Tag Archives: Integration & Automation

Terraform CI/CD and testing on AWS with the new Terraform Test Framework

Post Syndicated from Kevon Mayers original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/terraform-ci-cd-and-testing-on-aws-with-the-new-terraform-test-framework/

Image of HashiCorp Terraform logo and Amazon Web Services (AWS) Logo. Underneath the AWS Logo are the service logos for AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodePipeline, and Amazon S3. Graphic created by Kevon Mayers

Graphic created by Kevon Mayers


Organizations often use Terraform Modules to orchestrate complex resource provisioning and provide a simple interface for developers to enter the required parameters to deploy the desired infrastructure. Modules enable code reuse and provide a method for organizations to standardize deployment of common workloads such as a three-tier web application, a cloud networking environment, or a data analytics pipeline. When building Terraform modules, it is common for the module author to start with manual testing. Manual testing is performed using commands such as terraform validate for syntax validation, terraform plan to preview the execution plan, and terraform apply followed by manual inspection of resource configuration in the AWS Management Console. Manual testing is prone to human error, not scalable, and can result in unintended issues. Because modules are used by multiple teams in the organization, it is important to ensure that any changes to the modules are extensively tested before the release. In this blog post, we will show you how to validate Terraform modules and how to automate the process using a Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline.

Terraform Test

Terraform test is a new testing framework for module authors to perform unit and integration tests for Terraform modules. Terraform test can create infrastructure as declared in the module, run validation against the infrastructure, and destroy the test resources regardless if the test passes or fails. Terraform test will also provide warnings if there are any resources that cannot be destroyed. Terraform test uses the same HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) syntax used to write Terraform modules. This reduces the burden for modules authors to learn other tools or programming languages. Module authors run the tests using the command terraform test which is available on Terraform CLI version 1.6 or higher.

Module authors create test files with the extension *.tftest.hcl. These test files are placed in the root of the Terraform module or in a dedicated tests directory. The following elements are typically present in a Terraform tests file:

  • Provider block: optional, used to override the provider configuration, such as selecting AWS region where the tests run.
  • Variables block: the input variables passed into the module during the test, used to supply non-default values or to override default values for variables.
  • Run block: used to run a specific test scenario. There can be multiple run blocks per test file, Terraform executes run blocks in order. In each run block you specify the command Terraform (plan or apply), and the test assertions. Module authors can specify the conditions such as: length(var.items) != 0. A full list of condition expressions can be found in the HashiCorp documentation.

Terraform tests are performed in sequential order and at the end of the Terraform test execution, any failed assertions are displayed.

Basic test to validate resource creation

Now that we understand the basic anatomy of a Terraform tests file, let’s create basic tests to validate the functionality of the following Terraform configuration. This Terraform configuration will create an AWS CodeCommit repository with prefix name repo-.

# main.tf

variable "repository_name" {
  type = string
resource "aws_codecommit_repository" "test" {
  repository_name = format("repo-%s", var.repository_name)
  description     = "Test repository."

Now we create a Terraform test file in the tests directory. See the following directory structure as an example:

├── main.tf 
└── tests 
└── basic.tftest.hcl

For this first test, we will not perform any assertion except for validating that Terraform execution plan runs successfully. In the tests file, we create a variable block to set the value for the variable repository_name. We also added the run block with command = plan to instruct Terraform test to run Terraform plan. The completed test should look like the following:

# basic.tftest.hcl

variables {
  repository_name = "MyRepo"

run "test_resource_creation" {
  command = plan

Now we will run this test locally. First ensure that you are authenticated into an AWS account, and run the terraform init command in the root directory of the Terraform module. After the provider is initialized, start the test using the terraform test command.

❯ terraform test
tests/basic.tftest.hcl... in progress
run "test_resource_creation"... pass
tests/basic.tftest.hcl... tearing down
tests/basic.tftest.hcl... pass

Our first test is complete, we have validated that the Terraform configuration is valid and the resource can be provisioned successfully. Next, let’s learn how to perform inspection of the resource state.

Create resource and validate resource name

Re-using the previous test file, we add the assertion block to checks if the CodeCommit repository name starts with a string repo- and provide error message if the condition fails. For the assertion, we use the startswith function. See the following example:

# basic.tftest.hcl

variables {
  repository_name = "MyRepo"

run "test_resource_creation" {
  command = plan

  assert {
    condition = startswith(aws_codecommit_repository.test.repository_name, "repo-")
    error_message = "CodeCommit repository name ${var.repository_name} did not start with the expected value of ‘repo-****’."

Now, let’s assume that another module author made changes to the module by modifying the prefix from repo- to my-repo-. Here is the modified Terraform module.

# main.tf

variable "repository_name" {
  type = string
resource "aws_codecommit_repository" "test" {
  repository_name = format("my-repo-%s", var.repository_name)
  description = "Test repository."

We can catch this mistake by running the the terraform test command again.

❯ terraform test
tests/basic.tftest.hcl... in progress
run "test_resource_creation"... fail
│ Error: Test assertion failed
│ on tests/basic.tftest.hcl line 9, in run "test_resource_creation":
│ 9: condition = startswith(aws_codecommit_repository.test.repository_name, "repo-")
│ ├────────────────
│ │ aws_codecommit_repository.test.repository_name is "my-repo-MyRepo"
│ CodeCommit repository name MyRepo did not start with the expected value 'repo-***'.
tests/basic.tftest.hcl... tearing down
tests/basic.tftest.hcl... fail

Failure! 0 passed, 1 failed.

We have successfully created a unit test using assertions that validates the resource name matches the expected value. For more examples of using assertions see the Terraform Tests Docs. Before we proceed to the next section, don’t forget to fix the repository name in the module (revert the name back to repo- instead of my-repo-) and re-run your Terraform test.

Testing variable input validation

When developing Terraform modules, it is common to use variable validation as a contract test to validate any dependencies / restrictions. For example, AWS CodeCommit limits the repository name to 100 characters. A module author can use the length function to check the length of the input variable value. We are going to use Terraform test to ensure that the variable validation works effectively. First, we modify the module to use variable validation.

# main.tf

variable "repository_name" {
  type = string
  validation {
    condition = length(var.repository_name) <= 100
    error_message = "The repository name must be less than or equal to 100 characters."

resource "aws_codecommit_repository" "test" {
  repository_name = format("repo-%s", var.repository_name)
  description = "Test repository."

By default, when variable validation fails during the execution of Terraform test, the Terraform test also fails. To simulate this, create a new test file and insert the repository_name variable with a value longer than 100 characters.

# var_validation.tftest.hcl

variables {
  repository_name = “this_is_a_repository_name_longer_than_100_characters_7rfD86rGwuqhF3TH9d3Y99r7vq6JZBZJkhw5h4eGEawBntZmvy”

run “test_invalid_var” {
  command = plan

Notice on this new test file, we also set the command to Terraform plan, why is that? Because variable validation runs prior to Terraform apply, thus we can save time and cost by skipping the entire resource provisioning. If we run this Terraform test, it will fail as expected.

❯ terraform test
tests/basic.tftest.hcl… in progress
run “test_resource_creation”… pass
tests/basic.tftest.hcl… tearing down
tests/basic.tftest.hcl… pass
tests/var_validation.tftest.hcl… in progress
run “test_invalid_var”… fail
│ Error: Invalid value for variable
│ on main.tf line 1:
│ 1: variable “repository_name” {
│ ├────────────────
│ │ var.repository_name is “this_is_a_repository_name_longer_than_100_characters_7rfD86rGwuqhF3TH9d3Y99r7vq6JZBZJkhw5h4eGEawBntZmvy”
│ The repository name must be less than or equal to 100 characters.
│ This was checked by the validation rule at main.tf:3,3-13.
tests/var_validation.tftest.hcl… tearing down
tests/var_validation.tftest.hcl… fail

Failure! 1 passed, 1 failed.

