TLS-enabled Kubernetes clusters with ACM Private CA and Amazon EKS

Post Syndicated from Param Sharma original

In this blog post, we show you how to set up end-to-end encryption on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) with AWS Certificate Manager Private Certificate Authority. For this example of end-to-end encryption, traffic originates from your client and terminates at an Ingress controller server running inside a sample app. By following the instructions in this post, you can set up an NGINX ingress controller on Amazon EKS. As part of the example, we show you how to configure an AWS Network Load Balancer (NLB) with HTTPS using certificates issued via ACM Private CA in front of the ingress controller.

AWS Private CA supports an open source plugin for cert-manager that offers a more secure certificate authority solution for Kubernetes containers. cert-manager is a widely-adopted solution for TLS certificate management in Kubernetes. Customers who use cert-manager for application certificate lifecycle management can now use this solution to improve security over the default cert-manager CA, which stores keys in plaintext in server memory. Customers with regulatory requirements for controlling access to and auditing their CA operations can use this solution to improve auditability and support compliance.

Solution components

  • Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
  • Amazon EKS is a managed service that you can use to run Kubernetes on Amazon Web Services (AWS) without needing to install, operate, and maintain your own Kubernetes control plane or nodes.
  • cert-manager is an add on to Kubernetes to provide TLS certificate management. cert-manager requests certificates, distributes them to Kubernetes containers, and automates certificate renewal. cert-manager ensures certificates are valid and up-to-date, and attempts to renew certificates at an appropriate time before expiry.
  • ACM Private CA enables the creation of private CA hierarchies, including root and subordinate CAs, without the investment and maintenance costs of operating an on-premises CA. With ACM Private CA, you can issue certificates for authenticating internal users, computers, applications, services, servers, and other devices, and for signing computer code. The private keys for private CAs are stored in AWS managed hardware security modules (HSMs), which are FIPS 140-2 certified, providing a better security profile compared to the default CAs in Kubernetes. Private certificates help identify and secure communication between connected resources on private networks such as servers, mobile and IoT devices, and applications.
  • AWS Private CA Issuer plugin. Kubernetes containers and applications use digital certificates to provide secure authentication and encryption over TLS. With this plugin, cert-manager requests TLS certificates from Private CA. The integration supports certificate automation for TLS in a range of configurations, including at the ingress, on the pod, and mutual TLS between pods. You can use the AWS Private CA Issuer plugin with Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service, self managed Kubernetes on AWS, and Kubernetes on-premises.
  • The AWS Load Balancer controller manages AWS Elastic Load Balancers for a Kubernetes cluster. The controller provisions the following resources.
    • An AWS Application Load Balancer (ALB) when you create a Kubernetes Ingress.
    • An AWS Network Load Balancer (NLB) when you create a Kubernetes Service of type LoadBalancer.

Different points for terminating TLS in Kubernetes

How and where you terminate your TLS connection depends on your use case, security policies, and need to comply with regulatory requirements. This section talks about four different use cases that are regularly used for terminating TLS. The use cases are illustrated in Figure 1 and described in the text that follows.

Figure 1: Terminating TLS at different points

Figure 1: Terminating TLS at different points

  1. At the load balancer: The most common use case for terminating TLS at the load balancer level is to use publicly trusted certificates. This use case is simple to deploy and the certificate is bound to the load balancer itself. For example, you can use ACM to issue a public certificate and bind it with AWS NLB. You can learn more from How do I terminate HTTPS traffic on Amazon EKS workloads with ACM?
  2. At the ingress: If there is no strict requirement for end-to-end encryption, you can offload this processing to the ingress controller or the NLB. This helps you to optimize the performance of your workloads and make them easier to configure and manage. We examine this use case in this blog post.
  3. On the pod: In Kubernetes, a pod is the smallest deployable unit of computing and it encapsulates one or more applications. End-to-end encryption of the traffic from the client all the way to a Kubernetes pod provides a secure communication model where the TLS is terminated at the pod inside the Kubernetes cluster. This could be useful for meeting certain security requirements. You can learn more from the blog post Setting up end-to-end TLS encryption on Amazon EKS with the new AWS Load Balancer Controller.
  4. Mutual TLS between pods: This use case focuses on encryption in transit for data flowing inside Kubernetes cluster. For more details on how this can be achieved with Cert-manager using an Istio service mesh, please see the Securing Istio workloads with mTLS using cert-manager blog post. You can use the AWS Private CA Issuer plugin in conjunction with cert-manager to use ACM Private CA to issue certificates for securing communication between the pods.

In this blog post, we use a scenario where there is a requirement to terminate TLS at the ingress controller level, demonstrating the second example above.

Figure 2 provides an overall picture of the solution described in this blog post. The components and steps illustrated in Figure 2 are described fully in the sections that follow.

Figure 2: Overall solution diagram

Figure 2: Overall solution diagram


Before you start, you need the following:

Verify that you have the latest versions of these tools installed before you begin.

Provision an Amazon EKS cluster

If you already have a running Amazon EKS cluster, you can skip this step and move on to install NGINX Ingress.

You can use the AWS Management Console or AWS CLI, but this example uses eksctl to provision the cluster. eksctl is a tool that makes it easier to deploy and manage an Amazon EKS cluster.

This example uses the US-EAST-2 Region and the T2 node type. Select the node type and Region that are appropriate for your environment. Cluster provisioning takes approximately 15 minutes.

To provision an Amazon EKS cluster

  1. Run the following eksctl command to create an Amazon EKS cluster in the us-east-2 Region with Kubernetes version 1.19 and two nodes. You can change the Region to the one that best fits your use case.
    eksctl create cluster \
    --name acm-pca-lab \
    --version 1.19 \
    --nodegroup-name acm-pca-nlb-lab-workers \
    --node-type t2.medium \
    --nodes 2 \
    --region us-east-2

  2. Once your cluster has been created, verify that your cluster is running correctly by running the following command:
    $ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
    NAMESPACE     NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    kube-system   aws-node-t94rp             1/1     Running   0          3m4s
    kube-system   aws-node-w7dm6             1/1     Running   0          3m19s
    kube-system   coredns-56b458df85-6tgjl   1/1     Running   0          10m
    kube-system   coredns-56b458df85-8gp94   1/1     Running   0          10m
    kube-system   kube-proxy-2pjx7           1/1     Running   0          3m19s
    kube-system   kube-proxy-hz8wq           1/1     Running   0          3m4s 

You should see output similar to the above, with all pods in a running state.

Install NGINX Ingress

NGINX Ingress is built around the Kubernetes Ingress resource, using a ConfigMap to store the NGINX configuration.

To install NGINX Ingress

  1. Use the following command to install NGINX Ingress:
    kubectl apply -f

  2. Run the following command to determine the address that AWS has assigned to your NLB:
    $ kubectl get service -n ingress-nginx
    NAME                                 TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP                                                                     PORT(S)                      AGE
    ingress-nginx-controller             LoadBalancer   80:32598/TCP,443:30624/TCP   14s
    ingress-nginx-controller-admission   ClusterIP    <none>                                                                          443/TCP                      14s

  3. It can take up to 5 minutes for the load balancer to be ready. Once the external IP is created, run the following command to verify that traffic is being correctly routed to ingress-nginx:
    <head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>
    <center><h1>404 Not Found</h1></center>

Note: Even though, it’s returning an HTTP 404 error code, in this case curl is still reaching the ingress controller and getting the expected HTTP response back.

Configure your DNS records

Once your load balancer is provisioned, the next step is to point the application’s DNS record to the URL of the NLB.

You can use your DNS provider’s console, for example Route53, and set a CNAME record pointing to your NLB. See CNAME record type for more details on how to setup a CNAME record using Route53.

This scenario uses the sample domain CNAME

As you go through the scenario, replace with your registered domain.

Install cert-manager

cert-manager is a Kubernetes add-on that you can use to automate the management and issuance of TLS certificates from various issuing sources. It runs within your Kubernetes cluster and will ensure that certificates are valid and attempt to renew certificates at an appropriate time before they expire.

You can use the regular installation on Kubernetes guide to install cert-manager on Amazon EKS.

After you’ve deployed cert-manager, you can verify the installation by following these instructions. If all the above steps have completed without error, you’re good to go!

Note: If you’re planning to use Amazon EKS with Kubernetes pods running on AWS Fargate, please follow the cert-manager Fargate instructions to make sure cert-manager installation works as expected. AWS Fargate is a technology that provides on-demand, right-sized compute capacity for containers.

Install aws-privateca-issuer

The AWS PrivateCA Issuer plugin acts as an addon (see external cert configuration) to cert-manager that signs certificate requests using ACM Private CA.

To install aws-privateca-issuer

  1. For installation, use the following helm commands:
    kubectl create namespace aws-pca-issuer
    helm repo add awspca
    helm repo update
    helm install awspca/aws-pca-issuer --generate-name --namespace aws-pca-issuer

  2. Verify that the AWS Private CA Issuer is configured correctly by running the following command and ensure that it is in READY state with status as Running:
    $ kubectl get pods --namespace aws-pca-issuer
    NAME                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    aws-pca-issuer-1622570742-56474c464b-j6k8s   1/1     Running   0          21s

  3. You can check the chart configuration in the default values file.

Create an ACM Private CA

In this scenario, you create a private certificate authority in ACM Private CA with RSA 2048 selected as the key algorithm. You can create a CA using the AWS console, AWS CLI, or AWS CloudFormation.

To create an ACM Private CA

Download the CA certificate using the following command. Replace the <CA_ARN> and <Region> values with the values from the CA you created earlier and save it to a file named cacert.pem:

aws acm-pca get-certificate-authority-certificate --certificate-authority-arn <CA_ARN> -- region <region> --output text > cacert.pem

Once your private CA is active, you can proceed to the next step. You private CA will look similar to the CA in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Sample ACM Private CA

Figure 3: Sample ACM Private CA

Set EKS node permission for ACM Private CA

In order to issue a certificate from ACM Private CA, add the IAM policy from the prerequisites to your EKS NodeInstanceRole. Replace the <CA_ARN> value with the value from the CA you created earlier:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "awspcaissuerpolicy",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "<CA_ARN>"

Create an Issuer in Amazon EKS

Now that the ACM Private CA is active, you can begin requesting private certificates which can be used by Kubernetes applications. Use aws-privateca-issuer plugin to create the ClusterIssuer, which will be used with the ACM PCA to issue certificates.

