Serverless architecture for optimizing Amazon Connect call-recording archival costs

Post Syndicated from Brian Maguire original

In this post, we provide a serverless solution to cost-optimize the storage of contact-center call recordings. The solution automates the scheduling, storage-tiering, and resampling of call-recording files, resulting in immediate cost savings. The solution is an asynchronous architecture built using AWS Step Functions, Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS), and AWS Lambda.

Amazon Connect provides an omnichannel cloud contact center with the ability to maintain call recordings for compliance and gaining actionable insights using Contact Lens for Amazon Connect and AWS Contact Center Intelligence Partners. The storage required for call recordings can quickly increase as customers meet compliance retention requirements, often spanning six or more years. This can lead to hundreds of terabytes in long-term storage.

Solution overview

When an agent completes a customer call, Amazon Connect sends the call recording to an Amazon Simple Storage Solution (Amazon S3) bucket with: a date and contact ID prefix, the file stored in the .WAV format and encoded using bitrate 256 kb/s, pcm_s16le, 8000 Hz, two channels, and 256 kb/s. The call-recording files are approximately 2 Mb/minute optimized for high-quality processing, such as machine learning analysis (see Figure 1).

Asynchronous architecture for batch resampling for call-recording files on Amazon S3

Figure 1. Asynchronous architecture for batch resampling for call-recording files on Amazon S3

When a call recording is sent to Amazon S3, downstream post-processing is often performed to generate analytics reports for agents and quality auditors. The downstream processing can include services that provide transcriptions, quality-of-service metrics, and sentiment analysis to create reports and trigger actionable events.

While this processing is often completed within minutes, the downstream applications could require processing retries. As audio resampling reduces the quality of the audio files, it is essential to delay resampling until after processing is completed. As processed call recordings are infrequently accessed days after a call is completed, with only a small percentage accessed by agents and call quality auditors, call recordings can benefit from resampling and transitioning to long-term Amazon S3 storage tiers.

In Figure 2, multiple AWS services work together to provide an end-to-end cost-optimization solution for your contact center call recordings.

AWS Step Function orchestrates the batch resampling of call recordings

Figure 2. AWS Step Function orchestrates the batch resampling of call recordings

An Amazon EventBridge schedule rule triggers the step function to perform the batch resampling process for all call recordings from the previous 7 days.

In the first step function task, the Lambda function task iterates the S3 bucket using the ListObjectsV2 API, obtaining the call recordings (1000 objects per iteration) with the date prefix from 7 days ago.

The next task invokes a Lambda function inserting the call recording objects into the Amazon SQS queue. The audio-conversion Lambda function receives the Amazon SQS queue events via the event source mapping Lambda integration. Each concurrent Lambda invocation downloads a stored call recording from Amazon S3, resampling the .WAV with ffmpeg and tagging the S3 object with a “converted=True” tag.

Finally, the conversion function uploads the resampled file to Amazon S3, overwriting the original call recording with the resampled recording using a cost-optimized storage class, such as S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval. S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval provides the lowest cost for long-lived data that is rarely accessed and requires milliseconds retrieval, such as for contact-center call-recording playback. By default, Amazon Connect stores call recordings with S3 Versioning enabled, maintaining the original file as a version. You can use lifecycle policies to delete object versions from a version-enabled bucket to permanently remove the original version, as this will minimize the storage of the original call recording.

This solution captures failures within the step function workflow with logging and a dead-letter queue, such as when an error occurs with resampling a recording file. A Step Function task monitors the Amazon SQS queue using the AWS Step Function integration with AWS SDK with SQS and ending the workflow when the queue is emptied. Table 1 demonstrates the default and resampled formats.

Detailed AWS Step Functions state machine diagram

Figure 3. Detailed AWS Step Functions state machine diagram


Table 1. Default and resampled call recording audio formats

Audio sampling formats File size/minute Notes
Bitrate 256 kb/s, pcm_s16le, 8000 Hz, 2 channels, 256 kb/s 2 MB The default for Amazon Connect call recordings. Sampled for audio quality and call analytics processing.
Bitrate 64 kb/s, pcm_alaw, 8000 Hz, 1 channel, 64 kb/s 0.5 MB Resampled to mono channel 8 bit. This resampling is not reversible and should only be performed after all call analytics processing has been completed.

Cost assessment

For pricing information for the primary services used in the solution, visit:

The costs incurred by the solution are based on usage and are AWS Free Tier eligible. After the AWS Free Tier allowance is consumed, usage costs are approximately $0.11 per 1000 minutes of call recordings. S3 Standard starts at $0.023 per GB/month; and S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval is $0.004 per GB/month, with $0.003 per GB of data retrieval. During a 6-year compliance retention term, the schedule-based resampling and storage tiering results in significant cost savings.

In the 6-year example detailed in Table 2, the S3 Standard storage costs would be approximately $356,664 for 3 million call-recording minutes/month. The audio resampling and S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval tiering reduces the 6-year cost to approximately $41,838.

Table 2. Multi-year costs savings scenario (3 million minutes/month) in USD

Year Total minutes (3 million/month) Total storage (TB) Cost of storage, S3 Standard (USD) Cost of running the resampling (USD) Cost of resampling solution with S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval (USD)
1 36,000,000 72 10,764 3,960 4,813
2 72,000,000 108 30,636 3,960 5,677
3 108,000,000 144 50,508 3,960 6,541
4 144,000,000 180 70,380 3,960 7,405
5 180,000,000 216 90,252 3,960 8,269
6 216,000,000 252 110,124 3,960 9,133
Total 1,008,000,000 972 356,664 23,760 41,838

To explore PCA costs for yourself, use AWS Cost Explorer or choose Bill Details on the AWS Billing Dashboard to see your month-to-date spend by service.

Deploying the solution

The code and documentation for this solution are available by cloning the git repository and can be deployed with AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK).

# clone repository
git clone
# navigate the project directory
cd amazon-connect-call-recording-cost-optimizer

Modify the cdk.context.json with your environment’s configuration setting, such as the bucket_name. Next, install the AWS CDK dependencies and deploy the solution:

:# ensure you are in the root directory of the repository


Once deployed, you can test the resampling solution by waiting for the EventBridge schedule rule to execute based on the num_days_age setting that is applied. You can also manually run the AWS Step Function with a specified date, for example {"specific_date":"01/01/2022"}.

The AWS CDK deployment creates the following resources:

  • AWS Step Function
  • AWS Lambda function
  • Amazon SQS queues
  • Amazon EventBridge rule

The solution handles the automation of transitioning a storage tier, such as S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval. In addition, Amazon S3 Lifecycles can be set manually to transition the call recordings after resampling to alternative Amazon S3 Storage Classes.


When you are finished experimenting with this solution, cleanup your resources by running the command:

cdk destroy

This command deletes the AWS CDK-deployed resources. However, the S3 bucket containing your call recordings and CloudWatch log groups are retained.


This call recording resampling solution offers an automated, cost-optimized, and scalable architecture to reduce long-term compliance call recording archival costs.

Cloudflare One vs Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange: who is most feature complete? It’s not who you might expect

Post Syndicated from Ben Munroe original

Cloudflare One vs Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange: who is most feature complete? It’s not who you might expect

Cloudflare One vs Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange: who is most feature complete? It’s not who you might expect

Zscaler has been building out its security offerings for 15 years. Cloudflare is 13 years old, and we have been delivering Zero Trust for the last four. This sounds like we are a late starter — but in this post, we’re going to show that on total Zero Trust, SSE, SASE and beyond, Cloudflare One functionality surpasses that of Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange.

Functional Criteria Group Cloudflare Zscaler
Internet-native network platform 100% (5 of 5) 20% (1 of 5)
Cloud-native service platform 100% (4 of 4) 25% (1 of 4)
Services to adopt SASE 83% (5 of 6) 66% (4 of 6)
Services to extend ZT, SSE, SASE and beyond 66% (8 of 12) 58% (7 of 12)
Network on-ramps 90% (9 of 10) 50% (5 of 10)

This may come as a surprise to many folks. When we’ve shared this with customers, the question we’ve often received is: How? How has Cloudflare been able to build out a competitive offering so quickly?

Having built out the world’s largest programmable Anycast network has certainly been a big advantage. This was the foundation for Cloudflare’s existing application services business — which delivers secure, performant web and application experiences to customers all around the world. It’s given us deep insight into security and performance on the Internet. But not only was our infrastructure ready to address real customer problems at scale, but our serverless compute development platform — Workers — was specifically designed to build globally distributed applications with security, reliability, and performance built in. We’ve been able to build on top of our platform to deliver Zero Trust services at an unmatched velocity — a velocity which we only expect to continue.

But we’ve also had another advantage that this timelines belies. So much has changed in the enterprise security space in the past 15 years. The idea of a performant global network like ours, for example, was not an assumption that could be made back then. When we started building out our Zero Trust offering, we had the benefit of a complete blank slate, and we’ve built out our offering on completely modern cloud assumptions.

But we know the reason you’re here — you want to see the proof. Here it is: we have released a new functional deep dive on our public page comparing Zscaler and Cloudflare’s platforms. Let’s share a sneak peek of two of the five criteria groups – services to adopt SASE and network on-ramps. Many criteria include footnotes in the PDF for added context and clarity (indicated by an *)

Services to adopt SASE Cloudflare Zscaler
Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) YES YES
Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) YES YES
Secure Web Gateway (SWG) YES YES
Firewall as a Service (FWaaS) YES YES
WAN as a Service with L3-7 traffic acceleration* YES NO
On-premise SD-WAN* NO – partner NO – partner

Network on-ramps Cloudflare Zscaler
Clientless browser-based access YES YES
Device client software YES YES
Application connector software* YES YES
Branch connector software* NO YES
Anycast DNS, GRE, IPsec, QUIC, Wireguard tunnels* YES NO
Private network interconnect for data centers & offices YES NO
Inbound IP transit (BYOIP) YES NO
IPv6-only connection support* YES NO
Recursive DNS resolvers YES YES
Device clients and DNS resolvers freely open to public* YES NO

While the deep dive comparison of 37 functional criteria shows we’re out in front, and our page explains why our architecture is simpler, more trusted, and faster to innovate — we also know there’s more to a product than a list of features. Given that zero trust gets rolled out across an entire organization, the experience of using the product is paramount. Here are three key areas where Cloudflare One surpasses the Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange for both end-users and administrators.

1) Every service is built to run in every location at enterprise scale

Claim: Zscaler claims to run the “largest security cloud on the planet” yet Zscaler’s network is broken into at least 8 distinct clouds, according to its own configuration resources:,, for example. On the front end, from a usability perspective, many clouds don’t make for a seamless administrator experience as each of Zscaler’s key offerings comes with its own portal and login, meaning you interact with each like a separate product rather than with one single “security cloud.”

The Cloudflare One advantage: We are transparent about the size of our massive, global Anycast network and we report on the number of cities, not data centers. The location of our customers matter, and their ability to access every one of our services no matter where they are, matters. The number of cities in which we have data centers is more than 270 (all in the same cloud network) compared to Zscaler’s 55 cities (and remember — not all of these cities are in the same cloud network). Every service (and their updates and new features) on Cloudflare One is built to run on every server in every data center in every city, which is available to every one of our customers. And on the frontend, Cloudflare One provides one dashboard for all Zero Trust — ZTNA, CASB, SWG, RBI, DLP, and much more — solving the swivel chair problem by not spending time manually aligning policies and analytics isolated across separate screens.

2) More throughput for improved end-user experience

It’s no good offering great security if it slows and degrades user experience; seamless, frictionless, and fast access is critical to successful Zero Trust deployments — otherwise you will find your users looking for work arounds before you know it.

Zscaler states that they support “… a maximum bandwidth of 1 Gbps for each GRE [IP] tunnel if its internal IP addresses aren’t behind NAT.”  While most internet applications and connections would hit a 1 Gbps network bottleneck somewhere in their path to the end user, some applications require more bandwidth and have been designed to support it — for example, users expect video streams or large file sharing to be as instant as anything else on the Internet. The assumption that there will be a bottleneck creates an artificial limit on the kinds of throughput that can be achieved, limiting throughput even when link speeds and connectivity can be guaranteed.

The Cloudflare One advantage: We have spent a lot of time testing, and the results are clear: from an end-user perspective, performance on Cloudflare One is exceptional, and exceeds that of Zscaler.  We tested the throughput between two devices that were running a high-bandwidth application. These devices were located in different VPCs within a public cloud’s network, but they could also be on different subnets within an on-premise private network. Each VPC was configured to use Cloudflare’s Anycast IP tunnel as an on-ramp to Cloudflare’s network thereby enabling both devices to connect securely over Cloudflare One. And the throughput results recorded in both directions was 6 Gbps, which is significantly more capacity than the limits placed by Zscaler and others. So, your organization doesn’t need to worry that your new high-bandwidth application will be constrained by the Zero Trust platform you adopted.

