Tag Archives: monitoring

How to automate AWS Managed Microsoft AD scaling based on utilization metrics

Post Syndicated from Dennis Rothmel original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-automate-aws-managed-microsoft-ad-scaling-based-on-utilization-metrics/

AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory (AWS Managed Microsoft AD), provides a fully managed service for Microsoft Active Directory (AD) in the AWS cloud. When you create your directory, AWS deploys two domain controllers in separate Availability Zones that are exclusively yours for high availability. For use cases requiring even higher resilience and performance, in a specific Region or during specific hours, AWS Managed Microsoft AD allows you to scale by deploying additional domain controllers to meet your needs. These domain controllers can help load-balance, increase overall performance, or simply provide additional nodes to protect against temporary availability issues. AWS Managed Microsoft AD allows you to define the correct number of domain controllers for your directory based on your individual use case.

This post will walk you through how to automate scaling in AWS Managed Microsoft AD using utilization metrics from your directory. You’ll do this using Amazon CloudWatch Alarms, SNS notifications, and a Lambda function to increase the number of domain controllers in your directory based on utilization peaks.

Simplified directory scaling

AWS Managed Microsoft AD has now simplified this directory scaling process by integrating with Amazon CloudWatch metrics. This new integration enables you to:

  1. Analyze your directory to identify expected average and peak directory utilization
  2. Scale your directory based on utilization data to adequately address the expected load
  3. Automate the addition of domain controllers to handle unexpected load.

Integration is available for both domain controller utilization metrics such as CPU, Memory, Disk and Network, and for AD-specific metrics, such as LDAP searches, binds, DNS queries, and Directory reads/writes. Analyzing this data over time to identify expected average and peak utilization on your directory can help you deploy additional domain controllers in Regions that need them. Once you’ve established this utilization baseline, you can deploy additional domain controllers to service this load, and configure alarms for anything exceeding this baseline.

Solution overview

In this example, our AWS Managed Microsoft AD has the default two domain controllers; once your utilization threshold is reached, you’ll add one additional domain controller (domain controller 3 in the diagram) to cover this additional load. 

Figure 1: Solution overview

Figure 1: Solution overview

To create a CloudWatch Alarm with SNS topic notifications

  1. In the AWS Console, navigate to CloudWatch
  2. Choose Metrics to see the Browse Metrics panel
  3. Choose the Directory Service namespace, then choose AWS Managed Microsoft AD.
  4. In the Directory ID column, select your directory and check search for this only.
  5. From the Metric Category column, select Processor from Metric Category and check add to search. This view will show the processor utilization for your directory.

    Figure 2. Processor utilization metrics

    Figure 2. Processor utilization metrics

  7. To see the average utilization across all domain controllers, choose Add Math, then All Functions, then AVG to create a metric math expression for average CPU utilization across all domain controllers.

    Figure 3. Adding a math function to compute average

    Figure 3. Adding a math function to compute average

  9. Next, choose the Graphed Metrics tab in the CloudWatch metrics console, select the newly created expression, then select the bell icon from the Actions column to create a CloudWatch alarm based on this metric.
  10. Figure 4. Create a CloudWatch Alarm using Metric Math Expression

    Figure 4. Create a CloudWatch Alarm using Metric Math Expression

  11. Configure the threshold alarm to trigger when CPU utilization exceeds 70%.
  12.  In the Metrics section, under Period, choose 1 Hour.
     In the Conditions section, under Threshold Type, choose Static. Under Define the alarm condition, choose Greater than threshold. Under Define the threshold value, enter 70. See Figure 5 for an image of how alarm parameters should look on your screen. Choose Next to Configure actions

    Figure 5. Configure the alarm parameters

    Figure 5. Configure the alarm parameters

  13. On the Configure actions screen, configure the actions using the parameters listed below to send an email notification when the alarm state is triggered. See Figure 6 for an image of how email notifications are configured.
  14.   In the Notification section, set Alarm state trigger to In alarm.   Set Select an SNS topic to Create topic.  Fill in the name of the alarm in the Create a new topic field, and add the email where notifications should be sent to the Email endpoints that will receive notification field. An email address is required to create the SNS topic and you should use an email address that’s accessible by your operations team. This SNS topic will be used to trigger the Lambda automation described in a later section. Note: make a note of the SNS topic name you chose; you will use it later when creating the Lambda function in the To create an AWS Lambda function to automate scale out procedure below. 

    Figure 6. Create SNS topic and email notification

    Figure 6. Create SNS topic and email notification

  15. In the Alarm name field, provide a name for the alarm. You can optionally also add an Alarm description. Choose Next.
  16. Review your configuration, and choose Create alarm to create the alarm.

Once you’ve completed these steps, you will now have an alarm implemented for when domain controller CPU utilization exceeds an average of 70% across both domain controllers. This will trigger an SNS topic when your directory is experiencing a heavy load, which will be used to start the Lambda automation and will send an informational email notification. In the next section, we’ll configure an AWS Lambda function to automate the addition of a domain controller based on this SNS topic.

For additional details on CloudWatch Alarms, please see the Amazon CloudWatch documentation.

To create an AWS Lambda function to automate scale out

The sample Lambda function shown below checks the number of domain controllers in this Region, and increases that by adding one additional domain controller. This procedure describes how to configure the IAM role required for this Lambda function, then how to deploy the Lambda function to execute when the alarm is triggered to automatically add a domain controller when your load exceeds your typical usage baseline.

Note: For additional details on Lambda creation, please see the AWS Lambda documentation.

To automate scale-out using AWS Lambda

  1. In the AWS Console, navigate to IAM and choose Policies, then choose Create Policy.
  2. Choose the JSON tab, and create a new IAM role using the policy provided in JSON below.
  3. For more details on this configuration, see the AWS Directory Service documentation.

    Sample policy



  4. Choose Next:Tags to add tags (optional) before choosing Next:Review.
  5. On the Create Policy screen, provide a name in the Name field. You can optionally also add a description. Choose Create policy to complete creating the new policy.
    Note: make a note of the policy name you chose; you will use it later when updating the execution role for the Lambda function.  

    Figure 7. Provide a name to create the IAM policy

    Figure 7. Provide a name to create the IAM policy

  7. In the AWS Console, navigate to Lambda and choose Create Function
  8. On the Create Function screen, select Author from Scratch and provide a Name, then choose Create Function.
  9. Figure 8. Create a Lambda function

    Figure 8. Create a Lambda function

  10. Once created, on the Lambda function’s page, choose the Configuration tab, then choose Permissions from the sidebar and choose the execution role name linked under Role name. This will open the IAM console in another tab, preloaded to your Lambda execution role.

    Figure 9: Select the Execution Role

    Figure 9: Select the Execution Role

  12. On the execution role screen, choose Attach policies and select the IAM policy you’ve just created (e.g. DirectoryService-DCNumber Update). On the Attach Permissions screen, choose Attach policy to complete updating the execution role. Once completed this step, you may close this tab and return the previous browser tab.

    Figure 10. Select and attach the IAM policy

    Figure 10. Select and attach the IAM policy

  14. On the Lambda function screen, choose the Configuration tab, then choose Triggers from the sidebar.
  15. On the Add Trigger screen, choose the pulldown under Trigger configuration and select SNS. On the SNS topic box, select the SNS topic you created in Step 9 of the To create a CloudWatch Alarm with SNS topic notifications procedure above. Then choose Add to complete the trigger configuration.
  16. On the Lambda function screen, choose the Configuration tab, then choose Environment variables from the sidebar.
  17. On the Environment variables card, click Edit.
  18. On the Edit environment variables screen, choose Add environment variables and use the Key “DIRECTORY_ID” and the Value will be the directory ID for you AWS Managed Microsoft AD.

    Figure 11. The "Edit environment variables" screen

    Figure 11. The “Edit environment variables” screen

  20. On the Lambda function screen, choose the Code tab to open the in-browser code editor experience inside the Code source card. Paste in the sample Lambda function code given below to complete the implementation.

    Figure 12. Paste sample code to complete the Lambda function setup

    Figure 12. Paste sample code to complete the Lambda function setup

Sample Lambda function code

The sample Lambda function given below automates adding another domain controller to your directory. When your CloudWatch alarm triggers, you will receive a notification email, and an additional domain controller will be deployed to provide the added capacity to support the increase in directory usage.

Note: The example code contains a variable for the maximum number of domain controllers (maxDcNum), to prevent you from over provisioning in the event of a missed configuration. This value is set to 3 for this blog post’s example and can be increased to suit your use case. 

import json
import boto3

maxDcNum = 10
minDcNum = 2
region   = "us-east-1"
dsId = "d-906752246f"

ds = boto3.client('ds', region_name=region)

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    ## get the current number of domain controllers
    dcs = ds.describe_domain_controllers(DirectoryId = dsId)

    DomainControllers = dcs["DomainControllers"]
    DCcount = len(DomainControllers)
    print(">>> Current number of DCs:" + str(DCcount))

    #increase the number of DCs
    if DCcount < maxDcNum:
        NewDCnumber = DCcount + 1 
        response = ds.update_number_of_domain_controllers(DirectoryId = dsId, DesiredNumber =  NewDCnumber);    

        return {
            'statusCode': 200,
            'body': json.dumps("New DC number will be " + str(NewDCnumber))
        return {
            'statusCode': 200,
            'body': json.dumps("Max number of DCs reached. The number of DCs is" + str(DCcount))

Note: When testing this Lambda function, remember that this will increase the number of domain controllers for your directory in that Region. If the additional domain controller is not needed, please reduce the count after the test to avoid costs for an additional domain controller. The same principles used in this article to automate the addition of domain controllers can be applied to automate the reduction of domain controllers and you should consider automating the reduction to optimize for resilience, performance and cost.


