Tag Archives: Amazon QuickSight

New additions to line charts in Amazon QuickSight

Post Syndicated from Bhupinder Chadha original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/new-additions-to-line-charts-in-amazon-quicksight/

Amazon QuickSight is a fully-managed, cloud-native business intelligence (BI) service that makes it easy to create and deliver insights to everyone in your organization or even with your customers and partners. You can make your data come to life with rich interactive charts and create beautiful dashboards to be shared with thousands of users, either directly within the QuickSight application, or embedded in web apps and portals.

Line charts are ubiquitous to the world of data visualization and are used to visualize change in data over a dimension. They are a great way to analyze trends and patterns where data points are connected with a straight line to visualize the overall trend. In this post, we look at some of the new improvements to our line charts:

  • Support for missing data points for line and area charts
  • Improved performance and increased data limit to 10,000 data points

Missing data points

Line charts in QuickSight expect you to have data for each X axis item. If data is missing for any X axis item, it can lead to broken lines (default behavior) because there is no line drawn connecting the missing data points.

Drawing lines with points of missing data could be misleading because it would represent incorrect data, and there are valid use cases to do so. For example, imagine a scenario of a retail sales report for a given time period where data is recorded during days of operation (Monday through Saturday). In such cases, instead of displaying a broken line chart that skips Sunday, you may want to show a continuous trend by directly connecting Saturday to Monday, hiding the fact that Sunday isn’t operational. Alternatively, you may want to view store traffic for Sunday as 0 instead of displaying a broken line.

Previously, line charts only supported treating missing data for date/time fields. Now, we have added support for categorical data for both line and area charts. The following are the different line treatment options:

  1. Continuous line – Display continuous lines by directly connecting the line to the next available data point in the series
  2. Show as zero – Interpolate the missing values with zero and display a continuous line
  3. Broken line – Retain the default experience to display disjointed lines over missing values

The following diagram illustrates a line chart using each option.

This new feature applies for both categorical and time series data on area charts as well, as shown in the following graphs.

Authors can also configure different data treatments for the left and right Y axis for dual axis charts, as shown in the following example.

Increased data limit for line charts

With the recent update, we have improved line chart performance to support a maximum of 10,000 data points instead of the previous 2,500 data point limit. This also increases the limit for more line series created by the Color by field, which is also bound by the total data limit. For example, if the line chart has 1,000 data points for each series, you could display up to 10 unique colored series.

This update enables use cases where authors want to show a higher number of data points, such as hourly trends or daily trends for a year (365 data points) for multiple groups. This update doesn’t change the default limits of the Color by field (25) and X axis data point limit (100) that exist today to be compatible with existing dashboards and analysis, until authors choose to customize the limits.


In this post, we looked at how to treat missing data for line charts, where instead of viewing broken lines, you can display continuous lines. This helps you customize how you want to visualize overall trends and variations depending on the business context. Additionally, we looked at the new data handling limit for line charts, which supports 10,000 data points—four times more data than before. To learn more refer customizing missing data control.

Try out the new feature and share your feedback and questions in the comments section.

About the author

Bhupinder Chadha is a senior product manager for Amazon QuickSight focused on visualization and front end experiences. He is passionate about BI, data visualization and low-code/no-code experiences. Prior to QuickSight he was the lead product manager for Inforiver, responsible for building a enterprise BI product from ground up. Bhupinder started his career in presales, followed by a small gig in consulting and then PM for xViz, an add on visualization product.

AWS Week in Review – September 5, 2022

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-week-in-review-september-5-2022/

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

As a new week begins, let’s quickly look back at the most significant AWS news from the previous seven days.

Last Week’s Launches
Here are the launches that got my attention last week:

AWS announces open-sourced credentials-fetcher to simplify Microsoft AD access from Linux containers. You can find more in the What’s New post.

AWS Step Functions now has 14 new intrinsic functions that help you process data more efficiently and make it easier to perform data processing tasks such as array manipulation, JSON object manipulation, and math functions within your workflows without having to invoke downstream services or add Task states.

AWS SAM CLI esbuild support is now generally available. You can now use esbuild in the SAM CLI build workflow for your JavaScript applications.

Amazon QuickSight launches a new user interface for dataset management that replaces the existing popup dialog modal with a full-page experience, providing a clearer breakdown of dataset management categories.

AWS GameKit adds Unity support. With this release for Unity, you can integrate cloud-based game features into Win64, MacOS, Android, or iOS games from both the Unreal and Unity engines with just a few clicks.

AWS and VMware announce VMware Cloud on AWS integration with Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP. Read more in Veliswa‘s blog post.

The AWS Region in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is now open. More info in Marcia‘s blog post.

View of Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS News
A few more blog posts you might have missed:

Easy analytics and cost-optimization with Amazon Redshift Serverless – Four different use cases of Redshift Serverless are discussed in this post.

Building cost-effective AWS Step Functions workflows – In this blog post, Ben explains the difference between Standard and Express Workflows, including costs, migrating from Standard to Express, and some interesting ways of using both together.

How to subscribe to the new Security Hub Announcements topic for Amazon SNS – You can now receive updates about new Security Hub services and features, newly supported standards and controls, and other Security Hub changes.

Deploying AWS Lambda functions using AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK) – With the ACK service controller for AWS Lambda, you can provision and manage Lambda functions with kubectl and custom resources.

For AWS open-source news and updates, here’s the latest newsletter curated by Ricardo to bring you the most recent updates on open-source projects, posts, events, and more.

Upcoming AWS Events
Depending on where you are on this planet, there are many opportunities to meet and learn:

AWS Summits – Come together to connect, collaborate, and learn about AWS. Registration is open for the following in-person AWS Summits: Ottawa (September 8), New Delhi (September 9), Mexico City (September 21–22), Bogotá (October 4), and Singapore (October 6).

AWS Community DaysAWS Community Day events are community-led conferences to share and learn with one another. In September, the AWS community in the US will run events in the Bay Area, California (September 9) and Arlington, Virginia (September 30). In Europe, Community Day events will be held in October. Join us in Amersfoort, Netherlands (October 3), Warsaw, Poland (October 14), and Dresden, Germany (October 19).

That’s all from me for this week. Come back next Monday for another Week in Review!


New row and column interactivity options for tables and pivot tables in Amazon QuickSight – Part 2

Post Syndicated from Bhupinder Chadha original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/part-2-new-row-and-column-interactivity-options-for-tables-and-pivot-tables-in-amazon-quicksight/

Amazon QuickSight is a fully-managed, cloud-native business intelligence (BI) service that makes it easy to create and deliver insights to everyone in your organization or even with your customers and partners. You can make your data come to life with rich interactive charts and create beautiful dashboards to share with thousands of users, either directly within a QuickSight application or embedded in web apps and portals.

In the previous post in this two-part series, we discussed drag handlers to alter height and width for rows, columns, and table headers. Now, let’s look at some of the new interactivity options for rows and columns for tables and pivot tables.

Hide or show fields for authors

Previously, authors could only hide fields in tables. Now we’re extending this feature to pivot tables as well. Authors can hide rows, columns, and values from either the field wells or from the column or row field headers in pivot tables. For easier identification, hidden fields are indicated with a cross eye icon; you can revert them back to visible using the Show all hidden fields option.

Let’s look at some of the use cases where this could be helpful:

  • Define actions on a pivot table and hide fields to save real estate – Sometimes, you may want to hide fields in a pivot table whose sole purpose is to enable actions, like opening another webpage and pass this hidden field as a parameter.
  • Use hidden fields to define a custom sort order – You can define a custom sort order for your pivot table using hidden fields, for example, defining a specific order for your PNL reports.
  • Display two tables side by side as a single visual – In the following example, we show sales by country, where table 1 displays the last 4 weeks of data and table 2 displays monthly data from the last 4 weeks.
  • Create butterfly tables – Another variation of displaying tables side by side is to create butterfly tables where values are displayed on both sides of the dimension. This is a great way to compare two sets of values. For example, you can compare the current month vs. a full year of data.

Export hidden fields for authors and readers

Not only can authors hide fields, they can also control the ability for readers to export data including the hidden fields or without them. When publishing the analysis, authors have the new option Enable export of hidden fields on supported visuals. When you select this option, readers are able to include hidden fields when exporting their data. The default setting is to keep this disabled and only allow readers to export visible data.

Based on the different scenarios, the following options show up for exporting data to CSV and Excel from tables and pivot tables.


In this post, we looked at the new capability of toggling row, column, and value field visibility on tables and pivot tables. We also discussed the various use cases for hiding fields and the new exporting options associated with field visibility, which can be controlled by authors. To learn more about table and pivot table formatting options, refer to Formatting tables and pivot tables in Amazon QuickSight.

Try out the new feature and share your feedback and questions in the comments section below.

About the author

Bhupinder Chadha is a senior product manager for Amazon QuickSight focused on visualization and front end experiences. He is passionate about BI, data visualization and low-code/no-code experiences. Prior to QuickSight he was the lead product manager for Inforiver, responsible for building a enterprise BI product from ground up. Bhupinder started his career in presales, followed by a small gig in consulting and then PM for xViz, an add on visualization product.

AWS Week in Review – August 29, 2022

Post Syndicated from Antje Barth original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-week-in-review-august-29-2022/

I’ve just returned from data and machine learning (ML) conferences in Los Angeles and San Francisco, California. It’s been great to chat with customers and developers about the latest technology trends and use cases. This past week has also been packed with launches at AWS.

Last Week’s Launches
Here are some launches that got my attention during the previous week:

Amazon QuickSight announces fine-grained visual embedding. You can now embed individual visuals from QuickSight dashboards in applications and portals to provide key insights to users where they’re needed most. Check out Donnie’s blog post to learn more, and tune into this week’s The Official AWS Podcast episode.

Sample Web App with a Visual

Sample Web App with a Visual

Amazon SageMaker Automatic Model Tuning is now available in the Europe (Milan), Africa (Cape Town), Asia Pacific (Osaka), and Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Regions. In addition, SageMaker Automatic Model Tuning now reuses SageMaker Training instances to reduce start-up overheads by 20x. In scenarios where you have a large number of hyperparameter evaluations, the reuse of training instances can cumulatively save 2 hours for every 50 sequential evaluations.

Amazon RDS now supports setting up connectivity between your RDS database and EC2 compute instance in one click. Amazon RDS automatically sets up your VPC and related network settings during database creation to enable a secure connection between the EC2 instance and the RDS database.

In addition, Amazon RDS for Oracle now supports managed Oracle Data Guard Switchover and Automated Backups for replicas. With the Oracle Data Guard Switchover feature, you can reverse the roles between the primary database and one of its standby databases (replicas) with no data loss and a brief outage. You can also now create Automated Backups and manual DB snapshots of an RDS for Oracle replica, which reduces the time spent taking backups following a role transition.

Amazon Forecast now supports what-if analyses. Amazon Forecast is a fully managed service that uses ML algorithms to deliver highly accurate time series forecasts.  You can now use what-if analyses to quantify the potential impact of business scenarios on your demand forecasts.

AWS Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region now supports additional AWS services and EC2 instance types – Amazon SageMaker, AWS Application Migration Service, AWS Glue, Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA), and Amazon EC2 X2idn and X2iedn instances are now available in the Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS News
Here are some additional news, blog posts, and fun code competitions you may find interesting:

Scaling AI and Machine Learning Workloads with Ray on AWS – This past week, I attended Ray Summit in San Francisco, California, and had great conversations with the community. Check out this blog post to learn more about AWS contributions to the scalability and operational efficiency of Ray on AWS.

Ray on AWS

New AWS Heroes – It’s great to see both new and familiar faces joining the AWS Heroes program, a worldwide initiative that acknowledges individuals who have truly gone above and beyond to share knowledge in technical communities. Get to know them in the blog post!

DFL Bundesliga Data ShootoutDFL Deutsche Fußball Liga launched a code competition, powered by AWS: the Bundesliga Data Shootout. The task: Develop a computer vision model to classify events on the pitch. Join the competition as an individual or in a team and win prizes.

Become an AWS GameDay World Champion – AWS GameDay is an interactive, team-based learning experience designed to put your AWS skills to the test by solving real-world problems in a gamified, risk-free environment. Developers of all skill levels can get in on the action, to compete for worldwide glory, as well as a chance to claim the top prize: an all-expenses-paid trip to AWS re:Invent Las Vegas 2022!

Learn more about the AWS Impact Accelerator for Black Founders from one of the inaugural members of the program in this blog post. The AWS Impact Accelerator is a series of programs designed to help high-potential, pre-seed start-ups led by underrepresented founders succeed.

Upcoming AWS Events
Check your calendars and sign up for these AWS events:

AWS SummitAWS Global Summits – AWS Global Summits are free events that bring the cloud computing community together to connect, collaborate, and learn about AWS.

Registration is open for the following in-person AWS Summits that might be close to you in August and September: Canberra (August 31), Ottawa (September 8), New Delhi (September 9), and Mexico City (September 21–22), Bogotá (October 4), and Singapore (October 6).

AWS Community DayAWS Community DaysAWS Community Day events are community-led conferences that deliver a peer-to-peer learning experience, providing developers with a venue for them to acquire AWS knowledge in their preferred way: from one another.

In September, the AWS community will host events in the Bay Area, California (September 9) and in Arlington, Virginia (September 30). In October, you can join Community Days in Amersfoort, Netherlands (October 3), in Warsaw, Poland (October 14), and in Dresden, Germany (October 19).

That’s all for this week. Check back next Monday for another Week in Review! And maybe I’ll see you at the AWS Community Day here in the Bay Area!


This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

Enable federation to Amazon QuickSight accounts with Ping One

Post Syndicated from Srikanth Baheti original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/enable-federation-to-amazon-quicksight-accounts-with-ping-one/

Amazon QuickSight is a scalable, serverless, embeddable, machine learning (ML)-powered business intelligence (BI) service built for the cloud that supports identity federation in both Standard and Enterprise editions. Organizations are working towards centralizing their identity and access strategy across all of their applications, including on-premises, third-party, and applications on AWS. Many organizations use Ping One to control and manage user authentication and authorization centrally. If your organization uses Ping One for cloud applications, you can enable federation to all of your QuickSight accounts without needing to create and manage users in QuickSight. This authorizes users to access QuickSight assets—analyses, dashboards, folders, and datasets—through centrally managed Ping One.

In this post, we go through the steps to configure federated single sign-on (SSO) between a Ping One instance and a QuickSight account. We demonstrate registering an SSO application in Ping One, creating groups, and mapping to an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that translates to QuickSight user license types (admin, author, and reader). These QuickSight roles represent three different personas supported in QuickSight. Administrators can publish the QuickSight app in Ping One to enable users to perform SSO to QuickSight using their Ping credentials.


To complete this walkthrough, you must have the following prerequisites:

  • A Ping One subscription
  • One or more QuickSight account subscriptions

Solution overview

The walkthrough includes the following steps:

  1. Create groups in Ping One for each of the QuickSight user license types.
  2. Register an AWS application in Ping One.
  3. Add Ping One as your SAML identity provider (IdP) in AWS.
  4. Configure an IAM policy.
  5. Configure an IAM role.
  6. Configure your AWS application in Ping One.
  7. Test the application from Ping One.

Create groups in Ping One for each of the QuickSight roles

To create groups in Ping One, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the Ping One portal using an administrator account.
  2. Under Identities, choose Groups.
  3. Choose the plus sign to add a group.
  4. For Group Name, enter QuickSightReaders.
  5. Choose Save.
  6. Repeat these steps to create the groups QuickSightAdmins and QuickSightAuthors.

Register an AWS application in Ping One

To configure the integration of an AWS application in Ping One, you need to add AWS to your list of managed software as a service (SaaS) apps.

  1. Sign in to the Ping One portal using an administrator account.
  2. Under Connections, choose Application Catalog.
  3. In the search box, enter amazon web services.
  4. Choose Amazon Web Services – AWS from the results to add the application.  BDB-2210-Ping-AWS-APP
  5. For Name, enter Amazon QuickSight.
  6. Choose Next.
    BDB-2210-Ping-AWS-SAVEUnder Map Attributes, there should be four attributes.
  7. Delete the attribute related to SessionDuration.
  8. Choose Username as the value for all the remaining attributes for now.
    We update these values in later steps.
  9. Choose Next.
  10. In the Select Groups section, add the QuickSightAdmins, QuickSightAuthors, and QuickSightReaders groups you created.
  11. Choose Save.
  12. After the application is created, choose the application again and download the federation metadata XML.

You use this in the next step.

Add Ping One as your SAML IdP in AWS

To configure Ping One as your SAML IdP, complete the following steps:

  1. Open a new tab in your browser.
  2. Sign in to the IAM console in your AWS account with admin permissions.
  3. On the IAM console, under Access Management in the navigation pane, choose Identity providers.
  4. Choose Add provider.
  5. For Provider name, enter PingOne.
  6. Choose file to upload the metadata document you downloaded earlier.
  7. Choose Add provider.
  8. In the banner message that appears, choose View provider.
  9. Copy the IdP ARN to use in a later step.

