Tag Archives: Engineering

10 unexpected ways to use GitHub Copilot

Post Syndicated from Kedasha Kerr original https://github.blog/2024-01-22-10-unexpected-ways-to-use-github-copilot/

Writing code is more than just writing code. There’s commit messages to write, CLI commands to execute, and obscure syntax to try to remember. While you’ve probably used GitHub Copilot to support your coding, did you know it can also support your other workloads?

GitHub Copilot is widely known for its ability to help developers write code in their IDE. Today, I want to show you how the AI assistant’s abilities can extend beyond just code generation. In this post, we’ll explore 10 use cases where GitHub Copilot can help reduce friction during your developer workflow. This includes pull requests, working from the command line, debugging CI/CD workflows, and much more!

Let’s get into it.

1. Run terminal commands from GitHub Copilot Chat

If you ever forget how to run a particular command when you’re working in your VS Code, GitHub Copilot Chat is here to help! With the new @terminal agent in VS Code, you can ask GitHub Copilot how to run a particular command. Once it generates a response, you can then click the “Insert into Terminal” button to run the suggested command.

Let me show you what I mean:

The @terminal agent in VS Code also has context about the integrated shell terminal, so it can help you even further.

2. Write pull request summaries (Copilot Enterprise feature only)

We’ve all been there where we made a sizable pull request with tons of files and hundreds of changes. But, sometimes, it can be hard to remember every little detail that we’ve implemented or changed.

Yet it’s an important part of collaborating with other engineers/developers on my team. After all, if I don’t give them a summary of my proposed changes, I’m not giving them the full context they need to provide an effective review. Thankfully, GitHub Copilot is now integrated into pull requests! This means, with the assistance of AI, you can generate a detailed pull request summary of the changes you made in your files.

Let’s look at how you can generate these summaries:

Now, isn’t that grand! All you have to do is go in and edit what was generated and you have a great, detailed explanation of all the changes you’ve made—with links to changed files!

Note: You will need a Copilot Enterprise plan (which requires GitHub Enterprise Cloud) to use PR summaries. Learn more about this enterprise feature by reading our documentation.

3. Generate commit messages

I came across this one recently while making changes in VS Code. GitHub Copilot can help you generate commit messages right in your IDE. If you click on the source control button, you’ll notice a sparkle in the message input box.

Click on those sparkles and voilà, commit messages are generated on your behalf:

I thought this was a pretty nifty feature of GitHub Copilot in VS Code and Visual Studio.

4. Get help in the terminal with GitHub Copilot in the CLI

Another way to get help with terminal commands is to use GitHub Copilot in the CLI. This is an extension to GitHub CLI that helps you with general shell commands, Git commands, and gh cli commands.

GitHub Copilot in the CLI is a game-changer that is super useful for reminding you of commands, teaching you new commands or explaining random commands you come across online.

Learn how to get started with GitHub Copilot in the CLI by reading this post!

5. Talk to your repositories on GitHub.com (Copilot Enterprise feature only)

If you’ve ever gone to a new repository and have no idea what’s happening even though the README is there, you can now use GitHub Copilot Chat to explain the repository to you, right in GitHub.com. Just click on the Copilot icon in the top right corner of the repository and ask whatever you want to know about that repository.

On GitHub.com you can ask Copilot general software related questions, questions about the context of your project, questions about a specific file, or specified lines of code within a file.

Note: You will need a Copilot Enterprise plan (which requires GitHub Enterprise Cloud) to use GitHub Copilot Chat in repositories on GitHub.com. Learn more about this enterprise feature by reading our documentation.

6. Fix code inline

Did you know that in addition to asking for suggestions with comments, you can get help with your code inline? Just highlight the code you want to fix, right click, and select “Fix using Copilot.” Copilot will then provide you with a suggested fix for your code.

This is great to have for those small little fixes we sometimes need right in our current files.

7. Bulk close 1000+ GitHub Issues

My team and I had a use case where we needed to close over 1,600 invalid GitHub Issues submitted to one of our repositories. I created a custom GitHub Action that automatically closed all 1,600+ issues and implemented the solution with GitHub Copilot.

GitHub Copilot Chat helped me to create the GitHub Action, and also helped me implement the closeIssue() function very quickly by leveraging Octokit to grab all the issues that needed to be closed.

Example of a closeissues.js script generated by GitHub Copilot

You can read all about how I bulk closed 1000+ GitHub issues in this blog post, but just know that with GitHub Copilot Chat, we went from having 1,600+ open issues, to a measly 64 in a matter of minutes.

8. Generate documentation for your code

We all love documenting our code, but just in case some of us need a little help writing documentation, GitHub Copilot is here to help!

Regardless of your language, you can quickly generate documentation following language specific formats—Docstring for Python, JSDoc for Javascript or Javadoc for Java.

9. Get help with error messages in your terminal

Error messages can often be confusing. With GitHub Copilot in your IDE, you can now get help with error messages right in the terminal. Just highlight the error message, right click, and select “Explain with Copilot.” GitHub Copilot will then provide you with a description of the error and a suggested fix.

You can also bring error messages from your browser console into Copilot Chat so it can explain those messages to you as well with the /explain slash command.

10. Debug your GitHub Actions workflow

Whenever I have a speaking engagement, I like to create my slides using Slidev, an open source presentation slide builder for developers. I enjoy using it because I can create my slides in Markdown and still make them look splashy! Take a look at this one for example!

Anyway, there was a point in time where I had an issue with deploying my slides to GitHub Pages and I just couldn’t figure out what the issue was. So, of course, I turned to my trusty assistant—GitHub Copilot Chat that helped me debug my way through deploying my slides.

Conversation between GitHub Copilot Chat and developer to debug a GitHub Actions workflow

Read more about how I debugged my deployment workflow with GitHub Copilot Chat here.

GitHub Copilot goes beyond code completion

As you see above, GitHub Copilot extends far beyond your editor and code completion. It is truly evolving to be one of the best tools you can have in your developer toolkit. I’m still learning and discovering new ways to integrate GitHub Copilot into my daily workflow and I hope you give some of the above a chance!

Be sure to sign up for Github Copilot if you haven’t tried it out yet and stay up to date with all that’s happening by subscribing to our developer newsletter for more tips, technical guides, and best practices! You can also drop me a note on X if you have any questions, @itsthatladydev.

Until next time, happy coding!

The post 10 unexpected ways to use GitHub Copilot appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

GitHub Availability Report: December 2023

Post Syndicated from Jakub Oleksy original https://github.blog/2024-01-17-github-availability-report-december-2023/

In December, we experienced three incidents that resulted in degraded performance across GitHub services. All three are related to a broad secret rotation initiative in late December. While we have investigated and identified improvements from each of these individual incidents, we are also reviewing broader opportunities to reduce availability risk in our broader secrets management.

December 27 02:30 UTC (lasting 90 minutes)

While rotating HMAC secrets between GitHub’s frontend service and an internal service, we triggered a bug in how we fetch keys from Azure Key Vault. API calls between the two services started failing when we disabled a key in Key Vault while rolling back a rotation in response to an alert.

This resulted in all codespace creations failing between 02:30 and 04:00 UTC on December 27 and approximately 15% of resumes to fail as well as other background functions. We temporarily re-enabled the key in Key Vault to mitigate the impact before deploying a change to continue the secret rotation. The original alert turned out to be a separate issue that was not customer-impacting and was fixed immediately after the incident.

Learning from this, the team has improved the existing playbooks for HMAC key rotation and documentation of our Azure Key Vault implementation.

December 28 05:52 UTC (lasting 65 minutes)

Between 5:52 UTC and 6:47 UTC on December 28, certain GitHub email notifications were not sent due to failed authentication between backend services that generate notifications and a subset of our SMTP servers. This primarily impacted CI activity and Gist email notifications.

This was caused by the rotation of authentication credentials between frontend and internal services that resulted in the SMTP servers not being correctly updated with the new credentials. This triggered an alert for one of the two impacted notifications services within minutes of the secret rotation. On-call engineers discovered the incorrect authentication update on the SMTP servers and applied changes to update it, which mitigated the impact.

Repair items have already been completed to update the relevant secrets rotation playbooks and documentation. While the monitor that did fire was sufficient in this case to engage on-call engineers and remediate the incident, we’ve completed an additional repair item to provide earlier alerting across all services moving forward.

December 29 00:34 UTC (lasting 68 minutes)

Users were unable to sign in or sign up for new accounts between 00:34 and 1:42 UTC on December 29. Existing sessions were not impacted.

This was caused by a credential rotation that was not mirrored in our frontend caches, causing the mismatch in behavior between signed in and signed out users. We resolved the incident by deploying the updated credentials to our cache service.

Repair items are underway to improve our monitoring of signed out user experiences and to better manage updates to shared credentials in our systems moving forward.

Please follow our status page for real-time updates on status changes and post-incident recaps. To learn more about what we’re working on, check out the GitHub Engineering Blog.

The post GitHub Availability Report: December 2023 appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

A developer’s second brain: Reducing complexity through partnership with AI

Post Syndicated from Eirini Kalliamvakou original https://github.blog/2024-01-17-a-developers-second-brain-reducing-complexity-through-partnership-with-ai/

As adoption of AI tools expands and the technology evolves, so do developers’ expectations and perspectives. Last year, our research showed that letting GitHub Copilot shoulder boring and repetitive work reduced cognitive load, freed up time, and brought delight to developers. A year later, we’ve seen the broad adoption of ChatGPT, an explosion of new and better models, and AI agents are now the talk of the industry. What is the next opportunity to provide value for developers through the use of AI? How do developers feel about working more closely with AI? And how do we integrate AI into workflows in a way that elevates developers’ work and identity?

The deeper integration of AI in developers’ workflows represents a major change to how they work. At GitHub Next we recently interviewed 25 developers to build a solid qualitative understanding of their perspective. We can’t measure what we don’t understand (or we can measure it wrong), so this qualitative deep dive is essential before we develop metrics and statistics. The clear signal we got about developers’ motivations and openness is already informing our plans, vision, and perspective, and today we are sharing it to inform yours, too. Let’s see what we found!

Finding 1: Cognitive burden is real, and developers experience it in two ways

The mentally taxing tasks developers talked about fell into two categories:

  • “This is so tedious”: repetitive, boilerplate, and uninteresting tasks. Developers view these tasks as not worth their time, and therefore, ripe for automation.
  • “This hurts my brain”: challenging yet interesting, fun, and engaging tasks. Developers see these as the core tasks of programming. They call for learning, problem solving and figuring things out, all of which help them grow as engineers.

AI is already making the tedious work less taxing. Tools like GitHub Copilot are being “a second pair of hands” for developers to speed them through the uninteresting work. They report higher satisfaction from spending more of their energy on interesting work. Achievement unlocked!

But what about the cognitive burden incurred by tasks that are legitimately complex and interesting? This burden manifests as an overwhelming level of difficulty which can discourage a developer from attempting the task. One of our interviewees described the experience: _“Making you feel like you can’t think and [can’t] be as productive as you would be, and having mental blockers and distractions that prevent you from solving problems.”_That’s not a happy state for developers.

Even with the advances of the last two years, AI has an opportunity to provide fresh value to developers. The paradigm for AI tools shifts from “a second pair of hands” to “a second brain,” augmenting developers’ thinking, lowering the mental tax of advanced tasks, and helping developers tackle complexity.

Where do developers stand on partnering with AI to tackle more complex tasks?

Finding 2: Developers are eager for AI assistance in complex tasks, but we have to get the boundaries right

The potential value of helping developers with complex tasks is high, but it’s tricky to get right. In contrast to tedious tasks, developers feel a strong attachment to complex or advanced programming tasks. They see themselves as ultimately responsible for solving complex problems. It is through working on these tasks that they learn, provide value, and gain an understanding of large systems, enabling them to maintain and expand those systems. This developer perspective is critical; it influences how open developers are to the involvement of AI in their workflows, and in what ways. And it sets a clear—though open-ended—goal for us to build a good “developer-AI partnership” and figure out how AI can augment developers during complex tasks, without compromising their understanding, learning, or identity.

Another observation in the interviews was that developers are not expecting perfection from AI today—an answer that perhaps would have been different 12 months ago. What’s more, developers see themselves as supervising and guiding the AI tools to produce the appropriate-for-them output. Today that process can still be frustrating—and at times, counterproductive—but developers’ view this process as paying dividends long-term as developers and AI tools adapt to each other and work in partnership.

Finding 3: Complex tasks have four parts

At this point, we have to introduce some nuances to help us think about what the developer-AI partnership and its boundaries might look like. We talk about tasks as whole units of work, but there is a lot that goes on, so let’s give things a bit of structure. We used the following framework that recognizes four parts to a task:

Diagram that outlines a framework that recognizes four parts to a task: sense making, decision making, plan of action, and implementation.

This framework (slightly adapted) comes from earlier research on automation allocation logic and the interface of humans and AI during various tasks. The framework’s history, and the fact that it resonated with all our interviewees, makes us confident that it’s a helpful way to think about complex software development tasks. Developers may not always enjoy such a neatly linear process, but this is a useful mechanism to understand where AI assistance can have the most impact for developers. The question is where are developers facing challenges, and how open they are to input and help from AI.

Finding 4: Developers are open to AI assistance with sense making and with a plan of action

Developers want to get to context fast but need to find and ingest a lot of information, and often they are not sure where to begin. “The AI agent is way more efficient to do that,” one of the interviewees said, echoed by many others. At this stage, AI assistance can take the form of parsing a lot of information, synthesizing it, and surfacing highlights to focus the developer’s attention. While developers were eager to get AI assistance with the sense making process, they pointed out that they still want to have oversight. They want to see what sources the AI tool is using, and be able to input additional sources that are situationally relevant or unknown to the AI. An interviewee put it like this: “There’s context in what humans know that without it AI tools wouldn’t suggest something valuable.”

Developers also find it overwhelming to determine the specific steps to solve a problem or perform a task. This activity is inherently open-ended—developers suffer from cognitive load as they evaluate different courses of actions and attempt to reason about tradeoffs, implications, and the relative importance of tighter scope (for example, solving this problem now) versus broader scope (for example, investing more effort now to produce a more durable solution). Developers are looking for AI input here to get them past the intimidation of the blank canvas. Can AI propose a plan—or more than one—and argue the pros and cons of each? Developers want to skip over the initial brainstorming and start with some strawman options to evaluate, or use as prompts for further brainstorming. As with the process of sense making, developers still want to exercise oversight over the AI, and be able to edit or cherry-pick steps in the plan.

Finding 5: Developers are cautious about AI autonomy in decision making or implementation

While there are areas where developers welcome AI input, it is equally important to understand where they are skeptical about it, and why.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, developers want to retain control of all decision making while they work on complex tasks and large changes. We mentioned earlier how developers’ identity is tied to complex programming tasks and problems, and that they see themselves ultimately responsible and accountable for them. As such, while AI tools can be helpful by simplifying context and providing alternatives, developers want to retain executive oversight of all decisions.

Developers were also hesitant to let AI tools handle implementation autonomously. There were two concerns at the root of developers’ reluctance:

  • Today’s AI is perceived as insufficiently reliable to handle implementation autonomously. That’s a fair point; we have seen many examples of models providing inaccurate results to even trivial questions and tasks. It may also be a reflection of the technical limitations today. As models and capabilities improve, developers’ perceptions may shift.
  • AI is perceived as a threat to the value of developers. There was concern that autonomous implementation removes the value developers contribute today, in addition to compromising their understanding of code and learning opportunities. This suggests a design goal for AI tools: aiding developers to acquire and refresh mental models quickly, and enabling them to pivot in and out of implementation details. These tools must aid learning, even as they implement changes on behalf of the developer.

What do the findings mean for developers?

The first wave of AI tools provide a second pair of hands for developers, bringing them the delight of doing less boilerplate work while saving them time. As we look forward, saving developers mental energy—an equally finite and critical resource—is the next frontier. We must help developers tackle complexity by also arming them with a second brain. Unlocking developer happiness seems to be correlated with experiencing lower cognitive burden. AI tools and agents lower the barriers to creation and experimentation in software development through the use of natural language as well as techniques that conserve developers’ attention for the tasks which remain the province of humans.

We anticipate that partnership with AI will naturally result in developers shifting up a level of abstraction in how they think and work. Developers will likely become “systems thinkers,” focusing on specifying the behavior of systems and applications that solve problems and address opportunities, steering and supervising what AI tools produce, and intervening when they have to. Systems thinking has always been a virtuous quality of software developers, but it is frequently viewed as the responsibility of experienced developers. As the mechanical work of development is transferred from developers to AI tooling, systems thinking will become a skill that developers can exercise earlier in their careers, accelerating their growth. Such a path will not only enable more developers to tackle increasing complexity, but will also create clear boundaries between their value/identity and the role that AI tools play in their workflow.

We recently discussed these implications for developers in a panel at GitHub Universe 2023. Check out the recording for a more thorough view!

How are we using these findings?

Based on the findings from our interviews, we realize that a successful developer-AI partnership is one that plays to the strengths of each partner. AI tools and models today have efficiency advantages in parsing, summarizing, and synthesizing a lot of information quickly. Additionally, we can leverage AI agents to recommend and critique plans of action for complex tasks. Combined, these two AI affordances can provide developers with an AI-native workflow that lowers the high mental tax at the start of tasks, and helps tackle the complexity of making larger changes to a codebase. On the other side of the partnership, developers remain the best judges of whether a proposed course of action is the best one. Developers also have situational and contextual knowledge that makes their decisions and implementation direction unique, and the ideal reference point for AI assistance.

At the same time, we realize from the interviews how critical steerability and transparency are for developers when it comes to working with AI tools. When developers envision deeper, more meaningful integration of AI into their workflows, they envision AI tools that help them to think, but do not think for them. They envision AI tools that are involved in the act of sense making and crafting plans of action, but do not perform actions without oversight, consent, review, or approval. It is this transparency and steerability that will keep developers in the loop and in control even as AI tools become capable of more autonomous action.

Finally, there is a lot of room for AI tools to earn developers’ trust in their output. This trust is not established today, and will take some time to build, provided that AI tools demonstrate reliable behavior. As one of our interviewees described it: “The AI shouldn’t have full autonomy to do whatever it sees best. Once the AI has a better understanding, you can give more control to the AI agent.” In the meantime, it is critical that developers can easily validate any AI-suggested changes“The AI agent needs to sell you on the approach. It would be nice if you could have a virtual run through of the execution of the plan,” our interviewee continued.

These design principles—derived from the developer interviews—are informing how we are building Copilot Workspace at GitHub Next. Copilot Workspace is our vision of a developer partnering with AI from a task description all the way to the implementation that becomes a pull request. Context is derived from everything contained in the task description, supporting developers’ sense making, and the AI agent in Copilot Workspace proposes a plan of action. To ensure steerability and transparency, developers can edit the plan and, once they choose to implement it, they can inspect and edit all the Copilot-suggested changes. Copilot Workspace also supports validating the changes by building and testing them. The workflow ends—as it typically would—with the developer creating a pull request to share their changes with the rest of their team for review.

This is just the beginning of our vision. Empowering developers with AI manifests differently over time, as tools get normalized, AI capabilities expand, and developers’ behavior adapts. The next wave of value will come from evolving AI tools to be a second brain, through natural language, AI agents, visual programming, and other advancements. As we bring new workflows to developers, we remain vigilant about not overstepping. Software creation will change sooner than we think, and our goal is to reinforce developers’ ownership, understanding, and learning of code and systems in new ways as well. As we make consequential technical leaps forward we also remain user-centric—listening to and understanding developers’ sentiment and needs, informing our own perspective as we go.

Who did we interview?

In this round of interviews, we recruited 25 US-based participants, working full-time as software engineers. Eighteen of the interviewees (72%) were favorable towards AI tools, while seven interviewees (28%) self-identified as AI skeptics. Participants worked in organizations of various sizes (64% in Large or Extra-Large Enterprises, 32% in Small or Medium Enterprises, and 4% in a startup). Finally, we recruited participants across the spectrum of years of professional experience (32% had 0-5 years experience, 44% had 6-10 years, 16% had 11-15 years, and 8% had over 16 years of experience).

We are grateful to all the developers who participated in the interviews—your input is invaluable as we continue to invest in the AI-powered developer experience of tomorrow.

The post A developer’s second brain: Reducing complexity through partnership with AI appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

Kafka on Kubernetes: Reloaded for fault tolerance

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/kafka-on-kubernetes


Coban – Grab’s real-time data streaming platform – has been operating Kafka on Kubernetes with Strimzi in
production for about two years. In a previous article (Zero trust with Kafka), we explained how we leveraged Strimzi to enhance the security of our data streaming offering.

In this article, we are going to describe how we improved the fault tolerance of our initial design, to the point where we no longer need to intervene if a Kafka broker is unexpectedly terminated.

Problem statement

We operate Kafka in the AWS Cloud. For the Kafka on Kubernetes design described in this article, we rely on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), the managed Kubernetes offering by AWS, with the worker nodes deployed as self-managed nodes on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).

To make our operations easier and limit the blast radius of any incidents, we deploy exactly one Kafka cluster for each EKS cluster. We also give a full worker node to each Kafka broker. In terms of storage, we initially relied on EC2 instances with non-volatile memory express (NVMe) instance store volumes for
maximal I/O performance. Also, each Kafka cluster is accessible beyond its own Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) via a VPC Endpoint Service.

Fig. 1 Initial design of a 3-node Kafka cluster running on Kubernetes.

Fig. 1 shows a logical view of our initial design of a 3-node Kafka on Kubernetes cluster, as typically run by Coban. The Zookeeper and Cruise-Control components are not shown for clarity.

There are four Kubernetes services (1): one for the initial connection – referred to as “bootstrap” – that redirects incoming traffic to any Kafka pods, plus one for each Kafka pod, for the clients to target each Kafka broker individually (a requirement to produce or consume from/to a partition that resides on any particular Kafka broker). Four different listeners on the Network Load Balancer (NLB) listening on four different TCP ports, enable the Kafka clients to target either the bootstrap
service or any particular Kafka broker they need to reach. This is very similar to what we previously described in Exposing a Kafka Cluster via a VPC Endpoint Service.

Each worker node hosts a single Kafka pod (2). The NVMe instance store volume is used to create a Kubernetes Persistent Volume (PV), attached to a pod via a Kubernetes Persistent Volume Claim (PVC).