3) Better connected to the rest of the Internet

Zscaler claims to be the “fastest onramp to the Internet.” But this is a sleight of hand: an on-ramp is only one part of the equation; your data needs to transit the network, and also exit when it reaches its destination. Without fast, effective connectivity capabilities beyond the on-ramp, Zscaler is just an SSE platform and does not extend to SASE — translating this from initialism to English, Zscaler has not focused on the net working part of the platform.

The Cloudflare One advantage: We have over 10,500 interconnection peers, which is an order of magnitude better. We don’t hand customers off at the edge like Zscaler. You can use Cloudflare’s virtual backbone for transit. The Cloudflare network routes over 3 trillion requests per day — providing Argo Smart Routing with a unique vantage point to detect real-time congestion and route IP packets across the fastest and most reliable network paths.

We started this blog writing about the importance of functionality and so let’s end there. All the peering and proven throughout advantages don’t matter as much without considering the services offered. And, while Zscaler claims to be able to eliminate the need for regional DC hubs by offering services such as SWG and ZTNA, they completely miss out on addressing organizations’ need to protect their cloud applications or on-premise servers end-to-end — including inbound traffic when they’re exposed to the Internet — using Web Application Firewalls, Load Balancing, Authoritative DNS, and DDoS Protection, exactly the space in which Cloudflare had its beginnings and now leads the pack.

In four years, we have surpassed Zscaler in completeness of offering including deployment simplicity, network resiliency and innovation velocity; read the details here for yourself and join us as we look to the next four years and beyond.

How Cloudflare Security does Zero Trust

Post Syndicated from Noelle Gotthardt original

How Cloudflare Security does Zero Trust

How Cloudflare Security does Zero Trust

Throughout Cloudflare One week, we provided playbooks on how to replace your legacy appliances with Zero Trust services. Using our own products is part of our team’s culture, and we want to share our experiences when we implemented Zero Trust.

Our journey was similar to many of our customers. Not only did we want better security solutions, but the tools we were using made our work more difficult than it needed to be. This started with just a search for an alternative to remotely connecting on a clunky VPN, but soon we were deploying Zero Trust solutions to protect our employees’ web browsing and email. Next, we are looking forward to upgrading our SaaS security with our new CASB product.

We know that getting started with Zero Trust can seem daunting, so we hope that you can learn from our own journey and see how it benefited us.

Replacing a VPN: launching Cloudflare Access

Back in 2015, all of Cloudflare’s internally-hosted applications were reached via a hardware-based VPN. On-call engineers would fire up a client on their laptop, connect to the VPN, and log on to Grafana. This process was frustrating and slow.

Many of the products we build are a direct result of the challenges our own team is facing, and Access is a perfect example. Launching as an internal project in 2015, Access enabled employees to access internal applications through our identity provider. We started with just one application behind Access with the goal of improving incident response times. Engineers who received a notification on their phones could tap a link and, after authenticating via their browser, would immediately have the access they needed. As soon as people started working with the new authentication flow, they wanted it everywhere. Eventually our security team mandated that we move our apps behind Access, but for a long time it was totally organic: teams were eager to use it.

With authentication occuring at our network edge, we were able to support a globally-distributed workforce without the latency of a VPN, and we were able to do so securely. Moreover, our team is committed to protecting our internal applications with the most secure and usable authentication mechanisms, and two-factor authentication is one of the most important security controls that can be implemented. With Cloudflare Access, we’re able to rely on the strong two-factor authentication mechanisms of our identity provider.

Not all second factors of authentication deliver the same level of security. Some methods are still vulnerable to man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks. These attacks often feature bad actors stealing one-time passwords, commonly through phishing, to gain access to private resources. To eliminate that possibility, we implemented FIDO2 supported security keys. FIDO2 is an authenticator protocol designed to prevent phishing, and we saw it as an improvement to our reliance on soft tokens at the time.

While the implementation of FIDO2 can present compatibility challenges, we were enthusiastic to improve our security posture. Cloudflare Access enabled us to limit access to our systems to only FIDO2. Cloudflare employees are now required to use their hardware keys to reach our applications. The onboarding of Access was not only a huge win for ease of use, the enforcement of security keys was a massive improvement to our security posture.

Mitigate threats & prevent data exfiltration: Gateway and Remote Browser Isolation

Deploying secure DNS in our offices

A few years later, in 2020, many customers’ security teams were struggling to extend the controls they had enabled in the office to their remote workers. In response, we launched Cloudflare Gateway, offering customers protection from malware, ransomware, phishing, command & control, shadow IT, and other Internet risks over all ports and protocols. Gateway directs and filters traffic according to the policies implemented by the customer.

Our security team started with Gateway to implement DNS filtering in all of our offices. Since Gateway was built on top of the same network as, the world’s fastest DNS resolver, any current or future Cloudflare office will have DNS filtering without incurring additional latency. Each office connects to the nearest data center and is protected.

Deploying secure DNS for our remote users

Cloudflare’s WARP client was also built on top of our DNS resolver. It extends the security and performance offered in offices to remote corporate devices. With the WARP client deployed, corporate devices connect to the nearest Cloudflare data center and are routed to Cloudflare Gateway. By sitting between the corporate device and the Internet, the entire connection from the device is secure, while also offering improved speed and privacy.

We sought to extend secure DNS filtering to our remote workforce and deployed the Cloudflare WARP client to our fleet of endpoint devices. The deployment enabled our security teams to better preserve our privacy by encrypting DNS traffic over DNS over HTTPS (DoH). Meanwhile, Cloudflare Gateway categorizes domains based on Radar, our own threat intelligence platform, enabling us to block high risk and suspicious domains for users everywhere around the world.

How Cloudflare Security does Zero Trust

Adding on HTTPS filtering and Browser Isolation

DNS filtering is a valuable security tool, but it is limited to blocking entire domains. Our team wanted a more precise instrument to block only malicious URLs, not the full domain. Since Cloudflare One is an integrated platform, most of the deployment was already complete. All we needed was to add the Cloudflare Root CA to our endpoints and then enable HTTP filtering in the Zero Trust dashboard. With those few simple steps, we were able to implement more granular blocking controls.

In addition to precision blocking, HTTP filtering enables us to implement tenant control. With tenant control, Gateway HTTP policies regulate access to corporate SaaS applications. Policies are implemented using custom HTTP headers. If the custom request header is present and the request is headed to an organizational account, access is granted. If the request header is present and the request goes to a non-organizational account, such as a personal account, the request can be blocked or opened in an isolated browser.

After protecting our users’ traffic at the DNS and HTTP layers, we implemented Browser Isolation. When Browser Isolation is implemented, all browser code executes in the cloud on Cloudflare’s network. This isolates our endpoints from malicious attacks and common data exfiltration techniques. Some remote browser isolation products introduce latency and frustrate users. Cloudflare’s Browser Isolation uses the power of our network to offer a seamless experience for our employees. It quickly improved our security posture without compromising user experience.

Preventing phishing attacks: Onboarding Area 1 email security

Also in early 2020, we saw an uptick in employee-reported phishing attempts. Our cloud-based email provider had strong spam filtering, but they fell short at blocking malicious threats and other advanced attacks. As we experienced increasing phishing attack volume and frequency we felt it was time to explore more thorough email protection options.

The team looked for four main things in a vendor: the ability to scan email attachments, the ability to analyze suspected malicious links, business email compromise protection, and strong APIs into cloud-native email providers. After testing many vendors, Area 1 became the clear choice to protect our employees. We implemented Area 1’s solution in early 2020, and the results have been fantastic.

Given the overwhelmingly positive response to the product and the desire to build out our Zero Trust portfolio, Cloudflare acquired Area 1 Email Security in April 2022. We are excited to offer the same protections we use to our customers.

What’s next: Getting started with Cloudflare’s CASB

Cloudflare acquired Vectrix in February 2022. Vectrix’s CASB offers functionality we are excited to add to Cloudflare One. SaaS security is an increasing concern for many security teams. SaaS tools are storing more and more sensitive corporate data, so misconfigurations and external access can be a significant threat. However, securing these platforms can present a significant resource challenge. Manual reviews for misconfigurations or externally shared files are time consuming, yet necessary processes for many customers. CASB reduces the burden on teams by ensuring security standards by scanning SaaS instances and identifying vulnerabilities with just a few clicks.

We want to ensure we maintain the best practices for SaaS security, and like many of our customers, we have many SaaS applications to secure. We are always seeking opportunities to make our processes more efficient, so we are excited to onboard one of our newest Zero Trust products.

Always striving for improvement

Cloudflare takes pride in deploying and testing our own products. Our security team works directly with Product to “dog food” our own products first. It’s our mission to help build a better Internet — and that means providing valuable feedback from our internal teams. As the number one consumer of Cloudflare’s products, the Security team is not only helping keep the company safer, but also contributing to build better products for our customers.

We hope you have enjoyed Cloudflare One week. We really enjoyed sharing our stories with you. To check out our recap of the week, please visit our Cloudflare TV segment.

Velociraptor Version 0.6.5: Table Transformations, Multi-Lingual Support, and Better VQL Error-Handling Let You Dig Deeper Than Ever

Post Syndicated from Carlos Canto original

Velociraptor Version 0.6.5: Table Transformations, Multi-Lingual Support, and Better VQL Error-Handling Let You Dig Deeper Than Ever

Rapid7 is pleased to announce the release of Velociraptor version 0.6.5 – an advanced, open-source digital forensics and incident response (DFIR) tool that enhances visibility into your organization’s endpoints.  This release has been in development and testing for several months now, and we are excited to share its new features and improvements.

Table transformations

Velociraptor collections or hunts are usually post-processed or filtered in Notebooks. This allows users to refine and post-process the data in complex ways. For example, to view only the Velociraptor service from a hunt collecting all services (Windows.System.Services), one would click on the Notebook tab and modify the query by adding a WHERE statement.

Velociraptor Version 0.6.5: Table Transformations, Multi-Lingual Support, and Better VQL Error-Handling Let You Dig Deeper Than Ever
Filtering rows with VQL

In our experience, this ability to quickly filter or sort a table is very common, and sometimes we don’t really need the full power of VQL. In 0.6.5, we introduced table transformations — simple filtering/sorting operations on every table in the GUI.

Velociraptor Version 0.6.5: Table Transformations, Multi-Lingual Support, and Better VQL Error-Handling Let You Dig Deeper Than Ever
Setting simple table transformations

Multi-lingual support

Velociraptor’s community of DFIR professionals is global! We have users from all over the world, and although most users are fluent in English, we wanted to acknowledge our truly international user base by adding internationalization into the GUI. You can now select from a number of popular languages. (Don’t see your language here? We would love additional contributions!)

Velociraptor Version 0.6.5: Table Transformations, Multi-Lingual Support, and Better VQL Error-Handling Let You Dig Deeper Than Ever
Select from a number of popular languages

Here is a screenshot showing our German translations:

Velociraptor Version 0.6.5: Table Transformations, Multi-Lingual Support, and Better VQL Error-Handling Let You Dig Deeper Than Ever
The Velociraptor interface in German

New interface themes

The 0.6.5 release expanded our previous offering of 3 themes into 7, with a selection of light and dark themes. We even have a retro feel ncurses theme that looks like a familiar terminal…

Velociraptor Version 0.6.5: Table Transformations, Multi-Lingual Support, and Better VQL Error-Handling Let You Dig Deeper Than Ever
A stunning retro ‘ncurses’ theme

Error-handling in VQL

Velociraptor is simply a VQL engine – users write VQL artifacts and run these queries on the endpoint.

Previously, it was difficult to tell when VQL encountered an error. Sometimes a missing file is expected, and other times it means something went wrong. From Velociraptor’s point of view, as long as the VQL query ran successfully on the endpoint, the collection was a success. The VQL query can generate logs to provide more information, but the user had to actually look at the logs to determine if there was a problem.

For example, in a hunt parsing a file on the endpoints, it was difficult to tell which of the thousands of machines failed to parse a file. Previously, Velociraptor marked the collection as successful if the VQL query ran – even if it returned no rows because the file failed to parse.

In 0.6.5, there is a mechanism for VQL authors to convey more nuanced information to the user by way of error levels. The VQL log() function was expanded to take a level parameter. When the level is ERROR the collection will be marked as failed in the GUI.

Velociraptor Version 0.6.5: Table Transformations, Multi-Lingual Support, and Better VQL Error-Handling Let You Dig Deeper Than Ever
A failed VQL query

Velociraptor Version 0.6.5: Table Transformations, Multi-Lingual Support, and Better VQL Error-Handling Let You Dig Deeper Than Ever
Query Log messages have their own log level

Custom time zone support

Timestamps are a central part of most DFIR work. Although it is best practice to always work in UTC times, it can be a real pain to have to convert from UTC to local time in your head! Since Velociraptor always uses RFC3389 to represent times unambiguously but for human consumption, it is convenient to represent these times in different local times.

You can now select a more convenient time zone in the GUI by clicking your user preferences and setting the relevant timezone.