Configure an IAM policy

In this step, you create an IAM policy to map three different roles with permissions in QuickSight.

Use the following steps to set up QuickSightUserCreationPolicy. This policy grants privileges in QuickSight to the federated user based on the assigned groups in Ping One.

  1. On the IAM console, choose Policies.
  2. Choose Create policy.
  3. On the JSON tab, replace the existing text with the following code:
       "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [ 
                "Sid": "VisualEditor0", 
                 "Effect": "Allow", 
                 "Action": "quicksight:CreateAdmin", 
                 "Resource": "*", 
                 "Condition": { 
                     "StringEquals": { 
                         "aws:PrincipalTag/user-role": "QuickSightAdmins" 
                 "Sid": "VisualEditor1", 
                 "Effect": "Allow", 
                 "Action": "quicksight:CreateUser", 
                 "Resource": "*", 
                 "Condition": { 
                     "StringEquals": { 
                         "aws:PrincipalTag/user-role": "QuickSightAuthors" 
                 "Sid": "VisualEditor2", 
                 "Effect": "Allow", 
                 "Action": "quicksight:CreateReader", 
                 "Resource": "*", 
                 "Condition": { 
                     "StringEquals": { 
                         "aws:PrincipalTag/user-role": "QuickSightReaders" 
  4. Choose Review policy.
  5. For Name, enter QuickSightUserCreationPolicy.
  6. Choose Create policy.

Configure an IAM role

Next, create the role that Ping One users assume when federating into QuickSight. Use the following steps to set up the federated role:

  1. On the IAM console, choose Roles.
  2. Choose Create role.
  3. For Trusted entity type, select SAML 2.0 federation.
  4. For SAML 2.0-based provider, choose the provider you created earlier (PingOne).
  5. Select Allow programmatic and AWS Management Console access.
  6. For Attribute, choose SAML:aud.
  7. For Value, enter https://signin.aws.amazon.com/saml.
  8. Choose Next.
  9. Under Permissions policies, select the QuickSightUserCreationPolicy IAM policy you created in the previous step.
  10. Choose Next.
  11. For Role name, enter QSPingOneFederationRole.
  12. Choose Create role.
  13. On the IAM console, in the navigation pane, choose Roles.
  14. Choose the QSPingOneFederationRole role you created to open the role’s properties.
  15. Copy the role ARN to use in later steps.
  16. On the Trust relationships tab, under Trusted entities, verify that the IdP you created is listed.
  17. Under Condition in the policy code, verify that SAML:aud with a value of https://signin.aws.amazon.com/saml is present.
  18. Choose Edit trust policy to add an additional condition.
  19. Under Condition, add the following code:
    "StringLike": {
    "aws:RequestTag/user-role": "*"

  20. Under Action, add the following code:


  21. Choose Update policy to save changes.

Configure an AWS application in Ping One

To configure your AWS application, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the Ping One portal using a Ping One administrator account.
  2. Under Connections, choose Application.
  3. Choose the Amazon QuickSight application you created earlier.
  4. On the Profile tab, choose Enable Advanced ConfigurationBDB-2210-Ping-AdvancedConfig
  5. Choose Enable in the pop-up window.
  6. On the Configuration tab, choose the pencil icon to edit the configuration.
  7. Under SIGNING KEY, select Sign Assertion & Response.
  8. Under SLO BINDING, for Assertion Validity Duration In Seconds, enter a duration, such as 900.
  9. For Target Application URL, enter https://quicksight.aws.amazon.com/.
  10. Choose Save.
    BDB-2210-Ping-AdvancedConfig5On the Attribute Mappings tab, you now add or update the attributes as in the following table.
Attribute Name Value
saml_subject Username
https://aws.amazon.com/SAML/Attributes/RoleSessionName Username
https://aws.amazon.com/SAML/Attributes/Role ‘arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxx:role/QSPingOneFederationRole,
https://aws.amazon.com/SAML/Attributes/PrincipalTag:user-role user.memberOfGroupNames[0]
  1. Enter https://aws.amazon.com/SAML/Attributes/PrincipalTag:user-role for the attribute name and use the corresponding value from the table for the expression.
  2. Choose Save.
  3. If you have more than one QuickSight user role (for this post, QuickSightAdmins, QuicksightAuthors, and QuickSightReaders), you can add all the appropriate role names as follows:
    #data.containsAny(user.memberOfGroupNames,{'QuickSightAdmins'})? 'QuickSightAdmins' : 
    #data.containsAny(user.memberOfGroupNames,{'QuickSightAuthorss'}) ? 'QuickSightAuthors' : 
    #data.containsAny(user.memberOfGroupNames,{'QuickSightReaders'}) ?'QuickSightReaders' : null

  4. To edit the role attribute, choose the gear icon next to the role.
  5. Populate the corresponding expression from the table and choose Save.

The format of the expression is the role ARN (copied in the role creation step) followed by the IdP ARN (copied in the IdP creation step) separated by a comma.

Test the application

In this section, you test your Ping One SSO configuration by using a Microsoft application.

  1. In the Ping One portal, under Identities, choose Groups.
  2. Choose a group and choose Add Users Individually.
  3. From the list of users, add the appropriate users to the group by choosing the plus sign.
  4. Choose Save.
  5. To test the connectivity, under Environment, choose Properties, then copy the URL under APPLICATION PORTAL URL.
  6. Browse to the URL in a private browsing window.
  7. Enter your user credentials and choose Sign On.
    Upon a successful sign-in, you’re redirected to the All Applications page with a new application called Amazon QuickSight.
  8. Choose the Amazon QuickSight application to be redirected to the QuickSight console.

Note in the following screenshot that the user name at the top of the page shows as the Ping One federated user.


This post provided step-by-step instructions to configure federated SSO between Ping One and the QuickSight console. We also discussed how to create policies and roles in IAM and map groups in Ping One to IAM roles for secure access to the QuickSight console.

For additional discussions and help getting answers to your questions, check out the QuickSight Community.

About the authors

Srikanth Baheti is a Specialized World Wide Sr. Solution Architect for Amazon QuickSight. He started his career as a consultant and worked for multiple private and government organizations. Later he worked for PerkinElmer Health and Sciences & eResearch Technology Inc, where he was responsible for designing and developing high traffic web applications, highly scalable and maintainable data pipelines for reporting platforms using AWS services and Serverless computing.

Raji Sivasubramaniam is a Sr. Solutions Architect at AWS, focusing on Analytics. Raji is specialized in architecting end-to-end Enterprise Data Management, Business Intelligence and Analytics solutions for Fortune 500 and Fortune 100 companies across the globe. She has in-depth experience in integrated healthcare data and analytics with wide variety of healthcare datasets including managed market, physician targeting and patient analytics.

Raj Jayaraman is a Senior Specialist Solutions Architect for Amazon QuickSight. Raj focuses on helping customers develop sample dashboards, embed analytics and adopt BI design patterns and best practices.

Top Amazon QuickSight features launched in Q2 2022

Post Syndicated from Sindhu Chandra original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/top-amazon-quicksight-features-launched-in-q2-2022/

Amazon QuickSight is a serverless, cloud-based business intelligence (BI) service that brings data insights to your teams and end-users through machine learning (ML)-powered dashboards and data visualizations, which can be accessed via QuickSight or embedded in apps and portals that your users access. This post shares the top QuickSight features and updates launched in Q2 2022 categorized into embedding, Amazon QuickSight Q, BI, and admin features.


QuickSight offers a new embedding feature:

  • 1-click public embedding – QuickSight now allows you to embed your dashboards into public applications, wikis, and portals without any coding or development. Once enabled, anyone on the internet can start accessing these embedded dashboards with up-to-date information instantly, without server deployments or infrastructure licensing needed! To learn how to empower your end-users with access to insights, visit Amazon QuickSight 1-click public embedding.

An embedded dashboard example showing metrics for a contact center

QuickSight Q

You can take advantage of the following updates in Q:

  • Programmatic question submission – Q can now accept full questions as input without requiring users to enter them when used in embedded mode. This new feature allows developers to create questions as widgets at appropriate placements on their web applications, making it easy for users to discover the capability to ask questions about data within the current context of their user journey. To learn more, see Amazon QuickSight Embedding SDK.
  • Experience Q before signing up – QuickSight authors can now try, learn, and experience Q before signing up. You can choose from six different sample topics to explore relevant dashboard visualizations and ask questions about data in the context of exploration to fully explore Q’s capability before signing up. Get started with a free trial for QuickSight Q.

User inputs a question in natural language about sales numbers for the month by segment and gets answers on the embedded dashboard.

Business intelligence

QuickSight now offers the following BI features:

  • Table row and column size control – QuickSight now provides the flexibility for both authors and readers to use drag controller to resize rows and columns in a table or pivot table visual. You can adjust both row height and column width. To learn more, see Resizing rows and columns in tables and pivot tables.

Animation showing how to use drag controllers to resize rows and columns in a table

  • Level-aware calculations – QuickSight now supports a suite of functions called level-aware calculations (LAC). The new calculation capability brings flexibility and simplification for users to build advanced calculations and powerful analyses. LAC enables you to specify the level of granularity you want the window functions or aggregate functions to be conducted at. For more information, refer to Using level-aware calculations in Amazon QuickSight.
  • Show or hide fields on pivot tables – QuickSight now provides authors the ability to show or hide any column, row, or value fields from the field well context menu on pivot table visuals. With the show/hide column feature, you can hide unwanted columns that are often used for custom actions for interactivity and provide a better visual presentation. For further details, visit Showing and hiding pivot table columns in Amazon QuickSight.
  • Rolling date functionality – QuickSight now enables authors to set up rolling dates to dynamically generate dashboards for end-users. You can set up rolling rules to fetch a date, such as today, yesterday, or different combinations of (start/end) of (this/previous/next) (year/quarter/month/week/day), and dynamically update the dashboard content To learn how to create date filters, visit Creating date filters in analyses.
  • Bookmarks in dashboards – QuickSight now supports bookmarks in dashboards. Bookmarks allow QuickSight readers to save customized dashboard preferences into a list of bookmarks for easy one-click access to specific views of the dashboard without having to manually make multiple filter and parameter changes every time you want to access your dashboard. For further details, visit Bookmarking views of a dashboard.
  • Custom subtotals at all levels – QuickSight now enables custom subtotals at all levels on pivot tables. QuickSight authors can now customize how subtotals are displayed in a pivot table, with options to display subtotals for last level, all levels, or selected level. This customization is available for both rows and columns. To learn more about custom subtotals, refer to Displaying Totals and Subtotals.


QuickSight offers the following new admin features:

  • Monitor deployments in real time – QuickSight now supports monitoring of QuickSight assets by sending metrics to Amazon CloudWatch. QuickSight developers and administrators can use these metrics to observe and respond to the availability and performance of their QuickSight ecosystem in near-real time. To learn how to monitor your QuickSight deployments in real time, visit Monitor your Amazon QuickSight deployments using the new Amazon CloudWatch integration.
  • Public API for account provisioning – QuickSight now supports APIs for QuickSight account creation. Administrators and developers can automate deployment of QuickSight accounts in their organization at scale. You can now programmatically create accounts with QuickSight Enterprise and Enterprise + Q editions. For more information on account creation, visit CreateAccountSubscription.
  • API for account creation – QuickSight now supports API-based allow listing of domains where QuickSight data visualizations can be embedded. With this new capability, developers can easily scale their embedded analytics offerings across different applications for different customers quickly without any infrastructure setup or management. To learn more, visit Scale Amazon QuickSight embedded analytics with new API-based domain allow listing.


QuickSight serves millions of dashboard views weekly, enabling data-driven decision-making in organizations of all sizes, including customers like the NFL, 3M, Accenture, and more.

To stay up to date on all things new with QuickSight, visit What’s New with Analytics!

About the Author

Sindhu Chandra is a Senior Product Marketing Manager for Amazon QuickSight, AWS’ cloud-native, business intelligence (BI) service that delivers easy-to-understand insights to anyone, wherever they are.

New Powered by QuickSight program helps AWS partners embed interactive analytics in applications to enable data-driven experiences

Post Syndicated from Rich Russell original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/new-powered-by-quicksight-program-helps-aws-partners-embed-interactive-analytics-in-applications-to-enable-data-driven-experiences/

Applications today generate enormous amounts of data. This provides an incredible opportunity for independent software vendors (ISV) to deliver business intelligence (BI) offerings as a part of their application, providing visuals, dashboards, and self-service capabilities to customers. These insights are crucial for data-driven decision-making for end-users of these apps, especially if surfaced in the moments that matter and in formats that are easily understood.

Amazon QuickSight provides the keys for ISVs in the software as a service (SaaS) space to unlock the potential of your data by offering the technology to deliver out-of-the-box analytics, driving stickier experiences for customers that lead to higher revenues. To support our partners further, we are excited to announce the Powered by QuickSight program, which includes technical build, go-to-market (GTM), and sales support for ISVs to embed and monetize their data.

About the Powered by QuickSight program

Building upon the Powered by Amazon Redshift program announced in July 2022, the Powered by QuickSight program extends the available benefits and funding to partners using more of the AWS Data and Analytics stack to include Amazon’s BI offering QuickSight. ISVs can embed the powerful analytics and BI capabilities of QuickSight, such as visuals, dashboards, natural language querying, and authoring insights, into applications to enable data-driven experiences for millions of users, joining customers such as the NFL, 3M, Bolt, Tealium, and Extensiv, whose apps are powered by QuickSight.

The benefits available from the Powered by QuickSight program include:

  • Private strategy and development support – Connect with AWS industry experts in one-on-one sessions focused on a customized evaluation of revenue-generating offerings. Analyze your offering relevance by industry, location, and size.
  • Rapid proof of concept – Take advantage of QuickSight product managers, solution architects, specialists, and AWS Data Labs to develop a minimum viable product (MVP) for your selected use case. Where appropriate, AWS will lead a Data-Driven Everything (D2E) workshop to quickly identify proofs of concept for priority use cases.
  • Product technical assistance – Have access to product engineering, architecture, specialists, and support teams for integration, product development, best practices, roadmaps, and post-sales support.
  • Joint Powered by QuickSight launch package – Take advantage of joint PR, AWS website listing, and featured blog posts and social media. You also have access to a joint webinar deck, solution brief, case study, landing page, and social media banners.

Additional benefits:

  • Listed internally as a qualified partner to engage with field teams in respective regions
  • Annual planning session to identify AWS Marketplace solutions to be listed
  • Annual funding for AWS Partner Marketing funds to support development of lead generation or thought leadership highlighting your solution (incremental to existing Marketing Development Funds)

“AWS has been a natural home for builders, with the widest range of services available to support applications across use cases. We see an increasing trend of builders needing more powerful analytical capabilities within their applications,” says Tracy Daugherty, General Manager of Amazon QuickSight.

“With QuickSight, we have a powerful set of analytics capabilities that are easy to embed in applications. The Powered by QuickSight program combines these capabilities with training, enablement, and go-to-market support activities to help developers and ISVs provide differentiated data-driven experiences that scale to all of their users.”

ISVs that are registered with the AWS Partner Network (APN) and interested in joining the program can complete the registration form for an exploratory session to deep dive into their data monetization strategy.

To get started, register now. Once registered, a member of the AWS team will contact you with next steps.

About QuickSight

With QuickSight, ISVs can easily embed interactive visuals and dashboards, natural language querying (NLQ), or the complete BI-authoring experience seamlessly in your applications, enabling end-users to gain insights right when and where they matter. Additionally, QuickSight capabilities such as custom branded email reports and advanced machine learning (ML) capabilities (such as forecasting and anomaly detection) enable you to differentiate your applications and enhance your end-user experience, without the heavy lifting involved in building such capabilities from scratch.

Application users can now dive deep into data insights without leaving their application, with interactive dashboards that offer drill-down, interactive filtering, and export options. Embedded visuals and dashboards are refreshed automatically when the data is updated, with options of direct query to data sources such as (but not limited to) Amazon Redshift or Snowflake, or fast performance with the QuickSight SPICE in-memory data store. You can now quickly bring value to your applications by using the Powered by QuickSight program, creating data-driven experiences for users, and using joint GTM channels to grow their business.

The following screenshots are just a few examples of the interactive dashboards you can create with QuickSight.

Success stories from ISV partners in the program

ISV partners in the Powered by QuickSight program have the following to say.


“Amazon QuickSight enabled us to delight our customers by replacing a non-interactive native dashboard with an engaging QuickSight embedded dashboard. We quickly scaled to 4,600 daily viewers with strong engagement and extremely positive feedback. Our user sentiment score went from 14% on the old dashboard to 83% on the QuickSight dashboard, over the same period,” says Brian Sevy, Senior Product Manager at Extensiv.

