Streamlining evidence collection with AWS Audit Manager

Post Syndicated from Nicholas Parks original

In this post, we will show you how to deploy a solution into your Amazon Web Services (AWS) account that enables you to simply attach manual evidence to controls using AWS Audit Manager. Making evidence-collection as seamless as possible minimizes audit fatigue and helps you maintain a strong compliance posture.

As an AWS customer, you can use APIs to deliver high quality software at a rapid pace. If you have compliance-focused teams that rely on manual, ticket-based processes, you might find it difficult to document audit changes as those changes increase in velocity and volume.

As your organization works to meet audit and regulatory obligations, you can save time by incorporating audit compliance processes into a DevOps model. You can use modern services like Audit Manager to make this easier. Audit Manager automates evidence collection and generates reports, which helps reduce manual auditing efforts and enables you to scale your cloud auditing capabilities along with your business.

AWS Audit Manager uses services such as AWS Security Hub, AWS Config, and AWS CloudTrail to automatically collect and organize evidence, such as resource configuration snapshots, user activity, and compliance check results. However, for controls represented in your software or processes without an AWS service-specific metric to gather, you need to manually create and provide documentation as evidence to demonstrate that you have established organizational processes to maintain compliance. The solution in this blog post streamlines these types of activities.

Solution architecture

This solution creates an HTTPS API endpoint, which allows integration with other software development lifecycle (SDLC) solutions, IT service management (ITSM) products, and clinical trial management systems (CTMS) solutions that capture trial process change amendment documentation (in the case of pharmaceutical companies who use AWS to build robust pharmacovigilance solutions). The endpoint can also be a backend microservice to an application that allows contract research organizations (CRO) investigators to add their compliance supporting documentation.

In this solution’s current form, you can submit an evidence file payload along with the assessment and control details to the API and this solution will tie all the information together for the audit report. This post and solution is directed towards engineering teams who are looking for a way to accelerate evidence collection. To maximize the effectiveness of this solution, your engineering team will also need to collaborate with cross-functional groups, such as audit and business stakeholders, to design a process and service that constructs and sends the message(s) to the API and to scale out usage across the organization.

To download the code for this solution, and the configuration that enables you to set up auto-ingestion of manual evidence, see the aws-audit-manager-manual-evidence-automation GitHub repository.

Architecture overview

In this solution, you use AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) templates to build the solution and deploy to your AWS account. See Figure 1 for an illustration of the high-level architecture.

Figure 1. The architecture of the AWS Audit Manager automation solution

Figure 1. The architecture of the AWS Audit Manager automation solution

The SAM template creates resources that support the following workflow:

  1. A client can call an Amazon API Gateway endpoint by sending a payload that includes assessment details and the evidence payload.
  2. An AWS Lambda function implements the API to handle the request.
  3. The Lambda function uploads the evidence to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket (3a) and uses AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) to encrypt the data (3b).
  4. The Lambda function also initializes the AWS Step Functions workflow.
  5. Within the Step Functions workflow, a Standard Workflow calls two Lambda functions. The first looks for a matching control within an assessment, and the second updates the control within the assessment with the evidence.
  6. When the Step Functions workflow concludes, it sends a notification for success or failure to subscribers of an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic.

Deploy the solution

The project available in the aws-audit-manager-manual-evidence-automation GitHub repository contains source code and supporting files for a serverless application you can deploy with the AWS SAM command line interface (CLI). It includes the following files and folders:

src Code for the application’s Lambda implementation of the Step Functions workflow.
It also includes a Step Functions definition file.
template.yml A template that defines the application’s AWS resources.

Resources for this project are defined in the template.yml file. You can update the template to add AWS resources through the same deployment process that updates your application code.


This solution assumes the following:

  1. AWS Audit Manager is enabled.
  2. You have already created an assessment in AWS Audit Manager.
  3. You have the necessary tools to use the AWS SAM CLI (see details in the table that follows).

For more information about setting up Audit Manager and selecting a framework, see Getting started with Audit Manager in the blog post AWS Audit Manager Simplifies Audit Preparation.

The AWS SAM CLI is an extension of the AWS CLI that adds functionality for building and testing Lambda applications. The AWS SAM CLI uses Docker to run your functions in an Amazon Linux environment that matches Lambda. It can also emulate your application’s build environment and API.

To use the AWS SAM CLI, you need the following tools:

Node.js Install Node.js 14, including the npm package management tool
Docker Install Docker community edition

To deploy the solution

  1. Open your terminal and use the following command to create a folder to clone the project into, then navigate to that folder. Be sure to replace <FolderName> with your own value.

    mkdir Desktop/<FolderName> && cd $_

  2. Clone the project into the folder you just created by using the following command.

    git clone

  3. Navigate into the newly created project folder by using the following command.

    cd aws-audit-manager-manual-evidence-automation

  4. In the AWS SAM shell, use the following command to build the source of your application.

    sam build

  5. In the AWS SAM shell, use the following command to package and deploy your application to AWS. Be sure to replace <DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET> with your own unique S3 bucket name.

    sam deploy –guided –parameter-overrides paramBucketName=<DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET>

  6. When prompted, enter the AWS Region where AWS Audit Manager was configured. For the rest of the prompts, leave the default values.
  7. To activate the IAM authentication feature for API gateway, override the default value by using the following command.


To test the deployed solution

After you deploy the solution, run an invocation like the one below for an assessment (using curl). Be sure to replace <YOURAPIENDPOINT> and <AWS REGION> with your own values.

curl –location –request POST
‘https://<YOURAPIENDPOINT>.execute-api.<AWS REGION>’ \
–header ‘x-api-key: ‘ \
–form ‘payload=@”<PATH TO FILE>”‘ \
–form ‘AssessmentName=”GxP21cfr11″‘ \
–form ‘ControlSetName=”General requirements”‘ \
–form ‘ControlIdName=”11.100(a)”‘

Check to see that your file is correctly attached to the control for your assessment.

Form-data interface parameters

The API implements a form-data interface that expects four parameters:

  1. AssessmentName: The name for the assessment in Audit Manager. In this example, the AssessmentName is GxP21cfr11.
  2. ControlSetName: The display name for a control set within an assessment. In this example, the ControlSetName is General requirements.
  3. ControlIdName: this is a particular control within a control set. In this example, the ControlIdName is 11.100(a).
  4. Payload: this is the file representing evidence to be uploaded.

As a refresher of Audit Manager concepts, evidence is collected for a particular control. Controls are grouped into control sets. Control sets can be grouped into a particular framework. The assessment is considered an implementation, or an instance, of the framework. For more information, see AWS Audit Manager concepts and terminology.

To clean up the deployed solution

To clean up the solution, use the following commands to delete the AWS CloudFormation stack and your S3 bucket. Be sure to replace <YourStackId> and <DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET> with your own values.

aws cloudformation delete-stack –stack-name <YourStackId>
aws s3 rb s3://<DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET> –force


This solution provides a way to allow for better coordination between your software delivery organization and compliance professionals. This allows your organization to continuously deliver new updates without overwhelming your security professionals with manual audit review tasks.

Next steps

There are various ways to extend this solution.

  1. Update the API Lambda implementation to be a webhook for your favorite software development lifecycle (SDLC) or IT service management (ITSM) solution.
  2. Modify the steps within the Step Functions state machine to more closely match your unique compliance processes.
  3. Use AWS CodePipeline to start Step Functions state machines natively, or integrate a variation of this solution with any continuous compliance workflow that you have.

Learn more AWS Audit Manager, DevOps, and AWS for Health and start building!

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

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Nicholas Parks

Nicholas Parks

Nicholas has been using AWS since 2010 across various enterprise verticals including healthcare, life sciences, financial, retail, and telecommunications. Nicholas focuses on modernizations in pursuit of new revenue as well as application migrations. He specializes in Lean, DevOps cultural change, and Continuous Delivery.

Brian Tang

Brian Tang

Brian Tang is an AWS Solutions Architect based out of Boston, MA. He has 10 years of experience helping enterprise customers across a wide range of industries complete digital transformations by migrating business-critical workloads to the cloud. His core interests include DevOps and serverless-based solutions. Outside of work, he loves rock climbing and playing guitar.

Perform ETL operations using Amazon Redshift RSQL

Post Syndicated from Saman Irfan original

Amazon Redshift is a fast, scalable, secure, and fully managed cloud data warehouse that makes it simple and cost-effective to analyze all your data using standard SQL and your existing ETL (extract, transform, and load), business intelligence (BI), and reporting tools. Tens of thousands of customers use Amazon Redshift to process exabytes of data per day and power analytics workloads such as BI, predictive analytics, and real-time streaming analytics.

There are many ways to interact with Amazon Redshift. You can programmatically access data in your Amazon Redshift cluster by using the Amazon Redshift Data API, or you can use a web-based interface such as Amazon Redshift Query Editor V2 to author SQL queries. You can also interact with Amazon Redshift in interactive or batch mode via Amazon Redshift RSQL.

Previously, you had to use the PostgreSQL psql command line tool to interact with Amazon Redshift for simple use cases such as importing and exporting data to and from Amazon Redshift or submitting SQL in batch or interactive mode, or for advanced use cases such as performing ETL operations without writing complex ETL jobs.

Now you can use Amazon Redshift RSQL, a new command line tool to connect to an Amazon Redshift cluster and perform operations such as describe database objects, query data, view and export query results in various output file formats, run scripts that include both SQL and complex business logic, perform data cleansing and transformation operations using familiar SQL, and write ETL and ELT scripts using enhanced control flow and advanced error handling. Moreover, if you’re migrating from self-managed data warehousing engines such as Teradata to Amazon Redshift and using Teradata BTEQ (Basic Teradata Query) scripting for data automation, ETL or other tasks can now migrate to Amazon Redshift RSQL.

This post explains how to use Amazon Redshift RSQL for ETL, data cleansing and preparation, enhanced control flow, and exception and error handling.

Solution overview

Amazon Redshift RSQL enables you to connect to your Amazon Redshift cluster via a command line. It supports the capabilities of the PostgreSQL psql command line tool with an additional set of Amazon Redshift specific capabilities:

  • Describe properties or attributes of external tables in an AWS Glue catalog or Apache Hive metastore, external databases in Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL or Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL, and tables shared using Amazon Redshift data sharing
  • Use enhanced control flow commands such as \IF, \ELSEIF, \ELSE, \ENDIF, \GOTO, and \LABEL
  • Use single sign-on (SSO) authentication using ADFS, PingIdentity, Okta, Azure AD, or other SAML/JWT based identity providers (IdPs), as well as use browser-based SAML IdPs with multi-factor authentication (MFA)

The following are some commonly used commands in Amazon Redshift RSQL. We use these commands in this post to demonstrate different possible use cases using Amazon Redshift RSQL scripts.

  • \echo – Prints the specified string to the output.
  • \remark – An extension of the \echo command that has the ability to break the output over separate lines.
  • \goto – Skips all intervening commands and SQL statements and resume the processing at the specified \LABEL in sequence. The \LABEL must be a forward reference. You can’t jump to a \LABEL that lexically precedes the \GOTO.
  • \label – Establishes an entry point for running the program as the target for a \GOTO command.
  • \exit – Stops running Amazon Redshift RSQL. You can also specify an optional exit code.
  • \q – Logs off database sessions and exits Amazon Redshift RSQL.


