cURL command to It should return HTTP 200 OK, as follows.
    curl -Ik
    HTTP/2 200
    content-type: text/html;charset=UTF-8
    server: Server
  3. Navigate to the AWS CloudWatch Logs console and look up the Alert logs log group with the name /AWS-Network-Firewall-Multi-AZ/anfw/alert.

    You can see the hostnames provided by SNI within the TLS protocol passing through the network firewall. The CloudWatch Alert logs for allowed hostnames in the SNI looks like the following example.

        "firewall_name": "AWS-Network-Firewall-Multi-AZ-firewall",
        "availability_zone": "us-east-1b",
        "event_timestamp": "1627283521",
        "event": {
            "timestamp": "2021-07-26T07:12:01.304222+0000",
            "flow_id": 1977082435410607,
            "event_type": "alert",
            "src_ip": "",
            "src_port": xxxxx,
            "dest_ip": "",
            "dest_port": 443,
            "proto": "TCP",
            "alert": {
                "action": "allowed",
                "signature_id": 2,
                "rev": 0,
                "signature": "",
                "category": "",
                "severity": 3
            "tls": {
                "subject": "",
                "issuerdn": "C=US, O=Amazon, OU=Server CA 1B, CN=Amazon",
                "serial": "08:13:34:34:48:07:64:27:4D:BC:CB:14:4D:AF:F2:11",
                "fingerprint": "f7:53:97:5e:76:1e:fb:f6:70:72:02:95:d5:9f:2f:05:52:79:5d:ae",
                "sni": "",
                "version": "TLS 1.2",
                "notbefore": "2020-09-30T00:00:00",
                "notafter": "2021-09-23T12:00:00",
                "ja3": {},
                "ja3s": {}
            "app_proto": "tls"

Optionally, you can also create an AWS Lambda function to collect the hostnames that are passed through the network firewall.

To create a Lambda function to collect hostnames provided by SNI (optional)

Sample Lambda code

The sample Lambda code from Figure 5 is shown following, and is written in Python 3. The sample collects the hostnames that are provided by SNI and captured in Network Firewall. Network Firewall logs the hostnames provided by SNI in the CloudWatch Alert logs. Then, by creating a CloudWatch logs subscription filter, you can send logs to the Lambda function for further processing, for example to invoke SNS notifications.

import json
import gzip
import base64
import boto3
import sys
import traceback
sns_client = boto3.client('sns')
def lambda_handler(event, context):
        decoded_event = json.loads(gzip.decompress(base64.b64decode(event['awslogs']['data'])))
        body = '''
        # print(body)# uncomment this for debugging
        filterMatch = json.loads(body)
        data = []
        if 'http' in filterMatch['event']:
        elif 'tls' in filterMatch['event']:
        result = 'Trying to reach ' + 1*' ' + (data[0]) + 1*' ' 'via Network Firewall' + 1*' '  + (filterMatch['firewall_name'])
        # print(result)# uncomment this for debugging
        message = {'HostName': result}
        send_to_sns = sns_client.publish(
            TargetArn='<SNS-topic-ARN>', #Replace with the SNS topic ARN
            Message=json.dumps({'default': json.dumps(message),
                            'sms': json.dumps(message),
                            'email': json.dumps(message)}),
            Subject='Trying to reach the hostname through the Network Firewall',
    except Exception as e:
        print('Function failed due to exception.')
        e = sys.exc_info()[0]
        Message=("Error occured while executing this. The error is %s" %e)

Clean up

In this step, you’ll clean up the infrastructure that was created as part of this solution.

To delete the Kubernetes workloads

  1. On the terminal, using the kubectl CLI tool, run the following command to delete the sample Pod that you created earlier.
    kubectl delete pods amazon-linux

    Note: Clean up all the Kubernetes workloads running on the EKS cluster. For example, if the Kubernetes service of type LoadBalancer is deployed, and if the EKS cluster where it exists is deleted, the LoadBalancer will not be deleted. The best practice is to clean up all the deployed workloads.

  2. On the terminal, using the eksctl CLI tool, delete the created EKS cluster by using the following command.
    eksctl delete cluster --name filter-egress-traffic-test

To delete the CloudFormation stack and AWS Network Firewall

  1. Navigate to the AWS CloudFormation console and choose the stack with the name AWS-Network-Firewall-Multi-AZ.
  2. Choose Delete, and then at the prompt choose Delete Stack. For more information, see Deleting a stack on the AWS CloudFormation console.


By following the VPC architecture explained in this blog post, you can protect the applications running on an Amazon EKS cluster by filtering the outbound traffic based on the approved hostnames that are provided by SNI in the Network Firewall Allow list.

