Introducing Magic Firewall

Post Syndicated from Achiel van der Mandele original

Introducing Magic Firewall

Introducing Magic Firewall

Today we’re excited to announce Magic Firewall™, a network-level firewall delivered through Cloudflare to secure your enterprise. Magic Firewall covers your remote users, branch offices, data centers and cloud infrastructure. Best of all, it’s deeply integrated with Cloudflare One™, giving you a one-stop overview of everything that’s happening on your network.

Cloudflare Magic Transit™ secures IP subnets with the same DDoS protection technology that we built to keep our own global network secure. That helps ensure your network is safe from attack and available and it replaces physical appliances that have limits with Cloudflare’s network.

That still leaves some hardware onsite, though, for a different function: firewalls. Networks don’t just need protection from DDoS attacks; administrators need a way to set policies for all traffic entering and leaving the network. With Magic Firewall, we want to help your team deprecate those network firewall appliances and move that burden to the Cloudflare global network.

Firewall boxes are miserable to manage

Network firewalls have always been clunky. Not only are they expensive, they are bound by their own hardware constraints. If you need more CPU or memory, you have to buy more boxes. If you lack capacity, the entire network suffers, directly impacting employees that are trying to do their work. To compensate, network operators and security teams are forced to buy more capacity than we need, resulting in having to pay more than necessary.

We’ve heard this problem from our Magic Transit customers who are constantly running into capacity challenges:

“We’re constantly running out of memory and running into connection limits on our firewalls. It’s a huge problem.”

Network operators find themselves piecing together solutions from different vendors, mixing and matching features, and worrying about keeping policies in sync across the network. The result is more headache and added cost.

The solution isn’t more hardware

Some organizations then turn to even more vendors and purchase additional hardware to manage the patchwork firewall hardware they have deployed. Teams then have to balance refresh cycles, updates, and end of life management across even more platforms. These are band-aid solutions that do not solve the fundamental problem: how do we create a single view of the entire network that gives insights into what is happening (good and bad) and apply policy instantaneously, globally?

Introducing Magic Firewall
Traditional Firewall Architecture

Introducing Magic Firewall

Instead of more band-aids, we’re excited to launch Magic Firewall as a single, comprehensive, solution to network filtering. Unlike legacy appliances, Magic Firewall runs in the Cloudflare network. That network scales up or down with a customer’s needs at any given time.

Running in our network delivers an added benefit. Many customers backhaul network traffic to single chokepoints in order to perform firewalling operations, adding latency. Cloudflare operates data centers in 200 cities around the world and each of those points of presence is capable of delivering the same solution. Regional offices and data centers can instead rely on a Cloudflare Magic Firewall engine running within 100 milliseconds of their operation.

Integrated with Cloudflare One

Cloudflare One consists of products that allow you to apply a single filtering engine with consistent security controls to your entire network, not just part of it. The same types of controls that your organization wants to apply to traffic leaving your networks should be applied to traffic leaving your devices.

Magic Firewall will integrate with what you’re already using in Cloudflare. For example, traffic leaving endpoints outside of the network can reach Cloudflare using the Cloudflare WARP client where Gateway will apply the same rules your team configures for network level filtering. Branch offices and data centers can connect through Magic Transit with the same set of rules. This gives you a one-stop overview of your entire network instead of having to hunt down information across multiple devices and vendors.

How does it work?

So what is Magic Firewall? Magic Firewall is a way to replace your antiquated on-premises network firewall with an as-a-service solution, pushing your perimeter out to the edge. We already allow you to apply firewall rules at our edge with Magic Transit, but the process to add or change rules has previously involved working with your account team or Cloudflare support. Our first version, generally available in the next few months, will allow all our Magic Transit customers to apply static OSI Layer 3 & 4 mitigations completely self-service, at Cloudflare scale.

Introducing Magic Firewall Introducing Magic Firewall
Cloudflare applies firewall policies at every data center Meaning you have firewalls applying policies across the globe

Our first version of Magic Firewall will focus on static mitigations, allowing you to set a standard set of rules that apply to your entire network, whether devices or applications are sitting in the cloud, an employee’s device or a branch office. You’ll be able to express rules allowing or blocking based on:

  • Protocol
  • Source or destination IP and port
  • Packet length
  • Bit field match

Rules can be crafted in Wireshark syntax, a domain specific language common in the networking world and the same syntax we use across our other products. With this syntax, you can easily craft extremely powerful rules to precisely allow or deny any traffic in or out of your network. If you suspect there’s a bad actor inside or outside of your perimeter, simply log on to the dashboard and block that traffic. Rules are pushed out globally in seconds, shutting down threats at the edge.

Introducing Magic Firewall

Configuring firewalls should be easy and powerful. With Magic Firewall, rules can be configured using an easy UI that allows for complex logic. Or, just type the filter rule manually using Wireshark filter syntax and configure that way. Don’t want to mess with a UI? Rules can be added just as easily through the API.

What’s next?

Looking at packets is not enough… Even with firewall rules, teams still need visibility into what’s actually happening on their network: what’s happening inside of these datastreams? Is this legitimate traffic or do we have malicious actors either inside or outside of our network doing nefarious things? Deploying Cloudflare to sit between any two actors that interact with any of your assets (be they employee devices or services exposed to the Internet) allows us to enforce any policy, anywhere, either on where the traffic is coming from or what’s inside the traffic. Applying policies based on traffic type is just around the corner and we’re excited to announce that we’re planning to add additional capabilities to automatically detect intrusion events based on what’s happening inside datastreams in the near future.

We’re excited about this new journey. With Cloudflare One, we’re reinventing what the network looks like for corporations. We integrate access management, security features and performance across the board: for your network’s visitors but also for anyone inside it. All of this built on top of a network that was #BuiltForThis.

We’ll be opening up Magic Firewall in a limited beta, starting with existing Magic Transit customers. If you’re interested, please let us know.

Pumpkin Pi Build Monitor

Post Syndicated from Ashley Whittaker original

Following on from Rob Zwetsloot’s Haunted House Hacks in the latest issue of The MagPi magazine, GitHub’s Martin Woodward has created a spooky pumpkin that warns you about the thing programmers find scariest of all — broken builds. Here’s his guest post describing the project:

“When you are browsing code looking for open source projects, seeing a nice green passing build badge in the ReadMe file lets you know everything is working with the latest version of that project. As a programmer you really don’t want to accidentally commit bad code, which is why we often set up continuous integration builds that constantly check the latest code in our project.”

“I decided to create a 3D-printed pumpkin that would hold a Raspberry Pi Zero with an RGB LED pHat on top to show me the status of my build for Halloween. All the code is available on GitHub alongside the 3D printing models which are also available on Thingiverse.”


  • Raspberry Pi Zero (I went for the WH version to save me soldering on the header pins)
  • Unicorn pHat from Pimoroni
  • Panel mount micro-USB extension
  • M2.5 hardware for mounting (screws, male PCB standoffs, and threaded inserts)

“For the 3D prints, I used a glow-in-the-dark PLA filament for the main body and Pi holder, along with a dark green PLA filament for the top plug.”

“I’ve been using M2.5 threaded inserts quite a bit when printing parts to fit a Raspberry Pi, as it allows you to simply design a small hole in your model and then you push the brass thread into the gap with your soldering iron to melt it securely into place ready for screwing in your device.”

Threaded insert

“Once the inserts are in, you can screw the Raspberry Pi Zero into place using some brass PCB stand-offs, place the Unicorn pHAT onto the GPIO ports, and then screw that down.”

pHAT install

“Then you screw in the panel-mounted USB extension into the back of the pumpkin, connect it to the Raspberry Pi, and snap the Raspberry Pi holder into place in the bottom of your pumpkin.”

Inserting the base

Code along with Martin

“Now you are ready to install the software.  You can get the latest version from my PumpkinPi project on GitHub. “

“Format the micro SD Card and install Raspberry Pi OS Lite. Rather than plugging in a keyboard and monitor, you probably want to do a headless install, configuring SSH and WiFi by dropping an ssh file and a wpa_supplicant.conf file onto the root of the SD card after copying over the Raspbian files.”

“You’ll need to install the Unicorn HAT software, but they have a cool one-line installer that takes care of all the dependencies including Python and Git.”

\curl -sS | bash

“In addition, we’ll be using the requests module in Python which you can install with the following command:”

sudo pip install requests

“Next you want to clone the git repo.”

git clone

“You then need to modify the settings to point at your build badge. First of all copy the sample settings provided in the repo:”

cp ~/PumpkinPi/src/local_settings.sample ~/PumpkinPi/src/

“Then edit the BADGE_LINK variable and point at the URL of your build badge.”

# Build Badge for the build you want to monitor


# How often to check (in seconds). Remember - be nice to the server. Once every 5 minutes is plenty.


“Finally you can run the script as root:”

sudo python ~/PumpkinPi/src/ &

“Once you are happy everything is running how you want, don’t forget you can run the script at boot time. The easiest way to do this is to use crontab. See this cool video from Estefannie to learn more. But basically you do sudo crontab -e then add the following:”

@reboot /bin/sleep 10 ; /usr/bin/python /home/pi/PumpkinPi/src/ &

“Note that we are pausing for 10 seconds before running the Python script. This is to allow the WiFi network to connect before we check on the state of our build.”

“The current version of the pumpkinpi script works with all the SVG files produced by the major hosted build providers, including GitHub Actions, which is free for open source projects. But if you want to improve the code in any way, I’m definitely accepting pull requests on it.”

“Using the same hardware you could monitor lots of different things, such as when someone posts on Twitter, what the weather will be tomorrow, or maybe just code your own unique multi-coloured display that you can leave flickering in your window.”

“If you build this project or create your own pumpkin display, I’d love to see pictures. You can find me on Twitter @martinwoodward and on GitHub.”

The post Pumpkin Pi Build Monitor appeared first on Raspberry Pi.

Неразбории с Райфайзен – истински истории

Post Syndicated from VassilKendov original

Самия аз съм бизнес клиент на Райфайзен. Главно заради интернет банкирането им. Смея да твърдя, че е най-доброто на пазара. Поне преди 6 месеца беше. Само да вметна, че най-трагично е на Пощенска банка.

