Tag Archives: Engineering

Include diagrams in your Markdown files with Mermaid

Post Syndicated from Martin Woodward original https://github.blog/2022-02-14-include-diagrams-markdown-files-mermaid/

A picture tells a thousand words, but up until now the only way to include pictures and diagrams in your Markdown files on GitHub has been to embed an image. We added support for embedding SVGs recently, but sometimes you want to keep your diagrams up to date with your docs and create something as easily as doing ASCII art, but a lot prettier.

Enter Mermaid 🧜‍♀️🧜‍♂️

Mermaid is a JavaScript based diagramming and charting tool that takes Markdown-inspired text definitions and creates diagrams dynamically in the browser. Maintained by Knut Sveidqvist, it supports a bunch of different common diagram types for software projects, including flowcharts, UML, Git graphs, user journey diagrams, and even the dreaded Gantt chart.

Working with Knut and also the wider community at CommonMark, we’ve rolled out a change that will allow you to create graphs inline using Mermaid syntax, for example:

  graph TD;

The raw code block above will appear as this diagram in the rendered Markdown:

rendered diagram example

How it works

When we encounter code blocks marked as mermaid, we generate an iframe that takes the raw Mermaid syntax and passes it to Mermaid.js, turning that code into a diagram in your local browser.

We achieve this through a two-stage process—GitHub’s HTML pipeline and Viewscreen, our internal file rendering service.

First, we add a filter to the HTML pipeline that looks for raw pre tags with the mermaid language designation and substitutes it with a template that works progressively, such that clients requesting content with embedded Mermaid in a non-JavaScript environment (such as an API request) will see the original Markdown code.

Next, assuming the content is viewed in a JavaScript-enabled environment, we inject an iframe into the page, pointing the src attribute to the Viewscreen service. This has several advantages:

  • It offloads the library to an external service, keeping the JavaScript payload we need to serve from Rails smaller.
  • Rendering the charts asynchronously helps eliminate the overhead of potentially rendering several charts before sending the compiled ERB view to the client.
  • User-supplied content is locked away in an iframe, where it has less potential to cause mischief on the GitHub page that the chart is loaded into.

The net result is fast, easily editable, and vector-based diagrams right in your documentation where you need them.

Mermaid has been getting increasingly popular with developers and has a rich community of contributors led by the maintainer Knut Sveidqvist. We are very grateful for Knut’s support in bringing this feature to everyone on GitHub. If you’d like to learn more about the Mermaid syntax, head over to the Mermaid website or check out Knut’s first official Mermaid book.

How Grab built a scalable, high-performance ad server

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/scalable-ads-server

Why ads?

GrabAds is a service that provides businesses with an opportunity to market their products to Grab’s consumer base. During the pandemic, as the demand for food delivery grew, we realised that ads could be a service we offer to our small restaurant merchant-partners to expand their reach. This would allow them to not only mitigate the loss of in-person traffic but also grow by attracting more customers.

Many of these small merchant-partners had no experience with digital advertising and we provided an easy-to-use, scalable option that could match their business size. On the other side of the equation, our large network of merchant-partners provided consumers with more choices. For hungry consumers stuck at home, personalised ads and promotions helped them satisfy their cravings, thus fulfilling their intent of opening the Grab app in the first place!

Why build our own ad server?

Building an ad server is an ambitious undertaking and one might rightfully ask why we should invest the time and effort to build a technically complex distributed system when there are several reasonable off-the-shelf solutions available.

The answer is we didn’t, at least not at first. We used one of these off-the-shelf solutions to move fast and build a minimally viable product (MVP). The result of this experiment was a resounding success; we were providing clear value to our merchant-partners, our consumers and Grab’s overall business.

However, to take things to the next level meant scaling the ads business up exponentially. Apart from being one of the few companies with the user engagement to support an ads business at scale, we also have an ecosystem that combines our network of merchant-partners, an understanding of our consumers’ interactions across multiple services in the Grab superapp, and a payments solution, GrabPay, to close the loop. Furthermore, given the hyperlocal nature of our business, the in-app user experience is highly customised by location. In order to integrate seamlessly with this ecosystem, scale as Grab’s overall business grows and handle personalisation using machine learning (ML), we needed an in-house solution.

What we built

We designed and built a set of microservices, streams and pipelines which orchestrated the core ad serving functionality, as shown below.

Search data flow
  1. Targeting – This is the first step in the ad serving flow. We fetch a set of candidate ads specifically targeted to the request based on keywords the user searched for, the user’s location, the time of day, and the data we have about the user’s preferences or other characteristics. We chose ElasticSearch as the data store for our ads repository as it allows us to query based on a disparate set of targeting criteria.
  2. Capping – In this step, we filter out candidate ads which have exceeded various caps. This includes cases where an advertising campaign has already reached its budget goal, as well as custom requirements about the frequency an ad is allowed to be shown to the same user. In order to make this decision, we need to know how much budget has already been spent and how many times an ad has already been shown. We chose ScyllaDB to store these “stats”, which is scalable, low-cost and can handle the large read and write requirements of this process (more on how this data gets written to ScyllaDB in the Tracking step).
  3. Pacing – In this step, we alter the probability that a matching ad candidate can be served, based on a specific campaign goal. For example, in some cases, it is desirable for an ad to be shown evenly throughout the day instead of exhausting the entire ad budget as soon as possible. Similar to Capping, we require access to information on how many times an ad has already been served and use the same ScyllaDB stats store for this.
  4. Scoring – In this step, we score each ad. There are a number of factors that can be used to calculate this score including predicted clickthrough rate (pCTR), predicted conversion rate (pCVR) and other heuristics that represent how relevant an ad is for a given user.
  5. Ranking – This is where we compare the scored candidate ads with each other and make the final decision on which candidate ads should be served. This can be done in several ways such as running a lottery or performing an auction. Having our own ad server allows us to customise the ranking algorithm in countless ways, including incorporating ML predictions for user behaviour. The team has a ton of exciting ideas on how to optimise this step and now that we have our own stack, we’re ready to execute on those ideas.
  6. Pricing – After choosing the winning ads, the final step before actually returning those ads in the API response is to determine what price we will charge the advertiser. In an auction, this is called the clearing price and can be thought of as the minimum bid price required to outbid all the other candidate ads. Depending on how the ad campaign is set up, the advertiser will pay this price if the ad is seen (i.e. an impression occurs), if the ad is clicked, or if the ad results in a purchase.
  7. Tracking – Here, we close the feedback loop and track what users do when they are shown an ad. This can include viewing an ad and ignoring it, watching a video ad, clicking on an ad, and more. The best outcome is for the ad to trigger a purchase on the Grab app. For example, placing a GrabFood order with a merchant-partner; providing that merchant-partner with a new consumer. We track these events using a series of API calls, Kafka streams and data pipelines. The data ultimately ends up in our ScyllaDB stats store and can then be used by the Capping and Pacing steps above.


In addition to all the usual distributed systems best practices, there are a few key principles that we focused on when building our system.

  1. Latency – Latency is important for ads. If the user scrolls faster than an ad can load, the ad won’t be seen. The longer an ad remains on the screen, the more likely the user will notice it, have their interest piqued and click on it. As such, we set strict limits on the latency of the ad serving flow. We spent a large amount of effort tuning ElasticSearch so that it could return targeted ads in the shortest amount of time possible. We parallelised parts of the serving flow wherever possible and we made sure to A/B test all changes both for business impact and to ensure they did not increase our API latency.
  2. Graceful fallbacks – We need user-specific information to make personalised decisions about which ads to show to a given user. This data could come in the form of segmentation of our users, attributes of a single user or scores derived from ML models. All of these require the ad server to make dependency calls that could add latency to the serving flow. We followed the principle of setting strict timeouts and having graceful fallbacks when we can’t fetch the data needed to return the most optimal result. This could be due to network failures or dependencies operating slower than usual. It’s often better to return a non-personalised result than no result at all.
  3. Global optimisation – Predicting supply (the amount of users viewing the app) and demand (the amount of advertisers wanting to show ads to those users) is difficult. As a superapp, we support multiple types of ads on various screens. For example, we have image ads, video ads, search ads, and rewarded ads. These ads could be shown on the home screen, when booking a ride, or when searching for food delivery. We intentionally decided to have a single ad server supporting all of these scenarios. This allows us to optimise across all users and app locations. This also ensures that engineering improvements we make in one place translate everywhere where ads or promoted content are shown.

What’s next?

Grab’s ads business is just getting started. As the number of users and use cases grow, ads will become a more important part of the mix. We can help our merchant-partners grow their own businesses while giving our users more options and a better experience.

Some of the big challenges ahead are:

  1. Optimising our real-time ad decisions, including exciting work on using ML for more personalised results. There are many factors that can be considered in ad personalisation such as past purchase history, the user’s location and in-app browsing behaviour. Another area of optimisation is improving our auction strategy to ensure we have the most efficient ad marketplace possible.
  2. Expanding the types of ads we support, including experimenting with new types of content, finding the best way to add value as Grab expands its breadth of services.
  3. Scaling our services so that we can match Grab’s velocity and handle growth while maintaining low latency and high reliability.

Join us

Grab is a leading superapp in Southeast Asia, providing everyday services that matter to consumers. More than just a ride-hailing and food delivery app, Grab offers a wide range of on-demand services in the region, including mobility, food, package and grocery delivery services, mobile payments, and financial services across over 400 cities in eight countries.

Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!

GitHub Availability Report: January 2022

Post Syndicated from Scott Sanders original https://github.blog/2022-02-02-github-availability-report-january-2022/

In January, we experienced no incidents resulting in service downtime to our core services. However, we do want to acknowledge an incident in February that we are continuing to investigate.

February 2 19:12 UTC (lasting 26 minutes)

Our service monitors detected a high rate of errors for issues, pull requests, GitHub Codespaces, and GitHub Actions services. We have mitigated the incident and are confident it has been fully resolved.

Due to the recency of this incident, we are still investigating the contributing factors and will provide a more detailed update in next month’s report.

Please follow our status page for real time updates. To learn more about what we’re working on, check out the GitHub engineering blog.

Code scanning and Ruby: turning source code into a queryable database

Post Syndicated from Nick Rolfe original https://github.blog/2022-02-01-code-scanning-and-ruby-turning-source-code-into-a-queryable-database/

We recently added beta support for Ruby to the CodeQL engine that powers GitHub code scanning, as part of our efforts to make it easier for developers to build and ship secure code. Ruby support is particularly exciting for us, since GitHub itself is a Ruby on Rails app. Any improvements we or the community make to CodeQL’s vulnerability detection will help secure our own code, in addition to helping Ruby’s open source ecosystem.

CodeQL’s static analysis works by running queries over a database representation of a program. The following diagram gives a high-level overview of the process:

codeql diagram

While there’s plenty I’d love to tell you about how we write queries, and about our rich set of analysis libraries, I’m going to focus in this post on how we build those databases: how we’ve typically done it for other languages and how we did things a little differently for Ruby.

Introducing the extractor

If you want to be able to create databases for a new language in CodeQL, you need to write an extractor. An extractor is a tool that:

  1. parses the source code to obtain a parse tree,
  2. converts that parse tree into a relational form, and
  3. writes those relations (database tables) to disk.

You also need to define a schema for the database produced by your extractor. The schema specifies the names of tables in the database and the names and types of columns in each table.

Let’s visit parse trees, parsers, and database schemas in more detail.

Parse trees

Source code is just text. If you’re writing a compiler, performing static analysis, or even just doing syntax highlighting, you want to convert that text to a structure that is easier to work with. The structure we use is a parse tree, also known as a concrete syntax tree.

Here’s a friendly little Ruby program that prints a couple of greetings:

puts("Hello", "Ahoy")

The program contains three expressions: the string literals "Hello" and "Ahoy" and a call to a method named puts. I could draw a minimal parse tree for the program like this:


Compilers and static analysis tools like CodeQL often convert the parse tree into a simpler format known as an abstract syntax tree (AST), so-called because it abstracts away some of the syntactic details that do not affect the meaning of the program, such as comments, whitespace, and parentheses. If I wanted – and if I assume that puts is a method built into the language – I could write a simple interpreter that executes the program by walking the AST.

For CodeQL, the Ruby extractor stores the parse tree in the database, since those syntactic details can sometimes be useful. We then provide a query library to transform this into an AST, and most of our queries and query libraries build on top of that transformed AST, either directly or after applying further transformations (such as the construction of a data-flow graph).

Choosing a parser

For each language we’ve supported so far, we’ve used a different parser, choosing the one that gives the best performance and compatibility across all the codebases we want to analyze. For example, our C# extractor parses C# source code using Microsoft’s open source Roslyn compiler, while our JavaScript extractor uses a parser that was derived from the Acorn project.

For Ruby, we decided to use tree-sitter and its Ruby parser. Tree-sitter is a parser framework developed by our friends in GitHub’s Semantic Code Team and is the technology underlying the syntax highlighting and code navigation (jump-to-definition) features on GitHub.com.

Tree-sitter is fast, has excellent error recovery, and provides bindings for several languages (we chose to use the Rust bindings, which are particularly pleasant). It has parsers not only for Ruby, but for most other popular languages, and provides machine-readable descriptions of each language’s grammar. These opened up some exciting possiblities for us, which I’ll describe later.

In practice, the parse tree produced by tree-sitter for our example program is a little more complicated than the diagram above (for one thing, string literal nodes have child nodes in order to support string interpolation). If you’re curious, you can go to the tree-sitter playground, select Ruby from the dropdown, and try it for yourself.

Handling ambiguity

Ruby has a flexible syntax that delights (most of) the people who program in it. The word ‘elegant’ gets thrown around a lot, and Ruby programs often read more like English prose than code. However, this elegance comes at a significant cost: the language is ambiguous in several places, and dealing with it in a parser creates a lot of complexity.

Ruby is simple in appearance, but is very complex inside, just like our human body.

– Yukihiro 'Matz' Matsumoto, Ruby's creator

Matz’s Ruby Interpreter (MRI) is the canonical implementation of the Ruby language, and its parser is implemented in the file parse.y (from which Bison generates the actual parser code). That file is currently 14,000 lines long, which should give you a sense of the complexity involved in parsing Ruby.

One interesting example of Ruby’s ambiguity occurs when parsing an unadorned identifier like foo. If it had parentheses – foo() – we could parse it unambiguously as a method call, but parentheses are optional in Ruby. Is foo a method call with zero arguments, or is it a variable reference? Well, that ultimately depends on whether a variable named foo is in scope. If so, it’s a variable reference; otherwise, we can assume it’s a call to a method named foo.

What type of parse-tree node should the parser return in this case? The parser does not track which variables are in scope, so it cannot decide. The way tree-sitter and the extractor handle this is to emit an identifier node rather than a call node. It’s only later, as we evaluate queries, that our AST library builds a control-flow graph of the program and uses that to decide whether the node is a method call or a variable reference.

Representing a parse tree in a relational database

While the parse trees produced by most parser libraries typically represent nodes and edges in the tree as objects and pointers, CodeQL uses a relational database. Going back to the simple diagram above, I can attempt to convert it to relational form. To do that, I should first define a schema (in a simplified version of CodeQL’s schema syntax):

expressions(id: int, kind: int)
calls(expr_id: int, name: string)
call_arguments(call_id: int, arg_id: int, arg_index: int)
string_literals(expr_id: int, val: string)

The expressions table has a row for each expression in the program. Each one is given a unique id, a primary key that I can use to reference the expression from other tables. The kind column defines what kind of expression it is. I can decide that a value of 1 means the expression is a method call, 2 means it’s a string literal, and so on.

The calls table has a row for each method call, and it allows me to specify data that is specific to call expressions. The first column is a foreign key, i.e. the id of the corresponding entry in the expressions table, while the second column specifies the name of the method. You might have expected that I’d add columns for the call’s arguments, but calls can take any number of arguments, so I wouldn’t know how many columns to add. Instead, I put them in a separate call_arguments table.

The call_arguments table, therefore, has one row per argument in the program. It has three columns: one that’s a reference to the call expression, another that’s a reference to an argument, and a third that specifies the index, or number, of that argument.

Finally, the string_literals table lets me associate the literal text value with the corresponding entry in the expressions table.

Populating our small database

Now that I’ve defined my schema, I’m going to manually populate a matching database with rows for my little greeting program:


id kind
100 1 (call)
101 2 (string literal)
102 2 (string literal)


expr_id name
100 “puts”


call_id arg_id arg_index
100 101 0
100 102 1


expr_id val
101 “Hello”
102 “Ahoy”

Suppose this were a SQL database, and I wanted to write a query to find all the expressions that are arguments in calls to the puts method. It might look like this:

SELECT call_arguments.arg_id
FROM call_arguments
INNER JOIN calls ON calls.expr_id = call_arguments.call_id
WHERE calls.name = "puts";

In practice, we don’t use SQL. Instead, CodeQL queries are written in the QL language and evaluated using our custom database engine. QL is an object-oriented, declarative logic-programming language that is superficially similar to SQL but based on Datalog. Here’s what the same query might look like in QL:

from MethodCall call, Expr arg
  call.getMethodName() = "puts" and
  arg = call.getAnArgument()
select arg

MethodCall and Expr are classes that wrap the database tables, providing a high-level, object-oriented interface, with helpful predicates like getMethodName() and getAnArgument().

Language-specific schemas

The toy database schema I defined might look as though it could be reused for just about every programming language that has string literals and method calls. However, in practice, I’d need to extend it to support some features that are unique to Ruby, such as the optional blocks that can be passed with every method call.

Every language has these unique quirks, so each one GitHub supports has its own schema, perfectly tuned to match that language’s syntax. Whereas my toy schema had only two kinds of expression, our JavaScript and C/C++ schemas, for example, both define over 100 kinds of expression. Those schemas were written manually, being refined and expanded over the years as we made improvements and added support for new language features.

In contrast, one of the major differences in how we approached Ruby is that we decided to generate the database schema automatically. I mentioned earlier that tree-sitter provides a machine-readable description of its grammar. This is a file called node-types.json, and it provides information about all the nodes tree-sitter can return after parsing a Ruby program. It defines, for example, a type of node named binary, representing binary operation expressions, with fields named left, operator, and right, each with their own type information. It turns out this is exactly the kind of information we want in our database schema, so we built a tool to read node-types.json and spit out a CodeQL database schema.

You can see the schema it produces for Ruby here.

