Tag Archives: Amazon ECS Fargate

Blue/Green deployments using AWS CDK Pipelines and AWS CodeDeploy

Post Syndicated from Luiz Decaro original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/blue-green-deployments-using-aws-cdk-pipelines-and-aws-codedeploy/

Customers often ask for help with implementing Blue/Green deployments to Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) using AWS CodeDeploy. Their use cases usually involve cross-Region and cross-account deployment scenarios. These requirements are challenging enough on their own, but in addition to those, there are specific design decisions that need to be considered when using CodeDeploy. These include how to configure CodeDeploy, when and how to create CodeDeploy resources (such as Application and Deployment Group), and how to write code that can be used to deploy to any combination of account and Region.

Today, I will discuss those design decisions in detail and how to use CDK Pipelines to implement a self-mutating pipeline that deploys services to Amazon ECS in cross-account and cross-Region scenarios. At the end of this blog post, I also introduce a demo application, available in Java, that follows best practices for developing and deploying cloud infrastructure using AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK).

The Pipeline

CDK Pipelines is an opinionated construct library used for building pipelines with different deployment engines. It abstracts implementation details that developers or infrastructure engineers need to solve when implementing a cross-Region or cross-account pipeline. For example, in cross-Region scenarios, AWS CloudFormation needs artifacts to be replicated to the target Region. For that reason, AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) keys, an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket, and policies need to be created for the secondary Region. This enables artifacts to be moved from one Region to another. In cross-account scenarios, CodeDeploy requires a cross-account role with access to the KMS key used to encrypt configuration files. This is the sort of detail that our customers want to avoid dealing with manually.

AWS CodeDeploy is a deployment service that automates application deployment across different scenarios. It deploys to Amazon EC2 instances, On-Premises instances, serverless Lambda functions, or Amazon ECS services. It integrates with AWS Identity and Access Management (AWS IAM), to implement access control to deploy or re-deploy old versions of an application. In the Blue/Green deployment type, it is possible to automate the rollback of a deployment using Amazon CloudWatch Alarms.

CDK Pipelines was designed to automate AWS CloudFormation deployments. Using AWS CDK, these CloudFormation deployments may include deploying application software to instances or containers. However, some customers prefer using CodeDeploy to deploy application software. In this blog post, CDK Pipelines will deploy using CodeDeploy instead of CloudFormation.

A pipeline build with CDK Pipelines that deploys to Amazon ECS using AWS CodeDeploy. It contains at least 5 stages: Source, Build, UpdatePipeline, Assets and at least one Deployment stage.

Design Considerations

In this post, I’m considering the use of CDK Pipelines to implement different use cases for deploying a service to any combination of accounts (single-account & cross-account) and regions (single-Region & cross-Region) using CodeDeploy. More specifically, there are four problems that need to be solved:

CodeDeploy Configuration

The most popular options for implementing a Blue/Green deployment type using CodeDeploy are using CloudFormation Hooks or using a CodeDeploy construct. I decided to operate CodeDeploy using its configuration files. This is a flexible design that doesn’t rely on using custom resources, which is another technique customers have used to solve this problem. On each run, a pipeline pushes a container to a repository on Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) and creates a tag. CodeDeploy needs that information to deploy the container.

I recommend creating a pipeline action to scan the AWS CDK cloud assembly and retrieve the repository and tag information. The same action can create the CodeDeploy configuration files. Three configuration files are required to configure CodeDeploy: appspec.yaml, taskdef.json and imageDetail.json. This pipeline action should be executed before the CodeDeploy deployment action. I recommend creating template files for appspec.yaml and taskdef.json. The following script can be used to implement the pipeline action:

# Action Configure AWS CodeDeploy
# It customizes the files template-appspec.yaml and template-taskdef.json to the environment
# Account = The target Account Id
# AppName = Name of the application
# StageName = Name of the stage
# Region = Name of the region (us-east-1, us-east-2)
# PipelineId = Id of the pipeline
# ServiceName = Name of the service. It will be used to define the role and the task definition name
# Primary output directory is codedeploy/. All the 3 files created (appspec.json, imageDetail.json and 
# taskDef.json) will be located inside the codedeploy/ directory
repo_name=$(cat assembly*$PipelineId-$StageName/*.assets.json | jq -r '.dockerImages[] | .destinations[] | .repositoryName' | head -1) 
tag_name=$(cat assembly*$PipelineId-$StageName/*.assets.json | jq -r '.dockerImages | to_entries[0].key')  
echo ${repo_name} 
echo ${tag_name} 
printf '{"ImageURI":"%s"}' "$Account.dkr.ecr.$Region.amazonaws.com/${repo_name}:${tag_name}" > codedeploy/imageDetail.json                     
sed 's#APPLICATION#'$AppName'#g' codedeploy/template-appspec.yaml > codedeploy/appspec.yaml 
sed 's#APPLICATION#'$AppName'#g' codedeploy/template-taskdef.json | sed 's#TASK_EXEC_ROLE#arn:aws:iam::'$Account':role/'$ServiceName'#g' | sed 's#fargate-task-definition#'$ServiceName'#g' > codedeploy/taskdef.json 
cat codedeploy/appspec.yaml
cat codedeploy/taskdef.json
cat codedeploy/imageDetail.json

Using a Toolchain

A good strategy is to encapsulate the pipeline inside a Toolchain to abstract how to deploy to different accounts and regions. This helps decoupling clients from the details such as how the pipeline is created, how CodeDeploy is configured, and how cross-account and cross-Region deployments are implemented. To create the pipeline, deploy a Toolchain stack. Out-of-the-box, it allows different environments to be added as needed. Depending on the requirements, the pipeline may be customized to reflect the different stages or waves that different components might require. For more information, please refer to our best practices on how to automate safe, hands-off deployments and its reference implementation.

In detail, the Toolchain stack follows the builder pattern used throughout the CDK for Java. This is a convenience that allows complex objects to be created using a single statement:

 Toolchain.Builder.create(app, Constants.APP_NAME+"Toolchain")

In the statement above, the continuous deployment pipeline is created in the TOOLCHAIN_ACCOUNT and TOOLCHAIN_REGION. It implements a stage that builds the source code and creates the Java archive (JAR) using Apache Maven.  The pipeline then creates a Docker image containing the JAR file.

The UAT stage will deploy the service to the SERVICE_ACCOUNT and SERVICE_REGION using the deployment configuration CANARY_10_PERCENT_5_MINUTES. This means 10 percent of the traffic is shifted in the first increment and the remaining 90 percent is deployed 5 minutes later.

