Tag Archives: Amazon EventBridge

ICYMI: Serverless Q4 2020

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/icymi-serverless-q4-2020/

Welcome to the 12th edition of the AWS Serverless ICYMI (in case you missed it) quarterly recap. Every quarter, we share all of the most recent product launches, feature enhancements, blog posts, webinars, Twitch live streams, and other interesting things that you might have missed!

ICYMI Q4 calendar

In case you missed our last ICYMI, check out what happened last quarter here.

AWS re:Invent

re:Invent 2020 banner

re:Invent was entirely virtual in 2020 and free to all attendees. The conference had a record number of registrants and featured over 700 sessions. The serverless developer advocacy team presented a number of talks to help developers build their skills. These are now available on-demand:

AWS Lambda

There were three major Lambda announcements at re:Invent. Lambda duration billing changed granularity from 100 ms to 1 ms, which is shown in the December billing statement. All functions benefit from this change automatically, and it’s especially beneficial for sub-100ms Lambda functions.

Lambda has also increased the maximum memory available to 10 GB. Since memory also controls CPU allocation in Lambda, this means that functions now have up to 6 vCPU cores available for processing. Finally, Lambda now supports container images as a packaging format, enabling teams to use familiar container tooling, such as Docker CLI. Container images are stored in Amazon ECR.

There were three feature releases that make it easier for developers working on data processing workloads. Lambda now supports self-hosted Kafka as an event source, allowing you to source events from on-premises or instance-based Kafka clusters. You can also process streaming analytics with tumbling windows and use custom checkpoints for processing batches with failed messages.

We launched Lambda Extensions in preview, enabling you to more easily integrate monitoring, security, and governance tools into Lambda functions. You can also build your own extensions that run code during Lambda lifecycle events. See this example extensions repo for starting development.

You can now send logs from Lambda functions to custom destinations by using Lambda Extensions and the new Lambda Logs API. Previously, you could only forward logs after they were written to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. Now, logging tools can receive log streams directly from the Lambda execution environment. This makes it easier to use your preferred tools for log management and analysis, including Datadog, Lumigo, New Relic, Coralogix, Honeycomb, or Sumo Logic.

Lambda Logs API architecture

Lambda launched support for Amazon MQ as an event source. Amazon MQ is a managed broker service for Apache ActiveMQ that simplifies deploying and scaling queues. The event source operates in a similar way to using Amazon SQS or Amazon Kinesis. In all cases, the Lambda service manages an internal poller to invoke the target Lambda function.

Lambda announced support for AWS PrivateLink. This allows you to invoke Lambda functions from a VPC without traversing the public internet. It provides private connectivity between your VPCs and AWS services. By using VPC endpoints to access the Lambda API from your VPC, this can replace the need for an Internet Gateway or NAT Gateway.

For developers building machine learning inferencing, media processing, high performance computing (HPC), scientific simulations, and financial modeling in Lambda, you can now use AVX2 support to help reduce duration and lower cost. In this blog post’s example, enabling AVX2 for an image-processing function increased performance by 32-43%.

Lambda now supports batch windows of up to 5 minutes when using SQS as an event source. This is useful for workloads that are not time-sensitive, allowing developers to reduce the number of Lambda invocations from queues. Additionally, the batch size has been increased from 10 to 10,000. This is now the same batch size as Kinesis as an event source, helping Lambda-based applications process more data per invocation.

Code signing is now available for Lambda, using AWS Signer. This allows account administrators to ensure that Lambda functions only accept signed code for deployment. You can learn more about using this new feature in the developer documentation.

AWS Step Functions

Synchronous Express Workflows have been launched for AWS Step Functions, providing a new way to run high-throughput Express Workflows. This feature allows developers to receive workflow responses without needing to poll services or build custom solutions. This is useful for high-volume microservice orchestration and fast compute tasks communicating via HTTPS.

The Step Functions service recently added support for other AWS services in workflows. You can now integrate API Gateway REST and HTTP APIs. This enables you to call API Gateway directly from a state machine as an asynchronous service integration.

Step Functions now also supports Amazon EKS service integration. This allows you to build workflows with steps that synchronously launch tasks in EKS and wait for a response. The service also announced support for Amazon Athena, so workflows can now query data in your S3 data lakes.

Amazon API Gateway

API Gateway now supports mutual TLS authentication, which is commonly used for business-to-business applications and standards such as Open Banking. This is provided at no additional cost. You can now also disable the default REST API endpoint when deploying APIs using custom domain names.

HTTP APIs now supports service integrations with Step Functions Synchronous Express Workflows. This is a result of the service team’s work to add the most popular features of REST APIs to HTTP APIs.


X-Ray now integrates with Amazon S3 to trace upstream requests. If a Lambda function uses the X-Ray SDK, S3 sends tracing headers to downstream event subscribers. This allows you to use the X-Ray service map to view connections between S3 and other services used to process an application request.

X-Ray announced support for end-to-end tracing in Step Functions to make it easier to trace requests across multiple AWS services. It also launched X-Ray Insights in preview, which generates actionable insights based on anomalies detected in an application. For Java developers, the services released an auto-instrumentation agent, for collecting instrumentation without modifying existing code.

Additionally, the AWS Distro for Open Telemetry is now in preview. OpenTelemetry is a collaborative effort by tracing solution providers to create common approaches to instrumentation.

Amazon EventBridge

You can now use event replay to archive and replay events with Amazon EventBridge. After configuring an archive, EventBridge automatically stores all events or filtered events, based upon event pattern matching logic. Event replay can help with testing new features or changes in your code, or hydrating development or test environments.

EventBridge archive and replay

EventBridge also launched resource policies that simplify managing access to events across multiple AWS accounts. Resource policies provide a powerful mechanism for modeling event buses across multiple account and providing fine-grained access control to EventBridge API actions.

EventBridge resource policies

EventBridge announced support for Server-Side Encryption (SSE). Events are encrypted using AES-256 at no additional cost for customers. EventBridge also increased PutEvent quotas to 10,000 transactions per second in US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), and Europe (Ireland). This helps support workloads with high throughput.

Developer tools

The AWS SDK for JavaScript v3 was launched and includes first-class TypeScript support and a modular architecture. This makes it easier to import only the services needed to minimize deployment package sizes.

The AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) is an AWS CloudFormation extension that makes it easier to build, manage, and maintain serverless applications. The latest versions include support for cached and parallel builds, together with container image support for Lambda functions.

You can use AWS SAM in the new AWS CloudShell, which provides a browser-based shell in the AWS Management Console. This can help run a subset of AWS SAM CLI commands as an alternative to using a dedicated instance or AWS Cloud9 terminal.

AWS CloudShell

Amazon SNS

Amazon SNS announced support for First-In-First-Out (FIFO) topics. These are used with SQS FIFO queues for applications that require strict message ordering with exactly once processing and message deduplication.

Amazon DynamoDB

Developers can now use PartiQL, an SQL-compatible query language, with DynamoDB tables, bringing familiar SQL syntax to NoSQL data. You can also choose to use Kinesis Data Streams to capture changes to tables.

For customers using DynamoDB global tables, you can now use your own encryption keys. While all data in DynamoDB is encrypted by default, this feature enables you to use customer managed keys (CMKs). DynamoDB also announced the ability to export table data to data lakes in Amazon S3. This enables you to use services like Amazon Athena and AWS Lake Formation to analyze DynamoDB data with no custom code required.

AWS Amplify and AWS AppSync

You can now use existing Amazon Cognito user pools and identity pools for Amplify projects, making it easier to build new applications for an existing user base. With the new AWS Amplify Admin UI, you can configure application backends without using the AWS Management Console.

AWS AppSync enabled AWS WAF integration, making it easier to protect GraphQL APIs against common web exploits. You can also implement rate-based rules to help slow down brute force attacks. Using AWS Managed Rules for AWS WAF provides a faster way to configure application protection without creating the rules directly.

Serverless Posts




Tech Talks & Events

We hold AWS Online Tech Talks covering serverless topics throughout the year. These are listed in the Serverless section of the AWS Online Tech Talks page. We also regularly deliver talks at conferences and events around the world, speak on podcasts, and record videos you can find to learn in bite-sized chunks.

Here are some from Q4:





There are also other helpful videos covering Serverless available on the Serverless Land YouTube channel.

The Serverless Land website

Serverless Land website

To help developers find serverless learning resources, we have curated a list of serverless blogs, videos, events, and training programs at a new site, Serverless Land. This is regularly updated with new information – you can subscribe to the RSS feed for automatic updates or follow the LinkedIn page.

Still looking for more?

The Serverless landing page has lots of information. The Lambda resources page contains case studies, webinars, whitepapers, customer stories, reference architectures, and even more Getting Started tutorials.

You can also follow all of us on Twitter to see latest news, follow conversations, and interact with the team.

Optimizing AWS Lambda cost and performance using AWS Compute Optimizer

Post Syndicated from Chad Schmutzer original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/optimizing-aws-lambda-cost-and-performance-using-aws-compute-optimizer/

This post is authored by Brooke Chen, Senior Product Manager for AWS Compute Optimizer, Letian Feng, Principal Product Manager for AWS Compute Optimizer, and Chad Schmutzer, Principal Developer Advocate for Amazon EC2

Optimizing compute resources is a critical component of any application architecture. Over-provisioning compute can lead to unnecessary infrastructure costs, while under-provisioning compute can lead to poor application performance.

Launched in December 2019, AWS Compute Optimizer is a recommendation service for optimizing the cost and performance of AWS compute resources. It generates actionable optimization recommendations tailored to your specific workloads. Over the last year, thousands of AWS customers reduced compute costs up to 25% by using Compute Optimizer to help choose the optimal Amazon EC2 instance types for their workloads.

One of the most frequent requests from customers is for AWS Lambda recommendations in Compute Optimizer. Today, we announce that Compute Optimizer now supports memory size recommendations for Lambda functions. This allows you to reduce costs and increase performance for your Lambda-based serverless workloads. To get started, opt in for Compute Optimizer to start finding recommendations.


With Lambda, there are no servers to manage, it scales automatically, and you only pay for what you use. However, choosing the right memory size settings for a Lambda function is still an important task. Computer Optimizer uses machine-learning based memory recommendations to help with this task.

These recommendations are available through the Compute Optimizer console, AWS CLI, AWS SDK, and the Lambda console. Compute Optimizer continuously monitors Lambda functions, using historical performance metrics to improve recommendations over time. In this blog post, we walk through an example to show how to use this feature.

Using Compute Optimizer for Lambda

This tutorial uses the AWS CLI v2 and the AWS Management Console.

In this tutorial, we setup two compute jobs that run every minute in AWS Region US East (N. Virginia). One job is more CPU intensive than the other. Initial tests show that the invocation times for both jobs typically last for less than 60 seconds. The goal is to either reduce cost without much increase in duration, or reduce the duration in a cost-efficient manner.

Based on these requirements, a serverless solution can help with this task. Amazon EventBridge can schedule the Lambda functions using rules. To ensure that the functions are optimized for cost and performance, you can use the memory recommendation support in Compute Optimizer.

In your AWS account, opt in to Compute Optimizer to start analyzing AWS resources. Ensure you have the appropriate IAM permissions configured – follow these steps for guidance. If you prefer to use the console to opt in, follow these steps. To opt in, enter the following command in a terminal window:

$ aws compute-optimizer update-enrollment-status --status Active

Once you enable Compute Optimizer, it starts to scan for functions that have been invoked for at least 50 times over the trailing 14 days. The next section shows two example scheduled Lambda functions for analysis.

Example Lambda functions

The code for the non-CPU intensive job is below. A Lambda function named lambda-recommendation-test-sleep is created with memory size configured as 1024 MB. An EventBridge rule is created to trigger the function on a recurring 1-minute schedule:

import json
import time

def lambda_handler(event, context):
  return {
    'statusCode': 200,
    'body': json.dumps('Hello World!')

The code for the CPU intensive job is below. A Lambda function named lambda-recommendation-test-busy is created with memory size configured as 128 MB. An EventBridge rule is created to trigger the function on a recurring 1-minute schedule:

import json
import random

def lambda_handler(event, context):
  for i in range(0, 20000000):

  return {
    'statusCode': 200,
    'body': json.dumps('Sum:' + str(x))

Understanding the Compute Optimizer recommendations

Compute Optimizer needs a history of at least 50 invocations of a Lambda function over the trailing 14 days to deliver recommendations. Recommendations are created by analyzing function metadata such as memory size, timeout, and runtime, in addition to CloudWatch metrics such as number of invocations, duration, error count, and success rate.

Compute Optimizer will gather the necessary information to provide memory recommendations for Lambda functions, and make them available within 48 hours. Afterwards, these recommendations will be refreshed daily.

These are recent invocations for the non-CPU intensive function:

Recent invocations for the non-CPU intensive function

Function duration is approximately 31.3 seconds with a memory setting of 1024 MB, resulting in a duration cost of about $0.00052 per invocation. Here are the recommendations for this function in the Compute Optimizer console:

Recommendations for this function in the Compute Optimizer console

The function is Not optimized with a reason of Memory over-provisioned. You can also fetch the same recommendation information via the CLI:

$ aws compute-optimizer \
  get-lambda-function-recommendations \
  --function-arns arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:lambda-recommendation-test-sleep
    "lambdaFunctionRecommendations": [
            "utilizationMetrics": [
                    "name": "Duration",
                    "value": 31333.63587049883,
                    "statistic": "Average"
                    "name": "Duration",
                    "value": 32522.04,
                    "statistic": "Maximum"
                    "name": "Memory",
                    "value": 817.67049838188,
                    "statistic": "Average"
                    "name": "Memory",
                    "value": 819.0,
                    "statistic": "Maximum"
            "currentMemorySize": 1024,
            "lastRefreshTimestamp": 1608735952.385,
            "numberOfInvocations": 3090,
            "functionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:lambda-recommendation-test-sleep:$LATEST",
            "memorySizeRecommendationOptions": [
                    "projectedUtilizationMetrics": [
                            "name": "Duration",
                            "value": 30015.113193697029,
                            "statistic": "LowerBound"
                            "name": "Duration",
                            "value": 31515.86878891883,
                            "statistic": "Expected"
                            "name": "Duration",
                            "value": 33091.662123300975,
                            "statistic": "UpperBound"
                    "memorySize": 900,
                    "rank": 1
            "functionVersion": "$LATEST",
            "finding": "NotOptimized",
            "findingReasonCodes": [
            "lookbackPeriodInDays": 14.0,
            "accountId": "123456789012"

The Compute Optimizer recommendation contains useful information about the function. Most importantly, it has determined that the function is over-provisioned for memory. The attribute findingReasonCodes shows the value MemoryOverprovisioned. In memorySizeRecommendationOptions, Compute Optimizer has found that using a memory size of 900 MB results in an expected invocation duration of approximately 31.5 seconds.

For non-CPU intensive jobs, reducing the memory setting of the function often doesn’t have a negative impact on function duration. The recommendation confirms that you can reduce the memory size from 1024 MB to 900 MB, saving cost without significantly impacting duration. The new duration cost per invocation saves approximately 12%.