Additionally, with a simple Lambda function, CloudWatch Logs, and an SNS topic, you can get readable hostnames provided by the SNI. Using these hostnames, you can learn about the traffic pattern for the applications that are running within the EKS cluster, and later create a strict list to allow only the required outbound traffic. To learn more about Network Firewall stateful rules, see Working with stateful rule groups in AWS Network Firewall in the AWS Network Firewall Developer Guide.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

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Kirankumar Chandrashekar

Kirankumar is a Sr. Solutions Architect for Strategic Accounts at AWS. He focuses on leading customers in architecting DevOps, containers and container technologies to name a few. Kirankumar is passionate about DevOps, Infrastructure as Code, and solving complex customer issues. He enjoys music, as well as cooking and traveling.

Using AWS CodePipeline for deploying container images to AWS Lambda Functions

Post Syndicated from Kirankumar Chandrashekar original

AWS Lambda launched support for packaging and deploying functions as container images at re:Invent 2020. In the post working with Lambda layers and extensions in container images, we demonstrated packaging Lambda Functions with layers while using container images. This post will teach you to use AWS CodePipeline to deploy docker images for microservices architecture involving multiple Lambda Functions and a common layer utilized as a separate container image. Lambda functions packaged as container images do not support adding Lambda layers to the function configuration. Alternatively, we can use a container image as a common layer while building other container images along with Lambda Functions shown in this post. Packaging Lambda functions as container images enables familiar tooling and larger deployment limits.

Here are some advantages of using container images for Lambda:

  • Easier dependency management and application building with container
    • Install native operating system packages
    • Install language-compatible dependencies
  • Consistent tool set for containers and Lambda-based applications
    • Utilize the same container registry to store application artifacts (Amazon ECR, Docker Hub)
    • Utilize the same build and pipeline tools to deploy
    • Tools that can inspect Dockerfile work the same
  • Deploy large applications with AWS-provided or third-party images up to 10 GB
    • Include larger application dependencies that previously were impossible

When using container images with Lambda, CodePipeline automatically detects code changes in the source repository in AWS CodeCommit, then passes the artifact to the build server like AWS CodeBuild and pushes the container images to ECR, which is then deployed to Lambda functions.

Architecture diagram


DevOps Architecture


Application Architecture


In the above architecture diagram, two architectures are combined, namely 1, DevOps Architecture and 2, Microservices Application Architecture. DevOps architecture demonstrates the use of AWS Developer services such as AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeBuild along with Amazon Elastic Container Repository (ECR) and AWS CloudFormation. These are used to support Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment/Delivery (CI/CD) for both infrastructure and application code. Microservices Application architecture demonstrates how various AWS Lambda Functions that are part of microservices utilize container images for application code. This post will focus on performing CI/CD for Lambda functions utilizing container containers. The application code used in here is a simpler version taken from Serverless DataLake Framework (SDLF). For more information, refer to the AWS Samples GitHub repository for SDLF here.

DevOps workflow

There are two CodePipelines: one for building and pushing the common layer docker image to Amazon ECR, and another for building and pushing the docker images for all the Lambda Functions within the microservices architecture to Amazon ECR, as well as deploying the microservices architecture involving Lambda Functions via CloudFormation. Common layer container image functions as a common layer in all other Lambda Function container images, therefore its code is maintained in a separate CodeCommit repository used as a source stage for a CodePipeline. Common layer CodePipeline takes the code from the CodeCommit repository and passes the artifact to a CodeBuild project that builds the container image and pushes it to an Amazon ECR repository. This common layer ECR repository functions as a source in addition to the CodeCommit repository holding the code for all other Lambda Functions and resources involved in the microservices architecture CodePipeline.

Due to all or the majority of the Lambda Functions in the microservices architecture requiring the common layer container image as a layer, any change made to it should invoke the microservices architecture CodePipeline that builds the container images for all Lambda Functions. Moreover, a CodeCommit repository holding the code for every resource in the microservices architecture is another source to that CodePipeline to get invoked. This has two sources, because the container images in the microservices architecture should be built for changes in the common layer container image as well as for the code changes made and pushed to the CodeCommit repository.

Below is the sample dockerfile that uses the common layer container image as a layer:

# Layer Code
COPY --from=layer /opt/ .
# Function Code
WORKDIR /var/task
COPY src/ .
CMD ["lambda_function.lambda_handler"]

where the argument ECR_COMMON_DATALAKE_REPO_URL should resolve to the ECR url for common layer container image, which is provided to the --build-args along with docker build command. For example:


Deploying a Sample

  • Step1: Clone the repository Codepipeline-lambda-docker-images to your workstation. If using the zip file, then unzip the file to a local directory.
    • git clone
  • Step 2: Change the directory to the cloned directory or extracted directory. The local code repository structure should appear as follows:
    • cd codepipeline-lambda-docker-images