To create additional deployment stages, you need a stage name, a CodeDeploy deployment configuration and an environment where it should deploy the service. As mentioned, the pipeline is, by default, a self-mutating pipeline. For example, to add a Prod stage, update the code that creates the Toolchain object and submit this change to the code repository. The pipeline will run and update itself adding a Prod stage after the UAT stage. Next, I show in detail the statement used to add a new Prod stage. The new stage deploys to the same account and Region as in the UAT environment:


In the statement above, the Prod stage will deploy new versions of the service using a CodeDeploy deployment configuration CANARY_10_PERCENT_5_MINUTES. It means that 10 percent of traffic is shifted in the first increment of 5 minutes. Then, it shifts the rest of the traffic to the new version of the application. Please refer to Organizing Your AWS Environment Using Multiple Accounts whitepaper for best-practices on how to isolate and manage your business applications.

Some customers might find this approach interesting and decide to provide this as an abstraction to their application development teams. In this case, I advise creating a construct that builds such a pipeline. Using a construct would allow for further customization. Examples are stages that promote quality assurance or deploy the service in a disaster recovery scenario.

The implementation creates a stack for the toolchain and another stack for each deployment stage. As an example, consider a toolchain created with a single deployment stage named UAT. After running successfully, the DemoToolchain and DemoService-UAT stacks should be created as in the next image:

Two stacks are needed to create a Pipeline that deploys to a single environment. One stack deploys the Toolchain with the Pipeline and another stack deploys the Service compute infrastructure and CodeDeploy Application and DeploymentGroup. In this example, for an application named Demo that deploys to an environment named UAT, the stacks deployed are: DemoToolchain and DemoService-UAT

CodeDeploy Application and Deployment Group

CodeDeploy configuration requires an application and a deployment group. Depending on the use case, you need to create these in the same or in a different account from the toolchain (pipeline). The pipeline includes the CodeDeploy deployment action that performs the blue/green deployment. My recommendation is to create the CodeDeploy application and deployment group as part of the Service stack. This approach allows to align the lifecycle of CodeDeploy application and deployment group with the related Service stack instance.

CodePipeline allows to create a CodeDeploy deployment action that references a non-existing CodeDeploy application and deployment group. This allows us to implement the following approach:

  • Toolchain stack deploys the pipeline with CodeDeploy deployment action referencing a non-existing CodeDeploy application and deployment group
  • When the pipeline executes, it first deploys the Service stack that creates the related CodeDeploy application and deployment group
  • The next pipeline action executes the CodeDeploy deployment action. When the pipeline executes the CodeDeploy deployment action, the related CodeDeploy application and deployment will already exist.

Below is the pipeline code that references the (initially non-existing) CodeDeploy application and deployment group.

private IEcsDeploymentGroup referenceCodeDeployDeploymentGroup(
        final Environment env, 
        final String serviceName, 
        final IEcsDeploymentConfig ecsDeploymentConfig, 
        final String stageName) {

    IEcsApplication codeDeployApp = EcsApplication.fromEcsApplicationArn(
            Constants.APP_NAME + "EcsCodeDeployApp-"+stageName,

    IEcsDeploymentGroup deploymentGroup = EcsDeploymentGroup.fromEcsDeploymentGroupAttributes(
            Constants.APP_NAME + "-EcsCodeDeployDG-"+stageName,

    return deploymentGroup;

To make this work, you should use the same application name and deployment group name values when creating the CodeDeploy deployment action in the pipeline and when creating the CodeDeploy application and deployment group in the Service stack (where the Amazon ECS infrastructure is deployed). This approach is necessary to avoid a circular dependency error when trying to create the CodeDeploy application and deployment group inside the Service stack and reference these objects to configure the CodeDeploy deployment action inside the pipeline. Below is the code that uses Service stack construct ID to name the CodeDeploy application and deployment group. I set the Service stack construct ID to the same name I used when creating the CodeDeploy deployment action in the pipeline.

   // configure AWS CodeDeploy Application and DeploymentGroup
   EcsApplication app = EcsApplication.Builder.create(this, "BlueGreenApplication")

   EcsDeploymentGroup.Builder.create(this, "BlueGreenDeploymentGroup")

CDK Pipelines roles and permissions

CDK Pipelines creates roles and permissions the pipeline uses to execute deployments in different scenarios of regions and accounts. When using CodeDeploy in cross-account scenarios, CDK Pipelines deploys a cross-account support stack that creates a pipeline action role for the CodeDeploy action. This cross-account support stack is defined in a JSON file that needs to be published to the AWS CDK assets bucket in the target account. If the pipeline has the self-mutation feature on (default), the UpdatePipeline stage will do a cdk deploy to deploy changes to the pipeline. In cross-account scenarios, this deployment also involves deploying/updating the cross-account support stack. For this, the SelfMutate action in UpdatePipeline stage needs to assume CDK file-publishing and a deploy roles in the remote account.

The IAM role associated with the AWS CodeBuild project that runs the UpdatePipeline stage does not have these permissions by default. CDK Pipelines cannot grant these permissions automatically, because the information about the permissions that the cross-account stack needs is only available after the AWS CDK app finishes synthesizing. At that point, the permissions that the pipeline has are already locked-in­­. Hence, for cross-account scenarios, the toolchain should extend the permissions of the pipeline’s UpdatePipeline stage to include the file-publishing and deploy roles.

In cross-account environments it is possible to manually add these permissions to the UpdatePipeline stage. To accomplish that, the Toolchain stack may be used to hide this sort of implementation detail. In the end, a method like the one below can be used to add these missing permissions. For each different mapping of stage and environment in the pipeline it validates if the target account is different than the account where the pipeline is deployed. When the criteria is met, it should grant permission to the UpdatePipeline stage to assume CDK bootstrap roles (tagged using key aws-cdk:bootstrap-role) in the target account (with the tag value as file-publishing or deploy). The example below shows how to add permissions to the UpdatePipeline stage:

private void grantUpdatePipelineCrossAccoutPermissions(Map<String, Environment> stageNameEnvironment) {

    if (!stageNameEnvironment.isEmpty()) {

        for (String stage : stageNameEnvironment.keySet()) {

            HashMap<String, String[]> condition = new HashMap<>();
                    new String[] {"file-publishing", "deploy"});
                                    + stageNameEnvironment.get(stage).getAccount() + ":role/*"))
                            .conditions(new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
                                    put("ForAnyValue:StringEquals", condition);

The Deployment Stage

Let’s consider a pipeline that has a single deployment stage, UAT. The UAT stage deploys a DemoService. For that, it requires four actions: DemoService-UAT (Prepare and Deploy), ConfigureBlueGreenDeploy and Deploy.

