Tag Archives: Amazon Kinesis

Automating Anomaly Detection in Ecommerce Traffic Patterns

Post Syndicated from Aditya Pendyala original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/automating-anomaly-detection-in-ecommerce-traffic-patterns/

Many organizations with large ecommerce presences have procedures to detect major anomalies in their user traffic. Often, these processes use static alerts or manual monitoring. However, the ability to detect minor anomalies in traffic patterns near real-time can be challenging. Early detection of these minor anomalies in ecommerce traffic (such as website page visits and order completions) helps organizations take corrective actions to address issues. This decreases negative impacts to business key performance indicators (KPIs).

In this blog post, we will demonstrate an artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) solution using AWS services. We’ll show how Amazon Kinesis and Amazon Lookout for Metrics can be used to detect major and minor anomalies near-real time, based on historical and current traffic trends.

The inconsistency of ecommerce traffic

The ecommerce traffic (and number of orders placed) varies based on season, month, date, and time of day. For example, ecommerce websites experience high traffic during weekday evening hours, compared to morning hours. Similarly, there is a spike in web traffic on weekends, compared to weekdays. However, the ecommerce traffic on holiday events (for example, Black Friday, Cyber Monday) does not follow this trend. Due to such dynamic and varying patterns, detecting minor anomalies in user traffic near-real time becomes difficult.

We need a smart solution that can detect the smallest deviation in user traffic based on historical data (date and time). As you can imagine, programming these trends based on static rules is time-intensive. In the next section, we discuss a solution that can help organizations automate and detect minor (and major) anomalies while still accounting for varying traffic trends.

The components of our anomaly detection solution

The architecture consists of three functional components:

  • The ecommerce application that customers use for interaction
  • The data ingesting, transforming, and storage platform
  • Anomaly detection and notification

This solution automates data ingestion and anomaly detection, and provides a graphical user interface to interact, tweak, and filter anomalies based on severity.

Figure 1 illustrates the architecture of this solution:

Figure 1. Architecture diagram of an anomaly detection solution for ecommerce traffic

Figure 1. Architecture diagram of an anomaly detection solution for ecommerce traffic

Let’s look at the individual components of this architecture before reviewing the overall solution.

The ecommerce application that customers use for interaction 

A customer’s journey of purchasing a product online involves user actions that include:

  • Searching for and viewing the product on the “Product Display Page” (PDP)
  • Adding to the “cart”
  • Completing the purchase on the “checkout“ page

The traffic on these pages is broken down into chunks based on time intervals. These serve as the data points that we can use to understand traffic patterns.

The data ingesting, transforming, and storage platform

Ecommerce applications generate data in multiple formats and in different volumes. This data must be fed into a streaming platform that can ingest and collect data continuously. Typically, the data must be transformed and stored for analysis and machine learning purposes. To satisfy these requirements, we will use Amazon Kinesis Data Streams as a streaming platform for data ingestion. Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose with AWS Lambda can transform the data. And we’ll store the data in Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3).

Anomaly detection and notification in near-real time

Once our data is ready, we must analyze it near-real time to identify anomalies. We must notify the concerned team about this anomaly so that they can take necessary corrective actions, if needed. We will use Lookout for Metrics and Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) to satisfy these requirements.

Lookout for Metrics can detect and diagnose anomalies in traffic patterns using ML. Amazon Lookout for Metrics accepts feedback on detected anomalies and tunes the results to improve accuracy over time. Lookout for Metrics is also capable of integrating with Amazon SNS, which can send notifications via SMS, mobile push, and emails.

Monitoring ecommerce traffic with Lookout for Metrics

As shown in Figure 1, data from user traffic and user interactions with the ecommerce application is captured as a function of time, and ingested into Kinesis Data Streams. Using Kinesis Data Firehose and Lambda, data is transformed and stored in an S3 bucket. We then create a detector in Lookout for Metrics and use the S3 bucket as the data source. Because of seamless integration between S3 and Lookout for Metrics, data from S3 bucket is automatically ingested into the detector we created.

Once the detector is activated, Lookout for Metrics will start monitoring the data for anomalies, and start identifying the anomalies near-real time. Lookout for Metrics also provides a mechanism to adjust severity threshold on a scale of 0-100, which will help decrease false positives as much as desired. In addition, it integrates with SNS, and can publish notifications to an SNS Topic. An email/ SMS or mobile push subscription can be created on this topic, which will notify users about any current anomalies.


In this post, we discussed how minor anomalies are hard to detect near-real time in ecommerce traffic of organizations. We also discussed the services that can be used to monitor these anomalies, such as Lookout for Metrics. Use this architecture to help you monitor, detect anomalies in near-real time, and reduce any negative impact to your business KPIs.

For further reading:

Automate Amazon Connect Data Streaming using AWS CDK

Post Syndicated from Tarik Makota original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/automate-amazon-connect-data-streaming-using-aws-cdk/

Many customers want to provision Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud resources quickly and consistently with lifecycle management, by treating infrastructure as code (IaC). Commonly used services are AWS CloudFormation and HashiCorp Terraform. Currently, customers set up Amazon Connect data streaming manually, as the service is not available under CloudFormation resource types. Customers may want to extend it to retrieve real-time contact and agent data. Integration is done manually and can result in issues with IaC.

Amazon Connect contact trace records (CTRs) capture the events associated with a contact in the contact center. Amazon Connect agent event streams are Amazon Kinesis Data Streams that provide near real-time reporting of agent activity within the Amazon Connect instance. The events published to the stream include these contact control panel (CCP) events:

  • Agent login
  • Agent logout
  • Agent connects with a contact
  • Agent status change, such as to available to handle contacts, or on break, or at training.

In this blog post, we will show you how to automate Amazon Connect data streaming using AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK). AWS CDK is an open source software development framework to define your cloud application resources using familiar programming languages. We will create a custom CDK resource, which in turn uses Amazon Connect API. This can be used as a template to automate other parts of Amazon Connect, or for other AWS services that don’t expose its full functionality through CloudFormation.

Overview of Amazon Connect automation solution

Amazon Connect is an omnichannel cloud contact center that helps you provide superior customer service. We will stream Amazon Connect agent activity and contact trace records to Amazon Kinesis. We will assume that data will then be used by other services or third-party integrations for processing. Here are the high-level steps and AWS services that we are going use, see Figure 1:

  1. Amazon Connect: We will create an instance and enable data streaming
  2. Cloud Deployment Toolkit: We will create custom resource and orchestrate automation
  3. Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose: To stream data out of Connect
  4. AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM): To govern access and permissible actions across all AWS services
  5. Third-party tool or Amazon S3: Used as a destination of Connect data via Amazon Kinesis data
Figure 1. Connect data streaming automation workflow

Figure 1. Connect data streaming automation workflow

Walkthrough and deployment tasks

Sample code for this solution is provided in this GitHub repo. The code is packaged as a CDK application, so the solution can be deployed in minutes. The deployment tasks are as follows:

  • Deploy the CDK app
  • Update Amazon Connect instance settings
  • Import the demo flow and data

Custom Resources enables you to write custom logic in your CloudFormation deployment. You implement the creation, update, and deletion logic to define the custom resource deployment.

CDK implements the AWSCustomResource, which is an AWS Lambda backed custom resource that uses the AWS SDK to provision your resources. This means that the CDK stack deploys a provisioning Lambda. Upon deployment, it calls the AWS SDK API operations that you defined for the resource lifecycle (create, update, and delete).


For this walkthrough, you need the following prerequisites:

Deploy and verify

1. Deploy the CDK application.

The resources required for this demo are packaged as a CDK app. Before proceeding, confirm you have command line interface (CLI) access to the AWS account where you would like to deploy your solution.

  • Open a terminal window and clone the GitHub repository in a directory of your choice:
    git clone [email protected]:aws-samples/connect-cdk-blog
  • Navigate to the cdk-app directory and follow the deployment instructions. The default Region is usually us-east-1. If you would like to deploy in another Region, you can run:
    export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=eu-central-1

2. Create the CloudFormation stack by initiating the following commands.

source .env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
cdk synth
cdk bootstrap
cdk deploy  --parametersinstanceId={YOUR-AMAZON-CONNECT-INSTANCE-ID}

--parameters ctrStreamName={CTRStream}

--parameters agentStreamName={AgentStream}

Note: By default, the stack will create contact trace records stream [ctrStreamName] as a Kinesis Data Stream. If you want to use an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream instead, you can modify this behavior by going to cdk.json and adding “ctr_stream_type”: “KINESIS_FIREHOSE” as a parameter under “context.”

Once the status of CloudFormation stack is updated to CREATE_COMPLETE, the following resources are created:

  • Kinesis Data Stream
  • IAM roles
  • Lambda

3. Verify the integration.

  • Kinesis Data Streams are added to the Amazon Connect instance
Figure 2. Screenshot of Amazon Connect with Data Streaming enabled

Figure 2. Screenshot of Amazon Connect with Data Streaming enabled

Cleaning up

You can remove all resources provisioned for the CDK app by running the following command under connect-app directory:

cdk destroy

This will not remove your Amazon Connect instance. You can remove it by navigating to the AWS Management Console -> Services -> Amazon Connect. Find your Connect instance and click Delete.


In this blog, we demonstrated how to maintain Amazon Connect as Infrastructure as Code (IaC). Using a custom resource of AWS CDK, we have shown how to automate setting Amazon Kinesis Data Streams to Data Streaming in Amazon Connect. The same approach can be extended to automate setting other Amazon Connect properties such as Amazon Lex, AWS Lambda, Amazon Polly, and Customer Profiles. This approach will help you to integrate Amazon Connect with your Workflow Management Application in a faster and consistent manner, and reduce manual configuration.

For more information, refer to Enable Data Streaming for your instance.

Evolve JSON Schemas in Amazon MSK and Amazon Kinesis Data Streams with the AWS Glue Schema Registry

Post Syndicated from Aditya Challa original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/evolve-json-schemas-in-amazon-msk-and-amazon-kinesis-data-streams-with-the-aws-glue-schema-registry/

Data is being produced, streamed, and consumed at an immense rate, and that rate is projected to grow exponentially in the future. In particular, JSON is the most widely used data format across streaming technologies and workloads. As applications, websites, and machines increasingly adopt data streaming technologies such as Apache Kafka and Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, which serve as a highly available transport layer that decouples the data producers from data consumers, it can become progressively more challenging for teams to coordinate and evolve JSON Schemas. Adding or removing a field or changing the data type on one or more existing fields could introduce data quality issues and downstream application failures without careful data handling. Teams rely on custom tools, complex code, tedious processes, or unreliable documentation to protect against these schema changes. This puts heavy dependency on human oversight, which can make the change management processes error-prone. A common solution is a schema registry that enables data producers and consumers to perform validation of schema changes in a coordinated fashion. This allows for risk-free evolution as business demands change over time.

The AWS Glue Schema Registry, a serverless feature of AWS Glue, now enables you to validate and reliably evolve streaming data against JSON Schemas. The Schema Registry is a free feature that can significantly improve data quality and developer productivity. With it, you can eliminate defensive coding and cross-team coordination, reduce downstream application failures, and use a registry that is integrated across multiple AWS services. Each schema can be versioned within the guardrails of a compatibility mode, providing developers the flexibility to reliably evolve JSON Schemas. Additionally, the Schema Registry can serialize data into a compressed format, which helps you save on data transfer and storage costs.

This post shows you how to use the Schema Registry for JSON Schemas and provides examples of how to use it with both Kinesis Data Streams and Apache Kafka or Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK).

Overview of the solution

In this post, we walk you through a solution to store, validate, and evolve a JSON Schema in the AWS Glue Schema Registry. The schema is used by Apache Kafka and Kinesis Data Streams applications while producing and consuming JSON objects. We also show you what happens when a new version of the schema is created with a new field.

The following diagram illustrates our solution workflow:

The steps to implement this solution are as follows:

  1. Create a new registry and register a schema using an AWS CloudFormation template.
  2. Create a new version of the schema using the AWS Glue console that is backward-compatible with the previous version.
  3. Build a producer application to do the following:
    1. Generate JSON objects that adhere to one of the schema versions.
    2. Serialize the JSON objects into an array of bytes.
    3. Obtain the corresponding schema version ID from the Schema Registry and encode the byte array with the same.
    4. Send the encoded byte array through a Kinesis data stream or Apache Kafka topic.
  4. Build a consumer application to do the following:
    1. Receive the encoded byte array through a Kinesis data stream or Apache Kafka topic.
    2. Decode the schema version ID and obtain the corresponding schema from the Schema Registry.
    3. Deserialize the array of bytes into the original JSON object.
    4. Consume the JSON object as needed.

Description of the schema used

For this post, we start with the following schema. The schema is of a weather report object that contains three main pieces of data: location, temperature, and timestamp. All three are required fields, but the schema does allow additional fields (indicated by the additionalProperties flag) such as windSpeed or precipitation if the producer wants to include them. The location field is an object with two string fields: city and state. Both are required fields and the schema doesn’t allow any additional fields within this object.

    "$id": "https://example.com/weather-report.schema.json",
    "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
    "title": "WeatherReport",
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "location": {
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
                "city": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "description": "Name of the city where the weather is being reported."
                "state": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "description": "Name of the state where the weather is being reported."
            "additionalProperties": false,
            "required": [
        "temperature": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "Temperature in Farenheit."
        "timestamp": {
            "description": "Timestamp in epoch format at which the weather was noted.",
            "type": "integer"
    "additionalProperties": true,
    "required": [

Using the above schema, a valid JSON object would look like this:

    "location": {
        "city": "Phoenix",
        "state": "Arizona"
    "temperature": 115,
    "windSpeed": 50,
    "timestamp": 1627335205

Deploy with AWS CloudFormation

For a quick start, you can deploy the provided CloudFormation stack. The CloudFormation template generates the following resources in your account:

  • Registry – A registry is a container of schemas. Registries allow you to organize your schemas, as well as manage access control for your applications. A registry has an Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to allow you to organize and set different access permissions to schema operations within the registry.
  • Schema – A schema defines the structure and format of a data record. A schema is a versioned specification for reliable data publication, consumption, or storage. Each schema can have multiple versions. Versioning is governed by a compatibility rule that is applied on a schema. Requests to register new schema versions are checked against this rule by the Schema Registry before they can succeed.

To manually create these resources without using AWS CloudFormation, refer to Creating a Registry and Creating a Schema.


Make sure to complete the following steps as prerequisites:

  1. Create an AWS account. For this post, you configure the required AWS resources in the us-east-1 or us-west-2 Region. If you haven’t signed up, complete the following tasks:
    1. Create an account. For instructions, see Sign Up for AWS.
    2. Create an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user. For instructions, see Creating an IAM User in your AWS account.
  2. Choose Launch Stack to launch the CloudFormation stack:

Review the newly registered schema

Let’s review the registry and the schema on the AWS Glue console.

  1. Sign in to the AWS Glue console and choose the appropriate Region.
  2. Under Data Catalog, choose Schema registries.
  3. Choose the GsrBlogRegistry schema registry.
  4. Choose the GsrBlogSchema schema.
  5. Choose Version 1.

We can see the JSON Schema version details and its definition. Note that the compatibility mode chosen is Backward compatibility. We see the purpose of that in the next section.

Evolve the schema by creating a new backward-compatible version

In this section, we take what is created so far and add a new schema version to demonstrate how we can evolve our schema while keeping the integrity intact.

To add a new schema version, complete the following steps, continuing from the previous section:

  1. On the Schema version details page, choose Register new version.
  2. Inside the properties object within the location object (after the state field), add a new country field as follows:
    "country": {
              "type": "string",
              "description": "Name of the country where the weather is being reported."

Because the compatibility mode chosen for the schema is backward compatibility, it’s important that we don’t make this new field a required field. If we do that, the Schema Registry fail this new version.

  1. Choose Register version.

We now have a new version of the schema that allows the producers to include an optional country field within the location object if they choose to.

Use the AWS Glue Schema Registry

In this section, we walk through the steps to use the Schema Registry with Kinesis Data Streams or Apache Kafka.


Make sure to complete the following steps as prerequisites:

  1. Configure your AWS credentials in your local machine.
  2. Install Maven on the local machine.
  3. Download the application code from the GitHub repo.
  4. Build the package:
    mvn clean package

Use the Schema Registry with Kinesis Data Streams

Run the Kinesis producer code to produce JSON messages that are associated with a schema ID assigned by the Schema Registry:

mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.amazonaws.services.gsr.samples.json.kinesis.RunKinesisProducer" -Dexec.args="<<KINESIS_DATA_STREAM_NAME>>"

This command returns the following output:

Putting 1 record into <<KINESIS_DATA_STREAM_NAME>>
Sent message 0
Putting 1 record into <<KINESIS_DATA_STREAM_NAME>>
Sent message 1
Putting 1 record into <<KINESIS_DATA_STREAM_NAME>>
Sent message 2
Successfully produced 3 messages to a stream called <<KINESIS_DATA_STREAM_NAME>>

Run the Kinesis consumer code to receive JSON messages with the schema ID, obtain the schema from the Schema Registry, and validate:

mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.amazonaws.services.gsr.samples.json.kinesis.RunKinesisConsumer" -Dexec.args="<<KINESIS_DATA_STREAM_NAME>>"

This command returns the following output with the JSON records received and decoded:

Number of Records received: 1
[JsonDataWithSchema(schema={"$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","additionalProperties":true,"title":"WeatherReport","type":"object","properties":{"temperature":{"description":"Temperature in Farenheit.","type":"integer"},"location":{"additionalProperties":false,"type":"object","properties":{"city":{"description":"Name of the city where the weather is being reported.","type":"string"},"state":{"description":"Name of the state where the weather is being reported.","type":"string"}},"required":["city","state"]},"timestamp":{"description":"Timestamp in epoch format at which the weather was noted.","type":"integer"}},"required":["location","temperature","timestamp"],"$id":"https://example.com/weather-report.schema.json"}, payload={"temperature":89,"location":{"city":"Orlando","state":"Florida"},"timestamp":1627335205})]

Use the Schema Registry with Apache Kafka

In the root of the downloaded GitHub repo folder, create a config file with the connection parameters for the Kafka cluster:

# Kafka

Run the Kafka producer code to produce JSON messages that are associated with a schema ID assigned by the Schema Registry:

mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.amazonaws.services.gsr.samples.json.kafka.RunKafkaProducer" -Dexec.args="<<CONFIG_FILE_NAME>><< TOPIC_NAME>>"

This command returns the following output:

Sent message 0
Sent message 1
Sent message 2
Successfully produced 3 messages to a topic called <<TOPIC_NAME>>

Run the Kafka consumer code to consume JSON messages with the schema ID, obtain the schema from the Schema Registry, and validate:

mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.amazonaws.services.gsr.samples.json.kafka.RunKafkaConsumer" -Dexec.args="<<CONFIG_FILE_NAME>> <<TOPIC_NAME>>"

This command returns the following output with the JSON records received and decoded:

Received message: key = message-0, value = JsonDataWithSchema(schema={"$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#","additionalProperties":true,"title":"WeatherReport","type":"object","properties":{"temperature":{"description":"Temperature in Farenheit.","type":"integer"},"location":{"additionalProperties":false,"type":"object","properties":{"city":{"description":"Name of the city where the weather is being reported.","type":"string"},"state":{"description":"Name of the state where the weather is being reported.","type":"string"}},"required":["city","state"]},"timestamp":{"description":"Timestamp in epoch format at which the weather was noted.","type":"integer"}},"required":["location","temperature","timestamp"],"$id":"https://example.com/weather-report.schema.json"}, payload={"temperature":115,"location":{"city":"Phoenix","state":"Arizona"},"windSpeed":50,"timestamp":1627335205})

Clean up

Now to the final step, cleaning up the resources. Delete the CloudFormation stack to remove any resources you created as part of this walkthrough.

Schema Registry features

Let’s discuss the features the Schema Registry has to offer:

  • Schema discovery – When a producer registers a schema change, metadata can be applied as a key-value pair to provide searchable information for administrators or developers. This metadata can indicate the original source of the data (source=MSK_west), the team’s name to contact (owner=DataEngineering), or AWS tags (environment=Production). You could potentially encrypt a field in your data on the producing client and use metadata to specify to potential consumer clients which public key fingerprint to use for decryption.
  • Schema compatibility – The versioning of each schema is governed by a compatibility mode. If a new version of a schema is requested to be registered that breaks the specified compatibility mode, the request fails, and an exception is thrown. Compatibility checks enable developers building downstream applications to have a bounded set of scenarios to build applications against, which helps prepare for the changes without issue. Commonly used modes are FORWARD, BACKWARD, and FULL. For more information about mode definitions, see Schema Versioning and Compatibility.
  • Schema validation – Schema Registry serializers work to validate that the data produced is compatible with the assigned schema. If it isn’t, the data producer receives an exception from the serializer. This ensures that potentially breaking changes are found earlier in development cycles and can also help prevent unintentional schema changes due to human error.
  • Auto-registration of schemas – If configured to do so, the data producer can auto-register schema changes as they flow in the data stream. This is especially helpful for use cases where the source of the data is generated by a change data capture process (CDC) from the database.
  • IAM support – Due to integrated IAM support, only authorized producers can change certain schemas. Furthermore, only those consumers authorized to read the schema can do so. Schema changes are typically performed deliberately and with care, so it’s important to use IAM to control who performs these changes. Additionally, access control to schemas is important in situations where you might have sensitive information included in the schema definition itself. In the previous examples, IAM roles are inferred via the AWS SDK for Java, so they are inherited from the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance’s role that the application runs on, if using Amazon EC2. You can also apply IAM roles to any other AWS service that could contain this code, such as containers or AWS Lambda functions.
  • Secondary deserializer – If you have already registered schemas in another schema registry, there’s an option for specifying a secondary deserializer when performing schema lookups. This allows for migrations from other schema registries without having to start all over again. Any schema ID that is unknown to the Schema Registry is looked up in the registry tied to the secondary deserializer.
  • Compression – Using a schema registry can reduce data payload by no longer needing to send and receive schemas with each message. Schema Registry libraries also provide an option for zlib compression, which can reduce data requirements even further by compressing the payload of the message. This varies by use case, but compression can reduce the size of the message significantly.
  • Multiple data formats – The Schema Registry currently supports AVRO (v1.10.2) data format, JSON data format with JSON Schema format for the schema (specifications Draft-04, Draft-06, and Draft-07), and Java language support, with other data formats and languages to come.


In this post, we discussed the benefits of using the AWS Glue Schema Registry to register, validate, and evolve JSON Schemas for data streams as business needs change. We also provided examples of how to use the Schema Registry.

Learn more about Integrating with AWS Glue Schema Registry.

About the Author

Aditya Challa is a Senior Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. Aditya loves helping customers through their AWS journeys because he knows that journeys are always better when there’s company. He’s a big fan of travel, history, engineering marvels, and learning something new every day.

Gain insights into your Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream using Amazon CloudWatch

Post Syndicated from Alon Gendler original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/gain-insights-into-your-amazon-kinesis-data-firehose-delivery-stream-using-amazon-cloudwatch/

The volume of data being generated globally is growing at an ever-increasing pace. Data is generated to support an increasing number of use cases, such as IoT, advertisement, gaming, security monitoring, machine learning (ML), and more. The growth of these use cases drives both volume and velocity of streaming data and requires companies to capture, processes, transform, analyze, and load the data into various data stores in near-real time.

Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose is the easiest way to reliably load streaming data into data lakes, data stores, and analytics services. As the volume of the data you stream into Kinesis Data Firehose grows, you should gain insights and monitor the health of your data ingestion, transformation, and delivery.

