Tag Archives: Data Science

Discovering Creative Insights in Promotional Artwork

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/discovering-creative-insights-in-promotional-artwork-295e4d788db5

By Grace Tang, Aneesh Vartakavi, Julija Bagdonaite, Cristina Segalin, and Vi Iyengar

When members are shown a title on Netflix, the displayed artwork, trailers, and synopses are personalized. That means members see the assets that are most likely to help them make an informed choice. These assets are a critical source of information for the member to make a decision to watch, or not watch, a title. The stories on Netflix are multidimensional and there are many ways that a single story could appeal to different members. We want to show members the images, trailers, and synopses that are most helpful to them for making a watch decision.

In a previous blog post we explained how our artwork personalization algorithm can pick the best image for each member, but how do we create a good set of images to choose from? What data would you like to have if you were designing an asset suite?

In this blog post, we talk about two approaches to create effective artwork. Broadly, they are:

  1. The top-down approach, where we preemptively identify image properties to investigate, informed by our initial beliefs.
  2. The bottom-up approach, where we let the data naturally surface important trends.

The role of promotional artwork

Great promotional media helps viewers discover titles they’ll love. In addition to helping members quickly find titles already aligned with their tastes, they help members discover new content. We want to make artwork that is compelling and personally relevant, but we also want to represent the title authentically. We don’t want to make clickbait.

Here’s an example: Purple Hearts is a film about an aspiring singer-songwriter who commits to a marriage of convenience with a soon-to-deploy Marine. This title has storylines that might appeal to both fans of romance as well as military and war themes. This is reflected in our artwork suite for this title.

Images for the title “Purple Hearts”

Creative Insights

To create suites that are relevant, attractive, and authentic, we’ve relied on creative strategists and designers with intimate knowledge of the titles to recommend and create the right art for upcoming titles. To supplement their domain expertise, we’ve built a suite of tools to help them look for trends. By inspecting past asset performance from thousands of titles that have already been launched on Netflix, we achieve a beautiful intersection of art & science. However, there are some downsides to this approach: It is tedious to manually scrub through this large collection of data, and looking for trends this way could be subjective and vulnerable to confirmation bias.

Creators often have years of experience and expert knowledge on what makes a good piece of art. However, it is still useful to test our assumptions, especially in the context of the specific canvases we use on the Netflix product. For example, certain traditional art styles that are effective in traditional media like movie posters might not translate well to the Netflix UI in your living room. Compared to a movie poster or physical billboard, Netflix artwork on TV screens and mobile phones have very different size, aspect ratios, and amount of attention paid to them. As a consequence, we need to conduct research into the effectiveness of artwork on our unique user interfaces instead of extrapolating from established design principles.

Given these challenges, we develop data-driven recommendations and surface them to creators in an actionable, user-friendly way. These insights complement their extensive domain expertise in order to help them to create more effective asset suites. We do this in two ways, a top-down approach that can find known features that have worked well in the past, and a bottom-up approach that surfaces groups of images with no prior knowledge or assumptions.

Top-down approach

In our top-down approach, we describe an image using attributes and find features that make images successful. We collaborate with experts to identify a large set of features based on their prior knowledge and experience, and model them using Computer Vision and Machine Learning techniques. These features range from low level features like color and texture, to higher level features like the number of faces, composition, and facial expressions.

An example of the features we might capture for this image include: number of people (two), where they’re facing (facing each other), emotion (neutral to positive), saturation (low), objects present (military uniform)

We can use pre-trained models/APIs to create some of these features, like face detection and object labeling. We also build internal datasets and models for features where pre-trained models are not sufficient. For example, common Computer Vision models can tell us that an image contains two people facing each other with happy facial expressions — are they friends, or in a romantic relationship? We have built human-in-the-loop tools to help experts train ML models rapidly and efficiently, enabling them to build custom models for subjective and complex attributes.

Once we describe an image with features, we employ various predictive and causal methods to extract insights about which features are most important for effective artwork, which are leveraged to create artwork for upcoming titles. An example insight is that when we look across the catalog, we found that single person portraits tend to perform better than images featuring more than one person.

Single Character Portraits

Bottom-up approach

The top-down approach can deliver clear actionable insights supported by data, but these insights are limited to the features we are able to identify beforehand and model computationally. We balance this using a bottom-up approach where we do not make any prior guesses, and let the data surface patterns and features. In practice, we surface clusters of similar images and have our creative experts derive insights, patterns and inspiration from these groups.

One such method we use for image clustering is leveraging large pre-trained convolutional neural networks to model image similarity. Features from the early layers often model low level similarity like colors, edges, textures and shape, while features from the final layers group images depending on the task (eg. similar objects if the model is trained for object detection). We could then use an unsupervised clustering algorithm (like k-means) to find clusters within these images.

Using our example title above, one of the characters in Purple Hearts is in the Marines. Looking at clusters of images from similar titles, we see a cluster that contains imagery commonly associated with images of military and war, featuring characters in military uniform.

An example cluster of imagery related to military and war.

Sampling some images from the cluster above, we see many examples of soldiers or officers in uniform, some holding weapons, with serious facial expressions, looking off camera. A creator could find this pattern of images within the cluster below, confirm that the pattern has worked well in the past using performance data, and use this as inspiration to create final artwork.

A creator can draw inspiration from images in the cluster to the left, and use this to create effective artwork for new titles, such as the image for Purple Hearts on the right.

Similarly, the title has a romance storyline, so we find a cluster of images that show romance. From such a cluster, a creator could infer that showing close physical proximity and body language convey romance, and use this as inspiration to create the artwork below.

On the flip side, creatives can also use these clusters to learn what not to do. For example, here are images within the same cluster with military and war imagery above. If, hypothetically speaking, they were presented with historical evidence that these kinds of images didn’t perform well for a given canvas, a creative strategist could infer that highly saturated silhouettes don’t work as well in this context, confirm it with a test to establish a causal relationship, and decide not to use it for their title.

A creator can also spot patterns that didn’t work in the past, and avoid using it for future titles.

Member clustering

Another complementary technique is member clustering, where we group members based on their preferences. We can group them by viewing behavior, or also leverage our image personalization algorithm to find groups of members that positively responded to the same image asset. As we observe these patterns across many titles, we can learn to predict which user clusters might be interested in a title, and we can also learn which assets might resonate with these user clusters.

As an example, let’s say we are able to cluster Netflix members into two broad clusters — one that likes romance, and another that enjoys action. We can look at how these two groups of members responded to a title after its release. We might find that 80% of viewers of Purple Hearts belong to the romance cluster, while 20% belong to the action cluster. Furthermore, we might find that a representative romance fan (eg. the cluster centroid) responds most positively to images featuring the star couple in an embrace. Meanwhile, viewers in the action cluster respond most strongly to images featuring a soldier on the battlefield. As we observe these patterns across many titles, we can learn to predict which user clusters might be interested in similar upcoming titles, and we can also learn which themes might resonate with these user clusters. Insights like these can guide artwork creation strategy for future titles.


Our goal is to empower creatives with data-driven insights to create better artwork. Top-down and bottom-up methods approach this goal from different angles, and provide insights with different tradeoffs.

Top-down features have the benefit of being clearly explainable and testable. On the other hand, it is relatively difficult to model the effects of interactions and combinations of features. It is also challenging to capture complex image features, requiring custom models. For example, there are many visually distinct ways to convey a theme of “love”: heart emojis, two people holding hands, or people gazing into each others’ eyes and so on, which are all very visually different. Another challenge with top-down approaches is that our lower level features could miss the true underlying trend. For example, we might detect that the colors green and blue are effective features for nature documentaries, but what is really driving effectiveness may be the portrayal of natural settings like forests or oceans.

In contrast, bottom-up methods model complex high-level features and their combinations, but their insights are less explainable and subjective. Two users may look at the same cluster of images and extract different insights. However, bottom-up methods are valuable because they can surface unexpected patterns, providing inspiration and leaving room for creative exploration and interpretation without being prescriptive.

The two approaches are complementary. Unsupervised clusters can give rise to observable trends that we can then use to create new testable top-down hypotheses. Conversely, top-down labels can be used to describe unsupervised clusters to expose common themes within clusters that we might not have spotted at first glance. Our users synthesize information from both sources to design better artwork.

There are many other important considerations that our current models don’t account for. For example, there are factors outside of the image itself that might affect its effectiveness, like how popular a celebrity is locally, cultural differences in aesthetic preferences or how certain themes are portrayed, what device a member is using at the time and so on. As our member base becomes increasingly global and diverse, these are factors we need to account for in order to create an inclusive and personalized experience.


This work would not have been possible without our cross-functional partners in the creative innovation space. We would like to specifically thank Ben Klein and Amir Ziai for helping to build the technology we describe here.

Discovering Creative Insights in Promotional Artwork was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Graph service platform

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/graph-service-platform


In earlier articles of this series, we covered the importance of graph networks, graph concepts, how graph visualisation makes fraud investigations easier and more effective, and how graphs for fraud detection work. In this article, we elaborate on the need for a graph service platform and how it works.

In the present age, data linkages can generate significant business value. Whether we want to learn about the relationships between users in online social networks, between users and products in e-commerce, or understand credit relationships in financial networks, the capability to understand and analyse large amounts of highly interrelated data is becoming more important to businesses.

As the amount of consumer data grows, the GrabDefence team must continuously enhance fraud detection on mobile devices to proactively identify the presence of fraudulent or malicious users. Even simple financial transactions between users must be monitored for transaction loops and money laundering. To preemptively detect such scenarios, we need a graph service platform to help discover data linkages. 


As mentioned in an earlier article, a graph is a model representation of the association of entities and holds knowledge in a structured way by marginalising entities and relationships. In other words, graphs hold a natural interpretability of linked data and graph technology plays an important role. Since the early days, large tech companies started to create their own graph technology infrastructure, which is used for things like social relationship mining, web search, and sorting and recommendation systems with great commercial success.

As graph technology was developed, the amount of data gathered from graphs started to grow as well, leading to a need for graph databases. Graph databases1 are used to store, manipulate, and access graph data on the basis of graph models. It is similar to the relational database with the feature of Online Transactional Processing (OLTP), which supports transactions, persistence, and other features.

A key concept of graphs is the edge or relationship between entities. The graph relates the data items in the store to a collection of nodes and edges, the edges representing the relationships between the nodes. These relationships allow data in the store to be linked directly and retrieved with one operation.

With graph databases, relationships between data can be queried fast as they are perpetually stored in the database. Additionally, relationships can be intuitively visualised using graph databases, making them useful for heavily interconnected data. To have real-time graph search capabilities, we must leverage the graph service platform and graph databases.

Architecture details

Graph services with graph databases are Platforms as a Service (PaaS) that encapsulate the underlying implementation of graph technology and support easier discovery of data association relationships with graph technologies.

They also provide universal graph operation APIs and service management for users. This means that users do not need to build graph runtime environments independently and can explore the value of data with graph service directly.

Fig. 1 Graph service platform system architecture

As shown in Fig. 1, the system can be divided into four layers:

  1. Storage backend – Different forms of data (for example, CSV files) are stored in Amazon S3, graph data stores in Neptune and meta configuration stores in DynamoDB.
  2. Driver – Contains drivers such as Gremlin, Neptune, S3, and DynamoDB.
  3. Service – Manages clusters, instances, databases etc, provides management API, includes schema and data load management, graph operation logic, and other graph algorithms.
  4. RESTful APIs – Currently supports the standard and uniform formats provided by the system, the Management API, Search API for OLTP, and Analysis API for online analytical processing (OLAP).

How it works

Graph flow

Fig. 2 Graph flow

CSV files stored in Amazon S3 are processed by extract, transform, and load (ETL) tools to generate graph data. This data is then managed by an Amazon Neptune DB cluster, which can only be accessed by users through graph service. Graph service converts user requests into asynchronous interactions with Neptune Cluster, which returns the results to users.

When users launch data load tasks, graph service synchronises the entity and attribute information with the CSV file in S3, and the schema stored in DynamoDB. The data is only imported into Neptune if there are no inconsistencies.

The most important component in the system is the graph service, which provides RESTful APIs for two scenarios: graph search for real-time streams and graph analysis for batch processing. At the same time, the graph service manages clusters, databases, instances, users, tasks, and meta configurations stored in DynamoDB, which implements features of service monitor and data loading offline or stream ingress online.

Use case in fraud detection

In Grab’s mobility business, we have come across situations where multiple accounts use shared physical devices to maximise their earning potential. With the graph capabilities provided by the graph service platform, we can clearly see the connections between multiple accounts and shared devices.

Historical device and account data are stored in the graph service platform via offline data loading or online stream injection. If the device and account data exists in the graph service platform, we can find the adjacent account IDs or the shared device IDs by using the device ID or account ID respectively specified in the user request.

In our experience, fraudsters tend to share physical resources to maximise their revenue. The following image shows a device that is shared by many users. With our Graph Visualisation platform based on graph service, you can see exactly what this pattern looks like.

Fig 3. Example of a device being shared with many users

Data injection

Fig. 4 Data injection

Graph service also supports data injection features, including data load by request (task with a type of data load) and real-time stream write by Kafka.  

When connected to GrabDefence’s infrastructure, Confluent with Kafka is used as the streaming engine.  The purpose of using Kafka as a streaming write engine is two-fold: to provide primary user authentication and to relieve the pressure on Neptune.


Graph service supports data management of Labelled Property Graphs and provides the capability to add, delete, update, and get vertices, edges, and properties for some graph models. Graph traversal and searching relationships with RESTful APIs are also more convenient with graph service.

Businesses usually do not need to focus on the underlying data storage, just designing graph schemas for model definition according to their needs. With the graph service platform, platforms or systems can be built for personalised search, intelligent Q&A, financial fraud, etc.

For big organisations, extensive graph algorithms provide the power to mine various entity connectivity relationships in massive amounts of data. The growth and expansion of new businesses is driven by discovering the value of data.

What’s next?

Fig. 5 Graph-centric ecosystems

We are building an integrated graph ecosystem inside and outside Grab. The infrastructure and service, or APIs are key components in graph-centric ecosystems; they provide graph arithmetic and basic capabilities of graphs in relation to search, computing, analysis etc. Besides that, we will also consider incorporating applications such as risk prediction and fraud detection in order to serve our current business needs.

Join us

Grab is the leading superapp platform in Southeast Asia, providing everyday services that matter to consumers. More than just a ride-hailing and food delivery app, Grab offers a wide range of on-demand services in the region, including mobility, food, package and grocery delivery services, mobile payments, and financial services across 428 cities in eight countries.

Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!


Graph for fraud detection

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/graph-for-fraud-detection

Grab has grown rapidly in the past few years. It has expanded its business from ride hailing to food and grocery delivery, financial services, and more. Fraud detection is challenging in Grab, because new fraud patterns always arise whenever we introduce a new business product. We cannot afford to develop a new model whenever a new fraud pattern appears as it is time consuming and introduces a cold start problem, that is no protection at the early stage. We need a general fraud detection framework to better protect Grab from various unknown fraud risks.

Our key observation is that although Grab has many different business verticals, the entities within those businesses are connected to each other (Figure 1. Left), for example, two passengers may be connected by a Wi-Fi router or phone device, a merchant may be connected to a passenger by a food order, and so on. A graph provides an elegant way to capture the spatial correlation among different entities in the Grab ecosystem. A common fraud shows clear patterns on a graph, for example, a fraud syndicate tends to share physical devices, and collusion happens between a merchant and an isolated set of passengers (Figure 1. Right).

Figure 1. Left: The graph captures different correlations in the Grab ecosystem.
Right: The graph shows that common fraud has clear patterns.

We believe graphs can help us discover subtle traces and complicated fraud patterns more effectively. Graph-based solutions will be a sustainable foundation for us to fight against known and unknown fraud risks.

Why graph?

The most common fraud detection methods include the rule engine and the decision tree-based models, for example, boosted tree, random forest, and so on. Rules are a set of simple logical expressions designed by human experts to target a particular fraud problem. They are good for simple fraud detection, but they usually do not work well in complicated fraud or unknown fraud cases.

Fraud detection methods

Utilises correlations
(Higher is better)
Detects unknown fraud
(Higher is better)
Requires feature engineering
(Lower is better)
Depends on labels
(Lower is better)
Rule engine Low N/A N/A Low
Decision tree Low Low High High
Graph model High High Low Low

Table 1. Graph vs. common fraud detection methods.

Decision tree-based models have been dominating fraud detection and Kaggle competitions for structured or tabular data in the past few years. With that said, the performance of a tree-based model is highly dependent on the quality of labels and feature engineering, which is often hard to obtain in real life. In addition, it usually does not work well in unknown fraud which has not been seen in the labels.

On the other hand, a graph-based model requires little amount of feature engineering and it is applicable to unknown fraud detection with less dependence on labels, because it utilises the structural correlations on the graph.

In particular, fraudsters tend to show strong correlations on a graph, because they have to share physical properties such as personal identities, phone devices, Wi-Fi routers, delivery addresses, and so on, to reduce cost and maximise revenue as shown in Figure 2 (left). An example of such strong correlations is shown in Figure 2 (right), where the entities on the graph are densely connected, and the known fraudsters are highlighted in red. Those strong correlations on the graph are the key reasons that make the graph based approach a sustainable foundation for various fraud detection tasks.

Figure 2. Fraudsters tend to share physical properties to reduce cost (left), and they are densely connected as shown on a graph (right).

Semi-supervised graph learning

Unlike traditional decision tree-based models, the graph-based machine learning model can utilise the graph’s correlations and achieve great performance even with few labels. The semi-supervised Graph Convolutional Network model has been extremely popular in recent years 1. It has proven its success in many fraud detection tasks across industries, for example, e-commerce fraud, financial fraud, internet traffic fraud, etc.
We apply the Relational Graph Convolutional Network (RGCN) 2 for fraud detection in Grab’s ecosystem. Figure 3 shows the overall architecture of RGCN. It takes a graph as input, and the graph passes through several graph convolutional layers to get node embeddings. The final layer outputs a fraud probability for each node. At each graph convolutional layer, the information is propagated along the neighbourhood nodes within the graph, that is nodes that are close on the graph are similar to each other.

Fig 3. A semi-supervised Relational Graph Convolutional Network model.

We train the RGCN model on a graph with millions of nodes and edges, where only a few percentages of the nodes on the graph have labels. The semi-supervised graph model has little dependency on the labels, which makes it a robust model for tackling various types of unknown fraud.

Figure 4 shows the overall performance of the RGCN model. On the left is the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve on the label dataset, in particular, the Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic (AUROC) value is close to 1, which means the RGCN model can fit the label data quite well. The right column shows the low dimensional projections of the node embeddings on the label dataset. It is clear that the embeddings of the genuine passenger are well separated from the embeddings of the fraud passenger. The model can distinguish between a fraud and a genuine passenger quite well.

Fig 4. Left: ROC curve of the RGCN model on the label dataset.
Right: Low dimensional projections of the graph node embeddings.

Finally, we would like to share a few tips that will make the RGCN model work well in practice.

  • Use less than three convolutional layers: The node feature will be over-smoothed if there are many convolutional layers, that is all the nodes on the graph look similar.
  • Node features are important: Domain knowledge of the node can be formulated as node features for the graph model, and rich node features are likely to boost the model performance.

Graph explainability

Unlike other deep network models, graph neural network models usually come with great explainability, that is why a user is classified as fraudulent. For example, fraudulent accounts are likely to share hardware devices and form dense clusters on the graph, and those fraud clusters can be easily spotted on a graph visualiser 3.

Figure 5 shows an example where graph visualisation helps to explain the model prediction scores. The genuine passenger with a low RGCN score does not share devices with other passengers, while the fraudulent passenger with a high RGCN score shares devices with many other passengers, that is, dense clusters.

Figure 5. Upper left: A genuine passenger with a low RGCN score has no device sharing with other passengers. Bottom right: A fraudulent user with a high RGCN score shares devices with many other passengers.

