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Production ready eBPF, or how we fixed the BSD socket API

Post Syndicated from Lorenz Bauer original https://blog.cloudflare.com/tubular-fixing-the-socket-api-with-ebpf/

Production ready eBPF, or how we fixed the BSD socket API

Production ready eBPF, or how we fixed the BSD socket API

As we develop new products, we often push our operating system – Linux – beyond what is commonly possible. A common theme has been relying on eBPF to build technology that would otherwise have required modifying the kernel. For example, we’ve built DDoS mitigation and a load balancer and use it to monitor our fleet of servers.

This software usually consists of a small-ish eBPF program written in C, executed in the context of the kernel, and a larger user space component that loads the eBPF into the kernel and manages its lifecycle. We’ve found that the ratio of eBPF code to userspace code differs by an order of magnitude or more. We want to shed some light on the issues that a developer has to tackle when dealing with eBPF and present our solutions for building rock-solid production ready applications which contain eBPF.

For this purpose we are open sourcing the production tooling we’ve built for the sk_lookup hook we contributed to the Linux kernel, called tubular. It exists because we’ve outgrown the BSD sockets API. To deliver some products we need features that are just not possible using the standard API.

  • Our services are available on millions of IPs.
  • Multiple services using the same port on different addresses have to coexist, e.g. resolver and our authoritative DNS.
  • Our Spectrum product needs to listen on all 2^16 ports.

The source code for tubular is at https://github.com/cloudflare/tubular, and it allows you to do all the things mentioned above. Maybe the most interesting feature is that you can change the addresses of a service on the fly:

How tubular works

tubular sits at a critical point in the Cloudflare stack, since it has to inspect every connection terminated by a server and decide which application should receive it.

Production ready eBPF, or how we fixed the BSD socket API

Failure to do so will drop or misdirect connections hundreds of times per second. So it has to be incredibly robust during day to day operations. We had the following goals for tubular:

  • Releases must be unattended and happen online
    tubular runs on thousands of machines, so we can’t babysit the process or take servers out of production.
  • Releases must fail safely
    A failure in the process must leave the previous version of tubular running, otherwise we may drop connections.
  • Reduce the impact of (userspace) crashes
    When the inevitable bug comes along we want to minimise the blast radius.

In the past we had built a proof-of-concept control plane for sk_lookup called inet-tool, which proved that we could get away without a persistent service managing the eBPF. Similarly, tubular has tubectl: short-lived invocations make the necessary changes and persisting state is handled by the kernel in the form of eBPF maps. Following this design gave us crash resiliency by default, but left us with the task of mapping the user interface we wanted to the tools available in the eBPF ecosystem.

The tubular user interface

tubular consists of a BPF program that attaches to the sk_lookup hook in the kernel and userspace Go code which manages the BPF program. The tubectl command wraps both in a way that is easy to distribute.

tubectl manages two kinds of objects: bindings and sockets. A binding encodes a rule against which an incoming packet is matched. A socket is a reference to a TCP or UDP socket that can accept new connections or packets.

Bindings and sockets are “glued” together via arbitrary strings called labels. Conceptually, a binding assigns a label to some traffic. The label is then used to find the correct socket.

Production ready eBPF, or how we fixed the BSD socket API

Adding bindings

To create a binding that steers port 80 (aka HTTP) traffic destined for to the label “foo” we use tubectl bind:

$ sudo tubectl bind "foo" tcp 80

Due to the power of sk_lookup we can have much more powerful constructs than the BSD API. For example, we can redirect connections to all IPs in to a single socket:

$ sudo tubectl bind "bar" tcp 80

A side effect of this power is that it’s possible to create bindings that “overlap”:

1: tcp 80 -> "foo"
2: tcp 80 -> "bar"

The first binding says that HTTP traffic to localhost should go to “foo”, while the second asserts that HTTP traffic in the localhost subnet should go to “bar”. This creates a contradiction, which binding should we choose? tubular resolves this by defining precedence rules for bindings:

  1. A prefix with a longer mask is more specific, e.g. wins over
  2. A port is more specific than the port wildcard, e.g. port 80 wins over “all ports” (0).

Applying this to our example, HTTP traffic to all IPs in will be directed to foo, except for which goes to bar.

Getting ahold of sockets

sk_lookup needs a reference to a TCP or a UDP socket to redirect traffic to it. However, a socket is usually accessible only by the process which created it with the socket syscall. For example, an HTTP server creates a TCP listening socket bound to port 80. How can we gain access to the listening socket?

A fairly well known solution is to make processes cooperate by passing socket file descriptors via SCM_RIGHTS messages to a tubular daemon. That daemon can then take the necessary steps to hook up the socket with sk_lookup. This approach has several drawbacks:

  1. Requires modifying processes to send SCM_RIGHTS
  2. Requires a tubular daemon, which may crash

There is another way of getting at sockets by using systemd, provided socket activation is used. It works by creating an additional service unit with the correct Sockets setting. In other words: we can leverage systemd oneshot action executed on creation of a systemd socket service, registering the socket into tubular. For example:


ExecStart=tubectl register "foo"

Since we can rely on systemd to execute tubectl at the correct times we don’t need a daemon of any kind. However, the reality is that a lot of popular software doesn’t use systemd socket activation. Dealing with systemd sockets is complicated and doesn’t invite experimentation. Which brings us to the final trick: pidfd_getfd:

The pidfd_getfd() system call allocates a new file descriptor in the calling process. This new file descriptor is a duplicate of an existing file descriptor, targetfd, in the process referred to by the PID file descriptor pidfd.

We can use it to iterate all file descriptors of a foreign process, and pick the socket we are interested in. To return to our example, we can use the following command to find the TCP socket bound to port 8080 in the httpd process and register it under the “foo” label:

$ sudo tubectl register-pid "foo" $(pidof httpd) tcp 8080

It’s easy to wire this up using systemd’s ExecStartPost if the need arises.

Type=forking # or notify
ExecStartPost=tubectl register-pid $MAINPID foo tcp 8080

Storing state in eBPF maps

As mentioned previously, tubular relies on the kernel to store state, using BPF key / value data structures also known as maps. Using the BPF_OBJ_PIN syscall we can persist them in /sys/fs/bpf:

├── bindings
├── destination_metrics
├── destinations
├── sockets
└── ...

The way the state is structured differs from how the command line interface presents it to users. Labels like “foo” are convenient for humans, but they are of variable length. Dealing with variable length data in BPF is cumbersome and slow, so the BPF program never references labels at all. Instead, the user space code allocates numeric IDs, which are then used in the BPF. Each ID represents a (label, domain, protocol) tuple, internally called destination.

For example, adding a binding for “foo” tcp … allocates an ID for (“foo“, AF_INET, TCP). Including domain and protocol in the destination allows simpler data structures in the BPF. Each allocation also tracks how many bindings reference a destination so that we can recycle unused IDs. This data is persisted into the destinations hash table, which is keyed by (Label, Domain, Protocol) and contains (ID, Count). Metrics for each destination are tracked in destination_metrics in the form of per-CPU counters.

Production ready eBPF, or how we fixed the BSD socket API

bindings is a longest prefix match (LPM) trie which stores a mapping from (protocol, port, prefix) to (ID, prefix length). The ID is used as a key to the sockets map which contains pointers to kernel socket structures. IDs are allocated in a way that makes them suitable as an array index, which allows using the simpler BPF sockmap (an array) instead of a socket hash table. The prefix length is duplicated in the value to work around shortcomings in the BPF API.

Production ready eBPF, or how we fixed the BSD socket API

Encoding the precedence of bindings

As discussed, bindings have a precedence associated with them. To repeat the earlier example:

1: tcp 80 -> "foo"
2: tcp 80 -> "bar"

The first binding should be matched before the second one. We need to encode this in the BPF somehow. One idea is to generate some code that executes the bindings in order of specificity, a technique we’ve used to great effect in l4drop:

1: if (mask(ip, 32) == return "foo"
2: if (mask(ip, 24) == return "bar"

This has the downside that the program gets longer the more bindings are added, which slows down execution. It’s also difficult to introspect and debug such long programs. Instead, we use a specialised BPF longest prefix match (LPM) map to do the hard work. This allows inspecting the contents from user space to figure out which bindings are active, which is very difficult if we had compiled bindings into BPF. The LPM map uses a trie behind the scenes, so lookup has complexity proportional to the length of the key instead of linear complexity for the “naive” solution.

However, using a map requires a trick for encoding the precedence of bindings into a key that we can look up. Here is a simplified version of this encoding, which ignores IPv6 and uses labels instead of IDs. To insert the binding tcp 80 into a trie we first convert the IP address into a number.    = 0x7f 00 00 00

Since we’re only interested in the first 24 bits of the address we, can write the whole prefix as = 0x7f 00 00 ??

where “?” means that the value is not specified. We choose the number 0x01 to represent TCP and prepend it and the port number (80 decimal is 0x50 hex) to create the full key:

tcp 80 = 0x01 50 7f 00 00 ??

Converting tcp 80 happens in exactly the same way. Once the converted values are inserted into the trie, the LPM trie conceptually contains the following keys and values.

LPM trie:
        0x01 50 7f 00 00 ?? = "bar"
        0x01 50 7f 00 00 01 = "foo"

To find the binding for a TCP packet destined for, we again encode a key and perform a lookup.

input:  0x01 50 7f 00 00 01   TCP packet to
LPM trie:
        0x01 50 7f 00 00 ?? = "bar"
           y  y  y  y  y
        0x01 50 7f 00 00 01 = "foo"
           y  y  y  y  y  y
result: "foo"

y = byte matches

The trie returns “foo” since its key shares the longest prefix with the input. Note that we stop comparing keys once we reach unspecified “?” bytes, but conceptually “bar” is still a valid result. The distinction becomes clear when looking up the binding for a TCP packet to

input:  0x01 50 7f 00 00 ff   TCP packet to
LPM trie:
        0x01 50 7f 00 00 ?? = "bar"
           y  y  y  y  y
        0x01 50 7f 00 00 01 = "foo"
           y  y  y  y  y  n
result: "bar"

n = byte doesn't match

In this case “foo” is discarded since the last byte doesn’t match the input. However, “bar” is returned since its last byte is unspecified and therefore considered to be a valid match.

Observability with minimal privileges

Linux has the powerful ss tool (part of iproute2) available to inspect socket state:

$ ss -tl src
State      Recv-Q      Send-Q           Local Address:Port           Peer Address:Port
LISTEN     0           128               *

With tubular in the picture this output is not accurate anymore. tubectl bindings makes up for this shortcoming:

$ sudo tubectl bindings tcp
 protocol       prefix port label
      tcp   80   foo

Running this command requires super-user privileges, despite in theory being safe for any user to run. While this is acceptable for casual inspection by a human operator, it’s a dealbreaker for observability via pull-based monitoring systems like Prometheus. The usual approach is to expose metrics via an HTTP server, which would have to run with elevated privileges and be accessible to the Prometheus server somehow. Instead, BPF gives us the tools to enable read-only access to tubular state with minimal privileges.

The key is to carefully set file ownership and mode for state in /sys/fs/bpf. Creating and opening files in /sys/fs/bpf uses BPF_OBJ_PIN and BPF_OBJ_GET. Calling BPF_OBJ_GET with BPF_F_RDONLY is roughly equivalent to open(O_RDONLY) and allows accessing state in a read-only fashion, provided the file permissions are correct. tubular gives the owner full access but restricts read-only access to the group:

$ sudo ls -l /sys/fs/bpf/4026532024_dispatcher | head -n 3
total 0
-rw-r----- 1 root root 0 Feb  2 13:19 bindings
-rw-r----- 1 root root 0 Feb  2 13:19 destination_metrics

It’s easy to choose which user and group should own state when loading tubular:

$ sudo -u root -g tubular tubectl load
created dispatcher in /sys/fs/bpf/4026532024_dispatcher
loaded dispatcher into /proc/self/ns/net
$ sudo ls -l /sys/fs/bpf/4026532024_dispatcher | head -n 3
total 0
-rw-r----- 1 root tubular 0 Feb  2 13:42 bindings
-rw-r----- 1 root tubular 0 Feb  2 13:42 destination_metrics

There is one more obstacle, systemd mounts /sys/fs/bpf in a way that makes it inaccessible to anyone but root. Adding the executable bit to the directory fixes this.

$ sudo chmod -v o+x /sys/fs/bpf
mode of '/sys/fs/bpf' changed from 0700 (rwx------) to 0701 (rwx-----x)

Finally, we can export metrics without privileges:

$ sudo -u nobody -g tubular tubectl metrics 8080
Listening on

There is a caveat, unfortunately: truly unprivileged access requires unprivileged BPF to be enabled. Many distros have taken to disabling it via the unprivileged_bpf_disabled sysctl, in which case scraping metrics does require CAP_BPF.

Safe releases

tubular is distributed as a single binary, but really consists of two pieces of code with widely differing lifetimes. The BPF program is loaded into the kernel once and then may be active for weeks or months, until it is explicitly replaced. In fact, a reference to the program (and link, see below) is persisted into /sys/fs/bpf:

├── link
├── program
└── ...

The user space code is executed for seconds at a time and is replaced whenever the binary on disk changes. This means that user space has to be able to deal with an “old” BPF program in the kernel somehow. The simplest way to achieve this is to compare what is loaded into the kernel with the BPF shipped as part of tubectl. If the two don’t match we return an error:

$ sudo tubectl bind foo tcp 80
Error: bind: can't open dispatcher: loaded program #158 has differing tag: "938c70b5a8956ff2" doesn't match "e007bfbbf37171f0"

tag is the truncated hash of the instructions making up a BPF program, which the kernel makes available for every loaded program:

$ sudo bpftool prog list id 158
158: sk_lookup  name dispatcher  tag 938c70b5a8956ff2

By comparing the tag tubular asserts that it is dealing with a supported version of the BPF program. Of course, just returning an error isn’t enough. There needs to be a way to update the kernel program so that it’s once again safe to make changes. This is where the persisted link in /sys/fs/bpf comes into play. bpf_links are used to attach programs to various BPF hooks. “Enabling” a BPF program is a two-step process: first, load the BPF program, next attach it to a hook using a bpf_link. Afterwards the program will execute the next time the hook is executed. By updating the link we can change the program on the fly, in an atomic manner.

$ sudo tubectl upgrade
Upgraded dispatcher to 2022.1.0-dev, program ID #159
$ sudo bpftool prog list id 159
159: sk_lookup  name dispatcher  tag e007bfbbf37171f0
$ sudo tubectl bind foo tcp 80
bound foo#tcp:[]:80

Behind the scenes the upgrade procedure is slightly more complicated, since we have to update the pinned program reference in addition to the link. We pin the new program into /sys/fs/bpf:

├── link
├── program
├── program-upgrade
└── ...

Once the link is updated we atomically rename program-upgrade to replace program. In the future we may be able to use RENAME_EXCHANGE to make upgrades even safer.

Preventing state corruption

So far we’ve completely neglected the fact that multiple invocations of tubectl could modify the state in /sys/fs/bpf at the same time. It’s very hard to reason about what would happen in this case, so in general it’s best to prevent this from ever occurring. A common solution to this is advisory file locks. Unfortunately it seems like BPF maps don’t support locking.

$ sudo flock /sys/fs/bpf/4026532024_dispatcher/bindings echo works!
flock: cannot open lock file /sys/fs/bpf/4026532024_dispatcher/bindings: Input/output error

This led to a bit of head scratching on our part. Luckily it is possible to flock the directory instead of individual maps:

$ sudo flock --exclusive /sys/fs/bpf/foo echo works!

Each tubectl invocation likewise invokes flock(), thereby guaranteeing that only ever a single process is making changes.


tubular is in production at Cloudflare today and has simplified the deployment of Spectrum and our authoritative DNS. It allowed us to leave behind limitations of the BSD socket API. However, its most powerful feature is that the addresses a service is available on can be changed on the fly. In fact, we have built tooling that automates this process across our global network. Need to listen on another million IPs on thousands of machines? No problem, it’s just an HTTP POST away.

Interested in working on tubular and our L4 load balancer unimog? We are hiring in our European offices.

Missing Manuals – io_uring worker pool

Post Syndicated from Jakub Sitnicki original https://blog.cloudflare.com/missing-manuals-io_uring-worker-pool/

Missing Manuals - io_uring worker pool

Chances are you might have heard of io_uring. It first appeared in Linux 5.1, back in 2019, and was advertised as the new API for asynchronous I/O. Its goal was to be an alternative to the deemed-to-be-broken-beyond-repair AIO, the “old” asynchronous I/O API.

Calling io_uring just an asynchronous I/O API doesn’t do it justice, though. Underneath the API calls, io_uring is a full-blown runtime for processing I/O requests. One that spawns threads, sets up work queues, and dispatches requests for processing. All this happens “in the background” so that the user space process doesn’t have to, but can, block while waiting for its I/O requests to complete.

A runtime that spawns threads and manages the worker pool for the developer makes life easier, but using it in a project begs the questions:

1. How many threads will be created for my workload by default?

2. How can I monitor and control the thread pool size?

I could not find the answers to these questions in either the Efficient I/O with io_uring article, or the Lord of the io_uring guide – two well-known pieces of available documentation.

And while a recent enough io_uring man page touches on the topic:

By default, io_uring limits the unbounded workers created to the maximum processor count set by RLIMIT_NPROC and the bounded workers is a function of the SQ ring size and the number of CPUs in the system.

… it also leads to more questions:

3. What is an unbounded worker?

4. How does it differ from a bounded worker?

Things seem a bit under-documented as is, hence this blog post. Hopefully, it will provide the clarity needed to put io_uring to work in your project when the time comes.

Before we dig in, a word of warning. This post is not meant to be an introduction to io_uring. The existing documentation does a much better job at showing you the ropes than I ever could. Please give it a read first, if you are not familiar yet with the io_uring API.

Not all I/O requests are created equal

io_uring can perform I/O on any kind of file descriptor; be it a regular file or a special file, like a socket. However, the kind of file descriptor that it operates on makes a difference when it comes to the size of the worker pool.

You see, I/O requests get classified into two categories by io_uring:

io-wq divides work into two categories:
1. Work that completes in a bounded time, like reading from a regular file or a block device. This type of work is limited based on the size of the SQ ring.
2. Work that may never complete, we call this unbounded work. The amount of workers here is limited by RLIMIT_NPROC.

This answers the latter two of our open questions. Unbounded workers handle I/O requests that operate on neither regular files (S_IFREG) nor block devices (S_ISBLK). This is the case for network I/O, where we work with sockets (S_IFSOCK), and other special files like character devices (e.g. /dev/null).

We now also know that there are different limits in place for how many bounded vs unbounded workers there can be running. So we have to pick one before we dig further.

Capping the unbounded worker pool size

Pushing data through sockets is Cloudflare’s bread and butter, so this is what we are going to base our test workload around. To put it in io_uring lingo – we will be submitting unbounded work requests.

While doing that, we will observe how io_uring goes about creating workers.

To observe how io_uring goes about creating workers we will ask it to read from a UDP socket multiple times. No packets will arrive on the socket, so we will have full control over when the requests complete.

Here is our test workload – udp_read.rs.

$ ./target/debug/udp-read -h
udp-read 0.1.0
read from UDP socket with io_uring

    udp-read [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -a, --async      Set IOSQE_ASYNC flag on submitted SQEs
    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -c, --cpu <cpu>...                     CPU to run on when invoking io_uring_enter for Nth ring (specify multiple
                                           times) [default: 0]
    -w, --workers <max-unbound-workers>    Maximum number of unbound workers per NUMA node (0 - default, that is
                                           RLIMIT_NPROC) [default: 0]
    -r, --rings <num-rings>                Number io_ring instances to create per thread [default: 1]
    -t, --threads <num-threads>            Number of threads creating io_uring instances [default: 1]
    -s, --sqes <sqes>                      Number of read requests to submit per io_uring (0 - fill the whole queue)
                                           [default: 0]

While it is parametrized for easy experimentation, at its core it doesn’t do much. We fill the submission queue with read requests from a UDP socket and then wait for them to complete. But because data doesn’t arrive on the socket out of nowhere, and there are no timeouts set up, nothing happens. As a bonus, we have complete control over when requests complete, which will come in handy later.

