Tag Archives: Amazon API Gateway

Scaling Data Analytics Containers with Event-based Lambda Functions

Post Syndicated from Brian Maguire original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/scaling-data-analytics-containers-with-event-based-lambda-functions/

The marketing industry collects and uses data from various stages of the customer journey. When they analyze this data, they establish metrics and develop actionable insights that are then used to invest in customers and generate revenue.

If you’re a data scientist or developer in the marketing industry, you likely often use containers for services like collecting and preparing data, developing machine learning models, and performing statistical analysis. Because the types and amount of marketing data collected are quickly increasing, you’ll need a solution to manage the scale, costs, and number of required data analytics integrations.

In this post, we provide a solution that can perform and scale with dynamic traffic and is cost optimized for on-demand consumption. It uses synchronous container-based data science applications that are deployed with asynchronous container-based architectures on AWS Lambda. This serverless architecture automates data analytics workflows utilizing event-based prompts.

Synchronous container applications

Data science applications are often deployed to dedicated container instances, and their requests are routed by an Amazon API Gateway or load balancer. Typically, an Amazon API Gateway routes HTTP requests as synchronous invocations to instance-based container hosts.

The target of the requests is a container-based application running a machine learning service (SciLearn). The service container is configured with the required dependency packages such as scikit-learn, pandas, NumPy, and SciPy.

Containers are commonly deployed on different targets such as on-premises, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), and AWS Elastic Beanstalk. These services run synchronously and scale through Amazon Auto Scaling groups and a time-based consumption pricing model.

Figure 1. Synchronous container applications diagram

Figure 1. Synchronous container applications diagram

Challenges with synchronous architectures

When using a synchronous architecture, you will likely encounter some challenges related to scale, performance, and cost:

  • Operation blocking. The sender does not proceed until Lambda returns, and failure processing, such as retries, must be handled by the sender.
  • No native AWS service integrations. You cannot use several native integrations with other AWS services such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), Amazon EventBridge, and Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS).
  • Increased expense. A 24/7 environment can result in increased expenses if resources are idle, not sized appropriately, and cannot automatically scale.

The New for AWS Lambda – Container Image Support blog post offers a serverless, event-based architecture to address these challenges. This approach is explained in detail in the following section.

Benefits of using Lambda Container Image Support

In our solution, we refactored the synchronous SciLearn application that was deployed on instance-based hosts as an asynchronous event-based application running on Lambda. This solution includes the following benefits:

  • Easier dependency management with Dockerfile. Dockerfile allows you to install native operating system packages and language-compatible dependencies or use enterprise-ready container images.
  • Similar tooling. The asynchronous and synchronous solutions use Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) to store application artifacts. Therefore, they have the same build and deployment pipeline tools to inspect Dockerfiles. This means your team will likely spend less time and effort learning how to use a new tool.
  • Performance and cost. Lambda provides sub-second autoscaling that’s aligned with demand. This results in higher availability, lower operational overhead, and cost efficiency.
  • Integrations. AWS provides more than 200 service integrations to deploy functions as container images on Lambda, without having to develop it yourself so it can be deployed faster.
  • Larger application artifact up to 10 GB. This includes larger application dependency support, giving you more room to host your files and packages in oppose to hard limit of 250 MB of unzipped files for deployment packages.

Scaling with asynchronous events

AWS offers two ways to asynchronously scale processing independently and automatically: Elastic Beanstalk worker environments and asynchronous invocation with Lambda. Both options offer the following:

  • They put events in an SQS queue.
  • They can be designed to take items from the queue only when they have the capacity available to process a task. This prevents them from becoming overwhelmed.
  • They offload tasks from one component of your application by sending them to a queue and process them asynchronously.

These asynchronous invocations add default, tunable failure processing and retry mechanisms through “on failure” and “on success” event destinations, as described in the following section.

Integrations with multiple destinations

“On failure” and “on success” events can be logged in an SQS queue, Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic, EventBridge event bus, or another Lambda function. All four are integrated with most AWS services.

“On failure” events are sent to an SQS dead-letter queue because they cannot be delivered to their destination queues. They will be reprocessed them as needed, and any problems with message processing will be isolated.

Figure 2 shows an asynchronous Amazon API Gateway that has placed an HTTP request as a message in an SQS queue, thus decoupling the components.

The messages within the SQS queue then prompt a Lambda function. This runs the machine learning service SciLearn container in Lambda for data analysis workflows, which are integrated with another SQS dead letter queue for failures processing.

Figure 2. Example asynchronous-based container applications diagram

Figure 2. Example asynchronous-based container applications diagram

When you deploy Lambda functions as container images, they benefit from the same operational simplicity, automatic scaling, high availability, and native integrations. This makes it an appealing architecture for our data analytics use cases.

Design considerations

The following can be considered when implementing Docker Container Images with Lambda:

  • Lambda supports container images that have manifest files that follow these formats:
    • Docker image manifest V2, schema 2 (Docker version 1.10 and newer)
    • Open Container Initiative (OCI) specifications (v1.0.0 and up)
  • Storage in Lambda:
  • On create/update, Lambda will cache the image to speed up the cold start of functions during execution. Cold starts occur on an initial request to Lambda, which can lead to longer startup times. The first request will maintain an instance of the function for only a short time period. If Lambda has not been called during that period, the next invocation will create a new instance
  • Fine grain role policies are highly recommended for security purposes
  • Container images can use the Lambda Extensions API to integrate monitoring, security and other tools with the Lambda execution environment.


We were able to architect this synchronous service based on a previously deployed on instance-based hosts and design it to become asynchronous on Amazon Lambda.

By using the new support for container-based images in Lambda and converting our workload into an asynchronous event-based architecture, we were able to overcome these challenges:

  • Performance and security. With batch requests, you can scale asynchronous workloads and handle failure records using SQS Dead Letter Queues and Lambda destinations. Using Lambda to integrate with other services (such as EventBridge and SQS) and using Lambda roles simplifies maintaining a granular permission structure. When Lambda uses an Amazon SQS queue as an event source, it can scale up to 60 more instances per minute, with a maximum of 1,000 concurrent invocations.
  • Cost optimization. Compute resources are a critical component of any application architecture. Overprovisioning computing resources and operating idle resources can lead to higher costs. Because Lambda is serverless, it only incurs costs on when you invoke a function and the resources allocated for each request.

Building well-architected serverless applications: Optimizing application performance – part 2

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-well-architected-serverless-applications-optimizing-application-performance-part-2/

This series of blog posts uses the AWS Well-Architected Tool with the Serverless Lens to help customers build and operate applications using best practices. In each post, I address the serverless-specific questions identified by the Serverless Lens along with the recommended best practices. See the introduction post for a table of contents and explanation of the example application.

PERF 1. Optimizing your serverless application’s performance

This post continues part 1 of this security question. Previously, I cover measuring and optimizing function startup time. I explain cold and warm starts and how to reuse the Lambda execution environment to improve performance. I show a number of ways to analyze and optimize the initialization startup time. I explain how only importing necessary libraries and dependencies increases application performance.

Good practice: Design your function to take advantage of concurrency via asynchronous and stream-based invocations

AWS Lambda functions can be invoked synchronously and asynchronously.

Favor asynchronous over synchronous request-response processing.

Consider using asynchronous event processing rather than synchronous request-response processing. You can use asynchronous processing to aggregate queues, streams, or events for more efficient processing time per invocation. This reduces wait times and latency from requesting apps and functions.

When you invoke a Lambda function with a synchronous invocation, you wait for the function to process the event and return a response.

Synchronous invocation

Synchronous invocation

As synchronous processing involves a request-response pattern, the client caller also needs to wait for a response from a downstream service. If the downstream service then needs to call another service, you end up chaining calls that can impact service reliability, in addition to response times. For example, this POST /order request must wait for the response to the POST /invoice request before responding to the client caller.

Example synchronous processing

Example synchronous processing

The more services you integrate, the longer the response time, and you can no longer sustain complex workflows using synchronous transactions.

Asynchronous processing allows you to decouple the request-response using events without waiting for a response from the function code. This allows you to perform background processing without requiring the client to wait for a response, improving client performance. You pass the event to an internal Lambda queue for processing and Lambda handles the rest. An external process, separate from the function, manages polling and retries. Using this asynchronous approach can also make it easier to handle unpredictable traffic with significant volumes.

Asynchronous invocation

Asynchronous invocation

For example, the client makes a POST /order request to the order service. The order service accepts the request and returns that it has been received, without waiting for the invoice service. The order service then makes an asynchronous POST /invoice request to the invoice service, which can then process independently of the order service. If the client must receive data from the invoice service, it can handle this separately via a GET /invoice request.

Example asynchronous processing

Example asynchronous processing

You can configure Lambda to send records of asynchronous invocations to another destination service. This helps you to troubleshoot your invocations. You can also send messages or events that can’t be processed correctly into a dedicated Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) dead-letter queue for investigation.

You can add triggers to a function to process data automatically. For more information on which processing model Lambda uses for triggers, see “Using AWS Lambda with other services”.

Asynchronous workflows handle a variety of use cases including data Ingestion, ETL operations, and order/request fulfillment. In these use-cases, data is processed as it arrives and is retrieved as it changes. For example asynchronous patterns, see “Serverless Data Processing” and “Serverless Event Submission with Status Updates”.

For more information on Lambda synchronous and asynchronous invocations, see the AWS re:Invent presentation “Optimizing your serverless applications”.

Tune batch size, batch window, and compress payloads for high throughput

When using Lambda to process records using Amazon Kinesis Data Streams or SQS, there are a number of tuning parameters to consider for performance.

You can configure a batch window to buffer messages or records for up to 5 minutes. You can set a limit of the maximum number of records Lambda can process by setting a batch size. Your Lambda function is invoked whichever comes first.

For high volume SQS standard queue throughput, Lambda can process up to 1000 concurrent batches of records per second. For more information, see “Using AWS Lambda with Amazon SQS”.

For high volume Kinesis Data Streams throughput, there are a number of options. Configure the ParallelizationFactor setting to process one shard of a Kinesis Data Stream with more than one Lambda invocation simultaneously. Lambda can process up to 10 batches in each shard. For more information, see “New AWS Lambda scaling controls for Kinesis and DynamoDB event sources.” You can also add more shards to your data stream to increase the speed at which your function can process records. This increases the function concurrency at the expense of ordering per shard. For more details on using Kinesis and Lambda, see “Monitoring and troubleshooting serverless data analytics applications”.

Kinesis enhanced fan-out can maximize throughput by dedicating a 2 MB/second input/output channel per second per consumer instead of 2 MB per shard. For more information, see “Increasing stream processing performance with Enhanced Fan-Out and Lambda”.

Kinesis stream producers can also compress records. This is at the expense of additional CPU cycles for decompressing the records in your Lambda function code.

Required practice: Measure, evaluate, and select optimal capacity units

Capacity units are a unit of consumption for a service. They can include function memory size, number of stream shards, number of database reads/writes, request units, or type of API endpoint. Measure, evaluate and select capacity units to enable optimal configuration of performance, throughput, and cost.

Identify and implement optimal capacity units.

For Lambda functions, memory is the capacity unit for controlling the performance of a function. You can configure the amount of memory allocated to a Lambda function, between 128 MB and 10,240 MB. The amount of memory also determines the amount of virtual CPU available to a function. Adding more memory proportionally increases the amount of CPU, increasing the overall computational power available. If a function is CPU-, network- or memory-bound, then changing the memory setting can dramatically improve its performance.

Choosing the memory allocated to Lambda functions is an optimization process that balances performance (duration) and cost. You can manually run tests on functions by selecting different memory allocations and measuring the time taken to complete. Alternatively, use the AWS Lambda Power Tuning tool to automate the process.

The tool allows you to systematically test different memory size configurations and depending on your performance strategy – cost, performance, balanced – it identifies what is the most optimum memory size to use. For more information, see “Operating Lambda: Performance optimization – Part 2”.

AWS Lambda Power Tuning report

AWS Lambda Power Tuning report

Amazon DynamoDB manages table processing throughput using read and write capacity units. There are two different capacity modes, on-demand and provisioned.

On-demand capacity mode supports up to 40K read/write request units per second. This is recommended for unpredictable application traffic and new tables with unknown workloads. For higher and predictable throughputs, provisioned capacity mode along with DynamoDB auto scaling is recommended. For more information, see “Read/Write Capacity Mode”.

For high throughput Amazon Kinesis Data Streams with multiple consumers, consider using enhanced fan-out for dedicated 2 MB/second throughput per consumer. When possible, use Kinesis Producer Library and Kinesis Client Library for effective record aggregation and de-aggregation.

Amazon API Gateway supports multiple endpoint types. Edge-optimized APIs provide a fully managed Amazon CloudFront distribution. These are better for geographically distributed clients. API requests are routed to the nearest CloudFront Point of Presence (POP), which typically improves connection time.

Edge-optimized API Gateway deployment

Edge-optimized API Gateway deployment

Regional API endpoints are intended when clients are in the same Region. This helps you to reduce request latency and allows you to add your own content delivery network if necessary.

Regional endpoint API Gateway deployment

Regional endpoint API Gateway deployment

Private API endpoints are API endpoints that can only be accessed from your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) using an interface VPC endpoint. For more information, see “Creating a private API in Amazon API Gateway”.

For more information on endpoint types, see “Choose an endpoint type to set up for an API Gateway API”. For more general information on API Gateway, see the AWS re:Invent presentation “I didn’t know Amazon API Gateway could do that”.

AWS Step Functions has two workflow types, standard and express. Standard Workflows have exactly once workflow execution and can run for up to one year. Express Workflows have at-least-once workflow execution and can run for up to five minutes. Consider the per-second rates you require for both execution start rate and the state transition rate. For more information, see “Standard vs. Express Workflows”.

Performance load testing is recommended at both sustained and burst rates to evaluate the effect of tuning capacity units. Use Amazon CloudWatch service dashboards to analyze key performance metrics including load testing results. I cover performance testing in more detail in “Regulating inbound request rates – part 1”.

For general serverless optimization information, see the AWS re:Invent presentation “Serverless at scale: Design patterns and optimizations”.


Evaluate and optimize your serverless application’s performance based on access patterns, scaling mechanisms, and native integrations. You can improve your overall experience and make more efficient use of the platform in terms of both value and resources.

This post continues from part 1 and looks at designing your function to take advantage of concurrency via asynchronous and stream-based invocations. I cover measuring, evaluating, and selecting optimal capacity units.

This well-architected question will continue in part 3 where I look at integrating with managed services directly over functions when possible. I cover optimizing access patterns and applying caching where applicable.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Convert and Watermark Documents Automatically with Amazon S3 Object Lambda

Post Syndicated from Joseph Simon original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/convert-and-watermark-documents-automatically-with-amazon-s3-object-lambda/

When you provide access to a sensitive document to someone outside of your organization, you likely need to ensure that the document is read-only. In this case, your document should be associated with a specific user in case it is shared.

For example, authors often embed user-specific watermarks into their ebooks. This way, if their ebook gets posted to a file-sharing site, they can prevent the purchaser from downloading copies of the ebook in the future.

In this blog post, we provide you a cost-efficient, scalable, and secure solution to efficiently generate user-specific versions of sensitive documents. This solution helps users track who their documents are shared with. This helps prevent fraud and ensure that private information isn’t leaked. Our solution uses a RESTful API, which uses Amazon S3 Object Lambda to convert documents to PDF and apply a watermark based on the requesting user. It also provides a method for authentication and tracks access to the original document.

Architectural overview

S3 Object Lambda processes and transforms data that is requested from Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) before it’s sent back to a client. The AWS Lambda function is invoked inline via a standard S3 GET request. It can return different results from the same document based on parameters, such as who is requesting the document. Figure 1 provides a high-level view of the different components that make up the solution.

Document processing architectural diagram

Figure 1. Document processing architectural diagram

Authenticating users with Amazon Cognito

This architecture defines a RESTful API, but users will likely be using a mobile or web application that calls the API. Thus, the application will first need to authenticate users. We do this via Amazon Cognito, which functions as its own identity provider (IdP). You could also use an external IdP, including those that support OpenID Connect and SAML.

Validating the JSON Web Token with API Gateway

Once the user is successfully authenticated with Amazon Cognito, the application will be sent a JSON Web Token (JWT). This JWT contains information about the user and will be used in subsequent requests to the API.

Now that the application has a token, it will make a request to the API, which is provided by Amazon API Gateway. API Gateway provides a secure, scalable entryway into your application. The API Gateway validates the JWT sent from the client with Amazon Cognito to make sure it is valid. If it is validated, the request is accepted and sent on to the Lambda API Handler. If it’s not, the client gets rejected and sent an error code.

Storing user data with DynamoDB

When the Lambda API Handler receives the request, it parses the JWT to extract the user making the request. It then logs that user, file, and access time into Amazon DynamoDB. Optionally, you may use DynamoDB to store an encoded string that will be used as the watermark, rather than something in plaintext, like user name or email.

Generating the PDF and user-specific watermark

At this point, the Lambda API Handler sends an S3 GET request. However, instead of going to Amazon S3 directly, it goes to a different endpoint that invokes the S3 Object Lambda function. This endpoint is called an S3 Object Lambda Access Point. The S3 GET request contains the original file name and the string that will be used for the watermark.

The S3 Object Lambda function transforms the original file that it downloads from its source S3 bucket. It uses the open-source office suite LibreOffice (and specifically this Lambda layer) to convert the source document to PDF. Once it is converted, a JavaScript library (PDF-Lib) embeds the watermark into the PDF before it’s sent back to the Lambda API Handler function.

The Lambda API Handler stores the converted file in a temporary S3 bucket, generates a presigned URL, and sends that URL back to the client as a 302 redirect. Then the client sends a request to that presigned URL to get the converted file.

To keep the temporary S3 bucket tidy, we use an S3 lifecycle configuration with an expiration policy.

Figure 2. Process workflow for document transformation

Figure 2. Process workflow for document transformation

Alternate approach

Before S3 Object Lambda was available, Lambda@Edge was used. However, there are three main issues with using Lambda@Edge instead of S3 Object Lambda:

  1. It is designed to run code closer to the end user to decrease latency, but in this case, latency is not a major concern.
  2. It requires using an Amazon CloudFront distribution, and the single-download pattern described here will not take advantage of Lamda@Edge’s caching.
  3. It has quotas on memory that don’t lend themselves to complex libraries like OfficeLibre.

Extending this solution

This blog post describes the basic building blocks for the solution, but it can be extended relatively easily. For example, you could add another function to the API that would convert, resize, and watermark images. To do this, create an S3 Object Lambda function to perform those tasks. Then, add an S3 Object Lambda Access Point to invoke it based on a different API call.

API Gateway has many built-in security features, but you may want to enhance the security of your RESTful API. To do this, add enhanced security rules via AWS WAF. Integrating your IdP into Amazon Cognito can give you a single place to manage your users.

Monitoring any solution is critical, and understanding how an application is behaving end to end can greatly benefit optimization and troubleshooting. Adding AWS X-Ray and Amazon CloudWatch Lambda Insights will show you how functions and their interactions are performing.

Should you decide to extend this architecture, follow the architectural principles defined in AWS Well-Architected, and pay particular attention to the Serverless Application Lens.

