All posts by Netflix Technology Blog

Safe Updates of Client Applications at Netflix

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

By Minal Mishra

Quality of a client application is of paramount importance to global digital products, as it is the primary way customers interact with a brand. At Netflix, we have significant investments in ensuring new versions of our applications are well tested. However, Netflix is available for streaming on thousands of types of devices and it is powered by hundreds of micro-services which are deployed independently, making it extremely challenging to comprehensively test internally. Hence, it became important to supplement our release decisions with strong evidence received from the field during the update process.

Our team was formed to mine health signals from the field to quickly evaluate new versions of the client applications. As we invested in systems to enable this vision, it led to increased development velocity, which arguably led to better development practices and quality of the applications. The goal of this blog post is to highlight the investment areas for this vision and the challenges we are facing today.

Client Applications

We deal with two classes of client application updates. The first is where an application package is downloaded from the service or a CDN. An example of this is Netflix’s video player or the TV UI javascript package. The second is one where an application is hosted behind an app store, for example mobile phones or even game consoles. We have more flexibility to control the distribution of the application in the former than in the latter case.

Deployment Strategies

We are all familiar with the advantages of releasing frequently and in smaller chunks. It helps bring a healthy balance to the velocity and quality equation. The challenge for clients is that each instance of the application runs on a Netflix member’s device and signals are derived from a firehose of events being sent by devices across the globe. Depending on the type of client, we need to determine the right strategy to sample consumer devices, and provide a system that can enable various client engineering teams to look for their signals. Hence, the sampling strategy is different if it is a mobile application versus a smart TV. In contrast, a server application runs on servers which are typically identical and a routing abstraction can serve sampled traffic to new versions. And the signals to evaluate a new version are derived from comparatively few thousands of homogenous servers instead of millions of heterogeneous devices.

Staged rollouts of apps mimic the different phases of moon

A widely adopted technique for client applications is gradually rolling out a new version of software rather than making the release available to all users instantly, also known as staged or phased rollout. There are two main benefits to this approach.

  • First, if something were to fail catastrophically, the release can be paused for triage, limiting the number of customers impacted.
  • Second, backend services or infrastructure can be scaled intelligently as adoption ramps up.
Application version adoption over time for a staged rollout

This chart represents a counter metric, which exhibits version adoption over the duration of a staged rollout. There is a gradual increase in the percentage of devices switching to N+1 version. In the past, during this period client engineering teams would visually monitor their metric dashboards to evaluate signals as more consumers migrated to a new version of their application.

Client-side error rate during the staged rollout

The chart of client-side error rate during the same time period as the version migration is shown here. We observe that the metric for the new version N+1 stabilizes as the rollout ramps up and reaches closer to 100%, whereas the metric for the current version N becomes noisy over the same time duration. Trying to compare any metric during this time period can be a futile effort, as obvious in this case where there was no customer impacting shift in the error rate but we cannot interpret that from the chart. Typically, teams time-shift one metric over the other to visually detect metric deviations, but time can still be a confounder. Staged rollouts have a lot of benefits, but there is a significant opportunity cost to wait before the new version reaches a critical level of adoption.

AB Tests/Client Canaries

So we brought the science of controlled testing into this decision framework by using what has been utilized for feature evaluations. The main goal of A/B testing is to design a robust experiment that is going to yield repeatable results and enable us to make sound decisions about whether or not to launch a product feature (read more about A/B tests at Netflix here). In the application update use case, we recommend an extreme version of A/B testing: we test the entire application. The new version may include a user facing feature which is designed to be A/B tested and resides behind a feature flag. However, most times it is adding new obvious improvements, simple bug fixes, performance enhancements, productizing outcomes from previous A/B tests, logging etc that are being shipped in the application. If we apply A/B tests methodology (or client canaries as we like to call them to differentiate from traditional feature based A/B tests) the allocation would look identical for both the versions at any time.

Client Canary and Control allocation along with the client-side error rate metric

This chart is showing the new and the baseline version allocations growing over time. Although, majority of users are already on the baseline version we are randomly “allocating” a fraction of those users to be the control group of our experiment. This ensures there is no sampling mismatch between the treatment and the control group. It is easier to visually compare the client side error rate for both versions and even apply statistical inference to change the conversation from “we think” there is a shift in metrics to “we know”.

Client Canaries and A/B tests

But there are differences between feature related A/B tests at Netflix and the incremental product changes used for Client Canaries. The main distinctions are: a shorter runtime, multiple executions of analysis sometimes concurrent with allocation, and use of data to support the null hypothesis. The runtime is predetermined, which in a way, is the stopping rule for client canaries. Unlike feature A/B tests at Netflix, we limit our evidence collection to a few hours, so we can release updates within a working day. We continuously analyze metrics to find egregious regressions sooner rather than once all the evidence has been collected.

Phases of A/B Tests

The three key phases of any A/B tests can be split into Allocation, Metric Collection and Analysis. We use orchestration to connect and manage client applications through the A/B test lifecycle, thereby reducing the cognitive load of deploying them frequently.


Sampling is the first stage once your new application has been packaged, tested and published. As time is of the essence here, we rely on dynamic allocation and allocate devices which come to the service during the canary time period based on pre-configured rules. We leverage the allocation service used for all experimentation at Netflix for this purpose.

However, for applications gated behind an external app store (example mobile apps), we only have access to staged rollout solutions provided by the app stores. We can control the percentage of users receiving updated apps, which can increase over time. In order to mimic the client canary solution, we built a synthetic allocation service to perform sampling post-installation of the app updates. This service tries to allocate a device to the control group that typically matches the profile of a device seen in the treatment group, which was allocated by the app store’s staged rollout solution. This ensures we are controlling for key variables which have the potential to impact the analysis.


Metrics are a foundational component for client canaries and A/B tests as they give us the necessary insight required to make decisions. And for our use case, metrics need to be computed in real time from millions of user events being sent to our service. Operating at Netflix’s scale, we have to process the event streams on a scalable platform like Mantis and store the time-series data in Apache Druid. To be further cost-efficient with the time-series data we store the metrics for a sliding time window of a few weeks and compress it to a 1 minute time granularity.

The other challenge is to enable client application engineers to contribute to metrics and dimensions as they are aware of what can be a valuable insight. To do this, our real-time metric data pipeline provides the right abstractions to remove the complexity of a distributed stream processing system and also enables these contributions to be used in offline computations for feature A/B test evaluations.The former reduces the barrier to entry and the latter provides additional motivation for client engineers to contribute. Additionally, this gets us closer to consistent metric definitions in both realtime and offline systems.

As we accept contributions, we have to have the right checks in place to ensure the data pipeline is reliable and robust. Changes in user events, stream processing jobs or even in the platform can impact metrics, and so it is imperative that we actively monitor the data pipeline and ingestion.


Historically, we have relied on conventional statistical tests built into Kayenta to detect metric shifts for the release of new versions of applications. It has served us well over the last few years, however at Netflix we are always looking to improve. Some reasons to explore alternate solutions:

  1. Under the hood ACA uses a fixed horizon statistical hypothesis test which is subject to peeking due to frequent analysis execution during the canary time period. And without a correction, this can erode our false positive guarantees, and the correction itself is a function of the number of peeks — which is not known in advance. This often leads to more false errors in the outcomes.
  2. Due to limited time for the canary, rare event metrics such as errors can often be missing from control or treatment and hence might not get evaluated.
  3. Our intuition suggests any form of metric compression, like aggregating to 1 minute granularity, leads to a loss in power for the analysis, and the tradeoff is that we need more time to confidently detect the metric shifts.

We are actively working on a promising solution to tackle some of these limitations and hope to share more in future.


Orchestration reduces the cognitive load of frequently setting up, executing, analyzing and making decisions for client application canaries. To manage A/B test lifecycle, we decided to build a node.js powered extensible backend service to serve the javascript competency of client engineers while complementing the continuous deployment platform Spinnaker. The drawbacks of most orchestration solutions is the lack of version control and testing. So the main design tenets for this service along with reusability and extensibility are testability and traceability.


Today, most client applications at Netflix use the client canary model to continuously update their applications. We have seen a significant increase in adoption of this methodology over the past 4 years as shown in this cumulative graph of client canary counts.

Year-over-year increase in Client Canaries at Netflix

Time constraints, the need for speed and quality have created several challenges in the client application’s frequent update domain that our team at Netflix aims to solve. We covered some metric related ones in a previous post describing “How Netflix uses Druid for Real-time Insights to Ensure a High-Quality Experience”. We intend to share more in the future diving into the challenges and solutions in the Allocation, Analysis and Orchestration space.

Safe Updates of Client Applications at Netflix was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Interpreting A/B test results: false positives and statistical significance

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

Martin Tingley with Wenjing Zheng, Simon Ejdemyr, Stephanie Lane, and Colin McFarland

This is the third post in a multi-part series on how Netflix uses A/B tests to inform decisions and continuously innovate on our products. Need to catch up? Have a look at Part 1 (Decision Making at Netflix) and Part 2 (What is an A/B Test?). Subsequent posts will go into more details on experimentation across Netflix, how Netflix has invested in infrastructure to support and scale experimentation, and the importance of the culture of experimentation within Netflix.

In Part 2: What is an A/B Test we talked about testing the Top 10 lists on Netflix, and how the primary decision metric for this test was a measure of member satisfaction with Netflix. If a test like this shows a statistically significant improvement in the primary decision metric, the feature is a strong candidate for a roll out to all of our members. But how do we know if we’ve made the right decision, given the results of the test? It’s important to acknowledge that no approach to decision making can entirely eliminate uncertainty and the possibility of making mistakes. Using a framework based on hypothesis generation, A/B testing, and statistical analysis allows us to carefully quantify uncertainties, and understand the probabilities of making different types of mistakes.

There are two types of mistakes we can make in acting on test results. A false positive (also called a Type I error) occurs when the data from the test indicates a meaningful difference between the control and treatment experiences, but in truth there is no difference. This scenario is like having a medical test come back as positive for a disease when you are healthy. The other error we can make in deciding on a test is a false negative (also called a Type II error), which occurs when the data do not indicate a meaningful difference between treatment and control, but in truth there is a difference. This scenario is like having a medical test come back negative — when you do indeed have the disease you are being tested for.

As another way to build intuition, consider the real reason that the internet and machine learning exist: to label if images show cats. For a given image, there are two possible decisions (apply the label “cat” or “not cat”), and likewise there are two possible truths (the image either features a cat or it does not). This leads to a total of four possible outcomes, shown in Figure 1. The same is true with A/B tests: we make one of two decisions based on the data (“sufficient evidence to conclude that the Top 10 list affects member satisfaction” or “insufficient evidence”), and there are two possible truths, that we never get to know with complete uncertainty (“Top 10 list truly affects member satisfaction” or “it does not”).

Figure 1: The four possible outcomes when labeling an image as either showing a cat or not.

The uncomfortable truth about false positives and false negatives is that we can’t make them both go away. In fact, they trade off with one another. Designing experiments so that the rate of false positives is minuscule necessarily increases the false negative rate, and vice versa. In practice, we aim to quantify, understand, and control these two sources of error.

In the remainder of this post, we’ll use simple examples to build up intuition around false positives and related statistical concepts; in the next post in this series, we’ll do the same for false negatives.

False positives and statistical significance

With a great hypothesis and a clear understanding of the primary decision metric, it’s time to turn to the statistical aspects of designing an A/B test. This process generally starts by fixing the acceptable false positive rate. By convention, this false positive rate is usually set to 5%: for tests where there is not a meaningful difference between treatment and control, we’ll falsely conclude that there is a “statistically significant” difference 5% of the time. Tests that are conducted with this 5% false positive rate are said to be run at the 5% significance level.

Using the 5% significance level convention can feel uncomfortable. By following this convention, we are accepting that, in instances when the treatment and control experience are not meaningfully different for our members, we’ll make a mistake 5% of the time. We’ll label 5% of the non-cat photos as displaying cats.

The false positive rate is closely associated with the “statistical significance” of the observed difference in metric values between the treatment and control groups, which we measure using the p-value. The p-value is the probability of seeing an outcome at least as extreme as our A/B test result, had there truly been no difference between the treatment and control experiences. An intuitive way to understand statistical significance and p-values, which have been confusing students of statistics for over a century (your authors included!), is in terms of simple games of chance where we can calculate and visualize all the relevant probabilities.

Figure 2: Thinking about simple games of chance, such as flipping coins like this one displaying Julius Caesar, is a great way to build up intuition about statistics.

Say we want to know if a coin is unfair, in the sense that the probability of heads is not 0.5 (or 50%). It may sound like a simple scenario, but it is directly relevant to many businesses, Netflix included, where the goal is to understand if a new product experience results in a different rate for some binary user activity, from clicking on a UI feature to retaining the Netflix service for another month. So any intuition we can build through simple games with coins maps directly to interpreting A/B tests.

To decide if the coin is unfair, let’s run the following experiment: we’ll flip the coin 100 times and calculate the fraction of outcomes that are heads. Because of randomness, or “noise,” even if the coin were perfectly fair we wouldn’t expect exactly 50 heads and 50 tails — but how much of a deviation from 50 is “too much”? When do we have sufficient evidence to reject the baseline assertion that the coin is in fact fair? Would you be willing to conclude that the coin is unfair if 60 out of 100 flips were heads? 70? We need a way to align on a decision framework and understand the associated false positive rate.

To build intuition, let’s run through a thought exercise. First, we’ll assume the coin is fair — this is our “null hypothesis,” which is always a statement of status quo or equality. We then seek compelling evidence against this null hypothesis from the data. To make a decision on what constitutes compelling evidence, we calculate the probability of every possible outcome, assuming that the null hypothesis is true. For the coin flipping example, that’s the probability of 100 flips yielding zero heads, one head, two heads, and so forth up to 100 heads — assuming that the coin is fair. Skipping over the math, each of these possible outcomes and their associated probabilities are shown with the black and blue bars in Figure 3 (ignore the colors for now).

We can then compare this probability distribution of outcomes, calculated under the assumption that the coin is fair, to the data we’ve collected. Say we observe that 55% of 100 flips are heads (the solid red line in Figure 3). To quantify if this observation is compelling evidence that the coin is not fair, we count up the probabilities associated with every outcome that is less likely than our observation. Here, because we’ve made no assumptions about heads or tails being more likely, we sum up the probabilities of 55% or more of the flips coming up heads (the bars to the right of the solid red line) and the probabilities of 55% or more of the flips coming up tails (the bars to the left of the dashed red line).

This is the mythical p-value: the probability of seeing a result as extreme as our observation, if the null hypothesis were true. In our case, the null hypothesis is that the coin is fair, the observation is 55% heads in 100 flips, and the p-value is about 0.32. The interpretation is as follows: were we to repeat, many times, the experiment of flipping a coin 100 times and calculating the fraction of heads, with a fair coin (the null hypothesis is true), in 32% of those experiments the outcome would feature at least 55% heads or at least 55% tails (results at least as unlikely as our actual observation).

Figure 3: Flipping a fair coin 100 times, the probability of each outcome expressed as the fraction of heads.

How do we use the p-value to decide if there is statistically significant evidence that the coin is unfair — or that our new product experience is an improvement on the status quo? It comes back to that 5% false positive rate that we agreed to accept at the beginning: we conclude that there is a statistically significant effect if the p-value is less than 0.05. This formalizes the intuition that we should reject the null hypothesis that the coin is fair if our result is sufficiently unlikely to occur under the assumption of a fair coin. In the example of observing 55 heads in 100 coin flips, we calculated a p-value of 0.32. Because the p-value is larger than the 0.05 significance level, we conclude that there is not statistically significant evidence that the coin is unfair.

There are two conclusions that we can make from an experiment or A/B test: we either conclude there is an effect (“the coin is unfair”, “the Top 10 feature increases member satisfaction”) or we conclude that there is insufficient evidence to conclude there is an effect (“cannot conclude the coin is unfair,” “cannot conclude that the Top 10 row increases member satisfaction”). It’s a lot like a jury trial, where the two possible outcomes are “guilty” or “not guilty” — and “not guilty” is very different from “innocent.” Likewise, this (frequentist) approach to A/B testing does not allow us to make the conclusion that there is no effect — we never conclude the coin is fair, or that the new product feature has no impact on our members. We just conclude we’ve not collected enough evidence to reject the null assumption that there is no difference. In the coin example above, we observed 55% heads in 100 flips, and concluded we had insufficient evidence to label the coin as unfair. Critically, we did not conclude that the coin was fair — after all, if we gathered more evidence, say by flipping that same coin 1000 times, we might find sufficiently compelling evidence to reject the null hypothesis of fairness.

​​Rejection Regions and Confidence Intervals

There are two other concepts in A/B testing that are closely related to p-values: the rejection region for a test, and the confidence interval for an observation. We cover them both in this section, building on the coin example from above.

Rejection Regions. Another way to build a decision rule for a test is in terms of what’s called a “rejection region” — the set of values for which we’d conclude that the coin is unfair. To calculate the rejection region, we once more assume the null hypothesis is true (the coin is fair), and then define the rejection region as the set of least likely outcomes with probabilities that sum to no more than 0.05. The rejection region consists of the outcomes that are the most extreme, provided the null hypothesis is correct — the outcomes where the evidence against the null hypothesis is strongest. If an observation falls in the rejection region, we conclude that there is statistically significant evidence that the coin is not fair, and “reject” the null. In the case of the simple coin experiment, the rejection region corresponds to observing fewer than 40% or more than 60% heads (shown with blue shaded bars in Figure 3). We call the boundaries of the rejection region, here 40% and 60% heads, the critical values of the test.

There is an equivalence between the rejection region and the p-value, and both lead to the same decision: the p-value is less than 0.05 if and only if the observation lies in the rejection region.

Confidence Intervals. So far, we’ve approached building a decision rule by first starting with the null hypothesis, which is always a statement of no change or equivalence (“the coin is fair” or “the product innovation does not impact member satisfaction”). We then define possible outcomes under this null hypothesis and compare our observation to that distribution. To understand confidence intervals, it helps to flip the problem around to focus on the observation. We then go through a thought exercise: given the observation, what values of the null hypothesis would lead to a decision not to reject, assuming we specify a 5% false positive rate? For our coin flipping example, the observation is 55% heads in 100 flips and we do not reject the null of a fair coin. Nor would we reject the null hypothesis that the probability of heads was 47.5%, 50%, or 60%. There’s a whole range of values for which we would not reject the null, from about 45% to 65% probability of heads (Figure 4).

This range of values is a confidence interval: the set of values under the null hypothesis that would not result in a rejection, given the data from the test. Because we’ve mapped out the interval using tests at the 5% significance level, we’ve created a 95% confidence interval. The interpretation is that, under repeated experiments, the confidence intervals will cover the true value (here, the actual probability of heads) 95% of the time.

There is an equivalence between the confidence interval and the p-value, and both lead to the same decision: the 95% confidence interval does not cover the null value if and only if the p-value is less than 0.05, and in both cases we reject the null hypothesis of no effect.

Figure 4: Building the confidence interval by mapping out the set of values that, when used to define a null hypothesis, would not result in rejection for a given observation.


Using a series of thought exercises based on flipping coins, we’ve built up intuition about false positives, statistical significance and p-values, rejection regions, confidence intervals, and the two decisions we can make based on test data. These core concepts and intuition map directly to comparing treatment and control experiences in an A/B test. We define a “null hypothesis” of no difference: the “B” experience does not alter affect member satisfaction. We then play the same thought experiment: what are the possible outcomes and their associated probabilities for the difference in metric values between the treatment and control groups, assuming there is no difference in member satisfaction? We can then compare the observation from the experiment to this distribution, just like with the coin example, calculate a p-value and make a conclusion about the test. And just like with the coin example, we can define rejection regions and calculate confidence intervals.

But false positives are only of the two mistakes we can make when acting on test results. In the next post in this series, we’ll cover the other type of mistake, false negatives, and the closely related concept of statistical power. Follow the Netflix Tech Blog to stay up to date.

Interpreting A/B test results: false positives and statistical significance was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

How We Build Micro Frontends With Lattice

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

Written by Michael Possumato, Nick Tomlin, Jordan Andree, Andrew Shim, and Rahul Pilani.

