Tag Archives: artificial intelligence

Publish Amazon DevOps Guru Insights to ServiceNow for Incident Management

Post Syndicated from Abdullahi Olaoye original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/publish-amazon-devops-guru-insights-to-servicenow-for-incident-management/

Amazon DevOps Guru is a fully managed AIOps service that uses machine learning (ML) to quickly identify when applications are behaving outside of their normal operating patterns and generates insights from its findings. These insights generated by Amazon DevOps Guru can be used to alert on-call teams to react to anomalies for mission critical workloads. Various customers already utilize Incident management systems like ServiceNow to identify, analyze and resolve critical incidents which could impact business operations. ServiceNow is an IT Service Management (ITSM) platform that enables enterprise organizations to improve operational efficiencies. Among its products is Incident Management which provides a single pane view to customers and allows customers restore services and resolve issues quickly.

This blog post will show you how to integrate Amazon DevOps Guru insights with ServiceNow to automatically create and manage Incidents. We will demonstrate how an insight generated by Amazon DevOps Guru for an anomaly can automatically create a ServiceNow Incident, update the incident when there are new anomalies or recommendations from Amazon DevOps Guru, and close the ServiceNow Incident once the insight is resolved by Amazon DevOps Guru.

Overview of solution

This solution uses a combination of event driven architecture and Serverless technologies, to integrate DevOps Guru insights with ServiceNow. When an Amazon DevOps Guru insight is created, an Amazon EventBridge rule is used to capture the insight as an event and routed to an AWS Lambda Function target. The lambda function interacts with ServiceNow using a REST API to create, update and close an incident for corresponding DevOps Guru events captured by EventBridge.

The EventBridge rule can be customized to capture all DevOps Guru insights or narrowed down to specific insights. In this blog, we will be capturing all DevOps Guru insights and will be performing actions on ServiceNow for the below DevOps Guru events:

  • DevOps Guru New Insight Open
  • DevOps Guru New Anomaly Association
  • DevOps Guru Insight Severity Upgraded
  • DevOps Guru New Recommendation Created
  • DevOps Guru Insight Closed

    Serverless architecture where Amazon EventBridge receives Amazon DevOps Guru insights and using Lambda function transforms and posts to ServiceNow REST API to create, update, and resolve incidents

    Figure 1: Amazon DevOps Guru Integration with ServiceNow using Amazon EventBridge and AWS Lambda

Solution Implementation Steps


Before you deploy the solution and proceed with this walkthrough, you should have the following prerequisites:

  • Gather the hostname for your ServiceNow cloud instance. If you do not have a ServiceNow instance, you can request a developer instance through the ServiceNow Developer page.
  • Gather the credentials of a ServiceNow user who has permissions to make REST API calls to ServiceNow, specifically to the Table API. If you don’t have a user provisioned, you can create one by following the steps in Getting started with the REST API in the ServiceNow documentation.
  • Create a secret in Secrets Manager to store the ServiceNow credentials created in previous step. You can choose any name for the secret but it should have two key/value pairs, one for username and other for password.
  • Enable DevOps Guru for your applications by following these steps or you can follow this blog to deploy a sample serverless application that can be used to generate DevOps Guru insights for anomalies detected in the application.
  • Install and set up SAM CLI – Install the SAM CLI
  • Download and set up Java. The version should be matching to the runtime that you defined in the SAM template.yaml Serverless function configuration – Install the Java SE Development Kit 11
  • Maven – Install Maven
  • Docker – Install Docker community edition

You have two options to deploy this solution, one options is to deploy from the AWS Serverless Repository and other from the Command Line Interface (CLI).

Option 1: Deploy sample ServiceNow Connector App from AWS Serverless Repository

The DevOps Guru ServiceNow Connector application is available in the AWS Serverless Application Repository which is a managed repository for serverless applications. The application is packaged with an AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) template, definition of the AWS resources used and the link to the source code. Follow the steps below to quickly deploy this serverless application in your AWS account.

Follow the steps below to quickly deploy this serverless application in your AWS account:

  • Login to the AWS management console of the account to which you plan to deploy this solution.
  • Go to the DevOps Guru ServiceNow Connector application in the AWS Serverless Repository and click on “Deploy”.

    DevOps Guru ServiceNow Connector application page on the AWS Serverless Application Repository with the Deploy button to quickly deploy this solution to your AWS account.

    Figure 2: Deploy solution through AWS Serverless Repository

  • The Lambda application deployment screen will be displayed where you can enter the ServiceNow hostname (do not include the https prefix) and the Secret Name you created in the prerequisite steps. Click on the ‘Deploy’ button.

    Lambda Application Deployment page to enter the ServiceNow hostname and Secret name needed for interacting with your ServiceNow instance before deploying the solution.

    Figure 3: AWS Lambda Application Settings

  • After successful deployment the AWS Lambda Application page will display the “Create complete” status for the serverlessrepo-DevOps-Guru-ServiceNow-Connector application. The CloudFormation template creates four resources:
    1. Lambda function which has the logic to integrate to the ServiceNow
    2. Event Bridge rule for the DevOps Guru Insights
    3. Lambda permission
    4. IAM role
  • 5.     Now you can skip Option 2 and follow the steps in the “Test the Solution” section to trigger some DevOps Guru insights and validate that the incidents are created and updated in ServiceNow.

Option 2: Build and Deploy sample ServiceNow Connector App using AWS SAM Command Line Interface

As you have seen above, you can directly deploy the sample serverless application from the Serverless Repository with one click deployment. Alternatively, you can choose to clone the github source repository and deploy using the SAM CLI from your terminal.

The Serverless Application Model Command Line Interface (SAM CLI) is an extension of the AWS CLI that adds functionality for building and testing serverless applications. The CLI provides commands that enable you to verify that AWS SAM template files are written according to the specification, invoke Lambda functions locally, step-through debug Lambda functions, package and deploy serverless applications to the AWS Cloud, and so on. For details about how to use the AWS SAM CLI, including the full AWS SAM CLI Command Reference, see AWS SAM reference – AWS Serverless Application Model.

Before you proceed, make sure you have completed the Prerequisites section in the beginning which should set up the AWS SAM CLI, Maven and Java on your local terminal. You also need to install and set up Docker to run your functions in an Amazon Linux environment that matches Lambda.

Follow the steps below to build and deploy this serverless application using AWS SAM CLI in your AWS account:

  • Clone the source code from the github repo
$ git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-devops-guru-connector-servicenow.git
  • Before you build the resources defined in the SAM template, you can use the below validate command which will run cfn-lint validations on your SAM JSON/YAML template
$ sam validate –-lint --template template.yaml

3.     Build the application with SAM CLI

$ cd amazon-devops-guru-connector-servicenow
$ sam build

If everything is set up correctly, you should have a success message like shown below:

Build Succeeded

Built Artifacts : .aws-sam/build
Built Template : .aws-sam/build/template.yaml

Commands you can use next
[*] Validate SAM template: sam validate
[*] Invoke Function: sam local invoke
[*] Test Function in the Cloud: sam sync --stack-name {{stack-name}} --watch
[*] Deploy: sam deploy –guided

4.  Deploy the application with SAM CLI

$ sam deploy –-guided

This command will package and deploy your application to AWS, with a series of prompts that you should respond to as shown below:

  • Stack Name: The name of the stack to deploy to CloudFormation. This should be unique to your account and region, and a good starting point would be something matching your project name – amazon-devops-guru-connector-servicenow
  • AWS Region: The AWS region you want to deploy your application to.
  • Parameter ServiceNowHost []: The ServiceNow host name/instance URL you set up. Example: dev92031.service-now.com
  • Parameter SecretName []: The secret name that you set up for ServiceNow credentials in the Prerequisites.
  • Confirm changes before deploy: If set to yes, any change sets will be shown to you before execution for manual review. If set to no, the AWS SAM CLI will automatically deploy application changes.
  • Allow SAM CLI IAM role creation: Many AWS SAM templates, including this example, create AWS IAM roles required for the AWS Lambda function(s) included to access AWS services. By default, these are scoped down to minimum required permissions. To deploy an AWS CloudFormation stack which creates or modifies IAM roles, the CAPABILITY_IAM value for capabilities must be provided. If permission isn’t provided through this prompt, to deploy this example you must explicitly pass --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM to the sam deploy command.
  • Disable rollback [y/N]: If set to Y, preserves the state of previously provisioned resources when an operation fails.
  • Save arguments to configuration file (samconfig.toml): If set to yes, your choices will be saved to a configuration file inside the project, so that in the future you can just re-run sam deploy without parameters to deploy changes to your application.

After you enter your parameters, you should see something like this if you have provided Y to view and confirm ChangeSets. Proceed here by providing ‘Y’ for deploying the resources.

Initiating deployment
Uploading to amazon-devops-guru-connector-servicenow/46bb4841f8f37fd41d3f40f86f31c4d7.template 1918 / 1918 (100.00%)

Waiting for changeset to be created..
CloudFormation stack changeset
Operation LogicalResourceId ResourceType Replacement
+ Add FunctionsDevOpsGuruPermission AWS::Lambda::Permission N/A
+ Add FunctionsDevOpsGuru AWS::Events::Rule N/A
+ Add FunctionsRole AWS::IAM::Role N/A
+ Add Functions AWS::Lambda::Function N/A

Changeset created successfully. arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:123456789012:changeSet/samcli-deploy1669232233/7c97b7f5-369d-400d-89cd-ebabefaa0b57

Previewing CloudFormation changeset before deployment
Deploy this changeset? [y/N]:

Once the deployment succeeds, you should be able to see the successful creation of your resources

CloudFormation events from stack operations (refresh every 0.5 seconds)
ResourceStatus ResourceType LogicalResourceId ResourceStatusReason
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::CloudFormation::Stack amazon-devops-guru-connector- User Initiated
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::IAM::Role FunctionsRole Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::IAM::Role FunctionsRole -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Lambda::Function Functions -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Lambda::Function Functions Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::Lambda::Function Functions -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Events::Rule FunctionsDevOpsGuru -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Events::Rule FunctionsDevOpsGuru Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::Events::Rule FunctionsDevOpsGuru -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Lambda::Permission FunctionsDevOpsGuruPermission -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Lambda::Permission FunctionsDevOpsGuruPermission Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::Lambda::Permission FunctionsDevOpsGuruPermission -
CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::CloudFormation::Stack amazon-devops-guru-connector- -

Successfully created/updated stack - amazon-devops-guru-connector-servicenow in us-east-1

You can also use the below command to list the resources deployed by passing in the stack name.

$ sam list resources --stack-name amazon-devops-guru-connector-servicenow

You can also choose to test and debug your function locally with sample events using the SAM CLI local functionality. Test a single function by invoking it directly with a test event. An event is a JSON document that represents the input that the function receives from the event source. Refer the Invoking Lambda functions locally – AWS Serverless Application Model link here for more details.

Follow the below steps for testing the lambda with the SAM CLI local. You have to create an env.json file with the correct values for your ServiceNow Host and SecretManager secret name that was created in the previous step.

  • Make sure you have created the AWS Secrets Manager secret with the desired name as mentioned in the prerequisites, which should be used here for SECRET_NAME.
  • Create env.json as below, by replacing the values for SERVICE_NOW_HOST and SECRET_NAME with your real value. These will be set as the local Lambda execution environment variables.
  • Run the command below to validate locally that with a sample DevOps Guru payload, to trigger Lambda locally and invoke. Remember for this to work, you should have Docker instance running and also the Secret Name created in your AWS account.
$ sam local invoke Functions --event Functions/src/test/Events/CreateIncident.json --env-vars Functions/src/test/Events/env.json

Once you are done with the above steps, move on to “Test the Solution” section below to trigger sample DevOps Guru insights and validate that the incidents are created and updated in ServiceNow.

Test the Solution

To test the solution, we will simulate a DevOps Guru insight. You can also simulate an insight by following the steps in this blog. After an anomaly is detected in the application, DevOps Guru creates an insight as seen below.

Sample DevOps Guru insights page with anomalous behavior of DynamoDB ThrottledRequests from the application deployed with the workshop link.

Figure 4: DevOps Guru Insight created for anomalous behavior

For the DevOps Guru insight shown above, a corresponding incident is automatically created on ServiceNow as shown below. In addition to the incident creation, any new anomalies and recommendations from DevOps Guru is also associated with the incident.

ServiceNow incident detail page with the DevOps Guru insight information.

Figure 5: Corresponding ServiceNow Incident is created for the DevOps Guru Insight

When the anomalous behavior that generated the DevOps Guru insight is resolved, DevOps Guru automatically closes the insight. The corresponding ServiceNow incident that was created for the insight is also closed as seen below

ServiceNow incident Notes section showing Incident as resolved due to the insight being closed in Amazon DevOps Guru.

Figure 6: ServiceNow Incident created for DevOps Guru Insight is resolved due to insight closure

Cleaning up

To avoid incurring future charges, delete the resources.

To delete the sample application that you created, use the AWS CLI command below and pass the stack name you provided in the sam deploy step.

$ aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name amazon-devops-guru-connector-servicenow

You could also use the AWS CloudFormation Console to delete the stack:

AWS CloudFormation console with Delete option to clean up the deployed stack.

Figure 7: AWS Stack Console with Delete action


This blog post showcased how DevOps Guru continuously monitor resources in a particular region in your AWS account and automatically detects operational issues, predicts impending resource exhaustion, details likely cause, and recommends remediation actions. This post described a custom solution using serverless integration pattern with AWS Lambda and Amazon EventBridge which enabled integration of the DevOps Guru insights with customer’s most popular ITSM and Change management tool ServiceNow thus streamlining the Service Management governance and oversight over AWS services. Using this solution helps Customer’s with ServiceNow to improve their operational efficiencies, and get customized insights and real time incident alerts and management directly from DevOps Guru which provides a single pane of glass to restore services and systems quickly.

This solution was created to help customers who already use ServiceNow Incident Management, if you are already using Incident Manager from AWS Systems Manager, check out how that works with Amazon DevOps Guru here.

To learn more about Amazon DevOps Guru, join us for a free hands-on Immersion Day. Events are virtual and hosted at three global time zones. Register here: April 12th.

About the authors:

Abdullahi Olaoye

Abdullahi is a Senior Cloud Infrastructure Architect at AWS Professional Services where he works with enterprise customers to design and build cloud solutions that solve business challenges. When he’s not working, he enjoys travelling, watching documentaries and listening to history podcasts.

Sreenivas Ganesan

Sreenivas Ganesan is a Sr. DevOps Consultant at AWS experienced in architecting and delivering modernized DevOps solutions for enterprise customers in their journey to AWS Cloud, primarily focused on Infrastructure automation, Security and Compliance, Management and Governance, Provisioning and Orchestration. Outside of work, he enjoys watching new TV series, soccer and spending time with his family outdoors.

