Tag Archives: Developers

Launching our new Open Source Software Sponsorships Program

Post Syndicated from Veronica Marin original http://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-new-oss-sponsorships-program/

Launching our new Open Source Software Sponsorships Program

Launching our new Open Source Software Sponsorships Program

In 2018, we first launched our Open Source Software Sponsorships program, and since then, we've been listening to your feedback, and realized that it's time to introduce a fresh and enhanced version of the program that's more inclusive and better addresses the needs of the OSS community.

Launching our new Open Source Software Sponsorships Program
A subset of open source projects on Cloudflare. See more >>

Previously, our sponsorship focused on engineering tools, but we're excited to announce that we've now opened it to include any non-profit and open source projects.

Program criteria and eligibility

To qualify for our Open Source Sponsorship Program, projects must be open source and meet the following criteria:

  1. Operate on a non-profit basis.
  2. Include a link back to our home page.

Please keep in mind that this program isn't intended for event sponsorships, but rather for project-based support.

Sponsorship benefits

As part of our sponsorship program, we offer the following benefits to projects:

Can Cloudflare help your open source project be successful and sustainable? Fill out the application form to submit your project for review, and please share this so that more open source projects can be supported by Cloudflare.

Announcing Cohort #2 of the Workers Launchpad

Post Syndicated from Mia Wang original http://blog.cloudflare.com/launchpad-cohort2/

Announcing Cohort #2 of the Workers Launchpad

Announcing Cohort #2 of the Workers Launchpad

We launched the $2B Workers Launchpad Funding Program in late 2022 to help support the over one million developers building on Cloudflare’s Developer Platform, many of which are startups leveraging Cloudflare to ship faster, scale more efficiently, and accelerate their growth.

Cohort #1 wrap-up

Since announcing the program just a few months ago, we have welcomed 25 startups from all around the world into our inaugural cohort and recently wrapped up the program with the Demo Day. Cohort #1 gathered weekly for Office Hours with our Solutions Architects for technical advice and the Founders Bootcamp, where they spent time with Cloudflare leadership, preview upcoming products with our Developer Platform Product Managers, and receive advice on a wide range of topics such as how to build Sales teams and think about the right pricing model for your product.

Learn more about what these companies are building and what they’ve been up to below:


Identity and Access Management streamlined.

Demo Day pitch

Why they chose Cloudflare
“Cloudflare is the de facto Infrastructure for building resilient serverless products, it was a no-brainer to migrate to Cloudflare Workers to build the most frictionless experience for our customers.”

Recent updates
Learn more about how Authdog is using Cloudflare’s Developer Platform in their Built With Workers case study.


Automotive Commerce APIs to Buy & Sell Cars Online.

Demo Day pitch

Why they chose Cloudflare
“We believe that Cloudflare is the next-generation of cloud computing platforms, and Drivly is completely built on Cloudflare, from Workers, Queues, PubSub, and especially Durable Objects.”

Recent updates
Drivly made their public launch at Demo Day!


Integrate APIs, the easy way.

Demo Day pitch

Why they chose Cloudflare
“Simplicity and Performance. Using Pages and KV is extremely easy, but what really impresses are Workers with a nearly instant cold start!”

Recent updates
Check out how Cloudflare is helping Flethy improve and accelerate API service integrations for developers here.


Serverless GPU.

Demo Day pitch

Why they chose Cloudflare
“Cloudflare is core to the internet; R2, Transit, Workers with no egress charge.”

Recent updates
GPUX launched v2 of their platform on Demo Day!


The easiest way to build and deploy GraphQL backends.

Demo Day pitch

Why they chose Cloudflare
“The Grafbase platform is built from the ground up to be highly performant and deployed to the edge using Rust and WebAssembly. Services like Cloudflare Workers, KV, Durable Objects, Edge Caching were a natural choice as it fits perfectly into our vision architecturally.”

Recent updates
Grafbase, which is building on Workers for Platforms among other Cloudflare products, celebrated their public launch and 7 new features in their April 2023 Launch Week.


Simple, seamless, and secure way to eliminate passwords.

Demo Day pitch

Why they chose Cloudflare
“We found it to be the best fit for our needs: performant, and easy to develop on, easy to scale.”

Recent updates
Learn more about how JEMPass works here.


The last line of defense for the software supply chain.

Demo Day pitch

Why they chose Cloudflare
“Cloudflare's developer products offer effortlessly powerful building blocks essential to scaling up product to meet strenuous customer demand while enabling our developers to deliver faster than ever.”

Recent updates
Karambit recently received a grant from the Virginia Innovation Partnership Corporation to help scale their commercial growth.

Narrative BI

A no-code analytics platform for growth teams that automatically turns raw data into actionable narratives.

Demo Day pitch

Why they chose Cloudflare
“Our customers benefit as we improve the quality of insights for them by running advanced algorithms for finding unqualified data points and quickly solving them with the unlimited power of Cloudflare Workers.”

Recent updates
Learn more about how Cloudflare is helping Narrative BI improve the quality of insights they generate for customers here.


API-first personalization and experimentation solution to give your customers blazing-fast experiences.

Demo Day pitch

Why they chose Cloudflare
“Cloudflare’s developers platform allows us to fully deploy our everything-on-the-edge approach to both data and delivery means personalized experience cause zero loading lag and zero interruptions for the customer.”

Recent updates
Ninetailed recently launched integrations with Contentstack, Zapier, and other tools to improve and personalize digital customer experiences. Learn more on the Ninetailed blog and their Built with Workers case study.


Scalable, secure and cost-effective digital infrastructure, without the complexities of it.

Demo Day pitch

Why they chose Cloudflare
“Workers provides us with a global network of edge compute that we can use to route data internally to our user's deployments, providing our users with infinite scale.”

Recent updates
Patr was recently highlighted as a Product of the Day on Product Hunt!


Polyglot monitoring and edge observability.

Demo Day pitch

Why they chose Cloudflare
“Polyglot, Secure, Cost-Effective Edge Observability – all powered by Cloudflare Workers and R2 Storage.”

Recent updates
QRYN recently launched integrations with Cloudflare Log Push, Grafana, and others.


Quest is a code-generation tool that automatically generates frontend code for business applications.

Demo Day pitch

Why they chose Cloudflare
“We chose Cloudflare's Workers and Pages product to augment our frontend code-gen to include backend and hosting capabilities.”

Recent updates
Quest has been hard at work expanding their platform and recently added animations, CSS grid, MUI & Chakra UI support, NextJS support, breakpoints, nested components, and more.

Rollup ID

Simple & Secure ‍User Access. Rollup is all your authentication and authorization needs bundled into one great package.

Demo Day pitch

Why they chose Cloudflare
“We chose Cloudflare’s developer platform because it provides us all the tools to build a logical user graph at the edge. We can utilize everything from Durable Objects, D1, R2, and more to build a fast and distributed auth platform.”

Recent updates
Rollup ID recently made their public debut and has rolled out lots of new features since. Learn more here.


Translating videos at the speed of social media using AI.

Demo Day pitch

Why they chose Cloudflare
“Cloudflare Stream allows us to compete with YouTube's scale while being a 1-person startup, and Cloudflare Workers handles millions of unique views on Targum without waking us up at night.”

Recent updates
Targum launched its platform to customers and hit $100K MRR in just a few days! Check out their Built With Workers case study to learn more.


Fixing website platforms without code.

Demo Day pitch

Why they chose Cloudflare
“Workers and the Cloudflare developer platform have been pivotal in enabling us to modernize and enhance existing website platforms and grow their conversions by 5X with little to no code.”

Recent updates
Touchless has been growing their ecosystem and recently joined the RudderStack Solutions Partner Program.

Introducing Cohort #2 of the Workers Launchpad!

We have received hundreds of applications from startups from nearly 50 different countries. There were many AI or AI-related companies helping everyone from developers, to security teams and sales organizations. We also heard from many startups looking to improve developer tooling and collaboration, new social and gaming platforms, and companies solving a wide range of problems that ecommerce, consumer, real estate, and other businesses face today.

While these applicants are tackling a diverse set of real-world problems, the common thread is that they chose to leverage Cloudflare’s developer platform to build more secure, scalable, and feature-rich products faster than they otherwise could.

Without further ado, we are thrilled to announce the 25 incredible startups selected for Cohort #2 of the Workers Launchpad:

Announcing Cohort #2 of the Workers Launchpad

Here’s what they’re building, in their own words:

42able.ai Making AI available and accessible to all.
ai.moda Automate delegating tasks to both your bots and human workers with an MTurk compatible API.
Arrive GG Real-time CDN for gamers.
Astro All-in-one web framework designed for speed. Pull your content from anywhere and deploy everywhere, all powered by your favorite UI components and libraries.
Azule Azule delivers AI agents that interact with your customers.
Brevity Build better software, visually.
Buildless Buildless is a global build cache, like Cloudflare for compiled code; we cache artifacts and make them available over the internet to exponentially accelerate developer velocity.
ChainFuse no-code platform to build multi-model AI for your business.
ChatORG Collaborative ChatGPT for your team.
Clerk Clerk, the drop-in authentication and user management solution for React.
contribute.design OpenSource Software & Design collaboration made easy.
Drifting in Space Drifting in Space builds software that enables developers to use WebSockets to create real-time applications.
Eclipse AI Prevent churn with generative AI.
Embley Marketplace automation platform enabling businesses to scale better and faster.
Fudge Fudge makes websites faster.
Mixer Real world social on a generative AI stack.
Monosnap Monosnap is a secure productivity SaaS with B2B PLG strategy, complementing existing workflows.
Nefeli Networks Unified and declarative cloud network management.
Smplrspace The digital floor plan platform.
Speech Labs AI assistant helping with everyday tasks.
TestApp.io Mobile app testing made easy.
Tigris Data Serverless NoSQL database and search platform to help developers quickly and easily build any application.
tldraw tldraw is building an infinite canvas for developers.
Vantyr The programmatic authorization layer for SaaS.
WunderGraph WunderGraph: The Backend for Frontend framework.

We are looking forward to working with each of these companies over the next few months and sharing what they’re building with you.

If you’re building on Cloudflare’s Developer Platform, head over to @CloudflareDev or join the Cloudflare Developer Discord community to stay in the loop on Launchpad updates. In the early fall, we’ll be selecting Cohort #3 — apply early here!

Cloudflare is not providing any funding or making any funding decisions, and there is no guarantee that any particular company will receive funding through the program. All funding decisions will be made by the venture capital firms that participate in the program. Cloudflare is not a registered broker-dealer, investment adviser, or other similar intermediary.

More Node.js APIs in Cloudflare Workers — Streams, Path, StringDecoder

Post Syndicated from James M Snell original http://blog.cloudflare.com/workers-node-js-apis-stream-path/

More Node.js APIs in Cloudflare Workers — Streams, Path, StringDecoder

More Node.js APIs in Cloudflare Workers — Streams, Path, StringDecoder

Today we are announcing support for three additional APIs from Node.js in Cloudflare Workers. This increases compatibility with the existing ecosystem of open source npm packages, allowing you to use your preferred libraries in Workers, even if they depend on APIs from Node.js.

We recently added support for AsyncLocalStorage, EventEmitter, Buffer, assert and parts of util. Today, we are adding support for:

We are also sharing a preview of a new module type, available in the open-source Workers runtime, that mirrors a Node.js environment more closely by making some APIs available as globals, and allowing imports without the node: specifier prefix.

You can start using these APIs today, in the open-source runtime that powers Cloudflare Workers, in local development, and when you deploy your Worker. Get started by enabling the nodejs_compat compatibility flag for your Worker.


The Node.js streams API is the original API for working with streaming data in JavaScript that predates the WHATWG ReadableStream standard. Now, a full implementation of Node.js streams (based directly on the official implementation provided by the Node.js project) is available within the Workers runtime.

Let's start with a quick example:

import {
} from 'node:stream';

import {
} from 'node:stream/consumers';

import {
} from 'node:stream/promises';

// A Node.js-style Transform that converts data to uppercase
// and appends a newline to the end of the output.
class MyTransform extends Transform {
  constructor() {
    super({ encoding: 'utf8' });
  _transform(chunk, _, cb) {
  _flush(cb) {

export default {
  async fetch() {
    const chunks = [
      "hello ",
      "from ",
      "the ",
      "wonderful ",
      "world ",
      "of ",
      "node.js ",

    function nextChunk(readable) {
      if (chunks.length === 0) readable.push(null);
      else queueMicrotask(() => nextChunk(readable));

    // A Node.js-style Readable that emits chunks from the
    // array...
    const readable = new Readable({
      encoding: 'utf8',
      read() { nextChunk(readable); }

    const transform = new MyTransform();
    await pipeline(readable, transform);
    return new Response(await text(transform));

In this example we create two Node.js stream objects: one stream.Readable and one stream.Transform. The stream.Readable simply emits a sequence of individual strings, piped through the stream.Transform which converts those to uppercase and appends a new-line as a final chunk.

The example is straightforward and illustrates the basic operation of the Node.js API. For anyone already familiar with using standard WHATWG streams in Workers the pattern here should be recognizable.

The Node.js streams API is used by countless numbers of modules published on npm. Now that the Node.js streams API is available in Workers, many packages that depend on it can be used in your Workers. For example, the split2 module is a simple utility that can break a stream of data up and reassemble it so that every line is a distinct chunk. While simple, the module is downloaded over 13 million times each week and has over a thousand direct dependents on npm (and many more indirect dependents). Previously it was not possible to use split2 within Workers without also pulling in a large and complicated polyfill implementation of streams along with it. Now split2 can be used directly within Workers with no modifications and no additional polyfills. This reduces the size and complexity of your Worker by thousands of lines.

import {
} from 'node:stream';

import { default as split2 } from 'split2';

const enc = new TextEncoder();

export default {
  async fetch() {
    const pt = new PassThrough();
    const readable = pt.pipe(split2());

    for await (const chunk of readable) {

    return new Response("ok");


The Node.js Path API provides utilities for working with file and directory paths. For example:

import path from "node:path"
path.join('/foo', 'bar', 'baz/asdf', 'quux', '..');

// Returns: '/foo/bar/baz/asdf'

Note that in the Workers implementation of path, the path.win32 variants of the path API are not implemented, and will throw an exception.


The Node.js StringDecoder API is a simple legacy utility that predates the WHATWG standard TextEncoder/TextDecoder API and serves roughly the same purpose. It is used by Node.js' stream API implementation as well as a number of popular npm modules for the purpose of decoding UTF-8, UTF-16, Latin1, Base64, and Hex encoded data.

import { StringDecoder } from 'node:string_decoder';
const decoder = new StringDecoder('utf8');

const cent = Buffer.from([0xC2, 0xA2]);

const euro = Buffer.from([0xE2, 0x82, 0xAC]);

In the vast majority of cases, your Worker should just keep on using the standard TextEncoder/TextDecoder APIs, but the StringDecoder is available directly for workers to use now without relying on polyfills.

Node.js Compat Modules

One Worker can already be a bundle of multiple assets. This allows a single Worker to be made up of multiple individual ESM modules, CommonJS modules, JSON, text, and binary data files.

Soon there will be a new type of module that can be included in a Worker bundles: the NodeJsCompatModule.

A NodeJsCompatModule is designed to emulate the Node.js environment as much as possible. Within these modules, common Node.js global variables such as process, Buffer, and even __filename will be available. More importantly, it is possible to require() our Node.js core API implementations without using the node: specifier prefix. This maximizes compatibility with existing NPM packages that depend on globals from Node.js being present, or don’t import Node.js APIs using the node: specifier prefix.

Support for this new module type has landed in the open source workerd runtime, with deeper integration with Wrangler coming soon.

What’s next

We’re adding support for more Node.js APIs each month, and as we introduce new APIs, they will be added under the nodejs_compat compatibility flag — no need to take any action or update your compatibility date.

Have an NPM package that you wish worked on Workers, or an API you’d like to be able to use? Join the Cloudflare Developers Discord and tell us what you’re building, and what you’d like to see next.

Cloudflare Queues: messages at your speed with consumer concurrency and explicit acknowledgement

Post Syndicated from Charles Burnett original http://blog.cloudflare.com/messages-at-your-speed-with-concurrency-and-explicit-acknowledgement/

Cloudflare Queues: messages at your speed with consumer concurrency and explicit acknowledgement

Cloudflare Queues: messages at your speed with consumer concurrency and explicit acknowledgement

Communicating between systems can be a balancing act that has a major impact on your business. APIs have limits, billing frequently depends on usage, and end-users are always looking for more speed in the services they use. With so many conflicting considerations, it can feel like a challenge to get it just right. Cloudflare Queues is a tool to make this balancing act simple. With our latest features like consumer concurrency and explicit acknowledgment, it’s easier than ever for developers to focus on writing great code, rather than worrying about the fees and rate limits of the systems they work with.

Queues is a messaging service, enabling developers to send and receive messages across systems asynchronously with guaranteed delivery. It integrates directly with Cloudflare Workers, making for easy message production and consumption working with the many products and services we offer.

What’s new in Queues?

Consumer concurrency

Oftentimes, the systems we pull data from can produce information faster than other systems can consume them. This can occur when consumption involves processing information, storing it, or sending and receiving information to a third party system. The result of which is that sometimes, a queue can fall behind where it should be. At Cloudflare, a queue shouldn't be a quagmire. That’s why we’ve introduced Consumer Concurrency.

With Concurrency, we automatically scale up the amount of consumers needed to match the speed of information coming into any given queue. In this way, customers no longer have to worry about an ever-growing backlog of information bogging down their system.

How it works

When setting up a queue, developers can set a Cloudflare Workers script as a target to send messages to. With concurrency enabled, Cloudflare will invoke multiple instances of the selected Worker script to keep the messages in the queue moving effectively. This feature is enabled by default for every queue and set to automatically scale.

Autoscaling considers the following factors when spinning up consumers:  the number of messages in a queue, the rate of new messages, and successful vs. unsuccessful consumption attempts.

If a queue has enough messages in it, concurrency will increase each time a message batch is successfully processed. Concurrency is decreased when message batches encounter errors. Customers can set a max_concurrency value in the Dashboard or via Wrangler, which caps out how many consumers can be automatically created to perform processing for a given queue.

Setting the max_concurrency value manually can be helpful in the following situations where producer data is provided in bursts, the datasource API is rate limited, and datasource API has higher costs with more usage.

Setting a max concurrency value manually allows customers to optimize their workflows for other factors beyond speed.

// in your wrangler.toml file

  queue = "my-queue"

//max concurrency can be set to a number between 1 and 10
//this defines the total amount of consumers running simultaneously

max_concurrency = 7

To learn more about concurrency you can check out our developer documentation here.

Concurrency in practice

It’s baseball season in the US, and for many of us that means fantasy baseball is back! This year is the year we finally write a program that uses data and statistics to pick a winning team, as opposed to picking players based on “feelings” and “vibes”. We’re engineers after all, and baseball is a game of rules. If the Oakland A’s can do it, so can we!