“Extensiv has seen great value in the technical support provided through the Powered by QuickSight program. We look forward to leveraging the GTM benefits offered in the Powered by QuickSight program as we as we continue to expand our solution offerings.”


“Visibility and transparency are critical to solving modern supply chain challenges. Convoy collects over 1,000 data points on every shipment; however, the complexity of this data can be difficult to curate and present in a way that freight shippers can act on,” says Dorothy Li, CTO of Convoy.

“QuickSight allowed our team to build an interactive shipment and facility insights dashboard in weeks to visualize more than 40 key data points—all on demand and in real time. This has helped us strengthen our partnership with shippers by giving them visibility into opportunities that save both time and costs.”


“Companies struggle with trying to organize and visualize their HR data in meaningful ways. Trakstar equips HR leaders who now have a ‘seat at the table’ with board-ready reporting and expertly designed people analytics dashboards embedded directly into the product experience that help guide future business decisions. By partnering with AWS and leveraging QuickSight, we can focus on what HR leaders need next and trust QuickSight to deliver interactive, ML-driven visualizations with high performance at scale,” says Brian Kasen, Dir. Business Intelligence at Trakstar.

“Trakstar is excited to be Powered by QuickSight and empower business and HR leaders with state-of-the-art capabilities to make smarter decisions to attract, retain, and engage their workforce.”


“At ConexEd, we strive to make students successful by providing tools and accessibility to school staff. School administrators usually struggle to get meaningful data that help them make informed decisions to further support students. To close this gap, we had to invest more than half of our development team’s time to create initial reports and keep building on these as we launch new features instead of focusing on building critical features for the business,” says Michael Gorham, co-founder and CTO of ConexEd.

“Now with embedded dashboards powered by QuickSight, not only can ConexEd’s development team focus all its energies on creating competitive features, but also the reporting and data visualization are now features our customers can control and customize. QuickSight features such as drill-down filtering, predictive forecasting, and aggregation insights have given us the competitive edge that our customers expect from a modern, cloud-based solution.”


“Embedding Amazon QuickSight dashboards into our applications was a no-brainer to meet our goal. With QuickSight, we are able to build data rich dashboards easily and embed these in our applications quickly. Different personas from the same enterprise get insights that matter to them, cutting out any noise,” says Tyler Warden, SVP of Product and Engineering at Syniti.

“Partnering with QuickSight has made it easy for us to bring rich insights to our enterprise customers and help us grow.”

Next steps

To learn more about the Powered by QuickSight program, visit QuickSight. If you’re interested in learning more about how your company can use QuickSight, you can meet us in person at a Powered by QuickSight roadshow at one of four locations: New York on September 7, Chicago on September 13, San Francisco on September 15 , and London on October 4.

About the authors

Rich Russell is the global Head for QuickSight GTM at Amazon Web Services (AWS) and senior global sales and partner leader with extensive experience in establishing and building revenue generating Go-To-Market (GTM) strategies through sales, strategic partnerships, ISVs and global alliance programs. Specializing in helping companies drive growth through leveraging sales and partners while focusing on what’s most important, the customer. Rich resides in Utah, with his wife and 5 boys where they love to spend time in the great outdoors.

Kareem Syed-Mohammed is a Product Manager at Amazon QuickSight. He focuses on embedded analytics, APIs, and developer experience. Prior to QuickSight he has been with AWS Marketplace and Amazon retail as a PM. Kareem started his career as a developer and then PM for call center technologies, Local Expert and Ads for Expedia. He worked as a consultant with McKinsey and Company for a short while.

New — Fine-Grained Visual Embedding Powered by Amazon QuickSight

Post Syndicated from Donnie Prakoso original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-fine-grained-visual-embedding-powered-by-amazon-quicksight/

Today, we are announcing a new feature, Fine-Grained Visual Embedding Powered by Amazon QuickSight. With this feature, individual visualizations from Amazon QuickSight dashboards can now be embedded in high-traffic webpages and applications. Additionally, this feature enables you to provide rich insights for your end-users where they need them the most, without server or software setup or infrastructure management.

This is a quick preview of this new feature:

Quick Preview of Fine-Grained Visual Embedding Powered by Amazon QuickSight

Quick Preview: Fine-Grained Visual Embedding Powered by Amazon QuickSight

New Feature: Fine-Grained Visual Embedding

Amazon QuickSight is a cloud-based embeddable and ML-powered business intelligence (BI) service that delivers interactive data visualizations, analysis, and reporting to enable data-driven decision-making within the organization and with the end user, without servers to manage.

Amazon QuickSight supports embedded analytics, a feature that enables you to incorporate branded analytics into internal portals or public sites. Customers can easily embed interactive dashboards, natural language querying (NLQ), or the complete BI-authoring experience seamlessly in their applications. This provides convenience for your end users to simplify the process of data-informed decisions.

Our customers want to be able to embed visuals from various dashboards into their applications and websites in order to bring forth deeply integrated data-driven experiences to enhance end user experiences. Previously, customers needed to build, scale, and maintain generation layer and charting libraries to embed individual visualizations.

With Fine-Grained Visual Embedding Powered by Amazon QuickSight, developers and ISVs now have the ability to embed any visuals from dashboards into their applications using APIs. As for enterprises, they can embed visuals into their internal sites using 1-Click Embedding. For end-users, Fine-Grained Visual Embedding provides a seamless and integrated experience to access a variety of key data visuals to get insights.

Here’s an example view where we can embed a visual using this feature in a sample web application page:

Sample Web App with a Visual

Sample Web App with a Visual

The embedded visuals are automatically updated when the source data changes or when the visual is updated. Embedded visuals scale automatically without the need to manage servers from your end and are optimized for high performance on high-traffic pages.

Get Started with Fine-Grained Visual Embedding

There are two ways to use Fine-Grained Visual Embedding, with 1-Click Embedding or using QuickSight APIs to generate the embed URL. The 1-Click Embedding feature makes it easy for nontechnical users to generate embed code that can be inserted directly into internal portals or public sites. Using APIs, ISVs and developers can embed rich visuals in their applications. Furthermore, with row-level security, data access is secured enabling users to access only their data.

To start using this feature, let’s turn to the Amazon QuickSight dashboard. Here, I already have a dashboard using a dataset that you can follow from the Create an Amazon QuickSight dashboard using sample data documentation.

Amazon QuickSight Dashboard Using Sample Data

Amazon QuickSight Dashboard Using Sample Data

Using 1-Click Embedding to Generate Embed Code

Amazon QuickSight supports 1-Click Embedding—a feature that allows you to get the embed code without any development efforts. There are two types of 1-Click Embedding: 1) 1-Click Enterprise Embedding and 2) 1-Click Public Embedding. With enterprise embedding, it allows you to enable access to the dashboard with registered users in your account. In public embedding, you can enable access to the dashboards for anyone.

To get the embed code via 1-Click Embedding, you can select the visual you want to embed, then select Menu Options and choose Embed visual.

Select "Embed visual" from Menu Options

Select Embed visual from Menu Options

Once you select Embed visual, you will get a new menu on the right side, which contains the details of the visual you selected.

Copy "Embed code"

Copy the Embed code

The Embed code section contains iframe code that you can insert into your application, portal, or website. Domains hosting these embedded visuals must be on an allow list, which you can learn more about on the Allow listing static domains page. This is a sample display of how the embed code is rendered:

Sample Display of Fine-Grained Visual Embedding Powered by Amazon QuickSight

Sample Display of Fine-Grained Visual Embedding Powered by Amazon QuickSight

When there is a change in the visual source within Amazon QuickSight, it will also be reflected within the web app or app where you embed your visuals. In addition, embedded visuals from QuickSight will automatically scale as traffic on the website grows.

From a customer’s perspective, 1-Click Embedding will help customers provide key data visuals from various dashboards in Amazon QuickSight for end users anywhere on their websites without requiring technical skills.

Programmatically Generate Embed URL

In addition to the 1-Click Embedding, you can also perform visual embedding through the API. To perform visual embedding through the API, you can use AWS CLI or SDK to call the API GenerateEmbedUrlForAnonymousUser or GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUser.

You can use the GenerateEmbedUrlForAnonymousUser API to embed visuals in your applications for your users without provisioning them in Amazon QuickSight.

You can also use GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUser API to embed visuals in your application for your users that are provisioned in Amazon QuickSight.

The API works by passing the ExperienceConfiguration parameter in DashboardVisual with the properties below:


Then, to get the IDs for DashboardSheet, and Visual, you can find the value of these properties under IDs for Developers menu section for the visual you selected.

IDs for Developers

IDs for Developers

Using CLI to Generate Embed URL

After collecting all the required IDs, we can pass them as parameters. Here’s an example API command to generate an embed URL:

aws quicksight generate-embed-url-for-anonymous-user \  
    --aws-account-id <ACCOUNT_ID> \  
    --session-lifetime-in-minutes 15 \          
    --authorized-resource-arns “<DASHBOARD_ARN>”           
    --namespace default           
    --experience-configuration '{"DashboardVisual": \
            "InitialDashboardVisualId": \
                    "DashboardId”:”<DASHBOARD_ID>”,  \
                    "SheetId”:”<SHEET_ID>”,  \
                    "VisualId”:”<VISUAL_ID”  \

If the request is successful, you will get the following response. You can then use the EmbedUrl property within your web or application.

    "Status": 200,  
    "EmbedUrl": “<EMBED_URL>”,  
    "RequestId": “<REQUEST_ID>”,  
    "AnonymousUserArn": “<ARN>”  

Using SDK to Generate Embed URL

In addition to the AWS CLI, generating embed URLs can also be done using the AWS SDK. Here’s an example in Python:

response = client.generate_embed_url_for_anonymous_user(  
        'DashboardVisual': {  
            'InitialDashboardVisualId': {  

With API, you have the flexibility to configure allowed domains at runtime. From the example above, you can pass your domains in AllowedDomains property.

When the request is successful, the API will return a successful response, along with a URL from Visual Embedding that can be inserted into external web apps. Example response as below:

    "Status": 200,  
    "RequestId": "<REQUEST_ID>”

Using the API approach gives developers the flexibility to programmatically generate embed URLs. Developers can specify the access for visuals for nonregistered and registered users in Amazon QuickSight.


To see Fine-Grained Visual Embedding Powered by Amazon QuickSight in action, have a look at this demo:

Pricing and Availability

You can use this new feature, Fine-Grained Visual Embedding in Amazon QuickSight Enterprise Edition, in all supported Regions. For more detailed information, please visit the documentation page.

Happy building,

— Donnie

New row and column interactivity options for tables and pivot tables in Amazon QuickSight – Part 1

Post Syndicated from Bhupinder Chadha original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/part-1-new-row-and-column-interactivity-options-for-tables-and-pivot-tables-in-amazon-quicksight/

Amazon QuickSight is a fully-managed, cloud-native business intelligence (BI) service that makes it easy to create and deliver insights to everyone in your organization. You can make your data come to life with rich interactive charts and create beautiful dashboards to share with thousands of users, either directly within a QuickSight application, or embedded in web apps and portals.

In 2021, as part of table and pivot table customization, we launched the ability for authors to resize row height in tables and pivot tables. Now, we are extending this capability to readers, along with other row and column interactions, such as altering column width and header height for both tables and pivot tables using a drag handler, for consistency between row and column interactions and an improved user experience. Apart from the format pane settings, authors can make quick changes to column, row, and header width for both parent and child nodes by simply dragging the cell, column, or row to the desired setting using the drag handler.

The following are the different interactions that both readers and authors can perform, some of which were already available for tables.

Modify row height

You can modify row height using the drag handler for cells, row headers, or column headers.

The following screenshot illustrates how to alter the row height by dragging from any cell in the table or pivot table.

For row headers, you can only resize row height by dragging the last element (child node), which gets aggregated to define the row height for the parent node.

You can resize the height of the column headers at any level such that you can have different heights at each level for better aesthetics.

Modify column width

You can also use the drag handler to modify column width for row headers, column headers, or cells.

You can alter column width for any field assigned to rows, as shown in the following screenshot.

You can alter column width for column dimension members both from the parent or leaf node in the case of hierarchy, or column field or values headers in the absence of a column hierarchy.

You now have complete flexibility to resize column width from cells. Depending on which cell, the corresponding column width is adjusted.


A few things to note about this new feature:

  • Drag handlers are available for both web and embedded use cases
  • Row height is set in common for all rows and not specific to a particular row


With the introduction of a drag handler, authors and readers can now quickly alter column width, row height, and header height for tables and pivot tables. This provides a consistent behavior and improved user interaction for both the personas and visuals. To learn more about table and pivot table formatting options, refer to Formatting tables and pivot tables in Amazon QuickSight.

Try out the new feature and share your feedback and questions in the comments section.

About the author

Bhupinder Chadha is a senior product manager for Amazon QuickSight focused on visualization and front end experiences. He is passionate about BI, data visualization and low-code/no-code experiences. Prior to QuickSight he was the lead product manager for Inforiver, responsible for building a enterprise BI product from ground up. Bhupinder started his career in presales, followed by a small gig in consulting and then PM for xViz, an add on visualization product.

Forwood Safety uses Amazon QuickSight Q to extend life-saving safety analytics to larger audiences

Post Syndicated from Faye Crompton original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/forwood-safety-uses-amazon-quicksight-q-to-extend-life-saving-safety-analytics-to-larger-audiences/

This is a guest post by Faye Crompton from Forwood Safety. Forwood provides fatality prevention solutions to organizations across the globe.

At Forwood Safety, we have a laser focus on saving lives. Our solutions, which provide full content and proven methodology via verification tools and analytical capabilities, have one purpose: eliminating fatalities in the workplace. We recently realized an ambition to provide interactive, dynamic data visualization tools that enable our end users to access safety data in the field, regardless of their experience with analytics and data reporting.

In this post, I’ll talk about how Amazon QuickSight Q solved these challenges by giving users fast data insights through natural language querying capabilities.

Driving data insights with QuickSight

Forwood’s Critical Risk Management (CRM) solution provides organizations with globally benchmarked and comprehensive critical control checklists and verification controls that are proven to prevent fatalities in the workplace. CRM protects frontline workers from serious harm by helping change the culture of risk management for companies. In addition, our Forwood Analytical Self-Service Tool (FAST) enables our customers to use self-service reporting to get updated dashboards that display key safety and fatality prevention metrics.

For several years, we used AWS QuickSight to provide data visualization for our CRM and FAST reporting products, with great success. Most of our technology stack was already based on AWS, so we knew QuickSight would be easy to integrate. QuickSight is agnostic in terms of data sources and types, and it’s a very flexible tool. It’s also an open data technology, so it can accept most of the data sources that we throw at it. Most importantly, it ties in seamlessly with our own architecture and data pipelines in a way that our previous BI tools couldn’t. After we implemented QuickSight, we started using it to power both CRM and FAST, visualizing risk data and serving it back to our customers.

Using QuickSight Q to help site supervisors get answers quickly

Furthering our focus on innovation and usability; we identified a common challenge that we believed QuickSight could solve through our FAST application on behalf of our clients — we needed to make risk data more accessible for those of our clients who aren’t data analysts. We recognize that not everyone is an analyst. We also have mining industry customers who are not frequently accessing our applications via desktop. For example, mining site Supervisors and Operators working deep underground typically have access only via their mobile devices. For these users, it’s easier for them to ask the questions relevant to their specific use cases as needed at point of use, rather than filter and search through a dashboard to find the answers ahead of time.

QuickSight Q was the perfect solution to this challenge. QuickSight Q is a feature within QuickSight that uses machine learning to understand questions and how they relate to business data. The feature provides data insights and visualizations within seconds. With this capability, users can simply type in questions in natural language to access data insights about risk and compliance. Mining site workers, for example, can ask if the site is safe or if the right verification processes are in place. Health and safety teams and mining site supervisors can ask questions such as “Which sites should I verify today?” or “Which risk will be highest next week?” and receive a chart with the relevant data.

Making data more accessible to everyone

QuickSight Q gives our on-site customers near-real-time risk and compliance data from their mobile devices in a way they couldn’t before. With QuickSight Q, we can give our FAST users the opportunity to quickly visualize any fatality risks at their sites based on updated fatality prevention data. All users, not just analysts, can identify worksites that have a higher fatality risk because the data can show trends in non-compliance with safety standards. Our clients no longer have to look in a dashboard for the answers to their questions; those looking at a dashboard can go beyond the dashboard and ask deeper questions.

QuickSight Q solved one of our main BI challenges: how to make risk data more accessible to more people without extensive user training and technical understanding. Soon, we hope to use QuickSight Q as part of a multidimensional predictive dataset using deep learning models to deliver even more insights to our customers.