  • Step 3: Deploy the CloudFormation stack used in the template file CodePipelineTemplate/codepipeline.yaml to your AWS account. This deploys the resources required for DevOps architecture involving AWS CodePipelines for common layer code and microservices architecture code. Deploy CloudFormation stacks using the AWS console by following the documentation here, providing the name for the stack (for example datalake-infra-resources) and passing the parameters while navigating the console. Furthermore, use the AWS CLI to deploy a CloudFormation stack by following the documentation here.
  • Step 4: When the CloudFormation Stack deployment completes, navigate to the AWS CloudFormation console and to the Outputs section of the deployed stack, then note the CodeCommit repository urls. Three CodeCommit repo urls are available in the CloudFormation stack outputs section for each CodeCommit repository. Choose one of them based on the way you want to access it. Refer to the following documentation Setting up for AWS CodeCommit. I will be using the git-remote-codecommit (grc) method throughout this post for CodeCommit access.
  • Step 5: Clone the CodeCommit repositories and add code:
      • Common Layer CodeCommit repository: Take the value of the Output for the key oCommonLayerCodeCommitHttpsGrcRepoUrl from datalake-infra-resources CloudFormation Stack Outputs section which looks like below:


      • Clone the repository:
        • git clone codecommit::us-east-2://dev-CommonLayerCode
      • Change the directory to dev-CommonLayerCode
        • cd dev-CommonLayerCode
      •  Add contents to the cloned repository from the source code downloaded in Step 1. Copy the code from the CommonLayerCode directory and the repo contents should appear as follows:


      • Create the main branch and push to the remote repository
        git checkout -b main
        git add ./
        git commit -m "Initial Commit"
        git push -u origin main
      • Application CodeCommit repository: Take the value of the Output for the key oAppCodeCommitHttpsGrcRepoUrl from datalake-infra-resources CloudFormation Stack Outputs section which looks like below:


      • Clone the repository:
        • git clone codecommit::us-east-2://dev-AppCode
      • Change the directory to dev-CommonLayerCode
        • cd dev-AppCode
      • Add contents to the cloned repository from the source code downloaded in Step 1. Copy the code from the ApplicationCode directory and the repo contents should appear as follows from the root:


    • Create the main branch and push to the remote repository
      git checkout -b main
      git add ./
      git commit -m "Initial Commit"
      git push -u origin main

What happens now?

  • Now the Common Layer CodePipeline goes to the InProgress state and invokes the Common Layer CodeBuild project that builds the docker image and pushes it to the Common Layer Amazon ECR repository. The image tag utilized for the container image is the value resolved for the environment variable available in the AWS CodeBuild project CODEBUILD_RESOLVED_SOURCE_VERSION. This is the CodeCommit git Commit Id in this case.
    For example, if the CommitId in CodeCommit is f1769c87, then the pushed docker image will have this tag along with latest
  • buildspec.yaml files appears as follows:
    version: 0.2
          docker: 19
          - echo Logging in to Amazon ECR...
          - aws --version
          - $(aws ecr get-login --region $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION --no-include-email)
          - IMAGE_TAG=${COMMIT_HASH:=latest}
          - echo Build started on `date`
          - echo Building the Docker image...          
          - docker build -t $REPOSITORY_URI:latest .
          - docker tag $REPOSITORY_URI:latest $REPOSITORY_URI:$IMAGE_TAG
          - echo Build completed on `date`
          - echo Pushing the Docker images...
          - docker push $REPOSITORY_URI:latest
          - docker push $REPOSITORY_URI:$IMAGE_TAG
  • Now the microservices architecture CodePipeline goes to the InProgress state and invokes all of the application image builder CodeBuild project that builds the docker images and pushes them to the Amazon ECR repository.
    • To improve the performance, every docker image is built in parallel within the codebuild project. The buildspec.yaml executes the script. This has the logic to build docker images required for each Lambda Function part of the microservices architecture. The docker images used for this sample architecture took approximately 4 to 5 minutes when the docker images were built serially. After switching to parallel building, it took approximately 40 to 50 seconds.
    • buildspec.yaml files appear as follows:
      version: 0.2
            docker: 19
            - uname -a
            - set -e
            - chmod +x ./
            - ./
          - cfn/**/*
        name: builds/$CODEBUILD_BUILD_NUMBER/cfn-artifacts
    • file appears as follows:
      set -eu
      set -o pipefail
      ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text 2>&1)
      aws configure --profile $PROFILE set credential_source EcsContainer
      aws --version
      $(aws ecr get-login --region $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION --no-include-email)
      BUILD_TAG=build-$(echo $CODEBUILD_BUILD_ID | awk -F":" '{print $2}')
      cd dockerfiles;
      mkdir ../logs
      function pwait() {
          while [ $(jobs -p | wc -l) -ge $1 ]; do
              sleep 1
      function build_dockerfiles() {
          if [ -d $1 ]; then
              cd $directory
              echo $directory
              echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
              echo "Start creating docker image for $directory..."
              echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
                  echo Build completed on `date`
                  echo Pushing the Docker images...
                  docker push $REPOSITORY_URI
              cd ../
              echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
              echo "End creating docker image for $directory..."
              echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
      for directory in *; do 
         echo "------Started processing code in $directory directory-----"
         build_dockerfiles $directory 2>&1 1>../logs/$directory-logs.log | tee -a ../logs/$directory-logs.log &
         pwait 20
      for pid in "${pids[@]}"; do
        wait "$pid"
      cd ../cfn/
      function build_cfnpackages() {
          if [ -d ${directory} ]; then
              cd $directory
              echo $directory
              echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
              echo "Start packaging cloudformation package for $directory..."
              echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
              aws cloudformation package --profile $PROFILE --template-file template.yaml --s3-bucket $S3_BUCKET --output-template-file packaged-template.yaml
              echo "Replace the parameter 'pEcrImageTag' value with the latest built tag"
              echo $(jq --arg Image_Tag "$IMAGE_TAG" '.Parameters |= . + {"pEcrImageTag":$Image_Tag}' parameters.json) > parameters.json
              cat parameters.json
              ls -al
              cd ../
              echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
              echo "End packaging cloudformation package for $directory..."
              echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
      for directory in *; do
          echo "------Started processing code in $directory directory-----"
          build_cfnpackages $directory 2>&1 1>../logs/$directory-logs.log | tee -a ../logs/$directory-logs.log &
          pwait 20
      for pid in "${pids1[@]}"; do
        wait "$pid"
      cd ../logs/
      ls -al
      for f in *; do
        printf '%s\n' "$f"
        paste /dev/null - < "$f"
      cd ../