In this post, we review the capabilities of using Firehose delivery stream metrics and the Amazon CloudWatch dashboard located on your Kinesis Data Firehose console. These capabilities allow you to create alerts when, for example, if the destination you configured in Kinesis Data Firehose has missing privileges, misconfigurations, or other issues, then Firehose will be able to detect it for you and report it as a failure. Other errors that might also occur are if you configured data transformation using Lambda and your Lambda function invocation failed, or if you have reached the Kinesis Firehose quota limits associated with your AWS account. In these cases, the data delivery from Kinesis Data Firehose to its destination may delay or fail. The CloudWatch alerts described in this post should help identify such cases in a timely manner.

This post also covers the different proactive actions that you can take when alarms are being triggered, such as submitting a request to increase quota or adding exponential backoff to your data producers.

Monitoring the delivery streams and taking these actions makes sure that data is delivered to your destinations without interruptions, enabling your business to gain insights in near-real time.

Monitor data ingestion to Kinesis Data Firehose

You can deliver data from your data producers to Kinesis Data Firehose through Amazon Kinesis Data Streams (as described later in this post), using Kinesis Agent, or directly using the Kinesis Data Firehose API operations PutRecord and PutRecordBatch. When you use Kinesis Data Streams as a data source, Kinesis Data Firehose scales automatically as your Kinesis Data Stream scales. When using the API operations for direct ingestion, you need to check the quota limits associated with your AWS account to avoid API requests throttling. Depending on your data producer behavior, this throttling can cause your data producers to retry the operation, which results in a delay of the data delivery to your destination. This throttling can also result in data loss if your data producers don’t implement a retry mechanism.

To gain deeper insights into Firehose delivery stream usage, we provide additional CloudWatch metrics that help you monitor and proactively scale quota limits: ThrottledRecords, RecordsPerSecondLimit, BytesPerSecondLimit, and PutRequestsPerSecondLimit. You can use the CloudWatch metrics dashboard (on the Monitoring tab on your Kinesis Data Firehose console) to easily visualize current usage and the quota limits.

When ingesting data directly to your delivery stream using PutRecord or PutRecordBatch, you should monitor the ThrottledRecords metric. This metric represents the number of records that were actually throttled because data ingestion exceeded one of the delivery stream limits. Kinesis Data Firehose calculates the throttling rates during the ingestion at a 1-second granularity, but the data ingestion metrics we mentioned are aggregated and emitted to CloudWatch every 5 minutes. Because of that, you can get throttled within that 5-minute window even if the data ingestion metrics don’t show that you reached the limit.

To receive alerts before your data producers are actually throttled, you can use additional CloudWatch metrics to alert you when you’re about to reach one of the delivery stream limits. You can achieve this by using the CloudWatch metrics IncomingRecords, IncomingBytes, and IncomingPutRequests. To check the limits of these metrics, refer to Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose Quota.

You can use the following ingestion metrics and their corresponding limit metrics to create a CloudWatch alarm:

  • RecordsPerSecondLimit – The maximum number of records that can be ingested in a second (IncomingRecords)
  • BytesPerSecondLimit – The maximum volume of data that can be ingested in a second (IncomingBytes)
  • PutRequestsPerSecondLimit – The maximum number of successful PutRecord and PutRecordBatch API requests that can be performed in a second (IncomingPutRequests)

To set up an alarm that alerts you when your ingestion rates are close to a quota, you should look for a percentage relationship between the ingestion rate and its corresponding limit. Because Kinesis Data Firehose emits metrics to CloudWatch every 5 minutes, you need to divide your metric with the 5-minute aggregation period, expressed as seconds (300). For example, to generate an alert when the incoming records per second rate is breaching 80% of your API operations quota, your CloudWatch alarm should be defined as follows:

This gives you a way to proactively understand how close your ingestion rates are to your delivery stream limits, and the flexibility to modify the percentage levels based on your use case. To prevent a throttling bottleneck, you should separately monitor the three delivery stream ingestion rate metrics we discussed.

Define alerts using CloudWatch alarms

You can define CloudWatch alarms manually through the AWS Management Console or by using AWS CloudFormation. In this post we cover both methods, starting with the CloudFormation template.

The following template creates your CloudWatch alarms, which you can review and customize to suit your needs.

During the stack creation process, you provide the Firehose delivery stream name that you want to monitor, and the quota percentage where you want to be notified when it’s being breached, such as 80%. After the stack creation is successful, you have four CloudWatch alarms ready.

To create your CloudWatch alarms manually through the console, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Kinesis Data Firehose console, find your delivery stream.
  2. On the Monitoring tab, choose the more options icon of the metric you want to monitor (for this example, we monitor incoming records per second).
  3. On the options menu, choose View in metrics.

On the CloudWatch console, you can see a graph that represents your current API operations (blue line) and the quota limit (red line).

  1. To create an alarm, choose Math expression.
  2. Select Common and choose Percentage.
  3. For the metric name, enter Percentage of records per second quota.
  4. We use the metric expression 100*(e1/m2), which represents the formula 100*(BytesPerSecond/BytesPerSecondLimit) that was described earlier and reflects how close you are to your maximum in percentage.
  5. Change the expression of the metric e1 from METRICS("m1")/300 to m1/300.

You can also change the Y axis label.

  1. On the Graph options tab, under Left Y Axis, for Label, enter Percentage.
  2. Now that you have the expression to use for the alarm, deselect every other expression and metric on the page.

The only expression selected should be the one you just created. You should now see the desired percentage, as in the following screenshot.

Create a CloudWatch alarm

You have now created an expression on your IncomingRecords and RecordsPerSecond quota, which you can use as a base for the alarm. With this, you can configure the tolerance level that your business use case requires.

  1. Choose the alarm icon next to your expression.
  2. In the Specify metric and conditions section, choose to receive an alert when the alarms breach the 75% limit.
  3. In the Configure actions section, specify how to forward this alarm.

You can forward this alarm to your monitoring systems or to an email address through an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic. For this post, we create a new SNS topic and subscribe [email protected] to it.

Actions you can take when approaching the limits

When you’re getting close to your limits, you can take several different actions, which we describe in this section.

Request a service quota increase

One action you can take when seeing an alert is to request an increase in quota using the Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose Limits form. The three quotas scale proportionally, for example, if you increase the throughput quota in US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), or Europe (Ireland) from 5 MiB/second to 10 MiB/second, the other two quotas increase from 2,000 requests/second to 4,000 requests/second and from 500,000 records/second to 1 million records/second. For more information about the service quota limits by AWS Region, see Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose Quota.

Use the PutRecordBatch API

If you use the API call PutRecord to deliver events to a Firehose data stream and you’re reaching the request/second quota limit, consider using the PutRecordBatch API operation. PutRecordBatch writes multiple data records into a delivery stream in a single call to achieve higher throughput per producer than writing single records, and reduces the amount of requests per second to your delivery stream.

Implement exponential backoff

As we mentioned before, even when you’re monitoring your delivery stream, you can still have bursts in your data stream. This could be caused by sudden spikes in usage of your system or external events like high trading activity in financial markets. To protect the producers from multiple throttled records, you should implement an exponential backoff. Exponential backoff is a commonly used algorithm that you can use to decrease the rate of submitting records to Kinesis Data Firehose when being throttled, so that the producer can slowly retry in order to successfully send the records.

The following are the Kinesis Data Firehose API responses when records are throttled:

  • If you’re using the API operation PutRecord, the returned error from the service is ServiceUnavailableException with HTTP status code 500.
  • If you’re using PutRecordBatch, you should iterate through the RequestResponses array and look for individual PutRecordBatchResponseEntry with ErrorCode 500 and ErrorMessage ServiceUnavailableException. Also make sure to check the value of FailedPutCount in the response even when the API call succeeds.

In both cases, you should use exponential backoff and retry the operation. For more information about implementing exponential backoff, see Error retries and exponential backoff in AWS.

Use Kinesis Data Streams with Kinesis Data Firehose

Kinesis Data Streams is a massively scalable and durable real-time data streaming service. Your data producers can produce data directly to Kinesis Data Streams, and you can configure Kinesis Data Firehose to consume the data from Kinesis Data Streams and deliver it to your destination. When you use Kinesis Data Streams as the source for the Firehose delivery stream, the throughput limits mentioned before don’t apply. You don’t need to worry about throughput limits because Kinesis Data Firehose scales automatically to match the number of shards your Kinesis data stream has.

If you’re attaching a Firehose delivery stream as a consumer to your Kinesis data stream, and you have multiple consumer applications that read data from your Kinesis data stream such as AWS Lambda (see Using AWS Lambda with Amazon Kinesis), make sure that the total consumer applications aren’t breaching the shard’s 2 MB total read rate. This can cause the Kinesis data stream to throttle your consumer applications’ reading throughput, including Kinesis Data Firehose.

If more read capacity is required, some application consumers such as Lambda (see AWS Lambda supports Kinesis Data Streams Enhanced Fan-Out and HTTP/2 for faster streaming) or custom consumers that were developed with the Kinesis Consumer Library can support dedicated throughput from Kinesis Data Streams using enhanced fan-out, which currently isn’t supported by Kinesis Data Firehose. This feature provides these consumer applications isolated connection to the stream with 2 MB/second outbound throughput, so they don’t impact other consumer applications that are reading from the shards.

If you need more ingest capacity, you can easily scale up the number of shards in the stream using the console or the UpdateShardCount API.

Monitor data delivery of Kinesis Data Firehose

In case of network timeouts, missing privileges, or misconfigurations of your delivery stream such as incorrect destination configuration or AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key ARN, the data delivery of your data from Kinesis Data Firehose to its destination may delay or fail. Errors might also occur if you configured data transformation using Lambda and your Lambda function invocation failed.

When Kinesis Data Firehose encounters delivery or processing errors, it retries until the configured retry duration expires. If the retry duration ends and the data hasn’t delivered successfully, Kinesis Data Firehose retains the data internally up to a maximum period of 24 hours. If the issue continues beyond the 24-hour maximum retention period, then Kinesis Data Firehose discards the data, resulting in a data loss.

When such data delivery issues persist, the data freshness metric, which is the age of the oldest record in Kinesis Data Firehose that hasn’t been delivered yet, constantly increases. To be alerted in such cases, you should create a CloudWatch alarm for when the data freshness metric exceeds the threshold of 4 hours. We also recommend setting an alarm to observe the historical p90 of the data freshness metric value. For example, set a certain tolerance level (such as 50% above the observed value) as an alarm threshold to detect data freshness variations.

You should monitor the data freshness metric that is relevant to your Kinesis Data Firehose destination, such as DeliveryToS3.DataFreshness, DeliveryToAmazonOpenSearchService.DataFreshness, DeliveryToSplunk.DataFreshness, or DeliveryToHttpEndpoint.DataFreshness. For more information, see Monitoring Kinesis Data Firehose Using CloudWatch Metrics.

If this alarm is triggered, you should take action to understand the root cause of the data freshness variation. A reason for such a variation could be a change in your Lambda transformation logic or configuration change of Lambda concurrency when using Kinesis Data Firehose data transformation. It could also be a result of change in the configuration parameters, format conversion schema, or ingested record type. For more information, see Data Freshness Metric Increasing or Not Emitted or you can submit a technical support request if needed.

When data delivery fails because of data transformation or an issue at the destination, in some cases you can find detailed failure logs in CloudWatch Logs, which can help you troubleshot the problem.

We also recommend monitoring the data delivery byte rate to your destination (for example, DeliveryToS3.Byte), which must match or exceed your data ingestion byte rate (IncomingBytes) on a sustained average basis to avoid increase of the data freshness metric and possible eventual data loss. If the observed delivery data rates are lower than the ingestion rates, consider tuning bottlenecks such as Lambda concurrency levels or your Lambda transformation logic if used with Kinesis Data Firehose data transformation.

To gain additional insights on the delivery of your data to its destination, we provide CloudWatch metrics you can monitor. For example, you can monitor the number of records delivered to keep track of data ingested into your destinations from Kinesis Data Firehose. For more information and additional metrics per destination, see Monitoring Kinesis Data Firehose Using CloudWatch Metrics.


In this post, we discussed the capabilities of using the Firehose delivery stream metrics and the CloudWatch dashboard located on your Kinesis Data Firehose console. This allows you to gain operational insights into the data ingestion and data delivery of your Firehose deliv­­ery stream, and also create CloudWatch alerts to be notified when one of your thresholds is breached. We also covered the different actions that you can take when these alarms are triggered, such as submitting a request to increase your quota or adding exponential backoff to your data producers.

Monitor your delivery streams and take these actions to make sure that your business data is delivered to your destinations without interruptions, enabling your business to gain insights in near-real time.

About the Author

Alon Gendler is a Startup Solutions Architect Manager at Amazon Web Services. He works with AWS customers to help them solve complex problems and architect secure, resilient, scalable and high performance applications in the cloud. Alon is passionate about Data and helping customers get the most out of it.

Backtest trading strategies with Amazon Kinesis Data Streams long-term retention and Amazon SageMaker

Post Syndicated from Sachin Thakkar original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/backtest-trading-strategies-with-amazon-kinesis-data-streams-long-term-retention-and-amazon-sagemaker/

Real-time insight is critical when it comes to building trading strategies. Any delay in data insight can cost lot of money to the traders. Often, you need to look at historical market trends to predict future trading pattern and make the right bid. More the historical data you analyze, better trading prediction you get. Back tracking streaming data can be tricky as it requires sophisticated storage and analysis mechanisms.

Amazon Kinesis Data Streams allows our customer to store streaming data for up to one year. Amazon Kinesis Data Streams Long Term Retention (LTR) of streaming data enables to use the same platform for both real-time and older data retained in Amazon Kinesis Data Streams. For example, one can train machine learning algorithms for financial trading, marketing personalization, and recommendation models without moving the data into a different data store or writing a new application. Customers can also satisfy certain data retention regulations, including under HIPAA and FedRAMP, using long term retention. This thus simplifies the data ingestion architecture for our trading use case we will discuss in this post.

In the post Building algorithmic trading strategies with Amazon SageMaker, we demonstrated how to backtest trading strategies with Amazon SageMaker with historical stock price data stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). In this post, we expand this solution for streaming data and describe how to use Amazon Kinesis.

In addition, we want to use Amazon SageMaker automatic tuning to find the optimal configuration for a moving average crossover strategy. In this strategy, two moving averages for a slow and a fast time period are calculated, and a trade is executed when a crossover happens. If the fast moving average crosses above the slow moving average, the strategy places a long trade, otherwise the strategy goes short. We find the optimal period length for these moving averages by running multiple backtests with different lengths over a historical dataset.

Finally, we run the optimal configuration for this moving average crossover strategy over a different test dataset and analyze the performance results. If the performance measured in profit and loss (P&L) is positive for the test period, we can consider this trading strategy for a forward test.

To show you how easy and quick it is to get started on AWS, we provide a one-click deployment for an extensible trading backtesting solution that uses Kinesis long-term retention for streaming data.

Solution overview

We use Kinesis Data Streams to store real-time streaming as well as historical market data. We use Jupyter notebooks as our central interface for exploring and backtesting new trading strategies. SageMaker allows you to set up Jupyter notebooks and integrate them with AWS CodeCommit to store different versions of strategies and share them with other team members.

We use Amazon S3 to store model artifacts and backtesting results.

For our trading strategies, we create Docker containers that contain the required libraries for backtesting and the strategy itself. These containers follow the SageMaker Docker container structure in order to run them inside of SageMaker. For more information about the structure of SageMaker containers, see Using the SageMaker Training and Inference Toolkits.

The following diagram illustrates this architecture.

We run the data preparation step from a SageMaker notebook. This copies the historical market data to the S3 bucket.

We use AWS Data Migration Service (AWS DMS) to load the market data to the data stream. The

SageMaker notebook connects with Kinesis Data Streams and runs the trading strategy algorithm via a SageMaker training job. The algorithm uses part of the data for training to find the optimal strategy configuration.

Finally, we run the trading strategy using the previously determined configuration on a test dataset.


Before getting started, we set up our resources. In this post, we use the us-east-2 Region as an example.

  1. Deploy the AWS resources using the provided AWS CloudFormation template.
  2. For Stack name, enter a name for your stack.
  3. Provide an existing S3 bucket name to store the historical market data.

The data is loaded in Kinesis Data Streams from this S3 bucket. Your bucket needs to be in same Region where your stack is set up.

  1. Accept all the defaults and choose Next.
  2. Acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) resources with custom names.
  3. Choose Create stack.

This creates all the required resources.

Data load to Kinesis Data Streams

To perform the data load, complete the following steps:

  1. On the SageMaker console, under Notebook in the navigation pane, choose Notebook instances.
  2. Locate the notebook instance AlgorithmicTradingInstance-*.
  3. Choose Open Jupyter for this instance.
  4. Go to the algorithmic-trading->4_Kinesis folder and choose Strategy_Kinesis_EMA_HPO.pynb.

You now run the data preparation step in the notebook.

  1. Load the dataset.

Specify the existing bucket where test data is stored. Make sure that the test bucket is in the same Region where you set up the stack.

  1. Run all the steps in the notebook until Step 2 Data Preparation.
  2. On the AWS DMS console, choose Database migration tasks.
  3. Select the AWS DMS task dmsreplicationtask-*.
  4. On the Actions menu, choose Restart/Resume.

This starts the data load from the S3 bucket to the data stream.

Wait until the replication task shows the status Load complete.

  1. Continue the steps in the Jupyter notebook.

Read data from Kinesis long-term retention

We read daily open, high, low, close price, and volume data from the stream’s long-term retention with the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3).

Although we don’t use enhanced fan-out (EFO) in this post, it may be advisable to do so an existing application is already reading from the stream. That way this backtesting app doesn’t interfere with the existing application.

You can visualize your data, as shown in the following screenshot.

Define your trading strategy

In this step, we define our moving average crossover trading strategy.

Build a Docker image

We build our backtesting job as a Docker image and push it to Amazon ECR.

Hyperparameter optimization with SageMaker on training data

For the moving average crossover trading strategy, we want to find the optimal fast period and slow period of this strategy, and we provide a range of days to search for.

We use profit and loss (P&L) of the strategy as the metric to find optimized hyperparameters.

You can see the tuning job recommended a value of 7 and 21 days for the fast and slow period for this trading strategy given the training dataset.

Run the strategy with optimal hyperparameters on test data

We now run this strategy with optimal hyperparameters on the test data.

When the job is complete, the performance results are stored in Amazon S3, and you can review the performance metrics in a chart and analyze the buy and sell orders for your strategy.


In this post, we described how to use the Kinesis Data Streams long-term retention feature to store the historical stock price data and how to use streaming data for backtesting of a trading strategy with SageMaker.

Long-term retention of streaming data enables you to use the same platform for both real-time and older data retained in Kinesis Data Streams. This allows you to use this data stream for financial use cases like backtesting or for machine learning without moving the data into a different data store or writing a new application. You can also satisfy certain data retention regulations, including under HIPAA and FedRAMP, using long-term retention. For more information, see Amazon Kinesis Data Streams enables data stream retention up to one year.

Risk disclaimer

This post is for educational purposes only and past trading performance does not guarantee future performance.

About the Authors

Sachin Thakkar is a Senior Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services, working with a leading Global System Integrator (GSI). He brings over 22 years of experience as an IT Architect and as Technology Consultant for large institutions. His focus area is on Data & Analytics. Sachin provides architectural guidance and supports the GSI partner in building strategic industry solutions on AWS

Amogh Gaikwad is a Solutions Developer in the Prototyping Team. He specializes in machine learning and analytics and has extensive experience developing ML models in real-world environments and integrating AI/ML and other AWS services into large-scale production applications. Before joining Amazon, he worked as a software developer, developing enterprise applications focusing on Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Supply Chain Management (SCM). Amogh has received his master’s in Computer Science specializing in Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning.

Dhiraj Thakur is a Solutions Architect with Amazon Web Services. He works with AWS customers and partners to provide guidance on enterprise cloud adoption, migration and strategy. He is passionate about technology and enjoys building and experimenting in Analytics and AI/ML space.

Oliver Steffmann is an Enterprise Solutions Architect at AWS based in New York. He brings over 18 years of experience as IT Architect, Software Development Manager, and as Management Consultant for international financial institutions. During his time as a consultant, he leveraged his extensive knowledge of Big Data, Machine Learning and cloud technologies to help his customers get their digital transformation off the ground. Before that he was the head of municipal trading technology at a tier-one investment bank in New York and started his career in his own startup in Germany.

Load CDC data by table and shape using Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose Dynamic Partitioning

Post Syndicated from Anand Shah original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/load-cdc-data-by-table-and-shape-using-amazon-kinesis-data-firehose-dynamic-partitioning/

Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose is the easiest way to reliably load streaming data into data lakes, data stores, and analytics services. Customers already use Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose to ingest raw data from various data sources using direct API call or by integrating Kinesis Data Firehose with Amazon Kinesis Data Streams including “change data capture” (CDC) use case.

Customers typically use single Kinesis Data Stream per business domain to ingest CDC data. For example, related fact and dimension tables change data is sent to the same stream. Once the data is loaded to Amazon S3, customers use ETL tools to split the data by tables, shape, and desired partitions as the first step in the data enrichment process.

This post demonstrates how customers can use Amazon Kinesis Firehose Dynamic Partitioning to split the data by table, shape (by message schema/version), and by desired partitions on the fly to do this first step of data enrichment while ingesting data.

Solution Overview

In this post, we provide a working example of a CDC pipeline where fake customer, order, and transaction table data is pushed from the source and registered as tables to the AWS Glue Data Catalog. The following architecture diagram illustrates this overall flow. We are using AWS Lambda to generate test CDC data for this post. However, in the real world you would use AWS Data Migration Service (DMS) or a similar tool to push change data to the Amazon Kinesis Data Stream.

The workflow includes the following steps:

  1. An Amazon EventBridge event triggers an AWS Lambda function every minute.
  2. The Lambda function generates test transactions, customers and order CDC data, as well as sends the data to Amazon Kinesis Data Stream.
  3. Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose reads data from Amazon Kinesis Data Stream.
  4. Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose
    1. Applies Dynamic Partitioning configuration defined in the Firehose configuration
    2. Invokes AWS Lambda transform to derive custom Dynamic Partitioning.
  5. Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose saves data to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) bucket.
  6. The user runs queries on Amazon S3 bucket data using Amazon Athena, which internally uses the AWS Glue Data Catalog to supply meta data.

Deploying using AWS CloudFormation

You use CloudFormation templates to create all of the necessary resources for the data pipeline. This removes opportunities for manual error, increases efficiency, and ensures consistent configurations over time.

Steps to follow:

  1. Click here to Launch Stack:
  2. Acknowledge that the template may create AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) resources.
  3. Choose Create stack.

This CloudFormation template takes about five minutes to complete and creates the following resources in your AWS account:

  • An S3 bucket to store ingested data
  • Lambda function to publish test data
  • Kinesis Data Stream connected to Kinesis Data Firehose
  • A Lambda function to compute custom dynamic partition for Kinesis Data Firehose transform
  • AWS Glue Data Catalog tables and Athena named queries for you to query data processed by this example

Once the AWS CloudFormation stack creation is successful, you should be able to see data automatically arriving to Amazon S3 in about five more minutes.

Data sources input

The Lambda function automatically publishes four types of messages to the Kinesis Data Stream at regular intervals with random data when invoked in the following format. In this example, we use three tables:

  • Customers: Has basic customer details.
  • Orders: Mimics orders placed by customers on the shopping website or mobile app.
  • Transactions: Mimics payment transaction done for the order. The transaction table showcases possible message schema evolution that can happen over time from message schema v1 to v2. It also shows how you can split messages by schema version if you don’t want to merge them into a universal schema.