Лошите банкови практики обаче съществуват във всяка банка, в различни области. Описаният проблем от г-жа Радина Радковска е доста често срещан и в други банки. Според мен действията на банката не са съвсем законови, но предвид, че едно дело ще отнеме 2г. и около 800 лева хонорар, най добре е да забравиш за случая и да продължиш напред. И банката знае това. Лошото е, че не ти дават никаква информация, а искат от теб да признаеш и майчиното си мляко.

Ако правите бизнес, имайте предвид, че след въвеждането на мерките за пране на пари, е голяма мъка да се отвори фирмена или лична сметка на лице, което не е гражданин на ЕС в която и да е българска банка. В повечето банки е направо невъзможно.

Винаги съм се борил и съм на мнение, че трябва да има реципрочност в отношенията Банка-Клиент, но за съжаление много малко хора са готови да се борят за правата си и да създават съдебна практика.

Ето историята на г-жа Радковска с Райфайзен банк, публикувана без корекции.

През месец юни 2020 година реших да си закупя автомобил на лизинг .Избрах Райфайзен лизинг България ЕООД ,защото ми беше препоръчан от мои близки и познати заради добрите лихвени проценти и условия.
На 17.06.2020 година подадох Искане за лизинг на физическо лице ,като отбелязах че желая 50 % финансиране на желаният автомобил. На следващият ден ми беше отказан лизинга без обяснение.
Малко се усъмних в това ,защото имам над 23 години непрекъснат трудов стаж, собствена фирма и собствено жилище.
Няколко месеца по късно реших да си отворя лична банкова разплащателна сметка в лева и евро в Райфайзенбанк България ЕАД.И ето какво се случи:
На 10 октомври 2020 година-събота посетих офис на Райфайзенбанк ЕАД в град София, офис Мега Мол .
Попълних дадените ми от служител на банката документи за откриване на разплащателна сметка.
Но….на 12 октомври 2020 година ми се обадиха от банковият клон на Райфайзенбанк ЕАД за да ме уведомят ,че едностранно прекратяват договора с мен и аз не мога да бъда техен клиент.
Трябва по най-бързият начин да посетя банковият клон и да си закрия разплащателната сметка. Съгласих се, защото нямам друг избор.

На следващият ден-13 октомври 2020 година -вторник съм по служебни задачи в София , жк Люлин и до мен е офис на Райфайзенбанк ЕАД.
Влизам за да попълня исканото Заявление за закриване не по мое желание на разплащтелна сметка. Оказва се че не може. Трябва лично да посетя банковия офис на Райфайзенбанк ЕАД в Мега Мол за да ми бъдат връчени документи и да подпиша някакви документи.
Отивам в офиса в Мега Мол ,естесвено служителката ме пита защо искам да си закрия банковата сметка и нищо не знае ,защо аз не мога да бъда клиент на Райфайзенбанк ЕАД. Подавам Заявление за да ми закрият банковата сметка. След което питам защо не мога да бъда клиент на тяхната банка? Никой не може да ми отговори! Нито ми се връчват документи ,нито ми се дава обеснение защо не мога да бъда клиент …
Големият парадокс обаче продължава.

На 14 октомври 2020 година-сряда ми звънни служител на банката за ме попита кога ще отида да си подам Заявление за закриване на банковата ми сметка ,защото не ме искат като клиент. Учудващо…явно не вижда че вече съм подала такова Заявление. В същият ден получавам СМС да посетя банковия клон за да си получа банковата карта…..
Много Учудена от всичко намирам и отварям Общите условия на Райфайзенбанк ЕАД за физически лица.
В 47.3 е описано Едностранно по преценка на Банката в кои случаи се прекратява Договора.
Аз не попадам в нито едно от тези условия.
В 315.3 е написано че Договора се прекратява едностранно от Банката с двумесечно писмено предизвестие.
Аз получих само едно обаждане по телефона, нищо на хартия не получих.

– кой е отдела в банката който взима решение кой може да бъде клиент на банката и кой не може,
-какви са ви критериите за подбор на клиенти-физически лица ,
-как едностранно без писмено уведомление прекратявате договор?
-банковият служител който е дал заключението ,че не мога да бъда клиент на банката ,дали е изпълнил всички необходими проверки?

За срещи и консултации по банкови неволи, моля използвайте посочената форма.


The post Неразбории с Райфайзен – истински истории appeared first on

Integrating AWS CloudFormation Guard into CI/CD pipelines

Post Syndicated from Sergey Voinich original

In this post, we discuss and build a managed continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline that uses AWS CloudFormation Guard to automate and simplify pre-deployment compliance checks of your AWS CloudFormation templates. This enables your teams to define a single source of truth for what constitutes valid infrastructure definitions, to be compliant with your company guidelines and streamline AWS resources’ deployment lifecycle.

We use the following AWS services and open-source tools to set up the pipeline:

Solution overview

The CI/CD workflow includes the following steps:

  1. A code change is committed and pushed to the CodeCommit repository.
  2. CodePipeline automatically triggers a CodeBuild job.
  3. CodeBuild spins up a compute environment and runs the phases specified in the buildspec.yml file:
  4. Clone the code from the CodeCommit repository (CloudFormation template, rule set for CloudFormation Guard, buildspec.yml file).
  5. Clone the code from the CloudFormation Guard repository on GitHub.
  6. Provision the build environment with necessary components (rust, cargo, git, build-essential).
  7. Download CloudFormation Guard release from GitHub.
  8. Run a validation check of the CloudFormation template.
  9. If the validation is successful, pass the control over to CloudFormation and deploy the stack. If the validation fails, stop the build job and print a summary to the build job log.

The following diagram illustrates this workflow.

Architecture Diagram

Architecture Diagram of CI/CD Pipeline with CloudFormation Guard


For this walkthrough, complete the following prerequisites:

Creating your CodeCommit repository

Create your CodeCommit repository by running a create-repository command in the AWS CLI:

aws codecommit create-repository --repository-name cfn-guard-demo --repository-description "CloudFormation Guard Demo"

The following screenshot indicates that the repository has been created.

CodeCommit Repository

CodeCommit Repository has been created

Populating the CodeCommit repository

Populate your repository with the following artifacts:

  1. A buildspec.yml file. Modify the following code as per your requirements:
version: 0.2
    # Definining CloudFormation Teamplate and Ruleset as variables - part of the code repo
    CF_TEMPLATE: "cfn_template_file_example.yaml"
    CF_ORG_RULESET:  "cfn_guard_ruleset_example"
      - apt-get update
      - apt-get install build-essential -y
      - apt-get install cargo -y
      - apt-get install git -y
      - echo "Setting up the environment for AWS CloudFormation Guard"
      - echo "More info"
      - echo "Install Rust"
      - curl -sSf | sh -s -- -y
       - echo "Pull GA release from github"
       - echo "More info"
       - wget
       - echo "Extract cfn-guard"
       - tar xvf cfn-guard-linux-1.0.0.tar.gz .
       - echo "Validate CloudFormation template with cfn-guard tool"
       - echo "More information"
       - cfn-guard-linux/cfn-guard check --rule_set $CF_ORG_RULESET --template $CF_TEMPLATE --strict-checks
    - cfn_template_file_example.yaml
  name: guard_templates
  1. An example of a rule set file (cfn_guard_ruleset_example) for CloudFormation Guard. Modify the following code as per your requirements:
#CFN Guard rules set example

#List of multiple references
let allowed_azs = [us-east-1a,us-east-1b]
let allowed_ec2_instance_types = [t2.micro,t3.nano,t3.micro]
let allowed_security_groups = [sg-08bbcxxc21e9ba8e6,sg-07b8bx98795dcab2]

#EC2 Policies
AWS::EC2::Instance AvailabilityZone IN %allowed_azs
AWS::EC2::Instance ImageId == ami-0323c3dd2da7fb37d
AWS::EC2::Instance InstanceType IN %allowed_ec2_instance_types
AWS::EC2::Instance SecurityGroupIds == ["sg-07b8xxxsscab2"]
AWS::EC2::Instance SubnetId == subnet-0407a7casssse558

#EBS Policies
AWS::EC2::Volume AvailabilityZone == us-east-1a
AWS::EC2::Volume Encrypted == true
AWS::EC2::Volume Size == 50 |OR| AWS::EC2::Volume Size == 100
AWS::EC2::Volume VolumeType == gp2
  1. An example of a CloudFormation template file (.yaml). Modify the following code as per your requirements:
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
Description: "EC2 instance with encrypted EBS volume for AWS CloudFormation Guard Testing"


    Type: AWS::EC2::Instance
      ImageId: 'ami-0323c3dd2da7fb37d'
      AvailabilityZone: 'us-east-1a'
      KeyName: "your-ssh-key"
      InstanceType: 't3.micro'
      SubnetId: 'subnet-0407a7xx68410e558'
        - 'sg-07b8b339xx95dcab2'
          Device: '/dev/sdf'
          VolumeId: !Ref EBSVolume
       - Key: Name
         Value: cfn-guard-ec2

   Type: AWS::EC2::Volume
     Size: 100
     AvailabilityZone: 'us-east-1a'
     Encrypted: true
     VolumeType: gp2
       - Key: Name
         Value: cfn-guard-ebs
   DeletionPolicy: Snapshot

    Description: The Instance ID
    Value: !Ref EC2Instance
    Description: The Volume ID
    Value: !Ref  EBSVolume
AWS CodeCommit

Optional CodeCommit Repository Structure

The following screenshot shows a potential CodeCommit repository structure.

Creating a CodeBuild project

Our CodeBuild project orchestrates around CloudFormation Guard and runs validation checks of our CloudFormation templates as a phase of the CI process.

  1. On the CodeBuild console, choose Build projects.
  2. Choose Create build projects.
  3. For Project name, enter your project name.
  4. For Description, enter a description.
AWS CodeBuild

Create CodeBuild Project

  1. For Source provider, choose AWS CodeCommit.
  2. For Repository, choose the CodeCommit repository you created in the previous step.
AWS CodeBuild

Define the source for your CodeBuild Project

To setup CodeBuild environment we will use managed image based on Ubuntu 18.04

  1. For Environment Image, select Managed image.
  2. For Operating system, choose Ubuntu.
  3. For Service role¸ select New service role.
  4. For Role name, enter your service role name.
CodeBuild Environment

Setup the environment, the OS image and other settings for the CodeBuild

  1. Leave the default settings for additional configuration, buildspec, batch configuration, artifacts, and logs.

You can also use CodeBuild with custom build environments to help you optimize billing and improve the build time.

