Tag Archives: PostgreSQL compatible

Your MySQL 5.7 and PostgreSQL 11 databases will be automatically enrolled into Amazon RDS Extended Support

Post Syndicated from Channy Yun original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/your-mysql-5-7-and-postgresql-11-databases-will-be-automatically-enrolled-into-amazon-rds-extended-support/

Today, we are announcing that your MySQL 5.7 and PostgreSQL 11 database instances running on Amazon Aurora and Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) will be automatically enrolled into Amazon RDS Extended Support starting on February 29, 2024.

This will help avoid unplanned downtime and compatibility issues that can arise with automatically upgrading to a new major version. This provides you with more control over when you want to upgrade the major version of your database.

This automatic enrollment may mean that you will experience higher charges when RDS Extended Support begins. You can avoid these charges by upgrading your database to a newer DB version before the start of RDS Extended Support.

What is Amazon RDS Extended Support?
In September 2023, we announced Amazon RDS Extended Support, which allows you to continue running your database on a major engine version past its RDS end of standard support date on Amazon Aurora or Amazon RDS at an additional cost.

Until community end of life (EoL), the MySQL and PostgreSQL open source communities manage common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVE) identification, patch generation, and bug fixes for the respective engines. The communities release a new minor version every quarter containing these security patches and bug fixes until the database major version reaches community end of life. After the community end of life date, CVE patches or bug fixes are no longer available and the community considers those engines unsupported. For example, MySQL 5.7 and PostgreSQL 11 are no longer supported by the communities as of October and November 2023 respectively. We are grateful to the communities for their continued support of these major versions and a transparent process and timeline for transitioning to the newest major version.

With RDS Extended Support, Amazon Aurora and RDS takes on engineering the critical CVE patches and bug fixes for up to three years beyond a major version’s community EoL. For those 3 years, Amazon Aurora and RDS will work to identify CVEs and bugs in the engine, generate patches and release them to you as quickly as possible. Under RDS Extended Support, we will continue to offer support, such that the open source community’s end of support for an engine’s major version does not leave your applications exposed to critical security vulnerabilities or unresolved bugs.

You might wonder why we are charging for RDS Extended Support rather than providing it as part of the RDS service. It’s because the engineering work for maintaining security and functionality of community EoL engines requires AWS to invest developer resources for critical CVE patches and bug fixes. This is why RDS Extended Support is only charging customers who need the additional flexibility to stay on a version past community EoL.

RDS Extended Support may be useful to help you meet your business requirements for your applications if you have particular dependencies on a specific MySQL or PostgreSQL major version, such as compatibility with certain plugins or custom features. If you are currently running on-premises database servers or self-managed Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, you can migrate to Amazon Aurora MySQL-Compatible Edition, Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition, Amazon RDS for MySQL, Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL beyond the community EoL date, and continue to use these versions these versions with RDS Extended Support while benefiting from a managed service. If you need to migrate many databases, you can also utilize RDS Extended Support to split your migration into phases, ensuring a smooth transition without overwhelming IT resources.

In 2024, RDS Extended Support will be available for RDS for MySQL major versions 5.7 and higher, RDS for PostgreSQL major versions 11 and higher, Aurora MySQL-compatible version 2 and higher, and Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible version 11 and higher. For a list of all future supported versions, see Supported MySQL major versions on Amazon RDS and Amazon Aurora major versions in the AWS documentation.

Community major version RDS/Aurora version Community end of life date End of RDS standard support date Start of RDS Extended Support pricing End of RDS Extended Support
MySQL 5.7 RDS for MySQL 5.7 October 2023 February 29, 2024 March 1, 2024 February 28, 2027
Aurora MySQL 2 October 31, 2024 December 1, 2024
PostgreSQL 11 RDS for PostgreSQL 11 November 2023 March 31, 2024 April 1, 2024 March 31, 2027
Aurora PostgreSQL 11 February 29, 2024

RDS Extended Support is priced per vCPU per hour. Learn more about pricing details and timelines for RDS Extended Support at Amazon Aurora pricing, RDS for MySQL pricing, and RDS for PostgreSQL pricing. For more information, see the blog posts about Amazon RDS Extended Support for MySQL and PostgreSQL databases in the AWS Database Blog.

Why are we automatically enrolling all databases to Amazon RDS Extended Support?
We had originally informed you that RDS Extended Support would provide the opt-in APIs and console features in December 2023. In that announcement, we said that if you decided not to opt your database in to RDS Extended Support, it would automatically upgrade to a newer engine version starting on March 1, 2024. For example, you would be upgraded from Aurora MySQL 2 or RDS for MySQL 5.7 to Aurora MySQL 3 or RDS for MySQL 8.0 and from Aurora PostgreSQL 11 or RDS for PostgreSQL 11 to Aurora PostgreSQL 15 and RDS for PostgreSQL 15, respectively.

However, we heard lots of feedback from customers that these automatic upgrades may cause their applications to experience breaking changes and other unpredictable behavior between major versions of community DB engines. For example, an unplanned major version upgrade could introduce compatibility issues or downtime if applications are not ready for MySQL 8.0 or PostgreSQL 15.

Automatic enrollment in RDS Extended Support gives you additional time and more control to organize, plan, and test your database upgrades on your own timeline, providing you flexibility on when to transition to new major versions while continuing to receive critical security and bug fixes from AWS.

If you’re worried about increased costs due to automatic enrollment in RDS Extended Support, you can avoid RDS Extended Support and associated charges by upgrading before the end of RDS standard support.

How to upgrade your database to avoid RDS Extended Support charges
Although RDS Extended Support helps you schedule your upgrade on your own timeline, sticking with older versions indefinitely means missing out on the best price-performance for your database workload and incurring additional costs from RDS Extended Support.

MySQL 8.0 on Aurora MySQL, also known as Aurora MySQL 3, unlocks support for popular Aurora features, such as Global Database, Amazon RDS Proxy, Performance Insights, Parallel Query, and Serverless v2 deployments. Upgrading to RDS for MySQL 8.0 provides features including up to three times higher performance versus MySQL 5.7, such as Multi-AZ cluster deployments, Optimized Reads, Optimized Writes, and support for AWS Graviton2 and Graviton3-based instances.

PostgreSQL 15 on Aurora PostgreSQL supports the Aurora I/O Optimized configuration, Aurora Serverless v2, Babelfish for Aurora PostgreSQL, pgvector extension, Trusted Language Extensions for PostgreSQL (TLE), and AWS Graviton3-based instances as well as community enhancements. Upgrading to RDS for PostgreSQL 15 provides features such as Multi-AZ DB cluster deployments, RDS Optimized Reads, HypoPG extension, pgvector extension, TLEs for PostgreSQL, and AWS Graviton3-based instances.