We look forward to extending our use of QuickSight. When we first started using it, it was strictly for analytics on our existing data. More recently, we started using API deployments for QuickSight. We have many different clients, and we use the API feature to maintain master versions of all 30+ standard reports, and then deploy those dashboards to as many clients as we need to via code. Previously, we saw QuickSight as a function of our analytics products; now we see it as a powerful and flexible toolkit of analytics features that our developers can build with.

Additionally, we look forward to relying on QuickSight Q to bring life-saving safety analytics to more people. QuickSight Q bridges the gap between the data a company has and the decisions that company needs to make, and that’s very powerful for our clients. Forwood Safety is driven to eradicate workplace fatalities, and by getting data to more people and making it easy to access, we can make our solutions more effective, saving more lives.

About the author

Faye Crompton is Head of Analytics, Safety Applications and Computer Vision at Forwood Safety. She leads work on analytics and safety products that reduce fatality risk in mining and other high-risk industries.

Schedule email reports and configure threshold based-email alerts using Amazon QuickSight

Post Syndicated from Niyati Upadhyay original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/schedule-email-reports-and-configure-threshold-based-email-alerts-using-amazon-quicksight/

Amazon QuickSight is a cloud-scale business intelligence (BI) service that you can use to deliver easy-to-understand insights to the people you work with, wherever they are.

You can build dashboards using combinations of data in the cloud, on premises, in other software as a service (SaaS) apps, and in flat files. Although users can always view and interact with dashboards on-demand in their browser or our native mobile apps, sometimes users prefer to receive notifications and report snapshots on a scheduled basis or when a certain value surpasses a user-defined threshold.

In this post, we walk you through the features and process of scheduling email reports and configuring threshold-based alerts.

Overview of solution

In QuickSight Enterprise edition, you can email a report from each dashboard on a scheduled basis or based on a threshold set for KPI and gauge visuals. Scheduled reports include settings for when to send them, the contents to include, and who receives the email.

Scheduled email reports work with row-level security so that each user receives reports containing only data that is relevant to them. Alert reports include threshold value, alert condition, and the receiver’s email. To set up or change the report sent from a dashboard, make sure that you’re an owner or co-owner of the dashboard.

To receive email reports, the users or group members must be part of your QuickSight account. They must have completed the sign-up process to activate their subscription as QuickSight readers, authors, or admins.

In this post, we configure the email settings for a QuickSight dashboard for users and construct a custom email for each user or group based on their data permissions.

The solution includes the following high-level steps:

  1. Set up scheduled email alerts for your existing reports.
  2. Set up threshold-based email alerts for the existing reports.
  3. View alert history.
  4. Set up email alerts if the dataset refresh fails.


For this walkthrough, you should have the following prerequisites:

Set up scheduled email alerts

To configure scheduled emails for your reports, complete the following steps:

  1. On the QuickSight console, choose Dashboard in the navigation pane.
  2. Open a dashboard.
  3. On the Share menu, choose Email report.

  1. For Schedule, choose the frequency for the report. For this post, we choose Repeat once a week.

  1. For Send first report on, choose a date and time.
  2. For Time zone, choose the time zone.
  3. For Report title, enter a custom title for the report.
  4. For (Optional) E-mail subject line, leave it blank to use the report title or enter a custom subject line.
  5. For (Optional) E-mail body text, leave it blank or enter a custom message to display at the beginning of the email.

  1. Select Include PDF attachment to attach a PDF snapshot of the items visible on the first sheet of the dashboard.
  2. For Optimize report for, choose a default layout option for new users.
  3. Under Recipients, select specific recipients from the list (recommended), or select Send email report to all users with access to dashboard.
  4. To send a sample of the report before you save changes, choose Send test report.

This option is displayed next to the user name of the dashboard owner.

  1. To view a list of the datasets used by this report, choose View dataset list.

  1. Choose Save report or Update report.

A “Report scheduled” message briefly appears to confirm your entries.

  1. To immediately send a report, choose Update & send a report now.

The report is sent immediately, even if your schedule’s start date is in the future.

The following screenshot shows the PDF report visible to the user AlejandroRosalez. They have access to data where the state is California or Texas, and the city is Los Angeles or Fort Worth.

The following screenshot shows the report visible to the user SaanviSarkar. They can see data for any city, but only if the state is Texas.

The following screenshot shows the report visible to the user MarthaRivera. Martha can see the data for any city or state.

The following screenshot shows that no data is visible to the workshop user, which isn’t present in the permissions.csv file.

Set up threshold-based email alerts

To create an alert based on a threshold, complete the following steps:

  1. On the QuickSight dashboard, choose Dashboards, and navigate to the dashboard that you want.

For more information about viewing dashboards as a dashboard subscriber in QuickSight, see Exploring Dashboards.

  1. In the dashboard, select the KPI or gauge visual that you want to create an alert for.
  2. On the options menu at upper-right on the visual, choose the Create alert icon.

  1. For Alert name, enter a name for the alert.
  2. For Alert value, choose a value that you want to set the threshold for.

The values that are available for this option are based on the values the dashboard author sets in the visual. For example, let’s say you have a KPI visual that shows a percent difference between two dates. Given that, you see two alert value options: percent difference and actual.

If the visual has only one value, you can’t change this option. It’s the current value and is displayed here so that you can use it as a reference while you choose a threshold. For example, if you’re setting an alert on actual, this value shows you what the current actual cost is (for example, $5). With this reference value, you can make more informed decisions while setting your threshold.

  1. For Condition, choose a condition for the threshold.
    • Is above – The alert triggers if the alert value goes above the threshold.
    • Is below – The alert triggers if the alert value goes below the threshold.
    • Is equal to – The alert triggers if the alert value is equal to the threshold.
  1. For Threshold, enter a value to prompt the alert.
  2. Choose Save.

A message appears indicating that the alert has been saved. If your data crosses the threshold you set, you get a notification by email at the address that’s associated with your QuickSight account.

View alert history

To view the history of when an alert was triggered, complete the following steps:

  1. On the QuickSight console, choose Dashboards, and navigate to the dashboard that you want to view alert history for.
  2. Choose Alerts.
  3. In the Manage dashboard alerts section, find the alert that you want to view the history for, and expand History under the alert name.

Set up email alerts if the dataset refresh fails.

To configure emails alerts, if the your dataset refresh fails, complete the following steps:

  1. On the QuickSight console, choose Dataset, and choose the dataset that you want to set an alert for.
  2. Select Email owners when a refresh fails.
  3. Close the window.

Clean up

To avoid incurring future charges, delete the QuickSight users and Enterprise account.


This post showed how to set up email scheduling of QuickSight dashboards for users and groups, as well as how end-users (readers) can configure alerts to be sent to them when a value surpasses or drops below a given threshold.

You can send dashboard snapshots as emails to groups of readers, and each reader receives custom reports as per the security configurations set on the dataset. For more information, see sending reports by email and threshold alerts.

You can try this solution for your own use cases. If you have comments or feedback, please leave them in the comments.

About the Author

Niyati Upadhyay is a Solutions Architect at AWS. She joined AWS in 2019 and specializes in building and supporting big data solutions that help customers analyze and get value out of their data.

Scale Amazon QuickSight embedded analytics with new API-based domain allow listing

Post Syndicated from Vetri Natarajan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/scale-amazon-quicksight-embedded-analytics-with-new-api-based-domain-allow-listing/

Amazon QuickSight is a fully-managed, cloud-native business intelligence (BI) service that makes it easy to connect to your data, create interactive dashboards, and share these with tens of thousands of users, either within QuickSight itself or embedded in apps and portals.

QuickSight Enterprise Edition recently introduced the ability to dynamically allow list the domains where QuickSight content can be embedded. This allows developers to quickly embed dashboards across multiple apps, portals, or websites, without needing to make this change on the QuickSight administrative console every time. Together with QuickSight’s existing dashboard theming and templating capabilities, this new feature allows developers to rapidly develop and deploy QuickSight dashboards and visualizations for a variety of use cases across various applications with ease. Let’s take a look at how this works.

Solution overview

To embed a QuickSight dashboard using APIs, you can use one of the following embedding APIs:

In these APIs, you can now pass the domain where you want to embed your dashboard using the new parameter AllowedDomains:

POST /accounts/AwsAccountId/embed-url/registered-user HTTP/1.1
Content-type: application/json
   "AllowedDomains": [ "string" ],
   "ExperienceConfiguration": { 
      "Dashboard": { 
         "InitialDashboardId": "string"
      "QSearchBar": { 
         "InitialTopicId": "string"
      "QuickSightConsole": { 
         "InitialPath": "string"
   "SessionLifetimeInMinutes": number,
   "UserArn": "string"

You can add up to three domains in a single API call as an array list. All the domains need to be SSL enabled (using HTTPS protocol). If you want to test out the embedded dashboard on your local machine, you can allow list http://localhost via the AllowedDomains parameter. For example, if you want to embed a dashboard in your SaaS application called https://myorders.simplelogistics.com, you set AllowedDomains to be https://myorders.simplelogistics.com in the API call. You can also enable sub domains by passing *, for example, https://*.myorders.simplelogistics.com.

AllowedDomains is an optional parameter. If you don’t specify any domains via this parameter, you can still use the domains allow listed via the QuickSight console. But if you specify domains via this parameter, then the embedding URL returned as part of the API call is only embeddable in these domains (even if you have a list of static domains entered on the QuickSight console).

Prior to this capability, the Content-Service-Policy in the request header listed all the domains allow listed in QuickSight console. Now when allow listing the domains using the API, the Content-Service-Policy only shows the domains that are allow listed in the API call.

With this new capability, ISVs that have different applications for different customers can allow list specific domains at runtime, enabling them to scale easily for different customers and to hundreds of thousands of end-users.

As an added security, the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) admin of your QuickSight account can restrict the domains that can be allow listed. This can be done when your IAM admin sets up permissions for your application or server. As part of this step, you can specify the list of domains that can be allow listed via the embedding APIs. For example, let’s assume you want your developers to only allow list the following domains:

You can set these domains in the quicksight:AllowedEmbeddingDomain of the permissions setup. The following code is a sample for the GenerateEmbedURLForAnonymousUser API:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:partition:quicksight:region:accountId:user/namespace/userName",
            "Condition": {
                "ForAllValues:StringEquals": {
                    "quicksight:AllowedEmbeddingDomains": [

Sample use case

In this example use case, Travel Analytics is a software as a service (SaaS) provider with travel-related solutions for various travel agencies. They have a SaaS application for these agencies to track different metrics on how their business is performing. Because Travel Analytics is scaling their business, they have different sites for different travel agencies. With the newly launched domain allow listing with APIs, they’re able to scale with ease. They allow list the specific domains, depending on the customer, via the API when generating the embedding URL.

The following code shows their sample GenerateEmbedURLForAnonymousUser API call with the domain added to the request:

The returned URL can only be embedded in the domain that was allow listed as part of the preceding request. The following is a screenshot of the embedded dashboard in this domain.

The CSP header has only the specific allow listed domain via the API when the dashboard is embedded.


Runtime domain allow listing using embedding APIs enables developers to scale their embedded offerings with QuickSight dashboards, visuals, QuickSight Q (natural language querying), or authoring experience across different domains for their different customers easily. All of this is done without any infrastructure setup or management, while scaling to millions of users. For more information, refer to Amazon QuickSight Embedded Analytics and What’s New in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

About the authors

Vetri Natarajan is a Specialist Solutions Architect for Amazon QuickSight. Vetri has 15 years of experience implementing enterprise Business Intelligence (BI) solutions and greenfield data products. Vetri specializes in integration of BI solutions with business applications and enable data-driven decisions.

Kareem Syed-Mohammed is a Product Manager at Amazon QuickSight. He focuses on embedded analytics, APIs, and developer experience. Prior to QuickSight he has been with AWS Marketplace and Amazon retail as a PM. Kareem started his career as a developer and then PM for call center technologies, Local Expert and Ads for Expedia. He worked as a consultant with McKinsey and Company for a short while.

Introducing Embedded Analytics Data Lab to accelerate integration of Amazon QuickSight analytics into applications

Post Syndicated from Romit Girdhar original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/introducing-embedded-analytics-data-lab-to-accelerate-integration-of-amazon-quicksight-analytics-into-applications/

We are excited to announce Embedded Analytics Data Lab (EADL), a no-cost collaborative engagement that helps engineering and development teams cut down time required to launch applications with embedded analytics from Amazon QuickSight in production by providing hands-on guidance and architectural best practices.

Embedding rich analytics such as interactive visuals and dashboards directly into applications allows developers to create differentiated, analytics-driven experiences that enables end-users to make more informed decisions. QuickSight is a cloud-native, serverless business intelligence (BI) service that allows developers from enterprises and independent software vendors (ISVs) to incorporate powerful BI capabilities such as interactive visualizations, dashboards, and machine learning (ML)-powered natural language query (NLQ) using Amazon QuickSight Q into their applications and web portals, delivering insights to end-users where they are.

AWS Data Lab is an AWS offering that offers accelerated, joint engineering engagements between customers and AWS technical resources to create tangible deliverables that accelerate data, analytics, AI/ML, serverless, and containers modernization initiatives.

Today, with the new EADL offering, we’re bringing together the breadth of QuickSight’s embedding capabilities with proven expertise from AWS Data Lab. With EADL, AWS customers can request a hands-on session to prototype embedded analytics solutions, build custom architectures, and implement best practices with QuickSight-specialist Data Lab Solutions Architects. The output from this engagement is a customized solution that is specific to customer requirements, built using their data, in their AWS account, while providing hands-on learning to the engineering teams attending the lab. EADL engagements accelerate time from ideation to proof of concept to production by months, through tailored guidance while using resources across AWS teams to accelerate the rollout of embedded analytics features powered by QuickSight.

“We’re excited to announce the launch of the Embedded Analytics Data Lab that enables customers and ISVs to accelerate their embedded analytics offering using Amazon QuickSight. With Amazon QuickSight’s embedded analytics capabilities, AWS customers can integrate rich visuals and dashboards into their applications to scale to 100,000s of end-users, differentiating their user experiences—without any servers or infrastructure management. Embedded Analytics Data Lab helps demonstrate this business value in a matter of days by accelerating the QuickSight embedded journey for development teams.”

– Tracy Daugherty, General Manager, Amazon QuickSight.

Customers in EADL work closely with assigned AWS Data Lab Solutions Architect, solidifying the architecture design for their embedded analytics solution, including designing any data model and data pipeline components. The engagement then proceeds to the lab phase, where builders spend 2–4 days with their Solutions Architect, working backward from end goals and building a solution based on the previously defined architecture and real-time guidance from the Solutions Architect and other AWS service experts. Data Lab Solutions Architects also provide implementation guidance on data modeling, setting up multi-tenancy, enabling single sign-on with customers’ identity providers, enabling row- and column-level security, and tracking the health of the QuickSight environment. At lab completion, customers leave with a working prototype of their embedded analytics solution, built by their own builders in their AWS accounts that meet their requirements and specs.

Over the last year, we have worked closely with customers to help design and build their embedded analytics solutions. Some of these customers include BriteCore, Carbyne, and KRS.io.

BriteCore is an enterprise-level insurance processing suite that relies on dashboards to provide operational tracking and trend insights to insurance carriers on data points such as insurance claims and losses by agency, policy type, and line of business. To provide a seamless experience for their over 125,000 customers, BriteCore sought to integrate their BI offerings with their core platform and deliver dashboards to customers as embedded visuals. BriteCore’s engineering and reporting and analytics teams engaged the AWS Data Lab to design and validate the best integration approach between QuickSight and their application and to jumpstart building their interactive, embedded QuickSight dashboards.

“AWS Data Lab was pivotal in helping us build out our embedded analytics solution with the AWS suite of analytics services. Within 4 days, we built a working prototype of our multi-tenant solution with the right identity and security policies in place. Engaging with AWS Data Lab to build our solution definitely helped us reduce our time to production. Our customers now have even better insights into their business, and we will be able to deliver a much richer experience.”

– Supreet Oberoi, Senior Vice President of Engineering, BriteCore.

Carbyne is the global leader in contact center solutions, enabling emergency contact centers and selected enterprises to connect with callers on any connected devices via highly secure communication channels without downloading a consumer app. Carbyne worked with AWS Data Lab to explore options for building a low-latency, multi-tenant analytical system that would enable them to generate meaningful insights using QuickSight’s interactive dashboards for call center owners who manage 911 calls. Example insights include 911 call duration ranges, peak time of day for callers, and percentage of abandoned vs. answered calls—all data points that help Carbyne customers measure the effectiveness of their emergency response systems and then provision staff and resources accordingly. These insights were then embedded into their application, enabling a seamless experience for the 911 call center managers.

“This experience with the AWS Data Lab is what it means to be in true partnership. Data Lab’s support and efforts are much appreciated as we push innovative solutions to the public safety industry. I can say confidently that Data Lab’s support will reduce our time to production by weeks, if not months.”

– Alex Dizengof, Founder & CTO, Carbyne, Inc. 