Creating IAM roles and policies

Our CI/CD pipeline needs two AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles to run properly: one role for CodePipeline to work with other resources and services, and one role for AWS CloudFormation to run the deployments that passed the validation check in the CodeBuild phase.

Creating permission policies

Create your permission policies first. The following code is the policy in JSON format for CodePipeline:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
            "Sid": "VisualEditor1",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "iam:PassRole",
            "Resource": "*",
            "Condition": {
                "StringEqualsIfExists": {
                    "iam:PassedToService": [

To create your policy for CodePipeline, run the following CLI command:

aws iam create-policy --policy-name CodePipeline-Cfn-Guard-Demo --policy-document file://CodePipelineServiceRolePolicy_example.json

Capture the policy ARN that you get in the output to use in the next steps.

The following code is the policy in JSON format for AWS CloudFormation:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole",
            "Resource": "*",
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "iam:AWSServiceName": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor1",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

Create the policy for AWS CloudFormation by running the following CLI command:

aws iam create-policy --policy-name CloudFormation-Cfn-Guard-Demo --policy-document file://CloudFormationRolePolicy_example.json

Capture the policy ARN that you get in the output to use in the next steps.

Creating roles and trust policies

The following code is the trust policy for CodePipeline in JSON format:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "Service": ""
      "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

Create your role for CodePipeline with the following CLI command:

aws iam create-role --role-name CodePipeline-Cfn-Guard-Demo-Role --assume-role-policy-document file://RoleTrustPolicy_CodePipeline.json

Capture the role name for the next step.

The following code is the trust policy for AWS CloudFormation in JSON format:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "Service": ""
      "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

Create your role for AWS CloudFormation with the following CLI command:

aws iam create-role --role-name CF-Cfn-Guard-Demo-Role --assume-role-policy-document file://RoleTrustPolicy_CloudFormation.json

Capture the role name for the next step.


Finally, attach the permissions policies created in the previous step to the IAM roles you created:

aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name CodePipeline-Cfn-Guard-Demo-Role  --policy-arn "arn:aws:iam::<AWS Account Id >:policy/CodePipeline-Cfn-Guard-Demo"

aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name CF-Cfn-Guard-Demo-Role  --policy-arn "arn:aws:iam::<AWS Account Id>:policy/CloudFormation-Cfn-Guard-Demo"

Creating a pipeline

We can now create our pipeline to assemble all the components into one managed, continuous mechanism.

  1. On the CodePipeline console, choose Pipelines.
  2. Choose Create new pipeline.
  3. For Pipeline name, enter a name.
  4. For Service role, select Existing service role.
  5. For Role ARN, choose the service role you created in the previous step.
  6. Choose Next.
CodePipeline Setup

Setting Up CodePipeline environment

  1. In the Source section, for Source provider, choose AWS CodeCommit.
  2. For Repository name¸ enter your repository name.
  3. For Branch name, choose master.
  4. For Change detection options, select Amazon CloudWatch Events.
  5. Choose Next.
AWS CodePipeline Source

Adding CodeCommit to CodePipeline

  1. In the Build section, for Build provider, choose AWS CodeBuild.
  2. For Project name, choose the CodeBuild project you created.
  3. For Build type, select Single build.
  4. Choose Next.
CodePipeline Build Stage

Adding Build Project to Pipeline Stage

Now we will create a deploy stage in our CodePipeline to deploy CloudFormation templates that passed the CloudFormation Guard inspection in the CI stage.

  1. In the Deploy section, for Deploy provider, choose AWS CloudFormation.
  2. For Action mode¸ choose Create or update stack.
  3. For Stack name, choose any stack name.
  4. For Artifact name, choose BuildArtifact.
  5. For File name, enter the CloudFormation template name in your CodeCommit repository (In case of our demo it is cfn_template_file_example.yaml).
  6. For Role name, choose the role you created earlier for CloudFormation.
CodePipeline - Deploy Stage

Adding deploy stage to CodePipeline

22. In the next step review your selections for the pipeline to be created. The stages and action providers in each stage are shown in the order that they will be created. Click Create pipeline. Our CodePipeline is ready.

Validating the CI/CD pipeline operation

Our CodePipeline has two basic flows and outcomes. If the CloudFormation template complies with our CloudFormation Guard rule set file, the resources in the template deploy successfully (in our use case, we deploy an EC2 instance with an encrypted EBS volume).

CloudFormation Deployed

CloudFormation Console

If our CloudFormation template doesn’t comply with the policies specified in our CloudFormation Guard rule set file, our CodePipeline stops at the CodeBuild step and you see an error in the build job log indicating the resources that are non-compliant:

[EBSVolume] failed because [Encrypted] is [false] and the permitted value is [true]
[EC2Instance] failed because [t3.2xlarge] is not in [t2.micro,t3.nano,t3.micro] for [InstanceType]
Number of failures: 2

Note: To demonstrate the above functionality I changed my CloudFormation template to use unencrypted EBS volume and switched the EC2 instance type to t3.2xlarge which do not adhere to the rules that we specified in the Guard rule set file

Cleaning up

To avoid incurring future charges, delete the resources that we have created during the walkthrough:

  • CloudFormation stack resources that were deployed by the CodePipeline
  • CodePipeline that we have created
  • CodeBuild project
  • CodeCommit repository


In this post, we covered how to integrate CloudFormation Guard into CodePipeline and fully automate pre-deployment compliance checks of your CloudFormation templates. This allows your teams to have an end-to-end automated CI/CD pipeline with minimal operational overhead and stay compliant with your organizational infrastructure policies.

Standardizing CI/CD pipelines for .NET web applications with AWS Service Catalog

Post Syndicated from Borja Prado Miguelez original

As companies implement DevOps practices, standardizing the deployment of continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines is increasingly important. Your developer team may not have the ability or time to create your own CI/CD pipelines and processes from scratch for each new project. Additionally, creating a standardized DevOps process can help your entire company ensure that all development teams are following security and governance best practices.

Another challenge that large enterprise and small organization IT departments deal with is managing their software portfolio. This becomes even harder in agile scenarios working with mobile and web applications where you need to not only provision the cloud resources for hosting the application, but also have a proper DevOps process in place.

Having a standardized portfolio of products for your development teams enables you to provision the infrastructure resources needed to create development environments, and helps reduce the operation overhead and accelerate the overall development process.

This post shows you how to provide your end-users a catalog of resources with all the functionality a development team needs to check in code and run it in a highly scalable load balanced cloud compute environment.

We use AWS Service Catalog to provision a cloud-based AWS Cloud9 IDE, a CI/CD pipeline using AWS CodePipeline, and the AWS Elastic Beanstalk compute service to run the website. AWS Service Catalog allows organizations to keep control of the services and products that can be provisioned across the organization’s AWS account, and there’s an effective software delivery process in place by using CodePipeline to orchestrate the application deployment. The following diagram illustrates this architecture.

Architecture Diagram

You can find all the templates we use in this post on the AWS Service Catalog Elastic Beanstalk Reference architecture GitHub repo.

Provisioning the AWS Service Catalog portfolio

To get started, you must provision the AWS Service Catalog portfolio with AWS CloudFormation.

  1. Choose Launch Stack, which creates the AWS Service Catalog portfolio in your AWS account.Launch Stack action
  2. If you’re signed into AWS as an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role, add your role name in the LinkedRole1 parameter.
  3. Continue through the stack launch screens using the defaults and choosing Next.
  4. Select the acknowledgements in the Capabilities box on the third screen.

When the stack is complete, a top-level CloudFormation stack with the default name SC-RA-Beanstalk-Portfolio, which contains five nested stacks, has created the AWS Service Catalog products with the services the development team needs to implement a CI/CD pipeline and host the web application. This AWS Service Catalog reference architecture provisions the AWS Service Catalog products needed to set up the DevOps pipeline and the application environment.

Cloudformation Portfolio Stack

When the portfolio has been created, you have completed the administrator setup. As an end-user (any roles you added to the LinkedRole1 or LinkedRole2 parameters), you can access the portfolio section on the AWS Service Catalog console and review the product list, which now includes the AWS Cloud9 IDE, Elastic Beanstalk application, and CodePipeline project that we will use for continuous delivery.

Service Catalog Products

On the AWS Service Catalog administrator section, inside the Elastic Beanstalk reference architecture portfolio, we can add and remove groups, roles, and users by choosing Add groups, roles, users on the Group, roles, and users tab. This lets us enable developers or other users to deploy the products from this portfolio.

Service Catalog Groups, Roles, and Users

Solution overview

The rest of this post walks you through how to provision the resources you need for CI/CD and web application deployment. You complete the following steps:

  1. Deploy the CI/CD pipeline.
  2. Provision the AWS Cloud9 IDE.
  3. Create the Elastic Beanstalk environment.

Deploying the CI/CD pipeline

The first product you need is the CI/CD pipeline, which manages the code and deployment process.

  1. Sign in to the AWS Service Catalog console in the same Region where you launched the CloudFormation stack earlier.
  2. On the Products list page, locate the CodePipeline product you created earlier.
    Service Catalog Products List
  3. Choose Launch product.

You now provision the CI/CI pipeline. For this post, we use some name examples for the pipeline name, Elastic Beanstalk application name, and code repository, which you can of course modify.

  1. Enter a name for the provisioned Codepipeline product.
  2. Select the Windows version and click Next.
  3. For the application and repository name, enter dotnetapp.
  4. Leave all other settings at their default and click Next.
  5. Choose Launch to start the provisioning of the CodePipeline product.

When you’re finished, the provisioned pipeline should appear on the Provisioned products list.

CodePipeline Product Provisioned

  1. Copy the CloneUrlHttp output to use in a later step.

You now have the CI/CD pipeline ready, with the code repository and the continuous integration service that compiles the code, runs tests, and generates the software bundle stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) ready to be deployed. The following diagram illustrates this architecture.

CodePipeline Configuration Diagram

When the Elastic Beanstalk environment is provisioned, the deploy stage takes care of deploying the bundle application stored in Amazon S3, so the DevOps pipeline takes care of the full software delivery as shown in the earlier architecture diagram.

The Region we use should support the WINDOWS_SERVER_2019_CONTAINER build image that AWS CodeBuild uses. You can modify the environment type or create a custom one by editing the CloudFormation template used for the CodePipeline for Windows.

