Tag Archives: AWS Audit Manager

New – AWS Audit Manager now supports first third-party GRC integration

Post Syndicated from Veliswa Boya original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-aws-audit-manager-now-supports-first-third-party-grc-integration/

Auditing is a continuous and ongoing process, and every audit includes the collection of evidence. The evidence gathered helps confirm the state of resources and it’s used to demonstrate that the customer’s policies, procedures, and activities (controls), are in place, and that the control has been operational for a specified period of time. AWS Audit Manager already automates this evidence collection for AWS usage. However, large enterprise organizations who deploy their workloads across a range of locations such as cloud, on-premises, or a combination of both, manage this evidence data using a combination of third-party or homegrown tools, spreadsheets, and emails.

Today we’re excited to announce the integration of AWS Audit Manager with third party Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) provider, MetricStream CyberGRC, an AWS Partner with GRC capabilities. This integration allows enterprises to manage compliance across AWS, on-premises, and other cloud environments in a centralized GRC environment.

Before this announcement, Audit Manager operated only in the AWS context, allowing customers to collect compliance evidence for resources in AWS. They would then relay that information to their GRC systems external to AWS for additional aggregation and analysis. This process left customers without an automated way to monitor and evaluate all compliance data in one centralized location, resulting in delays to compliance outcomes.

The GRC integration with Audit Manager allows you to use audit evidence collected by Audit Manager directly in MetricStream CyberGRC. Audit Manager now receives the controls in scope from MetricStream CyberGRC, collects evidence around these controls, and exports the data related to the audit into MetricStream CyberGRC for aggregation and analysis. You will now have aggregated compliance, real-time monitoring and centralized reporting. This will reduce compliance fatigue and improve stakeholder collaboration.

How It Works
Using Amazon Cognito User Pools, you’ll be onboarded into the multi-tenant instance of MetricStream CyberGRC.

Amazon Cognito User Pools diagram

Amazon Cognito User Pools

Once onboarded, you’ll be able to view AWS assets and frameworks inside MetricStream CyberGRC. You can then begin by choosing the suitable Audit Manager framework to define the relationships between your existing enterprise controls and AWS controls. After creating this one-time control mapping, you can define the accounts in scope to create an assessment that MetricStream CyberGRC will manage in AWS Audit Manager on your behalf. This assessment triggers AWS Audit Manager to collect evidence in context of the mapped controls. As a result, you get a unified view of compliance evidence inside your GRC application. Any standard controls that you have in Audit Manager will be provided to MetricStream CyberGRC by using the GetControl API to facilitate manual mapping process wherever automated mapping fails or does not suffice. The EvidenceFinder API will send bulk evidence from Audit Manager to MetricStream CyberGRC.

Available Now
This feature is available today where Audit Manager (AWS Regions) and MetricStream CyberGRC are both available. There are no additional AWS Audit Manager charges for using this integration. To use this integration, please reach out to MetricStream for information about access and purchase of MetricStream CyberGRC software.

As part of the AWS Free Tier, AWS Audit Manager offers a free tier for first-time customers. The free tier will expire in two calendar months after the first subscription. For more information, see AWS Audit Manager pricing. To learn more about AWS Audit Manager integration with MetricStream CyberGRC, see Audit Manager documentation.


The most visited AWS DevOps blogs in 2022

Post Syndicated from original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/the-most-visited-aws-devops-blogs-in-2022/

As we kick off 2023, I wanted to take a moment to highlight the top posts from 2022. Without further ado, here are the top 10 AWS DevOps Blog posts of 2022.

#1: Integrating with GitHub Actions – CI/CD pipeline to deploy a Web App to Amazon EC2

Coming in at #1, Mahesh Biradar, Solutions Architect and Suresh Moolya, Cloud Application Architect use GitHub Actions and AWS CodeDeploy to deploy a sample application to Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2).

Architecture diagram from the original post.

#2: Deploy and Manage GitLab Runners on Amazon EC2

Sylvia Qi, Senior DevOps Architect, and Sebastian Carreras, Senior Cloud Application Architect, guide us through utilizing infrastructure as code (IaC) to automate GitLab Runner deployment on Amazon EC2.

Architecture diagram from the original post.

#3 Multi-Region Terraform Deployments with AWS CodePipeline using Terraform Built CI/CD

Lerna Ekmekcioglu, Senior Solutions Architect, and Jack Iu, Global Solutions Architect, demonstrate best practices for multi-Region deployments using HashiCorp Terraform, AWS CodeBuild, and AWS CodePipeline.

Architecture diagram from the original post.