Mohan Udyavar

Mohan Udyavar is a Principal Technical Account Manager in the Enterprise Support organization of AWS advising customers in successfully migrating and operating their workloads on AWS. He is primarily focused on the Automotive industry providing prescriptive guidance to customers helping them improve the resilience and operational excellence posture of mission-critical applications. Outside of work, he loves cooking and working on tech projects with his son.

Amazon Chime SDK Call Analytics: Real-Time Voice Tone Analysis and Speaker Search

Post Syndicated from Sébastien Stormacq original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/amazon-chime-sdk-call-analytics-real-time-voice-tone-analysis-and-speaker-search/

Today, I am pleased to announce the availability of Amazon Chime SDK call analytics, a new set of capabilities that helps make it easier and cost effective to record and generate insights on real-time audio calls: transcription, voice tone analysis, and speaker search. We’ve also improved the Amazon Chime SDK section of the AWS Management Console to let you integrate machine learning (ML)-based services, such as these new call analytics capabilities or Amazon Transcribe into your audio applications in just a few steps.

Voice Analytics: Voice Tone Analysis and Speaker Search
Voice analytics delivers real-time insights into audio conversations. It helps detect and classify participants expressing a positive, neutral, or negative tone. Typically, enterprises working in regulated industries have obligations to record or want to analyze conversations between employees and their business partners, customers, or suppliers.

Voice tone analysis uses ML to extract sentiment from a speech signal based on a joint analysis of lexical and linguistic information as well as acoustic and tonal information. Voice tone analysis for live calls are delivered in the data lake of your choice, on top of which you can create your own dashboards to visualize the data.

Let’s take an example from the finance industry. Trading room supervisors are sometimes required to record all the trading conversations occurring on the floor. Voice tone analysis helps them meet their regulatory requirements. They can also deliver these insights to the traders to help to improve their productivity. But finance is not the only industry that needs to record and analyze calls. We have received similar requests from customers in Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), public sector, healthcare, telecom, and insurance industries.

Alongside with voice tone analysis, your applications can now benefit from speaker search to help match speakers to an existing database. It only requires a short sample to recognize a speaker based on their voice stored in a database of known voices. Speaker search helps your applications expedite caller lookup and enrich call records and transcripts with identity attribution. Speaker search delivers a suggested unique internal identifier for the speaker and a confidence score. The decision to match current the speaker with a known speaker from your organization is up to your application. Some of our customers plan to use speaker search for real-time speaker labeling on communication happening over trading turrets, which are shared devices.

Integration with AI Services in the AWS Management Console
We want to make it easier for developers to add these capabilities into existing telephony applications without requiring expertise in telephony, cloud infrastructure, or AI.

This is why we added a easier-to-use graphical configuration in the Amazon Chime SDK section of the console. On the console, you can choose the AWS AI service you want to use to analyze real-time audio data: voice analytics, Amazon Transcribe, or Amazon Transcribe Call Analytics. Whether you choose to use voice analytics or Amazon Transcribe to generate insights, you don’t have to write any integration code. We manage the integrations with AWS AI services and your voice-based or telephony applications. The console helps you define where you want to send the analytics data: an Amazon Kinesis stream or an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. Voice analytics can send real-time notifications to a function deployed on AWS Lambda, or an SQS queue or Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic.

To visualize insights, call analytics also delivers analyses to a data lake of your choice. You can then use Amazon QuickSight or Tableau to build dashboards and get insights from real-time media. These dashboards can be embedded in apps, wikis, and portals. Of course, we don’t leave you alone with your data. You can download prebuilt dashboards as AWS CloudFormation templates to deploy into your own AWS account. The link to download these templates is available on the console.

Finally, call analytics can generate real-time alerts by posting events to Amazon EventBridge. You can route these events to any destination of your choice, on your AWS account or supported third-party applications.

When using call analytics, you can reduce the initial project time to generate insights from real-time audio from months to days.

How It Works
I’d like to show you how it works.

On the Amazon Chime SDK section of the console, I open Configuration under Call Analytics on the left-side menu. Then, I select Create configuration.

Amazon Chime SDK - Create configuration

I give a name to my configuration. Optionally, I may also associate tags.

Amazon Chime SDK - Configuration first step

Under Configure analytics service, I can choose between Amazon Chime SDK voice analytics or Amazon Transcribe services to analyse calls. For this demo, I select Voice analytics.

Amazon Chime SDK - Configuration second step

I configure where to send the analysis. Voice analytics results are always sent to Kinesis. I specify a Kinesis data stream I created previously. When I want to use a business intelligence tool such as Quicksight to create a dashboard with analytics results, I also specify an S3 bucket to receive the analysis.

The console also gives me the link to the CloudFormation templates I can use to create the voice analytics dashboards.

Finally, I choose a Lambda function, SQS queue, or SNS topic that will receive notifications of events such as when the analytics are available, a new voice enrollment occurs, or the result of a voice verification. In the later case, the payload looks as follow:

    ...common to all events...
    "detail-type": "SpeakerSearchStatus",
    "detail": {
        "taskId": "uuid",
        "detailStatus": "IdentificationSuccessful",
        "speakerSearchDetails" : {
            "results": [
                    "voiceProfileId": "guid",
                    "confidenceScore": "0.94",
                    "voiceProfileId": "guid",
                    "confidenceScore": "0.92",
                    "voiceProfileId": "guid",
                    "confidenceScore": "0.91",
                ... (up to 10)
        "isCaller": false,
        "voiceConnectorId": "guid",
        "transactionId": "guid"

        ...details from Voice connector

For this demo, I choose an existing SQS queue.

Amazon Chime SDK - Configuration third step

Under Consent acknowledgment, I select all the boxes and select Next.

Amazon Chime SDK - Configuration second step consent

The next step is only available when I didn’t specify any analytics service in the previous step. It allows us to configure voice recordings. Recordings are available when no analytics are selected.

Under Configure access permissions, I choose a previously created AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role allowing the Amazon Chime SDK to access the other AWS services I configured: the Kinesis data stream, S3 bucket, and Lambda function, SQS queue, or SNS topic. The console may create an IAM role for me if I don’t have one already.

Amazon Chime SDK - Configuration four step

The next step is available if I selected Amazon Transcribe service under Configure analytics service. It allows me to configure real-time alerts through EventBridge. I may configure rules to send messages based on keyword match, sentiment detected, or issue detection.

The final step is Review and Create my configuration. I review the configuration details and then, I select Create configuration.

Finally, I link this configuration to a voice connector under the Voice Connector section, on the Streaming tab.

That’s it! As I mentioned earlier, no glue between AWS services or AI knowledge is required.

After the data arrives on Kinesis or your S3 bucket, you can point your preferred business reporting solution at it. When you use the QuickSight template we provide, you can get started in minutes with a high-level overview and a deep-dive view, as shown on the following screenshot.

Chime SDK Call Analytics - dashboard general

Chime SDK Call Analytics - dashboard deep dive

The deep-dive dashboard gives you graphical representations about the distribution of agent and customer sentiments and emotions. You also get a detailed analysis and transcript of the conversation.

Pricing and Availability
Adopting these capabilities in your audio applications requires no up-front infrastructure investment; you will be charged based only on your usage. Pricing is per minute of audio data analyzed. Visit Amazon Chime SDK pricing for details.

Call analytics is available in the following AWS Regions: US East (Ohio, N. Virginia), Asia Pacific (Singapore), and Europe (Frankfurt).

In this post, I discussed Amazon Chime SDK call analytics, a new set of capabilities that makes it easier and cost-effective to record and generate insights on real-time audio calls. With their focus on ease of use, these new capabilities are particularly well adapted to customers with minimal knowledge of cloud infrastructure, telephony, and ML.

Start today and configure your first dashboard!

— seb

AWS Week in Review – March 20, 2023

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-week-in-review-march-20-2023/

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

A new week starts, and Spring is almost here! If you’re curious about AWS news from the previous seven days, I got you covered.

Last Week’s Launches
Here are the launches that got my attention last week:

Picture of an S3 bucket and AWS CEO Adam Selipsky.Amazon S3 – Last week there was AWS Pi Day 2023 celebrating 17 years of innovation since Amazon S3 was introduced on March 14, 2006. For the occasion, the team released many new capabilities:

Amazon Linux 2023 – Our new Linux-based operating system is now generally available. Sébastien’s post is full of tips and info.

Application Auto Scaling – Now can use arithmetic operations and mathematical functions to customize the metrics used with Target Tracking policies. You can use it to scale based on your own application-specific metrics. Read how it works with Amazon ECS services.

AWS Data Exchange for Amazon S3 is now generally available – You can now share and find data files directly from S3 buckets, without the need to create or manage copies of the data.

Amazon Neptune – Now offers a graph summary API to help understand important metadata about property graphs (PG) and resource description framework (RDF) graphs. Neptune added support for Slow Query Logs to help identify queries that need performance tuning.

Amazon OpenSearch Service – The team introduced security analytics that provides new threat monitoring, detection, and alerting features. The service now supports OpenSearch version 2.5 that adds several new features such as support for Point in Time Search and improvements to observability and geospatial functionality.

AWS Lake Formation and Apache Hive on Amazon EMR – Introduced fine-grained access controls that allow data administrators to define and enforce fine-grained table and column level security for customers accessing data via Apache Hive running on Amazon EMR.

Amazon EC2 M1 Mac Instances – You can now update guest environments to a specific or the latest macOS version without having to tear down and recreate the existing macOS environments.

AWS Chatbot – Now Integrates With Microsoft Teams to simplify the way you troubleshoot and operate your AWS resources.

Amazon GuardDuty RDS Protection for Amazon Aurora – Now generally available to help profile and monitor access activity to Aurora databases in your AWS account without impacting database performance

AWS Database Migration Service – Now supports validation to ensure that data is migrated accurately to S3 and can now generate an AWS Glue Data Catalog when migrating to S3.

AWS Backup – You can now back up and restore virtual machines running on VMware vSphere 8 and with multiple vNICs.

Amazon Kendra – There are new connectors to index documents and search for information across these new content: Confluence Server, Confluence Cloud, Microsoft SharePoint OnPrem, Microsoft SharePoint Cloud. This post shows how to use the Amazon Kendra connector for Microsoft Teams.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS News
A few more blog posts you might have missed:

Example of a geospatial query.Women founders Q&A – We’re talking to six women founders and leaders about how they’re making impacts in their communities, industries, and beyond.

What you missed at that 2023 IMAGINE: Nonprofit conference – Where hundreds of nonprofit leaders, technologists, and innovators gathered to learn and share how AWS can drive a positive impact for people and the planet.

Monitoring load balancers using Amazon CloudWatch anomaly detection alarms – The metrics emitted by load balancers provide crucial and unique insight into service health, service performance, and end-to-end network performance.

Extend geospatial queries in Amazon Athena with user-defined functions (UDFs) and AWS Lambda – Using a solution based on Uber’s Hexagonal Hierarchical Spatial Index (H3) to divide the globe into equally-sized hexagons.

How cities can use transport data to reduce pollution and increase safety – A guest post by Rikesh Shah, outgoing head of open innovation at Transport for London.

For AWS open-source news and updates, here’s the latest newsletter curated by Ricardo to bring you the most recent updates on open-source projects, posts, events, and more.

Upcoming AWS Events
Here are some opportunities to meet:

AWS Public Sector Day 2023 (March 21, London, UK) – An event dedicated to helping public sector organizations use technology to achieve more with less through the current challenging conditions.

Women in Tech at Skills Center Arlington (March 23, VA, USA) – Let’s celebrate the history and legacy of women in tech.

The AWS Summits season is warming up! You can sign up here to know when registration opens in your area.

That’s all from me for this week. Come back next Monday for another Week in Review!


How AI Could Write Our Laws

Post Syndicated from Schneier.com Webmaster original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/03/how-ai-could-write-our-laws.html

Nearly 90% of the multibillion-dollar federal lobbying apparatus in the United States serves corporate interests. In some cases, the objective of that money is obvious. Google pours millions into lobbying on bills related to antitrust regulation. Big energy companies expect action whenever there is a move to end drilling leases for federal lands, in exchange for the tens of millions they contribute to congressional reelection campaigns.

But lobbying strategies are not always so blunt, and the interests involved are not always so obvious. Consider, for example, a 2013 Massachusetts bill that tried to restrict the commercial use of data collected from K-12 students using services accessed via the internet. The bill appealed to many privacy-conscious education advocates, and appropriately so. But behind the justification of protecting students lay a market-altering policy: the bill was introduced at the behest of Microsoft lobbyists, in an effort to exclude Google Docs from classrooms.

What would happen if such legal-but-sneaky strategies for tilting the rules in favor of one group over another become more widespread and effective? We can see hints of an answer in the remarkable pace at which artificial-intelligence tools for everything from writing to graphic design are being developed and improved. And the unavoidable conclusion is that AI will make lobbying more guileful, and perhaps more successful.

It turns out there is a natural opening for this technology: microlegislation.

“Microlegislation” is a term for small pieces of proposed law that cater—sometimes unexpectedly—to narrow interests. Political scientist Amy McKay coined the term. She studied the 564 amendments to the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) considered by the Senate Finance Committee in 2009, as well as the positions of 866 lobbying groups and their campaign contributions. She documented instances where lobbyist comments—on health-care research, vaccine services, and other provisions—were translated directly into microlegislation in the form of amendments. And she found that those groups’ financial contributions to specific senators on the committee increased the amendments’ chances of passing.

Her finding that lobbying works was no surprise. More important, McKay’s work demonstrated that computer models can predict the likely fate of proposed legislative amendments, as well as the paths by which lobbyists can most effectively secure their desired outcomes. And that turns out to be a critical piece of creating an AI lobbyist.

Lobbying has long been part of the give-and-take among human policymakers and advocates working to balance their competing interests. The danger of microlegislation—a danger greatly exacerbated by AI—is that it can be used in a way that makes it difficult to figure out who the legislation truly benefits.

Another word for a strategy like this is a “hack.” Hacks follow the rules of a system but subvert their intent. Hacking is often associated with computer systems, but the concept is also applicable to social systems like financial markets, tax codes, and legislative processes.

While the idea of monied interests incorporating AI assistive technologies into their lobbying remains hypothetical, specific machine-learning technologies exist today that would enable them to do so. We should expect these techniques to get better and their utilization to grow, just as we’ve seen in so many other domains.

Here’s how it might work.

Crafting an AI microlegislator

To make microlegislation, machine-learning systems must be able to uncover the smallest modification that could be made to a bill or existing law that would make the biggest impact on a narrow interest.

There are three basic challenges involved. First, you must create a policy proposal—small suggested changes to legal text—and anticipate whether or not a human reader would recognize the alteration as substantive. This is important; a change that isn’t detectable is more likely to pass without controversy. Second, you need to do an impact assessment to project the implications of that change for the short- or long-range financial interests of companies. Third, you need a lobbying strategizer to identify what levers of power to pull to get the best proposal into law.

Existing AI tools can tackle all three of these.