The Compute Optimizer console validates these calculations:

Compute Optimizer console validates these calculations

These are recent invocations for the second function which is CPU-intensive:

Recent invocations for the second function which is CPU-intensive

The function duration is about 37.5 seconds with a memory setting of 128 MB, resulting in a duration cost of about $0.000078 per invocation. The recommendations for this function appear in the Compute Optimizer console:

recommendations for this function appear in the Compute Optimizer console

The function is also Not optimized with a reason of Memory under-provisioned. The same recommendation information is available via the CLI:

$ aws compute-optimizer \
  get-lambda-function-recommendations \
  --function-arns arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:lambda-recommendation-test-busy
    "lambdaFunctionRecommendations": [
            "utilizationMetrics": [
                    "name": "Duration",
                    "value": 36006.85851551957,
                    "statistic": "Average"
                    "name": "Duration",
                    "value": 38540.43,
                    "statistic": "Maximum"
                    "name": "Memory",
                    "value": 53.75978407557355,
                    "statistic": "Average"
                    "name": "Memory",
                    "value": 55.0,
                    "statistic": "Maximum"
            "currentMemorySize": 128,
            "lastRefreshTimestamp": 1608725151.752,
            "numberOfInvocations": 741,
            "functionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:lambda-recommendation-test-busy:$LATEST",
            "memorySizeRecommendationOptions": [
                    "projectedUtilizationMetrics": [
                            "name": "Duration",
                            "value": 27340.37604781184,
                            "statistic": "LowerBound"
                            "name": "Duration",
                            "value": 28707.394850202432,
                            "statistic": "Expected"
                            "name": "Duration",
                            "value": 30142.764592712556,
                            "statistic": "UpperBound"
                    "memorySize": 160,
                    "rank": 1
            "functionVersion": "$LATEST",
            "finding": "NotOptimized",
            "findingReasonCodes": [
            "lookbackPeriodInDays": 14.0,
            "accountId": "123456789012"

For this function, Compute Optimizer has determined that the function’s memory is under-provisioned. The value of findingReasonCodes is MemoryUnderprovisioned. The recommendation is to increase the memory from 128 MB to 160 MB.

This recommendation may seem counter-intuitive, since the function only uses 55 MB of memory per invocation. However, Lambda allocates CPU and other resources linearly in proportion to the amount of memory configured. This means that increasing the memory allocation to 160 MB also reduces the expected duration to around 28.7 seconds. This is because a CPU-intensive task also benefits from the increased CPU performance that comes with the additional memory.

After applying this recommendation, the new expected duration cost per invocation is approximately $0.000075. This means that for almost no change in duration cost, the job latency is reduced from 37.5 seconds to 28.7 seconds.

The Compute Optimizer console validates these calculations:

Compute Optimizer console validates these calculations

Applying the Compute Optimizer recommendations

To optimize the Lambda functions using Compute Optimizer recommendations, use the following CLI command:

$ aws lambda update-function-configuration \
  --function-name lambda-recommendation-test-sleep \
  --memory-size 900

After invoking the function multiple times, we can see metrics of these invocations in the console. This shows that the function duration has not changed significantly after reducing the memory size from 1024 MB to 900 MB. The Lambda function has been successfully cost-optimized without increasing job duration:

Console shows the metrics from recent invocations

To apply the recommendation to the CPU-intensive function, use the following CLI command:

$ aws lambda update-function-configuration \
  --function-name lambda-recommendation-test-busy \
  --memory-size 160

After invoking the function multiple times, the console shows that the invocation duration is reduced to about 28 seconds. This matches the recommendation’s expected duration. This shows that the function is now performance-optimized without a significant cost increase:

Console shows that the invocation duration is reduced to about 28 seconds

Final notes

A couple of final notes:

  • Not every function will receive a recommendation. Compute optimizer only delivers recommendations when it has high confidence that these recommendations may help reduce cost or reduce execution duration.
  • As with any changes you make to an environment, we strongly advise that you test recommended memory size configurations before applying them into production.


You can now use Compute Optimizer for serverless workloads using Lambda functions. This can help identify the optimal Lambda function configuration options for your workloads. Compute Optimizer supports memory size recommendations for Lambda functions in all AWS Regions where Compute Optimizer is available. These recommendations are available to you at no additional cost. You can get started with Compute Optimizer from the console.

To learn more visit Getting started with AWS Compute Optimizer.


Ingesting MongoDB Atlas data using Amazon EventBridge

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/ingesting-mongodb-atlas-data-using-amazon-eventbridge/

This post is courtesy of Gopalakrishnan Ramaswamy, Solutions Architect

Amazon EventBridge is a serverless event bus that makes it easier to connect applications together using data from your own applications, integrated software as a service (SaaS) applications, and AWS services. It does so by delivering a stream of real-time data from various event sources. You can set up routing rules to send data to targets like AWS Lambda and build loosely coupled application architectures that react in near-real time to data sources.

MongoDB is a document database, which means it stores data in JSON-like documents. It provides a query language and has support for multi-document ACID transactions. MongoDB Atlas is a fully managed MongoDB database service hosted on the cloud. It can be used as a globally distributed database that automates administrative tasks such as database configuration, infrastructure provisioning, patching, scaling, and backups.

With EventBridge, you can use data from MongoDB to trigger workflows for customer support, business operations and more. In this post, I walk through the process of connecting MongoDB Atlas with the AWS Cloud and triggering events from changes in the MongoDB collections data.


The following diagram shows the high-level architecture of an example scenario to ingest MongoDB data into the AWS Cloud using Amazon EventBridge.

Solution architecture

MongoDB stores data records as BSON documents, which are gathered together in collections. A database stores one or more collections of documents.

This walkthrough shows you how to:

  1. Create a MongoDB cluster and load sample data.
  2. Create a database trigger associated to a collection.
  3. Create an event bus in AWS, linked to the partner event source.
  4. Create a Lambda function and the associated role with permissions.
  5. Create an EventBridge rule and associate it to the Lambda function.
  6. Verify the process.

Steps 3–5 create and configure the AWS resources using the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM). To set up the sample application, visit the GitHub repo and follow the instructions in the README.md file.


This walkthrough requires:

  • An AWS account.
  • A MongoDB account.
  • The AWS SAM CLI installed and configured on your machine.

Creating a MongoDB Atlas cluster and loading sample data

For detailed steps to create a cluster and load data, see MongoDB Atlas documentation. To create the test cluster:

  1. Create a MongoDB Atlas account.
  2. Deploy a free tier cluster using these instructions, selecting your preferred cloud provider and Region.
  3. Add your trusted connection IP address to the IP access list. This allows to connect to the cluster and access the data.
  4. After connecting to your cluster, load sample data into your cluster:
    • Navigate to the clusters view by choosing Clusters in the left navigation pane.
    • Select the cluster, choose the ellipses (…) button, and Load Sample Dataset.

MongoDB clusters UI

Create MongoDB database trigger

MongoDB database triggers allow you to run server-side logic when a document is added, updated, or removed in a linked cluster. Use database triggers to implement complex data interactions, including updating information in one document when a related document changes or interacting with an external service when a new document is inserted.

  1. Sign in to your account and choose Triggers in the left-hand panel.
  2. Choose Add Trigger to open the trigger configuration page.
  3. Select Database for Trigger Type.Add trigger
  4. Enter a name for the trigger.
  5. In the Trigger Source Details section:
    • Select the cluster with sample data loaded (for example, Cluster0) for Cluster Name.
    • For Database Name select sample_analytics.
    • Select customers for Collection Name.
    • Check Insert, Update, Delete, and Replace for Operation Type.Trigger source details
  6. In the Function section:
    • For Select An Event Type, Select EventBridge.
    • Enter your AWS Account ID. Learn how to find your account ID in this documentation.
    • Select an AWS Region where the event bus will be created.EventBridge configuration
  7. Choose Save.

Once a MongoDB Atlas trigger is created, it creates a corresponding partner event source in the Amazon EventBridge console. Initially, these event sources show as Pending with no event bus associated to them.

Partner event source

Next, use the AWS SAM template in the GitHub repo to create the event bus, Lambda function, and event rule.

  1. Clone the GitHub repo and deploy the AWS SAM template:
    git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-eventbridge-partnerevent-example
    cd ./amazon-eventbridge-partnerevent-example
    sam deploy --guided
  2. Choose a stack name and enter the partner event source name.

The next section explains the steps that are performed by the AWS SAM template.

Creating the event bus

To receive events from SaaS partners, an event bus must be created that is associated to the partner event source:

    Type: AWS::Events::EventBus
      EventSourceName: !Ref PartnerEventSource
      Name: !Ref PartnerEventSource

The partner event source name and the name of the event bus are derived from the parameter entered when running the template.

Once you create an event bus associated with a partner event source, the status of the partner event source changes to Active. A new event bus with the same name as the partner event source is created. You can see this in the EventBridge console, in Event buses in the left-hand panel.

Partner event sources

Creating the Lambda function

The following section of the template creates a Lambda function that is invoked by an event rule:

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
      CodeUri: eventLambda/
      Handler: index.handler
      Runtime: nodejs12.x
      FunctionName: myeventfunction

Creating an event bus rule

The following section in the template creates an event rule that triggers the preceding Lambda function. The event pattern used by the rule, selects and routes events to targets.

    Type: 'AWS::Events::Rule'
      Description: Test Events Rule
      EventBusName: !Ref PartnerEventSource
        account: [!Ref AWS::AccountId]
      Name: myeventrule
      State: ENABLED
             - "myeventfunction"
             - "Arn"
         Id: "idmyeventrule"

Permission is provided to the rule, to invoke Lambda functions. This allows the rule to trigger the associated Lambda function:

    Type: AWS::Lambda::Permission
        Ref: "myeventfunction"
      Action: "lambda:InvokeFunction"
      Principal: "events.amazonaws.com"
          - "myeventrule"
          - "Arn"         

Verifying the integration

After deploying the AWS SAM template, verify that the EventBridge integration works by inserting test data into the source MongoDB collection. After adding this data, the event is sent to the event bus, which invokes the Lambda function. This is shown in the CloudWatch logs for the event payload.

To verify the deployment:

  1. Download and install the MongoDB shell.
  2. Connect to MongoDB shell using:
    mongo "mongodb+srv://cluster0.xvo4o.mongodb.net/sample_analytics" --username yourusername

    Replace the cluster name with the cluster you created. Connect to the sample_analytics database, which has the sample data and collections.

  3. Next, insert a record into the customers collection with associated the database trigger. In the MongoDB shell, run the following command:
      name:"Eventbridge Mongo",
      address:"My Address XYZ",
      email:"[email protected]",
         benefits:["sports tickets"]
       benefits:["24 hour dedicated line","concierge services"],
  4. Once the record is successfully inserted:
    • Navigate to CloudWatch in the AWS console and choose Log groups in the left-hand panel.
    • Search for the log group /aws/lambda/myeventfunction and choose the event stream.
    • Expand the log items to reveal the event. This contains the payload that was sent from MongoDB Atlas to EventBridge.


This post demonstrates how to connect MongoDB Atlas data with the AWS Cloud using Amazon EventBridge. EventBridge helps you connect data from a range of SaaS applications using minimal code. It can help reduce operational overhead and build powerful event-driven architectures more easily. For more information about integrating data between SaaS applications, see Amazon EventBridge.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

ICYMI: Serverless pre:Invent 2020

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/icymi-serverless-preinvent-2020/

During the last few weeks, the AWS serverless team has been releasing a wave of new features in the build-up to AWS re:Invent 2020. This post recaps some of the most important releases for serverless developers.

re:Invent is virtual and free to all attendees in 2020 – register here. See the complete list of serverless sessions planned and join the serverless DA team live on Twitch. Also, follow your DAs on Twitter for live recaps and Q&A during the event.

AWS re:Invent 2020

AWS Lambda

We launched Lambda Extensions in preview, enabling you to more easily integrate monitoring, security, and governance tools into Lambda functions. You can also build your own extensions that run code during Lambda lifecycle events, and there is an example extensions repo for starting development.

You can now send logs from Lambda functions to custom destinations by using Lambda Extensions and the new Lambda Logs API. Previously, you could only forward logs after they were written to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. Now, logging tools can receive log streams directly from the Lambda execution environment. This makes it easier to use your preferred tools for log management and analysis, including Datadog, Lumigo, New Relic, Coralogix, Honeycomb, or Sumo Logic.

Lambda Extensions API

Lambda launched support for Amazon MQ as an event source. Amazon MQ is a managed broker service for Apache ActiveMQ that simplifies deploying and scaling queues. This integration increases the range of messaging services that customers can use to build serverless applications. The event source operates in a similar way to using Amazon SQS or Amazon Kinesis. In all cases, the Lambda service manages an internal poller to invoke the target Lambda function.

We also released a new layer to make it simpler to integrate Amazon CodeGuru Profiler. This service helps identify the most expensive lines of code in a function and provides recommendations to help reduce cost. With this update, you can enable the profiler by adding the new layer and setting environment variables. There are no changes needed to the custom code in the Lambda function.

Lambda announced support for AWS PrivateLink. This allows you to invoke Lambda functions from a VPC without traversing the public internet. It provides private connectivity between your VPCs and AWS services. By using VPC endpoints to access the Lambda API from your VPC, this can replace the need for an Internet Gateway or NAT Gateway.

For developers building machine learning inferencing, media processing, high performance computing (HPC), scientific simulations, and financial modeling in Lambda, you can now use AVX2 support to help reduce duration and lower cost. By using packages compiled for AVX2 or compiling libraries with the appropriate flags, your code can then benefit from using AVX2 instructions to accelerate computation. In the blog post’s example, enabling AVX2 for an image-processing function increased performance by 32-43%.

Lambda now supports batch windows of up to 5 minutes when using SQS as an event source. This is useful for workloads that are not time-sensitive, allowing developers to reduce the number of Lambda invocations from queues. Additionally, the batch size has been increased from 10 to 10,000. This is now the same as the batch size for Kinesis as an event source, helping Lambda-based applications process more data per invocation.

Code signing is now available for Lambda, using AWS Signer. This allows account administrators to ensure that Lambda functions only accept signed code for deployment. Using signing profiles for functions, this provides granular control over code execution within the Lambda service. You can learn more about using this new feature in the developer documentation.

Amazon EventBridge

You can now use event replay to archive and replay events with Amazon EventBridge. After configuring an archive, EventBridge automatically stores all events or filtered events, based upon event pattern matching logic. You can configure a retention policy for archives to delete events automatically after a specified number of days. Event replay can help with testing new features or changes in your code, or hydrating development or test environments.

EventBridge archived events

EventBridge also launched resource policies that simplify managing access to events across multiple AWS accounts. This expands the use of a policy associated with event buses to authorize API calls. Resource policies provide a powerful mechanism for modeling event buses across multiple account and providing fine-grained access control to EventBridge API actions.

EventBridge resource policies

EventBridge announced support for Server-Side Encryption (SSE). Events are encrypted using AES-256 at no additional cost for customers. EventBridge also increased PutEvent quotas to 10,000 transactions per second in US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), and Europe (Ireland). This helps support workloads with high throughput.

AWS Step Functions

Synchronous Express Workflows have been launched for AWS Step Functions, providing a new way to run high-throughput Express Workflows. This feature allows developers to receive workflow responses without needing to poll services or build custom solutions. This is useful for high-volume microservice orchestration and fast compute tasks communicating via HTTPS.

The Step Functions service recently added support for other AWS services in workflows. You can now integrate API Gateway REST and HTTP APIs. This enables you to call API Gateway directly from a state machine as an asynchronous service integration.

Step Functions now also supports Amazon EKS service integration. This allows you to build workflows with steps that synchronously launch tasks in EKS and wait for a response. In October, the service also announced support for Amazon Athena, so workflows can now query data in your S3 data lakes.

These new integrations help minimize custom code and provide built-in error handling, parameter passing, and applying recommended security settings.


The AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) is an AWS CloudFormation extension that makes it easier to build, manage, and maintains serverless applications. On November 10, the AWS SAM CLI tool released version 1.9.0 with support for cached and parallel builds.

By using sam build --cached, AWS SAM no longer rebuilds functions and layers that have not changed since the last build. Additionally, you can use sam build --parallel to build functions in parallel, instead of sequentially. Both of these new features can substantially reduce the build time of larger applications defined with AWS SAM.

