Политиката като правене на вино

Post Syndicated from Венелина Попова original https://toest.bg/politikata-kato-pravene-na-vino/

Изглежда, както в природата, така и в политиката има цикличност. Хора, които в началото на Прехода са били в съзнателна възраст, могат да сравнят политическите събития (както и енергията им) отпреди 30-ина години с днешните. Метафорично те наподобяват процесите, през които преминава гроздовият сок, преди да се превърне във вино – събиране на достатъчно добре узряло грозде…


Президент на всички българи. Парламентарно представен

Post Syndicated from Емилия Милчева original https://toest.bg/prezident-na-vsichki-bulgari-parlamentarno-predstaven/

Всички обичат Румен Радев. Или почти всички. В навечерието на почти безалтернативните президентски избори изглежда, че настоящият държавен глава ще спечели втория си мандат по-лесно от игра на белот. Срещу него ще играе съперникът му от партия ГЕРБ (негови противници) – „няма да е политическа фигура и ще е мъж“. „Демократична България“ (негови съмишленици) също ще издигнат кандидат – недотам…


Седмицата в „Тоест“ (6–10 септември)

Post Syndicated from Тоест original https://toest.bg/editorial-6-10-september-2021/

ще отпътуваме без отговор. (Марин Бодаков, „Наивно изкуство“, ИК „Жанет 45“, 2011) Завръщаме се отново в работен режим след лятната пауза. Но за жалост, с една изключително тъжна вест. На 8 септември завинаги загубихме Марин Бодаков – колега, съмишленик, съветник, приятел. Безценен, непрежалим приятел! Публикуваме няколко думи на главната ни редакторка Ан Фам. Вместо сбогом. Защото „няма как да…


Register now for Flink Forward Global, October 26-27, 2021

Post Syndicated from Deepthi Mohan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/register-now-for-flink-forward-global-october-26-27-2021/

Flink Forward Global 2021 is a 2-day virtual conference for the Apache Flink and stream processing communities. Apache Flink is an open-source distributed engine for processing data streams that can support both streaming and batch workloads. Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics is a fully managed service for Apache Flink on AWS that reduces the complexity of building, managing, and integrating Apache Flink applications with other AWS services. You can use Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink to process data from Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK), Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, and a variety of data sources for use cases such as streaming ETL (extract, transform, and load), log analysis, event-driven applications, and anomaly and fraud detection in real time.

Flink Forward has keynote presentations and talks on production Flink use cases, technical deep dive sessions, and the growth of the Flink ecosystem. You can meet core Flink committers, new and experienced users, and thought leaders who share experiences and best practices in stream processing, real-time analytics, and the management of mission-critical Flink deployments in production.

AWS is a Platinum sponsor for Flink Forward. If you’re interested in learning about real-time data processing at scale, register now to attend.

Friday Squid Blogging: Possible Evidence of Squid Paternal Care

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2021/09/friday-squid-blogging-possible-evidence-of-squid-paternal-care.html

Researchers have found possible evidence of paternal care among bigfin reef squid.

As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven’t covered.

Read my blog posting guidelines here.

Enabling parallel file systems in the cloud with Amazon EC2 (Part I: BeeGFS)

Post Syndicated from Ben Peven original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/enabling-parallel-file-systems-in-the-cloud-with-amazon-ec2-part-i-beegfs/

This post was authored by AWS Solutions Architects Ray Zaman, David Desroches, and Ameer Hakme.

In this blog series, you will discover how to build and manage your own Parallel Virtual File System (PVFS) on AWS. In this post you will learn how to deploy the popular open source parallel file system, BeeGFS, using AWS D3en and I3en EC2 instances. We will also provide a CloudFormation template to automate this BeeGFS deployment.

A PVFS is a type of distributed file system that distributes file data across multiple servers and provides concurrent data access to multiple execution tasks of an application. PVFS focuses on high-performance access to large datasets. It consists of a server process and a client library, which allows the file system to be mounted and used with standard utilities. PVFS on the Linux OS originated in the 1990’s and today several projects are available including Lustre, GlusterFS, and BeeGFS. Workloads such as shared storage for video transcoding and export, batch processing jobs, high frequency online transaction processing (OLTP) systems, and scratch storage for high performance computing (HPC) benefit from the high throughput and performance provided by PVFS.

Implementation of a PVFS can be complex and expensive. There are many variables you will want to take into account when designing a PVFS cluster including the number of nodes, node size (CPU, memory), cluster size, storage characteristics (size, performance), and network bandwidth. Due to the difficulty in estimating the correct configuration, systems procured for on-premises data centers are typically oversized, resulting in additional costs, and underutilized resources. In addition, the hardware procurement process is lengthy and the installation and maintenance of the hardware adds additional overhead.

AWS makes it easy to run and fully manage your parallel file systems by allowing you to choose from a variety of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances. EC2 instances are available on-demand and allow you to scale your workload as needed. AWS storage-optimized EC2 instances offer up to 60 TB of NVMe SSD storage per instance and up to 336 TB of local HDD storage per instance. With storage-optimized instances, you can easily deploy PVFS to support workloads requiring high-performance access to large datasets. You can test and iterate on different instances to find the optimal size for your workloads.

D3en instances leverage 2nd-generation Intel Xeon Scalable Processors (Cascade Lake) and provide a sustained all core frequency up to 3.1 GHz. These instances provide up to 336 TB of local HDD storage (which is the highest local storage capacity in EC2), up to 6.2 GiBps of disk throughput, and up to 75 Gbps of network bandwidth.

I3en instances are powered by 1st or 2nd generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable (Skylake or Cascade Lake) processors with 3.1 GHz sustained all-core turbo performance. These instances provide up to 60 TB of NVMe storage, up to 16 GB/s of sequential disk throughput, and up to 100 Gbps of network bandwidth.

BeeGFS, originally released by ThinkParQ in 2014, is an open source, software defined PVFS that runs on Linux. You can scale the size and performance of the BeeGFS file-system by configuring the number of servers and disks in the clusters up to thousands of nodes.

BeeGFS architecture

D3en instances offer HDD storage while I3en instances offer NVMe SSD storage. This diversity allows you to create tiers of storage based on performance requirements. In the example presented in this post you will use four D3en.8xlarge (32 vCPU, 128 GB, 16x14TB HDD, 50 Gbit) and two I3en.12xlarge (48 vCPU, 384 GB, 4 x 7.5-TB NVMe) instances to create two storage tiers. You may choose different sizes and quantities to meet your needs. The I3en instances, with SSD, will be configured as tier 1 and the D3en instances, with HDD, will be configured as tier 2. One disk from each instance will be formatted as ext4 and used for metadata while the remaining disks will be formatted as XFS and used for storage. You may choose to separate metadata and storage on different hosts for workloads where these must scale independently. The array will be configured RAID 0, since it will provide maximum performance. Software replication or other RAID types can be employed for higher durability.

BeeGFS architecture

Figure 1: BeeGFS architecture

You will deploy all instances within a single VPC in the same Availability Zone and subnet to minimize latency. Security groups must be configured to allow the following ports:

  • Management service (beegfs-mgmtd): 8008
  • Metadata service (beegfs-meta): 8005
  • Storage service (beegfs-storage): 8003
  • Client service (beegfs-client): 8004

You will use the Debian Quick Start Amazon Machine Image (AMI) as it supports BeeGFS. You can enable Amazon CloudWatch to capture metrics.

