Tag Archives: Amazon API Gateway

Deploy Quarkus-based applications using AWS Lambda with AWS SAM

Post Syndicated from Joan Bonilla original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/deploy-quarkus-based-applications-using-aws-lambda-with-aws-sam/

­Quarkus offers Java developers the capability of building native images based on GraalVM. A native image is a binary that includes everything: your code, libraries, and a smaller virtual machine (VM). This approach improves the startup time of your AWS Lambda functions, because it is optimized for container-based environments. These use cloud native and serverless architectures with a container-first philosophy.

In this blog post, you learn how to integrate the Quarkus framework with AWS Lambda functions, using the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM).

Reduce infrastructure costs and improve latency

When you develop applications with Quarkus and GraalVM with native images, the bootstrap file generated requires more time to compile, but it has a faster runtime. GraalVM is a JIT compiler that generates optimized native machine code that provides different garbage collector implementations, and uses less memory and CPU. This is achieved with a battery of advanced compiler optimizations and aggressive and sophisticated inlining techniques. By using Quarkus, you can also reduce your infrastructure costs because you need less resources.

With Quarkus and AWS SAM features, you can improve the latency performance of your Java-based AWS Lambda functions by reducing the cold-start time. A cold-start is the initialization time that a Lambda function takes before running the actual code. After the function is initialized for the first time, future requests will reuse the same execution environment without incurring the cold-start time, leading to improved performance.

Overview of solution

Figure 1 shows the AWS components and workflow of our solution.

Architecture diagram deploying an AWS SAM template using the Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda services with Amazon CloudWatch metrics

Figure 1. Architecture diagram for Quarkus (AWS Lambda) application

With AWS SAM, you can easily integrate external frameworks by using custom runtimes and configuring properties in the template file and the Makefile.


For this walkthrough, you should have the following prerequisites:

Creating a Java-based AWS Lambda function

AWS SAM provides default templates to accelerate the development of new functions. Create a Java-based function by following these steps:

Run the following command in your terminal:

sam init -a x86_64 -r java11 -p Zip -d maven -n java11-mvn-default

These parameters select a x86 architecture, java11 as Java runtime LTS version, Zip as a build artifact, and Maven as the package and dependency tool. It also defines the project name.

Choose the first option to use a template for your base code:

1 – AWS Quick Start Templates

Finally, with the previous selection you have different templates to choose from to create the base structure of your function. In our case, select the first one, which creates an AWS Lambda function calling an external HTTPS endpoint. This will get the IP address and return it with a “Hello World” response to the user in JSON:

1 – Hello World Example

The output will yield the following, shown in Figure 2:

AWS SAM input fields to select the programming language, the build artifact, the project name and the dependency tool for our sample.

Figure 2. AWS SAM configuration input data

Integrating Quarkus framework

Using AWS SAM, you can easily integrate non-AWS custom runtimes in your AWS Lambda functions. With this feature, you can integrate the Quarkus framework. Follow the next four steps:

1. Create a Makefile file

Create a “Makefile” file in the “HelloWorldFunction” directory with this code:

  mvn clean package -Pnative -Dquarkus.native.container-build=true -Dquarkus.native.builder-image=quay.io/quarkus/ubi-quarkus-mandrel:21.3-java11
  @ unzip ./target/function.zip -d $(ARTIFACTS_DIR)

With this snippet, you are configuring AWS SAM to build the bootstrap runtime using Maven instructions for AWS SAM.

Using Quarkus, you can build a Linux executable without having to install GraalVM with the next option:


For more information, you can visit the official site and learn more about building a native image.

2. Configure Maven dependencies

As a Maven project, include the necessary dependencies. Change the pom.xml file in the “HelloWorldFunction” directory to remove the default libraries:


Add the Quarkus libraries, profile, and plugins in the right pom.xml section as shown in the following XML configuration. At the current time, the latest version of Quarkus is 2.7.1.Final. We highly recommend using the latest versions of the libraries and plugins:




3. Configure the template.yaml to use the previous Makefile

To configure the AWS SAM template to use your own Makefile configuration using Quarkus and Maven instructions correctly, edit the template.yaml file to add the following properties:

      BuildMethod: makefile
      Runtime: provided

4. Add a new properties file to enable SSL configuration

Finally, create an application.properties file in the directory: ../HelloWorldFunction/src/main/resources/ with the following property:


This property is needed because the sample function uses a secure connection to https://checkip.amazonaws.com. It will get the response body in the sample you selected previously.

Now you can build and deploy your first Quarkus function with the following AWS SAM commands:

sam build

This will create the Zip artifact using the Maven tool and will build the native image to deploy on AWS Lambda based on your previous Makefile configuration. Finally, run the following AWS SAM command to deploy your function:

sam deploy -–guided

The first time you deploy an AWS SAM application, you can customize some configurations or parameters like the Stack name, the AWS Region, and more (see Figure 3). You can also accept the default one. For more information about AWS SAM deploy options, read the AWS SAM documentation.

AWS SAM input fields to configure the deployment options in our sample.

Figure 3. Lambda deployment configuration input data

This sample configuration enables you to configure the necessary IAM permissions to deploy the AWS SAM resources for this sample. After completing the task, you can see the AWS CloudFormation Stack and resources created by AWS SAM.

You have now created and deployed an HTTPS API Gateway endpoint with a Quarkus application on AWS Lambda that you can test.

Testing your Quarkus function

Finally, test your Quarkus function in the AWS Management Console by selecting the new function in the AWS Lambda functions list. Use the test feature included in the console, as shown in Figure 4:

Test Quarkus execution result succeeded showing the response body returning the IP address.

Figure 4. Lambda execution test example

You will get a response to your Lambda request and a summary. This includes information like duration, or resources needed in your new Quarkus function. For more information about testing applications on AWS SAM, you can read Testing and debugging serverless applications. You can also visit the official site to read more information using AWS SAM with Quarkus.

Cleaning up

To avoid incurring future charges, delete the resources created in your AWS Lambda stack. You can delete resources with the following command:

sam delete


In this post, we demonstrated how to integrate Java frameworks like Quarkus on AWS Lambda using custom runtimes with AWS SAM. This enables you to configure custom build configurations or your preferred frameworks. These tools improve the developer experience, standardizing the tool used to develop serverless applications with future requirements, showing a strong flexibility for developers.

The Quarkus native image generated and applied in the AWS Lambda function reduces the heavy Java footprint. You can use your Java skills to develop serverless applications without having to change the programming language. This is a great advantage when cold-starts or compute resources are important for business or technical requirements.

Running cross-account workflows with AWS Step Functions and Amazon API Gateway

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/running-cross-account-workflows-with-aws-step-functions-and-amazon-api-gateway/

This post is written by Hardik Vasa, Senior Solutions Architect, and Pratik Jain, Cloud Infrastructure Architect.

AWS Step Functions allow you to build scalable and distributed applications using state machines. With the launch of Step Functions nested workflows, you can start a Step Functions workflow from another workflow. However, this requires both workflows to be in the same account. There are many use cases that require you to orchestrate workflows across different AWS accounts from one central AWS account.

This blog post covers a solution to invoke Step Functions workflows cross account using Amazon API Gateway. With this, you can perform cross-account orchestration for scheduling, ETL automation, resource deployments, security audits, and log aggregations all from a central account.


The following architecture shows a Step Functions workflow in account A invoking an API Gateway endpoint in account B, and passing the payload in the API request. The API then invokes another Step Functions workflow in account B asynchronously.  The resource policy on the API allows you to restrict access to a specific Step Functions workflow to prevent anonymous access.

Cross-account workflows

You can extend this architecture to run workflows across multiple Regions or accounts. This blog post shows running cross-account workflows with two AWS accounts.

To invoke an API Gateway endpoint, you can use Step Functions AWS SDK service integrations. This approach allows users to build solutions and integrate services within a workflow without writing code.

The example demonstrates how to use the cross-account capability using two AWS example accounts:

  • Step Functions state machine A: Account ID #111111111111
  • API Gateway API and Step Functions state machine B: Account ID #222222222222

Setting up

Start by creating state machine A in the account #111111111111. Next, create the state machine in target account #222222222222, followed by the API Gateway REST API integrated to the state machine in the target account.

Account A: #111111111111

In this account, create a state machine, which includes a state that invokes an API hosted in a different account.

Create an IAM role for Step Functions

  1. Sign in to the IAM console in account #111111111111, and then choose Roles from left navigation pane
  2. Choose Create role.
  3. For the Select trusted entity, under AWS service, select Step Functions from the list, and then choose Next.
  4. On the Add permissions page, choose Next.
  5. On the Review page, enter StepFunctionsAPIGatewayRole for Role name, and then choose Create role.
  6. Create inline policies to allow Step Functions to access the API actions of the services you need to control. Navigate to the role that you created and select Add Permissions and then Create inline policy.
  7. Use the Visual editor or the JSON tab to create policies for your role. Enter the following:
    Service: Execute-API
    Action: Invoke
    Resource: All Resources
  8. Choose Review policy.
  9. Enter APIExecutePolicy for name and choose Create Policy.

Creating a state machine in source account

  1. Navigate to the Step Functions console in account #111111111111 and choose Create state machine
  2. Select Design your workflow visually, and the click Standard and then click Next
  3. On the design page, search for APIGateway:Invoke state, then drag and drop the block on the page:
    Step Functions designer console
  4. In the API Gateway Invoke section on the right panel, update the API Parameters with the following JSON policy:
      "ApiEndpoint.$": "$.ApiUrl",
      "Method": "POST",
      "Stage": "dev",
      "Path": "/execution",
      "Headers": {},
      "RequestBody": {
       "input.$": "$.body",
       "stateMachineArn.$": "$.stateMachineArn"
      "AuthType": "RESOURCE_POLICY"

    These parameters indicate that the ApiEndpoint, payload (body) and stateMachineArn are dynamically assigned values based on input provided during workflow execution. You can also choose to assign these values statically, based on your use case.

  5. [Optional] You can also configure the API Gateway Invoke state to retry upon task failure by configuring the retries setting.
    Configuring State Machine
  6. Choose Next and then choose Next again. On the Specify state machine settings page:
    1. Enter a name for your state machine.
    2. Select Choose an existing role under Permissions and choose StepFunctionsAPIGatewayRole.
    3. Select Log Level ERROR.
  7. Choose Create State Machine.

After creating this state machine, copy the state machine ARN for later use.

Account B: #222222222222

In this account, create an API Gateway REST API that integrates with the target state machine and enables access to this state machine by means of a resource policy.

Creating a state machine in the target account

  1. Navigate to the Step Functions Console in account #222222222222 and choose Create State Machine.
  2. Under Choose authoring method select Design your workflow visually and the type as Standard.
  3. Choose Next.
  4. On the design page, search for Pass state. Drag and drop the state.
    State machine
  5. Choose Next.
  6. In the Review generated code page, choose Next and:
    1. Enter a name for the state machine.
    2. Select Create new role under the Permissions section.
    3. Select Log Level ERROR.
  7. Choose Create State Machine.

Once the state machine is created, copy the state machine ARN for later use.

Next, set up the API Gateway REST API, which acts as a gateway to accept requests from the state machine in account A. This integrates with the state machine you just created.

Create an IAM Role for API Gateway

Before creating the API Gateway API endpoint, you must give API Gateway permission to call Step Functions API actions:

  1. Sign in to the IAM console in account #222222222222 and choose Roles. Choose Create role.
  2. On the Select trusted entity page, under AWS service, select API Gateway from the list, and then choose Next.
  3. On the Select trusted entity page, choose Next
  4. On the Name, review, and create page, enter APIGatewayToStepFunctions for Role name, and then choose Create role
  5. Choose the name of your role and note the Role ARN:
  6. Select the IAM role (APIGatewayToStepFunctions) you created.
  7. On the Permissions tab, choose Add permission and choose Attach Policies.
  8. Search for AWSStepFunctionsFullAccess, choose the policy, and then click Attach policy.

Creating the API Gateway API endpoint

After creating the IAM role, create a custom API Gateway API:

  1. Open the Amazon API Gateway console in account #222222222222.
  2. Click Create API. Under REST API choose Build.
  3. Enter StartExecutionAPI for the API name, and then choose Create API.
  4. On the Resources page of StartExecutionAPI, choose Actions, Create Resource.
  5. Enter execution for Resource Name, and then choose Create Resource.
  6. On the /execution Methods page, choose Actions, Create Method.
  7. From the list, choose POST, and then select the check mark.

Configure the integration for your API method

  1. On the /execution – POST – Setup page, for Integration Type, choose AWS Service. For AWS Region, choose a Region from the list. For Regions that currently support Step Functions, see Supported Regions.
  2. For AWS Service, choose Step Functions from the list.
  3. For HTTP Method, choose POST from the list. All Step Functions API actions use the HTTP POST method.
  4. For Action Type, choose Use action name.
  5. For Action, enter StartExecution.
  6. For Execution Role, enter the role ARN of the IAM role that you created earlier, as shown in the following example. The Integration Request configuration can be seen in the image below.
    API Gateway integration request configuration
  7. Choose Save. The visual mapping between API Gateway and Step Functions is displayed on the /execution – POST – Method Execution page.
    API Gateway method configuration

After you configure your API, you can configure the resource policy to allow the invoke action from the cross-account Step Functions State Machine. For the resource policy to function in cross-account scenarios, you must also enable AWS IAM authorization on the API method.

Configure IAM authorization for your method

  1. On the /execution – POST method, navigate to the Method Request, and under the Authorization option, select AWS_IAM and save.
  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Resource Policy.
  3. Use this policy template to define and enter the resource policy for your API.
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Principal": {
                    "Service": "states.amazonaws.com"
                "Action": "execute-api:Invoke",
                "Resource": "execute-api:/*/*/*",
                "Condition": {
                    "StringEquals": {
                        "aws:SourceArn": [

    Note: You must replace <SourceAccountStateMachineARN> with the state machine ARN from account #111111111111 (account A).

  4. Choose Save.

Once the resource policy is configured, deploy the API to a stage.

Deploy the API

  1. In the left navigation pane, click Resources and choose Actions.
  2. From the Actions drop-down menu, choose Deploy API.
  3. In the Deploy API dialog box, choose [New Stage], enter dev in Stage name.
  4. Choose Deploy to deploy the API.

After deployment, capture the API ID, API Region, and the stage name. These are used as inputs during the execution phase.

Starting the workflow

To run the Step Functions workflow in account A, provide the following input:

   "ApiUrl": "<api_id>.execute-api.<region>.amazonaws.com",
   "stateMachineArn": "<stateMachineArn>",
   "body": "{\"someKey\":\"someValue\"}"

Start execution

Paste in the values of APIUrl and stateMachineArn from account B in the preceding input. Make sure the ApiUrl is in the format as shown.

AWS Serverless Application Model deployment

You can deploy the preceding solution architecture with the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM), which is an open-source framework for building serverless applications. During deployment, AWS SAM transforms and expands the syntax into AWS CloudFormation syntax, enabling you to build serverless applications faster.

Logging and monitoring

Logging and monitoring are vital for observability, measuring performance and audit purposes. Step Functions allows logging using CloudWatch Logs. Step Functions also automatically sends execution metrics to CloudWatch. You can learn more on monitoring Step Functions using CloudWatch.

Cleaning up

To avoid incurring any charges, delete all the resources that you have created in both the accounts. This would include deleting the Step Functions state machines and API Gateway API.


This blog post provides a step-by-step guide on securely invoking a cross-account Step Functions workflow from a central account using API Gateway as front end. This pattern can be extended to scale workflow executions across different Regions and accounts.

By using a centralized account to orchestrate workflows across AWS accounts, this can help prevent duplicating work in each account.

To learn more about serverless and AWS Step Functions, visit the Step Functions Developer Guide.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Implementing mutual TLS for Java-based AWS Lambda functions

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/implementing-mutual-tls-for-java-based-aws-lambda-functions-2/

This post is written by Dhiraj Mahapatro, Senior Specialist SA, Serverless and Christian Mueller, Principal Solutions Architect

Modern secure applications establish network connections to other services through HTTPS. This ensures that the application connects to the right party and encrypts the data before sending it over the network.

You might not want unauthenticated users to connect to your service as a service provider. One solution to this requirement is to use mutual TLS (Transport Layer Security). Mutual TLS (or mTLS) is a common security mechanism that uses client certificates to add an authentication layer. This allows the service provider to verify the client’s identity cryptographically.

The purpose of mutual TLS in serverless

mTLS refers to two parties authenticating each other at the same time when establishing a connection. By default, the TLS protocol only proves the identity of the server to a client using X.509 certificates. With mTLS, a client must prove its identity to the server to communicate. This helps support a zero-trust policy to protect against adversaries like man-in-the-middle attacks.

mTLS is often used in business-to-business (B2B) applications and microservices, where interservice communication needs mutual authentication of parties. In Java, you see the following error when the server expects a certificate, but the client does not provide one:

PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

This blog post explains multiple ways to implement a Java-based AWS Lambda function that uses mTLS to authenticate with a third-party internal or external service. The sample application and this post explain the advantages and tradeoffs of each approach.

The KeyStore and TrustStore in Java

The TrustStore is used to store certificate public keys from a certificate authority (CA) or trusted servers. A client can verify the public certificate presented by the server in a TLS connection. A KeyStore stores private key and identity certificates that a specific application uses to prove the client’s identity.

The stores contain opposite certificates. The TrustStore holds the identification certificates that identify others, while the KeyStore holds the identification certificates that identify itself.


To start, you create certificates. For brevity, this sample application uses a script that uses OpenSSL and Java’s keytool for self-signed certificates from a CA. You store the generated keys in Java KeyStore and TrustStore. However, the best practice for creating and maintaining certificates and private CA is to use AWS Certificate Manager and AWS Certificate Manager Private Certificate Authority.

You can find the details of the script in the README file.

The following diagram shows the use of KeyStore and TrustStore in the client Lambda function, and the server running on Fargate.

KeyStore and TrustStore

KeyStore and TrustStore

The demo application contains several Lambda functions. The Lambda functions act as clients to services provided by Fargate behind an Amazon Network Load Balancer (NLB) running in a private Amazon VPC. Amazon Route 53 private hosted zones are used to resolve selected hostnames. You attach the Lambda functions to this VPC to resolve the hostnames for the NLB. To learn more, read how AWS Lambda uses Hyperplane elastic network interfaces to work with custom VPC.

The following examples refer to portions of InfrastructureStack.java and the implementation in the corresponding Lambda functions.

