Tag Archives: Analytics

Create single output files for recipe jobs using AWS Glue DataBrew

Post Syndicated from Dhiraj Thakur original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/create-single-output-files-for-recipe-jobs-using-aws-glue-databrew/

AWS Glue DataBrew offers over 350 pre-built transformations to automate data preparation tasks (such as filtering anomalies, standardizing formats, and correcting invalid values) that would otherwise require days or weeks writing hand-coded transformations.

You can now choose single or multiple output files instead of autogenerated files for your DataBrew recipe jobs. You can generate a single output file when the output is small or downstream systems need to consume it more easily, such as visualization tools. Alternatively, you can specify your desired number of output files when configuring a recipe job. This gives you the flexibility to manage recipe job output for visualization, data analysis, and reporting, while helping prevent you from generating too many files. In some cases, you may also want to customize the output file partitions for efficient storage and transfer.

In this post, we walk you through how to connect and transform data from an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) data lake and configure the output as a single file via the DataBrew console.

Solution overview

The following diagram illustrates our solution architecture.

DataBrew queries sales order data from the S3 data lake and performs data transformation. Then the DataBrew job writes the final output back to the data lake in a single file.

To implement the solution, you complete the following high-level steps:

  1. Create a dataset.
  2. Create a DataBrew project using the dataset.
  3. Build a transformation recipe.
  4. Create and run a DataBrew recipe job on the full data.


To complete this solution, you should have an AWS account and the appropriate permissions to create the resources required as part of the solution.

You also need a dataset in Amazon S3. For our use case, we use a mock dataset. You can download the data files from GitHub. On the Amazon S3 console, upload all three CSV files to an S3 bucket.

Create a dataset

To create your dataset in DataBrew, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Datasets page of the DataBrew console, choose Connect new dataset.
  2. For Dataset name, enter a name (for example, order).
  3. Enter the S3 bucket path where you uploaded the data files as part of the prerequisite steps.
  4. Choose Select the entire folder.
  5. For File type¸ select CSV and choose Comma (,) for CSV delimiter.
  6. For Column header values, select Treat first row as header.
  7. Choose Create dataset.

Create a DataBrew project using the dataset

To create your DataBrew project, complete the following steps:

  1. On the DataBrew console, on the Projects page, choose Create project.
  2. For Project Name, enter valid-order.
  3. For Attached recipe, choose Create new recipe.
    The recipe name is populated automatically (valid-order-recipe).
  4. For Select a dataset, select My datasets.
  5. Select the order dataset.
  6. For Role name, choose the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role to be used with DataBrew.
  7. Choose Create project.

You can see a success message along with our Amazon S3 order table with 500 rows.

After the project is opened, a DataBrew interactive session is created. DataBrew retrieves sample data based on your sampling configuration selection.

Build a transformation recipe

In a DataBrew interactive session, you can cleanse and normalize your data using over 350 pre-built transformations. In this post, we use DataBrew to perform a few transforms and filter only valid orders with order amounts greater than $0.

To do this, you perform the following steps:

  1. Choose Column and choose Delete.
  2. For Source columns, choose the columns order_id, timestamp, and transaction_date.
  3. Choose Apply.
  4. We filter the rows based on an amount value greater than $0 and add the condition as a recipe step.
  5. To create a custom sort based on state, choose SORT and choose Ascending.
  6. For Source, choose the column state_name.
  7. Select Sort by custom values.
  8. Enter a list of state names separated by commas.
  9. Choose Apply.

The following screenshot shows the full recipe that we applied to our dataset.

Create and run a DataBrew recipe job on the full data

Now that we have built the recipe, we can create and run a DataBrew recipe job.

  1. On the project details page, choose Create job.
  2. For Job name, enter valid-order.
  3. For Output to, choose Amazon S3.
  4. Enter the S3 path to store the output file.
  5. Choose Settings.

For File output options, you have multiple options:

    • Autogenerate files – This is the default file output setting, which generates multiple files and usually results in the fastest job runtime
    • Single file output – This option generates a single output file
    • Multiple file output – With this option, you specify the maximum number of files you want to split your data into
  1. For this post, select Single file output.
  2. Choose Save.
  3. For Role name, choose the IAM role to be used with DataBrew.
  4. Choose Create and run job.
  5. Navigate to the Jobs page and wait for the product-wise-sales-job job to complete.
  6. Navigate to output S3 bucket to confirm that a single output file is stored there.

Clean up

To avoid incurring future charges, delete all the resources created during this walkthrough:

  1. Delete the recipe job valid-order.
  2. Empty the job output stored in your S3 bucket and delete the bucket.
  3. Delete the IAM roles created as part of your projects and jobs.
  4. Delete the project valid-order and its associated recipe valid-order-recipe.
  5. Delete the DataBrew datasets.


In this post, we showed how to connect and transform data from an S3 data lake and create a DataBrew dataset. We also demonstrated how we can bring data from our data lake into DataBrew, seamlessly apply transformations, and write the prepared data back to the data lake in a single output file.

To learn more, refer to Creating and working with AWS Glue DataBrew recipe jobs.

About the Author

Dhiraj Thakur is a Solutions Architect with Amazon Web Services. He works with AWS customers and partners to provide guidance on enterprise cloud adoption, migration, and strategy. He is passionate about technology and enjoys building and experimenting in the analytics and AI/ML space.

Let’s Architect! Modern data architectures

Post Syndicated from Luca Mezzalira original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/lets-architect-modern-data-architectures/

With the rapid growth in data coming from data platforms and applications, and the continuous improvements in state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms, data are becoming key assets for companies.

Modern data architectures include data mesh—a recent style that represents a paradigm shift, in which data is treated as a product and data architectures are designed around business domains. This type of approach supports the idea of distributed data, where each business domain focuses on the quality of the data it produces and exposes to the consumers.

In this edition of Let’s Architect!, we focus on data mesh and how it is designed on AWS, plus other approaches to adopt modern architectural patterns.

Design a data mesh architecture using AWS Lake Formation and AWS Glue

Domain Driven Design (DDD) is a software design approach where a solution is divided into domains aligned with business capabilities, software, and organizational boundaries. Unlike software architectures, most data architectures are often designed around technologies rather than business domains.

In this blog, you can learn about data mesh, an architectural pattern that applies the principles of DDD to data architectures. Data are organized into domains and considered the product that each team owns and offers for consumption.

A data mesh design organizes around data domains. Each domain owns multiple data products with their own data and technology stacks

A data mesh design organizes around data domains. Each domain owns multiple data products with their own data and technology stacks

Building Data Mesh Architectures on AWS

In this video, discover how to use the data mesh approach in AWS. Specifically, how to implement certain design patterns for building a data mesh architecture with AWS services in the cloud.

This is a pragmatic presentation to get a quick understanding of data mesh fundamentals, the benefits/challenges, and the AWS services that you can use to build it. This video provides additional context to the aforementioned blog post and includes several examples on the benefits of modern data architectures.

This diagram demonstrates the pattern for sharing data catalogs between producer domains and consumer domains

This diagram demonstrates the pattern for sharing data catalogs between producer domains and consumer domains

Build a modern data architecture on AWS with Amazon AppFlow, AWS Lake Formation, and Amazon Redshift

In this blog, you can learn how to build a modern data strategy using AWS managed services to ingest data from sources like Salesforce. Also discussed is how to automatically create metadata catalogs and share data seamlessly between the data lake and data warehouse, plus creating alerts in the event of an orchestrated data workflow failure.

The second part of the post explains how a data warehouse can be built by using an agile data modeling pattern, as well as how ELT jobs were quickly developed, orchestrated, and configured to perform automated data quality testing.

A data platform architecture and the subcomponents used to build it

A data platform architecture and the subcomponents used to build it

AWS Lake Formation Workshop

With a modern data architecture on AWS, architects and engineers can rapidly build scalable data lakes; use a broad and deep collection of purpose-built data services; and ensure compliance via unified data access, security, and governance. As data mesh is a modern architectural pattern, you can build it using a service like AWS Lake Formation.

Familiarize yourself with new technologies and services by not only learning how they work, but also to building prototypes and projects to gain hands-on experience. This workshop allows builders to become familiar with the features of AWS Lake Formation and its integrations with other AWS services.

A data catalog is a key component in a data mesh architecture. AWS Glue crawlers interact with data stores and other elements to populate the data catalog

A data catalog is a key component in a data mesh architecture. AWS Glue crawlers interact with data stores and other elements to populate the data catalog

See you next time!

Thanks for joining our discussion on data mesh! See you in a couple of weeks when we talk more about architectures and the challenges that we face every day while working with distributed systems.

Other posts in this series

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Crawl Delta Lake tables using AWS Glue crawlers

Post Syndicated from Kyle Duong original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/crawl-delta-lake-tables-using-aws-glue-crawlers/

In recent evolution in data lake technologies, it became popular to bring ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability) transactions on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). You can achieve that by introducing open-source data lake formats such as Apache Hudi, Apache Iceberg, and Delta Lake. Delta Lake is one of the common open-source data lake formats.

Delta Lake is available with multiple AWS services, such as AWS Glue Spark jobs, Amazon EMR, Amazon Athena, and Amazon Redshift Spectrum. To utilize Delta Lake from Glue Spark jobs, follow this blog series. To utilize Delta Lake from Athena and Redshift Spectrum, you need to have specific table definitions on the AWS Glue Data Catalog, and there is an extra step to make it queryable from Athena and Redshift Spectrum.

One of the key capabilities of Delta Lake and other data lake formats is reading consistent snapshot using ACID transactions. Even when there are many concurrent writes, you can guarantee consistent version of the tables at the specific point in time without retrieving intermediate or incomplete state. It is highly demanded capability especially in complex data pipelines.

AWS Glue crawlers are designed to populate table definitions on the Data Catalog based on data dynamically. This year, AWS Glue crawlers started supporting Delta Lake. It simplifies those use cases by creating table definitions of Delta tables dynamically, populating the metadata from the Delta Lake transaction logs, and creating the manifest files in Amazon S3 for Athena and Redshift Spectrum to consume. With Delta lake crawler, you can easily read consistent snapshot from Athena and Redshift Spectrum. AWS Glue crawler integration with Delta Lake also supports AWS Lake Formation access control. You can grant Lake Formation permissions on the Delta tables created by the crawler to AWS principals that then query through Athena and Redshift Spectrum to access data in Delta tables.

This post demonstrates how AWS Glue crawlers work with Delta tables, and describes typical use cases to query Delta tables.

How AWS Glue Crawler works with Delta Lake

Delta Lake provides an abstraction known as a Delta table that encapsulates all metadata, data files, and partitions under a transaction log. Delta Lake stores the metadata and schema within the distributed file system rather than in a central data catalog.

To access data using the Delta Lake protocol, Redshift Spectrum and Athena need a manifest file that lists all files that are associated to a particular Delta table, along with the table metadata populated in the AWS Glue Data Catalog. Traditionally, this manifest file creation required running a GENERATE symlink_format_manifest query on Apache Spark.

The AWS Glue crawler populates the metadata from the Delta Lake transaction log into the Data Catalog, and creates the manifest files in Amazon S3 for different query engines to consume. To simplify access to Delta tables, the crawler provides an option to select a Delta Lake data store, which encapsulates all parameters that are required for crawling. For each Delta Lake data store, the crawler scans the Delta table’s transaction log to detect metadata. It populates the _symlink_manifest folder with the manifest files that are partitioned by the partition keys, based on configuration parameters that you choose.

Crawl Delta Lake tables using AWS Glue Crawler

In this tutorial, let’s go through how to crawl delta tables using AWS Glue Crawler.


Complete the following prerequisite steps for this tutorial:

  1. Install and configure the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).
  2. Create your S3 bucket if you don’t have one.
  3. Create an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role for your AWS Glue crawler if you don’t have one. For instructions, refer to Create an IAM role for AWS Glue.
  4. Run the following command to copy the sample Delta table into your S3 bucket (replace your_s3_bucket with your S3 bucket name):
$ aws s3 sync s3://aws-bigdata-blog/artifacts/delta-lake-crawler/sample_delta_table/ s3://your_s3_bucket/data/sample_delta_table/

Create a Delta Lake crawler

You can create a Delta Lake crawler via the AWS Glue console, the AWS Glue SDK, or the AWS CLI. In the SDK, specify a DeltaTarget with the following configurations:

  • DeltaTables – A list of Amazon S3 DeltaPath values where the Delta tables are located. (Note that each path must be the parent of a _delta_log folder).
  • WriteManifest – A Boolean value indicating whether or not the crawler should write the manifest files for each DeltaPath.
  • ConnectionName – An optional connection name stored in the Data Catalog that the crawler should use to access Delta tables backed by a VPC.

To create your crawler on the AWS Glue console, complete the following steps:

  1. On the AWS Glue console, choose Crawlers in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create crawler.
  3. For Name, enter delta-lake-crawler, and choose Next.
  4. For Data source configuration, chooseNot yet.
  5. For Data source, choose Add a data source.
  6. For Data source, select Delta Lake.
  7. For Include delta lake table paths, enter s3://your_s3_bucket/data/sample_delta_table/.
  8. Select Enable write manifest, then choose Add a Delta Lake data source. Choose Next.
  9. For IAM role, under Existing IAM role, choose your IAM role, then choose Next.
  10. For Target database, choose Add database, then Create a database page is shown up.
    For Name, enter delta_lake, then choose Create database. Then come back to the previous page. For Target database, click the reload button, and select delta_lake database.
  11. For Frequency under Crawler schedule, choose On demand, then choose Next.
  12. Review your configuration, and choose Create crawler. You can trigger the crawler to run manually via the AWS Glue console, or through the SDK or AWS CLI using the StartCrawl API. You could also schedule a trigger via the AWS Glue console. For this post, we run the crawler via the AWS Glue console.
  13. Select delta-lake-crawler, and choose Run.
  14. Wait for the crawler to complete.

After the crawler runs, it writes a single manifest table in the Data Catalog for each DeltaPath under its configuration that has a valid Delta table. The manifest table uses the format SymlinkTextInputFormat and the manifest location s3://your_s3_bucket/data/sample_delta_table/_symlink_format_manifest/.

You can see the Delta table definition on the AWS Glue console. The table location points to the preceding manifest location.

The table definition also includes an AdditionalLocations field, which is an array that points to the location s3://your_s3_bucket/data/sample_delta_table/. You can access this additional field through the following AWS CLI command:

$ aws glue get-table --database delta_lake --name sample_delta_table
    "Table": {
        "Name": "sample_delta_table",
        "DatabaseName": "delta_lake",
        "Owner": "owner",
        "CreateTime": "2022-07-07T17:49:43+09:00",
        "UpdateTime": "2022-07-07T20:33:09+09:00",
        "LastAccessTime": "2022-07-07T17:49:43+09:00",
        "Retention": 0,
        "StorageDescriptor": {
            "Columns": [
                    "Name": "product_id",
                    "Type": "string"
                    "Name": "product_name",
                    "Type": "string"
                    "Name": "price",
                    "Type": "bigint"
                    "Name": "currency",
                    "Type": "string"
                    "Name": "category",
                    "Type": "string"
                    "Name": "updated_at",
                    "Type": "double"
            "Location": "s3://your_s3_bucket/data/sample_delta_table/_symlink_format_manifest/",
            "AdditionalLocations": [
            "InputFormat": "org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.SymlinkTextInputFormat",
            "OutputFormat": "org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat",
            "Compressed": false,
            "NumberOfBuckets": -1,
            "SerdeInfo": {
                "SerializationLibrary": "org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.parquet.serde.ParquetHiveSerDe",
                "Parameters": {}
            "BucketColumns": [],
            "SortColumns": [],
            "Parameters": {
                "CrawlerSchemaDeserializerVersion": "1.0",
                "CrawlerSchemaSerializerVersion": "1.0",
                "UPDATED_BY_CRAWLER": "delta-lake-crawler",
                "classification": "parquet"
            "StoredAsSubDirectories": false
        "PartitionKeys": [],
        "TableType": "EXTERNAL_TABLE",
        "Parameters": {
            "CrawlerSchemaDeserializerVersion": "1.0",
            "CrawlerSchemaSerializerVersion": "1.0",
            "UPDATED_BY_CRAWLER": "delta-lake-crawler",
            "classification": "parquet",
            "last_modified_by": "hadoop",
            "last_modified_time": "1657193589",
            "transient_lastDdlTime": "1657193589"
        "CreatedBy": "arn:aws:sts::123456789101:assumed-role/AWSGlueServiceRole-Default/AWS-Crawler",
        "IsRegisteredWithLakeFormation": false,
        "CatalogId": "123456789101",
        "IsRowFilteringEnabled": false,
        "VersionId": "1",
        "DatabaseId": "7cb01f36ebbc460eb2d4dcce2c91ed2b"

Query Delta tables

After you create the manifest table, AWS query engines such as Athena and Redshift Spectrum are able to query against the files by reading the manifest file locations to filter which data files to query in the Delta table.

Query from Athena

Athena users need to point their catalog to the AWS Glue Data Catalog. Open the Athena console in the same Region as where your table is registered in the Data Catalog, and confirm that the data source is set to AwsDataCatalog.

Now you’re ready to run queries on Athena. To access your Delta table, run the following query:

SELECT * FROM "delta_lake"."sample_delta_table" limit 10;

The following screenshot shows our output.

Query from Redshift Spectrum

Redshift Spectrum requires an external schema pointing to the database in which the Delta table was created.

To query with Redshift Spectrum, complete the following steps:

  1. Create an IAM role for an Amazon Redshift cluster with the following configuration:
    1. For permissions, use arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess, or your custom policy for reading your S3 bucket.
    2. Use the following trust relationship:
          "Version": "2012-10-17",
          "Statement": [
                  "Effect": "Allow",
                  "Principal": {
                      "Service": "redshift.amazonaws.com"
                  "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

    To lean more, visit IAM policies for Amazon Redshift Spectrum.

  2. Launch a new Redshift cluster with the following configuration:
    1. Choose dc2.large, 1 node.
    2. Configure the IAM role you created in step 1.
  3. Connect with the Amazon Redshift query editor v2.For instructions, see Querying a database using the query editor v2.
  4. Create an external schema for the delta_lake database to use in Redshift Spectrum (replace <your IAM role ARN> with your IAM role ARN):
    create external schema spectrum from data catalog 
    database 'delta_lake' 
    iam_role '<your IAM role ARN>'
    create external database if not exists;

  5. Run the following SQL against spectrum.sample_delta_table:
    SELECT * FROM "dev"."spectrum"."sample_delta_table" LIMIT 10

The following screenshot shows our output.

Limitations of Delta crawlers and manifest tables

When the data or schema in a Delta table is updated, the manifest tables in the AWS Glue Data Catalog may become out of sync. It means that you can still query the manifest table and get the consistent result, but the result of the table is at the previous point of time. To get the latest result, you must update the manifest tables using the crawler or manually update the manifest table through the AWS Glue SDK or AWS CLI. When you want to keep the manifest table up-to-date, you can run Delta Lake crawlers on a schedule (for example, once an hour).

When the Delta table data is updated, the manifest files under the _symlink_manifest folder of your Delta tables may also become out of sync, in which case you need to rerun a crawler with writeManifest enabled.

Use of Delta tables in EMR and Glue Spark

The delta lake crawler is designed for use in Athena, Redshift Spectrum, and other engines compatible with parquet-based manifest tables. For EMR Spark or Glue Spark jobs, you do not need to create a manifest table by running the delta lake crawler, instead, you can read from and write to delta table directly using Delta Lake library. You can follow this blog series to understand how to process Delta tables on Glue Spark jobs.

Secure Delta tables using Lake Formation permissions

Manifest tables created by the Delta Lake crawler support Lake Formation access control, including cell-level security. It allows Data Lake administrators to filter specific rows and columns for certain users of their manifest tables. Through the use of CreateDataCellFilter and GrantPermissions APIs, you can grant row and column filters to the Delta manifest table. You can query the Delta manifest table from Athena and Redshift Spectrum with the use of these filters configured on the Delta manifest tables.

To learn more about Lake Formation cell-level security, refer to the following blog posts:

Clean up

Now to the final step, cleaning up the resources:

  • Delete the Amazon Redshift cluster.
  • Delete your data under your S3 path: s3://your_s3_bucket/data/sample_delta_table/.
  • Delete the AWS Glue crawler delta-lake-crawler.
  • Delete the AWS Glue database delta_lake.


This post demonstrated how to crawl Delta tables using an AWS Glue crawler, and how to query against the crawled tables from Athena and Redshift Spectrum. With AWS Glue crawlers, the manifest files are automatically created, so you can easily integrate Delta tables with Athena and Redshift Spectrum without manual effort in maintaining manifest files. It also enables you to manage cell-level security on the Delta tables using Lake Formation permissions.

Let’s start using Glue crawlers for your own Delta tables. If you have comments or feedback, please feel free to leave them in the comments.

About the authors

Kyle Duong is a Software Development Engineer on the AWS Glue and AWS Lake Formation team. He is passionate about building big data technologies and distributed systems. In his free time, he enjoys cycling or playing basketball.

Noritaka Sekiyama is a Principal Big Data Architect on the AWS Glue team. He is responsible for building software artifacts to help customers. This summer, he enjoyed goldfish scooping with his children.

Interactively develop your AWS Glue streaming ETL jobs using AWS Glue Studio notebooks

Post Syndicated from Arun A K original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/interactively-develop-your-aws-glue-streaming-etl-jobs-using-aws-glue-studio-notebooks/

Enterprise customers are modernizing their data warehouses and data lakes to provide real-time insights, because having the right insights at the right time is crucial for good business outcomes. To enable near-real-time decision-making, data pipelines need to process real-time or near-real-time data. This data is sourced from IoT devices, change data capture (CDC) services like AWS Data Migration Service (AWS DMS), and streaming services such as Amazon Kinesis, Apache Kafka, and others. These data pipelines need to be robust, able to scale, and able to process large data volumes in near-real time. AWS Glue streaming extract, transform, and load (ETL) jobs process data from data streams, including Kinesis and Apache Kafka, apply complex transformations in-flight, and load it into a target data stores for analytics and machine learning (ML).

Hundreds of customers are using AWS Glue streaming ETL for their near-real-time data processing requirements. These customers required an interactive capability to process streaming jobs. Previously, when developing and running a streaming job, you had to wait for the results to be available in the job logs or persisted into a target data warehouse or data lake to be able to view the results. With this approach, debugging and adjusting code is difficult, resulting in a longer development timeline.

Today, we are launching a new AWS Glue streaming ETL feature to interactively develop streaming ETL jobs in AWS Glue Studio notebooks and interactive sessions.

In this post, we provide a use case and step-by-step instructions to develop and debug your AWS Glue streaming ETL job using a notebook.

Solution overview

To demonstrate the streaming interactive sessions capability, we develop, test, and deploy an AWS Glue streaming ETL job to process Apache Webserver logs. The following high-level diagram represents the flow of events in our job.
BDB-2464 High Level Application Architecture
Apache Webserver logs are streamed to Amazon Kinesis Data Streams. An AWS Glue streaming ETL job consumes the data in near-real time and runs an aggregation that computes how many times a webpage has been unavailable (status code 500 and above) due to an internal error. The aggregate information is then published to a downstream Amazon DynamoDB table. As part of this post, we develop this job using AWS Glue Studio notebooks.

You can either work with the instructions provided in the notebook, which you download when instructed later in this post, or follow along with this post to author your first streaming interactive session job.


To get started, click the Launch Stack button below, to run an AWS CloudFormation template on your AWS environment.


The template provisions a Kinesis data stream, DynamoDB table, AWS Glue job to generate simulated log data, and the necessary AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role and polices. After you deploy your resources, you can review the Resources tab on the AWS CloudFormation console for detailed information.

Set up the AWS Glue streaming interactive session job

To set up your AWS Glue streaming job, complete the following steps:

  1. Download the notebook file and save it to a local directory on your computer.
  2. On the AWS Glue console, choose Jobs in the navigation pane.
  3. Choose Create job.
  4. Select Jupyter Notebook.
  5. Under Options, select Upload and edit an existing notebook.
  6. Choose Choose file and browse to the notebook file you downloaded.
  7. Choose Create.
BDB-2464 Create Job
  1. For Job name¸ enter a name for the job.
  2. For IAM Role, use the role glue-iss-role-0v8glq, which is provisioned as part of the CloudFormation template.
  3. Choose Start notebook job.
BDB-2464 Start Notebook

You can see that the notebook is loaded into the UI. There are markdown cells with instructions as well as code blocks that you can run sequentially. You can either run the instructions on the notebook or follow along with this post to continue with the job development.

