Tag Archives: Developers

A raft of free Cloudflare services for AI startups

Post Syndicated from Jade Q. Wang original http://blog.cloudflare.com/ai-startups-eligible/

A raft of free Cloudflare services for AI startups

A raft of free Cloudflare services for AI startups

Over the past couple of years, we have piloted a program for early stage startups with free access to a selection of developer products that are high leverage for them. Last year, we launched version 2 of the startup program, which dramatically expanded the basket of products included.

While upgrading startups to the startup plan, I often get inquiries from startups that are fully bootstrapped and not affiliated with any accelerator program. Many of them, especially AI startups, are very promising and would benefit highly from the startup plan.

Typically, they also apply for the Workers Launchpad program, for whom semi-finalists can get upgraded to the startup plan as a benefit. But many of those startups would benefit from getting upgraded right away rather than wait for the review process for each cohort.

Starting today, AI startups no longer need an accelerator affiliation or an employee referral in order to qualify for the Startup Program.

How to get on the startup plan as an AI startup

Here’s what I need you to do if you are a founder of a bootstrapped AI startup. Create a Cloudflare account if you don’t have one, add a domain, and update the name servers.

Fill out this form with the email address associated with your Cloudflare account: form here. For accelerator, select “AI” from the dropdown menu. In the Comments section, include the following information:

  • Indication that the startup has raised less than $3M USD (e.g., link to Crunchbase).
  • Link to a landing page, pitch deck, or article that describes what the startup does. It should be apparent from these materials that the startup is an AI startup (e.g. mention LLMs if that’s what you’re using).
  • Which Cloudflare developer products are you using.

We can’t wait to see what you’re all building!

Introducing Cursor: the Cloudflare AI Assistant

Post Syndicated from Ricky Robinett original http://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-cursor-the-ai-assistant-for-docs/

Introducing Cursor: the Cloudflare AI Assistant

Introducing Cursor: the Cloudflare AI Assistant

Today we’re excited to be launching Cursor – our experimental AI assistant, trained to answer questions about Cloudflare’s Developer Platform. This is just the first step in our journey to help developers build in the fastest way possible using AI, so we wanted to take the opportunity to share our vision for a generative developer experience.

Whenever a new, disruptive technology comes along, it’s not instantly clear what the native way to interact with that technology will be.

However, if you’ve played around with Large Language Models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT, it’s easy to get the feeling that this is something that’s going to change the way we work. The question is: how? While this technology already feels super powerful, today, we’re still in the relatively early days of it.

While Developer Week is all about meeting developers where they are, this is one of the things that’s going to change just that — where developers are, and how they build code. We’re already seeing the beginnings of how the way developers write code is changing, and adapting to them. We wanted to share with you how we’re thinking about it, what’s on the horizon, and some of the large bets to come.

How is AI changing developer experience?

If there’s one big thing we can learn from the exploding success of ChatGPT, it’s the importance of pairing technology with the right interface. GPT-3 — the technology powering ChatGPT has been around for some years now, but the masses didn’t come until ChatGPT made it accessible to the masses.

Since the primary customers of our platform are developers, it’s on us to find the right interfaces to help developers move fast on our platform, and we believe AI can unlock unprecedented developer productivity. And we’re still in the beginning of that journey.

Wave 1: AI generated content

One of the things ChatGPT is exceptionally good at is generating new content and articles. If you’re a bootstrapped developer relations team, the first day playing around with ChatGPT may have felt like you struck the jackpot of productivity. With a simple inquiry, ChatGPT can generate in a few seconds a tutorial that would have otherwise taken hours if not days to write out.

This content still needs to be tested — do the code examples work? Does the order make sense? While it might not get everything right, it’s a massive productivity boost, allowing a small team to multiply their content output.

In terms of developer experience, examples and tutorials are crucial for developers, especially as they start out with a new technology, or seek validation on a path they’re exploring.

However, with AI generated content, it’s always going to be limited to well, how much of it you generated. To compare it to the newspaper, this content is still one size fits all. If as a developer you stray ever so slightly off the beaten path (choose a different framework than the one tutorial suggests, or a different database), you’re still left to put the pieces together, navigating tens of open tabs in order to stitch together your application.

If this content is already being generated by AI, however, why not just go straight to the source, and allow developers to generate their own, personal guides?

Wave 2: Q&A assistants

Since developers love to try out new technologies, it’s no surprise that developers are going to be some of the early adopters for technology such as ChatGPT. Many developers are already starting to build applications alongside their trusted bard, ChatGPT.

Rather than using generated content, why not just go straight to the source, and ask ChatGPT to generate something that’s tailored specifically for you?

There’s one tiny problem: the information is not always up to date. Which is why plugins are going to become a super important way to interact.

But what about someone who’s already on Cloudflare’s docs? Here, you want a native experience where someone can ask questions and receive answers. Similarly, if you have a question, why spend time searching the docs, if you can just ask and receive an answer?

Wave 3: generative experiences

In the examples above, you were still relying on switching back and forth between a dedicated AI interface and the problem at hand. In one tab you’re asking questions, while in another, you’re implementing the answers.

But taking things another step further, what if AI just met you where you were? In terms of developer experience, we’re already starting to see this in the authoring phase. Tools like GitHub Copilot help developers generate boilerplate code and tests, allowing developers to focus on more complex tasks like designing architecture and algorithms.

Sometimes, however, the first iteration AI comes up with might not match what you, the developer had in mind, which is why we’re starting to experiment with a flow-based generative approach, where you can ask AI to generate several versions, and build out your design with the one that matches your expectations the most.

The possibilities are endless, enabling developers to start applications from prompts rather than pre-generated templates.

We’re excited for all the possibilities AI will unlock to make developers more productive than ever, and we’d love to hear from you how AI is changing the way you change applications.

We’re also excited to share our first steps into the realm of AI driven developer experience with the release of our first two ChatGPT plugins, and by welcoming a new member of our team —Cursor, our docs AI assistant.

Our first milestone to AI driven UX: AI Assisted Docs

As the first step towards using AI to streamline our developer experience, we’re excited to introduce a new addition to our documentation to help you get answers as quickly as possible.

How to use Cursor

Here’s a sample exchange with Cursor:

Introducing Cursor: the Cloudflare AI Assistant

You’ll notice that when you ask a question, it will respond with two pieces of information: a text based response answering your questions, and links to relevant pages in our documentation that can help you go further.

Here’s what happens when we ask “What video formats does Stream support?”.

If you were looking through our examples you may not immediately realize that this specific example uses both Workers and R2.

In its current state, you can think of it as your assistant to help you learn about our products and navigate our documentation in a conversational way. We’re labeling Cursor as experimental because this is the very beginning stages of what we feel like a Cloudflare AI assistant could do to help developers. It is helpful, but not perfect. To deal with its lack of perfection, we took an approach of having it do fewer things better. You’ll find there are many things it isn’t good at today.

How we built Cursor

Under the hood, Cursor is powered by Workers, Durable Objects, OpenAI, and the Cloudflare developer docs. It uses the same backend that we’re using to power our ChatGPT Docs plugin, and you can read about that here.

It uses the “Search-Ask” method, stay tuned for more details on how you can build your own.

A sneak peek into the future

We’re already thinking about the future, we wanted to give you a small preview of what we think this might look like here:

With this type of interface, developers could use a UI to have an AI generate code and developers then link that code together visually. Whether that’s with other code generated by the AI or code they’ve written themselves. We’ll be continuing to explore interfaces that we hope to help you all build more efficiently and can’t wait to get these new interfaces in your hands.

We need your help

Our hope is to quickly update and iterate on how Cursor works as developers around the world use it. As you’re using it to explore our documentation, join us on Discord to let us know your experience.

Query Cloudflare Radar and our docs using ChatGPT plugins

Post Syndicated from Ricky Robinett original http://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-chatgpt-plugins/

Query Cloudflare Radar and our docs using ChatGPT plugins

Query Cloudflare Radar and our docs using ChatGPT plugins

When OpenAI launched ChatGPT plugins in alpha we knew that it opened the door for new possibilities for both Cloudflare users and developers building on Cloudflare. After the launch, our team quickly went to work seeing what we could build, and today we’re very excited to share with you two new Cloudflare ChatGPT plugins – the Cloudflare Radar plugin and the Cloudflare Docs plugin.

The Cloudflare Radar plugin allows you to talk to ChatGPT about real-time Internet patterns powered by Cloudflare Radar.

The Cloudflare Docs plugin allows developers to use ChatGPT to help them write and build Cloudflare applications with the most up-to-date information from our documentation. It also serves as an open source example of how to build a ChatGPT plugin with Cloudflare Workers.

Let’s do a deeper dive into how each of these plugins work and how we built them.

Cloudflare Radar ChatGPT plugin

When ChatGPT introduced plugins, one of their use cases was retrieving real-time data from third-party applications and their APIs and letting users ask relevant questions using natural language.

Cloudflare Radar has lots of data about how people use the Internet, a well-documented public API, an OpenAPI specification, and it’s entirely built on top of Workers, which gives us lots of flexibility for improvements and extensibility. We had all the building blocks to create a ChatGPT plugin quickly. So, that's what we did.

We added an OpenAI manifest endpoint which describes what the plugin does, some branding assets, and an enriched OpenAPI schema to tell ChatGPT how to use our data APIs. The longest part of our work was fine-tuning the schema with good descriptions (written in natural language, obviously) and examples of how to query our endpoints.

Amusingly, the descriptions ended up much improved by the need to explain the API endpoints to ChatGPT. An interesting side effect is that this benefits us humans also.

    "/api/v1/http/summary/ip_version": {
        "get": {
            "operationId": "get_SummaryIPVersion",
            "parameters": [
                    "description": "Date range from today minus the number of days or weeks specified in this parameter, if not provided always send 14d in this parameter.",
                    "required": true,
                    "schema": {
                        "type": "string",
                        "example": "14d",
                        "enum": ["14d","1d","2d","7d","28d","12w","24w","52w"]
                    "name": "dateRange",
                    "in": "query"

Luckily, itty-router-openapi, an easy and compact OpenAPI 3 schema generator and validator for Cloudflare Workers that we built and open-sourced when we launched Radar 2.0, made it really easy for us to add the missing parts.

import { OpenAPIRouter } from '@cloudflare/itty-router-openapi'

const router = OpenAPIRouter({
  aiPlugin: {
    name_for_human: 'Cloudflare Radar API',
    name_for_model: 'cloudflare_radar',
    description_for_human: "Get data insights from Cloudflare's point of view.",
      "Plugin for retrieving the data based on Cloudflare Radar's data. Use it whenever a user asks something that might be related to Internet usage, eg. outages, Internet traffic, or Cloudflare Radar's data in particular.",
    contact_email: '[email protected]',
    legal_info_url: 'https://www.cloudflare.com/website-terms/',
    logo_url: 'https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/512/5969/5969044.png',

We incorporated our changes into itty-router-openapi, and now it supports the OpenAI manifest and route, and a few other options that make it possible for anyone to build their own ChatGPT plugin on top of Workers too.

The Cloudflare Radar ChatGPT is available to non-free ChatGPT users or anyone on OpenAI’s plugin's waitlist. To use it, simply open ChatGPT, go to the Plugin store and install Cloudflare Radar.

Query Cloudflare Radar and our docs using ChatGPT plugins

Once installed, you can talk to it and ask questions about our data using natural language.

When you add plugins to your account, ChatGPT will prioritize using their data based on what the language model understands from the human-readable descriptions found in the manifest and Open API schema. If ChatGPT doesn't think your prompt can benefit from what the plugin provides, then it falls back to its standard capabilities.

Another interesting thing about plugins is that they extend ChatGPT's limited knowledge of the world and events after 2021 and can provide fresh insights based on recent data.

Here are a few examples to get you started:

"What is the percentage distribution of traffic per TLS protocol version?"

Query Cloudflare Radar and our docs using ChatGPT plugins

"What's the HTTP protocol version distribution in Portugal?"

Query Cloudflare Radar and our docs using ChatGPT plugins

Now that ChatGPT has context, you can add some variants, like switching the country and the date range.

“How about the US in the last six months?”

Query Cloudflare Radar and our docs using ChatGPT plugins

You can also combine multiple topics (ChatGPT will make multiple API calls behind the scenes and combine the results in the best possible way).

“How do HTTP protocol versions compare with TLS protocol versions?”

Query Cloudflare Radar and our docs using ChatGPT plugins

Out of ideas? Ask it “What can I ask the Radar plugin?”, or “Give me a random insight”.

Be creative, too; it understands a lot about our data, and we keep improving it. You can also add date or country filters using natural language in your prompts.

Cloudflare Docs ChatGPT plugin

The Cloudflare Docs plugin is a ChatGPT Retrieval Plugin that lets you access the most up-to-date knowledge from our developer documentation using ChatGPT. This means if you’re using ChatGPT to assist you with building on Cloudflare that the answers you’re getting or code that’s being generated will be informed by current best practices and information located within our docs. You can set up and run the Cloudflare Docs ChatGPT Plugin by following the read me in the example repo.

Query Cloudflare Radar and our docs using ChatGPT plugins

The plugin was built entirely on Workers and uses KV as a vector store. It can also keep its index up-to-date using Cron Triggers, Queues and Durable Objects.

The plugin is a Worker that responds to POST requests from ChatGPT to a /query endpoint. When a query comes in, the Worker converts the query text into an embedding vector via the OpenAI embeddings API and uses this to find, and return, the most relevant document snippets from Cloudflare’s developer documentation.

The way this is achieved is by first converting every document in Cloudflare’s developer documentation on GitHub into embedding vectors (again using OpenAI’s API) and storing them in KV. This storage format allows you to find semantically similar content by doing a similarity search (we use cosine similarity), where two pieces of text that are similar in meaning will result in the two embedding vectors having a high similarity score. Cloudflare’s entire developer documentation compresses to under 5MB when converted to embedding vectors, so fetching these from KV is very quick. We’ve also explored building larger vector stores on Workers, as can be seen in this demo of 1 million vectors stored on Durable Object storage. We’ll be releasing more open source libraries to support these vector store use cases in the near future.

So ChatGPT will query the plugin when it believes the user’s question is related to Cloudflare’s developer tools, and the plugin will return a list of up-to-date information snippets directly from our documentation. ChatGPT can then decide how to use these snippets to best answer the user’s question.

The plugin also includes a “Scheduler” Worker that can periodically refresh the documentation embedding vectors, so that the information is always up-to-date. This is advantageous because ChatGPT’s own knowledge has a cutoff of September 2021 – so it’s not aware of changes in documentation, or new Cloudflare products.

The Scheduler Worker is triggered by a Cron Trigger, on a schedule you can set (eg, hourly), where it will check which content has changed since it last ran via GitHub’s API. It then sends these document paths in messages to a Queue to be processed. Workers will batch process these messages – for each message, the content is fetched from GitHub, and then turned into embedding vectors via OpenAI’s API. A Durable Object is used to coordinate all the Queue processing so that when all the batches have finished processing, the resulting embedding vectors can be combined and stored in KV, ready for querying by the plugin.

This is a great example of how Workers can be used not only for front-facing HTTP APIs, but also for scheduled batch-processing use cases.

Let us know what you think

We are in a time when technology is constantly changing and evolving, so as you experiment with these new plugins please let us know what you think. What do you like? What could be better? Since ChatGPT plugins are in alpha, changes to the plugins user interface or performance (i.e. latency) may occur. If you build your own plugin, we’d love to see it and if it’s open source you can submit a pull request on our example repo. You can always find us hanging out in our developer discord.

Batteries included: how AI will transform the who and how of programming

Post Syndicated from John Graham-Cumming original http://blog.cloudflare.com/ai-will-transform-programming/

Batteries included: how AI will transform the who and how of programming

Batteries included: how AI will transform the who and how of programming

The 1947 paper titled “Preparation of Problems for EDVAC-Type Machines” talks about the idea and usefulness of a “subroutine”. At the time there were only a tiny number of computers worldwide and subroutines were a novel idea, and it was clear that these subroutines were going to make programmers more productive: “Many operations which are thus excluded from the built-in set are still of sufficiently frequent occurrence to make undesirable the repetition of their coding in detail.”

Looking back it seems amazing that subroutines had to be invented, but at the time programmers wrote literally everything they needed to complete a task. That made programming slow, error-prone and restricted who could be a programmer to a relatively small group of people.

Luckily, things changed.

You can look at the history of computer programming as improvements in programmer productivity and widening the scope of who is a programmer. Think of syntax highlighting, high-level languages, IDEs, libraries and frameworks, APIs, Visual Basic, code completion, refactoring tools, spreadsheets, and so on.

And here we are with things changing again.

The new programmers

The recent arrival of LLMs capable of assisting programmers in writing, debugging and modifying code is yet another step. It’s a step at both making programmers more productive and helping more people be programmers.

As programmers a lot of what we do is arcane.

Sure, we have helped create the modern world, but we spend a lot of time on things that actually exclude many from being programmers. Think of how many times you’ve messed up syntax, misinterpreted the result of calling a function, or made an off-by-one error in a loop.