So how do we put this together? We’ll need a few things:

  1. A list of potential players
  2. An API to pull historical game statistics from
  3. A queue to send this data to its consumer
  4. A Worker script to crunch the numbers and generate a score

A developer can pull from a baseball reference API into a Workers script, and from that worker pass this information to a queue. Historical data is… historical, so we can pull data into our queue as fast as the baseball API will allow us. For our list of potential players, we pull statistics for each game they’ve played. This includes everything from batting averages, to balls caught, to game day weather. Score!

//get data from a third party API and pass it along to a queue

const response = await fetch("http://example.com/baseball-stats.json");
const gamesPlayedJSON = await response.json();

for (game in gamesPlayedJSON){
//send JSON to your queue defined in your workers environment

Our producer Workers script then passes these statistics onto the queue. As each game contains quite a bit of data, this results in hundreds of thousands of “game data” messages waiting to be processed in our queue. Without concurrency, we would have to wait for each batch of messages to be processed one at a time, taking minutes if not longer. But, with Consumer Concurrency enabled, we watch as multiple instances of our worker script invoked to process this information in no time!

Our Worker script would then take these statistics, apply a heuristic, and store the player name and a corresponding quality score into a database like a Workers KV store for easy access by your application presenting the data.

Explicit Acknowledgment

In Queues previously, a failure of a single message in a batch would result in the whole batch being resent to the consumer to be reprocessed. This resulted in extra cycles being spent on messages that were processed successfully, in addition to the failed message attempt. This hurts both customers and developers, slowing processing time, increasing complexity, and increasing costs.

With Explicit Acknowledgment, we give developers the precision and flexibility to handle each message individually in their consumer, negating the need to reprocess entire batches of messages. Developers can now tell their queue whether their consumer has properly processed each message, or alternatively if a specific message has failed and needs to be retried.

An acknowledgment of a message means that that message will not be retried if the batch fails. Only messages that were not acknowledged will be retried. Inversely, a message that is explicitly retried, will be sent again from the queue to be reprocessed without impacting the processing of the rest of the messages currently being processed.

How it works

In your consumer, there are 4 new methods you can call to explicitly acknowledge a given message: .ack(), .retry(), .ackAll(), .retryAll().

Both ack() and retry() can be called on individual messages. ack() tells a queue that the message has been processed successfully and that it can be deleted from the queue, whereas retry() tells the queue that this message should be put back on the queue and delivered in another batch.

async queue(batch, env, ctx) {
    for (const msg of batch.messages) {
	try {
//send our data to a 3rd party for processing
await fetch('https://thirdpartyAPI.example.com/stats', {
	method: 'POST',
	body: msg, 
	headers: {
		'Content-type': 'application/json'
//acknowledge if successful
// We don't have to re-process this if subsequent messages fail!
catch (error) {
	//send message back to queue for a retry if there's an error
		console.log("Error processing", msg, error);

ackAll() and retryAll() work similarly, but act on the entire batch of messages instead of individual messages.

For more details check out our developer documentation here.

Explicit Acknowledgment in practice

In the course of making our Fantasy Baseball team picker, we notice that data isn’t always sent correctly from the baseball reference API. This results in data not being correctly parsed and rejected from our player heuristics.

Without Explicit Acknowledgment, the entire batch of baseball statistics would need to be retried. Thankfully, we can use Explicit Acknowledgment to avoid that, and tell our queue which messages were parsed successfully and which were not.

import heuristic from "baseball-heuristic";
export default {
  async queue(batch: MessageBatch, env: Env, ctx: ExecutionContext) {
    for (const msg of batch.messages) {
      try {
        // Calculate the score based on the game stats
        // Explicitly acknowledge results 
      } catch (err) {
        // Retry just this message

Higher throughput

Under the hood, we’ve been working on improvements to further increase the amount of messages per second each queue can handle. In the last few months, that number has quadrupled, improving from 100 to over 400 messages per second.

Scalability can be an essential factor when deciding which services to use to power your application. You want a service that can grow with your business. We are always aiming to improve our message throughput and hope to see this number quadruple again over the next year. We want to grow with you.

What’s next?

As our service grows, we want to provide our customers with more ways to interact with our service beyond the traditional Cloudflare Workers workflow. We know our customers’ infrastructure is often complex, spanning across multiple services. With that in mind, our focus will be on enabling easy connection to services both within the Cloudflare ecosystem and beyond.

R2 as a consumer

Today, the only type of consumer you can configure for a queue is a Workers script. While Workers are incredibly powerful, we want to take it a step further and give customers a chance to write directly to other services, starting with R2. Coming soon, customers will be able to select an R2 bucket in the Cloudflare Dashboard for a Queue to write to directly, no code required. This will save valuable developer time by avoiding the initial setup in a Workers script, and any maintenance that is required as services evolve. With R2 as a first party consumer in Queues, customers can simply select their bucket, and let Cloudflare handle the rest.

HTTP pull

We're also working to allow you to consume messages from existing infrastructure you might have outside of Cloudflare. Cloudflare Queues will provide an HTTP API for each queue from which any consumer can pull batches of messages for processing. Customers simply make a request to the API endpoint for their queue, receive data they requested, then send an acknowledgment that they have received the data, so the queue can continue working on the next batch.

Always working to be faster

For the Queues team, speed is always our focus, as we understand our customers don't want bottlenecks in the performance of their applications. With this in mind the team will be continuing to look for ways to increase the velocity through which developers can build best in class applications on our developer platform. Whether it's reducing message processing time, the amount of code you need to manage, or giving developers control over their application pipeline, we will continue to implement solutions to allow you to focus on just the important things, while we handle the rest.

Cloudflare Queues is currently in Open Beta and ready to power your most complex applications.

Check out our getting started guide and build your service with us today!

Workers Browser Rendering API enters open beta

Post Syndicated from Celso Martinho original http://blog.cloudflare.com/browser-rendering-open-beta/

Workers Browser Rendering API enters open beta

Workers Browser Rendering API enters open beta

The Workers Browser Rendering API allows developers to programmatically control and interact with a headless browser instance and create automation flows for their applications and products.

Since the private beta announcement, based on the feedback we've been receiving and our own roadmap, the team has been working on the developer experience and improving the platform architecture for the best possible performance and reliability. Today we enter the open beta and will start onboarding the customers on the wait list.

Developer experience

Starting today, Wrangler, our command-line tool for configuring, building, and deploying applications with Cloudflare developer products, has support for the Browser Rendering API bindings.

You can install Wrangler Beta using npm:

npm install wrangler --save-dev

Bindings allow your Workers to interact with resources on the Cloudflare developer platform. In this case, they will provide your Worker script with an authenticated endpoint to interact with a dedicated Chromium browser instance.

This is all you need in your wrangler.toml once this service is enabled for your account:

browser = { binding = "MYBROWSER", type = "browser" }

Now you can deploy any Worker script that requires Browser Rendering capabilities. You can spawn Chromium instances and interact with them programmatically in any way you typically do manually behind your browser.

Under the hood, the Browser Rendering API gives you access to a WebSocket endpoint that speaks the DevTools Protocol. DevTools is what allows us to instrument a Chromium instance running in our global network, and it's the same protocol that Chrome uses on your computer when you inspect a page.

Workers Browser Rendering API enters open beta

With enough dedication, you can, in fact, implement your own DevTools client and talk the protocol directly. But that'd be crazy; almost no one does that.



Puppeteer is one of the most popular libraries that abstract the lower-level DevTools protocol from developers and provides a high-level API that you can use to easily instrument Chrome/Chromium and automate browsing sessions. It's widely used for things like creating screenshots, crawling pages, and testing web applications.

Puppeteer typically connects to a local Chrome or Chromium browser using the DevTools port.

We forked a version of Puppeteer and patched it to connect to the Workers Browser Rendering API instead. The changes are minimal; after connecting the developers can then use the full Puppeteer API as they would on a standard setup.

Our version is open sourced here, and the npm can be installed from npmjs as @cloudflare/puppeteer. Using it from a Worker is as easy as:

import puppeteer from "@cloudflare/puppeteer";

And then all it takes to launch a browser from your script is:

const browser = await puppeteer.launch(env.MYBROWSER);

In the long term, we will update Puppeteer to keep matching the version of our Chromium instances infrastructure running in our network.

Developer documentation

Following the tradition with other Developer products, we created a dedicated section for the Browser Rendering APIs in our Developer's Documentation site.

You can access this page to learn more about how the service works, Wrangler support, APIs, and limits, and find examples of starter templates for common applications.

Workers Browser Rendering API enters open beta

An example application: taking screenshots

Taking screenshots from web pages is one of the typical cases for browser automation.

Let's create a Worker that uses the Browser Rendering API to do just that. This is a perfect example of how to set up everything and get an application running in minutes, it will give you a good overview of the steps involved and the basics of the Puppeteer API, and then you can move from here to other more sophisticated use-cases.

Step one, start a project, install Wrangler and Cloudflare’s fork of Puppeteer:

npm init -f
npm install wrangler -save-dev
npm install @cloudflare/puppeteer -save-dev

Step two, let’s create the simplest possible wrangler.toml configuration file with the Browser Rendering API binding:

name = "browser-worker"
main = "src/index.ts"
compatibility_date = "2023-03-14"
node_compat = true
workers_dev = true

browser = { binding = "MYBROWSER", type = "browser" }

Step three, create src/index.ts with your Worker code:

import puppeteer from "@cloudflare/puppeteer";

export default {
    async fetch(request: Request, env: Env): Promise<Response> {
        const { searchParams } = new URL(request.url);
        let url = searchParams.get("url");
        let img: Buffer;
        if (url) {
            const browser = await puppeteer.launch(env.MYBROWSER);
            const page = await browser.newPage();
            await page.goto(url);
            img = (await page.screenshot()) as Buffer;
            await browser.close();
            return new Response(img, {
                headers: {
                    "content-type": "image/jpeg",
        } else {
            return new Response(
                "Please add the ?url=https://example.com/ parameter"

That's it, no more steps. This Worker instantiates a browser using Puppeteer, opens a new page, navigates to whatever you put in the "url" parameter, takes a screenshot of the page, closes the browser, and responds with the JPEG image of the screenshot. It can't get any easier to get started with the Browser Rendering API.

Run npx wrangler dev –remote to test it and npx wrangler publish when you’re done.

Workers Browser Rendering API enters open beta

You can explore the entire Puppeteer API and implement other functionality and logic from here. And, because it's Workers, you can add other developer products to your code. You might need a relational database, or a KV store to cache your screenshots, or an R2 bucket to archive your crawled pages and assets, or maybe use a Durable Object to keep your browser instance alive and share it with multiple requests, or queues to handle your jobs asynchronous, we have all of this and more.

You can also find this and other examples of how to use Browser Rendering in the Developer Documentation.

How do we use Browser Rendering

Dogfooding our products is one of the best ways to test and improve them, and in some cases, our internal needs dictate or influence our roadmap. Workers Browser Rendering is a good example of that; it was born out of our necessities before we realized it could be a product. We've been using it extensively for things like taking screenshots of pages for social sharing or dashboards, testing web software in CI, or gathering page load performance metrics of our applications.

But there's one product we've been using to stress test and push the limits of the Browser Rendering API and drive the engineering sprints that brought us to open the beta to our customers today: The Cloudflare Radar URL Scanner.

Workers Browser Rendering API enters open beta

The URL Scanner scans any URL and compiles a full report containing technical, performance, privacy, and security details about that page. It's processing thousands of scans per day currently. It was built on top of Workers and uses a combination of the Browser Rendering APIs with Puppeteer to create enriched HAR archives and page screenshots, Durable Objects to reuse browser instances, Queues to handle customers' load and execute jobs asynchronously, and R2 to store the final reports.

This tool will soon have its own "how we built it" blog. Still, we wanted to let you know about it now because it is a good example of how you can build sophisticated applications using Browser Rendering APIs at scale starting today.

Future plans

The team will keep improving the Browser Rendering API, but a few things are worth mentioning today.

First, we are looking into upstreaming the changes in our Puppeteer fork to the main project so that using the official library with the Cloudflare Workers Browser Rendering API becomes as easy as a configuration option.

Second, one of the reasons why we decided to expose the DevTools protocol bare naked in the Worker binding is so that it can support other browser instrumentalization libraries in the future. Playwright is a good example of another popular library that developers want to use.

And last, we are also keeping an eye on and testing WebDriver BiDi, a "new standard browser automation protocol that bridges the gap between the WebDriver Classic and CDP (DevTools) protocols." Click here to know more about the status of WebDriver BiDi.

Final words

The Workers Browser Rendering API enters open beta today. We will gradually be enabling the customers in the wait list in batches and sending them emails. We look forward to seeing what you will be building with it and want to hear from you.

As usual, you can talk to us on our Developers Discord or the Community forum; the team will be listening.

Developer Week Performance Update: Spotlight on R2

Post Syndicated from David Tuber original http://blog.cloudflare.com/r2-is-faster-than-s3/

Developer Week Performance Update: Spotlight on R2

Developer Week Performance Update: Spotlight on R2

For developers, performance is everything. If your app is slow, it will get outclassed and no one will use it. In order for your application to be fast, every underlying component and system needs to be as performant as possible. In the past, we’ve shown how our network helps make your apps faster, even in remote places. We’ve focused on how Workers provides the fastest compute, even in regions that are really far away from traditional cloud datacenters.

For Developer Week 2023, we’re going to be looking at one of the newest Cloudflare developer offerings and how it compares to an alternative when retrieving assets from buckets: R2 versus Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). Spoiler alert: we’re faster than S3 when serving media content via public access. Our test showed that on average, Cloudflare R2 was 20-40% faster than Amazon S3. For this test, we used 95th percentile Response tests, which measures the time it takes for a user to make a request to the bucket, and get the entirety of the response. This test was designed with the goal of measuring end-user performance when accessing content in public buckets.

In this blog we’re going to talk about why your object store needs to be fast, how much faster R2 is, why that is, and how we measured it.

Storage performance is user-facing

Storage performance is critical to a snappy user experience. Storage services are used for many scenarios that directly impact the end-user experience, particularly in the case where the data stored doesn’t end up in a cache (uncacheable or dynamic content). Compute and database services can rely on storage services, so if they’re not fast, the services using them won’t be either. Even the basic content fetching scenarios that use a CDN require storage services to be fast if the asset is either uncacheable or was not cached on the request: if the storage service is slow or far away, users will be impacted by that performance. And as every developer knows, nobody remembers the nine fast API calls if the last call was slow. Users don’t care about API calls, they care about overall experience. One slow API call, one slow image, one slow anything can muck up the works and provide users with a bad experience.

Because there are lots of different ways to use storage services, we’re going to focus on a relatively simple scenario: fetching static images from these services. Let’s talk about R2 and how it compares to one of the alternatives in this scenario: Amazon S3.

Benchmarking storage performance

When looking at uncached raw file delivery for users in North America retrieving content from a bucket in Ashburn, Virginia (US-East) and examining 95th percentile Response, R2 is 38% faster than S3:

Developer Week Performance Update: Spotlight on R2

Storage Performance: Response in North America (US-East)
95th percentile (ms)
Cloudflare R2 1,262
Amazon S3 2,055

For content hosted in US-East (Ashburn, VA) and only looking at North America-based eyeballs, R2 beats S3 by 30% in response time. When we look at why this is the case, the answer lies in our closeness to users and highly optimized HTTP stacks. Let’s take a look at the TCP connect and SSL times for these tests, which are the times it takes to reach the storage bucket (TCP connect) and the time to complete TLS handshake (SSL time):

Developer Week Performance Update: Spotlight on R2

Storage Performance: Connect and SSL in North America (US-East)
95th percentile connect (ms) 95th percentile SSL (ms)
Cloudflare R2 32 59
Amazon S3 78 180

Cloudflare’s cumulative connect + SSL time is almost 1/2 of Amazon’s SSL time alone. Being able to be fast on connection establishment gives us an edge right off the bat, especially in North America where cloud and storage providers tend to optimize for performance, and connect times tend to be low because ISPs have good peering with cloud and storage providers. But this isn’t just true in North America. Let’s take a look at Europe (EMEA) and Asia (APAC), where Cloudflare also beats out AWS in 95th percentile response time when we look at eyeballs in region for both regions:

Developer Week Performance Update: Spotlight on R2

Storage Performance: Response in EMEA (EU-East)
95th percentile (ms)
Cloudflare R2 1,303
Amazon S3 1,729

Cloudflare beats Amazon by 20% in EMEA. And when you look at the SSL times, you’ll see the same trends that were present in North America: faster Connect and SSL times:

Storage Performance: Connect and SSL in EMEA (EU-East)
95th percentile connect (ms) 95th percentile SSL (ms)
Cloudflare R2 57 94
Amazon S3 80 178

Again, the separator is how optimized Cloudflare is at setting up connections to deliver content. This is also true in APAC, where objects stored in Tokyo are served about 1.5 times faster on Cloudflare than for AWS:

Developer Week Performance Update: Spotlight on R2

Storage Performance: Response in APAC (Tokyo)
95th percentile (ms)
Cloudflare R2 4,057
Amazon S3 6,850

Focus on cross-region

Up until this point, we’ve been looking at scenarios where users are accessing data that is stored in the same region as they are. But what if that isn’t the case? What if a user in Germany is accessing content in Ashburn? In those cases, Cloudflare also pulls ahead. This is a chart showing 95th percentile response times for cases where users outside the United States are accessing content hosted in Ashburn, VA, or US-East:

Developer Week Performance Update: Spotlight on R2

Storage Performance: Response for users outside of US connecting to US-East
95th percentile (ms)
Cloudflare R2 3,224
Amazon S3 6,387

Cloudflare wins again, at almost 2x faster than S3 at P95. This data shows that not only do our in-region calls win out, but we win across the world. Even if you don’t have the money to buy storage everywhere in the world, R2 can still give you world-class performance because not only is R2 faster cross-region, R2’s default no-region setup ensures your data will be close to your users as often as possible.

Testing methodology

To measure these tests, we set up over 400 Catchpoint backbone nodes embedded in last mile ISPs around the world to retrieve a 1 MB file from R2 and S3 in specific locations: Ashburn, Tokyo, and Frankfurt. We recognize that many users will store larger files than the one we tested with, and we plan to test with larger files next showing that we’re faster delivering larger files as well.

We had these 400 nodes retrieve the file uncached from each storage service every 30 minutes for four days. We configured R2 to disable caching. This allows us to make sure that we aren’t reaping any benefits from our CDN pipeline and are only retrieving uncached files from the storage services.

Finally, we had to fix where the public buckets were stored in R2 to get an equivalent test compared to S3. You may notice that when configuring R2, you aren’t able to select specific datacenter locations like you can in AWS. Instead, you can provide a location hint to a general region. Cloudflare will store data anywhere in that region.