As we continue to grow here at Netflix, the needs of Revenue and Growth Engineering are rapidly evolving; and our tools must also evolve just as rapidly. The Revenue and Growth Tools (RGT) team decided to set off on a journey to build tools in an abstract manner to have solutions readily available within our organization. We identified common design patterns and architectures scattered across various tools which were all duplicating efforts in some way or another.

We needed to consolidate these tools in a way that scaled with the teams we served. It needed to have the agility of a micro frontend and the extensibility of a framework to empower our stakeholders to extend our tools. We would abstract parts of which anyone can then customize, or extend, to meet their specific business or technical requirements. The end result is Lattice: RGT’s pluggable framework for micro frontends.

A Different Approach to Our Tools

A UI composed of other dependencies is nothing new; it’s something all modern web applications do today. The traditional approach of bundling dependencies at build time lacks the flexibility we need to empower our stakeholders. We want external dependencies to be resolved on-demand from any number of sources, from another application to an engineer’s laptop.

This led us to the following high level objectives:

  • Low Friction Adoption: Encourage reuse of existing front end code and avoid creating new packages that encapsulate UI functionality. Applications can be difficult to manage when functionality must be shared across packages. We would leverage an approach that enabled applications to extend their core functionality using common, and familiar, React paradigms.
  • Weak Dependencies: Host applications could reference modules over https to a remote bundle hosted internally within Netflix. These bundles could be owned by teams outside of RGT built by already adopted standards such as with Webpack Module Federation or native JavaScript Modules.
  • Highly Aligned, Loosely Coupled: fully align with the standard frameworks and libraries used within Netflix. Plugins should be focused on delivering their core functionality without unnecessary boilerplate and have the freedom to implement without cumbersome API wrappers.
  • Metadata Driven: Plugin modules are defined from a configuration which could be injected at any point in the application lifecycle. The framework must be flexible enough to register, and unregister, plugins such that the extensions only apply when necessary.
  • Rapid Development: Reduce the development cycle by avoiding unnecessary builds and deployments. Plugins would be developed in a manner in which all of the context is available to them ahead of time via TypeScript declarations. By designing to rigid interfaces defined by a host application, both the plugin and host can be developed in parallel.

A Theoretical Example

Example Developer Dashboard Application with Embedded Lattice Plugins

Let’s take the above example — it renders and controls its own header and content areas to expose specific functionality to users. Upon release, we receive feedback that it would be nice if we could include information presented from other tools within this application. Using our new framework, Lattice, we are able to embed the existing functionality from the other applications.

A Lattice Plugin Host (which we’ll dive into later) allows us to extend the existing application by referencing two external plugins, Workflows and Spinnaker. In our example, we need to define two areas that can be extended — the application content for portal components and configurable routing.

The sequence of events in order to accomplish the above rendering process would be handled by three components — our new framework Lattice and the two plugins:

Dispatch Cycle within Lattice

First, Lattice will load both plugins asynchronously.

Next, the framework will dispatch events as they flow through the application.

In our example, Workflows will register its routes and Spinnaker will add its overlays.

An Implementation with React

In order to accomplish the above scenario, the Host Application needs to include the Lattice library and add a new PluginHost with a configuration referencing the external plugins. This host requires information about the specific application and the configuration indicating which plugins to load:

Enhancing a React Application with a Lattice Plugin Host

We’ve mocked this implementation in the example above with a useFetchPluginConfiguration hook to retrieve the metadata from an external service. Owners can then choose to add or remove plugins dynamically, outside of the application source code.

Allowing plugins access to the routing can be done using hooks defined by the Lattice framework. The usePluggableState hook will retrieve the default application routes and pass them through the Lattice framework. If any plugin responds to this AppRoutes identifier, they can choose to inject their specific routes:

Extending Existing Application State with Lattice Hooks

Plugins can inject any React element into the page with the<Pluggable /> component as illustrated below. This will allow plugins to render within this AppContent area:

Rendering Custom Children with Lattice Pluggable

The final example application snippet has been included below:

Under the Hood

Lattice is a tiny framework that provides an abstraction layer for React web applications to leverage.

Using Lattice, developers can focus on their core product, and simply wrap areas of their application that are customizable by external plugins. Developers can also extend components to use external state by using Lattice hooks.

Lattice Plugin Modules are JavaScript functions implemented by remote applications. These functions act as the “glue” between the host application and the remote component(s) being shared. Modules declare which components within their application should be exposed and how they should be rendered based on information the host provides.

A Lattice Pluggable Component allows a host application to expose a mount point through a standard React component that plugins can manipulate or override with their own content.

Lattice Custom Hooks are used to manipulate state using a state reducer pattern. These hooks allow host applications to maintain their own initial state, and modify accordingly, while also allowing plugins the opportunity to inject their own data.

Lattice Plugins

Lattice Functionality within a Host Application

The core of Lattice provides the ability to asynchronously load remote modules via Webpack Module Federation, Native ES Modules, or a custom implementation defined outside of the framework. The host application provides Lattice with basic application context and a configuration which defines the remote plugin modules to load. Once loaded, references to these plugins are stored internally within a React Context instance.

Exposing Functionality to Lattice as a Federated Module

Plugin modules can then provide new functionality, or change existing functionality, to the host application. Standard identifiers are used that all Lattice-enabled applications should implement to allow plugins to universally work across different applications. Most extensions will choose to extend existing application functionality, which will not be universal, and requires knowledge of the host’s design.

Lattice requires constant identifier values (aka “magic strings”) to understand what is being rendered. The Lattice Plugin Host will dispatch this identifier through all of the plugins which have been registered and loaded. Plugin responses are composed together, and the final returned value is what gets rendered in the component tree. Through this model, plugins can decide to extend, change, or simply ignore the event. Think of this process as an approach similar to that of Redux or Express Middleware functions.

Lattice can also be used to extend existing application functionality. In order to accomplish this, Plugins must be aware of the host identifiers and data shapes used in the host application lifecycle. While this might sound like an impossible task to maintain, we encourage host applications to publish a TypeScript declarations project which is shared between the host and plugins. Think of us as having a DefinitelyTyped repository for all of the Netflix internal tools that embrace extending via Lattice.

Using this approach, we are able to provide developers with a highly aligned, loosely coupled development environment shared between host applications and plugins. Plugins can be developed in a silo, simply adhering to the interface which has been declared.

The Possibilities are Endless

While our original approach was to extend core functionality within an application, we have found that we are able to leverage Lattice in other ways. The concept of writing a simple if statement has been replaced; we take a step back, and consider which domain in our organization should be responsible for said logic and consider moving the logic into their respective plugin.

We have also found that we can easily model more fine-grained areas within an application. For example, we can render individual form components using Lattice identifiers and have plugins be responsible for the specific UI elements. This empowers us to build these generic tools backed by metadata models and a default out-of-box experience which others can choose to override.

Most importantly, we are able to easily, and quickly, respond to conflicting requirements by simply implementing different plugins.

What’s Next?

We are only getting started with Lattice and currently gauging interest internally from other teams. By dogfooding our approach within RGT, we can work out the kinks, squash some bugs, and build a robust process for building micro frontends with Lattice. The developer experience is crucial for Lattice to be successful. Empowering developers with the ability to understand the lifecycle of Lattice events within an application, verify functionality prior to deployments, versioning, developing end-to-end test suites, and general best practices are some nuggets critical to our success.

How We Build Micro Frontends With Lattice was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Netflix Cloud Packaging in the Terabyte Era

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

By Xiaomei Liu, Rosanna Lee, Cyril Concolato


Behind the scenes of the beloved Netflix streaming service and content, there are many technology innovations in media processing. Packaging has always been an important step in media processing. After content ingestion, inspection and encoding, the packaging step encapsulates encoded video and audio in codec agnostic container formats and provides features such as audio video synchronization, random access and DRM protection. Our previous tech blog Packaging award-winning shows with award-winning technology detailed our packaging technology deployed on the streaming side.

As Netflix becomes a producer of award winning content, the studio and content creation needs are also pushing the envelope of technology advancements. As an example, cloud-based post-production editing and collaboration pipelines demand a complex set of functionalities, including the generation and hosting of high quality proxy content. Supporting those workflows poses new challenges to our packaging service.

The Terabyte Era

Apple ProRes encoded video and PCM audio with Quicktime container are one of the most popular formats in professional post-production editing. The ProRes codec family provides great editing performance and image quality. ProRes 422 HQ offers visually lossless preservation of the highest quality professional HD video and is a great video format choice for high quality editing proxy.

As described by the white paper Apple ProRes (link), the target data rate of the Apple ProRes HQ for 1920×1080 at 29.97 is 220 Mbps. With the wide adoption of 4K content across the production pipeline, the generation of ProRes 422 HQ at the resolution of 3840×2160 requires our processing pipeline to encode and package content in the order of terabytes. The following table gives us an example of file sizes for 4K ProRes 422 HQ proxies.

Table 1: Movie and File Size Examples

Initial Architecture

A simplified view of our initial cloud video processing pipeline is illustrated in the following diagram. The inspection stage examines the input media for compliance with Netflix’s delivery specifications and generates rich metadata. This metadata includes both file level information such as video encoding format, video frame rate, and resolution, as well as frame level information such as frame offset, frame dependency, and frame active region to facilitate downstream processing stages. After the inspection stage, we leverage the cloud scaling functionality to slice the video into chunks for the encoding to expedite this computationally intensive process (more details in High Quality Video Encoding at Scale) with parallel chunk encoding in multiple cloud instances. Once all the chunks are encoded, they are physically stitched back into a final encoded bitstream. Lastly, the packager kicks in, adding a system layer to the asset, making it ready to be consumed by the clients.

Figure 1: A Simplified Video Processing Pipeline

With this architecture, chunk encoding is very efficient and processed in distributed cloud computing instances. However, assembly and packaging become the processing bottleneck, especially when the file size increases to the terabyte range. From chunk encoding to assembly and packaging, the result of each previous processing step must be uploaded to cloud storage and then downloaded by the next processing step.

Uploading and downloading data always come with a penalty, namely latency. While the input to our encoders, assemblers and packager instances is mounted using MezzFS and therefore read in parallel to be processed, output data is uploaded only after all processing is complete. The following table breaks down the various processing (including download) and uploading phases within an assembler and packager instance operating on large media files. It is worth pointing out that cloud processing is always subject to variable network conditions.

Table 2: Assembler and Packager Processing Time

Additionally, in this architecture, the packager still needs access to local storage for its packaged output (before uploading it to the final cloud destination) and any intermediate output if there are multiple passes in the processing. Since not all projects are terabytes projects, allocating the largest cloud storage to all packager instances is not an efficient use of cloud resources. We took the approach of allocating small or large cloud storage space depending on the actual packaging input size (Figure 2). Jobs processing large files were directed to instances with cloud storage large enough to hold intermediate results and packaged output.

Figure 2: Cloud Resource and Job Sizes

This initial architecture was designed at a time when packaging from a list of chunks was not possible and terabyte-sized files were not considered. It is very clear now that there will be significant processing savings if the physical assembly of the encoded chunks can be avoided. Also, the use of different sizes of local storage is not optimal, given that we can only support a small number of storage configurations, and given that the configurations need periodic updates as the maximum file size in the catalog inevitably grows.

Improved Architecture

In order to address the limitations of our initial architecture, we proceeded to make some optimizations.

Virtual Assembly

Figure 3 describes how a virtual assembly of the encoded chunks replaces the physical assembly used in our previous architecture. In this approach, an index assembler generates an index file, maintaining the temporal order of the encoded chunks. Care has been taken to ensure all chunks are accounted for and are in the right order during the virtual assembly to ensure the consistency of the final packaged stream and the original source. The index file keeps track of the physical location (URL) of each chunk and also keeps track of the physical location (URL + byte offset + size) of each video frame to facilitate downstream processing. The main advantage of using an assembled index is that any processing downstream of the video encoding can be abstracted away from the physical storage of the encoded video. Media processing services downstream of video encoding have intelligent downloaders that consume the assembled index file in order to mount the encoded video as video frames or encoded chunks. This is also the case with the packager, which reads and writes the encoded chunks only when it is generating the packaged output.

Figure 3: Video Processing with Index and Virtual Assembly

Using virtual assembly greatly improves the latency performance of the ProRes 422 HQ proxy generation by removing one round trip of cloud downloading and cloud uploading by the physical assembler.

Writable MezzFS

As described in a previous blog post, MezzFS is a tool developed by Netflix that allows cloud storage objects to be mounted as local files via FUSE. It allows our encoders and packagers to do random access reads of cloud storage objects without having to download an entire object before beginning their processing.

With similar goals in mind for write operations, we set about supporting storage of objects in the cloud without incurring any local storage and before the entire object has been created so that data generation and uploading can occur simultaneously. There are existing distributed file systems for the cloud as well as off-the-shelf FUSE modules for S3. We chose to enhance MezzFS instead of using these other solutions because the cloud storage system where packager stores its output is a custom object store service built on top of S3 with additional security features. Doing so has the added advantage of being able to design and tune the enhancement to suit the requirements of packager and our other encoding applications.

The requirements and challenges for supporting write operations are different from those for read operations. Our previous blog post described how MezzFS addresses the challenges for reads using various techniques, such as adaptive buffering and regional caches, to make the system performant and to lower costs. For write operations, those challenges do not apply. Furthermore, the goal for writes is not to build a general purpose system that supports arbitrary writers, but rather one that maximizes potential packager performance. In order to do so, we started by analyzing the packager’s IO patterns and configuring the packager to make its patterns more friendly to cloud writes.

The problematic pattern of packagers is that they do not always generate data linearly. They sometimes update parts of the file that had been written earlier for various reasons. For example, both ISOBMFF (ISO/IEC 14496–12) and Apple Quicktime use box structures to represent packaged media. The ‘moov’ box represents the metadata header describing the media while the ‘mdat’ box encapsulates the media content. Boxes start with a header which gives size and type of the box before the box content. When a packager is encapsulating the media content into the ‘mdat’ box, the size of the box is not known until all the media data are processed. To optimize the packager for writable MezzFS, we did not utilize the packager features that require multi-pass processing, intermediate storage and frequent update of headers.

With this packager constraint, there are a number of ways to design a writable MezzFS feature, but we wanted a solution that best fit the IO patterns of the packager in terms of latency, network utilization, and memory usage. In order to do that, the storage cloud object is modeled as a number of fixed size parts. MezzFS maintains a pool of upload buffers that correspond to a subset of these parts. As the packager creates and writes data to the object, data fills up the buffers, which are automatically uploaded asynchronously to the cloud. You can think of packaging as creating a stream of output that is stored directly in the cloud.

What happens when the packager references bytes that have already been uploaded (e.g. when it updates the ‘mdat’ size)? Any single read or write operation may involve a mix of previously uploaded and yet-to-be uploaded bytes. MezzFS borrows from how operating systems handle page faults. It downloads the part(s) that contain the referenced, uploaded bytes and keeps them in an LRU active cache. Packager’s read/write operations are then translated into operations on the upload buffers and/or buffers in the active cache. The buffers in the active cache are uploaded to the cloud as the cache becomes full. Just as with virtual memory management systems, locality of reference is important in determining the active cache size and performance. If the packager updates random, unrelated parts of the file within short periods of time, thrashing would occur and performance would be degraded. Our analysis of packager’s IO patterns determined that the packager makes updates with close proximity to each other — at most few parts at a time — thus making this design viable.

Figure 4: Overview of Writable MezzFS Design

Use of MezzFS is not without its cost in terms of performance. Use of FUSE means that file operations must go through MezzFS instead of directly to the kernel. As faster disk technology such as NVMe SSD are adopted, this overhead becomes increasingly noticeable and the time saved by uploading while packaging is counterbalanced by this overhead. As shown in Figure 5, packaging locally using non-NVMe local storage such as AWS Elastic Block Store (EBS) and then uploading takes more time than using MezzFS, but doing the same with NVMe SSD takes less time.

Figure 5: Performance Comparison of Packager Jobs using Writable MezzFS

However, time savings is not the only factor to consider when choosing between different upload techniques. Use of writable MezzFS offers the advantage of not requiring a large disk — larger and faster disks incur higher monetary costs and multiple disk size configurations make resource scheduling and sharing more challenging.


Supporting packaging of media content at terabytes scale is challenging. With innovation from system architecture, platform engineering and underlying packaging tools, processing terabyte-sized media files is now supported with greater efficiency.

The overall ProRes video processing speed is increased from 50GB/Hour to 300GB/Hour. From a different perspective, the processing time to movie runtime ratio is reduced from 6:1 to about 1:1. This significantly improves the Studio high quality proxy generation efficiency and workflow latency.

In addition to speed improvements, there is no longer a need to keep different configurations of local storage for cloud packagers. All the cloud packager instances now share a single scheduling queue with optimized compute resource utilization. There is also no need for multi-terabyte local storage, and no more unexpected out-of-disk processing failures. The single-sized local disk storage is future-proof for movies with longer runtime and higher resolution.


We would like to thank Anush Moorthy, Subbu Venkatrav and Chao Chen for their contribution to virtual assembly, Zoran Simic and Barak Alon for their contribution to writable MezzFS.

We’re hiring!

If you are passionate about media processing and platform engineering, come join us at Netflix! The Media Systems team is hiring. Please contact Flavio Ribeiro for more information.

Netflix Cloud Packaging in the Terabyte Era was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

What is an A/B Test?

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

Martin Tingley with Wenjing Zheng, Simon Ejdemyr, Stephanie Lane, and Colin McFarland

This is the second post in a multi-part series on how Netflix uses A/B tests to inform decisions and continuously innovate on our products. See here for Part 1: Decision Making at Netflix. Subsequent posts will go into more details on the statistics of A/B tests, experimentation across Netflix, how Netflix has invested in infrastructure to support and scale experimentation, and the importance of the culture of experimentation within Netflix.

An A/B test is a simple controlled experiment. Let’s say — this is a hypothetical! — we want to learn if a new product experience that flips all of the boxart upside down in the TV UI is good for our members.

Figure 1: How do we decide if Product Experience B, with the Upside Down box art, is a better experience for our members?

To run the experiment, we take a subset of our members, usually a simple random sample, and then use random assignment to evenly split that sample into two groups. Group “A,” often called the “control group,” continues to receive the base Netflix UI experience, while Group “B,” often called the “treatment group”, receives a different experience, based on a specific hypothesis about improving the member experience (more on those hypotheses below). Here, Group B receives the Upside Down box art.

We wait, and we then compare the values of a variety of metrics from Group A to those from Group B. Some metrics will be specific to the given hypothesis. For a UI experiment, we’ll look at engagement with different variants of the new feature. For an experiment that aims to deliver more relevant results in the search experience, we’ll measure if members are finding more things to watch through search. In other types of experiments, we might focus on more technical metrics, such as the time it takes the app to load, or the quality of video we are able to provide under different network conditions.

Figure 2: A simple A/B test. We split a random sample of Netflix members into two groups using random assignment. Group “A” receives the current product experience, while Group “B” receives some change that we think is an improvement to the Netflix experience. Here, Group “B” receives the “Upside Down” product experience. We then compare metrics between the two groups. Critically, random assignment ensures that, on average, everything else is held constant between the two groups.

With many experiments, including the Upside Down box art example, we need to think carefully about what our metrics are telling us. Suppose we look at the click through rate, measuring the fraction of members in each experience that clicked on a title. This metric alone may be a misleading measure of whether this new UI is a success, as members might click on a title in the Upside Down product experience only in order to read it more easily. In this case, we might also want to evaluate what fraction of members subsequently navigate away from that title versus proceeding to play it.

In all cases, we also look at more general metrics that aim to capture the joy and satisfaction that Netflix is delivering to our members. These metrics include measures of member engagement with Netflix: are the ideas we are testing helping our members to choose Netflix as their entertainment destination on any given night?

There’s a lot of statistics involved as well — how large a difference is considered significant? How many members do we need in a test in order to detect an effect of a given magnitude? How do we most efficiently analyze the data? We’ll cover some of those details in subsequent posts, focussing on the high level intuition.