Velociraptor Version 0.6.5: Table Transformations, Multi-Lingual Support, and Better VQL Error-Handling Let You Dig Deeper Than Ever
Selecting a custom timezone

The preferred time will be shown in most instances in the UI:

Velociraptor Version 0.6.5: Table Transformations, Multi-Lingual Support, and Better VQL Error-Handling Let You Dig Deeper Than Ever
Time zone selection influences how times are shown

A new MUSL build target

On Linux Go binaries are mostly static but always link to Glibc, which is shipped with the Linux distribution. This means that traditionally Velociraptor had problems running on very old Linux machines (previous to Ubuntu 18.04). We used to build a more compatible version on an old Centos VM, but this was manual and did not support the latest Go compiler.

In 0.6.5, we added a new build target using MUSL – a lightweight Glibc replacement. The produced binary is completely static and should run on a much wider range of Linux versions. This is still considered experimental but should improve the experience on older Linux machines.

Try it out!

If you’re interested in the new features, take Velociraptor for a spin by downloading it from our release page. It’s available for free on GitHub under an open source license.

As always, please file bugs on the GitHub issue tracker or submit questions to our mailing list by emailing [email protected]. You can also chat with us directly on our Discord server.

Learn more about Velociraptor by visiting any of our web and social media channels below:

Additional reading:


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Kubectl with Cloudflare Zero Trust

Post Syndicated from Terin Stock original

Kubectl with Cloudflare Zero Trust

Kubectl with Cloudflare Zero Trust

Cloudflare is a heavy user of Kubernetes for engineering workloads: it’s used to power the backend of our APIs, to handle batch-processing such as analytics aggregation and bot detection, and engineering tools such as our CI/CD pipelines. But between load balancers, API servers, etcd, ingresses, and pods, the surface area exposed by Kubernetes can be rather large.

In this post, we share a little bit about how our engineering team dogfoods Cloudflare Zero Trust to secure Kubernetes — and enables kubectl without proxies.

Our General Approach to Kubernetes Security

As part of our security measures, we heavily limit what can access our clusters over the network. Where a network service is exposed, we add additional protections, such as requiring Cloudflare Access authentication or Mutual TLS (or both) to access ingress resources.

These network restrictions include access to the cluster’s API server. Without access to this, engineers at Cloudflare would not be able to use tools like kubectl to introspect their team’s resources. While we believe Continuous Deployments and GitOps are best practices, allowing developers to use the Kubernetes API aids in troubleshooting and increasing developer velocity. Not having access would have been a deal breaker.

To satisfy our security requirements, we’re using Cloudflare Zero Trust, and we wanted to share how we’re using it, and the process that brought us here.

Before Zero Trust

In the world before Zero Trust, engineers could access the Kubernetes API by connecting to a VPN appliance. While this is common across the industry, and it does allow access to the API, it also dropped engineers as clients into the internal network: they had much more network access than necessary.

We weren’t happy with this situation, but it was the status quo for several years. At the beginning of 2020, we retired our VPN and thus the Kubernetes team needed to find another solution.

Kubernetes with Argo Tunnels

At the time we worked closely with the team developing Cloudflare Tunnels to add support for handling kubectl connections using Access and cloudflared tunnels.

While this worked for our engineering users, it was a significant hurdle to on-boarding new employees. Each Kubernetes cluster required its own tunnel connection from the engineer’s device, which made shuffling between clusters annoying. While kubectl supported connecting through SOCKS proxies, this support was not universal to all tools in the Kubernetes ecosystem.

We continued using this solution internally while we worked towards a better solution.

Kubernetes with Zero Trust

Since the launch of Cloudflare One, we’ve been dogfooding the Zero Trust agent in various configurations. At first we’d been using it to implement secure DNS with As time went on, we began to use it to dogfood additional Zero Trust features.

We’re now leveraging the private network routing in Cloudflare Zero Trust to allow engineers to access the Kubernetes APIs without needing to setup cloudflared tunnels or configure kubectl and other Kubernetes ecosystem tools to use tunnels. This isn’t something specific to Cloudflare, you can do this for your team today!

Kubectl with Cloudflare Zero Trust

Configuring Zero Trust

We use a configuration management tool for our Zero Trust configuration to enable infrastructure-as-code, which we’ve adapted below. However, the same configuration can be achieved using the Cloudflare Zero Trust dashboard.

The first thing we need to do is create a new tunnel. This tunnel will be used to connect the Cloudflare edge network to the Kubernetes API. We run the tunnel endpoints within Kubernetes, using configuration shown later in this post.

resource "cloudflare_argo_tunnel" "k8s_zero_trust_tunnel" {
  account_id = var.account_id
  name       = "k8s_zero_trust_tunnel"
  secret     = var.tunnel_secret

The “tunnel_secret” secret should be a 32-byte random number, which you should temporarily save as we’ll reuse it later for the Kubernetes setup later.

After we’ve created the tunnel, we need to create the routes so the Cloudflare network knows what traffic to send through the tunnel.

resource "cloudflare_tunnel_route" "k8s_zero_trust_tunnel_ipv4" {
  account_id = var.account_id
  tunnel_id  =
  network    = ""
  comment    = "Kubernetes API Server (IPv4)"
resource "cloudflare_tunnel_route" "k8s_zero_trust_tunnel_ipv6" {
  account_id = var.account_id
  tunnel_id  =
  network    = "2001:DB8::101/128"
  comment    = "Kubernetes API Server (IPv6)"

We support accessing the Kubernetes API via both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, so we configure routes for both. If you’re connecting to your API server via a hostname, these IP addresses should match what is returned via a DNS lookup.

Next we’ll configure settings for Cloudflare Gateway so that it’s compatible with the API servers and clients.

resource "cloudflare_teams_list" "k8s_apiserver_ips" {
  account_id = var.account_id
  name       = "Kubernetes API IPs"
  type       = "IP"
  items      = ["", "2001:DB8::101/128"]
resource "cloudflare_teams_rule" "k8s_apiserver_zero_trust_http" {
  account_id  = var.account_id
  name        = "Don't inspect Kubernetes API"
  description = "Allow connections from kubectl to API"
  precedence  = 10000
  action      = "off"
  enabled     = true
  filters     = ["http"]
  traffic     = format("any(http.conn.dst_ip[*] in $%s)", replace(, "-", ""))

As we use mutual TLS between clients and the API server, and not all the traffic between kubectl and the API servers are HTTP, we’ve disabled HTTP inspection for these connections.

You can pair these rules with additional Zero Trust rules, such as device attestation, session lifetimes, and user and group access policies to further customize your security.

Deploying Tunnels

Once you have your tunnels created and configured, you can deploy their endpoints into your network. We’ve chosen to deploy the tunnels as pods, as this allows us to use Kubernetes’s deployment strategies for rolling out upgrades and handling node failures.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: tunnel-zt
  namespace: example
    tunnel: api-zt
  config.yaml: |
    tunnel: 8e343b13-a087-48ea-825f-9783931ff2a5
    credentials-file: /opt/zt/creds/creds.json
        enabled: true

This creates a Kubernetes ConfigMap with a basic configuration that enables WARP routing for the tunnel ID specified. You can get this tunnel ID from your configuration management system, the Cloudflare Zero Trust dashboard, or by running the following command from another device logged into the same account.

cloudflared tunnel list

Next, we’ll need to create a secret for our tunnel credentials. While you should use a secret management system, for simplicity we’ll create one directly here.

jq -cn --arg accountTag $CF_ACCOUNT_TAG \
       --arg tunnelID $CF_TUNNEL_ID \
       --arg tunnelName $CF_TUNNEL_NAME \
       --arg tunnelSecret $CF_TUNNEL_SECRET \
   '{AccountTag: $accountTag, TunnelID: $tunnelID, TunnelName: $tunnelName, TunnelSecret: $tunnelSecret}' | \
kubectl create secret generic -n example tunnel-creds --from-file=creds.json=/dev/stdin

This creates a new secret “tunnel-creds” in the “example” namespace with the credentials file the tunnel expects.

Now we can deploy the tunnels themselves. We deploy multiple replicas to ensure some are always available, even while nodes are being drained.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
    tunnel: api-zt
  name: tunnel-api-zt
  namespace: example
  replicas: 3
      tunnel: api-zt
      maxSurge: 0
      maxUnavailable: 1
        tunnel: api-zt
        - args:
            - tunnel
            - --config
            - /opt/zt/config/config.yaml
            - run
            - name: GOMAXPROCS
              value: "2"
            - name: TZ
              value: UTC
          image: cloudflare/cloudflared:2022.5.3
            failureThreshold: 1
              path: /ready
              port: 8081
            initialDelaySeconds: 10
            periodSeconds: 10
          name: tunnel
            - containerPort: 8081
              name: http-metrics
              cpu: "1"
              memory: 100Mi
            - mountPath: /opt/zt/config
              name: config
              readOnly: true
            - mountPath: /opt/zt/creds
              name: creds
              readOnly: true
        - secret:
            name: tunnel-creds
          name: creds
        - configMap:
            name: tunnel-api-zt
          name: config

Using Kubectl with Cloudflare Zero Trust

Kubectl with Cloudflare Zero Trust

After deploying the Cloudflare Zero Trust agent, members of your team can now access the Kubernetes API without needing to set up any special SOCKS tunnels!

kubectl version --short
Client Version: v1.24.1
Server Version: v1.24.1

What’s next?

If you try this out, send us your feedback! We’re continuing to improve Zero Trust for non-HTTP workflows.

[$] NFS: the new millennium

Post Syndicated from original

The network filesystem (NFS) protocol has been with us for nearly 40 years.
While defined initially as a stateless protocol, NFS implementations have
always had to manage state, and that need has been increasingly built into
the protocol over successive revisions. The early days of NFS were
discussed, with a focus on state management, in the first part of this series. This article
completes the job with a look at the evolution of NFS since, approximately,
the beginning of this millennium.

Decommissioning your VDI

Post Syndicated from James Chang original

Decommissioning your VDI

Decommissioning your VDI

This blog offers Cloudflare’s perspective on how remote browser isolation can help organizations offload internal web application use cases currently secured by virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI). VDI has historically been useful to secure remote work, particularly when users relied on desktop applications. However, as web-based apps have become more popular than desktop apps, the drawbacks of VDI – high costs, unresponsive user experience, and complexity – have become harder to ignore. In response, we offer practical recommendations and a phased approach to transition away from VDI, so that organizations can lower cost and unlock productivity by improving employee experiences and simplifying administrative overhead.

Modern Virtual Desktop usage

Background on Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure describes running desktop environments on virtual computers hosted in a data center. When users access resources within VDI, video streams from those virtual desktops are delivered securely to endpoint devices over a network. Today, VDI is predominantly hosted on-premise in data centers and either managed directly by organizations themselves or by third-party Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) providers. In spite of web application usage growing in favor of desktop applications, DaaS is growing, with Gartner® recently projecting DaaS spending to double by 2024.

Both flavors of VDI promise benefits to support remote work. For security, VDI offers a way to centralize configuration for many dispersed users and to keep sensitive data far away from devices. Business executives are often attracted to VDI because of potential cost savings over purchasing and distributing devices to every user. The theory is that when processing is shifted to centralized servers, IT teams can save money shipping out fewer managed laptops and instead support bring-your-own-device (BYOD). When hardware is needed, they can purchase less expensive devices and even extend the lifespan of older devices.

Challenges with VDI

High costs

The reality of VDI is often quite different. In particular, it ends up being much more costly than organizations anticipate for both capital and operational expenditures. Gartner® projects that “by 2024, more than 90% of desktop virtualization projects deployed primarily to save cost will fail to meet their objectives.”

The reasons are multiple. On-premise VDI comes with significant upfront capital expenditures (CapEx) in servers. DaaS deployments require organizations to make opaque decisions about virtual machines (e.g. number, region, service levels, etc.) and their specifications (e.g. persistent vs. pooled, always-on vs. on-demand, etc.). In either scenario, the operational expenditures (OpEx) from maintenance and failing to rightsize capacity can lead to surprises and overruns. For both flavors, the more organizations commit to virtualization, the more they are locked into high ongoing compute expenses, particularly as workforces grow remotely.

Poor user experience

VDI also delivers a subpar user experience. Expectations for frictionless IT experiences have only increased during remote work, and users can still tell the difference between accessing apps directly versus from within a virtual desktop. VDI environments that are not rightsized can lead to clunky, latent, and unresponsive performance. Poor experiences can negatively impact productivity, security (as users seek workarounds outside of VDI), and employee retention (as users grow disaffected).


Overall, VDI is notoriously complex. Initial setup is multi-faceted and labor-intensive, with steps including investing in servers and end user licenses, planning VM requirements and capacity, virtualizing apps, setting up network connectivity, and rolling out VDI thin clients. Establishing security policies is often the last step, and for this reason, can sometimes be overlooked, leading to security gaps.

Moving VDI into full production not only requires cross-functional coordination across typical teams like IT, security, and infrastructure & operations, but also typically requires highly specialized talent, often known as virtual desktop administrators. These skills are hard to find and retain, which can be risky to rely on during this current high-turnover labor market.