And we’re expected to operate at a concrete and abstract level simultaneously. We hold the architecture and state of a system in our heads, imagining the program as data flows through it, and worry about a missing semicolon.

This is, frankly, weird.

That weirdness is partly why the children’s programming language Scratch eliminates much of the arcana. It’s designed to stop the user making small mistakes that add up to not making progress on a program. Its on-screen shapes are designed to show how a program flows and loops. What if AI eliminates much of our odd work and lets people concentrate on the thing they are creating?

I think that would be wonderful and would open the world of programming to many, many more people. But we’re not there yet. We’re at the point where AIs are hugely helpful assistants in the traditional art of programming. And this week Cloudflare will introduce its own AI assistants to make programmers using Cloudflare Workers much more productive. And these assistants are going to help more people use the Cloudflare Developer Platform.

The new platforms

A developer platform without AI isn’t going to be much use. It’ll be a bit like a developer platform that can’t do floating point arithmetic, or handle a list of data. We’re going to see every developer platform have AI capability built in because these capabilities will allow developers to make richer experiences for users.

Batteries included: how AI will transform the who and how of programming

If you’ve used a phone’s picture library recently you’ve probably discovered that you can search by what’s in an image. Type ‘cat’ and you can see all the cat pictures you’ve taken. Image classification like this is an example of the sort of functionality that a developer platform should provide so that a programmer can build a productive and exciting experience for their users.

That’s why this week we’ll be announcing AI features built directly into the Cloudflare Workers platform so that developers have a rich toolset at their disposal. And they’ll be able to train and upload their own models to run on our global network.

AI systems, by their nature, require a lot of data both for training and for executing models. Think giga- to petabytes. And a lot of that data needs to move around. Unlike a database where data might largely be stored and accessed infrequently, AI systems are alive with moving data.

To accommodate that, platforms need to stop treating data as something to lock in developers with. Data needs to be free to move from system to system, from platform to platform, without transfer fees, egress or other nonsense. If we want a world of AI, we need a world of data fluidity. We’ll look this week at how Cloudflare (including our R2) enables that.

Batteries included: how AI will transform the who and how of programming

I like to think (it has to be!)

As I look back at 40 years of my programming life, I haven’t been this excited about a new technology… ever. That’s because AI is going to be a pervasive change to how programs get written, who writes programs and how all of us interact with software.

In a talk, Andrew Ng called AI “The New Electricity”. Does that seem exaggerated? I don’t think so. Electricity utterly altered work and life for everyone and has become so much part of life that when electricity supplies fail it’s a shock.

AI is going to have a similarly profound effect on the way we live and work, and will be equally pervasive. And AI is already here, not just in the form of ChatGPT and Google Bard, but through machine translation, agents like Siri and Alexa, and a myriad of unseen systems that do something humans can’t do: keep up with the speed of the Internet helping to protect it and us.

And, I predict, AI is going to help people be smarter. That effect has already been seen with the ancient game Go. In 2016, one of the world’s strongest Go players, Lee Sedol, was beaten by AlphaGo and later retired. But something interesting has happened: Go players playing against AI are getting stronger. Humans are learning new strategies and improving.

I think AI has the potential to do that for all of us. And for programmers I think it’ll make us more productive and make more people programmers.

Which makes me wonder what a 2047 paper entitled “Preparation of Programs for NEURAL-Type Machines” will introduce. What new exciting way of programming is there for us to discover in the next few years? What cybernetic ecology will be created that makes the flow of ideas from the brain to silicon so much quicker?

Batteries included: how AI will transform the who and how of programming

Welcome to Developer Week 2023

Post Syndicated from Ricky Robinett original http://blog.cloudflare.com/welcome-to-developer-week-2023/

Welcome to Developer Week 2023

This post is also available in French, Spanish, German, Japanese, Chinese.

Welcome to Developer Week 2023

It is an incredibly exciting time to be a developer.

The frameworks, libraries and developer tools we depend on keep leveling up in ways that allow us to build more efficiently. On top of that, we’re using AI-powered tools like ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot to ship code quicker than many of us ever could have imagined. This all means we’re spending less time on boilerplate code and setup, and more time writing the code that makes our applications unique.

It’s not only a time when we’re equipped with the tools to be successful in new ways, but we're also finding inspiration in what’s happening around us. It feels like every day there’s an advancement with AI that changes the boundaries of what we can build. Across meetups, conferences, chat rooms, and every other place we gather as developers, we’re pushing each other to expand our ideas of what is possible.

With so much excitement permeating through the global developer community, we couldn’t imagine a better time to be kicking off Developer Week here at Cloudflare.

A focus on developer experience

A big part of any Innovation Week at Cloudflare is bringing you all new products to play with. And this year will be no different, there will be plenty of new products coming your way over the next seven days, and we can’t wait for you to get your hands on them. But we know that for developers it can sometimes be more exciting to see a tool you already use upgrade its developer experience than to get something new. That’s why as we’ve planned for this Developer Week we have been particularly focused on how we can make our developer experience more seamless by addressing many of your most requested features & fixes.

Part of making our developer experience more seamless is ensuring you all can bring the technologies you already know and love to Cloudflare. We’ve especially heard this from you all when it comes to deploying JAMstack applications on Cloudflare. Without spoiling too much, if you’re using a frontend framework and building JAMstack applications we’re excited about what we’re shipping for you this week.

A platform born in the Age of AI

We want developers to be able to build anything they’re excited about on Cloudflare. And one thing a lot of us are excited about right now are AI applications. AI is something that’s been part of Cloudflare’s foundation since the beginning. We are a company that was born in the age of AI. A core part of how we work towards our mission to help build a better Internet is by using machine learning to help protect your applications.

Through this week, we want to empower you with the tools and wisdom we’ve gathered around AI and machine learning. As well as showing you how to use Cloudflare with some of your new favorite AI developer tools. We’ll be shipping sample code, tutorials, tips and best practices. And that wisdom won’t only be coming from us, we’ll be sharing the stories of customers who have built on us and give you all an opportunity to learn from the companies that inspire us.

Why I joined Cloudflare

This is special Developer Week for me because it’s my first Developer Week at Cloudflare. I joined a little over a month ago to lead our Developer Relations & Community team.

When I found out I was joining Cloudflare I called up one of my closest friends, and mentors, to share the news. He immediately said “What are you going to do? Developers are all already using Cloudflare. No matter how big or small of a project I build, I always use Cloudflare. It’s the last thing I set up before I deploy.” He couldn’t have set the stage better for me to share why I’m excited to join and a theme you’ll see throughout this week.

For many developers, you know us for our CDN, and we are one of the last pieces of infrastructure you set up for your project. Since we launched Cloudflare Workers in 2017, we’ve been shipping tools intended to help empower you not only at the end of your journey, but from the moment you start building a new project. Myself, and my team, are here to help you discover and be successful with all of our developers tools. We’ll be here from the moment you start building, when you go into production and all the way through when you’re scaling your application to millions of users around the world.

Whether you are one of the over one million developers already building on Cloudflare or you’re starting to use us for the first time during this Developer Week, I can’t wait to meet you.

Welcome to Developer Week 2023

We’re excited to kick off another Developer Week. Through this week we’ll tell you about the new tools we’re shipping and share how many of them were built. We’ll show you how you can use them, and share stories from customers who are using our developer platform today. We hope you’ll be part of the conversation, whether that’s on discord, Cloudflare TV, community.cloudflare.com, or social media.

Magic in minutes: how to build a ChatGPT plugin with Cloudflare Workers

Post Syndicated from Kristian Freeman original http://blog.cloudflare.com/magic-in-minutes-how-to-build-a-chatgpt-plugin-with-cloudflare-workers/

Magic in minutes: how to build a ChatGPT plugin with Cloudflare Workers

Magic in minutes: how to build a ChatGPT plugin with Cloudflare Workers

Today, we're open-sourcing our ChatGPT Plugin Quickstart repository for Cloudflare Workers, designed to help you build awesome and versatile plugins for ChatGPT with ease. If you don’t already know, ChatGPT is a conversational AI model from OpenAI which has an uncanny ability to take chat input and generate human-like text responses.

With the recent addition of ChatGPT plugins, developers can create custom extensions and integrations to make ChatGPT even more powerful. Developers can now provide custom flows for ChatGPT to integrate into its conversational workflow – for instance, the ability to look up products when asking questions about shopping, or retrieving information from an API in order to have up-to-date data when working through a problem.

That's why we're super excited to contribute to the growth of ChatGPT plugins with our new Quickstart template. Our goal is to make it possible to build and deploy a new ChatGPT plugin to production in minutes, so developers can focus on creating incredible conversational experiences tailored to their specific needs.

How it works

Our Quickstart is designed to work seamlessly with Cloudflare Workers. Under the hood, it uses our command-line tool wrangler to create a new project and deploy it to Workers.

When building a ChatGPT plugin, there are three things you need to consider:

  1. The plugin's metadata, which includes the plugin's name, description, and other info
  2. The plugin's schema, which defines the plugin's input and output
  3. The plugin's behavior, which defines how the plugin responds to user input

To handle all of these parts in a simple, easy-to-understand API, we've created the @cloudflare/itty-router-openapi package, which makes it easy to manage your plugin's metadata, schema, and behavior. This package is included in the ChatGPT Plugin Quickstart, so you can get started right away.

To show how the package works, we'll look at two key files in the ChatGPT Plugin Quickstart: index.js and search.js. The index.js file contains the plugin's metadata and schema, while the search.js file contains the plugin's behavior. Let's take a look at each of these files in more detail.

In index.js, we define the plugin's metadata and schema. The metadata includes the plugin's name, description, and version, while the schema defines the plugin's input and output.

The configuration matches the definition required by OpenAI's plugin manifest, and helps ChatGPT understand what your plugin is, and what purpose it serves.

Here's what the index.js file looks like:

import { OpenAPIRouter } from "@cloudflare/itty-router-openapi";
import { GetSearch } from "./search";

export const router = OpenAPIRouter({
  schema: {
    info: {
      title: 'GitHub Repositories Search API',
      description: 'A plugin that allows the user to search for GitHub repositories using ChatGPT',
      version: 'v0.0.1',
  docs_url: '/',
  aiPlugin: {
    name_for_human: 'GitHub Repositories Search',
    name_for_model: 'github_repositories_search',
    description_for_human: "GitHub Repositories Search plugin for ChatGPT.",
    description_for_model: "GitHub Repositories Search plugin for ChatGPT. You can search for GitHub repositories using this plugin.",
    contact_email: '[email protected]',
    legal_info_url: 'http://www.example.com/legal',
    logo_url: 'https://workers.cloudflare.com/resources/logo/logo.svg',

router.get('/search', GetSearch)

// 404 for everything else
router.all('*', () => new Response('Not Found.', { status: 404 }))

export default {
  fetch: router.handle

In the search.js file, we define the plugin's behavior. This is where we define how the plugin responds to user input. It also defines the plugin's schema, which ChatGPT uses to validate the plugin's input and output.

Importantly, this doesn't just define the implementation of the code. It also automatically generates an OpenAPI schema that helps ChatGPT understand how your code works — for instance, that it takes a parameter "q", that it is of "String" type, and that it can be described as "The query to search for". With the schema defined, the handle function makes any relevant parameters available as function arguments, to implement the logic of the endpoint as you see fit.

Here's what the search.js file looks like:

import { ApiException, OpenAPIRoute, Query, ValidationError } from "@cloudflare/itty-router-openapi";

export class GetSearch extends OpenAPIRoute {
  static schema = {
    tags: ['Search'],
    summary: 'Search repositories by a query parameter',
    parameters: {
      q: Query(String, {
        description: 'The query to search for',
        default: 'cloudflare workers'
    responses: {
      '200': {
        schema: {
          repos: [
              name: 'itty-router-openapi',
              description: 'OpenAPI 3 schema generator and validator for Cloudflare Workers',
              stars: '80',
              url: 'https://github.com/cloudflare/itty-router-openapi',

  async handle(request: Request, env, ctx, data: Record<string, any>) {
    const url = `https://api.github.com/search/repositories?q=${data.q}`

    const resp = await fetch(url, {
      headers: {
        'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3+json',
        'User-Agent': 'RepoAI - Cloudflare Workers ChatGPT Plugin Example'

    if (!resp.ok) {
      return new Response(await resp.text(), { status: 400 })

    const json = await resp.json()

    // @ts-ignore
    const repos = json.items.map((item: any) => ({
      name: item.name,
      description: item.description,
      stars: item.stargazers_count,
      url: item.html_url

    return {
      repos: repos

The quickstart smooths out the entire development process, so you can focus on crafting custom behaviors, endpoints, and features for your ChatGPT plugins without getting caught up in the nitty-gritty. If you aren't familiar with API schemas, this also means that you can rely on our schema and manifest generation tools to handle the complicated bits, and focus on the implementation to build your plugin.

Besides making development a breeze, it's worth noting that you're also deploying to Workers, which takes advantage of Cloudflare's vast global network. This means your ChatGPT plugins enjoy low-latency access and top-notch performance, no matter where your users are located. By combining the strengths of Cloudflare Workers with the versatility of ChatGPT plugins, you can create conversational AI tools that are not only powerful and scalable but also cost-effective and globally accessible.


To demonstrate the capabilities of our quickstarts, we've created two example ChatGPT plugins. The first, which we reviewed above, connects ChatGPT with the GitHub Repositories Search API. This plugin enables users to search for repositories by simply entering a search term, returning useful information such as the repository's name, description, star count, and URL.

One intriguing aspect of this example is the property where the plugin could go beyond basic querying. For instance, when asked "What are the most popular JavaScript projects?", ChatGPT was able to intuitively understand the user's intent and craft a new query parameter for querying both by the number of stars (measuring popularity), and the specific programming language (JavaScript) without requiring any explicit prompting. This showcases the power and adaptability of ChatGPT plugins when integrated with external APIs, providing more insightful and context-aware responses.

Magic in minutes: how to build a ChatGPT plugin with Cloudflare Workers

The second plugin uses the Pirate Weather API to retrieve up-to-date weather information. Remarkably, OpenAI is able to translate the request for a specific location (for instance, “Seattle, Washington”) into longitude and latitude values – which the Pirate Weather API uses for lookups – and make the correct API request, without the user needing to do any additional work.

Magic in minutes: how to build a ChatGPT plugin with Cloudflare Workers

With our ChatGPT Plugin Quickstarts, you can create custom plugins that connect to any API, database, or other data source, giving you the power to create ChatGPT plugins that are as unique and versatile as your imagination. The possibilities are endless, opening up a whole new world of conversational AI experiences tailored to specific domains and use cases.

Get started today

The ChatGPT Plugin Quickstarts don’t just make development a snap—it also offers seamless deployment and scaling thanks to Cloudflare Workers. With the generous free plan provided by Workers, you can deploy your plugin quickly and scale it infinitely as needed.

Our ChatGPT Plugin Quickstarts are all about sparking creativity, speeding up development, and empowering developers to create amazing conversational AI experiences. By leveraging Cloudflare Workers' robust infrastructure and our streamlined tooling, you can easily build, deploy, and scale custom ChatGPT plugins, unlocking a world of endless possibilities for conversational AI applications.

Whether you're crafting a virtual assistant, a customer support bot, a language translator, or any other conversational AI tool, our ChatGPT Plugin Quickstarts are a great place to start. We're excited to provide this Quickstart, and would love to see what you build with it. Join us in our Discord community to share what you're working on!

Introducing Object Lifecycle Management for Cloudflare R2

Post Syndicated from Harshal Brahmbhatt original http://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-object-lifecycle-management-for-cloudflare-r2/

Introducing Object Lifecycle Management for Cloudflare R2

Introducing Object Lifecycle Management for Cloudflare R2

Last year, R2 made its debut, providing developers with object storage while eliminating the burden of egress fees. (For many, egress costs account for over half of their object storage bills!) Since R2’s launch, tens of thousands of developers have chosen it to store data for many different types of applications.

But for some applications, data stored in R2 doesn’t need to be retained forever. Over time, as this data grows, it can unnecessarily lead to higher storage costs. Today, we’re excited to announce that Object Lifecycle Management for R2 is generally available, allowing you to effectively manage object expiration, all from the R2 dashboard or via our API.

Object Lifecycle Management

Object lifecycles give you the ability to define rules (up to 1,000) that determine how long objects uploaded to your bucket are kept. For example, by implementing an object lifecycle rule that deletes objects after 30 days, you could automatically delete outdated logs or temporary files. You can also define rules to abort unfinished multipart uploads that are sitting around and contributing to storage costs.

Getting started with object lifecycles in R2

Cloudflare dashboard

Introducing Object Lifecycle Management for Cloudflare R2
  1. From the Cloudflare dashboard, select R2.
  2. Select your R2 bucket.
  3. Navigate to the Settings tab and find the Object lifecycle rules section.
  4. Select Add rule to define the name, relevant prefix, and lifecycle actions: delete uploaded objects or abort incomplete multipart uploads.
  5. Select Add rule to complete the process.