The first step, the policy proposal, leverages the core function of generative AI. Large language models, the sort that have been used for general-purpose chatbots such as ChatGPT, can easily be adapted to write like a native in different specialized domains after seeing a relatively small number of examples. This process is called fine-tuning. For example, a model “pre-trained” on a large library of generic text samples from books and the internet can be “fine-tuned” to work effectively on medical literature, computer science papers, and product reviews.

Given this flexibility and capacity for adaptation, a large language model could be fine-tuned to produce draft legislative texts, given a data set of previously offered amendments and the bills they were associated with. Training data is available. At the federal level, it’s provided by the US Government Publishing Office, and there are already tools for downloading and interacting with it. Most other jurisdictions provide similar data feeds, and there are even convenient assemblages of that data.

Meanwhile, large language models like the one underlying ChatGPT are routinely used for summarizing long, complex documents (even laws and computer code) to capture the essential points, and they are optimized to match human expectations. This capability could allow an AI assistant to automatically predict how detectable the true effect of a policy insertion may be to a human reader.

Today, it can take a highly paid team of human lobbyists days or weeks to generate and analyze alternative pieces of microlegislation on behalf of a client. With AI assistance, that could be done instantaneously and cheaply. This opens the door to dramatic increases in the scope of this kind of microlegislating, with a potential to scale across any number of bills in any jurisdiction.

Teaching machines to assess impact

Impact assessment is more complicated. There is a rich series of methods for quantifying the predicted outcome of a decision or policy, and then also optimizing the return under that model. This kind of approach goes by different names in different circles—mathematical programming in management science, utility maximization in economics, and rational design in the life sciences.

To train an AI to do this, we would need to specify some way to calculate the benefit to different parties as a result of a policy choice. That could mean estimating the financial return to different companies under a few different scenarios of taxation or regulation. Economists are skilled at building risk models like this, and companies are already required to formulate and disclose regulatory compliance risk factors to investors. Such a mathematical model could translate directly into a reward function, a grading system that could provide feedback for the model used to create policy proposals and direct the process of training it.

The real challenge in impact assessment for generative AI models would be to parse the textual output of a model like ChatGPT in terms that an economic model could readily use. Automating this would require extracting structured financial information from the draft amendment or any legalese surrounding it. This kind of information extraction, too, is an area where AI has a long history; for example, AI systems have been trained to recognize clinical details in doctors’ notes. Early indications are that large language models are fairly good at recognizing financial information in texts such as investor call transcripts. While it remains an open challenge in the field, they may even be capable of writing out multi-step plans based on descriptions in free text.

Machines as strategists

The last piece of the puzzle is a lobbying strategizer to figure out what actions to take to convince lawmakers to adopt the amendment.

Passing legislation requires a keen understanding of the complex interrelated networks of legislative offices, outside groups, executive agencies, and other stakeholders vying to serve their own interests. Each actor in this network has a baseline perspective and different factors that influence that point of view. For example, a legislator may be moved by seeing an allied stakeholder take a firm position, or by a negative news story, or by a campaign contribution.

It turns out that AI developers are very experienced at modeling these kinds of networks. Machine-learning models for network graphs have been built, refined, improved, and iterated by hundreds of researchers working on incredibly diverse problems: lidar scans used to guide self-driving cars, the chemical functions of molecular structures, the capture of motion in actors’ joints for computer graphics, behaviors in social networks, and more.

In the context of AI-assisted lobbying, political actors like legislators and lobbyists are nodes on a graph, just like users in a social network. Relations between them are graph edges, like social connections. Information can be passed along those edges, like messages sent to a friend or campaign contributions made to a member. AI models can use past examples to learn to estimate how that information changes the network. Calculating the likelihood that a campaign contribution of a given size will flip a legislator’s vote on an amendment is one application.

McKay’s work has already shown us that there are significant, predictable relationships between these actions and the outcomes of legislation, and that the work of discovering those can be automated. Others have shown that graphs of neural network models like those described above can be applied to political systems. The full-scale use of these technologies to guide lobbying strategy is theoretical, but plausible.

Put together, these three components could create an automatic system for generating profitable microlegislation. The policy proposal system would create millions, even billions, of possible amendments. The impact assessor would identify the few that promise to be most profitable to the client. And the lobbying strategy tool would produce a blueprint for getting them passed.

What remains is for human lobbyists to walk the floors of the Capitol or state house, and perhaps supply some cash to grease the wheels. These final two aspects of lobbying—access and financing—cannot be supplied by the AI tools we envision. This suggests that lobbying will continue to primarily benefit those who are already influential and wealthy, and AI assistance will amplify their existing advantages.

The transformative benefit that AI offers to lobbyists and their clients is scale. While individual lobbyists tend to focus on the federal level or a single state, with AI assistance they could more easily infiltrate a large number of state-level (or even local-level) law-making bodies and elections. At that level, where the average cost of a seat is measured in the tens of thousands of dollars instead of millions, a single donor can wield a lot of influence—if automation makes it possible to coordinate lobbying across districts.

How to stop them

When it comes to combating the potentially adverse effects of assistive AI, the first response always seems to be to try to detect whether or not content was AI-generated. We could imagine a defensive AI that detects anomalous lobbyist spending associated with amendments that benefit the contributing group. But by then, the damage might already be done.

In general, methods for detecting the work of AI tend not to keep pace with its ability to generate convincing content. And these strategies won’t be implemented by AIs alone. The lobbyists will still be humans who take the results of an AI microlegislator and further refine the computer’s strategies. These hybrid human-AI systems will not be detectable from their output.

But the good news is: the same strategies that have long been used to combat misbehavior by human lobbyists can still be effective when those lobbyists get an AI assist. We don’t need to reinvent our democracy to stave off the worst risks of AI; we just need to more fully implement long-standing ideals.

First, we should reduce the dependence of legislatures on monolithic, multi-thousand-page omnibus bills voted on under deadline. This style of legislating exploded in the 1980s and 1990s and continues through to the most recent federal budget bill. Notwithstanding their legitimate benefits to the political system, omnibus bills present an obvious and proven vehicle for inserting unnoticed provisions that may later surprise the same legislators who approved them.

The issue is not that individual legislators need more time to read and understand each bill (that isn’t realistic or even necessary). It’s that omnibus bills must pass. There is an imperative to pass a federal budget bill, and so the capacity to push back on individual provisions that may seem deleterious (or just impertinent) to any particular group is small. Bills that are too big to fail are ripe for hacking by microlegislation.

Moreover, the incentive for legislators to introduce microlegislation catering to a narrow interest is greater if the threat of exposure is lower. To strengthen the threat of exposure for misbehaving legislative sponsors, bills should focus more tightly on individual substantive areas and, after the introduction of amendments, allow more time before the committee and floor votes. During this time, we should encourage public review and testimony to provide greater oversight.

Second, we should strengthen disclosure requirements on lobbyists, whether they’re entirely human or AI-assisted. State laws regarding lobbying disclosure are a hodgepodge. North Dakota, for example, only requires lobbying reports to be filed annually, so that by the time a disclosure is made, the policy is likely already decided. A lobbying disclosure scorecard created by Open Secrets, a group researching the influence of money in US politics, tracks nine states that do not even require lobbyists to report their compensation.

Ideally, it would be great for the public to see all communication between lobbyists and legislators, whether it takes the form of a proposed amendment or not. Absent that, let’s give the public the benefit of reviewing what lobbyists are lobbying for—and why. Lobbying is traditionally an activity that happens behind closed doors. Right now, many states reinforce that: they actually exempt testimony delivered publicly to a legislature from being reported as lobbying.

In those jurisdictions, if you reveal your position to the public, you’re no longer lobbying. Let’s do the inverse: require lobbyists to reveal their positions on issues. Some jurisdictions already require a statement of position (a ‘yea’ or ‘nay’) from registered lobbyists. And in most (but not all) states, you could make a public records request regarding meetings held with a state legislator and hope to get something substantive back. But we can expect more—lobbyists could be required to proactively publish, within a few days, a brief summary of what they demanded of policymakers during meetings and why they believe it’s in the general interest.

We can’t rely on corporations to be forthcoming and wholly honest about the reasons behind their lobbying positions. But having them on the record about their intentions would at least provide a baseline for accountability.

Finally, consider the role AI assistive technologies may have on lobbying firms themselves and the labor market for lobbyists. Many observers are rightfully concerned about the possibility of AI replacing or devaluing the human labor it automates. If the automating potential of AI ends up commodifying the work of political strategizing and message development, it may indeed put some professionals on K Street out of work.

But don’t expect that to disrupt the careers of the most astronomically compensated lobbyists: former members Congress and other insiders who have passed through the revolving door. There is no shortage of reform ideas for limiting the ability of government officials turned lobbyists to sell access to their colleagues still in government, and they should be adopted and—equally important—maintained and enforced in successive Congresses and administrations.

None of these solutions are really original, specific to the threats posed by AI, or even predominantly focused on microlegislation—and that’s the point. Good governance should and can be robust to threats from a variety of techniques and actors.

But what makes the risks posed by AI especially pressing now is how fast the field is developing. We expect the scale, strategies, and effectiveness of humans engaged in lobbying to evolve over years and decades. Advancements in AI, meanwhile, seem to be making impressive breakthroughs at a much faster pace—and it’s still accelerating.

The legislative process is a constant struggle between parties trying to control the rules of our society as they are updated, rewritten, and expanded at the federal, state, and local levels. Lobbying is an important tool for balancing various interests through our system. If it’s well-regulated, perhaps lobbying can support policymakers in making equitable decisions on behalf of us all.

This article was co-written with Nathan E. Sanders and originally appeared in MIT Technology Review.

AWS Week in Review – February 27, 2023

Post Syndicated from Antje Barth original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-week-in-review-february-27-2023/

A couple days ago, I had the honor of doing a live stream on generative AI, discussing recent innovations and concepts behind the current generation of large language and vision models and how we got there. In today’s roundup of news and announcements, I will share some additional information—including an expanded partnership to make generative AI more accessible, a blog post about diffusion models, and our weekly Twitch show on Generative AI. Let’s dive right into it!

Last Week’s Launches
Here are some launches that got my attention during the previous week:

Integrated Private Wireless on AWS – The Integrated Private Wireless on AWS program is designed to provide enterprises with managed and validated private wireless offerings from leading communications service providers (CSPs). The offerings integrate CSPs’ private 5G and 4G LTE wireless networks with AWS services across AWS Regions, AWS Local Zones, AWS Outposts, and AWS Snow Family. For more details, read this Industries Blog post and check out this eBook. And, if you’re attending the Mobile World Congress Barcelona this week, stop by the AWS booth at the Upper Walkway, South Entrance, at the Fira Barcelona Gran Via, to learn more.

AWS Glue Crawlers – Now integrate with Lake Formation. AWS Glue Crawlers are used to discover datasets, extract schema information, and populate the AWS Glue Data Catalog. With this Glue Crawler and Lake Formation integration, you can configure a crawler to use Lake Formation permissions to access an S3 data store or a Data Catalog table with an underlying S3 location within the same AWS account or another AWS account. You can configure an existing Data Catalog table as a crawler’s target if the crawler and the Data Catalog table reside in the same account. To learn more, check out this Big Data Blog post.

AWS Glue Crawlers now support integration with AWS Lake Formation

Amazon SageMaker Model Monitor – You can now launch and configure Amazon SageMaker Model Monitor from the SageMaker Model Dashboard using a code-free point-and-click setup experience. SageMaker Model Dashboard gives you unified monitoring across all your models by providing insights into deviations from expected behavior, automated alerts, and troubleshooting to improve model performance. Model Monitor can detect drift in data quality, model quality, bias, and feature attribution and alert you to take remedial actions when such changes occur.

Amazon EKS – Now supports Kubernetes version 1.25. Kubernetes 1.25 introduced several new features and bug fixes, and you can now use Amazon EKS and Amazon EKS Distro to run Kubernetes version 1.25. You can create new 1.25 clusters or upgrade your existing clusters to 1.25 using the Amazon EKS console, the eksctl command line interface, or through an infrastructure-as-code tool. To learn more about this release named “Combiner,” check out this Containers Blog post.

Amazon Detective – New self-paced workshop available. You can now learn to use Amazon Detective with a new self-paced workshop in AWS Workshop Studio. AWS Workshop Studio is a collection of self-paced tutorials designed to teach practical skills and techniques to solve business problems. The Amazon Detective workshop is designed to teach you how to use the primary features of Detective through a series of interactive modules that cover topics such as security alert triage, security incident investigation, and threat hunting. Get started with the Amazon Detective Workshop.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS News
Here are some additional news items and blog posts that you may find interesting:

🤗❤☁ AWS and Hugging Face collaborate to make generative AI more accessible and cost-efficient – This previous week, we announced an expanded collaboration between AWS and Hugging Face to accelerate the training, fine-tuning, and deployment of large language and vision models used to create generative AI applications. Generative AI applications can perform a variety of tasks, including text summarization, answering questions, code generation, image creation, and writing essays and articles. For more details, read this Machine Learning Blog post.

If you are interested in generative AI, I also recommend reading this blog post on how to Fine-tune text-to-image Stable Diffusion models with Amazon SageMaker JumpStart. Stable Diffusion is a deep learning model that allows you to generate realistic, high-quality images and stunning art in just a few seconds. This blog post discusses how to make design choices, including dataset quality, size of training dataset, choice of hyperparameter values, and applicability to multiple datasets.

AWS open-source news and updates – My colleague Ricardo writes this weekly open-source newsletter in which he highlights new open-source projects, tools, and demos from the AWS Community. Read edition #146 here.

Upcoming AWS Events
Check your calendars and sign up for these AWS events:

Build On AWS - Generative AI#BuildOn Generative AI – Join our weekly live Build On Generative AI Twitch show. Every Monday morning, 9:00 US PT, my colleagues Emily and Darko take a look at aspects of generative AI. They host developers, scientists, startup founders, and AI leaders and discuss how to build generative AI applications on AWS.

In today’s episode, my colleague Chris walked us through an end-to-end ML pipeline from data ingestion to fine-tuning and deployment of generative AI models. You can watch the video here.

AWS Pi Day 2023 SmallAWS Pi Day – Join me on March 14 for the third annual AWS Pi Day live, virtual event hosted on the AWS On Air channel on Twitch as we celebrate the 17th birthday of Amazon S3 and the cloud.

We will discuss the latest innovations across AWS Data services, from storage to analytics and AI/ML. If you are curious about how AI can transform your business, register here and join my session.

AWS Innovate Data and AI/ML edition – AWS Innovate is a free online event to learn the latest from AWS experts and get step-by-step guidance on using AI/ML to drive fast, efficient, and measurable results. Register now for EMEA (March 9) and the Americas (March 14).

You can browse all upcoming AWS-led in-person, virtual events and developer focused events such as Community Days.

That’s all for this week. Check back next Monday for another Week in Review!