#4 Use the AWS Toolkit for Azure DevOps to automate your deployments to AWS

Mahmoud Abid, Senior Customer Delivery Architect, leverages the AWS Toolkit for Azure DevOps to deploy AWS CloudFormation stacks.

Architecture diagram from the original post.

#5 Deploy and manage OpenAPI/Swagger RESTful APIs with the AWS Cloud Development Kit

Luke Popplewell, Solutions Architect, demonstrates using AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) to build and deploy Amazon API Gateway resources using the OpenAPI specification.

Architecture diagram from the original post.

#6: How to unit test and deploy AWS Glue jobs using AWS CodePipeline

Praveen Kumar Jeyarajan, Senior DevOps Consultant, and Vaidyanathan Ganesa Sankaran, Sr Modernization Architect, discuss unit testing Python-based AWS Glue Jobs in AWS CodePipeline.

Architecture diagram from the original post.

#7: Jenkins high availability and disaster recovery on AWS

James Bland, APN Global Tech Lead for DevOps, and Welly Siauw, Sr. Partner solutions architect, discuss the challenges of architecting Jenkins for scale and high availability (HA).

Architecture diagram from the original post.

#8: Monitor AWS resources created by Terraform in Amazon DevOps Guru using tfdevops

Harish Vaswani, Senior Cloud Application Architect, and Rafael Ramos, Solutions Architect, explain how you can configure and use tfdevops to easily enable Amazon DevOps Guru for your existing AWS resources created by Terraform.

Architecture diagram from the original post.

#9: Manage application security and compliance with the AWS Cloud Development Kit and cdk-nag

Arun Donti, Senior Software Engineer with Twitch, demonstrates how to integrate cdk-nag into an AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) application to provide continual feedback and help align your applications with best practices.

Featured image from the original post.

#10: Smithy Server and Client Generator for TypeScript (Developer Preview)

Adam Thomas, Senior Software Development Engineer, demonstrate how you can use Smithy to define services and SDKs and deploy them to AWS Lambda using a generated client.

Architecture diagram from the original post.

A big thank you to all our readers! Your feedback and collaboration are appreciated and help us produce better content.



About the author:

Brian Beach

Brian Beach has over 20 years of experience as a Developer and Architect. He is currently a Principal Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. He holds a Computer Engineering degree from NYU Poly and an MBA from Rutgers Business School. He is the author of “Pro PowerShell for Amazon Web Services” from Apress. He is a regular author and has spoken at numerous events. Brian lives in North Carolina with his wife and three kids.

Building AWS Lambda governance and guardrails

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-aws-lambda-governance-and-guardrails/

When building serverless applications using AWS Lambda, there are a number of considerations regarding security, governance, and compliance. This post highlights how Lambda, as a serverless service, simplifies cloud security and compliance so you can concentrate on your business logic. It covers controls that you can implement for your Lambda workloads to ensure that your applications conform to your organizational requirements.

The Shared Responsibility Model

The AWS Shared Responsibility Model distinguishes between what AWS is responsible for and what customers are responsible for with cloud workloads. AWS is responsible for “Security of the Cloud” where AWS protects the infrastructure that runs all the services offered in the AWS Cloud. Customers are responsible for “Security in the Cloud”, managing and securing their workloads. When building traditional applications, you take on responsibility for many infrastructure services, including operating systems and network configuration.

Traditional application shared responsibility

Traditional application shared responsibility

One major benefit when building serverless applications is shifting more responsibility to AWS so you can concentrate on your business applications. AWS handles managing and patching the underlying servers, operating systems, and networking as part of running the services.

Serverless application shared responsibility

Serverless application shared responsibility

For Lambda, AWS manages the application platform where your code runs, which includes patching and updating the managed language runtimes. This reduces the attack surface while making cloud security simpler. You are responsible for the security of your code and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to the Lambda service and within your function.

Lambda is SOCHIPAAPCI, and ISO-compliant. For more information, see Compliance validation for AWS Lambda and the latest Lambda certification and compliance readiness services in scope.

Lambda isolation

Lambda functions run in separate isolated AWS accounts that are dedicated to the Lambda service. Lambda invokes your code in a secure and isolated runtime environment within the Lambda service account. A runtime environment is a collection of resources running in a dedicated hardware-virtualized Micro Virtual Machines (MVM) on a Lambda worker node.

Lambda workers are bare metalEC2 Nitro instances, which are managed and patched by the Lambda service team. They have a maximum lease lifetime of 14 hours to keep the underlying infrastructure secure and fresh. MVMs are created by Firecracker, an open source virtual machine monitor (VMM) that uses Linux’s Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) to create and manage MVMs securely at scale.

