Raspberry Pi Zero waters your plants and records growth timelapse

Post Syndicated from Ashley Whittaker original https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/raspberry-pi-zero-waters-your-plants-and-records-growth-timelapse/

We’re not going to lie — the thing we like most about this automated plant watering project is the timelapse at the very end of the build video. But we also thought now might be a good time to show you another Raspberry Pi project for keeping an eye on your plants, since some of us are getting back to something more like our usual routines and our houseplants are no longer our best friends, so they might need a little extra automated attention.

Raspberry Pi can’t make your plants grow this fast in real life, sorry

Maker Christopher Barnatt chose Raspberry Pi Zero for this project because although Raspberry Pi Pico could handle it, he needed a camera connector to record timelapse video of his plants’ growth.


Raspberry Pi Plant Watering hardware
Image grabbed from Christopher’s build video

Christopher is a gem and has included links to all the hardware he used. There are also some cheaper, smaller alternatives listed in the info section of his build video.

Kit list:

plant watering system full set up in maker's greenhouse
The full setup in Christopher’s greenhouse

How does it work?

The moisture sensor checks every half hour to determine whether or not the plant has enough water, and communicates with the Raspberry Pi. Water flow is controlled by the solenoid valve, and if the Raspberry Pi finds the soil is too dry, it opens the valve for a set amount of time to let water out.

Check out the full build video for detailed setup instructions and code tests

Code your own plant watering machine

Christopher has shared all the code you need to make your own plant watering system:

Check out Christopher’s YouTube channel Explaining Computers where he posts new videos every week on topics like PC hardware, single board computers such as Raspberry Pi, AI, Big Data, and quantum computing.

The post Raspberry Pi Zero waters your plants and records growth timelapse appeared first on Raspberry Pi.

Едни (не)отворени данни за детските надбавки

Post Syndicated from original https://yurukov.net/blog/2021/nopendata-benefits/

През май 2017-та година поискан по ЗДОИ информация за изплатените детски надбавки от социалното министерство. Интересуваше ме за колко семейства и колко деца са изплатени те за всяка община. На тази база направих анализ и карта с различни изводи. Един от тях беше, че броят деца следва почти икономически признак, а далеч не етнически такъв. С последното се спекулира доста, особено що се отнася до използването на този вид помощи. Цялата статия ще намерите тук: Данните за детските надбавки и какво може да научим от тях

Онзи анализ се базираше единствено на данните за 2016-та година. Затова наскоро реших да искам обновените данни включвайки отказите за помощи, както и разбивка не само по общини, но и за всеки месец от януари 2016-та до декември 2020. Включих също така справка за получените в натура помощи от непълнолетни майки. За последните писах подробно през февруари 2016-та използвайки данните на НСИ от тогава.

За справката използвах портала по ЗДОИ и получих доста бързо подробен отговор. Интересното беше, че освен по мейл, както исках, ми изпратиха справките и по пощата на дискове. Това несъответствие с вътрешните правила и въобще как се предоставят данни е нещо, по което ще работим.

За съжаление, както и в други случаи, не ми остава все още време да обработя данните, да ги визуализирам смислено и да направя анализ подобен на този от преди 4 години. Може би нещо се е променило от тогава. Може би има динамика между годините или по месеци, за която не знаем. Може би има условности в данните, които виждаме.

Затова пускам таблицата свободно за всеки, който иска да я използва. Ако направите нещо с тях, ще се радвам да пуснете линк в коментарите. Направих си труда да ги събера в две таблици, тъй като ми ги бяха предоставили в повече. Стигнах само до там да отбележа общините по NUTS4 кодове, за да може да се покажат по-лесно на карта като тези тук.

Забелязват се обаче някои подробности. Има записи с квартали в градове като София, Пловдив и Бургас. Тях съм ги отбелязал с пореден номер след NUTS4 кода. Например VAR0601 до VAR0605 за Варна. При данните за помощи в натура има и запис за София-област, т.е. момиче, за което се знае, че живее в областта, но не е ясно точно къде. Поне така предполагам. За да се покажат тези на карта, трябва или да се съберат на ниво общини, или да се нареже geojson-а на големите градове по квартали. В някои месеци, особено през 2016-та, има данни за общината, но не за кварталите в нея. Вижда се също, че липсват някои числа за част от 2016-та. Та трябва известно чистене трябва преди да се направи нещо.

Както с данните на НЦОЗА моля за внимание към условностите на данните, кой ги е предоставил и какво показват. Лесно се правят сензации и за това не са ни нужни данни, а и може просто да си ги измислим, както предостатъчно хора правят. С тези тук бихме могли да научим нещо.

Не пускам за първи път данни от справки, за които не ми е останало време да обработя и покажа. Тук ще намерите тези за язовирите в България (дек. 2020), жертвите от войните на България (дек. 2019) и глоби и проверки за пушене в заведенията (фев. 2017).

The post Едни (не)отворени данни за детските надбавки first appeared on Блогът на Юруков.

Automate Amazon QuickSight user and group management using LDAP data for row-level security

Post Syndicated from Anand Sakhare original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/automate-amazon-quicksight-user-and-group-management-using-ldap-data-for-row-level-security/

In any business intelligence system, securing and restricting access to the data is important. For example, you might want a particular dashboard to only be viewed by the users with whom the dashboard has been shared, yet customize the data displayed on that dashboard per user by implementing row-level security. With row-level security, you can grant and restrict access to only specific rows, all rows, or no rows of any dataset.

Organizations typically want to display different data to users within different business units. To do this, we need to traverse the organizational hierarchy to find the ultimate business owner for each employee. This post goes into the details of how we can use Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) data to find what business unit each employee belongs to, and how we can apply data restriction using row-level security at an Amazon QuickSight group level rather than at an individual user level.

Additionally, this post explains how to automate user and group management within QuickSight to add or remove a QuickSight group or a user to a group.

Architectural overview

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

The solution has two parts:

  • We first move data from an LDAP data store to Amazon Redshift or any other QuickSight supported data source, flatten it and integrate it with existing analytical data, and create a joined result set matching the organizational hierarchy
  • Then we automate the user and group management, which we apply to the permission file in QuickSight to dictate access to a particular dataset

We demonstrate this with a fictitious IT support ticketing system. This system tracks who is creating a particular support ticket and who is working on that ticket. We use QuickSight to visualize trends like number of tickets worked on by a particular assignment group, number of open vs. closed tickets, and so on for a particular business unit. We use row-level security to demonstrate different levels of access and how the same dataset changes for a super user like a president of a company overseeing multiple business units vs. a manager of a particular business or a direct report working on the actual tickets.

Solution overview

We extract and dump the LDAP dataset into Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). This dataset can be a direct database dump. The LDAP dataset is usually not flattened and can’t be directly queried to find the reporting hierarchy of a particular employee. To flatten the directory structure, we load the data in an Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) instance that supports recursive SQLs. Optionally, we can also flatten the LDAP data using AWS Glue with Apache Spark. The flattened LDAP data is written back into Amazon S3 and then loaded into Amazon Redshift or a QuickSight supported data store. This portion of loading to Amazon S3 and then to Amazon Redshift is optional if the QuickSight data source you’re using supports running recursive SQLs.

The flattened LDAP structure table should now consist of a user column, their manager, and who they report to, up to a vice president in the organization hierarchy. This is then joined with the ticketing system dataset and assignment group or business unit ownership table, which tells which manager or vice president is responsible for a particular business unit. The final joined and aggregated table provides ticketing metadata, ownership, and the business unit hierarchy for each of the tickets. This can be directly loaded into SPICE either as a query or a dataset. You can apply a permission file to this new dataset that dictates which group has access to which datasets.

The second component of the solution goes into the details of how to automate user management, which is done by uploading separate CSV files to Amazon S3 for adding new groups, adding new users, and removing users. When a particular object is uploaded, an event triggers an AWS Lambda function, which makes API calls for the QuickSight client to add or remove the users or add a group.

When you combine these two components, you get an automated way of incorporating your LDAP structure in QuickSight and managing the users in a similar fashion to how you manage users in your corporate active directory.


To follow along with this post, clone the GitHub repo, deploy the infrastructure, and download the scripts.

Prepare the data

To get started, create a new S3 bucket or use an existing bucket to upload the provided scripts. On the Amazon S3 console, the prefix structure of the bucket should look like the following screenshot.

Use the redshift-cluster.yml AWS CloudFormation template file under the folder infrastructure deploy to deploy the Amazon Redshift cluster and an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that is attached to Amazon Redshift to access Amazon S3.

The CloudFormation template requires several parameters, including the following:

  • InboundTraffic – We recommend restricting access to IP addresses within your network or to the IP address of the client. Entering allows incoming traffic from all IP addresses.
  • S3BucketForRedshiftIAMRole – The name of the S3 bucket where the scripts are uploaded. This is used to create an IAM role that is assumed by the cluster.

Alternatively, you can create the cluster via the Amazon Redshift console and attach the IAM role to access the S3 bucket to the cluster.

To perform the next steps, you can use the Amazon Redshift query editor. The scripts that need to be run are under the scripts folder. In the provided queries, replace bucket-name with the bucket where the scripts and data are uploaded, replace the iam_role ARN (arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/quicksight-row-level-demo-redshift-role) with your actual account number, and replace the Region us-east-1 with the Region where the S3 bucket is created. When the queries are complete, several tables are now in the cluster (see the following screenshot).

Ticketing data

For this post, we assume that the IT support ticketing data is already loaded into Amazon Redshift. The important columns of interest in this dataset are ticket_no, which can be a primary key for this table, and assigned_user_email_id, which we use as a foreign key to join with the flattened LDAP dataset. We refer to this table as ticket_data. You can query this table in your Amazon Redshift cluster, as shown in the following screenshot.

In this post, we take the organizational structure where different business units are managed by different vice presidents.

We want the ability to categorize our ticketing data based on user assignment into business units. Our ticket data has assigned users for each ticket. We use assigned_user_email_id to identify owners for each of these tickets. Based on the LDAP dataset, we identify the vice president in the hierarchy for each assigned user. We also have an assignment group and assignment_group_manager_email mapping in a separate table, which gives us relationships between business units (or assignment group) and the respective vice presidents.

LDAP data

Our primary key for this data in this example dataset is user_email_id, and reports_to is the foreign key that refers to user_email_id in the same dataset. The following screenshot shows the employees table in an RDS instance. This table can also exist in any database that supports recursive queries.

We’re interested in taking a particular user, finding their manager, and moving up the hierarchy until we find the vice president of a particular business unit. For example, in the preceding LDAP table, Todd V reports to Jimmy P, Jimmy P reports to Steve W, and Steve W reports to President Thomas J. This hierarchy is difficult to query in the current table structure because Amazon Redshift doesn’t support recursive queries. As an alternative, we decided to load the data in an RDS instance that supports recursive queries first and then load it into Amazon Redshift.

After we load the data into the RDS instance, we can use a SQL query like the following to find the hierarchy order we discussed:

Instr(SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(USER_EMAIL_ID, '/'), '/', 2)-2) vp_roll_up
FROM employees 
WHERE designation != 'Vice President'
START WITH designation = 'Vice President' 

The following screenshot shows the flattened sample LDAP dataset for the preceding example. Let’s call this LDAP_flattened_data. You can query this table in your Amazon Redshift cluster.

Note that for this post, the dataset is already flattened.

Assignment groups and manager mapping

The next step is to identify the business unit or assignment group each vice president belongs to.

For simplicity, we assume the following mapping between assignment groups (business units) and their respective vice presidents (or assignment group manager). This can be simply stored in a table. Let’s call the table assignment_group_manager_mapping. After we join LDAP_flattened_data with the assignment_group_manager_mapping table, we can identify which assignment group each user belongs to. Carrying forward the previous example, Todd V rolls up to vice president Steve W and therefore belongs to the IT Repairs assignment group. You can query this table in your Amazon Redshift cluster.

Now that we have the three base tables ready, all we need to do is join them to form a flattened table that is suitable for visualizations in QuickSight. We store this data into SPICE, which is an in-memory optimized calculation engine designed specifically to support low-latency, ad hoc data visualization. You can create this table by performing a join between ticket_data and LDAP_flattened_data on assigned_user_email_id and USER_EMAIL_ID, which gives us VP_ROLL_UP, which we can then use to join with the assignment_group_manager_mapping table on assignment_group_manager_email. The final dataset created from the sample data is shown in the following table.

For this post, we use the following sample SQL statement, but you can achieve this in multiple ways.

FROM ticket_data td, LDAP_flattened_data ld, assignment_group_manager_mapping ag
WHERE td.assigned_user_email_id = ld.USER_EMAIL_ID and
ld.VP_ROLL_UP = ag.assignment_group_manager_email;

You can directly load this table and query into SPICE from Amazon S3, Amazon Athena, Amazon Redshift, or any other supported data sources. For more information, see Working with Datasets.

Add row-level security

To add row-level security, we follow the same steps as in the documentation Using Row-Level Security (RLS) to Restrict Access to a Dataset. We create a dataset in QuickSight by querying the table in Amazon Redshift. Alternatively, you can upload the permissions file from the GitHub repository. You can query this table in your Amazon Redshift cluster with select * from row_level_security. The following screenshot shows our results.