BDB-2464 Explore Notebook

Run notebook cells

Let’s run the code block that has the magics. The notebook has notes on what each magic does.

  1. Run the first cell.
BDB-2464 Run First Cell

After running the cell, you can see in the output section that the defaults have been reconfigured.

BDB-2464 Configurations Set

In the context of streaming interactive sessions, an important configuration is job type, which is set to streaming. Additionally, to minimize costs, the number of workers is set to 2 (default 5), which is sufficient for our use case that deals with a low-volume simulated dataset.

Our next step is to initialize an AWS Glue streaming session.

  1. Run the next code cell.
BDB-2464 Initiate Session

After we run this cell, we can see that a session has been initialized and a session ID is created.

A Kinesis data stream and AWS Glue data generator job that feeds into this stream have already been provisioned and triggered by the CloudFormation template. With the next cell, we consume this data as an Apache Spark DataFrame.

  1. Run the next cell.
BDB-2464 Fetch From Kinesis

Because there are no print statements, the cells don’t show any output. You can proceed to run the following cells.

Explore the data stream

To help enhance the interactive experience in AWS Glue interactive sessions, GlueContext provides the method getSampleStreamingDynamicFrame. It provides a snapshot of the stream in a static DynamicFrame. It takes three arguments:

  • The Spark streaming DataFrame
  • An options map
  • A writeStreamFunction to apply a function to every sampled record

Available options are as follows:

  • windowSize – Also known as the micro-batch duration, this parameter determines how long a streaming query will wait after the previous batch was triggered.
  • pollingTimeInMs – This is the total length of time the method will run. It starts at least one micro-batch to obtain sample records from the input stream. The time unit is milliseconds, and the value should be greater than the windowSize.
  • recordPollingLimit – This is defaulted to 100, and helps you set an upper bound on the number of records that is retrieved from the stream.

Run the next code cell and explore the output.

BDB-2464 Sample Data

We see that the sample consists of 100 records (the default record limit), and we have successfully displayed the first 10 records from the sample.

Work with the data

Now that we know what our data looks like, we can write the logic to clean and format it for our analytics.

Run the code cell containing the reformat function.

Note that Python UDFs aren’t the recommended way to handle data transformations in a Spark application. We use reformat() to exemplify troubleshooting. When working with a real-world production application, we recommend using native APIs wherever possible.

BDB-2464 Run The UDF

We see that the code cell failed to run. The failure was on purpose. We deliberately created a division by zero exception in our parser.

BDB-2464 Error Running The Code

Failure and recovery

In case of a regular AWS Glue job, for any error, the whole application exits, and you have to make code changes and resubmit the application. However, in case of interactive sessions, the coding context and definitions are fully preserved and the session is still operational. There is no need to bootstrap a new cluster and rerun all the preceding transformation. This allows you to focus on quickly iterating your batch function implementation to obtain the desired outcome. You can fix the defects and run them in a matter of seconds.

To test this out, go back to the code and comment or delete the erroneous line error_line=1/0 and rerun the cell.

BDB-2464 Error Corrected

Implement business logic

Now that we have successfully tested our parsing logic on the sample stream, let’s implement the actual business logic. The logics are implemented in the processBatch method within the next code cell. In this method, we do the following:

  • Pass the streaming DataFrame in micro-batches
  • Parse the input stream
  • Filter messages with status code >=500
  • Over a 1-minute interval, get the count of failures per webpage
  • Persist the preceding metric to a DynamoDB table (glue-iss-ddbtbl-0v8glq)
  1. Run the next code cell to trigger the stream processing.
BDB-2464 Trigger DDB Write
  1. Wait a few minutes for the cell to complete.
  2. On the DynamoDB console, navigate to the Items page and select the glue-iss-ddbtbl-0v8glq table.
BDB-2464 Explore DDB

The page displays the aggregated results that have been written by our interactive session job.

Deploy the streaming job

So far, we have been developing and testing our application using the streaming interactive sessions. Now that we’re confident of the job, let’s convert this into an AWS Glue job. We have seen that the majority of code cells are doing exploratory analysis and sampling, and aren’t required to be a part of the main job.

A commented code cell that represents the whole application is provided to you. You can uncomment the cell and delete all other cells. Another option would be to not use the commented cell, but delete just the two cells from the notebook that do the sampling or debugging and print statements.

To delete a cell, choose the cell and then choose the delete icon.

BDB-2464 Delete a Cell

Now that you have the final application code ready, save and deploy the AWS Glue job by choosing Save.

BDB-2464 Save Job

A banner message appears when the job is updated.

BDB-2464 Save Job Banner

Explore the AWS Glue job

After you save the notebook, you should be able to access the job like any regular AWS Glue job on the Jobs page of the AWS Glue console.

BDB-2464 Job Page

Additionally, you can look at the Job details tab to confirm the initial configurations, such as number of workers, have taken effect after deploying the job.

BDB-2464 Job Details Page

Run the AWS Glue job

If needed, you can choose Run to run the job as an AWS Glue streaming job.

BDB-2464 Job Run

To track progress, you can access the run details on the Runs tab.

BDB-2464 Job Run Details

Clean up

To avoid incurring additional charges to your account, stop the streaming job that you started as part of the instructions. Also, on the AWS CloudFormation console, select the stack that you provisioned and delete it.


In this post, we demonstrated how to do the following:

  • Author a job using notebooks
  • Preview incoming data streams
  • Code and fix issues without having to publish AWS Glue jobs
  • Review the end-to-end working code, remove any debugging, and print statements or cells from the notebook
  • Publish the code as an AWS Glue job

We did all of this via a notebook interface.

With these improvements in the overall development timelines of AWS Glue jobs, it’s easier to author jobs using the streaming interactive sessions. We encourage you to use the prescribed use case, CloudFormation stack, and notebook to jumpstart your individual use cases to adopt AWS Glue streaming workloads.

The goal of this post was to give you hands-on experience working with AWS Glue streaming and interactive sessions. When onboarding a productionized workload onto your AWS environment, based on the data sensitivity and security requirements, ensure you implement and enforce tighter security controls.

About the authors

Arun A K is a Big Data Solutions Architect with AWS. He works with customers to provide architectural guidance for running analytics solutions on the cloud. In his free time, Arun loves to enjoy quality time with his family.

Linan Zheng is a Software Development Engineer at AWS Glue Streaming Team, helping building the serverless data platform. His works involve large scale optimization engine for transactional data formats and streaming interactive sessions.

Roman Gavrilov is an Engineering Manager at AWS Glue. He has over a decade of experience building scalable Big Data and Event-Driven solutions. His team works on Glue Streaming ETL to allow near real time data preparation and enrichment for machine learning and analytics.

Shiv Narayanan is a Senior Technical Product Manager on the AWS Glue team. He works with AWS customers across the globe to strategize, build, develop, and deploy modern data platforms.

New row and column interactivity options for tables and pivot tables in Amazon QuickSight – Part 2

Post Syndicated from Bhupinder Chadha original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/part-2-new-row-and-column-interactivity-options-for-tables-and-pivot-tables-in-amazon-quicksight/

Amazon QuickSight is a fully-managed, cloud-native business intelligence (BI) service that makes it easy to create and deliver insights to everyone in your organization or even with your customers and partners. You can make your data come to life with rich interactive charts and create beautiful dashboards to share with thousands of users, either directly within a QuickSight application or embedded in web apps and portals.

In the previous post in this two-part series, we discussed drag handlers to alter height and width for rows, columns, and table headers. Now, let’s look at some of the new interactivity options for rows and columns for tables and pivot tables.

Hide or show fields for authors

Previously, authors could only hide fields in tables. Now we’re extending this feature to pivot tables as well. Authors can hide rows, columns, and values from either the field wells or from the column or row field headers in pivot tables. For easier identification, hidden fields are indicated with a cross eye icon; you can revert them back to visible using the Show all hidden fields option.

Let’s look at some of the use cases where this could be helpful:

  • Define actions on a pivot table and hide fields to save real estate – Sometimes, you may want to hide fields in a pivot table whose sole purpose is to enable actions, like opening another webpage and pass this hidden field as a parameter.
  • Use hidden fields to define a custom sort order – You can define a custom sort order for your pivot table using hidden fields, for example, defining a specific order for your PNL reports.
  • Display two tables side by side as a single visual – In the following example, we show sales by country, where table 1 displays the last 4 weeks of data and table 2 displays monthly data from the last 4 weeks.
  • Create butterfly tables – Another variation of displaying tables side by side is to create butterfly tables where values are displayed on both sides of the dimension. This is a great way to compare two sets of values. For example, you can compare the current month vs. a full year of data.

Export hidden fields for authors and readers

Not only can authors hide fields, they can also control the ability for readers to export data including the hidden fields or without them. When publishing the analysis, authors have the new option Enable export of hidden fields on supported visuals. When you select this option, readers are able to include hidden fields when exporting their data. The default setting is to keep this disabled and only allow readers to export visible data.

Based on the different scenarios, the following options show up for exporting data to CSV and Excel from tables and pivot tables.


In this post, we looked at the new capability of toggling row, column, and value field visibility on tables and pivot tables. We also discussed the various use cases for hiding fields and the new exporting options associated with field visibility, which can be controlled by authors. To learn more about table and pivot table formatting options, refer to Formatting tables and pivot tables in Amazon QuickSight.

Try out the new feature and share your feedback and questions in the comments section below.

About the author

Bhupinder Chadha is a senior product manager for Amazon QuickSight focused on visualization and front end experiences. He is passionate about BI, data visualization and low-code/no-code experiences. Prior to QuickSight he was the lead product manager for Inforiver, responsible for building a enterprise BI product from ground up. Bhupinder started his career in presales, followed by a small gig in consulting and then PM for xViz, an add on visualization product.

Enable federation to Amazon QuickSight accounts with Ping One

Post Syndicated from Srikanth Baheti original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/enable-federation-to-amazon-quicksight-accounts-with-ping-one/

Amazon QuickSight is a scalable, serverless, embeddable, machine learning (ML)-powered business intelligence (BI) service built for the cloud that supports identity federation in both Standard and Enterprise editions. Organizations are working towards centralizing their identity and access strategy across all of their applications, including on-premises, third-party, and applications on AWS. Many organizations use Ping One to control and manage user authentication and authorization centrally. If your organization uses Ping One for cloud applications, you can enable federation to all of your QuickSight accounts without needing to create and manage users in QuickSight. This authorizes users to access QuickSight assets—analyses, dashboards, folders, and datasets—through centrally managed Ping One.

In this post, we go through the steps to configure federated single sign-on (SSO) between a Ping One instance and a QuickSight account. We demonstrate registering an SSO application in Ping One, creating groups, and mapping to an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that translates to QuickSight user license types (admin, author, and reader). These QuickSight roles represent three different personas supported in QuickSight. Administrators can publish the QuickSight app in Ping One to enable users to perform SSO to QuickSight using their Ping credentials.


To complete this walkthrough, you must have the following prerequisites:

  • A Ping One subscription
  • One or more QuickSight account subscriptions

Solution overview

The walkthrough includes the following steps:

  1. Create groups in Ping One for each of the QuickSight user license types.
  2. Register an AWS application in Ping One.
  3. Add Ping One as your SAML identity provider (IdP) in AWS.
  4. Configure an IAM policy.
  5. Configure an IAM role.
  6. Configure your AWS application in Ping One.
  7. Test the application from Ping One.

Create groups in Ping One for each of the QuickSight roles

To create groups in Ping One, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the Ping One portal using an administrator account.
  2. Under Identities, choose Groups.
  3. Choose the plus sign to add a group.
  4. For Group Name, enter QuickSightReaders.
  5. Choose Save.
  6. Repeat these steps to create the groups QuickSightAdmins and QuickSightAuthors.

Register an AWS application in Ping One

To configure the integration of an AWS application in Ping One, you need to add AWS to your list of managed software as a service (SaaS) apps.

  1. Sign in to the Ping One portal using an administrator account.
  2. Under Connections, choose Application Catalog.
  3. In the search box, enter amazon web services.
  4. Choose Amazon Web Services – AWS from the results to add the application.  BDB-2210-Ping-AWS-APP
  5. For Name, enter Amazon QuickSight.
  6. Choose Next.
    BDB-2210-Ping-AWS-SAVEUnder Map Attributes, there should be four attributes.
  7. Delete the attribute related to SessionDuration.
  8. Choose Username as the value for all the remaining attributes for now.
    We update these values in later steps.
  9. Choose Next.
  10. In the Select Groups section, add the QuickSightAdmins, QuickSightAuthors, and QuickSightReaders groups you created.
  11. Choose Save.
  12. After the application is created, choose the application again and download the federation metadata XML.

You use this in the next step.

Add Ping One as your SAML IdP in AWS

To configure Ping One as your SAML IdP, complete the following steps:

  1. Open a new tab in your browser.
  2. Sign in to the IAM console in your AWS account with admin permissions.
  3. On the IAM console, under Access Management in the navigation pane, choose Identity providers.
  4. Choose Add provider.
  5. For Provider name, enter PingOne.
  6. Choose file to upload the metadata document you downloaded earlier.
  7. Choose Add provider.
  8. In the banner message that appears, choose View provider.
  9. Copy the IdP ARN to use in a later step.

Configure an IAM policy

In this step, you create an IAM policy to map three different roles with permissions in QuickSight.

Use the following steps to set up QuickSightUserCreationPolicy. This policy grants privileges in QuickSight to the federated user based on the assigned groups in Ping One.

  1. On the IAM console, choose Policies.
  2. Choose Create policy.
  3. On the JSON tab, replace the existing text with the following code:
       "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [ 
                "Sid": "VisualEditor0", 
                 "Effect": "Allow", 
                 "Action": "quicksight:CreateAdmin", 
                 "Resource": "*", 
                 "Condition": { 
                     "StringEquals": { 
                         "aws:PrincipalTag/user-role": "QuickSightAdmins" 
                 "Sid": "VisualEditor1", 
                 "Effect": "Allow", 
                 "Action": "quicksight:CreateUser", 
                 "Resource": "*", 
                 "Condition": { 
                     "StringEquals": { 
                         "aws:PrincipalTag/user-role": "QuickSightAuthors" 
                 "Sid": "VisualEditor2", 
                 "Effect": "Allow", 
                 "Action": "quicksight:CreateReader", 
                 "Resource": "*", 
                 "Condition": { 
                     "StringEquals": { 
                         "aws:PrincipalTag/user-role": "QuickSightReaders" 
  4. Choose Review policy.
  5. For Name, enter QuickSightUserCreationPolicy.
  6. Choose Create policy.

Configure an IAM role

Next, create the role that Ping One users assume when federating into QuickSight. Use the following steps to set up the federated role:

  1. On the IAM console, choose Roles.
  2. Choose Create role.
  3. For Trusted entity type, select SAML 2.0 federation.
  4. For SAML 2.0-based provider, choose the provider you created earlier (PingOne).
  5. Select Allow programmatic and AWS Management Console access.
  6. For Attribute, choose SAML:aud.
  7. For Value, enter https://signin.aws.amazon.com/saml.
  8. Choose Next.
  9. Under Permissions policies, select the QuickSightUserCreationPolicy IAM policy you created in the previous step.
  10. Choose Next.
  11. For Role name, enter QSPingOneFederationRole.
  12. Choose Create role.
  13. On the IAM console, in the navigation pane, choose Roles.
  14. Choose the QSPingOneFederationRole role you created to open the role’s properties.
  15. Copy the role ARN to use in later steps.
  16. On the Trust relationships tab, under Trusted entities, verify that the IdP you created is listed.
  17. Under Condition in the policy code, verify that SAML:aud with a value of https://signin.aws.amazon.com/saml is present.
  18. Choose Edit trust policy to add an additional condition.
  19. Under Condition, add the following code:
    "StringLike": {
    "aws:RequestTag/user-role": "*"

  20. Under Action, add the following code:


  21. Choose Update policy to save changes.

Configure an AWS application in Ping One

To configure your AWS application, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the Ping One portal using a Ping One administrator account.
  2. Under Connections, choose Application.
  3. Choose the Amazon QuickSight application you created earlier.
  4. On the Profile tab, choose Enable Advanced ConfigurationBDB-2210-Ping-AdvancedConfig
  5. Choose Enable in the pop-up window.
  6. On the Configuration tab, choose the pencil icon to edit the configuration.
  7. Under SIGNING KEY, select Sign Assertion & Response.
  8. Under SLO BINDING, for Assertion Validity Duration In Seconds, enter a duration, such as 900.
  9. For Target Application URL, enter https://quicksight.aws.amazon.com/.
  10. Choose Save.
    BDB-2210-Ping-AdvancedConfig5On the Attribute Mappings tab, you now add or update the attributes as in the following table.
Attribute Name Value
saml_subject Username
https://aws.amazon.com/SAML/Attributes/RoleSessionName Username
https://aws.amazon.com/SAML/Attributes/Role ‘arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxx:role/QSPingOneFederationRole,
https://aws.amazon.com/SAML/Attributes/PrincipalTag:user-role user.memberOfGroupNames[0]
  1. Enter https://aws.amazon.com/SAML/Attributes/PrincipalTag:user-role for the attribute name and use the corresponding value from the table for the expression.
  2. Choose Save.
  3. If you have more than one QuickSight user role (for this post, QuickSightAdmins, QuicksightAuthors, and QuickSightReaders), you can add all the appropriate role names as follows:
    #data.containsAny(user.memberOfGroupNames,{'QuickSightAdmins'})? 'QuickSightAdmins' : 
    #data.containsAny(user.memberOfGroupNames,{'QuickSightAuthorss'}) ? 'QuickSightAuthors' : 
    #data.containsAny(user.memberOfGroupNames,{'QuickSightReaders'}) ?'QuickSightReaders' : null

  4. To edit the role attribute, choose the gear icon next to the role.
  5. Populate the corresponding expression from the table and choose Save.

The format of the expression is the role ARN (copied in the role creation step) followed by the IdP ARN (copied in the IdP creation step) separated by a comma.

Test the application

In this section, you test your Ping One SSO configuration by using a Microsoft application.

  1. In the Ping One portal, under Identities, choose Groups.
  2. Choose a group and choose Add Users Individually.
  3. From the list of users, add the appropriate users to the group by choosing the plus sign.
  4. Choose Save.
  5. To test the connectivity, under Environment, choose Properties, then copy the URL under APPLICATION PORTAL URL.
  6. Browse to the URL in a private browsing window.
  7. Enter your user credentials and choose Sign On.
    Upon a successful sign-in, you’re redirected to the All Applications page with a new application called Amazon QuickSight.
  8. Choose the Amazon QuickSight application to be redirected to the QuickSight console.

Note in the following screenshot that the user name at the top of the page shows as the Ping One federated user.


This post provided step-by-step instructions to configure federated SSO between Ping One and the QuickSight console. We also discussed how to create policies and roles in IAM and map groups in Ping One to IAM roles for secure access to the QuickSight console.

For additional discussions and help getting answers to your questions, check out the QuickSight Community.

About the authors

Srikanth Baheti is a Specialized World Wide Sr. Solution Architect for Amazon QuickSight. He started his career as a consultant and worked for multiple private and government organizations. Later he worked for PerkinElmer Health and Sciences & eResearch Technology Inc, where he was responsible for designing and developing high traffic web applications, highly scalable and maintainable data pipelines for reporting platforms using AWS services and Serverless computing.

Raji Sivasubramaniam is a Sr. Solutions Architect at AWS, focusing on Analytics. Raji is specialized in architecting end-to-end Enterprise Data Management, Business Intelligence and Analytics solutions for Fortune 500 and Fortune 100 companies across the globe. She has in-depth experience in integrated healthcare data and analytics with wide variety of healthcare datasets including managed market, physician targeting and patient analytics.

Raj Jayaraman is a Senior Specialist Solutions Architect for Amazon QuickSight. Raj focuses on helping customers develop sample dashboards, embed analytics and adopt BI design patterns and best practices.

Top Amazon QuickSight features launched in Q2 2022

Post Syndicated from Sindhu Chandra original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/top-amazon-quicksight-features-launched-in-q2-2022/

Amazon QuickSight is a serverless, cloud-based business intelligence (BI) service that brings data insights to your teams and end-users through machine learning (ML)-powered dashboards and data visualizations, which can be accessed via QuickSight or embedded in apps and portals that your users access. This post shares the top QuickSight features and updates launched in Q2 2022 categorized into embedding, Amazon QuickSight Q, BI, and admin features.


QuickSight offers a new embedding feature:

  • 1-click public embedding – QuickSight now allows you to embed your dashboards into public applications, wikis, and portals without any coding or development. Once enabled, anyone on the internet can start accessing these embedded dashboards with up-to-date information instantly, without server deployments or infrastructure licensing needed! To learn how to empower your end-users with access to insights, visit Amazon QuickSight 1-click public embedding.

An embedded dashboard example showing metrics for a contact center

QuickSight Q

You can take advantage of the following updates in Q:

  • Programmatic question submission – Q can now accept full questions as input without requiring users to enter them when used in embedded mode. This new feature allows developers to create questions as widgets at appropriate placements on their web applications, making it easy for users to discover the capability to ask questions about data within the current context of their user journey. To learn more, see Amazon QuickSight Embedding SDK.
  • Experience Q before signing up – QuickSight authors can now try, learn, and experience Q before signing up. You can choose from six different sample topics to explore relevant dashboard visualizations and ask questions about data in the context of exploration to fully explore Q’s capability before signing up. Get started with a free trial for QuickSight Q.

User inputs a question in natural language about sales numbers for the month by segment and gets answers on the embedded dashboard.

Business intelligence

QuickSight now offers the following BI features:

  • Table row and column size control – QuickSight now provides the flexibility for both authors and readers to use drag controller to resize rows and columns in a table or pivot table visual. You can adjust both row height and column width. To learn more, see Resizing rows and columns in tables and pivot tables.

Animation showing how to use drag controllers to resize rows and columns in a table

  • Level-aware calculations – QuickSight now supports a suite of functions called level-aware calculations (LAC). The new calculation capability brings flexibility and simplification for users to build advanced calculations and powerful analyses. LAC enables you to specify the level of granularity you want the window functions or aggregate functions to be conducted at. For more information, refer to Using level-aware calculations in Amazon QuickSight.
  • Show or hide fields on pivot tables – QuickSight now provides authors the ability to show or hide any column, row, or value fields from the field well context menu on pivot table visuals. With the show/hide column feature, you can hide unwanted columns that are often used for custom actions for interactivity and provide a better visual presentation. For further details, visit Showing and hiding pivot table columns in Amazon QuickSight.
  • Rolling date functionality – QuickSight now enables authors to set up rolling dates to dynamically generate dashboards for end-users. You can set up rolling rules to fetch a date, such as today, yesterday, or different combinations of (start/end) of (this/previous/next) (year/quarter/month/week/day), and dynamically update the dashboard content To learn how to create date filters, visit Creating date filters in analyses.
  • Bookmarks in dashboards – QuickSight now supports bookmarks in dashboards. Bookmarks allow QuickSight readers to save customized dashboard preferences into a list of bookmarks for easy one-click access to specific views of the dashboard without having to manually make multiple filter and parameter changes every time you want to access your dashboard. For further details, visit Bookmarking views of a dashboard.
  • Custom subtotals at all levels – QuickSight now enables custom subtotals at all levels on pivot tables. QuickSight authors can now customize how subtotals are displayed in a pivot table, with options to display subtotals for last level, all levels, or selected level. This customization is available for both rows and columns. To learn more about custom subtotals, refer to Displaying Totals and Subtotals.


QuickSight offers the following new admin features:

  • Monitor deployments in real time – QuickSight now supports monitoring of QuickSight assets by sending metrics to Amazon CloudWatch. QuickSight developers and administrators can use these metrics to observe and respond to the availability and performance of their QuickSight ecosystem in near-real time. To learn how to monitor your QuickSight deployments in real time, visit Monitor your Amazon QuickSight deployments using the new Amazon CloudWatch integration.
  • Public API for account provisioning – QuickSight now supports APIs for QuickSight account creation. Administrators and developers can automate deployment of QuickSight accounts in their organization at scale. You can now programmatically create accounts with QuickSight Enterprise and Enterprise + Q editions. For more information on account creation, visit CreateAccountSubscription.
  • API for account creation – QuickSight now supports API-based allow listing of domains where QuickSight data visualizations can be embedded. With this new capability, developers can easily scale their embedded analytics offerings across different applications for different customers quickly without any infrastructure setup or management. To learn more, visit Scale Amazon QuickSight embedded analytics with new API-based domain allow listing.