Developer Week Performance Update: Spotlight on R2

This feature is designed to make it easier for developers to deploy storage that benefits larger ranges of users as opposed to needing to know where specific datacenters are. However, that makes performance comparisons difficult, so for this test we configured R2 to store data in those specific locations (consistent with the S3 placement) on the backend as opposed to in any location in that region to ensure we would get better apples-to-apples results.

Putting the pieces together

Storage services like R2 are only part of the equation. Developers will often use storage services in conjunction with other compute services for a complete end-to-end application experience. Previously, we performed comparisons of Workers and other compute products such as Fastly’s Compute@Edge and AWS’s Lambda@Edge. We’ve rerun the numbers, and for compute times, Workers is still the fastest compute around, beating AWS Lambda@Edge and Fastly’s Compute@Edge for end-to-end performance for Rust hard tests:

Developer Week Performance Update: Spotlight on R2

Cloudflare is faster than Fastly for both JavaScript and Rust tests, while also being faster than AWS at JavaScript, which is the only test Lambda@Edge supports

To run these tests, we perform two tests against each provider: a complex JavaScript function, and a complex Rust function. These tests run as part of our network benchmarking tests that run from real user browsers around the world. For a more in-depth look at how we collect this data for Workers scenarios, check our previous Developer Week posts.

Here are the functions for both complex functions in JavaScript and Rust:

JavaScript complex function:

function testHardBusyLoop() {
  let value = 0;
  let offset = Date.now();

  for (let n = 0; n < 15000; n++) {
    value += Math.floor(Math.abs(Math.sin(offset + n)) * 10);

  return value;

Rust complex function:

fn test_hard_busy_loop() -> i32 {
  let mut value = 0;
  let offset = Date::now().as_millis();

  for n in 0..15000 {
    value += (((offset + n) as f64).sin().abs() * 10.0) as i32;


By combining Workers and R2, you get a much simpler developer experience and a much faster user experience than you would get with any of the competition.

Storage, sped up and simplified

R2 is a unique storage service that doesn’t require the knowledge of specific locations, has a more global footprint, and integrates easily with existing Cloudflare Developer Platform products for a simple, performant experience for both users and developers. However, because it’s built on top of Cloudflare, it comes with performance baked in, and that’s evidenced by R2 being faster than its primary alternatives.

At Cloudflare, we believe that developers shouldn’t have to think about performance, you have so many other things to think about. By choosing Cloudflare, you should be able to rest easy knowing that your application will be faster because it’s built on Cloudflare, not because you’re manipulating Cloudflare to be faster for you. And by using R2 and the rest of our developer platform, we’re happy to say that we’re delivering on our vision to make performance easy for you.

D1: We turned it up to 11

Post Syndicated from Matt Silverlock original http://blog.cloudflare.com/d1-turning-it-up-to-11/

D1: We turned it up to 11

This post is also available in 简体中文, 日本語, Español.

D1: We turned it up to 11

We’re not going to bury the lede: we’re excited to launch a major update to our D1 database, with dramatic improvements to performance and scalability. Alpha users (which includes any Workers user) can create new databases using the new storage backend right now with the following command:

$ wrangler d1 create your-database --experimental-backend

In the coming weeks, it’ll be the default experience for everyone, but we want to invite developers to start experimenting with the new version of D1 immediately. We’ll also be sharing more about how we built D1’s new storage subsystem, and how it benefits from Cloudflare’s distributed network, very soon.

Remind me: What’s D1?

D1 is Cloudflare’s native serverless database, which we launched into alpha in November last year. Developers have been building complex applications with Workers, KV, Durable Objects, and more recently, Queues & R2, but they’ve also been consistently asking us for one thing: a database they can query.

We also heard consistent feedback that it should be SQL-based, scale-to-zero, and (just like Workers itself), take a Region: Earth approach to replication. And so we took that feedback and set out to build D1, with SQLite giving us a familiar SQL dialect, robust query engine and one of the most battle tested code-bases to build on.

We shipped the first version of D1 as a “real” alpha: a way for us to develop in the open, gather feedback directly from developers, and better prioritize what matters. And living up to the alpha moniker, there were bugs, performance issues and a fairly narrow “happy path”.

Despite that, we’ve seen developers spin up thousands of databases, make billions of queries, popular ORMs like Drizzle and Kysely add support for D1 (already!), and Remix and Nuxt templates build directly around it, as well.

Turning it up to 11

If you’ve used D1 in its alpha state to date: forget everything you know. D1 is now substantially faster: up to 20x faster on the well-known Northwind Traders Demo, which we’ve just migrated to use our new storage backend:

D1: We turned it up to 11

Our new architecture also increases write performance: a simple benchmark inserting 1,000 rows (each row about 200 bytes wide) is approximately 6.8x faster than the previous version of D1.

Larger batches (10,000 rows at ~200 bytes wide) see an even larger improvement: between 10-11x, with the new storage backend’s latency also being significantly more consistent. We’ve also not yet started to optimize our overall write throughput, and so expect D1 to only get faster here.

With our new storage backend, we also want to make clear that D1 is not a toy, and we’re constantly benchmarking our performance against other serverless databases. A query against a 500,000 row key-value table (recognizing that benchmarks are inherently synthetic) sees D1 perform about 3.2x faster than a popular serverless Postgres provider:

D1: We turned it up to 11

We ran the Postgres queries several times to prime the page cache and then took the median query time, as measured by the server. We’ll continue to sharpen our performance edge as we go forward.

Developers with existing databases can import data into a new database backed by the storage engine by following the steps to export their database and then import it in our docs.

What did I miss?

We’ve also been working on a number of improvements to D1’s developer experience:

  • A new console interface that allows you to issue queries directly from the dashboard, making it easier to get started and/or issue one-shot queries.
  • Formal support for JSON functions that query over JSON directly in your database.
  • Location Hints, allowing you to influence where your leader (which is responsible for writes) is located globally.

Although D1 is designed to work natively within Cloudflare Workers, we realize that there’s often a need to quickly issue one-shot queries via CLI or a web editor when prototyping or just exploring a database. On top of the support in wrangler for executing queries (and files), we’ve also introduced a console editor that allows you to issue queries, inspect tables, and even edit data on the fly:

D1: We turned it up to 11

JSON functions allow you to query JSON stored in TEXT columns in D1: allowing you to be flexible about what data is associated strictly with your relational database schema and what isn’t, whilst still being able to query all of it via SQL (before it reaches your app).

For example, suppose you store the last login timestamps as a JSON array in a login_history TEXT column: I can query (and extract) sub-objects or array items directly by providing a path to their key:

SELECT user_id, json_extract(login_history, '$.[0]') as latest_login FROM users

D1’s support for JSON functions is extremely flexible, and leverages the SQLite core that D1 builds on.

When you create a database for the first time with D1, we automatically infer the location based on where you’re currently connecting from. There are some cases, however, where you might want to influence that — maybe you’re traveling, or you have a distributed team that’s distinct from the region you expect the majority of your writes to come from.

D1’s support for Location Hints makes that easy:

# Automatically inferred based your location
$ wrangler d1 create user-prod-db --experimental-backend

# Indicate a preferred location to create your database
$ wrangler d1 create eu-users-db --location=weur --experimental-backend

Location Hints are also now available in the Cloudflare dashboard:

D1: We turned it up to 11

We’ve also published more documentation to help developers not only get started, but make use of D1’s advanced features. Expect D1’s documentation to continue to grow substantially over the coming months.

Not going to burn a hole in your wallet

We’ve had many, many developers ask us about how we’ll be pricing D1 since we announced the alpha, and we’re ready to share what it’s going to look like. We know it’s important to understand what something might cost before you start building on it, so you’re not surprised six months later.

In a nutshell:

  • We’re announcing pricing so that you can start to model how much D1 will cost for your use-case ahead of time. Final pricing may be subject to change, although we expect changes to be relatively minor.
  • We won’t be enabling billing until later this year, and we’ll notify existing D1 users via email ahead of that change. Until then, D1 will remain free to use.
  • D1 will include an always-free tier, included usage as part of our $5/mo Workers subscription, and charge based on reads, writes and storage.

If you’re already subscribed to Workers, then you don’t have to lift a finger: your existing subscription will have D1 usage included when we enable billing in the future.

Here’s a summary (we’re keeping it intentionally simple):

D1: We turned it up to 11

Importantly, when we enable global read replication, you won’t have to pay extra for it, nor will replication multiply your storage consumption. We think built-in, automatic replication is important, and we don’t think developers should have to pay multiplicative costs (replicas x storage fees) in order to make their database fast everywhere.

Beyond that, we wanted to ensure D1 took the best parts of serverless pricing — scale-to-zero and pay-for-what-you-use — so that you’re not trying to figure out how many CPUs and/or how much memory you need for your workload or writing scripts to scale down your infrastructure during quieter hours.

D1’s read pricing is based on the familiar concept of a read unit (per 4KB read), and a write unit (per 1KB written). A query that reads (scans) ~10,000 rows of 64 bytes each would consume 160 read units. Write a big 3KB row in a “blog_posts” table that has a lot of Markdown, and that’s three write units. And if you create indexes for your most popular queries to improve performance and reduce how much data those queries need to scan, you’ll also reduce how much we bill you. We think making the fast path more cost-efficient by default is the right approach.

Importantly: we’ll continue to take feedback on our pricing before we flip the switch.

Time Travel

We’re also introducing new backup functionality: point-in-time-recovery, and we’re calling this Time Travel, because it feels just like it. Time Travel allows you to restore your D1 database to any minute within the last 30 days, and will be built into D1 databases using our new storage system. We expect to turn on Time Travel for new D1 databases in the very near future.

What makes Time Travel really powerful is that you no longer need to panic and wonder “oh wait, did I take a backup before I made this major change?!” — because we do it for you. We retain a stream of all changes to your database (the Write-Ahead Log), allowing us to restore your database to a point in time by replaying those changes in sequence up until that point.

Here’s an example (subject to some minor API changes):

# Using a precise Unix timestamp (in UTC):
$ wrangler d1 time-travel my-database --before-timestamp=1683570504

# Alternatively, restore prior to a specific transaction ID:
$ wrangler d1 time-travel my-database --before-tx-id=01H0FM2XHKACETEFQK2P5T6BWD

And although the idea of point-in-time recovery is not new, it’s often a paid add-on, if it is even available at all. Realizing you should have had it turned on after you’ve deleted or otherwise made a mistake means it’s often too late.

For example, imagine if I made the classic mistake of forgetting a WHERE on an UPDATE statement:

-- Don't do this at home
UPDATE users SET email = '[email protected]' -- missing: WHERE id = "abc123"

Without Time Travel, I’d have to hope that either a scheduled backup ran recently, or that I remembered to make a manual backup just prior. With Time Travel, I can restore to a point a minute or so before that mistake (and hopefully learn a lesson for next time).

We’re also exploring features that can surface larger changes to your database state, including making it easier to identify schema changes, the number of tables, large deltas in data stored and even specific queries (via transaction IDs) — to help you better understand exactly what point in time to restore your database to.

On the roadmap

So what’s next for D1?

  • Open beta: we’re ensuring we’ve observed our new storage subsystem under load (and real-world usage) prior to making it the default for all `d1 create` commands. We hold a high bar for durability and availability, even for a “beta”, and we also recognize that access to backups (Time Travel) is important for folks to trust a new database. Keep an eye on the Cloudflare blog in the coming weeks for more news here!
  • Bigger databases: we know this is a big ask from many, and we’re extremely close. Developers on the Workers Paid plan will get access to 1GB databases in the very near future, and we’ll be continuing to ramp up the maximum per-database size over time.
  • Metrics & observability: you’ll be able to inspect overall query volume by database, failing queries, storage consumed and read/write units via both the D1 dashboard and our GraphQL API, so that it’s easier to debug issues and track spend.
  • Automatic read replication: our new storage subsystem is built with replication in mind, and we’re working on ensuring our replication layer is both fast & reliable before we roll it out to developers. Read replication is not only designed to improve query latency by storing copies — replicas — of your data in multiple locations, close to your users, but will also allow us to scale out D1 databases horizontally for those with larger workloads.

In the meantime, you can start prototyping and experimenting with D1 right now, explore our D1 + Drizzle + Remix example project, or join the #d1 channel on the Cloudflare Developers Discord server to engage directly with the D1 team and others building on D1.

Announcing Cloudflare Secrets Store

Post Syndicated from Dina Kozlov original http://blog.cloudflare.com/secrets-store/

Announcing Cloudflare Secrets Store

Announcing Cloudflare Secrets Store

We’re excited to announce Secrets Store – Cloudflare’s new secrets management offering!

A secrets store does exactly what the name implies – it stores secrets. Secrets are variables that are used by developers that contain sensitive information – information that only authorized users and systems should have access to.

If you’re building an application, there are various types of secrets that you need to manage. Every system should be designed to have identity & authentication data that verifies some form of identity in order to grant access to a system or application. One example of this is API tokens for making read and write requests to a database. Failure to store these tokens securely could lead to unauthorized access of information – intentional or accidental.

The stakes with secret’s management are high. Every gap in the storage of these values has potential to lead to a data leak or compromise. A security administrator’s worst nightmare.

Developers are primarily focused on creating applications, they want to build quickly, they want their system to be performant, and they want it to scale. For them, secrets management is about ease of use, performance, and reliability. On the other hand, security administrators are tasked with ensuring that these secrets remain secure. It’s their responsibility to safeguard sensitive information, ensure that security best practices are met, and to manage any fallout of an incident such as a data leak or breach. It’s their job to verify that developers at their company are building in a secure and foolproof manner.

In order for developers to build at high velocity and for security administrators to feel at ease, companies need to adopt a highly reliable and secure secrets manager. This should be a system that ensures that sensitive information is stored with the highest security measures, while maintaining ease of use that will allow engineering teams to efficiently build.

Why Cloudflare is building a secrets store

Cloudflare’s mission is to help build a better Internet – that means a more secure Internet. We recognize our customers’ need for a secure, centralized repository for storing sensitive data. Within the Cloudflare ecosystem, are various places where customers need to store and access API and authorization tokens, shared secrets, and sensitive information. It’s our job to make it easy for customers to manage these values securely.

The need for secrets management goes beyond Cloudflare. Customers have sensitive data that they manage everywhere – at their cloud provider, on their own infrastructure, across machines. Our plan is to make our Secrets Store a one-stop shop for all of our customer’s secrets.

The evolution of secrets at Cloudflare

In 2020, we launched environment variables and secrets for Cloudflare Workers, allowing customers to create and encrypt variables across their Worker scripts. By doing this, developers can obfuscate the value of a variable so that it’s no longer available in plaintext and can only be accessed by the Worker.

Announcing Cloudflare Secrets Store

Adoption and use of these secrets is quickly growing. We now have more than three million Workers scripts that reference variables and secrets managed through Cloudflare. One piece of feedback that we continue to hear from customers is that these secrets are scoped too narrowly.

Today, customers can only use a variable or secret within the Worker that it’s associated with. Instead, customers have secrets that they share across Workers. They don’t want to re-create those secrets and focus their time on keeping them in sync. They want account level secrets that are managed in one place but are referenced across multiple Workers scripts and functions.

Outside of Workers, there are many use cases for secrets across Cloudflare services.

Inside our Web Application Firewall (WAF), customers can make rules that look for authorization headers in order to grant or deny access to requests. Today, when customers create these rules, they put the authorization header value in plaintext, so that anyone with WAF access in the Cloudflare account can see its value. What we’ve heard from our customers is that even internally, engineers should not have access to this type of information. Instead, what our customers want is one place to manage the value of this header or token, so that only authorized users can see, create, and rotate this value. Then when creating a WAF rule, engineers can just reference the associated secret e.g.“account.mysecretauth”. By doing this, we help our customers secure their system by reducing the access scope and enhance management of this value by keeping it updated in one place.

Announcing Cloudflare Secrets Store

With new Cloudflare products and features quickly developing, we’re hearing more and more use cases for a centralized secrets manager. One that can be used to store Access Service tokens or shared secrets for Webhooks.

With the new account level Secrets Store, we’re excited to give customers the tools they need to manage secrets across Cloudflare services.

Securing the Secret Store

To have a secrets store, there are a number of measures that need to be in place, and we’re committing to providing these for our customers.

First, we’re going to give the tools that our customers need to restrict access to secrets. We will have scope permissions that will allow admins to choose which users can view, create, edit, or remove secrets. We also plan to add the same level of granularity to our services – giving customers the ability to say “only allow this Worker to access this secret and only allow this set of Firewall rules to access that secret”.

Announcing Cloudflare Secrets Store

Next, we’re going to give our customers extensive audits that will allow them to track the access and use of their secrets. Audit logs are crucial for security administrators. They can be used to alert team members that a secret was used by an unauthorized service or that a compromised secret is being accessed when it shouldn’t be. We will give customers audit logs for every secret-related event, so that customers can see exactly who is making changes to secrets and which services are accessing and when.

In addition to the built-in security of the Secrets Store, we’re going to give customers the tools to rotate their encryption keys on-demand or at a cadence that fits the right security posture for them.

Sign up for the beta

We’re excited to get the Secrets Store in our customer’s hands. If you’re interested in using this, please fill out this form, and we’ll reach out to you when it’s ready to use.

Using LangChainJS and Cloudflare Workers together

Post Syndicated from Ricky Robinett original http://blog.cloudflare.com/langchain-and-cloudflare/

Using LangChainJS and Cloudflare Workers together

Using LangChainJS and Cloudflare Workers together

We are incredibly stoked that our friends at LangChain have announced LangChainJS Support for Multiple JavaScript Environments (including Cloudflare Workers). During Developer Week 2023 we wanted to celebrate this launch and our future collaborations with LangChain.

“Our goal for LangChain is to empower developers around the world to build with AI. We want LangChain to work wherever developers are building, and to spark their creativity to build new and innovative applications. With this new launch, we can't wait to see what developers build with LangChainJS and Cloudflare Workers. And we're excited to put more of Cloudflare's developer tools in the hands of our community in the coming months.” – Harrison Chase, Co-Founder and CEO, LangChain

In this post, we’ll share why we’re so excited about LangChain and walk you through how to build your first LangChainJS + Cloudflare Workers application.

For the uninitiated, LangChain is a framework for building applications powered by large language models (LLMs). It not only lets you fairly seamlessly switch between different LLMs, but also gives you the ability to chain prompts together. This allows you to build more sophisticated applications across multiple LLMs, something that would be way more complicated without the help of LangChain.

Building your first LangChainJS + Cloudflare Workers application

There are a few prerequisites you have to set up in order to build this application:

  1. An OpenAI account: If you don’t already have one, you can sign up for free.
  2. A paid Cloudflare Workers account: If you don’t already have an account, you can sign up here and upgrade your Workers for $5 per month.
  3. Wrangler: Wrangler is a command line tool for building with Cloudflare Workers. You can find installation instructions for it here.
  4. Node & npm: If this is your first time working with node, you can get it here.