With the preceding examples, the users that are added to a particular assignment group get the same permissions as the group, and the users that belong to the superuser group have elevated access. In QuickSight, we perform the following steps.

  1. Create a new dataset with the row_level_security table.

Both datasets are visible in QuickSight.

  1. In the details for the ticketing-data-final dataset, and choose Row-level security.
  2. Select the row_level_security dataset that we created.
  3. Select Apply dataset and confirm.

When the row-level security has been successfully applied, the lock icon is visible next to the ticketing dataset.

Automate user management

To tie it all together, we automate user and group management. When a particular user is added to a group, they get access as defined by the preceding permissions file. For this setup, we use the following Amazon S3 prefix structure, essentially a separate path for adding groups, adding users, and removing users.

We upload CSV files under each of these Amazon S3 paths.

To add or remove users from a group, refer to the user.csv file under the quicksight-user-group-management folder and copy it to the add-user-to-group folder.

To add groups, refer to the groups.csv file under the quicksight-user-group-management folder and copy it to the add-group folder.

When a file is added in any of these S3 folder paths, a Lambda function is triggered, which makes a Boto3 call to add groups or add or remove users. You can use the quicksight-row-level-lambda.yml CloudFormation template under the Infrastructure deploy folder of the GitHub repo to create the Lambda function and execution role.

Now we create an Amazon S3 event trigger for this bucket to trigger the Lambda function. On the Properties tab of the bucket, choose Events.

Add a notification and provide the ARN of the Lambda function that you created.

Visualize the data

To demonstrate the solution, we show how Steve W. can view all the tickets under IT Repairs, and Todd V can view only the tickets assigned to him.

We create a sample analysis using the dataset created earlier. Then we can publish it as a dashboard and share it with the target user group.

For this post, we set up the following visualizations:

  • Tickets assigned this month – The count of the tickets opened in the current month
    • Visual type – KPI
    • Value – ticket_no
    • Filters – created_date should be current month
  • Ticket Details – The details of the tickets, such as status and assigned owner
    • Visual type – Table
    • Groupby columns – ticket_no, created_by, problem_issue, assigned_user
    • Filters – created_date should be current month
  • Tickets by Status – The status of all the tickets by assignment group
    • Visual type – Pie chart
    • Group/Color – Status
    • Value – ticket_no
    • Filters – created_date should be current month
  • Tickets Assignment by Groups – The status of all the tickets by assignment group
    • Visual type – Bar chart
    • X-axis – assignment_group
    • Y-axis – count of ticket_no
    • Filters – created_date should be current month
  • Tickets Resolved by day – The number of tickets closed each day
    • Visual type – Line chart
    • X-axis – resolved_date
    • Y-axis – count of ticket_no
    • Filters – created_date should be current month and status is closed

When user Todd V (the QuickSight user name is the same as the users email ID) logs in, he sees a dashboard like the following screenshot.

When Steve W logs in, his dashboard shows more information.

When a superuser logs in, they see the following dashboard.


We demonstrated one of the many ways we can use LDAP data for organizational hierarchy-based visualizations in QuickSight. In this post, we talked about how we can find organizational ownership for ticket data. You can further generalize this solution to fit any data within an organization that needs business unit-based grouping. Another use case for this can be for visualizing security threats or sales data across different business units.

This post covers only one level of organizational hierarchy, but in many enterprises, the organizational structure can be much more complicated. You can use a similar approach to deal with these nested organizational hierarchies, where we can report on different levels of business units. If you are interested in implementing row-level security using organizational LDAP hierarchical structure refer to Implement row-level security using a complete LDAP hierarchical organization structure in Amazon QuickSight.

About the Author

Anand Sakhare is a Big Data Architect with AWS. He helps customers build big data, analytics, and machine learning capabilities using a mix of technologies. He is passionate about innovation and solving complex problems.




Rohan Jamadagni is a Sr. Data Architect, working with AWS for the past 5 years. He works closely with customers to implement data and analytics solutions on AWS. He enjoys understanding the meaning behind data and helping customers visualize their data to provide meaningful insights.




Umair Nawaz is a DevOps Engineer at Amazon Web Services in New York City. He works on building secure architectures and advises enterprises on agile software delivery. He is motivated to solve problems strategically by utilizing modern technologies.

Access token security for microservice APIs on Amazon EKS

Post Syndicated from Timothy James Power original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/access-token-security-for-microservice-apis-on-amazon-eks/

In this blog post, I demonstrate how to implement service-to-service authorization using OAuth 2.0 access tokens for microservice APIs hosted on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS). A common use case for OAuth 2.0 access tokens is to facilitate user authorization to a public facing application. Access tokens can also be used to identify and authorize programmatic access to services with a system identity instead of a user identity. In service-to-service authorization, OAuth 2.0 access tokens can be used to help protect your microservice API for the entire development lifecycle and for every application layer. AWS Well Architected recommends that you validate security at all layers, and by incorporating access tokens validated by the microservice, you can minimize the potential impact if your application gateway allows unintended access. The solution sample application in this post includes access token security at the outset. Access tokens are validated in unit tests, local deployment, and remote cluster deployment on Amazon EKS. Amazon Cognito is used as the OAuth 2.0 token issuer.

Benefits of using access token security with microservice APIs

Some of the reasons you should consider using access token security with microservices include the following:

  • Access tokens provide production grade security for microservices in non-production environments, and are designed to ensure consistent authentication and authorization and protect the application developer from changes to security controls at a cluster level.
  • They enable service-to-service applications to identify the caller and their permissions.
  • Access tokens are short-lived credentials that expire, which makes them preferable to traditional API gateway long-lived API keys.
  • You get better system integration with a web or mobile interface, or application gateway, when you include token validation in the microservice at the outset.

Overview of solution

In the solution described in this post, the sample microservice API is deployed to Amazon EKS, with an Application Load Balancer (ALB) for incoming traffic. Figure 1 shows the application architecture on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Figure 1: Application architecture

Figure 1: Application architecture

The application client shown in Figure 1 represents a service-to-service workflow on Amazon EKS, and shows the following three steps:

  1. The application client requests an access token from the Amazon Cognito user pool token endpoint.
  2. The access token is forwarded to the ALB endpoint over HTTPS when requesting the microservice API, in the bearer token authorization header. The ALB is configured to use IP Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) range filtering.
  3. The microservice deployed to Amazon EKS validates the access token using JSON Web Key Sets (JWKS), and enforces the authorization claims.


The walkthrough in this post has the following steps:

  1. Amazon EKS cluster setup
  2. Amazon Cognito configuration
  3. Microservice OAuth 2.0 integration
  4. Unit test the access token claims
  5. Deployment of microservice on Amazon EKS
  6. Integration tests for local and remote deployments


For this walkthrough, you should have the following prerequisites in place:

Set up

Amazon EKS is the target for your microservices deployment in the sample application. Use the following steps to create an EKS cluster. If you already have an EKS cluster, you can skip to the next section: To set up the AWS Load Balancer Controller. The following example creates an EKS cluster in the Asia Pacific (Singapore) ap-southeast-1 AWS Region. Be sure to update the Region to use your value.

To create an EKS cluster with eksctl

  1. In your Unix editor, create a file named eks-cluster-config.yaml, with the following cluster configuration:
    apiVersion: eksctl.io/v1alpha5
    kind: ClusterConfig
      name: token-demo
      region: <ap-southeast-1>
      version: '1.20'
      withOIDC: true
      - name: ng0
        minSize: 1
        maxSize: 3
        desiredCapacity: 2
        labels: {role: mngworker}
            albIngress: true
            cloudWatch: true
        enableTypes: ["*"]

  2. Create the cluster by using the following eksctl command:
    eksctl create cluster -f eks-cluster-config.yaml

    Allow 10–15 minutes for the EKS control plane and managed nodes creation. eksctl will automatically add the cluster details in your kubeconfig for use with kubectl.

    Validate your cluster node status as “ready” with the following command

    kubectl get nodes

  3. Create the demo namespace to host the sample application by using the following command:
    kubectl create namespace demo

With the EKS cluster now up and running, there is one final setup step. The ALB for inbound HTTPS traffic is created by the AWS Load Balancer Controller directly from the EKS cluster using a Kubernetes Ingress resource.

To set up the AWS Load Balancer Controller

  1. Follow the installation steps to deploy the AWS Load Balancer Controller to Amazon EKS.
  2. For your domain host (in this case, gateway.example.com) create a public certificate using Amazon Certificate Manager (ACM) that will be used for HTTPS.
  3. An Ingress resource defines the ALB configuration. You customize the ALB by using annotations. Create a file named alb.yml, and add resource definition as follows, replacing the inbound IP CIDR with your values:
    apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
    kind: Ingress
      name: alb-ingress
      namespace: demo
        kubernetes.io/ingress.class: alb
        alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/scheme: internet-facing
        alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/target-type: ip
        alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/listen-ports: '[{"HTTPS":443}]'
        alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/inbound-cidrs: <xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx>/n
        app: alb-ingress
        - host: <gateway.example.com>
              - path: /api/demo/*
                pathType: Prefix
                    name: demo-api
                      number: 8080

  4. Deploy the Ingress resource with kubectl to create the ALB by using the following command:
    kubectl apply -f alb.yml

    After a few moments, you should see the ALB move from status provisioning to active, with an auto-generated public DNS name.

  5. Validate the ALB DNS name and the ALB is in active status by using the following command:
    kubectl -n demo describe ingress alb-ingress

  6. To alias your host, in this case gateway.example.com with the ALB, create a Route 53 alias record. The remote API is now accessible using your Route 53 alias, for example: https://gateway.example.com/api/demo/*

The ALB that you created will only allow incoming HTTPS traffic on port 443, and restricts incoming traffic to known source IP addresses. If you want to share the ALB across multiple microservices, you can add the alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/group.name annotation. To help protect the application from common exploits, you should add an annotation to bind AWS Web Application Firewall (WAFv2) ACLs, including rate-limiting options for the microservice.

Configure the Amazon Cognito user pool

To manage the OAuth 2.0 client credential flow, you create an Amazon Cognito user pool. Use the following procedure to create the Amazon Cognito user pool in the console.

To create an Amazon Cognito user pool

  1. Log in to the Amazon Cognito console.
  2. Choose Manage User Pools.
  3. In the top-right corner of the page, choose Create a user pool.
  4. Provide a name for your user pool, and choose Review defaults to save the name.
  5. Review the user pool information and make any necessary changes. Scroll down and choose Create pool.
  6. Note down your created Pool Id, because you will need this for the microservice configuration.

Next, to simulate the client in subsequent tests, you will create three app clients: one for read permission, one for write permission, and one for the microservice.

To create Amazon Cognito app clients

  1. In the left navigation pane, under General settings, choose App clients.
  2. On the right pane, choose Add an app client.
  3. Enter the App client name as readClient.
  4. Leave all other options unchanged.
  5. Choose Create app client to save.
  6. Choose Add another app client, and add an app client with the name writeClient, then repeat step 5 to save.
  7. Choose Add another app client, and add an app client with the name microService. Clear Generate Client Secret, as this isn’t required for the microservice. Leave all other options unchanged. Repeat step 5 to save.
  8. Note down the App client id created for the microService app client, because you will need it to configure the microservice.

You now have three app clients: readClient, writeClient, and microService.

With the read and write clients created, the next step is to create the permission scope (role), which will be subsequently assigned.

To create read and write permission scopes (roles) for use with the app clients

  1. In the left navigation pane, under App integration, choose Resource servers.
  2. On the right pane, choose Add a resource server.
  3. Enter the name Gateway for the resource server.
  4. For the Identifier enter your host name, in this case https://gateway.example.com.Figure 2 shows the resource identifier and custom scopes for read and write role permission.

    Figure 2: Resource identifier and custom scopes

    Figure 2: Resource identifier and custom scopes

  5. In the first row under Scopes, for Name enter demo.read, and for Description enter Demo Read role.
  6. In the second row under Scopes, for Name enter demo.write, and for Description enter Demo Write role.
  7. Choose Save changes.

You have now completed configuring the custom role scopes that will be bound to the app clients. To complete the app client configuration, you will now bind the role scopes and configure the OAuth2.0 flow.

To configure app clients for client credential flow

  1. In the left navigation pane, under App Integration, select App client settings.
  2. On the right pane, the first of three app clients will be visible.
  3. Scroll to the readClient app client and make the following selections:
    • For Enabled Identity Providers, select Cognito User Pool.
    • Under OAuth 2.0, for Allowed OAuth Flows, select Client credentials.
    • Under OAuth 2.0, under Allowed Custom Scopes, select the demo.read scope.
    • Leave all other options blank.
  4. Scroll to the writeClient app client and make the following selections:
    • For Enabled Identity Providers, select Cognito User Pool.
    • Under OAuth 2.0, for Allowed OAuth Flows, select Client credentials.
    • Under OAuth 2.0, under Allowed Custom Scopes, select the demo.write scope.
    • Leave all other options blank.
  5. Scroll to the microService app client and make the following selections:
    • For Enabled Identity Providers, select Cognito User Pool.
    • Under OAuth 2.0, for Allowed OAuth Flows, select Client credentials.
    • Under OAuth 2.0, under Allowed Custom Scopes, select the demo.read scope.
    • Leave all other options blank.