Customer table sample message

   "version": 1,
   "table": "Customer",
   "data": {
        "id": 1,
        "name": "John",
        "country": "US"

Orders table sample message

   "version": 1,
   "table": "Order",
   "data": {
        "id": 1,
        "customerId": 1,
        "qty": 1,
        "product": {
            "name": "Book 54",
            "price": 12.6265

Transactions in old message format (v1)

    "version": 1, 
    "txid": "52", 
    "amount": 32.6516

Transactions in new message format (v2 – latest)

This message example demonstrates message evolution over time. txid from old message format is now renamed to transactionId, and new information like source is added to the original old transaction message in the new message version v2.

   "version": 2,
   "transactionId": "52",
   "amount": 32.6516,
   "source": "Web"

Dynamic Partitioning Logic

Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose dynamic partitioning configuration is defined using jq style syntax. We will use the table field for the first partition and the version field for the second level partition. We can derive the table partition using dynamic partitioning jq syntax “.version”. As you can see, the version field is available in all of the messages. Therefore, we can use it directly in partitioning. However, the table field is not available for old and new transaction messages. Therefore, we derive the table field using custom transform Lambda function.

We check the existence of the table field from the incoming message and populate it with the static value “Transaction” if table field is not present. Lambda function also returns PartitionKeys for Kinesis Data Firehose to use as dynamic partition. The Lambda function also derives the year, month, and day from the current time.

for firehose_record_input in firehose_records_input['records']:
    # Get user payload
    payload = base64.b64decode(firehose_record_input['data'])
    json_value = json.loads(payload)

    # Create output Firehose record and add modified payload and record ID to it.
    firehose_record_output = {}

    table = "Transaction"
    if "table" in json_value:
        table = json_value["table"]

    now = datetime.datetime.now()
    partition_keys = {"table": table, "year": str(now.year), "month": str(now.month), "day": str(now.day)}

The Kinesis Data Firehose S3 destination Prefix is set to table=!{partitionKeyFromLambda:table}/version=!{partitionKeyFromQuery:version}/year=!{partitionKeyFromLambda:year}/month=!{partitionKeyFromLambda:month}/day=!{partitionKeyFromLambda:day}/

  • table partition key is coming from the Lambda function based on custom logic.
  • version partition key is extracted using jq expression using Kinesis Data Firehose dynamic partition configuration. Here, the version refers to the shape of the message and not the version of the data. For example, Updates to Customer record with same ID is not merged into one.
  • year, month, and day partition keys are coming from the Lambda function based on current time

You can follow the respective links from the CloudFormation stack Output tab to deep dive into the Kinesis Data Firehose configuration, record transformer Lambda function source code, and see output files in the Amazon S3 curated bucket. The entire code is also available in the GitHub repository.

Ingested data output

Kinesis Data Firehose processes all the messages and outputs result in the following S3 hive style partitioned paths:

# AWS Glue Data Catalog table transactions_v1
# AWS Glue Data Catalog table transactions
# AWS Glue Data Catalog table customers
# Glue catalog table orders

Query output data stored in Amazon S3

Kinesis Data Firehose loads new data every minute to the Amazon S3 bucket, and the associated tables are already created by CloudFormation for you in the AWS Glue Data Catalog. You can directly query Amazon S3 bucket data using the following steps:

  1. Go to Amazon Athena service and select the database with the same name as the CloudFormation stack name without dashes.
  2. Select the three dots next to each table name to open the table menu and select Load Partitions. This will add a new partition to the AWS Glue Data Catalog.
  3. Go to the CloudFormation stack Output tab.
  4. Select the link mentioned next to the key AthenaQueries.
  5. This will take you to the Amazon Athena saved query console. Type the word Blog to search named queries created by this blog.
  6. Select the query called “Blog – Query Customer Orders”. This will open the query in the Athena query console. Select Run query to see the results.
  7. Select the Saved queries menu from the top bar to go back to the Amazon Athena saved query console. Repeat the steps for other Blog queries to see results from the “new and old transactions” queries.

Clean up

Complete the following steps to delete your resources and stop incurring costs:

  1. Go to the CloudFormation stack Output tab.
  2. Select the link mentioned next to the key PauseDataSource. This will take you to the Amazon EventBridge event rules console.
  3. Select the Actions button from the top right menu bar and select Disable.
  4. Confirm the choice by clicking the Disable button again on the prompt. This will disable Amazon EventBridge event trigger that invokes the data generator Lambda function. This lets us make sure that no new data is sent to the Kinesis data stream by Lambda from now onward.
  5. Wait for at least two minutes for all of the buffered events to reach to the S3 from the Kinesis Data Firehose.
  6. Go back to the CloudFormation stack Output tab.
  7. Select the link mentioned next to the key S3BucketCleanup.

You’re redirected to the Amazon S3 console.

  1. Enter permanently delete to delete all of the objects in your S3 bucket.
  2. Choose Empty.
  3. On the AWS CloudFormation console, select the stack you created and choose Delete.


This post demonstrates how to use the Kinesis Data Firehose Dynamic Partitioning feature to load CDC data on the fly in near real-time. It also shows how we can split CDC data by table and message schema version for backward compatibility and quick query capability. To learn more about dynamic partitioning, you can refer to this blog and this documentation. Provide us with any feedback you have about the new feature.

About the Author

Anand Shah is a Big Data Prototyping Solution Architect at AWS. He works with AWS customers and their engineering teams to build prototypes using AWS Analytics services and purpose-built databases. Anand helps customers solve the most challenging problems using the art of the possible technology. He enjoys beaches in his leisure time.

Amazon Kinesis Data Streams On-Demand – Stream Data at Scale Without Managing Capacity

Post Syndicated from Marcia Villalba original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/amazon-kinesis-data-streams-on-demand-stream-data-at-scale-without-managing-capacity/

Today we are launching Amazon Kinesis Data Streams On-demand, a new capacity mode. This capacity mode eliminates capacity provisioning and management for streaming workloads.

Kinesis Data Streams is a fully-managed, serverless service for real-time processing of streamed data at a massive scale. Kinesis Data Streams can take any amount of data, from any number of sources, and scale up and down as needed. Creating a new data stream is easy, since we announced Kinesis Data Streams in November 2013. To get started, you only need to specify the number of shards with which you must provision your stream.

Shards are the way to define capacity in Kinesis Data Streams. Each shard can ingest 1 MB/s and 1,000 records/second and egress up to 2 MB/s. You can add or remove shards of the stream using Kinesis Data Streams APIs to adjust the stream capacity according to the throughout needs of their workloads. This lets you make sure that producer and consumer applications don’t experience any throttling.

As customers adopt data streaming broadly, workloads with data traffic that can increase by millions of events in a few minutes are becoming more common. For these volatile traffic patterns, customers carefully plan capacity, monitor throughput, and in some cases develop processes that automatically change the Kinesis Data Streams stream capacity.

Kinesis Data Streams On-Demand Mode
That is why today we are announcing Kinesis Data Streams On-demand. This new capacity mode eliminates the need for provisioning and managing the capacity for streaming data. Using Kinesis Data Streams On-demand automatically scales the capacity in response to varying data traffic. Customers are charged per gigabyte of data written, read, and stored in the stream, in a pay-per-throughput fashion.

Data streams in the on-demand mode have the same high durability, high availability, low latency, security, and deep AWS integrations that Kinesis Data Streams already provides. Moreover, there are no new APIs to write or read data. All existing Kinesis Data Streams integrations work in the on-demand mode.

Kinesis Data Streams uses the partition key to distribute data across shards. That is why when using Kinesis Data Streams On-demand, you still must specify a partition key for each record to write data into a data stream, as you do today in Kinesis Data Streams using the provisioned mode. In Kinesis Data Streams On-demand, the data stream automatically adapts to handle uneven data distribution patterns. But you must be careful that no partition key exceeds a shard’s limits. If this happens, then you will receive write throttles, and then you can retry these requests.

When a new data stream is created using Kinesis Data Streams On-demand, it gets created with the default capacity of 4 MB/s and 4,000 records per second for writes. Kinesis Data Streams On-demand can automatically scale up to 200 MB/s and 200,000 records per second for writes.

Kinesis Data Streams On-demand accommodates up to double its previous peak write throughput observed in the last 30 days. As your data stream’s write throughput hits a new peak, Kinesis Data Streams automatically scales the stream’s capacity.

For example, if your data stream has a write throughput that varies between 10 MB/s and 40 MB/s, Kinesis Data Streams will make sure that you can easily burst to double the peak—80 MB/s. And, if later on that same data stream reaches a new peak of 50 MB/s, then Kinesis Data Streams will make sure that there is enough capacity to ingest 100 MB/s. However, write throttling can occur if your traffic grows more than double the previous peak in less than 15 minutes.

When to Use Kinesis Data Streams On-demand
On-demand mode is great for customers that have an unknown or variable workload, or who simply don’t want to deal with capacity management. On-demand mode works best for workloads that have even partition key distribution. For example, you run a mobile game that has variable traffic through the week or day, as customers play mostly on nights or weekends. Or, you run a streaming platform that hosts live shows, and you see a sudden increase in demand depending on the guests you have.

In addition, you can switch between on-demand and provision mode twice a day. For example, you run an e-commerce site with predictable traffic. But, starting next month, there will be many marketing campaigns launched globally. You don’t know the impact that those will have on the site traffic. Switch your Kinesis Data Streams to on-demand mode, and now you can enjoy the automated capacity planning and management for your data streams.

Get Started with Kinesis Data Streams On-demand
Create a new data stream with Kinesis Data Streams On-demand from the AWS console, AWS SDKs, AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), and AWS CloudFormation.

To create one from the console, visit the Kinesis console and Create data stream. When selecting the capacity mode, select On-demand.

Creating a data stream

At the end of the page, all of the settings for the new data stream are presented. These settings can be changed after the data stream has been created.

Data stream settings

Let’s See This in Action!
For this demo, I want to show you how the new Kinesis Data Streams capability works. This situation is best described if you at look at the following Amazon CloudWatch graphs. The green line represents the bytes ingested successfully into the stream, and the red line shows the percentage of traffic that is throttled.

First, we will start with a stream provisioned with five shards. For the first three minutes, we are sending a load of 4 MB/s. You can see that the stream can handle the load.

At the time stamp 21:19, we increase the load to 12 MB/s. Now the stream cannot handle the load, and the throttles start (the red line starts climbing up to 60 percent of request being throttled).

Increase the load on a provisioned stream

At the time stamp 21:23, we change the stream capacity from provisioned to on-demand. You can do that on-the-fly without affecting the stream. See that it takes a very short time for the stream to handle the load when converting from one capacity mode to the other.

In a few minutes (time stamp 21:24) the throttles start to drop as the stream starts scaling up. The stream capacity doubles to 10 shards first (time stamp 21:26), and the stream keeps scaling up until each shard has a load of less than 0.5 MB/s. In this way, if the stream suddenly receives double the amount of load, then it has the capacity ready to handle it.

Change to on-demand mode

At the time stamp 21:26, the load in the stream is increased to 18 MB/s. You can see the green line climbing to 350,000 records – there are no throttles, and the stream ends this demo with 40 open shards. This means that if suddenly the stream receives a load of 40 MB/s, then it could handle it with no problem.

Increase the load

Available Now!
The Amazon Kinesis Data Streams On-demand is available globally in all commercial Regions.

You can learn more about the capacity modes in the Amazon Kinesis Data Streams Developer Guide.


Introducing mutual TLS authentication for Amazon MSK as an event source

Post Syndicated from Julian Wood original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/introducing-mutual-tls-authentication-for-amazon-msk-as-an-event-source/

This post is written by Uma Ramadoss, Senior Specialist Solutions Architect, Integration.

Today, AWS Lambda is introducing mutual TLS (mTLS) authentication for Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) and self-managed Kafka as an event source.

Many customers use Amazon MSK for streaming data from multiple producers. Multiple subscribers can then consume the streaming data and build data pipelines, analytics, and data integration. To learn more, read Using Amazon MSK as an event source for AWS Lambda.

You can activate any combination of authentication modes (mutual TLS, SASL SCRAM, or IAM access control) on new or existing clusters. This is useful if you are migrating to a new authentication mode or must run multiple authentication modes simultaneously. Lambda natively supports consuming messages from both self-managed Kafka and Amazon MSK through event source mapping.

By default, the TLS protocol only requires a server to authenticate itself to the client. The authentication of the client to the server is managed by the application layer. The TLS protocol also offers the ability for the server to request that the client send an X.509 certificate to prove its identity. This is called mutual TLS as both parties are authenticated via certificates with TLS.

Mutual TLS is a commonly used authentication mechanism for business-to-business (B2B) applications. It’s used in standards such as Open Banking, which enables secure open API integrations for financial institutions. It is one of the popular authentication mechanisms for customers using Kafka.

To use mutual TLS authentication for your Kafka-triggered Lambda functions, you provide a signed client certificate, the private key for the certificate, and an optional password if the private key is encrypted. This establishes a trust relationship between Lambda and Amazon MSK or self-managed Kafka. Lambda supports self-signed server certificates or server certificates signed by a private certificate authority (CA) for self-managed Kafka. Lambda trusts the Amazon MSK certificate by default as the certificates are signed by Amazon Trust Services CAs.

This blog post explains how to set up a Lambda function to process messages from an Amazon MSK cluster using mutual TLS authentication.


Using Amazon MSK as an event source operates in a similar way to using Amazon SQS or Amazon Kinesis. You create an event source mapping by attaching Amazon MSK as event source to your Lambda function.

The Lambda service internally polls for new records from the event source, reading the messages from one or more partitions in batches. It then synchronously invokes your Lambda function, sending each batch as an event payload. Lambda continues to process batches until there are no more messages in the topic.

The Lambda function’s event payload contains an array of records. Each array item contains details of the topic and Kafka partition identifier, together with a timestamp and base64 encoded message.

Kafka event payload

Kafka event payload

You store the signed client certificate, the private key for the certificate, and an optional password if the private key is encrypted in the AWS Secrets Manager as a secret. You provide the secret in the Lambda event source mapping.

The steps for using mutual TLS authentication for Amazon MSK as event source for Lambda are:

  1. Create a private certificate authority (CA) using AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) Private Certificate Authority (PCA).
  2. Create a client certificate and private key. Store them as secret in AWS Secrets Manager.
  3. Create an Amazon MSK cluster and a consuming Lambda function using the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM).
  4. Attach the event source mapping.

This blog walks through these steps in detail.


1. Creating a private CA.

To use mutual TLS client authentication with Amazon MSK, create a root CA using AWS ACM Private Certificate Authority (PCA). We recommend using independent ACM PCAs for each MSK cluster when you use mutual TLS to control access. This ensures that TLS certificates signed by PCAs only authenticate with a single MSK cluster.

  1. From the AWS Certificate Manager console, choose Create a Private CA.
  2. In the Select CA type panel, select Root CA and choose Next.
  3. Select Root CA

    Select Root CA

  4. In the Configure CA subject name panel, provide your certificate details, and choose Next.
  5. Provide your certificate details

    Provide your certificate details

  6. From the Configure CA key algorithm panel, choose the key algorithm for your CA and choose Next.
  7. Configure CA key algorithm

    Configure CA key algorithm

  8. From the Configure revocation panel, choose any optional certificate revocation options you require and choose Next.
  9. Configure revocation

    Configure revocation

  10. Continue through the screens to add any tags required, allow ACM to renew certificates, review your options, and confirm pricing. Choose Confirm and create.
  11. Once the CA is created, choose Install CA certificate to activate your CA. Configure the validity of the certificate and the signature algorithm and choose Next.
  12. Configure certificate

    Configure certificate

  13. Review the certificate details and choose Confirm and install. Note down the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the private CA for the next section.
  14. Review certificate details

    Review certificate details

2. Creating a client certificate.

You generate a client certificate using the root certificate you previously created, which is used to authenticate the client with the Amazon MSK cluster using mutual TLS. You provide this client certificate and the private key as AWS Secrets Manager secrets to the AWS Lambda event source mapping.

  1. On your local machine, run the following command to create a private key and certificate signing request using OpenSSL. Enter your certificate details. This creates a private key file and a certificate signing request file in the current directory.
  2. openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -days 365 -keyout key.pem -out client_cert.csr -nodes
    OpenSSL create a private key and certificate signing request

    OpenSSL create a private key and certificate signing request

  3. Use the AWS CLI to sign your certificate request with the private CA previously created. Replace Private-CA-ARN with the ARN of your private CA. The certificate validity value is set to 300, change this if necessary. Save the certificate ARN provided in the response.
  4. aws acm-pca issue-certificate --certificate-authority-arn Private-CA-ARN --csr fileb://client_cert.csr --signing-algorithm "SHA256WITHRSA" --validity Value=300,Type="DAYS"
  5. Retrieve the certificate that ACM signed for you. Replace the Private-CA-ARN and Certificate-ARN with the ARN you obtained from the previous commands. This creates a signed certificate file called client_cert.pem.
  6. aws acm-pca get-certificate --certificate-authority-arn Private-CA-ARN --certificate-arn Certificate-ARN | jq -r '.Certificate + "\n" + .CertificateChain' >> client_cert.pem
  7. Create a new file called secret.json with the following structure
  8. {
  9. Copy the contents of the client_cert.pem in certificate and the content of key.pem in privatekey. Ensure that there are no extra spaces added. The file structure looks like this:
  10. Certificate file structure

    Certificate file structure

  11. Create the secret and save the ARN for the next section.
aws secretsmanager create-secret --name msk/mtls/lambda/clientcert --secret-string file://secret.json

3. Setting up an Amazon MSK cluster with AWS Lambda as a consumer.

Amazon MSK is a highly available service, so it must be configured to run in a minimum of two Availability Zones in your preferred Region. To comply with security best practice, the brokers are usually configured in private subnets in each Region.

You can use AWS CLI, AWS Management Console, AWS SDK and AWS CloudFormation to create the cluster and the Lambda functions. This blog uses AWS SAM to create the infrastructure and the associated code is available in the GitHub repository.

The AWS SAM template creates the following resources:

  1. Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
  2. Amazon MSK cluster with mutual TLS authentication.
  3. Lambda function for consuming the records from the Amazon MSK cluster.
  4. IAM roles.
  5. Lambda function for testing the Amazon MSK integration by publishing messages to the topic.

The VPC has public and private subnets in two Availability Zones with the private subnets configured to use a NAT Gateway. You can also set up VPC endpoints with PrivateLink to allow the Amazon MSK cluster to communicate with Lambda. To learn more about different configurations, see this blog post.

The Lambda function requires permission to describe VPCs and security groups, and manage elastic network interfaces to access the Amazon MSK data stream. The Lambda function also needs two Kafka permissions: kafka:DescribeCluster and kafka:GetBootstrapBrokers. The policy template AWSLambdaMSKExecutionRole includes these permissions. The Lambda function also requires permission to get the secret value from AWS Secrets Manager for the secret you configure in the event source mapping.

    Type: AWS::IAM::Role
        Version: "2012-10-17"
          - Effect: Allow
              Service: lambda.amazonaws.com
            Action: sts:AssumeRole
        - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaMSKExecutionRole
        - PolicyName: SecretAccess
            Version: "2012-10-17"
              - Effect: Allow
                Action: "SecretsManager:GetSecretValue"
                Resource: "*"

This release adds two new SourceAccessConfiguration types to the Lambda event source mapping:

1. CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_TLS_AUTH – (Amazon MSK, Self-managed Apache Kafka) The Secrets Manager ARN of your secret key containing the certificate chain (PEM), private key (PKCS#8 PEM), and private key password (optional) used for mutual TLS authentication of your Amazon MSK/Apache Kafka brokers. A private key password is required if the private key is encrypted.

2. SERVER_ROOT_CA_CERTIFICATE – This is only for self-managed Apache Kafka. This contains the Secrets Manager ARN of your secret containing the root CA certificate used by your Apache Kafka brokers in PEM format. This is not applicable for Amazon MSK as Amazon MSK brokers use public AWS Certificate Manager certificates which are trusted by AWS Lambda by default.

Deploying the resources:

To deploy the example application:

  1. Clone the GitHub repository
  2. git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-lambda-msk-mtls-integration.git
  3. Navigate to the aws-lambda-msk-mtls-integration directory. Copy the client certificate file and the private key file to the producer lambda function code.
  4. cd aws-lambda-msk-mtls-integration
    cp ../client_cert.pem code/producer/client_cert.pem
    cp ../key.pem code/producer/client_key.pem
  5. Navigate to the code directory and build the application artifacts using the AWS SAM build command.
  6. cd code
    sam build
  7. Run sam deploy to deploy the infrastructure. Provide the Stack Name, AWS Region, ARN of the private CA created in section 1. Provide additional information as required in the sam deploy and deploy the stack.
  8. sam deploy -g
    Running sam deploy -g

    Running sam deploy -g

    The stack deployment takes about 30 minutes to complete. Once complete, note the output values.

  9. Create the event source mapping for the Lambda function. Replace the CONSUMER_FUNCTION_NAME and MSK_CLUSTER_ARN from the output of the stack created by the AWS SAM template. Replace SECRET_ARN with the ARN of the AWS Secrets Manager secret created previously.
  10. aws lambda create-event-source-mapping --function-name CONSUMER_FUNCTION_NAME --batch-size 10 --starting-position TRIM_HORIZON --topics exampleTopic --event-source-arn MSK_CLUSTER_ARN --source-access-configurations '[{"Type": "CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_TLS_AUTH","URI": "SECRET_ARN"}]'
  11. Navigate one directory level up and configure the producer function with the Amazon MSK broker details. Replace the PRODUCER_FUNCTION_NAME and MSK_CLUSTER_ARN from the output of the stack created by the AWS SAM template.
  12. cd ../
  13. Verify that the event source mapping state is enabled before moving on to the next step. Replace UUID from the output of step 5.
  14. aws lambda get-event-source-mapping --uuid UUID
  15. Publish messages using the producer. Replace PRODUCER_FUNCTION_NAME from the output of the stack created by the AWS SAM template. The following command creates a Kafka topic called exampleTopic and publish 100 messages to the topic.
  16. ./produce.sh PRODUCER_FUNCTION_NAME exampleTopic 100
  17. Verify that the consumer Lambda function receives and processes the messages by checking in Amazon CloudWatch log groups. Navigate to the log group by searching for aws/lambda/{stackname}-MSKConsumerLambda in the search bar.
Consumer function log stream

Consumer function log stream


Lambda now supports mutual TLS authentication for Amazon MSK and self-managed Kafka as an event source. You now have the option to provide a client certificate to establish a trust relationship between Lambda and MSK or self-managed Kafka brokers. It supports configuration via the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, AWS SDK, and AWS CloudFormation.

To learn more about how to use mutual TLS Authentication for your Kafka triggered AWS Lambda function, visit AWS Lambda with self-managed Apache Kafka and Using AWS Lambda with Amazon MSK.

Designing a High-volume Streaming Data Ingestion Platform Natively on AWS

Post Syndicated from Soonam Jose original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/designing-a-high-volume-streaming-data-ingestion-platform-natively-on-aws/

The total global data storage is projected to exceed 200 zettabytes by 2025. This exponential growth of data demands increased vigilance against cybercrimes. Emerging cybersecurity trends include increasing service attacks, ransomware, and critical infrastructure threats. Businesses are changing how they approach cybersecurity and are looking for new ways to tackle these threats. In the past, they have relied on internal IT or engaged a managed security services provider (MSSP) to monitor and prevent unauthorized access and attacks.

An end-to-end analytics solution should ingest and process log data streaming from various computing and IoT devices. It can then make processed data available to analytics systems users in near-real-time. However, the sheer volume of data in the future makes this difficult to address in a reliable and cost-effective manner.