Holding everything else constant

Because we create our control (“A”) and treatment (“B”) groups using random assignment, we can ensure that individuals in the two groups are, on average, balanced on all dimensions that may be meaningful to the test. Random assignment ensures, for example, that the average length of Netflix membership is not markedly different between the control and treatment groups, nor are content preferences, primary language selections, and so forth. The only remaining difference between the groups is the new experience we are testing, ensuring our estimate of the impact of the new experience is not biased in any way.

To understand how important this is, let’s consider another way we could make decisions: we could roll out the new Upside Down box art experience (discussed above) to all Netflix members, and see if there’s a big change in one of our metrics. If there’s a positive change, or no evidence of any meaningful change, we’ll keep the new experience; if there’s evidence of a negative change, we’ll roll back to the prior product experience.

Let’s say we did that (again — this is a hypothetical!), and flipped the switch to the Upside Down experience on the 16th day of a month. How would you act if we gathered the following data?

Figure 3: Hypothetical data for the release of the new Upside Down box art product experience on Day 16.

The data look good: we release a new product experience and member engagement goes way up! But if you had these data, plus the knowledge that Product B flips all the box art in the UI upside down, how confident would you be that the new product experience really is good for our members?

Do we really know that the new product experience is what caused the increase in engagement? What other explanations are possible?

What if you also knew that Netflix released a hit title, like a new season of Stranger Things or Bridgerton, or a hit movie like Army of the Dead, on the same day as the (hypothetical) roll out of the new Upside Down product experience? Now we have more than one possible explanation for the increase in engagement: it could be the new product experience, it could be the hit title that’s all over social media, it could be both. Or it could be something else entirely. The key point is that we don’t know if the new product experience caused the increase in engagement.

What if instead we’d run an A/B test with the Upside Down box art product experience, with one group of members receiving the current product (“A”) and another group the Upside Down product (“B”) over the entire month, and gathered the following data:

Figure 4: Hypothetical data for an A/B test of a new product experience.

In this case, we are led to a different conclusion: the Upside Down product results in generally lower engagement (not surprisingly!), and both groups see an increase in engagement concurrent with the launch of the big title.

A/B tests let us make causal statements. We’ve introduced the Upside Down product experience to Group B only, and because we’ve randomly assigned members to groups A and B, everything else is held constant between the two groups. We can therefore conclude with high probability (more on the details next time) that the Upside Down product caused the reduction in engagement.

This hypothetical example is extreme, but the broad lesson is that there is always something we won’t be able to control. If we roll out an experience to everyone and simply measure a metric before and after the change, there can be relevant differences between the two time periods that prevent us from making a causal conclusion. Maybe it’s a new title that takes off. Maybe it’s a new product partnership that unlocks Netflix for more users to enjoy. There’s always something we won’t know about. Running A/B tests, where possible, allows us to substantiate causality and confidently make changes to the product knowing that our members have voted for them with their actions.

It all starts with an idea

An A/B test starts with an idea — some change we can make to the UI, the personalization systems that help members find content, the signup flow for new members, or any other part of the Netflix experience that we believe will produce a positive result for our members. Some ideas we test are incremental innovations, like ways to improve the text copy that appears in the Netflix product; some are more ambitious, like the test that led to “Top 10” lists that Netflix now shows in the UI.

As with all innovations that are rolled out to Netflix members around the globe, Top 10 started as an idea that was turned into a testable hypothesis. Here, the core idea was that surfacing titles that are popular in each country would benefit our members in two ways. First, by surfacing what’s popular we can help members have shared experiences and connect with one another through conversations about popular titles. Second, we can help members choose some great content to watch by fulfilling the intrinsic human desire to be part of a shared conversation.

Figure 5: An example of the Top 10 experience on the Web UI.

We next turn this idea into a testable hypothesis, a statement of the form “If we make change X, it will improve the member experience in a way that makes metric Y improve.” With the Top 10 example, the hypothesis read: “Showing members the Top 10 experience will help them find something to watch, increasing member joy and satisfaction.” The primary decision metric for this test (and many others) is a measure of member engagement with Netflix: are the ideas we are testing helping our members to choose Netflix as their entertainment destination on any given night? Our research shows that this metric (details omitted) is correlated, in the long term, with the probability that members will retain their subscriptions. Other areas of the business in which we run tests, such as the signup page experience or server side infrastructure, make use of different primary decision metrics, though the principle is the same: what can we measure, during the test, that is aligned with delivering more value in the long-term to our members?

Along with the primary decision metric for a test, we also consider a number of secondary metrics and how they will be impacted by the product feature we are testing. The goal here is to articulate the causal chain, from how user behavior will change in response to the new product experience to the change in our primary decision metric.

Articulating the causal chain between the product change and changes in the primary decision metric, and monitoring secondary metrics along this chain, helps us build confidence that any movement in our primary metric is the result of the causal chain we are hypothesizing, and not the result of some unintended consequence of the new feature (or a false positive — much more on that in later posts!). For the Top 10 test, engagement is our primary decision metric — but we also look at metrics such as title-level viewing of those titles that appear in the Top 10 list, the fraction of viewing that originates from that row vs other parts of the UI, and so forth. If the Top 10 experience really is good for our members in accord with the hypothesis, we’d expect the treatment group to show an increase in viewing of titles that appear in the Top 10 list, and for generally strong engagement from that row.

Finally, because not all of the ideas we test are winners with our members (and sometimes new features have bugs!) we also look at metrics that act as “guardrails.” Our goal is to limit any downside consequences and to ensure that the new product experience does not have unintended impacts on the member experience. For example, we might compare customer service contacts for the control and treatment groups, to check that the new feature is not increasing the contact rate, which may indicate member confusion or dissatisfaction.


This post has focused on building intuition: the basics of an A/B test, why it’s important to run an A/B test versus rolling out a feature and looking at metrics pre- and post- making a change, and how we turn an idea into a testable hypothesis. Next time, we’ll jump into the basic statistical concepts that we use when comparing metrics from the treatment and control experiences. Follow the Netflix Tech Blog to stay up to date.

What is an A/B Test? was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Practical API Design at Netflix, Part 2: Protobuf FieldMask for Mutation Operations

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

By Ricky Gardiner, Alex Borysov


In our previous post, we discussed how we utilize FieldMask as a solution when designing our APIs so that consumers can request the data they need when fetched via gRPC. In this blog post we will continue to cover how Netflix Studio Engineering uses FieldMask for mutation operations such as update and remove.

Example: Netflix Studio Production

Money Heist (La casa de papel) / Netflix

Previously we outlined what a Production is and how the Production Service makes gRPC calls to other microservices such as the Schedule Service and Script Service to retrieve schedules and scripts (aka screenplay) for a particular production such as La Casa De Papel. We can take that model and showcase how we can mutate particular fields on a production.

Mutating Production Details

Let’s say we want to update the format field from LIVE_ACTION to HYBRID as our production has added some animated elements. A naive way for us to solve this is to add an updateProductionFormatRequest method and gRPC endpoint just to update the productionFormat:

This allows us to update the production format for a particular production but what if we then want to update other fields such as titleor even multiple fields such as productionFormat, schedule, etc? Building on top of this we could just implement an update method for every field: one for Production format, another for title and so on:

This can become unmanageable when maintaining our APIs due to the number of fields on the Production. What if we want to update more than one field and do it atomically in a single RPC? Creating additional methods for various combinations of fields will lead to an explosion of mutation APIs. This solution is not scalable.

Instead of trying to create every single combination possible, another solution could be to have an UpdateProduction endpoint that requires all fields from the consumer:

The issue with this solution is two-fold as the consumer must know and provide every single required field in a Production even if they just want to update one field such as the format. The other issue is that since a Production has many fields the request payload can become quite large particularly if the production has schedule or scripts information.

What if, instead of all the fields, we send only the fields we actually want to update, and leave all other fields unset? In our example, we would only set the production format field (and ID to reference the production):

This could work if we never need to remove or blank out any fields. But what if we want to remove the value of the title field? Again, we can introduce one-off methods like RemoveProductionTitle, but as discussed above, this solution does not scale well. What if we want to remove a value of a nested field such as the planned launch date field from the schedule? We would end up adding remove RPCs for every individual nullable sub-field.

Utilizing FieldMask for Mutations

Instead of numerous RPCs or requiring a large payload, we can utilize a FieldMask for all our mutations. The FieldMask will list all of the fields we would like to explicitly update. First, let’s update our proto file to add in the UpdateProductionRequest, which will contain the data we want to update from a production, and a FieldMask of what should be updated:

Now, we can use a FieldMask to make mutations. We can update the format by creating a FieldMask for the format field by using the FieldMaskUtil.fromStringList() utility method which constructs a FieldMask for a list of field paths in a certain type. In this case, we will have one type, but will build upon this example later:

Since our FieldMask only specifies the format field that will be the only field that is updated even if we provide more data in ProductionUpdateOperation. It becomes easier to add or remove more fields to our FieldMask by modifying the paths. Data that is provided in the payload but not added in a path of a FieldMask will not be updated and simply ignored in the operation. But, if we omit a value it will perform a remove mutation on that field. Let’s modify our example above to showcase this and update the format but remove the planned launch date, which is a nested field on the ProductionSchedule as “schedule.planned_launch_date”:

In this example, we are performing both update and remove mutations as we have added “format” and “schedule.planned_launch_date” paths to our FieldMask. When we provide this in our payload these fields will be updated to the new values, but when building our payload we are only providing the format and omitting the schedule.planned_launch_date. Omitting this from the payload but having it defined in our FieldMask will function as a remove mutation:

Empty / Missing Field Mask

When a field mask is unset or has no paths, the update operation applies to all the payload fields. This means the caller must send the whole payload or, as mentioned above, any unset fields will be removed.

This convention has an implication on schema evolution: when a new field is added to the message, all the consumers must start sending its value on the update operation or it will get removed.

Suppose we want to add a new field: production budget. We will extend both the Production message, and ProductionUpdateOperation:

If there is a consumer that doesn’t know about this new field or hasn’t updated client stubs yet, it can accidentally null the budget field out by not sending the FieldMask in the update request.

To avoid this issue, the producer should consider requiring the field mask for all the update operations. Another option would be to implement a versioning protocol: force all callers to send their version numbers and implement custom logic to skip fields not present in the old version.

Bella Ciao

In this blog post series, we have gone over how we use FieldMask at Netflix and how it can be a practical and scalable solution when designing your APIs.

API designers should aim for simplicity, but make their APIs open for extension and evolution. It’s often not easy to keep APIs simple and future-proof. Utilizing FieldMask in APIs helps us achieve both simplicity and flexibility.

Practical API Design at Netflix, Part 2: Protobuf FieldMask for Mutation Operations was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

The Show Must Go On: Securing Netflix Studios At Scale

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

Written by Jose Fernandez, Arthur Gonigberg, Julia Knecht, and Patrick Thomas

Netflix Zuul Open Source Logo

In 2017, Netflix Studios was hitting an inflection point from a period of merely rapid growth to the sort of explosive growth that throws “how do we scale?” into every conversation. The vision was to create a “Studio in the Cloud”, with applications supporting every part of the business from pitch to play. The security team was working diligently to support this effort, faced with two apparently contradictory priorities:

  • 1) streamline any security processes so that we could get applications built and deployed to the public internet faster
  • 2) raise the overall security bar so that the accumulated risk of this giant and growing portfolio of newly internet-facing, high-sensitivity assets didn’t exceed its value

The journey to resolve that contradiction has been a collaboration that we’re proud of, and that we think exemplifies how Netflix approaches infrastructure product development and product security partnerships. You’ll hear from two teams here: first Application Security, and then Cloud Gateway.

Julia & Patrick (Netflix Application Security): In deciding how to address this, we focused on two observations. The first was that there were too many security things that each software team needed to think about — things like TLS certificates, authentication, security headers, request logging, rate limiting, among many others. There were security checklists for developers, but they were lengthy and mostly manual, neither of which contributed to the goal of accelerating development. Adding to the complexity, many of the checklist items themselves had a variety of different options to fulfill them (“new apps do this, but legacy apps do that”; “Java apps should use this approach, but Ruby apps should try one of these four things”… yes, there were flowcharts inside checklists. Ouch.). For development teams, just working through the flowcharts of requirements and options was a monumental task. Supporting developers through those checklists for edge cases, and then validating that each team’s choices resulted in an architecture with all the desired security properties, was similarly not scalable for our security engineers.

Our second observation centered on strong authentication as our highest-leverage control. Missing or incomplete authentication in an application was the most critical type of issue we regularly faced, while at the same time, an application that had a bulletproof authentication story was an application we considered to be lower risk. Concepts like Zero Trust, Beyond Corp, and Identity Aware Proxies all seemed to point the same way: there is powerful assurance in making 100% authentication a property of the architecture of the application rather than an implementation detail within an application.

With both of these observations in hand, we looked at the challenge through a lens that we have found incredibly valuable: how do we productize it? Netflix engineers talk a lot about the concept of a “Paved Road”. One especially attractive part of a Paved Road approach for security teams with a large portfolio is that it helps turn lots of questions into a boolean proposition: Instead of “Tell me how your app does this important security thing?”, it’s just “Are you using this paved road product that handles that?”. So, what would a product look like that could tackle most of the security checklist for a team, and that also could give us that architectural property of guaranteed authentication? With these lofty goals in mind, we turned to our central engineering teams to help get us there.

Partnering to Productize Security

Jose & Arthur (Netflix Cloud Gateway): The Cloud Gateway team develops and operates Netflix’s “Front Door”. Historically we have been responsible for connecting, routing, and steering internet traffic from Netflix subscribers to services in the cloud. Our gateways are powered by our flagship open-source technology Zuul. When Netflix Studios and our security partners approached us, the proposal was conceptually simple and a good fit for our modular, filter-based approach. To try it out, we deployed a custom Zuul build (which we named “API Wall” and eventually, more affectionately, “Wall-E”) with a new filter for Netflix’s Single-Sign-On provider, enabled it for all requests, and boom! — an application deployment strategy that guarantees authentication for services behind it.

Wall-E logical diagram showing a proxy with distinct filters

Killing the Checklist

Once we worked together to integrate our SSO with Wall-E, we had established a pretty exciting pattern of adding security requirements as filters. We thought back to our checklist through the lens of: which of these things are consistent enough across applications to add as a required filter? Our web application firewall (WAF), DDoS prevention, security header validation, and durable logging all fit the bill. One by one, we saw our checklists’ requirements bite the dust, and shift from ‘individual app developer-owned’ to ‘Wall-E owned’ (and consistently implemented!).

By this point, it was clear that we had achieved the vision in the AppSec team’s original request. We eventually were able to add so much security leverage into Wall-E that the bulk of the “going internet-facing” checklist for Studio applications boiled down to one item: Will you use Wall-E?

A small section of our go-external security questionnaire and checklist for studio apps before Wall-E and after Wall-E.

The Early Adopter Challenge

Wall-E’s early adopters were handpicked and nudged along by the Application Security team. Back then, the Cloud Gateway team had to work closely with application developers to provide a seamless migration without disrupting users. These joint efforts took several weeks for both parties. During our initial consultations, it was clear that developers preferred prioritizing product work over security or infrastructure improvements. Our meetings usually ended like this: “Security suggested we talk to you, and we like the idea of improving our security posture, but we have product goals to meet. Let’s talk again next quarter”. These conversations surfaced a couple of problems we knew we had to overcome to address this early adopter challenge:

  1. Setting up Wall-E for an application took too much time and effort, and the hands-on approach would not scale.
  2. Security improvements alone were not enough to drive organic adoption in Netflix’s “context not control” culture.

We were under pressure to improve our adoption numbers and decided to focus first on the setup friction by improving the developer experience and automating the onboarding process.

Scaling With Developer Experience

Developers in the Netflix streaming world compose the customer-facing Netflix experience out of hundreds of microservices, reachable by complex routing rules. On the Netflix Studio side, in Content Engineering, each team develops distinct products with simpler routing needs. To support that much different model, we did another thing that seemed simple at the time but has had an outsized impact over the years: we asked app teams to integrate with us by creating a version-controlled YAML file. Originally this was intended as a simplified and developer-friendly way to help collect domain names and some routing rules into a versionable package, but we quickly realized we had stumbled into a powerful model: we were harvesting developer intent.

An interactive Wall-E configuration wizard, and a concise declarative format for an application’s routing, resource, and authentication decisions

This small change was a kind of magic, and completely flipped our relationship with development teams: since we had a concise, standardized definition of the app they intended to expose, we could proactively automate a lot of the setup. Specify a domain name? Wall-E can ensure that it automagically exists, with DNS and TLS configured correctly. Iterating on this experience eventually led to other intent-based streamlining, like asking about intended user populations and related applications (to select OAuth configs and claims). We could now tell developers that setting up Wall-E would only take a few minutes and that our tooling would automate everything.

Going Faster, Faster

As all of these pieces came together, app teams outside Studio took notice. For a typical paved road application with no unusual security complications, a team could go from “git init” to a production-ready, fully authenticated, internet accessible application in a little less than 10 minutes. The automation of the infrastructure setup, combined with reducing risk enough to streamline security review saves developers days, if not weeks, on each application. Developers didn’t necessarily care that the original motivating factor was about security: what they saw in practice was that apps using Wall-E could get in front of users sooner, and iterate faster.

This created that virtuous cycle that core engineering product teams get incredibly excited about: more users make the amortized platform investment more valuable, but they also bring more ideas and clarity for feature ideas, which in turn attract more users. This set the tone for the next year of development, along two tracks: fixing adoption blockers, and turning more “developer intent” into product features to just handle things for them.

For adoption, both the security team and our team were asking the same question of developers: Is there anything that prevents you from using Wall-E? Each time we got an answer to that question, we tried to figure out how we could address it. Nearly all of the blockers related to systems in which (usually for historical reasons) some application team was solving both authentication and application routing in a custom way. Examples include legacy mTLS and various webhook schemes​. With Wall-E as a clear, durable, paved road choice, we finally had enough of a carrot to move these teams away from supporting unique, potentially risky features. The value proposition wasn’t just “let us help you migrate and you’ll only ever have to deal with incoming traffic that is already properly authenticated”, it was also “you can throw away the services and manual processes that handled your custom mechanisms and offload any responsibility for authentication, WAF integration and monitoring, and DDoS protection to the platform”. Overall, we cannot overstate the value of organizationally committing to a single paved road product to handle these kinds of concerns. It creates an amazing clarity and strategic pressure that helps align actual services that teams operate to the charters and expertise that define them. The difference between 2–4 “right-ish” ways and a single paved road one is powerful.

Also, with fewer exceptions and clearer criteria for apps that should adopt this paved road, our AppSec Engineering and User Focused Security Engineering (UFSE) teams could automate security guidance to give more appropriate automated nudges for adoption. Every leader’s security risk dashboard now includes a Wall-E adoption metric, and roughly ⅔ of recommended apps have chosen to adopt it. Wall-E now fronts over 350 applications, and is adding roughly 3 new production applications (mostly internet-facing) per week.

Automated guidance data, showing the percentage of applications recommended to use Wall-E which have taken it up. The jumpiness in the number of apps recommended for adoption is real: as adoption blockers were discovered then eventually solved, and as we standardized guidance across the company, our automated recommendations reflected these developments.

As adoption continued to increase, we looked at various signals of developer intent for good functionality to move from development-team-owned to platform-owned. One particularly pleasing example turned out to be UI hosting: it popped up over and over again as both an awkward exception to our “full authentication” goal, and also oftentimes the only thing that required Single Page App (SPA) UI teams to run actual cloud instances and have to be on-call for infrastructure. This eventually matured into an opinionated, declarative asset service that abstracts static file hosting for application teams: developers get fast static asset deployments, security gets strong guardrails around UI applications, and Netflix overall has fewer cloud instances to manage (and pay for!). Wall-E became a requirement for the best UI developer experience, and that drove even more adoption.

A productized approach also meant that we could efficiently enable lots of complex but “nice to have” features to enhance the developer experience, like Atlas metrics for free, and integration with our request tracing tool, Edgar.

