Tag Archives: Privacy

Web3 — A vision for a decentralized web

Post Syndicated from Thibault Meunier original https://blog.cloudflare.com/what-is-web3/

Web3 — A vision for a decentralized web

Web3 — A vision for a decentralized web

By reading this, you are a participant of the web. It’s amazing that we can write this blog and have it appear to you without operating a server or writing a line of code. In general, the web of today empowers us to participate more than we could at any point in the past.

Last year, we mentioned the next phase of the Internet would be always on, always secure, always private. Today, we dig into a similar trend for the web, referred to as Web3. In this blog we’ll start to explain Web3 in the context of the web’s evolution, and how Cloudflare might help to support it.

Going from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0

When Sir Tim Berners-Lee wrote his seminal 1989 document “Information Management: A Proposal”, he outlined a vision of the “web” as a network of information systems interconnected via hypertext links. It is often assimilated to the Internet, which is the computer network it operates on. Key practical requirements for this web included being able to access the network in a decentralized manner through remote machines and allowing systems to be linked together without requiring any central control or coordination.

Web3 — A vision for a decentralized web
The original proposal for what we know as the web, fitting in one diagram – Source: w3

This vision materialized into an initial version of the web that was composed of interconnected static resources delivered via a distributed network of servers and accessed primarily on a read-only basis from the client side — “Web 1.0”. Usage of the web soared with the number of websites growing well over 1,000% in the ~2 years following the introduction of the Mosaic graphical browser in 1993, based on data from the World Wide Web Wanderer.

The early 2000s marked an inflection point in the growth of the web and a key period of its development, as technology companies that survived the dot-com crash evolved to deliver value to customers in new ways amidst heightened skepticism around the web:

  • Desktop browsers like Netscape became commoditized and paved the way for native web services for discovering content like search engines.
  • Network effects that were initially driven by hyperlinks in web directories like Yahoo! were hyperscaled by platforms that enabled user engagement and harnessed collective intelligence like review sites.
  • The massive volume of data generated by Internet activity and the growing realization of its competitive value forced companies to become experts at database management.

O’Reilly Media coined the concept of Web 2.0 in an attempt to capture such shifts in design principles, which were transformative to the usability and interactiveness of the web and continue to be core building blocks for Internet companies nearly two decades later.

However, in the midst of the web 2.0 transformation, the web fell out of touch with one of its initial core tenets — decentralization.

Decentralization: No permission is needed from a central authority to post anything on the web, there is no central controlling node, and so no single point of failure … and no “kill switch”!
— History of the web by Web Foundation

A new paradigm for the Internet

This is where Web3 comes in. The last two decades have proven that building a scalable system that decentralizes content is a challenge. While the technology to build such systems exists, no content platform achieves decentralization at scale.

There is one notable exception: Bitcoin. Bitcoin was conceptualized in a 2008 whitepaper by Satoshi Nakamoto as a type of distributed ledger known as a blockchain designed so that a peer-to-peer (P2P) network could transact in a public, consistent, and tamper-proof manner.

That’s a lot said in one sentence. Let’s break it down by term:

  • A peer-to-peer network is a network architecture. It consists of a set of computers, called nodes, that store and relay information. Each node is equally privileged, preventing one node from becoming a single point of failure. In the Bitcoin case, nodes can send, receive, and process Bitcoin transactions.
  • A ledger is a collection of accounts in which transactions are recorded. For Bitcoin, the ledger records Bitcoin transactions.
  • A distributed ledger is a ledger that is shared and synchronized among multiple computers. This happens through a consensus, so each computer holds a similar replica of the ledger. With Bitcoin, the consensus process is performed over a P2P network, the Bitcoin network.
  • A blockchain is a type of distributed ledger that stores data in “blocks” that are cryptographically linked together into an immutable chain that preserves their chronological order. Bitcoin leverages blockchain technology to establish a shared, single source of truth of transactions and the sequence in which they occurred, thereby mitigating the double-spending problem.

Bitcoin — which currently has over 40,000 nodes in its network and processes over $30B in transactions each day — demonstrates that an application can be run in a distributed manner at scale, without compromising security. It inspired the development of other blockchain projects such as Ethereum which, in addition to transactions, allows participants to deploy code that can verifiably run on each of its nodes.

Today, these programmable blockchains are seen as ideal open and trustless platforms to serve as the infrastructure of a distributed Internet. They are home to a rich and growing ecosystem of nearly 7,000 decentralized applications (“Dapps”) that do not rely on any single entity to be available. This provides them with greater flexibility on how to best serve their users in all jurisdictions.

The web is for the end user

Distributed systems are inherently different from centralized systems. They should not be thought about in the same way. Distributed systems enable the data and its processing to not be held by a single party. This is useful for companies to provide resilience, but it’s also useful for P2P-based networks where data can stay in the hands of the participants.

For instance, if you were to host a blog the old-fashioned way, you would put up a server, expose it to the Internet (via Cloudflare 😀), et voilà. Nowadays, your blog would be hosted on a platform like WordPress, Ghost, Notions, or even Twitter. If these companies were to have an outage, this affects a lot more people. In a distributed fashion, via IPFS for instance, your blog content can be hosted and served from multiple locations operated by different entities.

Web3 — A vision for a decentralized web
Web 1.0
Web3 — A vision for a decentralized web
Web 2.0
Web3 — A vision for a decentralized web

Each participant in the network can choose what they host/provide and can be home to different content. Similar to your home network, you are in control of what you share, and you don’t share everything.

This is a core tenet of decentralized identity. The same cryptographic principles underpinning cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum are being leveraged by applications to provide secure, cross-platform identity services. This is fundamentally different from other authentication systems such as OAuth 2.0, where a trusted party has to be reached to assess one’s identity. This materializes in the form of “Login with <Big Cloud provider>” buttons. These cloud providers are the only ones with enough data, resources, and technical expertise.

In a decentralised web, each participant holds a secret key. They can then use it to identify each other. You can learn about this cryptographic system in a previous blog. In a Web3 setting where web participants own their data, they can selectively share these data with applications they interact with. Participants can also leverage this system to prove interactions they had with one another. For example, if a college issues you a Decentralized Identifier (DID), you can later prove you have been registered at this college without reaching out to the college again. Decentralized Identities can also serve as a placeholder for a public profile, where participants agree to use a blockchain as a source of trust. This is what projects such as ENS or Unlock aim to provide: a way to verify your identity online based on your control over a public key.

This trend of proving ownership via a shared source of trust is key to the NFT craze. We have discussed NFTs before on this blog. Blockchain-based NFTs are a medium of conveying ownership. Blockchain enables this information to be publicly verified and updated. If the blockchain states a public key I control is the owner of an NFT, I can refer to it on other platforms to prove ownership of it. For instance, if my profile picture on social media is a cat, I can prove the said cat is associated with my public key. What this means depends on what I want to prove, especially with the proliferation of NFT contracts. If you want to understand how an NFT contract works, you can build your own.

Web3 — A vision for a decentralized web

How does Cloudflare fit in Web3?

Decentralization and privacy are challenges we are tackling at Cloudflare as part of our mission to help build a better Internet.

In a previous post, Nick Sullivan described Cloudflare’s contributions to enabling privacy on the web. We launched initiatives to fix information leaks in HTTPS through Encrypted Client Hello (ECH), make DNS even more private by supporting Oblivious DNS-over-HTTPS (ODoH), and develop OPAQUE which makes password breaches less likely to occur. We have also released our data localization suite to help businesses navigate the ever evolving regulatory landscape by giving them control over where their data is stored without compromising performance and security. We’ve even built a privacy-preserving attestation that is based on the same zero-knowledge proof techniques that are core to distributed systems such as ZCash and Filecoin.

It’s exciting to think that there are already ways we can change the web to improve the experience for its users. However, there are some limitations to build on top of the exciting infrastructure. This is why projects such as Ethereum and IPFS build on their own architecture. They are still relying on the Internet but do not operate with the web as we know it. To ease the transition, Cloudflare operates distributed web gateways. These gateways provide an HTTP interface to Web3 protocols: Ethereum and IPFS. Since HTTP is core to the web we know today, distributed content can be accessed securely and easily without requiring the user to operate experimental software.

Where do we go next?

The journey to a different web is long but exciting. The infrastructure built over the last two decades is truly stunning. The Internet and the web are now part of 4.6 billion people’s lives. At the same time, the top 35 websites had more visits than all others (circa 2014). Users have less control over their data and are even more reliant on a few players.

The early Web was static. Then Web 2.0 came to provide interactiveness and service we use daily at the cost of centralisation. Web3 is a trend that tries to challenge this. With distributed networks built on open protocols, users of the web are empowered to participate.

At Cloudflare, we are embracing this distributed future. Applying the knowledge and experience we have gained from running one of the largest edge networks, we are making it easier for users and businesses to benefit from Web3. This includes operating a distributed web product suite, contributing to open standards, and moving privacy forward.

If you would like to help build a better web with us, we are hiring.

Disaster recovery compliance in the cloud, part 2: A structured approach

Post Syndicated from Dan MacKay original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/disaster-recovery-compliance-in-the-cloud-part-2-a-structured-approach/

Compliance in the cloud is fraught with myths and misconceptions. This is particularly true when it comes to something as broad as disaster recovery (DR) compliance where the requirements are rarely prescriptive and often based on legacy risk-mitigation techniques that don’t account for the exceptional resilience of modern cloud-based architectures. For regulated entities subject to principles-based supervision such as many financial institutions (FIs), the responsibility lies with the FI to determine what’s necessary to adequately recover from a disaster event. Without clear instructions, FIs are susceptible to making incorrect assumptions regarding their compliance requirements for DR.

In Part 1 of this two-part series, I provided some examples of common misconceptions FIs have about compliance requirements for disaster recovery in the cloud. In Part 2, I outline five steps you can take to avoid these misconceptions when architecting DR-compliant workloads for deployment on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

1. Identify workloads planned for deployment

It’s common for FIs to have a portfolio of workloads they are considering deploying to the cloud and often want to know that they can be compliant across the board. But compliance isn’t a one-size-fits-all domain—it’s based on the characteristics of each workload. For example, does the workload contain personally identifiable information (PII)? Will it be used to store, process, or transmit credit card information? Compliance is dependent on the answers to questions such as these and must be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Therefore, the first step in architecting for compliance is to identify the specific workloads you plan to deploy to the cloud. This way, you can assess the requirements of these specific workloads and not be distracted by aspects of compliance that might not be relevant.

2. Define the workload’s resiliency requirements

Resiliency is the ability of a workload to recover from infrastructure or service disruptions. DR is an important part of your resiliency strategy and concerns how your workload responds to a disaster event. DR strategies on AWS range from simple, low cost options such as backup and restore, to more complex options such as multi-site active-active, as shown in Figure 1.

For more information, I encourage you to read Seth Eliot’s blog series on DR Architecture on AWS as well as the AWS whitepaper Disaster Recovery of Workloads on AWS: Recovery in the Cloud.

The DR strategy you choose for a particular workload is dependent on your organization’s requirements for avoiding loss of data—known as the recovery point objective (RPO)—and reducing downtime where the workload isn’t available —known as the recovery time objective (RTO). RPO and RTO are key factors for determining the minimum architectural specifications necessary to meet the workload’s resiliency requirements. For example, can the workload’s RPO and RTO be achieved using a multi-AZ architecture in a single AWS Region, or do the resiliency requirements necessitate deploying the workload across multiple AWS Regions? Even if your workload is not subject to explicit compliance requirements for resiliency, understanding these requirements is necessary for assessing other aspects of DR compliance, including data residency and geodiversity.