Let’s run the test workload to convince ourselves that things are working as expected. strace won’t be very helpful when using io_uring. We won’t be able to tie I/O requests to system calls. Instead, we will have to turn to in-kernel tracing.

Thankfully, io_uring comes with a set of ready to use static tracepoints, which save us the trouble of digging through the source code to decide where to hook up dynamic tracepoints, known as kprobes.

We can discover the tracepoints with perf list or bpftrace -l, or by browsing the events/ directory on the tracefs filesystem, usually mounted under /sys/kernel/tracing.

$ sudo perf list 'io_uring:*'

List of pre-defined events (to be used in -e):

  io_uring:io_uring_complete                         [Tracepoint event]
  io_uring:io_uring_cqring_wait                      [Tracepoint event]
  io_uring:io_uring_create                           [Tracepoint event]
  io_uring:io_uring_defer                            [Tracepoint event]
  io_uring:io_uring_fail_link                        [Tracepoint event]
  io_uring:io_uring_file_get                         [Tracepoint event]
  io_uring:io_uring_link                             [Tracepoint event]
  io_uring:io_uring_poll_arm                         [Tracepoint event]
  io_uring:io_uring_poll_wake                        [Tracepoint event]
  io_uring:io_uring_queue_async_work                 [Tracepoint event]
  io_uring:io_uring_register                         [Tracepoint event]
  io_uring:io_uring_submit_sqe                       [Tracepoint event]
  io_uring:io_uring_task_add                         [Tracepoint event]
  io_uring:io_uring_task_run                         [Tracepoint event]

Judging by the number of tracepoints to choose from, io_uring takes visibility seriously. To help us get our bearings, here is a diagram that maps out paths an I/O request can take inside io_uring code annotated with tracepoint names – not all of them, just those which will be useful to us.

Missing Manuals - io_uring worker pool

Starting on the left, we expect our toy workload to push entries onto the submission queue. When we publish submitted entries by calling io_uring_enter(), the kernel consumes the submission queue and constructs internal request objects. A side effect we can observe is a hit on the io_uring:io_uring_submit_sqe tracepoint.

$ sudo perf stat -e io_uring:io_uring_submit_sqe -- timeout 1 ./udp-read

 Performance counter stats for 'timeout 1 ./udp-read':

              4096      io_uring:io_uring_submit_sqe

       1.049016083 seconds time elapsed

       0.003747000 seconds user
       0.013720000 seconds sys

But, as it turns out, submitting entries is not enough to make io_uring spawn worker threads. Our process remains single-threaded:

$ ./udp-read & p=$!; sleep 1; ps -o thcount $p; kill $p; wait $p
[1] 25229
[1]+  Terminated              ./udp-read

This shows that io_uring is smart. It knows that sockets support non-blocking I/O, and they can be polled for readiness to read.

So, by default, io_uring performs a non-blocking read on sockets. This is bound to fail with -EAGAIN in our case. What follows is that io_uring registers a wake-up call (io_async_wake()) for when the socket becomes readable. There is no need to perform a blocking read, when we can wait to be notified.

This resembles polling the socket with select() or [e]poll() from user space. There is no timeout, if we didn’t ask for it explicitly by submitting an IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT request. io_uring will simply wait indefinitely.

We can observe io_uring when it calls vfs_poll, the machinery behind non-blocking I/O, to monitor the sockets. If that happens, we will be hitting the io_uring:io_uring_poll_arm tracepoint. Meanwhile, the wake-ups that follow, if the polled file becomes ready for I/O, can be recorded with the io_uring:io_uring_poll_wake tracepoint embedded in io_async_wake() wake-up call.

This is what we are experiencing. io_uring is polling the socket for read-readiness:

$ sudo bpftrace -lv t:io_uring:io_uring_poll_arm
    void * ctx
    void * req
    u8 opcode
    u64 user_data
    int mask
    int events      
$ sudo bpftrace -e 't:io_uring:io_uring_poll_arm { @[probe, args->opcode] = count(); } i:s:1 { exit(); }' -c ./udp-read
Attaching 2 probes...

@[tracepoint:io_uring:io_uring_poll_arm, 22]: 4096
$ sudo bpftool btf dump id 1 format c | grep 'IORING_OP_.*22'
        IORING_OP_READ = 22,

To make io_uring spawn worker threads, we have to force the read requests to be processed concurrently in a blocking fashion. We can do this by marking the I/O requests as asynchronous. As io_uring_enter(2) man-page says:

         Normal operation for io_uring is to try and  issue  an
         sqe  as non-blocking first, and if that fails, execute
         it in an async manner. To support more efficient over‐
         lapped  operation  of  requests  that  the application
         knows/assumes will always (or most of the time) block,
         the  application can ask for an sqe to be issued async
         from the start. Available since 5.6.

This will trigger a call to io_queue_sqe() → io_queue_async_work(), which deep down invokes create_io_worker() → create_io_thread() to spawn a new task to process work. Remember that last function, create_io_thread() – it will come up again later.

Our toy program sets the IOSQE_ASYNC flag on requests when we pass the --async command line option to it. Let’s give it a try:

$ ./udp-read --async & pid=$!; sleep 1; ps -o pid,thcount $pid; kill $pid; wait $pid
[2] 3457597
3457597  4097
[2]+  Terminated              ./udp-read --async

The thread count went up by the number of submitted I/O requests (4,096). And there is one extra thread – the main thread. io_uring has spawned workers.

If we trace it again, we see that requests are now taking the blocking-read path, and we are hitting the io_uring:io_uring_queue_async_work tracepoint on the way.

$ sudo perf stat -a -e io_uring:io_uring_poll_arm,io_uring:io_uring_queue_async_work -- ./udp-read --async
^C./udp-read: Interrupt

 Performance counter stats for 'system wide':

                 0      io_uring:io_uring_poll_arm
              4096      io_uring:io_uring_queue_async_work

       1.335559294 seconds time elapsed


In the code, the fork happens in the io_queue_sqe() function, where we are now branching off to io_queue_async_work(), which contains the corresponding tracepoint.

We got what we wanted. We are now using the worker thread pool.

However, having 4,096 threads just for reading one socket sounds like overkill. If we were to limit the number of worker threads, how would we go about that? There are four ways I know of.

Method 1 – Limit the number of in-flight requests

If we take care to never have more than some number of in-flight blocking I/O requests, then we will have more or less the same number of workers. This is because:

  1. io_uring spawns workers only when there is work to process. We control how many requests we submit and can throttle new submissions based on completion notifications.
  2. io_uring retires workers when there is no more pending work in the queue. Although, there is a grace period before a worker dies.

The downside of this approach is that by throttling submissions, we reduce batching. We will have to drain the completion queue, refill the submission queue, and switch context with io_uring_enter() syscall more often.

We can convince ourselves that this method works by tweaking the number of submitted requests, and observing the thread count as the requests complete. The --sqes <n> option (submission queue entries) controls how many read requests get queued by our workload. If we want a request to complete, we simply need to send a packet toward the UDP socket we are reading from. The workload does not refill the submission queue.

$ ./udp-read --async --sqes 8 & pid=$!
[1] 7264
$ ss -ulnp | fgrep pid=$pid
UNCONN 0      0*    users:(("udp-read",pid=7264,fd=3))
$ ps -o thcount $pid; nc -zu 52763; echo -e '\U1F634'; sleep 5; ps -o thcount $pid

After sending one packet, the run queue length shrinks by one, and the thread count soon follows.

This works, but we can do better.


In 5.15 the io_uring_register() syscall gained a new command for setting the maximum number of bound and unbound workers.

         By default, io_uring limits the unbounded workers cre‐
         ated   to   the   maximum   processor   count  set  by
         RLIMIT_NPROC and the bounded workers is a function  of
         the SQ ring size and the number of CPUs in the system.
         Sometimes this can be excessive (or  too  little,  for
         bounded),  and  this  command provides a way to change
         the count per ring (per NUMA node) instead.

         arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array
         of  two values, with the values in the array being set
         to the maximum count of workers per NUMA node. Index 0
         holds  the bounded worker count, and index 1 holds the
         unbounded worker  count.  On  successful  return,  the
         passed  in array will contain the previous maximum va‐
         lyes for each type. If the count being passed in is 0,
         then  this  command returns the current maximum values
         and doesn't modify the current setting.  nr_args  must
         be set to 2, as the command takes two values.

         Available since 5.15.

By the way, if you would like to grep through the io_uring man pages, they live in the liburing repo maintained by Jens Axboe – not the go-to repo for Linux API man-pages maintained by Michael Kerrisk.

Since it is a fresh addition to the io_uring API, the io-uring Rust library we are using has not caught up yet. But with a bit of patching, we can make it work.

We can tell our toy program to set IORING_REGISTER_IOWQ_MAX_WORKERS (= 19 = 0x13) by running it with the --workers <N> option:

$ strace -o strace.out -e io_uring_register ./udp-read --async --workers 8 &
[1] 3555377
$ pstree -pt $!
$ cat strace.out
io_uring_register(4, 0x13 /* IORING_REGISTER_??? */, 0x7ffd9b2e3048, 2) = 0

This works perfectly. We have spawned just eight io_uring worker threads to handle 4k of submitted read requests.

Question remains – is the set limit per io_uring instance? Per thread? Per process? Per UID? Read on to find out.

Method 3 – Set RLIMIT_NPROC resource limit

A resource limit for the maximum number of new processes is another way to cap the worker pool size. The documentation for the IORING_REGISTER_IOWQ_MAX_WORKERS command mentions this.

This resource limit overrides the IORING_REGISTER_IOWQ_MAX_WORKERS setting, which makes sense because bumping RLIMIT_NPROC above the configured hard maximum requires CAP_SYS_RESOURCE capability.

The catch is that the limit is tracked per UID within a user namespace.

Setting the new process limit without using a dedicated UID or outside a dedicated user namespace, where other processes are running under the same UID, can have surprising effects.

Why? io_uring will try over and over again to scale up the worker pool, only to generate a bunch of -EAGAIN errors from create_io_worker() if it can’t reach the configured RLIMIT_NPROC limit:

$ prlimit --nproc=8 ./udp-read --async &
[1] 26348
$ ps -o thcount $!
$ sudo bpftrace --btf -e 'kr:create_io_thread { @[retval] = count(); } i:s:1 { print(@); clear(@); } END { clear(@); }' -c '/usr/bin/sleep 3' | cat -s
Attaching 3 probes...
@[-11]: 293631
@[-11]: 306150
@[-11]: 311959

$ mpstat 1 3
Linux 5.15.9-cloudflare-2021.12.8 (bullseye)    01/04/22        _x86_64_        (4 CPU)
02:52:46     CPU    %usr   %nice    %sys %iowait    %irq   %soft  %steal  %guest  %gnice   %idle
02:52:47     all    0.00    0.00   25.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   75.00
02:52:48     all    0.00    0.00   25.13    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   74.87
02:52:49     all    0.00    0.00   25.30    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   74.70
Average:     all    0.00    0.00   25.14    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   74.86

We are hogging one core trying to spawn new workers. This is not the best use of CPU time.

So, if you want to use RLIMIT_NPROC as a safety cap over the IORING_REGISTER_IOWQ_MAX_WORKERS limit, you better use a “fresh” UID or a throw-away user namespace:

$ unshare -U prlimit --nproc=8 ./udp-read --async --workers 16 &
[1] 3555870
$ ps -o thcount $!

Anti-Method 4 – cgroup process limit – pids.max file

There is also one other way to cap the worker pool size – limit the number of tasks (that is, processes and their threads) in a control group.

It is an anti-example and a potential misconfiguration to watch out for, because just like with RLIMIT_NPROC, we can fall into the same trap where io_uring will burn CPU:

$ systemd-run --user -p TasksMax=128 --same-dir --collect --service-type=exec ./udp-read --async
Running as unit: run-ra0336ff405f54ad29726f1e48d6a3237.service
$ systemd-cgls --user-unit run-ra0336ff405f54ad29726f1e48d6a3237.service
Unit run-ra0336ff405f54ad29726f1e48d6a3237.service (/user.slice/user-1000.slice/[email protected]/app.slice/run-ra0336ff405f54ad29726f1e48d6a3237.service):
└─823727 /blog/io-uring-worker-pool/./udp-read --async
$ cat /sys/fs/cgroup/user.slice/user-1000.slice/[email protected]/app.slice/run-ra0336ff405f54ad29726f1e48d6a3237.service/pids.max
$ ps -o thcount 823727
$ sudo bpftrace --btf -e 'kr:create_io_thread { @[retval] = count(); } i:s:1 { print(@); clear(@); }'
Attaching 2 probes...
@[-11]: 163494
@[-11]: 173134
@[-11]: 184887

@[-11]: 76680
$ systemctl --user stop run-ra0336ff405f54ad29726f1e48d6a3237.service

Here, we again see io_uring wasting time trying to spawn more workers without success. The kernel does not let the number of tasks within the service’s control group go over the limit.

Okay, so we know what is the best and the worst way to put a limit on the number of io_uring workers. But is the limit per io_uring instance? Per user? Or something else?

One ring, two ring, three ring, four …

Your process is not limited to one instance of io_uring, naturally. In the case of a network proxy, where we push data from one socket to another, we could have one instance of io_uring servicing each half of the proxy.

Missing Manuals - io_uring worker pool

How many worker threads will be created in the presence of multiple io_urings? That depends on whether your program is single- or multithreaded.

In the single-threaded case, if the main thread creates two io_urings, and configures each io_uring to have a maximum of two unbound workers, then:

$ unshare -U ./udp-read --async --threads 1 --rings 2 --workers 2 &
[3] 3838456
$ pstree -pt $!
$ ls -l /proc/3838456/fd
total 0
lrwx------ 1 vagrant vagrant 64 Dec 26 03:32 0 -> /dev/pts/0
lrwx------ 1 vagrant vagrant 64 Dec 26 03:32 1 -> /dev/pts/0
lrwx------ 1 vagrant vagrant 64 Dec 26 03:32 2 -> /dev/pts/0
lrwx------ 1 vagrant vagrant 64 Dec 26 03:32 3 -> 'socket:[279241]'
lrwx------ 1 vagrant vagrant 64 Dec 26 03:32 4 -> 'anon_inode:[io_uring]'
lrwx------ 1 vagrant vagrant 64 Dec 26 03:32 5 -> 'anon_inode:[io_uring]'

… a total of two worker threads will be spawned.

While in the case of a multithreaded program, where two threads create one io_uring each, with a maximum of two unbound workers per ring:

$ unshare -U ./udp-read --async --threads 2 --rings 1 --workers 2 &
[2] 3838223
$ pstree -pt $!
$ ls -l /proc/3838223/fd
total 0
lrwx------ 1 vagrant vagrant 64 Dec 26 02:53 0 -> /dev/pts/0
lrwx------ 1 vagrant vagrant 64 Dec 26 02:53 1 -> /dev/pts/0
lrwx------ 1 vagrant vagrant 64 Dec 26 02:53 2 -> /dev/pts/0
lrwx------ 1 vagrant vagrant 64 Dec 26 02:53 3 -> 'socket:[279160]'
lrwx------ 1 vagrant vagrant 64 Dec 26 02:53 4 -> 'socket:[279819]'
lrwx------ 1 vagrant vagrant 64 Dec 26 02:53 5 -> 'anon_inode:[io_uring]'
lrwx------ 1 vagrant vagrant 64 Dec 26 02:53 6 -> 'anon_inode:[io_uring]'

… four workers will be spawned in total – two for each of the program threads. This is reflected by the owner thread ID present in the worker’s name (iou-wrk-<tid>).

So you might think – “It makes sense! Each thread has their own dedicated pool of I/O workers, which service all the io_uring instances operated by that thread.”

And you would be right1. If we follow the code – task_struct has an instance of io_uring_task, aka io_uring context for the task2. Inside the context, we have a reference to the io_uring work queue (struct io_wq), which is actually an array of work queue entries (struct io_wqe). More on why that is an array soon.

Moving down to the work queue entry, we arrive at the work queue accounting table (struct io_wqe_acct [2]), with one record for each type of work – bounded and unbounded. This is where io_uring keeps track of the worker pool limit (max_workers) the number of existing workers (nr_workers).

Missing Manuals - io_uring worker pool

The perhaps not-so-obvious consequence of this arrangement is that setting just the RLIMIT_NPROC limit, without touching IORING_REGISTER_IOWQ_MAX_WORKERS, can backfire for multi-threaded programs.

See, when the maximum number of workers for an io_uring instance is not configured, it defaults to RLIMIT_NPROC. This means that io_uring will try to scale the unbounded worker pool to RLIMIT_NPROC for each thread that operates on an io_uring instance.

Missing Manuals - io_uring worker pool

A multi-threaded process, by definition, creates threads. Now recall that the process management in the kernel tracks the number of tasks per UID within the user namespace. Each spawned thread depletes the quota set by RLIMIT_NPROC. As a consequence, io_uring will never be able to fully scale up the worker pool, and will burn the CPU trying to do so.

$ unshare -U prlimit --nproc=4 ./udp-read --async --threads 2 --rings 1 &
[1] 26249
vagrant@bullseye:/blog/io-uring-worker-pool$ pstree -pt $!
$ sudo bpftrace --btf -e 'kretprobe:create_io_thread { @[retval] = count(); } interval:s:1 { print(@); clear(@); } END { clear(@); }' -c '/usr/bin/sleep 3' | cat -s
Attaching 3 probes...
@[-11]: 517270
@[-11]: 509508
@[-11]: 461403

$ mpstat 1 3
Linux 5.15.9-cloudflare-2021.12.8 (bullseye)    01/04/22        _x86_64_        (4 CPU)
02:23:23     CPU    %usr   %nice    %sys %iowait    %irq   %soft  %steal  %guest  %gnice   %idle
02:23:24     all    0.00    0.00   50.13    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   49.87
02:23:25     all    0.00    0.00   50.25    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   49.75
02:23:26     all    0.00    0.00   49.87    0.00    0.00    0.50    0.00    0.00    0.00   49.62
Average:     all    0.00    0.00   50.08    0.00    0.00    0.17    0.00    0.00    0.00   49.75

NUMA, NUMA, yay 🎶

Lastly, there’s the case of NUMA systems with more than one memory node. io_uring documentation clearly says that IORING_REGISTER_IOWQ_MAX_WORKERS configures the maximum number of workers per NUMA node.

That is why, as we have seen, io_wq.wqes is an array. It contains one entry, struct io_wqe, for each NUMA node. If your servers are NUMA systems like Cloudflare, that is something to take into account.

Luckily, we don’t need a NUMA machine to experiment. QEMU happily emulates NUMA architectures. If you are hardcore enough, you can configure the NUMA layout with the right combination of -smp and -numa options.

But why bother when the libvirt provider for Vagrant makes it so simple to configure a 2 node / 4 CPU layout:

    libvirt.numa_nodes = [
      {:cpus => "0-1", :memory => "2048"},
      {:cpus => "2-3", :memory => "2048"}

Let’s confirm how io_uring behaves on a NUMA system.
Here’s our NUMA layout with two vCPUs per node ready for experimentation:

$ numactl -H
available: 2 nodes (0-1)
node 0 cpus: 0 1
node 0 size: 1980 MB
node 0 free: 1802 MB
node 1 cpus: 2 3
node 1 size: 1950 MB
node 1 free: 1751 MB
node distances:
node   0   1
  0:  10  20
  1:  20  10

If we once again run our test workload and ask it to create a single io_uring with a maximum of two workers per NUMA node, then:

$ ./udp-read --async --threads 1 --rings 1 --workers 2 &
[1] 693
$ pstree -pt $!