The following are the prerequisites for using Amazon Redshift RSQL and perform the steps in this post:

  • An AWS account
  • Linux, Windows, or MacOs operating system (Amazon Redshift RSQL is available for these operating systems)
  • An Amazon Redshift cluster
  • SQL knowledge

Additionally, complete the following prerequisite steps:

  1. Install Amazon Redshift RSQL on your local machine. For instructions, refer to Getting started with Amazon Redshift RSQL.
  2. Connect to the Amazon Redshift cluster.
  3. Create the orders and orders_summary tables using the following DDL statements:
    create table orders (
      O_ORDERKEY bigint NOT NULL,
      O_CUSTKEY bigint,
      O_ORDERSTATUS varchar(1),
      O_TOTALPRICE decimal(18,4),
      O_ORDERDATE Date,
      O_ORDERPRIORITY varchar(15),
      O_CLERK varchar(15),
      O_SHIPPRIORITY Integer,
      O_COMMENT varchar(79))
    distkey (O_ORDERKEY)
    sortkey (O_ORDERDATE);
    CREATE TABLE orders_summary 
    ( o_orderkey bigint, 
     o_custkey bigint, 
     o_orderstatus character varying(1),
     o_totalprice integer,
     target_information character varying(14),
     rank character varying(15),
     description character varying(15)

Import data into the Amazon Redshift cluster

There are multiple ways to load data into Amazon Redshift tables, including using Amazon Redshift RSQL. In this section, we review the syntax and an example of the Amazon Redshift RSQL script to load data into an Amazon Redshift table using the COPY command.

We use the following syntax:

COPY <TABLE> from <location> 
iam_role <arn>
region <region>;

We provide the following parameters:

  • <location> – The location of the source data to be loaded into the target table
  • <arn> – The AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role for accessing the data
  • <region> – The AWS Region of the source data

In the following example Amazon Redshift RSQL script, we load data from an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket location into the orders table:

\echo 'Job started' 
  copy orders from 's3://redshift-immersionday-labs/data/orders/orders.tbl.'
  iam_role default
  region 'us-west-2' lzop delimiter '|' COMPUPDATE PRESET;
\echo 'Job Ended'
\exit 0 

Enhanced control flow

You can use Amazon Redshift RSQL to define programmatic enhanced control flow and conditional blocks in your ETL script. We use the following syntax:

\if <condition> 

The syntax includes the following components:

  • <condition> –The conditional statement
  • <code_block1> – The code block to run when the condition is met
  • <code_block2> – The code block to run when the condition is not met

In the following example script, we perform some conditional checks using if, elseif, and else commands based on the count of records from the orders table, and we display some messages based on the record count value:

\echo 'Job started'
Select count(*)  from orders \gset
select :count as count;
\if :count < 76000000 
  \echo 'Orders are less than target'
\elseif :count =76000000
  \echo 'Order met the target'
\else :count > 76000000
  \echo 'Orders exceeded the target'
\echo 'Job Ended' 
\exit 0  

Error handling

You can use Amazon Redshift RSQL to define exception handling blocks in your in ETL script to handle various user-defined and system-generated error scenarios that you might encounter while running the ETL process.

The following are some of the error handling options supported in Amazon Redshift RSQL:

  • :ACTIVITYCOUNT – This variable is similar to the psql variable ROW_COUNT, which returns the number of rows affected by last SQL statement. However, ACTIVITYCOUNT reports the affected row count for SELECT, COPY, and UNLOAD statements, which ROW_COUNT does not. For SQL statements returning data, ACTIVITYCOUNT specifies the number of rows returned to Amazon Redshift RSQL from the database.
  • :ERRORCODE – This variable contains the return code for the last submitted SQL statement to the database. Error code 0 specifies that SQL statement completed without any errors.
  • :ERRORLEVEL – This variable is used to assign severity levels to errors. You can use these severity levels to determine a course of action. The default value is ON.
  • :MAXERROR – This variable designates a maximum error severity level beyond which Amazon Redshift RSQL halts job processing. If SQL statements in Amazon Redshift RSQL scripts produce an error severity level greater than the designated maxerror value, Amazon Redshift RSQL immediately exits.
  • :LAST_ERROR_MESSAGE – This variable contains the error message of the most recent failed query.

We use the following syntax:

\if :ERROR <> 0 
  \echo :<ERRORCODE>
  \goto <codeblock1>
  \goto Y

The syntax includes the following information:

  • <ERRORCODE> –The error code number
  • <LAST_ERROR_MESSAGE> – The error message of the most recent failed query
  • <code_block1> – The code block to run when the error condition is met
  • <code_block2> – The code block to run when the error condition is not met

In the following example script, we create the orders_staging table and copy records into the table from an Amazon S3 location. The script also contains an exception handling section for both the table creation and copy process to handle the possible errors encountered during the process.

\echo `date`
\echo 'Job started'
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS orders_staging;

create table orders_staging (
O_CUSTKEY bigint,
O_ORDERSTATUS varchar(1),
O_TOTALPRICE decimal(18,4),
O_ORDERPRIORITY varchar(15),
O_CLERK varchar(15),
O_COMMENT varchar(79))
distkey (O_ORDERKEY)
sortkey (O_ORDERDATE);

\if :ERROR <> 0 
  \echo :ERRORCODE
  \goto QUIT_JOB
  \remark '***Orders_Staging Table Created Successfully****'
  \goto COPY_DATA

\label COPY_DATA
 copy orders_staging from 's3://redshift-immersionday-  labs/data/orders/orders.tbl.'
 iam_role default
 region 'us-west-2' lzop delimiter '|' COMPUPDATE PRESET;

\if :ERROR <> 0
  \echo :ERRORCODE
  \goto QUIT_JOB
  \remark '****Data Copied Successfully****'

\echo `date`
\echo 'Job Ended'
\exit 0 

\label QUIT_JOB
 \echo `date`
 \echo 'Job Failed'
 \exit 1 

Data transformation and preparation

You can perform some common data preparation and transformation operations on your dataset using SQL statements in the Amazon Redshift RSQL ETL script. In this section, we demonstrate data transformation and preparation operations such as casting, new data column creation, and splitting an input column into multiple columns.

We use industry standard SQL statements for transforming and preparing data for downstream consumption.

In the following example script, we use a SQL statement to transform the data from the orders_staging table and insert it into the orders_summary table:

\echo `date`
\echo 'Job started'

insert into orders_summary 
when o_totalprice < 200000
then 'Target Missed'
when o_totalprice = 200000
then 'Target Met'
when o_totalprice > 200000
then 'Target Exceeds'
end as "Target_Information",
split_part (o_orderpriority,'-',1) as RANK, 
split_part (o_orderpriority,'-',2) as DESCRIPTION
from orders_staging; 

 \goto QUIT_JOB
 \remark 'Data Inserted into Summary Orders Table'

\echo `date`
\echo 'Job Ended'
\exit 0 

\label QUIT_JOB
 \echo `date`
 \echo 'Job Failed'
 \exit 1 

Export data from an Amazon Redshift cluster and output file formatting options

You can use Amazon Redshift RSQL to extract data from one or multiple Amazon Redshift tables and write to your disk for consumption by downstream applications. Amazon Redshift RSQL uses the \EXPORT option to export the result of query to an output file.

The following are some of the useful output formating options supported in RSQL:

  • \rset rformat on – This command is required for all the formatting commands to take effect.
  • \pset format – Formats can include aligned, AsciiDoc, CSV, HTML, LaTeX, LaTeX longtable, troff-ms, unaligned, and wrapped.
  • \pset border – This option specifies border information for output data. Value 0 means no border, 1 means internal dividing lines, and 2 means table frame.
  • \rset heading – This command adds the specified heading to the output result.
  • \rset rtitle – This command adds the specified heading as well as current system date of the client computer.
  • \rset titledashes on/off – This command specifies whether to print a line of dash characters between the column names and column data returned for the SQL query.
  • \rset width – This command specifies the target width for each line in a report
  • \t – This command turns off printing column names as well as result row count at the end of the output (footers).

We use the following syntax:

\export report file=<'FilePath/Filename'>
\rset rformat on
\pset format wrapped
\pset border 2
\rset heading ‘This is Heading’
\rset width 50
\rset titledashes on
<SQL Query>
\export reset

We provide the following information:

  • <‘FilePath/Filename’> – The file name and path for the output file
  • <SQL Query> – The SQL query to run

In the following example script, we export the data from the orders_summary table using a SQL query and write it into the orders.txt text file on the local machine:

\echo `date`
\echo 'Job started'

\export report file='/<FilePath>/orders.txt'
\rset rformat on
\pset format wrapped
\rset width 50
\rset titledashes on
select * from orders_summary limit 100;

\export reset
\echo 'Job Ended'
\echo `date`
\exit 0 

Automate the Amazon Redshift RSQL ETL script

One of the options to automate Amazon Redshift RSQL scripts to run on a specific schedule is via shell scripting. You can schedule the shell script via a CRON job, a command line utility.

We use the following syntax:

rsql -D awsuser -f <RSQL_SCRIPT> <LOG_FILE>

We provide the following information:

  • <RSQL_SCRIPT> – The SQL scripts to un
  • <LOG_FILE> – The output log file

In the following example shell script, we run the Amazon Redshift RSQL script that we created and write the output log in a log file in the local machine. You can schedule the shell script via a CRON job.



touch $LOG_FILE

rsql -D awsuser -f ${RSQL_SCRIPT} > ${LOG_FILE}

Clean up

To avoid incurring future charges, stop the Amazon Redshift cluster created for the purpose of this post.


In this post, we explained how to use Amazon Redshift RSQL to perform ETL operations. We also demonstrated how to implement advanced error handling and enhanced control flow in your Amazon Redshift RSQL ETL script.

If you’re using scripts via the psql command line client on Amazon Redshift, you can operate on Amazon Redshift RSQL with no modification. If you’re migrating your Teradata BTEQ scripts to Amazon Redshift RSQL, you can use the AWS Schema Conversion Tool (AWS SCT) to automatically convert BTEQ scripts to Amazon Redshift RSQL scripts.

To learn more, refer to Amazon Redshift RSQL.

About the Authors

Saman Irfan is a Specialist Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. She focuses on helping customers across various industries build scalable and high-performant analytics solutions. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with her family, watching TV series, and learning new technologies.

Sudipta Bagchi is a Specialist Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. He has over 12 years of experience in data and analytics, and helps customers design and build scalable and high-performant analytics solutions. Outside of work, he loves running, traveling, and playing cricket.

Building Blue/Green application deployment to Micro Focus Enterprise Server

Post Syndicated from Kevin Yung original

Organizations running mainframe production workloads often follow the traditional approach of application deployment. To release new features of existing applications into production, the application is redeployed using the new version of software on the existing infrastructure. This poses the following challenges:

  • The cutover of the application deployment from testing to production usually takes place during a planned outage window with associated downtime.
  • Rollback is difficult, since the earlier version of the software must be redeployed from scratch on the existing infrastructure. This may result in applications being unavailable for longer durations owing to the rollback.
  • Due to differences in testing and production environments, some defects may leak into production, affecting the application code quality and thus increasing the number of production outages

Automated, robust application deployment is recognized as a prime driver for moving from a Mainframe to AWS, as service stability, security, and quality can be better managed. In this post, you will learn how to build Blue/Green (zero-downtime) deployments for mainframe applications rehosted to Micro Focus Enterprise Server with AWS Developer Tools (AWS CodeBuild, CodePipeline, and CodeDeploy).