Figure 3 shows the app client configured with the client credentials flow and custom scope—all other options remain blank

Figure 3: App client configuration

Figure 3: App client configuration

Your Amazon Cognito configuration is now complete. Next you will integrate the microservice with OAuth 2.0.

Microservice OAuth 2.0 integration

For the server-side microservice, you will use Quarkus with Kotlin. Quarkus is a cloud-native microservice framework with strong Kubernetes and AWS integration, for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and GraalVM. GraalVM native-image can be used to create native executables, for fast startup and low memory usage, which is important for microservice applications.

To create the microservice quick start project

  1. Open the Quarkus quick-start website code.quarkus.io.
  2. On the top left, you can modify the Group, Artifact and Build Tool to your preference, or accept the defaults.
  3. In the Pick your extensions search box, select each of the following extensions:
    • RESTEasy JAX-RS
    • RESTEasy Jackson
    • Kubernetes
    • Container Image Jib
    • OpenID Connect
  4. Choose Generate your application to download your application as a .zip file.

Quarkus permits low-code integration with an identity provider such as Amazon Cognito, and is configured by the project application.properties file.

To configure application properties to use the Amazon Cognito IDP

  1. Edit the application.properties file in your quick start project:

  2. Add the following properties, replacing the variables with your values. Use the cognito-pool-id and microservice App client id that you noted down when creating these Amazon Cognito resources in the previous sections, along with your Region.
    quarkus.oidc.auth-server-url= https://cognito-idp.<region>.amazonaws.com/<cognito-pool-id>
    quarkus.oidc.client-id=<microService App client id>

  3. Save and close your application.properties file.

The Kotlin code sample that follows verifies the authenticated principle by using the @Authenticated annotation filter, which performs JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) token validation. The JWKS details are cached, adding nominal latency to the application performance.

The access token claims are auto-filtered by the @RolesAllowed annotation for the custom scopes, read and write. The protected methods are illustrations of a microservice API and how to integrate this with one to two lines of code.

import io.quarkus.security.Authenticated
import javax.annotation.security.RolesAllowed
import javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped
import javax.ws.rs.*

class DemoResource {

    fun protectedRole(@PathParam(value = "name") name: String) = mapOf("protectedAPI" to "true", "paramName" to name)

    fun protectedDataUpload(values: Map<String, String>) = "Received: $values"


Unit test the access token claims

For the unit tests you will test three scenarios: unauthorized, forbidden, and ok. The @TestSecurity annotation injects an access token with the specified role claim using the Quarkus test security library. To include access token security in your unit test only requires one line of code, the @TestSecurity annotation, which is a strong reason to include access token security validation upfront in your development. The unit test code in the following example maps to the protectedRole method for the microservice via the uri /api/demo/protectedRole, with an additional path parameter sample-username to be returned by the method for confirmation.

import io.quarkus.test.junit.QuarkusTest
import io.quarkus.test.security.TestSecurity
import io.restassured.RestAssured
import io.restassured.http.ContentType
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test

class DemoResourceTest {

    fun testNoAccessToken() {

    @TestSecurity(user = "writeClient", roles = [ "https://gateway.example.com/demo.write" ])
    fun testIncorrectRole() {

    @TestSecurity(user = "readClient", roles = [ "https://gateway.example.com/demo.read" ])
    fun testProtecedRole() {


Deploy the microservice on Amazon EKS

Deploying the microservice to Amazon EKS is the same as deploying to any upstream Kubernetes-compliant installation. You declare your application resources in a manifest file, and you deploy a container image of your application to your container registry. You can do this in a similar low-code manner with the Quarkus Kubernetes extension, which automatically generates the Kubernetes deployment and service resources at build time. The Quarkus Container Image Jib extension to automatically build the container image and deploys the container image to Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR), without the need for a Dockerfile.

Amazon ECR setup

Your microservice container image created during the build process will be published to Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) in the same Region as the target Amazon EKS cluster deployment. Container images are stored in a repository in Amazon ECR, and in the following example uses a convention for the repository name of project name and microservice name. The first command that follows creates the Amazon ECR repository to host the microservice container image, and the second command obtains login credentials to publish the container image to Amazon ECR.

To set up the application for Amazon ECR integration

  1. In the AWS CLI, create an Amazon ECR repository by using the following command. Replace the project name variable with your parent project name, and replace the microservice name with the microservice name.
    aws ecr create-repository --repository-name <project-name>/<microservice-name>  --region <region>

  2. Obtain an ECR authorization token, by using your IAM principal with the following command. Replace the variables with your values for the AWS account ID and Region.
    aws ecr get-login-password --region <region> | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <aws-account-id>.dkr.ecr.<region>.amazonaws.com

Configure the application properties to use Amazon ECR

To update the application properties with the ECR repository details

  1. Edit the application.properties file in your Quarkus project:

  2. Add the following properties, replacing the variables with your values, for the AWS account ID and Region.

  3. Save and close your application.properties.
  4. Re-build your application

After the application re-build, you should now have a container image deployed to Amazon ECR in your region with the following name [project-group]/[project-name]. The Quarkus build will give an error if the push to Amazon ECR failed.

Now, you can deploy your application to Amazon EKS, with kubectl from the following build path:

kubectl apply -f build/kubernetes/kubernetes.yml

Integration tests for local and remote deployments

The following environment assumes a Unix shell: either MacOS, Linux, or Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL 2).

How to obtain the access token from the token endpoint

Obtain the access token for the application client by using the Amazon Cognito OAuth 2.0 token endpoint, and export an environment variable for re-use. Replace the variables with your Amazon Cognito pool name, and AWS Region respectively.

export TOKEN_ENDPOINT=https://<pool-name>.auth.<region>.amazoncognito.com/token

To generate the client credentials in the required format, you need the Base64 representation of the app client client-id:client-secret. There are many tools online to help you generate a Base64 encoded string. Export the following environment variables, to avoid hard-coding in configuration or scripts.

export CLIENT_CREDENTIALS_READ=Base64(client-id:client-secret)
export CLIENT_CREDENTIALS_WRITE=Base64(client-id:client-secret)

You can use curl to post to the token endpoint, and obtain an access token for the read and write app client respectively. You can pass grant_type=client_credentials and the custom scopes as appropriate. If you pass an incorrect scope, you will receive an invalid_grant error. The Unix jq tool extracts the access token from the JSON string. If you do not have the jq tool installed, you can use your relevant package manager (such as apt-get, yum, or brew), to install using sudo [package manager] install jq.

The following shell commands obtain the access token associated with the read or write scope. The client credentials are used to authorize the generation of the access token. An environment variable stores the read or write access token for future use. Update the scope URL to your host, in this case gateway.example.com.

export access_token_read=$(curl -s -X POST --location "$TOKEN_ENDPOINT" \
     -H "Authorization: Basic $CLIENT_CREDENTIALS_READ" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
     -d "grant_type=client_credentials&scope=https://<gateway.example.com>/demo.read" \
| jq --raw-output '.access_token')

export access_token_write=$(curl -s -X POST --location "$TOKEN_ENDPOINT" \
     -H "Authorization: Basic $CLIENT_CREDENTIALS_WRITE" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
     -d "grant_type=client_credentials&scope=https://<gateway.example.com>/demo.write" \ 
| jq --raw-output '.access_token')

If the curl commands are successful, you should see the access tokens in the environment variables by using the following echo commands:

echo $access_token_read
echo $access_token_write

For more information or troubleshooting, see TOKEN Endpoint in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

Test scope with automation script

Now that you have saved the read and write access tokens, you can test the API. The endpoint can be local or on a remote cluster. The process is the same, all that changes is the target URL. The simplicity of toggling the target URL between local and remote is one of the reasons why access token security can be integrated into the full development lifecycle.

To perform integration tests in bulk, use a shell script that validates the response code. The example script that follows validates the API call under three test scenarios, the same as the unit tests:

  1. If no valid access token is passed: 401 (unauthorized) response is expected.
  2. A valid access token is passed, but with an incorrect role claim: 403 (forbidden) response is expected.
  3. A valid access token and valid role-claim is passed: 200 (ok) response with content-type of application/json expected.

Name the following script, demo-api.sh. For each API method in the microservice, you duplicate these three tests, but for the sake of brevity in this post, I’m only showing you one API method here, protectedRole.


if [ "_$1" != "_" ]; then

validate_response() {
  typeset http_response="$1"
  typeset expected_rc="$2"

  http_status=$(echo "$http_response" | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "!" }; { print $2 }')
  if [ $http_status -ne $expected_rc ]; then
    echo "Failed: Status code $http_status"
    exit 1
  elif [ $http_status -eq 200 ]; then
      echo "  Output: $http_response"

echo "Test 401-unauthorized: Protected /api/demo/protectedRole/{name}"
  curl --silent -w "!%{http_code}!%{content_type}" \
    -X GET --location "$HOST/api/demo/protectedRole/sample-username" \
    -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" \
    -H "Accept: text/plain"
validate_response "$http_response" 401

echo "Test 403-forbidden: Protected /api/demo/protectedRole/{name}"
  curl --silent -w "!%{http_code}!%{content_type}" \
    -X GET --location "$HOST/api/demo/protectedRole/sample-username" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token_write"
validate_response "$http_response" 403

echo "Test 200-ok: Protected /api/demo/protectedRole/{name}"
  curl --silent -w "!%{http_code}!%{content_type}" \
    -X GET --location "$HOST/api/demo/protectedRole/sample-username" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token_read"
validate_response "$http_response" 200

Test the microservice API against the access token claims

Run the script for a local host deployment on http://localhost:8080, and on the remote EKS cluster, in this case https://gateway.example.com.

If everything works as expected, you will have demonstrated the same test process for local and remote deployments of your microservice. Another advantage of creating a security test automation process like the one demonstrated, is that you can also include it as part of your continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) test automation.

The test automation script accepts the microservice host URL as a parameter (the default is local), referencing the stored access tokens from the environment variables. Upon error, the script will exit with the error code. To test the remote EKS cluster, use the following command, with your host URL, in this case gateway.example.com.

./demo-api.sh https://<gateway.example.com>

Expected output:

Test 401-unauthorized: No access token for /api/demo/protectedRole/{name}
Test 403-forbidden: Incorrect role/custom-scope for /api/demo/protectedRole/{name}
Test 200-ok: Correct role for /api/demo/protectedRole/{name}
  Output: {"protectedAPI":"true","paramName":"sample-username"}!200!application/json

Best practices for a well architected production service-to-service client

For elevated security in alignment with AWS Well Architected, it is recommend to use AWS Secrets Manager to hold the client credentials. Separating your credentials from the application permits credential rotation without the requirement to release a new version of the application or modify environment variables used by the service. Access to secrets must be tightly controlled because the secrets contain extremely sensitive information. Secrets Manager uses AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to secure access to the secrets. By using the permissions capabilities of IAM permissions policies, you can control which users or services have access to your secrets. Secrets Manager uses envelope encryption with AWS KMS customer master keys (CMKs) and data key to protect each secret value. When you create a secret, you can choose any symmetric customer managed CMK in the AWS account and Region, or you can use the AWS managed CMK for Secrets Manager aws/secretsmanager.

Access tokens can be configured on Amazon Cognito to expire in as little as 5 minutes or as long as 24 hours. To avoid unnecessary calls to the token endpoint, the application client should cache the access token and refresh close to expiry. In the Quarkus framework used for the microservice, this can be automatically performed for a client service by adding the quarkus-oidc-client extension to the application.

Cleaning up

To avoid incurring future charges, delete all the resources created.


This post has focused on the last line of defense, the microservice, and the importance of a layered security approach throughout the development lifecycle. Access token security should be validated both at the application gateway and microservice for end-to-end API protection.

As an additional layer of security at the application gateway, you should consider using Amazon API Gateway, and the inbuilt JWT authorizer to perform the same API access token validation for public facing APIs. For more advanced business-to-business solutions, Amazon API Gateway provides integrated mutual TLS authentication.

To learn more about protecting information, systems, and assets that use Amazon EKS, see the Amazon EKS Best Practices Guide for Security.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the Amazon Cognito forum or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Timothy James Power

Timothy is a Senior Solutions Architect Manager, leading the Accenture AWS Business Group in APAC and Japan. He has a keen interest in software development, spanning 20+ years, primarily in financial services. Tim is a passionate sportsperson, and loves spending time on the water, in between playing with his young children.

Проследяване на активните българи в чужбина – юли 2021

Post Syndicated from original https://yurukov.net/blog/2021/prosledqvane-chujbina-21/

През 2016-та и 2019-та направих карти проследяващи активните българи в чужбина. Повече по темата ще намерите в първата ми статия по темата. Накратко казано това е опит за картографиране на придвижването на хора съдейки по заявленията им за гласуване в чужбина. Последните, за съжаление, са публични и макар трите имена на някои да са често срещани, лесно може да се изключат или да се разпознаят дубликати. За целта използвах криптирани и анонимизирани хешове на имената, които събирах за картата ми със заявленията за гласуване.