When using CodeDeploy the deployment stage is expected to have four actions: two actions to create CloudFormation change set and deploy the ECS or compute infrastructure, an action to configure CodeDeploy and the last action that deploys the application using CodeDeploy. In the diagram, these are (in the diagram in the respective order): DemoService-UAT.Prepare and DemoService-UAT.Deploy, ConfigureBlueGreenDeploy and Deploy.

DemoService-UAT.Deploy action will create the ECS resources and the CodeDeploy application and deployment group. The
ConfigureBlueGreenDeploy action will read the AWS CDK
cloud assembly. It uses the configuration files to identify the Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) repository and the container image tag pushed. The pipeline will send this information to the
Deploy action.  The
Deploy action starts the deployment using CodeDeploy.

Solution Overview

As a convenience, I created an application, written in Java, that solves all these challenges and can be used as an example. The application deployment follows the same 5 steps for all deployment scenarios of account and Region, and this includes the scenarios represented in the following design:

A pipeline created by a Toolchain should be able to deploy to any combination of accounts and regions. This includes four scenarios: single-account and single-Region, single-account and cross-Region, cross-account and single-Region and cross-account and cross-Region


In this post, I identified, explained and solved challenges associated with the creation of a pipeline that deploys a service to Amazon ECS using CodeDeploy in different combinations of accounts and regions. I also introduced a demo application that implements these recommendations. The sample code can be extended to implement more elaborate scenarios. These scenarios might include automated testing, automated deployment rollbacks, or disaster recovery. I wish you success in your transformative journey.

Luiz Decaro

Luiz is a Principal Solutions architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS). He focuses on helping customers from the Financial Services Industry succeed in the cloud. Luiz holds a master’s in software engineering and he triggered his first continuous deployment pipeline in 2005.

Use Amazon ECS Fargate Spot with CircleCI to deploy and manage applications in a cost-effective way

Post Syndicated from Pritam Pal original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/deploy-apps-cost-effective-way-with-ecs-fargate-spot-and-circleci/

This post is written by Pritam Pal, Sr EC2 Spot Specialist SA & Dan Kelly, Sr EC2 Spot GTM Specialist

Customers are using Amazon Web Services (AWS) to build CI/CD pipelines and follow DevOps best practices in order to deliver products rapidly and reliably. AWS services simplify infrastructure provisioning and management, application code deployment, software release processes automation, and application and infrastructure performance monitoring. Builders are taking advantage of low-cost, scalable compute with Amazon EC2 Spot Instances, as well as AWS Fargate Spot to build, deploy, and manage microservices or container-based workloads at a discounted price.

Amazon EC2 Spot Instances let you take advantage of unused Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) capacity at steep discounts as compared to on-demand pricing. Fargate Spot is an AWS Fargate capability that can run interruption-tolerant Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) tasks at up to a 70% discount off the Fargate price. Since tasks can still be interrupted, only fault tolerant applications are suitable for Fargate Spot. However, for flexible workloads that can be interrupted, this feature enables significant cost savings over on-demand pricing.

CircleCI provides continuous integration and delivery for any platform, as well as your own infrastructure. CircleCI can automatically trigger low-cost, serverless tasks with AWS Fargate Spot in Amazon ECS. Moreover, CircleCI Orbs are reusable packages of CircleCI configuration that help automate repeated processes, accelerate project setup, and ease third-party tool integration. Currently, over 1,100 organizations are utilizing the CircleCI Amazon ECS Orb to power/run 250,000+ jobs per month.

Customers are utilizing Fargate Spot for a wide variety of workloads, such as Monte Carlo simulations and genomic processing. In this blog, I utilize a python code with the Tensorflow library that can run as a container image in order to train a simple linear model. It runs the training steps in a loop on a data batch and periodically writes checkpoints to S3. If there is a Fargate Spot interruption, then it restores the checkpoint from S3 (when a new Fargate Instance occurs) and continues training. We will deploy this on AWS ECS Fargate Spot for low-cost, serverless task deployment utilizing CircleCI.


Before looking at the solution, let’s revisit some of the concepts we’ll be using.

Capacity Providers: Capacity providers let you manage computing capacity for Amazon ECS containers. This allows the application to define its requirements for how it utilizes the capacity. With capacity providers, you can define flexible rules for how containerized workloads run on different compute capacity types and manage the capacity scaling. Furthermore, capacity providers improve the availability, scalability, and cost of running tasks and services on Amazon ECS. In order to run tasks, the default capacity provider strategy will be utilized, or an alternative strategy can be specified if required.

AWS Fargate and AWS Fargate Spot capacity providers don’t need to be created. They are available to all accounts and only need to be associated with a cluster for utilization. When a new cluster is created via the Amazon ECS console, along with the Networking-only cluster template, the FARGATE and FARGATE_SPOT capacity providers are automatically associated with the new cluster.

CircleCI Orbs: Orbs are reusable CircleCI configuration packages that help automate repeated processes, accelerate project setup, and ease third-party tool integration. Orbs can be found in the developer hub on the CircleCI orb registry. Each orb listing has usage examples that can be referenced. Moreover, each orb includes a library of documented components that can be utilized within your config for more advanced purposes. Since the 2.0.0 release, the AWS ECS Orb supports the capacity provider strategy parameter for running tasks allowing you to efficiently run any ECS task against your new or existing clusters via Fargate Spot capacity providers.

Solution overview

Fargate Spot helps cost-optimize services that can handle interruptions like Containerized workloads, CI/CD, or Web services behind a load balancer. When Fargate Spot needs to interrupt a running task, it sends a SIGTERM signal. It is best practice to build applications capable of responding to the signal and shut down gracefully.

This walkthrough will utilize a capacity provider strategy leveraging Fargate and Fargate Spot, which mitigates risk if multiple Fargate Spot tasks get terminated simultaneously. If you’re unfamiliar with Fargate Spot, capacity providers, or capacity provider strategies, read our previous blog about Fargate Spot best practices here.


Our walkthrough will utilize the following services:

  • GitHub as a code repository
  • AWS Fargate/Fargate Spot for running your containers as ECS tasks
  • CircleCI for demonstrating a CI/CD pipeline. We will utilize CircleCI Cloud Free version, which allows 2,500 free credits/week and can run 1 job at a time.

We will run a Job with CircleCI ECS Orb in order to deploy 4 ECS Tasks on Fargate and Fargate Spot. You should have the following prerequisites:

  1. An AWS account
  2. A GitHub account


Step 1: Create AWS Keys for Circle CI to utilize.