— Antje

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

Detecting solar panel damage with Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels

Post Syndicated from Ramakant Joshi original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/detecting-solar-panel-damage-with-amazon-rekognition-custom-labels/

Enterprises perform quality control to ensure products meet production standards and avoid potential brand reputation damage. As the cost of sensors decreases and connectivity increases, industries adopt real-time imagery analysis to detect quality issues.

At the same time, artificial intelligence (AI) advancements enable advanced automation, reduce overall cost and project time, and produce accurate defect detection results in manufacturing plants. As these technologies mature, AI-driven inspections are more common outside of the plant environment.

Overview of solution

This post describes our SOLVED (Solar Roving Eye Detector) project leveraging machine learning (ML) to identify damaged solar panels using Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels and alert operators to take corrective action.

As solar adoption increases, so does the need to detect panel damage. Applying AWS-managed AI services is a simpler, more cost-effective approach than human solar panel inspection or custom-built production applications.

Customers can capture and process videos from the field and build effective computer vision models without creating a dedicated data science team. This approach can be generalized for use cases across industries to detect defects in wind turbines, cell phone towers, automotive parts, and other field components.

Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels builds off of existing service capabilities already trained to identify the objects and scenes in millions of cross-category images. You upload a small set of training images—typically a few hundred or less—into our console. The solution automatically loads and inspects the training data, selects the right ML algorithms, trains a model, and provides model performance metrics. You can then integrate your custom model into your applications through the Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels API.


This post introduces the SOLVED project featured at the re:Invent 2021 Builders Fair. It will:

  • Review the need for solar panel damage detection
  • Discuss a cloud-based approach to ingest, store, process, analyze, and detect damaged solar panels
  • Present a diagram streaming videos from a Raspberry Pi, storing them on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), processing them using an AWS video-on-demand solution, and inferring damage using Amazon Rekognition
  • Introduce a console to mimic an operation center for appropriate action
  • Demonstrate the integration of AWS IoT Core with a Philips Hue bulb for operator alerts


Before getting started, review the following prerequisites for this solution:

The SOLVED project

The SOLVED project leverages ML to identify damaged solar panels using Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels. It involves four steps:

  1. Data ingestion: Live solar panel video ingested from moving rover into an Amazon S3 bucket
  2. Pre-processing: Captured video split into thumbnail images
  3. Processing and visualization: ML models making real-time inferences to identify defective panels with a dashboard to review images and prediction scores
  4. Alerting: Defective panels result in notification sent through MQTT messages to light a smart bulb

Figure 1 shows the SOLVED project system architecture.

The SOLVED project system architecture

Figure 1. The SOLVED project system architecture

Installation steps

Let’s review each of the steps in this use case.

Data ingestion

The data ingestion layer of the SOLVED project consists of a continuous video stream captured as a rover moves through a field of solar panels.

We used a Freenove 4WD Smart Car rover with Raspberry Pi. The mounted camera captures video as it moves through the field. We installed an Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Producer on the Pi and streamed the live video to a Kinesis Video Stream named reinventbuilder2021.

Figure 2 shows the Kinesis Video Stream setup window for reinventbuilder2021.

Kinesis Video Stream setup for reinventbuilder2021

Figure 2. Kinesis Video Stream setup for reinventbuilder2021

To start streaming, use the following steps.

  1. Create a new Kinesis Video Stream using this Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Developer Guide
  2. Make a note of the Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
  3. On the Pi, access the command prompt and use aws sts get-session-token for temporary credentials. The IAM user should have the permissions for Kinesis Video Streams PutMedia.
  4. Set the following environment variables:
    export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="us-east-1"
    export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="xxxxx"
    export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="yyyyy"
    export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=“zzzzz”
  5. Start the streamer using the following command:
    cd ~/amazon-kinesis-video-streams-producer-sdk-cpp/build
    ./kvs_gstreamer_sample reinventbuilder2021
  6. Validate the captured stream by viewing the Media playback on the console.

Figure 3 shows the video stream console, including the Media playback option.

Video stream console with Media playback option

Figure 3. Video stream console with Media playback option

There are two ways to clip video snippets, which we’ll do next.

You can use the Download clip button on the video stream console as shown in Figure 4.

Choose your video streaming clip duration

Figure 4. Choose your video streaming clip duration

Alternately, you can use a script from the following command line:

ONE_MIN_AGO=$(date -v -30S -u "+%FT%T+0000")
NOW=$(date -u "+%FT%T+0000")


aws kinesis-video-archived-media get-clip --endpoint-url $KVS_DATA_ENDPOINT \
--stream-name reinventbuilder2021 \
--clip-fragment-selector "FragmentSelectorType=SERVER_TIMESTAMP,TimestampRange={StartTimestamp=$ONE_MIN_AGO,EndTimestamp=$NOW}" \

echo "Running get-clip for stream"

sleep 45

aws s3 cp $FILE_NAME $S3_PATH
echo "copying file $FILE_NAME TO $S3_PATH"

The clip is available in the Amazon S3 source folder created using AWS CloudFormation, as shown in Figure 5.

Access your clip in the Amazon S3 source folder

Figure 5. Access your clip in the Amazon S3 source folder


To process the video, we leverage Video on Demand at AWS. This solution encodes video files with AWS Elemental MediaConvert. Out of the box, it:

1. Automatically transcodes videos uploaded to Amazon S3 into formats suitable for playback on a range of devices using MediaConvert
2. Customizes MediaConvert job settings by uploading a custom file and using different settings per input
3. Stores transcoded files in a destination Amazon S3 bucket and uses CloudFront to deliver them to end viewers
4. Provides outputs including input file metadata, job settings, and output details in addition to transcoded video. These outputs are stored in a separate JSON file, available for further processing

For our use case, we used the frame capture feature to create a set of thumbnails from the source videos. The thumbnails are stored in the Amazon S3 bucket with the video output.

To deploy this solution, use the CloudFormation stack.

Processing and visualization

Every trained ML model requires quality training data. We began with publicly available solar panel images that were categorized as “good” or “defective” and uploaded the images to an Amazon S3 bucket into corresponding folders.

Next, we configured Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels with the folders to indicate the labels to use in training and deploying the model. Using the rover images, we tested the model.

We used the rover to record videos of good and damaged solar panels over an extended period and label the outcome favorably. The video was then split into individual frames using MediaConvert, giving us a well-labeled dataset that we trained our model with using Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels.

We used the model endpoint to infer outcomes on solar panels with varying damage footprints across multiple locations. AWS Elemental Mediaconvert expedited the process of curating the training set, and creating the model and endpoint using Amazon Rekognition was straightforward.

As shown in Figure 6, we used a training set of 7,000 images with an even mix of good and damaged panels.

A training set of images

Figure 6. A training set of images

Examples of good panel images are depicted in Figure 7.

Good panel images

Figure 7. Good panel images

Examples of damaged panel images are depicted in Figure 8.

Damaged panel images

Figure 8. Damaged panel images

In this use case, 90 percent model accuracy was achieved.

To visualize the results, we leveraged AWS Amplify to provide an operator interface to identify the damaged panels.

Figure 9 shows screenshots from the operator dashboard with output from the Amazon Custom Labels Rekognition model for good and defective panels.

Operator dashboard in AWS Amplify

Figure 9. Operator dashboard in AWS Amplify


Maintenance teams must be notified of defective panels to take corrective action. To create alerts, we configured AWS IoT Core to send MQTT messages to a Philips Hue smart bulb, with red bulbs indicating defective panels. To set up the Philips Hue API, use the How to develop for Hue guide.

For example, here’s the API to change color:

PUT https://192.xx.xx.xx/api/xxxxxxx/lights/1/state

{"on":true, "sat":254, "bri":254,"hue":20000} 

turns color to green

{"on":true, "sat":254, "bri":254,"hue":1000}

turns to red.

We set up a client on the Pi that listens on an AWS IoT Core MQTT topic and makes an API request to Philips Hue.

To connect a device to AWS IoT, complete these steps:

  1. Create an IoT thing, a device certificate, and an AWS IoT policy. An AWS IoT thing represents a physical device (in this case, Raspberry Pi) and contains static device metadata, as shown in Figure 10.
    AWS IoT Thing

    Figure 10. AWS IoT Thing

    2. Create a device certificate, required to connect to and authenticate with AWS IoT. An example is shown in Figure 11.

Device certificate

Figure 11. Device certificate

3. Associate an AWS IoT policy with each device certificate. They determine which AWS IoT resources the device can access. In this case, we allowed iot.*, giving the device access to all IoT resources, as shown in Figure 12.

IoT policy

Figure 12. IoT policy

Devices and other clients use an AWS IoT root CA certificate to authenticate the server they’re communicating with. For more on how devices authenticate with AWS IoT Core, see Server authentication in the AWS IoT Core Developer Guide. Copy the certificate chain to the Raspberry Pi.

For communication with the Philips Hue, we used the Qhue wrapper as shown in Figure 13.

Qhue wrapper

Figure 13. Qhue wrapper

The authors presented a demo of this solution at re:Invent 2021 Builder’s Fair.

Author demo at re:Invent 2021 Builder's Fair

Figure 14. Author demo at re:Invent 2021 Builder’s Fair

Clean up

If you used the CloudFormation stack, delete it to avoid unexpected future charges. Delete Amazon S3 buckets and terminate Amazon Rekognition jobs to stop accruing charges.


Amazon Rekognition helps customers collect images in the field and apply AI-based analysis to interpret the condition of assets within the images.

In this post, you learned how to configure the Kinesis Video Stream producer on a Raspberry Pi to upload captured videos to Amazon Kinesis Video streams. You also learned how to save video streams to Amazon S3 and leverage the Video on Demand at AWS solution.

Using AWS MediaConvert, we transcoded the videos and create a set of thumbnails from the source videos. We then used Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels to train and deploy models for solar panel damage detection. Finally, we configured AWS IoT core to send MQTT messages to a Philips Hue smart bulb for notifications.

In this post, we presented a serverless architecture on AWS to detect defective solar panels. The reference architecture diagram is adaptable to solve inspection and damage detection problems across other industries.

Defending against AI Lobbyists

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/02/defending-against-ai-lobbyists.html

When is it time to start worrying about artificial intelligence interfering in our democracy? Maybe when an AI writes a letter to The New York Times opposing the regulation of its own technology.

That happened last month. And because the letter was responding to an essay we wrote, we’re starting to get worried. And while the technology can be regulated, the real solution lies in recognizing that the problem is human actors—and those we can do something about.

Our essay argued that the much heralded launch of the AI chatbot ChatGPT, a system that can generate text realistic enough to appear to be written by a human, poses significant threats to democratic processes. The ability to produce high quality political messaging quickly and at scale, if combined with AI-assisted capabilities to strategically target those messages to policymakers and the public, could become a powerful accelerant of an already sprawling and poorly constrained force in modern democratic life: lobbying.

We speculated that AI-assisted lobbyists could use generative models to write op-eds and regulatory comments supporting a position, identify members of Congress who wield the most influence over pending legislation, use network pattern identification to discover undisclosed or illegal political coordination, or use supervised machine learning to calibrate the optimal contribution needed to sway the vote of a legislative committee member.

These are all examples of what we call AI hacking. Hacks are strategies that follow the rules of a system, but subvert its intent. Currently a human creative process, future AIs could discover, develop, and execute these same strategies.

While some of these activities are the longtime domain of human lobbyists, AI tools applied against the same task would have unfair advantages. They can scale their activity effortlessly across every state in the country—human lobbyists tend to focus on a single state—they may uncover patterns and approaches unintuitive and unrecognizable by human experts, and do so nearly instantaneously with little chance for human decision makers to keep up.

These factors could make AI hacking of the democratic process fundamentally ungovernable. Any policy response to limit the impact of AI hacking on political systems would be critically vulnerable to subversion or control by an AI hacker. If AI hackers achieve unchecked influence over legislative processes, they could dictate the rules of our society: including the rules that govern AI.

We admit that this seemed far fetched when we first wrote about it in 2021. But now that the emanations and policy prescriptions of ChatGPT have been given an audience in the New York Times and innumerable other outlets in recent weeks, it’s getting harder to dismiss.

At least one group of researchers is already testing AI techniques to automatically find and advocate for bills that benefit a particular interest. And one Massachusetts representative used ChatGPT to draft legislation regulating AI.

The AI technology of two years ago seems quaint by the standards of ChatGPT. What will the technology of 2025 seem like if we could glimpse it today? To us there is no question that now is the time to act.

First, let’s dispense with the concepts that won’t work. We cannot solely rely on explicit regulation of AI technology development, distribution, or use. Regulation is essential, but it would be vastly insufficient. The rate of AI technology development, and the speed at which AI hackers might discover damaging strategies, already outpaces policy development, enactment, and enforcement.

Moreover, we cannot rely on detection of AI actors. The latest research suggests that AI models trying to classify text samples as human- or AI-generated have limited precision, and are ill equipped to handle real world scenarios. These reactive, defensive techniques will fail because the rate of advancement of the “offensive” generative AI is so astounding.

Additionally, we risk a dragnet that will exclude masses of human constituents that will use AI to help them express their thoughts, or machine translation tools to help them communicate. If a written opinion or strategy conforms to the intent of a real person, it should not matter if they enlisted the help of an AI (or a human assistant) to write it.

Most importantly, we should avoid the classic trap of societies wrenched by the rapid pace of change: privileging the status quo. Slowing down may seem like the natural response to a threat whose primary attribute is speed. Ideas like increasing requirements for human identity verification, aggressive detection regimes for AI-generated messages, and elongation of the legislative or regulatory process would all play into this fallacy. While each of these solutions may have some value independently, they do nothing to make the already powerful actors less powerful.

Finally, it won’t work to try to starve the beast. Large language models like ChatGPT have a voracious appetite for data. They are trained on past examples of the kinds of content that they will be asked to generate in the future. Similarly, an AI system built to hack political systems will rely on data that documents the workings of those systems, such as messages between constituents and legislators, floor speeches, chamber and committee voting results, contribution records, lobbying relationship disclosures, and drafts of and amendments to legislative text. The steady advancement towards the digitization and publication of this information that many jurisdictions have made is positive. The threat of AI hacking should not dampen or slow progress on transparency in public policymaking.

Okay, so what will help?

First, recognize that the true threats here are malicious human actors. Systems like ChatGPT and our still-hypothetical political-strategy AI are still far from artificial general intelligences. They do not think. They do not have free will. They are just tools directed by people, much like lobbyist for hire. And, like lobbyists, they will be available primarily to the richest individuals, groups, and their interests.

However, we can use the same tools that would be effective in controlling human political influence to curb AI hackers. These tools will be familiar to any follower of the last few decades of U.S. political history.

Campaign finance reforms such as contribution limits, particularly when applied to political action committees of all types as well as to candidate operated campaigns, can reduce the dependence of politicians on contributions from private interests. The unfair advantage of a malicious actor using AI lobbying tools is at least somewhat mitigated if a political target’s entire career is not already focused on cultivating a concentrated set of major donors.