Providing a client certificate in a Lambda function artifact

The first option is to provide the KeyStore and TrustStore in a Lambda functions’ .zip artifact. You provide specific Java environment variables within the Lambda configuration to instruct the JVM to load and trust your provided Keystore and TrustStore. The JVM uses these settings instead of the Java Runtime Environment’s (JRE) default settings (use a stronger password for your use case):

"-Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=./client_keystore_1.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=secret -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=./client_truststore.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=secret"

The JRE uses this KeyStore and TrustStore to build a default SSLContext. The HttpClient uses this default SSLContext to create a TLS connection to the backend service running on Fargate.

The following architecture diagram shows the sample implementation. It consists of an Amazon API Gateway endpoint with a Lambda proxy integration that calls a backend Fargate service running behind an NLB.

Providing a client certificate in a Lambda function artifact

Providing a client certificate in a Lambda function artifact

This is a basic approach for a prototype. However, it has a few shortcomings related to security and separation of duties. The KeyStore contains the private key, and the password is exposed to the source code management (SCM) system, which is a security concern. Also, it is the Lambda function owner’s responsibility to update the certificate before its expiration. You can address these concerns about separation of duties with the following approach.

Providing the client certificate in a Lambda layer

In this approach, you separate the responsibility between two entities. The Lambda function owner and the KeyStore and TrustStore owner.

The KeyStore and TrustStore owner provides the certificates securely to the function developer who may be working in a separate AWS environment. For simplicity, the demo application uses the same AWS account.

The KeyStore and TrustStore owner achieves this by using AWS Lambda layers. The KeyStore and TrustStore owner packages and uploads the certificates as a Lambda layer and only allows access to authorized functions. The Lambda function owner does not access the KeyStore or manage its lifecycle. The KeyStore and TrustStore owner’s responsibility is to release a new version of this layer when necessary and inform users.

Providing the client certificate in a Lambda layer

Providing the client certificate in a Lambda layer

The KeyStore and TrustStore are extracted under the path /opt as part of including a Lambda layer. The Lambda function can now use the layer as:

Function lambdaLayerFunction = new Function(this, "LambdaLayerFunction", FunctionProps.builder()
    "JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS", "-Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/opt/client_keystore_1.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=secret -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/opt/client_truststore.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=secret"

The KeyStore and TrustStore passwords are still supplied as environment variables and stored in the SCM system, which is against best practices. You can address this with the next approach.

Storing passwords securely in AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store

AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store provides secure, hierarchical storage for configuration data and secret management. You can use Parameter Store to store the KeyStore and TrustStore passwords instead of environment variables. The Lambda function uses an IAM policy to access Parameter Store and gets the passwords as a secure string during the Lambda initialization phase.

With this approach, you build a custom SSLContext after retrieving the KeyStore and TrustStore passwords from the Parameter Store. Once you create SSLContext, provide that to the HttpClient you use to connect with the backend service:

HttpClient client = HttpClient.newBuilder()

You can also use a VPC interface endpoint for AWS Systems Manager to keep the traffic from your Lambda function to Parameter Store internal to AWS. The following diagram shows the interaction between AWS Lambda and Parameter Store.

Storing passwords securely in AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store

Storing passwords securely in AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store

This approach works for Lambda functions interacting with a single backend service requiring mTLS. However, it is common in a modern microservices architecture to integrate with multiple backend services. Sometimes, these services require a client to assume different identities by using different KeyStores. The next approach explains how to handle the multiple services scenario.

Providing multiple client certificates in Lambda layers

You can provide multiple KeyStore and TrustStore pairs within multiple Lambda layers. All layers attached to a function are merged when provisioning the function. Ensure your KeyStore and TrustStore names are unique. A Lambda function can use up to five Lambda layers.

Similar to the previous approach, you load multiple KeyStores and TrustStores to construct multiple SSLContext objects. You abstract the common logic to create an SSLContext object in another Lambda layer. Now, the Lambda function calling two different backend services uses 3 Lambda layers:

  • Lambda layer for backend service 1 (under /opt)
  • Lambda layer for backend service 2 (under /opt)
  • Lambda layer for the SSL utility that takes the KeyStore, TrustStore, and their passwords to return an SSLContext object

SSL utility Lambda layer provides the getSSLContext default method in a Java interface. The Lambda function implements this interface. Now, you create a dedicated HTTP client per service.

The following diagram shows your final architecture:

Providing multiple client certificates in Lambda layers

Providing multiple client certificates in Lambda layers


To run the sample application, you need:

  1. CDK v2
  2. Java 11
  3. AWS CLI
  4. Docker
  5. jq

To build and provision the stack:

  1. Clone the git repository.
  2. git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/serverless-mutual-tls.git
    cd serverless-mutual-tls
  3. Create the two root CA’s, client, and server certificates.
  4. ./scripts/1-create-certificates.sh
  5. Build and package all examples.
  6. ./scripts/2-build_and_package-functions.sh
  7. Provision the AWS infrastructure (make sure that Docker is running).
  8. ./scripts/3-provision-infrastructure.sh


Verify that the API endpoints are working and using mTLS by running these commands from the base directory:

export API_ENDPOINT=$(cat infrastructure/target/outputs.json | jq -r '.LambdaMutualTLS.apiendpoint')

To see the error when mTLS is not used in the Lambda function, run:

curl -i $API_ENDPOINT/lambda-no-mtls

The preceding curl command responds with an HTTP status code 500 and plain body as:

PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

For successful usage of mTLS as shown in the previous use cases, run:

curl -i $API_ENDPOINT/lambda-only
curl -i $API_ENDPOINT/lambda-layer
curl -i $API_ENDPOINT/lambda-parameter-store
curl -i $API_ENDPOINT/lambda-multiple-certificates

The last curl command responds with an HTTP status code 200 and body as:

 {"hello": "from backend service 1"}, 
 {"hello": "from backend service 2"}

Additional security

You can add additional controls via Java environment variables. Compliance standards like PCI DSS in financial services require customers to exercise more control over the underlying negotiated protocol and ciphers.

Some of the useful Java environment variables to troubleshoot SSL/TLS connectivity issues in a Lambda function are:


You can enforce a specific minimum version of TLS (for example, v1.3) to meet regulatory requirements:


Alternatively, programmatically construct your SSLContext inside the Lambda function:

SSLContext sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLSv1.3");

You can also use the following Java environment variable to limit the use of weak cipher suites or unapproved algorithms, and explicitly provide the supported cipher suites:


You achieve the same programmatically with the following code snippet:

httpClient = HttpClient.newBuilder()
  .sslParameters(new SSLParameters(new String[]{

Cleaning up

The stack creates a custom VPC and other related resources. Clean up after usage to avoid the ongoing cost of running these services. To clean up the infrastructure and the self-generated certificates, run:



mTLS in Java using KeyStore and TrustStore is a well-established approach for using client certificates to add an authentication layer. This blog highlights the four approaches that you can take to implement mTLS using Java-based Lambda functions.

Each approach addresses the separation of concerns required while implementing mTLS with additional security features. Use an approach that suits your needs, organizational security best practices, and enterprise requirements. Refer to the demo application for additional details.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Building serverless multi-Region WebSocket APIs

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-serverless-multi-region-websocket-apis/

This post is written by Ben Freiberg, Senior Solutions Architect, and Marcus Ziller, Senior Solutions Architect.

Many modern web applications use the WebSocket protocol for bidirectional communication between frontend clients and backends. The fastest way to get started with WebSockets on AWS is to use WebSocket APIs powered by Amazon API Gateway.

This serverless solution allows customers to get started with WebSockets without having the complexity of running a WebSocket API. WebSocket APIs are a Regional service bound to a single Region, which may affect latency and resilience for some workloads.

This post shows how to build a multi-regional WebSocket API for a global real-time chat application.

Overview of the solution

This solution uses AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK). This is an open source software development framework to model and provision cloud application resources. Using the CDK can reduce the complexity and amount of code needed to automate the deployment of resources.

This solution uses AWS LambdaAmazon API Gateway, Amazon DynamoDB, and Amazon EventBridge.

This diagram outlines the workflow implemented in this blog:

Solution architecture

  1. Users across different Regions establish WebSocket connections to an API endpoint in a Region. For every connection, the respective API Gateway invokes the ConnectionHandler Lambda function, which stores the connection details in a Regional DynamoDB table.
  2. User A sends a chat message via the established WebSocket connection. The API Gateway invokes the ClientMessageHandler Lambda function with the received message. The Lambda function publishes an event to an EventBridge event bus that contains the message and the connectionId of the message sender.
  3. The event bus invokes the EventBusMessageHandler Lambda function, which pushes the received message to all other clients connected in the Region. It also replicates the event into us-west-1.
  4. EventBusMessageHandler in us-west-1 receives and send it out to all connected clients in the Region via the same mechanism.


The following walkthrough explains the required components, their interactions and how the provisioning can be automated via CDK.

For this walkthrough, you need:

Checkout and deploy the sample stack:

  1. After completing the prerequisites, clone the associated GitHub repository by running the following command in a local directory:
    git clone [email protected]/aws-samples/multi-region-websocket-api
  2. Open the repository in your preferred editor and review the contents of the src and cdk folder.
  3. Follows the instructions in the README.md to deploy the stack.

The following components are deployed in your account for every specified Region. If you didn’t change the default, the Regions are eu-west-1 and us-west-1.

API Gateway for WebSocket connectivity

API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easier for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. APIs act as the “front door” for applications to access data, business logic, or functionality from your backend services. Using API Gateway, you can create RESTful APIs and WebSocket APIs that enable real-time two-way communication applications.

WebSocket APIs serve as a stateful frontend for an AWS service, in this case AWS Lambda. A Lambda function is used for the WebSocket endpoint that maintains a persistent connection to handle message transfer between the backend service and clients. The WebSocket API invokes the backend based on the content of the messages that it receives from client apps.

There are three predefined routes that can be used: $connect, $disconnect, and $default.

const connectionLambda = new lambda.Function(..);
const requestHandlerLambda = new lambda.Function(..);

const webSocketApi = new apigwv2.WebSocketApi(this, 'WebsocketApi', {
      apiName: 'WebSocketApi',
      description: 'A regional Websocket API for the multi-region chat application sample',
      connectRouteOptions: {
        integration: new WebSocketLambdaIntegration('connectionIntegration', connectionLambda.fn),
      disconnectRouteOptions: {
        integration: new WebSocketLambdaIntegration('disconnectIntegration', connectionLambda.fn),
      defaultRouteOptions: {
        integration: new WebSocketLambdaIntegration('defaultIntegration', requestHandlerLambda.fn),

const websocketStage = new apigwv2.WebSocketStage(this, 'WebsocketStage', {
      stageName: 'dev',
      autoDeploy: true,

$connect and $disconnect are used by clients to initiate or end a connection with the API Gateway. Each route has a backend integration that is invoked for the respective event. In this example, a Lambda function gets invoked with details of the event. The following code snippet shows how you can track each of the connected clients in an Amazon DynamoDB table. Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed, serverless, key-value NoSQL database designed to run high-performance applications at any scale.

// Simplified example for brevity
// Visit GitHub repository for complete code

function connectionHandler(event: APIGatewayEvent) {
  if (eventType === 'CONNECT') {
    await dynamoDbClient.put({
      Item: {
        chatId: 'DEFAULT',
        ttl: Math.round(Date.now() / 1000 + 3600) // TTL of one hour

  if (eventType === 'DISCONNECT') {
    await dynamoDbClient.delete({
      TableName: process.env.TABLE_NAME!,
      Key: {
        chatId: 'DEFAULT',

  return ..

The $default route is used when the route selection expression produces a value that does not match any of the other route keys in your API routes. For this post, we use it as a default route for all messages sent to the API Gateway by a client. For each message, a Lambda function is invoked with an event of the following format.

     "requestContext": {
         "routeKey": "$default",
         "messageId": "GXLKJfX4FiACG1w=",
         "eventType": "MESSAGE",
         "messageDirection": "IN",
         "connectionId": "GXLKAfX1FiACG1w=",
         "apiId": "3m4dnp0wy4",
         "requestTimeEpoch": 1632812813588,
         // some fields omitted for brevity   
     "body": "{ .. }",
     "isBase64Encoded": false

EventBridge for cross-Region message distribution

The Lambda function uses the AWS SDK to publish the message data in event.body to EventBridge. EventBridge is a serverless event bus that makes it easier to build event-driven applications at scale. It delivers a stream of real-time data from event sources to targets. You can set up routing rules to determine where to send your data to build application architectures that react in real time to your data sources with event publishers and consumers decoupled.

The following CDK code defines routing rules on the event bus that is applied for every event with source ChatApplication and detail type ChatMessageReceived.

    new events.Rule(this, 'ProcessRequest', {
      enabled: true,
      ruleName: 'ProcessChatMessage',
      description: 'Invokes a Lambda function for each chat message to push the event via websocket and replicates the event to event buses in other regions.',
      eventPattern: {
        detailType: ['ChatMessageReceived'],
        source: ['ChatApplication'],
      targets: [
        new LambdaFunction(processLambda.fn),

Intra-Region message delivery

The first target is a Lambda function that sends the message out to clients connected to the API Gateway endpoint in the same Region where the message was received.

To that end, the function first uses the AWS SDK to query DynamoDB for active connections for a given chatId in its AWS Region. It then removes the connectionId of the message sender from the list and calls postToConnection(..) for the remaining connection ids to push the message to the respective clients.

export async function handler(event: EventBridgeEvent<'EventResponse', ResponseEventDetails>): Promise<any> {
  const connections = await getConnections(event.detail.chatId);
    .filter((cId: string) => cId !== event.detail.senderConnectionId)
    .map((connectionId: string) => gatewayClient.postToConnection({
      ConnectionId: connectionId,
      Data: JSON.stringify({ data: event.detail.message }),

Inter-Region message delivery

To send messages across Regions, this solution uses EventBridge’s cross-Region event routing capability. Cross-Region event routing allows you to replicate events across Regions by adding an event bus in another Region as the target of a rule. In this case, the architecture is a mesh of event buses in all Regions so that events in every event bus are replicated to all other Regions.

A message sent to an event bus in a Region is replicated to the event buses in the other Regions and trigger the intra-region workflow that I described earlier. However, to avoid infinite loops the EventBridge service implements circuit breaker logic that prevents infinite loops of event buses sending messages back and forth. Thus, only ProcessRequestLambda is invoked as a rule target. The function receives the message via its invocation event and looks up the active WebSocket connections in its Region. It then pushes the message to all relevant clients.

This process happens in every Region so that the initial message is delivered to every connected client with at-least-once semantics.

Improving resilience

The architecture of this solution is resilient to service disruptions in a Region. In such an event, all clients connected to the affected Region reconnect to an unaffected Region and continue to receive events. Although this isn’t covered in the CDK code, you can also set up Amazon Route 53 health checks to automate DNS failover to a healthy Region.

Testing the workflow

You can use any WebSocket client to test the application. Here you can see three clients, one connected to the us-west-1 API Gateway endpoint and two connected to the eu-west-1 endpoint. Each one sends a message to the application and every other client receives it, regardless of the Region it is connected to.




Cleaning up

Most services used in this blog post have an allowance in the AWS Free Tier. Be sure to check potential costs of this solution and delete the stack if you don’t need it anymore. Instructions on how to do this are included inside the README in the repository.


This blog post shows how to use the AWS serverless platform to build a multi-regional chat application over WebSockets. With the cross-Region event routing of EventBridge the architecture is resilient as well as extensible.

For more resources on how to get the most out of the AWS serverless platform, visit Serverless Land.

Migrating a monolithic .NET REST API to AWS Lambda

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/migrating-a-monolithic-net-rest-api-to-aws-lambda/

This post is written by James Eastham, Cloud Infrastructure Architect.

There are many ways to deploy a .NET application to AWS. From a single process ASP.NET core web API hosted on an EC2 instance to a serverless API backed by AWS Lambda. This post explains key topics to simplify your move from monolith to serverless.

The .NET Framework launched in 2002. This means that there are years’ worth of existing .NET application code that can benefit from moving to a serverless architecture. With the release of the AWS Porting Assistant for .NET and the AWS Microsoft Extractor for .NET, AWS tooling can assist directly with this modernization.

These tools help modernization but don’t migrate the compute layer from traditional servers to serverless technology.

Hexagonal architecture

The hexagonal architecture pattern proposes the division of a system into loosely coupled and interchangeable components. The application and business logic sit at the core of the application.

Layers of a hexagonal architecture

The next layer up is a set of interfaces that handle bidirectional communication from the core business logic layer. Implementation details are moved to the outside. The inputs (API controllers, UI, consoles, test scripts) and outputs (database implementations, message bus interactions) are at the perimeter.

The chosen compute layer becomes an implementation detail, not a core part of the system. It allows a cleaner process for migrating any integrations, from the frontend, to the compute layer and underlying database engine.

Code examples

The GitHub repo contains the code examples from this post with instructions for deploying the migrated serverless application.

The repository contains a .NET core REST API. It uses MySQL for its database engine and relies on an external API as part of its business logic. It also contains a migrated serverless version of the same application that you can deploy to your AWS account. This uses a combination of the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) and the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) CLI.

The architecture of the deployed monolithic application is:

Architecture of the deployed monolithic application

After migrating the application to Lambda, the architecture is:

Architecture after migrating


Modern web applications rely on databases, file systems, and even other applications. With first class support for dependency injection in .NET Core, managing these integrations is simpler.

The following code snippet is taken from the BookingController.cs file. It shows how required interfaces are injected into the constructor of the controller. One of the controller methods uses the injected interface to list bookings from the BookingRepository.

    public class BookingController : ControllerBase
        private readonly ILogger<BookingController> _logger;
        private readonly IBookingRepository _bookingRepository;
        private readonly ICustomerService _customerService;

        public BookingController(ILogger<BookingController> logger,
            IBookingRepository bookingRepository,
            ICustomerService customerService)
            this._logger = logger;
            this._bookingRepository = bookingRepository;
            this._customerService = customerService;

        /// <summary>
        /// HTTP GET endpoint to list all bookings for a customer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="customerId">The customer id to list for.</param>
        /// <returns>All <see cref="Booking"/> for the given customer.</returns>
        public async Task<IActionResult> ListForCustomer(string customerId)
            this._logger.LogInformation($"Received request to list bookings for {customerId}");

            return this.Ok(await this._bookingRepository.ListForCustomer(customerId));

The implementation of the IBookingRepository is configured at startup using dependency injection in the Startup.cs file.

services.AddTransient<IBookingRepository, BookingRepository>();

This works when using an ASP.NET Core Web API project, since the framework abstracts much of the complexity and configuration. But it’s possible to apply the same practices for .NET core code running in Lambda.

Configuring dependency injection in AWS Lambda

The startup logic is moved to a standalone DotnetToLambda.Serverless.Config library. This allows you to share the dependency injection configuration between multiple Lambda functions. This library contains a single static class named ServerlessConfig.