Major version upgrades may make database changes that are not backward-compatible with existing applications. You should manually modify your database instance to upgrade to the major version. It is strongly recommended that you thoroughly test any major version upgrade on non-production instances before applying it to production to ensure compatibility with your applications. For more information about an in-place upgrade from MySQL 5.7 to 8.0, see the incompatibilities between the two versions, Aurora MySQL in-place major version upgrade, and RDS for MySQL upgrades in the AWS documentation. For the in-place upgrade from PostgreSQL 11 to 15, you can use the pg_upgrade method.

To minimize downtime during upgrades, we recommend using Fully Managed Blue/Green Deployments in Amazon Aurora and Amazon RDS. With just a few steps, you can use Amazon RDS Blue/Green Deployments to create a separate, synchronized, fully managed staging environment that mirrors the production environment. This involves launching a parallel green environment with upper version replicas of your production databases lower version. After validating the green environment, you can shift traffic over to it. Then, the blue environment can be decommissioned. To learn more, see Blue/Green Deployments for Aurora MySQL and Aurora PostgreSQL or Blue/Green Deployments for RDS for MySQL and RDS for PostgreSQL in the AWS documentation. In most cases, Blue/Green Deployments are the best option to reduce downtime, except for limited cases in Amazon Aurora or Amazon RDS.

For more information on performing a major version upgrade in each DB engine, see the following guides in the AWS documentation.

Now available
Amazon RDS Extended Support is now available for all customers running Amazon Aurora and Amazon RDS instances using MySQL 5.7, PostgreSQL 11, and higher major versions in AWS Regions, including the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions beyond the end of the standard support date in 2024. You don’t need to opt in to RDS Extended Support, and you get the flexibility to upgrade your databases and continued support for up to 3 years.

Learn more about RDS Extended Support in the Amazon Aurora User Guide and the Amazon RDS User Guide. For pricing details and timelines for RDS Extended Support, see Amazon Aurora pricing, RDS for MySQL pricing, and RDS for PostgreSQL pricing.

Please send feedback to AWS re:Post for Amazon RDS and Amazon Aurora or through your usual AWS Support contacts.


New for AWS Amplify – Query MySQL and PostgreSQL database for AWS CDK

Post Syndicated from Channy Yun original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-for-aws-amplify-query-mysql-and-postgresql-database-for-aws-cdk/

Today we are announcing the general availability to connect and query your existing MySQL and PostgreSQL databases with support for AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK), a new feature to create a real-time, secure GraphQL API for your relational database within or outside Amazon Web Services (AWS). You can now generate the entire API for all relational database operations with just your database endpoint and credentials. When your database schema changes, you can run a command to apply the latest table schema changes.

In 2021, we announced AWS Amplify GraphQL Transformer version 2, enabling developers to develop more feature-rich, flexible, and extensible GraphQL-based app backends even with minimal cloud expertise. This new GraphQL Transformer was redesigned from the ground up to generate extensible pipeline resolvers to route a GraphQL API request, apply business logic, such as authorization, and communicate with the underlying data source, such as Amazon DynamoDB.

However, customers wanted to use relational database sources for their GraphQL APIs such as their Amazon RDS or Amazon Aurora databases in addition to Amazon DynamoDB. You can now use @model types of Amplify GraphQL APIs for both relational database and DynamoDB data sources. Relational database information is generated to a separate schema.sql.graphql file. You can continue to use the regular schema.graphql files to create and manage DynamoDB-backed types.

When you simply provide any MySQL or PostgreSQL database information, whether behind a virtual private cloud (VPC) or publicly accessible on the internet, AWS Amplify automatically generates a modifiable GraphQL API that securely connects to your database tables and exposes create, read, update, or delete (CRUD) queries and mutations. You can also rename your data models to be more idiomatic for the frontend. For example, a database table is called “todos” (plural, lowercase) but is exposed as “ToDo” (singular, PascalCase) to the client.

With one line of code, you can add any of the existing Amplify GraphQL authorization rules to your API, making it seamless to build use cases such as owner-based authorization or public read-only patterns. Because the generated API is built on AWS AppSync‘ GraphQL capabilities, secure real-time subscriptions are available out of the box. You can subscribe to any CRUD events from any data model with a few lines of code.

Getting started with your MySQL database in AWS CDK
The AWS CDK lets you build reliable, scalable, cost-effective applications in the cloud with the considerable expressive power of a programming language. To get started, install the AWS CDK on your local machine.

$ npm install -g aws-cdk

Run the following command to verify the installation is correct and print the version number of the AWS CDK.

$ cdk –version

Next, create a new directory for your app:

$ mkdir amplify-api-cdk
$ cd amplify-api-cdk

Initialize a CDK app by using the cdk init command.

$ cdk init app --language typescript

Install Amplify’s GraphQL API construct in the new CDK project:

$ npm install @aws-amplify/graphql-api-construct

Open the main stack file in your CDK project (usually located in lib/<your-project-name>-stack.ts). Import the necessary constructs at the top of the file:

import {
} from '@aws-amplify/graphql-api-construct';

Generate a GraphQL schema for a new relational database API by executing the following SQL statement on your MySQL database. Make sure to output the results to a .csv file, including column headers, and replace <database-name> with the name of your database, schema, or both.


Run the following command, replacing <path-schema.csv> with the path to the .csv file created in the previous step.

$ npx @aws-amplify/cli api generate-schema \
    --sql-schema <path-to-schema.csv> \
    --engine-type mysql –out lib/schema.sql.graphql

You can open schema.sql.graphql file to see the imported data model from your MySQL database schema.

input AMPLIFY {
     engine: String = "mysql"
     globalAuthRule: AuthRule = {allow: public}

type Meals @model {
     id: Int! @primaryKey
     name: String!

type Restaurants @model {
     restaurant_id: Int! @primaryKey
     address: String!
     city: String!
     name: String!
     phone_number: String!
     postal_code: String!

If you haven’t already done so, go to the Parameter Store in the AWS Systems Manager console and create a parameter for the connection details of your database, such as hostname/url, database name, port, username, and password. These will be required in the next step for Amplify to successfully connect to your database and perform GraphQL queries or mutations against it.

