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Amazon Kinesis Data Streams on-demand capacity mode now scales up to 1 GB/second ingest capacity

Post Syndicated from Nihar Sheth original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/amazon-kinesis-data-streams-on-demand-capacity-mode-now-scales-up-to-1-gb-second-ingest-capacity/

Amazon Kinesis Data Streams is a serverless data streaming service that makes it easy to capture, process, and store streaming data at any scale. As customers collect and stream more types of data, they have asked for simpler, elastic data streams that can handle variable and unpredictable data traffic. In November 2021, Amazon Web Services launched the on-demand capacity mode for Kinesis Data Streams, which is capable of serving gigabytes of write and read throughput per minute and helps reduce the operational pain point of manually updating data stream capacity. You can create a new on-demand data stream or convert an existing data stream to on-demand mode with a single click and never have to provision and manage servers, storage, or throughput. By default, on-demand capacity mode can automatically scale up to 200 MB/s of write throughput.

We were encouraged by customers’ adoption of on-demand capacity mode, but as customers scaled their workloads, some ran into the 200 MB/s data ingestion limit and asked for a solution. The team worked backward from customer feedback to raise that limit. As of March 2023, Kinesis Data Streams supports an increased on-demand write throughput limit to 1 GB/s, a five-times increase from the current limit of 200 MB/s. It’s like having a truly serverless and elastic data streaming service that works for all your use cases. If you require an increase in capacity, you can contact AWS Support to enable on-demand streams to scale up to 1 GB/s write throughput for each requested account. You pay for throughput consumed rather than for provisioned resources, making it easier to balance costs and performance. Overall, if your data volume can spike unpredictably or you don’t want to manage the number of shards, use on-demand streams.

In this post, we explore how to use Kinesis Data Streams on-demand scaling and best practices to build an efficient data-streaming solution. We discuss different scenarios to avoid write throughput exceptions and scale ingest capacity of Kinesis Data Streams to 1 GB/s in on-demand capacity mode.

Kinesis Data Streams on-demand scaling

A shard serves as a base throughput unit of Kinesis Data Streams. A shard supports 1 MB/s and 1,000 records/s for writes and 2 MB/s for reads. The shard limits ensure predictable performance, making it easy to design and operate a highly reliable data streaming workflow. In on-demand capacity mode, scaling happens at the individual shard level. When the average ingest shard utilization reaches 50% (0.5 MB/s or 500 records/s) in 1 minute, then a shard is split into two shards. If you use random values as a partition key, all shards of the stream will have even traffic, and they will be scaled at the same time. If you use a business-specific key as a partition key, the shards will have uneven traffic. In that scenario, only the shards exceeding an average of 50% utilization will be scaled. Depending upon the number of shards being scaled, it will take up to 15 minutes to split the shards.

When we create a new Kinesis data stream in on-demand capacity mode, by default, Kinesis Data Streams provisions four shards, which provides 4 MB/s write and 8 MB/s read throughput. As the workload ramps up, Kinesis Data Streams increases the number of shards in the stream by monitoring ingest throughput at the shard level. The 4 MB/s default ingest throughput and scaling at shard level in on-demand capacity mode works for most use cases. However, in some specific scenarios, producers may face WriteThroughputExceeded and Rate Exceeded errors, even in on-demand capacity mode. We discuss a few of these scenarios in the following sections and strategies to avoid these errors.

You can create and save record templates and easily send data to Kinesis Data Streams using the Amazon Kinesis Data Generator (KDG) to test the streaming data solution. Alternatively, you can also use the modern load testing framework Locust to run large-scale Kinesis Data Streams load testing. For this post, we use the Locust tool to produce and ingest messages in Kinesis Data Streams for our different use cases.

Scenario 1: A baseline ingest throughput greater than 4 MB/s is needed

To simulate this scenario, run the following AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) command to create the kds-od-default-shards data stream in on-demand capacity mode:

aws kinesis create-stream --stream-name kds-od-default-shards --stream-mode-details StreamMode=ON_DEMAND --region us-east-1

When the kds-od-default-shards data stream is active, run following AWS CLI command to check the number of shards in the data stream:

aws kinesis describe-stream-summary --stream-name kds-od-default-shards --region us-east-1

You can observe that the OpenShardCount value is 4, which means the kds-od-default-shards data stream has an ingest capacity of 4 MB/s.

Next, we use the Locust tool to set the baseline to approximately 25 MB/s records. As displayed in the following Amazon CloudWatch metrics graph, records are getting throttled for the first couple of minutes. Then the kds-od-default-shards data stream scales the number of shards to support 25 MB/s ingest throughput, and records stop getting throttled. You can also rerun the describe-stream-summary AWS CLI command to check the increased number of shards in the data stream.



In a scenario where we know our ingest throughput baseline (25 MB/s) ahead of the time and we don’t want to observe any write throttles, we can create a stream in provisioned mode by specifying the number of shards (30), as shown in the following AWS CLI command (make sure to delete kds-od-default-shards manually from the Kinesis Data Streams console before running the following command):

aws kinesis create-stream --stream-name kds-od-default-shards --stream-mode-details StreamMode=PROVISIONED --shard-count 30 --region us-east-1

When the kds-od-default-shards data stream is active, run the following AWS CLI command to convert the data stream’s capacity mode to on-demand:

aws kinesis update-stream-mode --stream-arn arn:aws:kinesis:us-east-1:<AccountId>:stream/kds-od-default-shards --stream-mode-details StreamMode=ON_DEMAND --region us-east-1

Next, we send 25 MB/s records to the kds-od-default-shards data stream. As displayed in the following CloudWatch metrics graph, we can observe no write throttles, and the kds-od-default-shards data stream scales the number of shards to handle the increase in ingest volume.



After we send 25 MB/s traffic to the data stream for some time, we can run following AWS CLI command to see that the OpenShardCount value is increased to more than 30 now:

aws kinesis describe-stream-summary --stream-name kds-od-default-shards --region us-east-1

Scenario 2: A significant ingestion spike is expected, which needs ingest throughput greater than the number of shards in the stream

To simulate the scenario, run the following AWS CLI command to create the kds-od-significant-spike data stream in on-demand capacity mode:

aws kinesis create-stream --stream-name kds-od-significant-spike --stream-mode-details StreamMode=ON_DEMAND --region us-east-1

As mentioned earlier, by default, the kds-od-significant-spike data stream will have four shards initially because this stream is created in on-demand mode. When the data stream is active, we send 4 MB/s ingest throughput initially and grow the ingest throughput by 30–50% every 5–10 minutes. As displayed in the following CloudWatch metrics graph, the kds-od-significant-spike data stream scales the number of shards to handle the increase in ingest volume.