In this post, you’ve implemented alarms based on thresholds in Domain Controller utilization using AWS CloudWatch and automation to increase the number of domain controllers using AWS Lambda functions. This solution helps to cost-effectively improve resilience and performance of your directory, by scaling your directory based on historical load patterns.

To learn more about using AWS Managed Microsoft AD, visit the AWS Directory Service documentation. For general information and pricing, see the AWS Directory Service home page. If you have comments about this blog post, submit a comment in the Comments section below. If you have implementation or troubleshooting questions, start a new thread on the Directory Service forum or contact AWS Support.

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Dennis Rothmel

Dennis is a Sr. Product Manager from AWS Identity with a passion for modernization and automation. He has worked globally across Asia Pacific, Europe, and America, and enjoys the travel, languages, cultures and foods that come with global working.


Vladimir Provorov

Vladimir is a Product Solutions Architect from AWS Identity focused on Workforce Identity and Directory Service. He works on developing new features to make Enterprise Identity simpler and more scalable. He is excited to travel and explore the world with his family.

Advanced Zabbix API – 5 API use cases to improve your API workfows

Post Syndicated from Arturs Lontons original https://blog.zabbix.com/advanced-zabbix-api-5-api-use-cases-to-improve-your-api-workfows/16801/

As your monitoring infrastructures evolve, you might hit a point when there’s no avoiding using the Zabbix API. The Zabbix API can be used to automate a particular part of your day-to-day workflow, troubleshoot your monitoring or to simply analyze or get statistics about a specific set of entities.

In this blog post, we will take a look at some of the more advanced API methods and specific method parameters and learn how they can be used to improve your API workflows.

1. Count entities with CountOutput

Let’s start with gathering some statistics. Let’s say you have to count the number of some matching entities – here we can use the CountOutput parameter. For a more advanced use case – what if we have to count the number of events for some time period? Let’s combine countOutput with time_from and time_till (in unixtime) and get the number of events created for the month of November. Let’s get all of the events for the month of November that have the Disaster severity:

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "event.get",
"params": {
"output": "extend",
"time_from": "1635717600",
"time_till": "1638223200",
"severities": "5",
"countOutput": "true"
"auth": "xxxxxx",
"id": 1

2. Use API to perform Configuration export/import

Next, let’s take a look at how we can use the configuration.export method to export one of our templates in yaml:

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "configuration.export",
"params": {
"options": {
"templates": [
"format": "yaml"
"auth": "xxxxxx",
"id": 1

Now let’s copy and paste the result of the export and import the template into another environment. It’s extremely important to remember that for this method to work exactly as we intend to, we need to include the parameters that specify the behavior of particular entities contained in the configuration string, such as items/value maps/templates, etc. For example, if I exclude the templates parameter here, no templates will be imported.

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "configuration.import",
"params": {
"format": "yaml",
"rules": {
"valueMaps": {
"createMissing": true,
"updateExisting": true
"items": {
"createMissing": true,
"updateExisting": true,
"deleteMissing": true
"templates": {
"createMissing": true,
"updateExisting": true

"templateLinkage": {
"createMissing": true
"source": "zabbix_export:\n version: '5.4'\n date: '2021-11-13T09:31:29Z'\n groups:\n -\n uuid: 846977d1dfed4968bc5f8bdb363285bc\n name: 'Templates/Operating systems'\n templates:\n -\n uuid: e2307c94f1744af7a8f1f458a67af424\n template: 'Linux by Zabbix agent active'\n name: 'Linux by Zabbix agent active'\n 
"auth": "xxxxxx",
"id": 1

3. Expand trigger functions and macros with expand parameters

Using trigger.get to obtain information about a particular set of triggers is a relatively common practice. One particular caveat that we have to consider is that by default macros in trigger name, expression or descriptions are not expanded. To expand the available macros we need to use the expand parameters:

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "trigger.get",
"params": {
"triggerids": "18135",
"output": "extend",
"selectFunctions": "extend"
"auth": "xxxxxx",
"id": 1

4. Obtaining additional LLD information for a discovered item

If we wish to display additional LLD information for a discovered entity, in this case – an item, we can use the selectDiscoveryRule and selectItemDiscovery parameters.
While selectDiscoveryRule will provide the ID of the LLD rule that created the item, selectItemDiscovery can point us at the parent item prototype id from which the item was created, last discovery time, item prototype key, and more.

The example below will return the item details and will also provide the LLD rule and Item prototype IDs, the time when the lost item will be deleted and the last time the item was discovered:

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "item.get",
"params": {
}, "auth":"xxxxxx",
"id": 1

5. Searching through the matched entities with search parameters

Zabbix API provides a couple of standard parameters for performing a search. With search parameter, we can search string or text fields and try to find objects based on a single or multiple entries. searchByAny parameter is capable of extending the search – if you set this as true, we will search by ANY of the criteria in the search array, instead of trying to find an entity that matches ALL of them (default behavior).

The following API call will find items that match agent and Zabbix keys on a particular template:

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "item.get",
"params": {
"output": "extend",
"templateids": "10001",
"search": {
"key_": ["agent.","zabbix"]
"sortfield": "name"
"auth": "xxxxxx",
"id": 1

Feel free to take the above examples, change them around so they fit your use case and you should be able to quite easily implement them in your environment. There are many other use cases that we might potentially cover down the line – if you have a specific API use case that you wish for us to cover, feel free to leave a comment under this post and we just might cover it in one of the upcoming blog posts!

Zabbix 6.0 LTS at Zabbix Summit Online 2021

Post Syndicated from Arturs Lontons original https://blog.zabbix.com/zabbix-6-0-lts-at-zabbix-summit-online-2021/16115/

With Zabbix Summit Online 2021 just around the corner, it’s time to have a quick overview of the 6.0 LTS features that we can expect to see featured during the event. The Zabbix 6.0 LTS release aims to deliver some of the long-awaited enterprise-level features while also improving the general user experience, performance, scalability, and many other aspects of Zabbix.

Native Zabbix server cluster

Many of you will be extremely happy to hear that Zabbix 6.0 LTS release comes with out-of-the-box High availability for Zabbix Server. This means that HA will now be supported natively, without having to use external tools to create Zabbix Server clusters.

The native Zabbix Server cluster will have a speech dedicated to it during the Zabbix Summit Online 2021. You can expect to learn both the inner workings of the HA solution, the configuration and of course the main benefits of using the native HA solution. You can also take a look at the in-development version of the native Zabbix server cluster in the latest Zabbix 6.0 LTS alpha release.

Business service monitoring and root cause analysis

Service monitoring is also about to go through a significant redesign, focusing on delivering additional value by providing robust Business service monitoring (BSM) features. This is achieved by delivering significant additions to the existing service status calculation logic. With features such as service weights, service status analysis based on child problem severities, ability to calculate service status based on the number or percentage of children in a problem state, users will be able to implement BSM on a whole new level. BSM will also support root cause analysis – users will be informed about the root cause problem of the service status change.

All of this and more, together with examples and use cases will be covered during a separate speech dedicated to BSM. In addition, some of the BSM features are available in the latest Zabbix 6.0 LTS alpha release – with more to come as we continue working on the Zabbix 6.0 release.

Audit log redesign

The Audit log is another existing feature that has received a complete redesign. With the ability to log each and every change performed both by the Zabbix Server and Zabbix Frontend, the Audit log will become an invaluable source of audit information. Of course, the redesign also takes performance into consideration – the redesign was developed with the least possible performance impact in mind.

The audit log is constantly in development and the current Zabbix 6.0 LTS alpha release offers you an early look at the feature. We will also be covering the technical details of the new audit log implementation during the Summit and will explain how we are able to achieve minimal performance impact with major improvements to Zabbix audit logging.

Geographical maps

With Geographical maps, our users can finally display their entities on a geographical map based on the coordinates of the entity. Geographical maps can be used with multiple geographical map providers and display your hosts with their most severe problems. In addition, geographical maps will react dynamically to Zoom levels and support filtering.

The latest Zabbix 6.0 Alpha release includes the Geomap widget – feel free to deploy it in your QA environment, check out the different map providers, filter options and other great features that come with this widget.

Machine learning

When it comes to problem detection, Zabbix 6.0 LTS will deliver multiple trend new functions. A specific set of functions provides machine learning functionality for Anomaly detection and Baseline monitoring.

The topic will be covered in-depth during the Zabbix Summit Online 2021. We will look at the configuration of the new functions and also take a deeper dive at the logic and algorithms used under the hood.

During the Zabbix Summit Online 2021, we will also cover many other new features, such as:

  • New Dashboard widgets
  • New items for Zabbix Agent
  • New templates and integrations
  • Zabbix login password complexity settings
  • Performance improvements for Zabbix Server, Zabbix Proxy, and Zabbix Frontend
  • UI and UX improvements
  • Zabbix login password complexity requirements
  • New history and trend functions
  • And more!

Not only will you get the chance to have an early look at many new features not yet available in the latest alpha release, but also you will have a great chance to learn the inner workings of the new features, the upgrade and migration process to Zabbix 6.0 LTS and much more!

We are extremely excited to share all of the new features with our community, so don’t miss out – take a look at the full Zabbix Summit online 2021 agenda and register for the event by visiting our Zabbix Summit page, and we will see you at the Zabbix Summit Online 2021 on November 25!

Simplifying Zabbix API workflows with named Zabbix API tokens

Post Syndicated from Arturs Lontons original https://blog.zabbix.com/simplifying-zabbix-api-workflows-with-named-zabbix-api-tokens/16653/

Zabbix API enables you to collect any and all information from your Zabbix instance by using a multitude of API methods. You can even utilize Zabbix API calls in your HTTP items. For example, this can be used to monitor the number of particular sets of metrics and visualize their growth over time. With named Zabbix API tokens, such use cases are a lot more simple to implement.