How to deploy the BeeGFS architecture

Follow the steps below to create the PVFS described above. For automated deployment, use the CloudFormation template located at AWS Samples.

  1. Use the AWS Management Console or CLI to deploy one D3en.8xlarge instance into a VPC as described above.
  2. Log in to the instance and update the system:
    • sudo apt update
    • sudo apt upgrade
  3. Install the XFS utilities and load the kernel module:
    • sudo apt-get -y install xfsprogs
    • sudo modprobe -v xfs

Format the first disk ext4 as it is used for metadata, the rest are formatted xfs. The disks will appear as “nvme???” which actually represent the HDD drives on the D3en instances.

4. View a listing of available disks:

    • sudo lsblk

5. Format hard disks:

    • sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/nvme0n1
    • sudo mkfs -t xfs /dev/nvme1n1
    • Repeat this command for disks nvme2n1 through nvme15n1

6. Create file system mount points:

    • sudo mkdir /disk00
    • sudo mkdir /disk01
    • Repeat this command for disks disk02 through disk15

7. Mount the filesystems:

    • sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1 /disk00
    • sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1 /disk01
    • Repeat this command for disks disk02 through disk15

Repeat steps 1 through 7 on the remaining nodes. Remember to account for fewer disks for i3en.12xlarge instances or if you decide to use different instance sizes.

8. Add the BeeGFS Repo to each node:

    • sudo apt-get -y install gnupg
    • wget https://www.beegfs.io/release/beegfs_7.2.3/dists/beegfs-deb10.list
    • sudo cp beegfs-deb10.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
    • sudo wget -q https://www.beegfs.io/release/latest-stable/gpg/DEB-GPG-KEY-beegfs -O- | sudo apt-key add -
    • sudo apt update

9. Install BeeGFS management (node 1 only):

    • sudo apt-get -y install beegfs-mgmtd
    • sudo mkdir /beegfs-mgmt
    • sudo /opt/beegfs/sbin/beegfs-setup-mgmtd -p /beegfs-mgmt/beegfs/beegfs_mgmtd

10. Install BeeGFS metadata and storage (all nodes):

    • sudo apt-get -y install beegfs-meta beegfs-storage beegfs-meta beegfs-client beegfs-helperd beegfs-utils
    • # -s is unique ID based on node - change this!, -m is hostname of management server
    • sudo /opt/beegfs/sbin/beegfs-setup-meta -p /disk00/beegfs/beegfs_meta -s 1 -m ip-XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX
    • # Change -s to nodeID and -i to (nodeid)0(disk), -m is hostname of management server
    • sudo /opt/beegfs/sbin/beegfs-setup-storage -p /disk01/beegfs_storage -s 1 -i 101 -m ip-XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX
    • sudo /opt/beegfs/sbin/beegfs-setup-storage -p /disk02/beegfs_storage -s 1 -i 102 -m ip-XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX
    • Repeat this last command for the remaining disks disk03 through disk15

11. Start the services:

    • #Only on node1
    • sudo systemctl start beegfs-mgmtd
    • #All servers
    • sudo systemctl start beegfs-meta
    • sudo systemctl start beegfs-storage

At this point, your BeeGFS cluster is running and ready for use by a client system. The client system requires BeeGFS client software in order to mount the cluster.

12. Deploy an m5n.2xlarge instance into the same subnet as the PVFS cluster.

13. Log in to the instance, install, and configure the client:

    • sudo apt update
    • sudo apt upgrade
    • sudo apt-get -y install gnupg
    • #Need linux sources for client compilation
    • sudo apt-get -y install linux-source
    • sudo apt-get -y install linux-headers-4.19.0-14-all
    • wget https://www.beegfs.io/release/beegfs_7.2.3/dists/beegfs-deb10.list
    • sudo cp beegfs-deb10.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
    • sudo wget -q https://www.beegfs.io/release/latest-stable/gpg/DEB-GPG-KEY-beegfs -O- | sudo apt-key add -
    • sudo apt update
    • sudo apt-get -y install beegfs-client beegfs-helperd beegfs-utils
    • sudo /opt/beegfs/sbin/beegfs-setup-client -m ip-XXX-XXX-XXX-XX # use the ip address of the management node
    • sudo systemctl start beegfs-helperd
    • sudo systemctl start beegfs-client

14. Create the storage pools:

    • sudo beegfs-ctl --addstoragepool —desc="tier1" —targets=501,502,503,601,602,603
    • sudo beegfs-ctl --addstoragepool --desc="tier2" --targets=101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209,210,
    • sudo beegfs-ctl --liststoragepools
    • Pool ID Pool Description                      Targets                 Buddy Groups
    • ======= ================== ============================ ============================
      • Default
      • tier1 501,502,503,601,602,603
      • tier2 101,102,103,104,105,106,107,
        • 108,109,110,111,112,113,114,
        • 115,201,202,203,204,205,206,
        • 207,208,209,210,211,212,213,
        • 214,215,301,302,303,304,305,
        • 306,307,308,309,310,311,312,
        • 313,314,315,401,402,403,404,
        • 405,406,407,408,409,410,411,
        • 412,413,414,415

15. Mount the pools to the file system:

    • sudo beegfs-ctl --setpattern --storagepoolid=2 /mnt/beegfs/tier1
    • sudo beegfs-ctl --setpattern --storagepoolid=3 /mnt/beegfs/tier2

The BeeGFS PVFS is now ready to be used by the client system.

How to test your new BeeGFS PVFS

BeeGFS provides StorageBench to evaluate the performance of BeeGFS on the storage targets. This benchmark measures the streaming throughput of the underlying file system and devices independent of the network performance. To simulate client I/O, this benchmark generates read/write locally on the servers without any client communication.

It is possible to benchmark specific targets or all targets together using the “servers” parameter. A “read” or “write” parameter sets the type pf test to perform. The “threads” parameter is set to the number of storage devices.

Try the following commands to test performance:

Write test (1x d3en):

sudo beegfs-ctl --storagebench --servers=1 --write --blocksize=512K —size=20G —threads=15

Write test (4x d3en):

sudo beegfs-ctl --storagebench --alltargets --write --blocksize=512K —size=20G —threads=15

Read test (4x d3en):

sudo beegfs-ctl --storagebench --servers=1,2,3,4 --read --blocksize=512K --size=20G --threads=15

Write test (1x i3en):

sudo beegfs-ctl --storagebench --servers=5 --write --blocksize=512K --size=20G --threads=3

Read test (2x i3en):

sudo beegfs-ctl --storagebench --servers=5,6 --read --blocksize=512K —size=20G —threads=3

StorageBench is a great way to test what the potential performance of a given environment looks like by reducing variables like network throughput and latency, but you may want to test in a more real-world fashion. For this, tools like ‘fio’ can generate mixed read/write workloads against files on the client BeeGFS mountpoint.