Even still, administrators often need to build their own logging, auditing, inspection, and identity-based access policies on top of these virtualized environments. This means additional overhead of configuring separate services like secure web gateways.

Some organizations deploy VDI primarily to avoid the shipping costs, logistical hassles, and regulatory headaches of sending out managed laptops to their global workforce. But with VDI, what seemed like a fix for one problem can quickly create more overhead and frustration. Wrestling with VDI’s complexity is likely not worthwhile, particularly if users only need to access a select few internal web services.

Offloading Virtual Desktop use cases with Remote Browser Isolation

To avoid these frictions, organizations are exploring ways to shift use cases away from VDI, particularly when on-prem. Most applications that workforces rely on today are accessible via the browser and are hosted in public or hybrid cloud or SaaS environments, and even occasionally in legacy data centers. As a result, modern services like remote browser isolation (RBI) increasingly make sense as alternatives to begin offloading VDI workloads and shift security to the cloud.

Like VDI, Cloudflare Browser Isolation minimizes attack surface by running all app and web code away from endpoints — in this case, on Cloudflare’s global network. In the process, Cloudflare can secure data-in-use within a browser from untrusted users and devices, plus insulate those endpoints from threats like ransomware, phishing and even zero-day attacks. Within an isolated browser, administrators can set policies to protect sensitive data on any web-based or SaaS app, just as they would with VDI. Sample controls include restrictions on file uploads / downloads, copy and paste, keyboard inputs, and printing functionality.

This comparable security comes with more achievable business benefits, starting with helping employees be more productive:

  1. End users benefit from a faster and more transparent experience than with VDI. Our browser isolation is designed to run across our 270+ locations, so that isolated sessions are served as close to end users as possible. Unlike with VDI, there is no backhauling user traffic to centralized data centers. Plus, Cloudflare’s Network Vector Rendering (NVR) approach ensures that the in-app experience feels like a native, local browser – without bandwidth intensive pixel pushing techniques.
  2. Administrators benefit because they can skip all the up-front planning, ongoing overhead, and scaling pains associated with VDI. Instead, administrators turn on isolation policies from a single dashboard and let Cloudflare handle scaling to users and devices. Plus, native integrations with ZTNA, SWG, CASB, and other security services make it easy to begin modernizing VDI-adjacent use cases.

On the cost side, expenses associated with browser isolation are overall lower, smoother, and more predictable than with VDI. In fact, Gartner® recently highlighted that “RBI is cheaper than using VDI for isolation if the only application being isolated is the browser.”

Unlike on-prem VDI, there are no capital expenditures on VM capacity, and unlike DaaS subscriptions, Cloudflare offers simple, seat-based pricing with no add-on fees for configurations. Organizations also can skip purchasing standalone point solutions because Cloudflare’s RBI comes natively integrated with other services in the Cloudflare Zero Trust platform. Most notably, we do not charge for cloud consumption, which is a common source of VDI surprise.

Transitioning to Cloudflare Browser Isolation

Decommissioning your VDI
Note: Above diagram includes this table below
Decommissioning your VDI

Customer story: PensionBee

PensionBee, a leading online pension provider in the UK, recognized this opportunity to offload virtual desktop use cases and switch to RBI. As a reaction to the pandemic, PensionBee initially onboarded a DaaS solution (Amazon WorkSpaces) to help employees access internal resources remotely. Specifically, CTO Jonathan Lister Parsons was most concerned about securing Salesforce, where PensionBee held its customers’ sensitive pension data.

The DaaS supported access controls similar to PensionBee configured for employees when they previously were in the office (e.g. allowlisting the IPs of the virtual desktops). But shortly after rollout, Lister Parsons began developing concerns about the unresponsive user experience. In this recent webinar, he in fact guesstimated that “users are generally about 10% less productive when they’re using the DaaS to do their work.” This negative experience increased the support burden on PensionBee’s IT staff to the point where they had to build an automated tool to reboot an employee’s DaaS service whenever it was acting up.

“From a usability perspective, it’s clearly better if employees can have a native browsing experience that people are used to compared to a remote desktop. That’s sort of a no-brainer,” Lister Parsons said. “But typically, it’s been hard to deliver that while keeping security in place, costs low, and setup complexity down.”

When Lister Parsons encountered Cloudflare Browser Isolation, he was impressed with the service’s performance and lightweight user experience. Because PensionBee employees accessed the vast majority of their apps (including Salesforce) via a browser, RBI was a strong fit. Cloudflare’s controls over copy/paste and file downloads reduced the risk of customer pension details in Salesforce reaching local devices.

“We started using Cloudflare Zero Trust with Browser Isolation to help provide the best security for our customers’ data and protect employees from malware,” he said. “It worked so well I forgot it was on.”

PensionBee is just one of many organizations developing a roadmap for this transition from VDI. In the next section, we provide Cloudflare’s recommendations for planning and executing that journey.

Practical recommendations

Pre-implementation planning

Understanding where to start this transition some forethought. Specifically, cross-functional teams – across groups like IT, security, and infrastructure & operations (IO) – should develop a collective understanding of how VDI is used today, what use cases should be offloaded first, and what impact any changes will have across both end users and administrators.

In our own consultations, we start by asking about the needs and expectations of end users because their consistent adoption will dictate an initiative’s success. Based on that foundation, we then typically help organizations map out and prioritize the applications and data they need to secure. Last but not least, we strategize around the ‘how:’ what administrators and expertise will be needed not only for the initial configuration of new services, but also for the ongoing improvement. Below are select questions we ask customers to consider across those key dimensions to help them navigate their VDI transition.

Questions to consider

Decommissioning your VDI

Migration from VDI to RBI

Organizations can leverage Cloudflare Browser Isolation and other Zero Trust services to begin offloading VDI use cases and realize cost savings and productivity gains within days of rollout. Our recommended three-phase approach focuses on securing the most critical services with the least disruption to user experience, while also prioritizing quick time-to-value.

Phase 1: Configure clientless web isolation for web-based applications

Using our clientless web isolation approach, administrators can send users to their private web application served in an isolated browser environment with just a hyperlink – without any software needed on endpoints. Then, administrators can build data protection rules preventing risky user actions within these isolated browser-based apps. Plus, because administrators avoid rolling out endpoint clients, scaling access to employees, contractors, or third parties even on unmanaged devices is as easy as sending a link.

These isolated links can exist in parallel with your existing VDI, enabling a graceful migration to this new approach longer term. Comparing the different experiences side by side can help your internal stakeholders evangelize the RBI-based approach over time. Cross-functional communication is critical throughout this phased rollout: for example, in prioritizing what web apps to isolate before configuration, and after configuration, articulating how those changes will affect end users.

Phase 2: Shift SSH- and VNC-based apps from VDI to Cloudflare

Clientless isolation is a great fit to secure web apps. This next phase helps secure non-web apps within VDI environments, which are commonly accessed via an SSH or VNC connection. For example, privileged administrators often use SSH to control remote desktops and fulfill service requests. Other less technical employees may need the VNC’s graphical user interface to work in legacy apps inaccessible via a modern operating system.

Cloudflare enables access to these SSH and VNC environments through a browser – again without requiring any software installed on endpoints. Both the SSH and VNC setups are similar in that administrators create a secure outbound-only connection between a machine and Cloudflare’s network before a terminal is rendered in a browser. By sending traffic to our network, Cloudflare can authenticate access to apps based on identity check and other granular policies and can provide detailed audits of each user session. (You can read more about the SSH and VNC experience in prior blog posts.)

We recommend first securing SSH apps to support privileged administrators, who can provide valuable feedback. Then, move to support the broader range of users who rely on VNC. Administrators will set up connections and policies using our ZTNA service from the same management panel used for RBI. Altogether, this browser-based experience should reduce latency and have users feeling more at home and productive than in their virtualized desktops.

Phase 3: Progress towards Zero Trust security posture

Step 3A: Set up identity verification policies per application
With phases 1 and 2, you have been using Cloudflare to progressively secure access to web and non-app apps for select VDI use cases. In phase 3, build on that foundation by adopting ZTNA for all your applications, not just ones accessed through VDI.

Administrators use the same Cloudflare policy builder to add more granular conditional access rules in line with Zero Trust security best practices, including checking for an identity provider (IdP). Cloudflare integrates with multiple IdPs simultaneously and can federate multiple instances of the same IdP, enabling flexibility to support any variety of users. After setting up IdP verification, we see administrators often enhance security by requiring MFA. These types of identity checks can also be set up within VDI environments, which can build confidence in adopting Zero Trust before deprecating VDI entirely.

Step 3B: Rebuild confidence in user devices by layering in device posture checks
So far, the practical steps we’ve recommended do not require any Cloudflare software on endpoints – which optimizes for deployment speed in offloading VDI use cases. But longer term, there are security, visibility, and productivity benefits to deploying Cloudflare’s device client where it makes sense.

Cloudflare’s device client (aka WARP) works across all major operating systems and is optimized for flexible deployment. For managed devices, use any script-based method with popular mobile device management (MDM) software, and self-enrollment is a useful option for third-party users. With WARP deployed, administrators can enhance application access policies by first checking for the presence of specific programs or files, disk encryption status, the right OS version, and other additional attributes. Plus, if your organization uses endpoint protection (EPP) providers like Crowdstrike, SentinelOne, and more, verify access by first checking for the presence of that software or examining device health.

Altogether, adding device posture signals both levels up security and enables more granular visibility for both managed and BYOD devices. As with identity verification, administrators can start by enabling device posture checks for users still using virtual desktops. Over time, as administrators build more confidence in user devices, they should begin routing users on managed devices to apps directly, as opposed to through the slower VDI experience.

Step 3C: Progressively shift security services away from virtualized environments to Zero Trust
Rethinking application access use cases in prior phases has reduced reliance on complex VDI. By now, Administrators should already be building comfort with Zero Trust policies, as enabled by Cloudflare. Our final recommendation in this article is to continue that journey away from virtualization and towards Zero Trust Network Access.

Instead of sending any users into virtualized apps in virtualized desktops, organizations can reduce their overhead entirely and embrace cloud-delivered ZTNA to protect one-to-one connections between all users and all apps in any cloud environment. The more apps secured with Cloudflare vs. VDI, the greater consistency of controls, visibility, and end user experience.

Virtualization has provided a powerful technology to bridge the gap between our hardware-centric legacy investments and IT’s cloud-first future. At this point, however, reliance on virtualization puts undue pressure on your administrators and risks diminishing end user productivity. As apps, users, and data accelerate their migration to the cloud, it only makes sense to shift security controls there too with cloud-native, not virtualized services.

As longer term steps, organizations can explore taking advantage of Cloudflare’s other natively-integrated services, such as our Secure Web Gateway (SWG), Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB), and email security. Other blogs this week outline how to transition to these Cloudflare services from other legacy technologies.

Summary table

Decommissioning your VDI

Best practices and progress metrics

Below are sample best practices we recommend achieving as smooth a transition as possible, followed by sample metrics to track progress on your initiative:

  • Be attuned to end user experiences: Whatever replaces VDI needs to perform better than what came before. When trying to change user habits and drive adoption, administrators must closely track what users like and dislike about the new services.
  • Prioritize cross-functional collaboration: Sunsetting VDI will inevitably involve coordination across diverse teams across IT, security, infrastructure, and virtual desktop administrators. It is critical to establish shared ways of working and trust to overcome any road bumps.
  • Roll out incrementally and learn: Test out each step with a subset of users and apps before rolling out more widely to figure out what works (and does not). Start by testing out clientless web isolation for select apps to gain buy-in from users and executives.

Sample progress metrics

Decommissioning your VDI

Explore your VDI transition

Cloudflare Zero Trust makes it easy to begin sunsetting your VDI, beginning with leveraging our clientless browser isolation to secure web apps.

To learn more about how to move towards Zero Trust and away from virtualized desktops, request a consultation today.Replacing your VDI is a great project to fit into your overall Zero Trust roadmap. For a full summary of Cloudflare One Week and what’s new, tune in to our recap webinar.

HTTP/3 inspection on Cloudflare Gateway

Post Syndicated from Ankur Aggarwal original

HTTP/3 inspection on Cloudflare Gateway

HTTP/3 inspection on Cloudflare Gateway

Today, we’re excited to announce upcoming support for HTTP/3 inspection through Cloudflare Gateway, our comprehensive secure web gateway. HTTP/3 currently powers 25% of the Internet and delivers a faster browsing experience, without compromising security. Until now, administrators seeking to filter and inspect HTTP/3-enabled websites or APIs needed to either compromise on performance by falling back to HTTP/2 or lose visibility by bypassing inspection. With HTTP/3 support in Cloudflare Gateway, you can have full visibility on all traffic and provide the fastest browsing experience for your users.

Why is the web moving to HTTP/3?

HTTP is one of the oldest technologies that powers the Internet. All the way back in 1996, security and performance were afterthoughts and encryption was left to the transport layer to manage. This model doesn’t scale to the performance needs of the modern Internet and has led to HTTP being upgraded to HTTP/2 and now HTTP/3.