Amazon SNS

Amazon SNS announced support for First-In-First-Out (FIFO) topics. These are used with SQS FIFO queues for applications that require strict message ordering with exactly once processing and message deduplication. This is designed for workloads that perform tasks like bank transaction logging or inventory management. You can also use message filtering in FIFO topics to publish updates selectively.



X-Ray now integrates with Amazon S3 to trace upstream requests. If a Lambda function uses the X-Ray SDK, S3 sends tracing headers to downstream event subscribers. With this, you can use the X-Ray service map to view connections between S3 and other services used to process an application request.

AWS CloudFormation

AWS CloudFormation announced support for nested stacks in change sets. This allows you to preview changes in your application and infrastructure across the entire nested stack hierarchy. You can then review those changes before confirming a deployment. This is available in all Regions supporting CloudFormation at no extra charge.

The new CloudFormation modules feature was released on November 24. This helps you develop building blocks with embedded best practices and common patterns that you can reuse in CloudFormation templates. Modules are available in the CloudFormation registry and can be used in the same way as any native resource.

Amazon DynamoDB

For customers using DynamoDB global tables, you can now use your own encryption keys. While all data in DynamoDB is encrypted by default, this feature enables you to use customer managed keys (CMKs). DynamoDB also announced support for global tables in the Europe (Milan) and Europe (Stockholm) Regions. This feature enables you to scale global applications for local access in workloads running in different Regions and replicate tables for higher availability and disaster recovery (DR).

The DynamoDB service announced the ability to export table data to data lakes in Amazon S3. This enables you to use services like Amazon Athena and AWS Lake Formation to analyze DynamoDB data with no custom code required. This feature does not consume table capacity and does not impact performance and availability. To learn how to use this feature, see this documentation.

AWS Amplify and AWS AppSync

You can now use existing Amazon Cognito user pools and identity pools for Amplify projects, making it easier to build new applications for an existing user base. AWS Amplify Console, which provides a fully managed static web hosting service, is now available in the Europe (Milan), Middle East (Bahrain), and Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) Regions. This service makes it simpler to bring automation to deploying and hosting single-page applications and static sites.

AWS AppSync enabled AWS WAF integration, making it easier to protect GraphQL APIs against common web exploits. You can also implement rate-based rules to help slow down brute force attacks. Using AWS Managed Rules for AWS WAF provides a faster way to configure application protection without creating the rules directly. AWS AppSync also recently expanded service availability to the Asia Pacific (Hong Kong), Middle East (Bahrain), and China (Ningxia) Regions, making the service now available in 21 Regions globally.

Still looking for more?

Join the AWS Serverless Developer Advocates on Twitch throughout re:Invent for live Q&A, session recaps, and more! See this page for the full schedule.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Simplifying cross-account access with Amazon EventBridge resource policies

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/simplifying-cross-account-access-with-amazon-eventbridge-resource-policies/

This post is courtesy of Stephen Liedig, Sr Serverless Specialist SA.

Amazon EventBridge is a serverless event bus used to decouple event producers and consumers. Event producers publish events onto an event bus, which then uses rules to determine where to send those events. The rules determine the targets and EventBridge routes the events accordingly.

A common architectural approach adopted by customers is to isolate these application components or services by using separate AWS accounts. This “account-per-service” strategy limits the blast radius by providing a logical and physical separation of resources. It provides additional security boundaries and allows customers to easily track service costs without having to adopt a complex tagging strategy.

To enable the flow of events from one account to another, you must create a rule on one event bus that routes events to an event bus in another account. To enable this routing, you need to configure the resource policy for your event buses.

This blog post shows you how to use EventBridge resource policies to publish events and create rules on event buses in another account.


Today, EventBridge launches improvements to resource policies that make it easier to build applications that work across accounts. The service expands the use of the policy associated with an event bus to the authorization of API calls.

This means you can manage permissions for API calls that interact with the event bus, such as PutEventsPutRule, and PutTargets, directly from that event bus’ resource policy. This replaces the need to create different IAM roles that are assumed by each account that interacts with the event bus. It also provides a central resource to manage your permissions.

There is support for organizations and tags via IAM conditions. Now when you call an API, it considers both the user’s IAM policy and the event bus resource policy in the authorization process.

EventBridge APIs that accept an event bus name parameter (including PutRule, PutTargets, DeleteRule, RemoveTargets, DisableRule, and EnableRule) now also support an event bus ARN. This allows you to target cross-account event buses through the APIs. For example, you can call PutRule to create a rule on an event bus in another account, without needing to assume a role.

EventBridge now supports using policy conditions for the following authorization context keys in the APIs, to help scope down permissions.

Context key


Customer usage

events:detail-type PutEvents Used to restrict PutEvents calls for events with a specific “detail-type” field.
events:source PutEvents Used to restrict PutEvents calls for events with a specific “source” field.
events:creatorAccount PutRule,

Used to restrict control plane API calls on rules belonging to a certain account.

This can be used to allow a customer to edit/disable only rules created by their own account.

events:eventBusInvocation PutEvents

Used to differentiate a PutEvents API call from a cross-account event bus target invocation. This context key is set to true during a cross-account event bus target invocation authorization. For example, when a rule matches an event and sends that event to another event bus.

For an API call of PutEvents, this context key is set to false.

Ecommerce example walkthrough

In this ecommerce example, there are multiple services distributed across different accounts. A web store publishes an event when a new order is created. The event is sent via a central event bus, which is in another account. The bus has two rules with target services in different AWS accounts.

Walkthrough architecture

The goal is to create fine-grained permissions that only allow:

  • The web store to publish events for a specific detail-type and source.
  • The invoice processing service to create and manage its own rules on the central bus.

To complete this walk through, you set up three accounts. For account A (Web Store), you deploy an AWS Lambda function that sends the “newOrderCreated” event directly to the “central event bus” in account B. The invoice processing Lambda function in account C creates a rule on the central event bus to process the event published by account A.

Create the central event bus in account B

Account B event bus

Create the central event bus in account B, adding the following resource policy. Be sure to substitute your account numbers for accounts A, B, and C.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "WebStoreCrossAccountPublish",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::[ACCOUNT-A]:root"
      "Action": "events:PutEvents",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:events:us-east-1:[ACCOUNT-B]:event-bus/central-event-bus",
      "Condition": {
        "StringEquals": {
          "events:detail-type": "newOrderCreated",
          "events:source": "com.exampleCorp.webStore"
      "Sid": "InvoiceProcessingRuleCreation",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::[ACCOUNT-C]:root"
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "arn:aws:events:us-east-1:[ACCOUNT-B]:rule/central-event-bus/*",
      "Condition": {
        "StringEqualsIfExists": {
          "events:creatorAccount": "${aws:PrincipalAccount}",
          "events:source": "com.exampleCorp.webStore"

Create event bus

There are two statements in the resource policy: WebStoreCrossAccountPublish and InvoiceProcessingRuleCreation.

The WebStoreCrossAccountPublish statement allows the Lambda function in account A to publish events directly to the central event bus. There are two conditions in the statement that further restrict the types of events that can be sent to the event bus. The first restricts the event detail-type to equal “newOrderCreated” and the second condition requires that the event source equals “com.exampleCorp.webStore”.

The InvoiceProcessingRuleCreation statement allows the invoice processing function in account C to describe, add, update, enable, disable, and delete any rules created by account C. You apply this restriction by using the events:creatorAccount context key in the statements condition.

Importantly you should set the StringEqualsIfExists type for the events:creatorAccount condition. If you use StringEquals, it results in an AccessDeniedException. AWS CloudFormation calls DescribeRule to check if the rule already exists. However, as this is a new rule, and because you set a condition for events:creatorAccount for DescribeRule, this key is not populated and CloudFormation receives an AccessDeniedException instead of ResourceNotFoundException.

Here is how you create the event bus using AWS CloudFormation:

      Type: AWS::Events::EventBus
          Name: !Ref EventBusName

      Type: AWS::Events::EventBusPolicy
          EventBusName: !Ref CentralEventBus
          StatementId: "WebStoreCrossAccountPublish"
              Effect: "Allow"
                  AWS: !Sub arn:aws:iam::${AccountA}:root
              Action: "events:PutEvents"
              Resource: !GetAtt CentralEventBus.Arn
                      "events:detail-type": "newOrderCreated"
                      "events:source" : "com.exampleCorp.webStore"
      Type: AWS::Events::EventBusPolicy
          EventBusName: !Ref CentralEventBus
          StatementId: "InvoiceProcessingRuleCreation"
              Effect: "Allow"
                  AWS: !Sub arn:aws:iam::${AccountC}:root
                  - "events:PutRule"
                  - "events:DeleteRule"
                  - "events:DescribeRule"
                  - "events:DisableRule"
                  - "events:EnableRule"
                  - "events:PutTargets"
                  - "events:RemoveTargets"
                  - !Sub arn:aws:events:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:rule/${CentralEventBus.Name}/*
                      "events:creatorAccount" : "${aws:PrincipalAccount}"
                      "events:source": "com.exampleCorp.webStore"

Now that you have a policy set up on the central event bus, configure the client applications to send and process events. The client application must also have permissions configured.

Create the web store order function in account A

Web Store order function

In account A, create a Lambda function to send the event to the central bus in account B. Set the EventBusName parameter to the central event bus ARN on the PutEvents API call. This allows you to target cross-account event buses directly.

import json
import boto3

EVENT_BUS_ARN = 'arn:aws:events:us-east-1:[ACCOUNT-B]:event-bus/central-event-bus'

# Create EventBridge client
events = boto3.client('events')

def lambda_handler(event, context):

  # new order created event datail
  eventDetail  = {
    "orderNo": "123",
    "orderDate": "2020-09-09T22:01:02Z",
    "customerId": "789",
    "lineItems": {
      "productCode": "P1",
      "quantityOrdered": 3,
      "unitPrice": 23.5,
      "currency": "USD"
    # Put an event
    response = events.put_events(
                'EventBusName': EVENT_BUS_ARN,
                'Source': 'com.exampleCorp.webStore',
                'DetailType': 'newOrderCreated',
                'Detail': json.dumps(eventDetail)
    print('Event sent to the event bus ' + EVENT_BUS_ARN )
    print('EventID is ' + response['Entries'][0]['EventId'])
  except Exception as e:

Create the Invoice Processing service in account C

Invoice processing service in account C

Next, create the invoice processing function that processes the newOrderCreated event. You use the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) to create the invoice processing function and other application resources. Before you can process any events from the central event bus, you must create a new event bus in account C to receive incoming events.

Next, you define the function that processes the events. Here, you define a Lambda event source that is an EventBridge rule. You set the EventBusName to the receiving invoice processing event bus. When this Lambda function is deployed, AWS SAM creates the rule on the event bus with the specified pattern and target. It configures the event source that triggers the function when an event is received.

    Description: Name of the central event bus
    Type: String
    Default: invoice-processing-event-bus
    Description: The ARN of the central event bus # e.g. arn:aws:events:us-east-1:[ACCOUNT-B]:event-bus/central-event-bus
    Type: String
  # This is the receiving invoice processing event bus in account C.
    Type: AWS::Events::EventBus
        Name: !Ref EventBusName
# AWS Lambda function processes the newOrderCreated event
    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function 
      CodeUri: invoice_processing
      Handler: invoice_processing_function/app.lambda_handler
      Runtime: python3.8
          Type: EventBridgeRule
            EventBusName: !Ref InvoiceProcessingEventBus
                - com.exampleCorp.webStore
                - newOrderCreated

The next resource in the AWS SAM template is the rule that creates the target on the central event bus. It sends events to the invoice processing event bus. Though the rule is added to the central event bus, its definition is managed by the invoice processing service template. The rule definition sets EventBusName parameter to the ARN of the central event bus.

  # This is the rule that the invoice processing service creates on the central event bus
    Type: AWS::Events::Rule
      Name: InvoiceProcessingNewOrderCreatedSubscription
      Description: Cross account rule created by Invoice Processing service
      EventBusName: !Ref CentralEventBusArn # ARN of the central event bus
          - com.exampleCorp.webStore
          - newOrderCreated
      State: ENABLED
        - Id: SendEventsToInvoiceProcessingEventBus
          Arn: !GetAtt InvoiceProcessingEventBus.Arn
          RoleArn: !GetAtt CentralEventBusToInvoiceProcessingEventBusRole.Arn
            Arn: !GetAtt InvoiceProcessingTargetDLQ.Arn

For the central event bus target to send the event to the invoice processing event bus in account C, EventBridge needs the necessary permissions to invoke the PutEvents API. The CentralEventBusToInvoiceProcessingEventBusRole IAM role provides that permission. It is assumed by the central event bus in account B when it needs to send events to the invoice processing event bus, without you having to create an additional resource policy on the invoice processing event bus.

    Type: 'AWS::IAM::Role'
        Version: 2012-10-17
          - Effect: Allow
              - events.amazonaws.com
              - 'sts:AssumeRole'
      Path: /
        - PolicyName: PutEventsOnInvoiceProcessingEventBus
            Version: 2012-10-17
              - Effect: Allow
                Action: 'events:PutEvents'
                Resource: !GetAtt InvoiceProcessingEventBus.Arn

You can also set up a dead-letter queue (DLQ) configuration for the rule in account C. This allows the subscriber of the event to control where events that fail to get delivered to the invoice processing event bus get sent. All you need to do to make this happen is create an Amazon SQS queue in account C, and a queue policy that sets a resource policy to allow EventBridge to send failed events from account B to the queue in account C.

  # Invoice Processing Target Dead Letter Queue 
    Type: AWS::SQS::Queue

  # SQS resource policy required to allow target on central bus to send failed messages to target DLQ
    Type: AWS::SQS::QueuePolicy
        - !Ref InvoiceProcessingTargetDLQ
          - Action: 
              - "SQS:SendMessage" 
            Effect: "Allow"
            Resource: !GetAtt InvoiceProcessingTargetDLQ.Arn
              Service: "events.amazonaws.com"
                "aws:SourceArn": !GetAtt InvoiceProcessingRule.Arn 


This post shows you how to use the new features Amazon EventBridge resource policies that make it easier to build applications that work across accounts. Resource policies provide you with a powerful mechanism for modeling your event buses across multiple accounts, and give you fine-grained control over EventBridge API invocations.

Download the code in this blog from https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-eventbridge-resource-policy-samples.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

Archiving and replaying events with Amazon EventBridge

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/archiving-and-replaying-events-with-amazon-eventbridge/

Amazon EventBridge is a serverless event bus used to decouple event producers and consumers. Event producers publish events onto an event bus, which then uses rules to determine where to send those events. The rules determine the targets, and EventBridge routes the events accordingly.

In event-driven architectures, it can be useful for services to access past events. This has previously required manual logging and archiving, and creating a mechanism to parse files and put events back on the event bus. This can be complex, since you may not have access to the applications that are publishing the events.

With the announcement of event replay, EventBridge can now record any events processed by any type of event bus. Replay stores these recorded events in archives. You can choose to record all events, or filter events to be archived by using the same event pattern matching logic used in rules.

Architectural overview

You can also configure a retention policy for an archive to store data either indefinitely or for a defined number of days. You can now easily configure logging and replay options for events created by AWS services, your own applications, and integrated SaaS partners.

Event replay can be useful for a number of different use-cases:

  • Testing code fixes: after fixing bugs in microservices, being able to replay historical events provides a way to test the behavior of the code change.
  • Testing new features: using historical production data from event archives, you can measure the performance of new features under load.
  • Hydrating development or test environments: you can replay event archives to hydrate the state of test and development environments. This helps provide a more realistic state that approximates production.

This blog post shows you how to create event archives for an event bus, and then how to replay events. I also cover some of the important features and how you can use these in your serverless applications.