In this blog post, we present three approaches for a high-volume log data ingestion and processing platform natively on Amazon Web Services (AWS). We also compare the pros and cons of each. We’ll discuss factors to consider when evaluating the different options and their associated flexibility, to take full advantage of AWS. We will showcase a fictional use case for a top MSSP who ingests high volumes of logs from security devices to cloud. This MSSP also performs downstream analytics and threat detection modeling.

The options we present here have a log collection platform (LCP) on-premises. It collects logs from security devices and sensors, performs necessary translations and tokenization, and pushes compressed log files to the processing tier on cloud. The collection platform can also be modernized to have the IoT-enabled devices send logs to AWS IoT services. This will push the data to Amazon Kinesis, a managed service for collecting and analyzing streaming data.

Approach 1: Amazon Kinesis for log ingestion and format conversion

Figure 1 illustrates a comprehensive solution that uses managed and serverless services on AWS.

Figure 1. Amazon Kinesis for log ingestion and format conversion

Figure 1. Amazon Kinesis for log ingestion and format conversion

1. LCP will invoke a scalable producer application for Amazon Kinesis Data Streams running on AWS Fargate behind an Application Load Balancer. The producer application will use the Amazon Kinesis Producer Library (KPL). KPL aggregates and batches data records to make ingestion into the data stream more efficient. The application may provide compressed records to the KPL to have it manage object compression.

The application can be set up as an HTTP endpoint that receives log files and processes them using KPL. Customer ID sent as part of an HTTP request header can be used to maintain affinity. The application can run in a Docker container, which is orchestrated by Amazon ECS on AWS Fargate. A target tracking scaling policy can manage the number of parallel running data ingestion containers to manage scalability of the ingestion process.

2. Amazon Kinesis Scaling Utility can be used to scale data streams up or down by a count, or as a percentage of the total fleet. The scaling utility archive file can be imported as a library to AWS Lambda. It will automatically manage the number of shards in the stream based on the observed PUT or GET rate of the stream. The combination of customer ID and security device ID may be used to define the partition key.

3. Records uploaded to the stream by the producer application will be consumed by Lambda. It will perform gateway transformations (required by all downstream consumers) and the normalization of record format. Any additional consumer level transformations may be handled separately, associated with respective consumers.

A combination of batch window and batch size configurations can improve efficiency of function invocations. Batch windows are the maximum amount of time in seconds to gather records before invoking the function. Batch size is the number of records to send to the function in each batch. The Lambda function will throttle sending records to Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose. Error handling will be accomplished via retries with a smaller batch size, with number of retries limited as appropriate. It will discard records that are too old.

An Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) queue can be configured as a failed-event destination for further offline analysis. A Lambda function can read from the error SQS queue to do basic checks and determine appropriate follow-up actions. This can be an initiated email for additional investigation or a command to discard the message.

4. Output of transformations by Lambda will be saved to the short term (hot) storage Amazon S3 bucket via Kinesis Data Firehose. This can efficiently handle Parquet format conversion required by downstream analytics applications. Kinesis Data Firehose delivery streams will be created per customer and configured with associated AWS Glue Data Catalog table, to perform parquet format conversion.

5. AWS Glue jobs will be used to consolidate and write larger files to the long term (cold) storage bucket.

6. The data in the cold storage bucket will be accessed by internal SOC analysts for threat detection and mitigation.

7. The data in cold storage buckets will also be accessed by end customers via dashboards in Amazon QuickSight.

8. This architecture also provides additional options to modernize streaming analytics using Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics or AWS Glue streaming jobs as appropriate.

While this architecture proposes a fully managed, end-to-end solution, the sheer volume of log messages may drive up the total cost of the solution. This is especially true for Kinesis Data Streams and Kinesis Data Firehose costs.

Approach 2: Containerized application on AWS Fargate for ingestion and Amazon Kinesis for format conversion

An alternative approach shown in Figure 2 replaces the gateway Kinesis Data Streams and transformations, with a containerized application on Fargate. Conversion to Parquet format and writing to the S3 bucket is still handled by Kinesis Data Firehose.

Figure 2. Containerized application for ingestion and Amazon Kinesis for format conversion

Figure 2. Containerized application for ingestion and Amazon Kinesis for format conversion

1. LCP will upload log files to a raw storage bucket in Amazon S3.

2. A Lambda function will process Event Notifications from the raw data storage bucket. It can insert Amazon S3 object pointers to a Kinesis Data Stream partitioned by Customer ID and Device ID.

3. The producer application will retrieve the Event Notifications from the Data Stream and retrieve corresponding log files from S3. It will perform initial aggregations and transformations, and output to Kinesis Data Firehose. The application can run in a Docker container that is orchestrated by Amazon ECS on Fargate. A target tracking scaling policy can manage the number of parallel running data ingestion containers, to manage scalability of the ingestion process. ECS cluster capacity can be scaled up or down based on Amazon CloudWatch alarms.

4. Kinesis Data Firehose converts to Parquet format, zips the data, and persists to a short-term storage bucket in S3. This is backed by Glue Data Catalog.

Steps 5, 6 and 7 perform consolidation and availability of the processed data to downstream consumers, as in the previous approach.

This option uses the built-in capabilities of Kinesis Data Firehose to transform to Parquet format and deliver to S3. Note that higher costs associated with the service may still be cost prohibitive for larger data volumes.

Approach 3: Containerized application on AWS Fargate for ingestion and format conversion

Figure 3 uses a containerized application running on Fargate for both gateway transformations. This app also provides conversion to Parquet format before writing the files to a short term (hot) storage bucket. All the other steps are the same as in option 2.

Figure 3. Containerized application for ingestion and format conversion

Figure 3. Containerized application for ingestion and format conversion

This option offers the least expensive way to transform, aggregate, and enrich the incoming log records, as well as convert them to Parquet format. But it comes with additional overhead for custom development of format conversion, checkpointing, error handling, and application management. Evaluate based on your business needs and workflow.


In this post, we discussed multiple approaches to design a platform on AWS to ingest and process high-volume security log records. We compared the pros and cons for each option. Amazon Kinesis is a fully managed and scalable service that helps easily collect, process, and analyze video and data streams in real time. A solution primarily based on Kinesis may become cost prohibitive due to large data volumes. Consider alternate approaches that use containerized applications on AWS Fargate. The trade-off would be the ability for custom development versus application management overhead.

To improve your security log analysis solution, explore one of the approaches we illustrate and customize as appropriate to fit your unique needs.

How NortonLifelock built a serverless architecture for real-time analysis of their VPN usage metrics

Post Syndicated from Madhu Nunna original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/how-nortonlifelock-built-a-serverless-architecture-for-real-time-analysis-of-their-vpn-usage-metrics/

This post presents a reference architecture and optimization strategies for building serverless data analytics solutions on AWS using Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics. In addition, this post shows the design approach that the engineering team at NortonLifeLock took to build out an operational analytics platform that processes usage data for their VPN services, consuming petabytes of data across the globe on a daily basis.

NortonLifeLock is a global cybersecurity and internet privacy company that offers services to millions of customers for device security, and identity and online privacy for home and family. NortonLifeLock believes the digital world is only truly empowering when people are confident in their online security. NortonLifeLock has been an AWS customer since 2014.

For any organization, the value of operational data and metrics decreases with time. This lost value can equate to lost revenue and wasted resources. Real-time streaming analytics helps capture this value and provide new insights that can create new business opportunities.

AWS offers a rich set of services that you can use to provide real-time insights and historical trends. These services include managed Hadoop infrastructure services on Amazon EMR as well as serverless options such as Kinesis Data Analytics and AWS Glue.

Amazon EMR also supports multiple programming options for capturing business logic, such as Spark Streaming, Apache Flink, and SQL.

As a customer, it’s important to understand organizational capabilities, project timelines, business requirements, and AWS service best practices in order to define an optimal architecture from performance, cost, security, reliability, and operational excellence perspectives (the five pillars of the AWS Well-Architected Framework).

NortonLifeLock is taking a methodical approach to real-time analytics on AWS while using serverless technology to deliver on key business drivers such as time to market and total cost of ownership. In addition to NortonLifeLock’s implementation, this post provides key lessons learned and best practices for rapid development of real-time analytics workloads.

Business problem

NortonLifeLock offers a VPN product as a freemium service to users. Therefore, they need to enforce usage limits in real time to stop freemium users from using the service when their usage is over the limit. The challenge for NortonLifeLock is to do this in a reliable and affordable fashion.

NortonLifeLock runs its VPN infrastructure in almost all AWS Regions. Migrating to AWS from smaller hosting vendors has greatly improved user experience and VPN edge server performance, including a reduction in connection latency, time to connect and connection errors, faster upload and download speed, and more stability and uptime for VPN edge servers.

VPN usage data is collected by VPN edge servers and uploaded to backend stats servers every minute and persisted in backend databases. The usage information serves multiple purposes:

  • Displaying how much data a device has consumed for the past 30 days.
  • Enforcing usage limits on freemium accounts. When a user exhausts their free quota, that user is unable to connect through VPN until the next free cycle.
  • Analyzing usage data by the internal business intelligence (BI) team based on time, marketing campaigns, and account types, and using this data to predict future growth, ability to retain users, and more.

Design challenge

NortonLifeLock had the following design challenges:

  • The solution must be able to simultaneously satisfy both real-time and batch analysis.
  • The solution must be economical. NortonLifeLock VPN has hundreds of thousands of concurrent users, and if a user’s usage information is persisted as it comes in, it results in tens of thousands of reads and writes per second and tens of thousands of dollars a month in database costs.

Solution overview

NortonLifeLock decided to split storage into two parts by storing usage data in Amazon DynamoDB for real-time access and in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) for analysis, which addresses real-time enforcement and BI needs. Kinesis Data Analytics aggregates and loads data to Amazon S3 and DynamoDB. With Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and AWS Lambda as consumers of Kinesis Data Analytics, the implementation of user and device-level aggregations was simplified.

To keep costs down, user usage data was aggregated by the hour and persisted in DynamoDB. This spread hundreds of thousands of writes over an hour and reduced DynamoDB cost by 30 times.

Although increasing aggregation might not be an option for other problem domains, it’s acceptable in this case because it’s not necessary to be precise to the minute for user usage, and it’s acceptable to calculate and enforce the usage limit every hour.

The following diagram illustrates the high-level architecture. The solution is broken into three logical parts:

  • End-users – Real-time queries from devices to display current usage information (how much data is used daily)
  • Business analysts – Query historical usage information through Amazon Athena to extract business insights
  • Usage limit enforcement – Usage data ingestion and aggregation in real time

The solution has the following workflow:

  1. Usage data is collected by a VPN edge server and sends it to the backend service through Application Load Balancer.
  2. A single usage data record sent by the VPN edge server contains usage data for many users. A stats splitter splits the message into individual usage stats per user and forwards the message to Kinesis Data Streams.
  3. Usage data is consumed by both the legacy stats processor and the new Apache Flink application developed and deployed on Kinesis Data Analytics.
  4. The Apache Flink application carries out the following tasks:
    1. Aggregate device usage data hourly and send the aggregated result to Amazon S3 and the outgoing Kinesis data stream, which is picked up by a Lambda function that persists the usage data in DynamoDB.
    2. Aggregate device usage data daily and send the aggregated result to Amazon S3.
    3. Aggregate account usage data hourly and forward the aggregated results to the outgoing data stream, which is picked up by a Lambda function that checks if account usage is over the limit for that account. If account usage is over the limit, the function forwards the account information to another Lambda function, via Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS), to cut off access on that account.

Design journey

NortonLifeLock needed a solution that was capable of real-time streaming and batch analytics. Kinesis Data Analysis fits this requirement because of the following key features:

  • Real-time streaming and batch analytics for data aggregation
  • Fully managed with a pay-as-you-go model
  • Auto scaling

NortonLifeLock needed Kinesis Data Analytics to do the following:

  • Aggregate customer usage data per device hourly and send results to Kinesis Data Streams (ultimately to DynamoDB) and the data lake (Amazon S3)
  • Aggregate customer usage data per account hourly and send results to Kinesis Data Streams (ultimately to DynamoDB and Lambda, which enforces usage limit)
  • Aggregate customer usage data per device daily and send results to the data lake (Amazon S3)

The legacy system processes usage data from an incoming Kinesis data stream, and they plan to use Kinesis Data Analytics to consume and process production data from the same stream. As such, NortonLifeLock started with SQL applications on Kinesis Data Analytics.

First attempt: Kinesis Data Analytics for SQL

Kinesis Data Analytics with SQL provides a high-level SQL-based abstraction for real-time stream processing and analytics. It’s configuration driven and very simple to get started. NortonLifeLock was able to create a prototype from scratch, get to production, and process the production load in less than 2 weeks. The solution met 90% of the requirements, and there were alternates for the remaining 10%.

However, they started to receive “read limit exceeded” alerts from the source data stream, and the legacy application was read throttled. With Amazon Support’s help, they traced the issues to the drastic reversal of the Kinesis Data Analytics MillisBehindLatest metric in Kinesis record processing. This was correlated to the Kinesis Data Analytics auto scaling events and application restarts, as illustrated by the following diagram. The highlighted areas show the correlation between spikes due to autoscaling and reversal of MillisBehindLatest metrics.

Here’s what happened:

  • Kinesis Data Analytics for SQL scaled up KPU due to load automatically, and the Kinesis Data Analytics application was restarted (part of scaling up).
  • Kinesis Data Analytics for SQL supports the at least once delivery model and uses checkpoints to ensure no data loss. But it doesn’t support taking a snapshot and restoring from the snapshot after a restart. For more details, see Delivery Model for Persisting Application Output to an External Destination.
  • When the Kinesis Data Analytics for SQL application was restarted, it needed to reprocess data from the beginning of the aggregation window, resulting in a very large number of duplicate records, which led to a dramatic increase in the Kinesis Data Analytics MillisBehindLatest metric.
  • To catch up with incoming data, Kinesis Data Analytics started re-reading from the Kinesis data stream, which led to over-consumption of read throughput and the legacy application being throttled.

In summary, Kinesis Data Analytics for SQL’s duplicates record processing on restarts, no other means to eliminate duplicates, and limited ability to control auto scaling led to this issue.

Although they found Kinesis Data Analytics for SQL easy to get started, these limitations demanded other alternatives. NortonLifeLock reached out to the Kinesis Data Analytics team and discussed the following options:

  • Option 1 – AWS was planning to release a new service, Kinesis Data Analytics Studio for SQL, Python, and Scala, which addresses these limitations. But this service was still a few months away (this service is now available, launched May 27, 2021).
  • Option 2 – The alternative was to switch to Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink, which also provides the necessary tools to address all their requirements.

Second attempt: Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink

Apache Flink has a comparatively steep learning curve (we used Java for streaming analytics instead of SQL), and it took about 4 weeks to build the same prototype, deploy it to Kinesis Data Analytics, and test the application in production. NortonLifeLock had to overcome a few hurdles, which we document in this section along with the lessons learned.

Challenge 1: Too many writes to outgoing Kinesis data stream

The first thing they noticed was that the write threshold on the outgoing Kinesis data stream was greatly exceeded. Kinesis Data Analytics was attempting to write 10 times the amount of expected data to the data stream, with 95% of data throttled.

After a lengthy investigation, it turned out that having too much parallelism in the Kinesis Data Analytics application led to this issue. They had followed default recommendations and set parallelism to 12 and it scaled up to 16. This means that every hour, 16 separate threads were attempting to write to the destination data stream simultaneously, leading to massive contention and writes throttled. These threads attempted to retry continuously, until all records were written to the data stream. This resulted in 10 times the amount of data processing attempted, even though only one tenth of the writes eventually succeeded.

The solution was to reduce parallelism to 4 and disable auto scaling. In the preceding diagram, the percentage of throttled records dropped to 0 from 95% after they reduced parallelism to 4 in the Kinesis Data Analytics application. This also greatly improved KPU utilization and reduced Kinesis Data Analytics cost from $50 a day to $8 a day.

Challenge 2: Use Kinesis Data Analytics sink aggregation

After tuning parallelism, they still noticed occasional throttling by Kinesis Data Streams because of the number of records being written, not record size. To overcome this, they turned on Kinesis Data Analytics sink aggregation to reduce the number of records being written to the data stream, and the result was dramatic. They were able to reduce the number of writes by 1,000 times.

Challenge 3: Handle Kinesis Data Analytics Flink restarts and the resulting duplicate records

Kinesis Data Analytics applications restart because of auto scaling or recovery from application or task manager crashes. When this happens, Kinesis Data Analytics saves a snapshot before shutdown and automatically reloads the latest snapshot and picks up where the work was left off. Kinesis Data Analytics also saves a checkpoint every minute so no data is lost, guaranteeing exactly-once processing.

However, when the Kinesis Data Analytics application shut down in the middle of sending results to Kinesis Data Streams, it doesn’t guarantee exactly-once data delivery. In fact, Flink only guarantees at least once delivery to Kinesis Data Analytics sink, meaning that Kinesis Data Analytics guarantees to send a record at least once, which leads to duplicate records sent when Kinesis Data Analytics is restarted.

How were duplicate records handled in the outgoing data stream?

Because duplicate records aren’t handled by Kinesis Data Analytics when sinks do not have exactly-once semantics, the downstream application must deal with the duplicate records. The first question you should ask is whether it’s necessary to deal with the duplicate records. Maybe it’s acceptable to tolerate duplicate records in your application? This, however, is not an option for NortonLifeLock, because no user wants to have their available usage taken twice within the same hour. So, logic had to be built in the application to handle duplicate usage records.

To deal with duplicate records, you can employ a strategy in which the application saves an update timestamp along with the user’s latest usage. When a record comes in, the application reads existing daily usage and compares the update timestamp against the current time. If the difference is less than a configured window (50 minutes if the aggregation window is 60 minutes), the application ignores the new record because it’s a duplicate. It’s acceptable for the application to potentially undercount vs. overcount user usage.

How were duplicate records handled in the outgoing S3 bucket?

Kinesis Data Analytics writes temporary files in Amazon S3 before finalizing and removing them. When Kinesis Data Analytics restarts, it attempts to write new S3 files, and potentially leaves behind temporary S3 files because of restart. Because Athena ignores all temporary S3 files, no further is action needed. If your BI tools take temporary S3 files into consideration, you have to configure the Amazon S3 lifecycle policy to clean up temporary S3 files after a certain time.


NortonLifelock has been successfully running a Kinesis Data Analytics application in production since May 2021. It provides several key benefits. VPN users can now keep track of their usage in near-real time. BI analysts can get timely insights that are used for targeted sales and marketing campaigns, and upselling features and services. VPN usage limits are enforced in near-real time, thereby optimizing the network resources. NortonLifelock is saving tens of thousands of dollars each month with this real-time streaming analytics solution. And this telemetry solution is able to keep up with petabytes of data flowing through their global VPN service, which is seeing double-digit monthly growth.

To learn more about Kinesis Data Analytics and getting started with serverless streaming solutions on AWS, please see Developer Guide for Studio, the easiest way to build Apache Flink applications in SQL, Python, Scala in a notebook interface.

About the Authors

Lei Gu has 25 years of software development experience and the architect for three key Norton products, Norton Secure Backup, VPN and Norton Family. He is passionate about cloud transformation and most recently spoke about moving from Cassandra to Amazon DynamoDB at AWS re:Invent 2019. Check out his Linkedin profile at https://www.linkedin.com/in/leigu/.

Madhu Nunna is a Sr. Solutions Architect at AWS, with over 20 years of experience in networks and cloud, with the last two years focused on AWS Cloud. He is passionate about Analytics and AI/ML. Outside of work, he enjoys hiking and reading books on philosophy, economics, history, astronomy and biology.

Register now for Flink Forward Global, October 26-27, 2021

Post Syndicated from Deepthi Mohan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/register-now-for-flink-forward-global-october-26-27-2021/

Flink Forward Global 2021 is a 2-day virtual conference for the Apache Flink and stream processing communities. Apache Flink is an open-source distributed engine for processing data streams that can support both streaming and batch workloads. Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics is a fully managed service for Apache Flink on AWS that reduces the complexity of building, managing, and integrating Apache Flink applications with other AWS services. You can use Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink to process data from Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK), Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, and a variety of data sources for use cases such as streaming ETL (extract, transform, and load), log analysis, event-driven applications, and anomaly and fraud detection in real time.

Flink Forward has keynote presentations and talks on production Flink use cases, technical deep dive sessions, and the growth of the Flink ecosystem. You can meet core Flink committers, new and experienced users, and thought leaders who share experiences and best practices in stream processing, real-time analytics, and the management of mission-critical Flink deployments in production.

AWS is a Platinum sponsor for Flink Forward. If you’re interested in learning about real-time data processing at scale, register now to attend.

Toyota Connected and AWS Design and Deliver Collision Assistance Application

Post Syndicated from Srikanth Kodali original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/toyota-connected-and-aws-design-and-deliver-collision-assistance-application/

This post was cowritten by Srikanth Kodali, Sr. IoT Data Architect at AWS, and Will Dombrowski, Sr. Data Engineer at Toyota Connected

Toyota Connected North America (TC) is a technology/big data company that partners with Toyota Motor Corporation and Toyota Motor North America to develop products that aim to improve the driving experience for Toyota and Lexus owners.

TC’s Mobility group provides backend cloud services that are built and hosted in AWS. Together, TC and AWS engineers designed, built, and delivered their new Collision Assistance product, which debuted in early August 2021.

In the aftermath of an accident, Collision Assistance offers Toyota and Lexus drivers instructions to help them navigate a post-collision situation. This includes documenting the accident, filing an insurance claim, and transitioning to the repair process.

In this blog post, we’ll talk about how our team designed, built, refined, and deployed the Collision Assistance product with Serverless on AWS services. We’ll discuss our goals in developing this product and the architecture we developed based on those goals. We’ll also present issues we encountered when testing our initial architecture and how we resolved them to create the final product.

Building a scalable, affordable, secure, and high performing product

We used a serverless architecture because it is often less complex than other architecture types. Our goals in developing this initial architecture were to achieve scalability, affordability, security, and high performance, as described in the following sections.

Scalability and affordability

In our initial architecture, Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) queues, Amazon Kinesis streams, and AWS Lambda functions allow data pipelines to run servers only when they’re needed, which introduces cost savings. They also process data in smaller units and run them in parallel, which allows data pipelines to scale up efficiently to handle peak traffic loads. These services allow for an architecture that can handle non-uniform traffic without needing additional application logic.


Collision Assistance can deliver information to customers via push notifications. This data must be encrypted because many data points the application collects are sensitive, like geolocation.

To secure this data outside our private network, we use Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) as our delivery mechanism. Amazon SNS provides HTTPS endpoint delivery of messages coming to topics and subscriptions. AWS allows us to enable at-rest and/or in-transit encryption for all of our other architectural components as well.


To quantify our product’s performance, we review the “notification delay.” This metric evaluates the time between the initial collision and when the customer receives a push notification from Collision Assistance. Our ultimate goal is to have the push notification sent within minutes of a crash, so drivers have this information in near real time.