Before Zabbix 5.4 we had to perform the user.login API call to obtain the authentication token. Once the user session was closed, we had to relog, obtain the new authentication token and use it in the subsequent API calls.

With the pre-defined named Zabbix API tokens, you don’t have to constantly check if the authentication token needs to be updated. Starting from Zabbix 5.4 you can simply create a new named Zabbix API token with an expiration date and use it in your API calls.

Creating a new named Zabbix API token

The Zabbix API token creation process is extremely simple. All you have to do is navigate to Administration – General – API tokens and create a new API token. The named API tokens are created for a particular user and can have an optional expiration date and time – otherwise, the tokens are defined without an expiry date.

You can create a named API token in the API tokens section, under Administration – General

Once the Token has been created, make sure to store it somewhere safe, since you won’t be able to recover it afterward. If the token is lost – you will have to recreate it.

Make sure to store the auth token!

Don’t forget, that when defining a role for the particular API user, we can restrict which API methods this user has access to.

Simplifying API tasks with the named API token

There are many different use cases where you could implement Zabbix API calls to collect some additional information. For this blog post, I will create an HTTP item that uses item.get API call to monitor the number of unsupported items.

To achieve that, I will create an HTTP item on a host (This can be the default Zabbix server host or a host dedicated to collecting metrics via Zabbix API calls) and provide the API call in the request body. Since the named API token now provides a static authentication token until it expires, I can simply use it in my API call without the need to constantly keep it updated.

An HTTP agent item that uses a Zabbix API call in its request body

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "item.get",
    "params": {
			 "filter": {
 "state": "1"
    "id": 2,
    "auth": "b72be8cf163438aacc5afa40a112155e307c3548ae63bd97b87ff4e98b1f7657"

HTTP item request body, which returns a count of unsupported items

I will also use regular expression preprocessing to obtain the numeric value from the API call result – otherwise, we won’t be able to graph our value or calculate trends for it.

Regular expression preprocessing step to obtain a numeric value from our Zabbix API call result

Utilizing Zabbix API scripts in Actions

In one of our previous blog posts, we covered resolving problems automatically with the event.acknowledge API method. The logic defined in the blog post was quite complex since we needed to keep an eye out for the authentication tokens and use a custom script to keep them up to date. With named Zabbix API tokens, this use case is a lot more simple.

All I have to do is create an Action operation script containing my API call and pass it to an action operation.

Action operation script that invokes Zabbix event.acknowledge API method

curl -sk -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "
\"jsonrpc\": \"2.0\",
\"method\": \"event.acknowledge\",
\"params\": {
\"eventids\": \"{EVENT.ID}\",
\"action\": 1,
\"message\": \"Problem resolved.\"
\"auth\": \"<Place your authentication token here>",
\"id\": 2
}" <Place your Zabbix API endpoint URL here>

Problem remediation script example

Now my problems will get closed automatically after the time period which I have defined in my action.

Action operation which runs our event.acknowledge Zabbix API script

These are but a few examples that we can now achieve by using API tokens. A lot of information can be obtained and filtered in a unique way via Zabbix API, thus providing you with a granular analysis of your monitored environment. If you have recently upgraded to Zabbix 5.4 or plan to upgrade to Zabbix 6.0 LTS in the future, I would recommend implementing named Zabbix API tokens to simplify your day-to-day workflow and consider the possibilities that this new feature opens up for you.

If you have any questions or if you wish to share your particular use case for data collection or task automation with Zabbix API – feel free to share them in the comments section below!

Combining preprocessing with storing only trend data for high-frequency monitoring

Post Syndicated from Arturs Lontons original https://blog.zabbix.com/combining-preprocessing-with-storing-only-trend-data-for-high-frequency-monitoring/16568/

There are many design choices to consider when we build our monitoring environment for high-frequency monitoring. How to minimize performance impact? What are the data retention policies with storage space in mind? What are the available out-of-the-box features to solve these potential problems?
In this blog post, we will discuss when you should use preprocessing and when it is better to use the “Do not keep history” option for your metrics, and what are the pros and cons for both of these approaches.

Throttling and other preprocessing steps

We’ve discussed throttling previously as the go-to approach for high-frequency monitoring. Indeed, with throttling, you can discard repeated values and do so with a heartbeat. This is extremely useful with metrics that come as discreet values – services states, network port statuses, and so on.
Example of throttling with and without heartbeat
In addition, since starting from Zabbix 4.2 all preprocessing is also performed by Zabbix proxies. This means we can discard the repeated values before they reach the Zabbix server. This can help us both with the performance (fewer metrics to insert in the Zabbix server DB) and reduce the DB size (Fewer metrics stored in the DB. This also helps with improving overall Zabbix performance)
There are a few caveats with this approach – since metrics get discarded before they reach the Zabbix server, the triggers will not react on these metrics (This is where having a heartbeat is useful) and, since trends are calculated by Zabbix server based on the received history data, there could be a lack of trend information for these metrics. Keep in mind that this applies not only to throttling preprocessing rules – any preprocessing can be done on the proxy and any preprocessing rules can be used to transform your data.

Understanding “Do not keep history” option

The behavior of “Do not keep history” which we can define when configuring an item is a bit different though. If we collect an item by a Proxy and configure the item with “Do not keep history”, the history won’t always get discarded! There are a couple of reasons for this.
  • First off, let’s not forget that some of our values can populate host inventory! If the particular item is configured to populate an inventory field – it will be forwarded to the Zabbix server, but it will not get stored in the history tables.
  • If the item does not populate an inventory field – the text data such as character, log and text will indeed get discarded before reaching the Zabbix server, but Numeric values – both float and integer, will get forwarded to the server. The reason for that is deriving trend information from the numeric values. Mind that the numeric data will still not get stored in the history tables, only trends will be available for these items.

Note: This behavior has been properly implemented starting from Zabbix 5.2. See ZBX-17548

Setting the “Do not keep history” option for an item

Using trend functions with high-frequency monitoring

With the specifics of “Do not keep history” in mind, we should now recall that starting from Zabbix 5.2 we have trend functions available at our disposal!
History functions such as trendavg, trendcount, trendmax, trendmin, trendsum allow us to perform different kinds of trend calculations – from counting the number of trend values to retrieving min/max/avg trend values for a time period.
This means, that if we require only the metric trend for specific time periods (hours, days, weeks, etc) we can use these trend functions together with “Do not keep history” option, thus discarding unnecessary data and improving our Zabbix server performance!
There are two approaches two using trend functions:
  • If you wish to collect and display the trend data, you need to create the item which will collect the metrics (say, a net.if.in Agent item for collecting incoming network traffic) and then create a separate calculated item that uses the trend function to calculate the avg/min/max value for the trend over a time period. The original item can then have “Do not keep history” option selected for it.

trendavg item for calculating hourly trends from the net.if.in[ifHCInOctets.5] item


  • If you wish to simply define triggers and react on long-term trends and are not required to collect the trend values, then we can skip the creation of the calculated item and simply use the trend function on the original item in the trigger.

This trigger fires if the hourly average trend value exceeds 100M.
Note: In this case only the original item is required.

By combining these approaches in our environment – using preprocessing when we wish to discard or transform the data and also implementing opting out of storing the history data, whenever this is appropriate, we can minimize the performance impact on our Zabbix instance. Add a layer of distributed Zabbix proxies on top of this and you can truly achieve a large, scalable Zabbix infrastructure optimized for high-frequency ingestion and processing of your data.

Top 5 reasons to choose Zabbix for network monitoring

Post Syndicated from Dmitry Lambert original https://blog.zabbix.com/top-5-reasons-to-choose-zabbix-for-network-monitoring/15247/

There are many monitoring solutions and monitoring tools that you can use for different monitoring tasks. But in this post and video, we will focus only on Zabbix and the top five features making Zabbix the best choice to monitor your home office as well as enterprise instances or projects.


I. Free and open-source solution (0:44)
II. Wide functionality (1:43)
III. No access to your data (03:53)
IV. Balance of flexibility and simplicity (5:35)
V. Commercial services (7:55)

Free and open-source solution

First, Zabbix is a free and open-source solution covered by General Public License (GPL) v2. This means that the Zabbix source code is readily available and can be redistributed or modified. With this in mind, you can always create your own version of Zabbix, if you’re willing to play around with the source code or have a great idea on how to improve the product.

Zabbix software properties

There are no paid versions of Zabbix, no paid functionality, and no hidden costs. You can monitor any number of devices and define your own data retention policies at no cost at all.

All of the latest features are absolutely free and available in the latest version of Zabbix. You can visit zabbix.com, click the Download button, choose the platform that is best for you and install Zabbix packages on it. Zabbix can be deployed on any kind of environment, be it a virtual machine, physical servers, cloud environments, or even a Docker container. After you have downloaded Zabbix, you are ready to go ahead with the latest Zabbix feature set.

Selecting platform to install Zabbix n Zabbix.com/download

Rich feature set

Zabbix is a fully enterprise-ready product with a wide set of features that you can use to achieve any of your monitoring tasks. As a tool, Zabbix is not focused on any single thing, offering users extreme flexibility. For instance, you can monitor Windows or Linux machines agentlessly or opt-in to install a Zabbix agent on them. On the other hand, to monitor network devices, SNMP monitoring might be the easiest approach. All it takes to start monitoring your end-points is creating an item, specifying the metric that you want to monitor together with the data collection interval, and you are good to go.

Configuring SNMP monitoring parameters

After we have collected the data, we can configure our problem thresholds (also known as triggers in Zabbix) by navigating to Configuration > Hosts > Triggers. Triggers are definitions of our problem thresholds, where you can define a problem threshold, when do you consider your metric to be within that threshold and how do you recover from the problem.