After approximately 15 minutes, run the following AWS CLI command to find the OpenShardCount value (x) of the kds-od-significant-spike data stream. Then send (x * 2) MB/s ingest throughput in the data stream for 2–3 minutes and reduced ingest throughput to the prior level:

aws kinesis describe-stream-summary --stream-name kds-od-significant-spike --region us-east-1

As displayed in the following CloudWatch metrics graph, the records are getting throttled for a few minutes, and then the throttling goes away.



Typically, we face a significant spike scenario when running planned events, such as shopping holidays and product launches. To handle such scenarios, we can proactively change capacity mode from on-demand to provisioned. We can configure the number of shards and pick the ingest capacity we anticipate. After we successfully scale the number of shards to our desired peak capacity in provisioned capacity mode, we can change the capacity mode back to on-demand mode.

Scenario 3: A single partition key starts pushing more than 1 MB/s

Partition keys are used to segregate and route records to different shards of a stream. A partition key is specified by the data producer while adding data to the data stream. For example, let’s assume we have a stream with two shards (shard 1 and shard 2). We can configure the data producer to use two partition keys (key A and key B) so that all records with key A are added to shard 1 and all records with key B are added to shard 2. Choosing a partition key is a very important decision, and we should carefully pick the partition key to ensure equal distribution of records across all the shards of the stream. Messages tied to a single partition key A will be sent to a single shard (shard 1), and at any given instance, messages tied to a single partition key A cannot be distributed across different shards. As mentioned earlier, by default, one shard supports 1 MB/s and 1,000 records/s for writes, and we may end up with an edge case scenario where we are trying to push more than 1 MB/s for a specific partition key. In this scenario, producers will continue to experience throttles and keep retrying indefinitely.

To simulate the scenario, run the following AWS CLI command to create the kds-od-partition-key-throttle data stream in on-demand capacity mode:

aws kinesis create-stream --stream-name kds-od-partition-key-throttle --stream-mode-details StreamMode=ON_DEMAND --region us-east-1

As mentioned earlier, by default, the data stream will have four shards initially because this stream is created in on-demand mode. When the data stream is active, we send 1.5 MB/s ingest throughput continuously for the specific partition key A. As displayed in the following CloudWatch metrics graph, we can observe that throttling continues from a single shard even if we are sending 1.5 MB/s ingest throughput, and the kds-od-partition-key-throttle data stream has an overall ingest capacity of 4 MB/s.



To avoid this scenario, we should carefully pick our partition key and ensure that this specific partition key won’t be continuously sending more than 1 MB/s ingest throughput in the data stream.

Scale the ingest capacity of Kinesis Data Streams to 1 GB/s in on-demand capacity mode

To test, we start with approximately 100 MB/s baseline ingest throughput to Kinesis Data Streams in on-demand capacity mode, then we increase ingest throughput rate by 30–50% every 5–10 minutes using Locust load testing tool.

To set up the scenario, first create the kds-od-1gb-stream data stream in provisioned capacity mode and provide a value of 120 for the provisioned shards field:

aws kinesis create-stream --stream-name kds-od-1gb-stream --stream-mode-details StreamMode=PROVISIONED --shard-count 120 --region us-east-1

When the kds-od-1gb-stream data stream is active, switch its capacity mode to on-demand, as shown in the following code. When we change capacity mode from provisioned to on-demand, the shard count (120) remains the same for the data stream even in on-demand capacity mode.

aws kinesis update-stream-mode --stream-arn arn:aws:kinesis:us-east-1:<AccountId>:stream/kds-od-1gb-stream --stream-mode-details StreamMode=ON_DEMAND --region us-east-1

When the kds-od-1gb-stream data stream is in on-demand mode, start the experiment. We send approximately 100 MB/s baseline ingest throughput using the Locust tool and increase 30–50% ingest throughput every 5–10 minutes. As displayed in the following CloudWatch metrics graph, the kds-od-1gb-stream data stream seamlessly scaled to 1 GB/s in on-demand capacity mode. We can also observe that the producers didn’t encounter any write throttles while the data stream was scaling in on-demand capacity mode.


Clean up

To avoid ongoing costs, delete all the data streams that you created as part of this post using the Kinesis Data Streams console.


This post demonstrated the on-demand scaling policy of Kinesis Data Streams with a few scenarios using best practices and showed how to scale ingest capacity to 1 GB/s in on-demand capacity mode. You can have an on-demand write throughput limit that is five times larger than the previous limit of 200 MB/s. Choose on-demand mode if you create new data streams with unknown workloads, have unpredictable application traffic, or prefer not to manage capacity. You can switch between on-demand and provisioned capacity modes two times per 24-hour rolling period. Please leave any feedback in the comments section.

About the Authors

Nihar Sheth is a Senior Product Manager on the Amazon Kinesis Data Streams team at Amazon Web Services. He is passionate about developing intuitive product experiences that solve complex customer problems and enable customers to achieve their business goals.

Pratik Patel is Sr. Technical Account Manager and streaming analytics specialist. He works with AWS customers and provides ongoing support and technical guidance to help plan and build solutions using best practices and proactively keep customers’ AWS environments operationally healthy.

Nisha Dekhtawala is a Partner Solutions Architect and data analytics specialist. She works with global consulting partners as their trusted advisor, providing technical guidance and support in building Well-Architected innovative industry solutions.

Migrate your existing SQL-based ETL workload to an AWS serverless ETL infrastructure using AWS Glue

Post Syndicated from Mitesh Patel original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/migrate-your-existing-sql-based-etl-workload-to-an-aws-serverless-etl-infrastructure-using-aws-glue/

Data has become an integral part of most companies, and the complexity of data processing is increasing rapidly with the exponential growth in the amount and variety of data. Data engineering teams are faced with the following challenges:

  • Manipulating data to make it consumable by business users
  • Building and improving extract, transform, and load (ETL) pipelines
  • Scaling their ETL infrastructure

Many customers migrating data to the cloud are looking for ways to modernize by using native AWS services to further scale and efficiently handle ETL tasks. In the early stages of their cloud journey, customers may need guidance on modernizing their ETL workload with minimal effort and time. Customers often use many SQL scripts to select and transform the data in relational databases hosted either in an on-premises environment or on AWS and use custom workflows to manage their ETL.

AWS Glue is a serverless data integration and ETL service with the ability to scale on demand. In this post, we show how you can migrate your existing SQL-based ETL workload to AWS Glue using Spark SQL, which minimizes the refactoring effort.