Closing thoughts

Graphs provide a sustainable foundation for combating many different types of fraud risks. Fraudsters are evolving very fast these days, and the best traditional rules or models can do is to chase after those fraudsters given that a fraud pattern has already been discovered. This is suboptimal as the damage has already been done on the platform. With the help of graph models, we can potentially detect those fraudsters before any fraudulent activity has been conducted, thus reducing the fraud cost.

The graph structural information can significantly boost the model performance without much dependence on labels, which is often hard to get and might have a large bias in fraud detection tasks. We have shown that with only a small percentage of labelled nodes on the graph, our model can already achieve great performance.

With that said, there are also many challenges to making a graph model work well in practice. We are working towards solving the following challenges we are facing.

  • Feature initialisation: Sometimes, it is hard to initialise the node feature, for example, a device node does not carry many semantic meanings. We have explored self-supervised pre-training 4 to help the feature initialisation, and the preliminary results are promising.
  • Real-time model prediction: Realtime graph model prediction is challenging because real-time graph updating is a heavy operation in most cases. One possible solution is to do batch real-time prediction to reduce the overhead.
  • Noisy connections: Some connections on the graph are inherently noisy on the graph, for example, two users sharing the same IP address does not necessarily mean they are physically connected. The IP might come from a mobile network. One possible solution is to use the attention mechanism in the graph convolutional kernel and control the message passing based on the type of connection and node profiles.

Join us

Grab is the leading superapp platform in Southeast Asia, providing everyday services that matter to consumers. More than just a ride-hailing and food delivery app, Grab offers a wide range of on-demand services in the region, including mobility, food, package and grocery delivery services, mobile payments, and financial services across 428 cities in eight countries.

Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!


  1. T. Kipf and M. Welling, “Semi-supervised classification with graph convolutional networks,” in ICLR, 2017 

  2. Schlichtkrull, Michael, et al. “Modeling relational data with graph convolutional networks.” European semantic web conference. Springer, Cham, 2018. 

  3. Fujiao Liu, Shuqi Wang, et al.. “Graph Networks – 10X investigation with Graph Visualisations”. Grab Tech Blog. 

  4. Wang, Chen, et al.. “Deep Fraud Detection on Non-attributed Graph.” IEEE Big Data conference, PSBD, 2021. 

Query expansion based on user behaviour

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/query-expansion-based-on-user-behaviour


Our consumers used to face a few common pain points while searching for food with the Grab app. Sometimes, the results would include merchants that were not yet operational or locations that were out of the delivery radius. Other times, no alternatives were provided. The search system would also have difficulties handling typos, keywords in different languages, synonyms, and even word spacing issues, resulting in a suboptimal user experience.

Over the past few months, our search team has been building a query expansion framework that can solve these issues. When a user query comes in, it expands the query to a few related keywords based on semantic relevance and user intention. These expanded words are then searched with the original query to recall more results that are high-quality and diversified. Now let’s take a deeper look at how it works.

Query expansion framework

Building the query expansion corpus

We used two different approaches to produce query expansion candidates: manual annotation for top keywords and data mining based on user rewrites.

Manual annotation for top keywords

Search has a pronounced fat head phenomenon. The most frequent thousand of keywords account for more than 70% of the total search traffic. Therefore, handling these keywords well can improve the overall search quality a lot. We manually annotated the possible expansion candidates for these common keywords to cover the most popular merchants, items and alternatives. For instance, “McDonald’s” is annotated with {“burger”, “western”}.

Data mining based on user rewrites

We observed that sometimes users tend to rewrite their queries if they are not satisfied with the search result. As a pilot study, we checked the user rewrite records within some user search sessions and found several interesting samples:

{Ya Kun Kaya Toast,Starbucks}

We can see that besides spelling corrections, users’ rewrite behaviour also reveals deep semantic relations between these pairs that cannot be easily captured by lexical similarity, such as similar merchants, merchant attributes, language differences, cuisine types, and so on. We can leverage the user’s knowledge to build a query expansion corpus to improve the diversity of the search result and user experience. Furthermore, we can use the wisdom of the crowd to find some common patterns with higher confidence.

Based on this intuition, we leveraged the high volume of search click data available in Grab to generate high-quality expansion pairs at the user session level. To augment the original queries, we collected rewrite pairs that happened to multiple users and multiple times in a time period. Specifically, we used the heuristic rules below to collect the rewrite pairs:

  • Select the sessions where there are at least two distinct queries (rewrite session)
  • Collect adjacent query pairs in the search session where the second query leads to a click but the first does not (effective rewrite)
  • Filter out the sample pairs with time interval longer than 30 seconds in between, as users are more likely to change their mind on what to look for in these pairs (single intention)
  • Count the occurrences and filter out the low-frequency pairs (confidence management)

After we have the mining pairs, we categorised and annotated the rewrite types to gain a deeper understanding of the user’s rewrite behaviour. A few samples mined from the Singapore area data are shown in the table below.

Original query Rewrite query Frequency in a month Distinct user count Type
playmade by 丸作 playmade 697 666 Drop keywords
mcdonald’s burger 573 535 Merchant -> Food
Bubble tea koi 293 287 Food -> Merchant
Kfc McDonald’s 238 234 Merchant -> Merchant
cake birthday cake 206 205 Add words
麦当劳 mcdonald’s 205 199 Locale change
4 fingers 4fingers 165 162 Space correction
krc kfc 126 124 Spelling correction
5 guys five guys 120 120 Number synonym
koi the koi thé 45 44 Tone change

We further computed the percentages of some categories, as shown in the figure below.

Figure 1. The donut chart illustrates the percentages of the distinct user counts for different types of rewrites.

Apart from adding words, dropping words and spelling corrections, a significant portion of the rewrites are in the category of Other. It is more semantic driven, such as merchant to merchant, or merchant to cuisine. Those rewrites are useful for capturing deeper connections between queries and can be a powerful diversifier to query expansion.


After all the rewrite pairs were discovered offline through data mining, we grouped the query pairs by the original query to get the expansion candidates of each query. For serving efficiency, we limited the max number of expansion candidates to three.

Query expansion serving

Expansion matching architecture

The expansion matching architecture benefits from the recent search architecture upgrade, where the system flow is changed to a query understanding, multi-recall and result fusion flow. In particular, a query goes through the query understanding module and gets augmented with additional information. In this case, the query understanding module takes in the keyword and expands it to multiple synonyms, for example, KFC will be expanded to fried chicken. The original query together with its expansions are sent together to the search engine under the multi-recall framework. After that, results from multiple recallers with different keywords are fused together.

Continuous monitoring and feedback loop

It’s important to make sure the expansion pairs are relevant and up-to-date. We run the data mining pipeline periodically to capture the new user rewrite behaviours. Meanwhile, we also monitor the expansion pairs’ contribution to the search result by measuring the net contribution of recall or user interaction that the particular query brings, and eliminate the obsolete pairs in an automatic way. This reflects our effort to build an adaptive system.


We conducted online A/B experiments across 6 countries in Southeast Asia to evaluate the expanded queries generated by our system. We set up 3 groups:

  • Control group, where no query is expanded.
  • Treatment group 1, where we expanded the queries based on manual annotations only.
  • Treatment group 2, where we expanded the queries using the data mining approach.

We observed decent uplift in click-through rate and conversion rate from both treatment groups. Furthermore, in treatment group 2, the data mining approach produced even better results.

Future work

Data mining enhancement

Currently, the data mining approach can only identify the pairs from the same search session by one user. This limits the number of linked pairs. Some potential enhancements include:

  • Augment expansion pairs by associating queries from different users who click on the same merchant/item, for example, using a click graph. This can capture relevant queries across user sessions.
  • Build a probabilistic model on top of the current transition pairs. Currently, all the transition pairs are equally weighted but apparently, the transitions that happen more often should carry higher probability/weights.

Ads application

Query expansion can be applied to advertising and would increase ads fill rate. With “KFC” expanded to “fried chicken”, the sponsored merchants who buy the keyword “fried chicken” would be eligible to show up when the user searches “KFC”. This would enable Grab to provide more relevant sponsored content to our users, which helps not only the consumers but also the merchants.

Special thanks to Zhengmin Xu and Daniel Ng for proofreading this article.

Join us

Grab is the leading superapp platform in Southeast Asia, providing everyday services that matter to consumers. More than just a ride-hailing and food delivery app, Grab offers a wide range of on-demand services in the region, including mobility, food, package and grocery delivery services, mobile payments, and financial services across 428 cities in eight countries.

Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!

Using mobile sensor data to encourage safer driving

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/using-mobile-sensor-data-to-encourage-safer-driving

“Telematics”, a cross between the words telecommunications and informatics, was coined in the late 1970s to refer to the use of communication technologies in facilitating exchange of information. In the modern day, such technologies may include cloud platforms, mobile networks, and wireless transmissions (e.g., Bluetooth). Although the initial intention is for a more general scope, telematics is now specifically used to refer to vehicle telematics where details of vehicle movements are tracked for use cases such as driving safety, driver profiling, fleet optimisation, and productivity improvements.

We’ve previously published this article to share how Grab uses telematics to improve driver safety. In this blog post, we dive deeper into how telematics technology is used at Grab to encourage safer driving for our driver and delivery partners.


At Grab, the safety of our users and their experience on our platform is our highest priority. By encouraging safer driving habits from our driver and delivery partners, road traffic accidents can be minimised, potentially reducing property damage, injuries, and even fatalities. Safe driving also helps ensure smoother rides and a more pleasant experience for consumers using our platform.

To encourage safer driving, we should:

  1. Have a data-driven approach to understand how our driver and delivery partners are driving.
  2. Help partners better understand how to improve their driving by summarising key driving history into a personalised Driving Safety Report.

Understanding driving behaviour

One of the most direct forms of driving assessment is consumer feedback or complaints. However, the frequency and coverage of this feedback is not very high as they are only applicable to transport verticals like JustGrab or GrabBike and not delivery verticals like GrabFood or GrabExpress. Plus, most driver partners tend not to receive any driving-related feedback (whether positive or negative), even for the transport verticals.

A more comprehensive method of assessing driving behaviour is to use the driving data collected during Grab bookings. To make sense of these data, we focus on selected driving manoeuvres (e.g., braking, acceleration, cornering, speeding) and detect the number of instances where our data shows unsafe driving in each of these areas.

We acknowledge that the detected instances may be subjected to errors and may not provide the complete picture of what’s happening on the ground (e.g., partners may be forced to do an emergency brake due to someone swerving into their lane).

To address this, we have incorporated several fail-safe checks into our detection logic to minimise erroneous detection. Also, any assessment of driving behaviour will be based on an aggregation of these unsafe driving instances over a large amount of driving data. For example, individual harsh braking instances may be inconclusive but if a driver partner displays multiple counts consistently across many bookings, it is likely that the partner may be used to unsafe driving practices like tailgating or is distracted while driving.

Telematics for detecting unsafe driving

For Grab to consistently ensure our consumers’ safety, we need to proactively detect unsafe driving behaviour before an accident occurs. However, it is not feasible for someone to be with our driver and delivery partners all the time to observe their driving behaviour. We should leverage sensor data to monitor these driving behaviour at scale.

Traditionally, a specialised “black box” inertial measurement unit (IMU) equipped with sensors such as accelerometers, gyroscopes, and GPS needs to be installed in alignment with the vehicle to directly measure vehicular acceleration and speed. In this manner, it would be straightforward to detect unsafe driving instances using this data. Unfortunately, the cost of purchasing and installing such devices for all our partners is prohibitively high and it would be hard to scale.

Instead, we can leverage a device that all partners already have: their mobile phone. Modern smartphones already contain similar sensors to those in IMUs and data can be collected through the telematics SDK. More details on telematics data collection can be found in a recently published Grab tech blog article1.

It’s important to note that telematics data are collected at a sufficiently high sampling frequency (much more than 1 Hz) to minimise inaccuracies in detecting unsafe driving instances characterised by sharp acceleration impulses.

Processing mobile sensor data to detect unsafe driving

Unlike specialised IMUs installed in vehicles, mobile sensor data have added challenges to detecting unsafe driving.

Accounting for orientation: Phone vs. vehicle

The phone is usually in a different orientation compared to the vehicle. Strictly speaking, the phone accelerometer sensor measures the accelerations of the phone and not the vehicle acceleration. To infer vehicle acceleration from phone sensor data, we developed a customised processing algorithm optimised specifically for Grab’s data.

First, the orientation offset of the phone with respect to the vehicle is defined using Euler angles: roll, pitch and yaw. In data windows with no net acceleration of the vehicle (e.g., no braking, turning motion), the only acceleration measured by the accelerometer is gravitational acceleration. Roll and pitch angles can then be determined through trigonometric manipulation. The complete triaxial accelerations of the phone are then rotated to the horizontal plane and the yaw angle is determined by principal component analysis (PCA).

An assumption here is that there will be sufficient braking and acceleration manoeuvring for PCA to determine the correct forward direction. This Euler angles determination is done periodically to account for any movement of phones during the trip. Finally, the raw phone accelerations are rotated to the vehicle orientation through a matrix multiplication with the rotation matrix derived from the Euler angles (see Figure 1).

Figure 1: Inference of vehicle acceleration from the phone sensor data. Smartphone and car images modified from designs found in Freepik.com.

Handling variations in data quality

Our processing algorithm is optimised to be highly robust and handle large variations in data quality that is expected from bookings on the Grab platform. There are many reported methods for processing mobile data to reorientate telematics data for four wheel vehicles23.

However, with the prevalent use of motorcycles on our platform, especially for delivery verticals, we observed that data collected from two wheel vehicles tend to be noisier due to differences in phone stability and vehicular vibrations. Data noise can be exacerbated if partners hold the phone in their hand or place it in their pockets while driving.

In addition, we also expect a wide variation in data quality and sensor availability from different phone models, such as older, low-end models to the newest, flagship models. A good example to illustrate the robustness of our algorithm is having different strategies to handle different degrees of data noise. For example, a simple low-pass filter is used for low noise data, while more complex variational decomposition and Kalman filter approaches are used for high noise data.

Detecting behaviour anomalies with thresholds

Once the vehicular accelerations are inferred, we can use a thresholding approach (see Figure 2) to detect unsafe driving instances.

For unsafe acceleration and braking, a peak finding algorithm is used to detect acceleration peaks beyond a threshold in the longitudinal (forward/backward) direction. For unsafe cornering, older and lower end phones are usually not equipped with gyroscope sensors, so we should look for peaks of lateral (sidewards) acceleration (which constitutes the centripetal acceleration during the turn) beyond a threshold. GPS bearing data that coarsely measures the orientation of the vehicle is then used to confirm that a cornering and not lane change instance is being detected. The thresholds selected are fine-tuned on Grab’s data using initial values based on published literature4 and other sources.

To reduce false positive detection, no unsafe driving instances will be flagged when:

  1. Large discrepancies are observed between speeds derived from integrating the longitudinal (forward/backward) acceleration and speeds directly measured by the GPS sensor.
  2. Large phone motions are detected. For example, when the phone falls to the seat from the dashboard, accelerations recorded on the phone sensor will deviate significantly from the vehicle accelerations.
  3. GPS speed is very low before and after the unsafe driving instance is detected. This is limited to data collected from motorcycles which is usually used by delivery partners. It implies that the partner is walking and not in a vehicle. For example, a GrabFood delivery partner may be collecting the food from the merchant partner on foot, so no unsafe driving instances should be detected.
Figure 2: Animation showing unsafe driving detection by thresholding. Dotted lines in acceleration charts indicate selected thresholds. Map tiles by stamen design.

Detecting speeding instances from GPS speeds and map data

To define speeding along a stretch of road, we used a rule-based method by comparing raw speeds from GPS pings with speeding thresholds for that road. Although GPS speeds are generally accurate (subjected to minimal GPS errors), we need to take more precautions to ensure the right speeding thresholds are determined.

These thresholds are set using known speed limits from available map data or hourly aggregated speed statistics where speed limits are not available. The coverage and accuracy of known speed limits is continuously being improved by our in-house mapping initiatives and validated comprehensively by the respective local ground teams in selected cities.

Aggregating GPS pings from Grab driver and delivery partners can be a helpful proxy to actual speed limits by defining speeding violations as outliers from socially acceptable speeds derived from partners collectively. To reliably compute aggregated speed statistics, a representative speed profile for each stretch of road must first be inferred from raw GPS pings (see Figure 3).

As ping sampling intervals are fixed, more pings tend to be recorded for slower speeds. To correct the bias in the speed profile, we reweigh ping counts by using speed values as weights. Furthermore, to minimise distortions in the speed profile from vehicles driving at lower-than-expected speeds due to high traffic volumes, only pings from free-flowing traffic are used when inferring the speed profile.

Free-flowing traffic is defined by speeds higher than the median speed on each defined road category (e.g., small residential roads, normal primary roads, large expressways). To ensure extremely high speeds are flagged regardless of the speed of other drivers, maximum threshold values for aggregated speeds are set for each road category using heuristics based on the maximum known speed limit of that road category.

Figure 3: Steps to infer a representative speed profile for computing aggregated speed statistics.

Besides a representative speed profile, hourly aggregation should also include data from a sufficient number of unique drivers depending on speed variability. To obtain enough data, hourly aggregations are performed on the same day of the week over multiple weeks. This way, we have a comprehensive time-specific speed profile that accounts for traffic quality (e.g., peak hour traffic, traffic differences between weekdays/weekends) and driving conditions (e.g., visibility difference between day/night).

When detecting speeding violations, the GPS pings used are snapped-to-road and stationary pings, pings with unrealistic speeds, while pings with low GPS accuracy (e.g., when the vehicle is in a tunnel) are excluded. A speeding violation is defined as a sequence of consecutive GPS pings that exceed the speeding threshold. The following checks were put in place to minimise erroneous flagging of speeding violations:

  1. Removal of duplicated (or stale) GPS pings.
  2. Sufficient speed buffer given to take into account GPS errors.
  3. Sustained speeding for a prolonged period of time is required to exclude transient speeding events (e.g., during lane change).

Driving safety report

The driving safety report is a platform safety product that driver and delivery partners can access via their driver profile page on the Grab Driver Application (see Figure 4). It is updated daily and aims to create awareness regarding driving habits by summarising key information from the processed data into a personalised report that can be easily consumed.

Individual reports of each driving manoeuvre (e.g., braking, acceleration, cornering and speeding) are available for daily and weekly views. Partners can also get more detailed information of each individual instance such as when these unsafe driving instances were detected.

Figure 4: Driving safety report for driver and delivery partners using four wheel vehicles. a) Actionable insights feature circled by red dotted lines. b) Daily view of various unsafe driving instances where more details of each instance can be viewed by tapping on “See details”.

Actionable insights

Besides compiling the instances of unsafe driving in a report to create awareness, we are also using these data to provide some actionable recommendations for our partners to improve their driving.

With unsafe driving feedback from consumers and reported road traffic accident data from our platform, we also train machine learning models to identify patterns in the detected unsafe driving instances and estimate the likelihood of partners receiving unsafe driving feedback or getting into accidents. One use case is to compute a safe driving score that equates a four-wheel partner’s driving behaviour to a numerical value where a higher score indicates a safer driver.

Additionally, we use Shapley additive explanation (SHAP) approaches to determine which driving manoeuvre contributes the most to increasing the likelihood of partners receiving unsafe driving feedback or getting into accidents. This information is included as an actionable insight in the driving safety report and helps partners to identify the key area to improve their driving.

What’s next?

At the moment, Grab performs telematics processing and unsafe driving detections after the trip and updates the report the next day. One of the biggest improvements would be to share this information with partners faster. We are actively working on developing a real-time processing algorithm that addresses this and also, satisfies the robustness requirements such that partners are immediately aware after an unsafe driving instance is detected.

Besides detecting typical unsafe driving manoeuvres, we are also exploring other use cases for mobile sensor data in road safety such as detection of poor road conditions, counterflow driving against traffic, and phone usage leading to distracted driving.