3. Confirm the workload’s data residency requirements

As I mentioned in Part 1, data residency requirements might restrict which AWS Region or Regions you can deploy your workload to. Therefore, you need to confirm whether the workload is subject to any data residency requirements within applicable laws and regulations, corporate policies, or contractual obligations.

In order to properly assess these requirements, you must review the explicit language of the requirements so as to understand the specific constraints they impose. You should also consult legal, privacy, and compliance subject-matter specialists to help you interpret these requirements based on the characteristics of the workload. For example, do the requirements specifically state that the data cannot leave the country, or can the requirement be met so long as the data can be accessed from that country? Does the requirement restrict you from storing a copy of the data in another country—for example, for backup and recovery purposes? What if the data is encrypted and can only be read using decryption keys kept within the home country? Consulting subject-matter specialists to help interpret these requirements can help you avoid making overly restrictive assumptions and imposing unnecessary constraints on the workload’s architecture.

4. Confirm the workload’s geodiversity requirements

A single Region, multiple-AZ architecture is often sufficient to meet a workload’s resiliency requirements. However, if the workload is subject to geodiversity requirements, the distance between the AZs in an AWS Region might not conform to the minimum distance between individual data centers specified by the requirements. Therefore, it’s critical to confirm whether any geodiversity requirements apply to the workload.

Like data residency, it’s important to assess the explicit language of geodiversity requirements. Are they written down in a regulation or corporate policy, or are they just a recommended practice? Can the requirements be met if the workload is deployed across three or more AZs even if the minimum distance between those AZs is less than the specified minimum distance between the primary and backup data centers? If it’s a corporate policy, does it allow for exceptions if an alternative method provides equal or greater resiliency than asynchronous replication between two geographically distant data centers? Or perhaps the corporate policy is outdated and should be revised to reflect modern risk mitigation techniques. Understanding these parameters can help you avoid unnecessary constraints as you assess architectural options for your workloads.

5. Assess architectural options to meet the workload’s requirements

Now that you understand the workload’s requirements for resiliency, data residency, and geodiversity, you can assess the architectural options that meet these requirements in the cloud.

As per AWS Well-Architected best practices, you should strive for the simplest architecture necessary to meet your requirements. This includes assessing whether the workload can be accommodated within a single AWS Region. If the workload is constrained by explicit geographic diversity requirements or has resiliency requirements that cannot be accommodated by a single AWS Region, then you might need to architect the workload for deployment across multiple AWS Regions. If the workload is also constrained by explicit data residency requirements, then it might not be possible to deploy to multiple AWS Regions. In cases such as these, you can work with our AWS Solution Architects to assess hybrid options that might meet your compliance requirements, such as using AWS Outposts, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) Anywhere, or Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) Anywhere. Another option may be to consider a DR solution in which your on-premises infrastructure is used as a backup for a workload running on AWS. In some cases, this might be a long-term solution. In others, it might be an interim solution until certain constraints can be removed—for example, a change to corporate policy or the introduction of additional AWS Regions in a particular country.


Let’s recap by summarizing some guiding principles for architecting compliant DR workloads as outlined in this two-part series:

  • Avoid assumptions; confirm the facts. If it’s not written down, it’s unlikely to be considered a mandatory compliance requirement.
  • Consult the experts. Legal, privacy, and compliance, as well as AWS Solution Architects, AWS security and compliance specialists, and other subject-matter specialists.
  • Avoid generalities; focus on the specifics. There is no one-size-fits-all approach.
  • Strive for simplicity, not zero risk. Don’t use multiple AWS Regions when one will suffice.
  • Don’t get distracted by exceptions. Focus on your current requirements, not workloads you’re not yet prepared to deploy to the cloud.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

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Dan MacKay

Dan is the Financial Services Compliance Specialist for AWS Canada. As a member of the Worldwide Financial Services Security & Compliance team, Dan advises financial services customers on best practices and practical solutions for cloud-related governance, risk, and compliance. He specializes in helping AWS customers navigate financial services and privacy regulations applicable to the use of cloud technology in Canada.

Disaster recovery compliance in the cloud, part 1: Common misconceptions

Post Syndicated from Dan MacKay original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/disaster-recovery-compliance-in-the-cloud-part-1-common-misconceptions/

Compliance in the cloud can seem challenging, especially for organizations in heavily regulated sectors such as financial services. Regulated financial institutions (FIs) must comply with laws and regulations (often in multiple jurisdictions), global security standards, their own corporate policies, and even contractual obligations with their customers and counterparties. These various compliance requirements may impose constraints on how their workloads can be architected for the cloud, and may require interpretation on what FIs must do in order to be compliant. It’s common for FIs to make assumptions regarding their compliance requirements, which can result in unnecessary costs and increased complexity, and might not align with their strategic objectives. A modern, rationalized approach to compliance can help FIs avoid imposing unnecessary constraints while meeting their mandatory requirements.

In my role as an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Compliance Specialist, I work with our financial services customers to identify, assess, and determine solutions to address their compliance requirements as they move to the cloud. One of the most common challenges customers ask me about is how to comply with disaster recovery (DR) requirements for workloads they plan to run in the cloud. In this blog post, I share some of the typical misconceptions FIs have about DR compliance in the cloud. In Part 2, I outline a structured approach to designing compliant architectures for your DR workloads. As my primary market is Canada, the examples in this blog post largely pertain to FIs operating in Canada, but the principles and best practices are relevant to regulated organizations in any country.

“Why isn’t there a checklist for compliance in the cloud?”

Compliance requirements are sometimes prescriptive: “if X, then you must do Y.” When requirements are prescriptive, it’s usually clear what you must do in order to be compliant. For example, the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) requirement 8.2.4 obliges companies that process, store, or transmit credit card information to “change user passwords/passphrases at least once every 90 days.” But in the financial services sector, compliance requirements for managing operational risks can be subjective. When regulators take what is known as a principles-based approach to setting regulatory expectations, each FI is required to assess their specific risks and determine the mitigating controls necessary to conform with the organization’s tolerance for operational risk. Because the rules aren’t prescriptive, there is no “checklist for achieving compliance.” Instead, principles-based requirements are guidelines that FIs are expected to consider as they design and implement technology solutions. They are, by definition, subject to interpretation and can be prone to myths and misconceptions among FIs and their service providers. To illustrate this, let’s look at two aspects of DR that are frequently misunderstood within the Canadian financial services industry: data residency and geodiversity.

“My data has to stay in country X”

Data residency or data localization is a requirement for specific data-sets processed and stored in an IT system to remain within a specific jurisdiction (for example, a country). As discussed in our Policy Perspectives whitepaper, contrary to historical perspectives, data residency doesn’t provide better security. Most cyber-attacks are perpetrated remotely and attackers aren’t deterred by the physical location of their victims. In fact, data residency can run counter to an organization’s objectives for security and resilience. For example, data residency requirements can limit the options our customers have when choosing the AWS Region or Regions in which to run their production workloads. This is especially challenging for customers who want to use multiple Regions for backup and recovery purposes.

It’s common for FIs operating in Canada to assume that they’re required to keep their data—particularly customer data—in Canada. In reality, there’s very little from a statutory perspective that imposes such a constraint. None of the private sector privacy laws include data residency requirements, nor do any of the financial services regulatory guidelines. There are some place of records requirements in Canadian federal financial services legislation such as The Bank Act and The Insurance Companies Act, but these are relatively narrow in scope and apply primarily to corporate records. For most Canadian FIs, their requirements are more often a result of their own corporate policies or contractual obligations, not externally imposed by public policies or regulations.

“My data centers have to be X kilometers apart”

Geodiversity—short for geographic diversity—is the concept of maintaining a minimum distance between primary and backup data processing sites. Geodiversity is based on the principle that requiring a certain distance between data centers mitigates the risk of location-based disruptions such as natural disasters. The principle is still relevant in a cloud computing context, but is not the only consideration when it comes to planning for DR. The cloud allows FIs to define operational resilience requirements instead of limiting themselves to antiquated business continuity planning and DR concepts like physical data center implementation requirements. Legacy disaster recovery solutions and architectures, and lifting and shifting such DR strategies into the cloud, can diminish the potential benefits of using the cloud to improve operational resilience. Modernizing your information technology also means modernizing your organization’s approach to DR.

In the cloud, vast physical distance separation is an anti-pattern—it’s an arbitrary metric that does little to help organizations achieve availability and recovery objectives. At AWS, we design our global infrastructure so that there’s a meaningful distance between the Availability Zones (AZs) within an AWS Region to support high availability, but close enough to facilitate synchronous replication across those AZs (an AZ being a cluster of data centers). Figure 1 shows the relationship between Regions, AZs, and data centers.

Synchronous replication across multiple AZs enables you to minimize data loss (defined as the recovery point objective or RPO) and reduce the amount of time that workloads are unavailable (defined as the recovery time objective or RTO). However, the low latency required for synchronous replication becomes less achievable as the distance between data centers increases. Therefore, a geodiversity requirement that mandates a minimum distance between data centers that’s too far for synchronous replication might prohibit you from taking advantage of AWS’s multiple-AZ architecture. A multiple-AZ architecture can achieve RTOs and RPOs that aren’t possible with a simple geodiversity mitigation strategy. For more information, refer to the AWS whitepaper Disaster Recovery of Workloads on AWS: Recovery in the Cloud.

Again, it’s a common perception among Canadian FIs that the disaster recovery architecture for their production workloads must comply with specific geodiversity requirements. However, there are no statutory requirements applicable to FIs operating in Canada that mandate a minimum distance between data centers. Some FIs might have corporate policies or contractual obligations that impose geodiversity requirements, but for most FIs I’ve worked with, geodiversity is usually a recommended practice rather than a formal policy. Informal corporate guidelines can have some value, but they aren’t absolute rules and shouldn’t be treated the same as mandatory compliance requirements. Otherwise, you might be unintentionally restricting yourself from taking advantage of more effective risk management techniques.

“But if it is a compliance requirement, doesn’t that mean I have no choice?”

Both of the previous examples illustrate the importance of not only confirming your compliance requirements, but also recognizing the source of those requirements. It might be infeasible to obtain an exception to an externally-imposed obligation such as a regulatory requirement, but exceptions or even revisions to corporate policies aren’t out of the question if you can demonstrate that modern approaches provide equal or greater protection against a particular risk—for example, the high availability and rapid recoverability supported by a multiple-AZ architecture. Consider whether your compliance requirements provide for some level of flexibility in their application.

Also, because many of these requirements are principles-based, they might be subject to interpretation. You have to consider the specific language of the requirement in the context of the workload. For example, a data residency requirement might not explicitly prohibit you from storing a copy of the content in another country for backup and recovery purposes. For this reason, I recommend that you consult applicable specialists from your legal, privacy, and compliance teams to aid in the interpretation of compliance requirements. Once you understand the legal boundaries of your compliance requirements, AWS Solutions Architects and other financial services industry specialists such as myself can help you assess viable options to meet your needs.


In this first part of a two-part series, I provided some examples of common misconceptions FIs have about compliance requirements for disaster recovery in the cloud. The key is to avoid making assumptions that might impose greater constraints on your architecture than are necessary. In Part 2, I show you a structured approach for architecting compliant DR workloads that can help you to avoid these preventable missteps.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Dan MacKay

Dan is the Financial Services Compliance Specialist for AWS Canada. As a member of the Worldwide Financial Services Security & Compliance team, Dan advises financial services customers on best practices and practical solutions for cloud-related governance, risk, and compliance. He specializes in helping AWS customers navigate financial services and privacy regulations applicable to the use of cloud technology in Canada.

ProtonMail Now Keeps IP Logs

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2021/09/protonmail-now-keeps-ip-logs.html

After being compelled by a Swiss court to monitor IP logs for a particular user, ProtonMail no longer claims that “we do not keep any IP logs.”