Provisioning the AWS Cloud9 IDE

To show the full lifecycle of the deployment of a web application with Elastic Beanstalk, we use a .NET web application, but this reference architecture also supports Linux. To provision an AWS Cloud9 environment, complete the following steps:

  1. From the AWS Service Catalog product list, choose the AWS Cloud9 IDE.
  2. Click Launch product.
  3. Enter a name for the provisioned Cloud9 product and click Next.
  4. Enter an EnvironmentName and select the InstanceType.
  5. Set LinkedRepoPath to /dotnetapp.
  6. For LinkedRepoCloneUrl, enter the CloneUrlHttp from the previous step.
  7. Leave the default parameters for tagOptions and Notifications, and click Launch.
    Cloud9 Environment Settings

Now we download a sample ASP.NET MVC application in the AWS Cloud9 IDE, move it under the folder we specified in the previous step, and push the code.

  1. Open the IDE with the Cloud9Url link from AWS Service Catalog output.
  2. Get the sample .NET web application and move it under the dotnetapp. See the following code:
  3. cp -R aws-service-catalog-reference-architectures/labs/SampleDotNetApplication/* dotnetapp/
  1. Check in to the sample application to the CodeCommit repo:
  2. cd dotnetapp
    git add --all
    git commit -m "initial commit"
    git push

Now that we have committed the application to the code repository, it’s time to review the DevOps pipeline.

  1. On the CodePipeline console, choose Pipelines.

You should see the pipeline ElasticBeanstalk-ProductPipeline-dotnetapp running.

CodePipeline Execution

  1. Wait until the three pipeline stages are complete, this may take several minutes.

The code commitment and web application build stages are successful, but the code deployment stage fails because we haven’t provisioned the Elastic Beanstalk environment yet.

If you want to deploy your own sample or custom ASP.NET web application, CodeBuild requires the build specification file buildspec-build-dotnet.yml for the .NET Framework, which is located under the elasticbeanstalk/codepipeline folder in the GitHub repo. See the following example code:

version: 0.2
      - nuget restore
      - msbuild /p:TargetFrameworkVersion=v$env:DOTNET_FRAMEWORK /p:Configuration=Release /p:DeployIisAppPath="Default Web Site" /t:Package
      - dir obj\Release\Package
    - 'obj/**/*'
    - 'codepipeline/*'

Creating the Elastic Beanstalk environment

Finally, it’s time to provision the hosting system, an Elastic Beanstalk Windows-based environment, where the .NET sample web application runs. For this, we follow the same approach from the previous steps and provision the Elastic Beanstalk AWS Service Catalog product.

  1. On the AWS Service Catalog console, on the Product list page, choose the Elastic Beanstalk application product.
  2. Choose Launch product.
  3. Enter an environment name and click Next.
  4. Enter the application name.
  5. Enter the S3Bucket and S3SourceBundle that were generated (you can retrieve them from the Amazon S3 console).
  6. Set the SolutionStackName to 64bit Windows Server Core 2019 v2.5.8 running IIS 10.0. Follow this link for up to date platform names.
  7. Elastic Beanstalk Environment Settings
  1. Launch the product.
  2. To verify that you followed the steps correctly, review that the provisioned products are all available (AWS Cloud9 IDE, Elastic Beanstalk CodePipeline project, and Elastic Beanstalk application) and the recently created Elastic Beanstalk environment is healthy.

As in the previous step, if you’re planning to deploy your own sample or custom ASP.NET web application, AWS CodeDeploy requires the deploy specification file buildspec-deploy-dotnet.yml for the .NET Framework, which should be located under the codepipeline folder in the GitHub repo. See the following code:

version: 0.2
      - echo application deploy started on `date`      
      - ls -l
      - ls -l obj/Release/Package
      - aws s3 cp ./obj/Release/Package/ s3://$ARTIFACT_BUCKET/$EB_APPLICATION_NAME-$
      - echo Pushing package to Elastic Beanstalk...      
      - aws elasticbeanstalk create-application-version --application-name $EB_APPLICATION_NAME --version-label v$CODEBUILD_BUILD_NUMBER --description "Auto deployed from CodeCommit build $CODEBUILD_BUILD_NUMBER" --source-bundle S3Bucket="$ARTIFACT_BUCKET",S3Key="$EB_APPLICATION_NAME-$"
      - aws elasticbeanstalk update-environment --environment-name "EB-ENV-$EB_APPLICATION_NAME" --version-label v$CODEBUILD_BUILD_NUMBER

The same codepipeline folder contains some build and deploy specification files besides the .NET ones, which you could use if you prefer to use a different framework like Python to deploy a web application with Elastic Beanstalk.

  1. To complete the application deployment, go to the application pipeline and release the change, which triggers the pipeline with the application environment now ready.
    Deployment Succeeded

When you create the environment through the AWS Service Catalog, you can access the provisioned Elastic Beanstalk environment.

  1. In the Events section, locate the LoadBalancerURL, which is the public endpoint that we use to access the website.
    Elastic Beanstalk LoadBalancer URL
  1. In our preferred browser, we can check that the website has been successfully deployed.ASP.NET Sample Web Application

Cleaning up

When you’re finished, you should complete the following steps to delete the resources you provisioned to avoid incurring further charges and keep the account free of unused resources.

  1. The CodePipeline product creates an S3 bucket which you must empty from the S3 console.
  2. On the AWS Service Catalog console, end the provisioned resources from the Provisioned products list.
  3. As administrator, in the CloudFormation console, delete the stack SC-RA-Beanstalk-Portfolio.


This post has shown you how to deploy a standardized DevOps pipeline which was then used to manage and deploy a sample .NET application on Elastic Beanstalk using the Service Catalog Elastic Beanstalk reference architecture. AWS Service Catalog is the ideal service for administrators who need to centrally provision and manage the AWS services needed with a consistent governance model. Deploying web applications to Elastic Beanstalk is very simple for developers and provides built in scalability, patch maintenance, and self-healing for your applications.

The post includes the information and references on how to extend the solution with other programming languages and operating systems supported by Elastic Beanstalk.

About the Authors

Borja Prado
Borja Prado Miguelez

Borja is a Senior Specialist Solutions Architect for Microsoft workloads at Amazon Web Services. He is passionate about web architectures and application modernization, helping customers to build scalable solutions with .NET and migrate their Windows workloads to AWS.

Chris Chapman
Chris Chapman

Chris is a Partner Solutions Architect covering AWS Marketplace, Service Catalog, and Control Tower. Chris was a software developer and data engineer for many years and now his core mission is helping customers and partners automate AWS infrastructure deployment and provisioning.

Get started with Amazon Redshift cross-database queries (preview)

Post Syndicated from Neeraja Rentachintala original

Amazon Redshift is a fast, scalable, secure, and fully managed cloud data warehouse that makes it simple and cost-effective to analyze all your data using standard SQL and your existing ETL, business intelligence (BI), and reporting tools. Tens of thousands of customers use Amazon Redshift to process exabytes of data per day and power analytics workloads such as BI, predictive analytics, and real-time streaming analytics.

We’re excited to announce the public preview of the new cross-database queries capability to query across databases in an Amazon Redshift cluster. In this post, we provide an overview of the cross-database queries and a walkthrough of the key functionality that allows you to manage data and analytics at scale in your organization.

What are cross-database queries?

With cross-database queries, you can seamlessly query data from any database in your Amazon Redshift cluster, regardless of which database you’re connected to. Cross-database queries eliminate data copies and simplify your data organization to support multiple business groups on the same cluster. Support for cross-database queries is available on Amazon Redshift RA3 node types.

Data is organized across multiple databases in Amazon Redshift clusters to support multi-tenant configurations. However, you often need to query and join across these datasets by allowing read access. For example, different business groups and teams that own and manage their datasets in a specific database in the data warehouse need to collaborate with other groups. You might want to perform common ETL staging and processing while your raw data is spread across multiple databases. Organizing data in multiple Amazon Redshift databases is also a common scenario when migrating from traditional data warehouse systems.

With cross-database queries, you can now access data from any database on the Amazon Redshift cluster without having to connect to that specific database. You can also join datasets from multiple databases in a single query. You can access database objects such as tables, views with a simple three-part notation of <database>.<schema>.<object>, and analyze the objects using business intelligence (BI) or analytics tools. You can continue to set up granular access controls for users with standard Amazon Redshift SQL commands and ensure that users can only see the relevant subsets of the data they have permissions for.

Walkthrough overview

In this post, we walk through an end-to-end use case to illustrate cross-database queries, comprising the following steps:

  1. Set up permissions on the data.
  2. Access data and perform several cross-database queries.
  3. Connect from tools.

For this walkthrough, we use SQL Workbench, a SQL query tool, to perform queries on Amazon Redshift. For more information about connecting SQL Workbench to an Amazon Redshift cluster, see Connect to your cluster by using SQL Workbench/J .

Setting up permissions for cross-database queries

You can use standard Redshift SQL GRANT and REVOKE commands to configure appropriate permissions for users and groups. To configure permissions, we connect as an administrator to a database named TPCH_100G on an Amazon Redshift cluster that we set up with an industry standard dataset, TPC-H. You can set up this dataset in your environment using the code and scripts for this dataset on GitHub and the accompanying dataset hosted in a public Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket.

The following screenshot shows the configuration for your connection profile.

The TPCH_100G database consists of eight tables loaded in the schema PUBLIC, as shown in the following screenshot.

The following screenshot shows a test query on one of the TPC-H tables, customer.

The database administrator provides read permissions on the three of the tables, customer, orders, and lineitem, to an Amazon Redshift user called demouser. The user typically connects to and operates in their own team’s database TPCH_CONSUMERDB on the same Amazon Redshift cluster.

Performing cross-database queries using three-part notation

In this section, we see how cross-database queries work in action. With cross-database queries, you can connect to any database and query from all the other databases in the cluster without having to reconnect. In this use case, the user demouser connects to their database TPCH_CONSUMERDB (see the following screenshot).

While connected to TPCH_CONSUMERDB, demouser can also perform queries on the data in TPCH_100gG database objects that they have permissions to, referring to them using the simple and intuitive three-part notation TPCH_100G.PUBLIC.CUSTOMER (see the following screenshot).

You can refer to and query objects in any other database in the cluster using this <database>.<schema>.<object> notation as long as you have permissions to do so. The objects can be tables or views (including regular, late binding and materialized views).

In addition to performing queries on objects, you can create views on top of objects in other databases and apply granular access controls as relevant.