Join us

Grab is the leading superapp platform in Southeast Asia, providing everyday services that matter to consumers. More than just a ride-hailing and food delivery app, Grab offers a wide range of on-demand services in the region, including mobility, food, package and grocery delivery services, mobile payments, and financial services across 428 cities in eight countries.

Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!


  1. Burhan, W. (2022). How telematics helps Grab to improve safety. Grab Tech Blog. https://engineering.grab.com/telematics-at-grab 

  2. Mohan, P., Padmanabhan, V.N. and Ramjee, R. (2008).Nericell: rich monitoring of road and traffic conditions using mobile smartphones. SenSys ‘08: Proceedings of the 6th ACM conference on Embedded network sensor systems, 312-336. https://doi.org/10.1145/1460412.1460444 

  3. Sentiance (2016). Driving behavior modeling using smart phone sensor data. Sentiance Blog. https://sentiance.com/2016/02/11/driving-behavior-modeling-using-smart-phone-sensor-data/ 

  4. Yarlagadda, J. and Pawar, D.S. (2022). Heterogeneity in the Driver Behavior: An Exploratory Study Using Real-Time Driving Data. Journal of Advanced Transportation. vol. 2022, Article ID 4509071. https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/4509071 

Data ethics for computing education through ballet and biometrics

Post Syndicated from Sue Sentance original https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/data-ethics-computing-education-ballet-biometrics-research-seminar/

For our seminar series on cross-disciplinary computing, it was a delight to host Genevieve Smith-Nunes this September. Her research work involving ballet and augmented reality was a perfect fit for our theme.

Genevieve Smith-Nunes.
Genevieve Smith-Nunes

Genevieve has a background in classical ballet and was also a computing teacher for several years before starting Ready Salted Code, an educational initiative around data-driven dance. She is now coming to the end of her doctoral studies at the University of Cambridge, in which she focuses on raising awareness of data ethics using ballet and brainwave data as narrative tools, working with student Computing teachers.

Why dance and computing?

You may be surprised that there are links between dance, particularly ballet, and computing. Genevieve explained that classical ballet has a strict repetitive routine, using rule-based choreography and algorithms. Her work on data-driven dance had started at the time of the announcement of the new Computing curriculum in England, when she realised the lack of gender balance in her computing classroom. As an expert in both ballet and computing, she was driven by a desire to share the more creative elements of computing with her learners.

Two photographs of data-driven ballets.
Two of Genevieve’s data-driven ballet dances: [arra]stre and [PAIN]byte

Genevieve has been working with a technologist and a choreographer for several years to develop ballets that generate biometric data and include visualisation of such data — hence her term ‘data-driven dance’. This has led to her developing a second focus in her PhD work on how Computing students can discuss questions of ethics based on the kind of biometric and brainwave data that Genevieve is collecting in her research. Students need to learn about the ethical issues surrounding data as part of their Computing studies, and Genevieve has been working with student teachers to explore ways in which her research can be used to give examples of data ethics issues in the Computing curriculum.

Collecting data during dances

Throughout her talk, Genevieve described several examples of dances she had created. One example was [arra]stre, a project that involved a live performance of a dance, plus a series of workshops breaking down the computer science theory behind the performance, including data visualisation, wearable technology, and images triggered by the dancers’ data.

A presentation slide describing technologies necessary for motion capture of ballet.

Much of Genevieve’s seminar was focused on the technologies used to capture movement data from the dancers and the challenges this involves. For example, some existing biometric tools don’t capture foot movement — which is crucial in dance — and also can’t capture movements when dancers are in the air. For some of Genevieve’s projects, dancers also wear headsets that allow collection of brainwave data.

A presentation slide describing technologies necessary for turning motion capture data into 3D models.

Due to interruptions to her research design caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, much of Genevieve’s PhD research took place online via video calls. New tools had to be created to capture dance performances within a digital online setting. Her research uses webcams and mobile phones to record the biometric data of dancers at 60 frames per second. A number of processes are then followed to create a digital representation of the dance: isolating the dancer in the raw video; tracking the skeleton data; using post pose estimation machine learning algorithms; and using additional software to map the joints to the correct place and rotation.

A presentation slide describing technologies necessary turning a 3D computer model into an augmented reality object.

Are your brainwaves personal data?

It’s clear from Genevieve’s research that she is collecting a lot of data from her research participants, particularly the dancers. The projects include collecting both biometric data and brainwave data. Ethical issues tied to brainwave data are part of the field of neuroethics, which comprises the ethical questions raised by our increasing understanding of the biology of the human brain.

A graph of brainwaves placed next to ethical questions related to brainwave data.

Teaching learners to be mindful about how to work with personal data is at the core of the work that Genevieve is doing now. She mentioned that there are a number of ethics frameworks that can be used in this area, and highlighted the UK government’s Data Ethics Framework as being particularly straightforward with its three guiding principles of transparency, accountability, and fairness. Frameworks such as this can help to guide a classroom discussion around the security of the data, and whether the data can be used in discriminatory ways.

Brainwave data visualisation using the Emotiv software.
Brainwave data visualisation using the Emotiv software.

Data ethics provides lots of material for discussion in Computing classrooms. To exemplify this, Genevieve recorded her own brainwaves during dance, research, and rest activities, and then shared the data during workshops with student computing teachers. In our seminar Genevieve showed two visualisations of her own brainwave data (see the images above) and discussed how the student computing teachers in her workshops had felt that one was more “personal” than the other. The same brainwave data can be presented as a spreadsheet, or a moving graph, or an image. Student computing teachers felt that the graph data (shown above) felt more medical, and more like permanent personal data than the visualisation (shown above), but that the actual raw spreadsheet data felt the most personal and intrusive.

Watch the recording of Genevieve’s seminar to see her full talk:

You can also access her slides and the links she shared in her talk.

More to explore

There are a variety of online tools you can use to explore augmented reality: for example try out Posenet with the camera of your device.

Genevieve’s seminar used the title ME++, which refers to the data self and the human self: both are important and of equal value. Genevieve’s use of this term is inspired by William J. Mitchell’s book Me++: The Cyborg Self and the Networked City. Within his framing, the I in the digital world is more than the I of the physical world and highlights the posthuman boundary-blurring of the human and non-human. 

Genevieve’s work is also inspired by Luciani Floridi’s philosophical work, and his book Ethics of Information might be something you want to investigate further. You can also read ME++ Data Ethics of Biometrics Through Ballet and AR, a paper by Genevieve about her doctoral work

Join our next seminar

In our final two seminars for this year we are exploring further aspects of cross-disciplinary computing. Just this week, Conrad Wolfram of Wolfram Technologies joined us to present his ideas on maths and a core computational curriculum. We will share a summary and recording of his talk soon.

On 2 November, Tracy Gardner and Rebecca Franks from our team will close out this series by presenting work we have been doing on computing education in non-formal settings. Sign up now to join us for this session:

We will shortly be announcing the theme of a brand-new series of seminars starting in January 2023.  

The post Data ethics for computing education through ballet and biometrics appeared first on Raspberry Pi.

Automatic rule backtesting with large quantities of data

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/automatic-rule-backtesting


Analysts need to analyse and simulate a rule on historical data to check the performance and accuracy of the rule. Backtesting enables analysts to run simulations of the rules and manage the results from the rule engine UI.

Backtesting helps analysts to:

  • Define the desired impact of the rule for our business and users.
  • Evaluate the accuracy of the rule based on historical data.
  • Compare and analyse results with data points, such as known false positives, user segments, risk profile of a user or transaction, and so on.

Currently, the analytics process to test performance of a rule is not standardised, and is inaccurate and inefficient. Analysts from different teams have different approaches:

  • Offline process using Presto tables. This process is lengthy and inaccurate.
  • Offline process based on the rule engine payload. The setup takes time, and the process is not streamlined.
  • Running rules in shadow mode. This process takes days to get the desired result.
  • A team in Grab uses different rule engines to manage rules and do backtesting. This doubles the effort for analysts and engineers.

In our vision for backtesting, it should allow analysts to:

  • Efficiently run and manage their jobs.
  • Create custom metrics, reports and dimensions for backtesting.
  • Add external data points and metrics to do a deep dive.

For the purpose of establishing a minimum viable product (MVP), backtesting will support basic capabilities and enable analysts to access required metrics and data points. Thus, analysts can:

  • Run backtesting jobs from the rule engine UI.
  • Get fixed reports and dimensions for every checkpoint.
  • Get access to relevant data to analyse backtesting results.


Assume a simple use case: A rule to detect the transaction risk. 

Each transaction has a transaction_id, user_id, currency, amount, timestamp. The rule engine also provides a treatment (Approve or Decline) based on the rule logic for the transaction.

In this specific use case, we would like to see what will be the aggregation number of the total transactions, total distinct users, and the sum of the amount, based on the dimensions of date, treatment, and currency in the last couple of weeks.

The result may look like the following data:

Dimension     Dimension     Dimension     metric     metric        metric    
Date Treatment Currency Total tx Distinct user     Total amount
2020-05-1 Approve SGD 100 80 10020
2020-05-1 Decline SGD 50 40 450
2020-05-1 Approve MYR 110 100 1200
2020-05-1 Decline MYR 30 15 400

* This data does not reflect actual Grab data and is for illustrative purposes only.


  • Use a cloud-agnostic Spark-based data pipeline to replay any existing or proposed rule to check performance.
  • Use a Web Portal to:
    • Create or select a rule to replay, with replay time range.
    • Display and download the result, such as total events and hit counts.
  • Replay any existing or proposed rule for checking performance.
  • Allow users to create or select a rule to replay in the rule engine UI, with provided replay time range.
  • Display the replay result in the rule engine UI, such as total events and hit counts.
  • Provide a way to download all testing results in the rule engine UI (for example, all rule responses).
  • Remove dependency on the specific cloud provider stack, so other teams in Grab can use it instead of Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

Architecture details

The rule editor UI reacts to the user input. Its engine sends a job command to the Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) to initialise the job. After that, the rule editor also performs the following processes in the background:

  • Lambda listens to the request SQS queue and invokes a job via the Spark jobs API.
  • The job fetches the executable artifacts, data source. After the job is completed, the job script saves the result sheet as required to S3.
  • The Spark script pushes the job final status (success, failure, timeout) through the shutdown hook to respond to the SQS queue.
  • The rule editor engine listens to response callback messages, and processes the job metadata to the database, or sends notifications.
  • The rule editor displays the job metadata on the UI.
  • The package pipeline builds and deploys the executable artifacts to S3 as a manageable structure.
  • The Spark script takes the filter logic as its input parameters.


Historical data preparation

The historical events are published by the rule engine through Kafka, and stored into the S3 bucket based on time. The Backtesting system then fetches these data for testing based on the time range requested.

By using a Kubernetes stream pipeline, we also save the trust inference stream to Trust AWS subaccount. With the customer bucket and file format, we can improve the efficiency of the data processing, and also avoid any delay from the data lake.

Engineering specifications

  • Target location:

Description: Following the fields of steam definition, the engine name would be ruleengine, or catwalk. The predict-name would be preride (checkpoint name), or cnpu (model name).

  • File Format: avro
  • File Compression: Snappy
  • There is no auto retention on sub-account S3. We will implement the archive process in the future. 
  • The default pipeline and the new pipeline will run in parallel until the Data Engineering team is ready to retire the default pipeline.


  • Upon scheduling, the Backtesting Portal sends a message to SQS, which is then captured by the listening Lambda.
  • Lambda invokes a Spark job over the AWS elastic mapreduce engine (EMR).
  • The EMR engine fetches the executable artifacts containing the rule script and historical data from S3, and starts a Spark job to apply the rule script over historical data. Depending on the size of data, the Spark cluster will scale automatically to ensure timely completion.
  • Once completed, a report file is generated and available on Backtesting UI.


Learnings and conclusions

After the release, here’s what our data analysers had to say:

  • For trust analysts, testing a rule on historical data happens outside the rule engine UI and is not user-friendly, leading to analysts wasting significant time.
  • For financial analysts, as analysts migrate to the rule engine UI, the existing solution will be deprecated with no other solution.
  • An alternative to simulate a rule;  we no longer need to run a rule in shadow mode because we can use historical data to determine the outcome. This new approach saves us weeks of effort on the rule onboarding process.

What’s next?

The underlying Spark jobs in this tool were developed by knowledgeable data engineers, which is a disadvantage because it requires a high level of expertise to modify the analytics. To mitigate this restriction, we are looking into using domain-specific language (DSL) to allow users to input desired attributes and dimensions, and provide the job release pipeline for self-serving jobs.

Thanks to Jia Long Loh for the support on the offline infrastructure engineering.

Join us

Grab is the leading superapp platform in Southeast Asia, providing everyday services that matter to consumers. More than just a ride-hailing and food delivery app, Grab offers a wide range of on-demand services in the region, including mobility, food, package and grocery delivery services, mobile payments, and financial services across 428 cities in eight countries.

Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!

Improving the accuracy of our machine learning WAF using data augmentation and sampling

Post Syndicated from Vikram Grover original https://blog.cloudflare.com/data-generation-and-sampling-strategies/

Improving the accuracy of our machine learning WAF using data augmentation and sampling

Improving the accuracy of our machine learning WAF using data augmentation and sampling

At Cloudflare, we are always looking for ways to make our customers’ faster and more secure. A key part of that commitment is our ongoing investment in research and development of new technologies, such as the work on our machine learning based Web Application Firewall (WAF) solution we announced during security week.

In this blog, we’ll be discussing some of the data challenges we encountered during the machine learning development process, and how we addressed them with a combination of data augmentation and generation techniques.

Let’s jump right in!


The purpose of a WAF is to analyze the characteristics of a HTTP request and determine whether the request contains any data which may cause damage to destination server systems, or was generated by an entity with malicious intent. A WAF typically protects applications from common attack vectors such as cross-site-scripting (XSS), file inclusion and SQL injection, to name a few. These attacks can result in the loss of sensitive user data and damage to critical software infrastructure, leading to monetary loss and reputation risk, along with direct harm to customers.

How do we use machine learning for the WAF?

The Cloudflare ML solution, at a high level, trains a classifier to distinguish between various traffic types and attack vectors, such as SQLi, XSS, Command Injection, etc. based on structural or statistical properties of the content. This is achieved by performing the following operations:

  1. We inspect the raw HTTP input and perform some number of transformations on it such as normalization, content substitutions, or de-duplication.
  2. Decompose or partition it via some process of tokenization, generate statistical information about the content, or extract structural data.
  3. Compute optimal internal numerical representations of the inputs via the process of training the model. The nature of these internal representations depends on the class of model and architecture.
  4. Learn to map internal content representations against classes (XSS, SQLi or others), scores or some other target of interest.
  5. At run-time, use previously learned representations and mappings to analyze a new input and provide the most likely label or score for it. The score ranges from 1 to 99, with 1 indicating that the request is almost certainly malicious and 99 indicating that the request is probably clean.
Improving the accuracy of our machine learning WAF using data augmentation and sampling

This reasonable starting point stumbles immediately upon a critical challenge right from the start: we need high quality labeled data, and lots of it as that has the biggest impact on model performance. Contrary to well-researched fields like image recognition, text sentiment analysis, or classification, large datasets of HTTP requests with malicious payloads embedded are difficult to get.

To make matters even harder, strict implementation requirements for a production-quality WAF restrict the complexity of our potential ML models or architectures to ones that are relatively simple and light-weight, implying that we cannot simply pave over shortcomings of the data.

Data and challenges

The selection of a dataset is likely the most difficult of all the aspects that contribute to the final set of attributes of a machine learning model. In most cases, the model is tasked with learning the distribution of the data in some statistical sense, thus choosing and curating the dataset to ensure that the desired properties of the final solution are even possible to learn is incredibly crucial! ML models are only as reliable as the data used to train them. If we train an ML model on an incomplete dataset, or on data that doesn’t accurately represent the population, predictions might be inaccurate as they will be a direct reflection of the data.

To build a strong ML WAF, a good dataset must have large volumes of heterogeneous data covering malicious samples for all attack categories, a diverse set of negative/benign samples, and samples representing a broad spectrum of obfuscation techniques.

Due to those constraints, creating a solid dataset has a number of challenges:


Privacy requirements limit data availability and how it can be used. Cloudflare has strict privacy guidelines and does not keep all request data – it simply isn’t available, and what is available must be carefully selected, anonymised, and stripped of sensitive information.

Heterogeneity of samples

Due to the wide assortment of potential request content types and forms, finding enough benign samples is difficult. Furthermore, it is challenging to collect data that represents requests with various charsets and content-encodings. Covering all attack configurations is also important because some attacks can be inserted into essentially any kind of request (e.g. five bytes in a huge “regular” request)

Sample difficulty

We want a dataset with a good mix of attack techniques and isn’t dominated by the ones that are easily generated by tools which simply swap out constants, transform expressions through invariants, and so on (sqli-fuzzer). Additionally, the vast majority of freely available samples in the wild are fairly trivial auto-generated payloads as part of indiscriminate scanning and discovery tools. They have very similar structural and statistical characteristics. Some of them are fairly old as well and do not reflect the current software landscape. How to “grade” the sample difficulty is not immediately obvious! What’s easy to a human may not be easy for a particular preprocessor/model, and vice-versa.

Noisy labels

Label noise affects results a lot, especially when it comes to esoteric, specific, or unusual attacks which are likely to be classified as benign by rules WAF.

What’s the strategy to overcome this?

Data augmentation

In simple terms, Data Augmentation is a process of generating artificial (but realistic) data to increase the diversity of our data by studying statistical distribution of existing real-world data.

This is crucial for us because one of the biggest concerns with rules-based WAFs is false positives. False positives are a serious challenge for WAFs because the risk of accidentally filtering legitimate traffic deters users from employing very strict rulesets. Data augmentation is used to build a solution that does not rely on observing specific high-risk keywords or character sequences, but instead uses a more holistic analysis of content and context, making it considerably less likely to block legitimate requests.

There are many sequences of characters which appear almost exclusively in payloads, but are themselves not dangerous. In order to reduce false positives and improve overall performance, we focussed on generating a lot of heterogeneous negative samples to force the model to consider the structural, semantic, and statistical properties of the content when making a classification decision.

In the context of our data and use cases, data augmentation means that we mutate benign content in a variety of ways as the content will remain benign (this isn’t going to accidentally turn it into a valid payload, with probability 1). For instance, we can add random character noise, permute keywords, merge benign content together from multiple sources, and so on. Alternatively, we can seed benign content with ‘dangerous’ keywords or ngrams frequently occuring in payloads – this results in a benign sample, but ideally will teach the model not to be too sensitive to the presence of malicious tokens lacking the proper semantics and structure.

Benign content

First and foremost, generating benign content is way easier. Mutating a malicious block of content into different malicious blocks is difficult because malicious payloads have a stricter grammar and syntax than general HTTP content due to the fact that it has code, therefore they must be manipulated in a specific manner.

However, there are a few options  if we want to do this in the future. Tools like sqli-fuzzer,  automates the process of fuzzing a given payload by applying transformations which preserve the underlying semantics while changing the representation or adding obfuscation. Outside existing third-party tools, it’s possible to generate our own malicious payloads using various “append malicious content to non-malicious content” techniques, with the trade off that this doesn’t actually generate *new* malicious content, just puts it into a different context.

Pseudo-random noise samples

A useful approach we identified for bolstering the number of negative training samples was to generate large quantities of pseudo-random strings of increasing complexity.

The probability of any pseudo-random string (drawn from essentially any token distribution) being a valid payload or malicious attack is essentially zero, but we can build a series of token sampling distributions that make it increasingly difficult for the model to distinguish them from a real payload, and we discovered that this resulted in dramatically better performance in terms of false positive rate, robustness, and overall model properties.

This approach works by taking a collection of tokens and a probability distribution over these tokens, and independently sampling a stream of tokens from it to create our ‘sample’. Each sample length is selected from a separate discrete sample length distribution.