EDITED TO ADD (9/14): This seems to be more complicated. ProtonMail is not yet saying that they keep logs. Their privacy policy still states that they do not keep logs except in certain circumstances, and outlines those circumstances. And ProtonMail’s warrant canary has an interesting list of data orders they have received from various authorities, whether they complied, and why or why not.

How to securely create and store your CRL for ACM Private CA

Post Syndicated from Tracy Pierce original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-securely-create-and-store-your-crl-for-acm-private-ca/

In this blog post, I show you how to protect your Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket while still allowing access to your AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) Private Certificate Authority (CA) certificate revocation list (CRL).

A CRL is a list of certificates that have been revoked by the CA. Certificates can be revoked because they might have inadvertently been shared, or to discontinue their use, such as when someone leaves the company or an IoT device is decommissioned. In this solution, you use a combination of separate AWS accounts, Amazon S3 Block Public Access (BPA) settings, and a new parameter created by ACM Private CA called S3ObjectAcl to mark the CRL as private. This new parameter allows you to set the privacy of your CRL as PUBLIC_READ or BUCKET_OWNER_FULL_CONTROL. If you choose PUBLIC_READ, the CRL will be accessible over the internet. If you choose BUCKET_OWNER_FULL_CONTROL, then only the CRL S3 bucket owner can access it, and you will need to use Amazon CloudFront to serve the CRL stored in Amazon S3 using origin access identity (OAI). This is because most TLS implementations expect a public endpoint for access.

A best practice for Amazon S3 is to apply the principle of least privilege. To support least privilege, you want to ensure you have the BPA settings for Amazon S3 enabled. These settings deny public access to your S3 objects by using ACLs, bucket policies, or access point policies. I’m going to walk you through setting up your CRL as a private object in an isolated secondary account with BPA settings for access, and a CloudFront distribution with OAI settings enabled. This will confirm that access can only be made through the CloudFront distribution and not directly to your S3 bucket. This enables you to maintain your private CA in your primary account, accessible only by your public key infrastructure (PKI) security team.

As part of the private infrastructure setup, you will create a CloudFront distribution to provide access to your CRL. While not required, it allows access to private CRLs, and is helpful in the event you want to move the CRL to a different location later. However, this does come with an extra cost, so that’s something to consider when choosing to make your CRL private instead of public.


For this walkthrough, you should have the following resources ready to use:

CRL solution overview

The solution consists of creating an S3 bucket in an isolated secondary account, enabling all BPA settings, creating a CloudFront OAI, and a CloudFront distribution.

Figure 1: Solution flow diagram

Figure 1: Solution flow diagram

As shown in Figure 1, the steps in the solution are as follows:

  1. Set up the S3 bucket in the secondary account with BPA settings enabled.
  2. Create the CloudFront distribution and point it to the S3 bucket.
  3. Create your private CA in AWS Certificate Manager (ACM).

In this post, I walk you through each of these steps.

Deploying the CRL solution

In this section, you walk through each item in the solution overview above. This will allow access to your CRL stored in an isolated secondary account, away from your private CA.

To create your S3 bucket

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console of your secondary account. For Services, select S3.
  2. In the S3 console, choose Create bucket.
  3. Give the bucket a unique name. For this walkthrough, I named my bucket example-test-crl-bucket-us-east-1, as shown in Figure 2. Because S3 buckets are unique across all of AWS and not just within your account, you must create your own unique bucket name when completing this tutorial. Remember to follow the S3 naming conventions when choosing your bucket name.
    Figure 2: Creating an S3 bucket

    Figure 2: Creating an S3 bucket

  4. Choose Next, and then choose Next again.
  5. For Block Public Access settings for this bucket, make sure the Block all public access check box is selected, as shown in Figure 3.
    Figure 3: S3 block public access bucket settings

    Figure 3: S3 block public access bucket settings

  6. Choose Create bucket.
  7. Select the bucket you just created, and then choose the Permissions tab.
  8. For Bucket Policy, choose Edit, and in the text field, paste the following policy (remember to replace each <user input placeholder> with your own value).
      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Principal": {
            "Service": "acm-pca.amazonaws.com"
          "Action": [
          "Resource": [

  9. Choose Save changes.
  10. Next to Object Ownership choose Edit.
  11. Select Bucket owner preferred, and then choose Save changes.

To create your CloudFront distribution

  1. Still in the console of your secondary account, from the Services menu, switch to the CloudFront console.
  2. Choose Create Distribution.
  3. For Select a delivery method for your content, under Web, choose Get Started.
  4. On the Origin Settings page, do the following, as shown in Figure 4:
    1. For Origin Domain Name, select the bucket you created earlier. In this example, my bucket name is example-test-crl-bucket-us-east-1.s3.amazonaws.com.
    2. For Restrict Bucket Access, select Yes.
    3. For Origin Access Identity, select Create a New Identity.
    4. For Comment enter a name. In this example, I entered access-identity-crl.
    5. For Grant Read Permissions on Bucket, select Yes, Update Bucket Policy.
    6. Leave all other defaults.
      Figure 4: CloudFront <strong>Origin Settings</strong> page

      Figure 4: CloudFront Origin Settings page

  5. Choose Create Distribution.

To create your private CA

  1. (Optional) If you have already created a private CA, you can update your CRL pointer by using the update-certificate-authority API. You must do this step from the CLI because you can’t select an S3 bucket in a secondary account for the CRL home when you create the CRL through the console. If you haven’t already created a private CA, follow the remaining steps in this procedure.
  2. Use a text editor to create a file named ca_config.txt that holds your CA configuration information. In the following example ca_config.txt file, replace each <user input placeholder> with your own value.
        "KeyAlgorithm": "<RSA_2048>",
        "SigningAlgorithm": "<SHA256WITHRSA>",
        "Subject": {
            "Country": "<US>",
            "Organization": "<Example LLC>",
            "OrganizationalUnit": "<Security>",
            "DistinguishedNameQualifier": "<Example.com>",
            "State": "<Washington>",
            "CommonName": "<Example LLC>",
            "Locality": "<Seattle>"

  3. From the CLI configured with a credential profile for your primary account, use the create-certificate-authority command to create your CA. In the following example, replace each <user input placeholder> with your own value.
    aws acm-pca create-certificate-authority --certificate-authority-configuration file://ca_config.txt --certificate-authority-type “ROOT” --profile <primary_account_credentials>

  4. With the CA created, use the describe-certificate-authority command to verify success. In the following example, replace each <user input placeholder> with your own value.
    aws acm-pca describe-certificate-authority --certificate-authority-arn <arn:aws:acm-pca:us-east-1:111122223333:certificate-authority/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012> --profile <primary_account_credentials>

  5. You should see the CA in the PENDING_CERTIFICATE state. Use the get-certificate-authority-csr command to retrieve the certificate signing request (CSR), and sign it with your ACM private CA. In the following example, replace each <user input placeholder> with your own value.
    aws acm-pca get-certificate-authority-csr --certificate-authority-arn <arn:aws:acm-pca:us-east-1:111122223333:certificate-authority/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012> --output text > <cert_1.csr> --profile <primary_account_credentials>

  6. Now that you have your CSR, use it to issue a certificate. Because this example sets up a ROOT CA, you will issue a self-signed RootCACertificate. You do this by using the issue-certificate command. In the following example, replace each <user input placeholder> with your own value. You can find all allowable values in the ACM PCA documentation.
    aws acm-pca issue-certificate --certificate-authority-arn <arn:aws:acm-pca:us-east-1:111122223333:certificate-authority/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012> --template-arn arn:aws:acm-pca:::template/RootCACertificate/V1 --csr fileb://<cert_1.csr> --signing-algorithm SHA256WITHRSA --validity Value=365,Type=DAYS --profile <primary_account_credentials>

  7. Now that the certificate is issued, you can retrieve it. You do this by using the get-certificate command. In the following example, replace each <user input placeholder> with your own value.
    aws acm-pca get-certificate --certificate-authority-arn <arn:aws:acm-pca:us-east-1:111122223333:certificate-authority/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012> --certificate-arn <arn:aws:acm-pca:us-east-1:111122223333:certificate-authority/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012/certificate/6707447683a9b7f4055627ffd55cebcc> --output text --profile <primary_account_credentials> > ca_cert.pem

  8. Import the certificate ca_cert.pem into your CA to move it into the ACTIVE state for further use. You do this by using the import-certificate-authority-certificate command. In the following example, replace each <user input placeholder> with your own value.
    aws acm-pca import-certificate-authority-certificate --certificate-authority-arn <arn:aws:acm-pca:us-east-1:111122223333:certificate-authority/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012> --certificate fileb://ca_cert.pem --profile <primary_account_credentials>

  9. Use a text editor to create a file named revoke_config.txt that holds your CRL information pointing to your CloudFront distribution ID. In the following example revoke_config.txt, replace each <user input placeholder> with your own value.
        "CrlConfiguration": {
            "Enabled": <true>,
            "ExpirationInDays": <365>,
            "CustomCname": "<example1234.cloudfront.net>",
            "S3BucketName": "<example-test-crl-bucket-us-east-1>",
            "S3ObjectAcl": "<BUCKET_OWNER_FULL_CONTROL>"

  10. Update your CA CRL CNAME to point to the CloudFront distribution you created. You do this by using the update-certificate-authority command. In the following example, replace each <user input placeholder> with your own value.
    aws acm-pca update-certificate-authority --certificate-authority-arn <arn:aws:acm-pca:us-east-1:111122223333:certificate-authority/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012> --revocation-configuration file://revoke_config.txt --profile <primary_account_credentials>

You can use the describe-certificate-authority command to verify that your CA is in the ACTIVE state. After the CA is active, ACM generates your CRL periodically for you, and places it into your specified S3 bucket. It also generates a new CRL list shortly after you revoke any certificate, so you have the most updated copy.

Now that the PCA, CRL, and CloudFront distribution are all set up, you can test to verify the CRL is served appropriately.

To test that the CRL is served appropriately

  1. Create a CSR to issue a new certificate from your PCA. In the following example, replace each <user input placeholder> with your own value. Enter a secure PEM password when prompted and provide the appropriate field data.

    Note: Do not enter any values for the unused attributes, just press Enter with no value.

    openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -days 365 -keyout <test_cert_private_key.pem> -out <test_csr.csr>

  2. Issue a new certificate using the issue-certificate command. In the following example, replace each <user input placeholder> with your own value. You can find all allowable values in the ACM PCA documentation.
    aws acm-pca issue-certificate --certificate-authority-arn <arn:aws:acm-pca:us-east-1:111122223333:certificate-authority/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012> --csr file://<test_csr.csr> --signing-algorithm <SHA256WITHRSA> --validity Value=<31>,Type=<DAYS> --idempotency-token 1 --profile <primary_account_credentials>

  3. After issuing the certificate, you can use the get-certificate command retrieve it, parse it, then get the CRL URL from the certificate just like a PKI client would. In the following example, replace each <user input placeholder> with your own value. This command uses the JQ package.
    aws acm-pca get-certificate --certificate-authority-arn <arn:aws:acm-pca:us-east-1:111122223333:certificate-authority/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012> --certificate-arn <arn:aws:acm-pca:us-east-1:111122223333:certificate-authority/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012/certificate/6707447683a9b7f4055example1234> | jq -r '.Certificate' > cert.pem openssl x509 -in cert.pem -text -noout | grep crl 

    You should see an output similar to the following, but with the domain names of your CloudFront distribution and your CRL file:


  4. Run the curl command to download your CRL file. In the following example, replace each <user input placeholder> with your own value.
    curl http://<example1234.cloudfront.net>/crl/<7215e983-3828-435c-a458-b9e4dd16bab1.crl>

Security best practices

The following are some of the security best practices for setting up and maintaining your private CA in ACM Private CA.