Creating event archives

To create an event archive for an event bus:

  1. Navigate to the EventBridge console and select Archives from the left-hand submenu. Choose the Create Archive button.Archives sub-menu
  2. In the Define archive details page:
    1. Enter ‘my-event-archive’ for Name and provide an optional description.
    2. Select a source bus from the dropdown (choose default if you want to archive AWS events).
    3. For retention period, enter ‘30’.
    4. Choose Next.Define archive details
  3. In the Filter events page, you can provide an event pattern to archive a subset of events. For this walkthrough, select No event filtering and choose Create archive.Filter events
  4. In the Archives page, you can see the new archive waiting to receive events.Archives page
  5. Choose the archive to open the details page. Over time, as more events are sent to the bus, the archive maintains statistics about the number and size of events stored.

You can also create archives using AWS CloudFormation. The following example creates an archive that filters for a subset of events with a retention period of 30 days:

Type: AWS::Events::Archive
  Description: My filtered archive.
      -	"my-app-worker-service"
  RetentionDays: 30
  SourceArn: arn:aws:events:us-east-1:123456789012:event-bus/my-custom-application

How this works

Archives are always sourced from a single event bus. Once you have created an archive, it appears on the event bus details page:

Event bus details

You can make changes to an archive definition once it is created. If you shorten the duration, this deletes any events in the archives that are earlier than the new retention period. This deletion process occurs after a period of time and is not immediate. If you extend the duration, this affects event collection from the current point, but does not restore older events.

Each time you create an archive, this automatically generates a rule on the event bus. This is called a managed rule, which is created, updated, and deleted by the EventBridge service automatically. This rule does not count towards the default 300 rules per event bus service quota.

Rules page

When you open a managed rule, the configuration is read-only.

Managed rule configuration

This configuration shows an event pattern that is applied to all incoming events, including those that may be replayed from archives. The event pattern excludes events containing a replay-name attribute, which prevents replayed events from being archived multiple times.

Replaying archived events

To replay an archive of events:

  1. Navigate to the EventBridge console and select Replays from the left-hand submenu. Choose the Create Archive button.Replays menu
  2. In the Start new replay page:
    1. Enter ‘my-event-replay’ for Name and provide an optional description.
    2. Select a source bus from the dropdown. This must match the source bus for the event archive.
    3. For Specify rule(s), select All rules.
    4. Enter a time frame for the replay. This is the ingestion time for the first and last events in the archive.
    5. Choose Start Replay.
  3. The Replays page shows the new replay in Starting status.New replay status

How this works

When a replay is started, the service sends the archived event back to the original event bus. It processes these as quickly as possible, with no ordering guarantees. The replay process adds a “replay-name” attribute to the original event. This is the flow of events:

Flow of archived events

  1. The original event is sent to the event bus. It is received by any existing rules and the managed rule creating the archive. The event is saved to the event archive.
  2. When the archived event is replayed, the JSON object includes the replay-name attribute. The existing rules process the event as in the first step. Since the managed rule does not match the replayed event, it is not forwarded to the archive.

Showing additional replay fields

In the Replays console, choose the preferences cog icon to open the Preferences dialog box.

Setting replay preferences

From here, you can add:

  • Event start time and end time: Timestamps for the earliest and latest events in the archive that was replayed.
  • Replay start time and end time: shows the time filtering parameters set for the listed replay.
  • Last replayed: a timestamp of when the final replay event occurred.

You can sort on any of these additional fields.

Sorting on replay fields

Advanced routing of replayed events

In this simple example, a replayed archive matches the same rules that the original events triggered. Additionally, replayed events must be sent to the original bus where they were archived from. As a result, a basic replay allows you to duplicate events and copy the rule matching behaviors that occurred originally.

However, you may want to trigger different rules for replayed events or send the events to another bus. You can make use of the replay-name attribute in your own rules to add this advanced routing functionality. By creating a rule that filters for the presence of the “replay-name” event, it ignores all events that are not replays. When you create the replay, instead of targeting all rules on the bus, only target this one rule.

Routing of replayed events

  1. The original event is put on the event bus. The replay rule is evaluated but does not match.
  2. The event is played from the archive, targeting only the replay rule. All other rules are excluded automatically by the replay service. The replay rule matches and forwards events onto the rule’s targets.

The target of the replay rule may be typical rule target, including an AWS Lambda function for customized processing, or another event bus.


In event-driven architectures, it can be useful for services to access past events. The new event replay feature in Amazon EventBridge enables you to automatically archive and replay events on an event bus. This can help for testing new features or new code, or hydrating services in development and test to more closely approximate a production environment.

This post shows how to create and replay event archives. It discusses how the archives work, and how you can implement these in your own applications. To learn more about using Amazon EventBridge, visit the learning path for videos, blogs, and other resources.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

New – Archive and Replay Events with Amazon EventBridge

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-archive-and-replay-events-with-amazon-eventbridge/

Event-driven architectures use events to share information between the components of one or more applications. Events tell us that “something has happened”, maybe you received an API request, a file has been uploaded to a storage platform, or a database record has been updated. Business events describe something related to your activities, for example that […]

Building Serverless Land: Part 1 – Automating content aggregation

Post Syndicated from Benjamin Smith original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-serverless-land-part-1-automating-content-aggregation/

In this two part blog series, I show how serverlessland.com is built. This is a static website that brings together all the latest blogs, videos, and training for AWS Serverless. It automatically aggregates content from a number of sources. The content exists in static JSON files, which generate a new site build each time they are updated. The result is a low-maintenance, low-latency serverless website, with almost limitless scalability.

This blog post explains how to automate the aggregation of content from multiple RSS feeds into a JSON file stored in GitHub. This workflow uses AWS Lambda and AWS Step Functions, triggered by Amazon EventBridge. The application can be downloaded and deployed from this GitHub repository.

The growing adoption of serverless technologies generates increasing amounts of helpful and insightful content from the developer community. This content can be difficult to discover. Serverless Land helps channel this into a single searchable location. By automating the collection of this content with scheduled serverless workflows, the process robustly scales to near infinite numbers. The Step Functions MAP state allows for dynamic parallel processing of multiple content sources, without the need to alter code. On-boarding a new content source is as fast and simple as making a single CLI command.

The architecture

Automating content aggregation with AWS Step Functions

The application consists of six Lambda functions orchestrated by a Step Functions workflow:

  1. The workflow is triggered every 2 hours by an EventBridge scheduler. The schedule event passes an RSS feed URL to the workflow.
  2. The first task invokes a Lambda function that runs an HTTP GET request to the RSS feed. It returns an array of recent blog URLs. The array of blog URLs is provided as the input to a MAP state. The MAP state type makes it possible to run a set of steps for each element of an input array in parallel. The number of items in the array can be different for each execution. This is referred to as dynamic parallelism.
  3. The next task invokes a Lambda function that uses the GitHub REST API to retrieve the static website’s JSON content file.
  4. The first Lambda function in the MAP state runs an HTTP GET request to the blog post URL provided in the payload. The URL is scraped for content and an object containing detailed metadata about the blog post is returned in the response.
  5. The blog post metadata is compared against the website’s JSON content file in GitHub.
  6. A CHOICE state determines if the blog post metadata has already been committed to the repository.
  7. If the blog post is new, it is added to an array of “content to commit”.
  8. As the workflow exits the MAP state, the results are passed to the final Lambda function. This uses a single git commit to add each blog post object to the website’s JSON content file in GitHub. This triggers an event that rebuilds the static site.

Using Secrets in AWS Lambda

Two of the Lambda functions require a GitHub personal access token to commit files to a repository. Sensitive credentials or secrets such as this should be stored separate to the function code. Use AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store to store the personal access token as an encrypted string. The AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) template grants each Lambda function permission to access and decrypt the string in order to use it.

  1. Follow these steps to create a personal access token that grants permission to update files to repositories in your GitHub account.
  2. Use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to create a new parameter named GitHubAPIKey:
aws ssm put-parameter \
--name /GitHubAPIKey \
--value ReplaceThisWithYourGitHubAPIKey \
--type SecureString

    "Version": 1,
    "Tier": "Standard"

Deploying the application

  1. Fork this GitHub repository to your GitHub Account.
  2. Clone the forked repository to your local machine and deploy the application using AWS SAM.
  3. In a terminal, enter:
    git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/content-aggregator-example
    sam deploy -g
  4. Enter the required parameters when prompted.

This deploys the application defined in the AWS SAM template file (template.yaml).

The business logic

Each Lambda function is written in Node.js and is stored inside a directory that contains the package dependencies in a `node_modules` folder. These are defined for each function by its relative package.json file. The function dependencies are bundled and deployed using the sam build && deploy -g command.

The GetRepoContents and WriteToGitHub Lambda functions use the octokit/rest.js library to communicate with GitHub. The library authenticates to GitHub by using the GitHub API key held in Parameter Store. The AWS SDK for Node.js is used to obtain the API key from Parameter Store. With a single synchronous call, it retrieves and decrypts the parameter value. This is then used to authenticate to GitHub.

const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const SSM = new AWS.SSM();

//get Github API Key and Authenticate
    const singleParam = { Name: '/GitHubAPIKey ',WithDecryption: true };
    const GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN = await SSM.getParameter(singleParam).promise();
    const octokit = await  new Octokit({
      auth: GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN.Parameter.Value,

Lambda environment variables are used to store non-sensitive key value data such as the repository name and JSON file location. These can be entered when deploying with AWS SAM guided deploy command.

          GitHubRepo: !Ref GitHubRepo
          JSONFile: !Ref JSONFile

The GetRepoContents function makes a synchronous HTTP request to the GitHub repository to retrieve the contents of the website’s JSON file. The response SHA and file contents are returned from the Lambda function and acts as the input to the next task in the Step Functions workflow. This SHA is used in final step of the workflow to save all new blog posts in a single commit.

Map state iterations

The MAP state runs concurrently for each element in the input array (each blog post URL).

Each iteration must compare a blog post URL to the existing JSON content file and decide whether to ignore the post. To do this, the MAP state requires both the input array of blog post URLs and the existing JSON file contents. The ItemsPath, ResultPath, and Parameters are used to achieve this:

  • The ItemsPath sets input array path to $.RSSBlogs.body.
  • The ResultPath states that the output of the branches is placed in $.mapResults.
  • The Parameters block replaces the input to the iterations with a JSON node. This contains both the current item data from the context object ($$.Map.Item.Value) and the contents of the GitHub JSON file ($.RepoBlogs).
    "InputPath": "$",
    "ItemsPath": "$.RSSBlogs.body",
    "ResultPath": "$.mapResults",
    "Parameters": {
        "BlogUrl.$": "$$.Map.Item.Value",
        "RepoBlogs.$": "$.RepoBlogs"
    "MaxConcurrency": 0,
    "Iterator": {
       "StartAt": "getMeta",

The Step Functions resource

The AWS SAM template uses the following Step Functions resource definition to create a Step Functions state machine:

    Type: AWS::Serverless::StateMachine
      DefinitionUri: statemachine/my_state_machine.asl.JSON
        GetBlogPostArn: !GetAtt GetBlogPost.Arn
        GetUrlsArn: !GetAtt GetUrls.Arn
        WriteToGitHubArn: !GetAtt WriteToGitHub.Arn
        CompareAgainstRepoArn: !GetAtt CompareAgainstRepo.Arn
        GetRepoContentsArn: !GetAtt GetRepoContents.Arn
        AddToListArn: !GetAtt AddToList.Arn
      Role: !GetAtt StateMachineRole.Arn

The actual workflow definition is defined in a separate file (statemachine/my_state_machine.asl.JSON). The DefinitionSubstitutions property specifies mappings for placeholder variables. This enables the template to inject Lambda function ARNs obtained by the GetAtt intrinsic function during template translation:

Step Functions mappings with placeholder variables

A state machine execution role is defined within the AWS SAM template. It grants the `Lambda invoke function` action. This is tightly scoped to the six Lambda functions that are used in the workflow. It is the minimum set of permissions required for the Step Functions to carry out its task. Additional permissions can be granted as necessary, which follows the zero-trust security model.

Action: lambda:InvokeFunction
- !GetAtt GetBlogPost.Arn
- !GetAtt GetUrls.Arn
- !GetAtt CompareAgainstRepo.Arn
- !GetAtt WriteToGitHub.Arn
- !GetAtt AddToList.Arn
- !GetAtt GetRepoContents.Arn

The Step Functions workflow definition is authored using the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code. The Step Functions support allows developers to quickly generate workflow definitions from selectable examples. The render tool and automatic linting can help you debug and understand the workflow during development. Read more about the toolkit in this launch post.

Scheduling events and adding new feeds

The AWS SAM template creates a new EventBridge rule on the default event bus. This rule is scheduled to invoke the Step Functions workflow every 2 hours. A valid JSON string containing an RSS feed URL is sent as the input payload. The feed URL is obtained from a template parameter and can be set on deployment. The AWS Compute Blog is set as the default feed URL. To aggregate additional blog feeds, create a new rule to invoke the Step Functions workflow. Provide the RSS feed URL as valid JSON input string in the following format:


    Type: "AWS::Events::Rule"
      Description: "Scheduled event to trigger Step Functions state machine"
      ScheduleExpression: rate(2 hours)
      State: "ENABLED"
          Arn: !Ref MyStateMachine
          Id: !GetAtt MyStateMachine.Name
          RoleArn: !GetAtt ScheduledEventIAMRole.Arn
          Input: !Sub
            - >
                "feedUrl" : "${RssFeedUrl}"
            - RssFeedUrl: !Ref RSSFeed

A completed workflow with step output


This blog post shows how to automate the aggregation of content from multiple RSS feeds into a single JSON file using serverless workflows.

The Step Functions MAP state allows for dynamic parallel processing of each item. The recent increase in state payload size limit means that the contents of the static JSON file can be held within the workflow context. The application decision logic is separated from the business logic and events.

Lambda functions are scoped to finite business logic with Step Functions states managing decision logic and iterations. EventBridge is used to manage the inbound business events. The zero-trust security model is followed with minimum permissions granted to each service and Parameter Store used to hold encrypted secrets.

This application is used to pull together articles for http://serverlessland.com. Serverless land brings together all the latest blogs, videos, and training for AWS Serverless. Download the code from this GitHub repository to start building your own automated content aggregation platform.

Optimizing the cost of serverless web applications

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/optimizing-the-cost-of-serverless-web-applications/

Web application backends are one of the most frequent types of serverless use-case for customers. The pay-for-value model can make it cost-efficient to build web applications using serverless tools.

While serverless cost is generally correlated with level of usage, there are architectural decisions that impact cost efficiency. The impact of these choices is more significant as your traffic grows, so it’s important to consider the cost-effectiveness of different designs and patterns.

This blog post reviews some common areas in web applications where you may be able to optimize cost. It uses the Happy Path web application as a reference example, which you can read about in the introductory blog post.

Serverless web applications generally use a combination of the services in the following diagram. I cover each of these areas to highlight common areas for cost optimization.

Serverless architecture by AWS service

The API management layer: Selecting the right API type

Most serverless web applications use an API between the frontend client and the backend architecture. Amazon API Gateway is a common choice since it is a fully managed service that scales automatically. There are three types of API offered by the service – REST APIs, WebSocket APIs, and the more recent HTTP APIs.

HTTP APIs offer many of the features in the REST APIs service, but the cost is often around 70% less. It supports Lambda service integration, JWT authorization, CORS, and custom domain names. It also has a simpler deployment model than REST APIs. This feature set tends to work well for web applications, many of which mainly use these capabilities. Additionally, HTTP APIs will gain feature parity with REST APIs over time.