First, we need to define which directory goes to which Storage Pool (tier) by setting a pattern:

sudo beegfs-ctl --setpattern --storagepoolid=2 /mnt/beegfs/tier1 sudo beegfs-ctl --setpattern --storagepoolid=3 /mnt/beegfs/tier2

You can see how a file gets striped across the various disks in a pool by adding a file and running the command:

sudo beegfs-ctl —getentryinfo /mnt/beegfs/tier1/myfile.bin

Install fio:

sudo apt-get install -y fio

Now you can run a fio test against one of the tiers.  This example command runs eight threads running a 75/25 read/write workload against a 10-GB file:

sudo fio --numjobs=8 --randrepeat=1 --ioengine=libaio --direct=1 --gtod_reduce=1 --name=test --filename=/mnt/beegfs/tier1/test --bs=512k --iodepth=64 --size=10G --readwrite=randrw --rwmixread=75

Cleaning up

To avoid ongoing charges for resources you created, you should:


In this blog post we demonstrated how to build and manage your own BeeGFS Parallel Virtual File System on AWS. In this example, you created two storage tiers using the I3en and D3en. The I3en was used as the first tier for SSD storage and the D3en was used as a second tier for HDD storage. By using two different tiers, you can optimize performance to meet your application requirements.

Amazon EC2 storage-optimized instances make it easy to deploy the BeeGFS Parallel Virtual File System. Using combinations of SSD and HDD storage available on the I3en and D3en instance types, you can achieve the capacity and performance needed to run the most demanding workloads. Read more about the D3en and I3en instances.

Metasploit Wrap-Up

Post Syndicated from Louis Sato original https://blog.rapid7.com/2021/09/10/metasploit-wrap-up-129/

Confluence Server OGNL Injection

Metasploit Wrap-Up

Our own wvu along with Jang added a module that exploits an OGNL injection (CVE-2021-26804)in Atlassian Confluence’s WebWork component to execute commands as the Tomcat user. CVE-2021-26804 is a critical remote code execution vulnerability in Confluence Server and Confluence Data Center and is actively being exploited in the wild. Initial discovery of this exploit was by Benny Jacob (SnowyOwl).

More Enhancements

In addition to the module, we would like to highlight some of the enhancements that have been added for this release. Contributor e2002e added the OUTFILE and DATABASE options to the zoomeye_search module allowing users to save results to a local file or local database along with improving the output of the module to provide better information about the target. Our own dwelch-r7 has added support for fully interactive shells against Linux environments with shell -it. In order to use this functionality, users will have to enable the feature flag with features set fully_interactive_shells true. Contributor pingport80 has added powershell support for write_file method that is binary safe and has also replaced explicit cat calls with file reads from the file library to provide broader support.

New module content (1)

Enhancements and features

  • #15278 from e2002e – The zoomeye_search module has been enhanced to add the OUTFILE and DATABASE options, which allow users to save results to a local file or to the local database respectively. Additionally the output saved has been improved to provide better information about the target and additional error handling has been added to better handle potential edge cases.
  • #15522 from dwelch-r7 – Adds support for fully interactive shells against Linux environments with shell -it. This functionality is behind a feature flag and can be enabled with features set fully_interactive_shells true
  • #15560 from pingport80 – This PR add powershell support for write_file method that is binary safe.
  • #15627 from pingport80 – This PR removes explicit cat calls and replaces them with file reads from the file library so that they have broader support.

Bugs fixed

  • #15634 from maikthulhu – This PR fixes an issue in exploit/multi/misc/erlang_cookie_rce where a missing bitwise flag caused the exploit to fail in some circumstances.
  • #15636 from adfoster-r7 – Fixes a regression in datastore serialization that caused some event processing to fail.
  • #15637 from adfoster-r7 – Fixes a regression issue were Metasploit incorrectly marked ipv6 address as having an ‘invalid protocol’
  • #15639 from gwillcox-r7 – This fixes a bug in the rename_files method that would occur when run on a non-Windows shell session.
  • #15640 from adfoster-r7 – Updates modules/auxiliary/gather/office365userenum.py to require python3
  • #15652 from jmartin-r7 – A missing dependency, py3-pip, was preventing certain external modules such as auxiliary/gather/office365userenum from working due to requests requiring py3-pip to run properly. This has been fixed by updating the Docker container to install the missing py3-pip dependency.
  • #15654 from space-r7 – A bug has been fixed in lib/msf/core/payload/windows/encrypted_reverse_tcp.rb whereby a call to recv() was not being passed the proper arguments to receive the full payload before returning. This could result in cases where only part of the payload was received before continuing, which would have resulted in a crash. This has been fixed by adding a flag to the recv() function call to ensure it receives the entire payload before returning.
  • #15655 from adfoster-r7 – This cleans up the MySQL client-side options that are used within the library code.

Get it

As always, you can update to the latest Metasploit Framework with msfupdate
and you can get more details on the changes since the last blog post from

If you are a git user, you can clone the Metasploit Framework repo (master branch) for the latest.
To install fresh without using git, you can use the open-source-only Nightly Installers or the
binary installers (which also include the commercial edition).

How US federal agencies can use AWS to encrypt data at rest and in transit

Post Syndicated from Robert George original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-us-federal-agencies-can-use-aws-to-encrypt-data-at-rest-and-in-transit/

This post is part of a series about how Amazon Web Services (AWS) can help your US federal agency meet the requirements of the President’s Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity. You will learn how you can use AWS information security practices to meet the requirement to encrypt your data at rest and in transit, to the maximum extent possible.

Encrypt your data at rest in AWS

Data at rest represents any data that you persist in non-volatile storage for any duration in your workload. This includes block storage, object storage, databases, archives, IoT devices, and any other storage medium on which data is persisted. Protecting your data at rest reduces the risk of unauthorized access when encryption and appropriate access controls are implemented.

AWS KMS provides a streamlined way to manage keys used for at-rest encryption. It integrates with AWS services to simplify using your keys to encrypt data across your AWS workloads. It uses hardware security modules that have been validated under FIPS 140-2 to protect your keys. You choose the level of access control that you need, including the ability to share encrypted resources between accounts and services. AWS KMS logs key usage to AWS CloudTrail to provide an independent view of who accessed encrypted data, including AWS services that are using keys on your behalf. As of this writing, AWS KMS integrates with 81 different AWS services. Here are details on recommended encryption for workloads using some key services:

You can use AWS KMS to encrypt other data types including application data with client-side encryption. A client-side application or JavaScript encrypts data before uploading it to S3 or other storage resources. As a result, uploaded data is protected in transit and at rest. Customer options for client-side encryption include the AWS SDK for KMS, the AWS Encryption SDK, and use of third-party encryption tools.

You can also use AWS Secrets Manager to encrypt application passwords, connection strings, and other secrets. Database credentials, resource names, and other sensitive data used in AWS Lambda functions can be encrypted and accessed at run time. This increases the security of these secrets and allows for easier credential rotation.

KMS HSMs are FIPS 140-2 validated and accessible using FIPS validated endpoints. Agencies with additional requirements that require a FIPS 140-3 validated hardware security module (HSM) (for example, for securing third-party secrets managers) can use AWS CloudHSM.

