Tag Archives: community

Installing and configuring the Zabbix Proxy

Post Syndicated from Werner Dijkerman original https://blog.zabbix.com/installing-and-configuring-the-zabbix-proxy/13319/

In the previous blog post, we created a Zabbix Server setup, created several users, a media type, and an action. But today, we will install on a 3rd node the Zabbix Proxy. This Zabbix Proxy will have its database running on the same host, so the “node-3” host has both the MySQL and Zabbix Proxy running.

This blog post is the 2nd part of a 3 part series of blog posts where Werner Dijkerman gives us an example of how to set up your Zabbix infrastructure by using Ansible.
You can find part 1 of the blog post by clicking Here

A git repository containing the code of these blog posts is available, which can be found on https://github.com/dj-wasabi/blog-installing-zabbix-with-ansible. Before we run Ansible, we have opened a shell on the “bastion” node. We do that with the following command:

$ vagrant ssh bastion

Once we have opened the shell, go to the “/ansible” directory where we have all of our Ansible files present.

$ cd /ansible

With the previous blog post, we executed the “zabbix-server.yml” playbook. Now we use the “zabbix-proxy.yml” playbook. The playbook will deploy a MySQL database on “node-3” and also installs the Zabbix Proxy on the same host.

$ ansible-playbook -i hosts zabbix-proxy.yml

This playbook will run for a few minutes creating all services on the node. While it is running, we will explain some of the configuration options we have set.

The configuration which we will talk about can be found in “/ansible/group_vars/zabbix_proxy” directory. This is the directory that is only used when we deploy the Zabbix proxy and contains 2 files. 1 file called “secret”, and a file called “generic”. It doesn’t really matter what names the files have in this directory. I used a file called the “secret” for letting you know that this file contains secrets and should be encrypted with a tool like ansible-vault. As this is out of scope for this blog, I simply made sure the file is in plain text. So how do we know that this directory is used for the Zabbix Proxy node?

In the previous blog post, we mentioned that with the “-I” argument, we provided the location for the inventory file. This inventory file contains the hostnames and the groups that Ansible is using. If we open the inventory file “hosts”, we can see a group called “zabbix_proxy.” So Ansible uses the information in the “/ansible/group_vars/zabbix_proxy” directory as input for variables. But how does the “/ansible/zabbix-proxy.yml” file know which host or groups to use? At the beginning of this file, you will notice the following:

- hosts: zabbix_proxy
  become: true
    - community.zabbix

Here you will see the that “hosts” key contains the value “zabbix_proxy”. All tasks and roles that we have configured in this play will be applied to all of the hosts that are part of the zabbix_proxy group. In our case, we have only 1 host part of the group. If you would have for example 4 different datacenters and within each datacenter you want to have a Zabbix Proxy running, executing this playbook will be done on these 4 hosts and at the end of the run you would have 4 Zabbix Proxy servers running.

Within the “/ansible/group_vars/zabbix_proxy/generic” the file, we have several options configured. Let’s discuss the following options:

* zabbix_server_host
* zabbix_proxy_name
* zabbix_api_create_proxy
* zabbix_proxy_configfrequency


The first one, the “zabbix_server_host” property tells us where the Zabbix Proxy can find the Zabbix Server. This will allow the Zabbix Proxy and the Zabbix Server to communicate with each other. Normally you would have to configure the firewall (Iptables or Firewalld) as well to allow the traffic, but in this case, there is no need for that. Everything inside our environment which we have created with Vagrant has full access. When you are going to deploy a production-like environment, don’t forget to configure the firewall (Currently this configuration of the firewalls are not yet available as part of the Ansible Zabbix Collection for both the Zabbix Server and the Zabbix Proxy. So for now you should be creating a playbook in order to configure the local firewall to allow/deny traffic).

As you will notice, we didn’t configure the property with a value like an IP address or FQDN. We use some Ansible notation to do that for us, so we only have the Zabbix Server information in one place instead of multiple places. In this case, Ansible will get the information by reading the inventory file and looking for a host entry with the name “node-1” (Which is the hostname that is running the Zabbix Server), and we use the value found by the property named “ansible_host” (Which has a value “”).


This is the name of the Zabbix Proxy host, which will be shown in the Zabbix frontend. We will see this later in this blog when we will create a new host to be monitored. When you create a new host, you can configure if that new host should be monitored by a proxy and if so, you will see this name.


When we deploy the Zabbix Proxy role, we will not only install the Zabbix Proxy package, the configuration file and start the service. We also perform an API call to the Zabbix Server to create a Zabbix Proxy entry. With this API call, we can configure hosts to be monitored via this new Zabbix Proxy.


The last one is just for demonstration purposes. With a default installation/configuration of the Zabbix Proxy, it has a basic value of 3600. This means that the Zabbix Server sends the configuration every 3600 to the Zabbix Proxy. Because we are running a small demo here in this Vagrant setup, we have set this to 60 seconds.

Now the deployment of our Zabbix Proxy will be ready.

When we open the Zabbix Web interface again, we go to “Administration” and click on “Proxies”. Here we see the following:

We see an overview of all proxies available, and in our case, we only have 1. We have “node-3” configured, which has an “Active” mode. When you want to configure a “Passive” mode proxy, you’ll have to update the “/ansible/group_vars/zabbix_proxy” file and add somewhere in the file the following entry: “zabbix_proxy_status: passive”. Once you have updated and saved the file, you’ll have to rerun the “ansible-playbook -i hosts zabbix-proxy.yml” command. If you will then recheck the page, you will notice that it now has the “Passive” mode.

So let’s go to “Configuration” – “Hosts”. At the moment, you will only see 1 host, which is the “Zabbix server,” like in the following picture.

Let’s open the host creation page to demonstrate that you can now set the host to be monitored by a proxy. The actual creation of a host is something that we will do automatically when we deploy the Zabbix Agent with Ansible and not something we should do manually. 😉 As you will notice, you are able to click on the dropdown menu with the option “Monitored by proxy” and see the “node-3” appear. That is very good!


We have installed and configured both a Zabbix Server and a Zabbix Proxy, and we are all set now. With the Zabbix Proxy, we have installed both the MySQL database and the Zabbix Proxy on the same node. Whereas we did install them separately with the Zabbix Server. With the following blog post, we will go and install the Zabbix Agent on all nodes.

Installing the Zabbix Server with Ansible

Post Syndicated from Werner Dijkerman original https://blog.zabbix.com/installing-the-zabbix-server-with-ansible/13317/

Today we are focusing more on the automation of installation and software configuration instead of using the manual approach. Installing and configuring software the manual way takes a lot more time, you can easily make more errors by forgetting steps or making typos, and it will probably be a bit boring when you need to do this for a large number of servers.

In this blog post, I will demonstrate how to install and configure a Zabbix environment with Ansible. Ansible has the potential to simplify many of your day-to-day tasks. As an alternative to Ansible, you may also opt in to use Puppet, Chef, and SaltStack to install and configure your Zabbix environment.

Ansible does not have any specific infrastructure requirements for it to do its job. We just need to make sure that the user exists on the target host, preferably configured with SSH keys. With tools like Puppet or Chef, you need to have a server running somewhere, and you will need to deploy an agent on your nodes. You can learn more about Ansible here:  https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/index.html.

This post is the first in a series of three articles. We will set up a (MySQL) Database running on 1 node (“node-2”), Zabbix Server incl. Frontend, which will be running on a separate node (“node-1”). Once we have built this, we configure an action, media and we will create some users. In the following image you will see the environment we will create.

Our environment we will create.
The environment we will create.

In the 2nd blog post, we will set up a Zabbix Proxy and a MySQL database on a new but the same node (“node-3”). In the 3rd blog post, we will install the Zabbix Agent on all of the 3 nodes we were using so far and configure some user parameters. Where the Zabbix Agent on “node-3” is using the Zabbix Proxy, the Zabbix Agent on the nodes “node-1” and “node-2” will be monitored by the Zabbix Server.


A git repository containing the code used in these blog posts is available, which can be found on https://github.com/dj-wasabi/blog-installing-zabbix-with-ansible. Before we can do anything, we have to install Vagrant (https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html) and Virtualbox (https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads). Once you have done that, please clone the earlier mentioned git repository somewhere on your host. For this demo, we will not run the Zabbix Frontend with TLS certificates.

We have to update the hosts file. With the following line, we need to make sure that we can access the Zabbix Frontend. zabbix.example.com

In the “ROOT” directory of the git repository which you cloned some moments ago, where you can also find the Vagrantfile, This Vagrantfile contains the configuration of the virtual machine of our setup. We will create 4 Virtual Machine’s running Ubuntu 20.04, each with 1 CPU and 1 GB of Ram which you can see in the first “config” block. In the 2nd config block, we configure our “bastion” host, which we discuss later. This node will get the ip and we also mount the ansible directory in this Virtual Machine on location “/ansible”. For installing and configuring this node we will use a playbook bastion.yml to do this. With this playbook, we will install some packages like Python, git and Ansible inside this bastion virtual machine.

The 3rd config block is part of a loop that will configure and it will create 3 Virtual Machines. Each virtual machine is also an Ubuntu node, had its own ip (respectively for the first node, for the second and for the 3rd node) and just like the “bastion” node, they have each 1 CPU and 1 GB of RAM.

You will have to execute the following command:

$ vagrant up

With this command, we will start our Virtual Machine’s. This might take a while, as it will download a VirtualBox image containing Ubuntu. The “vagrant up” command will start the “bastion” node and all other nodes as a part of this demo. Once that is done, we need to access a shell on the “bastion” node:

$ vagrant ssh bastion

This “bastion” node is a fundamental node on which we will execute Ansible, but we will not be installing anything on this host. We have opened a shell in the Virtual Machine we just created. You can compare it with creating an “ssh” connection. We have to go to the following directory before we can download the dependencies:

$ cd /ansible

As mentioned before, we have to download the Ansible dependencies. The installation depends on several Ansible Roles and an Ansible Collection. With the Ansible Roles and the Ansible Collection, we can install MySQL, Apache, and the Zabbix components. We have to execute the following command to download the dependencies:

$ ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
Starting galaxy role install process
- downloading role 'mysql', owned by geerlingguy
- downloading role from https://github.com/geerlingguy/ansible-role-mysql/archive/3.3.0.tar.gz
- extracting geerlingguy.mysql to /home/vagrant/.ansible/roles/geerlingguy.mysql
- geerlingguy.mysql (3.3.0) was installed successfully
- downloading role 'apache', owned by geerlingguy
- downloading role from https://github.com/geerlingguy/ansible-role-apache/archive/3.1.4.tar.gz
- extracting geerlingguy.apache to /home/vagrant/.ansible/roles/geerlingguy.apache
- geerlingguy.apache (3.1.4) was installed successfully
- extracting wdijkerman.php to /home/vagrant/.ansible/roles/wdijkerman.php
- wdijkerman.php was installed successfully
Starting galaxy collection install process
Process install dependency map
Starting collection install process
Installing 'community.zabbix:1.2.0' to '/home/vagrant/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/community/zabbix'
Created collection for community.zabbix at /home/vagrant/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/community/zabbix
community.zabbix (1.2.0) was installed successfully

Your output may vary because of versions that might have been updated already since writing this blog post. We now have downloaded the dependencies and are ready to install the rest of our environment. But why do we need to download a role for MySQL, Apache and php? A role contains all the neccecerry tasks and files to configure that specific service. So in the case for the MySQL Ansible role, it will install the MySQL-server and all other packages that MySQL requires on the host, it will configure that the mysqld service is created and is running, but it will also create the databases, create and configure MySQL users and configure the root password. Using a role will help us install our environment and we don’t have to figure out ourselves on installing and configuring a MySQL server manually.

So what about the collection, the Ansible Community Zabbix Collection? Ansible has introduced this concept with Ansible 2.10 and is basically a “collection” of plugins, modules and roles for a specific service. In our case, with the Zabbix Collection, the collection contains the roles for installing the Zabbix Server, Proxy, Agent, Javagateway and the Frond-end. But it also contains a plugin to use a Zabbix environment as our inventory and contains modules for creating resources in Zabbix. All of these modules will work with the Zabbix API to configure these resources, like actions, triggers, groups. templates, proxies etc. Basically, everything we want to create and use can be done with a role or a collection.

Installing Zabbix Server

Now we can execute the following command, which will install the MySQL database on “node-2” and installs the Zabbix Server on “node-1”:

$ ansible-playbook -i hosts zabbix-server.yml

This might take a while, a minute, or 10 depending on the performance of your host. We execute the “ansible-playbook” command, and then “-i” we provide the location of the inventory file. Here you see the contents of the inventory file:

node-1 ansible_host=

node-2 ansible_host=

node-3 ansible_host=


This inventory file contains basically all of our nodes and to which group the hosts belong. We can see in that file that there is a group called “zabbix_server” (The value between [] square brackets is the name for the group) and contains the “node-1” host. Because we have a group called “zabbix_server,” we also have a directory containing some files. These are all the properties (or variables) that will be used for all hosts (in our case, only the “node-1”) in the “zabbix_server” group.

Web Interface

Now you can open your favorite browser and open “zabbix.example.com”, and you will see the Zabbix login screen. Please enter the default credentials:

Username: Admin
Password: zabbix

On the Dashboard, you will probably notice that it complains that it can not connect to the Zabbix Agent running on the Zabbix Server, which is fine as we haven’t  installed it yet. We will do this in a later blog post.

Dashboard overview

When we go to “Administration” and click on “Media types,” we will see a media type called “A: Ops email.” That is the one we have created. We can open the “/ansible/zabbix-server.yml” file and go to line 33, where we have configured the creation of the Mediatype. In this case, we have configured multiple templates for sending emails via the “mail.example.com” SMTP server.