From Product to Platform

You may have noticed a word sneak into the conversation up there… “platform”. Netflix has a Developer Productivity organization: teams dedicated to helping other developers be more effective. A big part of their work is this idea of harvesting developer intent and automating the necessary touchpoints across our systems. As these teams came to see Wall-E as the clear answer for many of their customers, they started integrating their tools to configure Wall-E from the even higher level developer intents they were harvesting. In effect, this moves authentication and traffic routing (and everything else that Wall-E handles) from being a specific product that developers need to think about and make a choice about, to just a fact that developers can trust and generally ignore. In 2019, essentially 100% of the Wall-E app configuration was done manually by developers. In 2021, that interaction has changed dramatically: now more than 50% of app configuration in WallE is done by automated tools (which are acting on higher-level abstractions on behalf of developers).

This scale and standardization again multiplies value: our internal risk quantification forecasts show compelling annualized savings in risk and incident response costs across the Wall-E portfolio. These applications have fewer, less severe, and less exploitable bugs compared to non-Wall-E apps, and we rarely need an urgent response from app owners (we call this not-getting-paged-at-midnight-as-a-service). Developer time saved on initial application setup and unneeded services additionally adds up on the order of team-months of productivity per year.

Looking back to the core need that started us down this road (“streamline any security processes […]” and “raise the overall security bar […]”), Wall-E’s evolution to being part of the platform cements and extends the initial success. Going forward, more and more apps and developers can benefit from these security assurances while needing to think less and less about them. It’s an outcome we’re quite proud of.

Let’s Do More Of That

To briefly recap, here’s a few of the things that we take away from this journey:

  • If you can do one thing to manage a large product security portfolio, do bulletproof authentication; preferably as a property of the architecture
  • Security teams and central engineering teams can and should have a collaborative, mutually supportive partnership
  • “Productizing” a capability (eg: clearly articulated; defined value proposition; branded; measured), even for internal tools, is useful to drive adoption and find further value
  • A specific product makes the “paved road” clearer; a boolean “uses/doesn’t use” is strongly preferable to various options with subtle caveats
  • Hitch the security wagon to developer productivity
  • Harvesting intent is powerful; it lets many teams add value

What’s Next

We see incredible power in this kind of security/infrastructure partnership work, and we’re excited to leverage these wins into our next goal: to truly become an infrastructure-as-service provider by building a full-fledged Gateway API, thereby handing off ownership of the developer experience to our partner teams in the Developer Productivity organization. This will allow us to focus on the challenges that will come on our way to the next milestone: 1000 applications behind Wall-E.

If this kind of thing is exciting to you, we are hiring for both of these teams: Senior Software Engineer and Engineering Manager on Application Networking; and Senior Security Partner and Appsec Senior Software Engineer.

With special thanks to Cloud Gateway and InfoSec team members past and present, especially Sunil Agrawal, Mikey Cohen, Will Rose, Dilip Kancharla, our partners on Studio & Developer Productivity, and the early Wall-E adopters that provided valuable feedback and ideas. And also to Queen for the song references we slipped in; tell us if you find ’em all.

The Show Must Go On: Securing Netflix Studios At Scale was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Decision Making at Netflix

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

Martin Tingley with Wenjing Zheng, Simon Ejdemyr, Stephanie Lane, and Colin McFarland

This introduction is the first in a multi-part series on how Netflix uses A/B tests to make decisions that continuously improve our products, so we can deliver more joy and satisfaction to our members. Subsequent posts will cover the basic statistical concepts underpinning A/B tests, the role of experimentation across Netflix, how Netflix has invested in infrastructure to support and scale experimentation, and the importance of the culture of experimentation within Netflix.

Netflix was created with the idea of putting consumer choice and control at the center of the entertainment experience, and as a company we continuously evolve our product offerings to improve on that value proposition. For example, the Netflix UI has undergone a complete transformation over the last decade. Back in 2010, the UI was static, with limited navigation options and a presentation inspired by displays at a video rental store. Now, the UI is immersive and video-forward, the navigation options richer but less obtrusive, and the box art presentation takes greater advantage of the digital experience.

Figure 1: The Netflix TVUI in 2010 (top) and in 2020 (bottom).

Transitioning from that 2010 experience to what we have today required Netflix to make countless decisions. What’s the right balance between a large display area for a single title vs showing more titles? Are videos better than static images? How do we deliver a seamless video-forward experience on constrained networks? How do we select which titles to show? Where do the navigation menus belong and what should they contain? The list goes on.

Making decisions is easy — what’s hard is making the right decisions. How can we be confident that our decisions are delivering a better product experience for current members and helping grow the business with new members? There are a number of ways Netflix could make decisions about how to evolve our product to deliver more joy to our members:

  • Let leadership make all the decisions.
  • Hire some experts in design, product management, UX, streaming delivery, and other disciplines — and then go with their best ideas.
  • Have an internal debate and let the viewpoints of our most charismatic colleagues carry the day.
  • Copy the competition.
Figure 2: Different ways to make decisions. Clockwise from top left: leadership, internal experts, copy the competition, group debate.

In each of these paradigms, a limited number of viewpoints and perspectives contribute to the decision. The leadership group is small, group debates can only be so big, and Netflix has only so many experts in each domain area where we need to make decisions. And there are maybe a few tens of streaming or related services that we could use as inspiration. Moreover, these paradigms don’t provide a systematic way to make decisions or resolve conflicting viewpoints.

At Netflix, we believe there’s a better way to make decisions about how to improve the experience we deliver to our members: we use A/B tests. Experimentation scales. Instead of small groups of executives or experts contributing to a decision, experimentation gives all our members the opportunity to vote, with their actions, on how to continue to evolve their joyful Netflix experience.

More broadly, A/B testing, along with other causal inference methods like quasi-experimentation are ways that Netflix uses the scientific method to inform decision making. We form hypotheses, gather empirical data, including from experiments, that provide evidence for or against our hypotheses, and then make conclusions and generate new hypotheses. As explained by my colleague Nirmal Govind, experimentation plays a critical role in the iterative cycle of deduction (drawing specific conclusions from a general principle) and induction (formulating a general principle from specific results and observations) that underpins the scientific method.

Curious to learn more? Follow the Netflix Tech Blog for future posts that will dive into the details of A/B tests and how Netflix uses tests to inform decision making.

Decision Making at Netflix was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Practical API Design at Netflix, Part 1: Using Protobuf FieldMask

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

By Alex Borysov, Ricky Gardiner


At Netflix, we heavily use gRPC for the purpose of backend to backend communication. When we process a request it is often beneficial to know which fields the caller is interested in and which ones they ignore. Some response fields can be expensive to compute, some fields can require remote calls to other services. Remote calls are never free; they impose extra latency, increase probability of an error, and consume network bandwidth. How can we understand which fields the caller doesn’t need to be supplied in the response, so we can avoid making unnecessary computations and remove calls? With GraphQL this comes out of the box through the use of field selectors. In the JSON:API standard a similar technique is known as Sparse Fieldsets. How can we achieve a similar functionality when designing our gRPC APIs? The solution we use within the Netflix Studio Engineering is protobuf FieldMask.

Money Heist (La casa de papel) / Netflix

Protobuf FieldMask

Protocol Buffers, or simply protobuf, is a data serialization mechanism. By default, gRPC uses protobuf as its IDL (interface definition language) and data serialization protocol.

FieldMask is a protobuf message. There are a number of utilities and conventions on how to use this message when it is present in an RPC request. A FieldMask message contains a single field named paths, which is used to specify fields that should be returned by a read operation or modified by an update operation.

Example: Netflix Studio Production

Money Heist (La casa de papel) / Netflix

Let’s assume there is a Production service that manages Studio Content Productions (in the film and TV industry, the term production refers to the process of making a movie, not the environment to run a software).

GetProduction returns a Production message by its unique ID. A production contains multiple fields such as: title, format, schedule dates, scripts aka screenplay, budgets, episodes, etc, but let’s keep this example simple and focus on filtering out schedule dates and scripts when requesting a production.

Reading Production Details

Let’s say we want to get production information for a particular production such as “La Casa De Papel” using the GetProduction API. While a production has many fields, some of these fields are returned from other services such as schedule from the Schedule service, or scripts from the Script service.

The Production service will make RPCs to Schedule and Script services every time GetProduction is called, even if clients ignore the schedule and scripts fields in the response. As mentioned above, remote calls are not free. If the service knows which fields are important for the caller, it can make an informed decision about making expensive calls, starting resource-heavy computations, and/or calling the database. In this example, if the caller only needs production title and production format, the Production service can avoid making remote calls to Schedule and Script services.

Additionally, requesting a large number of fields can make the response payload massive. This can become an issue for some applications, for example, on mobile devices with limited network bandwidth. In these cases it is a good practice for consumers to request only the fields they need.

Money Heist (La casa de papel) / Netflix

A naïve way of solving these problems can be adding additional request parameters, such as includeSchedule and includeScripts:

This approach requires adding a custom includeXXX field for every expensive response field and doesn’t work well for nested fields. It also increases the complexity of the request, ultimately making maintenance and support more challenging.

Add FieldMask to the Request Message

Instead of creating one-off “include” fields, API designers can add field_mask field to the request message:

Consumers can set paths for the fields they expect to receive in the response. If a consumer is only interested in production titles and format, they can set a FieldMask with paths “title” and “format”:

Masking fields

Please note, even though code samples in this blog post are written in Java, demonstrated concepts apply to any other language supported by protocol buffers.

If consumers only need a title and an email of the last person who updated the schedule, they can set a different field mask:

By convention, if a FieldMask is not present in the request, all fields should be returned.

Protobuf Field Names vs Field Numbers

You might notice that paths in the FieldMask are specified using field names, whereas on the wire, encoded protocol buffers messages contain only field numbers, not field names. This (alongside some other techniques like ZigZag encoding for signed types) makes protobuf messages space-efficient.

To understand the difference between field numbers and field names, let’s take a detailed look at how protobuf encodes and decodes messages.

Our protobuf message definition (.proto file) contains Production message with five fields. Every field has a type, name, and number.

When the protobuf compiler (protoc) compiles this message definition, it creates the code in the language of your choice (Java in our example). This generated code contains classes for defined messages, together with message and field descriptors. Descriptors contain all the information needed to encode and decode a message into its binary format. For example, they contain field numbers, names, types. Message producer uses descriptors to convert a message to its wire format. For efficiency, the binary message contains only field number-value pairs. Field names are not included. When a consumer receives the message, it decodes the byte stream into an object (for example, Java object) by referencing the compiled message definitions.

As mentioned above, FieldMask lists field names, not numbers. Here at Netflix we are using field numbers and convert them to field names using FieldMaskUtil.fromFieldNumbers() utility method. This method utilizes the compiled message definitions to convert field numbers to field names and creates a FieldMask.

However, there is an easy-to-overlook limitation: using FieldMask can limit your ability to rename message fields. Renaming a message field is generally considered a safe operation, because, as described above, the field name is not sent on the wire, it is derived using the field number on the consumer side. With FieldMask, field names are sent in the message payload (in the paths field value) and become significant.

Suppose we want to rename the field title to title_name and publish version 2.0 of our message definition:

In this chart, the producer (server) utilizes new descriptors, with field number 2 named title_name. The binary message sent over the wire contains the field number and its value. The consumer still uses the original descriptors, where the field number 2 is called title. It is still able to decode the message by field number.

This works well if the consumer doesn’t use FieldMask to request the field. If the consumer makes a call with the “title” path in the FieldMask field, the producer will not be able to find this field. The producer doesn’t have a field named title in its descriptors, so it doesn’t know the consumer asked for field number 2.

As we see, if a field is renamed, the backend should be able to support new and old field names until all the callers migrate to the new field name (backward compatibility issue).

There are multiple ways to deal with this limitation:

  • Never rename fields when FieldMask is used. This is the simplest solution, but it’s not always possible
  • Require the backend to support all the old field names. This solves the backward compatibility issue but requires extra code on the backend to keep track of all historical field names
  • Deprecate old and create a new field instead of renaming. In our example, we would create the title_name field number 6. This option has some advantages over the previous one: it allows the producer to keep using generated descriptors instead of custom converters; also, deprecating a field makes it more prominent on the consumer side

Regardless of the solution, it is important to remember that FieldMask makes field names an integral part of your API contract.

Using FieldMask on the Producer (Server) Side

On the producer (server) side, unnecessary fields can be removed from the response payload using the FieldMaskUtil.merge() method (lines ##8 and 9):

If the server code also needs to know which fields are requested in order to avoid making external calls, database queries or expensive computations, this information can be obtained from the FieldMask paths field:

This code calls the makeExpensiveCallToScheduleServicemethod (line #21) only if the schedule field is requested. Let’s explore this code sample in more detail.

(1) The SCHEDULE_FIELD_NAME constant contains the name of the field. This code sample uses message type Descriptor and FieldDescriptor to lookup field name by field number. The difference between protobuf field names and field numbers is described in the Protobuf Field Names vs Field Numbers section above.

(2) FieldMaskUtil.normalize() returns FieldMask with alphabetically sorted and deduplicated field paths (aka canonical form).

(3) Expression (lines ##14 – 17) that yields the scheduleFieldRequestedvalue takes a stream of FieldMask paths, maps it to a stream of top-level fields, and returns true if top-level fields contain the value of the SCHEDULE_FIELD_NAME constant.

(4) ProductionSchedule is retrieved only if scheduleFieldRequested is true.

If you end up using FieldMask for different messages and fields, consider creating reusable utility helper methods. For example, a method that returns all top-level fields based on FieldMask and FieldDescriptor, a method to return if a field is present in a FieldMask, etc.

Ship Pre-built FieldMasks

Some access patterns can be more common than others. If multiple consumers are interested in the same subset of fields, API producers can ship client libraries with FieldMask pre-built for the most frequently used field combinations.

Providing pre-built field masks simplifies API usage for the most common scenarios and leaves consumers the flexibility to build their own field masks for more specific use-cases.


  • Using FieldMask can limit your ability to rename message fields (described in the Protobuf Field Names vs Field Numbers section)
  • Repeated fields are only allowed in the last position of a path string. This means you cannot select (mask) individual sub-fields in a message inside a list. This can change in the foreseeable future, as a recently approved Google API Improvement Proposal AIP-161 Field masks includes support for wildcards on repeated fields.

Bella Ciao

Protobuf FieldMask is a simple, yet powerful concept. It can help make APIs more robust and service implementations more efficient.

This blog post covered how and why it is used at Netflix Studio Engineering for APIs that read the data. Part 2 will shed light on using FieldMask for update and remove operations.

Practical API Design at Netflix, Part 1: Using Protobuf FieldMask was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Towards a Reliable Device Management Platform

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

By Benson Ma, Alok Ahuja


At Netflix, hundreds of different device types, from streaming sticks to smart TVs, are tested every day through automation to ensure that new software releases continue to deliver the quality of the Netflix experience that our customers enjoy. In addition, Netflix continuously works with its partners (such as Roku, Samsung, LG, Amazon) to port the Netflix SDK to their new and upcoming devices (TVs, smart boxes, etc), to ensure the quality bar is reached before allowing the Netflix application on the device to go out into the world. The Partner Infrastructure team at Netflix provides solutions to support these two significant efforts by enabling device management at scale.


To normalize the diversity of networking environments across both the Netflix and Partner networks and create a consistent and controllable computing environment on which users can run regression and Netflix application certification testing for devices, the Partner Infrastructure team provides a customized embedded computer called the Reference Automation Environment (RAE). Complementing the hardware is the software on the RAE and in the cloud, and bridging the software on both ends is a bi-directional control plane. Together, they form the Device Management Platform, which is the infrastructural foundation for Netflix Test Studio (NTS). Users then effectively run tests by connecting their devices to the RAE in a plug-and-play fashion.

The platform allows for effective device management at scale, and its feature set is broadly divided into two areas:

  1. Provide a service-level abstraction for controlling devices and their environments (hardware and software topologies).
  2. Collect and aggregate information and state updates for all devices attached to the RAEs in the fleet. In this blog post, we will focus on the latter feature set.

Over the lifecycle of a device connected to the RAE, the device can change attributes at any time. For example, when running tests, the state of the device will change from “available for testing” to “in test.” In addition, because many of these devices are pre-production devices and thus subject to frequent firmware changes, attributes that are generally static in production devices can sometimes change as well, such as the MAC address and the Electronic Serial Number (ESN) assigned to the Netflix installation on the device. As such, it is very critical to be able to keep device information up to date for device tests to work properly. In the Device Management Platform, this is achieved by having device updates be event-sourced through the control plane to the cloud so that NTS will always have the most up-to-date information about the devices available for testing. The challenge, then, is to be able to ingest and process these events in a scalable manner, i.e., scaling with the number of devices, which will be the focus of this blog post.

System Setup


The following diagram summarizes the architecture description:

Figure 1: Event-sourcing architecture of the Device Management Platform.

The RAE is configured to be effectively a router that devices under test (DUTs) are connected to. On the RAE, there exists a service called the Local Registry, which is responsible for detecting, onboarding, and maintaining information about all devices connected to the LAN side of the RAE. When a new hardware device is connected, the Local Registry detects and collects a set of information about it, such as networking information and ESN. At periodic intervals, the Local Registry probes the device to check on its connection status. As the device attributes and properties change over time, these changes are saved into the Local Registry and simultaneously published upstream to the Device Management Platform’s control plane. In addition to attribute changes, a complete snapshot of the device record is published upstream by the Local Registry at regular intervals as a form of state reconciliation. These checkpoint events enable faster state reconstruction by consumers of the data feed while guarding against missed updates.

On the cloud side, a service called the Cloud Registry ingests the device information updates published by the Local Registry instance, processes them, and subsequently pushes materialized data into a datastore backed by CockroachDB. CockroachDB is chosen as the backing data store since it offered SQL capabilities, and our data model for the device records was normalized. In addition, unlike other SQL stores, CockroachDB is designed from the ground up to be horizontally scalable, which addresses our concerns about Cloud Registry’s ability to scale up with the number of devices onboarded onto the Device Management Platform.

Control Plane

MQTT forms the basis of the control plane for the Device Management Platform. MQTT is an OASIS standard messaging protocol for the Internet of Things (IoT) and was designed as a highly lightweight yet reliable publish/subscribe messaging transport that is ideal for connecting remote devices with a small code footprint and minimal network bandwidth. MQTT clients connect to the MQTT broker and send messages prefixed with a topic. In contrast, the broker is responsible for receiving all messages, filtering them, determining who is subscribed to which topic, and sending the messages to the subscribed clients accordingly. The key features that make MQTT highly appealing to us are its support for hierarchical topics, client authentication and authorization, per-topic ACLs, and bi-directional request/response message patterns, all of which are crucial for the business use cases we have for the control plane.

Inside the control plane, device commands and device information updates are prefixed with a topic string that includes both the RAE serial number and the device_session_id, which is a UUID corresponding to a device session. Embedding these two bits of information into the topic for every message allows for us to apply topic ACLs and effectively control which RAEs and DUTs users can see and interact with, in the safety and isolation against other users’ devices.

Since Kafka is a supported messaging platform at Netflix, a bridge is established between the two protocols to allow cloud-side services to communicate with the control plane. Through the bridge, MQTT messages are converted directly to Kafka records, where the record key is set to be the MQTT topic that the message was assigned to. Since device information updates published on MQTT contain the device_session_id in the topic, this means that all device information updates for a given device session will effectively appear on the same Kafka partition, thus giving us a well-defined message order for consumption.

Canary Test Workloads

In addition to serving the regular message traffic between users and DUTs, the control plane itself is stress-tested at roughly 3-hour intervals, where nearly 3000 ephemeral MQTT clients are created to connect to and generate flash traffic on the MQTT brokers. This is intended to be a canary test to verify that the brokers are online and able to handle sudden influxes of client connections and high message loads. As such, we can see that the traffic load on the Device Management Platform’s control plane is very dynamic over time.

Adherence to the Paved-Path

At Netflix, we emphasize building out solutions that use paved-path tooling as much as possible (see posts here and here). In particular, the flavor of Spring Boot Native maintained by the Runtime team is the basis for many of the web services developed inside Netflix (including the Cloud Registry). The Netflix Spring package comes with all the integrations needed for applications to work seamlessly within the Netflix ecosystem. In particular, the Kafka integration is the most relevant for this blog post.