Така през 2016-та бях картографирал движението на 1268 лица и през 2019-та – на 2633. Пускайки същия алгоритъм през юли 2021 събрах пътя на 9473 души. Голямата разлика идва от рекордната активност на последните два вота. Тук може да проследите тези пътища. Натискайки някой град ще откриете кой си е тръгвал и от къде е минавал.

За разлика от миналия път, сега анализа не отчита гласуване между два града на разстояние 80 км. вместо предишните 50 км. Важно е тук, че не се отчита реално местене на хора, а само там, където са подавали заявления за гласуване. Доколкото последното е някаква индикация за местоположение, дали всъщност става дума за местене, почивка, грешка или просто подкрепа на секции в други държави може само да гадаем. Все пак с тези мащаби с добра доза увереност може да кажем, че виждаме пътищата на почти десет хиляди българи по света.

The post Проследяване на активните българи в чужбина – юли 2021 first appeared on Блогът на Юруков.

Introducing Amazon MemoryDB for Redis – A Redis-Compatible, Durable, In-Memory Database Service

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/introducing-amazon-memorydb-for-redis-a-redis-compatible-durable-in-memory-database-service/

Interactive applications need to process requests and respond very quickly, and this requirement extends to all the components of their architecture. That is even more important when you adopt microservices and your architecture is composed of many small independent services that communicate with each other.

For this reason, database performance is critical to the success of applications. To reduce read latency to microseconds, you can put an in-memory cache in front of a durable database. For caching, many developers use Redis, an open-source in-memory data structure store. In fact, according to Stack Overflow’s 2021 Developer Survey, Redis has been the most loved database for five years.

To implement this setup on AWS, you can use Amazon ElastiCache for Redis, a fully managed in-memory caching service, as a low latency cache in front of a durable database service such as Amazon Aurora or Amazon DynamoDB to minimize data loss. However, this setup requires you to introduce custom code in your applications to keep the cache in sync with the database. You’ll also incur costs for running both a cache and a database.

Introducing Amazon MemoryDB for Redis
Today, I am excited to announce the general availability of Amazon MemoryDB for Redis, a new Redis-compatible, durable, in-memory database. MemoryDB makes it easy and cost-effective to build applications that require microsecond read and single-digit millisecond write performance with data durability and high availability.

Instead of using a low-latency cache in front of a durable database, you can now simplify your architecture and use MemoryDB as a single, primary database. With MemoryDB, all your data is stored in memory, enabling low latency and high throughput data access. MemoryDB uses a distributed transactional log that stores data across multiple Availability Zones (AZs) to enable fast failover, database recovery, and node restarts with high durability.

MemoryDB maintains compatibility with open-source Redis and supports the same set of Redis data types, parameters, and commands that you are familiar with. This means that the code, applications, drivers, and tools you already use today with open-source Redis can be used with MemoryDB. As a developer, you get immediate access to many data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets with range queries, bitmaps, hyperloglogs, geospatial indexes, and streams. You also get access to advanced features such as built-in replication, least recently used (LRU) eviction, transactions, and automatic partitioning. MemoryDB is compatible with Redis 6.2 and will support newer versions as they are released in open source.

One question you might have at this point is how MemoryDB compares to ElastiCache because both services give access to Redis data structures and API:

  • MemoryDB can safely be the primary database for your applications because it provides data durability and microsecond read and single-digit millisecond write latencies. With MemoryDB, you don’t need to add a cache in front of the database to achieve the low latency you need for your interactive applications and microservices architectures.
  • On the other hand, ElastiCache provides microsecond latencies for both reads and writes. It is ideal for caching workloads where you want to accelerate data access from your existing databases. ElastiCache can also be used as a primary datastore for use cases where data loss might be acceptable (for example, because you can quickly rebuild the database from another source).

Creating an Amazon MemoryDB Cluster
In the MemoryDB console, I follow the link on the left navigation pane to the Clusters section and choose Create cluster. This opens Cluster settings where I enter a name and a description for the cluster.

Console screenshot.

All MemoryDB clusters run in a virtual private cloud (VPC). In Subnet groups I create a subnet group by selecting one of my VPCs and providing a list of subnets that the cluster will use to distribute its nodes.

Console screenshot.

In Cluster settings, I can change the network port, the parameter group that controls the runtime properties of my nodes and clusters, the node type, the number of shards, and the number of replicas per shard. Data stored in the cluster is partitioned across shards. The number of shards and the number of replicas per shard determine the number of nodes in my cluster. Considering that for each shard there is a primary node plus the replicas, I expect this cluster to have eight nodes.

For Redis version compatibility, I choose 6.2. I leave all other options to their default and choose Next.

Console screenshot.

In the Security section of Advanced settings I add the default security group for the VPC I used for the subnet group and choose an access control list (ACL) that I created before. MemoryDB ACLs are based on Redis ACLs and provide user credentials and permissions to connect to the cluster.

Console screenshot.

In the Snapshot section, I leave the default to have MemoryDB automatically create a daily snapshot and select a retention period of 7 days.

Console screenshot.

For Maintenance, I leave the defaults and then choose Create. In this section I can also provide an Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) topic to be notified of important cluster events.

Console screenshot.

After a few minutes, the cluster is running and I can connect using the Redis command line interface or any Redis client.

Using Amazon MemoryDB as Your Primary Database
Managing customer data is a critical component of many business processes. To test the durability of my new Amazon MemoryDB cluster, I want to use it as a customer database. For simplicity, let’s build a simple microservice in Python that allows me to create, update, delete, and get one or all customer data from a Redis cluster using a REST API.

Here’s the code of my server.py implementation:

from flask import Flask, request
from flask_restful import Resource, Api, abort
from rediscluster import RedisCluster
import logging
import os
import uuid

host = os.environ['HOST']
port = os.environ['PORT']
db_host = os.environ['DBHOST']
db_port = os.environ['DBPORT']
db_username = os.environ['DBUSERNAME']
db_password = os.environ['DBPASSWORD']


redis = RedisCluster(startup_nodes=[{"host": db_host, "port": db_port}],
            decode_responses=True, skip_full_coverage_check=True,
            ssl=True, username=db_username, password=db_password)

if redis.ping():
    logging.info("Connected to Redis")

app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)

class Customers(Resource):

    def get(self):
        key_mask = "customer:*"
        customers = []
        for key in redis.scan_iter(key_mask):
            customer_id = key.split(':')[1]
            customer = redis.hgetall(key)
            customer['id'] = customer_id
        return customers

    def post(self):
        customer_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
        key = "customer:" + customer_id
        redis.hset(key, mapping=request.json)
        customer = request.json
        customer['id'] = customer_id
        return customer, 201

class Customers_ID(Resource):

    def get(self, customer_id):
        key = "customer:" + customer_id
        customer = redis.hgetall(key)
        if customer:
            customer['id'] = customer_id
            return customer

    def put(self, customer_id):
        key = "customer:" + customer_id
        redis.hset(key, mapping=request.json)
        return '', 204

    def delete(self, customer_id):
        key = "customer:" + customer_id
        return '', 204

api.add_resource(Customers, '/customers')
api.add_resource(Customers_ID, '/customers/<customer_id>')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app.run(host=host, port=port)

This is the requirements.txt file, which lists the Python modules required by the application:


The same code works with MemoryDB, ElastiCache, or any Redis Cluster database.

I start a Linux Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance in the same VPC as the MemoryDB cluster. To be able to connect to the MemoryDB cluster, I assign the default security group. I also add another security group that gives me SSH access to the instance.

I copy the server.py and requirements.txt files onto the instance and then install the dependencies:

pip3 install --user -r requirements.txt

Now, I start the microservice:

python3 server.py

In another terminal connection, I use curl to create a customer in my database with an HTTP POST on the /customers resource:

curl -i --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST \
     --data '{"name": "Danilo", "address": "Somewhere in London",
              "phone": "+1-555-2106","email": "[email protected]", "balance": 1000}' \

The result confirms that the data has been stored and a unique ID (a UUIDv4 generated by the Python code) has been added to the fields:

Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 172
Server: Werkzeug/2.0.1 Python/3.7.10
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2021 18:16:58 GMT

{"name": "Danilo", "address": "Somewhere in London",
 "phone": "+1-555-2106", "email": "[email protected]",
 "balance": 1000, "id": "3894e683-1178-4787-9f7d-118511686415"}

All the fields are stored in a Redis Hash with a key formed as customer:<id>.

I repeat the previous command a couple of times to create three customers. The customer data is the same, but each one has a unique ID.

Now, I get a list of all customer with an HTTP GET to the /customers resource:

curl -i http://localhost:8080/customers

In the code there is an iterator on the matching keys using the SCAN command. In the response, I see the data for the three customers:

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 526
Server: Werkzeug/2.0.1 Python/3.7.10
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2021 18:20:11 GMT

[{"name": "Danilo", "address": "Somewhere in London",
"phone": "+1-555-2106", "email": "[email protected]",
"balance": "1000", "id": "1d734b6a-56f1-48c0-9a7a-f118d52e0e70"},
{"name": "Danilo", "address": "Somewhere in London",
"phone": "+1-555-2106", "email": "[email protected]",
"balance": "1000", "id": "89bf6d14-148a-4dfa-a3d4-253492d30d0b"},
{"name": "Danilo", "address": "Somewhere in London",
"phone": "+1-555-2106", "email": "[email protected]",
"balance": "1000", "id": "3894e683-1178-4787-9f7d-118511686415"}]

One of the customers has just spent all his balance. I update the field with an HTTP PUT on the URL of the customer resource that includes the ID (/customers/<id>):

curl -i --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --request PUT \
     --data '{"balance": 0}' \

The code is updating the fields of the Redis Hash with the data of the request. In this case, it’s setting the balance to zero. I verify the update by getting the customer data by ID:

curl -i http://localhost:8080/customers/3894e683-1178-4787-9f7d-118511686415

In the response, I see that the balance has been updated:

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 171
Server: Werkzeug/2.0.1 Python/3.7.10
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2021 18:32:15 GMT

{"name": "Danilo", "address": "Somewhere in London",
"phone": "+1-555-2106", "email": "[email protected]",
"balance": "0", "id": "3894e683-1178-4787-9f7d-118511686415"}

That’s the power of Redis! I was able to create the skeleton of a microservice with just a few lines of code. On top of that, MemoryDB gives me the durability and the high availability I need in production without the need to add another database in the backend.

Depending on my workload, I can scale my MemoryDB cluster horizontally, by adding or removing nodes, or vertically, by moving to larger or smaller node types. MemoryDB supports write scaling with sharding and read scaling by adding replicas. My cluster continues to stay online and support read and write operations during resizing operations.

Availability and Pricing
Amazon MemoryDB for Redis is available today in US East (N. Virginia), EU (Ireland), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), and South America (Sao Paulo) with more AWS Regions coming soon.

You can create a MemoryDB cluster in minutes using the AWS Management Console, AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), or AWS SDKs. AWS CloudFormation support will be coming soon. For the nodes, MemoryDB currently supports R6g Graviton2 instances.

To migrate from ElastiCache for Redis to MemoryDB, you can take a backup of your ElastiCache cluster and restore it to a MemoryDB cluster. You can also create a new cluster from a Redis Database Backup (RDB) file stored on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).

With MemoryDB, you pay for what you use based on on-demand instance hours per node, volume of data written to your cluster, and snapshot storage. For more information, see the MemoryDB pricing page.

Learn More
Check out the video below for a quick overview.

Start using Amazon MemoryDB for Redis as your primary database today.


­­­­­­Introducing AWS Glue 3.0 with optimized Apache Spark 3.1 runtime for faster data integration

Post Syndicated from Noritaka Sekiyama original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/introducing-aws-glue-3-0-with-optimized-apache-spark-3-1-runtime-for-faster-data-integration/

In August 2020, we announced the availability of AWS Glue 2.0. AWS Glue 2.0 reduced job startup times by 10x, enabling customers to reali­­ze an average of 45% cost savings on their extract, transform, and load (ETL) jobs. The fast start time allows customers to easily adopt AWS Glue for batching, micro-batching, and streaming use cases. In the last year, AWS Glue has evolved from an ETL service to a serverless data integration service, offering all the required capabilities needed to build, operate and scale a modern data platform. The following are some of the use cases you can accomplish with AWS Glue:

  • Move data to and from a broad variety of data sources and software as a service (SaaS) applications using AWS Glue custom connectors
  • Populate a central AWS Glue Data Catalog using AWS Glue crawlers, which are capable of inferring the schema, detecting data drift, and keeping the metadata up to date easily and quickly
  • Build and share reusable data pipelines running on AWS Glue workflows using custom blueprints
  • Process data in near-real time using event-driven workflows and AWS Glue streaming.
  • Visually clean and prepare data for analysis using AWS Glue DataBrew
  • Visually author AWS Glue ETL jobs in AWS Glue Studio to simplify how you build, maintain and monitor data pipelines.

Today, we are pleased to announce AWS Glue version 3.0.  AWS Glue 3.0 introduces a performance-optimized Apache Spark 3.1 runtime for batch and stream processing. The new engine speeds up data ingestion, processing and integration allowing you to hydrate your data lake and extract insights from data quicker.