Bridging the gap

I’ve talked about how the parser gives us a parse tree, and how we could represent that same tree in a database. That’s really the main job of an extractor – massaging the parse tree into a relational database format. How easy or difficult that is depends a lot on how similar those two structures look. For some languages, we defined our database schema to closely match the structure (and naming scheme) of the tree produced by the parser. That is, there’s a high level of correspondence between the parser’s node names and the database’s table names. For those languages, an extractor’s job is fairly simple. For other languages, where we perhaps decided that the tree produced by the parser didn’t map nicely to our ideal database schema, we have to do more work to convert from one to the other.

For Ruby, where we wrote a schema-generator to automatically translate tree-sitter’s description of its node types, our extractor’s job is quite simple: when tree-sitter parses the program and gives us those tree nodes, we can perform the same translations and automatically produce a database that conforms to the schema.

Language independence

This extraction process is not only straightforward, it’s also completely language-agnostic. That is, the process is entirely mechanical and works for any tree-sitter grammar. Our schema-generator and extractor know nothing about Ruby or its syntax – they simply know how to translate tree-sitter’s node-types.json. Since tree-sitter has parsers for dozens of languages, and they all have corresponding node-types.json files, we have effectively written a pair of tools that could produce CodeQL databases for any of them.

One early benefit of this approach came when we realized that, to provide comprehensive analysis of Ruby on Rails applications, we’d also need to parse the ERB templates used to render Rails views. ERB is a distinct language that needs to be parsed separately and extracted into our database. Thankfully, tree-sitter has an existing ERB parser, so we simply had to point our tooling at that node-types.json file as well, and suddenly we had a schema-generator and extractor that could handle both Ruby and ERB.

As an aside, the ERB language is quite simple, mostly consisting of tags that differentiate between the parts of the template that are text and the parts that are Ruby code. The ERB parser only cares about those tags and doesn’t parse the Ruby code itself. This is because tree-sitter provides an elegant feature that will return a series of byte offsets delimiting the parts that are Ruby code, which we can then pass on to the Ruby parser. So, when we extract an ERB file, we parse and extract the ERB parse tree first, and then perform a second pass that parses and extracts the Ruby parse tree, ignoring the text parts of the template file.

Of course, this automated approach to extraction does come with some tradeoffs, since it involves deferring some work from the extraction stage to the analysis stage. Our QL AST library, for example, has to do more work to transform the parse tree into a user-friendly AST representation, compared with some languages where the AST classes are thin wrappers over database tables. And if we look at our existing extractor for C#, for example, we see that it gets type information from the Roslyn compiler frontend, and stores it in the database. Our language-independent tooling, meanwhile, does not attempt any kind of type analysis, so if we wanted to use it on a static language, we’d have to implement that type analysis ourselves in QL.

Nonetheless, we are excited about the possibilities this language-independent tooling opens up as we look to expand CodeQL analysis to cover more languages in the future, especially for dynamic languages. There’s a lot more to analyzing a language than producing a database, but getting that part working with little to no effort should be a major time-saver.

github/github: so good, they named it twice

github/github is the Ruby on Rails application that powers GitHub.com, and it’s rather large. I’ve heard it said that it’s one of the largest Rails apps in the world. That means it’s an excellent stress test for our Ruby extractor.

It was actually the second Ruby program we ever extracted (the first was “Hello, World!”).

Of course, extraction wasn’t quite perfect. We observed a number of parser errors that we fixed upstream in the tree-sitter-ruby project, so our work not only resulted in improved Ruby code-viewing on GitHub.com, but also improvements in the other projects that use tree-sitter, such as Neovim’s syntax highlighting.

It was also a useful benchmark in our goal of making extraction as fast as possible. CodeQL can’t start doing the valuable work of analyzing for vulnerabilities until the code has been extracted and a database produced, so we wanted to make this as fast as possible. It certainly helps that tree-sitter itself is fast, and that our automatic translation of tree-sitter’s parse tree is simple.

The biggest speedup – and where our choice to implement the extractor in Rust really helped – was in implementing multi-threaded extraction. With the design we chose for the Ruby extractor, the work it performs on each source file is completely independent of any other source file. That makes extraction an embarrassingly parallel problem, and using the Rayon library meant we barely had to change any code at all to take advantage of that. We simply changed a for loop to use a Rayon parallel-iterator, and it handled the rest. Suddenly extraction got eight times faster on my eight-core laptop.

CodeQL now runs on every pull request against github/github, using a 32-core Actions runner, where Ruby extraction takes just 15 seconds. The core engine still has to perform ‘database finalization’ after the extractor finishes, and this takes a little longer (it parallelizes, but not “embarrassingly”), but we are extremely pleased with the extractor’s performance given the size of the github/github codebase, and given our experiences with extracting other languages.

We should be in a good place to accommodate all our users’ Ruby codebases, large and small.

Try it out

I hope you’ve enjoyed this dive into the technical details of extracting CodeQL databases. If you’d like to try CodeQL on your Ruby projects, please refer to the blog post announcing the Ruby public beta, which contains several handy links to help you get started.

Demystifying Interviewing for Backend Engineers @ Netflix

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/demystifying-interviewing-for-backend-engineers-netflix-aceb26a83495

By Karen Casella, Director of Engineering, Access & Identity Management

Have you ever experienced one of the following scenarios while looking for your next role?

  • You study and practice coding interview problems for hours/days/weeks/months, only to be asked to merge two sorted lists.
  • You apply for multiple roles at the same company and proceed through the interview process with each hiring team separately, despite the fact that there is tremendous overlap in the roles.
  • You go through the interview process, do really well, get really excited about the company and the people you meet, and in the end, you are “matched” to a role that does not excite you, working with a manager and team you have not even met during the interview process.

Interviewing can be a daunting endeavor and how companies, and teams, approach the process varies greatly. We hope that by demystifying the process, you will feel more informed and confident about your interview experience.

Backend Engineering Interview Loop

When you apply for a backend engineering role at Netflix, or if one of our recruiters or hiring managers find your LinkedIn profile interesting, a recruiter or hiring manager reviews your technical background and experience to see if your experience is aligned with our requirements. If so, we invite you to begin the interview process.

Most backend engineering teams follow a process very similar to what is shown below. While this is a relatively stream-lined process, it is not as efficient if a candidate is interested in or qualified for multiple roles within the organization.

Following is a brief description of each of these stages.

Recruiter Phone Screen: A member of our talent team contacts you to explain the process and to assess high-level qualifications . The recruiter also reviews the relevant open roles to see if you have a strong affinity for one or another. If your interests and experience align well with one or more of the roles, they schedule a phone screen with one of the hiring managers.

Manager Phone Screen: The purpose of this discussion is to get a sense for your technical background, your approach to problem solving, and how you work. It’s also a great opportunity for you to learn more about the available roles, the technical challenges the teams are facing and what it’s like to work on a backend engineering team at Netflix.

Technical Screen: The final screen before on-site interviews is used to assess your technical skills and match for the team. For many roles, you will be given a choice between a take-home coding exercise or a one-hour discussion with one of the engineers from the team. The problems you are asked to solve are related to the work of the team.

Round 1 Interviews: If you are invited on-site, the first round interview is with four or five people for 45 minutes each. The interview panel consists of two or three engineers, a hiring manager and a recruiter. The engineers assess your technical skills by asking you to solve various design and coding problems. These questions reflect actual challenges that our teams face.

Round 2 Interviews: You meet with two or three additional people, for 45 minutes each. The interview panel comprises an engineering director, a partner engineer or manager, and another engineering leader. The focus of this round is to assess how well you partner with other teams and your non-technical skills.

Decision & Offer: After round 2, we review the feedback and decide whether or not we will be offering you a role. If so, you will work with the recruiter to discuss compensation expectations, answer any questions that remain for you, and discuss a start date with your new team.

Enter Centralized Hiring

Some Netflix backend engineering teams, seeking stunning colleagues with similar backgrounds and talents, are joining forces and adopting a centralized hiring model. Centralized hiring is an approach of making multiple hiring decisions through one unified hiring process across multiple teams with shared needs in skill, function and experience level.

The interview approach does not vary much from what is shown above, with one big exception: there are several potential “pivot points” where you and / or Netflix may decide to focus on a particular role based on your experience and preference. At each stage of the process, we consider your preference and skills and may focus your remaining interviews with a specific team if we both consider it a strong match. It’s important to note that, even though your experience may not be an exact match for one team, you might be more closely aligned with another team. In that case, we would pivot you to another team rather than disqualify you from the process.

Interview Tips

Interviewing can be intimidating and stressful! Being prepared can help you minimize stress and anxiety. Following are a few quick tips to help you prepare:

  • Review your profile and make connections between your experience and the job description.
  • Think about your past work experiences and prepare some examples of when you achieved something amazing, or had some tough challenges.
  • We recommend against interview coding practice puzzle-type exercises, as we don’t ask those types of questions. If you want to practice, focus on medium-difficulty real-world problems you might encounter in a software engineering role.
  • Be sure to have questions prepared to ask the interviewers. This is a conversation, not an inquisition!

We are here to accommodate any accessibility needs you may have, to ensure that you’re set up for success during your interview. Let us know if you need any assistive technology or other accommodations ahead of time, and we’ll be sure to work with you to get it set up.

We want to see you at your best — we are not trying to trick you or trip you up! Try to relax, remember to breathe, and be honest and curious. Remember, this is not just about whether Netflix thinks you are a fit for the role, it’s about you deciding that Netflix and the role are right for you!

Yes, We Are Hiring!

Several of our backend engineering teams are searching for our next stunning colleagues. Some of the areas for which we are actively seeking backend engineers include Streaming & Gaming Technologies, Product Innovation, Infrastructure, and Studio Technologies. If any of the high-level descriptions below are of interest to you and seem like a good match for your experience and career goals, we’d like to hear from you! Simply click on the job description link and submit your application through our jobs site.

Streaming & Gaming Technologies


  • You are a distributed systems engineer working on product backend systems that support streaming video and/or mobile & cloud games.
  • You’re passionate about resilience, scalability, availability, and observability. Passion for large data sets, APIs, access & identity management, or delivering backend systems that enable mobile and cloud gaming is a big plus.
  • Your work centers around architecting, building and operating fault-tolerant distributed systems at massive scale.

Product Innovation


  • You are a distributed systems engineer working on core backend services that support our user journeys in signup, subscription, search, personalization and messaging.
  • You’re passionate about working at the intersection of business, product and technology at large scale.
  • Your work centers around building fault-tolerant backend systems and services that make a direct impact on users and the business.



  • You are a distributed systems engineer working on infrastructure and platforms that enable or amplify the work of other engineering teams or systems.
  • You’re passionate about scalable and highly available complex distributed systems and have a deep understanding of how they operate and fail.
  • Your work centers around raising levels of abstraction to improve development at scale and creating engineering efficiencies.

Studio Technologies


  • You are a software engineer that builds products and services used by creative partners across the studio and external productions to produce and manage all of Netflix global content. Our products enable the entire workflow of content acquisition, production, promotion and financing from script to screen. We create innovative solutions that develop and manage entertainment at scale while helping entertain the world as members find joy in the shows and movies they love.
  • You’re passionate about innovation, scalability, functionality, shipping high-value features quickly and are committed to delivering exceptional backend systems for our consumers. You’re humble, curious, and looking to deliver results with other stunning colleagues.
  • Your work centers around building products and services targeting creative partners producing/managing global content.


Netflix has a Freedom & Responsibility culture in which every Netflix employee has the freedom to do their best work and the responsibility to achieve excellence. We value strong judgment, communication, impact, curiosity, innovation, courage, passion, integrity, selflessness, inclusion, and diversity. For more information on the culture, see http://jobs.netflix.com/culture.

Karen Casella is the Director of Engineering for Access & Identity Management technologies for Netflix streaming and gaming products. Connect with Karen on LinkedIn or Twitter.

Demystifying Interviewing for Backend Engineers @ Netflix was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Highlights from Git 2.35

Post Syndicated from Taylor Blau original https://github.blog/2022-01-24-highlights-from-git-2-35/

The open source Git project just released Git 2.35, with features and bug fixes from over 93 contributors, 35 of them new. We last caught up with you on the latest in Git back when 2.34 was released. To celebrate this most recent release, here’s GitHub’s look at some of the most interesting features and changes introduced since last time.

  • When working on a complicated change, it can be useful to temporarily discard parts of your work in order to deal with them separately. To do this, we use the git stash tool, which stores away any changes to files tracked in your Git repository.

    Using git stash this way makes it really easy to store all accumulated changes for later use. But what if you only want to store part of your changes in the stash? You could use git stash -p and interactively select hunks to stash or keep. But what if you already did that via an earlier git add -p? Perhaps when you started, you thought you were ready to commit something, but by the time you finished staging everything, you realized that you actually needed to stash it all away and work on something else.

    git stash‘s new --staged mode makes it easy to stash away what you already have in the staging area, and nothing else. You can think of it like git commit (which only writes staged changes), but instead of creating a new commit, it writes a new entry to the stash. Then, when you’re ready, you can recover your changes (with git stash pop) and keep working.


  • git log has a rich set of --format options that you can use to customize the output of git log. These can be handy when sprucing up your terminal, but they are especially useful for making it easier to script around the output of git log.

    In our blog post covering Git 2.33, we talked about a new --format specifier called %(describe). This made it possible to include the output of git describe alongside the output of git log. When it was first released, you could pass additional options down through the %(describe) specifier, like matching or excluding certain tags by writing --format=%(describe:match=<foo>,exclude=<bar>).

    In 2.35, Git includes a couple of new ways to tweak the output of git describe. You can now control whether to use lightweight tags, and how many hexadecimal characters to use when abbreviating an object identifier.

    You can try these out with %(describe:tags=<bool>) and %(describe:abbrev=<n>), respectively. Here’s a goofy example that gives me the git describe output for the last 8 commits in my copy of git.git, using only non-release-candidate tags, and uses 13 characters to abbreviate their hashes:

    $ git log -8 --format='%(describe:exclude=*-rc*,abbrev=13)'

    Which is much cleaner than this alternative way to combine git log and git describe:

    $ git log -8 --format='%H' | xargs git describe --exclude='*-rc*' --abbrev=13


  • In our last post, we talked about SSH signing: a new feature in Git that allows you to use the SSH key you likely already have in order to sign certain kinds of objects in Git.

    This release includes a couple of new additions to SSH signing. Suppose you use SSH keys to sign objects in a project you work on. To track which SSH keys you trust, you use the allowed signers file to store the identities and public keys of signers you trust.

    Now suppose that one of your collaborators rotates their key. What do you do? You could update their entry in the allowed signers file to point at their new key, but that would make it impossible to validate objects signed with the older key. You could store both keys, but that would mean that you would accept new objects signed with the old key.

    Git 2.35 lets you take advantage of OpenSSH’s valid-before and valid-after directives by making sure that the object you’re verifying was signed using a signature that was valid when it was created. This allows individuals to rotate their SSH keys by keeping track of when each key was valid without invalidating any objects previously signed using an older key.

    Git 2.35 also supports new key types in the user.signingKey configuration when you include the key verbatim (instead of storing the path of a file that contains the signing key). Previously, the rule for interpreting user.signingKey was to treat its value as a literal SSH key if it began with “ssh-“, and to treat it as filepath otherwise. You can now specify literal SSH keys with keytypes that don’t begin with “ssh-” (like ECDSA keys).

    [source, source]

  • If you’ve ever dealt with a merge conflict, you know that accurately resolving conflicts takes some careful thinking. You may not have heard of Git’s merge.conflictStyle setting, which makes resolving conflicts just a little bit easier.

    The default value for this configuration is “merge”, which produces the merge conflict markers that you are likely familiar with. But there is a different mode, “diff3”, which shows the merge base in addition to the changes on either side.

    Git 2.35 introduces a new mode, “zdiff3”, which zealously moves any lines in common at the beginning or end of a conflict outside of the conflicted area, which makes the conflict you have to resolve a little bit smaller.

    For example, say I have a list with a placeholder comment, and I merge two branches that each add different content to fill in the placeholder. The usual merge conflict might look something like this:

    <<<<<<< HEAD
    >>>>>>> side

    Trying again with diff3-style conflict markers shows me the merge base (revealing a comment that I didn’t know was previously there) along with the full contents of either side, like so:

    <<<<<<< HEAD
    ||||||| 60c6bd0
    # add more here
    >>>>>>> side

    The above gives us more detail, but notice that both sides add “foo” and, “bar” at the beginning and “baz” at the end. Trying one last time with zdiff3-style conflict markers moves the “foo” and “bar” outside of the conflicted region altogether. The result is both more accurate (since it includes the merge base) and more concise (since it handles redundant parts of the conflict for us).

    <<<<<<< HEAD
    ||||||| 60c6bd0
    # add more here
    >>>>>>> side


  • You may (or may not!) know that Git supports a handful of different algorithms for generating a diff. The usual algorithm (and the one you are likely already familiar with) is the Myers diff algorithm. Another is the --patience diff algorithm and its cousin --histogram. These can often lead to more human-readable diffs (for example, by avoiding a common issue where adding a new function starts the diff by adding a closing brace to the function immediately preceding the new one).

    In Git 2.35, --histogram got a nice performance boost, which should make it faster in many cases. The details are too complicated to include in full here, but you can check out the reference below and see all of the improvements and juicy performance numbers.


  • If you’re a fan of performance improvements (and diff options!), here’s another one you might like. You may have heard of git diff‘s --color-moved option (if you haven’t, we talked about it back in our Highlights from Git 2.17). You may not have heard of the related --color-moved-ws, which controls how whitespace is or isn’t ignored when colorizing diffs. You can think of it like the other space-ignoring options (like --ignore-space-at-eol, --ignore-space-change, or --ignore-all-space), but specifically for when you’re running diff in the --color-moved mode.

    Like the above, Git 2.35 also includes a variety of performance improvement for --color-moved-ws. If you haven’t tried --color-moved yet, give it a try! If you already use it in your workflow, it should get faster just by upgrading to Git 2.35.


  • Way back in our Highlights from Git 2.19, we talked about how a new feature in git grep allowed the git jump addon to populate your editor with the exact locations of git grep matches.

    In case you aren’t familiar with git jump, here’s a quick refresher. git jump populates Vim’s quickfix list with the locations of merge conflicts, grep matches, or diff hunks (by running git jump merge, git jump grep, or git jump diff, respectively).

    In Git 2.35, git jump merge learned how to narrow the set of merge conflicts using a pathspec. So if you’re working on resolving a big merge conflict, but you only want to work on a specific section, you can run:

    $ git jump merge -- foo

    to only focus on conflicts in the foo directory. Alternatively, if you want to skip conflicts in a certain directory, you can use the special negative pathspec like so:

    # Skip any conflicts in the Documentation directory for now.
    $ git jump merge -- ':^Documentation'


  • You might have heard of Git’s “clean” and “smudge” filters, which allow users to specify how to “clean” files when staging, or “smudge” them when populating the working copy. Git LFS makes extensive use of these filters to represent large files with stand-in “pointers.” Large files are converted to pointers when staging with the clean filter, and then back to large files when populating the working copy with the smudge filter.