Lastly, the worker nodes belong to Auto-Scaling Groups (ASG) (3), one by Availability Zone (AZ). Strimzi adds in node affinity to make sure that the brokers are evenly distributed across AZs. In this initial design, ASGs are not for auto-scaling though, because we want to keep the size of the cluster under control. We only use ASGs – with a fixed size – to facilitate manual scaling operation and to automatically replace the terminated worker nodes.

With this initial design, let us see what happens in case of such a worker node termination.

Fig. 2 Representation of a worker node termination. Node C is terminated and replaced by node D. However the Kafka broker 3 pod is unable to restart on node D.

Fig. 2 shows the worker node C being terminated along with its NVMe instance store volume C, and replaced (by the ASG) by a new worker node D and its new, empty NVMe instance store volume D. On start-up, the worker node D automatically joins the Kubernetes cluster. The Kafka broker 3 pod that was running on the faulty worker node C is scheduled to restart on the new worker node D.

Although the NVMe instance store volume C is terminated along with the worker node C, there is no data loss because all of our Kafka topics are configured with a minimum of three replicas. The data is poised to be copied over from the surviving Kafka brokers 1 and 2 back to Kafka broker 3, as soon as Kafka broker 3 is effectively restarted on the worker node D.

However, there are three fundamental issues with this initial design:

  1. The Kafka clients that were in the middle of producing or consuming to/from the partition leaders of Kafka broker 3 are suddenly facing connection errors, because the broker was not gracefully demoted beforehand.
  2. The target groups of the NLB for both the bootstrap connection and Kafka broker 3 still point to the worker node C. Therefore, the network communication from the NLB to Kafka broker 3 is broken. A manual reconfiguration of the target groups is required.
  3. The PVC associating the Kafka broker 3 pod with its instance store PV is unable to automatically switch to the new NVMe instance store volume of the worker node D. Indeed, static provisioning is an intrinsic characteristic of Kubernetes local volumes. The PVC is still in Bound state, so Kubernetes does not take any action. However, the actual storage beneath the PV does not exist anymore. Without any storage, the Kafka broker 3 pod is unable to start.

At this stage, the Kafka cluster is running in a degraded state with only two out of three brokers, until a Coban engineer intervenes to reconfigure the target groups of the NLB and delete the zombie PVC (this, in turn, triggers its re-creation by Strimzi, this time using the new instance store PV).

In the next section, we will see how we have managed to address the three issues mentioned above to make this design fault-tolerant.


Graceful Kafka shutdown

To minimise the disruption for the Kafka clients, we leveraged the AWS Node Termination Handler (NTH). This component provided by AWS for Kubernetes environments is able to cordon and drain a worker node that is going to be terminated. This draining, in turn, triggers a graceful shutdown of the Kafka
process by sending a polite SIGTERM signal to all pods running on the worker node that is being drained (instead of the brutal SIGKILL of a normal termination).

The termination events of interest that are captured by the NTH are:

  • Scale-in operations by an ASG.
  • Manual termination of an instance.
  • AWS maintenance events, typically EC2 instances scheduled for upcoming retirement.

This suffices for most of the disruptions our clusters can face in normal times and our common maintenance operations, such as terminating a worker node to refresh it. Only sudden hardware failures (AWS issue events) would fall through the cracks and still trigger errors on the Kafka client side.

The NTH comes in two modes: Instance Metadata Service (IMDS) and Queue Processor. We chose to go with the latter as it is able to capture a broader range of events, widening the fault tolerance capability.

Scale-in operations by an ASG

Fig. 3 Architecture of the NTH with the Queue Processor.

Fig. 3 shows the NTH with the Queue Processor in action, and how it reacts to a scale-in operation (typically triggered manually, during a maintenance operation):

  1. As soon as the scale-in operation is triggered, an Auto Scaling lifecycle hook is invoked to pause the termination of the instance.
  2. Simultaneously, an Auto Scaling lifecycle hook event is issued to an Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) queue. In Fig. 3, we have also materialised EC2 events (e.g. manual termination of an instance, AWS maintenance events, etc.) that transit via Amazon EventBridge to eventually end up in the same SQS queue. We will discuss EC2 events in the next two sections.
  3. The NTH, a pod running in the Kubernetes cluster itself, constantly polls that SQS queue.
  4. When a scale-in event pertaining to a worker node of the Kubernetes cluster is read from the SQS queue, the NTH sends to the Kubernetes API the instruction to cordon and drain the impacted worker node.
  5. On draining, Kubernetes sends a SIGTERM signal to the Kafka pod residing on the worker node.
  6. Upon receiving the SIGTERM signal, the Kafka pod gracefully migrates the leadership of its leader partitions to other brokers of the cluster before shutting down, in a transparent manner for the clients. This behaviour is ensured by the controlled.shutdown.enable parameter of Kafka, which is enabled by default.
  7. Once the impacted worker node has been drained, the NTH eventually resumes the termination of the instance.

Strimzi also comes with a terminationGracePeriodSeconds parameter, which we have set to 180 seconds to give the Kafka pods enough time to migrate all of their partition leaders gracefully on termination. We have verified that this is enough to migrate all partition leaders on our Kafka clusters (about 60 seconds for 600 partition leaders).

Manual termination of an instance

The Auto Scaling lifecycle hook that pauses the termination of an instance (Fig. 3, step 1) as well as the corresponding resuming by the NTH (Fig. 3, step 7) are invoked only for ASG scaling events.

In case of a manual termination of an EC2 instance, the termination is captured as an EC2 event that also reaches the NTH. Upon receiving that event, the NTH cordons and drains the impacted worker node. However, the instance is immediately terminated, most likely before the leadership of all of its Kafka partition leaders has had the time to get migrated to other brokers.

To work around this and let a manual termination of an EC2 instance also benefit from the ASG lifecycle hook, the instance must be terminated using the terminate-instance-in-auto-scaling-group AWS CLI command.

AWS maintenance events

For AWS maintenance events such as instances scheduled for upcoming retirement, the NTH acts immediately when the event is first received (typically adequately in advance). It cordons and drains the soon-to-be-retired worker node, which in turn triggers the SIGTERM signal and the graceful termination of Kafka as described above. At this stage, the impacted instance is not terminated, so the Kafka partition leaders have plenty of time to complete their migration to other brokers.

However, the evicted Kafka pod has nowhere to go. There is a need for spinning up a new worker node for it to be able to eventually restart somewhere.

To make this happen seamlessly, we doubled the maximum size of each of our ASGs and installed the Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler. With that, when such a maintenance event is received:

  • The worker node scheduled for retirement is cordoned and drained by the NTH. The state of the impacted Kafka pod becomes Pending.
  • The Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler comes into play and triggers the corresponding ASG to spin up a new EC2 instance that joins the Kubernetes cluster as a new worker node.
  • The impacted Kafka pod restarts on the new worker node.
  • The Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler detects that the previous worker node is now under-utilised and terminates it.

In this scenario, the impacted Kafka pod only remains in Pending state for about four minutes in total.

In case of multiple simultaneous AWS maintenance events, the Kubernetes scheduler would honour our PodDisruptionBudget and not evict more than one Kafka pod at a time.

Dynamic NLB configuration

To automatically map the NLB’s target groups with a newly spun up EC2 instance, we leveraged the AWS Load Balancer Controller (LBC).

Let us see how it works.

Fig. 4 Architecture of the LBC managing the NLB’s target groups via TargetGroupBinding custom resources.

Fig. 4 shows how the LBC automates the reconfiguration of the NLB’s target groups:

  1. It first retrieves the desired state described in Kubernetes custom resources (CR) of type TargetGroupBinding. There is one such resource per target group to maintain. Each TargetGroupBinding CR associates its respective target group with a Kubernetes service.
  2. The LBC then watches over the changes of the Kubernetes services that are referenced in the TargetGroupBinding CRs’ definition, specifically the private IP addresses exposed by their respective Endpoints resources.
  3. When a change is detected, it dynamically updates the corresponding NLB’s target groups with those IP addresses as well as the TCP port of the target containers (containerPort).

This automated design sets up the NLB’s target groups with IP addresses (targetType: ip) instead of EC2 instance IDs (targetType: instance). Although the LBC can handle both target types, the IP address approach is actually more straightforward in our case, since each pod has a routable private IP address in the AWS subnet, thanks to the AWS Container Networking Interface (CNI) plug-in.

This dynamic NLB configuration design comes with a challenge. Whenever we need to update the Strimzi CR, the rollout of the change to each Kafka pod in a rolling update fashion is happening too fast for the NLB. This is because the NLB inherently takes some time to mark each target as healthy before enabling it. The Kafka brokers that have just been rolled out start advertising their broker-specific endpoints to the Kafka clients via the bootstrap service, but those
endpoints are actually not immediately available because the NLB is still checking their health. To mitigate this, we have reduced the HealthCheckIntervalSeconds and HealthyThresholdCount parameters of each target group to their minimum values of 5 and 2 respectively. This reduces the maximum delay for the NLB to detect that a target has become healthy to 10 seconds. In addition, we have configured the LBC with a Pod Readiness Gate. This feature makes the Strimzi rolling deployment wait for the health check of the NLB to pass, before marking the current pod as Ready and proceeding with the next pod.

Fig. 5 Steps for a Strimzi rolling deployment with a Pod Readiness Gate. Only one Kafka broker and one NLB listener and target group are shown for simplicity.

Fig. 5 shows how the Pod Readiness Gate works during a Strimzi rolling deployment:

  1. The old Kafka pod is terminated.
  2. The new Kafka pod starts up and joins the Kafka cluster. Its individual endpoint for direct access via the NLB is immediately advertised by the Kafka cluster. However, at this stage, it is not reachable, as the target group of the NLB still points to the IP address of the old Kafka pod.
  3. The LBC updates the target group of the NLB with the IP address of the new Kafka pod, but the NLB health check has not yet passed, so the traffic is not forwarded to the new Kafka pod just yet.
  4. The LBC then waits for the NLB health check to pass, which takes 10 seconds. Once the NLB health check has passed, the NLB resumes forwarding the traffic to the Kafka pod.
  5. Finally, the LBC updates the pod readiness gate of the new Kafka pod. This informs Strimzi that it can proceed with the next pod of the rolling deployment.

Data persistence with EBS

To address the challenge of the residual PV and PVC of the old worker node preventing Kubernetes from mounting the local storage of the new worker node after a node rotation, we adopted Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes instead of NVMe instance store volumes. Contrary to the latter, EBS volumes can conveniently be attached and detached. The trade-off is that their performance is significantly lower.

However, relying on EBS comes with additional benefits:

  • The cost per GB is lower, compared to NVMe instance store volumes.
  • Using EBS decouples the size of an instance in terms of CPU and memory from its storage capacity, leading to further cost savings by independently right-sizing the instance type and its storage. Such a separation of concerns also opens the door to new use cases requiring disproportionate amounts of storage.
  • After a worker node rotation, the time needed for the new node to get back in sync is faster, as it only needs to catch up the data that was produced during the downtime. This leads to shorter maintenance operations and higher iteration speed. Incidentally, the associated inter-AZ traffic cost is also lower, since there is less data to transfer among brokers during this time.
  • Increasing the storage capacity is an online operation.
  • Data backup is supported by taking snapshots of EBS volumes.

We have verified with our historical monitoring data that the performance of EBS General Purpose 3 (gp3) volumes is significantly above our maximum historical values for both throughput and I/O per second (IOPS), and we have successfully benchmarked a test EBS-based Kafka cluster. We have also set up new monitors to be alerted in case we need to
provision either additional throughput or IOPS, beyond the baseline of EBS gp3 volumes.

With that, we updated our instance types from storage optimised instances to either general purpose or memory optimised instances. We added the Amazon EBS Container Storage Interface (CSI) driver to the Kubernetes cluster and created a new Kubernetes storage class to let the cluster dynamically provision EBS gp3 volumes.

We configured Strimzi to use that storage class to create any new PVCs. This makes Strimzi able to automatically create the EBS volumes it needs, typically when the cluster is first set up, but also to attach/detach the volumes to/from the EC2 instances whenever a Kafka pod is relocated to a different worker node.

Note that the EBS volumes are not part of any ASG Launch Template, nor do they scale automatically with the ASGs.

Fig. 6 Steps for the Strimzi Operator to create an EBS volume and attach it to a new Kafka pod.

Fig. 6 illustrates how this works when Strimzi sets up a new Kafka broker, for example the first broker of the cluster in the initial setup:

  1. The Strimzi Cluster Operator first creates a new PVC, specifying a volume size and EBS gp3 as its storage class. The storage class is configured with the EBS CSI Driver as the volume provisioner, so that volumes are dynamically provisioned [1]. However, because it is also set up with volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer, the volume is not yet provisioned until a pod actually claims the PVC.
  2. The Strimzi Cluster Operator then creates the Kafka pod, with a reference to the newly created PVC. The pod is scheduled to start, which in turn claims the PVC.
  3. This triggers the EBS CSI Controller. As the volume provisioner, it dynamically creates a new EBS volume in the AWS VPC, in the AZ of the worker node where the pod has been scheduled to start.
  4. It then attaches the newly created EBS volume to the corresponding EC2 instance.
  5. After that, it creates a Kubernetes PV with nodeAffinity and claimRef specifications, making sure that the PV is reserved for the Kafka broker 1 pod.
  6. Lastly, it updates the PVC with the reference of the newly created PV. The PVC is now in Bound state and the Kafka pod can start.

One important point to take note of is that EBS volumes can only be attached to EC2 instances residing in their own AZ. Therefore, when rotating a worker node, the EBS volume can only be re-attached to the new instance if both old and new instances reside in the same AZ. A simple way to guarantee this is to set up one ASG per AZ, instead of a single ASG spanning across 3 AZs.

Also, when such a rotation occurs, the new broker only needs to synchronise the recent data produced during the brief downtime, which is typically an order of magnitude faster than replicating the entire volume (depending on the overall retention period of the hosted Kafka topics).

Table 1 Comparison of the resynchronization of the Kafka data after a broker rotation between the initial design and the new design with EBS volumes.
Initial design (NVMe instance store volumes) New design (EBS volumes)
Data to synchronise All of the data Recent data produced during the brief downtime
Function of (primarily) Retention period Downtime
Typical duration Hours Minutes


With all that, let us revisit the initial scenario, where a malfunctioning worker node is being replaced by a fresh new node.

Fig. 7 Representation of a worker node termination after implementing the solution. Node C is terminated and replaced by node D. This time, the Kafka broker 3 pod is able to start and serve traffic.

Fig. 7 shows the worker node C being terminated and replaced (by the ASG) by a new worker node D, similar to what we have described in the initial problem statement. The worker node D automatically joins the Kubernetes cluster on start-up.

However, this time, a seamless failover takes place:

  1. The Kafka clients that were in the middle of producing or consuming to/from the partition leaders of Kafka broker 3 are gracefully redirected to Kafka brokers 1 and 2, where Kafka has migrated the leadership of its leader partitions.
  2. The target groups of the NLB for both the bootstrap connection and Kafka broker 3 are automatically updated by the LBC. The connectivity between the NLB and Kafka broker 3 is immediately restored.
  3. Triggered by the creation of the Kafka broker 3 pod, the Amazon EBS CSI driver running on the worker node D re-attaches the EBS volume 3 that was previously attached to the worker node C, to the worker node D instead. This enables Kubernetes to automatically re-bind the corresponding PV and PVC to Kafka broker 3 pod. With its storage dependency resolved, Kafka broker 3 is able to start successfully and re-join the Kafka cluster. From there, it only needs to catch up with the new data that was produced
    during its short downtime, by replicating it from Kafka brokers 1 and 2.

With this fault-tolerant design, when an EC2 instance is being retired by AWS, no particular action is required from our end.

Similarly, our EKS version upgrades, as well as any operations that require rotating all worker nodes of the cluster in general, are:

  • Simpler and less error-prone: We only need to rotate each instance in sequence, with no need for manually reconfiguring the target groups of the NLB and deleting the zombie PVCs anymore.
  • Faster: The time between each instance rotation is limited to the short amount of time it takes for the restarted Kafka broker to catch up with the new data.
  • More cost-efficient: There is less data to transfer across AZs (which is charged by AWS).

It is worth noting that we have chosen to omit Zookeeper and Cruise Control in this article, for the sake of clarity and simplicity. In reality, all pods in the Kubernetes cluster – including Zookeeper and Cruise Control – now benefit from the same graceful stop, triggered by the AWS termination events and the NTH. Similarly, the EBS CSI driver improves the fault tolerance of any pods that use EBS volumes for persistent storage, which includes the Zookeeper pods.

Challenges faced

One challenge that we are facing with this design lies in the EBS volumes’ management.

On the one hand, the size of EBS volumes cannot be increased consecutively before the end of a cooldown period (minimum of 6 hours and can exceed 24 hours in some cases [2]). Therefore, when we need to urgently extend some EBS volumes because the size of a Kafka topic is suddenly growing, we need to be relatively generous when sizing the new required capacity and add a comfortable security margin, to make sure that we are not running out of storage in the short run.

On the other hand, shrinking a Kubernetes PV is not a supported operation. This can affect the cost efficiency of our design if we overprovision the storage capacity by too much, or in case the workload of a particular cluster organically diminishes.

One way to mitigate this challenge is to tactically scale the cluster horizontally (ie. adding new brokers) when there is a need for more storage and the existing EBS volumes are stuck in a cooldown period, or when the new storage need is only temporary.

What’s next?

In the future, we can improve the NTH’s capability by utilising webhooks. Upon receiving events from SQS, the NTH can also forward the events to the specified webhook URLs.

This can potentially benefit us in a few ways, e.g.:

  • Proactively spinning up a new instance without waiting for the old one to be terminated, whenever a termination event is received. This would shorten the rotation time even further.
  • Sending Slack notifications to Coban engineers to keep them informed of any actions taken by the NTH.

We would need to develop and maintain an application that receives webhook events from the NTH and performs the necessary actions.

In addition, we are also rolling out Karpenter to replace the Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler, as it is able to spin up new instances slightly faster, helping reduce the four minutes delay a Kafka pod remains in Pending state during a node rotation. Incidentally, Karpenter also removes the need for setting up one ASG by AZ, as it is able to deterministically provision instances in a specific AZ, for example where a particular EBS volume resides.

Lastly, to ensure that the performance of our EBS gp3 volumes is both sufficient and cost-efficient, we want to explore autoscaling their throughput and IOPS beyond the baseline, based on the usage metrics collected by our monitoring stack.


[1] Dynamic Volume Provisioning | Kubernetes

[2] Troubleshoot EBS volume stuck in Optimizing state during modification | AWS re:Post

We would like to thank our team members and Grab Kubernetes gurus that helped review and improve this blog before publication: Will Ho, Gable Heng, Dewin Goh, Vinnson Lee, Siddharth Pandey, Shi Kai Ng, Quang Minh Tran, Yong Liang Oh, Leon Tay, Tuan Anh Vu.

Join us

Grab is the leading superapp platform in Southeast Asia, providing everyday services that matter to consumers. More than just a ride-hailing and food delivery app, Grab offers a wide range of on-demand services in the region, including mobility, food, package and grocery delivery services, mobile payments, and financial services across 428 cities in eight countries.

Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!

How we organize and get things done with SERVICEOWNERS

Post Syndicated from Max Beizer original https://github.blog/2023-12-19-how-we-organize-and-get-things-done-with-serviceowners/

GitHub’s primary codebase is a large Ruby on Rails monolith with over 4.2 million lines of code across roughly 30,000 files. As the platform has grown over the years, we have come to realize that we need a new way to organize and think about the systems we run. Our traditional approach to organizing Hubbers and code has been through CODEOWNERS in combination with GitHub teams, organizations, issues, and repositories. However, as GitHub’s user base continues to grow, we have discovered we need a new layer of abstraction. This is where SERVICEOWNERS comes in.

Service-oriented architecture is not new, but we do not talk often about how large engineering teams organize around services–especially in a hybrid monolith/services architecture. GitHub engineering determined that we were missing a layer in between CODEOWNERS, how we group humans, and work to be done. Injecting a “service” layer between groups of functionality and the people maintaining them opens up a number of interesting possibilities.

One side-effect of adopting SERVICEOWNERS was realizing that the “ownership” model does not quite express how we work. Given our place in the open source ecosystem and what we value as a company, we thought the “maintainer” model more accurately describes the relationships between services and teams. So, no team “owns” anything, but instead they “maintain” various services.

Consistent, company-wide grouping

Achieving consistency in how we map running code–both within and without our monolith–to humans has had a number of positive outcomes. It promotes a shared lexicon, and, therefore, a shared understanding. The durability of services reduces the disruption of team reorganization. As priorities shift, services stay the same and require only minimal updates to yaml metadata to be accurate. Consistency in our service definitions also allows us to centralize information about the services we run into a service catalog. Our service catalog is the one-stop shop for up-to-date information on the services that power GitHub. Within the catalog, Hubbers of all stripes can find information on, for example, how a service is performing vis-a-vis an SLO. Each service in the service catalog also has a number of scorecards as part of our fundamentals program.

With clearly defined services collected in a service catalog, we can easily visualize the relationships between services. We can identify dependencies and map how information flows through the platform. All this information improves the onboarding experience for new engineers, too, as the relationships between services define the platform architecture—without having to rely on out-of-date docs or hand-waving to explain our architecture.

The service catalog also has the huge benefit of centralizing information about which teams maintain which services, how to reach an on-call engineer, and what expectations the service has set in terms of support SLAs. Clean lines of communication to maintainers of running services has been a huge help in reducing our incident remediation time. Incident commanders know how to contact on-call engineers because they can find it in the service catalog. All of this is only possible thanks to SERVICEOWNERS.

How it works

a diagram depicting the connections between the GitHub monolith, the service catalog, repositories, and teams.


A SERVICEOWNERS file lives next to the CODEOWNERS file within our monolith. Like a traditional CODEOWNERS file, SERVICEOWNERS consists of a series of glob patterns (for example, app/api/integration*), directory names (for example, config/access_control/) and filenames (for example, app/api/grants.rb) followed by a service name (for example :apps maps to the team github/apps). Our CI enforces rules like:

  • There can be no duplicate patterns/directories/files in SERVICEOWNERS.
  • All new files added to the github/github repository must have a service owner.
  • All patterns/directories/files must match at least one existing file.
  • Files matched by multiple glob patterns must be disambiguated by a file or directory definition.