For more information about AWS KMS and key management best practices, visit these resources:

Encrypt your data in transit in AWS

In addition to encrypting data at rest, agencies must also encrypt data in transit. AWS provides a variety of solutions to help agencies encrypt data in transit and enforce this requirement.

First, all network traffic between AWS data centers is transparently encrypted at the physical layer. This data-link layer encryption includes traffic within an AWS Region as well as between Regions. Additionally, all traffic within a virtual private cloud (VPC) and between peered VPCs is transparently encrypted at the network layer when you are using supported Amazon EC2 instance types. Customers can choose to enable Transport Layer Security (TLS) for the applications they build on AWS using a variety of services. All AWS service endpoints support TLS to create a secure HTTPS connection to make API requests.

AWS offers several options for agency-managed infrastructure within the AWS Cloud that needs to terminate TLS. These options include load balancing services (for example, Elastic Load Balancing, Network Load Balancer, and Application Load Balancer), Amazon CloudFront (a content delivery network), and Amazon API Gateway. Each of these endpoint services enable customers to upload their digital certificates for the TLS connection. Digital certificates then need to be managed appropriately to account for expiration and rotation requirements. AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) simplifies generating, distributing, and rotating digital certificates. ACM offers publicly trusted certificates that can be used in AWS services that require certificates to terminate TLS connections to the internet. ACM also provides the ability to create a private certificate authority (CA) hierarchy that can integrate with existing on-premises CAs to automatically generate, distribute, and rotate certificates to secure internal communication among customer-managed infrastructure.

Finally, you can encrypt communications between your EC2 instances and other AWS resources that are connected to your VPC, such as Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) databasesAmazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) file systemsAmazon S3Amazon DynamoDBAmazon Redshift, Amazon EMR, Amazon OpenSearch Service, Amazon ElasticCache for RedisAmazon FSx Windows File Server, AWS Direct Connect (DX) MACsec, and more.


This post has reviewed services that are used to encrypt data at rest and in transit, following the Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity. I discussed the use of AWS KMS to manage encryption keys that handle the management of keys for at-rest encryption, as well as the use of ACM to manage certificates that protect data in transit.

Next steps

To learn more about how AWS can help you meet the requirements of the executive order, see the other posts in this series:

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Robert George

Robert is a Solutions Architect on the Worldwide Public Sector (WWPS) team who works with customers to design secure, high-performing, and cost-effective systems in the AWS Cloud. He has previously worked in cybersecurity roles focused on designing security architectures, securing enterprise systems, and leading incident response teams for highly regulated environments.

Hybrid Cloud Architectures Using Self-hosted Apache Kafka and AWS Glue

Post Syndicated from Brandon Rubadou original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/hybrid-cloud-architectures-using-self-hosted-apache-kafka-and-aws-glue/

Using analytics to gain insights from a variety of datasets is key to successful transformation. There are many options to consider to realize the full value and potential of our data in a hybrid cloud infrastructure. Common practice is to route data produced from on-premises to a central repository or data lake. Here it can be consumed by multiple applications.

You can use an Apache Kafka cluster for data movement from on-premises to the data lake, using Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). But you must either replicate the topics onto a cloud cluster, or develop a custom connector to read and copy the topics to Amazon S3. This presents a challenge for many customers.

This blog presents another option; an architecture solution leveraging AWS Glue.

Kafka and ETL processing

Apache Kafka is an open-source distributed event streaming platform used by thousands of companies for high-performance data pipelines, streaming analytics, data integration, and mission-critical applications. You can use Kafka clusters as a system to move data between systems. Producers typically publish data (or push) to a Kafka topic, where an application can consume it. Consumers are usually custom applications that feed data into respective target applications. These targets can be a data warehouse, an Amazon OpenSearch Service cluster, or others.

AWS Glue offers the ability to create jobs that will extract, transform, and load (ETL) data. This allows you to consume from many sources, such as from Apache Kafka, Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, or Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK). The jobs cleanse and transform the data, and then load the results into Amazon S3 data lakes or JDBC data stores.

Hybrid solution and architecture design

In most cases, the first step in building a responsive and manageable architecture is to review the data itself. For example, if we are processing insurance policy data from a financial organization, our data may contain fields that identify customer data. These can be account ID, an insurance claim identifier, and the dollar amount of the specific claim. Glue provides the ability to change any of these field types into the expected data lake schema type for processing.

Figure 1. Data flow - Source to data lake target

Figure 1. Data flow – Source to data lake target

Next, AWS Glue must be configured to connect to the on-premises Kafka server (see Figure 1). Private and secure connectivity to the on-premises environment can be established via AWS Direct Connect or a VPN solution. Traffic from the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) is allowed to access the cluster directly. You can do this by creating a three-step streaming ETL job:

  1. Create a Glue connection to the on-premises Kafka source
  2. Create a Data Catalog table
  3. Create an ETL job, which saves to an S3 data lake

Configuring AWS Glue

  1. Create a connection. Using AWS Glue, create a secure SSL connection in the Data Catalog using the predefined Kafka connection type. Enter the hostname of the on-premises cluster and use the custom-managed certificate option for additional security. If you are in a development environment, you are required to generate a self-signed SSL certificate. Use your Kafka SSL endpoint to connect to Glue. (AWS Glue also supports client authentication for Apache Kafka streams.)
  2. Specify a security group. To allow AWS Glue to communicate between its components, specify a security group with a self-referencing inbound rule for all TCP ports. By creating this rule, you can restrict the source to the same security group in the Amazon VPC. Ensure you check the default security group for your VPC, as it could have a preconfigured self-referencing inbound rule for ALL traffic.
  3. Create the Data Catalog. Glue can auto-create the data schema. Since it’s a simple flat file, use the schema detection function of Glue. Set up the Kafka topic and refer to the connection.
  4. Define the job properties. Create the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role to allow Glue to connect to S3 data. Select an S3 bucket and format. In this case, we use CSV and enable schema detection.

The Glue job can be scheduled, initiated manually, or by using an event driven architecture. Note that Glue does not yet support the “test connection” option within the console. Make sure you set the “Job Timeout” and enter a duration in minutes because the default value is blank.

When the job runs, it pulls the latest topics from the source on-premises Kafka cluster. Glue supports checkpoints to ensure that all source data is processed. By default, AWS Glue processes and writes out data in 100-second windows. This allows data to be processed efficiently and permits aggregations to be performed on data arriving later. You can modify this window size to increase timeliness or aggregation accuracy. AWS Glue streaming jobs use checkpoints rather than job bookmarks to track the data that has been read. AWS Glue bills hourly for streaming ETL jobs only while they are running.

Now that the connection is complete and the job is created, we can format the source data needed for the data lake. AWS Glue offers a set of built-in transforms that you can use to process your data using your ETL script. The transformed data is then placed in S3, where it can be leveraged as part of a larger data lake environment.

Many additional steps can be taken to render even more value from the information. For example, one team may choose to use a business intelligence tool like Amazon QuickSight to visualize and embed the data into an internal dashboard. Another team may want to use event driven architectures to notify financial analysts and initiate downstream actions when specific types of data are discovered. There are endless opportunities that should be determined by the business needs.