QuickSight serves millions of dashboard views weekly, enabling data-driven decision-making in organizations of all sizes, including customers like the NFL, 3M, Accenture, and more.

To stay up to date on all things new with QuickSight, visit What’s New with Analytics!

About the Author

Sindhu Chandra is a Senior Product Marketing Manager for Amazon QuickSight, AWS’ cloud-native, business intelligence (BI) service that delivers easy-to-understand insights to anyone, wherever they are.

Set up and monitor AWS Glue crawlers using the enhanced AWS Glue UI and crawler history

Post Syndicated from Leonardo Gomez original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/set-up-and-monitor-aws-glue-crawlers-using-the-enhanced-aws-glue-ui-and-crawler-history/

A data lake is a centralized, curated, and secured repository that stores all your data, both in its original form and prepared for analysis. Setting up and managing data lakes today involves a lot of manual, complicated, and time-consuming tasks. AWS Glue and AWS Lake Formation make it easy to build, secure, and manage data lakes. As data from existing data stores is moved in the data lake, there is a need to catalog the data to prepare it for analytics from services such as Amazon Athena.

AWS Glue crawlers are a popular way to populate the AWS Glue Catalog. AWS Glue crawlers are a key component that allow you to connect to data sources or targets, use different classifiers to determine the logical schema for the data, and create metadata in the Data Catalog. You can run crawlers on a schedule, on demand, or triggered based on an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) event to ensure that the Data Catalog is up to date. Using S3 event notifications can reduce the cost and time a crawler needs to update large and frequently changing tables.

The AWS Glue crawlers UI has been redesigned to offer a better user experience, and new functionalities have been added. This new UI provides easier setup of crawlers across multiple sources, including Amazon S3, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Redshift, Amazon Aurora, Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility), Delta Lake, MariaDB, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB. A new AWS Glue crawler history feature has also been launched, which provides a convenient way to view crawler runs, their schedules, data sources, and tags. For each crawl, the crawler history offers a summary of data modifications such as changes in the database schema or Amazon S3 partition changes. Crawler history also provides DPU hours that can reduce the time to analyze and debug crawler operations and costs.

This post shows how to create an AWS Glue crawler that supports S3 event notification using the new UI. We also show how to navigate through the new crawler history section and get valuable insights.

Overview of solution

To demonstrate how to create an AWS Glue crawler using the new UI, we use the Toronto parking tickets dataset, specifically the data about parking tickets issued in the city of Toronto between 2017–2018. The goal is to create a crawler based on S3 events, run it, and explore the information showed in the UI about the run of this crawler.

As mentioned before, instead of crawling all the subfolders on Amazon S3, we use an S3 event-based approach. This helps improve the crawl time by using S3 events to identify the changes between two crawls by listing all the files from the subfolder that triggered the event instead of listing the full Amazon S3 target. For this post, we create an S3 event, Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon SNS) topic, and Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS ) queue.

The following diagram illustrates our solution architecture.


For this walkthrough, you should have the following prerequisites:

If the AWS account you use to follow this post uses Lake Formation to manage permissions on the AWS Glue Data Catalog, make sure that you log in as a user with access to create databases and tables. For more information, refer to Implicit Lake Formation permissions.

Launch your CloudFormation stack

To create your resources for this use case, complete the following steps:

  1. Launch your CloudFormation stack in us-east-1:
  2. Under Parameters, enter a name for your S3 bucket (include your account number).
  3. Select I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names.
  4. Choose Create stack.
  5. Wait until the creation of the stack is complete, as shown on the AWS CloudFormation console.
  6. On the stack’s Outputs tab, take note of the SQS queue ARN—we use it during the crawler creation process.

Launching this stack creates AWS resources. You need the following resources from the Outputs tab for the next steps:

  • GlueCrawlerRole – The IAM role to run AWS Glue jobs
  • BucketName – The name of the S3 bucket to store solution-related files
  • GlueSNSTopic – The SNS topic, which we use as the target for the S3 event
  • SQSArn – The SQS queue ARN; this queue is going to be consumed by the AWS Glue crawler

Create an AWS Glue crawler

Let’s first create the dataset that is going to be used as the source of the AWS Glue crawler:

  1. Open AWS CloudShell.
  2. Run the following command:
    aws s3 cp s3://aws-bigdata-blog/artifacts/gluenewcrawlerui/sourcedata/year=2017/Parking_Tags_Data_2017_2.csv s3://glue-crawler-blog-<YOUR ACCOUNT NUMBER>/torontotickets/year=2017/Parking_Tags_Data_2017_2.csv

    This action triggers an S3 event that sends a message to the SNS topic that you created using the CloudFormation template. This message is consumed by an SQS queue that will be input for the AWS Glue crawler.

    Now, let’s create the AWS Glue crawler.

  3. On the AWS Glue console, choose Crawlers in the navigation pane.
  4. Choose Create crawler.
  5. For Name, enter a name (for example, BlogPostCrawler).
  6. Choose Next.
  7. For Is your data already mapped to Glue tables, select Not yet.
  8. In the Data sources section, choose Add data source.

    For this post, you use an S3 dataset as a source.
  9. For Data source, choose S3.
  10. For Location of S3 data, select In this account.
  11. For S3 path, enter the path to the S3 bucket you created with the CloudFormation template (s3://glue-crawler-blog-YOUR ACCOUNT NUMBER/torontotickets/).
  12. For Subsequent crawler runs, select Crawl based on events.
  13. Enter the SQS queue ARN you created earlier.
  14. Choose Add a S3 data source.
  15. Choose Next.
  16. For Existing IAM role¸ choose the role you created (GlueCrawlerBlogRole).
  17. Choose Next.

    Now let’s create an AWS Glue database.
  18. Under Target database, choose Add database.
  19. For Name, enter blogdb.
  20. For Location, choose the S3 bucket created by the CloudFormation template.
  21. Choose Create database.
  22. On the Set output and scheduling page, for Target database, choose the database you just created (blogdb).
  23. For Table name prefix, enter blog.
  24. For Maximum table threshold, you can optionally set a limit for the number of tables that this crawler can scan. For this post, we leave this option blank.
  25. For Frequency, choose On demand.
  26. Choose Next.
  27. Review the configuration and choose Create crawler.

Run the AWS Glue crawler

To run the crawler, navigate to the crawler on the AWS Glue console.

Choose Run crawler.

On the Crawler runs tab, you can see the current run of the crawler.

Explore the crawler run history data

When the crawler is complete, you can see the following details:

  • Duration – The exact duration time of the crawler run
  • DPU hours – The number of DPU hours spent during the crawler run; this is very useful to calculate costs
  • Table changes – The changes applied to the table, like new columns or partitions

Choose Table changes to see the crawler run summary.

You can see the table blogtorontotickets was created, and also a 2017 partition.

Let’s add more data to the S3 bucket to see how the crawler processes this change.

  1. Open CloudShell.
  2. Run the following command:
    aws s3 cp s3://aws-bigdata-blog/artifacts/gluenewcrawlerui/sourcedata/year=2018/Parking_Tags_Data_2018_1.csv s3://glue-crawler-blog-<YOUR ACCOUNT NUMBER>/torontotickets/year=2018/Parking_Tags_Data_2018_1.csv

  3. Choose Run crawler to run the crawler one more time.

You can see the second run of the crawler listed.

Note that the DPU hours were reduced by more than half; this is because only one partition was scanned and added. Having an event-based crawler helps reduce runtime and cost.

You can choose the Table changes information of the second run to see more details.

Note under Partitions added, the 2018 partition was created.

Additional notes

Keep in mind the following considerations:

  • Crawler history is supported for crawls that have occurred since the launch date of the crawler history feature, and only retains up to 12 months of crawls. Older crawls will not be returned.
  • To set up a crawler using AWS CloudFormation, you can use following template.
  • You can get all the crawls of a specified crawler by using list-crawls APIs.
  • You can update existing crawlers with a single Amazon S3 target to use this new feature. You can do this either via the AWS Glue console or by calling the update_crawler API.

Clean up

To avoid incurring future charges, and to clean up unused roles and policies, delete the resources you created: the CloudFormation stack, S3 bucket, AWS Glue crawler, AWS Glue database, and AWS Glue table.


You can use AWS Glue crawlers to discover datasets, extract schema information, and populate the AWS Glue Data Catalog. AWS Glue crawlers now provide an easier-to-use UI workflow to set up crawlers and also provide metrics associated with past crawlers run to simplify monitoring and auditing. In this post, we provided a CloudFormation template to set up AWS Glue crawlers to use S3 event notifications, which reduces the time and cost needed to incrementally process table data updates in the AWS Glue Data Catalog. We also showed you how to monitor and understand the cost of crawlers.

Special thanks to everyone who contributed to the crawler history launch: Theo Xu, Jessica Cheng and Joseph Barlan.

Happy crawling!

About the authors

Leonardo Gómez is a Senior Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS. Based in Toronto, Canada, He has over a decade of experience in data management, helping customers around the globe address their business and technical needs. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

Sandeep Adwankar is a Senior Technical Product Manager at AWS. Based in the California Bay Area, he works with customers around the globe to translate business and technical requirements into products that enable customers to improve how they manage, secure, and access data.

New — Fine-Grained Visual Embedding Powered by Amazon QuickSight

Post Syndicated from Donnie Prakoso original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-fine-grained-visual-embedding-powered-by-amazon-quicksight/

Today, we are announcing a new feature, Fine-Grained Visual Embedding Powered by Amazon QuickSight. With this feature, individual visualizations from Amazon QuickSight dashboards can now be embedded in high-traffic webpages and applications. Additionally, this feature enables you to provide rich insights for your end-users where they need them the most, without server or software setup or infrastructure management.

This is a quick preview of this new feature:

Quick Preview of Fine-Grained Visual Embedding Powered by Amazon QuickSight

Quick Preview: Fine-Grained Visual Embedding Powered by Amazon QuickSight

New Feature: Fine-Grained Visual Embedding

Amazon QuickSight is a cloud-based embeddable and ML-powered business intelligence (BI) service that delivers interactive data visualizations, analysis, and reporting to enable data-driven decision-making within the organization and with the end user, without servers to manage.

Amazon QuickSight supports embedded analytics, a feature that enables you to incorporate branded analytics into internal portals or public sites. Customers can easily embed interactive dashboards, natural language querying (NLQ), or the complete BI-authoring experience seamlessly in their applications. This provides convenience for your end users to simplify the process of data-informed decisions.

Our customers want to be able to embed visuals from various dashboards into their applications and websites in order to bring forth deeply integrated data-driven experiences to enhance end user experiences. Previously, customers needed to build, scale, and maintain generation layer and charting libraries to embed individual visualizations.

With Fine-Grained Visual Embedding Powered by Amazon QuickSight, developers and ISVs now have the ability to embed any visuals from dashboards into their applications using APIs. As for enterprises, they can embed visuals into their internal sites using 1-Click Embedding. For end-users, Fine-Grained Visual Embedding provides a seamless and integrated experience to access a variety of key data visuals to get insights.

Here’s an example view where we can embed a visual using this feature in a sample web application page:

Sample Web App with a Visual

Sample Web App with a Visual

The embedded visuals are automatically updated when the source data changes or when the visual is updated. Embedded visuals scale automatically without the need to manage servers from your end and are optimized for high performance on high-traffic pages.

Get Started with Fine-Grained Visual Embedding

There are two ways to use Fine-Grained Visual Embedding, with 1-Click Embedding or using QuickSight APIs to generate the embed URL. The 1-Click Embedding feature makes it easy for nontechnical users to generate embed code that can be inserted directly into internal portals or public sites. Using APIs, ISVs and developers can embed rich visuals in their applications. Furthermore, with row-level security, data access is secured enabling users to access only their data.

To start using this feature, let’s turn to the Amazon QuickSight dashboard. Here, I already have a dashboard using a dataset that you can follow from the Create an Amazon QuickSight dashboard using sample data documentation.

Amazon QuickSight Dashboard Using Sample Data

Amazon QuickSight Dashboard Using Sample Data

Using 1-Click Embedding to Generate Embed Code

Amazon QuickSight supports 1-Click Embedding—a feature that allows you to get the embed code without any development efforts. There are two types of 1-Click Embedding: 1) 1-Click Enterprise Embedding and 2) 1-Click Public Embedding. With enterprise embedding, it allows you to enable access to the dashboard with registered users in your account. In public embedding, you can enable access to the dashboards for anyone.

To get the embed code via 1-Click Embedding, you can select the visual you want to embed, then select Menu Options and choose Embed visual.

Select "Embed visual" from Menu Options

Select Embed visual from Menu Options

Once you select Embed visual, you will get a new menu on the right side, which contains the details of the visual you selected.

Copy "Embed code"

Copy the Embed code

The Embed code section contains iframe code that you can insert into your application, portal, or website. Domains hosting these embedded visuals must be on an allow list, which you can learn more about on the Allow listing static domains page. This is a sample display of how the embed code is rendered:

Sample Display of Fine-Grained Visual Embedding Powered by Amazon QuickSight

Sample Display of Fine-Grained Visual Embedding Powered by Amazon QuickSight

When there is a change in the visual source within Amazon QuickSight, it will also be reflected within the web app or app where you embed your visuals. In addition, embedded visuals from QuickSight will automatically scale as traffic on the website grows.

From a customer’s perspective, 1-Click Embedding will help customers provide key data visuals from various dashboards in Amazon QuickSight for end users anywhere on their websites without requiring technical skills.

Programmatically Generate Embed URL

In addition to the 1-Click Embedding, you can also perform visual embedding through the API. To perform visual embedding through the API, you can use AWS CLI or SDK to call the API GenerateEmbedUrlForAnonymousUser or GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUser.

You can use the GenerateEmbedUrlForAnonymousUser API to embed visuals in your applications for your users without provisioning them in Amazon QuickSight.

You can also use GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUser API to embed visuals in your application for your users that are provisioned in Amazon QuickSight.

The API works by passing the ExperienceConfiguration parameter in DashboardVisual with the properties below:


Then, to get the IDs for DashboardSheet, and Visual, you can find the value of these properties under IDs for Developers menu section for the visual you selected.

IDs for Developers

IDs for Developers

Using CLI to Generate Embed URL

After collecting all the required IDs, we can pass them as parameters. Here’s an example API command to generate an embed URL:

aws quicksight generate-embed-url-for-anonymous-user \  
    --aws-account-id <ACCOUNT_ID> \  
    --session-lifetime-in-minutes 15 \          
    --authorized-resource-arns “<DASHBOARD_ARN>”           
    --namespace default           
    --experience-configuration '{"DashboardVisual": \
            "InitialDashboardVisualId": \
                    "DashboardId”:”<DASHBOARD_ID>”,  \
                    "SheetId”:”<SHEET_ID>”,  \
                    "VisualId”:”<VISUAL_ID”  \

If the request is successful, you will get the following response. You can then use the EmbedUrl property within your web or application.

    "Status": 200,  
    "EmbedUrl": “<EMBED_URL>”,  
    "RequestId": “<REQUEST_ID>”,  
    "AnonymousUserArn": “<ARN>”  

Using SDK to Generate Embed URL

In addition to the AWS CLI, generating embed URLs can also be done using the AWS SDK. Here’s an example in Python:

response = client.generate_embed_url_for_anonymous_user(  
        'DashboardVisual': {  
            'InitialDashboardVisualId': {  

With API, you have the flexibility to configure allowed domains at runtime. From the example above, you can pass your domains in AllowedDomains property.

When the request is successful, the API will return a successful response, along with a URL from Visual Embedding that can be inserted into external web apps. Example response as below:

    "Status": 200,  
    "RequestId": "<REQUEST_ID>”

Using the API approach gives developers the flexibility to programmatically generate embed URLs. Developers can specify the access for visuals for nonregistered and registered users in Amazon QuickSight.


To see Fine-Grained Visual Embedding Powered by Amazon QuickSight in action, have a look at this demo:

Pricing and Availability

You can use this new feature, Fine-Grained Visual Embedding in Amazon QuickSight Enterprise Edition, in all supported Regions. For more detailed information, please visit the documentation page.

Happy building,

— Donnie

How Fresenius Medical Care aims to save dialysis patient lives using real-time predictive analytics on AWS

Post Syndicated from Kanti Singh original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/how-fresenius-medical-care-aims-to-save-dialysis-patient-lives-using-real-time-predictive-analytics-on-aws/

This post is co-written by Kanti Singh, Director of Data & Analytics at Fresenius Medical Care.

Fresenius Medical Care is the world’s leading provider of kidney care products and services, and operates more than 2,600 dialysis centers in the US alone. The company provides comprehensive solutions for people living with chronic kidney disease and related conditions, with a mission to improve the quality of life of every patient, every day, by transforming healthcare through research, innovation, and compassion. Data analysis that leads to timely interventions is critical to this mission, and essential to reduce hospitalizations and prevent adverse events.

In this post, we walk you through the solution architecture, performance considerations, and how a research partnership with AWS around medical complexity led to an automated solution that helped deliver alerts for potential adverse events.

Why Fresenius Medical Care chose AWS

The Fresenius Medical Care technical team chose AWS as their preferred cloud platform for two key reasons.

First, we determined that AWS IoT Core was more mature than other solutions and would likely face fewer issues with deployment and certificates. As an organization, we wanted to go with a cloud platform that had a proven track record and established technical solutions and services in the IoT and data analytics space. This included Amazon Athena, which is an easy-to-use serverless service that you can use to run queries on data stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) for analysis.

Another factor that played a major role in our decision was the fact that AWS offered the largest set of serverless services for analytics than any other cloud provider. We ultimately determined that AWS innovations met the company’s current needs as well as positioned the company for the future as we worked to expand our predictive capabilities.

Solution overview

We needed to develop a near-real-time analytics solution that would collect dynamic dialysis machine data every 10 seconds during hemodialysis treatment in near-real time and personalize it to predict every 30 minutes if a patient is at a health risk for intradialytic hypotension (IDH) within the next 15–75 minutes. This solution needed to scale to all our dialysis centers nationwide, with each location sending 10 MBps of treatment data at peak times.

The complexities that needed to be managed in the solution included handling high throughput data, a low-latency time-sensitive solution of 10 seconds from data origination to reporting and notification, a highly available solution, and a cost-effective solution with on-demand scaling up or down based on data volume.

Fresenius Medical Care partnered with AWS on this mission and developed an architecture that met our technical and business requirements. Core components in the architecture included Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics, and Amazon SageMaker. We chose Kinesis Data Streams and Kinesis Data Analytics primarily because they’re serverless and highly available (99.9%), offer very high throughput, and are easy to scale. We chose SageMaker due to its unique capability that allows ease of building, training, and running machine learning (ML) models at scale.

The following diagram illustrates the architecture.

The solution consists of the following key components:

  1. Data collection
  2. Data ingestion and aggregation
  3. Data lake storage
  4. ML Inference and operational analytics

Let’s discuss each stage in the workflow in more detail.

Data collection

Dialysis machines located in Fresenius Medical Care centers help patients in the treatment of end-stage renal disease by performing hemodialysis. The dialysis machines provide immediate access to all treatment and clinical trending data across the fleet of hemodialysis machines in all centers in the US.

These machines transmit a data payload every 10 seconds to Kafka brokers located in Fresenius Medical Care’s on-premises data center for use by several applications.

Data ingestion and aggregation

We use a Kinesis-Kafka connector hosted on self-managed Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances to ingest data from a Kafka topic in near-real time into Kinesis Data Streams.

We use AWS Lambda to read the data points and filter the datasets accordingly to Kinesis Data Analytics. Upon reaching the batch size threshold, Lambda sends the data to Kinesis Data Analytics for instream analytics.

We chose Kinesis Data Analytics due to the ease-of-use it provides for SQL-based stream analytics. By using SQL with KDA (KDA Studio/Flink SQL), we can create dynamic features based on machine interval data arriving in real time. This data is joined with the patient demographic, historical clinical, treatment, and laboratory data (enriched with Amazon S3 data) to create the complete set of features required for a downstream ML model.

Data lake storage

Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose was the simplest way to consistently load streaming data to build a raw data lake in Amazon S3. Kinesis Data Firehose micro-batches data into 128 MB file sizes and delivers streaming data to Amazon S3.

Clinical datasets are required to enrich stream data sourced from on-premises data warehouses via AWS Glue Spark jobs on a nightly basis. The AWS Glue jobs extract patient demographic, historical clinical, treatment, and laboratory data from the data warehouse to Amazon S3 and transform machine data from JSON to Parquet format for better storage and retrieval costs in Amazon S3. AWS Glue also helps build the static features for the intradialytic hypotension (IDH) ML model, which are required for downstream ML inference.

ML Inference and Operational analytics

Lambda batches the stream data from Kinesis Data Analytics that has all the features required for IDH ML model inference.

SageMaker, a fully managed service, trains and deploys the IDH predictive model. The deployed ML model provides a SageMaker endpoint that is used by Lambda for ML inference.

Amazon OpenSearch Service helps store the IDH inference results it received from Lambda. The results are then used for visualization through Kibana, which displays a personalized health prediction dashboard visual for each patient undergoing treatment and is available in near-real time for the care team to provide intervention proactively.

Observability and traceability for failures

Because this solution offers the potential for life-saving interventions, it’s considered business critical. The following key measures are taken to proactively monitor the AWS jobs in Fresenius Medical Care’s VPC account:

  • For AWS Glue jobs that have failures and errors in Lambda functions, an immediate email and Amazon CloudWatch alert is sent to the Data Ops team for resolution.
  • CloudWatch alarms are also generated for Amazon OpenSearch Service whenever there are blocks on writes or the cluster is overloaded with shard capacity, CPU utilization, or other issues, as recommended by AWS.
  • Kinesis Data Analytics and Kinesis Data Streams generate data quality alerts on data rejections or empty results.
  • Data quality alerts are also generated whenever data quality rules on data points are mismatched. To check mismatched data, we use quality rule comparison and sanity checks between message payloads in the stream with data loaded in the data lake.

These systematic and automated monitoring and alerting mechanisms help our team stay one step ahead to ensure that systems are running smoothly and successfully, and any unforeseen problems can be resolved as quickly as possible before it causes any adverse impact on users of the system.

AWS partnership

After Fresenius Medical Care took advantage of the AWS Data Lab to create a working prototype within one week, expert Solutions Architects from AWS became trusted advisors, helping our team with prescriptive guidance from ideation to production. The AWS team helped with both solution-based and service-specific best practices, helped resolve key blockers in every phase from development through production, and performed architecture reviews to ensure the solution was robust and resilient to business needs.

Solution results

This solution allows Fresenius Medical Care to better personalize care to patients undergoing dialysis treatment with a proactive intervention by clinicians at the point of care that has the potential to save patient lives. The following are some of the key benefits due to this solution:

  • Cloud computing resources enable the development, analysis, and integration of real-time predictive IDH that can be easily and seamlessly scaled as needed to reach additional clinics.
  • The use of our tool may be particularly useful in institutions facing staff shortages and, possibly, during home dialysis. Additionally, it may provide insights on strategies to prevent and manage IDH.
  • The solution enables modern and innovative solutions that improve patient care by providing world-class research and data-driven insights.

This solution has been proven to scale to an acceptable performance level of 6,000 messages per second, translating to 19 MB/sec with 60,000/sec concurrent Lambda invocations. The ability to adapt by scaling up and down every component in the architecture with ease kept costs very low, which wouldn’t have been possible elsewhere.


Successful implementation of this solution led to a think big approach in modernizing several legacy data assets and has set Fresenius Medical Care on the path of building an enterprise unified data analytics platform on AWS using Amazon S3, AWS Glue, Amazon EMR, and AWS Lake Formation. The unified data analytics platform offers robust data security and data sharing for multi-tenants in various geographies across the US. Similar to Fresenius, you can accelerate time to market by using the right tool for the job, using the broad and deep variety of AWS analytic native services.

About the authors

Kanti Singh is a Director of Data & Analytics at Fresenius Medical Care, leading the big data platform, architecture, and the engineering team. She loves to explore new technologies and how to leverage them to solve complex business problems. In her free time, she loves traveling, dancing, and spending time with family.

Harsha Tadiparthi is a Specialist Principal Solutions Architect specialized in analytics at Amazon Web Services. He enjoys solving complex customer problems in databases and analytics, and delivering successful outcomes. Outside of work, he loves to spend time with his family, watch movies, and travel whenever possible.