For other module authors who might iterate on the module, we need to ensure that the validation condition is correct and will catch any problems with input values. In other words, we expect the validation condition to fail with the wrong input. This is especially important when we want to incorporate the contract test in a CI/CD pipeline. To prevent our test from failing due introducing an intentional error in the test, we can use the expect_failures attribute. Here is the modified test file:

# var_validation.tftest.hcl

variables {
  repository_name = “this_is_a_repository_name_longer_than_100_characters_7rfD86rGwuqhF3TH9d3Y99r7vq6JZBZJkhw5h4eGEawBntZmvy”

run “test_invalid_var” {
  command = plan

  expect_failures = [

Now if we run the Terraform test, we will get a successful result.

❯ terraform test
tests/basic.tftest.hcl… in progress
run “test_resource_creation”… pass
tests/basic.tftest.hcl… tearing down
tests/basic.tftest.hcl… pass
tests/var_validation.tftest.hcl… in progress
run “test_invalid_var”… pass
tests/var_validation.tftest.hcl… tearing down
tests/var_validation.tftest.hcl… pass

Success! 2 passed, 0 failed.

As you can see, the expect_failures attribute is used to test negative paths (the inputs that would cause failures when passed into a module). Assertions tend to focus on positive paths (the ideal inputs). For an additional example of a test that validates functionality of a completed module with multiple interconnected resources, see this example in the Terraform CI/CD and Testing on AWS Workshop.

Orchestrating supporting resources

In practice, end-users utilize Terraform modules in conjunction with other supporting resources. For example, a CodeCommit repository is usually encrypted using an AWS Key Management Service (KMS) key. The KMS key is provided by end-users to the module using a variable called kms_key_id. To simulate this test, we need to orchestrate the creation of the KMS key outside of the module. In this section we will learn how to do that. First, update the Terraform module to add the optional variable for the KMS key.

# main.tf

variable "repository_name" {
  type = string
  validation {
    condition = length(var.repository_name) <= 100
    error_message = "The repository name must be less than or equal to 100 characters."

variable "kms_key_id" {
  type = string
  default = ""

resource "aws_codecommit_repository" "test" {
  repository_name = format("repo-%s", var.repository_name)
  description = "Test repository."
  kms_key_id = var.kms_key_id != "" ? var.kms_key_id : null

In a Terraform test, you can instruct the run block to execute another helper module. The helper module is used by the test to create the supporting resources. We will create a sub-directory called setup under the tests directory with a single kms.tf file. We also create a new test file for KMS scenario. See the updated directory structure:

├── main.tf
└── tests
├── setup
│ └── kms.tf
├── basic.tftest.hcl
├── var_validation.tftest.hcl
└── with_kms.tftest.hcl

The kms.tf file is a helper module to create a KMS key and provide its ARN as the output value.

# kms.tf

resource "aws_kms_key" "test" {
  description = "test KMS key for CodeCommit repo"
  deletion_window_in_days = 7

output "kms_key_id" {
  value = aws_kms_key.test.arn

The new test will use two separate run blocks. The first run block (setup) executes the helper module to generate a KMS key. This is done by assigning the command apply which will run terraform apply to generate the KMS key. The second run block (codecommit_with_kms) will then use the KMS key ARN output of the first run as the input variable passed to the main module.

# with_kms.tftest.hcl

run "setup" {
  command = apply
  module {
    source = "./tests/setup"

run "codecommit_with_kms" {
  command = apply

  variables {
    repository_name = "MyRepo"
    kms_key_id = run.setup.kms_key_id

  assert {
    condition = aws_codecommit_repository.test.kms_key_id != null
    error_message = "KMS key ID attribute value is null"

Go ahead and run the Terraform init, followed by Terraform test. You should get the successful result like below.

❯ terraform test
tests/basic.tftest.hcl... in progress
run "test_resource_creation"... pass
tests/basic.tftest.hcl... tearing down
tests/basic.tftest.hcl... pass
tests/var_validation.tftest.hcl... in progress
run "test_invalid_var"... pass
tests/var_validation.tftest.hcl... tearing down
tests/var_validation.tftest.hcl... pass
tests/with_kms.tftest.hcl... in progress
run "create_kms_key"... pass
run "codecommit_with_kms"... pass
tests/with_kms.tftest.hcl... tearing down
tests/with_kms.tftest.hcl... pass

Success! 4 passed, 0 failed.

We have learned how to run Terraform test and develop various test scenarios. In the next section we will see how to incorporate all the tests into a CI/CD pipeline.

Terraform Tests in CI/CD Pipelines

Now that we have seen how Terraform Test works locally, let’s see how the Terraform test can be leveraged to create a Terraform module validation pipeline on AWS. The following AWS services are used:

  • AWS CodeCommit – a secure, highly scalable, fully managed source control service that hosts private Git repositories.
  • AWS CodeBuild – a fully managed continuous integration service that compiles source code, runs tests, and produces ready-to-deploy software packages.
  • AWS CodePipeline – a fully managed continuous delivery service that helps you automate your release pipelines for fast and reliable application and infrastructure updates.
  • Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) – an object storage service offering industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance.
Terraform module validation pipeline Architecture. Multiple interconnected AWS services such as AWS CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodePipeline, and Amazon S3 used to build a Terraform module validation pipeline.

Terraform module validation pipeline

In the above architecture for a Terraform module validation pipeline, the following takes place:

  • A developer pushes Terraform module configuration files to a git repository (AWS CodeCommit).
  • AWS CodePipeline begins running the pipeline. The pipeline clones the git repo and stores the artifacts to an Amazon S3 bucket.
  • An AWS CodeBuild project configures a compute/build environment with Checkov installed from an image fetched from Docker Hub. CodePipeline passes the artifacts (Terraform module) and CodeBuild executes Checkov to run static analysis of the Terraform configuration files.
  • Another CodeBuild project configured with Terraform from an image fetched from Docker Hub. CodePipeline passes the artifacts (repo contents) and CodeBuild runs Terraform command to execute the tests.

CodeBuild uses a buildspec file to declare the build commands and relevant settings. Here is an example of the buildspec files for both CodeBuild Projects:

# Checkov
version: 0.1
      - echo pre_build starting

      - echo build starting
      - echo starting checkov
      - ls
      - checkov -d .
      - echo saving checkov output
      - checkov -s -d ./ > checkov.result.txt

In the above buildspec, Checkov is run against the root directory of the cloned CodeCommit repository. This directory contains the configuration files for the Terraform module. Checkov also saves the output to a file named checkov.result.txt for further review or handling if needed. If Checkov fails, the pipeline will fail.

# Terraform Test
version: 0.1
      - terraform init
      - terraform validate

      - terraform test

In the above buildspec, the terraform init and terraform validate commands are used to initialize Terraform, then check if the configuration is valid. Finally, the terraform test command is used to run the configured tests. If any of the Terraform tests fails, the pipeline will fail.

For a full example of the CI/CD pipeline configuration, please refer to the Terraform CI/CD and Testing on AWS workshop. The module validation pipeline mentioned above is meant as a starting point. In a production environment, you might want to customize it further by adding Checkov allow-list rules, linting, checks for Terraform docs, or pre-requisites such as building the code used in AWS Lambda.

Choosing various testing strategies

At this point you may be wondering when you should use Terraform tests or other tools such as Preconditions and Postconditions, Check blocks or policy as code. The answer depends on your test type and use-cases. Terraform test is suitable for unit tests, such as validating resources are created according to the naming specification. Variable validations and Pre/Post conditions are useful for contract tests of Terraform modules, for example by providing error warning when input variables value do not meet the specification. As shown in the previous section, you can also use Terraform test to ensure your contract tests are running properly. Terraform test is also suitable for integration tests where you need to create supporting resources to properly test the module functionality. Lastly, Check blocks are suitable for end to end tests where you want to validate the infrastructure state after all resources are generated, for example to test if a website is running after an S3 bucket configured for static web hosting is created.

When developing Terraform modules, you can run Terraform test in command = plan mode for unit and contract tests. This allows the unit and contract tests to run quicker and cheaper since there are no resources created. You should also consider the time and cost to execute Terraform test for complex / large Terraform configurations, especially if you have multiple test scenarios. Terraform test maintains one or many state files within the memory for each test file. Consider how to re-use the module’s state when appropriate. Terraform test also provides test mocking, which allows you to test your module without creating the real infrastructure.