Example expanded document processing architecture

Figure 3. Example expanded document processing architecture


You can implement this solution in a number of ways. However, by using S3 Object Lambda, you can transform documents without needing intermediary storage. S3 Object Lambda will also decouple your file logic from the rest of the application.

The Serverless on AWS components mentioned in this post allow you to reduce administrative overhead, saving you time and money.

Finally, the extensible nature of this architecture allows you to add functionality easily as your organization’s needs grow and change.

The following links provide more information on how to use S3 Object Lambda in your architectures:

Configuring CORS on Amazon API Gateway APIs

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/configuring-cors-on-amazon-api-gateway-apis/

Configuring cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) settings for a backend server is a typical challenge that developers face when building web applications. CORS is a layer of security enforced by modern browsers and is required when the client domain does not match the server domain. The complexity of CORS often leads developers to abandon it entirely by allowing all-access with the proverbial “*” permissions setting. However, CORS is an essential part of your application’s security posture and should be correctly configured.

This post explains how to configure CORS on Amazon API Gateway resources to enforce the least privileged access to an endpoint using the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM). I cover the notable CORS differences between REST APIs and HTTP APIs. Finally, I introduce you to the Amazon API Gateway CORS Configurator. This is a tool built by the AWS Serverless Developer Advocacy team to help you configure CORS settings properly.


CORS is a mechanism by which a server limits access through the use of headers. In requests that are not considered simple, the server relies on the browser to make a CORS preflight or OPTIONS request. A full request looks like this:

CORS request flow

CORS request flow

  1. Client application initiates a request
  2. Browser sends a preflight request
  3. Server sends a preflight response
  4. Browser sends the actual request
  5. Server sends the actual response
  6. Client receives the actual response

The preflight request verifies the requirements of the server by indicating the origin, method, and headers to come in the actual request.

OPTIONS preflight request

OPTIONS preflight request

The response from the server differs based on the backend you are using. Some servers respond with the allowed origin, methods, and headers for the endpoint.

OPTIONS preflight response

OPTIONS preflight response

Others only return CORS headers if the requested origin, method, and headers meet the requirements of the server. If the requirements are not met, then the response does not contain any CORS access control headers. The browser verifies the request’s origin, method, and headers against the data returned in the preflight response. If validation fails, the browser throws a CORS error and halts the request. If the validation is successful, the browser continues with the actual request.

Actual request

Actual request

The browser only sends the access-control-allow-origin header to verify the requesting origin during the actual request. The server then responds with the requested data.

Actual response

Actual response

This step is where many developers run into issues. Notice the endpoint of the actual request returns the access-control-allow-origin header. The browser once again verifies this before taking action.

Both the preflight and the actual response require CORS configuration, and it looks different depending on whether you select REST API or HTTP API.

Configuring API Gateway for CORS

While Amazon API Gateway offers several API endpoint types, this post focuses on REST API (v1) and HTTP API (v2). Both types create a representational state transfer (REST) endpoint that proxies an AWS Lambda function and other AWS services or third-party endpoints. Both types process preflight requests. However, there are differences in both the configuration, and the format of the integration response.


Before walking through the configuration examples, it is important to understand some terminology:

  • Resource: A unique identifier for the API path (/customer/reports/{region}). Resources can have subresources that combine to make a unique path.
  • Method: the REST methods (for example, GET, POST, PUT, PATCH) the resource supports. The method is not part of the path but is passed through the headers.
  • Endpoint: A combination of resources and methods to create a unique API URL.


A popular use of API Gateway REST APIs is to proxy one or more Lambda functions to build a serverless backend. In this pattern, API Gateway does not modify the request or response payload. Therefore, REST API manages CORS through a combination of preflight configuration and a properly formed response from the Lambda function.

Preflight requests

Configuring CORS on REST APIs is generally configured in four lines of code with AWS SAM:

  AllowMethods: "'GET, POST, OPTIONS'"
  AllowOrigin: "'http://localhost:3000'"
  AllowHeaders: "'Content-type, x-api-key'"

This code snippet creates a MOCK API resource that processes all preflight requests for that resource. This configuration is an example of the least privileged access to the server. It only allows GET, POST, and OPTIONS methods from a localhost endpoint on port 3000. Additionally, it only allows the Content-type and x-api-key CORS headers.

Notice that the preflight response only allows one origin to call this API. To enable multiple origins with REST APIs, use ‘*’ for the allow-control-allow-origin header. Alternatively, use a Lambda function integration instead of a MOCK integration to set the header dynamically based on the origin of the caller.


When configuring CORS for REST APIs that require authentication, it is important to configure the preflight endpoint without authorization required. The preflight is generated by the browser and does not include the credentials by default. To remove the authorizer from the OPTIONS method add the AddDefaultAuthorizerToCorsPreflight: false setting to the authorization configuration.

  AddDefaultAuthorizerToCorsPreflight: false


In REST APIs proxy configurations, CORS settings only apply to the OPTIONS endpoint and cover only the preflight check by the browser. The Lambda function backing the method must respond with the appropriate CORS information to handle CORS properly in the actual response. The following is an example of a proper response:

  "statusCode": 200,
  "headers": {
    "access-control-allow-origin":" http://localhost:3000",
  "body": {"message": "hello world"}

In this response, the critical parts are the statusCode returned to the user as the response status and the access-control-allow-origin header required by the browser’s CORS validation.


Like REST APIs, Amazon API Gateway HTTP APIs are commonly used to proxy Lambda functions and are configured to handle preflight requests. However, unlike REST APIs, HTTP APIs handle CORS for the actual API response as well.

Preflight requests

The following example shows how to configure CORS on HTTP APIs with AWS SAM:

    - GET
    - POST
    - http://localhost:3000
    - https://myproddomain.com
    - Content-type
    - x-api-key

This template configures HTTP APIs to manage CORS for the preflight requests and the actual requests. Note that the AllowOrigin section allows more than one domain. When the browser makes a request, HTTP APIs checks the list for the incoming origin. If it exists, HTTP APIs adds it to the access-control-allow-origin header in the response.


When configuring CORS for HTTP APIs with authorization configured, HTTP APIs automatically configures the preflight endpoint without authorization required. The only caveat to this is the use of the $default route. When configuring a $default route, all methods and resources are handled by the default route and the integration behind it. This includes the preflight OPTIONS method.

There are two options to handle preflight. First, and recommended, is to break out the routes individually. Create a route specifically for each method and resource as needed. The second is to create an OPTIONS /{proxy+} method to override the $defaut route for preflight requests.


Unlike REST APIs, by default, HTTP APIs modify the response for the actual request by adding the appropriate CORS headers based upon the CORS configuration. The following is an example of a simple response:

"hello world"

HTTP APIs then constructs the complete response with your data, status code, and any required CORS headers:

  "statusCode": 200,
  "headers": {
    "access-control-allow-origin":"[appropriate origin]",
  "body": "hello world"

To set the status code manually, configure your response as follows:

  "statusCode": 201,
  "body": "hello world"

To manage the complete response like in REST APIs, set the payload format to version one. The payload format for HTTP API changes the structure of the payload sent to the Lambda function and the expected response from the Lambda function. By default, HTTP API uses version two, which includes the dynamic CORS settings. For more information, read how the payload version affects the response format in the documentation.

The Amazon API Gateway CORS Configurator

The AWS serverless developer advocacy team built the Amazon API Gateway CORS Configurator to help you configure CORS for your serverless applications.

Amazon API Gateway CORS Configurator

Amazon API Gateway CORS Configurator

Start by entering the information on the left. The CORS Configurator builds the proper snippets to add the CORS settings to your AWS SAM template as you add more information. The utility demonstrates adding the configuration to all APIs in the template by using the Globals section. You can also add to an API’s specific resource to affect only that API.

Additionally, the CORS Configurator constructs an example response based on the API type you are using.

This utility is currently in preview, and we welcome your feedback on how we can improve it. Feel free to open an issue on GitHub at https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-api-gateway-cors-configurator.


CORS can be challenging. For API Gateway, CORS configuration is the number one question developers ask. In this post, I give an overview of CORS with a link to an in-depth explanation. I then show how to configure API Gateway to create the least privileged access to your server using CORS. I also discuss the differences in how REST APIs and HTTP APIs handle CORS. Finally, I introduced you to the API Gateway CORS Configurator to help you configure CORS using AWS SAM.

I hope to provide you with enough information that you can avoid opening up your servers with the “*” setting for CORS. Take the time to understand your application and limit requests to only methods you support and from only originating hosts you intended.

For more serverless content, go to Serverless Land.

Understanding VPC links in Amazon API Gateway private integrations

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/understanding-vpc-links-in-amazon-api-gateway-private-integrations/

This post is written by Jose Eduardo Montilla Lugo, Security Consultant, AWS.

A VPC link is a resource in Amazon API Gateway that allows for connecting API routes to private resources inside a VPC. A VPC link acts like any other integration endpoint for an API and is an abstraction layer on top of other networking resources. This helps simplify configuring private integrations.

This post looks at the underlying technologies that make VPC links possible. I further describe what happens under the hood when a VPC link is created for both REST APIs and HTTP APIs. Understanding these details can help you better assess the features and benefits provided by each type. This also helps you make better architectural decisions when designing API Gateway APIs.

This article assumes you have experience in creating APIs in API Gateway. The main purpose is to provide a deeper explanation of the technologies that make private integrations possible. For more information on creating API Gateway APIs with private integrations, refer to the Amazon API Gateway documentation.


AWS Hyperplane and AWS PrivateLink

There are two types of VPC links: VPC links for REST APIs and VPC links for HTTP APIs. Both provide access to resources inside a VPC. They are built on top of an internal AWS service called AWS Hyperplane. This is an internal network virtualization platform, which supports inter-VPC connectivity and routing between VPCs. Internally, Hyperplane supports multiple network constructs that AWS services use to connect with the resources in customers’ VPCs. One of those constructs is AWS PrivateLink, which is used by API Gateway to support private APIs and private integrations.

AWS PrivateLink allows access to AWS services and services hosted by other AWS customers, while maintaining network traffic within the AWS network. Since the service is exposed via a private IP address, all communication is virtually local and private. This reduces the exposure of data to the public internet.

In AWS PrivateLink, a VPC endpoint service is a networking resource in the service provider side that enables other AWS accounts to access the exposed service from their own VPCs. VPC endpoint services allow for sharing a specific service located inside the provider’s VPC by extending a virtual connection via an elastic network interface in the consumer’s VPC.

An interface VPC endpoint is a networking resource in the service consumer side, which represents a collection of one or more elastic network interfaces. This is the entry point that allows for connecting to services powered by AWS PrivateLink.

Comparing private APIs and private integrations

Private APIs are different to private integrations. Both use AWS PrivateLink but they are used in different ways.

A private API means that the API endpoint is reachable only through the VPC. Private APIs are accessible only from clients within the VPC or from clients that have network connectivity to the VPC. For example, from on-premises clients via AWS Direct Connect. To enable private APIs, an AWS PrivateLink connection is established between the customer’s VPC and API Gateway’s VPC.

Clients connect to private APIs via an interface VPC endpoint, which routes requests privately to the API Gateway service. The traffic is initiated from the customer’s VPC and flows through the AWS PrivateLink to the API Gateway’s AWS account:

Consumer connected to provider through VPC Link

Consumer connected to provider through VPC Link

When the VPC endpoint for API Gateway is enabled, all requests to API Gateway APIs made from inside the VPC go through the VPC endpoint. This is true for private APIs and public APIs. Public APIs are still accessible from the internet and private APIs are accessible only from the interface VPC endpoint. Currently, you can only configure REST APIs as private.

A private integration means that the backend endpoint resides within a VPC and it’s not publicly accessible. With a private integration, API Gateway service can access the backend endpoint in the VPC without exposing the resources to the public internet.

A private integration uses a VPC link to encapsulate connections between API Gateway and targeted VPC resources. VPC links allow access to HTTP/HTTPS resources within a VPC without having to deal with advanced network configurations. Both REST APIs and HTTP APIs offer private integrations but only VPC links for REST APIs use AWS PrivateLink internally.

VPC links for REST APIs

When you create a VPC link for a REST API, a VPC endpoint service is also created, making the AWS account a service provider. The service consumer in this case is API Gateway’s account. The API Gateway service creates an interface VPC endpoint in their account for the Region where the VPC link is being created. This establishes an AWS PrivateLink from the API Gateway VPC to your VPC. The target of the VPC endpoint service and the VPC link is a Network Load Balancer, which forwards requests to the target endpoints:

VPC Link for REST APIs

VPC Link for REST APIs

Before establishing any AWS PrivateLink connection, the service provider must approve the connection request. Requests from the API Gateway accounts are automatically approved in the VPC link creation process. This is because the AWS accounts that serve API Gateway for each Region are allow-listed in the VPC endpoint service.

When a Network Load Balancer is associated with an endpoint service, the traffic to the targets is sourced from the NLB. The targets receive the private IP addresses of the NLB, not the IP addresses of the service consumers.

This is helpful when configuring the security groups of the instances behind the NLB for two reasons. First, you do not know the IP address range of the VPC that’s connecting to the service. Second, NLB’s elastic network interfaces do not have any security groups attached. This means that they cannot be used as a source in the security groups of the targets. To learn more, read how to find the internal IP addresses assigned to an NLB.

To create a private API with a private integration, two AWS PrivateLink connections are established. The first is from a customer VPC to API Gateway’s VPC so that clients in the VPC can reach the API Gateway service endpoint. The other is from API Gateway’s VPC to the customer VPC so that API Gateway can reach the backend endpoint. Here is an example architecture:

Private API with private integrations

Private API with private integrations

VPC links for HTTP APIs

HTTP APIs are the latest type of API Gateway APIs that are cheaper and faster than REST APIs. VPC links for HTTP APIs do not require the creation of VPC endpoint services so a Network Load Balancer is not necessary. With VPC Links for HTTP APIs, you can now use an ALB or an AWS Cloud Map service to target private resources. This allows for more flexibility and scalability in the configuration required on both sides.

Configuring multiple integration targets is also easier with VPC links for HTTP APIs. For example, VPC links for REST APIs can be associated only with a single NLB. Configuring multiple backend endpoints requires some workarounds such as using multiple listeners on the NLB, associated with different target groups.

In contrast, a single VPC link for HTTP APIs can be associated with multiple backend endpoints without additional configuration. Also, with the new VPC link, customers with containerized applications can use ALBs instead of NLBs and take advantage of layer-7 load-balancing capabilities and other features such as authentication and authorization.

AWS Hyperplane supports multiple types of network virtualization constructs, including AWS PrivateLink. VPC links for REST APIs rely on AWS PrivateLink. However, VPC links for HTTP APIs use VPC-to-VPC NAT, which provides a higher level of abstraction.

The new construct is conceptually similar to a tunnel between both VPCs. These are created via elastic network interface attachments on the provider and consumer ends, which are both managed by AWS Hyperplane. This tunnel allows a service hosted in the provider’s VPC (API Gateway) to initiate communications to resources in a consumer’s VPC. API Gateway has direct connectivity to these elastic network interfaces and can reach the resources in the VPC directly from their own VPC. Connections are permitted according to the configuration of the security groups attached to the elastic network interfaces in the customer side.

Although it seems to provide the same functionality as AWS PrivateLink, these constructs differ in implementation details. A service endpoint in AWS PrivateLink allows for multiple connections to a single endpoint (the NLB), whereas the new approach allows a source VPC to connect to multiple destination endpoints. As a result, a single VPC link can integrate with multiple Application Load Balancers, Network Load Balancers, or resources registered with an AWS Cloud Map service on the customer side:

VPC Link for HTTP APIs

VPC Link for HTTP APIs

This approach is similar to the way that other services such as Lambda access resources inside customer VPCs.


This post explores how VPC links can set up API Gateway APIs with private integrations. VPC links for REST APIs encapsulate AWS PrivateLink resources such as interface VPC endpoints and VPC endpoint services to configure connections from API Gateway’s VPC to customer’s VPC to access private backend endpoints.

VPC links for HTTP APIs use a different construct in the AWS Hyperplane service to provide API Gateway with direct network access to VPC private resources. Understanding the differences between the two is important when adding private integrations as part of your API architecture design.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Building well-architected serverless applications: Building in resiliency – part 2

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-well-architected-serverless-applications-building-in-resiliency-part-2/

This series of blog posts uses the AWS Well-Architected Tool with the Serverless Lens to help customers build and operate applications using best practices. In each post, I address the serverless-specific questions identified by the Serverless Lens along with the recommended best practices. See the introduction post for a table of contents and explanation of the example application.

Reliability question REL2: How do you build resiliency into your serverless application?

This post continues part 1 of this reliability question. Previously, I cover managing failures using retries, exponential backoff, and jitter. I explain how DLQs can isolate failed messages. I show how to use state machines to orchestrate long running transactions rather than handling these in application code.

Required practice: Manage duplicate and unwanted events

Duplicate events can occur when a request is retried or multiple consumers process the same message from a queue or stream. A duplicate can also happen when a request is sent twice at different time intervals with the same parameters. Design your applications to process multiple identical requests to have the same effect as making a single request.

Idempotency refers to the capacity of an application or component to identify repeated events and prevent duplicated, inconsistent, or lost data. This means that receiving the same event multiple times does not change the result beyond the first time the event was received. An idempotent application can, for example, handle multiple identical refund operations. The first refund operation is processed. Any further refund requests to the same customer with the same payment reference should not be processes again.

When using AWS Lambda, you can make your function idempotent. The function’s code must properly validate input events and identify if the events were processed before. For more information, see “How do I make my Lambda function idempotent?

When processing streaming data, your application must anticipate and appropriately handle processing individual records multiple times. There are two primary reasons why records may be delivered more than once to your Amazon Kinesis Data Streams application: producer retries and consumer retries. For more information, see “Handling Duplicate Records”.

Generate unique attributes to manage duplicate events at the beginning of the transaction

Create, or use an existing unique identifier at the beginning of a transaction to ensure idempotency. These identifiers are also known as idempotency tokens. A number of Lambda triggers include a unique identifier as part of the event:

You can also create your own identifiers. These can be business-specific, such as transaction ID, payment ID, or booking ID. You can use an opaque random alphanumeric string, unique correlation identifiers, or the hash of the content.

A Lambda function, for example can use these identifiers to check whether the event has been previously processed.

Depending on the final destination, duplicate events might write to the same record with the same content instead of generating a duplicate entry. This may therefore not require additional safeguards.

Use an external system to store unique transaction attributes and verify for duplicates

Lambda functions can use Amazon DynamoDB to store and track transactions and idempotency tokens to determine if the transaction has been handled previously. DynamoDB Time to Live (TTL) allows you to define a per-item timestamp to determine when an item is no longer needed. This helps to limit the storage space used. Base the TTL on the event source. For example, the message retention period for SQS.

Using DynamoDB to store idempotent tokens

Using DynamoDB to store idempotent tokens

You can also use DynamoDB conditional writes to ensure a write operation only succeeds if an item attribute meets one of more expected conditions. For example, you can use this to fail a refund operation if a payment reference has already been refunded. This signals to the application that it is a duplicate transaction. The application can then catch this exception and return the same result to the customer as if the refund was processed successfully.