… we get just two workers on a machine with two NUMA nodes. Not the outcome we were hoping for.

Why are we not reaching the expected pool size of <max workers> × <# NUMA nodes> = 2 × 2 = 4 workers? And is it possible to make it happen?

Reading the code reveals that – yes, it is possible. However, for the per-node worker pool to be scaled up for a given NUMA node, we have to submit requests, that is, call io_uring_enter(), from a CPU that belongs to that node. In other words, the process scheduler and thread CPU affinity have a say in how many I/O workers will be created.

We can demonstrate the effect that jumping between CPUs and NUMA nodes has on the worker pool by operating two instances of io_uring. We already know that having more than one io_uring instance per thread does not impact the worker pool limit.

This time, however, we are going to ask the workload to pin itself to a particular CPU before submitting requests with the --cpu option – first it will run on CPU 0 to enter the first ring, then on CPU 2 to enter the second ring.

$ strace -e sched_setaffinity,io_uring_enter ./udp-read --async --threads 1 --rings 2 --cpu 0 --cpu 2 --workers 2 & sleep 0.1 && echo
[1] 6949
sched_setaffinity(0, 128, [0])          = 0
io_uring_enter(4, 4096, 0, 0, NULL, 128) = 4096
sched_setaffinity(0, 128, [2])          = 0
io_uring_enter(5, 4096, 0, 0, NULL, 128) = 4096
io_uring_enter(4, 0, 1, IORING_ENTER_GETEVENTS, NULL, 128
$ pstree -pt 6949

Voilà. We have reached the said limit of <max workers> x <# NUMA nodes>.


That is all for the very first installment of the Missing Manuals. io_uring has more secrets that deserve a write-up, like request ordering or handling of interrupted syscalls, so Missing Manuals might return soon.

In the meantime, please tell us what topic would you nominate to have a Missing Manual written?

Oh, and did I mention that if you enjoy putting cutting edge Linux APIs to use, we are hiring? Now also remotely 🌎.


1And it probably does not make the users of runtimes that implement a hybrid threading model, like Golang, too happy.
2To the Linux kernel, processes and threads are just kinds of tasks, which either share or don’t share some resources.

How to stop running out of ephemeral ports and start to love long-lived connections

Post Syndicated from Marek Majkowski original https://blog.cloudflare.com/how-to-stop-running-out-of-ephemeral-ports-and-start-to-love-long-lived-connections/

How to stop running out of ephemeral ports and start to love long-lived connections

Often programmers have assumptions that turn out, to their surprise, to be invalid. From my experience this happens a lot. Every API, technology or system can be abused beyond its limits and break in a miserable way.

It’s particularly interesting when basic things used everywhere fail. Recently we’ve reached such a breaking point in a ubiquitous part of Linux networking: establishing a network connection using the connect() system call.

Since we are not doing anything special, just establishing TCP and UDP connections, how could anything go wrong? Here’s one example: we noticed alerts from a misbehaving server, logged in to check it out and saw:

marek@:~# ssh
ssh: connect to host port 22: Cannot assign requested address

You can imagine the face of my colleague who saw that. SSH to localhost refuses to work, while she was already using SSH to connect to that server! On another occasion:

marek@:~# dig cloudflare.com @
dig: isc_socket_bind: address in use

This time a basic DNS query failed with a weird networking error. Failing DNS is a bad sign!

In both cases the problem was Linux running out of ephemeral ports. When this happens it’s unable to establish any outgoing connections. This is a pretty serious failure. It’s usually transient and if you don’t know what to look for it might be hard to debug.

The root cause lies deeper though. We can often ignore limits on the number of outgoing connections. But we encountered cases where we hit limits on the number of concurrent outgoing connections during normal operation.

In this blog post I’ll explain why we had these issues, how we worked around them, and present an userspace code implementing an improved variant of connect() syscall.

Outgoing connections on Linux part 1 – TCP

Let’s start with a bit of historical background.

Long-lived connections

Back in 2014 Cloudflare announced support for WebSockets. We wrote two articles about it:

If you skim these blogs, you’ll notice we were totally fine with the WebSocket protocol, framing and operation. What worried us was our capacity to handle large numbers of concurrent outgoing connections towards the origin servers. Since WebSockets are long-lived, allowing them through our servers might greatly increase the concurrent connection count. And this did turn out to be a problem. It was possible to hit a ceiling for a total number of outgoing connections imposed by the Linux networking stack.

In a pessimistic case, each Linux connection consumes a local port (ephemeral port), and therefore the total connection count is limited by the size of the ephemeral port range.

Basics – how port allocation works

When establishing an outbound connection a typical user needs the destination address and port. For example, DNS might resolve cloudflare.com to the ‘’ IPv4 address. A simple Python program can establish a connection to it with the following code:

cd = socket.socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
cd.connect(('', 80))

The operating system’s job is to figure out how to reach that destination, selecting an appropriate source address and source port to form the full 4-tuple for the connection:

How to stop running out of ephemeral ports and start to love long-lived connections

The operating system chooses the source IP based on the routing configuration. On Linux we can see which source IP will be chosen with ip route get:

$ ip route get via dev eth0 src uid 1000

The src parameter in the result shows the discovered source IP address that should be used when going towards that specific target.

The source port, on the other hand, is chosen from the local port range configured for outgoing connections, also known as the ephemeral port range. On Linux this is controlled by the following sysctls:

$ sysctl net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range net.ipv4.ip_local_reserved_ports
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 32768    60999
net.ipv4.ip_local_reserved_ports =

The ip_local_port_range sets the low and high (inclusive) port range to be used for outgoing connections. The ip_local_reserved_ports is used to skip specific ports if the operator needs to reserve them for services.

Vanilla TCP is a happy case

The default ephemeral port range contains more than 28,000 ports (60999+1-32768=28232). Does that mean we can have at most 28,000 outgoing connections? That’s the core question of this blog post!

In TCP the connection is identified by a full 4-tuple, for example:

full 4-tuple 32768 80

In principle, it is possible to reuse the source IP and port, and share them against another destination. For example, there could be two simultaneous outgoing connections with these 4-tuples:

full 4-tuple #A 32768 80
full 4-tuple #B 32768 80

This “source two-tuple” sharing can happen in practice when establishing connections using the vanilla TCP code:

sd = socket.socket(SOCK_STREAM)
sd.connect( (remote_ip, remote_port) )

But slightly different code can prevent this sharing, as we’ll discuss.

In the rest of this blog post, we’ll summarise the behaviour of code fragments that make outgoing connections showing:

  • The technique’s description
  • The typical `errno` value in the case of port exhaustion
  • And whether the kernel is able to reuse the {source IP, source port}-tuple against another destination

The last column is the most important since it shows if there is a low limit of total concurrent connections. As we’re going to see later, the limit is present more often than we’d expect.

technique description errno on port exhaustion possible src 2-tuple reuse
connect(dst_IP, dst_port) EADDRNOTAVAIL yes (good!)

In the case of generic TCP, things work as intended. Towards a single destination it’s possible to have as many connections as an ephemeral range allows. When the range is exhausted (against a single destination), we’ll see EADDRNOTAVAIL error. The system also is able to correctly reuse local two-tuple {source IP, source port} for ESTABLISHED sockets against other destinations. This is expected and desired.

Manually selecting source IP address

Let’s go back to the Cloudflare server setup. Cloudflare operates many services, to name just two: CDN (caching HTTP reverse proxy) and WARP.

For Cloudflare, it’s important that we don’t mix traffic types among our outgoing IPs. Origin servers on the Internet might want to differentiate traffic based on our product. The simplest example is CDN: it’s appropriate for an origin server to firewall off non-CDN inbound connections. Allowing Cloudflare cache pulls is totally fine, but allowing WARP connections which contain untrusted user traffic might lead to problems.

To achieve such outgoing IP separation, each of our applications must be explicit about which source IPs to use. They can’t leave it up to the operating system; the automatically-chosen source could be wrong. While it’s technically possible to configure routing policy rules in Linux to express such requirements, we decided not to do that and keep Linux routing configuration as simple as possible.

Instead, before calling connect(), our applications select the source IP with the bind() syscall. A trick we call “bind-before-connect”:

sd = socket.socket(SOCK_STREAM)
sd.bind( (src_IP, 0) )
sd.connect( (dst_IP, dst_port) )

technique description errno on port exhaustion possible src 2-tuple reuse
bind(src_IP, 0)
connect(dst_IP, dst_port)
EADDRINUSE no (bad!)

This code looks rather innocent, but it hides a considerable drawback. When calling bind(), the kernel attempts to find an unused local two-tuple. Due to BSD API shortcomings, the operating system can’t know what we plan to do with the socket. It’s totally possible we want to listen() on it, in which case sharing the source IP/port with a connected socket will be a disaster! That’s why the source two-tuple selected when calling bind() must be unique.

Due to this API limitation, in this technique the source two-tuple can’t be reused. Each connection effectively “locks” a source port, so the number of connections is constrained by the size of the ephemeral port range. Notice: one source port is used up for each connection, no matter how many destinations we have. This is bad, and is exactly the problem we were dealing with back in 2014 in the WebSockets articles mentioned above.

Fortunately, it’s fixable.


Back in 2014 we fixed the problem by setting the SO_REUSEADDR socket option and manually retrying bind()+ connect() a couple of times on error. This worked ok, but later in 2015 Linux introduced a proper fix: the IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT socket option. This option tells the kernel to delay reserving the source port:

sd = socket.socket(SOCK_STREAM)
sd.bind( (src_IP, 0) )
sd.connect( (dst_IP, dst_port) )

technique description errno on port exhaustion possible src 2-tuple reuse
bind(src_IP, 0)

connect(dst_IP, dst_port)

This gets us back to the desired behavior. On modern Linux, when doing bind-before-connect for TCP, you should set IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT.

Explicitly selecting a source port

Sometimes an application needs to select a specific source port. For example: the operator wants to control full 4-tuple in order to debug ECMP routing issues.

Recently a colleague wanted to run a cURL command for debugging, and he needed the source port to be fixed. cURL provides the --local-port option to do this¹ :

$ curl --local-port 9999 -4svo /dev/null https://cloudflare.com/cdn-cgi/trace
*   Trying

In other situations source port numbers should be controlled, as they can be used as an input to a routing mechanism.

But setting the source port manually is not easy. We’re back to square one in our hackery since IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT is not an appropriate tool when calling bind() with a specific source port value. To get the scheme working again and be able to share source 2-tuple, we need to turn to SO_REUSEADDR:

sd = socket.socket(SOCK_STREAM)
sd.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
sd.bind( (src_IP, src_port) )
sd.connect( (dst_IP, dst_port) )

Our summary table:

technique description errno on port exhaustion possible src 2-tuple reuse
bind(src_IP, src_port)

connect(dst_IP, dst_port)

Here, the user takes responsibility for handling conflicts, when an ESTABLISHED socket sharing the 4-tuple already exists. In such a case connect will fail with EADDRNOTAVAIL and the application should retry with another acceptable source port number.

Userspace connectx implementation

With these tricks, we can implement a common function and call it connectx. It will do what bind()+connect() should, but won’t have the unfortunate ephemeral port range limitation. In other words, created sockets are able to share local two-tuples as long as they are going to distinct destinations:

def connectx((source_IP, source_port), (destination_IP, destination_port)):

We have three use cases this API should support:

user specified technique
{_, _, dst_IP, dst_port} vanilla connect()
{src_IP, _, dst_IP, dst_port} IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT
{src_IP, src_port, dst_IP, dst_port} SO_REUSEADDR

The name we chose isn’t an accident. MacOS (specifically the underlying Darwin OS) has exactly that function implemented as a connectx() system call (implementation):

How to stop running out of ephemeral ports and start to love long-lived connections

It’s more powerful than our connectx code, since it supports TCP Fast Open.

Should we, Linux users, be envious? For TCP, it’s possible to get the right kernel behaviour with the appropriate setsockopt/bind/connect dance, so a kernel syscall is not quite needed.

But for UDP things turn out to be much more complicated and a dedicated syscall might be a good idea.

Outgoing connections on Linux – part 2 – UDP

In the previous section we listed three use cases for outgoing connections that should be supported by the operating system:

  • Vanilla egress: operating system chooses the outgoing IP and port
  • Source IP selection: user selects outgoing IP but the OS chooses port
  • Full 4-tuple: user selects full 4-tuple for the connection

We demonstrated how to implement all three cases on Linux for TCP, without hitting connection count limits due to source port exhaustion.

It’s time to extend our implementation to UDP. This is going to be harder.

For UDP, Linux maintains one hash table that is keyed on local IP and port, which can hold duplicate entries. Multiple UDP connected sockets can not only share a 2-tuple but also a 4-tuple! It’s totally possible to have two distinct, connected sockets having exactly the same 4-tuple. This feature was created for multicast sockets. The implementation was then carried over to unicast connections, but it is confusing. With conflicting sockets on unicast addresses, only one of them will receive any traffic. A newer connected socket will “overshadow” the older one. It’s surprisingly hard to detect such a situation. To get UDP connectx() right, we will need to work around this “overshadowing” problem.

Vanilla UDP is limited

It might come as a surprise to many, but by default, the total count for outbound UDP connections is limited by the ephemeral port range size. Usually, with Linux you can’t have more than ~28,000 connected UDP sockets, even if they point to multiple destinations.

Ok, let’s start with the simplest and most common way of establishing outgoing UDP connections:

sd = socket.socket(SOCK_DGRAM)
sd.connect( (dst_IP, dst_port) )

technique description errno on port exhaustion possible src 2-tuple reuse risk of overshadowing
connect(dst_IP, dst_port) EAGAIN no (bad!) no

The simplest case is not a happy one. The total number of concurrent outgoing UDP connections on Linux is limited by the ephemeral port range size. On our multi-tenant servers, with potentially long-lived gaming and H3/QUIC flows containing WebSockets, this is too limiting.

On TCP we were able to slap on a setsockopt and move on. No such easy workaround is available for UDP.

For UDP, without REUSEADDR, Linux avoids sharing local 2-tuples among UDP sockets. During connect() it tries to find a 2-tuple that is not used yet. As a side note: there is no fundamental reason that it looks for a unique 2-tuple as opposed to a unique 4-tuple during ‘connect()’. This suboptimal behavior might be fixable.


To allow local two-tuple reuse we need the SO_REUSEADDR socket option. Sadly, this would also allow established sockets to share a 4-tuple, with the newer socket overshadowing the older one.

sd = socket.socket(SOCK_DGRAM)
sd.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
sd.connect( (dst_IP, dst_port) )

technique description errno on port exhaustion possible src 2-tuple reuse risk of overshadowing
connect(dst_IP, dst_port)
EAGAIN yes yes (bad!)

In other words, we can’t just set SO_REUSEADDR and move on, since we might hit a local 2-tuple that is already used in a connection against the same destination. We might already have an identical 4-tuple connected socket underneath. Most importantly, during such a conflict we won’t be notified by any error. This is unacceptably bad.

Detecting socket conflicts with eBPF

We thought a good solution might be to write an eBPF program to detect such conflicts. The idea was to put a code on the connect() syscall. Linux cgroups allow the BPF_CGROUP_INET4_CONNECT hook. The eBPF is called every time a process under a given cgroup runs the connect() syscall. This is pretty cool, and we thought it would allow us to verify if there is a 4-tuple conflict before moving the socket from UNCONNECTED to CONNECTED states.

Here is how to load and attach our eBPF

bpftool prog load ebpf.o /sys/fs/bpf/prog_connect4  type cgroup/connect4
bpftool cgroup attach /sys/fs/cgroup/unified/user.slice connect4 pinned /sys/fs/bpf/prog_connect4

With such a code, we’ll greatly reduce the probability of overshadowing:

technique description errno on port exhaustion possible src 2-tuple reuse risk of overshadowing
connect(dst_IP, dst_port)
manual port discovery, EPERM on conflict yes yes, but small

However, this solution is limited. First, it doesn’t work for sockets with an automatically assigned source IP or source port, it only works when a user manually creates a 4-tuple connection from userspace. Then there is a second issue: a typical race condition. We don’t grab any lock, so it’s technically possible a conflicting socket will be created on another CPU in the time between our eBPF conflict check and the finish of the real connect() syscall machinery. In short, this lockless eBPF approach is better than nothing, but fundamentally racy.

Socket traversal – SOCK_DIAG ss way

There is another way to verify if a conflicting socket already exists: we can check for connected sockets in userspace. It’s possible to do it without any privileges quite effectively with the SOCK_DIAG_BY_FAMILY feature of netlink interface. This is the same technique the ss tool uses to print out sockets available on the system.

The netlink code is not even all that complicated. Take a look at the code. Inside the kernel, it goes quickly into a fast __udp_lookup() routine. This is great – we can avoid iterating over all sockets on the system.

With that function handy, we can draft our UDP code:

sd = socket.socket(SOCK_DGRAM)
sd.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
cookie = sd.getsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, SO_COOKIE, 8)
sd.bind( src_addr )
c, _ = _netlink_udp_lookup(family, src_addr, dst_addr)
if c != cookie:
    raise OSError(...)
sd.connect( dst_addr )

This code has the same race condition issue as the connect inet eBPF hook before. But it’s a good starting point. We need some locking to avoid the race condition. Perhaps it’s possible to do it in the userspace.

SO_REUSEADDR as a lock

Here comes a breakthrough: we can use SO_REUSEADDR as a locking mechanism. Consider this:

sd = socket.socket(SOCK_DGRAM)
cookie = sd.getsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, SO_COOKIE, 8)
sd.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
sd.bind( src_addr )
sd.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 0)
c, _ = _netlink_udp_lookup(family, src_addr, dst_addr)
if c != cookie:
    raise OSError()
sd.connect( dst_addr )
sd.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)

The idea here is:

  • We need REUSEADDR around bind, otherwise it wouldn’t be possible to reuse a local port. It’s technically possible to clear REUSEADDR after bind. Doing this technically makes the kernel socket state inconsistent, but it doesn’t hurt anything in practice.
  • By clearing REUSEADDR, we’re locking new sockets from using that source port. At this stage we can check if we have ownership of the 4-tuple we want. Even if multiple sockets enter this critical section, only one, the newest, can win this verification. This is a cooperative algorithm, so we assume all tenants try to behave.
  • At this point, if the verification succeeds, we can perform connect() and have a guarantee that the 4-tuple won’t be reused by another socket at any point in the process.

This is rather convoluted and hacky, but it satisfies our requirements:

technique description errno on port exhaustion possible src 2-tuple reuse risk of overshadowing
REUSEADDR as a lock EAGAIN yes no

Sadly, this schema only works when we know the full 4-tuple, so we can’t rely on kernel automatic source IP or port assignments.

Faking source IP and port discovery

In the case when the user calls ‘connect’ and specifies only target 2-tuple – destination IP and port, the kernel needs to fill in the missing bits – the source IP and source port. Unfortunately the described algorithm expects the full 4-tuple to be known in advance.

One solution is to implement source IP and port discovery in userspace. This turns out to be not that hard. For example, here’s a snippet of our code:

def _get_udp_port(family, src_addr, dst_addr):
    if ephemeral_lo == None:
    lo, hi = ephemeral_lo, ephemeral_hi
    start = random.randint(lo, hi)

Putting it all together

Combining the manual source IP, port discovery and the REUSEADDR locking dance, we get a decent userspace implementation of connectx() for UDP.