MVMs maintain a strong separation between runtime environments at the virtual machine hardware level, which increases security. Runtime environments are never reused across functions, function versions, or AWS accounts.

Isolation model for AWS Lambda workers

Isolation model for AWS Lambda workers

Network security

Lambda functions always run inside secure Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPCs) owned by the Lambda service. This gives the Lambda function access to AWS services and the public internet. There is no direct network inbound access to Lambda workers, runtime environments, or Lambda functions. All inbound access to a Lambda function only comes via the Lambda Invoke API, which sends the event object to the function handler.

You can configure a Lambda function to connect to private subnets in a VPC in your account if necessary, which you can control with IAM condition keys . The Lambda function still runs inside the Lambda service VPC but sends all network traffic through your VPC. Function outbound traffic comes from your own network address space.

AWS Lambda service VPC with VPC-to-VPC NAT to customer VPC

AWS Lambda service VPC with VPC-to-VPC NAT to customer VPC

To give your VPC-connected function access to the internet, route outbound traffic to a NAT gateway in a public subnet. Connecting a function to a public subnet doesn’t give it internet access or a public IP address, as the function is still running in the Lambda service VPC and then routing network traffic into your VPC.

All internal AWS traffic uses the AWS Global Backbone rather than traversing the internet. You do not need to connect your functions to a VPC to avoid connectivity to AWS services over the internet. VPC connected functions allow you to control and audit outbound network access.

You can use security groups to control outbound traffic for VPC-connected functions and network ACLs to block access to CIDR IP ranges or ports. VPC endpoints allow you to enable private communications with supported AWS services without internet access.

You can use VPC Flow Logs to audit traffic going to and from network interfaces in your VPC.

Runtime environment re-use

Each runtime environment processes a single request at a time. After Lambda finishes processing the request, the runtime environment is ready to process an additional request for the same function version. For more information on how Lambda manages runtime environments, see Understanding AWS Lambda scaling and throughput.

Data can persist in the local temporary filesystem path, in globally scoped variables, and in environment variables across subsequent invocations of the same function version. Ensure that you only handle sensitive information within individual invocations of the function by processing it in the function handler, or using local variables. Do not re-use files in the local temporary filesystem to process unencrypted sensitive data. Do not put sensitive or confidential information into Lambda environment variables, tags, or other freeform fields such as Name fields.

For more Lambda security information, see the Lambda security whitepaper.

Multiple accounts

AWS recommends using multiple accounts to isolate your resources because they provide natural boundaries for security, access, and billing. Use AWS Organizations to manage and govern individual member accounts centrally. You can use AWS Control Tower to automate many of the account build steps and apply managed guardrails to govern your environment. These include preventative guardrails to limit actions and detective guardrails to detect and alert on non-compliance resources for remediation.

Lambda access controls

Lambda permissions define what a Lambda function can do, and who or what can invoke the function. Consider the following areas when applying access controls to your Lambda functions to ensure least privilege:

Execution role

Lambda functions have permission to access other AWS resources using execution roles. This is an AWS principal that the Lambda service assumes which grants permissions using identity policy statements assigned to the role. The Lambda service uses this role to fetch and cache temporary security credentials, which are then available as environment variables during a function’s invocation. It may re-use them across different runtime environments that use the same execution role.

Ensure that each function has its own unique role with the minimum set of permissions..

Identity/user policies

IAM identity policies are attached to IAM users, groups, or roles. These policies allow users or callers to perform operations on Lambda functions. You can restrict who can create functions, or control what functions particular users can manage.

Resource policies

Resource policies define what identities have fine-grained inbound access to managed services. For example, you can restrict which Lambda function versions can add events to a specific Amazon EventBridge event bus. You can use resource-based policies on Lambda resources to control what AWS IAM identities and event sources can invoke a specific version or alias of your function. You also use a resource-based policy to allow an AWS service to invoke your function on your behalf. To see which services support resource-based policies, see “AWS services that work with IAM”.

Attribute-based access control (ABAC)

With attribute-based access control (ABAC), you can use tags to control access to your Lambda functions. With ABAC, you can scale an access control strategy by setting granular permissions with tags without requiring permissions updates for every new user or resource as your organization scales. You can also use tag policies with AWS Organizations to standardize tags across resources.

Permissions boundaries

Permissions boundaries are a way to delegate permission management safely. The boundary places a limit on the maximum permissions that a policy can grant. For example, you can use boundary permissions to limit the scope of the execution role to allow only read access to databases. A builder with permission to manage a function or with write access to the applications code repository cannot escalate the permissions beyond the boundary to allow write access.