The service-mappings.yaml file

A service-mappings file defines how services referenced in the SERVICEOWNERS file relate to services in the service catalog and GitHub teams. This configuration can define a service’s product manager, engineering manager, repository, and chat information. Service mappings can also define information about a service’s various classifications, such as its “tier” rating, with zero being critical to the GitHub platform and three being experimental/non-critical.

The serviceowners gem

We have developed a Ruby gem we integrate with our Rails app that combines data from the SERVICEOWNERS and service-mappings files to produce several types of output. The serviceowners gem generates our CODEOWNERS file. So, instead of manually updating CODEOWNERS, changing which team or teams maintain a service is a one-line YAML change. The serviceowners gem also has an executable which allows engineers to query information about the maintainer of a file or which files a service maintains.

Because it’s GitHub, there’s of course also a chat-op for that:

me: hubot serviceowners for test/jobs/do_the_thing_with_the_stuff_test.rb

hubot: The file test/jobs/do_the_thing_with_the_stuff_test.rb is part of the github/some_service service and is maintained by the cool-fun-team team who can be reached in #hijinx.

The ownership.yaml file

The above examples mostly focus on breaking up the monolith into services, but our service catalog can slurp up service information from any repository within the GitHub org that has an ownership.yaml file. Like the service-mappings file, ownership expresses version controlled values for various service metadata. This allows us to have the boundaries of a service span across multiple repositories; for example, the GitHub Desktop app can have a component service within the monolith while also having its own standalone artifact from a different repository. Another benefit of the ownership file is that it allows us to focus code changes to the monolith codebase primarily around functionality and not maintainership.


The combination of CODEOWNERS and SERVICEOWNERS has provided serious value for us at GitHub. The tooling we continue to build atop these primitives will serve to make maintaining services clearer and easier. That’s good news for the future of GitHub. It also pairs quite nicely with our open source identity and access management project, entitlements, too. If SERVICEOWNERS sounds like something your organization, open source or corporate alike, would benefit from, let us know on X at @github.

The post How we organize and get things done with SERVICEOWNERS appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

Championing CyberSecurity: Grab’s bug bounty programme in 2023

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/cybersec-bug

Launched in 2015, Grab’s Security bug bounty programme has achieved remarkable success and forged strong partnerships within a thriving bounty community. By holding quarterly campaigns with HackerOne, Grab has been dedicated to security and giving back to the global security community to research further. Over the years, Grab has paid over $700,000 in cumulative payments to committed security researchers, aiding their research.

Our journey doesn’t stop there – we’ve also expanded our internal bug bounty team, ensuring that we have the necessary resources to stay at the forefront of security challenges. As we continue to innovate and evolve, it’s critical that our team remains at the cutting edge of security developments.

Marking its eighth year in 2023, this initiative has achieved new milestones and continues to set the stage for an even more successful ninth year. In 2023, this included a special campaign in Threatcon Nepal, aimed at increasing our bounty engagements. A key development was the enrichment of monetary incentives to honour our hacker community’s remarkable contributions to our programme’s success.

Let’s look at the key takeaways we gained from the bug bounty programme in 2023.

Highlights from 2023

This year, we had some of the highest participation and engagement rates we’ve seen since the programme launched.

  • We’ve processed ~1000 submissions through our HackerOne bug bounty programme.
  • Impressive record of 400 submissions in the Q1 2023 campaign.
  • We’ve maintained a consistent schedule of campaigns and innovative efforts to enhance hacker engagement.
  • Released a comprehensive report of our seven-year bug bounty journey – check out some key highlights in the image below.

What’s next?

As Grab expands and transforms its product and service portfolio, we are dedicated to ensuring that our bug bounty programme reflects this growth. In our rigorous pursuit of boosting security, we regularly introduce new areas of focus to our scope. In 2024, expect the inclusion of new scopes, enhanced response times, heightened engagement from the hacker community, and more competitive rewards.

In the past year, we have incorporated Joint Ventures and Acquisitions into the scope of our bug bounty programme. By doing so, we proactively address emerging security challenges, while fortifying the safety and integrity of our expanding ecosystem. We remain fully dedicated to embracing change and growth as integral parts of our journey to provide a secure and seamless experience for our users.

On top of that, we continue to improve our methods of motivating researchers through the bug bounty programme. One recent change is to diversify our reward methods by incorporating both financial rewards and recognition. This allows us to cater to different researcher motivations, cultivate stronger relationships, and acknowledge researchers’ contributions.

That said, we recognise that there’s always room for improvement and the bug bounty programme is uniquely poised for substantial expansion. In the near future, we will be:

  • Introducing more elements to the scope of our bug bounty programme
  • Enhancing feedback loops on the HackerOne platform

With these improvements, we can drive continuous improvement efforts to provide a secure experience for our users while strengthening our connection with the security research community.

A word of thanks

2023 has been an exhilarating year for our team. We’re grateful for the continued support from all the security researchers who’ve actively participated in our programme.

Here are the top three researchers in 2023:

  1. Damian89 
  2. Happy_csr 
  3. mclaren650sspider 

As we head into our ninth year, we know there are new opportunities and challenges that await us. We strive to remain dedicated to the values of collaboration and continuous improvement, working hand in hand with the security community to enhance our superapp’s security and deliver an even safer experience for our users.

We’re gearing up for another exciting year ahead in our programme, and looking forward to interesting submissions from our participants. We extend an open invitation to all researchers to submit reports to our bug bounty programme. Your contributions hold immense value and have a significant impact on the safety and security of our products, our users, and the broader security community. For comprehensive information about the programme scope, rules, and rewards, visit our website.

Until next year, keep up the great work, and happy hacking!

Join us

Grab is the leading superapp platform in Southeast Asia, providing everyday services that matter to consumers. More than just a ride-hailing and food delivery app, Grab offers a wide range of on-demand services in the region, including mobility, food, package and grocery delivery services, mobile payments, and financial services across 428 cities in eight countries.

Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!

Sliding window rate limits in distributed systems

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/frequency-capping

Like many other companies, Grab uses marketing communications to notify users of promotions or other news. If a user receives these notifications from multiple companies, it would be a form of information overload and they might even start considering these communications as spam. Over time, this could lead to some users revoking their consent to receive marketing communications altogether. Hence, it is important to find a rate-limited solution that sends the right amount of communications to our users.


In Grab, marketing emails and push notifications are part of carefully designed campaigns to ensure that users get the right notifications (i.e. based on past orders or usage patterns). Trident is Grab’s in-house tool to compose these campaigns so that they run efficiently at scale. An example of a campaign is scheduling a marketing email blast to 10 million users at 4 pm. Read more about Trident’s architecture here.

Trident relies on Hedwig, another in-house service, to deliver the messages to users. Hedwig does the heavy lifting of delivering large amounts of emails and push notifications to users while maintaining a high query per second (QPS) rate and minimal delay. The following high-level architectural illustration demonstrates the interaction between Trident and Hedwig.

Diagram of data interaction between Trident and Hedwig

The aim is to regulate the number of marketing comms sent to users daily and weekly, tailored based on their interaction patterns with the Grab superapp.


Based on their interaction patterns with our superapp, we have clustered users into a few segments.

For example:

New: Users recently signed up to the Grab app but haven’t taken any rides yet.
Active: Users who took rides in the past month.

With these metrics, we came up with optimal daily and weekly frequency limit values for each clustered user segment. The solution discussed in this article ensures that the comms sent to a user do not exceed the daily and weekly thresholds for the segment. This is also called frequency capping.

However, frequency capping can be split into two sub-problems:

Efficient storage of clustered user data

With a huge customer base of over 270 million users, storing the user segment membership information has to be cost-efficient and memory-sleek. Querying the segment to which a user belongs should also have minimal latency.

Persistent tracking of comms sent per user

To stay within the daily and weekly thresholds, we need to actively track the number of comms sent to each user, which can be referred to make rate limiting decisions. The rate limiting logic should also have minimal latency, be cost efficient, and not take up too much memory storage.

Optimising storage of user segment data

The problem here is figuring out which segment a particular user belongs to and ensuring that the user doesn’t appear in more than one segment. There are two options that suit our needs and we’ll explain more about each option, as well as what was the best option for us.

Bloom filter 

A Bloom filter is a space-efficient probabilistic data structure that addresses this problem well. Simply put, Bloom filters internally use arrays to track memberships of the elements.

For our scenario, each user segment would need its own bloom filter. We used this bloom filter calculator to estimate the memory required for each bloom filter. We found that we needed approximately 1 GB of memory and 23 hash functions to accurately represent the membership information of 270 million users in an array. Additionally, this method guarantees a false positive rate of  1.0E-7, which means 1 in 1 million elements may get wrong membership results because of hash collision.

With Grab’s existing segments, this approach needs 4GB of memory, which may increase as we increase the number of segments in the future. Moreover, the potential hash collision needs to be handled by increasing the memory size with even more hash functions. Another thing to note is that Bloom filters do not support deletion so every time a change needs to be done, you need to create a new version of the Bloom filter. Although Bloom filters have many advantages, these shortcomings led us to explore another approach.

Roaring bitmaps Roaring bitmaps are sets of unsigned integers consisting of containers of disjoint subsets, which can store large amounts of data in a compressed form. Essentially, roaring bitmaps could reduce memory storage significantly and overcome the hash collision problem. To understand the intuition behind this, first, we need to know how bitmaps work and the possible drawbacks behind it.

To represent a list of numbers as a bitmap, we first need to create an array with a size equivalent to the largest element in the list. For every element in the list, we then mark the bit value as 1 in the corresponding index in the array. While bitmaps work very well for storing integers in closer intervals, they occupy more space and become sparse when storing integer ranges with uneven distribution, as shown in the image below.

Diagram of bitmaps with uneven distribution

To reduce memory footprint and improve the performance of bitmaps, there are compression techniques such as Run-Length Encoding (RLE), and Word Aligned Hybrid (WAH). However, this would require additional effort to implement, whereas using roaring bitmaps would solve these issues.

Roaring bitmaps’ hybrid data storage approach offers the following advantages:

  • Faster set operations (union, intersection, differencing).
  • Better compression ratio when handling mixed datasets (both dense and sparse data distribution).
  • Ability to scale to large datasets without significant performance loss.

To summarise, roaring bitmaps can store positive integers from 0 to (2^32)-1. Each positive integer value is converted to a 32-bit binary, where the 16 Most Significant Bits (MSB) are used as the key and the remaining 16 Least Significant Bits (LSB) are represented as the value. The values are then stored in an array, a bitmap, or used to run containers with RLE encoding data structures.

If the number of integers mapped to the key is less than 4096, then all the integers are stored in an array in sorted order and converted into a bitmap container in the runtime as the size exceeds. Roaring bitmap analyses the distribution of set bits in the bitmap container i.e. if the continuous interval of set bits is more than a given threshold, the bitmap container can be more efficiently represented using the RLE container. Internally, the RLE container uses an array where the even indices store the beginning of the runs and the odd indices represent the length of the runs. This enables the roaring bitmap to dynamically switch between the containers to optimise storage and performance.

The following diagram shows how a set of elements with different distributions are stored in roaring bitmaps.

Diagram of how roaring bitmaps store elements with different distributions

In Grab, we developed a microservice that abstracts roaring bitmaps implementations and provides an API to check set membership and enumeration of elements in the sets. Check out this blog to learn more about it.

Distributed rate limiting

The second part of the problem involves rate limiting the number of communication messages sent to users on a daily or weekly basis and each segment has specific daily and weekly limits. By utilising roaring bitmaps, we can determine the segment to which a user belongs. After identifying the appropriate segment, we will apply the personalised limits to the user using a distributed rate limiter, which will be discussed in further detail in the following sections.

Choosing the right datastore

Based on our use case, Amazon ElasticCache for Redis and DynamoDB were two viable options for storing the sent communication messages count per user. However, we decided to choose Redis due to a number of factors:

  • Higher throughput at lower latency – Redis shards data across nodes in the cluster.
  • Cost-effective – Usage of Lua script reduces unnecessary data transfer overheads.
  • Better at handling spiky rate limiting workloads at scale.

Distributed rate limiter

To appropriately limit the comms our users receive, we needed a rate limiting algorithm, which could execute directly in the datastore cluster, then return the results in the application logic for further processing. The two rate limiting algorithms we considered were the sliding window rate limiter and sliding log rate limiter.

The sliding window rate limiter algorithm divides time into a fixed-size window (we defined this as 1 minute) and counts the number of requests within each window. On the other hand, the sliding log maintains a log of each request timestamp and counts the number of requests between two timestamp ranges, providing a more fine-grained method of rate limiting. Although sliding log consumes more memory to store the log of request timestamp, we opted for the sliding log approach as the accuracy of the rate limiting was more important than memory consumption.

The sliding log rate limiter utilises a Redis sorted set data structure to efficiently track and organise request logs. Each timestamp in milliseconds is stored as a unique member in the set. The score assigned to each member represents the corresponding timestamp, allowing for easy sorting in ascending order. This design choice optimises the speed of search operations when querying for the total request count within specific time ranges.

Sliding Log Rate limiter Algorithm:

  # user specific redis key where the request timestamp logs are stored as sorted set
  keys => user_redis_key

  # limit_value is the limit that needs to be applied for the user
  # start_time_in_millis is the starting point of the time window
  # end_time_in_millis is the ending point of the time window
  # current_time_in_millis is the current time the request is sent
  # eviction_time_in_millis, members in the set whose value is less than this will be evicted from the set

  args => limit_value, start_time_in_millis, end_time_in_millis, current_time_in_millis, eviction_time_in_millis

  # 0 means not_allowed and 1 means allowed
  response => 0 / 1

  # zcount fetches the count of the request timestamp logs falling between the start and the end timestamp
  request_count = zcount user_redis_key start_time_in_millis end_time_in_millis

  response = 0
  # if the count of request logs is less than allowed limits then record the usage by adding current timestamp in sorted set

  if request_count < limit_value then
    zadd user_redis_key current_time_in_millis current_time_in_millis
    response = 1

  # zremrangebyscore removes the members in the sorted set whose score is less than eviction_time_in_millis

  zremrangebyscore user_redis_key -inf eviction_time_in_millis
  return response

This algorithm takes O(log n) time complexity, where n is the number of request logs stored in the sorted set. It is not possible to evict entries in the sorted set like how we have time-to-live (TTL) for Redis keys. To prevent the size of the sorted set from increasing over time, we have a fixed variable eviction_time_in_millis that is passed to the script. The zremrangebyscore command then deletes members from the sorted set whose score is less than eviction_time_in_millis in O(log n) time complexity.

Lua script optimisations

In Redis Cluster mode, all Redis keys accessed by a Lua script must be present on the same node, and they should be passed as part of the KEYS input array of the script. If the script attempts to access keys located on different nodes within the cluster, a CROSSSLOT error will be thrown. Redis keys, or userIDs, are distributed across multiple nodes in the cluster so it is not feasible to send a batch of userIDs within the same Lua script for rate limiting, as this might result in a CROSSSLOT error.

Invoking a separate Lua script call for each user is a possible approach, but it incurs a significant number of network calls, which can be optimised further with the following approach:

  1. Upload the Lua script into the Redis server during the server startup with the SCRIPT LOAD command and we get the SHA1 hash of the script if the upload is successful.
  2. The SHA1 hash can then be used to invoke the Lua script with the EVALSHA command passing the keys and arguments as script input.
  3. Redis pipelining takes in multiple EVALSHA commands that call the Lua script and each invocation corresponds to a userID for getting the rate limiting result.
  4. Redis pipelining groups the EVALSHA Redis commands with Redis keys located on the same nodes internally. It then sends the grouped commands in a single network call to the relevant nodes within the Redis cluster and provides the rate limiting outcome to the client.

Since Redis operates on a single thread, any long-running Lua script can cause other Redis commands to be blocked until the script completes execution. Thus, it’s optimal for the Lua script to execute in under 5 milliseconds. Additionally, the current time is passed as an argument to the script to account for potential variations in time when the script is executed on a node’s replica, which could be caused by clock drift.

By bringing together roaring bitmaps and the distributed rate limiter, this is what our final solution looks like:

Our final solution using roaring bitmaps and distributed rate limiter

The roaring bitmaps structure is serialised and stored in an AWS S3 bucket, which is then downloaded in the instance during server startup. After which, triggering a user segment membership check can simply be done with a local method call. The configuration service manages the mapping information between the segment and allowed rate limiting values.

Whenever a marketing message needs to be sent to a user, we first find the segment to which the user belongs, retrieve the defined rate limiting values from the configuration service, then execute the Lua script to get the rate limiting decision. If there is enough quota available for the user, we send the comms.

The architecture of the messaging service looks something like this:

Architecture of the messaging service


In addition to decreasing the unsubscription rate, there was a significant enhancement in the latency of sending communications. Eliminating redundant communications also alleviated the system load, resulting in a reduction of the delay between the scheduled time and the actual send time of comms.


Applying rate limiters to safeguard our services is not only a standard practice but also a necessary process. Many times, this can be achieved by configuring the rate limiters at the instance level. The need for rate limiters for business logic may not be as common, but when you need it, the solution must be lightning-fast, and capable of seamlessly operating within a distributed environment.

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Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!

GitHub Availability Report: November 2023

Post Syndicated from Jakub Oleksy original https://github.blog/2023-12-13-github-availability-report-november-2023/

In November, we experienced one incident that resulted in degraded performance across GitHub services.

November 3 18:42 UTC (lasting 38 minutes)

Between 18:42 and 19:20 UTC on November 3, the GitHub authorization service experienced excessive application memory use, leading to failed authorization requests and users getting 404 or error responses on most page and API requests.

A performance and resilience optimization to the authorization microservice contained a memory leak that was exposed under high traffic. Testing did not expose the service to sufficient traffic to discover the leak, allowing it to graduate to production at 18:37 UTC. The memory leak under high load caused pods to crash repeatedly starting at 18:42 UTC, failing authorization checks in their default closed state. These failures started triggering alerts at 18:44 UTC. Rolling back the authorization service change was delayed as parts of the deployment infrastructure relied on the authorization service and required manual intervention to complete. Rollback completed at 19:08 UTC and all impacted GitHub features recovered after pods came back online.

To reduce the risk of future deployments, we implemented changes to our rollout strategy by including additional monitoring and checks, which automatically block a deployment from proceeding if key metrics are not satisfactory. To reduce our time to recover in the future, we have removed dependencies between the authorization service and the tools needed to roll back changes.

Please follow our status page for real-time updates on status changes and post-incident recaps. To learn more about what we’re working on, check out the GitHub Engineering Blog.

The post GitHub Availability Report: November 2023 appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

Upgrading GitHub.com to MySQL 8.0

Post Syndicated from Jiaqi Liu original https://github.blog/2023-12-07-upgrading-github-com-to-mysql-8-0/

Over 15 years ago, GitHub started as a Ruby on Rails application with a single MySQL database. Since then, GitHub has evolved its MySQL architecture to meet the scaling and resiliency needs of the platform—including building for high availability, implementing testing automation, and partitioning the data. Today, MySQL remains a core part of GitHub’s infrastructure and our relational database of choice.

This is the story of how we upgraded our fleet of 1200+ MySQL hosts to 8.0. Upgrading the fleet with no impact to our Service Level Objectives (SLO) was no small feat–planning, testing and the upgrade itself took over a year and collaboration across multiple teams within GitHub.

Motivation for upgrading

Why upgrade to MySQL 8.0? With MySQL 5.7 nearing end of life, we upgraded our fleet to the next major version, MySQL 8.0. We also wanted to be on a version of MySQL that gets the latest security patches, bug fixes, and performance enhancements. There are also new features in 8.0 that we want to test and benefit from, including Instant DDLs, invisible indexes, and compressed bin logs, among others.

GitHub’s MySQL infrastructure

Before we dive into how we did the upgrade, let’s take a 10,000-foot view of our MySQL infrastructure:

  • Our fleet consists of 1200+ hosts. It’s a combination of Azure Virtual Machines and bare metal hosts in our data center.
  • We store 300+ TB of data and serve 5.5 million queries per second across 50+ database clusters.
  • Each cluster is configured for high availability with a primary plus replicas cluster setup.
  • Our data is partitioned. We leverage both horizontal and vertical sharding to scale our MySQL clusters. We have MySQL clusters that store data for specific product-domain areas. We also have horizontally sharded Vitess clusters for large-domain areas that outgrew the single-primary MySQL cluster.
  • We have a large ecosystem of tools consisting of Percona Toolkit, gh-ost, orchestrator, freno, and in-house automation used to operate the fleet.

All this sums up to a diverse and complex deployment that needs to be upgraded while maintaining our SLOs.

Preparing the journey

As the primary data store for GitHub, we hold ourselves to a high standard for availability. Due to the size of our fleet and the criticality of MySQL infrastructure, we had a few requirements for the upgrade process:

  • We must be able to upgrade each MySQL database while adhering to our Service Level Objectives (SLOs) and Service Level Agreements (SLAs).
  • We are unable to account for all failure modes in our testing and validation stages. So, in order to remain within SLO, we needed to be able to roll back to the prior version of MySQL 5.7 without a disruption of service.
  • We have a very diverse workload across our MySQL fleet. To reduce risk, we needed to upgrade each database cluster atomically and schedule around other major changes. This meant the upgrade process would be a long one. Therefore, we knew from the start we needed to be able to sustain operating a mixed-version environment.

Preparation for the upgrade started in July 2022 and we had several milestones to reach even before upgrading a single production database.

Prepare infrastructure for upgrade

We needed to determine appropriate default values for MySQL 8.0 and perform some baseline performance benchmarking. Since we needed to operate two versions of MySQL, our tooling and automation needed to be able to handle mixed versions and be aware of new, different, or deprecated syntax between 5.7 and 8.0.

Ensure application compatibility

We added MySQL 8.0 to Continuous Integration (CI) for all applications using MySQL. We ran MySQL 5.7 and 8.0 side-by-side in CI to ensure that there wouldn’t be regressions during the prolonged upgrade process. We detected a variety of bugs and incompatibilities in CI, helping us remove any unsupported configurations or features and escape any new reserved keywords.

To help application developers transition towards MySQL 8.0, we also enabled an option to select a MySQL 8.0 prebuilt container in GitHub Codespaces for debugging and provided MySQL 8.0 development clusters for additional pre-prod testing.

Communication and transparency

We used GitHub Projects to create a rolling calendar to communicate and track our upgrade schedule internally. We created issue templates that tracked the checklist for both application teams and the database team to coordinate an upgrade.

Project Board for tracking the MySQL 8.0 upgrade schedule
Project Board for tracking the MySQL 8.0 upgrade schedule

Upgrade plan

To meet our availability standards, we had a gradual upgrade strategy that allowed for checkpoints and rollbacks throughout the process.

Step 1: Rolling replica upgrades

We started with upgrading a single replica and monitoring while it was still offline to ensure basic functionality was stable. Then, we enabled production traffic and continued to monitor for query latency, system metrics, and application metrics. We gradually brought 8.0 replicas online until we upgraded an entire data center and then iterated through other data centers. We left enough 5.7 replicas online in order to rollback, but we disabled production traffic to start serving all read traffic through 8.0 servers.

The replica upgrade strategy involved gradual rollouts in each data center (DC).
The replica upgrade strategy involved gradual rollouts in each data center (DC).

Step 2: Update replication topology

Once all the read-only traffic was being served via 8.0 replicas, we adjusted the replication topology as follows:

  • An 8.0 primary candidate was configured to replicate directly under the current 5.7 primary.
  • Two replication chains were created downstream of that 8.0 replica:
    • A set of only 5.7 replicas (not serving traffic, but ready in case of rollback).
    • A set of only 8.0 replicas (serving traffic).
  • The topology was only in this state for a short period of time (hours at most) until we moved to the next step.
To facilitate the upgrade, the topology was updated to have two replication chains.
To facilitate the upgrade, the topology was updated to have two replication chains.

Step 3: Promote MySQL 8.0 host to primary

We opted not to do direct upgrades on the primary database host. Instead, we would promote a MySQL 8.0 replica to primary through a graceful failover performed with Orchestrator. At that point, the replication topology consisted of an 8.0 primary with two replication chains attached to it: an offline set of 5.7 replicas in case of rollback and a serving set of 8.0 replicas.

Orchestrator was also configured to blacklist 5.7 hosts as potential failover candidates to prevent an accidental rollback in case of an unplanned failover.

Primary failover and additional steps to finalize MySQL 8.0 upgrade for a database
Primary failover and additional steps to finalize MySQL 8.0 upgrade for a database

Step 4: Internal facing instance types upgraded

We also have ancillary servers for backups or non-production workloads. Those were subsequently upgraded for consistency.

Step 5: Cleanup

Once we confirmed that the cluster didn’t need to rollback and was successfully upgraded to 8.0, we removed the 5.7 servers. Validation consisted of at least one complete 24 hour traffic cycle to ensure there were no issues during peak traffic.

Ability to Rollback

A core part of keeping our upgrade strategy safe was maintaining the ability to rollback to the prior version of MySQL 5.7. For read-replicas, we ensured enough 5.7 replicas remained online to serve production traffic load, and rollback was initiated by disabling the 8.0 replicas if they weren’t performing well. For the primary, in order to roll back without data loss or service disruption, we needed to be able to maintain backwards data replication between 8.0 and 5.7.

MySQL supports replication from one release to the next higher release but does not explicitly support the reverse (MySQL Replication compatibility). When we tested promoting an 8.0 host to primary on our staging cluster, we saw replication break on all 5.7 replicas. There were a couple of problems we needed to overcome:

  1. In MySQL 8.0, utf8mb4 is the default character set and uses a more modern utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci collation as the default. The prior version of MySQL 5.7 supported the utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci collation but not the latest version of Unicode utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci.
  2. MySQL 8.0 introduces roles for managing privileges but this feature did not exist in MySQL 5.7. When an 8.0 instance was promoted to be a primary in a cluster, we encountered problems. Our configuration management was expanding certain permission sets to include role statements and executing them, which broke downstream replication in 5.7 replicas. We solved this problem by temporarily adjusting defined permissions for affected users during the upgrade window.

To address the character collation incompatibility, we had to set the default character encoding to utf8 and collation to utf8_unicode_ci.

For the GitHub.com monolith, our Rails configuration ensured that character collation was consistent and made it easier to standardize client configurations to the database. As a result, we had high confidence that we could maintain backward replication for our most critical applications.


Throughout our testing, preparation and upgrades, we encountered some technical challenges.

What about Vitess?

We use Vitess for horizontally sharding relational data. For the most part, upgrading our Vitess clusters was not too different from upgrading the MySQL clusters. We were already running Vitess in CI, so we were able to validate query compatibility. In our upgrade strategy for sharded clusters, we upgraded one shard at a time. VTgate, the Vitess proxy layer, advertises the version of MySQL and some client behavior depends on this version information. For example, one application used a Java client that disabled the query cache for 5.7 servers—since the query cache was removed in 8.0, it generated blocking errors for them. So, once a single MySQL host was upgraded for a given keyspace, we had to make sure we also updated the VTgate setting to advertise 8.0.

Replication delay

We use read-replicas to scale our read availability. GitHub.com requires low replication delay in order to serve up-to-date data.

Earlier on in our testing, we encountered a replication bug in MySQL that was patched on 8.0.28:

Replication: If a replica server with the system variable replica_preserve_commit_order = 1 set was used under intensive load for a long period, the instance could run out of commit order sequence tickets. Incorrect behavior after the maximum value was exceeded caused the applier to hang and the applier worker threads to wait indefinitely on the commit order queue. The commit order sequence ticket generator now wraps around correctly. Thanks to Zhai Weixiang for the contribution. (Bug #32891221, Bug #103636)

We happen to meet all the criteria for hitting this bug.

  • We use replica_preserve_commit_order because we use GTID based replication.
  • We have intensive load for long periods of time on many of our clusters and certainly for all of our most critical ones. Most of our clusters are very write-heavy.

Since this bug was already patched upstream, we just needed to ensure we are deploying a version of MySQL higher than 8.0.28.

We also observed that the heavy writes that drove replication delay were exacerbated in MySQL 8.0. This made it even more important that we avoid heavy bursts in writes. At GitHub, we use freno to throttle write workloads based on replication lag.

Queries would pass CI but fail on production

We knew we would inevitably see problems for the first time in production environments—hence our gradual rollout strategy with upgrading replicas. We encountered queries that passed CI but would fail on production when encountering real-world workloads. Most notably, we encountered a problem where queries with large WHERE IN clauses would crash MySQL. We had large WHERE IN queries containing over tens of thousands of values. In those cases, we needed to rewrite the queries prior to continuing the upgrade process. Query sampling helped to track and detect these problems. At GitHub, we use Solarwinds DPM (VividCortex), a SaaS database performance monitor, for query observability.

Learnings and takeaways

Between testing, performance tuning, and resolving identified issues, the overall upgrade process took over a year and involved engineers from multiple teams at GitHub. We upgraded our entire fleet to MySQL 8.0 – including staging clusters, production clusters in support of GitHub.com, and instances in support of internal tools. This upgrade highlighted the importance of our observability platform, testing plan, and rollback capabilities. The testing and gradual rollout strategy allowed us to identify problems early and reduce the likelihood for encountering new failure modes for the primary upgrade.

While there was a gradual rollout strategy, we still needed the ability to rollback at every step and we needed the observability to identify signals to indicate when a rollback was needed. The most challenging aspect of enabling rollbacks was holding onto the backward replication from the new 8.0 primary to 5.7 replicas. We learned that consistency in the Trilogy client library gave us more predictability in connection behavior and allowed us to have confidence that connections from the main Rails monolith would not break backward replication.

However, for some of our MySQL clusters with connections from multiple different clients in different frameworks/languages, we saw backwards replication break in a matter of hours which shortened the window of opportunity for rollback. Luckily, those cases were few and we didn’t have an instance where the replication broke before we needed to rollback. But for us this was a lesson that there are benefits to having known and well-understood client-side connection configurations. It emphasized the value of developing guidelines and frameworks to ensure consistency in such configurations.

Prior efforts to partition our data paid off—it allowed us to have more targeted upgrades for the different data domains. This was important as one failing query would block the upgrade for an entire cluster and having different workloads partitioned allowed us to upgrade piecemeal and reduce the blast radius of unknown risks encountered during the process. The tradeoff here is that this also means that our MySQL fleet has grown.

The last time GitHub upgraded MySQL versions, we had five database clusters and now we have 50+ clusters. In order to successfully upgrade, we had to invest in observability, tooling, and processes for managing the fleet.


A MySQL upgrade is just one type of routine maintenance that we have to perform – it’s critical for us to have an upgrade path for any software we run on our fleet. As part of the upgrade project, we developed new processes and operational capabilities to successfully complete the MySQL version upgrade. Yet, we still had too many steps in the upgrade process that required manual intervention and we want to reduce the effort and time it takes to complete future MySQL upgrades.

We anticipate that our fleet will continue to grow as GitHub.com grows and we have goals to partition our data further which will increase our number of MySQL clusters over time. Building in automation for operational tasks and self-healing capabilities can help us scale MySQL operations in the future. We believe that investing in reliable fleet management and automation will allow us to scale github and keep up with required maintenance, providing a more predictable and resilient system.

The lessons from this project provided the foundations for our MySQL automation and will pave the way for future upgrades to be done more efficiently, but still with the same level of care and safety.

If you are interested in these types of engineering problems and more, check out our Careers page.

The post Upgrading GitHub.com to MySQL 8.0 appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

How we’re experimenting with LLMs to evolve GitHub Copilot

Post Syndicated from Sara Verdi original https://github.blog/2023-12-06-how-were-experimenting-with-llms-to-evolve-github-copilot/

Earlier this year, it seemed like every headline or dinner conversation was earmarked by the buzzwords “generative AI.” And while 2023 has been a benchmark year for the adoption of generative AI, it’s not entirely a new technology. Arguably, AI has been around since the ‘60s, but the AI as we know it today came to be with the invention of machine learning frameworks known as neural networks (you can read more about that here).

For the past few years at GitHub, we’ve been experimenting with generative AI models to create new, meaningful tools for developers—which is how GitHub Copilot was born. And since GitHub Copilot’s initial preview release in 2021, we’ve been thinking a lot about how generative AI can (and should) empower developers to be more productive at every stage of the software development lifecycle. That led us to our vision for the future of AI-powered software development with GitHub Copilot, which we covered in detail this year at GitHub Universe 2023.

In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the experiments we’ve conducted with generative AI models over the past few years, as well as take a behind-the-scenes look at some of our key learnings. We’ll also explore what going from a concept to a product looks like with a radically new technology.

Key pillars of experimentation with AI at GitHub

As developers increasingly use AI tools to improve overall productivity, we have four key pillars at GitHub that are guiding our work and how we experiment with AI. We want a developer’s AI experience to be:

  • Predictable. We want to create tools that guide developers towards their end goals but don’t suprise or overwhelm them.
  • Tolerable. As we’ve seen, AI models can be wrong. Users should be able to spot incorrect suggestions easily, and address them at a low cost to focus and productivity.
  • Steerable. When a response isn’t right or isn’t what a user is looking for, they should be able to steer the AI towards a solution. Otherwise, we’re optimistically banking on the models producing perfect answers.
  • Verifiable. Solutions must be easy to evaluate. The models are not perfect, but they can be very helpful tools if users verify their outputs.

Now that we have a baseline understanding of how we prioritize experimenting with AI, let’s take a look at the events that led to the conception of the latest evolution of GitHub Copilot.

Before GitHub Copilot’s evolution came GPT-4

Last year, researchers from GitHub Next, our R&D department focused on the future of software development, were given advanced access to OpenAI’s large language model (LLM) that would soon be released as GPT-4.

“At the time, no one had seen anything like this,” Idan Gazit, senior director of research for GitHub Next recalls. “It became a race to discover what the new models are capable of doing and what kinds of applications are possible tomorrow that were impossible yesterday.”

So, the GitHub Next team did what they do best: experiment. Over the course of several months, researchers from GitHub Next used the GPT-4 model to develop potential new tools and features that could be used across the GitHub platform. Once the team identified the projects that showed true value, the sprint to build began.

“In classic GitHub Next fashion, we sat down and spiked a bunch of ideas and saw what looked promising or exciting to us,” Gazit explains. “And then we doubled down on the things that we believed would bear fruit.”

In the time between receiving the model and the slated announcement of the model’s release in March 2023, the team had come up with several concepts and technical previews.

At the time, no one had seen anything like this. It became a race to discover what the new models are capable of doing and what kinds of applications are possible tomorrow that were impossible yesterday.

– Idan Gazit, Senior Director of Research // GitHub Next

As these projects came together, senior leadership at GitHub began to think about what these meant for the future of GitHub Copilot. Mario Rodriguez, VP of product management, says, “We knew we wanted to make an announcement of our own around the joint Microsoft and OpenAI announcement of GPT-4. At that time, GitHub Next had a set of investments that they were making that they thought were worthwhile for the announcement. Those investments were not production-ready—they were more future-focused.” He explains, “But that got us thinking, so we put pen to paper and came up with the ambition behind the latest evolution of GitHub Copilot.”

Thinking ahead 🤔

As teams at GitHub thought about evolving GitHub Copilot beyond a pair programmer in the IDE, they imagined a future where GitHub Copilot was:

  • Ubiquitous across every tool that developers use and integrated into every task that developers perform.
  • Conversational by default, so that natural language can be used to achieve anything.
  • Personalized to the context and knowledge of the individual, project, team, and community.

This thought exercise, in conjunction with GitHub Next’s work to conceptualize and create new tools that could revolutionize the developer workflow, crystallized what would make up the latest evolution of GitHub Copilot. And on March 22, 2023, the technical preview for what GitHub Copilot would evolve into was released to the world with GitHub Copilot Chat and the following technical previews created by GitHub Next:

So, what happened behind the scenes to come up with these previews? Let’s find out.

Experimenting with AI’s place in the developer experience

If you asked just about any developer what’s something that is specifically unique to GitHub, it would be pretty shocking if they didn’t say “pull requests.” Pull requests play a central role in the GitHub developer experience—they’re not only a point of collaboration, but a gateway for teams to view and approve any changes to code.

So when Andrew Rice, Don Syme, Devon Rifkin, Matt Rothenberg, Max Schaefer, Albert Ziegler, and Aqeel Siddiqui were given the GPT-4 model, they were tasked with the challenge of finding ways to incorporate AI into GitHub.com.

“GitHub invented pull requests, so we started thinking, how could we add AI smarts around pull requests?” Rice says. “We tried a bunch of stuff—we prototyped automatic code suggestions for reviews, we had a sort of summarize mode, and a bunch of other things around test generation.” But as the deadline of March 22 approached, a few of these prototyped features weren’t working as desired, so Rice and team began focusing their attention and efforts solely on the summary feature.

With the early version of Copilot for Pull Requests, a developer could submit their pull request and the AI model would generate a description and walkthrough of the code in the first comment to provide important context for the reviewer.

“We did an internal study of the feature with Hubbers and it didn’t go well,” Rice laughs. It wasn’t that the developers didn’t like what the feature was trying to achieve, it was the user experience, Rice believes, they were having challenges with. “The developers were concerned that the AI would be wrong. But there’s two things: you have the content the AI generates and then you have the way that it’s presented to the user and how it interacts with the workflow. At first, we focused a lot on the first bit, the AI-generated content, but it turned out that the second bit was far more crucial in getting this thing to fly,” he explains.

To work around this, Rice and team decided to pivot and use the same AI-generated content but frame it differently. “Instead of a comment, we put it as a suggestion to the developer that let them get a preview of what the description of their pull request could look like that they could then edit,” Rice says. “So, we moved it to a suggestion system, and all of a sudden the feedback changed to ‘wow, these are helpful suggestions.’ The content was exactly the same as before, it was just presented differently.”

Nobody’s perfect—not even AI

For Rice, the key takeaway during this process was the importance of how the AI output is presented to the developer, rather than the total accuracy of the suggestion. That doesn’t mean that it’s acceptable for the AI to be completely wrong, but it does mean that a developer’s demand for the quality of the suggestion sits on a spectrum—developers will view something as it fits within their workflow regardless of what is served to them. When the content was served as a suggestion that the developer had the authority to accept and edit, the typical attitude toward the feature changed.

Eddie Aftandilian, a principal researcher that headed up the development of another GitHub Copilot feature, shared some similar sentiments and takeaways throughout the process of building Copilot for Docs. In late 2022, Aftandilian and Johan Rosenkilde were examining embeddings and retrievals, and they prototyped a vector database for a different GitHub Copilot experiment. “This got us thinking, what if we could use this for retrievals of things other than just code,” Aftandilian remembers. “Once we got access to GPT-4, we realized we could use the retrieval engine to search a large corpus of documentation, and then compose those search results into a prompt that elicits better, more topical answers based on the documentation,” he explains.

“Since GitHub is all about developer tools, we thought, how can we make this into a useful developer tool?” Aftandilian says. Developers spend an enormous amount of time poring over docs to find solutions—and as Aftandilian plainly puts it, “No one really likes reading documentation!” He continues, “It also can be hard to get the right answer out of docs, too. So, it seemed like there was an opportunity here for something that could answer a developer’s question more directly and unblock them. It’s also an area of the development process that we felt was underexplored. We spend a lot of time searching around for answers, which can be a real pain point, and we thought we could do better with these new LLMs.”

Aftandilian, along with Devon Rifkin, Jake Donham, and Amelia Wattenberger, also deployed their early version of Copilot for Docs to Hubbers, extending GitHub Copilot’s reach to GitHub’s internal docs in addition to public documentation. But once the preview reached public testing, he got some interesting feedback about the quality of the AI outputs.

“One challenge we came across during the development process was that the models don’t always give the right answer or the right document,” Aftandilian says. “To address this, we built in the capability for our answers to provide references or links to other documentation. We found that when we deployed it, the feedback we received was that developers didn’t mind if the output wasn’t always perfectly correct if the linked references made it easier to evaluate what the AI produced. They were using Copilot for Docs as a search engine,” he says.

The UX needs to be tolerant of AI’s mistakes—you can’t assume that the AI will always be right.

– Eddie Aftandilian, Principal Researcher // GitHub Next

Another key learning for Aftandilian was that human feedback is the true gold standard for developing AI-based tools. “One of our conclusions was that you should ship something sooner rather than later to get real, human feedback to drive improvements,” he says.

And similar to Rice’s earlier point, user experience is also critical to the success of these AI-powered tools. “The UX needs to be tolerant of AI’s mistakes—you can’t assume that the AI will always be right,” Aftandilian says. “Initially we were focused on getting everything right, but we soon learned that the chat-like modality of Copilot for Docs makes the answers feel less authoritative and folks are more tolerant of the responses when they point the user in the right direction. The AI isn’t always perfect, but it’s a great start.”

Small but mighty

In October 2022, the entire GitHub Next team met up in Oxford, England to get together and discuss all of the projects that they were currently working on, as well as some exciting—and maybe even far-fetched—ideas.

“One of the things that I pitched at this crazy ideas session was a project that would use LLMs to help you figure out CLI commands,” Johan Rosenkilde, a principal researcher for GitHub Next, recalls. “I was thinking about something that could use natural language prompts to describe what you wanted to do in the command line, then some sort of GUI or interface pops up that helps you narrow down what you want to do.”

As Rosenkilde talked through his pitch, one of his colleagues, Matt Rothenberg, began writing an application that did almost exactly that. “By the time my talk ended, he asked if he could show me something, and my mind was just blown,” Rosenkilde laughs. That thirty-minute prototype was the genesis for what would become Copilot for CLI.

“What he had created clearly showed that there was something of value here, but it lacked maturity of course,” Rosenkilde says. “And so what we did was carve out time to refine this rough demo into something that we could deliver to developers,” he says. By the time March 2023 rolled around, they had a preview that brought the power of GitHub Copilot right to the CLI for developers to quickly ask for and receive their desired shell commands, including a breakdown that explains each part of the command—without ever needing to search the web for answers.

When reflecting on the process of taking this app from that original, scrappy version to a technical preview, Rosenkilde echoes Rice and Aftandilian in his appreciation for the subtlety of UX decisions.

“I’m a backend person: I’m heavy on theory and I like really difficult problems that cause me to think for weeks about a solution,” Rosenkilde says. “Matt was the UX guy, and he iterated extremely quickly through a lot of options. So much of the success of this application hinged on the UX, and that’s a lesson that I’ve taken with me. All that we do in GitHub Next, in the end, is think up tools that will add value to the user experience, so it’s crucial that we get the design right and that it fits in with what the AI model can do. As we know, the AI models aren’t perfect, but when they are imperfect, the cost to the user should be as low as possible,” Rosenkilde says.

That simple fact is what informs the explanation field that can be found in Copilot for CLI. “This actually wasn’t part of the original UI. As the product matured, we came up with the explanation field, but we had some difficulty with the LLM producing the structured type of explanations we sought. It’s very unnatural for a language model to produce something that looks like this, I had to hit it with a very large hammer,” he jokes. “We wanted it to be clearly structured, but if you just ask the AI to explain a shell command, it would feed you a long paragraph that is not readily scannable and might not include the details you want.”

Example of the explanation field in Copilot for CLI

Rosenkilde also felt that it was important to add the explanation field to help developers learn about shell scripts and double check that they have received the correct command. “It’s also a security feature because you can read in natural language whether the command will change files you didn’t expect to change,” he explains. This multifaceted explanation field is not only useful, it’s a testament to the UX of the application. “When you have such a small application, you want every feature to have multiple different uses so that you can package up a lot of complexity in something that visually is very simple.”

Where we’re headed 🚀

We’re focused on something great here: creating delightful AI experiences for everyone who interacts with the GitHub platform. And while we’re working on it, we invite you to be part of the process. You can get involved by joining the waitlists for our current previews and giving us your honest feedback on what you think and what you want to see going forward.

And if you’re not already using GitHub Copilot, give it a try with a free, 30-day trial for individual developers.

The post How we’re experimenting with LLMs to evolve GitHub Copilot appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

An elegant platform

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/an-elegant-platform

Coban is Grab’s real-time data streaming platform team. As a platform team, we thrive on providing our internal users from all verticals with self-served data-streaming resources, such as Kafka topics, Flink and Change Data Capture (CDC) pipelines, various kinds of Kafka-Connect connectors, as well as Apache Zeppelin notebooks, so that they can effortlessly leverage real-time data to build intelligent applications and services.

In this article, we present our journey from pure Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) towards a more sophisticated control plane that has revolutionised the way data streaming resources are self-served at Grab. This change also leads to improved scalability, stability, security, and user adoption of our data streaming platform.

Problem statement

In the early ages of public cloud, it was a common practice to create virtual resources by clicking through the web console of a cloud provider, which is sometimes referred to as ClickOps.

ClickOps has many downsides, such as:

  • Inability to review, track, and audit changes to the infrastructure.
  • Inability to massively scale the infrastructure operations.
  • Inconsistencies between environments, e.g. staging and production.
  • Inability to quickly recover from a disaster by re-creating the infrastructure at a different location.

That said, ClickOps has one tremendous advantage; it makes creating resources using a graphical User Interface (UI) fairly easy for anyone like Infrastructure Engineers, Software Engineers, Data Engineers etc. This also leads to a high iteration speed towards innovation in general.

IaC resolved many of the limitations of ClickOps, such as:

  • Changes are committed to a Version Control System (VCS) like Git: They can be reviewed by peers before being merged. The full history of all changes is available for investigating issues and for audit.
  • The infrastructure operations scale better: Code for similar pieces of infrastructure can be modularised. Changes can be rolled out automatically by Continuous Integration (CI) pipelines in the VCS system, when a change is merged to the main branch.
  • The same code can be used to deploy the staging and production environments consistently.
  • The infrastructure can be re-created anytime from its source code, in case of a disaster.

However, IaC unwittingly posed a new entry barrier too, requiring the learning of new tools like Ansible, Puppet, Chef, Terraform, etc.

Some organisations set up dedicated Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) teams to centrally manage, operate, and support those tools and the infrastructure as a whole, but that soon created the potential of new bottlenecks in the path to innovation.

On the other hand, others let engineering teams manage their own infrastructure, and Grab adopted that same approach. We use Terraform to manage infrastructure, and all teams are expected to have select engineers who have received Terraform training and have a clear understanding of it.

In this context, Coban’s platform initially started as a handful of Git repositories where users had to submit their Merge Requests (MR) of Terraform code to create their data streaming resources. Once reviewed by a Coban engineer, those Terraform changes would be applied by a CI pipeline running Atlantis.

While this was a meaningful first step towards self-service and platformisation of Coban’s offering within Grab, it had several significant downsides:

  • Stability: Due to the lack of control on the Terraform changes, the CI pipeline was prone to human errors and frequent failures. For example, users would initiate a new Terraform project by duplicating an existing one, but then would forget to change the location of the remote Terraform state, leading to the in-place replacement of an existing resource.
  • Scalability: The Coban team needed to review all MRs and provide ad hoc support whenever the pipeline failed.
  • Security: In the absence of Identity and Access Management (IAM), MRs could potentially contain changes pertaining to other teams’ resources, or even changes to Coban’s core infrastructure, with code review as the only guardrail.
  • Limited user growth: We could only acquire users who were well-versed in Terraform.

It soon became clear that we needed to build a layer of abstraction between our users and the Terraform code, to increase the level of control and lower the entry barrier to our platform, while still retaining all of the benefits of IaC under the hood.


We designed and built an in-house three-tier control plane made of:

  • Coban UI, a front-end web interface, providing our users with a seamless ClickOps experience.
  • Heimdall, the Go back-end of the web interface, transforming ClickOps into IaC.
  • Khone, the storage and provisioner layer, a Git repository storing Terraform code and metadata of all resources as well as the CI pipelines to plan and apply the changes.

In the next sections, we will deep dive in those three components.

Fig. 1 Simplified architecture of a request flowing from the user to the Coban infrastructure, via the three components of the control plane: the Coban UI, Heimdall, and Khone.

Although we designed the user journey to start from the Coban UI, our users can still opt to communicate with Heimdall and with Khone directly, e.g. for batch changes, or just because many engineers love Git and we want to encourage broad adoption. To make sure that data is eventually consistent across the three systems, we made Khone the only persistent storage layer. Heimdall regularly fetches data from Khone, caches it, and presents it to the Coban UI upon each query.

We also continued using Terraform for all resources, instead of mixing various declarative infrastructure approaches (e.g. Kubernetes Custom Resource Definition, Helm charts), for the sake of consistency of the logic in Khone’s CI pipelines.

Coban UI

The Coban UI is a React Single Page Application (React SPA) designed by our partner team Chroma, a dedicated team of front-end engineers who thrive on building legendary UIs and reusable components for platform teams at Grab.

It serves as a comprehensive self-service portal, enabling users to effortlessly create data streaming resources by filling out web forms with just a few clicks.

Fig. 2 Screen capture of a new Kafka topic creation in the Coban UI.

In addition to facilitating resource creation and configuration, the Coban UI is seamlessly integrated with multiple monitoring systems. This integration allows for real-time monitoring of critical metrics and health status for Coban infrastructure components, including Kafka clusters, Kafka topic bytes in/out rates, and more. Under the hood, all this information is exposed by Heimdall APIs.

Fig. 3 Screen capture of the metrics of a Kafka cluster in the Coban UI.

In terms of infrastructure, the Coban UI is hosted in AWS S3 website hosting. All dynamic content is generated by querying the APIs of the back-end: Heimdall.


Heimdall is the Go back-end of the Coban UI. It serves a collection of APIs for:

  • Managing the data streaming resources of the Coban platform with Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) operations, treating the Coban UI as a first-class citizen.
  • Exposing the metadata of all Coban resources, so that they can be used by other platforms or searched in the Coban UI.

All operations are authenticated and authorised. Read more about Heimdall’s access control in Migrating from Role to Attribute-based Access Control.

In the next sections, we are going to dive deeper into these two features.

Managing the data streaming resources

First and foremost, Heimdall enables our users to self-manage their data streaming resources. It primarily relies on Khone as its storage and provisioner layer for actual resource management via Git CI pipelines. Therefore, we designed Heimdall’s resource management workflow to leverage the underlying Git flow.

Fig. 4 Diagram flow of a request in Heimdall.

Fig. 4 shows the diagram flow of a typical request in Heimdall to create, update, or delete a resource.

  1. An authenticated user initiates a request, either by navigating in the Coban UI or by calling the Heimdall API directly. At this stage, the request state is Initiated on Heimdall.
  2. Heimdall validates the request against multiple validation rules. For example, if an ongoing change request exists for the same resource, the request fails. If all tests succeed, the request state moves to Ongoing.
  3. Heimdall then creates an MR in Khone, which contains the Terraform files describing the desired state of the resource, as well as an in-house metadata file describing the key attributes of both resource and requester.
  4. After the MR has been created successfully, Heimdall notifies the requester via Slack and shares the MR URL.
  5. After that, Heimdall starts polling the status of the MR in a loop.
  6. For changes pertaining to production resources, an approver who is code owner in the repository of the resource has to approve the MR. Typically, the approver is an immediate teammate of the requester. Indeed, as a platform team, we empower our users to manage their own resources in a self-service fashion. Ultimately, the requester would merge the MR to trigger the CI pipeline applying the actual Terraform changes. Note that for staging resources, this entire step 6 is automatically performed by Heimdall.
  7. Depending on the MR status and the status of its CI pipeline in Khone, the final state of the request can be:
    • Failed if the CI pipeline has failed in Khone.
    • Completed if the CI pipeline has succeeded in Khone.
    • Cancelled if the MR was closed in Khone.

Heimdall exposes APIs to let users track the status of their requests. In the Coban UI, a page queries those APIs to elegantly display the requests.

Fig. 5 Screen capture of the Coban UI showing all requests.

Exposing the metadata

Apart from managing the data streaming resources, Heimdall also centralises and exposes the metadata pertaining to those resources so other Grab systems can fetch and use it. They can make various queries, for example, listing the producers and consumers of a given Kafka topic, or determining if a database (DB) is the data source for any CDC pipeline.

To make this happen, Heimdall not only retains the metadata of all of the resources that it creates, but also regularly ingests additional information from a variety of upstream systems and platforms, to enrich and make this metadata comprehensive.

Fig. 6 Diagram showing some of Heimdall’s upstreams (on the left) and downstreams (on the right) for metadata collection, enrichment, and serving. The arrows show the data flow. The network connection (client -> server) is actually the other way around.

On the left side of Fig. 6, we illustrate Heimdall’s ingestion mechanism with several examples (step 1):

  • The metadata of all Coban resources is ingested from Khone. This means the metadata of the resources that were created directly in Khone is also available in Heimdall.
  • The list of Kafka producers is retrieved from our monitoring platform, where most of them emit metrics.
  • The list of Kafka consumers is retrieved directly from the respective Kafka clusters, by listing the consumer groups and respective Client IDs of each partition.
  • The metadata of all DBs, that are used as a data source for CDC pipelines, is fetched from Grab’s internal DB management platform.
  • The Kafka stream schemas are retrieved from the Coban schema repository.
  • The Kafka stream configuration of each stream is retrieved from Grab Universal Configuration Management platform.

With all of this ingested data, Heimdall can provide comprehensive and accurate information about all data streaming resources to any other Grab platforms via a set of dedicated APIs.

The right side of Fig. 6 shows some examples (step 2) of Heimdall’s serving mechanism:

  • As a downstream of Heimdall, the Coban UI enables our direct users to conveniently browse their data streaming resources and access their attributes.
  • The entire resource inventory is ingested into the broader Grab inventory platform, based on backstage.io.
  • The Kafka streams are ingested into Grab’s internal data discovery platform, based on DataHub, where users can discover and trace the lineage of any piece of data.
  • The CDC connectors pertaining to DBs are ingested by Grab internal DB management platform, so that they are made visible in that platform when users are browsing their DBs.

Note that the downstream platforms that ingest data from Heimdall each expose a particular view of the Coban inventory that serves their purpose, but the Coban platform remains the only source of truth for any data streaming resource at Grab.

Lastly, Heimdall leverages an internal MySQL DB to support quick data query and exploration. The corresponding API is called by the Coban UI to let our users conveniently search globally among all resources’ attributes.

Fig. 7 Screen capture of the global search feature in the Coban UI.


Khone is the persistent storage layer of our platform, as well as the executor for actual resource creation, changes, and deletion. Under the hood, it is actually a GitLab repository of Terraform code in typical GitOps fashion, with CI pipelines to plan and apply the Terraform changes automatically. In addition, it also stores a metadata file for each resource.

Compared to letting the platform create the infrastructure directly and keep track of the desired state in its own way, relying on a standard IaC tool like Terraform for the actual changes to the infrastructure presents two major advantages:

  • The Terraform code can directly be used for disaster recovery. In case of a disaster, any entitled Cobaner with a local copy of the main branch of the Khone repository is able to recreate all our platform resources directly from their machine. There is no need to rebuild the entire platform’s control plane, thus reducing our Recovery Time Objective (RTO).
  • Minimal effort required to follow the API changes of our infrastructure ecosystem (AWS, Kubernetes, Kafka, etc.). When such a change happens, all we need to do is to update the corresponding Terraform provider.

If you’d like to read more about Khone, check out Securing GitOps pipelines. In this section, we will only focus on Khone’s features that are relevant from the platform perspective.

Lightweight Terraform

In Khone, each resource is stored as a Terraform definition. There are two major differences from a normal Terraform project:

  • No Terraform environment, such as the required Terraform providers and the location of the remote Terraform state file. They are automatically generated by the CI pipeline via a simple wrapper.
  • Only vetted Khone Terraform modules can be used. This is controlled and enforced by the CI pipeline via code inspection. There is one such Terraform module for each kind of supported resource of our platform (e.g. Kafka topic, Flink pipeline, Kafka Connect mirror source connector etc.). Furthermore, those in-house Terraform modules are designed to automatically derive their key variables (e.g. resource name, cluster name, environment) from the relative path of the parent Terraform project in the Khone repository.

Those characteristics are designed to limit the risk and blast radius of human errors. They also make sure that all resources created in Khone are supported by our platform, so that they can also be discovered and managed in Heimdall and the Coban UI. Lastly, by generating the Terraform environment on the fly, we can destroy resources simply by deleting the directory of the project in the code base – this would not be possible otherwise.

Resource metadata

All resource metadata is stored in a YAML file that is present in the Terraform directory of each resource in the Khone repository. This is mainly used for ownership and cost attribution.

With this metadata, we can:

  • Better communicate with our users whenever their resources are impacted by an incident or an upcoming maintenance operation.
  • Help teams understand the costs of their usage of our platform, a significant step towards cost efficiency.

There are two different ways resource metadata can be created:

  • Automatically through Heimdall: The YAML metadata file is automatically generated by Heimdall.
  • Through Khone by a human user: The user needs to prepare the YAML metadata file and include it in the MR. This file is then verified by the CI pipeline.


The initial version of the three-tier Coban platform, as described in this article, was internally released in March 2022, supporting only Kafka topic management at the time. Since then, we have added support for Flink pipelines, four kinds of Kafka Connect connectors, CDC pipelines, and more recently, Apache Zeppelin notebooks. At the time of writing, the Coban platform manages about 5000 data streaming resources, all described as IaC under the hood.

Our platform also exposes enriched metadata that includes the full data lineage from Kafka producers to Kafka consumers, as well as ownership information, and cost attribution.

With that, our monthly active users have almost quadrupled, truly moving the needle towards democratising the usage of real-time data within all Grab verticals.

In spite of that user growth, the end-to-end workflow success rate for self-served resource creation, change or deletion, remained well above 90% in the first half of 2023, while the Heimdall API uptime was above 99.95%.

Challenges faced

A common challenge for platform teams resides in the misalignment between the Service Level Objective (SLO) of the platform, and the various environments (e.g. staging, production) of the managed resources and upstream/downstream systems and platforms.

Indeed, the platform aims to guarantee the same level of service, regardless of whether it is used to create resources in the staging or the production environment. From the platform team’s perspective, the platform as a whole is considered production-grade, as soon as it serves actual users.

A naive approach to address this challenge is to let the production version of the platform manage all resources regardless of their respective environments. However, doing so does not permit a hermetic segregation of the staging and production environments across the organisation, which is a good security practice, and often a requirement for compliance. For example, the production version of the platform would have to connect to upstream systems in the staging environment, e.g. staging Kafka clusters to collect their consumer groups, in the case of Heimdall. Conversely, the staging version of certain downstreams would have to connect to the production version of Heimdall, to fetch the metadata of relevant staging resources.

The alternative approach, generally adopted across Grab, is to instantiate all platforms in each environment (staging and production), while still considering both instances as production-grade and guaranteeing tight SLOs in both environments.

Fig. 8 Architecture of the Coban platform, broken down by environment.

In Fig. 8, both instances of Heimdall have equivalent SLOs. The caveat is that all upstream systems and platforms must also guarantee a strict SLO in both environments. This obviously comes with a cost, for example, tighter maintenance windows for the operations pertaining to the Kafka clusters in the staging environment.

A strong “platform” culture is required for platform teams to fully understand that their instance residing in the staging environment is not their own staging environment and should not be used for testing new features.

What’s next?

Currently, users creating, updating, or deleting production resources in the Coban UI (or directly by calling Heimdall API) receive the URL of the generated GitLab MR in a Slack message. From there, they must get the MR approved by a code owner, typically another team member, and finally merge the MR, for the requested change to be actually implemented by the CI pipeline.

Although this was a fairly easy way to implement a maker/checker process that was immediately compliant with our regulatory requirements for any changes in production, the user experience is not optimal. In the near future, we plan to bring the approval mechanism into Heimdall and the Coban UI, while still providing our more advanced users with the option to directly create, approve, and merge MRs in GitLab. In the longer run, we would also like to enhance the Coban UI with the output of the Khone CI jobs that include the Terraform plan and apply results.

There is another aspect of the platform that we want to improve. As Heimdall regularly polls the upstream platforms to collect their metadata, this introduces a latency between a change in one of those platforms and its reflection in the Coban platform, which can hinder the user experience. To refresh resource metadata in Heimdall in near real time, we plan to leverage an existing Grab-wide event stream, where most of the configuration and code changes at Grab are produced as events. Heimdall will soon be able to consume those events and update the metadata of the affected resources immediately, without waiting for the next periodic refresh.

Join us

Grab is the leading superapp platform in Southeast Asia, providing everyday services that matter to consumers. More than just a ride-hailing and food delivery app, Grab offers a wide range of on-demand services in the region, including mobility, food, package and grocery delivery services, mobile payments, and financial services across 428 cities in eight countries.

Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!

Road localisation in GrabMaps

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/road-localisation-grabmaps


In 2022, Grab achieved self-sufficiency in its Geo services. As part of this transition, one crucial step was moving towards using an internally-developed map tailored specifically to the market in which Grab operates. Now that we have full control over the map layer, we can add more data to it or improve it according to the needs of the services running on top. One key aspect that this transition unlocked for us was the possibility of creating hyperlocal data at map level.

For instance, by determining the country to which a road belongs, we can now automatically infer the official language of that country and display the street name in that language. In another example, knowing the country for a specific road, we can automatically infer the driving side (left-handed or right-handed) leading to an improved navigation experience. Furthermore, this capability also enables us to efficiently handle various scenarios. For example, if we know that a road is part of a gated community, an area where our driver partners face restricted access, we can prevent the transit through that area.

These are just some examples of the possibilities from having full control over the map layer. By having an internal map, we can align our maps with specific markets and provide better experiences for our driver-partners and customers.


For all these to be possible, we first needed to localise the roads inside the map. Our goal was to include hyperlocal data into the map, which refers to data that is specific to a certain area, such as a country, city, or even a smaller part of the city like a gated community. At the same time, we aimed to deliver our map with a high cadence, thus, we needed to find the right way to process this large amount of data while continuing to create maps in a cost-effective manner.


In the following sections of this article, we will use an extract from the Southeast Asia map to provide visual representations of the concepts discussed.

In Figure 1, Image 1 shows a visualisation of the road network, the roads belonging to this area. The coloured lines in Image 2 represent the borders identifying the countries in the same area. Overlapping the information from Image 1 and Image 2, we can extrapolate and say that the entire surface included in a certain border could have the same set of common properties as shown in Image 3. In Image 4, we then proceed with adding localised roads for each area.

Figure 1 – Map of Southeast Asia

For this to be possible, we have to find a way to localise each road and identify its associated country. Once this localisation process is complete, we can replicate all this information specific to a given border onto each individual road. This information includes details such as the country name, driving side, and official language. We can go even further and infer more information, and add hyperlocal data. For example, in Vietnam, we can automatically prevent motorcycle access on the motorways.

Assigning each road on the map to a specific area, such as a country, service area, or subdivision, presents a complex task. So, how can we efficiently accomplish this?


The most straightforward approach would be to test the inclusion of each road into each area boundary, but that is easier said than done. With close to 30 million road segments in the Southeast Asia map and over 10 thousand areas, the computational cost of determining inclusion or intersection between a polyline and a polygon is expensive.

Our solution to this challenge involves replacing the expensive yet precise operation with a decent approximation. We introduce a proxy entity, the geohash, and we use it to approximate the areas and also to localise the roads.

We replace the geometrical inclusion with a series of simpler and less expensive operations. First, we conduct an inexpensive precomputation where we identify all the geohases that belong to a certain area or within a defined border. We then identify the geohashes to which the roads belong to. Finally, we use these precomputed values to assign roads to their respective areas. This process is also computationally inexpensive.

Given the large area we process, we leverage big data techniques to distribute the execution across multiple nodes and thus speed up the operation. We want to deliver the map daily and this is one of the many operations that are part of the map-making process.

What is a geohash?

To further understand our implementation we will first explain the geohash concept. A geohash is a unique identifier of a specific region on the Earth. The basic idea is that the Earth is divided into regions of user-defined size and each region is assigned a unique id, which is known as its geohash. For a given location on earth, the geohash algorithm converts its latitude and longitude into a string.

Geohashes uses a Base-32 alphabet encoding system comprising characters ranging from 0 to 9 and A to Z, excluding “A”, “I”, “L” and “O”. Imagine dividing the world into a grid with 32 cells. The first character in a geohash identifies the initial location of one of these 32 cells. Each of these cells are then further subdivided into 32 smaller cells.This subdivision process continues and refines to specific areas in the world. Adding characters to the geohash sub-divides a cell, effectively zooming in to a more detailed area.

The precision factor of the geohash determines the size of the cell. For instance, a precision factor of one creates a cell 5,000 km high and 5,000 km wide. A precision factor of six creates a cell 0.61km high and 1.22 km wide. Furthermore, a precision factor of nine creates a cell 4.77 m high and 4.77 m wide. It is important to note that cells are not always square and can have varying dimensions.

In Figure 2, we have exemplified a geohash 6 grid and its code is wsdt33.

Figure 2 – An example of geohash code wsdt33

Using less expensive operations

Calculating the inclusion of the roads inside a certain border is an expensive operation. However, quantifying the exact expense is challenging as it depends on several factors. One factor is the complexity of the border. Borders are usually irregular and very detailed, as they need to correctly reflect the actual border. The complexity of the road geometry is another factor that plays an important role as roads are not always straight lines.

Figure 3 – Roads to localise

Since this operation is expensive both in terms of cloud cost and time to run, we need to identify a cheaper and faster way that would yield similar results. Knowing that the complexity of the border lines is the cause of the problem, we tried using a different alternative, a rectangle. Calculating the inclusion of a polyline inside a rectangle is a cheaper operation.

Figure 4 – Roads inside a rectangle

So we transformed this large, one step operation, where we test each road segment for inclusion in a border, into a series of smaller operations where we perform the following steps:

  1. Identify all the geohashes that are part of a certain area or belong to a certain border. In this process we include additional areas to make sure that we cover the entire surface inside the border.
  2. For each road segment, we identify the list of geohashes that it belongs to. A road, depending on its length or depending on its shape, might belong to multiple geohashes.

In Figure 5, we identify that the road belongs to two geohashes and that the two geohashes are part of the border we use.

Figure 5 – Geohashes as proxy

Now, all we need to do is join the two data sets together. This kind of operation is a great candidate for a big data approach, as it allows us to run it in parallel and speed up the processing time.

Precision tradeoff

We mentioned earlier that, for the sake of argument, we replace precision with a decent approximation. Let’s now delve into the real tradeoff by adopting this approach.

The first thing that stands out with this approach is that we traded precision for cost. We are able to reduce the cost as this approach uses less hardware resources and computation time. However, this reduction in precision suffers, particularly for roads located near the borders as they might be wrongly classified.

Going back to the initial example, let’s take the case of the external road, on the left side of the area. As you can see in Figure 6, it is clear that the road does not belong to our border. But when we apply the geohash approach it gets included into the middle geohash.

Figure 6 – Wrong road localisation

Given that just a small part of the geohash falls inside the border, the entire geohash will be classified as belonging to that area, and, as a consequence, the road that belongs to that geohash will be wrongly localised and we’ll end up adding the wrong localisation information to that road. This is clearly a consequence of the precision tradeoff. So, how can we solve this?

Geohash precision

One option is to increase the geohash precision. By using smaller and smaller geohashes, we can better reflect the actual area. As we go deeper and we further split the geohash, we can accurately follow the border. However, a high geohash precision also equates to a computationally intensive operation bringing us back to our initial situation. Therefore, it is crucial to find the right balance between the geohash size and the complexity of operations.

Figure 7 – Geohash precision

Geohash coverage percentage

To find a balance between precision and data loss, we looked into calculating the geohash coverage percentage. For example, in Figure 8, the blue geohash is entirely within the border. Here we can say that it has a 100% geohash coverage.

Figure 8 – Geohash inside the border

However, take for example the geohash in Figure 9. It touches the border and has only around 80% of its surface inside the area. Given that most of its surface is within the border, we still can say that it belongs to the area.

Figure 9 – Geohash partially inside the border

Let’s look at another example. In Figure 10, only a small part of the geohash is within the border. We can say that the geohash coverage percentage here is around 5%. For these cases, it becomes difficult for us to determine whether the geohash does belong to the area. What would be a good tradeoff in this case?

Figure 10 – Geohash barely inside the border

Border shape

To go one step further, we can consider a mixed solution, where we use the border shape but only for the geohashes touching the border. This would still be an intensive computational operation but the number of roads located in these geohashes will be much smaller, so it is still a gain.

For the geohashes with full coverage inside the area, we’ll use the geohash for the localisation, the simpler operation. For the geohashes that are near the border, we’ll use a different approach. To increase the precision around the borders, we can cut the geohash following the border’s shape. Instead of having a rectangle, we’ll use a more complex shape which is still simpler than the initial border shape.

Figure 11 – Geohash following a border’s shape


We began with a simple approach and we enhanced it to improve precision. This also increased the complexity of the operation. We then asked, what are the actual gains? Was it worthwhile to go through all this process? In this section, we put this to the test.

We first created a benchmark by taking a small sample of the data and ran the localisation process on a laptop. The sample comprised approximately 2% of the borders and 0.0014% of the roads. We ran the localisation process using two approaches.

  • With the first approach, we calculated the intersection between all the roads and borders. The entire operation took around 38 minutes.
  • For the second approach, we optimised the operation using geohashes. In this approach, the runtime was only 78 seconds (1.3 minutes).

However, it is important to note that this is not an apples-to-apples comparison. The operation that we measured was the localisation of the roads but we did not include the border filling operation where we fill the borders with geohashes. This is because this operation does not need to be run every time. It can be run once and reused multiple times.

Though not often required, it is still crucial to understand and consider the operation of precomputing areas and filling borders with geohashes. The precomputation process depends on several factors:

  • Number and shape of the borders – The more borders and the more complex the borders are, the longer the operation will take.
  • Geohash precision – How accurate do we need our localisation to be? The more accurate it needs to be, the longer it will take.
  • Hardware availability

Going back to our hypothesis, although this precomputation might be expensive, it is rarely run as the borders don’t change often and can be triggered only when needed. However, regular computation, where we find the area to which each road belongs to, is often run as the roads change constantly. In our system, we run this localisation for each map processing.

We can also further optimise this process by applying the opposite approach. Geohashes that have full coverage inside a border can be merged together into larger geohashes thus simplifying the computation inside the border. In the end, we can have a solution that is fully optimised for our needs with the best cost-to-performance ratio.

Figure 12 – Optimised geohashes


Although geohashes seem to be the right solution for this kind of problem, we also need to monitor their content. One consideration is the road density inside a geohash. For example, a geohash inside a city centre usually has a lot of roads while one in the countryside may have much less. We need to consider this aspect to have a balanced computation operation and take full advantage of the big data approach. In our case, we achieve this balance by considering the number of road kilometres within a geohash.

Figure 13 – Unbalanced data

Additionally, the resources that we choose also matter. To optimise time and cost, we need to find the right balance between the running time and resource cost. As shown in Figure 14, based on a sample data we ran, sometimes, we get the best result when using smaller machines.

Figure 14 – Cost vs runtime

The achievements and insights showcased in this article are indebted to the contributions made by Mihai Chintoanu. His expertise and collaborative efforts have profoundly enriched the content and findings presented herein.

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Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!

GitHub Availability Report: October 2023

Post Syndicated from Jakub Oleksy original https://github.blog/2023-11-13-github-availability-report-october-2023/

In October, we experienced two incidents that resulted in degraded performance across GitHub services.

October 17 10:59 UTC (lasting 2 hours and 49 minutes)

From 10:59 UTC to 13:48 UTC on October 17, GitHub Codespaces service was degraded due to an outage in authentication. This issue impacted 67% of users over this time period, with users seeing failures to create and start their Codespaces. The regional authentication layer experienced throttling with a global third-party dependency due to increased load from onboarding a new Codespaces region. The Codespaces team mitigated manually by reducing load on the external dependency. Following the incident, the Codespaces team is actively evaluating and implementing scaling improvements to make the service more resilient to increasing demands. These include implementing regional-level caching to minimize calls to the dependency and incorporating measures to ensure the continued health of the authentication service in the event of errors.

October 25 09:13 UTC (lasting 3 hours and 27 minutes cumulatively)

On October 25 through 26, GitHub Copilot experienced multiple short and partial outages which affected code completions.

GitHub Copilot completions are currently hosted in multiple regions globally. Users are typically routed to the nearest geographic region, but may be routed to other regions when the nearest region is unhealthy. Beginning at 09:13 UTC on October 25, GitHub Copilot began experiencing partial outages of individual regions, lasting approximately 12 minutes per region. These outages were due to the nodes hosting the completion model being upgraded by an automated process, and a subset of GitHub Copilot users experienced completion errors during this timeframe. The issue was fully resolved at 02:40 UTC on October 26.

In order to prevent similar outages from happening in the future, we have taken steps to disable the automated upgrade behavior that we identified as the root cause, as well as prioritizing improvements to our global load balancing during regional outages.

Please follow our status page for real-time updates on status changes. To learn more about what we’re working on, check out the GitHub Engineering Blog.

The post GitHub Availability Report: October 2023 appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

Graph modelling guidelines

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/graph-modelling-guidelines


Graph modelling is a highly effective technique for representing and analysing complex and interconnected data across various domains. By deciphering relationships between entities, graph modelling can reveal insights that might be otherwise difficult to identify using traditional data modelling approaches. In this article, we will explore what graph modelling is and guide you through a step-by-step process of implementing graph modelling to create a social network graph.

What is graph modelling?

Graph modelling is a method for representing real-world entities and their relationships using nodes, edges, and properties. It employs graph theory, a branch of mathematics that studies graphs, to visualise and analyse the structure and patterns within complex datasets. Common applications of graph modelling include social network analysis, recommendation systems, and biological networks.

Graph modelling process

Step 1: Define your domain

Before diving into graph modelling, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of the domain you’re working with. This involves getting acquainted with the relevant terms, concepts, and relationships that exist in your specific field. To create a social network graph, familiarise yourself with terms like users, friendships, posts, likes, and comments.

Step 2: Identify entities and relationships

After defining your domain, you need to determine the entities (nodes) and relationships (edges) that exist within it. Entities are the primary objects in your domain, while relationships represent how these entities interact with each other. In a social network graph, users are entities, and friendships are relationships.

Step 3: Establish properties

Each entity and relationship may have a set of properties that provide additional information. In this step, identify relevant properties based on their significance to the domain. A user entity might have properties like name, age, and location. A friendship relationship could have a ‘since’ property to denote the establishment of the friendship.

Step 4: Choose a graph model

Once you’ve identified the entities, relationships, and properties, it’s time to choose a suitable graph model. Two common models are:

  • Property graph: A versatile model that easily accommodates properties on both nodes and edges. It’s well-suited for most applications.
  • Resource Description Framework (RDF): A World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standard model, using triples of subject-predicate-object to represent data. It is commonly used in semantic web applications.

For a social network graph, a property graph model is typically suitable. This is because user entities have many attributes and features. Property graphs provide a clear representation of the relationships between people and their attribute profiles.

Figure 1 – Social network graph

Step 5: Develop a schema

Although not required, developing a schema can be helpful for large-scale projects and team collaborations. A schema defines the structure of your graph, including entity types, relationships, and properties. In a social network graph, you might have a schema that specifies the types of nodes (users, posts) and the relationships between them (friendships, likes, comments).

Step 6: Import or generate data

Next, acquire the data needed to populate your graph. This can come in the form of existing datasets or generated data from your application. For a social network graph, you can import user information from a CSV file and generate simulated friendships, posts, likes, and comments.

Step 7: Implement the graph using a graph database or other storage options

Finally, you need to store your graph data using a suitable graph database. Neo4j, Amazon Neptune, or Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB are examples of graph databases. Alternatively, depending on your specific requirements, you can use a non-graph database or an in-memory data structure to store the graph.

Step 8: Analyse and visualise the graph

After implementing the graph, you can perform various analyses using graph algorithms, such as shortest path, centrality, or community detection. In addition, visualising your graph can help you gain insights and facilitate communication with others.


By following these steps, you can effectively create and analyse graph models for your specific domain. Remember to adjust the steps according to your unique domain and requirements, and always ensure that confidential and sensitive data is properly protected.


[1] What is a Graph Database?

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Grab is the leading superapp platform in Southeast Asia, providing everyday services that matter to consumers. More than just a ride-hailing and food delivery app, Grab offers a wide range of on-demand services in the region, including mobility, food, package and grocery delivery services, mobile payments, and financial services across 428 cities in eight countries.

Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!

The architecture of today’s LLM applications

Post Syndicated from Nicole Choi original https://github.blog/2023-10-30-the-architecture-of-todays-llm-applications/

We want to empower you to experiment with LLM models, build your own applications, and discover untapped problem spaces. That’s why we sat down with GitHub’s Alireza Goudarzi, a senior machine learning researcher, and Albert Ziegler, a principal machine learning engineer, to discuss the emerging architecture of today’s LLMs.

In this post, we’ll cover five major steps to building your own LLM app, the emerging architecture of today’s LLM apps, and problem areas that you can start exploring today.

Five steps to building an LLM app

Building software with LLMs, or any machine learning (ML) model, is fundamentally different from building software without them. For one, rather than compiling source code into binary to run a series of commands, developers need to navigate datasets, embeddings, and parameter weights to generate consistent and accurate outputs. After all, LLM outputs are probabilistic and don’t produce the same predictable outcomes.

Diagram that lists the five steps to building a large language model application. Data source for diagram is detailed here: https://github.blog/?p=74969&preview=true#five-steps-to-building-an-llm-app
Click on diagram to enlarge and save.

Let’s break down, at a high level, the steps to build an LLM app today. 👇

1. Focus on a single problem, first. The key? Find a problem that’s the right size: one that’s focused enough so you can quickly iterate and make progress, but also big enough so that the right solution will wow users.

For instance, rather than trying to address all developer problems with AI, the GitHub Copilot team initially focused on one part of the software development lifecycle: coding functions in the IDE.

2. Choose the right LLM. You’re saving costs by building an LLM app with a pre-trained model, but how do you pick the right one? Here are some factors to consider:

  • Licensing. If you hope to eventually sell your LLM app, you’ll need to use a model that has an API licensed for commercial use. To get you started on your search, here’s a community-sourced list of open LLMs that are licensed for commercial use.
  • Model size. The size of LLMs can range from 7 to 175 billion parameters—and some, like Ada, are even as small as 350 million parameters. Most LLMs (at the time of writing this post) range in size from 7-13 billion parameters.

Conventional wisdom tells us that if a model has more parameters (variables that can be adjusted to improve a model’s output), the better the model is at learning new information and providing predictions. However, the improved performance of smaller models is challenging that belief. Smaller models are also usually faster and cheaper, so improvements to the quality of their predictions make them a viable contender compared to big-name models that might be out of scope for many apps.

  • Model performance. Before you customize your LLM using techniques like fine-tuning and in-context learning (which we’ll cover below), evaluate how well and fast—and how consistently—the model generates your desired output. To measure model performance, you can use offline evaluations.

3. Customize the LLM. When you train an LLM, you’re building the scaffolding and neural networks to enable deep learning. When you customize a pre-trained LLM, you’re adapting the LLM to specific tasks, such as generating text around a specific topic or in a particular style. The section below will focus on techniques for the latter. To customize a pre-trained LLM to your specific needs, you can try in-context learning, reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF), or fine-tuning.

  • In-context learning, sometimes referred to as prompt engineering by end users, is when you provide the model with specific instructions or examples at the time of inference—or the time you’re querying the model—and asking it to infer what you need and generate a contextually relevant output.

In-context learning can be done in a variety of ways, like providing examples, rephrasing your queries, and adding a sentence that states your goal at a high-level.

  • RLHF comprises a reward model for the pre-trained LLM. The reward model is trained to predict if a user will accept or reject the output from the pre-trained LLM. The learnings from the reward model are passed to the pre-trained LLM, which will adjust its outputs based on user acceptance rate.

The benefit to RLHF is that it doesn’t require supervised learning and, consequently, expands the criteria for what’s an acceptable output. With enough human feedback, the LLM can learn that if there’s an 80% probability that a user will accept an output, then it’s fine to generate. Want to try it out? Check out these resources, including codebases, for RLHF.

  • Fine-tuning is when the model’s generated output is evaluated against an intended or known output. For example, you know that the sentiment behind a statement like this is negative: “The soup is too salty.” To evaluate the LLM, you’d feed this sentence to the model and query it to label the sentiment as positive or negative. If the model labels it as positive, then you’d adjust the model’s parameters and try prompting it again to see if it can classify the sentiment as negative.

Fine-tuning can result in a highly customized LLM that excels at a specific task, but it uses supervised learning, which requires time-intensive labeling. In other words, each input sample requires an output that’s labeled with exactly the correct answer. That way, the actual output can be measured against the labeled one and adjustments can be made to the model’s parameters. The advantage of RLHF, as mentioned above, is that you don’t need an exact label.

4. Set up the app’s architecture. The different components you’ll need to set up your LLM app can be roughly grouped into three categories:

  • User input which requires a UI, an LLM, and an app hosting platform.
  • Input enrichment and prompt construction tools. This includes your data source, embedding model, a vector database, prompt construction and optimization tools, and a data filter.
  • Efficient and responsible AI tooling, which includes an LLM cache, LLM content classifier or filter, and a telemetry service to evaluate the output of your LLM app.

5. Conduct online evaluations of your app. These evaluations are considered “online” because they assess the LLM’s performance during user interaction. For example, online evaluations for GitHub Copilot are measured through acceptance rate (how often a developer accepts a completion shown to them), as well as the retention rate (how often and to what extent a developer edits an accepted completion).

The emerging architecture of LLM apps

Let’s get started on architecture. We’re going to revisit our friend Dave, whose Wi-Fi went out on the day of his World Cup watch party. Fortunately, Dave was able to get his Wi-Fi running in time for the game, thanks to an LLM-powered assistant.

We’ll use this example and the diagram above to walk through a user flow with an LLM app, and break down the kinds of tools you’d need to build it. 👇

Flow chart that reads from right to left, showing components of a large language model application and how they all work together. Data source for diagram is detailed here: https://github.blog/?p=74969&preview=true#the-emerging-architecture-of-llm-apps
Click diagram to enlarge and save.

User input tools

When Dave’s Wi-Fi crashes, he calls his internet service provider (ISP) and is directed to an LLM-powered assistant. The assistant asks Dave to explain his emergency, and Dave responds, “My TV was connected to my Wi-Fi, but I bumped the counter, and the Wi-Fi box fell off! Now, we can’t watch the game.”

In order for Dave to interact with the LLM, we need four tools:

  • LLM API and host: Is the LLM app running on a local machine or in the cloud? In an ISP’s case, it’s probably hosted in the cloud to handle the volume of calls like Dave’s. Vercel and early projects like jina-ai/rungpt aim to provide a cloud-native solution to deploy and scale LLM apps.

But if you want to build an LLM app to tinker, hosting the model on your machine might be more cost effective so that you’re not paying to spin up your cloud environment every time you want to experiment. You can find conversations on GitHub Discussions about hardware requirements for models like LLaMA‚ two of which can be found here and here.

  • The UI: Dave’s keypad is essentially the UI, but in order for Dave to use his keypad to switch from the menu of options to the emergency line, the UI needs to include a router tool.
  • Speech-to-text translation tool: Dave’s verbal query then needs to be fed through a speech-to-text translation tool that works in the background.

Input enrichment and prompt construction tools

Let’s go back to Dave. The LLM can analyze the sequence of words in Dave’s transcript, classify it as an IT complaint, and provide a contextually relevant response. (The LLM’s able to do this because it’s been trained on the internet’s entire corpus, which includes IT support documentation.)

Input enrichment tools aim to contextualize and package the user’s query in a way that will generate the most useful response from the LLM.

  • A vector database is where you can store embeddings, or index high-dimensional vectors. It also increases the probability that the LLM’s response is helpful by providing additional information to further contextualize your user’s query.

Let’s say the LLM assistant has access to the company’s complaints search engine, and those complaints and solutions are stored as embeddings in a vector database. Now, the LLM assistant uses information not only from the internet’s IT support documentation, but also from documentation specific to customer problems with the ISP.

  • But in order to retrieve information from the vector database that’s relevant to a user’s query, we need an embedding model to translate the query into an embedding. Because the embeddings in the vector database, as well as Dave’s query, are translated into high-dimensional vectors, the vectors will capture both the semantics and intention of the natural language, not just its syntax.

Here’s a list of open source text embedding models. OpenAI and Hugging Face also provide embedding models.

Dave’s contextualized query would then read like this:

// pay attention to the the following relevant information.
to the colors and blinking pattern.

// pay attention to the following relevant information.

// The following is an IT complaint from, Dave Anderson, IT support expert.
Answers to Dave's questions should serve as an example of the excellent support
provided by the ISP to its customers.

*Dave: Oh it's awful! This is the big game day. My TV was connected to my
Wi-Fi, but I bumped the counter and the Wi-Fi box fell off and broke! Now we
can't watch the game.

Not only do these series of prompts contextualize Dave’s issue as an IT complaint, they also pull in context from the company’s complaints search engine. That context includes common internet connectivity issues and solutions.

MongoDB released a public preview of Vector Atlas Search, which indexes high-dimensional vectors within MongoDB. Qdrant, Pinecone, and Milvus also provide free or open source vector databases.

  • A data filter will ensure that the LLM isn’t processing unauthorized data, like personal identifiable information. Preliminary projects like amoffat/HeimdaLLM are working to ensure LLMs access only authorized data.
  • A prompt optimization tool will then help to package the end user’s query with all this context. In other words, the tool will help to prioritize which context embeddings are most relevant, and in which order those embeddings should be organized in order for the LLM to produce the most contextually relevant response. This step is what ML researchers call prompt engineering, where a series of algorithms create a prompt. (A note that this is different from the prompt engineering that end users do, which is also known as in-context learning).

Prompt optimization tools like langchain-ai/langchain help you to compile prompts for your end users. Otherwise, you’ll need to DIY a series of algorithms that retrieve embeddings from the vector database, grab snippets of the relevant context, and order them. If you go this latter route, you could use GitHub Copilot Chat or ChatGPT to assist you.

Learn how the GitHub Copilot team uses the Jaccard similarity to decide which pieces of context are most relevant to a user’s query >

Efficient and responsible AI tooling

To ensure that Dave doesn’t become even more frustrated by waiting for the LLM assistant to generate a response, the LLM can quickly retrieve an output from a cache. And in the case that Dave does have an outburst, we can use a content classifier to make sure the LLM app doesn’t respond in kind. The telemetry service will also evaluate Dave’s interaction with the UI so that you, the developer, can improve the user experience based on Dave’s behavior.

  • An LLM cache stores outputs. This means instead of generating new responses to the same query (because Dave isn’t the first person whose internet has gone down), the LLM can retrieve outputs from the cache that have been used for similar queries. Caching outputs can reduce latency, computational costs, and variability in suggestions.

You can experiment with a tool like zilliztech/GPTcache to cache your app’s responses.

  • A content classifier or filter can prevent your automated assistant from responding with harmful or offensive suggestions (in the case that your end users take their frustration out on your LLM app).

Tools like derwiki/llm-prompt-injection-filtering and laiyer-ai/llm-guard are in their early stages but working toward preventing this problem.

  • A telemetry service will allow you to evaluate how well your app is working with actual users. A service that responsibly and transparently monitors user activity (like how often they accept or change a suggestion) can share useful data to help improve your app and make it more useful.

OpenTelemetry, for example, is an open source framework that gives developers a standardized way to collect, process, and export telemetry data across development, testing, staging, and production environments.

Learn how GitHub uses OpenTelemetry to measure Git performance >

Woohoo! 🥳 Your LLM assistant has effectively answered Dave’s many queries. His router is up and working, and he’s ready for his World Cup watch party. Mission accomplished!

Real-world impact of LLMs

Looking for inspiration or a problem space to start exploring? Here’s a list of ongoing projects where LLM apps and models are making real-world impact.

  • NASA and IBM recently open sourced the largest geospatial AI model to increase access to NASA earth science data. The hope is to accelerate discovery and understanding of climate effects.
  • Read how the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory is designing a conversational AI agent that provides, in plain English, medical guidance to untrained soldiers in the field based on established care procedures.
  • Companies like Duolingo and Mercado Libre are using GitHub Copilot to help more people learn another language (for free) and democratize ecommerce in Latin America, respectively.

Further reading

The post The architecture of today’s LLM applications appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

Demystifying LLMs: How they can do things they weren’t trained to do

Post Syndicated from Jeimy Ruiz original https://github.blog/2023-10-27-demystifying-llms-how-they-can-do-things-they-werent-trained-to-do/

Large language models (LLMs) are revolutionizing the way we interact with software by combining deep learning techniques with powerful computational resources.

While this technology is exciting, many are also concerned about how LLMs can generate false, outdated, or problematic information, and how they sometimes even hallucinate (generating information that doesn’t exist) so convincingly. Thankfully, we can immediately put one rumor to rest. According to Alireza Goudarzi, senior researcher of machine learning (ML) for GitHub Copilot: “LLMs are not trained to reason. They’re not trying to understand science, literature, code, or anything else. They’re simply trained to predict the next token in the text.”