In the main stack class, add the following code to define a new GraphQL API. Replace the dbConnectionConfg options with the parameter paths created in the previous step.

new AmplifyGraphqlApi(this, "MyAmplifyGraphQLApi", {
  apiName: "MySQLApi",
  definition: AmplifyGraphqlDefinition.fromFilesAndStrategy(
    [path.join(__dirname, "schema.sql.graphql")],
      name: "MyAmplifyGraphQLSchema",
      dbType: "MYSQL",
      dbConnectionConfig: {
        hostnameSsmPath: "/amplify-cdk-app/hostname",
        portSsmPath: "/amplify-cdk-app/port",
        databaseNameSsmPath: "/amplify-cdk-app/database",
        usernameSsmPath: "/amplify-cdk-app/username",
        passwordSsmPath: "/amplify-cdk-app/password",
  authorizationModes: { apiKeyConfig: { expires: cdk.Duration.days(7) } },
  translationBehavior: { sandboxModeEnabled: true },

This configuration assums that your database is accessible from the internet. Also, the default authorization mode is set to Api Key for AWS AppSync and the sandbox mode is enabled to allow public access on all models. This is useful for testing your API before adding more fine-grained authorization rules.

Finally, deploy your GraphQL API to AWS Cloud.

$ cdk deploy

You can now go to the AWS AppSync console and find your created GraphQL API.

Choose your project and the Queries menu. You can see newly created GraphQL APIs compatible with your tables of MySQL database, such as getMeals to get one item or listRestaurants to list all items.

For example, when you select items with fields of address, city, name, phone_number, and so on, you can see a new GraphQL query. Choose the Run button and you can see the query results from your MySQL database.

When you query your MySQL database, you can see the same results.

How to customize your GraphQL schema for your database
To add a custom query or mutation in your SQL, open the generated schema.sql.graphql file and use the @sql(statement: "") pass in parameters using the :<variable> notation.

type Query {
     listRestaurantsInState(state: String): Restaurants @sql("SELECT * FROM Restaurants WHERE state = :state;”)

For longer, more complex SQL queries, you can reference SQL statements in the customSqlStatements config option. The reference value must match the name of a property mapped to a SQL statement. In the following example, a searchPosts property on customSqlStatements is being referenced:

type Query {
      searchPosts(searchTerm: String): [Post]
      @sql(reference: "searchPosts")

Here is how the SQL statement is mapped in the API definition.

new AmplifyGraphqlApi(this, "MyAmplifyGraphQLApi", { 
    apiName: "MySQLApi",
    definition: AmplifyGraphqlDefinition.fromFilesAndStrategy( [path.join(__dirname, "schema.sql.graphql")],
        name: "MyAmplifyGraphQLSchema",
        dbType: "MYSQL",
        dbConnectionConfig: {
        //	...ssmPaths,
     }, customSqlStatements: {
        searchPosts: // property name matches the reference value in schema.sql.graphql 
        "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE content LIKE CONCAT('%', :searchTerm, '%');",

The SQL statement will be executed as if it were defined inline in the schema. The same rules apply in terms of using parameters, ensuring valid SQL syntax, and matching return types. Using a reference file keeps your schema clean and allows the reuse of SQL statements across fields. It is best practice for longer, more complicated SQL queries.

Or you can change a field and model name using the @refersTo directive. If you don’t provide the @refersTo directive, AWS Amplify assumes that the model name and field name exactly match the database table and column names.

type Todo @model @refersTo(name: "todos") {
     content: String
     done: Boolean

When you want to create relationships between two database tables, use the @hasOne and @hasMany directives to establish a 1:1 or 1:M relationship. Use the @belongsTo directive to create a bidirectional relationship back to the relationship parent. For example, you can make a 1:M relationship between a restaurant and its meals menus.

type Meals @model {
     id: Int! @primaryKey
     name: String!
     menus: [Restaurants] @hasMany(references: ["restaurant_id"])

type Restaurants @model {
     restaurant_id: Int! @primaryKey
     address: String!
     city: String!
     name: String!
     phone_number: String!
     postal_code: String!
     meals: Meals @belongsTo(references: ["restaurant_id"])

Whenever you make any change to your GraphQL schema or database schema in your DB instances, you should deploy your changes to the cloud:

Whenever you make any change to your GraphQL schema or database schema in your DB instances, you should re-run the SQL script and export to .csv step mentioned earlier in this guide to re-generate your schema.sql.graphql file and then deploy your changes to the cloud:

$ cdk deploy

To learn more, see Connect API to existing MySQL or PostgreSQL database in the AWS Amplify documentation.

Now available
The relational database support for AWS Amplify now works with any MySQL and PostgreSQL databases hosted anywhere within Amazon VPC or even outside of AWS Cloud.

Give it a try and send feedback to AWS re:Post for AWS Amplify, the GitHub repository of Amplify GraphQL API, or through your usual AWS Support contacts.


P.S. Specially thanks to René Huangtian Brandel, a principal product manager at AWS for his contribution to write sample codes.

Join the preview of Amazon Aurora Limitless Database

Post Syndicated from Channy Yun original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/join-the-preview-amazon-aurora-limitless-database/

Today, we are announcing the preview of Amazon Aurora Limitless Database, a new capability supporting automated horizontal scaling to process millions of write transactions per second and manage petabytes of data in a single Aurora database.

Amazon Aurora read replicas allow you to increase the read capacity of your Aurora cluster beyond the limits of what a single database instance can provide. Now, Aurora Limitless Database scales write throughput and storage capacity of your database beyond the limits of a single Aurora writer instance. The compute and storage capacity that is used for Limitless Database is in addition to and independent of the capacity of your writer and reader instances in the cluster.

With Limitless Database, you can focus on building high-scale applications without having to build and maintain complex solutions for scaling your data across multiple database instances to support your workloads. Aurora Limitless Database scales based on the workload to support write throughput and storage capacity that, until today, would require multiple Aurora writer instances.

The architecture of Amazon Aurora Limitless Database
Limitless Database has a two-layer architecture consisting of multiple database nodes, either transaction routers or shards.

Shards are Aurora PostgreSQL DB instances that each store a subset of the data for your database, allowing for parallel processing to achieve higher write throughput. Transaction routers manage the distributed nature of the database and present a single database image to database clients.

Transaction routers maintain metadata about where data is stored, parse incoming SQL commands and send those commands to shards, aggregate data from shards to return a single result to the client, and manage distributed transactions to maintain consistency across the entire distributed database. All the nodes that make up your Limitless Database architecture are contained in a DB shard group. The DB shard group has a separate endpoint where your access your Limitless Database resources.