Joining data across databases

With cross-database queries, you can join datasets across databases. In the following screenshot, demouser queries and performs joins across the customer, lineitem, and orders tables in the TPCH_100G database.

You can also span joins on objects across databases. In the following query, demouser seamlessly joins the datasets from TPCH_100G (customer, lineitem, and orders tables) with the datasets in TPCH_CONSUMERDB (nation and supplier tables).

With cross-database queries, you get a consistent view of the data irrespective of the database you’re connected to.

Securely accessing relevant datasets by connecting from tools

To support the database hierarchy navigation and exploration introduced with cross-database queries, Amazon Redshift is introducing a new set of metadata views and modified versions of JDBC and ODBC drivers.

In addition, you can create aliases from one database to schemas in any other databases on the Amazon Redshift cluster. You create the aliases using the CREATE EXTERNAL SCHEMA command, which allows you to refer to the objects in cross-database queries with the two-part notation <external schema name>.<object>. For example, in the following screenshot, the database administrator connects to TPCH_CONSUMERDB and creates an external schema alias for the PUBLIC schema in TPC_100G database called TPC_100G_PUBLIC and grants the usage access on the schema to demouser.

Now, when demouser connects to TPCH_CONSUMERDB, they see the external schema in the object hierarchy (as in the following screenshot) with only the relevant objects that they have permissions to: CUSTOMER, LINEITEM, and ORDERS.

Now they can perform queries using the schema alias as if the data is local rather than using a three-part notation.

Summary and next steps

We provided you a glimpse into what you can accomplish with cross-database queries in Amazon Redshift. Cross-database queries allow you to organize and manage data across databases to effectively support multi-tenant data warehouse deployments for a wide variety of use cases. You can get started with your use case leveraging cross-database queries capability by trying out the preview. For more information, refer to the documentation cross-database queries.

About the Authors

Neeraja Rentachintala is a Principal Product Manager with Amazon Redshift. Neeraja is a seasoned Product Management and GTM leader, bringing over 20 years of experience in product vision, strategy and leadership roles in data products and platforms. Neeraja delivered products in analytics, databases, data Integration, application integration, AI/Machine Learning, large scale distributed systems across On-Premise and Cloud, serving Fortune 500 companies as part of ventures including MapR (acquired by HPE), Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Informatica and



Jenny Chen is a senior database engineer at Amazon Redshift focusing on all aspects of Redshift performance, like Query Processing, Concurrency, Distributed system, Storage, OS and many more. She works together with development team to ensure of delivering highest performance, scalable and easy-of-use database for customer. Prior to her career in cloud data warehouse, she has 10-year of experience in enterprise database DB2 for z/OS in IBM with focus on query optimization, query performance and system performance.


Sushim Mitra is a software development engineer on the Amazon Redshift query processing team. His interest areas are Query Optimization problems, SQL Language features and Database security. When not at work, he enjoys reading fiction from all over the world.




Suzhen Lin is a senior software development engineer on the Amazon Redshift transaction processing and storage team. Suzhen Lin has over 15 years of experiences in industry leading analytical database products including AWS Redshift, Gauss MPPDB, Azure SQL Data Warehouse and Teradata as senior architect and developer. Her experiences cover storage, transaction processing, query processing, memory/disk caching and etc in on-premise/cloud database management systems.



New – Amazon RDS on Graviton2 Processors

Post Syndicated from Sébastien Stormacq original

I recently wrote a post to announce the availability of M6g, R6g and C6g families of instances on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). These instances offer better cost-performance ratio than their x86 counterparts. They are based on AWS-designed AWS Graviton2 processors, utilizing 64-bit Arm Neoverse N1 cores.

Starting today, you can also benefit from better cost-performance for your Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) databases, compared to the previous M5 and R5 generation of database instance types, with the availability of AWS Graviton2 processors for RDS. You can choose between M6g and R6g instance families and three database engines (MySQL 8.0.17 and higher, MariaDB 10.4.13 and higher, and PostgreSQL 12.3 and higher).

M6g instances are ideal for general purpose workloads. R6g instances offer 50% more memory than their M6g counterparts and are ideal for memory intensive workloads, such as Big Data analytics.

Graviton2 instances provide up to 35% performance improvement and up to 52% price-performance improvement for RDS open source databases, based on internal testing of workloads with varying characteristics of compute and memory requirements.

Graviton2 instances family includes several new performance optimizations such as larger L1 and L2 caches per core, higher Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) throughput than comparable x86 instances, fully encrypted RAM, and many others as detailed on this page. You can benefit from these optimizations with minimal effort, by provisioning or migrating your RDS instances today.

RDS instances are available in multiple configurations, starting with 2 vCPUs, with 8 GiB memory for M6g, and 16 GiB memory for R6g with up to 10 Gbps of network bandwidth, giving you new entry-level general purpose and memory optimized instances. The table below shows the list of instance sizes available for you:

Instance Size vCPU Memory (GiB) Dedicated EBS Bandwidth (Mbps) Network Bandwidth
M6g R6g
large 2 8 16 Up to 4750 Up to 10
xlarge 4 16 32 Up to 4750 Up to 10
2xlarge 8 32 64 Up to 4750 Up to 10
4xlarge 16 64 128 4750 Up to 10
8xlarge 32 128 256 9000 12
12xlarge 48 192 384 13500 20
16xlarge 64 256 512 19000 25

Let’s Start Your First Graviton2 Based Instance
To start a new RDS instance, I use the AWS Management Console or the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), just like usual, and select one of the db.m6g or db.r6ginstance types (this page in the documentation has all the details).

RDS Launch Graviton2 instance

Using the CLI, it would be:

aws rds create-db-instance
 --region us-west-2 \
 --db-instance-identifier $DB_INSTANCE_NAME \
 --db-instance-class db.m6g.large \
 --engine postgres \
 --engine-version 12.3 \
 --allocated-storage 20 \
 --master-username $MASTER_USER \
 --master-user-password $MASTER_PASSWORD

The CLI confirms with:

    "DBInstance": {
        "DBInstanceIdentifier": "newsblog",
        "DBInstanceClass": "db.m6g.large",
        "Engine": "postgres",
        "DBInstanceStatus": "creating",

Migrating to Graviton2 instances is easy, in the AWS Management Console, I select my database and I click Modify.

Modify RDS database

The I select the new DB instance class:

modify db instance

Or, using the CLI, I can use the modify-db-instance API call.

There is a short service interruption happening when you switch instance type. By default, the modification will happen during your next maintenance window, unless you enable the ApplyImmediately option.

You can provision new or migrate to Graviton2 Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) instances in all regions where EC2 M6g and R6g are available : US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Europe (Ireland), and Europe (Frankfurt) AWS Regions.

As usual, let us know your feedback on the AWS Forum or through your usual AWS contact.

— seb 2021 call for sessions and miniconfs

Post Syndicated from original

The 2021 edition of will be held online on
January 23-25, 2021; the call for proposals has gone out with a
relatively tight deadline of November 6. “Our theme is ‘So what's next?’.

We all know we're living through unprecedented change and uncertain
times. How can open source play a role in creating, helping and adapting
to this ongoing change? What new developments in software and coding can
we look forward to in 2021 and beyond?”

Since there is no travel involved, this is a rare opportunity for those who
have not normally been able to participate in LCA.

Analyzing healthcare FHIR data with Amazon Redshift PartiQL

Post Syndicated from Amir Bar Or original

Healthcare organizations across the globe strive to provide the best possible patient care at the lowest cost. In a patient’s care journey, multiple organizations are often involved, including the healthcare provider, diagnostic labs, pharmacies, and health insurance payors. Each of these organizations needs to exchange health data efficiently with the others to ensure care continuity and reimbursement.

The healthcare industry has adopted data exchange standards, many of which are defined by Health Level Seven International (HL7), for several decades. HL7v2, a pipe-delimited data format developed three decades ago, is still in use today despite not conforming to modern best practices for communicating between systems, such as with RESTful APIs. Naturally, these shortcomings can complicate interoperability. More recently, HL7 introduced FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) to help solve some of the complexity and pave the way for healthcare organizations to modernize how they exchange information. FHIR is built around resources that logically organize healthcare information in a structured but fully extensible format. FHIR is quickly becoming the standard for information exchange in the healthcare industry; for example, the United States’ Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently announced the Interoperability and Patient Access final rule (CMS-9115-F), which adopts FHIR as the standard for exchanging health data.

In addition to exchanging information with other entities, healthcare organizations are recognizing the intrinsic value of their own health data flowing within their systems. By bringing analytics to their own health and operational data, leading healthcare organizations are now improving care quality, patient experience, and cost. However, existing tooling for data visualization, statistical analysis, and machine learning often relies on relational schemas that can be easily transformed into vectorized inputs. The majority of existing analytics infrastructure relies on this “flat” storage and presentation of data assets; this can be challenging given FHIR’s heavily nested JSON structure. In addition, data scientists need to consume FHIR format from multiple sources and connect them with each other and existing relational data that resides in existing databases.

In this post, we walk through how to use JSON Schema Induction with Amazon Redshift PartiQL to simplify how you analyze your FHIR data in its native JSON format. Although this post focuses on a simple analysis of claims data, this approach can help data scientists and data analysts reduce the manual work and long cycles of data processing when analyzing patient data by querying and running statistical analysis that is required day to day.

JSON Schema Induction and PartiQL

There are multiple ways to organize and query healthcare data on AWS. One such way is to flatten and normalize the nested JSON FHIR documents so that it’s usable in traditional relational schema. However, such an exercise delivers a subpar final model that results in hundreds of tables with thousands of columns that aren’t naturally extensible the same way FHIR is designed. In addition, consumption of the data from such a relational model is time-consuming and expensive. Alternatively, you can leave the FHIR resources in their hierarchical form and eliminate the need to invest and support a complex ETL pipeline. This approach, however, presents separate challenges because the existing analytics tools data scientists are most comfortable and productive with aren’t often well suited to interrogate deeply hierarchical data structures.

In August, 2019, AWS announced PartiQL, an open source SQL-compatible query language that makes it easy to efficiently query data regardless of where or in what format it is stored. This technology simplifies how data scientists can use SQL to directly query FHIR resources. Our approach is different from using nested types to simplify and optimize query processing. We focus on native hierarchical schema that tends to be much more complex, with many nesting levels and optional structures.