Now we have seen the media type, we will look at the trigger we just created. This trigger makes use of the media type we just saw. The trigger can be found in the “/ansible/zabbix-server.yml” file on line 69. When you go to “Configuration” and “Actions,” you will see our created trigger “A: Send alerts to Admin”. But we don’t want to run this in Production, and for demonstrating purposes, we have selected to be triggered when the severity is Information or higher.

And lastly, we are going to see that we have also created new internal users. Navigate to “Administration” – “Users,” and you will see that we have created a user called “wdijkerman”, which can be found in the “/ansible/zabbix-server.yml” file on line 95. This user will be part of a group created earlier called “ops,”. The user type is Zabbix super admin and we have configured the email media type to be used 24×7.

We have defined a default password for this user – “password”. When you have changed the password in the Zabbix Frontend UI, executing the playbook would not change the password back again to “password.” So don’t worry about it. But if you would have removed – let’s say – the “ops” group, then, when you execute the playbook again, the group will be re-added to the user.


As you see, it is effortless to create and configure a Zabbix environment with Ansible. We didn’t have to do anything manually, and all installations and configurations were applied automatically when we executed the ansible-playbook command. You can find more information on either the Ansible page https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/community/zabbix/ or on the Github page https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.zabbix.

In the next post, we will install and configure the Zabbix Proxy.

Managing complexity in Zabbix installations with Splunk

Post Syndicated from Christian Anton original https://blog.zabbix.com/managing-complexity-in-zabbix-installations-with-splunk/13053/

A big data analytics engine can be used to optimize large and complex Zabbix installations: keeping track of the amount and kind of problems over time, top alert producers, and much more. You can employ Splunk to optimize and analyze vital Zabbix runtime parameters, such as ‘unsupported items,’ repeatedly happening host availability issues, misconfigured agents, and Zabbix Queue entries.


I. Complexity (1:15)
II. Zabbix entity inventory (8:28)
III. Use cases (15:16)
IV. Conclusion (20:09)
V. Questions & Answers (21:41)

secadm GmbH is a service provider located in the south of Germany. The company with a strong background in monitoring and automation, network infrastructure, and security software development supports customers of all sizes to manage their IT infrastructures. secadm GmbH is a Zabbix partner and also a Zabbix training partner.


Operating a Zabbix deployment of a specific size comes with some challenges:

  • A huge number of hosts, templates, items, host groups, macros, and configuration elements inside your Zabbix instance.
  • LLD rules/unsupported items — items that are unable to fetch information, for example, a wrong password or a wrong path, in an external check. It is often hard to get a hold of how many of those you have and in which of the various error states. Therefore, it’s also difficult to fix them.
  • Host availability/network issues — errors that you see only in the logs — things going up and down, losing their connectivity, but getting back in time before issuing an alert.
  • Queue entries. In larger Zabbix installations, you might have ten thousand or even more items in this service queue. Zabbix actually tells you that some items do not receive their data in time. Zabbix shows that something is really wrong, though it doesn’t give a hint about what is wrong.
  • Zabbix as a monitoring tool is there to actually generate problems and alerts out of these problems. Many problems often cause ‘alert fatigue’ when people start ignoring monitoring results because of too many alerts.

Therefore, we receive a lot of questions from our customers, such as:

  • Where do all these problems come from?
  • What are the hosts generating most of the problems, at what times, and generated by what templates?
  • Did the latest change/upgrade have any negative impact on our monitoring?
  • Can you get rid of unsupported items?
  • How many hosts have specific problems (for instance, caused by a known bug in an old version of an agent that behaves strangely with a specific version of the Zabbix server), and what would be the effect if we fixed those problems?
  • Where do all these queue entries come from?

Zabbix is a transparent and predictable monitoring tool that offers great ways to organize the monitored elements with templates and macros. Zabbix also offers excellent visualization capabilities. However, Zabbix is not an analytical utility offering a flexible query language to gather the required information in the required format, having on-demand statistical functions, and allowing you to enrich and correlate data with the data from arbitrary sources. So, extra tools will have to do the extra work.

Secadm GmbH being the partner of Zabbix and Splunk, has concluded that it’s obvious to use Splunk for such extra work. Splunk is offering many possibilities to onboard data in the platform far beyond the simple indexing of log data, looking up the Key-Value store, implementing scripts and programs inside the Splunk platform to fetch data in real-time and on-demand out of other systems without having to store and to index any kind of information, as well as performing custom search commands.

Zabbix entity inventory

The most important Zabbix data used for analysis — the inventory of all elements inside Zabbix that do not often change, such as:

  • Hosts,
  • Items,
  • Proxies,
  • Templates,
  • Triggers,
  • Discovery rules (LLD),
  • Item Prototypes, and
  • Trigger Prototypes.

As this data is not changing constantly, we fetch this data from Splunk with the scheduled search and custom search command directly from the API endpoints in Zabbix. Then we can store this information inside the Splunk KV Store, which is, in fact, the MongoDB allowing us to perform searches in milliseconds without having to index any data and quickly get the results.

Zabbix entity inventory

So, you can get statistics on status and state to drill down on the unsupported items for a list of all of the items. You can further identify the correlation for the hostnames instead of host IDs, which are not human-readable. The hostnames are available at the KV Store, which stores the hosts with their metadata. You can also identify how many unsupported items there are on each host.

You can also get information on the hostnames, hosts, item names, item types, and errors. You can categorize the problems as SNMP problems, shell problems such as wrong paths, and see how often certain problems happen and what hosts are assigned to what templates and host groups, and so on. This information may also be aggregated or correlated with information from UCMDB.

More data

More fun than having data within a data analytics platform has more data.

  • Indexing the Zabbix Server / Proxy Logs logs, categorizing events to identify availability issues, item problems, preprocessing problems, housekeepers statistics, etc.

  • A module to fetch information from Zabbix (item, host, trigger) in real-time.

  • Gathering metrics (History / Trends data) directly from Zabbix in real-time without the need to store these metrics in any place other than the Zabbix database. We can still use the data for graphing, correlations, calculations, etc.

  • Onboarding the Zabbix problems into Splunk by using the new custom Media types — Webhook.

Custom Media type

  • Correlation of the alert logs, which are new and available through the API since Zabbix 5.0.
  • Working on the queue items to solve these questions.

Use cases

Zabbix queue

Zabbix queue may be a real headache as you can wait for a Zabbix installation with 20,000-50,000 items for 5 or 10 minutes or even longer.

In this dashboard, the same view is displayed in Zabbix: items are categorized by overtime, item type, proxy, etc. Splunk here offers what Zabbix fails — the history so that you can see the spikes when things have changed dramatically. For instance, when more significant network changes happen, the network slows down, and the queues grow dramatically. You can see whether these queues have gone back down or remained up. This information is complicated to analyze in Zabbix.

You can also drill down to see the items correlated with their actual status and the host’s status inside Zabbix. So, you can clearly see, for instance, that an item is on the host that is down or in the queue as it’s not supported and doesn’t get any data.

Here, there is also an Ignore list. So you can get statistics for the remaining items and group them, for instance, by Item type. You can go further and analyze and fix the problems.

Zabbix problems analytics

Zabbix problems dashboard

In this dashboard, Zabbix problems are displayed by system categories. For instance, we can see that over the last 24 hours, Windows caused most of the problems.

Here, we can also drill down to see, for instance, if there are many similar problems. You can go further to identify a single issue that has caused many alerts or problems. You can see that one host is creating almost all of the problems. So, if you switch this one host off, you would have fewer problems.

Zabbix data for management visibility

We can use Zabbix data for greater management visibility, such as:

  • Correlation of data to generate meaningful dashboards:

— Zabbix (metrics, status, problems, etc.),
— application logs,
— other data sources,
— inventory (CMDB, …)

  • Business-level visualization.


Splunk is open-source software and is distributed for free. We are currently in the process of integrating Splunk with Zabbix.

If you are interested in Splunk, you can send a request to [email protected]  or look for Christian Anton on LinkedIn or Instagram.

Questions & Answers

Question. If we use this kind of integration, are there any performance issues caused by Splunk or some misconfiguration?

Answer. We have been using Splunk for installations with several tens of thousands of monitored hosts and from hundreds of thousands up to millions of items and have not seen any performance implications.

Question. How does this connector work under the hood? Does it use the API or direct queries to the database?

Answer. We rely on the API. Besides, we can fetch the data directly from the database.


CDK Corner – January 2021

Post Syndicated from Christian Weber original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/cdk-corner-february-2021/

Social: Events in the Community

CDK Day is coming up on April 30th! This is your chance to meet and engage with the CDK Community! Last year’s event included an incredible amount of content, whether it was learning the origin story of CDK, learning how CDK is used in a Large Enterprise, there were many great sessions, as well as Eric Johnson cosplaying as the official CDK Mascot.

Do you have a story to share about using CDK, about something funny/crazy/interesting/cool/another adjective? The CFPs are now open — the community wants to hear your stories; so go ahead and submit here!

Updates: Changes made across CDK

In January, the CDK Community and the AWS CDK team were together hard at work, bringing in new changes, features, or, as NetaNir likes to call them, many new “goodies” to the CDK!

AWS Construct Library and Core

The CDK Team announced General Availability of the EKS Module in CDK with PR#12640. Moving a CDK Module from Experimental to Stable requires substantial effort from both the CDK Community and Team — the appreciation for everyone that contributed to this effort cannot be understated. Take a look at the project milestone to explore some of the work that contributed to releasing the EKS constrcut to GA. Great job everyone!

External assets are now supported from PR#12259. With this change, you can now setup cdk-assets.json with Files, Archives, or even Docker Images built by external utilities. This is great if your CDK Application relies on assets from other sources, such as an internal pipeline, or if you want to pull the latest Docker Image built from some external utility.

CDK will now alert you if your stack hits the maximum number of CloudFormation Resources. If you’re deploying complex CDK Stacks, you’ll know that sometimes you will hit this cap which seems to only happen when you’ve walked away from your computer to make a coffee while your stack is deploying, only to come back with a latte and a command line full of exceptions. This wonderful quality-of-life change was merged in PR#12193.

AWS CodeBuild

AWS CodeBuild in CDK can now be configured with Standard 5.0 Runtime Environments, which now supports many new runtime environments, including support for Python 3.9 which means, for example, CodeBuild now natively understands the union operator in Python dictionaries you’ve been using to combine dictionaries in your project.


There is now support for m6gd and r6gd Graviton EC2 Instances from CDK with PR#12302. Graviton Instances are a great way to utilize ARM Archicture at a lower cost.

Support for new io2 and and gp3 EBS Volumes were announced at re:Invent, followed up with a community contribution from leandrodamascena in PR#12074

AWS ElasticSearch

A big cost savings feature to support ElasticSearch UltraWarm nodes in CDK, now gives CDK users the opportunity to store data in S3 instead of an SSD with ElasticSearch, which can substantially reduce storage costs.


Securing S3 Buckets is a standard practice, and CDK has tightened its security on S3 Buckets by limiting the PutObject permission of Bucket.grantWrite() to just s3:PutObject instead of s3:PutObject*. This subtle change means that only the first permission is added to the IAM Principal, instead of any other IAM permission prefixed with PutObject (Such as s3:PutObjectAcl). You still have the flexibility to make this permission add-on if needed, though.

AWS StepFunctions

A member of the CDK Community, ayush987goyal, submitted PR#12436 for StepFunctions-Tasks. This feature now lets users specify the family and revision of a taskDefinitionFamily inside EcsRunTask, thanks to their effort. This modifies previous behavior of the construct where a user could only deploy the latest revision of a Task by supplying the ARN of the Task.

CloudFormation and new L1 Resources

As CDK synthesizes CloudFormation Templates, it’s important that CDK stays up to date with the CloudFormation Resource Specification these updates to our collection of L1 Constructs. Now that they’re here, the community and team can begin implementing beautiful L2 Constructs for these L1s. Interested in contributing an L2 from these L1s? Take a look at our CONTRIBUTING doc to get up and running.

In January the team introduced several updates of the CloudFormation Resource Spec to CDK, bringing support for a whole slew of new Resources, Attribute Updates and Property Changes. These updates, among others, include new resource types for CloudFormation Modules, SageMaker Pipelines, AWS Config Saved Queries, AWS DataSync, AWS Service Catalog App Registry, AWS QuickSight, Virtual Clusters for EMR Containers for Amazon Elastic MapReduce, support for DNSSEC in Route53, and support for ECR Public Repositories.

My favorite of all these is ECR Public Repositories. Public Repositories support was just recently announced, in December at AWS re:Invent. Now you can deploy and manage a public repository with CDK as an L1 Construct. So, if you have an exciting Container Image that you’ve been wanting to share with the world with your own Public Repository, set it all up with CDK!

To be in the know on updates to the CDK, and updates to CDK’s CloudFormation Resource Spec, update your repository notification settings to watch for new CDK Releases , and browse the cfnspec CHANGELOG.

Learning: Level up your CDK Knowledge

AWS has released a new training module for the CDK. This free 7 module course teaches users the fundamental concepts of the CDK, from explaining its core benefits, to defining the common language and terms, to tips for troubleshooting CDK Projects. This is a great course for developers, or related stakeholders who may be considering whether or not to adopt CDK in their team or organization.

Community Acknowledgements: Thanks for your hard work

We love highlighting Pull Requests from our community of CDK users. This month’s spotlight goes to Jacob-Doetsch, who submitted a fix when deploying Bastion Hosts backed by ARM Architecture. As ARM based architecture increases in usage across AWS, identifying and resolving these types of bugs helps CDK maintain the ability to help Developers continue moving quickly. Great job Jacob!

And finally, to round out the CDK Corner, a round of applause to the following users who merged their first Pull Request to CDK in January! The CDK Community appreciates your hard work and effort!