Getting started with Aurora Limitless Database
To get started with a preview of Aurora Limitless Database, you can sign up today and will be invited soon. The preview runs in a new Aurora PostgreSQL cluster with version 15 in the AWS US East (Ohio), US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), and Europe (Ireland) Regions.

As part of the creation workflow for an Aurora cluster, choose the Limitless Database compatible version in the Amazon RDS console or the Amazon RDS API. Then you can add a DB shard group and create new Limitless Database tables. You can choose the maximum Aurora capacity units (ACUs).

After the DB shard group is created, you can view its details on the Databases page, including its endpoint.

To use Aurora Limitless Database, you should connect to a DB shard group endpoint, also called the limitless endpoint, using psql or any other connection utility that works with PostgreSQL.

There will be two types of tables that contain your data in Aurora Limitless Database:

  • Sharded tables – These tables are distributed across multiple shards. Data is split among the shards based on the values of designated columns in the table, called shard keys.
  • Reference tables – These tables have all their data present on every shard so that join queries can work faster by eliminating unnecessary data movement. They are commonly used for infrequently modified reference data, such as product catalogs and zip codes.

Once you have created a sharded or reference table, you can load massive data into Aurora Limitless Database and manipulate data in those tables using the standard PostgreSQL queries.

Join the preview
You can join the preview of Amazon Aurora Limitless Database to be among the first to experience all of this power.

Sign up now, give it a try, and please send feedback to AWS re:Post for Amazon Aurora or through your usual AWS support contacts.


Automate the archive and purge data process for Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL using pg_partman, Amazon S3, and AWS Glue

Post Syndicated from Anand Komandooru original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/automate-the-archive-and-purge-data-process-for-amazon-rds-for-postgresql-using-pg_partman-amazon-s3-and-aws-glue/

The post Archive and Purge Data for Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL and Amazon Aurora with PostgreSQL Compatibility using pg_partman and Amazon S3 proposes data archival as a critical part of data management and shows how to efficiently use PostgreSQL’s native range partition to partition current (hot) data with pg_partman and archive historical (cold) data in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). Customers need a cloud-native automated solution to archive historical data from their databases. Customers want the business logic to be maintained and run from outside the database to reduce the compute load on the database server. This post proposes an automated solution by using AWS Glue for automating the PostgreSQL data archiving and restoration process, thereby streamlining the entire procedure.

AWS Glue is a serverless data integration service that makes it easier to discover, prepare, move, and integrate data from multiple sources for analytics, machine learning (ML), and application development. There is no need to pre-provision, configure, or manage infrastructure. It can also automatically scale resources to meet the requirements of your data processing job, providing a high level of abstraction and convenience. AWS Glue integrates seamlessly with AWS services like Amazon S3, Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS), Amazon Redshift, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, and Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) to offer a robust, cloud-native data integration solution.

The features of AWS Glue, which include a scheduler for automating tasks, code generation for ETL (extract, transform, and load) processes, notebook integration for interactive development and debugging, as well as robust security and compliance measures, make it a convenient and cost-effective solution for archival and restoration needs.

Solution overview

The solution combines PostgreSQL’s native range partitioning feature with pg_partman, the Amazon S3 export and import functions in Amazon RDS, and AWS Glue as an automation tool.

The solution involves the following steps:

  1. Provision the required AWS services and workflows using the provided AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) project.
  2. Set up your database.
  3. Archive the older table partitions to Amazon S3 and purge them from the database with AWS Glue.
  4. Restore the archived data from Amazon S3 to the database with AWS Glue when there is a business need to reload the older table partitions.

The solution is based on AWS Glue, which takes care of archiving and restoring databases with Availability Zone redundancy. The solution is comprised of the following technical components:

  • An Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL Multi-AZ database runs in two private subnets.
  • AWS Secrets Manager stores database credentials.
  • An S3 bucket stores Python scripts and database archives.
  • An S3 Gateway endpoint allows Amazon RDS and AWS Glue to communicate privately with the Amazon S3.
  • AWS Glue uses a Secrets Manager interface endpoint to retrieve database secrets from Secrets Manager.
  • AWS Glue ETL jobs run in either private subnet. They use the S3 endpoint to retrieve Python scripts. The AWS Glue jobs read the database credentials from Secrets Manager to establish JDBC connections to the database.

You can create an AWS Cloud9 environment in one of the private subnets available in your AWS account to set up test data in Amazon RDS. The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

Solution Architecture


For instructions to set up your environment for implementing the solution proposed in this post, refer to Deploy the application in the GitHub repo.

Provision the required AWS resources using AWS CDK

Complete the following steps to provision the necessary AWS resources:

  1. Clone the repository to a new folder on your local desktop.
  2. Create a virtual environment and install the project dependencies.
  3. Deploy the stacks to your AWS account.

The CDK project includes three stacks: vpcstack, dbstack, and gluestack, implemented in the vpc_stack.py, db_stack.py, and glue_stack.py modules, respectively.

These stacks have preconfigured dependencies to simplify the process for you. app.py declares Python modules as a set of nested stacks. It passes a reference from vpcstack to dbstack, and a reference from both vpcstack and dbstack to gluestack.

gluestack reads the following attributes from the parent stacks:

  • The S3 bucket, VPC, and subnets from vpcstack
  • The secret, security group, database endpoint, and database name from dbstack

The deployment of the three stacks creates the technical components listed earlier in this post.

Set up your database

Prepare the database using the information provided in Populate and configure the test data on GitHub.

Archive the historical table partition to Amazon S3 and purge it from the database with AWS Glue

The “Maintain and Archive” AWS Glue workflow created in the first step consists of two jobs: “Partman run maintenance” and “Archive Cold Tables.”

The “Partman run maintenance” job runs the Partman.run_maintenance_proc() procedure to create new partitions and detach old partitions based on the retention setup in the previous step for the configured table. The “Archive Cold Tables” job identifies the detached old partitions and exports the historical data to an Amazon S3 destination using aws_s3.query_export_to_s3. In the end, the job drops the archived partitions from the database, freeing up storage space. The following screenshot shows the results of running this workflow on demand from the AWS Glue console.

Archive job run result

Additionally, you can set up this AWS Glue workflow to be triggered on a schedule, on demand, or with an Amazon EventBridge event. You need to use your business requirement to select the right trigger.

Restore archived data from Amazon S3 to the database

The “Restore from S3” Glue workflow created in the first step consists of one job: “Restore from S3.”