This is a continuation of our previous post “Automate thousands of mainframe tests on AWS with the Micro Focus Enterprise Suite”. In our last post, we explained how you can implement a pattern for continuous integration and testing of mainframe applications with AWS Developer tools and Micro Focus Enterprise Suite. If you haven’t already checked it out, then we strongly recommend that you read through it before proceeding to the rest of this post.

Overview of solution

In this section, we explain the three important design “ingredients” to be implemented in the overall solution:

  1. Implementation of Enterprise Server Performance and Availability Cluster (PAC)
  2. End-to-end design of CI/CD pipeline for multiple teams development
  3. Blue/green deployment process for a rehosted mainframe application

First, let’s look at the solution design for the Micro Focus Enterprise Server PAC cluster.

Overview of Micro Focus Enterprise Server Performance and Availability Cluster (PAC)

In the Blue/Green deployment solution, Micro Focus Enterprise Server is the hosting environment for mainframe applications with the software installed into Amazon EC2 instances. Application deployment in Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling is one of the critical requirements to build a Blue/Green deployment. Micro Focus Enterprise Server PAC technology is the feature that allows for the Auto Scaling of Enterprise Server instances. For details on how to build Micro Focus Enterprise PAC Cluster with Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling and Systems Manager, see our AWS Prescriptive Guidance document. An overview of the infrastructure architecture is shown in the following figure, and the following table explains the components in the architecture.

Infrastructure architecture overview for blue/green application deployment to Micro Focus Enterprise Server

Components Description
Micro Focus Enterprise Servers Deploy applications to Micro Focus Enterprise Servers PAC in Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Group.
Micro Focus Enterprise Server Common Web Administration (ESCWA) Manage Micro Focus Enterprise Server PAC with ESCWA server, e.g., Adding or Removing Enterprise Server to/from a PAC.
Relational Database for both user and system data files Setup Amazon Aurora RDS Instance in Multi-AZ to host both user and system data files to be shared across the Enterprise server instances.
Micro Focus Enterprise Server Scale-Out Repository (SOR) Setup an Amazon ElastiCache Redis Instance and replicas in Multi-AZ to host user data.
Application endpoint and load balancer Setup a Network Load Balancer to provide a hostname for end users to connect the application, e.g., accessing the application through a 3270 emulator.

CI/CD Pipelines design supporting multi-streams of mainframe development

In a previous DevOps post, Automate thousands of mainframe tests on AWS with the Micro Focus Enterprise Suite, we introduced two levels of pipelines. The first level of pipeline is used by mainframe project teams to test project scope changes. The second level of the pipeline is used for system integration tests, where the pipeline will perform tests for all of the promoted changes from the project pipelines and perform extensive systems tests.

In this post, we are extending the two levels pipeline to add a production deployment pipeline. When system testing is complete and successful, the tested application artefacts are promoted to the production pipeline in preparation for live production release. The following figure depicts each stage of the three levels of CI/CD pipeline and the purpose of each stage.

Different levels of CI/CD pipeline - Project Team Pipeline, Systems Test Pipeline and Production Deployment Pipeline

Let’s look at the artifact promotion to production pipeline in greater detail. The Systems Test Pipeline promotes the tested artifacts in binary format into an Amazon S3 bucket and the S3 event triggers production pipeline to kick-off. This artifact promotion process can be gated using a manual approval action in CodePipeline. For customers who want to have a fully automated continuous deployment, the manual promotion approval step can be removed.

The following diagram shows the AWS Stages in AWS CodePipeline of the production deployment pipeline:

Stages in production deployment pipeline using AWS CodePipeline

After the production pipeline is kicked off, it downloads the new version artifact from the S3 bucket. See the details of how to setup the S3 bucket as a Source of CodePipeline in the document AWS CodePipeline Document S3 as Source

In the following section, we explain each of these pipeline stages in detail:

  1. It prepares and packages a new version of production configuration artifacts, for example, the Micro Focus Enterprise Server config file, blue/green deployment scripts etc.
  2. Use in the CodeBuild Project to kick off an application blue/green deployment with AWS CodeDeploy.
  3. Use a manual approval gate to wait for an operator to validate the new version of the application and approve to continue the production traffic switch
  4. Continue the blue/green deployment by allowing traffic to the new version of the application and block the traffic to the old version.
  5. After a successful Blue/Green switch and deployment, tag the production version in the code repository.

Now that you’ve seen the pipeline design, we will dive deep into the details of the blue/green deployment with AWS CodeDeploy.

Blue/green deployment with AWS CodeDeploy

In the blue/green deployment, we used the technique of swapping Auto Scaling Group behind an Elastic Load Balancer. Refer to the AWS Blue/Green deployment whitepaper for the details of the technique. As AWS CodeDeploy is a fully-managed service that automates software deployment, it is used to automate the entire Blue/Green process.

Firstly, the following best practices are applied to setup the Enterprise Server’s infrastructure:

  1. AWS Image Builder is used to install Micro Focus Enterprise Server software and AWS CodeDeploy Agent into Amazon Machine Image (AMI). Create an EC2 Launch Template with the Enterprise Server AMI ID.
  2. A Network Load Balancer is used to setup a TCP connection health check to validate that Micro Focus Enterprise Server is listening on the required ports, e.g., port 9270, so that connectivity is available for 3270 emulators.
  3. A script was created to confirm application deployment validity in each EC2 instance. This is achieved by using a PowerShell script that triggers a CICS transaction from the Micro Focus Enterprise Server command line interface.

In the CodePipeline, we created a CodeBuild project to create a new deployment with CodeDeploy. We will go into the details of the CodeBuild buildspec.yaml configuration.

In the CodeBuild buildspec.yaml’s pre_build section, we used the following steps:

In the pre-build stage, the CodeBuild will perform two steps:

  1. Create an initial Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling using Micro Focus Enterprise Server AMI and a Launch Template for the first-time deployment of the application.
  2. Use AWS CLI to update the initial Auto Scaling Group name into a Systems Manager Parameter Store, and it will later be used by CodeDeploy to create a copy during the blue/green deployment.

In the build stage, the buildspec will perform the following steps:

  1. Retrieve the Auto Scaling Group name of the Enterprise Servers from the Systems Manager Parameter Store.
  2. Then, a blue/green deployment configuration is created for the deployment group of the application. In the AWS CLI command, we use the WITH_TRAFFIC_CONTROL option to let us manually verify and approve before switching the traffic to the new version of the application. The command snippet is shown here.
        ",deploymentReadyOption={actionOnTimeout=STOP_DEPLOYMENT,waitTimeInMinutes=600}" \


/usr/local/bin/aws deploy update-deployment-group \
      --application-name "${APPLICATION_NAME}" \
     --current-deployment-group-name "${DEPLOYMENT_GROUP_NAME}" \
     --auto-scaling-groups "${AsgName}" \
      --load-balancer-info targetGroupInfoList=[{name="${TARGET_GROUP_NAME}"}] \
      --deployment-style "deploymentType=$DeployType" \
      --Blue/Green-deployment-configuration "$BlueGreenConf"
  1. Next, the new version of application binary is released from the CodeBuild source DemoBinto the production S3 bucket.
release="bankdemo-$(date '+%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M').tar.gz"

/usr/local/bin/aws deploy push \
    --application-name ${APPLICATION_NAME} \
    --description "version - $(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')" \
    --s3-location ${RELEASE_FILE} \
    --source ${CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR_DemoBin}/
  1. Create a new deployment for the application to initiate the Blue/Green switch.
/usr/local/bin/aws deploy create-deployment \
    --application-name ${APPLICATION_NAME} \
    --s3-location bucket=${PRODUCTION_BUCKET},key=${release},bundleType=zip \
    --deployment-group-name "${DEPLOYMENT_GROUP_NAME}" \
    --description "Bankdemo Production Deployment ${release}"\
    --query deploymentId \
    --output text

After setting up the deployment options, the following is a snapshot of a deployment configuration from the AWS Management Console.

Snapshot of deployment configuration from AWS Management Console

In the AWS Post “Under the Hood: AWS CodeDeploy and Auto Scaling Integration”, we explain how AWS CodeDeploy sets up Auto Scaling lifecycle hooks to listen for Auto Scaling events. In the event of an EC2 instance launch and termination, AWS CodeDeploy can instruct its agent in the instance to run the prepared scripts.

In the following table, we list each stage in a blue/green deployment and the tasks that ran.

Hooks Tasks
BeforeInstall Create application folder structures in the newly launched Amazon EC2 and prepare for installation
  AfterInstall Enable Windows Firewall Rule for application traffic
Activate Micro Focus License using License Server
Prepare Production Database Connections
Import config to create Region in Micro Focus Enterprise Server
Deploy the latest application binaries into each of the Micro Focus Enterprise Servers
ApplicationStart Use AWS CLI to start a Systems Manager Automation “Scale-Out” runbook with the target of ESCWA server
The Automation runbook will add the newly launched Micro Focus Enterprise Server instance into a PAC
The Automation runbook will start the imported region in the newly launched Micro Focus Enterprise Server
Validate that the application is listening on a service port, for example, port 9270
Use the Micro Focus command “castran” to run an online transaction in Micro Focus Enterprise Server to validate the service status
AfterBlockTraffic Use AWS CLI to start a Systems Manager Automation “Scale-In” runbook with the target ESCWA server
The Automation runbook will try stopping the Region in the terminating EC2 instance
The Automation runbook will remove the Enterprise Server instance from the PAC

The tasks in the table are automated using PowerShell, and the scripts are used in appspec.yml config for CodeDeploy to orchestrate the deployment.

In the following appspec.yml, the locations of the binary files to be installed are defined in addition to the Micro Focus Enterprise Server Region XML config file. During the AfrerInstall stage, the XML config is imported into the Enterprise Server.

version: 0.0
os: windows
  - source: scripts
    destination: C:\scripts\
  - source: online
    destination: C:\BANKDEMO\online\
  - source: common
    destination: C:\BANKDEMO\common\
  - source: batch
    destination: C:\BANKDEMO\batch\
  - source: scripts\BANKDEMO.xml
    destination: C:\BANKDEMO\
    - location: scripts\BeforeInstall.ps1
      timeout: 300
    - location: scripts\AfterInstall.ps1    
    - location: scripts\ApplicationStart.ps1
      timeout: 300
    - location: scripts\ValidateServer.cmd
      timeout: 300
    - location: scripts\AfterBlockTraffic.ps1

Using the sample Micro Focus Bankdemo application, and the steps outlined above, we have setup a blue/green deployment process in Micro Focus Enterprise Server.

There are four important considerations when setting up blue/green deployment:

  1. For batch applications, the blue/green deployment should be invoked only outside of the scheduled “batch window”.
  2. For online applications, AWS CodeDeploy will deregister the Auto Scaling group from the target group of the Network Load Balancer. The deregistration may take a while as the server has to finish processing the ongoing requests before it can continue deployment of the new application instance. In this case, enabling Elastic Load Balancing connection draining feature with appropriate timeout value can minimize the risk of closing unfinished transactions. In addition, consider doing deployment in low-traffic windows to improve the deployment speeds.
  3. For application changes that require updates to the database schema, the version roll-forward and rollback can be managed via DB migrations tools, e.g., Flyway and Fluent Migrator.
  4. For testing in production environments, adherence to any regulatory compliance, such as full audit trail of events, must be considered.