KRS.io is a leader in coalition loyalty marketing connecting thousands of retailers with their customers on an intimate level with rewards programs and loyalty solutions. To truly democratize data, they set out to build a solution that harnesses the power of NQL. In a 1-day workshop with the AWS Data Lab team, KRS.io embedded QuickSight Q into Epiphany and successfully modeled 20 questions for their Profit Central back office accounting system, perpetual inventory, and loyalty datasets.

“In business, speed matters. Working with AWS Data Lab accelerated our timeframe from proof of concept to deployment. I had zero-tolerance for risk and the Data Lab allowed my team to meet my high bar for security and reliability”

– Brian McManus, CTO, KRS.io.

Get started with EADL

Prerequisites required to qualify for this offering are:

  • Valid embedded analytics use case.
  • Ready and accessible data to be used with QuickSight.
  • Available AWS sandbox or development environment to build the prototype. Data sources for QuickSight must be accessible through this sandbox account.
  • Available webpages or assets to be used to embed the QuickSight visuals and dashboards.
  • Full-time participation of at least two builders, including a builder that is comfortable and familiar with the web assets to be used for embedding.

To get started, register now. Once registered, a member of the AWS team will contact you with next steps.

About the Authors

Romit Girdhar manages Technical Product Management & Software Development teams for AWS Data Lab. He focuses on working backwards from customer outcomes to help accelerate their cloud journey. Romit has over a decade of experience working on engineering solutions for and with customers across two major public cloud companies – Amazon and Microsoft.

Kareem Syed-Mohammed is a Product Manager at Amazon QuickSight. He focuses on embedded analytics, APIs, and developer experience. Prior to QuickSight he has been with AWS Marketplace and Amazon retail as a PM. Kareem started his career as a developer and then PM for call center technologies, Local Expert and Ads for Expedia. He worked as a consultant with McKinsey and Company for a short while.

Data warehouse and business intelligence technology consolidation using AWS

Post Syndicated from Bappaditya Datta original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/data-warehouse-and-business-intelligence-technology-consolidation-using-aws/

Organizations have been using data warehouse and business intelligence (DWBI) workloads to support business decision making for many years. These workloads are brought to the Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform to utilize the benefit of AWS cloud. However, these workloads are built using multiple vendor tools and technologies, and the customer faces the burden of administrative overhead.

This post provides architectural guidance to consolidate multiple DWBI technologies to AWS Managed Services to help reduce the administrative overhead, bring operational ease, and business efficiency. Two scenarios are explored:

  1. Upstream transactional databases are already on AWS
  2. Upstream transactional databases are present at on-premise datacenter

Challenges faced by an organization

Organizations are engaged in managing multiple DWBI technologies due to acquisitions, mergers, and the lift-and-shift of workloads. These workloads use extract, transform, and load (ETL) tools to read relational data from upstream transactional databases, process it, and store it in a data warehouse. Thereafter, these workloads use business intelligence tools to generate valuable insight and present it to users in form of reports and dashboards.

These DWBI technologies are generally installed and maintained on their own server. Figure 1 demonstrates the increased the administrative overhead for the organization but also creates challenges in maintaining the team’s overall knowledge.

DWBI workload with multiple tools

Figure 1. DWBI workload with multiple tools

Therefore, organizations are looking to consolidate technology usage and continue supporting important business functions.

Scenario 1

As we know, three major functions of DWBI workstream are:

  • ETL data using a tool
  • Store/manage the data in a data warehouse
  • Generate information from the data using business intelligence

Each of these functions can be performed efficiently using an AWS service. For example, AWS Glue can be used for ETL, Amazon Redshift for data warehouse, and Amazon QuickSight for business intelligence.

With the use of mentioned AWS services, organizations will be able to consolidate their DWBI technology usage. Organizations also will be able to quickly adapt to these services, as their engineering team can more easily use their DWBI knowledge with these services. For example, using SQL knowledge in AWS Glue jobs with SprakSQL, in Amazon Redshift queries, and in Amazon QuickSight dashboards.

Figure 2 demonstrates the redesigned the architecture of Figure 1 using AWS services. In this architecture, ETL functions are consolidated in AWS Glue. An AWS Glue crawler is used to auto-catalogue the source and target table metadata; then, AWS Glue ETL jobs use these catalogues to read data from source and write to target (data warehouse). AWS Glue jobs also apply necessary transformations (such as join, filter, and aggregate) to the data before writing. Additionally, an AWS Glue trigger is used to schedule the job executions. Alternatively, AWS Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow can be used to schedule jobs.

Consolidated workload with source on AWS

Figure 2. Consolidated workload with source on AWS

Similarly, data warehousing function is consolidated with Amazon Redshift. Amazon Redshift is used to store and organize enriched data and also enforce appropriate data access control for both workloads and users.

Lastly, business intelligence functions are consolidated using Amazon QuickSight. It used to create necessary dashboards that source data from Amazon Redshift and apply complex business logic to produce necessary charts and graphs needed for business insights. It is also used to implement necessary access restrictions to dashboards and data.

Scenario 2

In situation where source databases are in on-premises datacenter, the overall solution will be similar to Scenario 1, with an additional step to move the data continually from on-premise database to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. The data movement can be efficiently handled by AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS).

To make the source database accessible to AWS DMS, a connection needs to established between the AWS cloud and on-premise network. Based on performance and throughput needs, the organization can choose either AWS Direct Connect service or AWS Site-to-Site VPN service to securely move the data. For the purpose of this discussion, we are considering AWS Direct Connect.

In Figure 3, AWS DMS task is used to perform a full-load followed by change data capture to continuously move the data to an S3 bucket. In this scenario, AWS Glue is used to catalogue and read the data from S3 bucket. The remaining portion of the dataflow is the same as the one mentioned in Scenario 1.

Consolidated workload with source at datacenter

Figure 3. Consolidated workload with source at datacenter


Both of the updated architectures provide necessary scaling:

  • Auto scaling feature can be used to scale-up or -down AWS Glue ETL job resources
  • Concurrency scaling feature can be used to support virtually unlimited concurrent users and queries in Amazon Redshift
  • Amazon QuickSight resources (web server, Amazon QuickSight engine, and SPICE) are auto scaled by design

Security, monitoring, and auditing

Also, the updated architectures provide necessary security by using access control, data encryption at-rest and in transit, monitoring, and auditing.

Additionally, both Amazon Redshift and Amazon QuickSight provides their own authentication and access controls. Therefore, a user can be a local user or a federated one. With the help of these authentications, an organization will be able to control access to data in Amazon Redshift and also access to the dashboard in Amazon QuickSight.


In this blog post, we discussed how AWS Glue, Amazon Redshift, and Amazon QuickSight can be used to consolidate DWBI technologies. We also have discussed how an architecture can help an organization build a scalable, secure workload with auto scaling, access control, log monitoring and activity auditing.

Ready to get started?

AWS Week in Review – July 4, 2022

Post Syndicated from Marcia Villalba original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-week-in-review-july-04-2022/

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

Summer has arrived in Finland, and these last few days have been hotter than in the Canary Islands! Today in the US it is Independence Day. I hope that if you are celebrating, you’re having a great time. This week I’m very excited about some developer experience and artificial intelligence launches.

Last Week’s Launches
Here are some launches that got my attention during the previous week:

AWS SAM Accelerate is now generally available – SAM Accelerate is a new capability of the AWS Serverless Application Model CLI, which makes it easier for serverless developers to test code changes against the cloud. You can do a hot swap of code directly in the cloud when making a change in your local development environment. This allows you to develop applications faster. Learn more about this launch in the What’s New post.

Amplify UI for React is generally available – Amplify UI is an open-source UI library that helps developers build cloud-native applications. Amplify UI for React comes with over 35 components that you can use, an authentication component that allows you to connect to your backend with no extra configuration, theming for your components. You can also build your UI using Figma. Check the Amplify UI for React site to learn more about all the capabilities offered.

Amazon Connect has new announcements – First, Amazon Connect added support to personalize the flows of the customer experience using Amazon Lex sentiment analysis. It also added support to branch out the flows depending on Amazon Lex confidence scores. Lastly, it added confidence scores to Amazon Connect Customer Profiles to help companies merge duplicate customer records.

Amazon QuickSight – QuickSight authors can now learn and experience Q before signing up. Authors can choose from six different sample topics and explore different visualizations. In addition, QuickSight now supports Level Aware Calculations (LAC) and rolling date functionality. These two new features bring flexibility and simplification to customers to build advanced calculation and dashboards.

Amazon SageMaker – RStudio on SageMaker now allows you to bring your own development environment in a custom image. RStudio on SageMaker is a fully managed RStudio Workbench in the cloud. In addition, SageMaker added four new tabular data modeling algorithms: LightGBM, CatBoost, AutoGluon-Tabular, and TabTransformer to the existing set of built-in algorithms, pre-trained models and pre-built solution templates it provides.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS News
Some other updates and news that you may have missed:

AWS Support announced an improved experience when creating a case – There is a new interface for creating support cases in the AWS Support Center console. Now you can create a case with a simplified three-step process that guides you through the flow. Learn more about this new process in the What’s new post.

New AWS Step Functions workflows collection on Serverless Land – The Step Functions workflows collection is a new experience that makes it easier to discover, deploy, and share AWS Step Functions workflows. In this collection, you can find opinionated templates that implement the best practices to build using Step Functions. Learn more about this new collection in Ben’s blog post.

Podcast Charlas Técnicas de AWS – If you understand Spanish, this podcast is for you. Podcast Charlas Técnicas is one of the official AWS Podcasts in Spanish, which shares a new episode ever other week. The podcast is meant for builders, and it shares stories about how customers implement and learn AWS, how to architect applications, and how to use new services. You can listen to all the episodes directly from your favorite podcast app or from the AWS Podcasts en español website.

AWS open-source news and updates – A newsletter curated by my colleague Ricardo brings you the latest open-source projects, posts, events, and more.

Upcoming AWS Events
Check your calendars and sign up for these AWS events:

AWS Summit New York – Join us on July 12 for the in-person AWS Summit. You can register on the AWS Summit page for free.

AWS re:Inforce – This is an in-person learning conference with a focus on security, compliance, identity, and privacy. You can register now to access hundreds of technical sessions, and other content. It will take place July 26 and 27 in Boston, MA.

That’s all for this week. Check back next Monday for another Week in Review!

— Marcia

Monitor your Amazon QuickSight deployments using the new Amazon CloudWatch integration

Post Syndicated from Mayank Agarwal original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/monitor-your-amazon-quicksight-deployments-using-the-new-amazon-cloudwatch-integration/

Amazon QuickSight is a fully-managed, cloud-native business intelligence (BI) service that makes it easy to connect to your data, create interactive dashboards, and share these with tens of thousands of users, either within the QuickSight interface or embedded in software as a service (SaaS) applications or web portals. With QuickSight providing insights to power your daily decisions, it becomes more important than even for administrators and developers to ensure their QuickSight dashboards and data refreshes are operating smoothly as expected.

We recently announced the availability of QuickSight metrics within Amazon CloudWatch, which enables developers and administrators to monitor the availability and performance of their QuickSight deployments in real time. With the availability of metrics related to dashboard views, visual load times, and data ingestion details into SPICE (the QuickSight in-memory data store), developers and administrators can ensure that end-users of QuickSight deployments have an uninterrupted experience with relevant data. CloudWatch integration is now available in QuickSight Enterprise Edition in all supported Regions. These metrics can be accessed via CloudWatch, and allow QuickSight deployments to be monitored similarly to other application deployments on AWS, with the ability to generate alarms on failures and to slice and dice historical events to view trends and identify optimization opportunities. Metrics are kept for a period of 15 months, allowing them to be used for historical comparison and trend analysis.

Feature overview

QuickSight emits the following metrics to track the performance and availability of dataset ingestions, dashboards, and visuals. In addition to individual asset metrics, QuickSight also emits aggregated metrics to track performance and availability of all dashboards and SPICE ingestions for an account in a Region.

. Metric Description Unit
1 IngestionErrorCount The number of failed ingestions. Count
2 IngestionInvocationCount The number of ingestions initiated. This includes scheduled and manual ingestions that are triggered through either the QuickSight console or through APIs. Count
3 IngestionLatency The time from ingestion initiation to completion. Second
4 IngestionRowCount The number of successful row ingestions. Count
5 DashboardViewCount The number of times that a dashboard has been loaded or viewed. This includes all access patterns such as web, mobile, and embedded. Count
6 DashboardViewLoadTime The time that it takes a dashboard to load. The time is measured starting from the navigation to the dashboard to when all visuals within the view port are rendered. Millisecond
7 VisualLoadTime The time it takes for a QuickSight visual to load, including the round-trip query time from the client to QuickSight and back to the client. Millisecond
8 VisualLoadErrorCount The number of times a QuickSight visual fails to complete a data load. Count

Access QuickSight metrics in CloudWatch

Use the following procedure to access QuickSight metrics in CloudWatch:

  1. Sign in to the AWS account associated with your QuickSight account.
  2. In the upper-left corner of the AWS Console Home, choose Services, and then choose CloudWatch.
  3. On the CloudWatch console, under Metrics in the navigation pane, choose All metrics, and choose QuickSight.
  4. To access individual metrics, choose Dashboard metrics, Visual metrics, and Ingestion metrics.
  5. To access aggregate metrics, choose Aggregate metrics.

Visualize metrics on the CloudWatch console

You can use the CloudWatch console to visualize metric data generated from your QuickSight deployment. For more information, see Graphing metrics.

Create an alarm using CloudWatch console

You can also create a CloudWatch alarm that monitors CloudWatch metrics for your QuickSight assets. CloudWatch automatically sends you a notification when the metric reaches a threshold you specify. For examples, see Using Amazon CloudWatch alarms.

Use case overview

Let’s consider a fictional company, OkTank, which is an independent software vendor (ISV) in the healthcare space. They have an application that is used by different hospitals across different regions of the country to manage their revenue. OkTank has hundreds of hospitals with thousands of healthcare employees accessing their application and has embedded operations related to their business using multiple QuickSight dashboards in their application. In addition, they allow embedded authoring experience to each hospital’s in-house data analysts to build their own dashboards for their BI needs.

All the dashboards are powered by a database cluster, and they have multiple ingestion schedules. Because their QuickSight usage is growing and hospitals’ in-house data analysts are contributing by bringing in more data and their own dashboards, OkTank wants to monitor and make sure they’re providing their readers with a consistent, performant, and uninterrupted experience on QuickSight.

OkTank has some key monitoring needs that they deem critical:

  • Monitoring console – They want a general monitoring console where they can monitor reader engagement in their account, most popular dashboards, and overall visual load performance. They would like to monitor overall ingestion performance in their account.
  • Dashboard adoption and performance – They want to monitor traffic growth with respect to performance to make sure they’re meeting scaling needs.
  • Visual performance and availability – They have some visuals with complex queries and would like to make sure these queries are running fast enough without failures so that their readers have a performant and uninterrupted experience.
  • Ingestion failures – They want to be alerted if any scheduled ingestion fails, so that they can act right away and make sure their readers don’t experience any interruptions.

In the following sections, we discuss how OkTank meets each monitoring need in more detail.

Monitoring console

OkTank wants to have a general monitoring console to look at key KPIs, monitor reader engagement, and make sure their readers are getting a consistent and uninterrupted experience with QuickSight.

To create a monitoring console and add a KPI metric to it, OkTank takes the following steps:

  1. On the CloudWatch console, under Metrics in the navigation pane, choose Dashboards.
  2. Choose Create dashboard.
  3. Enter the dashboard name and choose Create dashboard.
  4. On the blank dashboard landing page, choose either Add a first widget or the plus sign to add a widget.
  5. In the Add widget section, choose Number.

  6. On the Browse tab, choose QuickSight.
  7. Choose Aggregate metrics.
  8. Select DashboardViewCount.
  9. Choose Create widget.
  10. On the options menu of the newly created widget, choose Edit.
  11. Enter the desired widget name.
  12. For Statistic, choose Sum.
  13. For Period, choose 1 day.
  14. Choose Update widget.

With the widget options, OkTank has added more KPIs on the console, such as average dashboard load time across the region during the day and the 10 most popular dashboards with the highest views, and created their monitoring console.

Dashboard adoption and performance

OkTank has some critical dashboards, and they want to monitor adoption of that dashboard and track its loading performance to make sure they can meet scaling needs.

They take the following steps to create a widget:

  1. On the monitoring console, choose the plus sign.
  2. In the Add widget section, choose Line.
  3. In the Add to this dashboard section, choose Metrics.
  4. On the Browse tab, choose QuickSight.
  5. Choose Dashboard metrics.
  6. Choose the DashboardViewCount and DashbordViewLoadTime metrics of the critical dashboard.
  7. Choose Create widget.

The newly created widget shows critical dashboards views and load times in multiple dimensions.