Issuers (and ClusterIssuers) represent a certificate authority from which signed x509 certificates can be obtained, such as ACM Private CA. You need at least one Issuer or ClusterIssuer before you can start requesting certificates in your cluster. There are two custom resources that can be used to create an Issuer inside Kubernetes using the aws-privateca-issuer add-on:

  • AWSPCAIssuer is a regular namespaced issuer that can be used as a reference in your Certificate custom resources.
  • AWSPCAClusterIssuer is specified in exactly the same way, but it doesn’t belong to a single namespace and can be referenced by certificate resources from multiple different namespaces.

To create an Issuer in Amazon EKS

  1. For this scenario, you create an AWSPCAClusterIssuer. Start by creating a file named cluster-issuer.yaml and save the following text in it, replacing <CA_ARN> and <Region> information with your own.
    kind: AWSPCAClusterIssuer
              name: demo-test-root-ca
              arn: <CA_ARN>
              region: <Region>

  2. Deploy the AWSPCAClusterIssuer:
    kubectl apply -f cluster-issuer.yaml

  3. Verify the installation and make sure that the following command returns a Kubernetes service of kind AWSPCAClusterIssuer:
    $ kubectl get AWSPCAClusterIssuer
    NAME                AGE
    demo-test-root-ca   51s

Request the certificate

Now, you can begin requesting certificates which can be used by Kubernetes applications from the provisioned issuer. For more details on how to specify and request Certificate resources, please check Certificate Resources guide.

To request the certificate

  1. As a first step, create a new namespace that contains your application and secret:
    $ kubectl create namespace acm-pca-lab-demo
    namespace/acm-pca-lab-demo created

  2. Next, create a basic X509 private certificate for your domain.
    Create a file named rsa-2048.yaml and save the following text in it. Replace with your domain.
kind: Certificate
  name: rsa-cert-2048
  namespace: acm-pca-lab-demo
  duration: 2160h0m0s
    kind: AWSPCAClusterIssuer
    name: demo-test-root-ca
  renewBefore: 360h0m0s
  secretName: rsa-example-cert-2048
    - server auth
    - client auth
    algorithm: "RSA"
    size: 2048


  • For a certificate with a key algorithm of RSA 2048, create the resource:
    kubectl apply -f rsa-2048.yaml -n acm-pca-lab-demo

  • Verify that the certificate is issued and in READY state by running the following command:
    $ kubectl get certificate -n acm-pca-lab-demo
    NAME            READY   SECRET                  AGE
    rsa-cert-2048   True    rsa-example-cert-2048   12s

  • Run the command kubectl describe certificate -n acm-pca—lab-demo to check the progress of your certificate.
  • Once the certificate status shows as issued, you can use the following command to check the issued certificate details:
    kubectl get secret rsa-example-cert-2048 -n acm-pca-lab-demo -o 'go-template={{index .data "tls.crt"}}' | base64 --decode | openssl x509 -noout -text


Deploy a demo application

For the purpose of this scenario, you can create a new service—a simple “hello world” website that uses echoheaders that respond with the HTTP request headers along with some cluster details.

To deploy a demo application

  1. Create a new file named hello-world.yaml with below content:
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      name: hello-world
      namespace: acm-pca-lab-demo
      type: ClusterIP
      - port: 80
        targetPort: 8080
        app: hello-world
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: hello-world
      namespace: acm-pca-lab-demo
      replicas: 3
          app: hello-world
            app: hello-world
          - name: echoheaders
            - "-text=Hello World"
            imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
                cpu: 100m
                memory: 100Mi
            - containerPort: 8080

  2. Create the service using the following command:
    $ kubectl apply -f hello-world.yaml

Expose and secure your application

Now that you’ve issued a certificate, you can expose your application using a Kubernetes Ingress resource.

To expose and secure your application

  1. Create a new file called example-ingress.yaml and add the following content:
    kind: Ingress
      name: acm-pca-demo-ingress
      namespace: acm-pca-lab-demo
      annotations: "nginx"
      - hosts:
        secretName: rsa-example-cert-2048
      - host:
          - path: /
            pathType: Exact
                name: hello-world
                  number: 80

  2. Create a new Ingress resource by running the following command:
    kubectl apply -f example-ingress.yaml 

Access your application using TLS

After completing the previous step, you can to access this service from any computer connected to the internet.

To access your application using TLS

  1. Log in to a terminal window on a machine that has access to the internet, and run the following:
    $ curl --cacert cacert.pem 

  2. You should see an output similar to the following:
    Hostname: hello-world-d8fbd49c6-9bczb
    Pod Information:
    	-no pod information available-
    Server values:
    	server_version=nginx: 1.13.3 - lua: 10008
    Request Information:
    	real path=/
    Request Headers:
    Request Body:
    	-no body in request-…

    This response is returned from the service running behind the Kubernetes Ingress controller and demonstrates that a successful TLS handshake happened at port 443 with https protocol.

  3. You can use the following command to verify that the certificate issued earlier is being used for the SSL handshake:
    echo | openssl s_client -showcerts -servername -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -inform pem -noout -text


To avoid incurring future charges on your AWS account, perform the following steps to remove the scenario.

Delete the ACM Private CA

You can delete the ACM Private CA by following the instructions in Deleting your private CA.

As an alternative, you can use the following commands to delete the ACM Private CA, replacing the <CA_ARN> and <Region> with your own:

  1. Disable the CA.
    aws acm-pca update-certificate-authority \
    --certificate-authority-arn <CA_ARN>
    --region <Region>
    --status DISABLED

  2. Call the Delete Certificate Authority API
    aws acm-pca delete-certificate-authority \
    --certificate-authority-arn <CA_ARN>
    --region <Region>
    --permanent-deletion-time-in-days 7

Continue the cleanup

Once the ACM Private CA has been deleted, continue the cleanup by running the following commands.

  1. Delete the services:
    kubectl delete -f hello-world.yaml

  2. Delete the Ingress controller:
    kubectl delete -f example-ingress.yaml

  3. Delete the IAM NodeInstanceRole, replace role name with your EKS Node instance role created for the demo:
    aws iam delete-role --role-name eksctl-acm-pca-lab-nodegroup-acm-pca-nlb-lab-workers-NodeInstanceProfile-XXXXXXX

  4. Delete the Amazon EKS cluster using ekctl command:
    eksctl delete cluster acm-pca-lab --region us-east-2

You can also clean up from your Cloudformation console by deleting the stacks named eksctl-acm-pca-lab-nodegroup-acm-pca-nlb-lab-workers and eksctl-acm-pca-lab-cluster.


In this blog post, we showed you how to set up a Kubernetes Ingress controller with a service running in Amazon EKS cluster using AWS Load Balancer Controller with Network Load Balancer and set up HTTPS using private certificates issued by ACM Private CA. If you have questions or want to contribute, join the aws-privateca-issuer add-on project on GitHub.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the AWS Certificate Manager forum or contact AWS Support.

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Param Sharma

Param is a Senior Software Engineer with AWS. She is passionate about PKI, security, and privacy. She works with AWS customers to design, deploy, and manage their PKI infrastructures, helping customers improve their security, risk, and compliance in the cloud. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling, reading, and watching movies.


Arindam Chatterji

Arindam is a Senior Solutions Architect with AWS SMB.

Integrating Amazon Connect and Amazon Lex with Third-party Systems

Post Syndicated from Steven Warwick original

AWS customers who provide software solutions that integrate with AWS often require design patterns that offer some flexibility. They must build, support, and expand products and solutions to meet their end user business requirements. These design patterns must use the underlying services and infrastructure through API operations. As we will show, third-party solutions can integrate with Amazon Connect to initiate customer-specific workflows. You don’t need specific utterances when using Amazon Lex to convert speech to text.

Introduction to Amazon Connect workflows

Platform as a service (PaaS) systems are built to handle a variety of use cases with various inputs. These inputs are provided by upstream systems and sometimes result in complex integrations. For example, when creating a call center management solution, these workflows may require opaque transcription data to be sent to downstream third-party system. This pattern allows the caller to interact with a third-party system with an Amazon Connect flow. The solution allows for communication to occur multiple times. Opaque transcription data is transferred between the Amazon Connect contact flow, through Amazon Lex, and then to the third-party system. The third-party system can modify and update workflows without affecting the Amazon Connect or Amazon Lex systems.

API workflow use case

AnyCompany Tech (our hypothetical company) is a PaaS company that allows other companies to quickly build workflows with their tools. It provides the ability to take customer calls with a request-response style interaction. AnyCompany built an API into the Amazon Connect flow to allow their end users to return various response types. Examples of the response types are “disconnect,” “speak,” and “failed.”

Using Amazon Connect, AnyCompany allows their end users to build complex workflows using a basic question-response API. Each customer of AnyCompany can build workflows that respond to a voice input. It is processed via the high-quality speech recognition and natural language understanding capabilities of Amazon Lex. The caller is prompted by “What is your question?” Amazon Lex processes the audio input then invokes a Lambda function that connects to AnyCompany Tech. They in turn initiate their customer’s unique workflow. The customer’s workflow may change over time without requiring any further effort from AnyCompany Tech.

Questions graph database use case

AnyCompany Storage is a company that has a graph database that stores documents and information correlating the business to its inventory, sales, marketing, and employees. Accessing this database will be done via a question-response API. For example, such questions might be: “What are our third quarter earnings?”, “Do we have product X in stock?”, or “When was Jane Doe hired?” The company wants the ability to have their employees call in and after proper authentication, ask any question of the system and receive a response. Using the architecture in Figure 1, the company can link their Amazon Connect implementation up to this API. The output from Amazon Lex is passed into the API, a response is received, and it is then passed to Amazon Connect.

Amazon Connect third-party system architecture

Figure 1. End-customer call flow

Figure 1. End-customer call flow

  1. User calls Amazon Connect using the telephone number for the connect instance.
  2. Amazon Connect receives the incoming call and starts an Amazon Connect contact flow. This Amazon Connect flow captures the caller’s utterance and forwards it to Amazon Lex.
  3. Amazon Lex starts the requested bot. The Amazon Lex bot translates the caller’s utterance into text and sends it to AWS Lambda via an event.
  4. AWS Lambda accepts the incoming data, transforms or enhances it as needed, and calls out to the external API via some transport
  5. The external API processes the content sent to it from AWS Lambda.
  6. The external API returns a response back to AWS Lambda.
  7. AWS Lambda accepts the response from the external API, then forwards this response to Amazon Lex.
  8. Amazon Lex returns the response content to Amazon Connect.
  9. Amazon Connect processes the response.