Solution overview

The following diagram describes the high-level architecture for our solution. This solution decouples the ETL and analytics workloads from our transactional data source Amazon Aurora, and uses Amazon Redshift as the data warehouse solution to build a data mart. In this solution, we employ AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) for both full load and continuous replication of changes from Aurora. AWS DMS enables us to capture deltas, including deletes from the source database, through the use of Change Data Capture (CDC) configuration. CDC in DMS enables us to capture deltas without writing code and without missing any changes, which is critical for the integrity of the data. Please refer CDC support in DMS to extend the solutions for ongoing CDC.

The workflow includes the following steps:

  1. AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) connects to the Aurora data source.
  2. AWS DMS replicates data from Aurora and migrates to the target destination Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket.
  3. AWS Glue crawlers automatically infer schema information of the S3 data and integrate into the AWS Glue Data Catalog.
  4. AWS Glue jobs run ETL code to transform and load the data to Amazon Redshift.

For this post, we use the TPCH dataset for sample transactional data. The components of TPCH consist of eight tables. The relationships between columns in these tables are illustrated in the following diagram.

We use Amazon Redshift as the data warehouse to implement the data mart solution. The data mart fact and dimension tables are created in the Amazon Redshift database. The following diagram illustrates the relationships between the fact (ORDER) and dimension tables (DATE, PARTS, and REGION).

Set up the environment

To get started, we set up the environment using AWS CloudFormation. Complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console with your AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user name and password.
  2. Choose Launch Stack and open the page on a new tab:
  3. Choose Next.
  4. For Stack name, enter a name.
  5. In the Parameters section, enter the required parameters.
  6. Choose Next.

  1. On the Configure stack options page, leave all values as default and choose Next.
  2. On the Review stack page, select the check boxes to acknowledge the creation of IAM resources.
  3. Choose Submit.

Wait for the stack creation to complete. You can examine various events from the stack creation process on the Events tab. When the stack creation is complete, you will see the status CREATE_COMPLETE. The stack takes approximately 25–30 minutes to complete.

This template configures the following resources:

  • The Aurora MySQL instance sales-db.
  • The AWS DMS task dmsreplicationtask-* for full load of data and replicating changes from Aurora (source) to Amazon S3 (destination).
  • AWS Glue crawlers s3-crawler and redshift_crawler.
  • The AWS Glue database salesdb.
  • AWS Glue jobs insert_region_dim_tbl, insert_parts_dim_tbl, and insert_date_dim_tbl. We use these jobs for the use cases covered in this post. We create the insert_orders_fact_tbl AWS Glue job manually using AWS Glue Visual Studio.
  • The Redshift cluster blog_cluster with database sales and fact and dimension tables.
  • An S3 bucket to store the output of the AWS Glue job runs.
  • IAM roles and policies with appropriate permissions.

Replicate data from Aurora to Amazon S3

Now let’s look at the steps to replicate data from Aurora to Amazon S3 using AWS DMS:

  1. On the AWS DMS console, choose Database migration tasks in the navigation pane.
  2. Select the task dmsreplicationtask-* and on the Action menu, choose Restart/Resume.

This will start the replication task to replicate the data from Aurora to the S3 bucket. Wait for the task status to change to Full Load Complete. The data from the Aurora tables is now copied to the S3 bucket under a new folder, sales.

Create AWS Glue Data Catalog tables

Now let’s create AWS Glue Data Catalog tables for the S3 data and Amazon Redshift tables:

  1. On the AWS Glue console, under Data Catalog in the navigation pane, choose Connections.
  2. Select RedshiftConnection and on the Actions menu, choose Edit.
  3. Choose Save changes.
  4. Select the connection again and on the Actions menu, choose Test connection.
  5. For IAM role¸ choose GlueBlogRole.
  6. Choose Confirm.

Testing the connection can take approximately 1 minute. You will see the message “Successfully connected to the data store with connection blog-redshift-connection.” If you have trouble connecting successfully, refer to Troubleshooting connection issues in AWS Glue.

  1. Under Data Catalog in the navigation pane, choose Crawlers.
  2. Select s3_crawler and choose Run.

This will generate eight tables in the AWS Glue Data Catalog. To view the tables created, in the navigation pane, choose Databases under Data Catalog, then choose salesdb.

  1. Repeat the steps to run redshift_crawler and generate four additional tables.

If the crawler fails, refer to Error: Running crawler failed.

Create SQL-based AWS Glue jobs

Now let’s look at how the SQL statements are used to create ETL jobs using AWS Glue. AWS Glue runs your ETL jobs in an Apache Spark serverless environment. AWS Glue runs these jobs on virtual resources that it provisions and manages in its own service account. AWS Glue Studio is a graphical interface that makes it simple to create, run, and monitor ETL jobs in AWS Glue. You can use AWS Glue Studio to create jobs that extract structured or semi-structured data from a data source, perform a transformation of that data, and save the result set in a data target.

Let’s go through the steps of creating an AWS Glue job for loading the orders fact table using AWS Glue Studio.

  1. On the AWS Glue console, choose Jobs in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create job.
  3. Select Visual with a blank canvas, then choose Create.

  1. Navigate to the Job details tab.
  2. For Name, enter insert_orders_fact_tbl.
  3. For IAM Role, choose GlueBlogRole.
  4. For Job bookmark, choose Enable.
  5. Leave all other parameters as default and choose Save.

  1. Navigate to the Visual tab.
  2. Choose the plus sign.
  3. Under Add nodes, enter Glue in the search bar and choose AWS Glue Data Catalog (Source) to add the Data Catalog as the source.

  1. In the right pane, on the Data source properties – Data Catalog tab, choose salesdb for Database and customer for Table.

  1. On the Node properties tab, for Name, enter Customers.

  1. Repeat these steps for the Orders and LineItem tables.

This concludes creating data sources on the AWS Glue job canvas. Next, we add transformations by combining data from these different tables.

Transform the data

Complete the following steps to add data transformations:

  1. On the AWS Glue job canvas, choose the plus sign.
  2. Under Transforms, choose SQL Query.
  3. On the Transform tab, for Node parents, select all the three data sources.
  4. On the Transform tab, under SQL query, enter the following query:
SELECT orders.o_orderkey        AS ORDERKEY,
orders.o_orderdate       AS ORDERDATE,
lineitem.l_linenumber    AS LINENUMBER,
lineitem.l_partkey       AS PARTKEY,
lineitem.l_receiptdate   AS RECEIPTDATE,
lineitem.l_quantity      AS QUANTITY,
lineitem.l_extendedprice AS EXTENDEDPRICE,
orders.o_custkey         AS CUSTKEY,
customer.c_nationkey     AS NATIONKEY,
FROM   orders orders,
lineitem lineitem,
customer customer
WHERE  orders.o_orderkey = lineitem.l_orderkey
AND orders.o_custkey = customer.c_custkey
  1. Update the SQL aliases values as shown in the following screenshot.