  • Place your root CA in its own account. You want your root CA to be the ultimate authority for your private certificates, limiting access to it is key to keeping it secure.
  • Minimize access to the root CA. This is one of the best ways of reducing the risk of intentional or unintentional inappropriate access or configuration. If the root CA was to be inappropriately accessed, all subordinate CAs and certificates would need to be revoked and recreated.
  • Keep your CRL in a separate account from the root CA. The reason for placing the CRL in a separate account is because some external entities—such as customers or users who aren’t part of your AWS organization, or external applications—might need to access the CRL to check for revocation. To provide access to these external entities, the CRL object and the S3 bucket need to be accessible, so you don’t want to place your CRL in the same account as your private CA.

For more information, see ACM Private CA best practices in the AWS Private CA User Guide.


You’ve now successfully set up your private CA and have stored your CRL in an isolated secondary account. You configured your S3 bucket with Block Public Access settings, created a custom URL through CloudFront, enabled OAI settings, and pointed your DNS to it by using Route 53. This restricts access to your S3 bucket through CloudFront and your OAI only. You walked through the setup of each step, from bucket configurations, hosted zone setup, distribution setup, and finally, private CA configuration and setup. You can now store your private CA in an account with limited access, while your CRL is hosted in a separate account that allows external entity access.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the AWS Certificate Manager forum or contact AWS Support.

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Tracy Pierce

Tracy is a Senior Security Consultant for Engagement Security. She enjoys the peculiar culture of Amazon and uses that to ensure that every day is exciting for her fellow engineers and customers alike. Customer obsession is her highest priority both internally and externally. She has her AS in Computer Security and Forensics from Sullivan College of Technology and Design, Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) certification, AWS Developer Associate certification, AWS Solutions Architect Associates certificate, and AWS Security Specialist certification. Outside of work, she enjoys time with friends, her fiancé, her Great Dane, and three cats. She also reads (a lot), builds Legos, and loves glitter.

Surveillance of the Internet Backbone

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2021/08/surveillance-of-the-internet-backbone.html

Vice has an article about how data brokers sell access to the Internet backbone. This is netflow data. It’s useful for cybersecurity forensics, but can also be used for things like tracing VPN activity.

At a high level, netflow data creates a picture of traffic flow and volume across a network. It can show which server communicated with another, information that may ordinarily only be available to the server owner or the ISP carrying the traffic. Crucially, this data can be used for, among other things, tracking traffic through virtual private networks, which are used to mask where someone is connecting to a server from, and by extension, their approximate physical location.

In the hands of some governments, that could be dangerous.

More on Apple’s iPhone Backdoor

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2021/08/more-on-apples-iphone-backdoor.html

In this post, I’ll collect links on Apple’s iPhone backdoor for scanning CSAM images. Previous links are here and here.

Apple says that hash collisions in its CSAM detection system were expected, and not a concern. I’m not convinced that this secondary system was originally part of the design, since it wasn’t discussed in the original specification.

Good op-ed from a group of Princeton researchers who developed a similar system:

Our system could be easily repurposed for surveillance and censorship. The design wasn’t restricted to a specific category of content; a service could simply swap in any content-matching database, and the person using that service would be none the wiser.

EDITED TO ADD (8/30): Good essays by Matthew Green and Alex Stamos, Ross Anderson, Edward Snowden, and Susan Landau. And also Kurt Opsahl.

Capturing Purpose Justification in Cloudflare Access

Post Syndicated from Molly Cinnamon original https://blog.cloudflare.com/access-purpose-justification/

Capturing Purpose Justification in Cloudflare Access

The digital world often takes its cues from the real world. For example, there’s a standard question every guard or agent asks when you cross a border—whether it’s a building, a neighborhood, or a country: “What’s the purpose of your visit?” It’s a logical question: sure, the guard knows some information—like who you are (thanks to your ID) and when you’ve arrived—but the context of “why” is equally important. It can set expectations around behavior during your visit, as well as what spaces you should or should not have access to.

Capturing Purpose Justification in Cloudflare Access
The purpose justification prompt appears upon login, asking users to specify their use case before hitting submit and proceeding.

Digital access follows suit. Recent data protection regulations, such as the GDPR, have formalized concepts of purpose limitation and data proportionality: people should only access data necessary for a specific stated reason. System owners know people need access to do their job, but especially for particularly sensitive applications, knowing why a login was needed is just as vital as knowing who, when, and how.

Starting today, Cloudflare for Teams administrators can prompt users to enter a justification for accessing an application prior to login. Administrators can add this prompt to any existing or new Access application with just two clicks, giving them the ability to:

  • Log and review employee justifications for accessing sensitive applications
  • Add additional layers of security to applications they deem sensitive
  • Customize modal text to communicate data use & sharing principles
  • Help meet regulatory requirements for data access control (such as GDPR)

Starting with Zero Trust access control

Cloudflare Access has been built with access management at its core: rather than trusting anyone on a private network, Access checks for identity, context and device posture every time someone attempts to reach an application or resource.

Behind the scenes, administrators build rules to decide who should be able to reach the tools protected by Access. When users need to connect to those tools, they are prompted to authenticate with one of the identity provider options. Cloudflare Access checks their login against the list of allowed users and, if permitted, allows the request to proceed.

Some applications and workflows contain data so sensitive that the user should have to prove who they are and why they need to reach that service. In this next phase of Zero Trust security, access to data should be limited to specific business use cases or needs, rather than generic all-or-nothing access.

Deploying Zero Trust purpose justification

We created this functionality because we, too, wanted to make sure we had these provisions in place at Cloudflare. We have sensitive internal tools that help our team members serve our customers, and we’ve written before about how we use Cloudflare Access to lock down those tools in a Zero Trust manner.

However, we were not satisfied with just restricting access in the least privileged model. We are accountable to the trust our customers put in our services, and we feel it is important to always have an explicit business reason when connecting to some data sets or tools.

We built purpose justification capture in Cloudflare Access to solve that problem. When team members connect to certain resources, Access prompts them to justify why. Cloudflare’s network logs that rationale and allows the user to proceed.

Purpose justification capture in Access helps fulfill policy requirements, but even for enterprises who don’t need to comply with specific regulations, it also enables a thoughtful privacy and security framework for access controls. Prompting employees to justify their use case helps solve the data management challenge of balancing transparency with security — helping to ensure that sensitive data is used the right way.

Capturing Purpose Justification in Cloudflare Access
Purpose justification capture adds an additional layer of context for enterprise administrators.

Distinguishing Sensitive Domains

So how do you distinguish if something is sensitive? There are two main categories of  applications that may be considered “sensitive.” First: does it contain personally identifiable information or sensitive financials? Second, do all the employees who have access actually need access? The flexibility of the configuration of Access policies helps effectively distinguish sensitive domains for specific user groups.

Purpose justification in Cloudflare Access enables Teams administrators to configure the language of the prompt itself by domain. This is a helpful place to remind employees of the sensitivity of the data, such as, “This application contains PII. Please be mindful of company policies and provide a justification for access,” or “Please enter the case number corresponding to your need for access.” The language can proactively ensure that employees with access to an internal tool are using it as intended.

Additionally, Access identity management allows Teams customers to configure purpose capture for only specific, more sensitive employee groups. For example, some employees need daily access to an application and should be considered “trusted.” But other employees may still have access, but should only rarely need to use the tool— security teams or data protection officers may view their access as higher risk. The policies enable flexible logical constructions that equate to actions such as “ask everyone but the following employees for a purpose.”

This distinction of sensitive applications and “trusted” employees enables friction to the benefit of data protection, rather than a loss of efficiency for employees.

Capturing Purpose Justification in Cloudflare Access
Purpose justification is configurable as an Access policy, allowing for maximum flexibility in configuring and layering rules to protect sensitive applications.

Auditing justification records

As a Teams administrator, enterprise data protection officer, or security analyst, you can view purpose justification logs for a specific application to better understand how it has been accessed and used. Auditing the logs can reveal insights about security threats, the need for improved data classification training, or even potential application development to more appropriately address employees’ use cases.

The justifications are seamlessly integrated with other Access audit logs — they are viewable in the Teams dashboard as an additional column in the table of login events, and exportable to a SIEM for further data analysis.

Capturing Purpose Justification in Cloudflare Access
Teams administrators can review the purpose justifications submitted upon application login by their employees.

Getting started

You can start adding purpose justification prompts to your application access policies in Cloudflare Access today. The purpose justification feature is available in all plans, and with the Cloudflare for Teams free plan, you can use it for up to 50 users at no cost.

We’re excited to continue adding new features that give you more flexibility over purpose justification in Access… Have feedback for us? Let us know in this community post.

Introducing Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Private Web Attestation with Cross/Multi-Vendor Hardware

Post Syndicated from Watson Ladd original https://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-zero-knowledge-proofs-for-private-web-attestation-with-cross-multi-vendor-hardware/

Introducing Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Private Web Attestation with Cross/Multi-Vendor Hardware

Introducing Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Private Web Attestation with Cross/Multi-Vendor Hardware

A few weeks ago we introduced Cryptographic Attestation of Personhood to replace CAPTCHAs with USB security keys, and today we announced additional support for on-device biometric hardware. While doing that work, it occurred to us that hardware attestation, proving identity or other properties of a user with a piece of hardware, could have many wider applications beyond just CAPTCHA alternatives and user authentication via WebAuthn. Really, why should someone have to have an account to prove they exist, when their own trusted device can do so?

Attestation in the WebAuthn standard lets websites know that your security key is authentic. It was designed to have good privacy properties baked into policies that must be followed by device manufacturers. The information your security key sends to websites is indistinguishable from that of myriad other keys.  Even so, we wanted to do better. If we’re taking attestation out of authentication, then we need to learn only that your security key is authentic — and we’ve designed a new Zero-Knowledge Proof for the browser to do that.

This is part of our work to improve privacy across the Internet. We’ve yet to put this proof of personhood in production, but you can see a demonstration of the technique in action. We’ve seen it work with YubiKeys among others. Most importantly, we’re open-sourcing the code so everyone can benefit and contribute. Read through below for details, as well as next steps.


WebAuthn attestation identifies the manufacturer of your hardware security key to the website that wants the attestation. It was intended for deployment in closed settings like financial institutions and internal services where the website already has a preexisting relationship with you. Since logging in identifies you, the privacy impact was minimal. In contrast, any open website that uses attestation, like we do for proof of personhood, learns the make and model of the key you used.

Make and model information doesn’t seem that sensitive, just like the make and model of your car doesn’t seem that sensitive. There are a lot of 2015 Priuses out there, so knowing you drive one doesn’t help identify you. But when paired with information such as user agent, language preferences, time of day, etc., it can contribute to building up a picture of the user — just as demographic details, height, weight and clothing together with the make and model of a car combine to make it easier to pinpoint a particular car on the highway. Therefore, browsers have a dialogue when a website obtains this attestation, to make sure users understand that the website is learning information that may help identify them. We take privacy seriously at Cloudflare, and want to avoid learning any information that could identify you.

Introducing Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Private Web Attestation with Cross/Multi-Vendor Hardware
An example browser warning.‌‌

The information that we see from attestation is a proof that the manufacturer of your security key really did make that key. It’s a digital signature using a private key held on your security key in a secure enclave, together with a certificate chain that leads to the manufacturer. These chains enable any server to see that the hardware security key is authentic. All we want for the Cryptographic Attestation of Personhood is a single bit: that you own a hardware security key that is trustworthy, and none of the details about the manufacturer or model.

Historically, attestation has been used in environments where only a few manufacturers were considered acceptable. For example, large financial institutions are understandably conservative. In this environment, revealing the manufacturer is necessary. In an open vendor design, we don’t want to privilege any particular manufacturer, but instead just know that the keys are trustworthy.