Next create a new folder called langchain-workers, navigate into that folder and then within that folder run wrangler init.

When you run wrangler init you’ll select the following options:

  • ✔Would you like to use git to manage this Worker? … yes
  • ✔ No package.json found. Would you like to create one? … yes
  • ✔ Would you like to use TypeScript? … no
  • ✔ Would you like to create a Worker at src/index.js? › Fetch handler
  • ✔ Would you like us to write your first test? … no

With our Worker created, we’ll need to set up the environment variable for our OpenAI API Key. You can create an API key in your OpenAI dashboard. Save your new API key someplace safe, then open your wrangler.toml file and add the following lines at the bottom (making sure to insert you actual API key):


Then we’ll install LangChainjs using npm:

npm install langchain

Before we start writing code we can make sure everything is working properly by running wrangler dev. With wrangler dev running you can press b to open a browser. When you do, you'll see “Hello World!” in your browser.

A sample application

One common way you may want to use a language model is to combine it with your own text. LangChain is a great tool to accomplish this goal and that’s what we’ll be doing today in our sample application. We’re going to build an application that lets us use the OpenAI language model to ask a question about an article on Wikipedia. Because I live in (and love) Brooklyn, we’ll be using the Wikipedia article about Brooklyn. But you can use this code for any Wikipedia article, or website, you’d like.

Because language models only know about the data that they were trained on, if we want to use a language model with new or specific information we need a way to pass a model that information. In LangChain we can accomplish this using a ”document”. If you’re like me, when you hear “document” you often think of a specific file format but in LangChain a document is an object that consists of some text and optionally some metadata. The text in a document object is what will be used when interacting with a language model and the metadata is a way that you can track information about your document.

Most often you’ll want to create documents from a source of pre-existing text. LangChain helpfully provides us with different document loaders to make loading text from many different sources easy. There are document loaders for different types of text formats (for example: CSV, PDFs, HTML, unstructured text) and that content can be loaded locally or from the web. A document loader will both retrieve the text for you and load that text into a document object. For our application, we’ll be using the webpages with Cheerio document loader. Cheerio is a lightweight library that will let us read the content of a webpage. We can install it using npm install cheerio.

After we’ve installed cheerio we’ll import the CheerioWebBaseLoader at the top of our src/index.js file:

import { CheerioWebBaseLoader } from "langchain/document_loaders/web/cheerio";

With CheerioWebBaseLoader imported, we can start using it within our fetch function:.

    async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
        const loader = new CheerioWebBaseLoader(
        const docs = await loader.load();

        return new Response("Hello World!");

In this code, we’re configuring our loader with the Wikipedia URL for the article about Brooklyn, run the load() function and log the result to the console. Like I mentioned earlier, if you want to try this with a different Wikipedia article or website, LangChain makes it very easy. All we have to do is change the URL we’re passing to our CheerioWebBaseLoader.

Let’s run wrangler dev, load up our page locally and watch the output in our console. You should see:

Loaded page
Array(1) [ Document ]

Our document loader retrieved the content of the webpage, put that content in a document object and loaded it into an array.

Using LangChainJS and Cloudflare Workers together

This is great, but there’s one more improvement we can make to this code before we move on – splitting our text into multiple documents.

Many language models have limits on the amount of text you can pass to them. As well, some LLM APIs charge based on the amount of text you send in your request. For both of these reasons, it’s helpful to only pass the text you need in a request to a language model.

Currently, we’ve loaded the entire content of the Wikipedia page about Brooklyn into one document object and would send the entirety of that text with every request to our language model. It would be more efficient if we could only send the relevant text to our language model when we have a question. The first step in doing this is to split our text into smaller chunks that are stored in multiple document objects. To assist with this LangChain gives us the very aptly named Text Splitters.

We can use a text splitter by updating our loader to use the loadAndSplit() function instead of load(). Update the line where we assign docs to this:

const docs = await loader.loadAndSplit();

Now start the application again with wrangler dev and load our page. This time in our console you’ll see something like this:

Loaded page
Array(227) [ Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document, Document... ]

Instead of an array with one document object, our document loader has now split the text it retrieved into multiple document objects. It’s still a single Wikipedia article, LangChain just split that text into chunks that would be more appropriately sized for working with a language model.

Using LangChainJS and Cloudflare Workers together

Even though our text is split into multiple documents, we still need to be able to understand what text is relevant to our question and should be sent to our language model. To do this, we’re going to introduce two new concepts – embeddings and vector stores.

Embeddings are a way of representing text with numerical data. For our application we’ll be using OpenAI Embeddings to generate our embeddings based on the document objects we just created. When you generate embeddings the result is a vector of floating point numbers. This makes it easier for computers to understand the relatedness of the strings of text to each other. For each document object we pass the embedding API, a vector will be created.

Using LangChainJS and Cloudflare Workers together

When we compare vectors, the closer numbers are to each other the more related the strings are. Inversely, the further apart the numbers are then the less related the strings are. It can be helpful to visualize how these numbers would allow us to place each document in a virtual space:

Using LangChainJS and Cloudflare Workers together

In this illustration, you could imagine how the text in the document objects that are bunched together would be more similar than the document object further off. The grouped documents could be text pulled from the article’s section on the history of Brooklyn. It’s a longer section that would have been split into multiple documents by our text splitter. But even though the text was split the embeddings would allow us to know this content is closely related to each other. Meanwhile, the document further away could be the text on the climate of Brooklyn. This section was smaller, not split into multiple documents, and the current climate is not as related to the history of Brooklyn, so it’s placed further away.

Embeddings are a pretty fascinating and complicated topic. If you’re interested in understanding more, here's a great explainer video that takes an in-depth look at the embeddings.

Once you’ve generated your documents and embeddings, you need to store them someplace for future querying. Vector stores are a kind of database optimized for storing & querying documents and their embeddings. For our vector store, we’ll be using MemoryVectorStore which is an ephemeral in-memory vector store. LangChain also has support for many of your favorite vector databases like Chroma and Pinecone.

We’ll start by adding imports for OpenAIEmbeddings and MemoryVectorStore at the top of our file:

import { OpenAIEmbeddings } from "langchain/embeddings/openai";
import { MemoryVectorStore } from "langchain/vectorstores/memory";

Then we can remove the console.log() function we had in place to show how our loader worked and replace them with the code to create our Embeddings and Vector store:

const store = await MemoryVectorStore.fromDocuments(docs, new OpenAIEmbeddings({ openAIApiKey: env.OPENAI_API_KEY}));

With our text loaded into documents, our embeddings created and both stored in a vector store we can now query our text with our language model. To do that we’re going to introduce the last two concepts that are core to building this application – models and chains.

When you see models in LangChain, it’s not about generating or creating models. Instead, LangChain provides a standard interface that lets you access many different language models. In this app, we’ll be using the OpenAI model.

Chains enable you to combine a language model with other sources of information, APIs, or even other language models. In our case, we’ll be using the RetreivalQAChain. This chain retrieves the documents from our vector store related to a question and then uses our model to answer the question using that information.

Using LangChainJS and Cloudflare Workers together

To start, we’ll add these two imports to the top of our file:

import { OpenAI } from "langchain/llms/openai";
import { RetrievalQAChain } from "langchain/chains";

Then we can put this all into action by adding the following code after we create our vector store:

        const model = new OpenAI({ openAIApiKey: env.OPENAI_API_KEY});
        const chain = RetrievalQAChain.fromLLM(model, store.asRetriever());

        const question = "What is this article about? Can you give me 3 facts about it?";

        const res = await chain.call({
            query: question,

        return new Response(res.text); 

In this code the first line is where we instantiate our model interface and pass it our API key. Next we create a chain passing it our model and our vector store. As mentioned earlier, we’re using a RetrievalQAChain which will look in our vector store for documents related to our query and then use those documents to get an answer for our query from our model.

With our chain created, we can call the chain by passing in the query we want to ask. Finally, we send the response text we got from our chain as the response to the request our Worker received. This will allow us to see the response in our browser.

With all our code in place, let’s test it again by running wrangler dev. This time when you open your browser you will see a few facts about Brooklyn:

Using LangChainJS and Cloudflare Workers together

Right now, the question we’re asking is hard coded. Our goal was to be able to use LangChain to ask any question we want about this article. Let’s update our code to allow us to pass the question we want to ask in our request. In this case, we’ll pass a question as an argument in the query string (e.g. ?question=When was Brooklyn founded). To do this we’ll replace the line we’re currently assigning our question with the code needed to pull a question from our query string:

        const { searchParams } = new URL(request.url);
        const question = searchParams.get('question') ?? "What is this article about? Can you give me 3 facts about it?";

This code pulls all the query parameters from our URL using a JavaScript URL’s native searchParams property, and gets the value passed in for the “question” parameter. If a value isn’t present for the “question” parameter, we’ll use the default question text we were using previously thanks to JavaScripts’s nullish coalescing operator.

With this update, run wrangler dev and this time visit your local url with a question query string added. Now instead of giving us a few fun facts about Brooklyn, we get the answer of when Brooklyn was founded. You can try this with any question you may have about Brooklyn. Or you can switch out the URL in our document loader and try asking similar questions about different Wikipedia articles.

With our code working locally, we can deploy it with wrangler publish. After this command completes you’ll receive a Workers URL that runs your code.

You + LangChain + Cloudflare Workers

You can find our full LangChain example application on GitHub. We can’t wait to see what you all build with LangChain and Cloudflare Workers. Join us on Discord or tag us on Twitter as you’re building. And if you’re ever having any trouble or questions, you can ask on community.cloudflare.com.

How to secure Generative AI applications

Post Syndicated from Reid Tatoris original http://blog.cloudflare.com/secure-generative-ai-applications/

How to secure Generative AI applications

How to secure Generative AI applications

I remember when the first iPhone was announced in 2007. This was NOT an iPhone as we think of one today. It had warts. A lot of warts. It couldn’t do MMS for example. But I remember the possibility it brought to mind. No product before had seemed like anything more than a product. The iPhone, or more the potential that the iPhone hinted at, had an actual impact on me. It changed my thinking about what could be.

In the years since no other product came close to matching that level of awe and wonder. That changed in March of this year. The release of GPT-4 had the same impact I remember from the iPhone launch. It’s still early, but it's opened the imagination, and fears, of millions of developers in a way I haven’t seen since that iPhone announcement.

That excitement has led to an explosion of development and hundreds of new tools broadly grouped into a category we call generative AI. Generative AI systems create content mimicking a particular style. New images that look like Banksy or lyrics that sound like Taylor Swift. All of these Generative AI tools, whether built on top of GPT-4 or something else, use the same basic model technique: a transformer.

Attention is all you need

GPT-4 (Generative Pretrained Transformer) is the most advanced version of a transformer model. Transformer models all emerged from a seminal paper written in 2017 by researchers at the University of Toronto and the team at Google Brain, titled Attention is all you need. The key insight from the paper is the self-attention mechanism. This mechanism replaced recurrent and convolutional layers, allowing for faster training and better performance.

The secret power of transformer models is their ability to efficiently process large amounts of data in parallel. It's the transformers' gargantuan scale and extensive training that makes them so appealing and versatile, turning them into the Swiss Army knife of natural language processing. At a high level, Large Language Models (LLMs) are just transformer models that use an incredibly large number of parameters (billions), and are trained on incredibly large amounts of unsupervised text (the Internet). Hence large, and language.

Groundbreaking technology brings groundbreaking challenges

Unleashing the potential of LLMs in consumer-facing AI tools has opened a world of possibilities. But possibility also means new risk: developers must now navigate the unique security challenges that arise from making powerful new tools widely available to the masses.

First and foremost, consumer-facing applications inherently expose the underlying AI systems to millions of users, vastly increasing the potential attack surface. Since developers are targeting a consumer audience, they can't rely on trusted customers or limit access based on geographic location. Any security measure that makes it too difficult for consumers to use defeats the purpose of the application. Consequently, developers must strike a delicate balance between security and usability, which can be challenging.

The current popularity of AI tools makes explosive takeoff more likely than in the past. This is great! Explosive takeoff is what you want! But, that explosion can also lead to exponential growth in costs, as the computational requirements for serving a rapidly growing user base can become overwhelming.

In addition to being popular, Generative AI apps are unique in that calls to them are incredibly resource intensive, and therefore expensive for the owner. In comparison, think about a more traditional API that Cloudflare has protected for years. A product API. Sites don’t want competitors calling their product API and scraping data. This has an obvious negative business impact. However, it doesn’t have a direct infrastructure cost. A product list API returns a small amount of text. An attacker calling it 4 million times will have a negligible cost to an infrastructure bill. But generative models can cost cents, or in the case of image generation even tens of cents per call. An attacker gaining access and generating millions of calls has a real cost impact to the developers providing those APIs.

Not only are the costs for generating content high, but the value that end users are willing to pay is high as well. Customers tell us that they have seen multiple instances of bad actors accessing an API without paying, then reselling the content they generate for 50 cents or more per call. The huge monetary opportunity of exploitation means attackers are highly motivated to come back again and again, refactoring their approach each time.

Last, consumer-facing LLM applications are generally designed as a single entry point for customers, almost always accepting query text as input. The open-text nature of these calls makes it difficult to predict the potential impact of a single request. For example, a complex query might consume significant resources or trigger unexpected behavior. While these APIs are not GraphQL based, the challenges are similar. When you accept unstructured submissions, it's harder to create any type of rule to prevent abuse.

Tips for protecting your Generative AI application

So you've built the latest generative AI sensation, and the world is about to be taken by storm. But that success is also about to make you a target. What's the trick to stopping all those attacks you’re about to see? Well, unfortunately there isn’t one. For all the reasons above, this is a hard, persistent problem with no simple solution. But, we’ve been fortunate to work with many customers who have had that target on their back for months, and we’ve learned a lot from that experience. Here are some recommendations that will give you a good foundation for making sure that you, and only you, reap the rewards of your hard work.

1. Enforce tokens for each user. Enforcing usage based on a specific user or user session is straightforward. But sometimes you want to allow anonymous usage. While anonymous usage is great for demos and testing, it can lead to abuse. If you must allow anonymous usage, create a “stickier” identification scheme that persists browser restarts and incognito mode. Your goal isn’t to track specific users, but instead to understand how much an anonymous user has already used your service so far in demo / free mode.

2. Manage quotas carefully. Your service likely incurs costs and charges users per API call, so it likely makes sense to set a limit on the number of times any user can call your API. You may not ever intend for the average user to hit this limit, but having limits in place will protect against that user’s API key becoming compromised and shared amongst many users. It also protects against programming errors that could result in 100x or 1000x expected usage, and a large unexpected bill to the end user.

3. Block certain ASNs (autonomous system numbers) wholesale. Blocking ASNs, or even IPs wholesale is an incredibly blunt tool. In general Cloudflare rarely recommends this approach to customers. However, when tools are as popular as some generative AI applications, attackers are highly motivated to send as much traffic as possible to those applications. The fastest and cheapest way to accomplish this is through data centers that usually share a common ASN. Some ASNs belong to ISPs, and source traffic from people browsing the Internet. But other ASNs belong to cloud compute providers, and mainly source outbound traffic from virtual servers. Traffic from these servers can be overwhelmingly malicious. For example, several of our customers have found ASNs where 88-90% of the traffic turns out to be automated, while this number is usually only 30% for average traffic. In cases this extreme, blocking entire ASNs can make sense.

4. Implement smart rate limits. Counting not only requests per minute and requests per session, but also IPs per token and tokens per IP can guard against abuse. Tracking how many different IPs are using a particular token at any one time can alert you to a user's token being leaked. Similarly, if one IP is rotating through tokens, looking at each token’s session traffic would not alert you to the abuse. You’d need to look at how many tokens that single IP is generating in order to pinpoint that specific abusive behavior.

How to secure Generative AI applications

5. Rate limit on something other than the user. Similar to enforcing tokens on each user, your real time rate limits should also be set on your sticky identifier.

How to secure Generative AI applications

6. Have an option to slow down attackers. Customers often think about stopping abuse in terms of blocking traffic from abusers. But blocking isn’t the only option. Attacks not only need to be successful, they also need to be economically feasible. If you can make requests more difficult or time-consuming for abusers, you can ruin their economics. You can do this by implementing a waiting room, or by challenging users. We recommend a challenge option that doesn’t give real users an awful experience. Challenging users can also be quickly enabled or disabled as you see abuse spike or recede.

7. Map and analyze sequences. By sampling user sessions that you suspect of abuse, you can inspect their requests path-by-path in your SIEM. Are they using your app as expected? Or are they circumventing intended usage? You might benefit from enforcing a user flow between endpoints.

How to secure Generative AI applications

8. Build and validate an API schema. Many API breaches happen due to permissive schemas. Users are allowed to send in extra fields in requests that grant them too many privileges or allow access to other users’ data. Make sure you build a verbose schema that outlines what intended usage is by identifying and cataloging all API endpoints, then making sure all specific parameters are listed as required and have type limits to them.

We recently went through the transition to an OpenAPI schema ourselves for api.cloudflare.com. You can read more about how we did it here. Our schema looks like this:

      description: List, search, sort, and filter your zones.
      operationId: zone-list-zones
                - $ref: '#/components/schemas/components-schemas-response_collection'
                - $ref: '#/components/schemas/api-response-common-failure'
          description: List Zones response failure
                $ref: '#/components/schemas/components-schemas-response_collection'
          description: List Zones response
      - api_email: []
        api_key: []
      summary: List Zones
      - Zone
        - '#zone:read'
        business: true
        enterprise: true
        free: true
        pro: true

9. Analyze the depth and complexity of queries. Are your APIs driven by GraphQL? GraphQL queries can be a source of abuse since they allow such free-form requests. Large, complex queries can grow to overwhelm origins if limits aren’t in place. Limits help guard against outright DoS attacks as well as developer error, keeping your origin healthy and serving requests to your users as expected.

For example, if you have statistics about your GraphQL queries by depth and query size, you could execute this TypeScript function to analyze them by quantile:

import * as ss from 'simple-statistics';

function calculateQuantiles(data: number[], quantiles: number[]): {[key: number]: string} {
    let result: {[key: number]: string} = {};
    for (let q of quantiles) {
        // Calculate quantile, convert to fixed-point notation with 2 decimal places
        result[q] = ss.quantile(data, q).toFixed(2);
    return result;

// Example usage:
let queryDepths = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
let querySizes = [11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2];

console.log(calculateQuantiles(queryDepths, [0.5, 0.75, 0.95, 0.99]));
console.log(calculateQuantiles(querySizes, [0.5, 0.75, 0.95, 0.99]));

The results give you a sense for the depth of the average query hitting your endpoint, grouped by quantile:

{ '0.5': 2, '0.75': 3, '0.95': 4, '0.99': 4 }
{ '0.5': 6.5, '0.75': 2, '0.95': 2, '0.99': 2 }

Actual data from your production environment would provide a threshold to start an investigation into which queries to further log or limit. A simpler option is to use a query analysis tool, like Cloudflare’s, to make the process automatic.