AWS Glue version 3.0 highlights

Performance-optimized Spark runtime based on open-source Apache Spark 3.1.1 and enhanced with innovative optimizations developed by the AWS Glue and Amazon EMR teams. These optimizations accelerate data integration and query processing with advanced techniques, such as SIMD based vectorized readers developed in native language (C++), in-memory columnar formats for processing, optimized shuffles, partition coalescing, and Spark’s adaptive query execution. The AWS Glue 3.0 runtime is built with upgraded JDBC drivers for all AWS Glue native sources, including MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB, to enable simpler, faster, and secure integration with new versions of database engines.

Faster read and write access with the AWS Glue 3.0 runtime to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) using vectorized readers and Amazon S3 optimized output committers. These optimizations improve Spark application performance for popular customer workloads reading row-based formats such as CSV and writing to columnar formats such as Apache Parquet.

Faster and efficient partition pruning with the AWS Glue 3.0 runtime when analyzing large, highly partitioned tables managed AWS Glue Data Catalog. For highly partitioned datasets, partition pruning can significantly reduce the cost of catalog partition listing and query planning by filtering out unnecessary partitions using partition indexes.

Fine-grained access control with the AWS Glue 3.0 runtime for your batch jobs using AWS Lake Formation. You can now access your data at the database, table, column, row, and cell-level using resource names and Lake Formation tag attributes (available in preview).

ACID transactions offered with the AWS Glue 3.0 runtime for Lake Formation Governed Tables and query acceleration with automatic file compaction on your data lake (available in preview).

Improved user experience for monitoring, debugging, and tuning Spark applications. Spark 3.1.1 enables an improved Spark UI experience that includes new Spark executor memory metrics and Spark Structured Streaming metrics that are useful for AWS Glue streaming jobs.

With AWS Glue 3.0, you continue to benefit from reduced startup latency, which improves overall job execution times and makes job and pipeline development more interactive. AWS Glue 3.0 Spark jobs are billed per second, with a 1-minute minimum, similar to AWS Glue 2.0.

Getting started with AWS Glue 3.0

You can start using AWS Glue 3.0 via AWS Glue Studio, the AWS Glue console, the latest AWS SDK, and the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).

To start using AWS Glue 3.0 in AWS Glue Studio, choose the version Glue 3.0 – Supports spark 3.1, Scala 2, Python 3.

To migrate your existing AWS Glue jobs from AWS Glue 0.9, 1.0, and 2.0 to AWS Glue 3.0, see Migrating AWS Glue jobs to AWS Glue version 3.0.

Performance of AWS Glue 3.0

AWS Glue 3.0 speeds up your Spark applications in addition to offering reduced startup latencies. The following benchmark shows the performance improvements between AWS Glue 3.0 and AWS Glue 2.0 for a popular customer workload to convert large datasets from CSV to Apache Parquet format. The comparison uses the largest store_sales table in the TPC-DS benchmark dataset (3 TB). All Spark jobs run on warm 60 G.2X workers. All values in store_sales table are numeric. We compare performance with schema enforcement, casting values into numeric data type and without schema enforcement, casting them to string type. Enforcing schema to numeric types allows for compact in-memory representations and faster deserialization. No schema enforcement allows for flexibility with string types.

AWS Glue 3.0 speeds up performance by as much as 2.4 times compared to AWS Glue 2.0 with the use of vectorized readers, which are implemented in C++. It also uses micro-parallel SIMD CPU instructions for faster data parsing, tokenization and indexing. Additionally, it reads data into in-memory columnar formats based on Apache Arrow for improved memory bandwidth utilization and direct conversion to columnar storage format such as Apache Parquet.


In this post, we introduced a faster, more efficient AWS Glue engine based on Apache Spark 3.1 that includes innovative features to enable your jobs to run faster and reduce costs. With only minor changes to your job configurations and scripts, you can start using AWS Glue 3.0 today. To learn more about new features, library versions, and dependencies in AWS Glue 3.0, see Migrating AWS Glue jobs to AWS Glue version 3.0.

About the Authors

Noritaka Sekiyama is a Senior Big Data Architect on the AWS Glue team. He is passionate about architecting fast-growing data platforms, diving deep into distributed big data softwares like Apache Spark, building reusable software artifacts for data lakes, and sharing the knowledge in AWS Big Data blog posts.



Neil Gupta is a Software Development Engineer on the AWS Glue team. He enjoys tackling big data problems and learning more about distributed systems.




XiaoRun Yu is a Software Development Engineer on the AWS Glue team.





Rajendra Gujja is a Software Development Engineer on the AWS Glue team. He is passionate about distributed computing and everything and anything about the data.




Mohit Saxena is a Software Engineering Manager on the AWS Glue team. His team works on distributed systems for efficiently managing data lakes on AWS and optimizes Apache Spark for performance and reliability.




Kinshuk Pahare is a Principal Product Manager on the AWS Glue team.

Next Steps for Chia, in Their Own Words

Post Syndicated from Molly Clancy original https://www.backblaze.com/blog/next-steps-for-chia-in-their-own-words/

A few weeks ago we published a post about why Backblaze chose not to farm Chia in our storage buffer. Our explanation was pretty simple: We agreed we weren’t in the game of currency speculation, so we just took the value and Netspace at the time and ran some math. In the end, it didn’t work for us, but our analysis isn’t the last word—we’re as curious as the next person as to what happens next with Chia.

The Chia Netspace slowed its exponential climb since we ran the post. At the time, it was increasing by about 33% each week. It’s now hovering between 31 and 33 exabytes, leaving us, and we presume a lot of other people, wondering what the future looks like for this cryptocurrency.

Jonmichael Hands, the VP of storage business development at Chia, reached out offering to discuss our post, and we figured he’d be a good guy to ask. So we gathered a few questions and sat down with him to learn more about what he sees on the horizon and what a wild ride it’s been so far.

Editor’s Note: This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

Q: What brought you to the Chia project?

I was involved in the beta about a year ago. It was right in the middle of COVID, so instead of traveling for work frequently, I built Chia farms in my garage and talked to a bunch of strangers on Keybase all night. At that time, the alpha version of the Chia plotter wrote six times more data than it writes today. I messaged the Chia president, saying, “You can’t release this software now. It’s going to obliterate consumer SSDs.” Prior to joining Chia, when I was at Intel, I did a lot of work on SSD endurance, so I helped Chia understand the software and how to optimize it for SSD endurance over the course of the year. Chia is an intersection of my primary expertise of storage, data centers, and cryptocurrencies—it was a natural fit, and I joined the team in May 2021.

Q: What was the outcome of that work to optimize the software?

Over the year, we got it down to about 1.3TB of writes, which is what it takes today. It’s still not a very friendly workload for consumer SSDs, and we definitely did not want people buying consumer SSDs and accidentally wearing them out for Chia. There has been a ton of community development in Chia plotters since the launch to further improve the performance and efficiency.

Q: That was a question we had, because Chia got a lot of backlash about people burning out consumer SSDs. What is your response to that criticism?

We did a lot of internal analysis to see if that was true, because we take it very seriously. So, how many SSDs are we burning out? I erred on the side of caution and assumed that 50% of the Netspace was farmed using consumer SSDs. I used the endurance calculator that I wrote for Chia on the wiki, which estimates how many plots you can write until the drive wears out. With 32 exabytes of Netspace, my math shows Chia wore out about 44,000 drives.

That seems high to me because I think consumers are smart. For the most part, I expect people have been doing their own research and buying the appropriate drives. We’ve also seen people plot on a consumer drive until it reaches a percentage of its useful life and then use it for something else. That’s a smart way to use new SSD drives—you get maximum use out of the hardware.

Companies are also offering plotting as a service. There are 50 or 60 providers who will just plot for you, likely using enterprise SSDs. So, I think 44,000 drives is a high estimate.

In 2021, there were 435 million SSD units shipped. With that many drives, how many SSD failures should we expect per year in total? We know the annualized failure rates, so it’s easy to figure out. Even in a best case scenario, I calculated there were probably 2.5 million SSD failures in 2021. If we created 44,000 extra failures, and that’s the high end, we’d only be contributing 1.5% of total failures.

Q: So, do you believe the e-waste argument is misplaced?

I’ve learned a lot about e-waste in the last few weeks. I talked to some e-waste facilities, and the amount of e-waste that SSDs create is small compared to other component parts, which is why SSD companies haven’t been attacked for e-waste before. They’re light and they don’t contain too many hazardous materials, comparatively. Most of them last five to 10 years as well. So we don’t believe there’s a large contribution from us in that area.

On the other hand, millions of hard drives get shredded each year, mostly by hyperscale data centers because end customers don’t want their data “getting out,” which is silly. I’ve talked to experts in the field, and I’ve done a lot of work myself on sanitization and secure erase and self-encrypting drives. With self-encrypting drives, you can basically instantly wipe the data and repurpose the drive for something else.

The data is erasure coded and encrypted before it hits the drive, then you can securely wipe the crypto key on the drive, making the data unreadable. Even then, tens of millions of drives are crushed every year, many of them for security reasons well before the end of their useful life. We think there’s an opportunity among those wasted drives.

Our team has a lot of ideas for how we could use Chia to accelerate markets for third-party recycled and renewed drives to get them back in the hands of Chia farmers and create a whole circular economy. If we’re successful in unlocking that storage, that will bring the cost of storage down. It will be a huge win for us and put us solidly on the right side of the e-waste issue.

Q: Did you expect the boom that happened earlier this summer and the spikes it created in the hard drive market?

Everybody at the company had their own Netspace model. My model was based off of the hard drive supply-demand sufficiency curve. If the market is undersupplied, prices go up. If the market’s vastly undersupplied, prices go up exponentially.

IDC says 1.2 zettabytes of hard drives are shipped every year, but the retail supply of HDDs is not very big. My model said when we hit 1% of the total hard drive supply for the year, prices are going to go up about 15%. If we hit 2% or 3%, prices will go up 30% to 40%. It turns out I was right that hard drive prices would go up, but I was wrong about the profitability.

It was the perfect black swan event. We launched the network on March 19 at 120 petabytes. Bitcoin was at an all-time high in April. We had this very low Netspace and this very high price. It created insane profitability for early farmers. Small farms were making $150,000 a day. People were treating it like the next Bitcoin, which we didn’t expect.

We went from 120 petabytes when we launched the network to 30 exabytes three months later. You can imagine I was a very popular guy in May. I was on the phone with analysts at Western Digital and Seagate almost every day talking about what was going to happen. When is it going to stop? Is it just going to keep growing forever?

It’s not shocking that it didn’t last long. At some point profitability gets impacted, and it starts slowing down.

Q: Where do you see hard drive demand going from here?

If the price doubles or triples in a very short amount of time, we might see a rush to go buy new hardware in the short term, but it will self-correct quickly. We’ll see Netspace acceleration in proportion. We predict the next wave of growth will come from smaller farmers and pools.

Bram [Cohen, the founder of Chia] hypothesized that underutilized storage space is ubiquitous. The majority of people aren’t using all of their hard drive space. IDC believes there’s about 500 exabytes of underutilized storage space sitting out in the world, so people have this equipment already. They don’t have to rush out and buy new hardware. That will largely be true for the next six months of growth. The first wave of growth was driven by new purchases. The next wave, and probably for the long term for Chia, will largely be driven by people who already have storage because the marginal cost is basically zero.

The demand for storage, overall, is increasing 20% to 30% every year, and hard drives are not getting 20% to 30% bigger every year. At some point, this inevitable squeeze was always going to happen where demand for storage exceeds supply. We want to figure out how we can grow sustainably and not impact that.

We have an interesting use case for old used drives, so we’re trying to figure out what the model is. There are certainly people who want to farm Chia on the enterprise scale, but it’s just not going to be cost-competitive to buy new drives long-term.

Q: Between the big enterprise farmers and the folks just happy to farm a few plots, do you have a preference?

Today, 37% of people are farming 10-50TB and 26% are farming 50-150TB. The remaining are big farmers. Technically, the smaller the farmer, the better. That means that we’re more decentralized. Our phase one was to build out the protocol and the framework for the most decentralized, secure blockchain in the world. In under three months, we’ve actually done that. One of the metrics of decentralization is how many full nodes you have. We’re approaching 350,000 full nodes. Just by pure metrics of decentralization we believe we are the most decentralized blockchain on the planet today.

Note: As of August 12, 2021, peak Bitcoin had 220K validators and now has about 65K. Chia’s peak was about 750K and it hovers around 450K.

In that respect, farming is actually one of the least interesting things we’re doing. It is a way to secure the network, and that’s been very novel. Today, if you want to launch a 51% attack, you have to buy 15 exabytes and get them up on the network. We think there’s definitely less than 100 data centers in the world that can host that many exabytes. Basically, the network has to be big enough where it can’t be attacked, and we think it’s there now. It’s very hard to attack a 30 exabyte network.

Q: We know you can’t speculate on future performance, but what does the future look like for Chia?

Our vision is to basically flip Ethereum within three years. Part of the business model will be having the support teams in place to help big financial institutions utilize Chia. We also think having a dedicated engineering team who are paid salaries is a good thing.