Trustworthiness is determined by the FIDO MetaData Service. It is a service from the FIDO2 alliance who maintain root certificates for the manufacturers. When these keys are compromised, they are listed as such in the FIDO system. We have automated scripts to download these roots and insert them into  releases of our software. This ensures that we are always up-to-date as new manufacturers emerge or older devices are compromised as attackers extract the keys or the keys get mishandled.

To their credit, the FIDO consortium requires that no fewer than 100,000 devices all share an attestation key, setting a lower bound on the device anonymity set size to minimize the impact of information collection. Alas, this hasn’t always happened. Some manufacturers might not have the volume necessary to ever get that batch size, and users shouldn’t have to flock to the biggest ones to have their privacy protected. At Cloudflare, we have a strong privacy policy that governs how we use this information, but we’d prefer not to know your key’s manufacturer at all. Just as we’ve removed cookies that we no longer needed, and log data customers need to debug their firewall rules without us being able to see it ourselves, we’re always looking for ways to reduce the information that we can see.

At the same time, we need to make sure that the device that’s responding to our request is a genuine security key and not some software emulation run by a bot. While we don’t care which key it is, we’d like to know that it actually is a key that meets our security requirements and hasn’t been compromised. In essence, we’d like to prove the legitimacy of the credential without learning anything else about it. This problem of anonymous credentials isn’t new, and lots of solutions have been proposed and some even deployed.

However, these schemes typically require that the hardware or software that implements the credential attestation was designed with the specific scheme in mind. We can’t go out and convince manufacturers to add features in a few months, let alone replace all the hardware authentication security keys in the world. We have to instead search for solutions that work with existing hardware.

A high-level introduction to Zero-Knowledge Proof

At first glance, it seems that we have an impossible task. How can I demonstrate that I know something without telling you what it is? But sometimes this is possible. If I claim to have the key to a mailbox, you can put a letter inside the mailbox, walk away, and ask me to read the letter. If I claim to know your telephone number, you can ask me to call you. Such a proof is known as a zero-knowledge proof, often abbreviated ZKP.

A classic example of a zero-knowledge proof is showing to someone that you know where Waldo is in Where’s Waldo. While you could point to Waldo on the page, this would tell the person exactly where Waldo is. If however you were to cover up the page with a big piece of paper that has a small hole that only shows Waldo, then the person could only see that Waldo was somewhere on the page, and would be unable to figure out where. They would know that you know where Waldo is, but not know where Waldo is themselves.

Introducing Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Private Web Attestation with Cross/Multi-Vendor Hardware
Caption: Sometimes finding Waldo isn’t the problem (Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Where%E2%80%99s_Wally_World_Record_(5846729480).jpg)

Cryptographers have designed numerous zero-knowledge proofs and ways to hook them together. The central piece in hooking them together is a commitment, a cryptographic envelope. A commitment prevents tampering with the value that was placed inside when it was made, and later can be opened to show what was placed in it. We use commitment schemes in real life. A magician might seal a piece of paper in an envelope to assure the audience that he cannot touch or tamper with it, and later have someone open the envelope to reveal his prediction. A silent auction involves people entering sealed envelopes containing bids that are then opened together, making sure that no one can adjust their bid after they see what others have bid.

One very simple cryptographic protocol that makes use of commitments is coin flipping. Suppose Alice and Bob want to flip a coin, but one of them has a few double-headed quarters and the other can flip a coin so it comes up on the side they want every time. The only way to get a fair flip is for both of them to be involved in a way that makes sure if either is honest, the result is a fair flip. But if they simply each flip a coin and trade the results, whoever goes last could pretend they had gotten the result that would make the desired outcome.

Using a commitment scheme solves this problem. Instead of Alice and Bob saying what their results are out loud, they trade commitments to the results. Then they open the commitments. Because they traded the commitments, neither of them can pretend to have gotten a different result based on what they learned, as then they will be detected when they open the commitments.

Commitments are like wires that tie zero-knowledge proofs together, making bigger and more complicated ones from simple ones. By proving that a value in a commitment has two different properties with different zero-knowledge proofs we can prove both properties hold for the value. This lets us link together proofs for statements like “the value in a commitment is a sum of values in two other commitments” and “the value in a commitment appears in a list” into much more complicated and useful statements.  Since we know how to prove statements like “this commitment is one if and only if both of these other commitments are one” and “this commitment is one if either of these two commitments is one” we have the building blocks to prove any statement. These generic techniques can produce a zero-knowledge proof for any statement in NP, although it will be quite slow and complicated by default.

Our Zero-Knowledge Proof system for the browser

In Cryptographic Attestation of Personhood the server sends a message to the browser that the hardware security signs, demonstrating its authenticity. Just as a paper signature ensures that the person making it saw it and signed it, a digital signature ensures the identity of the signer.  When we use our zero-knowledge proof, instead of sending the signature, the client sends a proof that the signature was generated by a key on a server provided list.

Because we only send the proof to the server, the server learns only that the attestation exists, and not which hardware security key generated it. This guarantees privacy as the identifying information about the security key never leaves the browser. But we need to make sure that proving and verification are efficient enough to carry out at scale, to have a deployable solution.

We investigated many potential schemes, including SNARKS. Unfortunately the code size, toolchain requirements, and proving complexity of a SNARK proved prohibitive.  The security of SNARKS relies on more complicated assumptions than the scheme we ultimately went with. Obviously this is an area of active research and the best technology today is not necessarily the best technology of the future.

For the hardware security keys we support, the digital signature in the attestation was produced by the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA).  ECDSA is itself similar to many of the zero-knowledge proofs we use. It starts with the signer computing a point \(R=kG\) on an elliptic curve for a random value \(x\). Then the signer takes the \(x\) coordinate of the point, which is written as \(r\), and their private key, and the hash of the message, and computes a value \(s\). The pair \((r, s)\) is the signature. The verifier uses \(r\) and \(s\) and the public key to recompute \(R\), and then checks that the \(x\) coordinate matches \(r\).

Unfortunately, the verification equation as commonly presented involves some operations that would need to convert values from one form to another. In a zero knowledge proof these operations are complex and expensive, with many steps. We had to sidestep this limitation to make our system work. To transform ECDSA into a scheme we can work with, our prover sends \(R\) instead, and commits to a value \(z\) computed from \(r\) and \(s\) that simplifies the verification equation. Anyone can take an ECDSA signature and turn it into a signature for our tweaked scheme and vice versa without using any secret knowledge, so it is just as secure as ECDSA.

Since the statement we want to prove has two parts — “the message was signed by a key” and “the key is on the list” — it is natural to break up the problem of proving that statement into two pieces. First, the prover demonstrates that the key inside of a commitment signed the message, and then the prover demonstrates the committed key is on a list. The verifier likewise checks these two parts and if both parts work, indicates that the proof is valid.

To prove that the signature verifies under a key, we had to use a proof that one elliptic curve point is a known power of another. This proof is a fairly straightforward zero-knowledge proof, but some steps themselves require zero-knowledge protocols for proving that points were added correctly and arithmetic was done correctly. This proof consumes the bulk of the time in proof generation and verification. Once this proof is verified, the verifier knows that the message was signed by the committed public key.

The next step is for the prover to find where their key is on the list, and then prove that their key is in the list. To do this we use the zero-knowledge proof developed by Groth and Kohlweiss. Their proof first commits to the binary expansion of the place of the commitment in the list. The prover then proves that binary expansion is made out of bits, and supplies some extra information about how they proved it. With the extra info and the proofs, both sides can compute polynomials that evaluate to zero if the commitment is to a value on the list. This code is surprisingly short for such a complex task.

Introducing Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Private Web Attestation with Cross/Multi-Vendor Hardware
By evaluating a polynomial, we show our committed value is a zero.

The verifier then checks the Groth-Kohlweiss proof that the committed key is on the list, and then makes sure the message that was signed is what it should be. This is a very efficient proof, even as the list size grows: the work done per list element is a multiplication. If all matches, then we know that the signature was generated by a sufficiently secure security key, and nothing else. If it does not match we know that something is wrong.

Engineering a more efficient curve

We turned statements about ECDSA signatures into statements about points on the P-256 elliptic curve, and then into statements about arithmetic in the field that P-256 is defined over. These statements are easiest to prove if we have a group with a size matching the size of a field, and so we had to find one. This posed an interesting challenge as it’s the reverse of how we normally do things in cryptography. If you’d like to see how we solved it read on, otherwise skip ahead.

Most of the time in elliptic curve cryptography we start with a convenient base field, and search for elliptic curves of prime or nearly prime order with the right properties for our application. This way we can pick primes with properties convenient for computer hardware. When it comes to wanting pairing friendly curves, we typically do computer searches for curves whose parameters are given by polynomials that are known.

But here we wanted a curve with a given number of points, and so we would have to use some fairly advanced number theoretic machinery to determine this curve. Our doing so was a big part in getting our zero-knowledge attestation as efficient as it is.

Elliptic Curves and the Complex Plane

Elliptic curves are particularly nice over the complex numbers. An elliptic curve is isomorphic to a torus. All complex curves are isomorphic to tori over the complex numbers, but some have more than one hole.

Different elliptic curves are distinguished by how fat or thin the two directions around the torus are with respect to one another. If we imagine slicing around the holes in the torus, we see that we can get a torus from taking a rectangle and gluing up the sides.  There is an illustrative video of what this looks like Gluing a torus.

Introducing Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Private Web Attestation with Cross/Multi-Vendor Hardware

Instead of taking one rectangle and gluing it up, we can imagine taking the entire plane, and then folding it up so that every rectangle lines up. In doing so the corners of these rectangles all line up over the origin. The corners form what we call a lattice, and we can always scale and rotate to have one of the generators of the lattice be 1.

Introducing Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Private Web Attestation with Cross/Multi-Vendor Hardware

Viewed this way, addition of complex numbers becomes addition on the torus, just as addition of the integers modulo 2 is addition of integers, then reduced mod 2. But with elliptic curves we’re used to having algebraic equations for addition and multiplication, and also for the curves themselves. How does this analytic picture interact with the algebraic one?

Via a great deal of classical complex geometry we find they are closely related. The ring of complex-valued functions on the lattice is generated by the Weierstrass \(\mathcal{P}\) function and its derivative. These satisfy an algebraic equation of the form \(y^2=x^3+ax+b\), and the parameters \(a\) and \(b\) are functions of the lattice parameter. The classical formulas for the algebraic addition of points on elliptic curves emerge from this.

One of the parameters is the \(j\) invariant, which is a more arithmetically meaningful invariant than \(\tau\). The \(j\) invariant is an invariant of the elliptic curve: values of \(\tau\) that give rise to the same lattice produce the same \(j\) invariant, while they may have different \(a\) and \(b\).  There are many expressions for \(j\), with one being


Complex multiplication and class number

Suppose we take the lattice \(\{1, i\}\). If we multiply this lattice by \(i\), we get back \(\{i, -1\}\), which generates the same set of points. This is exceptional, and can only happen when the number we multiply by satisfies a quadratic equation. The elements of the lattice are then closely related to the solutions of that quadratic equation.

Associated with such a lattice is a discriminant: the discriminant of the quadratic field associated with the example. For our example with i the discriminant is \(-4\), the discriminant of the quadratic equation \(x^2+1\). If, for instance, we were to take \(\sqrt{-5}\) instead and consider the lattice \( \{1, \sqrt{-5}\} \), the discriminant would be \(-20\), the discriminant of \(x^2-5\). Note that there are different definitions of the discriminant, which change the sign and add various powers of \(2\).