  1. On the Data preview tab, choose Start data preview session.
  2. When prompted, choose GlueBlogRole for IAM role and choose Confirm.

The data preview process will take a minute to complete.

  1. On the Output schema tab, choose Use data preview schema.

You will see the output schema similar to the following screenshot.

Now that we have previewed the data, we change a few data types.

  1. On the AWS Glue job canvas, choose the plus sign.
  2. Under Transforms, choose Change Schema.
  3. Select the node.
  4. On the Transform tab, update the Data type values as shown in the following screenshot.

Now let’s add the target node.

  1. Choose the Change Schema node and choose the plus sign.
  2. In the search bar, enter target.
  3. Choose Amazon Redshift as the target.

  1. Choose the Amazon Redshift node, and on the Data target properties – Amazon Redshift tab, for Redshift access type, select Direct data connection.
  2. Choose RedshiftConnection for Redshift Connection, public for Schema, and order_table for Table.
  3. Select Merge data into target table under Handling of data and target table.
  4. Choose orderkey for Matching keys.

  1. Choose Save.

AWS Glue Studio automatically generates the Spark code for you. You can view it on the Script tab. If you would like to do any out-of-the-box transformations, you can modify the Spark code. The AWS Glue job uses the Apache SparkSQL query for SQL query transformation. To find the available SparkSQL transformations, refer to the Spark SQL documentation.

  1. Choose Run to run the job.

As part of the CloudFormation stack, three other jobs are created to load the dimension tables.

  1. Navigate back to the Jobs page on the AWS Glue console, select the job insert_parts_dim_tbl, and choose Run.

This job uses the following SQL to populate the parts dimension table:

SELECT part.p_partkey,
FROM   part part
  1. Select the job insert_region_dim_tbl and choose Run.

This job uses the following SQL to populate the region dimension table:

SELECT nation.n_nationkey,
FROM   nation,
WHERE  nation.n_regionkey = region.r_regionkey
  1. Select the job insert_date_dim_tbl and choose Run.

This job uses the following SQL to populate the date dimension table:

SELECT DISTINCT( l_receiptdate )        AS DATEKEY,
Dayofweek(l_receiptdate) AS DAYOFWEEK,
Month(l_receiptdate)     AS MONTH,
Year(l_receiptdate)      AS YEAR,
Day(l_receiptdate)       AS DATE
FROM   lineitem lineitem

You can view the status of the running jobs by navigating to the Job run monitoring section on the Jobs page. Wait for all the jobs to complete. These jobs will load the data into the facts and dimension tables in Amazon Redshift.

To help optimize the resources and cost, you can use the AWS Glue Auto Scaling feature.

Verify the Amazon Redshift data load

To verify the data load, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon Redshift console, select the cluster blog-cluster and on the Query Data menu, choose Query in query editor 2.
  2. For Authentication, select Temporary credentials.
  3. For Database, enter sales.
  4. For User name, enter admin.
  5. Choose Save.

  1. Run the following commands in the query editor to verify that the data is loaded into the Amazon Redshift tables:
FROM   sales.PUBLIC.order_table;

FROM   sales.PUBLIC.date_table;

FROM   sales.PUBLIC.parts_table;

FROM   sales.PUBLIC.region_table;

The following screenshot shows the results from one of the SELECT queries.

Now for the CDC, update the quantity of a line item for order number 1 in Aurora database using the below query. (To connect to your Aurora cluster use Cloud9 or any SQL client tools like MySQL command-line client).

UPDATE lineitem SET l_quantity = 100 WHERE l_orderkey = 1 AND l_linenumber = 4;

DMS will replicate the changes into the S3 bucket as shown in the below screenshot.

Re-running the Glue job insert_orders_fact_tbl will update the changes to the ORDER fact table as shown in the below screenshot

Clean up

To avoid incurring future charges, delete the resources created for the solution:

  1. On the Amazon S3 console, select the S3 bucket created as part of the CloudFormation stack, then choose Empty.
  2. On the AWS CloudFormation console, select the stack that you created initially and choose Delete to delete all the resources created by the stack.


In this post, we showed how you can migrate existing SQL-based ETL to an AWS serverless ETL infrastructure using AWS Glue jobs. We used AWS DMS to migrate data from Aurora to an S3 bucket, then SQL-based AWS Glue jobs to move the data to fact and dimension tables in Amazon Redshift.

This solution demonstrates a one-time data load from Aurora to Amazon Redshift using AWS Glue jobs. You can extend this solution for moving the data on a scheduled basis by orchestrating and scheduling jobs using AWS Glue workflows. To learn more about the capabilities of AWS Glue, refer to AWS Glue.

About the Authors

Mitesh Patel is a Principal Solutions Architect at AWS with specialization in data analytics and machine learning. He is passionate about helping customers building scalable, secure and cost effective cloud native solutions in AWS to drive the business growth. He lives in DC Metro area with his wife and two kids.

Sumitha AP is a Sr. Solutions Architect at AWS. She works with customers and help them attain their business objectives by  designing secure, scalable, reliable, and cost-effective solutions in the AWS Cloud. She has a focus on data and analytics and provides guidance on building analytics solutions on AWS.

Deepti Venuturumilli is a Sr. Solutions Architect in AWS. She works with commercial segment customers and AWS partners to accelerate customers’ business outcomes by providing expertise in AWS services and modernize their workloads. She focuses on data analytics workloads and setting up modern data strategy on AWS.

Deepthi Paruchuri is an AWS Solutions Architect based in NYC. She works closely with customers to build cloud adoption strategy and solve their business needs by designing secure, scalable, and cost-effective solutions in the AWS cloud.

Deploy serverless applications in a multicloud environment using Amazon CodeCatalyst

Post Syndicated from Deepak Kovvuri original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/deploy-serverless-applications-in-a-multicloud-environment-using-amazon-codecatalyst/

Amazon CodeCatalyst is an integrated service for software development teams adopting continuous integration and deployment practices into their software development process. CodeCatalyst puts the tools you need all in one place. You can plan work, collaborate on code, and build, test, and deploy applications by leveraging CodeCatalyst Workflows.


