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Live-patching security vulnerabilities inside the Linux kernel with eBPF Linux Security Module

Post Syndicated from Frederick Lawler original https://blog.cloudflare.com/live-patch-security-vulnerabilities-with-ebpf-lsm/

Live-patching security vulnerabilities inside the Linux kernel with eBPF Linux Security Module

Live-patching security vulnerabilities inside the Linux kernel with eBPF Linux Security Module

Linux Security Modules (LSM) is a hook-based framework for implementing security policies and Mandatory Access Control in the Linux kernel. Until recently users looking to implement a security policy had just two options. Configure an existing LSM module such as AppArmor or SELinux, or write a custom kernel module.

Linux 5.7 introduced a third way: LSM extended Berkeley Packet Filters (eBPF) (LSM BPF for short). LSM BPF allows developers to write granular policies without configuration or loading a kernel module. LSM BPF programs are verified on load, and then executed when an LSM hook is reached in a call path.

Let’s solve a real-world problem

Modern operating systems provide facilities allowing “partitioning” of kernel resources. For example FreeBSD has “jails”, Solaris has “zones”. Linux is different – it provides a set of seemingly independent facilities each allowing isolation of a specific resource. These are called “namespaces” and have been growing in the kernel for years. They are the base of popular tools like Docker, lxc or firejail. Many of the namespaces are uncontroversial, like the UTS namespace which allows the host system to hide its hostname and time. Others are complex but straightforward – NET and NS (mount) namespaces are known to be hard to wrap your head around. Finally, there is this very special very curious USER namespace.

USER namespace is special, since it allows the owner to operate as “root” inside it. How it works is beyond the scope of this blog post, however, suffice to say it’s a foundation to having tools like Docker to not operate as true root, and things like rootless containers.

Due to its nature, allowing unpriviledged users access to USER namespace always carried a great security risk.  One such risk is privilege escalation.

Privilege escalation is a common attack surface for operating systems. One way users may gain privilege is by mapping their namespace to the root namespace via the unshare syscall and specifying the CLONE_NEWUSER flag. This tells unshare to create a new user namespace with full permissions, and maps the new user and group ID to the previous namespace. You can use the unshare(1) program to map root to our original namespace:

$ id
uid=1000(fred) gid=1000(fred) groups=1000(fred) …
$ unshare -rU
# id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root),65534(nogroup)
# cat /proc/self/uid_map
         0       1000          1

In most cases using unshare is harmless, and is intended to run with lower privileges. However, this syscall has been known to be used to escalate privileges.

Syscalls clone and clone3 are worth looking into as they also have the ability to CLONE_NEWUSER. However, for this post we’re going to focus on unshare.

Debian solved this problem with this “add sysctl to disallow unprivileged CLONE_NEWUSER by default” patch, but it was not mainlined. Another similar patch “sysctl: allow CLONE_NEWUSER to be disabled” attempted to mainline, and was met with push back. A critique is the inability to toggle this feature for specific applications. In the article “Controlling access to user namespaces” the author wrote: “… the current patches do not appear to have an easy path into the mainline.” And as we can see, the patches were ultimately not included in the vanilla kernel.

Our solution – LSM BPF

Since upstreaming code that restricts USER namespace seem to not be an option, we decided to use LSM BPF to circumvent these issues. This requires no modifications to the kernel and allows us to express complex rules guarding the access.

Track down an appropriate hook candidate

First, let us track down the syscall we’re targeting. We can find the prototype in the include/linux/syscalls.h file. From there, it’s not as obvious to track down, but the line:

/* kernel/fork.c */

Gives us a clue of where to look next in kernel/fork.c. There a call to ksys_unshare() is made. Digging through that function, we find a call to unshare_userns(). This looks promising.

Up to this point, we’ve identified the syscall implementation, but the next question to ask is what hooks are available for us to use? Because we know from the man-pages that unshare is used to mutate tasks, we look at the task-based hooks in include/linux/lsm_hooks.h. Back in the function unshare_userns() we saw a call to prepare_creds(). This looks very familiar to the cred_prepare hook. To verify we have our match via prepare_creds(), we see a call to the security hook security_prepare_creds() which ultimately calls the hook:

rc = call_int_hook(cred_prepare, 0, new, old, gfp);

Without going much further down this rabbithole, we know this is a good hook to use because prepare_creds() is called right before create_user_ns() in unshare_userns() which is the operation we’re trying to block.

LSM BPF solution

We’re going to compile with the eBPF compile once-run everywhere (CO-RE) approach. This allows us to compile on one architecture and load on another. But we’re going to target x86_64 specifically. LSM BPF for ARM64 is still in development, and the following code will not run on that architecture. Watch the BPF mailing list to follow the progress.

This solution was tested on kernel versions >= 5.15 configured with the following:


A boot option lsm=bpf may be necessary if CONFIG_LSM does not contain “bpf” in the list.

Let’s start with our preamble:


#include <linux/bpf.h>
#include <linux/capability.h>
#include <linux/errno.h>
#include <linux/sched.h>
#include <linux/types.h>

#include <bpf/bpf_tracing.h>
#include <bpf/bpf_helpers.h>
#include <bpf/bpf_core_read.h>

#define X86_64_UNSHARE_SYSCALL 272

Next we set up our necessary structures for CO-RE relocation in the following way:



typedef unsigned int gfp_t;

struct pt_regs {
	long unsigned int di;
	long unsigned int orig_ax;
} __attribute__((preserve_access_index));

typedef struct kernel_cap_struct {
	__u32 cap[_LINUX_CAPABILITY_U32S_3];
} __attribute__((preserve_access_index)) kernel_cap_t;

struct cred {
	kernel_cap_t cap_effective;
} __attribute__((preserve_access_index));

struct task_struct {
    unsigned int flags;
    const struct cred *cred;
} __attribute__((preserve_access_index));

char LICENSE[] SEC("license") = "GPL";


We don’t need to fully-flesh out the structs; we just need the absolute minimum information a program needs to function. CO-RE will do whatever is necessary to perform the relocations for your kernel. This makes writing the LSM BPF programs easy!


int BPF_PROG(handle_cred_prepare, struct cred *new, const struct cred *old,
             gfp_t gfp, int ret)
    struct pt_regs *regs;
    struct task_struct *task;
    kernel_cap_t caps;
    int syscall;
    unsigned long flags;

    // If previous hooks already denied, go ahead and deny this one
    if (ret) {
        return ret;

    task = bpf_get_current_task_btf();
    regs = (struct pt_regs *) bpf_task_pt_regs(task);
    // In x86_64 orig_ax has the syscall interrupt stored here
    syscall = regs->orig_ax;
    caps = task->cred->cap_effective;

    // Only process UNSHARE syscall, ignore all others
    if (syscall != UNSHARE_SYSCALL) {
        return 0;

    // PT_REGS_PARM1_CORE pulls the first parameter passed into the unshare syscall
    flags = PT_REGS_PARM1_CORE(regs);

    // Ignore any unshare that does not have CLONE_NEWUSER
    if (!(flags & CLONE_NEWUSER)) {
        return 0;

    // Allow tasks with CAP_SYS_ADMIN to unshare (already root)
        return 0;

    return -EPERM;

Creating the program is the first step, the second is loading and attaching the program to our desired hook. There are several ways to do this: Cilium ebpf project, Rust bindings, and several others on the ebpf.io project landscape page. We’re going to use native libbpf.


#include <bpf/libbpf.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "deny_unshare.skel.h"

static int libbpf_print_fn(enum libbpf_print_level level, const char *format, va_list args)
    return vfprintf(stderr, format, args);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    struct deny_unshare_bpf *skel;
    int err;


    // Loads and verifies the BPF program
    skel = deny_unshare_bpf__open_and_load();
    if (!skel) {
        fprintf(stderr, "failed to load and verify BPF skeleton\n");
        goto cleanup;

    // Attaches the loaded BPF program to the LSM hook
    err = deny_unshare_bpf__attach(skel);
    if (err) {
        fprintf(stderr, "failed to attach BPF skeleton\n");
        goto cleanup;

    printf("LSM loaded! ctrl+c to exit.\n");

    // The BPF link is not pinned, therefore exiting will remove program
    for (;;) {
        fprintf(stderr, ".");

    return err;

Lastly, to compile, we use the following Makefile:


CLANG ?= clang-13
LLVM_STRIP ?= llvm-strip-13
ARCH := x86
INCLUDES := -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu
LIBS_DIR := -L/usr/lib/lib64 -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
LIBS := -lbpf -lelf

.PHONY: all clean run

all: deny_unshare.skel.h deny_unshare.bpf.o deny_unshare

run: all
	sudo ./deny_unshare

	rm -f *.o
	rm -f deny_unshare.skel.h

# BPF is kernel code. We need to pass -D__KERNEL__ to refer to fields present
# in the kernel version of pt_regs struct. uAPI version of pt_regs (from ptrace)
# has different field naming.
# See: https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/commit/?id=fd56e0058412fb542db0e9556f425747cf3f8366
deny_unshare.bpf.o: deny_unshare.bpf.c
	$(CLANG) -g -O2 -Wall -target bpf -D__KERNEL__ -D__TARGET_ARCH_$(ARCH) $(INCLUDES) -c $< -o $@
	$(LLVM_STRIP) -g $@ # Removes debug information

deny_unshare.skel.h: deny_unshare.bpf.o
	sudo bpftool gen skeleton $< > $@

deny_unshare: deny_unshare.c deny_unshare.skel.h
	$(CC) -g -Wall -c $< -o [email protected]
	$(CC) -g -o $@ $(LIBS_DIR) [email protected] $(LIBS)



In a new terminal window run:

$ make run
LSM loaded! ctrl+c to exit.

In another terminal window, we’re successfully blocked!

$ unshare -rU
unshare: unshare failed: Cannot allocate memory
$ id
uid=1000(fred) gid=1000(fred) groups=1000(fred) …

The policy has an additional feature to always allow privilege pass through:

$ sudo unshare -rU
# id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)

In the unprivileged case the syscall early aborts. What is the performance impact in the privileged case?

Measure performance

We’re going to use a one-line unshare that’ll map the user namespace, and execute a command within for the measurements:

$ unshare -frU --kill-child -- bash -c "exit 0"

With a resolution of CPU cycles for syscall unshare enter/exit, we’ll measure the following as root user:

  1. Command ran without the policy
  2. Command run with the policy

We’ll record the measurements with ftrace:

$ sudo su
# cd /sys/kernel/debug/tracing
# echo 1 > events/syscalls/sys_enter_unshare/enable ; echo 1 > events/syscalls/sys_exit_unshare/enable

At this point, we’re enabling tracing for the syscall enter and exit for unshare specifically. Now we set the time-resolution of our enter/exit calls to count CPU cycles:

# echo 'x86-tsc' > trace_clock 

Next we begin our measurements:

# unshare -frU --kill-child -- bash -c "exit 0" &
[1] 92014

Run the policy in a new terminal window, and then run our next syscall:

# unshare -frU --kill-child -- bash -c "exit 0" &
[2] 92019

Now we have our two calls for comparison:

# cat trace
# tracer: nop
# entries-in-buffer/entries-written: 4/4   #P:8
#                                _-----=> irqs-off
#                               / _----=> need-resched
#                              | / _---=> hardirq/softirq
#                              || / _--=> preempt-depth
#                              ||| / _-=> migrate-disable
#                              |||| /     delay
#           TASK-PID     CPU#  |||||  TIMESTAMP  FUNCTION
#              | |         |   |||||     |         |
         unshare-92014   [002] ..... 762950852559027: sys_unshare(unshare_flags: 10000000)
         unshare-92014   [002] ..... 762950852622321: sys_unshare -> 0x0
         unshare-92019   [007] ..... 762975980681895: sys_unshare(unshare_flags: 10000000)
         unshare-92019   [007] ..... 762975980752033: sys_unshare -> 0x0

unshare-92014 used 63294 cycles.
unshare-92019 used 70138 cycles.

We have a 6,844 (~10%) cycle penalty between the two measurements. Not bad!

These numbers are for a single syscall, and add up the more frequently the code is called. Unshare is typically called at task creation, and not repeatedly during normal execution of a program. Careful consideration and measurement is needed for your use case.


We learned a bit about what LSM BPF is, how unshare is used to map a user to root, and how to solve a real-world problem by implementing a solution in eBPF. Tracking down the appropriate hook is not an easy task, and requires a bit of playing and a lot of kernel code. Fortunately, that’s the hard part. Because a policy is written in C, we can granularly tweak the policy to our problem. This means one may extend this policy with an allow-list to allow certain programs or users to continue to use an unprivileged unshare. Finally, we looked at the performance impact of this program, and saw the overhead is worth blocking the attack vector.

“Cannot allocate memory” is not a clear error message for denying permissions. We proposed a patch to propagate error codes from the cred_prepare hook up the call stack. Ultimately we came to the conclusion that a new hook is better suited to this problem. Stay tuned!

Hertzbleed explained

Post Syndicated from Yingchen Wang original https://blog.cloudflare.com/hertzbleed-explained/

Hertzbleed explained

Hertzbleed explained

You may have heard a bit about the Hertzbleed attack that was recently disclosed. Fortunately, one of the student researchers who was part of the team that discovered this vulnerability and developed the attack is spending this summer with Cloudflare Research and can help us understand it better.

The first thing to note is that Hertzbleed is a new type of side-channel attack that relies on changes in CPU frequency. Hertzbleed is a real, and practical, threat to the security of cryptographic software.

Should I be worried?

From the Hertzbleed website,

“If you are an ordinary user and not a cryptography engineer, probably not: you don’t need to apply a patch or change any configurations right now. If you are a cryptography engineer, read on. Also, if you are running a SIKE decapsulation server, make sure to deploy the mitigation described below.”

Notice: As of today, there is no known attack that uses Hertzbleed to target conventional and standardized cryptography, such as the encryption used in Cloudflare products and services. Having said that, let’s get into the details of processor frequency scaling to understand the core of this vulnerability.

In short, the Hertzbleed attack shows that, under certain circumstances, dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS), a power management scheme of modern x86 processors, depends on the data being processed. This means that on modern processors, the same program can run at different CPU frequencies (and therefore take different wall-clock times). For example, we expect that a CPU takes the same amount of time to perform the following two operations because it uses the same algorithm for both. However, there is an observable time difference between them:

Hertzbleed explained

Trivia: Could you guess which operation runs faster?

Before giving the answer we will explain some details about how Hertzbleed works and its impact on SIKE, a new cryptographic algorithm designed to be computationally infeasible for an adversary to break, even for an attacker with a quantum computer.

Frequency Scaling

Suppose a runner is in a long distance race. To optimize the performance, the heart monitors the body all the time. Depending on the input (such as distance or oxygen absorption), it releases the appropriate hormones that will accelerate or slow down the heart rate, and as a result tells the runner to speed up or slow down a little. Just like the heart of a runner, DVFS (dynamic voltage and frequency scaling) is a monitor system for the CPU. It helps the CPU to run at its best under present conditions without being overloaded.

Hertzbleed explained

Just as a runner’s heart causes a runner’s pace to fluctuate throughout a race depending on the level of exertion, when a CPU is running a sustained workload, DVFS modifies the CPU’s frequency from the so-called steady-state frequency. DVFS causes it to switch among multiple performance levels (called P-states) and oscillate among them. Modern DVFS gives the hardware almost full control to adjust the P-states it wants to execute in and the duration it stays at any P-state. These modifications are totally opaque to the user, since they are controlled by hardware and the operating system provides limited visibility and control to the end-user.

The ACPI specification defines P0 state as the state the CPU runs at its maximum performance capability. Moving to higher P-states makes the CPU less performant in favor of consuming less energy and power.

Hertzbleed explained
Suppose a CPU’s steady-state frequency is 4.0 GHz. Under DVFS, frequency can oscillate between 3.9-4.1 GHz.

How long does the CPU stay at each P-state? Most importantly, how can this even lead to a vulnerability? Excellent questions!

Modern DVFS is designed this way because CPUs have a Thermal Design Point (TDP), indicating the expected power consumption at steady state under a sustained workload. For a typical computer desktop processor, such as a Core i7-8700, the TDP is 65 W.

To continue our human running analogy: a typical person can sprint only short distances, and must run longer distances at a slower pace. When the workload is of short duration, DVFS allows the CPU to enter a high-performance state, called Turbo Boost on Intel processors. In this mode, the CPU can temporarily execute very quickly while consuming much more power than TDP allows. But when running a sustained workload, the CPU average power consumption should stay below TDP to prevent overheating. For example, as illustrated below, suppose the CPU has been free of any task for a while, the CPU runs extra hard (Turbo Boost on) when it just starts running the workload. After a while, it realizes that this workload is not a short one, so it slows down and enters steady-state. How much does it slow down? That depends on the TDP. When entering steady-state, the CPU runs at a certain speed such that its current power consumption is not above TDP.

Hertzbleed explained
CPU entering steady state after running at a higher frequency.

Beyond protecting CPUs from overheating, DVFS also wants to maximize the performance. When a runner is in a marathon, she doesn’t run at a fixed pace but rather her pace floats up and down a little. Remember the P-state we mentioned above? CPUs oscillate between P-states just like runners adjust their pace slightly over time. P-states are CPU frequency levels with discrete increments of 100 MHz.

Hertzbleed explained
CPU frequency levels with discrete increments

The CPU can safely run at a high P-state (low frequency) all the time to stay below TDP, but there might be room between its power consumption and the TDP. To maximize CPU performance, DVFS utilizes this gap by allowing the CPU to oscillate between multiple P-states. The CPU stays at each P-state for only dozens of milliseconds, so that its temporary power consumption might exceed or fall below TDP a little, but its average power consumption is equal to TDP.

To understand this, check out this figure again.

Hertzbleed explained

If the CPU only wants to protect itself from overheating, it can run at P-state 3.9 GHz safely. However, DVFS wants to maximize the CPU performance by utilizing all available power allowed by TDP. As a result, the CPU oscillates around the P-state 4.0 GHz. It is never far above or below. When at 4.1 GHz, it overloads itself a little, it then drops to a higher P-state. When at 3.9 GHz, it recovers itself, it quickly climbs to a lower P-state. It may not stay long in any P-state, which avoids overheating when at 4.1 GHz and keeps the average power consumption near the TDP.

This is exactly how modern DVFS monitors your CPU to help it optimize power consumption while working hard.

Again, how can DVFS and TDP lead to a vulnerability? We are almost there!

Frequency Scaling vulnerability

The design of DVFS and TDP can be problematic because CPU power consumption is data-dependent! The Hertzbleed paper gives an explicit leakage model of certain operations identifying two cases.

First, the larger the number of bits set (also known as the Hamming weight) in the operands, the more power an operation takes. The Hamming weight effect is widely observed with no known explanation of its root cause. For example,

Hertzbleed explained

The addition on the left will consume more power compared to the one on the right.

Similarly, when registers change their value there are power variations due to transistor switching. For example, a register switching its value from A to B (as shown in the left) requires flipping only one bit because the Hamming distance of A and B is 1. Meanwhile, switching from C to D will consume more energy to perform six bit transitions since the Hamming distance between C and D is 6.

Hertzbleed explained
Hamming distance

Now we see where the vulnerability is! When running sustained workloads, CPU overall performance is capped by TDP. Under modern DVFS, it maximizes its performance by oscillating between multiple P-states. At the same time, the CPU power consumption is data-dependent. Inevitably, workloads with different power consumption will lead to different CPU P-state distribution. For example, if workload w1 consumes less power than workload w2, the CPU will stay longer in lower P-state (higher frequency) when running w1.

Hertzbleed explained
Different power consumption leads to different P-state distribution

As a result, since the power consumption is data-dependent, it follows that CPU frequency adjustments (the distribution of P-states) and execution time (as 1 Hertz = 1 cycle per second) are data-dependent too.

Consider a program that takes five cycles to finish as depicted in the following figure.

Hertzbleed explained
CPU frequency directly translate to running time

As illustrated in the table below, f the program with input 1 runs at 4.0 GHz (red) then it takes 1.25 nanoseconds to finish. If the program consumes more power with input 2, under DVFS, it will run at a lower frequency, 3.5 GHz (blue). It takes more time, 1.43 nanoseconds, to finish. If the program consumes even more power with input 3, under DVFS, it will run at an even lower frequency of 3.0 GHz (purple). Now it takes 1.67 nanoseconds to finish. This program always takes five cycles to finish, but the amount of power it consumes depends on the input. The power influences the CPU frequency, and CPU frequency directly translates to execution time. In the end, the program’s execution time becomes data-dependent.

Execution time of a five cycles program
Frequency 4.0 GHz 3.5 GHz 3.0 GHz
Execution Time 1.25 ns 1.43 ns 1.67 ns

To give you another concrete example: Suppose we have a sustained workload Foo. We know that Foo consumes more power with input data 1, and less power with input data 2. As shown on the left in the figure below, if the power consumption of Foo is below the TDP, CPU frequency as well as running time stays the same regardless of the choice of input data. However, as shown in the middle, if we add a background stressor to the CPU, the combined power consumption will exceed TDP. Now we are in trouble. CPU overall performance is monitored by DVFS and capped by TDP. To prevent itself from overheating, it dynamically adjusts its P-state distribution when running workload with various power consumption. P-state distribution of Foo(data 1) will have a slight right shift compared to that of Foo(data 2). As shown on the right, CPU running Foo(data 1) results in a lower overall frequency and longer running time. The observation here is that, if data is a binary secret, an attacker can infer data by simply measuring the running time of Foo!

Hertzbleed explained
Complete recap of Hertzbleed. Figure taken from Intel’s documentation.

This observation is astonishing because it conflicts with our expectation of a CPU. We expect a CPU to take the same amount of time computing these two additions.

Hertzbleed explained

However, Hertzbleed tells us that just like a person doing math on paper, a CPU not only takes more power to compute more complicated numbers but also spends more time as well! This is not what a CPU should do while performing a secure computation! Because anyone that measures the CPU execution time should not be able to infer the data being computed on.

This takeaway of Hertzbleed creates a significant problem for cryptography implementations because an attacker shouldn’t be able to infer a secret from program’s running time. When developers implement a cryptographic protocol out of mathematical construction, a goal in common is to ensure constant-time execution. That is, code execution does not leak secret information via a timing channel. We have witnessed that timing attacks are practical: notable examples are those shown by Kocher, Brumley-Boneh, Lucky13, and many others. How to properly implement constant-time code is subject of extensive study.

Historically, our understanding of which operations contribute to time variation did not take DVFS into account. The Hertzbleed vulnerability derives from this oversight: any workload which differs by significant power consumption will also differ in timing. Hertzbleed proposes a new perspective on the development of secure programs: any program vulnerable to power analysis becomes potentially vulnerable to timing analysis!

Which cryptographic algorithms are vulnerable to Hertzbleed is unclear. According to the authors, a systematic study of Hertzbleed is left as future work. However, Hertzbleed was exemplified as a vector for attacking SIKE.

Brief description of SIKE

The Supersingular Isogeny Key Encapsulation (SIKE) protocol is a Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) finalist of the NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography competition (currently at Round 3). The building block operation of SIKE is the calculation of isogenies (transformations) between elliptic curves. You can find helpful information about the calculation of isogenies in our previous blog post. In essence, calculating isogenies amounts to evaluating mathematical formulas that take as inputs points on an elliptic curve and produce other different points lying on a different elliptic curve.

Hertzbleed explained

SIKE bases its security on the difficulty of computing a relationship between two elliptic curves. On the one hand, it’s easy computing this relation (called an isogeny) if the points that generate such isogeny (called the kernel of the isogeny) are known in advance. On the other hand, it’s difficult to know the isogeny given only two elliptic curves, but without knowledge of the kernel points. An attacker has no advantage if the number of possible kernel points to try is large enough to make the search infeasible (computationally intractable) even with the help of a quantum computer.

Similarly to other algorithms based on elliptic curves, such as ECDSA or ECDH, the core of SIKE is calculating operations over points on elliptic curves. As usual, points are represented by a pair of coordinates (x,y) which fulfill the elliptic curve equation

$ y^2= x^3 + Ax^2 +x $

where A is a parameter identifying different elliptic curves.

For performance reasons, SIKE uses one of the fastest elliptic curve models: the Montgomery curves. The special property that makes these curves fast is that it allows working only with the x-coordinate of points. Hence, one can express the x-coordinate as a fraction x = X / Z, without using the y-coordinate at all. This representation simplifies the calculation of point additions, scalar multiplications, and isogenies between curves. Nonetheless, such simplicity does not come for free, and there is a price to be paid.

The formulas for point operations using Montgomery curves have some edge cases. More technically, a formula is said to be complete if for any valid input a valid output point is produced. Otherwise, a formula is not complete, meaning that there are some exceptional inputs for which it cannot produce a valid output point.

Hertzbleed explained

In practice, algorithms working with incomplete formulas must be designed in such a way that edge cases never occur. Otherwise, algorithms could trigger some undesired effects. Let’s take a closer look at what happens in this situation.

A subtle yet relevant property of some incomplete formulas is the nature of the output they produce when operating on points in the exceptional set. Operating with anomalous inputs, the output has both coordinates equal to zero, so X=0 and Z=0. If we recall our basics on fractions, we can figure out that there is something odd in a fraction X/Z = 0/0; furthermore it was always regarded as something not well-defined. This intuition is not wrong, something bad just happened. This fraction does not represent a valid point on the curve. In fact, it is not even a (projective) point.

The domino effect

Hertzbleed explained

Exploiting this subtlety of mathematical formulas makes a case for the Hertzbleed side-channel attack. In SIKE, whenever an edge case occurs at some point in the middle of its execution, it produces a domino effect that propagates the zero coordinates to subsequent computations, which means the whole algorithm is stuck on 0. As a result, the computation gets corrupted obtaining a zero at the end, but what is worse is that an attacker can use this domino effect to make guesses on the bits of secret keys.

Trying to guess one bit of the key requires the attacker to be able to trigger an exceptional case exactly at the point in which the bit is used. It looks like the attacker needs to be super lucky to trigger edge cases when it only has control of the input points. Fortunately for the attacker, the internal algorithm used in SIKE has some invariants that can help to hand-craft points in such a way that triggers an exceptional case exactly at the right point. A systematic study of all exceptional points and edge cases was, independently, shown by De Feo et al. as well as in the Hertzbleed article.

With these tools at hand, and using the DVFS side channel, the attacker can now guess bit-by-bit the secret key by passing hand-crafted invalid input points. There are two cases an attacker can observe when the SIKE algorithm uses the secret key:

  • If the bit of interest is equal to the one before it, no edge cases are present and computation proceeds normally, and the program will take the expected amount of wall-time since all the calculations are performed over random-looking data.
  • On the other hand, if the bit of interest is different from the one before it, the algorithm will enter the exceptional case, triggering the domino effect for the rest of the computation, and the DVFS will make the program run faster as it automatically changes the CPU’s frequency.

Using this oracle, the attacker can query it, learning bit by bit the secret key used in SIKE.

Ok, let’s recap.

SIKE uses special formulas to speed up operations, but if these formulas are forced to hit certain edge cases then they will fail. Failing due to these edge cases not only corrupts the computation, but also makes the formulas output coordinates with zeros, which in machine representation amount to several registers all loaded with zeros. If the computation continues without noticing the presence of these edge cases, then the processor registers will be stuck on 0 for the rest of the computation. Finally, at the hardware level, some instructions can consume fewer resources if operands are zeroed. Because of that, the DVFS behind CPU power consumption can modify the CPU frequency, which alters the steady-state frequency. The ultimate result is a program that runs faster or slower depending on whether it operates with all zeros versus with random-looking data.

Hertzbleed explained

Hertzbleed’s authors contacted Cloudflare Research because they showed a successful attack on CIRCL, our optimized Go cryptographic library that includes SIKE. We worked closely with the authors to find potential mitigations in the early stages of their research. While the embargo of the disclosure was in effect, another research group including De Feo et al. independently described a systematic study of the possible failures of SIKE formulas, including the same attack found by the Hertzbleed team, and pointed to a proper countermeasure. Hertzbleed borrows such a countermeasure.

What countermeasures are available for SIKE?

Hertzbleed explained

The immediate action specific for SIKE is to prevent edge cases from occurring in the first place. Most SIKE implementations provide a certain amount of leeway, assuming that inputs will not trigger exceptional cases. This is not a safe assumption. Instead, implementations should be hardened and should validate that inputs and keys are well-formed.

Enforcing a strict validation of untrusted inputs is always the recommended action. For example, a common check on elliptic curve-based algorithms is to validate that inputs correspond to points on the curve and that their coordinates are in the proper range from 0 to p-1 (as described in Section of SEC 1). These checks also apply to SIKE, but they are not sufficient.

What malformed inputs have in common in the case of SIKE is that input points could have arbitrary order—that is, in addition to checking that points must lie on the curve, they must also have a prescribed order, so they are valid. This is akin to small subgroup attacks for the Diffie-Hellman case using finite fields. In SIKE, there are several overlapping groups in the same curve, and input points having incorrect order should be detected.

The countermeasure, originally proposed by Costello, et al., consists of verifying whether the input points are of the right full-order. To do so, we check whether an input point vanishes only when multiplied by its expected order, and not before when multiplied by smaller scalars. By doing so, the hand-crafted invalid points will not pass this validation routine, which prevents edge cases from appearing during the algorithm execution. In practice, we observed around a 5-10% performance overhead on SIKE decapsulation. The ciphertext validation is already available in CIRCL as of version v1.2.0. We strongly recommend updating your projects that depend on CIRCL to this version, so you can make sure that strict validation on SIKE is in place.

Hertzbleed explained

Closing comments

Hertzbleed shows that certain workloads can induce changes on the frequency scaling of the processor, making programs run faster or slower. In this setting, small differences on the bit pattern of data result in observable differences on execution time. This puts a spotlight on the state-of-the-art techniques we know so far used to protect against timing attacks, and makes us rethink the measures needed to produce constant-time code and secure implementations. Defending against features like DVFS seems to be something that programmers should start to consider too.

Although SIKE was the victim this time, it is possible that other cryptographic algorithms may expose similar symptoms that can be leveraged by Hertzbleed. An investigation of other targets with this brand-new tool in the attacker’s portfolio remains an open problem.

Hertzbleed allowed us to learn more about how the machines we have in front of us work and how the processor constantly monitors itself, optimizing the performance of the system. Hardware manufacturers have focused on performance of processors by providing many optimizations, however, further study of the security of computations is also needed.

If you are excited about this project, at Cloudflare we are working on raising the bar on the production of code for cryptography. Reach out to us if you are interested in high-assurance tools for developers, and don’t forget our outreach programs whether you are a student, a faculty member, or an independent researcher.

Decommissioning your VDI

Post Syndicated from James Chang original https://blog.cloudflare.com/decommissioning-virtual-desktop/

Decommissioning your VDI

Decommissioning your VDI

This blog offers Cloudflare’s perspective on how remote browser isolation can help organizations offload internal web application use cases currently secured by virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI). VDI has historically been useful to secure remote work, particularly when users relied on desktop applications. However, as web-based apps have become more popular than desktop apps, the drawbacks of VDI – high costs, unresponsive user experience, and complexity – have become harder to ignore. In response, we offer practical recommendations and a phased approach to transition away from VDI, so that organizations can lower cost and unlock productivity by improving employee experiences and simplifying administrative overhead.

Modern Virtual Desktop usage

Background on Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure describes running desktop environments on virtual computers hosted in a data center. When users access resources within VDI, video streams from those virtual desktops are delivered securely to endpoint devices over a network. Today, VDI is predominantly hosted on-premise in data centers and either managed directly by organizations themselves or by third-party Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) providers. In spite of web application usage growing in favor of desktop applications, DaaS is growing, with Gartner® recently projecting DaaS spending to double by 2024.

Both flavors of VDI promise benefits to support remote work. For security, VDI offers a way to centralize configuration for many dispersed users and to keep sensitive data far away from devices. Business executives are often attracted to VDI because of potential cost savings over purchasing and distributing devices to every user. The theory is that when processing is shifted to centralized servers, IT teams can save money shipping out fewer managed laptops and instead support bring-your-own-device (BYOD). When hardware is needed, they can purchase less expensive devices and even extend the lifespan of older devices.

Challenges with VDI

High costs

The reality of VDI is often quite different. In particular, it ends up being much more costly than organizations anticipate for both capital and operational expenditures. Gartner® projects that “by 2024, more than 90% of desktop virtualization projects deployed primarily to save cost will fail to meet their objectives.”

The reasons are multiple. On-premise VDI comes with significant upfront capital expenditures (CapEx) in servers. DaaS deployments require organizations to make opaque decisions about virtual machines (e.g. number, region, service levels, etc.) and their specifications (e.g. persistent vs. pooled, always-on vs. on-demand, etc.). In either scenario, the operational expenditures (OpEx) from maintenance and failing to rightsize capacity can lead to surprises and overruns. For both flavors, the more organizations commit to virtualization, the more they are locked into high ongoing compute expenses, particularly as workforces grow remotely.

Poor user experience

VDI also delivers a subpar user experience. Expectations for frictionless IT experiences have only increased during remote work, and users can still tell the difference between accessing apps directly versus from within a virtual desktop. VDI environments that are not rightsized can lead to clunky, latent, and unresponsive performance. Poor experiences can negatively impact productivity, security (as users seek workarounds outside of VDI), and employee retention (as users grow disaffected).


Overall, VDI is notoriously complex. Initial setup is multi-faceted and labor-intensive, with steps including investing in servers and end user licenses, planning VM requirements and capacity, virtualizing apps, setting up network connectivity, and rolling out VDI thin clients. Establishing security policies is often the last step, and for this reason, can sometimes be overlooked, leading to security gaps.

Moving VDI into full production not only requires cross-functional coordination across typical teams like IT, security, and infrastructure & operations, but also typically requires highly specialized talent, often known as virtual desktop administrators. These skills are hard to find and retain, which can be risky to rely on during this current high-turnover labor market.

Even still, administrators often need to build their own logging, auditing, inspection, and identity-based access policies on top of these virtualized environments. This means additional overhead of configuring separate services like secure web gateways.

Some organizations deploy VDI primarily to avoid the shipping costs, logistical hassles, and regulatory headaches of sending out managed laptops to their global workforce. But with VDI, what seemed like a fix for one problem can quickly create more overhead and frustration. Wrestling with VDI’s complexity is likely not worthwhile, particularly if users only need to access a select few internal web services.

Offloading Virtual Desktop use cases with Remote Browser Isolation

To avoid these frictions, organizations are exploring ways to shift use cases away from VDI, particularly when on-prem. Most applications that workforces rely on today are accessible via the browser and are hosted in public or hybrid cloud or SaaS environments, and even occasionally in legacy data centers. As a result, modern services like remote browser isolation (RBI) increasingly make sense as alternatives to begin offloading VDI workloads and shift security to the cloud.

Like VDI, Cloudflare Browser Isolation minimizes attack surface by running all app and web code away from endpoints — in this case, on Cloudflare’s global network. In the process, Cloudflare can secure data-in-use within a browser from untrusted users and devices, plus insulate those endpoints from threats like ransomware, phishing and even zero-day attacks. Within an isolated browser, administrators can set policies to protect sensitive data on any web-based or SaaS app, just as they would with VDI. Sample controls include restrictions on file uploads / downloads, copy and paste, keyboard inputs, and printing functionality.

This comparable security comes with more achievable business benefits, starting with helping employees be more productive:

  1. End users benefit from a faster and more transparent experience than with VDI. Our browser isolation is designed to run across our 270+ locations, so that isolated sessions are served as close to end users as possible. Unlike with VDI, there is no backhauling user traffic to centralized data centers. Plus, Cloudflare’s Network Vector Rendering (NVR) approach ensures that the in-app experience feels like a native, local browser – without bandwidth intensive pixel pushing techniques.
  2. Administrators benefit because they can skip all the up-front planning, ongoing overhead, and scaling pains associated with VDI. Instead, administrators turn on isolation policies from a single dashboard and let Cloudflare handle scaling to users and devices. Plus, native integrations with ZTNA, SWG, CASB, and other security services make it easy to begin modernizing VDI-adjacent use cases.