10. Use short-lived access tokens and long-lived refresh tokens upon successful authentication of your users. Implement token validation in a middleware layer or API Gateway, and be sure to have a dedicated token renewal endpoint in your API. JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) are popular choices for these short-lived tokens. When access tokens expire, allow users to obtain new ones using their refresh tokens. Revoke refresh tokens when necessary to maintain system security. Adopting this approach enhances your API's security and user experience by effectively managing access and mitigating the risks associated with compromised tokens.

11. Communicate directly with your users. All of the above recommendations are going to make it a bit more cumbersome for some of your customers to use your product. You are going to get complaints. You can reduce these by first, giving clear communication to your users explaining why you put these measures in place. Write a blog about what security measures you did and did not decide to implement and have dev docs explaining troubleshooting steps to resolve. Second, give your users concrete steps they can take if they are having trouble, and a clear way to contact you directly. Feeling inconvenienced can be frustrating, but feeling stuck can lose you a customer.

Conclusion: this is the beginning

Generative AI, like the first iPhone, has sparked a surge of excitement and innovation. But that excitement also brings risk, and innovation brings new security holes and attack vectors. The broadness and uniqueness of generative AI applications in particular make securing them particularly challenging. But as every scout knows, being prepared ahead of time means less stress and worry during the journey. Implementing the tips we've shared can establish a solid foundation that will let you sit back and enjoy the thrill of building something special, rather than worrying what might be lurking around the corner.

To learn more about how you can put some of these recommendations into practice, check out our developer platform, API Security, and Rate Limiting products.

Building Cloudflare on Cloudflare

Post Syndicated from Richard Boulton original http://blog.cloudflare.com/building-cloudflare-on-cloudflare/

Building Cloudflare on Cloudflare

Building Cloudflare on Cloudflare

Cloudflare’s website, application security and performance products handle upwards of 46 million HTTP requests per second, every second. These products were originally built as a set of native Linux services, but we’re increasingly building parts of the system using our Cloudflare Workers developer platform to make these products faster, more robust, and easier to develop. This blog post digs into how and why we’re doing this.

System architecture

Our architecture can best be thought of as a chain of proxies, each communicating over HTTP. At first, these proxies were all implemented based on NGINX and Lua, but in recent years many of them have been replaced – often by new services built in Rust, such as Pingora.

The proxies each have distinct purposes – some obvious, some less so. One which we’ll be discussing in more detail is the FL service, which performs “Front Line” processing of requests, applying customer configuration to decide how to handle and route the request.

Building Cloudflare on Cloudflare

This architecture has worked well for more than a decade. It allows parts of the system to be developed and deployed independently, parts of the system to be scaled independently, and traffic to be routed to different nodes in our systems according to load, or to ensure efficient cache utilization.

So, why change it?

At the level of latency we care about, service boundaries aren’t cheap, particularly when communicating over HTTP. Each step in the chain adds latency due to communication overheads, so we can’t add more services as we develop new products. And we have a lot of products, with many more on the way.

To avoid this overhead, we put most of the logic for many different products into FL. We’ve developed a simple modular architecture in this service, allowing teams to make and deploy changes with some level of isolation. This has become a very complex service which takes a constant effort by a team of skilled engineers to maintain and operate.

Building Cloudflare on Cloudflare

Even with this effort, the developer experience for Cloudflare engineers has often been much harder than we would like. We need to be able to start working on implementing any change quickly, but even getting a version of the system running in a local development environment is hard, requiring installation of custom tooling and Linux kernels.

The structure of the code limits the ease of making changes. While some changes are easy to make, other things run into surprising limits due to the underlying platform. For example, it is not possible to perform I/O in many parts of the code which handle HTTP response processing, leading to complex workarounds to preload resources in case they are needed.

Deploying updates to the software is high risk, so is done slowly and with care. Massive improvements have been made in the past years to our processes here, but it’s not uncommon to have to wait a week to see changes reach production, and changes tend to be deployed in large batches, making it hard to isolate the effect of each change in a release.

Finally, the code has a modular structure, but once in production there is limited isolation and sandboxing, so tracing potential side effects is hard, and debugging often requires knowledge of the whole system, which takes years of experience to obtain.

Developer platform to the rescue

As soon as Cloudflare workers became part of our stack in 2017, we started looking at ways to use them to improve our ability to build new products. Now, in 2023, many of our products are built in part using workers and the wider developer platform; for example, read this post from the Waiting Room team about how they use Workers and Durable Objects, or this post about our cache purge system doing the same. Products like Cloudflare Zero Trust, R2, KV, Turnstile, Queues, and Exposed credentials check are built using Workers at large scale, handling every request processed by the products. We also use Workers for many of our pieces of internal tooling, from dashboards to building chatbots.

While we can and do spend time improving the tooling and architecture of all our systems, the developer platform is focussed all the time on making developers productive, and being as easy to use as possible. Many of the other posts this week on this blog talk about our work here. On the developer platform, any customer can get something running in minutes, and build and deploy full complex systems within days.

We have been working to give developers working on internal Cloudflare products the same benefits.

Customer workers vs internal workers

At this point, we need to talk about two different types of worker.

The first type is created when a customer writes a Cloudflare Worker. The code is deployed to our network, and will run whenever a request to the customer’s site matches the worker’s route. Many Cloudflare engineering teams use workers just like this to build parts of our product – for example, we wrote about our Coreless Purge system for Cache recently. In these cases, our engineering teams are using exactly the same process and tooling as any Cloudflare customer would use.

However, we also have another type of worker, which can only be deployed by Cloudflare. These are not associated with a single customer. Instead, they are run for all customers for which a particular product or other piece of logic needs to be performed.

For the rest of this post, we’re only going to be talking about these internal workers. The underlying tech is the same – the difference to remember is that these workers run in response to requests from many Cloudflare customers rather than one.

Initial integration of internal workers

We first integrated internal workers into our architecture in 2019, in a very simple way. An ordered chain of internal workers was created, which run before any customer scripts.

Building Cloudflare on Cloudflare

I previously said that adding more steps in our chain would cause excessive latency. So why isn’t this a problem for internal workers?

The answer is that these internal workers run within the same service as each other, and as customer workers which are operating on the request. So, there’s no need to marshal the request into HTTP to pass it on to the next step in the chain; the runtime just needs to pass a memory reference around, and perform a lightweight shift of control. There is still a cost of adding more steps – but the cost per step is much lower.

The integration gave us several benefits immediately. We were able to take advantage of the strong sandbox model for workers, removing any risk of unexpected side effects between customers or requests. It also allowed isolated deployments – teams could deploy their updates on their own schedule, without waiting for or disrupting other teams.

However, it also had a number of limitations. Internal workers could only run in one place in the lifetime of a request. This meant they couldn’t affect services running before them, such as the Cloudflare WAF.

Also, for security reasons, internal workers were published with an internal API using special credentials, rather than the public workers API. In 2019, this was no big deal, but since then there has been a ton of work to improve tooling such as wrangler, and build the developer platform. All of this tooling was unavailable for internal workers.

We had very limited observability of internal workers, lacking metrics and detailed logs, making them hard to debug.

Despite these limitations, the benefits of being able to use the workers ecosystem were big enough that ten products used these internal workers to implement parts of their logic. These included Zaraz, our Cloudflare challenges system, Waiting Room and several of our performance optimization products: Image Resizing, Images, Mirage and Rocket Loader. Such workers are also a core part of Automatic Platform Optimization for WordPress, and our Signed exchanges (SXGs) and AMP Real URL products.

Can we replace internal services with workers?

We realized that we could do a lot more with the platform to improve our development processes. We also wondered how far it would be possible to go with the platform. Would it be possible to migrate all the logic implemented in the NGINX-based FL service to the developer platform? And if not, why not?

So we started, in late 2021, with a prototype. This routed traffic directly from our TLS ingress service to our workers runtime, skipping the FL service. We named this prototype Flame.

Building Cloudflare on Cloudflare

It worked. Just about. Most importantly for a prototype, we could see that we were missing some fundamental capabilities. We couldn’t access other Cloudflare internal services, such as our DNS infrastructure or our customer configuration database, and we couldn’t emit request logs to our data pipeline, for analytics and billing purposes.

We rely heavily on caching for performance, and there was no way to cache state between requests. We also couldn’t emit HTTP requests directly to customer origins, or to our cache, without using our full existing chain-of-proxies pipeline.

Also, the developer experience for this prototype was very poor. We couldn’t take advantage of all the developer experience work being put into wrangler, due to the need to use special APIs to deploy internal workers. We couldn’t record metrics and traces to our standard observability tooling systems, so we were blind to the behavior of the system in production. And we had no way to perform a controlled and gradual deployment of updated code.

Improving the developer platform for internal services

We set out to address these problems one by one. Wherever possible, we wanted to use the same tooling for internal purposes as we provide to customers. This not only reduces the amount of tooling we need to support, but also means that we understand the problems our customers face better, and can improve their experience as well as ours.

Tooling and routing

We started with the basics – how can we deploy code for internal services to the developer platform.

I mentioned earlier that we used special internal APIs for deploying our internal workers, for “security reasons”. We reviewed this with our security team, and found that we had good protections on our API to identify who was publishing a worker. The main thing we needed to add was a secure registry of accounts which were allowed to use privileged resources. Initially we did this by hard-coding a set of permissions into our API service – later this was replaced by a more flexible permissions control plane.

Even more importantly, there is a strong distinction between publishing a worker and deploying a worker.

Publishing is the process of pushing the worker to our configuration store, so that the code to be run can be loaded when it is needed. Internally, each worker version which is published creates a new artifact in our store.

The Workers runtime uses a capability-based security model. When it is published, each script is bundled together with a list of bindings, representing the capabilities that the script has to access other resources. This mechanism is a key part of providing safety – in order to be able to access resources, the script must have been published by an account with the permissions to provide the capabilities. The secure management of bindings to internal resources is a key part of our ability to use the developer platform for internal systems.

Deploying is the process of hooking up the worker to be triggered when a request comes in. For a customer worker, deployment means attaching the worker to a route. For our internal workers, deployment means updating a global configuration store with the details of the specific artifact to run.

After some work, we were finally able to use wrangler to build and publish internal services. But there was a problem! In order to deploy an internal worker, we needed to know the identifier for the artifact which was published. Fortunately, this was a simple change: we updated wrangler to output debug information which contained this information.

A big benefit of using wrangler is that we could make tools like “wrangler test” and “wrangler dev” work. An engineer can check out the code, and get going developing their feature with well-supported tooling, and within a realistic environment.

Event logging

We run a comprehensive data pipeline, providing streams of data for our customers to allow them to see what is happening on their sites, for our operations teams to understand how our system is behaving in production, and for us to provide services like DoS protection and accurate billing.

This pipeline starts from our network as messages in Cap’n Proto format. So we needed to build a new way to push pieces of log data to our internal pipeline, from inside a worker. The pipeline starts with a service called “logfwdr”, so we added a new binding which allowed us to push an arbitrary log message to the logfwdr service. This work was later a foundation of the Workers Analytics Engine bindings, which allow customers to use the same structured logging capabilities.


Observability is the ability to see how code is behaving. If you don’t have good observability tooling, you spend most of your time guessing. It’s inefficient and frankly unsafe to operate such a system.

At Cloudflare, we have very many systems for observability, but three of the most important are:

  • Unstructured logs (“syslogs”). These are ingested to systems such as Kibana, which allow searching and visualizing the logs.
  • Metrics. Also emitted from all our systems, these are a set of numbers representing things like “CPU usage” or “requests handled”, and are ingested to a massive Prometheus system. These are used for understanding the overall behavior of our systems, and for alerting us when unexpected or undesirable changes happen.
  • Traces. We use systems based around Open Telemetry to record detailed traces of the interactions of the components of our system. This lets us understand which information is being passed between each service, and the time being spent in each service.

Initial support for syslogs, metrics and traces for internal workers was built by our observability team, who provided a set of endpoints to which workers could push information. We wrapped this in a simple library, called “flame-common”, so that emitting observability events could be done without needing to think about the mechanics behind it.

Our initial wrapper looked something like this:

import { ObservabilityContext } from "flame-common";
export default {
    async fetch(
        request: Request,
        env: Env,
        ctx: ExecutionContext
    ): Promise<Response> {
        const obs = new ObservabilityContext(request, env, ctx);

        // Logging to syslog and kibana
        obs.logInfo("some information")
        obs.logError("an error occurred")
        // Metrics to Prometheus
        obs.counter("rps", "how many requests per second my service is doing")?.inc();
        // Tracing
        obs.startSpan("my code");
        obs.addAttribute("key", 42);

An awkward part of this API was the need to pass the “ObservabilityContext” around to be able to emit events. Resolving this was one of the reasons that we recently added support for AsyncLocalStorage to the Workers runtime.

While our current observability system works, the internal implementation isn’t as efficient as we would like. So, we’re also working on adding native support for emitting events, metrics and traces from the Workers runtime. As we did with the Workers Analytics Engine, we want to find a way to do this which can be hooked up to our internal systems, but which can also be used by customers to add better observability to their workers.

Accessing internal resources

One of our most important internal services is our configuration store, Quicksilver. To be able to move more logic into the developer platform, we need to be able to access this configuration store from inside internal workers. We also need to be able to access a number of other internal services – such as our DNS system, and our DoS protection systems.

Our systems use Cap’n Proto in many places as a serialization and communication mechanism, so it was natural to add support for Cap’n Proto RPC to our Workers runtime. The systems which we need to talk to are mostly implemented in Go or Rust, which have good client support for this protocol.

We therefore added support for making connections to internal services over Cap’n Proto RPC to our Workers runtime. Each service will listen for connections from the runtime, and publish a schema to be used to communicate with it. The Workers runtime manages the conversion of data from JavaScript to Cap’n Proto, according to a schema which is bundled together with the worker at publication time.  This makes the code for talking to an internal service, in this case our DNS service being used to identify the account owning a particular hostname, as simple as:

let ownershipInterface = env.RRDNS.getCapability();

let query = {
  request: {
    queryName: url.hostname,
    connectViaAddr: control_header.connect_via_addr,

let response = await ownershipInterface.lookupOwnership(query);


Computers run on cache, and our services are no exception. Looking at the previous example, if we have 10,000 requests coming in quick succession for the same hostname, we don’t want to look up the hostname in our DNS system for each one. We want to cache the lookups.

At first sight, this is incompatible with the design of workers, where we give no guarantees of state being preserved between requests. However, we have added a new internal binding to provide a “volatile in-memory cache”. Wherever it is possible to efficiently share this cache between workers, we will do so.

The following flowchart describes the semantics of this cache.

Building Cloudflare on Cloudflare

To use the cache, we simply need to wrap a block of code in a call to the cache:

const owner = await env.OWNERSHIPCACHE.read<OwnershipData>(
  async (key) => {
    let ownershipInterface = env.RRDNS.getCapability();

    let query = {
      request: {
        queryName: url.hostname,
        connectViaAddr: control_header.connect_via_addr,

    let response = await ownershipInterface.lookupOwnership(query);
    const value = response.response;
    const expiration = new Date(Date.now() + 30_000);
    return { value, expiration };

This cache drastically reduces the number of calls needed to fetch external resources. We are likely to improve it further, by adding support for refreshing in the background to reduce P99 latency, and improving observability of its usage and hit rates.

Direct egress from workers

If you looked at the architecture diagrams above closely, you might have noticed that the next step after the Workers runtime is always FL. Historically, the runtime only communicated with the FL service – allowing some product logic which was implemented in FL to be performed after workers had processed the requests.

However, in many cases this added unnecessary overhead; no logic actually needs to be performed in this step. So, we’ve added the ability for our internal workers to control how egress of requests works. In some cases, egress will go directly to our cache systems. In others, it will go directly to the Internet.

Gradual deployment

As mentioned before, one of the critical requirements is that we can deploy changes to our code in a gradual and controlled manner. In the rare event that something goes wrong, we need to make sure that it is detected as soon as possible, rather than triggering an issue across our entire network.

Teams using internal workers have built a number of different systems to address this issue, but they are all somewhat hard to use, with manual steps involving copying identifiers around, and triggering advancement at the right times. Manual effort like this is inefficient – we want developers to be thinking at a higher level of abstraction, not worrying about copying and pasting version numbers between systems.

We’ve therefore built a new deployment system for internal workers, based around a few principles:

  • Control deployments through git. A deployment to an internal-only environment would be triggered by a merge to a staging branch (with appropriate reviews). A deployment to production would be triggered by a merge to a production branch.
  • Progressive deployment. A deployment starts with the lowest impact system (ideally, a pre-production system which mirrors production, but has no customer impact if it breaks). It then progresses through multiple stages, each one with a greater level of impact, until the release is completed.
  • Health-mediated advancement. Between each stage, a set of end-to-end tests is performed, metrics are reviewed, and a minimum time must elapse. If any of these fail, the deployment is paused, or reverted; and this happens automatically, without waiting for a human to respond.

This system allows developers to focus on the behavior of their system, rather than the mechanics of a deployment.

Building Cloudflare on Cloudflare

There are still plenty of plans for further improvement to many of these systems – but they’re running now in production for many of our internal workers.

Moving from prototype to production

Our initial prototype has done its job: it’s shown us what capabilities we needed to add to our developer platform to be able to build more of our internal systems on it. We’ve added a large set of capabilities for internal service development to the developer platform, and are using them in production today for relatively small components of the system. We also know that if we were about to build our application security and performance products from scratch today, we could build them on the platform.

But there’s a world of difference between having a platform that is capable of running our internal systems, and migrating existing systems over to it. We’re at a very early stage of migration; we have real traffic running on the new platform, and expect to migrate more pieces of logic, and some full production sites, to run without depending on the FL service within the next few months.

We’re also still working out what the right module structure for our system is. As discussed, the platform allows us to split our logic into many separate workers, which communicate efficiently, internally. We need to work out what the right level of subdivision is to match our development processes, to keep our code understandable and maintainable, while maintaining efficiency and throughput.

What’s next?

We have a lot more exploration and work to do. Anyone who has worked on a large legacy system knows that it is easy to believe that rewriting the system from scratch would allow you to fix all its problems. And anyone who has actually done this knows that such a project is doomed to be many times harder than you expect – and risks recreating all the problems that the old architecture fixed long ago.

Any rewrite or migration we perform will need to give us a strong benefit, in terms of improved developer experience, reliability and performance.

And it has to be possible to migrate without slowing down the pace at which we develop new products, even for a moment.