Maps from elliptic curves to themselves are called endomorphisms. Most elliptic curves just have multiplication by integers as endomorphisms. But some curves have additional endomorphisms. For instance, if we turn the lattice \(\{1, i\}\) into an elliptic curve, we obtain \(y^2=x^3+x\). Now this curve has an extra endomorphism: if I send \(y\) to \(iy\) and \(x\) to \(-x\), I get a point that satisfies the curve equation as \((-iy)^2=(-x)^3-x\). Doing this map twice produces the same effect as inverting a point, and it’s no coincidence that multiplying twice by \(i\) sends a complex number \(z\) to \(-z\). So this extra endomorphism and multiplying by \(i\) satisfy the same equation. Having an extra endomorphism is called complex multiplication as its multiplication by a complex number. When the lattice an elliptic curve comes from has complex multiplication, the elliptic curve also has complex multiplication and vice versa.

Any set of mathematical objects comes with questions, and elliptic curves with complex multiplication are no exception. We can ask how many elliptic curves with complex multiplication there are for a given discriminant. How does that number grow as the discriminant grows? Some of these questions are still open today, despite years of research and computer experimentation. Key to approaching them is a link between lattices and arithmetic.

Earlier in the 19th century Gauss studied binary quadratic forms, equations of the form \(ax^2+bxy+cy^2\). Such forms are said to be equivalent if there is a substitution with integer coefficients for \(x\) and \(y\) that takes one into the other. This is a core notion, and in addition to algorithms for reducing a binary quadratic form, Gauss demonstrated that there was a composition law that made binary quadratic forms of a given discriminant into a group.

Later number theorists would develop the concept of an ideal, tying quadratic forms to the failure of factorization to be unique. \(x^2+5y^2\)and \(2x^2+2xy+3y^2\) are both quadratic forms of discriminant -20, and this is connected to the failure of unique factorization in \(\mathbb{Z}[\sqrt{-5}]\).

When we consider binary quadratic forms as the lengths of vectors in a plane, each lattice gives a binary quadratic form up to equivalence. The elliptic curves with complex multiplication by a given discriminant thus correspond to the classes of binary quadratic forms with a given discriminant, which connects to the arithmetic in the quadratic field. Three very different looking questions thus all have the same answer.

Why complex multiplication matters for finding curves

When we take an elliptic curve with integral coefficients and consider it over a prime, it gets an extra endomorphism: the Frobenius endomorphism that sends \(x\rightarrow x^p\) and \(ny\rightarrow y^p\) . This endomorphism satisfies a quadratic equation, and the linear term of that quadratic equation is the number of points minus \(p+1\).

If the elliptic curve has complex multiplication, there is another endomorphism, namely the one we get from complex multiplication. But an elliptic curve can only have one extra endomorphism unless it is supersingular. Supersingular curves are very rare. So the Frobenius endomorphism and the endomorphism from complex multiplication must be the same. Because we started out with complex multiplication, we know the quadratic equation the Frobenius must satisfy, and hence the number of points.

This is the conclusion of our saga: to find an elliptic curve with a given order, find integer solutions to the equation \(t^2+Dy^2=4N\) for small \(D\) and let \(p=N-t+1\) and see if it is prime. Then factor the Hilbert class polynomial of \(D\) over \(p\), and take one of the roots modulo \(p\) as the \(j\) invariant of our elliptic curve. We may need to take a quadratic twist to get the right number of points, since t is only identified up to sign.

This gave us the curve we needed for efficient proving of relations over the base field of P-256. All of this mathematics produces a script that runs in a few minutes and produces the curve with the desired order that we needed.

The results of our labor

After all this work, and much additional engineering work needed to make the proof run faster through optimizing little bits of it, we can generate a proof in a few seconds, and verify it in a few hundred milliseconds. This is fast enough to be practical, and means that websites that want to verify the security of security keys can do so without negative privacy impacts.

Introducing Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Private Web Attestation with Cross/Multi-Vendor Hardware

All a website that uses our technique learns is whether or not the signature was generated by a token whose attestation key is on the list they provided. Unlike using WebAuthn directly they do not get any more detailed information, even if the manufacturer has accidentally made the batch too small. Instead of having a policy-based approach to guarding user privacy, we’ve removed the troublesome information.

Next steps — a community effort!

Our demonstration shows that we have a working privacy enhancement based on a zero-knowledge proof. We’re continuing to improve it, adding more performance and security features. But our task isn’t done until we have a privacy-preserving WebAuthn extension that works in every browser, giving users assurance that their data is not leaving the device.

What we have now is a demonstration of what is possible: using zero-knowledge proofs to turn WebAuthn attestation into a system that treats every manufacturer equally by design, protects user privacy, and can be used by every website. The challenges around user privacy that are created by using attestation on a wide scale are solvable.

There’s much more that goes into a high-quality, reliable system than the core cryptographic insights. In order to make the user experience not involve warnings about the information our zero-knowledge proof discards, we need more integration with the browser. We also need a safe way for users of devices not on our list to send their key to us and demonstrate that it should be trusted, and a way to make sure that the list isn’t being abused to try to pinpoint particular keys.

In addition, this verification is more heavyweight than the older verification methods, so servers that implement it need to incorporate rate limiting and other protections against abuse. SNARKS would be a big advantage here, but comes at a cost of code size for the demonstration. Ultimately bringing these improvements into a core part of the web ecosystem requires working with users, browsers, and other participants to find a solution that works for them. We would like to hear from you at [email protected] if you would like to contribute to the process.

Our Cryptographic Attestation of Personhood gives users an easier way to demonstrate their humanity, and one which is more privacy-preserving than many CAPTCHA alternatives or providers. But we weren’t satisfied with the state of the art and saw a way to apply advanced cryptography techniques to improve the privacy of our users. Our work shows zero-knowledge proofs can enhance the privacy offered by real world protocols.

Apple Adds a Backdoor to iMessage and iCloud Storage

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2021/08/apple-adds-a-backdoor-to-imesssage-and-icloud-storage.html

Apple’s announcement that it’s going to start scanning photos for child abuse material is a big deal. (Here are five news stories.) I have been following the details, and discussing it in several different email lists. I don’t have time right now to delve into the details, but wanted to post something.

EFF writes:

There are two main features that the company is planning to install in every Apple device. One is a scanning feature that will scan all photos as they get uploaded into iCloud Photos to see if they match a photo in the database of known child sexual abuse material (CSAM) maintained by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC). The other feature scans all iMessage images sent or received by child accounts — that is, accounts designated as owned by a minor — for sexually explicit material, and if the child is young enough, notifies the parent when these images are sent or received. This feature can be turned on or off by parents.

This is pretty shocking coming from Apple, which is generally really good about privacy. It opens the door for all sorts of other surveillance, since now that the system is built it can be used for all sorts of other messages. And it breaks end-to-end encryption, despite Apple’s denials:

Does this break end-to-end encryption in Messages?

No. This doesn’t change the privacy assurances of Messages, and Apple never gains access to communications as a result of this feature. Any user of Messages, including those with with communication safety enabled, retains control over what is sent and to whom. If the feature is enabled for the child account, the device will evaluate images in Messages and present an intervention if the image is determined to be sexually explicit. For accounts of children age 12 and under, parents can set up parental notifications which will be sent if the child confirms and sends or views an image that has been determined to be sexually explicit. None of the communications, image evaluation, interventions, or notifications are available to Apple.

Notice Apple changing the definition of “end-to-end encryption.” No longer is the message a private communication between sender and receiver. A third party is alerted if the message meets a certain criteria.

This is a security disaster. Read tweets by Matthew Green and Edward Snowden. Also this. I’ll post more when I see it.

Beware the Four Horsemen of the Information Apocalypse. They’ll scare you into accepting all sorts of insecure systems.

EDITED TO ADD: This is a really good write-up of the problems.

EDITED TO ADD: Alex Stamos comments.

An open letter to Apple criticizing the project.

A leaked Apple memo responding to the criticisms. (What are the odds that Apple did not intend this to leak?)

EDITED TO ADD: John Gruber’s excellent analysis.

EDITED TO ADD (8/11): Paul Rosenzweig wrote an excellent policy discussion.

EDITED TO ADD (8/13): Really good essay by EFF’s Kurt Opsahl. Ross Anderson did an interview with Glenn Beck. And this news article talks about dissent within Apple about this feature.

The Economist has a good take. Apple responds to criticisms. (It’s worth watching the Wall Street Journal video interview as well.)

EDITED TO ADD (8/14): Apple released a threat model

EDITED TO ADD (8/20): Follow-on blog posts here and here.

Paragon: Yet Another Cyberweapons Arms Manufacturer

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2021/08/paragon-yet-another-cyberweapons-arms-manufacturer.html

Forbes has the story:

Paragon’s product will also likely get spyware critics and surveillance experts alike rubbernecking: It claims to give police the power to remotely break into encrypted instant messaging communications, whether that’s WhatsApp, Signal, Facebook Messenger or Gmail, the industry sources said. One other spyware industry executive said it also promises to get longer-lasting access to a device, even when it’s rebooted.


Two industry sources said they believed Paragon was trying to set itself apart further by promising to get access to the instant messaging applications on a device, rather than taking complete control of everything on a phone. One of the sources said they understood that Paragon’s spyware exploits the protocols of end-to-end encrypted apps, meaning it would hack into messages via vulnerabilities in the core ways in which the software operates.

Read that last sentence again: Paragon uses unpatched zero-day exploits in the software to hack messaging apps.

Certifying our Commitment to Your Right to Information Privacy

Post Syndicated from Emily Hancock original https://blog.cloudflare.com/certifying-our-commitment-to-your-right-to-information-privacy/

Certifying our Commitment to Your Right to Information Privacy

Certifying our Commitment to Your Right to Information Privacy

Cloudflare recognizes privacy in personal data as a fundamental human right and has taken a number of steps, including certifying to international standards, to demonstrate our commitment to privacy.

Privacy has long been recognized as a fundamental human right. The United Nations included a right to privacy in its 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 12) and in the 1976 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Article 17). A number of other jurisdiction-specific laws and treaties also recognize privacy as a fundamental right.

Cloudflare shares the belief that privacy is a fundamental right. We believe that our mission to help build a better Internet means building a privacy-respecting Internet, so people don’t feel they have to sacrifice their personal information — where they live, their ages and interests, their shopping habits, or their religious or political beliefs — in order to navigate the online world.

But talk is cheap. Anyone can say they value privacy. We show it. We demonstrate our commitment to privacy not only in the products and services we build and the way we run our privacy program, but also in the examinations we perform of our processes and products  to ensure they work the way we say they do.

Certifying to International Privacy and Security Standards

Cloudflare has a multi-faceted privacy program that incorporates critical privacy principles such as being transparent about our privacy practices, practicing privacy by design when we build our products and services, using the minimum amount of personal data necessary for our services to work, and only processing personal data for the purposes specified. We were able to demonstrate our holistic approach to privacy when, earlier this year, Cloudflare became one of the first organizations in our industry to certify to a new international privacy standard for protecting and managing the processing of personal data — ISO/IEC 27701:2019.

This standard took the concepts in global data protection laws like the EU’s watershed General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and adapted them into an international standard for how to manage privacy. This certification provides assurance to our customers that a third party has independently verified that Cloudflare’s privacy program meets GDPR-aligned industry standards. Having this certification helps our customers have confidence in the way we handle and protect our customer information, as both processor and controller of personal information.

The standard contains 31 controls identified for organizations that are personal data controllers, and 18 additional controls identified for organizations that are personal data processors.[1] The controls are essentially a set of best practices that data controllers and processors must meet in terms of data handling practices and transparency about those practices, documenting a legal basis for processing and for transfer of data to third countries (outside the EU), and handling data subject rights, among others.

For example, the standard requires that an organization maintain policies and document specific procedures related to the international transfer of personal data.