In this post, you learned how to use Terraform test and develop various test scenarios. You also learned how to incorporate Terraform test in a CI/CD pipeline. Lastly, we also discussed various testing strategies for Terraform configurations and modules. For more information about Terraform test, we recommend the Terraform test documentation and tutorial. To get hands on practice building a Terraform module validation pipeline and Terraform deployment pipeline, check out the Terraform CI/CD and Testing on AWS Workshop.


Kevon Mayers

Kevon Mayers is a Solutions Architect at AWS. Kevon is a Terraform Contributor and has led multiple Terraform initiatives within AWS. Prior to joining AWS he was working as a DevOps Engineer and Developer, and before that was working with the GRAMMYs/The Recording Academy as a Studio Manager, Music Producer, and Audio Engineer. He also owns a professional production company, MM Productions.

Welly Siauw

Welly Siauw is a Principal Partner Solution Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS). He spends his day working with customers and partners, solving architectural challenges. He is passionate about service integration and orchestration, serverless and artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). He has authored several AWS blog posts and actively leads AWS Immersion Days and Activation Days. Welly spends his free time tinkering with espresso machines and outdoor hiking.

Using AWS CloudFormation and AWS Cloud Development Kit to provision multicloud resources

Post Syndicated from Aaron Sempf original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/using-aws-cloudformation-and-aws-cloud-development-kit-to-provision-multicloud-resources/

Customers often need to architect solutions to support components across multiple cloud service providers, a need which may arise if they have acquired a company running on another cloud, or for functional purposes where specific services provide a differentiated capability. In this post, we will show you how to use the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) to create a single pane of glass for managing your multicloud resources.

AWS CDK is an open source framework that builds on the underlying functionality provided by AWS CloudFormation. It allows developers to define cloud resources using common programming languages and an abstraction model based on reusable components called constructs. There is a misconception that CloudFormation and CDK can only be used to provision resources on AWS, but this is not the case. The CloudFormation registry, with support for third party resource types, along with custom resource providers, allow for any resource that can be configured via an API to be created and managed, regardless of where it is located.

Multicloud solution design paradigm

Multicloud solutions are often designed with services grouped and separated by cloud, creating a segregation of resource and functions within the design. This approach leads to a duplication of layers of the solution, most commonly a duplication of resources and the deployment processes for each environment. This duplication increases cost, and leads to a complexity of management increasing the potential break points within the solution or practice. 

Along with simplifying resource deployments, and the ever-increasing complexity of customer needs, so too has the need increased for the capability of IaC solutions to deploy resources across hybrid or multicloud environments. Through meeting this need, a proliferation of supported tools, frameworks, languages, and practices has created “choice overload”. At worst, this scares the non-cloud-savvy away from adopting an IaC solution benefiting their cloud journey, and at best confuses the very reason for adopting an IaC practice.

A single pane of glass

Systems Thinking is a holistic approach that focuses on the way a system’s constituent parts interrelate and how systems work as a whole especially over time and within the context of larger systems. Systems thinking is commonly accepted as the backbone of a successful systems engineering approach. Designing solutions taking a full systems view, based on the component’s function and interrelation within the system across environments, more closely aligns with the ability to handle the deployment of each cloud-specific resource, from a single control plane.

While AWS provides a list of services that can be used to help design, manage and operate hybrid and multicloud solutions, with AWS as the primary cloud you can go beyond just using services to support multicloud. CloudFormation registry resource types model and provision resources using custom logic, as a component of stacks in CloudFormation. Public extensions are not only provided by AWS, but third-party extensions are made available for general use by publishers other than AWS, meaning customers can create their own extensions and publish them for anyone to use.

The AWS CDK, which has a 1:1 mapping of all AWS CloudFormation resources, as well as a library of abstracted constructs, supports the ability to import custom AWS CloudFormation extensions, enabling customers and partners to create custom AWS CDK constructs for their extensions. The chosen programming language can be used to inherit and abstract the custom resource into reusable AWS CDK constructs, allowing developers to create solutions that contain native AWS extensions along with secondary hybrid or alternate cloud resources.

Providing the ability to integrate mixed resources in the same stack more closely aligns with the functional design and often diagrammatic depiction of the solution. In essence, we are creating a single IaC pane of glass over the entire solution, deployed through a single control plane. This lowers the complexity and the cost of maintaining separate modules and deployment pipelines across multiple cloud providers.

A common use case for a multicloud: disaster recovery

One of the most common use cases of the requirement for using components across different cloud providers is the need to maintain data sovereignty while designing disaster recovery (DR) into a solution.

Data sovereignty is the idea that data is subject to the laws of where it is physically located, and in some countries extends to regulations that if data is collected from citizens of a geographical area, then the data must reside in servers located in jurisdictions of that geographical area or in countries with a similar scope and rigor in their protection laws. 

This requires organizations to remain in compliance with their host country, and in cases such as state government agencies, a stricter scope of within state boundaries, data sovereignty regulations. Unfortunately, not all countries, and especially not all states, have multiple AWS regions to select from when designing where their primary and recovery data backups will reside. Therefore, the DR solution needs to take advantage of multiple cloud providers in the same geography, and as such a solution must be designed to backup or replicate data across providers.

The multicloud solution

A multicloud solution to the proposed use case would be the backup of data from an AWS resource such as an Amazon S3 bucket to another cloud provider within the same geography, such as an Azure Blob Storage container, using AWS event driven behaviour to trigger the copying of data from the primary AWS resource to the secondary Azure backup resource.

Following the IaC single pane of glass approach, the Azure Blob Storage container is created as a resource type in the CloudFormation Registry, and imported into the AWS CDK to be used as a construct in the solution. However, before the extension resource type can be used effectively in the CDK as a reusable construct and added to your private library, you will first need to go through the import into CDK process for creating Constructs.

There are three different levels of constructs, beginning with low-level constructs, which are called CFN Resources (or L1, short for “layer 1”). These constructs directly represent all resources available in AWS CloudFormation. They are named CfnXyz, where Xyz is name of the resource.

Layer 1 Construct

In this example, an L1 construct named CfnAzureBlobStorage represents an Azure::BlobStorage AWS CloudFormation extension. Here you also explicitly configure the ref property, in order for higher level constructs to access the Output value which will be the Azure blob container url being provisioned.

import { CfnResource } from "aws-cdk-lib";
import { Secret, ISecret } from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-secretsmanager";
import { Construct } from "constructs";

export interface CfnAzureBlobStorageProps {
  subscriptionId: string;
  clientId: string;
  tenantId: string;
  clientSecretName: string;

// L1 Construct
export class CfnAzureBlobStorage extends Construct {
  // Allows accessing the ref property
  public readonly ref: string;

  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: CfnAzureBlobStorageProps) {
    super(scope, id);

    const secret = this.getSecret("AzureClientSecret", props.clientSecretName);
    const azureBlobStorage = new CfnResource(
        type: "Azure::BlobStorage",
        properties: {
          AzureSubscriptionId: props.subscriptionId,
          AzureClientId: props.clientId,
          AzureTenantId: props.tenantId,
          AzureClientSecret: secret.secretValue.unsafeUnwrap()

    this.ref = azureBlobStorage.ref;

  private getSecret(id: string, secretName: string) : ISecret {  
    return Secret.fromSecretNameV2(this, secretName.concat("Value"), secretName);

As with every CDK Construct, the constructor arguments are scope, id and props. scope and id are propagated to the cdk.Construct base class. The props argument is of type CfnAzureBlobStorageProps which includes four properties all of type string. This is how the Azure credentials are propagated down from upstream constructs.

Layer 2 Construct

The next level of constructs, L2, also represent AWS resources, but with a higher-level, intent-based API. They provide similar functionality, but incorporate the defaults, boilerplate, and glue logic you’d be writing yourself with a CFN Resource construct. They also provide convenience methods that make it simpler to work with the resource.