We have covered all three use cases this API should support:

user specified comments
{_, _, dst_IP, dst_port} manual source IP and source port discovery
{src_IP, _, dst_IP, dst_port} manual source port discovery
{src_IP, src_port, dst_IP, dst_port} just our “REUSEADDR as lock” technique

Take a look at the full code.


This post described a problem we hit in production: running out of ephemeral ports. This was partially caused by our servers running numerous concurrent connections, but also because we used the Linux sockets API in a way that prevented source port reuse. It meant that we were limited to ~28,000 concurrent connections per protocol, which is not enough for us.

We explained how to allow source port reuse and prevent having this ephemeral-port-range limit imposed. We showed an userspace connectx() function, which is a better way of creating outgoing TCP and UDP connections on Linux.

Our UDP code is more complex, based on little known low-level features, assumes cooperation between tenants and undocumented behaviour of the Linux operating system. Using REUSEADDR as a locking mechanism is rather unheard of.

The connectx() functionality is valuable, and should be added to Linux one way or another. It’s not trivial to get all its use cases right. Hopefully, this blog post shows how to achieve this in the best way given the operating system API constraints.


¹ On a side note, on the second cURL run it fails due to TIME-WAIT sockets: “bind failed with errno 98: Address already in use”.

One option is to wait for the TIME_WAIT socket to die, or work around this with the time-wait sockets kill script. Killing time-wait sockets is generally a bad idea, violating protocol, unneeded and sometimes doesn’t work. But hey, in some extreme cases it’s good to know what’s possible. Just saying.

Twelve-Year-Old Linux Vulnerability Discovered and Patched

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2022/01/twelve-year-old-linux-vulnerability-discovered-and-patched.html

It’s a privilege escalation vulnerability:

Linux users on Tuesday got a major dose of bad news — a 12-year-old vulnerability in a system tool called Polkit gives attackers unfettered root privileges on machines running most major distributions of the open source operating system.

Previously called PolicyKit, Polkit manages system-wide privileges in Unix-like OSes. It provides a mechanism for nonprivileged processes to safely interact with privileged processes. It also allows users to execute commands with high privileges by using a component called pkexec, followed by the command.

It was discovered in October, and disclosed last week — after most Linux distributions issued patches. Of course, there’s lots of Linux out there that never gets patched, so expect this to be exploited in the wild for a long time.

Of course, this vulnerability doesn’t give attackers access to the system. They have to get that some other way. But if they get access, this vulnerability gives them root privileges.

Linux-Targeted Malware Increased by 35%

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2022/01/linux-targeted-malware-increased-by-35.html

Crowdstrike is reporting that malware targeting Linux has increased considerably in 2021:

Malware targeting Linux systems increased by 35% in 2021 compared to 2020.

XorDDoS, Mirai and Mozi malware families accounted for over 22% of Linux-targeted threats observed by CrowdStrike in 2021.

Ten times more Mozi malware samples were observed in 2021 compared to 2020.

Lots of details in the report.

News article:

The Crowdstrike findings aren’t surprising as they confirm an ongoing trend that emerged in previous years.

For example, an Intezer report analyzing 2020 stats found that Linux malware families increased by 40% in 2020 compared to the previous year.

In the first six months of 2020, a steep rise of 500% in Golang malware was recorded, showing that malware authors were looking for ways to make their code run on multiple platforms.

This programming, and by extension, targeting trend, has already been confirmed in early 2022 cases and is likely to continue unabated.

Slashdot thread.

How to execute an object file: Part 3

Post Syndicated from Ignat Korchagin original https://blog.cloudflare.com/how-to-execute-an-object-file-part-3/

Dealing with external libraries

How to execute an object file: Part 3

In the part 2 of our series we learned how to process relocations in object files in order to properly wire up internal dependencies in the code. In this post we will look into what happens if the code has external dependencies — that is, it tries to call functions from external libraries. As before, we will be building upon the code from part 2. Let’s add another function to our toy object file:


#include <stdio.h>
void say_hello(void)
    puts("Hello, world!");

In the above scenario our say_hello function now depends on the puts function from the C standard library. To try it out we also need to modify our loader to import the new function and execute it:


static void execute_funcs(void)
    /* pointers to imported functions */
    int (*add5)(int);
    int (*add10)(int);
    const char *(*get_hello)(void);
    int (*get_var)(void);
    void (*set_var)(int num);
    void (*say_hello)(void);
    say_hello = lookup_function("say_hello");
    if (!say_hello) {
        fputs("Failed to find say_hello function\n", stderr);
    puts("Executing say_hello...");

Let’s run it:

$ gcc -c obj.c
$ gcc -o loader loader.c
$ ./loader
No runtime base address for section

Seems something went wrong when the loader tried to process relocations, so let’s check the relocations table:

$ readelf --relocs obj.o
Relocation section '.rela.text' at offset 0x3c8 contains 7 entries:
  Offset          Info           Type           Sym. Value    Sym. Name + Addend
000000000020  000a00000004 R_X86_64_PLT32    0000000000000000 add5 - 4
00000000002d  000a00000004 R_X86_64_PLT32    0000000000000000 add5 - 4
00000000003a  000500000002 R_X86_64_PC32     0000000000000000 .rodata - 4
000000000046  000300000002 R_X86_64_PC32     0000000000000000 .data - 4
000000000058  000300000002 R_X86_64_PC32     0000000000000000 .data - 4
000000000066  000500000002 R_X86_64_PC32     0000000000000000 .rodata - 4
00000000006b  001100000004 R_X86_64_PLT32    0000000000000000 puts - 4

The compiler generated a relocation for the puts invocation. The relocation type is R_X86_64_PLT32 and our loader already knows how to process these, so the problem is elsewhere. The above entry shows that the relocation references 17th entry (0x11 in hex) in the symbol table, so let’s check that:

$ readelf --symbols obj.o
Symbol table '.symtab' contains 18 entries:
   Num:    Value          Size Type    Bind   Vis      Ndx Name
     0: 0000000000000000     0 NOTYPE  LOCAL  DEFAULT  UND
     1: 0000000000000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS obj.c
     2: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    1
     3: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    3
     4: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    4
     5: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    5
     6: 0000000000000000     4 OBJECT  LOCAL  DEFAULT    3 var
     7: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    7
     8: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    8
     9: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    6
    10: 0000000000000000    15 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    1 add5
    11: 000000000000000f    36 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    1 add10
    12: 0000000000000033    13 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    1 get_hello
    13: 0000000000000040    12 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    1 get_var
    14: 000000000000004c    19 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    1 set_var
    15: 000000000000005f    19 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    1 say_hello
    16: 0000000000000000     0 NOTYPE  GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_
    17: 0000000000000000     0 NOTYPE  GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND puts

Oh! The section index for the puts function is UND (essentially 0 in the code), which makes total sense: unlike previous symbols, puts is an external dependency, and it is not implemented in our obj.o file. Therefore, it can’t be a part of any section within obj.o.
So how do we resolve this relocation? We need to somehow point the code to jump to a puts implementation. Our loader actually already has access to the C library puts function (because it is written in C and we’ve used puts in the loader code itself already), but technically it doesn’t have to be the C library puts, just some puts implementation. For completeness, let’s implement our own custom puts function in the loader, which is just a decorator around the C library puts:


/* external dependencies for obj.o */
static int my_puts(const char *s)
    puts("my_puts executed");
    return puts(s);

Now that we have a puts implementation (and thus its runtime address) we should just write logic in the loader to resolve the relocation by instructing the code to jump to the correct function. However, there is one complication: in part 2 of our series, when we processed relocations for constants and global variables, we learned we’re mostly dealing with 32-bit relative relocations and that the code or data we’re referencing needs to be no more than 2147483647 (0x7fffffff in hex) bytes away from the relocation itself. R_X86_64_PLT32 is also a 32-bit relative relocation, so it has the same requirements, but unfortunately we can’t reuse the trick from part 2 as our my_puts function is part of the loader itself and we don’t have control over where in the address space the operating system places the loader code.

Luckily, we don’t have to come up with any new solutions and can just borrow the approach used in shared libraries.

Exploring PLT/GOT

Real world ELF executables and shared libraries have the same problem: often executables have dependencies on shared libraries and shared libraries have dependencies on other shared libraries. And all of the different pieces of a complete runtime program may be mapped to random ranges in the process address space. When a shared library or an ELF executable is linked together, the linker enumerates all the external references and creates two or more additional sections (for a refresher on ELF sections check out the part 1 of our series) in the ELF file. The two mandatory ones are the Procedure Linkage Table (PLT) and the Global Offset Table (GOT).

We will not deep-dive into specifics of the standard PLT/GOT implementation as there are many other great resources online, but in a nutshell PLT/GOT is just a jumptable for external code. At the linking stage the linker resolves all external 32-bit relative relocations with respect to a locally generated PLT/GOT table. It can do that, because this table would become part of the final ELF file itself, so it will be "close" to the main code, when the file is mapped into memory at runtime. Later, at runtime the dynamic loader populates PLT/GOT tables for every loaded ELF file (both the executable and the shared libraries) with the runtime addresses of all the dependencies. Eventually, when the program code calls some external library function, the CPU "jumps" through the local PLT/GOT table to the final code:

How to execute an object file: Part 3

Why do we need two ELF sections to implement one jumptable you may ask? Well, because real world PLT/GOT is a bit more complex than described above. Turns out resolving all external references at runtime may significantly slow down program startup time, so symbol resolution is implemented via a "lazy approach": a reference is resolved by the dynamic loader only when the code actually tries to call a particular function. If the main application code never calls a library function, that reference will never be resolved.

Implementing a simplified PLT/GOT

For learning and demonstrative purposes though we will not be reimplementing a full-blown PLT/GOT with lazy resolution, but a simple jumptable, which resolves external references when the object file is loaded and parsed. First of all we need to know the size of the table: for ELF executables and shared libraries the linker will count the external references at link stage and create appropriately sized PLT and GOT sections. Because we are dealing with raw object files we would have to do another pass over the .rela.text section and count all the relocations, which point to an entry in the symbol table with undefined section index (or 0 in code). Let’s add a function for this and store the number of external references in a global variable:


/* number of external symbols in the symbol table */
static int num_ext_symbols = 0;
static void count_external_symbols(void)
    const Elf64_Shdr *rela_text_hdr = lookup_section(".rela.text");
    if (!rela_text_hdr) {
        fputs("Failed to find .rela.text\n", stderr);
    int num_relocations = rela_text_hdr->sh_size / rela_text_hdr->sh_entsize;
    const Elf64_Rela *relocations = (Elf64_Rela *)(obj.base + rela_text_hdr->sh_offset);
    for (int i = 0; i < num_relocations; i++) {
        int symbol_idx = ELF64_R_SYM(relocations[i].r_info);
        /* if there is no section associated with a symbol, it is probably
         * an external reference */
        if (symbols[symbol_idx].st_shndx == SHN_UNDEF)

This function is very similar to our do_text_relocations function. Only instead of actually performing relocations it just counts the number of external symbol references.

Next we need to decide the actual size in bytes for our jumptable. num_ext_symbols has the number of external symbol references in the object file, but how many bytes per symbol to allocate? To figure this out we need to design our jumptable format. As we established above, in its simple form our jumptable should be just a collection of unconditional CPU jump instructions — one for each external symbol. However, unfortunately modern x64 CPU architecture does not provide a jump instruction, where an address pointer can be a direct operand. Instead, the jump address needs to be stored in memory somewhere "close" — that is within 32-bit offset — and the offset is the actual operand. So, for each external symbol we need to store the jump address (64 bits or 8 bytes on a 64-bit CPU system) and the actual jump instruction with an offset operand (6 bytes for x64 architecture). We can represent an entry in our jumptable with the following C structure:


struct ext_jump {
    /* address to jump to */
    uint8_t *addr;
    /* unconditional x64 JMP instruction */
    /* should always be {0xff, 0x25, 0xf2, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff} */
    /* so it would jump to an address stored at addr above */
    uint8_t instr[6];
struct ext_jump *jumptable;

We’ve also added a global variable to store the base address of the jumptable, which will be allocated later. Notice that with the above approach the actual jump instruction will always be constant for every external symbol. Since we allocate a dedicated entry for each external symbol with this structure, the addr member would always be at the same offset from the end of the jump instruction in instr: -14 bytes or 0xfffffff2 in hex for a 32-bit operand. So instr will always be {0xff, 0x25, 0xf2, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}: 0xff and 0x25 is the encoding of the x64 jump instruction and its modifier and 0xfffffff2 is the operand offset in little-endian format.

Now that we have defined the entry format for our jumptable, we can allocate and populate it when parsing the object file. First of all, let’s not forget to call our new count_external_symbols function from the parse_obj to populate num_ext_symbols (it has to be done before we allocate the jumptable):


static void parse_obj(void)
    /* allocate memory for `.text`, `.data` and `.rodata` copies rounding up each section to whole pages */
    text_runtime_base = mmap(NULL, page_align(text_hdr->sh_size)...

Next we need to allocate memory for the jumptable and store the pointer in the jumptable global variable for later use. Just a reminder that in order to resolve 32-bit relocations from the .text section to this table, it has to be "close" in memory to the main code. So we need to allocate it in the same mmap call as the rest of the object sections. Since we defined the table’s entry format in struct ext_jump and have num_ext_symbols, the size of the table would simply be sizeof(struct ext_jump) * num_ext_symbols:


static void parse_obj(void)
    /* allocate memory for `.text`, `.data` and `.rodata` copies and the jumptable for external symbols, rounding up each section to whole pages */
    text_runtime_base = mmap(NULL, page_align(text_hdr->sh_size) + \
                                   page_align(data_hdr->sh_size) + \
                                   page_align(rodata_hdr->sh_size) + \
                                   page_align(sizeof(struct ext_jump) * num_ext_symbols),
                                   PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0);
    if (text_runtime_base == MAP_FAILED) {
        perror("Failed to allocate memory");
    rodata_runtime_base = data_runtime_base + page_align(data_hdr->sh_size);
    /* jumptable will come after .rodata */
    jumptable = (struct ext_jump *)(rodata_runtime_base + page_align(rodata_hdr->sh_size));

Finally, because the CPU will actually be executing the jump instructions from our instr fields from the jumptable, we need to mark this memory readonly and executable (after do_text_relocations earlier in this function has completed):


static void parse_obj(void)
    /* make the jumptable readonly and executable */
    if (mprotect(jumptable, page_align(sizeof(struct ext_jump) * num_ext_symbols), PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC)) {
        perror("Failed to make the jumptable executable");

At this stage we have our jumptable allocated and usable — all is left to do is to populate it properly. We’ll do this by improving the do_text_relocations implementation to handle the case of external symbols. The No runtime base address for section error from the beginning of this post is actually caused by this line in do_text_relocations:


static void do_text_relocations(void)
    for (int i = 0; i < num_relocations; i++) {
        /* symbol, with respect to which the relocation is performed */
        uint8_t *symbol_address = = section_runtime_base(&sections[symbols[symbol_idx].st_shndx]) + symbols[symbol_idx].st_value;

Currently we try to determine the runtime symbol address for the relocation by looking up the symbol’s section runtime address and adding the symbol’s offset. But we have established above that external symbols do not have an associated section, so their handling needs to be a special case. Let’s update the implementation to reflect this:


static void do_text_relocations(void)
    for (int i = 0; i < num_relocations; i++) {
        /* symbol, with respect to which the relocation is performed */
        uint8_t *symbol_address;
        /* if this is an external symbol */
        if (symbols[symbol_idx].st_shndx == SHN_UNDEF) {
            static int curr_jmp_idx = 0;
            /* get external symbol/function address by name */
            jumptable[curr_jmp_idx].addr = lookup_ext_function(strtab +  symbols[symbol_idx].st_name);
            /* x64 unconditional JMP with address stored at -14 bytes offset */
            /* will use the address stored in addr above */
            jumptable[curr_jmp_idx].instr[0] = 0xff;
            jumptable[curr_jmp_idx].instr[1] = 0x25;
            jumptable[curr_jmp_idx].instr[2] = 0xf2;
            jumptable[curr_jmp_idx].instr[3] = 0xff;
            jumptable[curr_jmp_idx].instr[4] = 0xff;
            jumptable[curr_jmp_idx].instr[5] = 0xff;
            /* resolve the relocation with respect to this unconditional JMP */
            symbol_address = (uint8_t *)(&jumptable[curr_jmp_idx].instr);
        } else {
            symbol_address = section_runtime_base(&sections[symbols[symbol_idx].st_shndx]) + symbols[symbol_idx].st_value;

If a relocation symbol does not have an associated section, we consider it external and call a helper function to lookup the symbol’s runtime address by its name. We store this address in the next available jumptable entry, populate the x64 jump instruction with our fixed operand and store the address of the instruction in the symbol_address variable. Later, the existing code in do_text_relocations will resolve the .text relocation with respect to the address in symbol_address in the same way it does for local symbols in part 2 of our series.

The only missing bit here now is the implementation of the newly introduced lookup_ext_function helper. Real world loaders may have complicated logic on how to find and resolve symbols in memory at runtime. But for the purposes of this article we’ll provide a simple naive implementation, which can only resolve the puts function:


static void *lookup_ext_function(const char *name)
    size_t name_len = strlen(name);
    if (name_len == strlen("puts") && !strcmp(name, "puts"))
        return my_puts;
    fprintf(stderr, "No address for function %s\n", name);

Notice though that because we control the loader logic we are free to implement resolution as we please. In the above case we actually "divert" the object file to use our own "custom" my_puts function instead of the C library one. Let’s recompile the loader and see if it works:

$ gcc -o loader loader.c
$ ./loader
Executing add5...
add5(42) = 47
Executing add10...
add10(42) = 52
Executing get_hello...
get_hello() = Hello, world!
Executing get_var...
get_var() = 5
Executing set_var(42)...
Executing get_var again...
get_var() = 42
Executing say_hello...
my_puts executed
Hello, world!

Hooray! We not only fixed our loader to handle external references in object files — we have also learned how to "hook" any such external function call and divert the code to a custom implementation, which might be useful in some cases, like malware research.

As in the previous posts, the complete source code from this post is available on GitHub.

Conntrack turns a blind eye to dropped SYNs

Post Syndicated from Jakub Sitnicki original https://blog.cloudflare.com/conntrack-turns-a-blind-eye-to-dropped-syns/


Conntrack turns a blind eye to dropped SYNs

We have been working with conntrack, the connection tracking layer in the Linux kernel, for years. And yet, despite the collected know-how, questions about its inner workings occasionally come up. When they do, it is hard to resist the temptation to go digging for answers.

One such question popped up while writing the previous blog post on conntrack:

“Why are there no entries in the conntrack table for SYN packets dropped by the firewall?”

Ready for a deep dive into the network stack? Let’s find out.

Conntrack turns a blind eye to dropped SYNs
Image by chulmin park from Pixabay

We already know from last time that conntrack is in charge of tracking incoming and outgoing network traffic. By running conntrack -L we can inspect existing network flows, or as conntrack calls them, connections.

So if we spin up a toy VM, connect to it over SSH, and inspect the contents of the conntrack table, we will see…

$ vagrant init fedora/33-cloud-base
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
Last login: Sun Jan 31 15:08:02 2021 from
[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$ sudo conntrack -L
conntrack v1.4.5 (conntrack-tools): 0 flow entries have been shown.

… nothing!

Even though the conntrack kernel module is loaded:

[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$ lsmod | grep '^nf_conntrack\b'
nf_conntrack          163840  1 nf_conntrack_netlink

Hold on a minute. Why is the SSH connection to the VM not listed in conntrack entries? SSH is working. With each keystroke we are sending packets to the VM. But conntrack doesn’t register it.