This job initiates the run of the partman.create_partition_time procedure to create a new table partition based on your specified month. It subsequently calls aws_s3.table_import_from_s3 to restore the matched data from Amazon S3 to the newly created table partition.

To start the “Restore from S3” workflow, navigate to the workflow on the AWS Glue console and choose Run.

The following screenshot shows the “Restore from S3” workflow run details.

Restore job run result

Validate the results

The solution provided in this post automated the PostgreSQL data archival and restoration process using AWS Glue.

You can use the following steps to confirm that the historical data in the database is successfully archived after running the “Maintain and Archive” AWS Glue workflow:

  1. On the Amazon S3 console, navigate to your S3 bucket.
  2. Confirm the archived data is stored in an S3 object as shown in the following screenshot.
    Archived data in S3
  3. From a psql command line tool, use the \dt command to list the available tables and confirm the archived table ticket_purchase_hist_p2020_01 does not exist in the database.List table result after post archival

You can use the following steps to confirm that the archived data is restored to the database successfully after running the “Restore from S3” AWS Glue workflow.

  1. From a psql command line tool, use the \dt command to list the available tables and confirm the archived table ticket_history_hist_p2020_01 is restored to the database.List table results after restore

Clean up

Use the information provided in Cleanup to clean up your test environment created for testing the solution proposed in this post.


This post showed how to use AWS Glue workflows to automate the archive and restore process in RDS for PostgreSQL database table partitions using Amazon S3 as archive storage. The automation is run on demand but can be set up to be trigged on a recurring schedule. It allows you to define the sequence and dependencies of jobs, track the progress of each workflow job, view run logs, and monitor the overall health and performance of your tasks. Although we used Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL as an example, the same solution works for Amazon Aurora-PostgreSQL Compatible Edition as well. Modernize your database cron jobs using AWS Glue by using this post and the GitHub repo. Gain a high-level understanding of AWS Glue and its components by using the following hands-on workshop.

About the Authors

Anand Komandooru is a Senior Cloud Architect at AWS. He joined AWS Professional Services organization in 2021 and helps customers build cloud-native applications on AWS cloud. He has over 20 years of experience building software and his favorite Amazon leadership principle is “Leaders are right a lot.”

Li Liu is a Senior Database Specialty Architect with the Professional Services team at Amazon Web Services. She helps customers migrate traditional on-premise databases to the AWS Cloud. She specializes in database design, architecture, and performance tuning.

Neil Potter is a Senior Cloud Application Architect at AWS. He works with AWS customers to help them migrate their workloads to the AWS Cloud. He specializes in application modernization and cloud-native design and is based in New Jersey.

Vivek Shrivastava is a Principal Data Architect, Data Lake in AWS Professional Services. He is a big data enthusiast and holds 14 AWS Certifications. He is passionate about helping customers build scalable and high-performance data analytics solutions in the cloud. In his spare time, he loves reading and finds areas for home automation.

New – Trusted Language Extensions for PostgreSQL on Amazon Aurora and Amazon RDS

Post Syndicated from Channy Yun original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-trusted-language-extensions-for-postgresql-on-amazon-aurora-and-amazon-rds/

PostgreSQL has become the preferred open-source relational database for many enterprises and start-ups with its extensible design for developers. One of the reasons developers use PostgreSQL is it allows them to add database functionality by building extensions with their preferred programming languages.

You can already install and use PostgreSQL extensions in Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition and Amazon Relational Database Service for PostgreSQL. We support more than 85 PostgreSQL extensions in Amazon Aurora and Amazon RDS, such as the pgAudit extension for logging your database activity. While many workloads use these extensions, we heard our customers asking for flexibility to build and run the extensions of their choosing for their PostgreSQL database instances.

Today, we are announcing the general availability of Trusted Language Extensions for PostgreSQL (pg_tle), a new open-source development kit for building PostgreSQL extensions. With Trusted Language Extensions for PostgreSQL, developers can build high-performance extensions that run safely on PostgreSQL.

Trusted Language Extensions for PostgreSQL provides database administrators control over who can install extensions and a permissions model for running them, letting application developers deliver new functionality as soon as they determine an extension meets their needs.

To start building with Trusted Language Extensions, you can use trusted languages such as JavaScript, Perl, and PL/pgSQL. These trusted languages have safety attributes, including restricting direct access to the file system and preventing unwanted privilege escalations. You can easily install extensions written in a trusted language on Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition 14.5 and Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL 14.5 or a newer version.

Trusted Language Extensions for PostgreSQL is an open-source project licensed under Apache License 2.0 on GitHub. You can comment or suggest items on the Trusted Language Extensions for PostgreSQL roadmap and help us support this project across multiple programming languages, and more. Doing this as a community will help us make it easier for developers to use the best parts of PostgreSQL to build extensions.

Let’s explore how we can use Trusted Language Extensions for PostgreSQL to build a new PostgreSQL extension for Amazon Aurora and Amazon RDS.

Setting up Trusted Language Extensions for PostgreSQL
To use pg_tle with Amazon Aurora or Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL, you need to set up a parameter group that loads pg_tle in the PostgreSQL shared_preload_libraries setting. Choose Parameter groups in the left navigation pane in the Amazon RDS console and Create parameter group to make a new parameter group.

Choose Create after you select postgres14 with Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL in the Parameter group family and pg_tle in the Group Name. You can select aurora-postgresql14 for an Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible cluster.

Choose a created pgtle parameter group and Edit in the Parameter group actions dropbox menu. You can search shared_preload_library in the search box and choose Edit parameter. You can add your preferred values, including pg_tle, and choose Save changes.

You can also do the same job in the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).

$ aws rds create-db-parameter-group \
  --region us-east-1 \
  --db-parameter-group-name pgtle \
  --db-parameter-group-family aurora-postgresql14 \
  --description "pgtle group"

$ aws rds modify-db-parameter-group \
  --region us-east-1 \
  --db-parameter-group-name pgtle \
  --parameters "ParameterName=shared_preload_libraries,ParameterValue=pg_tle,ApplyMethod=pending-reboot"

Now, you can add the pgtle parameter group to your Amazon Aurora or Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL database. If you have a database instance called testing-pgtle, you can add the pgtle parameter group to the database instance using the command below. Please note that this will cause an active instance to reboot.

$ aws rds modify-db-instance \
  --region us-east-1 \
  --db-instance-identifier testing-pgtle \
  --db-parameter-group-name pgtle-pg \

Verify that the pg_tle library is available on your Amazon Aurora or Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL instance. Run the following command on your PostgreSQL instance:

SHOW shared_preload_libraries;

pg_tle should appear in the output.