There is little difference between this file and the Startup.cs file:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
	var databaseConnection =
		new DatabaseConnection(this.Configuration.GetConnectionString("DatabaseConnection"));
	services.AddDbContext<BookingContext>(options =>

	services.AddTransient<IBookingRepository, BookingRepository>();
	services.AddHttpClient<ICustomerService, CustomerService>();

And the configuration method in the ServerlessConfig class:

public static void ConfigureServices()
	var client = new AmazonSecretsManagerClient();
	var serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection();

	var connectionDetails = LoadDatabaseSecret(client);

	serviceCollection.AddDbContext<BookingContext>(options =>
	serviceCollection.AddHttpClient<ICustomerService, CustomerService>();
	serviceCollection.AddTransient<IBookingRepository, BookingRepository>();

	serviceCollection.AddLogging(logging =>

	Services = serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider();

The key addition is the manual creation of the ServiceCollection object on line 27 and the call to BuildServiceProvider on line 45. In.NET core the framework abstracts away this manual object initialization. The created ServiceProvider is then exposed as a read-only property of the ServerlessConfig class. All we have done is taken the boilerplate code that an ASP.NET Core web API performs behind the scenes and brought it into the foreground.

This allows you to copy and paste large parts of the startup configuration directly from the web API and re-use it in your Lambda functions.

Lambda API controllers

For the function code, follow a similar process. For example, here is the ListForCustomer endpoint re-written for Lambda:

 public class Function
	private readonly IBookingRepository _bookingRepository;
	private readonly ILogger<Function> _logger;
	public Function()

		this._bookingRepository = ServerlessConfig.Services.GetRequiredService<IBookingRepository>();
		this._logger = ServerlessConfig.Services.GetRequiredService<ILogger<Function>>();
	public async Task<APIGatewayProxyResponse> FunctionHandler(APIGatewayProxyRequest apigProxyEvent, ILambdaContext context)
		if (!apigProxyEvent.PathParameters.ContainsKey("customerId"))
			return new APIGatewayProxyResponse
				StatusCode = 400,
				Headers = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "Content-Type", "application/json" } }

		var customerId = apigProxyEvent.PathParameters["customerId"];
		this._logger.LogInformation($"Received request to list bookings for: {customerId}");

		var customerBookings = await this._bookingRepository.ListForCustomer(customerId);
		return new APIGatewayProxyResponse
			Body = JsonSerializer.Serialize(customerBookings),
			StatusCode = 200,
			Headers = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "Content-Type", "application/json" } }

The function constructor calls the startup configuration. This allows the initial configuration to be re-used while the Lambda execution environment is still active. Once the services have been configured any required interfaces can be retrieved from the services property of the ServerlessConfig class.

The second key differences are the mapping of the inbound request and response back to API Gateway. The HTTP request arrives as an event and the contents must be manually parsed out of the raw HTTP data. The same applies to the HTTP response, which must be constructed manually. Other than these two differences, it’s a copy from the original BookingController.

Application configuration

An ASP.NET Core Web API contains an appsettings.json file, which contains runtime specific configuration. The framework handles loading the file and exposing it as an injectable IConfiguration interface. It’s also possible to load settings from environment variables.

This is still possible when using Lambda. You can package an appsettings.json file with the compiled code and load it manually at runtime. However, when using Lambda as the compute layer, there are AWS-specific options for managing configuration.

Environment variables

Lambda environment variables are used to add runtime configuration, as shown in the template.yaml file:

		SERVICE: bookings

This AWS SAM configuration adds an environment variable named DATABASE_CONNECTION_SECRET_ID. You can access this in Lambda the same way an environment variable is accessed in any C# application:

 var databaseConnectionSecret = client.GetSecretValueAsync(new GetSecretValueRequest()
                SecretId = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DATABASE_CONNECTION_SECRET_ID"),

This is the simplest way to add runtime configuration. The variables are stored in plaintext and any change requires a redeployment or manual interaction.

External configuration services

AWS has services that allow you to move application configuration outside of the function code. These include AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store, AWS AppConfig and AWS Secrets Manager.

You can use Parameter Store to store plaintext parameters that can also be encrypted using the AWS Key Management Service. The contents of the appsettings.json file from the ASP.NET Core API is directly copied into the parameter string and deployed using the AWS CDK.

 var parameter = new StringParameter(this, "dev-configuration", new StringParameterProps()
	ParameterName = "dotnet-to-lambda-dev",
	StringValue = "{\"CustomerApiEndpoint\": \"https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users\"}",
	DataType = ParameterDataType.TEXT,
	Tier = ParameterTier.STANDARD,
	Type = ParameterType.STRING,
	Description = "Dev configuration for dotnet to lambda",

This JSON data is loaded as part of the startup configuration. The IConfiguration implementation is then built manually using the parameter string.

 private static IConfiguration LoadAppConfiguration()
	var client = new AmazonSimpleSystemsManagementClient();
	var param = client.GetParameterAsync(new GetParameterRequest()
		Name = "dotnet-to-lambda-dev"
	return new ConfigurationBuilder()
		.AddJsonStream(new MemoryStream(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(param.Parameter.Value)))

The second configuration mechanism is Secrets Manager. This helps protect secrets and provides easier rotation and management of database credentials.

Amazon RDS is integrated with Secrets Manager. When creating a new RDS instance, the database connection details can be automatically encrypted and persisted as a secret. The details for the MySQL instance are stored in Secrets Manager and are not exposed. These connection details can be accessed as part of the startup configuration using the Secrets Manager SDK.

private static DatabaseConnection LoadDatabaseSecret(AmazonSecretsManagerClient client)
	var databaseConnectionSecret = client.GetSecretValueAsync(new GetSecretValueRequest()
		SecretId = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DATABASE_CONNECTION_SECRET_ID"),

	return JsonSerializer

The Lambda functions require IAM permissions to access both Secrets Manager and Parameter Store. AWS SAM includes pre-defined policy templates that you can add to the template. Four lines of YAML apply the required Secrets Manager and SSM permissions:

	- AWSSecretsManagerGetSecretValuePolicy:
		SecretArn: !Ref SecretArn
	- SSMParameterReadPolicy:
		ParameterName: dotnet-to-lambda-dev

For a full list, see the policy template list.


The final architectural component is the network. Lambda functions are deployed into a VPC owned by the service. The function can access anything available on the public internet such as other AWS services, HTTPS endpoints for APIs, or services and endpoints outside AWS. The function then has no way to connect to your private resources inside of your VPC.

When deploying an RDS instance into AWS, it’s best practice to place the database in a private subnet with external ingress. If Lambda uses RDS, you must create a connection between the Lambda service VPC and your VPC. The details of this networking component can be found in this blog article.

The AWS SAM template defines this networking configuration:

	  - !Ref PrivateSubnet1
	  - !Ref PrivateSubnet2
	  - !Ref SecurityGroup

In this example, the networking configuration is applied globally. This means that the same configuration is applied to all Lambda functions in the template. The functions here are deployed across two subnets and one security group. Learn more about the steps for configuring the subnets and security groups for RDS access in this article.

The specific values for the subnets and security groups are taken from environment variables. When running locally, you can provide these variables manually. When deploying via CICD, these variables can be changed dynamically based on the stage of the pipeline.

	Description: 'Required. Private subnet 1. Output from cdk deploy'
	Type: 'String'
	Description: 'Required. Private subnet 2. Output from cdk deploy'
	Type: 'String'
	Description: 'Required. Security group. Output from cdk deploy'
	Type: 'String'


This blog post shows the required considerations for migrating a .NET core REST API to AWS Lambda. You can now start to look at your existing code base and make an informed decision whether Lambda is for you. With the right abstractions and configuration, you can migrate a .NET core API to Lambda compute with copy and paste.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Deploying Sample UI Forms using React, Formik, and AWS CDK

Post Syndicated from Kevin Rivera original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/deploying-sample-ui-forms-using-react-formik-and-aws-cdk/

Companies in many industries use UI forms to collect customer data for account registrations, online shopping, and surveys. It can be tedious to create form fields. Proper use of input validation can help users easily find and fix mistakes. Best practice is that users should not see a form filled with “this field is required” or “your email is invalid” errors until they have first attempted to complete the form.

Forms can be difficult to write, maintain, and test. They often have to be repeated in multiple areas on even the most basic interactive web application. Fortunately, third-party libraries provide front-end developers with tools to manage these complexities.

This blog post will describe an example solution for implementing simple forms for a user interface using the JavaScript libraries React and Formik. We will also use AWS resources to host the application. The blog will describe how the application is provisioned using the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK).

Our sample form and code

Our solution demonstrates a straightforward way for a front-end or full stack developer to rapidly create forms. We will show how a popular React form library, Formik, abstracts input field state management and reduces the amount of written code.

Our sample form will collect the user’s information (name, email, and date of birth) and store the data to a private Amazon S3 bucket for later retrieval using a presigned URL. The sample code gives developers a structure with which to build on and experiment. The code provides example integration with AWS services to host a React form application.

Figure 1 demonstrates how the user’s information flows through various AWS services and finally gets uploaded to private Amazon S3 bucket.

Figure 1. User interface communicating with API Gateway to upload a file to a S3 bucket using a presigned URL

Figure 1. User interface communicating with API Gateway to upload a file to a S3 bucket using a presigned URL

  1. Click the Upload button. The user visits the webpage, fills the form, and clicks the ‘Upload Data’ button
  2. HTTP request to Amazon API Gateway. The front end makes an HTTP request to the API Gateway
  3. Forward HTTP request. The API Gateway forwards the HTTP request to the Lambda function that generates a presigned URL for uploading data to a S3 bucket
  4. Presigned URL. The presigned URL for uploading data to a S3 bucket is returned by the Lambda function to the API Gateway as HTTP response.
  5. Forward HTTP response. The API Gateway forwards the presigned URL to the client application
  6. Upload data to Amazon S3. The client application uses the presigned URL to upload the form data to a S3 bucket

The code also demonstrates the flow of data when a download request is made by the user. The download process is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. User interface communicating with API Gateway to download a file from a S3 bucket using presigned URL

Figure 2. User interface communicating with API Gateway to download a file from a S3 bucket using presigned URL

  1. Click Download button. The user clicks the ‘Download Data’ button
  2. HTTP request to API Gateway. The front end makes an HTTP request to the API Gateway
  3. Forward HTTP request. The API Gateway forwards the HTTP request to the Lambda function that generates a presigned URL for downloading data from a S3 bucket
  4. Presigned URL. The presigned URL for downloading data from a S3 bucket is returned by the Lambda function to the API Gateway as HTTP response.
  5. Forward HTTP response. The API Gateway forwards the presigned URL to the client application
  6. Upload data to Amazon S3. The client application uses the presigned URL to download the form data to S3 bucket
  7. File downloads. The file downloads to user’s computer

Here are the four steps to demonstrate this solution:

  1. Provisioning the infrastructure (backend). The infrastructure will consist of:
    • An AWS Lambda function, which will generate a presigned URL when requested by the UI and respond with the URL for uploading/downloading data
    • An API Gateway, which will handle the requests and responses from UI and Lambda
    • Two separate S3 buckets, which will host the static UI forms and store the uploaded data (different buckets for each).
  2. Deploying the front end. We will use sample React/Formik code on S3.
  3. Testing. Once our code is deployed, we will test the form by uploading a file though the UI, and then retrieve that file.
  4. Clean up. Finally, we will clean up the S3 bucket.


For this walkthrough, you should have the following prerequisites:

Deploying the backend and front end

Clone code

The sample code for this application is available on GitHub. Clone the repo to follow along in a terminal.

git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/react-formik-on-aws

Install dependencies

Change the directory to the folder the clone created and install dependencies for the API.

cd formik-presigned-s3/ npm install

After installing the dependencies for the API, let’s install the dependencies in the UI.

cd ui/formik-s3-react-app
npm install


Let’s bundle our Lambda function that currently exists in the index.js file inside the resources/lambda directory. This will create our Lambda function inside a directory that our stack can read from, to create the handler.

npx esbuild resources/lambda/index.js –bundle –platform=node –target=node12 –external:aws-sdk –outfile=dist/lambda/build/index.js

Let’s go into more detail about the function of the Lambda handler. As seen in Figure 3, the handler is using three helper functions that are written in the file (isExisted, fetchUploadUrl, fetchViewUrl). It creates a presigned URL for uploads/downloads of data, confirms that the URL was created, and fetches the URL. Lines 6874 are calling the helper functions based on the API request needed.

Figure 3. Lambda’s handler function for GET request type

Figure 3. Lambda’s handler function for GET request type

Build the React app

#Make sure you are in the ui/formik-s3-react-app directory
npm run build

This command will create your index.html file and its dependencies, which will be the source of your UI site. When we deploy our stack, we will inspect the CDK code. The Lambda bundler and the React app build step work together to source the directory and create the S3 bucket that will eventually host the React application.

Note: If you are deploying AWS CDK apps into an AWS environment, you must provision these resources for a specific location and account. In this case you must run the following command:

cdk bootstrap aws://<aws_account_number>/<aws_region>

This is the error that you will see if you do not bootstrap:

This stack uses assets, so the toolkit stack must be deployed to the environment (Run "cdk bootstrap aws://aws_account_number/aws_region")

Let’s deploy!

Before we run the deploy command, let’s understand what exactly we are deploying and the advantages of the CDK.

Note: We won’t go into depth on how the AWS CDK works, but we will demonstrate implementation of the code for our infrastructure and website hosting.

Our configuration code for deploying our CDK is found in the root directory in a file called cdk.json. It’s important that we can configure certain properties. This is where we map to our bin file that creates our CDK app. As you can see in Figure 4, the app key points to bin/formic-s3.ts.

Figure 4. cdk.json file

Figure 4. Contents of cdk.json file

Now let’s look at the CDK stack code, shown in Figure 5. This can be found in the lib directory of the root file and it is called formik-s3-stack.ts.

Figure 5. CDK stack code that creates a new S3 bucket for hosting the React webpage

Figure 5. CDK stack code that creates a new S3 bucket for hosting the React webpage

This is the part of the code that creates our S3 bucket for hosting our React UI. The first few lines create the bucket name and point to the file that will be seen by the world (index.html). The deployment function has a source that will be searching for the path in your local directory where the build files were created. This will source the directory and then create it in an S3 bucket in the cloud.

Notice how our publicReadAccess is commented out. This is because it is not best practice to leave your bucket exposed publicly. For this blog, we will host this simple form site and allow public access. However, a CDN such as Amazon CloudFront should be used for distribution of traffic to keep your S3 bucket secure.

Figure 6. CDK stack code that creates a new S3 bucket

Figure 6. CDK stack code that creates a new S3 bucket for uploading and downloading data using S3 presigned URL

Figure 6 shows the second S3 bucket that will be used for our Formik data.

Figure 7. CDK code stack used to create the Lambda function

Figure 7. CDK code stack used to create the Lambda function

Figure 7 shows how to create your Lambda function, which also will be reading from the ‘bundling’ step.

Figure 8. CDK code stack used to create API Gateway

Figure 8. CDK code stack used to create API Gateway

Figure 8 shows how to create your API Gateway resources. Notice the ‘OPTIONS’ document is used here. This is because our front-end request URLs are not from the same origin as our APIs. Including the ‘OPTIONS’ document enables our browser to succeed in its preflight request and avoid any CORS issues.

Now that we understand our CDK, let’s finally DEPLOY!

npx cdk deploy

You will receive the output in the terminal that will be the storage API endpoint. You can also view this in CloudFormation under the Output tab for the stack the CDK spun up (FormikS3Stack). You should also see your S3 URL to view your React app.

What is React’s form?

Once you have your URL, you should see the form, shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9. Portal form designed using Formik in ReactJS

Figure 9. Portal form designed using Formik in ReactJS

Why is Formik so special?

Let’s preface this with how our forms had to be created using the old method, shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10. This is from https://www.bitnative.com/2020/08/19/formik-vs-plain-react-for-forms-worth-it/ showing a form without Formik

Figure 10. This is from https://www.bitnative.com/2020/08/19/formik-vs-plain-react-for-forms-worth-it/ showing a form without Formik

Figure 11 shows our code:

Figure 11. React code with the UI components

Figure 11. React code with the UI components

One of the first things you can notice when comparing both methods, is the location of your initial values. Formik handles the state of your fields. Without it, we would need to manage this with React’s state object if we were using class components, or with hooks inside functional components. With Formik, we don’t have to handle these tasks.

Another benefit of using Formik is its handling of input validation, errors, and handler functions that we can use to manage our UI (lines 7079 and 8793.) Formik reduces the need to write extra lines of code to handle validation and errors, managing states, and creating event handler logic.

Read this blog post that compares both methods of creating forms.

Making our API calls from the UI

Our Formik form is simple to implement, but one more step remains. We need to handle uploading the information, and then downloading it.

With all our resources created and our form done, we put it all together by creating our API requests, shown in Figure 12.

Figure 12. Code to upload to S3 bucket and download from S3 bucket

Figure 12. Code to upload to S3 bucket and download from S3 bucket

Due to the efficiency of AWS and Formik, we can upload and download with fewer than 50 lines of code.

Lines 1126 is where we call our API Gateway URL that our CDK created for us. With this API, when the user first clicks the upload button, the request hits the endpoint to create the presigned URL. It waits for its creation and in lines 2125 we PUT our data into our S3 bucket.

Lastly, we are able to hit that same presigned URL to download our information we uploaded into a JSON file.

Cleaning up

To avoid incurring future charges, delete the resources. Let’s run:

npx cdk destroy

You can confirm the removal by going into CloudFormation and confirming the resources were deleted.


In this blog post, we learned how we can create a simple server for our form submissions. We spun it up easily with the CDK toolkit and provisioned our resources. We hosted our UI and created a sample form using Formik, which handles state and reduces the amount of code we must write. We then hit the endpoints given to us by the deployment and tested the app by uploading and downloading our form data. Traditional form data management requires a separate function for handling data and errors in forms. This is a cleaner and more efficient way to handle form data.

For further reading:

Capturing client events using Amazon API Gateway and Amazon EventBridge

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/capturing-client-events-using-amazon-api-gateway-and-amazon-eventbridge/

This post is written by Tim Bruce, Senior Solutions Architect, DevAx.

Event producers are one of the three main components in an event-driven architecture. Event producers create and publish events to event routers, which send them to event consumers. Any portion of a system, including a mobile or web client, can be an event producer.

To extend the event model to your mobile and web clients, you must implement standards for security, messaging formats, and event storage.