    Git has historically used the size_t and unsigned long types relatively interchangeably. This is understandable, since Git was originally written on Linux where these two types have the same width (and therefore, the same representable range of values).

    But on Windows, which uses the LLP64 data model, the unsigned long type is only 4 bytes wide, whereas size_t is 8 bytes wide. Because the clean and smudge filters had previously used unsigned long, this meant that they were unable to process files larger than 4GB in size on platforms conforming to LLP64.

    The effort to standardize on the correct size_t type to represent object length continues in Git 2.35, which makes it possible for filters to handle files larger than 4GB, even on LLP64 platforms like Windows1.


  • If you haven’t used Git in a patch-based workflow where patches are emailed back and forth, you may be unaware of the git am command, which extracts patches from a mailbox and applies them to your repository.

    Previously, if you tried to git am an email which did not contain a patch, you would get dropped into a state like this:

    $ git am /path/to/mailbox
    Applying: [...]
    Patch is empty.
    When you have resolved this problem, run "git am --continue".
    If you prefer to skip this patch, run "git am --skip" instead.
    To restore the original branch and stop patching, run "git am --abort".

    This can often happen when you save the entire contents of a patch series, including its cover letter (the customary first email in a series, which contains a description of the patches to come but does not itself contain a patch) and try to apply it.

    In Git 2.35, you can specify how git am will behave should it encounter an empty commit with --empty=<stop|drop|keep>. These options instruct am to either halt applying patches entirely, drop any empty patches, or apply them as-is (creating an empty commit, but retaining the log message). If you forgot to specify an --empty behavior but tried to apply an empty patch, you can run git am --allow-empty to apply the current patch as-is and continue.


  • Returning readers may remember our discussion of the sparse index, a Git features that improves performance in repositories that use sparse-checkout. The aforementioned link describes the feature in detail, but the high-level gist is that it stores a compacted form of the index that grows along with the size of your checkout rather than the size of your repository.

    In 2.34, the sparse index was integrated into a handful of commands, including git status, git add, and git commit. In 2.35, command support for the sparse index grew to include integrations with git reset, git diff, git blame, git fetch, git pull, and a new mode of git ls-files.

    [source, source, source]

  • Speaking of sparse-checkout, the git sparse-checkout builtin has deprecated the git sparse-checkout init subcommand in favor of using git sparse-checkout set. All of the options that were previously available in the init subcommand are still available in the set subcommand. For example, you can enable cone-mode sparse-checkout and include the directory foo with this command:

    $ git sparse-checkout set --cone foo


  • Git stores references (such as branches and tags) in your repository in one of two ways: either “loose” as a file inside of .git/refs (like .git/refs/heads/main) or “packed” as an entry inside of the file at .git/packed_refs.

    But for repositories with truly gigantic numbers of references, it can be inefficient to store them all together in a single file. The reftable proposal outlines the alternative way that JGit stores references in a block-oriented fashion. JGit has been using reftable for many years, but Git has not had its own implementation.

    Reftable promises to improve reading and writing performance for repositories with a large number of references. Work has been underway for quite some time to bring an implementation of reftable to Git, and Git 2.35 comes with an initial import of the reftable backend. This new backend isn’t yet integrated with the refs, so you can’t start using reftable just yet, but we’ll keep you posted about any new developments in the future.


The rest of the iceberg

That’s just a sample of changes from the latest release. For more, check out the release notes for 2.35, or any previous version in the Git repository.

  1. Note that these patches shipped to Git for Windows via its 2.34 release, so technically this is old news! But we’ll still mention it anyway. 

Biometric authentication – Why do we need it?

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/biometrics-authentication

In recent years, Identity and Access Management has gained importance within technology industries as attackers continue to target large corporations in order to gain access to private data and services. To address this issue, the Grab Identity team has been using a 6-digit PIN to authenticate a user during a sensitive transaction such as accessing a GrabPay Wallet. We also use SMS one-time passwords (OTPs) to log a user into the application.

We look at existing mechanisms that Grab uses to authenticate its users and how biometric authentication helps strengthen application security and save costs. We also look at the various technical decisions taken to ensure the robustness of this feature as well as some key learnings.


The mechanisms we use to authenticate our users have evolved as the Grab Identity team consistently refines our approach. Over the years, we have observed several things:

  • OTP and Personal Identification Number (PIN) are susceptible to hacking and social engineering.
  • These methods have high user friction (e.g. delay or failure to receive SMS, need to launch Facebook/Google).
  • Shared/rented driver accounts cause safety concerns for passengers and increases potential for fraud.
  • High OTP costs at $0.03/SMS.

Social engineering efforts have gotten more advanced – attackers could pretend to be your friends and ask for your OTP or even post phishing advertisements that prompt for your personal information.

Search data flow Search data flow
Search data flow

With more sophisticated social engineering attacks on the rise, we need solutions that can continue to protect our users and Grab in the long run.


When we looked into developing solutions for these problems, which was mainly about cost and security, we went back to basics and looked at what a secure system meant.

  • Knowledge Factor: Something that you know (password, PIN, some other data)
  • Possession Factor: Something physical that you have (device, keycards)
  • Inherent Factor: Something that you are (face ID, fingerprint, voice)

We then compared the various authentication mechanisms that the Grab app currently uses, as shown in the following table:

Authentication factor 1. Something that you know 2. Something physical that you have 3. Something that you are
OTP ✔️ ✔️
Social ✔️
PIN ✔️
Biometrics ✔️ ✔️

With methods based on the knowledge and possession factors, it is still possible for attackers to get users to reveal sensitive account information. On the other hand, biometrics are something you are born with and that makes it more complex to mimic. Hence, we have added biometrics as an additional layer to enhance Grab’s existing authentication methods and build a more secure platform for our users.


Biometric authentication powered by device biometrics provides a robust platform to enhance trust. This is because modern phones provide a few key features that allow client server trust to be established:

  1. Biometric sensor (fingerprint or face ID).
  2. Advent of devices with secure enclaves.

A secure enclave, being a part of the device, is separate from the main operating system (OS) at the kernel level. The enclave is used to store private keys that can be unlocked only by the biometrics on the device.

Any changes to device security such as changing a PIN or adding another fingerprint will invalidate all prior access to this secure enclave. This means that when we enroll a user in biometrics this way, we can be sure that any payload from said device that matches the public part of said private key is authorised by the user that created it.

Search data flow
Search data flow

Architecture details

The important part of the approach lies in the enrollment flow. The process is quite simple and can be described in the following steps:

  1. Create an elevated public/private key pair that requires users authentication.
  2. Ask users to authenticate in order to prove they are the device holders.
  3. Sign payload with confirmed unlocked private key and send public key to finish enrolling.
  4. Store returned reference id in the encrypted shared preferences/keychain.
Search data flow


The key implementation details is as follows:

  1. Grab’s HellfireSDK confirms if the device is not rooted.
  2. Uses SHA512withECDSA for hashing algorithm.
  3. Encrypted shared preferences/keychain to store data.
  4. Secure enclave to store private keys.

These key technologies allow us to create trust between devices and services. The raw biometric data stays within the device and instead sends an encrypted signature of biometry data to Grab for verification purposes.


Biometric login aims to resolve the many problems highlighted earlier in this article such as reducing user friction and saving SMS OTP costs.

We are still experimenting with this feature so we do not have insights on business impact yet. However, from early experiment runs, we estimate over 90% adoption rate and a success rate of nearly 90% for biometric logins.


As methods of executing identity theft or social engineering get more creative, simply using passwords and PINs is not enough. Grab, and many other organisations, are realising that it’s important to augment existing security measures with methods that are inherent and unique to users.

By using biometrics as an added layer of security in a multi-factor authentication strategy, we can keep our users safe and decrease the probability of successful attacks. Not only do we ensure that the user is a legitimate entity, we also ensure that we protect their privacy by ensuring that the biometric data remains on the user’s device.

What’s next?

  • IdentitySDK – this feature will be moved into an SDK so other teams integrate it via plug and play.
  • Standalone biometrics – biometric authentication is currently tightly coupled with PIN i.e. biometric authentication happens in place of PIN if biometric authentication is set up. Therefore, users would never see both PIN and biometric in the same session, which limits our robustness in terms of multi-factor authentication.
  • Integration with DAX and beyond – We plan to enable this feature for all teams who need to use biometric authentication.

Join us

Grab is a leading superapp in Southeast Asia, providing everyday services that matter to consumers. More than just a ride-hailing and food delivery app, Grab offers a wide range of on-demand services in the region, including mobility, food, package and grocery delivery services, mobile payments, and financial services across over 400 cities in eight countries.

Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!

How we ship GitHub Mobile every week

Post Syndicated from Taehun Kim original https://github.blog/2022-01-12-how-we-ship-github-mobile-every-week/

Every week, the GitHub Mobile team updates the GitHub Mobile apps on both iOS and Android with new features, bug fixes and improvements. Shipping a mobile app is not an easy task. Before a build goes out to our users’ hands, we must make sure the end result is properly built, all written tests are passed, and any critical issues are captured by testing. Also, we compose release notes with changes since our last update. All of these tasks can be quite time-consuming.

Since we’re a small team, repeating this release process every week would mean less time spent writing code or building new features. In order to focus on product development, we use a number of tools to automate the release process. In this post, I’ll share how we automate the build release process by using the iOS pipeline as an example.

A release candidate build is ready to go out to our beta users when these criteria are met:

  • A branch is created for addressing any hot fixes needed for the release candidate
  • The build is generated with a proper version number and uploaded to TestFlight
  • All unit and snapshot tests have passed
  • An issue is created to track the release process
  • Release notes are ready

GitHub provides great tools for continuous integration and delivery. We primarily use GitHub Actions to automate most of the steps to meet our criteria, plus some additional tools like fastlane.

Workflow visualized on GitHub.com
Workflow visualized on GitHub.com
Steps to release a build. The icon on the top right of each step indicates if the step is executed automatically by an action or manually.
Steps to release a build. The icon on the top right of each step indicates if the step is executed by an action or a human engineer.

The figure above illustrates the entire process of making a build ready to ship. The gray steps are automated by GitHub Actions, while the blue steps are manually processed by our team. As you can see in the figure, most of the steps are automated. Only the final steps, like merging release-related changes or finalizing an app submission, require human interactions. We manually write release notes because humans are still better than machines at writing prose, but the materials are prepared by the automation, so the writing itself is not very time-consuming.

Let’s dive into some of the details.

Build and release

First, my team needs to generate an app binary for any given build. We define a job, which contains multiple steps for generating a build, going through the test cases, archiving, and uploading to TestFlight. We create a dedicated branch for each version we ship, so that we can go back and cherry-pick any changes we want to include. GitHub Actions has a great community support, and there are tons of open source actions we can use. For example, the peterjgrainger/action-create-branch action makes it easy to create a new release branch.

Once the branch has been created, we run fastlane to build, test, archive, and upload. In order to code-sign the binary and upload it to TestFlight, our action will need certificates and credentials to run these secure and authenticated commands. Those credentials are stored in GitHub Secrets, and they can be easily passed into an action without revealing them to would-be attackers.

Issue creation

Once a build is created and uploaded to TestFlight, we kick off another job. This one creates a GitHub issue to track any paperwork or manual processes needed in order to distribute the build. The issue serves as a playbook containing all steps to get the build out to our users including verification of release marketing materials, pre-launch manual tests, and even sharing the status with the team. By following this playbook, a release captain does not need to remember the steps, and any new folks can become a release captain with little training. The issue creation is easily done with GitHub CLI by adding a shell command in the GitHub Actions workflow YAML file, such as gh issue create -t {title} -b {body} -a {assignees} -l {labels}. Also, there are a number of open source actions like JasonEtco/create-an-issue, which makes it easy to create an issue with a template.

We manage the release engineer rotation with PagerDuty. In order to fetch the next release engineer via PagerDuty API, we also utilize open source actions, such as JamesIves/fetch-api-data-action. The release captain is then assigned to the issue so that we all know who is responsible for the release.

A sneak peak of a release tracking issue. Each step is described with a lot of details, so that one can just follow the instruction.
A sneak peak of a release tracking issue. Each step is described with a lot of details, so that one can just follow the instruction.

Release notes

With another parallel job, we prepare materials to compose release notes. Using fastlane, we collect all commits that have been pushed since the last release (alternatively, you can try another automation recently added to GitHub). The change logs are raw records of all commits and pull requests, meaning that this text alone is not suitable for release notes for our users. Thus, we create a text file with those raw change logs in our repo, and open a pull request where we can compose customer-friendly release notes. Opening a pull request is pretty easy with GitHub CLI. Adding a shell command, gh pr create -t {title} -b {body} -a {assignees}, -r {reviewers} -l {labels}, will automatically create a pull request as part of the job. An open source action such as peter-evans/create-pull-request is also useful to open a pull request.

We retrieve the next release engineer (the same way we retrieve one when creating an issue) and assign the engineer to the pull request. Once the engineer has finished writing customer-friendly release notes and another teammate has reviewed the change logs, we merge the pull request to store it in our repository.

Version number management

We have another parallel job for managing the build version numbers. Once a release candidate is created, we bump the version number in main so that everyone can begin with the next ship cycle. To prevent any errors, we do not push any code changes into main directly. Instead, a pull request to increment the version number update is opened by an action. The version update is done with small Bash and Ruby scripts, and the pull request is created via the same method we use for release notes.

Timeline for a build release. Once a build is created by the actions, it goes out to the public after a week of beta testing.
Timeline for a build release. Once a build is created by the actions, it goes out to the public after a week of beta testing.

The figure above illustrates a timeline for a build release. The four jobs described, along with all of their steps, are defined in one single YAML file that defines a GitHub Actions workflow. The workflow is kicked off every Saturday morning so that the release engineer has all the materials when Monday rolls around. On Monday morning, the engineer ticks off all the steps described in the issue created by the workflow, sending the build out to our TestFlight beta users and then finally submitting to the build for App Store review. During the week, we monitor how beta testing is going. If we find a critical issue from the build, we fix it in main, cherry-pick the fix into the release branch, and upload another build. We have another GitHub Actions workflow that automates this additional build process, which is triggered whenever we push a code change into the release branch.

If the beta metrics for the week look good, with no crashes or regressions, we finally release the build on the App Store, a week after it began beta testing. In this way, our customers get solid GitHub Mobile updates every week.

🎉 Conclusion

In this post, I described how we ship GitHub Mobile apps every week with build release pipelines implemented using GitHub Actions. The community support for GitHub Actions is amazing, and there are so many powerful open source actions that you can use right away. If you want to have your own custom action and workflow, it is also quite easy to create one and re-use it across repositories or projects. With our release pipeline greatly improved by the automations powered by GitHub Actions, we have more time and focus for product development and spend less time waiting for Xcode to compile. By automating our release process and running it via GitHub Actions and GitHub Issues, it’s a lot easier to get new teammates onboarded as release engineers and shipping their new features to the App Store every week.

I hope this post helps people who wants to build solid CI/CD pipelines with GitHub tools. To learn more about automating your release process with GitHub Actions, check out the following resources:

Technical interviews via Codespaces

Post Syndicated from Ian Olsen original https://github.blog/2021-12-16-technical-interviews-via-codespaces/

Technical interviews are the worst. Getting meaningful signal from candidates without wasting their time is notoriously hard. Thankfully, the industry has come a long way from brainteaser-style questions and interviews requiring candidates to balance a binary tree with dry erase markers in front of a group of strangers. There are more valuable ways to spend time today, and in this post, I’ll share how our team at GitHub adopted Codespaces to streamline the interview process.

Technical interviews: looking back

My team at GitHub found itself in hiring mode in early 2021. Most of the work we do is in Rails, and we opted to leverage an existing exercise for our technical screen. We asked candidates to make some API improvements to a simple Rails application. It’s been around for many years and has had most of its sharp edges sanded smooth. There is some CI magic to get us started in evaluating a new submission. We perform a manual evaluation using a rubric that is far from perfect but at least well-understood. So we deployed it and started looking through the submissions, a task we expected to be routine.

Despite all the deliberately straightforward decisions to this point, we had some surprises right away. It turned out this exercise hadn’t been touched in a couple of years and was running outdated versions of Ruby and Rails. For some candidates, the experienced engineers already writing Rails apps for a living, this wasn’t much of an obstacle. But a significant number of candidates were bogged down just getting their local development environment up and running. A team looking only for senior engineers might even do something like this deliberately, but that wasn’t true for my team. The goal of the exercise was to mirror the job, and this wasn’t it. Flailing for half your alotted time on environment set-up issues tells us virtually nothing about how successful candidates would be at the technical work we do.

Enter Codespaces

We immediately did the obvious work of updating Ruby, Rails, and all of the app’s dependencies. This was necessary but felt insufficient. How could we prevent a future team from making the same mistake? How could we help other growing teams (or even future us) fall into the proverbial pit of success? It was around this time that the Codespaces Computer Club started gaining traction internally. I don’t tend to be the first person to jump into a newfangled cloud-based dev environment. Many years have gone into this .vimrc and I like it just how it is, thank you very much. Don’t move my cheese, particuarly not to The Cloud. But even I had to admit that Codespaces is an excellent tool, aimed squarely at solving these kinds of problems, and we gave it a look.

So what is Codespaces? In short: a cloud-based development environment. Built atop Visual Studio Code’s Remote Containers, Codespaces allow you to spin up a remote development environment directly from a GitHub repository. The Visual Studio Code web interface is instantly available, as is Visual Studio Code on the desktop. Dotfiles and ssh are supported, so the terminal-oriented folks (🖐) need not abandon their precious .vimrc!

Screenshot of UI to launch a new codespace

The containerized development environmentment is perfectly predictable, frozen in time like Han Solo in Carbonite. We can prebuild all of the dependencies, and they remain at that version for as long as the codespace configuration is unchanged. This removes an entire class of meaningless problems from the candidate’s experience. Experienced developers who have a finely tuned local environment can still use it; enabling Codespaces has no impact on the ability to do it locally. Clone the repository and do your thing. But the experience of being quickly dropped into a development environment that’s perfectly tuned for the task at hand is pretty cool!
codespace ready

Returning signal

Dropping the candidate into a finely honed environment, suited to the task at hand, has myriad benefits. It eliminates the random starting point, leveling the playing field for candidates of varying backgrounds all over the world. No assumptions need be made about the hardware or software they have access to. With internet access and a browser, you have everything you need!