Zabbix migration in a mid-sized bank environment

Post Syndicated from Angelo Porta original https://blog.zabbix.com/zabbix-migration-in-a-mid-sized-bank-environment/13040/

A real CheckMK/LibreNMS to Zabbix migration for a mid-sized Italian bank (1,700 branches, many thousands of servers and switches). The customer needed a very robust architecture and ancillary services around the Zabbix engine to manage a robust and error-free configuration.


I. Bank monitoring landscape (1:45)
II. Zabbix monitoring project (h2)
III. Questions & Answers (19:40)

Bank monitoring landscape

The bank is one of the 25 largest European banks for market capitalization and one of the 10 largest banks in Italy for:

  • branch network,
  • loans to customers,
  • direct funding from customers,
  • total assets,

At the end of 2019, at least 20 various monitoring tools were used by the bank:

  • LibreNMS for networking,
  • CheckMK for servers besides Microsoft,
  • Zabbix for some limited areas inside DCs,
  • Oracle Enterprise Monitor,
  • Microsoft SCCM,
  • custom monitoring tools (periodic plain counters, direct HTML page access, complex dashboards, etc.)

For each alert, hundreds of emails were sent to different people, which made it impossible to really monitor the environment. There was no central monitoring and monitoring efforts were distributed.

The bank requirements:

  • Single pane of glass for two Data Centers and branches.
  • Increased monitoring capabilities.
  • Secured environment (end-to-end encryption).
  • More automation and audit features.
  • Separate monitoring of two DCs and branches.
  • No direct monitoring: all traffic via Zabbix Proxy.
  • Revised and improved alerting schema/escalation.
  • Parallel with CheckMK and LibreNMS for a certain period of time.

Why Zabbix?

The bank has chosen Zabbix among its competitors for many reasons:

  • better cross feature on the network/server/software environment;
  • opportunity to integrate with other internal bank software;
  • continuous enhancements on every Zabbix release;
  • the best integration with automation software (Ansible); and
  • personnel previous experience and skills.

Zabbix central infrastructure — DCs

First, we had to design one infrastructure able to monitor many thousands of devices in two data centers and the branches, and many items and thousands of values per second, respectively.

The architecture is now based on two database servers clusterized using Patroni and Etcd, as well as many Zabbix proxies (one for each environment — preproduction, production, test, and so on). Two Zabbix servers, one for DCs and another for the branches. We also suggested deploying a third Zabbix server to monitor the two main Zabbix servers. The DC database is replicated on the branches DB server, while the branches DB is replicated on the server handling the DCs using Patroni, so two copies of each database are available at any point in time. The two data centers are located more than 50 kilometers apart from each other. In this picture, the focus is on DC monitoring:

Zabbix central infrastructure — DCs

Zabbix central infrastructure — branches

In this picture the focus is on branches.

Before starting the project, we projected one proxy for each branch, that is, more or less 1,500 proxies. We changed this initial choice during implementation by reducing branch proxies to four.

Zabbix central infrastructure — branches

Zabbix monitoring project

New infrastructure


  • Two nodes bare metal Cluster for PostgreSQL DB.
  • Two bare Zabbix Engines — each with 2 Intel Xeon Gold 5120 2.2G, 14C/28T processors, 4 NVMe disks, 256GB RAM.
  • A single VM for Zabbix MoM.
  • Another bare server for databases backup


  • OS RHEL 7.
  • PostgreSQL 12 with TimeScaleDB 1.6 extension.
  • Patroni Cluster 1.6.5 for managing Postgres/TimeScaleDB.
  • Zabbix Server 5.0.
  • Proxy for metrics collection (5 for each DC and 4 for branches).

Zabbix templates customization

We started using Zabbix 5.0 official templates. We deleted many metrics and made changes to templates keeping in mind a large number of servers and devices to monitor. We have:

  • added throttling and keepalive tuning for massive monitoring;
  • relaxed some triggers and related recovery to have no false positives and false negatives;
  • developed a new Custom templates module for Linux Multipath monitoring;
  • developed a new Custom template for NFS/CIFS monitoring (ZBXNEXT 6257);
  • developed a new custom Webhook for event ingestion on third-party software (CMS/Ticketing).

Zabbix configuration and provisioning

  • An essential part of the project was Zabbix configuration and provisioning, which was handled using Ansible tasks and playbook. This allowed us to distribute and automate agent installation and associate the templates with the hosts according to their role in the environment and with the host groups using the CMDB.
  • We have also developed some custom scripts, for instance, to have user alignment with the Active Directory.
  • We developed the single sign-on functionality using the Active Directory Federation Service and Zabbix SAML2.0 in order to interface with the Microsoft Active Directory functionality.


Issues found and solved

During the implementation, we found and solved many issues.

  • Dedicated proxy for each of 1,500 branches turned out too expensive to provide maintenance and support. So, it was decided to deploy fewer proxies and managed to connect all the devices in the branches using only four proxies.
  • Following deployment of all the metrics and the templates associated with over 10,000 devices, the Data Center database exceeded 3.5TB. To decrease the size of the database, we worked on throttling and on keep-alive and had to increase the keep-alive from 15 to 60 minutes and lower the sample interval to 5 minutes.
  • There is no official Zabbix Agent for Solaris 10 operating system. So, we needed to recompile and test this agent extensively.
  • The preprocessing step is not available for NFS stale status (ZBXNEXT-6257).
  • We needed to increase the maximum length of user macro to 2,048 characters on the server-side (ZBXNEXT-2603).
  • We needed to ask for JavaScript preprocessing user macros support (ZBXNEXT-5185).

Project deliverables

  • The project was started in April 2020, and massive deployment followed in July/August.
  • At the moment, we have over 5,000 monitored servers in two data centers and over 8,000 monitored devices in branches — servers, ATMs, switches, etc.
  • Currently, the data center database is less than 3.5TB each, and the branches’ database is about 0.5 TB.
  • We monitor two data centers with over 3,800 NPVS (new values per second).
  • Decommissioning of LibreNMS and CheckML is planned for the end of 2020.

Next steps

  • To complete the data center monitoring for other devices — to expand monitoring to networking equipment.
  • To complete branch monitoring for switches and Wi-Fi AP.
  • To implement Custom Periodic reporting.
  • To integrate with C-level dashboard.
  • To tune alerting and escalation to send the right messages to the right people so that messages will not be discarded.

Questions & Answers

Question. Have you considered upgrading to Zabbix 5.0 and using TimeScaleDB compression? What TimeScaleDB features are you interested in the most — partitioning or compression?

Answer. We plan to upgrade to Zabbix 5.0 later. First, we need to hold our infrastructure stress testing. So, we might wait for some minor release and then activate compression.

We use Postgres solutions for database, backup, and cluster management (Patroni), and TimeScaleDB is important to manage all this data efficiently.

Question. What is the expected NVPS for this environment?

Answer. Nearly 4,000 for the main DC and about 500 for the branches — a medium-large instance.

Question. What methods did you use to migrate from your numerous different solutions to Zabbix?

Answer. We used the easy method — installed everything from scratch as it was a complex task to migrate from too many different solutions. Most of the time, we used all monitoring solutions to check if Zabbix can collect the same monitoring information.

Scaling Zabbix with containers

Post Syndicated from Robert Silva original https://blog.zabbix.com/scaling-zabbix-with-containers/13155/

In this post, a new approach with Zabbix in High Availability is explained, as well as discussed challenges when implementing Zabbix using Docker Swarm with CI / CD and such technologies as Containers, Docker Swarm, Gitlab, and CI/CD.


I. Zabbix project requirements (0:33)
II. New approach (3:06)

III. Compose file and Deploy (8:08)
IV. Notes (16:32)
V. Gitlab CI/CD (20:34)
VI. Benefits of the architecture (24:57)
VII. Questions & Answers (25:53)

Zabbix project requirements

The first time using Docker was a challenge. The Zabbix environment needed to meet the following requirements:

  • to monitor more than 3,000 NVPS;
  • to be fault-tolerant;
  • to be resilient;
  • to scale the environment horizontally.

There are five ways to install Zabbix — using packages, compiling, Docker, cloud, or appliance.

We used virtual machines or physical servers to install Zabbix directly on the operation system. In this scenario, it is necessary to install the operating system and update it to improve performance. Then you need to install Zabbix, configure the backup of the configuration files and the database.

However, with such an installation, when the services are unavailable as Zabbix Server or Zabbix frontend is down, the usual solution is a human intervention to restart the service or the server, create a new instance, or restore the backup.

Still, we don’t need to assign a specialist to manually solve such issues. The services must be able to restore themselves.

To create a more intelligent environment, we can use some standard solutions — Corosync and Pacemaker. However, there are better solutions for High Availability.

New approach

Zabbix can be deployed using advanced technologies, such as:

  • Docker,
  • Docker Swarm,
  • Reverse Proxy,
  • GIT,
  • CI/CD.

Initially, the instance was divided into various components.

Initial architecture


HAProxy is responsible for receiving incoming connections and directing them to the nodes of the Docker Swarm cluster. So, with each attempt to access the Zabbix frontend, the request is sent to the HAProxy. And it will detect where there is the service listening to HAProxy and redirect the request.

Accessing the frontend.domain

We are sending the request to the HAProxy address to check which nodes are available. If a node is unavailable, the HAProxy will not send the requests to these nodes anymore.

HAProxy configuration file (haproxy.cfg)

When you configure load balancing using HAProxy, two types of nodes need to be defined: frontend and backend. Here, the traefik service is used as an example.

HAProxy listens for connections by the frontend node. In the frontend, we configure the port to receive communications and associate the backend to it.

frontend traefik
mode http
option forwardfor
monitor-uri /health
default_backend backend_traefik

HAProxy can forward requests by the backend nodes. In the backend we define, which services are using the traefik service, the check mode, the servers running the application, and the port to listen to. 

backend backend_traefik
mode http
cookie Zabbix prefix
server DOCKERHOST1 cookie DOCKERHOST1 check
server DOCKERHOST2 cookie DOCKERHOST2 check
server DOCKERHOST3 cookie DOCKERHOST3 check
stats admin if TRUE
option tcp-check

We also can define where the Zabbix Server can run. Here, we have only one Zabbix Server container running.

frontend zabbix_server
mode tcp
default_backend backend_zabbix_server
backend backend_zabbix_server
mode tcp
server DOCKERHOST1 check
server DOCKERHOST2 check
server DOCKERHOST3 check
stats admin if TRUE
option tcp-check

NFS Server

NFS Server is responsible for storing the mapped files in the containers.

NFS Server

After installing the packages, you need to run the following commands to configure the NFS Server and NFS Client:

NFS Server

mkdir /data/data-docker
vim /etc/exports
/data/data-docker/ *(rw,sync,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)

NFS Client

vim /etc/fstab :/data/data-docker /mnt/data-docker nfs defaults 0 0

Hosts Docker and Docker Swarm

Hosts Docker and Docker Swarm are responsible for running and orchestrating the containers.

Swarm consists of one or more nodes. The cluster can be of two types:

  • Managers that are responsible for managing the cluster and can perform workloads.
  • Workers that are responsible for performing the services or the loads.

Reverse Proxy

Reverse Proxy, another essential component of this architecture, is responsible for receiving an HTTP and HTTPS connections, identifying destinations, and redirecting to the responsible containers.

Reverse Proxy can be executed using nginx and traefik.

In this example, we have three containers running traefik. After receiving the connection from HAProxy, it will search for a destination container and send the package to it.

Compose file and Deploy

The Compose file — ./docker-compose.yml — a YAML file defining services, networks, and volumes. In this file, we determine what image of Zabbix Server is used, what network the container is going to connect to, what are the service names, and other necessary service settings.

Reverse Proxy

Here is the example of configuring Reverse Proxy using traefik.

image: traefik:v2.2.8
- node.role == manager
replicas: 1
condition: on-failure
# Dashboard traefik
- "traefik.enable=true"
- "traefik.http.services.justAdummyService.loadbalancer.server.port=1337"
- "traefik.http.routers.traefik.tls=true"
- "traefik.http.routers.traefik.rule=Host(`zabbix-traefik.mydomain`)"
- "traefik.http.routers.traefik.service=api@internal"


traefik: — the name of the service (in the first line).
image: — here, we can define which image we can use.
deploy: — rules for creating the deploy.
constraints: — a place of deployment.
replicas: — how many replicas we can create for this service.
restart_policy: — which policy to use if the service has a problem.
labels: — defining labels for traefik, including the rules for calling the service.

Then we can define how to configure authentication for the dashboard and how to redirect all HTTP connections to HTTPS.

# Auth Dashboard - "traefik.http.routers.traefik.middlewares=traefik-auth" - "traefik.http.middlewares.traefik-auth.basicauth.users=admin:" 
# Redirect all HTTP to HTTPS permanently - "traefik.http.routers.http_catchall.rule=HostRegexp(`{any:.+}`)" - "traefik.http.routers.http_catchall.entrypoints=web" - "traefik.http.routers.http_catchall.middlewares=https_redirect" - "traefik.http.middlewares.https_redirect.redirectscheme.scheme=https" - "traefik.http.middlewares.https_redirect.redirectscheme.permanent=true"

Finally, we define the command to be executed after the container is started.

- "--api=true"
- "--log.level=INFO"
- "--providers.docker.endpoint=unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
- "--providers.docker.swarmMode=true"
- "--providers.docker.exposedbydefault=false"
- "--providers.file.directory=/etc/traefik/dynamic"
- "--entrypoints.web.address=:80"
- "--entrypoints.websecure.address=:443"

Zabbix Server

Zabbix Server configuration can be defined in this environment — the name of the Zabbix Server, image, OS, etc.

image: zabbix/zabbix-server-mysql:centos-5.0-latest
- ./envs/zabbix-server/common.env
- "monitoring-network"
- /mnt/data-docker/zabbix-server/externalscripts:/usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts:ro
- /mnt/data-docker/zabbix-server/alertscripts:/usr/lib/zabbix/alertscripts:ro
- "10051:10051"
<<: *template-deploy
- "traefik.enable=false"

In this case, we can use environment 5.0. Here, we can define, for instance, database address, database username, number of pollers we will start, the path for external and alert scripts, and other options.