For an extremely simple example, we could take a token collection consisting of ASCII characters and a uniform sampling distribution:

['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']

We sample random strings of length 0-32 from this to get some (uninteresting) negative samples:



We wouldn’t expect even a very simple model to struggle to learn that these samples are benign,  but as we increase the complexity of the token collections, we can move towards much more ‘difficult’ noise examples, including elements such as: fragments of valid URIs, user agents, XML/XSLT content or even restricted language identifiers, or keywords.

Here are some examples of more complex token collections and the kinds of random strings they produce as our negative samples:

Ascii_script: alphanumeric characters plus  ‘<‘, ‘>’, ‘/’, ‘</’, ‘-‘, ‘+’, ‘=’, ‘< ‘, ‘ >’, ‘ ‘, ‘ />’

Improving the accuracy of our machine learning WAF using data augmentation and sampling

alphanumerics, plus special characters, plus a variant of full javascript or sql keywords and (multi-character) sub-token fragments

Improving the accuracy of our machine learning WAF using data augmentation and sampling

It’s fairly straightforward to construct a suite of these noise generators of varying complexity, and targeting different types of content: JSON, XML, URIs with SQL-esque ‘noise’, and so on. As the strings get sufficiently long, the probability that they will contain at least some dangerous looking subsequences grows, so it’s also an excellent test of model robustness.

We make extensive use of noise strings to enhance the core dataset used for training and testing the model by directly training the model on increasingly difficult noise before fine-tuning on exclusively real data, appending noise of varying complexity to malicious(real) samples or benign samples to both induce and test for model robustness for padding attacks, and estimating false positive rate for certain classes of benign content.

Beyond independent sampling of random strings?

A natural extension to the above method for generating pseudo-random strings is to drop the ‘independence’ assumption for sampling tokens. This means that we’re starting to emulate the process by which real data is generated, to some extent, yielding samples with increasingly realistic local (and eventually global) structure. Some approaches for this might include a simple Markov chain, and extend all the way to state-of-the-art Large Language Models.

We experimented with using contemporary autoregressive language models trained on our corpus of real malicious payloads and found it extremely effective at generating novel payloads, as well as transforming payloads into sophisticated obfuscated representations. As the language models approached convergence on the data the likelihood of each sample being a valid payload approached 100%, allowing us to use early samples as ‘extremely strong negatives’ and the later samples as positive samples. The success of this work has suggested that deeper investigation into the use of language models for security analysis may be fruitful, not only for training classifiers, but also for creating powerful adversarial pen-testing agents.

Results summary

Let’s see a comparative summary of results and improvements, before and after the augmentation:

Model performance on evaluation metrics

The effectiveness of machine learning models for classification problems can be evaluated using a wide range of metrics, including accuracy, precision, recall, F1 Score, and others. It is important to note that in addition to using quantitative metrics, we also consider the model’s general properties and behavioral constraints. This criteria and metrics-based approach is especially important in our domain where data is inherently noisy, labels are not trustworthy, the domain of the inputs is extremely large, and hard to cover with samples.

For this post, we will concentrate on key quantitative metrics like F1 score even though we examine a variety of metrics to assess the model performance. F1 score is the weighted average (harmonic mean) of precision and recall. We can represent the F1 score with the formula:

Improving the accuracy of our machine learning WAF using data augmentation and sampling


True Positives (TP): malicious content classified correctly by the model

False Positives (FP): benign content that the model classified as malicious

True Negatives (TN): benign content classified correctly by the model

False Negatives (FN): malicious content that the model classified as benign

Since this formula takes false positives and false negatives into consideration, this score is more reliable than other metrics. There are a few methods to calculate this for multi-class problems, like Macro F1 Score, Micro F1 Score and Weighted F1 Score. Although each method has advantages and disadvantages, we obtained nearly identical results with all three methods. Below are the numbers:

Without Augmentation With Augmentation
Class Precision Recall F1 Score Precision Recall F1 Score
Benign 0.69 0.17 0.27 0.98 1.00 0.99
SQLi 0.77 0.96 0.85 1.00 1.00 1.00
XSS 0.56 0.94 0.70 1.00 0.98 0.99
Total(Micro Average) 0.67 0.99
Total(Macro Average) 0.67 0.69 0.61 0.99 0.99 0.99
Total(Weighted Average) 0.68 0.67 0.60 0.99 0.99 0.99

The important takeaway is that the range of this F1 score is best at 1 and worst at 0.

The model after augmentation appears to have similar precision and recall with good overall performance, as indicated by a value of 0.99 after augmentation, compared to 0.61 for Macro F1.

So far in the results summary, we’ve only discussed F1 Score; however, there are other improvements in characteristics that we’ve observed in the model that are listed below:

False positive characteristics

  • Estimated false positive rate reduced by approximately 80% on test data sets. There are significantly fewer false positives involving PromQL and other SQL-structured analogues. PromQL examples result in high scores and are classified correctly:
Improving the accuracy of our machine learning WAF using data augmentation and sampling

Today, the only major category of false positives are literal SQL or JavaScript files.

  • General false positive rate on noise from JSON-esque, XML/SOAP-esque, and SQL-esque content-generators reduced to about a 1/100,000 rate from about 1/50 to 1/1.

True positive characteristics

  • True positive rate for highly fuzzed content is vastly improved. Models trained solely on real data were easily bypassed by advanced fuzzing tools, whereas models trained on real plus augmented data are extremely resistant, with many payloads receiving higher risk scores as fuzzing increases. Examples:
Improving the accuracy of our machine learning WAF using data augmentation and sampling

These yield approximately same scores as they are a result of only a few byte   alterations

  • Proportion of client-provided test sets that primarily contain payloads not blocked by rules-waf for XSS/SQLi successfully classified is about 97.5% (with the remaining 2.5% being arguable) up from about 91%.
  • Padding a payload with almost any amount of ASCII, JSON-esque, special-characters, or other content will not reduce the risk score substantially. Due to the addition of hard noise long length augmented training samples, even a six byte payload in a 100 kilobyte string will be caught. Examples:
Improving the accuracy of our machine learning WAF using data augmentation and sampling

They both generate similar scores even though the latter has junk padding around the payload.

Execution performance

  • Runtime characteristics are unchanged for inference.

On top of that, we validated the model against the Cloudflare’s highly mature signature-based WAF and confirmed that machine learning WAF performs comparable to signature WAF, with the ML WAF demonstrating its strength particularly in cases of correctly handling highly obfuscated or irregularly fuzzed content (as well as avoiding some rules-based engine false positives). ​​Finally, we were able to conclude that augmentation helps in improving the model performance and induce the right set of properties.


We built a machine learning powered WAF, with the substantial challenge to gather a diversified training set, given constraints to avoid sensitive real customer data for privacy and regulatory considerations. To create a broader and diversified dataset without requiring vast amounts of sensitive data, we used techniques such as fuzzing, data augmentation, and synthetic data generation. This allowed us to improve the solution’s false positive robustness and overall model performance.

Furthermore, these techniques reduced the time complexity required to retrieve/clean real data, and helped induce the correct model behavior. In the future, we intend to investigate autoregressive language models to generate synthetic pseudo-valid payloads.

How we store and process millions of orders daily

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/how-we-store-millions-orders


In the real world, after a passenger places a GrabFood order from the Grab App, the merchant-partner will prepare the order. A driver-partner will then collect the food and deliver it to the passenger. Have you ever wondered what happens in the backend system? The Grab Order Platform is a distributed system that processes millions of GrabFood or GrabMart orders every day. This post aims to share the journey of how we designed the database solution that powers the order platform.


What are the design goals when building the database solution? We collected the requirements by analysing query patterns and traffic patterns.

Query patterns

Here are some important query examples that the Order Platform supports:

  1. Write queries:

    a. Create an order.

    b. Update an order.

  2. Read queries:

    a. Get order by id.

    b. Get ongoing orders by passenger id.

    c. Get historical orders by various conditions.

    d. Get order statistics (for example, get the number of orders)

We can break down queries into two categories: transactional queries and analytical queries. Transactional queries are critical to online order creation and completion, including the write queries and read queries such as 2a or 2b. Analytical queries like 2c and 2d retrieves historical orders or order statistics on demand. Analytical queries are not essential to the oncall order processing.

Traffic patterns

Grab’s Order Platform processes a significant amount of transaction data every month.

During peak hours, the write Queries per Second (QPS) is three times of primary key reads; whilst the range Queries per Second are four times of the primary key reads.

Design goals

From the query and traffic patterns, we arrived at the following three design goals:

  1. Stability – the database solution must be able to handle high read and write QPS. Online order processing queries must have high availability. Even when some part of the system is down, we must be able to provide a degraded experience to the end users allowing them to still be able to create and complete an order.
  2. Scalability and cost – the database solution must be able to support fast evolution of business requirements, given now we handle up to a million orders per month. The solution must also be cost effective at a large scale.
  3. Consistency – strong consistency for transactional queries, and eventually consistency for analytical queries.


The first design principle towards a stable and scalable database solution is to use different databases to serve transactional and analytical queries, also known as OLTP and OLAP queries. An OLTP database serves queries critical to online order processing. This table keeps data for only a short period of time. Meanwhile, an OLAP database has the same set of data, but serves our historical and statistical queries. This database keeps data for a longer time.

What are the benefits from this design principle? From a stability point of view, we can choose different databases which can better fulfil our different query patterns and QPS requirements. An OLTP database is the single source of truth for online order processing; any failure in the OLAP database will not affect online transactions. From a scalability and cost point of view, we can choose a flexible database for OLAP to support our fast evolution of business requirements. We can maintain less data in our OLTP database while keeping some older data in our OLAP database.

To ensure that the data in both databases are consistent, we introduced the second design principle – data ingestion pipeline. In Figure 1, Order Platform writes data to the OLTP database to process online orders and asynchronously pushes the data into the data ingestion pipeline. The data ingestion pipeline ensures that the OLAP database data is eventually consistent.

Figure 1: Order Platform database solution overview

Architecture details

OLTP database

There are two categories of OLTP queries, the key-value queries (for example, load by order id) and the batch queries (for example, Get ongoing orders by passenger id). We use DynamoDB as the database to support these OLTP queries.

Why DynamoDB?

  1. Scalable and highly available: the tables of DynamoDB are partitioned and each partition is three-way replicated.
  2. Support for strong consistent reads by primary key.
  3. DynamoDB has a mechanism called adaptive capacity to handle hotkey traffic. Internally, DynamoDB will distribute higher capacity to high-traffic partitions, and isolate frequently accessed items to a dedicated partition. This way, the hotkey can utilise the full capacity of an entire partition, which is up to 3000 read capacity units and 1000 write capacity units.
Figure 2: DynamoDB table structure overview. Source: Amazon Web Services (2019, 28 April)

In each DynamoDB table, it has many items with attributes. In each item, it has a partition key and sort key. The partition key is used for key-value queries, and the sort key is used for range queries. In our case, the table contains multiple order items. The partition key is order ID. We can easily support key-value queries by the partition key.

order_id (PK) state pax_id created_at pax_id_gsi
order1 Ongoing Alice 9:00am
order2 Ongoing Alice 9:30am
order3 Completed Alice 8:30am

Batch queries like ‘Get ongoing orders by passenger id’ are supported by DynamoDB Global Secondary Index (GSI). A GSI is like a normal DynamoDB table, which also has keys and attributes.

In our case, we have a GSI table where the partition key is the pax_id_gsi. The attribute pax_id_gsi is linked to the main table. It is eventually consistent with the main table that is maintained by DynamoDB. If the Order Platform queries ongoing orders for Alice, two items will be returned from the GSI table.

pax_id_gsi (PK) created_at (SK) order_id
Alice 9:00am order1
Alice 9:30am order2

We also make use of an advanced feature of GSI named sparse index to support ongoing order queries. When we update order status from ongoing to completed, at the same time, we set the pax_id_gsi to empty, so that the linked item in the GSI will be automatically deleted by DynamoDB. At any time, the GSI table only stores the ongoing orders. We use a sparse index mechanism to control our table size for better performance and to be more cost effective.

The next problem is data retention. This is achieved with the DynamoDB Time To Live (TTL) feature. DynamoDB will auto-scan expired items and delete them. But the challenge is when we add TTL to big tables, it will bring a heavy load to the background scanner and might result in an outage. Our solution is to only add a TTL attribute to the new items in the table. Then, we manually delete the items without TTL attributes, and run a script to delete items with TTL attributes that are too old. After this process, the table size will be quite small, so we can enable the TTL feature on the TTL attribute that we previously added without any concern. The retention period of our DynamoDB data is three months.

Costwise, DynamoDB is charged by storage size and the provision of the read write capability. The provision capability is actually auto scalable. The cost is on-demand. So it’s generally cheaper than RDS.

OLAP database

We use MySQL RDS as the database to support historical and statistical OLAP queries.

Why not Aurora? We choose RDS mainly because it is a mature database solution. Even if Aurora can provide better high-availability, RDS is enough to support our less critical use cases. Costwise, Aurora charges by data storage and the number of requested Input/Output Operations per Second (IOPS). RDS charges only by data storage. As we are using General Purpose (SSD) storage, IOPS is free and supports up to 16k IOPS.

We use MySQL partitioning for data retention. The order table is partitioned by creation time monthly. Since the data access pattern is mostly by month, the partition key can reduce cross-partition queries. Partitions older than six months are dropped at the beginning of each month.

Data ingestion pipeline

Figure 3: Data Ingestion Pipeline Architecture.

A Kafka stream is used to process data in the data ingestion pipeline. We choose the Kafka stream, because it has 99.95% SLA. It is not restricted by the OLTP and OLAP database types.

Even if Kafka can provide 99.95% SLA, there is still the chance of stream producer failures. When the producer fails, we will store the message in an Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) and retry. If the retry also fails, it will be moved to the SQS dead letter queue (DLQ), to be consumed at a later time.

On the stream consumer side, we use back-off retry at both stream and database levels to ensure consistency. In a worst-case scenario, we can rewind the stream events from Kafka.

It is important for the data ingestion pipeline to handle duplicate messages and out-of-order messages.

Duplicate messages are handled by the database level unique key (for example, order ID + creation time).

For the out-of-order messages, we implemented the following two mechanisms:

  1. Version update: we only update the most recently updated data. The precision of the update time is in microseconds, which is enough for most of the use cases.
  2. Upsert: if the update events occur before the create events, we simulate an upsert operation.


After launching our solution this year, we have saved significantly on cloud costs. In the earlier solution, Order Platform synchronously writes to DynamoDB and Aurora and the data is kept forever.


In terms of stability, we use DynamoDB as the critical OLTP database to ensure high availability for online order processing. Scalability wise, we use RDS as the OLAP database to support our quickly evolving business requirements by using a rich, multiple index. Cost efficiency is achieved by data retention in both databases. For consistency, we built a single source of truth OLTP database and an OLAP database that is eventually consistent with the help of the data ingestion pipeline.

What’s next?

Currently, the database solution is running on the production environment. Even though the database solution is proven to be stable, scalable and consistent, we still see some potential areas of improvement.

We use MySQL RDS for OLAP data storage. Even though MySQL is stable and cost effective, it is difficult to serve more complicated queries like free text search. Hence, we plan to explore other NoSQL databases like ElasticSearch.

We hope this post helps you understand how we store Grab orders and fulfil the queries from the Grab Order Platform.


Amazon Web Services. (2019, 28 April) Build with DynamoDB: S1 E1 – Intro to Amazon DynamoDB [Video]. YouTube.

Join us

Grab is the leading superapp platform in Southeast Asia, providing everyday services that matter to consumers. More than just a ride-hailing and food delivery app, Grab offers a wide range of on-demand services in the region, including mobility, food, package and grocery delivery services, mobile payments, and financial services across 428 cities in eight countries.

Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!

Graph Networks – 10X investigation with Graph Visualisations

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/graph-visualisation


Detecting fraud schemes used to require investigations using large amounts and varying types of data that come from many different anti-fraud systems. Investigators then need to combine the different types of data and use statistical methods to uncover suspicious claims, which is time consuming and inefficient in most cases.

We are always looking for ways to improve fraud investigation methods and stay one step ahead of our ever-growing fraudsters. In the introductory blog of this series, we’ve mentioned experimenting with a set of Graph Network technologies, including Graph Visualisation.

In this post, we will introduce our Graph Visualisation Platform and briefly illustrate how it makes fraud investigations easier and more effective.

Why visualise a graph?

If you’re a fan of crime shows, you would have come across scenes like a detective putting together evidence, such as pictures, notes and articles, on a board and connecting them with thumb tacks and yarn. When you look at the board, it’s easy to see the relationships between the different pieces of evidence. That’s what graphs do, especially in fraud detection.

In the same way, while graph data is the raw material of an investigation, some of the most interesting relationships are often inferred rather than modelled directly in the data. Visualising these relationships can give a unique “big picture” of the data that is difficult or impossible to obtain with traditional relational tables and business intelligence tools.

On the other hand, graph visualisation enhances the quick identification of relationships and significant structures because it is an intuitive way to help detect patterns. Plus, the human brain processes visual information much faster; that’s where our Graph Visualisation platform comes in.

What is the Graph Visualisation platform?

Graph Visualisation platform is a full-featured investigation platform that can reveal hidden connections and context in data by transforming raw records into highly visual and interactive maps. From there, investigators can grab any data point and quickly see relationships, patterns, and anomalies, and if necessary, drill down to investigate further.

This is all done without writing a manual query, switching between anti-fraud systems, or having to think about data science! These are some of the interactions on the platform that easily make anomalies or relevant patterns stand out.

Expanding the data

To date, we have over three billion nodes and edges in our storage system. It is not possible (nor necessary) to show all of the data at once. The platform allows the user to grab any data point and easily expand to view the relationships.

Timeline tracking and history replay

The Graph Visualisation platform’s interactive time filter lets you see temporal relationships within your data and clearly reveals the chronological progression of events. You can start with a specific time of interest, track everything that happens after, then quickly focus on the time and relationships that matter most.

10X investigations

Here are a few examples of how the Graph Visualisation platform facilitates fraud investigations.

Appeal confirmation

The following image shows the difference between a true fraudster and a falsely identified one. On the left, we have a Grab rental corporate account that was falsely detected by a fraud rule. Upon review, we discovered that there is no suspicious connection to this account, thus the account got unblocked.

On the right, we have a passenger that was blocked by the system and they appealed. Investigations showed that the passenger is, in fact, part of an extremely dense device-sharing network, so we maintained our decision to block.

Modus operandi discovery

Passenger sharing device

Fraudsters tend to share physical resources to maximise their revenue. With our Graph Visualisation platform, you can see exactly how this pattern looks like. The image below shows a device that is shared by a lot of fraudsters.

Anti-money laundering (AML)

On the left, we see a pattern of healthy spending on Grab. However, on the right, we can see that passengers are highly connected, and it has frequent large amount transfers to other payment providers.

Closing thoughts

Graph Visualisation is an intuitive way to investigate suspicious connections and potential patterns of crime. Investigators can directly interact with any data point to get the details they need and literally view the relationships in the data to make fast, accurate, and defensible decisions.

While fraud detection is a good use case for Graph Visualisation, it’s not the only possibility. Graph Visualisation can help make anything more efficient and intelligent, especially if you have highly connected data.

In the next part of this blog series, we will talk about the Graph service platform and the importance of building graph services with graph databases. Check out the other articles in this series:

Join us

Grab is the leading superapp platform in Southeast Asia, providing everyday services that matter to consumers. More than just a ride-hailing and food delivery app, Grab offers a wide range of on-demand services in the region, including mobility, food, package and grocery delivery services, mobile payments, and financial services across 428 cities in eight countries.

Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!

How facial recognition technology keeps you safe

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/facial-recognition

Facial recognition technology is one of the many modern technologies that previously only appeared in science fiction movies. The roots of this technology can be traced back to the 1960s and have since grown dramatically due to the rise of deep learning techniques and accelerated digital transformation in recent years.

In this blog post, we will talk about the various applications of facial recognition technology in Grab, as well as provide details of the technical components that build up this technology.