Visual performance and availability

OkTank has some visuals that require them to run complex queries while loading. They want to provide their readers with consistent and uninterrupted experience. In addition, they would like to be alerted in case a query experiences failures when running or takes longer than the desired runtime.

They take the following steps to monitor and set up an alarm:

  1. On the monitoring console, choose the plus sign.
  2. In the Add widget section, choose Line.
  3. In the Add to this dashboard section, choose Metrics.
  4. On the Browse tab, choose QuickSight.
  5. Choose Visual metrics.
  6. Choose the VisualLoadTime metric of the critical visual and configure the time period on the menu above the chart.
  7. To get alerted in case the critical visual fails to load due to query failure, choose the VisualLoadErrorCount metric.

    The newly created widget shows visuals load performance over the selected time frame.
  8. On the Graphed metrics tab, select the VisualLoadErrorCount metric.
  9. On the Actions menu, choose Create alarm.
  10. For Metric name, enter a name.
  11. Confirm that the value for DashboardId matches the dashboard that has the visual.

    In the Conditions section, OkTank wants to be notified when the error count is greater than or equal to 1.
  12. For Threshold type, select Static.
  13. Select Greater/Equal.
  14. Enter 1.
  15. Choose Next.
  16. In the Notification section, choose Select an existing SNS topic or Create a new topic.
  17. If you’re creating a new topic, provide a name for the topic and email addresses of recipients.
  18. Choose Create topic.
  19. Enter an alarm name and optional description.
  20. Choose Next.
  21. Verify the details and choose Create alarm.

The alarm is now available on the CloudWatch console. If the visual fails to load, the VisualLoadErrorCount value becomes 1 or more (depending on the number of times the dashboard is invoked) and the alarm state is set to In alarm.

Choose the alarm to get more details.

You can scroll down for more information about the alarm.

OkTank also receives an email to the email endpoint defined in the Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic.

Ingestion failures

OkTank wants to be alerted if any scheduled SPICE data ingestion fails, so that they can act right away and make sure their readers don’t experience any interruptions. This allows the administrator to find out the root cause of the SPICE ingestion failure (for example, an overloaded database instance) and fix it to ensure the latest data is available in the dependent dashboards.

They take the following steps to monitor and set up an alarm:

  1. On the monitoring console, choose the plus sign.
  2. In the Add widget section, choose Line.
  3. In the Add to this dashboard section, choose Metrics.
  4. On the Browse tab, choose QuickSight.
  5. Choose Ingestion metrics.
  6. Choose the IngestionErrorCount metric of the dataset and configure the time period on the menu above the chart.
  7. Follow the same steps as in the previous section to set up an alarm.

When ingestion fails for the dataset, the alarm changes to an In Alarm state and you receive an email notification.

The following screenshot shows an example of the email.


With QuickSight metrics in CloudWatch, QuickSight developers and administrators can observe and respond to the availability and performance of their QuickSight ecosystem in near-real time. They can monitor dataset ingestions, dashboards, and visuals to provide end-users of QuickSight and applications that embed QuickSight dashboards with a consistent, performant, and uninterrupted experience.

Try out QuickSight metrics in Amazon CloudWatch to monitor your Amazon QuickSight deployments, and share your feedback and questions in the comments.

About the Authors

Mayank Agarwal is a product manager for Amazon QuickSight, AWS’ cloud-native, fully managed BI service. He focuses on account administration, governance and developer experience. He started his career as an embedded software engineer developing handheld devices. Prior to QuickSight he was leading engineering teams at Credence ID, developing custom mobile embedded device and web solutions using AWS services that make biometric enrollment and identification fast, intuitive, and cost-effective for Government sector, healthcare and transaction security applications.

Raj Jayaraman is a Senior Specialist Solutions Architect for Amazon QuickSight. Raj focuses on helping customers develop sample dashboards, embed analytics and adopt BI design patterns and best practices.

Analyzing Amazon SES event data with AWS Analytics Services

Post Syndicated from Oscar Mendoza original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/messaging-and-targeting/analyzing-amazon-ses-event-data-with-aws-analytics-services/

In this post, we will walk through using AWS Services, such as, Amazon Kinesis Firehose, Amazon Athena and Amazon QuickSight to monitor Amazon SES email sending events with the granularity and level of detail required to get insights from your customers engage with the emails you send.

Nowadays, email Marketers rely on internal applications to create their campaigns or any communications requirements, such us newsletters or promotional content. From those activities, they need to collect as much information as possible to analyze and improve their pipeline to get better interaction with the customers. Data such us bounces, rejections, success reception, delivery delays, complaints or open rate can be a powerful tool to understand the customers. Usually applications work with high-level data points without detailed logging or granular information that could help improve even better the effectiveness of their campaigns.

Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) is a smart tool for companies that wants a cost-effective, flexible, and scalable email service solution to easily integrate with their own products. Amazon SES provides methods to control your sending activity with built-in integration with Amazon CloudWatch Metrics and also provides a mechanism to collect the email sending events data.

In this post, we propose an architecture and step-by-step guide to track your email sending activities at a granular level, where you can configure several types of email sending events, including sends, deliveries, opens, clicks, bounces, complaints, rejections, rendering failures, and delivery delays. We will use the configuration set feature of Amazon SES to send detailed logging to our analytics services to store, query and create dashboards for a detailed view.

Overview of solution

This architecture uses Amazon SES built-in features and AWS analytics services to provide a quick and cost-effective solution to address your mail tracking requirements. The following services will be implemented or configured:

The following diagram shows the architecture of the solution:

Serverless Architecture to Analyze Amazon SES events

Figure 1. Serverless Architecture to Analyze Amazon SES events

The flow of the events starts when a customer uses Amazon SES to send an email. Each of those send events will be capture by the configuration set feature and forward the events to a Kinesis Firehose delivery stream to buffer and store those events on an Amazon S3 bucket.

After storing the events, it will be required to create a database and table schema and store it on AWS Glue Data Catalog in order for Amazon Athena to be able to properly query those events on S3. Finally, we will use Amazon QuickSight to create interactive dashboard to search and visualize all your sending activity with an email level of detailed.


For this walkthrough, you should have the following prerequisites:


Step 1: Use AWS CloudFormation to deploy some additional prerequisites

You can get started with our sample AWS CloudFormation template that includes some prerequisites. This template creates an Amazon S3 Bucket, an IAM role needed to access from Amazon SES to Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose.

To download the CloudFormation template, run one of the following commands, depending on your operating system:

In Windows:

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aws-samples/amazon-ses-analytics-blog/main/SES-Blog-PreRequisites.yml -o SES-Blog-PreRequisites.yml

In MacOS

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aws-samples/amazon-ses-analytics-blog/main/SES-Blog-PreRequisites.yml

To deploy the template, use the following AWS CLI command:

aws cloudformation deploy --template-file ./SES-Blog-PreRequisites.yml --stack-name ses-dashboard-prerequisites --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM

After the template finishes creating resources, you see the IAM Service role and the Delivery Stream on the stack Outputs tab. You are going to use these resources in the following steps.

IAM Service role and Delivery Stream created by CloudFormation template

Figure 2. CloudFormation template outputs

Step 2: Creating a configuration set in SES and setting the default configuration set for a verified identity

SES can track the number of send, delivery, open, click, bounce, and complaint events for each email you send. You can use event publishing to send information about these events to other AWS service. In this case we are going to send the events to Kinesis Firehose. To do this, a configuration set is required.

To create a configuration set, complete the following steps:

  1. On the AWS Console, choose the Amazon Simple Email Service.
  2. Choose Configuration sets.
  3. Click on Create set.

    Create a configuration set in Amazon SES

    Figure 3. Amazon SES Create Configuration Set

  4. Set a Configuration set name.
  5. Leave the other configurations by default.

    Write a name for your configuration set

    Figure 4. Configuration Set Name

  6. Once the configuration set is created, select Event destinations

    Configuration set created successfully

    Figure 5. Configuration set created successfully

  7. Click on Add destination
  8. Select the event types you would like to analyze and then click on next.

    Sending Events to analyze

    Figure 6. Sending Events to analyze

  9. Select Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose as the destination, choose the delivery stream and the IAM role created previously, click on next and in the review page, click on Add destination.

    Destination for Amazon SES sending events

    Figure 7. Destination for Amazon SES sending events

  10. Once you have created the configuration set and added the event destination, you can define the Default configuration set for the verified identity (domain or email address). In the SES console, choose Verified identities.

    Amazon SES Verified Identity

    Figure 8 Amazon SES Verified Identity

  11. Choose the verified identity from which you want to collect events and select Configuration set. Click on Edit.

    Edit Configuration Set for Verified Identity

    Figure 9. Edit Configuration Set for Verified Identity

  12. Click on the checkbox Assign a default configuration set and choose the configuration set created previously.

    Assign default configuration set

    Figure 10. Assign default configuration set

  13. Once you have completed the previous steps, your events will be sent to Amazon S3. Due to the buffer’s configuration on the Kinesis Delivery Stream, the data will be loaded every 5 minutes or every 5 MiB to Amazon S3. You can check the structure created on the bucket and see json logs with SES events data.

    Amazon S3 bucket structure

    Figure 11. Amazon S3 bucket structure

Step 3: Using Amazon Athena to query the SES event logs

Amazon SES publishes email sending event records to Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose in JSON format. The top-level JSON object contains an eventType string, a mail object, and either a Bounce, Complaint, Delivery, Send, Reject, Open, Click, Rendering Failure, or DeliveryDelay object, depending on the type of event.

  1. In order to simplify the analysis of email sending events, create the sesmaster table by running the following script in Amazon Athena. Don’t forget to change the location in the following script with your own bucket containing the data of email sending events.
    eventType string,
    complaint struct < arrivaldate: string,
    complainedrecipients: array < struct < emailaddress: string >>,
    complaintfeedbacktype: string,
    feedbackid: string,
    `timestamp`: string,
    useragent: string >,
    bounce struct < bouncedrecipients: array < struct < action: string,
    diagnosticcode: string,
    emailaddress: string,
    status: string >>,
    bouncesubtype: string,
    bouncetype: string,
    feedbackid: string,
    reportingmta: string,
    `timestamp`: string >,
    mail struct < timestamp: string,
    source: string,
    sourcearn: string,
    sendingaccountid: string,
    messageid: string,
    destination: string,
    headerstruncated: boolean,
    headers: array < struct < name: string,
    value: string >>,
    commonheaders: struct < `from`: array < string >,
    to: array < string >,
    messageid: string,
    subject: string >,
    tags: struct < ses_source_tls_version: string,
    ses_operation: string,
    ses_configurationset: string,
    ses_source_ip: string,
    ses_outgoing_ip: string,
    ses_from_domain: string,
    ses_caller_identity: string >>,
    send string,
    delivery struct < processingtimemillis: int,
    recipients: array < string >,
    reportingmta: string,
    smtpresponse: string,
    `timestamp`: string >,
    open struct < ipaddress: string,
    `timestamp`: string,
    userAgent: string >,
    reject struct < reason: string >,
    click struct < ipAddress: string,
    `timestamp`: string,
    userAgent: string,
    link: string >
    ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.openx.data.jsonserde.JsonSerDe'
    "mapping.ses_caller_identity" = "ses:caller-identity",
    "mapping.ses_configurationset" = "ses:configuration-set",
    "mapping.ses_from_domain" = "ses:from-domain",
    "mapping.ses_operation" = "ses:opeation",
    "mapping.ses_outgoing_ip" = "ses:outgoing-ip",
    "mapping.ses_source_ip" = "ses:source-ip",
    "mapping.ses_source_tls_version" = "ses:source-tls-version"
    LOCATION 's3://aws-s3-ses-analytics-<aws-account-number>/'

    The sesmaster table uses the org.openx.data.jsonserde.JsonSerDe SerDe library to deserialize the JSON data.

    We have leveraged the support for JSON arrays and maps and the support for nested data structures. Those features ease the process of preparation and visualization of data.

    In the sesmaster table, the following mappings were applied to avoid errors due to name of JSON fields containing colons.

    • “mapping.ses_configurationset”=”ses:configuration-set”
    • “mapping.ses_source_ip”=”ses:source-ip”
    • “mapping.ses_from_domain”=”ses:from-domain”
    • “mapping.ses_caller_identity”=”ses:caller-identity” “mapping.ses_outgoing_ip”=”ses:outgoing-ip”
  2. Once the sesmaster table is ready, it is a good strategy to create curated views of its data. The first view called vwSESMaster contains all the records of email sending events and all the fields which are unique on each event. Create the vwSESMaster view by running the following script in Amazon Athena.
    eventtype as eventtype
    , mail.messageId as mailmessageid
    , mail.timestamp as mailtimestamp
    , mail.source as mailsource
    , mail.sendingAccountId as mailsendingAccountId
    , mail.commonHeaders.subject as mailsubject
    , mail.tags.ses_configurationset as mailses_configurationset
    , mail.tags.ses_source_ip as mailses_source_ip
    , mail.tags.ses_from_domain as mailses_from_domain
    , mail.tags.ses_outgoing_ip as mailses_outgoing_ip
    , delivery.processingtimemillis as deliveryprocessingtimemillis
    , delivery.reportingmta as deliveryreportingmta
    , delivery.smtpresponse as deliverysmtpresponse
    , delivery.timestamp as deliverytimestamp
    , delivery.recipients[1] as deliveryrecipient
    , open.ipaddress as openipaddress
    , open.timestamp as opentimestamp
    , open.userAgent as openuseragent
    , bounce.bounceType as bouncebounceType
    , bounce.bouncesubtype as bouncebouncesubtype
    , bounce.feedbackid as bouncefeedbackid
    , bounce.timestamp as bouncetimestamp
    , bounce.reportingMTA as bouncereportingmta
    , click.ipAddress as clickipaddress
    , click.timestamp as clicktimestamp
    , click.userAgent as clickuseragent
    , click.link as clicklink
    , complaint.timestamp as complainttimestamp
    , complaint.userAgent as complaintuseragent
    , complaint.complaintFeedbackType as complaintcomplaintfeedbacktype
    , complaint.arrivalDate as complaintarrivaldate
    , reject.reason as rejectreason

    The sesmaster table contains some fields which are represented by nested arrays, so it is necessary to flatten them into multiples rows. Following you can see the event types and the fields which need to be flatten.

    • Event type SEND: field mail.commonHeaders
    • Event type BOUNCE: field bounce.bouncedrecipients
    • Event type COMPLAINT: field complaint.complainedrecipients

    To flatten those arrays into multiple rows, we used the CROSS JOIN in conjunction with the UNNEST operator using the following strategy for all the three events:

    • Create a temporal view with the mail.messageID and the field to be flattened.
    • Create another temporal view with the array flattened into multiple rows.
    • Create the final view joining the sesmaster table with the second temporal view by event type and mail.messageID.

    To create those views, follow the next steps.

  3. Run the following scripts in Amazon Athena to flat the mail.commonHeaders array in the SEND event type
    mail.messageId as messageid
    , mail.commonHeaders.to as recipients
    CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW vwsendmailrecipients AS 
    , recipient
    CROSS JOIN UNNEST(recipients) t (recipient))
    eventtype as eventtype
    , mail.messageId as mailmessageid
    , mail.timestamp as mailtimestamp
    , mail.source as mailsource
    , mail.sendingAccountId as mailsendingAccountId
    , mail.commonHeaders.subject as mailsubject
    , mail.tags.ses_configurationset as mailses_configurationset
    , mail.tags.ses_source_ip as mailses_source_ip
    , mail.tags.ses_from_domain as mailses_from_domain
    , mail.tags.ses_outgoing_ip as mailses_outgoing_ip
    , dest.recipient as mailto
    sesmaster as sm
    ,vwsendmailrecipients as dest
    sm.eventtype = 'Send'
    and sm.mail.messageid = dest.messageid
  4. Run the following scripts in Amazon Athena to flat the bounce.bouncedrecipients array in the BOUNCE event type
    CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW vwbouncemailtmprecipients AS 
    mail.messageId as messageid
    , bounce.bouncedrecipients
    WHERE (eventtype = 'Bounce')
    CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW vwbouncemailrecipients AS 
    , recipient.action
    , recipient.diagnosticcode
    , recipient.emailaddress
    CROSS JOIN UNNEST(bouncedrecipients) t (recipient))
    eventtype as eventtype
    , mail.messageId as mailmessageid
    , mail.timestamp as mailtimestamp
    , mail.source as mailsource
    , mail.sendingAccountId as mailsendingAccountId
    , mail.commonHeaders.subject as mailsubject
    , mail.tags.ses_configurationset as mailses_configurationset
    , mail.tags.ses_source_ip as mailses_source_ip
    , mail.tags.ses_from_domain as mailses_from_domain
    , mail.tags.ses_outgoing_ip as mailses_outgoing_ip
    , bounce.bounceType as bouncebounceType
    , bounce.bouncesubtype as bouncebouncesubtype
    , bounce.feedbackid as bouncefeedbackid
    , bounce.timestamp as bouncetimestamp
    , bounce.reportingMTA as bouncereportingmta
    , bd.action as bounceaction
    , bd.diagnosticcode as bouncediagnosticcode
    , bd.emailaddress as bounceemailaddress
    sesmaster as sm
    ,vwbouncemailrecipients as bd
    sm.eventtype = 'Bounce'
    and sm.mail.messageid = bd.messageid
  5. Run the following scripts in Amazon Athena to flat the complaint.complainedrecipients array in the COMPLAINT event type
    CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW vwcomplainttmprecipients AS 
    mail.messageId as messageid
    , complaint.complainedrecipients
    WHERE (eventtype = 'Complaint')
    CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW vwcomplainedrecipients AS 
    , recipient.emailaddress
    CROSS JOIN UNNEST(complainedrecipients) t (recipient))

    At the end we have one table and four views which can be used in Amazon QuickSight to analyze email sending events:

    • Table sesmaster
    • View vwSESMaster
    • View vwSentMails
    • View vwBouncedMails
    • View vwComplainedemails

Step 4: Analyze and visualize data with Amazon QuickSight

 In this blog post, we use Amazon QuickSight to analyze and to visualize email sending events from the sesmaster and the four curated views created previously. Amazon QuickSight can directly access data through Athena. Its pay-per-session pricing enables you to put analytical insights into the hands of everyone in your organization.