S3 Compatible API

With R2’s S3-compatible API, it’s easy to apply any existing object lifecycle rules to your R2 buckets.

Here’s an example of how to configure your R2 bucket’s lifecycle policy using the AWS SDK for JavaScript. To try this out, you’ll need to generate an Access Key.

import S3 from "aws-sdk/clients/s3.js";

const client = new S3({
  endpoint: `https://${ACCOUNT_ID}.r2.cloudflarestorage.com`,
  credentials: {
    accessKeyId: ACCESS_KEY_ID, //  fill in your own
    secretAccessKey: SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, // fill in your own
  region: "auto",

await client
    LifecycleConfiguration: {
      Bucket: "testBucket",
      Rules: [
        // Example: deleting objects by age
        // Delete logs older than 90 days
          ID: "Delete logs after 90 days",
          Filter: {
            Prefix: "logs/",
          Expiration: {
            Days: 90,
        // Example: abort all incomplete multipart uploads after a week
          ID: "Abort incomplete multipart uploads",
          AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload: {
            DaysAfterInitiation: 7,

For more information on how object lifecycle policies work and how to configure them in the dashboard or API, see the documentation here.

Speaking of documentation, if you’d like to provide feedback for R2’s documentation, fill out our documentation survey!

What’s next?

Creating object lifecycle rules to delete ephemeral objects is a great way to reduce storage costs, but what if you need to keep objects around to access in the future? We’re working on new, lower cost ways to store objects in R2 that aren’t frequently accessed, like long tail user-generated content, archive data, and more. If you’re interested in providing feedback and gaining early access, let us know by joining the waitlist here.

Join the conversation: share your feedback and experiences

If you have any questions or feedback relating to R2, we encourage you to join our Discord community to share! Stay tuned for more exciting R2 updates in the future.

Introducing Rollbacks for Workers Deployments

Post Syndicated from Cloudflare original https://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-rollbacks-for-workers-deployments/

Introducing Rollbacks for Workers Deployments

Introducing Rollbacks for Workers Deployments

In November, 2022, we introduced deployments for Workers. Deployments are created as you make changes to a Worker. Each one is unique. These let you track changes to your Workers over time, seeing who made the changes, and where they came from.

Introducing Rollbacks for Workers Deployments

When we made the announcement, we also said our intention was to build more functionality on top of deployments.

Today, we’re proud to release rollbacks for deployments.


As nice as it would be to know that every deployment is perfect, it’s not always possible – for various reasons. Rollbacks provide a quick way to deploy past versions of a Worker – providing another layer of confidence when developing and deploying with Workers.

Via the dashboard

In the dashboard, you can navigate to the Deployments tab. For each deployment that’s not the most recent, you should see a new icon on the far right of the deployment. Hovering over that icon will display the option to rollback to the specified deployment.

Introducing Rollbacks for Workers Deployments

Clicking on that will bring up a confirmation dialog, where you can enter a reason for rollback. This provides another mechanism of record-keeping and helps give more context for why the rollback was necessary.

Introducing Rollbacks for Workers Deployments

Once you enter a reason and confirm, a new rollback deployment will be created. This deployment has its own ID, but is a duplicate of the one you rolled back to. A message appears with the new deployment ID, as well as an icon showing the rollback message you entered above.

Introducing Rollbacks for Workers Deployments

Via Wrangler

With Wrangler version 2.13, rolling back deployments via Wrangler can be done via a new command – wrangler rollback. This command takes an optional ID to rollback to a specific deployment, but can also be run without an ID to rollback to the previous deployment. This provides an even faster way to rollback in a situation where you know that the previous deployment is the one that you want.

Introducing Rollbacks for Workers Deployments

Just like the dashboard, when you initiate a rollback you will be prompted to add a rollback reason and to confirm the action.

In addition to wrangler rollback we’ve done some refactoring to the wrangler deployments command. Now you can run wrangler deployments list to view up to the last 10 deployments.

Introducing Rollbacks for Workers Deployments

Here, you can see two new annotations: rollback from and message. These match the dashboard experience, and provide more visibility into your deployment history.

To view an individual deployment, you can run wrangler deployments view. This will display the last deployment made, which is the active deployment. If you would like to see a specific deployment, you can run wrangler deployments view [ID].

Introducing Rollbacks for Workers Deployments

We’ve updated this command to display more data like: compatibility date, usage model, and bindings. This additional data will help you to quickly visualize changes to Worker or to see more about a specific Worker deployment without having to open your editor and go through source code.

Keep deploying!

We hope this feature provides even more confidence in deploying Workers, and encourages you to try it out! If you leverage the Cloudflare dashboard to manage deployments, you should have access immediately. Wrangler users will need to update to version 2.13 to see the new functionality.

Make sure to check out our updated deployments docs for more information, as well as information on limitations to rollbacks. If you have any feedback, please let us know via this form.

How we built an open-source SEO tool using Workers, D1, and Queues

Post Syndicated from Kristian Freeman original https://blog.cloudflare.com/how-we-built-an-open-source-seo-tool-using-workers-d1-and-queues/

How we built an open-source SEO tool using Workers, D1, and Queues

How we built an open-source SEO tool using Workers, D1, and Queues

Building applications on Cloudflare Workers has always been fun. Workers applications have low latency response times by default, and easy developer ergonomics thanks to Wrangler. It’s no surprise that for years now, developers have been going from idea to production with Workers in just a few minutes.

Internally, we’re no different. When a member of our team has a project idea, we often reach for Workers first, and not just for the MVP stage, but in production, too. Workers have been a secret ingredient to Cloudflare’s innovation for some time now, allowing us to build products like Access, Stream and Workers KV. Even better, when we have new ideas and we can use new Cloudflare products to build them, it’s a great way to give feedback on those products.

We’ve discussed this in the past on the Cloudflare blog – in May last year, I wrote how we rebuilt Cloudflare’s developer documentation using many of the tools that had recently been released in the Workers ecosystem: Cloudflare Pages for hosting, and Bulk Redirects for the redirect rules. In November, we released a new version of our API documentation, which again used Pages for hosting, and Pages functions for intelligent caching and transformation of our API schema.

In this blog post, I’m excited to show off some of the new tools in Cloudflare’s developer arsenal, D1 and Queues, to prototype and ship an internal tool for our SEO experts at Cloudflare. We’ve made this project, which we’re calling Prospector, open-source too – check it out in our cloudflare/templates repo on GitHub. Whether you’re a developer looking to understand how to use multiple parts of Cloudflare’s developer stack together, or an SEO specialist who may want to deploy the tool in production, we’ve made it incredibly easy to get up and running.

How we built an open-source SEO tool using Workers, D1, and Queues

What we’re building

Prospector is a tool that allows Cloudflare’s SEO experts to monitor our blog and marketing site for specific keywords. When a keyword is matched on a page, Prospector will notify an email address. This allows our SEO experts to stay informed of any changes to our website, and take action accordingly.

Using MailChannels’ integration with Workers, we can quickly and easily send emails from our application using a single API call. This allows us to focus on the core functionality of the application, and not worry about the details of sending emails.

Prospector uses Cloudflare Workers as the user-facing API for the application. It uses D1 to store and retrieve data in real-time, and Queues to handle the fetching of all URLs and the notification process. We’ve also included an intuitive user interface for the application, which is built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

How we built an open-source SEO tool using Workers, D1, and Queues

Why we built it

It is widely known in SEO that both internal and external links help Google and other search engines understand what a website is about, which impacts keyword rankings. Not only do these links guide readers to additional helpful information, they also allow web crawlers for search engines to discover and index content on the site.

Acquiring external links is often a time-consuming process and at the discretion of third parties, whereas website owners typically have much more control over internal links. As a result, internal linking is one of the most useful levers available in SEO.

In an ideal world, every piece of content would be fully formed upon publication, replete with helpful internal links throughout the piece. However, this is often not the case. Many times, content is edited after the fact or additional pieces of relevant content come along after initial publication. These situations result in missed opportunities for internal linking.

Like other large organizations, Cloudflare has published thousands of blogs and web pages over the years. We share new content every time a product/technology is introduced and improved. Ultimately, that also means it’s become more challenging to identify opportunities for internal linking in a timely, automated fashion. We needed a tool that would allow us to identify internal linking opportunities as they appear, and speed up the time it takes to identify new internal linking opportunities.

Although we tested several tools that might solve this problem, we found that they were limited in several ways. First, some tools only scanned the first 2,000 characters of a web page. Any opportunities found beyond that limit would not be detected. Next, some tools did not allow us to limit searches to certain areas of the site and resulted in many false positives. Finally, other potential solutions required manual operation, leaving the process at the mercy of human memory.

To solve our problem (and ultimately, improve our SEO), we needed an automated tool that could discover and notify us of new instances of targeted phrases on a specified range of pages.

How it works

Data model

First, let’s explore the data model for Prospector. We have two main tables: notifiers and urls. The notifiers table stores the email address and keyword that we want to monitor. The urls table stores the URL and sitemap that we want to scrape. The notifiers table has a one-to-many relationship with the urls table, meaning that each notifier can have many URLs associated with it.

In addition, we have a sitemaps table that stores the sitemap URLs that we’ve scraped. Many larger websites don’t just have a single sitemap: the Cloudflare blog, for instance, has a primary sitemap that contains four sub-sitemaps. When the application is deployed, a primary sitemap is provided as configuration, and Prospector will parse it to find all of the sub-sitemaps.

Finally, notifier_matches is a table that stores the matches between a notifier and a URL. This allows us to keep track of which URLs have already been matched, and which ones still need to be processed. When a match has been found, the notifier_matches table is updated to reflect that, and “matches” for a keyword are no longer processed. This saves our SEO experts from a crowded inbox, and allows them to focus and act on new matches.

Connecting the pieces with Cloudflare Queues
Cloudflare Queues acts as the work queue for Prospector. When a new notifier is added, a new job is created for it and added to the queue. Behind the scenes, Queues will distribute the work across multiple Workers, allowing us to scale the application as needed. When a job is processed, Prospector will scrape the URL and check for matches. If a match is found, Prospector will send an email to the notifier’s email address.

Using the Cron Triggers functionality in Workers, we can schedule the scraping process to run at a regular interval – by default, once a day. This allows us to keep our data up-to-date, and ensures that we’re always notified of any changes to our website. It also allows the end-user to configure when they receive emails in case they want to receive them more or less frequently, or at the beginning of their workday.

The Module Workers syntax for Workers makes accessing the application bindings – the constants available in the application for querying D1, Queues, and other services – incredibly easy. src/index.ts, the entrypoint for the application, looks like this:

import { DBUrl, Env } from './types'

import {
} from './functions';

import h from './api'

export default {
  async fetch(
	request: Request,
	env: Env,
	ctx: ExecutionContext
  ): Promise<Response> {
	return h.fetch(request, env, ctx)

  async queue(
	batch: MessageBatch<Error>,
	env: Env
  ): Promise<void> {
	for (const message of batch.messages) {
  	const url: DBUrl = JSON.parse(message.body)
  	await handleQueuedUrl(url, env.DB)

  async scheduled(
	env: Env,
  ): Promise<void> {
	await scheduled({
  	authToken: env.AUTH_TOKEN,
  	db: env.DB,
  	queue: env.QUEUE,
  	sitemapUrl: env.SITEMAP_URL,

With this syntax, we can see where the various events incoming to the application – the fetch event, the queue event, and the scheduled event – are handled. The fetch event is the main entrypoint for the application, and is where we handle all of the API routes. The queue event is where we handle the work that’s been added to the queue, and the scheduled event is where we handle the scheduled scraping process.

Central to the application, of course, is Workers – acting as the API gateway and coordinator. We’ve elected to use the popular open-source framework Hono, an Express-style API for Workers, in Prospector. With Hono, we can quickly map out a REST API in just a few lines of code. Here’s an example of a few API routes and how they’re defined with Hono:

const app = new Hono()

app.get("/", (context) => {
  return context.html(index)

app.post("/notifiers", async context => {
  try {
	const { keyword, email } = await context.req.parseBody()
	await context.env.DB.prepare(
  	"insert into notifiers (keyword, email) values (?, ?)"
	).bind(keyword, email).run()
	return context.redirect('/')
  } catch (err) {
	return context.text("Something went wrong")

app.get('/sitemaps', async (context) => {
  const query = await context.env.DB.prepare(
	"select * from sitemaps"
  const sitemaps: Array<DBSitemap> = query.results
  return context.json(sitemaps)

Crucial to the development of Prospector are the improved TypeScript bindings for Workers. As announced in November of last year, TypeScript bindings for Workers are now automatically generated based on our open source runtime, workerd. This means that whenever we use the types provided from the @cloudflare/workers-types package in our application, we can be sure that the types are always up-to-date.

With these bindings, we can define the types for our environment variables, and use them in our application. Here’s an example of the Env type, which defines the environment variables that we use in the application:

export interface Env {
  AUTH_TOKEN: string
  DB: D1Database
  QUEUE: Queue
  SITEMAP_URL: string

Notice the types of the DB and QUEUE bindings – D1Database and Queue, respectively. These types are automatically generated, complete with type signatures for each method inside of the D1 and Queue APIs. This means that we can be sure that we’re using the correct methods, and that we’re passing the correct arguments to them, directly from our text editor – without having to refer to the documentation.

How we built an open-source SEO tool using Workers, D1, and Queues

How to use it

One of my favorite things about Workers is that deploying applications is quick and easy. Using `wrangler.toml` and some simple build scripts, we can deploy a fully-functional application in just a few minutes. Prospector is no different. With just a few commands, we can create the necessary D1 database and Queues instance, and deploy the application to our account.

First, you’ll need to clone the repository from our cloudflare/templates repository:

git clone $URL

If you haven’t installed wrangler yet, you can do so by running:

npm install @cloudflare/wrangler -g

With Wrangler installed, you can login to your account by running:

wrangler login

After you’ve done that, you’ll need to create a new D1 database, as well as a Queues instance. You can do this by running the following commands:

wrangler d1 create $DATABASE_NAME
wrangler queues create $QUEUE_NAME

Configure your wrangler.toml with the appropriate bindings (see [the README](URL) for an example):

[[ d1_databases ]]
binding = "DB"
database_name = "keyword-tracker-db"
database_id = "ab4828aa-723b-4a77-a3f2-a2e6a21c4f87"
preview_database_id = "8a77a074-8631-48ca-ba41-a00d0206de32"
  queue = "queue"
  binding = "QUEUE"

  queue = "queue"
  max_batch_size = 10
  max_batch_timeout = 30
  max_retries = 10
  dead_letter_queue = "queue-dlq"

Next, you can run the bin/migrate script to create the tables in your database:


This will create all the needed tables in your database, both in development (locally) and in production. Note that you’ll even see the creation of a honest-to-goodness .sqlite3 file in your project directory – this is the local development database, which you can connect to directly using the same SQLite CLI that you’re used to:

$ sqlite3 .wrangler/state/d1/DB.sqlite3
sqlite> .tables notifier_matches  notifiers     sitemaps       urls

Finally, you can deploy the application to your account:

npm run deploy

With a deployed application, you can visit your Workers URL to see the user interface. From there, you can add new notifiers and URLs, and see the results of your scraping process. When a new keyword match is found, you’ll receive an email with the details of the match instantly:

How we built an open-source SEO tool using Workers, D1, and Queues


For some time, there have been a great deal of applications that were hard to build on Workers without relational data or background task tooling. Now, with D1 and Queues, we can build applications that seamlessly integrate between real-time user interfaces, geographically distributed data, background processing, and more, all using the same developer ergonomics and low latency that Workers is known for.

D1 has been crucial for building this application. On larger sites, the number of URLs that need to be scraped can be quite large. If we were to use Workers KV, our key-value store, for storing this data, we would quickly struggle with how to model, retrieve, and update the data needed for this use-case. With D1, we can build relational data models and quickly query just the data we need for each queued processing task.

Using these tools, developers can build internal tools and applications for their companies that are more powerful and more scalable than ever before. With the integration of Cloudflare’s Zero Trust suite, developers can make these applications secure by default, and deploy them to Cloudflare’s global network. This allows developers to build applications that are fast, secure, and reliable, all without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure.

Prospector is a great example of how easy it is to build applications on Cloudflare Workers. With the recent addition of D1 and Queues, we’ve been able to build fully-functional applications that require real-time data and background processing in just a few hours. We’re excited to share the open-source code for Prospector, and we’d love to hear your feedback on the project.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us on Twitter at @cloudflaredev, or join us in the Cloudflare Workers Discord community, which recently hit 20k members and is a great place to ask questions and get help from other developers.

So long, and thanks for all the deployments: deprecating Wrangler v1

Post Syndicated from Cass Fridkin original https://blog.cloudflare.com/deprecating-wrangler-v1/

So long, and thanks for all the deployments:  deprecating Wrangler v1

So long, and thanks for all the deployments:  deprecating Wrangler v1

Cloudflare Workers allow developers to deploy code instantly across the globe. Wrangler is the CLI tool we build (and use!) to create, modify, and upload Workers. We recently announced a new version of Wrangler with a bunch of new features – including offline development, zero-config startup, and developer tools support. Since then, we’ve been working hard to make the developer experience with version 2 as smooth and enjoyable as possible. We’re confident in what we’ve built and are now planning to officially deprecate version 1.