Head to AWS IAM console, create a new user, i.e., circleci, and select only the Programmatic access checkbox. On the set permission page, select Attach existing policies directly. For the sake of simplicity, we added a managed policy AmazonECS_FullAccess to this user. However, for production workloads, employ a further least-privilege access model. Download the access key file, which will be utilized to connect to CircleCI in the next steps.

Step 2: Create an ECS Cluster, Task definition, and ECS Service

2.1 Open the Amazon ECS console

2.2 From the navigation bar, select the Region to use

2.3 In the navigation pane, choose Clusters

2.4 On the Clusters page, choose Create Cluster

2.5 Create a Networking only Cluster ( Powered by AWS Fargate)

Amazon ECS Create Cluster

This option lets you launch a cluster in your existing VPC to utilize for Fargate tasks. The FARGATE and FARGATE_SPOT capacity providers are automatically associated with the cluster.

2.6 Click on Update Cluster to define a default capacity provider strategy for the cluster, then add FARGATE and FARGATE_SPOT capacity providers each with a weight of 1. This ensures Tasks are divided equally among Capacity providers. Define other ratios for splitting your tasks between Fargate and Fargate Spot tasks, i.e., 1:1, 1:2, or 3:1.

ECS Update Cluster Capacity Providers

2.7 Here we will create a Task Definition by using the Fargate launch type, give it a name, and specify the task Memory and CPU needed to run the task. Feel free to utilize any Fargate task definition. You can use your own code, add the code in a container, or host the container in Docker hub or Amazon ECR. Provide a name and image URI that we copied in the previous step and specify the port mappings. Click Add and then click Create.

We are also showing an example of a python code using the Tensorflow library that can run as a container image in order to train a simple linear model. It runs the training steps in a loop on a batch of data, and it periodically writes checkpoints to S3. Please find the complete code here. Utilize a Dockerfile to create a container from the code.

Sample Docker file to create a container image from the code mentioned above.

FROM ubuntu:18.04
COPY . /app
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt EXPOSE 5000 CMD python tensorflow_checkpoint.py

Below is the Code Snippet we are using for Tensorflow to Train and Checkpoint a Training Job.

def train_and_checkpoint(net, manager):
  if manager.latest_checkpoint:
    print("Restored from {}".format(manager.latest_checkpoint))
    print("Initializing from scratch.")
  for _ in range(5000):
    example = next(iterator)
    loss = train_step(net, example, opt)
    if int(ckpt.step) % 10 == 0:
        save_path = manager.save()
        list_of_files = glob.glob('tf_ckpts/*.index')
        latest_file = max(list_of_files, key=os.path.getctime)
        upload_file(latest_file, 'pythontfckpt', object_name=None)
        list_of_files = glob.glob('tf_ckpts/*.data*')
        latest_file = max(list_of_files, key=os.path.getctime)
        upload_file(latest_file, 'pythontfckpt', object_name=None)
        upload_file('tf_ckpts/checkpoint', 'pythontfckpt', object_name=None)

2.8 Next, we will create an ECS Service, which will be used to fetch Cluster information while running the job from CircleCI. In the ECS console, navigate to your Cluster, From Services tab, then click create. Create an ECS service by choosing Cluster default strategy from the Capacity provider strategy dropdown. For the Task Definition field, choose webapp-fargate-task, which is the one we created earlier, enter a service name, set the number of tasks to zero at this point, and then leave everything else as default. Click Next step, select an existing VPC and two or more Subnets, keep everything else default, and create the service.

Step 3: GitHub and CircleCI Configuration

Create a GitHub repository, i.e., circleci-fargate-spot, and then create a .circleci folder and a config file config.yml. If you’re unfamiliar with GitHub or adding a repository, check the user guide here.

For this project, the config.yml file contains the following lines of code that configure and run your deployments.

version: '2.1'
  aws-ecs: circleci/[email protected]
  aws-cli: circleci/[email protected]
  orb-tools: circleci/[email protected]
  shellcheck: circleci/[email protected]
  jq: circleci/[email protected]


        - image: cimg/base:stable
        - aws-cli/setup
        - jq/install
        - run:
            name: Get cluster info
            command: |
              SERVICES_OBJ=$(aws ecs describe-services --cluster "${ECS_CLUSTER_NAME}" --services "${ECS_SERVICE_NAME}")
              VPC_CONF_OBJ=$(echo $SERVICES_OBJ | jq '.services[].networkConfiguration.awsvpcConfiguration')
              SUBNET_ONE=$(echo "$VPC_CONF_OBJ" |  jq '.subnets[0]')
              SUBNET_TWO=$(echo "$VPC_CONF_OBJ" |  jq '.subnets[1]')
              SECURITY_GROUP_IDS=$(echo "$VPC_CONF_OBJ" |  jq '.securityGroups[0]')
              CLUSTER_NAME=$(echo "$SERVICES_OBJ" |  jq '.services[].clusterArn')
              echo "export SUBNET_ONE=$SUBNET_ONE" >> $BASH_ENV
              echo "export SUBNET_TWO=$SUBNET_TWO" >> $BASH_ENV
              echo "export CLUSTER_NAME=$CLUSTER_NAME" >> $BASH_ENV
        - run:
            name: Associate cluster
            command: |
              aws ecs put-cluster-capacity-providers \
                --cluster "${ECS_CLUSTER_NAME}" \
                --capacity-providers FARGATE FARGATE_SPOT  \
                --default-capacity-provider-strategy capacityProvider=FARGATE,weight=1 capacityProvider=FARGATE_SPOT,weight=1\                --region ${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION}
        - aws-ecs/run-task:
              cluster: $CLUSTER_NAME
              capacity-provider-strategy: capacityProvider=FARGATE,weight=1 capacityProvider=FARGATE_SPOT,weight=1
              launch-type: ""
              task-definition: webapp-fargate-task
              subnet-ids: '$SUBNET_ONE, $SUBNET_TWO'
              security-group-ids: $SECURITY_GROUP_IDS
              assign-public-ip : ENABLED
              count: 4

      - test-fargatespot

Now, Create a CircleCI account. Choose Login with GitHub. Once you’re logged in from the CircleCI dashboard, click Add Project and add the project circleci-fargate-spot from the list shown.

When working with CircleCI Orbs, you will need the config.yml file and environment variables under Project Settings.

The config file utilizes CircleCI version 2.1 and various Orbs, i.e., AWS-ECS, AWS-CLI, and JQ.  We will use a job test-fargatespot, which uses a Docker image, and we will setup the environment. In config.yml we are using the jq tool to parse JSON and fetch the ECS cluster information like VPC config, Subnets, and Security Groups needed to run an ECS task. As we are utilizing the capacity-provider-strategy, we will set the launch type parameter to an empty string.