There is a wide array of so called trigger functions – these allow us to define thresholds in different ways. For example, we can analyze the last received value, averages, minimum and maximum values over some time, look for a specific string in a value and much, much more!


We also need to define a way of reacting to a problem – should we receive an e-mail if something goes wrong? Or maybe we want to try and remediate the issue automatically by executing a command or a script? This is where the so-called Actions come in. Actions are based on and/or conditions, that allow you to very granularly define how you’re going to react to a particular problem.

For example, you might define an action that states “If the Trigger name contains ‘SNMPSim’ send an email or a mobile text message to our Network administrator. If the problem still persists after 10 minutes, execute a locally stored script that should fix the problem.

Trigger actions

Once you have defined your items, triggers and actions, it’s time to present this information in a user-friendly fashion. For this, you can create a set of multi-page dashboards where you can see all of your collected data by utilizing different dashboard widgets together with a list of active problems,

display the collected metrics on graphs and provide an overview of your infrastructure state on network maps.

The dashboard is completely dynamic and interactive — you can zoom in on any point in time in your graphs, create interactive map hierarchies, navigate to different sections of Zabbix and much more.

Zabbix also supports SLA monitoring for your IT business services. You can define your IT service trees, link them to existing triggers and have access to different SLA related views.

Configuring and monitoring SLA

Inventory collection and storage is also natively supported by Zabbix. You can collect any inventory information from your devices – your device serial numbers, locations, software versions and much more. This can be done in many different ways – the inventory information can be captured from the collected metrics, populated manually or updated by using the Zabbix API. This information can be used to access different inventory views and group your devices based on the collected inventory data.

You own your data

There are many different ways to deploy Zabbix. You can navigate to zabbix.com/download page and select the installation method that fits your requirements. For Zabbix packages you have the option to choose the required Zabbix version, select from multiple operating systems – from the Red Hat Enterprise Linux to Raspberry Pi, as well as the specific OS version, the database backend, and the web server backend. After everything is selected, you will be presented with a comprehensive list of commands that you can use to get Zabbix up and running in minutes.

Zabbix Packages

If you are interested in cloud deployments then you can also run Zabbix in many different cloud environments, such as AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, DigitalOcean, Linode, Red Hat OpenShift, Oracle Cloud or Yandex Cloud. All of these options offer full Zabbix functionality with native cloud images.

Zabbix Cloud images

Docker images are also available for different Zabbix components. You can run a single component in a container or deploy the whole Zabbix architecture in a containerized environment. The Docker hub page contains a comprehensive list of environment variables and examples of how to deploy container images with a single command.


The quickest way to deploy Zabbix, especially in a PoC environment, would be the Zabbix Appliance. Zabbix Appliance is a virtual machine image with all of the Zabbix components already pre-configured for you. Simply download the image for the hypervisor of your choice, deploy it and you are good to go.


The Zabbix source code is also available for download for different Zabbix versions. This approach is useful for more exotic environments, where installing via packages is not an option.

Zabbix Sources

Agents are available for download via packages, but if packages is not an option, you can always download the precompiled agents for many different operating systems, including Windows.

Zabbix agents

No matter which option you choose, Zabbix LLC never has any access to your configuration or history data. You are fully in control of your deployment and the data in it. This way you have the guarantee that your data belongs only to you.

Balance of flexibility and simplicity

A good monitoring solution should be simple and approachable even for users that are not experts in monitoring, Linux system, scripting and any other DevOps-related skills. However, simplicity usually comes with at a cost of functionality. If the tool focuses too much on simplicity, it would inevitably restrict the end-users in the set of functionality that they have available for them.

Zabbix provides a balance of simplicity and flexibility. While the amount of features in Zabbix may seem daunting at first, the flexibility it provides is the key benefit of Zabbix. With Zabbix, you can easily extend the out-of-the-box monitoring approaches with your custom monitoring methods. If you have in-house applications specific to your company, you can always extend the Zabbix monitoring functionality and create your own custom checks or use scripts or commands to collect the data. This way you can define custom methods not only for data collection, but also use scripting for robust automatic issue remediation.

This gives you a huge variety of features that you can utilize in Zabbix either by using out-of-the-box templates or defining your own custom checks. All of this can be done within a single central frontend.

Even if you’re monitoring 50 branches in different countries within one Zabbix installation, a Zabbix administrator will be able to maintain and change the configuration — add new items, triggers, etc. Zabbix is also a great fit for multi-tenant environments. The robust permission and role schema enable you to define multiple Zabbix administrators that can have granular access to monitoring entities within their organization.

Commercial services

Open-source solutions are great as you can download the product at any time, irrespective of your goals and use them for both small home lab environments and large enterprise infrastructures. Similar to many open-source solutions, Zabbix also has a large and passionate international community of users ready to help you out on the official forums, different social networks, Zabbix subreddit and other communication channels.

If this not sufficient and you’re still feeling overwhelmed by all of the available features and require additional help to deploy your environment with best practices in mind – this is where the Zabbix commercial services come into play.

Commercial services

  • Zabbix team offers multiple commercial services, starting with a multiple-tier technical support. With technical support services, Zabbix experts will have your back and help you with fixing any issues and answer all of your questions 24/7.
  • Zabbix team also offers consulting services, where you can address any topic that you wish to discuss to Zabbix experts — how to deploy Zabbix and start monitoring your infrastructure, whether Zabbix is able to cover all of your needs, receive help with tuning Zabbix configuration and much more.
  • Turnkey solutions allow you to engage Zabbix professionals and build everything from scratch with best practices and scalability in mind.
  • Zabbix team can lend you a hand with Template building services for your custom in-house application.
  • The Zabbix team will document all of the performed steps, so you can have a clear view of what has been done and what was the reason behind it. You can utilize this knowledge down the line to learn and be able to follow the best practice approaches on your own.
  • Upgrade procedures can be extremely stressful – you may be worried about minimizing downtime, following your organizational SLA’s or maybe you simply aren’t sure how to properly perform an upgrade. Once again, the Zabbix team can do this for you, document it and guide you through the process so you can learn from it and do it yourself in the later versions.
  • Need help with troubleshooting an ongoing issue? Then the remote troubleshooting services are for you. Zabbix team can help you get to the bottom of any issues you may have with your Zabbix architecture.

Zabbix is an extremely fast-growing enterprise-ready project with a vast set of functionality trusted by global brands, capable to support collection of hundreds of thousands of metrics with real-time 24/7 data analysis, powerful visualization options, robust permission schema, out of the box reports and the ability to tailor the tool to your specific needs.

If you have never tried Zabbix, this might be the perfect moment to visit zabbix.com, click Download, and download Zabbix on your local test environment and try to monitor a couple of hosts to get acquainted with the product. I am sure that you’re going to be more than satisfied with the results!


Automatic Remediation of Kubernetes Nodes

Post Syndicated from Andrew DeMaria original https://blog.cloudflare.com/automatic-remediation-of-kubernetes-nodes/

Automatic Remediation of Kubernetes Nodes

Automatic Remediation of Kubernetes Nodes

We use Kubernetes to run many of the diverse services that help us control Cloudflare’s edge. We have five geographically diverse clusters, with hundreds of nodes in our largest cluster. These clusters are self-managed on bare-metal machines which gives us a good amount of power and flexibility in the software and integrations with Kubernetes. However, it also means we don’t have a cloud provider to rely on for virtualizing or managing the nodes. This distinction becomes even more prominent when considering all the different reasons that nodes degrade. With self-managed bare-metal machines, the list of reasons that cause a node to become unhealthy include:

  • Hardware failures
  • Kernel-level software failures
  • Kubernetes cluster-level software failures
  • Degraded network communication
  • Software updates are required
  • Resource exhaustion1

Automatic Remediation of Kubernetes Nodes

Unhappy Nodes

We have plenty of examples of failures in the aforementioned categories, but one example has been particularly tedious to deal with. It starts with the following log line from the kernel:

unregister_netdevice: waiting for lo to become free. Usage count = 1

The issue is further observed with the number of network interfaces on the node owned by the Container Network Interface (CNI) plugin getting out of proportion with the number of running pods:

$ ip link | grep cali | wc -l

This is unexpected as it shouldn’t exceed the maximum number of pods allowed on a node (we use the default limit of 110). While this issue is interesting and perhaps worthy of a whole separate blog, the short of it is that the Linux network interfaces owned by the CNI are not getting cleaned up after a pod terminates.

Some history on this can be read in a Docker GitHub issue. We found this seems to plague nodes with a longer uptime, and after rebooting the node it would be fine for about a month. However, with a significant number of nodes, this was happening multiple times per day. Each instance would need rebooting, which means going through our worker reboot procedure which looked like this:

  1. Cordon off the affected node to prevent new workloads from scheduling on it.
  2. Collect any diagnostic information for later investigation.
  3. Drain the node of current workloads.
  4. Reboot and wait for the node to come back.
  5. Verify the node is healthy.
  6. Re-enable scheduling of new workloads to the node.

While solving the underlying issue would be ideal, we needed a mitigation to avoid toil in the meantime — an automated node remediation process.

Existing Detection and Remediation Solutions

While not complicated, the manual remediation process outlined previously became tedious and distracting, as we had to reboot nodes multiple times a day. Some manual intervention is unavoidable, but for cases matching the following, we wanted automation:

  • Generic worker nodes
  • Software issues confined to a given node
  • Already researched and diagnosed issues

Limiting automatic remediation to generic worker nodes is important as there are other node types in our clusters where more care is required. For example, for control-plane nodes the process has to be augmented to check etcd cluster health and ensure proper redundancy for components servicing the Kubernetes API. We are also going to limit the problem space to known software issues confined to a node where we expect automatic remediation to be the right answer (as in our ballooning network interface problem). With that in mind, we took a look at existing solutions that we could use.