Removing complexity to improve business performance: How Bridgewater Associates built a scalable, secure, Spark-based research service on AWS

Post Syndicated from Sergei Dubinin original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/removing-complexity-to-improve-business-performance-how-bridgewater-associates-built-a-scalable-secure-spark-based-research-service-on-aws/

This is a guest post co-written by Sergei Dubinin, Oleksandr Ierenkov, Illia Popov and Joel Thompson, from Bridgewater.

Bridgewater’s core mission is to understand how the world works by analyzing the drivers of markets and turning that understanding into high-quality portfolios and investment advice for our clients. Within Bridgewater Technology, we strive to make our researchers as productive as possible at what they do best: building the fundamental understanding of global markets. This means eliminating the need to deal with underlying IT infrastructure, and focusing on building and improving their investment ideas.

In this post, we examine our proprietary service in four dimensions. We talk about our business challenges, how we met our high security bar, how we can scale to meet the demands of the business, and how we do all of this in a cost-effective manner.


Our researchers’ demand for compute required to develop and test their investment logic is constantly growing. This consistent and aggressive growth in compute capacity was a driving force behind our initial decision to move to the public cloud.

Utilizing the scale of the AWS Cloud has allowed us to generate investment signals and views of the world that would have been impossible to do on premises. When we first moved this analytical workload to AWS, we built on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) along with other services such as Elastic Load Balancing, AWS Auto Scaling, and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) to provide core functionality. A short time later, we moved to the AWS Nitro System, completing jobs 20% faster—allowing our research teams to iterate more quickly on their investment ideas.

The next step in our evolution started 2 years ago when we adopted Apache Spark as the underlying compute engine for our investment logic execution service. This helped streamline our analytics pipeline, removing duplication and decoupling many of the plugins we were developing for our researchers. Rather than run Apache Spark ourselves, we chose Amazon EMR as a hosted Spark platform. However, we soon discovered that Amazon EMR on EC2 wasn’t a good fit for the way we wanted to use it. For example, we can’t predict when a researcher will submit a job, so to avoid having our researchers wait for a brand new EMR cluster to be created and bootstrapped, we used long-lived EMR clusters, which forced many different jobs to run on the same cluster. However, because a single EMR cluster can only exist in a single Availability Zone, our cluster was limited to only being able to launch instances in that Availability Zone. At the significant scale that we were operating at, individual Availability Zones started running out of our desired instance capacity to meet our needs. Although we could launch many different clusters across different Availability Zones, that would leave us handling job scheduling at a high level, which was the whole point of using Amazon EMR and Spark. Furthermore, to be as cost-efficient as possible, we wanted to continuously scale the number of nodes in the cluster based on demand, and as a result, we would churn through thousands of nodes a day. This constant churning of nodes caused job failures and additional operational overhead for our teams.

We brought these concerns to AWS, who took the lead in pushing these issues to resolution. AWS partnered closely with us to understand our use cases and the impact of job failures, and tirelessly worked with us to solve these challenges. Working with the Amazon EMR team, we narrowed down the problem to our aggressive scaling patterns, which the service could not handle at that time. Over the course of just a few months, the Amazon EMR team made several service improvements in the scaling mechanism to meet our needs and the needs of many other AWS customers.

While working closely with the Amazon EMR team on these issues, the AWS team informed us of the development of Amazon EMR on EKS, a managed service that would enable us to run Spark workloads on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS). Amazon EKS is a strategic platform for us across various business units at Bridgewater, and after doing a proof of concept of our workload using EMR on EKS, it became clear that this was a better fit for our use case and more aligned with our strategic direction. After migrating to EMR on EKS, we can now take advantage of capacity in multiple Availability Zones and improve our resiliency to EMR cluster issues or broader service events, while still meeting our high security bar.


Another important aspect of our service is ensuring it maintains the appropriate security posture. Among other concerns, Bridgewater strictly compartmentalizes access to different investment ideas, and we must defend against the possibility of a malicious insider attempting to steal our intellectual property or otherwise harm Bridgewater. To balance the trade-offs between speed and security, we designed security controls to defend against potentially malicious jobs, while enabling our researchers to quickly iterate on their code. This is made more complicated by the design of Spark’s Kubernetes backend. The Spark driver, which in our case is running arbitrary and untrusted code, has to be given Kubernetes role-based access control (RBAC) permissions to create Kubernetes Pods. The ability to create Pods is very powerful and can lead to privilege escalation.

Our first layer of isolation is to run each job in its own Kubernetes namespace (and, therefore, in its own EMR on EKS virtual cluster). A namespace and virtual cluster are created when the job is ready to be submitted, and they’re deleted when that job is finished. This prevents one job from interfering directly with another job, but there are still other vectors to defend against. For example, Spark drivers should not be creating Pods with containers that run as root or source their images from unapproved repositories. We first investigated PodSecurityPolicies for this purpose. However, they couldn’t solve all of our use cases (such as restricting where container images can be pulled from), and they are currently being deprecated and will eventually be removed. Instead, we turned to Open Policy Agent (OPA) Gatekeeper, which provides a flexible approach for writing policies in code that can do more complex authorization decisions and allows us to implement our desired suite of controls. We also worked with the AWS Service Team to add further defense in depth, such as ensuring that all Pods created by EMR on EKS dropped all Linux capabilities, which we could then enforce with Gatekeeper.

The following diagram illustrates how we can maintain the required job separation within our research service.


One of the largest motivations of our evolution to Spark on Amazon EMR and then on EMR on EKS was improving the efficiency of our resource utilization by aggressively scaling based on demand. Our fundamental cause-and-effect understanding of markets and economies is powered by our systematic, high-performance compute Spark grid. We run simulations at a constantly increasing scale and need an architecture that can scale up and meet our foreseeable business needs for the next several years.

Our platform runs two types of jobs: ad hoc interactive and scheduled batch. Each type of job brings its own scaling complexities, and both benefited from the evolution to EMR on EKS. Ad hoc jobs can be submitted at any time throughout business hours, and the simulation determines how much compute capacity is needed. For example, a particular job may need one EC2 instance or 100 EC2 instances. This can translate to hundreds of EC2 instances needing to be spun up or down within a few minutes. The scheduled batch jobs run periodically throughout the day with predetermined simulations and similarly translates to hundreds of EC2 instances spinning up or down. In total, scaling up and down by many hundreds of EC2 instances in a few minutes is common, and we needed a solution that could meet those business requirements.

For this specific problem, we needed a solution that was able to handle aggressive scaling events on the order of hundreds of EC2 instances per minute. Additionally, when operating at this scale, it’s important to both diversify instance types and spread jobs across Availability Zones. EMR on EKS empowers us to run fully-managed Spark jobs on an EKS cluster that spans multiple Availability Zones and provides the option to choose a heterogeneous set of instance types for Amazon EKS. Spanning a single EKS cluster across Availability Zones enables us to utilize compute capacity across the entire Region, thereby increasing instance diversity and availability for this workload. Because Spark jobs are running within containers on Amazon EKS, we can easily swap out instance types within the EKS cluster or run different instance types within the same cluster. As a result of these capabilities, we’re able to regularly scale our production service to approximately 1,600 EC2 instances totaling 25,000 cores at peak, running 3,000 jobs per day.

Finally, in late 2021, we conducted some scaling tests to see what the realistic limits of our service are. We are happy to share that we were able to scale our service to three times our normal daily size in terms of compute and simulations run. This exercise has validated that we will be able to meet the increase in business demand without committing additional engineering resources to do so.

Cost management

In addition to significantly increasing our ability to scale, we also were able to design the solution to be extremely cost effective. Prior to EMR on EKS, we had two options for Spark jobs: either self-managed on Amazon EC2 or using Amazon EMR on EC2. Self-managing on Amazon EC2 meant that we needed to manage the complexities of scheduling jobs on nodes, manage the Spark clusters themselves, and develop a separate application to provision and stop EC2 instances as Spark jobs ran to scale the workloads. Amazon EMR on EC2 provides a managed service to run Spark workloads on Amazon EC2. However, for customers like us who need to operate in multiple Availability Zones and already have a technology footprint on Kubernetes, EMR on EKS made more sense.

Moving to EMR on EKS enables us to scale dynamically as jobs are submitted, generating huge cost savings. Simulation capacity is right-sized within the range of a few minutes; something that is not possible with another solution. Additionally, our investment in Amazon EC2 Compute Savings Plans provides us with the savings and flexibility to meet our needs; we just need to specify how many compute hours we’re committed to in a particular Region and AWS handles the rest. You can read more about the cost benefits of EMR on EKS in Amazon EMR on Amazon EKS provides up to 61% lower costs and up to 68% performance improvement for Spark workloads.

The future

Although we’re currently meeting our key users’ needs, we have prioritized several improvements to our service for the future. First, we plan on replacing the Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler with Karpenter. Given our aggressive and frequent compute scaling, we have found that some jobs can be unexpectedly stopped using the Cluster Autoscaler. We experience this about six times a day. We expect Karpenter will greatly diminish the occurrence of this failure mode. To learn more about Karpenter, check out Introducing Karpenter – An Open-Source High-Performance Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler.

Second, we’re moving several complementary services that are currently running on EC2 to EKS. This will increase our ability to deploy meaningful improvements for our business and increase resiliency to service events.

Finally, we are making longer term efforts to improve our resiliency to regional service events. We are exploring broadening our operations to other AWS Regions, which would allow us to increase our service availability as well as maintain our burst capacity.


Working closely with AWS teams, we were able to develop a scalable, secure, and cost-optimized service on AWS that allows our researchers to generate larger and more complex investment ideas without worrying about IT infrastructure. Our service runs our Spark-based simulations across multiple Availability Zones at near-full utilization without having to worry about building or maintaining a scheduling platform. Finally, we are able to meet and surpass our security benchmarks by creating job separation using native AWS constructs at scale. This has given us tremendous confidence that our mission-critical data is safe in the AWS Cloud.

Through this close partnership with AWS, Bridgewater is poised to anticipate and meet the rigorous demands of our researchers for years to come; something that was not possible in our old data centers or with our prior architecture. Our President and CTO, Igor Tsyganskiy, recently spoke with AWS at length on this partnership. For the video of this discussion, check out Merging Business and Tech – Bridgewater’s Guide to Drive Agility.


  • Igor Tsyganskiy, President and Chief Technology Officer, Bridgewater
  • Aaron Linsky, Sr. Product Manager, Bridgewater
  • Gopinathan Kannan, Sr. Mgr. Engineering, Amazon Web Services
  • Vaibhav Sabharwal, Sr. Customer Solutions Manager, Amazon Web Services
  • Joseph Marques, Senior Principal Engineer, Amazon Web Services
  • David Brown, VP EC2, Amazon Web Services

About the authors

Sergei Dubinin is an Engineering Manager with Bridgewater. He is passionate about building big data processing systems that are suitable for a secure, stable, and performant use in production.

Oleksandr Ierenkov is a Solution Architect for EPAM Systems. He has focused on helping Bridgewater migrate in-house distributed systems to microservices on Kubernetes and various AWS-managed services with a focus on operational efficiency. Oleksandr is basically the same name as Alexander, only Ukrainian.

Anthony Pasquariello is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS based in New York City. He specializes in modernization and security for our advanced enterprise customers. Anthony enjoys writing and speaking about all things cloud. He’s pursuing an MBA, and received his MS and BS in Electrical & Computer Engineering.

Illia Popov is a Tech Lead for EPAM Systems. Illia has been working with Bridgewater since 2018 and was active in planning and implementing the migration to EMR on EKS. He is excited to continue delivering value to Bridgewater by adapting managed services in close cooperation with AWS.

Peter Sideris is a Sr. Technical Account Manager at AWS. He works with some of our largest and most complex customers to ensure their success in the AWS Cloud. Peter enjoys his family, marine reef keeping, and volunteers his time to the Boy Scouts of America in several capacities.

Joel Thompson is an Architect at Bridgewater Associates, where he has worked in a variety of technology roles over the past 13 years, including building some of the earliest foundations of AWS adoption at Bridgewater. He is passionate about solving complicated problems to securely deliver value to the business. Outside of work, Joel is an avid skier, helped co-found the fwd:cloudsec cloud security conference, and enjoys traveling to spend time with friends and family.

Reduce network traffic costs of your Amazon MSK consumers with rack awareness

Post Syndicated from Todd McGrath original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/reduce-network-traffic-costs-of-your-amazon-msk-consumers-with-rack-awareness/

Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) runs Apache Kafka clusters for you in the cloud. Although using cloud services means you don’t have to manage racks of servers any more, we take advantage of rack aware features in Apache Kafka to spread risk across AWS Availability Zones and increase availability of Amazon MSK services. Apache Kafka brokers have been rack aware since version 0.10. As the name implies, rack awareness provides a mechanism by which brokers can be configured to be aware of where they are physically located. We can use the broker.rack configuration variable to assign each broker a rack ID.

Why would a broker want to know where it’s physically located? Let’s explore two primary reasons. The first original reason revolves around designing for high availability (HA) and resiliency in Apache Kafka. The next reason, starting in Apache Kafka 2.4, can be utilized for cutting costs of your cross-Availability Zone traffic from consumer applications.

In this post, we review the HA and resiliency reason in Apache Kafka and Amazon MSK, then we dive deeper into how to reduce the costs of cross-Availability Zone traffic with rack aware consumers.

Rack awareness overview

The design decision for implementing rack awareness is actually quite simple, so let’s start with the key concepts. Because Apache Kafka is a distributed system, resiliency is a foundational construct that must be addressed. In other words, in a distributed system, one or more broker nodes going offline is a given and must be accounted for when running in production.

In Apache Kafka, one way to plan for this inevitability is through data replication. You can configure Apache Kafka with the topic replication factor. This setting indicates how many copies of the topic’s partition data should be maintained across brokers. A replication factor of 3 indicates the topic’s partitions should be stored on at least three brokers, as illustrated in the following diagram.

For more information on replication in Apache Kafka, including relevant terminology such as leader, replica, and followers, see Replication.

Now let’s take this a step further.

With rack awareness, Apache Kafka can choose to balance the replication of partitions on brokers across different racks according to the replication factor value. For example, in a cluster with six brokers configured with three racks (two brokers in each rack), and a topic replication factor of 3, replication is attempted across all three racks—a leader partition is on a broker in one rack, with replication to the other two brokers in each of the other two racks.

This feature becomes especially interesting when disaster planning for an Availability Zone going offline. How do we plan for HA in this case? Again, the answer is found in rack awareness. If we configure our broker’s broker.rack config setting based on the Availability Zone (or data center location) in which it resides for example, we can be resilient to Availability Zone failures. How does this work? We can build upon the previous example—in a six-node Kafka cluster deployed across three Availability Zones, two nodes are in each Availability Zone and configured with a broker.rack according to their respective Availability Zone. Therefore, a replication factor of 3 is attempted to store a copy of partition data in each Availability Zone. This means a copy of your topic’s data resides in each Availability Zone, as illustrated in the following diagram.

One of the many benefits of choosing to run your Apache Kafka workloads in Amazon MSK is the broker.rack variable on each broker is set automatically according to the Availability Zone in which it is deployed. For example, when you deploy a three-node MSK cluster across three Availability Zones, each node has a different broker.rack setting. Or, when you deploy a six-node MSK cluster across three Availability Zones, you have a total of three unique broker.rack values.

Additionally, a noteworthy benefit of choosing Amazon MSK is that replication traffic across Availability Zones is included with service. You’re not charged for broker replication traffic that crosses Availability Zone boundaries!

In this section, we covered the first reason for being Availability Zone aware: data produced is spread across all the Availability Zones for the cluster, improving durability and availability when there are issues at the Availability Zone level.

Next, let’s explore a second use of rack awareness—how to use it to cut network traffic costs of Kafka consumers.

Starting in Apache Kafka 2.4, KIP-392 was implemented to allow consumers to fetch from the closest replica.

Before closest replica fetching was allowed, all consumer traffic went to the leader of a partition, which could be in a different rack, or Availability Zone, than the client consuming data. But with capability from KIP-392 starting in Apache Kafka 2.4, we can configure our Kafka consumers to read from the closest replica brokers rather than the partition leader. This opens up the potential to avoid cross-Availability Zone traffic costs if a replica follower resides in the same Availability Zone as the consuming application. How does this happen? It’s built on the previously described rack awareness functionality in Apache Kafka brokers and extended to consumers.

Let’s cover a specific example of how to implement this in Amazon MSK and Kafka consumers.

Implement fetch from closest replica in Amazon MSK

In addition to needing to deploy Apache Kafka 2.4 or above (Amazon MSK or above), we need to set two configurations.

In this example, I’ve deployed a three-broker MSK cluster across three Availability Zones, which means one broker resides in each Availability Zone. In addition, I’ve deployed an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance in one of these Availability Zones. On this EC2 instance, I’ve downloaded and extracted Apache Kafka, so I can use the command line tools available such as kafka-configs.sh and kafka-topics.sh in the bin/ directory. It’s important to keep this in mind as we progress through the following sections of configuring Amazon MSK, and configuring and verifying the Kafka consumer.

For your convenience, I’ve provided an AWS CloudFormation template for this setup in the Resources section at the end of this post.

Amazon MSK configuration

There is one broker configuration and one consumer configuration that we need to modify in order to allow consumers to fetch from the closest replica. These are broker.rack on the consumers and replica.selector.class on the brokers.

As previously mentioned, Amazon MSK automatically sets a broker’s broker.rack setting according to Availability Zone. Because we’re using Amazon MSK in this example, this means the broker.rack configuration on each broker is already configured for us, but let’s verify that.

We can confirm the broker.rack setting in a few different ways. As one example, we can use the kafka-configs.sh script from my previously mentioned EC2 instance:

bin/kafka-configs.sh —broker 1 —all —describe —bootstrap-server $BOOTSTRAP | grep rack

Depending on our environment, we should receive something similar to the following result:

broker.rack=use1-az4 sensitive=false synonyms={STATIC_BROKER_CONFIG:broker.rack=use1-az4}

Note that BOOTSTRAP is just an environment variable set to my cluster’s bootstrap server connection string. I set it previously with export BOOTSTRAP=<cluster specific>;

For example: export BOOTSTRAP=b-1.myTestCluster.123z8u.c2.kafka.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:9092,b-2.myTestCluster.123z8u.c2.kafka.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:9092

For more information on bootstrap servers, refer to Getting the bootstrap brokers for an Amazon MSK cluster.

From the command results, we can see broker.rack is set to use1-az4 for broker 1. The value use1-az4 is determined from Availability Zone to Availability Zone ID mapping. You can view this mapping on the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) console on the Subnets page, as shown in the following screenshot.

In the preceding screenshot, we can see the Availability Zone ID use1-az4. We note this value for later use in our consumer configuration changes.

The broker setting we need to set is replica.selector.class. In this case, the default value for the configuration in Amazon MSK is null. See the following code:

bin/kafka-configs.sh —broker 1 —all —describe —bootstrap-server $BOOTSTRAP | grep replica.selector

This results in the following:

replica.selector.class=null sensitive=false synonyms={}

That’s ok, because Amazon MSK allows replica.selector.class to be overridden. For more information, refer to Custom MSK configurations.

To override this setting, we need to associate a cluster configuration with this key set to org.apache.kafka.common.replica.RackAwareReplicaSelector. For example, I’ve updated and applied the configuration of the MSK cluster used in this post with the following:

auto.create.topics.enable = true
delete.topic.enable = true
log.retention.hours = 8
replica.selector.class = org.apache.kafka.common.replica.RackAwareReplicaSelector

The following screenshot shows the configuration.

To learn more about applying cluster configurations, see Amazon MSK configuration.

After updating the cluster’s configuration with this configuration, we can verify it’s active in the brokers with the following code:

bin/kafka-configs.sh —broker 1 —all —describe —bootstrap-server $BOOTSTRAP | grep replica.selector

We get the following results:

replica.selector.class=org.apache.kafka.common.replica.RackAwareReplicaSelector sensitive=false synonyms={STATIC_BROKER_CONFIG:replica.selector.class=org.apache.kafka.common.replica.RackAwareReplicaSelector}

With these two broker settings in place, we’re ready to move on to the consumer configuration.

Kafka consumer configuration and verification

In this section, we cover an example of running a consumer that is rack aware vs. one that is not. We verify by examining log files in order to compare the results of different configuration settings.

To perform this comparison, let’s create a topic with six partitions and replication factor of 3:

bin/kafka-topics.sh —create —topic order —partitions 6 —replication-factor 3 —bootstrap-server $BOOTSTRAP

A replication factor of 3 means the leader partition is in one Availability Zone, while the two replicas are distributed across each remaining Availability Zone. This provides a convenient setup to test and verify our consumer because the consumer is deployed in one of these Availability Zones. This allows us to test and confirm that the consumer never crosses Availability Zone boundaries to fetch because either the leader partition or replica copy is always available from the broker in the same Availability Zone as the consumer.

Let’s load sample data into the order topic using the MSK Data Generator with the following configuration:

"name": "msk-data-generator",
    "config": {
    "connector.class": "com.amazonaws.mskdatagen.GeneratorSourceConnector",
    "genkp.order.with": "#{Internet.uuid}",
    "genv.order.product_id.with": "#{number.number_between '101','200'}",
    "genv.order.quantity.with": "#{number.number_between '1','5'}",
    "genv.order.customer_id.with": "#{number.number_between '1','5000'}"

How to use the MSK Data Generator is beyond the scope of this post, but we generate sample data to the order topic with a random key (Internet.uuid) and key pair values of product_id, quantity, and customer_id. For our purposes, it’s important the generated key is random enough to ensure the data is evenly distributed across partitions.

To verify our consumer is reading from the closest replica, we need to turn up the logging. Because we’re using the bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh script included with Apache Kafka distribution, we can update the config/tools-log4j.properties file to influence the logging of scripts run in the bin/ directory, including kafka-console-consumer.sh. We just need to add one line:


The following code is the relevant portion from my config/tools-log4j.properties file:

log4j.rootLogger=WARN, stderr

log4j.appender.stderr.layout.ConversionPattern=[%d] %p %m (%c)%n

Now we’re ready to test and verify from a consumer.

Let’s consume without rack awareness first:

bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh —topic order —bootstrap-server $BOOTSTRAP

We get results such as the following:

[2022-04-27 17:58:23,232] DEBUG [Consumer clientId=consumer-console-consumer-51138-1, groupId=console-consumer-51138] Handling ListOffsetResponse response for order-0. Fetched offset 30, timestamp -1 (org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.Fetcher)
[2022-04-27 17:58:23,215] DEBUG [Consumer clientId=consumer-console-consumer-51138-1, groupId=console-consumer-51138] Sending ListOffsetRequest (type=ListOffsetRequest, replicaId=-1, partitionTimestamps={order-3={timestamp: -1, maxNumOffsets: 1, currentLeaderEpoch: Optional[0]}, order-0={timestamp: -1, maxNumOffsets: 1, currentLeaderEpoch: Optional[0]}}, isolationLevel=READ_UNCOMMITTED) to broker b-1.mskcluster-msk.jcojml.c23.kafka.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:9092 (id: 1 rack: use1-az2) (org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.Fetcher)
[2022-04-27 17:58:23,216] DEBUG [Consumer clientId=consumer-console-consumer-51138-1, groupId=console-consumer-51138] Sending ListOffsetRequest (type=ListOffsetRequest, replicaId=-1, partitionTimestamps={order-4={timestamp: -1, maxNumOffsets: 1, currentLeaderEpoch: Optional[0]}, order-1={timestamp: -1, maxNumOffsets: 1, currentLeaderEpoch: Optional[0]}}, isolationLevel=READ_UNCOMMITTED) to broker b-2.mskcluster-msk.jcojml.c23.kafka.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:9092 (id: 2 rack: use1-az4) (org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.Fetcher)
[2022-04-27 17:58:23,216] DEBUG [Consumer clientId=consumer-console-consumer-51138-1, groupId=console-consumer-51138] Sending ListOffsetRequest (type=ListOffsetRequest, replicaId=-1, partitionTimestamps={order-5={timestamp: -1, maxNumOffsets: 1, currentLeaderEpoch: Optional[0]}, order-2={timestamp: -1, maxNumOffsets: 1, currentLeaderEpoch: Optional[0]}}, isolationLevel=READ_UNCOMMITTED) to broker b-3.mskcluster-msk.jcojml.c23.kafka.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:9092 (id: 3 rack: use1-az1) (org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.Fetcher)
[2022-04-27 17:58:23,230] DEBUG [Consumer clientId=consumer-console-consumer-51138-1, groupId=console-consumer-51138] Handling ListOffsetResponse response for order-5. Fetched offset 31, timestamp -1 (org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.Fetcher)
[2022-04-27 17:58:23,231] DEBUG [Consumer clientId=consumer-console-consumer-51138-1, groupId=console-consumer-51138] Handling ListOffsetResponse response for order-2. Fetched offset 20, timestamp -1 (org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.Fetcher)
[2022-04-27 17:58:23,232] DEBUG [Consumer clientId=consumer-console-consumer-51138-1, groupId=console-consumer-51138] Handling ListOffsetResponse response for order-3. Fetched offset 18, timestamp -1 (org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.Fetcher)

We get rack: values as use1-az2, use1-az4, and use1-az1. This will vary for each cluster.