Although Amazon Redshift PartiQL is an enabling technology to query and explore, analysts and scientists also require an understanding of the underlying structure they are interacting with. The FHIR standard incorporates descriptions of data elements as first-class members and presentation of this context alongside the data itself promotes a richer understanding. Despite existing tools having the ability to infer a schema from data (such as Apache Spark and AWS Glue crawlers), they can’t incorporate additional structural information about the data, as found in the FHIR standard. These tools also don’t offer immediate DDL generation, which is very useful to create schema files that define your catalog structure.

As the schema becomes more complex, it’s harder to devise the DDL for it manually, and using our schema induction library becomes necessary. Programmatically inferring the JSON schema is a mechanism that you can use to query FHIR, or any set of JSON documents, in their native structure. We present the tooling required for JSON Schema Induction and provide step-by-step examples to help you get started querying FHIR resources. In this post, we focus on healthcare data in the FHIR format, but our approach for analyzing hierarchical data in JSON or XML formats is applicable to many other data standards in other domains.

To address these challenges and overcome the shortcomings of existing approaches, we have introduced a new open-source library for inferring a schema from a set of JSON documents. As a result of this inference, we can to generate table definitions that significantly streamline the ability to efficiently process FHIR data directly. This library combines the induced schema from the sample data with the descriptive information from the FHIR standard to generate a rich DDL for Amazon Redshift and a JSON tree for UI visualization.

Solution overview

The following diagram illustrates the architecture of the solution.

In this post, we demonstrate how to use our open-source library with conjunction of Amazon Redshift PartiQL queries and Amazon Redshift Spectrum, which enables you to directly query and join data across your data warehouse and data lake. Our approach allows you to design a semi-relational schema, where scientists can quickly combine relational and non-relational data from multiple resource tables.

We use PartiQL in Amazon Redshift Spectrum over data stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). Amazon S3 is an object storage built to store and retrieve any amount of data, structured or unstructured, while providing extreme durability and availability, and infinitely scalable data storage infrastructure at very low costs. Amazon Redshift Spectrum runs complex SQL queries directly over Amazon S3 storage without loading or other data preparation, and AWS Glue serves as the meta-store catalog for the Amazon S3 data. That allows us to run PartiQL queries on Amazon S3 prefixes containing FHIR resources stored as JSON or Parquet files. We use Jupyter notebooks to illustrate how to build and use the Schema Induction tool, and for test data we use the public dataset from Fhirbase.

Querying FHIR using PartiQL

To provide a short introduction to PartiQL and illustrate the power of PartiQL, we show a few examples of PartiQL queries over FHIR data. Each example shows different aspects of query functionality varying from simple to aggregate queries. Although you can use this approach for myriad FHIR resources, we focus on claims data as an illustrative example. If you’re already familiar with PartiQL language, you can skip this section.

Assume that we have millions of claim documents as illustrated in claim-example-cms1500-medical.json and in the following code. We want to process attributes regarding ID (line 3), status (line 14), patient (lines 24–26), and diagnosis (lines 58–69):

1.	{
2.	  "resourceType": "Claim",
3.	  "id": "100150",
4.	  "text": {
5.	    "status": "generated",
6.	    "div": "<div xmlns=\"\">A human-readable rendering of the Oral Health Claim</div>"
7.	  },
8.	  "identifier": [
9.	    {
10.	      "system": "",
11.	      "value": "12345"
12.	    }
13.	  ],
14.	  "status": "active",
15.	  "type": {
16.	    "coding": [
17.	      {
18.	        "system": "",
19.	        "code": "oral"
20.	      }
21.	    ]
22.	  },
23.	  "use": "claim",
24.	  "patient": {
25.	    "reference": "Patient/1"
26.	  },
27.	  "created": "2014-08-16",
28.	  "insurer": {
29.	    "reference": "Organization/2"
30.	  },
31.	  "provider": {
32.	    "reference": "Organization/1"
33.	  },
34.	  "priority": {
35.	    "coding": [
36.	      {
37.	        "code": "normal"
38.	      }
39.	    ]
40.	  },
41.	  "payee": {
42.	    "type": {
43.	      "coding": [
44.	        {
45.	          "code": "provider"
46.	        }
47.	      ]
48.	    }
49.	  },
50.	  "careTeam": [
51.	    {
52.	      "sequence": 1,
53.	      "provider": {
54.	        "reference": "Practitioner/example"
55.	      }
56.	    }
57.	  ],
58.	  "diagnosis": [
59.	    {
60.	      "sequence": 1,
61.	      "diagnosisCodeableConcept": {
62.	        "coding": [
63.	          {
64.	            "code": "123456"
65.	          }
66.	        ]
67.	      }
68.	    }
69.	  ],
70.	  "insurance": [
71.	    {
72.	      "sequence": 1,
73.	      "focal": true,
74.	      "identifier": {
75.	        "system": "",
76.	        "value": "12345"
77.	      },
78.	      "coverage": {
79.	        "reference": "Coverage/9876B1"
80.	      }
81.	    }
82.	  ],
83.	  "item": [
84.	    {
85.	      "sequence": 1,
86.	      "careTeamSequence": [
87.	        1
88.	      ],
89.	      "productOrService": {
90.	        "coding": [
91.	          {
92.	            "code": "1200"
93.	          }
94.	        ]
95.	      },
96.	      "servicedDate": "2014-08-16",
97.	      "unitPrice": {
98.	        "value": 135.57,
99.	        "currency": "USD"
100.	      },
101.	      "net": {
102.	        "value": 135.57,
103.	        "currency": "USD"
104.	      }
105.	    }
106.	  ]
107.	}

Creating the claims table DDL

To run queries with Amazon Redshift Spectrum, we first need to create the external table for the claims data. The claims table DDL must use special types such as Struct or Array with a nested structure to fit the structure of the JSON documents. For the FHIR claims document, we use the following DDL to describe the documents:

1.	  create external table fhir.Claims(
2.		"resourceType" varchar(500),
3.		"id" varchar(500),
4.		"status" varchar(500),
5.		"use" varchar(500),
6.		"patient" struct<"reference": varchar(500)>,
7.		"billablePeriod" struct<"start": varchar(500),"end": varchar(500)>,
8.		"organization" struct<"reference": varchar(500)>,
9.		"diagnosis" array<struct<"sequence": double precision,"diagnosisReference": struct<"reference": varchar(500)>>>,
10.		"item" array<struct<"sequence": double precision,"encounter": array<varchar(500)>,"diagnosisLinkId": array<double precision>,"informationLinkId": array<double precision>,"net": struct<"value": double precision,"system": varchar(500),"code": varchar(500)>,"procedureLinkId": array<double precision>>>,
11.		"total" struct<"value": double precision,"system": varchar(500),"code": varchar(500)>,
12.		"information" array<struct<"sequence": double precision,"category": struct<"coding": array<struct<"system": varchar(500),"code": varchar(500)>>>,"valueReference": struct<"reference": varchar(500)>>>,
13.		"procedure" array<struct<"sequence": double precision,"procedureReference": struct<"reference": varchar(500)>>>,
14.		"prescription" struct<"reference": varchar(500)>
15.	)
16.	row format serde ''
17.	with serdeproperties ('' = 'true','mapping.requesttime' = 'requesttimestamp','strip.outer.array' = 'true')
18.	location 's3://<bucket>/folder1/Claim-1/';

Because each column might be a highly nested JSON structure, this structure requires many levels of type definitions and optional attributes, as shown in lines 9–14. The definition of the preceding table works for a certain type of document in our sample. A table definition that can satisfy any claim document as defined by the FHIR JSON schema is even more complex. This is because the FHIR schema aims to capture any possible medical information, not just the existing data you have, and therefore is more complex than what you currently need.

Traditionally, creating a DDL table is a one-time operation performed by the database administrator, but devising DDL manually isn’t intuitive when it comes to a complex hierarchical dataset. Therefore, we created a new tool: the Schema Induction Tool, which is an open-source library that infers a schema out of a collection of documents and produces rich structure information of the collection of documents scanned.

Generating DDL with the Schema Induction Tool

The Schema Induction Tool is a java utility that reads a collection of JSON documents as stream, learns their common schema, and generates a create table statement for Amazon Redshift Spectrum. In addition, if the documents adhere to a JSON standard schema, the schema file can be provided for additional metadata annotations such as attributes descriptions, concrete datatypes, enumerations, and more. The JSON standard provides a comprehensive data structure for all possible variations of the data, whereas the enriched inferred schema only considers the structure that it has seen from the documents, and doesn’t explode the DDL statement with all the theoretical possibilities that the JSON schema defines. It is therefore imperative to provide a rich and heterogeneous set of documents that can provide the total possible paths in the current data. Because the utility uses stream processing, you can run it on a large volume of documents if time permits.

You can build the code yourself from the GitHub repo, or download a release artifact from Maven central.

The CLI syntax of the command is as follows:

java -jar aws-json-schema-induction.jar 
                        [-ah] [-c=<s3>] [-d=<outDdlFile>] -i=<inputFile> 
                        [-l=<tableLocation>] [-r=<region>] [-root=<rootDefinition>]
                        [-s=<outSchemaFile>] [--stats=<outStatsFile>]
      -a, --array               is the document a json array
      -c, --cred=<s3>           which type of s3 credentials to use (ec2|profile)
      -d, --ddl=<outDdlFile>    An output ddl file for Redshift
      -h, --help                display a help message
      -i, --input=<inputFile>   An input json file path.
      -l, --location=<tableLocation>
                                table location to use when creating DDL
      -r, --region=<region>     s3 region to use
          -root, --root=<rootDefinition>
                                s3 region to use
      -s, --schema=<outSchemaFile>
                                An output schema file json file path
                                An output stats file
      -t, --table=<tableName>   table name to use when creating DDL 

The utility generates a DDL output file that contains the Create Table statement as defined by the ddl switch, and optionally a file that contains the hierarchical schema of the document collection as defined by the schema switch. Finally, a stat file is generated that contains the total number of occurrences of each element from the input documents collection.

Building the Induction Tool

We can now put it all together so we can analyze FHIR Claims data. We assume you have access to AWS account and also to a Linux terminal where you can access the data on Amazon S3 and run commands. We use Amazon SageMaker to host our Jupyter notebook.

  1. Build the Schema induction tool with the following code:
    git clone
    cd amazon-redshif-json-schema-induction
    mvn package

You use Amazon SageMaker to generate the Create Table statement for the claims.