Third-party APIs can also support idempotency directly. For example, Stripe allows you to add an Idempotency-Key: <key> header to the request. Stripe saves the resulting status code and body of the first request made for any given idempotency key, regardless of whether it succeeded or failed. Subsequent requests with the same key return the same result.

Validate events using a pre-defined and agreed upon schema

Implicitly trusting data from clients, external sources, or machines could lead to malformed data being processed. Use a schema to validate your event conforms to what you are expecting. Process the event using the schema within your application code or at the event source when applicable. Events not adhering to your schema should be discarded.

For API Gateway, I cover validating incoming HTTP requests against a schema in “Implementing application workload security – part 1”.

Amazon EventBridge rules match event patterns. EventBridge provides schemas for all events that are generated by AWS services. You can create or upload custom schemas or infer schemas directly from events on an event bus. You can also generate code bindings for event schemas.

SNS supports message filtering. This allows a subscriber to receive a subset of the messages sent to the topic using a filter policy. For more information, see the documentation.

JSON Schema is a tool for validating the structure of JSON documents. There are a number of implementations available.

Best practice: Consider scaling patterns at burst rates

Load testing your serverless application allows you to monitor the performance of an application before it is deployed to production. Serverless applications can be simpler to load test, thanks to the automatic scaling built into many of the services. For more information, see “How to design Serverless Applications for massive scale”.

In addition to your baseline performance, consider evaluating how your workload handles initial burst rates. This ensures that your workload can sustain burst rates while scaling to meet possibly unexpected demand.

Perform load tests using a burst strategy with random intervals of idleness

Perform load tests using a burst of requests for a short period of time. Also introduce burst delays to allow your components to recover from unexpected load. This allows you to future-proof the workload for key events when you do not know peak traffic levels.

There are a number of AWS Marketplace and AWS Partner Network (APN) solutions available for performance testing, including Gatling FrontLine, BlazeMeter, and Apica.

In regulating inbound request rates – part 1, I cover running a performance test suite using Gatling, an open source tool.

Gatling performance results

Gatling performance results

Amazon does have a network stress testing policy that defines which high volume network tests are allowed. Tests that purposefully attempt to overwhelm the target and/or infrastructure are considered distributed denial of service (DDoS) tests and are prohibited. For more information, see “Amazon EC2 Testing Policy”.

Review service account limits with combined utilization across resources

AWS accounts have default quotas, also referred to as limits, for each AWS service. These are generally Region-specific. You can request increases for some limits while other limits cannot be increased. Service Quotas is an AWS service that helps you manage your limits for many AWS services. Along with looking up the values, you can also request a limit increase from the Service Quotas console.

Service Quotas dashboard

Service Quotas dashboard

As these limits are shared within an account, review the combined utilization across resources including the following:

  • Amazon API Gateway: number of requests per second across all APIs. (link)
  • AWS AppSync: throttle rate limits. (link)
  • AWS Lambda: function concurrency reservations and pool capacity to allow other functions to scale. (link)
  • Amazon CloudFront: requests per second per distribution. (link)
  • AWS IoT Core message broker: concurrent requests per second. (link)
  • Amazon EventBridge: API requests and target invocations limit. (link)
  • Amazon Cognito: API limits. (link)
  • Amazon DynamoDB: throughput, indexes, and request rates limits. (link)

Evaluate key metrics to understand how workloads recover from bursts

There are a number of key Amazon CloudWatch metrics to evaluate and alert on to understand whether your workload recovers from bursts.

  • AWS Lambda: Duration, Errors, Throttling, ConcurrentExecutions, UnreservedConcurrentExecutions. (link)
  • Amazon API Gateway: Latency, IntegrationLatency, 5xxError, 4xxError. (link)
  • Application Load Balancer: HTTPCode_ELB_5XX_Count, RejectedConnectionCount, HTTPCode_Target_5XX_Count, UnHealthyHostCount, LambdaInternalError, LambdaUserError. (link)
  • AWS AppSync: 5XX, Latency. (link)
  • Amazon SQS: ApproximateAgeOfOldestMessage. (link)
  • Amazon Kinesis Data Streams: ReadProvisionedThroughputExceeded, WriteProvisionedThroughputExceeded, GetRecords.IteratorAgeMilliseconds, PutRecord.Success, PutRecords.Success (if using Kinesis Producer Library), GetRecords.Success. (link)
  • Amazon SNS: NumberOfNotificationsFailed, NumberOfNotificationsFilteredOut-InvalidAttributes. (link)
  • Amazon Simple Email Service (SES): Rejects, Bounces, Complaints, Rendering Failures. (link)
  • AWS Step Functions: ExecutionThrottled, ExecutionsFailed, ExecutionsTimedOut. (link)
  • Amazon EventBridge: FailedInvocations, ThrottledRules. (link)
  • Amazon S3: 5xxErrors, TotalRequestLatency. (link)
  • Amazon DynamoDB: ReadThrottleEvents, WriteThrottleEvents, SystemErrors, ThrottledRequests, UserErrors. (link)


This post continues from part 1 and looks at managing duplicate and unwanted events with idempotency and an event schema. I cover how to consider scaling patterns at burst rates by managing account limits and show relevant metrics to evaluate

Build resiliency into your workloads. Ensure that applications can withstand partial and intermittent failures across components that may only surface in production. In the next post in the series, I cover the performance efficiency pillar from the Well-Architected Serverless Lens.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Building well-architected serverless applications: Regulating inbound request rates – part 2

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-well-architected-serverless-applications-regulating-inbound-request-rates-part-2/

This series of blog posts uses the AWS Well-Architected Tool with the Serverless Lens to help customers build and operate applications using best practices. In each post, I address the serverless-specific questions identified by the Serverless Lens along with the recommended best practices. See the introduction post for a table of contents and explanation of the example application.

Reliability question REL1: How do you regulate inbound request rates?

This post continues part 1 of this security question. Previously, I cover controlling inbound request rates using throttling. I go through how to use throttling to control steady-rate and burst rate requests. I show some solutions for performance testing to identify the request rates that your workload can sustain before impacting performance.

Good practice: Use, analyze, and enforce API quotas

API quotas limit the maximum number of requests a given API key can submit within a specified time interval. Metering API consumers provides a better understanding of how different consumers use your workload at sustained and burst rates at any point in time. With this information, you can determine fine-grained rate limiting for multiple quota limits. These can be done according to a group of consumer needs, and can adjust their limits on a regular basis.

Segregate API consumers steady-rate requests and their quota into multiple buckets or tiers

Amazon API Gateway usage plans allow your API consumer to access selected APIs at agreed-upon request rates and quotas. These help your consumers meet their business requirements and budget constraints. Create and attach API keys to usage plans to control access to certain API stages. I show how to create usage plans and how to associate them with API keys in “Building well-architected serverless applications: Controlling serverless API access – part 2”.

API key associated with usage plan

API key associated with usage plan

You can extract utilization data from usage plans to analyze API usage on a per-API key basis. In the example, I show how to use usage plans to see how many requests are made.

View API key usage

View API key usage

This allows you to generate billing documents and determine whether your customers need higher or lower limits. Have a mechanism to allow customers to request higher limits preemptively. When customers anticipate greater API usage, they can take action proactively.

API Gateway Lambda authorizers can dynamically associate API keys to a given request. This can be used where you do not control API consumers, or want to associate API keys based on your own criteria. For more information, see the documentation.

You can also visualize usage plans with Amazon QuickSight using enriched API Gateway access logs.

Visualize usage plans with Amazon QuickSight

Visualize usage plans with Amazon QuickSight

Define whether your API consumers are end users or machines

Understanding your API consumers helps you manage how they connect to your API. This helps you define a request access pattern strategy, which can distinguish between end users or machines.

Machine consumers make automated connections to your API, which may require a different access pattern to end users. You may decide to prioritize end user consumers to provide a better experience. Machine consumers may be able to handle request throttling automatically.

Best practice: Use mechanisms to protect non-scalable resources

Limit component throughput by enforcing how many transactions it can accept

AWS Lambda functions can scale faster than traditional resources, such as relational databases and cache systems. Protect your non-scalable resources by ensuring that components that scale quickly do not exceed the throughput of downstream systems. This can prevent system performance degrading. There are a number of ways to achieve this, either directly or via buffer mechanisms such as queues and streams.

For relational databases such as Amazon RDS, you can limit the number of connections per user, in addition to the global maximum number of connections. With Amazon RDS Proxy, your applications can pool and share database connections to improve their ability to scale.

Amazon RDS Proxy

Amazon RDS Proxy

For additional options for using RDS with Lambda, see the AWS Serverless Hero blog post “How To: Manage RDS Connections from AWS Lambda Serverless Functions”.

Cache results and only connect to, and fetch data from databases when needed. This reduces the load on the downstream database. Adjust the maximum number of connections for caching systems. Include a caching expiration mechanism to prevent serving stale records. For more information on caching implementation patterns and considerations, see “Caching Best Practices”.

Lambda provides managed scaling. When a function is first invoked, the Lambda service creates an instance of the function to process the event. This is called a cold start. After completion, the function remains available for a period of time to process subsequent events. These are called warm starts. If other events arrive while the function is busy, Lambda creates more instances of the function to handle these requests concurrently as cold starts. The following example shows 10 events processed in six concurrent requests.

Lambda concurrency

Lambda concurrency

You can control the number of concurrent function invocations to both reserve and limit the maximum concurrency your function can achieve. You can configure reserved concurrency to set the maximum number of concurrent instances for the function. This can protect downstream resources such as a database by ensuring Lambda can only scale up to the number of connections the database can support.

For example, you may have a traditional database or external API that can only support a maximum of 50 concurrent connections. You can set the maximum number of concurrent Lambda functions using the function concurrency settings. Setting the value to 50 ensures that the traditional database or external API is not overwhelmed.

Edit Lambda concurrency

Edit Lambda concurrency

You can also set the Lambda function concurrency to 0, which disables the Lambda function in the event of anomalies.

Another solution to protect downstream resources is to use an intermediate buffer. A buffer can persistently store messages in a stream or queue until a receiver processes them. This helps you control how fast messages are processed, which can protect the load on downstream resources.

Amazon Kinesis Data Streams allows you to collect and process large streams of data records in real time, and can act as a buffer. Streams consist of a set of shards that contain a sequence of data records. When using Lambda to process records, it processes one batch of records at a time from each shard.

Kinesis Data Streams control concurrency at the shard level, meaning that a single shard has a single concurrent invocation. This can reduce downstream calls to non-scalable resources such as a traditional database. Kinesis Data Streams also support batch windows up to 5 minutes and batch record sizes. These can also be used to control how frequent invocations can occur.

To learn how to manage scaling with Kinesis, see the documentation. To learn more how Lambda works with Kinesis, read the blog series “Building serverless applications with streaming data”.

Lambda and Kinesis shards

Lambda and Kinesis shards

Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) is a fully managed serverless message queuing service that enables you to decouple and scale microservices. You can offload tasks from one component of your application by sending them to a queue and processing them asynchronously.

SQS can act as a buffer, using a Lambda function to process the messages. Lambda polls the queue and invokes your Lambda function synchronously with an event that contains queue messages. Lambda reads messages in batches and invokes your function once for each batch. When your function successfully processes a batch, Lambda deletes its messages from the queue.

You can protect downstream resources using the Lambda concurrency controls. This limits the number of concurrent Lambda functions that pull messages off the queue. The messages persist in the queue until Lambda can process them. For more information see, “Using AWS Lambda with Amazon SQS

Lambda and SQS

Lambda and SQS


Regulating inbound requests helps you adapt different scaling mechanisms based on customer demand. You can achieve better throughput for your workloads and make them more reliable by controlling requests to a rate that your workload can support.

In this post, I cover using, analyzing, and enforcing API quotas using usage plans and API keys. I show mechanisms to protect non-scalable resources such as using RDS Proxy to protect downstream databases. I show how to control the number of Lambda invocations using concurrency controls to protect downstream resources. I explain how you can use streams and queues as an intermediate buffer to store messages persistently until a receiver processes them.

In the next post in the series, I cover the second reliability question from the Well-Architected Serverless Lens, building resiliency into serverless applications.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Building well-architected serverless applications: Regulating inbound request rates – part 1

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-well-architected-serverless-applications-regulating-inbound-request-rates-part-1/

This series of blog posts uses the AWS Well-Architected Tool with the Serverless Lens to help customers build and operate applications using best practices. In each post, I address the serverless-specific questions identified by the Serverless Lens along with the recommended best practices. See the introduction post for a table of contents and explanation of the example application.

Reliability question REL1: How do you regulate inbound request rates?

Defining, analyzing, and enforcing inbound request rates helps achieve better throughput. Regulation helps you adapt different scaling mechanisms based on customer demand. By regulating inbound request rates, you can achieve better throughput, and adapt client request submissions to a request rate that your workload can support.

Required practice: Control inbound request rates using throttling

Throttle inbound request rates using steady-rate and burst rate requests

Throttling requests limits the number of requests a client can make during a certain period of time. Throttling allows you to control your API traffic. This helps your backend services maintain their performance and availability levels by limiting the number of requests to actual system throughput.

To prevent your API from being overwhelmed by too many requests, Amazon API Gateway throttles requests to your API. These limits are applied across all clients using the token bucket algorithm. API Gateway sets a limit on a steady-state rate and a burst of request submissions. The algorithm is based on an analogy of filling and emptying a bucket of tokens representing the number of available requests that can be processed.

Each API request removes a token from the bucket. The throttle rate then determines how many requests are allowed per second. The throttle burst determines how many concurrent requests are allowed. I explain the token bucket algorithm in more detail in “Building well-architected serverless applications: Controlling serverless API access – part 2

Token bucket algorithm

Token bucket algorithm

API Gateway limits the steady-state rate and burst requests per second. These are shared across all APIs per Region in an account. For further information on account-level throttling per Region, see the documentation. You can request account-level rate limit increases using the AWS Support Center. For more information, see Amazon API Gateway quotas and important notes.

You can configure your own throttling levels, within the account and Region limits to improve overall performance across all APIs in your account. This restricts the overall request submissions so that they don’t exceed the account-level throttling limits.

You can also configure per-client throttling limits. Usage plans restrict client request submissions to within specified request rates and quotas. These are applied to clients using API keys that are associated with your usage policy as a client identifier. You can add throttling levels per API route, stage, or method that are applied in a specific order.

For more information on API Gateway throttling, see the AWS re:Invent presentation “I didn’t know Amazon API Gateway could do that”.

API Gateway throttling

API Gateway throttling

You can also throttle requests by introducing a buffering layer using Amazon Kinesis Data Stream or Amazon SQS. Kinesis can limit the number of requests at the shard level while SQS can limit at the consumer level. For more information on using SQS as a buffer with Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS), read “How To: Use SNS and SQS to Distribute and Throttle Events”.

Identify steady-rate and burst rate requests that your workload can sustain at any point in time before performance degraded

Load testing your serverless application allows you to monitor the performance of an application before it is deployed to production. Serverless applications can be simpler to load test, thanks to the automatic scaling built into many of the services. During a load test, you can identify quotas that may act as a limiting factor for the traffic you expect and take action.

Perform load testing for a sustained period of time. Gradually increase the traffic to your API to determine your steady-state rate of requests. Also use a burst strategy with no ramp up to determine the burst rates that your workload can serve without errors or performance degradation. There are a number of AWS Marketplace and AWS Partner Network (APN) solutions available for performance testing, Gatling Frontline, BlazeMeter, and Apica.

In the serverless airline example used in this series, you can run a performance test suite using Gatling, an open source tool.

To deploy the test suite, follow the instructions in the GitHub repository perf-tests directory. Uncomment the deploy.perftest line in the repository Makefile.

Perf-test makefile

Perf-test makefile

Once the file is pushed to GitHub, AWS Amplify Console rebuilds the application, and deploys an AWS CloudFormation stack. You can run the load tests locally, or use an AWS Step Functions state machine to run the setup and Gatling load test simulation.

Performance test using Step Functions

Performance test using Step Functions

The Gatling simulation script uses constantUsersPerSec and rampUsersPerSec to add users for a number of test scenarios. You can use the test to simulate load on the application. Once the tests run, it generates a downloadable report.

Gatling performance results

Gatling performance results

Artillery Community Edition is another open-source tool for testing serverless APIs. You configure the number of requests per second and overall test duration, and it uses a headless Chromium browser to run its test flows. For Artillery, the maximum number of concurrent tests is constrained by your local computing resources and network. To achieve higher throughput, you can use Serverless Artillery, which runs the Artillery package on Lambda functions. As a result, this tool can scale up to a significantly higher number of tests.

For more information on how to use Artillery, see “Load testing a web application’s serverless backend”. This runs tests against APIs in a demo application. For example, one of the tests fetches 50,000 questions per hour. This calls an API Gateway endpoint and tests whether the AWS Lambda function, which queries an Amazon DynamoDB table, can handle the load.

Artillery performance test

Artillery performance test

This is a synchronous API so the performance directly impacts the user’s experience of the application. This test shows that the median response time is 165 ms with a p95 time of 201 ms.

Performance test API results

Performance test API results

Another consideration for API load testing is whether the authentication and authorization service can handle the load. For more information on load testing Amazon Cognito and API Gateway using Step Functions, see “Using serverless to load test Amazon API Gateway with authorization”.

API load testing with authentication and authorization

API load testing with authentication and authorization


Regulating inbound requests helps you adapt different scaling mechanisms based on customer demand. You can achieve better throughput for your workloads and make them more reliable by controlling requests to a rate that your workload can support.

In this post, I cover controlling inbound request rates using throttling. I show how to use throttling to control steady-rate and burst rate requests. I show some solutions for performance testing to identify the request rates that your workload can sustain before performance degradation.

This well-architected question will be continued where I look at using, analyzing, and enforcing API quotas. I cover mechanisms to protect non-scalable resources.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Data Caching Across Microservices in a Serverless Architecture

Post Syndicated from Irfan Saleem original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/data-caching-across-microservices-in-a-serverless-architecture/

Organizations are re-architecting their traditional monolithic applications to incorporate microservices. This helps them gain agility and scalability and accelerate time-to-market for new features.

Each microservice performs a single function. However, a microservice might need to retrieve and process data from multiple disparate sources. These can include data stores, legacy systems, or other shared services deployed on premises in data centers or in the cloud. These scenarios add latency to the microservice response time because multiple real-time calls are required to the backend systems. The latency often ranges from milliseconds to a few seconds depending on size of the data, network bandwidth, and processing logic. In certain scenarios, it makes sense to maintain a cache close to the microservices layer to improve performance by reducing or eliminating the need for the real-time backend calls.

Caches reduce latency and service-to-service communication of microservice architectures. A cache is a high-speed data storage layer that stores a subset of data. When data is requested from a cache, it is delivered faster than if you accessed the data’s primary storage location.

While working with our customers, we have observed use cases where data caching helps reduce latency in the microservices layer. Caching can be implemented in several ways. In this blog post, we discuss a couple of these use cases that customers have built. In both use cases, the microservices layer is created using Serverless on AWS offerings. It requires data from multiple data sources deployed locally in the cloud or on premises. The compute layer is built using AWS Lambda. Though Lambda functions are short-lived, the cached data can be used by subsequent instances of the same microservice to avoid backend calls.