Translating to System Requirements

Given the system setup that we have described, we came up with a list of fundamental business requirements that the Cloud Registry’s Kafka-based device updates processing solution must address.

Back-Pressure Support

Because the processing workload varies significantly over time, the solution must first and foremost scale with the message load by providing back-pressure support as defined in the Reactive Streams specification — in other words, the solution should be able to switch between push and pull-based back-pressure models depending on the downstream being able to cope with the message production rate or not.

In-Order Processing

The semantics of correct device information updates ingestion requires that messages be consumed in the order that they are produced. Since message order is guaranteed per Kafka partition, and all updates for a given device session are assigned to the same partition, this means that the order of processing of updates for each device can be enforced as long as only one thread is assigned per partition. At the same time, events arriving on different partitions should be processed in parallel for maximum throughput.

Fault Tolerance

If the underlying KafkaConsumer crashes due to ephemeral system or network events, it should be automatically restarted. If an exception is thrown during the consumption of a message, the exception should be gracefully caught, and message consumption should seamlessly continue after the offending message is dropped.

Graceful Shutdown

Application shutdowns are necessary and inevitable when a service is re-deployed, or its instance group is resized. As such, processor shutdowns should be invokable from outside of the Kafka consumption context to facilitate graceful application termination. In addition, since Kafka messages are usually pulled down in batches by the KafkaConsumer, the implemented solution should, upon receiving the shutdown signal, consume and drain all the already-fetched messages remaining in its internal queue prior to shutting down.

Paved-Path Integration

As mentioned earlier, Spring is heavily employed as the paved-path solution for developing services at Netflix, and the Cloud Registry is a Spring Boot Native application. Thus, the implemented solution must integrate with Netflix Spring facilities for authentication and metrics support at the very minimum — the former for access to the Kafka clusters and the latter for service monitoring and alerts. In addition, the lifecycle management of the implemented solution must also be integrated into Spring’s lifecycle management.

Long-Term Maintainability

The implemented solution must be friendly enough for long-term maintenance support. This means that it must at the very least be unit- and functional-testable for rapid and iterative feedback-driven development, and the code must be reasonably ergonomic to lower the learning curve for new maintainers.

Adopting a Stream Processing Framework

There are many frameworks available for reliable stream processing for integration into web services (for example, Kafka Streams, Spring KafkaListener, Project Reactor, Flink, Alpakka-Kafka, to name a few). We chose Alpakka-Kafka as the basis of the Kafka processing solution for the following reasons.

  1. Alpakka-Kafka turns out to satisfy all of the system requirements we laid out, including the need for Netflix Spring integration. It further provides advanced and fine-grained control over stream processing, including automatic back-pressure support and streams supervision.
  2. Compared to the other solutions that may satisfy all of our system requirements, Akka is a much more lightweight framework, with its integration into a Spring Boot application being relatively short and concise. In addition, Akka and Alpakka-Kafka code is much less terse than the other solutions out there, which lowers the learning curve for maintainers.
  3. The maintenance costs over time for an Alpakka-Kafka-based solution is much lower than that for the other solutions, as both Akka and Alpakka-Kafka are mature ecosystems in terms of documentation and community support, having been around for at least 12 and 6 years, respectively.

The construction of the Alpakka-based Kafka processing pipeline can be summarized with the following diagram:

Figure 2: Kafka processing pipeline employed by the Cloud Registry.


The integration of Alpakka-Kafka streams with the Netflix Spring application context is very straightforward and is implemented as follows:

  1. Import the Alpakka-Kafka library in build.gradle, but exclude the kafka-client transitive dependency that comes packaged with it so that the Netflix internal-enhanced variant is used.
  2. Build a Spring @Configuration class that autowires the KafkaProperties bean injected by the Netflix Spring runtime and, using the Kafka settings available from that bean, construct an Alpakka-Kafka ConsumerSettings bean.
  3. Construct an Alpakka-Kafka processing graph using the ConsumerSettings bean as an input.

Because this integration explicitly uses the Netflix-enhanced KafkaConsumer and Netflix Spring-injected Kafka settings, the authentication, and metrics-logging facilities that come with the paved-path Spring KafkaListener are immediately enjoyed by the Alpakka-Kafka-based solution.


Functional testing of the Alpakka-Kafka consumers is very straightforward with the EmbeddedKafka library, which provides an in-memory Kafka instance to run tests against. To scale up testing with the complexity of the Kafka message processing pipeline, the message processing code was separated from the Alpakka-Kafka graph code. This allowed the message processing code to be tested separately using functional tests while minimizing the surface area of required testing by EmbeddedKafka-based Kafka integration tests.


Prior to Alpakka-Kafka

The original Kafka processing solution implemented in the Cloud Registry was built on Spring KafkaListener, primarily due to its immediate availability as a paved-path solution provided by Netflix Spring. A timeline of the transition from Spring KafkaListener to Alpakka-Kafka is presented here for a better understanding of the motivations for the transition.

Memory and GC Troubles

The Spring KafkaListener-based solution was deployed earlier this year, during which messages on the Kafka topic were sparse because the Local Registry was not fully in production at the time. Upstream event sourcing was fully enabled on the producer side at around 2021–07–15 15:00 PST. By the following morning, alerts were received regarding high memory consumption and GC latencies, to the point where the service was unresponsive to HTTP requests. An investigation of the JVM memory dump revealed an internal Kafka message concurrent queue whose size had grown uncontrollably to over 1.3 million elements.

The cause for this abnormal queue growth is due to Spring KafkaListener’s lack of native back-pressure support. With KafkaListener, the Kafka message fetch rate is fixed on application startup. However, it can be adjusted by tuning the max-poll-interval-ms and max-poll-records configuration values, which need to be somehow determined empirically beforehand for best performance. This setup is neither optimal nor break-proof since the Kafka message processing rate will vary depending on environmental factors, such as database latencies in our system setup. As a result, the KafkaListener ends up effectively over-consuming messages over time, which is manifested in the growth of its internal message queue.

After doubling the number of service instances and increasing the instance sizes with only mediocre success, the decision was made to look into an alternative Kafka processing solution with full back-pressure management capabilities.

Kafka Topic Metrics

The enabling of event-sourcing from Local Registry significantly increased the Device Management Platform’s control plane traffic, as evidenced by the 9x growth of Kafka topic message publication frequency from 100 messages / 90 kB incoming per second to 900 messages / 840kB incoming per second (Figure 3).

Figure 3: Message traffic over time before and after event-sourcing was enabled.

The spikes that occur on 3-hour intervals shown here correspond to the canary runs mentioned earlier that effectively load-test the Kafka topic with a flood of new records. Hereafter, they will be referred to as burst events. While the average message publication rate is low compared to the data systems out there that produce hundreds of thousands, if not millions, events per second, it does highlight the significance of having back-pressure management in place even at the lower end of the message load spectrum.

Kafka Consumption Improvements with Alpakka-Kafka

We now compare the Kafka consumption between the Spring KafkaListener-based Kafka processing solution and the Alpakka-Kafka-based solution, the latter of which was deployed to production on 2021–07–23 18:00 PST. In particular, we will look at three indicators of Kafka consumption performance: the message fetch rate, the max consumer lag, and the commit rate.

Fetch Request Metrics

Upon deployment of the Alpakka-Kafka-based processor, we made a few observations:

  • Prior to the deployment, the number of fetch calls over time generally remained unchanged across burst events but was otherwise actually quite unstable over time (Figure 4).
  • After the deployment, the fetch calls over time followed a 1:1 correspondence with the Kafka topic’s message publication rate, including the interval burst events (Figure 4). Outside of the burst event windows, the number of fetch calls over time was very stable.
  • Surprisingly, the average number of records fetched per fetch request during the burst events windows decreased compared to that of the Spring KafkaListener-based processor (Figure 5).

What we can infer from these observations is that, with native back-pressure support in place, the Alpakka-Kafka-based processor is able to dynamically scale its Kafka consumption such that it is never under-consuming or over-consuming Kafka messages. This behavior keeps the processor constantly busy enough, but without overloading it with a growing queue of messages pulled from Kafka that eventually overflows the JVM’s memory and GC capacity.

Figure 4: Record fetch calls made by the KafkaConsumer over time, before and after deployment of the Alpakka-Kafka-based processor.
Figure 5: Average number of records fetched per fetch request over time, before and after deployment.

Max Consumer Lag

Except for JVM and service uptime, the most significant improvements with the Alpakka-Kafka-based processor manifested in the Kafka consumer lag metrics. While the Spring KafkaListener was deployed, the max consumer lag generally floated long-term at around 60,000 records, excluding the burst event time windows (this is not visually discernible from the graph due to the orders of magnitude differences in plotted values). From a functional point of view, this was unacceptable, as such a large constant lag value implies that device information updates will take a significantly long enough time to propagate into service such that it will be noticeable by our users. The situation exacerbates during the burst event windows, where the max consumer lag would increase to values of over 100 million records (Figure 6).

Since the deployment of the Alpakka-Kafka-based processor, the max consumer lag over time has averaged at zero outside of the burst event windows. Inside the burst event windows, the max consumer lag increases ephemerally to roughly 20,000 records, with only one outlier in the 48 hour time period since deployment (Figure 7). These metrics show us that the Kafka consumption patterns employed by Alpakka-Kafka and the streaming capabilities of Akka, in general, perform exceptionally well at scale, from the quiet use case to the presence of sudden huge message loads.

Figure 6: Max consumer lag of the KafkaConsumer over time, before and after deployment.
Figure 7: Max consumer lag of the KafkaConsumer over time, magnified to the time window some time after deployment.

Commit Rate and Average Commit Latency

When a Kafka consumer fetches records, it can perform manual or automatic offset commits — this is configurable through Contrary to the name, the semantics of manual vs auto commit don’t necessarily refer to how the offset commits are performed, but when in relations to the record fetch-process cycle. With auto commits, messages are acknowledged to have been received as soon as they are fetched and irrespective of processing, whereas with manual commits, the consumer can decide to acknowledge only after a message is properly processed.

By default, when is set to false, the Spring KafkaListener performs an offset commit every time a record is processed, i.e., the acknowledgement mode is set to AckMode.RECORD. This is exceedingly inefficient, and is known to reduce the message consumption throughput of the consumer. With the Alpakka-Kafka-based processor, we opted for making record commits in batches (set to 1000 by default), with a max interval of 1 second allowed between commits. This behavior is similar to the AckMode.COUNT_TIME acknowledgement mode in Spring KafkaListener, but with the added benefit of automatically attempting to complete outstanding commit requests when the Kafka consumption fails or terminates.

Under a manual offset commit scheme, it is always possible to re-process Kafka messages in the case of failures. To retain the (mainly) exactly-once processing that is guaranteed by the automatic offset commit scheme, the Kafka processor was updated to store device updates using idempotent upserts, i.e., perform an upsert conditioned on the timestamp of record in the database being earlier than the timestamp of the update to be upserted. This effectively ensures exactly-once processing on a per-event basis.

With the deployment of the Alpakka-Kafka-based processor, the commit rate was significantly lowered from roughly 7 kbytes/sec to 50 bytes/sec (Figure 8), but the average commit latency increased from 1 ms on average to 12 ms (Figure 9). Nonetheless, this is a considerable reduction in the network overhead spent on committing offsets, and has contributed significantly to the improved throughput of the Kafka processing.

Figure 8: Rate of offset commits made by the KafkaConsumer over time, before and after deployment.
Figure 9: Average latency per offset commit over time, before and after deployment.


Kafka streams processing can be difficult to get right. Many system implementation details need to be considered in light of the business requirements. Fortunately, the primitives provided by Akka streams and Alpakka-Kafka empower us to achieve exactly this by allowing us to build streaming solutions that match the business workflows we have while scaling up developer productivity in building out and maintaining these solutions. With the Alpakka-Kafka-based processor in place in the Cloud Registry, we have ensured fault tolerance in the consumer side of the control plane, which is key to enabling accurate and reliable device state aggregation within the Device Management Platform.

Though we have achieved fault-tolerant message consumption, it is only one aspect of the design and implementation of the Device Management Platform. The reliability of the platform and its control plane rests on significant work made in several areas, including the MQTT transport, authentication and authorization, and systems monitoring, all of which we plan to discuss in detail in future blog posts. In the meantime, as a result of this work, we can expect the Device Management Platform to continue to scale to increasing workloads over time as we onboard ever more devices into our systems.

Towards a Reliable Device Management Platform was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Data Movement in Netflix Studio via Data Mesh

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

By Andrew Nguonly, Armando Magalhães, Obi-Ike Nwoke, Shervin Afshar, Sreyashi Das, Tongliang Liu, Wei Liu, Yucheng Zeng


Over the next few years, most content on Netflix will come from Netflix’s own Studio. From the moment a Netflix film or series is pitched and long before it becomes available on Netflix, it goes through many phases. This happens at an unprecedented scale and introduces many interesting challenges; one of the challenges is how to provide visibility of Studio data across multiple phases and systems to facilitate operational excellence and empower decision making. Netflix is known for its loosely coupled microservice architecture and with a global studio footprint, surfacing and connecting the data from microservices into a studio data catalog in real time has become more important than ever.

Operational Reporting is a reporting paradigm specialized in covering high-resolution, low-latency data sets, serving detailed day-to-day activities¹ and processes of a business domain. Such a paradigm aspires to assist front-line operations personnel and stakeholders in “running the business”²; performing their tasks through means such as ad hoc analysis, decision-support, and tracking (of tasks, assets, schedules, etc). The paradigm spans across methods, tools, and technologies and is usually defined in contrast to analytical reporting and predictive modeling which are more strategic (vs. tactical) in nature.

At Netflix Studio, teams build various views of business data to provide visibility for day-to-day decision making. With dependable near real-time data, Studio teams are able to track and react better to the ever-changing pace of productions and improve efficiency of global business operations using the most up-to-date information. Data connectivity across Netflix Studio and availability of Operational Reporting tools also incentivizes studio users to avoid forming data silos.

The Journey

In the past few years, Netflix Studio has gone through few iterations of data movement approaches. In the initial stage, data consumers set up ETL pipelines directly pulling data from databases. With this batch style approach, several issues have surfaced like data movement is tightly coupled with database tables, database schema is not an exact mapping of business data model, and data being stale given it is not real time etc. Later on, we moved to event driven streaming data pipelines (powered by Delta), which solved some problems compared to the batch style, but had its own pain points, such as a high learning curve of stream processing technologies, manual pipeline setup, a lack of schema evolution support, inefficiency of onboarding new entities, inconsistent security access models, etc.

With the latest Data Mesh Platform, data movement in Netflix Studio reaches a new stage. This configuration driven platform decreases the significant lead time when creating a new pipeline, while offering new support features like end-to-end schema evolution, self-serve UI and secure data access. The high level diagram below indicates the latest version of data movement for Operational Reporting.

Operational Reporting Architecture Overview
Operational Reporting Architecture Overview

For data delivery, we leverage the Data Mesh platform to power the data movement. Netflix Studio applications expose GraphQL queries via Studio Edge, which is a unified graph that connects all data in Netflix Studio and provides consistent data retrieval. Change Data Capture(CDC) source connector reads from studio applications’ database transaction logs and emits the change events. The CDC events are passed on to the Data Mesh enrichment processor, which issues GraphQL queries to Studio Edge to enrich the data. Once the data has landed in the Iceberg tables in Netflix Data Warehouse, they could be used for ad-hoc or scheduled querying and reporting. Centralized data will be moved to third party services such as Google Sheets and Airtable for the stakeholders. We will deep dive into Data Delivery and Data Consumption in the following sections.

Data Delivery via Data Mesh

What is Data Mesh?

Data Mesh is a fully managed, streaming data pipeline product used for enabling Change Data Capture (CDC) use cases. In Data Mesh, users create sources and construct pipelines. Sources mimic the state of an externally managed source — as changes occur in the external source, corresponding CDC messages are produced to the Data Mesh source. Pipelines can be configured to transform and store data to externally managed sinks.

Data Mesh provides a drag-and-drop, self-service user interface for exploring sources and creating pipelines so that users can focus on delivering business value without having to worry about managing and scaling complex data streaming infrastructure.

CDC and data source

Change data capture or CDC, is a semantic for processing changes in a source for the purpose of replicating those changes to a sink. The table changes could be row changes (insert row, update row, delete row) or schema changes (add column, alter column, drop column). As of now, CDC sources have been implemented for data stores at Netflix (MySQL, Postgres). CDC events can also be sent to Data Mesh via a Java Client Producer Library.

Reusable Processors and Configuration Driven

In Data Mesh, a processor is a configurable data processing application that consumes, transforms, and produces CDC events. A processor has 1 or more inputs and 0 or more outputs. Processors with 0 outputs are sink connectors; which write events to externally managed sinks (e.g. Iceberg, ElasticSearch, etc).

Processors with Different Inputs/Outputs
Processors with Different Inputs/Outputs

Data Mesh allows developers to contribute processors to the platform. Processors are not necessarily centrally developed and managed. However, the Data Mesh platform team strives to provide and manage the most highly leveraged processors (e.g. source connectors and sink connectors)

Processors are reusable. The same processor image package is used multiple times for all instances of the processor. Each instance is configured to fit each use case. For example, a GraphQL enrichment processor can be provisioned to query GraphQL Services to enrich data in different pipelines; an Iceberg sink processor can be initialized multiple times to write data to different databases/tables with different schema.

End-to-End Schema Evolution

Schema is a key component of Data Mesh. When an upstream schema evolves (e.g. schema change in the MySQL table), Data Mesh detects the change, checks the compatibility and applies the change to the downstream. With schema evolution, Data Mesh ensures the Operational Reporting pipelines always produce data with the latest schema.

We will cover a few core concepts in the Data Mesh Schema domain.

Consumer schema
Consumer schema defines how data is consumed by the downstream processors. See example below.

Consumer Schema Example
Consumer Schema Example

Schema Compatibility
Data Mesh uses Consumer Schema compatibility to achieve flexible yet safe schema evolution. If a field consumed by an Operational Reporting pipeline is removed from CDC source, Data Mesh categorizes this change as incompatible, pauses the pipeline processing and notifies the pipeline owner. On the other hand, if a required field is not consumed by any consumer, dropping such fields would be compatible.

Two Types of Processors
1. Pass through all fields from upstream to downstream.

  • Example: Filter Processor, Sink Processors
Opt in to schema Evolution example

2. Only uses a subset of fields from upstream.

  • Example: Project Processor, Enrichment Processor
Opt out to schema Evolution example

In Data Mesh, we introduce the Opt-in to Schema Evolution boolean flag to differentiate those two types of use cases.

  • Opt in: All the upstream fields will be propagated to the processor. For example, when a new field is added upstream, it will be propagated automatically.
  • Opt out: Only a subset of fields (defined using ‘Is Consumed’ checkboxes) is propagated and used in the processor. Upstream changes to the rest of the fields won’t affect this processor.

Schema Propagation
After the Schema Compatibility is checked, Data Mesh Platform will propagate the schema change based on the end user’s intention. With the opt-in to schema Evolution flag, Operational Reporting pipelines can keep the schema up-to-date with upstream data stores. As part of schema propagation, the platform also syncs the schema from the pipeline to the Iceberg sink.

Schema Evolution Diagram

Enrichment Processor via GraphQL

In the current Data Mesh Operational Reporting pipelines, the most commonly used intermediate processor is the GraphQL Enrichment Processor. It takes in the column value from CDC events coming from Source Connector as GraphQL query input, then submits a query to Studio Edge to enrich the data. With Studio Edge’s single data model, it centralizes data modeling efforts, which is highly leveraged by Studio UI Apps, Backend services and Search platforms. Enriching the data via Studio Edge helps us achieve consistent data modeling across the whole ecosystem for Operational Reporting.

Here is the example of GraphQL processor configuration, pipeline builder only need config the following fields to provision an enrichment processor:

GraphQL Enrichment Processor Configuration Example

The image below is a sample Operational Reporting pipeline in the production environment to sink the Movie related data. Teams who want to move their data no longer need to learn and write customized Stream Processing jobs. Instead they just need to configure the pipeline topology in the UI while getting other features like schema evolution and secure data access out of the box.