In this post, we introduced the solution to use Micro Focus Enterprise Server PAC, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, AWS Systems Manager, and AWS CodeDeploy to automate the blue/green deployment of rehosted mainframe applications in AWS.

Through the blue/green deployment methodology, we can shift traffic between two identical clusters running different application versions in parallel. This mitigates the risks commonly associated with mainframe application deployment, namely downtime and rollback capacity, while ensure higher code quality in production through “Shift Right” testing.

A demo of the solution is available on the AWS Partner Micro Focus website [Solution-Demo]. If you’re interested in modernizing your mainframe applications, then please contact Micro Focus and AWS mainframe business development at [email protected].

Additional Information

About the authors

Kevin Yung

Kevin Yung

Kevin is a Senior Modernization Architect in AWS Professional Services Global Mainframe and Midrange Modernization (GM3) team. Kevin currently is focusing on leading and delivering mainframe and midrange applications modernization for large enterprise customers.

Krithika Palani Selvam

Krithika is a Senior Modernization Architect in AWS Professional Services Global Mainframe and Midrange Modernization (GM3) team. She is currently working with enterprise customers for migrating and modernizing mainframe and midrange applications to cloud.

Peter Woods

Peter Woods has been with Micro Focus for over 30 years <within the Application Modernisation & Connectivity portfolio>. His diverse range of roles has included Technical Support, Channel Sales, Product Management, Strategic Alliances Management and Pre-Sales and was primarily based in the UK. In 2017 Peter re-located to Melbourne, Australia and in his current role of AM2C APJ Regional Technical Leader and ANZ Pre-Sales Manager, he is charged with driving and supporting Application Modernisation sales activity across the APJ region.

Abraham Mercado Rondon

Abraham Rondon is a Solutions Architect working on Micro Focus Enterprise Solutions for the Application Modernization team based in Melbourne. After completing a degree in Statistics and before joining Micro Focus, Abraham had a long career in supporting Mainframe Applications in different countries doing progressive roles from Developer to Production Support, Business and Technical Analyst, and Project Team Lead.  Now, a vital part of the Micro Focus Application Modernization team, one of his main focus is Cloud implementations of mainframe DevOps and production workload rehost.

Deploy consistent DNS with AWS Service Catalog and AWS Control Tower customizations

Post Syndicated from Shiva Vaidyanathan original

Many organizations need to connect their on-premises data centers, remote sites, and cloud resources. A hybrid connectivity approach connects these different environments. Customers with a hybrid connectivity network need additional infrastructure and configuration for private DNS resolution to work consistently across the network. It is a challenge to build this type of DNS infrastructure for a multi-account environment. However, there are several options available to address this problem with AWS. Automating DNS infrastructure using Route 53 Resolver endpoints covers how to use Resolver endpoints or private hosted zones to manage your DNS infrastructure.

This blog provides another perspective on how to manage DNS infrastructure with  Customizations for Control Tower and AWS Service Catalog. Service Catalog Portfolios and products use AWS CloudFormation to abstract the complexity and provide standardized deployments. The solution enables you to quickly deploy DNS infrastructure compliant with standard practices and baseline configuration.

Control Tower Customizations with Service Catalog solution overview

The solution uses the Customizations for Control Tower framework and AWS Service Catalog to provision the DNS resources across a multi-account setup. The Service Catalog Portfolio created by the solution consists of three Amazon Route 53 products: Outbound DNS product, Inbound DNS product, and Private DNS. Sharing this portfolio with the organization makes the products available to both existing and future accounts in your organization. Users who are given access to AWS Service Catalog can choose to provision these three Route 53 products in a self-service or a programmatic manner.

  1. Outbound DNS product. This solution creates inbound and outbound Route 53 resolver endpoints in a Networking Hub account. Deploying the solution creates a set of Route 53 resolver rules in the same account. These resolver rules are then shared with the organization via AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM). Amazon VPCs in spoke accounts are then associated with the shared resolver rules by the Service Catalog Outbound DNS product.
  2. Inbound DNS product. A private hosted zone is created in the Networking Hub account to provide on-premises resolution of Amazon VPC IP addresses. A DNS forwarder for the cloud namespace is required to be configured by the customer for the on-premises DNS servers. This must point to the IP addresses of the Route 53 Inbound Resolver endpoints. Appropriate resource records (such as a CNAME record to a spoke account resource like an Elastic Load Balancer or a private hosted zone) are added. Once this has been done, the spoke accounts can launch the Inbound DNS Service Catalog product. This activates an AWS Lambda function in the hub account to authorize the spoke VPC to be associated to the Hub account private hosted zone. This should permit a client from on-premises to resolve the IP address of resources in your VPCs in AWS.
  3. Private DNS product. For private hosted zones in the spoke accounts, the corresponding Service Catalog product enables each spoke account to deploy a private hosted zone. The DNS name is a subdomain of the parent domain for your organization. For example, if the parent domain is, one of the spoke account domains could be called The product uses the local VPC ID (spoke account) and the Network Hub VPC ID. It also uses the Region for the Network Hub VPC that is associated to this private hosted zone. You provide the ARN of the Amazon SNS topic from the Networking Hub account. This creates an association of the Hub VPC to the newly created private hosted zone, which allows the spoke account to notify the Networking Hub account.

The notification from the spoke account is performed via a custom resource that is a part of the private hosted zone product. Processing of the notification in the Networking Hub account to create the VPC association is performed by a Lambda function in the Networking Hub account. We also record each authorization-association within Amazon DynamoDB tables in the Networking Hub account. One table is mapping the account ID with private hosted zone IDs and domain name, and the second table is mapping hosted zone IDs with VPC IDs.

The following diagram (Figure 1) shows the solution architecture:

Figure 1. A Service Catalog based DNS architecture setup with Route 53 Outbound DNS product, Inbound DNS product, and Route 53 Private DNS product

Figure 1. A Service Catalog based DNS architecture setup with Route 53 Outbound DNS product, Inbound DNS product, and Route 53 Private DNS product


Deployment steps

The deployment of this solution has two phases:

  1. Deploy the Route 53 package to the existing Customizations for Control Tower (CfCT) solution in the management account.
  2. Setup user access, and provision Route 53 products using AWS Service Catalog in spoke accounts.

All the code used in this solution can be found in the GitHub repository.

Phase 1: Deploy the Route 53 package to the existing Customizations for Control Tower solution in the management account

Log in to the AWS Management Console of the management account. Select the Region where you want to deploy the landing zone. Deploy the Customizations for Control Tower (CfCT) Solution.

1. Clone your CfCT AWS CodeCommit repository:

2. Create a directory in the root of your CfCT CodeCommit repo called route53. Create a subdirectory called templates and copy the Route53-DNS-Service-Catalog-Hub-Account.yml template and the Route53-DNS-Service-Catalog-Spoke-Account.yml under the templates folder.

3. Edit the parameters present in file Route53-DNS-Service-Catalog-Hub-Account.json with value appropriate to your environment.

4. Create a S3 bucket leveraging s3Bucket.yml template and customizations.

5. Upload the three product template files (OutboundDNSProduct.yml, InboundDNSProduct.yml, PrivateDNSProduct.yml) to the s3 bucket created in step 4.

6. Under the same route53 directory, create another sub-directory called parameters. Place the updated parameter json file from previous step under this folder.

7. Edit the manifest.yaml file in the root of your CfCT CodeCommit repository to include the Route 53 resource, manifest.yml is provided as a reference. Update the Region values in this example to the Region of your Control Tower. Also update the deployment target account name to the equivalent Networking Hub account within your AWS Organization.

8. Create and push a commit for the changes made to the CfCT solution to your CodeCommit repository.

9. Finally, navigate to AWS CodePipeline in the AWS Management Console to monitor the progress. Validate the deployment of resources via CloudFormation StackSets is complete to the target Networking Hub account.

Phase 2: Setup user access, and provision Route 53 products using AWS Service Catalog in spoke accounts

In this section, we walk through how users can vend products from the shared AWS Service Catalog Portfolio using a self-service model. The following steps will walk you through setting up user access and provision products:

1. Sign in to AWS Management Console of the spoke account in which you want to deploy the Route 53 product.

2. Navigate to the AWS Service Catalog service, and choose Portfolios.

3. On the Imported tab, choose your portfolio as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Imported DNS portfolio (spoke account)

Figure 2. Imported DNS portfolio (spoke account)

4. Choose the Groups, roles, and users pane and add the IAM role, user, or group that you want to use to launch the product.

5. In the left navigation pane, choose Products as shown in Figure 3.

6. On the Products page, choose either of the three products, and then choose Launch Product.

Figure 3. DNS portfolio products (Inbound DNS, Outbound DNS, and Private DNS products)

Figure 3. DNS portfolio products (Inbound DNS, Outbound DNS, and Private DNS products)

7. On the Launch Product page, enter a name for your provisioned product, and provide the product parameters:

  • Outbound DNS product:
    • ChildDomainNameResolverRuleId: Rule ID for the Shared Route 53 Resolver rule for child domains.
    • OnPremDomainResolverRuleID: Rule ID for the Shared Route 53 Resolver rule for on-premises DNS domain.
    • LocalVPCID: Enter the VPC ID, which the Route 53 Resolver rules are to be associated with (for example: vpc-12345).
  • Inbound DNS product:
    • NetworkingHubPrivateHostedZoneDomain: Domain of the private hosted zone in the hub account.
    • LocalVPCID: Enter the ID of the VPC from the account and Region where you are provisioning this product (for example: vpc-12345).
    • SNSAuthorizationTopicArn: Enter ARN of the SNS topic belonging to the Networking Hub account.
  • Private DNS product:
    • DomainName: the FQDN for the private hosted zone (for example:
    • LocalVPCId: Enter the ID of the VPC from the account and Region where you are provisioning this product.
    • AdditionalVPCIds: Enter the ID of the VPC from the Network Hub account that you want to associate to your private hosted zone.
    • AdditionalAccountIds: Provide the account IDs of the VPCs mentioned in AdditionalVPCIds.
    • NetworkingHubAccountId: Account ID of the Networking Hub account
    • SNSAssociationTopicArn: Enter ARN of the SNS topic belonging to the Networking Hub account.

8. Select Next and Launch Product.

Validation of Control Tower Customizations with Service Catalog solution

For the Outbound DNS product:

  • Validate the successful DNS infrastructure provisioning. To do this, navigate to Route 53 service in the AWS Management Console. Under the Rules section, select the rule you provided when provisioning the product.
  • Under that Rule, confirm that spoke VPC is associated to this rule.
  • For further validation, launch an Amazon EC2 instance in one of the spoke accounts.  Resolve the DNS name of a record present in the on-premises DNS domain using the dig utility.

For the Inbound DNS product:

  • In the Networking Hub account, navigate to the Route 53 service in the AWS Management Console. Select the private hosted zone created here for inbound access from on-premises. Verify the presence of resource records and the VPCs to ensure spoke account VPCs are associated.
  • For further validation, from a client on-premises, resolve the DNS name of one of your AWS specific domains, using the dig utility, for example.