The Happy Path application is designed for 100,000 monthly active users. It uses HTTP APIs, and you can inspect the backend/template.yaml to see how to define these in the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM). If you have existing AWS SAM templates that are using REST APIs, in many cases you can change these easily:


Content distribution layer: Optimizing assets

Amazon CloudFront is a content delivery network (CDN). It enables you to distribute content globally across 216 Points of Presence without deploying or managing any infrastructure. It reduces latency for users who are geographically dispersed and can also reduce load on other parts of your service.

A typical web application uses CDNs in a couple of different ways. First, there is the distribution of the application itself. For single-page application frameworks like React or Vue.js, the build processes create static assets that are ideal for serving over a CDN.

However, these builds may not be optimized and can be larger than necessary. Many frameworks offer optimization plugins, and the JavaScript community frequently uses Webpack to bundle modules and shrink deployment packages. Similarly, any media assets used in the application build should be optimized. You can use tools like Lighthouse to analyze your web apps to find images that can be resized or compressed.

Optimizing images

The second common CDN use-case for web apps is for user-generated content (UGC). Many apps allow users to upload images, which are then shared with other users. A typical photo from a 12-megapixel smartphone is 3–9 MB in size. This high resolution is not necessary when photos are rendered within web apps. Displaying the high-resolution asset results in slower download performance and higher data transfer costs.

The Happy Path application uses a Resizer Lambda function to optimize these uploaded assets. This process creates two different optimized images depending upon which component loads the asset.

Image sizes in front-end applications

The upload S3 bucket shows the original size of the upload from the smartphone:

The distribution S3 bucket contains the two optimized images at different sizes:

Optimized images in the distribution S3 bucket

The distribution file sizes are 98–99% smaller. For a busy web application, using optimized image assets can make a significant difference to data transfer and CloudFront costs.

Additionally, you can convert to highly optimized file formats such as WebP to reduce file size even further. Not all browsers support this format, but you can use CSS on the frontend to fall back to other types if needed:

<img src="myImage.webp" onerror="this.onerror=null; this.src='myImage.jpg'">

The data layer

AWS offers many different database and storage options that can be useful for web applications. Billing models vary by service and Region. By understanding the data access and storage requirements of your app, you can make informed decisions about the right service to use.

Generally, it’s more cost-effective to store binary data in S3 than a database. First, when the data is uploaded, you can upload directly to S3 with presigned URLs instead of proxying data via API Gateway or another service.

If you are using Amazon DynamoDB, it’s best practice to store larger items in S3 and include a reference token in a table item. Part of DynamoDB pricing is based on read capacity units (RCUs). For binary items such as images, it is usually more cost-efficient to use S3 for storage.

Many web developers who are new to serverless are familiar with using a relational database, so choose Amazon RDS for their database needs. Depending upon your use-case and data access patterns, it may be more cost effective to use DynamoDB instead. RDS is not a serverless service so there are monthly charges for the underlying compute instance. DynamoDB pricing is based upon usage and storage, so for many web apps may be a lower-cost choice.

Integration layer

This layer includes services like Amazon SQS, Amazon SNS, and Amazon EventBridge, which are essential for decoupling serverless applications. Each of these have a request-based pricing component, where 64 KB of a payload is billed as one request. For example, a single SQS message with a 256 KB payload is billed as four requests. There are two optimization methods common for web applications.

1. Combine messages

Many messages sent to these services are much smaller than 64 KB. In some applications, the publishing service can combine multiple messages to reduce the total number of publish actions to SNS. Additionally, by either eliminating unused attributes in the message or compressing the message, you can store more data in a single request.

For example, a publishing service may be able to combine multiple messages together in a single publish action to an SNS topic:

  • Before optimization, a publishing service sends 100,000,000 1KB-messages to an SNS topic. This is charged as 100 million messages for a total cost of $50.00.
  • After optimization, the publishing service combines messages to send 1,562,500 64KB-messages to an SNS topic. This is charged as 1,562,500 messages for a total cost of $0.78.

2. Filter messages

In many applications, not every message is useful for a consuming service. For example, an SNS topic may publish to a Lambda function, which checks the content and discards the message based on some criteria. In this case, it’s more cost effective to use the native filtering capabilities of SNS. The service can filter messages and only invoke the Lambda function if the criteria is met. This lowers the compute cost by only invoking Lambda when necessary.

For example, an SNS topic receives messages about customer orders and forwards these to a Lambda function subscriber. The function is only interested in canceled orders and discards all other messages:

  • Before optimization, the SNS topic sends all messages to a Lambda function. It evaluates the message for the presence of an order canceled attribute. On average, only 25% of the messages are processed further. While SNS does not charge for delivery to Lambda functions, you are charged each time the Lambda service is invoked, for 100% of the messages.
  • After optimization, using an SNS subscription filter policy, the SNS subscription filters for canceled orders and only forwards matching messages. Since the Lambda function is only invoked for 25% of the messages, this may reduce the total compute cost by up to 75%.

3. Choose a different messaging service

For complex filtering options based upon matching patterns, you can use EventBridge. The service can filter messages based upon prefix matching, numeric matching, and other patterns, combining several rules into a single filter. You can create branching logic within the EventBridge rule to invoke downstream targets.

EventBridge offers a broader range of targets than SNS destinations. In cases where you publish from an SNS topic to a Lambda function to invoke an EventBridge target, you could use EventBridge instead and eliminate the Lambda invocation. For example, instead of routing from SNS to Lambda to AWS Step Functions, instead create an EventBridge rule that routes events directly to a state machine.

Business logic layer

Step Functions allows you to orchestrate complex workflows in serverless applications while eliminating common boilerplate code. The Standard Workflow service charges per state transition. Express Workflows were introduced in December 2019, with pricing based on requests and duration, instead of transitions.

For workloads that are processing large numbers of events in shorter durations, Express Workflows can be more cost-effective. This is designed for high-volume event workloads, such as streaming data processing or IoT data ingestion. For these cases, compare the cost of the two workflow types to see if you can reduce cost by switching across.

Lambda is the on-demand compute layer in serverless applications, which is billed by requests and GB-seconds. GB-seconds is calculated by multiplying duration in seconds by memory allocated to the function. For a function with a 1-second duration, invoked 1 million times, here is how memory allocation affects the total cost in the US East (N. Virginia) Region:

Memory (MB) GB/S Compute cost Total cost
128 125,000 $ 2.08 $ 2.28
512 500,000 $ 8.34 $ 8.54
1024 1,000,000 $ 16.67 $ 16.87
1536 1,500,000 $ 25.01 $ 25.21
2048 2,000,000 $ 33.34 $ 33.54
3008 2,937,500 $ 48.97 $ 49.17

There are many ways to optimize Lambda functions, but one of the most important choices is memory allocation. You can choose between 128 MB and 3008 MB, but this also impacts the amount of virtual CPU as memory increases. Since total cost is a combination of memory and duration, choosing more memory can often reduce duration and lower overall cost.

Instead of manually setting the memory for a Lambda function and running executions to compare duration, you can use the AWS Lambda Power Tuning tool. This uses Step Functions to run your function against varying memory configurations. It can produce a visualization to find the optimal memory setting, based upon cost or execution time.

Optimizing costs with the AWS Lambda Power Tuning tool


Web application backends are one of the most popular workload types for serverless applications. The pay-per-value model works well for this type of workload. As traffic grows, it’s important to consider the design choices and service configurations used to optimize your cost.

Serverless web applications generally use a common range of services, which you can logically split into different layers. This post examines each layer and suggests common cost optimizations helpful for web app developers.

To learn more about building web apps with serverless, see the Happy Path series. For more serverless learning resources, visit https://serverlessland.com.

Improved failure recovery for Amazon EventBridge

Post Syndicated from Chris Munns original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/improved-failure-recovery-for-amazon-eventbridge/

Today we’re announcing two new capabilities for Amazon EventBridgedead letter queues and custom retry policies. Both of these give you greater flexibility in how to handle any failures in the processing of events with EventBridge. You can easily enable them on a per target basis and configure them uniquely for each.

Dead letter queues (DLQs) are a common capability in queuing and messaging systems that allow you to handle failures in event or message receiving systems. They provide a way for failed events or messages to be captured and sent to another system, which can store them for future processing. With DLQs, you can have greater resiliency and improved recovery from any failure that happens.

You can also now configure a custom retry policy that can be set on your event bus targets. Today, there are two attributes that can control how events are retried: maximum number of retries and maximum event age. With these two settings, you could send events to a DLQ sooner and reduce the retries attempted.

For example, this could allow you to recover more quickly if an event bus target is overwhelmed by the number of events received, causing throttling to occur. The events are placed in a DLQ and then processed later.

Failures in event processing

Currently, EventBridge can fail to deliver an event to a target in certain scenarios. Events that fail to be delivered to a target due to client-side errors are dropped immediately. Examples of this are when EventBridge does not have permission to a target AWS service or if the target no longer exists. This can happen if the target resource is misconfigured or is deleted by the resource owner.

For service-side issues, EventBridge retries delivery of events for up to 24 hours. This can happen if the target service is unavailable or the target resource is not provisioned to handle the incoming event traffic and the target service is throttling the requests.

EventBridge failures

EventBridge failures

Previously, when all attempts to deliver an event to the target were exhausted, EventBridge published a CloudWatch metric indicating a failed target invocation. However, this provides no visibility into which events failed to be delivered and there was no way to recover the event that failed.

Dead letter queues

EventBridge’s DLQs are made possible today with Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) standard queues. With SQS, you get all of the benefits of a fully serverless queuing service: no servers to manage, automatic scalability, pay for what you consume, and high availability and security built in. You can configure the DLQs for your EventBridge bus and pay nothing until it is used, if and when a target experiences an issue. This makes it a great practice to follow and standardize on, and provides you with a safety net that’s active only when needed.

Optionally, you could later configure an AWS Lambda function to consume from that DLQ. The function is only invoked when messages exist in the queue, allowing you to maintain a serverless stack to recover from a potential failure.

DLQ configured per target

DLQ configured per target

With DLQ configured, the queue receives the event that failed in the message with important metadata that you can use to troubleshoot the issue. This can include: Error Code, Error Message, Exhausted Retry Condition, Retry Attempts, Rule ARN, and the Target ARN.

You can use this data to more easily troubleshoot what went wrong with the original delivery attempt and take action to resolve or prevent such failures in the future. You could also use the information such as Exhausted Retry Condition and Retry Attempts to further tweak your custom retry policy.

You can configure a DLQ when creating or updating rules via the AWS Management Console and AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI). You can also use infrastructure as code (IaC) tools such as AWS CloudFormation.

In the console, select the queue to be used for your DLQ configuration from the drop-down as shown here:

DLQ configuration

DLQ configuration

When configured via API, AWS CLI, or IaC tools, you must specify the ARN of the queue:


When you configure a DLQ, the target SQS queue requires a resource-based policy that grants EventBridge access. One is created and applied automatically via the console when you create or update an EventBridge rule with a DLQ that exists in your own account.

For any queues created in other accounts, or via API, AWS CLI, or IaC tools, you must add a policy that allows SQS’s SendMessage permission to the EventBridge rule ARN, as shown below:

  "Sid": "Dead-letter queue permissions",
  "Effect": "Allow",
  "Principal": {
     "Service": "events.amazonaws.com"
  "Action": "sqs:SendMessage",
  "Resource": "arn:aws:sqs:us-east-1:123456789012:orders-bus-shipping-service-dlq",
  "Condition": {
    "ArnEquals": {
      "aws:SourceArn": "arn:aws:events:us-east-1:123456789012:rule/MyTestRule"

You can read more about setting permissions for DLQ the documentation for “Granting permissions to the dead-letter queue”.

Once configured, you can monitor CloudWatch metrics for the DLQ queue. This shows both the successful delivery of messages via the InvocationsSentToDLQ metric, in addition to any failures via the InvocationsFailedToBeSentToDLQ. Note that these metrics do not exist if your queue is not considered “active”.

Retry policies

By default, EventBridge retries delivery of an event to a target so long as it does not receive a client-side error as described earlier. Retries occur with a back-off, for up to 185 attempts or for up to 24 hours, after which the event is dropped or sent to a DLQ, if configured. Due to the jitter of the back-off and retry process you may reach the 24-hour limit before reaching 185 retries.

For many workloads, this provides an acceptable way to handle momentary service issues or throttling that might occur. For some however, this model of back-off and retry can cause increased and on-going traffic to an already overloaded target system.

For example, consider an Amazon API Gateway target that has a resource constrained backend service behind it.

Constrained target service

Constrained target service

Under a consistently high load, the bus could end up generating too many API requests, tripping the API Gateway’s throttling configuration. This would cause API Gateway to respond with throttling errors back to EventBridge.

Throttled API reply

Throttled API reply

You may decide that allowing the failed events to retry for 24 hours puts too much load into this system and it may not properly recover from the load. This could lead to potential data loss unless a DLQ was configured.

Added DLQ

Added DLQ

With a DLQ, you could choose to process these events later, once the overwhelmed target service has recovered.

DLQ drained back to API

DLQ drained back to API

Or the events in question may no longer have the same value as they did previously. This can occur in systems where data loss is tolerated but the timeliness of data processing matters. In these situations, the DLQ would have less value and dropping the message is acceptable.

For either of these situations, configuring the maximum number of retries or the maximum age of the event could be useful.

Now with retry policies, you can configure per target the following two attributes:

  • MaximumEventAgeInSeconds: between 60 and 86400 seconds (86400, or 24 hours the default)
  • MaximumRetryAttempts: between 0 and 185 (185 is the default)

When either condition is met, the event fails. It’s then either dropped, which generates an increase to the FailedInvocations CloudWatch metric, or sent to a configured DLQ.

You can configure retry policy attributes when creating or updating rules via the AWS Management Console and AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI). You can also use infrastructure as code (IaC) tools such as AWS CloudFormation.

Retry policy

Retry policy

There is no additional cost for configuring either of these new capabilities. You only pay for the usage of the SQS standard queue configured as the dead letter queue during a failure and any application that handles the failed events. SQS pricing can be found here.


With dead letter queues and custom retry policies, you have improved handling and control over failure in distributed systems built with EventBridge. With DLQs you can capture failed events and then process them later, potentially saving yourself from data loss. With custom retry policies, you gain the improved ability to control the number of retries and for how long they can be retried.

I encourage you to explore how both of these new capabilities can help make your applications more resilient to failures, and to standardize on using them both in your infrastructure.

For more serverless learning resources, visit https://serverlessland.com.

Building resilient serverless patterns by combining messaging services

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-resilient-no-code-serverless-patterns-by-combining-messaging-services/

In “Choosing between messaging services for serverless applications”, I explain the features and differences between the core AWS messaging services. Amazon SQS, Amazon SNS, and Amazon EventBridge provide queues, publish/subscribe, and event bus functionality for your applications. Individually, these are robust, scalable services that are fundamental building blocks of serverless architectures.

However, you can also combine these services to solve specific challenges in distributed architectures. By doing this, you can use specific features of each service to build sophisticated patterns with little code. These combinations can make your applications more resilient and scalable, and reduce the amount of custom logic and architecture in your workload.

In this blog post, I highlight several important patterns for serverless developers. I also show how you use and deploy these integrations with the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM).

Examples in this post refer to code that can be downloaded from this GitHub repo. The README.md file explains how to deploy and run each example.

SNS to SQS: Adding resilience and throttling to message throughput

SNS has a robust retry policy that results in up to 100,010 delivery attempts over 23 days. If a downstream service is unavailable, it may be overwhelmed by retries when it comes back online. You can solve this issue by adding an SQS queue.

Adding an SQS queue between the SNS topic and its subscriber has two benefits. First, it adds resilience to message delivery, since the messages are durably stored in a queue. Second, it throttles the rate of messages to the consumer, helping smooth out traffic bursts caused by the service catching up with missed messages.