This post shows how to build a client-enabled event-handling solution. It uses Amazon EventBridge, Amazon API Gateway, AWS Lambda, and Amazon Cognito. This architecture supports routing client events to internal and external destinations. It provides a blueprint that you can use to simplify the integration.


This example creates a RESTful API using API Gateway. It sends events directly to EventBridge without the need for compute services. In production, you have more requirements than only receiving and forwarding events. Additional requirements include security, user identification, validation, enrichment, transformation, event forwarding, and storing.

In this example, API Gateway provides security and user identification by invoking a Lambda authorizer. The authorizer generates a policy and returns client identification to API Gateway. API Gateway then performs request validation and message enrichment before forwarding the events to EventBridge.

EventBridge evaluates the events against rules and forwards the events to targets. The rules apply transformation to the events and forward an event to up to five targets. Targets include AWS services, such as Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose, and many third-party solutions, such as Zendesk, with HTTPS endpoints.

Lastly, Kinesis Data Firehose provides a cost-effective solution to store events into an Amazon S3 bucket. Before storing the events, Kinesis Data Firehose transforms records via Lambda transformers. It also partitions records using data in the record or calculated data via a Lambda function. Kinesis Data Firehose uses this partitioning data to create keys in the bucket and store matching records within the keys.

Example architecture

Example architecture

The example consists of the following resources defined in the AWS SAM template:

Data flow

Data flow

  1. Application clients collect or generate the events.
  2. The client sends the events to API Gateway as URL-encoded JSON. The client includes the user’s JWT in an authorization header with the request for validation.
  3. The Lambda authorizer validates the JWT with Amazon Cognito and returns the user’s unique clientID value to API Gateway.
  4. API Gateway transforms the request into events, appending clientId, the bus name, and environment.
  5. API Gateway sends the events to EventBridge.
  6. EventBridge rules match the events and:
    1. Forwards all client events to Kinesis Data Firehose.
    2. Forwards client events with detail.eventType of “loyaltypurchase” to Zendesk.
  7. Kinesis Data Firehose receives the records.
  8. The Kinesis Data Firehose data transformation processes each record, moving the client ID to the detail object.
  9. Kinesis Data Firehose partitions the records and stores them in an S3 bucket.

Overall design

The following sections discuss details of the solution, starting from the event in a web or mobile client. This solution requires the client to create an HTTPS request, including the user’s JWT as an authorization header.

{"entries": [{"entry": "{\"eventType\": \"searching\", \"schemaVersion\":1, \"data\": {\"searchTerm\":\"games\"}}"}]}

The preceding JSON shows a sample request body for this solution. The top-level item “entries” is an array of “entry” items. API Gateway will translate each “entry” to the event-detail field in EventBridge events. The client must escape the data for “entry” to prevent translation errors.

API Gateway and Lambda authorizer

API Gateway receives the request and validates the JWT by invoking the Lambda authorizer. The authorizer generates a policy allowing the request for valid tokens. It adds the Amazon Cognito “custom:clientId” custom attribute to the response context before returning the response to API Gateway. The “custom:clientId” attribute is a unique client identifier in the form of a UUID that downstream systems can use to retrieve data about the customer.

API Gateway validates the request by matching the request body against a model. Models represent what a request should look like. A mapping template then transforms valid requests to the format required by EventBridge. Mapping templates use velocity templating language (VTL) to do this.

VTL template
This mapping template uses a #foreach loop to process the array “entries” from the request body. The process enriches each event with the user’s “custom:clientId” and stage variables for bus name and environment from API Gateway.

Integration request

The preceding API Gateway AWS integration enables API Gateway to send the events to EventBridge without using compute services, such as Lambda or Amazon EC2. The integration and IAM execution role enable API Gateway to call the EventBridge PutEvents API to do this.

EventBridge rules and transformations

EventBridge rules match events against criteria, transform the events, and forward the events to targets. There are two rules in this example. One processes events for Zendesk tickets and the other forwards data to Kinesis Data Firehose to store events for triage and analytics.

This example creates service tickets in the Zendesk ticketing system. The tickets trigger agents to contact customers who are expecting a call to complete their purchases. The software client, by sending the event directly, reducing time-to-action for back-office processes and helping improve customer satisfaction.

Matching EventBridge rule

This rule matches client event messages for loyalty purchases and forwards details to the Zendesk API. The rule includes a transformation, which selects a portion of the event before sending the information to the target.

EventBridge uses an API destination to store details about the HTTP endpoint and usage policies. Additionally, an EventBridge connection and an AWS Secrets Manager secret store details. These include the authentication policy and authentication credentials to connect to the API destination.

Zendesk dashboard

Successfully processed events open tickets in Zendesk using the API destination. Agents now have a list of customers to contact.

Enterprises often require storing the events for troubleshooting or analytics. EventBridge does not include a newline between records when forwarding events to Kinesis Data Firehose. Because of this, it may be more challenging to discern each record when analyzing the data.

Rule to transform events
A rule for all client events changes this behavior. This AWS CloudFormation snippet defines the rule that will transform each event, adding a new line after each. The “\n” character in the InputTemplate field adds the separator between records before forwarding the data to Kinesis Data Firehose.

After, Kinesis Data Firehose receives each record separated by a new line, enabling both triage and analytics without extra overhead.

Kinesis Data Firehose to S3

Kinesis Data Firehose is a cost-effective way to batch and write records to S3. It offers optional transformation capabilities by invoking a Lambda function. This example uses a Lambda function that moves the “clientID” field to the detail section of the event record.

Kinesis Data Firehose to S3

Kinesis Data Firehose also supports dynamic partitioning of records when writing to S3. It selects data from the records or data calculated by a Lambda function. In this example, it selects data from the records to store data in separate folders in S3.

Event durability considerations

You can extend this example using an EventBridge archive and Amazon Kinesis Data Streams. Archiving allows you to create an encrypted archive of matching events. You can define the data retention in days, from one through indefinite. You can replay events from your archive when you must re-process data.

Kinesis Data Streams is a serverless data streaming solution. The EventBridge rule for all records can forward data to Kinesis Data Streams instead of Kinesis Data Firehose. Multiple applications can consume the Kinesis Data Streams. Kinesis Data Firehose would consume this stream of data and store it in S3.


You need the following prerequisites to deploy the example solution:


The full source of the solution is in the GitHub repository and is deployed with AWS SAM.

  1. Create a Secrets Manager secret using the command the AWS CLI:
    aws secretsmanager create-secret --name proto/Zendesk --secret-string '{"username":"<YOUR EMAIL>","apiKey":"<YOUR APIKEY>"}
  2. Clone the solution repository using git:
    git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/client-event-sample
  3. Build the AWS SAM project:
    sam build --use-container
  4. Deploy the project using AWS SAM:
    sam deploy --guided --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAMAWS SAM deployment output
  5. From the outputs from the deployment, set the following shell variables:
    APIID=<output APIID>
    REGION=<region you deployed to>
  6. Create a user in Amazon Cognito using the AWS CLI:
    aws cognito-idp sign-up --client-id $APPCLIENTID --username <YOUR USER ID> --password <YOUR PASSWORD> --user-attributes Name=email,Value=<YOUR EMAIL>
  7. After you receive the confirmation code, confirm the user using the AWS CLI:
    aws cognito-idp confirm-sign-up --client-id $APPCLIENTID --username <userid> --confirmation-code <confirmation code>
  8. Test the user login with the AWS CLI:
    aws cognito-idp initiate-auth --auth-flow USER_PASSWORD_AUTH --client-id $APPCLIENTID --auth-parameters USERNAME=<YOUR USER ID>,PASSWORD=<YOUR PASSWORD>

If successful, this returns a JSON web token (JWT).

Testing the client event solution

  1. The sample repository includes an event generator in the util directory. The generator uses your credentials and simulates events from a user’s software client. From the utils directory, run the generator:
    python3 generator.py
    --minutes <minutes to run generator> --batch <batch size from 1-10>
    --errors <True|False> --userid <YOUR USER ID> --password <YOUR
    PASSWORD> --region $REGION --appclientid $APPCLIENTID --apiid $APIID
  2. Log in to your Zendesk console and view the created tickets.
  3. After five minutes, review the “clientevents” bucket to view the event records.

Cleaning up

To remove the example:

  1. Delete the data stored in the clientevents buckets created from the template.
  2. Delete the stack using the command:
    sam delete --stack-name clientevents
  3. Delete the secret using the command:
    aws secretsmanager delete-secret --secret-id <arn of secret>


This post shows how to send client events to an API and EventBridge to enable new customer experiences. The example covers enabling new experiences by creating a way for software clients to send events with minimal custom code. This blueprint shows how you can include client events in your solution, featuring validation, enrichment, transformation, and storage.

You can modify the example code provided here for your use in your organization. This enables your client software to register events without modifying backend code.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Codacy Measures Developer Productivity using AWS Serverless

Post Syndicated from Catarina Gralha original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/codacy-measures-developer-productivity-using-aws-serverless/

Codacy is a DevOps insights company based in Lisbon, Portugal. Since its launch in 2012, Codacy has helped software development and engineering teams reduce defects, keep technical debt in check, and ship better code, faster.

Codacy’s latest product, Pulse, is a service that helps understand and improve the performance of software engineering teams. This includes measuring metrics such as deployment frequency, lead time for changes, or mean time to recover. Codacy’s main platform is built on top of AWS products like Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), but they have taken Pulse one step further with AWS serverless.

In this post, we will explore the Pulse’s requirements, architecture, and the services it is built on, including AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, and Amazon DynamoDB.

Pulse prototype requirements

Codacy had three clear requirements for their initial Pulse prototype.

  1. The solution must enable the development team to iterate quickly and have minimal time-to-market (TTM) to validate the idea.
  2. The solution must be easily scalable and match the demands of both startups and large enterprises alike. This was of special importance, as Codacy wanted to onboard Pulse with some of their existing customers. At the time, these customers already had massive amounts of information.
  3. The solution must be cost-effective, particularly during the early stages of the product development.

Enter AWS serverless

Codacy could have built Pulse on top of Amazon EC2 instances. However, this brings the undifferentiated heavy lifting of having to provision, secure, and maintain the instances themselves.

AWS serverless technologies are fully managed services that abstract the complexity of infrastructure maintenance away from developers and operators, so they can focus on building products.

Serverless applications also scale elastically and automatically behind the scenes, so customers don’t need to worry about capacity provisioning. Furthermore, these services are highly available by design and span multiple Availability Zones (AZs) within the Region in which they are deployed. This gives customers higher confidence that their systems will continue running even if one Availability Zone is impaired.

AWS serverless technologies are cost-effective too, as they are billed per unit of value, as opposed to billing per provisioned capacity. For example, billing is calculated by the amount of time a function takes to complete or the number of messages published to a queue, rather than how long an EC2 instance runs. Customers only pay when they are getting value out of the services, for example when serving an actual customer request.

Overview of Pulse’s solution architecture

An event is generated when a developer performs a specific action as part of their day-to-day tasks, such as committing code or merging a pull request. These events are the foundational data that Pulse uses to generate insights and are thus processed by multiple Pulse components called modules.

Let’s take a detailed look at a few of them.

Ingestion module

Figure 1. Pulse ingestion module architecture

Figure 1. Pulse ingestion module architecture

Figure 1 shows the ingestion module, which is the entry point of events into the Pulse platform and is built on AWS serverless applications as follows:

  • The ingestion API is exposed to customers using Amazon API Gateway. This defines REST, HTTP, and WebSocket APIs with sophisticated functionality such as request validation, rate limiting, and more.
  • The actual business logic of the API is implemented as AWS Lambda functions. Lambda can run custom code in a fully managed way. You only pay for the time that the function takes to run, in 1-millisecond increments. Lambda natively supports multiple languages, but customers can also bring their own runtimes or container images as needed.
  • API requests are authorized with keys, which are stored in Amazon DynamoDB, a key-value NoSQL database that delivers single-digit millisecond latency at any scale. API Gateway invokes a Lambda function that validates the key against those stored in DynamoDB (this is called a Lambda authorizer.)
  • While API Gateway provides a default domain name for each API, Codacy customizes it with Amazon Route 53, a service that registers domain names and configures DNS records. Route 53 offers a service level agreement (SLA) of 100% availability.
  • Events are stored in raw format in Pulse’s data lake, which is built on top of AWS’ object storage service, Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). With Amazon S3, you can store massive amounts of information at low cost using simple HTTP requests. The data is highly available and durable.
  • Whenever a new event is ingested by the API, a message is published in Pulse’s message bus. (More information later in this post.)

Events module

Figure 2. Pulse events module architecture

Figure 2. Pulse events module architecture

The events module handles the aggregation and storage of events for actual consumption by customers, see Figure 2:

  • Events are consumed from the message bus and processed with a Lambda function, which stores them in Amazon Redshift.
  • Amazon Redshift is AWS’ managed data warehouse, and enables Pulse’s users to get insights and metrics by running analytical (OLAP) queries with the highest performance.
  • These metrics are exposed to customers via another API (the public API), which is also built on API Gateway.
  • The business logic for this API is implemented using Lambda functions, like the Ingestion module.

Message bus

Figure 3. Message bus architecture

Figure 3. Message bus architecture

We mentioned earlier that Pulse’s modules communicate messages with each other via the “message bus.” When something occurs at a specific component, a message (event) is published to the bus. At the same time, developers create subscriptions for each module that should receive these messages. This is known as the publisher/subscriber pattern (pub/sub for short), and is a fundamental piece of event-driven architectures.

With the message bus, you can decouple all modules from each other. In this way, a publisher does not need to worry about how many or who their subscribers are, or what to do if a new one arrives. This is all handled by the message bus.

Pulse’s message bus is built like this, shown in Figure 3:

  • Events are published via Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS), using a construct called a topic. Topics are the basic unit of message publication and consumption. Components are subscribed to this topic, and you can filter out unwanted messages.
  • Developers configure Amazon SNS subscriptions to have the events sent to a queue, which provides a buffering layer from which workers can process messages. At the same time, queues also ensure that messages are not lost if there is an error. In Pulse’s case, these queues are implemented with Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS).

Other modules

There are other parts of Pulse architecture that also use AWS serverless. For example, user authentication and sign-up are handled by Amazon Cognito, and Pulse’s frontend application is hosted on Amazon S3. This app is served to customers worldwide with low latency using Amazon CloudFront, a content delivery network.

Summary and next steps

By using AWS serverless, Codacy has been able to reduce the time required to bring Pulse to market by staying focused on developing business logic, rather than managing servers. Furthermore, Codacy is confident they can handle Pulse’s growth, as this serverless architecture will scale automatically according to demand.

How Ribbon Communications Built a Scalable, Resilient Robocall Mitigation Platform

Post Syndicated from Siva Rajamani original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/how-ribbon-communications-built-a-scalable-resilient-robocall-mitigation-platform/

Ribbon Communications provides communications software, and IP and optical networking end-to-end solutions that deliver innovation, unparalleled scale, performance, and agility to service providers and enterprise.

Ribbon Communications is helping customers modernize their networks. In today’s data-hungry, 24/7 world, this equates to improved competitive positioning and business outcomes. Companies are migrating from on-premises equipment for telephony services and looking for equivalent as a service (aaS) offerings. But these solutions must still meet the stringent resiliency, availability, performance, and regulatory requirements of a telephony service.

The telephony world is inundated with robocalls. In the United States alone, there were an estimated 50.5 billion robocalls in 2021! In this blog post, we describe the Ribbon Identity Hub – a holistic solution for robocall mitigation. The Ribbon Identity Hub enables services that sign and verify caller identity, which is compliant to the ATIS standards under the STIR/SHAKEN framework. It also evaluates and scores calls for the probability of nuisance and fraud.

Ribbon Identity Hub is implemented in Amazon Web Services (AWS). It is a fully managed service for telephony service providers and enterprises. The solution is secure, multi-tenant, automatic scaling, and multi-Region, and enables Ribbon to offer managed services to a wide range of telephony customers. Ribbon ensures resiliency and performance with efficient use of resources in the telephony environment, where load ratios between busy and idle time can exceed 10:1.

Ribbon Identity Hub

The Ribbon Identity Hub services are separated into a data (call-transaction) plane, and a control plane.

Data plane (call-transaction)

The call-transaction processing is typically invoked on a per-call-setup basis where availability, resilience, and performance predictability are paramount. Additionally, due to high variability in load, automatic scaling is a prerequisite.

Figure 1. Data plane architecture

Figure 1. Data plane architecture

Several AWS services come together in a solution that meets all these important objectives:

  1. Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS): The ECS services are set up for automatic scaling and span two Availability Zones. This provides the horizontal scaling capability, the self-healing capacity, and the resiliency across Availability Zones.
  2. Elastic Load Balancing – Application Load Balancer (ALB): This provides the ability to distribute incoming traffic to ECS services as the target. In addition, it also offers:
    • Seamless integration with the ECS Auto Scaling group. As the group grows, traffic is directed to the new instances only when they are ready. As traffic drops, traffic is drained from the target instances for graceful scale down.
    • Full support for canary and linear upgrades with zero downtime. Maintains full-service availability without any changes or even perception for the client devices.
  3. Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3): Transaction detail records associated with call-related requests must be securely and reliably maintained for over a year due to billing and other contractual obligations. Amazon S3 simplifies this task with high durability, lifecycle rules, and varied controls for retention.
  4. Amazon DynamoDB: Building resilient services is significantly easier when the compute processing can be stateless. Amazon DynamoDB facilitates such stateless architectures without compromise. Coupled with the availability of the Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) caching layer, the solution can meet the extreme low latency operation requirements.
  5. AWS Key Management Service (KMS): Certain tenant configuration is highly confidential and requires elevated protection. Furthermore, the data is part of the state that must be recovered across Regions in disaster recovery scenarios. To meet the security requirements, the KMS is used for envelope encryption using per-tenant keys. Multi-Region KMS keys facilitates the secure availability of this state across Regions without the need for application-level intervention when replicating encrypted data.
  6. Amazon Route 53: For telephony services, any non-transient service failure is unacceptable. In addition to providing high degree of resiliency through Multi-AZ architecture, Identity Hub also provides Regional level high availability through its multi-Region active-active architecture. Route 53 with health checks provides for dynamic rerouting of requests within minutes to alternate Regions.

Control plane

The Identity Hub control plane is used for customer configuration, status, and monitoring. The API is REST-based. Since this is not used on a call-by-call basis, the requirements around latency and performance are less stringent, though the requirements around high resiliency and dynamic scaling still apply. In this area, ease of implementation and maintainability are key.