Isn’t conntrack an integral part of the network stack that sees every packet passing through it? 🤔

Conntrack turns a blind eye to dropped SYNs
Based on an image by Jan Engelhardt CC BY-SA 3.0

Clearly everything we learned about conntrack last time is not the whole story.

Calling into conntrack

Our little experiment with SSH’ing into a VM begs the question — how does conntrack actually get notified about network packets passing through the stack?

We can walk the receive path step by step and we won’t find any direct calls into the conntrack code in either the IPv4 or IPv6 stack. Conntrack does not interface with the network stack directly.

Instead, it relies on the Netfilter framework, and its set of hooks baked into in the stack:

int ip_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev, …)
               net, NULL, skb, dev, NULL,

Netfilter users, like conntrack, can register callbacks with it. Netfilter will then run all registered callbacks when its hook processes a network packet.

For the INET family, that is IPv4 and IPv6, there are five Netfilter hooks  to choose from:

Conntrack turns a blind eye to dropped SYNs
Based on Nftables – Packet flow and Netfilter hooks in detail, thermalcircle.de, CC BY-SA 4.0

Which ones does conntrack use? We will get to that in a moment.

First, let’s focus on the trigger. What makes conntrack register its callbacks with Netfilter?

The SSH connection doesn’t show up in the conntrack table just because the module is loaded. We already saw that. This means that conntrack doesn’t register its callbacks with Netfilter at module load time.

Or at least, it doesn’t do it by default. Since Linux v5.1 (May 2019) the conntrack module has the enable_hooks parameter, which causes conntrack to register its callbacks on load:

[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$ modinfo nf_conntrack
parm:           enable_hooks:Always enable conntrack hooks (bool)

Going back to our toy VM, let’s try to reload the conntrack module with enable_hooks set:

[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$ sudo rmmod nf_conntrack_netlink nf_conntrack
[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$ sudo modprobe nf_conntrack enable_hooks=1
[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$ sudo conntrack -L
tcp      6 431999 ESTABLISHED src= dst= sport=22 dport=34858 src= dst= sport=34858 dport=22 [ASSURED] mark=0 secctx=system_u:object_r:unlabeled_t:s0 use=1
conntrack v1.4.5 (conntrack-tools): 1 flow entries have been shown.
[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$

Nice! The conntrack table now contains an entry for our SSH session.

The Netfilter hook notified conntrack about SSH session packets passing through the stack.

Now that we know how conntrack gets called, we can go back to our question — can we observe a TCP SYN packet dropped by the firewall with conntrack?

Listing Netfilter hooks

That is easy to check:

  1. Add a rule to drop anything coming to port tcp/25702

[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$ sudo iptables -t filter -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 2570 -j DROP

2) Connect to the VM on port tcp/2570 from the outside

host $ nc -w 1 -z 2570

3) List conntrack table entries

[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$ sudo conntrack -L
tcp      6 431999 ESTABLISHED src= dst= sport=22 dport=34858 src= dst= sport=34858 dport=22 [ASSURED] mark=0 secctx=system_u:object_r:unlabeled_t:s0 use=1
conntrack v1.4.5 (conntrack-tools): 1 flow entries have been shown.

No new entries. Conntrack didn’t record a new flow for the dropped SYN.

But did it process the SYN packet? To answer that we have to find out which callbacks conntrack registered with Netfilter.

Netfilter keeps track of callbacks registered for each hook in instances of struct nf_hook_entries. We can reach these objects through the Netfilter state (struct netns_nf), which lives inside network namespace (struct net).

struct netns_nf {
    struct nf_hook_entries __rcu *hooks_ipv4[NF_INET_NUMHOOKS];
    struct nf_hook_entries __rcu *hooks_ipv6[NF_INET_NUMHOOKS];

struct nf_hook_entries, if you look at its definition, is a bit of an exotic construct. A glance at how the object size is calculated during its allocation gives a hint about its memory layout:

    struct nf_hook_entries *e;
    size_t alloc = sizeof(*e) +
               sizeof(struct nf_hook_entry) * num +
               sizeof(struct nf_hook_ops *) * num +
               sizeof(struct nf_hook_entries_rcu_head);

It’s an element count, followed by two arrays glued together, and some RCU-related state which we’re going to ignore. The two arrays have the same size, but hold different kinds of values.

We can walk the second array, holding pointers to struct nf_hook_ops, to discover the registered callbacks and their priority. Priority determines the invocation order.

Conntrack turns a blind eye to dropped SYNs

With drgn, a programmable C debugger tailored for the Linux kernel, we can locate the Netfilter state in kernel memory, and walk its contents relatively easily. Given we know what we are looking for.

[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$ sudo drgn
drgn 0.0.8 (using Python 3.9.1, without libkdumpfile)
>>> pre_routing_hook = prog['init_net'].nf.hooks_ipv4[0]
>>> for i in range(0, pre_routing_hook.num_hook_entries):
...     pre_routing_hook.hooks[i].hook
(nf_hookfn *)ipv4_conntrack_defrag+0x0 = 0xffffffffc092c000
(nf_hookfn *)ipv4_conntrack_in+0x0 = 0xffffffffc093f290

Neat! We have a way to access Netfilter state.

Let’s take it to the next level and list all registered callbacks for each Netfilter hook (using less than 100 lines of Python):

[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$ sudo /vagrant/tools/list-nf-hooks
       -400 → ipv4_conntrack_defrag     ☜ conntrack callback
       -300 → iptable_raw_hook
       -200 → ipv4_conntrack_in         ☜ conntrack callback
       -150 → iptable_mangle_hook
       -100 → nf_nat_ipv4_in

🪝 ipv4 LOCAL_IN
       -150 → iptable_mangle_hook
          0 → iptable_filter_hook
         50 → iptable_security_hook
        100 → nf_nat_ipv4_fn
 2147483647 → ipv4_confirm

The output from our script shows that conntrack has two callbacks registered with the PRE_ROUTING hook – ipv4_conntrack_defrag and ipv4_conntrack_in. But are they being called?

Conntrack turns a blind eye to dropped SYNs
Based on Netfilter PRE_ROUTING hook, thermalcircle.de, CC BY-SA 4.0

Tracing conntrack callbacks

We expect that when the Netfilter PRE_ROUTING hook processes a TCP SYN packet, it will invoke ipv4_conntrack_defrag and then ipv4_conntrack_in callbacks.

To confirm it we will put to use the tracing powers of BPF 🐝. BPF programs can run on entry to functions. These kinds of programs are known as BPF kprobes. In our case we will attach BPF kprobes to conntrack callbacks.

Usually, when working with BPF, we would write the BPF program in C and use clang -target bpf to compile it. However, for tracing it will be much easier to use bpftrace. With bpftrace we can write our BPF kprobe program in a high-level language inspired by AWK:

    $skb = (struct sk_buff *)arg1;
    $iph = (struct iphdr *)($skb->head + $skb->network_header);
    $th = (struct tcphdr *)($skb->head + $skb->transport_header);

    if ($iph->protocol == 6 /* IPPROTO_TCP */ &&
        $th->dest == 2570 /* htons(2570) */ &&
        $th->syn == 1) {
        time("%H:%M:%S ");
        printf("%s:%u > %s:%u tcp syn %s\n",
               (uint16)($th->source << 8) | ($th->source >> 8),
               (uint16)($th->dest << 8) | ($th->dest >> 8),

What does this program do? It is roughly an equivalent of a tcpdump filter:

dst port 2570 and tcp[tcpflags] & tcp-syn != 0

But only for packets passing through conntrack PRE_ROUTING callbacks.

(If you haven’t used bpftrace, it comes with an excellent reference guide and gives you the ability to explore kernel data types on the fly with bpftrace -lv 'struct iphdr'.)

Let’s run the tracing program while we connect to the VM from the outside (nc -z 2570):

[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$ sudo bpftrace /vagrant/tools/trace-conntrack-prerouting.bt
Attaching 3 probes...
Tracing conntrack prerouting callbacks... Hit Ctrl-C to quit
13:22:56 > tcp syn ipv4_conntrack_defrag
13:22:56 > tcp syn ipv4_conntrack_in

[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$

Conntrack callbacks have processed the TCP SYN packet destined to tcp/2570.

But if conntrack saw the packet, why is there no corresponding flow entry in the conntrack table?

Going down the rabbit hole

What actually happens inside the conntrack PRE_ROUTING callbacks?

To find out, we can trace the call chain that starts on entry to the conntrack callback. The function_graph tracer built into the Ftrace framework is perfect for this task.

But because all incoming traffic goes through the PRE_ROUTING hook, including our SSH connection, our trace will be polluted with events from SSH traffic. To avoid that, let’s switch from SSH access to a serial console.

When using libvirt as the Vagrant provider, you can connect to the serial console with virsh:

host $ virsh -c qemu:///session list
 Id   Name                State
 1    conntrack_default   running

host $ virsh -c qemu:///session console conntrack_default
Once connected to the console and logged into the VM, we can record the call chain using the trace-cmd wrapper for Ftrace:
[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$ sudo trace-cmd start -p function_graph -g ipv4_conntrack_defrag -g ipv4_conntrack_in
  plugin 'function_graph'
[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$ # … connect from the host with `nc -z 2570` …
[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$ sudo trace-cmd stop
[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$ sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace
# tracer: function_graph
# |     |   |                     |   |   |   |
 1)   1.219 us    |  finish_task_switch();
 1)   3.532 us    |  ipv4_conntrack_defrag [nf_defrag_ipv4]();
 1)               |  ipv4_conntrack_in [nf_conntrack]() {
 1)               |    nf_conntrack_in [nf_conntrack]() {
 1)   0.573 us    |      get_l4proto [nf_conntrack]();
 1)               |      nf_ct_get_tuple [nf_conntrack]() {
 1)   0.487 us    |        nf_ct_get_tuple_ports [nf_conntrack]();
 1)   1.564 us    |      }
 1)   0.820 us    |      hash_conntrack_raw [nf_conntrack]();
 1)   1.255 us    |      __nf_conntrack_find_get [nf_conntrack]();
 1)               |      init_conntrack.constprop.0 [nf_conntrack]() {  ❷
 1)   0.427 us    |        nf_ct_invert_tuple [nf_conntrack]();
 1)               |        __nf_conntrack_alloc [nf_conntrack]() {      ❶
 1)   3.680 us    |        }
 1) + 15.847 us   |      }
 1) + 34.595 us   |    }
 1) + 35.742 us   |  }
[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$

What catches our attention here is the allocation, __nf_conntrack_alloc() (❶), inside init_conntrack() (❷). __nf_conntrack_alloc() creates a struct nf_conn object which represents a tracked connection.

This object is not created in vain. A glance at init_conntrack() source shows that it is pushed onto a list of unconfirmed connections3.

Conntrack turns a blind eye to dropped SYNs

What does it mean that a connection is unconfirmed? As conntrack(8) man page explains:

       This table shows new entries, that are not yet inserted into the
       conntrack table. These entries are attached to packets that  are
       traversing  the  stack, but did not reach the confirmation point
       at the postrouting hook.

Perhaps we have been looking for our flow in the wrong table? Does the unconfirmed table have a record for our dropped TCP SYN?

Pulling the rabbit out of the hat

I have bad news…

[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$ sudo conntrack -L unconfirmed
conntrack v1.4.5 (conntrack-tools): 0 flow entries have been shown.
[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$

The flow is not present in the unconfirmed table. We have to dig deeper.

Let’s for a moment assume that a struct nf_conn object was added to the unconfirmed list. If the list is now empty, then the object must have been removed from the list before we inspected its contents.

Has an entry been removed from the unconfirmed table? What function removes entries from the unconfirmed table?

It turns out that nf_ct_add_to_unconfirmed_list() which init_conntrack() invokes, has its opposite defined just right beneath it – nf_ct_del_from_dying_or_unconfirmed_list().

It is worth a shot to check if this function is being called, and if so, from where. For that we can again use a BPF tracing program, attached to function entry. However, this time our program will record a kernel stack trace:

kprobe:nf_ct_del_from_dying_or_unconfirmed_list { @[kstack()] = count(); exit(); }

With bpftrace running our one-liner, we connect to the VM from the host with nc as before:

[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$ sudo bpftrace -e 'kprobe:nf_ct_del_from_dying_or_unconfirmed_list { @[kstack()] = count(); exit(); }'
Attaching 1 probe...

    nf_ct_del_from_dying_or_unconfirmed_list+1 ❹
    kfree_skb+50 ❸
    nf_hook_slow+143 ❷
    ip_local_deliver+152 ❶
]: 1

[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$

Bingo. The conntrack delete function was called, and the captured stack trace shows that on local delivery path (❶), where LOCAL_IN Netfilter hook runs (❷), the packet is destroyed (❸). Conntrack must be getting called when sk_buff (the packet and its metadata) is destroyed. This causes conntrack to remove the unconfirmed flow entry (❹).

It makes sense. After all we have a DROP rule in the filter/INPUT chain. And that iptables -j DROP rule has a significant side effect. It cleans up an entry in the conntrack unconfirmed table!

This explains why we can’t observe the flow in the unconfirmed table. It lives for only a very short period of time.

Not convinced? You don’t have to take my word for it. I will prove it with a dirty trick!

Making the rabbit disappear, or actually appear

If you recall the output from list-nf-hooks that we’ve seen earlier, there is another conntrack callback there – ipv4_confirm, which I have ignored:

[vagrant@ct-vm ~]$ sudo /vagrant/tools/list-nf-hooks
🪝 ipv4 LOCAL_IN
       -150 → iptable_mangle_hook
          0 → iptable_filter_hook
         50 → iptable_security_hook
        100 → nf_nat_ipv4_fn
 2147483647 → ipv4_confirm              ☜ another conntrack callback

ipv4_confirm is “the confirmation point” mentioned in the conntrack(8) man page. When a flow gets confirmed, it is moved from the unconfirmed table to the main conntrack table.

The callback is registered with a “weird” priority – 2,147,483,647. It’s the maximum positive value of a 32-bit signed integer can hold, and at the same time, the lowest possible priority a callback can have.

This ensures that the ipv4_confirm callback runs last. We want the flows to graduate from the unconfirmed table to the main conntrack table only once we know the corresponding packet has made it through the firewall.

Luckily for us, it is possible to have more than one callback registered with the same priority. In such cases, the order of registration matters. We can put that to use. Just for educational purposes.

Good old iptables won’t be of much help here. Its Netfilter callbacks have hard-coded priorities which we can’t change. But nftables, the iptables successor, is much more flexible in this regard. With nftables we can create a rule chain with arbitrary priority.

So this time, let’s use nftables to install a filter rule to drop traffic to port tcp/2570. The trick, though, is to register our chain before conntrack registers itself. This way our filter will run last.

First, delete the tcp/2570 drop rule in iptables and unregister conntrack.

vm # iptables -t filter -F
vm # rmmod nf_conntrack_netlink nf_conntrack

Then add tcp/2570 drop rule in nftables, with lowest possible priority.

vm # nft add table ip my_table
vm # nft add chain ip my_table my_input { type filter hook input priority 2147483647 \; }
vm # nft add rule ip my_table my_input tcp dport 2570 counter drop
vm # nft -a list ruleset
table ip my_table { # handle 1
        chain my_input { # handle 1
                type filter hook input priority 2147483647; policy accept;
                tcp dport 2570 counter packets 0 bytes 0 drop # handle 4

Finally, re-register conntrack hooks.

vm # modprobe nf_conntrack enable_hooks=1

The registered callbacks for the LOCAL_IN hook now look like this:

vm # /vagrant/tools/list-nf-hooks
🪝 ipv4 LOCAL_IN
       -150 → iptable_mangle_hook
          0 → iptable_filter_hook
         50 → iptable_security_hook
        100 → nf_nat_ipv4_fn
 2147483647 → ipv4_confirm, nft_do_chain_ipv4

What happens if we connect to port tcp/2570 now?

vm # conntrack -L
tcp      6 115 SYN_SENT src= dst= sport=54868 dport=2570 [UNREPLIED] src= dst= sport=2570 dport=54868 mark=0 secctx=system_u:object_r:unlabeled_t:s0 use=1
conntrack v1.4.5 (conntrack-tools): 1 flow entries have been shown.

We have fooled conntrack 💥

Conntrack promoted the flow from the unconfirmed to the main conntrack table despite the fact that the firewall dropped the packet. We can observe it.


Conntrack processes every received packet4 and creates a flow for it. A flow entry is always created even if the packet is dropped shortly after. The flow might never be promoted to the main conntrack table and can be short lived.

However, this blog post is not really about conntrack. Its internals have been covered by magazines, papers, books, and on other blogs long before. We probably could have learned elsewhere all that has been shown here.

For us, conntrack was really just an excuse to demonstrate various ways to discover the inner workings of the Linux network stack. As good as any other.

Today we have powerful introspection tools like drgn, bpftrace, or Ftrace, and a cross referencer to plow through the source code, at our fingertips. They help us look under the hood of a live operating system and gradually deepen our understanding of its workings.

I have to warn you, though. Once you start digging into the kernel, it is hard to stop…

1Actually since Linux v5.10 (Dec 2020) there is an additional Netfilter hook for the INET family named NF_INET_INGRESS. The new hook type allows users to attach nftables chains to the Traffic Control ingress hook.
2Why did I pick this port number? Because 2570 = 0x0a0a. As we will see later, this saves us the trouble of converting between the network byte order and the host byte order.
3To be precise, there are multiple lists of unconfirmed connections. One per each CPU. This is a common pattern in the kernel. Whenever we want to prevent CPUs from contending for access to a shared state, we give each CPU a private instance of the state.
4Unless we explicitly exclude it from being tracked with iptables -j NOTRACK.

How to execute an object file: Part 1

Post Syndicated from Ignat Korchagin original https://blog.cloudflare.com/how-to-execute-an-object-file-part-1/

Calling a simple function without linking

How to execute an object file: Part 1

When we write software using a high-level compiled programming language, there are usually a number of steps involved in transforming our source code into the final executable binary:

How to execute an object file: Part 1

First, our source files are compiled by a compiler translating the high-level programming language into machine code. The output of the compiler is a number of object files. If the project contains multiple source files, we usually get as many object files. The next step is the linker: since the code in different object files may reference each other, the linker is responsible for assembling all these object files into one big program and binding these references together. The output of the linker is usually our target executable, so only one file.

However, at this point, our executable might still be incomplete. These days, most executables on Linux are dynamically linked: the executable itself does not have all the code it needs to run a program. Instead it expects to "borrow" part of the code at runtime from shared libraries for some of its functionality:

How to execute an object file: Part 1

This process is called runtime linking: when our executable is being started, the operating system will invoke the dynamic loader, which should find all the needed libraries, copy/map their code into our target process address space, and resolve all the dependencies our code has on them.

One interesting thing to note about this overall process is that we get the executable machine code directly from step 1 (compiling the source code), but if any of the later steps fail, we still can’t execute our program. So, in this series of blog posts we will investigate if it is possible to execute machine code directly from object files skipping all the later steps.

Why would we want to execute an object file?

There may be many reasons. Perhaps we’re writing an open-source replacement for a proprietary Linux driver or an application, and want to compare if the behaviour of some code is the same. Or we have a piece of a rare, obscure program and we can’t link to it, because it was compiled with a rare, obscure compiler. Maybe we have a source file, but cannot create a full featured executable, because of the missing build time or runtime dependencies. Malware analysis, code from a different operating system etc – all these scenarios may put us in a position, where either linking is not possible or the runtime environment is not suitable.