Use case 1: On-demand cache to reduce real-time calls

In this use case, the Cache-Aside design pattern is used for lazy loading of frequently accessed data. This means that an object is only cached when it is requested by a consumer, and the respective microservice decides if the object is worth saving.

This use case is typically useful when the microservices layer makes multiple real-time calls to fetch and process data. These calls can be greatly reduced by caching frequently accessed data for a short period of time.

Let’s discuss a real-world scenario. Figure 1 shows a customer portal that provides a list of car loans, their status, and the net outstanding amount for a customer:

  • The Billing microservice gets a request. It then tries to get required objects (for example, the list of car loans, their status, and the net outstanding balance) from the cache using an object_key. If the information is available in the cache, a response is sent back to the requester using cached data.
  • If requested objects are not available in the cache (a cache miss), the Billing microservice makes multiple calls to local services, applications, and data sources to retrieve data. The result is compiled and sent back to the requester. It also resides in the cache for a short period of time.
  • Meanwhile, if a customer makes a payment using the Payment microservice, the balance amount in the cache must be invalidated/deleted. The Payment microservice processes the payment and invokes an asynchronous event (payment_processed) with the respective object key for the downstream processes that will remove respective objects from the cache.
  • The events are stored in the event store.
  • The CacheManager microservice gets the event (payment_processed) and makes a delete request to the cache for the respective object_key. If necessary, the CacheManager can also refresh cached data. It can call a resource within the Billing service or it can refresh data directly from the source system depending on the data refresh logic.
Reducing latency by caching frequently accessed data on demand

Figure 1. Reducing latency by caching frequently accessed data on demand

Figure 2 shows AWS services for use case 1. The microservices layer (Billing, Payments, and Profile) is created using Lambda. The Amazon API Gateway is exposing Lambda functions as API operations to the internal or external consumers.

Suggested AWS services for implementing use case 1

Figure 2. Suggested AWS services for implementing use case 1

All three microservices are connected with the data cache and can save and retrieve objects from the cache. The cache is maintained in-memory using Amazon ElastiCache. The data objects are kept in cache for a short period of time. Every object has an associated TTL (time to live) value assigned to it. After that time period, the object expires. The custom events (such as payment_processed) are published to Amazon EventBridge for downstream processing.

Use case 2: Proactive caching of massive volumes of data

During large modernization and migration initiatives, not all data sources are colocated for a certain period of time. Some legacy systems, such as mainframe, require a longer decommissioning period. Many legacy backend systems process data through periodic batch jobs. In such scenarios, front-end applications can use cached data for a certain period of time (ranging from a few minutes to few hours) depending on nature of data and its usage. The real-time calls to the backend systems cannot deal with the extensive call volume on the front-end application.

In such scenarios, required data/objects can be identified up front and loaded directly into the cache through an automated process as shown in Figure 3:

  • An automated process loads data/objects in the cache during the initial load. Subsequent changes to the data sources (either in a mainframe database or another system of record) are captured and applied to the cache through an automated CDC (change data capture) pipeline.
  • Unlike use case 1, the microservices layer does not make real-time calls to load data into the cache. In this use case, microservices use data already cached for their processing.
  • However, the microservices layer may create an event if data in the cache is stale or specific objects have been changed by another service (for example, by the Payment service when a payment is made).
  • The events are stored in Event Manager. Upon receiving an event, the CacheManager initiates a backend process to refresh stale data on demand.
  • All data changes are sent directly to the system of record.
Eliminating real-time calls by caching massive data volumes proactively

Figure 3. Eliminating real-time calls by caching massive data volumes proactively

As shown in Figure 4, the data objects are maintained in Amazon DynamoDB, which provides low-latency data access at any scale. The data retrieval is managed through DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX), a fully managed, highly available, in-memory cache. It delivers up to a 10 times performance improvement, even at millions of requests per second.

Suggested AWS services for implementing use case 2

Figure 4. Suggested AWS services for implementing use case 2

The data in DynamoDB can be loaded through different methods depending on the customer use case and technology landscape. API Gateway, Lambda, and EventBridge are providing similar functionality as described in use case 1.

Use case 2 is also beneficial in scenarios where front-end applications must cache data for an extended period of time, such as a customer’s shopping cart.

In addition to caching, the following best practices can also be used to reduce latency and to improve performance within the Lambda compute layer:


The microservices architecture allows you to build several caching layers depending on your use case. In this blog, we discussed data caching within the compute layer to reduce latency when data is retrieved from disparate sources. The information from use case 1 can help you reduce real-time calls to your back-end system by saving frequently used data to the cache. Use case 2 helps you maintain large volumes of data in caches for extended periods of time when real-time calls to the backend system are not possible.

Should I Run my Containers on AWS Fargate, AWS Lambda, or Both?

Post Syndicated from Rob Solomon original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/should-i-run-my-containers-on-aws-fargate-aws-lambda-or-both/

Containers have transformed how companies build and operate software. Bundling both application code and dependencies into a single container image improves agility and reduces deployment failures. But what compute platform should you choose to be most efficient, and what factors should you consider in this decision?

With the release of container image support for AWS Lambda functions (December 2020), customers now have an additional option for building serverless applications using their existing container-oriented tooling and DevOps best practices. In addition, a single container image can be configured to run on both of these compute platforms: AWS Lambda (using serverless functions) or AWS Fargate (using containers).

Three key factors can influence the decision of what platform you use to deploy your container: startup time, task runtime, and cost. That decision may vary each time a task is initiated, as shown in the three scenarios following.

Design considerations for deploying a container

Total task duration consists of startup time and runtime. The startup time of a containerized task is the time required to provision the container compute resource and deploy the container. Task runtime is the time it takes for the application code to complete.

Startup time: Some tasks must complete quickly. For example, when a user waits for a web response, or when a series of tasks is completed in sequential order. In those situations, the total duration time must be minimal. While the application code may be optimized to run faster, startup time depends on the chosen compute platform as well. AWS Fargate container startup time typically takes from 60 to 90 seconds. AWS Lambda initial cold start can take up to 5 seconds. Following that first startup, the same containerized function has negligible startup time.

Task runtime: The amount of time it takes for a task to complete is influenced by the compute resources allocated (vCPU and memory) and application code. AWS Fargate lets you select vCPU and memory size. With AWS Lambda, you define the amount of allocated memory. Lambda then provisions a proportional quantity of vCPU. In both AWS Fargate and AWS Lambda uses, increasing the amount of compute resources may result in faster completion time. However, this will depend on the application. While the additional compute resources incur greater cost, the total duration may be shorter, so the overall cost may also be lower.

AWS Lambda has a maximum limit of 15 minutes of runtime. Lambda shouldn’t be used for these tasks to avoid the likelihood of timeout errors.

Figure 1 illustrates the proportion of startup time to total duration. The initial steepness of each line shows a rapid decrease in startup overhead. This is followed by a flattening out, showing a diminishing rate of efficiency. Startup time delay becomes less impactful as the total job duration increases. Other factors (such as cost) become more significant.

Figure 1. Ratio of startup time as a function to overall job duration for each service

Figure 1. Ratio of startup time as a function to overall job duration for each service

Cost: When making the choice between Fargate and Lambda, it is important to understand the different pricing models. This way, you can make the appropriate selection for your needs.

Figure 2 shows a cost analysis of Lambda vs Fargate. This is for the entire range of configurations for a runtime task. For most of the range of configurable memory, AWS Lambda is more expensive per second than even the most expensive configuration of Fargate.

Figure 2. Total cost for both AWS Lambda and AWS Fargate based on task duration

Figure 2. Total cost for both AWS Lambda and AWS Fargate based on task duration

From a cost perspective, AWS Fargate is more cost-effective for tasks running for several seconds or longer. If cost is the only factor at play, then Fargate would be the better choice. But the savings gained by using Fargate may be offset by the business value gained from the shorter Lambda function startup time.

Dynamically choose your compute platform

In the following scenarios, we show how a single container image can serve multiple use cases. The decision to run a given containerized application on either AWS Lambda or AWS Fargate can be determined at runtime. This decision depends on whether cost, speed, or duration are the priority.

In Figure 3, an image-processing AWS Batch job runs on a nightly schedule, processing tens of thousands of images to extract location information. When run as a batch job, image processing may take 1–2 hours. The job pulls images stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) and writes the location metadata to Amazon DynamoDB. In this case, AWS Fargate provides a good combination of compute and cost efficiency. An added benefit is that it also supports tasks that exceed 15 minutes. If a single image is submitted for real-time processing, response time is critical. In that case, the same image-processing code can be run on AWS Lambda, using the same container image. Rather than waiting for the next batch process to run, the image is processed immediately.

Figure 3. One-off invocation of a typically long-running batch job

Figure 3. One-off invocation of a typically long-running batch job

In Figure 4, a SaaS application uses an AWS Lambda function to allow customers to submit complex text search queries for files stored in an Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) volume. The task should return results quickly, which is an ideal condition for AWS Lambda. However, a small percentage of jobs run much longer than the average, exceeding the maximum duration of 15 minutes.

A straightforward approach to avoid job failure is to initiate an Amazon CloudWatch alarm when the Lambda function times out. CloudWatch alarms can automatically retry the job using Fargate. An alternate approach is to capture historical data and use it to create a machine learning model in Amazon SageMaker. When a new job is initiated, the SageMaker model can predict the time it will take the job to complete. Lambda can use that prediction to route the job to either AWS Lambda or AWS Fargate.

Figure 4. Short duration tasks with occasional outliers running longer than 15 minutes

Figure 4. Short duration tasks with occasional outliers running longer than 15 minutes

In Figure 5, a customer runs a containerized legacy application that encompasses many different kinds of functions, all related to a recurring data processing workflow. Each function performs a task of varying complexity and duration. These can range from processing data files, updating a database, or submitting machine learning jobs.

Using a container image, one code base can be configured to contain all of the individual functions. Longer running functions, such as data preparation and big data analytics, are routed to Fargate. Shorter duration functions like simple queries can be configured to run using the container image in AWS Lambda. By using AWS Step Functions as an orchestrator, the process can be automated. In this way, a monolithic application can be broken up into a set of “Units of Work” that operate independently.

Figure 5. Heterogeneous function orchestration

Figure 5. Heterogeneous function orchestration


If your job lasts milliseconds and requires a fast response to provide a good customer experience, use AWS Lambda. If your function is not time-sensitive and runs on the scale of minutes, use AWS Fargate. For tasks that have a total duration of under 15 minutes, customers must decide based on impacts to both business and cost. Select the service that is the most effective serverless compute environment to meet your requirements. The choice can be made manually when a job is scheduled or by using retry logic to switch to the other compute platform if the first option fails. The decision can also be based on a machine learning model trained on historical data.

Integrating Amazon API Gateway private endpoints with on-premises networks

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/integrating-amazon-api-gateway-private-endpoints-with-on-premises-networks/

This post was written by Ahmed ElHaw, Sr. Solutions Architect

Using AWS Direct Connect or AWS Site-to-Site VPN, customers can establish a private virtual interface from their on-premises network directly to their Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). Hybrid networking enables customers to benefit from the scalability, elasticity, and ease of use of AWS services while using their corporate network.

Amazon API Gateway can make it easier for developers to interface with and expose other services in a uniform and secure manner. You can use it to interface with other AWS services such as Amazon SageMaker endpoints for real-time machine learning predictions or serverless compute with AWS Lambda. API Gateway can also integrate with HTTP endpoints and VPC links in the backend.

This post shows how to set up a private API Gateway endpoint with a Lambda integration. It uses a Route 53 resolver, which enables on-premises clients to resolve AWS private DNS names.


API Gateway private endpoints allow you to use private API endpoints inside your VPC. When used with Route 53 resolver endpoints and hybrid connectivity, you can access APIs and their integrated backend services privately from on-premises clients.

You can deploy the example application using the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM). The deployment creates a private API Gateway endpoint with a Lambda integration and a Route 53 inbound endpoint. I explain the security configuration of the AWS resources used. This is the solution architecture:

Private API Gateway with a Hello World Lambda integration.

Private API Gateway with a Hello World Lambda integration.


  1. The client calls the private API endpoint (for example, GET https://abc123xyz0.execute-api.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/demostage).
  2. The client asks the on-premises DNS server to resolve (abc123xyz0.execute-api.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com). You must configure the on-premises DNS server to forward DNS queries for the AWS-hosted domains to the IP addresses of the inbound resolver endpoint. Refer to the documentation for your on-premises DNS server to configure DNS forwarders.
  3. After the client successfully resolves the API Gateway private DNS name, it receives the private IP address of the VPC Endpoint of the API Gateway.
    Note: Call the DNS endpoint of the API Gateway for the HTTPS certificate to work. You cannot call the IP address of the endpoint directly.
  4. Amazon API Gateway passes the payload to Lambda through an integration request.
  5. If Route 53 Resolver query logging is configured, queries from on-premises resources that use the endpoint are logged.


To deploy the example application in this blog post, you need:

  • AWS credentials that provide the necessary permissions to create the resources. This example uses admin credentials.
  • Amazon VPN or AWS Direct Connect with routing rules that allow DNS traffic to pass through to the Amazon VPC.
  • The AWS SAM CLI installed.
  • Clone the GitHub repository.

Deploying with AWS SAM

  1. Navigate to the cloned repo directory. Alternatively, use the sam init command and paste the repo URL:

    SAM init example

    SAM init example

  2. Build the AWS SAM application:
    sam build
  3. Deploy the AWS SAM application:
    sam deploy –guided

This stack creates and configures a virtual private cloud (VPC) configured with two private subnets (for resiliency) and DNS resolution enabled. It also creates a VPC endpoint with (service name = “com.amazonaws.{region}.execute-api”), Private DNS Name = enabled, and a security group set to allow TCP Port 443 inbound from a managed prefix list. You can edit the created prefix list with one or more CIDR block(s).

It also deploys an API Gateway private endpoint and an API Gateway resource policy that restricts access to the API, except from the VPC endpoint. There is also a “Hello world” Lambda function and a Route 53 inbound resolver with a security group that allows TCP/UDP DNS port inbound from the on-premises prefix list.

A VPC endpoint is a logical construct consisting of elastic network interfaces deployed in subnets. The elastic network interface is assigned a private IP address from your subnet space. For high availability, deploy in at least two Availability Zones.

Private API Gateway VPC endpoint

Private API Gateway VPC endpoint

Route 53 inbound resolver endpoint

Route 53 resolver is the Amazon DNS server. It is sometimes referred to as “AmazonProvidedDNS” or the “.2 resolver” that is available by default in all VPCs. Route 53 resolver responds to DNS queries from AWS resources within a VPC for public DNS records, VPC-specific DNS names, and Route 53 private hosted zones.

Integrating your on-premises DNS server with AWS DNS server requires a Route 53 resolver inbound endpoint (for DNS queries that you’re forwarding to your VPCs). When creating an API Gateway private endpoint, a private DNS name is created by API Gateway. This endpoint is resolved automatically from within your VPC.

However, the on-premises servers learn about this hostname from AWS. For this, create a Route 53 inbound resolver endpoint and point your on-premises DNS server to it. This allows your corporate network resources to resolve AWS private DNS hostnames.

To improve reliability, the resolver requires that you specify two IP addresses for DNS queries. AWS recommends configuring IP addresses in two different Availability Zones. After you add the first two IP addresses, you can optionally add more in the same or different Availability Zone.

The inbound resolver is a logical resource consisting of two elastic network interfaces. These are deployed in two different Availability Zones for resiliency.

Route 53 inbound resolver

Route 53 inbound resolver

Configuring the security groups and resource policy

In the security pillar of the AWS Well-Architected Framework, one of the seven design principles is applying security at all layers: Apply a defense in depth approach with multiple security controls. Apply to all layers (edge of network, VPC, load balancing, every instance and compute service, operating system, application, and code).

A few security configurations are required for the solution to function:

  • The resolver security group (referred to as ‘ResolverSG’ in solution diagram) inbound rules must allow TCP and UDP on port 53 (DNS) from your on-premises network-managed prefix list (source). Note: configure the created managed prefix list with your on-premises network CIDR blocks.
  • The security group of the VPC endpoint of the API Gateway “VPCEndpointSG” must allow HTTPS access from your on-premises network-managed prefix list (source). Note: configure the crated managed prefix list with your on-premises network CIDR blocks.
  • For a private API Gateway to work, a resource policy must be configured. The AWS SAM deployment sets up an API Gateway resource policy that allows access to your API from the VPC endpoint. We are telling API Gateway to deny any request explicitly unless it is originating from a defined source VPC endpoint.
    Note: AWS SAM template creates the following policy:

      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
              "Effect": "Allow",
              "Principal": "*",
              "Action": "execute-api:Invoke",
              "Resource": "arn:aws:execute-api:eu-west-1:12345678901:dligg9dxuk/DemoStage/GET/hello"
              "Effect": "Deny",
              "Principal": "*",
              "Action": "execute-api:Invoke",
              "Resource": "arn:aws:execute-api:eu-west-1: 12345678901:dligg9dxuk/DemoStage/GET/hello",
              "Condition": {
                  "StringNotEquals": {
                      "aws:SourceVpce": "vpce-0ac4147ba9386c9z7"


The AWS SAM deployment creates a Hello World Lambda. For demonstration purposes, the Lambda function always returns a successful response, conforming with API Gateway integration response.

Testing the solution

To test, invoke the API using a curl command from an on-premises client. To get the API URL, copy it from the on-screen AWS SAM deployment outputs. Alternatively, from the console go to AWS CloudFormation outputs section.

CloudFormation outputs

CloudFormation outputs

Next, go to Route 53 resolvers, select the created inbound endpoint and note of the endpoint IP addresses. Configure your on-premises DNS forwarder with the IP addresses. Refer to the documentation for your on-premises DNS server to configure DNS forwarders.

Route 53 resolver IP addresses

Route 53 resolver IP addresses

Finally, log on to your on-premises client and call the API Gateway endpoint. You should get a success response from the API Gateway as shown.

curl https://dligg9dxuk.execute-api.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/DemoStage/hello

{"response": {"resultStatus": "SUCCESS"}}

Monitoring and troubleshooting

Route 53 resolver query logging allows you to log the DNS queries that originate in your VPCs. It shows which domain names are queried, the originating AWS resources (including source IP and instance ID) and the responses.

You can log the DNS queries that originate in VPCs that you specify, in addition to the responses to those DNS queries. You can also log DNS queries from on-premises resources that use an inbound resolver endpoint, and DNS queries that use an outbound resolver endpoint for recursive DNS resolution.

After configuring query logging from the console, you can use Amazon CloudWatch as the destination for the query logs. You can use this feature to view and troubleshoot the resolver.