Figure 2. Control plane architecture

Figure 2. Control plane architecture

The following AWS services implement our control plane:

  1. Amazon API Gateway: Coupled with a custom authenticator, the API Gateway handles all the REST API credential verification and routing. Implementation of an API is transformed into implementing handlers for each resource, which is the application core of the API.
  2. AWS Lambda: All the REST API handlers are written as Lambda functions. By using the Lambda’s serverless and concurrency features, the application automatically gains self-healing and auto-scaling capabilities. There is also a significant cost advantage as billing is per millisecond of actual compute time used. This is significant for a control plane where usage is typically sparse and unpredictable.
  3. Amazon DynamoDB: A stateless architecture with Lambda and API Gateway, all persistent state must be stored in an external database. The database must match the resilience and auto-scaling characteristics of the rest of the control plane. DynamoDB easily fits the requirements here.

The customer portal, in addition to providing the user interface for control plane REST APIs, also delivers a rich set of user-customizable dashboards and reporting capability. Here again, the availability of various AWS services simplifies the implementation, and remains non-intrusive to the central call-transaction processing.

Services used here include:

  1. AWS Glue: Enables extraction and transformation of raw transaction data into a format useful for reporting and dashboarding. AWS Glue is particularly useful here as the data available is regularly expanding, and the use cases for the reporting and dashboarding increase.
  2. Amazon QuickSight: Provides all the business intelligence (BI) functionality, including the ability for Ribbon to offer separate author and reader access to their users, and implements tenant-based access separation.


Ribbon has successfully deployed Identity Hub to enable cloud hosted telephony services to mitigate robocalls. Telephony requirements around resiliency, performance, and capacity were not compromised. Identity Hub offers the benefits of a 24/7 fully managed service requiring no additional customer on-premises equipment.

Choosing AWS services for Identity Hub gives Ribbon the ability to scale and meet future growth. The ability to dynamically scale the service in and out also brings significant cost advantages in telephony applications where busy hour traffic is significantly higher than idle time traffic. In addition, the availability of global AWS services facilitates the deployment of services in customer-local geographic locations to meet performance requirements or local regulatory compliance.

How Experian uses Amazon SageMaker to Deliver Affordability Verification 

Post Syndicated from Haresh Nandwani original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/how-experian-uses-amazon-sagemaker-to-deliver-affordability-verification/

Financial Service (FS) providers must identify patterns and signals in a customer’s financial behavior to provide deeper, up-to-the-minute, insight into their affordability and credit risk. FS providers use these insights to improve decision making and customer management capabilities. Machine learning (ML) models and algorithms play a significant role in automating, categorising, and deriving insights from bank transaction data.

Experian publishes Categorisation-as-a-Service (CaaS) ML models that automate analysis of bank and credit card transactions, to be deployed in Amazon SageMaker. Driven by a suite of Experian proprietary algorithms, these models categorise a customer’s bank or credit card transactions into one of over 180 different income and expenditure categories. The service turns these categorised transactions into a set of summarised insights that can help a business better understand their customer and make more informed decisions. These insights provide a detailed picture of a customer’s financial circumstances and resilience by looking at verified income, expenditure, and credit behavior.

This blog demonstrates how financial service providers can introduce affordability verification and categorisation into their digital journeys by deploying Experian CaaS ML models on SageMaker. You don’t need significant ML knowledge to start using Amazon SageMaker and Experian CaaS.

Affordability verification and data categorisation in digital journeys

Product onboarding journeys are increasingly digital. Most financial service providers expect most of these journeys to initiate and complete online. An example journey would be consumers looking to apply for credit with their existing FS provider. These journeys typically involve FS providers performing affordability verification to ensure consumers are offered products they can afford. FS providers can now use Experian CaaS ML models available via AWS Marketplace to generate real-time financial insights and affordability verification for their customers.

Figure 1 depicts a typical digital journey for consumers applying for credit.

Figure 1. Customer journey for consumers applying for credit

Figure 1. Customer journey for consumers applying for credit

  1. Data categorisation for transactional data. Existing transactional data for current consumers is typically sourced from on-premises data sources into a data lake in the cloud. It is then prepared and transformed for processing and analytics. This analysis is done based on the FS provider’s existing consent in compliance with relevant data protection laws. Additional transaction information for other accounts not held by the lender can be sourced from Open Banking and categorised separately.
  2. Store categorised transactions. Background processes run a SageMaker batch transform job using the Experian CaaS Data Categorisation model to categorise this transactional data.
  3. Consumer applies for credit. Consumers use the FS providers’ existing front-end web, mobile, or any other digital channel to apply for credit.
  4. FS provider retrieves up-to-date insights. Insights are generated in real time using the Experian CaaS insights model deployed as endpoints in SageMaker and returned to the consumer-facing digital channel.
  5. FS provider makes credit decision. The channel app consolidates these insights to decide on product eligibility and drive customer journeys.

Deploying and publishing Experian CaaS ML models to Amazon SageMaker

Figure 2 demonstrates the technical solution for the customer journey described in the preceding section.

Figure 2. Credit application – technical solution using Amazon SageMaker and Experian CaaS ML models

Figure 2. Credit application – technical solution using Amazon SageMaker and Experian CaaS ML models

  1. Financial Service providers can use AWS Data Migration Service (AWS DMS) to replicate transactional data from their on-premises systems such as their core banking systems to Amazon S3. Customers can source this transactional data into a highly available and scalable data lake solution on AWS. Refer to AWS DMS documentation for technical details on supported database sources.
  2. FS providers can use AWS Glue, a serverless data integration service, to cleanse, prepare, and transform the transactional data into formats supported by the Experian CaaS ML models.
  3. FS providers can subscribe and download CaaS ML models built for SageMaker from the AWS Marketplace.
  4. These models can be deployed to SageMaker hosting services as a SageMaker endpoint for real-time inference. Endpoints are fully managed by AWS, and can be set up to scale on demand and deployed in a Multi-AZ model for resilience. FS providers can use Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda to make these endpoints available to their consumer-facing applications.
  5. SageMaker also supports a batch transform mode for ML models, which in this scenario will be used to precategorise transactional data. This mode is also useful for use cases that require nearly continuous and regular analysis such as a regular anti-fraud assessment.
  6. Consumer requests for a financial product such as a credit card on an FS provider’s digital channels.
  7. These requests invoke SageMaker endpoints, which use Experian CaaS models to derive real-time insights.
  8. These insights are used to further drive the customer’s product journey. CaaS models are pre-trained and can return insights within the latency requirements of most real-time digital journeys.

Security and compliance using CaaS

AWS Marketplace models are scanned by AWS for common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVE). CVE is a list of publicly known information about security vulnerability and exposure. For details on infrastructure security applied by SageMaker, see Infrastructure Security in Amazon SageMaker.

Data security is a key concern for FS providers and sharing of data externally is challenging from a security and compliance perspective. The CaaS deployment model described here helps address these challenges as data owned by the FS provider remains within their control domain and AWS account. There is no requirement for this data to be shared with Experian. This means the customer’s personal financial information is retained by the FS provider. FS providers cannot access the model code as it is running in a locked SageMaker environment.

AWS Marketplace models such as the Experian CaaS ML models are deployed in a network isolation mode. This ensures that the models cannot make any outbound network calls, even to other AWS services such as Amazon S3. SageMaker still performs download and upload operations against Amazon S3 in isolation from the model.

Implementing upgrades to CaaS ML models

ML model upgrades can be performed in place in Amazon SageMaker as vendors release newer versions of their models in AWS Marketplace. Endpoints can be set up in a blue/green deployment pattern to ensure that upgrades do not impact consumers and be safely rolled back with no business interruptions.


Automated categorisation of bank transaction data is now being used by FS providers as they start to realise the benefits it can bring to their business. This is being driven in part by the advent of Open Banking. Many FS providers have increased confidence in the accuracy and performance of automated categorisation engines. Suppliers such as Experian are providing transparency around their methodologies used to categorise data, which is also encouraging adoption.

In this blog, we covered how FS providers can introduce automated categorisation of data and affordability identification capabilities into their digital journeys. This can be done quickly and without significant in-house ML skills, using Amazon SageMaker and Experian CaaS ML models. SageMaker endpoints and batch transform capabilities enable the deployment of a highly scalable, secure, and extensible ML infrastructure with minimal development and operational effort.

Experian’s CaaS is available for use via the AWS Marketplace.

Building a serverless multi-player game that scales: Part 3

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-a-serverless-multi-player-game-that-scales-part-3/

This post is written by Tim Bruce, Sr. Solutions Architect, DevAx, Chelsie Delecki, Solutions Architect, DNB, and Brian Krygsman, Solutions Architect, Enterprise.

This blog series discusses building a serverless game that scales, using Simple Trivia Service:

  • Part 1 describes the overall architecture, how to deploy to your AWS account, and the different communication methods.
  • Part 2 describes adding automation to the game to help your teams scale.

This post discusses how the game scales to support concurrent users (CCU) under a load test. While this post focuses on Simple Trivia Service, you can apply the concepts to any serverless workload.

To set up the example, see the instructions in the Simple Trivia Service GitHub repo and the README.md file. This example uses services beyond AWS Free Tier and incurs charges. To remove the example from your account, see the README.md file.


Simple Trivia Service is launching at a new trivia conference. There are 200,000 registered attendees who are invited to play the game during the conference. The developers are following AWS Well-Architected best practice and load test before the launch.

Load testing is the practice of simulating user load to validate the system’s ability to scale. The focus of the load test is the game’s microservices, built using AWS Serverless services, including:

  • Amazon API Gateway and AWS IoT, which provide serverless endpoints, allowing users to interact with the Simple Trivia Service microservices.
  • AWS Lambda, which provides serverless compute services for the microservices.
  • Amazon DynamoDB, which provides a serverless NoSQL database for storing game data.

Preparing for load testing

Defining success criteria is one of the first steps in preparing for a load test. You use success criteria to determine how well the game meets the requirements and includes concurrent users, error rates, and response time. These three criteria help to ensure that your users have a good experience when playing your game.

Excluding one can lead to invalid assumptions about the scale of users that the game can support. If you exclude error rate goals, for example, users may encounter more errors, impacting their experience.

The success criteria used for Simple Trivia Service are:

  • 200,000 concurrent users split across game types.
  • Error rates below 0.05%.
  • 95th percentile synchronous responses under 1 second.

With these identified, you can develop dashboards to report on the targets. Dashboards allow you to monitor system metrics over the course of load tests. You can develop dashboards using Amazon CloudWatch dashboards, using custom widgets that organize and display metrics.

Common metrics to monitor include:

  • Error rates – total errors / total invocations.
  • Throttles – invocations resulting in 429 errors.
  • Percentage of quota usage – usage against your game’s Service Quotas.
  • Concurrent execution counts – maximum concurrent Lambda invocations.
  • Provisioned concurrency invocation rate – provisioned concurrency spillover invocation count / provisioned concurrency invocation count.
  • Latency – percentile-based response time, such as 90th and 95th percentiles.

Documentation and other services are also helpful during load testing. Centralized logging via Amazon CloudWatch Logs and AWS CloudTrail provide your team with operational data for the game. This data can help triage issues during testing.

System architecture documents provide key details to help your team focus their work during triage. Amazon DevOps Guru can also provide your team with potential solutions for issues. This uses machine learning to identify operational deviations and deployments and provides recommendations for resolving issues.

A load testing tool simplifies your testing, allowing you to model users playing the game. Popular load testing tools include Apache JMeter, Artillery.io Artillery, and Locust.io Locust. The load testing tool you select can act as your application client and access your endpoints directly.

This example uses Locust to load test Simple Trivia Service based on language and technical requirements. It allows you to accurately model usage and not only generate transactions. In production applications, select a tool that aligns to your team’s skills and meets your technical requirements.

You can place automation around load testing tool to reduce manual effort of running tests. Automation can include allocating environments, deploying and running test scripts, and collecting results. You can include this as part of your continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline. You can use the Distributed Load Testing on AWS solution to support Taurus-compatible load testing.

Also, document a plan, working backwards from your goals to help measure your progress. Plans typically use incremental growth of CCU, which can help you to identify constraints in your game. Use your plan while you are in development once portions of your game feature complete.

Testing plan for STS

This shows an example plan for load testing Simple Trivia Service:

  1. Start with individual game testing to validate tests and game modes separately.
  2. Add in testing of the three game modes together, mirroring expected real world activity.

Finally, evaluate your load test and architecture against your AWS Customer Agreement, AWS Acceptable Use Policy, Amazon EC2 Testing Policy, and the AWS Customer Support Policy for Penetration Testing. These policies are put in place to help you to be successful in your load testing efforts. AWS Support requires you to notify them at least two weeks prior to your load test using the Simulated Events Submission Form with the AWS Management Console. This form can also be used if you have questions before your load test.

Additional help for your load test may be available on the AWS Forums, AWS re:Post, or via your account team.


After triggering a test, automation scales up your infrastructure and initializes the test users. Depending on the number of users you need and their startup behavior, this ramp-up phase can take several minutes. Similarly, when the test run is complete, your test users should ramp down. Unless you have modeled the ramp-up and ramp-down phases to match real-world behavior, exclude these phases from your measurements. If you include them, you may optimize for unrealistic user behavior.

While tests are running, let metrics normalize before drawing conclusions. Services may report data at different rates. Investigate when you find metrics that cross your acceptable thresholds. You may need to make adjustments like adding Lambda Provisioned Concurrency or changing application code to resolve constraints. You may even need to re-evaluate your requirements based on how the system performs. When you make changes, re-test to verify any changes had the impact you expected before continuing with your plan.

Finally, keep an organized record of the inputs and outputs of tests, including dashboard exports and your own observations. This record is valuable when sharing test outcomes and comparing test runs. Mark your progress against the plan to stay on track.

Analyzing and improving Simple Trivia Service performance

Running the test plan, using observability tools to measure performance, finds opportunities to tune performance bottlenecks.

In this example, during single player individual tests, the dashboards show acceptable latency values. As the test size grows, increasing read capacity for retrieving leaderboards indicates a tuning opportunity:

Dashboard reads 1

Dashboard reads 2

  1. The CloudWatch dashboard reveals that the LeaderboardGet function is leading to high consumed read capacity for the Players DynamoDB table. A process within the function is querying scores and player records with every call to load avatar URLs
  2. Standardizing the player avatar URL process within the code reduces reads from the table. The update improves DynamoDB reads.

Moving into the full test phase of the plan with combined game types identified additional areas for performance optimization. In one case, dashboards highlight unexpected error rates for a Lambda function. Consulting function logs and DevOps Guru to triage the behavior, these show a downstream issue with an Amazon Kinesis Data Stream:

Identifying error rates in dashboards

  1. DevOps Guru, within an insight, highlights the problem of the Kinesis:WriteProvisionedThroughputExceeded metric during our test window
  2. DevOps Guru also correlates that metric with the Kinesis:GetRecords.Latency metric.

DevOps Guru also links to a recommendation for Kinesis Data Streams to troubleshoot and resolve the incident with the data stream. Following this advice helps to resolve the Lambda error rates during the next test.

Load testing results

By following the plan, making incremental changes as optimizations became apparent, you can reach the goals.

Table of results

The preceding table is a summary of data from Amazon CloudWatch Lambda Insights and statistics captured from Locust:

  1. The test exceeded the goal of 200k CCU with a combined total of 236,820 CCU.
  2. Less than 0.05% error rate with a combined average of 0.010%.
  3. Performance goals are achieved without needing Provisioned Concurrency in Lambda.

Function latency

Function concurrency and throttles

  1. The function latency goal of < 1 second is met, based on data from CloudWatch Lambda Insights.
  2. Function concurrency is below Service Quotas for Lambda during the test, based on data from our custom CloudWatch dashboard.


This post discusses how to perform a load test on a serverless workload. The process was used to validate a scale of Simple Trivia Service, a single- and multi-player game built using a serverless-first architecture on AWS. The results show a scale of over 220,000 CCUs while maintaining less than 1-second response time and an error rate under 0.05%.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Modernize your Penetration Testing Architecture on AWS Fargate

Post Syndicated from Conor Walsh original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/modernize-your-penetration-testing-architecture-on-aws-fargate/

Organizations in all industries are innovating their application stack through modernization. Developers have found that modular architecture patterns, serverless operational models, and agile development processes provide great benefits. They offer faster innovation, reduced risk, and reduction in total cost of ownership.

Security organizations must evolve and innovate as well. But security practitioners often find themselves stuck between using powerful yet inflexible open-source tools with little support, and monolithic software with expensive and restrictive licenses.

This post describes how you can use modern cloud technologies to build a scalable penetration testing platform, with no infrastructure to manage.

The penetration testing monolith

AWS operates under the shared responsibility model, where AWS is responsible for the security of the cloud, and the customer is responsible for securing workloads in the cloud. This includes validating the security of your internal and external attack surface. Following the AWS penetration testing policy, customers can run tests against their AWS accounts, except for denial of service (DoS).

A legacy model commonly involves a central server for running a scanning application among the team. The server must be powerful enough for peak load and likely runs 24/7. Common licensing for scanner software is capped on the number of targets you can scan. This model does not scale, and incurs cost when no assessments are being performed.

Penetration testers must constantly reinvent their toolkit. Many one-off tools or scripts are built during engagements when encountering a unique problem. These tools and their environments are often customized, making standardization between machines and software difficult. Building, maintaining, and testing UI/UX and platform compatibility can be expensive and difficult to scale. This often leads to these tools being discarded and the value lost when the analyst moves on to the next engagement. Later, other analysts may run into the same scenario and need to rebuild the tool all over again, resulting in duplicated effort.

Network security scanning using modern cloud infrastructure

By using modern cloud container technologies, we can redesign this monolithic architecture to one that scales to meet increased demand, yet incurs no cost when idle. Containerization provides flexibility and secure isolation.

Figure 1. Overview of the serverless security scanning architecture

Figure 1. Overview of the serverless security scanning architecture

Scanning task flow

This workflow is based on the architecture shown in Figure 1:

  1. User authenticates to Amazon Cognito with their organization’s SSO.
  2. User makes authorized request to Amazon API Gateway.
  3. Request is forwarded to an AWS Lambda function that pulls configuration from Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3).
  4. Lambda function validates parameters, incorporates them into the task definition, and calls Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS).
  5. ECS orchestrates worker nodes using AWS Fargate compute engine and initiates task.
  6. ECS asynchronously returns the task configuration to Lambda, which sanitizes sensitive data and sends response through API Gateway.
  7. The ECS task launches one or more containers, which run the tool.
  8. Scan results are stored in the ephemeral storage provided by Fargate.
  9. Final container in the ECS task copies the scan report to S3.

Now we’ll describe the different components of the architecture shown in Figure 1. Start by packaging one’s favorite tool into a container, and publish it to Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR). ECR provides your containers additional layers of security assurance with built-in dependency vulnerability scans.