A simple toy object file

For the purposes of this article, let’s create a simple toy object file, so we can use it in our experiments:


int add5(int num)
    return num + 5;

int add10(int num)
    return num + 10;

Our source file contains only 2 functions, add5 and add10, which adds 5 or 10 respectively to the only input parameter. It’s a small but fully functional piece of code, and we can easily compile it into an object file:

$ gcc -c obj.c 
$ ls
obj.c  obj.o

Loading an object file into the process memory

Now we will try to import the add5 and add10 functions from the object file and execute them. When we talk about executing an object file, we mean using an object file as some sort of a library. As we learned above, when we have an executable that utilises external shared libraries, the dynamic loader loads these libraries into the process address space for us. With object files, however, we have to do this manually, because ultimately we can’t execute machine code that doesn’t reside in the operating system’s RAM. So, to execute object files we still need some kind of a wrapper program:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

static void load_obj(void)
    /* load obj.o into memory */

static void parse_obj(void)
    /* parse an object file and find add5 and add10 functions */

static void execute_funcs(void)
    /* execute add5 and add10 with some inputs */

int main(void)

    return 0;

Above is a self-contained object loader program with some functions as placeholders. We will be implementing these functions (and adding more) in the course of this post.

First, as we established already, we need to load our object file into the process address space. We could just read the whole file into a buffer, but that would not be very efficient. Real-world object files might be big, but as we will see later, we don’t need all of the object’s file contents. So it is better to mmap the file instead: this way the operating system will lazily read the parts from the file we need at the time we need them. Let’s implement the load_obj function:


/* for open(2), fstat(2) */
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

/* for close(2), fstat(2) */
#include <unistd.h>

/* for mmap(2) */
#include <sys/mman.h>

/* parsing ELF files */
#include <elf.h>

/* for errno */
#include <errno.h>

typedef union {
    const Elf64_Ehdr *hdr;
    const uint8_t *base;
} objhdr;

/* obj.o memory address */
static objhdr obj;

static void load_obj(void)
    struct stat sb;

    int fd = open("obj.o", O_RDONLY);
    if (fd <= 0) {
        perror("Cannot open obj.o");

    /* we need obj.o size for mmap(2) */
    if (fstat(fd, &sb)) {
        perror("Failed to get obj.o info");

    /* mmap obj.o into memory */
    obj.base = mmap(NULL, sb.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
    if (obj.base == MAP_FAILED) {
        perror("Maping obj.o failed");

If we don’t encounter any errors, after load_obj executes we should get the memory address, which points to the beginning of our obj.o in the obj global variable. It is worth noting we have created a special union type for the obj variable: we will be parsing obj.o later (and peeking ahead – object files are actually ELF files), so will be referring to the address both as Elf64_Ehdr (ELF header structure in C) and a byte pointer (parsing ELF files involves calculations of byte offsets from the beginning of the file).

A peek inside an object file

To use some code from an object file, we need to find it first. As I’ve leaked above, object files are actually ELF files (the same format as Linux executables and shared libraries) and luckily they’re easy to parse on Linux with the help of the standard elf.h header, which includes many useful definitions related to the ELF file structure. But we actually need to know what we’re looking for, so a high-level understanding of an ELF file is needed.

ELF segments and sections

Segments (also known as program headers) and sections are probably the main parts of an ELF file and usually a starting point of any ELF tutorial. However, there is often some confusion between the two. Different sections contain different types of ELF data: executable code (which we are most interested in in this post), constant data, global variables etc. Segments, on the other hand, do not contain any data themselves – they just describe to the operating system how to properly load sections into RAM for the executable to work correctly. Some tutorials say "a segment may include 0 or more sections", which is not entirely accurate: segments do not contain sections, rather they just indicate to the OS where in memory a particular section should be loaded and what is the access pattern for this memory (read, write or execute):

How to execute an object file: Part 1

Furthermore, object files do not contain any segments at all: an object file is not meant to be directly loaded by the OS. Instead, it is assumed it will be linked with some other code, so ELF segments are usually generated by the linker, not the compiler. We can check this by using the readelf command:

$ readelf --segments obj.o

There are no program headers in this file.

Object file sections

The same readelf command can be used to get all the sections from our object file:

$ readelf --sections obj.o
There are 11 section headers, starting at offset 0x268:

Section Headers:
  [Nr] Name              Type             Address           Offset
       Size              EntSize          Flags  Link  Info  Align
  [ 0]                   NULL             0000000000000000  00000000
       0000000000000000  0000000000000000           0     0     0
  [ 1] .text             PROGBITS         0000000000000000  00000040
       000000000000001e  0000000000000000  AX       0     0     1
  [ 2] .data             PROGBITS         0000000000000000  0000005e
       0000000000000000  0000000000000000  WA       0     0     1
  [ 3] .bss              NOBITS           0000000000000000  0000005e
       0000000000000000  0000000000000000  WA       0     0     1
  [ 4] .comment          PROGBITS         0000000000000000  0000005e
       000000000000001d  0000000000000001  MS       0     0     1
  [ 5] .note.GNU-stack   PROGBITS         0000000000000000  0000007b
       0000000000000000  0000000000000000           0     0     1
  [ 6] .eh_frame         PROGBITS         0000000000000000  00000080
       0000000000000058  0000000000000000   A       0     0     8
  [ 7] .rela.eh_frame    RELA             0000000000000000  000001e0
       0000000000000030  0000000000000018   I       8     6     8
  [ 8] .symtab           SYMTAB           0000000000000000  000000d8
       00000000000000f0  0000000000000018           9     8     8
  [ 9] .strtab           STRTAB           0000000000000000  000001c8
       0000000000000012  0000000000000000           0     0     1
  [10] .shstrtab         STRTAB           0000000000000000  00000210
       0000000000000054  0000000000000000           0     0     1
Key to Flags:
  W (write), A (alloc), X (execute), M (merge), S (strings), I (info),
  L (link order), O (extra OS processing required), G (group), T (TLS),
  C (compressed), x (unknown), o (OS specific), E (exclude),
  l (large), p (processor specific)

There are different tutorials online describing the most popular ELF sections in detail. Another great reference is the Linux manpages project. It is handy because it describes both sections’ purpose as well as C structure definitions from elf.h, which makes it a one-stop shop for parsing ELF files. However, for completeness, below is a short description of the most popular sections one may encounter in an ELF file:

  • .text: this section contains the executable code (the actual machine code, which was created by the compiler from our source code). This section is the primary area of interest for this post as it should contain the add5 and add10 functions we want to use.
  • .data and .bss: these sections contain global and static local variables. The difference is: .data has variables with an initial value (defined like int foo = 5;) and .bss just reserves space for variables with no initial value (defined like int bar;).
  • .rodata: this section contains constant data (mostly strings or byte arrays). For example, if we use a string literal in the code (for example, for printf or some error message), it will be stored here. Note, that .rodata is missing from the output above as we didn’t use any string literals or constant byte arrays in obj.c.
  • .symtab: this section contains information about the symbols in the object file: functions, global variables, constants etc. It may also contain information about external symbols the object file needs, like needed functions from the external libraries.
  • .strtab and .shstrtab: contain packed strings for the ELF file. Note, that these are not the strings we may define in our source code (those go to the .rodata section). These are the strings describing the names of other ELF structures, like symbols from .symtab or even section names from the table above. ELF binary format aims to make its structures compact and of a fixed size, so all strings are stored in one place and the respective data structures just reference them as an offset in either .shstrtab or .strtab sections instead of storing the full string locally.

The .symtab section

At this point, we know that the code we want to import and execute is located in the obj.o‘s .text section. But we have two functions, add5 and add10, remember? At this level the .text section is just a byte blob – how do we know where each of these functions is located? This is where the .symtab (the "symbol table") comes in handy. It is so important that it has its own dedicated parameter in readelf:

$ readelf --symbols obj.o

Symbol table '.symtab' contains 10 entries:
   Num:    Value          Size Type    Bind   Vis      Ndx Name
     0: 0000000000000000     0 NOTYPE  LOCAL  DEFAULT  UND
     1: 0000000000000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS obj.c
     2: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    1
     3: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    2
     4: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    3
     5: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    5
     6: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    6
     7: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    4
     8: 0000000000000000    15 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    1 add5
     9: 000000000000000f    15 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    1 add10

Let’s ignore the other entries for now and just focus on the last two lines, because they conveniently have add5 and add10 as their symbol names. And indeed, this is the info about our functions. Apart from the names, the symbol table provides us with some additional metadata:

  • The Ndx column tells us the index of the section, where the symbol is located. We can cross-check it with the section table above and confirm that indeed these functions are located in .text (section with the index 1).
  • Type being set to FUNC confirms that these are indeed functions.
  • Size tells us the size of each function, but this information is not very useful in our context. The same goes for Bind and Vis.
  • Probably the most useful piece of information is Value. The name is misleading, because it is actually an offset from the start of the containing section in this context. That is, the add5 function starts just from the beginning of .text and add10 is located from 15th byte and onwards.

So now we have all the pieces on how to parse an ELF file and find the functions we need.

Finding and executing a function from an object file

Given what we have learned so far, let’s define a plan on how to proceed to import and execute a function from an object file:

  1. Find the ELF sections table and .shstrtab section (we need .shstrtab later to lookup sections in the section table by name).
  2. Find the .symtab and .strtab sections (we need .strtab to lookup symbols by name in .symtab).
  3. Find the .text section and copy it into RAM with executable permissions.
  4. Find add5 and add10 function offsets from the .symtab.
  5. Execute add5 and add10 functions.

Let’s start by adding some more global variables and implementing the parse_obj function:



/* sections table */
static const Elf64_Shdr *sections;
static const char *shstrtab = NULL;

/* symbols table */
static const Elf64_Sym *symbols;
/* number of entries in the symbols table */
static int num_symbols;
static const char *strtab = NULL;


static void parse_obj(void)
    /* the sections table offset is encoded in the ELF header */
    sections = (const Elf64_Shdr *)(obj.base + obj.hdr->e_shoff);
    /* the index of `.shstrtab` in the sections table is encoded in the ELF header
     * so we can find it without actually using a name lookup
    shstrtab = (const char *)(obj.base + sections[obj.hdr->e_shstrndx].sh_offset);



Now that we have references to both the sections table and the .shstrtab section, we can lookup other sections by their name. Let’s create a helper function for that:



static const Elf64_Shdr *lookup_section(const char *name)
    size_t name_len = strlen(name);

    /* number of entries in the sections table is encoded in the ELF header */
    for (Elf64_Half i = 0; i < obj.hdr->e_shnum; i++) {
        /* sections table entry does not contain the string name of the section
         * instead, the `sh_name` parameter is an offset in the `.shstrtab`
         * section, which points to a string name
        const char *section_name = shstrtab + sections[i].sh_name;
        size_t section_name_len = strlen(section_name);

        if (name_len == section_name_len && !strcmp(name, section_name)) {
            /* we ignore sections with 0 size */
            if (sections[i].sh_size)
                return sections + i;

    return NULL;


Using our new helper function, we can now find the .symtab and .strtab sections:



static void parse_obj(void)

    /* find the `.symtab` entry in the sections table */
    const Elf64_Shdr *symtab_hdr = lookup_section(".symtab");
    if (!symtab_hdr) {
        fputs("Failed to find .symtab\n", stderr);

    /* the symbols table */
    symbols = (const Elf64_Sym *)(obj.base + symtab_hdr->sh_offset);
    /* number of entries in the symbols table = table size / entry size */
    num_symbols = symtab_hdr->sh_size / symtab_hdr->sh_entsize;

    const Elf64_Shdr *strtab_hdr = lookup_section(".strtab");
    if (!strtab_hdr) {
        fputs("Failed to find .strtab\n", stderr);

    strtab = (const char *)(obj.base + strtab_hdr->sh_offset);


Next, let’s focus on the .text section. We noted earlier in our plan that it is not enough to just locate the .text section in the object file, like we did with other sections. We would need to copy it over to a different location in RAM with executable permissions. There are several reasons for that, but these are the main ones:

  • Many CPU architectures either don’t allow execution of the machine code, which is unaligned in memory (4 kilobytes for x86 systems), or they execute it with a performance penalty. However, the .text section in an ELF file is not guaranteed to be positioned at a page aligned offset, because the on-disk version of the ELF file aims to be compact rather than convenient.
  • We may need to modify some bytes in the .text section to perform relocations (we don’t need to do it in this case, but will be dealing with relocations in future posts). If, for example, we forget to use the MAP_PRIVATE flag, when mapping the ELF file, our modifications may propagate to the underlying file and corrupt it.
  • Finally, different sections, which are needed at runtime, like .text, .data, .bss and .rodata, require different memory permission bits: the .text section memory needs to be both readable and executable, but not writable (it is considered a bad security practice to have memory both writable and executable). The .data and .bss sections need to be readable and writable to support global variables, but not executable. The .rodata section should be readonly, because its purpose is to hold constant data. To support this, each section must be allocated on a page boundary as we can only set memory permission bits on whole pages and not custom ranges. Therefore, we need to create new, page aligned memory ranges for these sections and copy the data there.

To create a page aligned copy of the .text section, first we actually need to know the page size. Many programs usually just hardcode the page size to 4096 (4 kilobytes), but we shouldn’t rely on that. While it’s accurate for most x86 systems, other CPU architectures, like arm64, might have a different page size. So hard coding a page size may make our program non-portable. Let’s find the page size and store it in another global variable:



static uint64_t page_size;

static inline uint64_t page_align(uint64_t n)
    return (n + (page_size - 1)) & ~(page_size - 1);


static void parse_obj(void)

    /* get system page size */
    page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);



Notice, we have also added a convenience function page_align, which will round up the passed in number to the next page aligned boundary. Next, back to the .text section. As a reminder, we need to:

  1. Find the .text section metadata in the sections table.
  2. Allocate a chunk of memory to hold the .text section copy.
  3. Actually copy the .text section to the newly allocated memory.
  4. Make the .text section executable, so we can later call functions from it.

Here is the implementation of the above steps:



/* runtime base address of the imported code */
static uint8_t *text_runtime_base;


static void parse_obj(void)

    /* find the `.text` entry in the sections table */
    const Elf64_Shdr *text_hdr = lookup_section(".text");
    if (!text_hdr) {
        fputs("Failed to find .text\n", stderr);

    /* allocate memory for `.text` copy rounding it up to whole pages */
    text_runtime_base = mmap(NULL, page_align(text_hdr->sh_size), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0);
    if (text_runtime_base == MAP_FAILED) {
        perror("Failed to allocate memory for .text");

    /* copy the contents of `.text` section from the ELF file */
    memcpy(text_runtime_base, obj.base + text_hdr->sh_offset, text_hdr->sh_size);

    /* make the `.text` copy readonly and executable */
    if (mprotect(text_runtime_base, page_align(text_hdr->sh_size), PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC)) {
        perror("Failed to make .text executable");


Now we have all the pieces we need to locate the address of a function. Let’s write a helper for it:



static void *lookup_function(const char *name)
    size_t name_len = strlen(name);

    /* loop through all the symbols in the symbol table */
    for (int i = 0; i < num_symbols; i++) {
        /* consider only function symbols */
        if (ELF64_ST_TYPE(symbols[i].st_info) == STT_FUNC) {
            /* symbol table entry does not contain the string name of the symbol
             * instead, the `st_name` parameter is an offset in the `.strtab`
             * section, which points to a string name
            const char *function_name = strtab + symbols[i].st_name;
            size_t function_name_len = strlen(function_name);

            if (name_len == function_name_len && !strcmp(name, function_name)) {
                /* st_value is an offset in bytes of the function from the
                 * beginning of the `.text` section
                return text_runtime_base + symbols[i].st_value;

    return NULL;


And finally we can implement the execute_funcs function to import and execute code from an object file:



static void execute_funcs(void)
    /* pointers to imported add5 and add10 functions */
    int (*add5)(int);
    int (*add10)(int);

    add5 = lookup_function("add5");
    if (!add5) {
        fputs("Failed to find add5 function\n", stderr);

    puts("Executing add5...");
    printf("add5(%d) = %d\n", 42, add5(42));

    add10 = lookup_function("add10");
    if (!add10) {
        fputs("Failed to find add10 function\n", stderr);

    puts("Executing add10...");
    printf("add10(%d) = %d\n", 42, add10(42));


Let’s compile our loader and make sure it works as expected:

$ gcc -o loader loader.c 
$ ./loader 
Executing add5...
add5(42) = 47
Executing add10...
add10(42) = 52

Voila! We have successfully imported code from obj.o and executed it. Of course, the example above is simplified: the code in the object file is self-contained, does not reference any global variables or constants, and does not have any external dependencies. In future posts we will look into more complex code and how to handle such cases.

Security considerations

Processing external inputs, like parsing an ELF file from the disk above, should be handled with care. The code from loader.c omits a lot of bounds checking and additional ELF integrity checks, when parsing the object file. The code is simplified for the purposes of this post, but most likely not production ready, as it can probably be exploited by specifically crafted malicious inputs. Use it only for educational purposes!

The complete source code from this post can be found here.

Router Security

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2021/02/router-security.html

This report is six months old, and I don’t know anything about the organization that produced it, but it has some alarming data about router security.

Conclusion: Our analysis showed that Linux is the most used OS running on more than 90% of the devices. However, many routers are powered by very old versions of Linux. Most devices are still powered with a 2.6 Linux kernel, which is no longer maintained for many years. This leads to a high number of critical and high severity CVEs affecting these devices.

Since Linux is the most used OS, exploit mitigation techniques could be enabled very easily. Anyhow, they are used quite rarely by most vendors except the NX feature.

A published private key provides no security at all. Nonetheless, all but one vendor spread several private keys in almost all firmware images.

Mirai used hard-coded login credentials to infect thousands of embedded devices in the last years. However, hard-coded credentials can be found in many of the devices and some of them are well known or at least easy crackable.

However, we can tell for sure that the vendors prioritize security differently. AVM does better job than the other vendors regarding most aspects. ASUS and Netgear do a better job in some aspects than D-Link, Linksys, TP-Link and Zyxel.

Additionally, our evaluation showed that large scale automated security analysis of embedded devices is possible today utilizing just open source software. To sum it up, our analysis shows that there is no router without flaws and there is no vendor who does a perfect job regarding all security aspects. Much more effort is needed to make home routers as secure as current desktop of server systems.

One comment on the report:

One-third ship with Linux kernel version 2.6.36 was released in October 2010. You can walk into a store today and buy a brand new router powered by software that’s almost 10 years out of date! This outdated version of the Linux kernel has 233 known security vulnerabilities registered in the Common Vulnerability and Exposures (CVE) database. The average router contains 26 critically-rated security vulnerabilities, according to the study.

We know the reasons for this. Most routers are designed offshore, by third parties, and then private labeled and sold by the vendors you’ve heard of. Engineering teams come together, design and build the router, and then disperse. There’s often no one around to write patches, and most of the time router firmware isn’t even patchable. The way to update your home router is to throw it away and buy a new one.

And this paper demonstrates that even the new ones aren’t likely to be secure.

How to monitor Windows and Linux servers and get internal performance metrics

Post Syndicated from Emma White original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/how-to-monitor-windows-and-linux-servers-and-get-internal-performance-metrics/

This post was written by Dean Suzuki, Senior Solutions Architect.

Customers who run Windows or Linux instances on AWS frequently ask, “How do I know if my disks are almost full?” or “How do I know if my application is using all the available memory and is paging to disk?” This blog helps answer these questions by walking you through how to set up monitoring to capture these internal performance metrics.

Solution overview

If you open the Amazon EC2 console, select a running Amazon EC2 instance, and select the Monitoring tab  you can see Amazon CloudWatch metrics for that instance. Amazon CloudWatch is an AWS monitoring service. The Monitoring tab (shown in the following image) shows the metrics that can be measured external to the instance (for example, CPU utilization, network bytes in/out). However, to understand what percentage of the disk is being used or what percentage of the memory is being used, these metrics require an internal operating system view of the instance. AWS places an extra safeguard on gathering data inside a customer’s instance so this capability is not enabled by default.