    "version": "1.100000",
    "account_id": "1234567890123",
    "region": "eu-west-1",
    "vpc_id": "vpc-0c00ca6aa29c8472f",
    "query_timestamp": "2021-04-25T12:37:34Z",
    "query_name": "dligg9dxuk.execute-api.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com.",
    "query_type": "A",
    "query_class": "IN",
    "rcode": "NOERROR",
    "answers": [
            "Rdata": "”, API Gateway VPC Endpoint IP#1
            "Type": "A",
            "Class": "IN"
            "Rdata": "", API Gateway VPC Endpoint IP#2
            "Type": "A",
            "Class": "IN"
    "srcaddr": "", ONPREMISES CLIENT
    "srcport": "32843",
    "transport": "UDP",
    "srcids": {
        "resolver_endpoint": "rslvr-in-a7dd746257784e148",
        "resolver_network_interface": "rni-3a4a0caca1d0412ab"

Cleaning up

To remove the example application, navigate to CloudFormation and delete the stack.


API Gateway private endpoints allow use cases for building private API–based services inside your VPCs. You can keep both the frontend to your application (API Gateway) and the backend service private inside your VPC.

I discuss how to access your private APIs from your corporate network through Direct Connect or Site-to-Site VPN without exposing your endpoints to the internet. You deploy the demo using AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM). You can also change the template for your own needs.

To learn more, visit the API Gateway tutorials and workshops page in the API Gateway developer guide.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Building well-architected serverless applications: Implementing application workload security – part 1

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-well-architected-serverless-applications-implementing-application-workload-security-part-1/

This series of blog posts uses the AWS Well-Architected Tool with the Serverless Lens to help customers build and operate applications using best practices. In each post, I address the serverless-specific questions identified by the Serverless Lens along with the recommended best practices. See the introduction post for a table of contents and explanation of the example application.

Security question SEC3: How do you implement application security in your workload?

Review and automate security practices at the application code level, and enforce security code review as part of development workflow. By implementing security at the application code level, you can protect against emerging security threats and reduce the attack surface from malicious code, including third-party dependencies.

Required practice: Review security awareness documents frequently

Stay up to date with both AWS and industry security best practices to understand and evolve protection of your workloads. Having a clear understanding of common threats helps you to mitigate them when developing your workloads.

The AWS Security Blog provides security-specific AWS content. The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Top 10 is a guide for security practitioners to understand the most common application attacks and risks. The OWASP Top 10 Serverless Interpretation provides information specific to serverless applications.

Review and subscribe to vulnerability and security bulletins

Regularly review news feeds from multiple sources that are relevant to the technologies used in your workload. Subscribe to notification services to be informed of critical threats in near-real time.

The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) program identifies, defines, and catalogs publicly disclosed cybersecurity vulnerabilities. You can search the CVE list directly, for example “Python”.

CVE Python search

CVE Python search

The US National Vulnerability Database (NVD) allows you to search by vulnerability type, severity, and impact. You can also perform advanced searching by vendor name, product name, and version numbers. GitHub also integrates with CVE, which allows for advanced searching within the CVEproject/cvelist repository.

AWS Security Bulletins are a notification system for security and privacy events related to AWS services. Subscribe to the security bulletin RSS feed to keep up to date with AWS security announcements.

The US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) provides alerts about current security issues, vulnerabilities, and exploits. You can receive email alerts or subscribe to the RSS feed.

AWS Partner Network (APN) member Palo Alto Networks provides the “Serverless architectures Security Top 10” list. This is a security awareness and education guide to use while designing, developing, and testing serverless applications to help minimize security risks.

Good practice: Automatically review a workload’s code dependencies/libraries

Regularly reviewing application and code dependencies is a good industry security practice. This helps detect and prevent non-certified application code, and ensure that third-party application dependencies operate as intended.

Implement security mechanisms to verify application code and dependencies before using them

Combine automated and manual security code reviews to examine application code and its dependencies to ensure they operate as intended. Automated tools can help identify overly complex application code, and common security vulnerability exposures that are already cataloged.

Manual security code reviews, in addition to automated tools, help ensure that application code works as intended. Manual reviews can include business contextual information and integrations that automated tools may not capture.

Before adding any code dependencies to your workload, take time to review and certify each dependency to ensure that you are adding secure code. Use third-party services to review your code dependencies on every commit automatically.

OWASP has a code review guide and dependency check tool that attempt to detect publicly disclosed vulnerabilities within a project’s dependencies. The tool has a command line interface, a Maven plugin, an Ant task, and a Jenkins plugin.

GitHub has a number of security features for hosted repositories to inspect and manage code dependencies.

The dependency graph allows you to explore the packages that your repository depends on. Dependabot alerts show information about dependencies that are known to contain security vulnerabilities. You can choose whether to have pull requests generated automatically to update these dependencies. Code scanning alerts automatically scan code files to detect security vulnerabilities and coding errors.

You can enable these features by navigating to the Settings tab, and selecting Security & analysis.

GitHub configure security and analysis features

GitHub configure security and analysis features

Once Dependabot analyzes the repository, you can view the dependencies graph from the Insights tab. In the serverless airline example used in this series, you can view the Loyalty service package.json dependencies.

Serverless airline loyalty dependencies

Serverless airline loyalty dependencies

Dependabot alerts for security vulnerabilities are visible in the Security tab. You can review alerts and see information about how to resolve them.

Dependabot alert

Dependabot alert

Once Dependabot alerts are enabled for a repository, you can also view the alerts when pushing code to the repository from the terminal.

Dependabot terminal alert

Dependabot terminal alert

If you enable security updates, Dependabot can automatically create pull requests to update dependencies.

Dependabot pull requests

Dependabot pull requests

AWS Partner Network (APN) member Snyk has an integration with AWS Lambda to manage the security of your function code. Snyk determines what code and dependencies are currently deployed for Node.js, Ruby, and Java projects. It tests dependencies against their vulnerability database.

If you build your functions using container images, you can use Amazon Elastic Container Registry’s (ECR) image scanning feature. You can manually scan your images, or scan them on each push to your repository.

Elastic Container Registry image scanning example results

Elastic Container Registry image scanning example results

Best practice: Validate inbound events

Sanitize inbound events and validate them against a predefined schema. This helps prevent errors and increases your workload’s security posture by catching malformed events or events intentionally crafted to be malicious. The OWASP Input validation cheat sheet includes guidance for providing input validation security functionality in your applications.

Validate incoming HTTP requests against a schema

Implicitly trusting data from clients could lead to malformed data being processed. Use data type validators or web application frameworks to ensure data correctness. These should include regular expressions, value range, data structure, and data normalization.

You can configure Amazon API Gateway to perform basic validation of an API request before proceeding with the integration request to add another layer of security. This ensures that the HTTP request matches the desired format. Any HTTP request that does not pass validation is rejected, returning a 400 error response to the caller.

The Serverless Security Workshop has a module on API Gateway input validation based on the fictional Wild Rydes unicorn raid hailing service. The example shows a REST API endpoint where partner companies of Wild Rydes can submit unicorn customizations, such as branded capes, to advertise their company. The API endpoint should ensure that the request body follows specific patterns. These include checking the ImageURL is a valid URL, and the ID for Cape is a numeric value.

In API Gateway, a model defines the data structure of a payload, using the JSON schema draft 4. The model ensures that you receive the parameters in the format you expect. You can check them against regular expressions. The CustomizationPost model specifies that the ImageURL and Cape schemas should contain the following valid patterns:

    "imageUrl": {
      "type": "string",
      "title": "The Imageurl Schema",
      "pattern": "^https?:\/\/[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_+.~#?&//=]+$"
    "sock": {
      "type": "string",
      "title": " The Cape Schema ",
      "pattern": "^[0-9]*$"

The model is applied to the /customizations/post method as part of the Method Request. The Request Validator is set to Validate body and the CustomizationPost model is set for the Request Body.

API Gateway request validator

API Gateway request validator

When testing the POST /customizations API with valid parameters using the following input:

   "name":"Cherry-themed unicorn",
   "sock": "1",
   "horn": "2",
   "glasses": "3",
   "cape": "4"

The result is a valid response:


Testing validation to the POST /customizations API using invalid parameters shows the input validation process.

The ImageUrl is not a valid URL:

    "name":"Cherry-themed unicorn",
    "sock": "1" ,
    "horn": "2" ,
    "glasses": "3",
    "cape": "4"

The Cape parameter is not a number, which shows a SQL injection attempt.

    "name":"Orange-themed unicorn",
    "sock": "1",
    "horn": "2",
    "glasses": "3",
    "cape":"2); INSERT INTO Cape (NAME,PRICE) VALUES ('Bad color', 10000.00"

These return a 400 Bad Request response from API Gateway before invoking the Lambda function:

{"message": "Invalid request body"}

To gain further protection, consider adding an AWS Web Application Firewall (AWS WAF) access control list to your API endpoint. The workshop includes an AWS WAF module to explore three AWS WAF rules:

  • Restrict the maximum size of request body
  • SQL injection condition as part of the request URI
  • Rate-based rule to prevent an overwhelming number of requests


AWS WAF also includes support for custom responses and request header insertion to improve the user experience and security posture of your applications.

For more API Gateway security information, see the security overview whitepaper.

Also add further input validation logic to your Lambda function code itself. For examples, see “Input Validation for Serverless”.


Implementing application security in your workload involves reviewing and automating security practices at the application code level. By implementing code security, you can protect against emerging security threats. You can improve the security posture by checking for malicious code, including third-party dependencies.

In this post, I cover reviewing security awareness documentation such as the CVE database. I show how to use GitHub security features to inspect and manage code dependencies. I then show how to validate inbound events using API Gateway request validation.

This well-architected question will be continued where I look at securely storing, auditing, and rotating secrets that are used in your application code.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Building well-architected serverless applications: Managing application security boundaries – part 2

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-well-architected-serverless-applications-managing-application-security-boundaries-part-2/

This series uses the AWS Well-Architected Tool with the Serverless Lens to help customers build and operate applications using best practices. In each post, I address the nine serverless-specific questions identified by the Serverless Lens along with the recommended best practices. See the introduction post for a table of contents and explanation of the example application.

Security question SEC2: How do you manage your serverless application’s security boundaries?

This post continues part 1 of this security question. Previously, I cover how to evaluate and define resource policies, showing what policies are available for various serverless services. I show some of the features of AWS Web Application Firewall (AWS WAF) to protect APIs. Then then go through how to control network traffic at all layers. I explain how AWS Lambda functions connect to VPCs, and how to use private APIs and VPC endpoints. I walk through how to audit your traffic.

Required practice: Use temporary credentials between resources and components

Do not share credentials and permissions policies between resources to maintain a granular segregation of permissions and improve the security posture. Use temporary credentials that are frequently rotated and that have policies tailored to the access the resource needs.

Use dynamic authentication when accessing components and managed services

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles allows your applications to access AWS services securely without requiring you to manage or hardcode the security credentials. When you use a role, you don’t have to distribute long-term credentials such as a user name and password, or access keys. Instead, the role supplies temporary permissions that applications can use when they make calls to other AWS resources. When you create a Lambda function, for example, you specify an IAM role to associate with the function. The function can then use the role-supplied temporary credentials to sign API requests.

Use IAM for authorizing access to AWS managed services such as Lambda or Amazon S3. Lambda also assumes IAM roles, exposing and rotating temporary credentials to your functions. This enables your application code to access AWS services.

Use IAM to authorize access to internal or private Amazon API Gateway API consumers. See this list of AWS services that work with IAM.

Within the serverless airline example used in this series, the loyalty service uses a Lambda function to fetch loyalty points and next tier progress. AWS AppSync acts as the client using an HTTP resolver, via an API Gateway REST API /loyalty/{customerId}/get resource, to invoke the function.

To ensure only AWS AppSync is authorized to invoke the API, IAM authorization is set within the API Gateway method request.

Viewing API Gateway IAM authorization

Viewing API Gateway IAM authorization

The IAM role specifies that appsync.amazonaws.com can perform an execute-api:Invoke on the specific API Gateway resource arn:aws:execute-api:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:${LoyaltyApi}/*/*/*

For more information, see “Using an IAM role to grant permissions to applications”.

Use a framework such as the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) to deploy your applications. This ensures that AWS resources are provisioned with unique per resource IAM roles. For example, AWS SAM automatically creates unique IAM roles for every Lambda function you create.

Best practice: Design smaller, single purpose functions

Creating smaller, single purpose functions enables you to keep your permissions aligned to least privileged access. This reduces the risk of compromise since the function does not require access to more than it needs.

Create single purpose functions with their own IAM role

Single purpose Lambda functions allow you to create IAM roles that are specific to your access requirements. For example, a large multipurpose function might need access to multiple AWS resources such as Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon S3, and Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS). Single purpose functions would not need access to all of them at the same time.

With smaller, single purpose functions, it’s often easier to identify the specific resources and access requirements, and grant only those permissions. Additionally, new features are usually implemented by new functions in this architectural design. You can specifically grant permissions in new IAM roles for these functions.

Avoid sharing IAM roles with multiple cloud resources. As permissions are added to the role, these are shared across all resources using this role. For example, use one dedicated IAM role per Lambda function. This allows you to control permissions more intentionally. Even if some functions have the same policy initially, always separate the IAM roles to ensure least privilege policies.

Use least privilege access policies with your users and roles

When you create IAM policies, follow the standard security advice of granting least privilege, or granting only the permissions required to perform a task. Determine what users (and roles) must do and then craft policies that allow them to perform only those tasks.

Start with a minimum set of permissions and grant additional permissions as necessary. Doing so is more secure than starting with permissions that are too lenient and then trying to tighten them later. In the unlikely event of misused credentials, credentials will only be able to perform limited interactions.

To control access to AWS resources, AWS SAM uses the same mechanisms as AWS CloudFormation. For more information, see “Controlling access with AWS Identity and Access Management” in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.

For a Lambda function, AWS SAM scopes the permissions of your Lambda functions to the resources that are used by your application. You add IAM policies as part of the AWS SAM template. The policies property can be the name of AWS managed policies, inline IAM policy documents, or AWS SAM policy templates.

For example, the serverless airline has a ConfirmBooking Lambda function that has UpdateItem permissions to the specific DynamoDB BookingTable resource.

        Type: AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value<String>
        Description: Parameter Name for Booking Table
        Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
            FunctionName: !Sub ServerlessAirline-ConfirmBooking-${Stage}
                - Version: "2012-10-17"
                      Action: dynamodb:UpdateItem
                      Effect: Allow
                      Resource: !Sub "arn:${AWS::Partition}:dynamodb:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:table/${BookingTable}"

One of the fastest ways to scope permissions appropriately is to use AWS SAM policy templates. You can reference these templates directly in the AWS SAM template for your application, providing custom parameters as required.

The serverless patterns collection allows you to build integrations quickly using AWS SAM and AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) templates.

The booking service uses the SNSPublishMessagePolicy. This policy gives permission to the NotifyBooking Lambda function to publish a message to an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic.

        Type: AWS::SNS::Topic

        Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
                - SNSPublishMessagePolicy:
                      TopicName: !Sub ${BookingTopic.TopicName}

Auditing permissions and removing unnecessary permissions

Audit permissions regularly to help you identify unused permissions so that you can remove them. You can use last accessed information to refine your policies and allow access to only the services and actions that your entities use. Use the IAM console to view when last an IAM role was used.

IAM last used

IAM last used

Use IAM access advisor to review when was the last time an AWS service was used from a specific IAM user or role. You can view last accessed information for IAM on the Access Advisor tab in the IAM console. Using this information, you can remove IAM policies and access from your IAM roles.

IAM access advisor

IAM access advisor

When creating and editing policies, you can validate them using IAM Access Analyzer, which provides over 100 policy checks. It generates security warnings when a statement in your policy allows access AWS considers overly permissive. Use the security warning’s actionable recommendations to help grant least privilege. To learn more about policy checks provided by IAM Access Analyzer, see “IAM Access Analyzer policy validation”.

With AWS CloudTrail, you can use CloudTrail event history to review individual actions your IAM role has performed in the past. Using this information, you can detect which permissions were actively used, and decide to remove permissions.

AWS CloudTrail

AWS CloudTrail

To work out which permissions you may need, you can generate IAM policies based on access activity. You configure an IAM role with broad permissions while the application is in development. Access Analyzer reviews your CloudTrail logs. It generates a policy template that contains the permissions that the role used in your specified date range. Use the template to create a policy that grants only the permissions needed to support your specific use case. For more information, see “Generate policies based on access activity”.

IAM Access Analyzer

IAM Access Analyzer


Managing your serverless application’s security boundaries ensures isolation for, within, and between components. In this post, I continue from part 1, looking at using temporary credentials between resources and components. I cover why smaller, single purpose functions are better from a security perspective, and how to audit permissions. I show how to use AWS SAM to create per-function IAM roles.

For more serverless learning resources, visit https://serverlessland.com.

Audit Your Supply Chain with Amazon Managed Blockchain

Post Syndicated from Edouard Kachelmann original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/audit-your-supply-chain-with-amazon-managed-blockchain/

For manufacturing companies, visibility into complex supply chain processes is critical to establishing resilient supply chain management. Being able to trace events within a supply chain is key to verifying the origins of parts for regulatory requirements, tracing parts back to suppliers if issues arise, and for contacting buyers if there is a product/part recall.

Traditionally, companies will create their own ledger that can be reviewed and shared with third parties for future audits. However, this process takes time and requires verifying the data’s authenticity. In this blog, we offer a solution to audit your supply chain. Our solution allows supply chain participants to safeguard product authenticity and prevent fraud, increase profitability by driving operational efficiencies, and enhance visibility to minimize disputes across parties.

Benefits of blockchain

Blockchain technology offers a new approach for tracking supply chain events. Blockchains are immutable ledgers that allow you to cryptographically prove that, since being written, each transaction remains unchanged. For a supply chain, this immutability is beneficial from a process standpoint. Auditing a supply chain becomes much simpler when you are certain that no one has altered the manufacturing, transportation, storage, or usage history of a given part or product in the time since a failure occurred.

In addition to providing an immutable system of record, many blockchain protocols can run programmable logic written as code in a decentralized manner. This code is often referred to as a “smart contract,” which enables multi-party business logic to run on the blockchain. This means that implementing your supply chain on a blockchain allows members of the network (like retailers, suppliers, etc.) to process transactions that only they are authorized to process.

Benefits of Amazon Managed Blockchain

Amazon Managed Blockchain allows customers to join either private Hyperledger Fabric networks or the Public Ethereum network. On Managed Blockchain, you are relieved of the undifferentiated heavy lifting associated with creating, configuring, and managing the underlying infrastructure for a Hyperledger Fabric network. Instead, you can focus your efforts on mission-critical value drivers like building consortia or developing use case specific components. This allows you to create and manage a scalable Hyperledger Fabric network that multiple organizations can join from their AWS account.

IoT-enabled supply chain architecture

Organizations within the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) space want solutions that allow them to monitor and audit their supply chain for strict quality control and accurate product tracking. Using AWS IoT will allow you to realize operational efficiency at scale. The IoT-enabled equipment on their production plant floor records data such as load, pressure, temperature, humidity, and assembly metrics through multiple sensors. Data can be transmitted in real time directly to the cloud or through an on-premises AWS Internet of Things (IoT) gateway (such as any AWS IoT Greengrass compatible hardware) into AWS IoT for storage and analytics. These devices or IoT gateway will then send MQTT messages to the AWS IoT Core endpoint.