Operational Reporting Pipeline Example

Iceberg Sink

Apache Iceberg is an open source table format for huge analytics datasets. Data Mesh leverages Iceberg tables as data warehouse sinks for downstream analytics use cases. Currently Iceberg sink is appended only. Views are built on top of the raw Iceberg tables to retrieve the latest record for every primary key based on the operational timestamp, which indicates when the record is produced in the sink. Current pipeline consumers are directly consuming Views instead of raw tables.

The compaction process is needed to optimize the performance of downstream queries on the business view as well as lower costs of S3 GET OBJECT operations. A daily process ranks the records by timestamp to generate a data frame of compacted records. Old data files are overwritten with a set of new data files that contain only the compacted data.

Data Quality

Data Mesh provides metrics and dashboards at both the processor and pipeline level for operational observability. Operational Reporting pipeline owners will get alerts if something goes wrong with their pipelines. We also have two types of auditing on the data tables generated from Data Mesh pipelines to guarantee data quality: end-to-end auditing and synthetic events.

Most of the business views created on top of the Iceberg tables can tolerate a few minutes of latency. However, it is paramount that we validate the complete set of identifiers such as a list of movie ids across producers and consumers for higher overall confidence in the data transport layer of choice. For end-to-end audits, the objective is to run the audits hourly via Big data Platform Scheduler, which is a centralized and integrated tool provided by Netflix data platform for running workflows in an efficient, reliable and reproducible way. The audits check for equality (i.e. query results should be the same), the symmetric difference between two data sets should be empty across multiple runs, and the eventual consistency within the SLA. An hourly notification is sent when a set of primary keys consistently do not match between source of truth and target Data Mesh tables.

End to End (Black Box) Auditing Example

Synthetic events audits are artificially triggered change events to imitate common CUD operations of services. It is generating heartbeat signals at a constant frequency with the objective of using them as a baseline to verify the health of the pipeline regardless of traffic patterns or occasional silences.

Data Consumption

Our studio partners rely on data to make informed decisions and to collaborate during all the phases related to production. The Studio Tech Solutions team provides near real-time reports in some data tool of choice, which we call trackers to empower the decision making.

For the past few years, many of these trackers were powered by hand-curated SQL scripts and API calls being managed by CRON schedulers implemented in a Java Service called Lego. Lego was the main tool for the STS team, and at its peak, Lego managed 300+ trackers.

This strategy had its own set of challenges: being schema-less and treating every report column like a string not always worked out, the volatile reliance on direct RDS connections and rate limits from third party APIs would often make jobs fail. We had a set of “core views” which would be specifically tailored for reports, but this caused queries that just required a very small subset of fields to be slow and expensive due to the view doing a huge amount of joining and aggregation work before being able to retrieve that small subset.

Besides the issues, this worked fine when we didn’t have many trackers to maintain, but as we created more trackers to the point of having many hundreds, we started having issues around maintenance, awareness, knowledge sharing and standardization. New team members had a hard time getting onboard, figuring out which SQL powered which tracker was tough, the lack of standards made every SQL look different and having to update trackers as the data sources changed was a nightmare.

With this in mind, the Studio Tech Solutions focused efforts in building Genesis, a Semantic Data Layer that allows the team to map data points in Data Source Definitions defined as YAML files and then use those to generate the SQL needed for the trackers, based on a selection of fields, filters and formatters specified in an Input Definition file. Genesis takes care of joining, aggregating, formatting and filtering data based on what is available in the Data Source Definitions and specified by the user through the Input Definition being executed.

Genesis Data Source and Input definition example

Genesis is a stateless CLI written in Node.js that reads everything it needs from the file system based on the paths specified in the arguments. This allows us to hook Genesis into Jenkins Jobs, providing a GitOps and CI experience to maintain existing trackers, as well as create new trackers. We can simply change the data layer, trigger an empty pull request, review the changes and have all our trackers up to date with the data source changes.

As of the date of writing, Genesis powers 240+ trackers and is growing everyday, empowering thousands of partners in our studios globally to collaborate, annotate and share information using near-real-time data.

Git-based Tracker management workflow powered by Genesis and the Big Data Scheduler

The generated queries are then used in Workflow Definitions for multiple trackers. The Netflix Data Warehouse offers support for users to create data movement workflows that are managed through our Big Data Scheduler, powered by Titus.

We use the scheduler to execute our queries and move the results to a data tool, which often is a Google Sheet Tab, Airtable base or Tableau dashboard. The scheduler offers templated jobs for moving data from a Presto SQL output to these tools, making it easy to create and maintain hundreds of data movement workflows.

The diagram below summarizes the data consumption flow when building trackers:

Data Consumption Overview

As of July 2021, the Studio Tech Solutions team is finishing a migration from all the trackers built in Lego to use Genesis and the Data Portal. This strategy has increased the Studio Tech Solutions team performance and stability. Trackers are now easy for the team to create, review, change, monitor and discover.

Now and Future

In conclusion, our studio partners have a tracker available to them, populated with near real-time data and tailored to their needs. They can manipulate, annotate, and collaborate using a flexible tool they are familiar with.

Along the journey, we have learned that evolving data movement in complex domains could take multiple iterations and needs to be driven by the business impact. The great cross-functional partnership and collaboration among all data stakeholders is crucial to shape the ideal data product.

However, our story doesn’t end here. We still have a long journey ahead of us to fulfill the vision of such ideal data product, especially in areas such as:

  • Self-servicing data pipelines provisioning via configuration
  • Providing toolings for data discoverability, understandability, usage visibility and change management
  • Enabling data domain orientation and ownership/governance management
  • Bootstrapping trackers in our Studio ecosystem instead of third party tools. Along the same line as the point above, this would allow us to maintain high standards of data governance, lineage, and security.
  • Read-write reports and trackers using GraphQL mutations

These are some of the interesting areas that Netflix Studio is planning to invest in. We will have follow up blog posts on these topics in future. Please stay tuned!


¹ Inmon, Bill. Operational and Informational Reporting, Information Management, July 1st, 2000.
² Dehghani, Zhamak. Data Mesh: Delivering Data-driven Value at Scale, O’Reilly Media, Inc., 2021.


Data Movement via Data Mesh has been a success in Netflix Studio owing to multiple teams’ efforts. We would like to acknowledge the following colleagues: Amanda Benhamou, Andreas Andreakis, Anthony Preza, Bo Lei, Charles Zhao, Justin Cunningham, Kasturi Chatterjee, Kevin Zhu, Stephanie Barreyro, Yoomi Koh.

Data Movement in Netflix Studio via Data Mesh was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Data Engineers of Netflix — Interview with Kevin Wylie

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

Data Engineers of Netflix — Interview with Kevin Wylie

This post is part of our “Data Engineers of Netflix” series, where our very own data engineers talk about their journeys to Data Engineering @ Netflix.

Kevin Wylie is a Data Engineer on the Content Data Science and Engineering team. In this post, Kevin talks about his extensive experience in content analytics at Netflix since joining more than 10 years ago.

Kevin grew up in the Washington, DC area, and received his undergraduate degree in Mathematics from Virginia Tech. Before joining Netflix, he worked at MySpace, helping implement page categorization, pathing analysis, sessionization, and more. In his free time he enjoys gardening and playing sports with his 4 kids.

His favorite TV shows: Ozark, Breaking Bad, Black Mirror, Barry, and Chernobyl

Since I joined Netflix back in 2011, my favorite project has been designing and building the first version of our entertainment knowledge graph. The knowledge graph enabled us to better understand the trends of movies, TV shows, talent, and books. Building the knowledge graph offered many interesting technical challenges such as entity resolution (e.g., are these two movie names in different languages really the same?), and distributed graph algorithms in Spark. After we launched the product, analysts and scientists began surfacing new insights that were previously hidden behind difficult-to-use data. The combination of overcoming technical hurdles and creating new opportunities for analysis was rewarding.

Kevin, what drew you to data engineering?

I stumbled into data engineering rather than making an intentional career move into the field. I started my career as an application developer with basic familiarity with SQL. I was later hired into my first purely data gig where I was able to deepen my knowledge of big data. After that, I joined MySpace back at its peak as a data engineer and got my first taste of data warehousing at internet-scale.

What keeps me engaged and enjoying data engineering is giving super-suits and adrenaline shots to analytics engineers and data scientists.

When I make something complex seem simple, or create a clean environment for my stakeholders to explore, research and test, I empower them to do more impactful business-facing work. I like that data engineering isn’t in the limelight, but instead can help create economies of scale for downstream analytics professionals.

What drew you to Netflix?

My wife came across the Netflix job posting in her effort to keep us in Los Angeles near her twin sister’s family. As a big data engineer, I found that there was an enormous amount of opportunity in the Bay Area, but opportunities were more limited in LA where we were based at the time. So the chance to work at Netflix was exciting because it allowed me to live closer to family, but also provided the kind of data scale that was most common for Bay Area companies.

The company was intriguing to begin with, but I knew nothing of the talent, culture, or leadership’s vision. I had been a happy subscriber of Netflix’s DVD-rental program (no late fees!) for years.

After interviewing, it became clear to me that this company culture was different than any I had experienced.

I was especially intrigued by the trust they put in each employee. Speaking with fellow employees allowed me to get a sense for the kinds of people Netflix hires. The interview panel’s humility, curiosity and business acumen was quite impressive and inspired me to join them.

I was also excited by the prospect of doing analytics on movies and TV shows, which was something I enjoyed exploring outside of work. It seemed fortuitous that the area of analytics that I’d be working in would align so well with my hobbies and interests!

Kevin, you’ve been at Netflix for over 10 years now, which is pretty incredible. Over the course of your time here, how has your role evolved?

When I joined Netflix back in 2011, our content analytics team was just 3 people. We had a small office in Los Angeles focused on content, and significantly more employees at the headquarters in Los Gatos. The company was primarily thought of as a tech company.

At the time, the data engineering team mainly used a data warehouse ETL tool called Ab Initio, and an MPP (Massively Parallel Processing) database for warehousing. Both were appliances located in our own data center. Hadoop was being lightly tested, but only in a few high-scale areas.

Fast forward 10 years, and Netflix is now the leading streaming entertainment service — serving members in over 190 countries. In the data engineering space, very little of the same technology remains. Our data centers are retired, Hadoop has been replaced by Spark, Ab Initio and our MPP database no longer fits our big data ecosystem.

In addition to the company and tech shifting, my role has evolved quite a bit as our company has grown. When we were a smaller company, the ability to span multiple functions was valued for agility and speed of delivery. The sooner we could ingest new data and create dashboards and reports for non-technical users to explore and analyze, the sooner we could deliver results. But now, we have a much more mature business, and many more analytics stakeholders that we serve.

For a few years, I was in a management role, leading a great team of people with diverse backgrounds and skill sets. However, I missed creating data products with my own hands so I wanted to step back into a hands-on engineering role. My boss was gracious enough to let me make this change and focus on impacting the business as an individual contributor.

As I think about my future at Netflix, what motivates me is largely the same as what I’ve always been passionate about. I want to make the lives of data consumers easier and to enable them to be more impactful. As the company scales and as we continue to invest in storytelling, the opportunity grows for me to influence these decisions through better access to information and insights. The biggest impact I can make as a data engineer is creating economies of scale by producing data products that will serve a diverse set of use cases and stakeholders.

If I can build beautifully simple data products for analytics engineers, data scientists, and analysts, we can all get better at Netflix’s goal: entertaining the world.

Learning more

Interested in learning more about data roles at Netflix? You’re in the right place! Keep an eye out for our open roles in Data Science and Engineering by visiting our jobs site here. Our culture is key to our impact and growth: read about it here. To learn more about our Data Engineers, check out our chats with Dhevi Rajendran and Samuel Setegne.

Data Engineers of Netflix — Interview with Kevin Wylie was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Exploring Data @ Netflix

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

By Gim Mahasintunan on behalf of Data Platform Engineering.

Supporting a rapidly growing base of engineers of varied backgrounds using different data stores can be challenging in any organization. Netflix’s internal teams strive to provide leverage by investing in easy-to-use tooling that streamlines the user experience and incorporates best practices.

In this blog post, we are thrilled to share that we are open-sourcing one such tool: the Netflix Data Explorer. The Data Explorer gives our engineers fast, safe access to their data stored in Cassandra and Dynomite/Redis data stores.

Netflix Data Explorer on GitHub


We began this project several years ago when we were onboarding many new Dynomite customers. Dynomite is a high-speed in-memory database, providing highly available cross datacenter replication while preserving Redis-like semantics. We wanted to lower the barrier for adoption so users didn’t need to know datastore-specific CLI commands, could avoid mistakenly running commands that might negatively impact performance, and allow them to access the clusters they frequented every day.

As the project took off, we saw a similar need for our other datastores. Cassandra, our most significant footprint in the fleet, seemed like a great candidate. Users frequently had questions on how they should set up replication, create tables using an appropriate compaction strategy, and craft CQL queries. We knew we could give our users an elevated experience, and at the same time, eliminate many of the common questions on our support channels.

We’ll explore some of the Data Explorer features, and along the way, we’ll highlight some of the ways we enabled the OSS community while still handling some of the unique Netflix-specific use cases.

Multi-Cluster Access

By simply directing users to a single web portal for all of their data stores, we can gain a considerable increase in user productivity. Furthermore, in production environments with hundreds of clusters, we can reduce the available data stores to those authorized for access; this can be supported in OSS environments by implementing a Cluster Access Control Provider responsible for fetching ownership information.

Browsing your accessible clusters in different environments and regions

Schema Designer

Writing CREATE TABLE statements can be an intimidating experience for new Cassandra users. So to help lower the intimidation factor, we built a schema designer that lets users drag and drop their way to a new table.

The schema designer allows you to create a new table using any primitive or collection data type, then designate your partition key and clustering columns. It also provides tools to view the storage layout on disk; browse the supported sample queries (to help design efficient point queries); guide you through the process of choosing a compaction strategy, and many other advanced settings.

Dragging and dropping your way to a new Cassandra table

Explore Your Data

You can quickly execute point queries against your cluster in Explore mode. The Explore mode supports full CRUD of records and allows you to export result sets to CSV or download them as CQL insert statements. The exported CQL can be a handy tool for quickly replicating data from a PROD environment to your TEST environment.

Explore mode gives you quick access to table data

Support for Binary Data

Binary data is another popular feature used by many of our engineers. The Data Explorer won’t fetch binary value data by default (as the persisted data might be sizable). Users can opt-in to retrieve these fields with their choice of encoding.

Choosing how you want to decode blob data

Query IDE

Efficient point queries are available in the Explore mode, but you may have users that still require the flexibility of CQL. Enter the Query mode, which includes a powerful CQL IDE with features like autocomplete and helpful snippets.

Example of free-form Cassandra queries with autocomplete assistance

There are also guardrails in place to help prevent users from making mistakes. For instance, we’ll redirect the user to a bespoke workflow for deleting a table if they try to perform a “DROP TABLE…” command ensuring the operation is done safely with additional validation. (See our integration with Metrics later in this article.)

As you submit queries, they will be saved in the Recent Queries view as well — handy when you are trying to remember that WHERE clause you had crafted before the long weekend.

Dynomite and Redis Features

While C* is feature-rich and might have a more extensive install base, we have plenty of good stuff for Dynomite and Redis users too. Note, the terms Dynomite and Redis are used interchangeably unless explicitly distinguished.

Key Scanning

Since Redis is an in-memory data store, we need to avoid operations that inadvertently load all the keys into memory. We perform SCAN operations across all nodes in the cluster, ensuring we don’t strain the cluster.

Scanning for keys on a Dynomite cluster

Dynomite Collection Support

In addition to simple String keys, Dynomite supports a rich collection of data types, including Lists, Hashes, and sorted and unsorted Sets. The UI supports creating and manipulating these collection types as well.

Editing a Redis hash value

Supporting OSS

As we were building the Data Explorer, we started getting some strong signals that the ease-of-use and productivity gains that we’d seen internally would benefit folks outside of Netflix as well. We tried to balance codifying some hard-learned best practices that would be generally applicable while maintaining the flexibility to support various OSS environments. To that end, we’ve built several adapter layers into the product where you can provide custom implementations as needed.

The application was architected to enable OSS by introducing seams where users could provide their implementations for discovery, access control, and data store-specific connection settings. Users can choose one of the built-in service providers or supply a custom provider.

The diagram below shows the server-side architecture. The server is a Node.js Express application written in TypeScript, and the client is a Single Page App written in Vue.js.

Data Explorer architecture and service adapter layers

Demo Environment

Deploying a new tool in any real-world environment is a time commitment. We get it, and to help you with that initial setup, we have included a dockerized demo environment. It can build the app, pull down images for Cassandra and Redis, and run everything in Docker containers so you can dive right in. Note, the demo environment is not intended for production use.

Overridable Configuration

The Data Explorer ships with many default behaviors, but since no two production environments are alike, we provide a mechanism to override the defaults and specify your custom values for various settings. These can range from which port numbers to use to which features should be disabled in a production environment. (For example, the ability to drop a Cassandra table.)

CLI Setup Tool

To further improve the experience of creating your configuration file, we have built a CLI tool that provides a series of prompts for you to follow. The CLI tool is the recommended approach for building your configuration file, and you can re-run the tool at any point to create a new configuration.

The CLI allows you to create a custom configuration

You can also generate multiple configuration files and easily switch between them when working with different environments. We have instructions on GitHub on working with more than one configuration file.

Service Adapters

It’s no secret that Netflix is a big proponent of microservices: we have discovery services for identifying Cassandra and Dynomite clusters in the environment; access-control services that identify who owns a data store and who can access it; and LDAP services to find out information about the logged-in user. There’s a good chance you have similar services in your environment too.

To help enable such environments, we have several pre-canned configurations with overridable values and adapter layers in place.


The first example of this adapter layer in action is how the application finds Discovery information — these are the names and IP addresses of the clusters you want to access. The CLI allows you to choose from a few simple options. For instance, if you have a process that can update a JSON file on disk, you can select “file system.” If instead, you have a REST-based microservice that provides this information, then you can choose “custom” and write a few lines of code necessary to fetch it.

Choosing to discover our data store clusters by reading a local file


Another example of this service adapter layer is integration with an external metrics service. We progressively enhance the UI by displaying keyspace and table metrics by implementing a metrics service adapter. These metrics provide insight into which tables are being used at a glance and help our customers make an informed decision when dropping a table.

Without metrics support
With optional metrics support

OSS users can enable the optional Metrics support via the CLI. You then just need to write the custom code to fetch the metrics.

CLI enabling customization of advanced features

i18n Support

While internationalization wasn’t an explicit goal, we discovered that providing Netflix-specific messages in some instances yielded additional value to our internal users. Fundamentally, this is similar to how resource bundles handle different locales.

We are making en-NFLX.ts available internally and en-US.ts available externally. Enterprise customers can enhance their user’s experience by creating custom resource bundles (en-ACME.ts) that link to other tools or enhance default messages. Only a small percentage of the UI and server-side exceptions use these message bundles currently — most commonly to augment messages somehow (e.g., provide links to internal slack channels).

Final Thoughts

We invite you to check out the project and let us know how it works for you. By sharing the Netflix Data Explorer with the OSS community, we hope to help you explore your data and inspire some new ideas.

Exploring Data @ Netflix was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Introducing Netflix Timed Text Authoring Lineage

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

A Script Authoring Specification

By: Bhanu Srikanth, Andy Swan, Casey Wilms, Patrick Pearson

The Art of Dubbing and Subtitling

Dubbing and subtitling are inherently creative processes. At Netflix, we strive to make shows as joyful to watch in every language as in the original language, whether a member watches with original or dubbed audio, closed captions, forced narratives, subtitles or any combination they prefer. Capturing creative vision and nuances in translation is critical to achieving this goal. Creating a dub or a subtitle is a complex, multi-step process that involves:

  • Transcribing and timing the dialogue in the original language from a completed show to create a source transcription text
  • Notating dialogue events with character information and other annotations
  • Generating localization notes to guide further adaptation
  • Translating the dialogue to a target language
  • Adapting the translation to the dubbing and subtitling specifications; ex. matching the actor’s lip movements in the case of dubs and considering reading speeds and shot changes for subtitles

Authoring Scripts

Script files are the essence and the driving force in the localization workflow. They carry dialogue, timecodes and other information as they travel from one tool to another to be transcribed, translated, and adapted for performance by voice artists. Dub scripts, Audio Description, Forced Narratives, Closed Captions, and Subtitles all need to be authored in complex tools that manage the timing, location, and formatting of the text on screen.