In this example, we use two volumes — for external scripts and for alert scripts that must be stored in the NFS Server.

For this Zabbix, Server traefik is not enabled.


For the frontend, we have another option, for instance, using the Zabbix image.

image: zabbix/zabbix-web-nginx-mysql:alpine-5.0.1
- ./envs/zabbix-frontend/common.env
- "monitoring-network"
<<: *template-deploy
replicas: 5
- "traefik.enable=true"
- "traefik.http.routers.zabbix-frontend.tls=true"
- "traefik.http.routers.zabbix-frontend.rule=Host(`frontend.domain`)"
- "traefik.http.routers.zabbix-frontend.entrypoints=web"
- "traefik.http.routers.zabbix-frontend.entrypoints=websecure"
- "traefik.http.services.zabbix-frontend.loadbalancer.server.port=8080"

Here, 5 replicas mean that we can start 5 Zabbix frontends. This can be used for more extensive environments, which also means that we have 5 containers and 5 connections.

Here, to access the frontend, we can use the ‘frontend.domain‘ name. If we use a different name, access to the frontend will not be available.

The load balancer server port defines to which port the container is listening and where the official Zabbix frontend image is stored.


Up to now, deployment has been done manually. You needed to connect to one of the services with the Docker Swarm Manager function, enter the NFS directory, and deploy the service:

# docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yaml zabbix

where -c defines the compose file’s name and ‘zabbix‘ — the name of the stack.


Docker Image

Typically, Docker official images from Zabbix are used. However, for the Zabbix Server and Zabbix Proxy is not enough. In production environments, additional patches are needed — scripts, ODBC drivers to monitor the database. You should learn to work with Docker and to create custom images.


When creating environments using Docker, you should be careful. The Docker environment has some internal networks, which can be in conflict with the physical network. So, it is necessary to change the default networks — Docker network overlay and Docker bridge.

Custom image

Example of customizing the Zabbix image to install ODBC drive.

FROM zabbix/zabbix-proxy-sqlite3:${ZABBIX_BASE}-${ZABBIX_VERSION}
ENV ORACLE_HOME=/usr/lib/oracle/12.2/client64
ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib/oracle/12.2/client64/lib
ENV PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/oracle/12.2/client64/lib

Then we install ODBC drivers. This script allows for using ODBC drivers for Oracle, MySQL, etc.

# Install ODBC 
COPY ./drivers-oracle- /root/ 
COPY odbc.sh /root 
RUN chmod +x /root/odbc.sh && \ 

Then we install Python packages.

# Install Python3 
COPY requirements.txt /requirements.txt
RUN yum install -y epel-release && \ 
yum search python3 && \ 
yum install -y python36 python36-pip && \ 
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
# Install SNMP 
RUN yum install -y net-snmp-utils net-snmp wget vim telnet traceroute

With this image, we can monitor databases, network devices, HTTP connections, etc.

To complete the image customization, we need to:

  1. build the image,
  2. push to the registry,
  3. deploy the services.

This process is performed manually and should be automated.

Gitlab CI/CD

With CI/CD, you don’t need to run the process manually to create the image and deploy the services.

1. Create a repository for each component.

  • Zabbix Server
  • Frontend
  • Zabbix Proxy

2. Enable pipelines.
3. Create .gitlab-ci.yml.

Creating .gitlab-ci.yml file

Benefits of the architecture

  • If any Zabbix component stops, Docker Swarm will automatically start a new service/container.
  • We don’t need to connect to the terminal to start the environment.
  • Simple deployment.
  • Simple administration.

Questions & Answers

Question. Can such a Docker approach be used in extremely large environments?

Answer. Docker Swarm is already used to monitor extremely large environments with over 90,000 and over 50 proxies.

Question. Do you think it’s possible to set up a similar environment with Kubernetes?

Answer. I think it is possible, though scaling Zabbix with Kubernetes is more complex than with Docker Swarm. 

Zabbix 5 IT Infrastructure Monitoring Cookbook: Interview with the Co-Author

Post Syndicated from Jekaterina Petruhina original https://blog.zabbix.com/zabbix-5-it-infrastructure-monitoring-cookbook-interview-with-the-co-author/13439/

Active Zabbix community members Nathan Liefting and Brian van Baekel wrote a new book on Zabbix, sharing their years of monitoring experience. Nathan Liefting kindly agreed to share with us how the idea for Monitoring Cookbook was born and revealed the main topics covered.

Hi Nathan, congratulations on writing the book. Welcome to the Zabbix contributor community! First, introduce yourself. What is your experience in Zabbix?

Thank you, I’m very proud to have the opportunity to work with Brian van Baekel on this book and very grateful for the work our publisher Packt has put into it as well. My name is Nathan Liefting. I work for the company Opensource ICT Solutions, where I’m a full-time IT consultant and certified Zabbix Trainer.
My first introduction to Zabbix was back in 2016. We were in the process of upgrading a Zabbix 2 instance to the newly released Zabbix 3.0. As a Network Consultant, I was immediately very intrigued by the monitoring system and its capabilities in terms of customization compared to other monitoring solutions.
Since then, I’ve always worked with Zabbix, and when I was working for Managed Service Provider True in Amsterdam, I set up a new Zabbix setup to migrate from the old monitoring solution.

How did you have the idea for the book?

That’s a good question. You might know Patrik Uytterhoeven from Openfuture BV. He wrote the Zabbix 3 cookbook for Packt. Patrik was kind enough to recommend Brian and me to write the new Zabbix 5 cookbook, and from there on out, we started work on it.

Who is your reader? Who would benefit from the book primarily?

The book is about 350 pages, and of course, we can’t explain everything Zabbix has to offer in that page count. So we focus the cookbook on Zabbix beginners that would like to get on that intermediate level. We detail basic topics like data collection with different methods and more advanced topics like the Zabbix API and database partitioning.

I am convinced that the book contains a recipe for everyone that works with Zabbix, and it’s basically a foundation of knowledge that anyone could fall back on. See it as your starter field guide into professionally working with Zabbix.

Do readers need any prior skills in monitoring with Zabbix to master the new knowledge as efficiently as possible?

Definitely not. We detail everything from installation to how to monitor and more advanced topics. Start at chapter 1 with no knowledge about Zabbix whatsoever, and you can read the book. If you think a recipe is about something you already know, simply skip it and read the next one. We wrote the recipes to be as independent of each other as possible, so beginners and more advanced users can get used to the book.

Could you tell us about the content of the book? What information does it provide?

I would like to say everything is covered, but that would be a dream scenario. The book grasps the surface of almost everything you need to know to work professionally with Zabbix. If you know Zabbix, you know it’s possible to write 100 pages about triggers alone. Of course, this would be counterproductive for starters. We kept the recipes graspable for beginners, with valuable information for more advanced users.
Some topics we go over are:

  • Zabbix setup and how to use it
  • Setting up the different Zabbix monitoring item types
  • Working with triggers and alerts
  • Building structured templates according to best practice
  • Visualizing data with graphs, dashboards, etc.
  • Zabbix host discovery and low-level discovery
  • Zabbix proxies
  • Zabbix integrations with media like Microsoft Teams and Slack
  • Zabbix API and custom integrations
  • Upgrading components, database partitioning, and performance management
  • Zabbix in the cloud

There are now many online resources about Zabbix – forums, blogs, YouTube channels. Why did you decide to opt for the print format?

I’m a big fan of sharing resources online, don’t get me wrong. But to me, there is nothing better than an old-fashioned book to have at the ready when I need it. I can read it, and at one point, I’m thinking, “Wait! I read something that could solve our problem”.
Printed media is not dead if you ask me. In my eyes, a book is still the best way to prepare yourself for any subject in IT. But even if you don’t like printed media, we over an amazing collection of information in the old paper format as well as an eBook.

What was your Zabbix learning path? Which resources did you found the best to gather Zabbix knowledge?

Definitely Zabbix official courses. I loved those so much I couldn’t wait to get my trainer certification myself. Now that I have it, I’m providing the official training myself and sharing the Zabbix knowledge I’ve acquired over the years with others like in the book.
Of course, the amazing Zabbix community offers great ways to share knowledge, for example, the Zabbix blog. I used those as well and even templates found on the Zabbix share to reverse engineers them and see how people worked.

Where will the book be available to purchase?

You can find the book on Amazon here.

When you purchase the book, please leave a review, as this really helps us spread the word about the book. I will personally read every review, so I’d love to hear any feedback on the book to improve later revisions and new releases.
If you’re reading this after purchasing, thank you very much for the support. I hope you enjoy the work.

Do you have any further plans for new books?

I’ve just finished writing this book, and it is a significant impact on personal time. I will definitely consider writing another book, but for now, I’ll focus on sharing content for Opensource ICT Solutions and on my personal website. Besides IT engineering, I also like to create other content, like my photography work, which I share on this website.

The best of Changelog • 2020 Edition

Post Syndicated from Michelle Mannering original https://github.blog/2021-01-21-changelog-2020-edition/

If you haven’t seen it, the GitHub Changelog helps you keep up-to-date with all the latest features and updates to GitHub. We shipped a tonne of changes last year, and it’s impossible to blog about every feature. In fact, we merged over 90,000 pull requests into the GitHub codebase in the past 12 months!

Here’s a quick recap of the top changes made to GitHub in 2020. We hope these changes are helping you build cooler things better and faster. Let us know what your favourite feature of the past year has been.

GitHub wherever you are

While we haven’t exactly been travelling a lot recently, one of the things we love is the flexibility to work wherever we want, however we want. Whether you want to work on your couch, in the terminal, or check your notifications on the go, we’ve shipped some updates for you.

GitHub CLI

Do you like to work in the command line? In September, we brought GitHub to your terminal. Having GitHub available in the command line reduces the need to switch between applications or various windows and helps simplify a bunch of automation scenarios.

The GitHub CLI allows you to run your entire GitHub workflow directly from the terminal. You can clone a repo, create, view and review PRs, open issues, assign tasks, and so much more. The CLI is available on Windows, iOS, and Linux. Best of all, the GitHub CLI is open source. Download the CLI today, check out the repo, and view the Docs for a full list of the CLI commands.

GitHub for Mobile

It doesn’t stop there. Now you can also have GitHub in your pocket with GitHub for Mobile!

This new native app makes it easy to create, view, and comment on issues, check your notifications, merge a pull request, explore, organise your tasks, and more. One of the most used features of GitHub for Mobile is push notification support. Mobile alerts means you’ll never miss a mention or review again and can help keep your team unblocked.

GitHub for Mobile is available on iOS and Android. Download it today if you’re not already carrying the world’s development platform in your pocket.

Oh and did you know, GitHub for Mobile isn’t just in English? It’s also available in Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, and Spanish.


GitHub Enterprise Server

With the release of GitHub Enterprise Server 2.21 in 2020, there was a host of amazing new features. There are new features for PRs, a new notification experience, and changes to issues. These are all designed to make it easier to connect, communicate, and collaborate within your organisation.

And now we’ve made Enterprise Server even better with GitHub Enterprise Server 3.0 RC. That means GitHub Actions, Packages, Code Scanning, Mobile Support, and Secret Scanning are now available in your Enterprise Server. This is the biggest release we’ve done of GitHub Enterprise Server in years, and you can install it now with full support.

Working better with automation

GitHub Actions was launched at the end of 2019 and is already the most popular CI/CD service on GitHub. Our team has continued adding features and improving ways for you to automate common tasks in your repository. GitHub Actions is so much more than simply CI/CD. Our community has really stepped up to help you automate all the things with over 6,500 open source Actions available in the GitHub Marketplace.

Some of the enhancements to GitHub Actions in 2020 include:

Workflow visualisation

We made it easy for you to see what’s happening with your Actions automation. With Workflow visualisation, you can now see a visual graph of your workflow.

This workflow visualisation allows you to easily view and understand your workflows no matter how complex they are. You can also track the progress of your workflow in real time and easily monitor what’s happening so you can access deployment targets.

On top of workflow visualisation, you can also create workflow templates. This makes it easier to promote best practices and consistency across your organisation. It also cuts down time when using the same or similar workflows. You can even define rules for these templates that work across your repo.

Self-hosted runners

Right at the end of 2019, we announced GitHub Actions supports self-hosted runner groups. It offered developers maximum flexibility and control over their workflows. Last year, we made updates to self-hosted runners, making self-hosted runners shareable across some or all of your GitHub organisations.

In addition, you can separate your runners into groups, and add custom labels to the runners in your groups. Read more about these Enterprise self-hosted runners and groups over on our GitHub Docs.

Environments & Environment Secrets

Last year we added environment protection rules and environment secrets across our CD capabilities in GitHub Actions. This new update ensures there is separation between the concerns of deployment and concerns surrounding development to meet compliance and security requirements.

Manual Approvals

With Environments, we also added the ability to pause a job that’s trying to deploy to the protected environment and request manual approval before that job continues. This unleashes a whole new raft of continuous deployment workflows, and we are very excited to see how you make use of these new features.

Other Actions Changes

Yes there’s all the big updates, and we’re committed to making small improvements too. Alongside other changes, we now have better support for whatever default branch name you choose. We updated all our starter workflows to use a new $default-branch macro.

We also added the ability to re-run all jobs after a successful run, as well as change the retention days for artifacts and logs. Speaking of logs, we updated how the logs are displayed. They are now much easier to read, have better searching, auto-scrolling, clickable URLs, support for more colours, and full screen mode. You can now disable or delete workflow runs in the Actions tab as well as manually trigger Actions runs with the workflow_dispatch trigger.

While having access to all 6,500+ actions in the marketplace helps integrate with different tools, some enterprises want to limit which actions you can invoke to a limited trusted sub-set. You can now fine-tune access to your external actions by limiting control to GitHub-verified authors, and even limit access to specific Actions.