For the Route 53 private hosted zone (Private DNS) product:

  • Navigate to the hosted zone in the Route 53 AWS Management Console.
  • Expand the details of this hosted zone. You should see the VPCs (VPC IDs that were provided as inputs) associated during product provisioning.
  • For further validation, create a DNS A record in the Route 53 private hosted zone of one of the spoke accounts.
  • Spin up an EC2 instance in the VPC of another spoke account.
  • Resolve the DNS name of the record created in the previous step using the dig utility.
  • Additionally, the details of each VPC and private hosted zone association is maintained within DynamoDB tables in the Networking Hub account

Cleanup steps

All the resources deployed through CloudFormation templates should be deleted after successful testing and validation to avoid any unwanted costs.

  • Remove the changes made to the CfCT repo to remove the references to the Route 53 folder in the manifest.yaml and the route53 folder. Then commit and push the changes to prevent future re-deployment.
  • Go to the CloudFormation console, identify the stacks appropriately, and delete them.
  • In spoke accounts, you can shut down the provisioned AWS Service Catalog product(s), which would terminate the corresponding CloudFormation stacks on your behalf.

Note: In a multi account setup, you must navigate through account boundaries and follow the previous steps where products were deployed.


In this post, we showed you how to create a portfolio using AWS Service Catalog. It contains a Route 53 Outbound DNS product, an Inbound DNS product, and a Private DNS product. We described how you can share this portfolio with your AWS Organization. Using this solution, you can provision Route 53 infrastructure in a programmatic, repeatable manner to standardize your DNS infrastructure.

We hope that you’ve found this post informative and we look forward to hearing how you use this feature!

Security updates for Thursday

Post Syndicated from original

Security updates have been issued by CentOS (cyrus-sasl), Fedora (kicad), Mageia (php), openSUSE (envoy-proxy, ldns, libdxfrw, librecad, php7, and shapelib), Red Hat (cyrus-sasl), SUSE (firefox, gnutls, ldns, and php7), and Ubuntu (haproxy and php7.2, php7.4).

Писмо до правителството – първо в “Биволъ” “Невинни деца са мишена”. Украински младежи молят София за оръжия

Post Syndicated from Николай Марченко original

четвъртък 3 март 2022

За оръжия, бронежилетки, муниции и по-строги санкции срещу Кремъл призовават украински младежи в писмо до правителството на Кирил Петков, адресирано и до сайта „Биволъ“. Прессъобщението е в два варианта –…

[Security Nation] Matthew Kienow on Open-Source Security and the Recog Framework

Post Syndicated from Rapid7 original

[Security Nation] Matthew Kienow on Open-Source Security and the Recog Framework

In this episode of Security Nation, Jen and Tod chat with Matthew Kienow, Senior Software Engineer at Rapid7, about open-source security – a subject he knows a thing or two about from his work on Metasploit, AttackerKB, and most recently the Recog recognition framework. They discuss the selling points and drawbacks of open source, why seeing all the code doesn’t mean you can see all the bugs, and how open-source projects like Recog make the digital world a better place.

Stick around for our Rapid Rundown, where Matt sticks around to chat with Tod and Jen about a worrying trend in DDoS attacks that allows for amplification levels of 65x.

Matthew Kienow

[Security Nation] Matthew Kienow on Open-Source Security and the Recog Framework

Matthew Kienow is a software engineer and security researcher. Matthew is currently responsible for the Recog recognition framework project at Rapid7 and previously worked on the AttackerKB project, as well as Metasploit’s MSF 5 APIs. He has also designed, built, and successfully deployed many secure software solutions; however, often he enjoys breaking them instead. He has presented his research at various security conferences including DerbyCon, Hack In Paris, and CarolinaCon. His research has been cited by CSO, Threatpost, and SC Magazine.

Show notes

Interview links

Rapid Rundown links

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Details of an NSA Hacking Operation

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original

Pangu Lab in China just published a report of a hacking operation by the Equation Group (aka the NSA). It noticed the hack in 2013, and was able to map it with Equation Group tools published by the Shadow Brokers (aka some Russian group).

…the scope of victims exceeded 287 targets in 45 countries, including Russia, Japan, Spain, Germany, Italy, etc. The attack lasted for over 10 years. Moreover, one victim in Japan is used as a jump server for further attack.

News article.

How did we build the new Astro Pi computers for the International Space Station?

Post Syndicated from Sam Duffy original

We are really excited that our two upgraded Astro Pi units have arrived on the International Space Station. Each unit contains the latest model of the Raspberry Pi computer, plus a Raspberry Pi High Quality Camera and a host of sensors on a custom Sense HAT, all housed inside a special flight case designed to keep everything cool and protected. Here is the story of how the Astro Pi units were built:

The upgraded Astro Pi units have been designed and built in collaboration with ESA Education, the European Space Agency’s education programme. The Astro Pis’ purpose is for young people to use them in the European Astro Pi Challenge. The film highlights the units’ exciting new features, such as a machine learning accelerator and new camera, which can capture high-quality images of Earth from space using both visible light and near-infrared light.

Astro Pi MK II hardware plus a Coral machine learning accelerator.
The new Astro Pi unit, with its camera and machine learning accelerator.

There’s an extended team behind the new hardware and software, not just us working at the Raspberry Pi Foundation and the European Space Agency.

“Thanks to our friends at ESA, and all the people who have shared their unique expertise and knowledge with us, […] we’ve managed to take two ordinary Raspberry Pi computers from the production line in Wales and see them end up on the International Space Station. It’s been a real privilege to get to work with such an amazing group of space professionals.”

– Richard Hayler, Senior Programme Manager and lead engineer of the Astro Pi units

The new Astro Pis are all ready to run young peoples’ computer programs as part of the European Astro Pi Challenge. The young people who successfully proposed experiments for the 2021/22 round of Astro Pi Mission Space Lab have just submitted their programs to us for testing. These programs will run the teams’ experiments on the new Astro Pis in May.

Your young people’s code in space

There is still time until 18 March to take part in the 2021/22 round of Astro Pi Mission Zero. Mission Zero is a beginners’ coding activity for all young people up to age 19 in ESA member and associate states. Mission Zero is free, can be completed online in an hour, and lets young people send their unique message to the astronauts on board the ISS.

Logo of Mission Zero, part of the European Astro Pi Challenge.

To take part, participants follow our step-by-step guide to write a simple Python program. Their program will display their message to the astronautsvia the Astro Pi’s LED display (complete with ‘sunglasses’). Parents or educators support the participants by signing up for a mentor code to submit the young people’s programs.

All Mission Zero participants receive a certificate showing the exact time and location of the ISS when their program was run — their moment of space history to keep. And this year only, Mission Zero is extra special: participants can also help name the two new Astro Pi units

The mark 2 Astro Pi units spin in microgravity on the International Space Station.

You can watch ESA astronaut Matthias Maurer unpack and assemble the Astro Pi units in microgravity on board the ISS. It’s so exciting to work with the European Space Agency in order to send young people’s code into space. We hope you and your young people will take part in this year’s Astro Pi Challenge.

PS If you want to build your own replica of the Astro Pi units, we’ve got a treat for you soon. Next week, we’ll share a step-by-step how-to guide, including 3D printing files.

The post How did we build the new Astro Pi computers for the International Space Station? appeared first on Raspberry Pi.

А какво ще правим след ден 4?

Post Syndicated from Георги Стоев original

Беше ясно още от ден 3, че ще стане така. Беше ясно от много по-рано, разбира се.

По принцип вярвам, че един диктатор не е способен да изненада света. Изненадата е възможна само и единствено в комбинация с един вид колективна кома, известна от „Матрицата“ като „синьото хапче“. В ден 4 обаче светът взема червеното хапче, без да си е избирал момента и начина, по който да се събуди.

Ден 1 беше на едно поколение разстояние. Точно толкова е разликата във времето между свободата и тиранията. Понякога и по-малко, но никога повече. Какво означава това за нашите деца? Много просто: няма да получат наготово свободата, ще трябва да се борят за нея, вероятно всеки ден.

Какво означава това за нас като деца на създателите на мирна и свободна Европа? Не вярвахме в думите на Джеферсън, че дървото на свободата трябва да бъде поливано с кръвта на патриотите. Нашата свобода също иска да бъде поливана с кръвта на патриотите. Ако оставим само украинците да поливат дървото на нашата свобода, ще означава, че Путин е спечелил, потапяйки Европа в срам и безсилие.

Ден 4 е денят на събуждането на Европа. Бавните решения вече не са опция. Балансираната позиция не е действие. Дипломацията с ядрен джойстик в ръката е сюрреализъм.

Въпросите към другите, включително към варварите, избледняха. Рязко станаха по-важни, може би единствено важни, въпросите към самите себе си. И дори да преигравам, дори да съм циничен, въпросът как искаме да умрем, всъщност ни помага да решим как искаме да живеем.

Офертата „Ще бъда ваш император – или натискам червения бутон“ е животински начин да търсиш място в световния дневен ред – и естествено, абсолютно неприемлива за когото и да било в цивилизования свят.

Но ако се окаже, че сте заобиколени от хора, които са готови да я разгледат „рационално, в името на националния интерес“, каква ще бъде вашата реакция?

Ако се окаже, че имате не просто няколко познати, а електорална маса, която мисли така? Какво ще направите?

Заглавна снимка: Famartin / Wikimedia


3 март между истината и мита

Post Syndicated from Венелина Попова original

Неутралитет по време на война, за какъвто призовават някои български политици и интелектуалци, е равнозначен на колаборационизъм с агресора. Не може целият свят с изключение на диктаторски режими като този в Северна Корея да осъжда инвазията на Путин в Украйна, а у нас да има гласове, които призовават да си гледаме само националния интерес. Но кой е той, след като България няма съвременна национална доктрина?

Изследване на социологическата агенция „Алфа Рисърч“ от края на февруари показва, че нагласите на българите към Владимир Путин се променят динамично. Ако в последните две години между 55 и 58% са одобрявали неговата политика, само дни след нахлуването на руските войски в Украйна подкрепата за него е спаднала до 32%. И въпреки че тенденцията е променена, все още хората, които харесват руския президент или са отговорили, че „не могат да преценят“, са над половината от българското общество. И без помощта на социологията обаче тези настроения се виждат от реакциите в социалните мрежи.

От столетия нацията ни е разделена на русофили и русофоби

и преобладаващи са ту едните, ту другите настроения – в зависимост от политическата конюнктура у нас. Комунистическата пропаганда на бившия режим, учебниците, медиите, книгите и филмите от това време насаждаха митове в съзнанието на българите, свързани с освободителната мисия на Русия и СССР. Но те датират още от времето на националнореволюционното движение през ХIХ в., когато голяма част от идеолозите и ръководителите му са били контролирани от Азиатския департамент (отдел във Външното министерство на Руската империя, отговарящ за българите). Според историка Янчо Гочев някои от тях са получавали доживотно финансиране от този департамент – като Панайот Хитов или Филип Тотю например. Друга част от тях той нарича „агенти за влияние“, с цялата условност на това понятие в контекста на епохата.