To build this in an AWS SAM template, you first define the two resources, and the SNS subscription:

    Type: AWS::SQS::Queue

    Type: AWS::SNS::Topic
        - Protocol: sqs
          Endpoint: !GetAtt MySqsQueue.Arn

Finally, you provide permission to the SNS topic to publish to the queue, using the AWS::SQS::QueuePolicy resource:

    Type: AWS::SQS::QueuePolicy
        Version: "2012-10-17"
          - Sid: "Allow SNS publish to SQS"
            Effect: Allow
            Principal: "*"
            Resource: !GetAtt MySqsQueue.Arn
            Action: SQS:SendMessage
                aws:SourceArn: !Ref MySnsTopic
        - Ref: MySqsQueue

To test this, you can publish a message to the SNS topic and then inspect the SQS queue length using the AWS CLI:

aws sns publish --topic-arn "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789012:sns-sqs-MySnsTopic-ABC123ABC" --message "Test message"
aws sqs get-queue-attributes --queue-url "https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/123456789012/sns-sqs-MySqsQueue- ABC123ABC " --attribute-names ApproximateNumberOfMessages

This results in the following output:

CLI output

Another usage of this pattern is when you want to filter messages in architectures using an SQS queue. By placing the SNS topic in front of the queue, you can use the message filtering capabilities of SNS. This ensures that only the messages you need are published to the queue. To use message filtering in AWS SAM, use the AWS:SNS:Subcription resource:

    Type: 'AWS::SNS::Subscription'
      TopicArn: !Ref MySnsTopic
      Endpoint: !GetAtt MySqsQueue.Arn
      Protocol: sqs
        - orders
        - payments 
      RawMessageDelivery: 'true'

EventBridge to SNS: combining features of both services

Both SNS and EventBridge have different characteristics in terms of targets, and integration with broader features. This table compares the major differences between the two services:

Amazon SNS Amazon EventBridge
Number of targets 10 million (soft) 5
Limits 100,000 topics. 12,500,000 subscriptions per topic. 100 event buses. 300 rules per event bus.
Input transformation No Yes – see details.
Message filtering Yes – see details. Yes, including IP address matching – see details.
Format Raw or JSON JSON
Receive events from AWS CloudTrail No Yes
Targets HTTP(S), SMS, SNS Mobile Push, Email/Email-JSON, SQS, Lambda functions 15 targets including AWS LambdaAmazon SQSAmazon SNSAWS Step FunctionsAmazon Kinesis Data StreamsAmazon Kinesis Data Firehose.
SaaS integration No Yes – see integration partners.
Schema Registry integration No Yes – see details.
Dead-letter queues supported Yes No
Public visibility Can create public topics Cannot create public buses
Cross-Region You can subscribe your AWS Lambda functions to an Amazon SNS topic in any Region. Targets must be same Region. You can publish across Region to another event bus.

In this pattern, you configure an SNS topic as a target of an EventBridge rule:

SNS topic as a target for an EventBridge rule

In the AWS SAM template, you declare the resources in the preceding diagram as follows:

    Type: AWS::SNS::Topic

    Type: AWS::Events::Rule
      Description: "EventRule"
          - !Sub '${AWS::AccountId}'
          - "demo.cli"
        - Arn: !Ref MySnsTopic
          Id: "SNStopic"

The default bus already exists in every AWS account, so there is no need to declare it. For the event bus to publish matching events to the SNS topic, you define permissions using the AWS::SNS::TopicPolicy resource:

    Type: AWS::SNS::TopicPolicy
        - Effect: Allow
            Service: events.amazonaws.com
          Action: sns:Publish
          Resource: !Ref MySnsTopic
        - !Ref MySnsTopic       

EventBridge has a limit of five targets per rule. In cases where you must send events to hundreds or thousands of targets, publishing to SNS first and then subscribing those targets to the topic works around this limit. Both services have different targets, and this pattern allows you to deliver EventBridge events to SMS, HTTP(s), email and SNS mobile push.

You can transform and filter the message using these services, often without needing an AWS Lambda function. SNS does not support input transformation but you can do this in an EventBridge rule. Message filtering is possible in both services but EventBridge provides richer content filtering capabilities.

AWS CloudTrail can log and monitor activity across services in your AWS account. It can be a useful source for events, allowing you to respond dynamically to objects in Amazon S3 or react to changes in your environment, for example. This natively integrates with EventBridge, allowing you to ingest events at scale from dozens of services.

Using EventBridge enables you to source events from outside your AWS account, offering integrations with a list of software as a service (SaaS) providers. This capability allows you to receive events from your accounts with SaaS providers like Zendesk, PagerDuty, and Auth0. These events are delivered to a partner event bus in your account, and can then be filtered and routed to an SNS topic.

Additionally, this pattern allows you to deliver events to Lambda functions in other AWS accounts and in other AWS Regions. You can invoke Lambda from SNS topics in other Regions and accounts. It’s also possible to make SNS topics publicly read-only, making them extensible endpoints that other third parties can consume from. SNS has comprehensive access control, which you can incorporate into this pattern.

Cross-account publishing

EventBridge to SQS: Building fault-tolerant microservices

EventBridge can route events to targets such as microservices. In the case of downstream failures, the service retries events for up to 24 hours. For workloads where you need a longer period of time to store and retry messages, you can deliver the events to an SQS queue in each microservice. This durably stores those events until the downstream service recovers. Additionally, this pattern protects the microservice from large bursts of traffic by throttling the delivery of messages.

Fault-tolerant microservices architecture

The resources declared in the AWS SAM template are similar to the previous examples, but it uses the AWS::SQS::QueuePolicy resource to grant the appropriate permission to EventBridge:

    Type: AWS::SQS::QueuePolicy
        - Effect: Allow
            Service: events.amazonaws.com
          Action: SQS:SendMessage
          Resource:  !GetAtt MySqsQueue.Arn
        - Ref: MySqsQueue


You can combine these services in your architectures to implement patterns that solve complex challenges, often with little code required. This blog post shows three examples that implement message throttling and queueing, integrating SNS and EventBridge, and building fault tolerant microservices.

To learn more building decoupled architectures, see this Learning Path series on EventBridge. For more serverless learning resources, visit https://serverlessland.com.

Choosing between messaging services for serverless applications

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/choosing-between-messaging-services-for-serverless-applications/

Most serverless application architectures use a combination of different AWS services, microservices, and AWS Lambda functions. Messaging services are important in allowing distributed applications to communicate with each other, and are fundamental to most production serverless workloads.

Messaging services can improve the resilience, availability, and scalability of applications, when used appropriately. They can also enable your applications to communicate beyond your workload or even the AWS Cloud, and provide extensibility for future service features and versions.

In this blog post, I compare the primary messaging services offered by AWS and how you can use these in your serverless application architectures. I also show how you use and deploy these integrations with the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM).

Examples in this post refer to code that can be downloaded from this GitHub repository. The README.md file explains how to deploy and run each example.


Three of the most useful messaging patterns for serverless developers are queues, publish/subscribe, and event buses. In AWS, these are provided by Amazon SQS, Amazon SNS, and Amazon EventBridge respectively. All of these services are fully managed and highly available, so there is no infrastructure to manage. All three integrate with Lambda, allowing you to publish messages via the AWS SDK and invoke functions as targets. Each of these services has an important role to play in serverless architectures.

SNS enables you to send messages reliably between parts of your infrastructure. It uses a robust retry mechanism for when downstream targets are unavailable. When the delivery policy is exhausted, it can optionally send those messages to a dead-letter queue for further processing. SNS uses topics to logically separate messages into channels, and your Lambda functions interact with these topics.

SQS provides queues for your serverless applications. You can use a queue to send, store, and receive messages between different services in your workload. Queues are an important mechanism for providing fault tolerance in distributed systems, and help decouple different parts of your application. SQS scales elastically, and there is no limit to the number of messages per queue. The service durably persists messages until they are processed by a downstream consumer.

EventBridge is a serverless event bus service, simplifying routing events between AWS services, software as a service (SaaS) providers, and your own applications. It logically separates routing using event buses, and you implement the routing logic using rules. You can filter and transform incoming messages at the service level, and route events to multiple targets, including Lambda functions.

Integrating an SQS queue with AWS SAM

The first example shows an AWS SAM template defining a serverless application with two Lambda functions and an SQS queue:

Producer-consumer example

You can declare an SQS queue in an AWS SAM template with the AWS::SQS::Queue resource:

    Type: AWS::SQS::Queue

To publish to the queue, the publisher function must have permission to send messages. Using an AWS SAM policy template, you can apply policy that enables send messaging to one specific queue:

        - SQSSendMessagePolicy:
            QueueName: !GetAtt MySqsQueue.QueueName

The AWS SAM template passes the queue name into the Lambda function as an environment variable. The function uses the sendMessage method of the AWS.SQS class to publish the message:

const AWS = require('aws-sdk')
AWS.config.region = process.env.AWS_REGION 
const sqs = new AWS.SQS({apiVersion: '2012-11-05'})

// The Lambda handler
exports.handler = async (event) => {
  // Params object for SQS
  const params = {
    MessageBody: `Message at ${Date()}`,
    QueueUrl: process.env.SQSqueueName
  // Send to SQS
  const result = await sqs.sendMessage(params).promise()

When the SQS queue receives the message, it publishes to the consuming Lambda function. To configure this integration in AWS SAM, the consumer function is granted the SQSPollerPolicy policy. The function’s event source is set to receive messages from the queue in batches of 10:

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function 
      CodeUri: code/
      Handler: consumer.handler
      Runtime: nodejs12.x
      Timeout: 3
      MemorySize: 128
        - SQSPollerPolicy:
            QueueName: !GetAtt MySqsQueue.QueueName
          Type: SQS
            Queue: !GetAtt MySqsQueue.Arn
            BatchSize: 10

The payload for the consumer function is the message from SQS. This is an array of messages up to the batch size, containing a body attribute with the publishing function’s MessageBody. You can see this in the CloudWatch log for the function:

CloudWatch log result

Integrating an SNS topic with AWS SAM

The second example shows an AWS SAM template defining a serverless application with three Lambda functions and an SNS topic:

SNS fanout to Lambda functions

You declare an SNS topic and the subscribing Lambda functions with the AWS::SNS:Topic resource:

    Type: AWS::SNS::Topic
        - Protocol: lambda
          Endpoint: !GetAtt TopicConsumerFunction1.Arn    
        - Protocol: lambda
          Endpoint: !GetAtt TopicConsumerFunction2.Arn

You provide the SNS service with permission to invoke the Lambda functions but defining an AWS::Lambda::Permission for each:

    Type: 'AWS::Lambda::Permission'
      Action: 'lambda:InvokeFunction'
      FunctionName: !Ref TopicConsumerFunction1
      Principal: sns.amazonaws.com

The SNSPublishMessagePolicy policy template grants permission to the publishing function to send messages to the topic. In the function, the publish method of the AWS.SNS class handles publishing:

const AWS = require('aws-sdk')
AWS.config.region = process.env.AWS_REGION 
const sns = new AWS.SNS({apiVersion: '2012-11-05'})

// The Lambda handler
exports.handler = async (event) => {
  // Params object for SNS
  const params = {
    Message: `Message at ${Date()}`,
    Subject: 'New message from publisher',
    TopicArn: process.env.SNStopic
  // Send to SQS
  const result = await sns.publish(params).promise()

The payload for the consumer functions is the message from SNS. This is an array of messages, containing subject and message attributes from the publishing function. You can see this in the CloudWatch log for the function:

CloudWatch log result

Differences between SQS and SNS configurations

SQS queues and SNS topics offer different functionality, though both can publish to downstream Lambda functions.

An SQS message is stored on the queue for up to 14 days until it is successfully processed by a subscriber. SNS does not retain messages so if there are no subscribers for a topic, the message is discarded.

SNS topics may broadcast to multiple targets. This behavior is called fan-out. It can be used to parallelize work across Lambda functions or send messages to multiple environments (such as test or development). An SNS topic can have up to 12,500,000 subscribers, providing highly scalable fan-out capabilities. The targets may include HTTP/S endpoints, SMS text messaging, SNS mobile push, email, SQS, and Lambda functions.

In AWS SAM templates, you can retrieve properties such as ARNs and names of queues and topics, using the following intrinsic functions:

Amazon SQS Amazon SNS
Channel type Queue Topic
Get ARN !GetAtt MySqsQueue.Arn !Ref MySnsTopic
Get name !GetAtt MySqsQueue.QueueName !GetAtt MySnsTopic.TopicName

Integrating with EventBridge in AWS SAM

The third example shows the AWS SAM template defining a serverless application with two Lambda functions and an EventBridge rule:

EventBridge integration with AWS SAM

The default event bus already exists in every AWS account. You declare a rule that filters events in the event bus using the AWS::Events::Rule resource:

    Type: AWS::Events::Rule
      Description: "EventRule"
          - "demo.event"
            - "new"
      State: "ENABLED"
        - Arn: !GetAtt EventConsumerFunction.Arn
          Id: "ConsumerTarget"

The rule describes an event pattern specifying matching JSON attributes. Events that match this pattern are routed to the list of targets. You provide the EventBridge service with permission to invoke the Lambda functions in the target list:

    Type: AWS::Lambda::Permission
        Ref: "EventConsumerFunction"
      Action: "lambda:InvokeFunction"
      Principal: "events.amazonaws.com"
      SourceArn: !GetAtt EventRule.Arn

The AWS SAM template uses an IAM policy statement to grant permission to the publishing function to put events on the event bus:

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
      CodeUri: code/
      Handler: publisher.handler
      Timeout: 3
      Runtime: nodejs12.x
        - Statement:
          - Effect: Allow
            Resource: '*'
              - events:PutEvents      

The publishing function then uses the putEvents method of the AWS.EventBridge class, which returns after the events have been durably stored in EventBridge:

const AWS = require('aws-sdk')
AWS.config.update({region: 'us-east-1'})
const eventbridge = new AWS.EventBridge()

exports.handler = async (event) => {
  const params = {
    Entries: [ 
        Detail: JSON.stringify({
          "message": "Hello from publisher",
          "state": "new"
        DetailType: 'Message',
        EventBusName: 'default',
        Source: 'demo.event',
        Time: new Date 
  const result = await eventbridge.putEvents(params).promise()

The payload for the consumer function is the message from EventBridge. This is an array of messages, containing subject and message attributes from the publishing function. You can see this in the CloudWatch log for the function:

CloudWatch log result

Comparing SNS with EventBridge

SNS and EventBridge have many similarities. Both can be used to decouple publishers and subscribers, filter messages or events, and provide fan-in or fan-out capabilities. However, there are differences in the list of targets and features for each service, and your choice of service depends on the needs of your use-case.

EventBridge offers two newer capabilities that are not available in SNS. The first is software as a service (SaaS) integration. This enables you to authorize supported SaaS providers to send events directly from their EventBridge event bus to partner event buses in your account. This replaces the need for polling or webhook configuration, and creates a highly scalable way to ingest SaaS events directly into your AWS account.

The second feature is the Schema Registry, which makes it easier to discover and manage OpenAPI schemas for events. EventBridge can infer schemas based on events routed through an event bus by using schema discovery. This can be used to generate code bindings directly to your IDE for type-safe languages like Python, Java, and TypeScript. This can help accelerate development by automating the generation of classes and code directly from events.