In the first post of the blog series, we showed you how organizations can deploy workloads to instances, and virtual machines (VMs), across hybrid and multicloud environment. The second post of the series covered deploying containerized application in a multicloud environment. Finally, in this post, we explore how organizations can deploy modern, cloud-native, serverless application across multiple cloud platforms. Figure 1 shows the solution which we walk through in the post.

Figure 1 – Architecture diagram

The post walks through how to develop, deploy and test a HTTP RESTful API to Azure Functions using Amazon CodeCatalyst. The solution covers the following steps:

  • Set up CodeCatalyst development environment and develop your application using the Serverless Framework.
  • Build a CodeCatalyst workflow to test and then deploy to Azure Functions using GitHub Actions in Amazon CodeCatalyst.

An Amazon CodeCatalyst workflow is an automated procedure that describes how to build, test, and deploy your code as part of a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) system. You can use GitHub Actions alongside native CodeCatalyst actions in a CodeCatalyst workflow.



In this post, we will create a hello world RESTful API using the Serverless Framework. As we progress through the solution, we will focus on building a CodeCatalyst workflow that deploys and tests the functionality of the application. At the end of the post, the workflow will look similar to the one shown in Figure 2.

 CodeCatalyst CI/CD workflow

Figure 2 – CodeCatalyst CI/CD workflow

Environment Setup

Before we start developing the application, we need to setup a CodeCatalyst project and then link a code repository to the project. The code repository can be CodeCatalyst Repo or GitHub. In this scenario, we’ve used GitHub repository. By the time we develop the solution, the repository should look as shown below.

Files in solution's GitHub repository

Figure 3 – Files in GitHub repository

In Amazon CodeCatalyst, there’s an option to create Dev Environments, which can used to work on the code stored in the source repositories of a project. In the post, we create a Dev Environment, and associate it with the source repository created above and work off it. But you may choose not to use a Dev Environment, and can run the following commands, and commit to the repository. The /projects directory of a Dev Environment stores the files that are pulled from the source repository. In the dev environment, install the Serverless Framework using this command:

npm install -g serverless

and then initialize a serverless project in the source repository folder:

├── README.md
├── host.json
├── package.json
├── serverless.yml
└── src
    └── handlers
        ├── goodbye.js
        └── hello.js

We can push the code to the CodeCatalyst project using git. Now, that we have the code in CodeCatalyst, we can turn our focus to building the workflow using the CodeCatalyst console.

CI/CD Setup in CodeCatalyst

Configure access to the Azure Environment

We’ll use the GitHub action for Serverless to create and manage Azure Function. For the action to be able to access the Azure environment, it requires credentials associated with a Service Principal passed to the action as environment variables.

Service Principals in Azure are identified by the CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, SUBSCRIPTION_ID, and TENANT_ID properties. Storing these values in plaintext anywhere in your repository should be avoided because anyone with access to the repository which contains the secret can see them. Similarly, these values shouldn’t be used directly in any workflow definitions because they will be visible as files in your repository. With CodeCatalyst, we can protect these values by storing them as secrets within the project, and then reference the secret in the CI\CD workflow.

We can create a secret by choosing Secrets (1) under CI\CD and then selecting ‘Create Secret’ (2) as shown in Figure 4. Now, we can key in the secret name and value of each of the identifiers described above.

Figure 4 – CodeCatalyst Secrets

Building the workflow

To create a new workflow, select CI/CD from navigation on the left and then select Workflows (1). Then, select Create workflow (2), leave the default options, and select Create (3) as shown in Figure 5.

Create CodeCatalyst CI/CD workflow

Figure 5 – Create CI/CD workflow

If the workflow editor opens in YAML mode, select Visual to open the visual designer. Now, we can start adding actions to the workflow.

Configure the Deploy action

We’ll begin by adding a GitHub action for deploying to Azure. Select “+ Actions” to open the actions list and choose GitHub from the dropdown menu. Find the Build action and click “+” to add a new GitHub action to the workflow.

Next, configure the GitHub action from the configurations tab by adding the following snippet to the GitHub Actions YAML property:

- name: Deploy to Azure Functions
  uses: serverless/[email protected]
    args: -c "serverless plugin install --name serverless-azure-functions && serverless deploy"
    entrypoint: /bin/sh

The above workflow configuration makes use of Serverless GitHub Action that wraps the Serverless Framework to run serverless commands. The action is configured to package and deploy the source code to Azure Functions using the serverless deploy command.

Please note how we were able to pass the secrets to GitHub action by referencing the secret identifiers in the above configuration.

Configure the Test action

Similar to the previous step, we add another GitHub action which will use the serverless framework’s serverless invoke command to test the API deployed on to Azure Functions.

- name: Test Function
  uses: serverless/[email protected]
    args: |
      -c "serverless plugin install --name serverless-azure-functions && \
          serverless invoke -f hello -d '{\"name\": \"CodeCatalyst\"}' && \
          serverless invoke -f goodbye -d '{\"name\": \"CodeCatalyst\"}'"
    entrypoint: /bin/sh

The workflow is now ready and can be validated by choosing ‘Validate’ and then saved to the repository by choosing ‘Commit’. The workflow should automatically kick-off after commit and the application is automatically deployed to Azure Functions.

The functionality of the API can now be verified from the logs of the test action of the workflow as shown in Figure 6.

Test action in CodeCatalyst CI/CD workfl

Figure 6 – CI/CD workflow Test action


If you have been following along with this workflow, you should delete the resources you deployed so you do not continue to incur charges. First, delete the Azure Function App (usually prefixed ‘sls’) using the Azure console. Second, delete the project from CodeCatalyst by navigating to Project settings and choosing Delete project. There’s no cost associated with the CodeCatalyst project and you can continue using it.


In summary, this post highlighted how Amazon CodeCatalyst can help organizations deploy cloud-native, serverless workload into multi-cloud environment. The post also walked through the solution detailing the process of setting up Amazon CodeCatalyst to deploy a serverless application to Azure Functions by leveraging GitHub Actions. Though we showed an application deployment to Azure Functions, you can follow a similar process and leverage CodeCatalyst to deploy any type of application to almost any cloud platform. Learn more and get started with your Amazon CodeCatalyst journey!

We would love to hear your thoughts, and experiences, on deploying serverless applications to multiple cloud platforms. Reach out to us if you’ve any questions, or provide your feedback in the comments section.