Transparency also helps. We can expand mandatory disclosure of contributions and lobbying relationships, with provisions to prevent the obfuscation of the funding source. Self-interested advocacy should be transparently reported whether or not it was AI-assisted. Meanwhile, we should increase penalties for organizations that benefit from AI-assisted impersonation of constituents in political processes, and set a greater expectation of responsibility to avoid “unknowing” use of these tools on their behalf.

Our most important recommendation is less legal and more cultural. Rather than trying to make it harder for AI to participate in the political process, make it easier for humans to do so.

The best way to fight an AI that can lobby for moneyed interests is to help the little guy lobby for theirs. Promote inclusion and engagement in the political process so that organic constituent communications grow alongside the potential growth of AI-directed communications. Encourage direct contact that generates more-than-digital relationships between constituents and their representatives, which will be an enduring way to privilege human stakeholders. Provide paid leave to allow people to vote as well as to testify before their legislature and participate in local town meetings and other civic functions. Provide childcare and accessible facilities at civic functions so that more community members can participate.

The threat of AI hacking our democracy is legitimate and concerning, but its solutions are consistent with our democratic values. Many of the ideas above are good governance reforms already being pushed and fought over at the federal and state level.

We don’t need to reinvent our democracy to save it from AI. We just need to continue the work of building a just and equitable political system. Hopefully ChatGPT will give us all some impetus to do that work faster.

This essay was written with Nathan Sanders, and appeared on the Belfer Center blog.

AIs as Computer Hackers

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/02/ais-as-computer-hackers.html

Hacker “Capture the Flag” has been a mainstay at hacker gatherings since the mid-1990s. It’s like the outdoor game, but played on computer networks. Teams of hackers defend their own computers while attacking other teams’. It’s a controlled setting for what computer hackers do in real life: finding and fixing vulnerabilities in their own systems and exploiting them in others’. It’s the software vulnerability lifecycle.

These days, dozens of teams from around the world compete in weekend-long marathon events held all over the world. People train for months. Winning is a big deal. If you’re into this sort of thing, it’s pretty much the most fun you can possibly have on the Internet without committing multiple felonies.

In 2016, DARPA ran a similarly styled event for artificial intelligence (AI). One hundred teams entered their systems into the Cyber Grand Challenge. After completing qualifying rounds, seven finalists competed at the DEFCON hacker convention in Las Vegas. The competition occurred in a specially designed test environment filled with custom software that had never been analyzed or tested. The AIs were given 10 hours to find vulnerabilities to exploit against the other AIs in the competition and to patch themselves against exploitation. A system called Mayhem, created by a team of Carnegie-Mellon computer security researchers, won. The researchers have since commercialized the technology, which is now busily defending networks for customers like the U.S. Department of Defense.

There was a traditional human–team capture-the-flag event at DEFCON that same year. Mayhem was invited to participate. It came in last overall, but it didn’t come in last in every category all of the time.

I figured it was only a matter of time. It would be the same story we’ve seen in so many other areas of AI: the games of chess and go, X-ray and disease diagnostics, writing fake news. AIs would improve every year because all of the core technologies are continually improving. Humans would largely stay the same because we remain humans even as our tools improve. Eventually, the AIs would routinely beat the humans. I guessed that it would take about a decade.

But now, five years later, I have no idea if that prediction is still on track. Inexplicably, DARPA never repeated the event. Research on the individual components of the software vulnerability lifecycle does continue. There’s an enormous amount of work being done on automatic vulnerability finding. Going through software code line by line is exactly the sort of tedious problem at which machine learning systems excel, if they can only be taught how to recognize a vulnerability. There is also work on automatic vulnerability exploitation and lots on automatic update and patching. Still, there is something uniquely powerful about a competition that puts all of the components together and tests them against others.

To see that in action, you have to go to China. Since 2017, China has held at least seven of these competitions—called Robot Hacking Games—many with multiple qualifying rounds. The first included one team each from the United States, Russia, and Ukraine. The rest have been Chinese only: teams from Chinese universities, teams from companies like Baidu and Tencent, teams from the military. Rules seem to vary. Sometimes human–AI hybrid teams compete.

Details of these events are few. They’re Chinese language only, which naturally limits what the West knows about them. I didn’t even know they existed until Dakota Cary, a research analyst at the Center for Security and Emerging Technology and a Chinese speaker, wrote a report about them a few months ago. And they’re increasingly hosted by the People’s Liberation Army, which presumably controls how much detail becomes public.

Some things we can infer. In 2016, none of the Cyber Grand Challenge teams used modern machine learning techniques. Certainly most of the Robot Hacking Games entrants are using them today. And the competitions encourage collaboration as well as competition between the teams. Presumably that accelerates advances in the field.

None of this is to say that real robot hackers are poised to attack us today, but I wish I could predict with some certainty when that day will come. In 2018, I wrote about how AI could change the attack/defense balance in cybersecurity. I said that it is impossible to know which side would benefit more but predicted that the technologies would benefit the defense more, at least in the short term. I wrote: “Defense is currently in a worse position than offense precisely because of the human components. Present-day attacks pit the relative advantages of computers and humans against the relative weaknesses of computers and humans. Computers moving into what are traditionally human areas will rebalance that equation.”

Unfortunately, it’s the People’s Liberation Army and not DARPA that will be the first to learn if I am right or wrong and how soon it matters.

This essay originally appeared in the January/February 2022 issue of IEEE Security & Privacy.

How SikSin improved customer engagement with AWS Data Lab and Amazon Personalize

Post Syndicated from Byungjun Choi original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/how-siksin-improved-customer-engagement-with-aws-data-lab-and-amazon-personalize/

This post is co-written with Byungjun Choi and Sangha Yang from SikSin.

SikSin is a technology platform connecting customers with restaurant partners serving their multiple needs. Customers use the SikSin platform to search and discover restaurants, read and write reviews, and view photos. From the restaurateurs’ perspective, SikSin enables restaurant partners to engage and acquire customers in order to grow their business. SikSin has a partnership with 850 corporate companies and more than 50,000 restaurants. They issue restaurant e-vouchers to more than 220,000 members, including individuals as well as corporate members. The SikSin platform receives more than 3 million users in a month. SikSin was listed in the top 100 of the Financial Times’s Asia-Pacific region’s high-growth companies in 2022.

SikSin was looking to deliver improved customer experiences and increase customer engagement. SikSin confronted two business challenges:

  • Customer engagement – SikSin maintains data on more than 750,000 restaurants and has more than 4,000 restaurant articles (and growing). SikSin was looking for a personalized and customized approach to provide restaurant recommendations for their customers and get them engaged with the content, thereby providing a personalized customer experience.
  • Data analysis activities – The SikSin Food Service team experienced difficulties in regards to report generation due to scattered data across multiple systems. The team previously had to submit a request to the IT team and then wait for answers that might be outdated. For the IT team, they needed to manually pull data out of files, databases, and applications, and then combine them upon every request, which is a time-consuming activity. The SikSin Food Service team wanted to view web analytics log data by multiple dimensions, such as customer profiles and places. Examples include page view, conversion rate, and channels.

To overcome these two challenges, SikSin participated in the AWS Data Lab program to assist them in building a prototype solution. The AWS Data Lab offers accelerated, joint-engineering engagements between customers and AWS technical resources to create tangible deliverables that accelerate data and analytics modernization initiatives. The Build Lab is a 2–5-day intensive build with a technical customer team.

In this post, we share how SikSin built the basis for accelerating their data project with the help of the Data Lab and Amazon Personalize.

Use cases

The Data Lab team and SikSin team had three consecutive meetings to discuss business and technical requirements, and decided to work on two uses cases to resolve their two business challenges:

  • Build personalized recommendations – SikSin wanted to deploy a machine learning (ML) model to produce personalized content on the landing page of the platform, particularly restaurants and restaurant articles. The success criteria was to increase the number of page views per session and membership subscription, reduce their bounce rate, and ultimately engage more visitors and members in SikSin’s contents.
  • Establish self-service analytics – SikSin’s business users wanted to reduce time to insight by making data more accessible while removing the reliance on the IT team by giving business users the ability to query data. The key was to consolidate web logs from BigQuery and operational business data from Amazon Relational Data Service (Amazon RDS) into a single place and analyze data whenever they need.

Solution overview

The following architecture depicts what the SikSin team built in the 4-day Build Lab. There are two parts in the solution to address SikSin’s business and technical requirements. The first part (1–8) is for building personalized recommendations, and the second part (A–D) is for establishing self-service analytics.

SikSin Solution Architecture

SikSin deployed an ML model to produce personalized content recommendations by using the following AWS services:

  1. AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) helps migrate databases to AWS quickly and securely with minimal downtime. The SikSin team used AWS DMS to perform full load to bring data from the database tables into Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) as a target. Amazon S3 is an object storage service offering industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance. An AWS Glue crawler populates the AWS Glue Data Catalog with the data schema definitions (in a landing folder).
  2. An AWS Lambda function checks if any previous files still exist in the landing folder and archives the files into a backup folder, if any.
  3. AWS Glue is a serverless data integration service that makes it easier to discover, prepare, move, and integrate data from multiple sources for analytics, ML, and application development. The SikSin team created AWS Glue Spark extract, transform, and load (ETL) jobs to prepare input datasets for ML models. These datasets are used to train ML models in bulk mode. There are a total of five datasets for training and two datasets for batch inference jobs.
  4. Amazon Personalize allows developers to quickly build and deploy curated recommendations and intelligent user segmentation at scale using ML. Because Amazon Personalize can be tailored to your individual needs, you can deliver the right customer experience at the right time and in the right place. Also, users will select existing ML models (also known as recipes), train models, and run batch inference to make recommendations.
  5. An Amazon Personalize job predicts for each line of input data (restaurants and restaurant articles) and produces ML-generated recommendations in the designated S3 output folder. The recommendation records are surfaced using interaction data, product data, and predictive models. An AWS Glue crawler populates the AWS Glue Data Catalog with the data schema definitions (in an output folder).
  6. The SikSin team applied business logics and filters in an AWS Glue job to prepare the final datasets for recommendations.
  7. AWS Step Functions enables you to build scalable, distributed applications using state machines. The SikSin team used AWS Step Functions Workflow Studio to visually create, run, and debug workflow runs. This workflow is triggered based on a schedule. The process includes data ingestion, cleansing, processing, and all steps defined in Amazon Personalize. This also involves managing run dependencies, scheduling, error-catching, and concurrency in accordance with the logical flow of the pipeline.
  8. Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) sends notifications. The SikSin team used Amazon SNS to send a notification via email and Google Hangouts with a Lambda function as a target.

To establish a self-service analytics environment to enable business users to perform data analysis, SikSin used the following services:

  1. The Google BigQuery Connector for AWS Glue simplifies the process of connecting AWS Glue jobs to extract data from BigQuery. The SikSin team used the connector to extract web analytics logs from BigQuery and load them to an S3 bucket.
  2. AWS Glue DataBrew is a visual data preparation tool that makes it easy for data analysts and data scientists to clean and normalize data to prepare it for analytics and ML. You can choose from over 250 pre-built transformations to automate data preparation tasks, all without the need to write any code. The SikSin Food Service team used it to visually inspect large datasets and shape the data for their data analysis activities. An S3 bucket (in the intermediate folder) contains business operational data such as customers, places, articles, and products, and reference data loaded from AWS DMS and web analytics logs and data by AWS Glue jobs.
  3. An AWS Glue Python shell runs a job to cleanse and join data, and apply business rules to prepare the data for queries. The SikSin team used AWS SDK Pandas, an AWS Professional Service open-source Python initiative, which extends the power of the Pandas library to AWS, connecting DataFrames and AWS data related services. The output files are stored in an Apache Parquet format in a single folder. An AWS Glue crawler populates the data schema definitions (in an output folder) into the AWS Glue Data Catalog.
  4. The SikSin Food Service team used Amazon Athena and Amazon Quicksight to query and visualize the data analysis. Athena is an interactive query service that makes it easy to analyze data in Amazon S3 using standard SQL. QuickSight is an ML-powered business intelligence service built for the cloud.

Business outcomes

The SikSin Food Service team is now able to access the available data for performing data analysis and manipulation operations efficiently, as well as for getting insights on their own. This immediately allows the team as well as other lines of business to understand how customers are interacting with SikSin’s contents and services on the platform and make decisions sooner. For example, with the data output, the Food Service team was able to provide insights and data points for their external stakeholder and customer to initiate a new business idea. Moreover, the team shared, “We anticipate the recommendations and personalized content will increase conversion rates and customer engagement.”

The AWS Data Lab enabled SikSin to review and assess thoroughly what data is actually usable and available. With SikSin’s objective to successfully build a data pipeline for data analytics purposes, the SikSin team came to realize the importance of data cleansing, categorization, and standardization. “Only fruitful analysis and recommendation are possible when data is intact and properly cleansed,” said Byungjun Choi (the Head of SikSin’s Food Service Team). After completing the Data Lab, SikSin completed and set up an internal process that can streamline the data cleansing pipeline.

SikSin was stuck in the research phase of looking for a solution to solve their personalization challenges. The AWS Data Lab enabled the SikSin IT Team to get hands-on with the technology and build a minimum viable product (MVP) to explore how Amazon Personalize would work in their environment with their data. They achieved this via the Data Lab by adopting AWS DMS, AWS Glue, Amazon Personalize, and Step Functions. “Though it is still the early stage of building a prototype, I am very confident with the right enablement provided from AWS that an effective recommendation system can be adopted on production level very soon,” commented Sangha Yang (the Head of SikSin IT Team).


As a result of the 4-day Build Lab, the SikSin team left with a working prototype that is custom fit to their needs, gaining a clear path forward for enabling end-users to gain valuable insights into its data. The Data Lab allowed the SikSin team to accelerate the architectural design and prototype build of this solution by months. Based on the lessons and learnings obtained from Data Lab, SikSin is planning to launch a Global News Content Platform equipped with a recommendation feature in FY23.

As demonstrated by SikSin’s achievements, Amazon Personalize allows developers to quickly build and deploy curated recommendations and intelligent user segmentation at scale using ML. Because Amazon Personalize can be tailored to your individual needs, you can deliver the right customer experience at the right time and in the right place. Whether you want to optimize recommendations, target customers more accurately, maximize your data’s value, or promote items using business rules.

To accelerate your digital transformation with ML, the Data Lab program is available to support you by providing prescriptive architectural guidance on a particular use case, sharing best practices, and removing technical roadblocks. You’ll leave the engagement with an architecture or working prototype that is custom fit to your needs, a path to production, and deeper knowledge of AWS services.

Please contact your AWS Account Manager or Solutions Architect to get started. If you don’t have an AWS Account Manager, please contact Sales.