След Руско-турската война противопоставянето между русофили и русофоби се ожесточава, особено след скъсването на дипломатическите отношения между Русия и България в резултат на Съединението от 6 септември 1885 г. Опозицията около Драган Цанков, т.нар. лъжесъединисти, платените русофили и тези по убеждение работят открито и подмолно срещу правителството в годините, когато българският престол е свободен, но кандидати за него в Европа няма. А руската дипломация не се отказва от намеренията си да дестабилизира младата българска държава и да я превърне в Руско-дунавска област, известна повече като Задунайска губерния. И финансира действията за осъществяването на тази идея със средства от основания за целта Окупационен фонд, но слава богу, безуспешно.

Втората окупация на България, този път от съветските войски през 1945 г., установява болшевишка диктатура в страната ни с всичките ѝ последици – червен терор, избиване на елита на нацията, унищожаване на индустрията ни, колективизация на земята, подчиняване на Православната църква и преследване на християните. Комунистическата идеология е издигната до ранг на религия, която обещава новия рай на земята. Режимът на Тодор Живков извършва и национално предателство без аналог не само в нашата история, като се опитва да направи България 16-та република на СССР – за да спаси управлението си и държавата от финансов банкрут. Тоталитарният режим предава, а след това и продава златния резерв на България на Москва. С 26 тона злато комунистите покриват 3 млрд. лв. натрупан държавен дълг на страната ни!

Русофилството е живо в българската обществена среда и днес. Русофили в България има в политическите партии, в армията, в неправителствения сектор, в средите на интелигенцията, в медиите. То е поддържано и финансирано по различни канали, но най-вече чрез устойчивите митове и сантиментите към православния руски народ. Да се промени това мислене бързо е невъзможно, трябва да израснат нови поколения в България, на които да се преподава история, изчистена от идеологеми и митологеми. Но за това е необходимо преди всичко политическа воля, както и лидерство от интелигенцията ни, която също не спира да се люшка в крайности между любовта и омразата си към Русия.

Първото нещо, което политици и интелигенция могат да направят заедно, е да организират дискусия за промяна на националния ни празник.

Този въпрос излиза на дневен ред винаги в навечерието на 3 март, вдига се медийна пушилка и шум за ден-два, и така – до следващата година. Но празнуването на „освобождението на България от турско робство“ на фона на войната на Владимир Путин в Украйна ще даде повод на формации като ВМРО, „Атака“ и „Възраждане“ да развихрят националистическите си страсти и да скандират както всяка година срещу НАТО, САЩ и български управници, които „предават националните ни интереси“. Не само – тържествата, на които ще звучат речи с фалшива патетика, манифестациите и развяването на руския флаг на Шипка, вечерните илюминации в небето над големите ни градове – всичко това ще изглежда нелепо, дори абсурдно в очите на голяма част от дипломатическите мисии у нас. А и пред света.

Войната в Украйна ни дава добър повод да разрушим един от най-трайните митове в българското национално съзнание – мита за Русия като наша освободителка. Дали вместо 3 март ще изберем за национален празник 6 септември, датата на Съединението на Княжество България и Източна Румелия, или 22 септември, когато е обявена независимостта на България, или 24 май, Деня на българската просвета и писменост – ще решим след претегляне на тежестта на историческите аргументи. А не като се съобразяваме с политическата конюнктура, както се случи през 1991 г., когато Трети март стана национален празник вместо Девети септември.

Сигурно е, че както имперска Русия е посрещнала на нож създаването на новата българска държава, така ще реагират и днес в Кремъл и в Светия синод на Руската православна църква на тази еретична от тяхна гледна точка идея. Няма да бъде приета тя с овации и от интелигенцията и народа на Русия, ще се сблъска челно и с консервативното мислене и доминиращия манталитет у нас. И най-вече с ширещата се безпросветност. Но това не бива да ни спре да детронираме институционализираната лъжа, че с подписването на Санстефанския мирен договор на 3 март 1878 г. Русия ни е освободила.

Длъжни сме да опитаме. Най-малкото заради паметта на Васил Левски, чиито портрети лицемерно висят в кабинетите на първите ни държавници. А когато вземаме решение, да не забравяме и думите Апостола, цитирани от Захари Стоянов, че „който ни освободи, той ще да направи това, за да ни подчини отново в робство…“

Заглавна снимка: © Лина Кривошиева


GitHub Availability Report: February 2022

Post Syndicated from Scott Sanders original

In February, we experienced one incident resulting in significant impact and degraded state of availability for, issues, pull requests, GitHub Actions, and GitHub Codespaces services.

February 2 19:05 UTC (lasting 13 minutes)

As mentioned in our January report, our service monitors detected a high rate of errors affecting a number of GitHub services.

Upon further investigation of this incident, we found that a routine deployment failed to generate the complete set of integrity hashes needed for Subresource Integrity. The resulting output was missing values needed to securely serve Javascript assets on

As a safety protocol, our default behavior is to error rather than rendering script tags without integrities, if a hash cannot be found in the integrities file. In this case, that means that started serving 500 error pages to all web users. As soon as the errors were detected, we rolled back to the previous deployment and resolved the incident. Throughout the incident, only browser-based access to was impacted, with API and Git access remaining healthy.

Since this incident, we have added additional checks to our build process to ensure that the integrities are accurate and complete. We’ve also added checks for our main Javascript resources to the health check for our deployment containers, and adjusted the build pipeline to ensure the integrity generation process is more robust and will not fail in a similar way in the future.

In summary

Every month, we share an update on GitHub’s availability, including a description of any incidents that may have occurred and an update on how we are evolving our engineering systems and practices in response. Whether in these reports or via our engineering blog, we look forward to keeping you updated on the progress and investments we’re making to ensure the reliability of our services.

You can also follow our status page for the latest on our availability.

New Amazon RDS for MySQL & PostgreSQL Multi-AZ Deployment Option: Improved Write Performance & Faster Failover

Post Syndicated from Sébastien Stormacq original

Today, we are announcing a new Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) Multi-AZ deployment option with up to 2x faster transaction commit latency, automated failovers typically under 35 seconds, and readable standby instances.

Amazon RDS offers two replication options to enhance availability and performance:

  • Multi-AZ deployments gives high availability and automatic failover. Amazon RDS creates a storage-level replica of the database in a second Availability Zone. It then synchronously replicates data from the primary to the standby DB instance for high availability. The primary DB instance serves application requests, while the standby DB instance remains ready to take over in case of a failure. Amazon RDS manages all aspects of failure detection, failover, and repair actions so the applications using the database can be highly available.
  • Read replicas allow applications to scale their read operations across multiple database instances. The database engine replicates data asynchronously to the read replicas. The application sends the write requests (INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE) to the primary database, and read requests (SELECT) can be load balanced across read replicas. In case of failure of the primary node, you can manually promote a read replica to become the new primary database.

Multi-AZ deployments and read replicas serve different purposes. Multi-AZ deployments give your application high availability, durability, and automatic failover. Read replicas give your applications read scalability.

But what about applications that require both high availability with automatic failover and read scalability?

Introducing the New Amazon RDS Multi-AZ Deployment Option With Two Readable Standby Instances.
Starting today, we’re adding a new option to deploy RDS databases. This option combines automatic failover and read replicas: Amazon RDS Multi-AZ with two readable standby instances. This deployment option is available for MySQL and PostgreSQL databases. This is a database cluster with one primary and two readable standby instances. It provides up to 2x faster transaction commit latency and automated failovers, typically under 35 seconds.

The following diagram illustrates such a deployment:

Three AZ RDS databases

When the new Multi-AZ DB cluster deployment option is enabled, RDS configures a primary database and two read replicas in three distinct Availability Zones. It then monitors and enables failover in case of failure of the primary node.

Just like with traditional read replicas, the database engine replicates data between the primary node and the read replicas. And just like with the Multi-AZ one standby deployment option, RDS automatically detects and manages failover for high availability.

You do not have to choose between high availability or scalability; Multi-AZ DB cluster with two readable standby enables both.

What Are the Benefits?
This new deployment option offers you four benefits over traditional multi-AZ deployments: improved commit latency, faster failover, readable standby instances, and optimized replications.

First, write operations are faster when using Multi-AZ DB cluster. The new Multi-AZ DB cluster instances leverage M6gd and R6gd instance types. These instances are powered by AWS Graviton2 processors. They are equipped with fast NVMe SSD for local storage, ideal for high speed and low-latency storage. They deliver up to 40 percent better price performance and 50 percent more local storage GB per vCPU over comparable x86-based instances.

Multi-AZ DB instances use Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) to store the data and the transaction log. The new Multi-AZ DB cluster instances use local storage provided by the instances to store the transaction log. Local storage is optimized to deliver low-latency, high I/O operations per second (IOPS) to applications. Write operations are first written to the local storage transaction log, then flushed to permanent storage on database storage volumes.

Second, failover operations are typically faster than in the Multi-AZ DB instance scenario. The read replicas created by the new Multi-AZ DB cluster are full-fledged database instances. The system is designed to fail over as quickly as 35 seconds, plus the time to apply any pending transaction log. In case of failover, the system is fully automated to promote a new primary and reconfigure the old primary as a new reader instance.

Third, the two standby instances are hot standbys. Your applications may use the cluster reader endpoint to send their read requests (SELECT) to these standby instances. It allows your application to spread the database read load equally between the instances of the database cluster.

And finally, leveraging local storage for transaction log optimizes replication. The existing Multi-AZ DB instance replicates all changes at storage-level. The new Multi-AZ DB cluster replicates only the transaction log and uses a quorum mechanism to confirm at least one standby acknowledged the change. Database transactions are committed synchronously when one of the secondary instances confirms the transaction log is written on its local disk.

Migrating Existing Databases
For those of you having existing RDS databases and willing to take advantage of this new Multi-AZ DB cluster deployment option, you may take a snapshot of your database to create a storage-level backup of your existing database instance. Once the snapshot is ready, you can create a new database cluster, with Multi-AZ DB cluster deployment option, based on this snapshot. Your new Multi-AZ DB cluster will be a perfect copy of your existing database.

Let’s See It in Action
To get started, I point my browser to the AWS Management Console and navigate to RDS. The Multi-AZ DB cluster deployment option is available for MySQL version 8.0.28 or later and PostgreSQL version 13.4 R1 and 13.5 R1. I select either database engine, and I ensure the version matches the minimum requirements. The rest of the procedure is the same as a standard Amazon RDS database launch.

Under Deployment options, I select PostgreSQL, version 13.4 R1, and under Availability and Durability, I select Multi-AZ DB cluster.

Three AZ RDS launch console

If required, I may choose the set of Availability Zones RDS uses for the cluster. To do so, I create a DB subnet group and assign the cluster to this subnet group.

Once launched, I verify that three DB instances have been created. I also take note of the two endpoints provided by Amazon RDS: the primary endpoint and one load-balanced endpoint for the two readable standby instances.

RDS Three AZ list of instances

To test the new cluster, I create an Amazon Linux 2 EC2 instance in the same VPC, within the same security group as the database, and I make sure I attach an IAM role containing the AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore managed policy. This allows me to connect to the instance using SSM instead of SSH.