What’s happening?

Version 1 of Wrangler (@cloudflare/wrangler on npm) is now deprecated, which means no new features or bug fixes will be published unless they’re critical. Beginning August 2023, no further updates will be provided and the Wrangler v1 GitHub repo will be archived. We strongly recommend you upgrade to version 2 (wrangler on npm) to receive continued support. We have a migration guide to make this process easy!


Our goal is to make development on the Cloudflare platform as smooth and enjoyable as possible. Whether that means simplifying common workflows, incorporating powerful tools into the Wrangler codebase, or opening up Wrangler for use as a library, we want Wrangler to be a one-stop shop for developing on Cloudflare.

With that in mind, last year we set out to align our product with our goals. Wrangler was the primary way developers interacted with our platform, but the codebase was difficult to maintain and had spiraled in complexity. Weighing our options, we found that the best way forward was a total rewrite of Wrangler, culminating in the 2.0 release.

Typically, semver-major releases (such as 1.x to 2.0) introduce breaking changes into a codebase – making it non-trivial to update to the latest version of software. While some breakage was inevitable with the release of a new major version of Wrangler, we aimed to ensure smooth upgrades. We provided detailed deprecation messages and documented breaking changes wherever they occurred. We carefully monitored issue reports, and responded with updates to fix problems. We monitored download statistics of both versions of wrangler, and celebrated internally when downloads for version 2 of Wrangler surpassed downloads for version 1 on npm.

So long, and thanks for all the deployments:  deprecating Wrangler v1
Download statistics for @cloudflare/wrangler (version 1, in blue) and wrangler (version 2, in orange). Source: https://npmtrends.com/@cloudflare/wrangler-vs-wrangler

What do I need to do?

For most of our users, deprecation of version 1 will be invisible – they’re already on version 2! If you’re still on version 1, please upgrade – we have a migration guide that details everything you need to do to update to the latest and greatest version. If you encounter any bugs, unexpected behavior, or anything blocking you from upgrading, file an issue! If you’re not using Wrangler, give it a shot! We’re really proud of what we’ve built, and we want your feedback on how we can continue to make it even better.

ICYMI: Developer Week 2022 announcements

Post Syndicated from Dawn Parzych original https://blog.cloudflare.com/icymi-developer-week-2022-announcements/

ICYMI: Developer Week 2022 announcements

ICYMI: Developer Week 2022 announcements

Developer Week 2022 has come to a close. Over the last week we’ve shared with you 31 posts on what you can build on Cloudflare and our vision and roadmap on where we’re headed. We shared product announcements, customer and partner stories, and provided technical deep dives. In case you missed any of the posts here’s a handy recap.

Product and feature announcements

Announcement Summary
Welcome to the Supercloud (and Developer Week 2022) Our vision of the cloud — a model of cloud computing that promises to make developers highly productive at scaling from one to Internet-scale in the most flexible, efficient, and economical way.
Build applications of any size on Cloudflare with the Queues open beta Build performant and resilient distributed applications with Queues. Available to all developers with a paid Workers plan.
Migrate from S3 easily with the R2 Super Slurper A tool to easily and efficiently move objects from your existing storage provider to R2.
Get started with Cloudflare Workers with ready-made templates See what’s possible with Workers and get building faster with these starter templates.
Reduce origin load, save on cloud egress fees, and maximize cache hits with Cache Reserve Cache Reserve is graduating to open beta – users can now test and integrate it into their content delivery strategy without any additional waiting.
Store and process your Cloudflare Logs… with Cloudflare Query Cloudflare logs stored on R2.
UPDATE Supercloud SET status = ‘open alpha’ WHERE product = ‘D1’ D1, our first global relational database, is in open alpha. Start building and share your feedback with us.
Automate an isolated browser instance with just a few lines of code The Browser Rendering API is an out of the box solution to run browser automation tasks with Puppeteer in Workers.
Bringing authentication and identification to Workers through Mutual TLS Send outbound requests with Workers through a mutually authenticated channel.
Spice up your sites on Cloudflare Pages with Pages Functions General Availability Easily add dynamic content to your Pages projects with Functions.
Announcing the first Workers Launchpad cohort and growth of the program to $2 billion We were blown away by the interest in the Workers Launchpad Funding Program and are proud to introduce the first cohort.
The most programmable Supercloud with Cloudflare Snippets Modify traffic routed through the Cloudflare CDN without having to write a Worker.
Keep track of Workers’ code and configuration changes with Deployments Track your changes to a Worker configuration, binding, and code.
Send Cloudflare Workers logs to a destination of your choice with Workers Trace Events Logpush Gain visibility into your Workers when logs are sent to your analytics platform or object storage. Available to all users on a Workers paid plan.
Improved Workers TypeScript support Based on feedback from users we’ve improved our types and are open-sourcing the automatic generation scripts.

Technical deep dives

Announcement Summary
The road to a more standards-compliant Workers API An update on the work the WinterCG is doing on the creation of common API standards in JavaScript runtimes and how Workers is implementing them.
Indexing millions of HTTP requests using Durable Objects
Indexing and querying millions of logs stored in R2 using Workers, Durable Objects, and the Streams API.
Iteration isn’t just for code: here are our latest API docs We’ve revamped our API reference documentation to standardize our API content and improve the overall developer experience when using the Cloudflare APIs.
Making static sites dynamic with D1 A template to build a D1-based comments APi.
The Cloudflare API now uses OpenAPI schemas OpenAPI schemas are now available for the Cloudflare API.
Server-side render full stack applications with Pages Functions Run server-side rendering in a Function using a variety of frameworks including Qwik, Astro, and SolidStart.
Incremental adoption of micro-frontends with Cloudflare Workers How to replace selected elements of a legacy client-side rendered application with server-side rendered fragments using Workers.
How we built it: the technology behind Cloudflare Radar 2.0 Details on how we rebuilt Radar using Pages, Remix, Workers, and R2.
How Cloudflare uses Terraform to manage Cloudflare How we made it easier for our developers to make changes with the Cloudflare Terraform provider.
Network performance Update: Developer Week 2022 See how fast Cloudflare Workers are compared to other solutions.
How Cloudflare instruments services using Workers Analytics Engine Instrumentation with Analytics Engine provides data to find bugs and helps us prioritize new features.
Doubling down on local development with Workers:Miniflare meets workerd Improving local development using Miniflare3, now powered by workerd.

Customer and partner stories

Announcement Summary
Cloudflare Workers scale too well and broke our infrastructure, so we are rebuilding it on Workers How DevCycle re-architected their feature management tool using Workers.
Easy Postgres integration with Workers and Neon.tech Neon.tech solves the challenges of connecting to Postgres from Workers
Xata Workers: client-side database access without client-side secrets Xata uses Workers for Platform to reduce security risks of running untrusted code.
Twilio Segment Edge SDK powered by Cloudflare Workers The Segment Edge SDK, built on Workers, helps applications collect and track events from the client, and get access to realtime user state to personalize experiences.


And that’s it for Developer Week 2022. But you can keep the conversation going by joining our Discord Community.

Doubling down on local development with Workers: Miniflare meets workerd

Post Syndicated from Brendan Coll original https://blog.cloudflare.com/miniflare-and-workerd/

Doubling down on local development with Workers: Miniflare meets workerd

Doubling down on local development with Workers: Miniflare meets workerd

Local development gives you a fully-controllable and easy-to-debug testing environment. At the start of this year, we brought this experience to Workers developers by launching Miniflare 2.0: a local Cloudflare Workers simulator. Miniflare 2 came with features like step-through debugging support, detailed console.logs, pretty source-mapped error pages, live reload and a highly-configurable unit testing environment. Not only that, but we also incorporated Miniflare into Wrangler, our Workers CLI, to enable wrangler dev’s —local mode.

Today, we’re taking local development to the next level! In addition to introducing new support for migrating existing projects to your local development environment, we’re making it easier to work with your remote data—locally! Most importantly, we’re releasing a much more accurate Miniflare 3, powered by the recently open-sourced workerd runtime—the same runtime used by Cloudflare Workers!

Enabling local development with workerd

One of the superpowers of having a local development environment is that you can test changes without affecting users in production. A great local environment offers a level of fidelity on par with production.

The way we originally approached local development was with Miniflare 2, which reimplemented Workers runtime APIs in JavaScript. Unfortunately, there were subtle behavior mismatches between these re-implementations and the real Workers runtime. These types of issues are really difficult for developers to debug, as they don’t appear locally, and step-through debugging of deployed Workers isn’t possible yet. For example, the following Worker returns responses successfully in Miniflare 2, so we might assume it’s safe to publish:

let cachedResponsePromise;
export default {
  async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
    // Let's imagine this fetch takes a few seconds. To speed up our worker, we
    // decide to only fetch on the first request, and reuse the result later.
    // This works fine in Miniflare 2, so we must be good right?
    cachedResponsePromise ??= fetch("https://example.com");
    return (await cachedResponsePromise).clone();

However, as soon as we send multiple requests to our deployed Worker, it fails with Error: Cannot perform I/O on behalf of a different request. The problem here is that response bodies created in one request’s handler cannot be accessed from a different request’s handler. This limitation allows Cloudflare to improve overall Worker performance, but it was almost impossible for Miniflare 2 to detect these types of issues locally. In this particular case, the best solution is to cache using fetch itself.

Additionally, because the Workers runtime uses a very recent version of V8, it supports some JavaScript features that aren’t available in all versions of Node.js. This meant a few features implemented in Workers, like Array#findLast, weren’t always available in Miniflare 2.

With the Workers runtime now open-sourced, Miniflare 3 can leverage the same implementations that are deployed on Cloudflare’s network, giving bug-for-bug compatibility and practically eliminating behavior mismatches. 🎉

Doubling down on local development with Workers: Miniflare meets workerd
Miniflare 3’s new simplified architecture using worked

This radically simplifies our implementation too. We were able to remove over 50,000 lines of code from Miniflare 2. Of course, we still kept all the Miniflare special-sauce that makes development fun like live reload and detailed logging. 🙂

Doubling down on local development with Workers: Miniflare meets workerd

Local development with real data

We know that many developers choose to test their Workers remotely on the Cloudflare network as it gives them the ability to test against real data. Testing against fake data in staging and local environments is sometimes difficult, as it never quite matches the real thing.

With Miniflare 3, we’re blurring the lines between local and remote development, by bringing real data to your machine as an experimental opt-in feature. If enabled, Miniflare will read and write data to namespaces on the Cloudflare network, as your Worker would when deployed. This is only supported with Workers KV for now, but we’re exploring similar solutions for R2 and D1.

Doubling down on local development with Workers: Miniflare meets workerd
Miniflare’s system for accessing real KV data, reads and writes are cached locally for future accesses

A new default for Wrangler

With Miniflare 3 now effectively as accurate as the real Workers environment, and the ability to access real data locally, we’re revisiting the decision to make remote development the initial Wrangler experience. In a future update, wrangler dev --local will become the default. --local will no longer be required. Benchmarking suggests this will bring an approximate 10x reduction to startup and a massive 60x reduction to script reload times! Over the next few weeks, we’ll be focusing on further optimizing Wrangler’s performance to bring you the fastest Workers development experience yet!

Doubling down on local development with Workers: Miniflare meets workerd

wrangler init --from-dash

We want all developers to be able to take advantage of the improved local experience, so we’re making it easy to start a local Wrangler project from an existing Worker that’s been developed in the Cloudflare dashboard. With Node.js installed, run npx wrangler init –from-dash <your_worker_name> in your terminal to set up a new project with all your existing code and bindings such as KV namespaces configured. You can now seamlessly continue development of your application locally, taking advantage of all the developer experience improvements Wrangler and Miniflare provide. When you’re ready to deploy your worker, run npx wrangler publish.

Looking to the future

Over the next few months, the Workers team is planning to further improve the local development experience with a specific focus on automated testing. Already, we’ve released a preliminary API for programmatic end-to-end tests with wrangler dev, but we’re also investigating ways of bringing Miniflare 2’s Jest/Vitest environments to workerd. We’re also considering creating extensions for popular IDEs to make developing workers even easier. 👀

Miniflare 3.0 is now included in Wrangler! Try it out by running npx wrangler@latest dev --experimental-local. Let us know what you think in the #wrangler channel on the Cloudflare Developers Discord, and please open a GitHub issue if you hit any unexpected behavior.

Improving Workers TypeScript support: accuracy, ergonomics and interoperability

Post Syndicated from Brendan Coll original https://blog.cloudflare.com/improving-workers-types/

Improving Workers TypeScript support: accuracy, ergonomics and interoperability

Improving Workers TypeScript support: accuracy, ergonomics and interoperability

TypeScript makes it easy for developers to write code that doesn’t crash, by catching type errors before your program runs. We want developers to take advantage of this tooling, which is why one year ago, we built a system to automatically generate TypeScript types for the Cloudflare Workers runtime. This enabled developers to see code completions in their IDEs for Workers APIs, and to type check code before deploying. Each week, a new version of the types would be published, reflecting the most recent changes.

Over the past year, we’ve received lots of feedback from customers and internal teams on how we could improve our types. With the switch to the Bazel build system in preparation for open-sourcing the runtime, we saw an opportunity to rebuild our types to be more accurate, easier to use, and simpler to generate. Today, we’re excited to announce the next major release of @cloudflare/workers-types with a bunch of new features, and the open-sourcing of the fully-rewritten automatic generation scripts.

How to use TypeScript with Workers

Setting up TypeScript in Workers is easy! If you’re just getting started with Workers, install Node.js, then run npx wrangler init in your terminal to generate a new project. If you have an existing Workers project and want to take advantage of our improved typings, install the latest versions of TypeScript and @cloudflare/workers-types with npm install --save-dev typescript @cloudflare/workers-types@latest, then create a tsconfig.json file with the following contents:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "esnext",
    "module": "esnext",
    "lib": ["esnext"],
    "types": ["@cloudflare/workers-types"]

Your editor will now highlight issues and give you code completions as you type, leading to a less error-prone and more enjoyable developer experience.

Improving Workers TypeScript support: accuracy, ergonomics and interoperability
Editor highlighting incorrect use of set instead of put, and providing code completions

Improved interoperability with standard types

Cloudflare Workers implement many of the same runtime APIs as browsers, and we’re working to improve our standards compliance even more with the WinterCG. However, there will always be fundamental differences between what browsers and Workers can do. For example, browsers can play audio files, whereas Workers have direct access to Cloudflare’s network for storing globally-distributed data. This mismatch means that the runtime APIs and types provided by each platform are different, which in turn makes it difficult to use Workers types with frameworks, like Remix, that run the same files on the Cloudflare network and in the browser. These files need to be type-checked against lib.dom.d.ts, which is incompatible with our types.

To solve this problem, we now generate a separate version of our types that can be selectively imported, without having to include @cloudflare/workers-types in your tsconfig.json’s types field. Here’s an example of what this looks like:

import type { KVNamespace } from "@cloudflare/workers-types";

declare const USERS_NAMESPACE: KVNamespace;

In addition, we automatically generate a diff of our types against TypeScript’s lib.webworker.d.ts. Going forward, we’ll use this to identify areas where we can further improve our spec-compliance.

Improved compatibility with compatibility dates

Cloudflare maintains strong backwards compatibility promises for all the APIs we provide. We use compatibility flags and dates to make breaking changes in a backwards-compatible way. Sometimes these compatibility flags change the types. For example, the global_navigator flag adds a new navigator global, and the url_standard flag changes the URLSearchParams constructor signature.

We now allow you to select the version of the types that matches your compatibility date, so you can be sure you’re not using features that won’t be supported at runtime.

  "compilerOptions": {
    "types": ["@cloudflare/workers-types/2022-08-04"]

Improved integration with Wrangler

In addition to compatibility dates, your Worker environment configuration also impacts the runtime and type API surface. If you have bindings such as KV namespaces or R2 buckets configured in your wrangler.toml, these need to be reflected in TypeScript types. Similarly, custom text, data and WebAssembly module rules need to be declared so TypeScript knows the types of exports. Previously, it was up to you to create a separate ambient TypeScript file containing these declarations.

To keep wrangler.toml as the single source of truth, you can now run npx wrangler types to generate this file automatically.

For example, the following wrangler.toml

kv_namespaces = [{ binding = "MY_NAMESPACE", id = "..." }]
rules = [{ type = "Text", globs = ["**/*.txt"] }]

…generates these ambient types:

interface Env {
  MY_NAMESPACE: KVNamespace;
declare module "*.txt" {
  const value: string;
  export default value;

Improved integrated documentation and changelogs

Code completions provide a great way for developers new to the Workers platform to explore the API surface. We now include the documentation for standard APIs from TypeScript’s official types in our types. We’re also starting the process of bringing docs for Cloudflare specific APIs into them too.