About the Authors

bdb-2857-BJByungjun Choi is the Head of SikSin Food Service at SikSin.

bdb-2857-SHSangha Yang is the Head of IT team at SinSin.

bdb-2857-youngguYounggu Yun is a Senior Data Lab Architect at AWS. He works with customers around the APAC region to help them achieve business goals and solve technical problems by providing prescriptive architectural guidance, sharing best practices, and building innovative solutions together.

Junwoo Lee is an Account Manager at AWS. He provides technical and business support to help customer resolve their problems and enrich customer journey by introducing local and global programs for his customers.

bdb-2857-jinwooJinwoo Park is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS. He provides technical support for AWS customers to succeed with their cloud journey. He helps customers build more secure, efficient, and cost-optimized architectures and solutions, and delivers best practices and workshops.

AI and Political Lobbying

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/01/ai-and-political-lobbying.html

Launched just weeks ago, ChatGPT is already threatening to upend how we draft everyday communications like emails, college essays and myriad other forms of writing.

Created by the company OpenAI, ChatGPT is a chatbot that can automatically respond to written prompts in a manner that is sometimes eerily close to human.

But for all the consternation over the potential for humans to be replaced by machines in formats like poetry and sitcom scripts, a far greater threat looms: artificial intelligence replacing humans in the democratic processes—not through voting, but through lobbying.

ChatGPT could automatically compose comments submitted in regulatory processes. It could write letters to the editor for publication in local newspapers. It could comment on news articles, blog entries and social media posts millions of times every day. It could mimic the work that the Russian Internet Research Agency did in its attempt to influence our 2016 elections, but without the agency’s reported multimillion-dollar budget and hundreds of employees.

Automatically generated comments aren’t a new problem. For some time, we have struggled with bots, machines that automatically post content. Five years ago, at least a million automatically drafted comments were believed to have been submitted to the Federal Communications Commission regarding proposed regulations on net neutrality. In 2019, a Harvard undergraduate, as a test, used a text-generation program to submit 1,001 comments in response to a government request for public input on a Medicaid issue. Back then, submitting comments was just a game of overwhelming numbers.

Platforms have gotten better at removing “coordinated inauthentic behavior.” Facebook, for example, has been removing over a billion fake accounts a year. But such messages are just the beginning. Rather than flooding legislators’ inboxes with supportive emails, or dominating the Capitol switchboard with synthetic voice calls, an AI system with the sophistication of ChatGPT but trained on relevant data could selectively target key legislators and influencers to identify the weakest points in the policymaking system and ruthlessly exploit them through direct communication, public relations campaigns, horse trading or other points of leverage.

When we humans do these things, we call it lobbying. Successful agents in this sphere pair precision message writing with smart targeting strategies. Right now, the only thing stopping a ChatGPT-equipped lobbyist from executing something resembling a rhetorical drone warfare campaign is a lack of precision targeting. AI could provide techniques for that as well.

A system that can understand political networks, if paired with the textual-generation capabilities of ChatGPT, could identify the member of Congress with the most leverage over a particular policy area—say, corporate taxation or military spending. Like human lobbyists, such a system could target undecided representatives sitting on committees controlling the policy of interest and then focus resources on members of the majority party when a bill moves toward a floor vote.

Once individuals and strategies are identified, an AI chatbot like ChatGPT could craft written messages to be used in letters, comments—anywhere text is useful. Human lobbyists could also target those individuals directly. It’s the combination that’s important: Editorial and social media comments only get you so far, and knowing which legislators to target isn’t itself enough.

This ability to understand and target actors within a network would create a tool for AI hacking, exploiting vulnerabilities in social, economic and political systems with incredible speed and scope. Legislative systems would be a particular target, because the motive for attacking policymaking systems is so strong, because the data for training such systems is so widely available and because the use of AI may be so hard to detect—particularly if it is being used strategically to guide human actors.

The data necessary to train such strategic targeting systems will only grow with time. Open societies generally make their democratic processes a matter of public record, and most legislators are eager—at least, performatively so—to accept and respond to messages that appear to be from their constituents.

Maybe an AI system could uncover which members of Congress have significant sway over leadership but still have low enough public profiles that there is only modest competition for their attention. It could then pinpoint the SuperPAC or public interest group with the greatest impact on that legislator’s public positions. Perhaps it could even calibrate the size of donation needed to influence that organization or direct targeted online advertisements carrying a strategic message to its members. For each policy end, the right audience; and for each audience, the right message at the right time.

What makes the threat of AI-powered lobbyists greater than the threat already posed by the high-priced lobbying firms on K Street is their potential for acceleration. Human lobbyists rely on decades of experience to find strategic solutions to achieve a policy outcome. That expertise is limited, and therefore expensive.

AI could, theoretically, do the same thing much more quickly and cheaply. Speed out of the gate is a huge advantage in an ecosystem in which public opinion and media narratives can become entrenched quickly, as is being nimble enough to shift rapidly in response to chaotic world events.

Moreover, the flexibility of AI could help achieve influence across many policies and jurisdictions simultaneously. Imagine an AI-assisted lobbying firm that can attempt to place legislation in every single bill moving in the US Congress, or even across all state legislatures. Lobbying firms tend to work within one state only, because there are such complex variations in law, procedure and political structure. With AI assistance in navigating these variations, it may become easier to exert power across political boundaries.

Just as teachers will have to change how they give students exams and essay assignments in light of ChatGPT, governments will have to change how they relate to lobbyists.

To be sure, there may also be benefits to this technology in the democracy space; the biggest one is accessibility. Not everyone can afford an experienced lobbyist, but a software interface to an AI system could be made available to anyone. If we’re lucky, maybe this kind of strategy-generating AI could revitalize the democratization of democracy by giving this kind of lobbying power to the powerless.

However, the biggest and most powerful institutions will likely use any AI lobbying techniques most successfully. After all, executing the best lobbying strategy still requires insiders—people who can walk the halls of the legislature—and money. Lobbying isn’t just about giving the right message to the right person at the right time; it’s also about giving money to the right person at the right time. And while an AI chatbot can identify who should be on the receiving end of those campaign contributions, humans will, for the foreseeable future, need to supply the cash. So while it’s impossible to predict what a future filled with AI lobbyists will look like, it will probably make the already influential and powerful even more so.

This essay was written with Nathan Sanders, and previously appeared in the New York Times.

Edited to Add: After writing this, we discovered that a research group is researching AI and lobbying:

We used autoregressive large language models (LLMs, the same type of model behind the now wildly popular ChatGPT) to systematically conduct the following steps. (The full code is available at this GitHub link: https://github.com/JohnNay/llm-lobbyist.)

  1. Summarize official U.S. Congressional bill summaries that are too long to fit into the context window of the LLM so the LLM can conduct steps 2 and 3.
  2. Using either the original official bill summary (if it was not too long), or the summarized version:
    1. Assess whether the bill may be relevant to a company based on a company’s description in its SEC 10K filing.
    2. Provide an explanation for why the bill is relevant or not.
    3. Provide a confidence level to the overall answer.
  3. If the bill is deemed relevant to the company by the LLM, draft a letter to the sponsor of the bill arguing for changes to the proposed legislation.

Here is the paper.

AWS Week in Review – January 16, 2023

Post Syndicated from Antje Barth original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-week-in-review-january-16-2023/

Today, we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day in the US to honor the late civil rights leader’s life, legacy, and achievements. In this article, Amazon employees share what MLK Day means to them and how diversity makes us stronger.

Coming back to our AWS Week in Review—it’s been a busy week!

Last Week’s Launches
Here are some launches that got my attention during the previous week:

AWS Local Zones in Perth and Santiago now generally available – AWS Local Zones help you run latency-sensitive applications closer to end users. AWS now has a total of 29 Local Zones; 12 outside of the US (Bangkok, Buenos Aires, Copenhagen, Delhi, Hamburg, Helsinki, Kolkata, Muscat, Perth, Santiago, Taipei, and Warsaw) and 17 in the US. See the full list of available and announced AWS Local Zones and learn how to get started.

AWS Local Zones Locations

AWS Clean Rooms now available in preview – During AWS re:Invent this past November, we announced AWS Clean Rooms, a new analytics service that helps companies across industries easily and securely analyze and collaborate on their combined datasets—without sharing or revealing underlying data. You can now start using AWS Clean Rooms (Preview).

Amazon Kendra updates – Amazon Kendra is an intelligent search service powered by machine learning (ML) that helps you search across different content repositories with built-in connectors. With the new Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking for self-managed OpenSearch, you can now improve the quality of your OpenSearch search results using Amazon Kendra’s ML-powered semantic ranking technology.

Amazon Kendra also released an Amazon S3 connector with VPC support to index and search documents from Amazon S3 hosted in your VPC, a new Google Drive Connector to index and search documents from Google Drive, a Microsoft Teams Connector to enable Microsoft Teams messaging search, and a Microsoft Exchange Connector to enable email-messaging search.

Amazon Personalize updates – Amazon Personalize helps you improve customer engagement through personalized product and content recommendations. Using the new Trending-Now recipe, you can now generate recommendations for items that are rapidly becoming more popular with your users. Amazon Personalize now also supports tag-based resource authorization. Tags are labels in the form of key-value pairs that can be attached to individual Amazon Personalize resources to manage resources or allocate costs.

Amazon SageMaker Canvas now delivers up to 3x faster ML model training time – SageMaker Canvas is a visual interface that enables business analysts to generate accurate ML predictions on their own—without having to write a single line of code. The accelerated model training times help you prototype and experiment more rapidly, shortening the time to generate predictions and turn data into valuable insights.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS News
Here are some additional news items and blog posts that you may find interesting:

AWS open-source news and updates – My colleague Ricardo writes this weekly open-source newsletter in which he highlights new open-source projects, tools, and demos from the AWS Community. Read edition #141 here.

ML model hosting best practices in Amazon SageMaker – This seven-part blog series discusses best practices for ML model hosting in SageMaker to help you identify which hosting design pattern meets your needs best. The blog series also covers advanced concepts such as multi-model endpoints (MME), multi-container endpoints (MCE), serial inference pipelines, and model ensembles. Read part one here.

I would also like to recommend this really interesting Amazon Science article about differential privacy for end-to-end speech recognition. The data used to train AI models is protected by differential privacy (DP), which adds noise during training. In this article, Amazon researchers show how ensembles of teacher models can meet DP constraints while reducing error by more than 26 percent relative to standard DP methods.

Upcoming AWS Events
Check your calendars and sign up for these AWS events:

#BuildOnLiveBuild On AWS Live events are a series of technical streams on twitch.tv/aws that focus on technology topics related to challenges hands-on practitioners face today.

  • Join the Build On Live Weekly show about the cloud, the community, the code, and everything in between, hosted by AWS Developer Advocates. The show streams every Thursday at 09:00 US PT on twitch.tv/aws.
  • Join the new The Big Dev Theory show, co-hosted with AWS partners, discussing various topics such as data and AI, AIOps, integration, and security. The show streams every Tuesday at 08:00 US PT on twitch.tv/aws.

Check the AWS Twitch schedule for all shows.

AWS Community Days – AWS Community Day events are community-led conferences that deliver a peer-to-peer learning experience, providing developers with a venue to acquire AWS knowledge in their preferred way: from one another.

AWS Innovate Data and AI/ML edition – AWS Innovate is a free online event to learn the latest from AWS experts and get step-by-step guidance on using AI/ML to drive fast, efficient, and measurable results.

  • AWS Innovate Data and AI/ML edition for Asia Pacific and Japan is taking place on February 22, 2023. Register here.
  • Registrations for AWS Innovate EMEA (March 9, 2023) and the Americas (March 14, 2023) will open soon. Check the AWS Innovate page for updates.

You can browse all upcoming in-person and virtual events.

That’s all for this week. Check back next Monday for another Week in Review!

— Antje

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

New – Bring ML Models Built Anywhere into Amazon SageMaker Canvas and Generate Predictions

Post Syndicated from Antje Barth original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-bring-ml-models-built-anywhere-into-amazon-sagemaker-canvas-and-generate-predictions/

Amazon SageMaker Canvas provides business analysts with a visual interface to solve business problems using machine learning (ML) without writing a single line of code. Since we introduced SageMaker Canvas in 2021, many users have asked us for an enhanced, seamless collaboration experience that enables data scientists to share trained models with their business analysts with a few simple clicks.

Today, I’m excited to announce that you can now bring ML models built anywhere into SageMaker Canvas and generate predictions.

New – Bring Your Own Model into SageMaker Canvas
As a data scientist or ML practitioner, you can now seamlessly share models built anywhere, within or outside Amazon SageMaker, with your business teams. This removes the heavy lifting for your engineering teams to build a separate tool or user interface to share ML models and collaborate between the different parts of your organization. As a business analyst, you can now leverage ML models shared by your data scientists within minutes to generate predictions.

Let me show you how this works in practice!

In this example, I share an ML model that has been trained to identify customers that are potentially at risk of churning with my marketing analyst. First, I register the model in the SageMaker model registry. SageMaker model registry lets you catalog models and manage model versions. I create a model group called 2022-customer-churn-model-group and then select Create model version to register my model.

Amazon SageMaker Model Registry

To register your model, provide the location of the inference image in Amazon ECR, as well as the location of your model.tar.gz file in Amazon S3. You can also add model endpoint recommendations and additional model information. Once you’ve registered your model, select the model version and select Share.

Amazon SageMaker Studio - Share models from model registry with SageMaker Canvas users

You can now choose the SageMaker Canvas user profile(s) within the same SageMaker domain you want to share your model with. Then, provide additional model details, such as information about training and validation datasets, the ML problem type, and model output information. You can also add a note for the SageMaker Canvas users you share the model with.

Amazon SageMaker Studio - Share a model from Model Registry with SageMaker Canvas users

Similarly, you can now also share models trained in SageMaker Autopilot and models available in SageMaker JumpStart with SageMaker Canvas users.

The business analysts will receive an in-app notification in SageMaker Canvas that a model has been shared with them, along with any notes you added.

Amazon SageMaker Canvas - Received model from SageMaker Studio

My marketing analyst can now open, analyze, and start using the model to generate ML predictions in SageMaker Canvas.

Amazon SageMaker Canvas - Imported model from SageMaker Studio

Select Batch prediction to generate ML predictions for an entire dataset or Single prediction to create predictions for a single input. You can download the results in a .csv file.

Amazon SageMaker Canvas - Generate Predictions

New – Improved Model Sharing and Collaboration from SageMaker Canvas with SageMaker Studio Users
We also improved the sharing and collaboration capabilities from SageMaker Canvas with data science and ML teams. As a business analyst, you can now select which SageMaker Studio user profile(s) you want to share your standard-build models with.

Your data scientists or ML practitioners will receive a similar in-app notification in SageMaker Studio once a model has been shared with them, along with any notes from you. In addition to just reviewing the model, SageMaker Studio users can now also, if needed, update the data transformations in SageMaker Data Wrangler, retrain the model in SageMaker Autopilot, and share back the updated model. SageMaker Studio users can also recommend an alternate model from the list of models in SageMaker Autopilot.