  1. Create an Amazon SageMaker notebook on the Amazon SageMaker console.
  2. Select the notebook and choose Open JupyterLab.
  3. Copy the example data from your code folder schema-induction/target/schema-induction-1.0.0.jar to the notebook by dragging the file and dropping it into the left panel.
  4. Copy the example data from your code folder data/claims.json to the notebook.
  5. Copy the notebook document from your code folder notebooks/fhir-Partiql-notebook.ipynb.
  6. Open the notebook, set up the variables in the first cell per your account, and run the first cells to download and build the schema induction tool.

Preparing the data

Now the induction tool is ready and we can perform the schema induction.

  1. Run the next cells to download and check the test data.
  2. Check that the schema induction tool is ready and review the help guide.

Creating the FHIR table on Amazon Redshift

  1. Run the tool and review the induced DDL.

You can explore the data structure using the tree control display by running the following cell:

  1. On the AWS Glue console, create a database called fhir and leave location empty.
  2. Create an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that allows your Amazon Redshift cluster to access the S3 bucket and name it fhir-role.

For more information about creating an Amazon Redshift Spectrum role that can access your S3 buckets, see Authorizing Amazon Redshift to access other AWS services on your behalf.

  1. On your Amazon Redshift cluster, make sure you added the IAM role so you can run the queries and access Amazon S3 and AWS Glue and that the status shows as in-sync.

You can now run your PartiQL queries.

  1. Open the SQL Editor and connect to your database (in this use case, we use the Amazon Redshift Query Editor).
  2. Create the external schema in Amazon Redshift by entering the following code:
    create external schema fhir
    from data catalog
    database 'fhir'
    region '<your region>'
    iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::<account-id>:role/fhir-role';

For more information about creating external schema in Amazon Redshift, see CREATE EXTERNAL SCHEMA.

  1. Create the external table by copying the Create Table DDL from your notebook into your query and running it.
  2. Run your first PartiQL query on a new Query

Querying claims data

Claims are used by providers, payors, and insurers to exchange financial information and supporting clinical information regarding the provision of healthcare services with payors for reporting to regulatory bodies and firms that provide data analytics. In this section, we provide queries as examples of the analyses you can run.

The following query scans all documents in the users.Claims table and retrieves information from each claim.

1.	SELECT,c.status,
2.	       c.patient.reference as patient_ref, 
3.	       SPLIT_PART(c.patient.reference,'/',2) as patient_key,
4.	       d.sequence as diag_seq,
5.	       d.diagnosisReference.reference as diag_ref
7.	FROM fhir.Claims as c,
8.	     c.diagnosis as d
9.	WHERE c.status = 'active'  

The claim.diagnosis is an array that might contain multiple objects; it is therefore referenced in the SQL From clause and joined with the parent document implicitly, then attributes from the diagnosis element can be retrieved in the SELECT clause. This native SQL approach to un-nest arrays is one of the cornerstones of the PartiQL language. The query also uses the dot notation to access attributes in nested structures, such as c.patient.reference, which accesses the reference attribute inside the patient structure that is in the claim document.

Assuming there are claim documents without diagnosis information, and we want to retrieve the claims even if they have no diagnosis, we want a more permissive join by turning it into a left join. See the following code:

1.	SELECT,c.status,
2.	       c.patient.reference as patient_ref, 
3.	       SPLIT_PART(c.patient.reference,'/',2) as patient_key,
4.	       d.sequence as diag_seq,
5.	       d.diagnosisReference.reference as diag_ref
7.	FROM fhir.Claims as c LEFT JOIN c.diagnosis as d
8.	WHERE c.status = 'active'  

You don’t need to specify the join keys because the join key is essentially the parent-child relationship of the claim and diagnosis structures.

The following query performs a simple aggregation over the claims data:

1.	SELECT c.status,count(*) as cnt, sum( as total
2.	FROM fhir.Claims as c
3.	GROUP BY c.status,c.patient.reference

It uses the c.patient.reference as the grouping key and the as the aggregated value.

The following code queries all the patients’ claims:

1.	SELECT,c.status,
2.	       c.patient.reference as patient_ref, 
3.	       SPLIT_PART(c.patient.reference,'/',2) as patient_key,
4.	       d.sequence as diag_seq,
5.	       d.diagnosisReference.reference as diag_ref
7.	FROM fhir.Claims as c,
8.	     c.diagnosis as d
9.	WHERE c.status = 'active'  

The following screenshot shows the query output.

Congratulations, you have successfully queried FHIR data in Amazon Redshift Spectrum using PartiQL language.


The FHIR standard looks promising to do great things for healthcare and although it has limitations, we believe the benefits are here to stay. You can directly analyze FHIR format without creating massive normalized design, and can leapfrog over competitors to save tremendous investments in data modeling and ETL maintenance. This post shows you the power of Amazon Redshift PartiQL and how your data science and data engineer team can handle complex data formats like FHIR easily with automation. Adopting these technologies can bring new innovation to the healthcare world and unlock new benefits and cost-optimization.

If you have any questions, please leave your thoughts in the comments section. We look forward to your feedback on our new open-source Schema Induction Tool in GitHub.

About the Authors

Amir Bar Or is a Principal Data Architect at AWS Professional Services. After 20 years leading software organizations and developing data analytics platforms and products, he is now sharing his experience with large enterprise customers and helping them scale their data analytics in the cloud.



Dr. Aaron Friedman a Principal Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services working with healthcare and life sciences startups to accelerate science and improve patient care. His passion is working at the intersection of science, big data, and software. Outside of work, he’s with his family outdoors or learning a new thing to cook.



Automate AWS Firewall Manager onboarding using AWS Centralized WAF and VPC Security Group Management solution

Post Syndicated from Satheesh Kumar original

Many customers—especially large enterprises—run workloads across multiple AWS accounts and in multiple AWS regions. AWS Firewall Manager service, launched in April 2018, enables customers to centrally configure and manage AWS WAF rules, audit Amazon VPC security group rules across accounts and applications in AWS Organizations, and protect resources against distributed DDoS attacks.

In this blog post, we show you how to onboard your accounts and your AWS Organizations into the AWS Firewall Manager service and start centrally managing the security policies of your AWS Organizations member accounts. We also show you examples of how to perform operations on the Firewall Manager policies after you’ve deployed the solution, so you can adjust your security posture over time.

As more and more customers began using Firewall Manager for centralized management, they gave us feedback on how it could be improved. We heard that the process of defining policies and configuring rule sets can be challenging and time consuming, especially in a multi-account, multi-region scenario. We built the AWS Centralized WAF and VPC Security Group Management solution to make it easier and faster.

Solution overview

The AWS Centralized WAF and VPC Security Group Management solution fully automates the deployment of Firewall Manager with a set of opinionated defaults for the policies. We call it “opinionated,” because there’s no set of security rules that is right for absolutely every customer. We’re providing an example opinion, but you might have a different opinion, given your unique circumstance. Our examples block traffic that you might have a reason to allow. We install the following policies when you deploy this solution:

  • AWS WAF global policy for Amazon CloudFront distributions and regional policy for Application Load Balancer and Amazon API Gateway: Both the AWS WAF policies include the following AWS Managed Rules for AWS WAF. You can further customize these rules to suit your WAF requirements.
    • AWSManagedRulesCommonRuleSet
    • AWSManagedRulesAdminProtectionRuleSet
    • AWSManagedRulesKnownBadInputsRuleSet
    • AWSManagedRulesSQLiRuleSet
  • Amazon VPC security group usage audit and content audit policy: These policies flag security groups that are unused or redundant. Automatic remediation is turned off by default, but you can turn it on by customizing the solution.
  • AWS Shield Advanced policy: If your account has enabled Shield Advanced, then Shield Advanced protection is enabled for CloudFront, Application Load Balancer, and Elastic IPs.

The core of the solution is the AWS CloudFormation template aws-centralized-waf-and-security-group-management. This template deploys the components shown in Figure 1:

Figure 1: Main solutions template - aws-centralized-waf-and-vpc-security-group-management.template

Figure 1: Main solutions template – aws-centralized-waf-and-vpc-security-group-management.template

  1. After deployment, you can update the three AWS Systems Manager parameters—/FMS/OUs, /FMS/Regions, and /FMS/Tags—with appropriate values to control the scope and applicability of the Firewall Manager security policies.
  2. On update of the values in the Systems Manager parameters, the Amazon EventBridge rule captures the parameter update event.
  3. Amazon EventBridge triggers an AWS Lambda function to deploy the Firewall Manager policies.
  4. The AWS Lambda function will deploy the Firewall manager security policies across the OUs and regions specified in step 1.
  5. The lambda function updates the Amazon DynamoDB table with Firewall manager policies metadata.

Configuring Prerequisites Automatically

There are a few important prerequisites that must be configured in your account before you deploy this solution. We have built a template called aws-fms-prereq that will launch the solution prerequisites.

When you execute the aws-fms-prereq template, the following things will happen:

Note: If the Firewall Manager prerequisites described above are already met, you can skip this step and go directly to next step: Deploy the solution template.

If you run this prerequisite template in the Organization primary account that is also your Firewall Manager admin account, the solution template will be deployed automatically. If you do this, you can skip the step of deploying the solution template and jump straight to Manage your Firewall manager security policies.

Figure 2 shows how the prerequisite template creates a Lambda function. That function validates and installs the prerequisites and AWS CloudFormation stack sets to enable AWS Config across all member accounts in the organization.

Figure 2: Solution prerequisites

Figure 2: Solution prerequisites

Installing Prerequisites

If the Firewall Manager prerequisites are already met, skip this step and go directly to next step, below: Deploy the solution template.

  1. Install the AWS CLI

    Note: If you already have the AWS Command Line Interface v2 installed on your workstation, you can skip this step.

    The template deployment can be done using the AWS Management Console or the AWS CLI. This procedure uses the AWS CLI to do the deployment. To get started, install the AWS CLI and configure it with credentials that have the required IAM permissions to create resources.