Cloudflare has implemented this requirement by maintaining an internal policy restricting the transfer of personal data between jurisdictions unless that transfer meets defined criteria. Customers, whether free or paid, enter into a standard Data Processing Addendum with Cloudflare which is available on the Cloudflare Customer Dashboard and which sets out the restrictions we must adhere to when processing personal data on behalf of customers, including when transferring personal data between jurisdictions. Additionally, Cloudflare publishes a list of sub-processors that we may use when processing personal data, and in which countries or jurisdictions that processing may take place.

The standard also requires that organizations should maintain documented personal data minimization objectives, including what mechanisms are used to meet those objectives.

Personal data minimization objective

Cloudflare maintains internal policies on how we manage data throughout its full lifecycle, including data minimization objectives. In fact, our commitment to privacy starts with the objective of minimizing personal data. That’s why, if we don’t have to collect certain personal data in order to deliver our service to customers, we’d prefer not to collect it at all in the first place. Where we do have to, we collect the minimum amount necessary to achieve the identified purpose and process it for the minimum amount necessary, transparently documenting the processing in our public privacy policy.

We’re also proud to have developed a Privacy by Design policy, which rigorously sets out the high-standards and evaluations that must be undertaken if products and services are to collect and process personal data. We use these mechanisms to ensure our collection and use of personal data is limited and transparently documented.

Demonstrating our adherence to laws and policies designed to protect the privacy of personal information is only one way to show how we value the people’s right to privacy. Another critical element of our privacy approach is the high level of security we apply to the data on our systems in order to keep that data private. We’ve demonstrated our commitment to data security through a number of certifications:

  • ISO 27001:2013: This is an industry-wide accepted information security certification that focuses on the implementation of an Information Security Management System (ISMS) and security risk management processes. Cloudflare has been ISO 27001 certified since 2019.
  • SOC 2 Type II:  Cloudflare has undertaken the AICPA SOC 2 Type II certification to attest that Security, Confidentiality, and Availability controls are in place in accordance with the AICPA Trust Service Criteria. Cloudflare’s SOC 2 Type II report covers security, confidentiality, and availability controls to protect customer data.
  • PCI DSS 3.2.1: Cloudflare maintains PCI DSS Level 1 compliance and has been PCI compliant since 2014. Cloudflare’s Web Application Firewall (WAF), Cloudflare Access, Content Delivery Network (CDN), and Time Service are PCI compliant solutions. Cloudflare is audited annually by a third-party Qualified Security Assessor (QSA).
  • BSI Qualification: Cloudflare has been recognized by the German government’s Federal Office for Information Security as a qualified provider of DDoS mitigation services.

More information about these certifications is available on our Certifications and compliance resources page.

In addition, we are continuing to look for other opportunities to demonstrate our compliance with data privacy best practices. For example, we are following the European Union’s approval of the first official GDPR codes of conduct in May 2021, and we are considering other privacy standards, such as the ISO 27018 cloud privacy certification.

Building Tools to Deliver Privacy

We think one of the most impactful ways we can respect people’s privacy is by not collecting or processing unnecessary personal data in the first place. We not only build our own network with this principle in mind, but we also believe in empowering individuals and entities of all sizes with technological tools to easily build privacy-respecting applications and minimize the amount of personal information transiting the Internet.

One such tool is our public DNS resolver — the Internet’s fastest, privacy-first public DNS resolver. When we launched our resolver, we committed that we would not retain any personal data about requests made using our resolver. And because we baked anonymization best practices into the resolver when we built it, we were able to demonstrate that we didn’t have any personal data to sell when we asked independent accountants to conduct a privacy examination of the resolver. While we haven’t made changes to how the product works since then, if we ever do so in the future, we’ll go back and commission another examination to demonstrate that when someone uses our public resolver, we can’t tell who is visiting any given website.

In addition to our resolver, we’ve built a number of other privacy-enhancing technologies, such as:

  • Cloudflare’s Web Analytics, which does not use any client-side state, such as cookies or localStorage, to collect usage metrics, and never ‘fingerprints’ individual users.
  • Supporting Oblivious DoH (ODoH), a proposed DNS standard — co-authored by engineers from Cloudflare, Apple, and Fastly — that separates IP addresses from DNS queries, so that no single entity can see both at the same time. In other words, ODoH means, for example, that no single entity can see that IP address sent an access request to the website example.com.
  • Universal SSL (now called Transport Layer Security), which we made available to all of our customers, paying and free. Supporting SSL means that we support encrypting the content of web pages, which had previously been sent as plain text over the Internet. It’s like sending your private, personal information in a locked box instead of on a postcard.

Building Trust

Cloudflare’s subscription-based business model has always been about offering an incredible suite of products that help make the Internet faster, more efficient, more secure, and more private for our users. Our business model has never been about selling users’ data or tracking individuals as they go about their digital lives. We don’t think people should have to trade their private information just to get access to Internet applications. We work every day to earn and maintain our users’ trust by respecting their right to privacy in their personal data as it transits our network, and by being transparent about how we handle and secure that data. You can find out more about the policies, privacy-enhancing technologies, and certifications that help us earn that trust by visiting the Cloudflare Trust Hub at www.cloudflare.com/trust-hub.

[1] The GDPR defines a “data controller” as the “natural or legal person (…) or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data”; and a “data processor” as “a natural or legal person (…) which processes personal data on behalf of the controller.”

De-anonymization Story

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2021/07/de-anonymization-story.html

This is important:

Monsignor Jeffrey Burrill was general secretary of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), effectively the highest-ranking priest in the US who is not a bishop, before records of Grindr usage obtained from data brokers was correlated with his apartment, place of work, vacation home, family members’ addresses, and more.


The data that resulted in Burrill’s ouster was reportedly obtained through legal means. Mobile carriers sold­ — and still sell — ­location data to brokers who aggregate it and sell it to a range of buyers, including advertisers, law enforcement, roadside services, and even bounty hunters. Carriers were caught in 2018 selling real-time location data to brokers, drawing the ire of Congress. But after carriers issued public mea culpas and promises to reform the practice, investigations have revealed that phone location data is still popping up in places it shouldn’t. This year, T-Mobile even broadened its offerings, selling customers’ web and app usage data to third parties unless people opt out.

The publication that revealed Burrill’s private app usage, The Pillar, a newsletter covering the Catholic Church, did not say exactly where or how it obtained Burrill’s data. But it did say how it de-anonymized aggregated data to correlate Grindr app usage with a device that appears to be Burrill’s phone.

The Pillar says it obtained 24 months’ worth of “commercially available records of app signal data” covering portions of 2018, 2019, and 2020, which included records of Grindr usage and locations where the app was used. The publication zeroed in on addresses where Burrill was known to frequent and singled out a device identifier that appeared at those locations. Key locations included Burrill’s office at the USCCB, his USCCB-owned residence, and USCCB meetings and events in other cities where he was in attendance. The analysis also looked at other locations farther afield, including his family lake house, his family members’ residences, and an apartment in his Wisconsin hometown where he reportedly has lived.

Location data is not anonymous. It cannot be made anonymous. I hope stories like these will teach people that.

Commercial Location Data Used to Out Priest

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2021/07/commercial-location-data-used-to-out-priest.html

A Catholic priest was outed through commercially available surveillance data. Vice has a good analysis:

The news starkly demonstrates not only the inherent power of location data, but how the chance to wield that power has trickled down from corporations and intelligence agencies to essentially any sort of disgruntled, unscrupulous, or dangerous individual. A growing market of data brokers that collect and sell data from countless apps has made it so that anyone with a bit of cash and effort can figure out which phone in a so-called anonymized dataset belongs to a target, and abuse that information.

There is a whole industry devoted to re-identifying anonymized data. This was something that Snowden showed that the NSA could do. Now it’s available to everyone.

Banning Surveillance-Based Advertising

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2021/06/banning-surveillance-based-advertising.html

The Norwegian Consumer Council just published a fantastic new report: “Time to Ban Surveillance-Based Advertising.” From the Introduction:

The challenges caused and entrenched by surveillance-based advertising include, but are not limited to:

  • privacy and data protection infringements
  • opaque business models
  • manipulation and discrimination at scale
  • fraud and other criminal activity
  • serious security risks

In the following chapters, we describe various aspects of these challenges and point out how today’s dominant model of online advertising is a threat to consumers, democratic societies, the media, and even to advertisers themselves. These issues are significant and serious enough that we believe that it is time to ban these detrimental practices.

A ban on surveillance-based practices should be complemented by stronger enforcement of existing legislation, including the General Data Protection Regulation, competition regulation, and the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive. However, enforcement currently consumes significant time and resources, and usually happens after the damage has already been done. Banning surveillance-based advertising in general will force structural changes to the advertising industry and alleviate a number of significant harms to consumers and to society at large.

A ban on surveillance-based advertising does not mean that one can no longer finance digital content using advertising. To illustrate this, we describe some possible ways forward for advertising-funded digital content, and point to alternative advertising technologies that may contribute to a safer and healthier digital economy for both consumers and businesses.

Press release. Press coverage.

I signed their open letter.

The Problem with Treating Data as a Commodity

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2021/02/the-problem-with-treating-data-as-a-commodity.html

Excellent Brookings paper: “Why data ownership is the wrong approach to protecting privacy.”

From the introduction:

Treating data like it is property fails to recognize either the value that varieties of personal information serve or the abiding interest that individuals have in their personal information even if they choose to “sell” it. Data is not a commodity. It is information. Any system of information rights­ — whether patents, copyrights, and other intellectual property, or privacy rights — ­presents some tension with strong interest in the free flow of information that is reflected by the First Amendment. Our personal information is in demand precisely because it has value to others and to society across a myriad of uses.

From the conclusion:

Privacy legislation should empower individuals through more layered and meaningful transparency and individual rights to know, correct, and delete personal information in databases held by others. But relying entirely on individual control will not do enough to change a system that is failing individuals, and trying to reinforce control with a property interest is likely to fail society as well. Rather than trying to resolve whether personal information belongs to individuals or to the companies that collect it, a baseline federal privacy law should directly protect the abiding interest that individuals have in that information and also enable the social benefits that flow from sharing information.

Data Privacy Day 2021 – Looking ahead at the always on, always secure, always private Internet

Post Syndicated from Emily Hancock original https://blog.cloudflare.com/data-privacy-day-2021-looking-ahead-at-the-always-on-always-secure-always-private-internet/

Data Privacy Day 2021 - Looking ahead at the always on, always secure, always private Internet

Data Privacy Day 2021 - Looking ahead at the always on, always secure, always private Internet

Welcome to Data Privacy Day 2021! Last year at this time, I was writing about how Cloudflare builds privacy into everything we do, with little idea about how dramatically the world was going to change. The tragedy of the COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped the way we go about our daily lives. Our dependence on the Internet grew exponentially in 2020 as we started working from home, attending school from home, and participating in online weddings, concerts, parties, and more. So as we begin this new year, it’s impossible to think about data privacy in 2021 without thinking about how an always-on, always secure, always private Internet is more important than ever.

The pandemic wasn’t the only thing to dramatically shape data privacy conversations last year. We saw a flurry of new activity on data protection legislation around the globe, and a trend toward data localization in a variety of jurisdictions.

I don’t think I’m taking any risks when I say that 2021 looks to be another busy year in the world of privacy and data protection. Let me tell you a bit about what that looks like for us at Cloudflare. We’ll be spending a lot of time in 2021 helping our customers find the solutions they need to meet data protection obligations; enhancing our technical, organizational, and contractual measures to protect the privacy of personal data no matter where in the world it is processed; and continuing to develop privacy-enhancing technologies that can help everyone on the Internet.