About Authors

Picture of Deepak

Deepak Kovvuri

Deepak Kovvuri is a Senior Solutions Architect at supporting Enterprise Customers at AWS in the US East area. He has over 6 years of experience in helping customers architecting a DevOps strategy for their cloud workloads. Deepak specializes in CI/CD, Systems Administration, Infrastructure as Code and Container Services. He holds an Masters in Computer Engineering from University of Illinois at Chicago.

Picture of Amandeep

Amandeep Bajwa

Amandeep Bajwa is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS supporting Financial Services enterprises. He helps organizations achieve their business outcomes by identifying the appropriate cloud transformation strategy based on industry trends, and organizational priorities. Some of the areas Amandeep consults on are cloud migration, cloud strategy (including hybrid & multicloud), digital transformation, data & analytics, and technology in general.

Picture of Brian

Brian Beach

Brian Beach has over 20 years of experience as a Developer and Architect. He is currently a Principal Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. He holds a Computer Engineering degree from NYU Poly and an MBA from Rutgers Business School. He is the author of “Pro PowerShell for Amazon Web Services” from Apress. He is a regular author and has spoken at numerous events. Brian lives in North Carolina with his wife and three kids.

Picture of Pawan

Pawan Shrivastava

Pawan Shrivastava is a Partner Solution Architect at AWS in the WWPS team. He focusses on working with partners to provide technical guidance on AWS, collaborate with them to understand their technical requirements, and designing solutions to meet their specific needs. Pawan is passionate about DevOps, automation and CI CD pipelines. He enjoys watching MMA, playing cricket and working out in the Gym.

Deploy container applications in a multicloud environment using Amazon CodeCatalyst

Post Syndicated from Pawan Shrivastava original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/deploy-container-applications-in-a-multicloud-environment-using-amazon-codecatalyst/

In the previous post of this blog series, we saw how organizations can deploy workloads to virtual machines (VMs) in a hybrid and multicloud environment. This post shows how organizations can address the requirement of deploying containers, and containerized applications to hybrid and multicloud platforms using Amazon CodeCatalyst. CodeCatalyst is an integrated DevOps service which enables development teams to collaborate on code, and build, test, and deploy applications with continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) tools.

One prominent scenario where multicloud container deployment is useful is when organizations want to leverage AWS’ broadest and deepest set of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) capabilities by developing and training AI/ML models in AWS using Amazon SageMaker, and deploying the model package to a Kubernetes platform on other cloud platforms, such as Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) for inference. As shown in this workshop for operationalizing the machine learning pipeline, we can train an AI/ML model, push it to Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) as an image, and later deploy the model as a container application.

Scenario description

The solution described in the post covers the following steps:

  • Setup Amazon CodeCatalyst environment.
  • Create a Dockerfile along with a manifest for the application, and a repository in Amazon ECR.
  • Create an Azure service principal which has permissions to deploy resources to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), and store the credentials securely in Amazon CodeCatalyst secret.
  • Create a CodeCatalyst workflow to build, test, and deploy the containerized application to AKS cluster using Github Actions.

The architecture diagram for the scenario is shown in Figure 1.

Solution architecture diagram

Figure 1 – Solution Architecture

Solution Walkthrough

This section shows how to set up the environment, and deploy a HTML application to an AKS cluster.

Setup Amazon ECR and GitHub code repository

Create a new Amazon ECR and a code repository. In this case we’re using GitHub as the repository but you can create a source repository in CodeCatalyst or you can choose to link an existing source repository hosted by another service if that service is supported by an installed extension. Then follow the application and Docker image creation steps outlined in Step 1 in the environment creation process in exposing Multiple Applications on Amazon EKS. Create a file named manifest.yaml as shown, and map the “image” parameter to the URL of the Amazon ECR repository created above.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: multicloud-container-deployment-app
    app: multicloud-container-deployment-app
      app: multicloud-container-deployment-app
  replicas: 2
        app: multicloud-container-deployment-app
        "beta.kubernetes.io/os": linux
      - name: ecs-web-page-container
        image: <aws_account_id>.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/<my_repository>
        imagePullPolicy: Always
            - containerPort: 80
            memory: "100Mi"
            cpu: "200m"
          - name: ecrsecret
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: multicloud-container-deployment-service
  type: LoadBalancer
  - port: 80
    targetPort: 80
    app: multicloud-container-deployment-app

Push the files to Github code repository. The multicloud-container-app github repository should look similar to Figure 2 below

Files in multicloud container app github repository 

Figure 2 – Files in Github repository

Configure Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster to pull private images from ECR repository

Pull the docker images from a private ECR repository to your AKS cluster by running the following command. This setup is required during the azure/k8s-deploy Github Actions in the CI/CD workflow. Authenticate Docker to an Amazon ECR registry with get-login-password by using aws ecr get-login-password. Run the following command in a shell where AWS CLI is configured, and is used to connect to the AKS cluster. This creates a secret called ecrsecret, which is used to pull an image from the private ECR repository.

kubectl create secret docker-registry ecrsecret\
 --docker-password= $(aws ecr get-login-password --region us-west-2)

Provide ECR URI in the variable “–docker-server =”.

CodeCatalyst setup

Follow these steps to set up CodeCatalyst environment:

Configure access to the AKS cluster

In this solution, we use three GitHub Actions – azure/login, azure/aks-set-context and azure/k8s-deploy – to login, set the AKS cluster, and deploy the manifest file to the AKS cluster respectively. For the Github Actions to access the Azure environment, they require credentials associated with an Azure Service Principal.

Service Principals in Azure are identified by the CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, SUBSCRIPTION_ID, and TENANT_ID properties. Create the Service principal by running the following command in the azure cloud shell:

az ad sp create-for-rbac \
    --name "ghActionHTMLapplication" \
    --scope /subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>/resourceGroups/<RESOURCE_GROUP> \
    --role Contributor \

The command generates a JSON output (shown in Figure 3), which is stored in CodeCatalyst secret called AZURE_CREDENTIALS. This credential is used by azure/login Github Actions.

JSON output stored in AZURE-CREDENTIALS secret

Figure 3 – JSON output

Configure secrets inside CodeCatalyst Project

Create three secrets CLUSTER_NAME (Name of AKS cluster), RESOURCE_GROUP(Name of Azure resource group) and AZURE_CREDENTIALS(described in the previous step) as described in the working with secret document. The secrets are shown in Figure 4.

Secrets in CodeCatalyst

Figure 4 – CodeCatalyst Secrets

CodeCatalyst CI/CD Workflow

To create a new CodeCatalyst workflow, select CI/CD from the navigation on the left and select Workflows (1). Then, select Create workflow (2), leave the default options, and select Create (3) as shown in Figure 5.