On the cost side, expenses associated with browser isolation are overall lower, smoother, and more predictable than with VDI. In fact, Gartner® recently highlighted that “RBI is cheaper than using VDI for isolation if the only application being isolated is the browser.”

Unlike on-prem VDI, there are no capital expenditures on VM capacity, and unlike DaaS subscriptions, Cloudflare offers simple, seat-based pricing with no add-on fees for configurations. Organizations also can skip purchasing standalone point solutions because Cloudflare’s RBI comes natively integrated with other services in the Cloudflare Zero Trust platform. Most notably, we do not charge for cloud consumption, which is a common source of VDI surprise.

Transitioning to Cloudflare Browser Isolation

Decommissioning your VDI
Note: Above diagram includes this table below
Decommissioning your VDI

Customer story: PensionBee

PensionBee, a leading online pension provider in the UK, recognized this opportunity to offload virtual desktop use cases and switch to RBI. As a reaction to the pandemic, PensionBee initially onboarded a DaaS solution (Amazon WorkSpaces) to help employees access internal resources remotely. Specifically, CTO Jonathan Lister Parsons was most concerned about securing Salesforce, where PensionBee held its customers’ sensitive pension data.

The DaaS supported access controls similar to PensionBee configured for employees when they previously were in the office (e.g. allowlisting the IPs of the virtual desktops). But shortly after rollout, Lister Parsons began developing concerns about the unresponsive user experience. In this recent webinar, he in fact guesstimated that “users are generally about 10% less productive when they’re using the DaaS to do their work.” This negative experience increased the support burden on PensionBee’s IT staff to the point where they had to build an automated tool to reboot an employee’s DaaS service whenever it was acting up.

“From a usability perspective, it’s clearly better if employees can have a native browsing experience that people are used to compared to a remote desktop. That’s sort of a no-brainer,” Lister Parsons said. “But typically, it’s been hard to deliver that while keeping security in place, costs low, and setup complexity down.”

When Lister Parsons encountered Cloudflare Browser Isolation, he was impressed with the service’s performance and lightweight user experience. Because PensionBee employees accessed the vast majority of their apps (including Salesforce) via a browser, RBI was a strong fit. Cloudflare’s controls over copy/paste and file downloads reduced the risk of customer pension details in Salesforce reaching local devices.

“We started using Cloudflare Zero Trust with Browser Isolation to help provide the best security for our customers’ data and protect employees from malware,” he said. “It worked so well I forgot it was on.”

PensionBee is just one of many organizations developing a roadmap for this transition from VDI. In the next section, we provide Cloudflare’s recommendations for planning and executing that journey.

Practical recommendations

Pre-implementation planning

Understanding where to start this transition some forethought. Specifically, cross-functional teams – across groups like IT, security, and infrastructure & operations (IO) – should develop a collective understanding of how VDI is used today, what use cases should be offloaded first, and what impact any changes will have across both end users and administrators.

In our own consultations, we start by asking about the needs and expectations of end users because their consistent adoption will dictate an initiative’s success. Based on that foundation, we then typically help organizations map out and prioritize the applications and data they need to secure. Last but not least, we strategize around the ‘how:’ what administrators and expertise will be needed not only for the initial configuration of new services, but also for the ongoing improvement. Below are select questions we ask customers to consider across those key dimensions to help them navigate their VDI transition.

Questions to consider

Decommissioning your VDI

Migration from VDI to RBI

Organizations can leverage Cloudflare Browser Isolation and other Zero Trust services to begin offloading VDI use cases and realize cost savings and productivity gains within days of rollout. Our recommended three-phase approach focuses on securing the most critical services with the least disruption to user experience, while also prioritizing quick time-to-value.

Phase 1: Configure clientless web isolation for web-based applications

Using our clientless web isolation approach, administrators can send users to their private web application served in an isolated browser environment with just a hyperlink – without any software needed on endpoints. Then, administrators can build data protection rules preventing risky user actions within these isolated browser-based apps. Plus, because administrators avoid rolling out endpoint clients, scaling access to employees, contractors, or third parties even on unmanaged devices is as easy as sending a link.

These isolated links can exist in parallel with your existing VDI, enabling a graceful migration to this new approach longer term. Comparing the different experiences side by side can help your internal stakeholders evangelize the RBI-based approach over time. Cross-functional communication is critical throughout this phased rollout: for example, in prioritizing what web apps to isolate before configuration, and after configuration, articulating how those changes will affect end users.

Phase 2: Shift SSH- and VNC-based apps from VDI to Cloudflare

Clientless isolation is a great fit to secure web apps. This next phase helps secure non-web apps within VDI environments, which are commonly accessed via an SSH or VNC connection. For example, privileged administrators often use SSH to control remote desktops and fulfill service requests. Other less technical employees may need the VNC’s graphical user interface to work in legacy apps inaccessible via a modern operating system.

Cloudflare enables access to these SSH and VNC environments through a browser – again without requiring any software installed on endpoints. Both the SSH and VNC setups are similar in that administrators create a secure outbound-only connection between a machine and Cloudflare’s network before a terminal is rendered in a browser. By sending traffic to our network, Cloudflare can authenticate access to apps based on identity check and other granular policies and can provide detailed audits of each user session. (You can read more about the SSH and VNC experience in prior blog posts.)

We recommend first securing SSH apps to support privileged administrators, who can provide valuable feedback. Then, move to support the broader range of users who rely on VNC. Administrators will set up connections and policies using our ZTNA service from the same management panel used for RBI. Altogether, this browser-based experience should reduce latency and have users feeling more at home and productive than in their virtualized desktops.

Phase 3: Progress towards Zero Trust security posture

Step 3A: Set up identity verification policies per application
With phases 1 and 2, you have been using Cloudflare to progressively secure access to web and non-app apps for select VDI use cases. In phase 3, build on that foundation by adopting ZTNA for all your applications, not just ones accessed through VDI.

Administrators use the same Cloudflare policy builder to add more granular conditional access rules in line with Zero Trust security best practices, including checking for an identity provider (IdP). Cloudflare integrates with multiple IdPs simultaneously and can federate multiple instances of the same IdP, enabling flexibility to support any variety of users. After setting up IdP verification, we see administrators often enhance security by requiring MFA. These types of identity checks can also be set up within VDI environments, which can build confidence in adopting Zero Trust before deprecating VDI entirely.

Step 3B: Rebuild confidence in user devices by layering in device posture checks
So far, the practical steps we’ve recommended do not require any Cloudflare software on endpoints – which optimizes for deployment speed in offloading VDI use cases. But longer term, there are security, visibility, and productivity benefits to deploying Cloudflare’s device client where it makes sense.

Cloudflare’s device client (aka WARP) works across all major operating systems and is optimized for flexible deployment. For managed devices, use any script-based method with popular mobile device management (MDM) software, and self-enrollment is a useful option for third-party users. With WARP deployed, administrators can enhance application access policies by first checking for the presence of specific programs or files, disk encryption status, the right OS version, and other additional attributes. Plus, if your organization uses endpoint protection (EPP) providers like Crowdstrike, SentinelOne, and more, verify access by first checking for the presence of that software or examining device health.

Altogether, adding device posture signals both levels up security and enables more granular visibility for both managed and BYOD devices. As with identity verification, administrators can start by enabling device posture checks for users still using virtual desktops. Over time, as administrators build more confidence in user devices, they should begin routing users on managed devices to apps directly, as opposed to through the slower VDI experience.

Step 3C: Progressively shift security services away from virtualized environments to Zero Trust
Rethinking application access use cases in prior phases has reduced reliance on complex VDI. By now, Administrators should already be building comfort with Zero Trust policies, as enabled by Cloudflare. Our final recommendation in this article is to continue that journey away from virtualization and towards Zero Trust Network Access.

Instead of sending any users into virtualized apps in virtualized desktops, organizations can reduce their overhead entirely and embrace cloud-delivered ZTNA to protect one-to-one connections between all users and all apps in any cloud environment. The more apps secured with Cloudflare vs. VDI, the greater consistency of controls, visibility, and end user experience.

Virtualization has provided a powerful technology to bridge the gap between our hardware-centric legacy investments and IT’s cloud-first future. At this point, however, reliance on virtualization puts undue pressure on your administrators and risks diminishing end user productivity. As apps, users, and data accelerate their migration to the cloud, it only makes sense to shift security controls there too with cloud-native, not virtualized services.

As longer term steps, organizations can explore taking advantage of Cloudflare’s other natively-integrated services, such as our Secure Web Gateway (SWG), Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB), and email security. Other blogs this week outline how to transition to these Cloudflare services from other legacy technologies.

Summary table

Decommissioning your VDI

Best practices and progress metrics

Below are sample best practices we recommend achieving as smooth a transition as possible, followed by sample metrics to track progress on your initiative:

  • Be attuned to end user experiences: Whatever replaces VDI needs to perform better than what came before. When trying to change user habits and drive adoption, administrators must closely track what users like and dislike about the new services.
  • Prioritize cross-functional collaboration: Sunsetting VDI will inevitably involve coordination across diverse teams across IT, security, infrastructure, and virtual desktop administrators. It is critical to establish shared ways of working and trust to overcome any road bumps.
  • Roll out incrementally and learn: Test out each step with a subset of users and apps before rolling out more widely to figure out what works (and does not). Start by testing out clientless web isolation for select apps to gain buy-in from users and executives.

Sample progress metrics

Decommissioning your VDI

Explore your VDI transition

Cloudflare Zero Trust makes it easy to begin sunsetting your VDI, beginning with leveraging our clientless browser isolation to secure web apps.

To learn more about how to move towards Zero Trust and away from virtualized desktops, request a consultation today.Replacing your VDI is a great project to fit into your overall Zero Trust roadmap. For a full summary of Cloudflare One Week and what’s new, tune in to our recap webinar.

Cloudflare blocks 15M rps HTTPS DDoS attack

Post Syndicated from Omer Yoachimik original https://blog.cloudflare.com/15m-rps-ddos-attack/

Cloudflare blocks 15M rps HTTPS DDoS attack

Cloudflare blocks 15M rps HTTPS DDoS attack

Earlier this month, Cloudflare’s systems automatically detected and mitigated a 15.3 million request-per-second (rps) DDoS attack — one of the largest HTTPS DDoS attacks on record.

While this isn’t the largest application-layer attack we’ve seen, it is the largest we’ve seen over HTTPS. HTTPS DDoS attacks are more expensive in terms of required computational resources because of the higher cost of establishing a secure TLS encrypted connection. Therefore it costs the attacker more to launch the attack, and for the victim to mitigate it. We’ve seen very large attacks in the past over (unencrypted) HTTP, but this attack stands out because of the resources it required at its scale.

The attack, lasting less than 15 seconds, targeted a Cloudflare customer on the Professional (Pro) plan operating a crypto launchpad. Crypto launchpads are used to surface Decentralized Finance projects to potential investors. The attack was launched by a botnet that we’ve been observing — we’ve already seen large attacks as high as 10M rps matching the same attack fingerprint.

Cloudflare customers are protected against this botnet and do not need to take any action.

Cloudflare blocks 15M rps HTTPS DDoS attack

The attack

What’s interesting is that the attack mostly came from data centers. We’re seeing a big move from residential network Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to cloud compute ISPs.

This attack was launched from a botnet of approximately 6,000 unique bots. It originated from 112 countries around the world. Almost 15% of the attack traffic originated from Indonesia, followed by Russia, Brazil, India, Colombia, and the United States.

Cloudflare blocks 15M rps HTTPS DDoS attack

Within those countries, the attack originated from over 1,300 different networks. The top networks included the German provider Hetzner Online GmbH (Autonomous System Number 24940), Azteca Comunicaciones Colombia (ASN 262186), OVH in France (ASN 16276), as well as other cloud providers.

Cloudflare blocks 15M rps HTTPS DDoS attack

How this attack was automatically detected and mitigated

To defend organizations against DDoS attacks, we built and operate software-defined systems that run autonomously. They automatically detect and mitigate DDoS attacks across our entire network — and just as in this case, the attack was automatically detected and mitigated without any human intervention.

Our system starts by sampling traffic asynchronously; it then analyzes the samples and applies mitigations when needed.


Initially, traffic is routed through the Internet via BGP Anycast to the nearest Cloudflare data centers that are located in over 250 cities around the world. Once the traffic reaches our data center, our DDoS systems sample it asynchronously allowing for out-of-path analysis of traffic without introducing latency penalties.

Analysis and mitigation

The analysis is done using data streaming algorithms. HTTP request samples are compared to conditional fingerprints, and multiple real-time signatures are created based on dynamic masking of various request fields and metadata. Each time another request matches one of the signatures, a counter is increased. When the activation threshold is reached for a given signature, a mitigation rule is compiled and pushed inline. The mitigation rule includes the real-time signature and the mitigation action, e.g. block.

Cloudflare customers can also customize the settings of the DDoS protection systems by tweaking the HTTP DDoS Managed Rules.

You can read more about our autonomous DDoS protection systems and how they work in our deep-dive technical blog post.

Helping build a better Internet

At Cloudflare, everything we do is guided by our mission to help build a better Internet. The DDoS team’s vision is derived from this mission: our goal is to make the impact of DDoS attacks a thing of the past. The level of protection that we offer is unmetered and unlimited — It is not bounded by the size of the attack, the number of the attacks, or the duration of the attacks. This is especially important these days because as we’ve recently seen, attacks are getting larger and more frequent.

Not using Cloudflare yet? Start now with our Free and Pro plans to protect your websites, or contact us for comprehensive DDoS protection for your entire network using Magic Transit.

PIPEFAIL: How a missing shell option slowed Cloudflare down

Post Syndicated from Alex Forster original https://blog.cloudflare.com/pipefail-how-a-missing-shell-option-slowed-cloudflare-down/

PIPEFAIL: How a missing shell option slowed Cloudflare down

PIPEFAIL: How a missing shell option slowed Cloudflare down

At Cloudflare, we’re used to being the fastest in the world. However, for approximately 30 minutes last December, Cloudflare was slow. Between 20:10 and 20:40 UTC on December 16, 2021, web requests served by Cloudflare were artificially delayed by up to five seconds before being processed. This post tells the story of how a missing shell option called “pipefail” slowed Cloudflare down.


Before we can tell this story, we need to introduce you to some of its characters.

PIPEFAIL: How a missing shell option slowed Cloudflare down

Cloudflare’s Front Line protects millions of users from some of the largest attacks ever recorded. This protection is orchestrated by a sidecar service called dosd, which analyzes traffic and looks for attacks. When dosd detects an attack, it provides Front Line with a list of attack fingerprints that describe how Front Line can match and block the attack traffic.

Instances of dosd run on every Cloudflare server, and they communicate with each other using a peer-to-peer mesh to identify malicious traffic patterns. This decentralized design allows dosd to perform analysis with much higher fidelity than is possible with a centralized system, but its scale also imposes some strict performance requirements. To meet these requirements, we need to provide dosd with very fast access to large amounts of configuration data, which naturally means that dosd depends on Quicksilver. Cloudflare developed Quicksilver to manage configuration data and replicate it around the world in milliseconds, allowing it to be accessed by services like dosd in microseconds.

PIPEFAIL: How a missing shell option slowed Cloudflare down

One piece of configuration data that dosd needs comes from the Addressing API, which is our authoritative IP address management service. The addressing data it provides is important because dosd uses it to understand what kind of traffic is expected on particular IPs. Since addressing data doesn’t change very frequently, we use a simple Kubernetes cron job to query it at 10 minutes past each hour and write it into Quicksilver, allowing it to be efficiently accessed by dosd.

With this context, let’s walk through the change we made on December 16 that ultimately led to the slowdown.

The Change

Approximately once a week, all of our Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements to the Front Line codebase are released to the network. On December 16, the Front Line team released a fix for a subtle bug in how the code handled compression in the presence of a Cache-Control: no-transform header. Unfortunately, the team realized pretty quickly that this fix actually broke some customers who had started depending on that buggy behavior, so the team decided to roll back the release and work with those customers to correct the issue.

PIPEFAIL: How a missing shell option slowed Cloudflare down

Here’s a graph showing the progression of the rollback. While most releases and rollbacks are fully automated, this particular rollback needed to be performed manually due to its urgency. Since this was a manual rollback, SREs decided to perform it in two batches as a safety measure. The first batch went to our smaller tier 2 and 3 data centers, and the second batch went to our larger tier 1 data centers.

SREs started the first batch at 19:25 UTC, and it completed in about 30 minutes. Then, after verifying that there were no issues, they started the second batch at 20:10. That’s when the slowdown started.

The Slowdown

Within minutes of starting the second batch of rollbacks, alerts started firing. “Traffic levels are dropping.” “CPU utilization is dropping.” “A P0 incident has been automatically declared.” The timing could not be a coincidence. Somehow, a deployment of known-good code, which had been limited to a subset of the network and which had just been successfully performed 40 minutes earlier, appeared to be causing a global problem.

A P0 incident is an “all hands on deck” emergency, so dozens of Cloudflare engineers quickly began to assess impact to their services and test their theories about the root cause. The rollback was paused, but that did not fix the problem. Then, approximately 10 minutes after the start of the incident, my team – the DOS team – received a concerning alert: “dosd is not running on numerous servers.” Before that alert fired we had been investigating whether the slowdown was caused by an unmitigated attack, but this required our immediate attention.

Based on service logs, we were able to see that dosd was panicking because the customer addressing data in Quicksilver was corrupted in some way. Remember: the data in this Quicksilver key is important. Without it, dosd could not make correct choices anymore, so it refused to continue.

Once we realized that the addressing data was corrupted, we had to figure out how it was corrupted so that we could fix it. The answer turned out to be pretty obvious: the Quicksilver key was completely empty.

Following the old adage – “did you try restarting it?” – we decided to manually re-run the Kubernetes cron job that populates this key and see what happened. At 20:40 UTC, the cron job was manually triggered. Seconds after it completed, dosd started running again, and traffic levels began returning to normal. We confirmed that the Quicksilver key was no longer empty, and the incident was over.

The Aftermath

Despite fixing the problem, we still didn’t really understand what had just happened.

Why was the Quicksilver key empty?

It was urgent that we quickly figure out how an empty value was written into that Quicksilver key, because for all we knew, it could happen again at any moment.

We started by looking at the Kubernetes cron job, which turned out to have a bug:

PIPEFAIL: How a missing shell option slowed Cloudflare down

This cron job is implemented using a small Bash script. If you’re unfamiliar with Bash (particularly shell pipelining), here’s what it does:

First, the dos-make-addr-conf executable runs. Its job is to query the Addressing API for various bits of JSON data and serialize it into a Toml document. Afterward, that Toml is “piped” as input into the dosctl executable, whose job is to simply write it into a Quicksilver key called template_vars.

Can you spot the bug? Here’s a hint: what happens if dos-make-addr-conf fails for some reason and exits with a non-zero error code? It turns out that, by default, the shell pipeline ignores the error code and continues executing the next command! This means that the output of dos-make-addr-conf (which could be empty) gets unconditionally piped into dosctl and used as the value of the template_vars key, regardless of whether dos-make-addr-conf succeeded or failed.

30 years ago, when the first users of Bourne shell were burned by this problem, a shell option called “pipefail” was introduced. Enabling this option changes the shell’s behavior so that, when any command in a pipeline series fails, the entire pipeline stops processing. However, this option is not enabled by default, so it’s widely recommended as best practice that all scripts should start by enabling this (and a few other) options.

Here’s the fixed version of that cron job:

PIPEFAIL: How a missing shell option slowed Cloudflare down

This bug was particularly insidious because dosd actually did attempt to gracefully handle the case where this Quicksilver key contained invalid Toml. However, an empty string is a perfectly valid Toml document. If an error message had been accidentally written into this Quicksilver key instead of an empty string, then dosd would have rejected the update and continued to use the previous value.

Why did that cause the Front Line to slow down?

We had figured out how an empty key could be written into Quicksilver, and we were confident that it wouldn’t happen again. However, we still needed to untangle how that empty key caused such a severe incident.

As I mentioned earlier, the Front Line relies on dosd to tell it how to mitigate attacks, but it doesn’t depend on dosd directly to serve requests. Instead, once every few seconds, the Front Line asynchronously asks dosd for new attack fingerprints and stores them in an in-memory cache. This cache is consulted while serving each request, and if dosd ever fails to provide fresh attack fingerprints, then the stale fingerprints will continue to be used instead. So how could this have caused the impact that we saw?

PIPEFAIL: How a missing shell option slowed Cloudflare down

As part of the rollback process, the Front Line’s code needed to be reloaded. Reloading this code implicitly flushed the in-memory caches, including the attack fingerprint data from dosd. The next time that a request tried to consult with the cache, the caching layer realized that it had no attack fingerprints to return and a “cache miss” happened.

To handle a cache miss, the caching layer tried to reach out to dosd, and this is when the slowdown happened. While the caching layer was waiting for dosd to reply, it blocked all pending requests from progressing. Since dosd wasn’t running, the attempt eventually timed out after five seconds when the caching layer gave up. But in the meantime, each pending request was stuck waiting for the timeout to happen. Once it did, all the pending requests that were queued up over the five-second timeout period became unblocked and were finally allowed to progress. This cycle repeated over and over again every five seconds on every server until the dosd failure was resolved.

To trigger this slowdown, not only did dosd have to fail, but the Front Line’s in-memory cache had to also be flushed at the same time. If dosd had failed, but the Front Line’s cache had not been flushed, then the stale attack fingerprints would have remained in the cache and request processing would not have been impacted.

Why didn’t the first rollback cause this problem?

These two batches of rollbacks were performed by forcing servers to run a Salt highstate. When each batch was executed, thousands of servers began running highstates at the same time. The highstate process involves, among other things, contacting the Addressing API in order to retrieve various bits of customer addressing information.

The first rollback started at 19:25 UTC, and the second rollback started 45 minutes later at 20:10. Remember how I mentioned that our Kubernetes cron job only runs on the 10th minute of every hour? At 21:10 – exactly the time that our cron job started executing – thousands of servers also began to highstate, flooding the Addressing API with requests. All of these requests were queued up and eventually served, but it took the Addressing API a few minutes to work through the backlog. This delay was long enough to cause our cron job to time out, and, due to the “pipefail”  bug, inadvertently clobber the Quicksilver key that it was responsible for updating.

To trigger the “pipefail” bug, not only did we have to flood the Addressing API with requests, we also had to do it at exactly 10 minutes after the hour. If SREs had started the second batch of rollbacks a few minutes earlier or later, this bug would have continued to lay dormant.

Lessons Learned

This was a unique incident where a chain of small or unlikely failures cascaded into a severe and painful outage that we deeply regret. In response, we have hardened each link in the chain:

  • A manual rollback inadvertently triggered the thundering herd problem, which overwhelmed the Addressing API. We have since significantly scaled out the Addressing API, so that it can handle high request rates if it ever again has to.
  • An error in a Kubernetes cron job caused invalid data to be written to Quicksilver. We have since made sure that, when this cron job fails, it is no longer possible for that failure to clobber the Quicksilver key.
  • dosd did not correctly handle all possible error conditions when loading configuration data from Quicksilver, causing it to fail. We have since taken these additional conditions into account where necessary, so that dosd will gracefully degrade in the face of corrupt Quicksilver data.
  • The Front Line had an unexpected dependency on dosd, which caused it to fail when dosd failed. We have since removed all such dependencies, and the Front Line will now gracefully survive dosd failures.

More broadly, this incident has served as an example to us of why code and systems must always be resilient to failure, no matter how unlikely that failure may seem.

Unlocking QUIC’s proxying potential with MASQUE

Post Syndicated from Lucas Pardue original https://blog.cloudflare.com/unlocking-quic-proxying-potential/

Unlocking QUIC’s proxying potential with MASQUE

Unlocking QUIC’s proxying potential with MASQUE

In the last post, we discussed how HTTP CONNECT can be used to proxy TCP-based applications, including DNS-over-HTTPS and generic HTTPS traffic, between a client and target server. This provides significant benefits for those applications, but it doesn’t lend itself to non-TCP applications. And if you’re wondering whether or not we care about these, the answer is an affirmative yes!

For instance, HTTP/3 is based on QUIC, which runs on top of UDP. What if we wanted to speak HTTP/3 to a target server? That requires two things: (1) the means to encapsulate a UDP payload between client and proxy (which the proxy decapsulates and forward to the target in an actual UDP datagram), and (2) a way to instruct the proxy to open a UDP association to a target so that it knows where to forward the decapsulated payload. In this post, we’ll discuss answers to these two questions, starting with encapsulation.

Encapsulating datagrams

While TCP provides a reliable and ordered byte stream for applications to use, UDP instead provides unreliable messages called datagrams. Datagrams sent or received on a connection are loosely associated, each one is independent from a transport perspective. Applications that are built on top of UDP can leverage the unreliability for good. For example, low-latency media streaming often does so to avoid lost packets getting retransmitted. This makes sense, on a live teleconference it is better to receive the most recent audio or video rather than starting to lag behind while you’re waiting for stale data

QUIC is designed to run on top of an unreliable protocol such as UDP. QUIC provides its own layer of security, packet loss detection, methods of data recovery, and congestion control. If the layer underneath QUIC duplicates those features, they can cause wasted work or worse create destructive interference. For instance, QUIC congestion control defines a number of signals that provide input to sender-side algorithms. If layers underneath QUIC affect its packet flows (loss, timing, pacing, etc), they also affect the algorithm output. Input and output run in a feedback loop, so perturbation of signals can get amplified. All of this can cause congestion control algorithms to be more conservative in the data rates they use.

If we could speak HTTP/3 to a proxy, and leverage a reliable QUIC stream to carry encapsulated datagrams payload, then everything can work. However, the reliable stream interferes with expectations. The most likely outcome being slower end-to-end UDP throughput than we could achieve without tunneling. Stream reliability runs counter to our goals.

Fortunately, QUIC’s unreliable datagram extension adds a new DATAGRAM frame that, as its name plainly says, is unreliable. It has several uses; the one we care about is that it provides a building block for performant UDP tunneling. In particular, this extension has the following properties:

  • DATAGRAM frames are individual messages, unlike a long QUIC stream.
  • DATAGRAM frames do not contain a multiplexing identifier, unlike QUIC’s stream IDs.
  • Like all QUIC frames, DATAGRAM frames must fit completely inside a QUIC packet.
  • DATAGRAM frames are subject to congestion control, helping senders to avoid overloading the network.
  • DATAGRAM frames are acknowledged by the receiver but, importantly, if the sender detects a loss, QUIC does not retransmit the lost data.

The Datagram “Unreliable Datagram Extension to QUIC” specification will be published as an RFC soon. Cloudflare’s quiche library has supported it since October 2020.

Now that QUIC has primitives that support sending unreliable messages, we have a standard way to effectively tunnel UDP inside it. QUIC provides the STREAM and DATAGRAM transport primitives that support our proxying goals. Now it is the application layer responsibility to describe how to use them for proxying. Enter MASQUE.

MASQUE: Unlocking QUIC’s potential for proxying

Now that we’ve described how encapsulation works, let’s now turn our attention to the second question listed at the start of this post: How does an application initialize an end-to-end tunnel, informing a proxy server where to send UDP datagrams to, and where to receive them from? This is the focus of the MASQUE Working Group, which was formed in June 2020 and has been designing answers since. Many people across the Internet ecosystem have been contributing to the standardization activity. At Cloudflare, that includes Chris (as co-chair), Lucas (as co-editor of one WG document) and several other colleagues.

MASQUE started solving the UDP tunneling problem with a pair of specifications: a definition for how QUIC datagrams are used with HTTP/3, and a new kind of HTTP request that initiates a UDP socket to a target server. These have built on the concept of extended CONNECT, which was first introduced for HTTP/2 in RFC 8441 and has now been ported to HTTP/3. Extended CONNECT defines the :protocol pseudo-header that can be used by clients to indicate the intention of the request. The initial use case was WebSockets, but we can repurpose it for UDP and it looks like this:

:method = CONNECT
:protocol = connect-udp
:scheme = https
:path = /target.example.com/443/
:authority = proxy.example.com

A client sends an extended CONNECT request to a proxy server, which identifies a target server in the :path. If the proxy succeeds in opening a UDP socket, it responds with a 2xx (Successful) status code. After this, an end-to-end flow of unreliable messages between the client and target is possible; the client and proxy exchange QUIC DATAGRAM frames with an encapsulated payload, and the proxy and target exchange UDP datagrams bearing that payload.

Unlocking QUIC’s proxying potential with MASQUE

Anatomy of Encapsulation

UDP tunneling has a constraint that TCP tunneling does not – namely, the size of messages and how that relates to path MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit; for more background see our Learning Center article). The path MTU is the maximum size that is allowed on the path between client and server. The actual maximum is the smallest maximum across all elements at every hop and at every layer, from the network up to application. All it takes is for one component with a small MTU to reduce the path MTU entirely. On the Internet, 1,500 bytes is a common practical MTU. When considering tunneling using QUIC, we need to appreciate the anatomy of QUIC packets and frames in order to understand how they add bytes of overheard. This consumes bytes and subtracts from our theoretical maximum.

We’ve been talking in terms of HTTP/3 which normally has its own frames (HEADERS, DATA, etc) that have a common type and length overhead. However, there is no HTTP/3 framing when it comes to DATAGRAM, instead the bytes are placed directly into the QUIC frame. This frame is composed of two fields. The first field is a variable number of bytes, called the Quarter Stream ID field, which is an encoded identifier that supports independent multiplexed DATAGRAM flows. It does so by binding each DATAGRAM to the HTTP request stream ID. In QUIC, stream IDs use two bits to encode four types of stream. Since request streams are always of one type (client-initiated bidirectional, to be exact), we can divide their ID by four to save space on the wire. Hence the name Quarter Stream ID. The second field is payload, which contains the end-to-end message payload. Here’s how it might look on the wire.

Unlocking QUIC’s proxying potential with MASQUE

If you recall our lesson from the last post, DATAGRAM frames (like all frames) must fit completely inside a QUIC packet. Moreover, since QUIC requires that fragmentation is disabled, QUIC packets must fit completely inside a UDP datagram. This all combines to limit the maximum size of things that we can actually send: the path MTU determines the size of the UDP datagram, then we need to subtract the overheads of the UDP datagram header, QUIC packet header, and QUIC DATAGRAM frame header. For a better understanding of QUIC’s wire image and overheads, see Section 5 of RFC 8999 and Section 12.4 of RFC 9000.

If a sender has a message that is too big to fit inside the tunnel, there are only two options: discard the message or fragment it. Neither of these are good options. Clients create the UDP tunnel and are more likely to accurately calculate the real size of encapsulated UDP datagram payload, thus avoiding the problem. However, a target server is most likely unaware that a client is behind a proxy, so it cannot accommodate the tunneling overhead. It might send a UDP datagram payload that is too big for the proxy to encapsulate. This conundrum is common to all proxy protocols! There’s an art in picking the right MTU size for UDP-based traffic in the face of tunneling overheads. While approaches like path MTU discovery can help, they are not a silver bullet. Choosing conservative maximum sizes can reduce the chances of tunnel-related problems. However, this needs to be weighed against being too restrictive. Given a theoretical path MTU of 1,500, once we consider QUIC encapsulation overheads, tunneled messages with a limit between 1,200 and 1,300 bytes can be effective.This is especially important when we think about tunneling QUIC itself. RFC 9000 Section 8.1 details how clients that initiate new QUIC connections must send UDP datagrams of at least 1,200 bytes. If a proxy can’t support that, then QUIC will not work in a tunnel.

Nested tunneling for Improved Privacy Proxying

MASQUE gives us the application layer building blocks to support efficient tunneling of TCP or UDP traffic. What’s cool about this is that we can combine these blocks into different deployment architectures for different scenarios or different needs.

One example of this case is nested tunneling via multiple proxies, which can minimize the connection metadata available to each individual proxy or server (one example of this type of deployment is described in our recent post on iCloud Private Relay). In this kind of setup, a client might manage at least three logical connections. First, a QUIC connection between Client and Proxy 1. Second, a QUIC connection between Client and Proxy 2, which runs via a CONNECT tunnel in the first connection. Third, an end-to-end byte stream between Client and Server, which runs via a CONNECT tunnel in the second connection. A real TCP connection only exists between Proxy 2 and Server. If additional Client to Server logical connections are needed, they can be created inside the existing pair of QUIC connections.

Unlocking QUIC’s proxying potential with MASQUE

Towards a full tunnel with IP tunneling

Proxy support for UDP and TCP already unblocks a huge assortment of use cases, including TLS, QUIC, HTTP, DNS, and so on. But it doesn’t help protocols that use different IP protocols, like ICMP or IPsec Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP). Fortunately, the MASQUE Working Group has also been working on IP tunneling. This is a lot more complex than UDP tunneling, so they first spent some time defining a common set of requirements. The group has recently adopted a new specification to support IP proxying over HTTP. This behaves similarly to the other CONNECT designs we’ve discussed but with a few differences. Indeed, IP proxying support using HTTP as a substrate would unlock many applications that existing protocols like IPsec and WireGuard enable.

At this point, it would be reasonable to ask: “A complete HTTP/3 stack is a bit excessive when all I need is a simple end-to-end tunnel, right?” Our answer is, it depends! CONNECT-based IP proxies use TLS and rely on well established PKIs for creating secure channels between endpoints, whereas protocols like WireGuard use a simpler cryptographic protocol for key establishment and defer authentication to the application. WireGuard does not support proxying over TCP but can be adapted to work over TCP transports, if necessary. In contrast, CONNECT-based proxies do support TCP and UDP transports, depending on what version of HTTP is used. Despite these differences, these protocols do share similarities. In particular, the actual framing used by both protocols – be it the TLS record layer or QUIC packet protection for CONNECT-based proxies, or WireGuard encapsulation – are not interoperable but only slightly differ in wire format. Thus, from a performance perspective, there’s not really much difference.

In general, comparing these protocols is like comparing apples and oranges – they’re fit for different purposes, have different implementation requirements, and assume different ecosystem participants and threat models. At the end of the day, CONNECT-based proxies are better suited to an ecosystem and environment that is already heavily invested in TLS and the existing WebPKI, so we expect CONNECT-based solutions for IP tunnels to become the norm in the future. Nevertheless, it’s early days, so be sure to watch this space if you’re interested in learning more!

Looking ahead

The IETF has chartered the MASQUE Working Group to help design an HTTP-based solution for UDP and IP that complements the existing CONNECT method for TCP tunneling. Using HTTP semantics allows us to use features like request methods, response statuses, and header fields to enhance tunnel initialization. For example, allowing for reuse of existing authentication mechanisms or the Proxy-Status field. By using HTTP/3, UDP and IP tunneling can benefit from QUIC’s secure transport native unreliable datagram support, and other features. Through a flexible design, older versions of HTTP can also be supported, which helps widen the potential deployment scenarios. Collectively, this work brings proxy protocols to the masses.

While the design details of MASQUE specifications continue to be iterated upon, so far several implementations have been developed, some of which have been interoperability tested during IETF hackathons. This running code helps inform the continued development of the specifications. Details are likely to continue changing before the end of the process, but we should expect the overarching approach to remain similar. Join us during the MASQUE WG meeting in IETF 113 to learn more!