Service control policies

When using AWS Organizations, you can use Service control policies (SCPs) to manage permissions in your organization. These provide guardrails for what actions IAM users and roles within the organization root or OUs can do. For more information, see the AWS Organizations documentation, which includes example service control policies.

Code signing

As you are responsible for the code that runs in your Lambda functions, you can ensure that only trusted code runs by using code signing with the AWS Signer service. AWS Signer digitally signs your code packages and Lambda validates the code package before accepting the deployment, which can be part of your automated software deployment process.

Auditing Lambda configuration, permissions and access

You should audit access and permissions regularly to ensure that your workloads are secure. Use the IAM console to view when an IAM role was last used.

IAM last used

IAM last used

IAM access advisor

Use IAM access advisor on the Access Advisor tab in the IAM console to review when was the last time an AWS service was used from a specific IAM user or role. You can use this to remove IAM policies and access from your IAM roles.

IAM access advisor

IAM access advisor

AWS CloudTrail

AWS CloudTrail helps you monitor, log, and retain account activity to provide a complete event history of actions across your AWS infrastructure. You can monitor Lambda API actions to ensure that only appropriate actions are made against your Lambda functions. These include CreateFunction, DeleteFunction, CreateEventSourceMapping, AddPermission, UpdateEventSourceMapping,  UpdateFunctionConfiguration, and UpdateFunctionCode.

AWS CloudTrail

AWS CloudTrail

IAM Access Analyzer

You can validate policies using IAM Access Analyzer, which provides over 100 policy checks with security warnings for overly permissive policies. To learn more about policy checks provided by IAM Access Analyzer, see “IAM Access Analyzer policy validation”.

You can also generate IAM policies based on access activity from CloudTrail logs, which contain the permissions that the role used in your specified date range.

IAM Access Analyzer

IAM Access Analyzer

AWS Config

AWS Config provides you with a record of the configuration history of your AWS resources. AWS Config monitors the resource configuration and includes rules to alert when they fall into a non-compliant state.

For Lambda, you can track and alert on changes to your function configuration, along with the IAM execution role. This allows you to gather Lambda function lifecycle data for potential audit and compliance requirements. For more information, see the Lambda Operators Guide.

AWS Config includes Lambda managed config rules such as lambda-concurrency-check, lambda-dlq-check, lambda-function-public-access-prohibited, lambda-function-settings-check, and lambda-inside-vpc. You can also write your own rules.

There are a number of other AWS services to help with security compliance.

  1. AWS Audit Manager: Collect evidence to help you audit your use of cloud services.
  2. Amazon GuardDuty: Detect unexpected and potentially unauthorized activity in your AWS environment.
  3. Amazon Macie: Evaluates your content to identify business-critical or potentially confidential data.
  4. AWS Trusted Advisor: Identify opportunities to improve stability, save money, or help close security gaps.
  5. AWS Security Hub: Provides security checks and recommendations across your organization.


Lambda makes cloud security simpler by taking on more responsibility using the AWS Shared Responsibility Model. Lambda implements strict workload security at scale to isolate your code and prevent network intrusion to your functions. This post provides guidance on assessing and implementing best practices and tools for Lambda to improve your security, governance, and compliance controls. These include permissions, access controls, multiple accounts, and code security. Learn how to audit your function permissions, configuration, and access to ensure that your applications conform to your organizational requirements.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Streamlining evidence collection with AWS Audit Manager

Post Syndicated from Nicholas Parks original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/streamlining-evidence-collection-with-aws-audit-manager/

In this post, we will show you how to deploy a solution into your Amazon Web Services (AWS) account that enables you to simply attach manual evidence to controls using AWS Audit Manager. Making evidence-collection as seamless as possible minimizes audit fatigue and helps you maintain a strong compliance posture.

As an AWS customer, you can use APIs to deliver high quality software at a rapid pace. If you have compliance-focused teams that rely on manual, ticket-based processes, you might find it difficult to document audit changes as those changes increase in velocity and volume.

As your organization works to meet audit and regulatory obligations, you can save time by incorporating audit compliance processes into a DevOps model. You can use modern services like Audit Manager to make this easier. Audit Manager automates evidence collection and generates reports, which helps reduce manual auditing efforts and enables you to scale your cloud auditing capabilities along with your business.

AWS Audit Manager uses services such as AWS Security Hub, AWS Config, and AWS CloudTrail to automatically collect and organize evidence, such as resource configuration snapshots, user activity, and compliance check results. However, for controls represented in your software or processes without an AWS service-specific metric to gather, you need to manually create and provide documentation as evidence to demonstrate that you have established organizational processes to maintain compliance. The solution in this blog post streamlines these types of activities.