HTTP/3 accelerates browsing activity by using QUIC, a modern transport protocol that is always encrypted by default. This delivers faster performance by reducing round-trips between the user and the web server and is more performant for users with unreliable connections. For further information about HTTP/3’s performance advantages take a look at our previous blog here.

HTTP/3 development and adoption

Cloudflare’s mission is to help build a better Internet. We see HTTP/3 as an important building block to make the Internet faster and more secure. We worked closely with the IETF to iterate on the HTTP/3 and QUIC standards documents. These efforts combined with progress made by popular browsers like Chrome and Firefox to enable QUIC by default have translated into HTTP/3 now being used by over 25% of all websites and for an even more thorough analysis.

We’ve advocated for HTTP/3 extensively over the past few years. We first introduced support for the underlying transport layer QUIC in September 2018 and then from there worked to introduce HTTP/3 support for our reverse proxy services the following year in September of 2019. Since then our efforts haven’t slowed down and today we support the latest revision of HTTP/3, using the final “h3” identifier matching RFC 9114.

HTTP/3 inspection hurdles

But while there are many advantages to HTTP/3, its introduction has created deployment complexity and security tradeoffs for administrators seeking to filter and inspect HTTP traffic on their networks. HTTP/3 offers familiar HTTP request and response semantics, but the use of QUIC changes how it looks and behaves “on the wire”. Since QUIC runs atop UDP, it  is architecturally distinct from legacy TCP-based protocols and has poor support from legacy secure web gateways. The combination of these two factors has made it challenging for administrators to keep up with the evolving technological landscape while maintaining the users’ performance expectations and ensuring visibility and control over Internet traffic.

Without proper secure web gateway support for HTTP/3, administrators have needed to choose whether to compromise on security and/or performance for their users. Security tradeoffs include not inspecting UDP traffic, or even worse forgoing critical security capabilities such as inline anti-virus scanning, data-loss prevention, browser isolation and/or traffic logging. Naturally, for any security conscious organization discarding security and visibility is not an acceptable approach and this has led administrators to proactively disable HTTP/3 on their end user devices. This introduces deployment complexity and sacrifices performance as it requires disabling QUIC-support within the users web browsers.

How to enable HTTP/3 Inspection

Once support for HTTP/3 inspection is available for select browsers later this year, you’ll be able to enable HTTP/3 inspection through the dashboard. Once logged into the Zero Trust dashboard you will need to toggle on proxying, click the box for UDP traffic, and enable TLS decryption under Settings > Network > Firewall. Once these settings have been enabled; AV-scanning, remote browser isolation, DLP, and HTTP filtering can be applied via HTTP policies to all of your organization’s proxied HTTP traffic.

HTTP/3 inspection on Cloudflare Gateway

What’s next

Administrators will no longer need to make security tradeoffs based on the evolving technological landscape and can focus on protecting their organization and teams. We’ll reach out to all Cloudflare One customers once HTTP/3 inspection is available and are excited to simplify secure web gateway deployments for administrators.

HTTP/3 traffic inspection will be available to all administrators of all plan types; if you have not signed up already click here to get started.

Connect to private network services with Browser Isolation

Post Syndicated from Tim Obezuk original

Connect to private network services with Browser Isolation

Connect to private network services with Browser Isolation

If you’re working in an IT organization that has relied on virtual desktops but looking to get rid of them, we have some good news: starting today, you can connect your users to your private network via isolated remote browsers. This means you can deliver sensitive internal web applications — reducing costs without sacrificing security.

Browser Isolation with private network connectivity enables your users to securely access private web services without installing any software or agents on an endpoint device or absorbing the management and cost overhead of serving virtual desktops. What’s even better: Browser Isolation is natively integrated into Cloudflare’s Zero Trust platform, making it easy to control and monitor who can access what private services from a remote browser without sacrificing performance or security.

Deprecating virtual desktops for web apps

The presence of virtual desktops in the workplace tells an interesting story about the evolution of deploying and securing enterprise applications. Serving a full virtual desktop to end-users is an expensive decision, each user requiring a dedicated virtual machine with multiple CPU cores and gigabytes of memory to run a full operating system. This cost was offset by the benefits of streamlining desktop app distribution and the security benefits of isolating unmanaged devices from the aging application.

Then the launch of Chromium/V8 surprised everyone by demonstrating that desktop-grade applications could be built entirely in web-based technologies.  Today, a vast majority of applications — either SaaS or private — exist within a web browser. With most Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) users connecting to a remote desktop just to open a web browser, VDI’s utility for distributing applications is really no longer needed and has become a tremendously expensive way to securely host a web browser.

Browser Isolation with private network connectivity enables businesses to maintain the security benefits of VDI, without the costs of hosting and operating legacy virtual desktops.

Transparent end-user experience

But it doesn’t just have a better ROI. Browser Isolation also offers a better experience for your end-users, too. Serving web applications via virtual desktops is a clunky experience. Users first need to connect to their virtual desktop (either through a desktop application or web portal), open an embedded web browser. This model requires users to context-switch between local and remote web applications which adds friction, impacting user productivity.

With Browser Isolation users simply navigate to the isolated private application in their preferred web browser and use the service as if they were directly browsing the remote web browser.

How it works

Browser Isolation with private network connectivity works by unifying our Zero Trust products: Cloudflare Access and Cloudflare Tunnels.

Cloudflare Access authorizes your users via your preferred Identity Provider and connects them to a remote browser without installing any software on their device. Cloudflare Tunnels securely connects your private network to remote browsers hosted on Cloudflare’s network without opening any inbound ports on your firewall.

Monitor third-party users on private networks

Ever needed to give a contractor or vendor access to your network to remotely manage a web UI? Simply add the user to your Clientless Web Isolation policy, and they can connect to your internal service without installing any client software on their device. All requests to private IPs are filtered, inspected, and logged through Cloudflare Gateway.

Apply data protection controls

All traffic from remote browsers into your network is inspected and filtered. Data protection controls such as disabling clipboard, printing and file upload/downloads can be granularly applied to high-risk user groups and sensitive applications.

Get started

Connect your network to Cloudflare Zero Trust

It’s ridiculously easy to connect any network with outbound Internet access.

Engineers needing a web environment to debug and test services inside a private network just need to run a single command to connect their network to Browser Isolation using Cloudflare Tunnels.

Enable Clientless Web Isolation

Clientless Web Isolation allows users to connect to a remote browser without installing any software on the endpoint device. That means company-wide deployment is seamless and transparent to end users. Follow these steps to enable Clientless Web Isolation and define what users are allowed to connect to a remote browser.

Browse private IP resources

Now that you have your network connected to Cloudflare, and your users connected to remote browsers it’s easy for a user to connect to any RFC 1918 address in a remote browser. Simply navigate to your isolation endpoint, and you’ll be connected to your private network.

For example, if you want a user to manage a router hosted at, prefix this URL with your isolation endpoint such as


That’s it! Users are automatically served a remote browser in a nearby Cloudflare data center.

Remote browser connected to a private web service with data loss prevention policies enabled

Define policies

At this point, your users can connect to any private resource inside your network. You may want to further control what endpoints your users can reach. To do this, navigate to Gateway → Policies → HTTP and allow / block or apply data protection controls for any private resource based on identity or destination IP address. See our developer documentation for more information.

Connect to private network services with Browser Isolation

Additionally, isolation policies can be defined to control how users can interact with the remote browser to disable the clipboard, printing or file upload / downloads. See our developer documentation for more information.

Logging and visibility

Finally, all remote browser traffic is logged by the Secure Web Gateway. Navigate to Logs → Gateway → HTTP and filter by identity or destination IP address.

Connect to private network services with Browser Isolation

What’s next?

We’re excited to learn how people use Browser Isolation to enable remote access to private networks and protect sensitive apps. Like always, we’re just getting started so stay tuned for improvements on configuring remote browsers and deeper connectivity with Access applications. Click here to get started with Browser Isolation.

Announcing Gateway + CASB

Post Syndicated from Corey Mahan original

Announcing Gateway + CASB

This post is also available in 简体中文, 日本語, Español.

Announcing Gateway + CASB

Shadow IT and managing access to sanctioned or unsanctioned SaaS applications remain one of the biggest pain points for IT administrators in the era of the cloud.

We’re excited to announce that starting today, Cloudflare’s Secure Web Gateway and our new API-driven Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) work seamlessly together to help IT and security teams go from finding Shadow IT to fixing it in minutes.

Detect security issues within SaaS applications

Cloudflare’s API-driven CASB starts by providing comprehensive visibility into SaaS applications, so you can easily prevent data leaks and compliance violations. Setup takes just a few clicks to integrate with your organization’s SaaS services, like Google Workspace and Microsoft 365. From there, IT and security teams can see what applications and services their users are logging into and how company data is being shared.

So you’ve found the issues. But what happens next?

Identify and detect, but then what?

Customer feedback from the API-driven CASB beta has followed a similar theme: it was super easy to set up and detect all my security issues, but how do I fix this stuff?

Almost immediately after investigating the most critical issues, it makes sense to want to start taking action. Whether it be detecting an unknown application being used for Shadow IT or wanting to limit functionality, access, or behaviors to a known but unapproved application, remediation is front of mind.

This led to customers feeling like they had a bunch of useful data in front of them, but no clear action to take to get started on fixing them.

Create Gateway policies from CASB security findings

To solve this problem, we’re allowing you to easily create Gateway policies from CASB security findings. Security findings are issues detected within SaaS applications that involve users, data at rest, and settings that are assigned a Low, Medium, High or Critical severity per integration.

Using the security findings from CASB allows for fine-grained Gateway policies which prevent future unwanted behavior while still allowing usage that aligns to company security policy. This means going from viewing a CASB security issue, like the use of an unapproved SaaS application, to preventing or controlling access in minutes. This seamless cross-product experience all happens from a single, unified platform.

For example, take the CASB Google Workspace security finding around third-party apps which detects sign-ins or other permission sharing from a user’s account. In just a few clicks, you can create a Gateway policy to block some or all of the activity, like uploads or downloads, to the detected SaaS application. This policy can be applied to some or all users, based on what access has been granted to the user’s account.

By surfacing the exact behavior with CASB, you can take swift and targeted action to better protect your organization with Gateway.

Announcing Gateway + CASB

Get started today with the Cloudflare One

This post highlights one of the many ways the Cloudflare One suite of solutions work seamlessly together as a unified platform to find and fix security issues across SaaS applications.

Get started now with Cloudflare’s Secure Web Gateway by signing up here. Cloudflare’s API-driven CASB is in closed beta with new customers being onboarded each week. You can request access here to try out this exciting new cross-product feature.

What’s Up, Home? Welcome to my Zabbixverse

Post Syndicated from Janne Pikkarainen original

By day, I am a monitoring technical lead in a global cyber security company. By night, I monitor my home with Zabbix and Grafana in very creative ways. But what has Zabbix to do with Blender 3D software or virtual reality? Read on.

Full-stack monitoring is an old concept — in the IT world, it means your service is monitored all the way from physical level (data center environmental status like temperature or smoke detection, power, network connectivity, hardware status…) to operating system status, to your application status, enriched with all kinds of data such as application logs or end-to-end testing performance. Zabbix has very mature support for that, but how about… full house monitoring in 3D and, possibly, in virtual reality?

Slow down, what are you talking about?

The catacombs of my heart do have a place for 3D modeling. I am not a talented 3D artist, not by a long shot, but I have flirted with 3D apps since Amiga 500 and it’s Real 3D 1.4, then later with Amiga 1200 a legally purchased Tornado 3D, and not so legally downloaded Lightwave. With Linux, so after 1999 for me, I have used POV-Ray about 20 years ago, and as Blender went open source a long time ago, I have tried it out every now and then.

So, in theory, I can do 3D. In practice, it’s the “Hmm, I wonder what happens if I press this button” approach I use.

Not so slow, get to the point, please

Okay. There are several reasons why I am doing this whole home monitoring thing.

  1. I have been doing IT monitoring for 20+ years, so really, there is not much new for me. Don’t get that wrong — boring is GOOD when it comes to business monitoring. Your business does count on it, and it’s perfect that whatever you need to monitor, you can do it reliably and easily. But for me, it does not challenge my brain or get my creative juices flowing. Monitoring the 3D world sure does.
  2. With my home Zabbix & Grafana, I can get as wild and childish as I ever want. Of course, not so much at work. (Though I admit that at work I did set up an easter egg Grafana dashboard called OnlyFans — it is literally showing how the cooling fans of our servers and other devices are doing).
  3. I want to give y’all new ideas and motivation to take your monitoring to the next level.
  4. I want to help raise Zabbix as a product to a whole new level from traditional IT monitoring to monitoring the environment we all live in — anyway, the future of monitoring will more and more be in the real world, too
2D or not 2D, that is the question

For traditional IT monitoring, 2D interface and 2D alerts are OK, maybe apart from physical rack location visualization, where it definitely helps if a sysadmin can locate a malfunctioning server easily from a picture.