The function build_dockerfiles() loops through each directory within the dockerfiles directory and runs the docker build command in order to build the docker image. The name for the docker image and then the ECR repository is determined by the directory name in which the DockerFile is used from. For example, if the DockerFile directory is routing-lambda and the environment variables take the below values,


And the docker image is pushed to this resolved REPOSITORY_URI. Similarly, docker images for all other directories are built and pushed to Amazon ECR.

Important Note: The ECR repository names match the directory names where the DockerFiles exist and was already created as part of the CloudFormation template codepipeline.yaml that was deployed in step 3. In order to add more Lambda Functions to the microservices architecture, make sure that the ECR repository name added to the new repository in the codepipeline.yaml template matches the directory name within the AppCode repository dockerfiles directory.

Every docker image is built in parallel in order to save time. Each runs as a separate operating system process and is pushed to the Amazon ECR repository. This also controls the number of processes that could run in parallel by setting a value for the variable pwait within the loop. For example, if pwait 20, then the maximum number of parallel processes is 20 at a given time. The image tag for all docker images used for Lambda Functions is constructed via the CodeBuild BuildId, which is available via environment variable $CODEBUILD_BUILD_ID, in order to ensure that a new image gets a new tag. This is required for CloudFormation to detect changes and update Lambda Functions with the new container image tag.

Once every docker image is built and pushed to Amazon ECR in the CodeBuild project, it builds every CloudFormation package by uploading all local artifacts to Amazon S3 via AWS Cloudformation package CLI command for the templates available in its own directory within the cfn directory. Moreover, it updates every parameters.json file for each directory with the ECR image tag to the parameter value pEcrImageTag. This is required for CloudFormation to detect changes and update the Lambda Function with the new image tag.

After this, the CodeBuild project will output the packaged CloudFormation templates and parameters files as an artifact to AWS CodePipeline so that it can be deployed via AWS CloudFormation in further stages. This is done by first creating a ChangeSet and then deploying it at the next stage.

Testing the microservices architecture

As stated above, the sample application utilized for microservices architecture involving multiple Lambda Functions is a modified version of the Serverless Data Lake Framework. The microservices architecture CodePipeline deployed every AWS resource required to run the SDLF application via AWS CloudFormation stages. As part of SDLF, it also deployed a set of DynamoDB tables required for the applications to run. I utilized the meteorites sample for this, thereby the DynamoDb tables should be added with the necessary data for the application to run for this sample.

Utilize the AWS console to write data to the AWS DynamoDb Table. For more information, refer to this documentation. The sample json files are in the utils/DynamoDbConfig/ directory.