Solution architecture

This solution creates an HTTPS API endpoint, which allows integration with other software development lifecycle (SDLC) solutions, IT service management (ITSM) products, and clinical trial management systems (CTMS) solutions that capture trial process change amendment documentation (in the case of pharmaceutical companies who use AWS to build robust pharmacovigilance solutions). The endpoint can also be a backend microservice to an application that allows contract research organizations (CRO) investigators to add their compliance supporting documentation.

In this solution’s current form, you can submit an evidence file payload along with the assessment and control details to the API and this solution will tie all the information together for the audit report. This post and solution is directed towards engineering teams who are looking for a way to accelerate evidence collection. To maximize the effectiveness of this solution, your engineering team will also need to collaborate with cross-functional groups, such as audit and business stakeholders, to design a process and service that constructs and sends the message(s) to the API and to scale out usage across the organization.

To download the code for this solution, and the configuration that enables you to set up auto-ingestion of manual evidence, see the aws-audit-manager-manual-evidence-automation GitHub repository.

Architecture overview

In this solution, you use AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) templates to build the solution and deploy to your AWS account. See Figure 1 for an illustration of the high-level architecture.

Figure 1. The architecture of the AWS Audit Manager automation solution

Figure 1. The architecture of the AWS Audit Manager automation solution

The SAM template creates resources that support the following workflow:

  1. A client can call an Amazon API Gateway endpoint by sending a payload that includes assessment details and the evidence payload.
  2. An AWS Lambda function implements the API to handle the request.
  3. The Lambda function uploads the evidence to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket (3a) and uses AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) to encrypt the data (3b).
  4. The Lambda function also initializes the AWS Step Functions workflow.
  5. Within the Step Functions workflow, a Standard Workflow calls two Lambda functions. The first looks for a matching control within an assessment, and the second updates the control within the assessment with the evidence.
  6. When the Step Functions workflow concludes, it sends a notification for success or failure to subscribers of an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic.

Deploy the solution

The project available in the aws-audit-manager-manual-evidence-automation GitHub repository contains source code and supporting files for a serverless application you can deploy with the AWS SAM command line interface (CLI). It includes the following files and folders:

src Code for the application’s Lambda implementation of the Step Functions workflow.
It also includes a Step Functions definition file.
template.yml A template that defines the application’s AWS resources.

Resources for this project are defined in the template.yml file. You can update the template to add AWS resources through the same deployment process that updates your application code.


This solution assumes the following:

  1. AWS Audit Manager is enabled.
  2. You have already created an assessment in AWS Audit Manager.
  3. You have the necessary tools to use the AWS SAM CLI (see details in the table that follows).

For more information about setting up Audit Manager and selecting a framework, see Getting started with Audit Manager in the blog post AWS Audit Manager Simplifies Audit Preparation.

The AWS SAM CLI is an extension of the AWS CLI that adds functionality for building and testing Lambda applications. The AWS SAM CLI uses Docker to run your functions in an Amazon Linux environment that matches Lambda. It can also emulate your application’s build environment and API.

To use the AWS SAM CLI, you need the following tools:

Node.js Install Node.js 14, including the npm package management tool
Docker Install Docker community edition

To deploy the solution

  1. Open your terminal and use the following command to create a folder to clone the project into, then navigate to that folder. Be sure to replace <FolderName> with your own value.

    mkdir Desktop/<FolderName> && cd $_

  2. Clone the project into the folder you just created by using the following command.

    git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-audit-manager-manual-evidence-automation.git

  3. Navigate into the newly created project folder by using the following command.

    cd aws-audit-manager-manual-evidence-automation

  4. In the AWS SAM shell, use the following command to build the source of your application.

    sam build

  5. In the AWS SAM shell, use the following command to package and deploy your application to AWS. Be sure to replace <DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET> with your own unique S3 bucket name.

    sam deploy –guided –parameter-overrides paramBucketName=<DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET>

  6. When prompted, enter the AWS Region where AWS Audit Manager was configured. For the rest of the prompts, leave the default values.
  7. To activate the IAM authentication feature for API gateway, override the default value by using the following command.


To test the deployed solution

After you deploy the solution, run an invocation like the one below for an assessment (using curl). Be sure to replace <YOURAPIENDPOINT> and <AWS REGION> with your own values.

curl –location –request POST
‘https://<YOURAPIENDPOINT>.execute-api.<AWS REGION>.amazonaws.com/Prod’ \
–header ‘x-api-key: ‘ \
–form ‘payload=@”<PATH TO FILE>”‘ \
–form ‘AssessmentName=”GxP21cfr11″‘ \
–form ‘ControlSetName=”General requirements”‘ \
–form ‘ControlIdName=”11.100(a)”‘

Check to see that your file is correctly attached to the control for your assessment.