This is expected because we’re generating data evenly across the order topic partitions and haven’t configured kafka-console-consumer.sh to fetch from followers yet.

Let’s stop this consumer and rerun it to fetch from the closest replica this time. The EC2 instance in this example is located in Availability Zone us-east-1, which means the Availability Zone ID is use1-az1, as previously discussed. To set this in our consumer, we need to set the client.rack configuration property as shown when running the following command:

bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --topic order --bootstrap-server $BOOTSTRAP --consumer-property client.rack=use1-az1

Now, the log results show a difference:

[2022-04-27 18:04:18,200] DEBUG [Consumer clientId=consumer-console-consumer-99846-1, groupId=console-consumer-99846] Added READ_UNCOMMITTED fetch request for partition order-2 at position FetchPosition{offset=30, offsetEpoch=Optional[0], currentLeader=LeaderAndEpoch{leader=Optional[b-3.mskcluster-msk.jcojml.c23.kafka.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:9092 (id: 3 rack: use1-az1)], epoch=0}} to node b-3.mskcluster-msk.jcojml.c23.kafka.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:9092 (id: 3 rack: use1-az1) (org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.Fetcher)
[2022-04-27 18:04:18,200] DEBUG [Consumer clientId=consumer-console-consumer-99846-1, groupId=console-consumer-99846] Added READ_UNCOMMITTED fetch request for partition order-1 at position FetchPosition{offset=19, offsetEpoch=Optional.empty, currentLeader=LeaderAndEpoch{leader=Optional[b-2.mskcluster-msk.jcojml.c23.kafka.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:9092 (id: 2 rack: use1-az4)], epoch=0}} to node b-3.mskcluster-msk.jcojml.c23.kafka.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:9092 (id: 3 rack: use1-az1) (org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.Fetcher)
[2022-04-27 18:04:18,200] DEBUG [Consumer clientId=consumer-console-consumer-99846-1, groupId=console-consumer-99846] Added READ_UNCOMMITTED fetch request for partition order-0 at position FetchPosition{offset=39, offsetEpoch=Optional[0], currentLeader=LeaderAndEpoch{leader=Optional[b-1.mskcluster-msk.jcojml.c23.kafka.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:9092 (id: 1 rack: use1-az2)], epoch=0}} to node b-3.mskcluster-msk.jcojml.c23.kafka.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:9092 (id: 3 rack: use1-az1) (org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.Fetcher)

For each log line, we now have two rack: values. The first rack: value shows the current leader, the second rack: shows the rack that is being used to fetch messages.

For a specific example, consider the following line from the preceding example code:

[2022-04-27 18:04:18,200] DEBUG [Consumer clientId=consumer-console-consumer-99846-1, groupId=console-consumer-99846] Added READ_UNCOMMITTED fetch request for partition order-0 at position FetchPosition{offset=39, offsetEpoch=Optional[0], currentLeader=LeaderAndEpoch{leader=Optional[b-1.mskcluster-msk.jcojml.c23.kafka.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:9092 (id: 1 rack: use1-az2)], epoch=0}} to node b-3.mskcluster-msk.jcojml.c23.kafka.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:9092 (id: 3 rack: use1-az1) (org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.Fetcher)

The leader is identified as rack: use1-az2, but the fetch request is sent to use1-az1 as indicated by to node b-3.mskcluster-msk.jcojml.c23.kafka.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:9092 (id: 3 rack: use1-az1) (org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.Fetcher).

You’ll see something similar in all other log lines. The fetch is always to the broker in use1-az1.

And there we have it! We’re consuming from the closest replica.


With closest replica fetch, you can save as much as two-thirds of your cross-Availability Zone traffic charges when consuming from Kafka topics, because your consumers can read from replicas in the same Availability Zone instead of having to cross Availability Zone boundaries to read from the leader. In this post, we provided a background on Apache Kafka rack awareness and how Amazon MSK automatically sets brokers to be rack aware according to Availability Zone deployment. Then we demonstrated how to configure your MSK cluster and consumer clients to take advantage of rack awareness and avoid cross-Availability Zone network charges.


You can use the following CloudFormation template to create the example MSK cluster and EC2 instance with Apache Kafka downloaded and extracted. Note that this template requires the described WorkshopMSKConfig custom MSK configuration to be pre-created before running the template.

About the author

Todd McGrath is a data streaming specialist at Amazon Web Services where he advises customers on their streaming strategies, integration, architecture, and solutions. On the personal side, he enjoys watching and supporting his 3 teenagers in their preferred activities as well as following his own pursuits such as fishing, pickleball, ice hockey, and happy hour with friends and family on pontoon boats. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

Set up federated access to Amazon Athena for Microsoft AD FS users using AWS Lake Formation and a JDBC client

Post Syndicated from Mostafa Safipour original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/set-up-federated-access-to-amazon-athena-for-microsoft-ad-fs-users-using-aws-lake-formation-and-a-jdbc-client/

Tens of thousands of AWS customers choose Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) as their data lake to run big data analytics, interactive queries, high-performance computing, and artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) applications to gain business insights from their data. On top of these data lakes, you can use AWS Lake Formation to ingest, clean, catalog, transform, and help secure your data and make it available for analysis and ML. Once you have setup your data lake, you can use Amazon Athena which is an interactive query service that makes it easy to analyze data in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) using standard SQL.

With Lake Formation, you can configure and manage fine-grained access control to new or existing databases, tables, and columns defined in the AWS Glue Data Catalog for data stored in Amazon S3. After you set access permissions using Lake Formation, you can use analytics services such as Amazon Athena, Amazon Redshift, and Amazon EMR without needing to configure policies for each service.

Many of our customers use Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) as their identity provider (IdP) while using cloud-based services. In this post, we provide a step-by-step walkthrough of configuring AD FS as the IdP for SAML-based authentication with Athena to query data stored in Amazon S3, with access permissions defined using Lake Formation. This enables end-users to log in to their SQL client using Active Directory credentials and access data with fine-grained access permissions.

Solution overview

To build the solution, we start by establishing trust between AD FS and your AWS account. With this trust in place, AD users can federate into AWS using their AD credentials and assume permissions of an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role to access AWS resources such as the Athena API.

To create this trust, you add AD FS as a SAML provider into your AWS account and create an IAM role that federated users can assume. On the AD FS side, you add AWS as a relying party and write SAML claim rules to send the right user attributes to AWS (specifically Lake Formation) for authorization purposes.

The steps in this post are structured into the following sections:

  1. Set up an IAM SAML provider and role.
  2. Configure AD FS.
  3. Create Active Directory users and groups.
  4. Create a database and tables in the data lake.
  5. Set up the Lake Formation permission model.
  6. Set up a SQL client with JDBC connection.
  7. Verify access permissions.

The following diagram provides an overview of the solution architecture.

The flow for the federated authentication process is as follows:

  1. The SQL client which has been configured with Active Directory credentials sends an authentication request to AD FS.
  2. AD FS authenticates the user using Active Directory credentials, and returns a SAML assertion.
  3. The client makes a call to Lake Formation, which initiates an internal call with AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) to assume a role with SAML for the client.
  4. Lake Formation returns temporary AWS credentials with permissions of the defined IAM role to the client.
  5. The client uses the temporary AWS credentials to call the Athena API StartQueryExecution.
  6. Athena retrieves the table and associated metadata from the AWS Glue Data Catalog.
  7. On behalf of the user, Athena requests access to the data from Lake Formation (GetDataAccess). Lake Formation assumes the IAM role associated with the data lake location and returns temporary credentials.
  8. Athena uses the temporary credentials to retrieve data objects from Amazon S3.
  9. Athena returns the results to the client based on the defined access permissions.

For our use case, we use two sample tables:

  • LINEORDER – A fact table containing orders
  • CUSTOMER – A dimension table containing customer information including Personally Identifiable Information (PII) columns (c_name, c_phone, c_address)

We also have data consumer users who are members of the following teams:

  • CustomerOps – Can see both orders and customer information, including PII attributes of the customer
  • Finance – Can see orders for analytics and aggregation purposes but only non-PII attributes of the customer

To demonstrate this use case, we create two users called CustomerOpsUser and FinanceUser and three AD groups for different access patterns: data-customer (customer information access excluding PII attributes), data-customer-pii (full customer information access including PII attributes), and data-order (order information access). By adding the users to these three groups, we can grant the right level of access to different tables and columns.


To follow along with this walkthrough, you must meet the following prerequisites:

Set up an IAM SAML provider and role

To set up your SAML provider, complete the following steps:

  1. In the IAM console, choose Identity providers in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Add provider.
  3. For Provider Type, choose SAML.
  4. For Provider Name, enter adfs-saml-provider.
  5. For Metadata Document, download your AD FS server’s federation XML file by entering the following address in a browser with access to the AD FS server:

  6. Upload the file to AWS by choosing Choose file.
  7. Choose Add provider to finish.

Now you’re ready to create a new IAM role.

  1. In the navigation pane, choose Roles.
  2. Choose Create role.
  3. For the type of trusted entity, choose SAML 2.0 federation.
  4. For SAML provider, choose the provider you created (adfs-saml-provider).
  5. Choose Allow programmatic and AWS Management Console access.
  6. The Attribute and Value fields should automatically populate with SAML:aud and https://signin.aws.amazon.com/saml.
  7. Choose Next:Permissions.
  8. Add the necessary IAM permissions to this role. For this post, attach AthenaFullAccess.

If the Amazon S3 location for your Athena query results doesn’t start with aws-athena-query-results, add another policy to allow users write query results into your Amazon S3 location. For more information, see Specifying a Query Result Location Using the Athena Console and Writing IAM Policies: How to Grant Access to an Amazon S3 Bucket.

  1. Leave the defaults in the next steps and for Role name, enter adfs-data-access.
  2. Choose Create role.
  3. Take note of the SAML provider and IAM role names to use in later steps when creating the trust between the AWS account and AD FS.

Configure AD FS

SAML-based federation has two participant parties: the IdP (Active Directory) and the relying party (AWS), which is the service or application that wants to use authentication from the IdP.

To configure AD FS, you first add a relying party trust, then you configure SAML claim rules for the relying party. Claim rules are the way that AD FS forms a SAML assertion sent to a relying party. The SAML assertion states that the information about the AD user is true, and that it has authenticated the user.

Add a relying party trust

To create your relying party in AD FS, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the AD FS server.
  2. On the Start menu, open ServerManger.
  3. On the Tools menu, choose the AD FS Management console.
  4. Under Trust Relationships in the navigation pane, choose Relying Party Trusts.
  5. Choose Add Relying Party Trust.
  6. Choose Start.
  7. Select Import data about the relying party published online or on a local network and enter the URL https://signin.aws.amazon.com/static/saml-metadata.xml.

The metadata XML file is a standard SAML metadata document that describes AWS as a relying party.

  1. Choose Next.
  2. For Display name, enter a name for your relying party.
  3. Choose Next.
  4. Select I do not want to configure multi-factor authentication.

For increased security, we recommend that you configure multi-factor authentication to help protect your AWS resources. We don’t enable multi-factor authentication for this post because we’re using a sample dataset.

  1. Choose Next.
  2. Select Permit all users to access this relying party and choose Next.

This allows all users in Active Directory to use AD FS with AWS as a relying party. You should consider your security requirements and adjust this configuration accordingly.

  1. Finish creating your relying party.

Configure SAML claim rules for the relying party

You create two sets of claim rules in this post. The first set (rules 1–4) contains AD FS claim rules that are required to assume an IAM role based on AD group membership. These are the rules that you also create if you want to establish federated access to the AWS Management Console. The second set (rules 5–6) are claim rules that are required for Lake Formation fine-grained access control.

To create AD FS claim rules, complete the following steps:

  1. On the AD FS Management console, find the relying party you created in the previous step.
  2. Right-click the relying party and choose Edit Claim Rules.
  3. Choose Add Rule and create your six new rules.
  4. Create claim rule 1, called NameID:
    1. For Rule template, use Transform an Incoming Claim.
    2. For Incoming claim type, choose Windows account name.
    3. For Outgoing claim type, choose Name ID.
    4. For Outgoing name ID format, choose Persistent Identifier.
    5. Select Pass through all claim values.
  5. Create claim rule 2, called RoleSessionName:
    1. For Rule template, use Send LDAP Attribute as Claims.
    2. For Attribute store, choose Active Directory.
    3. For Mapping of LDAP attributes to outgoing claim types, add the attribute E-Mail-Addresses and outgoing claim type https://aws.amazon.com/SAML/Attributes/RoleSessionName.
  6. Create claim rule 3, called Get AD Groups:
    1. For Rule template, use Send Claims Using a Custom Rule.
    2. For Custom rule, enter the following code:
      c:[Type == "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/windowsaccountname", Issuer == "AD AUTHORITY"]
      => add(store = "Active Directory", types = ("http://temp/variable"), query = ";tokenGroups;{0}", param = c.Value);

  7. Create claim rule 4, called Roles:
    1. For Rule template, use Send Claims Using a Custom Rule.
    2. For Custom rule, enter the following code (enter your account number and name of the SAML provider you created earlier):
      c:[Type == "http://temp/variable", Value =~ "(?i)^aws-"]
      => issue(Type = "https://aws.amazon.com/SAML/Attributes/Role", Value = RegExReplace(c.Value, "aws-", "arn:aws:iam::<AWS ACCOUNT NUMBER>:saml-provider/<adfs-saml-provider>,arn:aws:iam::<AWS ACCOUNT NUMBER>:role/"));

Claim rules 5 and 6 allow Lake Formation to make authorization decisions based on user name or the AD group membership of the user.

  1. Create claim rule 5, called LF-UserName, which passes the user name and SAML assertion to Lake Formation:
    1. For Rule template, use Send LDAP Attributes as Claims.
    2. For Attribute store, choose Active Directory.
    3. For Mapping of LDAP attributes to outgoing claim types, add the attribute User-Principal-Name and outgoing claim type https://lakeformation.amazon.com/SAML/Attributes/Username.
  2. Create claim rule 6, called LF-Groups, which passes data and analytics-related AD groups that the user is a member of, along with the SAML assertion to Lake Formation:
    1. For Rule template, use Send Claims Using a Custom Rule.
    2. For Custom rule, enter the following code:
      c:[Type == "http://temp/variable", Value =~ "(?i)^data-"]
      => issue(Type = "https://lakeformation.amazon.com/SAML/Attributes/Groups", Value = c.Value);

The preceding rule snippet filters AD group names starting with data-. This is an arbitrary naming convention; you can adopt your preferred naming convention for AD groups that are related to data lake access.

Create Active Directory users and groups

In this section, we create two AD users and required AD groups to demonstrate varying levels of access to the data.

Create users

You create two AD users: FinanceUser and CustomerOpsUser. Each user corresponds to an individual who is a member of the Finance or Customer business units. The following table summarizes the details of each user.


FinanceUser CustomerOpsUser
First Name FinanceUser CustomerOpsUser
User logon name [email protected] [email protected]
Email [email protected] [email protected]

To create your users, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Server Manager Dashboard, on the Tools menu, choose Active Directory Users and Computers.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Users.
  3. On the tool bar, choose the Create user icon.
  4. For First name, enter FinanceUser.
  5. For Full name, enter FinanceUser.
  6. For User logon name, enter [email protected].
  7. Choose Next.
  8. Enter a password and deselect User must change password at next logon.

We choose this option for simplicity, but in real-world scenarios, newly created users must change their password for security reasons.

  1. Choose Next.
  2. In Active Directory Users and Computers, choose the user name.
  3. For Email, enter [email protected].

Adding an email is mandatory because it’s used as the RoleSessionName value in the SAML assertion.

  1. Choose OK.
  2. Repeat these steps to create CustomerOpsUser.

Create AD groups to represent data access patterns

Create the following AD groups to represent three different access patterns and also the ability to assume an IAM role:

  • data-customer – Members have access to non-PII columns of the customer table
  • data-customer-pii – Members have access to all columns of the customer table, including PII columns
  • data-order – Members have access to the lineorder table
  • aws-adfs-data-access – Members assume the adfs-data-access IAM role when logging in to AWS

To create the groups, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Server Manager Dashboard, on the Tools menu, choose Active Directory Users and Computers.
  2. On the tool bar, choose the Create new group icon.
  3. For Group name¸ enter data-customer.
  4. For Group scope, select Global.
  5. For Group type¸ select Security.
  6. Choose OK.
  7. Repeat these steps to create the remaining groups.

Add users to appropriate groups

Now you add your newly created users to their appropriate groups, as detailed in the following table.

User Group Membership Description
CustomerOpsUser data-customer-pii
Sees all customer information including PII and their orders
FinanceUser data-customer
Sees only non-PII customer data and orders

Complete the following steps:

  1. On the Server Manager Dashboard, on the Tools menu, choose Active Directory Users and Computers.
  2. Choose the user FinanceUser.
  3. On the Member Of tab, choose Add.
  4. Add the appropriate groups.
  5. Repeat these steps for CustomerOpsUser.

Create a database and tables in the data lake

In this step, you copy data files to an S3 bucket in your AWS account by running the following AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) commands. For more information on how to set up the AWS CLI, refer to Configuration Basics.

These commands copy the files that contain data for customer and lineorder tables. Replace <BUCKET NAME> with the name of an S3 bucket in your AWS account.

aws s3 sync s3://awssampledb/load/ s3://<BUCKET NAME>/customer/ \
--exclude "*" --include "customer-fw.tbl-00*" --exclude "*.bak"

aws s3api copy-object --copy-source awssampledb/load/lo/lineorder-single.tbl000.gz \
--key lineorder/lineorder-single.tbl000.gz --bucket <BUCKET NAME> \
--tagging-directive REPLACE

For this post, we use the default settings for storing data and logging access requests within Amazon S3. You can enhance the security of your sensitive data with the following methods:

  • Implement encryption at rest using AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) and customer managed encryption keys
  • Use AWS CloudTrail and audit logging
  • Restrict access to AWS resources based on the least privilege principle

Additionally, Lake Formation is integrated with CloudTrail, a service that provides a record of actions taken by a user, role, or AWS service in Lake Formation. CloudTrail captures all Lake Formation API calls as events and is enabled by default when you create a new AWS account. When activity occurs in Lake Formation, that activity is recorded as a CloudTrail event along with other AWS service events in event history. For audit and access monitoring purposes, all federated user logins are logged via CloudTrail under the AssumeRoleWithSAML event name. You can also view specific user activity based on their user name in CloudTrail.

To create a database and tables in the Data Catalog, open the query editor on the Athena console and enter the following DDL statements. Replace <BUCKET NAME> with the name of the S3 bucket in your account.

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE salesdata.customer
    c_custkey VARCHAR(10),
    c_name VARCHAR(25),
    c_address VARCHAR(25),
    c_city VARCHAR(10),
    c_nation VARCHAR(15),
    c_region VARCHAR(12),
    c_phone VARCHAR(15),
    c_mktsegment VARCHAR(10)
-- The data files contain fixed width columns hence using RegExSerDe
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.RegexSerDe'
    "input.regex" = "(.{10})(.{25})(.{25})(.{10})(.{15})(.{12})(.{15})(.{10})"
LOCATION 's3://<BUCKET NAME>/customer/';

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE salesdata.lineorder(
  `lo_orderkey` int, 
  `lo_linenumber` int, 
  `lo_custkey` int, 
  `lo_partkey` int, 
  `lo_suppkey` int, 
  `lo_orderdate` int, 
  `lo_orderpriority` varchar(15), 
  `lo_shippriority` varchar(1), 
  `lo_quantity` int, 
  `lo_extendedprice` int, 
  `lo_ordertotalprice` int, 
  `lo_discount` int, 
  `lo_revenue` int, 
  `lo_supplycost` int, 
  `lo_tax` int, 
  `lo_commitdate` int, 
  `lo_shipmode` varchar(10))
LOCATION 's3://<BUCKET NAME>/lineorder/';

Verify that tables are created and you can see the data:

SELECT * FROM "salesdata"."customer" limit 10;
SELECT * FROM "salesdata"."lineorder" limit 10;

Set up the Lake Formation permission model

Lake Formation uses a combination of Lake Formation permissions and IAM permissions to achieve fine-grained access control. The recommended approach includes the following:

  • Coarse-grained IAM permissions – These apply to the IAM role that users assume when running queries in Athena. IAM permissions control access to Lake Formation, AWS Glue, and Athena APIs.
  • Fine-grained Lake Formation grants – These control access to Data Catalog resources, Amazon S3 locations, and the underlying data at those locations. With these grants, you can give access to specific tables or only columns that contain specific data values.

Configure IAM role permissions

Earlier in the walkthrough, you created the IAM role adfs-data-access and attached the AWS managed IAM policy AthenaFullAccess to it. This policy has all the permissions required for the purposes of this post.

For more information, see the Data Analyst Permissions section in Lake Formation Personas and IAM Permissions Reference.

Register an S3 bucket as a data lake location

The mechanism to govern access to an Amazon S3 location using Lake Formation is to register a data lake location. Complete the following steps:

  1. On the Lake Formation console, choose Data lake locations.
  2. Choose Register location.
  3. For Amazon S3 path, choose Browse and locate your bucket.
  4. For IAM role, choose AWSServiceRoleForLakeFormationDataAccess.

In this step, you specify an IAM service-linked role, which Lake Formation assumes when it grants temporary credentials to integrated AWS services that access the data in this location. This role and its permissions are managed by Lake Formation and can’t be changed by IAM principals.

  1. Choose Register location.

Configure data permissions

Now that you have registered the Amazon S3 path, you can give AD groups appropriate permissions to access tables and columns in the salesdata database. The following table summarizes the new permissions.

Database and Table AD Group Name Table Permissions Data Permissions
salesdata.customer data-customer Select c_city, c_custkey, c_mktsegment, c_nation, and c_region
salesdata.customer data-customer-pii Select All data access
salesdata.lineorder data-order Select All data access
  1. On the Lake Formation console, choose Tables in the navigation pane.
  2. Filter tables by the salesdata database.
  3. Select the customer table and on the Actions menu, choose View permissions.

You should see following existing permissions. These entries allow the current data lake administrator to access the table and all its columns.

  1. To add new permissions, select the table and on the Actions menu, choose Grant.
  2. Select SAML user and groups.
  3. For SAML and Amazon QuickSight users and groups, enter arn:aws:iam::<AWS ACCOUNT NUMBER>:saml-provider/adfs-saml-provider:group/data-customer.

To get this value, get the ARN of the SAML provider from the IAM console and append :group/data-customer to the end of it.

  1. Select Named data catalog resources.
  2. For Databases, choose the salesdata database.
  3. For Tables, choose the customer table.
  4. For Table permissions, select Select.
  5. For Data permissions, select Column-based access.
  6. For Select columns, add the columns c_city, c_custkey, c_mktsegment, c_nation, and c_region.
  7. Choose Grant.

You have now allowed members of the AD group data-customer to have access to columns of the customer table that don’t include PII.

  1. Repeat these steps for the customer table and data-customer-pii group with all data access.
  2. Repeat these steps for the lineorder table and data-order group with all data access.

Set up a SQL client with JDBC connection and verify permissions

In this post, we use SQL Workbench to access Athena through AD authentication and verify the Lake Formation permissions you created in the previous section.

Prepare the SQL client

To set up the SQL client, complete the following steps:

  1. Download and extract the Lake Formation-compatible Athena JDBC driver with AWS SDK (2.0.14 or later version) from Using Athena with the JDBC Driver.
  2. Go to the SQL Workbench/J website and download the latest stable package.
  3. Install SQL Workbench/J on your client computer.
  4. In SQL Workbench, on the File menu, choose Manage Drivers.
  5. Choose the New driver icon.
  6. For Name, enter Athena JDBC Driver.
  7. For Library, browse to and choose the Simba Athena JDBC .jar file that you just downloaded.
  8. Choose OK.

You’re now ready to create connections in SQL Workbench for your users.