This solution provides a pipeline to ingest data provided by IoT. It stores this data in a private blockchain network that is only accessible within member organizations. This is your immutable single source of truth for future audits. In this solution, the Hyperledger Fabric network on Managed Blockchain includes two members, but it can be extended to additional organizations that are part of the supply chain as needed.

Reference architecture for an IoT-enabled supply chain consisting of a retailer and a manufacturer

Figure 1. Reference architecture for an IoT-enabled supply chain consisting of a retailer and a manufacturer

The components of this solution are:

  • IoT enabled sensors – These sensors are directly mounted on each piece of factory equipment throughout the supply chain. They publish data to the IoT gateway. For testing purposes, you can start with the IoT Device Simulator solution to create and simulate hundreds of connected devices.
  • AWS IoT Greengrass (optional) – This gateway provides a secure way to seamlessly connect your edge devices to any AWS service. It also enables local processing, messaging, data management, machine learning (ML) inference, and offers pre-built components such as protocol conversion to MQTT if your sensors only have an OPCUA or Modbus interface.
  • AWS IoT Core – AWS IoT Core subscribes to IoT topics published by the IoT devices or gateway and ingests data into the AWS Cloud for analysis and storage.
  • AWS IoT rule – Rules give your devices the ability to interact with AWS services. Rules are analyzed and actions are performed based on the MQTT topic stream. Here, we initiate a serverless Lambda function to extract, transform, and publish data to the Fabric Client. We could use another rule for HTTPS endpoint to directly address requests to a private API Gateway.
  • Amazon API Gateway – The API Gateway provides a REST interface to invoke the AWS Lambda function for each of the API routes deployed. API Gateway allows you to handle request authorization and authentication, before passing the request on to Lambda.
  • AWS Lambda for the Fabric Client – Using AWS Lambda with the Hyperledger Fabric SDK installed as a dependency, you can communicate with your Hyperledger Fabric Peer Node(s) to write and read data from the blockchain. The peer nodes run smart contracts (referred to as chaincode in Hyperledger Fabric), endorse transactions, and store a local copy of the ledger.
  • Managed Blockchain – Managed Blockchain is a fully managed service for creating and managing blockchain networks and network resources using open-source frameworks. In our solution, an endpoint within the customer virtual private cloud (VPC) is used for the Fabric Client. It interacts with your Hyperledger Fabric network on Managed Blockchain components that run within a VPC for your Managed Blockchain network.
    • Peer node – A peer node endorses blockchain transactions and stores the blockchain ledger. In production, we recommend creating a second peer node in another Availability Zone to serve as a fallback if the first peer becomes unavailable.
    • Certificate Authority – Every user who interacts with the blockchain must first register and enroll with their certificate authority.

Choosing a Hyperledger Fabric edition

Edition Network size Max. # of members Max. # of peer nodes per member Max # of channels per network Transaction throughput and availability
Starter Test or small production 5 2 3 Lower
Standard Large production 14 3 8 Higher

Our solution allows multiple parties to write and query data on a private Hyperledger Fabric blockchain managed by Amazon Managed Blockchain. This enhances consumer experience by reducing the overall effort and complexity with getting insight into supply chain transactions.


In this post, we showed you how Managed Blockchain, as well as other AWS services such as AWS IoT, can provide value to your business. The IoT-enabled supply chain architecture gives you a blueprint to realize that value. The value not only stems from the benefits of having a trustworthy and transparent supply chain, but also from the reliable, secure and scalable services that AWS provides.

Further reading

Using GitHub Actions to deploy serverless applications

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/using-github-actions-to-deploy-serverless-applications/

This post is written by Gopi Krishnamurthy, Senior Solutions Architect.

Continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) is one of the major DevOps components. This allows you to build, test, and deploy your applications rapidly and reliably, while improving quality and reducing time to market.

GitHub is an AWS Partner Network (APN) with the AWS DevOps Competency. GitHub Actions is a GitHub feature that allows you to automate tasks within your software development lifecycle. You can use GitHub Actions to run a CI/CD pipeline to build, test, and deploy software directly from GitHub.

The AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) is an open-source framework for building serverless applications. It provides shorthand syntax to express functions, APIs, databases, and event source mappings. With a few lines per resource, you can define the application you want and model it using YAML.

During deployment, AWS SAM transforms and expands the AWS SAM syntax into AWS CloudFormation syntax, enabling you to build serverless applications faster. The AWS SAM CLI allows you to build, test, and debug applications locally, defined by AWS SAM templates. You can also use the AWS SAM CLI to deploy your applications to AWS. For AWS SAM example code, see the serverless patterns collection.

In this post, you learn how to create a sample serverless application using AWS SAM. You then use GitHub Actions to build, and deploy the application in your AWS account.

New GitHub action setup-sam

A GitHub Actions runner is the application that runs a job from a GitHub Actions workflow. You can use a GitHub hosted runner, which is a virtual machine hosted by GitHub with the runner application installed. You can also host your own runners to customize the environment used to run jobs in your GitHub Actions workflows.

AWS has released a GitHub action called setup-sam to install AWS SAM, which is pre-installed on GitHub hosted runners. You can use this action to install a specific, or the latest AWS SAM version.

This demo uses AWS SAM to create a small serverless application using one of the built-in templates. When the code is pushed to GitHub, a GitHub Actions workflow triggers a GitHub CI/CD pipeline. This builds, and deploys your code directly from GitHub to your AWS account.


  1. A GitHub account: This post assumes you have the required permissions to configure GitHub repositories, create workflows, and configure GitHub secrets.
  2. Create a new GitHub repository and clone it to your local environment. For this example, create a repository called github-actions-with-aws-sam.
  3. An AWS account with permissions to create the necessary resources.
  4. Install AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) and AWS SAM CLI locally. This is separate from using the AWS SAM CLI in a GitHub Actions runner. If you use AWS Cloud9 as your integrated development environment (IDE), AWS CLI and AWS SAM are pre-installed.
  5. Create an Amazon S3 bucket in your AWS account to store the build package for deployment.
  6. An AWS user with access keys, which the GitHub Actions runner uses to deploy the application. The user also write requires access to the S3 bucket.

Creating the AWS SAM application

You can create a serverless application by defining all required resources in an AWS SAM template. AWS SAM provides a number of quick-start templates to create an application.

  1. From the CLI, open a terminal, navigate to the parent of the cloned repository directory, and enter the following:
  2. sam init -r python3.8 -n github-actions-with-aws-sam --app-template "hello-world"
  3. When asked to select package type (zip or image), select zip.

This creates an AWS SAM application in the root of the repository named github-actions-with-aws-sam, using the default configuration. This consists of a single AWS Lambda Python 3.8 function invoked by an Amazon API Gateway endpoint.

To see additional runtimes supported by AWS SAM and options for sam init, enter sam init -h.

Local testing

AWS SAM allows you to test your applications locally. AWS SAM provides a default event in events/event.json that includes a message body of {\"message\": \"hello world\"}.

    1. Invoke the HelloWorldFunction Lambda function locally, passing the default event:
    2. sam local invoke HelloWorldFunction -e events/event.json
    3. The function response is:
    4. {"message": "hello world"}

    5. Test the API Gateway functionality in front of the Lambda function by first starting the API locally:
    6. sam local start-api
    7. AWS SAM launches a Docker container with a mock API Gateway endpoint listening on localhost:3000.
    8. Use curl to call the hello API:

    The API response should be:

    {"message": "hello world"}

    Creating the sam-pipeline.yml file

    GitHub CI/CD pipelines are configured using a YAML file. This file configures what specific action triggers a workflow, such as push on main, and what workflow steps are required.

    In the root of the repository containing the files generated by sam init, create the directory: .github/workflows.

    1. Create a new file called sam-pipeline.yml under the .github/workflows directory.
    2. sam-pipeline.yml file

      sam-pipeline.yml file

    3. Edit the sam-pipeline.yml file and add the following:
    4. on:
            - main
          runs-on: ubuntu-latest
            - uses: actions/checkout@v2
            - uses: actions/setup-python@v2
            - uses: aws-actions/setup-sam@v1
            - uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v1
                aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
                aws-secret-access-key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
                aws-region: ##region##
            # sam build 
            - run: sam build --use-container
      # Run Unit tests- Specify unit tests here 
      # sam deploy
            - run: sam deploy --no-confirm-changeset --no-fail-on-empty-changeset --stack-name sam-hello-world --s3-bucket ##s3-bucket## --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM --region ##region## 
    5. Replace ##s3-bucket## with the name of the S3 bucket previously created to store the deployment package.
    6. Replace both ##region## with your AWS Region.

    The configuration triggers the GitHub Actions CI/CD pipeline when code is pushed to the main branch. You can amend this if you are using another branch. For a full list of supported events, refer to GitHub documentation page.

    You can further customize the sam build –use-container command if necessary. By default the Docker image used to create the build artifact is pulled from Amazon ECR Public. The default Python 3.8 image in this example is based on the language specified during sam init. To pull a different container image, use the --build-image option as specified in the documentation.

    The AWS CLI and AWS SAM CLI are installed in the runner using the GitHub action setup-sam. To install a specific version, use the version parameter.

    uses: aws-actions/setup-sam@v1
      version: 1.23.0

    As part of the CI/CD process, we recommend you scan your code for quality and vulnerabilities in bundled libraries. You can find these security offerings from our AWS Lambda Technology Partners.

    Configuring AWS credentials in GitHub

    The GitHub Actions CI/CD pipeline requires AWS credentials to access your AWS account. The credentials must include AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies that provide access to Lambda, API Gateway, AWS CloudFormation, S3, and IAM resources.

    These credentials are stored as GitHub secrets within your GitHub repository, under Settings > Secrets. For more information, see “GitHub Actions secrets”.

    In your GitHub repository, create two secrets named AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and enter the key values. We recommend following IAM best practices for the AWS credentials used in GitHub Actions workflows, including:

    • Do not store credentials in your repository code. Use GitHub Actions secrets to store credentials and redact credentials from GitHub Actions workflow logs.
    • Create an individual IAM user with an access key for use in GitHub Actions workflows, preferably one per repository. Do not use the AWS account root user access key.
    • Grant least privilege to the credentials used in GitHub Actions workflows. Grant only the permissions required to perform the actions in your GitHub Actions workflows.
    • Rotate the credentials used in GitHub Actions workflows regularly.
    • Monitor the activity of the credentials used in GitHub Actions workflows.

    Deploying your application

    Add all the files to your local git repository, commit the changes, and push to GitHub.

    git add .
    git commit -am "Add AWS SAM files"
    git push

    Once the files are pushed to GitHub on the main branch, this automatically triggers the GitHub Actions CI/CD pipeline as configured in the sam-pipeline.yml file.

    The GitHub actions runner performs the pipeline steps specified in the file. It checks out the code from your repo, sets up Python, and configures the AWS credentials based on the GitHub secrets. The runner uses the GitHub action setup-sam to install AWS SAM CLI.

    The pipeline triggers the sam build process to build the application artifacts, using the default container image for Python 3.8.

    sam deploy runs to configure the resources in your AWS account using the securely stored credentials.

    To view the application deployment progress, select Actions in the repository menu. Select the workflow run and select the job name build-deploy.

    GitHub Actions progress

    GitHub Actions progress

    If the build fails, you can view the error message. Common errors are:

    • Incompatible software versions such as the Python runtime being different from the Python version on the build machine. Resolve this by installing the proper software versions.
    • Credentials could not be loaded. Verify that AWS credentials are stored in GitHub secrets.
    • Ensure that your AWS account has the necessary permissions to deploy the resources in the AWS SAM template, in addition to the S3 deployment bucket.

    Testing the application

    1. Within the workflow run, expand the Run sam deploy section.
    2. Navigate to the AWS SAM Outputs section. The HelloWorldAPI value shows the API Gateway endpoint URL deployed in your AWS account.
    AWS SAM outputs

    AWS SAM outputs

  1. Use curl to test the API:
curl https://<api-id>.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/Prod/hello/

The API response should be:
{"message": "hello world"}


To remove the application resources, navigate to the CloudFormation console and delete the stack. Alternatively, you can use an AWS CLI command to remove the stack:

aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name sam-hello-world

Empty, and delete the S3 deployment bucket.


GitHub Actions is a GitHub feature that allows you to run a CI/CD pipeline to build, test, and deploy software directly from GitHub. AWS SAM is an open-source framework for building serverless applications.

In this post, you use GitHub Actions CI/CD pipeline functionality and AWS SAM to create, build, test, and deploy a serverless application. You use sam init to create a serverless application and tested the functionality locally. You create a sam-pipeline.yml file to define the pipeline steps for GitHub Actions.

The GitHub action setup-sam installed AWS SAM on the GitHub hosted runner. The GitHub Actions workflow uses sam build to create the application artifacts and sam deploy to deploy them to your AWS account.

For more serverless learning resources, visit https://serverlessland.com.

Building well-architected serverless applications: Managing application security boundaries – part 1

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-well-architected-serverless-applications-managing-application-security-boundaries-part-1/

This series of blog posts uses the AWS Well-Architected Tool with the Serverless Lens to help customers build and operate applications using best practices. In each post, I address the serverless-specific questions identified by the Serverless Lens along with the recommended best practices. See the introduction post for a table of contents and explanation of the example application.

Security question SEC2: How do you manage your serverless application’s security boundaries?

Defining and securing your serverless application’s boundaries ensures isolation for, within, and between components.

Required practice: Evaluate and define resource policies

Resource policies are AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) statements. They are attached to resources such as an Amazon S3 bucket, or an Amazon API Gateway REST API resource or method. The policies define what identities have fine-grained access to the resource. To see which services support resource-based policies, see “AWS Services That Work with IAM”. For more information on how resource policies and identity policies are evaluated, see “Identity-Based Policies and Resource-Based Policies”.

Understand and determine which resource policies are necessary

Resource policies can protect a component by restricting inbound access to managed services. Use resource policies to restrict access to your component based on a number of identities, such as the source IP address/range, function event source, version, alias, or queues. Resource policies are evaluated and enforced at IAM level before each AWS service applies it’s own authorization mechanisms, when available. For example, IAM resource policies for API Gateway REST APIs can deny access to an API before an AWS Lambda authorizer is called.

If you use multiple AWS accounts, you can use AWS Organizations to manage and govern individual member accounts centrally. Certain resource policies can be applied at the organizations level, providing guardrail for what actions AWS accounts within the organization root or OU can do. For more information see, “Understanding how AWS Organization Service Control Policies work”.

Review your existing policies and how they’re configured, paying close attention to how permissive individual policies are. Your resource policies should only permit necessary callers.

Implement resource policies to prevent unauthorized access

For Lambda, use resource-based policies to provide fine-grained access to what AWS IAM identities and event sources can invoke a specific version or alias of your function. Resource-based policies can also be used to control access to Lambda layers. You can combine resource policies with Lambda event sources. For example, if API Gateway invokes Lambda, you can restrict the policy to the API Gateway ID, HTTP method, and path of the request.

In the serverless airline example used in this series, the IngestLoyalty service uses a Lambda function that subscribes to an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic. The Lambda function resource policy allows SNS to invoke the Lambda function.

Lambda resource policy document

Lambda resource policy document

API Gateway resource-based policies can restrict API access to specific Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), VPC endpoint, source IP address/range, AWS account, or AWS IAM users.

Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) resource-based policies provide fine-grained access to certain AWS services and AWS IAM identities (users, roles, accounts). Amazon SNS resource-based policies restrict authenticated and non-authenticated actions to topics.

Amazon DynamoDB resource-based policies provide fine-grained access to tables and indexes. Amazon EventBridge resource-based policies restrict AWS identities to send and receive events including to specific event buses.

For Amazon S3, use bucket policies to grant permission to your Amazon S3 resources.

The AWS re:Invent session Best practices for growing a serverless application includes further suggestions on enforcing security best practices.

Best practices for growing a serverless application

Best practices for growing a serverless application

Good practice: Control network traffic at all layers

Apply controls for controlling both inbound and outbound traffic, including data loss prevention. Define requirements that help you protect your networks and protect against exfiltration.

Use networking controls to enforce access patterns

API Gateway and AWS AppSync have support for AWS Web Application Firewall (AWS WAF) which helps protect web applications and APIs from attacks. AWS WAF enables you to configure a set of rules called a web access control list (web ACL). These allow you to block, or count web requests based on customizable web security rules and conditions that you define. These can include specified IP address ranges, CIDR blocks, specific countries, or Regions. You can also block requests that contain malicious SQL code, or requests that contain malicious script. For more information, see How AWS WAF Works.

private API endpoint is an API Gateway interface VPC endpoint that can only be accessed from your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC). This is an elastic network interface that you create in a VPC. Traffic to your private API uses secure connections and does not leave the Amazon network, it is isolated from the public internet. For more information, see “Creating a private API in Amazon API Gateway”.

To restrict access to your private API to specific VPCs and VPC endpoints, you must add conditions to your API’s resource policy. For example policies, see the documentation.

By default, Lambda runs your functions in a secure Lambda-owned VPC that is not connected to your account’s default VPC. Functions can access anything available on the public internet. This includes other AWS services, HTTPS endpoints for APIs, or services and endpoints outside AWS. The function cannot directly connect to your private resources inside of your VPC.

You can configure a Lambda function to connect to private subnets in a VPC in your account. When a Lambda function is configured to use a VPC, the Lambda function still runs inside the Lambda service VPC. The function then sends all network traffic through your VPC and abides by your VPC’s network controls. Functions deployed to virtual private networks must consider network access to restrict resource access.

AWS Lambda service VPC with VPC-to-VPT NAT to customer VPC

AWS Lambda service VPC with VPC-to-VPT NAT to customer VPC

When you connect a function to a VPC in your account, the function cannot access the internet, unless the VPC provides access. To give your function access to the internet, route outbound traffic to a NAT gateway in a public subnet. The NAT gateway has a public IP address and can connect to the internet through the VPC’s internet gateway. For more information, see “How do I give internet access to my Lambda function in a VPC?”. Connecting a function to a public subnet doesn’t give it internet access or a public IP address.

You can control the VPC settings for your Lambda functions using AWS IAM condition keys. For example, you can require that all functions in your organization are connected to a VPC. You can also specify the subnets and security groups that the function’s users can and can’t use.

Unsolicited inbound traffic to a Lambda function isn’t permitted by default. There is no direct network access to the execution environment where your functions run. When connected to a VPC, function outbound traffic comes from your own network address space.

You can use security groups, which act as a virtual firewall to control outbound traffic for functions connected to a VPC. Use security groups to permit your Lambda function to communicate with other AWS resources. For example, a security group can allow the function to connect to an Amazon ElastiCache cluster.

To filter or block access to certain locations, use VPC routing tables to configure routing to different networking appliances. Use network ACLs to block access to CIDR IP ranges or ports, if necessary. For more information about the differences between security groups and network ACLs, see “Compare security groups and network ACLs.”

In addition to API Gateway private endpoints, several AWS services offer VPC endpoints, including Lambda. You can use VPC endpoints to connect to AWS services from within a VPC without an internet gateway, NAT device, VPN connection, or AWS Direct Connect connection.