In order to run a task, we will demonstrate how to override the default Capacity Provider strategy with Fargate & Fargate Spot, both with a weight of 1, and to divide tasks equally among Fargate & Fargate Spot. In our example, we are running 4 tasks, so 2 should run on Fargate and 2 on Fargate Spot.

Parameters like ECS_SERVICE_NAME, ECS_CLUSTER_NAME and other AWS access specific details are added securely under Project Settings and can be utilized by other jobs running within the project.

Add the following environment variables under Project Settings

    • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID – From Step 1
    • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY – From Step 1
    • AWS_DEFAULT_REGION – i.e. : – us-west-2
    • ECS_CLUSTER_NAME – From Step 2
    • ECS_SERVICE_NAME – From Step 2
    • SECURITY_GROUP_IDS – Security Group that will be used to run the task

Circle CI Environment Variables


Step 4: Run Job

Now in the CircleCI console, navigate to your project, choose the branch, and click Edit Config to verify that config.xml is correctly populated. Check for the ribbon at the bottom. A green ribbon means that the config file is valid and ready to run. Click Commit & Run from the top-right menu.

Click build Status to check its progress as it runs.

CircleCI Project Dashboard


A successful build should look like the one below. Expand each section to see the output.


CircleCI Job Configuration

Return to the ECS console, go to the Tasks Tab, and check that 4 new tasks are running. Click each task for the Capacity provider details. Two tasks should have run with FARGATE_SPOT as a Capacity provider, and two should have run with FARGATE.


You have successfully deployed ECS tasks utilizing CircleCI on AWS Fargate and Fargate Spot. If you have used any sample web applications, then please use the public IP address to see the page. If you have used the sample code that we provided, then you should see Tensorflow training jobs running on Fargate instances. If there is a Fargate Spot interruption, then it restores the checkpoint from S3 when a new Fargate Instance comes up and continues training.

Cleaning up

In order to avoid incurring future charges, delete the resources utilized in the walkthrough. Go to the ECS console and Task tab.

  • Delete any running Tasks.
  • Delete ECS cluster.
  • Delete the circleci user from IAM console.

Cost analysis in Cost Explorer

In order to demonstrate a cost breakdown between the tasks running on Fargate and Fargate Spot, we left the tasks running for a day. Then, we utilized Cost Explorer with the following filters and groups in order discover the savings by running Fargate Spot.

Apply a filter on Service for ECS on the right-side filter, set Group by to Usage Type, and change the time period to the specific day.

Cost analysis in Cost Explorer

The cost breakdown demonstrates how Fargate Spot usage (indicated by “SpotUsage”) was significantly less expensive than non-Spot Fargate usage. Current Fargate Spot Pricing can be found here.


In this blog post, we have demonstrated how to utilize CircleCI to deploy and manage ECS tasks and run applications in a cost-effective serverless approach by using Fargate Spot.

Author bio

Pritam is a Sr. Specialist Solutions Architect on the EC2 Spot team. For the last 15 years, he evangelized DevOps and Cloud adoption across industries and verticals. He likes to deep dive and find solutions to everyday problems.
Dan is a Sr. Spot GTM Specialist on the EC2 Spot Team. He works closely with Amazon Partners to ensure that their customers can optimize and modernize their compute with EC2 Spot.


Automate thousands of mainframe tests on AWS with the Micro Focus Enterprise Suite

Post Syndicated from Kevin Yung original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/automate-mainframe-tests-on-aws-with-micro-focus/

Micro Focus – AWS Advanced Technology Parnter, they are a global infrastructure software company with 40 years of experience in delivering and supporting enterprise software.

We have seen mainframe customers often encounter scalability constraints, and they can’t support their development and test workforce to the scale required to support business requirements. These constraints can lead to delays, reduce product or feature releases, and make them unable to respond to market requirements. Furthermore, limits in capacity and scale often affect the quality of changes deployed, and are linked to unplanned or unexpected downtime in products or services.

The conventional approach to address these constraints is to scale up, meaning to increase MIPS/MSU capacity of the mainframe hardware available for development and testing. The cost of this approach, however, is excessively high, and to ensure time to market, you may reject this approach at the expense of quality and functionality. If you’re wrestling with these challenges, this post is written specifically for you.

To accompany this post, we developed an AWS prescriptive guidance (APG) pattern for developer instances and CI/CD pipelines: Mainframe Modernization: DevOps on AWS with Micro Focus.

Overview of solution

In the APG, we introduce DevOps automation and AWS CI/CD architecture to support mainframe application development. Our solution enables you to embrace both Test Driven Development (TDD) and Behavior Driven Development (BDD). Mainframe developers and testers can automate the tests in CI/CD pipelines so they’re repeatable and scalable. To speed up automated mainframe application tests, the solution uses team pipelines to run functional and integration tests frequently, and uses systems test pipelines to run comprehensive regression tests on demand. For more information about the pipelines, see Mainframe Modernization: DevOps on AWS with Micro Focus.

In this post, we focus on how to automate and scale mainframe application tests in AWS. We show you how to use AWS services and Micro Focus products to automate mainframe application tests with best practices. The solution can scale your mainframe application CI/CD pipeline to run thousands of tests in AWS within minutes, and you only pay a fraction of your current on-premises cost.

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

Mainframe DevOps On AWS Architecture Overview, on the left is the conventional mainframe development environment, on the left is the CI/CD pipelines for mainframe tests in AWS

Figure: Mainframe DevOps On AWS Architecture Overview


Best practices

Before we get into the details of the solution, let’s recap the following mainframe application testing best practices:

  • Create a “test first” culture by writing tests for mainframe application code changes
  • Automate preparing and running tests in the CI/CD pipelines
  • Provide fast and quality feedback to project management throughout the SDLC
  • Assess and increase test coverage
  • Scale your test’s capacity and speed in line with your project schedule and requirements

Automated smoke test

In this architecture, mainframe developers can automate running functional smoke tests for new changes. This testing phase typically “smokes out” regression of core and critical business functions. You can achieve these tests using tools such as py3270 with x3270 or Robot Framework Mainframe 3270 Library.