Create connections in SQL Workbench

To create your connections, complete the following steps:

  1. On the File menu, choose Connect.
  2. Enter the name Athena-FinanceUser.
  3. For Driver, choose the Simba Athena JDBC driver.
  4. For URL, enter the following code (replace the placeholders with actual values from your setup and remove the line breaks to make a single line connection string):
jdbc:awsathena://AwsRegion=<AWS Region Name e.g. ap-southeast-2>;
S3OutputLocation=s3://<Athena Query Result Bucket Name>/jdbc;
idp_host=<adfs-server-name e.g. adfs.company.com>;
preferred_role=<ARN of the role created in step1 e.g. arn>;
user=financeuser@<Domain Name e.g. company.com>;

For this post, we used a self-signed certificate with AD FS. This certificate is not trusted by the client, therefore authentication doesn’t succeed. This is why the SSL_Insecure attribute is set to true to allow authentication despite the self-signed certificate. In real-world setups, you would use valid trusted certificates and can remove the SSL_Insecure attribute.

  1. Create a new SQL workbench profile named Athena-CustomerOpsUser and repeat the earlier steps with CustomerOpsUser in the connection URL string.
  2. To test the connections, choose Test for each user, and confirm that the connection succeeds.

Verify access permissions

Now we can verify permissions for FinanceUser. In the SQL Workbench Statement window, run the following SQL SELECT statement:

SELECT * FROM "salesdata"."lineorder" limit 10;
SELECT * FROM "salesdata"."customer" limit 10;

Verify that only non-PII columns are returned from the customer table.

As you see in the preceding screenshots, FinanceUser only has access to non-PII columns of the customer table and full access to (all columns) of the lineorder table. This allows FinanceUser, for example, to run aggregate and summary queries based on market segment or location of customers without having access to their personal information.

Run a similar query for CustomerOpsUser. You should be able to see all columns, including columns containing PII, in the customer table.


This post demonstrated how to configure your data lake permissions using Lake Formation for AD users and groups. We configured AD FS 3.0 on your Active Directory and used it as an IdP to federate into AWS using SAML. This post also showed how you can integrate your Athena JDBC driver to AD FS and use your AD credentials directly to connect to Athena.

Integrating your Active Directory with the Athena JDBC driver gives you the flexibility to access Athena from business intelligence tools you’re already familiar with to analyze the data in your Amazon S3 data lake. This enables you to have a consistent central permission model that is managed through AD users and their group memberships.

About the Authors

Mostafa Safipour is a Solutions Architect at AWS based out of Sydney. Over the past decade he has helped many large organizations in the ANZ region build their data, digital, and enterprise workloads on AWS.

Praveen Kumar is a Specialist Solution Architect at AWS with expertise in designing, building, and implementing modern data and analytics platforms using cloud-native services. His areas of interests are serverless technology, streaming applications, and modern cloud data warehouses.

Amazon Redshift data sharing best practices and considerations

Post Syndicated from BP Yau original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/amazon-redshift-data-sharing-best-practices-and-considerations/

Amazon Redshift is a fast, fully managed cloud data warehouse that makes it simple and cost-effective to analyze all your data using standard SQL and your existing business intelligence (BI) tools. Amazon Redshift data sharing allows for a secure and easy way to share live data for reading across Amazon Redshift clusters. It allows an Amazon Redshift producer cluster to share objects with one or more Amazon Redshift consumer clusters for read purposes without having to copy the data. With this approach, workloads isolated to different clusters can share and collaborate frequently on data to drive innovation and offer value-added analytic services to your internal and external stakeholders. You can share data at many levels, including databases, schemas, tables, views, columns, and user-defined SQL functions, to provide fine-grained access controls that can be tailored for different users and businesses that all need access to Amazon Redshift data. The feature itself is simple to use and integrate into existing BI tools.

In this post, we discuss Amazon Redshift data sharing, including some best practices and considerations.

How does Amazon Redshift data sharing work ?

  • To achieve best in class performance Amazon Redshift consumer clusters cache and incrementally update block level data (let us refer to this as block metadata) of objects that are queried, from the producer cluster (this works even when cluster is paused).
  • The time taken for caching block metadata depends on the rate of the data change on the producer since the respective object(s) were last queried on the consumer. (As of today the consumer clusters only update their metadata cache for an object only on demand i.e. when queried)
  • If there are frequent DDL operations, the consumer is forced to re-cache the full block metadata for an object during the next access to maintain consistency as to enable live sharing as structure changes on the producer invalidate all the existing metadata cache on the consumers.
  • Once the consumer has the block metadata in sync with the latest state of an object on the producer that is when the query would execute as any other regular query (query referring to local objects).

Now that we have the necessary background on data sharing and how it works, let’s look at a few best practices across streams that can help improve workloads while using data sharing.


In this section, we share some best practices for security when using Amazon Redshift data sharing.

Use INCLUDE NEW cautiously

INCLUDE NEW is a very useful setting while adding a schema to a data share (ALTER DATASHARE). If set to TRUE, this automatically adds all the objects created in the future in the specified schema to the data share automatically. This might not be ideal in cases where you want to have fine-grained control on objects being shared. In these cases, leave the setting at its default of FALSE.

Use views to achieve fine-grained access control

To achieve fine-grained access control for data sharing, you can create late-binding views or materialized views on shared objects on the consumer, and then share the access to these views to users on consumer cluster, instead of giving full access on the original shared objects. This comes with its own set of considerations, which we explain later in this post.

Audit data share usage and changes

Amazon Redshift provides an efficient way to audit all the activity and changes with respect to a data share using system views. We can use the following views to check these details:


In this section, we discuss best practices related to performance.

Materialized views in data sharing environments

Materialized views (MVs) provide a powerful route to precompute complex aggregations for use cases where high throughput is needed, and you can directly share a materialized view object via data sharing as well.

For materialized views built on tables where there are frequent write operations, it’s ideal to create the materialized view object on the producer itself and share the view. This method gives us the opportunity to centralize the management of the view on the producer cluster itself.

For slowly changing data tables, you can share the table objects directly and build the materialized view on the shared objects directly on the consumer. This method gives us the flexibility of creating a customized view of data on each consumer according to your use case.

This can help optimize the block metadata download and caching times in the data sharing query lifecycle. This also helps in materialized view refreshes because, as of this writing, Redshift doesn’t support incremental refresh for MVs built on shared objects.

Factors to consider when using cross-Region data sharing

Data sharing is supported even if the producer and consumer are in different Regions. There are a few differences we need to consider while implementing a share across Regions:

  • Consumer data reads are charged at $5/TB for cross region data shares, Data sharing within the same Region is free. For more information, refer to Managing cost control for cross-Region data sharing.
  • Performance will also vary when compared to a uni-Regional data share because the block metadata exchange and data transfer process between the cross-Regional shared clusters will take more time due to network throughput.

Metadata access

There are many system views that help with fetching the list of shared objects a user has access to. Some of these include all the objects from the database that you’re currently connected to, including objects from all the other databases that you have access to on the cluster, including external objects. The views are as follows:

We suggest using very restrictive filtering while querying these views because a simple select * will result in an entire catalog read, which isn’t ideal. For example, take the following query:

select * from svv_all_tables;

This query will try to collect metadata for all the shared and local objects, making it very heavy in terms of metadata scans, especially for shared objects.

The following is a better query for achieving a similar result:

SELECT table_name,
data_type FROM svv_all_tables WHERE table_name = < tablename > AND schema_name = < schemaname > AND database_name = < databasename > ORDER BY ordinal_position

This is a good practice to follow for all metadata views and tables; doing so allows seamless integration into several tools. You can also use the SVV_DATASHARE* system views to exclusively see shared object-related information.

Producer/consumer dependencies

In this section, we discuss the dependencies between the producer and consumer.

Impact of the consumer on the producer

Queries on the consumer cluster will have no impact in terms of performance or activity on the producer cluster. This is why we can achieve true workload isolation using data sharing.

Encrypted producers and consumers

Data sharing seamlessly integrates even if both the producer and the consumer are encrypted using different AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) keys. There are sophisticated, highly secure key exchange protocols to facilitate this so you don’t have to worry about encryption at rest and other compliance dependencies. The only thing to make sure is that both the producer and consumer are in a homogeneous encryption configuration.

Data visibility and consistency

A data sharing query on the consumer can’t impact the transaction semantics on the producer. All the queries involving shared objects on the consumer cluster follow read-committed transaction consistency while checking for visible data for that transaction.


If there is a scheduled manual VACUUM operation in use for maintenance activities on the producer cluster on shared objects, you should use VACUUM recluster whenever possible. This is especially important for large objects because it has optimizations in terms of the number of data blocks the utility interacts with, which results in less block metadata churn compared to a full vacuum. This benefits the data sharing workloads by reducing the block metadata sync times.


In this section, we discuss additional add-on features for data sharing in Amazon Redshift.

Real-time data analytics using Amazon Redshift streaming data

Amazon Redshift recently announced the preview for streaming ingestion using Amazon Kinesis Data Streams. This eliminates the need for staging the data and helps achieve low-latency data access. The data generated via streaming on the Amazon Redshift cluster is exposed using a materialized view. You can share this as any other materialized view via a data share and use it to set up low-latency shared data access across clusters in minutes.

Amazon Redshift concurrency scaling to improve throughput

Amazon Redshift data sharing queries can utilize concurrency scaling to improve the overall throughput of the cluster. You can enable concurrency scaling on the consumer cluster for queues where you expect a heavy workload to improve the overall throughput when the cluster is experiencing heavy load.

For more information about concurrency scaling, refer to Data sharing considerations in Amazon Redshift.

Amazon Redshift Serverless

Amazon Redshift Serverless clusters are ready for data sharing out of the box. A serverless cluster can also act as a producer or a consumer for a provisioned cluster. The following are the supported permutations with Redshift Serverless:

  • Serverless (producer) and provisioned (consumer)
  • Serverless (producer) and serverless (consumer)
  • Serverless (consumer) and provisioned (producer)


Amazon Redshift data sharing gives you the ability to fan out and scale complex workloads without worrying about workload isolation. However, like any system, not having the right optimization techniques in place could pose complex challenges in the long term as the systems grow in scale. Incorporating the best practices listed in this post presents a way to mitigate potential performance bottlenecks proactively in various areas.

Try data sharing today to unlock the full potential of Amazon Redshift, and please don’t hesitate to reach out to us in case of further questions or clarifications.

About the authors

BP Yau is a Sr Product Manager at AWS. He is passionate about helping customers architect big data solutions to process data at scale. Before AWS, he helped Amazon.com Supply Chain Optimization Technologies migrate its Oracle data warehouse to Amazon Redshift and build its next generation big data analytics platform using AWS technologies.

Sai Teja Boddapati is a Database Engineer based out of Seattle. He works on solving complex database problems to contribute to building the most user friendly data warehouse available. In his spare time, he loves travelling, playing games and watching movies & documentaries.

From centralized architecture to decentralized architecture: How data sharing fine-tunes Amazon Redshift workloads

Post Syndicated from Jingbin Ma original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/from-centralized-architecture-to-decentralized-architecture-how-data-sharing-fine-tunes-amazon-redshift-workloads/

Amazon Redshift is a fully managed, petabyte-scale, massively parallel data warehouse that offers simple operations and high performance. It makes it fast, simple, and cost-effective to analyze all your data using standard SQL and your existing business intelligence (BI) tools. Today, Amazon Redshift has become the most widely used cloud data warehouse.

With the significant growth of data for big data analytics over the years, some customers have asked how they should optimize Amazon Redshift workloads. In this post, we explore how to optimize workloads on Amazon Redshift clusters using Amazon Redshift RA3 nodes, data sharing, and pausing and resuming clusters. For more cost-optimization methods, refer to Getting the most out of your analytics stack with Amazon Redshift.

Key features of Amazon Redshift

First, let’s review some key features:

  • RA3 nodes – Amazon Redshift RA3 nodes are backed by a new managed storage model that gives you the power to separately optimize your compute power and your storage. They bring a few very important features, one of which is data sharing. RA3 nodes also support the ability to pause and resume, which allows you to easily suspend on-demand billing while the cluster is not being used.
  • Data sharing – Amazon Redshift data sharing offers you to extend the ease of use, performance, and cost benefits of Amazon Redshift in a single cluster to multi-cluster deployments while being able to share data. Data sharing enables instant, granular, and fast data access across Redshift clusters without the need to copy or move it. You can securely share live data with Amazon Redshift clusters in the same or different AWS accounts, and across regions. You can share data at many levels, including schemas, tables, views, and user-defined functions. You can also share the most up-to-date and consistent information as it’s updated in Amazon Redshift Serverless. It also provides fine-grained access controls that you can tailor for different users and businesses that all need access to the data. However, data sharing in Amazon Redshift has a few limitations.

Solution overview

In this use case, our customer is heavily using Amazon Redshift as their data warehouse for their analytics workloads, and they have been enjoying the possibility and convenience that Amazon Redshift brought to their business. They mainly use Amazon Redshift to store and process user behavioral data for BI purposes. The data has increased by hundreds of gigabytes daily in recent months, and employees from departments continuously run queries against the Amazon Redshift cluster on their BI platform during business hours.

The company runs four major analytics workloads on a single Amazon Redshift cluster, because some data is used by all workloads:

  • Queries from the BI platform – Various queries run mainly during business hours.
  • Hourly ETL – This extract, transform, and load (ETL) job runs in the first few minutes of each hour. It generally takes about 40 minutes.
  • Daily ETL – This job runs twice a day during business hours, because the operation team needs to get daily reports before the end of the day. Each job normally takes between 1.5–3 hours. It’s the second-most resource-heavy workload.
  • Weekly ETL – This job runs in the early morning every Sunday. It’s the most resource-heavy workload. The job normally takes 3–4 hours.

The analytics team has migrated to the RA3 family and increased the number of nodes of the Amazon Redshift cluster to 12 over the years to keep the average runtime of queries from their BI tool within an acceptable time due to the data size, especially when other workloads are running.

However, they have noticed that performance is reduced while running ETL tasks, and the duration of ETL tasks is long. Therefore, the analytics team wants to explore solutions to optimize their Amazon Redshift cluster.

Because CPU utilization spikes appear while the ETL tasks are running, the AWS team’s first thought was to separate workloads and relevant data into multiple Amazon Redshift clusters with different cluster sizes. By reducing the total number of nodes, we hoped to reduce the cost of Amazon Redshift.

After a series of conversations, the AWS team found that one of the reasons that the customer keeps all workloads on the 12-node Amazon Redshift cluster is to manage the performance of queries from their BI platform, especially while running ETL workloads, which have a big impact on the performance of all workloads on the Amazon Redshift cluster. The obstacle is that many tables in the data warehouse are required to be read and written by multiple workloads, and only the producer of a data share can update the shared data.

The challenge of dividing the Amazon Redshift cluster into multiple clusters is data consistency. Some tables need to be read by ETL workloads and written by BI workloads, and some tables are the opposite. Therefore, if we duplicate data into two Amazon Redshift clusters or only create a data share from the BI cluster to the reporting cluster, the customer will have to develop a data synchronization process to keep the data consistent between all Amazon Redshift clusters, and this process could be very complicated and unmaintainable.

After more analysis to gain an in-depth understanding of the customer’s workloads, the AWS team found that we could put tables into four groups, and proposed a multi-cluster, two-way data sharing solution. The purpose of the solution is to divide the workloads into separate Amazon Redshift clusters so that we can use Amazon Redshift to pause and resume clusters for periodic workloads to reduce the Amazon Redshift running costs, because clusters can still access a single copy of data that is required for workloads. The solution should meet the data consistency requirements without building a complicated data synchronization process.

The following diagram illustrates the old architecture (left) compared to the new multi-cluster solution (right).

Improve the old architecture (left) to the new multi-cluster solution (right)

Dividing workloads and data

Due to the characteristics of the four major workloads, we categorized workloads into two categories: long-running workloads and periodic-running workloads.

The long-running workloads are for the BI platform and hourly ETL jobs. Because the hourly ETL workload requires about 40 minutes to run, the gain is small even if we migrate it to an isolated Amazon Redshift cluster and pause and resume it every hour. Therefore, we leave it with the BI platform.

The periodic-running workloads are the daily and weekly ETL jobs. The daily job generally takes about 1 hour and 40 minutes to 3 hours, and the weekly job generally takes 3–4 hours.

Data sharing plan

The next step is identifying all data (tables) access patterns of each category. We identified four types of tables:

  • Type 1 – Tables are only read and written by long-running workloads
  • Type 2 – Tables are read and written by long-running workloads, and are also read by periodic-running workloads
  • Type 3 – Tables are read and written by periodic-running workloads, and are also read by long-running workloads
  • Type 4 – Tables are only read and written by periodic-running workloads

Fortunately, there is no table that is required to be written by all workloads. Therefore, we can separate the Amazon Redshift cluster into two Amazon Redshift clusters: one for the long-running workloads, and the other for periodic-running workloads with 20 RA3 nodes.

We created a two-way data share between the long-running cluster and the periodic-running cluster. For type 2 tables, we created a data share on the long-running cluster as the producer and the periodic-running cluster as the consumer. For type 3 tables, we created a data share on the periodic-running cluster as the producer and the long-running cluster as the consumer.

The following diagram illustrates this data sharing configuration.

The long-running cluster (producer) shares type 2 tables to the periodic-running cluster (consumer). The periodic-running cluster (producer’) shares type 3 tables to the long-running cluster (consumer’)

Build two-way data share across Amazon Redshift clusters

In this section, we walk through the steps to build a two-way data share across Amazon Redshift clusters. First, let’s take a snapshot of the original Amazon Redshift cluster, which became the long-running cluster later.

Take a snapshot of the long-running-cluster from the Amazon Redshift console

Now, let’s create a new Amazon Redshift cluster with 20 RA3 nodes for periodic-running workloads. Then we migrate the type 3 and type 4 tables to the periodic-running cluster. Make sure you choose the ra3 node type. (Amazon Redshift Serverless supports data sharing too, and it becomes generally available in July 2022, so it is also an option now.)

Create the periodic-running-cluster. Make sure you select the ra3 node type.

Create the long-to-periodic data share

The next step is to create the long-to-periodic data share. Complete the following steps:

  1. On the periodic-running cluster, get the namespace by running the following query:
SELECT current_namespace;

Make sure record the namespace.

  1. On the long-running cluster, we run queries similar to the following:
ALTER DATASHARE ltop_share ADD SCHEMA public_long;
GRANT USAGE ON DATASHARE ltop_share TO NAMESPACE '[periodic-running-cluster-namespace]';
  1. We can validate the long-to-periodic data share using the following command:
SHOW datashares;
  1. After we validate the data share, we get the long-running cluster namespace with the following query:
SELECT current-namespace;

Make sure record the namespace.

  1. On the periodic-running cluster, run the following command to load the data from the long-to-periodic data share with the long-running cluster namespace:
CREATE DATABASE ltop FROM DATASHARE ltop_share OF NAMESPACE '[long-running-cluster-namespace]';
  1. Confirm that we have read access to tables in the long-to-periodic data share.

Create the periodic-to-long data share

The next step is to create the periodic-to-long data share. We use the namespaces of the long-running cluster and the periodic-running cluster that we collected in the previous step.

  1. On the periodic-running cluster, run queries similar to the following to create the periodic-to-long data share:
ALTER DATASHARE ptol_share ADD SCHEMA public_periodic;
ALTER DATASHARE ptol_share ADD ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public_periodic;
GRANT USAGE ON DATASHARE ptol_share TO NAMESPACE '[long-running-cluster-namespace]';
  1. Validate the data share using the following command:
SHOW datashares;
  1. On the long-running cluster, run the following command to load the data from the periodic-to-long data using the periodic-running cluster namespace:
CREATE DATABASE ptol FROM DATASHARE ptol_share OF NAMESPACE '[periodic-running-cluster-namespace]';
  1. Check that we have read access to the tables in the periodic-to-long data share.

At this stage, we have separated workloads into two Amazon Redshift clusters and built a two-way data share across two Amazon Redshift clusters.

The next step is updating the code of different workloads to use the correct endpoints of two Amazon Redshift clusters and perform consolidated tests.

Pause and resume the periodic-running Amazon Redshift cluster

Let’s update the crontab scripts, which run periodic-running workloads. We make two updates.

  1. When the scripts start, call the Amazon Redshift check and resume cluster APIs to resume the periodic-running Amazon Redshift cluster when the cluster is paused:
    aws redshift resume-cluster --cluster-identifier [periodic-running-cluster-id]

  2. After the workloads are finished, call the Amazon Redshift pause cluster API with the cluster ID to pause the cluster:
    aws redshift pause-cluster --cluster-identifier [periodic-running-cluster-id]


After we migrated the workloads to the new architecture, the company’s analytics team ran some tests to verify the results.

According to tests, the performance of all workloads improved:

  • The BI workload is about 100% faster during the ETL workload running periods
  • The hourly ETL workload is about 50% faster
  • The daily workload duration reduced to approximately 40 minutes, from a maximum of 3 hours
  • The weekly workload duration reduced to approximately 1.5 hours, from a maximum of 4 hours

All functionalities work properly, and cost of the new architecture only increased approximately 13%, while over 10% of new data had been added during the testing period.

Learnings and limitations

After we separated the workloads into different Amazon Redshift clusters, we discovered a few things:

  • The performance of the BI workloads was 100% faster because there was no resource competition with daily and weekly ETL workloads anymore
  • The duration of ETL workloads on the periodic-running cluster was reduced significantly because there were more nodes and no resource competition from the BI and hourly ETL workloads
  • Even when over 10% new data was added, the overall cost of the Amazon Redshift clusters only increased by 13%, due to using the cluster pause and resume function of the Amazon Redshift RA3 family

As a result, we saw a 70% price-performance improvement of the Amazon Redshift cluster.

However, there are some limitations of the solution:

  • To use the Amazon Redshift pause and resume function, the code for calling the Amazon Redshift pause and resume APIs must be added to all scheduled scripts that run ETL workloads on the periodic-running cluster
  • Amazon Redshift clusters require several minutes to finish pausing and resuming, although you’re not charged during these processes
  • The size of Amazon Redshift clusters can’t automatically scale in and out depending on workloads

Next steps

After improving performance significantly, we can explore the possibility of reducing the number of nodes of the long-running cluster to reduce Amazon Redshift costs.

Another possible optimization is using Amazon Redshift Spectrum to reduce the cost of Amazon Redshift on cluster storage. With Redshift Spectrum, multiple Amazon Redshift clusters can concurrently query and retrieve the same structured and semistructured dataset in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) without the need to make copies of the data for each cluster or having to load the data into Amazon Redshift tables.

Amazon Redshift Serverless was announced for preview in AWS re:Invent 2021 and became generally available in July 2022. Redshift Serverless automatically provisions and intelligently scales your data warehouse capacity to deliver best-in-class performance for all your analytics. You only pay for the compute used for the duration of the workloads on a per-second basis. You can benefit from this simplicity without making any changes to your existing analytics and BI applications. You can also share data for read purposes across different Amazon Redshift Serverless instances within or across AWS accounts.

Therefore, we can explore the possibility of removing the need to script for pausing and resuming the periodic-running cluster by using Redshift Serverless to make the management easier. We can also explore the possibility of improving the granularity of workloads.


In this post, we discussed how to optimize workloads on Amazon Redshift clusters using RA3 nodes, data sharing, and pausing and resuming clusters. We also explored a use case implementing a multi-cluster two-way data share solution to improve workload performance with a minimum code change. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave them in the comments section.

About the authors

Jingbin Ma

Jingbin Ma is a Sr. Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. He helps customers build well-architected applications using AWS services. He has many years of experience working in the internet industry, and his last role was CTO of a New Zealand IT company before joining AWS. He is passionate about serverless and infrastructure as code.

Chao PanChao Pan is a Data Analytics Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. He’s responsible for the consultation and design of customers’ big data solution architectures. He has extensive experience in open-source big data. Outside of work, he enjoys hiking.

Configure Hadoop YARN CapacityScheduler on Amazon EMR on Amazon EC2 for multi-tenant heterogeneous workloads

Post Syndicated from Suvojit Dasgupta original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/configure-hadoop-yarn-capacityscheduler-on-amazon-emr-on-amazon-ec2-for-multi-tenant-heterogeneous-workloads/

Apache Hadoop YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator) is a cluster resource manager responsible for assigning computational resources (CPU, memory, I/O), and scheduling and monitoring jobs submitted to a Hadoop cluster. This generic framework allows for effective management of cluster resources for distributed data processing frameworks, such as Apache Spark, Apache MapReduce, and Apache Hive. When supported by the framework, Amazon EMR by default uses Hadoop YARN. Please note that not all frameworks offered by Amazon EMR use Hadoop YARN, such as Trino/Presto and Apache HBase.