Using tools to audit your traffic

When you configure a Lambda function to use a VPC, or use private API endpoints, you can use VPC Flow Logs to audit your traffic. VPC Flow Logs allow you to capture information about the IP traffic going to and from network interfaces in your VPC. Flow log data can be published to Amazon CloudWatch Logs or S3 to see where traffic is being sent to at a granular level. Here are some flow log record examples. For more information, see “Learn from your VPC Flow Logs”.

Block network access when required

In addition to security groups and network ACLs, third-party tools allow you to disable outgoing VPC internet traffic. These can also be configured to allow traffic to AWS services or allow-listed services.


Managing your serverless application’s security boundaries ensures isolation for, within, and between components. In this post, I cover how to evaluate and define resource policies, showing what policies are available for various serverless services. I show some of the features of AWS WAF to protect APIs. Then I review how to control network traffic at all layers. I explain how Lambda functions connect to VPCs, and how to use private APIs and VPC endpoints. I walk through how to audit your traffic.

This well-architected question will be continued where I look at using temporary credentials between resources and components. I cover why smaller, single purpose functions are better from a security perspective, and how to audit permissions. I show how to use AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) to create per-function IAM roles.

For more serverless learning resources, visit https://serverlessland.com.

Building fine-grained authorization using Amazon Cognito, API Gateway, and IAM

Post Syndicated from Artem Lovan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/building-fine-grained-authorization-using-amazon-cognito-api-gateway-and-iam/

June 5, 2021: We’ve updated Figure 1: User request flow.

Authorizing functionality of an application based on group membership is a best practice. If you’re building APIs with Amazon API Gateway and you need fine-grained access control for your users, you can use Amazon Cognito. Amazon Cognito allows you to use groups to create a collection of users, which is often done to set the permissions for those users. In this post, I show you how to build fine-grained authorization to protect your APIs using Amazon Cognito, API Gateway, and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM).

As a developer, you’re building a customer-facing application where your users are going to log into your web or mobile application, and as such you will be exposing your APIs through API Gateway with upstream services. The APIs could be deployed on Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), AWS Lambda, or Elastic Load Balancing where each of these options will forward the request to your Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances. Additionally, you can use on-premises services that are connected to your Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment over an AWS VPN or AWS Direct Connect. It’s important to have fine-grained controls for each API endpoint and HTTP method. For instance, the user should be allowed to make a GET request to an endpoint, but should not be allowed to make a POST request to the same endpoint. As a best practice, you should assign users to groups and use group membership to allow or deny access to your API services.

Solution overview

In this blog post, you learn how to use an Amazon Cognito user pool as a user directory and let users authenticate and acquire the JSON Web Token (JWT) to pass to the API Gateway. The JWT is used to identify what group the user belongs to, as mapping a group to an IAM policy will display the access rights the group is granted.

Note: The solution works similarly if Amazon Cognito would be federating users with an external identity provider (IdP)—such as Ping, Active Directory, or Okta—instead of being an IdP itself. To learn more, see Adding User Pool Sign-in Through a Third Party. Additionally, if you want to use groups from an external IdP to grant access, Role-based access control using Amazon Cognito and an external identity provider outlines how to do so.

The following figure shows the basic architecture and information flow for user requests.

Figure 1: User request flow

Figure 1: User request flow

Let’s go through the request flow to understand what happens at each step, as shown in Figure 1:

  1. A user logs in and acquires an Amazon Cognito JWT ID token, access token, and refresh token. To learn more about each token, see using tokens with user pools.
  2. A RestAPI request is made and a bearer token—in this solution, an access token—is passed in the headers.
  3. API Gateway forwards the request to a Lambda authorizer—also known as a custom authorizer.
  4. The Lambda authorizer verifies the Amazon Cognito JWT using the Amazon Cognito public key. On initial Lambda invocation, the public key is downloaded from Amazon Cognito and cached. Subsequent invocations will use the public key from the cache.
  5. The Lambda authorizer looks up the Amazon Cognito group that the user belongs to in the JWT and does a lookup in Amazon DynamoDB to get the policy that’s mapped to the group.
  6. Lambda returns the policy and—optionally—context to API Gateway. The context is a map containing key-value pairs that you can pass to the upstream service. It can be additional information about the user, the service, or anything that provides additional information to the upstream service.
  7. The API Gateway policy engine evaluates the policy.

    Note: Lambda isn’t responsible for understanding and evaluating the policy. That responsibility falls on the native capabilities of API Gateway.

  8. The request is forwarded to the service.

Note: To further optimize Lambda authorizer, the authorization policy can be cached or disabled, depending on your needs. By enabling cache, you could improve the performance as the authorization policy will be returned from the cache whenever there is a cache key match. To learn more, see Configure a Lambda authorizer using the API Gateway console.

Let’s have a closer look at the following example policy that is stored as part of an item in DynamoDB.


Based on this example policy, the user is allowed to make calls to the petstore API. For version v1, the user can make requests to any verb and any path, which is expressed by an asterisk (*). For v2, the user is only allowed to make a GET request for path /status. To learn more about how the policies work, see Output from an Amazon API Gateway Lambda authorizer.

Getting started

For this solution, you need the following prerequisites:

  • The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) installed and configured for use.
  • Python 3.6 or later, to package Python code for Lambda

    Note: We recommend that you use a virtual environment or virtualenvwrapper to isolate the solution from the rest of your Python environment.

  • An IAM role or user with enough permissions to create Amazon Cognito User Pool, IAM Role, Lambda, IAM Policy, API Gateway and DynamoDB table.
  • The GitHub repository for the solution. You can download it, or you can use the following Git command to download it from your terminal.

    Note: This sample code should be used to test out the solution and is not intended to be used in production account.

     $ git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-cognito-api-gateway.git
     $ cd amazon-cognito-api-gateway

    Use the following command to package the Python code for deployment to Lambda.

     $ bash ./helper.sh package-lambda-functions
     Successfully completed packaging files.

To implement this reference architecture, you will be utilizing the following services:

Note: This solution was tested in the us-east-1, us-east-2, us-west-2, ap-southeast-1, and ap-southeast-2 Regions. Before selecting a Region, verify that the necessary services—Amazon Cognito, API Gateway, and Lambda—are available in those Regions.

Let’s review each service, and how those will be used, before creating the resources for this solution.

Amazon Cognito user pool

A user pool is a user directory in Amazon Cognito. With a user pool, your users can log in to your web or mobile app through Amazon Cognito. You use the Amazon Cognito user directory directly, as this sample solution creates an Amazon Cognito user. However, your users can also log in through social IdPs, OpenID Connect (OIDC), and SAML IdPs.

Lambda as backing API service

Initially, you create a Lambda function that serves your APIs. API Gateway forwards all requests to the Lambda function to serve up the requests.

An API Gateway instance and integration with Lambda

Next, you create an API Gateway instance and integrate it with the Lambda function you created. This API Gateway instance serves as an entry point for the upstream service. The following bash command below creates an Amazon Cognito user pool, a Lambda function, and an API Gateway instance. The command then configures proxy integration with Lambda and deploys an API Gateway stage.

Deploy the sample solution

From within the directory where you downloaded the sample code from GitHub, run the following command to generate a random Amazon Cognito user password and create the resources described in the previous section.

 $ bash ./helper.sh cf-create-stack-gen-password
 Successfully created CloudFormation stack.

When the command is complete, it returns a message confirming successful stack creation.

Validate Amazon Cognito user creation

To validate that an Amazon Cognito user has been created successfully, run the following command to open the Amazon Cognito UI in your browser and then log in with your credentials.

Note: When you run this command, it returns the user name and password that you should use to log in.

 $ bash ./helper.sh open-cognito-ui
  Opening Cognito UI. Please use following credentials to login:
  Username: cognitouser
  Password: xxxxxxxx

Alternatively, you can open the CloudFormation stack and get the Amazon Cognito hosted UI URL from the stack outputs. The URL is the value assigned to the CognitoHostedUiUrl variable.

Figure 2: CloudFormation Outputs - CognitoHostedUiUrl

Figure 2: CloudFormation Outputs – CognitoHostedUiUrl

Validate Amazon Cognito JWT upon login

Since we haven’t installed a web application that would respond to the redirect request, Amazon Cognito will redirect to localhost, which might look like an error. The key aspect is that after a successful log in, there is a URL similar to the following in the navigation bar of your browser:


Test the API configuration

Before you protect the API with Amazon Cognito so that only authorized users can access it, let’s verify that the configuration is correct and the API is served by API Gateway. The following command makes a curl request to API Gateway to retrieve data from the API service.

 $ bash ./helper.sh curl-api

The expected result is that the response will be a list of pets. In this case, the setup is correct: API Gateway is serving the API.

Protect the API

To protect your API, the following is required:

  1. DynamoDB to store the policy that will be evaluated by the API Gateway to make an authorization decision.
  2. A Lambda function to verify the user’s access token and look up the policy in DynamoDB.

Let’s review all the services before creating the resources.

Lambda authorizer

A Lambda authorizer is an API Gateway feature that uses a Lambda function to control access to an API. You use a Lambda authorizer to implement a custom authorization scheme that uses a bearer token authentication strategy. When a client makes a request to one of the API operations, the API Gateway calls the Lambda authorizer. The Lambda authorizer takes the identity of the caller as input and returns an IAM policy as the output. The output is the policy that is returned in DynamoDB and evaluated by the API Gateway. If there is no policy mapped to the caller identity, Lambda will generate a deny policy and request will be denied.

DynamoDB table

DynamoDB is a key-value and document database that delivers single-digit millisecond performance at any scale. This is ideal for this use case to ensure that the Lambda authorizer can quickly process the bearer token, look up the policy, and return it to API Gateway. To learn more, see Control access for invoking an API.

The final step is to create the DynamoDB table for the Lambda authorizer to look up the policy, which is mapped to an Amazon Cognito group.

Figure 3 illustrates an item in DynamoDB. Key attributes are:

  • Group, which is used to look up the policy.
  • Policy, which is returned to API Gateway to evaluate the policy.


Figure 3: DynamoDB item

Figure 3: DynamoDB item

Based on this policy, the user that is part of the Amazon Cognito group pet-veterinarian is allowed to make API requests to endpoints https://<domain>/<api-gateway-stage>/petstore/v1/* and https://<domain>/<api-gateway-stage>/petstore/v2/status for GET requests only.

Update and create resources

Run the following command to update existing resources and create a Lambda authorizer and DynamoDB table.

 $ bash ./helper.sh cf-update-stack
Successfully updated CloudFormation stack.

Test the custom authorizer setup

Begin your testing with the following request, which doesn’t include an access token.

$ bash ./helper.sh curl-api

The request is denied with the message Unauthorized. At this point, the Amazon API Gateway expects a header named Authorization (case sensitive) in the request. If there’s no authorization header, the request is denied before it reaches the lambda authorizer. This is a way to filter out requests that don’t include required information.

Use the following command for the next test. In this test, you pass the required header but the token is invalid because it wasn’t issued by Amazon Cognito but is a simple JWT-format token stored in ./helper.sh. To learn more about how to decode and validate a JWT, see decode and verify an Amazon Cognito JSON token.

$ bash ./helper.sh curl-api-invalid-token
{"Message":"User is not authorized to access this resource"}

This time the message is different. The Lambda authorizer received the request and identified the token as invalid and responded with the message User is not authorized to access this resource.

To make a successful request to the protected API, your code will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Use a user name and password to authenticate against your Amazon Cognito user pool.
  2. Acquire the tokens (id token, access token, and refresh token).
  3. Make an HTTPS (TLS) request to API Gateway and pass the access token in the headers.

Before the request is forwarded to the API service, API Gateway receives the request and passes it to the Lambda authorizer. The authorizer performs the following steps. If any of the steps fail, the request is denied.

  1. Retrieve the public keys from Amazon Cognito.
  2. Cache the public keys so the Lambda authorizer doesn’t have to make additional calls to Amazon Cognito as long as the Lambda execution environment isn’t shut down.
  3. Use public keys to verify the access token.
  4. Look up the policy in DynamoDB.
  5. Return the policy to API Gateway.

The access token has claims such as Amazon Cognito assigned groups, user name, token use, and others, as shown in the following example (some fields removed).

    "sub": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000000000",
    "cognito:groups": [
    "token_use": "access",
    "scope": "openid email",
    "username": "cognitouser"

Finally, let’s programmatically log in to Amazon Cognito UI, acquire a valid access token, and make a request to API Gateway. Run the following command to call the protected API.

$ bash ./helper.sh curl-protected-api

This time, you receive a response with data from the API service. Let’s examine the steps that the example code performed:

  1. Lambda authorizer validates the access token.
  2. Lambda authorizer looks up the policy in DynamoDB based on the group name that was retrieved from the access token.
  3. Lambda authorizer passes the IAM policy back to API Gateway.
  4. API Gateway evaluates the IAM policy and the final effect is an allow.
  5. API Gateway forwards the request to Lambda.
  6. Lambda returns the response.

Let’s continue to test our policy from Figure 3. In the policy document, arn:aws:execute-api:*:*:*/*/GET/petstore/v2/status is the only endpoint for version V2, which means requests to endpoint /GET/petstore/v2/pets should be denied. Run the following command to test this.

 $ bash ./helper.sh curl-protected-api-not-allowed-endpoint
{"Message":"User is not authorized to access this resource"}

Note: Now that you understand fine grained access control using Cognito user pool, API Gateway and lambda function, and you have finished testing it out, you can run the following command to clean up all the resources associated with this solution:

 $ bash ./helper.sh cf-delete-stack

Advanced IAM policies to further control your API

With IAM, you can create advanced policies to further refine access to your APIs. You can learn more about condition keys that can be used in API Gateway, their use in an IAM policy with conditions, and how policy evaluation logic determines whether to allow or deny a request.


In this post, you learned how IAM and Amazon Cognito can be used to provide fine-grained access control for your API behind API Gateway. You can use this approach to transparently apply fine-grained control to your API, without having to modify the code in your API, and create advanced policies by using IAM condition keys.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the Amazon Cognito forum or contact AWS Support.

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Artem Lovan

Artem is a Senior Solutions Architect based in New York. He helps customers architect and optimize applications on AWS. He has been involved in IT at many levels, including infrastructure, networking, security, DevOps, and software development.

Build real-time feature toggles with Amazon DynamoDB Streams and Amazon API Gateway WebSocket APIs

Post Syndicated from Bryant Bost original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/build-real-time-feature-toggles-with-amazon-dynamodb-streams-and-amazon-api-gateway-websocket-apis/

Feature toggles (or feature flags) are a software development technique allowing developers to programmatically enable or disable features of an application. In practice, feature toggles control a system’s behavior by controlling conditional statements in the application code.

Feature toggles have a number of use cases:

  • Selectively enable or disable features – You can use feature toggles to selectively enable or disable features based on arbitrary conditions. For example, you can use a feature toggle to enable a feature only at certain times of the day or only for certain groups of users.
  • Minimize deployment risk – Deploying a new, experimental, or uncertain feature behind a feature toggle allows an organization to expose this feature to its users with minimal impact should the feature need to be disabled. In this scenario, a feature toggle allows you to quickly restore normal functionality without a code rollback and redeployment.
  • Reduce cross-team dependencies – If an application needs to change its behavior in coordination with another application, or even another group of developers on the same team, a feature toggle can be used to maintain the old functionality and new functionality in parallel.

In the following example code, the Boolean variable example_feature_toggle functions as a feature toggle and controls the system behavior by forcing the system to do_something() or do_something_else():

if example_feature_toggle:

Feature toggle implementations can take many forms and display varying levels of complexity. In a basic implementation like the preceding example, feature toggles are static variables that are read from a configuration file at application startup or on certain application events. In a more complex implementation, feature toggles can be read from an API or pushed to the application via a service. Building a complex, custom feature toggle solution from scratch or deploying and managing a third-party feature toggle solution can be tedious and distract from the development of more critical application features.

In this post, we explore a serverless solution that uses managed service offerings from AWS to add simple, customizable, and real-time feature toggles to your application. This solution uses Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon DynamoDB Streams to capture feature toggle changes and trigger an AWS Lambda function that pushes notifications to connected clients through Amazon API Gateway WebSocket APIs.

The code for this solution is stored in a GitHub repository.

Solution Overview

The following diagram shows the high-level architecture that we implement to deliver the feature toggle solution. In this solution, application clients connect to an API Gateway WebSocket API and receive the status of all feature toggles in the application. If a feature toggle changes while the client is still connected to the WebSocket API, the feature toggle service automatically sends a message to the client containing the new status of the feature toggle. This solution sends all feature toggle updates to all connected clients, but you could easily extend it to incorporate application business logic to selectively return the status of feature toggles based on arbitrary conditions.

Feature toggle solution architecture

Feature toggle solution architecture

This architecture represents a complete, customizable service that offers the following benefits:

  • Centralized feature toggle management – To effectively manage the state of each feature toggle in an application, we use a single DynamoDB table to store all the feature toggles and the current status of each feature toggle. Storing the feature toggles in a centralized location simplifies the management of these feature toggles, and removes the possibility that different application clients could receive conflicting feature toggle statuses.
  • Real-time communication – We use WebSocket APIs to immediately notify application clients of changes in feature toggle values. In addition to the ability to push notifications directly from the feature toggle solution to the clients, a WebSocket-based approach is less resource intensive than an HTTP polling-based approach due to the relative frequency of feature toggle changes compared to polling messages and the low overhead associated with maintaining a WebSocket connection.
  • Automatic change detection – When a feature toggle is added, removed, or updated from the DynamoDB table, we need to automatically notify all clients that are reliant on these feature toggles. For example, if our application client is a single-page application, all users currently using the application need to be notified of the updated feature toggle. To capture the change events from DynamoDB, we configure a DynamoDB stream to trigger a Lambda function on each change to the table and push notifications to all connected clients.

Initiating a connection

The feature toggle service is exposed via a single API Gateway WebSocket API, and this API consists of only two routes (as shown in the following screenshot): $connect and $disconnect.

Connecting to feature toggle API

Connecting to feature toggle API

In a WebSocket API, incoming messages are directed to backend services based on routes that are specified as a message header. Because our feature toggle solution is only intended to notify users of feature toggle changes and doesn’t need to accept incoming messages, we don’t need to configure additional routes. For more information about connection initiation and routing incoming messages, see Working with routes for WebSocket APIs.

When an application client initiates a connection to the WebSocket API, API Gateway invokes the $connect route. We configure this route to trigger our connection manager function, which stores the connectionId and callback URL in the active connections table. The connection manager function is also responsible for handling the $disconnect route, which is invoked when the WebSocket connection is closed. When the $disconnect route is invoked, the function simply deletes the client’s connection information from the active connections table. The information in the active connections table is used to push notifications from the service backend (the Lambda functions) to clients with active WebSocket connections to API Gateway. For more information about how to exchange messages with API Gateway WebSocket APIs, see to Sending data from backend services to connected clients.

The following screenshot shows our active connections table.

Feature toggle active connections

Feature toggle active connections

Receiving the initial state

When a client first connects to the feature toggle service, we need to notify the client of the current state of all feature toggles in our application. To do this, we configure a DynamoDB stream to capture changes to the active connections table, and configure the new connection Lambda function to be triggered on writes to the stream. The DynamoDB stream (see the following screenshot) is configured to reflect the NEW_IMAGE of any changed data, meaning the stream contains the entire changed item as it appears after it’s modified.