Our president thinks we’ll be known for Chialisp, which is the smart on-chain programming model. In the same way that everything’s a file in Linux, everything’s a coin in Chia. You can create what we call “Coloured Coins” or assets on the blockchain. So, you could tokenize a carbon credit. You could tokenize a Tesla stock. You can put those on the Chia blockchain and it just lives as a coin. Because it’s a coin, it natively swaps and is compatible with everything else on the blockchain. There’s no special software needed. Somebody could send it to another person with the standard Chia wallet because everything’s already integrated into the software. It’s very powerful for decentralized exchanges for some of this assetization and tokenization of different types of collateral on the blockchain.

Large financial institutions want to get involved with cryptocurrency, but there’s no play for them. All the financial institutions we’ve talked to have looked at Ethereum, but there are too many hacks. The code is too hard to audit. You need too much expertise to write it. And it consumes way too much energy. They’re not going to use a blockchain that’s not sustainable.

We are going to try to bridge that gap between traditional finance and the new world of cryptocurrency and decentralized finance. We think Chia can do that.

The post Next Steps for Chia, in Their Own Words appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

[$] The shrinking role of ETXTBSY

Post Syndicated from original https://lwn.net/Articles/866493/rss

Unix-like systems abound with ways to confuse new users, many of which have
been present since long before Linux entered the scene. One consistent
source of befuddlement is the “text file is busy” (ETXTBSY) error
message that is delivered in response to an attempt to overwrite an
executable image file. Linux is far less likely to deliver
ETXTBSY results than it once was, but they do still happen on
occasion. Recent work to simplify the mechanism behind ETXTBSY
has raised a more fundamental question: does this error check have any
value at all?

LibreOffice 7.2 Community released

Post Syndicated from original https://lwn.net/Articles/866773/rss

The Document Foundation has announced the latest release of LibreOffice:

LibreOffice 7.2 Community, the new major release of the volunteer-supported free office suite for desktop productivity, is available from https://www.libreoffice.org/download. Based on the LibreOffice Technology platform for personal productivity on desktop, mobile and cloud, it provides a large number of interoperability improvements with Microsoft’s proprietary file formats. In addition, LibreOffice 7.2 Community offers numerous performance improvements in handling large files, opening certain DOCX and XLSX files, managing font caching, and opening presentations and drawings that contain large images. There are also drawing speed improvements when using the Skia back-end that was introduced with LibreOffice 7.1.

[…] LibreOffice 7.2 Community’s new features have been developed by 171 contributors: 70% of code commits are from 51 developers employed by three companies sitting in TDF’s Advisory Board – Collabora, Red Hat and allotropia – or other organizations (including The Document Foundation), and 30% are from 120 individual volunteers.

See the release notes for more information on the changes and new features in the LibreOffice 7.2.

Rapid7 Announces Partner of the Year Awards 2021 Winners

Post Syndicated from Rapid7 original https://blog.rapid7.com/2021/08/19/rapid7-announces-partner-of-the-year-awards-2021-winners/

Rapid7 Announces Partner of the Year Awards 2021 Winners

Over the past year and more, we’ve lived through the most extraordinary, turbulent, and challenging times we’ll likely experience in our lifetime. Yet through all the uncertainty, our partners have continued to show determination, drive, and commitment, performing at an exceptional level.

With this said, it’s with immense pleasure that we announce today the winners of the Rapid7 Partner of the Year Awards 2021. All our category winners have achieved exceptional growth, demonstrating dedication and collaboration to the Rapid7 Partner Program throughout the year.

We’re very proud to share our complete list of winners. Please join us in congratulating them all.

International Awards

EMEA Partner of the Year: Softcat Plc

APAC Partner of the Year: Intalock Technologies Pty Ltd

International Emerging Partner of the Year: Caretower Ltd

International Best Customer Retention Award: Saepio Solutions Ltd

APAC Vulnerability Management Partner of the Year: RIoT Solutions

EMEA Vulnerability Management Partner of the Year: Orange Cyberdefense Sweden

APAC Detection & Response Partner of the Year: The Missing Link

EMEA Detection & Response Partner of the Year: Saepio Solutions Ltd

APAC MSSP Partner of the Year: Triskele Labs

EMEA MSSP Partner of the Year: Charterhouse Voice and Data

“We are proud of the relationship we have built with Rapid7 over the last two years, and they have become one of our key focus partners. To be awarded EMEA MSSP Partner of the Year in such a short space of time is a testament to our technical team and our commitment to Rapid7. As an integral component in our state of the Security Operations Centre, we only see this relationship going from strength to strength.”

North America Awards

Rapid 7 North America Partner of the Year: SHI International Corporation

“Thank you so much. With Rapid7 being a strategic security partner to SHI, we are excited to be receiving this award. I feel that this highlights the excellent relationship that we have, as well as some really great engagement we’ve seen between our sales teams.  Security is an extremely important industry to SHI and our mutual customers. I am confident we will continue to see success when positioning Rapid7 solutions.”

– Joseph Lentine, Director – Strategic Software Partners, Security

North America Emerging Partner of the Year: GDT

North America Best Customer Retention Award: Optiv

North America Vulnerability Management Partner of the Year: GuidePoint Security

North America Detection & Response Partner of the Year: Sayers

“Being selected for this award is a special honor for Sayers. Ransomware preparedness is a cornerstone of the Sayers Cybersecurity Services portfolio.  We couldn’t be more impressed with the professionalism and cutting-edge technology Rapid7 brings to the market.  It was an easy decision to partner with Rapid7 for our Sayers Managed Detection & Response service offering.”

Joel Grace, Sr. VP of Client Services

North America MSSP Partner of the Year: Edge Communications

“Edge Communications is honored to be named the Rapid7 North America MSSP Partner of the Year for 2020.

“Edge is proud of the strong collaborative relationship that we have developed with Rapid7, a cybersecurity industry leader. Edge delivers one the best Managed Security solutions available in the marketplace, due in part to utilizing Rapid 7 products which we believe exceed the best in class designation. On behalf of the entire Edge team, thank you Rapid 7 for your support, dedication, and partnership.”

– Frank Pallone, VP Information Security

Congratulations again to all our winners!

More about our partner program

The Rapid7 PACT Program is built to inspire our partners to grow with us and achieve mutual success through accountability, consistency, and transparency. By participating in the program, partners can offer powerful, industry-leading solutions to our joint customers, resulting in mutual success for all.

If you’re interested in becoming a Rapid7 partner, you can learn more here.

Field Notes: How to Back Up a Database with KMS Encryption Using AWS Backup

Post Syndicated from Ram Konchada original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/field-notes-how-to-back-up-a-database-with-kms-encryption-using-aws-backup/

An AWS security best practice from The 5 Pillars of the AWS Well-Architected Framework is to ensure that data is protected both in transit and at rest. One option is to use SSL/TLS to encrypt data in transit, and use cryptographic keys to encrypt data at rest. To meet your organization’s disaster recovery goals, periodic snapshots of databases should be scheduled and stored across Regions and across administrative accounts. This ensures quick Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Recovery Time Objective (RTO).

From a security standpoint, these snapshots should also be encrypted. Consider a scenario where one administrative AWS account is used for running the Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) instance and backups. In this scenario, you may discover a situation where data cannot be recovered either from production instance or backups if this AWS account is compromised. Amazon RDS snapshots encrypted using AWS managed customer master keys (CMKs) cannot be copied across accounts. Cross-account backup helps you avoid this situation.

This blog post presents a solution that helps you to perform cross-account backup using AWS Backup service and restore database instance snapshots encrypted using AWS Key Management Service (KMS) CMKs across the accounts. This can help you to meet your security, compliance, and business continuity requirements. Although the solution uses RDS as the database choice, it can be applied to other database services (with some limitations).


Figure 1 illustrates the solution described in this blog post.

Figure 1: Reference architecture for Amazon RDS with AWS Backup using KMS over two different accounts

Figure 1: Reference architecture for Amazon RDS with AWS Backup using KMS over two different accounts

Solution overview

When your resources like Amazon RDS (including Aurora clusters) are encrypted, cross-account copy can only be performed if they are encrypted by AWS KMS customer managed customer master keys (CMK). The default vault is encrypted using Service Master Keys (SMK). Therefore, to perform cross-account backups, you must use CMK encrypted vaults instead of using your default backup vault.

  1. In the source account, create a backup of the Amazon RDS instance encrypted with customer managed key.
  2. Give the backup account access to the customer-managed AWS KMS encryption key used by the source account’s RDS instance.
  3. In the backup account, ensure that you have a backup vault encrypted using a customer-managed key created in the backup account. Also, make sure that this vault is shared with the different account using vault policy.
  4. Copy the encrypted snapshots to the target account. This will re-encrypt snapshots using the target vault account’s AWS KMS encryption keys in the target Region.


  • Ensure you are in the correct AWS Region of operation.
  • Two AWS accounts within the same AWS Organization.
  • Source account where you have a CMK encrypted Amazon RDS instance.
  • Opt-in to cross-account backup.
  • Backup account to which you will copy the encrypted snapshots.
  • A backup vault encrypted with backup CMK (different from source CMK) in the backup account.
  • An IAM role to perform cross-account backup. You can also use the AWSBackupDefaultServiceRole.


In this blog post, two accounts are used that are part of the same organization. Ensure that you update your account IDs accordingly.

Source account – 111222333444
AWS Backup account – 666777888999

Create a customer-managed key in the source account

Step 1 – Create CMKs

Create symmetric and asymmetric CMKs in the AWS Management Console. During this process, you will determine the cryptographic configuration of your CMK and the origin of its key material. You cannot change these properties after the CMK is created. You can also set the key policy for the CMK, which can be changed later. Follow key rotation best practices to ensure maximum security.

  1. Choose Create key.
  2. To create a symmetric CMK, for key type choose Symmetric. Use AWS KMS as the key material origin, and choose the single-region key for Regionality.
  3. Choose Next, and proceed with Step 2.

Step 2 – Add labels

  1. Type an alias for the CMK (alias cannot begin with aws/. The aws/ prefix is reserved by Amazon Web Services to represent AWS managed CMKs in your account).
  2. Add a description that identifies the key usage.
  3. Add tags based on an appropriate tagging strategy.
  4. Choose Next, and proceed with Step 3.

Step 3 – Key administrative permissions

Select the IAM users and roles that can administer the CMK. Ensure that least privilege design is implemented when assigning roles and permissions, in addition to following best practices.

Step 4 – Key usage permissions

Next, we will need to define the key usage and permissions. Complete the following steps:

  1. Select the IAM users and roles that can use the CMK for cryptographic operations.
  2. Within the Other AWS accounts section, type the 12-digit account number of the backup account.
Figure 2: Key usage permissions

Figure 2: Key usage permissions

Step 5 – Key configuration

Review the chosen settings, and press the Finish button to complete key creation.

Figure 3: Key configuration

Figure 3: Key configuration


Cross-account access key policy

Read the blog post on sharing custom encryption keys more securely between accounts using AWS Key Management Service for more information.

Step 6 – CMK verification

Within the AWS KMS console page, verify that the CMK key has been successfully created and status is enabled.

Create an Amazon RDS database in source account

  1. Choose the correct AWS Region.
  2. Navigate to RDS through the console search option.
  3. Choose Create a Database option, and choose your Database type.
  4. In Database encryption settings, use the CMK key you created in the preceding steps.
  5. Create the database.
  6. Follow Amazon RDS security best practices.

Create an AWS Backup vault in the source account

  1. On the AWS Backup service, navigate to AWS Backup > AWS Backup vault.
  2. Create a backup vault by specifying the name, and add tags based on an appropriate tagging strategy.

Create an on-demand AWS Backup in the source account

For the purpose of this solution, we will create an on-demand backup from the AWS Backup dashboard. You can also choose an existing snapshot if it is already available.

  1. Choose Create on-demand backup. Choose resource type as Amazon RDS, and select the appropriate database name. Choose the option to create backup now. Complete the setup by providing an appropriate IAM role and tag values (you can use the prepopulated default IAM role).
  2. Wait for the backup to be created, processed, and completed. This may take several hours, depending on the size of the database. If this step is too close to an existing scheduled backup time, you may see the following message on the console: Note – this step might fail if the on-demand backup window is too close to or overlapping the scheduled backup time determined by the Amazon RDS service. If this occurs, then create an on-demand backup after the scheduled backup is completed.
Figure 4: Create on-demand backup

Figure 4: Create on-demand backup

  1. Confirm the status is completed once the backup process has finished.
Figure 5: Completed on-demand backup

Figure 5: Completed on-demand backup

  1. If you navigate to the backup vault you should see the recovery point stored within the source account’s vault.
Figure 6: Backup vault

Figure 6: Backup vault

Prepare AWS Backup account (666777888999)

Create SYMMETRIC CMK in the backup account

Follow the same steps as before in creating a symmetric CMK in backup account. Ensure that you do not grant access to the source AWS account to this key.

Figure 7: CMK in backup account

Figure 7: CMK in backup account

Add IAM policy to users and roles to use CMK created in source account

The key policy in the account, that owns the CMK, sets the valid range for permissions. But, users and roles in the external account cannot use the CMK until you attach IAM policies that delegate those permissions or use grants to manage access to the CMK. The IAM policies are set in the external account and follow the best practices for IAM policies. Review the blog post on sharing custom encryption keys more securely between accounts using AWS Key Management Service for more information.