Focus on International Data Transfers

One of the biggest stories in data protection in 2020 was the Court of Justice of the European Union’s decision in the “Schrems II” case (Case C-311/18, Data Protection Commissioner v Facebook Ireland and Maximillian Schrems) that invalidated the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield. The court’s interpretation of U.S. surveillance laws meant that data controllers transferring EU personal data to U.S. data processors now have an obligation to make sure additional safeguards are in place to provide the same level of data protection as the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).

The court decision was followed by draft guidance from the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) that created new expectations and challenges for transfers of EU personal data to processors outside the EU pursuant to the GDPR. In addition, the EU Commission issued new draft standard contractual clauses that further emphasized the need for data transfer impact assessments and due diligence to be completed prior to transferring EU personal data to processors outside the EU. Meanwhile, even before the EDPB and EU Commission weighed in, France’s data protection authority, the CNIL, challenged the use of a U.S. cloud service provider for the processing of certain health data.

This year, the EDPB is poised to issue its final guidance on international data transfers, the EU Commission is set to release a final version of new standard contractual clauses, and the new Biden administration in the United States has already appointed a deputy assistant secretary for services at the U.S. Department of Commerce who will focus on negotiations around a new EU-U.S. Privacy Shield or another data transfer mechanism.

However, the trend to regulate international data transfers isn’t confined to Europe. India’s Personal Data Protection Bill, likely to become law in 2021, would bar certain types of personal data from leaving India. And Brazil’s Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD”), which went into effect in 2020, contains requirements for contractual guarantees that need to be in place for personal data to be processed outside Brazil.

Meanwhile, we’re seeing more data protection regulation across the globe: The California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) was amended by a new ballot initiative last year. Countries like Japan, China, Singapore, Canada, and New Zealand, that already had data protection legislation in some form, proposed or enacted amendments to strengthen those protections. And even the United States is considering comprehensive Federal data privacy regulation.

In light of last year’s developments and those we expect to see in 2021, Cloudflare is thinking a lot about what it means to process personal data outside its home jurisdiction. One of the key messages to come out of Europe in the second half of 2020 was the idea that to be able to transfer EU personal data to the United States, data processors would have to provide additional safeguards to ensure GDPR-level protection for personal data, even in light of the application of U.S. surveillance laws. While we are eagerly awaiting the EDPB’s final guidance on the subject, we aren’t waiting to ensure that we have in place the necessary additional safeguards.

In fact, Cloudflare has long maintained policies to address concerns about access to personal data. We’ve done so because we believe it’s the right thing to do, and because the conflicts of law we are seeing today seemed inevitable. We feel so strongly about our ability to provide that level of protection for data processed in the U.S., that today we are publishing a paper, “Cloudflare’s Policies around Data Privacy and Law Enforcement Requests,” to describe how we address government and other legal requests for data.

Our paper describes our policies around data privacy and data requests, such as providing notice to our customers of any legal process requesting their data, and the measures we take to push back on any legal process requesting data where we believe that legal process creates a conflict of law. The paper also describes our public commitments about how we approach requests for data and public statements about things we have never done and, in CEO Matthew Prince’s words, that we “will fight like hell to never do”:

  • Cloudflare has never turned over our encryption or authentication keys or our customers’ encryption or authentication keys to anyone.
  • Cloudflare has never installed any law enforcement software or equipment anywhere on our network.
  • Cloudflare has never provided any law enforcement organization a feed of our customers’ content transiting our network.
  • Cloudflare has never modified customer content at the request of law enforcement or another third party.

In 2021, the Cloudflare team will continue to focus on these safeguards to protect all our customers’ personal data.

Data Privacy Day 2021 - Looking ahead at the always on, always secure, always private Internet

Addressing Data Localization Challenges

We also recognize that attention to international data transfers isn’t just a jurisdictional issue. Even if jurisdictions don’t require data localization by law, highly regulated industries like banking and healthcare may adopt best practice guidance asserting more requirements for data if it is to be processed outside a data subject’s home country.

With so much activity around data localization trends and international data transfers, companies will continue to struggle to understand regulatory requirements, as well as update products and business processes to meet those requirements and trends. So while we believe that Cloudflare can provide adequate protections for this data regardless of whether it is processed inside or outside its jurisdiction of origin, we also recognize that our customers are dealing with unique compliance challenges that we can help them face.

That means that this year we’ll also continue the work we started with our Cloudflare Data Localization Suite, which we announced during our Privacy & Compliance Week in December 2020. The Data Localization Suite is designed to help customers build local requirements into their global online operations. We help our customers ensure that their data stays as private as they want it to, and only goes where they want it to go in the following ways:

  1. DDoS attacks are detected and mitigated at the data center closest to the end user.
  2. Data centers inside the preferred region decrypt TLS and apply services like WAF, CDN, and Cloudflare Workers.
  3. Keyless SSL and Geo Key Manager store private SSL keys in a user-specified region.
  4. Edge Log Delivery securely transmits logs from the inspection point to the log storage location of your choice.

Doubling Down on Privacy-Enhancing Technologies

Cloudflare’s mission is to “Help Build a Better Internet,” and we’ve said repeatedly that a privacy-respecting Internet is a better Internet. We believe in empowering individuals and entities of all sizes with technological tools to reduce the amount of personal data that gets funnelled into the data ocean — regardless of whether someone lives in a country with laws protecting the privacy of their personal data. If we can build tools to help individuals share less personal data online, then that’s a win for privacy no matter what their country of residence.

For example, when Cloudflare launched the public DNS resolver — the Internet’s fastest, privacy-first public DNS resolver — we committed to our public resolver users that we would not retain any personal data about requests made using our resolver. And because we baked anonymization best practices into the resolver when we built it, we were able to demonstrate that we didn’t have any personal data to sell when we asked independent accountants to conduct a privacy examination of the resolver.

2021 will also see a continuation of a number of initiatives that we announced during Privacy and Compliance Week that are aimed at improving Internet protocols related to user privacy:

  1. Fixing one of the last information leaks in HTTPS through Encrypted Client Hello (ECH), the evolution of Encrypted SNI.
  2. Developing a superior protocol for password authentication, OPAQUE, that makes password breaches less likely to occur.
  3. Making DNS even more private by supporting Oblivious DNS-over-HTTPS (ODoH).

Encrypted Client Hello (ECH)

Under the old TLS handshake, privacy-sensitive parameters were negotiated completely in the clear and available to network observers. One example is the Server Name Indication (SNI), used by the client to indicate to the server the website it wants to reach — this is not information that should be exposed to eavesdroppers. Previously, this problem was mitigated through the Encrypted SNI (ESNI) extension. While ESNI took a significant step forward, it is an incomplete solution; a major shortcoming is that it protects only SNI. The Encrypted Client Hello (ECH) extension aims to close this gap by enabling encryption of the entire ClientHello, thereby protecting all privacy-sensitive handshake parameters. These changes represent a significant upgrade to TLS, one that will help preserve end-user privacy as the protocol continues to evolve. As this work continues, Cloudflare is committed to doing its part, along with close collaborators in the standards process, to ensure this important upgrade for TLS reaches Internet-scale deployment.


Research has repeatedly shown that passwords are hard for users to manage — and they are also a challenge for servers: passwords are difficult to store securely, they’re frequently leaked and subsequently brute-forced. As long as people still use passwords, we’d like to make the process as secure as possible. Current methods rely on the risky practice of handling plaintext passwords on the server side while checking their correctness. One potential alternative is to use OPAQUE, an asymmetric Password-Authenticated Key Exchange (aPAKE) protocol that allows secure password login without ever letting the server see the passwords.

With OPAQUE, instead of storing a traditional salted password hash, the server stores a secret envelope associated with the user that is “locked” by two pieces of information: the user’s password (known only by the user), and a random secret key (known only by the server). To log in, the client initiates a cryptographic exchange that reveals the envelope key only to the client (but not to the server). The server then sends this envelope to the user, who now can retrieve the encrypted keys. Once those keys are unlocked, they will serve as parameters for an Authenticated Key Exchange (AKE) protocol, which establishes a secret key for encrypting future communications.

Cloudflare has been pushing the development of OPAQUE forward, and has released a reference core OPAQUE implementation in Go and a demo TLS integration (with a running version you can try out). A Typescript client implementation of OPAQUE is coming soon.

Data Privacy Day 2021 - Looking ahead at the always on, always secure, always private Internet

Oblivious DNS-over-HTTPS (ODoH)

Encryption is a powerful tool that protects the privacy of personal data. This is why Cloudflare has doubled down on its implementation of DNS over HTTPS (DoH). In the snail mail world, courts have long recognized a distinction between the level of privacy afforded to the contents of a letter vs. the addressing information on an envelope. But we’re not living in an age where the only thing someone can tell from the outside of the envelope are the “to” and “from” addresses and place of postage. The “digital envelopes” of DNS requests can contain much more information about a person than one might expect. Not only is there information about the sender and recipient addresses, but there is specific timestamp information about when requests were submitted, the domains and subdomains visited, and even how long someone stayed on a certain site. Encrypting those requests ensures that only the user and the resolver get that information, and that no one involved in the transit in between sees it. Given that our digital envelopes tell a much more robust story than the envelope in your physical mailbox, we think encrypting these envelopes is just as important as encrypting the messages they carry.

However, there are more ways in which DNS privacy can be enhanced, and Cloudflare took another incremental step in December 2020 by announcing support for Oblivious DoH (ODoH). ODoH is a proposed DNS standard — co-authored by engineers from Cloudflare, Apple, and Fastly — that separates IP addresses from queries, so that no single entity can see both at the same time. ODoH requires a proxy as a key part of the communication path between client and resolver, with encryption ensuring that the proxy does not know the contents of the DNS query (only where to send it), and the resolver knowing what the query is but not who originally requested it (only the proxy’s IP address). Barring collusion between the proxy and the resolver, the identity of the requester and the content of the request are unlinkable.

As with DoH, successful deployment requires partners. A key component of ODoH is a proxy that is disjoint from the target resolver. Cloudflare is working with several leading proxy partners — currently PCCW, SURF, and Equinix — who are equally committed to privacy, and hopes to see this list grow.

Data Privacy Day 2021 - Looking ahead at the always on, always secure, always private Internet

Post-Quantum Cryptography

Even with all of these encryption measures, we also know that everything encrypted with today’s public key cryptography can likely be decrypted with tomorrow’s quantum computers. This makes deploying post-quantum cryptography a pressing privacy concern. We’re likely 10 to 15 years away from that development, but as our Head of Research Nick Sullivan described in his blog post in December, we’re not waiting for that future. We’ve been paying close attention to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)’s initiative to define post-quantum cryptography algorithms to replace RSA and ECC. Last year, Cloudflare and Google performed the TLS Post-Quantum Experiment, which involved implementing and supporting new key exchange mechanisms based on post-quantum cryptography for all Cloudflare customers for a period of a few months.

In addition, Cloudflare’s Research Team has been working with researchers from the University of Waterloo and Radboud University on a new protocol called KEMTLS. KEMTLS is designed to be fully post-quantum and relies only on public-key encryption. On the implementation side, Cloudflare has developed high-speed assembly versions of several of the NIST finalists (Kyber, Dilithium), as well as other relevant post-quantum algorithms (CSIDH, SIDH) in our CIRCL cryptography library written in Go. Cloudflare is endeavoring to use post-quantum cryptography for most internal services by the end of 2021, and plans to be among the first services to offer post-quantum cipher suites to customers as standards emerge.

Looking forward to 2021

If there’s anything 2020 taught us, it’s that our world can change almost overnight. One thing that doesn’t change, though, is that people will always want privacy for their personal data, and regulators will continue to define rules and requirements for what data protection should look like. And as these rules and requirements evolve, Cloudflare will be there every step of the way, developing innovative product and security solutions to protect data, and building privacy into everything we do.

Cloudflare is also celebrating Data Privacy Day on Cloudflare TV. Tune in for a full day of special programming.