In this example, an L2 construct is created to abstract the CfnAzureBlobStorage L1 construct and provides additional properties and methods.

import { Construct } from "constructs";
import { CfnAzureBlobStorage } from "./cfn-azure-blob-storage";

// L2 Construct
export class AzureBlobStorage extends Construct {
  public readonly blobContainerUrl: string;

    scope: Construct,
    id: string,
    subscriptionId: string,
    clientId: string,
    tenantId: string,
    clientSecretName: string
  ) {
    super(scope, id);

    const azureBlobStorage = new CfnAzureBlobStorage(
        subscriptionId: subscriptionId,
        clientId: clientId,
        tenantId: tenantId,
        clientSecretName: clientSecretName,

    this.blobContainerUrl = azureBlobStorage.ref;

The custom L2 construct class is declared as AzureBlobStorage, this time without the Cfn prefix to represent an L2 construct. This time the constructor arguments include the Azure credentials and client secret, and the ref from the L1 construct us output to the public variable AzureBlobContainerUrl.

As an L2 construct, the AzureBlobStorage construct could be used in CDK Apps along with AWS Resource Constructs in the same Stack, to be provisioned through AWS CloudFormation creating the IaC single pane of glass for a multicloud solution.

Layer 3 Construct

The true value of the CDK construct programming model is in the ability to extend L2 constructs, which represent a single resource, into a composition of multiple constructs that provide a solution for a common task. These are Layer 3, L3, Constructs also known as patterns.

In this example, the L3 construct represents the solution architecture to backup objects uploaded to an Amazon S3 bucket into an Azure Blob Storage container in real-time, using AWS Lambda to process event notifications from Amazon S3.

import { RemovalPolicy, Duration, CfnOutput } from "aws-cdk-lib";
import { Bucket, BlockPublicAccess, EventType } from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-s3";
import { DockerImageFunction, DockerImageCode } from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-lambda";
import { PolicyStatement, Effect } from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-iam";
import { LambdaDestination } from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-s3-notifications";
import { IStringParameter, StringParameter } from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-ssm";
import { Secret, ISecret } from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-secretsmanager";
import { Construct } from "constructs";
import { AzureBlobStorage } from "./azure-blob-storage";

// L3 Construct
export class S3ToAzureBackupService extends Construct {
    scope: Construct,
    id: string,
    azureSubscriptionIdParamName: string,
    azureClientIdParamName: string,
    azureTenantIdParamName: string,
    azureClientSecretName: string
  ) {
    super(scope, id);

    // Retrieve existing SSM Parameters
    const azureSubscriptionIdParameter = this.getSSMParameter("AzureSubscriptionIdParam", azureSubscriptionIdParamName);
    const azureClientIdParameter = this.getSSMParameter("AzureClientIdParam", azureClientIdParamName);
    const azureTenantIdParameter = this.getSSMParameter("AzureTenantIdParam", azureTenantIdParamName);    
    // Retrieve existing Azure Client Secret
    const azureClientSecret = this.getSecret("AzureClientSecret", azureClientSecretName);

    // Create an S3 bucket
    const sourceBucket = new Bucket(this, "SourceBucketForAzureBlob", {
      removalPolicy: RemovalPolicy.RETAIN,
      blockPublicAccess: BlockPublicAccess.BLOCK_ALL,

    // Create a corresponding Azure Blob Storage account and a Blob Container
    const azurebBlobStorage = new AzureBlobStorage(

    // Create a lambda function that will receive notifications from S3 bucket
    // and copy the new uploaded object to Azure Blob Storage
    const copyObjectToAzureLambda = new DockerImageFunction(
        timeout: Duration.seconds(60),
        code: DockerImageCode.fromImageAsset("copy_s3_fn_code", {
          buildArgs: {
            "--platform": "linux/amd64"

    // Add an IAM policy statement to allow the Lambda function to access the
    // S3 bucket

    // Add an IAM policy statement to allow the Lambda function to get the contents
    // of an S3 object
      new PolicyStatement({
        effect: Effect.ALLOW,
        actions: ["s3:GetObject"],
        resources: [`arn:aws:s3:::${sourceBucket.bucketName}/*`],

    // Set up an S3 bucket notification to trigger the Lambda function
    // when an object is uploaded
      new LambdaDestination(copyObjectToAzureLambda)

    // Grant the Lambda function read access to existing SSM Parameters

    // Put the Azure Blob Container Url into SSM Parameter Store
      "Azure blob container URL",

    // Grant the Lambda function read access to the secret

    // Output S3 bucket arn
    new CfnOutput(this, "sourceBucketArn", {
      value: sourceBucket.bucketArn,
      exportName: "sourceBucketArn",

    // Output the Blob Conatiner Url
    new CfnOutput(this, "azureBlobContainerUrl", {
      value: azurebBlobStorage.blobContainerUrl,
      exportName: "azureBlobContainerUrl",


The custom L3 construct can be used in larger IaC solutions by calling the class called S3ToAzureBackupService and providing the Azure credentials and client secret as properties to the constructor.

import * as cdk from "aws-cdk-lib";
import { Construct } from "constructs";
import { S3ToAzureBackupService } from "./s3-to-azure-backup-service";

export class MultiCloudBackupCdkStack extends cdk.Stack {
  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: cdk.StackProps) {
    super(scope, id, props);

    const s3ToAzureBackupService = new S3ToAzureBackupService(

Solution Diagram

Diagram 1: IaC Single Control Plane, demonstrates the concept of the Azure Blob Storage extension being imported from the AWS CloudFormation Registry into AWS CDK as an L1 CfnResource, wrapped into an L2 Construct and used in an L3 pattern alongside AWS resources to perform the specific task of backing up from and Amazon s3 Bucket into an Azure Blob Storage Container.

Multicloud IaC with CDK

Diagram 1: IaC Single Control Plan

The CDK application is then synthesized into one or more AWS CloudFormation Templates, which result in the CloudFormation service deploying AWS resource configurations to AWS and Azure resource configurations to Azure.

This solution demonstrates not only how to consolidate the management of secondary cloud resources into a unified infrastructure stack in AWS, but also the improved productivity by eliminating the complexity and cost of operating multiple deployment mechanisms into multiple public cloud environments.

The following video demonstrates an example in real-time of the end-state solution:

Next Steps

While this was just a straightforward example, with the same approach you can use your imagination to come up with even more and complex scenarios where AWS CDK can be used as a single pane of glass for IaC to manage multicloud and hybrid solutions.

To get started with the solution discussed in this post, this workshop will provide you with the instructions you need to understand the steps required to create the S3ToAzureBackupService.

Once you have learned how to create AWS CloudFormation extensions and develop them into AWS CDK Constructs, you will learn how, with just a few lines of code, you can develop reusable multicloud unified IaC solutions that deploy through a single AWS control plane.


By adopting AWS CloudFormation extensions and AWS CDK, deployed through a single AWS control plane, the cost and complexity of maintaining deployment pipelines across multiple cloud providers is reduced to a single holistic solution-focused pipeline. The techniques demonstrated in this post and the related workshop provide a capability to simplify the design of complex systems, improve the management of integration, and more closely align the IaC and deployment management practices with the design.

About the authors:

Aaron Sempf

Aaron Sempf is a Global Principal Partner Solutions Architect, in the Global Systems Integrators team. With over twenty years in software engineering and distributed system, he focuses on solving for large scale integration and event driven systems. When not working with AWS GSI partners, he can be found coding prototypes for autonomous robots, IoT devices, and distributed solutions.

Puneet Talwar

Puneet Talwar

Puneet Talwar is a Senior Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS) on the Australian Public Sector team. With a background of over twenty years in software engineering, he particularly enjoys helping customers build modern, API Driven software architectures at scale. In his spare time, he can be found building prototypes for micro front ends and event driven architectures.

How to write and execute integration tests for AWS CDK applications

Post Syndicated from Svenja Raether original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/how-to-write-and-execute-integration-tests-for-aws-cdk-applications/

Automated integration testing validates system components and boosts confidence for new software releases. Performing integration tests on resources deployed to the AWS cloud enables the validation of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies, service limits, application configuration, and runtime code. For developers that are currently leveraging AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) as their Infrastructure as Code tool, there is a testing framework available that makes integration testing easier to implement in the software release.