Solution components

Amazon Connect

Amazon Connect allows customer calls to get information from the third-party system. An Amazon Connect contact flow is required to get the callers input, which is then sent to Amazon Lex. The Amazon Lex bot must be granted permission to interact with an Amazon Connect contact flow. As shown in Figure 2, the Get customer input block must call the fallback intent of the Amazon Lex bot. Figure 2 demonstrates a basic flow used to get input, check the response, and perform an action.

Figure 2. Basic Amazon Connect contact flow to integrate with Amazon Lex

Figure 2. Basic Amazon Connect contact flow to integrate with Amazon Lex

Amazon Lex

Amazon Lex converts the voice given by a caller into text, which is then processed by a Lambda function. When setting up the Amazon Lex bot you will require one fallback intent (Figure 3), one unused intent (Figure 4), and one clarification prompts disabled (Figure 5).

Figure 3. Amazon Lex fallback intent

Figure 3. Amazon Lex fallback intent

The fallback intent is created by using the pre-defined AMAZON.FallbackIntent and must be set up to call a Lambda function in the Fulfillment section. Using the fallback intent and Lambda fulfillment causes the system to ignore any utterance pattern and pass any translation directly to the Lambda function.

Figure 4. Amazon Lex unused intent

Figure 4. Amazon Lex unused intent

The unused intent is only created to satisfy Amazon Lex’s requirement for a bot to have at least one custom intent with a valid utterance.

Figure 5. Amazon Lex error handling clarification prompts

Figure 5. Amazon Lex error handling clarification prompts

In the error handling section of the Amazon Lex bot, the clarification prompts must be disabled. Disabling the clarification prompts stops the Amazon Lex bot from asking the caller to clarify the input.

AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda is called by Amazon Lex, which is used to interact with the third-party system. The third-party system will return values, which the Lambda will add to its session attributes resulting object. The resulting object from AWS Lambda requires the dialog action to be set up with the type set to “Close,” fulfillmentState set to “Fulfilled,” and the message contentType set to “CustomPayload”. This will allow Amazon Lex to pass the values to Amazon Connect without speaking the results to the caller.


In this blog we showed how Amazon Connect, Amazon Lex, and AWS Lambda functions can be used together to create common interactions with third-party systems. This is a flexible architecture and requires few changes to the Amazon Connect contact flow. You don’t have to set up pre-defined utterances that limit the allowed inputs. Using this solution, AWS customers can provide flexible solutions that interact with third-party systems.

Related information

Build a serverless event-driven workflow with AWS Glue and Amazon EventBridge

Post Syndicated from Noritaka Sekiyama original

Customers are adopting event-driven-architectures to improve the agility and resiliency of their applications. As a result, data engineers are increasingly looking for simple-to-use yet powerful and feature-rich data processing tools to build pipelines that enrich data, move data in and out of their data lake and data warehouse, and analyze data. AWS Glue is a serverless data integration service that makes it easy to discover, prepare, and combine data for analytics, machine learning, and application development. AWS Glue provides all the capabilities needed for data integration so that you can start analyzing your data and putting it to use in minutes instead of months.

Data integration jobs have varying degrees of priority and time sensitivity. For example, you can use batch processing to process weekly sales data but in some cases, data needs to be processed immediately. Fraud detection applications, for example, require near-real-time processing of security logs. Or if a partner uploads product information to your Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket, it needs to be processed right away to ensure that your website has the latest product information.

This post discusses how to configure AWS Glue workflows to run based on real-time events. You no longer need to set schedules or build complex solutions to trigger jobs based on events; AWS Glue event-driven workflows manage it all for you.

Get started with AWS Glue event-driven workflows

As a business requirement, most companies need to hydrate their data lake and data warehouse with data in near-real time. They run their pipelines on a schedule (hourly, daily, or even weekly) or trigger the pipeline through an external system. It’s difficult to predict the frequency at which upstream systems generate data, which makes it difficult to plan and schedule ETL pipelines to run efficiently. Scheduling ETL pipelines to run too frequently can be expensive, whereas scheduling pipelines to run infrequently can lead to making decisions based on stale data. Similarly, triggering pipelines from an external process can increase complexity, cost, and job startup time.

AWS Glue now supports event-driven workflows, a capability that lets developers start AWS Glue workflows based on events delivered by Amazon EventBridge. With this new feature, you can trigger a data integration workflow from any events from AWS services, software as a service (SaaS) providers, and any custom applications. For example, you can react to an S3 event generated when new buckets are created and when new files are uploaded to a specific S3 location. In addition, if your environment generates many events, AWS Glue allows you to batch them either by time duration or by the number of events. Event-driven workflows make it easy to start an AWS Glue workflow based on real-time events.

To get started, you simply create a new AWS Glue trigger of type EVENT and place it as the first trigger in your workflow. You can optionally specify a batching condition. Without event batching, the AWS Glue workflow is triggered every time an EventBridge rule matches which may result in multiple concurrent workflow runs. In some environments, starting many concurrent workflow runs could lead to throttling, reaching service quota limits, and potential cost overruns. This can also result in workflow execution failures in case the concurrency limit specified on the workflow and the jobs within the workflow do not match. Event batching allows you to configure the number of events to buffer or the maximum elapsed time before firing the particular trigger. Once the batching condition is met, a workflow run is started. For example, you can trigger your workflow when 100 files are uploaded in S3 or 5 minutes after the first upload. We recommend configuring event batching to avoid too many concurrent workflow runs, and optimize resource usage and cost.

Overview of the solution

In this post, we walk through a solution to set up an AWS Glue workflow that listens to S3 PutObject data events captured by AWS CloudTrail. This workflow is configured to run when five new files are added or the batching window time of 900 seconds expires after first file is added. The following diagram illustrates the architecture.

The steps in this solution are as follows:

  1. Create an AWS Glue workflow with a starting trigger of EVENT type and configure the batch size on the trigger to be five and batch window to be 900 seconds.
  2. Configure Amazon S3 to log data events, such as PutObject API calls to CloudTrail.
  3. Create a rule in EventBridge to forward the PutObject API events to AWS Glue when they are emitted by CloudTrail.
  4. Add an AWS Glue event-driven workflow as a target to the EventBridge rule.
  5. To start the workflow, upload files to the S3 bucket. Remember you need to have at least five files before the workflow is triggered.

Deploy the solution with AWS CloudFormation

For a quick start of this solution, you can deploy the provided AWS CloudFormation stack. This creates all the required resources in your account.

The CloudFormation template generates the following resources:

  • S3 bucket – This is used to store data, CloudTrail logs, job scripts, and any temporary files generated during the AWS Glue ETL job run.
  • CloudTrail trail with S3 data events enabled – This enables EventBridge to receive PutObject API call data on specific bucket.
  • AWS Glue workflow – A data processing pipeline that is comprised of a crawler, jobs, and triggers. This workflow converts uploaded data files into Apache Parquet format.
  • AWS Glue database – The AWS Glue Data Catalog database that is used to hold the tables created in this walkthrough.
  • AWS Glue table – The Data Catalog table representing the Parquet files being converted by the workflow.
  • AWS Lambda function – This is used as an AWS CloudFormation custom resource to copy job scripts from an AWS Glue-managed GitHub repository and an AWS Big Data blog S3 bucket to your S3 bucket.
  • IAM roles and policies – We use the following AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles:
    • LambdaExecutionRole – Runs the Lambda function that has permission to upload the job scripts to the S3 bucket.
    • GlueServiceRole – Runs the AWS Glue job that has permission to download the script, read data from the source, and write data to the destination after conversion.
    • EventBridgeGlueExecutionRole – Has permissions to invoke the NotifyEvent API for an AWS Glue workflow.

To launch the CloudFormation stack, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the AWS CloudFormation console.
  2. Choose Launch Stack:

  1. Choose Next.
  2. For S3BucketName, enter the unique name of your new S3 bucket.
  3. For WorkflowName, DatabaseName, and TableName, leave as the default.
  4. Choose Next.

  1. On the next page, choose Next.
  2. Review the details on the final page and select I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources.
  3. Choose Create.

It takes a few minutes for the stack creation to complete; you can follow the progress on the Events tab.

By default, the workflow runs whenever a single file is uploaded to the S3 bucket, resulting in a PutObject API call. In the next section, we configure the event batching to change this behavior.

Review the AWS Glue trigger and add event batching conditions

The CloudFormation template provisioned an AWS Glue workflow including a crawler, jobs, and triggers. The first trigger in the workflow is configured as an event-based trigger. Next, we update this trigger to batch five events or wait for 900 seconds after the first event before it starts the workflow.

Before we make any changes, let’s review the trigger on the AWS Glue console:

  1. On the AWS Glue console, under ETL, choose Triggers.
  2. Choose <Workflow-name>_pre_job_trigger.
  3. Choose Edit.

We can see the trigger’s type is set to EventBridge event, which means it’s an event-based trigger. Let’s change the event batching condition to run the workflow after five files are uploaded to Amazon S3.

  1. For Number of events, enter 5.
  2. For Time delay (sec), enter 900.
  3. Choose Next.

  1. On the next screen, under Choose jobs to trigger, leave as the default and choose Next.
  2. Choose Finish.

Review the EventBridge rule

The CloudFormation template created an EventBridge rule to forward S3 PutObject API events to AWS Glue. Let’s review the configuration of the EventBridge rule:

  1. On the EventBridge console, under Events, choose Rules.
  2. Choose s3_file_upload_trigger_rule-<CloudFormation-stack-name>.
  3. Review the information in the Event pattern section.

The event pattern shows that this rule is triggered when an S3 object is uploaded to s3://<bucket_name>/data/products_raw/. CloudTrail captures the PutObject API calls made and relays them as events to EventBridge.

  1. In the Targets section, you can verify that this EventBridge rule is configured with an AWS Glue workflow as a target.

Trigger the AWS Glue workflow by uploading files to Amazon S3

To test your workflow, we upload files to Amazon S3 using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI). If you don’t have the AWS CLI, see Installing, updating, and uninstalling the AWS CLI.

Let’s upload some small files to your S3 bucket.