AWS Fargate is a serverless compute engine powering Amazon ECS to orchestrate container tasks. Fargate scales up capacity to support the current load, and scales down once complete to reduce cost. By default, Fargate offers 20 GB of ephemeral storage to each ECS task for shared storage between containers as volume mounts.

Task input and output can be processed with custom code running on the serverless computing service AWS Lambda. For multi-stage Lambda functionality, you can use AWS Step Functions.

Amazon API Gateway can forward incoming requests to these Lambda functions. API Gateway provides serverless REST endpoints to handle requests processed by Lambda functions. Amazon Cognito authorizes users through API Gateway or your organization’s single-sign on (SSO) provider.

The final step of the ECS task can upload any resulting files to an Amazon S3 bucket. Amazon S3 offers industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance with integration into other AWS services. This means that the results of your data can be consumed by other AWS services for processing, analytics, machine learning, and security controls.

Amazon CloudWatch Events are used to build an event-based workflow. The S3 upload initiates a CloudWatch Event, which can then invoke a Lambda function to process the file, or launch another ECS task.

This solution is completely serverless. It will scale on demand, yet cost nothing when not in use. This architecture can support anything that can be run in a container, regardless of tool function.

Network Mapper workflow

Figure 2. Network Mapper scanner task workflow

Figure 2. Network Mapper scanner task workflow

The example in Figure 2 was based on using a tool called Network Mapper, or Nmap. However, a variety of tools can be used, including nslookup/dig, Selenium, Nikto, recon-ng, SpiderFoot, Greenbone Vulnerability Manager (GVM), or OWASP ZAP. You can use anything that runs in a container! With some additional work, findings could be fed into AWS security services like AWS Security Hub, or Amazon GuardDuty. You can also use AWS Partner Network services like Splunk and Datadog, or open source frameworks like Metasploit and DefectDojo. The flexibility to add additional applications that integrate with AWS services means that this architecture can be easily deployed into a variety of AWS environments.

Remember, installation and use of software not included in an AWS-supported Amazon Machine Image (AMI) or container, falls into the customer side of the shared responsibility model. Make sure to do your due diligence in securing any software you decide to use in this or any workload. To reduce blast radius, run this in an isolated account and only provide least privilege access to targets.


In this blog post, we showed how to run a penetration testing workload on a modern platform, powered with serverless, and container-based services. Amazon API Gateway is the entry point for your architecture, which calls on AWS Lambda. Lambda builds a task definition to launch a fully orchestrated, on-demand container workload using AWS Fargate and Amazon ECS. The final stage of the ECS task copies the results of the scan to Amazon S3. This can be accessed by security analysts or other downstream containers, tools, or services.

We encourage you to go build this architecture in your own environment, and begin conducting your own tests! Construct your Nmap container and store it in Amazon ECR or use securecodebox/nmap, a Docker container built for the Open Web Application Security Project® (OWASP) SecureCodeBox project. Make sure to spend time securing this workload, especially when using open-source software you’re not familiar with. Now go get scanning!

Optimize your IoT Services for Scale with IoT Device Simulator

Post Syndicated from Ajay Swamy original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/optimize-your-iot-services-for-scale-with-iot-device-simulator/

The IoT (Internet of Things) has accelerated digital transformation for many industries. Companies can now offer smarter home devices, remote patient monitoring, connected and autonomous vehicles, smart consumer devices, and many more products. The enormous volume of data emitted from IoT devices can be used to improve performance, efficiency, and develop new service and business models. This can help you build better relationships with your end consumers. But you’ll need an efficient and affordable way to test your IoT backend services without incurring significant capex by deploying test devices to generate this data.

IoT Device Simulator (IDS) is an AWS Solution that manufacturing companies can use to simulate data, test device integration, and improve the performance of their IoT backend services. The solution enables you to create hundreds of IoT devices with unique attributes and properties. You can simulate data without configuring and managing physical devices.

An intuitive UI to create and manage devices and simulations

IoT Device Simulator comes with an intuitive user interface that enables you to create and manage device types for data simulation. The solution also provides you with a pre-built autonomous car device type to simulate a fleet of connected vehicles. Once you create devices, you can create simulations and generate data (see Figure 1.)

Figure 1. The landing page UI enables you to create devices and simulation

Figure 1. The landing page UI enables you to create devices and simulation

Create devices and simulate data

With IDS, you can create multiple device types with varying properties and data attributes (see Figure 2.) Each device type has a topic where simulation data is sent. The supported data types are object, array, sinusoidal, location, Boolean, integer, float, and more. Refer to this full list of data types. Additionally, you can import device types via a specific JSON format or use the existing automotive demo to pre-populate connected vehicles.

Figure 2. Create multiple device types and their data attributes

Figure 2. Create multiple device types and their data attributes

Create and manage simulations

With IDS, you can create simulations with one device or multiple device types (see Figure 3.) In addition, you can specify the number of devices to simulate for each device type and how often data is generated and sent.

Figure 3. Create simulations for multiple devices

Figure 3. Create simulations for multiple devices

You can then run multiple simulations (see Figure 4) and use the data generated to test your IoT backend services and infrastructure. In addition, you have the flexibility to stop and restart the simulation as needed.

Figure 4. Run and stop multiple simulations

Figure 4. Run and stop multiple simulations

You can view the simulation in real time and observe the data messages flowing through. This way you can ensure that the simulation is working as expected (see Figure 5.) You can stop the simulation or add a new simulation to the mix at any time.

Figure 5. Observe your simulation in real time

Figure 5. Observe your simulation in real time

IoT Device Simulator architecture

Figure 6. IoT Device Simulator architecture

Figure 6. IoT Device Simulator architecture

The AWS CloudFormation template for this solution deploys the following architecture, shown in Figure 6:

  1. Amazon CloudFront serves the web interface content from an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket.
  2. The Amazon S3 bucket hosts the web interface.
  3. Amazon Cognito user pool authenticates the API requests.
  4. An Amazon API Gateway API provides the solution’s API layer.
  5. AWS Lambda serves as the solution’s microservices and routes API requests.
  6. Amazon DynamoDB stores simulation and device type information.
  7. AWS Step Functions include an AWS Lambda simulator function to simulate devices and send messages.
  8. An Amazon S3 bucket stores pre-defined routes that are used for the automotive demo (which is a pre-built example in the solution).
  9. AWS IoT Core serves as the endpoint to which messages are sent.
  10. Amazon Location Service provides the map display showing the location of automotive devices for the automotive demo.

The IoT Device Simulator console is hosted on an Amazon S3 bucket, which is accessed via Amazon CloudFront. It uses Amazon Cognito to manage access. API calls, such as retrieving or manipulating information from the databases or running simulations, are routed through API Gateway. API Gateway calls the microservices, which will call the relevant service.

For example, when creating a new device type, the request is sent to API Gateway, which then routes the request to the microservices Lambda function. Based on the request, the microservices Lambda function recognizes that it is a request to create a device type and saves the device type to DynamoDB.

Running a simulation

When running a simulation, the microservices Lambda starts a Step Functions workflow. First, the request contains information about the simulation to be run, including the unique device type ID. Then, using the unique device type ID, Step Functions retrieves all the necessary information about each device type to run the simulation. Once all the information has been retrieved, the simulator Lambda function is run. The simulator Lambda function uses the device type information, including the message payload template. The Lambda function uses this template to build the message sent to the IoT topic specified for the device type.

When running a custom device type, the simulator generates random information based on the values provided for each attribute. For example, when the automotive simulation is run, the simulation runs a series of calculations to simulate an automobile moving along a series of pre-defined routes. Pre-defined routes are created and stored in an S3 bucket, when the solution is launched. The simulation retrieves the routes at random each time the Lambda function runs. Automotive demo simulations also show a map generated from Amazon Location Service and display the device locations as they move.

The simulator exits once the Lambda function has completed or has reached the fifteen-minute execution limit. It then passes all the necessary information back to the Step Function. Step Functions then enters a choice state and restarts the Lambda function if it has not yet surpassed the duration specified for the simulation. It then passes all the pertinent information back to the Lambda function so that it can resume where it left off. The simulator Lambda function also checks DynamoDB every thirty seconds to see if the user has manually stopped the simulation. If it has, it will end the simulation early. Once the simulation is complete, the Step Function updates the DynamoDB table.

The solution enables you to launch hundreds of devices to test backend infrastructure in an IoT workflow. The solution contains an Import/Export feature to share device types. Exporting a device type generates a JSON file that represents the device type. The JSON file can then be imported to create the same device type automatically. The solution allows the viewing of up to 100 messages while the solution is running. You can also filter the messages by topic and device and see what data each device emits.


IoT Device Simulator is designed to help customers test device integration and IoT backend services more efficiently without incurring capex for physical devices. This solution provides an intuitive web-based graphic user interface (GUI) that enables customers to create and simulate hundreds of connected devices. It is not necessary to configure and manage physical devices or develop time-consuming scripts. Although we’ve illustrated an automotive application in this post, this simulator can be used for many different industries, such as consumer electronics, healthcare equipment, utilities, manufacturing, and more.

Get started with IoT Device Simulator today.

Implementing header-based API Gateway versioning with Amazon CloudFront

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/implementing-header-based-api-gateway-versioning-with-amazon-cloudfront/

This post is written by Amir Khairalomoum, Sr. Solutions Architect.

In this blog post, I show you how to use Lambda@Edge feature of Amazon CloudFront to implement a header-based API versioning solution for Amazon API Gateway.

Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easier for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. Amazon CloudFront is a global content delivery network (CDN) service built for high-speed, low-latency performance, security, and developer ease-of-use. Lambda@Edge is a feature of Amazon CloudFront, a compute service that lets you run functions that customize the content that CloudFront delivers.

The example uses the AWS SAM CLI to build, deploy, and test the solution on AWS. The AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) is an open-source framework that you can use to build serverless applications on AWS. The AWS SAM CLI lets you locally build, test, and debug your applications defined by AWS SAM templates. You can also use the AWS SAM CLI to deploy your applications to AWS, or create secure continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipelines.

After an API becomes publicly available, it is used by customers. As a service evolves, its contract also evolves to reflect new changes and capabilities. It’s safe to evolve a public API by adding new features but it’s not safe to change or remove existing features.

Any breaking changes may impact consumer’s applications and break them at runtime. API versioning is important to avoid breaking backward compatibility and breaking a contract. You need a clear strategy for API versioning to help consumers adopt them.

Versioning APIs

Two of the most commonly used API versioning strategies are URI versioning and header-based versioning.

URI versioning

This strategy is the most straightforward and the most commonly used approach. In this type of versioning, versions are explicitly defined as part of API URIs. These example URLs show how domain name, path, or query string parameters can be used to specify a version:


To deploy an API in API Gateway, the deployment is associated with a stage. A stage is a logical reference to a lifecycle state of your API (for example, dev, prod, beta, v2). As your API evolves, you can continue to deploy it to different stages as different versions of the API.

Header-based versioning

This strategy is another commonly used versioning approach. It uses HTTP headers to specify the desired version. It uses the “Accept” header for content negotiation or uses a custom header (for example, “APIVER” to indicate a version):


This approach allows you to preserve URIs between versions. As a result, you have a cleaner and more understandable set of URLs. It is also easier to add versioning after design. However, you may need to deal with complexity of returning different versions of your resources.

Overview of solution

The target architecture for the solution uses Lambda@Edge. It dynamically routes a request to the relevant API version, based on the provided header:

Architecture overview

Architecture overview

In this architecture:

  1. The user sends a request with a relevant header, which can be either “Accept” or another custom header.
  2. This request reaches the CloudFront distribution and triggers the Lambda@Edge Origin Request.
  3. The Lambda@Edge function uses the provided header value and fetches data from an Amazon DynamoDB table. This table contains mappings for API versions. The function then modifies the Origin and the Host header of the request and returns it back to CloudFront.
  4. CloudFront sends the request to the relevant Amazon API Gateway URL.

In the next sections, I walk you through setting up the development environment and deploying and testing this solution.

Setting up the development environment

To deploy this solution on AWS, you use the AWS Cloud9 development environment.

  1. Go to the AWS Cloud9 web console. In the Region dropdown, make sure you’re using N. Virginia (us-east-1) Region.
  2. Select Create environment.
  3. On Step 1 – Name environment, enter a name for the environment, and choose Next step.
  4. On Step 2 – Configure settings, keep the existing environment settings.

    Console view of configuration settings

    Console view of configuration settings

  5. Choose Next step. Choose Create environment.

Deploying the solution

Now that the development environment is ready, you can proceed with the solution deployment. In this section, you download, build, and deploy a sample serverless application for the solution using AWS SAM.

Download the sample serverless application

The solution sample code is available on GitHub. Clone the repository and download the sample source code to your Cloud9 IDE environment by running the following command in the Cloud9 terminal window:

git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-api-gateway-header-based-versioning.git ./api-gateway-header-based-versioning

This sample includes:

  • template.yaml: Contains the AWS SAM template that defines your application’s AWS resources.
  • hello-world/: Contains the Lambda handler logic behind the API Gateway endpoints to return the hello world message.
  • edge-origin-request/: Contains the Lambda@Edge handler logic to query the API version mapping and modify the Origin and the Host header of the request.
  • init-db/: Contains the Lambda handler logic for a custom resource to populate sample DynamoDB table

Build your application

Run the following commands in order to first, change into the project directory, where the template.yaml file for the sample application is located then build your application:

cd ~/environment/api-gateway-header-based-versioning/
sam build


Build output

Build output

Deploy your application

Run the following command to deploy the application in guided mode for the first time then follow the on-screen prompts:

sam deploy --guided


Deploy output

Deploy output

The output shows the deployment of the AWS CloudFormation stack.

Testing the solution

This application implements all required components for the solution. It consists of two Amazon API Gateway endpoints backed by AWS Lambda functions. The deployment process also initializes the API Version Mapping DynamoDB table with the values provided earlier in the deployment process.

Run the following commands to see the created mappings:

STACK_NAME=$(grep stack_name ~/environment/api-gateway-header-based-versioning/samconfig.toml | awk -F\= '{gsub(/"/, "", $2); gsub(/ /, "", $2); print $2}')

DDB_TBL_NAME=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --region us-east-1 --stack-name $STACK_NAME --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==`DynamoDBTableName`].OutputValue' --output text) && echo $DDB_TBL_NAME

aws dynamodb scan --table-name $DDB_TBL_NAME


Table scan results

Table scan results

When a user sends a GET request to CloudFront, it routes the request to the relevant API Gateway endpoint version according to the provided header value. The Lambda function behind that API Gateway endpoint is invoked and returns a “hello world” message.

To send a request to the CloudFront distribution, which is created as part of the deployment process, first get its domain name from the deployed AWS CloudFormation stack:

CF_DISTRIBUTION=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --region us-east-1 --stack-name $STACK_NAME --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==`CFDistribution`].OutputValue' --output text) && echo $CF_DISTRIBUTION


Domain name results

Domain name results

You can now send a GET request along with the relevant header you specified during the deployment process to the CloudFront to test the application.

Run the following command to test the application for API version one. Note that if you entered a different value other than the default value provided during the deployment process, change the --header parameter to match your inputs:

curl -i -o - --silent -X GET "https://${CF_DISTRIBUTION}/hello" --header "Accept:application/vnd.example.v1+json" && echo


Curl results

Curl results

The response shows that CloudFront successfully routed the request to the API Gateway v1 endpoint as defined in the mapping Amazon DynamoDB table. API Gateway v1 endpoint received the request. The Lambda function behind the API Gateway v1 was invoked and returned a “hello world” message.

Now you can change the header value to v2 and run the command again this time to test the API version two:

curl -i -o - --silent -X GET "https://${CF_DISTRIBUTION}/hello" --header "Accept:application/vnd.example.v2+json" && echo


Curl results after header change

Curl results after header change

The response shows that CloudFront routed the request to the API Gateway v2 endpoint as defined in the mapping DynamoDB table. API Gateway v2 endpoint received the request. The Lambda function behind the API Gateway v2 was invoked and returned a “hello world” message.

This solution requires valid a header value on each individual request, so the application checks and raises an error if the header is missing or the header value is not valid.

You can remove the header parameter and run the command to test this scenario:

curl -i -o - --silent -X GET "https://${CF_DISTRIBUTION}/hello" && echo


No header causes a 403 error

No header causes a 403 error

The response shows that Lambda@Edge validated the request and raised an error to inform us that the request did not have a valid header.

Mitigating latency

In this solution, Lambda@Edge reads the API version mappings data from the DynamoDB table. Accessing external data at the edge can cause additional latency to the request. In order to mitigate the latency, solution uses following methods:

  1. Cache data in Lambda@Edge memory: As data is unlikely to change across many Lambda@Edge invocations, Lambda@Edge caches API version mappings data in the memory for a certain period of time. It reduces latency by avoiding an external network call for each individual request.
  2. Use Amazon DynamoDB global table: It brings data closer to the CloudFront distribution and reduces external network call latency.

Cleaning up

To clean up the resources provisioned as part of the solution:

  1. Run following command to delete the deployed application:
    sam delete
  2. Go to the AWS Cloud9 web console. Select the environment you created then choose Delete.


Header-based API versioning is a commonly used versioning strategy. This post shows how to use CloudFront to implement a header-based API versioning solution for API Gateway. It uses the AWS SAM CLI to build and deploy a sample serverless application to test the solution in the AWS Cloud.

To learn more about API Gateway, visit the API Gateway developer guide documentation, and for CloudFront, refer to Amazon CloudFront developer guide documentation.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Simplifying Multi-account CI/CD Deployments using AWS Proton

Post Syndicated from Marvin Fernandes original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/simplifying-multi-account-ci-cd-deployments-using-aws-proton/

Many large enterprises, startups, and public sector entities maintain different deployment environments within multiple Amazon Web Services (AWS) accounts to securely develop, test, and deploy their applications. Maintaining separate AWS accounts for different deployment stages is a standard practice for organizations. It helps developers limit the blast radius in case of failure when deploying updates to an application, and provides for more resilient and distributed systems.

Typically, the team that owns and maintains these environments (the platform team) is segregated from the development team. A platform team performs critical activities. These can include setting infrastructure and governance standards, keeping patch levels up to date, and maintaining security and monitoring standards. Development teams are responsible for writing the code, performing appropriate testing, and pushing code to repositories to initiate deployments. The development teams are focused more on delivering their application and less on the infrastructure and networking that ties them together. The segregation of duties and use of multi-account environments are effective from a regulatory and development standpoint. But monitoring, maintaining, and enabling the safe release to these environments can be cumbersome and error prone.