We’ve done this before

Rewriting systems to take advantage of new technologies is something we do a lot at Cloudflare, and we’re good at it. The Quicksilver system has been fundamentally rebuilt several times – migrating from Kyoto Tycoon, and then migrating the datastore from LMDB to RocksDB. And we’ve rebuilt the code that handles HTML rewriting, to take advantage of the safety and performance of new technologies.

In fact, this isn’t even the first time we’ve rewritten our entire technical architecture for this very system. The first version of our performance and security proxy was implemented in PHP. This was retired in 2013 after an effort to rebuild the system from scratch. One interesting aspect of that rewrite is that it was done without stopping. The new system was so much easier to build that the developers working on it were able to catch up with the changes being made in the old system. Once the new system was mostly ready, it started handling requests; and if it found it wasn’t able to handle a request, it fell back to the old system. Eventually, enough logic was implemented that the old system could be turned off, leading to:

Author: Dane Knecht
Date:   Thu Sep 19 19:31:15 2013 -0700

    remove PHP.

It’s harder this time

Our systems are a lot more complicated than they were in 2013. The approach we’re taking is one of gradual change. We will not rebuild our systems as a new, standalone reimplementation. Instead, we will identify separable parts of our systems, where we can have a concrete benefit in the immediate future, and migrate these to new architectures. We’ll then learn from these experiences, feed them back into improving our platform and tooling, and identify further areas to work on.

Modularity of our code is of key importance; we are designing a system that we expect to be modified by many teams. To control this complexity, we need to introduce strong boundaries between code modules, allowing reasoning about the system to be done at a local level, rather than needing global knowledge.

Part of the answer may lie in producing multiple different systems for different use cases. Part of the strength of the developer platform is that we don’t have to publish a single version of our software – we can have as many as we need, running concurrently on the platform.

The Internet is a wild place, and we see every odd technical behavior you can imagine. There are standards and RFCs which we do our best to follow – but what happens in practice is often undocumented. Whenever we change any edge case behavior of our system, which is sometimes unavoidable with a migration to a new architecture, we risk breaking an assumption that someone has made. This doesn’t mean we can never make such changes – but we do need to be deliberate about it and understand the impact, so that we can minimize disruption.

To help with this, another essential piece of the puzzle is our testing infrastructure. We have many tests that run on our software and network, but we’re building new capabilities to test every edge-case behavior of our system, in production, before and after each change. This will let us experiment with a great deal more confidence, and decide when we migrate pieces of our system to new architectures whether to be “bug-for-bug” compatible, and if not, whether we need to warn anyone about the change. Again – this isn’t the first time we’ve done such a migration: for example, when we rebuilt our DNS pipeline to make it three times faster, we built similar tooling to allow us to see if the new system behaved in any way differently from the earlier system.

The one thing I’m sure of is that some of the things we learn will surprise us and make us change direction. We’ll use this to improve the capabilities and ease of use of the developer platform. In addition, the scale at which we’re running these systems will help to find any previously hidden bottlenecks and scaling issues in the platform. I look forward to talking about our progress, all the improvements we’ve made, and all the surprise lessons we’ve learnt, in future blog posts.

I want to know more

We’ve covered a lot here. But maybe you want to know more, or you want to know how to get access to some of the features we’ve talked about here for your own projects.

If you’re interested in hearing more about this project, or in letting us know about capabilities you want to add to the developer platform, get in touch on Discord.

Building Cloudflare on Cloudflare

How Cloudflare is powering the next generation of platforms with Workers

Post Syndicated from Nathan Disidore original http://blog.cloudflare.com/powering-platforms-on-workers/

How Cloudflare is powering the next generation of platforms with Workers

How Cloudflare is powering the next generation of platforms with Workers

We launched Workers for Platforms, our Workers offering for SaaS businesses, almost exactly one year ago to the date! We’ve seen a wide array of customers using Workers for Platforms – from e-commerce to CMS, low-code/no-code platforms and also a new wave of AI businesses running tailored inference models for their end customers!

Let’s take a look back and recap why we built Workers for Platforms, show you some of the most interesting problems our customers have been solving and share new features that are now available!

What is Workers for Platforms?

SaaS businesses are all too familiar with the never ending need to keep up with their users' feature requests. Thinking back, the introduction of Workers at Cloudflare was to solve this very pain point. Workers gave our customers the power to program our network to meet their specific requirements!

Need to implement complex load balancing across many origins? Write a Worker. Want a custom set of WAF rules for each region your business operates in? Go crazy, write a Worker.

We heard the same themes coming up with our customers – which is why we partnered with early customers to build Workers for Platforms. We worked with the Shopify Oxygen team early on in their journey to create a built-in hosting platform for Hydrogen, their Remix-based eCommerce framework. Shopify’s Hydrogen/Oxygen combination gives their merchants the flexibility to build out personalized shopping for buyers. It’s an experience that storefront developers can make their own, and it’s powered by Cloudflare Workers behind the scenes. For more details, check out Shopify’s “How we Built Oxygen” blog post.

Oxygen is Shopify's built-in hosting platform for Hydrogen storefronts, designed to provide users with a seamless experience in deploying and managing their ecommerce sites. Our integration with Workers for Platforms has been instrumental to our success in providing fast, globally-available, and secure storefronts for our merchants. The flexibility of Cloudflare's platform has allowed us to build delightful merchant experiences that integrate effortlessly with the best that the Shopify ecosystem has to offer.
Lance Lafontaine, Senior Developer Shopify Oxygen

Another customer that we’ve been working very closely with is Grafbase. Grafbase started out on the Cloudflare for Startups program, building their company from the ground up on Workers. Grafbase gives their customers the ability to deploy serverless GraphQL backends instantly. On top of that, their developers can build custom GraphQL resolvers to program their own business logic right at the edge. Using Workers and Workers for Platforms means that Grafbase can focus their team on building Grafbase, rather than having to focus on building and architecting at the infrastructure layer.

Our mission at Grafbase is to enable developers to deploy globally fast GraphQL APIs without worrying about complex infrastructure. We provide a unified data layer at the edge that accelerates development by providing a single endpoint for all your data sources. We needed a way to deploy serverless GraphQL gateways for our customers with fast performance globally without cold starts. We experimented with container-based workloads and FaaS solutions, but turned our attention to WebAssembly (Wasm) in order to achieve our performance targets. We chose Rust to build the Grafbase platform for its performance, type system, and its Wasm tooling. Cloudflare Workers was a natural fit for us given our decision to go with Wasm. On top of using Workers to build our platform, we also wanted to give customers the control and flexibility to deploy their own logic. Workers for Platforms gave us the ability to deploy customer code written in JavaScript/TypeScript or Wasm straight to the edge.
Fredrik Björk, Founder & CEO at Grafbase

Over the past year, it’s been incredible seeing the velocity that building on Workers allows companies both big and small to move at.

New building blocks

Workers for Platforms uses Dynamic Dispatch to give our customers, like Shopify and Grafbase, the ability to run their own Worker before user code that’s written by Shopify and Grafbase’s developers is executed. With Dynamic Dispatch, Workers for Platforms customers (referred to as platform customers) can authenticate requests, add context to a request or run any custom code before their developer’s Workers (referred to as user Workers) are called.

This is a key building block for Workers for Platforms, but we’ve also heard requests for even more levels of visibility and control from our platform customers. Delivering on this theme, we’re releasing three new highly requested features:

Outbound Workers

Dynamic Dispatch gives platforms visibility into all incoming requests to their user’s Workers, but customers have also asked for visibility into all outgoing requests from their user’s Workers in order to do things like:

  • Log all subrequests in order to identify malicious hosts or usage patterns
  • Create allow or block lists for hostnames requested by user Workers
  • Configure authentication to your APIs behind the scenes (without end developers needing to set credentials)

Outbound Workers sit between user Workers and fetch() requests out to the Internet. User Workers will trigger a FetchEvent on the Outbound Worker and from there platform customers have full visibility over the request before it’s sent out.

How Cloudflare is powering the next generation of platforms with Workers

It’s also important to have context in the Outbound Worker to answer questions like “which user Worker is this request coming from?”. You can declare variables to pass through to the Outbound Worker in the dispatch namespaces binding:

binding = "dispatcher"
namespace = "<NAMESPACE_NAME>"
outbound = {service = "<SERVICE_NAME>", parameters = [customer_name,url]}

From there, the variables declared in the binding can be accessed in the Outbound Worker through env. <VAR_NAME>.

Custom Limits

Workers are really powerful, but, as a platform, you may want guardrails around their capabilities to shape your pricing and packaging model. For example, if you run a freemium model on your platform, you may want to set a lower CPU time limit for customers on your free tier.

Custom Limits let you set usage caps for CPU time and number of subrequests on your customer’s Workers. Custom limits are set from within your dynamic dispatch Worker allowing them to be dynamically scripted. They can also be combined to set limits based on script tags.

Here’s an example of a Dynamic Dispatch Worker that puts both Outbound Workers and Custom Limits together:

export default {
async fetch(request, env) {
  try {
    let workerName = new URL(request.url).host.split('.')[0];
    let userWorker = env.dispatcher.get(
      {// outbound arguments
       outbound: {
           customer_name: workerName,
           url: request.url},
        // set limits
       limits: {cpuMs: 10, subRequests: 5}
    return await userWorker.fetch(request);
  } catch (e) {
    if (e.message.startsWith('Worker not found')) {
      return new Response('', { status: 404 });
    return new Response(e.message, { status: 500 });

They’re both incredibly simple to configure, and the best part – the configuration is completely programmatic. You have the flexibility to build on both of these features with your own custom logic!

Tail Workers

Live logging is an essential piece of the developer experience. It allows developers to monitor for errors and troubleshoot in real time. On Workers, giving users real time logs though wrangler tail is a feature that developers love! Now with Tail Workers, platform customers can give their users the same level of visibility to provide a faster debugging experience.

Tail Worker logs contain metadata about the original trigger event (like the incoming URL and status code for fetches), console.log() messages and capture any unhandled exceptions. Tail Workers can be added to the Dynamic Dispatch Worker in order to capture logs from both the Dynamic Dispatch Worker and any User Workers that are called.

A Tail Worker can be configured by adding the following to the wrangler.toml file of the producing script

tail_consumers = [{service = "<TAIL_WORKER_NAME>", environment = "<ENVIRONMENT_NAME>"}]

From there, events are captured in the Tail Worker using a new tail handler:

export default {
  async tail(events) => {
    fetch("https://example.com/endpoint", {
      method: "POST",
      body: JSON.stringify(events),

Tail Workers are full-fledged Workers empowered by the usual Worker ecosystem. You can send events to any HTTP endpoint, like for example a logging service that parses the events and passes on real-time logs to customers.

Try it out!

All three of these features are now in open beta for users with access to Workers for Platforms. For more details and try them out for yourself, check out our developer documentation:

Workers for Platforms is an enterprise only product (for now) but we’ve heard a lot of interest from developers. In the later half of the year, we’ll be bringing Workers for Platforms down to our pay as you go plan! In the meantime, if you’re itching to get started, reach out to us through the Cloudflare Developer Discord (channel name: workers-for-platforms).

A whole new Quick Edit in Cloudflare Workers

Post Syndicated from Samuel Macleod original http://blog.cloudflare.com/improved-quick-edit/

A whole new Quick Edit in Cloudflare Workers

A whole new Quick Edit in Cloudflare Workers

Quick Edit is a development experience for Cloudflare Workers, embedded right within the Cloudflare dashboard. It’s the fastest way to get up and running with a new worker, and lets you quickly preview and deploy changes to your code.

We’ve spent a lot of recent time working on upgrading the local development experience to be as useful as possible, but the Quick Edit experience for editing Workers has stagnated since the release of workers.dev. It’s time to give Quick Edit some love and bring it up to scratch with the expectations of today's developers.

Before diving into what’s changed—a quick overview of the current Quick Edit experience:

A whole new Quick Edit in Cloudflare Workers

We used the robust Monaco editor, which took us pretty far—it’s even what VSCode uses under the hood! However, Monaco is fairly limited in what it can do. Developers are used to the full power of their local development environment, with advanced IntelliSense support and all the power of a full-fledged IDE. Compared to that, a single file text editor is a step-down in expressiveness and functionality.

VSCode for Web

Today, we’re rolling out a new Quick Edit experience for Workers, powered by VSCode for Web. This is a huge upgrade, allowing developers to work in a familiar environment. This isn’t just about familiarity though—using VSCode for Web to power Quick Edit unlocks significant new functionality that was previously only possible with a local development setup using Wrangler.

A whole new Quick Edit in Cloudflare Workers

Support for multiple modules!

Cloudflare Workers released support for the Modules syntax in 2021, which is the recommended way to write Workers. It leans into modern JavaScript by leveraging the ES Module syntax, and lets you define Workers by exporting a default object containing event handlers.

export default {
 async fetch(request, env) {
   return new Response("Hello, World!")

There are two sides of the coin when it comes to ES Modules though: exports and imports. Until now, if you wanted to organise your worker in multiple modules you had to use Wrangler and a local development setup. Now, you’ll be able to write multiple modules in the dashboard editor, and import them, just as you can locally. We haven’t enabled support for importing modules from npm yet, but that’s something we’re actively exploring—stay tuned!

A whole new Quick Edit in Cloudflare Workers

Edge Preview

A whole new Quick Edit in Cloudflare Workers

When editing a worker in the dashboard, Cloudflare spins up a preview of your worker, deployed from the code you’re currently working on. This helps speed up the feedback loop when developing a worker, and makes it easy to test changes without impacting production traffic (see also, wrangler dev).

However, the in-dashboard preview hasn’t historically been a high-fidelity match for the deployed Workers runtime. There were various differences in behaviour between the dashboard preview environment and a deployed worker, and it was difficult to have full confidence that a worker that worked in the preview would work in the deployed environment.

That changes today! We’ve changed the dashboard preview environment to use the same system that powers wrangler dev. This means that your preview worker will be run on Cloudflare's global network, the same environment as your deployed workers.

Helpful error messages

In the previous dashboard editor, the experience when your code throws an error wasn’t great. Unless you wrap your worker code in a try-catch handler, the preview will show a blank page when your worker throws an error. This can make it really tricky to debug your worker, and is pretty frustrating. With the release of the new Quick Editor, we now wrap your worker with error handling code that shows helpful error pages, complete with error stack traces and detailed descriptions.

A whole new Quick Edit in Cloudflare Workers


TypeScript is incredibly popular, and developers are more and more used to writing their workers in TypeScript. While the dashboard editor still only allows JavaScript files (and you’re unable to write TypeScript directly) we wanted to support modern typed JavaScript development as much as we could. To that end, the new dashboard editor has full support for JSDoc TypeScript syntax, with the TypeScript environment for workers (link) preloaded. This means that writing code with type errors will show a familiar squiggly red line, and Cloudflare APIs like HTMLRewriter will be autocompleted.

A whole new Quick Edit in Cloudflare Workers

How we built it

It wouldn’t be a Cloudflare blog post without a deep dive into the nuts and bolts of what we’ve built!

First, an overview—how does this work at a high level? We embed VSCode for Web in the Cloudflare dashboard as an iframe, and communicate with it over a MessageChannel. When the iframe is loaded, the Cloudflare dashboard sends over the contents of your worker to a VSCode for Web extension. This extension seeds an in-memory filesystem from which VSCode for Web reads. When you edit files in VSCode for Web, the updated files are sent back over the same MessageChannel to the Cloudflare dashboard, where they’re uploaded as a previewed worker to Cloudflare's global network.

As with any project of this size, the devil is in the details. Let’s focus on a specific area —how we communicate with VSCode for Web’s iframe from the Cloudflare dashboard.

The MessageChannel browser API enables relatively easy cross-frame communication—in this case, from an iframe embedder to the iframe itself. To use it, you construct an instance and access the port1 and port2 properties:

const channel = new MessageChannel()

// The MessagePort you keep a hold of

// The MessagePort you send to the iframe

We store a reference to the MessageChannel to use across component renders with useRef(), since React would otherwise create a new MessageChannel instance with every render.

With that out of the way, all that remains is to send channel.port2 to VSCode for Web’s iframe, via a call to postMessage().

// A reference to the iframe embedding VSCode for Web
const editor = document.getElementById("vscode")

// Wait for the iframe to load 
editor.addEventListener('load', () => {
	// Send over the MessagePort
editor.contentWindow.postMessage('PORT', '*', [

An interesting detail here is how the MessagePort is sent over to the iframe. The third argument to postMessage() indicates a sequence of Transferable objects. This transfers ownership of port2 to the iframe, which means that any attempts to access it in the original context will throw an exception.

At this stage the dashboard has loaded an iframe containing VSCode for Web, initialised a MessageChannel, and sent over a MessagePort to the iframe. Let’s switch context—the iframe now needs to catch the MessagePort and start using it to communicate with the embedder (Cloudflare’s dashboard).

window.onmessage = (e) => {
if (e.data === "PORT") {
	// An instance of a MessagePort
const port = e.ports[0]

Relatively straightforward! With not that much code, we’ve set up communication and can start sending more complex messages across. Here’s an example of how we send over the initial worker content from the dashboard to the VSCode for Web iframe:

// In the Cloudflare dashboard

// The modules that make up your worker
const files = [
    path: 'index.js',
    contents: `
		import { hello } from "./world.js"
export default {
			fetch(request) {
				return new Response(hello)
    path: 'world.js',
    contents: `export const hello = "Hello World"`

  type: 'WorkerLoaded',
  // The worker name
  name: 'your-worker-name',
  // The worker's main module
  entrypoint: 'index.js',
  // The worker's modules
  files: files

If you’d like to learn more about our approach, you can explore the code we’ve open sourced as part of this project, including the VSCode extension we’ve written to load data from the Cloudflare dashboard, our patches to VSCode, and our VSCode theme.

We’re not done!

This is a huge overhaul of the dashboard editing experience for Workers, but we’re not resting on our laurels! We know there’s a long way to go before developing a worker in the browser will offer the same experience as developing a worker locally with Wrangler, and we’re working on ways to close that gap. In particular, we’re working on adding Typescript support to the editor, and supporting syncing to external Git providers like GitHub and GitLab.

We’d love to hear any feedback from you on the new editing experience—come say hi and ask us any questions you have on the Cloudflare Discord!

Bringing a unified developer experience to Cloudflare Workers and Pages

Post Syndicated from Nevi Shah original http://blog.cloudflare.com/pages-and-workers-are-converging-into-one-experience/

Bringing a unified developer experience to Cloudflare Workers and Pages

Bringing a unified developer experience to Cloudflare Workers and Pages

Today, we’re thrilled to announce that Pages and Workers will be joining forces into one singular product experience!