AWS CDK is an open-source framework for defining and provisioning AWS cloud infrastructure using supported programming languages. The framework includes constructs for writing and running unit and integration tests. The assertions construct can be used to write unit tests and assert against the generated CloudFormation templates. CDK integ-tests construct can be used for defining integration test cases and can be combined with CDK integ-runner for executing these tests. The integ-runner handles automatic resource provisioning and removal and supports several customization options. Unit tests using assertion functions are used to test configurations in the CloudFormation templates before deploying these templates, while integration tests run assertions in the deployed resources. This blog post demonstrates writing automated integration tests for an example application using AWS CDK.

Solution Overview

Architecture Diagram for the serverless data enrichment application

Figure 1: Serverless data enrichment application

The example application shown in Figure 1 is a sample serverless data enrichment application. Data is processed and enriched in the system as follows:

  1. Users publish messages to an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic. Messages are encrypted at rest using an AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) customer-managed key.
  2. Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) queue is subscribed to the Amazon SNS topic, where published messages are delivered.
  3. AWS Lambda consumes messages from the Amazon SQS queue, adding additional data to the message. Messages that cannot be processed successfully are sent to a dead-letter queue.
  4. Successfully enriched messages are stored in an Amazon DynamoDB table by the Lambda function.
Architecture diagram for the integration test with one assertion

Figure 2: Integration test with one assertion

For this sample application, we will use AWS CDK’s integration testing framework to validate the processing for a single message as shown in Figure 2. To run the test, we configure the test framework to do the following steps:

  1. Publish a message to the Amazon SNS topic. Wait for the application to process the message and save to DynamoDB.
  2. Periodically check the Amazon DynamoDB table and verify that the saved message was enriched.


The following are the required to deploy this solution:

The structure of the sample AWS CDK application repository is as follows:

  • /bin folder contains the top-level definition of the AWS CDK app.
  • /lib folder contains the stack definition of the application under test which defines the application described in the section above.
  • /lib/functions contains the Lambda function runtime code.
  • /integ-tests contains the integration test stack where we define and configure our test cases.

The repository is a typical AWS CDK application except that it has one additional directory for the test case definitions. For the remainder of this blog post, we focus on the integration test definition in /integ-tests/integ.sns-sqs-ddb.ts and walk you through its creation and the execution of the integration test.

Writing integration tests

An integration test should validate expected behavior of your AWS CDK application. You can define an integration test for your application as follows:

  1. Create a stack under test from the CdkIntegTestsDemoStack definition and map it to the application.
    // CDK App for Integration Tests
    const app = new cdk.App();
    // Stack under test
    const stackUnderTest = new CdkIntegTestsDemoStack(app, ‘IntegrationTestStack’, {
      setDestroyPolicyToAllResources: true,
        “This stack includes the application’s resources for integration testing.”,
  2. Define the integration test construct with a list of test cases. This construct offers the ability to customize the behavior of the integration runner tool. For example, you can force the integ-runner to destroy the resources after the test run to force the cleanup.
    // Initialize Integ Test construct
    const integ = new IntegTest(app, ‘DataFlowTest’, {
      testCases: [stackUnderTest], // Define a list of cases for this test
      cdkCommandOptions: {
        // Customize the integ-runner parameters
        destroy: {
          args: {
            force: true,
      regions: [stackUnderTest.region],
  3. Add an assertion to validate the test results. In this example, we validate the single message flow from the Amazon SNS topic to the Amazon DynamoDB table. The assertion publishes the message object to the Amazon SNS topic using the AwsApiCall method. In the background this method utilizes a Lambda-backed CloudFormation custom resource to execute the Amazon SNS Publish API call with the AWS SDK for JavaScript.
     * Assertion:
     * The application should handle single message and write the enriched item to the DynamoDB table.
    const id = 'test-id-1';
    const message = 'This message should be validated';
     * Publish a message to the SNS topic.
     * Note - SNS topic ARN is a member variable of the
     * application stack for testing purposes.
    const assertion = integ.assertions
      .awsApiCall('SNS', 'publish', {
        TopicArn: stackUnderTest.topicArn,
        Message: JSON.stringify({
          id: id,
          message: message,
  4. Use the next helper method to chain API calls. In our example, a second Amazon DynamoDB GetItem API call gets the item whose primary key equals the message id. The result from the second API call is expected to match the message object including the additional attribute added as a result of the data enrichment.
     * Validate that the DynamoDB table contains the enriched message.
          .awsApiCall('DynamoDB', 'getItem', {
            TableName: stackUnderTest.tableName,
            Key: { id: { S: id } },
           * Expect the enriched message to be returned.
              Item: { id: { S: id, },
                message: { S: message, },
                additionalAttr: { S: 'enriched', },
  5. Since it may take a while for the message to be passed through the application, we run the assertion asynchronously by calling the waitForAssertions method. This means that the Amazon DynamoDB GetItem API call is called in intervals until the expected result is met or the total timeout is reached.
     * Timeout and interval check for assertion to be true.
     * Note - Data may take some time to arrive in DynamoDB.
     * Iteratively executes API call at specified interval.
            totalTimeout: Duration.seconds(25),
            interval: Duration.seconds(3),
  6. The AwsApiCall method automatically adds the correct IAM permissions for both API calls to the AWS Lambda function. Given that the example application’s Amazon SNS topic is encrypted using an AWS KMS key, additional permissions are required to publish the message.
    // Add the required permissions to the api call
      Effect: 'Allow',
      Action: [
      Resource: [stackUnderTest.kmsKeyArn],

The full code for this blog is available on this GitHub project.

Running integration tests

In this section, we show how to run integration test for the introduced sample application using the integ-runner to execute the test case and report on the assertion results.

Install and build the project.

npm install 

npm run build

Run the following command to initiate the test case execution with a list of options.

npm run integ-test

The directory option specifies in which location the integ-runner needs to recursively search for test definition files. The parallel-regions option allows to define a list of regions to run tests in. We set this to us-east-1 and ensure that the AWS CDK bootstrapping has previously been performed in this region. The update-on-failed option allows to rerun the integration tests if the snapshot fails. A full list of available options can be found in the integ-runner Github repository.

Hint: if you want to retain your test stacks during development for debugging, you can specify the no-clean option to retain the test stack after the test run.

The integ-runner initially checks the integration test snapshots to determine if any changes have occurred since the last execution. Since there are no previous snapshots for the initial run, the snapshot verification fails. As a result, the integ-runner begins executing the integration tests using the ephemeral test stack and displays the result.

Verifying integration test snapshots...

  NEW        integ.sns-sqs-ddb 2.863s

Snapshot Results: 

Tests:    1 failed, 1 total

Running integration tests for failed tests...

Running in parallel across regions: us-east-1
Running test <your-path>/cdk-integ-tests-demo/integ-tests/integ.sns-sqs-ddb.js in us-east-1
  SUCCESS    integ.sns-sqs-ddb-DemoTest/DefaultTest 587.295s
       AssertionResultsAwsApiCallDynamoDBgetItem - success

Test Results: 

Tests:    1 passed, 1 total
The AWS CloudFormation console deploys the IntegrationTestStack and DataFlowDefaultTestDeployAssert stack

Figure 3: AWS CloudFormation deploying the IntegrationTestStack and DataFlowDefaultTestDeployAssert stacks

The integ-runner generates two AWS CloudFormation stacks, as shown in Figure 3. The IntegrationTestStack stack includes the resources from our sample application, which serves as an isolated application representing the stack under test. The DataFlowDefaultTestDeployAssert stack contains the resources required for executing the integration tests as shown in Figure 4.

AWS CloudFormation displays the resources for the DataFlowDefaultTestDeployAssert stack

Figure 4: AWS CloudFormation resources for the DataFlowDefaultTestDeployAssert stack

Cleaning up

Based on the specified RemovalPolicy, the resources are automatically destroyed as the stack is removed. Some resources such as Amazon DynamoDB tables have the default RemovalPolicy set to Retain in AWS CDK. To set the removal policy to Destroy for the integration test resources, we leverage Aspects.