Create an AWS Backup vault in backup account

In the backup account, navigate to the “Backup vaults” section on the AWS Backup service page, and choose Create Backup vault. Next, provide a backup vault name, and choose the CMK key you previously created. In addition, you can specify Backup vault tags. Finally, press the Create Backup vault button.

Figure 8: Create backup vault

Figure 8: Create backup vault

Allow access to the backup vault from organization (or organizational unit)

This step will enable multiple accounts with the organization to store snapshots in the backup vault.


    "Version": "2012-10-17",

    "Statement": [


            "Effect": "Allow",

            "Principal": "*",

            "Action": "backup:CopyIntoBackupVault",

            "Resource": "*",

            "Condition": {

                "StringEquals": {

                    "aws:PrincipalOrgID": "o-XXXXXXXXXX"






Copy recovery point from source account vault to backup account vault

Initiate a recovery point copy by navigating to the backup vault in the source account, and create a copy job. Select the correct Region, provide the backup vault ARN, and press the Copy button.

Figure 9: Copy job initiation

Figure 9: Copy job initiation

Next, allow the backup account to copy the data back into source account by adding permissions to your back vault “sourcebackupvault” access policy.

Figure 10: Allow AWS Backup vault access

Figure 10: Allow AWS Backup vault access

Initiate copy job

From the backup vault in the source account, press the Copy button to copy a recovery point to the backup account (shown in Figure 11).

Figure 11: Initiate copy job

Figure 11: Initiate copy job

Verify copy job is successfully completed

Verify that the copy job is completed and the recovery point is copied successfully to the AWS Backup account vault.

Figure 12: Copy job is completed

Figure 12: Copy job is completed

Restore Amazon RDS database in AWS Backup account

Initiate restore of recovery point

In the backup account, navigate to the backup vault on the AWS Backup service page. Push the Restore button to initiate the recovery job.

Figure 13: Restore recovery point

Figure 13: Restore recovery point

Restore AWS Backup

The process of restoring the AWS backup will automatically detect the database (DB) engine. Choose the DB instance class, storage type, and the Multi-AZ configuration based on your application requirements. Set the encryption key to the CMK created in the backup account.

Scroll down to bottom of the page, and press the Restore backup button.

Figure 14: Restore backup

Figure 14: Restore backup

Restore job verification

Confirm that Restore job is completed in the Status field.

Figure 15: Restore job verification

Figure 15: Restore job verification

Database verification

Once the job completes, the database is restored. This can be verified on the Management Console of the RDS service.


In this blog post, we showed you how to cross-account backup AWS KMS encrypted RDS instances using AWS Backup and CMK. We also verified the encryption keys used by the source and backup snapshots.

Using AWS Backup cross-account backup and cross-Region copy capabilities, you can quickly restore data to your backup accounts in your preferred AWS Region. This helps AWS Backup users to minimize business impact in the event of compromised accounts, unexpected disaster or service interruption. You can create consistent database snapshots and recover them across regions to meet your security, compliance, RTO and RPO requirements.

Thanks for reading this blog post. If you have any feedback or questions, please add them in the comments section.


Field Notes provides hands-on technical guidance from AWS Solutions Architects, consultants, and technical account managers, based on their experiences in the field solving real-world business problems for customers.

Building a Pet Cam using a Raspberry Pi, Cloudflare Tunnels and Teams

Post Syndicated from Mohak Kataria original https://blog.cloudflare.com/building-a-pet-cam-using-a-raspberry-pi-cloudflare-tunnels-and-teams/

Building a Pet Cam using a Raspberry Pi, Cloudflare Tunnels and Teams

Building a Pet Cam using a Raspberry Pi, Cloudflare Tunnels and Teams

I adopted Ziggy in late 2020. It took me quite a while to get used to his routine and mix it with mine. He consistently jumped on the kitchen counter in search of food, albeit only when no one was around. And I only found out when he tossed the ceramic butter box. It shattered and made a loud bang in the late hours of the night. Thankfully, no one was asleep yet.

This got me thinking that I should keep an eye on his mischievous behaviour, even when I’m not physically at home. I briefly considered buying a pet cam, but I remembered I had bought a Raspberry Pi a few months before. It was hardly being used, and it had a case (like this) allowing a camera module to be added. I hadn’t found a use for the camera module — until now.

This was a perfect weekend project: I would set up my own pet cam, connect it to the Internet, and make it available for me to check from anywhere in the world. I also wanted to ensure that only I could access it and that it had some easy way to login, possibly using my Google account. The solution? Cloudflare Tunnel and Teams. Cloudflare would help me expose a service running in an internal network using Tunnel while providing a security solution on top of it to keep it secure. Teams on the other hand, would help me by adding access control in the form of Google authentication.

Building a Pet Cam using a Raspberry Pi, Cloudflare Tunnels and Teams

So all I am left to do is configure my Raspberry Pi to be able to run a camera as a web service. That weekend, I started researching for it and made a list of things I needed:

  • A Raspberry Pi with a compatible camera module. I used a Raspberry Pi 4 model B with camera module v2.
  • Linux knowledge.
  • A domain name I could make changes to.
  • Understanding of how DNS works.
  • A Cloudflare account with Cloudflare for Teams+Tunnel access.
  • Internet connection.

In this blog post, I’ll walk you through the process I followed to set everything up for the pet cam. To keep things simple and succinct, I will not cover how to set up your Raspberry Pi, but you should make sure it has Internet access and that you can run shell commands on it, either via SSH or using a VNC connection.


The first thing we need to do is connect the camera module to the Raspberry Pi. For more detailed instructions, follow the official guide, steps 1 to 3.

Building a Pet Cam using a Raspberry Pi, Cloudflare Tunnels and Teams

After setting up the camera and testing that it works, we need to set it up as a camera with a web server. This is so we can access it at a URL such as within the local network, to which the Raspberry Pi is also connected. To do that, we will use Motion, a program for setting up the camera module v2 as a web server.

To install Motion, input these commands:

$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
$ sudo apt install autoconf automake build-essential pkgconf libtool git libzip-dev libjpeg-dev gettext libmicrohttpd-dev libavformat-dev libavcodec-dev libavutil-dev libswscale-dev libavdevice-dev default-libmysqlclient-dev libpq-dev libsqlite3-dev libwebp-dev
$ sudo wget https://github.com/Motion-Project/motion/releases/download/release-4.3.1/pi_buster_motion_4.3.1-1_armhf.deb
$ sudo dpkg -i pi_buster_motion_4.3.1-1_armhf.deb

The above commands will update the local packages with new versions from the repositories and then install that version of Motion from Motion’s GitHub project.

Next, we need to configure Motion using:

$ sudo vim /etc/motion/motion.conf
# Find the following lines and update them to following:
# daemon on
# stream_localhost off
# save and exit

After that, we need to set Motion up as a daemon, so it runs whenever the system is restarted:

$ sudo vim /etc/default/motion
# and change the following line 
# start_motion_daemon=yes
# save and exit and run the next command
$ sudo service motion start

Great. Now that we have Motion set up, we can see the live feed from our camera in a browser on Raspberry Pi module at the default URL: http://localhost:8081 (the port can be changed in the config edit step above). Alternatively, we can open it on another machine within the same network by replacing with the IP of the Raspberry Pi in the network.

For now, the camera web server is available only within our local network. However, I wanted to keep an eye on Ziggy no matter where I am, as long as I have Internet access and a browser. This is perfect for Cloudflare Tunnel. An alternative would be to open a port in the firewall on the router in my home network, but I hate that idea of having to mess with the router configuration. I am not really an expert at that, and if I leave a backdoor open to my internal network, it can get scary quickly!

The Cloudflare Tunnel documentation takes us through its installation. The only issue is that the architecture of the Raspberry Pi is based on armv7l (32-bit) and there is no package for it in the remote repositories. We could build cloudflared from source if we wanted as it’s an open source project, but an easier route is to wget it.

$ wget https://bin.equinox.io/c/VdrWdbjqyF/cloudflared-stable-linux-arm.tgz
# a quick check of version shall confirm if it installed correctly
$ cloudflared -v 
cloudflared version 2021.5.10 (built 2021-05-26-1355 UTC)

Let’s set up our Tunnel now:

$ cloudflared tunnel create camera
Tunnel credentials written to /home/pi/.cloudflared/5f8182ba-906c-4910-98c3-7d042bda0594.json. cloudflared chose this file based on where your origin certificate was found. Keep this file secret. To revoke these credentials, delete the tunnel.

Created tunnel camera with id 5f8182ba-906c-4910-98c3-7d042bda0594

Now we need to configure the Tunnel to forward the traffic to the Motion webcam server:

$ vim /home/pi/.cloudflared/config.yaml 
# And add the following.
tunnel: 5f8182ba-906c-4910-98c3-7d042bda0594
credentials-file: /home/pi/.cloudflared/5f8182ba-906c-4910-98c3-7d042bda0594.json 

  - hostname: camera.imohak.com
  - service: http_status:404

The Tunnel uuid should be the one created with the command above and so should the path of the credential file. The ingress should have the domain we want to use. In my case I have set up camera.imohak.com as my domain and 404 as the fallback rule.

Next, we need to route the DNS to this Tunnel:

$ cloudflared tunnel route dns 5f8182ba-906c-4910-98c3-7d042bda0594 camera.imohak.com

This adds a DNS CNAME record, which can be verified from the Cloudflare dashboard as shown here:

Building a Pet Cam using a Raspberry Pi, Cloudflare Tunnels and Teams

Let’s test the Tunnel!

$ cloudflared tunnel run camera
2021-06-15T21:44:41Z INF Starting tunnel tunnelID=5f8182ba-906c-4910-98c3-7d042bda0594
2021-06-15T21:44:41Z INF Version 2021.5.10
2021-06-15T21:44:41Z INF GOOS: linux, GOVersion: go1.16.3, GoArch: arm
2021-06-15T21:44:41Z INF Settings: map[cred-file:/home/pi/.cloudflared/5f8182ba-906c-4910-98c3-7d042bda0594.json credentials-file:/home/pi/.cloudflared/5f8182ba-906c-4910-98c3-7d042bda0594.json]
2021-06-15T21:44:41Z INF cloudflared will not automatically update when run from the shell. To enable auto-updates, run cloudflared as a service: https://developers.cloudflare.com/argo-tunnel/reference/service/
2021-06-15T21:44:41Z INF Generated Connector ID: 7e38566e-0d33-426d-b64d-326d0592486a
2021-06-15T21:44:41Z INF Initial protocol http2
2021-06-15T21:44:41Z INF Starting metrics server on
2021-06-15T21:44:42Z INF Connection 6e7e0168-22a4-4804-968d-0674e4c3b4b1 registered connIndex=0 location=DUB
2021-06-15T21:44:43Z INF Connection fc83017d-46f9-4cee-8fc6-e4ee75c973f5 registered connIndex=1 location=LHR
2021-06-15T21:44:44Z INF Connection 62d28eee-3a1e-46ef-a4ba-050ae6e80aba registered connIndex=2 location=DUB
2021-06-15T21:44:44Z INF Connection 564164b1-7d8b-4c83-a920-79b279659491 registered connIndex=3 location=LHR

Next, we go to the browser and open the URL camera.imohak.com.

Voilà. Or, not quite yet.

Locking it Down

We still haven’t put any requirement for authentication on top of the server. Right now, anyone who knows about the domain can just open it and look at what is happening inside my house. Frightening, right? Thankfully we have two options now:

Building a Pet Cam using a Raspberry Pi, Cloudflare Tunnels and Teams
  1. Use Motion’s inbuilt authentication mechanisms. However, we shall not choose this option as it’s just another username/password to remember which one can easily forget and who knows if in the future, there is a vulnerability found in the way motion authenticates and my credentials are leaked? We are looking for an SSO using Google which is easy and quick to use and gives us a secure login based on google credentials.
  2. Use Cloudflare Access. Access gives us the ability to create policies based on IP addresses and email addresses, and it lets us integrate different types of authentication methods, such as OTP or Google. In our case, we require authentication through Google.

To take advantage of this Cloudflare Access functionality, the first step is to set up Cloudflare for Teams. Visit https://dash.teams.cloudflare.com/, follow the setup guide and choose a team name(imohak in my case).

Building a Pet Cam using a Raspberry Pi, Cloudflare Tunnels and Teams
Building a Pet Cam using a Raspberry Pi, Cloudflare Tunnels and Teams

After this, we have two things left to do: add a login method and add an application. Let’s cover how we add a login method first. Navigate to Configuration > Authentication and click on +Add, under the Login tab. The Dashboard will show us a list of identity providers to choose from. Select Google — follow this guide for a walkthrough of how to set up a Google Cloud application, get a ClientID and Client Secret, and use them to configure the identity provider in Teams.

After adding a login method and testing it, we should see a confirmation page like this:

Building a Pet Cam using a Raspberry Pi, Cloudflare Tunnels and Teams
Building a Pet Cam using a Raspberry Pi, Cloudflare Tunnels and Teams

The last thing we need to do is to add the pet-cam subdomain as an application protected behind Teams. This enables us to enforce the Google authentication requirement we have configured before. To do that, navigate to Access > Applications, click on Add an application, and select Self-hosted.