Initial architecture

Figure 1 presents our initial architecture implementation that aims to predict whether a crash has occurred and reduce false positives through the following data pipeline:

  1. The Kinesis stream receives vehicle data from an upstream ingestion service, as discussed in the Enhancing customer safety by leveraging the scalable, secure, and cost-optimized Toyota Connected Data Lake blog.
  2. A Lambda function writes lookup data to Amazon DynamoDB for every Kinesis record.
  3. This Lambda function decreases obvious non-crash data. It sends the current record (X) to Amazon SQS. If X exceeds a certain threshold, it will remain a crash candidate.
  4. Amazon SQS sets a delivery delay so that there will be more Kinesis/DynamoDB records available when X is processed later in the pipeline.
  5. A second Lambda function reads the data from the SQS message. It queries DynamoDB to find the Kinesis lookup data for the message before (X-1) and after (X+1) the crash candidate.
  6. Kinesis GetRecords retrieves X-1 and X+1, because X+1 will exist after the SQS delivery delay times out.
  7. The X-1, X, and X+1 messages are sent to the data science (DS) engine.
  8. When a crash is accurately predicted, these results are stored in a DynamoDB table.
  9. The push notification is sent to the vehicle owner. (Note: the push notification is still in ‘select testing phase’)
Diagram and description of our initial architecture implementation

Figure 1. Diagram and description of our initial architecture implementation

To be consistent with privacy best practices and reduce server uptime, this architecture uses the minimum amount of data the DS engine needs.

We filter out records that are lower than extremely low thresholds. Once these records are filtered out, around 40% of the data fits the criteria to be evaluated further. This reduces the server capacity needed by the DS engine by 60%.

To reduce false positives, we gather data before and after the timestamps where the extremely low thresholds are exceeded. We then evaluate the sensor data across this timespan and discard any sets with patterns of abnormal sensor readings or other false positive conditions. Figure 2 shows the time window we initially used.

Longitudinal acceleration versus time

Figure 2. Longitudinal acceleration versus time

Adjusting our initial architecture for better performance

Our initial design worked well for processing a few sample messages and achieved the desired near real-time delivery of the push notification. However, when the pipeline was enabled for over 1 million vehicles, certain limits were exceeded, particularly for Kinesis and Lambda integrations:

  • Our Kinesis GetRecords API exceeded the allowed five requests per shard per second. With each crash candidate retrieving an X-1 and X+1 message, we could only evaluate two per shard per second, which isn’t cost effective.
  • Additionally, the downstream SQS-reading Lambda function was limited to 10 records per second per invocation. This meant any slowdown that occurs downstream, such as during DS engine processing, could cause the queue to back up significantly.

To improve cost and performance for the Kinesis-related functionality, we abandoned the DynamoDB lookup table and the GetRecord calls in favor of using a Redis cache cluster on Amazon ElastiCache. This allows us to avoid all throughput exceptions from Kinesis and focus on scaling the stream based on the incoming throughput alone. The ElastiCache cluster scales capacity by adding or removing shards, which improves performance and cost efficiency.

To solve the Amazon SQS/Lambda integration issue, we funneled messages directly to an additional Kinesis stream. This allows the final Lambda function to use some of the better scaling options provided to Kinesis-Lambda event source integrations, like larger batch sizes and max-parallelism.

After making these adjustments, our tests proved we could scale to millions of vehicles as needed. Figure 3 shows a diagram of this final architecture.

Final architecture

Figure 3. Final architecture


Engineers across many functions worked closely to deliver the Collision Assistance product.

Our team of backend Java developers, infrastructure experts, and data scientists from TC and AWS built and deployed a near real-time product that helps Toyota and Lexus drivers document crash damage, file an insurance claim, and get updates on the actual repair process.

The managed services and serverless components available on AWS provided TC with many options to test and refine our team’s architecture. This helped us find the best fit for our use case. Having this flexibility in design was a key factor in designing and delivering the best architecture for our product.


How MEDHOST’s cardiac risk prediction successfully leveraged AWS analytic services

Post Syndicated from Pandian Velayutham original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/how-medhosts-cardiac-risk-prediction-successfully-leveraged-aws-analytic-services/

MEDHOST has been providing products and services to healthcare facilities of all types and sizes for over 35 years. Today, more than 1,000 healthcare facilities are partnering with MEDHOST and enhancing their patient care and operational excellence with its integrated clinical and financial EHR solutions. MEDHOST also offers a comprehensive Emergency Department Information System with business and reporting tools. Since 2013, MEDHOST’s cloud solutions have been utilizing Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure, data source, and computing power to solve complex healthcare business cases.

MEDHOST can utilize the data available in the cloud to provide value-added solutions for hospitals solving complex problems, like predicting sepsis, cardiac risk, and length of stay (LOS) as well as reducing re-admission rates. This requires a solid foundation of data lake and elastic data pipeline to keep up with multi-terabyte data from thousands of hospitals. MEDHOST has invested a significant amount of time evaluating numerous vendors to determine the best solution for its data needs. Ultimately, MEDHOST designed and implemented machine learning/artificial intelligence capabilities by leveraging AWS Data Lab and an end-to-end data lake platform that enables a variety of use cases such as data warehousing for analytics and reporting.

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Getting started

MEDHOST’s initial objectives in evaluating vendors were to:

  • Build a low-cost data lake solution to provide cardiac risk prediction for patients based on health records
  • Provide an analytical solution for hospital staff to improve operational efficiency
  • Implement a proof of concept to extend to other machine learning/artificial intelligence solutions

The AWS team proposed AWS Data Lab to architect, develop, and test a solution to meet these objectives. The collaborative relationship between AWS and MEDHOST, AWS’s continuous innovation, excellent support, and technical solution architects helped MEDHOST select AWS over other vendors and products. AWS Data Lab’s well-structured engagement helped MEDHOST define clear, measurable success criteria that drove the implementation of the cardiac risk prediction and analytical solution platform. The MEDHOST team consisted of architects, builders, and subject matter experts (SMEs). By connecting MEDHOST experts directly to AWS technical experts, the MEDHOST team gained a quick understanding of industry best practices and available services allowing MEDHOST team to achieve most of the success criteria at the end of a four-day design session. MEDHOST is now in the process of moving this work from its lower to upper environment to make the solution available for its customers.


For this solution, MEDHOST and AWS built a layered pipeline consisting of ingestion, processing, storage, analytics, machine learning, and reinforcement components. The following diagram illustrates the Proof of Concept (POC) that was implemented during the four-day AWS Data Lab engagement.

Ingestion layer

The ingestion layer is responsible for moving data from hospital production databases to the landing zone of the pipeline.

The hospital data was stored in an Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL instance and moved to the landing zone of the data lake using AWS Database Migration Service (DMS). DMS made migrating databases to the cloud simple and secure. Using its ongoing replication feature, MEDHOST and AWS implemented change data capture (CDC) quickly and efficiently so MEDHOST team could spend more time focusing on the most interesting parts of the pipeline.

Processing layer

The processing layer was responsible for performing extract, tranform, load (ETL) on the data to curate them for subsequent uses.

MEDHOST used AWS Glue within its data pipeline for crawling its data layers and performing ETL tasks. The hospital data copied from RDS to Amazon S3 was cleaned, curated, enriched, denormalized, and stored in parquet format to act as the heart of the MEDHOST data lake and a single source of truth to serve any further data needs. During the four-day Data Lab, MEDHOST and AWS targeted two needs: powering MEDHOST’s data warehouse used for analytics and feeding training data to the machine learning prediction model. Even though there were multiple challenges, data curation is a critical task which requires an SME. AWS Glue’s serverless nature, along with the SME’s support during the Data Lab, made developing the required transformations cost efficient and uncomplicated. Scaling and cluster management was addressed by the service, which allowed the developers to focus on cleaning data coming from homogenous hospital sources and translating the business logic to code.

Storage layer

The storage layer provided low-cost, secure, and efficient storage infrastructure.

MEDHOST used Amazon S3 as a core component of its data lake. AWS DMS migration tasks saved data to S3 in .CSV format. Crawling data with AWS Glue made this landing zone data queryable and available for further processing. The initial AWS Glue ETL job stored the parquet formatted data to the data lake and its curated zone bucket. MEDHOST also used S3 to store the .CSV formatted data set that will be used to train, test, and validate its machine learning prediction model.

Analytics layer

The analytics layer gave MEDHOST pipeline reporting and dashboarding capabilities.

The data was in parquet format and partitioned in the curation zone bucket populated by the processing layer. This made querying with Amazon Athena or Amazon Redshift Spectrum fast and cost efficient.

From the Amazon Redshift cluster, MEDHOST created external tables that were used as staging tables for MEDHOST data warehouse and implemented an UPSERT logic to merge new data in its production tables. To showcase the reporting potential that was unlocked by the MEDHOST analytics layer, a connection was made to the Redshift cluster to Amazon QuickSight. Within minutes MEDHOST was able to create interactive analytics dashboards with filtering and drill-down capabilities such as a chart that showed the number of confirmed disease cases per US state.

Machine learning layer

The machine learning layer used MEDHOST’s existing data sets to train its cardiac risk prediction model and make it accessible via an endpoint.

Before getting into Data Lab, the MEDHOST team was not intimately familiar with machine learning. AWS Data Lab architects helped MEDHOST quickly understand concepts of machine learning and select a model appropriate for its use case. MEDHOST selected XGBoost as its model since cardiac prediction falls within regression technique. MEDHOST’s well architected data lake enabled it to quickly generate training, testing, and validation data sets using AWS Glue.

Amazon SageMaker abstracted underlying complexity of setting infrastructure for machine learning. With few clicks, MEDHOST started Jupyter notebook and coded the components leading to fitting and deploying its machine learning prediction model. Finally, MEDHOST created the endpoint for the model and ran REST calls to validate the endpoint and trained model. As a result, MEDHOST achieved the goal of predicting cardiac risk. Additionally, with Amazon QuickSight’s SageMaker integration, AWS made it easy to use SageMaker models directly in visualizations. QuickSight can call the model’s endpoint, send the input data to it, and put the inference results into the existing QuickSight data sets. This capability made it easy to display the results of the models directly in the dashboards. Read more about QuickSight’s SageMaker integration here.

Reinforcement layer

Finally, the reinforcement layer guaranteed that the results of the MEDHOST model were captured and processed to improve performance of the model.

The MEDHOST team went beyond the original goal and created an inference microservice to interact with the endpoint for prediction, enabled abstracting of the machine learning endpoint with the well-defined domain REST endpoint, and added a standard security layer to the MEDHOST application.

When there is a real-time call from the facility, the inference microservice gets inference from the SageMaker endpoint. Records containing input and inference data are fed to the data pipeline again. MEDHOST used Amazon Kinesis Data Streams to push records in real time. However, since retraining the machine learning model does not need to happen in real time, the Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose enabled MEDHOST to micro-batch records and efficiently save them to the landing zone bucket so that the data could be reprocessed.


Collaborating with AWS Data Lab enabled MEDHOST to:

  • Store single source of truth with low-cost storage solution (data lake)
  • Complete data pipeline for a low-cost data analytics solution
  • Create an almost production-ready code for cardiac risk prediction

The MEDHOST team learned many concepts related to data analytics and machine learning within four days. AWS Data Lab truly helped MEDHOST deliver results in an accelerated manner.

About the Authors

Pandian Velayutham is the Director of Engineering at MEDHOST. His team is responsible for delivering cloud solutions, integration and interoperability, and business analytics solutions. MEDHOST utilizes modern technology stack to provide innovative solutions to our customers. Pandian Velayutham is a technology evangelist and public cloud technology speaker.





George Komninos is a Data Lab Solutions Architect at AWS. He helps customers convert their ideas to a production-ready data product. Before AWS, he spent 3 years at Alexa Information domain as a data engineer. Outside of work, George is a football fan and supports the greatest team in the world, Olympiacos Piraeus.

Building a Data Pipeline for Tracking Sporting Events Using AWS Services

Post Syndicated from Ashwini Rudra original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/building-a-data-pipeline-for-tracking-sporting-events-using-aws-services/

In an evolving world that is increasingly connected, data-centric, and fast-paced, the sports industry is no exception. Amazon Web Services (AWS) has been helping customers in the sports industry gain real-time insights through analytics. You can re-invent and reimagine the fan experience by tracking sports actions and activities. In this blog post, we will highlight common architectural and design patterns for building a data pipeline to track sporting events in real time.

The sports industry is largely comprised of two subsegments: participatory and spectator sports. Participatory sports, for example fitness, golf, boating, and skiing, comprise the largest share of the market. Spectator sports, such as teams/clubs/leagues, individual sports, and racing, are expected to be the fastest growing segment. Sports teams/leagues/clubs comprise the largest share of the Spectator sports segment, and is growing most rapidly.

IoT data pipeline architecture overview

Let’s discuss the infrastructure in three parts:

  1. Infrastructure at the arena itself
  2. Processing data using AWS services
  3. Leveraging this analysis using a graphics overlay (this can be especially useful for broadcasters, OTT channels, and arena users)

Data-gathering devices

Radio-frequency identification (RFID) chips or IoT devices can be worn by players or embedded in the playing equipment. These devices emit 20–50 messages per second. These messages are collected and output using JSON. This information may include player coordinate positions, player speed, statistics, health information, or more. To process the game, leagues, coaches, or broadcasters can analyze this data using analytics tools and/or machine learning.

Figure 1. Data pipeline architecture using AWS Services

Figure 1. Data pipeline architecture using AWS Services

Processing data, feature engineering, and model training at AWS

Use serverless services from AWS when possible in order to keep your solution scalable and cost-efficient. This also helps with operational overhead for teams. You can use the Kinesis family of services for stream ingestion and processing. The streaming data from hundreds to thousands of IoT sources (from equipment and clothing) can be fed to Amazon Kinesis Data Streams (KDS). KDS and Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose provide a buffering mechanism for streaming data before it lands on Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). With Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics, you can process and analyze Kinesis stream data using powerful SQL, Apache Flink, or Beam. Kinesis Data Analytics also supports building applications in SQL, Java, Scala, and Python. With this service, you can quickly author and run powerful SQL code against Amazon Kinesis Streams as your source. This way you can perform time series analytics, feed real-time dashboards, and create real-time metrics. Read more about Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics for SQL Applications.

You might want to transform or enhance the streaming data before it is delivered to Amazon S3. Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose can be used with an AWS Lambda function to do the transformation. Let’s say you have a player prediction timestamp that you want to represent in a different time format to different ML algorithms. Lambda can process and transform this data. Kinesis Data Firehose will deliver the transformed and raw data to the destination (Amazon S3). This can occur after the specific buffering size or when the buffering interval is reached, whichever happens first.

For more complex transformations, AWS Glue can be used. For example, once the data lands in Amazon S3, you can start preparing and aggregating the training dataset using Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler. As part of the feature engineering process, you can do the following:

  • Transform the data
  • Delete unneeded columns
  • Impute missing values
  • Perform label encoding
  • Use the quick model option to get a sense of which features are adding predictive power as you progress with your data preparation

All the data preparation and feature engineering tasks can be performed from Data Wrangler’s single visual interface.

Once data is prepared in Amazon S3, Amazon SageMaker can be used for model training. In soccer, you can predict a goal percentage based on the player’s position, acceleration, and past performance history.  SageMaker provides several built-in algorithms that can be trained. For real-time predictions, Amazon API Gateway provides an API layer to clients like an OTT, broadcasting service, or a web browser. API Gateway can invoke a Lambda function, with logic to call a SageMaker endpoint and persist the output to the database. This data can be used later on for further analysis or to fine-tune your models.

Figure 2. Deliver real-time prediction using SageMaker

Figure 2. Deliver real-time prediction using Amazon SageMaker

Computer vision-based object detection techniques can be very useful in Sports. These techniques use deep learning algorithms to predict the pass probability, game player face-off, or win prediction. For the sports industry, object detection technology like these are crucial. They obviate the need for sensors. Real-time object identification can be used to:

  • Generate new advanced analytics regarding player and team performance
  • Aid game officials in making correct calls
  • Provide fans an improved and more data-rich viewing experience

Read Football tracking in the NFL with Amazon SageMaker for more information on how to track using broadcast video data. Using SageMaker, you can train object detection models that analyze thousands of images. You can then locate and classify the football itself, and distinguish it from background objects.

Creating a graphics overlay

When you have the ML inference data and video ingestion ready, you may want to represent this data on your broadcasted video. The graphic overlay feature lets you insert an image (a BMP, PNG, or TGA file) at a specified time. It is displayed as a static overlay on the underlying video for a specified duration. The motion graphic overlay feature lets you insert an animation (a MOV or SWF file, or a series of PNG files) on the underlying video. This can be displayed at a specified time for a specified duration.

For example, a player’s motion prediction can be inserted on video during a game, through a RESTful API call of ML inferences. You can use AWS Elemental Live to achieve this. Read about AWS Elemental Live Graphic Overlay at AWS documentation.

Reducing latency

You may want to reduce latency for analytics such as for player health and safety. Use video, data, or machine learning processing at the arena using AWS Outposts. You can also use AWS Wavelength along with 5G infrastructure. For more information, read Catch Important Moments in Sports with 5G and AWS Wavelength.


In this blog, we’ve highlighted how customers in the sports industry are using AWS to increase the quality of the game, and enhance the sports fan’s experience. The following benefits can be achieved by building a data pipeline for tracking sporting events using AWS services:

  • Amazon Kinesis collects, processes, and analyzes in-game streaming data in real time. This way both teams and fans get timely insights and can react quickly to new information.
  • The serverless nature of this architecture enables a cost-effective, scalable, and operationally efficient environment for customers.
  • Amazon Machine Learning services like Amazon SageMaker can be used to enrich the fan viewing experience. It presents in-game predictions such as who will score next, or which team will win the game.

Visit our AWS Sports Partnerships page for more information on how AWS is changing the game.

Secure multi-tenant data ingestion pipelines with Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink

Post Syndicated from Abhinav Krishna Vadlapatla original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/secure-multi-tenant-data-ingestion-pipelines-with-amazon-kinesis-data-streams-and-kinesis-data-analytics-for-apache-flink/

When designing multi-tenant streaming ingestion pipelines, there are myriad ways to design and build your streaming solution, each with its own set of trade-offs. The first decision you have to make is the strategy that determines how you choose to physically or logically separate one tenant’s data from another.

Sharing compute and storage resources helps reduce costs; however, it requires strong security measures to prevent cross-tenant data access. This strategy is known as a pool model. In contrast, a silo model helps reduce security complexity by having each tenant have its own set of isolated resources. However, this increases cost and operational overhead. A more detailed review of tenant isolation models is covered in the SaaS Storage Strategies whitepaper. In this post, we focus on the pool model to optimize for cost when supporting a multi-tenant streaming ingestion architecture.

Consider a retail industry data as a service (DaaS) company that ingests point of sale (POS) data from multiple customers and curates reports that blend sale transactions with third-party data in near-real time. The DaaS company can benefit from sharing compute and storage resources to reduce costs and stay competitive. For security, the DaaS company needs to authenticate each customer request and, to support a pool model, also needs to guarantee that data issues from one tenant don’t affect reports consumed by other customers. Similar scenarios apply to other industries that need to ingest data from semi-trusted servers. For example, in supply chain, a company could be streaming data from multiple suppliers to maintain a near-real-time status of SKUs and purchase orders. In the education industry, a third-party company could ingest data from servers at multiple schools and provide aggregated data to government agencies.

To build a multi-tenant streaming ingestion pipeline with shared resources, we walk you through an architecture that allows semi-trusted servers to use Amazon Kinesis Data Streams using the AWS IoT credentials provider feature for authentication, Amazon API Gateway as a proxy for authorization, and an Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink application to aggregate and write data partitioned by the tenant in near-real time into an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) data lake. With this architecture, you remove the operational overhead of maintaining multiple Kinesis data streams (one per customer) and allow for cost optimization opportunities by performing better utilization of your provisioned Kinesis data stream shards.

The following architecture diagram illustrates the data ingestion pipeline.

In this architecture, authorized servers from one or multiple third-party companies send messages to an API Gateway endpoint. The endpoint puts messages into the proper partition of a shared Kinesis data stream. Finally, a Kinesis Data Analytics consumer application aggregates, compresses, and writes data into the proper partition of an S3 data lake.

The following sections describe in more detail the multi-tenant architecture considerations and implementation details for this architecture.


First, you need to decide on the desired authentication mechanisms. To simplify onboarding new customers and eliminate the need for hardcoded credentials on customers servers, we recommend looking into the credentials provider feature of AWS IoT. Each tenant can use a provisioned x.509 certificate to securely retrieve temporary credentials and authenticate against AWS services using an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role. For more information on how this works, see How to Eliminate the Need for Hardcoded AWS Credentials in Devices by Using the AWS IoT Credentials Provider.

For additional authentication mechanisms directly with API Gateway, see Controlling and managing access to a REST API in API Gateway.


After you’re authenticated with IAM, the next step is authorization. Simply put, make sure each tenant can only write to their respective data lake partition. One of the key risks to mitigate in a multi-tenant steaming ingestion workflow is the scenario where a tenant server is compromised and it attempts to impersonate other tenants sending bogus data. To guarantee isolation of data ingest and reduce the blast radius of bad data, you could consider the following options:

  • Use a silo model and provision one Kinesis data stream per tenant – Kinesis Data Streams provides access control at the stream level. This approach provides you with complete isolation and the ability to scale your stream capacity up or down on a per-tenant basis. However, there is operational overhead in maintaining multiple streams, and optimizing for cost has limitations. Each data stream is provisioned by increments of one shard or 1 MB/sec of ingestion capacity with up to 1,000 PUT records per second. Pricing is based on shards per hour. One shard could be well beyond your tenant requirements and tenant onboarding costs could scale rapidly.
  • Use AWS IoT Core with one topic per tenant using topic filters and an AWS IoT rule to push data into a shared data streamAWS IoT Core gives access control at the topic level. Each tenant can send data to only their respective topic (for example, tenantID topic) based on their IAM credentials. We can then use an AWS IoT rule to extract the tenantID from the topic and push data into a shared data stream using tenantID as the partition key.
  • Use API Gateway as a proxy with mapping templates and a shared data stream – Kinesis Data Streams doesn’t provide access control at the data partition level. However, API Gateway provides access control at the method and path level. With API Gateway as a proxy, you can use mapping templates to programmatically fetch the tenant UUID from the path and set it as the partition key before pushing the data to Kinesis Data Streams.

Optimize for costs

The last two preceding options use a pool model and share a single Kinesis data stream to reduce operational overhead and costs. To optimize costs even further, you need to consider the pricing model of each of these services (API Gateway vs. AWS IoT Core) and three factors in your use case: the average size for each message, the rate at which the data is being ingested, and the data latency requirements.

Consider an example where you have 1,000 tenants (devices) and each produces data at the rate of one request per second with an average payload of 8 KB. AWS IoT Core is priced per million messages and per million rules. Each message is metered at 5 KB increments, so you’re charged for two messages per payload. If you have small payloads and very low latency requirements, AWS IoT Core is likely your best choice. If you can introduce some latency and buffer your messages at each tenant, then API Gateway is your best option because the pricing model for REST APIs requests is on a per-API call basis and not metered by KB. You can use the AWS Pricing Calculator to quickly decide which option offers the best price for your use case.

For example, with API Gateway, you can optimize your cost even further by reducing the number of API requests. Instead of each tenant sending 8 KB of data per second, you can send 240 KB every 30 seconds and reduce costs considerably. We can explore a sample cost calculation for API Gateway considering this scenario: average size of message: 240 KB, REST API request units per month: 2 request per minute x 60 min x 24 hrs. x 30 days = 86,400 requests x 1,000 tenants = 86,400,000.

The following sections walk you through the configuration of API Gateway and Kinesis to prevent cross-data access when you support a multi-tenant streaming ingestion pipeline architecture.

Enable API Gateway as a Kinesis Data Streams proxy

API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. You can create an API Gateway endpoint to expose other AWS services, such as Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS), Amazon S3, Kinesis, and even AWS Lambda. All AWS services support dedicated APIs to expose their features. However, the application protocols or programming interfaces are likely to differ from service to service. An API Gateway API with the AWS integration has the advantage of providing a consistent application protocol for your client to access different AWS services. In our use case, we use API Gateway as a proxy to Kinesis in order to handle IAM authentication and authorize clients to invoke URL paths with their unique tenant ID. API Gateway has additional features that are beneficial for multi-tenant applications, like rate limiting API calls per tenant, requests and response transformations, logging and monitoring, and more.