Form-data interface parameters

The API implements a form-data interface that expects four parameters:

  1. AssessmentName: The name for the assessment in Audit Manager. In this example, the AssessmentName is GxP21cfr11.
  2. ControlSetName: The display name for a control set within an assessment. In this example, the ControlSetName is General requirements.
  3. ControlIdName: this is a particular control within a control set. In this example, the ControlIdName is 11.100(a).
  4. Payload: this is the file representing evidence to be uploaded.

As a refresher of Audit Manager concepts, evidence is collected for a particular control. Controls are grouped into control sets. Control sets can be grouped into a particular framework. The assessment is considered an implementation, or an instance, of the framework. For more information, see AWS Audit Manager concepts and terminology.

To clean up the deployed solution

To clean up the solution, use the following commands to delete the AWS CloudFormation stack and your S3 bucket. Be sure to replace <YourStackId> and <DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET> with your own values.

aws cloudformation delete-stack –stack-name <YourStackId>
aws s3 rb s3://<DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET> –force


This solution provides a way to allow for better coordination between your software delivery organization and compliance professionals. This allows your organization to continuously deliver new updates without overwhelming your security professionals with manual audit review tasks.

Next steps

There are various ways to extend this solution.

  1. Update the API Lambda implementation to be a webhook for your favorite software development lifecycle (SDLC) or IT service management (ITSM) solution.
  2. Modify the steps within the Step Functions state machine to more closely match your unique compliance processes.
  3. Use AWS CodePipeline to start Step Functions state machines natively, or integrate a variation of this solution with any continuous compliance workflow that you have.

Learn more AWS Audit Manager, DevOps, and AWS for Health and start building!

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Nicholas Parks

Nicholas Parks

Nicholas has been using AWS since 2010 across various enterprise verticals including healthcare, life sciences, financial, retail, and telecommunications. Nicholas focuses on modernizations in pursuit of new revenue as well as application migrations. He specializes in Lean, DevOps cultural change, and Continuous Delivery.

Brian Tang

Brian Tang

Brian Tang is an AWS Solutions Architect based out of Boston, MA. He has 10 years of experience helping enterprise customers across a wide range of industries complete digital transformations by migrating business-critical workloads to the cloud. His core interests include DevOps and serverless-based solutions. Outside of work, he loves rock climbing and playing guitar.

Continuous compliance monitoring using custom audit controls and frameworks with AWS Audit Manager

Post Syndicated from Deenadayaalan Thirugnanasambandam original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/continuous-compliance-monitoring-using-custom-audit-controls-and-frameworks-with-aws-audit-manager/

For most customers today, security compliance auditing can be a very cumbersome and costly process. This activity within a security program often comes with a dependency on third party audit firms and robust security teams, to periodically assess risk and raise compliance gaps aligned with applicable industry requirements. Due to the nature of how audits are now performed, many corporate IT environments are left exposed to threats until the next manual audit is scheduled, performed, and the findings report is presented.

AWS Audit Manager can help you continuously audit your AWS usage and simplify how you assess IT risks and compliance gaps aligned with industry regulations and standards. Audit Manager automates evidence collection to reduce the “all hands-on deck” manual effort that often happens for audits, while enabling you to scale your audit capability in the cloud as your business grows. Customized control frameworks help customers evaluate IT environments against their own established assessment baseline, enabling them to discern how aligned they are with a set of compliance requirements tailored to their business needs. Custom controls can be defined to collect evidence from specific data sources, helping rate the IT environment against internally defined audit and compliance requirements. Each piece of evidence collected during the compliance assessment becomes a record that can be used to demonstrate compliance with predefined requirements specified by a control.

In this post, you will learn how to leverage AWS Audit Manager to create a tailored audit framework to continuously evaluate your organization’s AWS infrastructure against the relevant industry compliance requirements your organization needs to adhere to. By implementing this solution, you can simplify yet accelerate the detection of security risks present in your AWS environment, which are relevant to your organization, while providing your teams with the information needed to remedy reported compliance gaps.

Solution overview

This solution utilizes an event-driven architecture to provide agility while reducing manual administration effort.