Node Problem Detector

Node problem detector is a daemon that runs on each node that detects problems and reports them to the Kubernetes API. It has a pluggable problem daemon system such that one can add their own logic for detecting issues with a node. Node problems are distinguished between temporary and permanent problems, with the latter being persisted as status conditions on the Kubernetes node resources.2

Draino and Cluster-Autoscaler

Draino as its name implies, drains nodes but does so based on Kubernetes node conditions. It is meant to be used with cluster-autoscaler which then can add or remove nodes via the cluster plugins to scale node groups.


Kured is a daemon that looks at the presence of a file on the node to initiate a drain, reboot and uncordon of the given node. It uses a locking mechanism via the Kubernetes API to ensure only a single node is acted upon at a time.


The Kubernetes cluster-lifecycle SIG has been working on the cluster-api project to enable declaratively defining clusters to simplify provisioning, upgrading, and operating multiple Kubernetes clusters. It has a concept of machine resources which back Kubernetes node resources and furthermore has a concept of machine health checks. Machine health checks use node conditions to determine unhealthy nodes and then the cluster-api provider is then delegated to replace that machine via create and delete operations.

Proof of Concept

Interestingly, with all the above except for Kured, there is a theme of pluggable components centered around Kubernetes node conditions. We wanted to see if we could build a proof of concept using the existing theme and solutions. For the existing solutions, draino with cluster-autoscaler didn’t make sense in a non-cloud environment like our bare-metal set up. The cluster-api health checks are interesting, however they require a more complete investment into the cluster-api project to really make sense. That left us with node-problem-detector and kured. Deploying node-problem-detector was simple, and we ended up testing a custom-plugin-monitor like the following:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: node-problem-detector-config
  check_calico_interfaces.sh: |
    set -euo pipefail
    count=$(nsenter -n/proc/1/ns/net ip link | grep cali | wc -l)
    if (( $count > 150 )); then
      echo "Too many calico interfaces ($count)"
      exit 1
      exit 0
  cali-monitor.json: |
      "plugin": "custom",
      "pluginConfig": {
        "invoke_interval": "30s",
        "timeout": "5s",
        "max_output_length": 80,
        "concurrency": 3,
        "enable_message_change_based_condition_update": false
      "source": "calico-custom-plugin-monitor",
      "metricsReporting": false,
      "conditions": [
          "type": "NPDCalicoUnhealthy",
          "reason": "CalicoInterfaceCountOkay",
          "message": "Normal amount of interfaces"
      "rules": [
          "type": "permanent",
          "condition": "NPDCalicoUnhealthy",
          "reason": "TooManyCalicoInterfaces",
          "path": "/bin/bash",
          "args": [
          "timeout": "3s"

Testing showed that when the condition became true, a condition would be updated on the associated Kubernetes node like so:

kubectl get node -o json worker1a | jq '.status.conditions[] | select(.type | test("^NPD"))'
  "lastHeartbeatTime": "2020-03-20T17:05:17Z",
  "lastTransitionTime": "2020-03-20T17:05:16Z",
  "message": "Too many calico interfaces (154)",
  "reason": "TooManyCalicoInterfaces",
  "status": "True",
  "type": "NPDCalicoUnhealthy"

With that in place, the actual remediation needed to happen. Kured seemed to do most everything we needed, except that it was looking at a file instead of Kubernetes node conditions. We hacked together a patch to change that and tested it successfully end to end — we had a working proof of concept!

Revisiting Problem Detection

While the above worked, we found that node-problem-detector was unwieldy because we were replicating our existing monitoring into shell scripts and node-problem-detector configuration. A 2017 blog post describes Cloudflare’s monitoring stack, although some things have changed since then. What hasn’t changed is our extensive usage of Prometheus and Alertmanager.

For the network interface issue and other issues we wanted to address, we already had the necessary exported metrics and alerting to go with them. Here is what our already existing alert looked like3:

- alert: CalicoTooManyInterfaces
  expr: sum(node_network_info{device=~"cali.*"}) by (node) >= 200
  for: 1h
    priority: "5"
    notify: chat-sre-core chat-k8s

Note that we use a “notify” label to drive the routing logic in Alertmanager. However, that got us asking, could we just route this to a Kubernetes node condition instead?

Introducing Sciuro

Automatic Remediation of Kubernetes Nodes

Sciuro is our open-source replacement of node-problem-detector that has one simple job: synchronize Kubernetes node conditions with currently firing alerts in Alertmanager. Node problems can be defined with a more holistic view and using already existing exporters such as node exporter, cadvisor or mtail. It also doesn’t run on affected nodes which allows us to rely on out-of-band remediation techniques. Here is a high level diagram of how Sciuro works:

Automatic Remediation of Kubernetes Nodes

Starting from the top, nodes are scraped by Prometheus, which collects those metrics and fires relevant alerts to Alertmanager. Sciuro polls Alertmanager for alerts with a matching receiver, matches them with a corresponding node resource in the Kubernetes API and updates that node’s conditions accordingly.

In more detail, we can start by defining an alert in Prometheus like the following:

- alert: CalicoTooManyInterfacesEarly
  expr: sum(node_network_info{device=~"cali.*"}) by (node) >= 150
    priority: "6"
    notify: node-condition-k8s

Note the two differences from the previous alert. First, we use a new name with a more sensitive trigger. The idea is that we want automatic node remediation to try fixing the node first as soon as possible, but if the problem worsens or automatic remediation is failing, humans will still get notified to act. The second difference is that instead of notifying chat rooms, we route to a target called “node-condition-k8s”.

Sciuro then comes into play, polling the Altertmanager API for alerts matching the “node-condition-k8s” receiver. The following shows the equivalent using amtool:

$ amtool alert query -r node-condition-k8s
Alertname                 	Starts At            	Summary                                                               	 
CalicoTooManyInterfacesEarly  2021-05-11 03:25:21 UTC  Kubernetes node worker1a has too many Calico interfaces  

We can also check the labels for this alert:

$ amtool alert query -r node-condition-k8s -o json | jq '.[] | .labels'
  "alertname": "CalicoTooManyInterfacesEarly",
  "cluster": "a.k8s",
  "instance": "worker1a",
  "node": "worker1a",
  "notify": "node-condition-k8s",
  "priority": "6",
  "prometheus": "k8s-a"

Note the node and instance labels which Sciuro will use for matching with the corresponding Kubernetes node. Sciuro uses the excellent controller-runtime to keep track of and update node sources in the Kubernetes API. We can observe the updated node condition on the status field via kubectl:

$ kubectl get node worker1a -o json | jq '.status.conditions[] | select(.type | test("^AlertManager"))'
  "lastHeartbeatTime": "2021-05-11T03:31:20Z",
  "lastTransitionTime": "2021-05-11T03:26:53Z",
  "message": "[P6] Kubernetes node worker1a has too many Calico interfaces",
  "reason": "AlertIsFiring",
  "status": "True",
  "type": "AlertManager_CalicoTooManyInterfacesEarly"

One important note is Sciuro added the AlertManager_ prefix to the node condition type to prevent conflicts with other node condition types. For example, DiskPressure, a kubelet managed condition, could also be an alert name. Sciuro will also properly update heartbeat and transition times to reflect when it first saw the alert and its last update. With node conditions synchronized by Sciuro, remediation can take place via one of the existing tools. As mentioned previously we are using a modified version of Kured for now.

We’re happy to announce that we’ve open sourced Sciuro, and it can be found on GitHub where you can read the code, find the deployment instructions, or open a Pull Request for changes.

Managing Node Uptime

While we began using automatic node remediation for obvious problems, we’ve expanded its purpose to additionally keep node uptime low. Low node uptime is desirable to further reduce drift on nodes, keep the node initialization process well-oiled, and encourage the best deployment practices on the Kubernetes clusters. To expand on the last point, services that are deployed with best practices and in a high availability fashion should see negligible impact when a single node leaves the cluster. However, services that are not deployed with best practices will most likely have problems especially if they rely on singleton pods. By draining nodes more frequently, it introduces regular chaos that encourages best practices. To enable this with automatic node remediation the following alert was defined:

- alert: WorkerUptimeTooHigh
  expr: |
              max by(node) (kube_node_role{role="worker"})
            - on(node) group_left()
              (max by(node) (kube_node_role{role!="worker"}))
          or on(node)
            max by(node) (kube_node_role{role="worker"})
        ) == 1
    * on(node) group_left()
        (time() - node_boot_time_seconds) > (60 * 60 * 24 * 7)
    priority: "9"
    notify: node-condition-k8s

There is a bit of juggling with the kube_node_roles metric in the above to isolate the alert to generic worker nodes, but at a high level it looks at node_boot_time_seconds, a metric from prometheus node_exporter. Again the notify label is configured to send to node conditions which kicks off the automatic node remediation. One further detail is the priority here is set to “9” which is of lower precedence than our other alerts. Note that the message field of the node condition is prefixed with the alert priority in brackets. This allows the remediation process to take priority into account when choosing which node to remediate first, which is important because Kured uses a lock to act on a single node at a time.

Wrapping Up

In the past 30 days, we’ve used the above automatic node remediation process to action 571 nodes. That has saved our humans a considerable amount of time. We’ve also been able to reduce the time to repair for some issues as automatic remediation can act at all times of the day and with a faster response time.