Once the instance is started, I use SSM to connect to the instance. I install PostgreSQL client tools.

sudo amazon-linux-extras enable postgresql13
sudo yum clean metadata
sudo yum install postgresql

I connect to the primary DB. I create a table and INSERT a record.

psql -h -U postgres

postgres=> create table awsnewsblogdemo (id int primary key, name varchar);

postgres=> insert into awsnewsblogdemo (id,name) values (1, 'seb');

postgres=> exit

To verify the replication works as expected, I connect to the read-only replica. Notice the -ro- in the endpoint name. I check the table structure and enter a SELECT statement to confirm the data have been replicated.

psql -h -U postgres

postgres=> \dt

              List of relations
 Schema |      Name       | Type  |  Owner
 public | awsnewsblogdemo | table | postgres
(1 row)

postgres=> select * from awsnewsblogdemo;
 id | name
  1 | seb
(1 row)

postgres=> exit

In the scenario of a failover, the application will be disconnected from the primary database instance. In that case, it is important that your application-level code try to reestablish network connection. After a short period of time, the DNS name of the endpoint will point to the standby instance, and your application will be able to reconnect.

To learn more about Multi-AZ DB clusters, you can refer to our documentation.

Pricing and Availability
Amazon RDS Multi-AZ deployments with two readable standbys is generally available in the following Regions: US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), and Europe (Ireland). We will add more regions to this list.

You can use it with MySQL version 8.0.28 or later, or PostgreSQL version 13.4 R1 or 13.5 R1.

Pricing depends on the instance type. In US regions, on-demand pricing starts at $0.522 per hour for M6gd instances and $0.722 per hour for R6gd instances. As usual, the Amazon RDS pricing page has the details for MySQL and PostgreSQL.

You can start to use it today.

[$] CPython, C standards, and IEEE 754

Post Syndicated from original

Perhaps February was “compiler modernization” month. The Linux kernel
recently decided to move to the C11 standard
for its code; Python has just undergone a similar process for
determining which flavor of C to use for building its
CPython reference implementation. A calculation in the CPython interpreter
went awry when built with a pre-release version of the upcoming GCC 12; that
regression led down a path that ended up with the adoption of C11 for CPython as well.

„Какво ни очаква сега“

Post Syndicated from original

Професор Андрей Зубов е журналист в руския вестник „Новая газета“. Историк и религиевед, той е работил преди това като професор в МГИМО, завеждащ катедра в Руския православен университет, главен научен сътрудник в Института по изтоковедение на Руската академия на науките, доцент в Московската духовна академия… Чрез Огнян Минчев се натъкнах на великолепната му статия „Что ждет нас теперь“. И най-безсрамно я открадвам и превеждам на български тук:



2 март 2022 г.

Откъсвайки се от всички тези ужаси, които достигат до нас от театъра на братоубийствената Руско-украинска война (именно под това име тя ще влезе в историята), и от страховете, които ежеминутно ни терзаят у дома, ми се иска да проанализирам ситуацията, така да се каже, от птичи полет.

Всяко общество прилича на пирамида по близостта си към властта и способността си да влияе на властта. В демокрациите обаче тази пирамида е полегата, с остри ъгли в основата и тъп връх, а в личностните автокрации (абсолютни монархии, тирании) е с много остър връх и ъгли при основата, твърде близки до 90 градуса. Нашето общество е характерен пример за втория тип, автократската пирамида.

„Дълбините на народа“ представляват около 80% от нея. Те са основата на пирамидата. Като правило хора, които живеят небогато или дори бедно и предпочитат телевизора пред Интернет за съставяне на картината си за света. Те или изобщо не са стъпвали зад граница, или са се задоволявали с охраняемите плажове на Турция, Египет, Тунис или Хайнан. Те са стихийни антиамериканисти, въпреки че никога не са били в Америка. Антиамериканизмът им е последствие от комплекса на завистта на фон на непросветеност. Често в главите им картината на света е омотана в теория на заговорите, псевдоистория и други странни представи. Те са пасивни и сега, макар и недоволни от живота, и са послушни на властта.

В сегашната ситуация повечето от тези хора (около 70%) поддържат войната на Путин по украинските полета и вярват в кръвожадни антируски „бандеровци“ и злобен Запад, които противостоят на Русия. Вършат го обаче без фанатизъм. Своите деца няма да искат да пратят на война и предпочитат да си спестят нейните трудности. Фанатиците сред тях са съвсем малко. Тези, които биха отишли да воюват като доброволци, ще го направят повече от нищета и отчаяние заради неуредения си живот.

Второто ниво на пирамидата са 18-19%. Това са интелигентни и културни хора, които широко използват интернет, ходят зад граница и познават добре света. Много от тях имат независими от властта източници на доходи. Други – напротив, работят в държавни корпорации или в бюрокрацията, обслужват властта, но нямат достъп до нея. Тези хора често, но не винаги живеят прилично. Могат даже да имат жилище в Латвия или България, или дори апартаментче на Лазурния. Сред тях преобладава ясното разбиране на картината на света, много имат силни нравствени принципи и ценят свободата. Други – напротив, продават таланта си на властта, и срещу мълчанието си получават нелоши заплати в университетите, бюрокроцията и близкия до властта бизнес. Немалък брой представители на тази група, потресени от последните събития, и в момента сменят лоялността си към властта с морално противопоставяне, подават си оставките от държавни служби и медии, и т.н. Но така постъпват далеч не всички лоялисти. Пример за протестното мнозинство сред тази група може да бъде актрисата Чулпан Хаматова, а на лоялното малцинство – Гергиев.

Най-сетне, върхът на пирамидата – 1-2% от населението – са бенефициентите на сегашната руска система. Това са хора изцяло предадени на властта, също образовани и разбиращи всичко. Имащи на Запад не апартаментчета, а вили, солидни влогове в западни банки (от Швейцария до ОАЕ), участващи в международния бизнес. Това са чиновници от най-висок ранг, ръководители на държавни корпорации, така наречените депутати в Думата и Съвета на Федерацията, губернатори, многозвездни генерали от армията, ФСБ и ГРУ. Те са продали свободата си на Путин и са получили в замяна богат и привилегирован живот. Те са безпрекословни изпълнители на волята му, но не по идейни, а по абсолютно користни съображения. Идеолози от сорта на Дугин или Вайно сред тях също има, но са малко. И, най-важното, идеите им са най-различни, общо е само че се опитват да ги осъществят чрез „достъп до тялото“.

Сега в тази елитна група царят ужас и фрустрация. Най-често чуваният израз в кабинетите и на Кремъл, и на Лубянка, и на Старая площадь е „той ни измами“. С Руско-украинската война Путин занули целия им сладък живот, направи недостъпни за тях парите им и вилите им в най-хубавите места по света, и на всичкото отгоре изисква от тях още повече лоялност, без да му пука, че съучастието в тази война прави много от тях поименно военни престъпници и обекти на трибунала в Хага. Такава договорка с Путин те нямат. Освен това пред тях започна да се мержелее и призракът на Големия терор, ако отхвърленият от целия свят режим продължи военната си агресия. А по-нататък ги чака и перспективата от тях да остане само ядрена пепел. Пък тая перспектива хич не е интересна за собствениците на океански яхти, колекции ролс-ройсове и ламборджинита, шедьоври на живописта и уютни вили сред тосканските лозя.

Тези хора престават да са лоялни на Путин. Защо да губят всичко накрадено, че и живота си в добавка? А без тях Путин вече е не велик тиранин, а просто стар човек, който се крие в бункер. Даже прословутият „червен бутон“, така майсторски изобразен в „Шарли Ебдо“, той вече може да натисне, ама никой няма да се задейства от това. Няколкото му фанатици не се броят. Те просто ще бъдат изолирани, заедно с направилия грешка тиранин.

Путин не може да се обърне и към по-долния етаж от пирамидата. Той или е против него, или му е лоялен по същата причина, както и „елитът“, и ще му обърне гръб заедно с елита. А към дълбините на народа съвсем не може да се обърне. Той е всичко друго, но не и народен вожд. Пък и този народ, дори да му съчувства, няма да тръгне след него. Вече е научен на пасивност и оцеляване пред телевизора, а не на народна революция.

Ако Путин беше спечелил войната в Украйна за два дни, а Западът не беше приел съкрушителни санкции, щеше да продължи да се радва на лоялността и на пълната поддръжка на народа. Даже на мистичен възторг от страна на елита, като Хитлер през 1939-41 г. Интелигенцията щеше да бъде разцепена и изолирана… Но Путин изгуби войната, не успя с блицкрига, затъна в мартенската кал на украинските черноземи. И санкциите се оказаха наистина съкрушителни, както и обеща старият президент Байдън.

И Путин остана сам. Тук не е Иран, където режимът на аятоласите се утвърди в резултат на народна религиозна революция (както и режимът на болшевиките в Русия през 1917-22 г.). Не е и Северна Корея, където в деспотизъм прерасна също народна антиколониална война. В Русия вече трийсет години царува скучна и безидейна клептократия, приела от ръцете на болшевизма смазания от него народ.

Путин занули клептократията, вече няма как да бъде неин лидер. Опозори се пред целия свят и стана за човечеството особено опасен военнопрестъпник с признаци на лудост. До няколко дни ще го отпишат. Не той, а нов лидер ще трябва да връща на върха на пирамидата „красивия живот“, да възстанови отношенията със Запада, да измоли разблокиране на банковите сметки в чуждестранните банки, да издейства отмяна на запорите върху имущества… Това ще трябва да бъде човек, неопетнен от сегашните престъпления, в идеалния случай даже осъдил ги на пълен глас, но произхождащ от техните среди. Човек, с когото те могат да се договорят.

Затова не ни грози нито нов сталинизъм, нито ирански път, нито севернокорейски. Масите в Русия са безмълвни, народна революция няма да има. Ще има, и то много-много скоро, вътрешен за върхушката преврат, подобен на смъкването на Хрушчов през 1964 г., или смъртта на император Павел на 11 септември 1801 г., или странната смърт на Сталин през март 1953 г. Но за да възстанови отношенията със Запада той ще трябва да се опира на средният, активният етаж от пирамидата, да има неговата морална поддръжка и да възстанови демокрацията и гражданските свободи. И можем да го очакваме в близките дни, най-много седмици. Оставам оптимист, господа.

How the Georgia Data Analytics Center built a cloud analytics solution from scratch with the AWS Data Lab

Post Syndicated from Kanti Chalasani original

This is a guest post by Kanti Chalasani, Division Director at Georgia Data Analytics Center (GDAC). GDAC is housed within the Georgia Office of Planning and Budget to facilitate governed data sharing between various state agencies and departments.

The Office of Planning and Budget (OPB) established the Georgia Data Analytics Center (GDAC) with the intent to provide data accountability and transparency in Georgia. GDAC strives to support the state’s government agencies, academic institutions, researchers, and taxpayers with their data needs. Georgia’s modern data analytics center will help to securely harvest, integrate, anonymize, and aggregate data.

In this post, we share how GDAC created an analytics platform from scratch using AWS services and how GDAC collaborated with the AWS Data Lab to accelerate this project from design to build in record time. The pre-planning sessions, technical immersions, pre-build sessions, and post-build sessions helped us focus on our objectives and tangible deliverables. We built a prototype with a modern data architecture and quickly ingested additional data into the data lake and the data warehouse. The purpose-built data and analytics services allowed us to quickly ingest additional data and deliver data analytics dashboards. It was extremely rewarding to officially release the GDAC public website within only 4 months.