  1. Run the following command to upload the first file to your S3 bucket:
$ echo '{"product_id": "00001", "product_name": "Television", "created_at": "2021-06-01"}' > product_00001.json
$ aws s3 cp product_00001.json s3://<bucket-name>/data/products_raw/
  1. Run the following command to upload the second file:
$ echo '{"product_id": "00002", "product_name": "USB charger", "created_at": "2021-06-02"}' > product_00002.json
$ aws s3 cp product_00002.json s3://<bucket-name>/data/products_raw/
  1. Run the following command to upload the third file:
$ echo '{"product_id": "00003", "product_name": "USB charger", "created_at": "2021-06-03"}' &gt; product_00003.json<br />
$ aws s3 cp product_00003.json s3://<bucket-name>/data/products_raw/
  1. Run the following command to upload the fourth file:
$ echo '{"product_id": "00004", "product_name": "USB charger", "created_at": "2021-06-04"}' &gt; product_00004.json<br />
$ aws s3 cp product_00004.json s3://<bucket-name>/data/products_raw/

These events didn’t trigger the workflow because it didn’t meet the batch condition of five events.

  1. Run the following command to upload the fifth file:
$ echo '{"product_id": "00005", "product_name": "USB charger", "created_at": "2021-06-05"}' > product_00005.json
$ aws s3 cp product_00005.json s3://<bucket-name>/data/products_raw/

Now the five JSON files have been uploaded to Amazon S3.

Verify the AWS Glue workflow is triggered successfully

Now the workflow should be triggered. Open the AWS Glue console to validate that your workflow is in the RUNNING state.

To view the run details, complete the following steps:

  1. On the History tab of the workflow, choose the current or most recent workflow run.
  2. Choose View run details.

When the workflow run status changes to Completed, let’s see the converted files in your S3 bucket.

  1. Switch to the Amazon S3 console, and navigate to your bucket.

You can see the Parquet files under s3://<bucket-name>/data/products/.

Congratulations! Your workflow ran successfully based on S3 events triggered by uploading files to your bucket. You can verify everything works as expected by running a query against the generated table using Amazon Athena.

Verify the metrics for the EventBridge rule

Optionally, you can use Amazon CloudWatch metrics to validate the events were sent to the AWS Glue workflow.

  1. On the EventBridge console, in the navigation pane, choose Rules.
  2. Select your EventBridge rule s3_file_upload_trigger_rule-<Workflow-name> and choose Metrics for the rule.

When the target workflow is invoked by the rule, the metrics Invocations and TriggeredRules are published.

The metric FailedInvocations is published if the EventBridge rule is unable to trigger the AWS Glue workflow. In that case, we recommend you check the following configurations:

  • Verify the IAM role provided to the EventBridge rule allows the glue:NotifyEvent permission on the AWS Glue workflow.
  • Verify the trust relationship on the IAM role provides the service principal the ability to assume the role.
  • Verify the starting trigger on your target AWS Glue workflow is an event-based trigger.

Clean up

Now to the final step, cleaning up the resources. Delete the CloudFormation stack to remove any resources you created as part of this walkthrough.


AWS Glue event-driven workflows enable data engineers to easily build event driven ETL pipelines that respond in near-real time, delivering fresh data to business users. In this post, we demonstrated how to configure a rule in EventBridge to forward events to AWS Glue. We also saw how to create an event-based trigger that either immediately, or after a set number of events or period of time, starts a Glue ETL workflow. Migrating your existing AWS Glue workflows to make them event-driven is easy. This can be simply done by replacing the first trigger in the workflow to be of type EVENT and adding this workflow as a target to an EventBridge rule that captures events of your interest.

For more information about event-driven AWS Glue workflows, see Starting an AWS Glue Workflow with an Amazon EventBridge Event.

About the Authors

Noritaka Sekiyama is a Senior Big Data Architect on the AWS Glue and AWS Lake Formation team. In his spare time, he enjoys playing with his children. They are addicted to grabbing crayfish and worms in the park, and putting them in the same jar to observe what happens.



Karan Vishwanathan is a Software Development Engineer on the AWS Glue team. He enjoys working on distributed systems problems and playing golf.




Keerthi Chadalavada is a Software Development Engineer on the AWS Glue team. She is passionate about building fault tolerant and reliable distributed systems at scale.

[$] Planning the CentOS 8 endgame

Post Syndicated from original

CentOS 8 is reaching its end of life (EOL) at the end of 2021, though
it was originally
slated to be supported until 2029. That change was announced last December, but it may still come as
a surprise to some, perhaps many, of the users of the distribution. While
the systems running CentOS 8 will continue to do so, early
next year they will stop getting security (and other) updates. The CentOS
project sees CentOS
as a viable alternative, but users
may not agree—should the project simply leave CentOS 8 systems as ticking time bombs
in 2022 and beyond?

Protect public clients for Amazon Cognito by using an Amazon CloudFront proxy

Post Syndicated from Mahmoud Matouk original

In Amazon Cognito user pools, an app client is an entity that has permission to call unauthenticated API operations (that is, operations that don’t have an authenticated user), such as operations to sign up, sign in, and handle forgotten passwords. In this post, I show you a solution designed to protect these API operations from unwanted bots and distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks.

To protect Amazon Cognito services and customers, Amazon Cognito applies request rate quotas on all API categories, and throttles rapid calls that exceed the assigned quota. For that reason, you must ensure your applications control who can call unauthenticated API operations and at what rate, so that user calls aren’t throttled because of unwanted or misconfigured clients that call these API operations at high rates.

App clients fall into one of two categories: public clients (used from web or mobile applications) and private or confidential clients (used from a secured backend). Public clients shouldn’t have secrets, because it isn’t possible to protect secrets in these types of clients. Confidential clients, on the other hand, use a secret to authorize calls to unauthenticated operations. In these clients, the secret can be protected in the backend.

The benefit of using a confidential app client with a secret in Amazon Cognito is that unauthenticated API operations will accept only the calls that include the secret hash for this client, and will drop calls with an invalid or missing secret. In this way, you control who calls these API operations. Public applications can use a confidential app client by implementing a lightweight proxy layer in front of the Amazon Cognito endpoint, and then using this proxy to add a secret hash in relevant requests before passing the requests to Amazon Cognito.

There are multiple options that you can use to implement this proxy. One option is to use Amazon CloudFront and Lambda@Edge to add the secret hash to the incoming requests. When you use a CloudFront proxy, you can also use AWS WAF, which gives you tools to detect and block unwanted clients. From Lambda@Edge, you can also integrate with other services (like Amazon Fraud Detector or third-party bot detection services) to help you detect possible fraudulent requests and block them. The CloudFront proxy, with the right set of security tools, helps protect your Amazon Cognito user pool from unwanted clients.

Solution overview

To implement this lightweight proxy pattern, you need to create an application client with a secret. Unauthenticated API calls to this client must include the secret hash which is added to the request from the proxy layer. Client applications use an SDK like AWS Amplify, the Amazon Cognito Identity SDK, or a mobile SDK to communicate with Amazon Cognito. By default, the SDK sends requests to the Regional Amazon Cognito endpoint. Your application must override the default endpoint by manually adding an “Endpoint” property in the app configuration. See the Integrate the client application with the proxy section later in this post for more details.

Figure 1 shows how this works, step by step.

Figure 1: A proxy solution to the Amazon Cognito Regional endpoint

Figure 1: A proxy solution to the Amazon Cognito Regional endpoint

The workflow is as follows:

  1. You configure the client application (mobile or web client) to use a CloudFront endpoint as a proxy to an Amazon Cognito Regional endpoint. You also create an application client in Amazon Cognito with a secret. This means that any unauthenticated API call must have the secret hash.
  2. Clients that send unauthenticated API calls to the Amazon Cognito endpoint directly are blocked and dropped because of the missing secret.
  3. You use Lambda@Edge to add a secret hash to the relevant incoming requests before passing them on to the Amazon Cognito endpoint.
  4. From Lambda@Edge, you must have the app client secret to be able to calculate the secret hash and add it to the request. It’s recommended that you keep the secret in AWS Secrets Manager and cache it for the lifetime of the function.
  5. You use AWS WAF with CloudFront distribution to enforce rate limiting, allow and deny lists, and other rule groups according to your security requirements.

When to use this pattern

It’s a best practice to use this proxy pattern with clients that use SDKs to integrate with Amazon Cognito user pools. Examples include mobile applications that use the iOS or Android SDK, or web applications that use client-side libraries like Amplify or the Amazon Cognito Identity SDK to integrate with Amazon Cognito.

You don’t need to use a proxy pattern with server-side applications that use an AWS SDK to integrate with Amazon Cognito user pools from a protected backend, because server-side applications can natively use confidential clients and protect the secret in the backend.

You can’t use this solution with applications that use Hosted UI and OAuth 2.0 endpoints to integrate with Amazon Cognito user pools. This includes federation scenarios where users sign in with an external identity provider (IdP).

Implementation and deployment details

Before you deploy this solution, you need a user pool and an application client that has the client secret. When you have these in place, choose the following Launch Stack button to launch a CloudFormation stack in your account and deploy the proxy solution.

Select the Launch Stack button to launch the template

Note: The CloudFormation stack must be created in the us-east-1 AWS Region, but the user pool itself can exist in any supported Region.

The template takes the parameters shown in Figure 2 below.

Figure 2: CloudFormation stack creation with initial parameters

Figure 2: CloudFormation stack creation with initial parameters

The parameters in Figure 2 include:

  • AdvancedSecurityEnabled is a flag that indicates whether advanced security is enabled in the user pool or not. This flag determines which version of the Lambda function is deployed. Notice that if you change this flag as part of a stack update, it overrides the function code, so if you have any manual changes, make sure to back up your changes.
  • AppClientSecret is the secret for your application client. This secret is stored in Secrets Manager and accessed from Lambda@Edge as needed.
  • LambdaS3BucketName is the bucket that hosts the Lambda code package. You don’t need to change this parameter unless you have a requirement to modify or extend the solution with your own Lambda function.
  • RateLimit is the maximum number of calls from a single IP address that are allowed within a 5 minute period. Values between 100 requests and 20 million requests are valid for RateLimit.
  • Important: provide a value suitable for your application and security requirements.

  • UserPoolId is the ID of your user pool. This value is used by Lambda@Edge when needed (for example, to call admin APIs, which require the user pool ID).
  • UserPoolRegion is the AWS Region where you created your user pool. This value is used to determine which Amazon Cognito Regional endpoint to proxy the calls to.

This template creates several resources in your AWS account, as follows:

  1. A CloudFront distribution that serves as a proxy to an Amazon Cognito Regional endpoint.
  2. An AWS WAF web access control list (ACL) with rules for the allow list, deny list, and rate limit.
  3. A Lambda function to be deployed at the edge and assigned to the origin request event.
  4. A secret in Secrets Manager, to hold the values of the application client secret and user pool ID.