There were so many amazing changes and updates to GitHub Actions that we couldn’t possibly include them all here. Check out the Changelog for all our GitHub Actions updates.

Working better with Security

Keeping your code safe and secure is one of the most important things for us at GitHub. That’s why we made a number of improvements to GitHub Advanced Security for 2020.

You can read all about these improvements in the special Security Highlights from 2020. There are new features such as code scanning, secret scanning, Dependabot updates, Dependency review, and NPM advisory information.

If you missed the talk at GitHub Universe on the state of security in the software industry, don’t forget to check it out. Justin Hutchings, the Staff Product Manager for Security, walks through the latest trends in security and all things DevSecOps. It’s definitely worth carving out some time over the weekend to watch this:

Working better with your communities

GitHub is about building code together. That’s why we’re always making improvements to the way you work with your team and your community.

Issues improvements

Issues are important for keeping track of your project, so we have been busy making issues work better and faster on GitHub.

You can now also link issues and PRs via the sidebar, and issues now have list autocompletion. When you’re looking for an issue to reference, you can use multiple words to search for that issue inline.

Sometimes when creating an issue, you might like to add a GIF or short video to demo a bug or new feature. Now you can do it natively by adding an *.mp4 or *.mov into your issue.

GitHub Discussions

Issues are a great place to talk about feature updates and bug fixes, but what about when you want to have an open- ended conversation or have your community help answering common questions?

GitHub Discussions is a place for you and your community to come together and collaborate, chat, or discuss something in a separate space, away from your issues. Discussions allows you to have threaded conversations. You can even convert Issues to Discussions, mark questions as answered, categorise your topics, and pin your Discussions. These features help you provide a welcoming space to new people as well as quick access to the most common discussion points.

If you are an admin or maintainer of a public repo you can enable Discussions via repo settings today. Check out our Docs for more info.

Speaking of Docs, did you know we recently published all our documentation as an open source project? Check it out and get involved today.

GitHub Sponsors

We launched GitHub Sponsors in 2019, and people have been loving this program. It’s a great way to contribute to open source projects. In 2020, we made GitHub Sponsors available in even more countries. Last year, GitHub Sponsors became available in Mexico, Czech Republic, Malta, and Cyprus.

We also added some other fancy features to GitHub Sponsors. This includes the ability to export a list of your sponsors. You can also set up webhooks for events in your sponsored account and easily keep track of everything that’s happening via your activity feed.

At GitHub Universe, we also announced Sponsors for Companies. This means organisations can now invest in open source projects via their billing arrangement with GitHub. Now is a great time to consider supporting your company’s most critical open source dependencies.

Working better with code

We’re always finding ways to help developers. As Nat said in his GitHub Universe keynote, the thing we care about the most is helping developers build amazing things. That’s why we’re always trying to make it quicker and easier to collaborate on code.

Convert pull requests to drafts

Draft pull requests are a great way to let your team know you are working on a feature. It helps start the conversation about how it should be built without worrying about someone thinking it’s ready to merge into main. We recently made it easy to convert an existing PR into a draft anytime.

Multi-line code suggestions

Not only can you do multi-line comments, you can now suggest a specific change to multiple lines of code when you’re reviewing a pull request. Simply click and drag and then edit text within the suggestion block.

Default branch naming

Alongside the entire Git community, we’ve been trying to make it easier for teams wanting to use more inclusive naming for their default branch. This also gives teams much more flexibility around branch naming. We’ve added first-tier support for renaming branches in the GitHub UI.

This helps take care of retargeting pull requests and updating branch protection rules. Furthermore, it provides instructions to people who have forked or cloned your repo to make it easier for them to update to your new branch names.

Re-directing to the new default branch

We provided re-directs so links to deleted branch names now point to the new default branch. In addition, we updated GitHub Pages to allow it to publish from any branch. We also added a preference so you can set the default branch name for your organization. If you need to stay with ‘master’ for compatibility with your existing tooling and automation, or if you prefer to use a different default branch, such as ‘development,’ you can now set this in a single place.

For new organizations to GitHub, we also updated the default to ‘main’ to reflect the new consensus among the Git community. Existing repos are also not affected by any of these changes. Hopefully we’ve helped make it easier for the people who do want to move away from the old ‘master’ terminology in Git.

Design updates for repos and GitHub UI

In mid 2020, we launched a fresh new look to the GitHub UI. The way repos are shown on the homepage and the overall look and feel of GitHub is super sleek. There’s responsive layout, improved UX in the mobile web experience, and more. We also made lots of small improvements. For example, the way your commits are shown in the pull request timeline has changed. PRs in the past were ordered by author date. Now they’ll show up according to their chronological order in the head branch.

If you’ve been following a lot of our socials, you’ll know we’ve also got a brand new look and feel to GitHub.com. Check out these changes, and we hope it gives you fresh vibes for the future.

Go to the Dark Side

Speaking of fresh vibes, you’ve asked for it, and now it’s here! No longer will you be blinded by the light. Now you can go to the dark side with dark mode for the web.

Changelog 2020

These are just some of the highlights for 2020. We’re all looking forward to bringing you more great updates in 2021.

Keep an eye on the Changelog to stay informed and ensure you don’t miss out on any cool updates. You can also follow our changes with @GHChangelog on Twitter and see what’s coming soon by checking out the GitHub Roadmap. Tweet us your favourite changes for 2020, and tell us what you’re most excited to see in 2021.

Data solution for solar energy application

Post Syndicated from Brad Berwald original https://blog.zabbix.com/data-solution-for-solar-energy-application/13005/

Morningstar, the world’s leading supplier of solar controllers for remote solar power systems, has partnered with Zabbix to provide pre-configured integration of their data-enabled solar power products with the Zabbix network monitoring solution. Now, both power system data and network performance metrics integrate seamlessly to allow remote solar systems to be monitored and managed from a single software platform on the premise or in the cloud, using solutions from Zabbix.


I. About Morningstar (1:43)
II. Products and technology (6:01)

III. Data solution for solar application (10:28)

IV. Zabbix solution (15:09)

V. Conclusion (21:40)
VI. Questions and Answers (23:09)


In this post, an overview of Morningstar’s diverse product line is presented and the industry applications they support, as well as of how the Zabbix network monitor can be used to manage and log time-series data using SNMP and MODBUS protocols for powerful and scalable system oversight and trend analysis.

Morningstar has been working in partnership with Zabbix to provide integration for the Morningstar products, including easy-to-use templates and pre-formatted data sets in order to speed up getting these products online, so that customers can monitor both their network data and solar power system data at remote sites.

About Morningstar

Morningstar is the leading supplier of charge controllers and inverters generally used in remote power systems around the world.

Morningstar, located in Newtown, Pennsylvania, USA, has sold over 4 million products deployed into the field since the company’s inception in 1993. Morningstar currently works in over 100 countries and provides reliable remote power for mission-critical applications.

We’d like to think of ourselves as the ‘charging experts’ because of our focus on battery life and many years of charging innovation.  We have a diverse product line and many models designed for application specific needs, such as solar lighting and telecommunications. Morningstar has one of the lowest hardware failure rates in the industry.

Some of these mission-critical applications include:

— Residential and rural electrification.

— Commercial systems.

— Industrial products, including telecommunications, oil and gas, security applications.

— Mobile and marine application, which generally includes boats, RVs, and caravans, agricultural applications, etc.

Overview of Morningstar solar applications


— Railroad industry where remote signaling and track management is often remotely powered by solar applications because of its critical nature and absence of a readily available electric grid.

— Traffic applications, early warning systems, signaling messaging systems, traffic, and speed monitoring equipment also can be easily powered for mobile deployment with a battery-based system.

— Oil and gas industry is a specific and notable market for Morningstar, because oil field automation measurement of the gas flow and pressure (RTUs), as well as methane injection points used to keep the gas flowing and avoid well freeze-ups, can be powered by solar power with a very modest amount of power for data monitoring. Since the pipelines often traverse very remote regions, this is highly advantageous to get power where it’s needed.

— In telecommunications, cellular base stations and backhaul links to provide the data for the sites, lane mobile radio applications, and satellite-based infrastructure benefit from remote solar power. In these applications, the loads can be modest or they can be quite significant. In that case, several controllers can be combined together to charge a very large battery bank often with a hybrid diesel gen-set in conjunction with other renewable energy sources to provide a hybrid power system. This increases reliability, provides diversity during inclement weather, and maintains the high integrity of the site link.

— In the cases of rural electrification, small amounts of DC power can be provided in remote locations with no grid access in the countries with a large populace and huge needs for lighting and cell phone charging.

Recently, we did a notable project in Peru, where nearly 1 million Peruvians were provided remote power access using 200,000 DC energy boxes. They provided basic 12V DC power, USB charging, and were distributed over the country in some of the most remote locations.  These home systems easily met the needs for lighting, device charging and other small equipment power needs. In addition, 3,000 integrated power systems for community centers were also deployed to provide 230V AC power for more critical loads, including more substantial lighting, communication and, in some cases, health equipment for the benefit of the local population.

So, we’re very proud to have deployed probably one of the largest and most ambitious rural electrification projects in the history of the off-grid industry. The project was completed last year with our partner Tozzi Green of Italy.

Products and technology

Morningstar has a diverse product set covering all power levels  — anywhere from modest 50W needs up to models that handle 3.2kW per device and that can be paralleled for even greater capacity. We also provide inverter systems in both our SureSine and coming MultiWave, which will be coming to market in the near future.  These inverters provide AC power and enable hybrid system charging (combining both solar and AC sources together).  These meet more demanding load needs and add robust high current charging capabilities from the grid or from diesel generators.

Morningstar products and technologies

So, together all these product lines make up a diverse set of products that really fulfill the variety of needs in an off-grid remote power system. In many cases, each of our products includes open communication protocols, which can be used for remote management.

Charge controllers

A charge controller is installed between the PV modules and the battery. It monitors various system power and voltage readings and temperatures, The charge controlled is also intended for managing the batteries in order to provide long-life adequate charging, take the batteries through their various charging stages, and to manage the DC loads connected to the device. They can, of course, extend the battery life significantly if the battery’s setpoints are configured correctly and the right choice for the battery model is made. That depends a lot on the battery chemistry, the temperatures it will experience, and how deeply it will be cycled or discharged each day while providing power to the system.

We have products in both the PWM and MPPT in our line of charge controller topologies.


MPPT controllers are able to convert DC power from the PV array to the proper battery voltage. So, it has an integrated DC-to-DC converter and controls the charge of the battery preventing overcharging and extending the life.


It is also used with one of our inverter products in order to provide small AC loads, such as equipment that requires 120 or 230-volt power remotely in the field.

Our product line covers a variety of PWM charge controllers.

PWM charge controllers

  • Pulse width modulation products are more cost-effective, simpler in design (from a complexity standpoint), and provide direct charging from an equally sized nominal solar array.
  • The MPPT charge controller line ensures the maximum power point is tracked (MPPT), therefore optimizing power harvest. The modules can be of a much wider range of voltages, much higher voltage, and will actually be monitored and tracked by the controller to provide the optimal operating point for the system.
  • The SunSaver and ProStar MPPT lines are used extensively in smaller systems under a thousand watts.
  • Our TriStar family is used for 3kW or greater and is able to be paralleled. A notable product is our 600V controller, which allows the PV modules to be wired in series for very high voltage input providing advantages in efficiency and PV array distance from the controller. All the MPPT controllers will take the input voltage and conver to the proper output voltage. They will convert it to the expected output to support 12V, 24V, or 48V battery systems.
  • Morningstar inverter line includes the SureSine and MultiWave inverter chargers. We also have a very extensive line of accessories used with each of these controllers. These generally provide protocol conversion hardware, interface adapters, and other items that can control relays to support system control or actuate additional components in remote off-grid systems.

EMC-1 Morningstar’s Ethernet MeterBus converter

EMC-1 is a simple serial 2 Ethernet converter that also supports a real-time operating system and a variety of protocols. So, Morningstar products can be connected to industry-specific applications using those standard protocols — Modbus over IP, or SNMP. It can display a simple HTML web GUI to allow direct connection and a one-to-one basis with the product for simple status monitoring using any type of device, including mobile devices, such as phones or tablets.

Data solution for solar application

Challenges to remote monitoring of solar power sources

Power for wireless ISP infrastructure is a common off-grid application requiring network traffic and power to be monitored together. Customers’ access in the field using Wi-Fi or LTE communications should also be enabled.

When these devices are deployed, clearly they have to have their network equipment monitored with the network management system or NMS. These network monitors can now be enabled with EMS and using SNMP, and Zabbix to make this far easier to integrate the power systems into the same monitoring system. So, you have a single point of software and data collection, and both power and network bandwidth and status can be monitored at the same time.

What this monitoring can help achieve:

  • Measurement of the true load consumption in the field. The power levels will vary depending on the type, amount of usage, and the technology and frequencies used. So, the load in the field throughout the day, during peak and off-peak hours can be directly monitored in real time.
  • Detection and root cause of network outages. We need to minimize network outages and to ensure that the site is reliable and the network is on at all times to avoid customer dissatisfaction and frustration by the operating carrier. The ability to monitor both power and network allows the root cause of network outages to be determined, whether it’s a system configuration, bandwidth restrictions, or something that has caused difficulty with the power system itself, such as a depleted battery, insufficient solar, even electrical faults, or possibly tampering with the system.
  • Ensuring sufficient power at the site to prevent deep battery discharge. It also ensures that you have adequate PV to cycle the battery properly. So, when the battery is depleted each day from powering the loads, it can be fully recharged the next day when PV power is available again. This balance is difficult to manage because you have to always ensure power for the battery, protect the loads, but you may or may not have adequate sun each day. So, reserve power is often provided in the system to ensure that the site will remain up during lower than average or uneven periods of PV supply.