The advantages extend to pairing exercises, too. There’s good reason for a candidate to have anxiety pairing in an interviewing context. Perhaps the best way to fray nerves is to start with a broken dev environment. Maybe the candidate is using a work machine, and the app they maintain at work is on an older version of Rails. Maybe this is a personal machine, but their bird watching hobby yields terabytes of video and bundle install just ran out of disk space. Even if it’s a quick fix, a nervous candidate isn’t performing at the level they would in their normal work. Working in a codespace lets us virtually eliminate this pitfall and focus on the pairing task, yielding higher signal about the skills we really intend to measure.

This has turned out to be a terrific improvement in our hiring process, appreciated by both candidates and interviewers. Visual Studio Code has great tooling for adding Codespaces support to an existing project, and you can probably have something that works in a single afternoon. Check it out!

A brief history of code search at GitHub

Post Syndicated from Pavel Avgustinov original https://github.blog/2021-12-15-a-brief-history-of-code-search-at-github/

We recently launched a technology preview for the next-generation code search we have been building. If you haven’t signed up already, go ahead and do it now!

We want to share more about our work on code exploration, navigation, search, and developer productivity. Recently, we substantially improved the precision of our code navigation for Python, and open-sourced the tools we developed for this. The stack graph formalism we developed will form the basis for precise code navigation support for more languages, and will even allow us to empower language communities to build and improve support for their own languages, similarly to how we accept contributions to github/linguist to expand GitHub’s syntax highlighting capabilities.

This blog post is part of the same series, and tells the story of why we built a new search engine optimized for code over the past 18 months. What challenges did we set ourselves? What is the historical context, and why could we not continue to build on off-the-shelf solutions? Read on to find out.

What’s our goal?

We set out to provide an experience that could become an integral part of every developer’s workflow. This has imposed hard constraints on the features, performance, and scalability of the system we’re building. In particular:

  • Searching code is different: many standard techniques (like stemming and tokenization) are at odds with the kind of searches we want to support for source code. Identifier names and punctuation matter. We need to be able to match substrings, not just whole “words”. Specialized queries can require wildcards or even regular expressions. In addition, scoring heuristics tuned for natural language and web pages do not work well for source code.
  • The scale of the corpus size: GitHub hosts over 200 million repositories, with over 61 million repositories created in the past year. We aim to support global queries across all of them, now and in the foreseeable future.
  • The rate of change: over 170 million pull requests were merged in the past year, and this does not even account for code pushed directly to a branch. We would like our index to reflect the updated state of a repository within a few minutes of a push event.
  • Search performance and latency: developers want their tools to be blazingly fast, and if we want to become part of every developer’s workflow we have to satisfy that expectation. Despite the scale of our index, we want p95 query times to be (well) under a second. Most user queries, or queries scoped to a set of repositories or organizations, should be much faster than that.

Over the years, GitHub has leveraged several off-the-shelf solutions, but as the requirements evolved over time, and the scale problem became ever more daunting, we became convinced that we had to build a bespoke search engine for code to achieve our objectives.

The early years

In the beginning, GitHub announced support for code search, as you might expect from a website with the tagline of “Social Code Hosting.” And all was well.

Screenshot of GitHub public code search

Except… you might note the disclaimer “GitHub Public Code Search.” This first iteration of global search worked by indexing all public documents into a Solr instance, which determined the results you got. While this nicely side-steps visibility and authorization concerns (everything is public!), not allowing private repositories to be searched would be a major functionality gap. The solution?

Screenshot of Solr-backed "Search source code"

Image credit: Patrick Linskey on Stack Overflow

The repository page showed a “Search source code” field. For public repos, this was still backed by the Solr index, scoped to the active repository. For private repos, it shelled out to git grep.

Quite soon after shipping this, the then-in-beta Google Code Search began crawling public repositories on GitHub too, thus giving developers an alternative way of searching them. (Ultimately, Google Code Search was discontinued a few years later, though Russ Cox’s excellent blog post on how it worked remains a great source of inspiration for successor projects.)

Unfortunately, the different search experience for public and private repositories proved pretty confusing in practice. In addition, while git grep is a widely understood gold standard for how to search the contents of a Git repository, it operates without a dedicated index and hence works by scanning each document—taking time proportional to the size of the repository. This could lead to resource exhaustion on the Git hosts, and to an unresponsive web page, making it necessary to introduce timeouts. Large private repositories remained unsearchable.

Scaling with Elasticsearch

By 2010, the search landscape was seeing considerable upheaval. Solr joined Lucene as a subproject, and Elasticsearch sprang up as a great way of building and scaling on top of Lucene. While Elasticsearch wouldn’t hit a 1.0.0 release until February 2014, GitHub started experimenting with adopting it in 2011. An initial tentative experiment that indexed gists into Elasticsearch to make them searchable showed great promise, and before long it was clear that this was the future for all search on GitHub, including code search.

Indeed in early 2013, just as Google Code Search was winding down, GitHub launched a whole new code search backed by an Elasticsearch cluster, consolidating the search experience for public and private repositories and updating the design. The search index covered almost five million repositories at launch.

Screenshot of Elasticsearch-backed code search UI

The scale of operations was definitely challenging, and within days or weeks of the launch GitHub experienced its first code search outages. The postmortem blog post is quite interesting on several levels, and it gives a glimpse of the cluster size (26 storage nodes with 2 TB of SSD storage each), utilization (67% of storage used), environment (Elasticsearch 0.19.9 and 0.20.2, Java 6 and 7), and indexing complexity (several months to backfill all repository data). Several bugs in Elasticsearch were identified and fixed, allowing GitHub to resume operations on the code search service.

In November 2013, Elasticsearch published a case study on GitHub’s code search cluster, again including some interesting data on scale. By that point, GitHub was indexing eight million repositories and responding to 5 search requests per second on average.

In general, our experience working with Elasticsearch has been truly excellent. It powers all kinds of search on GitHub.com, doing an excellent job throughout. The code search index is by far the largest cluster we operate , and it has grown in scale by another 20-40x since the case study (to 162 nodes, comprising 5184 vCPUs, 40TB of RAM, and 1.25PB of backing storage, supporting a query load of 200 requests per second on average and indexing over 53 billion source files). It is a testament to the capabilities of Elasticsearch that we have got this far with essentially an off-the-shelf search engine.

My code is not a novel

Elasticsearch excelled at most search workloads, but almost immediately some wrinkles and friction started cropping up in connection with code search. Perhaps the most widely observed is this comment from the code search documentation:

You can’t use the following wildcard characters as part of your search query: . , : ; / \ ` ' " = * ! ? # $ & + ^ | ~ < > ( ) { } [ ] @. The search will simply ignore these symbols.

Source code is not like normal text, and those “punctuation” characters actually matter. So why are they ignored by GitHub’s production code search? It comes down to how our ingest pipeline for Elasticsearch is configured.

Click here to read the full details

When documents are added to an Elasticsearch index, they are passed through a process called text analysis, which converts unstructured text into a structured format optimized for search. Commonly, text analysis is configured to normalize away details that don’t matter to search (for example, case folding the document to provide case-insensitive matches, or compressing runs of whitespace into one, or stemming words so that searching for “ingestion” also finds “ingest pipeline”). Ultimately, it performs tokenization, splitting the normalized input document into a list of tokens whose occurrence should be indexed.

Many features and defaults available to text analysis are geared towards indexing natural-language text. To create an index for source code, we defined a custom text analyzer, applying a carefully selected set of normalizations (for example, case-folding and compressing whitespace make sense, but stemming does not). Then, we configured a custom pattern tokenizer, splitting the document using the following regular expression: %q_[.,:;/\\\\`'"=*!@?#$&+^|~<>(){}\[\]\s]_. If you look closely, you’ll recognise the list of characters that are ignored in your query string!

The tokens resulting from this split then undergo a final round of splitting, extracting word parts delimited in CamelCase and snake_case as additional tokens to make them searchable. To illustrate, suppose we are ingesting a document containing this declaration: pub fn pthread_getname_np(tid: ::pthread_t, name: *mut ::c_char, len: ::size_t) -> ::c_int;. Our text analysis phase would pass the following list of tokens to Elasticsearch to index: pub fn pthread_getname_np pthread getname np tid pthread_t pthread t name mut c_char c char len size_t size t c_int c int. The special characters simply do not figure in the index; instead, the focus is on words recovered from identifiers and keywords.

Designing a text analyzer is tricky, and involves hard trade-offs between index size and performance on the one hand, and the types of queries that can be answered on the other. The approach described above was the result of careful experimentation with different strategies, and represented a good compromise that has allowed us to launch and evolve code search for almost a decade.

Another consideration for source code is substring matching. Suppose that I want to find out how to get the name of a thread in Rust, and I vaguely remember the function is called something like thread_getname. Searching for thread_getname org:rust-lang will give no results on our Elasticsearch index; meanwhile, if I cloned rust-lang/libc locally and used git grep, I would instantly find pthread_getname_np. More generally, power users reach for regular expression searches almost immediately.

The earliest internal discussions of this that I can find date to October 2012, more than a year before the public release of Elasticsearch-based code search. We considered various ways of refining the Elasticsearch tokenization (in fact, we turn pthread_getname_np into the tokens pthread, getname, np, and pthread_getname_np—if I had searched for pthread getname rather than thread_getname, I would have found the definition of pthread_getname_np). We also evaluated trigram tokenization as described by Russ Cox. Our conclusion was summarized by a GitHub employee as follows:

The trigram tokenization strategy is very powerful. It will yield wonderful search results at the cost of search time and index size. This is the approach I would like to take, but there is work to be done to ensure we can scale the ElasticSearch cluster to meet the needs of this strategy.

Given the initial scale of the Elasticsearch cluster mentioned above, it wasn’t viable to substantially increase storage and CPU requirements at the time, and so we launched with a best-effort tokenization tuned for code identifiers.

Over the years, we kept coming back to this discussion. One promising idea for supporting special characters, inspired by some conversations with Elasticsearch experts at Elasticon 2016, was to use a Lucene tokenizer pattern that split code on runs of whitespace, but also on transitions from word characters to non-word characters (crucially, using lookahead/lookbehind assertions, without consuming any characters in this case; this would create a token for each special character). This would allow a search for ”answer >= 42” to find the source text answer >= 42 (disregarding whitespace, but including the comparison). Experiments showed this approach took 43-100% longer to index code, and produced an index that was 18-28% larger than the baseline. Query performance also suffered: at best, it was as fast as the baseline, but some queries (especially those that used special characters, or otherwise split into many tokens) were up to 4x slower. In the end, a typical query slowdown of 2.1x seemed like too high a price to pay.

By 2019, we had made significant investments in scaling our Elasticsearch cluster simply to keep up with the organic growth of the underlying code corpus. This gave us some performance headroom, and at GitHub Universe 2019 we felt confident enough to announce an “exact-match search” beta, which essentially followed the ideas above and was available for allow-listed repositories and organizations. We projected around a 1.3x increase in Elasticsearch resource usage for this index. The experience from the limited beta was very illuminating, but it proved too difficult to balance the additional resource requirements with ongoing growth of the index. In addition, even after the tokenization improvements, there were still numerous unsupported use cases (like substring searches and regular expressions) that we saw no path towards. Ultimately, exact-match search was sunset in just over half a year.

Project Blackbird

Actually, a major factor in pausing investment in exact-match search was a very promising research prototype search engine, internally code-named Blackbird. The project had been kicked off in early 2020, with the goal of determining which technologies would enable us to offer code search features at GitHub scale, and it showed a path forward that has led to the technology preview we launched last week.

Let’s recall our ambitious objectives: comprehensively index all source code on GitHub, support incremental indexing and document deletion, and provide lightning-fast exact-match and regex searches (specifically, a p95 of under a second for global queries, with correspondingly lower targets for org-scoped and repo-scoped searches). Do all this without using substantially more resources than the existing Elasticsearch cluster. Integrate other sources of rich code intelligence information available on GitHub. Easy, right?

We found that no off-the-shelf code indexing solution could satisfy those requirements. Russ Cox’s trigram index for code search only stores document IDs rather than positions in the posting lists; while that makes it very space-efficient, performance degrades rapidly with a large corpus size. Several successor projects augment the posting lists with position information or other data; this comes at a large storage and RAM cost (Zoekt reports a typical index size of 3.5x corpus size) that makes it too expensive at our scale. The sharding strategy is also crucial, as it determines how evenly distributed the load is. And any significant per-repo overhead becomes prohibitive when considering scaling the index to all repositories on GitHub.

In the end, Blackbird convinced us to go all-in on building a custom search engine for code. Written in Rust, it creates and incrementally maintains a code search index sharded by Git blob object ID; this gives us substantial storage savings via deduplication and guarantees a uniform load distribution across shards (something that classic approaches sharding by repo or org, like our existing Elasticsearch cluster, lack). It supports regular expression searches over document content and can capture additional metadata—for example, it also maintains an index of symbol definitions. It meets our performance goals: while it’s always possible to come up with a pathological search that misses the index, it’s exceptionally fast for “real” searches. The index is also extremely compact, weighing in at about ⅔ of the (deduplicated) corpus size.

One crucial realization was that if we want to index all code on GitHub into a single index, result scoring and ranking are absolutely critical; you really need to find useful documents first. Blackbird implements a number of heuristics, some code-specific (ranking up definitions and penalizing test code), and others general-purpose (ranking up complete matches and penalizing partial matches, so that when searching for thread an identifier called thread will rank above thread_id, which will rank above pthread_getname_np). Of course, the repository in which a match occurs also influences ranking. We want to show results from popular open-source repositories before a random match in a long-forgotten repository created as a test.

All of this is very much a work in progress. We are continuously tuning our scoring and ranking heuristics, optimizing the index and query process, and iterating on the query language. We have a long list of features to add. But we want to get what we have today into the hands of users, so that your feedback can shape our priorities.

We have more to share about the work we’re doing to enhance developer productivity at GitHub, so stay tuned.

The shoulders of giants

Modern software development is about collaboration and about leveraging the power of open source. Our new code search is no different. We wouldn’t have gotten anywhere close to its current state without the excellent work of tens of thousands of open source contributors and maintainers who built the tools we use, the libraries we depend on, and whose insightful ideas we could adopt and develop. A small selection of shout-outs and thank-yous:

  • The communities of the languages and frameworks we build on: Rust, Go, and React. Thanks for enabling us to move fast.
  • @BurntSushi: we are inspired by Andrew’s prolific output, and his work on the regex and aho-corasick crates in particular has been invaluable to us.
  • @lemire’s work on fast bit packing is integral to our design, and we drew a lot of inspiration from his optimization work more broadly (especially regarding the use of SIMD). Check out his blog for more.
  • Enry and Tree-sitter, which power Blackbird’s language detection and symbol extraction, respectively.

Introducing stack graphs

Post Syndicated from Douglas Creager original https://github.blog/2021-12-09-introducing-stack-graphs/

Today, we announced the general availability of precise code navigation for all public and private Python repositories on GitHub.com. Precise code navigation is powered by stack graphs, a new open source framework we’ve created that lets you define the name binding rules for a programming language using a declarative, domain-specific language (DSL). With stack graphs, we can generate code navigation data for a repository without requiring any configuration from the repository owner, and without tapping into a build process or other CI job. In this post, I’ll dig into how stack graphs work, and how they achieve these results.

(This post is a condensed version of a talk that I gave at Strange Loop in October 2021. Please check out the video of that talk if you’d like to learn even more!)

What is code navigation?

Code navigation is a family of features that let you explore the relationships in your code and its dependencies at a deep level. The most basic code navigation features are “jump to definition” and “find all references.” Both build on the fact that names are pervasive in the code that we write. Programming languages let us define things — functions, classes, modules, methods, variables, and more. Those things have names so that we can refer back to them in other parts of our code.

A picture (even a simple one) is worth a thousand words:

a simple Python module

In this Python module, the reference to broil at the end of the file refers to the function definition earlier in the file. (Throughout this post, I’ll highlight definitions in red and references in blue.)

Our goal, then, is to collect information about the lists of definitions and references, and to be able to determine which definitions each reference maps to, for all of the code hosted on GitHub.

Why is this hard?

In the above example, the definition and reference were close to each other, and it was easy to visually see the relationship between them. But it won’t always be that easy!

names can shadow each other in Python but not in Rust

For instance, what if there are multiple definitions with the same name? In Python, names can shadow each other, which means that the broil reference should refer to the latter of the two definitions.

But these rules are language-specific! In Rust, top-level definitions are not allowed to shadow each other, but local variables are. So, this transliteration of my example from Python to Rust is an error according to the Rust language spec. If we were writing a Rust compiler, we would want to surface this error for the programmer to fix. But what about for an exploration feature like code navigation? We might want to show some result even for erroneous code. We’re only human, after all!

code can live in multiple packages

Up to now, I’ve only shown you examples consisting of a single file. But when was the last time you worked on a software project consisting of a single file? It’s much more likely that your code will be split across multiple files, multiple packages, and multiple repositories. Programming languages give us the ability to refer to definitions that might be quite far away. But as you might expect, the rules for how you refer to things in other files are different for different languages.

In the above example, I’ve split everything up into three files living in two separate packages or repositories. (I’m using emoji to represent the package names.) In Python, import statements let us refer to names defined in other modules, and the name of a module is determined by the name of the file containing its code. Together, this lets us see that the broil reference in chef.py in the “chef” package refers to the broil definition in stove.py in the “frying pan” package.

code can change

Code changes and evolves over time. What happens when one of your dependencies changes the implementation of a function that you’re calling? Here, the maintainers of the “frying pan” package have added some logging to the broil function. As a result, the broil reference in chef.py now refers to a different definition. Insidiously, it was an intermediate file that changed — not the file containing the reference, nor the file containing the original definition! If we’re not careful, we’ll have to reanalyze every file in the repository, and in all its dependencies, whenever any file changes! This makes the amount of work we must do quadratic in the number of changed files, rather than linear, which is especially problematic at GitHub’s scale.

Our last difficulty is one of scale. As mentioned above, we want to provide this feature for all of the code hosted on GitHub. Moreover, we don’t want to require any manual configuration on the part of each repository owner. You shouldn’t have to figure out how to produce code navigation data for your language and project, or have to configure a CI build to generate that data. Code navigation should Just Work.

At GitHub’s scale, this poses two problems. The first is the sheer amount of code that comes in every minute of every day. In each commit that we receive, it’s very likely that only a small number of files have been modified. We must be able to rely on incremental processing and storage, reusing the results that we’ve already calculated and saved for the files that haven’t changed.