  • AWS Audit Manager–AWS Audit Manager helps you continuously audit your AWS usage to simplify how you assess risk and compliance with regulations and industry standards.
  • AWS Lambda–AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service that lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers, in response to events such as changes in data, application state or user actions.
  • Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) –Amazon S3 is object storage built to store and retrieve any amount of data from anywhere, that offers industry leading availability, performance, security, and virtually unlimited scalability at very low costs.
  • AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK)–AWS Cloud Development Kit is a software development framework for provisioning your cloud infrastructure in code through AWS CloudFormation.


This solution enables automated controls management using event-driven architecture with AWS Services such as AWS Audit Manager, AWS Lambda and Amazon S3, in integration with code management services like GitHub and AWS CodeCommit. The Controls owner can design, manage, monitor and roll out custom controls in GitHub with a simple custom controls configuration file, as illustrated in Figure 1. Once the controls configuration file is placed in an Amazon S3 bucket, the on-commit event of the file triggers a control pipeline to load controls in audit manager using a Lambda function. 

Figure 1: Solution workflow

Figure 1: Solution workflow

Solution workflow overview

  1. The Control owner loads the controls as code (Controls and Framework) into an Amazon S3 bucket.
  2. Uploading the Controls yaml file into the S3 bucket triggers a Lambda function to process the control file.
  3. The Lambda function processes the Controls file, and creates a new control (or updates an existing control) in the Audit Manager.
  4. Uploading the Controls Framework yaml file into the S3 bucket triggers a Lambda function to process the Controls Framework file.
  5. The Lambda function validates the Controls Framework file, and updates the Controls Framework library in Audit Manager

This solution can be extended to create custom frameworks based on the controls, and to run an assessment framework against the controls.

Prerequisite steps

  1. Sign in to your AWS Account
  2. Login to the AWS console and choose the appropriate AWS Region.
  3. In the Search tab, search for AWS Audit Manager
  4. Figure 2. AWS Audit Manager

    Figure 2. AWS Audit Manager

  5. Choose Set up AWS Audit Manager.

Keep the default configurations from this page, such as Permissions and Data encryption. When done choose Complete setup.

Before deploying the solution, please ensure that the following software packages and their dependencies are installed on your local machine:

Node.js v12 or above https://nodejs.org/en/
AWS CLI version 2 https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/install-cliv2.html
AWS CDK https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cdk/latest/guide/getting_started.html
jq https://stedolan.github.io/jq/
git https://git-scm.com/
AWS CLI configuration https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-configure-quickstart.html

Solution details

To provision the enterprise control catalog with AWS Audit Manager, start by cloning the sample code from the aws-samples repository on GitHub, followed by running the installation script (included in this repository) with sample controls and framework from your AWS Account.

To clone the sample code from the repository

On your development terminal, git clone the source code of this blog post from the AWS public repository:

git clone [email protected]:aws-samples/enterprise-controls-catalog-via-aws-audit-manager.git

To bootstrap CDK and run the deploy script

The CDK Toolkit Stack will be created by cdk bootstrap and will manage resources necessary to enable deployment of Cloud Applications with AWS CDK.

cdk bootstrap aws://<AWS Account Number>/<Region> # Bootstrap CDK in the specified account and region

cd audit-manager-blog



Figure 3 illustrates the overall deployment workflow. The deployment script triggers the NPM package manager, and invokes AWS CDK to create necessary infrastructure using AWS CloudFormation. The CloudFormation template offers an easy way to provision and manage lifecycles, by treating infrastructure as code.

Figure 3: Detailed workflow lifecycle

Figure 3: Detailed workflow lifecycle

Once the solution is successfully deployed, you can view two custom controls and one custom framework available in AWS Audit Manager. The custom controls use a combination of manual and automated evidence collection, using compliance checks for resource configurations from AWS Config.

To verify the newly created custom data security controls

  1. In the AWS console, go to AWS Audit Manager and select Control library
  2. Choose Custom controls to view the controls DataSecurity-DatainTransit and DataSecurity-DataAtRest
Figure 4. View custom controls

Figure 4. View custom controls

To verify the newly created custom framework

  1. In the AWS console, go to AWS Audit Manager and select Framework library.
  2. Choose Custom frameworks to view the following framework:
Figure 5. Custom frameworks list

Figure 5. Custom frameworks list

You have now successfully created the custom controls and framework using the proposed solution.

Next, you can create your own controls and add to your frameworks using a simple configuration file, and let the implemented solution do the automated provisioning.

To set up error reporting

Before you begin creating your own controls and frameworks, you should complete the error reporting configuration. The solution automatically sets up the error reporting capability using Amazon SNS, a web service that enables sending and receiving notifications from the cloud.