1. Add the record below to the octagon-Pipelines-dev DynamoDB table:

"description": "Main Pipeline to Ingest Data",
"ingestion_frequency": "WEEKLY",
"last_execution_date": "2020-03-11",
"last_execution_duration_in_seconds": 4.761,
"last_execution_id": "5445249c-a097-447a-a957-f54f446adfd2",
"last_execution_status": "COMPLETED",
"last_execution_timestamp": "2020-03-11T02:34:23.683Z",
"last_updated_timestamp": "2020-03-11T02:34:23.683Z",
"modules": [
"name": "pandas",
"version": "0.24.2"
"name": "Python",
"version": "3.7"
"name": "engineering-main-pre-stage",
"owner": "Yuri Gagarin",
"owner_contact": "y.gagarin@",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"tags": [
"key": "org",
"value": "VOSTOK"
"type": "INGESTION",
"version": 127

2. Add the record below to the octagon-Pipelines-dev DynamoDB table:

"description": "Main Pipeline to Merge Data",
"ingestion_frequency": "WEEKLY",
"last_execution_date": "2020-03-11",
"last_execution_duration_in_seconds": 570.559,
"last_execution_id": "0bb30d20-ace8-4cb2-a9aa-694ad018694f",
"last_execution_status": "COMPLETED",
"last_execution_timestamp": "2020-03-11T02:44:36.069Z",
"last_updated_timestamp": "2020-03-11T02:44:36.069Z",
"modules": [
"name": "PySpark",
"version": "1.0"
"name": "engineering-main-post-stage",
"owner": "Neil Armstrong",
"owner_contact": "n.armstrong@",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"tags": [
"key": "org",
"value": "NASA"
"type": "TRANSFORM",
"version": 4

3. Add the record below to the octagon-Datsets-dev DynamoDB table:

"classification": "Orange",
"description": "Meteorites Name, Location and Classification",
"frequency": "DAILY",
"max_items_process": 250,
"min_items_process": 1,
"name": "engineering-meteorites",
"owner": "NASA",
"owner_contact": "[email protected]",
"pipeline": "main",
"tags": [
"key": "cost",
"value": "meteorites division"
"transforms": {
"stage_a_transform": "light_transform_blueprint",
"stage_b_transform": "heavy_transform_blueprint"
"version": 1


If you want to create these samples using AWS CLI, please refer to this documentation.

Record 1:

aws dynamodb put-item --table-name octagon-Pipelines-dev --item '{"description":{"S":"Main Pipeline to Merge Data"},"ingestion_frequency":{"S":"WEEKLY"},"last_execution_date":{"S":"2021-03-16"},"last_execution_duration_in_seconds":{"N":"930.097"},"last_execution_id":{"S":"e23b7dae-8e83-4982-9f97-5784a9831a14"},"last_execution_status":{"S":"COMPLETED"},"last_execution_timestamp":{"S":"2021-03-16T04:31:16.968Z"},"last_updated_timestamp":{"S":"2021-03-16T04:31:16.968Z"},"modules":{"L":[{"M":{"name":{"S":"PySpark"},"version":{"S":"1.0"}}}]},"name":{"S":"engineering-main-post-stage"},"owner":{"S":"Neil Armstrong"},"owner_contact":{"S":"n.armstrong@"},"status":{"S":"ACTIVE"},"tags":{"L":[{"M":{"key":{"S":"org"},"value":{"S":"NASA"}}}]},"type":{"S":"TRANSFORM"},"version":{"N":"8"}}'

Record 2:

aws dynamodb put-item --table-name octagon-Pipelines-dev --item '{"description":{"S":"Main Pipeline to Ingest Data"},"ingestion_frequency":{"S":"WEEKLY"},"last_execution_date":{"S":"2021-03-28"},"last_execution_duration_in_seconds":{"N":"1.75"},"last_execution_id":{"S":"7e0e04e7-b05e-41a6-8ced-829d47866a6a"},"last_execution_status":{"S":"COMPLETED"},"last_execution_timestamp":{"S":"2021-03-28T20:23:06.031Z"},"last_updated_timestamp":{"S":"2021-03-28T20:23:06.031Z"},"modules":{"L":[{"M":{"name":{"S":"pandas"},"version":{"S":"0.24.2"}}},{"M":{"name":{"S":"Python"},"version":{"S":"3.7"}}}]},"name":{"S":"engineering-main-pre-stage"},"owner":{"S":"Yuri Gagarin"},"owner_contact":{"S":"y.gagarin@"},"status":{"S":"ACTIVE"},"tags":{"L":[{"M":{"key":{"S":"org"},"value":{"S":"VOSTOK"}}}]},"type":{"S":"INGESTION"},"version":{"N":"238"}}'