 * Aspect for setting all removal policies to DESTROY
class ApplyDestroyPolicyAspect implements cdk.IAspect {
  public visit(node: IConstruct): void {
    if (node instanceof CfnResource) {
Deleting AWS CloudFormation stack from the AWS Console

Figure 5: Deleting AWS CloudFormation stacks from the AWS Console

If you set the no-clean argument as part of the integ-runner CLI options, you need to manually destroy the stacks. This can be done from the AWS Console, via AWS CloudFormation as shown in Figure 5 or by using the following command.

cdk destroy --all

To clean up the code repository build files, you can run the following script.

npm run clean


The AWS CDK integ-tests construct is a valuable tool for defining and conducting automated integration tests for your AWS CDK applications. In this blog post, we have introduced a practical code example showcasing how AWS CDK integration tests can be used to validate the expected application behavior when deployed to the cloud. You can leverage the techniques in this guide to write your own AWS CDK integration tests and improve the quality and reliability of your application releases.

For information on how to get started with these constructs, please refer to the following documentation.

Call to Action

Integ-runner and integ-tests constructs are experimental and subject to change. The release notes for both stable and experimental modules are available in the AWS CDK Github release notes. As always, we welcome bug reports, feature requests, and pull requests on the aws-cdk GitHub repository to further shape these alpha constructs based on your feedback.

About the authors

Iris Kraja

Iris is a Cloud Application Architect at AWS Professional Services based in New York City. She is passionate about helping customers design and build modern AWS cloud native solutions, with a keen interest in serverless technology, event-driven architectures and DevOps. Outside of work, she enjoys hiking and spending as much time as possible in nature.

Svenja Raether

Svenja is an Associate Cloud Application Architect at AWS Professional Services based in Munich.

Ahmed Bakry

Ahmed is a Security Consultant at AWS Professional Services based in Amsterdam. He obtained his master’s degree in Computer Science at the University of Twente and specialized in Cyber Security. And he did his bachelor degree in Networks Engineering at the German University in Cairo. His passion is developing secure and robust applications that drive success for his customers.

Philip Chen

Philip is a Senior Cloud Application Architect at AWS Professional Services. He works with customers to design cloud solutions that are built to achieve business goals and outcomes. He is passionate about his work and enjoys the creativity that goes into architecting solutions.

Directing ML-powered Operational Insights from Amazon DevOps Guru to your Datadog event stream

Post Syndicated from Bineesh Ravindran original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/directing_ml-powered_operational_insights_from_amazon_devops_guru_to_your_datadog_event_stream/

Amazon DevOps Guru is a fully managed AIOps service that uses machine learning (ML) to quickly identify when applications are behaving outside of their normal operating patterns and generates insights from its findings. These insights generated by DevOps Guru can be used to alert on-call teams to react to anomalies for business mission critical workloads. If you are already utilizing Datadog to automate infrastructure monitoring, application performance monitoring, and log management for real-time observability of your entire technology stack, then this blog is for you.

You might already be using Datadog for a consolidated view of your Datadog Events interface to search, analyze and filter events from many different sources in one place. Datadog Events are records of notable changes relevant for managing and troubleshooting IT Operations, such as code, deployments, service health, configuration changes and monitoring alerts.

Wherever DevOps Guru detects operational events in your AWS environment that could lead to outages, it generates insights and recommendations. These insights/recommendations are then pushed to a user specific Datadog endpoint using Datadog events API. Customers can then create dashboards, incidents, alarms or take corrective automated actions based on these insights and recommendations in Datadog.

Datadog collects and unifies all of the data streaming from these complex environments, with a 1-click integration for pulling in metrics and tags from over 90 AWS services. Companies can deploy the Datadog Agent directly on their hosts and compute instances to collect metrics with greater granularity—down to one-second resolution. And with Datadog’s out-of-the-box integration dashboards, companies get not only a high-level view into the health of their infrastructure and applications but also deeper visibility into individual services such as AWS Lambda and Amazon EKS.

This blogpost will show you how to utilize Amazon DevOps guru with Datadog to get real time insights and recommendations on their AWS Infrastructure. We will demonstrate how an insight generated by Amazon DevOps Guru for an anomaly can automatically be pushed to Datadog’s event streams which can then be used to create dashboards, create alarms and alerts to take corrective actions.

Solution Overview

When an Amazon DevOps Guru insight is created, an Amazon EventBridge rule is used to capture the insight as an event and routed to an AWS Lambda Function target. The lambda function interacts with Datadog using a REST API to push corresponding DevOps Guru events captured by Amazon EventBridge

The EventBridge rule can be customized to capture all DevOps Guru insights or narrowed down to specific insights. In this blog, we will be capturing all DevOps Guru insights and will be performing actions on Datadog for the below DevOps Guru events:

  • DevOps Guru New Insight Open
  • DevOps Guru New Anomaly Association
  • DevOps Guru Insight Severity Upgraded
  • DevOps Guru New Recommendation Created
  • DevOps Guru Insight Closed
Figure 1: Amazon DevOps Guru Integration with Datadog with Amazon EventBridge and AWS.

Figure 1: Amazon DevOps Guru Integration with Datadog with Amazon EventBridge and AWS.

Solution Implementation Steps


Before you deploy the solution, complete the following steps.

    • Datadog Account Setup: We will be connecting your AWS Account with Datadog. If you do not have a Datadog account, you can request a free trial developer instance through Datadog.
    • Datadog Credentials: Gather the credentials of Datadog keys that will be used to connect with AWS. Follow the steps below to create an API Key and Application Key
      Add an API key or client token

        1. To add a Datadog API key or client token:
        2. Navigate to Organization settings, then click the API keys or Client Tokens
        3. Click the New Key or New Client Token button, depending on which you’re creating.
        4. Enter a name for your key or token.
        5. Click Create API key or Create Client Token.
        6. Note down the newly generated API Key value. We will need this in later steps
        7. Figure 2: Create new API Key.

          Figure 2: Create new API Key.

      Add application keys

      • To add a Datadog application key, navigate to Organization Settings > Application Keys.If you have the permission to create application keys, click New Key.Note down the newly generated Application Key. We will need this in later steps

Add Application Key and API Key to AWS Secrets Manager : Secrets Manager enables you to replace hardcoded credentials in your code, including passwords, with an API call to Secrets Manager to retrieve the secret programmatically. This helps ensure the secret can’t be compromised by someone examining your code,because the secret no longer exists in the code.
Follow below steps to create a new secret in AWS Secrets Manager.

  1. Open the Secrets Manager console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/secretsmanager/
  2. Choose Store a new secret.
  3. On the Choose secret type page, do the following:
    1. For Secret type, choose other type of secret.
    2. In Key/value pairs, either enter your secret in Key/value
Figure 3: Create new secret in Secret Manager.

Figure 3: Create new secret in Secret Manager.

Click next and enter “DatadogSecretManager” as the secret name followed by Review and Finish

Figure 4: Configure secret in Secret Manager.

Figure 4: Configure secret in Secret Manager.

Option 1: Deploy Datadog Connector App from AWS Serverless Repository

The DevOps Guru Datadog Connector application is available on the AWS Serverless Application Repository which is a managed repository for serverless applications. The application is packaged with an AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) template, definition of the AWS resources used and the link to the source code. Follow the steps below to quickly deploy this serverless application in your AWS account

      • Login to the AWS management console of the account to which you plan to deploy this solution.
      • Go to the DevOps Guru Datadog Connector application in the AWS Serverless Repository and click on “Deploy”.
      • The Lambda application deployment screen will be displayed where you can enter the Datadog Application name
        Figure 5: DevOps Guru Datadog connector.

        Figure 5: DevOps Guru Datadog connector.

         Figure 6: Serverless Application DevOps Guru Datadog connector.

        Figure 6: Serverless Application DevOps Guru Datadog connector.

      • After successful deployment the AWS Lambda Application page will display the “Create complete” status for the serverlessrepo-DevOps-Guru-Datadog-Connector application. The CloudFormation template creates four resources,
        1. Lambda function which has the logic to integrate to the Datadog
        2. Event Bridge rule for the DevOps Guru Insights
        3. Lambda permission
        4. IAM role
      • Now skip Option 2 and follow the steps in the “Test the Solution” section to trigger some DevOps Guru insights/recommendations and validate that the events are created and updated in Datadog.