DynamoDB stream configuration

DynamoDB stream configuration

For more information about working with Lambda functions to process records in a DynamoDB stream, see Using AWS Lambda with Amazon DynamoDB.

From the DynamoDB stream, the new connection function is triggered with any new, updated, or deleted rows from the active connections table. This function examines the records present in the stream, and if a record is determined to be a new connection, the function reads the current status of all feature toggles from the feature toggles table and sends this data as a message to the newly connected client. The new connection function ignores records in the stream that don’t represent newly connected clients.

Respond to updates

The current state of all feature toggles is stored in the feature toggles table. The format of this table is arbitrary, and can be expanded to fit additional data fields required for an application. For this post, I added several example feature toggles to the table (see the following screenshot), with isActive representing whether the feature toggle is currently on or off.

Feature toggle tracking table

Feature toggle tracking table

When a feature toggle is added, edited, or deleted, we need to automatically push a notification containing the new state of the feature toggle to connected clients. Similarly to the way we capture new connections to the active connections table  with a DynamoDB stream, we use another stream to capture changes to the feature toggles table and configure these changes to invoke the feature toggle message function. This DynamoDB stream (see the following screenshot) has identical configurations to the stream attached to the active connections table.

DynamoDB stream configuration

DynamoDB stream configuration

Finally, the feature toggle message function is responsible for pushing any changes from the DynamoDB stream attached to the feature toggles table to currently connected clients. To do this, the function reads all active connections from the active connections table and uses the callback URL to send a message to the client containing the new state of the feature toggle.

Deploying the infrastructure

To create this stack, you can deploy the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) template in the GitHub repository for this post. Be sure to configure your AWS CLI with an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user that has permissions to create the resources described in the template. For more details on creating custom IAM users and policies, see Manage IAM permissions. Additionally, you need to have the AWS SAM CLI installed to use the sam command to deploy the stack.


To test our feature toggle service, we use wscat, an open-source command line tool that allows us to send and receive messages over WebSocket connections. To connect to our service, we use the endpoint exposed by API Gateway. This endpoint, as shown in the following screenshot, is produced as an output of the deployed AWS SAM template, and is also available on the API Gateway console.

Feature toggle stack output

Feature toggle stack output

When we initiate a connection to our service, we should receive a notification of the current state of all feature toggles.

wscat -c wss://<your-api-id>.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/Sandbox
Connected (press CTRL+C to quit)
< [{"featureId": {"S": "2"}, "isActive": {"BOOL": false}, "featureName": {"S": "Feature toggle 2"}}, {"featureId": {"S": "1"}, "isActive": {"BOOL": false}, "featureName": {"S": "Feature toggle 1"}}, {"featureId": {"S": "4"}, "isActive": {"BOOL": true}, "featureName": {"S": "Feature toggle 4"}}, {"featureId": {"S": "3"}, "isActive": {"BOOL": true}, "featureName": {"S": "Feature toggle 3"}}]

When any of the feature toggles are changed in DynamoDB, the service automatically pushes these changes to the connected client.

For example, the following code illustrates a notification indicating the status of an existing feature toggle has changed:

< {"featureName": {"S": "Feature toggle 1"}, "isActive": {"BOOL": true}, "featureId": {"S": "1"}}

The following code illustrates a notification of a new feature toggle:

< {"featureName": {"S": "New feature toggle!"}, "isActive": {"BOOL": true}, "featureId": {"S": "6"}}

The following code illustrates a notification of a feature toggle being deleted:

< {"isRemoved": "true", "featureId": {"featureId": {"S": "2"}}}


In this post, you saw how to use managed services from AWS to form the core of a solution to deliver real-time feature toggles to your application. With DynamoDB Streams and WebSocket APIs, we built this service with a relatively small amount of code and simple service integration configurations.

The patterns demonstrated in this solution aren’t limited to feature toggles; you can use them in any scenario where an application needs to perform additional processing of events from a DynamoDB stream and send these events to other systems.

Using AWS X-Ray tracing with Amazon EventBridge

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/using-aws-x-ray-tracing-with-amazon-eventbridge/

AWS X-Ray allows developers to debug and analyze distributed applications. It can be useful for tracing transactions through microservices architectures, such as those typically used in serverless applications. Amazon EventBridge allows you to route events between AWS services, integrated software as a service (SaaS) applications, and your own applications. EventBridge can help decouple applications and produce more extensible, maintainable architectures.

EventBridge now supports trace context propagation for X-Ray, which makes it easier to trace transactions through event-based architectures. This means you can potentially trace a single request from an event producer through to final processing by an event consumer. These may be decoupled application stacks where the consumer has no knowledge of how the event is produced.

This blog post explores how to use X-Ray with EventBridge and shows how to implement tracing using the example application in this GitHub repo.

How it works

X-Ray works by adding a trace header to requests, which acts as a unique identifier. In the case of a serverless application using multiple AWS services, this allows X-Ray to group service interactions together as a single trace. X-Ray can then produce a service map of the transaction flow or provide the raw data for a trace:

X-Ray service map

When you send events to EventBridge, the service uses rules to determine how the events are routed from the event bus to targets. Any event that is put on an event bus with the PutEvents API can now support trace context propagation.

The trace header is provided as internal metadata to support X-Ray tracing. The header itself is not available in the event when it’s delivered to a target. For developers using the EventBridge archive feature, this means that a trace ID is not available for replay. Similarly, it’s not available on events sent to a dead-letter queue (DLQ).

Enabling tracing with EventBridge

To enable tracing, you don’t need to change the event structure to add the trace header. Instead, you wrap the AWS SDK client in a call to AWSXRay.captureAWSClient and grant IAM permissions to allow tracing. This enables X-Ray to instrument the call automatically with the X-Amzn-Trace-Id header.

For code using the AWS SDK for JavaScript, this requires changes to the way that the EventBridge client is instantiated. Without tracing, you declare the AWS SDK and EventBridge client with:

const AWS = require('aws-sdk')
const eventBridge = new AWS.EventBridge()

To use tracing, this becomes:

const AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk')
const AWS = AWSXRay.captureAWS(require('aws-sdk'))
const eventBridge = new AWS.EventBridge()

The interaction with the EventBridge client remains the same but the calls are now instrumented by X-Ray. Events are put on the event bus programmatically using a PutEvents API call. In a Node.js Lambda function, the following code processes an event to send to an event bus, with tracing enabled:

const AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk')
const AWS = AWSXRay.captureAWS(require('aws-sdk'))
const eventBridge = new AWS.EventBridge()

exports.handler = async (event) => {

  let myDetail = { "name": "Alice" }

  const myEvent = { 
    Entries: [{
      Detail: JSON.stringify({ myDetail }),
      DetailType: 'myDetailType',
      Source: 'myApplication',
      Time: new Date

  // Send to EventBridge
  const result = await eventBridge.putEvents(myEvent).promise()

  // Log the result
  console.log('Result: ', JSON.stringify(result, null, 2))

You can also define a custom tracing header using the new TraceHeader attribute on the PutEventsRequestEntry API model. The unique value you provide overrides any trace header on the HTTP header. The value is also validated by X-Ray and discarded if it does not pass validation. See the X-Ray Developer Guide to learn about generating valid trace headers.

Deploying the example application

The example application consists of a webhook microservice that publishes events and target microservices that consume events. The generated event contains a target attribute to determine which target receives the event:

Example application architecture

To deploy these microservices, you must have the AWS SAM CLI and Node.js 12.x installed. to To complete the deployment, follow the instructions in the GitHub repo.

EventBridge can route events to a broad range of target services in AWS. Targets that support active tracing for X-Ray can create comprehensive traces from the event source. The services offering active tracing are AWS Lambda, AWS Step Functions, and Amazon API Gateway. In each case, you can trace a request from the producer to the consumer of the event.

The GitHub repo contains examples showing how to use active tracing with EventBridge targets. The webhook application uses a query string parameter called target to determine which events are routed to these targets.

For X-Ray to detect each service in the webhook, tracing must be enabled on both the API Gateway stage and the Lambda function. In the AWS SAM template, the Tracing: Active property turns on active tracing for the Lambda function. If an IAM role is not specified, the AWS SAM CLI automatically adds the arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSXrayWriteOnlyAccess policy to the Lambda function’s execution role. For the API definition, adding TracingEnabled: True enables tracing for this API stage.

When you invoke the webhook’s API endpoint, X-Ray generates a trace map of the request, showing each of the services from the REST API call to putting the event on the bus:

X-Ray trace map with EventBridge

The CloudWatch Logs from the webhook’s Lambda function shows the event that has been put on the event bus:

CloudWatch Logs from a webhook

Tracing with a Lambda target

In the targets-lambda example application, the Lambda function uses the X-Ray SDK and has active tracing enabled in the AWS SAM template:

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
      CodeUri: src/
      Handler: app.handler
      MemorySize: 128
      Timeout: 3
      Runtime: nodejs12.x
      Tracing: Active

With these two changes, the target Lambda function propagates the tracing header from the original webhook request. When the webhook API is invoked, the X-Ray trace map shows the entire request through to the Lambda target. X-Ray shows two nodes for Lambda – one is the Lambda service and the other is the Lambda function invocation:

Downstream service node in service map

Tracing with an API Gateway target

Currently, active tracing is only supported by REST APIs but not HTTP APIs. You can enable X-Ray tracing from the AWS CLI or from the Stages menu in the API Gateway console, in the Logs/Tracing tab:

Enable X-Ray tracing in API Gateway

You cannot currently create an API Gateway target for EventBridge using AWS SAM. To invoke an API endpoint from the EventBridge console, create a rule and select the API as a target. The console automatically creates the necessary IAM permissions for EventBridge to invoke the endpoint.

Setting API Gateway as an EventBridge target

If the API invokes downstream services with active tracing available, these services also appear as nodes in the X-Ray service graph. Using the webhook application to invoke the API Gateway target, the trace shows the entire request from the initial API call through to the second API target:

API Gateway node in X-Ray service map

Tracing with a Step Functions target

To enable tracing for a Step Functions target, the state machine must have tracing enabled and have permissions to write to X-Ray. The AWS SAM template can enable tracing, define the EventBridge rule and the AWSXRayDaemonWriteAccess policy in one resource:

    Type: AWS::Serverless::StateMachine
      DefinitionUri: definition.asl.json
        LoggerFunctionArn: !GetAtt LoggerFunction.Arn
        Enabled: True
          Type: EventBridgeRule
                - !Sub '${AWS::AccountId}'
                - !Ref EventSource
                    - 'sfn'

        - AWSXRayDaemonWriteAccess
        - LambdaInvokePolicy:
            FunctionName: !Ref LoggerFunction

If the state machine uses services that support active tracing, these also appear in the trace map for individual requests. Using the webhook to invoke this target, X-Ray now shows the request trace to the state machine and the Lambda function it contains:

Step Functions in X-Ray service map

Adding X-Ray tracing to existing Lambda targets

To wrap the SDK client, you must enable active tracing and include the AWS X-Ray SDK in the Lambda function’s deployment package. Unlike the AWS SDK, the X-Ray SDK is not included in the Lambda execution environment.

Another option is to include the X-Ray SDK as a Lambda layer. You can build this layer by following the instructions in the GitHub repo. Once deployed, you can attach the X-Ray layer to any Lambda function either via the console or the CLI:

Adding X-Ray tracing a Lambda function

To learn more about using Lambda layers, read “Using Lambda layers to simplify your development process”.


X-Ray is a powerful tool for providing observability in serverless applications. With the launch of X-Ray trace context propagation in EventBridge, this allows you to trace requests across distributed applications more easily.

In this blog post, I walk through an example webhook application with three targets that support active tracing. In each case, I show how to enable tracing either via the console or using AWS SAM and show the resulting X-Ray trace map.

To learn more about how to use tracing with events, read the X-Ray Developer Guide or see the Amazon EventBridge documentation for this feature.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Operating Lambda: Building a solid security foundation – Part 2

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/operating-lambda-building-a-solid-security-foundation-part-2/

In the Operating Lambda series, I cover important topics for developers, architects, and systems administrators who are managing AWS Lambda-based applications. This two-part series discusses core security concepts for Lambda-based applications.

Part 1 explains the Lambda execution environment and how to apply the principles of least privilege to your workload. This post covers securing workloads with public endpoints, encrypting data, and using AWS CloudTrail for governance, compliance, and operational auditing.

Securing workloads with public endpoints

For workloads that are accessible publicly, AWS provides a number of features and services that can help mitigate certain risks. This section covers authentication and authorization of application users and protecting API endpoints.

Authentication and authorization

Authentication relates to identity and authorization refers to actions. Use authentication to control who can invoke a Lambda function, and then use authorization to control what they can do. For many applications, AWS Identity & Access Management (IAM) is sufficient for managing both control mechanisms.

For applications with external users, such as web or mobile applications, it is common to use JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) to manage authentication and authorization. Unlike traditional, server-based password management, JWTs are passed from the client on every request. They are a cryptographically secure way to verify identity and claims using data passed from the client. For Lambda-based applications, this allows you to secure APIs for each microservice independently, without relying on a central server for authentication.

You can implement JWTs with Amazon Cognito, which is a user directory service that can handle registration, authentication, account recovery, and other common account management operations. For frontend development, Amplify Framework provides libraries to simplify integrating Cognito into your frontend application. You can also use third-party partner services like Auth0.

Given the critical security role of an identity provider service, it’s important to use professional tooling to safeguard your application. It’s not recommended that you write your own services to handle authentication or authorization. Any vulnerabilities in custom libraries may have significant implications for the security of your workload and its data.

Protecting API endpoints

For serverless applications, the preferred way to serve a backend application publicly is to use Amazon API Gateway. This can help you protect an API from malicious users or spikes in traffic.

For authenticated API routes, API Gateway offers both REST APIs and HTTP APIs for serverless developers. Both types support authorization using AWS Lambda, IAM or Amazon Cognito. When using IAM or Amazon Cognito, incoming requests are evaluated and if they are missing a required token or contain invalid authentication, the request is rejected. You are not charged for these requests and they do not count towards any throttling quotas.

Unauthenticated API routes may be accessed by anyone on the public internet so it’s recommended that you limit their use. If you must use unauthenticated APIs, it’s important to protect these against common risks, such as denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. Applying AWS WAF to these APIs can help protect your application from SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. API Gateway also implements throttling at the AWS account-level and per-client level when API keys are used.

In some cases, the functionality provided by an unauthenticated API can be achieved with an alternative approach. For example, a web application may provide a list of customer retail stores from an Amazon DynamoDB table to users who are not logged in. This request may originate from a frontend web application or from any other source that calls the URL endpoint. This diagram compares three solutions:

Solutions for an unauthenticated API

  1. The unauthenticated API can be called by anyone on the internet. In a denial of service attack, it’s possible to exhaust API throttling limits, Lambda concurrency, or DynamoDB provisioned read capacity on an underlying table.
  2. An Amazon CloudFront distribution in front of the API endpoint with an appropriate time-to-live (TTL) configuration may help absorb traffic in a DoS attack, without changing the underlying solution for fetching the data.
  3. Alternatively, for static data that rarely changes, the CloudFront distribution could serve the data from an S3 bucket.

The AWS Well-Architected Tool provides a Serverless Lens that analyzes the security posture of serverless workloads.

Encrypting data in Lambda-based applications

Managing secrets

For applications handling sensitive data, AWS services provide a range of encryption options for data in transit and at rest. It’s important to identity and classify sensitive data in your workload, and minimize the storage of sensitive data to only what is necessary.

When protecting data at rest, use AWS services for key management and encryption of stored data, secrets and environment variables. Both the AWS Key Management Service and AWS Secrets Manager provide a robust approach to storing and managing secrets used in Lambda functions.

Do not store plaintext secrets or API keys in Lambda environment variables. Instead, use KMS to encrypt environment variables. Also ensure you do not embed secrets directly in function code, or commit these secrets to code repositories.

Using HTTPS securely

HTTPS is encrypted HTTP, using TLS (SSL) to encrypt the request and response, including headers and query parameters. While query parameters are encrypted, URLs may be logged by different services in plaintext, so you should not use these to store sensitive data such as credit card numbers.

AWS services make it easier to use HTTPS throughout your application and it is provided by default in services like API Gateway. Where you need an SSL/TLS certificate in your application, to support features like custom domain names, it’s recommended that you use AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). This provides free public certificates for ACM-integrated services and managed certificate renewal.

Governance controls with AWS CloudTrail

For compliance and operational auditing of application usage, AWS CloudTrail logs activity related to your AWS account usage. It tracks resource changes and usage, and provides analysis and troubleshooting tools. Enabling CloudTrail does not have any negative performance implications for your Lambda-based application, since the logging occurs asynchronously.

Separate from application logging (see chapter 4), CloudTrail captures two types of events:

  • Control plane: These events apply to management operations performed on any AWS resources. Individual trails can be configured to capture read or write events, or both.
  • Data plane: Events performed on the resources, such as when a Lambda function is invoked or an S3 object is downloaded.

For Lambda, you can log who creates and invokes functions, together with any changes to IAM roles. You can configure CloudTrail to log every single activity by user, role, service, and API within an AWS account. The service is critical for understanding the history of changes made to your account and also detecting any unintended changes or suspicious activity.

To research which AWS user interacted with a Lambda function, CloudTrail provides an audit log to find this information. For example, when a new permission is added to a Lambda function, it creates an AddPermission record. You can interpret the meaning of individual attributes in the JSON message by referring to the CloudTrail Record Contents documentation.

CloudTrail Record Contents documentation

CloudTrail data is considered sensitive so it’s recommended that you protect it with KMS encryption. For any service processing encrypted CloudTrail data, it must use an IAM policy with kms:Decrypt permission.

By integrating CloudTrail with Amazon EventBridge, you can create alerts in response to certain activities and respond accordingly. With these two services, you can quickly implement an automated detection and response pattern, enabling you to develop mechanisms to mitigate security risks. With EventBridge, you can analyze data in real-time, using event rules to filter events and forward to targets like Lambda functions or Amazon Kinesis streams.

CloudTrail can deliver data to Amazon CloudWatch Logs, which allows you to process multi-Region data in real time from one location. You can also deliver CloudTrail to Amazon S3 buckets, where you can create event source mappings to start data processing pipelines, run queries with Amazon Athena, or analyze activity with Amazon Macie.

If you use multiple AWS accounts, you can use AWS Organizations to manage and govern individual member accounts centrally. You can set an existing trail as an organization-level trail in a primary account that can collect events from all other member accounts. This can simplify applying consistent auditing rules across a large set of existing accounts, or automatically apply rules to new accounts. To learn more about this feature, see Creating a Trail for an Organization.


In this blog post, I explain how to secure workloads with public endpoints and the different authentication and authorization options available. I also show different approaches to exposing APIs publicly.

CloudTrail can provide compliance and operational auditing for Lambda usage. It provides logs for both the control plane and data plane. You can integrate CloudTrail with EventBridge to create alerts in response to certain activities. Customers with multiple AWS accounts can use AWS Organizations to manage trails centrally.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.