For the Real World monitoring, it is a different story. I’m sure an electrician would appreciate if the alert would contain pictures or animations visualizing the exact location of whatever was broken. The same for plumbers, guards, whoever needs to get to fix something in huge buildings, fast.

Let’s get to it

Now that you know my motivation, let’s finally get started!

In my case, leaping Zabbix from 2D to 3D meant just a bunch of easy steps:

  1. Model my home in Sweet Home 3D; it’s very easy to use and definitely easier for my back than my wife requesting “could we try out how the sofa would look like over there…?”
  2. Import the Sweet Home 3D object to Blender
  3. In Blender, relabel the interesting objects to match with the names in Zabbix
  4. Hook Zabbix and Blender together with Python and Blender Python API, so Zabbix can change the alerting object somehow for its properties — change material, change color, add a glow effect, make it fire/smoke/explode, whatever
  5. Ask Blender Python API to export the rendered results as PNG images and as X3D files
Home sweet home

Sweet Home 3D is a relatively easy-to-use home modeling application. It’s free, and already contains a generous bunch of furniture, and with a small sum, you’ll get access to many, many more items.

After a few moments, I had my home modeled in Sweet Home 3D.


Next, I exported the file to .obj format, recognized by Blender.

Will it blend?

In Blender, I created a new scene, removed the meme-worthy default cube, and imported the Sweet Home 3D model to Blender.

Oh wow, it worked! Next, I needed to label the interesting items, such as our living room TV to match the names in Zabbix.

You modeled your home. Great! But does this Zabbix —> Blender integration work?

Yes, it does. Here is my first “let’s throw in some random objects into a Blender scene and try to manipulate it from Zabbix” attempt before any Sweet Home 3D business.

Fancy? No. Meaningful? Yes. There’s a lot going on in here.

  1. Through Python, Zabbix was able to modify a Blender scene and change some colors to red.
  2. Blender rendered the scene in its headless server mode (without GUI), and saved the resulting PNG still frame.
  3. The script ran by Zabbix did copy the image to be available for Zabbix UI (in my case, I created /assets/3d/ directory which contains everything relevant to this experiment).
  4. Zabbix URL widget is showing the image.

My Zabbix is now consulting Blender for every severity >=Average trigger, and I can also run the rendering manually any time I want.

First, here’s the manual refresh.


Next, here is the trigger:


Static image result

Here is a static PNG image rendering result by Blender Eevee rendering engine. Like gaming engines, Eevee cuts some corners when it comes to accuracy, but with a powerful GPU it can do wonders in real-time or at least in near-real-time.

The “I am not a 3D artist” part will hit you now hard. Cover your eyes, this will hurt. Here’s the Eevee rendering result.

 That green color? No, our home is not like that. I just tried to make this thing look more futuristic, perhaps Matrix-like… but now it looks like… well… like I would have used a 3D program. The red Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer nose-like thing? I imagined it would be a neatly glowing red sphere along with the TV glowing, indicating an alert with our TV. Fail for the visual part, but at least the alert logic works! And don’t ask why the TV looks so strange.

But you get the point. Imagine if a warehouse/factory/whatever monitoring center would see something like this in their alerts. No more cryptic “Power socket S1F1A255DU not working” alerts, instead, the alert would pinpoint the alert in a visual way.

There was supposed to be an earth-shattering VR! Where’s the VR?

Mark Zuckerberg, be very afraid with your Metaverse, as Zabbixverse will rule the world. Among many other formats, Blender can export its scenes to X3D format. It’s one of the virtual world formats our web browsers do support, and dead simple to embed inside Zabbix/Grafana. Blender would support WebGL, too, but getting X3D to run only needed the use of <x3d> tag, so for my experiment, it was super easy.

The video looks crappy because I have not done any texture/light work yet, but the concept works! In the video, it is me controlling the movement.

In my understanding, X3D/WebGL supports VR headsets, too, so in theory you could be observing the status of whatever physical facility you monitor through your VR headset.

Of course, this works in Grafana, too.

How much does this cost to implement?

It’s free! I mean, Zabbix is free, Python is free and Blender is free, and open source. If you have some 3D blueprints of your facility in a format Blender can support — it supports plenty — you’re all set! Have an engineer or two or ten for doing the 3D scene labeling work, and pretty soon you will see you are doing your monitoring in 3D world.

What are the limitations?

The new/resolved alerts are not updated to the scene in real-time. For PNG files that does not matter much, as those are static and Zabbix can update those as often as needed, but for the interactive X3D files it’s a shame that for now the scene will only be updated whenever you refresh the page, or Zabbix does it for you. I need to learn if I can update X3D properties in real-time instead of a forced page load.

Coming up next week: monitoring Philips OneBlade

Next week I will show you how I monitor a Philips OneBlade shaver for its estimated runtime left. The device does not have any IoT functionality, so how do I monitor it? Tune in to this blog next week at the same Zabbix time.

I have been working at Forcepoint since 2014 and never get bored of inventing new ways to visualize data.

The post What’s Up, Home? Welcome to my Zabbixverse appeared first on Zabbix Blog.

On the Dangers of Cryptocurrencies and the Uselessness of Blockchain

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original

Earlier this month, I and others wrote a letter to Congress, basically saying that cryptocurrencies are an complete and total disaster, and urging them to regulate the space. Nothing in that letter is out of the ordinary, and is in line with what I wrote about blockchain in 2019. In response, Matthew Green has written—not really a rebuttal—but a “a general response to some of the more common spurious objections…people make to public blockchain systems.” In it, he makes several broad points:

  1. Yes, current proof-of-work blockchains like bitcoin are terrible for the environment. But there are other modes like proof-of-stake that are not.
  2. Yes, a blockchain is an immutable ledger making it impossible to undo specific transactions. But that doesn’t mean there can’t be some governance system on top of the blockchain that enables reversals.
  3. Yes, bitcoin doesn’t scale and the fees are too high. But that’s nothing inherent in blockchain technology—that’s just a bunch of bad design choices bitcoin made.
  4. Blockchain systems can have a little or a lot of privacy, depending on how they are designed and implemented.

There’s nothing on that list that I disagree with. (We can argue about whether proof-of-stake is actually an improvement. I am skeptical of systems that enshrine a “they who have the gold make the rules” system of governance. And to the extent any of those scaling solutions work, they undo the decentralization blockchain claims to have.) But I also think that these defenses largely miss the point. To me, the problem isn’t that blockchain systems can be made slightly less awful than they are today. The problem is that they don’t do anything their proponents claim they do. In some very important ways, they’re not secure. They don’t replace trust with code; in fact, in many ways they are far less trustworthy than non-blockchain systems. They’re not decentralized, and their inevitable centralization is harmful because it’s largely emergent and ill-defined. They still have trusted intermediaries, often with more power and less oversight than non-blockchain systems. They still require governance. They still require regulation. (These things are what I wrote about here.) The problem with blockchain is that it’s not an improvement to any system—and often makes things worse.

In our letter, we write: “By its very design, blockchain technology is poorly suited for just about every purpose currently touted as a present or potential source of public benefit. From its inception, this technology has been a solution in search of a problem and has now latched onto concepts such as financial inclusion and data transparency to justify its existence, despite far better solutions to these issues already in use. Despite more than thirteen years of development, it has severe limitations and design flaws that preclude almost all applications that deal with public customer data and regulated financial transactions and are not an improvement on existing non-blockchain solutions.”

Green responds: “‘Public blockchain’ technology enables many stupid things: today’s cryptocurrency schemes can be venal, corrupt, overpromised. But the core technology is absolutely not useless. In fact, I think there are some pretty exciting things happening in the field, even if most of them are further away from reality than their boosters would admit.” I have yet to see one. More specifically, I can’t find a blockchain application whose value has anything to do with the blockchain part, that wouldn’t be made safer, more secure, more reliable, and just plain better by removing the blockchain part. I postulate that no one has ever said “Here is a problem that I have. Oh look, blockchain is a good solution.” In every case, the order has been: “I have a blockchain. Oh look, there is a problem I can apply it to.” And in no cases does it actually help.

Someone, please show me an application where blockchain is essential. That is, a problem that could not have been solved without blockchain that can now be solved with it. (And “ransomware couldn’t exist because criminals are blocked from using the conventional financial networks, and cash payments aren’t feasible” does not count.)

For example, Green complains that “credit card merchant fees are similar, or have actually risen in the United States since the 1990s.” This is true, but has little to do with technological inefficiencies or existing trust relationships in the industry. It’s because pretty much everyone who can and is paying attention gets 1% back on their purchases: in cash, frequent flier miles, or other affinity points. Green is right about how unfair this is. It’s a regressive subsidy, “since these fees are baked into the cost of most retail goods and thus fall heavily on the working poor (who pay them even if they use cash).” But that has nothing to do with the lack of blockchain, and solving it isn’t helped by adding a blockchain. It’s a regulatory problem; with a few exceptions, credit card companies have successfully pressured merchants into charging the same prices, whether someone pays in cash or with a credit card. Peer-to-peer payment systems like PayPal, Venmo, MPesa, and AliPay all get around those high transaction fees, and none of them use blockchain.

This is my basic argument: blockchain does nothing to solve any existing problem with financial (or other) systems. Those problems are inherently economic and political, and have nothing to do with technology. And, more importantly, technology can’t solve economic and political problems. Which is good, because adding blockchain causes a whole slew of new problems and makes all of these systems much, much worse.

Green writes: “I have no problem with the idea of legislators (intelligently) passing laws to regulate cryptocurrency. Indeed, given the level of insanity and the number of outright scams that are happening in this area, it’s pretty obvious that our current regulatory framework is not up to the task.” But when you remove the insanity and the scams, what’s left?

EDITED TO ADD: Nicholas Weaver is also adamant about this. David Rosenthal is good, too.

EDITED TO ADD (7/8/2022): This post has been translated into German.

CVE-2022-31749: WatchGuard Authenticated Arbitrary File Read/Write (Fixed)

Post Syndicated from Jake Baines original

CVE-2022-31749: WatchGuard Authenticated Arbitrary File Read/Write (Fixed)

A remote and low-privileged WatchGuard Firebox or XTM user can read arbitrary system files when using the SSH interface due to an argument injection vulnerability affecting the diagnose command. Additionally, a remote and highly privileged user can write arbitrary system files when using the SSH interface due to an argument injection affecting the import pac command. Rapid7 reported these issues to WatchGuard, and the vulnerabilities were assigned CVE-2022-31749. On June 23, Watchguard published an advisory and released patches in Fireware OS 12.8.1, 12.5.10, and 12.1.4.


WatchGuard Firebox and XTM appliances are firewall and VPN solutions ranging in form factor from tabletop, rack mounted, virtualized, and “rugged” ICS designs. The appliances share a common underlying operating system named Fireware OS.

At the time of writing, there are more than 25,000 WatchGuard appliances with their HTTP interface discoverable on Shodan. There are more than 9,000 WatchGuard appliances exposing their SSH interface.

In February 2022, GreyNoise and CISA published details of WatchGuard appliances vulnerable to CVE-2022-26318 being exploited in the wild. Rapid7 discovered CVE-2022-31749 while analyzing the WatchGuard XTM appliance for the writeup of CVE-2022-26318 on AttackerKB.


This issue was discovered by Jake Baines of Rapid7, and it is being disclosed in accordance with Rapid7’s vulnerability disclosure policy.

Vulnerability details

CVE-2022-31749 is an argument injection into the ftpput and ftpget commands. The arguments are injected when the SSH CLI prompts the attacker for a username and password when using the diagnose or import pac commands. For example:

WG>diagnose to ftp://test/test
Name: username

The “Name” and “Password” values are not sanitized before they are combined into the “ftpput” and “ftpget” commands and executed via Execution occurs using execle, so command injection isn’t possible, but argument injection is. Using this injection, an attacker can upload and download arbitrary files.

File writing turns out to be less useful than an attacker would hope. The problem, from an attacker point of view, is that WatchGuard has locked down much of the file system, and the user can only modify a few directories: /tmp/, /pending/, and /var/run. At the time of writing, we don’t see a way to escalate the file write into code execution, though we wouldn’t rule it out as a possibility.

The low-privileged user file read is interesting because WatchGuard has a built-in low-privileged user named status. This user is intended to “read-only” access to the system. In fact, historically speaking, the default password for this user was “readonly”. Using CVE-2022-31749 this low-privileged user can exfiltrate the configd-hash.xml file, which contains user password hashes when Firebox-DB is in use. Example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <user name="admin">
    <role>Device Administrator</role>
  <user name="status">
    <role>Device Monitor</role>
  <user name="wg-support">
    <role>Device Monitor</role>

The hashes are just unsalted MD4 hashes. @funoverip wrote about cracking these weak hashes using Hashcat all the way back in 2013.


Rapid7 has published a proof of concept that exfiltrates the configd-hash.xml file via the diagnose command. The following video demonstrates its use against WatchGuard XTMv 12.1.3 Update 8.