Improving Workers TypeScript support: accuracy, ergonomics and interoperability

For developers already using the Workers platform, it can be difficult to see how types are changing with each release of @cloudflare/workers-types. To avoid type errors and highlight new features, we now generate a detailed changelog with each release that splits out new, changed and removed definitions.

How does type generation work under the hood?

As mentioned earlier, we’ve completely rebuilt the automatic type generation scripts to be more reliable, extensible and maintainable. This means developers will get improved types as soon as new versions of the runtime are published. Our system now uses workerd’s new runtime-type-information (RTTI) system to query types of Workers runtime APIs, rather than attempting to extract this information from parsed C++ ASTs.

// Encode the KV namespace type without any compatibility flags enabled
CompatibilityFlags::Reader flags = {};
auto builder = rtti::Builder(flags);
auto type = builder.structure<KvNamespace>();
capnp::TextCodec codec;
auto encoded = codec.encode(type);
KJ_DBG(encoded); // (name = "KvNamespace", members = [ ... ], ...)

We then pass this RTTI to a TypeScript program that uses the TypeScript Compiler API to generate declarations and perform AST transformations to tidy them up. This is built into workerd’s Bazel build system, meaning generating types is now a single bazel build //types:types command. We leverage Bazel’s cache to rebuild as little as possible during generation.

import ts, { factory as f } from "typescript";

const keyParameter = f.createParameterDeclaration(
  /* decorators */ undefined,
  /* modifiers */ undefined,
  /* dotDotDotToken */ undefined,
  /* questionToken */ undefined,
const returnType = f.createTypeReferenceNode("Promise", [
const getMethod = f.createMethodSignature(
  /* modifiers */ undefined,
  /* questionToken */ undefined,
  /* typeParameters */ undefined,
const kvNamespace = f.createInterfaceDeclaration(
  /* decorators */ undefined,
  /* modifiers */ undefined,
  /* typeParameters */ undefined,
  /* heritageClauses */ undefined,

const file = ts.createSourceFile("file.ts", "", ts.ScriptTarget.ESNext);
const printer = ts.createPrinter();
const output = printer.printNode(ts.EmitHint.Unspecified, kvNamespace, file);
console.log(output); // interface KVNamespace { get(key: string): Promise<string | null>; }

Improving Workers TypeScript support: accuracy, ergonomics and interoperability

Whilst the auto-generated types correctly describe the JavaScript interface of Workers runtime APIs, TypeScript provides additional features we can use to provide higher-fidelity types and improve developer ergonomics. Our system allows us to handwrite partial TypeScript “overrides” that get merged with the auto-generated types. This enables us to…

  • Add type parameters (generics) to types such as ReadableStream and avoid any typed values.
  • Specify the correspondence between input and output types with method overloads. For example, KVNamespace#get() should return a string when the type argument is text, but ArrayBuffer when it’s arrayBuffer.
  • Rename types to match TypeScript standards and reduce verbosity.
  • Fully-replace a type for more accurate declarations. For example, we replace WebSocketPair with a const declaration for better types with Object.values().
  • Provide types for values that are internally untyped such as the Request#cf object.
  • Hide internal types that aren’t usable in your workers.

Previously, these overrides were defined in separate TypeScript files to the C++ declarations they were overriding. This meant they often fell out-of-sync with the original declarations. In the new system, overrides are defined alongside the originals with C++ macros, meaning they can be reviewed alongside runtime implementation changes. See the README for workerd’s JavaScript glue code for many more details and examples.

Try typing with workers-types today!

We encourage you to upgrade to the latest version of @cloudflare/workers-types with npm install --save-dev @cloudflare/workers-types@latest, and try out the new wrangler types command. We’ll be publishing a new version of the types with each workerd release. Let us know what you think on the Cloudflare Developers Discord, and please open a GitHub issue if you find any types that could be improved.

Twilio Segment Edge SDK Powered by Cloudflare Workers

Post Syndicated from Pooya Jaferian (Guest Blogger) original https://blog.cloudflare.com/twilio-segment-sdk-powered-by-cloudflare-workers/

Twilio Segment Edge SDK Powered by Cloudflare Workers

Twilio Segment Edge SDK Powered by Cloudflare Workers

The Cloudflare team was so excited to hear how Twilio Segment solved problems they encountered with tracking first-party data and personalization using Cloudflare Workers. We are happy to have guest bloggers Pooya Jaferian and Tasha Alfano from Twilio Segment to share their story.


Twilio Segment is a customer data platform that collects, transforms, and activates first-party customer data. Segment helps developers collect user interactions within an application, form a unified customer record, and sync it to hundreds of different marketing, product, analytics, and data warehouse integrations.

There are two “unsolved” problem with app instrumentation today:

Problem #1: Many important events that you want to track happen on the “wild-west” of the client, but collecting those events via the client can lead to low data quality, as events are dropped due to user configurations, browser limitations, and network connectivity issues.

Problem #2: Applications need access to real-time (<50ms) user state to personalize the application experience based on advanced computations and segmentation logic that must be executed on the cloud.

The Segment Edge SDK – built on Cloudflare Workers – solves for both. With Segment Edge SDK, developers can collect high-quality first-party data. Developers can also use Segment Edge SDK to access real-time user profiles and state, to deliver personalized app experiences without managing a ton of infrastructure.

This post goes deep on how and why we built the Segment Edge SDK. We chose the Cloudflare Workers platform as the runtime for our SDK for a few reasons. First, we needed a scalable platform to collect billions of events per day. Workers running with no cold-start made them the right choice. Second, our SDK needed a fast storage solution, and Workers KV fitted our needs perfectly. Third, we wanted our SDK to be easy to use and deploy, and Workers’ ease and speed of deployment was a great fit.

It is important to note that the Segment Edge SDK is in early development stages, and any features mentioned are subject to change.

Serving a JavaScript library 700M+ times per day

analytics.js is our core JavaScript UI SDK that allows web developers to send data to any tool without having to learn, test, or use a new API every time.

Figure 1 illustrates how Segment can be used to collect data on a web application. Developers add Segment’s web SDK, analytics.js, to their websites by including a JavaScript snippet to the HEAD of their web pages. The snippet can immediately collect and buffer events while it also loads the full library asynchronously from the Segment CDN. Developers can then use analytics.js to identify the visitors, e.g., analytics.identify('john'), and track user behavior, e.g., analytics.track('Order Completed'). Calling the `analytics.js methods such as identify or track will send data to Segment’s API (api.segment.io). Segment’s platform can then deliver the events to different tools, as well as create a profile for the user (e.g., build a profile for user “John”, associate “Order Completed”, as well as add all future activities of john to the profile).

Analytics.js also stores state in the browser as first-party cookies (e.g., storing an ajs_user_id cookie with the value of john, with cookie scoped at the example.com domain) so that when the user visits the website again, the user identifier stored in the cookie can be used to recognize the user.

Twilio Segment Edge SDK Powered by Cloudflare Workers
Figure 1- How analytics.js loads on a website and tracks events

While analytics.js only tracks first-party data (i.e., the data is collected and used by the website that the user is visiting), certain browser controls incorrectly identify analytics.js as a third-party tracker, because the SDK is loaded from a third-party domain (cdn.segment.com) and the data is going to a third-party domain (api.segment.com). Furthermore, despite using first-party cookies to store user identity, some browsers such as Safari have limited the TTL for non-HTTPOnly cookies to 7-days, making it challenging to maintain state for long periods of time.

To overcome these limitations, we have built a Segment Edge SDK (currently in early development) that can automatically add Segment’s library to a web application, eliminate the use of third-party domains, and maintain user identity using HTTPOnly cookies. In the process of solving the first-party data problem, we realized that the Edge SDK is best positioned to act as a personalization library, given it has access to the user identity on every request (in the form of cookies), and it can resolve such identity to a full-user profile stored in Segment. The user profile information can be used to deliver personalized content to users directly from the Cloudflare Workers platform.

The remaining portions of this post will cover how we solved the above problems. We first explain how the Edge SDK helps with first-party collection. Then we cover how the Segment profiles database becomes available on the Cloudflare Workers platform, and how to use such data to drive personalization.

Segment Edge SDK and first-party data collection

Developers can set up the Edge SDK by creating a Cloudflare Worker sitting in front of their web application (via Routes) and importing the Edge SDK via npm. The Edge SDK will handle requests and automatically injects analytics.js snippets into every webpage. It also configures first-party endpoints to download the SDK assets and send tracking data. The Edge SDK also captures user identity by looking at the Segment events and instructs the browser to store such identity as HTTPOnly cookies.

import { Segment } from "@segment/edge-sdk-cloudflare";

export default {
   async fetch(request: Request, env: Env): Promise<Response> {
       const segment = new Segment(env.SEGMENT_WRITE_KEY); 

       const resp = await segment.handleEvent(request, env);

       return resp;

How the Edge SDK works under the hood to enable first-party data collection

The Edge SDK’s internal router checks the inbound request URL against predefined patterns. If the URL matches a route, the router runs the route’s chain of handlers to process the request, fetch the origin, or modify the response.

export interface HandlerFunction {
   request: Request,
   response: Response | undefined,
   context: RouterContext
 ): Promise<[Request, Response | undefined, RouterContext]>;

Figure 2 demonstrates the routing of incoming requests. The Worker calls  segment.handleEvent method with the request object (step 1), then the router matches the request.url and request.method against a set of predefined routes:

  • GET requests with /seg/assets/* path are proxied to Segment CDN (step 2a)
  • POST requests with /seg/events/* path are proxied to Segment tracking API (step 2b)
  • Other requests are proxied to the origin (step 2c) and the HTML responses are enriched with the analytics.js snippet (step 3)

Regardless of the route, the router eventually returns a response to the browser (step 4) containing data from the origin, the response from Segment tracking API, or analytics.js assets. When Edge SDK detects the user identity in an incoming request (more on that later), it sets an HTTPOnly cookie in the response headers to persist the user identity in the browser.

Twilio Segment Edge SDK Powered by Cloudflare Workers
Figure 2- Edge SDK router flow‌‌

In the subsequent three sections, we explain how we inject analytics.js, proxy Segment endpoints, and set server-side cookies.

Injecting Segment SDK on requests to origin

For all the incoming requests routed to the origin, the Edge SDK fetches the HTML page and then adds the analytics.js snippet to the <HEAD> tag, embeds the write key, and configures the snippet to download the subsequent javascript bundles from the first-party domain ([first-party host]/seg/assets/*) and sends data to the first-party domain as well ([first-party host]/seg/events/*). This is accomplished using the HTMLRewriter API.

import snippet from "@segment/snippet"; // Existing Segment package that generates snippet

class ElementHandler {
   constructor(host: string, writeKey: string)

   element(element: Element) {
     // generate Segment snippet and configure it with first-party host info
     const snip = snippet.min({
         host: `${this.host}/seg`,
         apiKey: this.writeKey,
     element.append(`<script>${snip}</script>`, { html: true });
export const enrichWithAJS: HandlerFunction = async (
 ) => {
   const {
     settings: { writeKey },
   } = context;
   const host = request.headers.get("host") || "";
    return [
     new HTMLRewriter().on("head",
         new ElementHandler(host, writeKey))

Proxy SDK bundles and Segment API

The Edge SDK proxies the Segment CDN and API under the first-party domain. For example, when the browser loads a page with the injected analytics.js snippet, the snippet loads the full analytics.js bundle from https://example.com/seg/assets/sdk.js, and the Edge SDK will proxy that request to the Segment CDN:


export const proxyAnalyticsJS: HandlerFunction = async (request, response, ctx) => {
 const url = `https://cdn.segment.com/analytics.js/v1/${ctx.params.writeKey}/analytics.min.js`;
 const resp = await fetch(url);
 return [request, resp, ctx];

Similarly, analytics.js collects events and sends them via a POST request to https://example.com/seg/events/[method] and the Edge SDK will proxy such requests to the Segment tracking API:


export const handleAPI: HandlerFunction = async (request, response, context) => {
 const url = new URL(request.url);
 const parts = url.pathname.split("/");
 const method = parts.pop();
 let body: { [key: string]: any } = await request.json();

 const init = {
   method: "POST",
   headers: request.headers,
   body: JSON.stringify(body),

 const resp = await fetch(`https://api.segment.io/v1/${method}`, init);

 return [request, resp, context];

First party server-side cookies

The Edge SDK also re-writes existing client-side analytics.js cookies as HTTPOnly cookies. When Edge SDK intercepts an identify event e.g., analytics.identify('john'), it extracts the user identity (“john”) and then sets a server-side cookie when sending a response back to the user. Therefore, any subsequent request to the Edge SDK can be associated with “john” using request cookies.

export const enrichResponseWithIdCookies: HandlerFunction = async (
 request, response, context) => {

 const host = request.headers.get("host") || "";
 const body = await request.json();
 const userId = body.userId;


 const headers = new Headers(response.headers);
 const cookie = cookie.stringify("ajs_user_id", userId, {
   httponly: true,
   path: "/",
   maxage: 31536000,
   domain: host,
 headers.append("Set-Cookie", cookie);
 const newResponse = new Response(response.body, {

 return [request, newResponse, newContext];

Intercepting the ajs_user_id on the Workers, and using the cookie identifier to associate each request to a user, is quite powerful, and it opens the door for delivering personalized content to users. The next section covers how Edge SDK can drive personalization.

Personalization on the Supercloud

The Edge SDK offers a registerVariation method that can customize how a request to a given route should be fetched from the origin. For example, let’s assume we have three versions of a landing page in the origin: /red, /green, and  / (default), and we want to deliver one of the three versions based on the visitor traits. We can use Edge SDK as follows:

   const segment = new Segment(env.SEGMENT_WRITE_KEY); 
   segment.registerVariation("/", (profile) => {
     if (profile.red_group) {
       return "/red"
     } else if (profile.green_group) 
       return "/green"

   const resp = await segment.handleEvent(request, env);

   return resp

The registerVariation accepts two inputs: the path that displays the personalized content, and a decision function that should return the origin address for the personalized content. The decision function receives a profile object visitor in Segment. In the example, when users visit example.com/(root path), personalized content is delivered by checking if the visitor has a red_group or green_group trait and subsequently requesting the content from either /red or /green path at the origin.

We already explained that Edge SDK knows the identity of the user via ajs_user_id cookie, but we haven’t covered how the Edge SDK has access to the full profile object. The next section explains how the full profile becomes available on the Cloudflare Workers platform.

How does personalization work under the hood?

The Personalization feature of the Edge SDK requires storage of profiles on the Cloudflare Workers platform. A Cloudflare KV should be created for the Worker running the Edge SDK and passed to the Edge SDK during initialization. Edge SDK will store profiles in KV, where keys are the ajs_user_id, and values are the serialized profile object. To move Profiles data from Segment to the KV, the SDK uses two methods:

  • Profiles data push from Segment to the Cloudflare Workers platform: The Segment product can sync user profiles database with different tools, including pushing the data to a webhook. The Edge SDK automatically exposes a webhook endpoint under the first-party domain (e.g., example.com/seg/profiles-webhook) that Segment can call periodically to sync user profiles. The webhook handler receives incoming sync calls from Segment, and writes profiles to the KV.
  • Pulling data from Segment by the Edge SDK: If the Edge SDK queries the KV for a user id, and doesn’t find the profile (i.e., data hasn’t synced yet), it requests the user profile from the Segment API, and stores it in the KV.

Figure 3 demonstrates how the personalization flow works. In step 1, the user requests content for the root path ( / ), and the Worker sends the request to the Edge SDK (step 2). The Edge SDK router determines that a variation is registered on the route, therefore, extracts the ajs_user_id from the request cookies, and goes through the full profile extraction (step 3). The SDK first checks the KV for a record with the key of ajs_user_id value and if not found, queries Segment API to fetch the profile, and stores the profile in the KV. Eventually, the profile is extracted and passed into the decision function to decide which path should be served to the user (step 4). The router eventually fetches the variation from the origin (step 5) and returns the response under the / path to the browser (step 6).

Twilio Segment Edge SDK Powered by Cloudflare Workers
Figure 3- Personalization flow


In this post we covered how the Cloudflare Workers platform can help with tracking first-party data and personalization. We also explained how we built a Segment Edge SDK to enable Segment customers to get those benefits out of the box, without having to create their own DIY solution. The Segment Edge SDK is currently in early development, and we are planning to launch a private pilot and open-source it in the near future.

Incremental adoption of micro-frontends with Cloudflare Workers

Post Syndicated from Peter Bacon Darwin original https://blog.cloudflare.com/fragment-piercing/

Incremental adoption of micro-frontends with Cloudflare Workers

Bring micro-frontend benefits to legacy Web applications

Incremental adoption of micro-frontends with Cloudflare Workers

Recently, we wrote about a new fragment architecture for building Web applications that is fast, cost-effective, and scales to the largest projects, while enabling a fast iteration cycle. The approach uses multiple collaborating Cloudflare Workers to render and stream micro-frontends into an application that is interactive faster than traditional client-side approaches, leading to better user experience and SEO scores.

This approach is great if you are starting a new project or have the capacity to rewrite your current application from scratch. But in reality most projects are too large to be rebuilt from scratch and can adopt architectural changes only in an incremental way.