After you create the stack, the CloudFront distribution domain name is available on the Outputs tab in the CloudFront console, as shown in Figure 3. This is the value that’s used as the Endpoint property in your client-side application. You can optionally add an alternative domain name to the CloudFront distribution if you prefer to use your own custom domain.

Figure 3: The output of the CloudFormation stack creation, displaying the CloudFront domain name

Figure 3: The output of the CloudFormation stack creation, displaying the CloudFront domain name

Use Lambda@Edge to add a secret hash to the request

As explained earlier, the purpose of having this proxy is to be able to inject the secret hash in unauthenticated API calls before passing them to the Amazon Cognito endpoint. This injection is achieved by a Lambda function that intercepts incoming requests at the edge (the CloudFront distribution) before passing them to the origin (the Amazon Cognito Regional endpoint).

The Lambda function that is deployed to the edge has two versions. One is a simple pass-through proxy that only adds the secret hash, and this version is used if Amazon Cognito advanced security isn’t enabled. The other version is a proxy that uses the AdminInitiateAuth and AdminRespondToAuthChallenge API operations instead of unauthenticated API operations for the user authentication and challenge response. This allows the proxy layer to propagate the client IP address to the Amazon Cognito endpoint, which guides the adaptive authentication features of advanced security. The version that is deployed by the stack is determined by the AdvancedSecurityEnabled flag when you create or update the CloudFormation stack.

You can extend this solution by manually modifying the Lambda function with your own processing logic. For example, you can integrate with fraud detection or bot detection services to evaluate the request and decide to proceed or reject the call. Note that after making any change to the Lambda function code, you must deploy a new version to the edge location. To do that from the Lambda console, navigate to Actions, choose Deploy to Lambda@Edge, and then choose Use existing CloudFront trigger on this function.

Important: If you update the stack from CloudFormation and change the value of the AdvancedSecurityEnabled flag, the new value overrides the Lambda code with the default version for the choice. In that case, all manual changes are lost.

Allow or block requests

The template that is provided in this blog post creates a web ACL with three rules: AllowList, DenyList, and RateLimit. These rules are evaluated in order and determine which requests are allowed or blocked. The template also creates four IP sets, as shown in Figure 4, to hold the values of allowed or blocked IPs for both IPv4 and IPv6 address types.

Figure 4: The CloudFormation template creates IP sets in the AWS WAF console for allow and deny lists

Figure 4: The CloudFormation template creates IP sets in the AWS WAF console for allow and deny lists

If you want to always allow requests from certain clients, for example, trusted enterprise clients or server-side clients in cases where a large volume of requests is coming from the same IP address like a VPN gateway, add these IP addresses to the corresponding AllowList IP set. Similarly, if you want to always block traffic from certain IPs, add those IPs to the corresponding DenyList IP set.

Requests from sources that aren’t on the allow list or deny list are evaluated based on the volume of calls within 5 minutes, and sources that exceed the defined rate limit within 5 minutes are automatically blocked. If you want to change the defined rate limit, you can do so by updating the CloudFormation stack and providing a different value for the RateLimit parameter. Or you can modify this value directly in the AWS WAF console by editing the RateLimit rule.

Note: You can also use AWS Managed Rules for AWS WAF to add additional protection according to your security needs.

Integrate the client application with the proxy

You can integrate the client application with the proxy by changing the Endpoint in your client application to use the CloudFront distribution domain name. The domain name is located in the Outputs section of the CloudFormation stack.

You then need to edit your client-side code to forward calls to Amazon Cognito through the proxy endpoint. For example, if you’re using the Identity SDK, you should change this property as follows.

var poolData = {
  UserPoolId: '<USER-POOL-ID>',
  ClientId: '<APP-CLIENT-ID>',
  endpoint: 'https://<CF-DISTRIBUTION-DOMAIN>'

If you’re using AWS Amplify, you can change the endpoint in the aws-exports.js file by overriding the property aws_cognito_endpoint. Or, if you configure Amplify Auth in your code, you can provide the endpoint as follows.

  userPoolId: '<USER-POOL-ID>',
  userPoolWebClientId: '<APP-CLIENT-ID>',
  endpoint: 'https://<CF-DISTRIBUTION-DOMAIN>'

If you have a mobile application that uses the Amplify mobile SDK, you can override the endpoint in your configuration as follows (don’t include AppClientSecret parameter in your configuration). Note that the Endpoint value contains the domain name only, not the full URL. This feature is available in the latest releases of the iOS and Android SDKs.

"CognitoUserPool": {
  "Default": {
    "AppClientId": "<APP-CLIENT-ID>",
    "Endpoint": "<CF-DISTRIBUTION-DOMAIN>",
    "PoolId": "<USER-POOL-ID>",
    "Region": "<REGION>"

Warning: The Amplify CLI overwrites customizations to the awsconfiguration.json and amplifyconfiguration.json files if you do an amplify push or amplify pull operation. You must manually re-apply the Endpoint customization and remove the AppClientSecret if you use the CLI to modify your cloud backend.

Solution limitations

This solution has these limitations:

  • If advanced security features are enabled for the user pool, Amazon Cognito calculates risk for user events. If you use this proxy pattern, the IP address that is propagated in user events is the proxy IP address, which causes risk calculation for SignUp, ForgotPassword, and ResendCode events to be inaccurate. On the other hand, Sign-In events still have the client IP address propagated correctly, and risk calculation and adaptive authentication for Sign-In events aren’t affected by the use of this proxy.
  • This solution is not applicable to Hosted UI, OAuth 2.0 endpoints, and federation flows.
  • Authenticated and admin API operations (which require developer credentials or an access token) aren’t covered in this solution. These API operations don’t require a secret hash, and they use other authentication mechanisms.
  • Using this proxy solution with mobile apps requires an update to the application. The update might take time to be available in the relevant app store, and you must depend on end users to update their app. Plan ahead of time to use the solution with mobile apps.

How to detect unusual behavior

In this section, I share with you the steps to detect, quickly analyze and respond to unwanted clients. It’s a best practice to configure monitoring and alarms that help you to detect unexpected spikes in activity. Additionally, I show you how to be ready to quickly identify clients that are calling your resources at a higher-than-usual rate.

Monitor utilization compared to quotas

Amazon Cognito integrates with Service Quotas, which monitor service utilization compared to quotas. These metrics help you detect unexpected spikes and be alerted if you’re approaching your quota for a certain API category. Approaching your quota indicates that there is a risk that calls from legitimate users will be throttled.

To view utilization versus quota metrics

  1. In the Service Quotas console, choose Service Quotas, choose AWS Services, and then choose Amazon Cognito User Pools.
  2. Under Service quotas, enter the search term rate of. This shows you the list of API categories and the assigned quotas for each category.
    Figure 5: The Service Quotas console showing Amazon Cognito API category rate quotas

    Figure 5: The Service Quotas console showing Amazon Cognito API category rate quotas

  3. Choose any of the API categories to see utilization versus quota metrics.
    Figure 6: The Service Quotas console showing utilization vs quota metrics for Amazon Cognito UserCreation APIs

    Figure 6: The Service Quotas console showing utilization vs quota metrics for Amazon Cognito UserCreation APIs

  4. You can also create alarms from this page to alert you if utilization is above a pre-defined threshold. You can create alarms starting at 50 percent utilization. It’s recommended that you create multiple alarms, for example at the 50 percent, 70 percent, and 90 percent thresholds, and configure CloudWatch alarms as appropriate.
    Figure 7: Creating an alarm for the utilization of the UserCreation API category

    Figure 7: Creating an alarm for the utilization of the UserCreation API category

Analyze CloudTrail logs with Athena

If you detect an unexpected spike in traffic to a certain API category, the next step is to identify the sources of this spike. You can do that by using CloudTrail logs or, after you deploy and use this proxy solution, CloudFront logs as sources of information. You can then analyze these logs by using Amazon Athena queries.

The first step is to create Athena tables from CloudTrail and CloudFront logs. You can do that by following these steps for CloudTrail and similar steps for CloudFront. After you have these tables created, you can create a set of queries that help you identify unwanted clients. Here are a couple of examples:

  • Use the following query to identify clients with the highest call rate to the InitiateAuth API operation within the timeframe you noticed the spike (change the eventtime value to reflect the attack window).
    SELECT sourceipaddress, count(*)
    FROM "default"."cloudtrail_logs"
    WHERE eventname='InitiateAuth'
    AND eventtime >= '2021-03-01T00:00:00Z'and eventtime < '2021-03-31T00:00:00Z'
    GROUP BY sourceipaddress
    LIMIT 10

  • Use the following query to identify clients that come through CloudFront with the highest error rate.
    SELECT count(*) as count, request_ip
    FROM "default"."cloudfront_logs"
    WHERE status>500
    GROUP BY request_ip

After you identify sources that are calling your service with a higher-than-usual rate, you can block these clients by adding them to the DenyList IP set that was created in AWS WAF.

Analyze CloudTrail events with CloudWatch Logs Insights

It’s a best practice to configure your trail to send events to CloudWatch Logs. After you do this, you can interactively search and analyze your Amazon Cognito CloudTrail events with CloudWatch Logs Insights to identify errors, unusual activity, or unusual user behavior in your account.


In this post, I showed you how to implement a lightweight proxy to an Amazon Cognito endpoint, which can be used with an application client secret to control access to unauthenticated API operations. This approach, together with security tools such as AWS WAF, helps provide protection for these API operations from unwanted clients. I also showed you strategies to help detect an ongoing attack and quickly analyze, identify, and block unwanted clients.

For more strategies for DDoS mitigation, see the AWS Best Practices for DDoS Resiliency.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the Amazon Cognito forum or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Mahmoud Matouk

Mahmoud is a Senior Solutions Architect with the Amazon Cognito team. He helps AWS customers build secure and innovative solutions for various identity and access management scenarios.

Why the Robot Hackers Aren’t Here (Yet)

Post Syndicated from Erick Galinkin original

Why the Robot Hackers Aren’t Here (Yet)

“Estragon: I’m like that. Either I forget right away or I never forget.” – Samuel Beckett, Waiting for Godot

Hacking and Automation

As hackers, we spend a lot of time making things easier for ourselves.

For example, you might be aware of a tool called Metasploit, which can be used to make getting into a target easier. We’ve also built internet-scale scanning tools, allowing us to easily view data about open ports across the internet. Some of our less ethical comrades-in-arms build worms and botnets to automate the process of doing whatever they want to do.