Once SageMaker Studio users share back a model, you receive another notification in SageMaker Canvas that an updated model has been shared back with you. This collaboration between business analysts and data scientists will help democratize ML across organizations by bringing transparency to automated decisions, building trust, and accelerating ML deployments.

Now Available
The enhanced, seamless collaboration capabilities for Amazon SageMaker Canvas, including the ability to bring your ML models built anywhere, are available today in all AWS Regions where SageMaker Canvas is available with no changes to the existing SageMaker Canvas pricing.

Start collaborating and bring your ML model to Amazon SageMaker Canvas today!

— Antje

Obligatory ChatGPT Post

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2022/12/obligatory-chatgpt-post.html

Seems like absolutely everyone everywhere is playing with Chat GPT.

So I did, too….

Write an essay in the style of Bruce Schneier on how ChatGPT will affect cybersecurity.

As with any new technology, the development and deployment of ChatGPT is likely to have a significant impact on the field of cybersecurity. In many ways, ChatGPT and other AI technologies hold great promise for improving the ability of organizations and individuals to defend against cyber threats. At the same time, however, the use of these technologies also raises important questions and concerns about the potential risks and challenges they may pose.

One of the key ways in which ChatGPT is likely to affect cybersecurity is by enabling organizations to more quickly and accurately identify potential security threats. With its ability to analyze vast amounts of data and identify patterns and trends that might be difficult for humans to spot, ChatGPT could be a valuable tool for detecting and responding to cyberattacks. This could be especially useful in the case of complex, coordinated attacks that might otherwise be difficult to identify and defend against.

Another potential benefit of ChatGPT in the realm of cybersecurity is its ability to improve communication and coordination among different organizations and agencies. By enabling these groups to more easily share information and work together to defend against cyber threats, ChatGPT could help to make the overall cybersecurity landscape more effective and efficient. This could be especially important in the case of large-scale attacks that require a coordinated response from multiple organizations.

Of course, as with any new technology, there are also potential risks and challenges associated with the use of ChatGPT in the field of cybersecurity. One key concern is the potential for ChatGPT to be used by malicious actors to conduct cyberattacks. By automating the process of planning and executing attacks, ChatGPT could make it easier for attackers to carry out sophisticated, coordinated attacks at a much faster pace than would be possible without AI. This could potentially make it more difficult for organizations and individuals to defend against such attacks.

Another potential risk is the possibility that ChatGPT could be used to create fake news or propaganda, which could be used to spread misinformation or confusion. In the context of cybersecurity, the spread of false information could potentially lead to confusion and panic, making it more difficult for organizations and individuals to respond effectively to cyber threats. Additionally, the use of ChatGPT to create fake news or propaganda could also undermine trust in information and communications systems, potentially undermining the overall security of these systems.

Overall, the development and deployment of ChatGPT is likely to have a significant impact on the field of cybersecurity. While ChatGPT and other AI technologies hold great promise for improving the ability of organizations and individuals to defend against cyber threats, it is important to carefully consider the potential risks and challenges they may pose, and to take appropriate measures to mitigate these risks. This may include implementing strict security protocols and safeguards to prevent unauthorized access to ChatGPT and other AI systems, as well as ongoing monitoring and evaluation to ensure that these technologies are being used in a safe and responsible manner.

Not bad. I don’t think I can retire, but I probably can go on vacation for a few days. And, of course, it’s going to get better…a lot better…and probably sooner than we expect. This is a big deal.

New – Process PDFs, Word Documents, and Images with Amazon Comprehend for IDP

Post Syndicated from Marcia Villalba original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/now-process-pdfs-word-documents-and-images-with-amazon-comprehend-for-idp/

Today we are announcing a new Amazon Comprehend feature for intelligent document processing (IDP). This feature allows you to classify and extract entities from PDF documents, Microsoft Word files, and images directly from Amazon Comprehend without you needing to extract the text first.

Many customers need to process documents that have a semi-structured format, like images of receipts that were scanned or tax statements in PDF format. Until today, those customers first needed to preprocess those documents using optical character recognition (OCR) tools to extract the text. Then they could use Amazon Comprehend to classify and extract entities from those preprocessed files.

Now with Amazon Comprehend for IDP, customers can process their semi-structured documents, such as PDFs, docx, PNG, JPG, or TIFF images, as well as plain-text documents, with a single API call. This new feature combines OCR and Amazon Comprehend’s existing natural language processing (NLP) capabilities to classify and extract entities from the documents. The custom document classification API allows you to organize documents into categories or classes, and the custom-named entity recognition API allows you to extract entities from documents like product codes or business-specific entities. For example, an insurance company can now process scanned customers’ claims with fewer API calls. Using the Amazon Comprehend entity recognition API, they can extract the customer number from the claims and use the custom classifier API to sort the claim into the different insurance categories—home, car, or personal.

Starting today, Amazon Comprehend for IDP APIs are available for real-time inferencing of files, as well as for asynchronous batch processing on large document sets. This feature simplifies the document processing pipeline and reduces development effort.

Getting Started
You can use Amazon Comprehend for IDP from the AWS Management Console, AWS SDKs, or AWS Command Line Interface (CLI).

In this demo, you will see how to asynchronously process a semi-structured file with a custom classifier. For extracting entities, the steps are different, and you can learn how to do it by checking the documentation.

In order to process a file with a classifier, you will first need to train a custom classifier. You can follow the steps in the Amazon Comprehend Developer Guide. You need to train this classifier with plain text data.

After you train your custom classifier, you can classify documents using either asynchronous or synchronous operations. For using the synchronous operation to analyze a single document, you need to create an endpoint to run real-time analysis using a custom model. You can find more information about real-time analysis in the documentation. For this demo, you are going to use the asynchronous operation, placing the documents to classify in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket and running an analysis batch job.

To get started classifying documents in batch from the console, on the Amazon Comprehend page, go to Analysis jobs and then Create job.

Create new job

Then you can configure the new analysis job. First, input a name and pick Custom classification and the custom classifier you created earlier.

Then you can configure the input data. First, select the S3 location for that data. In that location, you can place your PDFs, images, and Word Documents. Because you are processing semi-structured documents, you need to choose One document per file. If you want to override Amazon Comprehend settings for extracting and parsing the document, you can configure the Advanced document input options.

Input data for analysis job

After configuring the input data, you can select where the output of this analysis should be stored. Also, you need to give access permissions for this analysis job to read and write on the specified Amazon S3 locations, and then you are ready to create the job.

Configuring the classification job

The job takes a few minutes to run, depending on the size of the input. When the job is ready, you can check the output results. You can find the results in the Amazon S3 location you specified when you created the job.

In the results folder, you will find a .out file for each of the semi-structured files Amazon Comprehend classified. The .out file is a JSON, in which each line represents a page of the document. In the amazon-textract-output directory, you will find a folder for each classified file, and inside that folder, there is one file per page from the original file. Those page files contain the classification results. To learn more about the outputs of the classifications, check the documentation page.

Job output

Available Now
You can get started classifying and extracting entities from semi-structured files like PDFs, images, and Word Documents asynchronously and synchronously today from Amazon Comprehend in all the Regions where Amazon Comprehend is available. Learn more about this new launch in the Amazon Comprehend Developer Guide.


Data: The genesis for modern invention

Post Syndicated from Swami Sivasubramanian original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/data-the-genesis-for-modern-invention/

It only takes one groundbreaking invention—one iconic idea that solves a widespread pain point for customers—to create or transform an industry forever. From the invention of the telegraph, to the discovery of GPS, to the earliest cloud computing services, history is filled with examples of these “eureka” moments that continue to have long-lasting impacts on the way we do business today.

Cognitive scientists John Kounios and Mark Beeman demonstrated that great inventors don’t simply stumble upon their epiphanies; in reality, an idea is preceded by a collection of life experiences, educational knowledge, or even past failures the human brain processes and assimilates over time. Their ideas are preceded by a collection of data points.

When we apply this concept to organizations, and the vast amount of data being produced on a daily basis, we realize there’s an incredible opportunity to ingest, store, process, analyze, and visualize data to create the next big thing.

Today—more than ever before—data is the genesis for modern invention. But to produce new ideas with our data, we need to build dynamic, end-to-end data strategies that lead to new customer experiences as the final output. Some of the biggest brands in the world like Formula 1, Toyota, and Georgia-Pacific are already leveraging AWS to do just that.

This week at AWS re:Invent 2022, I shared several key learnings we’ve collected after working with these brands and more than 1.5 million customers who are using AWS to build their data strategies.

I also revealed several new services and innovations for our customers. Here are a few highlights.

You need a comprehensive set of services to get the job done

Creating a data lake to perform analytics and machine learning (ML) is not an end-to-end data strategy. Your needs will inevitably grow and change over time, which is why we believe every customer should have access to a wide variety of tools based on data types, personas, and their specific use cases.

And our data supports this, with 94% of the top 1,000 AWS customers using more than 10 of our databases and analytics services. A one-size-fits-all approach just doesn’t work in the long run.

You need a comprehensive set of services that enable you to store and query data in your databases, data lakes, and data warehouses; services that help you act on your data with analytics, business intelligence, and machine learning; and services that help you catalog and govern your data across your organization.

You should also have access to services that support a variety of data types for your future use cases, whether you’re working with financial data, clinical data, or retail data. Many of our customers are also using their data to create machine learning models, but some data types are still too cumbersome to work with and prepare for ML.

For example, geospatial data, which supports use cases like self-driving cars, urban planning, or even crop yield in agricultural farms, can be incredibly difficult to access, prepare, and visualize for ML. That’s why this week we announced new capabilities for Amazon SageMaker that make it easier for data scientists to work with geospatial data.

Performance and security are paramount

Performance and security continue to be critical components of our customers’ data strategies.

You’ll need to perform at scale across your data warehouses, databases, and data lakes, or when you want to quickly analyze and visualize your data. We’ve built our business on high-performing services like Amazon Aurora, Amazon DynamoDB, and Amazon Redshift, and this week, we announced several new capabilities to continue building on our performance innovations to date.

For our serverless, interactive query service, Amazon Athena, we announced a new integration with Apache Spark that enables you to spin up Spark workloads up to 75 times faster than other serverless Spark offerings. We also introduced a new feature called Elastic Clusters within our fully managed document database, Amazon DocumentDB, that enables customers to easily scale out or shard their data across multiple database instances.

To help our customers protect their data from potential compromises, we announced Amazon GuardDuty RDS Protection to intelligently detect potential threats for their data stored in Aurora, as well as a new open-source project that allows developers to safely use PostgreSQL extensions in their core databases without worrying about unintended security impacts.

Connecting data is critical for deeper insights

To get the most of your data, you need to combine data silos for deeper insights. However, connecting data across siloes typically requires complex extract, transform, and load (ETL) pipelines, which means creating a manual integration every time you want to ask a different question of your data or build a different ML model. This isn’t fast enough to keep up with the speed that businesses need to move today.

Zero ETL is the future. And we’ve been making strides in this zero-ETL future for several years by deepening integrations between our services. But this week, we’re getting closer to a zero-ETL future by announcing Aurora now supports zero-ETL integration with Amazon Redshift to bring transactional data in Aurora and the analytical capabilities in Amazon Redshift together.

We also announced a new auto-copy feature from Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) to Amazon Redshift that removes the need for you to build and manage ETL pipelines whenever you want to use your data for analytics. And we’re not stopping here. With AWS, you can now connect to hundreds of data sources, from software as a service (SaaS) applications to on-premises data stores.

We’ll continue to build no zero-ETL capabilities into our services to help our customers easily analyze all their data, no matter where it resides.

Data governance unleashes innovation

Governance was historically used as a defensive measure, which meant locking down data in silos. But in reality, the right governance strategy helps you move and innovate faster with guardrails that give the right people access to your data, when and where they need it.

In addition to fine-grained access controls within AWS Lake Formation, this week we’re making it easier for customers to govern access and privileges within more of our data services with new capabilities announced in Amazon Redshift and Amazon SageMaker.

Our customers also told us they want an end-to-end strategy that enables them to govern their data across the entire data journey. That’s why this week we announced Amazon DataZone, a new data management service that helps you catalog, discover, analyze, share, and govern data across the organization.

When you properly manage secure access to your data, it can flow to the right places and connect the dots across siloed teams and departments.

Build with AWS

With the introduction of these new services and features this week, as well as our comprehensive set of data services, it’s important to remember that support is available as you build your end-to-end data strategy. In fact, we have an entire team at AWS, as well as an extensive network of partners to help our customers build data foundations that will meet their needs now—and well into the future.

For more information about re:Invent 2022, please visit our event page.

About the Author

Swami Sivasubramanian is the Vice President of AWS Data and Machine Learning.

New for Amazon SageMaker – Perform Shadow Tests to Compare Inference Performance Between ML Model Variants

Post Syndicated from Antje Barth original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-for-amazon-sagemaker-perform-shadow-tests-to-compare-inference-performance-between-ml-model-variants/

As you move your machine learning (ML) workloads into production, you need to continuously monitor your deployed models and iterate when you observe a deviation in your model performance. When you build a new model, you typically start validating the model offline using historical inference request data. But this data sometimes fails to account for current, real-world conditions. For example, new products might become trending that your product recommendation model hasn’t seen yet. Or, you experience a sudden spike in the volume of inference requests in production that you never exposed your model to before.

Today, I’m excited to announce Amazon SageMaker support for shadow testing!

Deploying a model in shadow mode lets you conduct a more holistic test by routing a copy of the live inference requests for a production model to the new (shadow) model. Yet, only the responses from the production model are returned to the calling application. Shadow testing helps you build further confidence in your model and catch potential configuration errors and performance issues before they impact end users. Once you complete a shadow test, you can use the deployment guardrails for SageMaker inference endpoints to safely update your model in production.

Get Started with Amazon SageMaker Shadow Testing
You can create shadow tests using the new SageMaker Inference Console and APIs. Shadow testing gives you a fully managed experience for setup, monitoring, viewing, and acting on the results of shadow tests. If you have existing workflows built around SageMaker endpoints, you can also deploy a model in shadow mode using the existing SageMaker Inference APIs.

On the SageMaker console, select Inference and Shadow tests to create, monitor, and deploy shadow tests.

Amazon SageMaker Shadow Tests

To create a shadow test, select an existing (or create a new) SageMaker endpoint and production variant you want to test against.

Amazon SageMaker - Create Shadow Test

Next, configure the proportion of traffic to send to the shadow variant, the comparison metrics you want to evaluate, and the duration of the test. You can also enable data capture for your production and shadow variant.

Amazon SagMaker - Create Shadow Test

That’s it. SageMaker now automatically deploys the new variant in shadow mode and routes a copy of the inference requests to it in real time, all within the same endpoint. The following diagram illustrates this workflow.

Amazon SageMaker - Shadow Testing

Note that only the responses of the production variant are returned to the calling application. You can choose to either discard or log the responses of the shadow variant for offline comparison.