Now, we need to create the pg_tle extension in your current database to run the command:


You can now create and install Trusted Language Extensions for PostgreSQL in your current database. If you create a new extension, you should grant the pgtle_admin role to your primary user (e.g., postgres) with the following command:

GRANT pgtle_admin TO postgres;

Let’s now see how to create our first pg_tle extension!

Building a Trusted Language Extension for PostgreSQL
For this example, we are going to build a pg_tle extension to validate that a user is not setting a password that’s found in a common password dictionary. Many teams have rules around the complexity of passwords, particularly for database users. PostgreSQL allows developers to help enforce password complexity using the check_password_hook.

In this example, you will build a password check hook using PL/pgSQL. In the hook, you can check to see if the user-supplied password is in a dictionary of 10 of the most common password values:

SELECT pgtle.install_extension (
  'Do not let users use the 10 most commonly used passwords',
  CREATE SCHEMA password_check;

  CREATE TABLE password_check.bad_passwords (plaintext) AS
  CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON password_check.bad_passwords (plaintext);

  CREATE FUNCTION password_check.passcheck_hook(username text, password text, password_type pgtle.password_types, valid_until timestamptz, valid_null boolean)
  RETURNS void AS $$
      invalid bool := false;
      IF password_type = 'PASSWORD_TYPE_MD5' THEN
          SELECT 1
          FROM password_check.bad_passwords bp
          WHERE ('md5' || md5(bp.plaintext || username)) = password
        ) INTO invalid;
        IF invalid THEN
          RAISE EXCEPTION 'password must not be found on a common password dictionary';
        END IF;
          SELECT 1
          FROM password_check.bad_passwords bp
          WHERE bp.plaintext = password
        ) INTO invalid;
        IF invalid THEN
          RAISE EXCEPTION 'password must not be found on a common password dictionary';
        END IF;
      END IF;

  GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION password_check.passcheck_hook TO PUBLIC;

  SELECT pgtle.register_feature('password_check.passcheck_hook', 'passcheck');

You need to enable the hook through the pgtle.enable_password_check configuration parameter. On Amazon Aurora and Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL, you can do so with the following command:

$ aws rds modify-db-parameter-group \
    --region us-east-1 \
    --db-parameter-group-name pgtle \
    --parameters "ParameterName=pgtle.enable_password_check,ParameterValue=on,ApplyMethod=immediate"

It may take several minutes for these changes to propagate. You can check that the value is set using the SHOW command:

SHOW pgtle.enable_password_check;

If the value is on, you will see the following output:


Now you can create this extension in your current database and try setting your password to one of the dictionary passwords and observe how the hook rejects it:

CREATE EXTENSION my_password_check_rules;

CREATE ROLE test_role PASSWORD '123456';
ERROR:  password must not be found on a common password dictionary

CREATE ROLE test_role;
SET password_encryption TO 'md5';
-- set to "password"
ERROR:  password must not be found on a common password dictionary

To disable the hook, set the value of pgtle.enable_password_check to off:

$ aws rds modify-db-parameter-group \
    --region us-east-1 \
    --db-parameter-group-name pgtle \
    --parameters "ParameterName=pgtle.enable_password_check,ParameterValue=off,ApplyMethod=immediate"

You can uninstall this pg_tle extension from your database and prevent anyone else from running CREATE EXTENSION on my_password_check_rules with the following command:

DROP EXTENSION my_password_check_rules;
SELECT pgtle.uninstall_extension('my_password_check_rules');

You can find more sample extensions and give them a try. To build and test your Trusted Language Extensions in your local PostgreSQL database, you can build from our source code after cloning the repository.

Join Our Community!
The Trusted Language Extensions for PostgreSQL community is open to everyone. Give it a try, and give us feedback on what you would like to see in future releases. We welcome any contributions, such as new features, example extensions, additional documentation, or any bug reports in GitHub.

To learn more about using Trusted Language Extensions for PostgreSQL in the AWS Cloud, see the Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition and Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL documentation.

Give it a try, and please send feedback to AWS re:Post for PostgreSQL or through your usual AWS support contacts.


How Epos Now modernized their data platform by building an end-to-end data lake with the AWS Data Lab

Post Syndicated from Debadatta Mohapatra original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/how-epos-now-modernized-their-data-platform-by-building-an-end-to-end-data-lake-with-the-aws-data-lab/

Epos Now provides point of sale and payment solutions to over 40,000 hospitality and retailers across 71 countries. Their mission is to help businesses of all sizes reach their full potential through the power of cloud technology, with solutions that are affordable, efficient, and accessible. Their solutions allow businesses to leverage actionable insights, manage their business from anywhere, and reach customers both in-store and online.

Epos Now currently provides real-time and near-real-time reports and dashboards to their merchants on top of their operational database (Microsoft SQL Server). With a growing customer base and new data needs, the team started to see some issues in the current platform.

First, they observed performance degradation for serving the reporting requirements from the same OLTP database with the current data model. A few metrics that needed to be delivered in real time (seconds after a transaction was complete) and a few metrics that needed to be reflected in the dashboard in near-real-time (minutes) took several attempts to load in the dashboard.

This started to cause operational issues for their merchants. The end consumers of reports couldn’t access the dashboard in a timely manner.

Cost and scalability also became a major problem because one single database instance was trying to serve many different use cases.

Epos Now needed a strategic solution to address these issues. Additionally, they didn’t have a dedicated data platform for doing machine learning and advanced analytics use cases, so they decided on two parallel strategies to resolve their data problems and better serve merchants:

  • The first was to rearchitect the near-real-time reporting feature by moving it to a dedicated Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition database, with a specific reporting data model to serve to end consumers. This will improve performance, uptime, and cost.
  • The second was to build out a new data platform for reporting, dashboards, and advanced analytics. This will enable use cases for internal data analysts and data scientists to experiment and create multiple data products, ultimately exposing these insights to end customers.

In this post, we discuss how Epos Now designed the overall solution with support from the AWS Data Lab. Having developed a strong strategic relationship with AWS over the last 3 years, Epos Now opted to take advantage of the AWS Data lab program to speed up the process of building a reliable, performant, and cost-effective data platform. The AWS Data Lab program offers accelerated, joint-engineering engagements between customers and AWS technical resources to create tangible deliverables that accelerate data and analytics modernization initiatives.

Working with an AWS Data Lab Architect, Epos Now commenced weekly cadence calls to come up with a high-level architecture. After the objective, success criteria, and stretch goals were clearly defined, the final step was to draft a detailed task list for the upcoming 3-day build phase.