Create CodeCatalyst CI/CD workflow

Figure 5 – Create CodeCatalyst CI/CD workflow

Add “Push to Amazon ECR” Action

Add the Push to Amazon ECR action, and configure the environment where you created the ECR repository as shown in Figure 6. Refer to adding an action to learn how to add CodeCatalyst action.

Create ‘Push to ECR’ CodeCatalyst Action

Figure 6 – Create ‘Push to ECR’ Action

Select the Configuration tab and specify the configurations as shown in Figure7.

Configure ‘Push to ECR’ CodeCatalyst Action

Figure 7 – Configure ‘Push to ECR’ Action

Configure the Deploy action

1. Add a GitHub action for deploying to AKS as shown in Figure 8.

Github action to deploy to AKS

Figure 8 – Github action to deploy to AKS

2. Configure the GitHub action from the configurations tab by adding the following snippet to the GitHub Actions YAML property:

- name: Install Azure CLI
  run: pip install azure-cli
- name: Azure login
  id: login
  uses: azure/[email protected]
    creds: ${Secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS}
- name: Set AKS context
  id: set-context
  uses: azure/aks-set-context@v3
    resource-group: ${Secrets.RESOURCE_GROUP}
    cluster-name: ${Secrets.CLUSTER_NAME}
- name: Setup kubectl
  id: install-kubectl
  uses: azure/setup-kubectl@v3
- name: Deploy to AKS
  id: deploy-aks
  uses: Azure/k8s-deploy@v4
    namespace: default
    manifests: manifest.yaml
    pull-images: true

Github action configuration for deploying application to AKS

Figure 9 – Github action configuration

3. The workflow is now ready and can be validated by choosing ‘Validate’ and then saved to the repository by choosing ‘Commit’.
We have implemented an automated CI/CD workflow that builds the container image of the application (refer Figure 10), pushes the image to ECR, and deploys the application to AKS cluster. This CI/CD workflow is triggered as application code is pushed to the repository.

Automated CI/CD workflow

Figure 10 – Automated CI/CD workflow

Test the deployment

When the HTML application runs, Kubernetes exposes the application using a public facing load balancer. To find the external IP of the load balancer, connect to the AKS cluster and run the following command:

kubectl get service multicloud-container-deployment-service

The output of the above command should look like the image in Figure 11.

Output of kubectl get service command

Figure 11 – Output of kubectl get service

Paste the External IP into a browser to see the running HTML application as shown in Figure 12.

HTML application running successfully in AKS

Figure 12 – Application running in AKS


If you have been following along with the workflow described in the post, you should delete the resources you deployed so you do not continue to incur charges. First, delete the Amazon ECR repository using the AWS console. Second, delete the project from CodeCatalyst by navigating to Project settings and choosing Delete project. There’s no cost associated with the CodeCatalyst project and you can continue using it. Finally, if you deployed the application on a new AKS cluster, delete the cluster from the Azure console. In case you deployed the application to an existing AKS cluster, run the following commands to delete the application resources.

kubectl delete deployment multicloud-container-deployment-app
kubectl delete services multicloud-container-deployment-service


In summary, this post showed how Amazon CodeCatalyst can help organizations deploy containerized workloads in a hybrid and multicloud environment. It demonstrated in detail how to set up and configure Amazon CodeCatalyst to deploy a containerized application to Azure Kubernetes Service, leveraging a CodeCatalyst workflow, and GitHub Actions. Learn more and get started with your Amazon CodeCatalyst journey!

If you have any questions or feedback, leave them in the comments section.

About Authors

Picture of Pawan

Pawan Shrivastava

Pawan Shrivastava is a Partner Solution Architect at AWS in the WWPS team. He focusses on working with partners to provide technical guidance on AWS, collaborate with them to understand their technical requirements, and designing solutions to meet their specific needs. Pawan is passionate about DevOps, automation and CI CD pipelines. He enjoys watching MMA, playing cricket and working out in the gym.

Picture of Brent

Brent Van Wynsberge

Brent Van Wynsberge is a Solutions Architect at AWS supporting enterprise customers. He accelerates the cloud adoption journey for organizations by aligning technical objectives to business outcomes and strategic goals, and defining them where needed. Brent is an IoT enthusiast, specifically in the application of IoT in manufacturing, he is also interested in DevOps, data analytics and containers.

Picture of Amandeep

Amandeep Bajwa

Amandeep Bajwa is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS supporting Financial Services enterprises. He helps organizations achieve their business outcomes by identifying the appropriate cloud transformation strategy based on industry trends, and organizational priorities. Some of the areas Amandeep consults on are cloud migration, cloud strategy (including hybrid & multicloud), digital transformation, data & analytics, and technology in general.

Picture of Brian

Brian Beach

Brian Beach has over 20 years of experience as a Developer and Architect. He is currently a Principal Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. He holds a Computer Engineering degree from NYU Poly and an MBA from Rutgers Business School. He is the author of “Pro PowerShell for Amazon Web Services” from Apress. He is a regular author and has spoken at numerous events. Brian lives in North Carolina with his wife and three kids.

Extend your data mesh with Amazon Athena and federated views

Post Syndicated from Saurabh Bhutyani original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/extend-your-data-mesh-with-amazon-athena-and-federated-views/

Amazon Athena is a serverless, interactive analytics service built on the Trino, PrestoDB, and Apache Spark open-source frameworks. You can use Athena to run SQL queries on petabytes of data stored on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) in widely used formats such as Parquet and open-table formats like Apache Iceberg, Apache Hudi, and Delta Lake. However, Athena also allows you to query data stored in 30 different data sources—in addition to Amazon S3—including relational, non-relational, and object stores running on premises or in other cloud environments.

In Athena, we refer to queries on non-Amazon S3 data sources as federated queries. These queries run on the underlying database, which means you can analyze the data without learning a new query language and without the need for separate extract, transform, and load (ETL) scripts to extract, duplicate, and prepare data for analysis.

Recently, Athena added support for creating and querying views on federated data sources to bring greater flexibility and ease of use to use cases such as interactive analysis and business intelligence reporting. Athena also updated its data connectors with optimizations that improve performance and reduce cost when querying federated data sources. The updated connectors use dynamic filtering and an expanded set of predicate pushdown optimizations to perform more operations in the underlying data source rather than in Athena. As a result, you get faster queries with less data scanned, especially on tables with millions to billions of rows of data.

In this post, we show how to create and query views on federated data sources in a data mesh architecture featuring data producers and consumers.