You can also use shadow testing to validate changes you made to any component in your production variant, including the serving container or ML instance. This can be useful when you’re upgrading to a new framework version of your serving container, applying patches, or if you want to make sure that there is no impact to latency or error rate due to this change. Similarly, if you consider moving to another ML instance type, for example, Amazon EC2 C7g instances based on AWS Graviton processors, or EC2 G5 instances powered by NVIDIA A10G Tensor Core GPUs, you can use shadow testing to evaluate the performance on production traffic prior to rollout.

You can monitor the progress of the shadow test and performance metrics such as latency and error rate through a live dashboard. On the SageMaker console, select Inference and Shadow tests, then select the shadow test you want to monitor.

Amazon SageMaker - Monitor Shadow Test

Amazon SageMaker - Monitor Shadow Test

If you decide to promote the shadow model to production, select Deploy shadow variant and define the infrastructure configuration to deploy the shadow variant.

Amazon SageMaker - Deploy Shadow Variant

Amazon SageMaker - Deploy Shadow Variant

You can also use the SageMaker deployment guardrails if you want to add linear or canary traffic shifting modes and auto rollbacks to your update.

Availability and Pricing
SageMaker support for shadow testing is available today in all AWS Regions where SageMaker hosting is available except for the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions and AWS China Regions.

There is no additional charge for SageMaker shadow testing other than usage charges for the ML instances and ML storage provisioned to host the shadow variant. The pricing for ML instances and ML storage dimensions is the same as the real-time inference option. There is no additional charge for data processed in and out of shadow deployments. The SageMaker pricing page has all the details.

To learn more, visit Amazon SageMaker shadow testing.

Start validating your new ML models with SageMaker shadow tests today!

— Antje

Next Generation SageMaker Notebooks – Now with Built-in Data Preparation, Real-Time Collaboration, and Notebook Automation

Post Syndicated from Antje Barth original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/next-generation-sagemaker-notebooks-now-with-built-in-data-preparation-real-time-collaboration-and-notebook-automation/

In 2019, we introduced Amazon SageMaker Studio, the first fully integrated development environment (IDE) for data science and machine learning (ML). SageMaker Studio gives you access to fully managed Jupyter Notebooks that integrate with purpose-built tools to perform all ML steps, from preparing data to training and debugging models, tracking experiments, deploying and monitoring models, and managing pipelines.

Today, I’m excited to announce the next generation of Amazon SageMaker Notebooks to increase efficiency across the ML development workflow. You can now improve data quality in minutes with the built-in data preparation capability, edit the same notebooks with your teams in real time, and automatically convert notebook code to production-ready jobs.

Let me show you what’s new!

New Notebook Capability for Simplified Data Preparation
The new built-in data preparation capability is powered by Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler and is available in SageMaker Studio notebooks.  SageMaker Studio notebooks automatically generate key visualizations on top of Pandas data frames to help you understand data distribution and identify data quality issues, like missing values, invalid data, and outliers. You can also select the target column for ML models and generate ML-specific insights such as imbalanced class or high correlation columns. You then receive recommendations for data transformations to resolve the issues. You can apply the data transformations right in the UI, and SageMaker Studio notebooks automatically generate the corresponding transformation code in the notebook cells that you can use to replay your data preparation pipeline.

Using the Built-in Data Preparation Capability
To get started, pip install and import sagemaker_datawrangler along with the pandas Python package. Then, download the dataset you want to analyze to the notebook working directory, and read the dataset with pandas.

import pandas as pd 
import sagemaker_datawrangler 

!aws s3 cp s3://<YOUR_S3_BUCKET>/data.csv . 

df = pd.read_csv("data.csv")

Now, when you display the data frame, it automatically shows key data visualizations at the top of each column, surfaces data insights, detects data quality issues, and suggests solutions to improve data quality. When you select a column as the target column for ML predictions, you get target-specific insights and warnings, such as mixed data types in target (for regression use cases) or too few instances per class (for classification use cases).

In this example, I’m using the Women’s E-Commerce Clothing Reviews dataset that contains customer reviews and ratings for women’s clothing. This dataset was obtained from Kaggle and has been modified by Amazon to add synthetic data quality issues.

Amazon SageMaker Studio notebooks with built-in data preparation

You can review the suggested data transformations to improve the data quality and apply them right in the UI. For a list of all supported data transformations, have a look at the documentation. Once you apply a data transformation, SageMaker Studio notebooks automatically generate the code to reproduce those data preparation steps in another notebook cell.

For my example, I select Rating as my target column. Target column insights tells me in a high-priority warning that this column has too few instances per class and with a medium-priority warning that classes are too imbalanced. Let’s follow the suggestions and drop rare target values and drop missing values. I will also follow the suggestions for some of the feature columns and drop missing values in the Review Text column and drop the Division Name column.

Once I apply the transformations, the notebook generates this code for me:

# Pandas code generated by sagemaker_datawrangler
output_df = df.copy(deep=True)

# Code to Drop rare target values for column: Rating to resolve warning: Too few instances per class 
rare_target_labels_to_drop = ['-100', '100']
output_df = output_df[~output_df['Rating'].isin(rare_target_labels_to_drop)]

# Code to Drop missing for column: Rating to resolve warning: Missing values 
output_df = output_df[output_df['Rating'].notnull()]

# Code to Drop missing for column: Review Text to resolve warning: Missing values 
output_df = output_df[output_df['Review Text'].notnull()]

# Code to Drop column for column: Division Name to resolve warning: Missing values 
output_df=output_df.drop(columns=['Division Name'])

I can now review and modify the code if needed or start integrating the data transformations as part of my ML development workflow.

Introducing Shared Spaces for Team-Based Sharing and Real-Time Collaboration
SageMaker Studio now offers shared spaces that give data science and ML teams a workspace where they can read, edit, and run notebooks together in real time to streamline collaboration and communication during the development process. Shared spaces provide a shared Amazon EFS directory that you can utilize to share files within a shared space. All taggable SageMaker resources that you create in a shared space are automatically tagged to help you organize and have a filtered view of your ML resources, such as training jobs, experiments, and models, that are relevant to the business problem you work on in the space. This also helps you monitor costs and plan budgets using tools such as AWS Budgets and AWS Cost Explorer.

And that’s not all. You can now also create multiple SageMaker domains within the same AWS account to scope access and isolate resources to different teams or business units in your organization. Now, let me show you how to create a shared space for users within a SageMaker domain.

Using Shared Spaces
You can use the SageMaker console or the AWS CLI to create shared spaces for a SageMaker domain. To get started in the SageMaker console, go to Domains, select or create a new domain, and select Space management on the Domain details page. Then, select Create and give the shared space a name.

Amazon SageMaker Spaces - Create Space

Users in this SageMaker domain can now launch and join the shared space through their SageMaker domain user profiles.

Amazon SageMaker Spaces - Launch Spaces

In a shared space, select the new Collaborators icon in the left navigation menu. You can now see who else is currently active in this space. The following screenshot shows user tom on the left, editing a notebook file. On the right, user antje sees the edits in real time, together with an annotation of the user name that currently edits that notebook cell.

Amazon SageMaker Spaces

New Notebook Capability to Automatically Convert Notebook Code to Production-Ready Jobs
You can now select a notebook and automate it as a job that can run in a production environment without the need to manage the underlying infrastructure. When you create a SageMaker Notebook Job, SageMaker Studio takes a snapshot of the entire notebook, packages its dependencies in a container, builds the infrastructure, runs the notebook as an automated job on a schedule you define, and deprovisions the infrastructure upon job completion. This notebook capability is now also available in SageMaker Studio Lab, our free ML development environment that provides the compute, storage, and security to learn and experiment with ML.

Using the Notebook Capability to Automate Notebooks
To get started, open a notebook file in SageMaker Studio. Then, right-click your notebook file and select Create Notebook Job or select the Create Notebook Job icon, as highlighted in the following screenshot.

Amazon SageMaker Studio - Automate your notebooks

Define a name for the Notebook Job, review the input file location, specify the compute type to use, and whether to run the job immediately or on a schedule. Then, select Create.

Amazon SageMaker Studio - Create Notebook Job

The Notebook Job has been created, and you can review all Notebook Job Definitions in the UI.

Amazon SageMaker Studio - Notebook Job Definitions

Now Available
The new Amazon SageMaker Studio notebook capabilities are now available in all AWS Regions where Amazon SageMaker Studio is available except for the AWS China Regions.

At launch, the built-in data preparation capability powered by SageMaker Data Wrangler is supported for SageMaker Studio notebooks and the following notebook kernel images:

  • Python 3 (Data Science) with Python 3.7
  • Python 3 (Data Science 2.0) with Python 3.8
  • Python 3 (Data Science 3.0) with Python 3.10
  • Spark Analytics 1.0 and 2.0

For more information, visit Amazon SageMaker Notebooks.

Start building your ML projects with the next generation of Amazon SageMaker Notebooks today!

— Antje

New – Share ML Models and Notebooks More Easily Within Your Organization with Amazon SageMaker JumpStart

Post Syndicated from Antje Barth original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-share-ml-models-and-notebooks-more-easily-within-your-organization-with-amazon-sagemaker-jumpstart/

Amazon SageMaker JumpStart is a machine learning (ML) hub that can help you accelerate your ML journey. SageMaker JumpStart gives you access to built-in algorithms with pre-trained models from popular model hubs, pre-trained foundation models to help you perform tasks such as article summarization and image generation, and end-to-end solutions to solve common use cases.

Today, I’m happy to announce that you can now share ML artifacts, such as models and notebooks, more easily with other users that share your AWS account using SageMaker JumpStart.

Using SageMaker JumpStart to Share ML Artifacts
Machine learning is a team sport. You might want to share your models and notebooks with other data scientists in your team to collaborate and increase productivity. Or, you might want to share your models with operations teams to put your models into production. Let me show you how to share ML artifacts using SageMaker JumpStart.

In SageMaker Studio, select Models in the left navigation menu. Then, select Shared models and Shared by my organization. You can now discover and search ML artifacts that other users shared within your AWS account. Note that you can add and share ML artifacts developed with SageMaker as well as those developed outside of SageMaker.

To share a model or notebook, select Add. For models, provide basic information, such as title, description, data type, ML task, framework, and any additional metadata. This information helps other users to find the right models for their use cases. You can also enable training and deployment for your model. This allows users to fine-tune your shared model and deploy the model in just a few clicks through SageMaker JumpStart.

Amazon SageMaker Jumpstart - Add model to private ML hub

To enable model training, you can select an existing SageMaker training job that will autopopulate all relevant information. This information includes the container framework, training script location, model artifact location, instance type, default training and validation datasets, and target column. You can also provide custom model training information by selecting a prebuilt SageMaker Deep Learning Container or selecting a custom Docker container in Amazon ECR. You can also specify default hyperparameters and metrics for model training.

To enable model deployment, you also need to define the container image to use, the inference script and model artifact location, and the default instance type. Have a look at the SageMaker Developer Guide to learn more about model training and model deployment options.

Sharing a notebook works similarly. You need to provide basic information about your notebook and the Amazon S3 location of the notebook file.

Amazon SageMaker JumpStart - Add a notebook to private ML hub

Users that share your AWS account can now browse and select shared models to fine-tune, deploy endpoints, or run notebooks directly in SageMaker JumpStart.

In SageMaker Studio, select Quick start solutions in the left navigation menu, then select Solutions, models, example notebooks to access all shared ML artifacts, together with pre-trained models from popular model hubs and end-to-end solutions.

Amazon SageMaker JumpStart

Now Available
The new ML artifact-sharing capability within Amazon SageMaker JumpStart is available today in all AWS Regions where Amazon SageMaker JumpStart is available. To learn more, visit Amazon SageMaker JumpStart and the SageMaker JumpStart documentation.

Start sharing your models and notebooks with Amazon SageMaker JumpStart today!

— Antje

AWS Machine Learning University New Educator Enablement Program to Build Diverse Talent for ML/AI Jobs

Post Syndicated from Marcia Villalba original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-machine-learning-university-new-educator-enablement-program-to-build-diverse-talent-for-ml-ai-jobs/

AWS Machine Learning University is now providing a free educator enablement program. This program provides faculty at community colleges, minority-serving institutions (MSIs), and historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) with the skills and resources to teach data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML) concepts to build a diverse pipeline for in-demand jobs of today and tomorrow.

According to the National Science Foundation, Black and Hispanic or Latino students earn bachelor’s degrees in Computer Science—the dominant pathway to AI/ML—at a much lower rate than their white peers, earning less than 11 percent of computer science degrees awarded. However, research shows that having diverse perspectives among skilled practitioners and across the AI/ML lifecycle contributes to the development of AI/ML systems that are safe, trustworthy, and have less bias. 

In 2018, we announced the Machine Learning University (MLU) to share with all developers the same courses that we used to train engineers at Amazon and AWS. This platform offers self-service, self-paced, AI/ML digital courses.

Machine Learning University home page

And today, we add this new program to our AI/ML training offering. Although anyone could access the MLU self-paced learning, it places the burden on the learner to source prerequisite work and solutions. This educator enablement program takes the concepts and lessons developed by MLU and makes them more accessible to educators. It offers a year-round educator enablement program with lesson planning, course playbooks, and access to free compute resources.

Program Details
Educators are onboarded in small-group cohorts into bootcamps where they will learn the material and deep dive into how to teach it via instructor-led lectures and hands-on projects. Educators who complete the bootcamp can take part in different year-round development opportunities, such as a dedicated Slack channel to share teaching best practices, education topic series and virtual study sessions moderated by MLU instructors, and regional events for continued professional development. Also, they will receive continuing education credits and AWS-provided stipends.

Faculty and students get access to instructional material through Amazon SageMaker Studio Lab. SageMaker Studio Lab was announced last year and is AWS’s free (no credit card required) ML development environment. It provides computing and storage for anybody that wants to learn and experiment with ML. Institutions can unlock additional resources to support their ML programs by registering for AWS Academy. AWS Academy unlocks all the AWS services for a complete AI/ML program.

Community colleges and universities can integrate this educator enablement program into their computer science, information technology, and business curricula to create an AI/ML course, certificate, or degree. We have worked with educators and education boards such as Houston Community College to create content that is vetted for credit-worthy and degree-earning curricula.

In August 2022, we launched our first educator bootcamp in partnership with The Coding School. The bootcamp was delivered over two weeks, offering lectures, case studies, and hands-on projects. 25 educators completed the Educator Machine Learning Bootcamp, representing 22 US community colleges and universities.

Learn More and Join The Program
During 2023, AWS Machine Learning University will run six educator-enablement cohorts starting in January. The program will give priority consideration to educators at community colleges, MSIs, and HBCUs, in alignment with this program mission to increase access to AI/ML technology to historically underserved and underrepresented students.

If you are a computer science educator or part of a board of educators interested in fostering more depth in your computer science coursework, you should sign up for the educator enablement program.