In this blog post, we have given an overview of an architecture that provides hybrid cloud data integration and analytics capability. Once the data is transformed and hosted in the S3 data lake, we can provide secure, reliable access to gain valuable insights. This solution allows for a variety of different producers and consumers, with the ability to handle increasing volumes of data.

AWS Glue along with Apache Kafka will ensure that your on-premises workloads are tightly integrated with your larger data lake solution.

If you have questions, post your thoughts in the comments section.

For further reading:

SPDX Becomes Internationally Recognized Standard for Software Bill of Materials

Post Syndicated from original https://lwn.net/Articles/868882/rss

The Linux Foundation has announced that Software Package Data Exchange (SPDX) has become an international standard (ISO/IEC 5962:2021). SPDX has been used in the kernel and other projects to identify the licenses and attach other metadata to software components.

Between eighty and ninety percent (80%-90%) of a modern application is assembled from open source software components. An SBOM [software bill of materials] accounts for the software components contained in an application — open source, proprietary, or third-party — and details their provenance, license, and security attributes. SBOMs are used as a part of a foundational practice to track and trace components across software supply chains. SBOMs also help to proactively identify software issues and risks and establish a starting point for their remediation.

SPDX results from ten years of collaboration from representatives across industries, including the leading Software Composition Analysis (SCA) vendors – making it the most robust, mature, and adopted SBOM standard.

ВСС предлага на Кьовеши прокурор смачкал разследване за злоупотреби с европари

Post Syndicated from Димитър Стоянов original https://bivol.bg/anita-djamalova-zemen.html

петък 10 септември 2021

Висшият съдебен съвет е на път да се провали за пореден път в опита си да излъчи прокурори за българската квота на Европейската прокуратура. Едва два дни след като всички…

[$] The folio pull-request pushback

Post Syndicated from original https://lwn.net/Articles/868598/rss

When we last caught up with the page folio patch set, it appeared to be on
track to be pulled into the mainline during the 5.15 merge window. Matthew
Wilcox duly sent a pull
in August to make that happen. While it is possible that
folios could still end up in 5.15, that has not happened as of this writing
and appears increasingly unlikely. What we got instead was a lengthy
discussion on the merits of the folio approach.

Security updates for Friday

Post Syndicated from original https://lwn.net/Articles/868863/rss

Security updates have been issued by Debian (firefox-esr, ghostscript, ntfs-3g, and postorius), Fedora (java-1.8.0-openjdk-aarch32, libtpms, and salt), openSUSE (libaom, libtpms, and openssl-1_0_0), Red Hat (openstack-neutron), SUSE (grilo, java-1_7_0-openjdk, libaom, libtpms, mariadb, openssl-1_0_0, openssl-1_1, and php74-pear), and Ubuntu (firefox and ghostscript).

The Rise of Disruptive Ransomware Attacks: A Call To Action

Post Syndicated from boB Rudis original https://blog.rapid7.com/2021/09/10/the-rise-of-disruptive-ransomware-attacks-a-call-to-action/

The Rise of Disruptive Ransomware Attacks: A Call To Action

Our collective use of and dependence on technology has come quite a long way since 1989. That year, the first documented ransomware attack — the AIDS Trojan — was spread via physical media (5 1⁄4″ floppy disks) delivered by the postal service to individuals subscribed to a mailing list. The malware encrypted filenames (not the contents) and demanded payment ($189 USD) to be sent to a post office box to gain access to codes that would unscramble the directory entries.

That initial ransomware attack — started by an emotionally disturbed AIDS researcher — gave rise to a business model that has evolved since then to become one of the most lucrative and increasingly disruptive cybercriminal enterprises in modern history.

In this post, we’ll:

  • Examine what has enabled this growth
  • See how tactics and targets have morphed over the years
  • Take a hard look at the societal impacts of more recent campaigns
  • Paint an unfortunately bleak picture of where these attacks may be headed if we cannot work together to curtail them

Building the infrastructure of our own demise: Ransomware’s growth enablers

As PCs entered homes and businesses, individuals and organizations increasingly relied on technology for everything from storing albums of family pictures to handling legitimate business processes of all shapes and sizes. They were also becoming progressively more connected to the internet — a domain formerly dominated by academics and researchers. Electronic mail (now email) morphed from a quirky, niche tool to a ubiquitous medium, connecting folks across the globe. The World Wide Web shifted from being a medium solely used for information exchange to the digital home of corporations and a cadre of storefronts.

The capacity and capabilities of cyberspace grew at a frenetic pace and fueled great innovation. The cloud was born, cheaply putting vast compute resources into the hands of anyone with a credit card and reducing the complexity of building internet-enabled services. Today, sitting on the beach in an island resort, we can speak to the digital assistant on our smartphones and issue commands to our home automatons thousands of miles away.

Despite appearances, this evolution and expansion was — for the most part — unplanned and emerged with little thought towards safety and resilience, creating (unseen by most) fragile interconnections and interdependencies.

The concept and exchange mechanisms of currency also changed during this time. Checks in the mail and wire transfers over copper lines have been replaced with digital credit and debit transactions and fiat-less digital currency ledger updates.

So, we now have blazing fast network access from even the most remote locations, globally distributed, cheap, massive compute resources, and baked-in dependence on connected technology in virtually every area of modern life, coupled with instantaneous (and increasingly anonymous) capital exchange. Most of this infrastructure — and nearly all the processes and exchanges that run on it — are unprotected or woefully under protected, making it the perfect target for bold, brazen, and clever criminal enterprises.

From pictures to pipelines: Ransomware’s evolving targets and tactics

At their core, financially motivated cybercriminals are entrepreneurs who understand that their business models must be diverse and need to evolve with the changing digital landscape. Ransomware is only one of many business models, and it’s taken a somewhat twisty path to where we are today.

Attacks in the very early 2000s were highly regional (mostly Eastern Europe) and used existing virus/trojan distribution mechanisms that randomly targeted businesses via attachments spread by broad stroke spam campaigns. Unlike their traditional virus counterparts, these ransomware pioneers sought small, direct payouts in e-gold, one of the first widely accessible digital currency exchanges.

By the mid-2000s, e-gold was embroiled in legal disputes and was, for the most part, defunct. Instead of assuaging attackers, even more groups tried their hands at the ransomware scheme, since it had a solid track record of ensuring at least some percentage of payouts.

Many groups shifted attacks towards individuals, encrypting anything from pictures of grandkids to term papers. Instead of currency, these criminals forced victims to procure medications from online pharmacies and hand over account credentials so the attackers could route delivery to their drop boxes.

Others took advantage of the fear of exposure and locked up the computer itself (rather than encrypt files or drives), displaying explicit images that could be dismissed after texting or calling a “premium-rate” number for a code.

However, there were those who still sought the refuge of other fledgling digital currency markets, such as Liberty Reserve, and migrated the payout portion of encryption-based campaigns to those exchanges.