In this post we propose a way to replace only selected parts of a legacy client-side rendered application with server-side rendered fragments. The result is an application where the most important views are interactive sooner, can be developed independently, and receive all the benefits of the micro-frontend approach, while avoiding large rewrites of the legacy codebase. This approach is framework-agnostic; in this post we demonstrate fragments built with React, Qwik, and SolidJS.

The pain of large frontend applications

Many large frontend applications developed today fail to deliver good user experience. This is often caused by architectures that require large amounts of JavaScript to be downloaded, parsed and executed before users can interact with the application. Despite efforts to defer non-critical JavaScript code via lazy loading, and the use of server-side rendering, these large applications still take too long to become interactive and respond to the user’s inputs.

Furthermore, large monolithic applications can be complex to build and deploy. Multiple teams may be collaborating on a single codebase and the effort to coordinate testing and deployment of the project makes it hard to develop, deploy and iterate on individual features.

As outlined in our previous post, micro-frontends powered by Cloudflare Workers can solve these problems but converting an application monolith to a micro-frontend architecture can be difficult and expensive. It can take months, or even years, of engineering time before any benefits are perceived by users or developers.

What we need is an approach where a project can incrementally adopt micro-frontends into the most impactful parts of the application incrementally, without needing to rewrite the whole application in one go.

Fragments to the rescue

The goal of a fragment based architecture is to significantly decrease loading and interaction latency for large web applications (as measured via Core Web Vitals) by breaking the application into micro-frontends that can be quickly rendered (and cached) in Cloudflare Workers. The challenge is how to integrate a micro-frontend fragment into a legacy client-side rendered application with minimal cost to the original project.

The technique we propose allows us to convert the most valuable parts of a legacy application’s UI, in isolation from the rest of the application.

It turns out that, in many applications, the most valuable parts of the UI are often nested within an application “shell” that provides header, footer, and navigational elements. Examples of these include a login form, product details panel in an e-commerce application, the inbox in an email client, etc.

Let’s take a login form as an example. If it takes our application several seconds to display the login form, the users will dread logging in, and we might lose them. We can however convert the login form into a server-side rendered fragment, which is displayed and interactive immediately, while the rest of the legacy application boots up in the background. Since the fragment is interactive early, the user can even submit their credentials before the legacy application has started and rendered the rest of the page.

Animation showing the login form being available before the main application

This approach enables engineering teams to deliver valuable improvements to users in just a fraction of the time and engineering cost compared to traditional approaches, which either sacrifice user experience improvements, or require a lengthy and high-risk rewrite of the entire application. It allows teams with monolithic single-page applications to adopt a micro-frontend architecture incrementally, target the improvements to the most valuable parts of the application, and therefore front-load the return on investment.

An interesting challenge in extracting parts of the UI into server-side rendered fragments is that, once displayed in the browser, we want the legacy application and the fragments to feel like a single application. The fragments should be neatly embedded within the legacy application shell, keeping the application accessible by correctly forming the DOM hierarchy, but we also want the server-side rendered fragments to be displayed and become interactive as quickly as possible — even before the legacy client-side rendered application shell comes into existence. How can we embed UI fragments into an application shell that doesn’t exist yet? We resolved this problem via a technique we devised, which we call “fragment piercing”.

Fragment piercing

Fragment piercing combines HTML/DOM produced by server-side rendered micro-frontend fragments with HTML/DOM produced by a legacy client-side rendered application.

The micro-frontend fragments are rendered directly into the top level of the HTML response, and are designed to become immediately interactive. In the background, the legacy application is client-side rendered as a sibling of these fragments. When it is ready, the fragments are “pierced” into the legacy application – the DOM of each fragment is moved to its appropriate place within the DOM of the legacy application – without causing any visual side effects, or loss of client-side state, such as focus, form data, or text selection. Once “pierced”, a fragment can begin to communicate with the legacy application, effectively becoming an integrated part of it.

Here, you can see a “login” fragment and the empty legacy application “root” element at the top level of the DOM, before piercing.

  <div id="root"></div>
  <piercing-fragment-host fragment-id="login">
    <login q:container...>...</login>

And here you can see that the fragment has been pierced into the “login-page” div in the rendered legacy application.

  <div id="root">
      <div class="login-page">
        <piercing-fragment-outlet fragment-id="login">
          <piercing-fragment-host fragment-id="login">
            <login  q:container...>...</login>

To keep the fragment from moving and causing a visible layout shift during this transition, we apply CSS styles that position the fragment in the same way before and after piercing.

At any time an application can be displaying any number of pierced fragments, or none at all. This technique is not limited only to the initial load of the legacy application. Fragments can also be added to and removed from an application, at any time. This allows fragments to be rendered in response to user interactions and client-side routing.

With fragment piercing, you can start to incrementally adopt micro-frontends, one fragment at a time. You decide on the granularity of fragments, and which parts of the application to turn into fragments. The fragments don’t all have to use the same Web framework, which can be useful when switching stacks, or during a post-acquisition integration of multiple applications.

The “Productivity Suite” demo

As a demonstration of fragment piercing and incremental adoption we have developed a “productivity suite” demo application that allows users to manage to-do lists, read hacker news, etc. We implemented the shell of this application as a client-side rendered React application — a common tech choice in corporate applications. This is our “legacy application”. There are three routes in the application that have been updated to use micro-frontend fragments:

  • /login – a simple dummy login form with client-side validation, displayed when users are not authenticated (implemented in Qwik).
  • /todos – manages one or more todo lists, implemented as two collaborating fragments:
    • Todo list selector – a component for selecting/creating/deleting Todo lists (implemented in Qwik).
    • Todo list editor – a clone of the TodoMVC app (implemented in React).
  • /news – a clone of the HackerNews demo (implemented in SolidJS).

This demo showcases that different independent technologies can be used for both the legacy application and for each of the fragments.

Incremental adoption of micro-frontends with Cloudflare Workers
A visualization of the fragments that are pierced into the legacy application

The application is deployed at https://productivity-suite.web-experiments.workers.dev/.

To try it out, you first need to log in – simply use any username you like (no password needed). The user’s data is saved in a cookie, so you can log out and back in using the same username. After you’ve logged in, navigate through the various pages using the navigation bar at the top of the application. In particular, take a look at the “Todo Lists” and “News” pages to see the piercing in action.

At any point, try reloading the page to see that fragments are rendered instantly while the legacy application loads slowly in the background. Try interacting with the fragments even before the legacy application has appeared!

At the very top of the page there are controls to let you see the impact of fragment piercing in action.

Incremental adoption of micro-frontends with Cloudflare Workers
  • Use the “Legacy app bootstrap delay” slider to set the simulated delay before the legacy application starts.
  • Toggle “Piercing Enabled” to see what the user experience would be if the app did not use fragments.
  • Toggle “Show Seams” to see where each fragment is on the current page.

How it works

The application is composed of a number of building blocks.

Incremental adoption of micro-frontends with Cloudflare Workers
An overview of the collaborating Workers and legacy application host

The Legacy application host in our demo serves the files that define the client-side React application (HTML, JavaScript and stylesheets). Applications built with other tech stacks would work just as well. The Fragment Workers host the micro-frontend fragments, as described in our previous fragment architecture post. And the Gateway Worker handles requests from the browser, selecting, fetching and combining response streams from the legacy application and micro-frontend fragments.

Once these pieces are all deployed, they work together to handle each request from the browser. Let’s look at what happens when you go to the `/login` route.

Incremental adoption of micro-frontends with Cloudflare Workers
The flow of requests when viewing the login page

The user navigates to the application and the browser makes a request to the Gateway Worker to get the initial HTML. The Gateway Worker identifies that the browser is requesting the login page. It then makes two parallel sub-requests – one to fetch the index.html of the legacy application, and another to request the server-side rendered login fragment. It then combines these two responses into a single response stream containing the HTML that is delivered to the browser.

The browser displays the HTML response containing the empty root element for the legacy application, and the server-side rendered login fragment, which is immediately interactive for the user.

The browser then requests the legacy application’s JavaScript. This request is proxied by the Gateway Worker to the Legacy application host. Similarly, any other assets for the legacy application or fragments get routed through the Gateway Worker to the legacy application host or appropriate Fragment Worker.

Once the legacy application’s JavaScript has been downloaded and executed, rendering the shell of the application in the process, the fragment piercing kicks in, moving the fragment into the appropriate place in the legacy application, while preserving all of its UI state.

While focussed on the login fragment to explain fragment piercing, the same ideas apply to the other fragments implemented in the /todos and /news routes.

The piercing library

Despite being implemented using different Web frameworks, all the fragments are integrated into the legacy application in the same way using helpers from a “Piercing Library”. This library is a collection of server-side and client-side utilities that we developed, for the demo, to handle integrating the legacy application with micro-frontend fragments. The main features of the library are the PiercingGateway class, fragment host and fragment outlet custom elements, and the MessageBus class.


The PiercingGateway class can be used to instantiate a Gateway Worker that handles all requests for our application’s HTML, JavaScript and other assets. The `PiercingGateway` routes requests through to the appropriate Fragment Workers or to the host of the Legacy Application. It also combines the HTML response streams from these fragments with the response from the legacy application into a single HTML stream that is returned to the browser.

Implementing a Gateway Worker is straightforward using the Piercing Library. Create a new gateway instance of PiercingGateway, passing it the URL to the legacy application host and a function to determine whether piercing is enabled for the given request. Export the gateway as the default export from the Worker script so that the Workers runtime can wire up its fetch() handler.

const gateway = new PiercingGateway<Env>({
  // Configure the origin URL for the legacy application.
  getLegacyAppBaseUrl: (env) => env.APP_BASE_URL,
  shouldPiercingBeEnabled: (request) => ...,

export default gateway;

Fragments can be registered by calling the registerFragment() method so that the gateway can automatically route requests for a fragment’s HTML and assets to its Fragment Worker. For example, registering the login fragment would look like:

  fragmentId: "login",
  prePiercingStyles: "...",
  shouldBeIncluded: async (request) => !(await isUserAuthenticated(request)),

Fragment host and outlet

Routing requests and combining HTML responses in the Gateway Worker is only half of what makes piercing possible. The other half needs to happen in the browser where the fragments need to be pierced into the legacy application using the technique we described earlier.

The fragment piercing in the browser is facilitated by a pair of custom elements, the fragment host (<piercing-fragment-host>) and the fragment outlet (<piercing-fragment-outlet>).

The Gateway Worker wraps the HTML for each fragment in a fragment host. In the browser, the fragment host manages the life-time of the fragment and is used when moving the fragment’s DOM into position in the legacy application.

<piercing-fragment-host fragment-id="login">
  <login q:container...>...</login>

In the legacy application, the developer marks where a fragment should appear when it is pierced by adding a fragment outlet. Our demo application’s Login route looks as follows:

export function Login() {
  return (
    <div className="login-page" ref={ref}>
      <piercing-fragment-outlet fragment-id="login" />

When a fragment outlet is added to the DOM, it searches the current document for its associated fragment host. If found, the fragment host and its contents are moved inside the outlet. If the fragment host is not found, the outlet will make a request to the gateway worker to fetch the fragment HTML, which is then streamed directly into the fragment outlet, using the writable-dom library (a small but powerful library developed by the MarkoJS team).

This fallback mechanism enables client-side navigation to routes that contain new fragments. This way fragments can be rendered in the browser via both initial (hard) navigation and client-side (soft) navigation.

Message bus

Unless the fragments in our application are completely presentational or self-contained, they also need to communicate with the legacy application and other fragments. The MessageBus is a simple asynchronous, isomorphic, and framework-agnostic communication bus that the legacy application and each of the fragments can access.

In our demo application the login fragment needs to inform the legacy application when the user has authenticated. This message dispatch is implemented in the Qwik LoginForm component as follows:

const dispatchLoginEvent = $(() => {
  getBus(ref.value).dispatch("login", {
    username: state.username,
    password: state.password,
  state.loading = true;

The legacy application can then listen for these messages like this:

useEffect(() => {
  return getBus().listen<LoginMessage>("login", async (user) => {
    await addUserDataIfMissing(user.username);
    await saveCurrentUser(user.username);
    getBus().dispatch("authentication", user);
    navigate("/", { replace: true, });
}, []);

We settled on this message bus implementation because we needed a solution that was framework-agnostic, and worked well on both the server as well as client.

Give it a go!

With fragments, fragment piercing, and Cloudflare Workers, you can improve performance as well as the development cycle of legacy client-side rendered applications. These changes can be adopted incrementally, and you can even do so while implementing fragments with a Web framework for your choice.

The “Productivity Suite” application demonstrating these capabilities can be found at https://productivity-suite.web-experiments.workers.dev/.

All the code we have shown is open-source and published to Github: https://github.com/cloudflare/workers-web-experiments/tree/main/productivity-suite.

Feel free to clone the repository. It is easy to run locally and even deploy your own version (for free) to Cloudflare. We tried to make the code as reusable as possible. Most of the core logic is in the piercing library that you could try in your own projects. We’d be thrilled to receive feedback, suggestions, or hear about applications you’d like to use it for. Join our GitHub discussion or also reach us on our discord channel.

We believe that combining Cloudflare Workers with the latest ideas from frameworks will drive the next big steps forward in improved experiences for both users and developers in Web applications. Expect to see more demos, blog posts and collaborations as we continue to push the boundaries of what the Web can offer. And if you’d also like to be directly part of this journey, we are also happy to share that we are hiring!

Keep track of Workers’ code and configuration changes with Deployments

Post Syndicated from Kabir Sikand original https://blog.cloudflare.com/deployments-for-workers/

Keep track of Workers’ code and configuration changes with Deployments

Keep track of Workers’ code and configuration changes with Deployments

Today we’re happy to introduce Deployments for Workers. Deployments allow developers to keep track of changes to their Worker; not just the code, but the configuration and bindings as well. With deployments, developers now have access to a powerful audit log of changes to their production applications.

And tracking changes is just the beginning! Deployments provide a strong foundation to add: automated deployments, rollbacks, and integration with version control.

Today we’ll dive into the details of deployments, how you can use them, and what we’re thinking about next.


Deployments are a powerful new way to track changes to your Workers. With them, you can track who’s making changes to your Workers, where those changes are coming from, and when those changes are being made.

Keep track of Workers’ code and configuration changes with Deployments

Cloudflare reports on deployments made from wrangler, API, dashboard, or Terraform anytime you make changes to your Worker’s code, edit resource bindings and environment variables, or modify configuration like name or usage model.

Keep track of Workers’ code and configuration changes with Deployments

We expose the source of your deployments, so you can track where changes are coming from. For example, if you have a CI job that’s responsible for changes, and you see a user made a change through the Cloudflare dashboard, it’s easy to flag that and dig into whether the deployment was a mistake.

Interacting with deployments

Cloudflare tracks the authors, sources, and timestamps of deployments. If you have a set of users responsible for deployment, or an API Token that’s associated with your CI tool, it’s easy to see which made recent deployments. Each deployment also includes a timestamp, so you can track when those changes were made.

Keep track of Workers’ code and configuration changes with Deployments

You can access all this deployment information in your Cloudflare dashboard, under your Worker’s Deployments tab. We also report on the active version right at the front of your Worker’s detail page. Wrangler will also report on deployment information. wrangler publish now reports the latest deployed version, and a new `wrangler deployments` command can be used to view a deployment history.

Keep track of Workers’ code and configuration changes with Deployments

To learn more about the details of deployments, head over to our Developer Documentation.

What’s next?

We’re excited to share deployments with our customers, available today in an open beta. As we mentioned up front, we’re just getting started with deployments. We’re also excited for more on-platform tooling like rollbacks, deploy status, deployment rules, and a view-only mode to historical deployments. Beyond that, we want to ensure deployments can be automated from commits to your repository, which means working on version control integrations to services like GitHub, Bitbucket, and Gitlab. We’d love to hear more about how you’re currently using Workers and how we can improve developer experience. If you’re interested, let’s chat.

If you’d like to join the conversation, head over to Cloudflare’s Developer Discord and give us a shout! We love hearing from our customers, and we’re excited to see what you build with Cloudflare.

How Cloudflare uses Terraform to manage Cloudflare

Post Syndicated from Michael Wolf original https://blog.cloudflare.com/terraforming-cloudflare-at-cloudflare/

How Cloudflare uses Terraform to manage Cloudflare

How Cloudflare uses Terraform to manage Cloudflare

Configuration management is far from a solved problem. As organizations scale beyond a handful of administrators, having a secure, auditable, and self-service way of updating system settings becomes invaluable. Managing a Cloudflare account is no different. With dozens of products and hundreds of API endpoints, keeping track of current configuration and making bulk updates across multiple zones can be a challenge. While the Cloudflare Dashboard is great for analytics and feature exploration, any changes that could potentially impact users really should get a code review before being applied!

This is where Cloudflare’s Terraform provider can come in handy. Built as a layer on top of the cloudflare-go library, the provider allows users to interface with the Cloudflare API using stateful Terraform resource declarations. Not only do we actively support this provider for customers, we make extensive use of it internally! In this post, we hope to provide some best practices we’ve learned about managing complex Cloudflare configurations in Terraform.