When you configure API Gateway with IAM resource-level permissions, you can make sure each tenant can only make requests to a unique URL path. For example, if the tenant invokes the API Gateway URL with their tenant ID in the path (for example, https://api-id.execute-api.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/{tenantId}), IAM validates that the tenant is authorized to invoke this URL only. For more details on how to set up an IAM policy to a specific API Gateway URL path, see Control access for invoking an API.

Then, to ensure no authorized customer can impersonate other tenant by sending bogus data, API Gateway extracts the tenant ID from the URL path programmatically using the API Gateway mapping template feature. API Gateway allows developers to transform payloads before passing it to backend resources using mapping templates written with JSONPath expressions. With this feature, we can extract the tenant ID from the URL and pass it as the partition key of the shared data stream. The following is a sample mapping template:

    "StreamName": "$input.params('stream-name')",
    "Data": "$util.base64Encode($input.json('$.Data'))",
    "PartitionKey": "$input.params('partition')"

In the preceding code, partition is the parameter name you specify in your API Gateway resource path. The following screenshot shows what the configuration looks like on the API Gateway console.

After messages in the data stream use the proper partition, the next step is to transform, enrich, and aggregate messages before writing them into an S3 data lake. For this workflow, we use Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink to have full control of the data lake partition configuration. The following section describes the approach to ensure data is written in the proper partition.

Use Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink to process and write data into an S3 data lake

After we guarantee that messages within the data stream have the right tenant ID as the partition key, we can use Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink to continuously process messages in near-real time and store them in Amazon S3. Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink is an easy way to transform and analyze streaming data in real time. Apache Flink is an open-source framework and engine for processing data streams. Kinesis Data Analytics reduces the complexity of building, managing, and integrating Apache Flink applications with other AWS services. Because this solution is also serverless, there are no servers to manage, it scales automatically to match the volume and throughput of your incoming data, and you only pay for the resources your streaming applications consume.

In this scenario, we want to extract the partition key (tenantId) from each Kinesis data stream message, then process all messages within a time window and use the tenant ID as the file prefix of the files we write into the destination S3 bucket. In other words, we write the data into the proper tenant partition. The result writes data in files that look like the following:


To achieve this, we need to implement two custom classes within the Apache Flink application code.

First, we use a custom deserializer class to extract the partition key from the data stream and append it to the body of the message. We can achieve this by overriding the deserialize method of the KinesisDeserializationSchema class:

class CustomKinesisDeserializer implements  KinesisDeserializationSchema<String> {
    private static final Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(CustomKinesisDeserializer.class);
    public String deserialize(byte[] bytes, String partitionKey, String seqNum,
                              long approxArrivalTimeStamp, String stream, String shardId) throws IOException {
        log.debug("deserialize - enter");
        String s = new String(bytes);
        JSONObject json = new JSONObject(s);
        json.put("tenantid", partitionKey);
        return json.toString();
    public TypeInformation<String> getProducedType() {
        return BasicTypeInfo.STRING_TYPE_INFO;

Next, we use a customBucketAssignerclass to use the partition key in the body of the message (in our case, the tenant ID) as the bucket prefix:

private static final BucketAssigner<String, String> assigner = new BucketAssigner<String, String> () {

        public String getBucketId(String element, BucketAssigner.Context context) {
            log.debug("getBucketId - enter");
            JSONObject json = new JSONObject(element);
            if (json.has("tenantid")) {
                String tenantId = json.getString("tenantid");
                return "tenantid=" + tenantId;
            return "tenantid=unknown";

        public SimpleVersionedSerializer<String> getSerializer() {
            return SimpleVersionedStringSerializer.INSTANCE;

The following code is the full sample class for the Kinesis Data Analytics with Apache Flink application. The purpose of the sample code is to illustrate how you can obtain the partition key from the data stream and use it as your bucket prefix via the BucketAssigner class. Your implementation might require additional windowing logic to enrich, aggregate, and transform your data before writing it into an S3 bucket. In this post, we write data into a tenantId partition, but your code might require additional partition fields (such as by date). For additional code examples, see Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink: Examples.

package com.amazonaws.services.kinesisanalytics;

import com.amazonaws.services.kinesisanalytics.runtime.KinesisAnalyticsRuntime;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.serialization.SimpleStringEncoder;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeinfo.TypeInformation;
import org.apache.flink.core.fs.Path;
import org.apache.flink.core.io.SimpleVersionedSerializer;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.DataStream;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.environment.StreamExecutionEnvironment;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.sink.filesystem.BucketAssigner;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.sink.filesystem.StreamingFileSink;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.sink.filesystem.bucketassigners.SimpleVersionedStringSerializer;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kinesis.FlinkKinesisConsumer;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kinesis.config.ConsumerConfigConstants;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kinesis.serialization.KinesisDeserializationSchema;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.json.JSONObject;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;

public class S3StreamingSinkWithPartitionsJob {

    private static final Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(S3StreamingSinkWithPartitionsJob.class);
    private static String s3SinkPath;
    private static String inputStreamName;
    private static String region;

     * Custom BucketAssigner to specify the bucket path/prefix with the Kinesis Stream partitionKey.
     * Sample code. Running application with debug mode with this implementation will expose data into log files
    private static final BucketAssigner<String, String> assigner = new BucketAssigner<String, String> () {

        public String getBucketId(String element, BucketAssigner.Context context) {
            log.debug("getBucketId - enter");
            JSONObject json = new JSONObject(element);
            if (json.has("tenantid")) {
                String tenantId = json.getString("tenantid");
                return "tenantid=" + tenantId;
            return "tenantid=unknown";

        public SimpleVersionedSerializer<String> getSerializer() {
            return SimpleVersionedStringSerializer.INSTANCE;

    private static DataStream<String> createSourceFromStaticConfig(StreamExecutionEnvironment env) throws IOException {
        log.debug("createSourceFromStaticConfig - enter - variables: {region:" + region +
                ", inputStreamName:" + inputStreamName + "}");
        Properties inputProperties = new Properties();
        inputProperties.setProperty(ConsumerConfigConstants.AWS_REGION, region);
        inputProperties.setProperty(ConsumerConfigConstants.STREAM_INITIAL_POSITION, "LATEST");

         * Implementinga custom serializer class that extends KinesisDeserializationSchema interface
         * to get additional values from partition keys.
        return env.addSource(new FlinkKinesisConsumer<>(inputStreamName,
                new CustomKinesisDeserializer(),

    private static StreamingFileSink<String> createS3SinkFromStaticConfig() {
        log.debug("createS3SinkFromStaticConfig - enter - variables: { s3SinkPath:" + s3SinkPath + "}");
        final StreamingFileSink<String> sink = StreamingFileSink
                .forRowFormat(new Path(s3SinkPath), new SimpleStringEncoder<String>("UTF-8"))
        return sink;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        Map<String, Properties> applicationProperties = KinesisAnalyticsRuntime.getApplicationProperties();
        Properties consumerProperties = applicationProperties.get("ConsumerConfigProperties");
        region = consumerProperties.getProperty("Region","us-west-2");
        inputStreamName = consumerProperties.getProperty("InputStreamName");
        s3SinkPath = "s3a://" + consumerProperties.getProperty("S3SinkPath") + "/data";

        final StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
        DataStream<String> input = createSourceFromStaticConfig(env);
        env.execute("Flink S3 Streaming with Partitions Sink Job");


 * Custom deserializer to pass partitionKey from KDS into the record value. The partition key can be used
 * by the bucket assigner to leverage it as the s3 path/prefix/partition.
 * Sample code. Running application with debug mode with this implementation will expose data into log files

class CustomKinesisDeserializer implements  KinesisDeserializationSchema<String> {

    private static final Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(CustomKinesisDeserializer.class);

    public String deserialize(byte[] bytes, String partitionKey, String seqNum,
                              long approxArrivalTimeStamp, String stream, String shardId) throws IOException {
        log.debug("deserialize - enter");
        String s = new String(bytes);
        JSONObject json = new JSONObject(s);
        json.put("tenantid", partitionKey);
        return json.toString();

    public TypeInformation<String> getProducedType() {
        return TypeInformation.of(String.class);


To test and build this multi-tenant stream ingestion pipeline, you can deploy an AWS CloudFormation template in your AWS environment. The following section provides step-by-step instructions on how to deploy and test the sample template.

Deploy a sample multi-tenant streaming ingestion pipeline

AWS CloudFormation simplifies provisioning and managing infrastructure and services on AWS via JSON or .yaml templates. Follow these instructions to deploy and test the sample workflow described in this post. The instructions assume a basic understanding of AWS Cloud concepts, the AWS Management Console, and working with REST APIs.

  1. Create a destination S3 bucket.
  2. Deploy the CloudFormation template.

The template has only been tested in the us-west-2 Region, and creates IAM roles and users with limited access scope. This template doesn’t register CA certificates or implement the AWS IoT credentials provider feature for authentication. To test the pipeline, the template creates an IAM user for authentication with API Gateway. If you want to test the AWS IoT credentials provider feature with this implementation, follow the instructions in How to Eliminate the Need for Hardcoded AWS Credentials in Devices by Using the AWS IoT Credentials Provider.

  1. For Stack name¸ enter a name (for example, flinkapp).
  2. For KDAS3DestinationBucket, enter the name of the S3 bucket you created.
  3. Leave the other parameters as default.

  1. Accept all other options, including acknowledging the template will create IAM principals on your behalf.
  2. Wait until the stack shows the status CREATE_COMPLETE.

Now you can start your Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink application.

  1. On the Kinesis Data Analytics console, choose Analytics applications.
  2. Select the application that starts with KinesisAnalyticsFI_*.
  3. Choose Run.

  1. Choose Run without snapshot.
  2. Wait for the application to show the status Running.

Now you can test sending messages to your API Gateway endpoint. Remember requests should be authenticated. The CloudFormation template created an IAM test user for this purpose. We recommend using a development API tool for this step. For this post, we use Postman.

  1. On the AWS CloudFormation console, navigate to the Outputs tab of your stack.
  2. Note the API Gateway endpoint (InvokeURL) and the name of the IAM test user.

  1. Create and retrieve the access key and secret key of your test user. For instructions, see Programmatic access.

AWS recommends using temporary keys when authenticating requests to AWS services. For testing purposes, we use a long-lived access key from this limited scope test user.

  1. Use your API development tool to build a POST request to your API Gateway endpoint using your IAM test user secrets.

The following screenshot shows the Authorization tab of the request using Postman.

The following screenshot shows the Body tab of the request using Postman.

  1. For the body of the request, you can use the following payload:
    Data: {
        "key1": "value1",
        "key2": "value2",
        "key3": "value3"

You should get a response from the data stream that looks as follows:

 "EncryptionType": "KMS",
 "SequenceNumber": "49619151594519161991565402527623825830782609999622307842",
 "ShardId": "shardId-000000000000"

  1. Try to make a request to a different tenant by changing the path from /prod/T001 to /prod/T002.

Because the user isn’t authorized to send data to this endpoint, you get the following error message:

    "Message": "User: arn:aws:iam::*******4205:user/flinkapp-MultiTenantStreamTestUser-EWUSMWR0T5I5 is not authorized to perform: execute-api:Invoke on resource: arn:aws:execute-api:us-west-2:********4205:fktw02penb/prod/POST/T002"

  1. Browse to your destination S3 bucket.

You should be able to see a new file within your T001 tenant’s folder or partition.

  1. Download and open your file (part-*-*).

The content should look like the following data (in this scenario, we made six requests to the tenant’s API Gateway endpoint):


Clean up

After you finalize your testing, delete the CloudFormation stack and any data written into your destination S3 bucket to prevent incurring unnecessary charges.


Sharing resources in multi-tenant architectures allows organizations to optimize for costs while providing controls for proper tenant isolation and security. In this post, we showed you how to use API Gateway as a proxy to authorize tenants to a specific partition in your shared Kinesis data stream and prevent cross-tenant data access when performing data ingestion from semi-trusted servers. We also showed you how buffering data and sharing a single data stream with multiple tenants reduces operational overhead and optimizes for costs by taking advantage of better resource utilization. Check out the Kinesis Data Streams and Kinesis Data Analytics quick starts to evaluate them for your multi-tenant ingestion use case.

About the Authors

Abhinav Krishna Vadlapatla is a Solutions Architect with Amazon Web Services. He supports startups and small businesses with their cloud adoption to build scalable and secure solutions using AWS. In his free time, he likes to cook and travel.


Pablo Redondo Sanchez is a Senior Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. He is a data enthusiast and works with customers to help them achieve better insights and faster outcomes from their data analytics workflows. In his spare time, Pablo enjoys woodworking and spending time outdoor with his family in Northern California.

Auto scaling Amazon Kinesis Data Streams using Amazon CloudWatch and AWS Lambda

Post Syndicated from Matthew Nolan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/auto-scaling-amazon-kinesis-data-streams-using-amazon-cloudwatch-and-aws-lambda/

This post is co-written with Noah Mundahl, Director of Public Cloud Engineering at United Health Group.

In this post, we cover a solution to add auto scaling to Amazon Kinesis Data Streams. Whether you have one stream or many streams, you often need to scale them up when traffic increases and scale them down when traffic decreases. Scaling your streams manually can create a lot of operational overhead. If you leave your streams overprovisioned, costs can increase. If you want the best of both worlds—increased throughput and reduced costs—then auto scaling is a great option. This was the case for United Health Group. Their Director of Public Cloud Engineering, Noah Mundahl, joins us later in this post to talk about how adding this auto scaling solution impacted their business.

Overview of solution

In this post, we showcase a lightweight serverless architecture that can auto scale one or many Kinesis data streams based on throughput. It uses Amazon CloudWatch, Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS), and AWS Lambda. A single SNS topic and Lambda function process the scaling of any number of streams. Each stream requires one scale-up and one scale-down CloudWatch alarm. For an architecture that uses Application Auto Scaling, see Scale Amazon Kinesis Data Streams with AWS Application Auto Scaling.

The workflow is as follows:

  1. Metrics flow from the Kinesis data stream into CloudWatch (bytes/second, records/second).
  2. Two CloudWatch alarms, scale-up and scale-down, evaluate those metrics and decide when to scale.
  3. When one of these scaling alarms triggers, it sends a message to the scaling SNS topic.
  4. The scaling Lambda function processes the SNS message:
    1. The function scales the data stream up or down using UpdateShardCount:
      1. Scale-up events double the number of shards in the stream
      2. Scale-down events halve the number of shards in the stream
    2. The function updates the metric math on the scale-up and scale-down alarms to reflect the new shard count.


The scaling alarms rely on CloudWatch alarm metric math to calculate a stream’s maximum usage factor. This usage factor is a percentage calculation from 0.00–1.00, with 1.00 meaning the stream is 100% utilized in either bytes per second or records per second. We use the usage factor for triggering scale-up and scale-down events. Our alarms use the following usage factor thresholds to trigger scaling events: >= 0.75 for scale-up and < 0.25 for scale-down. We use 5-minute data points (period) on all alarms because they’re more resistant to Kinesis traffic micro spikes.

Scale-up usage factor

The following screenshot shows the metric math on a scale-up alarm.

The scale-up max usage factor for a stream is calculated as follows:

s1 = Current shard count of the stream
m1 = Incoming Bytes Per Period, directly from CloudWatch metrics
m2 = Incoming Records Per Period, directly from CloudWatch metrics
e1 = Incoming Bytes Per Period with missing data points filled by zeroes
e2 = Incoming Records Per Period with missing data points filled by zeroes
e3 = Incoming Bytes Usage Factor 
   = Incoming Bytes Per Period / Max Bytes Per Period
   = e1/(1024*1024*60*$kinesis_period_mins*s1)
e4 = Incoming Records Usage Factor  
   = Incoming Records Per Period / Max Records Per Period 
   = e2/(1000*60*$kinesis_period_mins*s1) 
e6 = Max Usage Factor: Incoming Bytes or Incoming Records 
   = MAX([e3,e4])

Scale-down usage factor

We calculate the scale-down usage factor the same as the scale-up usage factor with some additional metric math to (optionally) take into account the iterator age of the stream to block scale-downs when stream processing is falling behind. This is useful if you’re using Lambda functions per shard, known as the Parallelization Factor, to process your streams. If you have a backlog of data, scaling down reduces the number of Lambda functions you need to process that backlog.

The following screenshot shows the metric math on a scale-down alarm.

The scale-down max usage factor for a stream is calculated as follows:

s1 = Current shard count of the stream
s2 = Iterator Age (in minutes) after which we begin blocking scale downs	
m1 = Incoming Bytes Per Period, directly from CloudWatch metrics
m2 = Incoming Records Per Period, directly from CloudWatch metrics
e1 = Incoming Bytes Per Period with missing data points filled by zeroes
e2 = Incoming Records Per Period with missing data points filled by zeroes
e3 = Incoming Bytes Usage Factor 
   = Incoming Bytes Per Period / Max Bytes Per Period
   = e1/(1024*1024*60*$kinesis_period_mins*s1)
e4 = Incoming Records Usage Factor  
   = Incoming Records Per Period / Max Records Per Period 
   = e2/(1000*60*$kinesis_period_mins*s1)
e5 = Iterator Age Adjusted Factor 
   = Scale Down Threshold * (Iterator Age Minutes / Iterator Age Minutes to Block Scale Down)
   = $kinesis_scale_down_threshold * ((FILL(m3,0)*1000/60)/s2)
e6 = Max Usage Factor: Incoming Bytes, Incoming Records, or Iterator Age Adjusted Factor
   = MAX([e3,e4,e5])


You can deploy this solution via AWS CloudFormation. For more information, see the GitHub repo.

If you need to generate traffic on your streams for testing, consider using the Amazon Kinesis Data Generator. For more information, see Test Your Streaming Data Solution with the New Amazon Kinesis Data Generator.

Optum’s story

As the health services innovation arm of UnitedHealth Group, Optum has been on a multi-year journey towards advancing maturity and capabilities in the public cloud. Our multi-cloud strategy includes using many cloud-native services offered by AWS. The elasticity and self-healing features of the public cloud are among of its many strengths, and we use the automation provided natively by AWS through auto scaling capabilities. However, some services don’t natively provide those capabilities, such as Kinesis Data Streams. That doesn’t mean that we’re complacent and accept inelasticity.

Reducing operational toil

At the scale Optum operates at in the public cloud, monitoring for errors or latency related to our Kinesis data stream shard count and manually adjusting those values in response could become a significant source of toil for our public cloud platform engineering teams. Rather than engaging in that toil, we prefer to engineer automated solutions that respond much faster than humans and help us maintain performance, data resilience, and cost-efficiency.

Serving our mission through engineering

Optum is a large organization with thousands of software engineers. Our mission is to help people live healthier lives and help make the health system work better for everyone. To accomplish that mission, our public cloud platform engineers must act as force multipliers across the organization. With solutions such as this, we ensure that our engineers can focus on building and not on responding to needless alerts.


In this post, we presented a lightweight auto scaling solution for Kinesis Data Streams. Whether you have one stream or many streams, this solution can handle scaling for you. The benefits include less operational overhead, increased throughput, and reduced costs. Everything you need to get started is available on the Kinesis Auto Scaling GitHub repo.

About the authors

Matthew NolanMatthew Nolan is a Senior Cloud Application Architect at Amazon Web Services. He has over 20 years of industry experience and over 10 years of cloud experience. At AWS he helps customers rearchitect and reimagine their applications to take full advantage of the cloud. Matthew lives in New England and enjoys skiing, snowboarding, and hiking.



Paritosh Walvekar Paritosh Walvekar is a Cloud Application Architect with AWS Professional Services, where he helps customers build cloud native applications. He has a Master’s degree in Computer Science from University at Buffalo. In his free time, he enjoys watching movies and is learning to play the piano.



Noah Mundahl Noah Mundahl is Director of Public Cloud Engineering at United Health Group.

Understanding data streaming concepts for serverless applications

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/understanding-data-streaming-concepts-for-serverless-applications/

Amazon Kinesis is a suite of managed services that can help you collect, process, and analyze streaming data in near-real time. It consists of four separate services that are designed for common tasks with streaming data: This blog post focuses on Kinesis Data Streams.

One of the main benefits of processing streaming data is that an application can react as new data is generated, instead of waiting for batches. This real-time capability enables new functionality for applications. For example, payment processors can analyze payments in real time to detect fraudulent transactions. Ecommerce websites can use streams of clickstream activity to determine site engagement metrics in near-real time.

Kinesis can be used with Amazon EC2-based and container-based workloads. However, its integration with AWS Lambda can make it a useful data source for serverless applications. Using Lambda as a stream consumer can also help minimize the amount of operational overhead for managing streaming applications.

In this post, I explain important streaming concepts and how they affect the design of serverless applications. This post references the Alleycat racing application. Alleycat is a home fitness system that allows users to compete in an intense series of 5-minute virtual bicycle races. Up to 1,000 racers at a time take the saddle and push the limits of cadence and resistance to set personal records and rank on leaderboards. The Alleycat software connects the stationary exercise bike with a backend application that processes the data from thousands of remote devices.

The Alleycat frontend allows users to configure their races and view real-time leaderboard and historical rankings. The frontend could wait until the end of each race and collect the total output from each racer. Once the batch is ready, it could rank the results and provide a leaderboard once the race is completed. However, this is not very engaging for competitors. By using streaming data instead of a batch, the application show the racers a view of who is winning during the race. This makes the virtual environment more like a real-life cycling race.

Producers and consumers

In streaming data workloads, producers are the applications that produce data and consumers are those that process it. In a serverless streaming application, a consumer is usually a Lambda function, Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose, or Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics.

Kinesis producers and consumers

There are a number of ways to put data into a Kinesis stream in serverless applications, including direct service integrations, client libraries, and the AWS SDK.


Kinesis Data Streams

Kinesis Data Firehose

Amazon CloudWatch Logs Yes, using subscription filters Yes, using subscription filters
AWS IoT Core Yes, using IoT rule actions Yes, using IoT rule actions
AWS Database Migration Service Yes – set stream as target Not directly.
Amazon API Gateway Yes, via REST API direct service integration Yes, via REST API direct service integration
AWS Amplify Yes – via JavaScript library Not directly

A single stream may have tens of thousands of producers, which could be web or mobile applications or IoT devices. The Alleycat application uses the AWS IoT SDK for JavaScript to publish messages to an IoT topic. An IoT rule action then uses a direct integration with Kinesis Data Streams to push the data to the stream. This configuration is ideal at the device level, especially since the device may already use AWS IoT Core to receive messages.

The Alleycat simulator uses the AWS SDK to send a large number of messages to the stream. The SDK provides two methods: PutRecord and PutRecords. The first allows you to send a single record, while the second supports up to 500 records per request (or up to 5 MB in total). The simulator uses the putRecords JavaScript API to batch messages to the stream.

A producer can put records directly on a stream, for example via the AWS SDK, or indirectly via other services such as Amazon API Gateway or AWS IoT Core. If direct, the producer must have appropriate permission to write data to the stream. If indirect, the producer must have permission to invoke the proxy service, and then the service must have permission to put data onto the stream.

While there may be many producers, there are comparatively fewer consumers. You can register up to 20 consumers per data stream, which share the outgoing throughout limit per shard. Consumers receive batches of records sequentially, which means processing latency increases as you add more consumers to a stream. For latency-sensitive applications, Kinesis offers enhanced fan-out which gives consumers 2 MB per second dedicated throughput and uses a push model to reduce latency.