The following code shows a feature test written in Behave and test step using py3270:

# home_loan_calculator.feature
Feature: calculate home loan monthly repayment
  the bankdemo application provides a monthly home loan repayment caculator 
  User need to input into transaction of home loan amount, interest rate and how many years of the loan maturity.
  User will be provided an output of home loan monthly repayment amount

  Scenario Outline: As a customer I want to calculate my monthly home loan repayment via a transaction
      Given home loan amount is <amount>, interest rate is <interest rate> and maturity date is <maturity date in months> months 
       When the transaction is submitted to the home loan calculator
       Then it shall show the monthly repayment of <monthly repayment>

    Examples: Homeloan
      | amount  | interest rate | maturity date in months | monthly repayment |
      | 1000000 | 3.29          | 300                     | $4894.31          |


# home_loan_calculator_steps.py
import sys, os
from py3270 import Emulator
from behave import *

@given("home loan amount is {amount}, interest rate is {rate} and maturity date is {maturity_date} months")
def step_impl(context, amount, rate, maturity_date):
    context.home_loan_amount = amount
    context.interest_rate = rate
    context.maturity_date_in_months = maturity_date

@when("the transaction is submitted to the home loan calculator")
def step_impl(context):
    # Setup connection parameters
    tn3270_host = os.getenv('TN3270_HOST')
    tn3270_port = os.getenv('TN3270_PORT')
	# Setup TN3270 connection
    em = Emulator(visible=False, timeout=120)
    em.connect(tn3270_host + ':' + tn3270_port)
	# Screen login
    em.fill_field(10, 44, 'b0001', 5)
	# Input screen fields for home loan calculator
    em.fill_field(8, 46, context.home_loan_amount, 7)
    em.fill_field(10, 46, context.interest_rate, 7)
    em.fill_field(12, 46, context.maturity_date_in_months, 7)

    # collect monthly replayment output from screen
    context.monthly_repayment = em.string_get(14, 46, 9)

@then("it shall show the monthly repayment of {amount}")
def step_impl(context, amount):
    print("expected amount is " + amount.strip() + ", and the result from screen is " + context.monthly_repayment.strip())
assert amount.strip() == context.monthly_repayment.strip()

To run this functional test in Micro Focus Enterprise Test Server (ETS), we use AWS CodeBuild.

We first need to build an Enterprise Test Server Docker image and push it to an Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) registry. For instructions, see Using Enterprise Test Server with Docker.

Next, we create a CodeBuild project and uses the Enterprise Test Server Docker image in its configuration.

The following is an example AWS CloudFormation code snippet of a CodeBuild project that uses Windows Container and Enterprise Test Server:

    Type: AWS::CodeBuild::Project
      Name: !Sub '${AWS::StackName}BddTestBankDemo'
          Status: ENABLED
        Type: CODEPIPELINE
        EncryptionDisabled: true
        ComputeType: BUILD_GENERAL1_LARGE
        Image: !Sub "${EnterpriseTestServerDockerImage}:latest"
        ImagePullCredentialsType: SERVICE_ROLE
      ServiceRole: !Ref CodeBuildRole
        Type: CODEPIPELINE
        BuildSpec: bdd-test-bankdemo-buildspec.yaml

In the CodeBuild project, we need to create a buildspec to orchestrate the commands for preparing the Micro Focus Enterprise Test Server CICS environment and issue the test command. In the buildspec, we define the location for CodeBuild to look for test reports and upload them into the CodeBuild report group. The following buildspec code uses custom scripts DeployES.ps1 and StartAndWait.ps1 to start your CICS region, and runs Python Behave BDD tests:

version: 0.2
      - |
        # Run Command to start Enterprise Test Server
        CD C:\

        py -m pip install behave

        Write-Host "waiting for server to be ready ..."
        do {
          Write-Host "..."
          sleep 3  
        } until(Test-NetConnection -Port 9270 | ? { $_.TcpTestSucceeded } )

        CD C:\tests\features
        MD C:\tests\reports
        $Env:Path += ";c:\wc3270"

        $address=(Get-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily Ipv4 | where { $_.IPAddress -Match "172\.*" })
        $Env:TN3270_HOST = $address.IPAddress
        $Env:TN3270_PORT = "9270"
        behave.exe --color --junit --junit-directory C:\tests\reports
      - '**/*'
    base-directory: "C:\\tests\\reports"

In the smoke test, the team may run both unit tests and functional tests. Ideally, these tests are better to run in parallel to speed up the pipeline. In AWS CodePipeline, we can set up a stage to run multiple steps in parallel. In our example, the pipeline runs both BDD tests and Robot Framework (RPA) tests.

The following CloudFormation code snippet runs two different tests. You use the same RunOrder value to indicate the actions run in parallel.

        - Name: Tests
            - Name: RunBDDTest
                Category: Build
                Owner: AWS
                Provider: CodeBuild
                Version: 1
                ProjectName: !Ref BddTestBankDemoStage
                PrimarySource: Config
                - Name: DemoBin
                - Name: Config
              RunOrder: 1
            - Name: RunRbTest
                Category: Build
                Owner: AWS
                Provider: CodeBuild
                Version: 1
                ProjectName : !Ref RpaTestBankDemoStage
                PrimarySource: Config
                - Name: DemoBin
                - Name: Config
              RunOrder: 1  

The following screenshot shows the example actions on the CodePipeline console that use the preceding code.

Screenshot of CodePipeine parallel execution tests using a same run order value

Figure – Screenshot of CodePipeine parallel execution tests

Both DBB and RPA tests produce jUnit format reports, which CodeBuild can ingest and show on the CodeBuild console. This is a great way for project management and business users to track the quality trend of an application. The following screenshot shows the CodeBuild report generated from the BDD tests.

CodeBuild report generated from the BDD tests showing 100% pass rate

Figure – CodeBuild report generated from the BDD tests

Automated regression tests

After you test the changes in the project team pipeline, you can automatically promote them to another stream with other team members’ changes for further testing. The scope of this testing stream is significantly more comprehensive, with a greater number and wider range of tests and higher volume of test data. The changes promoted to this stream by each team member are tested in this environment at the end of each day throughout the life of the project. This provides a high-quality delivery to production, with new code and changes to existing code tested together with hundreds or thousands of tests.

In enterprise architecture, it’s commonplace to see an application client consuming web services APIs exposed from a mainframe CICS application. One approach to do regression tests for mainframe applications is to use Micro Focus Verastream Host Integrator (VHI) to record and capture 3270 data stream processing and encapsulate these 3270 data streams as business functions, which in turn are packaged as web services. When these web services are available, they can be consumed by a test automation product, which in our environment is Micro Focus UFT One. This uses the Verastream server as the orchestration engine that translates the web service requests into 3270 data streams that integrate with the mainframe CICS application. The application is deployed in Micro Focus Enterprise Test Server.

The following diagram shows the end-to-end testing components.