The second challenge is the number of programming languages that we need to (eventually) support. GitHub hosts code written in every programming language imaginable. Git itself doesn’t care what language you use for your project — to Git, everything is just bytes. But for a feature like code navigation, where the name binding rules are different for each language, we must know how to parse and interpret the content of those files. To support this at scale, it must be as easy as possible for GitHub engineers and external language communities to describe the name binding rules for a language.

To summarize:

  • Different languages have different name binding rules.
  • Some of those rules can be quite complex.
  • The result might depend on intermediate files.
  • We don’t want to require manual per-repository configuration.
  • We need incremental processing to handle our scale.

Stack graphs

After examining the problem space, we created stack graphs to tackle these challenges, based on the scope graphs framework from Eelco Visser’s research group at TU Delft. Below I’ll discuss what stack graphs are and how they work.

Because we must rely on incremental results, it’s important that at index time (that is, when we receive pushes containing new commits), we look at each file completely in isolation. Our goal is to extract “facts” about each file that describe the definitions and references in the file, and all possible things that each reference could resolve to.

For instance, consider this example:

two Python files

Our final result must be able to encode the fact that the broil reference and definition live in different files. But to be incremental, our analysis must look at each file separately. I’m going to step into each file to show you what information GitHub can extract in isolation.

the stack graph for stove.py

Looking first at stove.py, we can see that it contains a definition of broil. From the name of the file, we know that this definition lives in a module called stove, giving a fully qualified name of stove.broil. We can create a graph structure representing this fact (along with information about the other symbols in the file). Each definition (including the module itself) gets a red, double-bordered definition node. The other nodes, and the pattern of how we’ve connected these nodes with edges, define the scoping and shadowing rules for these symbols. For other programming languages, which don’t implement the same shadowing behavior as Python, we’d use a different pattern of edges to connect everything.

the stack graph for kitchen.py

We can do the same thing for kitchen.py. The broil reference is represented by a blue, single-bordered reference node. The import statement also appears in the graph, as a gadget of nodes involving the broil and stove symbols.

Because we are looking at this file in isolation, we don’t yet know what the broil reference resolves to. The import statement means that it might resolve to stove.broil, defined in some other file — but that depends on whether there is a file defining that symbol. This example does in fact contain such a file (we just looked at it!), but we must ignore that while extracting incremental facts about kitchen.py.

At query time, however, we’re able to bring together the data from all files in the commit that you’re looking at. We can load the graphs for each of the files, producing a single “merged” graph for the entire commit:

the merged stack graph

Within this merged graph, every valid name binding is represented by a path from a reference node to a definition node.

However, not every path in the graph represents a valid name binding! For instance, looking only at the graph structure, there are perfectly fine paths from the broil reference node to the saute and bake definition nodes. To rule out those paths, we also maintain a symbol stack while searching for paths. Each blue node pushes a symbol onto the stack, and each red node pops a symbol from the stack. Importantly, we are not allowed to move into a “pop” node if its symbol does not match the top of the stack.

We’ve shown the contents of the symbol stack at a handful of places in the path that’s highlighted above. Most importantly, when we reach the portion of the graph containing the saute, broil, and bake definition nodes, the symbol stack contains ⟨broil⟩, ensuring that the only valid path that we discover is the one that ends at the broil definition.

We can also use different graph structures to handle my other examples. For example:

the stack graph for shadowed Python definitions

In this graph, we annotate some of the graph edges with a precedence value. Paths that include edges with a higher precedence value are preferred over those with lower precedences. This lets us correctly handle Python’s shadowing behavior.

For other programming languages, which don’t implement the same shadowing behavior as Python, we’d use a different pattern of edges to connect everything. For instance, the stack graph for my Rust example from earlier would be:

the stack graph for conflicting Rust definitions

To model Rust’s rule that top-level definitions with the same name are conflicts, we have a single node that all definitions hang off of. We can use precedences to choose whether to show all conflicting definitions (by giving them all the same precedence value), or just the first one (by assigning precedences sequentially).

With a stack graph available to us, we can implement “jump to definition:”

  1. The user clicks on a reference.
  2. We load in the stack graphs for each file in the commit, and merge them
  3. We perform a path-finding search starting from the reference node
    corresponding to the symbol that the user clicked on, considering
    symbol stacks and precedences to ensure that we don’t create any invalid
  4. Any valid paths that we find represent the definitions that the reference
    refers to. We display those in a hover card.

Creating stack graphs using Tree-sitter

I’ve described how to use stack graphs to perform code navigation lookups, but I haven’t mentioned how to create stack graphs from the source code that you push to GitHub.

For that, we turned to Tree-sitter, an open source parsing framework. The Tree-sitter community has already written parsers for a wide variety of programming languages, and we already use Tree-sitter in many places across GitHub. This makes it a natural choice to build stack graphs on.

Tree-sitter’s parsers already let us efficiently parse the code that our users upload. For instance, the Tree-sitter parser for Python produces a concrete syntax tree (CST) for our stove.py example file:

$ tree-sitter parse stove.py
(module [0, 0] - [10, 0]
  (function_definition [0, 0] - [1, 8]
    name: (identifier [0, 4] - [0, 8])
    parameters: (parameters [0, 8] - [0, 10])
    body: (block [1, 4] - [1, 8]
      (pass_statement [1, 4] - [1, 8])))
  (function_definition [3, 0] - [4, 8]
    name: (identifier [3, 4] - [3, 9])
    parameters: (parameters [3, 9] - [3, 11])
    body: (block [4, 4] - [4, 8]
      (pass_statement [4, 4] - [4, 8])))
  (function_definition [6, 0] - [7, 8]
    name: (identifier [6, 4] - [6, 9])
    parameters: (parameters [6, 9] - [6, 11])
    body: (block [7, 4] - [7, 8]
      (pass_statement [7, 4] - [7, 8]))))

Tree-sitter also provides a query language that lets us look for patterns within the CST:

  name: (identifier) @name) @function

This query would locate all three of our example method definitions, annotating each definition as a whole with a @function label and the name of each method with a @name label.

As part of developing stack graphs, we’ve added a new graph construction language to Tree-sitter, which lets you construct arbitrary graph structures (including but not limited to stack graphs) from parsed CSTs. You use stanzas to define the gadget of graph nodes and edges that should be created for each occurrence of a Tree-sitter query, and how the newly created nodes and edges should connect to graph content that you’ve already created elsewhere. For instance, the following snippet would create the stack graph definition node for my example Python method definitions:

  name: (identifier) @name) @function
    node @function.def
    attr (@function.def) kind = "definition"
    attr (@function.def) symbol = @name
    edge @function.containing_scope -> @function.def

This approach lets us create stack graphs incrementally for each source file that we receive, while only having to analyze the source code content, and without having to invoke any language-specific tooling or build systems. (The only language-specific part is the set of graph construction rules for that language!)

But wait, there’s more!

This post is already quite long, and I’ve only scratched the surface. You might be wondering:

  • Performing a full path-finding search for every “jump to definition” query seems wasteful. Can we precalculate more information at index time while still being incremental?

  • All the examples we’ve shown are pretty trivial. Can we handle more complex examples?

    For instance, how about the following Python file, where we need to use dataflow to trace what particular value was passed in as a parameter to passthrough to correctly resolve the reference to one on the final line?

    def passthrough(x):
      return x
    class A:
      one = 1

    Or the following Java file, where we have to trace inheritance and generic type parameters to see that the reference to length should resolve to String.length from the Java standard library?

    import java.util.HashMap;
    class MyMap extends HashMap<String, String> {
      int firstLength() {
          return this.entrySet().iterator().next().getKey().length();
  • Why aren’t we using the Language Server Protocol (LSP) or Language Server Index Format (LSIF)?

To dig even deeper and learn more, I encourage you to check out my Strange Loop talk and the stack-graphs crate: our open source Rust implementation of these ideas. And in the meantime, keep navigating!

Improving GitHub code search

Post Syndicated from Pavel Avgustinov original https://github.blog/2021-12-08-improving-github-code-search/

Today, we are rolling out a technology preview for substantial improvements to searching code on GitHub. We want to give you an early look at our efforts and get your feedback as we iterate on helping you explore and discover code—all while saving you time and keeping you focused. Sign up for the waitlist now, and give us your feedback!

Getting started

Once the technology preview is enabled for your account, you can try it out at https://cs.github.com. Initially, we’re creating a separate interface for the new code search as we build it out, but once we’re happy with the feedback and are ready for wider adoption, we will integrate it into the main github.com experience.

At the moment, the search index covers more than five million of the most popular public repositories; in addition, you can search private repositories you have access to. Here are some things to look out for:

  • Easily find what you’re looking for among the top results, with smart ranking and an index that is optimized for code.
  • Search for an exact string, with support for substring matches and special characters, or use regular expressions (enclosed in / separators).
  • Scope your searches with org: or repo: qualifiers, with auto-completion suggestions in the search box.
  • Refine your results using filters like language:, path:, extension:, and Boolean operators (OR, NOT). Search for definitions of a symbol with symbol:.
  • Get your bearings quickly with additional features, like a directory tree view, symbol information for the active scope, jump-to-definition, select-to-search, and more!

The syntax is documented here, and you can press ? on any page to view available keyboard shortcuts. You can also check out the FAQs.

What’s next?

We’re excited to share our work with you as a technology preview while we iterate, and to work with you to find unique, novel use cases and workflows. What radical new idea have you always wanted to try? What feature would make you most productive? Is support for your favorite language missing? Let us know, and let’s make it happen together.

We have no shortage of ideas for what to focus on next. We’ll be growing the index until it covers every repository you can access on GitHub. We’ll experiment with scoring and ranking heuristics to see what works best, and we’ll explore what APIs and integrations would be most impactful. We’ll keep adding support for more languages to the language-specific features. But most of all, we want to listen to your feedback and build the tools you didn’t even know you needed.

The bigger picture: developer productivity at GitHub

As a developer, staying in a flow state is hard. Whenever you look up how to use a library, or have a test fail because your developer environment has diverged from CI, or need to know how an error message can arise, you are interrupted. The longer it takes to resolve the interruption, the more context you lose.

Earlier this year, we launched GitHub Copilot as a technical preview, leveraging the power of AI to let you code confidently even in unfamiliar territory. We also released Codespaces and shared how adopting them internally boosted GitHub’s own productivity. We see our improvements to code search and navigation in the context of these broader initiatives around developer productivity, as part of a unified solution.

For code search, our vision is to help every developer search, discover, navigate, and understand code quickly and intuitively. GitHub code search puts the world’s code at your fingertips: everything is just a search away. It helps you maintain a flow state by showing you the most relevant results first and helping you with auto-completion at every step. And once you get to a result page, the rich browsing experience is optimized for reading and understanding code, allowing you to make sense of unfamiliar logic quickly, even for code outside your IDE.

We plan to share more updates on our progress soon, including deep-dives on the engineering work behind code search and the developers, open source projects, and communities we rely on (special shout-out to @BurntSushi and @lemire, whose work has been fundamental to ours). In the meantime, the number of spots for the technology preview is limited, so sign up today!

GitHub Availability Report: November 2021

Post Syndicated from Scott Sanders original https://github.blog/2021-12-01-github-availability-report-november-2021/

In November, we experienced one incident resulting in significant impact and degraded state of availability for core GitHub services, including GitHub Actions, API Requests, Codespaces, Git Operations, Issues, GitHub Packages, GitHub Pages, Pull Requests, and Webhooks.

November 27 20:40 UTC (lasting 2 hours and 50 minutes)

We encountered a novel failure mode when processing a schema migration on a large MySQL table. Schema migrations are a common task at GitHub and often take weeks to complete. The final step in a migration is to perform a rename to move the updated table into the correct place. During the final step of this migration a significant portion of our MySQL read replicas entered a semaphore deadlock. Our MySQL clusters consist of a primary node for write traffic, multiple read replicas for production traffic, and several replicas that serve internal read traffic for backup and analytics purposes. The read replicas that hit the deadlock entered a crash-recovery state causing an increased load on healthy read replicas. Due to the cascading nature of this scenario, there were not enough active read replicas to handle production requests which impacted the availability of core GitHub services.

During the incident mitigation, in an effort to increase capacity, we promoted all available internal replicas that were in a healthy state into the production path; however, the shift was not sufficient for full recovery. We also observed that read replicas serving production traffic would temporarily recover from their crash-recovery state only to crash again due to load. Based on this crash-recovery loop, we chose to prioritize data integrity over site availability by proactively removing production traffic from broken replicas until they were able to successfully process the table rename. Once the replicas recovered, we were able to move them back into production and restore enough capacity to return to normal operations.

Throughout the incident, write operations remained healthy and we have verified there was no data corruption.

To address this class of failure and reduce time to recover in the future, we continue to prioritize our functional partitioning efforts. Partitioning the cluster adds resiliency given migrations can then be run in canary mode on a single shard—reducing the potential impact of this failure mode. Additionally, we are actively updating internal procedures to increase the amount each cluster is over-provisioned.

As next steps, we’re continuing to investigate the specific failure scenario, and have paused schema migrations until we know more on safeguarding against this issue. As we continue to test our migration tooling, we are classifying opportunities to improve it during such scenarios.

In summary

We will continue to keep you updated on the progress and investments we’re making to ensure the reliability of our services. To learn more about what we’re working on, check out the GitHub engineering blog.

Using ChatOps to help Actions on-call engineers

Post Syndicated from Yaswanth Anantharaju original https://github.blog/2021-12-01-using-chatops-to-help-actions-on-call-engineers/

At GitHub, we use ChatOps to help us collaborate seamlessly. They’re implemented using our favorite chatbot, Hubot. Running a ChatOps command is similar to running commands on your terminal, except that teammates can see what you ran and see the results if the commands are invoked from Slack. This enables real time collaboration. This is especially useful in handling incidents where the primary goal is to mitigate disruption to users and find the root cause quickly.

Keeping an application healthy isn’t the responsibility of some mysterious service delivery team anymore––the responsibility lies in the hands of the engineers who build it. Besides working on the awesome features you see at GitHub, our engineers also contribute their time to keeping our services healthy and helping customers. Let’s talk about a few days in the life of a new Actions on-call engineer: Mona. We’ll take a look at how Mona responds to a variety of incidents, and you’ll see how ChatOps empowers her to remediate incidents quickly and effectively.

Empowering support and on-call engineers

Mona receives a support ticket from a customer who has been having trouble with a few of their Actions runs.

She sees URLs for the runs in the support ticket, but since they belong to a private repository she can’t access them without customer consent, as a customer privacy measure. She needs to quickly identify ways to find the root cause of the issue and help the customer.

Luckily, we have an automated ChatOps tool called “Hubot” for that! Mona asks Hubot about a URL, and Hubot does the analysis for her.

chatops screenshot: Mona runs  `.actions check plan` against a URL

She is able to identify the issue with no effort, and now she has a huge head start in her investigation.

Behind the scenes, Hubot spins up multiple parallel queries to our log aggregation tool, Kusto, performs complex analysis, and reports back on its findings. In this way, we’ve automated a common support procedure into a handy and secure ChatOps command. As a result, Mona was able to diagnose the issue in a fraction of the time it would have taken her to run the necessary queries herself, and she didn’t even need to provision additional resources or DB access for herself to do so—Hubot took care of all of that for her.

Let’s look at another example in which ChatOps commands helped Mona quickly diagnose the impact of some errors. On another fine day, GitHub Actions runs are failing with an error and Mona wants to quickly find the impact. This is a job for ChatOps!

chatops screenshot: Mona runs `.actions kusto annotation "Process completed with exit code 1."`

GitHub Actions telemetry and logs flow into Splunk and Azure Data Explorer (using Kusto Query Language), so Mona can use ChatOps to execute common Kusto queries that help her gain visibility into error logs. Thanks to this ChatOps command, Mona doesn’t have to write the Kusto query herself. All she has to do is execute the ChatOps command, and she’ll get a link to the right query so she can start her investigation.

On-call rotations typically involve analyzing the same things repeatedly—common problems arise with common investigation and remediation steps. This is where ChatOps can help. At GitHub, we take a set of well-defined tasks that we typically perform when incidents occur and codify them into ChatOps. On-call engineers can then reach for these ChatOps tools to greatly increase the speed with which they are able to diagnose and fix issues.

Finding the needle in the haystack

Mona is pretty new to the team, and she loves that there’s a lot of internal documentation on various topics. But soon she realizes there is too much documentation to sort through effectively, especially when remediating high-severity incidents. She is told many times by other engineers on the team, “I know it’s there, but I’m not sure where. It’s definitely somewhere though!” Who can relate?

At GitHub, we invest a lot in documentation. We maintain architecture decision records, or ADRs, across different teams. Besides our repository content, sometimes there are treasures hiding in GitHub Issues. It can be hard to find relevant documentation efficiently, especially information relevant to a specific team, like the GitHub Actions team. This is another place where ChatOps helps. We have a ChatOps command that searches only repositories that are relevant to the Actions team and shows the relevant docs.

chatops screenshot: Mona runs `.actions search GITHUB_TOKEN`

This ChatOps command helps her during on-call shifts as well. In another incident, automated failover of the database isn’t working, and Mona has to manually failover the database. She is sure the instructions she needs are somewhere, but where exactly? Mona types a quick .actions search failover database command into Slack.

chatops screenshot: Mona runs `.actions search failover database`

Voilà! The playbook has been served! A playbook is a set of manual steps for troubleshooting a production issue.

Automating playbooks

Mona has now found the playbooks, but she is overwhelmed by the information.

Just like every service within GitHub, GitHub Actions has its own well-defined SLOs (service level objectives).GitHub’s SLOs are behavior-based rather than resource-based.

However, we also use resource-based alerts, and these sometimes help in quickly root-causing a symptom-based alert. For example, one alert we might see is our “run start delay” SLO signal coupled with high CPU alerts on one of our databases. That is a very solid path toward mitigating and root-causing the incident.

Mona is paged due to a resource-based alert, “database is unhealthy.” There is a lengthy playbook on logical steps to execute for finding the root cause. There could potentially be a wide range of impact from this, and this is not the time to go through manual steps in the playbooks.

She tries to figure out if there is a ChatOps command that would help her by invoking .actions

chatops screeshot: Mona invokes `.actions`

One of the results that Hubot returns, .actions check, seems interesting. Mona wants to check the health of the database and learn more about the issues that are happening.