Currently, scripts get delivered to Netflix in various ways — Microsoft Word, PDF, Microsoft Excel, Rich Text files, etc., to name a few. These carry crucial information such as dialogues, timecodes, annotations, and other localization contexts. However, the variety of these file formats and inconsistent way of specifying such information across them has made efforts to streamline the localization workflow unattainable in the past.

Timed Text Authoring Lineage, an Authoring Specification

We decided to remove this stumbling block by developing a new authoring specification called Timed Text Authoring Lineage (TTAL). It enables a seamless exchange of script files between various authoring and prompting tools in the localization pipeline. A TTAL file carries all pertinent information such as type of script, dialogues, timecode, metadata, original language text, transcribed text, language information etc. We have designed TTAL to be robust and extensible to capture all of these details.

By defining vocabulary and annotations around timed text, we strive to simplify our approach to capturing, storing, and sharing materials across the localization pipeline. The name TTAL is carefully crafted to convey its purpose and usage:

  • “Timed Text” in the name means it carries the dialogue along with the corresponding timecode
  • “Authoring” underscores that this is used for authoring scripts in dubbing and subtitling
  • The “Lineage” part of the name speaks to how the script has evolved from the time the show was produced in one language to the time when it was performed in another language by the voice actors or subtitled in other languages.

In a nutshell, TTAL has been designed to simplify script authoring, so the creative energy is spent on the art of dubbing and subtitling rather than managing adapted and recorded script delivery.

Example TTAL Workflow In Dubbing

We have been piloting the authoring and exchange of TTAL scripts as well as the associated workflow with our technology partners and English dubbing partners over the last few months. We receive adapted scripts before recording and again once recording is complete. This workflow, illustrated below, has enabled our dubbing partners to deliver more accurate scripts at crucial moments.

Prompting Tools

As an initial step, we worked closely with several dubbing technology providers to incorporate TTAL into their product using JSON as the underlying format. We appreciate the efforts put forth by the developers of these products for test driving TTAL and giving us crucial feedback to improve it.

Third-party tools that support import and export of scripts in TTAL are:

Servicing The Ultimate Goal

Having tools in the localization pipeline adopt TTAL as a unified way to exchange scripts will be beneficial to all players in the ecosystem in more ways than one. It will improve the capture of consistently structured dub scripts giving us the ability to better parse and leverage the contents of scripts, pave the path for streamlining the workflow, and enable interoperability between tools in the localization pipeline. Ultimately, all these will serve Netflix’s unwavering goal of fulfilling and maintaining the creative vision throughout the localization process.

Moving Forward

This is just the beginning. We have laid a solid foundation for enabling interoperability by developing a specification for script authoring. We have worked with a few dubbing technology developers to incorporate TTAL into their products, and have modified the specification based on feedback from these early adopters. In addition, we have piloted the workflow with our English dubbing partners.

These efforts have proven that Timed Text Authoring Lineage fills a crucial gap and benefits the entire localization ecosystem, from individual transcribers and script authors, dubbing and subtitling service providers, to technology developers and content creators. We are confident that enabling tools to exchange scripts seamlessly will remove operational headaches and make additional time and effort available for the art of transcribing, translation and adaptation of subtitles and dubs.

Finally, TTAL is an evolving specification. As the adoption of TTAL continues, we expect to learn more and improve the specifications. We are committed to continued collaboration with our localization partners and tool developers to mature this further. If you are interested in incorporating TTAL in the tools you are developing, please reach out to us at [email protected] to learn more about this exciting new specification and explore how you can use TTAL in your workflows. Please check out this video to learn how TTAL exports work in VoiceQ, one of the first prompting tools to incorporate TTAL.

Introducing Netflix Timed Text Authoring Lineage was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

How Netflix uses eBPF flow logs at scale for network insight

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

By Alok Tiagi, Hariharan Ananthakrishnan, Ivan Porto Carrero and Keerti Lakshminarayan

Netflix has developed a network observability sidecar called Flow Exporter that uses eBPF tracepoints to capture TCP flows at near real time. At much less than 1% of CPU and memory on the instance, this highly performant sidecar provides flow data at scale for network insight.


The cloud network infrastructure that Netflix utilizes today consists of AWS services such as VPC, DirectConnect, VPC Peering, Transit Gateways, NAT Gateways, etc and Netflix owned devices. Netflix software infrastructure is a large distributed ecosystem that consists of specialized functional tiers that are operated on the AWS and Netflix owned services. While we strive to keep the ecosystem simple, the inherent nature of leveraging a variety of technologies will lead us to challenges such as:

  • App Dependencies and Data Flow Mappings: With the number of micro services growing by the day without understanding and having visibility into an application’s dependencies and data flows, it is difficult for both service owners and centralized teams to identify systemic issues.
  • Pathway Validation: Netflix velocity of change within the production streaming and studio environment can result in the inability of services to communicate with other resources.
  • Service Segmentation: The ease of the cloud deployments has led to the organic growth of multiple AWS accounts, deployment practices, interconnection practices, etc. Without having network visibility, it’s difficult to improve our reliability, security and capacity posture.
  • Network Availability: The expected continued growth of our ecosystem makes it difficult to understand our network bottlenecks and potential limits we may be reaching.

Cloud Network Insight is a suite of solutions that provides both operational and analytical insight into the cloud network infrastructure to address the identified problems. By collecting, accessing and analyzing network data from a variety of sources like VPC Flow Logs, ELB Access Logs, eBPF flow logs on the instances, etc, we can provide network insight to users and central teams through multiple data visualization techniques like Lumen, Atlas, etc.

Flow Exporter

The Flow Exporter is a sidecar that uses eBPF tracepoints to capture TCP flows at near real time on instances that power the Netflix microservices architecture.

What is BPF?

Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) is an in-kernel execution engine that processes a virtual instruction set, and has been extended as eBPF for providing a safe way to extend kernel functionality. In some ways, eBPF does to the kernel what JavaScript does to websites: it allows all sorts of new applications to be created.

An eBPF flow log record represents one or more network flows that contain TCP/IP statistics that occur within a variable aggregation interval.

The sidecar has been implemented by leveraging the highly performant eBPF along with carefully chosen transport protocols to consume less than 1% of CPU and memory on any instance in our fleet. The choice of transport protocols like GRPC, HTTPS & UDP is runtime dependent on characteristics of the instance placement.

The runtime behavior of the Flow Exporter can be dynamically managed by configuration changes via Fast Properties. The Flow Exporter also publishes various operational metrics to Atlas. These metrics are visualized using Lumen, a self-service dashboarding infrastructure.

So how do we ingest and enrich these flows at scale ?

Flow Collector is a regional service that ingests and enriches flows. IP addresses within the cloud can move from one EC2 instance or Titus container to another over time. We use Sonar to attribute an IP address to a specific application at a particular time. Sonar is an IPv6 and IPv4 address identity tracking service.

Flow Collector consumes two data streams, the IP address change events from Sonar via Kafka and eBPF flow log data from the Flow Exporter sidecars. It performs real time attribution of flow data with application metadata from Sonar. The attributed flows are pushed to Keystone that routes them to the Hive and Druid datastores.

The attributed flow data drives various use cases within Netflix like network monitoring and network usage forecasting available via Lumen dashboards and machine learning based network segmentation. The data is also used by security and other partner teams for insight and incident analysis.


Providing network insight into the cloud network infrastructure using eBPF flow logs at scale is made possible with eBPF and a highly scalable and efficient flow collection pipeline. After several iterations of the architecture and some tuning, the solution has proven to be able to scale.

We are currently ingesting and enriching billions of eBPF flow logs per hour and providing visibility into our cloud ecosystem. The enriched data allows us to analyze networks across a variety of dimensions (e.g. availability, performance, and security), to ensure applications can effectively deliver their data payload across a globally dispersed cloud-based ecosystem.

Special Thanks To

Brendan Gregg

How Netflix uses eBPF flow logs at scale for network insight was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Data Engineers of Netflix — Interview with Dhevi Rajendran

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

Data Engineers of Netflix — Interview with Dhevi Rajendran

Dhevi Rajendran

This post is part of our “Data Engineers of Netflix” interview series, where our very own data engineers talk about their journeys to Data Engineering @ Netflix.

Dhevi Rajendran is a Data Engineer on the Growth Data Science and Engineering team. Dhevi joined Netflix in July 2020 and is one of many Data Engineers who have onboarded remotely during the pandemic. In this post, Dhevi talks about her passion for data engineering and taking on a new role during the pandemic.

Before Netflix, Dhevi was a software engineer at Two Sigma, where she was most recently on a data engineering team responsible for bringing in datasets from a variety of different sources for research and trading purposes. In her free time, she enjoys drawing, doing puzzles, reading, writing, traveling, cooking, and learning new things.

Her favorite TV shows: Atlanta, Barry, Better Call Saul, Breaking Bad, Dark, Fargo, Succession, The Killing

Her favorite movies: Das Leben der Anderen, Good Will Hunting, Intouchables, Mother, Spirited Away, The Dark Knight, The Truman Show, Up

Dhevi, so what got you into data engineering?

While my background has mostly been in backend software engineering, I was most recently doing backend work in the data space prior to Netflix. One great thing about working with data is the impact you can create as an engineer.

At Netflix, the work that data engineers do to produce data in a robust, scalable way is incredibly important to provide the best experience to our members as they interact with our service.

Beyond the really interesting technical challenges that come with working with big data, there are lots of opportunities to think about higher-level domain challenges as a data engineer. In college, I had done human-computer interaction research on subtitles for the Deaf and hard-of-hearing as well as computational genomics research on Alzheimer’s disease. I’ve always enjoyed learning about new areas and combining this knowledge with my technical skills to solve real-world problems.

What drew you to Netflix?

Netflix’s mission and its culture primarily drew me to Netflix. I liked the idea of being a part of a company that brings joy to so many members around the world with an incredibly powerful platform for their stories to be heard. The blend of creativity and a strong engineering culture at Netflix really appealed to me.

The culture was also something that piqued my interest. I was pretty skeptical of Netflix’s culture memo at first. Many companies have lofty ideals that don’t necessarily translate into the reality of the company culture, so I was surprised to see how consistently the culture memo aligns with the actual culture at the company. I’ve found the culture of freedom and responsibility empowering.

Rather than the typical top-down approach many companies use, Netflix trusts each person to make the right decisions for the company by using their deep knowledge of the problems they’re solving along with the context they gather from their leaders and stakeholders.

This means a lot less red tape, a lot less friction, and a lot more freedom for everyone at the company to do what’s best for the business. I also really appreciate the amount of visibility and input we get into broader strategic decisions that the company makes.

Finally, I was also really excited about joining the Growth Data Engineering team! My team is responsible for building data products relating to how we connect with our new members around the world, which is high-impact and has far-reaching global significance. I love that I get to help Netflix connect with new members around the world and help shape the first impression we make on them.

What is your favorite project or a project that you’re particularly proud of?

I have been primarily involved in the payments space. Not a project per se, but one of the things I’ve enjoyed being involved in is the cross-functional meetings with peers and stakeholders who are working in the payments space. These meetings include product managers, designers, consumer insights researchers, software engineers, data scientists, and people in a wide variety of other roles.

I love that I get to work cross-functionally with such a diverse group of people looking at the same set of problems from a variety of unique perspectives.

In addition to my day-to-day technical work, these meetings have provided me with the opportunity to be involved in the high-level product, design, and strategic discussions, which I value. Through these cross-functional efforts, I’ve also really gotten to learn and appreciate the nuances of payments. From using credit cards (which are fairly common in the US but not as widely adopted outside the US) to physically paying in person, members in different countries prefer to pay for our subscription in a wide variety of ways. It’s incredible to see the thoughtful and deeply member-driven approach we use to think about something as seemingly routine, straightforward, and often taken for granted as payments.

What was it like taking on a new role during the pandemic?

First off, I feel very lucky to have found a new role in this very difficult period. With the amount of change and uncertainty, the past year brought, it somehow felt both fitting and imprudent to voluntarily add a career change to the mix. The prospect was daunting at first. I knew there would be a bunch for me to learn coming into Netflix, considering that I hadn’t worked with the technologies my team uses (primarily Scala and Spark). Looking back now, I’m incredibly grateful for the opportunity and glad that I took it. I’ve already learned so much in the past six months and am excited about how much more I can learn and the impact I can make going forward.

Onboarding remotely has been a unique experience as well. Building relationships and gathering broader context are more difficult right now. I’ve found that I’ve learned to be more proactive and actively seek out opportunities to get to know people and the business, whether through setting up coffee chats, reading memos, or attending meetings covering topics I want to learn more about. I still haven’t met anyone I work with in person, but my teammates, my manager, and people across the company have been really helpful throughout the onboarding process.

It’s been incredible to see how gracious people are with their time and knowledge. The amount of empathy and understanding people have shown to each other, including to those who are new to the company, has made taking the leap and joining Netflix a positive experience.

Learning more

Interested in learning more about data roles at Netflix? You’re in the right place! Keep an eye out for our open roles in Data Science and Engineering here. Our culture is key to our impact and growth: read about it here.

Data Engineers of Netflix — Interview with Dhevi Rajendran was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Data Engineers of Netflix — Interview with Samuel Setegne

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

Data Engineers of Netflix — Interview with Samuel Setegne

Samuel Setegne

This post is part of our “Data Engineers of Netflix” interview series, where our very own data engineers talk about their journeys to Data Engineering @ Netflix.

Samuel Setegne is a Senior Software Engineer on the Core Data Science and Engineering team. Samuel and his team build tools and frameworks that support data engineering teams across Netflix. In this post, Samuel talks about his journey from being a clinical researcher to supporting data engineering teams.

Samuel comes from West Philadelphia, and he received his Master’s in Biotechnology from Temple University. Before Netflix, Samuel worked at Travelers Insurance in the Data Science & Engineering space, implementing real-time machine learning models to predict severity and complexity at the onset of property claims.

His favorite TV shows: Bojack Horseman, Marco Polo, and The Witcher

His favorite movies: Scarface, I Am Legend and The Old Guard

Sam, what drew you to data engineering?

Early in my career, I was headed full speed towards life as a clinical researcher. Many healthcare practitioners had strong hunches and wild theories that were exciting to test against an empirical study. I personally loved looking at raw data and using it to understand patterns in the world through technology. However, most challenges that came with my role were domain-related but not as technically demanding. For example — clinical data was often small enough to fit into memory on an average computer and only in rare cases would its computation require any technical ingenuity or massive computing power. There was not enough scope to explore the distributed and large-scale computing challenges that usually come with big data processing. Furthermore, engineering velocity was often sacrificed owing to rigid processes.

Moving into pure Data engineering not only offered me the technical challenges I’ve always craved for but also the opportunity to connect the dots through data which was the best of both worlds.

What is your favorite project or a project you’re particularly proud of?

The very first project I had the opportunity to work on as a Netflix contractor was migrating all of Data Science and Engineering’s Python 2 code to Python 3. This was without a doubt, my favorite project that also opened the door for me to join the organization as a full-time employee. It was thrilling to analyze code from various cross-functional teams and learn different coding patterns and styles.

This kind of exposure opened up opportunities for me to engage with various data engineering teams and advocate for python best practices that helped me drive greater impact at Netflix.

What drew you to Netflix?

What initially caught my attention about a chance to work at Netflix was the variety and quality of content. My family and friends were always ecstatic about having lively and raucous conversations about Netflix shows or movies they recently watched like Marco Polo and Tiger King.

Although other great companies play a role in our daily lives, many of them serve as a kind of utility, whereas Netflix is meant to make us live, laugh, and love by enabling us to experience new voices, cultures, and perspectives.

After I read Netflix’s culture memo, I was completely sold. It precisely described what I always knew was missing in places I’ve worked before. I found the mantra of “people over process” extremely refreshing and eventually learned that it unlocked a bold and creative part of me in my technical designs. For instance, if I feel that a design of an application or a pipeline would benefit from new technology or architecture, I have the freedom to explore and innovate without excessive red tape. Typically in large corporations, you’re tied to strict and redundant processes, causing a lot of fatigue for engineers. When I landed at Netflix, it was a breath of fresh air to learn that we lean into freedom and responsibility and allow engineers to push the boundaries.

Sam, how do you approach building tools/frameworks that can be used across data engineering teams?

My team provides generalized solutions for common and repetitive data engineering tasks. This helps provide “paved path” solutions for data engineering teams and reduces the burden of re-inventing the wheel. When you have many specialized teams composed of highly skilled engineers, the last thing you want for a data engineer is to spend too much time solving small problems that are usually buried inside of the big, broad, and impactful problems. When we extrapolate that to every engineer on every Data Science & Engineering team, it easily adds up and is something worth optimizing.

Any time you have a data engineer spending cycles working on tasks where the data engineering part of their brain is turned off, that’s an opportunity where better tooling can help.

For example, many data engineering teams have to orchestrate notification campaigns when they make changes to critical tables that have downstream dependencies. This is achievable by a Data Engineer but it can be very time-consuming, especially having to track the migration of these downstream users over to your new table or table schema to ensure it’s safe to finalize your changes. This problem was tackled by one of my highly skilled team members who built a centralized migration service that lets Data Engineers easily start “migration campaigns” that can automatically identify downstream users and provide notification and status-tracking capabilities by leveraging Jira. The aim is to enable Data Engineers to quickly fire up one of these campaigns and keep an eye out for its completion while using that extra time to focus on other tasks.

By investing in the right tooling to streamline redundant (yet necessary) tasks, we can drive higher data engineering productivity and efficiency, while accelerating innovation for Netflix.

Learning more

Interested in learning more about data roles at Netflix? You’re in the right place! Keep an eye out for our open roles in Data Science and Engineering by visiting our jobs site here. Our culture is key to our impact and growth: read about it here. Check out our chat with Dhevi Rajendran to know more about starting a new role as a Data Engineer during the pandemic here.

Data Engineers of Netflix — Interview with Samuel Setegne was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

My (Seemingly) Random Walk to Netflix

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

Part of our series on who works in Analytics at Netflix — and what the role entails

By Sean Barnes, Studio Production Data Science & Engineering

I am going to tell you a story about a person that works for Netflix. That person grew up dreaming of working in the entertainment industry. They attended the University of Southern California, double majored in data science and television & film production, and graduated summa cum laude. Upon graduation, they received an offer from Netflix to become an analytics engineer, and pursue their lifelong dream of orchestrating the beautiful synergy of analytics and entertainment. Pretty straightforward, right?!

Such a linear trajectory would make for a compelling candidate, but in reality, many of us encounter a few twists and turns along the way. I am here to tell you that these twists and turns are OK, and in many cases, they make you better off in the long run. Whether they worked at a manufacturer for very large industrial ventilation systems, or in finance, healthcare, or elsewhere in tech (big or small), most people on my team have unique paths to their current positions at Netflix. I am going to tell you my story, but I will also tell you about how bringing together people with diverse backgrounds can have unexpected benefits.

When I was growing up, I developed a strong interest in the space program. I went to space camp (nerd alert!), loved space movies (still do!), loved all things astronomy (still do!), and even recall watching a launch or two at school (yes, on those roll-out TV carts). Like any rational person, I set out on a course to pursue a career that would either put me in space or help to put others up there. I decided to attend the Georgia Institute of Technology (Go Jackets!!) and to major in aerospace engineering. I would eventually enroll in the combined BS/MS program, committing to aerospace long-term and to participating in undergraduate and graduate research. In parallel, I also began working as an intern for the U.S. Federal Government as an engineering analyst, which eventually converted into a full-time position. Along the way, I discovered three things that would have a significant impact on my future trajectory:

  1. No lab for me: I did not like being in a lab, and I did not like the idea of spending a ton of time trying to improve the efficiency of some engineering part/system.
  2. Searching for (and not finding) a specialty: There was not an aerospace engineering discipline that I was really interested in, and trust me, I really tried because I didn’t want to deviate from my linear career trajectory. Structures, dynamics, control systems, fluids, design…pass, pass, pass, pass, and pass!
  3. Programming joy: I discovered an aptitude and joy for programming, and in particular, I really liked developing simulation models that could provide meaningful insights and support decision-making without actually building anything or conducting a real-life experiment.