This table compares the major features of both services:

Amazon SNS Amazon EventBridge
Number of targets 10 million (soft) 5
Availability SLA 99.9% 99.99%
Limits 100,000 topics. 12,500,000 subscriptions per topic. 100 event buses. 300 rules per event bus.
Publish throughput Varies by Region. Soft limits. Varies by Region. Soft limits.
Input transformation No Yes – see details.
Message filtering Yes – see details. Yes, including IP address matching – see details.
Message size maximum 256 KB 256 KB
Billing Per 64 KB
Format Raw or JSON JSON
Receive events from AWS CloudTrail No Yes
Targets HTTP(S), SMS, SNS Mobile Push, Email/Email-JSON, SQS, Lambda functions. 15 targets including AWS LambdaAmazon SQSAmazon SNSAWS Step FunctionsAmazon Kinesis Data StreamsAmazon Kinesis Data Firehose.
SaaS integration No Yes – see integrations.
Schema Registry integration No Yes – see details.
Dead-letter queues supported Yes No
FIFO ordering available No No
Public visibility Can create public topics Cannot create public buses
Pricing $0.50/million requests + variable delivery cost + data transfer out cost. SMS varies. $1.00/million events. Free for AWS events. No charge for delivery.
Billable request size 1 request = 64 KB 1 event = 64 KB
AWS Free Tier eligible Yes No
Cross-Region You can subscribe your AWS Lambda functions to an Amazon SNS topic in any Region. Targets must be in the same Region. You can publish across Regions to another event bus.
Retry policy
  • For SQS/Lambda, exponential backoff over 23 days.
  • For SMTP, SMS and Mobile push, exponential backoff over 6 hours.
At-least-once event delivery to targets, including retry with exponential backoff for up to 24 hours.


Messaging is an important part of serverless applications and AWS services provide queues, publish/subscribe, and event routing capabilities. This post reviews the main features of SNS, SQS, and EventBridge and how they provide different capabilities for your workloads.

I show three example applications that publish and consume events from the three services. I walk through AWS SAM syntax for deploying these resources in your applications. Finally, I compare differences between the services.

To learn more building decoupled architectures, see this Learning Path series on EventBridge. For more serverless learning resources, visit https://serverlessland.com.

Automatically updating AWS WAF Rule in real time using Amazon EventBridge

Post Syndicated from Adam Cerini original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/automatically-updating-aws-waf-rule-in-real-time-using-amazon-eventbridge/

In this post, I demonstrate a method for collecting and sharing threat intelligence between Amazon Web Services (AWS) accounts by using AWS WAF, Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics, and Amazon EventBridge. AWS WAF helps protect against common web exploits and gives you control over which traffic can reach your application.

Attempted exploitation blocked by AWS WAF provides a data source on potential attackers that can be shared proactively across AWS accounts. This solution can be an effective way to block traffic known to be malicious across accounts and public endpoints. AWS WAF managed rules provide an easy way to mitigate and record the details of common web exploit attempts. This solution will use the Admin protection managed rule for demonstration purposes.

In this post you will see references to the Sender account and the Receiver account. There is only one receiver in this example, but the receiving process can be duplicated multiple times across multiple accounts. This post walks through how to set up the solution. You’ll notice there is also an AWS CloudFormation template that makes it easy to test the solution in your own AWS account. The diagram in figure 1 illustrates how this architecture fits together at a high level.

Figure 1: Architecture diagram showing the activity flow of traffic blocked on the Sender AWS WAF

Figure 1: Architecture diagram showing the activity flow of traffic blocked on the Sender AWS WAF


You should know how to do the following tasks:

Extracting threat intelligence

AWS WAF logs using a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream. This allows you to not only log to a destination S3 bucket, but also act on the stream in real time using a Kinesis Data Analytics Application. The following SQL code demonstrates how to extract any unique IP addresses that have been blocked by AWS WAF. While this example returns all blocked IPs, more complex SQL could be used for a more granular result. The full list of log fields is included in the documentation.

 "clientIp" VARCHAR(16),
 "action" VARCHAR(8),
 "time_stamp" TIMESTAMP

INSERT INTO "wafstream" (

Select STREAM DISTINCT "clientIp", "action", FLOOR(WAF_001.ROWTIME TO MINUTE) as "time_stamp"
FROM "WAF_001"
WHERE "action" = 'BLOCK';

Proactively blocking unwanted traffic

After extracting the IP addresses involved in the abnormal traffic, you will want to proactively block those IPs on your other web facing resources. You can accomplish this in a scalable way using Amazon EventBridge. After the Kinesis Application extracts the IP address, it will use an AWS Lambda function to call PutEvents on an EventBridge event bus. This process will create the event pattern, which is used to determine when to trigger an event bus rule. This example uses a simple pattern, which acts on any event with a source of “custom.waflogs” as shown in Figure 2. A more complex pattern could be used to for finer grain control of when a rule triggers.

Figure 2: EventBridge Rule creation

Figure 2: EventBridge Rule creation

Once the event reaches the event bus, the rule will forward the event to an event bus in “Receiver” account, where a second rule will trigger to call a Lambda function to update a WAF IPSet. A Web ACL rule is used to block all traffic sourcing from an IP address contained in the IPSet.

Test the solution by using AWS CloudFormation

Now that you’ve walked through the design of this solution, you can follow these instructions to test it in your own AWS account by using CloudFormation stacks.

To deploy using CloudFormation

  1. Launch the stack to provision resources in the Receiver account.
  2. Provide the account ID of the Sender account. This will correctly configure the permissions for the EventBridge event bus.
  3. Wait for the stack to complete, and then capture the event bus ARN from the output tab.

    This stack creates the following resources:

    • An AWS WAF v2 web ACL
    • An IPSet which will be used to contain the IP addresses to block
    • An AWS WAF rule that will block IP addresses contained in the IPSet
    • A Lambda function to update the IPSet
    • An IAM policy and execution role for the Lambda function
    • An event bus
    • An event bus rule that will trigger the Lambda function
  4. Switch to the Sender account. This should be the account you used in step 2 of this procedure.
  5. Provide the ARN of the event bus that was captured in step 3. This stack will provision the following resources in your account:
    • A virtual private cloud (VPC) with public and private subnets
    • Route tables for the VPC resources
    • An Application Load Balancer (ALB) with a fixed response rule
    • A security group that allows ingress traffic on port 80 to the ALB
    • A web ACL with the AWS Managed Rule for Admin Protection enabled
    • An S3 bucket for AWS WAF logs
    • A Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream
    • A Kinesis Data Analytics application
    • An EventBridge event bus
    • An event bus rule
    • A Lambda function to send information to the Receiver account event bus
    • A custom CloudFormation resource which enables WAF logging and starts the Kinesis Application
    • An IAM policy and execution role that allows a Lamba function to put events into the event bus
    • An IAM policy and role to allow the custom CloudFormation resource to enable WAF logging and start the Kinesis Application
    • An IAM policy and role that allows the Kinesis Firehose to put logs into S3
    • An IAM policy that allows the WAF Web ACL to put records into the Firehose
    • An IAM policy and role that allows the Kinesis Application to invoke a Lambda function and log to CloudWatch
    • An IAM policy and role that allows the “Sender” account to put events in the “Receiver” event bus

After the CloudFormation stack completes, you should test your environment. To test the solution, check the output tab for the DNS name of the Application Load Balancer and run the following command:

curl ALBDNSname/admin

You should be able to check the Receiver account’s AWS WAF IPSet named WAFBlockIPset and find your IP.


This example is intentionally simple to clearly demonstrate how each component works. You can take these principles and apply them to your own environment. Layering the Amazon managed rules with your own custom rules is the best way to get started with AWS WAF. This example shows how you can use automation to update your WAF rules without needing to rely on humans. A more complete solution would source log data from each Web ACL and update an active IP Set in each account to protect all resources. As seen in Figure 3, a more complete implementation would send all logs in a region to a centralized Kinesis Firehose to be processed by the Kinesis Analytics Application, EventBridge would be used to update a local IPset as well as forward the event to other accounts event buses for processing.

Figure 3: Updating across accounts

Figure 3: Updating across accounts

You can also add additional targets to the event bus to do things such as send to a Simple Notification Service topic for notifications, or run additional automation. To learn more about AWS WAF web ACLs, visit the AWS WAF Developer Guide. Using Amazon EventBridge opens up the possibility to send events to partner integrations. Customers or APN Partners like PagerDuty or Zendesk can enrich this solution by taking actions such as automatically opening a ticket or starting an incident. To learn more about the power of Amazon EventBridge, see the EventBridge User Guide.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the AWS WAF forum or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Adam Cerini

Adam is a Senior Solutions Architect with Amazon Web Services. He focuses on helping Public Sector customers architect scalable, secure, and cost effective systems. Adam holds 5 AWS certifications including AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional and AWS Certified Security – Specialist.

Building Salesforce integrations with Amazon EventBridge and Amazon AppFlow

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-salesforce-integrations-with-amazon-eventbridge/

This post is courtesy of Den Delimarsky, Senior Product Manager, and Vinay Kondapi, Senior Product Manager.

The integration between Amazon EventBridge and Amazon AppFlow enables customers to receive and react to events from Salesforce in their event-driven applications. In this blog post, I show you how to set up the integration, and route Salesforce events to an AWS Lambda function for processing.

Amazon AppFlow is a fully managed integration service that enables you to securely transfer data between software as a service (SaaS) applications like Salesforce, Marketo, Slack, and ServiceNow, and AWS services like Amazon S3 and Amazon Redshift.

EventBridge SaaS integrations make it easier for customers to receive events from over 30 different SaaS providers. Salesforce is a popular SaaS provider among AWS customers, so it has been one of the most anticipated event sources for EventBridge. Customers want to build rich applications that can react to events that track campaigns, contracts, opportunities, and order changes.

The ability to receive these events allows you to build workflows where you can start a variety of processes. For example, you could notify a broad range of subscribers about the changes, or enrich the data with information from another service. Or you could route the event to an order delivery system.

Previously, to connect Salesforce to your application, you must write custom API polling code that routes events either directly to an application or to an event bus. With the Salesforce integration with EventBridge and Amazon AppFlow, the integration is built in minutes directly through the AWS Management Console, with no code required.

The solution outlined in this blog post is structured as follows:

Architecture overview

Setting up the event source

To set up the event source:

  1. Open the Amazon AppFlow console, and create a new flow. Choose Create flow button on the service landing page. Give your flow a unique name, and choose Next.Specify flow details
  2. In the Source name list, select Salesforce, and then choose Connect. Select the Salesforce environment you are using, and provide a unique connection name.Connect to Salesforce
  3. Choose Continue. When prompted, provide your Salesforce credentials. These are the credentials that are associated with the specific Salesforce environment selected in the previous step.
  4. Select Salesforce events from the list of available options for the flow, and choose the event that you want to route to EventBridge. This ensures that Amazon AppFlow can route specific events that are coming from Salesforce to an EventBridge event bus.Source details
  5. With the source set up, you can now specify the destination. In the Destination name list, select EventBridge.Destination name

To send Salesforce events to EventBridge, Amazon AppFlow creates a new partner event source that is associated with a partner event bus.

To create a partner event source:

  1. Select an existing partner event source, or create a new one by choosing the list of partner event sources.Destination details
  2. When creating a new event source, you can optionally customize the name, to make it easier for you to identify it later.Generate partner event source
  3. Choose an Amazon S3 bucket for large events. For events that are larger than 256 KB, Amazon AppFlow sends a URL for the S3 object to the event bus instead of the event payload.Large event handling
  4. Define a flow trigger, which determines when the flow is started. Because we are tracking events, we want to react to those as they come in. Using the default Run flow on event enables this scenario as changes occur in Salesforce.Flow trigger

With Amazon AppFlow, you can also configure data field mapping, validation rules, and filters. These enable you to enrich and modify event data before it is sent to the event bus.

Once you create the flow, you must activate the event source that you created. To complete this step:

  1. Open the EventBridge console.
  2. Associate a partner event source with an event bus by following the link in the Amazon AppFlow integration dialog box, or navigating directly to the partner event sources view. You can see a partner event source with a Pending state.Partner event source
  3. Select the event source and choose Associate with event bus.
  4. Confirm the settings and choose on Associate.Associate with an event bus
  5. Return to the Amazon AppFlow console, and open the flow you were creating. Choose Activate flow.Activate flow

Your integration is now complete, and EventBridge can start receiving Salesforce events from the configured flow.

Routing Salesforce events to Lambda function

The associated partner event bus receives all events of the configured type from the connected Salesforce accounts. Now your application can react to these events with the help of rules in EventBridge. Rules allow you to set conditions for event routing that determine what targets receive event payloads. You can learn more about this functionality in the EventBridge documentation.

To create a new rule:

  1. Go to the rules view in the EventBridge console, and choose Create rule.EventBridge Rules
  2. Provide a unique name and an optional description for your rule.
  3. Select the Event pattern option in the Define pattern section. With event pattern configuration, you can define parts of the event payload that EventBridge must look at to determine where to route the event.Define pattern
    For this exercise, start by capturing every Salesforce event that goes through the partner event bus. The only events routed through this bus are from the partner event source. In this case, it is Amazon AppFlow connected to Salesforce.
  4. Set the event matching pattern to Pre-defined pattern by service, with the service provider being All Events. The default setting allows you to receive all events that are coming through the partner event bus.Event matching pattern
  5. Select the event bus that the rule should be associated with. Choose Custom or partner event bus and select the event bus that you associated with the Amazon AppFlow event source. Every rule in EventBridge is associated with an event bus.Select event bus

When rules are triggered, the event can be routed to other AWS services. Additionally, every rule can have up to five different AWS targets. You can read more about available targets in the EventBridge documentation. For this blog post, we use an AWS Lambda function as a target for Salesforce events received from Amazon AppFlow.

To configure targets for your rule:

  1. From the list of targets, select Lambda function, and select an existing function. If you do not yet have a function available, you can create one in the AWS Lambda console.Select targets
  2. Choose Create. You have now completed the rule setup.

Now, Salesforce events that match the configured type are routed directly to a Lambda function in your account.

Testing the integration

To test the integration:

  1. Open the Lambda view in the AWS Management Console.
  2. Choose the function that is handling the events from EventBridge.
  3. In the Function code section, update the code to:
    exports.handler = async (event) => {
        const response = {
            statusCode: 200,
            body: JSON.stringify('Hello from Lambda!'),
        return response;

    Function code

  4. Choose Save.
  5. Open your Salesforce instance, and take an action that is associated with the event you configured earlier. For example, you could update a contract or create an order.
  6. Go back to your function in AWS Management Console, and choose the Monitoring tab.Lambda function monitoring tab
  7. Scroll to CloudWatch Logs Insights section.CloudWatch Logs Insights
  8. Choose the latest log stream. Make sure that the timestamp approximately matches the time when you triggered the action in Salesforce.
  9. Choose the log stream.
  10. Observe log events that contain Salesforce event data.

You have completed your first Salesforce integration with EventBridge and Amazon AppFlow. You are now able to build decoupled and highly scalable applications that integrate with Salesforce.


Building decoupled and scalable cross-service applications is more relevant than ever with requirements for high availability, consistency, and reliability. This blog post demonstrates a solution that connects Salesforce to an event-driven application that uses EventBridge and Amazon AppFlow to route events. The application uses events from Salesforce as a starting point for a custom processing workflow in a Lambda function.

To learn more about EventBridge, visit the EventBridge documentation or EventBridge Learning Path.

To learn more about Amazon AppFlow, visit the Amazon AppFlow documentation.

Building storage-first serverless applications with HTTP APIs service integrations

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/building-storage-first-applications-with-http-apis-service-integrations/

Over the last year, I have been talking about “storage first” serverless patterns. With these patterns, data is stored persistently before any business logic is applied. The advantage of this pattern is increased application resiliency. By persisting the data before processing, the original data is still available, if or when errors occur.