Application of facial recognition technology  

At Grab, we believe in prevention, protection, and action to create a safer every day for our consumers, partners, and the community as a whole. All selfies collected by Grab are handled according to Grab’s Privacy Policy and securely protected under privacy legislation in the countries in which we operate. We will elaborate in detail in a section further below.

One key incident prevention method is to verify the identity of both our consumers and partners:

  • From the perspective of protecting the safety of passengers, having a reliable driver authentication process can avoid unauthorized people from delivering a ride. This ensures that trips on Grab are only completed by registered licensed driver-partners that have passed our comprehensive background checks.
  • From the perspective of protecting the safety of driver-partners, verifying the identity of new passengers using facial recognition technology helps to deter crimes targeting our driver-partners and make incident investigations easier.

Safety incidents that arise from lack of identity verification

Facial recognition technology is also leveraged to improve Grab digital financial services, particularly in facilitating the “electronic Know Your Customer” (e-KYC) process. KYC is a standard regulatory requirement in the financial services industry to verify the identity of customers, which commonly serves to deter financial crime, such as money laundering.

Traditionally, customers are required to visit a physical counter to verify their government-issued ID as proof of identity. Today, with the widespread use of mobile devices, coupled with the maturity of facial recognition technologies, the process has become much more seamless and can be done entirely digitally.

Figure 1: GrabPay wallet e-KYC regulatory requirements in the Philippines

Overview of facial recognition technology

Figure 2: Face recognition flow

The typical facial recognition pipeline involves multiple stages, which starts with image preprocessing, face anti-spoof, followed by feature extraction, and finally the downstream applications – face verification or face search.

The most common image preprocessing techniques for face recognition tasks are face detection and face alignment. The face detection algorithm locates the face region in an image, and is usually followed by face alignment, which identifies the key facial landmarks (e.g. left eye, right eye, nose, etc.) and transforms them into a standardised coordinate space. Both of these preprocessing steps aim to ensure a consistent quality of input data for downstream applications.

Face anti-spoof refers to the process of ensuring that the user-submitted facial image is legitimate. This is to prevent fraudulent users from stealing identities (impersonating someone else by using a printed photo or replaying videos from mobile screens) or hiding identities (e.g. wearing a mask). The main approach here is to extract low-level spoofing cues, such as the moiré pattern, using various machine learning techniques to determine whether the image is spoofed.

After passing the anti-spoof checks, the user-submitted images are sent for face feature extraction, where important features that can be used to distinguish one person from another are extracted. Ideally, we want the feature extraction model to produce embeddings (i.e. high-dimensional vectors) with small intra-class distance (i.e. faces of the same person) and large inter-class distance (i.e. faces of different people), so that the aforementioned downstream applications (i.e. face verification and face search) become a straightforward task – thresholding the distance between embeddings.

Face verification is one of the key applications of facial recognition and it answers the question, “Is this the same person?”. As previously alluded to, this can be achieved by comparing the distance between embeddings generated from a template image (e.g. government-issued ID or profile picture) and a query image submitted by the user. A short distance indicates that both images belong to the same person, whereas a large distance indicates that these images are taken from different people.

Face search, on the other hand, tackles the question, “Who is this person?”, which can be framed as a vector/embedding similarity search problem. Image embeddings belonging to the same person would be highly similar, thus ranked higher, in search results. This is particularly useful for deterring criminals from re-onboarding to our platform by blocking new selfies that match a criminal profile in our criminal denylist database.

Face anti-spoof

For face anti-spoof, the most common methods used to attack the facial recognition system are screen replay and printed paper. To distinguish these spoof attacks from genuine faces, we need to solve two main challenges.

The first challenge is to obtain enough data of spoof attacks to enable the training of models. The second challenge is to carefully train the model to focus on the subtle differences between spoofed and genuine cases instead of overfitting to other background information.

Figure 3: Original face (left), screen replay attack (middle), synthetic data with a moiré pattern (right)

Source 1

Collecting large volumes of spoof data is naturally hard since spoof cases in product flows are very rare. To overcome this problem, one option is to synthesise large volumes of spoof data instead of collecting the real spoof data. More specifically, we synthesise moiré patterns on genuine face images that we have, and use the synthetic data as the screen replay attack data. This allows our model to use small amounts of real spoof data and sufficiently identify spoofing, while collecting more data to train the model.

Figure 4: Data preparation with patch data

On the other hand, a spoofed face image contains lots of information with subtle spoof cues such as moiré patterns that cannot be detected by the naked eye. As such, it’s important to train the model to identify spoof cues instead of focusing on the possible domain bias between the spoof data and genuine data. To achieve this, we need to change the way we prepare the training data.

Instead of using the entire selfie image as the model input, we firstly detect and crop the face area, then evenly split the cropped face area into several patches. These patches are used as input to train the model. During inference, images are also split into patches the same way and the final result will be the average of outputs from all patches. After this data preprocessing, the patches will contain less global semantic information and more local structure features, making it easier for the model to learn and distinguish spoofed and genuine images.

Face verification

“Data is food for AI.” – Andrew Ng, founder of Google Brain

The key success factors of artificial intelligence (AI) models are undoubtedly driven by the volume and quality of data we hold. At Grab, we have one of the largest and most comprehensive face datasets, covering a wide range of demographic groups in Southeast Asia. This gives us a strong advantage to build a highly robust and unbiased facial recognition model that serves the region better.

As mentioned earlier, all selfies collected by Grab are securely protected under privacy legislation in the countries in which we operate. We take reasonable legal, organisational and technical measures to ensure that your Personal Data is protected, which includes measures to prevent Personal Data from getting lost, or used or accessed in an unauthorised way. We limit access to these Personal Data to our employees on a need to know basis. Those processing any Personal Data will only do so in an authorised manner and are required to treat the information with confidentiality.

Also, selfie data will not be shared with any other parties, including our driver, delivery partners or any other third parties without proper authorisation from the account holder. They are strictly used to improve and enhance our products and services, and not used as a means to collect personal identifiable data. Any disclosure of personal data will be handled in accordance with Grab Privacy Policy.

Figure 5: Semi-Siamese architecture (source)

Other than data, model architecture also plays an important role, especially when handling less common face verification scenarios, such as ”selfie to ID photo” and “selfie to masked selfie” verifications.  

The main challenge of “selfie to ID photo” verification is the shallow nature of the dataset, i.e. a large number of unique identities, but a low number of image samples per identity. This type of dataset lacks representation in intra-class diversity, which would commonly lead to model collapse during model training. Besides, “selfie to ID photo” verification also poses numerous challenges that are different from general facial recognition, such as aging (old ID photo), attrited ID card (normal wear and tear), and domain difference between printed ID photo and real-life selfie photo.

To address these issues, we leveraged a novel training method named semi-Siamese training (SST) 2, which is proposed by Du et al. (2020). The key idea is to enlarge intra-class diversity by ensuring that the backbone Siamese networks have similar parameters, but are not entirely identical, hence the name “semi-Siamese”.

Just like typical Siamese network architecture, feature vectors generated by the subnetworks are compared to compute the loss functions, such as Arc-softmax, Triplet loss, and Large margin cosine loss, all of which aim to reduce intra-class distance while increasing the inter-class distances. With the usage of the semi-Siamese backbone network, intra-class diversity is further promoted as it is guaranteed by the difference between the subnetworks, making the training convergence more stable.

Figure 6: Masked face verification

Another type of face verification problem we need to solve these days is the “selfie to masked selfie” verification. To pass this type of face verification, users are required to take off their masks as previous face verification models are unable to verify people with masks on. However, removing face masks to do face verification is inconvenient and risky in a crowded environment, which is a pain for many of our driver-partners who need to do verification from time to time.

To help ease this issue, we developed a face verification model that can verify people even while they are wearing masks. This is done by adding masked selfies into the training data and training the model with both masked and unmasked selfies. This not only enables the model to perform verification for people with masks on, but also helps to increase the accuracy of verifying those without masks. On top of that, masked selfies act as data augmentation and help to train the model with stronger ability of extracting features from the face.

As previously mentioned, once embeddings are produced by the facial recognition models, face search is fundamentally no different from face verification. Both processes use the distance between embeddings to decide whether the faces belong to the same person. The only difference here is that face search is more computationally expensive, since face verification is a 1-to-1 comparison, whereas face search is a 1-to-N comparison (N=size of the database).

In practice, there are many ways to significantly reduce the complexity of the search algorithm from O(N), such as using Inverted File Index (IVF) and Hierarchical Navigable Small World (HNSW) graphs. Besides, there are also various methods to increase the query speed, such as accelerating the distance computation using GPU, or approximating the distances using compressed vectors. This problem is also commonly known as Approximate Nearest Neighbor (ANN). Some of the great open-sourced vector similarity search libraries that can help to solve this problem are ScaNN3 (by Google), FAISS4(by Facebook), and Annoy (by Spotify).

What’s next?

In summary, facial recognition technology is an effective crime prevention and reduction tool to strengthen the safety of our platform and users. While the enforcement of selfie collection by itself is already a strong deterrent against fraudsters misusing our platform, leveraging facial recognition technology raises the bar by helping us to quickly and accurately identify these offenders.

As technologies advance, face spoofing patterns also evolve. We need to continuously monitor spoofing trends and actively improve our face anti-spoof algorithms to proactively ensure our users’ safety.

With the rapid growth of facial recognition technology, there is also a growing concern regarding data privacy issues. At Grab, consumer privacy and safety remain our top priorities and we continuously look for ways to improve our existing safeguards.

In May 2022, Grab was recognised by the Infocomm Media Development Authority in Singapore for its stringent data protection policies and processes through the award of Data Protection Trustmark (DPTM) certification. This recognition reinforces our belief that we can continue to draw the benefits from facial recognition technology, while avoiding any misuse of it. As the saying goes, “Technology is not inherently good or evil. It’s all about how people choose to use it”.

Join us

Grab is the leading superapp platform in Southeast Asia, providing everyday services that matter to consumers. More than just a ride-hailing and food delivery app, Grab offers a wide range of on-demand services in the region, including mobility, food, package and grocery delivery services, mobile payments, and financial services across 428 cities in eight countries.

Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!


  1. Niu, D., Guo R., and Wang, Y. (2021). Moiré Attack (MA): A New Potential Risk of Screen Photos. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. https://papers.nips.cc/paper/2021/hash/db9eeb7e678863649bce209842e0d164-Abstract.html 

  2. Du, H., Shi, H., Liu, Y., Wang, J., Lei, Z., Zeng, D., & Mei, T. (2020). Semi-Siamese Training for Shallow Face Learning. European Conference on Computer Vision, 36–53. Springer. 

  3. Guo, R., Sun, P., Lindgren, E., Geng, Q., Simcha, D., Chern, F., & Kumar, S. (2020). Accelerating Large-Scale Inference with Anisotropic Vector Quantization. International Conference on Machine Learning. https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.10396 

  4. Johnson, J., Douze, M., & Jégou, H. (2019). Billion-scale similarity search with GPUs. IEEE Transactions on Big Data, 7(3), 535–547. 

Automated Experiment Analysis – Making experimental analysis scalable

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/automated-experiment-analysis


Trustworthy experiments are key to making sound decisions, so analysts and data scientists put a lot of effort into analysing them and making business impacts. An extension of Grab’s Experimentation (GrabX) platform, Automated Experiment Analysis is one of Grab’s data products that helps automate statistical analyses of experiments. It also provides automatic experimental data pipelines and customised tests for different types of experiments.

Designed to help Grab in its journey of innovation and data-driven decision making, the data product helps to:

  1. Standardise and automate the basic experiment analysis process on Grab experiments.
  2. Ensure post-experiment results are reproducible under a company-wide standard, and easily reviewed by each other.
  3. Democratise the institutional knowledge of experimentation across functions.


Today, the GrabX platform provides the ability to define, configure, and execute online controlled experiments (OCEs), often called A/B tests, to gather trustworthy data and make data-driven decisions about how to improve our products.

Before the automated analysis, each experiment was analysed manually on an ad-hoc basis. This manual and federated model brings in several challenges at the company level:

  1. Inefficiency: Repetitive nature of data pipeline building and basic post-experiment analyses incur large costs and deplete the analysts’ bandwidth from running deeper analyses.
  2. Lack of quality control: Risk of unstandardised, inaccurate or late results as the platform cannot exercise data-governance/control or extend offerings to Grab’s other entities.
  3. Lack of scalability and availability: GrabX users have varied backgrounds and skills, making their approaches to experiments different and not easily transferable/shared. E.g. Some teams may use more advanced techniques to speed up their experiments without using too much resources but these techniques are not transferable without considerable training.


Architecture details

Point multiplier
Architecture diagram

When users set up experiments on GrabX, they can configure the success metrics they are interested in. These metrics configurations are then stored in the metadata as “bronze”, “silver”, and “gold” datasets depending on the corresponding step in the automated data pipeline process.

Metrics configuration and “bronze” datasets

In this project, we have developed a metrics glossary that stores information about what the metrics are and how they are computed. The metrics glossary is stored in CosmoDB and serves as an API Endpoint for GrabX so users can pick from the list of available metrics. If a metric is not available, users can input their custom metrics definition.

This metrics selection, as an analysis configuration, is then stored as a “bronze” dataset in Azure Data Lake as metadata, together with the experiment configurations. Once the experiment starts, the data pipeline gathers all experiment subjects and their assigned experiment groups from our clickstream tracking system.

In this case, the experiment subject refers to the facets of the experiment. For example, if the experiment subject is a user, then the user will go through the same experience throughout the entire experimentation period.

Metrics computation and “silver” datasets

In this step, the metrics engine gathers all metrics data based on the metrics configuration and computes the metrics for each experiment subject. This computed data is then stored as a “silver” dataset and is the foundation dataset for all statistical analyses.

“Silver” datasets are then passed through the “Decision Engine” to get the final “gold” datasets, which contain the experiment results.

Results visualisation and ”gold” datasets

In “gold” datasets, we have the result of the experiment, along with some custom messages we want to show our users. These are saved in sets of fact and dim tables (typically used in star schemas).

For users to visualise the result on GrabX, we leverage the embedded Power BI visualisation. We build the visualisation using a “gold” dataset and embed it to each experiment page with a fixed filter. By doing so, users can experience the end-to-end flow directly from GrabX.


The implementation consists of four key engineering components:

  1. Analysis configuration setup
  2. A data pipeline
  3. Automatic analysis
  4. Results visualisation

Analysis configuration is part of the experiment setup process where users select success metrics they are interested in. This is an essential configuration for post-experiment analysis, in addition to the usual experiment configurations (e.g. sampling strategies).

It ensures that the reported experiment results will align with the hypothesis setup, which helps avoid one of the common pitfalls in OCEs 1.

There are three types of metrics available:

  1. Pre-defined metrics: These metrics are already defined in the Scribe datamart, e.g. Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) per pax.
  2. Event-based metrics: Users can specify an ad-hoc metric in the form of a funnel with event names for funnel start and end.
  3. Build your own metrics: Users have the flexibility to define a metric in the form of a SQL query.

A data pipeline here mainly consists of data sourcing and data processing. We use Azure Data Factory to schedule ETL pipelines so we can calculate the metrics and statistical analysis. ETL jobs are written in spark and run using Databricks.

Data pipelines are streamlined to the following:

  1. Load experiments and metrics metadata, defined at the experiment creation stage.
  2. Load experiment and clickstream events.
  3. Load experiment assignments. An experiment assignment maps a randomisation unit ID to the corresponding experiment or variant IDs.
  4. Merge the data mentioned above for each experiment variant, and obtain sufficient data to do a deeper results analysis.

Automatic analysis uses an internal python package “Decision Engine”, which decouples the dataset and statistical tests, so that we can incrementally improve applications of advanced techniques. It provides a comprehensive set of test results at the variant level, which include statistics, p-values, confidence intervals, and the test choices that correspond to the experiment configurations. It’s a crowdsourced project which allows all to contribute what they believe should be included in fundamental post-experiment analysis.

Results visualisation leverages PowerBI, which is embedded in the GrabX UI, so users can run the experiments and review the results on a single platform. 


At the individual user level, Automated Experiment Analysis is designed to enable analysts and data scientists to associate metrics with experiments, and present the experiment results in a standardised and comprehensive manner. It speeds up the decision-making process and frees up the bandwidths of analysts and data scientists to conduct deeper analyses.

At the user community level, it improves the efficiency of running experimental analysis by capturing all experiments, their results, and the launch decision within a single platform.


Automated Experiment Analysis is the first building block to boost the trustworthiness of OCEs in Grab. Not all types of experiments are fully onboard, and they might not need to be. Through this journey, we believe these key learnings would be useful for experimenters and platform teams:

  1. To standardise and simplify several experimental analysis steps, there needs to be automation data pipelines, analytics tools, and a metrics store in the infrastructure.
  2. The “Decision Engine” analytics tool should be decoupled from the other engineering components, so that it can be incrementally improved in future.
  3. To democratise knowledge and ensure service coverage, many components need to have a crowdsourcing feature, e.g. the metrics store has a BYOM function, and “Decision Engine” is an open-sourced internal python package.
  4. Tracking implementation is important. To standardise data pipelines and achieve scalability, we need to standardise the way we implement tracking.

What’s next?

A centralised metric store –  We built a metric calculation dictionary, which currently contains around 30-40 basic business metrics, but its functionality is limited to GrabX Experimentation use case.

If the metric store is expected to serve more general uses, it needs to be further enriched by allowing some “smarts”, e.g. fabric-agnostic metrics computations 2, other types of data slicing, and some considerations with real-time metrics or signals.

An end-to-end experiment guide rail – Currently, we provide automatic data analysis after an experiment is done, but no guardrail features at multiple experiment stages, e.g. sampling strategy choices, sample size recommendation from the planning stage, and data quality check during/after the experiment windows. Without the end-to-end guardrails, running experiments will be very prone to pitfalls. We therefore plan to add some degree of automation to ensure experiments adhere to the standards used by the post-experimental analysis.

A more comprehensive analysis toolbox – The current state of the project mainly focuses on infrastructure development, so it starts with basic frequentist’s A/B testing approaches. In future versions, it can be extended to include sequential testing, CUPED 3, attribution analysis, Causal Forest, heterogeneous treatment effects, etc.

Join us

Grab is the leading superapp platform in Southeast Asia, providing everyday services that matter to consumers. More than just a ride-hailing and food delivery app, Grab offers a wide range of on-demand services in the region, including mobility, food, package and grocery delivery services, mobile payments, and financial services across 428 cities in eight countries.

Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!


  1. Dmitriev, P., Gupta, S., Kim, D. W., & Vaz, G. (2017, August). A dirty dozen: twelve common metric interpretation pitfalls in online controlled experiments. In Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge discovery and data mining (pp. 1427-1436). 

  2. Metric computation for multiple backends, Craig Boucher, Ulf Knoblich, Dan Miller, Sasha Patotski, Amin Saied, Microsoft Experimentation Platform 

  3. Deng, A., Xu, Y., Kohavi, R., & Walker, T. (2013, February). Improving the sensitivity of online controlled experiments by utilising pre-experiment data. In Proceedings of the sixth ACM international conference on Web search and data mining (pp. 123-132). 

A Survey of Causal Inference Applications at Netflix

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/a-survey-of-causal-inference-applications-at-netflix-b62d25175e6f

At Netflix, we want to entertain the world through creating engaging content and helping members discover the titles they will love. Key to that is understanding causal effects that connect changes we make in the product to indicators of member joy.

To measure causal effects we rely heavily on AB testing, but we also leverage quasi-experimentation in cases where AB testing is limited. Many scientists across Netflix have contributed to the way that Netflix analyzes these causal effects.

To celebrate that impact and learn from each other, Netflix scientists recently came together for an internal Causal Inference and Experimentation Summit. The weeklong conference brought speakers from across the content, product, and member experience teams to learn about methodological developments and applications in estimating causal effects. We covered a wide range of topics including difference-in-difference estimation, double machine learning, Bayesian AB testing, and causal inference in recommender systems among many others.