In this post, we discuss various components of Hadoop YARN, and understand how components interact with each other to allocate resources, schedule applications, and monitor applications. We dive deep into the specific configurations to customize Hadoop YARN’s CapacityScheduler to increase cluster efficiency by allocating resources in a timely and secure manner in a multi-tenant cluster. We take an opinionated look at the configurations for CapacityScheduler and configure them on Amazon EMR on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) to solve for the common resource allocation, resource contention, and job scheduling challenges in a multi-tenant cluster.

We dive deep into CapacityScheduler because Amazon EMR uses CapacityScheduler by default, and CapacityScheduler has benefits over other schedulers for running workloads with heterogeneous resource consumption.

Solution overview

Modern data platforms often run applications on Amazon EMR with the following characteristics:

  • Heterogeneous resource consumption patterns by jobs, such as computation-bound jobs, I/O-bound jobs, or memory-bound jobs
  • Multiple teams running jobs with an expectation to receive an agreed-upon share of cluster resources and complete jobs in a timely manner
  • Cluster admins often have to cater to one-time requests for running jobs without impacting scheduled jobs
  • Cluster admins want to ensure users are using their assigned capacity and not using others
  • Cluster admins want to utilize the resources efficiently and allocate all available resources to currently running jobs, but want to retain the ability to reclaim resources automatically should there be a claim for the agreed-upon cluster resources from other jobs

To illustrate these use cases, let’s consider the following scenario:

  • user1 and user2 don’t belong to any team and use cluster resources periodically on an ad hoc basis
  • A data platform and analytics program has two teams:
    • A data_engineering team, containing user3
    • A data_science team, containing user4
  • user5 and user6 (and many other users) sporadically use cluster resources to run jobs

Based on this scenario, the scheduler queue may look like the following diagram. Take note of the common configurations applied to all queues, the overrides, and the user/groups-to-queue mappings.

Capacity Scheduler Queue Setup

In the subsequent sections, we will understand the high-level components of Hadoop YARN, discuss the various types of schedulers available in Hadoop YARN, review the core concepts of CapacityScheduler, and showcase how to implement this CapacityScheduler queue setup on Amazon EMR (on Amazon EC2). You can skip to Code walkthrough section if you are already familiar with Hadoop YARN and CapacityScheduler.

Overview of Hadoop YARN

At a high level, Hadoop YARN consists of three main components:

  • ResourceManager (one per primary node)
  • ApplicationMaster (one per application)
  • NodeManager (one per node)

The following diagram shows the main components and their interaction with each other.

Apache Hadoop Yarn Architecture Diagram1

Before diving further, let’s clarify what Hadoop YARN’s ResourceContainer (or container) is. A ResourceContainer represents a collection of physical computational resources. It’s an abstraction used to bundle resources into distinct, allocatable unit.


The ResourceManager is responsible for resource management and making allocation decisions. It’s the ResourceManager’s responsibility to identify and allocate resources to a job upon submission to Hadoop YARN. The ResourceManager has two main components:

  • ApplicationsManager (not to be confused with ApplicationMaster)
  • Scheduler


The ApplicationsManager is responsible for accepting job submissions, negotiating the first container for running ApplicationMaster, and providing the service for restarting the ApplicationMaster on failure.


The Scheduler is responsible for scheduling allocation of resources to the jobs. The Scheduler performs its scheduling function based on the resource requirements of the jobs. The Scheduler is a pluggable interface. Hadoop YARN currently provides three implementations:

  • CapacityScheduler – A pluggable scheduler for Hadoop that allows for multiple tenants to securely share a cluster such that jobs are allocated resources in a timely manner under constraints of allocated capacities. The implementation is available on GitHub. The Java concrete class is org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.capacity.CapacityScheduler. In this post, we primarily focus on CapacityScheduler, which is the default scheduler on Amazon EMR (on Amazon EC2).
  • FairScheduler – A pluggable scheduler for Hadoop that allows Hadoop YARN applications to share resources in clusters fairly. The implementation is available on GitHub. The Java concrete class is org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.fair.FairScheduler.
  • FifoScheduler – A pluggable scheduler for Hadoop that allows Hadoop YARN applications share resources in clusters in a first-in-first-out basis. The implementation is available on GitHub. The Java concrete class is org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.fifo.FifoScheduler.


Upon negotiating the first container by ApplicationsManager, the per-application ApplicationMaster has the responsibility of negotiating the rest of the appropriate resources from the Scheduler, tracking their status, and monitoring progress.


The NodeManager is responsible for launching and managing containers on a node.

Hadoop YARN on Amazon EMR

By default, Amazon EMR (on Amazon EC2) uses Hadoop YARN for cluster management for the distributed data processing frameworks that support Hadoop YARN as a resource manager, like Apache Spark, Apache MapReduce, and Apache Hive. Amazon EMR provides multiple sensible default settings that work for most scenarios. However, every data platform is different and has specific needs. Amazon EMR provides the ability to customize the setting at cluster creation using configuration classifications . You can also reconfigure Amazon EMR cluster applications and specify additional configuration classifications for each instance group in a running cluster using AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), or the AWS SDK.


CapacityScheduler depends on ResourceCalculator to identify the available resources and calculate the allocation of the resources to ApplicationMaster. The ResourceCalculator is an abstract Java class. Hadoop YARN currently provides two implementations:

  • DefaultResourceCalculator – In DefaultResourceCalculator, resources are calculated based on memory alone.
  • DominantResourceCalculatorDominantResourceCalculator is based on the Dominant Resource Fairness (DRF) model of resource allocation. The paper Dominant Resource Fairness: Fair Allocation of Multiple Resource Types, Ghodsi et al. [2011] describes DRF as follows: “DRF computes the share of each resource allocated to that user. The maximum among all shares of a user is called that user’s dominant share, and the resource corresponding to the dominant share is called the dominant resource. Different users may have different dominant resources. For example, the dominant resource of a user running a computation-bound job is CPU, while the dominant resource of a user running an I/O-bound job is bandwidth. DRF simply applies max-min fairness across users’ dominant shares. That is, DRF seeks to maximize the smallest dominant share in the system, then the second-smallest, and so on.”

Because of DRF, DominantResourceCalculator is a better ResourceCalculator for data processing environments running heterogeneous workloads. By default, Amazon EMR uses DefaultResourceCalculator for CapacityScheduler. This can be verified by checking the value of yarn.scheduler.capacity.resource-calculator parameter in /etc/hadoop/conf/capacity-scheduler.xml.

Code walkthrough

CapacityScheduler provides multiple parameters to customize the scheduling behavior to meet specific needs. For a list of available parameters, refer to Hadoop: CapacityScheduler.

Refer to the configurations section in cloudformation/templates/emr.yaml to review all the CapacityScheduler parameters set as part of this post. In this example, we use two classifiers of Amazon EMR (on Amazon EC2):

  • yarn-site – The classification to update yarn-site.xml
  • capacity-scheduler – The classification to update capacity-scheduler.xml

For various types of classification available in Amazon EMR, refer to Customizing cluster and application configuration with earlier AMI versions of Amazon EMR.

In the AWS CloudFormation template, we have modified the ResourceCalculator of CapacityScheduler from the defaults, DefaultResourceCalculator to DominantResourceCalculator. Data processing environments tends to run different kinds of jobs, for example, computation-bound jobs consuming heavy CPU, I/O-bound jobs consuming heavy bandwidth, and memory-bound jobs consuming heavy memory. As previously stated, DominantResourceCalculator is better suited for such environments due to its Dominant Resource Fairness model of resource allocation. If your data processing environment only runs memory-bound jobs, then modifying this parameter isn’t necessary.

You can find the codebase in the AWS Samples GitHub repository.


For deploying the solution, you should have the following prerequisites:

Deploy the solution

To deploy the solution, complete the following steps:

  • Download the source code from the AWS Samples GitHub repository:
    git clone [email protected]:aws-samples/amazon-emr-yarn-capacity-scheduler.git

  • Create an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket:
    aws s3api create-bucket --bucket emr-yarn-capacity-scheduler-<AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>-<AWS_REGION> --region <AWS_REGION>

  • Copy the cloned repository to the Amazon S3 bucket:
    aws s3 cp --recursive amazon-emr-yarn-capacity-scheduler s3://emr-yarn-capacity-scheduler-<AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>-<AWS_REGION>/

    1. ArtifactsS3Repository – The S3 bucket name that was created in the previous step (emr-yarn-capacity-scheduler-<AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>-<AWS_REGION>).
    2. emrKeyName – An existing EC2 key name. If you don’t have an existing key and want to create a new key, refer to Use an Amazon EC2 key pair for SSH credentials.
    3. clientCIDR – The CIDR range of the client machine for accessing the EMR cluster via SSH. You can run the following command to identify the IP of the client machine: echo "$(curl -s http://checkip.amazonaws.com)/32"
  • Deploy the AWS CloudFormation templates:
    aws cloudformation create-stack \
    --stack-name emr-yarn-capacity-scheduler \
    --template-url https://emr-yarn-capacity-scheduler-<AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>-<AWS_REGION>.s3.amazonaws.com/cloudformation/templates/main.yaml \
    --parameters file://amazon-emr-yarn-capacity-scheduler/cloudformation/parameters/parameters.json \
    --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM \
    --region <AWS_REGION>

  • On the AWS CloudFormation console, check for the successful deployment of the following stacks.

AWS CloudFormation Stack Deployment

  • On the Amazon EMR console, check for the successful creation of the emr-cluster-capacity-scheduler cluster.
  • Choose the cluster and on the Configurations tab, review the properties under the capacity-scheduler and yarn-site classification labels.

AWS EMR Configurations

  • Access the Hadoop YARN resource manager UI on the emr-cluster-capacity-scheduler cluster to review the CapacityScheduler setup. For instructions on how to access the UI on Amazon EMR, refer to View web interfaces hosted on Amazon EMR clusters.

Apache Hadoop YARN UI

  • SSH into the emr-cluster-capacity-scheduler cluster and review the following files.For instructions on how to SSH into the EMR primary node, refer to Connect to the master node using SSH.
    • /etc/hadoop/conf/yarn-site.xml
    • /etc/hadoop/conf/capacity-scheduler.xml

All the parameters set using the yarn-site and capacity-scheduler classifiers are reflected in these files. If an admin wants to update CapacityScheduler configs, they can directly update capacity-scheduler.xml and run the following command to apply the changes without interrupting any running jobs and services:

yarn rmadmin -resfreshQueues

Changes to yarn-site.xml require the ResourceManager service to be restarted, which interrupts the running jobs. As a best practice, refrain from manual modifications and use version control for change management.

The CloudFormation template adds a bootstrap action to create test users (user1, user2, user3, user4, user5 and user6) on all the nodes and adds a step script to create HDFS directories for the test users.

Users can SSH into the  primary node, sudo as different users and submit Spark jobs to verify the job submission and CapacityScheduler behavior:

[hadoop@ip-xx-x-xx-xxx ~]$ sudo su - user1
[user1@ip-xx-x-xx-xxx ~]$ spark-submit --master yarn --deploy-mode cluster \
--class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi /usr/lib/spark/examples/jars/spark-examples.jar

You can validate the results from the resource manager web UI.

Apache Hadoop YARN Jobs List

Clean up

To avoid incurring future charges, delete the resources you created.

  • Delete the CloudFormation stack:
    aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name emr-yarn-capacity-scheduler

  • Delete the S3 bucket:
    aws s3 rb s3://emr-yarn-capacity-scheduler-<AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>-<AWS_REGION> --force

The command deletes the bucket and all files underneath it. The files may not be recoverable after deletion.


In this post, we discussed Apache Hadoop YARN and its various components. We discussed the types of schedulers available in Hadoop YARN. We dived deep in to the specifics of Hadoop YARN CapacityScheduler and the use of Dominant Resource Fairness to efficiently allocate resources to submitted jobs. We also showcased how to implement the discussed concepts using AWS CloudFormation.

We encourage you to use this post as a starting point to implement CapacityScheduler on Amazon EMR (on Amazon EC2) and customize the solution to meet your specific data platform goals.

About the authors

Suvojit Dasgupta is a Sr. Lakehouse Architect at Amazon Web Services. He works with customers to design and build data solutions on AWS.

Bharat Gamini is a Data Architect focused on big data and analytics at Amazon Web Services. He helps customers architect and build highly scalable, robust, and secure cloud-based analytical solutions on AWS.

Amazon EMR on EKS gets up to 19% performance boost running on AWS Graviton3 Processors vs. Graviton2

Post Syndicated from Melody Yang original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/amazon-emr-on-eks-gets-up-to-19-performance-boost-running-on-aws-graviton3-processors-vs-graviton2/

Amazon EMR on EKS is a deployment option that enables you to run Spark workloads on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) easily. It allows you to innovate faster with the latest Apache Spark on Kubernetes architecture while benefiting from the performance-optimized Spark runtime powered by Amazon EMR. This deployment option elects Amazon EKS as its underlying compute to orchestrate containerized Spark applications with better price performance.

AWS continually innovates to provide choice and better price-performance for our customers, and the third-generation Graviton processor is the next step in the journey. Amazon EMR on EKS now supports Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) C7g—the latest AWS Graviton3 instance family. On a single EKS cluster, we measured EMR runtime for Apache Spark performance by comparing C7g with C6g families across selected instance sizes of 4XL, 8XL and 12XL. We are excited to observe a maximum 19% performance gain over the 6th generation C6g Graviton2 instances, which leads to a 15% cost reduction.

In this post, we discuss the performance test results that we observed while running the same EMR Spark runtime on different Graviton-based EC2 instance types.

For some use cases, such as the benchmark test, running a data pipeline that requires a mix of CPU types for the granular-level cost efficiency, or migrating an existing application from Intel to Graviton-based instances, we usually spin up different clusters that host separate types of processors, such as x86_64 vs. arm64. However, Amazon EMR on EKS has made it easier. In this post, we also provide guidance on running Spark with multiple CPU architectures in a common EKS cluster, so that we can save significant time and effort on setting up a separate cluster to isolate the workloads.

Infrastructure innovation

AWS Graviton3 is the latest generation of AWS-designed Arm-based processors, and C7g is the first Graviton3 instance in AWS. The C family is designed for compute-intensive workloads, including batch processing, distributed analytics, data transformations, log analysis, and more. Additionally, C7g instances are the first in the cloud to feature DDR5 memory, which provides 50% higher memory bandwidth compared to DDR4 memory, to enable high-speed access to data in memory. All these innovations are well-suited for big data workloads, especially the in-memory processing framework Apache Spark.

The following table summarizes the technical specifications for the tested instance types:

Instance Name vCPUs Memory (GiB) EBS-Optimized Bandwidth (Gbps) Network Bandwidth (Gbps) On-Demand Hourly Rate
c6g.4xlarge 16 32 4.75 Up to 10 $0.544
c7g.4xlarge 16 32 Up to 10 Up to 15 $0.58
c6g.8xlarge 32 64 9 12 $1.088
c7g.8xlarge 32 64 10 15 $1.16
c6g.12xlarge 48 96 13.5 20 $1.632
c7g.12xlarge 48 96 15 22.5 $1.74

These instances are all built on AWS Nitro System, a collection of AWS-designed hardware and software innovations. The Nitro System offloads the CPU virtualization, storage, and networking functions to dedicated hardware and software, delivering performance that is nearly indistinguishable from bare metal. Especially, C7g instances have included support for Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA), which becomes the standard on this instance family. It allows our applications to communicate directly with network interface cards providing lower and more consistent latency. Additionally, these are all Amazon EBS-optimized instances, and C7g provides higher dedicated bandwidth for EBS volumes, which can result in better I/O performance contributing to quicker read/write operations in Spark.

Performance test results

To quantify performance, we ran TPC-DS benchmark queries for Spark with a 3TB scale. These queries are derived from TPC-DS standard SQL scripts, and the test results are not comparable to other published TPC-DS benchmark outcomes. Apart from the benchmark standards, a single Amazon EMR 6.6 Spark runtime (compatible with Apache Spark version 3.2.0) was used as the data processing engine across six different managed node groups on an EKS cluster: C6g_4, C7g_4,C6g_8, C7g_8, C6g_12, C7g_12. These groups are named after instance type to distinguish the underlying compute resources. Each group can automatically scale between 1 and 30 nodes within its corresponding instance type. Architecting the EKS cluster in such a way, we can run and compare our experiments in parallel, each of which is hosted in a single node group, i.e., an isolated compute environment on a common EKS cluster. It also makes it possible to run an application with multiple CPU architectures on the single cluster. Check out the sample EKS cluster configuration and benchmark job examples for more details.

We measure the Graviton performance and cost improvements using two calculations: total query runtime and geometric mean of the total runtime. The following table shows the results for equivalent sized C6g and C7g instances and the same Spark configurations.

Benchmark Attributes 12 XL 8 XL 4 XL
Task parallelism (spark.executor.core*spark.executor.instances) 188 cores (4*47) 188 cores (4*47) 188 cores (4*47)
spark.executor.memory 6 GB 6 GB 6 GB
Number of EC2 instances 5 7 16
EBS volume 4 * 128 GB io1 disk 4 * 128 GB io1 disk 4 * 128 GB io1 disk
Provisioned IOPS per volume 6400 6400 6400
Total query runtime on C6g (sec) 2099 2098 2042
Total query runtime on C7g (sec) 1728 1738 1660
Total run time improvement with C7g 18% 17% 19%
Geometric mean query time on C6g (sec) 9.74 9.88 9.77
Geometric mean query time on C7g (sec) 8.40 8.32 8.08
Geometric mean improvement with C7g 13.8% 15.8% 17.3%
EMR on EKS memory usage cost on C6g (per run) $0.28 $0.28 $0.28
EMR on EKS vCPU usage cost on C6g (per run) $1.26 $1.25 $1.24
Total cost per benchmark run on C6g (EC2 + EKS cluster + EMR price) $6.36 $6.02 $6.52
EMR on EKS memory usage cost on C7g (per run) $0.23 $0.23 $0.22
EMR on EKS vCPU usage cost on C7g (per run) $1.04 $1.03 $0.99
Total cost per benchmark run on C7g (EC2 + EKS cluster + EMR price) $5.49 $5.23 $5.54
Estimated cost reduction with C7g 13.7% 13.2% 15%

The total number of cores and memory are identical across all benchmarked instances, and four provisioned IOPS SSD disks were attached to each EBS-optimized instance for the optimal disk I/O performance. To allow for comparison, these configurations were intentionally chosen to match with settings in other EMR on EKS benchmarks. Check out the previous benchmark blog post Amazon EMR on Amazon EKS provides up to 61% lower costs and up to 68% performance improvement for Spark workloads for C5 instances based on x86_64 Intel CPU.

The table indicates C7g instances have consistent performance improvement compared to equivalent C6g Graviton2 instances. Our test results showed 17–19% improvement in total query runtime for selected instance sizes, and 13.8–17.3% improvement in geometric mean. On cost, we observed 13.2–15% cost reduction on C7g performance tests compared to C6g while running the 104 TPC-DS benchmark queries.

Data shuffle in a Spark workload

Generally, big data frameworks schedule computation tasks for different nodes in parallel to achieve optimal performance. To proceed with its computation, a node must have the results of computations from upstream. This requires moving intermediate data from multiple servers to the nodes where data is required, which is termed as shuffling data. In many Spark workloads, data shuffle is an inevitable operation, so it plays an important role in performance assessments. This operation may involve a high rate of disk I/O, network data transmission, and could burn a significant amount of CPU cycles.

If your workload is I/O bound or bottlenecked by current data shuffle performance, one recommendation is to benchmark on improved hardware. Overall, C7g offers better EBS and network bandwidth compared to equivalent C6g instance types, which may help you optimize performance. Therefore, in the same benchmark test, we captured the following extra information, which is broken down into per-instance-type network/IO improvements.

Based on the TPC-DS query test result, this graph illustrates the percentage increases of data shuffle operations in four categories: maximum disk read and write, and maximum network received and transmitted. In comparison to c6g instances, the disk read performance improved between 25–45%, whereas the disk write performance increase was 34–47%. On the network throughput comparison, we observed an increase of 21–36%.

Run an Amazon EMR on EKS job with multiple CPU architectures

If you’re evaluating migrating to Graviton instances for Amazon EMR on EKS workloads, we recommend testing the Spark workloads based on your real-world use cases. If you need to run workloads across multiple processor architectures, for example test the performance for Intel and Arm CPUs, follow the walkthrough in this section to get started with some concrete ideas.

Build a single multi-arch Docker image

To build a single multi-arch Docker image (x86_64 and arm64), complete the following steps:

  1. Get the Docker Buildx CLI extension.Docker Buildx is a CLI plugin that extends the Docker command to support the multi-architecture feature. Upgrade to the latest Docker desktop or manually download the CLI binary. For more details, check out Working with Buildx.
  2. Validate the version after the installation:
    docker buildx version

  3. Create a new builder that gives access to the new multi-architecture features (you only have to perform this task once):
    docker buildx create --name mybuilder --use

  4. Log in to your own Amazon ECR registry:
    ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text)
    aws ecr get-login-password --region $AWS_REGION | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $ECR_URL

  5. Get the EMR Spark base image from AWS:
    docker pull $SRC_ECR_URL/spark/emr-6.6.0:latest
    aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $SRC_ECR_URL

  6. Build and push a custom Docker image.

In this case, we build a single Spark benchmark utility docker image on top of Amazon EMR 6.6. It supports both Intel and Arm processor architectures:

  • linux/amd64 – x86_64 (also known as AMD64 or Intel 64)
  • linux/arm64 – Arm
docker buildx build \
--platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 \
-t $ECR_URL/eks-spark-benchmark:emr6.6 \
-f docker/benchmark-util/Dockerfile \
--build-arg SPARK_BASE_IMAGE=$SRC_ECR_URL/spark/emr-6.6.0:latest \
--push .

Submit Amazon EMR on EKS jobs with and without Graviton

For our first example, we submit a benchmark job to the Graviton3 node group that spins up c7g.4xlarge instances.

The following is not a complete script. Check out the full version of the example on GitHub.

aws emr-containers start-job-run \
--virtual-cluster-id $VIRTUAL_CLUSTER_ID \
--name emr66-c7-4xl \
--execution-role-arn $EMR_ROLE_ARN \
--release-label emr-6.6.0-latest \
--job-driver '{
    "sparkSubmitJobDriver": {
    "entryPoint": "local:///usr/lib/spark/examples/jars/eks-spark-benchmark-assembly-1.0.jar",
    "sparkSubmitParameters": "........"}}' \
--configuration-overrides '{
"applicationConfiguration": [{
    "classification": "spark-defaults",
    "properties": {
        "spark.kubernetes.container.image": "'$ECR_URL'/eks-spark-benchmark:emr6.6",
        "spark.kubernetes.node.selector.eks.amazonaws.com/nodegroup": “C7g_4”

In the following example, we run the same job on non-Graviton C5 instances with Intel 64 CPU. The full version of the script is available on GitHub.

aws emr-containers start-job-run \
--virtual-cluster-id $VIRTUAL_CLUSTER_ID \
--name emr66-c5-4xl \
--execution-role-arn $EMR_ROLE_ARN \
--release-label emr-6.6.0-latest \
--job-driver '{
    "sparkSubmitJobDriver": {
    "entryPoint": "local:///usr/lib/spark/examples/jars/eks-spark-benchmark-assembly-1.0.jar",
    "sparkSubmitParameters": "........"}}' \    
--configuration-overrides '{
"applicationConfiguration": [{
    "classification": "spark-defaults",
    "properties": {
        "spark.kubernetes.container.image": "'$ECR_URL'/eks-spark-benchmark:emr6.6",
        "spark.kubernetes.node.selector.eks.amazonaws.com/nodegroup”: “C5_4”


In May 2022, the Graviton3 instance family was made available to Amazon EMR on EKS. After running the performance-optimized EMR Spark runtime on the selected latest Arm-based Graviton3 instances, we observed up to 19% performance increase and up to 15% cost savings compared to C6g Graviton2 instances. Because Amazon EMR on EKS offers 100% API compatibility with open-source Apache Spark, you can quickly step into the evaluation process with no application changes.

If you’re wondering how much performance gain you can achieve with your use case, try out the benchmark solution or the EMR on EKS Workshop. You can also contact your AWS Solutions Architects, who can be of assistance alongside your innovation journey.