  2. Deploy the prerequisite templateIf this is the first time you’re using Firewall Manager, download the aws-fms-prereq.template, and run the following AWS CLI command in the primary account of your AWS Organization to check for and complete the prerequisites.Replace the variable <your_FW_account_ID> with the account ID of your AWS Firewall Admin. This deployment typically takes 2–3 minutes, but sometimes a little longer if there are a large number of member accounts in your organization. If you want AWS Config to be enabled in your member accounts, then set the EnableConfig parameter to Yes; however, if AWS Config is already enabled, then set it to No.
    aws cloudformation create-stack \
    --stack-name fms-prereq-stack \
    --template-body file://aws-fms-prereq.template \
    --parameters ParameterKey=FMSAdmin,ParameterValue=<your_FW_account_ID> ParameterKey=EnableConfig,ParameterValue=Yes

Deploy the solution template

Deploy the solution using aws-centralized-waf-and-vpc-security-group-management.template—an AWS CloudFormation template—in your Firewall Manager admin account that was created by the prerequisite template.

This template deploys the AWS Centralized WAF and VPC Security Group Management solution shown in Figure 1, with all the resources and integrations.

The following AWS CLI command will deploy the solution template:

aws cloudformation create-stack \
--stack-name fms-central-policy-mgmt-stack \
--template-body file://aws-centralized-waf-and-vpc-security-group-management.template \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

The command will print very basic output, simply identifying the stack’s name, as shown below.

 "StackId": "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:<your_FW_admin_account_ID>:stack/fms-central-policy-mgmt-stack/<stack ARN>"

You can run the following CLI command to check the status of the stack deployment. Once you see that “StackStatus” is set to “CREATE_COMPLETE” in the output, you can proceed to the next step.

aws cloudformation describe-stacks \
--stack-name fms-central-policy-mgmt-stack

Manage your Firewall manager security policies

Once the solution is deployed, you can deploy the Firewall Manager policies to the organization member accounts, which will be reflected in the Parameter Store. These changes to the Parameter Store are picked up by the EventBridge rule, which triggers the Lambda function to automatically create, delete, or modify the policies as required.

Note: All of the following commands must be executed in the Firewall manager admin account, which might not be the root account of your AWS Organization.

  1. Add OUs to the scope of Firewall Manager policiesTo begin, define the OUs that the Firewall Manager policies should apply to. Store the list of OUs in a parameter named /FMS/OUs. The following AWS CLI command stores a comma-separated list of OU IDs in the right parameter.
    aws ssm put-parameter \
     --name "/FMS/OUs" \
     --type "StringList" \
     --value "<comma_separated_list_of_your_OU_IDs>" \

    If it is successful, the output of the command will be a simple acknowledgement, like the following:

    "Version": 2,
     "Tier": "Standard"

  2. Add AWS Regions to the scope of Firewall Manager policiesNext you need to add the AWS regions where you want these policies to be applied. In the AWS CLI command that follows, you can customize the AWS region list depending on where you run your workloads. If, for example, you want to use us-west-2, us-east-1, and eu-west-1, then you need to provide us-west-2,us-east-1,eu-west-1 as your value in the command below.
    aws ssm put-parameter \
     --name "/FMS/Regions" \
     --type "StringList" \
     --value "<comma_separated_list_of_your_regions>" \

    If it is successful, the output of the command will be a simple acknowledgement, like the following:

    "Version": 2,
     "Tier": "Standard"

  3. (Optional) Add resource tagsPlease note that this is an optional step. Resource tags are a way to apply these Firewall Manager policies to some resources, but not others. Imagine that we only want to apply these policies to resources that have the tag Environment set to the value Prod. The following command will do that:
    aws ssm put-parameter \
     --name "/FMS/Tags" \
     --type "String" \
     --value "{\"ResourceTags\":[{\"Key\":\"Environment\",\"Value\":\"Prod\"}],\"ExcludeResourceTags\":false}" \

    If it is successful, the output of the command will be a simple acknowledgement, like the following:

     "Version": 2,
     "Tier": "Standard"

Test the solution

Test the solution by creating a global CloudFront distribution and an Amazon VPC security group in one of your member accounts, and configure these resources to be noncompliant with the policies enforced by Firewall Manager.

Deploy test resources in one of your member accounts

Run the following AWS CLI command to deploy the demo template in one of the member accounts to create a sample CloudFront distribution and an Amazon VPC security group that aren’t compliant with the default Firewall Manager policies.

aws cloudformation create-stack \
  --stack-name demo-stack \
  --template-body file://aws-fms-demo.template \
  --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

Check for web ACL and security group audit results

To check the webACL resource association in the member account, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your member account management console where you had deployed your demo-template and go to the WAF & Shield service page.
  2. You will see the WebACL with the prefix “FMManagedWebACLV2FMS-WAF-01“ , select that webACL.
  3. Go to the tab Associated AWS resources.
  4. You should see the newly created CloudFront distribution listed here.

To check the compliance status of the newly created security group, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Firewall manager admin account management console and go to the AWS Firewall Manager service page.
  2. In the Security policies section, you will find the FMS-SecGroup-02 policy. Select the policy FMS-SecGroup-02.
  3. You will see that the member account (where the demo template was deployed) is marked as non-compliant. Select the member account number to see the newly created security group along with the reason for the noncompliant finding.

Clean-up test resources in member account

Follow these steps to clean up the test resources that the demo template would have created in your member account:

  1. Log in to member account management console, and go to Cloudfront service page.
  2. Select the CloudFront distribution. (Origin would have the stack name as its prefix.)
  3. Go to “Behaviours,” select the one and select Edit.
  4. Remove the lambda function association and save changes.
  5. Run this CLI command to delete the stack that you had created earlier:
    aws cloudformation delete-stack \
      --stack-name demo-stack

Customizing the solution’s source code

This solution deploys Firewall Manager policies with some opinionated default rules defined in the manifest.json file. They probably aren’t all that you will need. You could customize these policies to fit your own needs, but it takes a bit of development skill. Also, the steps are too long to include here. If, for example, you want to add another AWS WAF rule group to the default AWS WAF security policy, you’ll need to edit the manifest and redeploy the solution. See how to do this customization and several others.

(Optional) Clean-up resources

Once you’ve tried the solution, if you want to clean up the stack you can do so in two steps:

  1. Go to the Firewall Manager admin account management console, navigate to the Parameter Store, and update the /FMS/OU parameter with the value delete. This ensures that the Firewall Manager policies and their related resources are deleted.
  2. Run the following AWS CLI command in the Firewall manager admin account to delete the solution stack you deployed earlier:
    aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name fms-central-policy-mgmt-stack


The AWS Centralized WAF and VPC Security Group Management solution addresses the feedback we heard from you, our customer. You told us the process of defining policies and configuring rule sets is challenging and time consuming, so we wrote this to make it easier and faster. In this post, we showed you how to deploy the solution following a two-step process using AWS CloudFormation. We also showed you ways that you can use the solution to easily manage your Firewall Manager policies by updating values in Systems Manager Parameter Store. Updating the values automates the deployment based on your choice of OUs, Regions, and resources. Finally, we showed you how to further customize the solution to suit your needs.

This post is just an introduction to what is possible and the overall objective. Before you start using this solution for anything important, we recommend that you review the solution implementation guide. It contains step-by-step directions and more example use cases. The guide also includes security recommendations and some cost estimates for the various supported scenarios.

To learn more about other AWS solutions, visit the AWS Solutions Library.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the AWS Firewall Manager forum or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Satheesh Kumar

Satheesh is a Senior Solutions Architect based out of Bangalore, India. He helps large enterprise customers build solutions using AWS services.


Ramanan Kannan

Ramanan is a Senior Solutions Architect and works with large enterprise customers in the financial domain. He is based out of Chennai, India.

How to get your organization started with containerized deployments

Post Syndicated from Sarah Khalife original

This is our second post on cloud deployment with containers. Looking for more? Join our upcoming GitHub Actions webcast with Sarah, Solutions Engineer Pavan Ravipati, and Senior Product Manager Kayla Ngan on October 22.

In the past few years, businesses have moved towards cloud-native operating models to help streamline operations and move away from costly infrastructure. When running applications in dynamic environments with Docker, Kubernetes, and other tooling, a container becomes the tool of choice as a consistent, atomic unit of packaging, deployment, and application management. This sounds straightforward: build a new application, package it into containers, and scale elastically across the infrastructure of your choice. Then you can automatically update with new images as needed and focus more on solving problems for your end users and customers.

However, organizations don’t work in vacuums. They’re part of a larger ecosystem of customers, partners, and open source communities, with unique cultures, existing processes, applications, and tooling investments in place. This adds new challenges and complexity for adopting cloud native tools such as containers, Kubernetes, and other container schedulers.

Challenges for adopting container-based strategies in organizations

At GitHub, we’re fortunate to work with many customers on their container and DevOps strategy. When it comes to adopting containers, there are a few consistent challenges we see across organizations.

  • Containerizing and maintaining applications: Most organizations have existing applications and need to make the decision about whether to keep them as-is, or to place them in containers for an easier transition to the cloud. Even then, teams need to determine whether a single container for the application is appropriate (in a lift-and-shift motion to the cloud), or if more extensive work is needed to break it down into multiple services, delivered as a set of containers.
  • Efficiently configuring and managing permissions: Adopting containers often translates to better collaboration for everyone in your organization. DevOps is now more than just core developers and IT operators. It includes release and infosec engineers, data scientists, QA, project managers, and other roles. But collaborating across multiple teams introduces new needs for configuring and managing permissions for code, along with the automation to support it.
  • Standardizing best practices across the organization: Containers help teams scale and integrate quickly, but may also require updating your CI/CD practices to match. You have to validate they work well for existing applications, while incorporating the correct user and package permissions and policies.. The best practices you set have to be flexible for others too. Individual teams—who are transitioning to new ways of working—need to be able to optimize for their own goals.

Connecting teams and cloud-native tools with GitHub

Despite the few challenges of adopting containers and leveraging Kubernetes, more and more organizations continue to use them. Stepping over those hurdles allows enterprises to automate and streamline their operations, here with a few examples of how enterprises make it work successfully with support from package managers and CI/CD tools. At GitHub, we’ve introduced container support in GitHub Packages, CI/CD through GitHub Actions, and partnered within the ecosystem to simplify cloud-native workflows. Finding the right container tools should mean less work, not more—easily integrating alongside other tools, projects, and processes your organization already uses.

See container best practices in action

Want to simplify container deployments in your organization? Join me, Solutions Engineer Pavan Ravipati, and Senior Product Manager Kayla Ngan on October 22 to learn more about successfully adopting containers. We’ll walk through how to use them in the real world and demo best practices for deploying an application to Azure with GitHub Container Registry.

October 22, 2020
11:00 am PT / 2:00 pm ET

Watch the on-demand version of the webcast that previously aired..

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