We are excited to share a sneak peek of the event with you in this blog post through selected examples of the talks, giving a behind the scenes look at our community and the breadth of causal inference at Netflix. We look forward to connecting with you through a future external event and additional blog posts!

Incremental Impact of Localization

Yinghong Lan, Vinod Bakthavachalam, Lavanya Sharan, Marie Douriez, Bahar Azarnoush, Mason Kroll

At Netflix, we are passionate about connecting our members with great stories that can come from anywhere, and be loved everywhere. In fact, we stream in more than 30 languages and 190 countries and strive to localize the content, through subtitles and dubs, that our members will enjoy the most. Understanding the heterogenous incremental value of localization to member viewing is key to these efforts!

In order to estimate the incremental value of localization, we turned to causal inference methods using historical data. Running large scale, randomized experiments has both technical and operational challenges, especially because we want to avoid withholding localization from members who might need it to access the content they love.

Conceptual overview of using double machine learning to control for confounders and compare similar titles to estimate incremental impact of localization

We analyzed the data across various languages and applied double machine learning methods to properly control for measured confounders. We not only studied the impact of localization on overall title viewing but also investigated how localization adds value at different parts of the member journey. As a robustness check, we explored various simulations to evaluate the consistency and variance of our incrementality estimates. These insights have played a key role in our decisions to scale localization and delight our members around the world.

A related application of causal inference methods to localization arose when some dubs were delayed due to pandemic-related shutdowns of production studios. To understand the impact of these dub delays on title viewing, we simulated viewing in the absence of delays using the method of synthetic control. We compared simulated viewing to observed viewing at title launch (when dubs were missing) and after title launch (when dubs were added back).

To control for confounders, we used a placebo test to repeat the analysis for titles that were not affected by dub delays. In this way, we were able to estimate the incremental impact of delayed dub availability on member viewing for impacted titles. Should there be another shutdown of dub productions, this analysis enables our teams to make informed decisions about delays with greater confidence.

Holdback Experiments for Product Innovation

Travis Brooks, Cassiano Coria, Greg Nettles, Molly Jackman, Claire Lackner

At Netflix, there are many examples of holdback AB tests, which show some users an experience without a specific feature. They have substantially improved the member experience by measuring long term effects of new features or re-examining old assumptions. However, when the topic of holdback tests is raised, it can seem too complicated in terms of experimental design and/or engineering costs.

We aimed to share best practices we have learned about holdback test design and execution in order to create more clarity around holdback tests at Netflix, so they can be used more broadly across product innovation teams by:

  1. Defining the types of holdbacks and their use cases with past examples
  2. Suggesting future opportunities where holdback testing may be valuable
  3. Enumerating the challenges that holdback tests pose
  4. Identifying future investments that can reduce the cost of deploying and maintaining holdback tests for product and engineering teams

Holdback tests have clear value in many product areas to confirm learnings, understand long term effects, retest old assumptions on newer members, and measure cumulative value. They can also serve as a way to test simplifying the product by removing unused features, creating a more seamless user experience. In many areas at Netflix they are already commonly used for these purposes.

Overview of how holdback tests work where we keep the current experience for a subset of members over the long term in order to gain valuable insights for improving the product

We believe by unifying best practices and providing simpler tools, we can accelerate our learnings and create the best product experience for our members to access the content they love.

Causal Ranker: A Causal Adaptation Framework for Recommendation Models

Jeong-Yoon Lee, Sudeep Das

Most machine learning algorithms used in personalization and search, including deep learning algorithms, are purely associative. They learn from the correlations between features and outcomes how to best predict a target.

In many scenarios, going beyond the purely associative nature to understanding the causal mechanism between taking a certain action and the resulting incremental outcome becomes key to decision making. Causal inference gives us a principled way of learning such relationships, and when coupled with machine learning, becomes a powerful tool that can be leveraged at scale.

Compared to machine learning, causal inference allows us to build a robust framework that controls for confounders in order to estimate the true incremental impact to members

At Netflix, many surfaces today are powered by recommendation models like the personalized rows you see on your homepage. We believe that many of these surfaces can benefit from additional algorithms that focus on making each recommendation as useful to our members as possible, beyond just identifying the title or feature someone is most likely to engage with. Adding this new model on top of existing systems can help improve recommendations to those that are right in the moment, helping find the exact title members are looking to stream now.

This led us to create a framework that applies a light, causal adaptive layer on top of the base recommendation system called the Causal Ranker Framework. The framework consists of several components: impression (treatment) to play (outcome) attribution, true negative label collection, causal estimation, offline evaluation, and model serving.

We are building this framework in a generic way with reusable components so that any interested team within Netflix can adopt this framework for their use case, improving our recommendations throughout the product.

Bellmania: Incremental Account Lifetime Valuation at Netflix and its Applications

Reza Badri, Allen Tran

Understanding the value of acquiring or retaining subscribers is crucial for any subscription business like Netflix. While customer lifetime value (LTV) is commonly used to value members, simple measures of LTV likely overstate the true value of acquisition or retention because there is always a chance that potential members may join in the future on their own without any intervention.

We establish a methodology and necessary assumptions to estimate the monetary value of acquiring or retaining subscribers based on a causal interpretation of incremental LTV. This requires us to estimate both on Netflix and off Netflix LTV.

To overcome the lack of data for off Netflix members, we use an approach based on Markov chains that recovers off Netflix LTV from minimal data on non-subscriber transitions between being a subscriber and canceling over time.

Through Markov chains we can estimate the incremental value of a member and non member that appropriately captures the value of potential joins in the future

Furthermore, we demonstrate how this methodology can be used to (1) forecast aggregate subscriber numbers that respect both addressable market constraints and account-level dynamics, (2) estimate the impact of price changes on revenue and subscription growth, and (3) provide optimal policies, such as price discounting, that maximize expected lifetime revenue of members.

Measuring causality is a large part of the data science culture at Netflix, and we are proud to have so many stunning colleagues leverage both experimentation and quasi-experimentation to drive member impact. The conference was a great way to celebrate each other’s work and highlight the ways in which causal methodology can create value for the business.

We look forward to sharing more about our work with the community in upcoming posts. To stay up to date on our work, follow the Netflix Tech Blog, and if you are interested in joining us, we are currently looking for new stunning colleagues to help us entertain the world!

A Survey of Causal Inference Applications at Netflix was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Python coding for kids: Moving beyond the basics

Post Syndicated from Rebecca Franks original https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/python-coding-for-kids-beyond-the-basics/

We are excited to announce our second new Python learning path, ‘More Python’, which shows young coders how to add real data to their programs while creating projects from a chart of Olympic medals to an interactive world map. The six guided Python projects in this free learning path are designed to enable young people to independently create their own Python projects about the topics that matter to them.

A girl points excitedly at a project on the Raspberry Pi Foundation's projects site.
Two kids are at a laptop with one of our coding projects.

In this post, we’ll show you how kids use the projects in the ‘More Python’ path, what they can make by following the path, and how the path structure helps them become confident and independent digital makers.

Python coding for kids: Our learning paths

Our ‘Introduction to Python’ learning path is the perfect place to start learning how to use Python, a text-based programming language. When we launched the Intro path in February, we explained why Python is such a popular, useful, and accessible programming language for young people.

Because Python has so much to offer, we have created a second Python path for young people who have learned the basics in the first path. In this new set of six projects, learners will discover new concepts and see how to add different types of real data to their programs.

Illustration of different graph types
By following the ‘More Python’ path, young people learn the skills to independently create a data visualisation for a topic they are passionate about in the final project.

Key questions answered

Who is this path for?

We have written the projects in this path with young people around the age of 10 to 13 in mind. To code in a text-based language, a young person needs to be familiar with using a keyboard, due to the typing involved. Learners should have already completed the ‘Introduction to Python’ project path, as they will build on the learning from that path.

Three young tech creators show off their tech project at Coolest Projects.

How do young people learn with the projects? 

Young people need access to a web browser to complete our project paths. Each project contains step-by-step instructions for learners to follow, and tick boxes to mark when they complete each step. On top of that, the projects have steps for learners to:

  • Reflect on what they have covered in the project
  • Share their projects with others
  • See suggestions to upgrade their projects

Young people also have the option to sign up for an account with us so they can save their progress at any time and collect badges.

A young person codes at a Raspberry Pi computer.

While learners follow the project instructions in this project path, they write their code into Trinket, a free web-based coding platform accessible in a browser. Each project contains a link to a starter Trinket, which includes everything to get started writing Python code — no need to install any additional software.

Screenshot of Python code in the online IDE Trinket.
This is what Python code on Trinket looks like.

If they prefer, however, young people also have the option of instead writing their code in a desktop-based programming environment, such as Thonny, as they work through the projects.

What will young people learn?  

To use data in their Python programs, the project instructions show learners how to:

  • Create and use lists
  • Create and use dictionaries
  • Read data from a data file

The projects support learners as they explore new concepts of digital visual media and: 

  • Create charts using the Python library Pygal
  • Plot pins on a map
  • Create randomised artwork

In each project, learners reflect and answer questions about their work, which is important for connecting the project’s content to their pre-existing knowledge.

In a computing classroom, a girl laughs at what she sees on the screen.

As they work through the projects, learners see different ways to present data and then decide how they want to present their data in the final project in the path. You’ll find out what the projects are on the path page, or at the bottom of this blog post.

The project path helps learners become independent coders and digital makers, as each project contains slightly less support than the one before. You can read about how our project paths are designed to increase young people’s independence, and explore our other free learning paths for young coders

How long will the path take to complete?

We’ve designed the path to be completed in around six one-hour sessions, with one hour per project, at home, in school, or at a coding club. The project instructions encourage learners to add code to upgrade their projects and go further if they wish. This means that young people might want to spend a little more time getting their projects exactly as they imagine them.

In a classroom, a teacher and a student look at a computer screen while the student types on the keyboard.

What can young people do next?

Use Unity to create a 3D world

Unity is a free development environment for creating 3D virtual environments, including games, visual novels, and animations, all with the text-based programming language C#. Our ‘Introduction to Unity’ project path for keen coders shows how to make 3D worlds and games with collectibles, timers, and non-player characters.

Take part in Coolest Projects Global

At the end of the ‘More Python’ path, learners are encouraged to register a project they’ve made using their new coding skills for Coolest Projects Global, our free and world-leading online technology showcase for young tech creators. The project they register will become part of the online gallery, where members of the Coolest Projects community can celebrate each other’s creations.

A young coder shows off her tech project for Coolest Projects to two other young tech creators.

We welcome projects from all young people, whether they are beginners or experienced coders and digital makers. Coolest Projects Global is a unique opportunity for young people to share their ingenuity with the world and with other young people who love coding and creating with digital technology.

Details about the projects in ‘More Python’

The ‘More Python’ path is structured according to our Digital Making Framework, with three Explore project, two Design projects, and a final Invent project.

Explore project 1: Charting champions

Illustration of a fast-moving, smiling robot wearing a champion's rosette.

In this Explore project, learners discover the power of lists in Python by creating an interactive chart of Olympic medals. They learn how to read data from a text file and then present that data as a bar chart.

Explore project 2: Solar system

Illustration of our solar system.

In this Explore project, learners create a simulation of the solar system. They revisit the drawing and animation skills that they learned in the ‘Introduction to Python’ project path to produce animated planets orbiting the sun. The animation is based on real data taken from a data file to simulate the speed that the planets move at as they orbit. The simulation is also interactive, using dictionaries to display data about the planets that have been selected.

Explore project 3: Codebreaker

Illustration of a person thinking about codebreaking.

The final Explore project gets learners to build on their knowledge of lists and dictionaries by creating a program that encodes and decodes a message using an Atbash cipher. The Atbash cipher was originally developed in the Hebrew language. It takes the alphabet and matches it to its reverse order to create a secret message. They also create a script that checks how many times certain letters have been used in an encoded message, so that they can discover patterns.

Design project 1: Encoded art

Illustration of a robot painting a portrait of another robot.

The first Design project allows learners to create fun pieces of artwork by encoding the letters of their name into images, patterns, or drawings. Learners can choose the images that will be produced for each letter, and whether these appear at random or in a geometric pattern.

Learners are encouraged to share their encoded artwork in the community library, where there are lots of fun projects to discover already. In this project, learners apply all of the coding skills and knowledge covered in the Explore projects, including working with dictionaries and lists.

Design project 2: Mapping data

Illustration of a map and a hand of someone marking it with a large pin.

In the next Design project, learners access data from a data file and use it to create location pins on a world map. They have six datasets to choose from, so they can use one that interests them. They can also choose from a variety of maps and design their own pin to truly personalise their projects.

Invent project: Persuasive data presentation

Illustration of different graph types

This project is designed to use all of the skills and knowledge covered in this path, and most of the skills from the ‘Introduction to Python’ path. Learners can choose from eight datasets to create data visualisations. They are also given instructions on how to access and prepare other datasets if they want to visualise data about a different topic.

Once learners have chosen their dataset, they can decide how they want it to be displayed. This could be a chart, a map with pins, or a unique data visualisation. There are lots of example projects to provide inspiration for learners. One of our favourites is the ISS Expedition project, which places flags on the ISS depending on the expedition number you enter.

The post Python coding for kids: Moving beyond the basics appeared first on Raspberry Pi.

How telematics helps Grab to improve safety

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/telematics-at-grab

Telematics is a collection of sensor data such as accelerometer data, gyroscope data, and GPS data that a driver’s mobile phone provides, and we collect, during the ride. With this information, we apply data science logic to detect traffic events such as harsh braking, acceleration, cornering, and unsafe lane changes, in order to help improve our consumers’ ride experience.


As Grab grows to meet our consumers’ needs, the number of driver-partners has also grown. This requires us to ensure that our consumers’ safety continues to remain the highest priority as we scale. We developed an in-house telematics engine which uses mobile phone sensors to determine, evaluate, and quantify the driving behaviour of our driver-partners. This telemetry data is then evaluated and gives us better insights into our driver-partners’ driving patterns.

Through our data, we hope to improve our driver-partners’ driving habits and reduce the likelihood of driving-related incidents on our platform. This telemetry data also helps us determine optimal insurance premiums for driver-partners with risky driving patterns and reward driver-partners who have better driving habits.

In addition, we also merge telematics data with spatial data to further identify areas where dangerous driving manoeuvres happen frequently. This data is used to inform our driver-partners to be alert and drive more safely in such areas.


With more consumers using the Grab app, we realised that purely relying on passenger feedback is not enough; we had no definitive way to tell which driver-partners were actually driving safely, when they deviated from their routes or even if they had been involved in an accident.

To help address these issues, we developed an in-house telematics engine that analyses telemetry data, identifies driver-partners’ driving behaviour and habits, and provides safety reports for them.

Architecture details

Real time ingestion architecture

As shown in the diagram, our telematics SDK receives raw sensor data from our driver-partners’ devices and processes it in two ways:

  1. On-device processing for crash detection: Used to determine situations such as if the driver-partner has been in an accident.
  2. Raising traffic events and generating safety reports after each job: Useful for detecting events like speeding and harsh braking.

Note: Safety reports are generated by our backend service using sensor data that is only uploaded as a text file after each ride.


Our telematics framework relies on accelerometer, gyroscope and GPS sensors within the mobile device to infer the vehicle’s driving parameters. Both accelerometer and gyroscope are triaxial sensors, and their respective measurements are in the mobile device’s frame of reference.

That being said, the data collected from these sensors have no fixed sample rate, so we need to implement sensor data time synchronisation. For example, there will be temporal misalignment between gyroscope and accelerometer data if they do not share the same timestamp. The sample rate that comes from the accelerometer and gyroscope also varies independently. Therefore, we need to uniformly sample the sensor data to be at the same frequency rate.

This synchronisation process is done in two steps:

  1. Interpolation to uniform time grid at a reasonably higher frequency.
  2. Decimation from the higher frequency to the output data rate for accelerometer and gyroscope data.

We then use the Fourier Transform to transform a signal from time domain to frequency domain for compression. These components are then written to a text file on the mobile device, compressed, and uploaded after the end of each ride.


There are a few takeaways that we learned from this project:

  • Sensor data frequency: There are many device manufacturers out there for Android and each one of them has a different sensor chipset. The frequency of the sensor data may vary from device to device.
  • Four-wheel (4W) vs two-wheel (2W): The behaviour is different for a driver-partner on 2W vs 4W, so we need different rules for each.
  • Hardware axis-bias: The device may not be aligned with the vehicle during the ride. It cannot be assumed that the phone will remain in a fixed orientation throughout the trip, so the mobile device sensors might not accurately measure the acceleration/braking or sharp turning of the vehicle.
  • Sensor noise: There are artifacts in sensor readings, which are basically a single outlier event that represents an error and is not a valid sensor reading.
  • Time-synchronisation: GPS, accelerometer, and gyroscope events are captured independently by three different sensors and have different time formats. These events will need to be transformed into the same time grid in order to work together. For example, the GPS location from 30 seconds prior to the gyroscope event will not work as they are out of sync.
  • Data compression and network consumption: Longer rides will contain more telematics data.  It will result in a bigger upload size and increase in time for file compression.

What’s next?

There are a few milestones that we want to accomplish with our telematics framework in the future. However, our number one goal is to extend telematics to all bookings across Grab verticals. We are also planning to add more on-device rules and data processing for event detections to further eliminate future delays from backend communication for crash detection.

With the data from our telematics framework, we can improve our passengers’ experience and improve safety for both passengers and driver-partners.

Join us

Grab is a leading superapp in Southeast Asia, providing everyday services that matter to consumers. More than just a ride-hailing and food delivery app, Grab offers a wide range of on-demand services in the region, including mobility, food, package and grocery delivery services, mobile payments, and financial services across over 400 cities in eight countries.

Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!

Real-time data ingestion in Grab

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/real-time-data-ingestion

Typically, modern applications use various database engines for their service needs; within Grab, these would be MySQL, Aurora and DynamoDB. Lately, the Caspian team has observed an increasing need to consume real-time data for many service teams. These real-time changes in database records help to support online and offline business decisions for hundreds of teams.

Because of that, we have invested time into synchronising data from MySQL, Aurora and Dynamodb to the message queue, i.e. Kafka. In this blog, we share how real-time data ingestion has helped since it was launched.


Over the last few years, service teams had to write all transactional data twice: once into Kafka and once into the database. This helped to solve the inter-service communication challenges and obtain audit trail logs. However, if the transactions fail, data integrity becomes a prominent issue. Moreover, it is a daunting task for developers to maintain the schema of data written into Kafka.

With real-time ingestion, there is a notably better schema evolution and guaranteed data consistency; service teams no longer need to write data twice.

You might be wondering, why don’t we have a single transaction that spans the services’ databases and Kafka, to make data consistent? This would not work as Kafka does not support being enlisted in distributed transactions. In some situations, we might end up having new data persisting into the services’ databases, but not having the corresponding message sent to Kafka topics.

Instead of registering or modifying the mapped table schema in Golang writer into Kafka beforehand, service teams tend to avoid such schema maintenance tasks entirely. In such cases, real-time ingestion can be adopted where data exchange among the heterogeneous databases or replication between source and replica nodes is required.

While reviewing the key challenges around real-time data ingestion, we realised that there were many potential user requirements to include. To build a standardised solution, we identified several points that we felt were high priority:

  • Make transactional data readily available in real time to drive business decisions at scale.
  • Capture audit trails of any given database.
  • Get rid of the burst read on databases caused by SQL-based query ingestion.

To empower Grabbers with real-time data to drive their business decisions, we decided to take a scalable event-driven approach, which is being facilitated with a bunch of internal products, and designed a solution for real-time ingestion.  

Anatomy of architecture

The solution for real-time ingestion has several key components:

  • Stream data storage
  • Event producer
  • Message queue
  • Stream processor
Real time ingestion architecture
Figure 1. Real time ingestion architecture

Stream storage

Stream storage acts as a repository that stores the data transactions in order with exactly-once guarantee. However, the level of order in stream storage differs with regards to different databases.