Common pattern for serverless API backend

Common pattern for serverless API backend

Using Amazon API Gateway as a proxy to an AWS Lambda function is a common pattern in serverless applications. The Lambda function handles the business logic and communicates with other AWS or third-party services to route, modify, or store the processed data. One option is to place the data in an Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) queue for processing downstream. In this pattern, the developer is responsible for handling errors and retry logic within the Lambda function code.

The storage first pattern flips this around. It uses native error handling with retry logic or dead-letter queues (DLQ) at the SQS layer before any code is run. By directly integrating API Gateway to SQS, developers can increase application reliability while reducing lines of code.

Storage first pattern for serverless API backend

Storage first pattern for serverless API backend

Previously, direct integrations require REST APIs with transformation templates written in Velocity Template Language (VTL). However, developers tell us they would like to integrate directly with services in a simpler way without using VTL. As a result, HTTP APIs now offers the ability to directly integrate with five AWS services without needing a transformation template or code layer.

The first five service integrations

This release of HTTP APIs direct integrations includes Amazon EventBridge, Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, Simple Queue Service (SQS), AWS System Manager’s AppConfig, and AWS Step Functions. With these new integrations, customers can create APIs and webhooks for their business logic hosted in these AWS services. They can also take advantage of HTTP APIs features like authorizers, throttling, and enhanced observability for securing and monitoring these applications.

Amazon EventBridge

HTTP APIs service integration with Amazon EventBridge

HTTP APIs service integration with Amazon EventBridge

The HTTP APIs direct integration for EventBridge uses the PutEvents API to enable client applications to place events on an EventBridge bus. Once the events are on the bus, EventBridge routes the event to specific targets based upon EventBridge filtering rules.

This integration is a storage first pattern because data is written to the bus before any routing or logic is applied. If the downstream target service has issues, then EventBridge implements a retry strategy with incremental back-off for up to 24 hours. Additionally, the integration helps developers reduce code by filtering events at the bus. It routes to downstream targets without the need for a Lambda function as a transport layer.

Use this direct integration when:

  • Different tasks are required based upon incoming event details
  • Only data ingestion is required
  • Payload size is less than 256 kb
  • Expected requests per second are less than the Region quotas.

Amazon Kinesis Data Streams

HTTP APIs service integration with Amazon Kinesis Data Streams

HTTP APIs service integration with Amazon Kinesis Data Streams

The HTTP APIs direct integration for Kinesis Data Streams offers the PutRecord integration action, enabling client applications to place events on a Kinesis data stream. Kinesis Data Streams are designed to handle up to 1,000 writes per second per shard, with payloads up to 1 mb in size. Developers can increase throughput by increasing the number of shards in the data stream. You can route the incoming data to targets like an Amazon S3 bucket as part of a data lake or a Kinesis data analytics application for real-time analytics.

This integration is a storage first option because data is stored on the stream for up to seven days until it is processed and routed elsewhere. When processing stream events with a Lambda function, errors are handled at the Lambda layer through a configurable error handling strategy.

Use this direct integration when:

  • Ingesting large amounts of data
  • Ingesting large payload sizes
  • Order is important
  • Routing the same data to multiple targets

Amazon SQS

HTTP APIs service integration with Amazon SQS

HTTP APIs service integration with Amazon SQS

The HTTP APIs direct integration for Amazon SQS offers the SendMessage, ReceiveMessage, DeleteMessage, and PurgeQueue integration actions. This integration differs from the EventBridge and Kinesis integrations in that data flows both ways. Events can be created, read, and deleted from the SQS queue via REST calls through the HTTP API endpoint. Additionally, a full purge of the queue can be managed using the PurgeQueue action.

This pattern is a storage first pattern because the data remains on the queue for four days by default (configurable to 14 days), unless it is processed and removed. When the Lambda service polls the queue, the messages that are returned are hidden in the queue for a set amount of time. Once the calling service has processed these messages, it uses the DeleteMessage API to remove the messages permanently.

When triggering a Lambda function with an SQS queue, the Lambda service manages this process internally. However, HTTP APIs direct integration with SQS enables developers to move this process to client applications without the need for a Lambda function as a transport layer.

Use this direct integration when:

  • Data must be received as well as sent to the service
  • Downstream services need reduced concurrency
  • The queue requires custom management
  • Order is important (FIFO queues)

AWS AppConfig

HTTP APIs service integration with AWS Systems Manager AppConfig

HTTP APIs service integration with AWS Systems Manager AppConfig

The HTTP APIs direct integration for AWS AppConfig offers the GetConfiguration integration action and allows applications to check for application configuration updates. By exposing the systems parameter API through an HTTP APIs endpoint, developers can automate configuration changes for their applications. While this integration is not considered a storage first integration, it does enable direct communication from external services to AppConfig without the need for a Lambda function as a transport layer.

Use this direct integration when:

  • Access to AWS AppConfig is required.
  • Managing application configurations.

AWS Step Functions

HTTP APIs service integration with AWS Step Functions

HTTP APIs service integration with AWS Step Functions

The HTTP APIs direct integration for Step Functions offers the StartExecution and StopExecution integration actions. These actions allow for programmatic control of a Step Functions state machine via an API. When starting a Step Functions workflow, JSON data is passed in the request and mapped to the state machine. Error messages are also mapped to the state machine when stopping the execution.

This pattern provides a storage first integration because Step Functions maintains a persistent state during the life of the orchestrated workflow. Step Functions also supports service integrations that allow the workflows to send and receive data without needing a Lambda function as a transport layer.

Use this direct integration when:

  • Orchestrating multiple actions.
  • Order of action is required.

Building HTTP APIs direct integrations

HTTP APIs service integrations can be built using the AWS CLI, AWS SAM, or through the API Gateway console. The console walks through contextual choices to help you understand what is required for each integration. Each of the integrations also includes an Advanced section to provide additional information for the integration.

Creating an HTTP APIs service integration

Creating an HTTP APIs service integration

Once you build an integration, you can export it as an OpenAPI template that can be used with infrastructure as code (IaC) tools like AWS SAM. The exported template can also include the API Gateway extensions that define the specific integration information.

Exporting the HTTP APIs configuration to OpenAPI

Exporting the HTTP APIs configuration to OpenAPI

OpenAPI template

An example of a direct integration from HTTP APIs to SQS is located in the Sessions With SAM repository. This example includes the following architecture:

AWS SAM template resource architecture

AWS SAM template resource architecture

The AWS SAM template creates the HTTP APIs, SQS queue, Lambda function, and both Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles required. This is all generated in 58 lines of code and looks like this:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Description: HTTP API direct integrations

    Type: AWS::SQS::Queue
    Type: AWS::Serverless::HttpApi
          Name: 'AWS::Include'
            Location: './api.yaml'
    Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
        Version: "2012-10-17"
          - Effect: "Allow"
              Service: "apigateway.amazonaws.com"
              - "sts:AssumeRole"
        - PolicyName: ApiDirectWriteToSQS
            Version: '2012-10-17'
              - sqs:SendMessage
              Effect: Allow
                - !GetAtt MyQueue.Arn
    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
      CodeUri: src/
      Handler: app.lambdaHandler
      Runtime: nodejs12.x
        - SQSPollerPolicy:
            QueueName: !GetAtt MyQueue.QueueName
          Type: SQS
            Queue: !GetAtt MyQueue.Arn

    Description: "HTTP API endpoint URL"
    Value: !Sub "https://${MyHttpApi}.execute-api.${AWS::Region}.amazonaws.com"

The OpenAPI template handles the route definitions for the HTTP API configuration and configures the service integration. The template looks like this:

openapi: "3.0.1"
  title: "my-sqs-api"
          description: "Default response for POST /"
        integrationSubtype: "SQS-SendMessage"
          Fn::GetAtt: [MyHttpApiRole, Arn]
          MessageBody: "$request.body.MessageBody"
            Ref: MyQueue
        payloadFormatVersion: "1.0"
        type: "aws_proxy”
        connectionType: "INTERNET"
x-amazon-apigateway-importexport-version: "1.0"

Because the OpenAPI template is included in the AWS SAM template via a transform, the API Gateway integration can reference the roles and services created within the AWS SAM template.


This post covers the concept of storage first integration patterns and how the new HTTP APIs direct integrations can help. I cover the five current integrations and possible use cases for each. Additionally, I demonstrate how to use AWS SAM to build and manage the integrated applications using infrastructure as code.

Using the storage first pattern with direct integrations can help developers build serverless applications that are more durable with fewer lines of code. A Lambda function is no longer required to transport data from the API endpoint to the desired service. Instead, use Lambda function invocations for differentiating business logic.

To learn more join us for the HTTP API service integrations session of Sessions With SAM! 


Using serverless backends to iterate quickly on web apps – part 2

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/using-serverless-backends-to-iterate-quickly-on-web-apps-part-2/

This series is about building flexible solutions that can adapt as user requirements change. One of the challenges of building modern web applications is that requirements can change quickly. This is especially true for new applications that are finding their product-market fit. Many development teams start building a product with one set of requirements, and quickly find they must build a product with different features.

For both start-ups and enterprises, it’s often important to find a development methodology and architecture that allows flexibility. This is the surest way to keep up with feature requests in evolving products and innovate to delight your end-users. In this post, I show how to build sophisticated workflows using minimal custom code.

Part 1 introduces the Happy Path application that allows park visitors to share maps and photos with other users. In that post, I explain the functionality, how to deploy the application, and walk through the backend architecture.

The Happy Path application accepts photo uploads from users’ smartphones. The application architecture must support 100,000 monthly active users. These binary uploads are typically 3–9 MB in size and must be resized and optimized for efficient distribution.

Using a serverless approach, you can develop a robust low-code solution that can scale to handle millions of images. Additionally, the solution shown here is designed to handle complex changes that are introduced in subsequent versions of the software. The code and instructions for this application are available in the GitHub repo.

Architecture overview

After installing the backend in the previous post, the architecture looks like this:

In this design, the API, storage, and notification layers exist as one application, and the business logic layer is a separate application. These two applications are deployed using AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) templates. This architecture uses Amazon EventBridge to pass events between the two applications.

In the business logic layer:

  1. The workflow starts when events are received from EventBridge. Each time a new object is uploaded by an end-user, the PUT event in the Amazon S3 Upload bucket triggers this process.
  2. After the workflow is completed successfully, processed images are stored in the Distribution bucket. Related metadata for the object is also stored in the application’s Amazon DynamoDB table.

By separating the architecture into two independent applications, you can replace the business logic layer as needed. Providing that the workflow accepts incoming events and then stores processed images in the S3 bucket and DynamoDB table, the workflow logic becomes interchangeable. Using the pattern, this workflow can be upgraded to handle new functionality.

Introducing AWS Step Functions for workflow management

One of the challenges in building distributed applications is coordinating components. These systems are composed of separate services, which makes orchestrating workflows more difficult than working with a single monolithic application. As business logic grows more complex, if you attempt to manage this in custom code, it can become quickly convoluted. This is especially true if it handles retries and error handling logic, and it can be hard to test and maintain.

AWS Step Functions is designed to coordinate and manage these workflows in distributed serverless applications. To do this, you create state machine diagrams using Amazon States Language (ASL). Step Functions renders a visualization of your state machine, which makes it simpler to see the flow of data from one service to another.

Each state machine consists of a series of steps. Each step takes an input and produces an output. Using ASL, you define how this data progresses through the state machine. The flow from step to step is called a transition. All state machines transition from a Start state towards an End state.

The Step Functions service manages the state of individual executions. The service also supports versioning, which makes it easier to modify state machines in production systems. Executions continue to use the version of a state machine when they were started, so it’s possible to have active executions on multiple versions.

For developers using VS Code, the AWS Toolkit extension provides support for writing state machines using ASL. It also renders visualizations of those workflows. Combined with AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) templates, this provides a powerful way to deploy and maintain applications based on Step Functions. I refer to this IDE and AWS SAM in this walkthrough.

Version 1: Image resizing

The Happy Path application uses Step Functions to manage the image-processing part of the backend. The first version of this workflow resizes the uploaded image.

To see this workflow:

  1. In VS Code, open the workflows/statemachines folder in the Explorer panel.
  2. Choose the v1.asl.sjon file.v1 state machine
  3. Choose the Render graph option in the CodeLens. This opens the workflow visualization.CodeLens - Render graph

In this basic workflow, the state machine starts at the Resizer step, then progresses to the Publish step before ending:

  • In the top-level attributes in the definition, StartsAt sets the Resizer step as the first action.
  • The Resizer step is defined as a task with an ARN of a Lambda function. The Next attribute determines that the Publish step is next.
  • In the Publish step, this task defines a Lambda function using an ARN reference. It sets the input payload as the entire JSON payload. This step is set as the End of the workflow.

Deploying the Step Functions workflow

To deploy the state machine:

  1. In the terminal window, change directory to the workflows/templates/v1 folder in the repo.
  2. Execute these commands to build and deploy the AWS SAM template:
    sam build
    sam deploy –guided
  3. The deploy process prompts you for several parameters. Enter happy-path-workflow-v1 as the Stack Name. The other values are the outputs from the backend deployment process, detailed in the repo’s README. Enter these to complete the deployment.
  4. SAM deployment output

Testing and inspecting the deployed workflow

Now the workflow is deployed, you perform an integration test directly from the frontend application.

To test the deployed v1 workflow:

  1. Open the frontend application at https://localhost:8080 in your browser.
  2. Select a park location, choose Show Details, and then choose Upload images.
  3. Select an image from the sample photo dataset.
  4. After a few seconds, you see a pop-up message confirming that the image has been added:Upload confirmation message
  5. Select the same park location again, and the information window now shows the uploaded image:Happy Path - park with image data

To see how the workflow processed this image:

  1. Navigate to the Steps Functions console.
  2. Here you see the v1StateMachine with one execution in the Succeeded column.Successful execution view
  3. Choose the state machine to display more information about the start and end time.State machine detail
  4. Select the execution ID in the Executions panel to open details of this single instance of the workflow.

This view shows important information that’s useful for understanding and debugging an execution. Under Input, you see the event passed into Step Functions by EventBridge:

Event detail from EventBridge

This contains detail about the S3 object event, such as the bucket name and key, together with the placeId, which identifies the location on the map. Under Output, you see the final result from the state machine, shows a successful StatusCode (200) and other metadata:

Event output from the state machine

Using AWS SAM to define and deploy Step Functions state machines

The AWS SAM template defines both the state machine, the trigger for executions, and the permissions needed for Step Functions to execute. The AWS SAM resource for a Step Functions definition is AWS::Serverless::StateMachine.

Definition permissions in state machines

In this example:

  • DefinitionUri refers to an external ASL definition, instead of embedding the JSON in the AWS SAM template directly.
  • DefinitionSubstitutions allow you to use tokens in the ASL definition that refer to resources created in the AWS SAM template. For example, the token ${ResizerFunctionArn} refers to the ARN of the resizer Lambda function.
  • Events define how the state machine is invoked. Here it defines an EventBridge rule. If an event matches this source and detail-type, it triggers an execution.
  • Policies: the Step Functions service must have permission to invoke the services that perform tasks in the state machine. AWS SAM policy templates provide a convenient shorthand for common execution policies, such as invoking a Lambda function.

This workflow application is separate from the main backend template. As more functionality is added to the workflow, you deploy the subsequent AWS SAM templates in the same way.


Using AWS SAM, you can specify serverless resources, configure permissions, and define substitutions for the ASL template. You can deploy a standalone Step Functions-based application using the AWS SAM CLI, separately from other parts of your application. This makes it easier to decouple and maintain larger applications. You can visualize these workflows directly in the VS Code IDE in addition to the AWS Management Console.

In part 3, I show how to build progressively more complex workflows and how to deploy these in-place without affecting the other parts of the application.

To learn more about building serverless web applications, see the Ask Around Me series.