Why Terraform

Unsurprisingly, we find Cloudflare’s products to be pretty useful for securing and enhancing the performance of services we deploy internally. We use DNS, WAF, Zero Trust, Email Security, Workers, and all manner of experimental new features throughout the company. This dog-fooding allows us to battle-harden the services we provide to users and feed our desired features back to the product teams all while running the backend of Cloudflare. But, as Cloudflare grew, so did the complexity and importance of our configuration.

When we were a much smaller company, we only had a handful of accounts with designated administrators making changes on behalf of their colleagues. However, over time this handful of accounts grew into hundreds with each managed by separate teams. Independent accounts are useful in that they allow service-owners to make modifications that can’t impact others, but it comes with overhead.

We faced the challenge of ensuring consistent security policies, up-to-date account memberships, and change visibility. While our  accounts were still administered by kind human stewards, we had numerous instances of account members not being removed after they transferred to a different team. While this never became a security incident, it demonstrated the shortcomings of manually provisioning account memberships. In the case of a production service migration, the administrator executing the change would often hop on a video call and ask for others to triple-check an IP address, ruleset, or access policy update. It was an era of looking through the audit logs to see what broke a service.

We wanted to make it easier for developers and users to make the changes they wanted without having to reach out to an administrator. Defining our configuration in code using Terraform has allowed us to keep tabs on the complexity of configuration while improving visibility and change management practices. By dogfooding the Cloudflare Terraform provider, we’ve been able to ensure:

  • Modifications to accounts are peer reviewed by the team that owns an account.
  • Each change is tied to a user, commit, and a ticket explaining the rationale for the change.
  • API Tokens are tied to service accounts rather than individual human users, meaning they survive team changes and offboarding.
  • Account configuration can be audited by anyone at the company for current state, accuracy, and security without needing to add everyone as a member of every account.
  • Large changes, such as enforcing hard keys can be done rapidly– even in a single pull request.
  • Configuration can be easily copied and reused across accounts to promote best practices and speed up development.
  • We can use and iterate on our awesome provider and provide a better experience to other users (shoutout in particular to Jacob!).

Terraform in CI/CD

Terraform has a fairly mature open source ecosystem, built from years of running-in-production experience. Thus, there are a number of ways to make interacting with the system feel as comfortable to developers as git. One of these tools is Atlantis.

Atlantis acts as continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) for Terraform; fitting neatly into version control workflows, and giving visibility into the changes being deployed in each code change. We use Atlantis to display Terraform plans (effectively a diff in configuration) within pull requests and apply the changes after the pull request has been approved. Having all the output from the terraform provider in the comments of a pull request means there’s no need to fiddle with the state locally or worry about where a state lock is coming from. Using Terraform CI/CD like this makes configuration management approachable to developers and non-technical folks alike.

In this example pull request, I’m adding a user to the cloudflare-cool-account (see the code in the next section). Once the PR is opened, Bitbucket posts a webhook to Atlantis, telling it to run a `terraform plan` using this branch. The resulting comment is placed in the pull request. Notice that this pull request can’t be applied or merged yet as it doesn’t have an approval! Once the pull request is approved, I would comment “atlantis apply”, wait for Atlantis to post a comment containing the output of the command, and merge the pull request if that output looks correct.

How Cloudflare uses Terraform to manage Cloudflare

Our Terraforming Cloudflare architecture consists of a monorepo with one directory (and tfstate) for each internally-owned Cloudflare account. This keeps all of our Cloudflare configuration centralized for easier oversight while remaining neatly organized.

It will be possible in a future (as of this writing) release to manage multiple Cloudflare accounts in the same tfstate, but we’ve found that accounts in our use generally map fairly neatly onto teams. Teams can be configured as CODEOWNERS for a given directory and be tagged on any pull requests to that account. With teams owning separate accounts and each account having a separate tfstate, it’s rare for pull requests to get stuck waiting for a lock on the tfstate. Team-account-sized states remain relatively small, meaning that they also build quickly. Later on, we’ll share some of the other optimizations we’ve made to keep the repo user-friendly.

Each of our terraform states, given that they include secrets (including the API key!), is stored encrypted in an internal datastore. When a pull request is opened, Atlantis reaches out to a piece of middleware (that we may open source once it’s cleaned up a bit) that retrieves and decrypts the state for processing. Once the pull request is applied, the state is encrypted and put away again.

How Cloudflare uses Terraform to manage Cloudflare
How Cloudflare uses Terraform to manage Cloudflare

We execute a daily Terraform apply across all tfstates to capture any unintended config drift and rotate certificates when they approach expiration. This prevents unrelated changes from popping up in pull request diffs and causing confusion. While we could run more frequent state applies to ensure Terraform remains firmly up to date, once-a-day rectification strikes a balance between code enforcement and avoiding state locks while users are running Terraform plans in pull requests.

One of the problems that we encountered during our transition to Terraform is that folks were in the habit of making updates to configuration in the Dashboard and were still able to edit settings there. Thus, we didn’t always have a single source of truth for our configuration in code. It also meant the change would get mysteriously (to them) reverted the next day! So that’s why I’m excited to share a new Zero Trust Dashboard toggle that we’ve been turning on for our accounts internally: API/Terraform read-only mode.

How Cloudflare uses Terraform to manage Cloudflare
Easily one of my favorite new features

With this button, we’re able to politely prevent manual changes to your Cloudflare account’s Zero Trust configuration without removing permissions from the set of users who can fix settings manually in a break-glass emergency scenario. Check out how you can enable this setting in your Zero Trust organization.

Slick Snippets and Terraforming Recommendations

As our Terraform repository has matured, we’ve refined how we define Cloudflare resources in code. By finding a sweet spot between code reuse and readability, we’ve been able to minimize operational overhead and generally let users get their work done. Here’s a couple of useful snippets that have been particularly valuable to us.

Account Membership

This allows for defining a fairly straightforward mapping of user emails to account privileges without code duplication or complex modules. We pull the list of human-friendly names of account roles from the API to show user permission assignments at a glance. Note: status is a new argument that allows for accounts to be added without sending an email to the user; perfect for when an organization is using SSO. (Thanks patrobinson for the feature request and mblackman for the PR!)

data "cloudflare_account_roles" "my_account" {
	account_id = var.account_id

locals {
  roles = {
	for role in data.cloudflare_account_roles.my_account.roles :
  	role.name => role

locals {
  users = {
    emerson = {
      roles = [
    lucian = {
      roles = [
        local.roles["Super Administrator - All Privileges"].id
    walruto = {
      roles = [
        local.roles_by_name["Audit Logs Viewer"].id,
        local.roles_by_name["Cloudflare Access"].id,

resource "cloudflare_account_member" "account_member" {
  for_each  	= local.users
  account_id	= var.account_id
  email_address = "${each.key}@cloudflare.com"
  role_ids  	= each.value.roles
  status            = "accepted"

Defining Auto-Refreshing Access Service Tokens

The GitHub issue and provider change that enabled automatic Access service token refreshes actually came from a need inside Cloudflare. Here’s how we ended up implementing it. We begin by defining a set of services that need to connect to our hostnames that are protected by Access. Each of these tokens are created and stored in a secret key value store. Next, we reference those access tokens by ID in the target Access policies. Once this has run, the service owner or the service itself can retrieve the credentials from the data store. (Note: we’re using Vault here, but any storage provider could be used in its place).

locals {
  service_tokens = toset([
    "customer-service",     # TICKET-120
    "full-service",               # TICKET-128
    "quality-of-service"      # TICKET-420 
    "room-service"            # TICKET-927

resource "cloudflare_access_service_token" "token" {
  for_each   = local.service_tokens
  account_id = var.account_id
  name   	= each.key
  min_days_for_renewal = 30

resource "vault_generic_secret" "access_service_token" {
  for_each   = local.service_tokens
  path = "kv/secrets/${each.key}/access_service_token"
  disable_read = true

  data_json = jsonencode({
	client_id        = cloudflare_access_service_token.token["${each.key}"].client_id,
client_secret = cloudflare_access_service_token.token["${each.key}"].client_secret

resource "cloudflare_access_application" "super_cool_hostname" {
  account_id             	            = var.account_id
  name                   	            = "Super Cool Hostname"
  domain                 	            = "supercool.hostname.tld"

resource "cloudflare_access_policy" "super_cool_hostname_service_access" {
  application_id = cloudflare_access_application.super_cool_hostname.id
  zone_id    	= data.cloudflare_zone.hostname_tld.id
  name       	= "TICKET-927 Allow Room Service "
  decision   	= "non_identity"
  precedence 	= 1
  include {
	service_token = [cloudflare_access_service_token.token["room-service"].id]

mTLS (Authenticated Origin Pulls) certificate creation and rotation

To further defense-in-depth objectives, we’ve been rolling out mTLS throughout our internal systems. One of the places where we can take advantage of our Terraform provider is in defining AOP (Authenticated Origin Pulls) certificates to lock down the Cloudflare-edge-to-origin connection. Anyone who has managed certificates of any kind can speak to the headaches they can cause. Having certificate configurations in Terraform takes out the manual work of rotation and expiration.

In this example we’re defining hostname-level AOP as opposed to zone-level AOP. We start by cutting a certificate for each hostname. Once again we’re using Vault for certificate creation, but other backends could be used just as well. This certificate is created with a (not-shown) 30 day expiration, but set to renew automatically. This means once the time-to-expiration is equal to min_seconds_remaining, the resource will be automatically tainted and replaced on the next Terraform run. We like to give this automation plenty of room before expiration to take into account holiday seasons and avoid sending alerts to humans when the alerts hit seven days to expiration. For the rest of this snippet, the certificate is uploaded to Cloudflare and the ID from that upload is then placed in the AOP configuration for the given hostname. The create_before_destroy meta-argument ensures that the replacement certificate is uploaded successfully before we remove the certificate that’s currently in place.

locals {
  hostnames = toset([

resource "vault_pki_secret_backend_cert" "vault_cert" {
  for_each          	      = local.hostnames
  backend           	      = "pki-aop"
  name              	      = "default"
  auto_renew         	      = true
  common_name       	      = "${each.key}.aop.pki.vault.cfdata.org"
  min_seconds_remaining = 864000 // renew when there are 10 days left before expiration

resource "cloudflare_authenticated_origin_pulls_certificate" "aop_cert" {
  for_each  = local.hostnames
  zone_id   = data.cloudflare_zone.hostname_tld.id
  type 	      = "per-hostname"

  certificate = vault_pki_secret_backend_cert.vault_cert["${each.key}"].certificate
  private_key = vault_pki_secret_backend_cert.vault_cert["${each.key}"].private_key

  lifecycle {
	create_before_destroy = true

resource "cloudflare_authenticated_origin_pulls" "aop_config" {
  for_each                           	= local.hostnames
  zone_id    	                        = data.cloudflare_zone.hostname_tld.id
  authenticated_origin_pulls_certificate = cloudflare_authenticated_origin_pulls_certificate.aop_cert["${each.key}"].id
  hostname                           	= "${each.key}"
  enabled                            	= true

Terraform recommendations

The comfortable automation that we’ve achieved thus far did not come without some hair-pulling. Below are a few of the learnings that have allowed us to maintain the repository as a side project run by two engineers (shoutout David).

Store your state somewhere safe

It feels worth repeating that the tfstate contains secrets including any API keys you’re using with providers and the default location of the tfstate is in the current working directory. It’s very easy to accidentally commit this to source control. By defining a backend, the state can be stored with a cloud storage provider, in a secure location on a filesystem, in a database, or even Cloudflare Workers! Wherever the state is stored, make sure it is encrypted.

Choose simplicity, avoid modules

Modules are intended to reduce code repetition for well-defined chunks of systems such as “I want three clusters of whizz-bangs in locations A, C, and F.” If cloud-computing was like Factorio, this would be amazing. However, financial, technical, and physical constraints mean subtle differences in systems develop over time such as “I want fewer whizz-bangs in C and the whizz-bangs in F should get a different network topology.” In Terraform, implementation logic of these requirements is moved to the module code. HCL is absolutely not the place to write decipherable conditionals. While module versioning prevents having to make every change backwards-compatible, keeping module usage up-to-date becomes another chore for repository maintainers.

An understandable code base is a user-friendly codebase. It’s rare that a deeply cryptic error will return from a misconfigured resource definition. Conversely, modules, especially custom ones, can lead users on a head-scratching adventure. This kind of system can’t scale with confused users.

A few well-designed for_each loops (we’re obviously fans) can achieve similar objectives as modules without the complexity. It’s fine to use plain old resources too! Especially when there are more than a handful of varying arguments, it’s more valuable for the configuration to be clear than to be eloquent. For example: an account_member resource makes sense to be in a for_loop, but a page_rule probably doesn’t.

Keep tfstates small

Maintaining quick pull-request-to-plan turnaround keeps Terraform from feeling like a burden on users’ time. Furthermore, if a plan is taking 30 minutes to run, a rollback in the case of an issue would also take 30 minutes! This post describes our single-account-to-tfstate model.

However, after noticing slow-downs coming from the large number of AOP certificate configurations in a big zone, we moved that code to a separate tfstate. We were able to make this change because AOP configuration is fairly self-contained. To ensure there would be no fighting between the states, we kept the API token permissions for each tfstate mutually exclusive of each other. Our Atlantis Terraform plans typically finish under five minutes. If it feels impossible to keep the size of a tfstate down to a reasonable amount of time, it may be worth considering a different tool for that bit of configuration management.

Know when to use a Different tool

Terraform isn’t a panacea. We generally don’t use Terraform to manage DNS records, for example. We use OctoDNS which integrates more neatly into our infrastructure automation. DNS records can quickly add up to long state-rendering times and are often dynamically generated from systems that Terraform doesn’t know about. To avoid conflicts, there should only ever be one system publishing changes to DNS records.

We also haven’t figured out a maintainable way of managing Workers scripts in Terraform. When a .js script in the Terraform directory changes, Terraform isn’t aware of it. This means a change needs to occur somewhere else in a .tf file before the plan diff is generated. It likely isn’t an unsolvable issue, but doesn’t seem particularly worth cramming into Terraform when there are better options for Worker management like Wrangler.

Looking forward

We’re continuing to invest in the Cloudflare Terraforming experience both for our own use and for the benefit of our users. With the provider, we hope to offer a comfortable and scalable method of interacting with Cloudflare products. Hopefully this post has presented some useful suggestions to anyone interested in adopting Cloudflare-configuration-as-code. Don’t hesitate to reach out on the GitHub project for troubleshooting, bug reports, or feature requests. For more in depth documentation on using Terraform to manage your Cloudflare account, read on here. And if you don’t have a Cloudflare account already, click here to get started.

Announcing the first Workers Launchpad cohort and growth of the program to $2 billion

Post Syndicated from Mia Wang original https://blog.cloudflare.com/launchpad-fall-22/

Announcing the first Workers Launchpad cohort and growth of the program to $2 billion

This post is also available in 简体中文, 日本語, 한국어, Deutsch, Français, Español.

Announcing the first Workers Launchpad cohort and growth of the program to $2 billion

During Birthday Week 2022, we announced a $1.25 billion funding program for startups building on our developer platform, Cloudflare Workers. This was done in partnership with 26 leading VC firms who have been investing in or seeking to invest in Workers-based startups.

Today, we’re excited to reveal the first cohort of Launchpad Startups as well as 14 additional VC partners, bringing the Launchpad to $2 billion in potential funding from 40 VC firms in total.

Who are our new VC partners?

We are excited to welcome 14 additional firms to the Workers Launchpad, which you can find included in the image below. They have worked with hundreds of companies that have grown to become leaders in their areas including Asana, Canva, Figma, Netlify, Vercel, Area 1 Security (which Cloudflare acquired in 2022), and many others. Notably, they also represent a diverse group of investors who support startups across North and South America, Europe, and Asia.

Announcing the first Workers Launchpad cohort and growth of the program to $2 billion

Many of these investors have seen the competitive advantages of building on Workers through their own portfolio companies firsthand and are looking forward to providing the capital and resources you need to build and scale your business.

Announcing the Fall 2022 cohort of Launchpad Startups!

We received hundreds of applications for the Fall cohort from startups representing more than 30 countries. We were blown away by the breadth of businesses that folks were building – some are creating tools to simplify developer workflows, while others are helping ecommerce businesses better reach and serve customers around the world. The common thread amongst all the Launchpad companies, however, is their usage of Cloudflare’s developer platform to build more secure, reliable, and feature-rich products faster than they otherwise could.