By the early 2010s — due, in part, to the mainstreaming of Bitcoin and other digital currencies/exchanges, combined with the absolute reliance of virtually all business processes on technology — these initial, experimental business models coalesced into a form we should all recognize today:

  • Gain initial access to a potential victim business. This can be via phishing, but it’s increasingly performed via compromising internet-facing gateways or using legitimate credentials to log onto VPNs — like the attack on Colonial Pipeline — and other remote access portals. The attacks shifted focus to businesses for higher payouts and also a higher likelihood of receiving a payout.
  • Encrypt critical files on multiple critical systems. Attackers developed highly capable, customized utilities for performing encryption quickly across a wide array of file types. They also had a library of successful, battle-tested techniques for moving laterally throughout an organization. Criminals also know the backup and recovery processes at most organizations are lacking.
  • Demanding digital currency payout in a given timeframe. Introducing a temporal component places added pressure on the organization to pay or potentially lose files forever.

The technology and business processes to support this new model became sophisticated and commonplace enough to cause an entire new ransomware as a service criminal industry to emerge, enabling almost anyone with a computer to become an aspiring ransomware mogul.

On the cusp of 2020 a visible trend started to emerge where victim organizations declined to pay ransom demands. Not wanting to lose a very profitable revenue source, attackers added some new techniques into the mix:

  • Identify and exfiltrate high-value files and data before encrypting them. Frankly, it’s odd more attackers did not do this before the payment downturn (though, some likely did). By spending a bit more time identifying this prized data, attackers could then use it as part of their overall scheme.
  • Threaten to leak the data publicly or to the individuals/organizations identified in the data. It should come as no surprise that most ransomware attacks go unreported to the authorities and unseen by the media. No organization wants the reputation hit associated with an attack of this type, and adding exposure to the mix helped return payouts to near previous levels.

The high-stakes gambit of disruptive attacks: Risky business with significant collateral damage

Not all ransomware attacks go unseen, but even the ones that gained some attention rarely make it to mainstream national news. In the U.S. alone, hundreds of schools and municipalities have experienced disruptive and costly ransomware attacks each year going back as far as 2016.

Municipal ransomware attacks

When a town or city is taken down by a ransomware attack, critical safety services such as police and first responders can be taken offline for days. Businesses and citizens cannot make payments on time-critical bills. Workers, many of whom exist paycheck-to-paycheck, cannot be paid. Even when a city like Atlanta refuses to reward criminals with a payment, it can still cost taxpayers millions of dollars and many, many months to have systems recovered to their previous working state.

School-district ransomware attacks

Similarly, when a school district is impacted, schools — which increasingly rely on technology and internet access in the classroom — may not be able to function, forcing parents to scramble for child care or lose time from work. As schools were forced online during the pandemic, disruptive ransomware attacks also made remote, online classes inaccessible, exacerbating an already stressful learning environment.

Hobbled learning is not the only potential outcome as well. Recently, one of the larger districts in the U.S. fell victim to a $547,000 USD ransom attack, which was ultimately paid to stop sensitive student and personnel data from becoming public. The downstream identity theft and other impacts of such a leak are almost impossible to calculate.

Healthcare ransomware attacks

Hundreds of healthcare organizations across the U.S. have also suffered annual ransomware attacks over the same period. When the systems, networks, and data in a hospital are frozen, personnel must revert to back up “pen-and-paper” processes, which are far less efficient than their digital counterparts. Healthcare emergency communications are also increasing digital, and a technology blackout can force critical care facilities into “divert” mode, meaning that incoming ambulances with crisis care patients will have to go miles out of their way to other facilities and increase the chances of severe negative outcomes for those patients — especially when coupled with pandemic-related outbreak surges.

The U.K. National Health Service was severely impacted by the WannaCry ransom-“worm” gone awry back in 2017. In total, “1% of NHS activity was directly affected by the WannaCry attack. 80 out of 236 hospital trusts across England [had] services impacted even if the organisation was not infected by the virus (for instance, they took their email offline to reduce the risk of infection); [and,] 595 out of 7,4545 GP practices (8%) and eight other NHS and related organisations were infected,” according to the NHS’s report.

An attack on Scripps Health in the U.S. in 2021 disrupted operations across the entire network for over a month and has — to date — cost the organization over $100M USD, plus impacted emergency and elective care for thousands of individuals.

An even more deliberate massive attack against Ireland’s healthcare network is expected to ultimately cost taxpayers over $600M USD, with recovery efforts still underway months after the attack, despite attackers providing the decryption keys free of charge.

Transportation ransomware attacks

San Francisco, Massachusetts, Colorado, Montreal, the UK, and scores of other public and commercial transportation systems across the globe have been targets of ransomware attacks. In many instances, systems are locked up sufficiently to prevent passengers from getting to destinations such as work, school, or medical care. Locking up freight transportation means critical goods cannot be delivered on time.

Critical infrastructure ransomware attacks

U.S. citizens came face-to-face with the impacts of large-scale ransomware attacks in 2021 as attackers disrupted access to fuel and impacted the food supply chain, causing shortages, panic buying, and severe price spikes in each industry.

Water systems and other utilities across the U.S. have also fallen victim to ransomware attacks in recent years, exposing deficiencies in the cyber defenses in these sectors.

Service provider ransomware attacks

Finally, one of the most high-profile ransomware attacks of all time has been the Kaseya attack. Ultimately, over 1,500 organizations — everything from regional retail and grocery chains to schools, governments, and businesses — were taken offline for over a week due to attackers compromising a software component used by hundreds of managed service providers. Revenue was lost, parents scrambled for last-minute care, and other processes were slowed or completely stopped. If the attackers had been just a tad more methodical, patient, and competent, this mass ransomware attack could have been even more far-reaching and even more devastating than it already was.

The road ahead: Ransomware will get worse until we get better

The first section of this post showed how we created the infrastructure of our own ransomware demise. Technology has advanced and been adopted faster than our ability to ensure the safety and resilience of the processes that sit on top of it. When one of the largest distributors of our commercial fuel supply still supports simple credential access for remote access, it is clear we have all not done enough — up to now — to inform, educate, and support critical infrastructure security, let alone those of schools, hospitals, municipalities, and businesses in general.

As ransomware attacks continue to escalate and become broader in reach and scope, we will also continue to see increasing societal collateral damage.

Now is the time for action. Thankfully, we have a framework for just such action! Rapid7 was part of a multi-stakeholder task force charged with coming up with a framework to combat ransomware. As we work toward supporting each of the efforts detailed in the report, we encourage all other organizations and especially all governments to dedicate time and resources towards doing the same. We must work together to stem the tide, change the attacker economics, and reduce the impacts of ransomware on society as a whole.


Get the latest stories, expertise, and news about security today.