We’ve all been there. In a surge of creativity, you visualize in your head the application you want to build so clearly with the pieces all fitting together – maybe a server side rendered frontend and an SQLite database for your backend. You head to your computer with the wheels spinning. You know you can build it, you just need the right tools. You log in to your Cloudflare dashboard, but then you’re faced with an incredibly difficult decision:

Cloudflare Workers or Pages?

Both seem so similar at a glance but also different in the details, so which one is going to make your idea become a reality? What if you choose the wrong one? What are the tradeoffs between the two? These are questions our users should never have to think about, but the reality is, they often do. Speaking with our wide community of users and customers, we hear it ourselves! Decision paralysis hits hard when choosing between Pages and Workers with both products made to build out serverless applications.

In short, we don’t want this for our users — especially when you’re on the verge of a great idea – no, a big idea. That’s why we’re excited to show off the first milestone towards bringing together the best of both beloved products — Workers and Pages into one powerful development platform! This is the beginning of the journey towards a shared fate between the two products, so we wanted to take the opportunity to tell you why we were doing this, what you can use today, and what’s next.

More on the “why”

The relationship between Pages and Workers has always been intertwined. Up until today, we always looked at the two as siblings — each having their own distinct characteristics but both allowing their respective users to build rich and powerful applications. Each product targeted its own set of use cases.

Workers first started as a way to extend our CDN and then expanded into a highly configurable general purpose compute platform. Pages first started as a static web hosting that expanded into Jamstack territory. Over time, Pages began acquiring more of Workers' powerful compute features, while Workers began adopting the rich developer features introduced by Pages. The lines between these two products blurred, making it difficult for our users to understand the differences and pick the right product for their application needs.

We know we can do better to help alleviate this decision paralysis and help you move fast throughout your development experience.

Cool, but what do you mean?

Instead of being forced to make tradeoffs between these two products, we want to bring you the best of the both worlds: a single development platform that has both powerful compute and superfast static asset hosting – that seamlessly integrates with our portfolio of storage products like R2, Queues, D1, and others, and provides you with rich tooling like CI/CD, git-ops workflows, live previews, and flexible environment configurations.

All the details in one place

Today, a lot of our developers use both Pages and Workers to build pieces of their applications. However, they still live in separate parts of the Cloudflare dashboard and don’t always translate from one to the other, making it difficult to combine and keep track of your app’s stack. While we’re still vision-boarding the look and feel, we’re planning a world where users have the ability to manage all of their applications in one central place.

Bringing a unified developer experience to Cloudflare Workers and Pages

No more scrambling all over the dashboard to find the pieces of your application – you’ll have all the information you need about a project right at your fingertips.


With Pages and Workers converging, we’ll also be redefining the concept of a “project” , introducing a new blank canvas of possibilities to plug and play. Within a project, you will be able to add (1) static assets, (2) serverless functions (Workers), (3) resources or (4) any combination of each.

To unlock the full potential of your application, we’re exploring project capabilities that allow you to auto-provision and directly integrate with resources like KV, Durable Objects, R2 and D1. With the possibility of all of these primitives on a project, more importantly, you'll be able to safely perform rollbacks and previews, as we'll keep the versions of your assets, functions and resources in sync with every deployment. No need to worry about any of them becoming stale on your next deployment.

Bringing a unified developer experience to Cloudflare Workers and Pages


One of Pages’ most notable qualities is its git-ops centered deployments. In our converged world, you’ll be able to optionally connect, build and deploy git repos that contain any combination of static assets, serverless functions and bindings to resources, as well as take advantage of the same high-performance CI system that exists in Pages today.

Like Pages, you will be able to preview deployments of your project with unique URLs protected by Cloudflare Access, available in your PRs or via Wrangler command. Because we know that great ideas take lots of vetting before the big release, we’ll also have a first-class concept of environments to enable testing in different setups.

Local development

Arguably one of the most important parts to consider is our local development story in a post-converged world. This developer experience should be no different from how we’re converging the products. In the future, as you work with our Wrangler CLI, you can expect a unified and predictable set of commands to use on your project – e.g. a simple wrangler dev and wrangler deploy. Using a configuration file that applies to your entire project along with all of its components, you can have the confidence that your command will act on the entire project – not just pieces of it!

What are the benefits?

With Workers and Pages converging, we’re not just unlocking all the golden developer features of each product into one development platform. We’re bringing all the performance, cost and load benefits too. This includes:

  • Super low latency with globally distributed static assets and compute on our network that is just 50ms away from 95% of Internet-connected world-wide population.
  • Free egress and also free static asset hosting.
  • Standards-based JavaScript runtime with seamless compatibility across the packages and libraries you're already familiar with.

Seamless migrations for all

If you’re already a Pages or Workers user and are starting to get nervous about what this means for your existing projects – never fear. As we build out this merged architecture, seamless migration is our top priority and the North Star for every step on the way to a unified development platform. Existing projects on both Pages and Workers will continue to work without users needing to lift a finger. Instead, you'll see more and more features become available to enrich your existing projects and workflows, regardless of the product you started with.

What’s new today?

We’ll be working over the next year to converge Pages and Workers into one singular experience, blending not only the products themselves but also our product, engineering and design teams behind the scenes.

While we can’t wait to welcome you to the new converged world, this change unfortunately won’t happen overnight. We’re planning to hit some big but incremental milestones over the next few quarters to ensure a smooth transition into convergence, and this Developer Week, we’re excited to take our first step toward convergence. In the dashboard, things might feel a bit different!

Get started together

Combining the onboarding experience for Pages and Workers into one flow, you’ll notice some changes on our dashboard when you’re creating a project. We’re slowly bringing the two products closer together by unifying the creation flow giving you access to create either a Pages project or Worker from one screen.

Bringing a unified developer experience to Cloudflare Workers and Pages

Go faster with templates

We understand the classic developer urge to immediately get hands dirty and hit the ground running on their big vision. We’re making it easier than ever to go from an idea to an application that’s live on the Cloudflare network. In a couple of clicks, you can deploy a starter template, ranging from a simple Hello World Worker to a ChatGPT plugin. In the future, we’re working on Pages templates in our dashboard, allowing you to automatically create a new repo and deploy starter full-stack apps with a couple of buttons.

Bringing a unified developer experience to Cloudflare Workers and Pages

Your favorite full stack frameworks at your fingertips

We're not stopping with static templates or our dashboard either. Bringing the framework of your choice doesn't mean you have to leave behind the tools you already know and love. If you’re itching to see just what we mean when we say “deploy with your favorite full-stack framework” or “check out the power of Workers”, simply execute:

npm create cloudflare@latest

from your terminal and enjoy the ride! This new CLI experience integrates with CLIs from some of our first class and solidly supported full-stack frameworks like Angular, Next, Qwik and Remix giving you full control of how you create new projects. From this tool you can also deploy a variety of Workers using our powerful starter templates, with a wizard-like experience.

One singular place to find all of your applications

We’re taking one step closer to a unified experience by merging the Pages and Workers project list dashboards together. Once you’ve deployed your application, you’ll notice all of your Pages and Workers on one page, so you don’t have to navigate to different parts of your dashboard. Track your usage analytics for Workers / Pages Functions in one spot. In the future, these cards won’t be identifiable as Pages and Workers – just “projects” with a combination of assets, functions and resources!

Bringing a unified developer experience to Cloudflare Workers and Pages

What’s next?

As we begin executing, you’ll notice that each product will slowly become more and more similar as we unlock features for each platform until they’re ready to be one such as git integration for your Workers and a config file for your Pages projects!

Keep an eye out on Twitter to hear about the newest capabilities and more on what’s to come in every milestone.

Have thoughts?

Of course, we wouldn’t be able to build an amazing platform without first listening to the voice of our community. In fact, we’ve put together a survey to collect more information about our users and receive input on what you’d like to see. If you have a few minutes, you can fill it out or reach out to us on the Cloudflare Developers Discord or Twitter @CloudflareDev.

Modernizing the toolbox for Cloudflare Pages builds

Post Syndicated from Greg Brimble original http://blog.cloudflare.com/moderizing-cloudflare-pages-builds-toolbox/

Modernizing the toolbox for Cloudflare Pages builds

Modernizing the toolbox for Cloudflare Pages builds

Cloudflare Pages launched over two years ago in December 2020, and since then, we have grown Pages to build millions of deployments for developers. In May 2022, to support developers with more complex requirements, we opened up Pages to empower developers to create deployments using their own build environments — but that wasn't the end of our journey. Ultimately, we want to be able to allow anyone to use our build platform and take advantage of the git integration we offer. You should be able to connect your repository and have it just work on Cloudflare Pages.

Today, we're introducing a new beta version of our build system (a.k.a. "build image") which brings the default set of tools and languages up-to-date, and sets the stage for future improvements to builds on Cloudflare Pages. We now support the latest versions of Node.js, Python, Hugo and many more, putting you on the best path for any new projects that you undertake. Existing projects will continue to use the current build system, but this upgrade will be available to opt-in for everyone.

New defaults, new possibilities

The Cloudflare Pages build system has been updated to not only support new versions of your favorite languages and tools, but to also include new versions by default. The versions of 2020 are no longer relevant for the majority of today's projects, and as such, we're bumping these to their more modern equivalents:

  • Node.js' default is being increased from 12.18.0 to 18.16.0,
  • Python 2.7.18 and 3.10.5 are both now available by default,
  • Ruby's default is being increased from 2.7.1 to 3.2.2,
  • Yarn's default is being increased from 1.22.4 to 3.5.1,
  • And we're adding pnpm with a default version of 8.2.0.

These are just some of the headlines — check out our documentation for the full list of changes.

We're aware that these new defaults constitute a breaking change for anyone using a project without pinning their versions with an environment variable or version file. That's why we're making this new build system opt-in for existing projects. You'll be able to stay on the existing system without breaking your builds. If you do decide to adventure with us, we make it easy to test out the new system in your preview environments before rolling out to production.

Modernizing the toolbox for Cloudflare Pages builds

Additionally, we're now making your builds more reproducible by taking advantage of lockfiles with many package managers. npm ci and yarn --pure-lockfile are now used ahead of your build command in this new version of the build system.

For new projects, these updated defaults and added support for pnpm and Yarn 3 mean that more projects will just work immediately without any undue setup, tweaking, or configuration. Today, we're launching this update as a beta, but we will be quickly promoting it to general availability once we're satisfied with its stability. Once it does graduate, new projects will use this updated build system by default.

We know that this update has been a long-standing request from our users (we thank you for your patience!) but part of this rollout is ensuring that we are now in a better position to make regular updates to Cloudflare Pages' build system. You can expect these default languages and tools to now keep pace with the rapid rate of change seen in the world of web development.

We very much welcome your continued feedback as we know that new tools can quickly appear on the scene, and old ones can just as quickly drop off. As ever, our Discord server is the best place to engage with the community and Pages team. We’re excited to hear your thoughts and suggestions.

Our modular and scalable architecture

Powering this updated build system is a new architecture that we've been working on behind-the-scenes. We're no strangers to sweeping changes of our build infrastructure: we've done a lot of work to grow and scale our infrastructure. Moving beyond purely static site hosting with Pages Functions brought a new wave of users, and as we explore convergence with Workers, we expect even more developers to rely on our git integrations and CI builds. Our new architecture is being rolled out without any changes affecting users, so unless you're interested in the technical nitty-gritty, feel free to stop reading!

The biggest change we're making with our architecture is its modularity. Previously, we were using Kubernetes to run a monolithic container which was responsible for everything for the build. Within the same image, we'd stream our build logs, clone the git repository, install any custom versions of languages and tools, install a project's dependencies, run the user's build command, and upload all the assets of the build. This was a lot of work for one container! It meant that our system tooling had to be compatible with versions in the user's space and therefore new default versions were a massive change to make. This is a big part of why it took us so long to be able to update the build system for our users.

In the new architecture, we've broken these steps down into multiple separate containers. We make use of Kubernetes' init containers feature and instead of one monolithic container, we have three that execute sequentially:

  1. clone a user's git repository,
  2. install any custom versions of languages and tools, install a project's dependencies, run the user's build command, and
  3. upload all the assets of a build.

We use a shared volume to give the build a persistent workspace to use between containers, but now there is clear isolation between system stages (cloning a repository and uploading assets) and user stages (running code that the user is responsible for). We no longer need to worry about conflicting versions, and we've created an additional layer of security by isolating a user's control to a separate environment.

Modernizing the toolbox for Cloudflare Pages builds

We're also aligning the final stage, the one responsible for uploading static assets, with the same APIs that Wrangler uses for Direct Upload projects. This reduces our maintenance burden going forward since we'll only need to consider one way of uploading assets and creating deployments. As we consolidate, we're exploring ways to make these APIs even faster and more reliable.

Logging out

You might have noticed that we haven't yet talked about how we're continuing to stream build logs. Arguably, this was one of the most challenging pieces to work out. When everything ran in a single container, we were able to simply latch directly into the stdout of our various stages and pipe them through to a Durable Object which could communicate with the Cloudflare dashboard.

By introducing this new isolation between containers, we had to get a bit more inventive. After prototyping a number of approaches, we've found one that we like. We run a separate, global log collector container inside Kubernetes which is responsible for collating logs from a build, and passing them through to that same Durable Object infrastructure. The one caveat is that the logs now need to be annotated with which build they are coming from, since one global log collector container accepts logs from multiple builds. A Worker in front of the Durable Object is responsible for reading the annotation and delegating to the relevant build's Durable Object instance.

Modernizing the toolbox for Cloudflare Pages builds

Caching in

With this new modular architecture, we plan to integrate a feature we've been teasing for a while: build caching. Today, when you run a build in Cloudflare Pages, we start fresh every time. This works, but it's inefficient.

Very often, only small changes are actually made to your website between deployments: you might tweak some text on your homepage, or add a new blog post; but rarely does the core foundation of your site actually change between deployments. With build caching, we can reuse some of the work from earlier builds to speed up subsequent builds. We'll offer a best-effort storage mechanism that allows you to persist and restore files between builds. You'll soon be able to cache dependencies, as well as the build output itself if your framework supports it, resulting in considerably faster builds and a tighter feedback loop from push to deploy.

This is possible because our new modular design has clear divides between the stages where we'd want to restore and cache files.

Modernizing the toolbox for Cloudflare Pages builds

Start building

We're excited about the improvements that this new modular architecture will afford the Pages team, but we're even more excited for how this will result in faster and more scalable builds for our users. This architecture transition is rolling out behind-the-scenes, but the updated beta build system with new languages and tools is available to try today. Navigate to your Pages project settings in the Cloudflare Dashboard to opt-in.

Let us know if you have any feedback on the Discord server, and stay tuned for more information about build caching in upcoming posts on this blog. Later today (Wednesday 17th, 2023), the Pages team will be hosting a Q&A session to talk about this announcement on Discord at 17:30 UTC.

Making Cloudflare the best place for your web applications

Post Syndicated from Igor Minar original http://blog.cloudflare.com/making-cloudflare-for-web/

Making Cloudflare the best place for your web applications

Making Cloudflare the best place for your web applications

Hey web developers! We are about to shake things up a bit here at Cloudflare and wanted to give you a heads-up, so that you know what we are doing and where we are going. You might know Cloudflare as one of the best places to come to when you need to protect, speed up, or scale your web application, but increasingly Cloudflare is also becoming the best place to deploy and run your application!

Why deploy your application to Cloudflare? Two simple reasons. First, it removes lots of hassle of managing many separate systems and allows you to develop, deploy, monitor, and tune your application all in one place. Second, by deploying to Cloudflare directly, there is so much more we can do to optimize your application and get it to the hands, ears, or eyes of your users more quickly and smoothly.

So what’s changing? Quite a bit, actually. I’m not going to bore you with rehashing all the details as my most-awesome colleagues have written separate blog posts with all the details, but here is a high level rundown.

Cloudflare Workers + Pages = awesome development platform

Cloudflare Pages and Workers are merging into a single unified development and application hosting platform that offers:

  • Super low latency globally: your static assets and compute are less than 50ms away from 95% of the world’s Internet-connected population.
  • Free egress including free static asset hosting.
  • Standards-based JavaScript and WASM runtime that already serves over 10 million requests per second at peak globally.
  • Access to powerful features like R2 (object storage with an S3-compatible API), low-latency globally replicated KV storage, Queues, D1 database, and many more.
  • Support for GitOps and CI/CD workflows and preview environments to boost development velocity.
  • … and so much more.

While mathematically proven to be wrong, we stubbornly believe that 1+1=3, and in this case this translates to Cloudflare Pages + Workers = way more than the sum of the parts. In fact, it’s an awesome foundation for one of a kind development platform that we are thrilled to be building for you.

We started this product convergence journey a few quarters ago, and early on agreed upon not leaving any of the existing applications behind. Instead, we’ll be bringing them over to this new world. Today we are ready to start sharing the incremental results, with so much more to come over the upcoming quarters. Want to know more? My colleague Nevi posted lots of spicy details in her blog post.

Smart Placement for Workers takes us beyond the edge!

Smart placement is, to put it simply, revolutionary for Cloudflare. It enables a new compute paradigm on our platform, unmatched by any other application hosting providers today. Do you have a typical full-stack application built with one of the many popular web frameworks? This feature is for you! And it works with both Workers and Pages!

While previously we always executed all applications at the “edge” of our global network — meaning, as close to the user as possible. With smart placement, we intelligently determine the best location within our network where the compute (your application) should run. We do this by observing your application’s behavior and what other network resources or endpoints the application interacts with. We then transparently spawn your application at an optimal location, usually close to where your data is stored, and route the incoming requests via our network to this location.

Smart placement enables applications to run near to the data these applications need to get stuff done. This is especially powerful for applications that interact with databases, object stores, or other backend endpoints, especially if these are centralized and not globally distributed.

Your user or clients requests still enter our lightning fast network in one of our 285+ datacenters in the world, close to their current location, but instead of spawning the application right there, we route the request to the most optimal datacenter, the one that is near the data or backend system the application talks to.

This doesn’t mean that compute at the edge is not cool anymore! It is! There are still many use-cases where running your application at the edge makes sense, and smart placement will determine this scenario and keep the application at the edge if that’s the right place for it to be. A/B testing, localization, asset serving, and others are use-cases that should almost always happen at the edge.

Sounds interesting? Check out this visual demo and read up on Smart Placement in a blog post from my colleague Tanushree to get started.

Develop locally or in the browser!

We continue to deliver on our goal to build the best development environment integrated directly into our lightning fast and globally distributed application platform. We’re launching Wrangler v3, with complete support for local-by-default development workflow. Powered by the open-source Cloudflare Workers JavaScript runtime — workerd, this change reduces development server startup time by 10x and script reload times by 60x — boosting your productivity and keeping you in the flow longer.

In the dashboard, we're introducing an upgraded and far more powerful online editor powered by VSCode – you can now finally edit multiple JavaScript modules in your browser, get an accurate edge preview of your code, friendly error pages, and type checking!