If the heart of hacking is making things do what they shouldn’t, then perhaps the lungs are automation.

Over the years, we’ve seen security in general and vulnerability discovery in particular move from a risky, shady business to massive corporate-sponsored activities with open marketplaces for bug bounties. We’ve also seen a concomitant improvement in the techniques of hacking.

If hackers had known in 1996 that we’d go from Stack-based buffer overflows to chaining ROP gadgets, perhaps we’d have asserted “no free bugs” earlier on. This maturity has allowed us to find a number of bugs that would have been unbelievable in the early 2000s, and exploits for those bugs are quickly packaged into tools like Metasploit.

Now that we’ve automated the process of running our exploits once they’ve been written, why is it so hard to get machines to find the bugs for us?

This is, of course, not for lack of trying. Fuzzing is a powerful technique that turns up a ton of bugs in an automated way. In fact, fuzzing is powerful enough that loads of folks turn up 0-days while they’re learning how to do fuzzing!

However, the trouble with fuzzing is that you never know what you’re going to turn up, and once you get a crash, there is a lot of work left to be done to craft an exploit and understand how and why the crash occurred — and that’s on top of all the work needed to craft a reliable exploit.

Automated bug finding, like we saw in the DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge, takes this to another level by combining fuzzing and symbolic execution with other program analysis techniques, like reachability and input dependence. But fuzzers and SMT solvers — a program that solves particular types of logic problems — haven’t found all the bugs, so what are we missing?

As with many problems in the last few years, organizations are hoping the answer lies in artificial intelligence and machine learning. The trouble with this hope is that AI is good at some tasks, and bug finding may simply not be one of them — at least not yet.

Learning to Find Bugs

Academic literature is rich with papers aiming to find bugs with machine learning. A quick Google Scholar search turns up over 140,000 articles on the topic as of this writing, and many of these articles seem to promise that, any day now, machine learning algorithms will turn up bugs in your source code.

There are a number of developer tools that suggest this could be true. Tools like Codota, Tabnine, and Kite will help auto-complete your code and are quite good. In fact, Microsoft has used GPT-3 to write code from natural language.

But creating code and finding bugs is sadly an entirely different problem. A 2017 paper written by Chappell et al — a collaboration between Australia’s Queensland University of Technology and the technology giant Oracle — found that a variety of machine learning approaches vastly underperformed Oracle’s Parfait system, which uses more traditional symbolic analysis techniques on the intermediate representations used by the compiler.

Another paper, out of the University of Oslo in Norway, Simulated SQL injection using Q-Learning, a form of Reinforcement Learning. This paper caused a stir in the MLSec community and especially within the DEF CON AI village (full disclosure: I am an officer for the AI village and helped cause the stir). The possibility of using a roomba-like method to find bugs was deeply enticing, and Erdodi et al. did great work.

However, their method requires a very particular environment, and although the agent learned to exploit the specific simulation, the method does not seem to generalize well. So, what’s a hacker to do?

Blaming Our Boots

“Vladimir: There’s man all over for you, blaming on his boots the faults of his feet.” – Samuel Beckett, Waiting for Godot

One of the fundamental problems with throwing machine learning at security problems is that many ML techniques have been optimized for particular types of data. This is particularly important for deep learning techniques.

Images are tensors — a sort of matrix with not just height and width but also color channels — of rectangular bit maps with a range of possible values for each pixel. Natural language is tokenized, and those tokens are mapped into a word embedding, like GloVe or Word2Vec.

This is not to downplay the tremendous accomplishments of these machine learning techniques but to demonstrate that, in order for us to repurpose them, we must understand why they were built this way.

Unfortunately, the properties we find important for computer vision — shift invariance and orientation invariance — are not properties that are important for tasks like vulnerability detection or malware analysis. There is, likewise, a heavy dependence in log analysis and similar tasks on tokens that are unlikely to be in our vocabulary — oddly encoded strings, weird file names, and unusual commands. This makes these techniques unsuitable for many of our defensive tasks and, for similar reasons, mostly useless for generating net-new exploits.

Why doesn’t this work? A few issues are at play here. First, the machine does not understand what it is learning. Machine learning algorithms are ultimately function approximators — systems that see some inputs and some outputs, and figure out what function generated them.

For example, if our dataset is:

X = {1, 3, 7, 11, 2}

Y = {3, 7, 15, 23, 5}

Our algorithm might see the first input and output: 3 = f(1) and guess that f(x) = 3x.

By the second input, it would probably be able to figure out that y = f(x) = 2x + 1.

By the fifth, there would be a lot of good evidence that f(x) = 2x + 1. But this is a simple linear model, with one weight term and one bias term. Once we have to account for a large number of dimensions and a function that turns a label like “cat” into a 32 x 32 image with 3 color channels, approximating that function becomes much harder.

It stands to reason then that the function which maps a few dozen lines of code that spread across several files into a particular class of vulnerability will be harder still to approximate.

Ultimately, the problem is neither the technology on its own nor the data representation on its own. It is that we are trying to use the data we have to solve a hard problem without addressing the underlying difficulties of that problem.

In our case, the challenge is not identifying vulnerabilities that look like others we’ve found before. The challenge is in capturing the semantic meaning of the code and the code flow at a point, and using that information to generate an output that tells us whether or not a certain condition is met.

This is what SAT solvers are trying to do. It is worth noting then that, from a purely theoretical perspective, this is the problem SAT, the canonical NP-Complete problem. It explains why the problem is so hard — we’re trying to solve one of the most challenging problems in computer science!

Waiting for Godot

The Samuel Beckett play, Waiting for Godot, centers around the characters of Vladimir and Estragon. The two characters are, as the title suggests, waiting for a character named Godot. To spoil a roughly 70-year-old play, I’ll give away the punchline: Godot never comes.

Today, security researchers who are interested in using artificial intelligence and machine learning to move the ball forward are in a similar position. We sit or stand by the leafless tree, waiting for our AI Godot. Like Vladimir and Estragon, our Godot will never come if we wait.

If we want to see more automation and applications of machine learning to vulnerability discovery, it will not suffice to repurpose convolutional neural networks, gradient-boosted decision trees, and transformers. Instead, we need to think about the way we represent data and how to capture the relevant details of that data. Then, we need to develop algorithms that can capture, learn, and retain that information.

We cannot wait for Godot — we have to find him ourselves.

Auto scaling Amazon Kinesis Data Streams using Amazon CloudWatch and AWS Lambda

Post Syndicated from Matthew Nolan original

This post is co-written with Noah Mundahl, Director of Public Cloud Engineering at United Health Group.

In this post, we cover a solution to add auto scaling to Amazon Kinesis Data Streams. Whether you have one stream or many streams, you often need to scale them up when traffic increases and scale them down when traffic decreases. Scaling your streams manually can create a lot of operational overhead. If you leave your streams overprovisioned, costs can increase. If you want the best of both worlds—increased throughput and reduced costs—then auto scaling is a great option. This was the case for United Health Group. Their Director of Public Cloud Engineering, Noah Mundahl, joins us later in this post to talk about how adding this auto scaling solution impacted their business.

Overview of solution

In this post, we showcase a lightweight serverless architecture that can auto scale one or many Kinesis data streams based on throughput. It uses Amazon CloudWatch, Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS), and AWS Lambda. A single SNS topic and Lambda function process the scaling of any number of streams. Each stream requires one scale-up and one scale-down CloudWatch alarm. For an architecture that uses Application Auto Scaling, see Scale Amazon Kinesis Data Streams with AWS Application Auto Scaling.

The workflow is as follows:

  1. Metrics flow from the Kinesis data stream into CloudWatch (bytes/second, records/second).
  2. Two CloudWatch alarms, scale-up and scale-down, evaluate those metrics and decide when to scale.
  3. When one of these scaling alarms triggers, it sends a message to the scaling SNS topic.
  4. The scaling Lambda function processes the SNS message:
    1. The function scales the data stream up or down using UpdateShardCount:
      1. Scale-up events double the number of shards in the stream
      2. Scale-down events halve the number of shards in the stream
    2. The function updates the metric math on the scale-up and scale-down alarms to reflect the new shard count.


The scaling alarms rely on CloudWatch alarm metric math to calculate a stream’s maximum usage factor. This usage factor is a percentage calculation from 0.00–1.00, with 1.00 meaning the stream is 100% utilized in either bytes per second or records per second. We use the usage factor for triggering scale-up and scale-down events. Our alarms use the following usage factor thresholds to trigger scaling events: >= 0.75 for scale-up and < 0.25 for scale-down. We use 5-minute data points (period) on all alarms because they’re more resistant to Kinesis traffic micro spikes.

Scale-up usage factor

The following screenshot shows the metric math on a scale-up alarm.

The scale-up max usage factor for a stream is calculated as follows:

s1 = Current shard count of the stream
m1 = Incoming Bytes Per Period, directly from CloudWatch metrics
m2 = Incoming Records Per Period, directly from CloudWatch metrics
e1 = Incoming Bytes Per Period with missing data points filled by zeroes
e2 = Incoming Records Per Period with missing data points filled by zeroes
e3 = Incoming Bytes Usage Factor 
   = Incoming Bytes Per Period / Max Bytes Per Period
   = e1/(1024*1024*60*$kinesis_period_mins*s1)
e4 = Incoming Records Usage Factor  
   = Incoming Records Per Period / Max Records Per Period 
   = e2/(1000*60*$kinesis_period_mins*s1) 
e6 = Max Usage Factor: Incoming Bytes or Incoming Records 
   = MAX([e3,e4])

Scale-down usage factor

We calculate the scale-down usage factor the same as the scale-up usage factor with some additional metric math to (optionally) take into account the iterator age of the stream to block scale-downs when stream processing is falling behind. This is useful if you’re using Lambda functions per shard, known as the Parallelization Factor, to process your streams. If you have a backlog of data, scaling down reduces the number of Lambda functions you need to process that backlog.

The following screenshot shows the metric math on a scale-down alarm.