Measurement of the current system status, as well as historical data. Measurement of all this data is ensured by the network monitoring software. Sometimes, with a high level of granularity, so that you can see what is happening in the system on a minute-by-minute or hour-by-hour basis.  This helps detect system faults otherwise missed.

Ensuring system resiliency during low periods of production. In peak times, you usually have more than adequate power. However, off-grid systems may be system-sized in order to handle a worst-case scenario, for instance, for the winter months or the off-peak months with the less amount of sun hours and lower levels of solar insulation that can provide as much power as you expected during the summer. So, during these worst-case periods of the year,  monitoring can be really critical because it’s when you’re most likely to experience an outage due to inadequate solar.

  • When long-term data is available, you can compare, for instance, month-to-month or season-to-season power output, as well as look at trends and analyze the system lifetime of operation to detect anomalies and negative trends during operation to indicate pending battery failure.

With a lot of lead-acid batteries, a minimum of five years is generally acceptable. With newer lithium technologies, battery life is extended to 10 or more years when adequately sized. So, the batteries can have a robust life as long as they are sized correctly and given adequate power.

But monitoring the end stage of a battery, which most likely will occur at some time in the system, is really critical. Many remote sites that are deployed for an extended period of time can go through one or two battery replacement cycles. So, a downward trend with the power declining over time and the batteries beginning to show signs that their health is no longer adequate to support the system can be detected with this long-term data analysis.

Zabbix solution

Remote monitoring of a Morningstar EMC-1 adapter’s IP connection through Zabbix monitoring platform

A typical system in this diagram shows one of the ProStar MPPT controllers connected to a solar array and a battery storage system. Loads can be typical among many of the applications. EMC-1 can be connected to the device in order to provide IP connectivity. That’s something that can be connected to a variety of services:

  • Modbus protocol to connect to SCADA or other HMI Data viewing solutions, which are common in automation and oil and gas.
  • Simple HTTP or HTML web pages to get a simple look at a dashboard to understand what’s going on in the system.
  • SNMP can be used alongside the network monitoring software, and the Zabbix network monitoring software can be enabled to monitor the entire site with just one tool.

Being cloud-based or server-based can have great applications for energy storage, data logging, notifications, and alarms. Native or external databases in the cloud can be used to archive the large amounts of data that will be accumulated. The sites can grow to hundreds or even thousands of deployed systems. So, the software tool and the server must be scalable so that they can grow in time and keep up with the needs of the data.


  • The benefits of an IP-based solution involve its compatibility with any network transport layer. In addition, there’s a variety of wireless applications in the field, including point-to-point, licensed, unlicensed, Wi-Fi, proprietary, wireless protocols,and cellular.
  • Recently, notable gains in the satellite industry have provided lower latency and higher bandwidth. With satellite, you can often reach almost any part of the world, which gives it great benefits for solar power applications.
  • SNMP — a very lightweight protocol. On a metered and wireless connection, especially in these hard-to-reach locations, low overhead UDP packets and minimal infrastructure for monitoring can make sure that you have minimal impact on the system itself in terms of overhead.

Zabbix dashboards for Morningstar solar systems

  • Native Morningstar SNMP support is provided by these tools. We work to review use cases, system needs for solar applications, as well as data sets. The MIB files are already being imported and device templates are being pre-configured for a variety of Morningstar product solutions that support the EMC-1.
  • Dedicated templates allow you to easily connect the hardware to an existing system and go about monitoring Morningstar’s tools using your existing Zabbix instance.
  • Performance visibility of solar-powered systems is available:

— on a very high level to see if there are any systems that have needs or are in a fault state, or

— in greater detail to analyze the time series data and to allow you to correlate that data with other aspects of the system, to determine what is the root cause of the system and how that data is trending. Time series data correlation provides for accelerated troubleshooting.

  • At a glance dashboard management tool makes it easy to monitor the status of all Morningstar devices on the network and to scale to hundreds of sites.
  • Active advanced and custom alerts sent out by the Zabbix system and triggered by the power system events ensure proactive notification of when there is a pending issue at the site, hopefully, before critical loads drop. If you can be notified, then using the bi-directional nature of some of the other protocols, system changes, corrections, extended runtimes, or even auxiliary charging systems, such as generators, can be activated to prevent an outage. Such proactive monitoring can only take place when you’re working at scale using a tool such as Zabbix.

Advantages of monitoring with Zabbix

  • Morningstar provides some simple PC-based utilities that run on Windows software and can provide direct Modbus capability for communication, very simple data logging on a very small number of devices. Morningstar MSView functional utility allows configuration files for the products to be uploaded and deployed to the controllers in the field, as well as basic troubleshooting.
  • Morningstar Live View is our built-in web dashboard that also runs on the EMC. It allows a simple web page with everything displayed in HTML so that it can be viewed on any device regardless of the operating system.

These two products are meant for troubleshooting, site deployment, and configuration of small-scale systems. They’re not set to be scaled.

  • With Zabbix, an almost unlimited number of devices can be connected depending on your computing resources and power.
  • Zabbix supports SNMP and Modbus, which is beneficial for both telecom and industrial automation or smart city applications.
  • Zabbix gives you a real-time data display, as well as custom alerts and notifications. You can set up custom log intervals, downloading of extensive amounts of log data, etc. Reports can be generated based on custom filtering, as well as long-term historical data, which becomes more critical to understanding the site’s longevity.
  • There are cloud-based systems where APIs are available, cloud-to-cloud integrations can be utilized and advanced data management analysis or intelligence can be added onto existing servers by using additional third-party tools.

So, it’s really the only way to manage data of this scale and size.


Zabbix adds a great deal of value and capabilities to Morningstar products when used in the field. If additional access is provided via satellite, cellular, or fixed wireless technologies, then the charge controllers can perform their duty of providing remote power for these systems but easily integrating using the existing protocols to monitor across the entire system deployment.

As solar equipment is often used to provide power for remote network infrastructure. Integrating data from the network components and power systems into a centralized NMS provides an essential management tool to optimize system health and increase uptime. Zabbix also adds configuration options and valuable data analytics to ensure full system visibility. More information on the Zabbix network monitoring tools or Morningstar data-enabled remote power products is available at https://www.zabbix.com and www.morningstarcorp.com or can be requested from [email protected] and [email protected], respectively.

Questions and Answers

Question. Are Morningstar templates shared somewhere? Are they available to the public?

Answer. A part of the partnership with Zabbix is to get all this integrated. We’re putting the finishing touches on how that will be available and easily downloadable as part of our SNMP support documentation. In addition, we can do some cross-referring, so that we can help our products get online. Hopefully, you can get them plugged into the major network monitoring access. All that will be available probably within the next month.

Question.  Zabbix starting from 5.2 natively supports Modbus and MQTT. Do you plan on using that in your environment?

Answer.  Yes, MQTT has come up quite recently and is an indeal solution where IP addressing challenges exist and pub/sub style data reporting is preferred from session initiated within the network. Currently, we support Modbus and SNMP, though we are considering other protocols. Modbus has been used within the solar industry for a long time for automation and control. We also have extenive market in the oil gas industry, where they utilize Modbus both for polling of the data, as well as real-time control by actually making configuration changes to the product remotely.

SNMP is a more recent development and it helps to get on the bandwagon with telecommunications and IT-related markets. So, it’s an easy transition using a protocol that customers are already familiar with.

Question. How do you use report generation? How do you enable it and implement it in Zabbix?

Answer. A lot of our customers are looking for trending data over a certain period of time. So, they would set up regular intervals for the data to be collected and reported because the long-term trending data is about looking at the same site during different periods of time or looking at the same site next to its peers to see how the power system may be varying from what is expected. So, regular report intervals can be executed and filtered based on certain conditions.

There are really a few key parameters of a solar site to look at to understand the health of the system. You need to focus on the battery levels, the maximum power of the solar panel, and a quick diagnostic check to find out if the controller shows any faults or alarms. So, if you have a simple report you can quickly be sure that hundreds of sites are in good shape. If one of them isn’t, you could drill down into more detail on just that specific site.

Meet The Workers Team Over Discord

Post Syndicated from Albert Zhao original https://blog.cloudflare.com/meet-the-workers-team-over-discord/

Meet The Workers Team Over Discord

Meet The Workers Team Over Discord

The Cloudflare Workers team is excited to announce the opening of our Discord channel! You can join right away by going here.

Through our Discord channel, you can now connect with the team to ask questions, show off what you’re building, and discuss the platform with other developers.

Sometimes you just need to talk to another human being. Our developer docs will always be the source of truth on the mechanics of Workers, but we want to provide quicker help if you need it.

Growing The Workers Community

Over the past three years, Cloudflare Workers evolved from an initial sandbox for enterprise customers writing edge code to a developer platform for creating new applications and systems.

“We bet our whole business on Workers and it paid off big time,” said Hamlet Batista, CEO of RankSense, a SEO automation platform. “We’ve been saving a lot of money on infrastructure costs and DevOps resources we no longer need.”

Our team is constantly surprised by the palette of use cases from those developing on Workers. For example, a developer in Belgium created a static Workers site that teaches an online tutorial in three different languages on how to make your own face mask, which earned the approval of the Belgian government.

Why Discord?

Discord provides a medium that allows users to openly share their thoughts while maintaining anonymity. It’s also really fast — partially due to Discord’s use of Workers and Cloudflare’s network.

“Workers are in the path of virtually all Discord requests,” said Mark Smith, Director of Infrastructure at Discord. “We are longtime users of Workers and big fans of the power and flexibility they give us to continue building great things for our users.”

As we continue to build the ecosystem of developer tools, we’d love to hear what you’re building, whether it’s a personal site of your pet or an API gateway. Come say hi today.

Thank you 2020: Results, Achievements, and Plans

Post Syndicated from Jekaterina Petruhina original https://blog.zabbix.com/thank-you-2020-results-achievements-and-plans/13184/

2020 was not an easy year, but it challenged and taught us a lot. Let’s sum up the past year’s results together and make some plans for the next one.

Going online

Despite the worldwide lockdown and the entire team’s inability to work from the office, Zabbix continued to evolve and get better. The Zabbix 5.0 release was the first release to be done remotely – without the usual cake and “family” celebration on release day in our cozy office kitchen. Version 5.2 also followed remotely, with the already familiar online celebration in Zoom.

Unexpectedly we had to change the vector of planned activities. In January 2020, we expected to hold ten conferences in different countries of the world. But in reality, due to the pandemic and the restrictions it caused, we were only able to have a few: Zabbix Conference Benelux 2020, Zabbix Conference China 2020, and Zabbix Conference Japan 2020.

In 2020, we were going to have the biggest Zabbix Summit ever – the 10th-anniversary event. But plans changed, and instead, we held our first online Zabbix Summit. Given the unusual format of a traditional Zabbix Summit – it turned out very successful and proved the online version also could be sustainable.  We are grateful to all the speakers and guests who supported us and joined the event.

We can say that 2020 was all about online events. We start a good tradition to hold Zabbix meetups online and received positive feedback from the community. Thanks to our partners’ support, online meetups have been held not only in English and Russian but also in Czech, Italian, French, Portuguese, Spanish, German, and Polish. We will continue this tradition for sure, providing our users worldwide to learn Zabbix, share their experience, and meet co-thinkers. Remember that we always record the meetups for you to have access to presentations when it is required. Recordings are available on our website’s event section under each event.

Conquering the world

One of the most important events of 2020 for Zabbix was the opening of the office in Brazil. The software and professional services are now even more accessible to Latin American users thanks to language localization and the branch office’s closeness. We are happy to be part of one of Zabbix’s most active communities worldwide and being able to cooperate on a much greater level. We have expanded our Latin American branch with new Zabbix professionals, partners, and initiatives during last year.

We are also proud of making Zabbix more reachable for different language users – with our Latin American office, we opened Zabbix Spanish and Portuguese web page and thanks to our active partners – also German site. Now we are working on more languages to make our open source solution even more open.

As for the overall results, we can share with you some statistics

Our integration team has been very active over the past year and has released many useful templates. In total, their efforts resulted in 42 new templates and 20 new Webhook integrations.

Zabbix partnership network has also grown. Zabbix Partnership program creates a worldwide network of trustful and highly skilled companies ready to provide immediate technical assistance and become an accessible intermediary between you and the Zabbix team. This network has now grown by 40+ partners worldwide, resulting in around 200 partners for now.

In the past year, we rethought the professional training program and expanded it with extra training – one-day courses for in-depth study of one specific topic. These courses differ from the rest of the program by having no requirements. You can get extra knowledge about monitoring with Zabbix without Zabbix certification. Four additional training courses are available now, but we are working on the next topics to provide you.

Note that we have already published many training sessions for this year, so now is an excellent time to choose and book the courses and timing that suit you best. Don’t forget to use the filter – you can quickly sort courses by language, level, and location (online or on-site).

Speaking of statistics for last year, thanks to the Zabbix team and partners’ efforts, there were 203 training sessions in total. Altogether, 1,214 official Zabbix certificates were awarded to the training attendees who successfully mastered the material and passed the exam.

But education doesn’t end with training. Webinars are an excellent opportunity to learn different aspects of Zabbix for free. Note that we have also added the ability to watch recorded sessions at your convenience. And we also want to remind you not to forget to use the filter to navigate between sessions. We cover many topics in many different languages, and we want to make sure you don’t miss out on learning the material. Last year we hosted 245 webinar sessions (including 55 sessions held by Zabbix partners worldwide), and we hope it was beneficial for our community.

A sneak peek to 2021

So what can we expect from Zabbix in the new year of 2021? Lots of things! We are not going to stop and continue to work hard. The Zabbix software development roadmap is available on our website. Feel free to explore the features we are working on right now! We will continue to hold meetups, covering complex technical issues. As for the Zabbix Summit 2021, we are also planning to have it online in October 2021. The first experience was a success, so why not strengthen the achieved result. And as for other news, keep an eye on our updates here on the blog, social media, and newsletter. We have an exciting year ahead of us, so let’s make the most of it!