On the next page, we specify a name, session duration and also the URL at which the application should be accessible. We add the subdomain camera.imohak.com and also name the app ‘camera’ to keep it simple.

Building a Pet Cam using a Raspberry Pi, Cloudflare Tunnels and Teams

Next, we select Google as an identity provider for this application. Given that we are not choosing multiple authentication methods, I can also enable Instant Auth — this means we don’t need to select Google when we open the URL.

Building a Pet Cam using a Raspberry Pi, Cloudflare Tunnels and Teams

Now we add policies to the application. Here, we add an email check so that after the Google authentication, a check is made to ensure the specified email address is the only one who is able to access the URL. If needed, we can choose to configure other, more complex rules. At this point, we click on Next and finish the setup.

Building a Pet Cam using a Raspberry Pi, Cloudflare Tunnels and Teams

The Result

The setup is now complete. Time to test everything! After opening the browser and entering my URL, voilà. Now, when I visit this URL, I see a Google authentication page and, after logging in, Ziggy eating his dinner.

Building a Pet Cam using a Raspberry Pi, Cloudflare Tunnels and Teams

Cloudflare thwarts 17.2M rps DDoS attack — the largest ever reported

Post Syndicated from Omer Yoachimik original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-thwarts-17-2m-rps-ddos-attack-the-largest-ever-reported/

Cloudflare thwarts 17.2M rps DDoS attack — the largest ever reported

Earlier this summer, Cloudflare’s autonomous edge DDoS protection systems automatically detected and mitigated a 17.2 million request-per-second (rps) DDoS attack, an attack almost three times larger than any previous one that we’re aware of. For perspective on how large this attack was: Cloudflare serves over 25 million HTTP requests per second on average. This refers to the average rate of legitimate traffic in 2021 Q2. So peaking at 17.2 million rps, this attack reached 68% of our Q2 average rps rate of legitimate HTTP traffic.

Cloudflare thwarts 17.2M rps DDoS attack — the largest ever reported
Comparison graph of Cloudflare’s average request per second rate versus the DDoS attack

Automated DDoS mitigation with Cloudflare’s autonomous edge

This attack, along with the additional attacks provided in the next sections, were automatically detected and mitigated by our autonomous edge DDoS protection systems. The system is powered by our very own denial of service daemon (dosd). Dosd is a home-grown software-defined daemon. A unique dosd instance runs in every server in each one of our data centers around the world. Each dosd instance independently analyzes traffic samples out-of-path. Analyzing traffic out-of-path allows us to scan asynchronously for DDoS attacks without causing latency and impacting performance. DDoS findings are also shared between the various dosd instances within a data center, as a form of proactive threat intelligence sharing.

Once an attack is detected, our systems generate a mitigation rule with a real-time signature that matches the attack patterns. The rule is propagated to the most optimal location in the tech stack. As an example, a volumetric HTTP DDoS attack may be blocked at L4 inside the Linux iptables firewall instead of at L7 inside the L7 reverse proxy which runs in the user space. Mitigating lower in the stack, e.g. dropping the packets at L4 instead of responding with a 403 error page in L7, is more cost-efficient. It reduces our edge CPU consumption and intra-data center bandwidth utilization — thus helping us mitigate large attacks at scale without impacting performance.

This autonomous approach, along with our network’s global scale and reliability, allow us to mitigate attacks that reach 68% of our average per-second-rate, and higher, without requiring any manual mitigation by Cloudflare personnel, nor causing any performance degradation.

The resurgence of Mirai and new powerful botnets

This attack was launched by a powerful botnet, targeting a Cloudflare customer in the financial industry. Within seconds, the botnet bombarded the Cloudflare edge with over 330 million attack requests.

Cloudflare thwarts 17.2M rps DDoS attack — the largest ever reported
Graph of 17.2M rps attack

The attack traffic originated from more than 20,000 bots in 125 countries around the world. Based on the bots’ source IP addresses, almost 15% of the attack originated from Indonesia and another 17% from India and Brazil combined. Indicating that there may be many malware infected devices in those countries.

Cloudflare thwarts 17.2M rps DDoS attack — the largest ever reported
Distribution of the attack sources by top countries

Volumetric attacks increase

This 17.2 million rps attack is the largest HTTP DDoS attack that Cloudflare has ever seen to date and almost three times the size of any other reported HTTP DDoS attack. This specific botnet, however, has been seen at least twice over the past few weeks. Just last week it also targeted a different Cloudflare customer, a hosting provider, with an HTTP DDoS attack that peaked just below 8 million rps.

Cloudflare thwarts 17.2M rps DDoS attack — the largest ever reported
Graph of 8M rps attack

Two weeks before, a Mirai-variant botnet launched over a dozen UDP and TCP based DDoS attacks that peaked multiple times above 1 Tbps, with a max peak of approximately 1.2 Tbps. And while the first HTTP attacks targeted Cloudflare customers on the WAF/CDN service, the 1+ Tbps network-layer attacks targeted Cloudflare customers on the Magic Transit and Spectrum services. One of these targets was a major APAC-based Internet services, telecommunications and hosting provider. The other was a gaming company. In all cases, the attacks were automatically detected and mitigated without human intervention.

Cloudflare thwarts 17.2M rps DDoS attack — the largest ever reported
Graph of Mirai botnet attack peaking at 1.2 Tbps

The Mirai botnet started with roughly 30K bots and slowly shrinked to approximately 28K. However, despite losing bots from its fleet, the botnet was still able to generate impressive volumes of attack traffic for short periods. In some cases, each burst lasted only a few seconds.

These attacks join the increase in Mirari-based DDoS attacks that we’ve observed on our network over the past weeks. In July alone, L3/4 Mirai attacks increased by 88% and L7 attacks by 9%. Additionally, based on the current August per-day average of the Mirai attacks, we can expect L7 Mirai DDoS attacks and other similar botnet attacks to increase by 185% and L3/4 attacks by 71% by the end of the month.

Cloudflare thwarts 17.2M rps DDoS attack — the largest ever reported
Graph of change in Mirai based DDoS attacks by month

Back to the Mirai

Mirai, which means ‘future’ in Japanese, is a codename for malware that was first discovered in 2016 by MalwareMustDie, a non-profit security research workgroup. The malware spreads by infecting Linux-operated devices such as security cameras and routers. It then self-propagates by searching for open Telnet ports 23 and 2323. Once found, it then attempts to gain access to vulnerable devices by brute forcing known credentials such as factory default usernames and passwords. Later variants of Mirai also took advantage of zero-day exploits in routers and other devices. Once infected, the devices will monitor a Command & Control (C2) server for instructions on which target to attack.

Cloudflare thwarts 17.2M rps DDoS attack — the largest ever reported
Diagram of Botnet operator controlling the botnet to attack websites

How to protect your home and business

While the majority of attacks are small and short, we continue to see these types of volumetric attacks emerging more often. It’s important to note that these volumetric short burst attacks can be especially dangerous for legacy DDoS protection systems or organizations without active, always-on cloud-based protection.

Furthermore, while the short duration may say something about the botnet’s capability to deliver sustained levels of traffic over time, it can be challenging or impossible for humans to react to it in time. In such cases, the attack is over before a security engineer even has time to analyze the traffic or activate their stand-by DDoS protection system. These types of attacks highlight the need for automated, always-on protection.

How to protect your business and Internet properties

  1. Onboard to Cloudflare to protect your Internet properties.
  2. DDoS is enabled out of the box, and you can also customize the protection settings.
  3. Follow our preventive best practices, to ensure that both your Cloudflare settings and your origin server settings are optimized. As an example, make sure that you allow only traffic from Cloudflare’s IP range. Ideally, ask your upstream Internet Service Provider (ISP) to apply an access control list (ACL), otherwise, attackers may target your servers’ IP addresses directly and bypass your protection.

Recommendations on how to protect your home and IoT appliances

  1. Change the default username and password of any device that is connected to the Internet such as smart cameras and routers. This will reduce the risk that malware such as Mirai can gain access to your router and IoT devices.
  2. Protect your home against malware with Cloudflare for Families. Cloudflare for Families is a free service that automatically blocks traffic from your home to malicious websites and malware communication.

T-Mobile Data Breach

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2021/08/t-mobile-data-breach.html

It’s a big one:

As first reported by Motherboard on Sunday, someone on the dark web claims to have obtained the data of 100 million from T-Mobile’s servers and is selling a portion of it on an underground forum for 6 bitcoin, about $280,000. The trove includes not only names, phone numbers, and physical addresses but also more sensitive data like social security numbers, driver’s license information, and IMEI numbers, unique identifiers tied to each mobile device. Motherboard confirmed that samples of the data “contained accurate information on T-Mobile customers.”

Add 57,600 pixels to your Raspberry Pi Pico

Post Syndicated from Ben Everard original https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/add-57600-pixels-to-your-raspberry-pi-pico/

In the latest issue of HackSpace magazine, Ben Everard tests whether a bit of kit from Spotpear can turn Raspberry Pi Pico into a games machine.

The snappily named Raspberry Pi Pico display 1.54-inch LCD by Spotpear ($11.89) brings in a 240×240 pixel IPS screen and ten buttons in a joypad-like arrangement. There’s four for direction, four for action, a select, and a start. At least, they’re labelled like this. You can use them for anything you like.

Spot pear Pico screen front
The buttons are just a bit too small and fiddly for us

To help you get started, there’s a short manual, which includes example code for MicroPython and C.

This example code is easy enough to use, but it is a little messy. The mechanism for controlling the hardware isn’t separated into its own module, so you’re left with either the task of building the library yourself or having slightly untidy code. Not the biggest inconvenience, but compared to how neatly some maker hardware companies manage their code, we found ourselves off to a disappointing start.

There are also some sample UF2 files included along with the C example code, but these appear to have been built for different hardware and work either partially or not at all. The actual example code did compile and work properly.

Impressive quality

When we ran the example code, we were impressed with the quality of the screen. With 240×240 pixels in just 1.54 inches, there’s a high pixel density that can give crisp graphics. Obviously, high pixel densities are a double-edged sword. While they can look great, it does mean higher RAM use, more time transferring data, and more data to process.

Fortunately, Pico is well-suited to the task of driving screens. Each pixel can take 16 bits of colour data, so a full-frame buffer is just 115,200 bytes. The display data is transferred by SPI, and Pico has a maximum SPI frequency of half the clock speed. For MicroPython, that means 62.5MHz. The actual data transfer rate is a little less than this because of overhead of the protocol, but we were able to drive full-frame refreshes at over 40 fps, which is plenty for smooth animations.

Spot pear Pico screen back
Pico slots in the back, which is perfect for space-constrained builds

Obviously, if you’re looking to do animations, sending the data is only half the story. You also need to calculate the frame before it’s displayed. If you’re using MicroPython, you are quite limited by the amount of processing you can do and still keep a high frame rate (though you could use the second core to offload some of the processing). With C, you’ve got much more scope, especially as you could potentially offload the data transfer using direct memory access (DMA).

Battery-sucking light

The one disappointing thing about the screen is that there’s no control over the backlight. According to the documentation, it should be attached to pin 13, but it isn’t. You can’t turn it on or off – it’s just permanently on, and quite bright. That’s a deal-breaker for anything running off battery power, as it will suck up a lot of power. However, if you want a display permanently on, this might be perfectly acceptable.

While we were quite impressed by the screen, we can’t say the same for the other part of the hardware – the buttons. They’re small, stiff, and have very little movement. The end result is a button that is hard to press, and hard to know if you’ve pressed it. They’re the sort of buttons that are commonly used as reset buttons as they’re hard to accidentally press.

We had hoped that this screen would make a good base for a games console, but unfortunately these buttons would just make for a frustrating experience. They might be OK for a menu-driven user interface, but that’s about it.

Another minor annoyance in this is the lack of any mounting holes. This makes it hard to embed into a project as the user interface.

We wanted to like this project. It’s got a good, high-res screen and a nice layout of buttons. However, the choice of components makes it hard to see how we’ll use this in our projects. We’re considering removing the surface-mount buttons and soldering wires onto them to make a more useful device, but if you’re going to go to that level of surgery, it’s probably better to start with a plain screen and work your way up from there.



Good screen, but awful buttons

Price: $11.89

HackSpace magazine issue 46 out NOW!

Each month, HackSpace magazine brings you the best projects, tips, tricks and tutorials from the makersphere. You can get it from the Raspberry Pi Press online store or your local newsagents.

hackspace front cover red and yellow graphics featuring a spanner and test tube

As always, every issue is free to download from the HackSpace magazine website.

The post Add 57,600 pixels to your Raspberry Pi Pico appeared first on Raspberry Pi.

„Бременните не трябва да бъдат ваксинирани.“ Така ли е в действителност?

Post Syndicated from Надежда Цекулова original https://toest.bg/bremennite-ne-tryabva-da-budat-vaksinirani-taka-li-e/

Бременните не трябва да бъдат ваксинирани. Жените, които планират бременност, не трябва да бъдат ваксинирани поне 6 месеца преди настъпването на бременността. Това гласят препоръките на Експертния съвет по акушерство и гинекология към Министерството на здравеопазването от 18 февруари до 13 август 2021 г. Извадките не са лаконични – цялата препоръка се състои от три точки и точно четири изречения.


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