  1. In the AWS Console, go to Amazon SNS > Topics > AuditManagerBlogNotification
  2. Select Create subscription and choose Email as your preferred endpoint to subscribe.
  3. This will trigger an automated email on subscription confirmation. Upon confirmation, you will begin receiving any error notifications by email.

To create your own custom control as code

Follow these steps to create your own controls and frameworks:

  1. Create a new control file named example-control.yaml with contents as shown below. This creates a custom control to check whether all public access to data in Amazon S3 is prohibited:
  2. name:

    Information and records (data) are managed consistent with the organization’s risk strategy to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.

    All public access block settings are enabled at account level

    Ensure all Amazon S3 resources have public access prohibited

    Test attestations – preventive and detective controls for prohibiting public access

    ID: PRDS-3Subcategory: Public-Access-Prohibited
    Category: Data Security-PRDS
    CIS: CIS17
    COBIT: COBIT 5 APO07-03
    NIST: NIST SP 800-53 Rev 4

    sourceName: Config attestation
    sourceDescription: Config attestation
    sourceSetUpOption: System_Controls_Mapping
    sourceType: AWS_Config

    keywordInputType: SELECT_FROM_LIST

  3. Go to AWS Console > AWS CloudFormation > Stacks. Select AuditManagerBlogStack and choose Outputs.
  4. Make note of the bucketOutput name that starts with auditmanagerblogstack-
  5. Upload the example-control.yaml file into the auditmanagerblogstack- bucket noted in step 3, inside the controls folder
  6. The event-driven architecture is deployed as part of the solution. Uploading the file to the Amazon S3 bucket triggers an automated event to create the new custom control in AWS Audit Manager.

To validate your new custom control is automatically provisioned in AWS Audit Manager

  1. In the AWS console, go to AWS Audit Manager and select Control library
  2. Choose Custom controls to view the following controls:
Figure 6. Audit Manager custom controls are listed as Custom controls

Figure 6. Audit Manager custom controls are listed as Custom controls

To create your own custom framework as code

  1. Create a new framework file named example-framework.yaml with contents as shown below:
  2. name:
    Sample DataSecurity Framework

    A sample data security framework to prohibit public access to data


    – name: Prohibit public access
    – DataSecurity-PublicAccessProhibited

    Tag1: DataSecurity
    Tag2: PublicAccessProhibited

  3. Go to AWS Console > AWS CloudFormation > Stacks. Select AuditManagerBlogStack and choose Outputs.
  4. Make note of the bucketOutput name that starts with auditmanagerblogstack-
  5. Upload the example-framework.yaml file into the bucket noted in step 3 above, inside the frameworks folder
  6. The event driven architecture is deployed as part of the blog. The file upload to Amazon S3 triggers an automated event to create the new custom framework in AWS Audit Manager.

To validate your new custom framework automatically provisioned in AWS Audit Manager

  1. Go to AWS Audit Manager in the AWS console and select Control library
  2. Click Custom controls and you should be able to see the following controls:
Figure 7. View custom controls created via custom repo

Figure 7. View custom controls created via custom repo

Congratulations, you have successfully created your new custom control and framework using the proposed solution.

Next steps

An Audit Manager assessment is based on a framework, which is a grouping of controls. Using the framework of your choice as a starting point, you can create an assessment that collects evidence for the controls in that framework. In your assessment, you can also define the scope of your audit. This includes specifying which AWS accounts and services you want to collect evidence for. You can create an assessment from a custom framework  you build yourself, using steps from the Audit Manager documentation.


The solution provides the dynamic ability to design, develop and monitor capabilities that can be extended as a standardized enterprise IT controls catalogue for your company. With AWS Audit Manager, you can build compliance controls as code, with capability to audit your environment on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. You can use this solution to improve the dynamic nature of assessments with AWS Audit Manager’s compliance audit, on time with reduced manual effort. To learn more about our standard frameworks to assist you, see Supported frameworks in AWS Audit Manager which provides prebuilt frameworks based on AWS best practices.


Deenadayaalan Thirugnanasambandam

Deenadayaalan is a Solution Architect at Amazon Web Services. He provides prescriptive architectural guidance and consulting that enable and accelerate customers’ adoption of AWS.


Hu Jin

Hu is a Software Development Engineer at AWS. He helps customers build secure and scalable solutions on AWS Cloud to realise business value faster.


Vinodh Shankar

Vinodh is a Sr. Specialist SA at Amazon Web Services. He helps customers with defining their transformation road map, assessing readiness, creating business case and mapping future state business transformation on cloud.


Hafiz Saadullah

Hafiz is a Senior Technical Product Manager with AWS focused on AWS Solutions.