The scale-down max usage factor for a stream is calculated as follows:

s1 = Current shard count of the stream
s2 = Iterator Age (in minutes) after which we begin blocking scale downs	
m1 = Incoming Bytes Per Period, directly from CloudWatch metrics
m2 = Incoming Records Per Period, directly from CloudWatch metrics
e1 = Incoming Bytes Per Period with missing data points filled by zeroes
e2 = Incoming Records Per Period with missing data points filled by zeroes
e3 = Incoming Bytes Usage Factor 
   = Incoming Bytes Per Period / Max Bytes Per Period
   = e1/(1024*1024*60*$kinesis_period_mins*s1)
e4 = Incoming Records Usage Factor  
   = Incoming Records Per Period / Max Records Per Period 
   = e2/(1000*60*$kinesis_period_mins*s1)
e5 = Iterator Age Adjusted Factor 
   = Scale Down Threshold * (Iterator Age Minutes / Iterator Age Minutes to Block Scale Down)
   = $kinesis_scale_down_threshold * ((FILL(m3,0)*1000/60)/s2)
e6 = Max Usage Factor: Incoming Bytes, Incoming Records, or Iterator Age Adjusted Factor
   = MAX([e3,e4,e5])


You can deploy this solution via AWS CloudFormation. For more information, see the GitHub repo.

If you need to generate traffic on your streams for testing, consider using the Amazon Kinesis Data Generator. For more information, see Test Your Streaming Data Solution with the New Amazon Kinesis Data Generator.

Optum’s story

As the health services innovation arm of UnitedHealth Group, Optum has been on a multi-year journey towards advancing maturity and capabilities in the public cloud. Our multi-cloud strategy includes using many cloud-native services offered by AWS. The elasticity and self-healing features of the public cloud are among of its many strengths, and we use the automation provided natively by AWS through auto scaling capabilities. However, some services don’t natively provide those capabilities, such as Kinesis Data Streams. That doesn’t mean that we’re complacent and accept inelasticity.

Reducing operational toil

At the scale Optum operates at in the public cloud, monitoring for errors or latency related to our Kinesis data stream shard count and manually adjusting those values in response could become a significant source of toil for our public cloud platform engineering teams. Rather than engaging in that toil, we prefer to engineer automated solutions that respond much faster than humans and help us maintain performance, data resilience, and cost-efficiency.

Serving our mission through engineering

Optum is a large organization with thousands of software engineers. Our mission is to help people live healthier lives and help make the health system work better for everyone. To accomplish that mission, our public cloud platform engineers must act as force multipliers across the organization. With solutions such as this, we ensure that our engineers can focus on building and not on responding to needless alerts.


In this post, we presented a lightweight auto scaling solution for Kinesis Data Streams. Whether you have one stream or many streams, this solution can handle scaling for you. The benefits include less operational overhead, increased throughput, and reduced costs. Everything you need to get started is available on the Kinesis Auto Scaling GitHub repo.

About the authors

Matthew NolanMatthew Nolan is a Senior Cloud Application Architect at Amazon Web Services. He has over 20 years of industry experience and over 10 years of cloud experience. At AWS he helps customers rearchitect and reimagine their applications to take full advantage of the cloud. Matthew lives in New England and enjoys skiing, snowboarding, and hiking.



Paritosh Walvekar Paritosh Walvekar is a Cloud Application Architect with AWS Professional Services, where he helps customers build cloud native applications. He has a Master’s degree in Computer Science from University at Buffalo. In his free time, he enjoys watching movies and is learning to play the piano.



Noah Mundahl Noah Mundahl is Director of Public Cloud Engineering at United Health Group.

Upcoming Speaking Engagements

Post Syndicated from Webmaster original

This is a current list of where and when I am scheduled to speak:

The list is maintained on this page.

Some massive stable kernel updates

Post Syndicated from original

5.10.50, and
stable kernel updates are out. They are huge; when asked why, Greg
Kroah-Hartman responded:

They show the problem that we currently have where maintainers wait
at the end of the -rc cycle and keep valid fixes from being sent to
Linus. They “bunch up” and come out only in -rc1 and so the first
few stable releases after -rc1 comes out are huge. It’s been
happening for the past few years and only getting worse. These
stable releases are proof of that, the 5.13.2-rc release was the
largest we have ever done and it broke one of my scripts because of
it 🙁

There has been more than the usual amount of discussion about patches that
perhaps should not have been included; the probability of regressions in
these releases may be a bit above average. They also, of course, contain a
lot of important bug fixes.

Intelligently Search Media Assets with Amazon Rekognition and Amazon ES

Post Syndicated from Sridhar Chevendra original

Media assets have become increasingly important to industries like media and entertainment, manufacturing, education, social media applications, and retail. This is largely due to innovations in digital marketing, mobile, and ecommerce.

Successfully locating a digital asset like a video, graphic, or image reduces costs related to reproducing or re-shooting. An efficient search engine is critical to quickly delivering something like the latest fashion trends. This in turn increases customer satisfaction, builds brand loyalty, and helps increase businesses’ online footprints, ultimately contributing towards revenue.

This blog post shows you how to build automated indexing and search functions using AWS serverless managed artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning (ML) services. This architecture provides high scalability, reduces operational overhead, and scales out/in automatically based on the demand, with a flexible pay-as-you-go pricing model.

Automatic tagging and rich metadata with Amazon ES

Asset libraries for images and videos are growing exponentially. With Amazon Elasticsearch Service (Amazon ES), this media is indexed and organized, which is important for efficient search and quick retrieval.

Adding correct metadata to digital assets based on enterprise standard taxonomy will help you narrow down search results. This includes information like media formats, but also richer metadata like location, event details, and so forth. With Amazon Rekognition, an advanced ML service, you do not need to tag and index these media assets. This automatic tagging and organization frees you up to gain insights like sentiment analysis from social media.

Figure 1 is tagged using Amazon Rekognition. You can see how rich metadata (Apparel, T-Shirt, Person, and Pills) is extracted automatically. Without Amazon Rekognition, you would have to manually add tags and categorize the image. This means you could only do a keyword search on what’s manually tagged. If the image was not tagged, then you likely wouldn’t be able to find it in a search.

Figure 1. An image tagged automatically with Amazon Rekognition

Figure 1. An image tagged automatically with Amazon Rekognition

Data ingestion, organization, and storage with Amazon S3

As shown in Figure 2, use Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) to store your static assets. It provides high availability and scalability, along with unlimited storage. When you choose Amazon S3 as your content repository, multiple data providers are configured for data ingestion for future consumption by downstream applications. In addition to providing storage, Amazon S3 lets you organize data into prefixes based on the event type and captures S3 object mutations through S3 event notifications.

Figure 2. Solution overview diagram

Figure 2. Solution overview diagram

S3 event notifications are invoked for a specific prefix, suffix, or combination of both. They integrate with Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS), Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS), and AWS Lambda as targets. (Refer to the Amazon S3 Event Notifications user guide for best practices). S3 event notification targets vary across use cases. For media assets, Amazon SQS is used to decouple the new data objects ingested into S3 buckets and downstream services. Amazon SQS provides flexibility over the data processing based on resource availability.

Data processing with Amazon Rekognition

Once media assets are ingested into Amazon S3, they are ready to be processed. Amazon Rekognition determines the entities within each asset. Amazon Rekognition then extracts the entities in JSON format and assigns a confidence score.

If the confidence score is below the defined threshold, use Amazon Augmented AI (A2I) for further review. A2I is an ML service that helps you build the workflows required for human review of ML predictions.

Amazon Rekognition also supports custom modeling to help identify entities within the images for specific business needs. For instance, a campaign may need images of products worn by a brand ambassador at a marketing event. Then they may need to further narrow their search down by the individual’s name or age demographic.

Using our solution, a Lambda function invokes Amazon Rekognition to extract the entities from the ingested assets. Lambda continuously polls the SQS queue for any new messages. Once a message is available, the Lambda function invokes the Amazon Rekognition endpoint to extract the relevant entities.

The following is a sample output from detect_labels API call in Amazon Rekognition and the transformed output that will be updated to downstream search engine:

{'Labels': [{'Name': 'Clothing', 'Confidence': 99.98137664794922, 'Instances': [], 'Parents': []}, {'Name': 'Apparel', 'Confidence': 99.98137664794922,'Instances': [], 'Parents': []}, {'Name': 'Shirt', 'Confidence': 97.00833129882812, 'Instances': [], 'Parents': [{'Name': 'Clothing'}]}, {'Name': 'T-Shirt', 'Confidence': 76.36670684814453, 'Instances': [{'BoundingBox': {'Width': 0.7963646650314331, 'Height': 0.6813027262687683, 'Left':
0.09593021124601364, 'Top': 0.1719706505537033}, 'Confidence': 53.39663314819336}], 'Parents': [{'Name': 'Clothing'}]}], 'LabelModelVersion': '2.0', 'ResponseMetadata': {'RequestId': '3a561e82-badc-4ba0-aa77-39a13f1bb3a6', 'HTTPStatusCode': 200, 'HTTPHeaders': {'content-type': 'application/x-amz-json-1.1', 'date': 'Mon, 17 May 2021 18:32:27 GMT', 'x-amzn-requestid': '3a561e82-badc-4ba0-aa77-39a13f1bb3a6','content-length': '542', 'connection': 'keep-alive'}, 'RetryAttempts': 0}}

As shown, the Lambda function submits an API call to Amazon Rekognition, where a T-shirt image in .jpeg format is provided as the input. Based on your confidence score threshold preference, Amazon Rekognition will prompt you to initiate a human review using Amazon A2I. It will also prompt you to use Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels to train the custom models. Lambda then identifies and arranges the labels and updates the specified index.

Indexing with Amazon ES

Amazon ES is a managed search engine service that provides enterprise-grade search engine capability for applications. In our solution, assets are searched based on entities that are used as metadata to update the index. Amazon ES is hosted as a public endpoint or a VPC endpoint for secure access within the specified AWS account.

Labels are identified and marked as tags, which are assigned to .jpeg formatted images. The following sample output shows the query on one of the tags issued on an Amazon ES cluster.


curl-XGET https://<ElasticSearch Endpoint>/<_IndexName>/_search?q=T-Shirt



In addition to photos, Amazon Rekognition also detects the labels on videos. It can recognize labels and identify characters and entities. These are then added to Amazon ES to enhance search capability. This allows users to skip to specific parts of a video for quick searchability. For instance, a marketer may need images of cashmere sweaters from a fashion show that was streamed and recorded.

Once the raw video clip is identified, it is then converted using Amazon Elastic Transcoder to play back on mobile devices, tablets, web browsers, and connected televisions. Elastic Transcoder is a highly scalable and cost-effective media transcoding service in the cloud. Segmented output renditions are created for delivery using the multiple protocols to compatible devices.


This blog describes AWS services that can be applied to diverse set of use cases for tagging and efficient search of images and videos. You can build automated indexing and search using AWS serverless managed AI/ML services. They provide high scalability, reduce operational overhead, and scale out/in automatically based on the demand, with a flexible pay-as-you-go pricing model.