In this blog, you will see how to simplify multi-account deployments in an environment that is segregated between platform and development teams. We will show how you can use one consistent and standardized continuous delivery pipeline with AWS Proton.

Challenges with multi-account deployment

For platform teams, maintaining these large environments at different stages in the development lifecycle and within separate AWS accounts can be tedious. The platform teams must ensure that certain security and regulatory requirements (like networking or encryption standards) are implemented in each separate account and environment. When working in a multi-account structure, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions and cross-account access management can be a challenge for many account administrators. Many organizations rely on specific monitoring metrics and tagging strategies to perform basic functions. The platform team is responsible for enforcing these processes and implementing these details repeatedly across multiple accounts. This is a pain point for many infrastructure administrators or platform teams.

Platform teams are also responsible for ensuring a safe and secure application deployment pipeline. To do this, they isolate deployment and production environments from one another limiting the blast radius in case of failure. Platform teams enforce the principle of least privilege on each account, and implement proper testing and monitoring standards across the deployment pipeline.

Instead of focusing on the application and code, many developers face challenges complying with these rigorous security and infrastructure standards. This results in limited access to resources for developers. Delays come with reliance on administrators to deploy application code into production. This can lead to lags in deployment of updated code.

Deployment using AWS Proton

The ownership for infrastructure lies with the platform teams. They set the standards for security, code deployment, monitoring, and even networking. AWS Proton is an infrastructure provisioning and deployment service for serverless and container-based applications. Using AWS Proton, the platform team can provide their developers with a highly customized and catered “platform as a service” experience. This allows developers to focus their energy on building the best application, rather than spending time on orchestration tools. Platform teams can similarly focus on building the best platform for that application.

With AWS Proton, developers use predefined templates. With only a few input parameters, infrastructure can be provisioned and code deployed in an effective pipeline. This way you can get your application running and updated more quickly, see Figure 1.

Figure 1. Platform and development team roles when using AWS Proton

Figure 1. Platform and development team roles when using AWS Proton

AWS Proton allows you to deploy any serverless or container-based application across multiple accounts. You can define infrastructure standards and effective continuous delivery pipelines for your organization. Proton breaks down the infrastructure into environment and service (“infrastructure as code” templates).

In Figure 2, platform teams provide a service template of a secure environment to host a microservices application on Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) and AWS Fargate. The environment template contains infrastructure that is shared across services. This includes the networking configuration: Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), subnets, route tables, Internet Gateway, security groups, and ECS cluster definition for the Fargate service.

The service template provides details of the service. It includes the container task definitions, monitoring and logging definitions, and an effective continuous delivery pipeline. Using the environment and service template definitions, development teams can define the microservices that are running on Amazon ECS. They can deploy their code following the continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline.

Figure 2. Platform teams provision environment and service infrastructure as code templates in AWS Proton management account

Figure 2. Platform teams provision environment and service infrastructure as code templates in AWS Proton management account

Multi-account CI/CD deployment

For Figures 3 and 4, we used publicly available templates and created three separate AWS accounts: the AWS Proton management account, development account, and production environment accounts. Additional accounts may be added based on your use case and security requirements. As shown in Figure 3, the AWS Proton service account contains the environment, service, and pipeline templates. It also provides the connection to other accounts within the organization. The development and production accounts follow the structure of a development pipeline for a typical organization.

AWS Proton alleviates complicated cross-account policies by using a secure “environment account connection” feature. With environment account connections, platform administrators can give AWS Proton permissions to provision infrastructure in other accounts. They create an IAM role and specify a set of permissions in the target account. This enables Proton to assume the role from the management account to build resources in the target accounts.

AWS Key Management Service (KMS) policies can also be hard to manage in multi-account deployments. Proton reduces managing cross-account KMS permissions. In an AWS Proton management account, you can build a pipeline using a single artifact repository. You can also extend the pipeline to additional accounts from a single source of truth. This feature can be helpful when accounts are located in different Regions, due to regulatory requirements for example.

Figure 3. AWS Proton uses cross-account policies and provisions infrastructure in development and production accounts with environment connection feature

Figure 3. AWS Proton uses cross-account policies and provisions infrastructure in development and production accounts with environment connection feature

Once the environment and service templates are defined in the AWS Proton management account, the developer selects the templates. Proton then provisions the infrastructure, and the continuous delivery pipeline that will deploy the services to each separate account.

Developers commit code to a repository, and the pipeline is responsible for deploying to the different deployment stages. You don’t have to worry about any of the environment connection workflows. Proton allows platform teams to provide a single pipeline definition to deploy the code into multiple different accounts without any additional account level information. This standardizes the deployment process and implements effective testing and staging policies across the organization.

Platform teams can also inject manual approvals into the pipeline so they can control when a release is deployed. Developers can define tests that initiate after a deployment to ensure the validity of releases before moving to a production environment. This simplifies application code deployment in an AWS multi-account environment and allows updates to be deployed more quickly into production. The resulting deployed infrastructure is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. AWS Proton deploys service into multi-account environment through standardized continuous delivery pipeline

Figure 4. AWS Proton deploys service into multi-account environment through standardized continuous delivery pipeline


In this blog, we have outlined how using AWS Proton can simplify handling multi-account deployments using one consistent and standardized continuous delivery pipeline. AWS Proton addresses multiple challenges in the segregation of duties between developers and platform teams. By having one uniform resource for all these accounts and environments, developers can develop and deploy applications faster, while still complying with infrastructure and security standards.

For further reading:

Getting started with Proton
Identity and Access Management for AWS Proton
Proton administrative guide

Accepting API keys as a query string in Amazon API Gateway

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/accepting-api-keys-as-a-query-string-in-amazon-api-gateway/

This post was written by Ronan Prenty, Sr. Solutions Architect and Zac Burns, Cloud Support Engineer & API Gateway SME

Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easier for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. APIs act as the front door to applications and allow developers to offload tasks like authorization, throttling, caching, and more.

A common feature requested by customers is the ability to track usage for specific users or services through API keys. API Gateway REST APIs support this feature and, for added security, require that the API key resides in a header or an authorizer.

Developers may also need to pass API keys in the query string parameters. Best practices encourage refactoring the requests at the client level to move API keys to the header. However, this may not be possible during the migration.

This blog explains how to build an API Gateway REST API that temporarily accepts API keys as query string parameters. This post helps customers who have APIs that accept API keys as query string parameters and want to migrate to API Gateway with minimal impact on their clients. The post also discusses increasing security by refactoring the client to send API keys as a header instead of a query string.

There is also an example project for you to test and evaluate. This solution uses a custom authorizer AWS Lambda function to extract the API key from the query string parameter and apply it to a usage plan. The sample application uses the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) for deployment.

Key concepts

API keys and usage plans

API keys are alphanumeric strings that are distributed to developers to grant access to an API. API Gateway can generate these on your behalf, or you can import them.

Usage plans let you provide API keys to your customers so that you can track and limit their usage. API keys are not a primary authorization mechanism for your APIs. If multiple APIs are associated with a usage plan, a user with a valid API key can access all APIs in that usage plan. We provide numerous options for securing access to your APIs, including resource policies, Lambda authorizers, and Amazon Cognito user pools.

Usage plans define who can access deployed API stages and methods along with metering their usage. Usage plans use API keys to identify who is making requests and apply throttling and quota limits.

How API Gateway handles API keys

API Gateway supports API keys sent as headers in a request. It does not support API keys sent as a query string parameter. API Gateway only accepts requests over HTTPS, which means that the request is encrypted. When sending API keys as query string parameters, there is still a risk that URLs are logged in plaintext by the client sending requests.

API Gateway has two settings to accept API keys:

  1. Header: The request contains the values as the X-API-Key header. API Gateway then validates the key against a usage plan.
  2. Authorizer: The authorizer includes the API key as part of the authorization response. Once API Gateway receives the API key as part of the response, it validates it against a usage plan.

Solution overview

To accept an API key as a query string parameter temporarily, create a custom authorizer using a Lambda function:

Note: the apiKeySource property of your API must be set to Authorizer instead of Header.

Note: the apiKeySource property of your API must be set to Authorizer instead of Header.

  1. The client sends an HTTP request to the API Gateway endpoint with the API key in the query string.
  2. API Gateway sends the request to a REQUEST type custom authorizer
  3. The custom authorizer function extracts the API Key from the payload. It constructs the response object with the API Key as the value for the `usageIdentifierKey` property
  4. The response gets sent back to API Gateway for validation.
  5. API Gateway validates the API key against a usage plan.
  6. If valid, API Gateway passes the request to the backend.

Deploying the solution


This solution requires no pre-existing AWS resources and deploys everything you need from the template. Deploying the solution requires:

You can find the solution on GitHub using this link.

With the prerequisites completed, deploy the template with the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-apigateway-accept-apikeys-as-querystring.git
cd amazon-apigateway-accept-apikeys-as-querystring
sam build --use-container
sam deploy --guided

Long term considerations

This temporary solution enables developers to migrate APIs to API Gateway and maintain query string-based API keys. While this solution does work, it does not follow best practices.

In addition to security, there is also a cost factor. Each time the client request contains an API key, the custom authorizer AWS Lambda function will be invoked, increasing the total amount of Lambda invocations you are billed for. To ensure you are billed only for valid requests, you can add an identity source to the custom authorizer meaning that only requests containing this identity source will be sent to the Lambda function. Requests that do not contain this identity source will not be billed by Lambda or API Gateway. Migrating to a header-based API key removes the need for a custom authorizer and the extra Lambda function invocations. You can find out more information on AWS Lambda billing here.

Customer migration process

With this in mind, the structure of the request sent by API clients must change from:

GET /some-endpoint?apiKey=abc123456789


GET /some-endpoint
x-api-key: abc123456789

You can provide clients with a notice period when this temporary solution is operational. After, they must migrate to a new API endpoint using a header to provide the API keys. Once the client migration is complete, they can retire the custom solution.

Developer portal

In addition to migrating API keys to a header-based solution, customers also ask us how to manage customer keys and usage plans. One option is to deploy the API Gateway developer portal.

This portal enables your customers to discover available APIs, browse API documentation, register for API keys, test APIs in the user interface, and monitor their API usage. This portal also allows you to publish non-API Gateway managed APIs by uploading OpenAPI definitions. The serverless developer portal can be customized and branded to suit your organization.


This blog post demonstrates how to use custom authorizers in API Gateway to accept API keys as a query string parameter. It also provides an AWS SAM template to deploy an example application for testing. Finally, it discusses the importance of moving customers to header-based API keys and managing those keys with the developer portal.

For more serverless content, visit Serverless Land.

ICYMI: Serverless Q3 2021

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/icymi-serverless-q3-2021/

Welcome to the 15th edition of the AWS Serverless ICYMI (in case you missed it) quarterly recap. Every quarter, we share all of the most recent product launches, feature enhancements, blog posts, webinars, Twitch live streams, and other interesting things that you might have missed!

Q3 calendar

In case you missed our last ICYMI, check out what happened last quarter here.

AWS Lambda

You can now choose next-generation AWS Graviton2 processors in your Lambda functions. This Arm-based processor architecture can provide up to 19% better performance at 20% lower cost. You can configure functions to use Graviton2 in the AWS Management Console, API, CloudFormation, and CDK. We recommend using the AWS Lambda Power Tuning tool to see how your function compare and determine the price improvement you may see.

All Lambda runtimes built on Amazon Linux 2 support Graviton2, with the exception of versions approaching end-of-support. The AWS Free Tier for Lambda includes functions powered by both x86 and Arm-based architectures.

Create Lambda function with new arm64 option

You can also use the Python 3.9 runtime to develop Lambda functions. You can choose this runtime version in the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, or AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM). Version 3.9 includes a range of new features and performance improvements.

Lambda now supports Amazon MQ for RabbitMQ as an event source. This makes it easier to develop serverless applications that are triggered by messages in a RabbitMQ queue. This integration does not require a consumer application to monitor queues for updates. The connectivity with the Amazon MQ message broker is managed by the Lambda service.

Lambda has added support for up to 10 GB of memory and 6 vCPU cores in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions and in the Middle East (Bahrain), Asia Pacific (Osaka), and Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) Regions.

AWS Step Functions

Step Functions now integrates with the AWS SDK, supporting over 200 AWS services and 9,000 API actions. You can call services directly from the Amazon States Language definition in the resource field of the task state. This allows you to work with services like DynamoDB, AWS Glue Jobs, or Amazon Textract directly from a Step Functions state machine. To learn more, see the SDK integration tutorial.

AWS Amplify

The Amplify Admin UI now supports importing existing Amazon Cognito user pools and identity pools. This allows you to configure multi-platform apps to use the same user pools with different client IDs.

Amplify CLI now enables command hooks, allowing you to run custom scripts in the lifecycle of CLI commands. You can create bash scripts that run before, during, or after CLI commands. Amplify CLI has also added support for storing environment variables and secrets used by Lambda functions.

Amplify Geo is in developer preview and helps developers provide location-aware features to their frontend web and mobile applications. This uses the Amazon Location Service to provide map UI components.

Amazon EventBridge

The EventBridge schema registry now supports discovery of cross-account events. When schema registry is enabled on a bus, it now generates schemes for events originating from another account. This helps organize and find events in multi-account applications.

Amazon DynamoDB

DynamoDB console

The new DynamoDB console experience is now the default for viewing and managing DynamoDB tables. This makes it easier to manage tables from the navigation pane and also provided a new dedicated Items page. There is also contextual guidance and step-by-step assistance to help you perform common tasks more quickly.

API Gateway

API Gateway can now authenticate clients using certificate-based mutual TLS. Previously, this feature only supported AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). Now, customers can use a server certificate issued by a third-party certificate authority or ACM Private CA. Read more about using mutual TLS authentication with API Gateway.

The Serverless Developer Advocacy team built the Amazon API Gateway CORS Configurator to help you configure cross origin resource scripting (CORS) for REST and HTTP APIs. Fill in the information specific to your API and the AWS SAM configuration is generated for you.

Serverless blog posts




Tech Talks & Events

We hold AWS Online Tech Talks covering serverless topics throughout the year. These are listed in the Serverless section of the AWS Online Tech Talks page. We also regularly deliver talks at conferences and events around the world, speak on podcasts, and record videos you can find to learn in bite-sized chunks.

Here are some from Q3:


Serverless Land

Serverless Office Hours – Tues 10 AM PT

Weekly live virtual office hours. In each session we talk about a specific topic or technology related to serverless and open it up to helping you with your real serverless challenges and issues. Ask us anything you want about serverless technologies and applications.




DynamoDB Office Hours

Are you an Amazon DynamoDB customer with a technical question you need answered? If so, join us for weekly Office Hours on the AWS Twitch channel led by Rick Houlihan, AWS principal technologist and Amazon DynamoDB expert. See upcoming and previous shows

Still looking for more?

The Serverless landing page has more information. The Lambda resources page contains case studies, webinars, whitepapers, customer stories, reference architectures, and even more Getting Started tutorials.

You can also follow the Serverless Developer Advocacy team on Twitter to see the latest news, follow conversations, and interact with the team.

Using AWS Serverless to Power Event Management Applications

Post Syndicated from Cheryl Joseph original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/using-aws-serverless-to-power-event-management-applications/

Most large events have common activities such as event registration, check-in upon arrival, and requesting of amenities. When designing applications, factors such as high availability, low latency, reliability, and security must be considered.

In this blog post, we’d like to show how Amazon Web Services (AWS) can assist you in event planning activities. We’ll share an architecture that follows best practices, and one that can be used in developing other solutions.

Serverless to the Rescue

Serverless architecture enables you to focus on your application development without having to worry about managing servers and runtimes. You can quickly build, fix, and add new features to your applications. A microservices-based approach provides you the ability to scale and optimize each component of your event management application.

Let’s start by looking at some activities that an event guest might perform, and how they might be displayed in a mobile application:

  • Event registration: A guest can register either from a website or from a mobile device, see Figure 1. Events might have heavy traffic initially, or a large push toward the end. This requires building applications that are highly scalable.
Figure 1. Event registration

Figure 1. Event registration

  • Check-In: Check-In can be a manual and cumbersome process – some mobile options are shown in Figure 2. Attendees must queue up to register, pick up badges, receive agendas, and collect other meeting materials.
Figure 2. Guest check-in kiosk

Figure 2. Guest check-in kiosk

  • Guest requests: While the event is underway, a participant might request hand-outs or want to purchase food or beverages, see Figure 3.
Figure 3. Guest requests

Figure 3. Guest requests

  • Session notification: At popular events, there are some sessions that fill up quickly. Guests must queue up to get into the session. Figure 4 shows a notification screen.
Figure 4. Session notification on guest device

Figure 4. Session notification on guest device

Solution overview for event planning

The serverless architecture presented here is highly scalable and provides low latency. It follows the Serverless Application Lens of the AWS Well-Architected Framework. This enables you to build secure, high-performing, resilient, and efficient applications.

Frontend user interface using AWS Amplify

The event website is hosted on AWS Amplify. Amplify provides a fully managed service for deploying and hosting applications with built-in CI/CD workflows. An alternative for hosting the event website could be Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) or even by provisioning Amazon EC2 instances. However, Amplify is well suited for native mobile apps and JavaScript-based web apps.

The event website uses Amazon Cognito for management of user authentication and authorization. Amazon Cognito is a good choice here as it allows federating with external identity providers.

Backend serverless microservices

The backend of the event management application uses Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda. They provide the ability to expose API operations. If the application has a flurry of requests coming in together, the backend serverless microservices will scale up or down seamlessly. However, there are service limits, and it is important to keep these in mind while designing your applications.

Amazon DynamoDB is the NoSQL database, which saves the guest registration data and other event-related information. DynamoDB is a good fit here, as it delivers single-digit millisecond performance at any scale and provides high availability, fault tolerance, and automatic capacity scaling.

Amazon Pinpoint is used to send notifications to guests via email and SMS. Amazon Pinpoint allows your app to connect with customers over channels like email, SMS, push, or voice.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the activities we’ve outlined.

Solution architecture – Event registration and check-in

Figure 5. Event registration and check-in

Figure 5. Event registration and check-in

Numbered items following refer to Figure 5:

  1. Developers upload code to AWS CodeCommit
  2. CodeCommit pushes the code to Amplify
  3. Guests access the website via Amazon Route 53
  4. Route 53 resolves incoming requests and forwards them to Amplify
  5. Guest authentication is performed by Amazon Cognito user pools
  6. Amplify sends the REST API requests to API Gateway
  7. API Gateway uses Amazon Cognito user pools as the authorizer
  8. API Gateway proxies the request to Lambda
  9. Lambda stores guest data in DynamoDB
  10. Lambda uses Amazon Pinpoint to notify the guest

The guest registration process begins with loading the web application hosted on Amplify. The application creates the user in the Amazon Cognito user pool and routes the request to API Gateway to complete the registration process. Amazon Cognito integrates with third-party authentication systems such as Google, Facebook, and Amazon. This allows guests to use their existing social media accounts to register.