Given these signals, I made the decision to pivot on my initial plan to work for NASA and designed a new plan more in line with my growing interests. That plan consisted of modifying my MS curriculum to support my newly found enthusiasm for simulation modeling, and transitioning to the Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computation doctoral program at the University of Maryland, College Park. This program was perfect for my interests, and allowed me to develop the interdisciplinary mathematical and computation skills that I have been using ever since. I connected with two advisors who were beginning to explore use cases for operations research in healthcare, which was the perfect opportunity to put my interdisciplinary training to work on meaningful real-world applications. I wrote my dissertation on simulation modeling of infectious disease transmission in healthcare facilities and community populations.

BOOM, I finally figured out what I was supposed to be doing. End of story, right?!

Almost! Hang with me just a smidge longer. After defending my dissertation, I left my position with the U.S. Federal Government to become a tenure-track faculty in the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland, College Park. Yep, I stayed close to home, and worked there for 7 years. I grew a lot during this experience, and really enjoyed working with students and research collaborators. This is also the key period when most of my data science growth occurred, as I was developing my healthcare analytics research program and teaching analytics courses to MS and undergraduate students. Throughout this process, I developed skills in Python programming, data visualization, statistical analysis, machine learning, and optimization, both by doing and by teaching. However, in 2019, I explored several data science opportunities in the tech industry, and I was completely won over by the opportunity to join the Studio Production Data Science & Engineering team at Netflix.

There is a mathematical concept called a random walk, which is essentially a path that is generated via a sequence of (seemingly) random steps. Those steps can be generated in any number of ways (e.g., by flipping a coin, observing changes in the stock market, or using a computer-generated sequence of random numbers), and there are numerous ways to adapt this concept to different applications (e.g., computer science, physics, finance, economics, and more). My (seemingly) random walk to Netflix looks a little something like this:

Acknowledgment to Ritchie King for graphic design

Why is my walk only seemingly random? These steps may appear to be random, but what I now realize is that there are some common themes in my experience that align well with core components of Netflix culture. For instance, I am passionate about using data and models to inform decision-making, whether the application is in aerospace, healthcare, or entertainment. I really enjoy building relationships and collaborating with others. I also enjoy bringing analytics and modeling into new spaces for which these practices are relatively new, such as in healthcare and entertainment. Lastly, I’m a learner and an educator, so I love learning new things and helping others learn as well.

The next observation is also a newly gained perspective. I have recently been reading the book Algorithms to Live By, written by Brian Christian and Tom Griffiths. In the second chapter of the book, the authors describe how the algorithmic tradeoff between exploration and exploitation plays out in real life. Exploration means to seek out new options so that you can learn more about the possibilities, whereas exploitation means to focus on the best option(s) that you have discovered thus far. They provide examples of this tradeoff within the context of how one evaluates which restaurants to visit or which candidate to hire. A lot of my experiences before coming to Netflix were part of my exploration phase, which I now realize is totally OK. I believe this exploration is what is needed to find what truly brings joy, and also eliminate things that do not. And now, I have entered the exploitation phase of my career, where I am fully committed to bringing data science into interdisciplinary spaces.

OK, I know, it’s time to wrap this up.

Let me conclude by sharing a quick story about the unexpected benefits of hiring an infectious disease modeler to help accelerate the use of analytics in studio production. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, the first known case of COVID-19 was identified in December 2019, which was less than 6 months after my first day at Netflix. By March 2020 — less than 9 months into my tenure — cases of the virus were prevalent across the U.S. and the nation was beginning to shut down.

At studios across Hollywood, production was halted while executives and frontline workers alike scrambled to learn what they could about the virus and the risks associated with restarting production. Given my background, I emailed the vice president of my group (who hired me), and offered to help in any way that I could. He forwarded my email directly to our CFO [1], which initiated a series of events that included the establishment of a medical advisory board [2], development of a simulation model and risk-scoring framework to help support decisions regarding our safe return to production [3], close collaboration with a truly amazing set of individuals and teams across the company, and even a feature article in The Hollywood Reporter. Most of this work continues to this day, as we hopefully approach better times ahead. I never could have imagined such a sequence of events when I first arrived in Los Angeles.

So for those of you out there who feel like you’re on a (seemingly) random walk…YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Many of us have to do the exploration before we find something that we’re willing to exploit over the long-term, and that process does not always follow the linear trajectory that we imagine when we are taking the first steps away from our origins. Try to find the common themes and skills that you have developed across your diverse experiences, and craft that story for potential employers.

And to the potential employers out there, TAKE SOME RISKS! Think more deeply about what the ‘non-traditional’ candidate may bring to your organization. You never know, some circumstances may arise for which those (seemingly) less-relevant skills and experiences may become more useful than you imagined. By doing so, you’ll be facilitating exploration as an organization, and learning about how to build teams that are truly innovative. So together, employers and employees alike, let’s take our (seemingly) random walks, and explore the possibilities until we find those pockets in space where we can exploit the opportunities and accomplish our greatest goals.

Me (several years ago)


  1. Which, by the way, is a very Netflix thing to do
  2. Featuring one of my long-time infectious disease research collaborators and mentors
  3. Embarrassingly named the Barnes Model and the Barnes Scale, respectively, by one of my stunning colleagues

If this post resonates with you and you’d like to explore opportunities with Netflix, check out our analytics site, search open roles, and learn about our culture. You can also find more stories like this here.

My (Seemingly) Random Walk to Netflix was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Achieving observability in async workflows

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

Written by Colby Callahan, Megha Manohara, and Mike Azar.

Managing and operating asynchronous workflows can be difficult without the proper tools and architecture that puts observability, debugging, and tracing at the forefront.

Imagine getting paged outside normal work hours — users are having trouble with the application you’re responsible for, and you start diving into logs. However, they are scattered across multiple systems, and there isn’t an easy way to tie related messages together. Once you finally find useful identifiers, you may begin writing SQL queries against your production database to find out what went wrong. You’re joining tables, resolving status types, cross-referencing data manually with other systems, and by the end of it all you ask yourself why?

An upset on-call

This was the experience for us as the backend team on Prodicle Distribution, which is one of the many services offered in the suite of content production-facing applications called Prodicle.

Prodicle is one of the many applications that is at the exciting intersection of connecting the world of content productions to Netflix Studio Engineering. It enables a Production Office Coordinator to keep a Production’s cast, crew, and vendors organized and up to date with the latest information throughout the course of a title’s filming. (e.g. Netflix original series such as La Casa De Papel), as well as with Netflix Studio.

Users of Prodicle: Production Office Coordinator on their job

As the adoption of Prodicle grew over time, Productions asked for more features, which led to the system quickly evolving in multiple programming languages under different teams. When our team took ownership of Prodicle Distribution, we decided to revamp the service and expand its implementation to multiple UI clients built for web, Android and iOS.

Prodicle Distribution

Prodicle Distribution allows a production office coordinator to send secure, watermarked documents, such as scripts, to crew members as attachments or links, and track delivery. One distribution job might result in several thousand watermarked documents and links being created. If a job has 10 files and 20 recipients, then we have 10 x 20 = 200 unique watermarked documents and (optionally) links associated with them depending on the type of the Distribution job. The recipients of watermarked documents are able to access these documents and links in their email as well as in the Prodicle mobile application.

Prodicle Distribution

Our service is required to be elastic and handle bursty traffic. It also needs to handle third-party integration with Google Drive, making copies of PDFs with watermarks specific to each recipient, adding password protection, creating revocable links, generating thumbnails, and sending emails and push notifications. We are expected to process 1,000 watermarks for a single distribution in a minute, with non-linear latency growth as the number of watermarks increases. The goal is to process these documents as fast as possible and reliably deliver them to recipients while offering strong observability to both our users and internal teams.

Prodicle Distribution Requirements

Asynchronous workflow

Previously, the Distribution feature of Prodicle was treated as its own unique application. In late 2019, our team started integrating it with the rest of the ecosystem by writing a thin Java Domain graph service (DGS) to wrap the asynchronous watermarking functionality that was then in Ruby on Rails. The watermarking functionality, at the start, was a simple offering with various Google Drive integrations for storage and links. Our team was responsible for Google integrations, watermarking, bursty traffic management, and on-call support for this application. We had to traverse multiple codebases, and observability systems to debug errors and inefficiencies in the system. Things got hairy. New feature requests were adding to the maintenance burden for the team.

Initial offering of Prodicle Distribution backend

When we decided to migrate the asynchronous workflow to Java, we landed on these additional requirements: 1. We wanted a scalable service that was near real-time, 2. We wanted a workflow orchestrator with good observability for developers, and 3. We wanted to delegate the responsibility of watermarking and bursty traffic management for our asynchronous functions to appropriate teams.

Migration consideration for Prodicle Distribution’s asynchronous workflow

We evaluated what it would take to do this ourselves or rely on the offerings from our platform teams — Conductor and one of the new offerings Cosmos. Even though Cosmos was developed for asynchronous media processing, we worked with them to expand to generic file processing and tune their workflow platform for our near real-time use case. Early prototypes and load tests validated that the offering could meet our needs. We leaned into Cosmos because of the low variance in latency through the system, separation of concerns between the API, workflow, and the function systems, ease of load testing, customizable API layer and notifications, support for File I/O abstractions and elastic functions. Another benefit was their observability portal and its capabilities with search. We also migrated the ownership of watermarking to another internal team to focus on developing and supporting additional features.

Current architecture of Prodicle Distribution on Cosmos

With Cosmos, we are well-positioned to expand to future use cases like watermarking on images and videos. The Cosmos team is dedicated to improving features and functionality over the next year to make observations of our async workflows even better. It is great to have a team that will be improving the platform in the background as we continue our application development. We expect the performance and scaling to continue to get better without much effort on our part. We also expect other services to move some of their processing functionality into Cosmos, which makes integrations even easier because services can expose a function within the platform instead of GRPC or REST endpoints. The more services move to Cosmos, the bigger the value proposition becomes.

Deployed to Production for Productions

With productions returning to work in the midst of a global pandemic, the adoption of Prodicle Distribution has grown 10x, between June 2020 and April 2021. Starting January 2021 we did an incremental release of Prodicle Distribution on Cosmos and completed the migration in April 2021. We now support hundreds of productions, with tens of thousands of Distribution jobs, and millions of watermarks every month.

With our migration of Prodicle Distribution to Cosmos, we are able to use their observability portal called Nirvana to debug our workflow and bottlenecks.

Observing Prodicle Distribution on Cosmos in Nirvana

Now that we have a platform team dedicated to the management of our async infrastructure and watermarking, our team can better maintain and support the distribution of documents. Since our migration, the number of support tickets has decreased. It is now easier for the on-call engineer and the developers to find the associated logs and traces while visualizing the state of the asynchronous workflow and data in the whole system.

A stress-free on-call

Achieving observability in async workflows was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Netflix Drive

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original

A file and folder interface for Netflix Cloud Services

Written by Vikram Krishnamurthy, Kishore Kasi, Abhishek Kapatkar, Tejas Chopra, Prudhviraj Karumanchi, Kelsey Francis, Shailesh Birari

In this post, we are introducing Netflix Drive, a Cloud drive for media assets and providing a high level overview of some of its features and interfaces. We intend this to be a first post in a series of posts covering Netflix Drive. In the future posts, we will do an architectural deep dive into the several components of Netflix Drive.

Netflix, and particularly Studio applications (and Studio in the Cloud) produce petabytes of data backed by billions of media assets. Several artists and workflows that may be globally distributed, work on different projects, and each of these projects produce content that forms a part of the large corpus of assets.

Here is an example of globally distributed production where several artists and workflows work in conjunction to create and share assets for one or many projects.

Fig 1: Globally distributed production with artists working on different assets from different parts of the world

There are workflows in which these artists may want to view a subset of these assets from this large dataset, for example, pertaining to a specific project. These artists may want to create personal workspaces and work on generating intermediate assets. To support such use cases, access control at the user workspace and project workspace granularity is extremely important for presenting a globally consistent view of pertinent data to these artists.

Netflix Drive aims to solve this problem of exposing different namespaces and attaching appropriate access control to help build a scalable, performant, globally distributed platform for storing and retrieving pertinent assets.

Netflix Drive is envisioned to be a Cloud Drive for Studio and Media applications and lends itself to be a generic paved path solution for all content in Netflix.

It exposes a file/folder interface for applications to save their data and an API interface for control operations. Netflix Drive relies on a data store that will be the persistent storage layer for assets, and a metadata store which will provide a relevant mapping from the file system hierarchy to the data store entities. The major pieces, as shown in Fig. 2, are the file system interface, the API interface, and the metadata and data stores. We will delve into these in the following sections.

Fig 2: Netflix Drive components

File interface for Netflix Drive

Creative applications such as Nuke, Maya, Adobe Photoshop store and retrieve content using files and folders. Netflix Drive relies on FUSE (File System In User Space) to provide POSIX files and folders interface to such applications. A FUSE based POSIX interface provides feature customization elasticity, deployment configuration flexibility as well as a standard and seamless file/folder interface. A similar user space abstraction is available for Windows (WinFSP) and MacOS (MacFUSE)

The operations that originate from user, application and system actions on files and folders translate to a well defined set of function and system calls which are forwarded by the Linux Virtual File System Layer (or a pass-through/filter driver in Windows) to the FUSE layer in user space. The resulting metadata and data operations will be implemented by appropriate metadata and data adapters in Netflix Drive.

Fig 3: POSIX interface of Netflix Drive

The POSIX files and folders interface for Netflix Drive is designed as a layered system with the FUSE implementation hooks forming the top layer. This layer will provide entry points for all of the relevant VFS calls that will be implemented. Netflix Drive contains an abstraction layer below FUSE which allows different metadata and data stores to be plugged into the architecture by having their corresponding adapters implement the interface. We will discuss more about the layered architecture in the section below.

API Interface for Netflix Drive

Along with exposing a file interface which will be a hub of all abstractions, Netflix Drive also exposes API and Polled Task interfaces to allow applications and workflow tools to trigger control operations in Netflix Drive.

For example, applications can explicitly use REST endpoints to publish files stored in Netflix Drive to cloud, and later use a REST endpoint to retrieve a subset of the published files from cloud. The API interface can also be used to track the transfers of large files and allows other applications to be built on top of Netflix Drive.

Fig 4: Control interface of Netflix Drive

The Polled Task interface allows studio and media workflow orchestrators to post or dispatch tasks to Netflix Drive instances on disparate workstations or containers. This allows Netflix Drive to be bootstrapped with an empty namespace when the workstation comes up and dynamically project a specific set of assets relevant to the artists’ work sessions or workflow stages. Further these assets can be projected into a namespace of the artist’s or application’s choosing.

Alternatively, workstations/containers can be launched with the assets of interest prefetched at startup. These allow artists and applications to obtain a workstation which already contains relevant files and optionally add and delete asset trees during the work session. For example, artists perform transformative work on files, and use Netflix Drive to store/fetch intermediate results as well as the final copy which can be transformed back into a media asset.

Bootstrapping Netflix Drive

Given the two different modes in which applications can interact with Netflix Drive, now let us discuss how Netflix Drive is bootstrapped.

On startup, Netflix Drive expects a manifest that contains information about the data store, metadata store, and credentials (tied to a user login) to form an instance of namespace hierarchy. A Netflix Drive mount point may contain multiple Netflix Drive namespaces.

A dynamic instance allows Netflix Drive to show a user-selected and user-accessible subset of data from a large corpus of assets. A user instance allows it to act like a Cloud Drive, where users can work on content which is automatically synced in the background periodically to Cloud. On restart on a new machine, the same files and folders will be prefetched from the cloud. We will cover the different namespaces of Netflix Drive in more detail in a subsequent blog post.

Here is an example of a typical bootstrap manifest file.

This image shows a bootstrap manifest json which highlights how Netflix Drive can work with different metadata stores (such as Redis, CockroachDB), and data stores (such as Ceph, S3) and tie them together to provide persistence layer for assets
A sample manifest file.

The manifest is a persistent artifact which renders a user workstation its Netflix Drive personality. It survives instance failures and is able to recreate the same stateful interface on any newly deployed instance.

Metadata and Data Store Abstractions

In order to allow a variety of different metadata stores and data stores to be easily plugged into the architecture, Netflix Drive exposes abstract interfaces for both metadata and data stores. Here is a high level diagram explaining the different layers of abstractions in Netflix Drive

Fig 5: Layered architecture of Netflix Drive

Metadata Store Characteristics

Each file in Netflix Drive would have one or many corresponding metadata nodes, corresponding to different versions of the file. The file system hierarchy would be modeled as a tree in the metadata store where the root node is the top level folder for the application.

Each metadata node will contain several attributes, such as checksum of the file, location of the data, user permissions to access data, file metadata such as size, modification time, etc. A metadata node may also provide support for extended attributes which can be used to model ACLs, symbolic links, or other expressive file system constructs.

Metadata Store may also expose the concept of workspaces, where each user/application can have several workspaces, and can share workspaces with other users/applications. These are higher level constructs that are very useful to Studio applications.

Data Store Characteristics

Netflix Drive relies on a data store that allows streaming bytes into files/objects persisted on the storage media. The data store should expose APIs that allow Netflix Drive to perform I/O operations. The transfer mechanism for transport of bytes is a function of the data store.

In the first manifestation, Netflix Drive is using an object store (such as Amazon S3) as a data store. In order to expose file store-like properties, there were some changes needed in the object store. Each file can be stored as one or more objects. For Studio applications, file sizes may exceed the maximum object size for Cloud Storage, and so, the data store service should have the ability to store multiple parts of a file as separate objects. It is the responsibility of the data store service to tie these objects to a single file and inform the metadata store of the single unique Id for these several object parts. This Data store internally implements the chunking of file into several parts, encrypting of the content, and life cycle management of the data.

Multi-tiered architecture

Netflix Drive allows multiple data stores to be a part of the same installation via its bootstrap manifest.

Fig 6: Multiple data stores of Netflix Drive

Some studio applications such as encoding and transcoding have different I/O characteristics than a typical cloud drive.

Most of the data produced by these applications is ephemeral in nature, and is read often initially. The final encoded copy needs to be persisted and the ephemeral data can be deleted. To serve such applications, Netflix Drive can persist the ephemeral data in storage tiers which are closer to the application that allow lower read latencies and better economies for read request, since cloud storage reads incur an egress cost. Finally, once the encoded copy is prepared, this copy can be persisted by Netflix Drive to a persistent storage tier in the cloud. A single data store may also choose to archive some subset of content stored in cheaper alternatives.


Studio applications require strict adherence to security models where only users or applications with specific permissions should be allowed to access specific assets. Security is one of the cornerstones of Netflix Drive design. Netflix Drive dynamic namespace design allows an artist or workflow to access only a small subset of the assets based on the workspace information and access control and is one of the benefits of using Netflix Drive in Studio workflows. Netflix Drive encapsulates the authentication and authorization models in its metadata store. These are translated into POSIX ACLs in Netflix Drive. In the future, Netflix Drive can allow more expressive ACLs by leveraging extended attributes associated with Metadata nodes corresponding to an asset.

Netflix Drive is currently being used by several Studio teams as the paved path solution for working with assets and is integrated with several media suite applications. As of today, Netflix Drive can be installed on CentOS, MacOS and Windows. In the future blog posts, we will cover implementation details, learnings, performance analysis of Netflix Drive, and some of the applications and workflows built on top of Netflix Drive.

If you are passionate about building Storage and Infrastructure solutions for Netflix Data Platform, we are always looking for talented engineers and managers. Please check out our job listings

Netflix Drive was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.