A Primer on Proxies

Post Syndicated from Lucas Pardue original https://blog.cloudflare.com/a-primer-on-proxies/

A Primer on Proxies

A Primer on Proxies

Traffic proxying, the act of encapsulating one flow of data inside another, is a valuable privacy tool for establishing boundaries on the Internet. Encapsulation has an overhead, Cloudflare and our Internet peers strive to avoid turning it into a performance cost. MASQUE is the latest collaboration effort to design efficient proxy protocols based on IETF standards. We’re already running these at scale in production; see our recent blog post about Cloudflare’s role in iCloud Private Relay for an example.

In this blog post series, we’ll dive into proxy protocols.

To begin, let’s start with a simple question: what is proxying? In this case, we are focused on forward proxying — a client establishes an end-to-end tunnel to a target server via a proxy server. This contrasts with the Cloudflare CDN, which operates as a reverse proxy that terminates client connections and then takes responsibility for actions such as caching, security including WAF, load balancing, etc. With forward proxying, the details about the tunnel, such as how it is established and used, whether or not it provides confidentiality via authenticated encryption, and so on, vary by proxy protocol. Before going into specifics, let’s start with one of the most common tunnels used on the Internet: TCP.

Transport basics: TCP provides a reliable byte stream

The TCP transport protocol is a rich topic. For the purposes of this post, we will focus on one aspect: TCP provides a readable and writable, reliable, and ordered byte stream. Some protocols like HTTP and TLS require a reliable transport underneath them and TCP’s single byte stream is an ideal fit. The application layer reads or writes to this byte stream, but the details about how TCP sends this data “on the wire” are typically abstracted away.

Large application objects are written into a stream, then they are split into many small packets and they are sent in order to the network. At the receiver, packets are read from the network and combined back into an identical stream. Networks are not perfect and packets can be lost or reordered. TCP is clever at dealing with this and not worrying the application with details. It just works. A way to visualize this is to imagine a magic paper shredder that can both shred documents and convert shredded papers back to whole documents. Then imagine you and your friend bought a pair of these and decided that it would be fun to send each other shreds.

The one problem with TCP is that when a lost packet is detected at a receiver, the sender needs to retransmit it. This takes time to happen and can mean that the byte stream reconstruction gets delayed. This is known as TCP head-of-line blocking. Applications regularly use TCP via a socket API that abstracts away protocol details; they often can’t tell if there are delays because the other end is slow at sending or if the network is slowing things down via packet loss.

A Primer on Proxies

Proxy Protocols

Proxying TCP is immensely useful for many applications, including, though certainly not limited to HTTPS, SSH, and RDP. In fact, Oblivious DoH, which is a proxy protocol for DNS messages, could very well be implemented using a TCP proxy, though there are reasons why this may not be desirable. Today, there are a number of different options for proxying TCP end-to-end, including:

  • SOCKS, which runs in cleartext and requires an expensive connection establishment step.
  • Transparent TCP proxies, commonly referred to as performance enhancing proxies (PEPs), which must be on path and offer no additional transport security, and, definitionally, are limited to TCP protocols.
  • Layer 4 proxies such as Cloudflare Spectrum, which might rely on side carriage metadata via something like the PROXY protocol.
  • HTTP CONNECT, which transforms HTTPS connections into opaque byte streams.

While SOCKS and PEPs are viable options for some use cases, when choosing which proxy protocol to build future systems upon, it made most sense to choose a reusable and general-purpose protocol that provides well-defined and standard abstractions. As such, the IETF chose to focus on using HTTP as a substrate via the CONNECT method.

The concept of using HTTP as a substrate for proxying is not new. Indeed, HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 have supported proxying TCP-based protocols for a long time. In the following sections of this post, we’ll explain in detail how CONNECT works across different versions of HTTP, including HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, and the recently standardized HTTP/3.


In HTTP/1.1, the CONNECT method can be used to establish an end-to-end TCP tunnel to a target server via a proxy server. This is commonly applied to use cases where there is a benefit of protecting the traffic between the client and the proxy, or where the proxy can provide access control at network boundaries. For example, a Web browser can be configured to issue all of its HTTP requests via an HTTP proxy.

A client sends a CONNECT request to the proxy server, which requests that it opens a TCP connection to the target server and desired port. It looks something like this:

CONNECT target.example.com:80 HTTP/1.1
Host: target.example.com

If the proxy succeeds in opening a TCP connection to the target, it responds with a 2xx range status code. If there is some kind of problem, an error status in the 5xx range can be returned. Once a tunnel is established there are two independent TCP connections; one on either side of the proxy. If a flow needs to stop, you can simply terminate them.

HTTP CONNECT proxies forward data between the client and the target server. The TCP packets themselves are not tunneled, only the data on the logical byte stream. Although the proxy is supposed to forward data and not process it, if the data is plaintext there would be nothing to stop it. In practice, CONNECT is often used to create an end-to-end TLS connection where only the client and target server have access to the protected content; the proxy sees only TLS records and can’t read their content because it doesn’t have access to the keys.

A Primer on Proxies

Finally, it’s worth noting that after a successful CONNECT request, the HTTP connection (and the TCP connection underpinning it) has been converted into a tunnel. There is no more possibility of issuing other HTTP messages, to the proxy itself, on the connection.


HTTP/2 adds logical streams above the TCP layer in order to support concurrent requests and responses on a single connection. Streams are also reliable and ordered byte streams, operating on top of TCP. Returning to our magic shredder analogy: imagine you wanted to send a book. Shredding each page one after another and rebuilding the book one page at a time is slow, but handling multiple pages at the same time might be faster. HTTP/2 streams allow us to do that. But, as we all know, trying to put too much into a shredder can sometimes cause it to jam.

A Primer on Proxies

In HTTP/2, each request and response is sent on a different stream. To support this, HTTP/2 defines frames that contain the stream identifier that they are associated with. Requests and responses are composed of HEADERS and DATA frames which contain HTTP header fields and HTTP content, respectively. Frames can be large. When they are sent on the wire they might span multiple TLS records or TCP segments. Side note: the HTTP WG has been working on a new revision of the document that defines HTTP semantics that are common to all HTTP versions. The terms message, header fields, and content all come from this description.

HTTP/2 concurrency allows applications to read and write multiple objects at different rates, which can improve HTTP application performance, such as web browsing. HTTP/1.1 traditionally dealt with this concurrency by opening multiple TCP connections in parallel and striping requests across these connections. In contrast, HTTP/2 multiplexes frames belonging to different streams onto the single byte stream provided by one TCP connection. Reusing a single connection has benefits, but it still leaves HTTP/2 at risk of TCP head-of-line blocking. For more details, refer to Perf Planet blog.

HTTP/2 also supports the CONNECT method. In contrast to HTTP/1.1, CONNECT requests do not take over an entire HTTP/2 connection. Instead, they convert a single stream into an end-to-end tunnel. It looks something like this:

:method = CONNECT
:authority = target.example.com:443

If the proxy succeeds in opening a TCP connection, it responds with a 2xx (Successful) status code. After this, the client sends DATA frames to the proxy, and the content of these frames are put into TCP packets sent to the target. In the return direction, the proxy reads from the TCP byte stream and populates DATA frames. If a tunnel needs to stop, you can simply terminate the stream; there is no need to terminate the HTTP/2 connection.

By using HTTP/2, a client can create multiple CONNECT tunnels in a single connection. This can help reduce resource usage (saving the global count of TCP connections) and allows related tunnels to be logically grouped together, ensuring that they “share fate” when either client or proxy need to gracefully close. On the proxy-to-server side there are still multiple independent TCP connections.

A Primer on Proxies

One challenge of multiplexing tunnels on concurrent streams is how to effectively prioritize them. We’ve talked in the past about prioritization for web pages, but the story is a bit different for CONNECT. We’ve been thinking about this and captured considerations in the new Extensible Priorities draft.


QUIC is a new secure and multiplexed transport protocol from the IETF. QUIC version 1 was published as RFC 9000 in May 2021 and, the next day, we enabled it for all Cloudflare customers.

QUIC is composed of several foundational features. You can think of these like individual puzzle pieces that interlink to form a transport service. This service needs one more piece, an application mapping, to bring it all together.

A Primer on Proxies

Similar to HTTP/2, QUIC version 1 provides reliable and ordered streams. But QUIC streams live at the transport layer and they are the only type of QUIC primitive that can carry application data. QUIC has no opinion on how streams get used. Applications that wish to use QUIC must define that themselves.

QUIC streams can be long (up to 2^62 – 1 bytes). Stream data is sent on the wire in the form of STREAM frames. All QUIC frames must fit completely inside a QUIC packet. QUIC packets must fit entirely in a UDP datagram; fragmentation is prohibited. These requirements mean that a long stream is serialized to a series of QUIC packets sized roughly to the path MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit). STREAM frames provide reliability via QUIC loss detection and recovery. Frames are acknowledged by the receiver and if the sender detects a loss (via missing acknowledgments), QUIC will retransmit the lost data. In contrast, TCP retransmits packets. This difference is an important feature of QUIC, letting implementations decide how to repacketize and reschedule lost data.

When multiplexing streams, different packets can contain STREAM frames belonging to different stream identifiers. This creates independence between streams and helps avoid the head-of-line blocking caused by packet loss that we see in TCP. If a UDP packet containing data for one stream is lost, other streams can continue to make progress without being blocked by retransmission of the lost stream.

To use our magic shredder analogy one more time: we’re sending a book again, but this time we parallelise our task by using independent shredders. We need to logically associate them together so that the receiver knows the pages and shreds are all for the same book, but otherwise they can progress with less chance of jamming.

A Primer on Proxies

HTTP/3 is an example of an application mapping that describes how streams are used to exchange: HTTP settings, QPACK state, and request and response messages. HTTP/3 still defines its own frames like HEADERS and DATA, but it is overall simpler than HTTP/2 because QUIC deals with the hard stuff. Since HTTP/3 just sees a logical byte stream, its frames can be arbitrarily sized. The QUIC layer handles segmenting HTTP/3 frames over STREAM frames for sending in packets. HTTP/3 also supports the CONNECT method. It functions identically to CONNECT in HTTP/2, each request stream converting to an end-to-end tunnel.

HTTP packetization comparison

We’ve talked about HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2 and HTTP/3. The diagram below is a convenient way to summarize how HTTP requests and responses get serialized for transmission over a secure transport. The main difference is that with TLS, protected records are split across several TCP segments. While with QUIC there is no record layer, each packet has its own protection.

A Primer on Proxies

Limitations and looking ahead

HTTP CONNECT is a simple and elegant protocol that has a tremendous number of application use cases, especially for privacy-enhancing technology. In particular, applications can use it to proxy DNS-over-HTTPS similar to what’s been done for Oblivious DoH, or more generic HTTPS traffic (based on HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/2), and many more.

However, what about non-TCP traffic? Recall that HTTP/3 is an application mapping for QUIC, and therefore runs over UDP as well. What if we wanted to proxy QUIC? What if we wanted to proxy entire IP datagrams, similar to VPN technologies like IPsec or WireGuard? This is where MASQUE comes in. In the next post, we’ll discuss how the MASQUE Working Group is standardizing technologies to enable proxying for datagram-based protocols like UDP and IP.

Missing Manuals – io_uring worker pool

Post Syndicated from Jakub Sitnicki original https://blog.cloudflare.com/missing-manuals-io_uring-worker-pool/

Missing Manuals - io_uring worker pool

Chances are you might have heard of io_uring. It first appeared in Linux 5.1, back in 2019, and was advertised as the new API for asynchronous I/O. Its goal was to be an alternative to the deemed-to-be-broken-beyond-repair AIO, the “old” asynchronous I/O API.

Calling io_uring just an asynchronous I/O API doesn’t do it justice, though. Underneath the API calls, io_uring is a full-blown runtime for processing I/O requests. One that spawns threads, sets up work queues, and dispatches requests for processing. All this happens “in the background” so that the user space process doesn’t have to, but can, block while waiting for its I/O requests to complete.

A runtime that spawns threads and manages the worker pool for the developer makes life easier, but using it in a project begs the questions:

1. How many threads will be created for my workload by default?

2. How can I monitor and control the thread pool size?

I could not find the answers to these questions in either the Efficient I/O with io_uring article, or the Lord of the io_uring guide – two well-known pieces of available documentation.

And while a recent enough io_uring man page touches on the topic:

By default, io_uring limits the unbounded workers created to the maximum processor count set by RLIMIT_NPROC and the bounded workers is a function of the SQ ring size and the number of CPUs in the system.

… it also leads to more questions:

3. What is an unbounded worker?

4. How does it differ from a bounded worker?

Things seem a bit under-documented as is, hence this blog post. Hopefully, it will provide the clarity needed to put io_uring to work in your project when the time comes.

Before we dig in, a word of warning. This post is not meant to be an introduction to io_uring. The existing documentation does a much better job at showing you the ropes than I ever could. Please give it a read first, if you are not familiar yet with the io_uring API.

Not all I/O requests are created equal

io_uring can perform I/O on any kind of file descriptor; be it a regular file or a special file, like a socket. However, the kind of file descriptor that it operates on makes a difference when it comes to the size of the worker pool.

You see, I/O requests get classified into two categories by io_uring:

io-wq divides work into two categories:
1. Work that completes in a bounded time, like reading from a regular file or a block device. This type of work is limited based on the size of the SQ ring.
2. Work that may never complete, we call this unbounded work. The amount of workers here is limited by RLIMIT_NPROC.

This answers the latter two of our open questions. Unbounded workers handle I/O requests that operate on neither regular files (S_IFREG) nor block devices (S_ISBLK). This is the case for network I/O, where we work with sockets (S_IFSOCK), and other special files like character devices (e.g. /dev/null).

We now also know that there are different limits in place for how many bounded vs unbounded workers there can be running. So we have to pick one before we dig further.

Capping the unbounded worker pool size

Pushing data through sockets is Cloudflare’s bread and butter, so this is what we are going to base our test workload around. To put it in io_uring lingo – we will be submitting unbounded work requests.

While doing that, we will observe how io_uring goes about creating workers.

To observe how io_uring goes about creating workers we will ask it to read from a UDP socket multiple times. No packets will arrive on the socket, so we will have full control over when the requests complete.

Here is our test workload – udp_read.rs.

$ ./target/debug/udp-read -h
udp-read 0.1.0
read from UDP socket with io_uring

    udp-read [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -a, --async      Set IOSQE_ASYNC flag on submitted SQEs
    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -c, --cpu <cpu>...                     CPU to run on when invoking io_uring_enter for Nth ring (specify multiple
                                           times) [default: 0]
    -w, --workers <max-unbound-workers>    Maximum number of unbound workers per NUMA node (0 - default, that is
                                           RLIMIT_NPROC) [default: 0]
    -r, --rings <num-rings>                Number io_ring instances to create per thread [default: 1]
    -t, --threads <num-threads>            Number of threads creating io_uring instances [default: 1]
    -s, --sqes <sqes>                      Number of read requests to submit per io_uring (0 - fill the whole queue)
                                           [default: 0]

While it is parametrized for easy experimentation, at its core it doesn’t do much. We fill the submission queue with read requests from a UDP socket and then wait for them to complete. But because data doesn’t arrive on the socket out of nowhere, and there are no timeouts set up, nothing happens. As a bonus, we have complete control over when requests complete, which will come in handy later.

Let’s run the test workload to convince ourselves that things are working as expected. strace won’t be very helpful when using io_uring. We won’t be able to tie I/O requests to system calls. Instead, we will have to turn to in-kernel tracing.

Thankfully, io_uring comes with a set of ready to use static tracepoints, which save us the trouble of digging through the source code to decide where to hook up dynamic tracepoints, known as kprobes.

We can discover the tracepoints with perf list or bpftrace -l, or by browsing the events/ directory on the tracefs filesystem, usually mounted under /sys/kernel/tracing.

$ sudo perf list 'io_uring:*'

List of pre-defined events (to be used in -e):

  io_uring:io_uring_complete                         [Tracepoint event]
  io_uring:io_uring_cqring_wait                      [Tracepoint event]
  io_uring:io_uring_create                           [Tracepoint event]
  io_uring:io_uring_defer                            [Tracepoint event]
  io_uring:io_uring_fail_link                        [Tracepoint event]
  io_uring:io_uring_file_get                         [Tracepoint event]
  io_uring:io_uring_link                             [Tracepoint event]
  io_uring:io_uring_poll_arm                         [Tracepoint event]
  io_uring:io_uring_poll_wake                        [Tracepoint event]
  io_uring:io_uring_queue_async_work                 [Tracepoint event]
  io_uring:io_uring_register                         [Tracepoint event]
  io_uring:io_uring_submit_sqe                       [Tracepoint event]
  io_uring:io_uring_task_add                         [Tracepoint event]
  io_uring:io_uring_task_run                         [Tracepoint event]

Judging by the number of tracepoints to choose from, io_uring takes visibility seriously. To help us get our bearings, here is a diagram that maps out paths an I/O request can take inside io_uring code annotated with tracepoint names – not all of them, just those which will be useful to us.

Missing Manuals - io_uring worker pool

Starting on the left, we expect our toy workload to push entries onto the submission queue. When we publish submitted entries by calling io_uring_enter(), the kernel consumes the submission queue and constructs internal request objects. A side effect we can observe is a hit on the io_uring:io_uring_submit_sqe tracepoint.

$ sudo perf stat -e io_uring:io_uring_submit_sqe -- timeout 1 ./udp-read

 Performance counter stats for 'timeout 1 ./udp-read':

              4096      io_uring:io_uring_submit_sqe

       1.049016083 seconds time elapsed

       0.003747000 seconds user
       0.013720000 seconds sys

But, as it turns out, submitting entries is not enough to make io_uring spawn worker threads. Our process remains single-threaded:

$ ./udp-read & p=$!; sleep 1; ps -o thcount $p; kill $p; wait $p
[1] 25229
[1]+  Terminated              ./udp-read

This shows that io_uring is smart. It knows that sockets support non-blocking I/O, and they can be polled for readiness to read.

So, by default, io_uring performs a non-blocking read on sockets. This is bound to fail with -EAGAIN in our case. What follows is that io_uring registers a wake-up call (io_async_wake()) for when the socket becomes readable. There is no need to perform a blocking read, when we can wait to be notified.

This resembles polling the socket with select() or [e]poll() from user space. There is no timeout, if we didn’t ask for it explicitly by submitting an IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT request. io_uring will simply wait indefinitely.

We can observe io_uring when it calls vfs_poll, the machinery behind non-blocking I/O, to monitor the sockets. If that happens, we will be hitting the io_uring:io_uring_poll_arm tracepoint. Meanwhile, the wake-ups that follow, if the polled file becomes ready for I/O, can be recorded with the io_uring:io_uring_poll_wake tracepoint embedded in io_async_wake() wake-up call.

This is what we are experiencing. io_uring is polling the socket for read-readiness:

$ sudo bpftrace -lv t:io_uring:io_uring_poll_arm
    void * ctx
    void * req
    u8 opcode
    u64 user_data
    int mask
    int events      
$ sudo bpftrace -e 't:io_uring:io_uring_poll_arm { @[probe, args->opcode] = count(); } i:s:1 { exit(); }' -c ./udp-read
Attaching 2 probes...

@[tracepoint:io_uring:io_uring_poll_arm, 22]: 4096
$ sudo bpftool btf dump id 1 format c | grep 'IORING_OP_.*22'
        IORING_OP_READ = 22,

To make io_uring spawn worker threads, we have to force the read requests to be processed concurrently in a blocking fashion. We can do this by marking the I/O requests as asynchronous. As io_uring_enter(2) man-page says:

         Normal operation for io_uring is to try and  issue  an
         sqe  as non-blocking first, and if that fails, execute
         it in an async manner. To support more efficient over‐
         lapped  operation  of  requests  that  the application
         knows/assumes will always (or most of the time) block,
         the  application can ask for an sqe to be issued async
         from the start. Available since 5.6.

This will trigger a call to io_queue_sqe() → io_queue_async_work(), which deep down invokes create_io_worker() → create_io_thread() to spawn a new task to process work. Remember that last function, create_io_thread() – it will come up again later.

Our toy program sets the IOSQE_ASYNC flag on requests when we pass the --async command line option to it. Let’s give it a try:

$ ./udp-read --async & pid=$!; sleep 1; ps -o pid,thcount $pid; kill $pid; wait $pid
[2] 3457597
3457597  4097
[2]+  Terminated              ./udp-read --async

The thread count went up by the number of submitted I/O requests (4,096). And there is one extra thread – the main thread. io_uring has spawned workers.

If we trace it again, we see that requests are now taking the blocking-read path, and we are hitting the io_uring:io_uring_queue_async_work tracepoint on the way.

$ sudo perf stat -a -e io_uring:io_uring_poll_arm,io_uring:io_uring_queue_async_work -- ./udp-read --async
^C./udp-read: Interrupt

 Performance counter stats for 'system wide':

                 0      io_uring:io_uring_poll_arm
              4096      io_uring:io_uring_queue_async_work

       1.335559294 seconds time elapsed


In the code, the fork happens in the io_queue_sqe() function, where we are now branching off to io_queue_async_work(), which contains the corresponding tracepoint.

We got what we wanted. We are now using the worker thread pool.

However, having 4,096 threads just for reading one socket sounds like overkill. If we were to limit the number of worker threads, how would we go about that? There are four ways I know of.

Method 1 – Limit the number of in-flight requests

If we take care to never have more than some number of in-flight blocking I/O requests, then we will have more or less the same number of workers. This is because:

  1. io_uring spawns workers only when there is work to process. We control how many requests we submit and can throttle new submissions based on completion notifications.
  2. io_uring retires workers when there is no more pending work in the queue. Although, there is a grace period before a worker dies.

The downside of this approach is that by throttling submissions, we reduce batching. We will have to drain the completion queue, refill the submission queue, and switch context with io_uring_enter() syscall more often.

We can convince ourselves that this method works by tweaking the number of submitted requests, and observing the thread count as the requests complete. The --sqes <n> option (submission queue entries) controls how many read requests get queued by our workload. If we want a request to complete, we simply need to send a packet toward the UDP socket we are reading from. The workload does not refill the submission queue.

$ ./udp-read --async --sqes 8 & pid=$!
[1] 7264
$ ss -ulnp | fgrep pid=$pid
UNCONN 0      0*    users:(("udp-read",pid=7264,fd=3))
$ ps -o thcount $pid; nc -zu 52763; echo -e '\U1F634'; sleep 5; ps -o thcount $pid

After sending one packet, the run queue length shrinks by one, and the thread count soon follows.

This works, but we can do better.


In 5.15 the io_uring_register() syscall gained a new command for setting the maximum number of bound and unbound workers.

         By default, io_uring limits the unbounded workers cre‐
         ated   to   the   maximum   processor   count  set  by
         RLIMIT_NPROC and the bounded workers is a function  of
         the SQ ring size and the number of CPUs in the system.
         Sometimes this can be excessive (or  too  little,  for
         bounded),  and  this  command provides a way to change
         the count per ring (per NUMA node) instead.

         arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array
         of  two values, with the values in the array being set
         to the maximum count of workers per NUMA node. Index 0
         holds  the bounded worker count, and index 1 holds the
         unbounded worker  count.  On  successful  return,  the
         passed  in array will contain the previous maximum va‐
         lyes for each type. If the count being passed in is 0,
         then  this  command returns the current maximum values
         and doesn't modify the current setting.  nr_args  must
         be set to 2, as the command takes two values.

         Available since 5.15.

By the way, if you would like to grep through the io_uring man pages, they live in the liburing repo maintained by Jens Axboe – not the go-to repo for Linux API man-pages maintained by Michael Kerrisk.

Since it is a fresh addition to the io_uring API, the io-uring Rust library we are using has not caught up yet. But with a bit of patching, we can make it work.

We can tell our toy program to set IORING_REGISTER_IOWQ_MAX_WORKERS (= 19 = 0x13) by running it with the --workers <N> option:

$ strace -o strace.out -e io_uring_register ./udp-read --async --workers 8 &
[1] 3555377
$ pstree -pt $!
$ cat strace.out
io_uring_register(4, 0x13 /* IORING_REGISTER_??? */, 0x7ffd9b2e3048, 2) = 0

This works perfectly. We have spawned just eight io_uring worker threads to handle 4k of submitted read requests.

Question remains – is the set limit per io_uring instance? Per thread? Per process? Per UID? Read on to find out.

Method 3 – Set RLIMIT_NPROC resource limit

A resource limit for the maximum number of new processes is another way to cap the worker pool size. The documentation for the IORING_REGISTER_IOWQ_MAX_WORKERS command mentions this.

This resource limit overrides the IORING_REGISTER_IOWQ_MAX_WORKERS setting, which makes sense because bumping RLIMIT_NPROC above the configured hard maximum requires CAP_SYS_RESOURCE capability.

The catch is that the limit is tracked per UID within a user namespace.

Setting the new process limit without using a dedicated UID or outside a dedicated user namespace, where other processes are running under the same UID, can have surprising effects.

Why? io_uring will try over and over again to scale up the worker pool, only to generate a bunch of -EAGAIN errors from create_io_worker() if it can’t reach the configured RLIMIT_NPROC limit:

$ prlimit --nproc=8 ./udp-read --async &
[1] 26348
$ ps -o thcount $!
$ sudo bpftrace --btf -e 'kr:create_io_thread { @[retval] = count(); } i:s:1 { print(@); clear(@); } END { clear(@); }' -c '/usr/bin/sleep 3' | cat -s
Attaching 3 probes...
@[-11]: 293631
@[-11]: 306150
@[-11]: 311959

$ mpstat 1 3
Linux 5.15.9-cloudflare-2021.12.8 (bullseye)    01/04/22        _x86_64_        (4 CPU)
02:52:46     CPU    %usr   %nice    %sys %iowait    %irq   %soft  %steal  %guest  %gnice   %idle
02:52:47     all    0.00    0.00   25.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   75.00
02:52:48     all    0.00    0.00   25.13    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   74.87
02:52:49     all    0.00    0.00   25.30    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   74.70
Average:     all    0.00    0.00   25.14    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   74.86

We are hogging one core trying to spawn new workers. This is not the best use of CPU time.

So, if you want to use RLIMIT_NPROC as a safety cap over the IORING_REGISTER_IOWQ_MAX_WORKERS limit, you better use a “fresh” UID or a throw-away user namespace:

$ unshare -U prlimit --nproc=8 ./udp-read --async --workers 16 &
[1] 3555870
$ ps -o thcount $!

Anti-Method 4 – cgroup process limit – pids.max file

There is also one other way to cap the worker pool size – limit the number of tasks (that is, processes and their threads) in a control group.

It is an anti-example and a potential misconfiguration to watch out for, because just like with RLIMIT_NPROC, we can fall into the same trap where io_uring will burn CPU:

$ systemd-run --user -p TasksMax=128 --same-dir --collect --service-type=exec ./udp-read --async
Running as unit: run-ra0336ff405f54ad29726f1e48d6a3237.service
$ systemd-cgls --user-unit run-ra0336ff405f54ad29726f1e48d6a3237.service
Unit run-ra0336ff405f54ad29726f1e48d6a3237.service (/user.slice/user-1000.slice/[email protected]/app.slice/run-ra0336ff405f54ad29726f1e48d6a3237.service):
└─823727 /blog/io-uring-worker-pool/./udp-read --async
$ cat /sys/fs/cgroup/user.slice/user-1000.slice/[email protected]/app.slice/run-ra0336ff405f54ad29726f1e48d6a3237.service/pids.max
$ ps -o thcount 823727
$ sudo bpftrace --btf -e 'kr:create_io_thread { @[retval] = count(); } i:s:1 { print(@); clear(@); }'
Attaching 2 probes...
@[-11]: 163494
@[-11]: 173134
@[-11]: 184887

@[-11]: 76680
$ systemctl --user stop run-ra0336ff405f54ad29726f1e48d6a3237.service

Here, we again see io_uring wasting time trying to spawn more workers without success. The kernel does not let the number of tasks within the service’s control group go over the limit.

Okay, so we know what is the best and the worst way to put a limit on the number of io_uring workers. But is the limit per io_uring instance? Per user? Or something else?

One ring, two ring, three ring, four …

Your process is not limited to one instance of io_uring, naturally. In the case of a network proxy, where we push data from one socket to another, we could have one instance of io_uring servicing each half of the proxy.

Missing Manuals - io_uring worker pool

How many worker threads will be created in the presence of multiple io_urings? That depends on whether your program is single- or multithreaded.

In the single-threaded case, if the main thread creates two io_urings, and configures each io_uring to have a maximum of two unbound workers, then:

$ unshare -U ./udp-read --async --threads 1 --rings 2 --workers 2 &
[3] 3838456
$ pstree -pt $!
$ ls -l /proc/3838456/fd
total 0
lrwx------ 1 vagrant vagrant 64 Dec 26 03:32 0 -> /dev/pts/0
lrwx------ 1 vagrant vagrant 64 Dec 26 03:32 1 -> /dev/pts/0
lrwx------ 1 vagrant vagrant 64 Dec 26 03:32 2 -> /dev/pts/0
lrwx------ 1 vagrant vagrant 64 Dec 26 03:32 3 -> 'socket:[279241]'
lrwx------ 1 vagrant vagrant 64 Dec 26 03:32 4 -> 'anon_inode:[io_uring]'
lrwx------ 1 vagrant vagrant 64 Dec 26 03:32 5 -> 'anon_inode:[io_uring]'

… a total of two worker threads will be spawned.

While in the case of a multithreaded program, where two threads create one io_uring each, with a maximum of two unbound workers per ring:

$ unshare -U ./udp-read --async --threads 2 --rings 1 --workers 2 &
[2] 3838223
$ pstree -pt $!
$ ls -l /proc/3838223/fd
total 0
lrwx------ 1 vagrant vagrant 64 Dec 26 02:53 0 -> /dev/pts/0
lrwx------ 1 vagrant vagrant 64 Dec 26 02:53 1 -> /dev/pts/0
lrwx------ 1 vagrant vagrant 64 Dec 26 02:53 2 -> /dev/pts/0
lrwx------ 1 vagrant vagrant 64 Dec 26 02:53 3 -> 'socket:[279160]'
lrwx------ 1 vagrant vagrant 64 Dec 26 02:53 4 -> 'socket:[279819]'
lrwx------ 1 vagrant vagrant 64 Dec 26 02:53 5 -> 'anon_inode:[io_uring]'
lrwx------ 1 vagrant vagrant 64 Dec 26 02:53 6 -> 'anon_inode:[io_uring]'

… four workers will be spawned in total – two for each of the program threads. This is reflected by the owner thread ID present in the worker’s name (iou-wrk-<tid>).

So you might think – “It makes sense! Each thread has their own dedicated pool of I/O workers, which service all the io_uring instances operated by that thread.”

And you would be right1. If we follow the code – task_struct has an instance of io_uring_task, aka io_uring context for the task2. Inside the context, we have a reference to the io_uring work queue (struct io_wq), which is actually an array of work queue entries (struct io_wqe). More on why that is an array soon.

Moving down to the work queue entry, we arrive at the work queue accounting table (struct io_wqe_acct [2]), with one record for each type of work – bounded and unbounded. This is where io_uring keeps track of the worker pool limit (max_workers) the number of existing workers (nr_workers).

Missing Manuals - io_uring worker pool

The perhaps not-so-obvious consequence of this arrangement is that setting just the RLIMIT_NPROC limit, without touching IORING_REGISTER_IOWQ_MAX_WORKERS, can backfire for multi-threaded programs.

See, when the maximum number of workers for an io_uring instance is not configured, it defaults to RLIMIT_NPROC. This means that io_uring will try to scale the unbounded worker pool to RLIMIT_NPROC for each thread that operates on an io_uring instance.

Missing Manuals - io_uring worker pool

A multi-threaded process, by definition, creates threads. Now recall that the process management in the kernel tracks the number of tasks per UID within the user namespace. Each spawned thread depletes the quota set by RLIMIT_NPROC. As a consequence, io_uring will never be able to fully scale up the worker pool, and will burn the CPU trying to do so.

$ unshare -U prlimit --nproc=4 ./udp-read --async --threads 2 --rings 1 &
[1] 26249
vagrant@bullseye:/blog/io-uring-worker-pool$ pstree -pt $!
$ sudo bpftrace --btf -e 'kretprobe:create_io_thread { @[retval] = count(); } interval:s:1 { print(@); clear(@); } END { clear(@); }' -c '/usr/bin/sleep 3' | cat -s
Attaching 3 probes...
@[-11]: 517270
@[-11]: 509508
@[-11]: 461403

$ mpstat 1 3
Linux 5.15.9-cloudflare-2021.12.8 (bullseye)    01/04/22        _x86_64_        (4 CPU)
02:23:23     CPU    %usr   %nice    %sys %iowait    %irq   %soft  %steal  %guest  %gnice   %idle
02:23:24     all    0.00    0.00   50.13    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   49.87
02:23:25     all    0.00    0.00   50.25    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   49.75
02:23:26     all    0.00    0.00   49.87    0.00    0.00    0.50    0.00    0.00    0.00   49.62
Average:     all    0.00    0.00   50.08    0.00    0.00    0.17    0.00    0.00    0.00   49.75

NUMA, NUMA, yay 🎶

Lastly, there’s the case of NUMA systems with more than one memory node. io_uring documentation clearly says that IORING_REGISTER_IOWQ_MAX_WORKERS configures the maximum number of workers per NUMA node.

That is why, as we have seen, io_wq.wqes is an array. It contains one entry, struct io_wqe, for each NUMA node. If your servers are NUMA systems like Cloudflare, that is something to take into account.

Luckily, we don’t need a NUMA machine to experiment. QEMU happily emulates NUMA architectures. If you are hardcore enough, you can configure the NUMA layout with the right combination of -smp and -numa options.

But why bother when the libvirt provider for Vagrant makes it so simple to configure a 2 node / 4 CPU layout:

    libvirt.numa_nodes = [
      {:cpus => "0-1", :memory => "2048"},
      {:cpus => "2-3", :memory => "2048"}

Let’s confirm how io_uring behaves on a NUMA system.
Here’s our NUMA layout with two vCPUs per node ready for experimentation:

$ numactl -H
available: 2 nodes (0-1)
node 0 cpus: 0 1
node 0 size: 1980 MB
node 0 free: 1802 MB
node 1 cpus: 2 3
node 1 size: 1950 MB
node 1 free: 1751 MB
node distances:
node   0   1
  0:  10  20
  1:  20  10

If we once again run our test workload and ask it to create a single io_uring with a maximum of two workers per NUMA node, then:

$ ./udp-read --async --threads 1 --rings 1 --workers 2 &
[1] 693
$ pstree -pt $!

… we get just two workers on a machine with two NUMA nodes. Not the outcome we were hoping for.

Why are we not reaching the expected pool size of <max workers> × <# NUMA nodes> = 2 × 2 = 4 workers? And is it possible to make it happen?

Reading the code reveals that – yes, it is possible. However, for the per-node worker pool to be scaled up for a given NUMA node, we have to submit requests, that is, call io_uring_enter(), from a CPU that belongs to that node. In other words, the process scheduler and thread CPU affinity have a say in how many I/O workers will be created.

We can demonstrate the effect that jumping between CPUs and NUMA nodes has on the worker pool by operating two instances of io_uring. We already know that having more than one io_uring instance per thread does not impact the worker pool limit.

This time, however, we are going to ask the workload to pin itself to a particular CPU before submitting requests with the --cpu option – first it will run on CPU 0 to enter the first ring, then on CPU 2 to enter the second ring.

$ strace -e sched_setaffinity,io_uring_enter ./udp-read --async --threads 1 --rings 2 --cpu 0 --cpu 2 --workers 2 & sleep 0.1 && echo
[1] 6949
sched_setaffinity(0, 128, [0])          = 0
io_uring_enter(4, 4096, 0, 0, NULL, 128) = 4096
sched_setaffinity(0, 128, [2])          = 0
io_uring_enter(5, 4096, 0, 0, NULL, 128) = 4096
io_uring_enter(4, 0, 1, IORING_ENTER_GETEVENTS, NULL, 128
$ pstree -pt 6949

Voilà. We have reached the said limit of <max workers> x <# NUMA nodes>.


That is all for the very first installment of the Missing Manuals. io_uring has more secrets that deserve a write-up, like request ordering or handling of interrupted syscalls, so Missing Manuals might return soon.

In the meantime, please tell us what topic would you nominate to have a Missing Manual written?

Oh, and did I mention that if you enjoy putting cutting edge Linux APIs to use, we are hiring? Now also remotely 🌎.


1And it probably does not make the users of runtimes that implement a hybrid threading model, like Golang, too happy.
2To the Linux kernel, processes and threads are just kinds of tasks, which either share or don’t share some resources.

How to stop running out of ephemeral ports and start to love long-lived connections

Post Syndicated from Marek Majkowski original https://blog.cloudflare.com/how-to-stop-running-out-of-ephemeral-ports-and-start-to-love-long-lived-connections/

How to stop running out of ephemeral ports and start to love long-lived connections

Often programmers have assumptions that turn out, to their surprise, to be invalid. From my experience this happens a lot. Every API, technology or system can be abused beyond its limits and break in a miserable way.

It’s particularly interesting when basic things used everywhere fail. Recently we’ve reached such a breaking point in a ubiquitous part of Linux networking: establishing a network connection using the connect() system call.

Since we are not doing anything special, just establishing TCP and UDP connections, how could anything go wrong? Here’s one example: we noticed alerts from a misbehaving server, logged in to check it out and saw:

marek@:~# ssh
ssh: connect to host port 22: Cannot assign requested address

You can imagine the face of my colleague who saw that. SSH to localhost refuses to work, while she was already using SSH to connect to that server! On another occasion:

marek@:~# dig cloudflare.com @
dig: isc_socket_bind: address in use

This time a basic DNS query failed with a weird networking error. Failing DNS is a bad sign!

In both cases the problem was Linux running out of ephemeral ports. When this happens it’s unable to establish any outgoing connections. This is a pretty serious failure. It’s usually transient and if you don’t know what to look for it might be hard to debug.

The root cause lies deeper though. We can often ignore limits on the number of outgoing connections. But we encountered cases where we hit limits on the number of concurrent outgoing connections during normal operation.

In this blog post I’ll explain why we had these issues, how we worked around them, and present an userspace code implementing an improved variant of connect() syscall.

Outgoing connections on Linux part 1 – TCP

Let’s start with a bit of historical background.

Long-lived connections

Back in 2014 Cloudflare announced support for WebSockets. We wrote two articles about it:

If you skim these blogs, you’ll notice we were totally fine with the WebSocket protocol, framing and operation. What worried us was our capacity to handle large numbers of concurrent outgoing connections towards the origin servers. Since WebSockets are long-lived, allowing them through our servers might greatly increase the concurrent connection count. And this did turn out to be a problem. It was possible to hit a ceiling for a total number of outgoing connections imposed by the Linux networking stack.

In a pessimistic case, each Linux connection consumes a local port (ephemeral port), and therefore the total connection count is limited by the size of the ephemeral port range.

Basics – how port allocation works

When establishing an outbound connection a typical user needs the destination address and port. For example, DNS might resolve cloudflare.com to the ‘’ IPv4 address. A simple Python program can establish a connection to it with the following code:

cd = socket.socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
cd.connect(('', 80))

The operating system’s job is to figure out how to reach that destination, selecting an appropriate source address and source port to form the full 4-tuple for the connection:

How to stop running out of ephemeral ports and start to love long-lived connections

The operating system chooses the source IP based on the routing configuration. On Linux we can see which source IP will be chosen with ip route get:

$ ip route get via dev eth0 src uid 1000

The src parameter in the result shows the discovered source IP address that should be used when going towards that specific target.

The source port, on the other hand, is chosen from the local port range configured for outgoing connections, also known as the ephemeral port range. On Linux this is controlled by the following sysctls:

$ sysctl net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range net.ipv4.ip_local_reserved_ports
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 32768    60999
net.ipv4.ip_local_reserved_ports =

The ip_local_port_range sets the low and high (inclusive) port range to be used for outgoing connections. The ip_local_reserved_ports is used to skip specific ports if the operator needs to reserve them for services.

Vanilla TCP is a happy case

The default ephemeral port range contains more than 28,000 ports (60999+1-32768=28232). Does that mean we can have at most 28,000 outgoing connections? That’s the core question of this blog post!

In TCP the connection is identified by a full 4-tuple, for example:

full 4-tuple 32768 80

In principle, it is possible to reuse the source IP and port, and share them against another destination. For example, there could be two simultaneous outgoing connections with these 4-tuples:

full 4-tuple #A 32768 80
full 4-tuple #B 32768 80

This “source two-tuple” sharing can happen in practice when establishing connections using the vanilla TCP code:

sd = socket.socket(SOCK_STREAM)
sd.connect( (remote_ip, remote_port) )

But slightly different code can prevent this sharing, as we’ll discuss.

In the rest of this blog post, we’ll summarise the behaviour of code fragments that make outgoing connections showing:

  • The technique’s description
  • The typical `errno` value in the case of port exhaustion
  • And whether the kernel is able to reuse the {source IP, source port}-tuple against another destination

The last column is the most important since it shows if there is a low limit of total concurrent connections. As we’re going to see later, the limit is present more often than we’d expect.

technique description errno on port exhaustion possible src 2-tuple reuse
connect(dst_IP, dst_port) EADDRNOTAVAIL yes (good!)

In the case of generic TCP, things work as intended. Towards a single destination it’s possible to have as many connections as an ephemeral range allows. When the range is exhausted (against a single destination), we’ll see EADDRNOTAVAIL error. The system also is able to correctly reuse local two-tuple {source IP, source port} for ESTABLISHED sockets against other destinations. This is expected and desired.

Manually selecting source IP address

Let’s go back to the Cloudflare server setup. Cloudflare operates many services, to name just two: CDN (caching HTTP reverse proxy) and WARP.

For Cloudflare, it’s important that we don’t mix traffic types among our outgoing IPs. Origin servers on the Internet might want to differentiate traffic based on our product. The simplest example is CDN: it’s appropriate for an origin server to firewall off non-CDN inbound connections. Allowing Cloudflare cache pulls is totally fine, but allowing WARP connections which contain untrusted user traffic might lead to problems.

To achieve such outgoing IP separation, each of our applications must be explicit about which source IPs to use. They can’t leave it up to the operating system; the automatically-chosen source could be wrong. While it’s technically possible to configure routing policy rules in Linux to express such requirements, we decided not to do that and keep Linux routing configuration as simple as possible.

Instead, before calling connect(), our applications select the source IP with the bind() syscall. A trick we call “bind-before-connect”:

sd = socket.socket(SOCK_STREAM)
sd.bind( (src_IP, 0) )
sd.connect( (dst_IP, dst_port) )

technique description errno on port exhaustion possible src 2-tuple reuse
bind(src_IP, 0)
connect(dst_IP, dst_port)
EADDRINUSE no (bad!)

This code looks rather innocent, but it hides a considerable drawback. When calling bind(), the kernel attempts to find an unused local two-tuple. Due to BSD API shortcomings, the operating system can’t know what we plan to do with the socket. It’s totally possible we want to listen() on it, in which case sharing the source IP/port with a connected socket will be a disaster! That’s why the source two-tuple selected when calling bind() must be unique.

Due to this API limitation, in this technique the source two-tuple can’t be reused. Each connection effectively “locks” a source port, so the number of connections is constrained by the size of the ephemeral port range. Notice: one source port is used up for each connection, no matter how many destinations we have. This is bad, and is exactly the problem we were dealing with back in 2014 in the WebSockets articles mentioned above.

Fortunately, it’s fixable.


Back in 2014 we fixed the problem by setting the SO_REUSEADDR socket option and manually retrying bind()+ connect() a couple of times on error. This worked ok, but later in 2015 Linux introduced a proper fix: the IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT socket option. This option tells the kernel to delay reserving the source port:

sd = socket.socket(SOCK_STREAM)
sd.bind( (src_IP, 0) )
sd.connect( (dst_IP, dst_port) )

technique description errno on port exhaustion possible src 2-tuple reuse
bind(src_IP, 0)

connect(dst_IP, dst_port)

This gets us back to the desired behavior. On modern Linux, when doing bind-before-connect for TCP, you should set IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT.

Explicitly selecting a source port

Sometimes an application needs to select a specific source port. For example: the operator wants to control full 4-tuple in order to debug ECMP routing issues.

Recently a colleague wanted to run a cURL command for debugging, and he needed the source port to be fixed. cURL provides the --local-port option to do this¹ :

$ curl --local-port 9999 -4svo /dev/null https://cloudflare.com/cdn-cgi/trace
*   Trying

In other situations source port numbers should be controlled, as they can be used as an input to a routing mechanism.

But setting the source port manually is not easy. We’re back to square one in our hackery since IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT is not an appropriate tool when calling bind() with a specific source port value. To get the scheme working again and be able to share source 2-tuple, we need to turn to SO_REUSEADDR:

sd = socket.socket(SOCK_STREAM)
sd.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
sd.bind( (src_IP, src_port) )
sd.connect( (dst_IP, dst_port) )

Our summary table:

technique description errno on port exhaustion possible src 2-tuple reuse
bind(src_IP, src_port)

connect(dst_IP, dst_port)

Here, the user takes responsibility for handling conflicts, when an ESTABLISHED socket sharing the 4-tuple already exists. In such a case connect will fail with EADDRNOTAVAIL and the application should retry with another acceptable source port number.

Userspace connectx implementation

With these tricks, we can implement a common function and call it connectx. It will do what bind()+connect() should, but won’t have the unfortunate ephemeral port range limitation. In other words, created sockets are able to share local two-tuples as long as they are going to distinct destinations:

def connectx((source_IP, source_port), (destination_IP, destination_port)):

We have three use cases this API should support:

user specified technique
{_, _, dst_IP, dst_port} vanilla connect()
{src_IP, _, dst_IP, dst_port} IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT
{src_IP, src_port, dst_IP, dst_port} SO_REUSEADDR

The name we chose isn’t an accident. MacOS (specifically the underlying Darwin OS) has exactly that function implemented as a connectx() system call (implementation):

How to stop running out of ephemeral ports and start to love long-lived connections

It’s more powerful than our connectx code, since it supports TCP Fast Open.

Should we, Linux users, be envious? For TCP, it’s possible to get the right kernel behaviour with the appropriate setsockopt/bind/connect dance, so a kernel syscall is not quite needed.

But for UDP things turn out to be much more complicated and a dedicated syscall might be a good idea.

Outgoing connections on Linux – part 2 – UDP

In the previous section we listed three use cases for outgoing connections that should be supported by the operating system:

  • Vanilla egress: operating system chooses the outgoing IP and port
  • Source IP selection: user selects outgoing IP but the OS chooses port
  • Full 4-tuple: user selects full 4-tuple for the connection

We demonstrated how to implement all three cases on Linux for TCP, without hitting connection count limits due to source port exhaustion.

It’s time to extend our implementation to UDP. This is going to be harder.

For UDP, Linux maintains one hash table that is keyed on local IP and port, which can hold duplicate entries. Multiple UDP connected sockets can not only share a 2-tuple but also a 4-tuple! It’s totally possible to have two distinct, connected sockets having exactly the same 4-tuple. This feature was created for multicast sockets. The implementation was then carried over to unicast connections, but it is confusing. With conflicting sockets on unicast addresses, only one of them will receive any traffic. A newer connected socket will “overshadow” the older one. It’s surprisingly hard to detect such a situation. To get UDP connectx() right, we will need to work around this “overshadowing” problem.

Vanilla UDP is limited

It might come as a surprise to many, but by default, the total count for outbound UDP connections is limited by the ephemeral port range size. Usually, with Linux you can’t have more than ~28,000 connected UDP sockets, even if they point to multiple destinations.

Ok, let’s start with the simplest and most common way of establishing outgoing UDP connections:

sd = socket.socket(SOCK_DGRAM)
sd.connect( (dst_IP, dst_port) )

technique description errno on port exhaustion possible src 2-tuple reuse risk of overshadowing
connect(dst_IP, dst_port) EAGAIN no (bad!) no

The simplest case is not a happy one. The total number of concurrent outgoing UDP connections on Linux is limited by the ephemeral port range size. On our multi-tenant servers, with potentially long-lived gaming and H3/QUIC flows containing WebSockets, this is too limiting.

On TCP we were able to slap on a setsockopt and move on. No such easy workaround is available for UDP.

For UDP, without REUSEADDR, Linux avoids sharing local 2-tuples among UDP sockets. During connect() it tries to find a 2-tuple that is not used yet. As a side note: there is no fundamental reason that it looks for a unique 2-tuple as opposed to a unique 4-tuple during ‘connect()’. This suboptimal behavior might be fixable.


To allow local two-tuple reuse we need the SO_REUSEADDR socket option. Sadly, this would also allow established sockets to share a 4-tuple, with the newer socket overshadowing the older one.

sd = socket.socket(SOCK_DGRAM)
sd.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
sd.connect( (dst_IP, dst_port) )

technique description errno on port exhaustion possible src 2-tuple reuse risk of overshadowing
connect(dst_IP, dst_port)
EAGAIN yes yes (bad!)

In other words, we can’t just set SO_REUSEADDR and move on, since we might hit a local 2-tuple that is already used in a connection against the same destination. We might already have an identical 4-tuple connected socket underneath. Most importantly, during such a conflict we won’t be notified by any error. This is unacceptably bad.

Detecting socket conflicts with eBPF

We thought a good solution might be to write an eBPF program to detect such conflicts. The idea was to put a code on the connect() syscall. Linux cgroups allow the BPF_CGROUP_INET4_CONNECT hook. The eBPF is called every time a process under a given cgroup runs the connect() syscall. This is pretty cool, and we thought it would allow us to verify if there is a 4-tuple conflict before moving the socket from UNCONNECTED to CONNECTED states.

Here is how to load and attach our eBPF

bpftool prog load ebpf.o /sys/fs/bpf/prog_connect4  type cgroup/connect4
bpftool cgroup attach /sys/fs/cgroup/unified/user.slice connect4 pinned /sys/fs/bpf/prog_connect4

With such a code, we’ll greatly reduce the probability of overshadowing:

technique description errno on port exhaustion possible src 2-tuple reuse risk of overshadowing
connect(dst_IP, dst_port)
manual port discovery, EPERM on conflict yes yes, but small

However, this solution is limited. First, it doesn’t work for sockets with an automatically assigned source IP or source port, it only works when a user manually creates a 4-tuple connection from userspace. Then there is a second issue: a typical race condition. We don’t grab any lock, so it’s technically possible a conflicting socket will be created on another CPU in the time between our eBPF conflict check and the finish of the real connect() syscall machinery. In short, this lockless eBPF approach is better than nothing, but fundamentally racy.

Socket traversal – SOCK_DIAG ss way

There is another way to verify if a conflicting socket already exists: we can check for connected sockets in userspace. It’s possible to do it without any privileges quite effectively with the SOCK_DIAG_BY_FAMILY feature of netlink interface. This is the same technique the ss tool uses to print out sockets available on the system.

The netlink code is not even all that complicated. Take a look at the code. Inside the kernel, it goes quickly into a fast __udp_lookup() routine. This is great – we can avoid iterating over all sockets on the system.

With that function handy, we can draft our UDP code:

sd = socket.socket(SOCK_DGRAM)
sd.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
cookie = sd.getsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, SO_COOKIE, 8)
sd.bind( src_addr )
c, _ = _netlink_udp_lookup(family, src_addr, dst_addr)
if c != cookie:
    raise OSError(...)
sd.connect( dst_addr )

This code has the same race condition issue as the connect inet eBPF hook before. But it’s a good starting point. We need some locking to avoid the race condition. Perhaps it’s possible to do it in the userspace.

SO_REUSEADDR as a lock

Here comes a breakthrough: we can use SO_REUSEADDR as a locking mechanism. Consider this:

sd = socket.socket(SOCK_DGRAM)
cookie = sd.getsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, SO_COOKIE, 8)
sd.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
sd.bind( src_addr )
sd.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 0)
c, _ = _netlink_udp_lookup(family, src_addr, dst_addr)
if c != cookie:
    raise OSError()
sd.connect( dst_addr )
sd.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)

The idea here is:

  • We need REUSEADDR around bind, otherwise it wouldn’t be possible to reuse a local port. It’s technically possible to clear REUSEADDR after bind. Doing this technically makes the kernel socket state inconsistent, but it doesn’t hurt anything in practice.
  • By clearing REUSEADDR, we’re locking new sockets from using that source port. At this stage we can check if we have ownership of the 4-tuple we want. Even if multiple sockets enter this critical section, only one, the newest, can win this verification. This is a cooperative algorithm, so we assume all tenants try to behave.
  • At this point, if the verification succeeds, we can perform connect() and have a guarantee that the 4-tuple won’t be reused by another socket at any point in the process.

This is rather convoluted and hacky, but it satisfies our requirements:

technique description errno on port exhaustion possible src 2-tuple reuse risk of overshadowing
REUSEADDR as a lock EAGAIN yes no

Sadly, this schema only works when we know the full 4-tuple, so we can’t rely on kernel automatic source IP or port assignments.

Faking source IP and port discovery

In the case when the user calls ‘connect’ and specifies only target 2-tuple – destination IP and port, the kernel needs to fill in the missing bits – the source IP and source port. Unfortunately the described algorithm expects the full 4-tuple to be known in advance.

One solution is to implement source IP and port discovery in userspace. This turns out to be not that hard. For example, here’s a snippet of our code:

def _get_udp_port(family, src_addr, dst_addr):
    if ephemeral_lo == None:
    lo, hi = ephemeral_lo, ephemeral_hi
    start = random.randint(lo, hi)

Putting it all together

Combining the manual source IP, port discovery and the REUSEADDR locking dance, we get a decent userspace implementation of connectx() for UDP.

We have covered all three use cases this API should support:

user specified comments
{_, _, dst_IP, dst_port} manual source IP and source port discovery
{src_IP, _, dst_IP, dst_port} manual source port discovery
{src_IP, src_port, dst_IP, dst_port} just our “REUSEADDR as lock” technique

Take a look at the full code.


This post described a problem we hit in production: running out of ephemeral ports. This was partially caused by our servers running numerous concurrent connections, but also because we used the Linux sockets API in a way that prevented source port reuse. It meant that we were limited to ~28,000 concurrent connections per protocol, which is not enough for us.

We explained how to allow source port reuse and prevent having this ephemeral-port-range limit imposed. We showed an userspace connectx() function, which is a better way of creating outgoing TCP and UDP connections on Linux.

Our UDP code is more complex, based on little known low-level features, assumes cooperation between tenants and undocumented behaviour of the Linux operating system. Using REUSEADDR as a locking mechanism is rather unheard of.

The connectx() functionality is valuable, and should be added to Linux one way or another. It’s not trivial to get all its use cases right. Hopefully, this blog post shows how to achieve this in the best way given the operating system API constraints.


¹ On a side note, on the second cURL run it fails due to TIME-WAIT sockets: “bind failed with errno 98: Address already in use”.

One option is to wait for the TIME_WAIT socket to die, or work around this with the time-wait sockets kill script. Killing time-wait sockets is generally a bad idea, violating protocol, unneeded and sometimes doesn’t work. But hey, in some extreme cases it’s good to know what’s possible. Just saying.

The tale of a single register value

Post Syndicated from Jakub Sitnicki original https://blog.cloudflare.com/the-tale-of-a-single-register-value/

The tale of a single register value

“Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.” — Sherlock Holmes


The tale of a single register value

It’s not every day that you get to debug what may well be a packet of death. It was certainly the first time for me.

What do I mean by “a packet of death”? A software bug where the network stack crashes in reaction to a single received network packet, taking down the whole operating system with it. Like in the well known case of Windows ping of death.

Challenge accepted.

It starts with an oops

Around a year ago we started seeing kernel crashes in the Linux ipv4 stack. Servers were crashing sporadically, but we learned the hard way to never ignore cases like that — when possible we always trace crashes. We also couldn’t tie it to a particular kernel version, which could indicate a regression which hopefully could be tracked down to a single faulty change in the Linux kernel.

The crashed servers were leaving behind only a crash report, affectionately known as a “kernel oops”. Let’s take a look at it and go over what information we have there.

The tale of a single register value

Parts of the oops, like offsets into functions, need to be decoded in order to be human-readable. Fortunately Linux comes with the decode_stacktrace.sh script that did the work for us.

All we need is to install a kernel debug and source packages before running the script. We will use the latest version of the script as it has been significantly improved since Linux v5.4 came out.

$ RELEASE=`uname -r`
$ apt install linux-image-$RELEASE-dbg linux-source-$RELEASE
$ curl -sLO https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/plain/scripts/decode_stacktrace.sh
$ curl -sLO https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/plain/scripts/decodecode
$ chmod +x decode_stacktrace.sh decodecode
$ ./decode_stacktrace.sh -r 5.4.14-cloudflare-2020.1.11 < oops.txt > oops-decoded.txt

When decoded, the oops report is even longer than before! But that is a good thing. There is new information there that can help us.

The tale of a single register value

What has happened?

With this much input we can start sketching a picture of what could have happened. First thing to check is where exactly did we crash?

The report points at line 5160 in the skb_gso_transport_seglen() function. If we take a look at the source code, we can get a rough idea of what happens there. We are processing a Generic Segmentation Offload (GSO) packet carrying an encapsulated TCP packet. What is a GSO packet? In this context it’s a batch of consecutive TCP segments, travelling through the network stack together to amortize the processing cost. We will look more at the GSO later.

5150) static unsigned int skb_gso_transport_seglen(const struct sk_buff *skb)
5151) {
5155)     if (skb->encapsulation) {
5159)             if (likely(shinfo->gso_type & (SKB_GSO_TCPV4 | SKB_GSO_TCPV6)))
5160)                     thlen += inner_tcp_hdrlen(skb); 👈
5161)     } else if (…) {
5172)     return thlen + shinfo->gso_size;
5173) }

The exact line where we crashed belongs to an if-branch that handles tunnel traffic. It calculates the length of the TCP header of the inner packet, that is the encapsulated one. We do that to compute the length of the outer L4 segment, which accounts for the inner packet length:

The tale of a single register value

To understand how the length of the inner TCP header is computed we have to peel off a few layers of inlined function calls:

inner_tcp_hdr(skb)->doff * 4
((struct tcphdr *)skb_inner_transport_header(skb))->doff * 4
((struct tcphdr *)(skb->head + skb->inner_transport_header))->doff * 4

Now it is clear that inner_tcp_hdrlen(skb) simply reads the Data Offset field (doff) inside the inner TCP header. Because Data Offset carries the number of 32-bit words in the TCP header, we multiply it by 4 to get the TCP header length in bytes.

From the memory access point of view, to read the Data Offset value we need to:

  1. load skb->head value from address skb + offsetof(struct sk_buff, head)
  2. load skb->inner_transport_header value from address skb + offsetof(struct sk_buff, inner_transport_header),
  3. load the TCP Data Offset from skb->head + skb->inner_transport_header + offsetof(struct tcphdr, doff)

Potentially, any of these loads could trigger a page fault. But it’s unlikely that skb contains an invalid address since we accessed the skb->encapsulation field without crashing just a few lines earlier. Our main suspect is the last load.

The invalid memory address we attempt to load from should be in one of the CPU registers at the time of the exception. And we have the CPU register snapshot in the oops report. Which register holds the address? That has been decided by the compiler. We will need to take a look at the instruction stream to discover that.

Remember the disassembly in the decoded kernel oops? Now is the time to go back to it. Hint, it’s in AT&T syntax. But to give everyone a fair chance to follow along, here’s the same disassembly but in Intel syntax. (Alright, alright. You caught me. I just can’t read the AT&T syntax.)

All code
   0:   c0 41 83 e0             rol    BYTE PTR [rcx-0x7d],0xe0
   4:   11 f6                   adc    esi,esi
   6:   87 81 00 00 00 20       xchg   DWORD PTR [rcx+0x20000000],eax
   c:   74 30                   je     0x3e
   e:   0f b7 87 aa 00 00 00    movzx  eax,WORD PTR [rdi+0xaa]
  15:   0f b7 b7 b2 00 00 00    movzx  esi,WORD PTR [rdi+0xb2]
  1c:   48 01 c1                add    rcx,rax
  1f:   48 29 f0                sub    rax,rsi
  22:   45 85 c0                test   r8d,r8d
  25:   48 89 c6                mov    rsi,rax
  28:   74 0d                   je     0x37
  2a:*  0f b6 41 0c             movzx  eax,BYTE PTR [rcx+0xc]           <-- trapping instruction
  2e:   c0 e8 04                shr    al,0x4
  31:   0f b6 c0                movzx  eax,al
  34:   8d 04 86                lea    eax,[rsi+rax*4]
  37:   0f b7 52 04             movzx  edx,WORD PTR [rdx+0x4]
  3b:   01 d0                   add    eax,edx
  3d:   c3                      ret
  3e:   45                      rex.RB
  3f:   85                      .byte 0x85

Code starting with the faulting instruction
   0:   0f b6 41 0c             movzx  eax,BYTE PTR [rcx+0xc]
   4:   c0 e8 04                shr    al,0x4
   7:   0f b6 c0                movzx  eax,al
   a:   8d 04 86                lea    eax,[rsi+rax*4]
   d:   0f b7 52 04             movzx  edx,WORD PTR [rdx+0x4]
  11:   01 d0                   add    eax,edx
  13:   c3                      ret
  14:   45                      rex.RB
  15:   85                      .byte 0x85

When the trapped page fault happened, we tried to load from address %rcx + 0xc, or 12 bytes from whatever memory location %rcx held. Which is hardly a coincidence since the Data Offset field is 12 bytes into the TCP header.

This means that %rcx holds the computed skb->head + skb->inner_transport_header address. Let’s take a look at it:

RSP: 0018:ffffa4740d344ba0 EFLAGS: 00010202
RAX: 000000000000feda RBX: ffff9d982becc900 RCX: ffff9d9624bbaffc
RDX: ffff9d9624babec0 RSI: 000000000000feda RDI: ffff9d982becc900

The RCX value doesn’t look particularly suspicious. We can say that:

  1. it’s in a kernel virtual address space because it is greater than 0xffff000000000000 – expected, and
  2. it is very close to the 4 KiB page boundary (0xffff9d9624bbb000 – 4),

… and not much more.

We must go back further in the instruction stream. Where did the value in %rcx come from? What I like to do is try to correlate the machine code leading up to the crash with pseudo source code:

<function entry>                # %rdi = skb
movzx  eax,WORD PTR [rdi+0xaa]  # %eax = skb->inner_transport_header
movzx  esi,WORD PTR [rdi+0xb2]  # %esi = skb->transport_header
add    rcx,rax                  # %rcx = skb->head + skb->inner_transport_header
sub    rax,rsi                  # %rax = skb->inner_transport_header - skb->transport_header
test   r8d,r8d
mov    rsi,rax                  # %rsi = skb->inner_transport_header - skb->transport_header
je     0x37
movzx  eax,BYTE PTR [rcx+0xc]   # %eax = *(skb->head + skb->inner_transport_header + offsetof(struct tcphdr, doff))

How did I decode that assembly snippet? We know that the skb address was passed to our function in the %rdi register because the System V AMD64 ABI calling convention dictates that. If the %rdi register hasn’t been clobbered by any function calls, or reused because the compiler decided so, then maybe, just maybe, it still holds the skb address.

If 0xaa and 0xb2 are offsets into an sk_buff structure, then pahole tool can tell us which fields they correspond to:

$ pahole --hex -C sk_buff /usr/lib/debug/vmlinux-5.4.14-cloudflare-2020.1.11 | grep '\(head\|inner_transport_header\|transport_header\);'
        __u16                      inner_transport_header; /*  0xaa   0x2 */
        __u16                      transport_header;     /*  0xb2   0x2 */
        unsigned char *            head;                 /*  0xc0   0x8 */

To confirm our guesswork, we can disassemble the whole function in gdb.

It would be great to find out the value of the inner_transport_header and transport_header offsets. But the registers that were holding them, %rax and %rsi, respectively, were reused after the offset values were loaded.

However, we can still examine the difference between inner_transport_header and transport_header that both %rax and %rsi hold. Let’s take a look.

The suspicious offset

Here are the register values from the oops as a reminder:

RAX: 000000000000feda RBX: ffff9d982becc900 RCX: ffff9d9624bbaffc
RDX: ffff9d9624babec0 RSI: 000000000000feda RDI: ffff9d982becc900

From the register snapshot we can tell that:

%rax = %rsi = skb->inner_transport_header - skb->transport_header = 0xfeda = 65242

That is clearly suspicious. We expect that skb->transport_header < skb->inner_transport_header, so either

  1. skb->inner_transport_header > 0xfeda, which would mean that between outer and inner L4 packets there is 65k+ bytes worth of headers – unlikely, or
  2. 0xfeda is a garbage value, perhaps an effect of an underflow if skb->inner_transport_header < skb->transport_header.

Let’s entertain the theory that an underflow has occurred.

Any other scenario, be it an out-of-bounds write or a use-after-free that corrupted the memory, is a scary prospect where we don’t stand much chance of debugging it without help from tools like KASAN report.

But if we assume for a moment that it’s an underflow, then the task is simple 😉. We “just” need to audit all places where skb->inner_transport_header or skb->transport_header offsets could have been updated while the skb buffer travelled through the network stack.

That raises the question — what path did the packet take through the network stack before it brought the machine down?

Packet path

It is time to take a look at the call trace in the oops report. If we walk through it, it is apparent that a veth device received a packet. The packet then got routed and forwarded to some other network device. The kernel crashed before the egress device transmitted the packet out.

The tale of a single register value

What immediately draws our attention is the veth_poll() function in the call trace. Polling inside a virtual device that acts as a simple pipe joining two network namespaces together? Puzzling!

The regular operation mode of a veth device is that transmission of a packet from one side of a veth-pair results in immediate, in-line, on the same CPU, reception of the packet by the other side of the pair. There shouldn’t be any polling, context switches or such.

However, in Linux v4.19 veth driver gained support for native mode eXpress Data Path (XDP). XDP relies on NAPI, an interface between the network drivers and the Linux network stack. NAPI requires that drivers register a poll() callback for fetching received packets.

The NAPI receive path in the veth driver is taken only when there is an XDP program attached. The fork occurs in veth_forward_skb, where the TX path ends and a RX path on the other side begins.

The tale of a single register value

This is an important observation because only on the NAPI/XDP path in the veth driver, received packets might get aggregated by the Generic Receive Offload.


Early on we’ve noted that the crash happens when processing a GSO packet. I’ve promised we will get back to it and now is the time.

Generic Segmentation Offload (GSO) is all about delaying the L4 segmentation process until the very last moment. So called super-packets, that exceed the egress route MTU in size, travel all the way through the network stack, only to be cut into MTU-sized segments just before handing the data over to the network driver for transmission. This way we process just one big packet on the transmit path, instead of a few smaller ones and save on CPU cycles in all the IP-level stack functions like routing, nftables, traffic control

Where do these super-packets come from? They can be a result of large write to a socket, or as is our case, they can be received from one network and forwarded to another network.

The latter case, that is forwarding a super-packet, happens when Generic Receive Offload (GRO) kicks in during receive. GRO is the opposite process of GSO. Smaller, MTU-sized packets get merged to form a super-packet early on the receive path. The goal is the same — process less by pushing just one packet through the network stack layers.

Not just any packets can be fused together by GRO. Loosely speaking, any two packets to be merged must form a logical sequence in the network flow, and carry the same metadata in protocol headers. It is critical that no information is lost in the aggregation process. Otherwise, GSO won’t be able to reconstruct the segment stream when serializing packets in the network card transmission code.

To this end, each network protocol that supports GRO provides a callback which signals whether the above conditions hold true. GRO implementation (dev_gro_receive()) then walks through the packet headers, the outer as well as the inner ones, and delegates the pre-merge check to the right protocol callback. If all stars align, the packets get spliced at the end of the callback chain (skb_gro_receive()).

I will be frank. The code that performs GRO is pretty complex, and I spent a significant amount of time staring into it. Hat tip to its authors. However, for our little investigation it will be enough to understand that a TCP stream encapsulated with GRE1 would trigger callback chain like so:

The tale of a single register value

Armed with basic GRO/GSO understanding we are ready to take a shot at reproducing the crash.

The reproducer

Let’s recap what we know:

  1. a super-packet was received from a veth device,
  2. the veth device had an XDP program attached,
  3. the packet was forwarded to another device,
  4. the egress device was transmitting a GSO super-packet,
  5. the packet was encapsulated,
  6. the super-packet must have been produced by GRO on ingress.

This paints a pretty clear picture on what the setup should look like:

The tale of a single register value

We can work with that. A simple shell script will be our setup machinery.

We will be sending traffic from to Our traffic pattern will be a TCP stream consisting of two consecutive segments so that GRO can merge something. A Scapy script will be great for that. Let’s call it send-a-pair.py and give it a run:

$ { sleep 5; sudo ip netns exec A ./send-a-pair.py; } &
[1] 1603
$ sudo ip netns exec B tcpdump -i BA -n -nn -ttt 'ip and not arp'
 00:00:00.020506 IP > GREv0, length 1480: IP > Flags [.], seq 0:1436, ack 1, win 8192, length 1436
 00:00:00.000082 IP > GREv0, length 1480: IP > Flags [.], seq 1436:2872, ack 1, win 8192, length 1436

Where is our super-packet? Look at the packet sizes, the GRO didn’t merge anything.

Turns out NAPI is just too fast at fetching the packets from the Rx ring. We need a little buffering on transmit to increase our chances of GRO batching:

# Help GRO
ip netns exec A tc qdisc add dev AB root netem delay 200us slot 5ms 10ms packets 2 bytes 64k

With the delay in place, things look better:

 00:00:00.016972 IP > GREv0, length 2916: IP > Flags [.], seq 0:2872, ack 1, win 8192, length 2872

8192 bytes shown by tcpdump clearly indicate GRO in action. And we are even hitting the crash point:

$ sudo bpftrace -e 'kprobe:skb_gso_transport_seglen { print(kstack()); }' -c '/usr/bin/ip netns exec A ./send-a-pair.py'
Attaching 1 probe...



…but we are not crashing. We will need to dig deeper.

We know what packet metadata skb_gso_transport_seglen() looks at — the header offsets, then encapsulation flag, and GSO info. Let’s dump all of it:

$ sudo bpftrace ./why-no-crash.bt -c '/usr/bin/ip netns exec A ./send-a-pair.py'
Attaching 2 probes...
sink 2936 270 290 1   294 254  |  1436 2    0x41 skb_gso_transport_seglen

Since the skb->encapsulation flag (ENC) is set, both outer and inner header offsets should be valid. Are they?

The outer network / L3 header (NH) looks sane. When XDP is enabled, it reserves 256 bytes of headroom before the headers. 14 byte long Ethernet header follows the headroom. The IPv4 header should then start at 270 bytes into the packet buffer.

The outer transport / L4 header offset is as expected as well. The IPv4 header takes 20 bytes, and the GRE header follows it.

The inner network header (INH) begins at the offset of 294 bytes. This makes sense because the GRE header in its most basic form is 4 bytes long.

The surprise comes last. The inner transport header offset points somewhere near the end of headroom which XDP reserves. Instead, it should start at 314, following the inner IPv4 header.

The tale of a single register value

Is this the smoking gun we were looking for?

The bug

skb_gso_transport_seglen() calculates the length of the outer L4 segment when given a GSO packet. If the inner_transport_header offset is off, then the result of the calculation might be off as well. Worth checking.

We know that our segments are 1500 bytes long. That makes the L4 part 1480 bytes long. What does skb_gso_transport_seglen() say though?

$ sudo bpftrace -e 'kretprobe:skb_gso_transport_seglen { print(retval); }' -c …
Attaching 1 probe...

Seems that we don’t agree. But if skb_gso_transport_seglen() is getting garbage on input we can’t really blame it.

If inner_transport_header is not correct, that TCP Data Offset read that we know happens inside the function cannot end well.

If we map it out, it looks like we are loading part of the source MAC address (upper 4 bits of the 5th byte, to be precise) and interpreting it as TCP Data Offset.

The tale of a single register value

Are we? There is an easy way to check.

If we ask nicely, tcpdump will tell us what the MAC addresses are:

The tale of a single register value

Plugging that into the calculations that skb_gso_transport_seglen()

thlen = inner_transport_header(skb) - transport_header(skb) = 254 - 290 = -36
thlen += inner_transport_header(skb)->doff * 4 = -36 + (0xf * 4) = -36 + 60 = 24
retval = gso_size + thlen = 1436 + 24 = 1460

…checks out!

Does this mean that I can control the return value by setting source MAC address?!

$ sudo ip -n A link set AB address be:d6:07:5e:05:11 # Change the MAC address 
$ sudo bpftrace -e 'kretprobe:skb_gso_transport_seglen { print(retval); }' -c …
Attaching 1 probe...

Yes! 1436 + (-36) + (0 * 4) = 1400. This is it.

However, how does all this tie it to the original crash? The badly calculated L4 segment length will make GSO emit shorter segments on egress. But that’s all.

Remember the suspicious offset from the crash report?

%rax = %rsi = skb->inner_transport_header - skb->transport_header = 0xfeda = 65242

We now know that skb->transport_header should be 290. That makes skb->inner_transport_header = 65242 + 290 = 65532 = 0xfffc.

Which means that when we triggered the page fault we were trying to load memory from a location at

skb->head + skb->inner_transport_header + offsetof(tcphdr, doff) = skb->head + 0xfffc + 12 = 0xffff9d9624bbb008

Solving it for skb->head yields 0xffff9d9624bbb008 - 0xfffc - 12 = 0xffff9d9624bab000.

And this makes sense. The skb->head buffer is page-aligned, meaning it’s a multiple of 4 KiB on x86-64 platforms — the 12 least significant bits the address are 0.

However, the address we were trying to read was (0xfffc+12)/4096 ~= 16 pages (or 64 KiB) past the skb->head page boundary (0xffff9d9624babfff).

The tale of a single register value

Who knows if there was memory mapped to this address?! Looks like from time to time there wasn’t anything mapped there and the kernel page fault handling code went “oops!”.

The fix

It is finally time to understand who sets the header offsets in a super-packet.

Once GRO is done merging segments, it flushes the super-packet down the pipe by kicking off a chain of gro_complete callbacks:

napi_gro_complete → inet_gro_complete → gre_gro_complete → inet_gro_complete → tcp4_gro_complete → tcp_gro_complete

These callbacks are responsible for updating the header offsets and populating the GSO-related fields in skb_shared_info struct. Later on the transmit side will consume this data.

Let’s see how the packet metadata changes as it travels through the gro_complete callbacks2 by adding a few more tracepoint to our bpftrace script:

$ sudo bpftrace ./why-no-crash.bt -c '/usr/bin/ip netns exec A ./send-a-pair.py'
Attaching 7 probes...
BA   2936 294 314 0   254 254  |  1436 0    0x00 napi_gro_complete
BA   2936 294 314 0   254 254  |  1436 0    0x00 inet_gro_complete
BA   2936 294 314 0   254 254  |  1436 0    0x00 gre_gro_complete
BA   2936 294 314 1   254 254  |  1436 0    0x40 inet_gro_complete
BA   2936 294 314 1   294 254  |  1436 0    0x40 tcp4_gro_complete
BA   2936 294 314 1   294 254  |  1436 0    0x41 tcp_gro_complete
sink 2936 270 290 1   294 254  |  1436 2    0x41 skb_gso_transport_seglen

As the packet travels through the gro_complete callbacks, the inner network header (INH) offset gets updated after we have processed the inner IPv4 header.

However, the same thing did not happen to the inner transport header (ITH) that is causing trouble. We need to fix that.

--- a/net/ipv4/tcp_offload.c
+++ b/net/ipv4/tcp_offload.c
@@ -298,6 +298,9 @@ int tcp_gro_complete(struct sk_buff *skb)
        if (th->cwr)
                skb_shinfo(skb)->gso_type |= SKB_GSO_TCP_ECN;

+       if (skb->encapsulation)
+               skb->inner_transport_header = skb->transport_header;
        return 0;

With the patch in place, the header offsets are finally all sane and skb_gso_transport_seglen() return value is as expected:

$ sudo bpftrace ./why-no-crash.bt -c '/usr/bin/ip netns exec A ./send-a-pair.py'
Attaching 2 probes...
sink 2936 270 290 1   294 314  |  1436 2    0x41 skb_gso_transport_seglen

$ sudo bpftrace -e 'kretprobe:skb_gso_transport_seglen { print(retval); }' -c …
Attaching 1 probe...

Don’t worry, though. The fix is already likely in your kernel long time ago. Patch d51c5907e980 (“net, gro: Set inner transport header offset in tcp/udp GRO hook”) has been merged into Linux v5.14, and backported to v5.10.58 and v5.4.140 LTS kernels. The Linux kernel community has got you covered. But please, keep on updating your production kernels.


What a journey! We have learned a ton and fixed a real bug in the Linux kernel. In the end it was not a Packet of Death. Maybe next time we can find one 😉

Enjoyed the read? Why not join Cloudflare and help us fix the remaining bugs in the Linux kernel? We are hiring in Lisbon, London, and Austin.

And if you would like to see more kernel blog posts, please let us know!

1Why GRE and not some other type of encapsulation? If you follow our blog closely, you might already know that Cloudflare Magic Transit uses veth pairs to route traffic into and out of network namespaces. It also happens to use GRE encapsulation. If you are curious why we chose network namespaces linked with veth pairs, be sure to watch the How we built Magic Transit talk.
2Just turn off GRO on all other network devices in use to get a clean output (sudo ethtool -K enp0s5 gro off).

How we built Instant Logs

Post Syndicated from Ben Yule original https://blog.cloudflare.com/how-we-built-instant-logs/

How we built Instant Logs

How we built Instant Logs

As a developer, you may be all too familiar with the stress of responding to a major service outage, becoming aware of an ongoing security breach, or simply dealing with the frustration of setting up a new service for the first time. When confronted with these situations, you want a real-time view into the events flowing through your network, so you can receive, process, and act on information as quickly as possible.

If you have a UNIX mindset, you’ll be familiar with tailing web service logs and searching for patterns using grep. With distributed systems like Cloudflare’s edge network, this task becomes much more complex because you’ll either need to log in to thousands of servers, or ship all the logs to a single place.

This is why we built Instant Logs. Instant Logs removes all barriers to accessing your Cloudflare logs, giving you a complete platform to view your HTTP logs in real time, with just a single click, right from within Cloudflare’s dashboard. Powerful filters then let you drill into specific events or search for patterns, and act on them instantly.

The Challenge

Today, Cloudflare’s Logpush product already gives customers the ability to ship their logs to a third-party analytics or storage provider of their choosing. While this system is already exceptionally fast, delivering logs in about 15s on average, it is optimized for completeness and the utmost certainty that your data is reliably making it to its destination. It is the ideal solution for after things have settled down, and you want to perform a forensic deep dive or retrospective.

We originally aimed to extend this system to provide our real-time logging capabilities, but we soon realized the objectives were inherently at odds with each other. In order to get all of your data, to a single place, all the time, the laws of the universe require that latencies be introduced into the system. We needed a complementary solution, with its own unique set of objectives.

This ultimately boiled down to the following

  1. It has to be extremely fast, in human terms. This means average latencies between an event occurring at the edge and being received by the client should be under three seconds.
  2. We wanted the system design to be simple, and communication to be as direct to the client as possible. This meant operating the dataplane entirely at the edge, eliminating unnecessary round trips to a core data center.
  3. The pipeline needs to provide sensible results on properties of all sizes, ranging from a few requests per day to hundreds of thousands of requests per second.
  4. The pipeline must support a broad set of user-definable filters that are applied before any sampling occurs, such that a user can target and receive exactly what they want.

Workers and Durable Objects

Our existing Logpush pipeline relies heavily on Kafka to provide sharding, buffering, and aggregation at a single, central location. While we’ve had excellent results using Kafka for these pipelines, the clusters are optimized to run only within our core data centers. Using Kafka would require extra hops to far away data centers, adding a latency penalty we were not willing to incur.

In order to keep the data plane running on the edge, we needed primitives that would allow us to perform some of the same key functions we needed out of Kafka. This is where Workers and the recently released Durable Objects come in. Workers provide an incredibly simple to use, highly elastic, edge-native, compute platform we can use to receive events, and perform transformations. Durable Objects, through their global uniqueness, allow us to coordinate messages streaming from thousands of servers and route them to a singular object. This is where aggregation and buffering are performed, before finally pushing to a client over a thin WebSocket. We get all of this, without ever having to leave the edge!

Let’s walk through what this looks like in practice.

A Simple Start

Imagine a simple scenario in which we have a single web server which produces log messages, and a single client which wants to consume them. This can be implemented by creating a Durable Object, which we will refer to as a Durable Session, that serves as the point of coordination between the server and client. In this case, the client initiates a WebSocket connection with the Durable Object, and the server sends messages to the Durable Object over HTTP, which are then forwarded directly to the client.

How we built Instant Logs

This model is quite quick and introduces very little additional latency other than what would be required to send a payload directly from the web server to the client. This is thanks to the fact that Durable Objects are generally located at or near the data center where they are first requested. At least in human terms, it’s instant. Adding more servers to our model is also trivial. As the additional servers produce events, they will all be routed to the same Durable Object, which merges them into a single stream, and sends them to the client over the same WebSocket.

How we built Instant Logs

Durable Objects are inherently single threaded. As the number of servers in our simple example increases, the Durable Object will eventually saturate its CPU time and will eventually start to reject incoming requests. And even if it didn’t, as data volumes increase, we risk overwhelming a client’s ability to download and render log lines. We’ll handle this in a few different ways.

Honing in on specific events

Filtering is the most simple and obvious way to reduce data volume before it reaches the client. If we can filter out the noise, and stream only the events of interest, we can substantially reduce volume. Performing this transformation in the Durable Object itself will provide no relief from CPU saturation concerns. Instead, we can push this filtering out to an invoking Worker, which will run many filter operations in parallel, as it elastically scales to process all the incoming requests to the Durable Object. At this point, our architecture starts to look a lot like the MapReduce pattern!

How we built Instant Logs

Scaling up with shards

Ok, so filtering may be great in some situations, but it’s not going to save us under all scenarios. We still need a solution to help us coordinate between potentially thousands of servers that are sending events every single second. Durable Objects will come to the rescue, yet again. We can implement a sharding layer consisting of Durable Objects, we will call them Durable Shards, that effectively allow us to reduce the number of requests being sent to our primary object.

How we built Instant Logs

But how do we implement this layer if Durable Objects are globally unique? We first need to decide on a shard key, which is used to determine which Durable Object a given message should first be routed to. When the Worker processes a message, the key will be added to the name of the downstream Durable Object. Assuming our keys are well-balanced, this should effectively reduce the load on the primary Durable Object by approximately 1/N.

Reaching the moon by sampling

But wait, there’s more to do. Going back to our original product requirements, “The pipeline needs to provide sensible results on properties of all sizes, ranging from a few requests per day to hundreds of thousands of requests per second.” With the system as designed so far, we have the technical headroom to process an almost arbitrary number of logs. However, we’ve done nothing to reduce the absolute volume of messages that need to be processed and sent to the client, and at high log volumes, clients would quickly be overwhelmed. To deliver the interactive, instant user experience customers expect, we need to roll up our sleeves one more time.

This is where our final trick, sampling, comes into play.

Up to this point, when our pipeline saturates, it still makes forward progress by dropping excess data as the Durable Object starts to refuse connections. However, this form of ‘uncontrolled shedding’ is dangerous because it causes us to lose information. When we drop data in this way, we can’t keep a record of the data we dropped, and we cannot infer things about the original shape of the traffic from the messages that we do receive. Instead, we implement a form of ‘controlled’ sampling, which still preserves the statistics, and information about the original traffic.

For Instant Logs, we implement a sampling technique called Reservoir Sampling. Reservoir sampling is a form of dynamic sampling that has this amazing property of letting us pick a specific k number of items from a stream of unknown length n, with a single pass through the data. By buffering data in the reservoir, and flushing it on a short (sub second) time interval, we can output random samples to the client at the maximum data rate of our choosing. Sampling is implemented in both layers of Durable Objects.

How we built Instant Logs

Information about the original traffic shape is preserved by assigning a sample interval to each line, which is equivalent to the number of samples that were dropped for this given sample to make it through, or 1/probability. The actual number of requests can then be calculated by taking the sum of all sample intervals within a time window. This technique adds a slight amount of latency to the pipeline to account for buffering, but enables us to point an event source of nearly any size at the pipeline, and we can expect it will be handled in a sensible, controlled way.

Putting it all together

What we are left with is a pipeline that sensibly handles wildly different volumes of traffic, from single digits to hundreds of thousands of requests a second. It allows the user to pinpoint an exact event in a sea of millions, or calculate summaries over every single one. It delivers insight within seconds, all without ever having to do more than click a button.

Best of all? Workers and Durable Objects handle this workload with aplomb and no tuning, and the available developer tooling allowed me to be productive from my first day writing code targeting the Workers ecosystem.

How to get involved?

We’ll be starting our Beta for Instant Logs in a couple of weeks. Join the waitlist to get notified about when you can get access!

If you want to be part of building the future of data at Cloudflare, we’re hiring engineers for our data team in Lisbon, London, Austin, and San Francisco!

How to execute an object file: Part 3

Post Syndicated from Ignat Korchagin original https://blog.cloudflare.com/how-to-execute-an-object-file-part-3/

Dealing with external libraries

How to execute an object file: Part 3

In the part 2 of our series we learned how to process relocations in object files in order to properly wire up internal dependencies in the code. In this post we will look into what happens if the code has external dependencies — that is, it tries to call functions from external libraries. As before, we will be building upon the code from part 2. Let’s add another function to our toy object file:


#include <stdio.h>
void say_hello(void)
    puts("Hello, world!");

In the above scenario our say_hello function now depends on the puts function from the C standard library. To try it out we also need to modify our loader to import the new function and execute it:


static void execute_funcs(void)
    /* pointers to imported functions */
    int (*add5)(int);
    int (*add10)(int);
    const char *(*get_hello)(void);
    int (*get_var)(void);
    void (*set_var)(int num);
    void (*say_hello)(void);
    say_hello = lookup_function("say_hello");
    if (!say_hello) {
        fputs("Failed to find say_hello function\n", stderr);
    puts("Executing say_hello...");

Let’s run it:

$ gcc -c obj.c
$ gcc -o loader loader.c
$ ./loader
No runtime base address for section

Seems something went wrong when the loader tried to process relocations, so let’s check the relocations table:

$ readelf --relocs obj.o
Relocation section '.rela.text' at offset 0x3c8 contains 7 entries:
  Offset          Info           Type           Sym. Value    Sym. Name + Addend
000000000020  000a00000004 R_X86_64_PLT32    0000000000000000 add5 - 4
00000000002d  000a00000004 R_X86_64_PLT32    0000000000000000 add5 - 4
00000000003a  000500000002 R_X86_64_PC32     0000000000000000 .rodata - 4
000000000046  000300000002 R_X86_64_PC32     0000000000000000 .data - 4
000000000058  000300000002 R_X86_64_PC32     0000000000000000 .data - 4
000000000066  000500000002 R_X86_64_PC32     0000000000000000 .rodata - 4
00000000006b  001100000004 R_X86_64_PLT32    0000000000000000 puts - 4

The compiler generated a relocation for the puts invocation. The relocation type is R_X86_64_PLT32 and our loader already knows how to process these, so the problem is elsewhere. The above entry shows that the relocation references 17th entry (0x11 in hex) in the symbol table, so let’s check that:

$ readelf --symbols obj.o
Symbol table '.symtab' contains 18 entries:
   Num:    Value          Size Type    Bind   Vis      Ndx Name
     0: 0000000000000000     0 NOTYPE  LOCAL  DEFAULT  UND
     1: 0000000000000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS obj.c
     2: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    1
     3: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    3
     4: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    4
     5: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    5
     6: 0000000000000000     4 OBJECT  LOCAL  DEFAULT    3 var
     7: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    7
     8: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    8
     9: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    6
    10: 0000000000000000    15 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    1 add5
    11: 000000000000000f    36 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    1 add10
    12: 0000000000000033    13 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    1 get_hello
    13: 0000000000000040    12 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    1 get_var
    14: 000000000000004c    19 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    1 set_var
    15: 000000000000005f    19 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    1 say_hello
    16: 0000000000000000     0 NOTYPE  GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_
    17: 0000000000000000     0 NOTYPE  GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND puts

Oh! The section index for the puts function is UND (essentially 0 in the code), which makes total sense: unlike previous symbols, puts is an external dependency, and it is not implemented in our obj.o file. Therefore, it can’t be a part of any section within obj.o.
So how do we resolve this relocation? We need to somehow point the code to jump to a puts implementation. Our loader actually already has access to the C library puts function (because it is written in C and we’ve used puts in the loader code itself already), but technically it doesn’t have to be the C library puts, just some puts implementation. For completeness, let’s implement our own custom puts function in the loader, which is just a decorator around the C library puts:


/* external dependencies for obj.o */
static int my_puts(const char *s)
    puts("my_puts executed");
    return puts(s);

Now that we have a puts implementation (and thus its runtime address) we should just write logic in the loader to resolve the relocation by instructing the code to jump to the correct function. However, there is one complication: in part 2 of our series, when we processed relocations for constants and global variables, we learned we’re mostly dealing with 32-bit relative relocations and that the code or data we’re referencing needs to be no more than 2147483647 (0x7fffffff in hex) bytes away from the relocation itself. R_X86_64_PLT32 is also a 32-bit relative relocation, so it has the same requirements, but unfortunately we can’t reuse the trick from part 2 as our my_puts function is part of the loader itself and we don’t have control over where in the address space the operating system places the loader code.

Luckily, we don’t have to come up with any new solutions and can just borrow the approach used in shared libraries.

Exploring PLT/GOT

Real world ELF executables and shared libraries have the same problem: often executables have dependencies on shared libraries and shared libraries have dependencies on other shared libraries. And all of the different pieces of a complete runtime program may be mapped to random ranges in the process address space. When a shared library or an ELF executable is linked together, the linker enumerates all the external references and creates two or more additional sections (for a refresher on ELF sections check out the part 1 of our series) in the ELF file. The two mandatory ones are the Procedure Linkage Table (PLT) and the Global Offset Table (GOT).

We will not deep-dive into specifics of the standard PLT/GOT implementation as there are many other great resources online, but in a nutshell PLT/GOT is just a jumptable for external code. At the linking stage the linker resolves all external 32-bit relative relocations with respect to a locally generated PLT/GOT table. It can do that, because this table would become part of the final ELF file itself, so it will be "close" to the main code, when the file is mapped into memory at runtime. Later, at runtime the dynamic loader populates PLT/GOT tables for every loaded ELF file (both the executable and the shared libraries) with the runtime addresses of all the dependencies. Eventually, when the program code calls some external library function, the CPU "jumps" through the local PLT/GOT table to the final code:

How to execute an object file: Part 3

Why do we need two ELF sections to implement one jumptable you may ask? Well, because real world PLT/GOT is a bit more complex than described above. Turns out resolving all external references at runtime may significantly slow down program startup time, so symbol resolution is implemented via a "lazy approach": a reference is resolved by the dynamic loader only when the code actually tries to call a particular function. If the main application code never calls a library function, that reference will never be resolved.

Implementing a simplified PLT/GOT

For learning and demonstrative purposes though we will not be reimplementing a full-blown PLT/GOT with lazy resolution, but a simple jumptable, which resolves external references when the object file is loaded and parsed. First of all we need to know the size of the table: for ELF executables and shared libraries the linker will count the external references at link stage and create appropriately sized PLT and GOT sections. Because we are dealing with raw object files we would have to do another pass over the .rela.text section and count all the relocations, which point to an entry in the symbol table with undefined section index (or 0 in code). Let’s add a function for this and store the number of external references in a global variable:


/* number of external symbols in the symbol table */
static int num_ext_symbols = 0;
static void count_external_symbols(void)
    const Elf64_Shdr *rela_text_hdr = lookup_section(".rela.text");
    if (!rela_text_hdr) {
        fputs("Failed to find .rela.text\n", stderr);
    int num_relocations = rela_text_hdr->sh_size / rela_text_hdr->sh_entsize;
    const Elf64_Rela *relocations = (Elf64_Rela *)(obj.base + rela_text_hdr->sh_offset);
    for (int i = 0; i < num_relocations; i++) {
        int symbol_idx = ELF64_R_SYM(relocations[i].r_info);
        /* if there is no section associated with a symbol, it is probably
         * an external reference */
        if (symbols[symbol_idx].st_shndx == SHN_UNDEF)

This function is very similar to our do_text_relocations function. Only instead of actually performing relocations it just counts the number of external symbol references.

Next we need to decide the actual size in bytes for our jumptable. num_ext_symbols has the number of external symbol references in the object file, but how many bytes per symbol to allocate? To figure this out we need to design our jumptable format. As we established above, in its simple form our jumptable should be just a collection of unconditional CPU jump instructions — one for each external symbol. However, unfortunately modern x64 CPU architecture does not provide a jump instruction, where an address pointer can be a direct operand. Instead, the jump address needs to be stored in memory somewhere "close" — that is within 32-bit offset — and the offset is the actual operand. So, for each external symbol we need to store the jump address (64 bits or 8 bytes on a 64-bit CPU system) and the actual jump instruction with an offset operand (6 bytes for x64 architecture). We can represent an entry in our jumptable with the following C structure:


struct ext_jump {
    /* address to jump to */
    uint8_t *addr;
    /* unconditional x64 JMP instruction */
    /* should always be {0xff, 0x25, 0xf2, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff} */
    /* so it would jump to an address stored at addr above */
    uint8_t instr[6];
struct ext_jump *jumptable;

We’ve also added a global variable to store the base address of the jumptable, which will be allocated later. Notice that with the above approach the actual jump instruction will always be constant for every external symbol. Since we allocate a dedicated entry for each external symbol with this structure, the addr member would always be at the same offset from the end of the jump instruction in instr: -14 bytes or 0xfffffff2 in hex for a 32-bit operand. So instr will always be {0xff, 0x25, 0xf2, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}: 0xff and 0x25 is the encoding of the x64 jump instruction and its modifier and 0xfffffff2 is the operand offset in little-endian format.

Now that we have defined the entry format for our jumptable, we can allocate and populate it when parsing the object file. First of all, let’s not forget to call our new count_external_symbols function from the parse_obj to populate num_ext_symbols (it has to be done before we allocate the jumptable):


static void parse_obj(void)
    /* allocate memory for `.text`, `.data` and `.rodata` copies rounding up each section to whole pages */
    text_runtime_base = mmap(NULL, page_align(text_hdr->sh_size)...

Next we need to allocate memory for the jumptable and store the pointer in the jumptable global variable for later use. Just a reminder that in order to resolve 32-bit relocations from the .text section to this table, it has to be "close" in memory to the main code. So we need to allocate it in the same mmap call as the rest of the object sections. Since we defined the table’s entry format in struct ext_jump and have num_ext_symbols, the size of the table would simply be sizeof(struct ext_jump) * num_ext_symbols:


static void parse_obj(void)
    /* allocate memory for `.text`, `.data` and `.rodata` copies and the jumptable for external symbols, rounding up each section to whole pages */
    text_runtime_base = mmap(NULL, page_align(text_hdr->sh_size) + \
                                   page_align(data_hdr->sh_size) + \
                                   page_align(rodata_hdr->sh_size) + \
                                   page_align(sizeof(struct ext_jump) * num_ext_symbols),
                                   PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0);
    if (text_runtime_base == MAP_FAILED) {
        perror("Failed to allocate memory");
    rodata_runtime_base = data_runtime_base + page_align(data_hdr->sh_size);
    /* jumptable will come after .rodata */
    jumptable = (struct ext_jump *)(rodata_runtime_base + page_align(rodata_hdr->sh_size));

Finally, because the CPU will actually be executing the jump instructions from our instr fields from the jumptable, we need to mark this memory readonly and executable (after do_text_relocations earlier in this function has completed):


static void parse_obj(void)
    /* make the jumptable readonly and executable */
    if (mprotect(jumptable, page_align(sizeof(struct ext_jump) * num_ext_symbols), PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC)) {
        perror("Failed to make the jumptable executable");

At this stage we have our jumptable allocated and usable — all is left to do is to populate it properly. We’ll do this by improving the do_text_relocations implementation to handle the case of external symbols. The No runtime base address for section error from the beginning of this post is actually caused by this line in do_text_relocations:


static void do_text_relocations(void)
    for (int i = 0; i < num_relocations; i++) {
        /* symbol, with respect to which the relocation is performed */
        uint8_t *symbol_address = = section_runtime_base(&sections[symbols[symbol_idx].st_shndx]) + symbols[symbol_idx].st_value;

Currently we try to determine the runtime symbol address for the relocation by looking up the symbol’s section runtime address and adding the symbol’s offset. But we have established above that external symbols do not have an associated section, so their handling needs to be a special case. Let’s update the implementation to reflect this:


static void do_text_relocations(void)
    for (int i = 0; i < num_relocations; i++) {
        /* symbol, with respect to which the relocation is performed */
        uint8_t *symbol_address;
        /* if this is an external symbol */
        if (symbols[symbol_idx].st_shndx == SHN_UNDEF) {
            static int curr_jmp_idx = 0;
            /* get external symbol/function address by name */
            jumptable[curr_jmp_idx].addr = lookup_ext_function(strtab +  symbols[symbol_idx].st_name);
            /* x64 unconditional JMP with address stored at -14 bytes offset */
            /* will use the address stored in addr above */
            jumptable[curr_jmp_idx].instr[0] = 0xff;
            jumptable[curr_jmp_idx].instr[1] = 0x25;
            jumptable[curr_jmp_idx].instr[2] = 0xf2;
            jumptable[curr_jmp_idx].instr[3] = 0xff;
            jumptable[curr_jmp_idx].instr[4] = 0xff;
            jumptable[curr_jmp_idx].instr[5] = 0xff;
            /* resolve the relocation with respect to this unconditional JMP */
            symbol_address = (uint8_t *)(&jumptable[curr_jmp_idx].instr);
        } else {
            symbol_address = section_runtime_base(&sections[symbols[symbol_idx].st_shndx]) + symbols[symbol_idx].st_value;

If a relocation symbol does not have an associated section, we consider it external and call a helper function to lookup the symbol’s runtime address by its name. We store this address in the next available jumptable entry, populate the x64 jump instruction with our fixed operand and store the address of the instruction in the symbol_address variable. Later, the existing code in do_text_relocations will resolve the .text relocation with respect to the address in symbol_address in the same way it does for local symbols in part 2 of our series.

The only missing bit here now is the implementation of the newly introduced lookup_ext_function helper. Real world loaders may have complicated logic on how to find and resolve symbols in memory at runtime. But for the purposes of this article we’ll provide a simple naive implementation, which can only resolve the puts function:


static void *lookup_ext_function(const char *name)
    size_t name_len = strlen(name);
    if (name_len == strlen("puts") && !strcmp(name, "puts"))
        return my_puts;
    fprintf(stderr, "No address for function %s\n", name);

Notice though that because we control the loader logic we are free to implement resolution as we please. In the above case we actually "divert" the object file to use our own "custom" my_puts function instead of the C library one. Let’s recompile the loader and see if it works:

$ gcc -o loader loader.c
$ ./loader
Executing add5...
add5(42) = 47
Executing add10...
add10(42) = 52
Executing get_hello...
get_hello() = Hello, world!
Executing get_var...
get_var() = 5
Executing set_var(42)...
Executing get_var again...
get_var() = 42
Executing say_hello...
my_puts executed
Hello, world!

Hooray! We not only fixed our loader to handle external references in object files — we have also learned how to "hook" any such external function call and divert the code to a custom implementation, which might be useful in some cases, like malware research.

As in the previous posts, the complete source code from this post is available on GitHub.

Pin, Unpin, and why Rust needs them

Post Syndicated from Adam Chalmers original https://blog.cloudflare.com/pin-and-unpin-in-rust/

Pin, Unpin, and why Rust needs them

Pin, Unpin, and why Rust needs them

Using async Rust libraries is usually easy. It’s just like using normal Rust code, with a little async or .await here and there. But writing your own async libraries can be hard. The first time I tried this, I got really confused by arcane, esoteric syntax like T: ?Unpin and Pin<&mut Self>. I had never seen these types before, and I didn’t understand what they were doing. Now that I understand them, I’ve written the explainer I wish I could have read back then. In this post, we’re gonna learn

  • What Futures are
  • What self-referential types are
  • Why they were unsafe
  • How Pin/Unpin made them safe
  • Using Pin/Unpin to write tricky nested futures

What are Futures?

A few years ago, I needed to write some code which would take some async function, run it and collect some metrics about it, e.g. how long it took to resolve. I wanted to write a type TimedWrapper that would work like this:

// Some async function, e.g. polling a URL with [https://docs.rs/reqwest]
// Remember, Rust functions do nothing until you .await them, so this isn't
// actually making a HTTP request yet.
let async_fn = reqwest::get("http://adamchalmers.com");

// Wrap the async function in my hypothetical wrapper.
let timed_async_fn = TimedWrapper::new(async_fn);

// Call the async function, which will send a HTTP request and time it.
let (resp, time) = timed_async_fn.await;
println!("Got a HTTP {} in {}ms", resp.unwrap().status(), time.as_millis())

I like this interface, it’s simple and should be easy for the other programmers on my team to use. OK, let’s implement it! I know that, under the hood, Rust’s async functions are just regular functions that return a Future. The Future trait is pretty simple. It just means a type which:

  • Can be polled
  • When it’s polled, it might return “Pending” or “Ready”
  • If it’s pending, you should poll it again later
  • If it’s ready, it responds with a value. We call this “resolving”.

Here’s a really easy example of implementing a Future. Let’s make a Future that returns a random u16.

use std::{future::Future, pin::Pin, task::Context}

/// A future which returns a random number when it resolves.
struct RandFuture;

impl Future for RandFuture {
	// Every future has to specify what type of value it returns when it resolves.
	// This particular future will return a u16.
	type Output = u16;

	// The `Future` trait has only one method, named "poll".
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, _cx: &mut Context) -> Poll<Self::Output  {

Not too hard! I think we’re ready to implement TimedWrapper.

Trying and failing to use nested Futures

Let’s start by defining the type.

pub struct TimedWrapper<Fut: Future> {
	start: Option<Instant>,
	future: Fut,

OK, so a TimedWrapper is generic over a type Fut, which must be a Future. And it will store a future of that type as a field. It’ll also have a start field which will record when it first was first polled. Let’s write a constructor:

impl<Fut: Future> TimedWrapper<Fut> {
	pub fn new(future: Fut) -> Self {
		Self { future, start: None }

Nothing too complicated here. The new function takes a future and wraps it in the TimedWrapper. Of course, we have to set start to None, because it hasn’t been polled yet. So, let’s implement the poll method, which is the only thing we need to implement Future and make it .awaitable.

impl<Fut: Future> Future for TimedWrapper<Fut> {
	// This future will output a pair of values:
	// 1. The value from the inner future
	// 2. How long it took for the inner future to resolve
	type Output = (Fut::Output, Duration);

	fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
		// Call the inner poll, measuring how long it took.
		let start = self.start.get_or_insert_with(Instant::now);
		let inner_poll = self.future.poll(cx);
		let elapsed = self.elapsed();

		match inner_poll {
			// The inner future needs more time, so this future needs more time too
			Poll::Pending => Poll::Pending,
			// Success!
			Poll::Ready(output) => Poll::Ready((output, elapsed)),

OK, that wasn’t too hard. There’s just one problem: this doesn’t work.

Pin, Unpin, and why Rust needs them

So, the Rust compiler reports an error on self.future.poll(cx), which is “no method named poll found for type parameter Fut in the current scope”. This is confusing, because we know Fut is a Future, so surely it has a poll method? OK, but Rust continues: Fut doesn’t have a poll method, but Pin<&mut Fut> has one. What is this weird type?

Well, we know that methods have a “receiver”, which is some way it can access self. The receiver might be self, &self or &mut self, which mean “take ownership of self,” “borrow self,” and “mutably borrow self” respectively. So this is just a new, unfamiliar kind of receiver. Rust is complaining because we have Fut and we really need a Pin<&mut Fut>. At this point I have two questions:

  1. What is Pin?
  2. If I have a T value, how do I get a Pin<&mut T>?

The rest of this post is going to be answering those questions. I’ll explain some problems in Rust that could lead to unsafe code, and why Pin safely solves them.

Self-reference is unsafe

Pin exists to solve a very specific problem: self-referential datatypes, i.e. data structures which have pointers into themselves. For example, a binary search tree might have self-referential pointers, which point to other nodes in the same struct.

Self-referential types can be really useful, but they’re also hard to make memory-safe. To see why, let’s use this example type with two fields, an i32 called val and a pointer to an i32 called pointer.

Pin, Unpin, and why Rust needs them

So far, everything is OK. The pointer field points to the val field in memory address A, which contains a valid i32. All the pointers are valid, i.e. they point to memory that does indeed encode a value of the right type (in this case, an i32). But the Rust compiler often moves values around in memory. For example, if we pass this struct into another function, it might get moved to a different memory address. Or we might Box it and put it on the heap. Or if this struct was in a Vec<MyStruct>, and we pushed more values in, the Vec might outgrow its capacity and need to move its elements into a new, larger buffer.

Pin, Unpin, and why Rust needs them

When we move it, the struct’s fields change their address, but not their value. So the pointer field is still pointing at address A, but address A now doesn’t have a valid i32. The data that was there was moved to address B, and some other value might have been written there instead! So now the pointer is invalid. This is bad — at best, invalid pointers cause crashes, at worst they cause hackable vulnerabilities. We only want to allow memory-unsafe behaviour in unsafe blocks, and we should be very careful to document this type and tell users to update the pointers after moves.

Unpin and !Unpin

To recap, all Rust types fall into two categories.

  1. Types that are safe to move around in memory. This is the default, the norm. For example, this includes primitives like numbers, strings, bools, as well as structs or enums entirely made of them. Most types fall into this category!
  2. Self-referential types, which are not safe to move around in memory. These are pretty rare. An example is the intrusive linked list inside some Tokio internals. Another example is most types which implement Future and also borrow data, for reasons explained in the Rust async book.

Types in category (1) are totally safe to move around in memory. You won’t invalidate any pointers by moving them around. But if you move a type in (2), then you invalidate pointers and can get undefined behaviour, as we saw before. In earlier versions of Rust, you had to be really careful using these types to not move them, or if you moved them, to use unsafe and update all the pointers. But since Rust 1.33, the compiler can automatically figure out which category any type is in, and make sure you only use it safely.

Any type in (1) implements a special auto trait called Unpin. Weird name, but its meaning will become clear soon. Again, most “normal” types implement Unpin, and because it’s an auto trait (like Send or Sync or Sized1), so you don’t have to worry about implementing it yourself. If you’re unsure if a type can be safely moved, just check it on docs.rs and see if it impls Unpin!

Types in (2) are creatively named !Unpin (the ! in a trait means “does not implement”). To use these types safely, we can’t use regular pointers for self-reference. Instead, we use special pointers that “pin” their values into place, ensuring they can’t be moved. This is exactly what the Pin type does.

Pin, Unpin, and why Rust needs them

Pin wraps a pointer and stops its value from moving. The only exception is if the value impls Unpin — then we know it’s safe to move. Voila! Now we can write self-referential structs safely! This is really important, because as discussed above, many Futures are self-referential, and we need them for async/await.

Using Pin

So now we understand why Pin exists, and why our Future poll method has a pinned &mut self to self instead of a regular &mut self. So let’s get back to the problem we had before: I need a pinned reference to the inner future. More generally: given a pinned struct, how do we access its fields?

The solution is to write helper functions which give you references to the fields. These references might be normal Rust references like &mut, or they might also be pinned. You can choose whichever one you need. This is called projection: if you have a pinned struct, you can write a projection method that gives you access to all its fields.

Projecting is really just getting data into and out of Pins. For example, we get the start: Option<Duration> field from the Pin<&mut self>, and we need to put the future: Fut into a Pin so we can call its poll method). If you read the Pin methods you’ll see this is always safe if it points to an Unpin value, but requires unsafe otherwise.

// Putting data into Pin
pub        fn new          <P: Deref<Target:Unpin>>(pointer: P) -> Pin<P>;
pub unsafe fn new_unchecked<P>                     (pointer: P) -> Pin<P>;

// Getting data from Pin
pub        fn into_inner          <P: Deref<Target: Unpin>>(pin: Pin<P>) -> P;
pub unsafe fn into_inner_unchecked<P>                      (pin: Pin<P>) -> P;

I know unsafe can be a bit scary, but it’s OK to write unsafe code! I think of unsafe as the compiler saying “hey, I can’t tell if this code follows the rules here, so I’m going to rely on you to check for me.” The Rust compiler does so much work for us, it’s only fair that we do some of the work every now and then. If you want to learn how to write your own projection methods, I can highly recommend this fasterthanli.me blog post on the topic. But we’re going to take a little shortcut.

Using pin-project instead

So, OK, look, it’s time for a confession: I don’t like using unsafe. I know I just explained why it’s OK, but still, given the option, I would rather not.

I didn’t start writing Rust because I wanted to carefully think about the consequences of my actions, damnit, I just want to go fast and not break things. Luckily, someone sympathized with me and made a crate which generates totally safe projections! It’s called pin-project and it’s awesome. All we need to do is change our definition:

#[pin_project::pin_project] // This generates a `project` method
pub struct TimedWrapper<Fut: Future> {
	// For each field, we need to choose whether `project` returns an
	// unpinned (&mut T) or pinned (Pin<&mut T>) reference to the field.
	// By default, it assumes unpinned:
	start: Option<Instant>,
	// Opt into pinned references with this attribute:
	future: Fut,

For each field, you have to choose whether its projection should be pinned or not. By default, you should use a normal reference, just because they’re easier and simpler. But if you know you need a pinned reference — for example, because you want to call .poll(), whose receiver is Pin<&mut Self> — then you can do that with #[pin].

Now we can finally poll the inner future!

fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
	// This returns a type with all the same fields, with all the same types,
	// except that the fields defined with #[pin] will be pinned.
	let mut this = self.project();
    // Call the inner poll, measuring how long it took.
	let start = this.start.get_or_insert_with(Instant::now);
	let inner_poll = this.future.as_mut().poll(cx);
	let elapsed = start.elapsed();

	match inner_poll {
		// The inner future needs more time, so this future needs more time too
		Poll::Pending => Poll::Pending,
		// Success!
		Poll::Ready(output) => Poll::Ready((output, elapsed)),

Finally, our goal is complete — and we did it all without any unsafe code.


If a Rust type has self-referential pointers, it can’t be moved safely. After all, moving doesn’t update the pointers, so they’ll still be pointing at the old memory address, so they’re now invalid. Rust can automatically tell which types are safe to move (and will auto impl the Unpin trait for them). If you have a Pin-ned pointer to some data, Rust can guarantee that nothing unsafe will happen (if it’s safe to move, you can move it, if it’s unsafe to move, then you can’t). This is important because many Future types are self-referential, so we need Pin to safely poll a Future. You probably won’t have to poll a future yourself (just use async/await instead), but if you do, use the pin-project crate to simplify things.

I hope this helped — if you have any questions, please ask me on Twitter. And if you want to get paid to talk to me about Rust and networking protocols, my team at Cloudflare is hiring, so be sure to visit careers.cloudflare.com.


How to execute an object file: Part 1

Post Syndicated from Ignat Korchagin original https://blog.cloudflare.com/how-to-execute-an-object-file-part-1/

Calling a simple function without linking

How to execute an object file: Part 1

When we write software using a high-level compiled programming language, there are usually a number of steps involved in transforming our source code into the final executable binary:

How to execute an object file: Part 1

First, our source files are compiled by a compiler translating the high-level programming language into machine code. The output of the compiler is a number of object files. If the project contains multiple source files, we usually get as many object files. The next step is the linker: since the code in different object files may reference each other, the linker is responsible for assembling all these object files into one big program and binding these references together. The output of the linker is usually our target executable, so only one file.

However, at this point, our executable might still be incomplete. These days, most executables on Linux are dynamically linked: the executable itself does not have all the code it needs to run a program. Instead it expects to "borrow" part of the code at runtime from shared libraries for some of its functionality:

How to execute an object file: Part 1

This process is called runtime linking: when our executable is being started, the operating system will invoke the dynamic loader, which should find all the needed libraries, copy/map their code into our target process address space, and resolve all the dependencies our code has on them.

One interesting thing to note about this overall process is that we get the executable machine code directly from step 1 (compiling the source code), but if any of the later steps fail, we still can’t execute our program. So, in this series of blog posts we will investigate if it is possible to execute machine code directly from object files skipping all the later steps.

Why would we want to execute an object file?

There may be many reasons. Perhaps we’re writing an open-source replacement for a proprietary Linux driver or an application, and want to compare if the behaviour of some code is the same. Or we have a piece of a rare, obscure program and we can’t link to it, because it was compiled with a rare, obscure compiler. Maybe we have a source file, but cannot create a full featured executable, because of the missing build time or runtime dependencies. Malware analysis, code from a different operating system etc – all these scenarios may put us in a position, where either linking is not possible or the runtime environment is not suitable.

A simple toy object file

For the purposes of this article, let’s create a simple toy object file, so we can use it in our experiments:


int add5(int num)
    return num + 5;

int add10(int num)
    return num + 10;

Our source file contains only 2 functions, add5 and add10, which adds 5 or 10 respectively to the only input parameter. It’s a small but fully functional piece of code, and we can easily compile it into an object file:

$ gcc -c obj.c 
$ ls
obj.c  obj.o

Loading an object file into the process memory

Now we will try to import the add5 and add10 functions from the object file and execute them. When we talk about executing an object file, we mean using an object file as some sort of a library. As we learned above, when we have an executable that utilises external shared libraries, the dynamic loader loads these libraries into the process address space for us. With object files, however, we have to do this manually, because ultimately we can’t execute machine code that doesn’t reside in the operating system’s RAM. So, to execute object files we still need some kind of a wrapper program:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

static void load_obj(void)
    /* load obj.o into memory */

static void parse_obj(void)
    /* parse an object file and find add5 and add10 functions */

static void execute_funcs(void)
    /* execute add5 and add10 with some inputs */

int main(void)

    return 0;

Above is a self-contained object loader program with some functions as placeholders. We will be implementing these functions (and adding more) in the course of this post.

First, as we established already, we need to load our object file into the process address space. We could just read the whole file into a buffer, but that would not be very efficient. Real-world object files might be big, but as we will see later, we don’t need all of the object’s file contents. So it is better to mmap the file instead: this way the operating system will lazily read the parts from the file we need at the time we need them. Let’s implement the load_obj function:


/* for open(2), fstat(2) */
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

/* for close(2), fstat(2) */
#include <unistd.h>

/* for mmap(2) */
#include <sys/mman.h>

/* parsing ELF files */
#include <elf.h>

/* for errno */
#include <errno.h>

typedef union {
    const Elf64_Ehdr *hdr;
    const uint8_t *base;
} objhdr;

/* obj.o memory address */
static objhdr obj;

static void load_obj(void)
    struct stat sb;

    int fd = open("obj.o", O_RDONLY);
    if (fd <= 0) {
        perror("Cannot open obj.o");

    /* we need obj.o size for mmap(2) */
    if (fstat(fd, &sb)) {
        perror("Failed to get obj.o info");

    /* mmap obj.o into memory */
    obj.base = mmap(NULL, sb.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
    if (obj.base == MAP_FAILED) {
        perror("Maping obj.o failed");

If we don’t encounter any errors, after load_obj executes we should get the memory address, which points to the beginning of our obj.o in the obj global variable. It is worth noting we have created a special union type for the obj variable: we will be parsing obj.o later (and peeking ahead – object files are actually ELF files), so will be referring to the address both as Elf64_Ehdr (ELF header structure in C) and a byte pointer (parsing ELF files involves calculations of byte offsets from the beginning of the file).

A peek inside an object file

To use some code from an object file, we need to find it first. As I’ve leaked above, object files are actually ELF files (the same format as Linux executables and shared libraries) and luckily they’re easy to parse on Linux with the help of the standard elf.h header, which includes many useful definitions related to the ELF file structure. But we actually need to know what we’re looking for, so a high-level understanding of an ELF file is needed.

ELF segments and sections

Segments (also known as program headers) and sections are probably the main parts of an ELF file and usually a starting point of any ELF tutorial. However, there is often some confusion between the two. Different sections contain different types of ELF data: executable code (which we are most interested in in this post), constant data, global variables etc. Segments, on the other hand, do not contain any data themselves – they just describe to the operating system how to properly load sections into RAM for the executable to work correctly. Some tutorials say "a segment may include 0 or more sections", which is not entirely accurate: segments do not contain sections, rather they just indicate to the OS where in memory a particular section should be loaded and what is the access pattern for this memory (read, write or execute):

How to execute an object file: Part 1

Furthermore, object files do not contain any segments at all: an object file is not meant to be directly loaded by the OS. Instead, it is assumed it will be linked with some other code, so ELF segments are usually generated by the linker, not the compiler. We can check this by using the readelf command:

$ readelf --segments obj.o

There are no program headers in this file.

Object file sections

The same readelf command can be used to get all the sections from our object file:

$ readelf --sections obj.o
There are 11 section headers, starting at offset 0x268:

Section Headers:
  [Nr] Name              Type             Address           Offset
       Size              EntSize          Flags  Link  Info  Align
  [ 0]                   NULL             0000000000000000  00000000
       0000000000000000  0000000000000000           0     0     0
  [ 1] .text             PROGBITS         0000000000000000  00000040
       000000000000001e  0000000000000000  AX       0     0     1
  [ 2] .data             PROGBITS         0000000000000000  0000005e
       0000000000000000  0000000000000000  WA       0     0     1
  [ 3] .bss              NOBITS           0000000000000000  0000005e
       0000000000000000  0000000000000000  WA       0     0     1
  [ 4] .comment          PROGBITS         0000000000000000  0000005e
       000000000000001d  0000000000000001  MS       0     0     1
  [ 5] .note.GNU-stack   PROGBITS         0000000000000000  0000007b
       0000000000000000  0000000000000000           0     0     1
  [ 6] .eh_frame         PROGBITS         0000000000000000  00000080
       0000000000000058  0000000000000000   A       0     0     8
  [ 7] .rela.eh_frame    RELA             0000000000000000  000001e0
       0000000000000030  0000000000000018   I       8     6     8
  [ 8] .symtab           SYMTAB           0000000000000000  000000d8
       00000000000000f0  0000000000000018           9     8     8
  [ 9] .strtab           STRTAB           0000000000000000  000001c8
       0000000000000012  0000000000000000           0     0     1
  [10] .shstrtab         STRTAB           0000000000000000  00000210
       0000000000000054  0000000000000000           0     0     1
Key to Flags:
  W (write), A (alloc), X (execute), M (merge), S (strings), I (info),
  L (link order), O (extra OS processing required), G (group), T (TLS),
  C (compressed), x (unknown), o (OS specific), E (exclude),
  l (large), p (processor specific)

There are different tutorials online describing the most popular ELF sections in detail. Another great reference is the Linux manpages project. It is handy because it describes both sections’ purpose as well as C structure definitions from elf.h, which makes it a one-stop shop for parsing ELF files. However, for completeness, below is a short description of the most popular sections one may encounter in an ELF file:

  • .text: this section contains the executable code (the actual machine code, which was created by the compiler from our source code). This section is the primary area of interest for this post as it should contain the add5 and add10 functions we want to use.
  • .data and .bss: these sections contain global and static local variables. The difference is: .data has variables with an initial value (defined like int foo = 5;) and .bss just reserves space for variables with no initial value (defined like int bar;).
  • .rodata: this section contains constant data (mostly strings or byte arrays). For example, if we use a string literal in the code (for example, for printf or some error message), it will be stored here. Note, that .rodata is missing from the output above as we didn’t use any string literals or constant byte arrays in obj.c.
  • .symtab: this section contains information about the symbols in the object file: functions, global variables, constants etc. It may also contain information about external symbols the object file needs, like needed functions from the external libraries.
  • .strtab and .shstrtab: contain packed strings for the ELF file. Note, that these are not the strings we may define in our source code (those go to the .rodata section). These are the strings describing the names of other ELF structures, like symbols from .symtab or even section names from the table above. ELF binary format aims to make its structures compact and of a fixed size, so all strings are stored in one place and the respective data structures just reference them as an offset in either .shstrtab or .strtab sections instead of storing the full string locally.

The .symtab section

At this point, we know that the code we want to import and execute is located in the obj.o‘s .text section. But we have two functions, add5 and add10, remember? At this level the .text section is just a byte blob – how do we know where each of these functions is located? This is where the .symtab (the "symbol table") comes in handy. It is so important that it has its own dedicated parameter in readelf:

$ readelf --symbols obj.o

Symbol table '.symtab' contains 10 entries:
   Num:    Value          Size Type    Bind   Vis      Ndx Name
     0: 0000000000000000     0 NOTYPE  LOCAL  DEFAULT  UND
     1: 0000000000000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS obj.c
     2: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    1
     3: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    2
     4: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    3
     5: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    5
     6: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    6
     7: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    4
     8: 0000000000000000    15 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    1 add5
     9: 000000000000000f    15 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    1 add10

Let’s ignore the other entries for now and just focus on the last two lines, because they conveniently have add5 and add10 as their symbol names. And indeed, this is the info about our functions. Apart from the names, the symbol table provides us with some additional metadata:

  • The Ndx column tells us the index of the section, where the symbol is located. We can cross-check it with the section table above and confirm that indeed these functions are located in .text (section with the index 1).
  • Type being set to FUNC confirms that these are indeed functions.
  • Size tells us the size of each function, but this information is not very useful in our context. The same goes for Bind and Vis.
  • Probably the most useful piece of information is Value. The name is misleading, because it is actually an offset from the start of the containing section in this context. That is, the add5 function starts just from the beginning of .text and add10 is located from 15th byte and onwards.

So now we have all the pieces on how to parse an ELF file and find the functions we need.

Finding and executing a function from an object file

Given what we have learned so far, let’s define a plan on how to proceed to import and execute a function from an object file:

  1. Find the ELF sections table and .shstrtab section (we need .shstrtab later to lookup sections in the section table by name).
  2. Find the .symtab and .strtab sections (we need .strtab to lookup symbols by name in .symtab).
  3. Find the .text section and copy it into RAM with executable permissions.
  4. Find add5 and add10 function offsets from the .symtab.
  5. Execute add5 and add10 functions.

Let’s start by adding some more global variables and implementing the parse_obj function:



/* sections table */
static const Elf64_Shdr *sections;
static const char *shstrtab = NULL;

/* symbols table */
static const Elf64_Sym *symbols;
/* number of entries in the symbols table */
static int num_symbols;
static const char *strtab = NULL;


static void parse_obj(void)
    /* the sections table offset is encoded in the ELF header */
    sections = (const Elf64_Shdr *)(obj.base + obj.hdr->e_shoff);
    /* the index of `.shstrtab` in the sections table is encoded in the ELF header
     * so we can find it without actually using a name lookup
    shstrtab = (const char *)(obj.base + sections[obj.hdr->e_shstrndx].sh_offset);



Now that we have references to both the sections table and the .shstrtab section, we can lookup other sections by their name. Let’s create a helper function for that:



static const Elf64_Shdr *lookup_section(const char *name)
    size_t name_len = strlen(name);

    /* number of entries in the sections table is encoded in the ELF header */
    for (Elf64_Half i = 0; i < obj.hdr->e_shnum; i++) {
        /* sections table entry does not contain the string name of the section
         * instead, the `sh_name` parameter is an offset in the `.shstrtab`
         * section, which points to a string name
        const char *section_name = shstrtab + sections[i].sh_name;
        size_t section_name_len = strlen(section_name);

        if (name_len == section_name_len && !strcmp(name, section_name)) {
            /* we ignore sections with 0 size */
            if (sections[i].sh_size)
                return sections + i;

    return NULL;


Using our new helper function, we can now find the .symtab and .strtab sections:



static void parse_obj(void)

    /* find the `.symtab` entry in the sections table */
    const Elf64_Shdr *symtab_hdr = lookup_section(".symtab");
    if (!symtab_hdr) {
        fputs("Failed to find .symtab\n", stderr);

    /* the symbols table */
    symbols = (const Elf64_Sym *)(obj.base + symtab_hdr->sh_offset);
    /* number of entries in the symbols table = table size / entry size */
    num_symbols = symtab_hdr->sh_size / symtab_hdr->sh_entsize;

    const Elf64_Shdr *strtab_hdr = lookup_section(".strtab");
    if (!strtab_hdr) {
        fputs("Failed to find .strtab\n", stderr);

    strtab = (const char *)(obj.base + strtab_hdr->sh_offset);


Next, let’s focus on the .text section. We noted earlier in our plan that it is not enough to just locate the .text section in the object file, like we did with other sections. We would need to copy it over to a different location in RAM with executable permissions. There are several reasons for that, but these are the main ones:

  • Many CPU architectures either don’t allow execution of the machine code, which is unaligned in memory (4 kilobytes for x86 systems), or they execute it with a performance penalty. However, the .text section in an ELF file is not guaranteed to be positioned at a page aligned offset, because the on-disk version of the ELF file aims to be compact rather than convenient.
  • We may need to modify some bytes in the .text section to perform relocations (we don’t need to do it in this case, but will be dealing with relocations in future posts). If, for example, we forget to use the MAP_PRIVATE flag, when mapping the ELF file, our modifications may propagate to the underlying file and corrupt it.
  • Finally, different sections, which are needed at runtime, like .text, .data, .bss and .rodata, require different memory permission bits: the .text section memory needs to be both readable and executable, but not writable (it is considered a bad security practice to have memory both writable and executable). The .data and .bss sections need to be readable and writable to support global variables, but not executable. The .rodata section should be readonly, because its purpose is to hold constant data. To support this, each section must be allocated on a page boundary as we can only set memory permission bits on whole pages and not custom ranges. Therefore, we need to create new, page aligned memory ranges for these sections and copy the data there.

To create a page aligned copy of the .text section, first we actually need to know the page size. Many programs usually just hardcode the page size to 4096 (4 kilobytes), but we shouldn’t rely on that. While it’s accurate for most x86 systems, other CPU architectures, like arm64, might have a different page size. So hard coding a page size may make our program non-portable. Let’s find the page size and store it in another global variable:



static uint64_t page_size;

static inline uint64_t page_align(uint64_t n)
    return (n + (page_size - 1)) & ~(page_size - 1);


static void parse_obj(void)

    /* get system page size */
    page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);



Notice, we have also added a convenience function page_align, which will round up the passed in number to the next page aligned boundary. Next, back to the .text section. As a reminder, we need to:

  1. Find the .text section metadata in the sections table.
  2. Allocate a chunk of memory to hold the .text section copy.
  3. Actually copy the .text section to the newly allocated memory.
  4. Make the .text section executable, so we can later call functions from it.

Here is the implementation of the above steps:



/* runtime base address of the imported code */
static uint8_t *text_runtime_base;


static void parse_obj(void)

    /* find the `.text` entry in the sections table */
    const Elf64_Shdr *text_hdr = lookup_section(".text");
    if (!text_hdr) {
        fputs("Failed to find .text\n", stderr);

    /* allocate memory for `.text` copy rounding it up to whole pages */
    text_runtime_base = mmap(NULL, page_align(text_hdr->sh_size), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0);
    if (text_runtime_base == MAP_FAILED) {
        perror("Failed to allocate memory for .text");

    /* copy the contents of `.text` section from the ELF file */
    memcpy(text_runtime_base, obj.base + text_hdr->sh_offset, text_hdr->sh_size);

    /* make the `.text` copy readonly and executable */
    if (mprotect(text_runtime_base, page_align(text_hdr->sh_size), PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC)) {
        perror("Failed to make .text executable");


Now we have all the pieces we need to locate the address of a function. Let’s write a helper for it:



static void *lookup_function(const char *name)
    size_t name_len = strlen(name);

    /* loop through all the symbols in the symbol table */
    for (int i = 0; i < num_symbols; i++) {
        /* consider only function symbols */
        if (ELF64_ST_TYPE(symbols[i].st_info) == STT_FUNC) {
            /* symbol table entry does not contain the string name of the symbol
             * instead, the `st_name` parameter is an offset in the `.strtab`
             * section, which points to a string name
            const char *function_name = strtab + symbols[i].st_name;
            size_t function_name_len = strlen(function_name);

            if (name_len == function_name_len && !strcmp(name, function_name)) {
                /* st_value is an offset in bytes of the function from the
                 * beginning of the `.text` section
                return text_runtime_base + symbols[i].st_value;

    return NULL;


And finally we can implement the execute_funcs function to import and execute code from an object file:



static void execute_funcs(void)
    /* pointers to imported add5 and add10 functions */
    int (*add5)(int);
    int (*add10)(int);

    add5 = lookup_function("add5");
    if (!add5) {
        fputs("Failed to find add5 function\n", stderr);

    puts("Executing add5...");
    printf("add5(%d) = %d\n", 42, add5(42));

    add10 = lookup_function("add10");
    if (!add10) {
        fputs("Failed to find add10 function\n", stderr);

    puts("Executing add10...");
    printf("add10(%d) = %d\n", 42, add10(42));


Let’s compile our loader and make sure it works as expected:

$ gcc -o loader loader.c 
$ ./loader 
Executing add5...
add5(42) = 47
Executing add10...
add10(42) = 52

Voila! We have successfully imported code from obj.o and executed it. Of course, the example above is simplified: the code in the object file is self-contained, does not reference any global variables or constants, and does not have any external dependencies. In future posts we will look into more complex code and how to handle such cases.

Security considerations

Processing external inputs, like parsing an ELF file from the disk above, should be handled with care. The code from loader.c omits a lot of bounds checking and additional ELF integrity checks, when parsing the object file. The code is simplified for the purposes of this post, but most likely not production ready, as it can probably be exploited by specifically crafted malicious inputs. Use it only for educational purposes!

The complete source code from this post can be found here.

A quirk in the SUNBURST DGA algorithm

Post Syndicated from Nick Blazier original https://blog.cloudflare.com/a-quirk-in-the-sunburst-dga-algorithm/

A quirk in the SUNBURST DGA algorithm

A quirk in the SUNBURST DGA algorithm

On Wednesday, December 16, the RedDrip Team from QiAnXin Technology released their discoveries (tweet, github) regarding the random subdomains associated with the SUNBURST malware which was present in the SolarWinds Orion compromise. In studying queries performed by the malware, Cloudflare has uncovered additional details about how the Domain Generation Algorithm (DGA) encodes data and exfiltrates the compromised hostname to the command and control servers.


The RedDrip team discovered that the DNS queries are created by combining the previously reverse-engineered unique guid (based on hashing of hostname and MAC address) with a payload that is a custom base 32 encoding of the hostname. The article they published includes screenshots of decompiled or reimplemented C# functions that are included in the compromised DLL. This background primer summarizes their work so far (which is published in Chinese).

RedDrip discovered that the DGA subdomain portion of the query is split into three parts:

<encoded_guid> + <byte> + <encoded_hostname>

An example malicious domain is:


Where the domain is split into the three parts as

Encoded guid (15 chars) byte Encoded hostname
7cbtailjomqle1p j vr2d32i2voe60ce2

The work from the RedDrip Team focused on the encoded hostname portion of the string, we have made additional insights related to the encoded hostname and encoded guid portions.

At a high level the encoded hostnames take one of two encoding schemes. If all of the characters in the hostname are contained in the set of domain name-safe characters "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-_." then the OrionImprovementBusinessLayer.CryptoHelper.Base64Decode algorithm, explained in the article, is used. If there are characters outside of that set in the hostname, then the OrionImprovementBusinessLayer.CryptoHelper.Base64Encode is used instead and ‘00’ is prepended to the encoding. This allows us to simply check if the first two characters of the encoded hostname are ‘00’ and know how the hostname is encoded.

These function names within the compromised DLL are meant to resemble the names of legitimate functions, but in fact perform the message encoding for the malware. The DLL function Base64Decode is meant to resemble the legitimate function name base64decode, but its purpose is actually to perform the encoding of the query (which is a variant of base32 encoding).

The RedDrip Team has posted Python code for encoding and decoding the queries, including identifying random characters inserted into the queries at regular character intervals.

One potential issue we encountered with their implementation is the inclusion of a check clause looking for a ‘0’ character in the encoded hostname (line 138 of the decoding script). This line causes the decoding algorithm to ignore any encoded hostnames that do not contain a ‘0’. We believe this was included because ‘0’ is the encoded value of a ‘0’, ‘.’, ‘-’ or ‘_’. Since fully qualified hostnames are comprised of multiple parts separated by ‘.’s, e.g. ‘example.com’, it makes sense to be expecting a ‘.’ in the unencoded hostname and therefore only consider encoded hostnames containing a ‘0’. However, this causes the decoder to ignore many of the recorded DGA domains.

As we explain below, we believe that long domains are split across multiple queries where the second half is much shorter and unlikely to include a ‘.’. For example ‘www2.example.c’ takes up one message, meaning that in order to transmit the entire domain ‘www2.example.c’ a second message containing just ‘om’ would also need to be sent. This second message does not contain a ‘.’ so its encoded form does not contain a ‘0’ and it is ignored in the RedDrip team’s implementation.

The quirk: hostnames are split across multiple queries

A list of observed queries performed by the malware was published publicly on GitHub. Applying the decoding script to this set of queries, we see some queries appear to be truncated, such as grupobazar.loca, but also some decoded hostnames are curiously short or incomplete, such as “com”, “.com”, or a single letter, such as “m”, or “l”.

When the hostname does not fit into the available payload section of the encoded query, it is split up across multiple queries. Queries are matched up by matching the GUID section after applying a byte-by-byte exclusive-or (xor).

Analysis of first 15 characters

Noticing that long domains are split across multiple requests led us to believe that the first 16 characters encoded information to associate multipart messages. This would allow the receiver on the other end to correctly re-assemble the messages and get the entire domain. The RedDrip team identified the first 15 bytes as a GUID, we focused on those bytes and will refer to them subsequently as the header.

We found the following queries that we believed to be matches without knowing yet the correct pairings between message 1 and message 2 (payload has been altered):

Part 1 – Both decode to “www2.example.c”

Part 2 – Both decode to “om”

This gives us a final combined payload of www2.example.com

This example gave us two sets of messages where we were confident the second part was associated with the first part, and allowed us to find the following relationship where message1 is the header of the first message and message2 is the header of the second:

Base32Decode(message1) XOR KEY = Base32Decode(message2)

The KEY is a single character. That character is xor’d with each byte of the Base32Decoded first header to produce the Base32Decoded second header. We do not currently know how to infer what character is used as the key, but we can still match messages together without that information. Since A XOR B = C where we know A and C but not B, we can instead use A XOR C = B. This means that in order to pair messages together we simply need to look for messages where XOR’ing them together results in a repeating character (the key).

Base32Decode(message1) XOR Base32Decode(message2) = KEY

Looking at the examples above this becomes

Message 1 Message 2
Header r1q6arhpujcf6jb 0oni12r13ficnkq
Base32Decode (binary) 101101000100110110111111011

We’ve truncated the results slightly, but below shows the two binary representations and the third line shows the result of the XOR.


We can see the XOR result is the repeating sequence ‘01101101’meaning the original key was 0x6D or ‘m’.

We provide the following python code as an implementation for matching paired messages (Note: the decoding functions are those provided by the RedDrip team):

# string1 is the first 15 characters of the first message
# string2 is the first 15 characters of the second message
def is_match(string1, string2):
    encoded1 = Base32Decode(string1)
    encoded2 = Base32Decode(string2)
    xor_result = [chr(ord(a) ^ ord(b)) for a,b in zip(encoded1, encoded2)]
    match_char = xor_result[0]
    for character in xor_result[0:9]:
        if character != match_char:
            return False, None
    return True, "0x{:02X}".format(ord(match_char))

The following are additional headers which based on the payload content Cloudflare is confident are pairs (the payload has been redacted because it contains hostname information that is not yet publicly available):

Example 1:


xorkey: 0x4E

Example 2:


xorkey: 0x54

Example 3:


xorkey: 0x2B

We hypothesize that the xorkey can be derived from the header bytes and/or padding byte of the two messages, though we have not yet determined the relationship.

ASICs at the Edge

Post Syndicated from Tom Strickx original https://blog.cloudflare.com/asics-at-the-edge/

ASICs at the Edge

At Cloudflare we pride ourselves in our global network that spans more than 200 cities in over 100 countries. To handle all the traffic passing through our network, there are multiple technologies at play. So let’s have a look at one of the cornerstones that makes all of this work… ASICs. No, not the running shoes.

What’s an ASIC?

ASIC stands for Application Specific Integrated Circuit. The name already says it, it’s a chip with a very narrow use case, geared towards a single application. This is in stark contrast to a CPU (Central Processing Unit), or even a GPU (Graphics Processing Unit). A CPU is designed and built for general purpose computation, and does a lot of things reasonably well. A GPU is more geared towards graphics (it’s in the name), but in the last 15 years, there’s been a drastic shift towards GPGPU (General Purpose GPU), in which technologies such as CUDA or OpenCL allow you to use the highly parallel nature of the GPU to do general purpose computing. A good example of GPU use is video encoding, or more recently, computer vision, used in applications such as self-driving cars.

Unlike CPUs or GPUs, ASICs are built with a single function in mind. Great examples are the Google Tensor Processing Units (TPU), used to accelerate machine learning functions[1], or for orbital maneuvering[2], in which specific orbital maneuvers are encoded, like the Hohmann Transfer, used to move rockets (and their payloads) to a new orbit at a different altitude. And they are also heavily used in the networking industry. Technically, the use case in the network industry should be called an ASSP (Application Specific Standard Product), but network engineers are simple people, so we prefer to call it an ASIC.

Why an ASIC

ASICs have the major benefit of being hyper-efficient. The more complex hardware is, the more it will need cooling and power. As ASICs only contain the hardware components needed for their function, their overall size can be reduced, and so are their power requirements. This has a positive impact on the overall physical size of the network (devices don’t need to be as bulky to provide sufficient cooling), and helps reduce the power consumption of a data center.

Reducing hardware complexity also reduces the failure rate of the manufacturing process, and allows for easier production.

The downside is that you need to embed a lot of your features in hardware, and once a new technology or specification comes around, any chips made without that technology baked in, won’t be able to support it (VXLAN for example).

For network equipment, this works perfectly. Overall, the networking industry is slow-moving, and considerable time is taken before new technologies make it to the market (as can be seen with IPv6, MPLS implementations, xDSL availability, …). This means the chips don’t need to evolve on a yearly basis, and can instead be created on a much slower cycle, with bigger leaps in technology. For example, it took Broadcom two years to go from Tomahawk 3 to Tomahawk 4, but in that process they doubled the throughput. The benefits listed earlier are super helpful for network equipment, as they allow for considerable throughput in a small form factor.

Building an ASIC

As with chips of any kind, building an ASIC is a long-term process. Just like with CPUs, if there’s a defect in the hardware design, you have to start from scratch, and scrap the entire build line. As such, the development lifecycle is incredibly long. It starts with prototyping in an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array), in which chip designers can program their required functionality and confirm compatibility. All of this is done in a HDL (Hardware Description Language), such as Verilog.

Once the prototyping stage is over, they move to baking the new packet processing pipeline into the chip at a foundry. After that, no more changes can be made to the chip, as it’s literally baked into the hardware (unlike an FPGA, which can be reprogrammed). Further difficulty is added by the fact that there are a very small number of hardware companies that will buy ASICs in bulk to build equipment with; as such the unit cost can increase drastically.

All of this means that the iteration cycle of an ASIC tends to be on the slower side of things (compared to the yearly refreshes in the Intel Process-Architecture-Optimization model for example), and will usually be smaller incremental updates: For example, increases in port-speeds are incremental (1G → 10G → 25G → 40G → 100G → 400G → 800G → …), and are tied into upgrades to the SerDes (Serialiser/Deserialiser) part of the chip.

New protocol support is a lot harder, and might require multiple development cycles before it shows up in a chip.

What ASICs do

The ASICs in our network equipment are responsible for the switching and routing of packets, as well as being the first layer of defense (in the form of a stateless firewall). Due to the sheer nature of how fast packets get switched, fast memory access is a primary concern. Most ASICs will use a special sort of memory, called TCAM (Ternary Content-Addressable Memory). This memory will be used to store all sorts of lookup tables. These may be forwarding tables (where does this packet go), ACL (Access Control List) tables (is this packet allowed), or CoS (Class of Service) tables (which priority should be given to this packet)

CAM, and its more advanced sibling, TCAM, are fascinating kinds of memory, as they operate fundamentally different than traditional Random Access Memory (RAM). While you have to use a memory address to access data in RAM, with CAM and TCAM you can directly refer to the content you are looking for. It is a physical implementation of a key-value store.

In CAM you use the exact binary representation of a word, in a network application, that word is likely going to be an IP address, so 11001011.00000000.01110001.00000000 for example ( While this is definitely useful, networks operate a big collection of IP addresses, and storing each individually would require significant memory. To remedy this memory requirement, TCAM can store three states, instead of the binary two. This third state, sometimes called ‘ignore’ state, allows for the storage of multiple sequential data words as a single entry.

In networking, these sequential data words are IP prefixes. So for the previous example, if we wanted to store the collection of that IP address, and the 254 IPs following it, in TCAM it would as follows: 11001011.00000000.01110001.XXXXXXXX ( This storage method means we can ask questions of the ASIC such as “where should I send packets with the destination IP address of”, to which the ASIC can have a reply ready in a single clock cycle, as it does not need to run through all memory, but instead can directly reference the key. This reply will usually be a reference to a memory address in traditional RAM, where more data can be stored, such as output port, or firewall requirements for the packet.
ASICs at the Edge

To dig a bit deeper into what ASICs do in network equipment, let’s briefly go over some fundamentals.

Networking can be split into two primary components: routing and switching. Switching allows you to directly interconnect multiple devices, so they can talk with each other across the network. It’s what allows your phone to connect to your TV to play a new family video. Routing is the next level up. It’s the mechanism that interconnects all these switched networks into a network of networks, and eventually, the Internet.

So routers are the devices responsible for steering traffic through this complex maze of networks, so it gets to its destination safely, and hopefully, as fast as possible. On the Internet, routers will usually use a routing protocol called BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) to exchange reachability information for a prefix (a collection of IP addresses), also called NLRI (Network Layer Reachability Information).

As with navigating the roads, there are multiple ways to get from point A to point B on the Internet. To make sure the router makes the right decision, it will store all of the reachability information in the RIB (Routing Information Base). That way, if anything changes with one route, the router still has other options immediately available.

With this information, a BGP daemon can calculate the ideal path to take for any given destination from its own point-of-view. This Cisco documentation explains the decision process the daemon goes through to calculate that ideal path.

Once we have this ideal path for a given destination, we should store this information, as it would be very inefficient to calculate this every single time we need to go there. The storage database is called the FIB (Forwarding Information Base). The FIB will be a subset of the RIB, as it will only ever contain the best path for a destination at any given time, while the RIB keeps all the available paths, even the non-ideal ones.

With these individual components, routers can make packets go from point A to point B in a blink of an eye.

Here’ are some of the more specific functions our ASICs need to perform:

  1. FIB install: Once the router has calculated its FIB, it’s important the router can access this as quickly as possible. To do so, the ASIC will install (write) this calculated FIB into the TCAM, so any lookups can happen as quickly as possible.
    ASICs at the Edge

  2. Packet forwarding lookups: as we need to know where to send a received packet, we look up this information in TCAM, which is, as we mentioned, incredibly fast.

  3. Stateless Firewall: while a router routes packets between destinations, you also want to ensure that certain packets don’t reach a destination at all. This can be done using either a stateless or stateful firewall. “State” in this case refers to TCP state, so the router would need to understand if a connection is new, or already established. As maintaining state is a complex issue, which requires storing tables, and can quickly consume a lot of memory, most routers will only operate a stateless firewall.
    Instead, stateful firewalls often have their own appliances. At Cloudflare, we’ve opted to move maintaining state to our compute nodes, as that severely reduces the state-table (one router for all state vs X metals for all state combined). A stateless firewall makes use of the TCAM again to store rules on what to do with specific types of packets. For example, one of the rules we employ at our edge is DENY-BOGON-RANGES , in which we discard traffic sourced from RFC1918 space (and other unroutable space). As this makes use of TCAM, it can all be done at line rate (the maximum speed of the interface).

  4. Advanced features, such as GRE encapsulation: modern networking isn’t just packet switching and packet routing anymore, and more advanced features are needed. One of these is encapsulation. With packet encapsulation, a system will put a data packet into another data packet. Using this technique, it’s possible to build a network on top of an existing network (an overlay). Overlays can be used to build a virtual backbone for example, in which multiple locations can be virtually connected through the Internet.
    While you can encapsulate packets on a CPU (we do this for Magic Transit), there are considerable challenges in doing so in software. As such, the ASIC can have built-in functionality to encapsulate a packet in a multitude of protocols, such as GRE. You may not want encapsulated packets to have to take a second trip through your entire pipeline, as this adds latency, so these shortcuts can also be built into the chip.

  5. MPLS, EVPN, VXLAN, SDWAN, SDN, …: I ran out of buzzwords to enumerate here, but while MPLS isn’t new (the first RFC was created in 2001), it’s a rather advanced requirement, just as the others listed, which means not all ASIC vendors will implement this for all their chips due to the increased complexity.

Vendor Landscape

At Cloudflare, we interact with both hardware and software vendors on a daily basis while operating our global network. As we’re talking about ASICs today, we’ll explore the hardware landscape, but some hardware vendors also have their own NOS (Network Operating System).
There’s a vast selection of hardware out there, all with different features and pricing. It can become incredibly hard to see the wood for the trees, so we’ll focus on 4 important distinguishing factors: Throughput (how many bits can the ASIC push through), buffer size (how many bits can the ASIC store in memory in case of resource contention), programmability (how easy is it for a third party programmer like Cloudflare to interact directly with the ASIC), feature set (how many advanced things outside of routing/switching can the ASIC do).

The landscape is so varied because different companies have different requirements. A company like Cloudflare has different expectations for its network hardware than your typical corner shop. Even within our own network we’ll have different requirements for the different layers that make up our network.


The elephant in the networking room (or is it the jumbo frame in the switch?) is Broadcom. Broadcom is a semiconductor company, with their primary revenue in the wired infrastructure segment (over 50% of revenue[3]). While they’ve been around since 1991, they’ve become an unstoppable force in the last 10 years, in part due to their reliance on Apple (25% of revenue). As a semiconductor manufacturer, their market dominance is primarily achieved by acquiring other companies. A great example is the acquisition of Dune Networks, which has become an excellent revenue generator as the StrataDNX series of ASIC (Arad, QumranMX, Jericho). As such, they have become the biggest ASIC vendor by far, and own 59% of the entire Ethernet Integrated Circuits market[4].

As such, they supply a lot of merchant silicon to Cisco, Juniper, Arista and others. Up until recently, if you wanted to use the Broadcom SDK to accelerate your packet forwarding, you have to sign so many NDAs you might get a hand cramp, which makes programming them a lot trickier. This changed recently when Broadcom open-sourced their SDK. Let’s have a quick look at some of their products.


The Tomahawk line of ASICs are the bread-and-butter for the enterprise market. They’re cheap and incredibly fast. The first generation of Tomahawk chips did 3.2Tbps linerate, with low-latency switching. The latest generation of this chip (Tomahawk 4) does 25.6Tbps in a 7nm transistor footprint[5]). As you can’t have a cheap, fast, and full feature set for a single package, this means you lose out on features. In this case, you’re missing most of the more advanced networking technologies such as VXLAN, and you have no buffer to speak of.
As an example of a different vendor using this silicon, you can have a look at the Juniper QFX5200 switching platform.

StrataDNX (Arad, QumranMX, Jericho)

These chipsets came through the acquisition of Dune Networks, and are a collection of high-bandwidth, deep buffer (large amount of memory available to store (buffer) packets) chips, allowing them to be deployed in versatile environments, including the Cloudflare edge. The Arista DCS-7280SR that we run in some of our edge locations as edge routers run on the Jericho chipset. Since then, the chips have evolved, and with Jericho2, Broadcom now have a 10Tbps deep buffer chip[6]. With their fabric chip (this links multiple ASICs together), you can build switches with 48x400G ports[7] without much effort.
Cisco built their NCS5500 line of routers using the QumranMX[8].


This ASIC is an upgrade from the Tomahawk chipset, with a complex and extensive feature set, while maintaining high throughput rates. The latest Trident4 does 12.8Tbps at incredibly low latencies[9], making it an incredibly flexible platform. It unfortunately has no buffer space to speak of, which limits its scope for Cloudflare, as we need the buffer space to be able to switch between the different port speeds we have on our edge routers. The Arista 7050X and 7300X are built on top of this.


Intel is well known in the network industry for building stable and high-performance 10G NICs (Network Interface Controller). They’re not known for ASICs. They made an initial attempt with their acquisition of Fulcrum[10], which built the FM6000[11] series of ASIC, but nothing of note was really built with them. Intel decided to try again in 2019 with their acquisition of Barefoot. This small manufacturer is responsible for the Barefoot Tofino ASIC, which may well be a fundamental paradigm shift in the network industry.

Barefoot Tofino

The Tofino[12] is built using a PISA (Protocol Independent Switch Architecture), and using P4 (Programming Protocol-Independent Packet Processors)[13], you can program the data-plane (packet forwarding) as you see fit. It’s a drastic move away from the traditional method of networking, in which direct programming of the ASIC isn’t easily possible, and definitely not through a standard programming language. As an added benefit, P4 also allows you to perform a formal verification of your forwarding program, and be sure that it will do what you expect it to. Caveat: OpenFlow tried this, but unfortunately never really got much traction.
ASICs at the Edge[14]

There are multiple variations of the Tofino 1 available, but the top-end ASIC has a 6.5Tbps linerate capacity. As the ASIC is programmable, its featureset is as rich as you’d want it to be. Unfortunately, the chip does not come with a lot of buffer memory, so we can’t deploy these as edge devices (yet). Both Arista (7170 Series[15]) and Cisco (Nexus 34180YC and 3464C series[16]) have built equipment with the Tofino chip inside.


As some of you may know, Mellanox is the vendor that recently got acquired by Nvidia, which also provides our 25G NICs in our compute nodes. Besides NICs, Mellanox has a well-established line of ASICs, mostly for switching.


The latest iteration of this ASIC, Spectrum 3 offers 12.8Tbps switching capacity, with an extensive featureset, including Deep Packet Inspection and NAT. This chip allows for building dense high-speed port devices, going up to 25.6Tbps[17]. Buffering wise, there’s none to really speak of (64MB). Mellanox also builds their own hardware platforms. Unlike the other vendors below, they aren’t shipped with the Mellanox Operating System, instead, they offer you a variety of choices to run on top, including Cumulus Linux (which was also acquired by Nvidia 🤔).

As mentioned, while we use their NIC technology extensively, we currently don’t have any Mellanox ASIC silicon in our network.


Juniper is a network hardware supplier, and currently the biggest supplier of network equipment for Cloudflare. As previously mentioned in the Broadcom section, Juniper buys some of their silicon from Broadcom, but they also have a significant lineup of home-grown silicon, which can be split into 2 families: Trio and Express.


The Express family is the switching-skewed family, where bandwidth is a priority, while still maintaining a broad range of feature capabilities. These chips live in the same application landscape as the Broadcom StrataDNX chips.

Paradise (Q5)

The Q5 is the new generation of the Juniper switching ASIC[18]. While by itself it doesn’t boast high linerates (500Gbps), when combined into a chassis with a fabric chip (Clos network in this case), they can produce switches (or line cards) with up to 12Tbps of throughput capacity[19]. In addition to allowing for high-throughput, dense network appliances, the chip also comes with a staggering amount of buffer space (4GB per ASIC), provided by external HMC (Hybrid Memory Cube). In this HMC, they’ve also decided to put the FIB, MAC and other tables (so no TCAM).
The Q5 chip is used in their QFX1000 lineup of switches, which include the QFX10002-36Q, QFX10002-60C, QFX10002-72Q and QFX10008, all of which are deployed in our datacenters, as either edge routers or core aggregation switches.

ExpressPlus (ZX)

The ExpressPlus is the more feature-rich and faster evolution of the Paradise chip. It offers double the bandwidth per chip (1Tbps) and is built into a combined Clos-fabric reaching 6Tbps in a 2U form-factor (PTX10002). It also has an increased logical scale, which comes with bigger buffers, larger FIB storage, and more ACL space.

The ExpressPlus drives some of the PTX line of IP routers, together with its newest sibling, Triton.

Triton (BT)

Triton is the latest generation of ASIC in the Express family, with 3.6Tbps of capacity per chip, making way for some truly bandwidth-dense hardware. Both Triton and ExpressPlus are 400GE capable.


The Trio family of chips are primarily used in the feature-heavy MX routing platform, and is currently at its 5th generation.

ASICs at the EdgeA Juniper MPC4E-3D-32XGE line card

Trio Eagle (Trio 4.0) (EA)

The Trio Eagle is the previous generation of the Trio Penta, and can be found on the MPC7E line cards for example. It’s a feature-rich ASIC, with a 400Gbps forwarding capacity, and significant buffer and TCAM capacity (as is to be expected from a routing platform ASIC)

Trio Penta (Trio 5.0) (ZT)

Penta is the new generation routing chip, which is built for the MX platform routers. On top of being a very beefy chip, capable of 500Gbps per ASIC, allowing Juniper to build line cards of up to 4Tbps of capacity, the chip also has a lot of baked in features, offering advanced hardware offloading for for example MACSec, or Layer 3 IPsec.

The Penta chip is packaged on the MPC10E and MPC11E line card, which can be installed in multiple variations of the MX chassis routers (MX480 included).


Last but not least, there’s Cisco. As the saying goes “nobody ever got fired for buying Cisco”, they’re the biggest vendor of network solutions around. Just like Juniper, they have a mixed product fleet of merchant silicon, as well as home-grown. While we used to operate Cisco routers as edge routers (Cisco ASR 9000), this is no longer the case. We do still use them heavily for our ToR (Top-of-Rack) switching needs, utilizing both their Nexus 5000 series and Nexus 9000 series switches.


Bigsur is custom silicon developed for the Nexus 6000 line of switches (confusingly, the switches themselves are called Cisco Nexus 5672UP and Cisco Nexus 6001). In our specific model, the Cisco Nexus 5672UP, there’s 7 of them interconnected, providing 10G and 40G connectivity. Unfortunately Cisco is a lot more tight-lipped about their ASIC capabilities, so I can’t go as deep as I did with the Juniper chips. Feature-wise, there’s not a lot we require from them in our edge network. They’re simple Layer 2 forwarding switches, with no added requirements. Buffer wise, they use a system called Virtual Output Queueing, just like the Juniper Express chip. Unlike the Juniper silicon, the Bigsur ASIC doesn’t come with a lot of TCAM or buffer space.


The Tahoe is the Cisco ASIC found in the Cisco 9300-EX switches, also known as the LSE (Leaf Spine Engine). It offers higher-density port configurations compared to the Bigsur (1.6Tbps)[20]. Overall, this ASIC is a maturation of the Bigsur silicon, offering more advanced features such as advanced VXLAN+EVPN fabrics, greater port flexibility (10G, 25G, 40G and 100G), and increased buffer sizes (40MB). We use this ASIC extensively in both our edge data centers as well as in our core data centers.


A lot of different factors come into play when making the decision to purchase the next generation of Cloudflare network equipment. This post only scratches the surface of technical considerations to be made, and doesn’t come near any other factors, such as ecosystem contributions, openness, interoperability, or pricing. None of this would’ve been possible without the contributions from other network engineers—this post was written on the shoulders of giants. In particular, thanks to the excellent work by Jim Warner at UCSC, the engrossing book on the new MX platforms, written by David Roy (Day One: Inside the MX 5G), as well as the best book on the Juniper QFX lineup: Juniper QFX10000 Series by Douglas Richard Hanks Jr, and to finish it off, the Summary of Network ASICs post by Justin Pietsch.

  1. https://cloud.google.com/tpu/ ↩︎

  2. https://angel.co/company/spacex/jobs/744408-sr-fpga-asic-design-engineer ↩︎

  3. https://marketrealist.com/2017/02/wired-infrastructure-segment-protects-broadcom/ ↩︎

  4. https://www.wsj.com/articles/broadcom-lands-deals-to-place-components-in-apple-smartphones-11579821914 ↩︎

  5. https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2019/12/09/1958047/0/en/Broadcom-Ships-Tomahawk-4-Industry-s-Highest-Bandwidth-Ethernet-Switch-Chip-at-25-6-Terabits-per-Second.html ↩︎

  6. https://www.broadcom.com/products/ethernet-connectivity/switching/stratadnx/BCM88690 ↩︎

  7. https://www.ufispace.com/products/telco/core-edge/s9705-48d ↩︎

  8. https://www.ciscolive.com/c/dam/r/ciscolive/emea/docs/2019/pdf/BRKSPG-2900.pdf ↩︎

  9. https://www.broadcom.com/products/ethernet-connectivity/switching/strataxgs/bcm56880-series ↩︎

  10. https://newsroom.intel.com/news-releases/intel-to-acquire-fulcrum-microsystems/ ↩︎

  11. https://www.intel.com/content/dam/www/public/us/en/documents/datasheets/ethernet-switch-fm5000-fm6000-datasheet.pdf ↩︎

  12. https://barefootnetworks.com/products/brief-tofino/ ↩︎

  13. http://www.sigcomm.org/node/3503 ↩︎

  14. https://github.com/p4lang/p4lang.github.io/blob/master/assets/p4_switch_model-600px.png ↩︎

  15. https://www.arista.com/assets/data/pdf/Whitepapers/7170_White_Paper.pdf ↩︎

  16. https://www.barefootnetworks.com/press-releases/barefoot-networks-to-showcase-technologies-to-build-fast-and-resilient-networks-using-deep-insight-and-tofino-powered-cisco-nexus-switches-at-cisco-live-us-2019/ ↩︎

  17. https://www.mellanox.com/products/ethernet-switches/sn4000 ↩︎

  18. https://www.juniper.net/assets/us/en/local/pdf/whitepapers/2000599-en.pdf ↩︎

  19. https://www.juniper.net/assets/us/en/local/pdf/datasheets/1000531-en.pdf#page=7 ↩︎

  20. https://www.cisco.com/c/dam/global/fr_ch/solutions/data-center-virtualization/pdf/Cisco_Nexus_9300_EX_Platform.pdf#page=8 ↩︎

Diving into /proc/[pid]/mem

Post Syndicated from Lennart Espe original https://blog.cloudflare.com/diving-into-proc-pid-mem/

Diving into /proc/[pid]/mem

Diving into /proc/[pid]/mem

A few months ago, after reading about Cloudflare doubling its intern class size, I quickly dusted off my CV and applied for an internship. Long story short: now, a couple of months later, I found myself staring into Linux kernel code and adding a pretty cool feature to gVisor, a Linux container runtime.

My internship was under the Emerging Technologies and Incubation group on a project involving gVisor. A co-worker contacted my team about not being able to read the debug symbols of stack traces inside the sandbox. For example, when the isolated process crashed, this is what we saw in the logs:

*** Check failure stack trace: ***
    @     0x7ff5f69e50bd  (unknown)
    @     0x7ff5f69e9c9c  (unknown)
    @     0x7ff5f69e4dbd  (unknown)
    @     0x7ff5f69e55a9  (unknown)
    @     0x5564b27912da  (unknown)
    @     0x7ff5f650ecca  (unknown)
    @     0x5564b27910fa  (unknown)

Obviously, this wasn’t very useful. I eagerly volunteered to fix this stack unwinding code – how hard could it be?

After some debugging, we found that the logging library used in the project opened /proc/self/mem to look for ELF headers at the start of each memory-mapped region. This was necessary to calculate an offset to find the correct addresses for debug symbols.

It turns out this mechanism is rather common. The stack unwinding code is often run in weird contexts – like a SIGSEGV handler – so it would not be appropriate to dig over real memory addresses back and forth to read the ELF. This could trigger another SIGSEGV. And SIGSEGV inside a SIGSEGV handler means either termination via the default handler for a segfault or recursing into the same handler again and again (if one sets SA_NODEFER) leading to a stack overflow.

However, inside gVisor, each call of open() on /proc/self/mem resulted in ENOENT, because the entire /proc/self/mem file was missing. In order to provide a robust sandbox, gVisor has to carefully reimplement the Linux kernel interfaces. This particular /proc file was simply unimplemented in the virtual file system of Sentry, one of gVisor’s sandboxing components.
Marek asked the devs on the project chat and got confirmation – they would be happy to accept a patch implementing this file.
Diving into /proc/[pid]/mem

The easy way out would have been to make a small, local patch to the unwinder behavior, yet I found myself diving into the Linux kernel trying to figure how the mem file worked in an attempt to implement it in Sentry’s VFS.

What does /proc/[pid]/mem do?

The file itself is quite powerful, because it allows raw access to the virtual address space of a process. According to manpages, the documented file operations are open(), read() and lseek(). Typical use cases are debugging tasks or dumping process memory.

Opening the file

When a process wants to open the file, the kernel does the file permissions check, looks up the associated operations for mem and invokes a method called proc_mem_open. It retrieves the associated task and calls a method named mm_access.

 * Grab a reference to a task's mm, if it is not already going away
 * and ptrace_may_access with the mode parameter passed to it
 * succeeds.

Seems relatively straightforward, right? The special thing about mm_access is that it verifies the permissions the current task has regarding the task to which the memory belongs. If the current task and target task do not share the same memory manager, the kernel invokes a method named __ptrace_may_access.

 * May we inspect the given task?
 * This check is used both for attaching with ptrace
 * and for allowing access to sensitive information in /proc.
 * ptrace_attach denies several cases that /proc allows
 * because setting up the necessary parent/child relationship
 * or halting the specified task is impossible.

According to the manpages, a process which would like to read from an unrelated /proc/[pid]/mem file should have access mode PTRACE_MODE_ATTACH_FSCREDS. This check does not verify that a process is attached via PTRACE_ATTACH, but rather if it has the permission to attach with the specified credentials mode.

Access checks

After skimming through the function, you will see that a process is allowed access if the current task belongs to the same thread group as the target task, or denied access (depending on whether PTRACE_MODE_FSCREDS or PTRACE_MODE_REALCREDS is set, we will use either the file-system UID / GID, which is typically the same as the effective UID/GID, or the real UID / GID) if none of the following conditions are met:

  • the current task’s credentials (UID, GID) match up with the credentials (real, effective and saved set-UID/GID) of the target process
  • the current task has CAP_SYS_PTRACE inside the user namespace of the target process

In the next check, access is denied if the current task has neither CAP_SYS_PTRACE inside the user namespace of the target task, nor the target’s dumpable attribute is set to SUID_DUMP_USER. The dumpable attribute is typically required to allow producing core dumps.

After these three checks, we also go through the commoncap Linux Security Module (and other LSMs) to verify our access mode is fine. LSMs you may know are SELinux and AppArmor. The commoncap LSM performs the checks on the basis of effective or permitted process capabilities (depending on the mode being FSCREDS or REALCREDS), allowing access if

  • the capabilities of the current task are a superset of the capabilities of the target task, or
  • the current task has CAP_SYS_PTRACE in the target task’s user namespace

In conclusion, one has access (with only commoncap LSM checks active) if:

  • the current task is in the same task group as the target task, or
  • the current task has CAP_SYS_PTRACE in the target task’s user namespace, or
  • the credentials of the current and target task match up in the given credentials mode, the target task is dumpable, they run in the same user namespace and the target task’s capabilities are a subset of the current task’s capabilities

I highly recommend reading through the ptrace manpages to dig deeper into the different modes, options and checks.

Reading from the file

Since all the access checks occur when opening the file, reading from it is quite straightforward. When one invokes read() on a mem file, it calls up mem_rw (which actually can do both reading and writing).

To avoid using lots of memory, mem_rw performs the copy in a loop and buffers the data in an intermediate page. mem_rw has a hidden superpower, that is, it uses FOLL_FORCE to avoid permission checks on user-owned pages (handling pages marked as non-readable/non-writable readable and writable).

mem_rw has other specialties, such as its error handling. Some interesting cases are:

  • if the target task has exited after opening the file descriptor, performing read() will always succeed with reading 0 bytes
  • if the initial copy from the target task’s memory to the intermediate page fails, it does not always return an error but only if no data has been read

You can also perform lseek on the file excluding SEEK_END.

How it works in gVisor

Luckily, gVisor already implemented ptrace_may_access as kernel.task.CanTrace, so one can avoid reimplementing all the ptrace access logic. However, the implementation in gVisor is less complicated due to the lack of support for PTRACE_MODE_FSCREDS (which is still an open issue).

When a new file descriptor is open()ed, the GetFile method of the virtual Inode is invoked, therefore this is where the access check naturally happens. After a successful access check, the method returns a fs.File. The fs.File implements all the file operations you would expect such as Read() and Write(). gVisor also provides tons of primitives for quickly building a working file structure so that one does not have to reimplement a generic lseek() for example.

In case a task invokes a Read() call onto the fs.File, the Read method retrieves the memory manager of the file’s Task.
Accessing the task’s memory manager is a breeze with comfortable CopyIn and CopyOut methods, with interfaces similar to io.Writer and io.Reader.

After implementing all of this, we finally got a useful stack trace.

*** Check failure stack trace: ***
    @     0x7f190c9e70bd  google::LogMessage::Fail()
    @     0x7f190c9ebc9c  google::LogMessage::SendToLog()
    @     0x7f190c9e6dbd  google::LogMessage::Flush()
    @     0x7f190c9e75a9  google::LogMessageFatal::~LogMessageFatal()
    @     0x55d6f718c2da  main
    @     0x7f190c510cca  __libc_start_main
    @     0x55d6f718c0fa  _start


A comprehensive victory! The /proc/<pid>/mem file is an important mechanism that gives insight into contents of process memory. It is essential to stack unwinders to do their work in case of complicated and unforeseeable failures. Because the process memory contains highly-sensitive information, data access to the file is determined by a complex set of poorly documented rules. With a bit of effort, you can emulate /proc/[PID]/mem inside gVisor’s sandbox, where the process only has access to the subset of procfs that has been implemented by the gVisor authors and, as a result, you can have access to an easily readable stack trace in case of a crash.

Now I can’t wait to get the PR merged into gVisor.

What is Cloudflare One?

Post Syndicated from Rustam Lalkaka original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one/

What is Cloudflare One?

Running a secure enterprise network is really difficult. Employees spread all over the world work from home. Applications are run from data centers, hosted in public cloud, and delivered as services. Persistent and motivated attackers exploit any vulnerability.

Enterprises used to build networks that resembled a castle-and-moat. The walls and moat kept attackers out and data in. Team members entered over a drawbridge and tended to stay inside the walls. Trust folks on the inside of the castle to do the right thing, and deploy whatever you need in the relative tranquility of your secure network perimeter.

The Internet, SaaS, and “the cloud” threw a wrench in that plan. Today, more of the workloads in a modern enterprise run outside the castle than inside. So why are enterprises still spending money building more complicated and more ineffective moats?

Today, we’re excited to share Cloudflare One™, our vision to tackle the intractable job of corporate security and networking.

What is Cloudflare One?

Cloudflare One combines networking products that enable employees to do their best work, no matter where they are, with consistent security controls deployed globally.

Starting today, you can begin replacing traffic backhauls to security appliances with Cloudflare WARP and Gateway to filter outbound Internet traffic. For your office networks, we plan to bring next-generation firewall capabilities to Magic Transit with Magic Firewall to let you get rid of your top-of-shelf firewall appliances.

With multiple on-ramps to the Internet through Cloudflare, and the elimination of backhauled traffic, we plan to make it simple and cost-effective to manage that routing compared to MPLS and SD-WAN models. Cloudflare Magic WAN will provide a control plane for how your traffic routes through our network.

You can use Cloudflare One today to replace the other function of your VPN: putting users on a private network for access control. Cloudflare Access delivers Zero Trust controls that can replace private network security models. Later this week, we’ll announce how you can extend Access to any application – including SaaS applications. We’ll also preview our browser isolation technology to keep the endpoints that connect to those applications safe from malware.

Finally, the products in Cloudflare One focus on giving your team the logs and tools to both understand and then remediate issues. As part of our Gateway filtering launch this week we’re including logs that provide visibility into the traffic leaving your organization. We’ll be sharing how those logs get smarter later this week with a new Intrusion Detection System that detects and stops intrusion attempts.

What is Cloudflare One?

Many of those components are available today, some new features are arriving this week, and other pieces will be launching soon. All together, we’re excited to share this vision and for the future of the corporate network.

Problems in enterprise networking and security

The demands placed on a corporate network have changed dramatically. IT has gone from a back-office function to mission critical. In parallel with networks becoming more integral, users spread out from offices to work from home. Applications left the datacenter and are now being run out of multiple clouds or are being delivered by vendors directly over the Internet.

Direct network paths became hairpin turns

Employees sitting inside of an office could connect over a private network to applications running in a datacenter nearby. When team members left the office, they could use a VPN to sneak back onto the network from outside the walls. Branch offices hopped on that same network over expensive MPLS links.

When applications left the data center and users left their offices, organizations responded by trying to force that scattered world into the same castle-and-moat model. Companies purchased more VPN licenses and replaced MPLS links with difficult SD-WAN deployments. Networks became more complex in an attempt to mimic an older model of networking when in reality the Internet had become the new corporate network.

Defense-in-depth splintered

Attackers looking to compromise corporate networks have a multitude of tools at their disposal, and may execute surgical malware strikes, throw a volumetric kitchen sink at your network, or any number of things in between. Traditionally, defense against each class of attack was provided by a separate, specialized piece of hardware running in a datacenter.

Security controls used to be relatively easy when every user and every application sat in the same place. When employees left offices and workloads left data centers, the same security controls struggled to follow. Companies deployed a patchwork of point solutions, attempting to rebuild their topside firewall appliances across hybrid and dynamic environments.

High-visibility required high-effort

The move to a patchwork model sacrificed more than just defense-in-depth — companies lost visibility into what was happening in their networks and applications. We hear from customers that this capture and standardization of logs has become one of their biggest hurdles. They purchased expensive data ingestion, analysis, storage, and analytics tools.

Enterprises now rely on multiple point solutions that one of the biggest hurdles is the capture and standardization of logs. Increasing regulatory and compliance pressures place more emphasis on data retention and analysis. Splintered security solutions become a data management nightmare.

Fixing issues relied on best guesses

Without visibility into this new networking model, security teams had to guess at what could go wrong. Organizations who wanted to adopt an “assume breach” model struggled to determine what kind of breach could even occur, so they threw every possible solution at the problem.

We talk to enterprises who purchase new scanning and filtering services, delivered in virtual appliances, for problems they are unsure they have. These teams attempt to remediate every possible event manually, because they lack visibility, rather than targeting specific events and adapting the security model.

How does Cloudflare One fit?

Over the last several years, we’ve been assembling the components of Cloudflare One. We launched individual products to target some of these problems one-at-a-time. We’re excited to share our vision for how they all fit together in Cloudflare One.

Flexible data planes

Cloudflare launched as a reverse proxy. Customers put their Internet-facing properties on our network and their audience connected to those specific destinations through our network. Cloudflare One represents years of launches that allow our network to process any type of traffic flowing in either the “reverse” or “forward” direction.

In 2019, we launched Cloudflare WARP — a mobile application that kept Internet-bound traffic private with an encrypted connection to our network while also making it faster and more reliable. We’re now packaging that same technology into an enterprise version launching this week to connect roaming employees to Cloudflare Gateway.

Your data centers and offices should have the same advantage. We launched Magic Transit last year to secure your networks from IP-layer attacks. Our initial focus with Magic Transit has been delivering best-in-class DDoS mitigation to on-prem networks. DDoS attacks are a persistent thorn in network operators’ sides, and Magic Transit effectively diffuses their sting without forcing performance compromises. That rock-solid DDoS mitigation is the perfect platform on which to build higher level security functions that apply to the same traffic already flowing across our network.

Earlier this year, we expanded that model when we launched Cloudflare Network Interconnect (CNI) to allow our customers to interconnect branch offices and data centers directly with Cloudflare. As part of Cloudflare One, we’ll apply outbound filtering to that same connection.

Cloudflare One should not just help your team move to the Internet as a corporate network, it should be faster than the Internet. Our network is carrier-agnostic, exceptionally well-connected and peered, and delivers the same set of services globally. In each of these on-ramps, we’re adding smarter routing based on our Argo Smart Routing technology, which has been shown to reduce latency by 30% or more in the real-world. Security + Performance, because they’re better together.

A single, unified control plane

When users connect to the Internet from branch offices and devices, they skip the firewall appliances that used to live in headquarters altogether. To keep pace, enterprises need a way to secure traffic that no longer lives entirely within their own network. Cloudflare One applies standard security controls to all traffic – regardless of how that connection starts or where in the network stack it lives.

Cloudflare Access starts by introducing identity into Cloudflare’s network. Teams apply filters based on identity and context to both inbound and outbound connections. Every login, request, and response proxies through Cloudflare’s network regardless of the location of the server or user. The scale of our network and its distribution can filter and log enterprise traffic without compromising performance.

Cloudflare Gateway keeps connections to the rest of the Internet safe. Gateway inspects traffic leaving devices and networks for threats and data loss events that hide inside of connections at the application layer. Launching soon, Gateway will bring that same level of control lower in the stack to the transport layer.

You should have the same level of control over how your networks send traffic. We’re excited to announce Magic Firewall, a next-generation firewall for all traffic leaving your offices and data centers. With Gateway and Magic Firewall, you can build a rule once and run it everywhere, or tailor rules to specific use cases in a single control plane.

We know some attacks can’t be filtered because they launch before filters can be built to stop them. Cloudflare Browser, our isolated browser technology gives your team a bulletproof pane of glass from threats that can evade known filters. Later this week, we’ll invite customers to sign up to join the beta to browse the Internet on Cloudflare’s edge without the risk of code leaping out of the browser to infect an endpoint.

Finally, the PKI infrastructure that secures your network should be modern and simpler to manage. We heard from customers who described certificate management as one of the core problems of moving to a better model of security. Cloudflare works with, not against, modern encryption standards like TLS 1.3. Cloudflare made it easy to add encryption to your sites on the Internet with one click. We’re going to bring that ease-of-management to the network functions you run on Cloudflare One.

One place to get your logs, one location for all of your security analysis

Cloudflare’s network serves 18 million HTTP requests per second on average. We’ve built logging pipelines that make it possible for some of the largest Internet properties in the world to capture and analyze their logs at scale. Cloudflare One builds on that same capability.

Cloudflare Access and Gateway capture every request, inbound or outbound, without any server-side code changes or advanced client-side configuration. Your team can export those logs to the SIEM provider of your choice with our Cloudflare Logpush service – the same pipeline that exports HTTP request events at scale for public sites. Magic Transit expands that logging capability to entire networks and offices to ensure you never lose visibility from any location.

We’re going beyond just logging events. Available today for your websites, Cloudflare Web Analytics converts logs into insights. We plan to keep expanding that visibility into how your network operates, as well. Just as Cloudflare has replaced the “band-aid boxes” that performed disparate network functions and unified them into a cohesive, adaptable edge, we intend to do the same for the fragmented, hard to use, and expensive security analytics ecosystem. More to come on this soon.Smarter, faster remediation

Data and analytics should surface events that a team can remediate. Log systems that lead to one-click fixes can be powerful tools, but we want to make that remediation automatic.

Launching into a closed preview later this week, Cloudflare Intrusion Detection System (IDS) will proactively scan your network for anomalous events and recommend actions or, better yet, take actions for you to remediate problems. We plan to bring that same proactive scanning and remediation approach to Cloudflare Access and Cloudflare Gateway.

Run your network on our globally scaled network

Over 25 million Internet properties rely on Cloudflare’s network to reach their audiences. More than 10% of all websites connect through our reverse proxy, including 16% of the Fortune 1000. Cloudflare accelerates traffic for huge chunks of the Internet by delivering services from datacenters around the world.

We deliver Cloudflare One from those same data centers. And critically, every datacenter we operate delivers the same set of services, whether that is Cloudflare Access, WARP, Magic Transit, or our WAF. As an example, when your employees connect through Cloudflare WARP to one of our data centers, there is a real chance they never have to leave our network or that data center to reach the site or data they need. As a result, their entire Internet experience becomes extraordinarily fast, no matter where they are in the world.

We expect that performance bonus to become even more meaningful as browsing moves to Cloudflare’s edge with Cloudflare Browser. The isolated browsers running in Cloudflare’s data centers can request content that sits just centimeters away. Even further, as more web properties rely on Cloudflare Workers to power their applications, entire workflows can stay inside of a data center within 100 ms of your employees.

What’s next?

While many of these features are available today, we’re going to be launching several new features over the next several days as part of Cloudflare’s Zero Trust week. Stay tuned for announcements each day this week that add new pieces to the Cloudflare One featureset.

What is Cloudflare One?

Unimog – Cloudflare’s edge load balancer

Post Syndicated from David Wragg original https://blog.cloudflare.com/unimog-cloudflares-edge-load-balancer/

Unimog - Cloudflare’s edge load balancer

As the scale of Cloudflare’s edge network has grown, we sometimes reach the limits of parts of our architecture. About two years ago we realized that our existing solution for spreading load within our data centers could no longer meet our needs. We embarked on a project to deploy a Layer 4 Load Balancer, internally called Unimog, to improve the reliability and operational efficiency of our edge network. Unimog has now been deployed in production for over a year.

This post explains the problems Unimog solves and how it works. Unimog builds on techniques used in other Layer 4 Load Balancers, but there are many details of its implementation that are tailored to the needs of our edge network.

Unimog - Cloudflare’s edge load balancer

The role of Unimog in our edge network

Cloudflare operates an anycast network, meaning that our data centers in 200+ cities around the world serve the same IP addresses. For example, our own cloudflare.com website uses Cloudflare services, and one of its IP addresses is All of our data centers will accept connections to that address and respond to HTTP requests. By the magic of Internet routing, when you visit cloudflare.com and your browser connects to, your connection will usually go to the closest (and therefore fastest) data center.

Unimog - Cloudflare’s edge load balancer

Inside those data centers are many servers. The number of servers in each varies greatly (the biggest data centers have a hundred times more servers than the smallest ones). The servers run the application services that implement our products (our caching, DNS, WAF, DDoS mitigation, Spectrum, WARP, etc). Within a single data center, any of the servers can handle a connection for any of our services on any of our anycast IP addresses. This uniformity keeps things simple and avoids bottlenecks.

Unimog - Cloudflare’s edge load balancer

But if any server within a data center can handle any connection, when a connection arrives from a browser or some other client, what controls which server it goes to? That’s the job of Unimog.

There are two main reasons why we need this control. The first is that we regularly move servers in and out of operation, and servers should only receive connections when they are in operation. For example, we sometimes remove a server from operation in order to perform maintenance on it. And sometimes servers are automatically removed from operation because health checks indicate that they are not functioning correctly.

The second reason concerns the management of the load on the servers (by load we mean the amount of computing work each one needs to do). If the load on a server exceeds the capacity of its hardware resources, then the quality of service to users will suffer. The performance experienced by users degrades as a server approaches saturation, and if a server becomes sufficiently overloaded, users may see errors. We also want to prevent servers being underloaded, which would reduce the value we get from our investment in hardware. So Unimog ensures that the load is spread across the servers in a data center. This general idea is called load balancing (balancing because the work has to be done somewhere, and so for the load on one server to go down, the load on some other server must go up).

Note that in this post, we’ll discuss how Cloudflare balances the load on its own servers in edge data centers. But load balancing is a requirement that occurs in many places in distributed computing systems. Cloudflare also has a Layer 7 Load Balancing product to allow our customers to balance load across their servers. And Cloudflare uses load balancing in other places internally.

Deploying Unimog led to a big improvement in our ability to balance the load on our servers in our edge data centers. Here’s a chart for one data center, showing the difference due to Unimog. Each line shows the processor utilization of an individual server (the colour of the lines indicates server model). The load on the servers varies during the day with the activity of users close to this data center. The white line marks the point when we enabled Unimog. You can see that after that point, the load on the servers became much more uniform. We saw similar results when we deployed Unimog to our other data centers.

Unimog - Cloudflare’s edge load balancer

How Unimog compares to other load balancers

There are a variety of techniques for load balancing. Unimog belongs to a category called Layer 4 Load Balancers (L4LBs). L4LBs direct packets on the network by inspecting information up to layer 4 of the OSI network model, which distinguishes them from the more common Layer 7 Load Balancers.

The advantage of L4LBs is their efficiency. They direct packets without processing the payload of those packets, so they avoid the overheads associated with higher level protocols. For any load balancer, it’s important that the resources consumed by the load balancer are low compared to the resources devoted to useful work. At Cloudflare, we already pay close attention to the efficient implementation of our services, and that sets a high bar for the load balancer that we put in front of those services.

The downside of L4LBs is that they can only control which connections go to which servers. They cannot modify the data going over the connection, which prevents them from participating in higher-level protocols like TLS, HTTP, etc. (in contrast, Layer 7 Load Balancers act as proxies, so they can modify data on the connection and participate in those higher-level protocols).

L4LBs are not new. They are mostly used at companies which have scaling needs that would be hard to meet with L7LBs alone. Google has published about Maglev, Facebook open-sourced Katran, and Github has open-sourced their GLB.

Unimog is the L4LB that Cloudflare has built to meet the needs of our edge network. It shares features with other L4LBs, and it is particularly strongly influenced by GLB. But there are some requirements that were not well-served by existing L4LBs, leading us to build our own:

  • Unimog is designed to run on the same general-purpose servers that provide application services, rather than requiring a separate tier of servers dedicated to load balancing.
  • It performs dynamic load balancing: measurements of server load are used to adjust the number of connections going to each server, in order to accurately balance load.
  • It supports long-lived connections that remain established for days.
  • Virtual IP addresses are managed as ranges (Cloudflare serves hundreds of thousands of IPv4 addresses on behalf of our customers, so it is impractical to configure these individually).
  • Unimog is tightly integrated with our existing DDoS mitigation system, and the implementation relies on the same XDP technology in the Linux kernel.

The rest of this post describes these features and the design and implementation choices that follow from them in more detail.

For Unimog to balance load, it’s not enough to send the same (or approximately the same) number of connections to each server, because the performance of our servers varies. We regularly update our server hardware, and we’re now on our 10th generation. Once we deploy a server, we keep it in service for as long as it is cost effective, and the lifetime of a server can be several years. It’s not unusual for a single data center to contain a mix of server models, due to expansion and upgrades over time. Processor performance has increased significantly across our server generations. So within a single data center, we need to send different numbers of connections to different servers to utilize the same percentage of their capacity.

It’s also not enough to give each server a fixed share of connections based on static estimates of their capacity. Not all connections consume the same amount of CPU. And there are other activities running on our servers and consuming CPU that are not directly driven by connections from clients. So in order to accurately balance load across servers, Unimog does dynamic load balancing: it takes regular measurements of the load on each of our servers, and uses a control loop that increases or decreases the number of connections going to each server so that their loads converge to an appropriate value.

Refresher: TCP connections

The relationship between TCP packets and connections is central to the operation of Unimog, so we’ll briefly describe that relationship.

(Unimog supports UDP as well as TCP, but for clarity most of this post will focus on the TCP support. We explain how UDP support differs towards the end.)

Here is the outline of a TCP packet:

Unimog - Cloudflare’s edge load balancer

The TCP connection that this packet belongs to is identified by the four labelled header fields, which span the IPv4/IPv6 (i.e. layer 3) and TCP (i.e. layer 4) headers: the source and destination addresses, and the source and destination ports. Collectively, these four fields are known as the 4-tuple. When we say the Unimog sends a connection to a server, we mean that all the packets with the 4-tuple identifying that connection are sent to that server.

A TCP connection is established via a three-way handshake between the client and the server handling that connection. Once a connection has been established, it is crucial that all the incoming packets for that connection go to that same server. If a TCP packet belonging to the connection is sent to a different server, it will signal the fact that it doesn’t know about the connection to the client with a TCP RST (reset) packet. Upon receiving this notification, the client terminates the connection, probably resulting in the user seeing an error. So a misdirected packet is much worse than a dropped packet. As usual, we consider the network to be unreliable, and it’s fine for occasional packets to be dropped. But even a single misdirected packet can lead to a broken connection.

Cloudflare handles a wide variety of connections on behalf of our customers. Many of these connections carry HTTP, and are typically short lived. But some HTTP connections are used for websockets, and can remain established for hours or days. Our Spectrum product supports arbitrary TCP connections. TCP connections can be terminated or stall for many reasons, and ideally all applications that use long-lived connections would be able to reconnect transparently, and applications would be designed to support such reconnections. But not all applications and protocols meet this ideal, so we strive to maintain long-lived connections. Unimog can maintain connections that last for many days.

Forwarding packets

The previous section described that the function of Unimog is to steer connections to servers. We’ll now explain how this is implemented.

To start with, let’s consider how one of our data centers might look without Unimog or any other load balancer. Here’s a conceptual view:

Unimog - Cloudflare’s edge load balancer

Packets arrive from the Internet, and pass through the router, which forwards them on to servers (in reality there is usually additional network infrastructure between the router and the servers, but it doesn’t play a significant role here so we’ll ignore it).

But is such a simple arrangement possible? Can the router spread traffic over servers without some kind of load balancer in between? Routers have a feature called ECMP (equal cost multipath) routing. Its original purpose is to allow traffic to be spread across multiple paths between two locations, but it is commonly repurposed to spread traffic across multiple servers within a data center. In fact, Cloudflare relied on ECMP alone to spread load across servers before we deployed Unimog. ECMP uses a hashing scheme to ensure that packets on a given connection use the same path (Unimog also employs a hashing scheme, so we’ll discuss how this can work in further detail below) . But ECMP is vulnerable to changes in the set of active servers, such as when servers go in and out of service. These changes cause rehashing events, which break connections to all the servers in an ECMP group. Also, routers impose limits on the sizes of ECMP groups, which means that a single ECMP group cannot cover all the servers in our larger edge data centers. Finally, ECMP does not allow us to do dynamic load balancing by adjusting the share of connections going to each server. These drawbacks mean that ECMP alone is not an effective approach.

Ideally, to overcome the drawbacks of ECMP, we could program the router with the appropriate logic to direct connections to servers in the way we want. But although programmable network data planes have been a hot research topic in recent years, commodity routers are still essentially fixed-function devices.

We can work around the limitations of routers by having the router send the packets to some load balancing servers, and then programming those load balancers to forward packets as we want. If the load balancers all act on packets in a consistent way, then it doesn’t matter which load balancer gets which packets from the router (so we can use ECMP to spread packets across the load balancers). That suggests an arrangement like this:

Unimog - Cloudflare’s edge load balancer

And indeed L4LBs are often deployed like this.

Instead, Unimog makes every server into a load balancer. The router can send any packet to any server, and that initial server will forward the packet to the right server for that connection:

Unimog - Cloudflare’s edge load balancer

We have two reasons to favour this arrangement:

First, in our edge network, we avoid specialised roles for servers. We run the same software stack on the servers in our edge network, providing all of our product features, whether DDoS attack prevention, website performance features, Cloudflare Workers, WARP, etc. This uniformity is key to the efficient operation of our edge network: we don’t have to manage how many load balancers we have within each of our data centers, because all of our servers act as load balancers.

The second reason relates to stopping attacks. Cloudflare’s edge network is the target of incessant attacks. Some of these attacks are volumetric – large packet floods which attempt to overwhelm the ability of our data centers to process network traffic from the Internet, and so impact our ability to service legitimate traffic. To successfully mitigate such attacks, it’s important to filter out attack packets as early as possible, minimising the resources they consume. This means that our attack mitigation system needs to occur before the forwarding done by Unimog. That mitigation system is called l4drop, and we’ve written about it before. l4drop and Unimog are closely integrated. Because l4drop runs on all of our servers, and because l4drop comes before Unimog, it’s natural for Unimog to run on all of our servers too.

XDP and xdpd

Unimog implements packet forwarding using a Linux kernel facility called XDP. XDP allows a program to be attached to a network interface, and the program gets run for every packet that arrives, before it is processed by the kernel’s main network stack. The XDP program returns an action code to tell the kernel what to do with the packet:

  • PASS: Pass the packet on to the kernel’s network stack for normal processing.
  • DROP: Drop the packet. This is the basis for l4drop.
  • TX: Transmit the packet back out of the network interface. The XDP program can modify the packet data before transmission. This action is the basis for Unimog forwarding.

XDP programs run within the kernel, making this an efficient approach even at high packet rates. XDP programs are expressed as eBPF bytecode, and run within an in-kernel virtual machine. Upon loading an XDP program, the kernel compiles its eBPF code into machine code. The kernel also verifies the program to check that it does not compromise security or stability. eBPF is not only used in the context of XDP: many recent Linux kernel innovations employ eBPF, as it provides a convenient and efficient way to extend the behaviour of the kernel.

XDP is much more convenient than alternative approaches to packet-level processing, particularly in our context where the servers involved also have many other tasks. We have continued to enhance Unimog since its initial deployment. Our deployment model for new versions of our Unimog XDP code is essentially the same as for userspace services, and we are able to deploy new versions on a weekly basis if needed. Also, established techniques for optimizing the performance of the Linux network stack provide good performance for XDP.

There are two main alternatives for efficient packet-level processing:

  • Kernel-bypass networking (such as DPDK), where a program in userspace manages a network interface (or some part of one) directly without the involvement of the kernel. This approach works best when servers can be dedicated to a network function (due to the need to dedicate processor or network interface hardware resources, and awkward integration with the normal kernel network stack; see our old post about this). But we avoid putting servers in specialised roles. (Github’s open-source GLB uses DPDK, and this is one of the main factors that made GLB unsuitable for us.)
  • Kernel modules, where code is added to the kernel to perform the necessary network functions. The Linux IPVS (IP Virtual Server) subsystem falls into this category. But developing, testing, and deploying kernel modules is cumbersome compared to XDP.

The following diagram shows an overview of our use of XDP. Both l4drop and Unimog are implemented by an XDP program. l4drop matches attack packets, and uses the DROP action to discard them. Unimog forwards packets, using the TX action to resend them. Packets that are not dropped or forwarded pass through to the normal Linux network stack. To support our elaborate use of XPD, we have developed the xdpd daemon which performs the necessary supervisory and support functions for our XDP programs.

Unimog - Cloudflare’s edge load balancer

Rather than a single XDP program, we have a chain of XDP programs that must be run for each packet (l4drop, Unimog, and others we have not covered here). One of the responsibilities of xdpd is to prepare these programs, and to make the appropriate system calls to load them and assemble the full chain.

Our XDP programs come from two sources. Some are developed in a conventional way: engineers write C code, our build system compiles it (with clang) to eBPF ELF files, and our release system deploys those files to our servers. Our Unimog XDP code works like this. In contrast, the l4drop XDP code is dynamically generated by xdpd based on information it receives from attack detection systems.

xdpd has many other duties to support our use of XDP:

  • XDP programs can be supplied with data using data structures called maps. xdpd populates the maps needed by our programs, based on information received from control planes.
  • Programs (for instance, our Unimog XDP program) may depend upon configuration values which are fixed while the program runs, but do not have universal values known at the time their C code was compiled. It would be possible to supply these values to the program via maps, but that would be inefficient (retrieving a value from a map requires a call to a helper function). So instead, xdpd will fix up the eBPF program to insert these constants before it is loaded.
  • Cloudflare carefully monitors the behaviour of all our software systems, and this includes our XDP programs: They emit metrics (via another use of maps), which xdpd exposes to our metrics and alerting system (prometheus).
  • When we deploy a new version of xdpd, it gracefully upgrades in such a way that there is no interruption to the operation of Unimog or l4drop.

Although the XDP programs are written in C, xdpd itself is written in Go. Much of its code is specific to Cloudflare. But in the course of developing xdpd, we have collaborated with Cilium to develop https://github.com/cilium/ebpf, an open source Go library that provides the operations needed by xdpd for manipulating and loading eBPF programs and related objects. We’re also collaborating with the Linux eBPF community to share our experience, and extend the core eBPF technology in ways that make features of xdpd obsolete.

In evaluating the performance of Unimog, our main concern is efficiency: that is, the resources consumed for load balancing relative to the resources used for customer-visible services. Our measurements show that Unimog costs less than 1% of the processor utilization, compared to a scenario where no load balancing is in use. Other L4LBs, intended to be used with servers dedicated to load balancing, may place more emphasis on maximum throughput of packets. Nonetheless, our experience with Unimog and XDP in general indicates that the throughput is more than adequate for our needs, even during large volumetric attacks.

Unimog is not the first L4LB to use XDP. In 2018, Facebook open sourced Katran, their XDP-based L4LB data plane. We considered the possibility of reusing code from Katran. But it would not have been worthwhile: the core C code needed to implement an XDP-based L4LB is relatively modest (about 1000 lines of C, both for Unimog and Katran). Furthermore, we had requirements that were not met by Katran, and we also needed to integrate with existing components and systems at Cloudflare (particularly l4drop). So very little of the code could have been reused as-is.


As discussed as the start of this post, clients make connections to one of our edge data centers with a destination IP address that can be served by any one of our servers. These addresses that do not correspond to a specific server are known as virtual IPs (VIPs). When our Unimog XDP program forwards a packet destined to a VIP, it must replace that VIP address with the direct IP (DIP) of the appropriate server for the connection, so that when the packet is retransmitted it will reach that server. But it is not sufficient to overwrite the VIP in the packet headers with the DIP, as that would hide the original destination address from the server handling the connection (the original destination address is often needed to correctly handle the connection).

Instead, the packet must be encapsulated: Another set of packet headers is prepended to the packet, so that the original packet becomes the payload in this new packet. The DIP is then used as the destination address in the outer headers, but the addressing information in the headers of the original packet is preserved. The encapsulated packet is then retransmitted. Once it reaches the target server, it must be decapsulated: the outer headers are stripped off to yield the original packet as if it had arrived directly.

Encapsulation is a general concept in computer networking, and is used in a variety of contexts. The headers to be added to the packet by encapsulation are defined by an encapsulation format. Many different encapsulation formats have been defined within the industry, tailored to the requirements in specific contexts. Unimog uses a format called GUE (Generic UDP Encapsulation), in order to allow us to re-use the glb-redirect component from github’s GLB (glb-redirect is discussed below).

GUE is a relatively simple encapsulation format. It encapsulates within a UDP packet, placing a GUE-specific header between the outer IP/UDP headers and the payload packet to allow extension data to be carried (and we’ll see how Unimog takes advantage of this):

Unimog - Cloudflare’s edge load balancer

When an encapsulated packet arrives at a server, the encapsulation process must be reversed. This step is called decapsulation. The headers that were added during the encapsulation process are removed, leaving the original packet to be processed by the network stack as if it had arrived directly from the client.

An issue that can arise with encapsulation is hitting limits on the maximum packet size, because the encapsulation process makes packets larger. The de-facto maximum packet size on the Internet is 1500 bytes, and not coincidentally this is also the maximum packet size on ethernet networks. For Unimog, encapsulating a 1500-byte packet results in a 1536-byte packet. To allow for these enlarged encapsulated packets, we have enabled jumbo frames on the networks inside our data centers, so that the 1500-byte limit only applies to packets headed out to the Internet.

Forwarding logic

So far, we have described the technology used to implement the Unimog load balancer, but not how our Unimog XDP program selects the DIP address when forwarding a packet. This section describes the basic scheme. But as we’ll see, there is a problem, so then we’ll describe how this scheme is elaborated to solve that problem.

In outline, our Unimog XDP program processes each packet in the following way:

  1. Determine whether the packet is destined for a VIP address. Not all of the packets arriving at a server are for VIP addresses. Other packets are passed through for normal handling by the kernel’s network stack. (xdpd obtains the VIP address ranges from the Unimog control plane.)
  2. Determine the DIP for the server handling the packet’s connection.
  3. Encapsulate the packet, and retransmit it to the DIP.

In step 2, note that all the load balancers must act consistently – when forwarding packets, they must all agree about which connections go to which servers. The rate of new connections arriving at a data center is large, so it’s not practical for load balancers to agree by communicating information about connections amongst themselves. Instead L4LBs adopt designs which allow the load balancers to reach consistent forwarding decisions independently. To do this, they rely on hashing schemes: Take the 4-tuple identifying the packet’s connection, put it through a hash function to obtain a key (the hash function ensures that these key values are uniformly distributed), then perform some kind of lookup into a data structure to turn the key into the DIP for the target server.

Unimog uses such a scheme, with a data structure that is simple compared to some other L4LBs. We call this data structure the forwarding table, and it consists of an array where each entry contains a DIP specifying the server target server for the relevant packets (we call these entries buckets). The forwarding table is generated by the Unimog control plane and broadcast to the load balancers (more on this below), so that it has the same contents on all load balancers.

To look up a packet’s key in the forwarding table, the low N bits from the key are used as the index for a bucket (the forwarding table is always a power-of-2 in size):

Unimog - Cloudflare’s edge load balancer

Note that this approach does not provide per-connection control – each bucket typically applies to many connections. All load balancers in a data center use the same forwarding table, so they all forward packets in a consistent manner. This means it doesn’t matter which packets are sent by the router to which servers, and so ECMP re-hashes are a non-issue. And because the forwarding table is immutable and simple in structure, lookups are fast.

Although the above description only discusses a single forwarding table, Unimog supports multiple forwarding tables, each one associated with a trafficset – the traffic destined for a particular service. Ranges of VIP addresses are associated with a trafficset. Each trafficset has its own configuration settings and forwarding tables. This gives us the flexibility to differentiate how Unimog behaves for different services.

Precise load balancing requires the ability to make fine adjustments to the number of connections arriving at each server. So we make the number of buckets in the forwarding table more than 100 times the number of servers. Our data centers can contain hundreds of servers, and so it is normal for a Unimog forwarding table to have tens of thousands of buckets. The DIP for a given server is repeated across many buckets in the forwarding table, and by increasing or decreasing the number of buckets that refer to a server, we can control the share of connections going to that server. Not all buckets will correspond to exactly the same number of connections at a given point in time (the properties of the hash function make this a statistical matter). But experience with Unimog has demonstrated that the relationship between the number of buckets and resulting server load is sufficiently strong to allow for good load balancing.

But as mentioned, there is a problem with this scheme as presented so far. Updating a forwarding table, and changing the DIPs in some buckets, would break connections that hash to those buckets (because packets on those connections would get forwarded to a different server after the update). But one of the requirements for Unimog is to allow us to change which servers get new connections without impacting the existing connections. For example, sometimes we want to drain the connections to a server, maintaining the existing connections to that server but not forwarding new connections to it, in the expectation that many of the existing connections will terminate of their own accord. The next section explains how we fix this scheme to allow such changes.

Maintaining established connections

To make changes to the forwarding table without breaking established connections, Unimog adopts the “daisy chaining” technique described in the paper Stateless Datacenter Load-balancing with Beamer.

To understand how the Beamer technique works, let’s look at what can go wrong when a forwarding table changes: imagine the forwarding table is updated so that a bucket which contained the DIP of server A now refers to server B. A packet that would formerly have been sent to A by the load balancers is now sent to B. If that packet initiates a new connection (it’s a TCP SYN packet), there’s no problem – server B will continue the three-way handshake to complete the new connection. On the other hand, if the packet belongs to a connection established before the change, then the TCP implementation of server B has no matching TCP socket, and so sends a RST back to the client, breaking the connection.

This explanation hints at a solution: the problem occurs when server B receives a forwarded packet that does not match a TCP socket. If we could change its behaviour in this case to forward the packet a second time to the DIP of server A, that would allow the connection to server A to be preserved. For this to work, server B needs to know the DIP for the bucket before the change.

To accomplish this, we extend the forwarding table so that each bucket has two slots, each containing the DIP for a server. The first slot contains the current DIP, which is used by the load balancer to forward packets as discussed (and here we refer to this forwarding as the first hop). The second slot preserves the previous DIP (if any), in order to allow the packet to be forwarded again on a second hop when necessary.

For example, imagine we have a forwarding table that refers to servers A, B, and C, and then it is updated to stop new connections going to server A, but maintaining established connections to server A. This is achieved by replacing server A’s DIP in the first slot of any buckets where it appears, but preserving it in the second slot:

Unimog - Cloudflare’s edge load balancer

In addition to extending the forwarding table, this approach requires a component on each server to forward packets on the second hop when necessary. This diagram shows where this redirector fits into the path a packet can take:

Unimog - Cloudflare’s edge load balancer

The redirector follows some simple logic to decide whether to process a packet locally on the first-hop server or to forward it on the second-hop server:

  • If the packet is a SYN packet, initiating a new connection, then it is always processed by the first-hop server. This ensures that new connections go to the first-hop server.
  • For other packets, the redirector checks whether the packet belongs to a connection with a corresponding TCP socket on the first-hop server. If so, it is processed by that server.
  • Otherwise, the packet has no corresponding TCP socket on the first-hop server. So it is forwarded on to the second-hop server to be processed there (in the expectation that it belongs to some connection established on the second-hop server that we wish to maintain).

In that last step, the redirector needs to know the DIP for the second hop. To avoid the need for the redirector to do forwarding table lookups, the second-hop DIP is placed into the encapsulated packet by the Unimog XDP program (which already does a forwarding table lookup, so it has easy access to this value). This second-hop DIP is carried in a GUE extension header, so that it is readily available to the redirector if it needs to forward the packet again.

This second hop, when necessary, does have a cost. But in our data centers, the fraction of forwarded packets that take the second hop is usually less than 1% (despite the significance of long-lived connections in our context). The result is that the practical overhead of the second hops is modest.

When we initially deployed Unimog, we adopted the glb-redirect iptables module from github’s GLB to serve as the redirector component. In fact, some implementation choices in Unimog, such as the use of GUE, were made in order to facilitate this re-use. glb-redirect worked well for us initially, but subsequently we wanted to enhance the redirector logic. glb-redirect is a custom Linux kernel module, and developing and deploying changes to kernel modules is more difficult for us than for eBPF-based components such as our XDP programs. This is not merely due to Cloudflare having invested more engineering effort in software infrastructure for eBPF; it also results from the more explicit boundary between the kernel and eBPF programs (for example, we are able to run the same eBPF programs on a range of kernel versions without recompilation). We wanted to achieve the same ease of development for the redirector as for our XDP programs.

To that end, we decided to write an eBPF replacement for glb-redirect. While the redirector could be implemented within XDP, like our load balancer, practical concerns led us to implement it as a TC classifier program instead (TC is the traffic control subsystem within the Linux network stack). A downside to XDP is that the packet contents prior to processing by the XDP program are not visible using conventional tools such as tcpdump, complicating debugging. TC classifiers do not have this downside, and in the context of the redirector, which passes most packets through, the performance advantages of XDP would not be significant.

The result is cls-redirect, a redirector implemented as a TC classifier program. We have contributed our cls-redirect code as part of the Linux kernel test suite. In addition to implementing the redirector logic, cls-redirect also implements decapsulation, removing the need to separately configure GUE tunnel endpoints for this purpose.

There are some features suggested in the Beamer paper that Unimog does not implement:

  • Beamer embeds generation numbers in the encapsulated packets to address a potential corner case where a ECMP rehash event occurs at the same time as a forwarding table update is propagating from the control plane to the load balancers. Given the combination of circumstances required for a connection to be impacted by this issue, we believe that in our context the number of affected connections is negligible, and so the added complexity of the generation numbers is not worthwhile.
  • In the Beamer paper, the concept of daisy-chaining encompasses third hops etc. to preserve connections across a series of changes to a bucket. Unimog only uses two hops (the first and second hops above), so in general it can only preserve connections across a single update to a bucket. But our experience is that even with only two hops, a careful strategy for updating the forwarding tables permits connection lifetimes of days.

To elaborate on this second point: when the control plane is updating the forwarding table, it often has some choice in which buckets to change, depending on the event that led to the update. For example, if a server is being brought into service, then some buckets must be assigned to it (by placing the DIP for the new server in the first slot of the bucket). But there is a choice about which buckets. A strategy of choosing the least-recently modified buckets will tend to minimise the impact to connections.

Furthermore, when updating the forwarding table to adjust the balance of load between servers, Unimog often uses a novel trick: due to the redirector logic, exchanging the first-hop and second-hop DIPs for a bucket only affects which server receives new connections for that bucket, and never impacts any established connections. Unimog is able to achieve load balancing in our edge data centers largely through forwarding table changes of this type.

Control plane

So far, we have discussed the Unimog data plane – the part that processes network packets. But much of the development effort on Unimog has been devoted to the control plane – the part that generates the forwarding tables used by the data plane. In order to correctly maintain the forwarding tables, the control plane consumes information from multiple sources:

  • Server information: Unimog needs to know the set of servers present in a data center, some key information about each one (such as their DIP addresses), and their operational status. It also needs signals about transitional states, such as when a server is being withdrawn from service, in order to gracefully drain connections (preventing the server from receiving new connections, while maintaining its established connections).
  • Health: Unimog should only send connections to servers that are able to correctly handle those connections, otherwise those servers should be removed from the forwarding tables. To ensure this, it needs health information at the node level (indicating that a server is available) and at the service level (indicating that a service is functioning normally on a server).
  • Load: in order to balance load, Unimog needs information about the resource utilization on each server.
  • IP address information: Cloudflare serves hundreds of thousands of IPv4 addresses, and these are something that we have to treat as a dynamic resource rather than something statically configured.

The control plane is implemented by a process called the conductor. In each of our edge data centers, there is one active conductor, but there are also standby instances that will take over if the active instance goes away.

We use Hashicorp’s Consul in a number of ways in the Unimog control plane (we have an independent Consul server cluster in each data center):

  • Consul provides a key-value store, with support for blocking queries so that changes to values can be received promptly. We use this to propagate the forwarding tables and VIP address information from the conductor to xdpd on the servers.
  • Consul provides server- and service-level health checks. We use this as the source of health information for Unimog.
  • The conductor stores its state in the Consul KV store, and uses Consul’s distributed locks to ensure that only one conductor instance is active.

The conductor obtains server load information from Prometheus, which we already use for metrics throughout our systems. It balances the load across the servers using a control loop, periodically adjusting the forwarding tables to send more connections to underloaded servers and less connections to overloaded servers. The load for a server is defined by a Prometheus metric expression which measures processor utilization (with some intricacies to better handle characteristics of our workloads). The determination of whether a server is underloaded or overloaded is based on comparison with the average value of the load metric, and the adjustments made to the forwarding table are proportional to the deviation from the average. So the result of the feedback loop is that the load metric for all servers converges on the average.

Finally, the conductor queries internal Cloudflare APIs to obtain the necessary information on servers and addresses.

Unimog - Cloudflare’s edge load balancer

Unimog is a critical system: incorrect, poorly adjusted or stale forwarding tables could cause incoming network traffic to a data center to be dropped, or servers to be overloaded, to the point that a data center would have to be removed from service. To maintain a high quality of service and minimise the overhead of managing our many edge data centers, we have to be able to upgrade all components. So to the greatest extent possible, all components are able to tolerate brief absences of the other components without any impact to service. In some cases this is possible through careful design. In other cases, it requires explicit handling. For example, we have found that Consul can temporarily report inaccurate health information for a server and its services when the Consul agent on that server is restarted (for example, in order to upgrade Consul). So we implemented the necessary logic in the conductor to detect and disregard these transient health changes.

Unimog also forms a complex system with feedback loops: The conductor reacts to its observations of behaviour of the servers, and the servers react to the control information they receive from the conductor. This can lead to behaviours of the overall system that are hard to anticipate or test for. For instance, not long after we deployed Unimog we encountered surprising behaviour when data centers became overloaded. This is of course a scenario that we strive to avoid, and we have automated systems to remove traffic from overloaded data centers if it does. But if a data center became sufficiently overloaded, then health information from its servers would indicate that many servers were degraded to the point that Unimog would stop sending new connections to those servers. Under normal circumstances, this is the correct reaction to a degraded server. But if enough servers become degraded, diverting new connections to other servers would mean those servers became degraded, while the original servers were able to recover. So it was possible for a data center that became temporarily overloaded to get stuck in a state where servers oscillated between healthy and degraded, even after the level of demand on the data center had returned to normal. To correct this issue, the conductor now has logic to distinguish between isolated degraded servers and such data center-wide problems. We have continued to improve Unimog in response to operational experience, ensuring that it behaves in a predictable manner over a wide range of conditions.

UDP Support

So far, we have described Unimog’s support for directing TCP connections. But Unimog also supports UDP traffic. UDP does not have explicit connections between clients and servers, so how it works depends upon how the UDP application exchanges packets between the client and server. There are a few cases of interest:

Request-response UDP applications

Some applications, such as DNS, use a simple request-response pattern: the client sends a request packet to the server, and expects a response packet in return. Here, there is nothing corresponding to a connection (the client only sends a single packet, so there is no requirement to make sure that multiple packets arrive at the same server). But Unimog can still provide value by spreading the requests across our servers.

To cater to this case, Unimog operates as described in previous sections, hashing the 4-tuple from the packet headers (the source and destination IP addresses and ports). But the Beamer daisy-chaining technique that allows connections to be maintained does not apply here, and so the buckets in the forwarding table only have a single slot.

UDP applications with flows

Some UDP applications have long-lived flows of packets between the client and server. Like TCP connections, these flows are identified by the 4-tuple. It is necessary that such flows go to the same server (even when Cloudflare is just passing a flow through to the origin server, it is convenient for detecting and mitigating certain kinds of attack to have that flow pass through a single server within one of Cloudflare’s data centers).

It’s possible to treat these flows by hashing the 4-tuple, skipping the Beamer daisy-chaining technique as for request-response applications. But then adding servers will cause some flows to change servers (this would effectively be a form of consistent hashing). For UDP applications, we can’t say in general what impact this has, as we can for TCP connections. But it’s possible that it causes some disruption, so it would be nice to avoid this.

So Unimog adapts the daisy-chaining technique to apply it to UDP flows. The outline remains similar to that for TCP: the same redirector component on each server decides whether to send a packet on a second hop. But UDP does not have anything corresponding to TCP’s SYN packet that indicates a new connection. So for UDP, the part that depends on SYNs is removed, and the logic applied for each packet becomes:

  • The redirector checks whether the packet belongs to a connection with a corresponding UDP socket on the first-hop server. If so, it is processed by that server.
  • Otherwise, the packet has no corresponding TCP socket on the first-hop server. So it is forwarded on to the second-hop server to be processed there (in the expectation that it belongs to some flow established on the second-hop server that we wish to maintain).

Although the change compared to the TCP logic is not large, it has the effect of switching the roles of the first- and second-hop servers: For UDP, new flows go to the second-hop server. The Unimog control plane has to take account of this when it updates a forwarding table. When it introduces a server into a bucket, that server should receive new connections or flows. For a TCP trafficset, this means it becomes the first-hop server. For UDP trafficset, it must become the second-hop server.

This difference between handling of TCP and UDP also leads to higher overheads for UDP. In the case of TCP, as new connections are formed and old connections terminate over time, fewer packets will require the second hop, and so the overhead tends to diminish. But with UDP, new connections always involve the second hop. This is why we differentiate the two cases, taking advantage of SYN packets in the TCP case.

The UDP logic also places a requirement on services. The redirector must be able to match packets to the corresponding sockets on a server according to their 4-tuple. This is not a problem in the TCP case, because all TCP connections are represented by connected sockets in the BSD sockets API (these sockets are obtained from an accept system call, so that they have a local address and a peer address, determining the 4-tuple). But for UDP, unconnected sockets (lacking a declared peer address) can be used to send and receive packets. So some UDP services only use unconnected sockets. For the redirector logic above to work, services must create connected UDP sockets in order to expose their flows to the redirector.

UDP applications with sessions

Some UDP-based protocols have explicit sessions, with a session identifier in each packet. Session identifiers allow sessions to persist even if the 4-tuple changes. This happens in mobility scenarios – for example, if a mobile device passes from a WiFi to a cellular network, causing its IP address to change. An example of a UDP-based protocol with session identifiers is QUIC (which calls them connection IDs).

Our Unimog XDP program allows a flow dissector to be configured for different trafficsets. The flow dissector is the part of the code that is responsible for taking a packet and extracting the value that identifies the flow or connection (this value is then hashed and used for the lookup into the forwarding table). For TCP and UDP, there are default flow dissectors that extract the 4-tuple. But specialised flow dissectors can be added to handle UDP-based protocols.

We have used this functionality in our WARP product. We extended the Wireguard protocol used by WARP in a backwards-compatible way to include a session identifier, and added a flow dissector to Unimog to exploit it. There are more details in our post on the technical challenges of WARP.


Unimog has been deployed to all of Cloudflare’s edge data centers for over a year, and it has become essential to our operations. Throughout that time, we have continued to enhance Unimog (many of the features described here were not present when it was first deployed). So the ease of developing and deploying changes, due to XDP and xdpd, has been a significant benefit. Today we continue to extend it, to support more services, and to help us manage our traffic and the load on our servers in more contexts.