Regression Test the end-to-end testing components using ECS Container for Exterprise Test Server, Verastream Host Integrator and UFT One Container, all integration points are using Elastic Network Load Balancer

Figure – Regression Test Infrastructure end-to-end Setup

To ensure we have the coverage required for large mainframe applications, we sometimes need to run thousands of tests against very large production volumes of test data. We want the tests to run faster and complete as soon as possible so we reduce AWS costs—we only pay for the infrastructure when consuming resources for the life of the test environment when provisioning and running tests.

Therefore, the design of the test environment needs to scale out. The batch feature in CodeBuild allows you to run tests in batches and in parallel rather than serially. Furthermore, our solution needs to minimize interference between batches, a failure in one batch doesn’t affect another running in parallel. The following diagram depicts the high-level design, with each batch build running in its own independent infrastructure. Each infrastructure is launched as part of test preparation, and then torn down in the post-test phase.

Regression Tests in CodeBuoild Project setup to use batch mode, three batches running in independent infrastructure with containers

Figure – Regression Tests in CodeBuoild Project setup to use batch mode

Building and deploying regression test components

Following the design of the parallel regression test environment, let’s look at how we build each component and how they are deployed. The followings steps to build our regression tests use a working backward approach, starting from deployment in the Enterprise Test Server:

  1. Create a batch build in CodeBuild.
  2. Deploy to Enterprise Test Server.
  3. Deploy the VHI model.
  4. Deploy UFT One Tests.
  5. Integrate UFT One into CodeBuild and CodePipeline and test the application.

Creating a batch build in CodeBuild

We update two components to enable a batch build. First, in the CodePipeline CloudFormation resource, we set BatchEnabled to be true for the test stage. The UFT One test preparation stage uses the CloudFormation template to create the test infrastructure. The following code is an example of the AWS CloudFormation snippet with batch build enabled:

        - Name: SystemsTest
            - Name: Uft-Tests
                Category: Build
                Owner: AWS
                Provider: CodeBuild
                Version: 1
                ProjectName : !Ref UftTestBankDemoProject
                PrimarySource: Config
                BatchEnabled: true
                CombineArtifacts: true
                - Name: Config
                - Name: DemoSrc
                - Name: TestReport                
              RunOrder: 1

Second, in the buildspec configuration of the test stage, we provide a build matrix setting. We use the custom environment variable TEST_BATCH_NUMBER to indicate which set of tests runs in each batch. See the following code:

version: 0.2
  fast-fail: true
      ignore-failure: false
            - 1
            - 2
            - 3 

After setting up the batch build, CodeBuild creates multiple batches when the build starts. The following screenshot shows the batches on the CodeBuild console.

Regression tests Codebuild project ran in batch mode, three batches ran in prallel successfully

Figure – Regression tests Codebuild project ran in batch mode

Deploying to Enterprise Test Server

ETS is the transaction engine that processes all the online (and batch) requests that are initiated through external clients, such as 3270 terminals, web services, and websphere MQ. This engine provides support for various mainframe subsystems, such as CICS, IMS TM and JES, as well as code-level support for COBOL and PL/I. The following screenshot shows the Enterprise Test Server administration page.

Enterprise Server Administrator window showing configuration for CICS

Figure – Enterprise Server Administrator window

In this mainframe application testing use case, the regression tests are CICS transactions, initiated from 3270 requests (encapsulated in a web service). For more information about Enterprise Test Server, see the Enterprise Test Server and Micro Focus websites.

In the regression pipeline, after the stage of mainframe artifact compiling, we bake in the artifact into an ETS Docker container and upload the image to an Amazon ECR repository. This way, we have an immutable artifact for all the tests.

During each batch’s test preparation stage, a CloudFormation stack is deployed to create an Amazon ECS service on Windows EC2. The stack uses a Network Load Balancer as an integration point for the VHI’s integration.

The following code is an example of the CloudFormation snippet to create an Amazon ECS service using an Enterprise Test Server Docker image:

    - EtsTaskDefinition
    - EtsContainerSecurityGroup
    - EtsLoadBalancerListener
      Cluster: !Ref 'WindowsEcsClusterArn'
      DesiredCount: 1
          ContainerName: !Sub "ets-${AWS::StackName}"
          ContainerPort: 9270
          TargetGroupArn: !Ref EtsPort9270TargetGroup
      HealthCheckGracePeriodSeconds: 300          
      TaskDefinition: !Ref 'EtsTaskDefinition'
    Type: "AWS::ECS::Service"

          Image: !Sub "${AWS::AccountId}.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/systems-test/ets:latest"
            LogDriver: awslogs
              awslogs-group: !Ref 'SystemsTestLogGroup'
              awslogs-region: !Ref 'AWS::Region'
              awslogs-stream-prefix: ets
          Name: !Sub "ets-${AWS::StackName}"
          cpu: 4096
          memory: 8192
              ContainerPort: 9270
          - "powershell.exe"
          - '-F'
          - .\StartAndWait.ps1
          - 'bankdemo'
          - C:\bankdemo\
          - 'wait'
      Family: systems-test-ets
    Type: "AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition"

Deploying the VHI model

In this architecture, the VHI is a bridge between mainframe and clients.

We use the VHI designer to capture the 3270 data streams and encapsulate the relevant data streams into a business function. We can then deliver this function as a web service that can be consumed by a test management solution, such as Micro Focus UFT One.

The following screenshot shows the setup for getCheckingDetails in VHI. Along with this procedure we can also see other procedures (eg calcCostLoan) defined that get generated as a web service. The properties associated with this procedure are available on this screen to allow for the defining of the mapping of the fields between the associated 3270 screens and exposed web service.

example of VHI designer to capture the 3270 data streams and encapsulate the relevant data streams into a business function getCheckingDetails

Figure – Setup for getCheckingDetails in VHI

The following screenshot shows the editor for this procedure and is initiated by the selection of the Procedure Editor. This screen presents the 3270 screens that are involved in the business function that will be generated as a web service.

VHI designer Procedure Editor shows the procedure

Figure – VHI designer Procedure Editor shows the procedure

After you define the required functional web services in VHI designer, the resultant model is saved and deployed into a VHI Docker image. We use this image and the associated model (from VHI designer) in the pipeline outlined in this post.

For more information about VHI, see the VHI website.

The pipeline contains two steps to deploy a VHI service. First, it installs and sets up the VHI models into a VHI Docker image, and it’s pushed into Amazon ECR. Second, a CloudFormation stack is deployed to create an Amazon ECS Fargate service, which uses the latest built Docker image. In AWS CloudFormation, the VHI ECS task definition defines an environment variable for the ETS Network Load Balancer’s DNS name. Therefore, the VHI can bootstrap and point to an ETS service. In the VHI stack, it uses a Network Load Balancer as an integration point for UFT One test integration.