Option 2: Build and Deploy sample Datadog Connector App using AWS SAM Command Line Interface

As you have seen above, you can directly deploy the sample serverless application form the Serverless Repository with one click deployment. Alternatively, you can choose to clone the GitHub source repository and deploy using the SAM CLI from your terminal.

The Serverless Application Model Command Line Interface (SAM CLI) is an extension of the AWS CLI that adds functionality for building and testing serverless applications. The CLI provides commands that enable you to verify that AWS SAM template files are written according to the specification, invoke Lambda functions locally, step-through debug Lambda functions, package and deploy serverless applications to the AWS Cloud, and so on. For details about how to use the AWS SAM CLI, including the full AWS SAM CLI Command Reference, see AWS SAM reference – AWS Serverless Application Model.

Before you proceed, make sure you have completed the pre-requisites section in the beginning which should set up the AWS SAM CLI, Maven and Java on your local terminal. You also need to install and set up Docker to run your functions in an Amazon Linux environment that matches Lambda.

Clone the source code from the github repo

git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-devops-guru-connector-datadog.git

Build the sample application using SAM CLI

$cd DatadogFunctions

$sam build
Building codeuri: $\amazon-devops-guru-connector-datadog\DatadogFunctions\Functions runtime: java11 metadata: {} architecture: x86_64 functions: Functions
Running JavaMavenWorkflow:CopySource
Running JavaMavenWorkflow:MavenBuild
Running JavaMavenWorkflow:MavenCopyDependency
Running JavaMavenWorkflow:MavenCopyArtifacts

Build Succeeded

Built Artifacts  : .aws-sam\build
Built Template   : .aws-sam\build\template.yaml

Commands you can use next
[*] Validate SAM template: sam validate
[*] Invoke Function: sam local invoke
[*] Test Function in the Cloud: sam sync --stack-name {{stack-name}} --watch
[*] Deploy: sam deploy --guided

This command will build the source of your application by installing dependencies defined in Functions/pom.xml, create a deployment package and saves it in the. aws-sam/build folder.

Deploy the sample application using SAM CLI

$sam deploy --guided

This command will package and deploy your application to AWS, with a series of prompts that you should respond to as shown below:

      • Stack Name: The name of the stack to deploy to CloudFormation. This should be unique to your account and region, and a good starting point would be something matching your project name.
      • AWS Region: The AWS region you want to deploy your application to.
      • Confirm changes before deploy: If set to yes, any change sets will be shown to you before execution for manual review. If set to no, the AWS SAM CLI will automatically deploy application changes.
      • Allow SAM CLI IAM role creation:Many AWS SAM templates, including this example, create AWS IAM roles required for the AWS Lambda function(s) included to access AWS services. By default, these are scoped down to minimum required permissions. To deploy an AWS CloudFormation stack which creates or modifies IAM roles, the CAPABILITY_IAM value for capabilities must be provided. If permission isn’t provided through this prompt, to deploy this example you must explicitly pass --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM to the sam deploy command.
      • Disable rollback [y/N]: If set to Y, preserves the state of previously provisioned resources when an operation fails.
      • Save arguments to configuration file (samconfig.toml): If set to yes, your choices will be saved to a configuration file inside the project, so that in the future you can just re-run sam deploy without parameters to deploy changes to your application.

After you enter your parameters, you should see something like this if you have provided Y to view and confirm ChangeSets. Proceed here by providing ‘Y’ for deploying the resources.

Initiating deployment

        Uploading to sam-app-datadog/0c2b93e71210af97a8c57710d0463c8b.template  1797 / 1797  (100.00%)

Waiting for changeset to be created..

CloudFormation stack changeset
Operation                     LogicalResourceId             ResourceType                  Replacement
+ Add                         FunctionsDevOpsGuruPermissi   AWS::Lambda::Permission       N/A
+ Add                         FunctionsDevOpsGuru           AWS::Events::Rule             N/A
+ Add                         FunctionsRole                 AWS::IAM::Role                N/A
+ Add                         Functions                     AWS::Lambda::Function         N/A

Changeset created successfully. arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:867001007349:changeSet/samcli-deploy1680640852/bdc3039b-cdb7-4d7a-a3a0-ed9372f3cf9a

Previewing CloudFormation changeset before deployment
Deploy this changeset? [y/N]: y

2023-04-04 15:41:06 - Waiting for stack create/update to complete

CloudFormation events from stack operations (refresh every 5.0 seconds)
ResourceStatus                ResourceType                  LogicalResourceId             ResourceStatusReason
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS            AWS::IAM::Role                FunctionsRole                 -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS            AWS::IAM::Role                FunctionsRole                 Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE               AWS::IAM::Role                FunctionsRole                 -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS            AWS::Lambda::Function         Functions                     -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS            AWS::Lambda::Function         Functions                     Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE               AWS::Lambda::Function         Functions                     -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS            AWS::Events::Rule             FunctionsDevOpsGuru           -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS            AWS::Events::Rule             FunctionsDevOpsGuru           Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE               AWS::Events::Rule             FunctionsDevOpsGuru           -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS            AWS::Lambda::Permission       FunctionsDevOpsGuruPermissi   -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS            AWS::Lambda::Permission       FunctionsDevOpsGuruPermissi   Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE               AWS::Lambda::Permission       FunctionsDevOpsGuruPermissi   -
CREATE_COMPLETE               AWS::CloudFormation::Stack    sam-app-datadog               -

Successfully created/updated stack - sam-app-datadog in us-east-1

Once the deployment succeeds, you should be able to see the successful creation of your resources. Also, you can find your Lambda, IAM Role and EventBridge Rule in the CloudFormation stack output values.

You can also choose to test and debug your function locally with sample events using the SAM CLI local functionality.Test a single function by invoking it directly with a test event. An event is a JSON document that represents the input that the function receives from the event source. Refer the Invoking Lambda functions locally – AWS Serverless Application Model link here for more details.

$ sam local invoke Functions -e ‘event/event.json’

Once you are done with the above steps, move on to “Test the Solution” section below to trigger some DevOps Guru insights and validate that the events are created and pushed to Datadog.

Test the Solution

To test the solution, we will simulate a DevOps Guru Insight. You can also simulate an insight by following the steps in this blog. After an anomaly is detected in the application, DevOps Guru creates an insight as shown below

 Figure 7: DevOps Guru insight for DynamoDB

Figure 7: DevOps Guru insight for DynamoDB

For the DevOps Guru insight shown above, a corresponding event is automatically created and pushed to Datadog as shown below. In addition to the events creation, any new anomalies and recommendations from DevOps Guru is also associated with the events

Figure 8 : DevOps Guru Insight pushed to Datadog event stream.

Figure 8 : DevOps Guru Insight pushed to Datadog event stream.

Cleaning Up

To delete the sample application that you created, In your Cloud 9 environment open a new terminal. Now type in the AWS CLI command below and pass the stack name you provided in the deploy step

aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name <Stack Name>

Alternatively ,you could also use the AWS CloudFormation Console to delete the stack


This article highlights how Amazon DevOps Guru monitors resources within a specific region of your AWS account, automatically detecting operational issues, predicting potential resource exhaustion, identifying probable causes, and recommending remediation actions. It describes a bespoke solution enabling integration of DevOps Guru insights with Datadog, enhancing management and oversight of AWS services. This solution aids customers using Datadog to bolster operational efficiencies, delivering customized insights, real-time alerts, and management capabilities directly from DevOps Guru, offering a unified interface to swiftly restore services and systems.

To start gaining operational insights on your AWS Infrastructure with Datadog head over to Amazon DevOps Guru documentation page.

About the authors:

Bineesh Ravindran

Bineesh Ravindran

Bineesh is Solutions Architect at Amazon Webservices (AWS) who is passionate about technology and love to help customers solve problems. Bineesh has over 20 years of experience in designing and implementing enterprise applications. He works with AWS partners and customers to provide them with architectural guidance for building scalable architecture and execute strategies to drive adoption of AWS services. When he’s not working, he enjoys biking, aquascaping and playing badminton..