The guest check-in process consists of loading a web application onto kiosks. Guest information is saved in a DynamoDB table. Upon registration, a QR code is sent to the guests, then scanned upon arrival at a kiosk. Guest information is then retrieved from a DynamoDB table. This allows guests to print their badges and other event materials.

Well-Architected guidance:

  • Enable active tracing with AWS X-Ray to provide distributed tracing capabilities and visual service maps for faster troubleshooting of the backend APIs.
  • For Lambda functions, follow least-privileged access and only allow the access required to perform a given operation.
  • Throttle API operations to enforce access patterns established by the event management application service contract.
  • Set appropriate logging levels and remove unnecessary logging information to optimize log ingestion. Use environment variables to control application logging level.

Solution architecture – Guest requests

Figure 6. Guest requests

Figure 6. Guest requests

Numbered items refer to Figure 6:

  1. Guests access the website via Route 53
  2. Route 53 resolves incoming requests and forwards them to Amplify
  3. Guest authentication is performed by Amazon Cognito user pools
  4. Amplify sends the REST API requests to API Gateway
  5. API Gateway uses Amazon Cognito user pools as the authorizer
  6. API Gateway proxies the request to Lambda
  7. Lambda validates and stores guest data in DynamoDB
  8. Lambda uses Amazon Pinpoint to notify the guest
  9. Amazon DynamoDB Streams are enabled which triggers a Lambda function
  10. Lambda notifies the employees via Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) to fulfill the request

Once a guest request is made for session handouts or food or beverages, it is stored in DynamoDB. DynamoDB Streams are enabled, see Figure 7, which captures a time-ordered sequence of item-level modifications in a DynamoDB table. It durably stores the information for up to 24 hours. This generates an event, which triggers a Lambda function. The Lambda function sends an SNS notification via SMS or email to the event employees who can address the guest requests.

Figure 7. Sample DynamoDB Streams record

Figure 7. Sample DynamoDB Streams record

Well-Architected guidance:

  • Standardize application logging across components, and business outcomes
  • Enable caching on API Gateway to improve application performance
  • Use an On-Demand Instance for DynamoDB when traffic is unpredictable, otherwise use provisioned mode when consistent
  • Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) can be used as an in-memory cache to improve read performance

Solution architecture – Session notification

Figure 8. Session notification

Figure 8. Session notification

Numbered items refer to Figure 8:

  1. An Amazon EventBridge rule runs on a schedule and invokes a Lambda function
  2. Lambda retrieves guest and session information from DynamoDB
  3. Lambda notifies the guest via Amazon Pinpoint

Amazon Pinpoint can send notifications to registered guests to let them know when to queue up for the session.


This solution provides a powerful approach for deploying highly scalable applications, while providing low latency and low cost. Build a Serverless Web Application can get you started. Large events require a considerable amount of planning and coordination. We hope the guidance provided here will help you build a scalable and a robust event management application.

Building well-architected serverless applications: Optimizing application costs

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-well-architected-serverless-applications-optimizing-application-costs/

This series of blog posts uses the AWS Well-Architected Tool with the Serverless Lens to help customers build and operate applications using best practices. In each post, I address the serverless-specific questions identified by the Serverless Lens along with the recommended best practices. See the introduction post for a table of contents and explanation of the example application.

COST 1. How do you optimize your serverless application costs?

Design, implement, and optimize your application to maximize value. Asynchronous design patterns and performance practices ensure efficient resource use and directly impact the value per business transaction. By optimizing your serverless application performance and its code patterns, you can directly impact the value it provides, while making more efficient use of resources.

Serverless architectures are easier to manage in terms of correct resource allocation compared to traditional architectures. Due to its pay-per-value pricing model and scale based on demand, a serverless approach effectively reduces the capacity planning effort. As covered in the operational excellence and performance pillars, optimizing your serverless application has a direct impact on the value it produces and its cost. For general serverless optimization guidance, see the AWS re:Invent talks, “Optimizing your Serverless applications” Part 1 and Part 2, and “Serverless architectural patterns and best practices”.

Required practice: Minimize external calls and function code initialization

AWS Lambda functions may call other managed services and third-party APIs. Functions may also use application dependencies that may not be suitable for ephemeral environments. Understanding and controlling what your function accesses while it runs can have a direct impact on value provided per invocation.

Review code initialization

I explain the Lambda initialization process with cold and warm starts in “Optimizing application performance – part 1”. Lambda reports the time it takes to initialize application code in Amazon CloudWatch Logs. As Lambda functions are billed by request and duration, you can use this to track costs and performance. Consider reviewing your application code and its dependencies to improve the overall execution time to maximize value.

You can take advantage of Lambda execution environment reuse to make external calls to resources and use the results for subsequent invocations. Use TTL mechanisms inside your function handler code. This ensures that you can prevent additional external calls that incur additional execution time, while preemptively fetching data that isn’t stale.

Review third-party application deployments and permissions

When using Lambda layers or applications provisioned by AWS Serverless Application Repository, be sure to understand any associated charges that these may incur. When deploying functions packaged as container images, understand the charges for storing images in Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR).

Ensure that your Lambda function only has access to what its application code needs. Regularly review that your function has a predicted usage pattern so you can factor in the cost of other services, such as Amazon S3 and Amazon DynamoDB.

Required practice: Optimize logging output and its retention

Considering reviewing your application logging level. Ensure that logging output and log retention are appropriately set to your operational needs to prevent unnecessary logging and data retention. This helps you have the minimum of log retention to investigate operational and performance inquiries when necessary.

Emit and capture only what is necessary to understand and operate your component as intended.

With Lambda, any standard output statements are sent to CloudWatch Logs. Capture and emit business and operational events that are necessary to help you understand your function, its integration, and its interactions. Use a logging framework and environment variables to dynamically set a logging level. When applicable, sample debugging logs for a percentage of invocations.

In the serverless airline example used in this series, the booking service Lambda functions use Lambda Powertools as a logging framework with output structured as JSON.

Lambda Powertools is added to the Lambda functions as a shared Lambda layer in the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) template. The layer ARN is stored in Systems Manager Parameter Store.

    Type: AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value<String>
    Description: Project shared libraries Lambda Layer ARN
        Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
            FunctionName: !Sub ServerlessAirline-ConfirmBooking-${Stage}
            Handler: confirm.lambda_handler
            CodeUri: src/confirm-booking
                - !Ref SharedLibsLayer
            Runtime: python3.7

The LOG_LEVEL and other Powertools settings are configured in the Globals section as Lambda environment variable for all functions.

                POWERTOOLS_SERVICE_NAME: booking
                POWERTOOLS_METRICS_NAMESPACE: ServerlessAirline
                LOG_LEVEL: INFO 

For Amazon API Gateway, there are two types of logging in CloudWatch: execution logging and access logging. Execution logs contain information that you can use to identify and troubleshoot API errors. API Gateway manages the CloudWatch Logs, creating the log groups and log streams. Access logs contain details about who accessed your API and how they accessed it. You can create your own log group or choose an existing log group that could be managed by API Gateway.

Enable access logs, and selectively review the output format and request fields that might be necessary. For more information, see “Setting up CloudWatch logging for a REST API in API Gateway”.

API Gateway logging

API Gateway logging

Enable AWS AppSync logging which uses CloudWatch to monitor and debug requests. You can configure two types of logging: request-level and field-level. For more information, see “Monitoring and Logging”.

AWS AppSync logging

AWS AppSync logging

Define and set a log retention strategy

Define a log retention strategy to satisfy your operational and business needs. Set log expiration for each CloudWatch log group as they are kept indefinitely by default.

For example, in the booking service AWS SAM template, log groups are explicitly created for each Lambda function with a parameter specifying the retention period.

        Type: Number
        Default: 14
        Description: CloudWatch Logs retention period
        Type: AWS::Logs::LogGroup
            LogGroupName: !Sub "/aws/lambda/${ConfirmBooking}"
            RetentionInDays: !Ref LogRetentionInDays

The Serverless Application Repository application, auto-set-log-group-retention can update the retention policy for new and existing CloudWatch log groups to the specified number of days.

For log archival, you can export CloudWatch Logs to S3 and store them in Amazon S3 Glacier for more cost-effective retention. You can use CloudWatch Log subscriptions for custom processing, analysis, or loading to other systems. Lambda extensions allows you to process, filter, and route logs directly from Lambda to a destination of your choice.

Good practice: Optimize function configuration to reduce cost

Benchmark your function using a different set of memory size

For Lambda functions, memory is the capacity unit for controlling the performance and cost of a function. You can configure the amount of memory allocated to a Lambda function, between 128 MB and 10,240 MB. The amount of memory also determines the amount of virtual CPU available to a function. Benchmark your AWS Lambda functions with differing amounts of memory allocated. Adding more memory and proportional CPU may lower the duration and reduce the cost of each invocation.

In “Optimizing application performance – part 2”, I cover using AWS Lambda Power Tuning to automate the memory testing process to balances performance and cost.

Best practice: Use cost-aware usage patterns in code

Reduce the time your function runs by reducing job-polling or task coordination. This avoids overpaying for unnecessary compute time.

Decide whether your application can fit an asynchronous pattern

Avoid scenarios where your Lambda functions wait for external activities to complete. I explain the difference between synchronous and asynchronous processing in “Optimizing application performance – part 1”. You can use asynchronous processing to aggregate queues, streams, or events for more efficient processing time per invocation. This reduces wait times and latency from requesting apps and functions.

Long polling or waiting increases the costs of Lambda functions and also reduces overall account concurrency. This can impact the ability of other functions to run.

Consider using other services such as AWS Step Functions to help reduce code and coordinate asynchronous workloads. You can build workflows using state machines with long-polling, and failure handling. Step Functions also supports direct service integrations, such as DynamoDB, without having to use Lambda functions.

In the serverless airline example used in this series, Step Functions is used to orchestrate the Booking microservice. The ProcessBooking state machine handles all the necessary steps to create bookings, including payment.

Booking service state machine

Booking service state machine

To reduce costs and improves performance with CloudWatch, create custom metrics asynchronously. You can use the Embedded Metrics Format to write logs, rather than the PutMetricsData API call. I cover using the embedded metrics format in “Understanding application health” – part 1 and part 2.

For example, once a booking is made, the logs are visible in the CloudWatch console. You can select a log stream and find the custom metric as part of the structured log entry.

Custom metric structured log entry

Custom metric structured log entry

CloudWatch automatically creates metrics from these structured logs. You can create graphs and alarms based on them. For example, here is a graph based on a BookingSuccessful custom metric.

CloudWatch metrics custom graph

CloudWatch metrics custom graph

Consider asynchronous invocations and review run away functions where applicable

Take advantage of Lambda’s event-based model. Lambda functions can be triggered based on events ingested into Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) queues, S3 buckets, and Amazon Kinesis Data Streams. AWS manages the polling infrastructure on your behalf with no additional cost. Avoid code that polls for third-party software as a service (SaaS) providers. Rather use Amazon EventBridge to integrate with SaaS instead when possible.

Carefully consider and review recursion, and establish timeouts to prevent run away functions.


Design, implement, and optimize your application to maximize value. Asynchronous design patterns and performance practices ensure efficient resource use and directly impact the value per business transaction. By optimizing your serverless application performance and its code patterns, you can reduce costs while making more efficient use of resources.

In this post, I cover minimizing external calls and function code initialization. I show how to optimize logging output with the embedded metrics format, and log retention. I recap optimizing function configuration to reduce cost and highlight the benefits of asynchronous event-driven patterns.

This post wraps up the series, building well-architected serverless applications, where I cover the AWS Well-Architected Tool with the Serverless Lens . See the introduction post for links to all the blog posts.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.


Practical Entity Resolution on AWS to Reconcile Data in the Real World

Post Syndicated from David Amatulli original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/practical-entity-resolution-on-aws-to-reconcile-data-in-the-real-world/

This post was co-written with Mamoon Chowdry, Solutions Architect, previously at AWS.

Businesses and organizations from many industries often struggle to ensure that their data is accurate. Data often has to match people or things exactly in the real world, such as a customer name, an address, or a company. Matching our data is important to validate it, de-duplicate it, or link records in different systems together. Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations also mean that we must be confident in who or what our data is referring to. We must match millions of records from different data sources. Some of that data may have been entered manually and contain inconsistencies.

It can often be hard to match data with the entity it is supposed to represent. For example, if a customer enters their details as, “Mr. John Doe, #1a 123 Main St.“ and you have a prior record in your customer database for ”J. Doe, Apt 1A, 123 Main Street“, are they referring to the same or a different person?

In cases like this, we often have to manually update our data to make sure it accurately and consistently matches a real-world entity. You may want to have consistent company names across a list of business contacts. When there isn’t an exact match, we have to reconcile our data with the available facts we know about that entity. This reconciliation is commonly referred to as entity resolution (ER). This process can be labor-intensive and error-prone.

This blog will explore some of the common types of ER. We will share a basic architectural pattern for near real-time ER processing. You will see how ER using fuzzy text matching can reconcile manually entered names with reference data.

Multiple ways to do entity resolution

Entity resolution is a broad and deep topic, and a complete discussion would be beyond the scope of this blog. However, at a high level there are four common approaches to matching ambiguous fields or records, to known entities.

    1. Fuzzy text matching. We might normally compare two strings to see if they are identical. If they don’t exactly match, it is often helpful to find the nearest match. We do this by calculating a similarity score. For example, “John Doe” and “J Doe” may have a similarity score of 80%. A common way to compare the similarity of two strings is to use the Levenshtein distance, which measures the distance between two sequences.

We may also examine more than one field. For example, we may compare a name and address. Is “Mr. J Doe, 123 Main St” likely to be the same person as “Mr John Doe, 123 Main Street”? If we compare multiple fields in a record and analyze all of their similarity scores, this is commonly called Pairwise comparison.

2. Clustering. We can plot records in an n-dimensional space based on values computed from their fields. Their similarity to other reference records is then measured by calculating how close they are to each other in that space. Those that are clustered together are likely to refer to the same entity. Clustering is an effective method for grouping or segmenting data for computer vision, astronomy, or market segmentation. An example of this method is K-means clustering.

3. Graph networks. Graph networks are commonly used to store relationships between entities, such as people who are friends with each other, or residents of a particular address. When we need to resolve an ambiguous record, we can use a graph database to identify potential relationships to other records. For example, “J Doe, 123 Main St,” may be the same as “John Doe, 123 Main St,” because they have the same address and similar names.

Graph networks are especially helpful when dealing with complex relationships over millions of entities. For example, you can build a customer profile using web server logs and other data.

4. Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software. Enterprises can also deploy ER software, such as these offerings from the AWS Marketplace and Senzing entity resolution. This is helpful when companies may not have the skill or experience to implement a solution themselves. It is important to mention the role of Master Data Management (MDM) with ER. MDM involves having a single trusted source for your data. Tools, such as Informatica, can help ER with their MDM features.

Our solution (shown in Figure 1) allows us to build a low-cost, streamlined solution using AWS serverless technology. The architecture uses AWS Lambda, which allows you to run code without having to provision or manage servers. This code will be invoked through an API, which is created with Amazon API Gateway. API Gateway is a fully managed service used by developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure API operations at any scale. Finally, we will store our reference data in Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3).

Entity resolution solution using AWS serverless services

We initially match manually entered strings to a list of reference strings. The strings we will try to match will be names of companies.

Figure 1. Example request dataflow through AWS

Figure 1. Example request dataflow through AWS

  1. Our API takes a string as input
  2. It then invokes the ER Lambda function
  3. This loads the index and data files of our reference dataset
  4. The ER finds the closest match in the list of real-world companies
  5. The closest match is returned

The reference data and index files were created from an export of the fuzzy match algorithm.

The fuzzy match algorithm in detail

The algorithm in the AWS Lambda function works by converting each string to a collection of n-grams. N-grams are smaller substrings that are commonly used for analyzing free-form text.

The n-grams are then converted to a simple vector. Each vector is a numerical statistic that represents the Term Frequency – Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF). Both TF-IDF and n-grams are used to prepare text for searching. N-grams of strings that are similar in nature, tend to have similar TF-IDF vectors. We can plot these vectors in a chart. This helps us find similar strings as they are grouped or clustered together.

Comparing vectors to find similar strings can be fairly straightforward. But if you have numerous records, it can be computationally expensive and slow. To solve this, we use the NMSLIB library. This library indexes the vectors for faster similarity searching. It also gives us the degree of similarity between two strings. This is important because we may want to know the accuracy of a match we have found. For example, it can be helpful to filter out weak matches.

The entity resolution Lambda

Using the NMSLIB library, which is loaded using Lambda layers, we initialize an index using Neighborhood APProximation (NAPP).

# initialize the index
newIndex = nmslib.init(method='napp', space='negdotprod_sparse_fast',

Next we imported the index and data files that were created from our reference data.

# load the index file
newIndex.loadIndex(DATA_DIR + 'index_company_names.bin',

The input parameter companyName is then used to query the index to find the approximate nearest neighbor. By using the knnQueryBatch method, we distribute the work over a thread pool, which provides faster querying.

# set the input variable and empty output list
inputString = companyName
outputList = []
# Find the nearest neighbor for our company name
# (K is the number of matches, set to 1)
newQueryMatrix = vectorizer.transform(inputString)
newNbrs = index.knnQueryBatch(newQueryMatrix, k = K, num_threads = numThreads)

The best match is then returned as a JSON response.

# return the match
for i in range(K):
return {
      'statusCode': '200',
      'body': json.dumps(outputList),

Cost estimate for solution

Our solution is a combination of Amazon API GatewayAWS Lambda, and Amazon S3 (hyperlinks are to pricing pages). As an example, let’s assume that the API will receive 10 million requests per month. We can estimate the costs of running the solution as:

Service Description Cost
AWS Lambda 10 million requests and associated compute costs $161.80
Amazon API Gateway HTTP API requests, avg size of request (34 KB), Avg message size (32 KB), requests (10 million/month) $10.00
Amazon S3 S3 Standard storage (including data transfer costs) $7.61
Total $179.41

Table 1. Example monthly cost estimate (USD)


Using AWS services to reconcile your data with real-world entities helps make your data more accurate and consistent. You can automate a manual task that could have been laborious, expensive, and error-prone.

Where can you use ER in your organization? Do you have manually entered or inaccurate data? Have you struggled to match it with real-world entities? You can experiment with this architecture to continue to improve the accuracy of your own data.

Further reading: