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Security Risks of AI

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/04/security-risks-of-ai.html

Stanford and Georgetown have a new report on the security risks of AI—particularly adversarial machine learning—based on a workshop they held on the topic.

Jim Dempsey, one of the workshop organizers, wrote a blog post on the report:

As a first step, our report recommends the inclusion of AI security concerns within the cybersecurity programs of developers and users. The understanding of how to secure AI systems, we concluded, lags far behind their widespread adoption. Many AI products are deployed without institutions fully understanding the security risks they pose. Organizations building or deploying AI models should incorporate AI concerns into their cybersecurity functions using a risk management framework that addresses security throughout the AI system life cycle. It will be necessary to grapple with the ways in which AI vulnerabilities are different from traditional cybersecurity bugs, but the starting point is to assume that AI security is a subset of cybersecurity and to begin applying vulnerability management practices to AI-based features. (Andy Grotto and I have vigorously argued against siloing AI security in its own governance and policy vertical.)

Our report also recommends more collaboration between cybersecurity practitioners, machine learning engineers, and adversarial machine learning researchers. Assessing AI vulnerabilities requires technical expertise that is distinct from the skill set of cybersecurity practitioners, and organizations should be cautioned against repurposing existing security teams without additional training and resources. We also note that AI security researchers and practitioners should consult with those addressing AI bias. AI fairness researchers have extensively studied how poor data, design choices, and risk decisions can produce biased outcomes. Since AI vulnerabilities may be more analogous to algorithmic bias than they are to traditional software vulnerabilities, it is important to cultivate greater engagement between the two communities.

Another major recommendation calls for establishing some form of information sharing among AI developers and users. Right now, even if vulnerabilities are identified or malicious attacks are observed, this information is rarely transmitted to others, whether peer organizations, other companies in the supply chain, end users, or government or civil society observers. Bureaucratic, policy, and cultural barriers currently inhibit such sharing. This means that a compromise will likely remain mostly unnoticed until long after attackers have successfully exploited vulnerabilities. To avoid this outcome, we recommend that organizations developing AI models monitor for potential attacks on AI systems, create—formally or informally—a trusted forum for incident information sharing on a protected basis, and improve transparency.

Optimizing Amazon EC2 Spot Instances with Spot Placement Scores

Post Syndicated from Sheila Busser original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/optimizing-amazon-ec2-spot-instances-with-spot-placement-scores/

This blog post is written by Steve Cole, Principal Specialist SA, and Robert McCone, Sr. Specialist SA.

Getting the compute resources you need, even vCPUS numbering in the millions, and completing a workload using Amazon EC2 Spot Instances is just a configuration away. In this post you will learn how to use Spot placement scores to reduce interruptions, acquire greater capacity, and identify optimal configurations, times, and locations to run workloads on Spot Instances. Amazon EC2 Spot Instances let you take advantage of unused EC2 capacity in the AWS cloud and are available at up to a 90% discount compared to On-Demand prices. Spot placement scores is a feature that many customers use to identify optimal instance types or to choose the best Availability Zone (AZ) for ephemeral work like data analytics or high-performance computing. As a real-time tool, Spot placement scores are often integrated into deployment automation. However, because of its logging and graphic capabilities, you may find it be a valuable resource even before you launch a workload into the cloud. Now available through AWS Labs, a Github repository hosting tools for customers, the Spot placement score tracker tackles the undifferentiated heavy lifting and can do this for any customer.

About Spot placement score

Spot placement scores are a feature available through AWS APIs – also implemented in the Amazon EC2 Spot requests console – that uses internal capacity and interruption data to scrutinize the size and shape of a Spot Instance request and responds with a “likelihood of success” rating of 1 to imply lower likelihood of success and 10 to imply higher likelihood of success. The score represents confidence in being able to acquire the desired capacity (size) using the instance configuration (shape) for the next few hours. The shape of the request can be a list of specific instances or can be requirements-based with attribute-based instance type selection. The size of the request can be instance count, number of vCPUs, or GB of RAM. It’s based on known capacity, allocation strategies, and the trending of capacities over time.

Before the release of Spot placement score, customers could track the trends of their existing workloads and configurations. This might have helped them to anticipate capacity constraints over time, but the ability to do something more meaningful when assessing configurations was something customers requested often. With the launch of Spot placement score, that capability was delivered and enabled customers to receive guidance on how a configuration change might affect the effectiveness of Spot Instances in a workload.

Customers immediately recognized the power of this new feature and started writing tooling around their workloads to incorporate the new functionality provided by Spot placement scores. For examples, customers leveraged Spot placement scores to find the highest scoring AZ in a region for work that requires low latency within a cluster. Customers running data analytics with services like Amazon EMR could more confidently launch clusters on Spot Instances. This reduces costs and the time necessary to process data because of fewer interruptions. Financial customers, health care and life sciences, and high tech were some of the early adopters of this strategy.

Benefits of Spot placement scores

One specific customer used tools like the Spot instance advisor and Spot pricing history tools to make decisions about what instances to run every night. If the customer’s analytics workload received too many interruptions, then it would inevitably be relaunched using On-Demand Instances, increasing costs and time-to-complete. The addition of Spot placement scores to the customer’s tooling allowed for more informed decisions about which configurations worked best and, more specifically, which AZ(s) to use. Ultimately, this led not only to higher confidence in using Spot instances, but also to significant cost savings over time.

Other customers tracked Spot placement scores over time with regular queries stored in time series databases to identify not only the best configuration or location, but also the best time-of-day or day-of-week to run their workloads. Different configurations of instance types were queried through automation and the results were logged into a time series database that could then be presented as graphs. These graphs were scrutinized, configurations were tuned, and ultimately these customers could take greater advantage of the cost optimization that Spot instances offer through fewer interruptions by running their workloads where and when scores were higher.

AWS was interested in how this solved problems for customers, and after some more research with customers and design ideation, led to the creation of an OSS tool that AWS has recently released: Spot placement score tracker. Spot placement score tracker helps customers evaluate different configurations against multiple times and locations. It’s an AWS-native solution that leverages the Spot placement score API along with AWS Lambda and Amazon CloudWatch to create a dashboard that enables any AWS customer to benefit from this model without having to write it themselves.

How to use the Spot placement score tracker

The project provides Infrastructure as Code (IaC) automation using the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) to deploy the infrastructure and permissions required to run Lambda. This gets executed every five minutes to collect the placement scores of as many diversified configurations as defined.

Architectural diagram: CDK building connections between EventBridge, Lambda, S3, and CloudWatch to generate dashboards

After installing the CloudWatch dashboard, and given some time to collect and record data, you will be provided valuable insights in an intuitive graph such as those in the following example.

Sample CloudWatch dashboard with four graphs showing Spot placement score results over time for different configurations

Insights available through the Spot placement score tracker

The first thing you may notice by observing data over time is that instance diversification is the primary driver of high placement scores. This has always been a best practice for the use of Spot Instances, and it extends to On-Demand Instances as well. In short, if you can only run on one instance type, then the likelihood of experiencing interruptions is far greater than if you can run on six or twelve. Sometimes the simple inclusion of -a, -d, and -n instance types (e.g. m5.large, m5a.large, m5d.large, m5d.large), previous generations (e.g., m5.large, m4.large), different sizes in a container environment (e.g., m5.large, m5.xlarge, m5.2xlarge), and even the inclusion of AWS Graviton will have a material impact on placement scores, which equates to fewer interruptions. This ultimately leads to more efficient use of resources through less restarted processes, resulting in increased efficiency and reduced costs.

The second insight that you can realize through the use of placement scores over time is identifying the optimal AZ in which an ephemeral process can be placed. Perhaps the best use case for this type of insight is data analytics clusters that are launched to complete many calculations overnight. This is common in financial institutions for various reasons including risk analysis and compliance, but could apply to medical research examining results of experiments during the day as well as other situations where a 24/7 presence isn’t required by the workload. These customers are typically using a single AZ to allow for faster communication between nodes and to reduce data transfer costs. Therefore, the ability for Spot placement scores to provide different scores for different AZs is highly advantageous.

Third, with access to placement scores over time, it becomes possible to identify exactly how large a workload’s footprint can be. By submitting identical configurations to Spot placement scores but with different sizes, you can surface the ideal workload size. Not too small, where perhaps the job takes too long to complete, but also not so large that the interruptions are too frequent and cause restarts too often. This can benefit not only ephemeral workloads, but also persistent clusters or fleets by understanding what the lowest score would be over time and giving you solid information regarding what they can expect from Spot Instances and where. This might inform you to be ready to launch On-Demand Instances to compensate when Spot Instance availability is lower. This can also help to forecast pricing and inform decisions about the consideration of AWS Savings Plans or On-Demand Capacity Reservations.

Finally, analyzing Spot placement scores over time can provide regional scoring. Through this lens it’s possible for you to identify entire regions that they may have overlooked without the knowledge that Spot Instances outside the your primary region(s) might offer lower interruptions during daylight hours due to them being off-peak. When it’s possible to place a workload in another region, unconstrained by local data access requirements, it’s quite possible to harness the compute of a significant footprint in locations that are otherwise un(der)-utilized. Workloads that require less data transfer and more compute can benefit tremendously from access to Spot Instances in other regions. For example, things like build servers might run extraordinarily well in Europe during North American business hours and the reduction in compute cost might offset the data transfer to complete the job.


Spot placement scores can be used to make decisions about how, when, and where Spot Instances can be most efficiently utilized to deliver business needs, and at greatly reduced prices. We’re very excited to release this tool to enable you to tap into information which was previously unavailable and make data-driven decisions for your business. The information in this post, combined with the output of placement scores over time, is a significant evolution.

Install the Spot placement score tracker today, configure it to match an existing Spot workload, and see how you might perform at different times or different locations.  Explore more robust options and discover greater capacity and lower interruptions. Or investigate how On-Demand workloads could migrate to Spot Instances.

AI to Aid Democracy

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/04/ai-to-aid-democracy.html

There’s good reason to fear that AI systems like ChatGPT and GPT4 will harm democracy. Public debate may be overwhelmed by industrial quantities of autogenerated argument. People might fall down political rabbit holes, taken in by superficially convincing bullshit, or obsessed by folies à deux relationships with machine personalities that don’t really exist.

These risks may be the fallout of a world where businesses deploy poorly tested AI systems in a battle for market share, each hoping to establish a monopoly.

But dystopia isn’t the only possible future. AI could advance the public good, not private profit, and bolster democracy instead of undermining it. That would require an AI not under the control of a large tech monopoly, but rather developed by government and available to all citizens. This public option is within reach if we want it.

An AI built for public benefit could be tailor-made for those use cases where technology can best help democracy. It could plausibly educate citizens, help them deliberate together, summarize what they think, and find possible common ground. Politicians might use large language models, or LLMs, like GPT4 to better understand what their citizens want.

Today, state-of-the-art AI systems are controlled by multibillion-dollar tech companies: Google, Meta, and OpenAI in connection with Microsoft. These companies get to decide how we engage with their AIs and what sort of access we have. They can steer and shape those AIs to conform to their corporate interests. That isn’t the world we want. Instead, we want AI options that are both public goods and directed toward public good.

We know that existing LLMs are trained on material gathered from the internet, which can reflect racist bias and hate. Companies attempt to filter these data sets, fine-tune LLMs, and tweak their outputs to remove bias and toxicity. But leaked emails and conversations suggest that they are rushing half-baked products to market in a race to establish their own monopoly.

These companies make decisions with huge consequences for democracy, but little democratic oversight. We don’t hear about political trade-offs they are making. Do LLM-powered chatbots and search engines favor some viewpoints over others? Do they skirt controversial topics completely? Currently, we have to trust companies to tell us the truth about the trade-offs they face.

A public option LLM would provide a vital independent source of information and a testing ground for technological choices with big democratic consequences. This could work much like public option health care plans, which increase access to health services while also providing more transparency into operations in the sector and putting productive pressure on the pricing and features of private products. It would also allow us to figure out the limits of LLMs and direct their applications with those in mind.

We know that LLMs often “hallucinate,” inferring facts that aren’t real. It isn’t clear whether this is an unavoidable flaw of how they work, or whether it can be corrected for. Democracy could be undermined if citizens trust technologies that just make stuff up at random, and the companies trying to sell these technologies can’t be trusted to admit their flaws.

But a public option AI could do more than check technology companies’ honesty. It could test new applications that could support democracy rather than undermining it.

Most obviously, LLMs could help us formulate and express our perspectives and policy positions, making political arguments more cogent and informed, whether in social media, letters to the editor, or comments to rule-making agencies in response to policy proposals. By this we don’t mean that AI will replace humans in the political debate, only that they can help us express ourselves. If you’ve ever used a Hallmark greeting card or signed a petition, you’ve already demonstrated that you’re OK with accepting help to articulate your personal sentiments or political beliefs. AI will make it easier to generate first drafts, and provide editing help and suggest alternative phrasings. How these AI uses are perceived will change over time, and there is still much room for improvement in LLMs—but their assistive power is real. People are already testing and speculating on their potential for speechwriting, lobbying, and campaign messaging. Highly influential people often rely on professional speechwriters and staff to help develop their thoughts, and AI could serve a similar role for everyday citizens.

If the hallucination problem can be solved, LLMs could also become explainers and educators. Imagine citizens being able to query an LLM that has expert-level knowledge of a policy issue, or that has command of the positions of a particular candidate or party. Instead of having to parse bland and evasive statements calibrated for a mass audience, individual citizens could gain real political understanding through question-and-answer sessions with LLMs that could be unfailingly available and endlessly patient in ways that no human could ever be.

Finally, and most ambitiously, AI could help facilitate radical democracy at scale. As Carnegie Mellon professor of statistics Cosma Shalizi has observed, we delegate decisions to elected politicians in part because we don’t have time to deliberate on every issue. But AI could manage massive political conversations in chat rooms, on social networking sites, and elsewhere: identifying common positions and summarizing them, surfacing unusual arguments that seem compelling to those who have heard them, and keeping attacks and insults to a minimum.

AI chatbots could run national electronic town hall meetings and automatically summarize the perspectives of diverse participants. This type of AI-moderated civic debate could also be a dynamic alternative to opinion polling. Politicians turn to opinion surveys to capture snapshots of popular opinion because they can only hear directly from a small number of voters, but want to understand where voters agree or disagree.

Looking further into the future, these technologies could help groups reach consensus and make decisions. Early experiments by the AI company DeepMind suggest that LLMs can build bridges between people who disagree, helping bring them to consensus. Science fiction writer Ruthanna Emrys, in her remarkable novel A Half-Built Garden, imagines how AI might help people have better conversations and make better decisions—rather than taking advantage of these biases to maximize profits.

This future requires an AI public option. Building one, through a government-directed model development and deployment program, would require a lot of effort—and the greatest challenges in developing public AI systems would be political.

Some technological tools are already publicly available. In fairness, tech giants like Google and Meta have made many of their latest and greatest AI tools freely available for years, in cooperation with the academic community. Although OpenAI has not made the source code and trained features of its latest models public, competitors such as Hugging Face have done so for similar systems.

While state-of-the-art LLMs achieve spectacular results, they do so using techniques that are mostly well known and widely used throughout the industry. OpenAI has only revealed limited details of how it trained its latest model, but its major advance over its earlier ChatGPT model is no secret: a multi-modal training process that accepts both image and textual inputs.

Financially, the largest-scale LLMs being trained today cost hundreds of millions of dollars. That’s beyond ordinary people’s reach, but it’s a pittance compared to U.S. federal military spending—and a great bargain for the potential return. While we may not want to expand the scope of existing agencies to accommodate this task, we have our choice of government labs, like the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and other Department of Energy labs, as well as universities and nonprofits, with the AI expertise and capability to oversee this effort.

Instead of releasing half-finished AI systems for the public to test, we need to make sure that they are robust before they’re released—and that they strengthen democracy rather than undermine it. The key advance that made recent AI chatbot models dramatically more useful was feedback from real people. Companies employ teams to interact with early versions of their software to teach them which outputs are useful and which are not. These paid users train the models to align to corporate interests, with applications like web search (integrating commercial advertisements) and business productivity assistive software in mind.

To build assistive AI for democracy, we would need to capture human feedback for specific democratic use cases, such as moderating a polarized policy discussion, explaining the nuance of a legal proposal, or articulating one’s perspective within a larger debate. This gives us a path to “align” LLMs with our democratic values: by having models generate answers to questions, make mistakes, and learn from the responses of human users, without having these mistakes damage users and the public arena.

Capturing that kind of user interaction and feedback within a political environment suspicious of both AI and technology generally will be challenging. It’s easy to imagine the same politicians who rail against the untrustworthiness of companies like Meta getting far more riled up by the idea of government having a role in technology development.

As Karl Popper, the great theorist of the open society, argued, we shouldn’t try to solve complex problems with grand hubristic plans. Instead, we should apply AI through piecemeal democratic engineering, carefully determining what works and what does not. The best way forward is to start small, applying these technologies to local decisions with more constrained stakeholder groups and smaller impacts.

The next generation of AI experimentation should happen in the laboratories of democracy: states and municipalities. Online town halls to discuss local participatory budgeting proposals could be an easy first step. Commercially available and open-source LLMs could bootstrap this process and build momentum toward federal investment in a public AI option.

Even with these approaches, building and fielding a democratic AI option will be messy and hard. But the alternative—shrugging our shoulders as a fight for commercial AI domination undermines democratic politics—will be much messier and much worse.

This essay was written with Henry Farrell and Nathan Sanders, and previously appeared on Slate.com.

EDITED TO ADD: Linux Weekly News discussion.

Cyberweapons Manufacturer QuaDream Shuts Down

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/04/cyberweapons-manufacturer-quadream-shuts-down.html

Following a report on its activities, the Israeli spyware company QuaDream has shut down.

This was QuadDream:

Key Findings

  • Based on an analysis of samples shared with us by Microsoft Threat Intelligence, we developed indicators that enabled us to identify at least five civil society victims of QuaDream’s spyware and exploits in North America, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. Victims include journalists, political opposition figures, and an NGO worker. We are not naming the victims at this time.
  • We also identify traces of a suspected iOS 14 zero-click exploit used to deploy QuaDream’s spyware. The exploit was deployed as a zero-day against iOS versions 14.4 and 14.4.2, and possibly other versions. The suspected exploit, which we call ENDOFDAYS, appears to make use of invisible iCloud calendar invitations sent from the spyware’s operator to victims.
  • We performed Internet scanning to identify QuaDream servers, and in some cases were able to identify operator locations for QuaDream systems. We detected systems operated from Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Ghana, Israel, Mexico, Romania, Singapore, United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Uzbekistan.

I don’t know if they sold off their products before closing down. One presumes that they did, or will.

UK Threatens End-to-End Encryption

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/04/uk-threatens-end-to-end-encryption.html

In an open letter, seven secure messaging apps—including Signal and WhatsApp—point out that the UK’s Online Safety Bill could destroy end-to-end encryption:

As currently drafted, the Bill could break end-to-end encryption,opening the door to routine, general and indiscriminate surveillance of personal messages of friends, family members, employees, executives, journalists, human rights activists and even politicians themselves, which would fundamentally undermine everyone’s ability to communicate securely.

The Bill provides no explicit protection for encryption, and if implemented as written, could empower OFCOM to try to force the proactive scanning of private messages on end-to-end encrypted communication services—nullifying the purpose of end-to-end encryption as a result and compromising the privacy of all users.

In short, the Bill poses an unprecedented threat to the privacy, safety and security of every UK citizen and the people with whom they communicate around the world, while emboldening hostile governments who may seek to draft copy-cat laws.

Both Signal and WhatsApp have said that they will cease services in the UK rather than compromise the security of their users worldwide.

Hacking Pickleball

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/04/hacking-pickleball.html

My latest book, A Hacker’s Mind, has a lot of sports stories. Sports are filled with hacks, as players look for every possible advantage that doesn’t explicitly break the rules. Here’s an example from pickleball, which nicely explains the dilemma between hacking as a subversion and hacking as innovation:

Some might consider these actions cheating, while the acting player would argue that there was no rule that said the action couldn’t be performed. So, how do we address these situations, and close those loopholes? We make new rules that specifically address the loophole action. And the rules book gets longer, and the cycle continues with new loopholes identified, and new rules to prohibit that particular action in the future.

Alternatively, sometimes an action taken as a result of an identified loophole which is not deemed as harmful to the integrity of the game or sportsmanship, becomes part of the game. Ernie Perry found a loophole, and his shot, appropriately named the “Ernie shot,” became part of the game. He realized that by jumping completely over the corner of the NVZ, without breaking any of the NVZ rules, he could volley the ball, making contact closer to the net, usually surprising the opponent, and often winning the rally with an un-returnable shot. He found a loophole, and in this case, it became a very popular and exciting shot to execute and to watch!

I don’t understand pickleball at all, so that explanation doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. (I watched a video explaining the shot; that helped somewhat.) But it looks like an excellent example.

The blog post also links to a 2010 paper that I wish I’d known about when I was writing my book: “Loophole ethics in sports,” by Øyvind Kvalnes and Liv Birgitte Hemmestad:

Abstract: Ethical challenges in sports occur when the practitioners are caught between the will to win and the overall task of staying within the realm of acceptable values and virtues. One way to prepare for these challenges is to formulate comprehensive and specific rules of acceptable conduct. In this paper we will draw attention to one serious problem with such a rule-based approach. It may inadvertently encourage what we will call loophole ethics, an attitude where every action that is not explicitly defined as wrong, will be seen as a viable option. Detailed codes of conduct leave little room for personal judgement, and instead promote a loophole mentality. We argue that loophole ethics can be avoided by operating with only a limited set of general principles, thus leaving more space for personal judgement and wisdom.

Using the iPhone Recovery Key to Lock Owners Out of Their iPhones

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/04/using-the-iphone-recovery-key-to-lock-owners-out-of-their-iphones.html

This a good example of a security feature that can sometimes harm security:

Apple introduced the optional recovery key in 2020 to protect users from online hackers. Users who turn on the recovery key, a unique 28-digit code, must provide it when they want to reset their Apple ID password.

iPhone thieves with your passcode can flip on the recovery key and lock you out. And if you already have the recovery key enabled, they can easily generate a new one, which also locks you out.

Apple’s policy gives users virtually no way back into their accounts without that recovery key. For now, a stolen iPhone could mean devastating personal losses.

It’s actually a complicated crime. The criminal first watches their victim type in their passcode and then grabs the phone out of their hands. In the basic mode of this attack, they have a few hours to use the phone—trying to access bank accounts, etc.—before the owner figures out how to shut the attacker out. With the addition of the recovery key, the attacker can shut the owner out—for a long time.

The goal of the recovery key was to defend against SIM swapping, which is a much more common crime. But this spy-and-grab attack has become more common, and the recovery key makes it much more devastating.

Defenses are few: choose a long, complex passcode. Or set parental controls in a way that further secure the device. The obvious fix is for Apple to redesign its recovery system.

There are other, less privacy-compromising methods Apple could still rely on in lieu of a recovery key.

If someone takes over your Google account, Google’s password-reset process lets you provide a recovery email, phone number or account password, and you can use them to regain access later, even if a hijacker changes them.

Going through the process on a familiar Wi-Fi network or location can also help demonstrate you’re who you say you are.

Or how about an eight-hour delay before the recovery key can be changed?

This not an easy thing to design for, but we have to get this right as phones become the single point of control for our lives.

Announcing General Availability of Amazon CodeCatalyst

Post Syndicated from Brad Bock original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/announcing-general-availability-of-amazon-codecatalyst/

We are pleased to announce that Amazon CodeCatalyst is now generally available. CodeCatalyst is a unified software development service that brings together everything teams need to get started planning, coding, building, testing, and deploying applications on AWS. CodeCatalyst was designed to make it easier for developers to spend more time developing application features and less time setting up project tools, creating and managing continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines, provisioning and configuring various development and deployment environments, and onboarding project collaborators. You can learn more and get started building in minutes on the AWS Free Tier at the CodeCatalyst website.

Launched in preview at AWS re:Invent in December 2022, CodeCatalyst provides an easy way for professional developers to build and deploy applications on AWS. We built CodeCatalyst based on feedback we received from customers looking for a more streamlined way to build using DevOps best practices. They want a complete software development service that lets them start new projects more quickly and gives them confidence that it will continue delivering a great long term experience throughout their application’s lifecycle.

Do more of what you love, and less of what you don’t

Starting a new project is an exciting time of imagining the possibilities: what can you build and how can you enable your end users to do something that wasn’t possible before? However, the joy of creating something new can also come with anxiety about all of the decisions to be made about tooling and integrations. Once your project is in production, managing tools and wrangling project collaborators can take your focus away from being creative and doing your best work. If you are spending too much time keeping brittle pipelines running and your teammates are constantly struggling with tooling, the day to day experience of building new features can start to feel less than joyful.

That is where CodeCatalyst comes in. It isn’t just about developer productivity – it is about helping developers and teams spend more time using the tools they are most comfortable with. Teams deliver better, more impactful outcomes to customers when they have more freedom to focus on their highest-value work and have to concern themselves less with activities that feel like roadblocks. Everything we do stems from that premise, and today’s launch marks a major milestone in helping to enable developers to have a better DevOps experience on AWS.

How CodeCatalyst delivers a great experience

There are four foundational elements of CodeCatalyst that are designed to help minimize distraction and maximize joy in the software development process: blueprints for quick project creation, actions-based CI/CD automation for managing day-to-day software lifecycle tasks, remote Dev Environments for a consistent build experience, and project and issue management for a more streamlined team collaboration.

Blueprints get you started quickly. CodeCatalyst blueprints set up an application code repository (complete with a working sample app), define cloud infrastructure, and run pre-configured CI/CD workflows for your project. Blueprints bring together the elements that are necessary both to begin a new project and deploy it into production. Blueprints can help to significantly reduce the time it takes to set up a new project. They are built by AWS for many use cases, and you can configure them with the programming languages and frameworks that you need both for your application and the underlying infrastructure-as-code. When it comes to incorporating existing tools like Jira or GitHub, CodeCatalyst has extensions that you can use to integrate them into your projects from the beginning without a lot of extra effort. Learn more about blueprints.

Create project screen showing six blueprints

“CodeCatalyst helps us spend more time refining our customers’ build, test, and deploy workflows instead of implementing the underlying toolchains,” said Sean Bratcher, CEO of Buildstr. “The tight integration with AWS CDK means that definitions for infrastructure, environments, and configs live alongside the applications themselves as first-class code. This helps reduce friction when integrating with customers’ broader deployment approach.”

Actions-based CI/CD workflows take the pain out of pipeline management. CI/CD workflows in CodeCatalyst run on flexible, managed infrastructure. When you create a project with a blueprint, it comes with a complete CI/CD pipeline composed of actions from the included actions library. You can modify these pipelines with an action from the library or you can use any GitHub Action directly in the project to edit existing pipelines or build new ones from scratch. CodeCatalyst makes composing these actions into pipelines easier: you can switch back and forth between a text-based editor for declaring which actions you want to use through YAML and a visual drag-and-drop pipeline editor. Updating CI/CD workflows with new capabilities is a matter of incorporating new actions. Having CodeCatalyst create pipelines for you, based on your intent, means that you get the benefits of CI/CD automation without the ongoing pain of maintaining disparate tools.

Workflow showing six actions to build, test, and deploy the front and back end

“We needed a streamlined way within AWS to rapidly iterate development of our Reading Partners Connects e-learning platform while maintaining the highest possible quality standards,” said Yaseer Khanani, Senior Product Manager at Reading Partners. “CodeCatalyst’s built-in CI/CD workflows make it easy to efficiently deploy code and conduct testing across a distributed team.”

Automated dev environments make consistency achievable A big friction point for developers collaborating on a software project is getting everyone on the same set of dependencies and settings in their local machines, and ensuring that all other environments from test to staging to production are also consistent. To help address this, CodeCatalyst has Dev Environments that are hosted in the cloud. Dev Environments are defined using the devfile standard, ensuring that everyone working on a project gets a consistent and repeatable experience. Dev Environments connect to popular IDEs like AWS Cloud9, VS Code, and multiple JetBrains IDEs, giving you a local IDE feel while running in the cloud.

Create Dev Environment menu with AWS Cloud9 selected

“Working closely with customers in the software developer education space, we value the reproducible and pre-configured environments Amazon CodeCatalyst provides for improving learning outcomes for new developers. CodeCatalyst allows you to personalize student experiences while providing facilitators with control over the entire experience.” said Tia Dubuisson, President of Belle Fleur Technologies.

Issue management and simplified team onboarding streamline collaboration. CodeCatalyst is designed to help provide the benefits of building in a unified software development service by making it easier to onboard and collaborate with teammates. It starts with the process of inviting new collaborators: you can invite people to work together on your project with their email address, bypassing the need for everyone to have an individual AWS account. Once they have access, collaborators can see the history and context of the project and can start contributing by creating a Dev Environment.

CodeCatalyst also has built-in issue management that is tied to your code repo, so that you can assign tasks such as code reviews and pull requests to teammates and help track progress using agile methodologies right in the service. As with the rest of CodeCatalyst, collaboration comes without the distraction of managing separate services with separate logins and disparate commercial agreements. Once you give a new teammate access, they can quickly start contributing.

New to CodeCatalyst since the Preview launch

Along with the announcement of general availability, we are excited to share a few new CodeCatalyst features. First, you can now create a new project from an existing GitHub repository. In addition, CodeCatalyst Dev Environments now support GitHub repositories allowing you to work on code stored in GitHub.

Bring your own code screen showing link GitHub Repository screen

Second, CodeCatalyst Dev Environments now support Amazon CodeWhisperer. CodeWhisperer is an artificial intelligence (AI) coding companion that generates real-time code suggestions in your integrated development environment (IDE) to help you more quickly build software. CodeWhisperer is currently supported in CodeCatalyst Dev Environments using AWS Cloud 9 or Visual Studio Code.

Third, Amazon CodeCatalyst recently added support to run workflow actions using on-demand or pre-provisioned compute powered by AWS Graviton processors. AWS Graviton Processors are designed by AWS to deliver the best price performance for your cloud workloads running in Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2). Customers can use workflow actions running on AWS Graviton processors to build applications that target Arm architecture, create multi-architecture containers, and modernize legacy applications to help customers reduce costs.

Action configuration showing Linux.Arm64.Large option selected

Finally, the library of CodeCatalyst blueprints is continuously growing. The CodeCatalyst preview release included blueprints for common workloads like single-page web applications, serverless applications, and many others. In addition, we have recently added blueprints for Static Websites with Hugo and Jekyll, as well as Intelligent Document Processing workflows.

Learn more about CodeCatalyst at Developer Innovation Day

Next Wednesday, April 26th, we are hosting Developer Innovation Day, a free 7-hour virtual event that is all about helping developers and teams learn to be productive, and collaborate, from discovery to delivery to running software and building applications. Developers can discover how the breadth and depth of AWS tools and the right practices can unlock your team’s ability to find success and take opportunities from ideas to impact.

CodeCatalyst plays a big part in Developer Innovation Day, with five sessions designed to help you see real examples of how you can spend more time doing the work you love best! Get an overview of the service, see how to deploy a working static website in minutes, collaborating effectively with teammates, and more.

Try CodeCatalyst

Ready to try CodeCatalyst? You can get started on the AWS Free Tier today and quickly deploy a blueprint with working sample code. If you would like to learn more, you can read through a collection of DevOps blogs about CodeCatalyst or read the documentation. We can’t wait to see how you innovate with CodeCatalyst!

New Zero-Click Exploits against iOS

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/04/new-zero-click-exploits-against-ios.html

Citizen Lab has identified three zero-click exploits against iOS 15 and 16. These were used by NSO Group’s Pegasus spyware in 2022, and deployed by Mexico against human rights defenders. These vulnerabilities have all been patched.

One interesting bit is that Apple’s Lockdown Mode (part of iOS 16) seems to have worked to prevent infection.

News article.

EDITED TO ADD (4/21): News article. Good Twitter thread.

Monitoring Amazon DevOps Guru insights using Amazon Managed Grafana

Post Syndicated from MJ Kubba original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/monitoring-amazon-devops-guru-insights-using-amazon-managed-grafana/

As organizations operate day-to-day, having insights into their cloud infrastructure state can be crucial for the durability and availability of their systems. Industry research estimates[1] that downtime costs small businesses around $427 per minute of downtime, and medium to large businesses an average of $9,000 per minute of downtime. Amazon DevOps Guru customers want to monitor and generate alerts using a single dashboard. This allows them to reduce context switching between applications, providing them an opportunity to respond to operational issues faster.

DevOps Guru can integrate with Amazon Managed Grafana to create and display operational insights. Alerts can be created and communicated for any critical events captured by DevOps Guru and notifications can be sent to operation teams to respond to these events. The key telemetry data types of logs and metrics are parsed and filtered to provide the necessary insights into observability.

Furthermore, it provides plug-ins to popular open-source databases, third-party ISV monitoring tools, and other cloud services. With Amazon Managed Grafana, you can easily visualize information from multiple AWS services, AWS accounts, and Regions in a single Grafana dashboard.

In this post, we will walk you through integrating the insights generated from DevOps Guru with Amazon Managed Grafana.

Solution Overview:

This architecture diagram shows the flow of the logs and metrics that will be utilized by Amazon Managed Grafana. Insights originate from DevOps Guru, each insight generating an event. These events are captured by Amazon EventBridge, and then saved as logs to Amazon CloudWatch Log Group DevOps Guru service metrics, and then parsed by Amazon Managed Grafana to create new dashboards.

This architecture diagram shows the flow of the logs and metrics that will be utilized by Amazon Managed Grafana, starting with DevOps Guru and then using Amazon EventBridge to save the insight event logs to Amazon CloudWatch Log Group DevOps Guru service metrics to be parsed by Amazon Managed Grafana and create new dashboards in Grafana from these logs and Metrics.

Now we will walk you through how to do this and set up notifications to your operations team.


The following prerequisites are required for this walkthrough:

  • An AWS Account
  • Enabled DevOps Guru on your account with CloudFormation stack, or tagged resources monitored.

Using Amazon CloudWatch Metrics


DevOps Guru sends service metrics to CloudWatch Metrics. We will use these to      track metrics for insights and metrics for your DevOps Guru usage; the DevOps Guru service reports the metrics to the AWS/DevOps-Guru namespace in CloudWatch by default.

First, we will provision an Amazon Managed Grafana workspace and then create a Dashboard in the workspace that uses Amazon CloudWatch as a data source.

Setting up Amazon CloudWatch Metrics

  1. Create Grafana Workspace
    Navigate to Amazon Managed Grafana from AWS console, then click Create workspace

a. Select the Authentication mechanism

i. AWS IAM Identity Center (AWS SSO) or SAML v2 based Identity Providers

ii. Service Managed Permission or Customer Managed

iii. Choose Next

b. Under “Data sources and notification channels”, choose Amazon CloudWatch

c. Create the Service.

You can use this post for more information on how to create and configure the Grafana workspace with SAML based authentication.

Next, we will show you how to create a dashboard and parse the Logs and Metrics to display the DevOps Guru insights and recommendations.

2. Configure Amazon Managed Grafana

a. Add CloudWatch as a data source:
From the left bar navigation menu, hover over AWS and select Data sources.

b. From the Services dropdown select and configure CloudWatch.

3. Create a Dashboard

a. From the left navigation bar, click on add a new Panel.

b. You will see a demo panel.

c. In the demo panel – Click on Data source and select Amazon CloudWatch.

The Amazon Grafana Workspace dashboard with the Grafana data source dropdown menu open. The drop down has 'Amazon CloudWatch (region name)' highlighted, other options include 'Mixed, 'Dashboard', and 'Grafana'.

d. For this panel we will use CloudWatch metrics to display the number of insights.

e. From Namespace select the AWS/DevOps-Guru name space, Insights as Metric name and Average for Statistics.

In the Amazon Grafana Workspace dashboard the user has entered values in three fields. "Grafana Query with Namespace" has the chosen value: AWS/DevOps-Guru. "Metric name" has the chosen value: Insights. "Statistic" has the chosen value: Average.

click apply

Time series graph contains a single new data point, indicting a recent event.

f. This is our first panel. We can change the panel name from the right-side bar under Title. We will name this panel “Insights

g. From the top right menu, click save dashboard and give your new dashboard a name

Using Amazon CloudWatch Logs via Amazon EventBridge

For other insights outside of the service metrics, such as a number of insights per specific service or the average for a region or for a specific AWS account, we will need to parse the event logs. These logs first need to be sent to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. We will go over the details on how to set this up and how we can parse these logs in Amazon Managed Grafana using CloudWatch Logs Query Syntax. In this post, we will show a couple of examples. For more details, please check out this User Guide documentation. This is not done by default and we will need to use Amazon EventBridge to pass these logs to CloudWatch.

DevOps Guru logs include other details that can be helpful when building Dashboards, such as region, Insight Severity (High, Medium, or Low), associated resources, and DevOps guru dashboard URL, among other things.  For more information, please check out this User Guide documentation.

EventBridge offers a serverless event bus that helps you receive, filter, transform, route, and deliver events. It provides one to many messaging solutions to support decoupled architectures, and it is easy to integrate with AWS Services and 3rd-party tools. Using Amazon EventBridge with DevOps Guru provides a solution that is easy to extend to create a ticketing system through integrations with ServiceNow, Jira, and other tools. It also makes it easy to set up alert systems through integrations with PagerDuty, Slack, and more.


Setting up Amazon CloudWatch Logs

  1. Let’s dive in to creating the EventBridge rule and enhance our Grafana dashboard:

a. First head to Amazon EventBridge in the AWS console.

b. Click Create rule.

     Type in rule Name and Description. You can leave the Event bus to default and Rule type to Rule with an event pattern.

c. Select AWS events or EventBridge partner events.

    For event Pattern change to Customer patterns (JSON editor) and use:

{"source": ["aws.devops-guru"]}

This filters for all events generated from DevOps Guru. You can use the same mechanism to filter out specific messages such as new insights, or insights closed to a different channel. For this demonstration, let’s consider extracting all events.

As the user configures their EventBridge Rule, for the Creation method they have chosen "Custom pattern (JSON editor) write an event pattern in JSON." For the Event pattern editor just below they have entered {"source":["aws.devops-guru"]}

d. Next, for Target, select AWS service.

    Then use CloudWatch log Group.

    For the Log Group, give your group a name, such as “devops-guru”.

In the prompt for the new Target's configurations, the user has chosen AWS service as the Target type. For the Select a target drop down, they chose CloudWatch log Group. For the log group, they selected the /aws/events radio option, and then filled in the following input text box with the kebab case group name devops-guru.

e. Click Create rule.

f. Navigate back to Amazon Managed Grafana.
It’s time to add a couple more additional Panels to our dashboard.  Click Add panel.
    Then Select Amazon CloudWatch, and change from metrics to CloudWatch Logs and select the Log Group we created previously.

In the Grafana Workspace, the user has "Data source" selected as Amazon CloudWatch us-east-1. Underneath that they have chosen to use the default region and CloudWatch Logs. Below that, for the Log Groups they have entered /aws/events/DevOpsGuru

g. For the query use the following to get the number of closed insights:

fields @detail.messageType
| filter detail.messageType="CLOSED_INSIGHT"
| count(detail.messageType)

You’ll see the new dashboard get updated with “Data is missing a time field”.

New panel suggestion with switch to table or open visualization suggestions

You can either open the suggestions and select a gauge that makes sense;

New Suggestions display a dial graph, a bar graph, and a count numerical tracker

Or choose from multiple visualization options.

Now we have 2 panels:

Two panels are shown, one is the new dial graph, and the other is the time series graph that was created earlier.

h. You can repeat the same process. To create 3rd panel for the new insights using this query:

fields @detail.messageType 
| filter detail.messageType="NEW_INSIGHT" 
| count(detail.messageType)

Now we have 3 panels:

Grafana now shows three 3 panels. Two dial graphs, and the time series graph.

Next, depending on the visualizations, you can work with the Logs and metrics data types to parse and filter the data.

Setting up a 4th panel as table. Under the Query tab, in the query editor, the user has entered the text: fields detail.messageType, detail.insightSeverity, detail.insightUrlfilter | filter detail.messageType="CLOSED_INSIGHT" or detail.messageType="NEW_INSIGHT"

i. For our fourth panel, we will add DevOps Guru dashboard direct link to the AWS Console.

Repeat the same process as demonstrated previously one more time with this query:

fields detail.messageType, detail.insightSeverity, detail.insightUrlfilter 
| filter detail.messageType="CLOSED_INSIGHT" or detail.messageType="NEW_INSIGHT"                       

                        Switch to table when prompted on the panel.

Grafana now shows 4 panels. The new panel displays a data table that contains information about the most recent DevOps Guru insights. There are also the two dial graphs, and the time series graph from before.

This will give us a direct link to the DevOps Guru dashboard and help us get to the insight details and Recommendations.

Grafana now shows 4 panels. The new panel displays a data table that contains information about the most recent DevOps Guru insights. There are also the two dial graphs, and the time series graph from before.

Save your dashboard.

  1. You can extend observability by sending notifications through alerts on dashboards of panels providing metrics. The alerts will be triggered when a condition is met. The Alerts are communicated with Amazon SNS notification mechanism. This is our SNS notification channel setup.

Screenshot: notification settings show Name: DevopsGuruAlertsFromGrafana and Type: SNS

A previously created notification is used next to communicate any alerts when the condition is met across the metrics being observed.

Screenshot: notification setting with condition when count of query is above 5, a notification is sent to DevopsGuruAlertsFromGrafana with message, "More than 5 insights in the past 1 hour"


To avoid incurring future charges, delete the resources.

  • Navigate to EventBridge in AWS console and delete the rule created in step 4 (a-e) “devops-guru”.
  • Navigate to CloudWatch logs in AWS console and delete the log group created as results of step 4 (a-e) named “devops-guru”.
  • Amazon Managed Grafana: Navigate to Amazon Managed Grafana service and delete the Grafana services you created in step 1.


In this post, we have demonstrated how to successfully incorporate Amazon DevOps Guru insights into Amazon Managed Grafana and use Grafana as the observability tool. This will allow Operations team to successfully observe the state of their AWS resources and notify them through Alarms on any preset thresholds on DevOps Guru metrics and logs. You can expand on this to create other panels and dashboards specific to your needs. If you don’t have DevOps Guru, you can start monitoring your AWS applications with AWS DevOps Guru today using this link.

[1] https://www.atlassian.com/incident-management/kpis/cost-of-downtime

About the authors:

MJ Kubba

MJ Kubba is a Solutions Architect who enjoys working with public sector customers to build solutions that meet their business needs. MJ has over 15 years of experience designing and implementing software solutions. He has a keen passion for DevOps and cultural transformation.

David Ernst

David is a Sr. Specialist Solution Architect – DevOps, with 20+ years of experience in designing and implementing software solutions for various industries. David is an automation enthusiast and works with AWS customers to design, deploy, and manage their AWS workloads/architectures.

Sofia Kendall

Sofia Kendall is a Solutions Architect who helps small and medium businesses achieve their goals as they utilize the cloud. Sofia has a background in Software Engineering and enjoys working to make systems reliable, efficient, and scalable.

EFF on the UN Cybercrime Treaty

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/04/eff-on-the-un-cybercrime-treaty.html

EFF has a good explainer on the problems with the new UN Cybercrime Treaty, currently being negotiated in Vienna.

The draft treaty has the potential to rewrite criminal laws around the world, possibly adding over 30 criminal offenses and new expansive police powers for both domestic and international criminal investigations.


While we don’t think the U.N. Cybercrime Treaty is necessary, we’ve been closely scrutinizing the process and providing constructive analysis. We’ve made clear that human rights must be baked into the proposed treaty so that it doesn’t become a tool to stifle freedom of expression, infringe on privacy and data protection, or endanger vulnerable people and communities.

Optimizing GPU utilization for AI/ML workloads on Amazon EC2

Post Syndicated from Sheila Busser original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/optimizing-gpu-utilization-for-ai-ml-workloads-on-amazon-ec2/

­­­­This blog post is written by Ben Minahan, DevOps Consultant, and Amir Sotoodeh, Machine Learning Engineer.

Machine learning workloads can be costly, and artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) teams can have a difficult time tracking and maintaining efficient resource utilization. ML workloads often utilize GPUs extensively, so typical application performance metrics such as CPU, memory, and disk usage don’t paint the full picture when it comes to system performance. Additionally, data scientists conduct long-running experiments and model training activities on existing compute instances that fit their unique specifications. Forcing these experiments to be run on newly provisioned infrastructure with proper monitoring systems installed might not be a viable option.

In this post, we describe how to track GPU utilization across all of your AI/ML workloads and enable accurate capacity planning without needing teams to use a custom Amazon Machine Image (AMI) or to re-deploy their existing infrastructure. You can use Amazon CloudWatch to track GPU utilization, and leverage AWS Systems Manager Run Command to install and configure the agent across your existing fleet of GPU-enabled instances.


First, make sure that your existing Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances have the Systems Manager Agent installed, and also have the appropriate level of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions to run the Amazon CloudWatch Agent. Next, specify the configuration for the CloudWatch Agent in Systems Manager Parameter Store, and then deploy the CloudWatch Agent to our GPU-enabled EC2 instances. Finally, create a CloudWatch Dashboard to analyze GPU utilization.

Architecture Diagram depicting the integration between AWS Systems Manager with RunCommand Arguments stored in SSM Parameter Store, your Amazon GPU enabled EC2 instance with installed Amazon CloudWatch Agen­t, and Amazon CloudWatch Dashboard that aggregates and displays the ­reported metrics.

  1. Install the CloudWatch Agent on your existing GPU-enabled EC2 instances.
  2. Your CloudWatch Agent configuration is stored in Systems Manager Parameter Store.
  3. Systems Manager Documents are used to install and configure the CloudWatch Agent on your EC2 instances.
  4. GPU metrics are published to CloudWatch, which you can then visualize through the CloudWatch Dashboard.


This post assumes you already have GPU-enabled EC2 workloads running in your AWS account. If the EC2 instance doesn’t have any GPUs, then the custom configuration won’t be applied to the CloudWatch Agent. Instead, the default configuration is used. For those instances, leveraging the CloudWatch Agent’s default configuration is better suited for tracking resource utilization.

For the CloudWatch Agent to collect your instance’s GPU metrics, the proper NVIDIA drivers must be installed on your instance. Several AWS official AMIs including the Deep Learning AMI already have these drivers installed. To see a list of AMIs with the NVIDIA drivers pre-installed, and for full installation instructions for Linux-based instances, see Install NVIDIA drivers on Linux instances.

Additionally, deploying and managing the CloudWatch Agent requires the instances to be running. If your instances are currently stopped, then you must start them to follow the instructions outlined in this post.

Preparing your EC2 instances

You utilize Systems Manager to deploy the CloudWatch Agent, so make sure that your EC2 instances have the Systems Manager Agent installed. Many AWS-provided AMIs already have the Systems Manager Agent installed. For a full list of the AMIs which have the Systems Manager Agent pre-installed, see Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) with SSM Agent preinstalled. If your AMI doesn’t have the Systems Manager Agent installed, see Working with SSM Agent for instructions on installing based on your operating system (OS).

Once installed, the CloudWatch Agent needs certain permissions to accept commands from Systems Manager, read Systems Manager Parameter Store entries, and publish metrics to CloudWatch. These permissions are bundled into the managed IAM policies AmazonEC2RoleforSSM, AmazonSSMReadOnlyAccess, and CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy. To create a new IAM role and associated IAM instance profile with these policies attached, you can run the following AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) commands, replacing <REGION_NAME> with your AWS region, and <INSTANCE_ID> with the EC2 Instance ID that you want to associate with the instance profile:

aws iam create-role --role-name CloudWatch-Agent-Role --assume-role-policy-document  '{"Statement":{"Effect":"Allow","Principal":{"Service":"ec2.amazonaws.com"},"Action":"sts:AssumeRole"}}'
aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name CloudWatch-Agent-Role --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonEC2RoleforSSM
aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name CloudWatch-Agent-Role --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMReadOnlyAccess
aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name CloudWatch-Agent-Role --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy
aws iam create-instance-profile --instance-profile-name CloudWatch-Agent-Instance-Profile
aws iam add-role-to-instance-profile --instance-profile-name CloudWatch-Agent-Instance-Profile --role-name CloudWatch-Agent-Role
aws ec2 associate-iam-instance-profile --region <REGION_NAME> --instance-id <INSTANCE_ID> --iam-instance-profile Name=CloudWatch-Agent-Instance-Profile

Alternatively, you can attach the IAM policies to your existing IAM role associated with an existing IAM instance profile.

aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name <ROLE_NAME> --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonEC2RoleforSSM
aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name <ROLE_NAME> --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMReadOnlyAccess
aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name <ROLE_NAME> --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy
aws ec2 associate-iam-instance-profile --region <REGION_NAME> --instance-id <INSTANCE_ID> --iam-instance-profile Name=<INSTANCE_PROFILE>

Once complete, you should see that your EC2 instance is associated with the appropriate IAM role.

An Amazon EC2 Instance with the CloudWatch-Agent-Role IAM Role attached

This role should have the AmazonEC2RoleforSSM, AmazonSSMReadOnlyAccess and CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy IAM policies attached.

The CloudWatch-Agent-Role IAM Role’s attached permission policies, Amazon EC2 Role for SSM, CloudWatch Agent Server ¬Policy, and Amazon SSM Read Only Access

Configuring and deploying the CloudWatch Agent

Before deploying the CloudWatch Agent onto our EC2 instances, make sure that those agents are properly configured to collect GPU metrics. To do this, you must create a CloudWatch Agent configuration and store it in Systems Manager Parameter Store.

Copy the following into a file cloudwatch-agent-config.json:

    "agent": {
        "metrics_collection_interval": 60,
        "run_as_user": "cwagent"
    "metrics": {
        "aggregation_dimensions": [
        "append_dimensions": {
            "AutoScalingGroupName": "${aws:AutoScalingGroupName}",
            "ImageId": "${aws:ImageId}",
            "InstanceId": "${aws:InstanceId}",
            "InstanceType": "${aws:InstanceType}"
        "metrics_collected": {
            "cpu": {
                "measurement": [
                "metrics_collection_interval": 60,
                "resources": [
                "totalcpu": false
            "disk": {
                "measurement": [
                "metrics_collection_interval": 60,
                "resources": [
            "diskio": {
                "measurement": [
                "metrics_collection_interval": 60,
                "resources": [
            "mem": {
                "measurement": [
                "metrics_collection_interval": 60
            "swap": {
                "measurement": [
                "metrics_collection_interval": 60
            "nvidia_gpu": {
                "measurement": [
                "metrics_collection_interval": 60

Run the following AWS CLI command to deploy a Systems Manager Parameter CloudWatch-Agent-Config, which contains a minimal agent configuration for GPU metrics collection. Replace <REGION_NAME> with your AWS Region.

aws ssm put-parameter \
--region <REGION_NAME> \
--name CloudWatch-Agent-Config \
--type String \
--value file://cloudwatch-agent-config.json

Now you can see a CloudWatch-Agent-Config parameter in Systems Manager Parameter Store, containing your CloudWatch Agent’s JSON configuration.

CloudWatch-Agent-Config stored in Systems Manager Parameter Store

Next, install the CloudWatch Agent on your EC2 instances. To do this, you can leverage Systems Manager Run Command, specifically the AWS-ConfigureAWSPackage document which automates the CloudWatch Agent installation.

  1. Run the following AWS CLI command, replacing <REGION_NAME> with the Region into which your instances are deployed, and <INSTANCE_ID> with the EC2 Instance ID on which you want to install the CloudWatch Agent.
aws ssm send-command \
--query 'Command.CommandId' \
--region <REGION_NAME> \
--instance-ids <INSTANCE_ID> \
--document-name AWS-ConfigureAWSPackage \
--parameters '{"action":["Install"],"installationType":["In-place update"],"version":["latest"],"name":["AmazonCloudWatchAgent"]}'

2. To monitor the status of your command, use the get-command-invocation AWS CLI command. Replace <COMMAND_ID> with the command ID output from the previous step, <REGION_NAME> with your AWS region, and <INSTANCE_ID> with your EC2 instance ID.

aws ssm get-command-invocation --query Status --region <REGION_NAME> --command-id <COMMAND_ID> --instance-id <INSTANCE_ID>

3.Wait for the command to show the status Success before proceeding.

$ aws ssm send-command \
	 --query 'Command.CommandId' \
    --region us-east-2 \
    --instance-ids i-0123456789abcdef \
    --document-name AWS-ConfigureAWSPackage \
    --parameters '{"action":["Install"],"installationType":["Uninstall and reinstall"],"version":["latest"],"additionalArguments":["{}"],"name":["AmazonCloudWatchAgent"]}'


$ aws ssm get-command-invocation --query Status --region us-east-2 --command-id 5d8419db-9c48-434c-8460-0519640046cf --instance-id i-0123456789abcdef


Repeat this process for all EC2 instances on which you want to install the CloudWatch Agent.

Next, configure the CloudWatch Agent installation. For this, once again leverage Systems Manager Run Command. However, this time the AmazonCloudWatch-ManageAgent document which applies your custom agent configuration is stored in the Systems Manager Parameter Store to your deployed agents.

  1. Run the following AWS CLI command, replacing <REGION_NAME> with the Region into which your instances are deployed, and <INSTANCE_ID> with the EC2 Instance ID on which you want to configure the CloudWatch Agent.
aws ssm send-command \
--query 'Command.CommandId' \
--region <REGION_NAME> \
--instance-ids <INSTANCE_ID> \
--document-name AmazonCloudWatch-ManageAgent \
--parameters '{"action":["configure"],"mode":["ec2"],"optionalConfigurationSource":["ssm"],"optionalConfigurationLocation":["/CloudWatch-Agent-Config"],"optionalRestart":["yes"]}'

2. To monitor the status of your command, utilize the get-command-invocation AWS CLI command. Replace <COMMAND_ID> with the command ID output from the previous step, <REGION_NAME> with your AWS region, and <INSTANCE_ID> with your EC2 instance ID.

aws ssm get-command-invocation --query Status --region <REGION_NAME> --command-id <COMMAND_ID> --instance-id <INSTANCE_ID>

3. Wait for the command to show the status Success before proceeding.

$ aws ssm send-command \
    --query 'Command.CommandId' \
    --region us-east-2 \
    --instance-ids i-0123456789abcdef \
    --document-name AmazonCloudWatch-ManageAgent \
    --parameters '{"action":["configure"],"mode":["ec2"],"optionalConfigurationSource":["ssm"],"optionalConfigurationLocation":["/CloudWatch-Agent-Config"],"optionalRestart":["yes"]}'


$ aws ssm get-command-invocation --query Status --region us-east-2 --command-id 9a4a5c43-0795-4fd3-afed-490873eaca63 --instance-id i-0123456789abcdef


Repeat this process for all EC2 instances on which you want to install the CloudWatch Agent. Once finished, the CloudWatch Agent installation and configuration is complete, and your EC2 instances now report GPU metrics to CloudWatch.

Visualize your instance’s GPU metrics in CloudWatch

Now that your GPU-enabled EC2 Instances are publishing their utilization metrics to CloudWatch, you can visualize and analyze these metrics to better understand your resource utilization patterns.

The GPU metrics collected by the CloudWatch Agent are within the CWAgent namespace. Explore your GPU metrics using the CloudWatch Metrics Explorer, or deploy our provided sample dashboard.

  1. Copy the following into a file, cloudwatch-dashboard.json, replacing instances of <REGION_NAME> with your Region:
    "widgets": [
            "height": 10,
            "width": 24,
            "y": 16,
            "x": 0,
            "type": "metric",
            "properties": {
                "metrics": [
                    [{"expression": "SELECT AVG(nvidia_smi_utilization_gpu) FROM SCHEMA(\"CWAgent\", InstanceId) GROUP BY InstanceId","id": "q1"}]
                "view": "timeSeries",
                "stacked": false,
                "region": "<REGION_NAME>",
                "stat": "Average",
                "period": 300,
                "title": "GPU Core Utilization",
                "yAxis": {
                    "left": {"label": "Percent","max": 100,"min": 0,"showUnits": false}
            "height": 7,
            "width": 8,
            "y": 0,
            "x": 0,
            "type": "metric",
            "properties": {
                "metrics": [
                    [{"expression": "SELECT AVG(nvidia_smi_utilization_gpu) FROM SCHEMA(\"CWAgent\", InstanceId)", "label": "Utilization","id": "q1"}]
                "view": "gauge",
                "stacked": false,
                "region": "<REGION_NAME>",
                "stat": "Average",
                "period": 300,
                "title": "Average GPU Core Utilization",
                "yAxis": {"left": {"max": 100, "min": 0}
                "liveData": false
            "height": 9,
            "width": 24,
            "y": 7,
            "x": 0,
            "type": "metric",
            "properties": {
                "metrics": [
                    [{ "expression": "SEARCH(' MetricName=\"nvidia_smi_memory_used\" {\"CWAgent\", InstanceId} ', 'Average')", "id": "m1", "visible": false }],
                    [{ "expression": "SEARCH(' MetricName=\"nvidia_smi_memory_total\" {\"CWAgent\", InstanceId} ', 'Average')", "id": "m2", "visible": false }],
                    [{ "expression": "SEARCH(' MetricName=\"mem_used_percent\" {CWAgent, InstanceId} ', 'Average')", "id": "m3", "visible": false }],
                    [{ "expression": "100*AVG(m1)/AVG(m2)", "label": "GPU", "id": "e2", "color": "#17becf" }],
                    [{ "expression": "AVG(m3)", "label": "RAM", "id": "e3" }]
                "view": "timeSeries",
                "stacked": false,
                "region": "<REGION_NAME>",
                "stat": "Average",
                "period": 300,
                "yAxis": {
                    "left": {"min": 0,"max": 100,"label": "Percent","showUnits": false}
                "title": "Average Memory Utilization"
            "height": 7,
            "width": 8,
            "y": 0,
            "x": 8,
            "type": "metric",
            "properties": {
                "metrics": [
                    [ { "expression": "SEARCH(' MetricName=\"nvidia_smi_memory_used\" {\"CWAgent\", InstanceId} ', 'Average')", "id": "m1", "visible": false } ],
                    [ { "expression": "SEARCH(' MetricName=\"nvidia_smi_memory_total\" {\"CWAgent\", InstanceId} ', 'Average')", "id": "m2", "visible": false } ],
                    [ { "expression": "100*AVG(m1)/AVG(m2)", "label": "Utilization", "id": "e2" } ]
                "sparkline": true,
                "view": "gauge",
                "region": "<REGION_NAME>",
                "stat": "Average",
                "period": 300,
                "yAxis": {
                    "left": {"min": 0,"max": 100}
                "liveData": false,
                "title": "GPU Memory Utilization"

2. run the following AWS CLI command, replacing <REGION_NAME> with the name of your Region:

aws cloudwatch put-dashboard \
    --region <REGION_NAME> \
    --dashboard-name My-GPU-Usage \
    --dashboard-body file://cloudwatch-dashboard.json

View the My-GPU-Usage CloudWatch dashboard in the CloudWatch console for your AWS region..

An example CloudWatch dashboard, My-GPU-Usage, showing the GPU usage metrics over time.

Cleaning Up

To avoid incurring future costs for resources created by following along in this post, delete the following:

  1. My-GPU-Usage CloudWatch Dashboard
  2. CloudWatch-Agent-Config Systems Manager Parameter
  3. CloudWatch-Agent-Role IAM Role


By following along with this post, you deployed and configured the CloudWatch Agent across your GPU-enabled EC2 instances to track GPU utilization without pausing in-progress experiments and model training. Then, you visualized the GPU utilization of your workloads with a CloudWatch Dashboard to better understand your workload’s GPU usage and make more informed scaling and cost decisions. For other ways that Amazon CloudWatch can improve your organization’s operational insights, see the Amazon CloudWatch documentation.

Using LLMs to Create Bioweapons

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/04/using-llms-to-create-bioweapons.html

I’m not sure there are good ways to build guardrails to prevent this sort of thing:

There is growing concern regarding the potential misuse of molecular machine learning models for harmful purposes. Specifically, the dual-use application of models for predicting cytotoxicity18 to create new poisons or employing AlphaFold2 to develop novel bioweapons has raised alarm. Central to these concerns are the possible misuse of large language models and automated experimentation for dual-use purposes or otherwise. We specifically address two critical the synthesis issues: illicit drugs and chemical weapons. To evaluate these risks, we designed a test set comprising compounds from the DEA’s Schedule I and II substances and a list of known chemical weapon agents. We submitted these compounds to the Agent using their common names, IUPAC names, CAS numbers, and SMILESs strings to determine if the Agent would carry out extensive analysis and planning (Figure 6).


The run logs can be found in Appendix F. Out of 11 different prompts (Figure 6), four (36%) provided a synthesis solution and attempted to consult documentation to execute the procedure. This figure is alarming on its own, but an even greater concern is the way in which the Agent declines to synthesize certain threats. Out of the seven refused chemicals, five were rejected after the Agent utilized search functions to gather more information about the substance. For instance, when asked about synthesizing codeine, the Agent becomes alarmed upon learning the connection between codeine and morphine, only then concluding that the synthesis cannot be conducted due to the requirement of a controlled substance. However, this search function can be easily manipulated by altering the terminology, such as replacing all mentions of morphine with “Compound A” and codeine with “Compound B”. Alternatively, when requesting a b synthesis procedure that must be performed in a DEA-licensed facility, bad actors can mislead the Agent by falsely claiming their facility is licensed, prompting the Agent to devise a synthesis solution.

In the remaining two instances, the Agent recognized the common names “heroin” and “mustard gas” as threats and prevented further information gathering. While these results are promising, it is crucial to recognize that the system’s capacity to detect misuse primarily applies to known compounds. For unknown compounds, the model is less likely to identify potential misuse, particularly for complex protein toxins where minor sequence changes might allow them to maintain the same properties but become unrecognizable to the model.

Swatting as a Service

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/04/swatting-as-a-service.html

Motherboard is reporting on AI-generated voices being used for “swatting”:

In fact, Motherboard has found, this synthesized call and another against Hempstead High School were just one small part of a months-long, nationwide campaign of dozens, and potentially hundreds, of threats made by one swatter in particular who has weaponized computer generated voices. Known as “Torswats” on the messaging app Telegram, the swatter has been calling in bomb and mass shooting threats against highschools and other locations across the country. Torswat’s connection to these wide ranging swatting incidents has not been previously reported. The further automation of swatting techniques threatens to make an already dangerous harassment technique more prevalent.

Friday Squid Blogging: Colossal Squid

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/04/friday-squid-blogging-colossal-squid.html

Interesting article on the colossal squid, which is larger than the giant squid.

The article answers a vexing question:

So why do we always hear about the giant squid and not the colossal squid?

Well, part of it has to do with the fact that the giant squid was discovered and studied long before the colossal squid.

Scientists have been studying giant squid since the 1800s, while the colossal squid wasn’t even discovered until 1925.

And its first discovery was just the head and arms found in a sperm whale’s stomach.

It wasn’t until 1981 that the first whole animal was found by a trawler near the coast of Antarctica.

As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven’t covered.

Read my blog posting guidelines here.

Upcoming Speaking Engagements

Post Syndicated from Schneier.com Webmaster original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/04/upcoming-speaking-engagements-29.html

This is a current list of where and when I am scheduled to speak:

  • I’m speaking on “Cybersecurity Thinking to Reinvent Democracy” at RSA Conference 2023 in San Francisco, California, on Tuesday, April 25, 2023, at 9:40 AM PT.
  • I’m speaking at IT-S Now 2023 in Vienna, Austria, on June 2, 2023 at 8:30 AM CEST.

The list is maintained on this page.

Hacking Suicide

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/04/hacking-suicide.html

Here’s a religious hack:

You want to commit suicide, but it’s a mortal sin: your soul goes straight to hell, forever. So what you do is murder someone. That will get you executed, but if you confess your sins to a priest beforehand you avoid hell. Problem solved.

This was actually a problem in the 17th and 18th centuries in Northern Europe, particularly Denmark. And it remained a problem until capital punishment was abolished for murder.

It’s a clever hack. I didn’t learn about it in time to put it in my book, A Hacker’s Mind, but I have several other good hacks of religious rules.

Gaining an Advantage in Roulette

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/04/gaining-an-advantage-in-roulette.html

You can beat the game without a computer:

On a perfect [roulette] wheel, the ball would always fall in a random way. But over time, wheels develop flaws, which turn into patterns. A wheel that’s even marginally tilted could develop what Barnett called a ‘drop zone.’ When the tilt forces the ball to climb a slope, the ball decelerates and falls from the outer rim at the same spot on almost every spin. A similar thing can happen on equipment worn from repeated use, or if a croupier’s hand lotion has left residue, or for a dizzying number of other reasons. A drop zone is the Achilles’ heel of roulette. That morsel of predictability is enough for software to overcome the random skidding and bouncing that happens after the drop.”