Record 3:

aws dynamodb put-item --table-name octagon-Pipelines-dev --item '{"description":{"S":"Main Pipeline to Ingest Data"},"ingestion_frequency":{"S":"WEEKLY"},"last_execution_date":{"S":"2021-03-28"},"last_execution_duration_in_seconds":{"N":"1.75"},"last_execution_id":{"S":"7e0e04e7-b05e-41a6-8ced-829d47866a6a"},"last_execution_status":{"S":"COMPLETED"},"last_execution_timestamp":{"S":"2021-03-28T20:23:06.031Z"},"last_updated_timestamp":{"S":"2021-03-28T20:23:06.031Z"},"modules":{"L":[{"M":{"name":{"S":"pandas"},"version":{"S":"0.24.2"}}},{"M":{"name":{"S":"Python"},"version":{"S":"3.7"}}}]},"name":{"S":"engineering-main-pre-stage"},"owner":{"S":"Yuri Gagarin"},"owner_contact":{"S":"y.gagarin@"},"status":{"S":"ACTIVE"},"tags":{"L":[{"M":{"key":{"S":"org"},"value":{"S":"VOSTOK"}}}]},"type":{"S":"INGESTION"},"version":{"N":"238"}}'

Now upload the sample json files to the raw s3 bucket. The raw S3 bucket name can be obtained in the output of the common-cloudformation stack deployed as part of the microservices architecture CodePipeline. Navigate to the CloudFormation console in the region where the CodePipeline was deployed and locate the stack with the name common-cloudformation, navigate to the Outputs section, and then note the output bucket name with the key oCentralBucket. Navigate to the Amazon S3 Bucket console and locate the bucket for oCentralBucket, create two path directories named engineering/meteorites, and upload every sample json file to this directory. Meteorites sample json files are available in the utils/meteorites-test-json-files directory of the previously cloned repository. Wait a few minutes and then navigate to the stage bucket noted from the common-cloudformation stack output name oStageBucket. You can see json files converted into csv in pre-stage/engineering/meteorites folder in S3. Wait a few more minutes and then navigate to the post-stage/engineering/meteorites folder in the oStageBucket to see the csv files converted to parquet format.



Navigate to the AWS CloudFormation console, note the S3 bucket names from the common-cloudformation stack outputs, and empty the S3 buckets. Refer to Emptying the Bucket for more information.

Delete the CloudFormation stacks in the following order:
1. Common-Cloudformation
2. stagea
3. stageb
4. sdlf-engineering-meteorites
Then delete the infrastructure CloudFormation stack datalake-infra-resources deployed using the codepipeline.yaml template. Refer to the following documentation to delete CloudFormation Stacks: Deleting a stack on the AWS CloudFormation console or Deleting a stack using AWS CLI.



This method lets us use CI/CD via CodePipeline, CodeCommit, and CodeBuild, along with other AWS services, to automatically deploy container images to Lambda Functions that are part of the microservices architecture. Furthermore, we can build a common layer that is equivalent to the Lambda layer that could be built independently via its own CodePipeline, and then build the container image and push to Amazon ECR. Then, the common layer container image Amazon ECR functions as a source along with its own CodeCommit repository which holds the code for the microservices architecture CodePipeline. Having two sources for microservices architecture codepipeline lets us build every docker image. This is due to a change made to the common layer docker image that is referred to in other docker images, and another source that holds the code for other microservices including Lambda Function.


About the Author

kirankumar.jpeg Kirankumar Chandrashekar is a Sr.DevOps consultant at AWS Professional Services. He focuses on leading customers in architecting DevOps technologies. Kirankumar is passionate about DevOps, Infrastructure as Code, and solving complex customer issues. He enjoys music, as well as cooking and traveling.


Event-driven architecture for using third-party Git repositories as source for AWS CodePipeline

Post Syndicated from Kirankumar Chandrashekar original

In the post Using Custom Source Actions in AWS CodePipeline for Increased Visibility for Third-Party Source Control, we demonstrated using custom actions in AWS CodePipeline and a worker that periodically polls for jobs and processes further to get the artifact from the Git repository. In this post, we discuss using an event-driven architecture to trigger an AWS CodePipeline pipeline that has a third-party Git repository within the source stage that is part of a custom action.

Instead of using a worker to periodically poll for available jobs across all pipelines, we can define a custom source action on a particular pipeline to trigger an Amazon CloudWatch Events rule when the webhook on CodePipeline receives an event and puts it into an In Progress state. This works exactly like how CodePipeline works with natively supported Git repositories like AWS CodeCommit or GitHub as a source.

Solution architecture

The following diagram shows how you can use an event-driven architecture with a custom source stage that is associated with a third-party Git repository that isn’t supported by CodePipeline natively. For our use case, we use GitLab, but you can use any Git repository that supports Git webhooks.


The architecture includes the following steps:

1. A user commits code to a Git repository.

2. The commit invokes a Git webhook.

3. This invokes a CodePipeline webhook.

4. The CodePipeline source stage is put into In Progress status.

5. The source stage action triggers a CloudWatch Events rule that indicates the stage started.

6. The CloudWatch event triggers an AWS Lambda function.

7. The function polls for the job details of the custom action.

8. The function also triggers AWS CodeBuild and passes all the job-related information.

9. CodeBuild gets the public SSH key stored in AWS Secrets Manager (or user name and password, if using HTTPS Git access).