For MySQL or Aurora, transaction data is stored in binlog files in sequence and rotated, thus ensuring global order. Data with global order assures that all MySQL records are ordered and reflects the real life situation. For example, when transaction logs are replayed or consumed by downstream consumers, consumer A’s Grab food order at 12:01:44 pm will always appear before consumer B’s order at 12:01:45 pm.

However, this does not necessarily hold true for DynamoDB stream storage as DynamoDB streams are partitioned. Audit trails of a given record show that they go into the same partition in the same order, ensuring consistent partitioned order. Thus when replay happens, consumer B’s order might appear before consumer A’s.

Moreover, there are multiple formats to choose from for both MySQL binlog and DynamoDB stream records. We eventually set ROW for binlog formats and NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES for DynamoDB stream records. This depicts the detailed information before and after modifying any given table record. The binlog and DynamoDB stream main fields are tabulated in Figures 2 and 3 respectively.

Binlog record schema
Figure 2. Binlog record schema
DynamoDB stream record schema
Figure 3. DynamoDB stream record schema

Event producer

Event producers take in binlog messages or stream records and output to the message queue. We evaluated several technologies for the different database engines.

For MySQL or Aurora, three solutions were evaluated: Debezium, Maxwell, and Canal. We chose to onboard Debezium as it is deeply integrated with the Kafka Connect framework. Also, we see the potential of extending solutions among other external systems whenever moving large collections of data in and out of the Kafka cluster.

One such example is the open source project that attempts to build a custom DynamoDB connector extending the Kafka Connect (KC) framework. It self manages checkpointing via an additional DynamoDB table and can be deployed on KC smoothly.

However, the DynamoDB connector fails to exploit the fundamental nature of storage DynamoDB streams: dynamic partitioning and auto-scaling based on the traffic. Instead, it spawns only a single thread task to process all shards of a given DynamoDB table. As a result, downstream services suffer from data latency the most when write traffic surges.

In light of this, the lambda function becomes the most suitable candidate as the event producer. Not only does the concurrency of lambda functions scale in and out based on actual traffic, but the trigger frequency is also adjustable at your discretion.


This is the distributed data store optimised for ingesting and processing data in real time. It is widely adopted due to its high scalability, fault-tolerance, and parallelism. The messages in Kafka are abstracted and encoded into Protobuf. 

Stream processor

The stream processor consumes messages in Kafka and writes into S3 every minute. There are a number of options readily available in the market; Spark and Flink are the most common choices. Within Grab, we deploy a Golang library to deal with the traffic.

Use cases

Now that we’ve covered how real-time data ingestion is done in Grab, let’s look at some of the situations that could benefit from real-time data ingestion.

1. Data pipelines

We have thousands of pipelines running hourly in Grab. Some tables have significant growth and generate workload beyond what a SQL-based query can handle. An hourly data pipeline would incur a read spike on the production database shared among various services, draining CPU and memory resources. This deteriorates other services’ performance and could even block them from reading. With real-time ingestion, the query from data pipelines would be incremental and span over a period of time.

Another scenario where we switch to real-time ingestion is when a missing index is detected on the table. To speed up the query, SQL-based query ingestion requires indexing on columns such as created_at, updated_at and id. Without indexing, SQL based query ingestion would either result in high CPU and memory usage, or fail entirely.

Although adding indexes for these columns would resolve this issue, it comes with a cost, i.e. a copy of the indexed column and primary key is created on disk and the index is kept in memory. Creating and maintaining an index on a huge table is much costlier than for small tables. With performance consideration in mind, it is not recommended to add indexes to an existing huge table.

Instead, real-time ingestion overshadows SQL-based ingestion. We can spawn a new connector, archiver (Coban team’s Golang library that dumps data from Kafka at minutes-level frequency) and compaction job to bubble up the table record from binlog to the destination table in the Grab data lake.

Using real-time ingestion for data pipelines
Figure 4. Using real-time ingestion for data pipelines

2. Drive business decisions

A key use case of enabling real-time ingestion is driving business decisions at scale without even touching the source services. Saga pattern is commonly adopted in the microservice world. Each service has its own database, splitting an overarching database transaction into a series of multiple database transactions. Communication is established among services via message queue i.e. Kafka.

In an earlier tech blog published by the Grab Search team, we talked about how real-time ingestion with Debezium optimised and boosted search capabilities. Each MySQL table is mapped to a Kafka topic and one or multiple topics build up a search index within Elasticsearch.

With this new approach, there is no data loss, i.e. changes via MySQL command line tool or other DB management tools can be captured. Schema evolution is also naturally supported; the new schema defined within a MySQL table is inherited and stored in Kafka. No producer code change is required to make the schema consistent with that in MySQL. Moreover, the database read has been reduced by 90 percent including the efforts of the Data Synchronisation Platform.

Grab Search team use case
Figure 5. Grab Search team use case

The GrabFood team exemplifies mostly similar advantages in the DynamoDB area. The only differences compared to MySQL are that the frequency of the lambda functions is adjustable and parallelism is auto-scaled based on the traffic. By auto-scaling, we mean that more lambda functions will be auto-deployed to cater to a sudden spike in traffic, or destroyed as the traffic falls.

Grab Food team use case
Figure 6. Grab Food team use case

3. Database replication

Another use case we did not originally have in mind is incremental data replication for disaster recovery. Within Grab, we enable DynamoDB streams for tier 0 and critical DynamoDB tables. Any insert, delete, modify operations would be propagated to the disaster recovery table in another availability zone.

When migrating or replicating databases, we use the strangler fig pattern, which offers an incremental, reliable process for migrating databases. This is a method whereby a new system slowly grows on top of an old system and is gradually adopted until the old system is “strangled” and can simply be removed. Figure 7 depicts how DynamoDB streams drive real-time synchronisation between tables in different regions.

Data replication among DynamoDB tables across different regions in DBOps team
Figure 7. Data replication among DynamoDB tables across different regions in DBOps team

4. Deliver audit trails

Reasons for maintaining data audit trails are manifold in Grab: regulatory requirements might mandate businesses to keep complete historical information of a consumer or to apply machine learning techniques to detect fraudulent transactions made by consumers. Figure 8 demonstrates how we deliver audit trails in Grab.

Data replication among DynamoDB tables across different regions in DBOps team
Figure 8. Deliver audit trails in Grab


Real time ingestion is playing a pivotal role in Grab’s ecosystem. It:

  • boosts data pipelines with less read pressure imposed on databases shared among various services;
  • empowers real-time business decisions with assured resource efficiency;
  • provides data replication among tables residing in various regions; and
  • delivers audit trails that either keep complete history or help unearth fraudulent operations.

Since this project launched, we have made crucial enhancements to facilitate daily operations with several in-house products that are used for data onboarding, quality checking, maintaining freshness, etc.

We will continuously improve our platform to provide users with a seamless experience in data ingestion, starting with unifying our internal tools. Apart from providing a unified platform, we will also contribute more ideas to the ingestion, extending it to Azure and GCP, supporting multi-catalogue and offering multi-tenancy.

In our next blog, we will drill down to other interesting features of real-time ingestion, such as how ordering is achieved in different cases and custom partitioning in real-time ingestion. Stay tuned!

Join us

Grab is a leading superapp in Southeast Asia, providing everyday services that matter to consumers. More than just a ride-hailing and food delivery app, Grab offers a wide range of on-demand services in the region, including mobility, food, package and grocery delivery services, mobile payments, and financial services across over 400 cities in eight countries.

Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!

Bias in the machine: How can we address gender bias in AI?

Post Syndicated from Sue Sentance original https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/gender-bias-in-ai-machine-learning-biased-data/

At the Raspberry Pi Foundation, we’ve been thinking about questions relating to artificial intelligence (AI) education and data science education for several months now, inviting experts to share their perspectives in a series of very well-attended seminars. At the same time, we’ve been running a programme of research trials to find out what interventions in school might successfully improve gender balance in computing. We’re learning a lot, and one primary lesson is that these topics are not discrete: there are relationships between them.

We can’t talk about AI education — or computer science education more generally — without considering the context in which we deliver it, and the societal issues surrounding computing, AI, and data. For this International Women’s Day, I’m writing about the intersection of AI and gender, particularly with respect to gender bias in machine learning.

The quest for gender equality

Gender inequality is everywhere, and researchers, activists, and initiatives, and governments themselves, have struggled since the 1960s to tackle it. As women and girls around the world continue to suffer from discrimination, the United Nations has pledged, in its Sustainable Development Goals, to achieve gender equality and to empower all women and girls.

While progress has been made, new developments in technology may be threatening to undo this. As Susan Leahy, a machine learning researcher from the Insight Centre for Data Analytics, puts it:

Artificial intelligence is increasingly influencing the opinions and behaviour of people in everyday life. However, the over-representation of men in the design of these technologies could quietly undo decades of advances in gender equality.

Susan Leavy, 2018 [1]

Gender-biased data

In her 2019 award-winning book Invisible Women: Exploring Data Bias in a World Designed for Men [2], Caroline Ceriado Perez discusses the effects of gender-biased data. She describes, for example, how the designs of cities, workplaces, smartphones, and even crash test dummies are all based on data gathered from men. She also discusses that medical research has historically been conducted by men, on male bodies.

Looking at this problem from a different angle, researcher Mayra Buvinic and her colleagues highlight that in most countries of the world, there are no sources of data that capture the differences between male and female participation in civil society organisations, or in local advisory or decision making bodies [3]. A lack of data about girls and women will surely impact decision making negatively. 

Bias in machine learning

Machine learning (ML) is a type of artificial intelligence technology that relies on vast datasets for training. ML is currently being use in various systems for automated decision making. Bias in datasets for training ML models can be caused in several ways. For example, datasets can be biased because they are incomplete or skewed (as is the case in datasets which lack data about women). Another example is that datasets can be biased because of the use of incorrect labels by people who annotate the data. Annotating data is necessary for supervised learning, where machine learning models are trained to categorise data into categories decided upon by people (e.g. pineapples and mangoes).

A banana, a glass flask, and a potted plant on a white surface. Each object is surrounded by a white rectangular frame with a label identifying the object.
Max Gruber / Better Images of AI / Banana / Plant / Flask / CC-BY 4.0

In order for a machine learning model to categorise new data appropriately, it needs to be trained with data that is gathered from everyone, and is, in the case of supervised learning, annotated without bias. Failing to do this creates a biased ML model. Bias has been demonstrated in different types of AI systems that have been released as products. For example:

Facial recognition: AI researcher Joy Buolamwini discovered that existing AI facial recognition systems do not identify dark-skinned and female faces accurately. Her discovery, and her work to push for the first-ever piece of legislation in the USA to govern against bias in the algorithms that impact our lives, is narrated in the 2020 documentary Coded Bias

Natural language processing: Imagine an AI system that is tasked with filling in the missing word in “Man is to king as woman is to X” comes up with “queen”. But what if the system completes “Man is to software developer as woman is to X” with “secretary” or some other word that reflects stereotypical views of gender and careers? AI models called word embeddings learn by identifying patterns in huge collections of texts. In addition to the structural patterns of the text language, word embeddings learn human biases expressed in the texts. You can read more about this issue in this Brookings Institute report

Not noticing

There is much debate about the level of bias in systems using artificial intelligence, and some AI researchers worry that this will cause distrust in machine learning systems. Thus, some scientists are keen to emphasise the breadth of their training data across the genders. However, other researchers point out that despite all good intentions, gender disparities are so entrenched in society that we literally are not aware of all of them. White and male dominance in our society may be so unconsciously prevalent that we don’t notice all its effects.

Three women discuss something while looking at a laptop screen.

As sociologist Pierre Bourdieu famously asserted in 1977: “What is essential goes without saying because it comes without saying: the tradition is silent, not least about itself as a tradition.” [4]. This view holds that people’s experiences are deeply, or completely, shaped by social conventions, even those conventions that are biased. That means we cannot be sure we have accounted for all disparities when collecting data.

What is being done in the AI sector to address bias?

Developers and researchers of AI systems have been trying to establish rules for how to avoid bias in AI models. An example rule set is given in an article in the Harvard Business Review, which describes the fact that speech recognition systems originally performed poorly for female speakers as opposed to male ones, because systems analysed and modelled speech for taller speakers with longer vocal cords and lower-pitched voices (typically men).

A women looks at a computer screen.

The article recommends four ways for people who work in machine learning to try to avoid gender bias:

  • Ensure diversity in the training data (in the example from the article, including as many female audio samples as male ones)
  • Ensure that a diverse group of people labels the training data
  • Measure the accuracy of a ML model separately for different demographic categories to check whether the model is biased against some demographic categories
  • Establish techniques to encourage ML models towards unbiased results

What can everybody else do?

The above points can help people in the AI industry, which is of course important — but what about the rest of us? It’s important to raise awareness of the issues around gender data bias and AI lest we find out too late that we are reintroducing gender inequalities we have fought so hard to remove. Awareness is a good start, and some other suggestions, drawn out from others’ work in this area are:

Improve the gender balance in the AI workforce

Having more women in AI and data science, particularly in both technical and leadership roles, will help to reduce gender bias. A 2020 report by the World Economic Forum (WEF) on gender parity found that women account for only 26% of data and AI positions in the workforce. The WEF suggests five ways in which the AI workforce gender balance could be addressed:

  1. Support STEM education
  2. Showcase female AI trailblazers
  3. Mentor women for leadership roles
  4. Create equal opportunities
  5. Ensure a gender-equal reward system

Ensure the collection of and access to high-quality and up-to-date gender data

We need high-quality dataset on women and girls, with good coverage, including country coverage. Data needs to be comparable across countries in terms of concepts, definitions, and measures. Data should have both complexity and granularity, so it can be cross-tabulated and disaggregated, following the recommendations from the Data2x project on mapping gender data gaps.

A woman works at a multi-screen computer setup on a desk.

Educate young people about AI

At the Raspberry Pi Foundation we believe that introducing some of the potential (positive and negative) impacts of AI systems to young people through their school education may help to build awareness and understanding at a young age. The jury is out on what exactly to teach in AI education, and how to teach it. But we think educating young people about new and future technologies can help them to see AI-related work opportunities as being open to all, and to develop critical and ethical thinking.

Three teenage girls at a laptop

In our AI education seminars we heard a number of perspectives on this topic, and you can revisit the videos, presentation slides, and blog posts. We’ve also been curating a list of resources that can help to further AI education — although there is a long way to go until we understand this area fully. 

We’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic.


[1] Leavy, S. (2018). Gender bias in artificial intelligence: The need for diversity and gender theory in machine learning. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Gender Equality in Software Engineering, 14–16.

[2] Perez, C. C. (2019). Invisible Women: Exploring Data Bias in a World Designed for Men. Random House.

[3] Buvinic M., Levine R. (2016). Closing the gender data gap. Significance 13(2):34–37 

[4] Bourdieu, P. (1977). Outline of a Theory of Practice (No. 16). Cambridge University Press. (p.167)

The post Bias in the machine: How can we address gender bias in AI? appeared first on Raspberry Pi.

Detecting Magecart-Style Attacks With Page Shield

Post Syndicated from Oliver Cookman original https://blog.cloudflare.com/detecting-magecart-style-attacks-for-pageshield/

Detecting Magecart-Style Attacks With Page Shield

Detecting Magecart-Style Attacks With Page Shield

During CIO week we announced the general availability of our client-side security product, Page Shield. Page Shield protects websites’ end users from client-side attacks that target vulnerable JavaScript dependencies in order to run malicious code in the victim’s browser. One of the biggest client-side threats is the exfiltration of sensitive user data to an attacker-controlled domain (known as a Magecart-style attack). This kind of attack has impacted large organizations like British Airways and Ticketmaster, resulting in substantial GDPR fines in both cases. Today we are sharing details of how we detect these types of attacks and how we’re going to be developing the product into the future.

How does a Magecart-style attack work?

Magecart-style attacks are generally quite simple, involving just two stages. First, an attacker finds a way to compromise one of the JavaScript files running on the victim’s website. The attacker then inserts malicious code which reads personally identifiable information (PII) being entered by the site’s users, and exfiltrates it to an attacker-controlled domain. This is illustrated in the diagram below.

Detecting Magecart-Style Attacks With Page Shield

Magecart-style attacks are of particular concern to online retailers with users entering credit card details on the checkout page. Forms for online banking are also high-value targets along with login pages and anywhere else where you enter personal details online.

Attackers have a number of routes through which they can compromise a popular library and get their malicious code running on an unknowing vendor’s website, which include:

  • Compromising third-party providers
  • Compromising the website itself
  • Exploiting vulnerabilities

Frequently, the third-party providers themselves get compromised and attackers gain the ability to modify code that’s being distributed to a number of websites; this was the case with the Ibenta breach that compromised Ticketmaster. Alternatively, if attackers gain admin access to the site itself, they can modify one of the scripts being used and insert their malicious code — which happened in 2018 to British Airways. Libraries that have reached their end of life and are no longer maintained by their creators are vulnerable to zero-day exploits. Automated attacks have been seen compromising thousands of checkout pages in one go by taking advantage of this.

What can be done about it?

Application security providers and security teams are able to provide several defense mechanisms for site owners that include:

Detecting Magecart-Style Attacks With Page Shield

Content Security Policies: Page Shield uses a content security policy (CSP) deployed with a report-only directive to collect information from the browser about the scripts running on an application. That allows us to provide basic visibility to application owners about the files that are running on their site.

Static Analysis: Downloading the script and performing automated analysis on the content using machine learning techniques or databases of handwritten signatures can identify malicious scripts that would otherwise go undetected.

Threat Feeds: Databases of malicious hostnames or URLs are effective at capturing malware we already know about and complement detection capabilities that are targeted at novel attacks.

Subresource Integrity Checks: Application owners can include a cryptographic hash of the files they are loading in the ‘integrity’ attribute of any script or link. This is effective at protecting against unexpected changes at the source by malicious third parties.

External Connection Checks: Extracting a list of external connections being made by each script and comparing these against blocklists and allowlists can help spot malicious exfiltration attempts to attacker-controlled domains.

Page Shield currently leverages CSP reports, threat-intelligence feeds, and ML-based static analysis in order to detect malicious scripts. We think static analysis has an important role to play in the detection of client-side threats with the ability to detect attacks that are unlikely to be found with the other mechanisms.

Some ways we’re doing static analysis

Our static analysis system covers two scenarios:

  1. The code is readable, and its functionality has not been obscured
  2. The functionality of the code has been obscured (with or without malicious intent)

This gives four categories of script to analyze:

  1. Benign scripts
  2. Malicious scripts
  3. Obfuscated or minified benign scripts
  4. Obfuscated malicious scripts

We’ve developed separate models for the two scenarios mentioned above. The first is targeted at detecting ‘clean’ scripts, where the code has not been obscured. The second looks at obfuscated scripts and differentiates between malicious and benign content.

The detection of ‘clean’ malicious scripts relies on an analysis of the script’s data flow properties which are derived from a representation of the script called an abstract syntax tree. Consider the following very simple example script:

Detecting Magecart-Style Attacks With Page Shield

This script has an associated abstract syntax tree (AST), a graph-based representation of the structure of the program, and a key tool in static analysis of malware. The below diagram shows a sample of the AST from the above code snippet.

Detecting Magecart-Style Attacks With Page Shield

Page Shield uses a script’s AST to detect whether a significant change has occurred in the structure of the program (triggering a change alert), and also to derive the script’s corresponding data flow graph, which tracks the flow of data between variable assignments and function calls. The figure below shows the raw data flow graph derived from the AST for our simple example.

Detecting Magecart-Style Attacks With Page Shield

We have developed an ML model capable of identifying nodes on the graph that relate to PII reads or malicious data exfiltration which produces the likelihoods on the graph shown below. The nodes in blue have been classified as related to PII and those in red as being related to data exfiltration:

Detecting Magecart-Style Attacks With Page Shield

A script can be classified as malicious if there’s a connected path on the graph between nodes involved in the reading of PII and nodes that form part of the data exfiltration call to an attacker-controlled domain:

Detecting Magecart-Style Attacks With Page Shield

Models agnostic to the connection between the PII-read and exfiltration call are prone to false positives in scenarios where they are unrelated. Our data-flow based approach allows us to effectively detect attacks while eliminating false positives from disconnected logic.