The following code is an example of a ECS Task Definition CloudFormation snippet that creates a VHI service in Amazon ECS Fargate and integrates it with an ETS server:

    - EtsService
    Type: AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition
      Family: systems-test-vhi
      NetworkMode: awsvpc
        - FARGATE
      ExecutionRoleArn: !Ref FargateEcsTaskExecutionRoleArn
      Cpu: 2048
      Memory: 4096
        - Cpu: 2048
          Name: !Sub "vhi-${AWS::StackName}"
          Memory: 4096
            - Name: esHostName 
              Value: !GetAtt EtsInternalLoadBalancer.DNSName
            - Name: esPort
              Value: 9270
          Image: !Ref "${AWS::AccountId}.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/systems-test/vhi:latest"
            - ContainerPort: 9680
            LogDriver: awslogs
              awslogs-group: !Ref 'SystemsTestLogGroup'
              awslogs-region: !Ref 'AWS::Region'
              awslogs-stream-prefix: vhi


Deploying UFT One Tests

UFT One is a test client that uses each of the web services created by the VHI designer to orchestrate running each of the associated business functions. Parameter data is supplied to each function, and validations are configured against the data returned. Multiple test suites are configured with different business functions with the associated data.

The following screenshot shows the test suite API_Bankdemo3, which is used in this regression test process.

the screenshot shows the test suite API_Bankdemo3 in UFT One test setup console, the API setup for getCheckingDetails

Figure – API_Bankdemo3 in UFT One Test Editor Console

For more information, see the UFT One website.

Integrating UFT One and testing the application

The last step is to integrate UFT One into CodeBuild and CodePipeline to test our mainframe application. First, we set up CodeBuild to use a UFT One container. The Docker image is available in Docker Hub. Then we author our buildspec. The buildspec has the following three phrases:

  • Setting up a UFT One license and deploying the test infrastructure
  • Starting the UFT One test suite to run regression tests
  • Tearing down the test infrastructure after tests are complete

The following code is an example of a buildspec snippet in the pre_build stage. The snippet shows the command to activate the UFT One license:

version: 0.2
# . . .
      - |
        # Activate License
        $process = Start-Process -NoNewWindow -RedirectStandardOutput LicenseInstall.log -Wait -File 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\Unified Functional Testing\bin\HP.UFT.LicenseInstall.exe' -ArgumentList @('concurrent', 10600, 1, ${env:AUTOPASS_LICENSE_SERVER})        
        Get-Content -Path LicenseInstall.log
        if (Select-String -Path LicenseInstall.log -Pattern 'The installation was successful.' -Quiet) {
          Write-Host 'Licensed Successfully'
        } else {
          Write-Host 'License Failed'
          exit 1

The following command in the buildspec deploys the test infrastructure using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI)

aws cloudformation deploy --stack-name $stack_name `
--template-file cicd-pipeline/systems-test-pipeline/systems-test-service.yaml `
--parameter-overrides EcsCluster=$cluster_arn `
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

Because ETS and VHI are both deployed with a load balancer, the build detects when the load balancers become healthy before starting the tests. The following AWS CLI commands detect the load balancer’s target group health:

$vhi_health_state = (aws elbv2 describe-target-health --target-group-arn $vhi_target_group_arn --query 'TargetHealthDescriptions[0].TargetHealth.State' --output text)
$ets_health_state = (aws elbv2 describe-target-health --target-group-arn $ets_target_group_arn --query 'TargetHealthDescriptions[0].TargetHealth.State' --output text)          

When the targets are healthy, the build moves into the build stage, and it uses the UFT One command line to start the tests. See the following code:

$process = Start-Process -Wait  -NoNewWindow -RedirectStandardOutput UFTBatchRunnerCMD.log `
-FilePath "C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\Unified Functional Testing\bin\UFTBatchRunnerCMD.exe" `
-ArgumentList @("-source", "${env:CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR_DemoSrc}\bankdemo\tests\API_Bankdemo\API_Bankdemo${env:TEST_BATCH_NUMBER}")

The next release of Micro Focus UFT One (November or December 2020) will provide an exit status to indicate a test’s success or failure.

When the tests are complete, the post_build stage tears down the test infrastructure. The following AWS CLI command tears down the CloudFormation stack:

	  	- |
		  Write-Host "Clean up ETS, VHI Stack"
		  aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name $stack_name
          aws cloudformation wait stack-delete-complete --stack-name $stack_name

At the end of the build, the buildspec is set up to upload UFT One test reports as an artifact into Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). The following screenshot is the example of a test report in HTML format generated by UFT One in CodeBuild and CodePipeline.

UFT One HTML report shows regression testresult and test detals

Figure – UFT One HTML report

A new release of Micro Focus UFT One will provide test report formats supported by CodeBuild test report groups.


In this post, we introduced the solution to use Micro Focus Enterprise Suite, Micro Focus UFT One, Micro Focus VHI, AWS developer tools, and Amazon ECS containers to automate provisioning and running mainframe application tests in AWS at scale.

The on-demand model allows you to create the same test capacity infrastructure in minutes at a fraction of your current on-premises mainframe cost. It also significantly increases your testing and delivery capacity to increase quality and reduce production downtime.

A demo of the solution is available in AWS Partner Micro Focus website AWS Mainframe CI/CD Enterprise Solution. If you’re interested in modernizing your mainframe applications, please visit Micro Focus and contact AWS mainframe business development at [email protected].


Micro Focus


Peter Woods

Peter Woods

Peter has been with Micro Focus for almost 30 years, in a variety of roles and geographies including Technical Support, Channel Sales, Product Management, Strategic Alliances Management and Pre-Sales, primarily based in Europe but for the last four years in Australia and New Zealand. In his current role as Pre-Sales Manager, Peter is charged with driving and supporting sales activity within the Application Modernization and Connectivity team, based in Melbourne.

Leo Ervin

Leo Ervin

Leo Ervin is a Senior Solutions Architect working with Micro Focus Enterprise Solutions working with the ANZ team. After completing a Mathematics degree Leo started as a PL/1 programming with a local insurance company. The next step in Leo’s career involved consulting work in PL/1 and COBOL before he joined a start-up company as a technical director and partner. This company became the first distributor of Micro Focus software in the ANZ region in 1986. Leo’s involvement with Micro Focus technology has continued from this distributorship through to today with his current focus on cloud strategies for both DevOps and re-platform implementations.

Kevin Yung

Kevin Yung

Kevin is a Senior Modernization Architect in AWS Professional Services Global Mainframe and Midrange Modernization (GM3) team. Kevin currently is focusing on leading and delivering mainframe and midrange applications modernization for large enterprise customers.