Overview of solution

As part of the 3-day build exercise, Epos Now built the following solution with the ongoing support of their AWS Data Lab Architect.

Epos Now Arch Image

The platform consists of an end-to-end data pipeline with three main components:

  • Data lake – As a central source of truth
  • Data warehouse – For analytics and reporting needs
  • Fast access layer – To serve near-real-time reports to merchants

We chose three different storage solutions:

  • Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) for raw data landing and a curated data layer to build the foundation of the data lake
  • Amazon Redshift to create a federated data warehouse with conformed dimensions and star schemas for consumption by Microsoft Power BI, running on AWS
  • Aurora PostgreSQL to store all the data for near-real-time reporting as a fast access layer

In the following sections, we go into each component and supporting services in more detail.

Data lake

The first component of the data pipeline involved ingesting the data from an Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) topic using Amazon MSK Connect to land the data into an S3 bucket (landing zone). The Epos Now team used the Confluent Amazon S3 sink connector to sink the data to Amazon S3. To make the sink process more resilient, Epos Now added the required configuration for dead-letter queues to redirect the bad messages to another topic. The following code is a sample configuration for a dead-letter queue in Amazon MSK Connect:

Because Epos Now was ingesting from multiple data sources, they used Airbyte to transfer the data to a landing zone in batches. A subsequent AWS Glue job reads the data from the landing bucket , performs data transformation, and moves the data to a curated zone of Amazon S3 in optimal format and layout. This curated layer then became the source of truth for all other use cases. Then Epos Now used an AWS Glue crawler to update the AWS Glue Data Catalog. This was augmented by the use of Amazon Athena for doing data analysis. To optimize for cost, Epos Now defined an optimal data retention policy on different layers of the data lake to save money as well as keep the dataset relevant.

Data warehouse

After the data lake foundation was established, Epos Now used a subsequent AWS Glue job to load the data from the S3 curated layer to Amazon Redshift. We used Amazon Redshift to make the data queryable in both Amazon Redshift (internal tables) and Amazon Redshift Spectrum. The team then used dbt as an extract, load, and transform (ELT) engine to create the target data model and store it in target tables and views for internal business intelligence reporting. The Epos Now team wanted to use their SQL knowledge to do all ELT operations in Amazon Redshift, so they chose dbt to perform all the joins, aggregations, and other transformations after the data was loaded into the staging tables in Amazon Redshift. Epos Now is currently using Power BI for reporting, which was migrated to the AWS Cloud and connected to Amazon Redshift clusters running inside Epos Now’s VPC.

Fast access layer

To build the fast access layer to deliver the metrics to Epos Now’s retail and hospitality merchants in near-real time, we decided to create a separate pipeline. This required developing a microservice running a Kafka consumer job to subscribe to the same Kafka topic in an Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) cluster. The microservice received the messages, conducted the transformations, and wrote the data to a target data model hosted on Aurora PostgreSQL. This data was delivered to the UI layer through an API also hosted on Amazon EKS, exposed through Amazon API Gateway.


The Epos Now team is currently building both the fast access layer and a centralized lakehouse architecture-based data platform on Amazon S3 and Amazon Redshift for advanced analytics use cases. The new data platform is best positioned to address scalability issues and support new use cases. The Epos Now team has also started offloading some of the real-time reporting requirements to the new target data model hosted in Aurora. The team has a clear strategy around the choice of different storage solutions for the right access patterns: Amazon S3 stores all the raw data, and Aurora hosts all the metrics to serve real-time and near-real-time reporting requirements. The Epos Now team will also enhance the overall solution by applying data retention policies in different layers of the data platform. This will address the platform cost without losing any historical datasets. The data model and structure (data partitioning, columnar file format) we designed greatly improved query performance and overall platform stability.


Epos Now revolutionized their data analytics capabilities, taking advantage of the breadth and depth of the AWS Cloud. They’re now able to serve insights to internal business users, and scale their data platform in a reliable, performant, and cost-effective manner.

The AWS Data Lab engagement enabled Epos Now to move from idea to proof of concept in 3 days using several previously unfamiliar AWS analytics services, including AWS Glue, Amazon MSK, Amazon Redshift, and Amazon API Gateway.

Epos Now is currently in the process of implementing the full data lake architecture, with a rollout to customers planned for late 2022. Once live, they will deliver on their strategic goal to provide real-time transactional data and put insights directly in the hands of their merchants.

About the Authors

Jason Downing is VP of Data and Insights at Epos Now. He is responsible for the Epos Now data platform and product direction. He specializes in product management across a range of industries, including POS systems, mobile money, payments, and eWallets.

Debadatta Mohapatra is an AWS Data Lab Architect. He has extensive experience across big data, data science, and IoT, across consulting and industrials. He is an advocate of cloud-native data platforms and the value they can drive for customers across industries.

Goodbye Microsoft SQL Server, Hello Babelfish

Post Syndicated from Sébastien Stormacq original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/goodbye-microsoft-sql-server-hello-babelfish/

Many of our customers are telling us they want to move away from commercial database vendors to avoid expensive costs and burdensome licensing terms. But migrating away from commercial and legacy databases can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. When migrating your databases, you can automate the migration of your database schema and data using the AWS Schema Conversation Tool and AWS Database Migration Service. But there is always more work to do to migrate the application itself, including rewriting application code that interacts with the database. Motivation is there, but costs and risks are often limiting factors.

Today, we are making Babelfish for Aurora PostgreSQL available. Babelfish allows Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition to understand the SQL Server wire protocol. It allows you to migrate your SQL Server applications to PostgreSQL cheaper, faster, and with less risks involved with such change.

You can migrate your application in a fraction of the time that a traditional migration would require. You continue to use the existing queries and drivers your application uses today. Just point the application to an Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL database with Babelfish activated. Babelfish adds the capability to Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL to understand the SQL Server wire protocol Tabular Data Stream (TDS), as well as extending PostgreSQL to understand commonly used T-SQL commands used by SQL Server. Support for T-SQL includes elements such as the SQL dialect, static cursors, data types, triggers, stored procedures, and functions. Babelfish reduces the risk associated with database migration projects by significantly reducing the number of changes required to the application. When adopting Babelfish, you save on licensing costs of using SQL Server. Amazon Aurora provides the security, availability, and reliability of commercial databases at 1/10th the cost.