10. CodeBuild clones the repository for a particular branch.

11. CodeBuild zips and uploads the archive to the CodePipeline artifact store Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket.

12. A Lambda function sends a success message to the CodePipeline source stage so it can proceed to the next stage.

Similarly, with the same setup, if you chose a release change for the pipeline that has custom source stage, a CloudWatch event is triggered, which triggers a Lambda function, and the same process repeats until it gets the artifact from the Git repository.

Solution overview

To set up the solution, you complete the following steps:

1. Create an SSH key pair for authenticating to the Git repository.

2. Publish the key to Secrets Manager.

3. Launch the AWS CloudFormation stack to provision resources.

4. Deploy a sample CodePipeline and test the custom action type.

5. Retrieve the webhook URL.

6. Create a webhook and add the webhook URL.

Creating an SSH key pair
You first create an SSH key pair to use for authenticating to the Git repository using ssh-keygen on your terminal. See the following code:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "[email protected]"

Follow the prompt from ssh-keygen and give a name for the key, for example codepipeline_git_rsa. This creates two new files in the current directory: codepipeline_git_rsa and

Make a note of the contents of and add it as an authorized key for your Git user. For instructions, see Adding an SSH key to your GitLab account.

Publishing the key
Publish this key to Secrets Manager using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI):

export SecretsManagerArn=$(aws secretsmanager create-secret --name codepipeline_git \
--secret-string file://codepipeline_git_rsa --query ARN --output text)

Make a note of the ARN, which is required later.

Alternative, you can create a secret on the Secrets Manager console.

Make sure that the lines in the private key codepipeline_git are the same when the value to the secret is added.

Launching the CloudFormation stack

Clone the git repository aws-codepipeline-third-party-git-repositories that contains the AWS CloudFormation templates and AWS Lambda function code using the below command:

git clone .

Now you should have the below files in the cloned repository


Launch the CloudFormation stack using the template third_party_git_custom_action.yaml from the cfn directory. The main resources created by this stack are:

1. CodePipeline Custom Action Type. ResourceType: AWS::CodePipeline::CustomActionType
2. Lambda Function. ResourceType: AWS::Lambda::Function
3. CodeBuild Project. ResourceType: AWS::CodeBuild::Project
4. Lambda Execution Role. ResourceType: AWS::IAM::Role
5. CodeBuild Service Role. ResourceType: AWS::IAM::Role

These resources help uplift the logic for connecting to the Git repository, which for this post is GitLab.

Upload the Lambda function code to any S3 bucket in the same Region where the stack is being deployed. To create a new S3 bucket, use the following code (make sure to provide a unique name):

export ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text)
export S3_BUCKET_NAME=codepipeline-git-custom-action-${ACCOUNT_ID} 
aws s3 mb s3://${S3_BUCKET_NAME} --region us-east-1

Then zip the contents of the function and upload to the S3 bucket (substitute the appropriate bucket name):

export ZIP_FILE_NAME=""
zip -jr ${ZIP_FILE_NAME} ./lambda/ && \
aws s3 cp \

If you don’t have a VPC and subnets that Lambda and CodeBuild require, you can create those by launching the following CloudFormation stack.

Run the following AWS CLI command to deploy the third-party Git source solution stack:

export vpcId="vpc-123456789"
export subnetId1="subnet-12345"
export subnetId2="subnet-54321"
export GIT_SOURCE_STACK_NAME="thirdparty-codepipeline-git-source"
aws cloudformation create-stack \
--stack-name ${GIT_SOURCE_STACK_NAME} \
--template-body file://$(pwd)/cfn/third_party_git_custom_action.yaml \
--parameters ParameterKey=SourceActionVersion,ParameterValue=1 \
ParameterKey=SourceActionProvider,ParameterValue=CustomSourceForGit \
ParameterKey=GitPullLambdaSubnet,ParameterValue=${subnetId1}\\,${subnetId2} \
ParameterKey=GitPullLambdaVpc,ParameterValue=${vpcId} \
ParameterKey=LambdaCodeS3Bucket,ParameterValue=${S3_BUCKET_NAME} \
ParameterKey=LambdaCodeS3Key,ParameterValue=${ZIP_FILE_NAME} \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

Alternatively, launch the stack by choosing Launch Stack:


For more information about the VPC requirements for Lambda and CodeBuild, see Internet and service access for VPC-connected functions and Use AWS CodeBuild with Amazon Virtual Private Cloud, respectively.

A custom source action type is now available on the account where you deployed the stack. You can check this on the CodePipeline console by attempting to create a new pipeline. You can see your source type listed under Source provider.