Aranet — a wireless IOT sensor platform

Post Syndicated from Toms Reksna original https://blog.zabbix.com/aranet-a-wireless-iot-sensor-platform/12953/

Aranet — wireless IoT sensor platform. Wherever you need to measure anything – temperature, air quality, light, or any other physical parameter – Aranet’s main mission is to deliver these measurements simply, easily, and above all – wirelessly. Aranet is manufactured by SAF Tehnika — a company with over 20 years of experience in the telecom industry, microwave radio, and test & measurement equipment manufacturing, and a certified partner of Zabbix.


I. Aranet wireless sensor network (1:41)
II. Aranet in retail (5:53)
III. Indoor air quality and COVID19 (8:20)
IV. Partnership with Aranet (12:11)
V. Questions & Answers (13:52)

Aranet wireless sensor network

Aranet is a wireless sensor network consisting of the Aranet PRO base station and sensors transmitting data to one another over the 868 MHz frequency in Europe and 920 MHz frequency in the United States. This frequency allows us to have a very large line of sight distance between the sensor and the base station — up to 3 kilometers line of sight and a couple of hundred meters indoors.

Sensors are intended to measure different environmental parameters. You can connect up to a hundred sensors per base station. Sensors can be configured to send the data over different intervals — once every minute, two minutes, five, or 10 minutes. Sensors are very power efficient — with a regular AA battery, they will last up to 10 years.

Aranet ecosystem

Aranet technology is based on the LoRa physical layer. We have built our proprietary LPWAN protocol with XXTEA encryption on top of LoRa to make the radio parameters better and to increase the battery life.

Aranet technology

The brain of the system is the Aranet PRO base station – the radio receiver with a built-in web server housing SensorHUB software and internal memory for local data storage. It is made with ease of use in mind – you can connect directly to the base station with your PC, laptop, or phone over Ethernet or Wi-Fi, open up your web browser and access the free SensorHUB software. You don’t even need to install anything.

Aranet PRO base station offers a lot of features such as graphing, exporting data, etc. In addition, its internal memory allows for storing 10 years of readings even if the Internet goes down.

The sensors are sending data to the base station. Several such base stations can be agglomerated into the Aranet Cloud solution collecting data from several base stations and allowing you to access the data from anywhere.

Aranet architecture

With over 20 years of experience in radio manufacturing, we believe that we’ve created one of the best-in-class systems in terms of wireless connectivity with our base stations and in-house cloud. However, we are looking for a strategic partnership where the Aranet system can become a part of a larger system. This brought us to the partnership with Zabbix so that we can integrate our cloud solution with the Zabbix monitoring system.

Aranet philosophy

Aranet Example Use Cases

Aranet for retail


Aranet has been actively used in retail, for instance, Rimi — a chain of Latvian supermarkets, where 6,500 sensors have been installed in 125 stores. Aranet is planning to expand to other Baltic states.

Aranet equipment is primarily used for:

  • Monitoring of freezer temperatures. Earlier, they had to check the temperature manually — somebody had to walk around with the legal pad and check the temperature to make sure that freezers are working properly and to report to the relevant government agencies. Aranet allowed for automating this process.
  • Alarms in case of malfunction. In the case of a malfunction, an alarm can be sent to avoid product spoilage.
  • Working on predictive maintenance, including machine learning algorithms for predictive maintenance to locate anomalies in the defrost cycle temperature data helping to prevent breakages.

Aranet in retail


  • Even the largest supermarkets (8800 m2/94 000 ft2) can be covered with a single base station.
  • Manual data collection can be avoided
  • Freezer temperature operating costs can be optimized (20% energy costs reduction).
  • Product spoilage can be avoided.
  • Litigation/fines for slip and fall accidents can be avoided.

Aranet for indoor air quality and COVID19 safety

Due to COVID19, many governments and health agencies have changed their guidelines, including the Center for Disease Control in the United States, and they now state that COVID19 can be transmitted through aerosols. Aerosols are small droplets that are released when we cough, sneeze, or talk. As these droplets are small — about five microns, they linger in the air for up to nine or more minutes. So, that means that you don’t even have to be in contact with the infected person to actually catch the disease.

This requires proper ventilation practices, which can decrease x10 the time aerosol particles stay in the air.

Aranet4 PRO – a wireless COVID19 safety network

One way to estimate if ventilation is sufficient is to measure CO2. The amount of CO2 (air exhaled by other people) in a certain room is a measure of the risk of contagion. The recommended air circulation per person is 60m3 /h, which is approximately 800ppm CO2 concentration — almost twice as much as the outside value.

Aranet wireless CO2 sensor

Aranet offers a wireless CO2 sensor that also measures temperature, relative humidity, and air pressure. It comes with a useful Bluetooth application, which allows you to easily get the latest readings. But the most important thing is that this sensor can generate alerts. So, whenever the value exceeds the critical level, you have a visual indication — green, yellow, or red, as well as an audible alert prompting to manually increase the ventilation, for instance, by opening windows.

Lately, these sensors have been gaining popularity, especially in schools, universities, and offices as they offer:

  • Simple plug-and-play setup with the Aranet base station.
  • Updating information available locally on each sensor, as well as centrally on the base station, so that you can see what spaces need additional ventilation.
  • Free software – graphs, reports, centralized alarms.
  • Control of airborne COVID19 spread in schools, offices, and other indoor facilities.

Partnership with Aranet

Aranet wireless network can be implemented in many other industries:

  • Horticulture,
  • Livestock,
  • Building Management,
  • Warehousing,
  • Data Centres,
  • Pharma,
  • Medical,
  • Retail.

So, Aranet is looking for integration and distribution partners, which are interested in wireless monitoring. Details of the partnership are available on aranet.com or can be requested from [email protected].

The Aranet’s core value is the wisdom of Lord Kelvin: “you can only improve what you can measure”. So, we strive for delivering these measurements in the easiest and the most straightforward way possible so that you could improve whatever you wish.

Questions & Answers

Question. Is there some way or some benefit to integrating Aranet with Zabbix?

Answer. Aranet has many and diverse applications, as well as Zabbix. So, adding physical parameters on top of the monitoring solution network parameters would help out. For data centers or retail stores, in addition to alerts of something wrong with the network, alarms of something physical happening would be useful. It might be useful to be alerted, for instance, if it’s too hot.

Question. Is it possible to switch your sensors to LoRaWAN so that we can use existing networks?

Answer. We have decided to have our proprietary network based on the LoRa physical layer with proprietary communication software. This decision was made for several reasons:

  • ease of use— the main thing that our customers actually value. Aranet system can be easily set up in a couple of minutes — you just lay the sensors and they start working. With LoRaWAN you have the base station from one provider, and sensors from the other, so it takes time to make the system work. Aranet works out of the box.
  • improved battery due to our protocol.
  • improved security as with Aranet you control the whole ecosystem from the base station to sensors. In addition, with Aranet you won’t face dependencies, password management, or communication issues.
  • private network

Question. Are there any electrical sensors — volts, amps, power, or anything like that?

Answer. We can monitor voltage, but these are mostly for third-party integrations. We have pulse output sensors, which you can connect to these electricity meters, for instance. So, this can be monitored.


Raspberry Pi ‘Swear Bear’ keeps your potty mouth in check

Post Syndicated from Ashley Whittaker original https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/raspberry-pi-swear-bear-keeps-your-potty-mouth-in-check/

Why use a regular swear jar to retrain your potty-mouthed brain when you can build a Swear Bear to help you instead?

Swear Bear listens to you. All the time. And Swear Bear can tell when a swear word is used. Swear Bear tells you off and saves all the swear words you said to the cloud to shame you. Swear Bear subscribes to the school of tough love.

Artificial intelligence

The Google AIY kit allows you to build your own natural language recogniser. This page shows you how to assemble the Voice HAT from the kit, and it also includes the code you’ll need to make your project capable of speech-to-text AI.

Black AIY HAT stuck on top of a Raspberry Pi
Image of the Voice HAT mounted onto a Raspberry Pi 3 courtesy of aiyprojects.withgoogle.com

To teach Swear Bear the art of profanity detection, Swear Bear creators 8 Bits and a Byte turned to the profanity check Python library. You can find the info to install and use the library on this page, as well as info on how it works and why it’s so accurate.

You’ll hear at this point in the video that Swear Bear says “Oh dear” when a swear word is used within earshot.


Birds eye view of each of the hardware components used in the project on a green table

This project uses the the first version of Google’s AIY Voice Kit, which comes with a larger black AIY Voice HAT and is compatible with Raspberry Pi 3 Model B. The kit also includes a little Voice HAT microphone board.

Version 2 of the kit comprises the smaller Raspberry Pi Zero WH and a slimmer ‘Voice Bonnet’.

The microphone allows Swear Bear to ‘hear’ your speech, and through its speakers it can then tell you off for swearing.

All of hardware is squeezed into the stuffing-free bear once the text-to-speech and profanity detection software is working.

Babbage Bear hack?

Babbage the Bear

8 Bits and a Byte fan Ben Scarboro took to the comments on YouTube to suggest they rework one of our Babbage Bears into a Swear Bear. Babbage is teeny tiny, so maybe you would need to fashion a giant version to accomplish this. Just don’t make us watch while you pull out its stuffing.

The post Raspberry Pi ‘Swear Bear’ keeps your potty mouth in check appeared first on Raspberry Pi.

Lift and shift your Zabbix to Oracle Cloud with MySQL database service

Post Syndicated from Vittorio Cioe original https://blog.zabbix.com/lift-and-shift-your-zabbix-to-oracle-cloud-with-mysql-database-service/12792/


If you are tired of administering the infrastructure on your own and would prefer to gain time to focus on real monitoring activities rather than costly platform upgrades, you can easily lift and shift your MySQL-based Zabbix installation stack to Oracle Cloud.


I. Moving to the Cloud (1:46)
II. Moving Zabbix to Oracle Cloud (2:41)

1. Planning migration (3:22)
2. Migrating Zabbix to Oracle Cloud (6:17)
3. Migrating the database to MySQL Database Service (8:47)

III. Questions & Answers (15:12)

Moving to the Cloud

The data is increasingly moving to the cloud — the consumer data followed by the enterprise data, as enterprises are always a bit slower in adopting technologies.

Data moving to the cloud

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, OCI, is the 4th cloud provider in the Cloud Infrastructure Ranking of the Gartner Magic Quadrant based on ‘Completeness of Vision’ and ‘Ability to Execute’.

OCI is available in 26 regions and has 26 data centers across the world with 12 more planned.

26 Regions Live, 12+ Planned

24+ Industry and Regional Certifications

Moving Zabbix to Oracle Cloud

With Zabbix in the Oracle Cloud you can:

  1. get the latest updates on the technology stack, minimizing downtime and service windows.
  2. convert the time you spend managing your monitoring platform into the time you spend monitoring your platforms.
  3. leverage the most secure and cost-effective cloud platform in the market, including security information and security updates made available by OCI.

Planning migration

To plan effective migration of the on-premise Zabbix instance with clients, proxies, management server, interface, and database, we need to migrate the last three instance components. Basically, we need:

  • the server configuration;
  • on-premise network topology to understand what can communicate with the outside or what would eventually go over VPN, that is, the network topology of client and proxies; and
  • the database.

Migration requirements

We also need to set up the following in the OCI tenancy:

  • MySQL Database System,
  • Compute instance for the Zabbix Server,
  • storage for database and backup,
  • networking/load balancing.

The target architecture involves setting up the VPN from your data center to the Oracle cloud tenancy and deploying the load balancer, the Zabbix server in redundancy over availability domains, and the MySQL database in a separate subnet.

Required Components:
• Cloud Networking,
• Zabbix Cloud Image,
• MySQL Database Service,
• VPN Connection for client/proxies.

Oracle Cloud target architecture for Zabbix

You can also have a lighter setup, for instance, with proxies communicating over TLS connections over the Internet or communicating directly with the Zabbix Server in the Oracle Cloud, and the Zabbix server interfacing with the database. Here, you will need fewer elements: server, database, and VCN.

Oracle Cloud target architecture for Zabbix — a simpler solution

Migrating Zabbix to Oracle Cloud

Zabbix migration to the Oracle Cloud is straightforward.

1. Before you begin:

  • set up tenancy and compartments,
  • set up cloud networking — public and private VCN.

2. Zabbix deployment on the VM:

  • select one-click deployment or DIY — use the official Zabbix OCI Marketplace Image or deploy an OCI Compute Instance and install manually,
  • choose the desired Compute ‘shape’ during deployment.

3. Configuration:

  • start the instance,
  • edit the config file,
  • point to the database with the IP address, username, and password (to do that, you’ll need to open several ports in the cloud network via the GUI).

The OCI infrastructure allows for multiple choices. The Zabbix Server is lightweight software requiring resources. In the majority of cases, a powerful VM will be enough. Otherwise, you’ll have the Oracle Cloud available.

Compute services for any enterprise use case

In the Oracle Cloud you’ll have the bare metal option — the physical machines dedicated to a single customer, Kubernetes container engine, and a lot of fast storage possibilities, which end up being quite cheap.

Migrating the database to MySQL Database Service

MySQL Database Service is the managed offer for MySQL in Oracle Cloud, fully developed, managed, and supported by the MySQL team. It is secure and provides the latest features as it leverages the Oracle Cloud, which has been rated by various sources as one of the most secure cloud platforms.

In addition, the platform is built on the MySQL Enterprise Edition binaries, so it is fully compatible with the platform you might be using. Finally, it costs way less on a yearly basis than a full-blown on-premise MySQL Enterprise subscription.

MySQL Database Service — 100% developed, managed, and supported by the MySQL team

Considerations before migration

Before you begin:

  • check your MySQL 8.0 compatibility,
  • check your database size (to assess the time needed to migrate), and
  • plan a service window.