Let’s dive into how LLMs come to do the unexpected, and why. This blog post will provide comprehensive insights into LLMs, including their training methods and ethical considerations. Our goal is to help you gain a better understanding of LLM capabilities and how they’ve learned to master language, seemingly, without reasoning.

What are large language models?

LLMs are AI systems that are trained on massive amounts of text data, allowing them to generate human-like responses and understand natural language in a way that traditional ML models can’t.

“These models use advanced techniques from the field of deep learning, which involves training deep neural networks with many layers to learn complex patterns and relationships,” explains John Berryman, a senior researcher of ML on the GitHub Copilot team.

What sets LLMs apart is their proficiency at generalizing and understanding context. They’re not limited to pre-defined rules or patterns, but instead learn from large amounts of data to develop their own understanding of language. This allows them to generate coherent and contextually appropriate responses to a wide range of prompts and queries.

And while LLMs can be incredibly powerful and flexible tools because of this, the ML methods used to train them, and the quality—or limitations—of their training data, can also lead to occasional lapses in generating accurate, useful, and trustworthy information.

Deep learning

The advent of modern ML practices, such as deep learning, has been a game-changer when it comes to unlocking the potential of LLMs. Unlike the earliest language models that relied on predefined rules and patterns, deep learning allows these models to create natural language outputs in a more human-like way.

“The entire discipline of deep learning and neural networks—which underlies all of this—is ‘how simple can we make the rule and get as close to the behavior of a human brain as possible?’” says Goudarzi.

By using neural networks with many layers, deep learning enables LLMs to analyze and learn complex patterns and relationships in language data. This means that these models can generate coherent and contextually appropriate responses, even in the face of complex sentence structures, idiomatic expressions, and subtle nuances in language.

While the initial pre-training equips LLMs with a broad language understanding, fine-tuning is where they become versatile and adaptable. “When developers want these models to perform specific tasks, they provide task descriptions and examples (few-shot learning) or task descriptions alone (zero-shot learning). The model then fine-tunes its pre-trained weights based on this information,” says Goudarzi. This process helps it adapt to the specific task while retaining the knowledge it gained from its extensive pre-training.

But even with deep learning’s multiple layers and attention mechanisms enabling LLMs to generate human-like text, it can also lead to overgeneralization, where the model produces responses that may not be contextually accurate or up to date.

Why LLMs aren’t always right

There are several factors that shed light on why tools built on LLMs may be inaccurate at times, even while sounding quite convincing.

Limited knowledge and outdated information

LLMs often lack an understanding of the external world or real-time context. They rely solely on the text they’ve been trained on, and they don’t possess an inherent awareness of the world’s current state. “Typically this whole training process takes a long time, and it’s not uncommon for the training data to be two years out of date for any given LLM,” says Albert Ziegler, principal researcher and member of the GitHub Next research and development team.

This limitation means they may generate inaccurate information based on outdated assumptions, since they can’t verify facts or events in real-time. If there have been developments or changes in a particular field or topic after they have been trained, LLMs may not be aware of them and may provide outdated information. This is why it’s still important to fact check any responses you receive from an LLM, regardless of how fact-based it may seem.

Lack of context

One of the primary reasons LLMs sometimes provide incorrect information is the lack of context. These models rely heavily on the information given in the input text, and if the input is ambiguous or lacks detail, the model may make assumptions that can lead to inaccurate responses.

Training data biases and limitations

LLMs are exposed to massive unlabelled data sets of text during pre-training that are diverse and representative of the language the model should understand. Common sources of data include books, articles, websites—even social media posts!

Because of this, they may inadvertently produce responses that reflect these biases or incorrect information present in their training data. This is especially concerning when it comes to sensitive or controversial topics.

“Their biases tend to be worse. And that holds true for machine learning in general, not just for LLMs. What machine learning does is identify patterns, and things like stereotypes can turn into extremely convenient shorthands. They might be patterns that really exist, or in the case of LLMs, patterns that are based on human prejudices that are talked about or implicitly used,” says Ziegler.

If a model is trained on a dataset that contains biased or discriminatory language, it may generate responses that are also biased or discriminatory. This can have real-world implications, such as reinforcing harmful stereotypes or discriminatory practices.


LLMs don’t have the ability to assess the correctness of the information they generate. Given their deep learning, they often provide responses with a high degree of confidence, prioritizing generating text that appears sensible and flows smoothly—even when the information is incorrect!


LLMs can sometimes “hallucinate” information due to the way they generate text (via patterns and associations). Sometimes, when they’re faced with incomplete or ambiguous queries, they try to complete them by drawing on these patterns, sometimes generating information that isn’t accurate or factual. Ultimately, hallucinations are not supported by evidence or real-world data.

For example, imagine that you ask ChatGPT about a historical issue in the 20th century. Instead, it describes a meeting between two famous historical figures who never actually met!

In the context of GitHub Copilot, Ziegler explains that “the typical hallucinations we encounter are when GitHub Copilot starts talking about code that’s not even there. Our mitigation is to make it give enough context to every piece of code it talks about that we can check and verify that it actually exists.”

But the GitHub Copilot team is already thinking about how to use hallucinations to their advantage in a “top-down” approach to coding. Imagine that you’re tackling a backlog issue, and you’re looking for GitHub Copilot to give you suggestions. As Johan Rosenkilde, principal researcher for GitHub Next, explains, “ideally, you’d want it to come up with a sub-division of your complex problem delegated to nicely delineated helper functions, and come up with good names for those helpers. And after suggesting code that calls the (still non-existent) helpers, you’d want it to suggest the implementation of them too!”

This approach to hallucination would be like getting the blueprint and the building blocks to solve your coding challenges.

Ethical use and responsible advocacy of LLMs

It’s important to be aware of the ethical considerations that come along with using LLMs. That being said, while LLMs have the potential to generate false information, they’re not intentionally fabricating or deceiving. Instead, these arise from the model’s attempts to generate coherent and contextually relevant text based on the patterns and information it has learned from its training data.

The GitHub Copilot team has developed a few tools to help detect harmful content. Goudarzi says “First, we have a duplicate detection filter, which helps us detect matches between generated code and all open source code that we have access to, filtering such suggestions out. Another tool we use is called Responsible AI (RAI), and it’s a classifier that can filter out abusive words. Finally, we also separately filter out known unsafe patterns.”

Understanding the deep learning processes behind LLMs can help users grasp their limitations—as well as their positive impact. To navigate these effectively, it’s crucial to verify information from reliable sources, provide clear and specific input, and exercise critical thinking when interpreting LLM-generated responses.

As Berryman reminds us, “the engines themselves are amoral. Users can do whatever they want with them and that can run the gamut of moral to immoral, for sure. But by being conscious of these issues and actively working towards ethical practices, we can ensure that LLMs are used in a responsible and beneficial manner.”

Developers, researchers, and scientists continuously work to improve the accuracy and reliability of these models, making them increasingly valuable tools for the future. All of us can advocate for the responsible and ethical use of LLMs. That includes promoting transparency and accountability in the development and deployment of these models, as well as taking steps to mitigate biases and stereotypes in our own corners of the internet.

The post Demystifying LLMs: How they can do things they weren’t trained to do appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

LLM-powered data classification for data entities at scale

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/llm-powered-data-classification


At Grab, we deal with PetaByte-level data and manage countless data entities ranging from database tables to Kafka message schemas. Understanding the data inside is crucial for us, as it not only streamlines the data access management to safeguard the data of our users, drivers and merchant-partners, but also improves the data discovery process for data analysts and scientists to easily find what they need.

The Caspian team (Data Engineering team) collaborated closely with the Data Governance team on automating governance-related metadata generation. We started with Personal Identifiable Information (PII) detection and built an orchestration service using a third-party classification service. With the advent of the Large Language Model (LLM), new possibilities dawned for metadata generation and sensitive data identification at Grab. This prompted the inception of the project, which aimed to integrate LLM classification into our existing service. In this blog, we share insights into the transformation from what used to be a tedious and painstaking process to a highly efficient system, and how it has empowered the teams across the organisation.

For ease of reference, here’s a list of terms we’ve used and their definitions:

  • Data Entity: An entity representing a schema that contains rows/streams of data, for example, database tables, stream messages, data lake tables.
  • Prediction: Refers to the model’s output given a data entity, unverified manually.
  • Data Classification: The process of classifying a given data entity, which in the context of this blog, involves generating tags that represent sensitive data or Grab-specific types of data.
  • Metadata Generation: The process of generating the metadata for a given data entity. In this blog, since we limit the metadata to the form of tags, we often use this term and data classification interchangeably.
  • Sensitivity: Refers to the level of confidentiality of data. High sensitivity means that the data is highly confidential. The lowest level of sensitivity often refers to public-facing or publicly-available data.


When we first approached the data classification problem, we aimed to solve something more specific – Personal Identifiable Information (PII) detection. Initially, to protect sensitive data from accidental leaks or misuse, Grab implemented manual processes and campaigns targeting data producers to tag schemas with sensitivity tiers. These tiers ranged from Tier 1, representing schemas with highly sensitive information, to Tier 4, indicating no sensitive information at all. As a result, half of all schemas were marked as Tier 1, enforcing the strictest access control measures.

The presence of a single Tier 1 table in a schema with hundreds of tables justifies classifying the entire schema as Tier 1. However, since Tier 1 data is rare, this implies that a large volume of non-Tier 1 tables, which ideally should be more accessible, have strict access controls.

Shifting access controls from the schema-level to the table-level could not be done safely due to the lack of table classification in the data lake. We could have conducted more manual classification campaigns for tables, however this was not feasible for two reasons:

  1. The volume, velocity, and variety of data had skyrocketed within the organisation, so it took significantly more time to classify at table level compared to schema level. Hence, a programmatic solution was needed to streamline the classification process, reducing the need for manual effort.
  2. App developers, despite being familiar with the business scope of their data, interpreted internal data classification policies and external data regulations differently, leading to inconsistencies in understanding.

A service called Gemini (named before Google announced the Gemini model!) was built internally to automate the tag generation process using a third party data classification service. Its purpose was to scan the data entities in batches and generate column/field level tags. These tags would then go through a review process by the data producers. The data governance team provided classification rules and used regex classifiers, alongside the third-party tool’s own machine learning classifiers, to discover sensitive information.

After the implementation of the initial version of Gemini, a few challenges remained.

  1. The third-party tool did not allow customisations of its machine learning classifiers, and the regex patterns produced too many false positives during our evaluation.
  2. Building in-house classifiers would require a dedicated data science team to train a customised model. They would need to invest a significant amount of time to understand data governance rules thoroughly and prepare datasets with manually labelled training data.

LLM came up on our radar following its recent “iPhone moment” with ChatGPT’s explosion onto the scene. It is trained using an extremely large corpus of text and contains trillions of parameters. It is capable of conducting natural language understanding tasks, writing code, and even analysing data based on requirements. The LLM naturally solves the mentioned pain points as it provides a natural language interface for data governance personnel. They can express governance requirements through text prompts, and the LLM can be customised effortlessly without code or model training.


In this section, we dive into the implementation details of the data classification workflow. Please refer to the diagram below for a high-level overview:

Figure 1 – Overview of data classification workflow

This diagram illustrates how data platforms, the metadata generation service (Gemini), and data owners work together to classify and verify metadata. Data platforms trigger scan requests to the Gemini service to initiate the tag classification process. After the tags are predicted, data platforms consume the predictions, and the data owners are notified to verify these tags.


Figure 2 – Architecture diagram of the orchestration service Gemini

Our orchestration service, Gemini, manages the data classification requests from data platforms. From the diagram, the architecture contains the following components:

  1. Data platforms: These platforms are responsible for managing data entities and initiating data classification requests.
  2. Gemini: This orchestration service communicates with data platforms, schedules and groups data classification requests.
  3. Classification engines: There are two available engines (a third-party classification service and GPT3.5) for executing the classification jobs and return results. Since we are still in the process of evaluating two engines, both of the engines are working concurrently.

When the orchestration service receives requests, it helps aggregate the requests into reasonable mini-batches. Aggregation is achievable through the message queue at fixed intervals. In addition, a rate limiter is attached at the workflow level. It allows the service to call the Cloud Provider APIs with respective rates to prevent the potential throttling from the service providers.

Specific to LLM orchestration, there are two limits to be mindful of. The first one is the context length. The input length cannot surpass the context length, which was 4000 tokens for GPT3.5 at the time of development (or around 3000 words). The second one is the overall token limit (since both the input and output share the same token limit for a single request). Currently, all Azure OpenAI model deployments share the same quota under one account, which is set at 240K tokens per minute.


In this section, we focus on LLM-powered column-level tag classification. The tag classification process is defined as follows:

Given a data entity with a defined schema, we want to tag each field of the schema with metadata classifications that follow an internal classification scheme from the data governance team. For example, the field can be tagged as a ** or a *<particular type of personally identifiable information (PII)>. These tags indicate that the field contains a business metric or PII.

We ask the language model to be a column tag generator and to assign the most appropriate tag to each column. Here we showcase an excerpt of the prompt we use:

You are a database column tag classifier, your job is to assign the most appropriate tag based on table name and column name. The database columns are from a company that provides ride-hailing, delivery, and financial services. Assign one tag per column. However not all columns can be tagged and these columns should be assigned <None>. You are precise, careful and do your best to make sure the tag assigned is the most appropriate.

The following is the list of tags to be assigned to a column. For each line, left hand side of the : is the tag and right hand side is the tag definition

<Personal.ID> : refers to government-provided identification numbers that can be used to uniquely identify a person and should be assigned to columns containing "NRIC", "Passport", "FIN", "License Plate", "Social Security" or similar. This tag should absolutely not be assigned to columns named "id", "merchant id", "passenger id", “driver id" or similar since these are not government-provided identification numbers. This tag should be very rarely assigned.

<None> : should be used when none of the above can be assigned to a column.

Output Format is a valid json string, for example:

        "column_name": "",
        "assigned_tag": ""

Example question

`These columns belong to the "deliveries" table

        1. merchant_id
        2. status
        3. delivery_time`

Example response

        "column_name": "merchant_id",
        "assigned_tag": "<Personal.ID>"
        "column_name": "status",
        "assigned_tag": "<None>"
        "column_name": "delivery_time",
        "assigned_tag": "<None>"

We also curated a tag library for LLM to classify. Here is an example:

Column-level Tag Definition
Personal.ID Refers to external identification numbers that can be used to uniquely identify a person and should be assigned to columns containing “NRIC”, “Passport”, “FIN”, “License Plate”, “Social Security” or similar.
Personal.Name Refers to the name or username of a person and should be assigned to columns containing “name”, “username” or similar.
Personal.Contact_Info Refers to the contact information of a person and should be assigned to columns containing “email”, “phone”, “address”, “social media” or similar.
Geo.Geohash Refers to a geohash and should be assigned to columns containing “geohash” or similar.
None Should be used when none of the above can be assigned to a column.

The output of the language model is typically in free text format, however, we want the output in a fixed format for downstream processing. Due to this nature, prompt engineering is a crucial component to make sure downstream workflows can process the LLM’s output.

Here are some of the techniques we found useful during our development:

  1. Articulate the requirements: The requirement of the task should be as clear as possible, LLM is only instructed to do what you ask it to do.
  2. Few-shot learning: By showing the example of interaction, models understand how they should respond.
  3. Schema Enforcement: Leveraging its ability of understanding code, we explicitly provide the DTO (Data Transfer Object) schema to the model so that it understands that its output must conform to it.
  4. Allow for confusion: In our prompt we specifically added a default tag – the LLM is instructed to output the default ** tag when it cannot make a decision or is confused.

Regarding classification accuracy, we found that it is surprisingly accurate with its great semantic understanding. For acknowledged tables, users on average change less than one tag. Also, during an internal survey done among data owners at Grab in September 2023, 80% reported that this new tagging process helped them in tagging their data entities.

Publish and verification

The predictions are published to the Kafka queue to downstream data platforms. The platforms inform respective users weekly to verify the classified tags to improve the model’s correctness and to enable iterative prompt improvement. Meanwhile, we plan to remove the verification mandate for users once the accuracy reaches a certain level.

Figure 3 – Verification message shown in the data platform for user to verify the tags


Since the new system was rolled out, we have successfully integrated this with Grab’s metadata management platform and production database management platform. Within a month since its rollout, we have scanned more than 20,000 data entities, averaging around 300-400 entities per day.

Using a quick back-of-the-envelope calculation, we can see the significant time savings achieved through automated tagging. Assuming it takes a data owner approximately 2 minutes to classify each entity, we are saving approximately 360 man-days per year for the company. This allows our engineers and analysts to focus more on their core tasks of engineering and analysis rather than spending excessive time on data governance.

The classified tags pave the way for more use cases downstream. These tags, in combination with rules provided by data privacy office in Grab, enable us to determine the sensitivity tier of data entities, which in turn will be leveraged for enforcing the Attribute-based Access Control (ABAC) policies and enforcing Dynamic Data Masking for downstream queries. To learn more about the benefits of ABAC, readers can refer to another engineering blog posted earlier.

Cost wise, for the current load, it is extremely affordable contrary to common intuition. This affordability enables us to scale the solution to cover more data entities in the company.

What’s next?

Prompt improvement

We are currently exploring feeding sample data and user feedback to greatly increase accuracy. Meanwhile, we are experimenting on outputting the confidence level from LLM for its own classification. With confidence level output, we would only trouble users when the LLM is uncertain of its answers. Hopefully this can remove even more manual processes in the current workflow.

Prompt evaluation

To track the performance of the prompt given, we are building analytical pipelines to calculate the metrics of each version of the prompt. This will help the team better quantify the effectiveness of prompts and iterate better and faster.

Scaling out

We are also planning to scale out this solution to more data platforms to streamline governance-related metadata generation to more teams. The development of downstream applications using our metadata is also on the way. These exciting applications are from various domains such as security, data discovery, etc.

Join us

Grab is the leading superapp platform in Southeast Asia, providing everyday services that matter to consumers. More than just a ride-hailing and food delivery app, Grab offers a wide range of on-demand services in the region, including mobility, food, package and grocery delivery services, mobile payments, and financial services across 428 cities in eight countries.

Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!

Measuring Git performance with OpenTelemetry

Post Syndicated from Jeff Hostetler original https://github.blog/2023-10-16-measuring-git-performance-with-opentelemetry/

When I think about large codebases, the repositories for Microsoft Windows and Office are top of mind. When Microsoft began migrating these codebases to Git in 2017, they contained 3.5M files and a full clone was more than 300GB. The scale of that repository was so much bigger than anything that had been tried with Git to date. As a principal software engineer on the Git client team, I knew how painful and frustrating it could be to work in these gigantic repositories, so our team set out to make it easier. Our first task: understanding and improving the performance of Git at scale.

Collecting performance data was an essential part of that effort. Having this kind of performance data helped guide our engineering efforts and let us track our progress, as we improved Git performance and made it easier to work in these very large repositories. That’s why I added the Trace2 feature to core Git in 2019—so that others could do similar analysis of Git performance on their repositories.

Trace2 is an open source performance logging/tracing framework built into Git that emits messages at key points in each command, such as process exit and expensive loops. You can learn more about it here.

Whether they’re Windows-sized or not, organizations can benefit from understanding the work their engineers do and the types of tools that help them succeed. Today, we see enterprise customers creating ever-larger monorepos and placing heavy demands on Git to perform at scale. At the same time, users expect Git to remain interactive and responsive no matter the size or shape of the repository. So it’s more important than ever to have performance monitoring tools to help us understand how Git is performing for them.

Unfortunately, it’s not sufficient to just run Git in a debugger/profiler on test data or a simulated load. Meaningful results come from seeing how Git performs on real monorepos under daily use by real users, both in isolation and in aggregate. Making sense of the data and finding insights also requires tools to visualize the results.

Trace2 writes very detailed performance data, but it may be a little difficult to consume without some help. So today, we’re introducing an open source tool to post-process the data and move it into the OpenTelemetry ecosystem. With OpenTelemetry visualization tools, you’ll be able to easily study your Git performance data.

This tool can be configured by users to identify where data shapes cause performance deterioration, to notice problematic trends early on, and to realize where Git’s own performance needs to be improved. Whether you’re simply interested in your own statistics or are part of an engineering systems/developer experience team, we believe in democratizing the power of this kind of analysis. Here’s how to use it.

Open sourcing trace2receiver

The emerging standard for analyzing software’s performance at scale is OpenTelemetry.

An article from the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) gives an overview of the OpenTelemetry technologies.

The centerpiece in their model is a collector service daemon. You can customize it with various receiver, pipeline, and exporter component modules to suit your needs. You can also collect data from different telemetry sources or in different formats, normalize and/or filter it, and then send it to different data sinks for analysis and visualization.

We wanted a way to let users capture their Trace2 data and send it to an OpenTelemetry-compatible data sink, so we created an open source trace2receiver receiver component that you can add to your custom collector. With this new receiver component your collector can listen for Trace2 data from Git commands, translate it into a common format (such as OTLP), and relay it to a local or cloud-based visualization tool.

Want to jump in and build and run your own custom collector using trace2receiver? See the project documentation for all the tool installation and platform-specific setup you’ll need to do.

Open sourcing a sample collector

If you want a very quick start, I’ve created an open source sample collector that uses the trace2receiver component. It contains a ready-to-go sample collector, complete with basic configuration and platform installers. This will let you kick the tires with minimal effort. Just plug in your favorite data sink/cloud provider, build it, run one of the platform installers, and start collecting data. See the README for more details.

See trace2receiver in action

We can use trace2receiver to collect Git telemetry data for two orthogonal purposes. First, we can dive into an individual command from start to finish and see where time is spent. This is especially important when a Git command spawns a (possibly nested) series of child commands, which OpenTelemetry calls a “distributed trace.” Second, we can aggregate data over time from different users and machines, compute summary metrics such as average command times, and get a high level picture of how Git is performing at scale, plus perceived user frustration and opportunities for improvement. We’ll look at each of these cases in the following sections.

Distributed tracing

Let’s start with distributed tracing. The CNCF defines distributed tracing as a way to track a request through a distributed system. That’s a broader definition than we need here, but the concepts are the same: We want to track the flow within an individual command and/or the flow across a series of nested Git commands.

I previously wrote about Trace2, how it works, and how we can use it to interactively study the performance of an individual command, like git status, or a series of nested commands, like git push which might spawn six or seven helper commands behind the scenes. When Trace2 was set to log directly to the console, we could watch in real-time as commands were executed and see where the time was spent.