Malicious actors, however, are usually trying to evade detection, and in order to avoid being spotted will often conceal their attack by encoding and transforming the content beyond recognition. Our second model handles this type of content and is able to differentiate between benign and malicious use of obfuscation.

The below example shows an attack that’s been obscured via the inclusion of hex-encoded strings in a list _0xb902 which is subsequently referenced.

Detecting Magecart-Style Attacks With Page Shield

Normalizing the content by decoding hex digits on hex-matching substrings reveals a number of JavaScript keywords used as part of the attack.

Detecting Magecart-Style Attacks With Page Shield

The concept of ‘revealed-risk’ — how risky the revealed content is, forms the core of our approach for differentiating between obfuscated malware and legitimate uses of character encoding or minification. For example, revealing keywords like “cc_number” and “stringify” in the above example provides a strong signal that this is an attack.

However, analyzing the revealed risk only works if you can normalize the content. Frequently attackers go far beyond simple character encoding schemes to hide their malicious code. It is common to see custom-defined obfuscation functions in malicious scripts that can apply any arbitrary series of transformations to the input string. For example, consider a potential encoding function:

Detecting Magecart-Style Attacks With Page Shield

This transforms the string document.getElementById

to 646u63756s656t742t676574456r656s656t7442794964.

The decoding function defined in the script would be:

Detecting Magecart-Style Attacks With Page Shield

Normalizing strings that have been through complex transformations requires execution of the code, and so in order to avoid a trivial bypass with an encoding scheme such as the above, our model also detects the presence of malicious, encoded strings that cannot be normalized.

With our approach of analyzing clean and obfuscated content separately, looking for connected paths on the data flow graph, revealed risk or arbitrary string transformations, we’ve been able to detect most attacks that we’ve seen to date. We’re excited to see what we find as we onboard more customers onto Page Shield and will continue to evolve our detection capabilities over time.

What’s next?

We’re constantly improving on our models and will be expanding content-based risk-scoring to include other attack types like crypto-mining and adware over the coming months. Enterprise customers can sign up for Page Shield’s enterprise add-on which includes content-based detection of Magecart-style attacks within your sites’ JavaScript dependencies.

Sign up for Page Shield today to protect your customers’ data.

Snapshots from the history of AI, plus AI education resources

Post Syndicated from Janina Ander original https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/machine-learning-education-snapshots-history-ai-hello-world-12/

In Hello World issue 12, our free magazine for computing educators, George Boukeas, DevOps Engineer for the Astro Pi Challenge here at the Foundation, introduces big moments in the history of artificial intelligence (AI) to share with your learners:

The story of artificial intelligence (AI) is a story about humans trying to understand what makes them human. Some of the episodes in this story are fascinating. These could help your learners catch a glimpse of what this field is about and, with luck, compel them to investigate further.                   

The imitation game

In 1950, Alan Turing published a philosophical essay titled Computing Machinery and Intelligence, which started with the words: “I propose to consider the question: Can machines think?” Yet Turing did not attempt to define what it means to think. Instead, he suggested a game as a proxy for answering the question: the imitation game. In modern terms, you can imagine a human interrogator chatting online with another human and a machine. If the interrogator does not successfully determine which of the other two is the human and which is the machine, then the question has been answered: this is a machine that can think.

A statue of Alan Turing on a park bench in Manchester.
The Alan Turing Memorial in Manchester

This imitation game is now a fiercely debated benchmark of artificial intelligence called the Turing test. Notice the shift in focus that Turing suggests: thinking is to be identified in terms of external behaviour, not in terms of any internal processes. Humans are still the yardstick for intelligence, but there is no requirement that a machine should think the way humans do, as long as it behaves in a way that suggests some sort of thinking to humans.

In his essay, Turing also discusses learning machines. Instead of building highly complex programs that would prescribe every aspect of a machine’s behaviour, we could build simpler programs that would prescribe mechanisms for learning, and then train the machine to learn the desired behaviour. Turing’s text provides an excellent metaphor that could be used in class to describe the essence of machine learning: “Instead of trying to produce a programme to simulate the adult mind, why not rather try to produce one which simulates the child’s? If this were then subjected to an appropriate course of education one would obtain the adult brain. We have thus divided our problem into two parts: the child-programme and the education process.”

A chess board with two pieces of each colour left.
Chess was among the games that early AI researchers like Alan Turing developed algorithms for.

It is remarkable how Turing even describes approaches that have since been evolved into established machine learning methods: evolution (genetic algorithms), punishments and rewards (reinforcement learning), randomness (Monte Carlo tree search). He even forecasts the main issue with some forms of machine learning: opacity. “An important feature of a learning machine is that its teacher will often be very largely ignorant of quite what is going on inside, although he may still be able to some extent to predict his pupil’s behaviour.”

The evolution of a definition

The term ‘artificial intelligence’ was coined in 1956, at an event called the Dartmouth workshop. It was a gathering of the field’s founders, researchers who would later have a huge impact, including John McCarthy, Claude Shannon, Marvin Minsky, Herbert Simon, Allen Newell, Arthur Samuel, Ray Solomonoff, and W.S. McCulloch.   

Go has vastly more possible moves than chess, and was thought to remain out of the reach of AI for longer than it did.

The simple and ambitious definition for artificial intelligence, included in the proposal for the workshop, is illuminating: ‘making a machine behave in ways that would be called intelligent if a human were so behaving’. These pioneers were making the assumption that ‘every aspect of learning or any other feature of intelligence can in principle be so precisely described that a machine can be made to simulate it’. This assumption turned out to be patently false and led to unrealistic expectations and forecasts. Fifty years later, McCarthy himself stated that ‘it was harder than we thought’.

Modern definitions of intelligence are of distinctly different flavour than the original one: ‘Intelligence is the quality that enables an entity to function appropriately and with foresight in its environment’ (Nilsson). Some even speak of rationality, rather than intelligence: ‘doing the right thing, given what it knows’ (Russell and Norvig).

A computer screen showing a complicated graph.
The amount of training data AI developers have access to has skyrocketed in the past decade.

Read the whole of this brief history of AI in Hello World #12

In the full article, which you can read in the free PDF copy of the issue, George looks at:

  • Early advances researchers made from the 1950s onwards while developing games algorithms, e.g. for chess.
  • The 1997 moment when Deep Blue, a purpose-built IBM computer, beating chess world champion Garry Kasparov using a search approach.
  • The 2011 moment when Watson, another IBM computer system, beating two human Jeopardy! champions using multiple techniques to answer questions posed in natural language.
  • The principles behind artificial neural networks, which have been around for decades and are now underlying many AI/machine learning breakthroughs because of the growth in computing power and availability of vast datasets for training.
  • The 2017 moment when AlphaGo, an artificial neural network–based computer program by Alphabet’s DeepMind, beating Ke Jie, the world’s top-ranked Go player at the time.
Stacks of server hardware behind metal fencing in a data centre.
Machine learning systems need vast amounts of training data, the collection and storage of which has only become technically possible in the last decade.

More on machine learning and AI education in Hello World #12

In your free PDF of Hello World issue 12, you’ll also find:

  • An interview with University of Cambridge statistician David Spiegelhalter, whose work shaped some of the foundations of AI, and who shares his thoughts on data science in schools and the limits of AI 
  • An introduction to Popbots, an innovative project by MIT to open AI to the youngest learners
  • An article by Ken Kahn, researcher in the Department of Education at the University of Oxford, on using the block-based Snap! language to introduce your learners to natural language processing
  • Unplugged and online machine learning activities for learners age 7 to 16 in the regular ‘Lesson plans’ section
  • And lots of other relevant articles

You can also read many of these articles online on the Hello World website.

Find more resources for AI and data science education

In Hello World issue 16, the focus is on all things data science and data literacy for your learners. As always, you can download a free copy of the issue. And on our Hello World podcast, we chat with practicing computing educators about how they bring AI, AI ethics, machine learning, and data science to the young people they teach.

If you want a practical introduction to the basics of machine learning and how to use it, take our free online course.

Drawing of a machine learning ars rover trying to decide whether it is seeing an alien or a rock.

There are still many open questions about what good AI and data science education looks like for young people. To learn more, you can watch our panel discussion about the topic, and join our monthly seminar series to hear insights from computing education researchers around the world.

We are also collating a growing list of educational resources about these topics based on our research seminars, seminar participants’ recommendations, and our own work. Find the resource list here.

The post Snapshots from the history of AI, plus AI education resources appeared first on Raspberry Pi.

Using real-world patterns to improve matching in theory and practice

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/using-real-world-patterns-to-improve-matching

A research publication authored by Tenindra Abeywickrama (Grab), Victor Liang (Grab) and Kian-Lee Tan (NUS) based on their work, which was awarded the Best Scalable Data Science Paper Award for 2021.

Matching the right passengers to the right driver-partners is a critically important task in ride-hailing services. Doing this suboptimally can lead to passengers taking longer to reach their destinations and drivers losing revenue. Perhaps, the most challenging of all is that this is a continuous process with a constant stream of new ride requests and new driver-partners becoming available. This makes computing matchings a very computationally expensive task requiring high throughput.

We discovered that one component of the typically used algorithm to find matchings has a significant impact on efficiency that has hitherto gone unnoticed. However, we also discovered a useful property of real-world optimal matchings that allows us to improve the algorithm, in an interesting scenario of practice informing theory.

A real-world example

Let us consider a simple matching algorithm as depicted in Figure 1, where passengers and driver-partners are matched by travel time. In the figure, we have three driver-partners (D1, D2, and D3) and three passengers (P1, P2, and P3).

Finding the travel time involves computing the fastest route from each driver-partner to each passenger, for example the dotted routes from D1 to P1, P2 and P3 respectively. Finding the assignment of driver-partners to passengers that minimise the overall travel time involves representing the problem in a more abstract way as a bipartite graph shown below.

In the bipartite graph, the set of passengers and the set of driver-partners form the two bipartite sets, respectively. The edges connecting them represent the travel time of the fastest routes, and their costs are shown in the cost matrix on the right.

Search data flow
Figure 1. Example driver-to-passenger matching scenario

Finding the optimal assignment is known as solving the minimum weight bipartite matching problem (also known as the assignment problem). This problem is often solved using a technique called the Kuhn-Munkres (KM) algorithm1 (also known as the Hungarian Method).

If we were to run the algorithm on the scenario shown in Figure 1, we would find the optimal matching highlighted in red on the cost matrix shown in the figure. However, there is an important step that we have not paid great attention to so far, and that is the computation of the cost matrix. As it turns out, this step has quite a significant impact on performance in real-world settings.

Impact of the cost matrix

Past work that solves the assignment problem assumes the cost matrix is given as input, but we observe that the time taken to compute the cost matrix is not always trivial. This is especially true in our real-world scenario. Firstly, matching driver-partners and passengers is a continuous process, as we mentioned earlier. Costs are not fixed; they change over time as driver-partners move and new passenger requests are received.

This means the matrix must be recomputed each time we attempt a matching (for example every X seconds). Not only is finding the shortest path between a single passenger and driver-partner computationally expensive, we must do this for all pairs of passengers and driver-partners. In fact, in the real world, the time taken to compute the matrix is longer than the time taken to compute the optimal assignment! A simple consideration of time complexity suggests that this is true.

If m is the number of driver-partners/passengers we are trying to match, the KM algorithm typically runs in O(m^3). If n is the number of nodes in the road network, then computing the cost matrix runs in O(m x n log n) using Dijkstra’s algorithm2.

We know that n is around 400,000 for Singapore’s road network (and much larger for bigger cities), thus we can reasonably expect O(m x n log n) to dominate O(m^3) for m < 1500, which is the kind of value for m we expect in the real-world. We ran experiments on Singapore’s road network to verify this, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Proportion of time to compute the matrix vs. assignment for varying m on the Singapore road network

In Figure 2a, we can see that m must be greater than 2500, before the assignment time overtakes the matrix computation time. Even if we use a modern and advanced technique like Contraction Hierarchies3 to compute the fastest path, the observation holds, as shown in Figure 2b. This shows we can significantly improve overall matching performance if we can reduce the matrix computation time.

A redeeming intuition: Spatial locality of matching

While studying real-world locations of passengers and driver-partners, we observed an interesting property, which we dubbed “spatial locality of matching”. We find that the passenger assigned to each driver-partner in an optimal matching is one of the nearest passengers to the driver-partner (it might not be the nearest). This makes intuitive sense as passengers and driver-partners will be distributed throughout a city and it’s unlikely that the best match for a particular driver-partner is on the other side of the city.

In Figure 3, we see an example scenario exhibiting spatial locality of matching. While this is an idealised case to demonstrate the principle, it is not a significant departure from the real-world. From the cost matrix shown, it is very easy to see which assignment will give the lowest total travel time.

Search data flow
Figure 3. Example driver-partner to passenger matching scenario exhibiting spatial locality of matching

Now, it begs the question, do we even need to compute the other costs to find the optimal matching? For example, can we avoid computing the cost from D3 to P1, which are very far apart and unlikely to be matched?

Incremental Kuhn-Munkres

As it turns out, there is a way to take advantage of spatial locality of matching to reduce cost computation time. We propose an Incremental KM algorithm that computes costs only when they are required, and (hopefully) avoids computing all of them. Our modified KM algorithm incorporates an inexpensive lower-bounding technique to achieve this without adding significant overhead, as we will elaborate in the next section.

Search data flow
Figure 4. System overview of Incremental Kuhn-Munkres implementation

Retrieving objects nearest to a query point by their fastest route is a very well studied problem (commonly referred to as k-Nearest Neighbour search)4. We employ this concept to implement a priority queue Qi for each driver ui, as displayed in Figure 4. These priority queues allow retrieving the nearest passengers by a lower-bound on the travel time. The top of a priority queue implies a lower-bound on the travel time for all passengers that have not been retrieved yet. We can then use this minimum lower-bound as a lower-bound edge cost for all bipartite edges associated with that driver-partner for which we have not computed the exact cost so far.

Now, the KM algorithm can proceed as usual, using the virtual edge cost implied by the relevant priority queue, to avoid computing the exact edge cost. Of course, there may be circumstances where the virtual edge cost is insufficiently accurate for KM to compute the optimal matching. To solve this, we propose refinement rules that detect when a virtual edge cost is insufficient.

If a rule is triggered, we refine the queue by retrieving the top element and computing its exact edges; this is where the “incremental” part comes from. In almost all cases, this will also increase the minimum key (lower-bound) in the priority queue.

If you’re interested in finding out more, you can delve deeper into the pruning rules, inner workings of the algorithm and mathematical proofs of correctness by reading our research paper5.

For now, it suffices to say that the Incremental KM algorithm produces the exact same result as the original KM algorithm. It just does so in an optimistic incremental way, hoping that we can find the result without computing all possible costs. This is perfectly suited to take advantage of spatial locality of matching. Moreover, not only do we save time by avoiding computing exact costs, we avoid computing longer fastest paths/travel times to further away passengers that are more computationally expensive than those for nearby passengers.

Experimental investigation


We conducted a thorough experimental investigation to verify the practical performance of the proposed techniques. We implemented two variants of our Incremental KM technique, differing in the implementation of the priority queue and the shortest path technique used.

  • IKM-DIJK: Uses Dijkstra’s algorithm to compute shortest paths. Priority queues are simply the priority queue of the Dijkstra’s search from each driver-partner. This adds no overhead over the regular KM algorithm, so any speedup comes for free.
  • IKM-GAC: Uses state-of-the-art lower-bound technique COLT6 to implement the priority queues and G-tree4, a fast technique to compute shortest paths. The COLT index must be built for each assignment, and this overhead is included in all running times.

We compared our proposed variants against the regular KM algorithm using Dijkstra and G-tree, respectively, to compute the entire cost matrix up front. Thus, we can make an apples-to-apples comparison to see how effective our techniques are.


We ran experiments using the real-world road network for Singapore. For the Singapore dataset, we also use a real production workload consisting of Grab bookings over a 7-day period from December 2018.

Performance evaluation

To test our technique on the Singapore workload, we created an assignment problem by first choosing the window size W in seconds. Then, we batched all the bookings in a randomly selected window of that size and used the passenger and driver-partner locations from these bookings to create the bipartite sets. Next, we found an optimal matching using each technique and reported the results averaged over several randomly selected windows for several metrics.

Search data flow
Figure 5. Average percentage of the cost matrix computed by each technique vs. batching window size

In Figure 5, we verify that our proposed techniques are indeed computing fewer exact costs compared to their counterparts. Naturally, the original KM variants compute 100% of the matrix.

Search data flow
Figure 6. Average running time to find an optimal assignment by each technique vs. batching window size

In Figure 6, we can see the running times of each technique. The results in the figure confirm that the reduced computation of exact costs translates to a significant reduction of running time by over an order of magnitude. This verifies that the time saved is greater than any overhead added. Remember, the improvement of IKM-DIJK comes essentially for free! On the other hand, using IKM-GAC can achieve very low running times.

Search data flow
Figure 7. Maximum throughput supported by each technique vs. batching window size

In Figure 7, we report a slightly different metric. We measure m, the maximum number of passengers/driver-partners that can be batched within the time window W. This can be considered as the maximum throughput of each technique. Our technique supports significantly higher throughput.

Note that the improvement is smaller than in other cases because real-world values of m rarely reach these levels, where the assignment time starts to take up a greater proportion of the overall computation time.


In summary, computing assignment costs do indeed have a significant impact on the running time of finding optimal assignments. However, we show that by utilising the spatial locality of matching inherent in real-world assignment problems, we can avoid computing exact costs, unless absolutely necessary, by modifying the KM algorithm to work incrementally.

We presented an interesting case where practice informs the theory, with our novel modifications to the classical KM algorithm. Moreover, our technique can be potentially applied beyond driver-partner and passenger matching in ride-hailing services.

For example, the Route Inspection algorithm also uses shortest path edge costs to find a minimum-weight bipartite matching, and our technique could be a drop-in replacement. It would also be interesting to see if these principles can be generalised and applied to other domains where the assignment problem is used.


This research was jointly conducted between Grab and the Grab-NUS AI Lab within the Institute of Data Science at the National University of Singapore (NUS). Tenindra Abeywickrama was previously a postdoctoral fellow at the lab and now a data scientist with Grab.

Special thanks to Kian-Lee Tan from NUS for co-authoring this paper.

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Grab is a leading superapp in Southeast Asia, providing everyday services that matter to consumers. More than just a ride-hailing and food delivery app, Grab offers a wide range of on-demand services in the region, including mobility, food, package and grocery delivery services, mobile payments, and financial services across over 400 cities in eight countries.

Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!


  1. H. W. Kuhn. 1955. The Hungarian method for the assignment problem. Naval Research Logistics Quarterly 2, 1-2 (1955), 83–97 

  2. Dijkstra, E.W. A note on two problems in connexion with graphs. Numer. Math. 1, 269–271 (1959) 

  3. Robert Geisberger, Peter Sanders, Dominik Schultes, and Daniel Delling. 2008. Contraction Hierarchies: Faster and Simpler Hierarchical Routing in Road Networks. In WEA. 319–333 

  4. Ruicheng Zhong, Guoliang Li, Kian-Lee Tan, Lizhu Zhou, and Zhiguo Gong. 2015. G-Tree: An Efficient and Scalable Index for Spatial Search on Road Networks. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 27, 8 (2015), 2175–2189  2

  5. Tenindra Abeywickrama, Victor Liang, and Kian-Lee Tan. 2021. Optimizing bipartite matching in real-world applications by incremental cost computation. Proc. VLDB Endow. 14, 7 (March 2021), 1150–1158 

  6. Tenindra Abeywickrama, Muhammad Aamir Cheema, and Sabine Storandt. 2020. Hierarchical Graph Traversal for Aggregate k Nearest Neighbors Search in Road Networks. In ICAPS. 2–10