High-level migration plan

  1. Set up cloud networking.
  2. Set up your (on-premise) networking secure connection (to communicate with the cloud).
  3. Create MySQL Database Service DB System with storage.
  4. Move the data using MySQL Shell Dump & Load utility.

Creating MySQL DB system with just a few clicks

  • Create a customized configuration.
  • Start the wizard to create DB system.
  • Select Virtual Cloud Network (VCN).
  • Select subnet to place your MySQL endpoint.
  • Select MySQL configuration (or create customized instances for your workload).
  • The shape for the DB System (CPU and RAM) will be set automatically.
  • Select the size of the storage for data and backup.
  • Create a backup policy or accept the default.

Creating MySQL instances

You can use MySQL Shell Upgrade Checker Utility to check the compatibility with MySQL8.0.


Loading the data

To move the data, you can use the MySQL Shell Dump & Load utility, which is capable of multi-threading and is callable with the JavaScript methods from MySQL Shell.

So, you can dump on what can be a bastion machine, and load your instance to the cloud. It will take several minutes to load the database of several gigabytes, so it is necessary to plan the service maintenance window accordingly.

In addition, the utility is easy to use. You just need to connect to an instance and dump.

MySQL Shell Dump & Load

The operation is pretty straightforward and the migration time will depend on the size of the database.

Free trial

You can have a test drive of the MySQL Database Service with $300 in cloud credits, which you can spend in the Oracle Cloud on MySQL Database Service or other cloud services.


Questions & Answers

Question. Do you help with migrating the databases from older versions to MySQL 8.0?

Answer. Yes, this is the thing we normally do for our customers — providing guidance, though data migration is normally straightforward.

Question. Does the database size matter? How efficient MySQL Shell Dump is? What if my database is terabytes in size?

Answer. MySQL Shell Dump & Load utility is much more efficient than what MySQL Dump used to be. The database size still matters. In that case, it will require more time, still way less than it used to take





100 Raspberry Pi moments

Post Syndicated from Ashley Whittaker original https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/100-raspberry-pi-moments/

The official Raspberry Pi magazine turned 100 this month! To celebrate, the greatest Raspberry Pi moments, achievements, and events that The MagPi magazine has ever featured came back for a special 100th issue.

100 Raspberry Pi Moments is a cracking bumper feature (starting on page 32 of issue 100, if you’d like to read the whole thing) highlighting some influential projects and educational achievements, as well as how our tiny computers have influenced pop culture. And since ’tis the season, we thought we’d share the How Raspberry Pi made a difference section to bring some extra cheer to your festive season.

Projects for good

The Raspberry Pi Foundation was originally launched to get more UK students into computing. Not only did it succeed at that, but the hardware and the Foundation have also managed to help people in other ways and all over the world. Here are just a few examples!

Computers for good

The Raspberry Pi Foundation provides free learning resources for everyone; however, not everyone has access to a computer to learn at home. Thanks to funding from the Bloomfield Trust and in collaboration with UK Youth and local charities, the Foundation has been able to supply hundreds of Raspberry Pi Desktop Kits to young people most in need. The computers have allowed these children, who wouldn’t have been able to otherwise, to learn from home and stay connected to their schools during lockdown. The Foundation’s work to distribute Raspberry Pi computers to young people in need is ongoing.

Elsewhere, a need for more medical equipment around the world resulted in many proposals and projects being considered for cheap, easy-to produce machines. Some included Raspberry Pi Zero, with 40,000 of these sold for ventilator designs.

The Foundation’s Digital Making at Home live streams bring coding fun to young people at home every week

Offline learning

While there’s no global project or standard to say what an offline internet should contain, some educational projects have tried to condense down enough online content for specific people and load it all onto a Raspberry Pi. RACHEL-Pi is one such solution. The RACHEL-PI kit acts as a server, hosting a variety of different educational materials for all kinds of subjects, as well as an offline version of Wikipedia with 6000 articles. There’s even medical info for helping others, math lessons from Khan Acadamy, and much more.

The RACHEL sites are available in English, French, and Spanish

17,000 ft is another great project, which brings computing to schools high up in the Himalayas through a similar method in an attempt to help children stay in their local communities.

Young learners in red jackets and baseball caps using tablets to learn in a Himalayan school
Ladakh is a desert-like region up a mountain that can easily shut down during the winter

Education in other countries

The free coding resources available on our projects site are great, and the Raspberry Pi Foundation works to make them accessible to people whose first language isn’t English: we have a dedicated translation team and, thanks to volunteers around the world, provide our free resources translated into up to 32 other languages. From French and Welsh to Korean and Arabic, there’s a ton of projects that learners from all over the world can access in their first language.

And through the Code Club and CoderDojo programmes, the Foundation supports volunteers around the world to run free coding clubs for young people.

A Raspberry Pi lab in Kuma Adamé, Togo that Dominique Laloux helped create and update
A Raspberry Pi lab in Kuma Adamé, Togo, that Dominique Laloux helped create and update

That’s not all: several charitable groups have set up Raspberry Pi classrooms to bring computing education to poorer parts of the world. People in African countries and parts of rural India have benefited from these programmes, and work is being done to widen access to ever more people and places.

Pocket FM

The Pocket FM is far smaller than traditional transmitters, and therefore easy to move into the country and set up

The HAM radio community loves Raspberry Pi for amateur radio projects; however, sometimes people need radio for more urgent purposes. In 2016, German group Media in Cooperation and Transition created the Pocket FM 96 , micro radio transmitters with 4–6km range. These radios allowed Syrians in the middle of a civil war to connect to free media on Syrnet for more reliable news.

There are a number of independent radio stations that transmit through Pocket FM
There are a number of independent radio stations that transmit through Pocket FM

Raspberry Pi powered these transmitters, chosen because of how easy it is to upgrade and add components to. Each transmitter is powered by solar power, and Syrnet is still transmitting through them as the war continues into its tenth year.

The post 100 Raspberry Pi moments appeared first on Raspberry Pi.

Spread the joy of learning through making

Post Syndicated from original https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/spread-the-joy-of-learning-through-making/

From our first prototype way back in 2006, to the very latest Raspberry Pi 400, everything we have built here at Raspberry Pi has been driven by a desire to inspire learning. I hope that each of you who uses our products discovers — or rediscovers — the joy of learning through making. The journey from technology consumer to technology creator can be a transformational one; today, on Giving Tuesday, I’m asking you to help even more young people make that journey.

Too few young people have the chance to learn how technology works and how to harness its power. Pre-existing disparities in access to computing education have been exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic. At the Raspberry Pi Foundation, we’re on a mission to change this, and we’re working harder than ever to support young people and educators with free learning opportunities. Our partner CanaKit supports the Raspberry Pi Foundation’s mission, and they’ve extended the generous offer to match your donations up to a total of $5,000.

Alongside our low-cost, high-performance computers and free software, you may know that the Raspberry Pi Foundation provides free educational programmes including coding clubs and educator training for millions of people each year in dozens of countries. You might not know that the Raspberry Pi Foundation was founded as, and still remains, a nonprofit organisation. Our education mission is powered by dedicated volunteers, and our programmes are funded in part thanks to our customers who buy Raspberry Pi products, and in part by charitable donations from people like you.

A smiling girl holding a robot buggy in her lap

Every donation we receive makes an impact on the young people and educators who rely on the Raspberry Pi Foundation. Ryka, for example, is a 10-year-old who attends one of our CoderDojo clubs. Since March she’s been using our project guides and following our Digital Making at Home code-along live streams. Her parents tell us: 

“We were looking at ways to keep Ryka engaged during this lockdown period and came across Digital Making at Home. As a parent I can see that there has been discernible improvement in her abilities. We’ve noticed that she is engaged and takes interest in showing us what she was able to build. It has been a great use of her time.” 

– Parent of a young person who learns through our programmes

Ryka joins millions of learners in our community around the world, many of whom now rely on us more than ever with schools and extracurricular activities disrupted. Through the ongoing support of our donors and volunteers, we’ve been able to rise to the challenge of the pandemic:

Young coders and digital makers need our help in the year ahead as they take control of their computing education under challenging and uncertain circumstances. As a donor to the Raspberry Pi Foundation, you will be investing in our youngest generation of innovators and helping to create a spark in a young person’s life. On Giving Tuesday, I am grateful to each of you for the role you play in creating a world where everyone can learn, solve problems, and shape their future through the power of technology. 

PS Thank you again to our friends at CanaKit for doubling the impact of every donation, up to $5000! 

The post Spread the joy of learning through making appeared first on Raspberry Pi.

Zabbix Summit Online 2020: Remote Experience of Sharing Knowledge and Being Together

Post Syndicated from Jekaterina Petruhina original https://blog.zabbix.com/zabbix-summit-online-2020-remote-experience-of-sharing-knowledge-and-being-together/12526/

Zabbix Summit 2020 was supposed to be the greatest Zabbix event of the decade – we planned to celebrate the 10th anniversary Zabbix Summit. But the very different 2020 circumstances intervened, and we had to adjust to the new reality and shift our focus. It so happened that in 2020 we held not the tenth anniversary but the first online Zabbix summit.

Available for everyone

When it was evident that the on-site event is not an option, we made a decision – the event should be available for everyone, and we made it free of charge. The other task was to manage the timing so that Summit would be available for attendees from all over the globe. We managed it efficiently by making the event as long as it was necessary to be convenient for users from Japan and China, Europe, and the USA and Latin American Region. Yes, it was quite a long day for Zabbix Team. However, we achieved what we were aiming for – about 8000 Zabbix enthusiasts from worldwide joined the Zabbix Summit live stream. This year, it became available to have extensive speeches from all regions, because the traveling issue was solved.

We made the most of the focus on the recently released Zabbix 5.2. And of course, we left enough place for use cases and professional tips as well. If, for some reason, you couldn’t join us on October 30, you are always welcome to watch the speeches in the record.


Traditionally every Zabbix Summit delivers an option to attend hands-on workshops. Due to the online format, it was possible to run more workshop sessions than in previous years, and attendees could join as many sessions as they wanted. Moreover, the workshops have been recorded and now are available on the Zabbix website.

Summit fun

Every Zabbix Summit is all about networking and fun. Let’s be honest, this unofficial part means a lot for the community along with the agenda. Unfortunately, we couldn’t meet in person this time and have fun all together at parties. Still, the community chat in Telegram made it clear – there are no boundaries for you guys to keep in touch, discuss ideas, and communicate. You made the networking part exist this year, and we are delighted and grateful for seeing such enthusiasm, activity, and interest in Zabbix. We provided the Summit attendees opportunity to communicate with the Zabbix Sales and Technical team, get acquainted with the event’s sponsors, and ask the questions via special Zoom rooms, and it worked well. Even though there were hundreds and hundreds of thousands of kilometers between the visitors of the event, there was a feeling that it happens here and now – with an audience full of interested people looking for opportunities to learn new things and help others.

What about next year?

Well, we think positive, however, stay realistic. Thus Zabbix Summit 2021 will also be held online.

If you care for better further events organized by Zabbix, we encourage you to fill out this post-Summit survey. It will help us understand what we have to improve to make Zabbix Summit Online 2021 even more generous. 

PS: Take a break and look at some behind the scenes photos – how the Zabbix Summit 2020 looked from the inside.

Take part in the PA Raspberry Pi Competition for UK schools

Post Syndicated from Janina Ander original https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/pa-raspberry-pi-competition-uk-2021/

Every year, we support the PA Raspberry Pi Competition for UK schools, run by PA Consulting. In this free competition, teams of students from schools all over the UK imagine, design, and create Raspberry Pi–powered inventions.

Female engineer with Raspberry Pi device. Copyright © University of Southampton
Let’s inspire young people to take up a career in STEM!
© University of Southampton

The PA Raspberry Pi Competition aims to inspire young people aged 8 to 18 to learn STEM skills, teamwork, and creativity, and to move toward a career in STEM.

We invite all UK teachers to register if you have students at your school who would love to take part!

For the first 100 teams to complete registration and submit their entry form, PA Consulting provides a free Raspberry Pi Starter Kit to create their invention.

This year’s competition theme: Innovating for a better world

The theme is deliberately broad so that teams can show off their creativity and ingenuity.

  • All learners aged 8 to 18 can take part, and projects are judged in four age groups
  • The judging categories include team passion; simplicity and clarity of build instructions; world benefit; and commercial potential
  • The proposed budget for a team’s invention is around £100
  • The projects can be part of your students’ coursework
  • Entries must be submitted by Monday 22 March 2021
  • You’ll find more details and inspiration on the PA Raspberry Pi Competition webpage

Among all the entries, judges from the tech sector and the Raspberry Pi Foundation choose the finalists with the most outstanding inventions in their age group.

The Dynamix team, finalists in last round’s Y4–6 group, built a project called SmartRoad+

The final teams get to take part in an exciting awards event to present their creations so that the final winners can be selected. This round’s PA Raspberry Pi Awards Ceremony takes place on Wednesday 28 April 2021, and PA Consulting are currently considering whether this will be a physical or virtual event.

All teams that participate in the competition will be rewarded with certificates, and there’s of course the chance to win trophies and prizes too!

You can prepare with our free online courses

If you would like to boost your skills so you can better support your team, then sign up to one of our free online courses designed for educators:

Take inspiration from the winners of the previous round

All entries are welcome, no matter what your students’ experience is! Here are the outstanding projects from last year’s competition:

A look inside the air quality-monitoring project by Team Tempest, last round’s winners in the Y7–9 group

Find out more at the PA Raspberry Pi Competition webinar!

To support teachers in guiding their teams through the competition, PA Consulting will hold a webinar on 12 November 2020 at 4.30–5.30pm. Sign up to hear first-hand what’s involved in taking part in the PA Raspberry Pi Competition, and use the opportunity to ask questions!

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