How to execute an object file: Part 3

Post Syndicated from Ignat Korchagin original https://blog.cloudflare.com/how-to-execute-an-object-file-part-3/

Dealing with external libraries

How to execute an object file: Part 3

In the part 2 of our series we learned how to process relocations in object files in order to properly wire up internal dependencies in the code. In this post we will look into what happens if the code has external dependencies — that is, it tries to call functions from external libraries. As before, we will be building upon the code from part 2. Let’s add another function to our toy object file:


#include <stdio.h>
void say_hello(void)
    puts("Hello, world!");

In the above scenario our say_hello function now depends on the puts function from the C standard library. To try it out we also need to modify our loader to import the new function and execute it:


static void execute_funcs(void)
    /* pointers to imported functions */
    int (*add5)(int);
    int (*add10)(int);
    const char *(*get_hello)(void);
    int (*get_var)(void);
    void (*set_var)(int num);
    void (*say_hello)(void);
    say_hello = lookup_function("say_hello");
    if (!say_hello) {
        fputs("Failed to find say_hello function\n", stderr);
    puts("Executing say_hello...");

Let’s run it:

$ gcc -c obj.c
$ gcc -o loader loader.c
$ ./loader
No runtime base address for section

Seems something went wrong when the loader tried to process relocations, so let’s check the relocations table:

$ readelf --relocs obj.o
Relocation section '.rela.text' at offset 0x3c8 contains 7 entries:
  Offset          Info           Type           Sym. Value    Sym. Name + Addend
000000000020  000a00000004 R_X86_64_PLT32    0000000000000000 add5 - 4
00000000002d  000a00000004 R_X86_64_PLT32    0000000000000000 add5 - 4
00000000003a  000500000002 R_X86_64_PC32     0000000000000000 .rodata - 4
000000000046  000300000002 R_X86_64_PC32     0000000000000000 .data - 4
000000000058  000300000002 R_X86_64_PC32     0000000000000000 .data - 4
000000000066  000500000002 R_X86_64_PC32     0000000000000000 .rodata - 4
00000000006b  001100000004 R_X86_64_PLT32    0000000000000000 puts - 4

The compiler generated a relocation for the puts invocation. The relocation type is R_X86_64_PLT32 and our loader already knows how to process these, so the problem is elsewhere. The above entry shows that the relocation references 17th entry (0x11 in hex) in the symbol table, so let’s check that:

$ readelf --symbols obj.o
Symbol table '.symtab' contains 18 entries:
   Num:    Value          Size Type    Bind   Vis      Ndx Name
     0: 0000000000000000     0 NOTYPE  LOCAL  DEFAULT  UND
     1: 0000000000000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS obj.c
     2: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    1
     3: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    3
     4: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    4
     5: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    5
     6: 0000000000000000     4 OBJECT  LOCAL  DEFAULT    3 var
     7: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    7
     8: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    8
     9: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    6
    10: 0000000000000000    15 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    1 add5
    11: 000000000000000f    36 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    1 add10
    12: 0000000000000033    13 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    1 get_hello
    13: 0000000000000040    12 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    1 get_var
    14: 000000000000004c    19 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    1 set_var
    15: 000000000000005f    19 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    1 say_hello
    16: 0000000000000000     0 NOTYPE  GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_
    17: 0000000000000000     0 NOTYPE  GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND puts

Oh! The section index for the puts function is UND (essentially 0 in the code), which makes total sense: unlike previous symbols, puts is an external dependency, and it is not implemented in our obj.o file. Therefore, it can’t be a part of any section within obj.o.
So how do we resolve this relocation? We need to somehow point the code to jump to a puts implementation. Our loader actually already has access to the C library puts function (because it is written in C and we’ve used puts in the loader code itself already), but technically it doesn’t have to be the C library puts, just some puts implementation. For completeness, let’s implement our own custom puts function in the loader, which is just a decorator around the C library puts:


/* external dependencies for obj.o */
static int my_puts(const char *s)
    puts("my_puts executed");
    return puts(s);

Now that we have a puts implementation (and thus its runtime address) we should just write logic in the loader to resolve the relocation by instructing the code to jump to the correct function. However, there is one complication: in part 2 of our series, when we processed relocations for constants and global variables, we learned we’re mostly dealing with 32-bit relative relocations and that the code or data we’re referencing needs to be no more than 2147483647 (0x7fffffff in hex) bytes away from the relocation itself. R_X86_64_PLT32 is also a 32-bit relative relocation, so it has the same requirements, but unfortunately we can’t reuse the trick from part 2 as our my_puts function is part of the loader itself and we don’t have control over where in the address space the operating system places the loader code.

Luckily, we don’t have to come up with any new solutions and can just borrow the approach used in shared libraries.

Exploring PLT/GOT

Real world ELF executables and shared libraries have the same problem: often executables have dependencies on shared libraries and shared libraries have dependencies on other shared libraries. And all of the different pieces of a complete runtime program may be mapped to random ranges in the process address space. When a shared library or an ELF executable is linked together, the linker enumerates all the external references and creates two or more additional sections (for a refresher on ELF sections check out the part 1 of our series) in the ELF file. The two mandatory ones are the Procedure Linkage Table (PLT) and the Global Offset Table (GOT).

We will not deep-dive into specifics of the standard PLT/GOT implementation as there are many other great resources online, but in a nutshell PLT/GOT is just a jumptable for external code. At the linking stage the linker resolves all external 32-bit relative relocations with respect to a locally generated PLT/GOT table. It can do that, because this table would become part of the final ELF file itself, so it will be "close" to the main code, when the file is mapped into memory at runtime. Later, at runtime the dynamic loader populates PLT/GOT tables for every loaded ELF file (both the executable and the shared libraries) with the runtime addresses of all the dependencies. Eventually, when the program code calls some external library function, the CPU "jumps" through the local PLT/GOT table to the final code:

How to execute an object file: Part 3

Why do we need two ELF sections to implement one jumptable you may ask? Well, because real world PLT/GOT is a bit more complex than described above. Turns out resolving all external references at runtime may significantly slow down program startup time, so symbol resolution is implemented via a "lazy approach": a reference is resolved by the dynamic loader only when the code actually tries to call a particular function. If the main application code never calls a library function, that reference will never be resolved.

Implementing a simplified PLT/GOT

For learning and demonstrative purposes though we will not be reimplementing a full-blown PLT/GOT with lazy resolution, but a simple jumptable, which resolves external references when the object file is loaded and parsed. First of all we need to know the size of the table: for ELF executables and shared libraries the linker will count the external references at link stage and create appropriately sized PLT and GOT sections. Because we are dealing with raw object files we would have to do another pass over the .rela.text section and count all the relocations, which point to an entry in the symbol table with undefined section index (or 0 in code). Let’s add a function for this and store the number of external references in a global variable:


/* number of external symbols in the symbol table */
static int num_ext_symbols = 0;
static void count_external_symbols(void)
    const Elf64_Shdr *rela_text_hdr = lookup_section(".rela.text");
    if (!rela_text_hdr) {
        fputs("Failed to find .rela.text\n", stderr);
    int num_relocations = rela_text_hdr->sh_size / rela_text_hdr->sh_entsize;
    const Elf64_Rela *relocations = (Elf64_Rela *)(obj.base + rela_text_hdr->sh_offset);
    for (int i = 0; i < num_relocations; i++) {
        int symbol_idx = ELF64_R_SYM(relocations[i].r_info);
        /* if there is no section associated with a symbol, it is probably
         * an external reference */
        if (symbols[symbol_idx].st_shndx == SHN_UNDEF)

This function is very similar to our do_text_relocations function. Only instead of actually performing relocations it just counts the number of external symbol references.