Let’s set this up together. We first need to select our table and our views to create new data sources in Athena and then we use these data sources to populate the visualization. We are creating just an example of visualization. Feel free to create your own visualization based on your information needs.

Before we can use the data in Amazon QuickSight, we need to first grant access to the underlying S3 bucket. If you haven’t done so already for other analyses, see our documentation on how to do so.

  1. On the Amazon QuickSight home page, choose Datasets from the menu on the left side, then choose New dataset from the upper-right corner, set and pick Athena as data source. In the following dialog box, give the data source a descriptive name and choose Create data source.

    Create New Athena Data Source

    Figure 12. Create New Athena Data Source

  2. In the following dialog box, select the Catalog and the Database containing your sesmaster and curated views. Let’s select the sesmaster table in order to create some basic Key Performance Indicators. Select the table sesmaster and click on the Select

    Select Sesmaster Table

    Figure 13. Select Sesmaster Table

  3. Our sesmaster table now is a data source for Amazon QuickSight and we can turn to visualizing the data.

    QuickSight Visualize Data

    Figure 14. QuickSight Visualize Data

  4. You can see the list fields on the left. The canvas on the right is still empty. Before we populate it with data, let’s select Key Performance Indicator from the available visual types.

    QuickSight Visual Types

    Figure 15. QuickSight Visual Types

  5. To populate the graph, drag and drop the fields from the field list on the left onto their respective destinations. In our case, we put the field send onto the value well and use count as aggregation.

    Add Send field to visualization

    Figure 16. Add Send field to visualization

  6. Add another visual from the left-upper side and select Key Performance Indicator as visual type.
    Add a new visual

    Figure 17. Add a new visual

    Key Performance Indicator Visual Type

    Figure 18. Key Performance Indicator Visual Type

  7. Put the field Delivery onto the value well and use count as aggregation.

    Add Delivery Field to visualization

    Figure 19. Add Delivery Field to visualization

  8. Repeat the same procedure, (steps 1 to 4) to count the number of Open, Click, Bounce, Complaint and Reject Events. At the end, you should see something similar to the following visualization. After resizing and rearranging the visuals, you should get an analysis like the shown in the image below.

    Preview of Key Performance Indicators

    Figure 20. Preview of Key Performance Indicators

  9. Let´s add another dataset by clicking the pencil on the right of the current Dataset.

    Add a New Dataset

    Figure 21. Add a New Dataset

  10. On the following dialog box, select Add Dataset.

    Add a New Dataset

    Figure 22. Add a New Dataset

  11. Select the view called vwsesmaster and click Select.
    Add vwsesmaster dataset

    Figure 23. Add vwsesmaster dataset

    Now you can see all the available fields of the vwsesmaster view.

    New fields from vwsesmaster dataset

    Figure 24. New fields from vwsesmaster dataset

  12. Let’s create a new visual and select the Table visual type.

    QuickSight Visual Types

    Figure 25. QuickSight Visual Types

  13. Drag and drop the fields from the field list on the left onto their respective destinations. In our case, we put the fields eventtype, mailmessageid, and mailsubject onto the Group By well, but you can add as many fields as you need.

    Add eventtype, mailmessageid and mailsubject fields

    Figure 26. Add eventtype, mailmessageid and mailsubject fields

  14. Now let’s create a filter for this visual in order to filter by type of event. Be sure you select the table and then click on Filter on the left menu.

    Add a Filter

    Figure 27. Add a Filter

  15. Click on Create One and select the field eventtype on the popup window. Now select the eventtype filter to see the following options.

    Create eventtype filter

    Figure 28. Create eventtype filter

  16. Click on the dots on the right of the eventtype filter and select Add to Sheet.

    Add filter to sheet

    Figure 29. Add filter to sheet

  17. Leave all the default values, scroll down and select Apply

    Apply filters with default values

    Figure 30. Apply filters with default values

  18. Now you can filter the vwsesmaster view by eventtype.

    Filter vwsesmasterview by eventtype

    Figure 31. Filter vwsesmasterview by eventtype

  19. You can continue customizing your visualization with all the available data in the sesmaster table, the vwsesmaster view and even add more datasets to include data from the vwSentMails, vwBouncedMails, and vwComplainedemails views. Below, you can see some other visualizations created from those views.
    Final visualization 1

    Figure 32. Final visualization 1

    Final visualization 2

    Figure 33. Final visualization 2

    Final visualization 3

    Figure 34. Final visualization 3

Clean up

To avoid ongoing charges, clean up the resources you created as part of this post:

  1. Delete the visualizations created in Amazon Quicksight.
  2. Unsubscribe from Amazon QuickSight if you are not using it for other projects.
  3. Delete the views and tables created in Amazon Athena.
  4. Delete the Amazon SES configuration set.
  5. Delete the Amazon SES events stored in S3.
  6. Delete the CloudFormation stack in order to delete the Amazon Kinesis Delivery Stream.


In this blog we showed how you can use AWS native services and features to quickly create an email tracking solution based on Amazon SES events to have a more detailed view on your sending activities. This solution uses a full serverless architecture without having to manage the underlying infrastructure and giving you the flexibility to use the solution for small, medium or intense Amazon SES usage, without having to take care of any servers.

We showed you some samples of dashboards and analysis that can be built for most of customers requirements, but of course you can evolve this solution and customize it according to your needs, adding or removing charts, filters or events to the dashboard. Please refer to the following documentation for the available Amazon SES Events, their structure and also how to create analysis and dashboards on Amazon QuickSight:

From a performance and cost efficiency perspective there are still several configurations that can be done to improve the solution, for example using a columnar file formant like parquet, compressing with snappy or setting your S3 partition strategy according to your email sending usage. Another improvement could be importing data into SPICE to read data in Amazon Quicksight. Using SPICE results in the data being loaded from Athena only once, until it is either manually refreshed or automatically refreshed using a schedule.

You can use this walkthrough to configure your first SES dashboard and start visualizing events detail. You can adjust the services described in this blog according to your company requirements.

About the authors

Oscar Mendoza AWS Solutions Architect Oscar Mendoza is a Solutions Architect at AWS based in Bogotá, Colombia. Oscar works with our customers to provide guidance in architectural best practices and to build Well Architected solutions on the AWS platform. He enjoys spending time with his family and his dog and playing music.
Luis Eduardo Torres AWS Solutions Architect Luis Eduardo Torres is a Solutions Architect at AWS based in Bogotá, Colombia. He helps companies to build their business using the AWS cloud platform. He has a great interest in Analytics and has been leading the Analytics track of AWS Podcast in Spanish.
Santiago Benavidez AWS Solutions Architect Santiago Benavídez is a Solutions Architect at AWS based in Buenos Aires, Argentina, with more than 13 years of experience in IT, currently helping DNB/ISV customers to achieve their business goals using the breadth and depth of AWS services, designing highly available, resilient and cost-effective architectures.

Configure an automated email sync for federated SSO users to access Amazon QuickSight

Post Syndicated from Ashok Dasineni original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/configure-an-automated-email-sync-for-federated-sso-users-to-access-amazon-quicksight/

Amazon QuickSight is a scalable, serverless, embeddable, machine learning (ML)-powered business intelligence (BI) service built for the cloud that supports identity federation in both Standard and Enterprise editions. Organizations are working towards centralizing their identity and access strategy across all their applications, including on premises, third-party, and applications on AWS. Many organizations use identity providers (IdPs) based on OIDC or SAML-based protocols like Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) or Okta to control and manage user authentication and authorization centrally. If your organization uses such IdPs for cloud applications, you may want to enable federation to QuickSight without needing to create and manage users multiple times. This authorizes users to access QuickSight assets—analyses, dashboards, folders, and datasets—through centrally managed Azure AD or Okta.

After you configure federation to QuickSight with Okta or federation with Azure AD, QuickSight users are asked to enter their email address when they log in for the first time.

This email request may create confusion for some users as to which email address they should use. To avoid this confusion, organizations want to streamline the user login process and prevent users from entering any emails other than their corporate email. To ensure that, the QuickSight admin can now use the new automated email sync feature for federated SSO users. With this new feature, admins can set up QuickSight and SSO such that email addresses for end-users are automatically synced at first-time login. This prevents any manual errors during entry, or users signing up with personal email addresses. Administrators can set up controls so that only corporate-assigned email addresses are used when users are provisioned to their QuickSight account through their IdP.

The following screenshot shows the current email address prompt screen for QuickSight upon first login.

In this post, we go through the steps to achieve automated email sync between your IdP and QuickSight for both Okta and Azure AD.

Solution overview

The steps involved in email syncing for federated SSO users are as follows:

  1. Configure your IdP to send the user email as part of the assertion.
  2. Enable email syncing for federated users via the QuickSight console.
  3. Validate the email sync from your IdP.

Configure your IdP to send the user email as part of the assertion

This step is applicable for setting up any third-party IdPs as part of federated SSO. For this post, we outline the separate steps for Okta and Azure AD.

Configure Okta to send the user email as part of the assertion

To configure Okta, complete the following steps:

  1. On the IAM console, choose Roles in the navigation pane.
  2. Search for the role you use with AssumeRoleWithSAML (for this post, it’s called QuickSightOktaFederatedRole).
  3. On the Trust relationships tab, choose Edit trust relationship.
  4. For the policy details, enter the following JSON:
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Principal": {
    "Federated": "arn:aws:iam::<yourAWSAccountID>:saml-provider/Okta"
    "Action": "sts:AssumeRoleWithSAML",
    "Condition": {
    "StringEquals": {
    "SAML:aud": "https://signin.aws.amazon.com/saml"
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Principal": {
    "Federated": "arn:aws:iam::<yourAWSAccountID>:saml-provider/Okta"
    "Action": "sts:TagSession",
    "Condition": {
    "StringLike": {
    "aws:RequestTag/Email": "*"

  5. Choose Update Trust Policy.
    The IT administrator (responsible for managing Okta’s configuration) makes the following changes in the Okta configuration via Okta’s admin console:
  6. Log in to the Okta admin console.
  7. Choose Applications in the navigation pane.
  8. Choose the Okta application for QuickSight federation (in this case, it’s called AWS Account Federation – QuickSight).
  9. Choose the Sign On tab.
  10. In the Settings section, choose Edit.
  11. Select SAML 2.0 and expand the Attributes section.
  12. Add an attribute statement as follows:
    1. For Name, enter https://aws.amazon.com/SAML/Attributes/PrincipalTag:Email.
    2. For Name format, select URI reference.
    3. For Value, enter user.email.
  13. Choose Save.

Configure Azure AD to send the user email as part of the assertion

To configure Azure AD, complete the following steps:

  1. On the IAM console, choose Roles in the navigation pane.
  2. Search for the role you use with AssumeRoleWithSAML (for this post, it’s called QuickSightAzureFederatedRole).
  3. On the Trust relationships tab, choose Edit trust policy.
  4. For the policy details, enter the following JSON:
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
         "Statement": [
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Principal": {
    "Federated": "arn:aws:iam::<yourAWSAccountID>:saml-provider/AzureActiveDirectory"
                "Action": "sts:AssumeRoleWithSAML",
                "Condition": {
                    "StringEquals": {
                        "SAML:aud": "https://signin.aws.amazon.com/saml"	
                		"Effect": "Allow",
                		"Principal": {
                    	 "Federated": "arn:aws:iam::<yourAWSAccountID>:saml-provider/AzureActiveDirectory"
                		  "Action": "sts:TagSession",
                   "Condition": {
                    	  "StringLike": {
                       "aws:RequestTag/Email": "*"

  5. Choose Update Policy.
    The IT administrator responsible for managing Azure AD configuration makes the following changes in the Azure configuration via Azure’s admin console:
  6. Log in to your Azure portal using the administrator account.
  7. Under Azure services, open Azure Active Directory and under Manage, choose Enterprise applications.
  8. Choose the Azure application for QuickSight federation (in this case, it’s called Amazon Quicksight).
  9. Choose Single sign-on under Manage or Set up single sign on.
  10. Under Attributes & Claims, choose Edit.
  11. Choose Add new claim.
  12. Add the claim information as follows:
    1. For Name, enter https://aws.amazon.com/SAML/Attributes/PrincipalTag:Email.
    2. For Source, select Attribute.
    3. For Source Attribute, enter user.mail.
  13. Choose Save.

The new claim for the user email is added under Additional claims.

Enable email syncing for federated users in QuickSight

Now we’re ready to enable email syncing for federated users. Complete the following steps:

  1. On the QuickSight console, on the user name menu, choose Manage QuickSight.
  2. Choose Single sign-on (SSO) in the navigation pane.
  3. In the Email Syncing for Federated Users section, select ON.

Validate the email sync from your IdP

In this section, we walk through the steps to validate your email sync from both Okta and Azure AD.

Validate the email sync from Okta

On the Okta console, verify if the user profile has a valid email in the Primary email attribute. This is the key value for email sync with QuickSight.

Users now have the option to launch the QuickSight application from Okta.

Users can directly go to the QuickSight console without providing an email address.

Validate the email sync from Azure AD

From the Azure console, verify if the user profile has valid information under the Email attribute. This is the key value for email sync with QuickSight.

When users launch the QuickSight application from the Azure console or myapps.microsoft.com, they can directly go to the QuickSight console without providing an email address.

The following screenshot shows how to access QuickSight from the Azure console.

The following screenshot shows how to access QuickSight from myapps.microsoft.com.

Both options bring the user to the QuickSight console.


This post provided a step-by-step guide for configuring an automated email sync from both Okta and Azure. Although this post demonstrated the automated email sync to QuickSight, you can replicate this solution using your choice of IdPs. For more information related to this new feature, refer to Configuring email syncing for federated users in Amazon QuickSight.

For additional discussions and help getting answers to your questions, check out the QuickSight Community.

About the authors

Ashok Dasineni is a Solutions Architect for Amazon QuickSight. Before joining AWS, Ashok worked with clients and organizations in Banking and financial domain, focusing on fraud research and prevention. He designed and implemented innovative solutions to improve business process, reduce cost and increase revenue, enabling companies around the world to achieve their highest potential through data.

Raji Sivasubramaniam is a Sr. Solutions Architect at AWS, focusing on Analytics. Raji is specialized in architecting end-to-end Enterprise Data Management, Business Intelligence and Analytics solutions for Fortune 500 and Fortune 100 companies across the globe. She has in-depth experience in integrated healthcare data and analytics with wide variety of healthcare datasets including managed market, physician targeting and patient analytics.

Srikanth Baheti is a Specialized World Wide Sr. Solution Architect for Amazon QuickSight. He started his career as a consultant and worked for multiple private and government organizations. Later he worked for PerkinElmer Health and Sciences & eResearch Technology Inc, where he was responsible for designing and developing high traffic web applications, highly scalable and maintainable data pipelines for reporting platforms using AWS services and Serverless computing.

Build a multilingual dashboard with Amazon Athena and Amazon QuickSight

Post Syndicated from Francesco Marelli original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/build-a-multilingual-dashboard-with-amazon-athena-and-amazon-quicksight/

Amazon QuickSight is a serverless business intelligence (BI) service used by organizations of any size to make better data-driven decisions. QuickSight dashboards can also be embedded into SaaS apps and web portals to provide interactive dashboards, natural language query or data analysis capabilities to app users seamlessly. The QuickSight Demo Central contains many dashboards, feature showcase and tips and tricks that you can use; in the QuickSight Embedded Analytics Developer Portal you can find details on how to embed dashboards in your applications.