As mentioned before, we’re open sourcing Sciuro and its code can be found on GitHub. We’re open to issues, suggestions, and pull requests. We do have some ideas for future improvements. For Sciuro, we may look to reduce latency which is mainly due to polling and potentially add a push model from Altermanager although this isn’t a need we’ve had yet.  For the larger node remediation story, we hope to do an overhaul of the remediating component. As mentioned previously, we are currently using a fork of kured, but a future replacement component should include the following:

  • Use out-of-band management interfaces to be able to shut down and power on nodes without a functional operating system.
  • Move from decentralized architecture to a centralized one that can integrate more complicated logic. This might include being able to act on entire failure domains in parallel.
  • Handle specialized nodes such as masters or storage nodes.

Finally, we’re looking for more people passionate about Kubernetes to join our team. Come help us push Kubernetes to the next level to serve Cloudflare’s many needs!

1Exhaustion can be applied to hardware resources, kernel resources, or logical resources like the amount of logging being produced.
2Nearly all Kubernetes objects have spec and status fields. The status field is used to describe the current state of an object. For node resources, typically the kubelet manages a conditions field under the status field for reporting things like if the node is ready for servicing pods.
3The format of the following alert is documented on Prometheus Alerting Rules.

Monitoring memory usage in Amazon Lightsail instance

Post Syndicated from Emma White original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/monitoring-memory-usage-lightsail-instance/

This post is written by Sebastian Lee, Solution Architect, Startup Singapore.

Amazon Lightsail is a great starting point for those looking to get started on AWS. Lightsail is ideal for startups, SMBs, and hobbyist developers because it simplifies the deployment of instances, databases, load-balancers, CDNs, and even containers. However, you cannot track metrics beyond  CPU utilization, network utilization, and error messages. Many startups and small businesses need to review more metrics like memory usage and disk usage.

In this blog, I walk through the steps to configure a Lightsail instance to send memory usage to Amazon CloudWatch for monitoring, alarming and notifications.

architecture overview

Product and Solution Overview

Amazon CloudWatch is a monitoring and observability service built for DevOps engineers, developers, site-reliability engineers and IT managers. CloudWatch collects monitoring and operational data in the form of logs, metrics, and events. It provides a unified view of your AWS resources, applications and services that run on AWS and on-premise servers. You can configure your Lightsail resources to work with Amazon CloudWatch to receive more metrics.

The following sections include steps to install a Cloudwatch agent on your Amazon Lightsail instance and configure it to have the necessary permission to send memory usage metrics to Amazon Cloudwatch.


Before you begin the walkthrough, you must have an instance running in your Lightsail account. You can follow the steps here if you need help creating an instance.


1. Create IAM user

First, you must create an IAM user to provide permission to send data to CloudWatch.

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Users, and then choose Add user.
  3. Enter “lightsail-cloudwatch-agent” in the User name text box.
  4. For Access type, select Programmatic access, and then choose Next: Permissions.
  5. For Set permissions, choose Attach existing policies directly.
    1. In the list of policies, select the check box next to CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy. You can use the search text box to find the policy.
  6. Choose Next: Tags.
  7. Optionally, you can add one or more tag-key value pairs to organize, track, or control access for this role, and then choose Next: Review.
  8. Confirm that the correct policies are listed, and then choose Create user.
  9. In the row for the new user, choose Show. Copy the access key and secret key to a file so that you can use them when installing the agent.
    1. Important: You will not be able to copy the secret key after leaving this page. If you lose it, you will have to create a new oneconsole screenshot
  10. Choose Close.

Now that you created an IAM user, you can SSH into your Lightsail instance.

2. SSH into Amazon Lightsail instance

You can connect to your instance using the browser-based SSH client available in the Lightsail console, or by using your own SSH client with the SSH key of your instance.

Complete the following steps to connect to your instance using the browser-based SSH client in the Lightsail console:

  1. Open the Lightsail console.
  2. Click the terminal icon, next to the instance, as shown in the following screenshot.amazon lightsail console

3. Installing the CloudWatch agent

Now that you have SSH’d into your instance, you are ready to install the CloudWatch agent. The CloudWatch agent is available as a package on Amazon Linux 2 instances. For other operating systems, see Download and configure the CloudWatch agent using the command line.

Enter the following command to install the CloudWatch agent on a linux instance.

> sudo yum -y install amazon-cloudwatch-agent

Install 1 Package
amazon-cloudwatch-agent.x86_64 0:1.247347.4-1.amzn2  


4. Setup credentials

Now that you installed the CloudWatch Agent, you must allow it to access your AWS resources. First, setup the necessary credentials.

Enter the following command to create a credentials profile in the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).

Follow the prompts to enter the access key ID and secret access key you copied in the preceding steps.

> sudo aws configure --profile AmazonCloudWatchAgent

Follow the prompts to enter the access key ID and secret access key you copied earlier in this tutorial

AWS Access Key ID [None]: <Enter the access key from step 1>
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: <Enter the secret key from step 1>
Default region name [None]:
Default output format [None]:

5. Create CloudWatch configuration file to collect memory usage metrics

To tell CloudWatch agent to collect memory usage metrics, you will need to create a CloudWatch config file.

Enter the following command to create a config file for the CloudWatch agent.

> sudo vim /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/config.json

Press “I” to enter insert mode in Vim, and paste the following text into the file.

    "agent": {
        "metrics_collection_interval": 60,
        "run_as_user": "root"
    "metrics": {
	"append_dimensions": {
	    "ImageID": "${aws:ImageId}",
        "metrics_collected": {
            "mem": {
                "measurement": [
                "metrics_collection_interval": 60

Press “ESC”, and then type “:wq!” to save the file and exit Vim.

6. Configure CloudWatch agent

In this section, you configure the CloudWatch agent to use the shared credential profile created earlier.

Enter the following command to create a common configuration file for the CloudWatch agent.

> sudo vim /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/etc/common-config.toml

Press “I” to enter insert mode in Vim, and paste the following text into the file.

shared_credential_profile = "AmazonCloudWatchAgent"

Press “ESC”, and then type “:wq!” to save the file and exit Vim.

7. Start CloudWatch agent

Now the necessary configuration for CloudWatch agent is setup. Let’s start the agent.

Enter the following command to start the CloudWatch agent.

> sudo amazon-cloudwatch-agent-ctl -c file:/opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/config.json -a fetch-config -s 

****** processing cwagent-otel-collector ******
cwagent-otel-collector will not be started as it has not been configured yet.

****** processing amazon-cloudwatch-agent ******
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart amazon-cloudwatch-agent.service

Enter the following command to verify that the CloudWatch agent is running.

> sudo amazon-cloudwatch-agent-ctl -a status
  "status": "running",
  "starttime": "2021-04-16T10:34:27+0000",
  "configstatus": "configured",
  "cwoc_status": "stopped",
  "cwoc_starttime": "",
  "cwoc_configstatus": "not configured",
  "version": "1.247347.4"

8. Verify metrics in CloudWatch

At this point, you should be able to view your metrics in CloudWatch.

  1. Navigate to the CloudWatch console.
  2. On the left navigation panel, choose Metrics.
  3. Under “Custom Namespaces”, You should see a link for “CWAgent”.
  4. Choose CWAgent.
  5. Choose ImageId, InstanceId, InstanceType.
  6. Select checkbox to display metrics on graph.

cloudwatch metrics

In addition, you can create a CloudWatch alarm to monitor the memory usage metrics to automatically send you a notification when the metric reaches a threshold you specify. To create an alarm in CloudWatch, you can follow this guide.


In this blog, I covered how you can install the CloudWatch agent on your Amazon Lightsail instance to send memory metrics to Amazon CloudWatch. For more information on additional metrics and logs supported by CloudWatch Agent, see the CloudWatch User Guide

To get started with Amazon Lightsail, check out our getting started page for more tutorial and resources.


How to monitor Windows and Linux servers and get internal performance metrics

Post Syndicated from Emma White original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/how-to-monitor-windows-and-linux-servers-and-get-internal-performance-metrics/

This post was written by Dean Suzuki, Senior Solutions Architect.

Customers who run Windows or Linux instances on AWS frequently ask, “How do I know if my disks are almost full?” or “How do I know if my application is using all the available memory and is paging to disk?” This blog helps answer these questions by walking you through how to set up monitoring to capture these internal performance metrics.

Solution overview

If you open the Amazon EC2 console, select a running Amazon EC2 instance, and select the Monitoring tab  you can see Amazon CloudWatch metrics for that instance. Amazon CloudWatch is an AWS monitoring service. The Monitoring tab (shown in the following image) shows the metrics that can be measured external to the instance (for example, CPU utilization, network bytes in/out). However, to understand what percentage of the disk is being used or what percentage of the memory is being used, these metrics require an internal operating system view of the instance. AWS places an extra safeguard on gathering data inside a customer’s instance so this capability is not enabled by default.

EC2 console showing Monitoring tab

To capture the server’s internal performance metrics, a CloudWatch agent must be installed on the instance. For Windows, the CloudWatch agent can capture any of the Windows performance monitor counters. For Linux, the CloudWatch agent can capture system-level metrics. For more details, please see Metrics Collected by the CloudWatch Agent. The agent can also capture logs from the server. The agent then sends this information to Amazon CloudWatch, where rules can be created to alert on certain conditions (for example, low free disk space) and automated responses can be set up (for example, perform backup to clear transaction logs). Also, dashboards can be created to view the health of your Windows servers.

There are four steps to implement internal monitoring:

  1. Install the CloudWatch agent onto your servers. AWS provides a service called AWS Systems Manager Run Command, which enables you to do this agent installation across all your servers.
  2. Run the CloudWatch agent configuration wizard, which captures what you want to monitor. These items could be performance counters and logs on the server. This configuration is then stored in AWS System Manager Parameter Store
  3. Configure CloudWatch agents to use agent configuration stored in Parameter Store using the Run Command.
  4. Validate that the CloudWatch agents are sending their monitoring data to CloudWatch.

The following image shows the flow of these four steps.