CVE-2022-31749: WatchGuard Authenticated Arbitrary File Read/Write (Fixed)


Apply the WatchGuard Fireware updates. If possible, remove internet access to the appliance’s SSH interface. Out of an abundance of caution, changing passwords after updating is a good idea.

Vendor statement

WatchGuard thanks Rapid7 for their quick vulnerability report and willingness to work through a responsible disclosure process to protect our customers. We always appreciate working with external researchers to identify and resolve vulnerabilities in our products and we take all reports seriously. We have issued a resolution for this vulnerability, as well as several internally discovered issues, and advise our customers to upgrade their Firebox and XTM products as quickly as possible. Additionally, we recommend all administrators follow our published best practices for secure remote management access to their Firebox and XTM devices.

Disclosure timeline

March, 2022: Discovered by Jake Baines of Rapid7
Mar 29, 2022: Reported to Watchguard via support phone, issue assigned case number 01676704.
Mar 29, 2022: Watchguard acknowledged follow-up email.
April 20, 2022: Rapid7 followed up, asking for progress.
April 21, 2022: WatchGuard acknowledged again they were researching the issue.
May 26, 2022: Rapid7 checked in on status of the issue.
May 26, 2022: WatchGuard indicates patches should be released in June, and asks about CVE assignment.
May 26, 2022: Rapid7 assigns CVE-2022-31749
June 23, 2022: This disclosure


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Sending Amazon EventBridge events to private endpoints in a VPC

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original

This post is written by Emily Shea, Senior GTM Specialist, Event-Driven Architectures.

Building with events can help you accelerate feature velocity and build scalable, fault tolerant applications. You can achieve loose coupling in your application using asynchronous communication via events. Loose coupling allows each development team to build and deploy independently and each component to scale and fail without impacting the others. This approach is referred to as event-driven architecture.

Amazon EventBridge helps you build event-driven architectures. You can publish events to the EventBridge event bus and EventBridge routes those events to targets. You can write rules to filter events and only send them to the interested targets. For example, an order fulfillment service may only be interested in events of type ‘new order created.’

EventBridge is serverless, so there is no infrastructure to manage and the service scales automatically. EventBridge has native integrations with over 100 AWS services and over 40 SaaS providers.

Amazon EventBridge has a native integration with AWS Lambda, and many AWS customers use events to trigger Lambda functions to process events. You may also want to send events to workloads running on Amazon EC2 or containerized workloads deployed with Amazon ECS or Amazon EKS. These services are deployed into an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud, or VPC.

For some use cases, you may be able to expose public endpoints for your VPC. You can use EventBridge API destinations to send events to any public HTTP endpoint. API destinations include features like OAuth support and rate limiting to control the number of events you are sending per second.

However, some customers are not able to expose public endpoints for security or compliance purposes. This tutorial shows you how to send EventBridge events to a private endpoint in a VPC using a Lambda function to relay events. This solution deploys the Lambda function connected to the VPC and uses IAM permissions to enable EventBridge to invoke the Lambda function. Learn more about Lambda VPC connectivity here.

In this blog post, you learn how to send EventBridge events to a private endpoint in a VPC. You set up an example application with an EventBridge event bus, a Lambda function to relay events, a Flask application running in an EKS cluster to receive events behind an Application Load Balancer (ALB), and a secret stored in Secrets Manager for authenticating requests. This application uses EKS and Secrets Manager to demonstrate sending and authenticating requests to a containerized workload, but the same pattern applies for other container orchestration services like ECS and your preferred secret management solution.

Continue reading for the full example application and walkthrough. If you have an existing application in a VPC, you can deploy just the event relay portion and input your VPC details as parameters.

Solution overview


  1. An event is sent to the EventBridge bus.
  2. If the event matches a certain pattern (ex, if ‘detail-type’ is ‘inbound-event-sent’), an EventBridge rule uses EventBridge’s input transformer to format the event as an HTTP call.
  3. The EventBridge rule pushes the event to a Lambda function connected to the VPC and a CloudWatch Logs group for debugging.
  4. The Lambda function calls Secrets Manager and retrieves a secret key. It appends the secret key to the event headers and then makes an HTTP call to the ALB URL endpoint.
  5. ALB routes this HTTP call to a node group in the EKS cluster. The Flask application running on the EKS cluster calls Secret Manager, confirms that the secret key is valid, and then processes the event.
  6. The Lambda function receives a response from ALB.
    1. If the Flask application fails to process the event for any reason, the Lambda function raises an error. The function’s failure destination is configured to send the event and the error message to an SQS dead letter queue.
    2. If the Flask application successfully processes the event and the ‘return-response-event’ flag in the event was set to ‘true’, then the Lambda function publishes a new ‘outbound-event-sent’ event to the same EventBridge bus.
  7. Another EventBridge rule matches detail-type ‘outbound-event-sent’ events and routes these to the CloudWatch Logs group for debugging.


To run the application, you must install the AWS CLI, Docker CLI, eksctl, kubectl, and AWS SAM CLI.

To clone the repository, run:

git clone

Creating the EKS cluster

  1. In the example-vpc-application directory, use eksctl to create the EKS cluster using the config file.
    cd example-vpc-application
    eksctl create cluster --config-file eksctl_config.yaml

    This takes a few minutes. This step creates an EKS cluster with one node group in us-east-1. The EKS cluster has a service account with IAM permissions to access the Secrets Manager secret you create later.

  2. Use your AWS account’s default Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) private registry to store the container image. First, follow these instructions to authenticate Docker to ECR. Next, run this command to create a new ECR repository. The create-repository command returns a repository URI (for example,
    aws ecr create-repository --repository-name events-flask-app 

    Use the repository URI in the following commands to build, tag, and push the container image to ECR.

    docker build --tag events-flask-app .
    docker tag events-flask-app:latest {repository-uri}:1
    docker push {repository-uri}:1
  3. In the Kuberenetes deployment manifest file (/example-vpc-application/manifests/deployment.yaml), fill in your repository URI and container image version (for example,

Deploy the Flask application and Application Load Balancer

  1. Within the example-vpc-application directory, use kubectl to apply the Kubernetes manifest files. This step deploys the ALB, which takes time to create and you may receive an error message during the deployment (‘no endpoints available for service “aws-load-balancer-webhook-service”‘). Rerun the same command until the ALB is deployed and you no longer receive the error message.
    kubectl apply --kustomize manifests/
  2. Once the deployment is completed, verify that the Flask application is running by retrieving the Kubernetes pod logs. The first command retrieves a pod name to fill in for the second command.
    kubectl get pod --namespace vpc-example-app
    kubectl logs --namespace vpc-example-app {pod-name} --follow

    You should see the Flask application outputting ‘Hello from my container!’ in response to GET request health checks.

    Hello message

Get VPC and ALB details

Next, you retrieve the security group ID, private subnet IDs, and ALB DNS Name to deploy the Lambda function connected to the same VPC and private subnet and send events to the ALB.

  1. In the AWS Management Console, go to the VPC dashboard and find Subnets. Copy the subnet IDs for the two private subnets (for example, subnet name ‘eksctl-events-cluster/SubnetPrivateUSEAST1A’).
  2. In the VPC dashboard, under Security, find the Security Groups tab. Copy the security group ID for ‘eksctl-events-cluster/ClusterSharedNodeSecurityGroup’.
    Security groups
  3. Go to the EC2 dashboard. Under Load Balancing, find the Load Balancer tab. There is a load balancer associated with your VPC ID. Copy the DNS name for the load balancer, adding ‘http://’ as a prefix (for example,
    Load balancer

Create the Secrets Manager VPC endpoint

You need a VPC endpoint for your application to call Secrets Manager.

  1. In the VPC dashboard, find the Endpoints tab and choose Create Endpoint. Select Secrets Manager as the service, and then select the VPC, private subnets, and security group that you copied in the previous step. Choose Create.VPC endpoint

Deploy the event relay application

Deploy the event relay application using the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) CLI:

  1. Open a new terminal window and navigate to the event-relay directory. Run the following AWS SAM CLI commands to build the application and step through a guided deployment.
    cd event-relay
    sam build
    sam deploy --guided

    The guided deployment process prompts for input parameters. Enter ‘event-relay-app’ as the stack name and accept the default Region. For other parameters, submit the ALB and VPC details you copied: Url (ALB DNS name), security group ID, and private subnet IDs. For the Secret parameter, pass any value.The AWS SAM template saves this value as a Secrets Manager secret to authenticate calls to the container application. This is an example of how to pass secrets in the event relay HTTP call. Replace this with your own authentication method in production environments.

  2. Accept the defaults for the remaining options. For ‘Deploy this changeset?’, select ‘y’. Here is an example of the deployment parameters.

Test the event relay application

Both the Flask application in a VPC and the event relay application are now deployed. To test the event relay application, keep the Kubernetes pod logs from a previous step open to monitor requests coming into the Flask application.

  1. You can open a new terminal window and run this AWS CLI command to put an event on the bus, or go to the EventBridge console, find your event bus, and use the Send events UI.
    aws events put-events \
    --entries '[{"EventBusName": "event-relay-bus" ,"Source": "eventProducerApp", "DetailType": "inbound-event-sent", "Detail": "{ \"event-id\": \"123\", \"return-response-event\": true }"}]'

    When the event is relayed to the Flask application, a POST request in the Kubernetes pod logs confirms that the application processed the event.

    Terminal response

  2. Navigate to the CloudWatch Logs groups in the AWS Management Console. In the ‘/aws/events/event-bus-relay-logs’ group, there are logs for the EventBridge events. In ‘/aws/lambda/EventRelayFunction’ stream, the Lambda function relays the inbound event and puts a new outbound event on the EventBridge bus.
  3. You can test the SQS dead letter queue by creating an error. For example, you can manually change the Lambda function code in the console to pass an incorrect value for the secret. After sending a test event, navigate to the SQS queue in the console and poll for messages. The message shows the error message from the Flask application and the full event that failed to process.

Cleaning up

In the VPC dashboard in the AWS Management Console, find the Endpoints tab and delete the Secrets Manager VPC endpoint. Next, run the following commands to delete the rest of the example application. Be sure to run the commands in this order as some of the resources have dependencies on one another.

sam delete --stack-name event-relay-app
kubectl --namespace vpc-example-app delete ingress vpc-example-app-ingress

From the example-vpc-application directory, run this command.

eksctl delete cluster --config-file eksctl_config.yaml


Event-driven architectures and EventBridge can help you accelerate feature velocity and build scalable, fault tolerant applications. This post demonstrates how to send EventBridge events to a private endpoint in a VPC using a Lambda function to relay events and emit response events.

To learn more, read Getting started with event-driven architectures and visit EventBridge tutorials on Serverless Land.

Stream change data to Amazon Kinesis Data Streams with AWS DMS

Post Syndicated from Sukhomoy Basak original

In this post, we discuss how to use AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) native change data capture (CDC) capabilities to stream changes into Amazon Kinesis Data Streams.

AWS DMS is a cloud service that makes it easy to migrate relational databases, data warehouses, NoSQL databases, and other types of data stores. You can use AWS DMS to migrate your data into the AWS Cloud or between combinations of cloud and on-premises setups. AWS DMS also helps you replicate ongoing changes to keep sources and targets in sync.

CDC refers to the process of identifying and capturing changes made to data in a database and then delivering those changes in real time to a downstream system. Capturing every change from transactions in a source database and moving them to the target in real time keeps the systems synchronized, and helps with real-time analytics use cases and zero-downtime database migrations.

Kinesis Data Streams is a fully managed streaming data service. You can continuously add various types of data such as clickstreams, application logs, and social media to a Kinesis stream from hundreds of thousands of sources. Within seconds, the data will be available for your Kinesis applications to read and process from the stream.

AWS DMS can do both replication and migration. Kinesis Data Streams is most valuable in the replication use case because it lets you react to replicated data changes in other integrated AWS systems.

This post is an update to the post Use the AWS Database Migration Service to Stream Change Data to Amazon Kinesis Data Streams. This new post includes steps required to configure AWS DMS and Kinesis Data Streams for a CDC use case. With Kinesis Data Streams as a target for AWS DMS, we make it easier for you to stream, analyze, and store CDC data. AWS DMS uses best practices to automatically collect changes from a data store and stream them to Kinesis Data Streams.

With the addition of Kinesis Data Streams as a target, we’re helping customers build data lakes and perform real-time processing on change data from your data stores. You can use AWS DMS in your data integration pipelines to replicate data in near-real time directly into Kinesis Data Streams. With this approach, you can build a decoupled and eventually consistent view of your database without having to build applications on top of a database, which is expensive. You can refer to the AWS whitepaper AWS Cloud Data Ingestion Patterns and Practices for more details on data ingestion patters.

AWS DMS sources for real-time change data

The following diagram illustrates that AWS DMS can use many of the most popular database engines as a source for data replication to a Kinesis Data Streams target. The database source can be a self-managed engine running on an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance or an on-premises database, or it can be on Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS), Amazon Aurora, or Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB availability).