The QuickSight user interface currently supports 15 languages that you can choose on a per-user basis. The language selected for the user interface localizes all text generated by QuickSight with respect to UI components and isn’t applied to the data displayed in the dashboards.

This post describes how to create multilingual dashboards at the data level by creating new columns that contain the translated text and providing a language selection parameter and associated control to display data in the selected language in a QuickSight dashboard. You can create new columns with the translated text in several ways; in this post we create new columns using Amazon Athena user-defined functions implemented in the GitHub project sample Amazon Athena UDFs for text translation and analytics using Amazon Comprehend and Amazon Translate. This approach makes it easy to automatically create columns with translated text using neural machine translation provided by Amazon Translate.

Solution overview

The following diagram illustrates the architecture of this solution.


For this post, we use the sample SaaS-Sales.csv dataset and follow these steps:

  1. Copy the dataset to a bucket in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).
  2. Use Athena to define a database and table to read the CSV file.
  3. Create a new table in Parquet format with the columns with the translated text.
  4. Create a new dataset in QuickSight.
  5. Create the parameter and control to select the language.
  6. Create dynamic multilingual calculated fields.
  7. Create an analysis with calculated multilingual calculated fields.
  8. Publish the multilingual dashboard.
  9. Create parametric headers and titles for visuals for use in an embedded dashboard.

An alternative approach might be to directly upload the CSV dataset to QuickSight and create the new columns with translated text as QuickSight calculated fields, for example using the ifelse() conditional function to directly assign the translated values.


To follow the steps in this post, you need to have an AWS account with an active QuickSight Standard Edition or Enterprise Edition subscription.

Copy the dataset to a bucket in Amazon S3

Use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to create the S3 bucket qs-ml-blog-data and copy the dataset under the prefix saas-sales in your AWS account. You must follow the bucket naming rules to create your bucket. See the following code:

$ MY_BUCKET=qs-ml-blog-data
$ PREFIX=saas-sales

$ aws s3 mb s3://${MY_BUCKET}/

$ aws s3 cp \
    "s3://ee-assets-prod-us-east-1/modules/337d5d05acc64a6fa37bcba6b921071c/v1/SaaS-Sales.csv" \

Define a database and table to read the CSV file

Use the Athena query editor to create the database qs_ml_blog_db:


Then create the new table qs_ml_blog_db.saas_sales:

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS qs_ml_blog_db.saas_sales (
  row_id bigint, 
  order_id string, 
  order_date string, 
  date_key bigint, 
  contact_name string, 
  country_en string, 
  city_en string, 
  region string, 
  subregion string, 
  customer string, 
  customer_id bigint, 
  industry_en string, 
  segment string, 
  product string, 
  license string, 
  sales double, 
  quantity bigint, 
  discount double, 
  profit double)

Create a new table in Parquet format with the columns with the translated text

We want to translate the columns country_en, city_en, and industry_en to German, Spanish, and Italian. To do this in a scalable and flexible way, we use the GitHub project sample Amazon Athena UDFs for text translation and analytics using Amazon Comprehend and Amazon Translate.

After you set up the user-defined functions following the instructions in the GitHub repo, run the following SQL query in Athena to create the new table qs_ml_blog_db.saas_sales_ml with the translated columns using the translate_text user-defined function and some other minor changes:

CREATE TABLE qs_ml_blog_db.saas_sales_ml WITH (
    format = 'PARQUET',
    parquet_compression = 'SNAPPY',
    external_location = 's3://<MY_BUCKET>/saas-sales-ml/'
) AS 
USING EXTERNAL FUNCTION translate_text(text_col VARCHAR, sourcelang VARCHAR, targetlang VARCHAR, terminologyname VARCHAR) RETURNS VARCHAR LAMBDA 'textanalytics-udf'
date_parse("order_date",'%m/%d/%Y') as order_date,
translate_text(country_en, 'en', 'de', NULL) as country_de,
translate_text(country_en, 'en', 'es', NULL) as country_es,
translate_text(country_en, 'en', 'it', NULL) as country_it,
translate_text(city_en, 'en', 'de', NULL) as city_de,
translate_text(city_en, 'en', 'es', NULL) as city_es,
translate_text(city_en, 'en', 'it', NULL) as city_it,
translate_text(industry_en, 'en', 'de', NULL) as industry_de,
translate_text(industry_en, 'en', 'es', NULL) as industry_es,
translate_text(industry_en, 'en', 'it', NULL) as industry_it,
FROM qs_ml_blog_db.saas_sales

Run three simple queries, one per column, to check the generation of the new columns with the translation was successful. We include a screenshot after each query showing its results.

FROM qs_ml_blog_db.saas_sales_ml 
ORDER BY country_en
limit 10

Original and translated values for column Country

FROM qs_ml_blog_db.saas_sales_ml 
ORDER BY city_en
limit 10

Original and translated values for column City

FROM qs_ml_blog_db.saas_sales_ml 
ORDER BY industry_en
limit 10

Original and translated values for column Industry

Now you can use the new table saas_sales_ml as input to create a dataset in QuickSight.

Create a dataset in QuickSight

To create your dataset in QuickSight, complete the following steps:

  1. On the QuickSight console, choose Datasets in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create a dataset.
  3. Choose Athena.
  4. For Data source name¸ enter athena_primary.
  5. For Athena workgroup¸ choose primary.
  6. Choose Create data source.
    New Athena data source
  7. Select the saas_sales_ml table previously created and choose Select.
    Choose your table
  8. Choose to import the table to SPICE and choose Visualize to start creating the new dashboard.
    Finish dataset creation

In the analysis section, you receive a message that informs you that the table was successfully imported to SPICE.

SPICE import complete

Create the parameter and control to select the language

To create the parameter and associate the control that you use to select the language for the dashboard, complete the following steps:

  1. In the analysis section, choose Parameters and Create one.
  2. For Name, enter Language.
  3. For Data type, choose String.
  4. For Values, select Single value.
  5. For Static default value, enter English.
  6. Choose Create.
    Create new parameter
  7. To connect the parameter to a control, choose Control.
    Connect parameter to control
  8. For Display name, choose Language.
  9. For Style, choose Dropdown.
  10. For Values, select Specific values.
  11. For Define specific values, enter English, German, Italian, and French (one value per line).
  12. Select Hide Select all option from the control values if the parameter has a default configured.
  13. Choose Add.
    Define control properties

The control is now available, linked to the parameter and displayed in the Controls section of the current sheet in the analysis.

Language control preview

Create dynamic multilingual calculated fields

You’re now ready to create the calculated fields whose value will change based on the currently selected language.

  1. In the menu bar, choose Add and choose Add calculated field.
    Add calculated field
  2. Use the ifelse conditional function to evaluate the value of the Language parameter and select the correct column in the dataset to assign the value to the calculated field.
  3. Create the Country calculated field using the following expression:
        ${Language} = 'English', {country_en},
        ${Language} = 'German', {country_de},
        ${Language} = 'Italian', {country_it},
        ${Language} = 'Spanish', {country_es},

  4. Choose Save.
    Calculated field definition in Amazon QuickSight
  5. Repeat the process for the City calculated field:
        ${Language} = 'English', {city_en},
        ${Language} = 'German', {city_de},
        ${Language} = 'Italian', {city_it},
        ${Language} = 'Spanish', {city_es},

  6. Repeat the process for the Industry calculated field:
        ${Language} = 'English', {industry_en},
        ${Language} = 'German', {industry_de},
        ${Language} = 'Italian', {industry_it},
        ${Language} = 'Spanish', {industry_es},

The calculated fields are now available and ready to use in the analysis.

Calculated fields available in analysis

Create an analysis with calculated multilingual calculated fields

Create an analysis with two donut charts and a pivot table that use the three multilingual fields. In the subtitle of the visuals, use the string Language: <<$Language>> to display the currently selected language. The following screenshot shows our analysis.

Analysis with Language control - English

If you choose a new language from the Language control, the visuals adapt accordingly. The following screenshot shows the analysis in Italian.

Analysis with Language control - Italian

You’re now ready to publish the analysis as a dashboard.

Publish the multilingual dashboard

In the menu bar, choose Share and Publish dashboard.

Publish dashboard menu

Publish the new dashboard as “Multilingual dashboard,” leave the advanced publish options at their default values, and choose Publish dashboard.

Publish dashboard with name

The dashboard is now ready.

Published dashboard

We can take the multilingual features one step further by embedding the dashboard and controlling the parameters in the external page using the Amazon QuickSight Embedding SDK.

Create parametric headers and titles for visuals for use in an embedded dashboard

When embedding an QuickSight dashboard, the locale and parameters’ values can be set programmatically from JavaScript. This can be useful to set default values and change the settings for localization and the default data language. The following steps show how to use these features by modifying the dashboard we have created so far, embedding it in an HTML page, and using the Amazon QuickSight Embedding SDK to dynamically set the value of parameters used to display titles, legends, headers, and more in translated text. The full code for the HTML page is also provided in the appendix of this post.

Create new parameters for the titles and the headers of the visuals in the analysis, the sheet name, visuals legends, and control labels as per the following table.

Name Data type Values Static default value
city String Single value City
country String Single value Country
donut01title String Single value Sales by Country
donut02title String Single value Quantity by Industry
industry String Single value Industry
Language String Single value English
languagecontrollabel String Single value Language
pivottitle String Single value Sales by Country, City and Industy
sales String Single value Sales
sheet001name String Single value Summary View

The parameters are now available on the Parameters menu.

You can now use the parameters inside each sheet title, visual title, legend title, column header, axis label, and more in your analysis. The following screenshots provide examples that illustrate how to insert these parameters into each title.

First, we insert the sheet name.

Then we add the language control name.

We edit the donut charts’ titles.

Donut chart title

We also add the donut charts’ legend titles.

Donut chart legend title

In the following screenshot, we specify the pivot table row names.

Pivot table row names

We also specify the pivot table column names.

Pivot table column names

Publish the analysis to a new dashboard and follow the steps in the post Embed interactive dashboards in your apps and portals in minutes with Amazon QuickSight’s new 1-click embedding feature to embed the dashboard in an HTML page hosted in your website or web application.

The example HTML page provided in the appendix of this post contains one control to switch among the four languages you created in the dataset in the previous sections with the option to automatically sync the QuickSight UI locale when changing the language, and one control to independently change the UI locale as required.

The following screenshots provide some examples of combinations of data language and QuickSight UI locale.

The following is an example of English data language with the English QuickSight UI locale.

Embedded dashboard with English language and English locale

The following is an example of Italian data language with the synchronized Italian QuickSight UI locale.

Embedded dashboard with Italian language and synced Italian locale

The following screenshot shows German data language with the Japanese QuickSight UI locale.

Embedded dashboard with German language and Japanese locale


This post demonstrated how to automatically translate data using machine learning and build a multilingual dashboard with Athena, QuickSight, and Amazon Translate, and how to add advanced multilingual features with QuickSight embedded dashboards. You can use the same approach to display different values for dimensions as well as metrics depending on the values of one or more parameters.

QuickSight provides a 30-day free trial subscription for four users; you can get started immediately. You can learn more and ask questions about QuickSight in the Amazon QuickSight Community.

Appendix: Embedded dashboard host page

The full code for the HTML page is as follows:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Amazon QuickSight Multilingual Embedded Dashboard</title>
        <script src="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/quicksight-embedding-js-sdk.min.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">

            var url = "https://<<YOUR_AMAZON_QUICKSIGHT_REGION>>.quicksight.aws.amazon.com/sn/embed/share/accounts/<<YOUR_AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>>/dashboards/<<DASHBOARD_ID>>?directory_alias=<<YOUR_AMAZON_QUICKSIGHT_ACCOUNT_NAME>>"
            var defaultLanguageOptions = 'en_US'
            var dashboard

            var trns = {
                en_US: {
                    locale: "en-US",
                    language: "English",
                    languagecontrollabel: "Language",
                    sheet001name: "Summary View",
                    sales: "Sales",
                    country: "Country",
                    city: "City",
                    industry: "Industry",
                    quantity: "Quantity",
                    by: "by",
                    and: "and"
                de_DE: {
                    locale: "de-DE",
                    language: "German",
                    languagecontrollabel: "Sprache",
                    sheet001name: "Zusammenfassende Ansicht",
                    sales: "Umsätze",
                    country: "Land",
                    city: "Stadt",
                    industry: "Industrie",
                    quantity: "Anzahl",
                    by: "von",
                    and: "und"
                it_IT: {
                    locale: "it-IT",
                    language: "Italian",
                    languagecontrollabel: "Lingua",
                    sheet001name: "Prospetto Riassuntivo",
                    sales: "Vendite",
                    country: "Paese",
                    city: "Città",
                    industry: "Settore",
                    quantity: "Quantità",
                    by: "per",
                    and: "e"
                es_ES: {
                    locale: "es-ES",
                    language: "Spanish",
                    languagecontrollabel: "Idioma",
                    sheet001name: "Vista de Resumen",
                    sales: "Ventas",
                    country: "Paìs",
                    city: "Ciudad",
                    industry: "Industria",
                    quantity: "Cantidad",
                    by: "por",
                    and: "y"

            function setLanguageParameters(l){

                return {
                            Language: trns[l]['language'],
                            languagecontrollabel: trns[l]['languagecontrollabel'],
                            sheet001name: trns[l]['sheet001name'],
                            donut01title: trns[l]['sales']+" "+trns[l]['by']+" "+trns[l]['country'],
                            donut02title: trns[l]['quantity']+" "+trns[l]['by']+" "+trns[l]['industry'],
                            pivottitle: trns[l]['sales']+" "+trns[l]['by']+" "+trns[l]['country']+", "+trns[l]['city']+" "+trns[l]['and']+" "+trns[l]['industry'],
                            sales: trns[l]['sales'],
                            country: trns[l]['country'],
                            city: trns[l]['city'],
                            industry: trns[l]['industry'],

            function embedDashboard(lOpts, forceLocale) {

                var languageOptions = defaultLanguageOptions
                if (lOpts) languageOptions = lOpts

                var containerDiv = document.getElementById("embeddingContainer");
                containerDiv.innerHTML = ''

                parameters = setLanguageParameters(languageOptions)

                if(!forceLocale) locale = trns[languageOptions]['locale']
                else locale = forceLocale

                var options = {
                    url: url,
                    container: containerDiv,
                    parameters: parameters,
                    scrolling: "no",
                    height: "AutoFit",
                    loadingHeight: "930px",
                    width: "1024px",
                    locale: locale

                dashboard = QuickSightEmbedding.embedDashboard(options);

            function onLangChange(langSel) {

                var l = langSel.value

                else {
                    var selLocale = document.getElementById("locale")
                    selLocale.value = trns[l]['locale']

            function onLocaleChange(obj) {

                var locl = obj.value
                var lang = document.getElementById("lang").value

                document.getElementById("changeLocale").checked = false


            function onSyncLocaleChange(obj){

                    var selLocale = document.getElementById('locale')
                    var selLang = document.getElementById('lang').value
                    selLocale.value = trns[selLang]['locale']
                    embedDashboard(selLang, trns[selLang]['locale'])


    <body onload="embedDashboard()">

        <div style="text-align: center; width: 1024px;">
            <h2>Amazon QuickSight Multilingual Embedded Dashboard</h2>

                <label for="lang">Language</label>
                <select id="lang" name="lang" onchange="onLangChange(this)">
                    <option value="en_US" selected>English</option>
                    <option value="de_DE">German</option>
                    <option value="it_IT">Italian</option>
                    <option value="es_ES">Spanish</option>

                <label for="changeLocale">Sync UI Locale with Language</label>
                <input type="checkbox" id="changeLocale" name="changeLocale" onchange="onSyncLocaleChange(this)">


                <label for="locale">QuickSight UI Locale</label>
                <select id="locale" name="locale" onchange="onLocaleChange(this)">
                    <option value="en-US" selected>English</option>
                    <option value="da-DK">Dansk</option>
                    <option value="de-DE">Deutsch</option>
                    <option value="ja-JP">日本語</option>
                    <option value="es-ES">Español</option>
                    <option value="fr-FR">Français</option>
                    <option value="it-IT">Italiano</option>
                    <option value="nl-NL">Nederlands</option>
                    <option value="nb-NO">Norsk</option>
                    <option value="pt-BR">Português</option>
                    <option value="fi-FI">Suomi</option>
                    <option value="sv-SE">Svenska</option>
                    <option value="ko-KR">한국어</option>
                    <option value="zh-CN">中文 (简体)</option>
                    <option value="zh-TW">中文 (繁體)</option>            

        <div id="embeddingContainer"></div>



About the Author

Author Francesco MarelliFrancesco Marelli is a principal solutions architect at Amazon Web Services. He is specialized in the design and implementation of analytics, data management, and big data systems. Francesco also has a strong experience in systems integration and design and implementation of applications. He is passionate about music, collecting vinyl records, and playing bass.