About the author

Melody Yang is a Senior Big Data Solution Architect for Amazon EMR at AWS. She is an experienced analytics leader working with AWS customers to provide best practice guidance and technical advice in order to assist their success in data transformation. Her areas of interests are open-source frameworks and automation, data engineering and DataOps.

AWS Glue Python shell now supports Python 3.9 with a flexible pre-loaded environment and support to install additional libraries

Post Syndicated from Alunnata Mulyadi original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/aws-glue-python-shell-now-supports-python-3-9-with-a-flexible-pre-loaded-environment-and-support-to-install-additional-libraries/

AWS Glue is the central service of an AWS modern data architecture. It is a serverless data integration service that allows you to discover, prepare, and combine data for analytics and machine learning. AWS Glue offers you a comprehensive range of tools to perform ETL (extract, transform, and load) at the right scale. AWS Glue Python shell jobs are designed for running small-to-medium size ETL, and triggering SQLs (including long-running queries) on Amazon Redshift, Amazon Athena, Amazon EMR, and more.

Today, we are excited to announce a new release of AWS Glue Python shell that supports Python 3.9 with more pre-loaded libraries. Additionally, it allows you to customize your Python shell environment with pre-loaded libraries and offers you PIP support to install other native or custom Python libraries.

The new release of AWS Glue Python shell includes the necessary Python libraries to connect your script to SQL engines and data warehouses like SQLAlchemy, PyMySQL, pyodbc, psycopg2, redshift, and more. It also supports communications with other AWS services such as Amazon OpenSearch Service (opensearch-py, elasticsearch), Amazon Neptune (gremlinpython), or Athena (PyAthena). It integrates Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler for ETL tasks like loading and unloading data from data lakes, data warehouses, and databases. It also includes library support for data serialization in industry formats such as avro and et-xmlfile.

In this post, we walk you through on how to use AWS Glue Python shell to create an ETL job that imports an Excel file and writes it in a relational database and data warehouse. The job reads the Excel file as a Pandas DataFrame, creates a data profiling report, and exports it into your Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. This routine cleans inaccurate information and imputes missing values based on predefined business rules. It writes the data into a target MySQL database for low-latency data access. Additionally, in parallel, the script exports the DataFrame in the data lake in columnar format to be copied into Amazon Redshift for reporting and visualization.

AWS Glue Python shell new features

The new release of AWS Glue Python shell allows you to use new features of Python 3.9 and add custom libraries to your script using job parameter configurations. This gives you more flexibility to write your Python code and reduces the need to manually maintain and update Python libraries needed for your code.

Customized pre-loaded library environments

AWS Glue Python shell for Python 3.9 comes with two library environment options:

  • analytics (default) – You can run your script in a fullly pre-loaded environment for complex analytics workloads. This option loads the full package of libraries.
  • none – You can choose an empty environment for simple and fast ETL jobs. This option only loads awscli and botocore as basic libraries.

You can set this option by using the library-set parameter in the job creation, for example:


For your reference, the following table lists the libraries included in each option.

Python version Python 3.9
Library set analytics (default) none
avro 1.11.0 .
awscli 1.23.5 1.23.5
awswrangler 2.15.1 .
botocore 1.23.5 1.23.5
boto3 1.22.5 .
elasticsearch 8.2.0 .
numpy 1.22.3 .
pandas 1.4.2 .
psycopg2 2.9.3 .
pyathena 2.5.3 .
PyMySQL 1.0.2 .
pyodbc 4.0.32 .
pyorc 0.6.0 .
redshift-connector 2.0.907 .
requests 2.27.1 .
scikit-learn 1.0.2 .
scipy 1.8.0 .
SQLAlchemy 1.4.36 .
s3fs 2022.3.0 .

Added support for library compilers

In this release, you can import and install libraries as part of the script, including your own C-based libraries. You have PIP support to install native or customer provided Python libraries with the support of the following compilers:

  • gcc
  • gcc-c++
  • gmake
  • cmake
  • cython
  • boost-devel
  • conda
  • python-dev

If you want to include a new package during your job creation, you can add the job parameter --additional-python-modules followed by the name of the library and the version. For example:


How to use the new features with the AWS Glue Python shell script

Now that we have introduced the new features, let’s create a Python 3.9 job with additional libraries with AWS Glue Python shell. You have two options to create and submit a job: you can use the interface of AWS Glue Studio, or the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) for a programmatic approach.

AWS Glue Studio

To use AWS Glue Studio, complete the following steps:

  1. On the AWS Glue Studio console, create a new job and select Python Shell script editor.
  2. Enter a job name and enter your Python script.
  3. On the Job details tab, enter an optional description.
  4. For IAM role¸ choose your job role.
  5. For Python version, choose Python 3.9.
  6. Select Load common Python libraries.
  7. Choose the script and the temporary files locations.
  8. Include the additional libraries as job parameters (--additional-python-modules).


With the new release, you can now use the AWS CLI with the new parameters. The following is an example of an AWS CLI statement to create the AWS Glue Python shell script job with Python 3.9:

$ aws glue create-job 
--name <job_name> 
--role <glue_role> 
    "--additional-python-modules":"<python package>=<version>, <>=<>"
--connections <your_glue_connection> 
--timeout 30 
--max-capacity 0.0625

Let’s explore the main differences from the previous AWS Glue Python shell versions:

  • Set the option PythonVersion within the --command parameter to 3.9.
  • To add new libraries, use --additional-python-modules as a new parameter and then list the library and the required version as follows: boto3=1.22.13.
  • Include library-set within –default-arguments and choose one of the values, such as default/analytics/none.

Solution overview

This tutorial demonstrates the new features using a common use case where data flows into your system as spreadsheet files reports. In this case, you want to quickly orchestrate a way to serve this data to the right tools. This script imports the data from Amazon S3 into a Pandas DataFrame. It creates a profiling report that is exported into your S3 bucket as an HTML file. The routine cleans inaccurate information and imputes missing values based on predefined business rules. It writes the data directly from Python shell to an Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for MySQL server for low-latency app response. Additionally, it exports the data into a Parquet file and copies it into Amazon Redshift for visualization and reporting.

In our case, we treat each scenario as independent tasks with no dependency between them. You only need to create the infrastructure for the use cases that you want to test. Each section provides guidance and links to the documentation to set up the necessary infrastructure.


There are a few requirements that are common to all scenarios:

  1. Create an S3 bucket to store the input and output files, script, and temporary files.

    Then, we create the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user and role necessary to create and run the job.
  2. Create an IAM AWS Glue service role called glue-blog-role and attach the AWS managed policy AWSGlueServiceRole for general AWS Glue permissions.If you’re also testing an Amazon Redshift or Amazon RDS use case, you need to grant the necessary permission to this role. For more information, refer to Using identity-based policies (IAM policies) for Amazon Redshift and Identity-based policy examples for Amazon RDS.
  3. Create an IAM user with security credentials and configure your AWS CLI in your local terminal.
    This allows you to create and launch your scripts from your local terminal. It is recommended to create a profile associated to this configuration.

    $ aws configure --profile glue-python-shell
    AWS Access Key ID
    AWS Secret Access Key
    Default region name
    Default output format

    The dataset used in this example is an Excel file containing Amazon Video Review data with the following structure. In a later step, we place the Excel file in our S3 bucket to be processed by our ETL script.

  4. Finally, to work with sample data, we need four Python modules that were made available in AWS Glue Python shell when the parameter library-set is set to analytics:
    1. boto3
    2. awswrangler
    3. PyMySQL
    4. Pandas

Note that Amazon customer reviews are not licensed for commercial use. You should replace this data with your own authorized data source when implementing your application.

Load the data

In this section, you start writing the script by loading the data used in all the scenarios.

  1. Import the libraries that we need:
    import sys
    import io
    import os
    import boto3
    import pandas as pd
    import awswrangler as wr
    import pymysql
    import datetime
    from io import BytesIO

  2. Read the Excel spreadsheet into a DataFrame:
    AWS_S3_BUCKET = <your_s3_bucket_uri>
    s3 = boto3.resource(
    obj = s3.Bucket(AWS_S3_BUCKET).Object('amazon_reviews_us_Video.xlsx').get()
    df = pd.read_excel(io.BytesIO(obj['Body'].read())

Scenario 1: Data profiling and dataset cleaning

To assist with basic data profiling, we use the pandas-profiling module and generate a profile report from our Pandas DataFrame. Pandas profiling supports output files in JSON and HTML format. In this post, we generate an HTML output file and place it in an S3 bucket for quick data analysis.

To use this new library during the job, add the --additional-python-modules parameter from the job details page in AWS Glue Studio or during job creation from the AWS CLI. Remember to include this package in the imports of your script:

from pandas_profiling import ProfileReport
profile = ProfileReport(df)

A common problem that we often see when dealing with a column’s data type is the mix of data types are identified as an object in a Pandas DataFrame. Mixed data type columns are flagged by pandas-profiling as Unsupported type and stored in the profile report description. We can access the information and standardize it to our desired data types.

The following lines of code loop every column in the DataFrame and check if any of the columns are flagged as Unsupported by pandas-profiling. We then cast it to string:

for col in df.columns:
    if (profile.description_set['variables'][col]['type']) == 'Unsupported':
        df[col] = df[col].astype(str)

To further clean or process your data, you can access variables provided by pandas-profiling. The following example prints out all columns with missing values:

for col in df.columns:
    if profile.description_set['variables'][col]['n_missing'] > 0:
        print (col, " is missing ", profile.description_set['variables'][col]['n_missing'], " data type ", profile2.description_set['variables'][col]['type'])
        #missing data handling

Scenario 2: Export data in columnar format and copy it to Amazon Redshift

In this scenario, we export our DataFrame into Parquet columnar format, store it in Amazon S3, and copy it to Amazon Redshift. We use Data Wrangler to connect our script to Amazon Redshift. This Python module is already included in the analytics environment. Complete the following steps to set up the necessary infrastructure:

Now we can write raw data to Amazon S3 in Parquet format and to Amazon Redshift.

A common partition strategy is to divide rows by year, month, and day from your date column and apply multi-level partitioning. This approach allows fast and cost-effective retrieval for all rows assigned to a particular year, month, or date. Another strategy to partition your data is by using a specific column directly. For example, using review_date as a partition gives you single level of directory for every unique date and stores the corresponding data in it.

In this post, we prepare our data for the multi-level date partitioning strategy. We start by extracting year, month, and day from our date column:

df['day']= pd.DatetimeIndex(df['review_date']).day.astype(str)
df['month']= pd.DatetimeIndex(df['review_date']).month.astype(str)
df['year']= pd.DatetimeIndex(df['review_date']).year.astype(str)

With our partition columns ready, we can use the awswrangler module to write to Amazon S3 in Parquet format:

    path="s3://<your_output_s3_bucket>", #change this value with path to your bucket

To query your partitioned data in Amazon S3, you can use Athena, our serverless interactive query service. For more information, refer to Partitioning data with Athena.

Next, we write our DataFrame directly to Amazon Redshift internal storage by using Data Wrangler. Writing to Amazon Redshift internal storage is advised when you’re going to use this data frequently for complex analytics, large SQL operations, or business intelligence (BI) reporting. In Amazon Redshift, it’s advised to define the distribution style and sort key on the table to improve cluster performance. If you’re not sure about the right value for those parameters, you can use the Amazon Redshift auto distribution style and sort key and follow Amazon Redshift advisor recommendations. For more information on Amazon Redshift data distribution, refer to Working with data distribution styles.

#drop review columns and preserve other columns for analysis
df = df.drop(['review_body','review_headline'], axis=1)

#generate dictionary with length to be used by awswrangler to create varchar columns
max_length_object_cols = {col: df.loc[:, col].astype(str).apply(len).max() for col in df.select_dtypes([object]).columns}

#connect to Redshift via Glue connection
con = wr.redshift.connect("<your_glue_connection>")

#copy DataFrame into Redshift table 
    path=<temporarty path for staging files>,
    table="<your_redshift_table_name>", #awswrangler will create table if it does not exist
    varchar_lengths= max_length_object_cols,

#close connection    

Scenario 3: Data ingestion into Amazon RDS

In this scenario, we open a connection between AWS Glue Python shell and ingest the data directly into Amazon RDS for MySQL. The infrastructure you require for this scenario is an RDS for MySQL database in the same Region as the AWS Glue Python shell job. For more information, refer to Creating a MySQL DB instance and connecting to a database on a MySQL DB instance.

With the PyMySQL and boto3 modules, we can now connect to our RDS for MySQL database and write our DataFrame into a table.

Prepare the variables for connection and generate a database authentication token for database login:

#RDS connection details
MYSQL_ENDPOINT = "<mysql_endpoint>"
PORT= "3306"
USER= "<mysql_username>"
REGION = "<region_for_rds_mysql>"
DBNAME = "<database_name>"
session = boto3.Session(profile_name='<your_aws_profile>')
client = session.client('rds')

#generate db authentication token 
token = client.generate_db_auth_token(DBHostname=MYSQL_ENDPOINT, Port=PORT, DBUsername=USER, Region=REGION)

#connect to database
connection = pymysql.connect(host=MYSQL_ENDPOINT,
#arrange columns and values for SQL insert statement    
columns = ','.join(df.columns)
values=','.join(['%s'.format(i+1) for i in range(len(df.columns))])

#SQL statement to insert into RDS
load_sql = f"INSERT INTO demo_blog.amazon_video_review({columns:}) VALUES ({values:})"

For more information about using an SSL connection with your RDS instance, refer to Using SSL/TLS to encrypt a connection to a DB instance.

Connect to your RDS for MySQL database and write a Pandas DataFrame into the table with the following code:

    with connection.cursor() as cur:
        cur.executemany(load_sql, df.values.tolist())

You need to create a table in Amazon RDS for MySQL prior to running the insert statement. Use the following DDL to create the demo_blog.amazon_video_review table:

CREATE TABLE `amazon_video_review` (
  `marketplace` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  `customer_id` bigint NOT NULL,
  `review_id` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
  `product_id` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
  `product_parent` bigint NOT NULL,
  `product_title` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
  `product_category` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
  `star_rating` bigint NOT NULL,
  `helpful_votes` bigint NOT NULL,
  `total_votes` bigint NOT NULL,
  `vine` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
  `verified_purchase` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
  `review_headline` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
  `review_body` varchar(5000) DEFAULT NULL,
  `review_date` date NOT NULL,
  `year` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
  `month` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
  `date` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
  `day` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL

When the data is available in database, you can perform a simple aggregation as follows:

agg_sql="insert into demo_blog.video_review_recap select product_title , year as review_year, count(*) as total_review, sum(case when verified_purchase=\"Y\" then 1 else 0 end) as total_verified_purchase,sum(case when verified_purchase=\"N\" then 1 else 0 end) as total_unverified_purchase from demo_blog.amazon_video_review avr group by 1 order by 2 DESC"
cursor = connection.cursor()

Create and run your job

After you finalize your code, you can run it from AWS Glue Studio or save it in a script .py file and submit a job with the AWS CLI. Remember to add the necessary parameters in your job creation depending of the scenario you’re testing. The following job parameters cover all the scenarios:

--command pythonVersion=3.9 …
--default-arguments '{"library-set":"analytics" , "--additional-python-modules":"pandas_profile", …}'

Review the results

In this section, we review the expected results for each scenario.

In Scenario 1, pandas-profiling generates a data report in HTML format. In this report, you can visualize missing values, duplicated values, size estimations, or correlations between columns, as shown in the following screenshots.

For Scenario 2, you can first review the Parquet file written to Amazon S3 in Parquet format with partition year/month/day.

Then you can use the Amazon Redshift query editor to query and visualize the data.

For Scenario 3, you can use a JDBC connection or database IDE to connect to your RDS database and query the data that you just ingested.

Clean up

AWS Glue Python shell is a serverless routine that won’t incur in any extra charges when it isn’t running. However, this demo used several services that will incur in extra costs. Clean up after completing this walkthrough with the following steps:

  1. Remove the contents of your S3 bucket and delete it. If you encounter any errors, refer to Why can’t I delete my S3 bucket using the Amazon S3 console or AWS CLI, even with full or root permissions.
  2. Stop and delete the RDS DB instance. For instructions, see Deleting a DB instance.
  3. Stop and delete the Amazon Redshift cluster. For instructions, refer to Deleting a cluster.


In this post, we introduced AWS Glue Python shell with Python 3.9 support and more pre-loaded libraries. We presented the customizable Python shell environment with pre-loaded libraries and PIP support to install other native or custom Python libraries. We covered the new features and how to get started through AWS Glue Studio and the AWS CLI. We also demonstrated a step-by-step tutorial of how you can easily use these new capabilities to accomplish common ETL use cases.

To learn more about AWS Glue Python shell and this new feature, refer to Python shell jobs in AWS Glue.

About the authors

Alunnata Mulyadi is an Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS. Alun has over a decade of experience in data engineering, helping customers address their business and technical needs. Outside of the work, he enjoys photography, cycling, and basketball.

Quim Bellmunt is an Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. Quim has a PhD in Computer Science and Knowledge Graph focusing on data modeling and transformation. With over 6 years of hands-on experience in the analytics and AI/ML space, he enjoys helping customers create systems that scale with their business needs and generate value from their data. Outside of the work, he enjoys walking with his dog and cycling.

Kush Rustagi is a Software Development Engineer on the AWS Glue team with over 4 years of experience in the industry having worked on large-scale financial systems in Python and C++, and is now using his scalable system design experience towards cloud development. Before working on Glue Python Shell, Kush worked on anomaly detection challenges in the fin-tech space. Aside from exploring new technologies, he enjoys EDM, traveling, and learning non-programming languages.

Introducing AWS Glue Flex jobs: Cost savings on ETL workloads

Post Syndicated from Aniket Jiddigoudar original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/introducing-aws-glue-flex-jobs-cost-savings-on-etl-workloads/

AWS Glue is a serverless data integration service that makes it simple to discover, prepare, and combine data for analytics, machine learning (ML), and application development. You can use AWS Glue to create, run, and monitor data integration and ETL (extract, transform, and load) pipelines and catalog your assets across multiple data stores. Typically, these data integration jobs can have varying degrees of priority and time sensitivity. For example, non-urgent workloads such as pre-production, testing, and one-time data loads often don’t require fast job startup times or consistent runtimes via dedicated resources.

Today, we are pleased to announce the general availability of a new AWS Glue job run class called Flex. Flex allows you to optimize your costs on your non-urgent or non-time sensitive data integration workloads such as pre-production jobs, testing, and one-time data loads. With Flex, AWS Glue jobs run on spare compute capacity instead of dedicated hardware. The start and runtimes of jobs using Flex can vary because spare compute resources aren’t readily available and can be reclaimed during the run of a job

Regardless of the run option used, AWS Glue jobs have the same capabilities, including access to custom connectors, visual authoring interface, job scheduling, and Glue Auto Scaling. With the Flex execution option, customers can optimize the costs of their data integration workloads by configuring the execution option based on the workloads’ requirements, using standard execution option for time-sensitive workloads, and Flex for non-urgent workloads. The Flex execution class is available for AWS Glue 3.0 Spark jobs.

The Flex execution class is available for AWS Glue 3.0 Spark jobs.

In this post, we provide more details about AWS Glue Flex jobs and how to enable Flex capacity.

How do you use Flexible capacity?

The AWS Glue jobs API now supports an additional parameter called execution-class, which lets you choose STANDARD or FLEX when running the job. To use Flex, you simply set the parameter to FLEX.

To enable Flex via the AWS Glue Studio console, complete the following steps:

  1. On the AWS Glue Studio console, while authoring a job, navigate to the Job details tab
  2. Select Flex Execution.
  3. Set an appropriate value for the Job Timeout parameter (defaults to 120 minutes for Flex jobs).
  4. Save the job.
  5. After finalizing all other details, choose Run to run the job with Flex capacity.

On the Runs tab, you should be able to see FLEX listed under Execution class.

You can also enable Flex via the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).

You can set the --execution-class setting in the start-job-run API, which lets you run a particular AWS Glue job’s run with Flex capacity:

aws glue start-job-run --job-name my-job \
    --execution-class FLEX \
    --timeout 300 \

You can also set the --execution-class during the create-job API. This sets the default run class of all the runs of this job to FLEX:

aws glue create-job \
    --name flexCLI \
    --role AWSGlueServiceRoleDefault \
    --command "Name=glueetl,ScriptLocation=s3://mybucket/myfolder/" \
    --region us-east-2 \
    --execution-class FLEX \
    --worker-type G.1X \
    --number-of-workers 10 \
    --glue-version 3.0

The following are additional details about the relevant parameters:

  • –execution-class – The enum string that specifies if a job should be run as FLEX or STANDARD capacity. The default is STANDARD.
  • –timeout – Specifies the time (in minutes) the job will run before it’s moved into a TIMEOUT state.

When should you use Flexible capacity?

The Flex execution class is ideal for reducing the costs of time-insensitive workloads. For example:

  • Nightly ETL jobs, or jobs that run over weekends for processing workloads
  • One-time bulk data ingestion jobs
  • Jobs running in test environments or pre-production workloads
  • Time-insensitive workloads where it’s acceptable to have variable start and end times

In comparison, the standard execution class is ideal for time-sensitive workloads that require fast job startup and dedicated resources. In addition, jobs that have downstream dependencies are better served by the standard execution class.

What is the typical life-cycle of a Flexible capacity Job?

When a start-job-run API call is issued, with the execution-class set to FLEX, AWS Glue will begin to request compute resources. If no resources are available immediately upon issuing the API call, the job will move into a WAITING state. No billing occurs at this point.

As soon as the job is able to acquire compute resources, the job moves to a RUNNING state. At this point, even if all the computes requested aren’t available, the job begins running on whatever hardware is present. As more Flex capacity becomes available, AWS Glue adds it to the job, up to a maximum value specified by Number of workers.

At this point, billing begins. You’re charged only for the compute resources that are running at any given time, and only for the duration that they ran for.

While the job is running, if Flex capacity is reclaimed, AWS Glue continues running the job on the existing compute resources while it tries to meet the shortfall by requesting more resources. If capacity is reclaimed, billing for that capacity is halted as well. Billing for new capacity will start when it is provisioned again. If the job completes successfully, the job’s state moves to SUCCEEDED. If the job fails due to various user or system errors, the job’s state transitions to FAILED. If the job is unable to complete before the time specified by the --timeout parameter, whether due to a lack of compute capacity or due to issues with the AWS Glue job script, the job goes into a TIMEOUT state.

Flexible job runs rely on the availability of non-dedicated compute capacity in AWS, which in turn depends on several factors, such as the Region and Availability Zone, time of day, day of the week, and the number of DPUs required by a job.

A parameter of particular importance for Flex Jobs is the --timeout value. It’s possible for Flex jobs to take longer to run than standard jobs, especially if capacity is reclaimed while the job is running. As a result, selecting the right timeout value that’s appropriate for your workload is critical. Choose a timeout value such that the total cost of the Flex job run doesn’t exceed a standard job run. If the value is set too high, the job can wait for too long, trying to acquire capacity that isn’t available. If the value is set too low, the job times out, even if capacity is available and the job execution is proceeding correctly.

How are Flex capacity jobs billed?

Flex jobs are billed per worker at the Flex DPU-hour rates. This means that you’re billed only for the capacity that actually ran during the execution of the job, for the duration that it ran.

For example, if you ran an AWS Glue Flex job for 10 workers, and AWS Glue was only able to acquire 5 workers, you’re only billed for five workers, and only for the duration that those workers ran. If, during the job run, two out of those five workers are reclaimed, then billing for those two workers is stopped, while billing for the remaining three workers continues. If provisioning for the two reclaimed workers is successful during the job run, billing for those two will start again.

For more information on Flex pricing, refer to AWS Glue pricing.


This post discusses the new AWS Glue Flex job execution class, which allows you to optimize costs for non-time-sensitive ETL workloads and test environments.

You can start using Flex capacity for your existing and new workloads today. However, note that the Flex class is not supported for Python Shell jobs, AWS Glue streaming jobs, or AWS Glue ML jobs.

For more information on AWS Glue Flex jobs, refer to their latest documentation.

Special thanks to everyone who contributed to the launch: Parag Shah, Sampath Shreekantha, Yinzhi Xi and Jessica Cheng,

About the authors

Aniket Jiddigoudar is a Big Data Architect on the AWS Glue team.

Vaibhav Porwal is a Senior Software Development Engineer on the AWS Glue team.

Sriram Ramarathnam is a Software Development Manager on the AWS Glue team.