Process to install and configure the CloudWatch agent

In this blog, I walk through these steps so that you can follow along. Note that you are responsible for the cost of running the environment outlined in this blog. So, once you are finished with the steps in the blog, I recommend deleting the resources if you no longer need them. For the cost of running these servers, see Amazon EC2 On-Demand Pricing. For CloudWatch pricing, see Amazon CloudWatch pricing.

If you want a video overview of this process, please see this Monitoring Amazon EC2 Windows Instances using Unified CloudWatch Agent video.

Deploy the CloudWatch agent

The first step is to deploy the Amazon CloudWatch agent. There are multiple ways to deploy the CloudWatch agent (see this documentation on Installing the CloudWatch Agent). In this blog, I walk through how to use the AWS Systems Manager Run Command to deploy the agent. AWS Systems Manager uses the Systems Manager agent, which is installed by default on each AWS instance. This AWS Systems Manager agent must be given the appropriate permissions to connect to AWS Systems Manager, and to write the configuration data to the AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store. These access rights are controlled through the use of IAM roles.

Create two IAM roles

IAM roles are identity objects that you attach IAM policies. IAM policies define what access is allowed to AWS services. You can have users, services, or applications assume the IAM roles and get the assigned rights defined in the permissions policies.

To use System Manager, you typically create two IAM roles. The first role has permissions to write the CloudWatch agent configuration information to System Manager Parameter Store. This role is called CloudWatchAgentAdminRole.

The second role only has permissions to read the CloudWatch agent configuration from the System Manager Parameter Store. This role is called CloudWatchAgentServerRole.

For more details on creating these roles, please see the documentation on Create IAM Roles and Users for Use with the CloudWatch Agent.

Attach the IAM roles to the EC2 instances

Once you create the roles, you attach them to your Amazon EC2 instances. By attaching the IAM roles to the EC2 instances, you provide the processes running on the EC2 instance the permissions defined in the IAM role. In this blog, you create two Amazon EC2 instances. Attach the CloudWatchAgentAdminRole to the first instance that is used to create the CloudWatch agent configuration. Attach CloudWatchAgentServerRole to the second instance and any other instances that you want to monitor. For details on how to attach or assign roles to EC2 instances, please see the documentation on How do I assign an existing IAM role to an EC2 instance?.

Install the CloudWatch agent

Now that you have setup the permissions, you can install the CloudWatch agent onto the servers that you want to monitor. For details on installing the CloudWatch agent using Systems Manager, please see the documentation on Download and Configure the CloudWatch Agent.

Create the CloudWatch agent configuration

Now that you installed the CloudWatch agent on your server, run the CloudAgent configuration wizard to create the agent configuration. For instructions on how to run the CloudWatch Agent configuration wizard, please see this documentation on Create the CloudWatch Agent Configuration File with the Wizard. To establish a command shell on the server, you can use AWS Systems Manager Session Manager to establish a session to the server and then run the CloudWatch agent configuration wizard. If you want to monitor both Linux and Windows servers, you must run the CloudWatch agent configuration on a Linux instance and on a Windows instance to create a configuration file per OS type. The configuration is unique to the OS type.

To run the Agent configuration wizard on Linux instances, run the following command:

sudo /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/amazon-cloudwatch-agent-config-wizard

To run the Agent configuration wizard on Windows instances, run the following commands:

cd "C:\Program Files\Amazon\AmazonCloudWatchAgent"


Note for Linux instances: do not select to collect the collectd metrics in the agent configuration wizard unless you have collectd installed on your Linux servers. Otherwise, you may encounter an error.

Review the Agent configuration

The CloudWatch agent configuration generated from the wizard is stored in Systems Manager Parameter Store. You can review and modify this configuration if you need to capture extra metrics. To review the agent configuration, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the console for the System Manager service.
  2. Click Parameter store on the left hand navigation.
  3. You should see the parameter that was created by the CloudWatch agent configuration program. For Linux servers, the configuration is stored in: AmazonCloudWatch-linux and for Windows servers, the configuration is stored in:  AmazonCloudWatch-windows.

System Manager Parameter Store: Parameters created by CloudWatch agent configuration wizard

  1. Click on the parameter’s hyperlink (for example, AmazonCloudWatch-linux) to see all the configuration parameters that you specified in the configuration program.

In the following steps, I walk through an example of modifying the Windows configuration parameter (AmazonCloudWatch-windows) to add an additional metric (“Available Mbytes”) to monitor.

  1. Click the AmazonCloudWatch-windows
  2. In the parameter overview, scroll down to the “metrics” section and under “metrics_collected”, you can see the Windows performance monitor counters that will be gathered by the CloudWatch agent. If you want to add an additional perfmon counter, then you can edit and add the counter here.
  3. Press Edit at the top right of the AmazonCloudWatch-windows Parameter Store page.
  4. Scroll down in the Value section and look for “Memory.”
  5. After the “% Committed Bytes In Use”, put a comma “,” and then press Enter to add a blank line. Then, put on that line “Available Mbytes” The following screenshot demonstrates what this configuration should look like.

AmazonCloudWatch-windows parameter contents and how to add a new metric to monitor

  1. Press Save Changes.

To modify the Linux configuration parameter (AmazonCloudWatch-linux), you perform similar steps except you click on the AmazonCloudWatch-linux parameter. Here is additional documentation on creating the CloudWatch agent configuration and modifying the configuration file.

Start the CloudWatch agent and use the configuration

In this step, start the CloudWatch agent and instruct it to use your agent configuration stored in System Manager Parameter Store.

  1. Open another tab in your web browser and go to System Manager console.
  2. Specify Run Command in the left hand navigation of the System Manager console.
  3. Press Run Command
  4. In the search bar,
    • Select Document name prefix
    • Select Equal
    • Specify AmazonCloudWatch (Note the field is case sensitive)
    • Press enter

System Manager Run Command's command document entry field

  1. Select AmazonCloudWatch-ManageAgent. This is the command that configures the CloudWatch agent.
  2. In the command parameters section,
    • For Action, select Configure
    • For Mode, select ec2
    • For Optional Configuration Source, select ssm
    • For optional configuration location, specify the Parameter Store name. For Windows instances, you would specify AmazonCloudWatch-windows for Windows instances or AmazonCloudWatch-linux for Linux instances. Note the field is case sensitive. This tells the command to read the Parameter Store for the parameter specified here.
    • For optional restart, leave yes
  3. For Targets, choose your target servers that you wish to monitor.
  4. Scroll down and press Run. The Run Command may take a couple minutes to complete. Press the refresh button. The Run Command configures the CloudWatch agent by reading the Parameter Store for the configuration and configure the agent using those settings.

For more details on installing the CloudWatch agent using your agent configuration, please see this Installing the CloudWatch Agent on EC2 Instances Using Your Agent Configuration.

Review the data collected by the CloudWatch agents

In this step, I walk through how to review the data collected by the CloudWatch agents.

  1. In the AWS Management console, go to CloudWatch.
  2. Click Metrics on the left-hand navigation.
  3. You should see a custom namespace for CWAgent. Click on the CWAgent Please note that this might take a couple minutes to appear. Refresh the page periodically until it appears.
  4. Then click the ImageId, Instanceid hyperlinks to see the counters under that section.

CloudWatch Metrics: Showing counters under CWAgent

  1. Review the metrics captured by the CloudWatch agent. Notice the metrics that are only observable from inside the instance (for example, LogicalDisk % Free Space). These types of metrics would not be observable without installing the CloudWatch agent on the instance. From these metrics, you could create a CloudWatch Alarm to alert you if they go beyond a certain threshold. You can also add them to a CloudWatch Dashboard to review. To learn more about the metrics collected by the CloudWatch agent, see the documentation Metrics Collected by the CloudWatch Agent.


In this blog, you learned how to deploy and configure the CloudWatch agent to capture the metrics on either Linux or Windows instances. If you are done with this blog, we recommend deleting the System Manager Parameter Store entry, the CloudWatch data and  then the EC2 instances to avoid further charges. If you would like a video tutorial of this process, please see this Monitoring Amazon EC2 Windows Instances using Unified CloudWatch Agent video.



Investigate VPC flow with Amazon Detective

Post Syndicated from Ross Warren original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/investigate-vpc-flow-with-amazon-detective/

Many Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers need enhanced insight into IP network flow. Traditionally, cost, the complexity of collection, and the time required for analysis has led to incomplete investigations of network flows. Having good telemetry is paramount, and VPC Flow Logs are a very important part of a robust centralized logging architecture. The information that VPC Flow Logs provide is frequently used by security analysts to determine the scope of security issues, to validate that network access rules are working as expected, and to help analysts investigate issues and diagnose network behaviors. Flow logs capture information about the IP traffic going to and from EC2 interfaces in a VPC. Each record describes aspects of the traffic flow, such as where it originated and where it was sent to, what network ports were used, and how many bytes were sent.

Amazon Detective now enables you to interactively examine the details of the virtual private cloud (VPC) network flows of your Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances. Amazon Detective makes it easy to analyze, investigate, and quickly identify the root cause of potential security issues or suspicious activities. Detective automatically collects VPC flow logs from your monitored accounts, aggregates them by EC2 instance, and presents visual summaries and analytics about these network flows. Detective doesn’t require VPC Flow Logs to be configured and doesn’t impact existing flow log collection.

In this blog post, I describe how to use the new VPC flow feature in Detective to investigate an UnauthorizedAccess:EC2/TorClient finding from Amazon GuardDuty. Amazon GuardDuty is a threat detection service that continuously monitors for malicious activity and unauthorized behavior to protect your AWS accounts, workloads, and data stored in Amazon S3. GuardDuty documentation states that this alert can indicate unauthorized access to your AWS resources with the intent of hiding the unauthorized user’s true identity. I’ll demonstrate how to use Amazon Detective to investigate an instance that was flagged by Amazon GuardDuty to determine whether it is compromised or not.