Next we need to decide the actual size in bytes for our jumptable. num_ext_symbols has the number of external symbol references in the object file, but how many bytes per symbol to allocate? To figure this out we need to design our jumptable format. As we established above, in its simple form our jumptable should be just a collection of unconditional CPU jump instructions — one for each external symbol. However, unfortunately modern x64 CPU architecture does not provide a jump instruction, where an address pointer can be a direct operand. Instead, the jump address needs to be stored in memory somewhere "close" — that is within 32-bit offset — and the offset is the actual operand. So, for each external symbol we need to store the jump address (64 bits or 8 bytes on a 64-bit CPU system) and the actual jump instruction with an offset operand (6 bytes for x64 architecture). We can represent an entry in our jumptable with the following C structure:


struct ext_jump {
    /* address to jump to */
    uint8_t *addr;
    /* unconditional x64 JMP instruction */
    /* should always be {0xff, 0x25, 0xf2, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff} */
    /* so it would jump to an address stored at addr above */
    uint8_t instr[6];
struct ext_jump *jumptable;

We’ve also added a global variable to store the base address of the jumptable, which will be allocated later. Notice that with the above approach the actual jump instruction will always be constant for every external symbol. Since we allocate a dedicated entry for each external symbol with this structure, the addr member would always be at the same offset from the end of the jump instruction in instr: -14 bytes or 0xfffffff2 in hex for a 32-bit operand. So instr will always be {0xff, 0x25, 0xf2, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}: 0xff and 0x25 is the encoding of the x64 jump instruction and its modifier and 0xfffffff2 is the operand offset in little-endian format.

Now that we have defined the entry format for our jumptable, we can allocate and populate it when parsing the object file. First of all, let’s not forget to call our new count_external_symbols function from the parse_obj to populate num_ext_symbols (it has to be done before we allocate the jumptable):


static void parse_obj(void)
    /* allocate memory for `.text`, `.data` and `.rodata` copies rounding up each section to whole pages */
    text_runtime_base = mmap(NULL, page_align(text_hdr->sh_size)...

Next we need to allocate memory for the jumptable and store the pointer in the jumptable global variable for later use. Just a reminder that in order to resolve 32-bit relocations from the .text section to this table, it has to be "close" in memory to the main code. So we need to allocate it in the same mmap call as the rest of the object sections. Since we defined the table’s entry format in struct ext_jump and have num_ext_symbols, the size of the table would simply be sizeof(struct ext_jump) * num_ext_symbols:


static void parse_obj(void)
    /* allocate memory for `.text`, `.data` and `.rodata` copies and the jumptable for external symbols, rounding up each section to whole pages */
    text_runtime_base = mmap(NULL, page_align(text_hdr->sh_size) + \
                                   page_align(data_hdr->sh_size) + \
                                   page_align(rodata_hdr->sh_size) + \
                                   page_align(sizeof(struct ext_jump) * num_ext_symbols),
                                   PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0);
    if (text_runtime_base == MAP_FAILED) {
        perror("Failed to allocate memory");
    rodata_runtime_base = data_runtime_base + page_align(data_hdr->sh_size);
    /* jumptable will come after .rodata */
    jumptable = (struct ext_jump *)(rodata_runtime_base + page_align(rodata_hdr->sh_size));

Finally, because the CPU will actually be executing the jump instructions from our instr fields from the jumptable, we need to mark this memory readonly and executable (after do_text_relocations earlier in this function has completed):


static void parse_obj(void)
    /* make the jumptable readonly and executable */
    if (mprotect(jumptable, page_align(sizeof(struct ext_jump) * num_ext_symbols), PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC)) {
        perror("Failed to make the jumptable executable");

At this stage we have our jumptable allocated and usable — all is left to do is to populate it properly. We’ll do this by improving the do_text_relocations implementation to handle the case of external symbols. The No runtime base address for section error from the beginning of this post is actually caused by this line in do_text_relocations:


static void do_text_relocations(void)
    for (int i = 0; i < num_relocations; i++) {
        /* symbol, with respect to which the relocation is performed */
        uint8_t *symbol_address = = section_runtime_base(&sections[symbols[symbol_idx].st_shndx]) + symbols[symbol_idx].st_value;

Currently we try to determine the runtime symbol address for the relocation by looking up the symbol’s section runtime address and adding the symbol’s offset. But we have established above that external symbols do not have an associated section, so their handling needs to be a special case. Let’s update the implementation to reflect this:


static void do_text_relocations(void)
    for (int i = 0; i < num_relocations; i++) {
        /* symbol, with respect to which the relocation is performed */
        uint8_t *symbol_address;
        /* if this is an external symbol */
        if (symbols[symbol_idx].st_shndx == SHN_UNDEF) {
            static int curr_jmp_idx = 0;
            /* get external symbol/function address by name */
            jumptable[curr_jmp_idx].addr = lookup_ext_function(strtab +  symbols[symbol_idx].st_name);
            /* x64 unconditional JMP with address stored at -14 bytes offset */
            /* will use the address stored in addr above */
            jumptable[curr_jmp_idx].instr[0] = 0xff;
            jumptable[curr_jmp_idx].instr[1] = 0x25;
            jumptable[curr_jmp_idx].instr[2] = 0xf2;
            jumptable[curr_jmp_idx].instr[3] = 0xff;
            jumptable[curr_jmp_idx].instr[4] = 0xff;
            jumptable[curr_jmp_idx].instr[5] = 0xff;
            /* resolve the relocation with respect to this unconditional JMP */
            symbol_address = (uint8_t *)(&jumptable[curr_jmp_idx].instr);
        } else {
            symbol_address = section_runtime_base(&sections[symbols[symbol_idx].st_shndx]) + symbols[symbol_idx].st_value;

If a relocation symbol does not have an associated section, we consider it external and call a helper function to lookup the symbol’s runtime address by its name. We store this address in the next available jumptable entry, populate the x64 jump instruction with our fixed operand and store the address of the instruction in the symbol_address variable. Later, the existing code in do_text_relocations will resolve the .text relocation with respect to the address in symbol_address in the same way it does for local symbols in part 2 of our series.

The only missing bit here now is the implementation of the newly introduced lookup_ext_function helper. Real world loaders may have complicated logic on how to find and resolve symbols in memory at runtime. But for the purposes of this article we’ll provide a simple naive implementation, which can only resolve the puts function:


static void *lookup_ext_function(const char *name)
    size_t name_len = strlen(name);
    if (name_len == strlen("puts") && !strcmp(name, "puts"))
        return my_puts;
    fprintf(stderr, "No address for function %s\n", name);

Notice though that because we control the loader logic we are free to implement resolution as we please. In the above case we actually "divert" the object file to use our own "custom" my_puts function instead of the C library one. Let’s recompile the loader and see if it works:

$ gcc -o loader loader.c
$ ./loader
Executing add5...
add5(42) = 47
Executing add10...
add10(42) = 52
Executing get_hello...
get_hello() = Hello, world!
Executing get_var...
get_var() = 5
Executing set_var(42)...
Executing get_var again...
get_var() = 42
Executing say_hello...
my_puts executed
Hello, world!

Hooray! We not only fixed our loader to handle external references in object files — we have also learned how to "hook" any such external function call and divert the code to a custom implementation, which might be useful in some cases, like malware research.

As in the previous posts, the complete source code from this post is available on GitHub.

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