EC2 console showing Monitoring tab

To capture the server’s internal performance metrics, a CloudWatch agent must be installed on the instance. For Windows, the CloudWatch agent can capture any of the Windows performance monitor counters. For Linux, the CloudWatch agent can capture system-level metrics. For more details, please see Metrics Collected by the CloudWatch Agent. The agent can also capture logs from the server. The agent then sends this information to Amazon CloudWatch, where rules can be created to alert on certain conditions (for example, low free disk space) and automated responses can be set up (for example, perform backup to clear transaction logs). Also, dashboards can be created to view the health of your Windows servers.

There are four steps to implement internal monitoring:

  1. Install the CloudWatch agent onto your servers. AWS provides a service called AWS Systems Manager Run Command, which enables you to do this agent installation across all your servers.
  2. Run the CloudWatch agent configuration wizard, which captures what you want to monitor. These items could be performance counters and logs on the server. This configuration is then stored in AWS System Manager Parameter Store
  3. Configure CloudWatch agents to use agent configuration stored in Parameter Store using the Run Command.
  4. Validate that the CloudWatch agents are sending their monitoring data to CloudWatch.

The following image shows the flow of these four steps.

Process to install and configure the CloudWatch agent

In this blog, I walk through these steps so that you can follow along. Note that you are responsible for the cost of running the environment outlined in this blog. So, once you are finished with the steps in the blog, I recommend deleting the resources if you no longer need them. For the cost of running these servers, see Amazon EC2 On-Demand Pricing. For CloudWatch pricing, see Amazon CloudWatch pricing.

If you want a video overview of this process, please see this Monitoring Amazon EC2 Windows Instances using Unified CloudWatch Agent video.

Deploy the CloudWatch agent

The first step is to deploy the Amazon CloudWatch agent. There are multiple ways to deploy the CloudWatch agent (see this documentation on Installing the CloudWatch Agent). In this blog, I walk through how to use the AWS Systems Manager Run Command to deploy the agent. AWS Systems Manager uses the Systems Manager agent, which is installed by default on each AWS instance. This AWS Systems Manager agent must be given the appropriate permissions to connect to AWS Systems Manager, and to write the configuration data to the AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store. These access rights are controlled through the use of IAM roles.

Create two IAM roles

IAM roles are identity objects that you attach IAM policies. IAM policies define what access is allowed to AWS services. You can have users, services, or applications assume the IAM roles and get the assigned rights defined in the permissions policies.

To use System Manager, you typically create two IAM roles. The first role has permissions to write the CloudWatch agent configuration information to System Manager Parameter Store. This role is called CloudWatchAgentAdminRole.

The second role only has permissions to read the CloudWatch agent configuration from the System Manager Parameter Store. This role is called CloudWatchAgentServerRole.

For more details on creating these roles, please see the documentation on Create IAM Roles and Users for Use with the CloudWatch Agent.

Attach the IAM roles to the EC2 instances

Once you create the roles, you attach them to your Amazon EC2 instances. By attaching the IAM roles to the EC2 instances, you provide the processes running on the EC2 instance the permissions defined in the IAM role. In this blog, you create two Amazon EC2 instances. Attach the CloudWatchAgentAdminRole to the first instance that is used to create the CloudWatch agent configuration. Attach CloudWatchAgentServerRole to the second instance and any other instances that you want to monitor. For details on how to attach or assign roles to EC2 instances, please see the documentation on How do I assign an existing IAM role to an EC2 instance?.

Install the CloudWatch agent

Now that you have setup the permissions, you can install the CloudWatch agent onto the servers that you want to monitor. For details on installing the CloudWatch agent using Systems Manager, please see the documentation on Download and Configure the CloudWatch Agent.

Create the CloudWatch agent configuration

Now that you installed the CloudWatch agent on your server, run the CloudAgent configuration wizard to create the agent configuration. For instructions on how to run the CloudWatch Agent configuration wizard, please see this documentation on Create the CloudWatch Agent Configuration File with the Wizard. To establish a command shell on the server, you can use AWS Systems Manager Session Manager to establish a session to the server and then run the CloudWatch agent configuration wizard. If you want to monitor both Linux and Windows servers, you must run the CloudWatch agent configuration on a Linux instance and on a Windows instance to create a configuration file per OS type. The configuration is unique to the OS type.

To run the Agent configuration wizard on Linux instances, run the following command:

sudo /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/amazon-cloudwatch-agent-config-wizard

To run the Agent configuration wizard on Windows instances, run the following commands:

cd "C:\Program Files\Amazon\AmazonCloudWatchAgent"


Note for Linux instances: do not select to collect the collectd metrics in the agent configuration wizard unless you have collectd installed on your Linux servers. Otherwise, you may encounter an error.

Review the Agent configuration

The CloudWatch agent configuration generated from the wizard is stored in Systems Manager Parameter Store. You can review and modify this configuration if you need to capture extra metrics. To review the agent configuration, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the console for the System Manager service.
  2. Click Parameter store on the left hand navigation.
  3. You should see the parameter that was created by the CloudWatch agent configuration program. For Linux servers, the configuration is stored in: AmazonCloudWatch-linux and for Windows servers, the configuration is stored in:  AmazonCloudWatch-windows.

System Manager Parameter Store: Parameters created by CloudWatch agent configuration wizard

  1. Click on the parameter’s hyperlink (for example, AmazonCloudWatch-linux) to see all the configuration parameters that you specified in the configuration program.

In the following steps, I walk through an example of modifying the Windows configuration parameter (AmazonCloudWatch-windows) to add an additional metric (“Available Mbytes”) to monitor.

  1. Click the AmazonCloudWatch-windows
  2. In the parameter overview, scroll down to the “metrics” section and under “metrics_collected”, you can see the Windows performance monitor counters that will be gathered by the CloudWatch agent. If you want to add an additional perfmon counter, then you can edit and add the counter here.
  3. Press Edit at the top right of the AmazonCloudWatch-windows Parameter Store page.
  4. Scroll down in the Value section and look for “Memory.”
  5. After the “% Committed Bytes In Use”, put a comma “,” and then press Enter to add a blank line. Then, put on that line “Available Mbytes” The following screenshot demonstrates what this configuration should look like.

AmazonCloudWatch-windows parameter contents and how to add a new metric to monitor

  1. Press Save Changes.

To modify the Linux configuration parameter (AmazonCloudWatch-linux), you perform similar steps except you click on the AmazonCloudWatch-linux parameter. Here is additional documentation on creating the CloudWatch agent configuration and modifying the configuration file.

Start the CloudWatch agent and use the configuration

In this step, start the CloudWatch agent and instruct it to use your agent configuration stored in System Manager Parameter Store.

  1. Open another tab in your web browser and go to System Manager console.
  2. Specify Run Command in the left hand navigation of the System Manager console.
  3. Press Run Command
  4. In the search bar,
    • Select Document name prefix
    • Select Equal
    • Specify AmazonCloudWatch (Note the field is case sensitive)
    • Press enter

System Manager Run Command's command document entry field

  1. Select AmazonCloudWatch-ManageAgent. This is the command that configures the CloudWatch agent.
  2. In the command parameters section,
    • For Action, select Configure
    • For Mode, select ec2
    • For Optional Configuration Source, select ssm
    • For optional configuration location, specify the Parameter Store name. For Windows instances, you would specify AmazonCloudWatch-windows for Windows instances or AmazonCloudWatch-linux for Linux instances. Note the field is case sensitive. This tells the command to read the Parameter Store for the parameter specified here.
    • For optional restart, leave yes
  3. For Targets, choose your target servers that you wish to monitor.
  4. Scroll down and press Run. The Run Command may take a couple minutes to complete. Press the refresh button. The Run Command configures the CloudWatch agent by reading the Parameter Store for the configuration and configure the agent using those settings.

For more details on installing the CloudWatch agent using your agent configuration, please see this Installing the CloudWatch Agent on EC2 Instances Using Your Agent Configuration.

Review the data collected by the CloudWatch agents

In this step, I walk through how to review the data collected by the CloudWatch agents.

  1. In the AWS Management console, go to CloudWatch.
  2. Click Metrics on the left-hand navigation.
  3. You should see a custom namespace for CWAgent. Click on the CWAgent Please note that this might take a couple minutes to appear. Refresh the page periodically until it appears.
  4. Then click the ImageId, Instanceid hyperlinks to see the counters under that section.

CloudWatch Metrics: Showing counters under CWAgent

  1. Review the metrics captured by the CloudWatch agent. Notice the metrics that are only observable from inside the instance (for example, LogicalDisk % Free Space). These types of metrics would not be observable without installing the CloudWatch agent on the instance. From these metrics, you could create a CloudWatch Alarm to alert you if they go beyond a certain threshold. You can also add them to a CloudWatch Dashboard to review. To learn more about the metrics collected by the CloudWatch agent, see the documentation Metrics Collected by the CloudWatch Agent.


In this blog, you learned how to deploy and configure the CloudWatch agent to capture the metrics on either Linux or Windows instances. If you are done with this blog, we recommend deleting the System Manager Parameter Store entry, the CloudWatch data and  then the EC2 instances to avoid further charges. If you would like a video tutorial of this process, please see this Monitoring Amazon EC2 Windows Instances using Unified CloudWatch Agent video.



Creating a CentOS Startup Screen

Post Syndicated from Bozho original https://techblog.bozho.net/creating-a-centos-startup-screen/

When distributing bundled software, you have multiple options, but if we exclude fancy newcomers like Docker and Kubernetes, you’re left with the following options: an installer (for Windows), a package (rpm or deb) for the corresponding distro, tarball with a setup shell script that creates the necessary configurations, and a virtual machine (or virtual appliance).

All of these options are applicable in different scenarios, but distributing a ready-to-deploy virtual machine image is considered standard for enterprise software. Your machine has all the dependencies it needs (because it might not be permitted to connect to the interenet), and it just has to be fired up.

But typically you’d want some initial configuration or at least have the ability to show the users how to connect to your (typically web-based) application. And so creating a startup screen is what many companies choose to do. Below is a simple way to do that on CentOS, which is my distro of preference. (There are other resources on the topic, e.g. this one, but it relies on /etc/inittab which is deprecated in CentOS 8).

useradd startup -m
yum -y install dialog

sed -i -- "s/-o '-p -- \\u' --noclear/--autologin startup --noclear/g" /usr/lib/systemd/system/[email protected]

chmod +x /install/startup.sh
echo "exec /install/startup.sh" >> /home/startup/.bashrc

systemctl daemon-reload

With the code above you are creating a startup user and auto-logging that user in before the regular login prompt. Replacing the Exec like in the [email protected] is doing exactly that.

Then the script adds the invocation of a startup bash script to the .bashrc which gets run when the user is logged in. What this script does is entirely up to you, below is a simple demo using the dialog command (that we just installed above):

# Based on https://askubuntu.com/questions/1705/how-can-i-create-a-select-menu-in-a-shell-script

BACKTITLE="Your Company"
TITLE="Your Product setp"
BIND_IP=`ifconfig | sed -En 's/;s/.*inet (addr:)?(([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*).*/\2/p'`
INFO="Welcome to MyProduct.\n\n\nWeb access URL: https://$BIND_IP\n\n\n\nFor more information visit https://docs.example.com"

CHOICE=$(dialog --clear \
                --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" \
                --title "$TITLE" \
                --msgbox "$INFO" \
                $HEIGHT $WIDTH \
                2>&1 >/dev/tty)

echo 'Enter password for user "root":'
su root

This dialog shows just some basic information, but you can extend it to allow users making choices and input some parameters. More importantly, it gets the current IP address and shows it to the user. That’s not something they can’t do themselves in other ways, but it’s friendlier to show it like that. And you can’t hard-code that, because in each installation it will have a different IP (even if not using DHCP, you should let the user set the static IP that they’ve assigned rather than forcing one on them). At the end of the script it switches to the root user.

Security has to be considered here – your startup user should not be allowed to do anything meaningful in the system, because it is automatically logged in without password. According to this answer exec sort-of solves that problem (e.g. when you mistype the root password, you are back to the startup.sh script rather than to the console).

I agree that’s a rare use-case but I thought I’d share this “arcane” knowledge.

The post Creating a CentOS Startup Screen appeared first on Bozho's tech blog.

Diving into /proc/[pid]/mem

Post Syndicated from Lennart Espe original https://blog.cloudflare.com/diving-into-proc-pid-mem/

Diving into /proc/[pid]/mem

Diving into /proc/[pid]/mem

A few months ago, after reading about Cloudflare doubling its intern class size, I quickly dusted off my CV and applied for an internship. Long story short: now, a couple of months later, I found myself staring into Linux kernel code and adding a pretty cool feature to gVisor, a Linux container runtime.

My internship was under the Emerging Technologies and Incubation group on a project involving gVisor. A co-worker contacted my team about not being able to read the debug symbols of stack traces inside the sandbox. For example, when the isolated process crashed, this is what we saw in the logs:

*** Check failure stack trace: ***
    @     0x7ff5f69e50bd  (unknown)
    @     0x7ff5f69e9c9c  (unknown)
    @     0x7ff5f69e4dbd  (unknown)
    @     0x7ff5f69e55a9  (unknown)
    @     0x5564b27912da  (unknown)
    @     0x7ff5f650ecca  (unknown)
    @     0x5564b27910fa  (unknown)

Obviously, this wasn’t very useful. I eagerly volunteered to fix this stack unwinding code – how hard could it be?

After some debugging, we found that the logging library used in the project opened /proc/self/mem to look for ELF headers at the start of each memory-mapped region. This was necessary to calculate an offset to find the correct addresses for debug symbols.

It turns out this mechanism is rather common. The stack unwinding code is often run in weird contexts – like a SIGSEGV handler – so it would not be appropriate to dig over real memory addresses back and forth to read the ELF. This could trigger another SIGSEGV. And SIGSEGV inside a SIGSEGV handler means either termination via the default handler for a segfault or recursing into the same handler again and again (if one sets SA_NODEFER) leading to a stack overflow.

However, inside gVisor, each call of open() on /proc/self/mem resulted in ENOENT, because the entire /proc/self/mem file was missing. In order to provide a robust sandbox, gVisor has to carefully reimplement the Linux kernel interfaces. This particular /proc file was simply unimplemented in the virtual file system of Sentry, one of gVisor’s sandboxing components.
Marek asked the devs on the project chat and got confirmation – they would be happy to accept a patch implementing this file.
Diving into /proc/[pid]/mem

The easy way out would have been to make a small, local patch to the unwinder behavior, yet I found myself diving into the Linux kernel trying to figure how the mem file worked in an attempt to implement it in Sentry’s VFS.

What does /proc/[pid]/mem do?

The file itself is quite powerful, because it allows raw access to the virtual address space of a process. According to manpages, the documented file operations are open(), read() and lseek(). Typical use cases are debugging tasks or dumping process memory.

Opening the file

When a process wants to open the file, the kernel does the file permissions check, looks up the associated operations for mem and invokes a method called proc_mem_open. It retrieves the associated task and calls a method named mm_access.

 * Grab a reference to a task's mm, if it is not already going away
 * and ptrace_may_access with the mode parameter passed to it
 * succeeds.

Seems relatively straightforward, right? The special thing about mm_access is that it verifies the permissions the current task has regarding the task to which the memory belongs. If the current task and target task do not share the same memory manager, the kernel invokes a method named __ptrace_may_access.

 * May we inspect the given task?
 * This check is used both for attaching with ptrace
 * and for allowing access to sensitive information in /proc.
 * ptrace_attach denies several cases that /proc allows
 * because setting up the necessary parent/child relationship
 * or halting the specified task is impossible.

According to the manpages, a process which would like to read from an unrelated /proc/[pid]/mem file should have access mode PTRACE_MODE_ATTACH_FSCREDS. This check does not verify that a process is attached via PTRACE_ATTACH, but rather if it has the permission to attach with the specified credentials mode.

Access checks

After skimming through the function, you will see that a process is allowed access if the current task belongs to the same thread group as the target task, or denied access (depending on whether PTRACE_MODE_FSCREDS or PTRACE_MODE_REALCREDS is set, we will use either the file-system UID / GID, which is typically the same as the effective UID/GID, or the real UID / GID) if none of the following conditions are met:

  • the current task’s credentials (UID, GID) match up with the credentials (real, effective and saved set-UID/GID) of the target process
  • the current task has CAP_SYS_PTRACE inside the user namespace of the target process

In the next check, access is denied if the current task has neither CAP_SYS_PTRACE inside the user namespace of the target task, nor the target’s dumpable attribute is set to SUID_DUMP_USER. The dumpable attribute is typically required to allow producing core dumps.

After these three checks, we also go through the commoncap Linux Security Module (and other LSMs) to verify our access mode is fine. LSMs you may know are SELinux and AppArmor. The commoncap LSM performs the checks on the basis of effective or permitted process capabilities (depending on the mode being FSCREDS or REALCREDS), allowing access if

  • the capabilities of the current task are a superset of the capabilities of the target task, or
  • the current task has CAP_SYS_PTRACE in the target task’s user namespace

In conclusion, one has access (with only commoncap LSM checks active) if:

  • the current task is in the same task group as the target task, or
  • the current task has CAP_SYS_PTRACE in the target task’s user namespace, or
  • the credentials of the current and target task match up in the given credentials mode, the target task is dumpable, they run in the same user namespace and the target task’s capabilities are a subset of the current task’s capabilities

I highly recommend reading through the ptrace manpages to dig deeper into the different modes, options and checks.

Reading from the file

Since all the access checks occur when opening the file, reading from it is quite straightforward. When one invokes read() on a mem file, it calls up mem_rw (which actually can do both reading and writing).

To avoid using lots of memory, mem_rw performs the copy in a loop and buffers the data in an intermediate page. mem_rw has a hidden superpower, that is, it uses FOLL_FORCE to avoid permission checks on user-owned pages (handling pages marked as non-readable/non-writable readable and writable).

mem_rw has other specialties, such as its error handling. Some interesting cases are:

  • if the target task has exited after opening the file descriptor, performing read() will always succeed with reading 0 bytes
  • if the initial copy from the target task’s memory to the intermediate page fails, it does not always return an error but only if no data has been read

You can also perform lseek on the file excluding SEEK_END.

How it works in gVisor

Luckily, gVisor already implemented ptrace_may_access as kernel.task.CanTrace, so one can avoid reimplementing all the ptrace access logic. However, the implementation in gVisor is less complicated due to the lack of support for PTRACE_MODE_FSCREDS (which is still an open issue).

When a new file descriptor is open()ed, the GetFile method of the virtual Inode is invoked, therefore this is where the access check naturally happens. After a successful access check, the method returns a fs.File. The fs.File implements all the file operations you would expect such as Read() and Write(). gVisor also provides tons of primitives for quickly building a working file structure so that one does not have to reimplement a generic lseek() for example.

In case a task invokes a Read() call onto the fs.File, the Read method retrieves the memory manager of the file’s Task.
Accessing the task’s memory manager is a breeze with comfortable CopyIn and CopyOut methods, with interfaces similar to io.Writer and io.Reader.

After implementing all of this, we finally got a useful stack trace.

*** Check failure stack trace: ***
    @     0x7f190c9e70bd  google::LogMessage::Fail()
    @     0x7f190c9ebc9c  google::LogMessage::SendToLog()
    @     0x7f190c9e6dbd  google::LogMessage::Flush()
    @     0x7f190c9e75a9  google::LogMessageFatal::~LogMessageFatal()
    @     0x55d6f718c2da  main
    @     0x7f190c510cca  __libc_start_main
    @     0x55d6f718c0fa  _start


A comprehensive victory! The /proc/<pid>/mem file is an important mechanism that gives insight into contents of process memory. It is essential to stack unwinders to do their work in case of complicated and unforeseeable failures. Because the process memory contains highly-sensitive information, data access to the file is determined by a complex set of poorly documented rules. With a bit of effort, you can emulate /proc/[PID]/mem inside gVisor’s sandbox, where the process only has access to the subset of procfs that has been implemented by the gVisor authors and, as a result, you can have access to an easily readable stack trace in case of a crash.