David Ernst

David is a Sr. Specialist Solution Architect – DevOps, with 20+ years of experience in designing and implementing software solutions for various industries. David is an automation enthusiast and works with AWS customers to design, deploy, and manage their AWS workloads/architectures.

Quick Restoration through Replacing the Root Volumes of Amazon EC2 instances

Post Syndicated from Sheila Busser original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/quick-restoration-through-replacing-the-root-volumes-of-amazon-ec2/

This blog post is written by Katja-Maja Krödel, IoT Specialist Solutions Architect, and Benjamin Meyer, Senior Solutions Architect, Game Tech.

Customers use Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances to develop, deploy, and test applications. To use those instances most effectively, customers have expressed the need to set back their instance to a previous state within minutes or even seconds. They want to find a quick and automated way to manage setting back their instances at scale.

The feature of replacing Root Volumes of Amazon EC2 instances enables customers to replace the root volumes of running EC2 instances to a specific snapshot or its launch state. Without stopping the instance, this allows customers to fix issues while retaining the instance store data, networking, and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) configuration. Customers can resume their operations with their instance store data intact. This works for all virtualized EC2 instances and bare metal EC2 Mac instances today.

In this post, we show you how to design your architecture for automated Root Volume Replacement using this Amazon EC2 feature. We start with the automated snapshot creation, continue with automatically replacing the root volume, and finish with how to keep your environment clean after your replacement job succeeds.

What is Root Volume Replacement?

Amazon EC2 enables customers to replace the root Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volume for an instance without stopping the instance to which it’s attached. An Amazon EBS root volume is replaced to the launch state, or any snapshot taken from the EBS volume itself. This allows issues to be fixed, such as root volume corruption or guest OS networking errors. Replacing the root volume of an instance includes the following steps:

  • A new EBS volume is created from a previously taken snapshot or the launch state
  • Reboot of the instance
  • While rebooting, the current root volume is detached and the new root volume is attached

The previous EBS root volume isn’t deleted and can be attached to an instance for later investigation of the volume. If replacing to a different state of the EBS than the launch state, then a snapshot of the current root volume is used.

An example use case is a continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) System that builds on EC2 instances to build artifacts. Within this system, you could alter the installed tools on the host and may cause failing builds on the same machine. To prevent any unclean builds, the introduced architecture is used to clean up the machine by replacing the root volume to a previously known good state. This is especially interesting for EC2 Mac Instances, as their Dedicated Host won’t undergo the scrubbing process, and the instance is more quickly restored than launching a fresh EC2 Mac instance on the same host.


The feature of replacing Root Volumes was introduced in April 2021 and has just been <TBD> extended to work for Bare Metal EC2 Mac Instances. This means that EC2 Mac Instances are included. If you want to reset an EC2 instance to a previously known good state, then you can create Snapshots of your EBS volumes. To reset the root volume to its launch state, no snapshot is needed. For non-root volumes, you can use these Snapshots to create new EBS volumes, and then attach those to your instance as well as detach them. To automate the process of replacing your root volume not only once, but also in a repeatable manner, we’re introducing you to an architecture that can fully-automate this process.

In the case that you use a snapshot to create a new root volume, you must take a new snapshot of that volume to be able to get back to that state later on. You can’t use a snapshot of a different volume to restore to, which is the reason that the architecture includes the automatic snapshot creation of a fresh root volume.

The architecture is built in three steps:

  1. Automation of Snapshot Creation for new EBS volumes
  2. Automation of replacing your Root Volume
  3. Preparation of the environment for the next Root Volume Replacement

The following diagram illustrates the architecture of this solution.

 Architecture of the automated creation of Root Volumes for Amazon EC2 Instances

In the next sections, we go through these concepts to design the automatic Root Volume Replacement Task.

Automation of Snapshot Creation for new EBS volumes

Architecture of the automated creation of Snapshots of new EBS Volumes.

The figure above illustrates the architecture for automatically creating a snapshot of an existing EBS volume. In this architecture, we focus on the automation of creating a snapshot whenever a new EBS root volume is created.

Amazon EventBridge is used to invoke an AWS Lambda function on an emitted createVolume event. For automated reaction to the event, you can add a rule to the EventBridge which will forward the event to an AWS Lambda function whenever a new EBS volume is created. The rule within EventBridge looks like this:

  "source": ["aws.ec2"],
  "detail-type": ["EBS Volume Notification"],
  "detail": {
    "event": ["createVolume"]

An example event is emitted when an EBS root volume is created, which will then invoke the Lambda function to look like this:

   "version": "0",
   "id": "01234567-0123-0123-0123-012345678901",
   "detail-type": "EBS Volume Notification",
   "source": "aws.ec2",
   "account": "012345678901",
   "time": "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ",
   "region": "us-east-1",
   "resources": [
   "detail": {
      "result": "available",
      "cause": "",
      "event": "createVolume",
      "request-id": "01234567-0123-0123-0123-0123456789ab"

The code of the function uses the resource ARN within the received event and requests resource details about the EBS volume from the Amazon EC2 APIs. Since the event doesn’t include information if it’s a root volume, then you must verify this using the Amazon EC2 API.

The following is a summary of the tasks of the Lambda function:

  1. Extract the EBS ARN from the EventBridge Event
  2. Verify that it’s a root volume of an EC2 Instance
  3. Call the Amazon EC2 API create-snapshot to create a snapshot of the root volume and add a tag replace-snapshot=true

Then, the tag is used to clean up the environment and get rid of snapshots that aren’t needed.

As an alternative, you can emit your own event to EventBridge. This can be used to automatically create snapshots to which you can restore your volume. Instead of reacting to the createVolume event, you can use a customized approach for this architecture.

Automation of replacing your Root Volume

Architecture of the automated creation of Snapshots of new EBS Volumes.

The figure above illustrates the procedure of replacing the EBS root volume. It starts with the event, which is created through the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), console, or usage of the API. This leads to creating a new volume from a snapshot or using the initial launch state. The EC2 instance is rebooted, and during that time the old root volume is detached and a new volume gets attached as the root volume.

To invoke the create-replace-root-volume-task, you can call the Amazon EC2 API with the following AWS CLI command:

aws ec2 create-replace-root-volume-task --instance-id <value> --snapshot <value> --tag-specifications ResourceType=string,Tags=[{Key=replaced-volume,Value=true}]

If you want to restore to launch state, then omit the --snapshot parameter:

aws ec2 create-replace-root-volume-task --instance-id <value> --tag-specifications ResourceType=string,Tags=[{Key=delete-volume,Value=true}]

After running this command, AWS will create a new EBS volume, add the tag to the old EBS replaced-volume=true, restart your instance, and attach the new volume to the instance as the root volume. The tag is used later to detect old root volumes and clean up the environment.

If this is combined with the earlier explained automation, then the automation will immediately take a snapshot from the new EBS volume. A restore operation can only be done to a snapshot of the current EBS root volume. Therefore, if no snapshot is taken from the freshly restored EBS volume, then no restore operation is possible except the restore to launch state.

Preparation of the Environment for the next Root Volume Replacement

After the task is completed, the old root volume isn’t removed. Additionally, snapshots of previous root volumes can’t be used to restore current root volumes. To clean up your environment, you can schedule a Lambda function which does the following steps:

  • Delete detached EBS volumes with the tag delete-volume=true
  • Delete snapshots with the tag replace-snapshot=true, which aren’t associated with an existing EBS volume


In this post, we described an architecture to quickly restore EC2 instances through Root Volume Replacement. The feature of replacing Root Volumes of Amazon EC2 instances, now including Bare Metal EC2 Mac instances, enables customers to replace the root volumes of running EC2 instances to a specific snapshot or its launch state. Customers can resume their operations with their instance store data intact. We’ve split the process of doing this in an automated and quick manner into three steps: Create a snapshot, run the replacement task, and reset your environment to be prepared for a following replacement task. If you want to learn more about this feature, then see the Announcement of replacing Root Volumes, as well as the documentation for this feature. <TBD Announcement Bare Metal>