To get started, use these references to create your own sample architectures:

Data preparation using an Amazon RDS for MySQL database with AWS Glue DataBrew

Post Syndicated from Dhiraj Thakur original

With AWS Glue DataBrew, data analysts and data scientists can easily access and visually explore any amount of data across their organization directly from their Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) data lake, Amazon Redshift data warehouse, or Amazon Aurora and Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) databases. You can choose from over 250 built-in functions to merge, pivot, and transpose the data without writing code.

Now, with added support for JDBC-accessible databases, DataBrew also supports additional data stores, including PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server. In this post, we use DataBrew to clean data from an RDS database, store the cleaned data in an S3 data lake, and build a business intelligence (BI) report.

Use case overview

For our use case, we use three datasets:

  • A school dataset that contains school details like school ID and school name
  • A student dataset that contains student details like student ID, name, and age
  • A student study details dataset that contains student study time, health, country, and more

The following diagram shows the relation of these tables.

For our use case, this data is collected by a survey organization after an annual exam, and updates are made in Amazon RDS for MySQL using a Java script-based frontend application. We join the tables to create a single view and create aggregated data through a series of data preparation steps, and the business team uses the output data to create BI reports.

Solution overview

The following diagram illustrates our solution architecture. We use Amazon RDS to store data, DataBrew for data preparation, Amazon Athena for data analysis with standard SQL, and Amazon QuickSight for business reporting.

The workflow includes the following steps:
  1. Create a JDBC connection for RDS and a DataBrew project. DataBrew does the transformation to find the top performing students across all the schools considered for analysis.
  2. The DataBrew job writes the final output to our S3 output bucket.
  3. After the output data is written, we can create external tables on top of it with Athena create table statements and load partitions with MCSK REPAIR commands.
  4. Business users can use QuickSight for BI reporting, which fetches data through Athena. Data analysts can also use Athena to analyze the complete refreshed dataset.


To complete this solution, you should have an AWS account.

Prelab setup

Before beginning this tutorial, make sure you have the required permissions to create the resources required as part of the solution.

For our use case, we use three mock datasets. You can download the DDL code and data files from GitHub.

  1. Create the RDS for MySQL instance to capture the student health data.
  2. Make sure you have set up the correct security group for Amazon RDS. For more information, see Setting Up a VPC to Connect to JDBC Data Stores.
  3. Create three tables: student_tbl, study_details_tbl, and school_tbl. You can use DDLsql to create the database objects.
  4. Upload the student.csv, study_details.csv, and school.csv files in their respective tables. You can use student.sql, study_details.sql, and school.sql to insert the data in the tables.

Create an Amazon RDS connection

To create your Amazon RDS connection, complete the following steps:

  1. On the DataBrew console, choose Datasets.
  2. On the Connections tab, choose Create connection.

  1. For Connection name, enter a name (for example, student_db-conn).
  2. For Connection type, select JDBC.
  3. For Database type, choose MySQL.

  1. Provide other parameters like RDS endpoint, port, database name, and database login credentials.

  1. In the Network options section, choose the VPC, subnet, and security group of your RDS instance.
  2. Choose Create connection.

Create your datasets

We have three tables in Amazon RDS: school_tbl, student_tbl, and study_details_tbl. To use these tables, we first need to create a dataset for each table.

To create the datasets, complete the following steps (we walk you through creating the school dataset):

  1. On the Datasets page of the DataBrew console, choose Connect new dataset.

  1. For Dataset name, enter school-dataset.
  2. Choose the connection you created (AwsGlueDatabrew-student-db-conn).
  3. For Table name, enter school_tbl.
  4. Choose Create dataset.

  1. Repeat these steps for the student_tbl and study_details_tbl tables, and name the new datasets student-dataset and study-detail-dataset, respectively.

All three datasets are available to use on the Datasets page.

Create a project using the datasets

To create your DataBrew project, complete the following steps:

  1. On the DataBrew console, choose Projects.
  2. Choose Create project.
  3. For Project Name, enter my-rds-proj.
  4. For Attached recipe, choose Create new recipe.

The recipe name is populated automatically.

  1. For Select a dataset, select My datasets.
  2. For Dataset name, select study-detail-dataset.

  1. For Role name, choose your AWS Identity and Access management (IAM) role to use with DataBrew.
  2. Choose Create project.

You can see a success message along with our RDS study_details_tbl table with 500 rows.

After the project is opened, a DataBrew interactive session is created. DataBrew retrieves sample data based on your sampling configuration selection.

Open an Amazon RDS project and build a transformation recipe

In a DataBrew interactive session, you can cleanse and normalize your data using over 250 built-in transforms. In this post, we use DataBrew to identify top performing students by performing a few transforms and finding students who got marks greater than or equal to 60 in the last annual exam.

First, we use DataBrew to join all three RDS tables. To do this, we perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the project you created.
  2. Choose Join.

  1. For Select dataset, choose student-dataset.
  2. Choose Next.

  1. For Select join type, select Left join.
  2. For Join keys, choose student_id for Table A and deselect student_id for Table B.
  3. Choose Finish.

Repeat the steps for school-dataset based on the school_id key.

  1. Choose MERGE to merge first_name and last_name.
  2. Enter a space as a separator.
  3. Choose Apply.

We now filter the rows based on marks value greater than or equal to 60 and add the condition as a recipe step.

  1. Choose FILTER.

  1. Provide the source column and filter condition and choose Apply.

The final data shows the top performing students’ data who had marks greater than or equal to 60.

Run the DataBrew recipe job on the full data

Now that we have built the recipe, we can create and run a DataBrew recipe job.

  1. On the project details page, choose Create job.
  2. For Job name¸ enter top-performer-student.

For this post, we use Parquet as the output format.

  1. For File type, choose PARQUET.
  2. For S3 location, enter the S3 path of the output folder.

  1. For Role name, choose an existing role or create a new one.
  2. Choose Create and run job.

  1. Navigate to the Jobs page and wait for the top-performer-student job to complete.

  1. Choose the Destination link to navigate to Amazon S3 to access the job output.

Run an Athena query

Let’s validate the aggregated table output in Athena by running a simple SELECT query. The following screenshot shows the output.

Create reports in QuickSight

Now let’s do our final step of the architecture, which is creating BI reports through QuickSight by connecting to the Athena aggregated table.

  1. On the QuickSight console, choose Athena as your data source.

  1. Choose the database and catalog you have in Athena.
  2. Select your table.
  3. Choose Select.

Now you can create a quick report to visualize your output, as shown in the following screenshot.

If QuickSight is using SPICE storage, you need to refresh the dataset in QuickSight after you receive notification about the completion of the data refresh. We recommend using SPICE storage to get better performance.

Clean up

Delete the following resources that might accrue cost over time:

  • The RDS instance
  • The recipe job top-performer-student
  • The job output stored in your S3 bucket
  • The IAM roles created as part of projects and jobs
  • The DataBrew project my-rds-proj and its associated recipe my-rds-proj-recipe
  • The DataBrew datasets


In this post, we saw how to create a JDBC connection for an RDS database. We learned how to use this connection to create a DataBrew dataset for each table, and how to reuse this connection multiple times. We also saw how we can bring data from Amazon RDS into DataBrew and seamlessly apply transformations and run recipe jobs that refresh transformed data for BI reporting.

About the Author

Dhiraj Thakur is a Solutions Architect with Amazon Web Services. He works with AWS customers and partners to provide guidance on enterprise cloud adoption, migration, and strategy. He is passionate about technology and enjoys building and experimenting in the analytics and AI/ML space.

Learn the Internet of Things with “IoT for Beginners” and Raspberry Pi

Post Syndicated from Ashley Whittaker original

Want to dabble in the Internet of Things but don’t know where to start? Well, our friends at Microsoft have developed something fun and free just for you. Here’s Senior Cloud Advocate Jim Bennett to tell you all about their brand new online curriculum for IoT beginners.

IoT — the Internet of Things — is one of the biggest growth areas in technology, and one that, to me, is very exciting. You start with a device like a Raspberry Pi, sprinkle some sensors, dust with code, mix in some cloud services and poof! You have smart cities, self-driving cars, automated farming, robotic supermarkets, or devices that can clean your toilet after you shout at Alexa for the third time.

robot detecting a shelf restock is required
Why doesn’t my local supermarket have a restocking robot?

It feels like every week there is another survey out on what tech skills will be in demand in the next five years, and IoT always appears somewhere near the top. This is why loads of folks are interested in learning all about it.

In my day job at Microsoft, I work a lot with students and lecturers, and I’m often asked for help with content to get started with IoT. Not just how to use whatever cool-named IoT services come from your cloud provider of choice to enable digital whatnots to add customer value via thingamabobs, but real beginner content that goes back to the basics.

IoT for Beginners logo
‘IoT for Beginners’ is totally free for anyone wanting to learn about the Internet of Things

This is why a few of us have spent the last few months locked away building IoT for Beginners. It’s a free, open source, 24-lesson university-level IoT curriculum designed for teachers and students, and built by IoT experts, education experts and students.

What will you learn?

The lessons are grouped into projects that you can build with a Raspberry Pi so that you can deep-dive into use cases of IoT, following the journey of food from farm to table.

collection of cartoons of eye oh tee projects

You’ll build projects as you learn the concepts of IoT devices, sensors, actuators, and the cloud, including:

  • An automated watering system, controlling a relay via a soil moisture sensor. This starts off running just on your device, then moves to a free MQTT broker to add cloud control. It then moves on again to cloud-based IoT services to add features like security to stop Farmer Giles from hacking your watering system.
  • A GPS-based vehicle tracker plotting the route taken on a map. You get alerts when a vehicle full of food arrives at a location by using cloud-based mapping services and serverless code.
  • AI-based fruit quality checking using a camera on your device. You train AI models that can detect if fruit is ripe or not. These start off running in the cloud, then you move them to the edge running directly on your Raspberry Pi.
  • Smart stock checking so you can see when you need to restack the shelves, again powered by AI services.
  • A voice-controlled smart timer so you have more devices to shout at when cooking your food! This one uses AI services to understand what you say into your IoT device. It gives spoken feedback and even works in many different languages, translating on the fly.

Grab your Raspberry Pi and some sensors from our friends at Seeed Studio and get building. Without further ado, please meet IoT For Beginners: A Curriculum!

The post Learn the Internet of Things with “IoT for Beginners” and Raspberry Pi appeared first on Raspberry Pi.

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