Starting the investigation in GuardDuty

In my GuardDuty console, I’m going to select the UnauthorizedAccess:EC2/TorClient finding shown in Figure 1, choose the Actions menu, and select Investigate.

Figure 1: Investigating from the GuardDuty console

Figure 1: Investigating from the GuardDuty console

This opens a new browser tab and launches the Amazon Detective console, where I’m presented with the profile page for this finding, shown in Figure 2. You must have Detective enabled to pivot between a GuardDuty finding and Detective. Detective provides profile pages for supported GuardDuty findings and AWS resources (for example, IP address, EC2 instance, user, and role) that include information and data visualizations that summarize observed behaviors and give guidance for interpreting them. Profiles help analysts to determine whether the finding is of genuine concern or a false positive. For resources, profiles provide supporting details for an investigation into a finding or for a general hunt for suspicious activity.

Figure 2: Finding profile panel

Figure 2: Finding profile panel

In this case, the profile page for this GuardDuty UnauthorizedAccess:EC2/TorClient finding provides contextual and behavioral data about the EC2 instance on which GuardDuty has noted the issue. As I dive into this finding, I’m going to be asking questions that help assess whether the instance was in fact accessed unintentionally, such as, “What IP port or network service was in use at that time?,” “Were any large data transfers involved?,” “Was the traffic allowed by my security groups?” Profile pages in Detective organize content that helps security analysts investigate GuardDuty findings, examine unexpected network behavior, and identify other AWS resources that might be affected by a potential security issue.

I begin scrolling down the page and notice the Findings associated with EC2 instance i-9999999999999999 panel. Detective displays related findings to provide analysts with additional evidence and context about potentially related issues. The finding I’m investigating is listed there, as well as an Unusual Behaviors/VM/Behavior:EC2-NetworkPortUnusual finding. GuardDuty builds a baseline on your network traffic and will generate findings where there is traffic outside the calculated normal. While we might not investigate every instance of anomalous traffic, having these alerts correlated by Detective provides context for validating the issue. Keeping this in mind as I scroll down, at the bottom of this profile page, I find the Overall VPC flow volume panel. If you choose the Info link next to the panel title, you can see helpful tips that describe how to use the visualizations and provide ideas for questions to ask within your investigation. These info links are available throughout Detective. Check them out!

Investigating VPC flow in Detective

In this investigation, I’m very curious about the two large spikes in inbound traffic that I see in the Overall VPC flow volume panel, which seem to be visually associated with some unusual outbound traffic spikes. It’s most likely that these outbound spikes are related to the Unusual Behaviors/VM/Behavior:EC2-NetworkPortUnusual finding I mentioned earlier. To start the investigation, I choose the display details for scope time button, shown circled at the bottom of Figure 2. This expands the VPC Flow Details, shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Our first look at VPC Flow Details

Figure 3: Our first look at VPC Flow Details

We now can see that each entry displays the volume of inbound traffic, the volume of outbound traffic, and whether the access request was accepted or rejected. Detective provides annotations on the VPC flows to help guide your investigation. These From finding annotations make it clear which flows and resources were involved in the finding. In this case, we can easily see (in Figure 3) the three IP addresses at the top of the list that triggered this GuardDuty finding.

I’m first going to focus on the spikes in traffic that are above the baseline. When I click on one of the spikes in the graph, the time window for the VPC flow activity now matches the dates of these spikes I’m investigating.

If I choose the Inbound Traffic column header, shown in Figure 4, I can find the flows that contributed to the spike during this time window.

Figure 4: Inbound traffic spikes

Figure 4: Inbound traffic spikes

Note that the two large inbound spikes aren’t associated with the IP address from the UnauthorizedAccess:EC2/TorClient finding, based on the Detective annotation From finding. Let’s check the outbound traffic. If I do a quick sort of the table based on the outbound traffic column, as shown in Figure 5, we can also see the outbound spikes, and it isn’t immediately evident whether the spikes are associated with this finding. I could continue to investigate the spikes (because they are a visual anomaly), or focus just on the VPC flow traffic that GuardDuty and Detective have labeled as associated with this TOR finding.

Figure 5: Outbound traffic spikes

Figure 5: Outbound traffic spikes

Let’s focus on the outbound and inbound spikes and see if we can determine what’s happening. The inbound spikes are on port 443, typically an HTTPS port, or a secure web connection. The outbound spikes are on port 22 (ssh), but go to IP addresses that look to be internal based on their addresses of 172.16.x.x. The port 443 traffic might indicate a web server that’s open to the internet and receiving traffic. With further investigation, we can determine if this idea is valid, and continue hunting for potentially malicious traffic.

A good next step would be to investigate the two specific IP addresses to rule out their involvement in the finding. I can do this by right-clicking on either of the external IP addresses and opening a new tab, where I can focus on investigating these two specific IP addresses. I would take this line of investigation to possibly rule out the involvement of these IP addresses in this finding, determine if they regularly communicate with my resources, find out what instance(s) they’re related to, and see if there are other findings associated with these instances or IP addresses. This deeper investigation is outside the scope of this blog post, but it’s something you should be doing in your own environment.

IP addresses in AWS are ephemeral in nature. The unique identifier in VPC flow logs is the Instance ID. At the time of this investigation, is assigned to the instance related to this finding, so let’s continue to take a look at the internal IP address with 218 MB outbound traffic on port 22. I choose, and Detective opens up the profile page for this specific IP address, as shown in Figure 6. Here we see some interesting correlations: two other GuardDuty findings related to SSH brute-force attacks. These could be related to our outbound port 22 spikes, because they’re certainly in the window of time we’re investigating.

Figure 6: IP address profile panel

Figure 6: IP address profile panel

As part of a deeper investigation, you would investigate the SSH brute-force findings for and but for now I’m interested what this IP is involved in. Detective easily associates this IP address with the instance that was assigned the IP during the scope time. I scroll down to the bottom of the profile page for and investigate the i-9999999999999999 instance by choosing the instance name.

Filtering VPC flow activity

In Detective, as the investigator we are looking at an instance profile panel, similar to the one in Figure 2, and since we’re interested in VPC flow details, I’m going to scroll down and select display details for scope time.

To focus on specific activity, I can filter the activity details by the following values:

  • IP address
  • Local or remote port
  • Direction
  • Protocol
  • Whether the request was accepted or rejected

I’m going to filter these VPC flow details and just look at port 22 (sshd) inbound traffic. I select the Filter check box and select Local Port and 22, as shown in Figure 7. Detective fills in all the available ports for you, making it easy to complete this filter.

Figure 7: Port 22 traffic

Figure 7: Port 22 traffic

The activity details show a few IP addresses related to port 22, and we’re still following the large outbound spikes of traffic. It’s outside the scope of this blog post, but now it would be time to start looking at your security groups and network access control lists (ACLs) and determine why port 22 is open to the internet and sending all this traffic.

Understanding traffic behavior

As an investigator, I now have a good picture of the traffic related to the initial finding, and by diving deeper we’re able to discover other interesting traffic during the same timeframe. While we may not always determine “who has done it,” the goal should be to improve our understanding of the behavior of our environment and gather important technical evidence. Detective helps you identify and investigate anomalies to give you insight into your environment. If we were to continue our investigation into the finding, here are some actions we can take within Detective.

Investigate VPC findings with Detective:

  • Perform ports and utilization analysis
    • Identify service and ephemeral ports
    • Determine whether traffic was accepted or rejected based on security groups and NACL configurations
    • Investigate possible reconnaissance traffic by exploring the significant amount of rejected traffic
  • Correlate EC2 instances to TCP/IP ports and IPs
  • Analyze traffic spikes and anomalies
  • Discover traffic patterns and make behavioral correlations

Explore EC2 instance behavior with Detective:

  • Directional Traffic Analysis
  • Investigate possible data exfiltration events by digging into large transfers
  • Enumerate distinct IP connections and sort and filter by protocol, amount of traffic, and traffic direction
  • Gather data related to a spike in port count from a single IP address (potential brute force) or multiple IP addresses (distributed denial of service (DDoS))

Additional forensics steps to consider

  • Snapshot EC2 Volumes
  • Memory dump of EC2 instance
  • Isolate EC2 instance
  • Review your authentication strategy and assess whether the chosen authentication method is sufficient to protect your asset


Without requiring you to set up infrastructure or spend time configuring log ingestion, Detective collects, organizes, and presents relevant data for your threat analysis and investigations. Security and operations teams will find this new capability helpful for simplifying EC2 traffic analysis, validating security group permissions, and diagnosing EC2 instance behavior. Detective does the heavy lifting of storing, and analyzing VPC flow data so you can focus on quickly answering your investigative questions. VPC network flow details are available now in all Detective supported Regions and are included as part of your service subscription.

To get started, you can enable a 30-day free trial of Amazon Detective. See the AWS Regional Services page for all the regions where Detective is available. To learn more, visit the Amazon Detective product page.

Are you a visual learner? Check out Amazon Detective Overview and Demonstration. This video helps you learn how and when to use Amazon Detective to improve the security of your AWS resources.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

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Ross Warren

Ross Warren is a Solution Architect at AWS based in Northern Virginia. Prior to his work at AWS, Ross’ areas of focus included cyber threat hunting and security operations. Ross has worked at a handful of startups and has enjoyed the transition to AWS because he can continue to build solutions for customers on today’s most innovative platform.


Jim Miller

Jim is a Solution Architect at AWS based in Connecticut. Jim has worked within cyber security his entire career with areas of focus including cyber security architecture and incident response. At AWS he loves building secure solutions for customers to enable teams to build and innovate with confidence.