She invokes help for that command with .actions check help.

chatops screenshot: Mona invokes `.actions check help`

Near the bottom of the list is the sql command, which is exactly what she wants! She then executes the command for the specific database:

chatops screenshot: Mona executes `.actions check sql service_configuration service-ghub-eus2-3`

The root cause is served: worker percentage is high. A single session is blocking others and is waiting on PAGELATCH_SH.

This particular analysis is a simple anomaly-based analysis. Mona looks at the CPU, memory, and worker percentage data between the requested time period and compares that with historic data by using IQR to find outliers. Hubot then switches to analysis of that specific resource and digs in further to find the potential root cause. In the end, Hubot suggests possible mitigation steps and links all resources and queries to do any further analysis.

When there is an active production issue affecting customers, the focus of on-call is to quickly mitigate and root cause. There are always subject matter experts who know more about certain aspects of the code than anyone else, and their mitigation steps and deep insights into potential root causes are generally documented in playbooks. However, during an incident, following the playbook can be challenging. Playbooks can turn out to be huge, with various logical steps for investigation. More and more of GitHub’s incident response activities are moving from static playbooks to ChatOps.

It’s scenarios like these where ChatOps shines. Subject matter experts codify their knowledge by building their time-tested debugging practices into re-usable ChatOps that any on-call engineer can quickly and easily take advantage of. This gives a huge head start to on-call, and they can then take the analysis further and contribute back to the ChatOps, making it even better!

In short, these kinds of reports give a crucial jump-start for on-call and help prevent customer impact with early detection and mitigation.

Looking to the future

You can multiply the impact of your domain experts by building their common workflows into ChatOps. As more and more engineers take advantage of ChatOps during their on-call rotation, ChatOps will get iterated on again and again. In this way, ChatOps can become a sort of living incident playbook that speeds up incident investigation and remediation.

Besides helping the company grow, ChatOps also saves domain experts from doing the same tasks repeatedly. And it’s not just about root cause analysis—we also use ChatOps to deploy, perform mitigations, recycle VMs, upgrade databases, and much more!

If you share the same vision, join us in leveraging ChatOps as living incident playbooks and you’ll see the quality of life for on-call engineers go up, while the time it takes to remediate incidents goes down.

5 DevOps tips to speed up your developer workflow

Post Syndicated from Damian Brady original https://github.blog/2021-11-30-5-devops-tips-to-speed-up-your-developer-workflow/

TL;DR: From learning YAML to scripting with Bash, here are a few simple tips for developers who want to speed up their workflows.

From CI/CD to containerization management and server provisioning, DevOps gets a lot of buzz in tech today. You could even say that it’s a buzz … word.

As a developer, you might be part of a DevOps team, but you’re focused on building great software, not necessarily provisioning servers and managing containers.

Even still, a lot of what developers, DevOps engineers, and IT teams handle in today’s software development life cycle is focused on tools, testing, automations, and server orchestration. And, that’s even more true if you’re a team of one or engaging in a big open source project.

Here are five DevOps tips for any developer looking to work smarter and faster.

Tip #1: A little YAML can make frontend work easier

Initially released in 2001, YAML has become one of the defacto languages for a lot of declarative automation—and it’s commonly used in DevOps and development work for an array of frontend configurations, automations, and more.

YAML, which stands for Yet Another Markup Language, is a superset of JSON and is notable for being a human readable language. That means it focuses less on characters, like brackets, braces, and quotes ({}, [], “).

Here’s why this matters: Learning YAML (or even stepping up your YAML skills) makes it easier to store configurations for your own applications, like your settings in an easy-to-write and easy-to-read language.

For this reason, you’re likely to come across YAML files anywhere from enterprise development workflows to open source projects—and yes, you’ll see plenty of YAML files on GitHub (it powers a product we’re pretty fond of: GitHub Actions, but more on this later).

Whether you can apply YAML directly to your day-to-day dev workflows or leverage different tools that use YAML, there are some pretty big benefits to getting started with this language—or stepping up your YAML skills.

Looking to learn more about YAML? Try the Learn YAML in Y Minutes guide.

Tip #2: A few DevOps tools to keep you moving fast

Let’s clear up one thing first: “DevOps tools” is an umbrella term that covers everything from cloud platforms, server orchestration tools, code management, version control, and dozens of other things.

So when we talk about “DevOps tools,” we’re really talking about technologies that make it easier to write, test, host, and release software, as well as reduce any worries around unexpected failures.

Here are three “DevOps tools” that can speed up your workflows and let you focus on building great software.


You’re on the GitHub Blog, so we’re pretty sure you’re familiar with Git as a version control system and distributed source code management tool. It’s a mainstay of developers and a popular DevOps tool.

Here’s why: Git makes version control easy and gives teams a straightforward way to collaborate, experiment with different branches, and merge new features into the main software branch.

Learn how Git works >

Cloud-hosted integrated development environments (IDE)

I know, I know, saying cloud-hosted integrated development environments, or cloud IDEs, out loud is a bit of a mouthful (thank you, marketing). But these platforms are something you should start exploring immediately, if you haven’t already.

Here’s why: Cloud IDEs are fully hosted developer environments that let you write, run, and debug code—and they make spinning up new, preconfigured environments fast. Do you need proof? We launched our own cloud IDE called Codespaces earlier this year and started using it internally to build GitHub. It used to take us up to 45 minutes to spin up new developer environments—now it takes 10 seconds :mindblown:.

Cloud IDEs give you a super simple way to quickly spin up new, pre-configured development environments (and disposable development environments). Also, since they’re hosted in the cloud, you don’t need to worry about how powerful the computer you’re coding on is (friendly shout out here goes to the intrepid folks who have started coding on tablets).

Picture this: Your laptop fries itself (which has happened to me once or twice). You might have versions of npm, tools for connecting to your cloud provider, and any number of other configurations that you just lost. If you use a cloud IDE, you can spin up an environment in the cloud with all of your configurations, and that’s a magical thing to see.

Learn how cloud IDEs work >


If you don’t want to use a cloud IDE, dev containers are something you can use locally or in the cloud. Containers have exploded in popularity over the past decade for their utility in microservices architectures, CI/CD, and cloud-native application development, among other things. By nature, containers are lightweight and efficient making it easy to build, test, stage, and deploy software.

Learning the basics of containerization can be really handy—especially when it comes to testing your code in a lightweight environment that imitates your production environment. If you need to upgrade a library or try using an application on the next version of Node, you can do that really easily with containers before you hit production.

This can be especially useful for ”shifting left,” which is an important DevOps strategy. Catching issues or problems before you ever hit production can save a lot of headaches. If you can find those issues while you’re writing the code, that’s even better. Any problems will eventually mean more work, so the earlier you can catch them the better. After all, catching a problem before you get to the compiling stage can save you a headache or two.

Learn how containers work >

Tip #3: Automated testing and continuous integration (CI) to stay one step ahead

In any conversation around DevOps, you’ll probably hear about automated testing and continuous integration (CI). Yet while automated testing is typically part of a good CI development practice, it’s not strictly a requirement (but it should be … or at least part of your continuous delivery phase).

Most teams have some basic unit testing as part of their CI process, but stop short of testing for security vulnerabilities, automated UI testing, integration testing, etc.

Even still, these are two things that can help you step up your workflows by: (A) making sure your code works with the main branch; and (B) catching things like security vulnerabilities and other problems, so you can lessen your DevOps team’s workload.

Here’s how:

Using GitHub Actions to run automated tests

From ordering pizza to triggering an alarm, there’s a lot you can do with GitHub Actions. It all comes down to workflow automations.When it comes to setting up automated tests with GitHub Actions, you can either build your own action or leverage pre-built actions in the GitHub Marketplace.

[Learn how to build your own GitHub Actions workflow automations.]> Pro tip: Using Actions workflows that run on pull requests is a great way to check for security vulnerabilities, problems in your code, or anything else before you merge to the main branch. Doing this means you’re one step ahead and helps keep your main branch clean.

[Want to learn more about GitHub Actions? Check out our guide.]You can also configure your workflows to deploy to ephemeral testing environments. This means you can run your tests and deploy your changes to an environment where you can test your application. You can even configure your workflow to automatically tear these testing environments down after you’re finished.

All this means you’re testing things as much as possible before it’s time to go to production.

Using GitHub Actions to create CI pipelines

CI, or continuous integration, is the process of automatically integrating code from multiple people for a given project. A good CI practice means you can work faster, make sure your code compiles correctly, merge code changes more efficiently, and be sure your code plays nice with everyone else’s work.

The most powerful CI workflows are the ones that test all of the things you care about every single time you push your code to the server.

If you’re working on GitHub, GitHub Actions can do this for you, too. There are plenty of pre-built CI workflows in the GitHub Marketplace (and you can always build your own), but there are a few things to keep in mind when you start incorporating CI into your development flow. These include:

  • Run the necessary tests: Think about what build, integration, and testing automations you ideally need. You’ll want to consider things that may have gone wrong with releases in the past, and see if you can add a test for that in your CI.
  • Balance the time it takes to test your code with how fast you’re pushing new code: Let’s say you have teams pushing new code every five minutes (hypothetically), but the tests you’re running take 10 minutes to execute … that’s not great. It’s always best to balance what you’re checking and when with how long it takes, which might mean trimming your ideal list of tests down to a more realistic number, at least for your CI builds.

Get a tutorial on creating a CI pipeline with GitHub Actions >

Tip #4: Server orchestration tips for flexibility and speed

If you’re building a cloud-native application (or really even just using a few different servers, VMs, containers, or hosting services), you’re probably dealing with a few environments. Being able to make sure your application and infrastructure play well together means you can rely a little less on an operations team trying to get your software to run on existing infrastructure at the last minute.

That’s where server orchestration comes in. Server orchestration—or infrastructure orchestration—is often the job of IT and DevOps teams and includes configuring, managing, provisioning, and coordinating systems, applications, and core infrastructure needed to run software.

Pro tip: There’s a suite of tools that allow you to define and update the infrastructure you need to use.

A big advantage of infrastructure automation is improved scalability—and defined environments means it’s easier to tear down and rebuild an environment when something goes wrong (instead of starting from scratch, but we’ve all been there).

There’s another big advantage: If you want to test something, you don’t have to worry about asking the operations team to go and set up a server for you. You can instead do that as part of a workflow. You don’t have to worry about manually provisioning hardware or system requirements.

How to get started: Don’t try to replace everything in your environment with automated infrastructure automation. Instead, look for a part that might be easy to automate and start there—then the next piece and the next piece after that.

And definitely never start in production. Instead, begin with your testing environment. Once that works, move to your staging environment (and if that works, you can trust it’s good for production).

Tip #5: Repeatable tasks? Try scripting them with Bash or PowerShell

Picture this: You have a bunch of repeatable tasks that you’re executing on a local basis, and you’re spending way too much time working through them every week. There’s a better—and more efficient—way to handle this. How? Scripting with either Bash or PowerShell.

Bash has deep roots in the Unix world, and it’s a mainstay of IT and DevOps teams, and more than a few developers too. PowerShell is comparatively newer. Designed by Microsoft and launched in 2006, PowerShell replaced the command shell and earlier scripting languages for task automation and configuration management in Windows environments.

Today, both Bash and PowerShell are cross-platform (though most people with a Windows background will use PowerShell, and most people familiar with Linux or macOS will use Bash out of habit).

Pro tip: Bash and PowerShell have different ways of working. Where PowerShell works with objects, Bash passes information around as strings. Even still, whatever you choose is largely up to personal preference.

One of the more useful things I’ve done with Bash and PowerShell, for example, is building a script that pulls down the latest version of the code, creates a new branch, switches to that branch, pushes a draft pull request up to GitHub, and then opens VSCode (sub in your editor of choice here) in that branch.

It’s a series of small steps to make your life much easier. It’s something you might do once or twice a week, and if you can script that—it gives you more time to focus on what matters: writing great code.

The bottom line

There’s a big difference between an IT pro, a DevOps engineer, and a developer. But in today’s world of software development, a lot of core DevOps practices are becoming everyone’s job. Plus, any developer that can learn a few DevOps tricks can have an easier time working independently (and more efficiently at that), and continue to focus on what matters most: building great software. That’s something we can all get behind.

Additional resources

GraphQL global ID migration update

Post Syndicated from Andrew Hoglund original https://github.blog/2021-11-16-graphql-global-id-migration-update/

We are pleased to announce that we have now completed the first phase of rolling out the new GraphQL global ID format. This means that all newly created GraphQL objects have IDs that conform to a new format, which we refer to as next IDs. It also means we’ve hit a major milestone as we work towards improving our scalability and speed. In this post, we’d like to give you some details as to how you can begin migrating to the next format for older IDs.

Why is this necessary?

The current format of Global IDs in our GraphQL API will not support our projected growth over the coming years due to limitations with the data encoded in the IDs. The next format gives us the ability to handle your requests even faster by being able to build queries that will be optimized for our database clusters. We will continue to support the legacy IDs for the short term, after which we will sunset them. We are asking that you use the provided tools (more on that below) to migrate your implementations, caches, and data records to reference a next ID for older objects. Doing so will ensure that the response times of your requests will remain consistent and small. It will also ensure that nothing in your application will break once we finally sunset usage of the legacy IDs.

Do I need to do anything?

You only need to react to this announcement if you store references to GraphQL IDs, which always correspond to the id field for any object in the schema. If you don’t store these, then you can continue to interact with the API with no effect on your service. If you currently decode IDs, your service may break as the underlying data format of the IDs has changed. We suggest you migrate your service to treat these IDs as opaque strings. We guarantee the IDs will be unique, therefore you can rely on them directly as references.

How do I migrate my service?

If you have determined that you do need to migrate your service to the next IDs, we have introduced new functionality to help you do so. You can now pass a header in your API requests to the GraphQL API to receive updated IDs. This header works by forcing the response payload to always return the next ID for any object in which you’ve requested the id field. The name of the header is:


This header can be set to two values, 1 or 0. Setting the value to 1 will force the value for all id fields in your query to return the next ID format. Setting the value to 0 will revert to default behavior, which is to show legacy or next IDs depending on their creation date.

Here is an example request using curl:

$ curl \
  -H "Authorization: token $GITHUB_TOKEN" \
  -H "X-Github-Next-Global-ID: 1" \
  https://api.github.com/graphql \
  -d '{ "query": "{ node(id: \"MDQ6VXNlcjM0MDczMDM=\") { id } }" }'

And the response will contain the next ID:


The legacy ID of MDQ6VXNlcjM0MDczMDM= was used in the node query, and the response contains the ID in the next format. Using this mechanism, you will be able to call the API with the legacy IDs you have referenced in your application. The next ID received in the response can then be used to update those references. We suggest that you update all references to legacy IDs and use them for any subsequent requests to the API. Remember that you can submit multiple node queries in one API call (using aliases) to perform bulk operations.

Another option for migrating IDs would be to use the ids returned in the nodes field for a collection of items. For example, if you wanted to convert all the repositories in your organization, you could do something like the following:

  organization(login: "github") {
    repositories(last: 10) {
      edges {
        node {

As long as you have a reference to the name of a repository (or some other unique field on an object), you could use this method to update your references in bulk.

Please also note that setting the X-Github-Next-Global-ID to 1 will affect the return value of every id field in your query. This means that even when you submit a non-node query, you will get back the new format ID if you requested the id field.

Tell us what you think

If you have any concerns about the rollout of this change impacting your app, please contact us and include information, such as your app name so that we can better assist you.

Highlights from Git 2.34

Post Syndicated from Taylor Blau original https://github.blog/2021-11-15-highlights-from-git-2-34/

The open source Git project just released Git 2.34 with features and bug fixes from over 109 contributors, 29 of them new. We last caught up with you on the latest in Git back when 2.33 was released. To celebrate this most recent release, here’s GitHub’s look at some of the most interesting features and changes introduced since last time.

Sparse index

In the past, we’ve talked about new Git features to make it possible to work with large repositories, like partial clones and sparse-checkout. For a complete description, check out the linked blog posts. But as a refresher, these two features work together to allow you to:

  • Fetch or clone only part of a repository’s objects, and
  • Only populate part of your working copy, typically scoped to a set of

This pair of features is designed to create the illusion that you are working in a much smaller repository than you actually are. For instance, if your work takes place in an all-encompassing monorepo, your local copy only needs to contain the parts of the repository that you frequently work in.

But often, this illusion falls short. Why? The answer is the index. The index is the data structure Git uses to track what will be written the next time you run git commit, as well as to track the state of every file in your repository at the current point in history.

As you can imagine, even if you are working in a small corner of a large repository, the index still has to keep track of the repository’s entire contents, not just the parts that you are working in. Unfortunately, that overhead adds up: every time Git needs work with the index, it needs to parse and write out a lot of data that doesn’t affect the parts of your repository outside of your sparse checkout.

That’s changing in this release with the addition of a sparse-enabled index. Unlike the index of previous versions, this release enables the index to only track the parts of your repository that you care about. Specifically, it only contains entries for parts of your repository that are either in your sparse checkout, or at the boundary between your sparse checkout and the rest of the repository.

Collapsing to a sparse index

Triangles represent trees and boxes represent blobs. Left: a representation of a non-sparse index’s contents. Right: a sparse-ified index.

The high-level details here are that the index format now understands that specially marked directories indicate the boundary between the contents of your sparse checkout and the parts of your repository that you don’t have checked out. But the process of implementing this new format, teaching sub-commands how to use it, and making sure that the sparse index can be expanded to a full index is much more detailed.

For all of the details behind this exciting new feature, check out a comprehensive blog post published by Derrick Stolee last week: Making your monorepo feel small with Git’s sparse index.

[source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source]

Multi-pack reachability bitmaps

In a previous blog post, we talked about a new feature to enable reachability bitmaps to keep track of objects stored in multiple packs within your object store.

This release of Git contains the remaining components described in that blog post. If you haven’t read it, here’s a summary. When serving a fetch, a Git server needs to send the client everything reachable from the set of objects they want, less anything reachable from the set that they already have. (You can think of a clone as a “special case” fetch where the client wants everything and has nothing).

In order to compute this set efficiently, Git can use reachability bitmaps. One of these .bitmap files stores a set of bitmaps, each corresponding to some commit. The contents of an individual bitmap is a string of bits, one per object, indicating which objects are reachable from each commit.

In the past, the contents of a reachability bitmap were tied to the order of objects within a single packfile. This meant that a bitmap could only cover objects in one packfile. In other words, bitmaps were only useful if you could efficiently pack the entire contents of your repository down into a single packfile.

For many repositories, writing all objects into the same pack is completely feasible. But the effort it takes to write a pack (including searching for deltas between objects, compressing individual objects, and I/O cost) scales with the size of the pack you’re writing.