Shards, streams, and partition keys

A shard is a sequence of data records in a stream with a fixed capacity. Part of Kinesis billing is based upon the number of shards. A single shard can process up to 1 MB per second or 1,000 records of incoming data. One shard can also send up to 2 MB per second of outgoing data to downstream consumers. These are hard limits on the throughputs of a shard and as your application approaches these limits, you must add more shards to avoid exceeding these limits.

A stream is a collection of these shards and is often a grouping at the workload or project level. Adding another shard to a stream effectively doubles the throughput, though it also doubles the cost. When there is only one shard in a stream, all records sent to that sent are routed to the same shard. With multiple shards, the routing of incoming messages to shards is determined by a partition key.

The data producer adds the partition key before sending the record to Kinesis. The service calculates an MD5 hash of the key, which maps to one of the shards in the stream. Each shard is assigned a range of non-overlapping hash values, so each partition key maps to only one shard.

MD5 hash function

The partition key exists as an alternative to specifying a shard ID directly, since it’s common in production applications to add and remove shards depending upon traffic. How you use the partition key determines the shard-mapping behavior. For example:

  • Same value: If you specify the same string as the partition key, every message is routed to a single shard, regardless of the number of shards in the stream. This is called overheating a shard.
  • Random value: Using a pseudo-random value, such as a UUID, evenly distributes messages between all the shards available.
  • Time-based: Using a timestamp as a partition key may result in a preference for a single shard if multiple messages arrive at the same time.
  • Applicationspecific: The Alleycat application uses the raceId as a partition key to ensure that all messages from a single race are processed by the same shard consumer.

A Lambda function is a consumer application for a data stream and processes one batch of records for each shard. Since Alleycat uses a tumbling window to calculate aggregates between batches, this use of the partition key ensures that all messages for each raceId are processed by the same function. The downside to this architecture is that it is limited to 1,000 incoming messages per second with the same raceId since it is bound to a single shard.

Deciding on a partition key strategy depends upon the specific needs of your workload. In most cases, a random value partition key is often the best approach.

Streaming payloads in serverless applications

When using the SDK to put messages to a stream, the Data attribute can be a buffer, typed array, blob, or string. Combined with the partition key value, the maximum record size is 1 MB. The Data value is base64 encoded when serialized by Kinesis and delivered as an encoded value to downstream consumers. When using a Lambda function consumer, Kinesis delivers batches in a Records array. Each record contains the encoded data attribute, partition key, and additional metadata in a JSON envelope:

JSON transformation from producer to consumer

Ordering and idempotency

Records in a Kinesis stream are delivered to consuming applications in the same order that they arrive at the Kinesis service. The service assigns a sequence number to the record when it is received and this is delivered as part of the payload to a Kinesis consumer:

Sequence number in payload

When using Lambda as a consuming application for Kinesis, by default each shard has a single instance of the function processing records. In this case, ordering is guaranteed as Kinesis invokes the function serially, one batch of records at a time.

Parallelization factor of 1

You can increase the number of concurrent function invocations by setting the ParallelizationFactor on the event source mapping. This allows you to set a concurrency of between 1 and 10, which provides a way to increase Lambda throughout if the IteratorAge metric is increasing. However, one side effect is that ordering per shard is no longer guaranteed, since the shard’s messages are split into multiple subgroups based upon an internal hash.

Parallelization factor is 2

Kinesis guarantees that every record is delivered “at least once”, but occasionally messages are delivered more than once. This is caused by producers that retry messages, network-related timeouts, and consumer retries, which can occur when worker processes restart. In both cases, these are normal activities and you should design your application to handle infrequent duplicate records.

To prevent the duplicate messages causing unintentional side effects, such as charging a payment twice, it’s important to design your application with idempotency in mind. By using transaction IDs appropriately, your code can determine if a given message has been processed previously, and ignore any duplicates. In the Alleycat application, the aggregation and processes of messages is idempotent. If two identical messages are received, processing completes with the same end result.

To learn more about implementing idempotency in serverless applications, read the “Serverless Application Lens: AWS Well-Architected Framework”.


In this post, I introduce some of the core streaming concepts for serverless applications. I explain some of the benefits of streaming architectures and how Kinesis works with producers and consumers. I compare different ways to ingest data, how streams are composed of shards, and how partition keys determine which shard is used. Finally, I explain the payload formats at the different stages of a streaming workload, how message ordering works with shards, and why idempotency is important to handle.

To learn more about building serverless web applications, visit Serverless Land.

Get started with Flink SQL APIs in Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics Studio

Post Syndicated from Sam Mokhtari original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/get-started-with-flink-sql-apis-in-amazon-kinesis-data-analytics-studio/

Before the release of Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics Studio, customers relied on Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics for SQL on Amazon Kinesis Data Streams. With the release of Kinesis Data Analytics Studio, data engineers and analysts can use an Apache Zeppelin notebook within Studio to query streaming data interactively from a variety of sources, like Kinesis Data Streams, Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK), Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), and other sources using custom connectors.

In this post, we cover some of the most common query patterns to run on streaming data using Apache Flink relational APIs. Out of the two relational API types supported by Apache Flink, SQL and Table APIs, our focus is on SQL APIs. We expect readers to have knowledge of Kinesis Data Streams, AWS Glue, and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). In this post, we use a sales transaction use case to walk you through the examples of tumbling, sliding, session and windows, group by, and joins query operations. We expect readers to have a basic knowledge of SQL queries and streaming window concepts.

Solution architecture

To show the working solution of interactive analytics on streaming data, we use a Kinesis Data Generator UI application to generate the stream of data, which continuously writes to Kinesis Data Streams. For the interactive analytics on Kinesis Data Streams, we use Kinesis Data Analytics Studio that uses Apache Flink as the processing engine, and notebooks powered by Apache Zeppelin. These notebooks come with preconfigured Apache Flink, which allows you to query data from Kinesis Data Streams interactively using SQL APIs. To use SQL queries in the Apache Zeppelin notebook, we configure an AWS Glue Data Catalog table, which is configured to use Kinesis Data Streams as a source. This configuration allows you to query the data stream by referring to the AWS Glue table in SQL queries.

We use an AWS CloudFormation template to create the AWS resources shown in the following diagram.

Set up the environment

After you sign in to your AWS account, launch the CloudFormation template by choosing Launch Stack:

The CloudFormation template configures the following resources in your account:

  • Two Kinesis data streams, one for sales transactions and one for card data
  • A Kinesis Data Analytics Studio application
  • An IAM role (service execution role) for Kinesis Data Analytics Studio
  • Two AWS Glue Data Catalog tables: sales and card

After you complete the setup, sign in to the Kinesis Data Analytics console. On the Kinesis Data Analytics applications page, choose the Studio tab, where you can see the Studio notebook in ready status. Select the Studio notebook, choose Run, and wait until the notebook is in running status. It can take a couple of minutes for the notebook to get into running status.

To run the analysis on streaming data, select the Apache Zeppelin notebook environment and open it. You have the option to create a new note in the notebook.

Run stream analytics in an interactive application

Before you start running interactive analytics with a Studio notebook, you need to start streaming data into your Kinesis data stream, which you created earlier using the CloudFormation stack. To generate streaming data into the data stream, we use a hosted Kinesis Data Generator UI application.

  1. Create an Amazon Cognito user pool in your account and user in that pool. For instructions, see the GitHub repo.
  2. Log in to the Kinesis Data Generator application.
  3. Choose the Region where the CloudFormation template was run to create the Kinesis data stream.
  4. Choose the data stream from the drop-down menu and select the data stream for sales.
  5. Set records per second to 10.
  6. Use the following code for the record template:
    "customer_card_id": {{random.number({
    "customer_id": {{random.number({
    "price": {{random.number(
    "product_id": "{{random.arrayElement(
  1. Choose Send Data.

To run the table join queries in the example section, you need to stream sample card data to a separate data stream.

  1. Choose the Region where you created the data stream.
  2. Choose the data stream from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select the data stream for card.
  4. Set records per second to 5.
  5. Use the following code for the record template:
    "card_id": {{random.number({
    "card_number": {{random.number({
    "card_zip": "{{random.arrayElement(
    "card_name": "{{random.arrayElement(
        ["Laura Perez","Peter Han","Karla Johnson"]
  1. Choose Send Data.
  2. Go back to the notebook note and specify the language Studio uses to run the application.

You need to specify Flink interpreter supported by Apache Zeppelin notebook, like Python, IPython, stream SQL, or batch SQL. Because we use Python Flink streaming SQL APIs in this post, we use the stream SQL interpreter ssql as the first statement:


Common query patterns with Flink SQL

In this section, we walk you through examples of common query patterns using Flink SQL APIs. In all the examples, we refer to the sales table, which is the AWS Glue table created by the CloudFormation template that has Kinesis Data Streams as a source. It’s the same data stream where you publish the sales data using the Kinesis Data Generator application.

Windows and aggregation

In this section, we cover examples of windowed and aggregate queries: tumbling, sliding, and session window operations.

Tumbling window

In the following example, we use SUM aggregation on a tumbling window. The query emits the total spend for every customer every 30-second window interval.

The following table shows our input data.

proctime customer_id customer_card_id product_id price
2021-04-20 21:31:01.10 75 101 4E5750DC2A1D 110
2021-04-20 21:31:01.115 78 118 B552B4B940D0 80
2021-04-20 21:31:01.328 75 101 E6DA5387367B 60
2021-04-20 21:31:01.504 78 101 4E5750DC2A1D 110
2021-04-20 21:31:01.678 75 148 4E5750DC2A1D 110
2021-04-20 21:31:01.960 78 118 B552B4B940D0 80

We use the following code for our query:

SELECT TUMBLE_END(proctime, INTERVAL '30' SECOND) as window_end_time, customer_id
, SUM(price) as tumbling_30_seconds_sum
FROM sales
GROUP BY TUMBLE(proctime, INTERVAL '30' SECOND), customer_id

The following table shows our results.

windown_end_time customer_id tumbling_30_seconds_sum
2021-04-20 21:31:01.0 75 170
2021-04-20 21:31:01.0 78 80
2021-04-20 21:31:30.0 75 110
2021-04-20 21:31:30.0 78 190

Sliding window

In this sliding window example, we run a SUM aggregate query that emits the total spend for every customer every 10 seconds for the 30-second window.

The following table shows our input data.

proctime customer_id customer_card_id product_id price
2021-04-20 21:31:01.10 75 101 4E5750DC2A1D 110
2021-04-20 21:31:01.20 78 118 B552B4B940D0 80
2021-04-20 21:31:01.28 75 101 E6DA5387367B 60
2021-04-20 21:31:01.30 78 101 4E5750DC2A1D 110
2021-04-20 21:31:01.36 75 148 4E5750DC2A1D 110
2021-04-20 21:31:01.40 78 118 B552B4B940D0 80

We use the following code for our query:

SELECT HOP_END(proctime, INTERVAL '10' SECOND, INTERVAL '30' SECOND) AS window_end_time
, customer_id, SUM(price) AS sliding_30_seconds_sum
FROM sales
GROUP BY HOP(proctime, INTERVAL '10' SECOND, INTERVAL '30' SECOND), customer_id

The following table shows our results.

window_end_time customer_id sliding_30_seconds_sum
2021-04-20 21:31:01.10 75 110
2021-04-20 21:31:01.20 75 110
2021-04-20 21:31:01.20 78 80
2021-04-20 21:31:30.30 75 170
2021-04-20 21:31:30.30 78 190
2021-04-20 21:31:30.40 75 280
2021-04-20 21:31:30.40 78 270

Session window

The following example of a session window query finds the total spend per session for a 1-minute gap of inactivity. To generate the result, we stream the data from the Kinesis Data Generator application and stop streaming for more than a minute to create a 1-minute gap of inactivity.

The following table shows our input data.

proctime customer_id customer_card_id product_id price
2021-04-20 21:31:01.10 75 101 4E5750DC2A1D 110
2021-04-20 21:31:01.20 78 118 B552B4B940D0 80
2021-04-20 21:31:01.28 75 101 E6DA5387367B 60
2021-04-20 21:32:50.30 78 101 4E5750DC2A1D 110
2021-04-20 21:32:50.36 75 148 4E5750DC2A1D 110

We use the following code for our query:

SELECT customer_id, SESSION_START(proctime, INTERVAL '1' MINUTE) AS session_start_time
, SESSION_PROCTIME(proctime, INTERVAL '1' MINUTE) AS session_end_time, SUM(price) AS total_spend
FROM sales
GROUP BY SESSION(proctime, INTERVAL '1' MINUTE), customer_id

The following table shows our results.

session_start_time session_end_time total_spend
2021-04-20 21:31:01.10 2021-04-20 21:32:01.28 250
2021-04-20 21:32:50.30 2021-04-20 21:32:50.36 220

Data filter and consolidation

To show an example of a filter and union operation, we create two separate datasets using the filter condition and combine them using the UNION operation.

The following table shows our input data.

proctime customer_id customer_card_id product_id price
2021-04-20 21:31:01.10 75 101 4E5750DC2A1D 110
2021-04-20 21:31:01.20 78 118 B552B4B940D0 80
2021-04-20 21:31:01.28 75 101 E6DA5387367B 60
2021-04-20 21:32:50.30 78 101 4E5750DC2A1D 110
2021-04-20 21:32:50.36 75 148 4E5750DC2A1D 110

We use the following code for our query:

(SELECT customer_id, product_id, price FROM sales WHERE price > 100 AND  product_id <> '4E5750DC2A1D')
(SELECT customer_id, product_id, price FROM sales WHERE product_id = '4E5750DC2A1D' AND price > 250)

The following table shows our results.

customer_id product_id price
78 4E5750DC2A1D 300
75 B552B4B940D0 170
78 B552B4B940D0 110
75 4E5750DC2A1D 260

Table joins

Flink SQL APIs support different types of join conditions, like inner join, outer join, and interval join. You want to limit the resource utilization from growing indefinitely, and run joins effectively. For that reason, in our example, we use table joins using an interval join. An interval join requires one equi-join predicate and a join condition that bounds the time on both sides. In this example, we join the dataset of two Kinesis Data Streams tables based on the card ID, which is a common field between the two stream datasets. The filter condition in the query is based on a time constraint, which restricts resource utilization from growing.

The following table shows our sales input data.

proctime customer_id customer_card_id product_id price
2021-04-20 21:31:01.10 75 101 4E5750DC2A1D 110
2021-04-20 21:31:01.20 78 118 B552B4B940D0 80
2021-04-20 21:31:01.28 75 101 E6DA5387367B 60
2021-04-20 21:32:50.30 78 101 4E5750DC2A1D 110
2021-04-20 21:32:50.36 75 148 4E5750DC2A1D 110

The following table shows our cards input data.

card_id card_number card_zip card_name
101 23274397 23738 Laura Perez
118 54093472 7422 Karla Johnson
101 23274397 23738 Laura Perez
101 23274397 23738 Laura Perez
148 91368810 7422 Peter Han

We use the following code for our query:

SELECT sales.proctime, customer_card_id, card_zip, product_id, price
FROM card INNER JOIN sales ON card.card_id = sales.customer_card_id
WHERE sales.proctime BETWEEN card.proctime - INTERVAL '5' MINUTE AND card.proctime;

The following table shows our results.

proctime customer_card_id card_zip product_id price
2021-04-20 21:31:01.10 101 23738 4E5750DC2A1D 110
2021-04-20 21:31:01.20 118 7422 B552B4B940D0 80
2021-04-20 21:31:01.28 101 23738 E6DA5387367B 60
2021-04-20 21:32:50.30 101 23738 4E5750DC2A1D 110
2021-04-20 21:32:50.36 148 7422 4E5750DC2A1D 110

 Data partitioning and ranking

To show the example of Top-N records, we use the same input dataset as in the previous join example. In this example, we run a query to find the top sales records by sales price in each zip code. We use the OVER window clause to rank sales in each zip code using a PARTITION BY clause. Next, we order the records in each zip code with an ORDER BY clause on the price field in descending order. The result of this operation is a ranking of each record based on the OVER clause condition. We use the external block of the query to filter the result on ranking so that we get the top sales in each zip code.

We use the following code for our query:

SELECT card_zip, customer_card_id, product_id, price FROM (
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY card_zip ORDER BY price DESC) as row_num
FROM card INNER JOIN sales ON card.card_id = sales.customer_card_id
WHERE sales.proctime BETWEEN card.proctime - INTERVAL '5' MINUTE AND card.proctime
WHERE row_num = 1

The following table shows our results.

card_zip customer_card_id product_id price
23738 101 4E5750DC2A1D 110
7422 148 4E5750DC2A1D 110

Data transformation

There are times when you want to transform incoming data. The Flink SQL API has many built-in functions to support a wide range of data transformation requirements, including string functions, date functions, arithmetic functions, and so on. For the complete list, see System (Built-in) Functions.

Extract a portion of a string

In this example, we use the SUBSTR string function to subtract the first four digits and only return the last four digits of the card number.

The following table shows our sales input data.

proctime customer_id customer_card_id product_id price
2021-04-20 21:31:01.10 75 101 4E5750DC2A1D 110
2021-04-20 21:31:01.20 78 118 B552B4B940D0 80
2021-04-20 21:31:01.28 75 101 E6DA5387367B 60
2021-04-20 21:32:50.30 78 101 4E5750DC2A1D 110
2021-04-20 21:32:50.36 75 148 4E5750DC2A1D 110

The following table shows our cards input data.

card_id card_number card_zip card_name
101 23274397 23738 Laura Perez
118 54093472 7422 Karla Johnson
101 23274397 23738 Laura Perez
101 23274397 23738 Laura Perez
148 91368810 7422 Peter Han

We use the following code for our query:

SELECT proctime, SUBSTR(card_number,5) AS partial_card_number,    card_zip, product_id, price
FROM card INNER JOIN sales ON card.card_id = sales.customer_card_id

The following table shows our results.

proctime partial_card_number card_zip product_id price
2021-04-20 21:31:01.10 4397 23738 4E5750DC2A1D 110
2021-04-20 21:31:01.20 3472 7422 B552B4B940D0 80
2021-04-20 21:31:01.28 4397 23738 E6DA5387367B 60
2021-04-20 21:32:50.30 4397 23738 4E5750DC2A1D 110
2021-04-20 21:32:50.36 8810 7422 4E5750DC2A1D 110

Replace a substring

In this example, we use the REGEXP_REPLACE string function to remove all the characters after the space from the card_name field. Assuming that the first name and last name are separated by a space, the query returns the first name only.

The following table shows our cards input data.

card_id card_number card_zip card_name
101 23274397 23738 Laura Perez
118 54093472 7422 Karla Johnson
101 23274397 23738 Laura Perez
101 23274397 23738 Laura Perez
148 91368810 7422 Peter Han

We use the following code for our query:

SELECT card_id, REGEXP_REPLACE(card_name,' .*','') card_name
FROM card

The following table shows our results.

card_id card_name
101 Laura
118 Karla
101 Laura
101 Laura
148 Jason

Split the string field into multiple fields

In this example, we use the SPLIT_INDEX string function to split the card_name field into first_name and last_name, assuming the card_name field is a full name separated by space.

The following table shows our cards input data.

card_id card_number card_zip card_name
101 23274397 23738 Laura Perez
118 54093472 7422 Karla Johnson
101 23274397 23738 Laura Perez
101 23274397 23738 Laura Perez
148 91368810 7422 Peter Han

We use the following code for our query:

SELECT card_id, SPLIT_INDEX(card_name,' ',0) first_name, SPLIT_INDEX(card_name,' ',1) last_name
FROM card

The following table shows our results.

card_id first_name last_name
101 Laura Perez
118 Karla Johnson
101 Laura Perez
101 Laura Perez
148 Peter Han

Transform data using a CASE statement

There are times when you want to transform the result value and apply labels to get insights. For our example, we label the risk level as high, medium, or low for every customer (who is purchasing in the window) based on the number of purchases in the last 5-minute sliding window that emits results every 30 seconds.

The following table shows our input data.

proctime customer_id customer_card_id product_id price
2021-04-20 21:31:30.10 75 101 4E5750DC2A1D 110
2021-04-20 21:31:38.20 78 118 B552B4B940D0 80
2021-04-20 21:31:42.28 75 101 E6DA5387367B 60
2021-04-20 21:31:50.30 78 101 4E5750DC2A1D 110
2021-04-20 21:31:50.36 75 148 4E5750DC2A1D 110

We use the following code for our query:

SELECT customer_id, CASE
WHEN total_purchases BETWEEN 1 AND 2 THEN 'LOW'
WHEN total_purchases BETWEEN 3 AND 10 THEN 'MEDIUM'
END as risk
, customer_id, COUNT(1) AS total_purchases
FROM sales
GROUP BY HOP(proctime, INTERVAL '30' SECOND, INTERVAL '5' MINUTE), customer_id

The following table shows our results.

customer_id risk
78 LOW

DateTime data transformation

The Flink SQL API has a wide range of built-in functions to operate on the date timestamp field, like extracting the day, month, week, hour, minute, day of the month, and so on. There are functions to convert the date timestamp field. In this example, we use the MINUTE and HOUR functions to extract the minute of an hour and the hour from the timestamp field.

The following table shows our sales input data.

proctime customer_id customer_card_id product_id price
2021-04-20 21:31:01.10 75 101 4E5750DC2A1D 110
2021-04-20 21:31:01.20 78 118 B552B4B940D0 80
2021-04-20 21:31:01.28 75 101 E6DA5387367B 60
2021-04-20 21:32:50.30 78 101 4E5750DC2A1D 110
2021-04-20 21:32:50.36 75 148 4E5750DC2A1D 110

We use the following code for our query:

SELECT HOUR(TIMESTAMP proctime) AS transaction_hour, MINUTE(TIMESTAMP proctime) AS transaction_min,customer_id, product_id, price
FROM sales

The following table shows our results.

transaction_hour transaction_min customer_id product_id price
21 31 75 4E5750DC2A1D 110
21 31 78 B552B4B940D0 80
21 31 75 E6DA5387367B 60
21 32 78 4E5750DC2A1D 110
21 32 75 4E5750DC2A1D 110


In this post, we used sales and card examples to demonstrate different query patterns to get insight from streaming data using Apache Flink SQL APIs. We walked you through examples of Flink SQL queries that you can run within Kinesis Data Analytics Studio. In just a few minutes, you can start running interactive analytics with the examples in this post.

You can quickly start developing a stream processing application using Studio from the supported languages like SQL, Python, and Scala. If you want to generate continuous actionable insights, you can easily build and deploy your code as an Apache Flink application with durable state from the notebook within Studio. For more information, see Deploying as an application with durable state.

For further reading on Flink SQL queries that you can use in Kinesis Data Analytics Studio, visit the official page at Apache Flink 1.11 SQL Queries.

About the Authors

Dr. Sam Mokhtari is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS. His main area of depth is “Data & Analytics” and he published more than 30 influential articles in this field. He is also a respected data & analytics advisor who led several large-scale implementation projects across different industries including energy, health, telecom and transport.



Mitesh Patel is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS. He works with customers in SMB to help them develop scalable, secure and cost effective solutions in AWS. He enjoys helping customers in modernizing applications using microservices and implementing serverless analytics platform.

Build and optimize real-time stream processing pipeline with Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink, Part 2

Post Syndicated from Amit Chowdhury original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/part2-build-and-optimize-real-time-stream-processing-pipeline-with-amazon-kinesis-data-analytics-for-apache-flink/

In Part 1 of this series, you learned how to calibrate Amazon Kinesis Data Streams stream and Apache Flink application deployed in Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics for tuning Kinesis Processing Units (KPUs) to achieve higher performance. Although the collection, processing, and analysis of spiky data stream in real time is crucial, reacting to the spiky data is equally important in many real-life situations as derived insights diminish with time.