Testing the pipeline

We now deploy a sample pipeline and test the custom action type using the template sample_pipeline_custom.yaml from the cfn directory . You can run the following AWS CLI command to deploy the CloudFormation stack:

Note: Please provide the GitLab repository url to SSH_URL environment variable that you have access to or create a new GitLab project and repository. The example url "[email protected]:kirankumar15/test.git" is for illustration purposes only.

export SSH_URL="[email protected]:kirankumar15/test.git"
export SAMPLE_STACK_NAME="third-party-codepipeline-git-source-test"
aws cloudformation create-stack \
--stack-name ${SAMPLE_STACK_NAME}\
--template-body file://$(pwd)/cfn/sample_pipeline_custom.yaml \
--parameters ParameterKey=Branch,ParameterValue=master \
ParameterKey=GitUrl,ParameterValue=${SSH_URL} \
ParameterKey=SourceActionVersion,ParameterValue=1 \
ParameterKey=SourceActionProvider,ParameterValue=CustomSourceForGit \
ParameterKey=CodePipelineName,ParameterValue=sampleCodePipeline \
ParameterKey=SecretsManagerArnForSSHPrivateKey,ParameterValue=${SecretsManagerArn} \
ParameterKey=GitWebHookIpAddress,ParameterValue= \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

Alternatively, choose Launch stack:


Retrieving the webhook URL
When the stack creation is complete, retrieve the CodePipeline webhook URL from the stack outputs. Use the following AWS CLI command:

aws cloudformation describe-stacks \
--stack-name ${SAMPLE_STACK_NAME}\ 
--output text \
--query "Stacks[].Outputs[?OutputKey=='CodePipelineWebHookUrl'].OutputValue"

For more information about stack outputs, see Outputs.

Creating a webhook

You can use an existing GitLab repository or create a new GitLab repository and follow the below steps to add a webhook to it.
To create your webhook, complete the following steps:

1. Navigate to the Webhooks Settings section on the GitLab console for the repository that you want to have as a source for CodePipeline.

2. For URL, enter the CodePipeline webhook URL you retrieved in the previous step.

3. Select Push events and optionally enter a branch name.

4. Select Enable SSL verification.

5. Choose Add webhook.


For more information about webhooks, see Webhooks.

We’re now ready to test the solution.

Testing the solution

To test the solution, we make changes to the branch that we passed as the branch parameter in the GitLab repository. This should trigger the pipeline. On the CodePipeline console, you can see the Git Commit ID on the source stage of the pipeline when it succeeds.

Note: Please provide the GitLab repository url that you have access to or create a new GitLab repository. and make sure that it has buildspec.yml in the contents to execute in AWS CodeBuild project in the Build stage. The example url "[email protected]:kirankumar15/test.git" is for illustration purposes only.

Enter the following code to clone your repository:

git clone [email protected]:kirankumar15/test.git .

Add a sample file to the repository with the name sample.txt, then commit and push it to the repository:

echo "adding a sample file" >> sample_text_file.txt
git add ./
git commit -m "added sample_test_file.txt to the repository"
git push -u origin master

The pipeline should show the status In Progress.


After few minutes, it changes to Succeeded status and you see the Git Commit message on the source stage.


You can also view the Git Commit message by choosing the execution ID of the pipeline, navigating to the timeline section, and choosing the source action. You should see the Commit message and Commit ID that correlates with the Git repository.



If the CodePipeline fails, check the Lambda function logs for the function with the name GitLab-CodePipeline-Source-${ACCOUNT_ID}. For instructions on checking logs, see Accessing Amazon CloudWatch logs for AWS Lambda.

If the Lambda logs has the CodeBuild build ID, then check the CodeBuild run logs for that build ID for errors. For instructions, see View detailed build information.

Cleaning up

Delete the CloudFormation stacks that you created. You can use the following AWS CLI commands:

aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name ${SAMPLE_STACK_NAME}

aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name ${GIT_SOURCE_STACK_NAME}

Alternatively, delete the stack on the AWS CloudFormation console.

Additionally, empty the S3 bucket and delete it. Locate the bucket in the ${SAMPLE_STACK_NAME} stack. Then use the following AWS CLI command:

aws s3 rb s3://${S3_BUCKET_NAME} --force

You can also delete and empty the bucket on the Amazon S3 console.


You can use the architecture in this post for any Git repository that supports webhooks. This solution also works if the repository is reachable only from on premises, and if the endpoints can be accessed from a VPC. This event-driven architecture works just like using any natively supported source for CodePipeline.


About the Author

kirankumar.jpeg Kirankumar Chandrashekar is a DevOps consultant at AWS Professional Services. He focuses on leading customers in architecting DevOps technologies. Kirankumar is passionate about Infrastructure as Code and DevOps. He enjoys music, as well as cooking and travelling.