Kinesis Data Streams can collect, process, and store data streams at any scale in real time and write to AWS Glue, which is a serverless data integration service that makes it easy to discover, prepare, and combine data for analytics, machine learning, and application development. You can use Amazon EMR for big data processing, Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics to process and analyze streaming data , Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose to run ETL (extract, transform, and load) jobs on streaming data, and AWS Lambda as a serverless compute for further processing, transformation, and delivery of data for consumption.

You can store the data in a data warehouse like Amazon Redshift, which is a cloud-scale data warehouse, and in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) data lake for consumption. You can use Kinesis Data Firehose to capture the data streams and load the data into S3 buckets for further analytics.

Once the data is available in Kinesis Data Streams targets (as shown in the following diagram), you can visualize it using Amazon QuickSight; run ad hoc queries using Amazon Athena; access, process, and analyze it using an Amazon SageMaker notebook instance; and efficiently query and retrieve structured and semi-structured data from files in Amazon S3 without having to load the data into Amazon Redshift tables using Amazon Redshift Spectrum.

Solution overview

In this post, we describe how to use AWS DMS to load data from a database to Kinesis Data Streams in real time. We use a SQL Server database as example, but other databases like Oracle, Microsoft Azure SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SAP ASE, MongoDB, Amazon DocumentDB, and IBM DB2 also support this configuration.

You can use AWS DMS to capture data changes on the database and then send this data to Kinesis Data Streams. After the streams are ingested in Kinesis Data Streams, they can be consumed by different services like Lambda, Kinesis Data Analytics, Kinesis Data Firehose, and custom consumers using the Kinesis Client Library (KCL) or the AWS SDK.

The following are some use cases that can use AWS DMS and Kinesis Data Streams:

  • Triggering real-time event-driven applications – This use case integrates Lambda and Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS).
  • Simplifying and decoupling applications – For example, moving from monolith to microservices. This solution integrates Lambda and Amazon API Gateway.
  • Cache invalidation, and updating or rebuilding indexes – Integrates Amazon OpenSearch Service (successor to Amazon Elasticsearch Service) and Amazon DynamoDB.
  • Data integration across multiple heterogeneous systems – This solution sends data to DynamoDB or another data store.
  • Aggregating data and pushing it to downstream system – This solution uses Kinesis Data Analytics to analyze and integrate different sources and load the results in another data store.

To facilitate the understanding of the integration between AWS DMS, Kinesis Data Streams, and Kinesis Data Firehose, we have defined a business case that you can solve. In this use case, you are the data engineer of an energy company. This company uses Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) to store their end customer information, billing information, and also electric meter and gas usage data. Amazon RDS is their core transaction data store.

You run a batch job weekly to collect all the transactional data and send it to the data lake for reporting, forecasting, and even sending billing information to customers. You also have a trigger-based system to send emails and SMS periodically to the customer about their electricity usage and monthly billing information.

Because the company has millions of customers, processing massive amounts of data every day and sending emails or SMS was slowing down the core transactional system. Additionally, running weekly batch jobs for analytics wasn’t giving accurate and latest results for the forecasting you want to do on customer gas and electricity usage. Initially, your team was considering rebuilding the entire platform and avoiding all those issues, but the core application is complex in design, and running in production for many years and rebuilding the entire platform will take years and cost millions.

So, you took a new approach. Instead of running batch jobs on the core transactional database, you started capturing data changes with AWS DMS and sending that data to Kinesis Data Streams. Then you use Lambda to listen to a particular data stream and generate emails or SMS using Amazon SNS to send to the customer (for example, sending monthly billing information or notifying when their electricity or gas usage is higher than normal). You also use Kinesis Data Firehose to send all transaction data to the data lake, so your company can run forecasting immediately and accurately.

The following diagram illustrates the architecture.

In the following steps, you configure your database to replicate changes to Kinesis Data Streams, using AWS DMS. Additionally, you configure Kinesis Data Firehose to load data from Kinesis Data Streams to Amazon S3.

It’s simple to set up Kinesis Data Streams as a change data target in AWS DMS and start streaming data. For more information, see Using Amazon Kinesis Data Streams as a target for AWS Database Migration Service.

To get started, you first create a Kinesis data stream in Kinesis Data Streams, then an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role with minimal access as described in Prerequisites for using a Kinesis data stream as a target for AWS Database Migration Service. After you define your IAM policy and role, you set up your source and target endpoints and replication instance in AWS DMS. Your source is the database that you want to move data from, and the target is the database that you’re moving data to. In our case, the source database is a SQL Server database on Amazon RDS, and the target is the Kinesis data stream. The replication instance processes the migration tasks and requires access to the source and target endpoints inside your VPC.

A Kinesis delivery stream (created in Kinesis Data Firehose) is used to load the records from the database to the data lake hosted on Amazon S3. Kinesis Data Firehose can load data also to Amazon Redshift, Amazon OpenSearch Service, an HTTP endpoint, Datadog, Dynatrace, LogicMonitor, MongoDB Cloud, New Relic, Splunk, and Sumo Logic.

Configure the source database

For testing purposes, we use the database democustomer, which is hosted on a SQL Server on Amazon RDS. Use the following command and script to create the database and table, and insert 10 records:

create database democustomer

use democustomer

create table invoices (
	invoice_id INT,
	customer_id INT,
	billing_date DATE,
	due_date DATE,
	balance INT,
	monthly_kwh_use INT,
	total_amount_due VARCHAR(50)
insert into invoices (invoice_id, customer_id, billing_date, due_date, balance, monthly_kwh_use, total_amount_due) values (1, 1219578, '4/15/2022', '4/30/2022', 25, 6, 28);
insert into invoices (invoice_id, customer_id, billing_date, due_date, balance, monthly_kwh_use, total_amount_due) values (2, 1365142, '4/15/2022', '4/28/2022', null, 41, 20.5);
insert into invoices (invoice_id, customer_id, billing_date, due_date, balance, monthly_kwh_use, total_amount_due) values (3, 1368834, '4/15/2022', '5/5/2022', null, 31, 15.5);
insert into invoices (invoice_id, customer_id, billing_date, due_date, balance, monthly_kwh_use, total_amount_due) values (4, 1226431, '4/15/2022', '4/28/2022', null, 47, 23.5);
insert into invoices (invoice_id, customer_id, billing_date, due_date, balance, monthly_kwh_use, total_amount_due) values (5, 1499194, '4/15/2022', '5/1/2022', null, 39, 19.5);
insert into invoices (invoice_id, customer_id, billing_date, due_date, balance, monthly_kwh_use, total_amount_due) values (6, 1221240, '4/15/2022', '5/2/2022', null, 38, 19);
insert into invoices (invoice_id, customer_id, billing_date, due_date, balance, monthly_kwh_use, total_amount_due) values (7, 1235442, '4/15/2022', '4/27/2022', null, 50, 25);
insert into invoices (invoice_id, customer_id, billing_date, due_date, balance, monthly_kwh_use, total_amount_due) values (8, 1306894, '4/15/2022', '5/2/2022', null, 16, 8);
insert into invoices (invoice_id, customer_id, billing_date, due_date, balance, monthly_kwh_use, total_amount_due) values (9, 1343570, '4/15/2022', '5/3/2022', null, 39, 19.5);
insert into invoices (invoice_id, customer_id, billing_date, due_date, balance, monthly_kwh_use, total_amount_due) values (10, 1465198, '4/15/2022', '5/4/2022', null, 47, 23.5);

To capture the new records added to the table, enable MS-CDC (Microsoft Change Data Capture) using the following commands at the database level (replace SchemaName and TableName). This is required if ongoing replication is configured on the task migration in AWS DMS.

EXEC msdb.dbo.rds_cdc_enable_db 'democustomer';
EXECUTE sys.sp_cdc_enable_table @source_schema = N'SchemaName', @source_name =N'TableName', @role_name = NULL;
EXEC sys.sp_cdc_change_job @job_type = 'capture' ,@pollinginterval = 3599;

You can use ongoing replication (CDC) for a self-managed SQL Server database on premises or on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), or a cloud database such as Amazon RDS or an Azure SQL managed instance. SQL Server must be configured for full backups, and you must perform a backup before beginning to replicate data.

For more information, see Using a Microsoft SQL Server database as a source for AWS DMS.

Configure the Kinesis data stream

Next, we configure our Kinesis data stream. For full instructions, see Creating a Stream via the AWS Management Console. Complete the following steps:

  1. On the Kinesis Data Streams console, choose Create data stream.
  2. For Data stream name¸ enter a name.
  3. For Capacity mode, select On-demand.When you choose on-demand capacity mode, Kinesis Data Streams instantly accommodates your workloads as they ramp up or down. For more information, refer to Choosing the Data Stream Capacity Mode.
  4. Choose Create data stream.
  5. When the data stream is active, copy the ARN.

Configure the IAM policy and role

Next, you configure your IAM policy and role.

  1. On the IAM console, choose Policies in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create policy.
  3. Select JSON and use the following policy as a template, replacing the data stream ARN:
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": "<streamArn>"

  4. In the navigation pane, choose Roles.
  5. Choose Create role.
  6. Select AWS DMS, then choose Next: Permissions.
  7. Select the policy you created.
  8. Assign a role name and then choose Create role.

Configure the Kinesis delivery stream

We use a Kinesis delivery stream to load the information from the Kinesis data stream to Amazon S3. To configure the delivery stream, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Kinesis console, choose Delivery streams.
  2. Choose Create delivery stream.
  3. For Source, choose Amazon Kinesis Data Streams.
  4. For Destination, choose Amazon S3.
  5. For Kinesis data stream, enter the ARN of the data stream.
  6. For Delivery stream name, enter a name.
  7. Leave the transform and convert options at their defaults.
  8. Provide the destination bucket and specify the bucket prefixes for the events and errors.
  9. Under Buffer hints, compression and encryption, change the buffer size to 1 MB and buffer interval to 60 seconds.
  10. Leave the other configurations at their defaults.

Configure AWS DMS

We use an AWS DMS instance to connect to the SQL Server database and then replicate the table and future transactions to a Kinesis data stream. In this section, we create a replication instance, source endpoint, target endpoint, and migration task. For more information about endpoints, refer to Creating source and target endpoints.

  1. Create a replication instance in a VPC with connectivity to the SQL Server database and associate a security group with enough permissions to access to the database.
  2. On the AWS DMS console, choose Endpoints in the navigation pane.
  3. Choose Create endpoint.
  4. Select Source endpoint.
  5. For Endpoint identifier, enter a label for the endpoint.
  6. For Source engine, choose Microsoft SQL Server.
  7. For Access to endpoint database, select Provide access information manually.
  8. Enter the endpoint database information.
  9. Test the connectivity to the source endpoint.
    Now we create the target endpoint.
  10. On the AWS DMS console, choose Endpoints in the navigation pane.
  11. Choose Create endpoint.
  12. Select Target endpoint.
  13. For Endpoint identifier, enter a label for the endpoint.
  14. For Target engine, choose Amazon Kinesis.
  15. Provide the AWS DMS service role ARN and the data stream ARN.
  16. Test the connectivity to the target endpoint.

    The final step is to create a database migration task. This task replicates the existing data from the SQL Server table to the data stream and replicates the ongoing changes. For more information, see Creating a task.
  17. On the AWS DMS console, choose Database migration tasks.
  18. Choose Create task.
  19. For Task identifier, enter a name for your task.
  20. For Replication instance, choose your instance.
  21. Choose the source and target database endpoints you created.
  22. For Migration type, choose Migrate existing data and replicate ongoing changes.
  23. In Task settings, use the default settings.
  24. In Table mappings, add a new selection rule and specify the schema and table name of the SQL Server database. In this case, our schema name is dbo and the table name is invoices.
  25. For Action, choose Include.

When the task is ready, the migration starts.

After the data has been loaded, the table statistics are updated and you can see the 10 records created initially.

As the Kinesis delivery stream reads the data from Kinesis Data Streams and loads it in Amazon S3, the records are available in the bucket you defined previously.

To check that AWS DMS ongoing replication and CDC are working, use this script to add 1,000 records to the table.

You can see 1,000 inserts on the Table statistics tab for the database migration task.

After about 1 minute, you can see the records in the S3 bucket.

At this point the replication has been activated, and a Lambda function can start consuming the data streams to send emails SMS to the customers through Amazon SNS. More information, refer to Using AWS Lambda with Amazon Kinesis.


With Kinesis Data Streams as an AWS DMS target, you now have a powerful way to stream change data from a database directly into a Kinesis data stream. You can use this method to stream change data from any sources supported by AWS DMS to perform real-time data processing. Happy streaming!

If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave a comment.

About the Authors

Luis Eduardo Torres is a Solutions Architect at AWS based in Bogotá, Colombia. He helps companies to build their business using the AWS cloud platform. He has a great interest in Analytics and has been leading the Analytics track of AWS Podcast in Spanish.

Sukhomoy Basak is a Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services, with a passion for Data and Analytics solutions. Sukhomoy works with enterprise customers to help them architect, build, and scale applications to achieve their business outcomes.

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