A combination of clear direction from OPB executive stakeholders, input from the knowledgeable and driven AWS team, and the GDAC team’s drive and commitment to learning played a huge role in this success story. GDAC’s partner agencies helped tremendously through timely data delivery, data validation, and review.

We had a two-tiered engagement with the AWS Data Lab. In the first tier, we participated in a Design Lab to discuss our near-to-long-term requirements and create a best-fit architecture. We discussed the pros and cons of various services that can help us meet those requirements. We also had meaningful engagement with AWS subject matter experts from various AWS services to dive deeper into the best practices.

The Design Lab was followed by a Build Lab, where we took a smaller cross section of the bigger architecture and implemented a prototype in 4 days. During the Build Lab, we worked in GDAC AWS accounts, using GDAC data and GDAC resources. This not only helped us build the prototype, but also helped us gain hands-on experience in building it. This experience also helped us better maintain the product after we went live. We were able to continually build on this hands-on experience and share the knowledge with other agencies in Georgia.

Our Design and Build Lab experiences are detailed below.

Step 1: Design Lab

We wanted to stand up a platform that can meet the data and analytics needs for the Georgia Data Analytics Center (GDAC) and potentially serve as a gold standard for other government agencies in Georgia. Our objective with the AWS Data Design Lab was to come up with an architecture that meets initial data needs and provides ample scope for future expansion, as our user base and data volume increased. We wanted each component of the architecture to scale independently, with tighter controls on data access. Our objective was to enable easy exploration of data with faster response times using Tableau data analytics as well as build data capital for Georgia. This would allow us to empower our policymakers to make data-driven decisions in a timely manner and allow State agencies to share data and definitions within and across agencies through data governance. We also stressed on data security, classification, obfuscation, auditing, monitoring, logging, and compliance needs. We wanted to use purpose-built tools meant for specialized objectives.

Over the course of the 2-day Design Lab, we defined our overall architecture and picked a scaled-down version to explore. The following diagram illustrates the architecture of our prototype.

The architecture contains the following key components:

  • Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) for raw data landing and curated data staging.
  • AWS Glue for extract, transform, and load (ETL) jobs to move data from the Amazon S3 landing zone to Amazon S3 curated zone in optimal format and layout. We used an AWS Glue crawler to update the AWS Glue Data Catalog.
  • AWS Step Functions for AWS Glue job orchestration.
  • Amazon Athena as a powerful tool for a quick and extensive SQL data analysis and to build a logical layer on the landing zone.
  • Amazon Redshift to create a federated data warehouse with conformed dimensions and star schemas for consumption by Tableau data analytics.

Step 2: Pre-Build Lab

We started with planning sessions to build foundational components of our infrastructure: AWS accounts, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, an Amazon Redshift cluster, a virtual private cloud (VPC), route tables, security groups, encryption keys, access rules, internet gateways, a bastion host, and more. Additionally, we set up AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles and policies, AWS Glue connections, dev endpoints, and notebooks. Files were ingested via secure FTP, or from a database to Amazon S3 using AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI). We crawled Amazon S3 via AWS Glue crawlers to build Data Catalog schemas and tables for quick SQL access in Athena.

The GDAC team participated in Immersion Days for training in AWS Glue, AWS Lake Formation, and Amazon Redshift in preparation for the Build Lab.

We defined the following as the success criteria for the Build Lab:

  • Create ETL pipelines from source (Amazon S3 raw) to target (Amazon Redshift). These ETL pipelines should create and load dimensions and facts in Amazon Redshift.
  • Have a mechanism to test the accuracy of the data loaded through our pipelines.
  • Set up Amazon Redshift in a private subnet of a VPC, with appropriate users and roles identified.
  • Connect from AWS Glue to Amazon S3 to Amazon Redshift without going over the internet.
  • Set up row-level filtering in Amazon Redshift based on user login.
  • Data pipelines orchestration using Step Functions.
  • Build and publish Tableau analytics with connections to our star schema in Amazon Redshift.
  • Automate the deployment using AWS CloudFormation.
  • Set up column-level security for the data in Amazon S3 using Lake Formation. This allows for differential access to data based on user roles to users using both Athena and Amazon Redshift Spectrum.

Step 3: Four-day Build Lab

Following a series of implementation sessions with our architect, we formed the GDAC data lake and organized downstream data pulls for the data warehouse with governed data access. Data was ingested in the raw data landing lake and then curated into a staging lake, where data was compressed and partitioned in Parquet format.

It was empowering for us to build PySpark Extract Transform Loads (ETL) AWS Glue jobs with our meticulous AWS Data Lab architect. We built reusable glue jobs for the data ingestion and curation using the code snippets provided. The days were rigorous and long, but we were thrilled to see our centralized data repository come into fruition so rapidly. Cataloging data and using Athena queries proved to be a fast and cost-effective way for data exploration and data wrangling.

The serverless orchestration with Step Functions allowed us to put AWS Glue jobs into a simple readable data workflow. We spent time designing for performance and partitioning data to minimize cost and increase efficiency.

Database access from Tableau and SQL Workbench/J were set up for my team. Our excitement only grew as we began building data analytics and dashboards using our dimensional data models.

Step 4: Post-Build Lab

During our post-Build Lab session, we closed several loose ends and built additional AWS Glue jobs for initial and historic loads and append vs. overwrite strategies. These strategies were picked based on the nature of the data in various tables. We returned for a second Build Lab to work on building data migration tasks from Oracle Database via VPC peering, file processing using AWS Glue DataBrew, and AWS CloudFormation for automated AWS Glue job generation. If you have a team of 4–8 builders looking for a fast and easy foundation for a complete data analytics system, I would highly recommend the AWS Data Lab.


All in all, with a very small team we were able to set up a sustainable framework on AWS infrastructure with elastic scaling to handle future capacity without compromising quality. With this framework in place, we are moving rapidly with new data feeds. This would not have been possible without the assistance of the AWS Data Lab team throughout the project lifecycle. With this quick win, we decided to move forward and build AWS Control Tower with multiple accounts in our landing zone. We brought in professionals to help set up infrastructure and data compliance guardrails and security policies. We are thrilled to continually improve our cloud infrastructure, services and data engineering processes. This strong initial foundation has paved the pathway to endless data projects in Georgia.

About the Author

Kanti Chalasani serves as the Division Director for the Georgia Data Analytics Center (GDAC) at the Office of Planning and Budget (OPB). Kanti is responsible for GDAC’s data management, analytics, security, compliance, and governance activities. She strives to work with state agencies to improve data sharing, data literacy, and data quality through this modern data engineering platform. With over 26 years of experience in IT management, hands-on data warehousing, and analytics experience, she thrives for excellence.

Vishal Pathak is an AWS Data Lab Solutions Architect. Vishal works with customers on their use cases, architects solutions to solve their business problems, and helps them build scalable prototypes. Prior to his journey with AWS, Vishal helped customers implement BI, data warehousing, and data lake projects in the US and Australia.

Improved performance with AWS Graviton2 instances on Amazon OpenSearch Service

Post Syndicated from Rohin Bhargava original

Amazon OpenSearch Service (successor to Amazon Elasticsearch Service) is a fully managed service at AWS for OpenSearch. It’s an open-source search and analytics suite used for a broad set of use cases, like real-time application monitoring, log analytics, and website search.

While running an OpenSearch Service domain, you can choose from a variety of instances for your primary nodes and data nodes suitable for your workload: general purpose, compute optimized, memory optimized, or storage optimized. With the release of each new generation, Amazon OpenSearch Service has brought even better price performance.

Amazon OpenSearch Service now supports AWS Graviton2 instances: general purpose (M6g), compute optimized (C6g), memory optimized (R6g), and memory optimized with attached disk (R6gd). These instances offer up to a 38% improvement in indexing throughput, 50% reduction in indexing latency, and 40% improvement in query performance depending upon the instance family and size compared to the corresponding intel-based instances from the current generation (M5, C5, R5).

The AWS Graviton2 instance family includes several new performance optimizations, such as larger caches per core, higher Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) throughput than comparable x86 instances, fully encrypted RAM, and many others. You can benefit from these optimizations with minimal effort by provisioning or migrating your OpenSearch Service instances today.

Performance analysis compared to fifth-generation intel-based instances

We conducted tests using the AWS Graviton2 instances against the fifth-generation intel-based instances and measured performance improvements. Our setup included two six-node domains with three dedicated primary nodes and three data nodes and running Elasticsearch 7.10. For the intel-based setup, we used c5.xlarge for the primary nodes and r5.xlarge for the data nodes. Similarly on the AWS Graviton2-based setup, we used c6g.xlarge for the primary nodes and r6g.xlarge for the data nodes. Both domains were three Availability Zone enabled and VPC enabled, with advanced security and 512 GB of EBS volume attached to each node. Each index had six shards with a single replica.

The dataset contained 2,000 documents with a flat document structure. Each document had 20 fields: 1 date field, 16 text fields, 1 float field, and 2 long fields. Documents were generated on the fly using random samples so that the corpus was infinite.

For ingestion, we used a load generation host where each bulk request had a 4 MB payload (approximately 2,048 documents per request) and nine clients.

We used one query generation host with one client. We ran a mix of low-latency queries (approximately 10 milliseconds), medium-latency queries (100 milliseconds) , and high-latency queries (1,000 milliseconds):

  • Low-latency queries – These were match-all queries.
  • Medium-latency queries – These were multi-match queries or queries with filters based on one randomly selected keyword. The results where aggregated in a date histogram and sorted by the descending ingest timestamp.
  • High-latency queries – These were multi-match queries or queries with filters based on five randomly selected keywords. The results were aggregated using two aggregations: aggregated in a date histogram with a 3-hour interval based on the ingest timestamp, and a date histogram with a 1-minute interval based on the ingest timestamp.

We ran 60 minutes of burn-in time followed by 3 hours of 90/10 ingest to query workloads with a mix of 20% low-latency, 50% medium-latency, and 30% high-latency queries. The amount of load sent to the clusters was identical.

Graphs and results

When ingesting documents at the same throughput, the AWS Graviton2 domain shows a much lower latency than the intel-based domain, as shown in the following graph. Even at p99 latency, the AWS Graviton2 domain is consistently lower than the p50 latency of the intel-based domains. In addition, AWS Graviton2 latencies are more consistent than intel-based instances, providing for a more predictable user experience.

When querying documents at the same throughput, the AWS Graviton2 domain outperforms the intel-based instances. The p50 latency of AWS Graviton2 is better than the p50 latency of intel-based.

Similarly, the p99 latency of AWS Graviton2 is better than that of the intel-based instances. Note in the following graph that the increase in latency over time is due to the growing corpus size.


As demonstrated in our performance analysis, the new AWS Graviton2-based instances consistently yield better performance compared to the fifth-generation intel-based instances. Try these new instances out and let us know how they perform for you!

As usual, let us know your feedback.

About the Authors

Rohin Bhargava is a Sr. Product Manager with the Amazon OpenSearch Service team. His passion at AWS is to help customers find the correct mix of AWS services to achieve success for their business goals.

Chase Engelbrecht is a Software Engineer working with the Amazon OpenSearch Service team. He is interested in performance tuning and optimization of OpenSearch running on Amazon OpenSearch Service.

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