Now I can’t wait to get the PR merged into gVisor.

Raking the floods: How to protect UDP services from DoS attacks with eBPF

Post Syndicated from Jonas Otten original https://blog.cloudflare.com/building-rakelimit/

Raking the floods: How to protect UDP services from DoS attacks with eBPF

Raking the floods: How to protect UDP services from DoS attacks with eBPF

Cloudflare’s globally distributed network is not just designed to protect HTTP services but any kind of TCP or UDP traffic that passes through our edge. To this end, we’ve built a number of sophisticated DDoS mitigation systems, such as Gatebot, which analyze world-wide traffic patterns. However, we’ve always employed defense-in-depth: in addition to global protection systems we also use off-the shelf mechanisms such as TCP SYN-cookies, which protect individual servers locally from the very common SYN-flood. But there’s a catch: such a mechanism does not exist for UDP. UDP is a connectionless protocol and does not have similar context around packets, especially considering that Cloudflare powers services such as Spectrum which are agnostic to the upper layer protocol (DNS, NTP, …), so my 2020 intern class project was to come up with a different approach.

Protecting UDP services

First of all, let’s discuss what it actually means to provide protection to UDP services. We want to ensure that an attacker cannot drown out legitimate traffic. To achieve this we want to identify floods and limit them while leaving legitimate traffic untouched.

The idea to mitigate such attacks is straight forward: first identify a group of packets that is related to an attack, and then apply a rate limit on this group. Such groups are determined based on the attributes available to us in the packet, such as addresses and ports.

We do not want to completely drop the flood of traffic, as legitimate traffic may still be part of it. We only want to drop as much traffic as necessary to comply with our set rate limit. Completely ignoring a set of packets just because it is slightly above the rate limit is not an option, as it may contain legitimate traffic.

This ensures both that our service stays responsive but also that legitimate packets experience as little impact as possible.

While rate limiting is a somewhat straightforward procedure, determining groups is a bit harder, for a number of reasons.

Finding needles in the haystack

The problem in determining groups in packets is that we have barely any context. We consider four things as useful attributes as attack signatures: the source address and port as well as the destination address and port. While that already is not a lot, it gets worse: the source address and port may not even be accurate. Packets can be spoofed, in which case an attacker hides their own address. That means only keeping a rate per source address may not provide much value, as it could simply be spoofed.

But there is another problem: keeping one rate per address does not scale. When bringing IPv6 into the equation and its whopping address space it becomes clear it’s not going to work.

To solve these issues we turned to the academic world and found what we were looking for, the problem of Heavy Hitters. Heavy Hitters are elements of a datastream that appear frequently, and can be expressed relative to the overall elements of the stream. We can define for example that an element is considered to be a Heavy Hitter if its frequency exceeds, say, 10% of the overall count. To do so we naively could suggest to simply maintain a counter per element, but due to the space limitations this will not scale. Instead probabilistic algorithms such as a CountMin sketch or the SpaceSaving algorithm can be used. These provide an estimated count instead of a precise one, but are capable of doing this with constant memory requirements, and in our case we will just save rates into the CountMin sketch instead of counts. So no matter how many unique elements we have to track, the memory consumption is the same.

We now have a way of finding the needle in the haystack, and it does have constant memory requirements, solving our problem. However, reality isn’t that simple. What if an attack is not just originating from a single port but many? Or what if a reflection attack is hitting our service, resulting in random source addresses but a single source port? Maybe a full /24 subnet is sending us a flood? We can not just keep a rate per combination we see, as it would ignore all these patterns.

Grouping the groups: How to organize packets

Luckily the academic world has us covered again, with the concept of Hierarchical Heavy Hitters. It extends the Heavy Hitter concept by using the underlying hierarchy in the elements of the stream. For example, an IP address can be naturally grouped into several subnets:

Raking the floods: How to protect UDP services from DoS attacks with eBPF

In this case we defined that we consider the fully-specified address, the /24 subnet and the /0 wildcard. We start at the left with the fully specified address, and each step walking towards the top we consider less information from it. We call these less-specific addresses generalisations, and measure how specific a generalisation is by assigning a level. In our example, the address is at level 0, while is at level 1, etc.

If we want to create a structure which can hold this information for every packet, it could look like this:

Raking the floods: How to protect UDP services from DoS attacks with eBPF

We maintain a CountMin-sketch per subnet and then apply Heavy Hitters. When a new packet arrives and we need to determine if it is allowed to pass we simply check the rates of the corresponding elements in every node. If no rate exceeds the rate limit that we set, e.g. 25 packets per second (pps), it is allowed to pass.

The structure could now keep track of a single attribute, but we would waste a lot of context around packets! So instead of letting it go to waste, we use the two-dimensional approach for addresses proposed in the paper Hierarchical Heavy Hitters with SpaceSaving algorithm, and extend it further to also incorporate ports into our structure. Ports do not have a natural hierarchy such as addresses, so they can only be in two states: either specified (e.g. 8080) or wildcard.

Now our structure looks like this:

Raking the floods: How to protect UDP services from DoS attacks with eBPF

Now let’s talk about the algorithm we use to traverse the structure and determine if a packet should be allowed to pass. The paper Hierarchical Heavy Hitters with SpaceSaving algorithm provides two methods that can be used on the data structure: one that updates elements and increases their counters, and one that provides all elements that currently are Heavy Hitters. This is actually not necessary for our use-case, as we are only interested if the element, or packet, we are looking at right now would be a Heavy Hitter to decide if it can pass or not.

Secondly, our goal is to prevent any Heavy Hitters from passing, thus leaving the structure with no Heavy Hitters whatsoever. This is a great property, as it allows us to simplify the algorithm substantially, and it looks like this:

Raking the floods: How to protect UDP services from DoS attacks with eBPF

As you may notice, we update every node of a level and maintain the maximum rate we see. After each level we calculate a probability that determines if a packet should be passed to the next level, based on the maximum rate we saw on that level and a set rate limit. Each node essentially filters the traffic for the following, less specific level.

I actually left out a small detail: a packet is not dropped if any rate exceeds the limit, but instead is kept with the probability rate limit/maximum rate seen. The reason is that if we just drop all packets if the rates exceed the limit, we would drop the whole traffic, not just a subset to make it comply with our set rate limit.

Since we now still update more specific nodes even if a node reaches a rate limit, the rate limit will converge towards the underlying pattern of the attack as much as possible. That means other traffic will be impacted as minimally as possible, and that with no manual intervention whatsoever!

BPF to the rescue: building a Go library

As we want to use this algorithm to mitigate floods, we need to spend as little computation and overhead as possible before we decide if a packet should be dropped or not. As so often, we looked into the BPF toolbox and found what we need: Socketfilters. As our colleague Marek put it: “It seems, no matter the question – BPF is the answer.”.

Socketfilters are pieces of code that can be attached to a single socket and get executed before a packet will be passed from kernel to userspace. This is ideal for a number of reasons. First, when the kernel runs the socket filter code, it gives it all the information from the packet we need, and other mitigations such as firewalls have been executed. Second the code is executed per socket, so every application can activate it as needed, and also set appropriate rate limits. It may even use different rate limits for different sockets. The third reason is privileges: we do not need to be root to attach the code to a socket. We can execute code in the kernel as a normal user!

BPF also has a number of limitations which have been already covered on this blog in the past, so we will focus on one that’s specific to our project: floating-point numbers.

To calculate rates we need floating-point numbers to provide an accurate estimate. BPF, and the whole kernel for that matter, does not support these. Instead we implemented a fixed-point representation, which uses a part of the available bits for the fractional part of a rational number and the remaining bits for the integer part. This allows us to represent floats within a certain range, but there is a catch when doing arithmetic: while subtraction and addition of two fixed-points work well, multiplication and division requires double the number of bits to ensure there will not be any loss in precision. As we use 64 bits for our fixed-point values, there is no larger data type available to ensure this does not happen. Instead of calculating the result with exact precision, we convert one of the arguments into an integer. That results in the loss of the fractional part, but as we deal with large rates that does not pose any issue, and helps us to work around the bit limitation as intermediate results fit into the available 64 bits. Whenever fixed-point arithmetic is necessary the precision of intermediate results has to be carefully considered.

There are many more details to the implementation, but instead of covering every single detail in this blog post lets just look at the code.

We open sourced rakelimit over on Github at cloudflare/rakelimit! It is a full-blown Go library that can be enabled on any UDP socket, and is easy to configure.

The development is still in early stages and this is a first prototype, but we are excited to continue and push the development with the community! And if you still can’t get enough, look at our talk from this year’s Linux Plumbers Conference.

It’s a brand-new NODE Mini Server!

Post Syndicated from Ashley Whittaker original https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/its-a-brand-new-node-mini-server/

NODE has long been working to create open-source resources to help more people harness the decentralised internet, and their easily 3D-printed designs are perfect to optimise your Raspberry Pi.

NODE wanted to take advantage of the faster processor and up to 8GB RAM on Raspberry Pi 4 when it came out last year. Now that our tiny computer is more than capable of being used as as a general Linux desktop system, the NODE Mini Server version 3 has been born.

As for previous versions of NODE’s Mini Server, one of their main goals for this new iteration was to package Raspberry Pi in a way which makes it a little easier to use as a regular mini server or computer. In other words, it’s put inside a neat little box with all the ports accessible on one side.

Black is incredibly slimming

Slimmer and simpler

The latest design is simplified compared to previous versions. Everything lives in a 92mm × 92mm enclosure that isn’t much thicker than Raspberry Pi itself.

The slimmed-down new case comprises a single 3D-printed piece and a top cover made from a custom-designed printed circuit board (PCB) that has four brass-threaded inserts soldered into the corners, giving you a simple way to screw everything together.

The custom PCB cover

What are the new features?

Another goal for version 3 NODE’s Mini Server was to include as much modularity as possible. That’s why this new mini server requires no modifications to the Raspberry Pi itself, thanks to a range of custom-designed adapter boards. How to take advantage of all these new features is explained at this point in NODE’s YouTube video.

Ooh, shiny and new and new and shiny

Just like for previous versions, all the files and a list of the components you need to create your own Mini Server are available for free on the NODE website.

Leave comments on NODE’s YouTube video if you’d like to create and sell your own Mini Server kits or pre-made servers. NODE is totally open to showcasing any add-ons or extras you come up with yourself.

Looking ahead, making the Mini Server stackable and improving fan circulation is next on NODE’s agenda.

The post It’s a brand-new NODE Mini Server! appeared first on Raspberry Pi.

Migrating Subversion repositories to AWS CodeCommit

Post Syndicated from Iftikhar khan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/migrating-subversion-repositories-aws-codecommit/

In this post, we walk you through migrating Subversion (SVN) repositories to AWS CodeCommit. But before diving into the migration, we do a brief review of SVN and Git based systems such as CodeCommit.

About SVN

SVN is an open-source version control system. Founded in 2000 by CollabNet, Inc., it was originally designed to be a better Concurrent Versions System (CVS), and is being developed as a project of the Apache Software Foundation. SVN is the third implementation of a revision control system: Revision Control System (RCS), then CVS, and finally SVN.

SVN is the leader in centralized version control. Systems such as CVS and SVN have a single remote server of versioned data with individual users operating locally against copies of that data’s version history. Developers commit their changes directly to that central server repository.

All the files and commit history information are stored in a central server, but working on a single central server means more chances of having a single point of failure. SVN offers few offline access features; a developer has to connect to the SVN server to make a commit that makes commits slower. The single point of failure, security, maintenance, and scaling SVN infrastructure are the major concerns for any organization.

About DVCS

Distributed Version Control Systems (DVCSs) address the concerns and challenges of SVN. In a DVCS (such as Git or Mercurial), you don’t just check out the latest snapshot of the files; rather, you fully mirror the repository, including its full history. If any server dies, and these systems are collaborating via that server, you can copy any of the client repositories back up to the server to restore it. Every clone is a full backup of all the data.

DVCs such as Git are built with speed, non-linear development, simplicity, and efficiency in mind. It works very efficiently with large projects, which is one of the biggest factors why customers find it popular.

A significant reason to migrate to Git is branching and merging. Creating a branch is very lightweight, which allows you to work faster and merge easily.

About CodeCommit

CodeCommit is a version control system that is fully managed by AWS. CodeCommit can host secure and highly scalable private Git repositories, which eliminates the need to operate your source control system and scale its infrastructure. You can use it to securely store anything, from source code to binaries. CodeCommit features like collaboration, encryption, and easy access control make it a great choice. It works seamlessly with most existing Git tools and provides free private repositories.

Understanding the repository structure of SVN and Git

SVNs have a tree model with one branch where the revisions are stored, whereas Git uses a graph structure and each commit is a node that knows its parent. When comparing the two, consider the following features:

  • Trunk – An SVN trunk is like a primary branch in a Git repository, and contains tested and stable code.
  • Branches – For SVN, branches are treated as separate entities with its own history. You can merge revisions between branches, but they’re different entities. Because of its centralized nature, all branches are remote. In Git, branches are very cheap; it’s a pointer for a particular commit on the tree. It can be local or be pushed to a remote repository for collaboration.
  • Tags – A tag is just another folder in the main repository in SVN and remains static. In Git, a tag is a static pointer to a specific commit.
  • Commits – To commit in SVN, you need access to the main repository and it creates a new revision in the remote repository. On Git, the commit happens locally, so you don’t need to have access to the remote. You can commit the work locally and then push all the commits at one time.

So far, we have covered how SVN is different from Git-based version control systems and illustrated the layout of SVN repositories. Now it’s time to look at how to migrate SVN repositories to CodeCommit.

Planning for migration

Planning is always a good thing. Before starting your migration, consider the following:

  • Identify SVN branches to migrate.
  • Come up with a branching strategy for CodeCommit and document how you can map SVN branches.
  • Prepare build, test scripts, and test cases for system testing.

If the size of the SVN repository is big enough, consider running all migration commands on the SVN server. This saves time because it eliminates network bottlenecks.

Migrating the SVN repository to CodeCommit

When you’re done with the planning aspects, it’s time to start migrating your code.


You must have the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) with an active account and Git installed on the machine that you’re planning to use for migration.

Listing all SVN users for an SVN repository
SVN uses a user name for each commit, whereas Git stores the real name and email address. In this step, we map SVN users to their corresponding Git names and email.

To list all the SVN users, run the following PowerShell command from the root of your local SVN checkout:

svn.exe log --quiet | ? { $_ -notlike '-*' } | % { "{0} = {0} &amp;amp;lt;{0}&amp;amp;gt;" -f ($_ -split ' \| ')[1] } | Select-Object -Unique | Out-File 'authors-transform.txt'

On a Linux based machine, run the following command from the root of your local SVN checkout:

svn log -q | awk -F '|' '/^r/ {sub("^ ", "", $2); sub(" $", "", $2); print $2" = "$2" &lt;"$2"&gt;"}' | sort -u &gt; authors-transform.txt

The authors-transform.txt file content looks like the following code:

ikhan = ikhan <ikhan>
foobar= foobar <foobar>
abob = abob <abob>

After you transform the SVN user to a Git user, it should look like the following code:

ikhan = ifti khan <[email protected]>
fbar = foo bar <[email protected]>
abob = aaron bob <[email protected]>

Importing SVN contents to a Git repository

The next step in the migration from SVN to Git is to import the contents of the SVN repository into a new Git repository. We do this with the git svn utility, which is included with most Git distributions. The conversion process can take a significant amount of time for larger repositories.

The git svn clone command transforms the trunk, branches, and tags in your SVN repository into a new Git repository. The command depends on the structure of the SVN.

git svn clone may not be available in all installations; you might consider using an AWS Cloud9 environment or using a temporary Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance.

If your SVN layout is standard, use the following command:

git svn clone --stdlayout --authors-file=authors.txt  <svn-repo>/<project> <temp-dir/project>

If your SVN layout isn’t standard, you need to map the trunk, branches, and tags folder in the command as parameters:

git svn clone <svn-repo>/<project> --prefix=svn/ --no-metadata --trunk=<trunk-dir> --branches=<branches-dir>  --tags==<tags-dir>  --authors-file "authors-transform.txt" <temp-dir/project>

Creating a bare Git repository and pushing the local repository

In this step, we create a blank repository and match the default branch with the SVN’s trunk name.

To create the .gitignore file, enter the following code:

cd <temp-dir/project>
git svn show-ignore > .gitignore
git add .gitignore
git commit -m 'Adding .gitignore.'

To create the bare Git repository, enter the following code:

git init --bare <git-project-dir>\local-bare.git
cd <git-project-dir>\local-bare.git
git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/trunk

To update the local bare Git repository, enter the following code:

cd <temp-dir/project>
git remote add bare <git-project-dir\local-bare.git>
git config remote.bare.push 'refs/remotes/*:refs/heads/*'
git push bare

You can also add tags:

cd <git-project-dir\local-bare.git>

For Windows, enter the following code:

git for-each-ref --format='%(refname)' refs/heads/tags | % { $_.Replace('refs/heads/tags/','') } | % { git tag $_ "refs/heads/tags/$_"; git branch -D "tags/$_" }

For Linux, enter the following code:

for t in $(git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' refs/remotes/tags); do git tag ${t/tags\//} $t &amp;&amp; git branch -D -r $t; done

You can also add branches:

cd <git-project-dir\local-bare.git>

For Windows, enter the following code:

git for-each-ref --format='%(refname)' refs/remotes | % { $_.Replace('refs/remotes/','') } | % { git branch "$_" "refs/remotes/$_"; git branch -r -d "$_"; }

For Linux, enter the following code:

for b in $(git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' refs/remotes); do git branch $b refs/remotes/$b && git branch -D -r $b; done

As a final touch-up, enter the following code:

cd <git-project-dir\local-bare.git>
git branch -m trunk master

Creating a CodeCommit repository

You can now create a CodeCommit repository with the following code (make sure that the AWS CLI is configured with your preferred Region and credentials):

aws configure
aws codecommit create-repository --repository-name MySVNRepo --repository-description "SVN Migration repository" --tags Team=Migration

You get the following output:

    "repositoryMetadata": {
        "repositoryName": "MySVNRepo",
        "cloneUrlSsh": "ssh://ssh://git-codecommit.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/v1/repos/MySVNRepo",
        "lastModifiedDate": 1446071622.494,
        "repositoryDescription": "SVN Migration repository",
        "cloneUrlHttp": "https://git-codecommit.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/v1/repos/MySVNRepo",
        "creationDate": 1446071622.494,
        "repositoryId": "f7579e13-b83e-4027-aaef-650c0EXAMPLE",
        "Arn": "arn:aws:codecommit:us-east-2:111111111111:MySVNRepo",
        "accountId": "111111111111"

Pushing the code to CodeCommit

To push your code to the new CodeCommit repository, enter the following code:

cd <git-project-dir\local-bare.git>
git remote add origin https://git-codecommit.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/v1/repos/MySVNRepo
git add *

git push origin --all
git push origin --tags (Optional if tags are mapped)


When migrating SVN repositories, you might encounter a few SVN errors, which are displayed as code on the console. For more information, see Subversion client errors caused by inappropriate repository URL.

For more information about the git-svn utility, see the git-svn documentation.


In this post, we described the straightforward process of using the git-svn utility to migrate SVN repositories to Git or Git-based systems like CodeCommit. After you migrate an SVN repository to CodeCommit, you can use any Git-based client and start using CodeCommit as your primary version control system without worrying about securing and scaling its infrastructure.