In order to build a highly responsive scalable streaming application, we need to auto-scale both Kinesis Data Streams and Kinesis Data Analytics application based on incoming data streams. Refer this blog to know how to  easily monitor and automatically scale your Apache Flink application with Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics. Use Kinesis Scaling Utility, which is designed to give you the ability to scale Amazon Kinesis Streams in the same way that you scale EC2 Auto Scaling groups – up or down by a count or as a percentage of the total fleet. You can simply scale to an exact number of Shards.

In this post, we dive deep into important metrics to generate meaningful insights about the health and performance of the Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink application. We will also walk you through steps to build a fully automated, scalable, and highly available pipeline to handle streaming data scaling in and out for both the Kinesis data stream (based on incoming records) and Kinesis data analytics application (by calibrating KPUs and parallelism). You use AWS Managed Services to reduce operational overhead compared to the manual approach of scaling the streaming application. Because this is a continuation of the previous post, make sure to walk through Part 1 as a prerequisite before deploying the automated pipeline code in this post.

Deploy the advanced monitoring and scaling architecture

This section uses an AWS CloudFormation template to build an advanced monitoring dashboard to capture vital metrics data. You also create an advanced scaling environment to auto scale the Kinesis data stream and Kinesis data analytics application, which scales both services in and out depending on the volume of spiky data. Furthermore, we use managed services for better operational efficiency. The template builds the following architecture.

The CloudFormation template includes the following components:

  • An advanced Amazon CloudWatch dashboard
  • Two CloudWatch alarms for scaling your Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink application
  • Two CloudWatch alarms for scaling your Kinesis Data Streams
  • Accompanying auto scaling policy actions in these alarms
  • An Amazon API Gateway endpoint for triggering AWS Lambda
  • A Lambda function responsible for handling the scale-in and scale-out functions

These components work in tandem to monitor the metrics configured in the CloudWatch alarm and respond to metrics accordingly.

To provision your resources, complete the following steps:

  1. Choose Launch Stack (right-click) to open a new tab to run the CloudFormation template. Make sure to choose us-east-1 (N. Virginia) region.
  2. Choose Next.

  1. For FlinkApplicationName, enter the name of your application.
  2. For KinesisStreamName, enter the name of your data stream.
  3. Make sure ShardCount is same as the current shard count of Kinesis Data Streams created in Part 1.

This information is available on the Outputs tab of the CloudFormation stack detailed in Part 1.

  1. Choose Next.

  1. Follow the remaining instructions and choose Create stack.

This dashboard should take a few minutes to launch.


  1. When the stack is complete, go to the Outputs tab of the stack on the AWS CloudFormation console and choose the dashboard link.

Metrics deep dive

There are many critical operational metrics to measure when assessing the performance of a running Apache Flink application. This section looks at the essential CloudWatch metrics for Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink applications, what they mean, and what appropriate alarms might be vital indicators for each. Let’s dive into how to monitor your application.

First, let’s look at the running application using our CloudWatch dashboard and point out potential issues with a given Apache Flink application indicated by our CloudWatch metrics.

The Application Health section of this dashboard can help identify fundamental issues with your application that are causing it to be inoperable. Let’s start with the first two cells: Uptime and Downtime. In an ideal state, this is precisely how your application should look—uptime measures the cumulative time in milliseconds that the application has been running without interruption, and downtime measures the time elapsed during an outage.

In an ideal state, your lastCheckpointSize and lastCheckpointDuration metrics should remain relatively stable over time. If you observe an increasing checkpoint size, this can indicate a state not being cleared within your application or a memory leak. Similarly, a longer and unexpected spike in checkpoint duration can cause backpressure of your application. Monitor these metrics for stability over time.

The resource utilization metrics section gives a glimpse into the resource usage of the running Flink application. In a healthy application, try to keep this metric under 75% usage. This is also the same metric that Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink uses to auto scale your application if you have auto scaling enabled. Also, it’s normal to see CPU spikes during application startup or restart. HeapMemoryUtilization measures the memory taken up by the application, on-heap state, and any other operations that may take up memory space.

Let’s now evaluate our Flink application progress. Incoming and outgoing records per second are measured on an application level in this image. You can also measure them on a task or subtask level for finer granularity and visibility into the operators of your application. The ideal state for these depends on the use case, but if it’s a straight read, process, and write action without filtering the records, you can expect to see an equal amount of records in and out per second. If a deviation occurs on either end of these metrics, it’s a good indicator of where the bottleneck is. If numRecordsInPerSecond is lower, the source might be configured to read in less data, or it could be indicative of backpressure on the sink causing a slowdown. If numRecordsOutPerSecond is lower, it could be identifying a slow operator process in the middle of your application.

Next, let’s look at InputandOutputWatermark and EventTimeLatency. The watermarks indicate the eventTime with which data is arriving into the data stream. A large difference between these two values could indicate significantly late-arriving data into the stream. Your stream should handle this according to your use case, and EventTimeLatency measures the total latency, or OutputWatermark and InputWatermark, of the streaming workload.

The LateRecordsDropped metric measures the number of records dropped due to arriving late. If this number is spiking, there is an issue with data arriving late to the Flink application.

Now let’s dive into Kinesis source and sink metrics. The millisBehindLatest metric shows the time the consumer is behind the head of the stream, which is a good indicator of how far behind the consumer’s current time is. You can measure this metric on an application or a parallelism level—a value of 0 shows that the application is completely caught up with processing records. This is ideal; a higher value means that the application is falling behind. It could indicate that the consumer isn’t tuned to read records efficiently, backpressure, or some slowness in processing. Scale the application accordingly.

The RetriesPerRecord, UserRecordsPending, and BufferingTime metrics come from the Kinesis Producer Library (KPL), and in this case, is referring to our terminal script, which is writing to the Kinesis data stream. All applications that use the KPL report this metric, and it’s important to monitor in case of frequent retries or timeouts. The other metrics can grow exceedingly large if the data stream is under-provisioned.

Advanced scaling

Let’s dive deep into how to scale your Kinesis data analytics application based on the previously discussed metrics. The only way to scale a Kinesis data analytics application automatically is to use the built-in auto scale feature. This feature monitors your application’s CPU usage over time, and if it remains at 75% or above for 15 minutes, it increases your application’s overall parallelism. You experience some downtime during this scale-up, and an application developer should take this into account when using the auto scaling feature. It’s an excellent and helpful feature of Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink. However, some applications need to scale based on other factors, not just CPU usage. In this section, we look at an external way to scale your application based on IncomingRecords or millisBehindLatest metrics on the source Kinesis data stream.

To add the functionality of scaling based on other metrics, we utilize Application Auto Scaling to specify our scaling policy and other attributes, such as cooldown periods. We can also take advantage of any auto scaling types—step scaling, target tracking scaling, and schedule-based scaling. The CloudFormation template we launched already created the necessary resources covering step scaling. For a more detailed list, view the Resources tab on the AWS CloudFormation console or view the designer before launching.

Currently, the settings are tuned to the max throughput per KPU, which is ideal for a production workload. Let’s tune this setting down to a lower value to more quickly see results.

  1. On the CloudWatch console, choose Alarms in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose the alarm KDAScaleOutAlam.

The alarm has been preconfigured for you in CloudWatch to listen for specific metrics breaching a threshold. Optionally, you can adjust the alarm to trigger scale-out or scale-in events as needed.

  1. On the Actions menu, choose Edit.

  1. In the Conditions section, adjust the threshold value as needed.
  2. Choose Update alarm.

You can also use the speedup value in the ProducerCommand found in the outputs of the CloudFormation stack from Part 1 to increase and decrease data volume per second, replicating real-life scenarios of spiky data. Observe the CloudWatch alarms changing states between OK and In alarm. When in alarm, it triggers auto scaling of the Kinesis data stream scaling in or out many shards. Alarms also scale KPUs allocated to the Kinesis data analytics application.

  1. Navigate back to your Kinesis data analytics application.
  2. On the Details tab, see in the Scaling section if this alarm has impacted the parallelism.

  1. Alternatively, stop the producer in the terminal.

Turning off the producer should show an inverse effect, causing the application to trigger the KDAScaleInAlarm, and the application parallelism should scale back down in a few minutes.

  1. On the Configuration tab of your data stream, observe the scaling operation of allocated shards.

You can open the Apache Flink dashboard from your Kinesis data analytics application, analyze the application performance, and troubleshoot by looking at Flink job-level insights, Flink task-level insights, Flink exceptions, and checkpoints. You can also calibrate your application by looking at the Flink dashboard metrics, which gives you additional granularity out of the box, and using the metrics for debugging purposes.


In this post, you built a reliable, scalable, and highly available advanced scaling mechanism for streaming applications based on Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink and Kinesis Data Streams. The post also discussed how to auto scale your applications based on a metric other than CPU utilization and explored ways to extend observability of the application with advanced monitoring and error handling. This solution was largely enabled by using managed services, so you didn’t need to spend time provisioning and configuring the underlying infrastructure. The sources of the AWS CloudFormation templates used in this post are available from GitHub for your reference.

You should now have a good understanding of how to build, monitor and auto scale a real-time streaming application using Amazon Kinesis. You can also calibrate various components based on your application needs and volume of data by applying advanced monitoring and scaling techniques.

About the Authors

 Amit Chowdhury is a Partner Solutions Architect in the Global System Integrator (GSI) team at Amazon Web Services. He helps AWS GSI partners migrate customer workloads to the AWS Cloud, and provides guidance to build, design, and architect scalable, highly available, and secure solutions on AWS by applying AWS recommended best practices. He enjoys spending time with his family, outdoor adventures and traveling.


Saurabh Shrivastava is a solutions architect leader and analytics specialist working with global systems integrators. He works with AWS Partners and customers to provide them with architectural guidance for building scalable architecture in hybrid and AWS environments. He enjoys spending time with his family outdoors and traveling to new destinations to discover new cultures.

Build and optimize a real-time stream processing pipeline with Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink, Part 1

Post Syndicated from Amit Chowdhury original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/part1-build-and-optimize-a-real-time-stream-processing-pipeline-with-amazon-kinesis-data-analytics-for-apache-flink/

In real-time stream processing, it becomes critical to collect, process, and analyze high-velocity real-time data to provide timely insights and react quickly to new information. Streaming data velocity could be unpredictable, and volume could spike based on user demand at a given time of day. Real-time analysis needs to handle the data spike, because any delay in processing streaming data can cause a significant impact on the desired outcome. The value of insights and actions reduces over time, whereas real-time analysis can substantially improve the effectiveness of the analytics application.

A widespread use case is fleet management for vehicles, especially in the autonomous car industry. It’s essential to collect, process, and analyze high-velocity traffic data and react in real time to control and reroute traffic. Real-time stream processing is crucial in many other use cases, such as manufacturing production lines, robotics automation, analyzing high-volume web and application logs, website clickstreams or database event streams, aggregating social media feeds, and tracking financial transactions.

Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics reduces the complexity of building, managing, and integrating Apache Flink applications with other AWS services. Kinesis Data Analytics takes care of everything required to run streaming applications continuously and scales automatically to match your incoming data volume and throughput in a serverless manner.

In this post, you learn the required concepts to implement robust, scalable, and flexible real-time streaming extract, transform, and load (ETL) pipelines with Apache Flink and Kinesis Data Analytics. We demonstrate how to calibrate the Kinesis streaming analytics pipeline to achieve higher performance efficiency and better cost optimization with the right amount of Kinesis Processing Units (KPUs). Estimating the optimal number of KPUs to handle your streaming workload depends on several factors, including the type of stream processing involved. For instance, if you’re performing CPU-intensive statistical calculations, your application might need more CPU or memory. On the other hand, if your application is simply enriching records via external API calls as they flow through, you might be I/O bound. In Part 1 of this series, you learn various parameters such as Parallelism and ParallelismPerKPU for KPU calibration. In Part 2, you learn about applying auto scaling to add the right amount of KPUs based streaming data spike.

For this post, we analyze the telemetry data of a taxi fleet in New York City in real time to optimize fleet operation using Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink. Kinesis Data Analytics helps process and analyze the data in real time to identify areas currently requesting a high number of taxi rides. The derived insights are visualized on a dashboard for operational teams to inspect.


As shown in the following architecture diagram, every taxi in the fleet is capturing information about completed trips. The tracked information includes the pickup and drop-off locations, number of passengers, and generated revenue. This information is ingested into Amazon Kinesis Data Streams as a simple JSON blob. The application reads the timestamp attribute of the stored events and replays them as if they occurred in real time. From there, the data is processed and analyzed by a Flink application, which is deployed to Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink.

The application  identifies areas that are currently requesting a high number of taxi rides. The derived insights are finally persisted into Amazon Elasticsearch Service, where they can be accessed and visualized using Kibana.

In this post, you build a fully managed infrastructure that can analyze the data in near-real time—within seconds—while being scalable and highly available. The architecture uses Kinesis Data Streams as a streaming store, Kinesis Data Analytics to run an Apache Flink application in a fully managed environment, and Amazon Elasticsearch Service (Amazon ES) and Kibana for visualization.

Additionally, we discuss basic Apache Flink concepts and common patterns for streaming analytics. We also cover how Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink is different from a self-managed environment and how to effectively operate and monitor streaming architectures. You also calibrate KPUs in Kinesis Data Analytics to improve performance efficiency and cost optimization.

Deploy the real-time streaming and analysis workload

To replicate the real-life scenario, you connect to a preconfigured Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance running Linux over SSH. Then you use a Java application to replay a historic set of taxi trips made in NYC stored in objects in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) into the data stream. The Java application is compiled and loaded onto the EC2 instance.

This section uses an AWS CloudFormation template to build a producer client program that sends NYC taxi trip data to our Kinesis data stream. The template creates the following resources:

  • An S3 bucket to house the data resources.
  • A new Kinesis data stream that we use to stream a dataset of NYC taxi trips.
  • Amazon ElasticSearch cluster with Kibana integration for displaying dashboard information.
  • A build pipeline and AWS CodeBuild project along with sources for a Flink Kinesis connector application.
  • An EC2 instance for running a Flink application to replay data onto the data stream. An Elastic IP is provisioned for the EC2 instance to allow SSH access.
  • A Java application hosted on the EC2 instance, which loads data from the EC2 instance.
  • A Kinesis data analytics application to continuously monitor and analyze data from the connected data stream and run the Apache Flink 1.11 application.
  • The necessary AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service roles, security groups, and policies to run and communicate between the resources you create.
  • An Amazon CloudWatch alarm when the application falls behind based on the millisBehindLatest metric.

To provision these resources, complete the following steps:

  1. Choose Launch Stack (right click) and open a new tab to run the CloudFormation template. Make sure to choose us-east-1 ( N. Virginia) region.
  2. Choose Next.

  1. For Stack name, enter a name.
  2. For ClientipAddressRange, enter the IP address from which the Kibana dashboard is accessed.

Use https://checkup.amazon.com to find IP and add /32 at the end.

  1. For SshKeyName¸ enter the SSH key name for the Linux-based EC2 instance you created.
  2. Choose Next.

  1. Select I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names and I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might require the following capability: CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND.
  2. Choose Create stack.
  3. Wait until the CloudFormation template has been successfully created.

Connect to the new EC2 instance and run the producer client program

In this section, we connect to our new EC2 instance and run the producer client program.

  1. On the AWS CloudFormation console, choose the parent in which the stack was deployed.
  2. In the Outputs section, locate the AWS Systems Manager Session Manager URL for KinesisReplayInstance.
  3. Choose the Session Manager URL to connect to the EC2 instance.

  1. After the connection has been established, start ingesting events into the Kinesis data stream by running the JAR file that was downloaded to the EC2 instance.

The command with pre-populated parameters is available in the Outputs section of the CloudFormation template for ProducerCommand.

You have now successfully created the basic infrastructure and are ingesting data into the data stream.

  1. On the Kinesis Data Streams console, go to your data stream.
  2. On the Monitoring tab, locate the Incoming Data – Sum

You may need to wait 2–3 minutes and use the refresh button for the monitoring charts to see the metrics.

Visualize the data

To visualize the data, navigate to the Kibana dashboard. The dashboard URL is in the Outputs section of the CloudFormation stack for KibanaDashboard. You can inspect the preloaded dashboard or even create your visualizations. If no data shows up, choose the clock icon and change the timeframe to January 2010 – December 2011.

AWS CloudFormation automatically grants access to the IP address provided during stack creation. However, if you encounter access issues in the Kibana dashboard, modify your Amazon ES domain’s access policy and change your local IP address on the Amazon ES console.

To change your IP address, find and choose the Amazon ES domain that you provisioned. On the Actions menu, choose Modify access policy.

Replace the IP address (for example, with your local IP. If you don’t know your local IP, use http://checkip.amazonaws.com.

Scale the Kinesis data stream to adapt to a spiky data stream

Now that the Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink application is running and sending results to Amazon ES, we can look at operational aspects, such as monitoring and scaling. When you closely inspect the output of the producer application, you can observe that it’s experiencing write provisioned throughput that has exceeded exceptions and it can’t send data fast enough. If the resources of the Apache Flink application aren’t adapted accordingly, particularly for a spiky data stream, the application may fall substantially behind. It may then generate results that are no longer relevant because they’re already too old when the overloaded application can eventually produce them.

The Kinesis data stream was deliberately under-provisioned so that the Kinesis Replay Java application is completely saturating the data stream. When you closely inspect the output of the Java application, you can notice that the replay lag is continuously increasing. This means that the producer can’t ingest events as quickly as required according to the specified speedup parameter.

In this section, we scale the Kinesis data stream to accommodate the throughput generated by the Java application ingesting events into the data stream. We then observe how the Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink application automatically scales to adapt to the increased throughput.

  1. On the Kinesis Data Streams console, navigate to the stream you created.
  2. In the Shards section, choose Edit.
  3. Double the throughput of the Kinesis stream by changing the number of open shards to 16.
  4. Choose Save changes to confirm the changes.

  1. While the service doubles the number of shards and therefore the throughput of the stream, examine the metrics of the data stream on the Monitoring

After few minutes, you should notice the effect of the scaling operation as the throughput of the stream substantially increases.

While we have scaled Kinesis Data Steams manually, Kinesis Scaling Utility is designed to give you the ability to auto-scale Amazon Kinesis Streams in the same way that you scale EC2 Auto Scaling groups – up or down by a count or as a percentage of the total fleet. You can simply scale to an exact number of Shards. In Part 2, you will learn more about auto-scaling Kinesis Data Streams based on incoming data stream.

Calibrate KPUs

Currently, Kinesis Data Analytics scales your application solely based on the underlying CPU usage. However, because not all applications are CPU bound, depending on your needs, you may want to use a different mechanism for sizing your application. In this section, we demonstrate how you can use the millisBehindLatest metric (available when consuming data from a Kinesis data stream) to responsively size your Kinesis data analytics application.

Kinesis Data Analytics provisions capacity in the form of Amazon Kinesis Processing Units (KPUs). One KPU provides you with 1 vCPU and 4 GB memory. The default limit for KPUs for your application is 32. You can also request an increase to this limit in AWS Service Limits.

We recommend that you test your application with production loads to get an accurate estimate of the number of KPUs required for your application. KPUs usage can vary considerably based on your data volume and velocity, code complexity, integrations, and more. This is especially true when using the Apache Flink runtime in Kinesis Data Analytics.

You can configure the parallel run of tasks and allocate resources for Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink to implement scaling. We use the following properties:

  • Parallelism – Use this property to set the default Apache Flink application parallelism. All operators, sources, and sinks run with this parallelism unless overridden in the application code. The default is 1, and the default maximum is 256.
  • ParallelismPerKPU – Use this property to set the number of parallel tasks that can be scheduled per the of your application. The default is 1, and the maximum is 8. For applications that have blocking operations (for example, I/O), a higher value of ParallelismPerKPU leads to full utilization of KPU resources.

Kinesis Data Analytics calculates the KPUs needed to run your application as Parallelism/ParallelismPerKPU.

The following example request for the CreateApplication action sets parallelism when you create an application.

   "ApplicationName": "string",
   "ApplicationConfiguration": { 
      "FlinkApplicationConfiguration": { 
         "ParallelismConfiguration": { 
            "AutoScalingEnabled": "true",
            "ConfigurationType": "CUSTOM",
            "Parallelism": 4,
            "ParallelismPerKPU": 4


For more examples and instructions for using request blocks with API actions, see Kinesis Data Analytics API Example Code.

The following example request for the UpdateApplication action sets parallelism for an existing application:

   "ApplicationName": "MyApplication",
   "CurrentApplicationVersionId": 4,
   "ApplicationConfigurationUpdate": { 
      "FlinkApplicationConfigurationUpdate": { 
         "ParallelismConfigurationUpdate": { 
            "AutoScalingEnabledUpdate": "true",
            "ConfigurationTypeUpdate": "CUSTOM",
            "ParallelismPerKPUUpdate": 4,
            "ParallelismUpdate": 4

Scale the Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink application

Because you increased the throughput of the Kinesis data stream by doubling the number of shards, more events are sent into the stream. However, as a direct result, more events need to be processed. Now the Kinesis data analytics application becomes overloaded and can no longer keep up with the increased number of incoming events. You can observe this through the millisBehindLatest metric, which is published to CloudWatch.

Kinesis Data Analytics natively supports auto scaling. After few minutes, you can see the effect of the auto scaling activities in the metrics. The millisBehindLatest metric starts to decrease until it reaches zero when the processing has caught up with the tip of the Kinesis data stream.

You can calibrate the scaling operation based on your application needs by adjusting the KPU.

  1. On the Kinesis Data Analytics console, navigate to your application.
  2. Under Scaling, choose Configure.
  3. Adjust Parallelism to 6 and Parallelism per KPU to 2.
  4. Choose Update.

The other method that you can apply to improve throughput is the AsyncIO function. You can make AsyncIO calls asynchronously to improve throughput while other requests are in progress. The two essential parameters when defining an AsyncFunction are Capacity (how many requests are in-flight concurrently per parallel sub-task) and Timeout (the timeout duration of an individual request to the external data source). It helps if you allocate enough capacity to account for the throughput, but not more than the external data source can handle. For example, application with a parallelism of 5 and a capacity of 10 sends 50 concurrent requests to your external data source. You can learn more about using the AsyncIO function with Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink on the GitHub repo.


In this post, you built a reliable, scalable, and highly available streaming application based on Apache Flink and Kinesis Data Analytics. You also scaled the different components while ingesting and analyzing thousands of events per second in near-real time. The solution utilizes managed services without having to provision and configure underlying infrastructure. The post also discussed what it takes to auto scale your application based on metrics such as CPU utilization and millisBehindLatest. The sources of the AWS CloudFormation templates used in this post are available from GitHub for your reference.

You now know how to build a real-time streaming application using Kinesis Data Analytics on AWS. You can also calibrate KPUs based on your application needs and volume of data. Check out Part 2 of this post to explore advanced monitoring techniques and auto scale your real-time streaming application, adapting with streaming data.

About the Author

Amit Chowdhury is a Partner Solutions Architect in the Global System Integrator (GSI) team at Amazon Web Services. He helps AWS GSI partners migrate customer workloads to AWS, and provides guidance to build, design, and architect scalable, highly available, and secure solutions on AWS by applying AWS recommended best practices. He enjoys spending time with his family, outdoor adventures and traveling.


Saurabh Shrivastava is a solutions architect leader and analytics specialist working with global systems integrators. He works with AWS Partners and customers to provide them with architectural guidance for building scalable architecture in hybrid and AWS environments. He enjoys spending time with his family outdoors and traveling to new destinations to discover new cultures.