Git 2.34 introduces a new bitmap format that is instead tied to the contents of the multi-pack index file. This means that a bitmap can now flexibly represent objects in multiple packs, and server operators no longer need to repack their biggest repositories into a single pack in order to take full advantage of reachability bitmaps.

For more details, including some of the steps required to make this new feature work, see the aforementioned blog post.

[source, source, source]

A new default merge strategy

In an earlier blog post, we explained Git’s newest merge strategy: ort. Here are some of the basics:

When Git needs to merge two branches, it uses one of several “strategy” backends in order to resolve the changes or emit conflicts when two changes cannot be reconciled.

For years, Git has used a strategy called “recursive”. If you have ever done a merge in Git without passing -s <strategy>, then you have almost certainly used the recursive engine. Recursive behaves mostly like a standard three-way merge, with one exception. In the case of “criss-cross” merges (where there isn’t a single merge base), recursive merges multiple bases together in pairs (recursively) in order to produce a single tree which is then treated as the new merge base. This makes it possible to resolve cases where a traditional three-way merge might produce a conflict.

In recent versions of Git, there has been an ongoing effort to replace the recursive strategy with a new one called ort (short for “ostensibly recursive‘s twin”). Why do this? There are a few reasons, but perhaps the most compelling is that a rewrite allowed Git to implement a merge strategy that doesn’t operate on the index (that same one we talked about a couple of sections ago)!

ort does just that: it’s a full-blown rewrite of the merge strategy that aims to emulate the same concepts behind recursive while avoiding many of its long-standing performance and correctness problems. In a merge containing many renames, ort outperforms recursive by 500x. For a series of similar merges (like in a rebase operation), the speedup is over 9000x, in part due to ort’s ability to cache and reuse results from previous merges.

These numbers show off some of the worst-case scenarios for recursive, but in testing, ort consistently outperforms recursive with much less variance. In Git 2.34, ort is now the default merge strategy, so you should notice faster merges with fewer bugs just by upgrading.

For more details about the ort merge strategy, see our earlier blog post, or any one of a six-part series of posts written by ort‘s creator, Elijah Newren: part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, and part six.



Now that we have looked at some of the bigger features in detail, let’s turn to a handful of smaller topics from this release.

  • You might be aware that Git allows you to sign your work by attaching your PGP signature to certain objects. For example, the Git project itself publishes tags signed by the maintainer in order to verify that each release comes from someone trustworthy.

    But the experience of using GPG and maintaining keys can be somewhat
    cumbersome. One alternative is to use a new feature of OpenSSH (released
    back in OpenSSH 8.0) that allows using the SSH key you likely already have as a signing key.

    Git 2.34 includes support to take advantage of this feature and allows you to sign your work using SSH keys. To try it out, you can either set user.signingKey to the SSH key you want to use (for example, by asking your ssh-agent for a list with ssh-add -L), or set gpg.format to ssh and gpg.ssh.defaultKeyCommand to ssh-add -L in order to automatically use the first SSH key available.

    After configuring Git to sign objects using your SSH keys, you can use git
    commit -S
    , git merge -S, and git tag -s as usual, and they will automatically use your SSH key.

    For more information about the new configuration options, including information about how to verify SSH signatures with an “allowed signers” file, check out the documentation.

    [source, source, source]

  • If you’ve ever accidentally typed git psuh when you meant push, you
    might have seen this message:

    $ git psuh
    git: 'psuh' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.
    The most similar command is

    You have always been able to control this behavior by setting the
    help.autoCorrect configuration. You can hide this advice by setting that
    configuration to never, or let Git automatically rerun the most similar
    command for you immediately or with a delay (by setting immediate, or a
    real number of seconds to wait before rerunning your command).

    In Git 2.34, you can now configure Git to ask you interactively whether you
    want to rerun your last operation with the suggested command by setting
    help.autoCorrect to prompt.


In Git 2.34, a handful of patch series were focused on improving the performance of interacting with other repositories. Here’s a pair of tidbits that improves the performance of git fetch and git push:

  • When fetching from a remote, your client needs to do some bookkeeping before
    and after it receives a set of objects from the remote.

    Before anything happens, your client needs to figure out what it has in common with the remote it’s fetching from, and what commits it wants as a result. Previously, this process was somewhat wasteful: Git used to load commit objects directly when they could instead have been read from the commit-graph, resulting in much improved performance. In Git 2.34, commits loaded in this code path use the commit-graph when possible. The effect of this scales with the number of references in your repository: in an example repository with over 2 million references, it cuts the time it takes to fetch a single commit by more than half.


  • Another patch series made a handful of improvements to updating local references when fetching, along with some changes to improve fetch negotiation, as well as skipping the connectivity check (which I’ll talk about in more detail in the next tidbit) when the receiving end had already verified the connectedness of the new objects. These changes together contributed similarly impressive performance improvements to the git fetch command.


You might have heard of “submodules,” the Git feature that allows combining multiple repositories by storing links to other repositories. Submodules have been somewhat neglected over the years, but this release brought renewed attention to the feature. Here are just some of the changes that enhance submodules:

  • It might be a surprise to learn that, though the majority of Git is written in C, the original git submodule command is actually a shell script!

    The Git project has been converting many of its subcommands written in other languages into C. Reimplementing subcommands as C programs means that
    they can be read and written more easily, take advantage of Git’s comprehensive libraries, and avoid the overhead of spawning many processes, especially on platforms where the new process overhead is rather costly.

    In Git 2.34, many parts of the git submodule command were rewritten in C.
    This project was completed by Atharva Raykar, who is a Google Summer of Code
    student. You can check out their final report here, along with Git’s other GSoC participant ZheNing Hu’s report here.

    [source, source, source]

  • While we’re on the topic of submodules, one thing you might not know is that
    when using commands that deal with objects from both the submodule and the
    repository containing it, the submodule is temporarily added as an alternate
    object store of the other repository!

    Alternates are Git’s object borrowing mechanism, which allow you to in effect link multiple object stores together. When using a repository with alternates, any object lookups that fail to find an object are retried in that repository’s alternate.

    In order to make both the objects in a submodule and the objects in the repository that contains that submodule available to git grep (among a select set of
    other commands), the submodule would temporarily be added as an alternate for the duration of that command.

    If you’re thinking to yourself, “this is a hack”, then you’re not alone. Git has made internal changes to parameterize many functions in terms of a repository (which is usually the global the_repository). This allowed Git to avoid combining multiple repositories via alternates and instead make function calls by passing two (or more) separate repository instances. This enables Git to avoid hackily relying on the alternates mechanism, which produced less confusing and error-prone code as a result.

    [source, source, source]

  • One last submodule-related topic (though there are more we couldn’t fit here!). If you are cloning a repository that you know to contain submodules, it is often useful to pass the --recurse-submodules, which will cause that repository’s submodules to be cloned and initialized, too.

    But other commands that can optionally recurse into submodules (like git diff, for example) don’t themselves recurse into submodules by default, even when you cloned with --recurse-submodules. In Git 2.34, this is no longer the case, with one caveat: when cloning with --recurse-submodules, other commands only recurse into submodules if the submodule.stickyRecursiveClone configuration is set, to prevent commands from unintentionally running in submodules.


Now that I’ve listed out a few of the submodule-related changes, let’s get back
to the rest of the tidbits:

  • If you’ve ever scripted around Git, you have almost certainly run into Git’s cat-file plumbing command. This tool can be used to print out a single object (by providing the object name as an argument), a stream of objects (by providing line-delimited object names over stdin), or all objects in your repository (with --batch-all-objects).

    This low-level command accidentally took into account replace refs, which produced confusing results when combined with --batch-all-objects, resulting in it not actually showing all objects in your repository if some were hidden by refs/replace.

    Dropping support for replacement refs made it possible for cat-file to reuse some information when it is given --batch-all-objects. Namely, to populate the list of objects, it iterates each object in each pack and therefore knows the byte offset within each pack where each object can be found. Previous versions of Git did not reuse this information when looking up objects to parse them, but Git 2.34 retains this information.

    This makes it possible to process an object’s metadata much more quickly by avoiding having to locate it twice. In a copy of torvalds/linux, the time it takes to print the name and type of each object (for the curious, that’s git cat-file --batch-check='%(objectname) %(objecttype)' --batch-all-objects --unordered) dropped from 8.1 seconds to just 4.3 seconds.


  • There has been a recent concerted effort to remove some memory leaks from Git’s code. Unlike library code, Git typically has a very short runtime. This makes the need to free allocated memory much less urgent, since if a process is about to exit, all memory allocated to it will be “freed” by the operating system.

    A recent patch has made it so that Git’s integration tests can be run in a mode that ensures no memory is leaked (by setting GIT_TEST_PASSING_SANITIZE_LEAK=true in the environment). Since Git’s test suite still contains memory leaks in some tests, a new mode was added to run only tests that have been specifically marked as being leak-free. That way, when Git is compiled with leak detection (by running make SANITIZE=leak), you can easily spot regressions in tests that were supposedly leak-free.

    Building off this new infrastructure, there have been many patch series that remove leaks from the code in various places.

    [source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source]

  • When you need to get some debugging information out of a Git process, like what version you’re running, or how much time it spent in a particular region, the trace2 mechanism is a good choice. Often, looking at these logs is like looking at a piece of a puzzle. For example, when you run git fetch, you actually run git fetch-pack, which then invokes git upload-pack on the remote, which itself invokes git pack-objects.

    Trace2 output includes information about when child processes are started and stopped (and consequently, how long they took to run), but what if you’re trying to figure out something more basic than that, like what process you were started by? In other words, if you’re stuck looking at output from a slow git pack-objects, how do you figure out whether it was a fetch (in which case it would have been started by upload-pack) or part of a repository repack (which here would be started by git repack)?

    Git 2.34 includes additional debugging information in trace2 output to indicate the full ancestry of a process, so you can easily read out the name of the program a process was started by, like so:

    $ cat trace2.log
    21:14:38.170730 common-main.c:48                  version 2.34.0.rc1.14.g88d915a634
    21:14:38.170810 common-main.c:49                  start /home/ttaylorr/src/git/git pack-objects git pack-objects --revs --thin --stdout --progress --delta-base-offset
    21:14:38.174325 compat/linux/procinfo.c:170       cmd_ancestry sh <- git-upload-pack <- sh <- git <- zsh <- sshd <- systemd

    (Above, you can see that pack-objects was run by git upload-pack, which was run by sh–that’s where we inserted the trace point via uploadpack.packObjectsHook, which was run by git, in my shell, over sshd, which was started by systemd.)

    [source, source]

  • In a previous post, we talked about the background maintenance daemon, which can be used to perform routine repository maintenance in the background (like pre-fetching, or repacking the objects in your repository).

    When this feature was first released back in Git 2.31, it had support for cron on Linux, launchctl on macOS, and schtasks on Windows. Git 2.34 brings support for systemd-based timers on Linux. This has a few benefits over cron: cron may not be available everywhere, and using systemd isolates each service into its own cgroup and writes its logs separately.

    If you want to use systemd instead of the default scheduler, you can run:

    $ git maintenance start --scheduler=systemd


  • In a previous blog post, we talked about how git rebase works, and how to move a complicated branching structure elsewhere in your repository’s history.

    The brief history is that this used to be done with the --preserve-merges option, which attempted to replay merges elsewhere in history. Confusingly, this mode uses rebase’s interactive machinery internally, so attempting to manually edit the rebase sequence (with git rebase -i) often produced counterintuitive results.

    The --rebase-merges option fixed many of these issues and has been the recommended replacement of --preserve-merges for some time now. In Git 2.34, the --preserve-merges option is now gone for good.


  • You might have used git grep to quickly search through your code. But you might not have known that git log has a --grep=<expression> option, which allows you to filter through commits produced by git log to only show ones whose commit messages match the provided expression.

    In previous versions, the --grep option only filtered down which results were presented in the output of git log. But in Git 2.34, git log now knows how to colorize the parts of its output that matched the provided expression, like so:


  • Last but not least, if you’re using Git in a terminal on Windows, you might have noticed that your terminal is left in a weird state after running git commit, or git rebase, like in this issue.

    This was because Git shares its terminal with any child processes it spawns, including your $EDITOR. If your editor sets special terminal settings but does not clear them upon exiting, it can leave your terminal in a broken state.

    Git 2.34 introduces functionality to save and restore the terminal settings before and after launching your editor. That means that even misbehaving editors cannot corrupt your terminal since it will always be restored to the state it was in before launching the editor.


The rest of the iceberg

That’s just a sample of changes from the latest release. For more, check out the release notes for 2.34, or any previous version in the Git repository.

Make your monorepo feel small with Git’s sparse index

Post Syndicated from Derrick Stolee original https://github.blog/2021-11-10-make-your-monorepo-feel-small-with-gits-sparse-index/

One way that Git scales to the largest monorepos is the sparse-checkout feature, which allows you to focus on a subset of the files. This is supposed to make it feel like you are actually in a small repository, even though you are contributing to a large repository.

There’s only one problem: the Git index is still large in a monorepo, and users can feel it. Until now.

The Git index is a critical data structure in Git. It serves as the “staging area” between the files you have on your filesystem and your commit history. When you run git add, the files from your working directory are hashed and stored as objects in the index, leading them to be “staged changes”. When you run git commit, the staged changes as stored in the index are used to create that new commit. When you run git checkout, Git takes the data from a commit and writes it to the working directory and the index.

The working directory, index, and commit history

In addition to storing your staged changes, the index also stores filesystem information about your working directory. This helps Git report changed files more quickly. One problem is that the index stores this information for every file at HEAD, even if those files are outside of the sparse-checkout definition. This means that the index can be much larger in a monorepo than it would be if your important subset of files was in its own repository.

Throughout the past year, the Git Fundamentals team at GitHub contributed a new feature to Git called the sparse index, which allows the index to focus on the files within the sparse-checkout cone. If you are in a repository that can use sparse-checkout, then you can enable the sparse index using these commands:

git sparse-checkout init --cone --sparse-index
git sparse-checkout set <dir1> <dir2> ... <dirN>

The size of the sparse index will scale with the number of files within your chosen directories, instead of the full size of your repository. When enabled with a number of other performance features, this can have a dramatic performance impact.

As we built the sparse index, we tested its performance against a large monorepo that has over two million files at HEAD, and with a sparse-checkout definition that populated the working directory with about 100,000 of those files. We then compared the performance between having a normal “full” index, a sparse index, and a repository that only contained the files matching the sparse-checkout definition.

Command performance by index and repository type

The chart above demonstrates the significant performance improvements enabled by the sparse index. The bottom bars for each Git command show the runtime without the sparse index. The middle bars show the runtime of the same commands with the sparse index enabled. The top bars show the runtime of these commands, except in a repository that only contained the files within the sparse-checkout cone, representing the theoretical optimum. Since the sparse index still contains pointers to the rest of the monorepo, there is still some overhead. This overhead is hardly noticeable, since the difference is at most 60 milliseconds, even in the worst case above.

Today, I will go deep into the design and implementation of the sparse index. In particular, I’ll focus on how the Git community made such a significant change to a critical data structure in a safe way. I will include links to the actual changes in the Git codebase as I go.

This post is going to go deep into the guts of Git. If you are unfamiliar with Git’s object model, then learn about commits, trees, and blobs before continuing.

You can also get an overview of the sparse index alongside several other advanced Git features in this presentation I gave with colleague Lessley Dennington at the GitHub Nova event.

First, let’s dig into the Git index to understand its structure and purpose. I’ll use the derrickstolee/trace2-flamechart repository as a concrete example (and to generate some of the figures). If you want to follow along with the Git commands shown, then clone that repository.

The Git index

The index file stores a list of every file at HEAD, along with the object ID for its blob and some metadata. This list of files is stored as a flat list and Git parses the index into an array.

You can expose the list of files in the index using the git ls-files command:

$ git ls-files

In this repository, many of the files live in an examples/ directory, but you don’t actually need them for the functionality of the code, which lives in the bin/ directory. You can focus the repository only on the necessary files using the git sparse-checkout command:

$ ls
LICENSE     README.md     bin       examples   package.json
$ git sparse-checkout init --cone --sparse-index
$ git sparse-checkout set bin
$ ls
LICENSE     README.md     bin       package.json

Even though I used the sparse-checkout command to reduce the size of the working directory, my git ls-files command will return the same set of files as before. In fact, I can dig in a little more and expose some more information using git ls-files --debug.

$ git ls-files --debug
  ctime: 1634910503:287405820
  mtime: 1634910503:287405820
  dev: 16777220 ino: 119325319
  uid: 501  gid: 20
  size: 1098    flags: 0
  ctime: 1634910503:288090279
  mtime: 1634910503:288090279
  dev: 16777220 ino: 119325320
  uid: 501  gid: 20
  size: 934 flags: 0
  ctime: 1634910767:828434033
  mtime: 1634910767:828434033
  dev: 16777220 ino: 119325520
  uid: 501  gid: 20
  size: 7292    flags: 0
  ctime: 0:0
  mtime: 0:0
  dev: 0    ino: 0
  uid: 0    gid: 0
  size: 0   flags: 40004000

The above output is truncated, but it shows that each index entry contains additional filesystem information for each path. The last entry listed shows what happens for a file that is outside of the sparse-checkout definition: all of the filesystem information is removed and the flags entry has some bits enabled. These bits include a SKIP_WORKTREE bit that signifies that Git will not write that file to the working directory.

If these files are not written to disk, then why are they listed in the index at all? The reason is that Git still needs to understand the content that would be there if the index was expanded. Further, that information is used to generate a commit with the git commit command.