Finally, in both our dashboard editor and Wrangler, we've updated our workerd-customized Chrome DevTools to the latest version, providing even greater debugging and profiling capabilities, wherever you choose to work.

This is just the first wave of improvements to our development tooling space, you’ll see us iterating in this space over the next few quarters, but in the meantime, check out in-depth posts from Adam, Brendan, and Samuel with all the Wrangler v3 details and VSCode and dash editor improvements.

Increased memory, CPU, and application size limits and simplified pricing!

In the age of AI, WASM, and powerful full-stack applications, we’ve noticed that developers are hitting our current resource limits with increased frequency. We want to be a place where these applications thrive and developers are empowered to build bigger and more sophisticated applications. Therefore, within the next week we’ll be increasing application size limits (JavaScript/WASM bundle size) to 10MB (after gzip) and startup latency limit (script compile time) is being increased from 200ms to 400ms.

To further empower developers, we’re thinking about how to unify and simplify our billing model to make our pricing more straightforward, and increase limits such as memory limits by introducing tiers. Stay tuned for more information on these!

With these changes developers can build cooler apps and operate them for less! Cool, right?!?

Pages CI now with a modern build image!

The wait is finally over! Pages now use a modern build image to power the CI and integrated build system. With this improvement you can finally use recent versions of Node.js, pnpm, and many other tools used by developers today.

While delivering this improvement, we made it much easier for us to keep things up to date in the future, but also unlocked new features like build caching!

The updates are available to all new projects by default, while existing projects can opt in to newer defaults. Sounds like your cup of coffee? Read on in this blog post by Greg.

Enough already, let’s get started! …with your framework of choice and C3!

In addition to being a CDN, and place to deploy your Worker applications, Cloudflare is now also becoming the best place to run your full-stack web applications. This includes all full-stack web frameworks like Angular, Astro, Next, Nuxt, Qwik, Remix, Solid, Svelte, Vue, and others.

Our overall mission is to help build a better Internet, and my team’s contribution to this mission is to enable developers, but really just about anyone, to go from an idea to a deployed application in no time.

To enable developers to turn their ideas into deployed applications quickly and without any hassle we’ve built two things.

First, we partnered with many web framework authors to build new or improve existing adapters for all the popular JavaScript web frameworks. These adapters ensure that your application runs on our platform in the most efficient way, while having access to all the capabilities and features of our platform.

These adapters include the highly requested Next.js adapter, that we’ve just overhauled to be production ready and are launching 1.0.0 today! In partnership with the respective teams, we’ve built brand-new adapters for Angular, and Qwik, while improving Astro, Nuxt, Solid, and a few others.

Second, we developed a brand new sassy CLI we call C3 — short for create-cloudflare CLI, a sibling to our existing Wrangler CLI. If you are a developer who lives your life in terminal or local editors like VSCode, then this CLI is your single entry-point to the Cloudflare universe.

Run the C3 command, and we’ll get you started. You pick your framework of choice, we hand the control over to the CLI of the chosen framework as we don’t want to stand in between you and the hard-working framework authors that craft the experience for their framework. A minute or so later once all npm dependencies are installed, you get a URL from us with your application deployed. That’s it. From an idea to a URL that you can share with friends almost instantly! Boom.

The best place for your web applications

So to recap, our first class support for full-stack web frameworks, combined with the low latency and cost-effectiveness of our platform, as well as smart placement that allows the backend of the full-stack web application to run in the optimal location automagically, and all the remaining significant improvements in our developer tooling, makes Cloudflare THE best place to build and host web applications. This is our contribution to our mission to build a better Internet and push the Web forward.

We aspire to be the place people turn to when they want to get business done, or when they just want to be creative, explore ideas and have fun. It’s a long journey, and we’ve got a lot of interesting challenges ahead of us. Your input will be critical in guiding us. We are all thrilled to have the opportunity to be part of it and give it our best shot. You can join this journey too, and get started today:

npm create cloudflare my-first-app

Improved local development with wrangler and workerd, Developer Week

Post Syndicated from Brendan Coll original http://blog.cloudflare.com/wrangler3/

Improved local development with wrangler and workerd, Developer Week

Improved local development with wrangler and workerd, Developer Week

For over a year now, we’ve been working to improve the Workers local development experience. Our goal has been to improve parity between users' local and production environments. This is important because it provides developers with a fully-controllable and easy-to-debug local testing environment, which leads to increased developer efficiency and confidence.

To start, we integrated Miniflare, a fully-local simulator for Workers, directly into Wrangler, the Workers CLI. This allowed users to develop locally with Wrangler by running wrangler dev --local. Compared to the wrangler dev default, which relied on remote resources, this represented a significant step forward in local development. As good as it was, it couldn’t leverage the actual Workers runtime, which led to some inconsistencies and behavior mismatches.

Last November, we announced the experimental version of Miniflare v3, powered by the newly open-sourced workerd runtime, the same runtime used by Cloudflare Workers. Since then, we’ve continued to improve upon that experience both in terms of accuracy with the real runtime and in cross-platform compatibility.

As a result of all this work, we are proud to announce the release of Wrangler v3 – the first version of Wrangler with local-by-default development.

A new default for Wrangler

Starting with Wrangler v3, users running wrangler dev will be leveraging Miniflare v3 to run your Worker locally. This local development environment is effectively as accurate as a production Workers environment, providing an ability for you to test every aspect of your application before deploying. It provides the same runtime and bindings, but has its own simulators for KV, R2, D1, Cache and Queues. Because you’re running everything on your machine, you won’t be billed for operations on KV namespaces or R2 buckets during development, and you can try out paid-features like Durable Objects for free.

In addition to a more accurate developer experience, you should notice performance differences. Compared to remote mode, we’re seeing a 10x reduction to startup times and 60x reduction to script reload times with the new local-first implementation. This massive reduction in reload times drastically improves developer velocity!

Improved local development with wrangler and workerd, Developer Week

Remote development isn’t going anywhere. We recognise many developers still prefer to test against real data, or want to test Cloudflare services like image resizing that aren’t implemented locally yet. To run wrangler dev on Cloudflare’s network, just like previous versions, use the new --remote flag.

Deprecating Miniflare v2

For users of Miniflare, there are two important pieces of information for those updating from v2 to v3. First, if you’ve been using Miniflare’s CLI directly, you’ll need to switch to wrangler dev. Miniflare v3 no longer includes a CLI. Secondly, if you’re using Miniflare’s API directly, upgrade to miniflare@3 and follow the migration guide.

How we built Miniflare v3

Miniflare v3 is now built using workerd, the open-source Cloudflare Workers runtime. As workerd is a server-first runtime, every configuration defines at least one socket to listen on. Each socket is configured with a service, which can be an external server, disk directory or most importantly for us, a Worker! To start a workerd server running a Worker, create a worker.capnp file as shown below, run npx workerd serve worker.capnp and visit http://localhost:8080 in your browser:

using Workerd = import "/workerd/workerd.capnp";

const helloConfig :Workerd.Config = (
 services = [
   ( name = "hello-worker", worker = .helloWorker )
 sockets = [
   ( name = "hello-socket", address = "*:8080", http = (), service = "hello-worker" )

const helloWorker :Workerd.Worker = (
 modules = [
   ( name = "worker.mjs",
     esModule =
       `export default {
       `  async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
       `    return new Response("Hello from workerd! 👋");
       `  }
 compatibilityDate = "2023-04-04",

If you’re interested in what else workerd can do, check out the other samples. Whilst workerd provides the runtime and bindings, it doesn’t provide the underlying implementations for the other products in the Developer Platform. This is where Miniflare comes in! It provides simulators for KV, R2, D1, Queues and the Cache API.

Improved local development with wrangler and workerd, Developer Week

Building a flexible storage system

As you can see from the diagram above, most of Miniflare’s job is now providing different interfaces for data storage. In Miniflare v2, we used a custom key-value store to back these, but this had a few limitations. For Miniflare v3, we’re now using the industry-standard SQLite, with a separate blob store for KV values, R2 objects, and cached responses. Using SQLite gives us much more flexibility in the queries we can run, allowing us to support future unreleased storage solutions. 👀

A separate blob store allows us to provide efficient, ranged, streamed access to data. Blobs have unguessable identifiers, can be deleted, but are otherwise immutable. These properties make it possible to perform atomic updates with the SQLite database. No other operations can interact with the blob until it's committed to SQLite, because the ID is not guessable, and we don't allow listing blobs. For more details on the rationale behind this, check out the original GitHub discussion.

Running unit tests inside Workers

One of Miniflare’s primary goals is to provide a great local testing experience. Miniflare v2 provided custom environments for popular Node.js testing frameworks that allowed you to run your tests inside the Miniflare sandbox. This meant you could import and call any function using Workers runtime APIs in your tests. You weren’t restricted to integration tests that just send and receive HTTP requests. In addition, these environments provide per-test isolated storage, automatically undoing any changes made at the end of each test.

In Miniflare v2, these environments were relatively simple to implement. We’d already reimplemented Workers Runtime APIs in a Node.js environment, and could inject them using Jest and Vitest’s APIs into the global scope.

Improved local development with wrangler and workerd, Developer Week

For Miniflare v3, this is much trickier. The runtime APIs are implemented in a separate workerd process, and you can’t reference JavaScript classes across a process boundary. So we needed a new approach…

Improved local development with wrangler and workerd, Developer Week

Many test frameworks like Vitest use Node’s built-in worker_threads module for running tests in parallel. This module spawns new operating system threads running Node.js and provides a MessageChannel interface for communicating between them. What if instead of spawning a new OS thread, we spawned a new workerd process, and used WebSockets for communication between the Node.js host process and the workerd “thread”?

Improved local development with wrangler and workerd, Developer Week

We have a proof of concept using Vitest showing this approach can work in practice. Existing Vitest IDE integrations and the Vitest UI continue to work without any additional work. We aren’t quite ready to release this yet, but will be working on improving it over the next few months. Importantly, the workerd “thread” needs access to Node.js built-in modules, which we recently started rolling out support for.

Improved local development with wrangler and workerd, Developer Week

Running on every platform

We want developers to have this great local testing experience, regardless of which operating system they’re using. Before open-sourcing, the Cloudflare Workers runtime was originally only designed to run on Linux. For Miniflare v3, we needed to add support for macOS and Windows too. macOS and Linux are both Unix-based, making porting between them relatively straightforward. Windows on the other hand is an entirely different beast… 😬

The workerd runtime uses KJ, an alternative C++ base library, which is already cross-platform. We’d also migrated to the Bazel build system in preparation for open-sourcing the runtime, which has good Windows support. When compiling our C++ code for Windows, we use LLVM's MSVC-compatible compiler driver clang-cl, as opposed to using Microsoft’s Visual C++ compiler directly. This enables us to use the "same" compiler frontend on Linux, macOS, and Windows, massively reducing the effort required to compile workerd on Windows. Notably, this provides proper support for #pragma once when using symlinked virtual includes produced by Bazel, __atomic_* functions, a standards-compliant preprocessor, GNU statement expressions used by some KJ macros, and understanding of the .c++ extension by default. After switching out unix API calls for their Windows equivalents using #if _WIN32 preprocessor directives, and fixing a bunch of segmentation faults caused by execution order differences, we were finally able to get workerd running on Windows! No WSL or Docker required! 🎉

Let us know what you think!

Wrangler v3 is now generally available! Upgrade by running npm install --save-dev wrangler@3 in your project. Then run npx wrangler dev to try out the new local development experience powered by Miniflare v3 and the open-source Workers runtime. Let us know what you think in the #wrangler channel on the Cloudflare Developers Discord, and please open a GitHub issue if you hit any unexpected behavior.

Goodbye, section 2.8 and hello to Cloudflare’s new terms of service

Post Syndicated from Eugene Kim original http://blog.cloudflare.com/updated-tos/

Goodbye, section 2.8 and hello to Cloudflare’s new terms of service

Goodbye, section 2.8 and hello to Cloudflare’s new terms of service

Earlier this year, we blogged about an incident where we mistakenly throttled a customer due to internal confusion about a potential violation of our Terms of Service. That incident highlighted a growing point of confusion for many of our customers. Put simply, our terms had not kept pace with the rapid innovation here at Cloudflare, especially with respect to our Developer Platform. We’re excited to announce new updates that will modernize our terms and cut down on customer confusion and frustration.

We want our terms to set clear expectations about what we’ll deliver and what customers can do with our services. But drafting terms is often an iterative process, and iteration over a decade can lead to bloat, complexity, and vestigial branches in need of pruning. Now, time to break out the shears.

Snip, snip

To really nip this in the bud, we started at the source–the content-based restriction housed in Section 2.8 of our Self-Serve Subscription Agreement:

Goodbye, section 2.8 and hello to Cloudflare’s new terms of service

Cloudflare is much, much more than a CDN, but that wasn’t always the case. The CDN was one of our first services and originally designed to serve HTML content like webpages. User attempts to serve video and other large files hosted outside of Cloudflare were disruptive on many levels. So, years ago, we added Section 2.8 to give Cloudflare the means to preserve the original intent of the CDN: limiting use of the CDN to webpages.

Over time, Cloudflare’s network became larger and more robust and its portfolio broadened to include services like Stream, Images, and R2. These services are explicitly designed to allow customers to serve non-HTML content like video, images, and other large files hosted directly by Cloudflare. And yet, Section 2.8 persisted in our Self-Serve Subscription Agreement–the umbrella terms that apply to all services. We acknowledge that this didn’t make much sense.

To address the problem, we’ve done a few things. First, we moved the content-based restriction concept to a new CDN-specific section in our Service-Specific Terms. We want to be clear that this restriction only applies to use of our CDN. Next, we got rid of the antiquated HTML vs. non-HTML construct, which was far too broad. Finally, we made it clear that customers can serve video and other large files using the CDN so long as that content is hosted by a Cloudflare service like Stream, Images, or R2. This will allow customers to confidently innovate on our Developer Platform while leveraging the speed, security, and reliability of our CDN. Video and large files hosted outside of Cloudflare will still be restricted on our CDN, but we think that our service features, generous free tier, and competitive pricing (including zero egress fees on R2) make for a compelling package for developers that want to access the reach and performance of our network.

Here are a few diagrams to help understand how our terms of service fit together for various use cases.

Customer A is on a free, pro, or business plan and wants to use the CDN service:

Goodbye, section 2.8 and hello to Cloudflare’s new terms of service

Customer B is on a free, pro, or business plan and wants to use the Developer Platform and Zero Trust services:

Goodbye, section 2.8 and hello to Cloudflare’s new terms of service

Customer C is on a free, pro, or business plan and wants to use Stream with the CDN service and Magic Transit with the CDN service:

Goodbye, section 2.8 and hello to Cloudflare’s new terms of service

Quality of life upgrades

We also took this opportunity to tune up other aspects of our Terms of Service to make for a more user-first experience. For example, we streamlined our Self-Serve Subscription Agreement to make it clearer and easier to understand from the start.

We also heard previous complaints and removed an old restriction on benchmarking–we’re confident in the performance of our network and services, unlike some of our competitors. Last but not least, we renamed the Supplemental Terms to the Service-Specific Terms and gave them a major facelift to improve clarity and usability.

Goodbye, section 2.8 and hello to Cloudflare’s new terms of service

Users first

We’ve learned a lot from our users throughout this process, and we are always grateful for your feedback. Our terms were never meant to act as a gating mechanism that stifled innovation. With these updates, we hope that customers will feel confident in building the next generation of apps and services on Cloudflare. And we’ll keep the shears handy as we continue to work to help build a better Internet.

Use Snowflake with R2 to extend your global data lake

Post Syndicated from Phillip Jones original http://blog.cloudflare.com/snowflake-r2-global-data-lake/

Use Snowflake with R2 to extend your global data lake

Use Snowflake with R2 to extend your global data lake

R2 is the ideal object storage platform to build data lakes. It’s infinitely scalable, highly durable (eleven 9's of annual durability), and has no egress fees. Zero egress fees mean zero vendor lock-in. You are free to use the tools you want to get the maximum value from your data.

Today we’re excited to announce our partnership with Snowflake so that you can use Snowflake to query data stored in your R2 data lake and load data from R2 into Snowflake. Organizations use Snowflake's Data Cloud to unite siloed data, discover, and securely share data, and execute diverse analytic workloads across multiple clouds.

One challenge of loading data into Snowflake database tables and querying external data lakes is the cost of data transfer. If your data is coming from a different cloud or even different region within the same cloud, this typically means you are paying an additional tax for each byte going into Snowflake. Pairing R2 and Snowflake lets you focus on getting valuable insights from your data, without having to worry about egress fees piling up.

Getting started

Sign up for R2 and create an API token

If you haven’t already, you’ll need to sign up for R2 and create a bucket. You’ll also need to create R2 security credentials for Snowflake following the steps below.

Generate an R2 token

1. In the Cloudflare dashboard, select R2.

2. Select Manage R2 API Tokens on the right side of the dashboard.

3. Select Create API token.

Use Snowflake with R2 to extend your global data lake

4. Optionally select the pencil icon or R2 Token text to edit your API token name.

Use Snowflake with R2 to extend your global data lake

5. Under Permissions, select Edit.

6. Select Create API Token.

Use Snowflake with R2 to extend your global data lake

You’ll need the Secret Access Key and Access Key ID to create an external stage in Snowflake.

Creating external stages in Snowflake

In Snowflake, stages refer to the location of data files in object storage. To create an external stage, you’ll need your bucket name and R2 credentials. Find your Cloudflare account ID in the dashboard.

CREATE STAGE my_r2_stage
  URL = 's3compat://my_bucket/files/'
  ENDPOINT = 'cloudflare_account_id.r2.cloudflarestorage.com'
  CREDENTIALS = (AWS_KEY_ID = '1a2b3c...' AWS_SECRET_KEY = '4x5y6z...')

Note: You may need to contact your Snowflake account team to enable S3-compatible endpoints in Snowflake. Get more information here.

Loading data into Snowflake

To load data from your R2 data lake into Snowflake, use the COPY INTO <table> command.

  FROM @my_r2_stage/load/;

You can flip the table and external stage parameters in the example above to unload data from Snowflake into R2.

Querying data in R2 with Snowflake

You’ll first need to create an external table in Snowflake. Once you’ve done that you’ll be able to query your data stored in R2.

SELECT * FROM external_table;

For more information on how to use R2 and Snowflake together, refer to documentation here.

“Data is becoming increasingly the center of every application, process, and business metrics, and is the cornerstone of digital transformation. Working with partners like Cloudflare, we are unlocking value for joint customers around the world by helping save costs and helping maximize customers data investments,” – James Malone, Director of Product Management at Snowflake

Use Snowflake with R2 to extend your global data lake

Have any feedback?

We want to hear from you! If you have any feedback on the integration between Cloudflare R2 and Snowflake, please let us know by filling this form.

Be sure to check our Discord server to discuss everything R2!