Introducing the Fall 2022 cohort

Announcing the first Workers Launchpad cohort and growth of the program to $2 billion

Our inaugural cohort of Launchpad startups features 25 diverse businesses. Here’s what they’re building, in their own words:

AIDEM Privacy first, sustainable, transparent digital advertising.
Apyfy The data privacy & security firewall.
Authdog Identity & access management streamlined.
Axiom Logging solved, at any scale.
BlocPal Unlocking accessible & affordable financial services for all.
COPILOT TRAVEL Next-generation infrastructure for global travel data.
Data Narratives Data superpowers for growth teams.
Drivly APIs to buy and sell cars online.
Endear Retail CRM for consumer brands.
flethy Design. Configure. Automate.
GPUX Serverless GPU inference.
Grafbase The easiest way to build and deploy GraphQL backends.
JEMPass Authentication made simple, seamless, secure.
Karambit.AI Stop software supply chain attacks.
KubeLT Simple and secure user identity for supercharging your user experience.
Narrative BI No-code analytics platform for growth teams.
Ninetailed Composable personalization and experimentation solution for digital builders.
Nostra.ai Predictive commerce edge delivery engine to boost conversion rates.
Patr Deploy and scale your applications in 60 seconds.
Quest.ai Generate front-end code from designs automatically.
qxip Polyglot monitoring and edge observability.
repeat.dev Create. Deploy. Repeat. The one-stop-shop for your webhooks & scheduled tasks.
Service Loom Start a service business in 3 minutes.
Targum Translating videos at the speed of social media using AI.
Touchless The fastest sites, with no code.

Is it too late to join the Launchpad?

Nope! We will select Launchpad Startups on a quarterly basis, so if you are building on Workers, interested in pitching VCs, and want to join our next cohort of Workers Founder, apply here! If you’re new to Workers and looking to begin building, check out our Startup Plan for a year of free Cloudflare services, Built with Workers, and join our Cloudflare Developer Discord community.

Cloudflare is not providing any funding or making any funding decisions, and there is no guarantee that any particular company will receive funding through the program. All funding decisions will be made by the venture capital firms that participate in the program. Cloudflare is not a registered broker-dealer, investment adviser, or other similar intermediary.

UPDATE Supercloud SET status = ‘open alpha’ WHERE product = ‘D1’;

Post Syndicated from Nevi Shah original https://blog.cloudflare.com/d1-open-alpha/

UPDATE Supercloud SET status = 'open alpha' WHERE product = 'D1';

UPDATE Supercloud SET status = 'open alpha' WHERE product = 'D1';

In May 2022, we announced our quest to simplify databases – building them, maintaining them, integrating them. Our goal is to empower you with the tools to run a database that is powerful, scalable, with world-beating performance without any hassle. And we first set our sights on reimagining the database development experience for every type of user – not just database experts.

Over the past couple of months, we’ve been working to create just that, while learning some very important lessons along the way. As it turns out, building a global relational database product on top of Workers pushes the boundaries of the developer platform to their absolute limit, and often beyond them, but in a way that’s absolutely thrilling to us at Cloudflare. It means that while our progress might seem slow from outside, every improvement, bug fix or stress test helps lay down a path for all of our customers to build the world’s most ambitious serverless application.

However, as we continue down the road to making D1 production ready, it wouldn’t be “the Cloudflare way” unless we stopped for feedback first – even though it’s not quite finished yet. In the spirit of Developer Week, there is no better time to introduce the D1 open alpha!

An “open alpha” is a new concept for us. You’ll likely hear the term “open beta” on various announcements at Cloudflare, and while it makes sense for many products here, it wasn’t quite right for D1. There are still some crucial pieces that are still in active development and testing, so before we release the fully-formed D1 as a public beta for you to start building real-world apps with, we want to make sure everybody can start to get a feel for the product on their hobby apps or side-projects.

What’s included in the alpha?

While a lot is still changing behind the scenes with D1, we’ve put a lot of thought into how you, as a developer, interact with it – even if you’re new to databases.

Using the D1 dashboard

In a few clicks you can get your D1 database up and running right from within your dashboard. In our D1 interface, you can create, maintain and view your database as you please. Changes made in the UI are instantly available to your Worker – no redeploy required!

UPDATE Supercloud SET status = 'open alpha' WHERE product = 'D1';

Use Wrangler

If you’re looking to get your hands a little dirty, you can also work with your database using our Wrangler CLI. Create your database and begin adding your data manually or bootstrap your database with one of two ways:

1.  Execute an SQL file

$ wrangler d1 execute my-database-name --file ./customers.sql

where your .sql file looks something like this:


CREATE TABLE Customers (CustomerID INT, CompanyName TEXT, ContactName TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (`CustomerID`));
INSERT INTO Customers (CustomerID, CompanyName, ContactName) 
VALUES (1, 'Alfreds Futterkiste', 'Maria Anders'),(4, 'Around the Horn', 'Thomas Hardy'),(11, 'Bs Beverages', 'Victoria Ashworth'),(13, 'Bs Beverages', 'Random Name');

2. Create and run migrations

Migrations are a way to version your database changes. With D1, you can create a migration and then apply it to your database.

To create the migration, execute:

wrangler d1 migrations create <my-database-name> <short description of migration>

This will create an SQL file in a migrations folder where you can then go ahead and add your queries. Then apply the migrations to your database by executing:

wrangler d1 migrations apply <my-database-name>

Access D1 from within your Worker

You can attach your D1 to a Worker by adding the D1 binding to your wrangler.toml configuration file. Then interact with D1 by executing queries inside your Worker like so:

export default {
 async fetch(request, env) {
   const { pathname } = new URL(request.url);

   if (pathname === "/api/beverages") {
     const { results } = await env.DB.prepare(
       "SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE CompanyName = ?"
       .bind("Bs Beverages")
     return Response.json(results);

   return new Response("Call /api/beverages to see Bs Beverages customers");

Or access D1 from within your Pages Function

In this Alpha launch, D1 also supports integration with Cloudflare Pages! You can add a D1 binding inside the Pages dashboard, and write your queries inside a Pages Function to build a full-stack application! Check out the full documentation to get started with Pages and D1.

Community built tooling

During our private alpha period, the excitement behind D1 led to some valuable contributions to the D1 ecosystem and developer experience by members of the community. Here are some of our favorite projects to date:


An Object Relational Mapping (ORM) is a way for you to query and manipulate data by using JavaScript. Created by a Cloudflare Discord Community Champion, the d1-orm seeks to provide a strictly typed experience while using D1:

const users = new Model(
    // table name, primary keys, indexes etc
    // column types, default values, nullable etc

// TS helper for typed queries
type User = Infer<type of users>;

// ORM-style query builder
const user = await users.First({
    where: {
        id: 1,

You can check out the full documentation, and provide feedback by making an issue on the GitHub repository.


This is a zero-dependency query builder that provides a simple standardized interface while keeping the benefits and speed of using raw queries over a traditional ORM. While not intended to provide ORM-like functionality, workers-qb makes it easier to interact with the database from code for direct SQL access:

const qb = new D1QB(env.DB)

const fetched = await qb.fetchOne({
  tableName: 'employees',
  fields: 'count(*) as count',
  where: {
    conditions: 'department = ?1',
    params: ['HQ'],

You can read more about the query builder here.


Instead of running the wrangler d1 execute command in your terminal every time you want to interact with your database, you can interact with D1 from within the d1-console. Created by a Discord Community Champion, this gives the benefit of executing multi-line queries, obtaining command history, and viewing a cleanly formatted table output.

UPDATE Supercloud SET status = 'open alpha' WHERE product = 'D1';

While this is a community project today, we plan to natively support a “D1 Console” in the future. For now, get started by checking out the d1-console package here.

D1 adapter for Kysely

Kysely is a type-safe and autocompletion-friendly typescript SQL query builder. With this adapter you can interact with D1 with the familiar Kysely interface:

// Create Kysely instance with kysely-d1
const db = new Kysely<Database>({ 
  dialect: new D1Dialect({ database: env.DB })
// Read row from D1 table
const result = await db
  .where('key', '=', key)

Check out the project here.

What’s still in testing?

The biggest pieces that have been disabled for this alpha release are replication and JavaScript transaction support. While we’ll be rolling out these changes gradually, we want to call out some limitations that exist today that we’re actively working on testing:

  • Database location: Each D1 database only runs a single instance. It’s created close to where you, as the developer, create the database, and does not currently move regions based on access patterns. Workers running elsewhere in the world will see higher latency as a result.
  • Concurrency limitations: Under high load, read and write queries may be queued rather than triggering new replicas to be created. As a result, the performance & throughput characteristics of the open alpha won’t be representative of the final product.
  • Availability limitations: Backups will block access to the DB while they’re running. In most cases this should only be a second or two, and any requests that arrive during the backup will be queued.

You can also check out a more detailed, up-to-date list on D1 alpha Limitations.

Request for feedback

While we can make all sorts of guesses and bets on the kind of databases you want to use D1 for, we are not the users – you are! We want developers from all backgrounds to preview the D1 tech at its early stages, and let us know where we need to improve to make it suitable for your production apps.

For general feedback about your experience and to interact with other folks in the alpha, join our #d1-open-alpha channel in the Cloudflare Developers Discord. We plan to make any important announcements and changes in this channel as well as on our monthly community calls.

To file more specific feature requests (no matter how wacky) and report any bugs, create a thread in the Cloudflare Community forum under the D1 category. We will be maintaining this forum as a way to plan for the months ahead!

Get started

Want to get started right away? Check out our D1 documentation to get started today. Build our classic Northwind Traders demo to explore the D1 experience and deploy your first D1 database!

Xata Workers: client-side database access without client-side secrets

Post Syndicated from Alexis Rico (Guest Blogger) original https://blog.cloudflare.com/xata-customer-story/

Xata Workers: client-side database access without client-side secrets

Xata Workers: client-side database access without client-side secrets

We’re excited to have Xata building their serverless functions product – Xata Workers – on top of Workers for Platforms. Xata Workers act as middleware to simplify database access and allow their developers to deploy functions that sit in front of their databases. Workers for Platforms opens up a whole suite of use cases for Xata developers all while providing the security, scalability and performance of Cloudflare Workers.

Now, handing it over to Alexis, a Senior Software Engineer at Xata to tell us more.


In the last few years, there’s been a rise of Jamstack, and new ways of thinking about the cloud that some people call serverless or edge computing. Instead of maintaining dedicated servers to run a single service, these architectures split applications in smaller services or functions.

By simplifying the state and context of our applications, we can benefit from external providers deploying these functions in dozens of servers across the globe. This architecture benefits the developer and user experience alike. Developers don’t have to manage servers, and users don’t have to experience latency. Your application simply scales, even if you receive hundreds of thousands of unexpected visitors.

When it comes to databases though, we still struggle with the complexity of orchestrating replication, failover and high availability. Traditional databases are difficult to scale horizontally and usually require a lot of infrastructure maintenance or learning complex database optimization concepts.

At Xata we are building a modern data platform designed for scalable applications. It allows you to focus on your application logic, instead of having to worry about how the data is stored.

Making databases accessible to everyone

We started Xata with the mission of helping developers build their applications and forget about maintaining the underlying infrastructure.

With that mission in mind, we asked ourselves: how can we make databases accessible to everyone? How can we provide a delightful experience for a frontend engineer or designer using a database?

To begin with, we built an appealing web dashboard, that any developer — no matter their experience — can be comfortable using to work with their data.

Whether they’re defining or refining their schema, viewing or adding records, fine-tuning search results with query boosters, or getting code snippets to speed up development with our SDK. We believe that only the best user experience can provide the best development experience.

We identified a major challenge amongst our user base early on. Many front-end developers want to access their database from client-side code.

Allowing access to a database from client-side code comes with several security risks if not done properly. For example, someone could inspect the code, find the credentials, and if they weren’t scoped to a single operation, potentially query or modify other parts of the database. Unfortunately, this is a common reason for data leaks and security breaches.

It was a hard problem to solve, and after plenty of brainstorming, we agreed on two potential ways forward: implementing row-level access rules or writing API routes that talked to the database from server code.

Row-level access rules are a good way to solve this, but they would have required us to define our own opinionated language. For our users, it would have been hard to migrate away when they outgrow this solution. Instead, we preferred to focus on making serverless functions easier for our users.

Typically, serverless functions require you to either choose a full stack framework or manually write, compile, deploy and use them. This generally adds a lot of cognitive overhead even to choose the right solution. We wanted to simplify accessing the database from the frontend without sacrificing flexibility for developers. This is why we decided to build Xata Workers.

Xata Workers

A Xata Worker is a function that a developer can write in JavaScript or TypeScript as client-side code. Rather than being executed client-side, it will actually be executed on Cloudflare’s global network.

You can think of a Xata Worker as a getServerSideProps function in Next.js or a loader function in Remix. You write your server logic in a function and our tooling takes care of deploying and running it server-side for you (yes, it’s that easy).

The main difference with other alternatives is that Xata Workers are, by design, agnostic to a framework or hosting provider. You can use them to build any kind of application or website, and even upload it as static HTML in a service like GitHub Pages or S3. You don’t need a full stack web framework to use Xata Workers.

With our command line tool, we handle the build and deployment process. When the function is invoked, the Xata Worker actually makes a request to a serverless function over the network.

import { useQuery } from '@tanstack/react-query';
import { xataWorker } from '~/xata';

const listProducts = xataWorker('listProducts', async ({ xata }) => {
  return await xata.db.products.sort('popularity', 'desc').getMany();

export const Home = () => {
  const { data = [] } = useQuery(['products'], listProducts);

  return (
      {data.map((product) => (
        <ProductCard key={product.id} product={product} />

In the code snippet above, you can see a React component that connects to an e-commerce database with products on sale. Inside the UI component, with a popular client-side data fetching library, data is retrieved from the serverless function and for each product it renders another component in a grid.

As you can see a Xata Worker is a function that wraps any user-defined code and receives an instance of our SDK as a parameter. This instance has access to the database and, given that the code doesn’t run on the browser anymore, your secrets are not exposed for malicious usage.

When using a Xata Worker in TypeScript, our command line tool also generates custom types based on your schema. These types offer type-safety for your queries or mutations, and improve your developer experience by adding extra intellisense to your IDE.

Xata Workers: client-side database access without client-side secrets

A Xata Worker, like any other function, can receive additional parameters that pass application state, context or user tokens. The code you write in the function can either return an object that will be serialized over the network with a superset of JSON to support dates and other non-primitive data types, or a full response with a custom status code and headers.

Developers can write all their logic, including their own authentication and authorization. Unlike complex row level access control rules, you can easily express your logic without constraints and even unit test it with the rest of your code.

How we use Cloudflare

We are happy to join the Supercloud movement, Cloudflare has an excellent track record, and we are using Cloudflare Workers for Platforms to host our serverless functions. By using the Workers isolated execution contexts we reduce security risks of running untrusted code on our own while being close to our users, resulting in super low latency.

All of it, without having to deploy extra infrastructure to handle our user’s application load or ask them to configure how the serverless functions should be deployed. It really feels like magic! Now, let’s dive into the internals of how we use Cloudflare to run our Xata Workers.

For every workspace in Xata we create a Worker Namespace, a Workers for Platform concept to organize Workers and restrict the routing between them. We used Namespaces to group and encapsulate the different functions coming from all the databases built by a client or team.

When a user deploys a Xata Worker, we create a new Worker Script, and we upload the compiled code to its Namespace. Each script has a unique name with a compilation identifier so that the user can have multiple versions of the same function running at the same time.

During the compilation, we inject the database connection details and the database name. This way, the function can connect to the database without leaking secrets and restricting the scope of access to the database, all of it transparently for the developer.

When the client-side application runs a Xata Worker, it calls a Dispatcher function that processes the request and calls the correct Worker Script. The dispatcher function is also responsible for configuring the CORS headers and the log drain that can be used by the developer to debug their functions.

Xata Workers: client-side database access without client-side secrets

By using Cloudflare, we are also able to benefit from other products in the Workers ecosystem. For example, we can provide an easy way to cache the results of a query in Cloudflare’s global network. That way, we can serve the results for read-only queries directly from locations closer to the end users, without having to call the database again and again for every Worker invocation. For the developer, it’s only a matter of adding a “cache” parameter to their query with the number of milliseconds they want to cache the results in a KV Namespace.

import { xataWorker } from '~/xata';

const listProducts = xataWorker('listProducts', async ({ xata }) => {
  return await xata.db.products.sort('popularity', 'desc').getMany({
    cache: 15 * 60 * 1000 // TTL

In development mode, we provide a command to run the functions locally and test them before deploying them to production. This enables rapid development workflows with real-time filesystem change monitoring and hot reloading of the workers code. Internally, we use the latest version of miniflare to emulate the Cloudflare Workers runtime, mimicking the real production environment.


Xata is now out of beta and available for everyone. We offer a generous free tier that allows you to build and deploy your applications and only pay to scale them when you actually need it.

You can sign up for free, create a database in seconds and enjoy features such as branching with zero downtime migrations, search and analytics, transactions, and many others. Check out our website to learn more!

Xata Workers are currently in private beta. If you are interested in trying them out, you can sign up for the waitlist and talk us through your use case. We are looking for developers that are willing to provide feedback and shape this new feature for our serverless data platform.

We are very proud of our collaboration with Cloudflare for this new feature. Processing data closer to where it’s being requested is the future of computing and we are excited to be part of this movement. We look forward to seeing what you build with Xata Workers.