In the Git codebase, there is a test helper that can show additional information from the index: test-tool read-cache. (You won’t have this command if you just have normal Git installed.) Running it here, you can see that the index also stores the object IDs for every file:

$ test-tool read-cache --table
100644 blob 646521d0d6c070e6f15e0f5828be1127d3b75503    LICENSE
100644 blob b230b3a6e2d81d50dc00177e970a10726b5baf08    README.md
100755 blob 918533d51c7a5f91622311893dcfd40bfd4f43d7    bin/index.js
100644 blob e0f88531b916b92821476760672e8161b9954898    examples/fetch/git-fetch-after.png
100644 blob f4a523cd1acb0a9d2620970ad7a43405d6e305dc    examples/fetch/git-fetch-after.svg
100644 blob fc4e30dca5fcb0c3d2031dc82a43d5d644e26b41    examples/fetch/git-fetch-after.txt
100644 blob 15dc889965617df3b5a30cf01e52c491e41c59c1    examples/fetch/git-fetch-before.png
100644 blob 602bd5bcbd815914a035d0d4f0d2a3896f600de2    examples/fetch/git-fetch-before.svg
100644 blob bc40a8e4658d17c35de996f3655e737b85ce7ad9    examples/fetch/git-fetch-before.txt
100644 blob 356cdd36e0d78a62af8b010d25d658054bb6fdc7    examples/fetch/git-fetch-combined.png
100644 blob cc0c23f2c8a822c51a17c46268f38c2268b400ae    examples/fetch/git-fetch-combined.svg
100644 blob dfc0893d172d841d971e206461466db935b7c192    examples/maintenance/trace.png
100644 blob a10a876472e46c6ae58e6fc6e2adc64d4dae809b    examples/maintenance/trace.svg
100644 blob 8f5e8bfbc44674feb3aa96e0b7bf1bf717495658    examples/maintenance/trace.txt
100644 blob a4599a9e0a01c28a2c0a622457664fc8c55bfdf9    package.json

Notice in particular how every single row lists the object type as blob, meaning a file. Also, the bin/index.js file has executable permissions, so the file permission column shows 100755 instead of 100644 like the others. This is all important metadata to store for each index entry.

To visualize the index, the diagram below displays our blobs as boxes in a line in the order given above, but it represents the trees that connect the root tree to those blobs as triangles. Thus, the root tree has two subtrees for bin/ and examples/, and the examples/ subtree has two subtrees for fetch/ and maintenance/.

full index

This figure represents all of the links between the trees and blobs. However, the core index data structure stores only the list of blobs as a flat list. The nesting tree structure does not exist in the core of the file.

However, there is an extension to the format that includes the information of the nesting directories: the cache-tree extension. Each node of the cache-tree stores a list of sub-nodes and a range of index entries that are covered by the current node. Each node stores the object ID for the tree it represents.

The index and the cache tree

The root node always covers all of the blobs in the index. The contained nodes have ranges contained within that range.

Git commands such as git add update the cache-tree extension in order to make the next git commit command very fast. To create the new commit, Git can use the tree from the root of the cache-tree extension.

Many Git commands use the index in many different ways. Some commands compare the working directory to the index and update one or the other when there is a difference. Others compare the index and a commit. Some compare multiple indexes together. Some use the cache-tree extension to navigate the nested tree structure, but mostly they scan the flat list of files in the form of an array.

The index affects Git performance at scale

The index can be very large in monorepos. I will show Git performance data from an example monorepo that has over two million files at HEAD. Even using the latest compression techniques available, the index file is over 180 MB in this monorepo.

This has a significant effect on normal Git commands. Presented below is an annotated flamechart of a git status command with one of these large indexes. The x-axis represents time since the start of the command, and each rectangle represents a region of Git’s execution that is marked by its trace2 logging library.

`git status` with full index

Three regions are annotated here:

  1. The index is read from disk and parsed into memory.
  2. The working directory is compared to the index. This triggers a lazy initialization of some hash tables that are required for this effort.
  3. The modified index is written to disk.

Parsing is multi-threaded, but writes are not. This explains some of the differences in how long those actions take.

Clearly, the amount of data in the index is a significant portion of this command. This also affects other commands such as git add and git commit, which are expected to be fast.

This performance concern became abundantly clear when our monorepo customer wanted to group more dependencies within the monorepo. Some teams had isolated Git repositories that were hundreds of times smaller than the monorepo, but these repositories created packages that were consumed by the monorepo, causing complications in tracking dependencies. The hope was that they could merge into the monorepo and rely on sparse-checkout to make it feel like they were still working in a small repository. The user experience was actually much worse, and the root cause was the time it took to read and write the index.

The main culprit is that there are millions of index entries corresponding to files these users do not care about for their daily work. When they push to the server and create a pull request, the build machines can handle the massive scale of building the entire tree and verifying that the small change works within the larger whole of the monorepo. Users should not need to pay that cost.

As members of the Git Fundamentals team, we are very focused on Git performance, and the index has been on our minds for years. For example, the index is a bottleneck for the VFS for Git environment, but that environment has particular needs that prevent improvements in this area.

The biggest thing that has changed recently is the creation of “cone mode” sparse-checkout patterns. These use directory-based pattern matching instead of file-based pattern matching. While cone mode was originally designed to speed up pattern matching in the sparse-checkout feature, it has now unlocked a new way to shrink the index.

The sparse index

The sparse index differs from a normal “full” index in one aspect: it can store directory paths with the object ID for its tree object. This is in addition to the file paths which are paired with blob objects. Since the cone mode sparse-checkout patterns match on a directory level, we can determine that an entire directory is out of the sparse-checkout cone and replace all of its contained file paths with a single directory path.

Back in my example derrickstolee/trace2-flamegraph repository, you can enable the sparse index command and then use the test-tool read-cache tool to show the contents of the index.

$ git sparse-checkout init --cone --sparse-index
$ test-tool read-cache --table
100644 blob 646521d0d6c070e6f15e0f5828be1127d3b75503    LICENSE
100644 blob b230b3a6e2d81d50dc00177e970a10726b5baf08    README.md
100755 blob 918533d51c7a5f91622311893dcfd40bfd4f43d7    bin/index.js
040000 tree b395192a7adbf21793f9489f3623c117802b2043    examples/
100644 blob a4599a9e0a01c28a2c0a622457664fc8c55bfdf9    package.json

Similar to my previous visualizations, you can now see how the index contains a directory entry in addition to the four blobs.

sparse index

The sparse directory entries correspond to directories that are just outside of the sparse-checkout definition. These directories also have a cache-tree node whose range is only one entry: that sparse directory entry.

I can even display the full details of the --debug output for git ls-files. This currently requires a --sparse flag that I have implemented in my personal fork of Git, but a similar feature will eventually be available in the core Git client.

$ git ls-files --debug --sparse
  ctime: 1634910503:287405820
  mtime: 1634910503:287405820
  dev: 16777220 ino: 119325319
  uid: 501  gid: 20
  size: 1098    flags: 200000
  ctime: 1634910503:288090279
  mtime: 1634910503:288090279
  dev: 16777220 ino: 119325320
  uid: 501  gid: 20
  size: 934 flags: 200000
  ctime: 1634910767:828434033
  mtime: 1634910767:828434033
  dev: 16777220 ino: 119325520
  uid: 501  gid: 20
  size: 7292    flags: 200000
  ctime: 0:0
  mtime: 0:0
  dev: 0    ino: 0
  uid: 0    gid: 0
  size: 0   flags: 40004000
  ctime: 1634910503:288676330
  mtime: 1634910503:288676330
  dev: 16777220 ino: 119325321
  uid: 501  gid: 20
  size: 680 flags: 200000

This output is not truncated as it was before, and you can see that the sparse directory entry for examples/ is the only one with blank filesystem data. It also has the same flags value as the sparse file entries did before.

By removing the number of index entries as well as reducing the average path length, you can shrink the index size significantly. In our example monorepo, most users will reduce their index size from 180 MB to less than 10 MB!

Back to our monorepo, let’s try that git status example again and create a new flamechart. Here, I compare the flamechart for git status with a full index followed by one with a sparse index.

Annotated `git status` flame chart

With the sparse index, the git status command drops from 1.3 seconds to under 200 milliseconds! In the flame chart above I highlighted some regions that have similar appearance in each run. These represent the parts of the git status command that are actually walking the working directory and doing work independent of the index size. Everything else is slower in the full index case entirely because of the size of the index!

Building the sparse index safely

Pruning the index at the directory level is a relatively simple idea with a rather complicated result: our flat list of paths now contains two types of Git objects! There are dozens of places in the Git codebase that interact directly with the index in subtly different ways, and all of them are expecting every index entry to point to a blob object.

In order to make such a change to a critical data structure, we needed to first create a compatibility layer. To safely interact with a sparse index, we needed a way to expand a sparse index to an equivalent full index. This way, code paths that have not been integrated and tested with a sparse index can still be used, even if the on-disk format is sparse.

In the Git codebase, we started by creating the ensure_full_index() method, which converts a sparse index into a full one. This method inspects the list for directory entries and replaces them with its contained file entries. Since the directory is outside of the sparse-checkout cone, we could ignore all of the filesystem metadata information and populate the list by traversing the tree objects under that directory. Before anything else happens, the ensure_full_index() method is called immediately after parsing the index so no interactions with the index happen until the sparse directories are removed.

Expanding to a full index

When Git expands a sparse index to a full one, it scans the entries in lexicographic order. If the entry is a file, then Git copies it to the new list. If the entry is a directory, then the tree at that location is passed to the read_tree_at() method to iterate over all contained blobs. For each contained blob, Git generates an index entry for the corresponding file. Finally, the index entry list is copied back into the index and the index is no longer sparse.

Once that protection was in place, we extended Git to write the sparse index format. When writing the index, a full index is converted to a sparse one in-memory using the convert_to_sparse() method.

Collapsing to a sparse index

To convert from a full index to a sparse one, Git uses the cache-tree extension to find the object ID for our new sparse directory entries. The existing file entries are copied, and Git inserts the directory entries as needed.

Once these steps were built, we could verify that the index size was shrinking to the scale we expected. Both of these steps were included in a single series that introduced the format and implemented the conversions.

While it is nice that the index size has shrunk, we couldn’t stop there. The index is a very compact data structure, so it is more efficient to read it from disk than to recreate it by parsing trees. The ensure_full_index() method takes noticeably longer to expand a sparse index to a full one than it would take to read a full one from disk. In order to gain the performance benefits of a sparse index, we needed to teach Git what to do when encountering sparse directory entries.

Before embarking on these integrations, we first set up more guardrails. A new setting, command_requires_full_index, was created which is enabled by default. This setting is used to trigger ensure_full_index() upon parsing a sparse index unless the Git command being run has explicitly disabled the setting. This allowed us to integrate with Git commands one-by-one without disrupting the behavior of other Git commands. In addition to these settings, we inserted calls to ensure_full_index() before most index interactions. to make sure that we were operating on a full index in any code path that might iterate over the index entries. This allowed us to find which code paths needed integration: we could debug a Git command with a breakpoint on ensure_full_index() and see the call stack that led to that expansion.

The first command to integrate with the sparse index was git status. In hindsight, this was a challenging command to use as a starting point, because it performs multiple index operations that are common to other commands. This became clear when integrating with git checkout and git commit because most of the work was already done in the git status integration.

Let’s explore some of the smaller interactions that needed special care with directory entries.

Example implementation detail: git diff

The git diff command can show what is different between different representations of a working directory. There are two interesting cases that involve the index: comparing the working directory to the index, and comparing the index to a commit.

With no other arguments, git diff shows the differences in the working directory compared to what is staged in the index. This algorithm is mostly simple to integrate with the sparse index: while walking the working directory, Git drills into a directory only if it exists. If the sparse directory entries in the sparse index do not appear as directories in the working directory, then it never tries to drill into the sparse directory entries. If Git finds that a sparse directory entry does exist in the filesystem as a real directory, then the ensure_full_index() method expands the index and Git continues as normal. This is not desired, so we did everything possible to make sure that these directories do not exist, including updating the sparse-checkout feature to delete ignored files outside the cone.

The git diff --cached command compares the files staged in the index with the commit at HEAD. Here, it is easier to have differences outside the sparse-checkout cone, such as when using git reset --soft to change the HEAD commit without changing the working directory or index. In this case, the git diff --cached command wants to compare the root tree for the HEAD commit to the files in the index. This can proceed normally for the files that exist in the sparse index, but when we reach a sparse directory entry, we see the tree object staged in the index as well as a tree object from the tree walk. At this point, we shift from a tree-vs-index comparison to a tree-vs-tree comparison of those subtrees. When that diff is complete, we can continue with the larger comparison.

One major benefit to the tree-vs-tree comparison is that it is easier to compare the same type of objects. The recursive comparison can also prune the walk when it finds two subtrees with the same object ID, as all of their content is the same at that point.

This change allows us to report on these differences not only in the git diff command, but also such diffs as are written during git status, git checkout, and git commit.

Implementation detail: ORT merge strategy

When beginning the sparse index work, there was a huge question that we did not know how to tackle: three-way merges. The default merge strategy, recursive, uses the index as a data structure during its computation. It was going to be difficult to reconcile that algorithm to work within the confines of a sparse index. In fact, many merges that a monorepo user runs would need to resolve merges outside of the sparse-checkout cone.

Luckily, another contributor, Elijah Newren, announced that he was creating a new merge strategy, named the ORT strategy, that did not use the index. We prioritized reviewing and testing that strategy so that we could take advantage of it. It turns out that it is also a better algorithm in general, so it will become the new default strategy with Git 2.34.

The critical feature of the ORT strategy was its replacement of the index with a recursive tree-like structure. That structure is built from the root tree and only creates subtrees for paths that have changed since the merge base. At the end, the ORT strategy creates an index to match its representation of the resulting merge commit.

Because of the ORT merge strategy, integrating the sparse index into git merge, git rebase, git cherry-pick, and git revert was very simple. We just needed to make sure the index that was created at the end of the merge was sparse from its original creation.

Different merge strategies and their performance

As we reported earlier, the ORT strategy improves over the recursive strategy in the typical case, but also the recursive strategy has significant outliers as shown in the box plot above. Enabling the sparse index on top of the ORT strategy provides even more improvements.

Without the ORT merge strategy, the sparse index work could have easily doubled in scope. For a detailed look at the ORT strategy and its many optimizations, take a look at Elijah’s six-part blog series:

Testing the sparse index

The sparse index was touching critical code and doing so in interesting ways. We needed a way to carefully test that these changes were as correct as possible. The Git test suite is substantial and has excellent coverage of most index operations. However, almost all of those tests do not use sparse-checkout, so we couldn’t immediately gain value in checking the sparse index by enabling it globally.

We created a test script that focused on testing the sparse index in a new way. The test starts by creating a repository with some interesting data shapes in it. Then, each test case starts by copying that repository into three new repositories. Those three repositories have different configurations:

  1. The repository as-is, without sparse-checkout.
  2. The repository with cone mode sparse-checkout enabled.
  3. The repository with cone mode sparse-checkout and sparse index enabled.

Then, each test case runs a number of Git commands against all three repositories, expecting the same output and results in the working directory. This allowed us to be confident that the changes we were making to enable the sparse index would have identical behavior with the other two cases.

Along the way, we found some interesting differences between sparse-checkout and full repositories. Several of these bugs have been fixed since. Sometimes, it was unclear whether the sparse-checkout feature should do the same thing as a normal repository, specifically when interacting with files outside of the sparse-checkout cone. This led to changing how some commands interact with sparse entries. In Git 2.34, some commands will need a --sparse flag in order to modify paths outside of the sparse-checkout cone.

In addition to these test scripts, we routinely ran the Scalar functional tests against our development branches, since many of those tests focus on special circumstances around the sparse-checkout feature. If a Scalar test would fail when the Git tests did not, then we would create a similar test in Git to prevent such a bug in the future.

Once we had integrated with a core set of Git commands, we also created an experimental release that contained early versions of these integrations. We provided this version to a subset of monorepo users to evaluate the performance. We found some interesting data from some of the users, but overall the results confirmed that the sparse index was going to significantly improve the user experience in the monorepo. The most important thing we discovered is that the sparse-checkout feature should remove ignored files outside of the cone, as those files cause the sparse index to expand to a full one, negating the performance benefits. There is an additional benefit in that the working directory shrinks even more by deleting these files.

The current state of the sparse index

Not all Git commands understand the sparse index. Those that have not been integrated trigger a compatibility check that converts a sparse index into a full one during the first index read. The integrated commands are ones that have been carefully tested with the sparse index. They likely received some code updates in order to properly handle a sparse index. These integrations were dispersed across the last few Git versions, and some only exist in the microsoft/git fork until we can complete contributing them to the core Git project.


In June, Git 2.32.0 was released with an understanding of the sparse index format. In August, Git 2.33.0 included integrations with git status, git commit, and git checkout. Git 2.34.0 is slated for a November release with integrations for git add, git merge, git rebase, git cherry-pick, and git reset. In order to serve our monorepo users, we fast-tracked some integrations into a pre-release in our fork including integrations with git diff, git blame, git clean, git sparse-checkout, and git stash.

Based on our understanding of how users interact with a monorepo, the commands that are listed here are sufficient to cover almost all users’ needs. We expect that users who adopt the sparse index with these integrations will have a significantly improved experience from before. This all depends on the size of their monorepo and on the size of their sparse-checkout cone.

We will release this feature widely to our monorepo users with the sparse index on by default in the 2.34 release of our Git fork. The core Git project will keep the sparse index off by default until it has all of these features and the implementation has been stable for a few versions.

Looking to the future

At this point, we have covered all of the integrations we need to have a successful monorepo experience. There is more work to be done. In particular, we need to finish contributing the final integrations in our list. Upstream progress takes time and we are grateful for all of the feedback we have received from the community so far. There are more commands that could use integrations, as well.

For now, we are focused on ensuring that monorepo users transition to the sparse index without incident. If you are interested in the sparse index, then we believe it is in an excellent state to start using it. If you have any issues with its performance or stability, then please do not hesitate to create an issue or start a discussion. We will be there to help!

Through the sparse index, we broke through a significant barrier to monorepo scale. We continue to seek the next innovation that will help Git scale to the largest repos out there.

GitHub Availability Report: October 2021

Post Syndicated from Scott Sanders original https://github.blog/2021-11-04-github-availability-report-october-2021/

In October, we experienced one incident resulting in significant impact and degraded state of availability for the GitHub Codespaces service.

October 8 17:16 UTC (lasting 1 hour and 36 minutes)

A core Codespaces API response was inadvertently restructured as part of our Codespaces public API launch, impacting existing API clients dependent on a stable schema.

For the duration of the incident, new Codespaces could not be initiated from the Visual Studio Code Desktop client. Connections to the web editor and pre-existing desktop sessions were not impacted, but degraded, with the extension displaying an error message while omitting Codespaces metadata from the Remote Explorer view.

The incident was mitigated once we rolled back the regression, at which point all clients could connect again, including with new Codespaces created during the incident. As our monitoring systems did not initially detect the impact of the regression, a subsequent and unrelated deployment was initiated, delaying our ability to revert the change. To ensure similar breaking changes are not introduced in the future, we are investing in tooling to support more rigorous end-to-end testing with the extension’s use of our API. Additionally, we are expanding our monitoring to better align with the user experience across the relevant internal service boundaries.

In summary

We will continue to keep you updated on the progress and investments we’re making to ensure the reliability of our services. To learn more about what we’re working on, check out the GitHub engineering blog.