SQL Server has evolved over more than 30 years, and we do not expect to support all functionalities right away. Instead, we focused on the most common T-SQL commands and returning the correct response or an error message. For example, the MONEY datatype has different characteristics in SQL Server (with four decimals precision) and PostgreSQL (with two decimals precision). Such a subtle difference might lead to rounding errors and have a significant impact on downstream processes, such as financial reporting. In this case, and many others, Babelfish ensures the semantics of SQL Server data types and T-SQL functionality are preserved: we created a MONEY datatype that behaves as SQL Server apps would expect. When you create a table with this datatype through the Babelfish connection, you get this compatible datatype and behaviors that a SQL Server app would expect.

Create a Babelfish Cluster Using the Console
To show you how Babelfish works, let’s first connect to the console and create a new Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL cluster. The procedure is no different than for the regular Amazon Aurora database. In the RDS launch wizard, I first make sure I select an Aurora version compatible with PostgreSQL 13.4, or more recent. The updated console has additional filters to help you select the versions that are compatible with Babelfish.

Babelfish Create databaseThen, lower on the page, I select the option Turn on Babelfish.

Aurora turn on babelfish

Under Monitoring section, I also make sure I turn off Enable Enhanced monitoring. This option requires additional IAM permissions and preparation that are not relevant for this demo.

Enable Enhanced MonitoringAfter a couple of minutes, my cluster is created, it has two instances, one writer and one reader.

Babelfish cluster created

Create a Babelfish Cluster Using the CLI
Alternatively, I may use the CLI to create a cluster. I first create a parameter group to activate Babelfish (the console does it automatically):

aws rds create-db-cluster-parameter-group             \
    --db-cluster-parameter-group-name myapp-babelfish \
    --db-parameter-group-family aurora-postgresql13   \
    --description "babelfish APG 13"
aws rds modify-db-cluster-parameter-group             \
    --db-cluster-parameter-group-name myapp-babelfish \
    --parameters "ParameterName=rds.babelfish_status,ParameterValue=on,ApplyMethod=pending-reboot" \

Then I create the database cluster (when using the command below, adjust the security group id and the subnet group name) :

aws rds create-db-cluster \
    --db-cluster-identifier awsnewblog-cli-demo \
    --master-username postgres \  
    --master-user-password Passw0rd \
    --engine aurora-postgresql \
    --engine-version 13.4 \
    --vpc-security-group-ids sg-abcd1234 \
    --db-subnet-group-name default-vpc-1234abcd \
    --db-cluster-parameter-group-name myapp-babelfish
    "DBCluster": {
        "AllocatedStorage": 1,
        "AvailabilityZones": [
        "BackupRetentionPeriod": 1,
        "DBClusterIdentifier": "awsnewblog-cli-demo",
        "Status": "creating",
        ... <redacted for brevity> ...

Once the cluster is created, I create an instance using

aws rds create-db-instance \
    --db-instance-identifier myapp-db1 \
    --db-instance-class db.r5.4xlarge \
    --db-subnet-group-name default-vpc-1234abcd \
    --db-cluster-identifier awsnewblog-cli-demo \
    --engine aurora-postgresql
    "DBInstance": {
        "DBInstanceIdentifier": "myapp-db1",
        "DBInstanceClass": "db.r5.4xlarge",
        "Engine": "aurora-postgresql",
        "DBInstanceStatus": "creating",
        ... <redacted for brevity> ...

Connect to the Babelfish Cluster
Once the cluster and instances are ready, I connect to the writer instance to create the database itself. I may connect to the instance using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) or other SQL client such as sqlcmd. The Windows client must be able to connect to the Babelfish cluster, I made sure the RDS security group authorizes connections from the Windows host.

Using SSMS on Windows, I select New Query in the toolbar, I enter the database DNS name as Server name. I select SQL Server Authentication and I enter the database Login and Password. I click on Connect.

Important: Do not connect via the SSMS Object Explorer. Be sure to connect using the query editor via the New Query button. At this time, Babelfish supports the query editor, but not the Object Explorer.

SSMS Connect to babelfish

Once connected, I check the version with select @@version statement and click the green Execute button in the toolbar. I can read the statement result on the bottom part of the screen.

Babelfish check version

Finally, I create the database on the instance with the create database demo statement.

babelfish create database

By default, Babelfish runs in single-db mode. Using this mode, you can have maximum one user database per instance. It allows to have a close mapping of schema names between SQL Server and PostgreSQL. Alternatively, you may turn on multi-db mode at cluster creation time. This allows you to create multiple user databases per instance. In PostgreSQL, user databases will be mapped to multiple schemas with the database name as a prefix.

Run an Application
For the purpose of this demo, I use a database schema provided by SQLServerTutorial.net as part of their SQL Server Tutorial to create a schema and populate it with data. The SQL script and application C# code I use in this demo are available on my GitHub repository. A big thanks to my colleague Anuja for providing me with a C# demo application.

In SQL Server Management Studio, I open the create_objects.sql script and I choose the green execute icon on the top toolbar. A confirmation message tells me the database schema is created.

babelfish create schema

I repeat the operation with the load_data.sql script to load data in the newly created tables. Data loading takes a few minutes to run.

Now the database is loaded, let’s open Anuja‘s  C# application developed to access a SQL Server database. I modify two lines of code:

  • line 12 : I type the DNS name of the Babelfish cluster I created earlier. Note that I use the DNS name of a “write” node from my cluster.
  • line 15 : I type the password I entered when I created the database cluster.

Visual Studio Code - Prepare app to connect to babelfish

And that’s it! No other modification is required on this app. This code written to query and interact with SQL Server is just working “as-is” on Aurora PostgreSQL with Babelfish.

babelfish application execution

Open Source Transparency
We decided to open-source the technology behind Babelfish to create the Babelfish for PostgreSQL open source project. It uses the permissive Apache 2.0 and PostgreSQL licenses, meaning you can modify or tweak or distribute Babelfish in whatever fashion you see fit. Over time, we are shifting Babelfish to fully open development on GitHub, so there is transparency from the start. Now, anyone, whether you are an AWS customer or not, can use Babelfish to leave behind SQL Server and quickly, easily, and cost-effectively migrate your applications to open source PostgreSQL. We believe Babelfish is going to make PostgreSQL accessible to a much wider group of customers and developers than ever before, particularly those with large numbers of complex applications originally written for SQL Server.

Babelfish for Aurora PostgreSQL is available today in all publicly available AWS Regions at no additional cost. Start your application migration today.

— seb

PS : if you wonder where the name Babelfish comes from, just remember the answer is 42. (Or you can read this slightly longer answer.)