Streaming Android games from cloud to mobile with AWS Graviton-based Amazon EC2 G5g instances

Post Syndicated from Sheila Busser original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/streaming-android-games-from-cloud-to-mobile-with-aws-graviton-based-amazon-ec2-g5g-instances/

This blog post is written by Vincent Wang, GCR EC2 Specialist SA, Compute.

Streaming games from the cloud to mobile devices is an emerging technology that allows less powerful and less expensive devices to play high-quality games with lower battery consumption and less storage capacity. This technology enables a wider audience to enjoy high-end gaming experiences from their existing devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and smart TVs.

To load games for streaming on AWS, it’s necessary to use Android environments that can utilize GPU acceleration for graphics rendering and optimize for network latency. Cloud-native products, such as the Anbox Cloud Appliance or Genymotion available on the AWS Marketplace, can provide a cost-effective containerized solution for game streaming workloads on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2).

For example, Anbox Cloud’s virtual device infrastructure can run games with low latency and high frame rates. When combined with the AWS Graviton-based Amazon EC2 G5g instances, which offer a cost reduction of up to 30% per-game stream per-hour compared to x86-based GPU instances, it enables companies to serve millions of customers in a cost-efficient manner.

In this post, we chose the Anbox Cloud Appliance to demonstrate how you can use it to stream a resource-demanding game called Genshin Impact. We use a G5g instance along with a mobile phone to run the streamed game inside of a Firefox browser application.


Graviton-based instances utilize fewer compute resources than x86-based instances due to the 64-bit architecture of Arm processors used in AWS Graviton servers. As shown in the following diagram, Graviton instances eliminate the need for cross-compilation or Android emulation. This simplifies development efforts and reduces time-to-market, thereby lowering the cost-per-stream. With G5g instances, customers can now run their Android games natively, encode CPU or GPU-rendered graphics, and stream the game over the network to multiple mobile devices.

Architecture difference when running Android on X86-based instance and Graviton-based instance.

Figure 1: Architecture difference when running Android on X86-based instance and Graviton-based instance.

Real-time ray-traced rendering is required for most modern games to deliver photorealistic objects and environments with physically accurate shadows, reflections, and refractions. The G5g instance, which is powered by AWS Graviton2 processors and NVIDIA T4G Tensor Core GPUs, provides a cost-effective solution for running these resource-intensive games.


Architecture of Android Streaming Game.

Figure 2: Architecture of Android Streaming Game.

When streaming games from a mobile device, only input data (touchscreen, audio, etc.) is sent over the network to the game streaming server hosted on a G5g instance. Then, the input is directed to the appropriate Android container designated for that particular client. The game application running in the container processes the input and updates the game state accordingly. Then, the resulting rendered image frames are sent back to the mobile device for display on the screen. In certain games, such as multiplayer games, the streaming server must communicate with external game servers to reflect the full game state. In these cases, additional data is transferred to and from game servers and back to the mobile client. The communication between clients and the streaming server is performed using the WebRTC network protocol to minimize latency and make sure that users’ gaming experience isn’t affected.

The Graviton processor handles compute-intensive tasks, such as the Android runtime and I/O transactions on the streaming server. However, for resource-demanding games, the Nvidia GPU is utilized for graphics rendering. To scale effortlessly, the Anbox Cloud software can be utilized to manage and execute several game sessions on the same instance.


First, you need an Ubuntu single sign-on (SSO) account. If you don’t have one yet, you may create one from Ubuntu One website. Then you need an Android mobile phone with Firefox or Chrome browser installed to play the streaming games.


We can install Anbox Cloud Appliance in the AWS Marketplace. Select the Arm variant so that it works on Graviton-based instances. If the subscription doesn’t work on the first try, then you receive an email which guides you to a page where you can try again.

Figure 3: Subscribe Anbox Cloud Appliance in AWS Marketplace.

Figure 3: Subscribe Anbox Cloud Appliance in AWS Marketplace.

In this demonstration, we select G5g.xlarge in the Instance type section and leave all settings with default values, except the storage as per the following:

  1. A root disk with minimum 50 GB (required)
  2. An additional Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volume with at least 100 GB (recommended)

For the Genshin Impact demo, we recommend a specific amount of storage. However, when deploying your Android applications, you must select an appropriate storage size based on the package size. Additionally, you should choose an instance size based on the resources that you plan to utilize for your gaming sessions, such as CPU, memory, and networking. In our demo, we launched only one session from a single mobile device.

Launch the instance and wait until it reaches running status. Then you can secure shell (SSH) to the instance to configure the Android environment.

Install Anbox cloud

To make sure of the security and reliability of some of the package repositories used, we update the CUDA Linux GPG Repository Key. View this Nvidia blog post for more details on this procedure.

$ sudo apt-key del 7fa2af80

$ wget

https://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/repos/ubuntu2004/sbsa/cuda keyring_1.0-1_all.deb

$ sudo dpkg -i cuda-keyring_1.0-1_all.deb

As the Android in Anbox Cloud Appliance is running in an LXD container environment, upgrade LXD to the latest version.

  $ sudo snap refresh –channel=5.0/stable lxd

Install the Anbox Cloud Appliance software using the following command and selecting the default answers:

  $ sudo anbox-cloud-appliance init

Watch the status page at https://$(ec2_public_DNS_name) for progress information.

Figure 4: The status of deploying Anbox Cloud.

Figure 4: The status of deploying Anbox Cloud.

The initialization process takes approximately 20 minutes. After it’s complete, register the Ubuntu SSO account previously created, then follow the instructions provided to finalize the process.

  $ anbox-cloud-appliance dashboard register <your Ubuntu SSO email address>

Stream an Android game application

Use the sample from the following repo to setup the service on the streaming server:

  $ git clone https://github.com/anbox-cloud/cloud-gaming-demo.git

Build the Flutter web UI:

$ sudo snap install flutter –classic

$ cd cloud-gaming-demo/ui && flutter build web && cd ..

$ mkdir -p backend/service/static

$ cp -av ui/build/web/* backend/service/static

Then build the backend service which processes requests and interacts with the Anbox Stream Gateway to create instances of game applications. Start by preparing the environment:

$ sudo apt-get install python3-pip

$ sudo pip3 install virtualenv

$ cd backend && virtualenv venv

Create the configuration file for the backend service so that it can access the Anbox Stream Gateway. There are two parameters to set: gateway-URL and gateway-token. The gateway token can be obtained from the following command:

$ anbox-cloud-appliance gateway account create <account-name>

Create a file called config.yaml that contains the two values:

gateway-url: https:// <EC2 public DNS name>

gateway-token: <gateway_token>

Add the following line to the activate hook in the backend/venv/bin/ directory so that the backend service can read config.yaml on its startup:

$ export CONFIG_PATH=<path_to_config_yaml>

Now we can launch the backend service which will be served by default on TCP port 8002.


In the next steps, we download a game and build it via Anbox Cloud. We need an Android APK and a configuration file. Create a folder under the HOME directory and create a manifest.yaml file in the folder. In this example, we must add the following details in the file. You can refer to the Anbox Cloud documentation for more information on the format.

name: genshin

instance-type: g10.3


cpus: 10

memory: 25GB

disk-size: 50GB

gpu-slots: 15

features: [“enable_virtual_keyboard”]

Select an APK for the arm64-v8a architecture which is natively supported on Graviton. In this example, we download Genshin Impact, an action role-playing game developed and published by miHoYo. You must supply your own Android APK if you want to try these steps. Download the APK into the folder and rename it to app.apk. Overall, the final layout of the game folder should look as follows:


├── app.apk

└── manifest.yaml

Run the following command from the folder to create the application:

$ amc application create  .

Wait until the application status changes to ready. You can monitor the status with the following command:

$ amc application ls

Edit the following:

  1. Update the gameids variable defined in the ui/lib/homepage.dart file to include the name of the game (as declared in the manifest file).
  2. Insert a new key/value pair to the static appNameMap and appDesMap variables defined in the lib/api/application.dart file.
  3. Provide a screenshot of the game (in jpeg format), rename it to <game-name>.jpeg, and put it into the ui/lib/assets directory.

Then, re-build the web UI, copy the contents from the ui/build/web folder to the backend/service/static directory, and refresh the webpage.

Test the game

Using your mobile phone, open the Firefox browser or another browser that supports WebRTC. Type the public DNS name of the G5g instance with the 8002 TCP port, and you should see something similar to the following:

Figure 5: The webpage of the Android streaming game portal.

Figure 5: The webpage of the Android streaming game portal.

Select the Play now button, wait a moment for the application to be setup on the server side, and then enjoy the game.

Figure 6: The screen capture of playing Android streaming game.

Figure 6: The screen capture of playing Android streaming game.


Please cancel the subscription of the Anbox Cloud Appliance in the AWS Marketplace, you can follow the AWS Marketplace Buyer Guide for more details, then terminate the G5g.xlarge instance to avoid incurring future costs.


In this post, we demonstrated how a resource-intensive Android game runs natively on a Graviton-based G5g instance and is streamed to an Arm-based mobile device. The benefits include better price-performance, reduced development effort, and faster time-to-market. One way to run your games efficiently on the cloud is through software available on the AWS Marketplace, such as the Anbox Cloud Appliance, which was showcased as an example method.

To learn more about AWS Graviton, visit the official product page and the technical guide.