This is essentially equivalent to an OpenTelemetry distributed trace. What the trace2receiver does for us here is map the Trace2 event stream into a series of OpenTelemetry “spans” with the proper parent-child relationships. The transformed data can then be forwarded to a visualization tool or database with a compatible OpenTelemetry exporter.

Let’s see what happens when we do this on an instance of the torvalds/linux.git repository.

Git fetch example

The following image shows data for a git fetch command using a local instance of the SigNoz observability tools. My custom collector contained a pipeline to route data from the trace2receiver component to an exporter component that sent data to SigNoz.

Summary graph of git fetch in SigNoz

I configured my custom collector to send data to two exporters, so we can see the same data in an Application Insights database. This is possible and simple because of the open standards supported by OpenTelemetry.

Summary graph of git fetch in App Insights

Both examples show a distributed trace of git fetch. Notice the duration of the top-level command and of each of the various helper commands that were spawned by Git.

This graph tells me that, for most of the time, git fetch was waiting on git-remote-https (the grandchild) to receive the newest objects. It also suggests that the repository is well-structured, since git maintenance runs very quickly. We likely can’t do very much to improve this particular command invocation, since it seems fairly optimal already.

As a long-time Git expert, I can further infer that the received packfile was small, because Git unpacked it (and wrote individual loose objects) rather than writing and indexing a new packfile. Even if your team doesn’t yet have the domain experts to draw detailed insights from the collected data, these insights could help support engineers or outside Git experts to better interpret your environment.

In this example, the custom collector was set to report dl:summary level telemetry, so we only see elapsed process times for each command. In the next example, we’ll crank up the verbosity to see what else we can learn.

Git status example

The following images show data for git status in SigNoz. In the first image, the FSMonitor and Untracked Cache features are turned off. In the second image, I’ve turned on FSMonitor. In the third, I’ve turned on both. Let’s see how they affect Git performance. Note that the horizontal axis is different in each image. We can see how command times decreased from 970 to 204 to 40 ms as these features were turned on.

In these graphs, the detail level was set to dl:verbose, so the collector also sent region-level details.

The git:status span (row) shows the total command time. The region(...) spans show the major regions and nested sub-regions within the command. Basically, this gives us a fuller accounting of where time was spent in the computation.

Verbose graph of git status in SigNoz fsm=0 uc=0

The total command time here was 970 ms.

In the above image, about half of the time (429 ms) was spent in region(progress,refresh_index) (and the sub-regions within it) scanning the worktree for recently modified files. This information will be used later in region(status,worktree) to compute the set of modified tracked files.

The other half (489 ms) was in region(status,untracked) where Git scans the worktree for the existence of untracked files.

As we can see, on large repositories, these scans are very expensive.

Verbose graph of git status in SigNoz fsm=1 uc=0

In the above image, FSMonitor was enabled. The total command time here was reduced from 970 to 204 ms.

With FSMonitor, Git doesn’t need to scan the disk to identify the recently modified files; it can just ask the FSMonitor daemon, since it already knows the answer.

Here we see a new region(fsm_client,query) where Git asks the daemon and a new region(fsmonitor,apply_results) where Git uses the answer to update its in-memory data structures. The original region(progress,refresh_index) is still present, but it doesn’t need to do anything. The time for this phase has been reduced from 429 to just 15 ms.

FSMonitor also helped reduce the time spent in region(status,untracked) from 489 to 173 ms, but it is still expensive. Let’s see what happens when we enable both and let FSMonitor and the untracked cache work together.

Verbose graph of git status in SigNoz fsm=1 uc=1](images/signoz-status-fsm1-uc1.png

In the above image, FSMonitor and the Untracked Cache were both turned on. The total command time was reduced to just 40 ms.

This gives the best result for large repositories. In addition to the FSMonitor savings, the time in region(status,untracked) drops from 173 to 12 ms.

This is a massive savings on a very frequently run command.

For more information on FSMonitor and Untracked Cache and an explanation of these major regions, see my earlier FSMonitor article.

Data aggregation

Looking at individual commands is valuable, but it’s only half the story. Sometimes we need to aggregate data from many command invocations across many users, machines, operating systems, and repositories to understand which commands are important, frequently used, or are causing users frustration.

This analysis can be used to guide future investments. Where is performance trending in the monorepo? How fast is it getting there? Do we need to take preemptive steps to stave off a bigger problem? Is it better to try to speed up a very slow command that is used maybe once a year or to try to shave a few milliseconds off of a command used millions of times a day? We need data to help us answer these questions.

When using Git on large monorepos, users may experience slow commands (or rather, commands that run more slowly than they were expecting). But slowness can be very subjective. So we need to be able to measure the performance that they are seeing, compare it with their peers, and inform the priority of a fix. We also need enough context so that we can investigate it and answer questions like: Was that a regular occurrence or a fluke? Was it a random network problem? Or was it a fetch from a data center on the other side of the planet? Is that slowness to be expected on that class of machine (laptop vs server)? By collecting and aggregating over time, we were able to confidently answer these kinds of questions.

The raw data

Let’s take a look at what the raw telemetry looks like when it gets to a data sink and see what we can learn from the data.

We saw earlier that my custom collector was sending data to both Azure and SigNoz, so we should be able to look at the data in either. Let’s switch gears and use my Azure Application Insights (AppIns) database here. There are many different data sink and visualization tools, so the database schema may vary, but the concepts should transcend.

Earlier, I showed the distributed trace of a git fetch command in the Azure Portal. My custom collector is configured to send telemetry data to an Application Insights (AppIns) database and we can use the Azure Portal to query the data. However, I find the Azure Data Explorer a little easier to use than the portal, so let’s connect Data Explorer to my AppIns database. From Data Explorer, I’ll run my queries and let it automatically pull data from my AppIns database.

show 10 data rows

The above image shows a Kusto query on the data. In the top-left panel I’ve asked for the 10 most-recent commands on any repository with the “demo-linux” nickname (I’ll explain nicknames later in this post). The bottom-left panel shows (a clipped view of) the 10 matching database rows. The panel on the right shows an expanded view of the ninth row.

The AppIns database has a legacy schema that predates OpenTelemetry, so some of OpenTelemetry fields are mapped into top-level AppIns fields and some are mapped into the customDimensions JSON object/dictionary. Additionally, some types of data records are kept in different database tables. I’m going to gloss over all of that here and point out a few things in the data.

The record in the expanded view shows a git status command. Let’s look at a few rows here. In the top-level fields:

  • The normalized command name is git:status.
  • The command duration was 671 ms. (AppIns tends to use milliseconds.)

In the customDimensions fields:

  • The original command line is shown (as a nested JSON record in "trace2.cmd.argv").
  • The "trace2.machine.arch" and "trace2.machine.os" fields show that it ran on an arm64 mac.
  • The user was running Git version 2.42.0.
  • "trace2.process.data"["status"]["count/changed"] shows that it found 13 modified files in the working directory.

Command frequency example

show Linux command count and duration

The above image shows a Kusto query with command counts and the P80 command duration grouped by repository, operating system, and processor. For example, there were 21 instances of git status on “demo-linux” and 80% of them took less than 0.55 seconds.

Grouping status by nickname example

show Chromium vs Linux status count and duration

The above image shows a comparison of git status times between “demo-linux” and my “demo-chromium” clone of chromium/chromium.git.

Without going too deep into Kusto queries or Azure, the above examples are intended to demonstrate how you can focus on different aspects of the available data and motivate you to create your own investigations. The exact layout of the data may vary depending on the data sink that you select and its storage format, but the general techniques shown here can be used to build a better understanding of Git regardless of the details of your setup.

Data partition suggestions

Your custom collector will send all of your Git telemetry data to your data sink. That is a good first step. However, you may want to partition the data by various criteria, rather than reporting composite metrics. As we saw above, the performance of git status on the “demo-linux” repository is not really comparable with the performance on the “demo-chromium” repository, since the Chromium repository and working directory is so much larger than the Linux repository. So a single composite P80 value for git:status across all repositories might not be that useful.

Let’s talk about some partitioning strategies to help you get more from the data.

Partition on repo nicknames

Earlier, we used a repo nickname to distinguish between our two demo repositories. We can tell Git to send a nickname with the data for every command and we can use that in our queries.

The way I configured each client machine in the previous example was to:

  1. Tell the collector that otel.trace2.nickname is the name of the Git config key in the collector’s filter.yml file.
  2. Globally set trace2.configParams to tell Git to send all Git config values with the otel.trace2.* prefix to the telemetry stream.
  3. Locally set otel.trace2.nickname to the appropriate nickname (like “demo-linux” or “demo-chromium” in the earlier example) in each working directory.

Telemetry will arrive at the data sink with trace2.param.set["otel.trace2.nickname"] in the meta data. We can then use the nickname to partition our Kusto queries.

Partition on other config values

There’s nothing magic about the otel.trace2.* prefix. You can also use existing Git config values or create some custom ones.

For example, you could globally set trace2.configParams to 'otel.trace2.*,core.fsmonitor,core.untrackedcache' and let Git send the repo nickname and whether the FSMonitor and untracked cache features were enabled.

show other config values

You could also set a global config value to define user cohorts for some A/B testing or a machine type to distinguish laptops from build servers.

These are just a few examples of how you might add fields to the telemetry stream to partition the data and help you better understand Git performance.


When exploring your own Git data, it’s important to be aware of several limitations and caveats that may skew your analysis of the performance or behaviors of certain commands. I’ve listed a few common issues below.

Laptops can sleep while Git commands are running

Laptops can go to sleep or hibernate without notice. If a Git command is running when the laptop goes to sleep and finishes after the laptop is resumed, Git will accidentally include the time spent sleeping in the Trace2 event data because Git always reports the current time in each event. So you may see an arbitrary span with an unexpected and very large delay.1

So if you occasionally find a command that runs for several days, see if it started late on a Friday afternoon and finished first thing Monday morning before sounding any alarms.

Git hooks

Git lets you define hooks to be run at various points in the lifespan of a Git command. Hooks are typically shell scripts, usually used to test a pre-condition before allowing a Git command to proceed or to ensure that some system state is updated before the command completes. They do not emit Trace2 telemetry events, so we will not have any visibility into them.

Since Git blocks while the hook is running, the time spent in the hook will be attributed to the process span (and a child span, if enabled).

If a hook shell script runs helper Git commands, those Git child processes will inherit the span context for the parent Git command, so they will appear as immediate children of the outer Git command rather than the missing hook script process. This may help explain where time was spent, but it may cause a little confusion when you try to line things up.

Interactive commands

Some Git commands have a (sometimes unexpected) interactive component:

  1. Commands like git commit will start and wait for your editor to close before continuing.
  2. Commands like git fetch or git push might require a password from the terminal or an interactive credential helper.
  3. Commands like git log or git blame can automatically spawn a pager and may cause the foreground Git command to block on I/O to the pager process or otherwise just block until the pager exits.

In all of these cases, it can look like it took hours for a Git command to complete because it was waiting on you to respond.

Hidden child processes

We can use the dl:process or dl:verbose detail levels to gain insight into hidden hooks, your editor, or other interactive processes.

The trace2receiver creates child(...) spans from Trace2 child_start and child_exit event pairs. These spans capture the time that Git spent waiting for each child process. This works whether the child is a shell script or a helper Git command. In the case of a helper command, there will also be a process span for the Git helper process (that will be slightly shorter because of process startup overhead), but in the case of a shell script, this is usually the only hint that an external process was involved.

Graph of commit with child spans

In the above image we see a git commit command on a repository with a pre-commit` hook installed. The child(hook:pre-commit) span shows the time spent waiting for the hook to run. Since Git blocks on the hook, we can infer that the hook itself did something (sleep) for about five seconds and then ran four helper commands. The process spans for the helper commands appear to be direct children of the git:commit process span rather than of a synthetic shell script process span or of the child span.

From the child(class:editor) span we can also see that an editor was started and it took almost seven seconds for it to appear on the screen and for me to close it. We don’t have any other information about the activity of the editor besides the command line arguments that we used to start it.

Finally, I should mention that when we enable dl:process or dl:verbose detail levels, we will also get some child spans that may not be that helpful. Here the child(class:unknown) span refers to the git maintenance process immediately below it.2

What’s next

Once you have some telemetry data you can:

  1. Create various dashboards to summarize the data and track it over time.
  2. Consider the use of various Git performance features, such as: Scalar, Sparse Checkout, Sparse Index, Partial Clone, FSMonitor, and Commit Graph.
  3. Consider adding a Git Bundle Server to your network.
  4. Use git maintenance to keep your repositories healthy and efficient.
  5. Consider enabling parallel checkout on your large repositories.

You might also see what other large organizations are saying:


My goal in this article was to help you start collecting Git performance data and present some examples of how someone might use that data. Git performance is often very dependent upon the data-shape of your repository, so I can’t make a single, sweeping recommendation that will help everyone. (Try Scalar)

But with the new trace2receiver component and an OpenTelemetry custom collector, you should now be able to collect performance data for your repositories and begin to analyze and find your organization’s Git pain points. Let that guide you to making improvements — whether that is upstreaming a new feature into Git, adding a network cache server to reduce latency, or making better use of some of the existing performance features that we’ve created.

The trace2receiver component is open source and covered by the MIT License, so grab the code and try it out.

See the contribution guide for details on how to contribute.


  1. It is possible on some platforms to detect system suspend/resume events and modify or annotate the telemetry data stream, but the current release of the trace2receiver does not support that. 
  2. The term “unknown” is misleading here, but it is how the child_start event is labeled in the Trace2 data stream. Think of it as “unclassified”. Git tries to classify child processes when it creates them, for example “hook” or “editor”, but some call-sites in Git have not been updated to pass that information down, so they are labeled as unknown. 

The post Measuring Git performance with OpenTelemetry appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

GitHub Availability Report: September 2023

Post Syndicated from Jakub Oleksy original https://github.blog/2023-10-11-github-availability-report-september-2023/

In September, we experienced two incidents that resulted in degraded performance across GitHub services.

September 5 16:24 UTC (lasting 19 minutes)

On September 5, from 16:24-16:43 UTC, multiple GitHub services were down or degraded due to an outage in one of our primary databases. The primary host for a shared datastore for GitHub experienced an underlying file system write error, which affected availability for the majority of public-facing GitHub services. SAML login was affected, as was access to GitHub Actions, GitHub Issues, pull requests, GitHub Pages, GitHub API, Webhooks, GitHub Codespaces, and GitHub Packages.

The primary database suffered a partial host failure when the disk storage for the operating system became unreachable. In this case, our automatic failover was unable to detect the partial file system failure mode. We mitigated by manually failing over to a healthy host, initiated 17 minutes after our first alert and completed 2 minutes later.

With the incident mitigated, we have worked to assess more detailed impact and resilience improvements to each affected service to reduce the scope of any future incident with this shared dependency. Some of those are complete and the rest will be completed within our standard repair item SLAs. To increase the resiliency of our system, we have improved our automation that will detect and initiate a failover for this type of partial host failure. Additionally, we have identified a source of resource contention that is consistent with this type of failure and patched a fix to reduce the likelihood of recurrence.

September 19 20:36 UTC (lasting 7 hours 30 minutes)

On September 19 at 20:36 UTC, while migrating the primary datastore for GitHub Projects, an incident occurred that disrupted 95% of GitHub Projects data availability for 3.5 hours. A misconfigured index constraint on the primary GitHub Projects database table caused GitHub Projects to become fully unavailable between 20:36 UTC and 00:06 UTC. By 00:06, we restored GitHub Projects data to its state from the beginning of the incident. New project data created by users while the incident was being mitigated was fully recovered and available to users by 04:28 UTC.

In addition, a database replication interruption caused by our remediation steps created limited availability for some Git Operations, APIs, and GitHub Issues for 1.25 hours from 21:48 UTC to 23:00 UTC.

To prevent similar incidents in the future, we have improved validation of data migrations in testing and during rollout. We have evaluated and are making improvements to the constraints for any data migration to prevent the unexpected behavior that led to this data loss. To reduce the time to mitigate similar incidents, we are also in the process of rolling out improvements to reduce both the time to restore data and fix replication issues.

Please follow our status page for real-time updates on status changes. To learn more about what we’re working on, check out the GitHub Engineering Blog.

The post GitHub Availability Report: September 2023 appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

Scaling marketing for merchants with targeted and intelligent promos

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/scaling-marketing-for-merchants


A promotional campaign is a marketing effort that aims to increase sales, customer engagement, or brand awareness for a product, service, or company. The target is to have more orders and sales by assigning promos to consumers within a given budget during the campaign period.

Figure 1 – Merchant feedback on marketing

From our research, we found that merchants have specific goals for the promos they are willing to offer. They want a simple and cost-effective way to achieve their specific business goals by providing well-designed offers to target the correct customers. From Grab’s perspective, we want to help merchants set up and run campaigns efficiently, and help them achieve their specific business goals.

Problem statement

One of Grab’s platform offerings for merchants is the ability to create promotional campaigns. With the emergence of AI technologies, we found that there are opportunities for us to further optimise the platform. The following are the gaps and opportunities we identified:

  • Globally assigned promos without smart targeting: The earlier method targeted every customer, so everyone could redeem until the promo reached the redemption limits. However, this method did not accurately meet business goals or optimise promo spending. The promotional campaign should intelligently target the best promo for each customer to increase sales and better utilise promo spending.
  • No customised promos for every merchant: To better optimise sales for each merchant, merchants should offer customised promos based on their historical consumer trends, not just a general offer set. For example, for a specific merchant, a 27% discount may be the appropriate offer to uplift revenue and sales based on user bookings. However, merchants do not always have the expertise to decide which offer to select to increase profit.
  • No AI-driven optimisation: Without AI models, it was harder for merchants to assign the right promos at scale to each consumer and optimise their business goals.

As shown in the following figure, AI-driven promotional campaigns are expected to bring higher sales with more promo spend than heuristic ones. Hence, at Grab we looked to introduce an automated, AI-driven tool that helps merchants intelligently target consumers with appropriate promos, while optimising sales and promo spending. That’s where Bullseye comes in.

Figure 2 – Graph showing the sales expectations for AI-driven pomotional campaigns


Bullseye is an automated, AI-driven promo assignment system that leverages the following capabilities:

  • Automated user segmentation: Enables merchants to target new, churned, and active users or all users.
  • Automatic promo design: Enables a merchant-level promo design framework to customise promos for each merchant or merchant group according to their business goals.
  • Assign each user the optimal promo: Users will receive promos selected from an array of available promos based on the merchant’s business objective.
  • Achieve different Grab and merchant objectives: Examples of objectives are to increase merchant sales and decrease Grab promo spend.
  • Flexibility to optimise for an individual merchant brand or group of merchant brands: For promotional campaigns, targeting and optimisation can be performed for a single or group of merchants (e.g. enabling GrabFood to run cuisine-oriented promo campaigns).


Figure 3 – Bullseye architecture

The Bullseye architecture consists of a user interface (UI) and a backend service to handle requests. To use Bullseye, our operations team inputs merchant information into the Bullseye UI. The backend service will then interact with APIs to process the information using the AI model. As we work with a large customer population, data is stored in S3 and the API service triggering Chimera Spark job is used to run the prediction model and generate promo assignments. During the assignment, the Spark job parses the input parameters, pre-validates the input, makes some predictions, and then returns the promo assignment results to the backend service.


The key components in Bullseye are shown in the following figure:

Figure 4 – Key components of Bullseye
  • Eater Segments Identifier: Identifies each user as active, churned, or new based on their historical orders from target merchants.
  • Promo Designer: We constructed a promo variation design framework to adaptively design promo variations for each campaign request as shown in the diagram below.
    • Offer Content Candidate Generation: Generates variant settings of promos based on the promo usage history.
    • Campaign Impact Simulator: Predicts business metrics such as revenue, sales, and cost based on the user and merchant profiles and offer features.
    • Optimal Promo Selection: Selects the optimal offer based on the predicted impact and the given campaign objective. The optimal would be based on how you define optimal. For example, if the goal is to maximise merchant sales, the model selects the top candidate which can bring the highest revenue. Finally, with the promo selection, the service returns the promo set to be used in the target campaign.

      Figure 5 – Optimal Promo Selection
  • Customer Response Model: Predicts customer responses such as order value, redemption, and take-up rate if assigning a specific promo. Bullseye captures various user attributes and compares it with an offer’s attributes. Examples of attributes are cuisine type, food spiciness, and discount amount. When there is a high similarity in the attributes, there is a higher probability that the user will take up the offer.

    Figure 6 – Customer Response Model

  • Hyper-parameter Selection: Optimises toward multiple business goals. Tuning of hyper-parameters allows the AI assignment model to learn how to meet success criteria such as cost per merchant sales (cpSales) uplift and sales uplift. The success criteria is the achieving of business goals. For example, the merchant wants the sales uplift after assigning promo, but cpSales uplift cannot be higher than 10%. With tuning, the optimiser can find optimal points to meet business goals and use AI models to search for better settings with high efficiency compared to manual specification. We need to constantly tune and iterate models and hyper-parameters to adapt to ever-evolving business goals and the local landscape.

    As shown in the image below, AI assignments without hyper-parameter tuning (HPT) leads to a high cpSales uplift but low sales uplift (red dot). So the hyper-parameters would help to fine-tune the assignment result to be in the optimal space such as the blue dot, which may have lower sales than the red dot but meet the success criteria.

    Figure 7 – Graph showing the impact of using AI assignments with HPT


We started using Bullseye in 2021. From its use we found that:

  • Hyper-parameters tuning and auto promo design can increase sales and reduce promo spend for food campaigns.
  • Promo Designer optimises budget utilisation and increases the number of promo redemptions for food campaigns.
  • The Customer Response Model reduced promo spending for Mart promotional campaigns.


We have seen positive results with the implementation of Bullseye such as reduced promo spending and maximised budget spending returns. In our efforts to serve our merchants better and help them achieve their business goals, we will continue to improve Bullseye. In the next phase, we plan to implement a more intelligent service, enabling reinforcement learning, and online assignment. We also aim to scale AI adoption by onboarding regional promotional campaigns as much as possible.

Special thanks to William Wu, Rui Tan, Rahadyan Pramudita, Krishna Murthy, and Jiesin Chia for making this project a success.

Join us

Grab is the leading superapp platform in Southeast Asia, providing everyday services that matter to consumers. More than just a ride-hailing and food delivery app, Grab offers a wide range of on-demand services in the region, including mobility, food, package and grocery delivery services, mobile payments, and financial services across 428 cities in eight countries.

Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!