The term data mesh refers to a data architecture with decentralized data ownership. A data mesh enables domain-oriented teams with the data they need, emphasizes self-service, and promotes the notion of purpose-built data products. In a data mesh, data producers expose datasets to the organization and data consumers subscribe to and consume the data products created by producers. By distributing data ownership to cross-functional teams, a data mesh can foster a culture of collaboration, invention, and agility around data.

Let’s dive into the solution.

Solution overview

For this post, imagine a hypothetical ecommerce company that uses multiple data sources, each playing a different role:

  • In an S3 data lake, ecommerce records are stored in a table named Lineitems
  • Amazon ElastiCache for Redis stores Nations and ActiveOrders data, ensuring ultra-fast reads of operational data by downstream ecommerce systems
  • On Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS), MySQL is used to store data like email addresses and shipping addresses in the Orders, Customer, and Suppliers tables
  • For flexibility and low-latency reads and writes, an Amazon DynamoDB table holds Part and Partsupp data

We want to query these data sources in a data mesh design. In the following sections, we set up Athena data source connectors for MySQL, DynamoDB, and Redis, and then run queries that perform complex joins across these data sources. The following diagram depicts our data architecture.

Architecture diagram

As you proceed with this solution, note that you will create AWS resources in your account. We have provided you with an AWS CloudFormation template that defines and configures the required resources, including the sample MySQL database, S3 tables, Redis store, and DynamoDB table. The template also creates the AWS Glue database and tables, S3 bucket, Amazon S3 VPC endpoint, AWS Glue VPC endpoint, and other AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) resources that are used in the solution.

The template is designed to demonstrate how to use federated views in Athena, and is not intended for production use without modification. Additionally, the template uses the us-east-1 Region and will not work in other Regions without modification. The template creates resources that incur costs while they are in use. Follow the cleanup steps at the end of this post to delete the resources and avoid unnecessary charges.


Before you launch the CloudFormation stack, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

  • An AWS account that provides access to AWS services
  • An IAM user with an access key and secret key to configure the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), and permissions to create an IAM role, IAM policies, and stacks in AWS CloudFormation

Create resources with AWS CloudFormation

To get started, complete the following steps:

  1. Choose Launch Stack: Cloudformation Launch Stack
  2. Select I acknowledge that this template may create IAM resources.

The CloudFormation stack takes approximately 20–30 minutes to complete. You can monitor its progress on the AWS CloudFormation console. When status reads CREATE_COMPLETE, your AWS account will have the resources necessary to implement this solution.

Deploy connectors and connect to data sources

With our resources provisioned, we can begin to connect the dots in our data mesh. Let’s start by connecting the data sources created by the CloudFormation stack with Athena.

  1. On the Athena console, choose Data sources in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create data source.
  3. For Data sources, select MySQL, then choose Next.
  4. For Data source name, enter a name, such as mysql. The Athena connector for MySQL is an AWS Lambda function that was created for you by the CloudFormation template.
  5. For Connection details, choose Select or enter a Lambda function.
  6. Choose mysql, then choose Next.
  7. Review the information and choose Create data source.
  8. Return to the Data sources page and choose mysql.
  9. On the connector details page, choose the link under Lambda function to access the Lambda console and inspect the function associated with this connector.
    mysql Data Soruce details
  10. Return to the Athena query editor.
  11. For Data source, choose mysql.
  12. For Database, choose the sales database.
  13. For Tables, you should see a listing of MySQL tables that are ready for you to query.
  14. Repeat these steps to set up the connectors for DynamoDB and Redis.

After all four data sources are configured, we can see the data sources on the Data source drop-down menu. All other databases and tables, like the lineitem table, which is stored on Amazon S3, are defined in the AWS Glue Data Catalog and can be accessed by choosing AwsDataCatalog as the data source.

This image shows AwsDataCatalog is being selected as Data Source

Analyze data with Athena

With our data sources configured, we are ready to start running queries and using federated views in a data mesh architecture. Let’s start by trying to find out how much profit was made on a given line of parts, broken out by supplier nation and year.

For such a query, we need to calculate, for each nation and year, the profit for parts ordered in each year that were filled by a supplier in each nation. Profit is defined as the sum of [(l_extendedprice*(1-l_discount)) - (ps_supplycost * l_quantity)] for all line items describing parts in the specified line.

Answering this question requires querying all four data sources—MySQL, DynamoDB, Redis, and Amazon S3—and is accomplished with the following SQL:

    n_name nation,
	year(CAST(o_orderdate AS date)) as o_year,
	((l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) - (CAST(ps_supplycost AS double) * l_quantity)) as amount
    ((s_suppkey = l_suppkey)
    AND (ps_suppkey = l_suppkey)
	AND (ps_partkey = l_partkey)
	AND (p_partkey = l_partkey)
	AND (o_orderkey = l_orderkey)
	AND (s_nationkey = CAST(Regexp_extract(_key_, '.*-(.*)', 1) AS int)))

Running this query on the Athena console produces the following result.

Result of above query

This query is fairly complex: it involves multiple joins and requires special knowledge of the correct way to calculate profit metrics that other end-users may not possess.

To simplify the analysis experience for those users, we can hide this complexity behind a view. For more information on using views with federated data sources, see Querying federated views.

Use the following query to create the view in the data_lake database under the AwsDataCatalog data source:

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "data_lake"."federated_view" AS
    n_name nation,
	year(CAST(o_orderdate AS date)) as o_year,
	((l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) - (CAST(ps_supplycost AS double) * l_quantity)) as amount
    ((s_suppkey = l_suppkey)
    AND (ps_suppkey = l_suppkey)
	AND (ps_partkey = l_partkey)
	AND (p_partkey = l_partkey)
	AND (o_orderkey = l_orderkey)
	AND (s_nationkey = CAST(Regexp_extract(_key_, '.*-(.*)', 1) AS int)))

Next, run a simple select query to validate the view was created successfully: SELECT * FROM federated_view limit 10

The result should be similar to our previous query.

With our view in place, we can perform new analyses to answer questions that would be challenging without the view due to the complex query syntax that would be required. For example, we can find the total profit by nation:

SELECT nation, sum(amount) AS total
from federated_view
GROUP BY nation 

Your results should resemble the following screenshot.

Result of above query

As you now see, the federated view makes it simpler for end-users to run queries on this data. Users are free to query a view of the data, defined by a knowledgeable data producer, rather than having to first acquire expertise in each underlying data source. Because Athena federated queries are processed where the data is stored, with this approach, we avoid duplicating data from the source system, saving valuable time and cost.

Use federated views in a multi-user model

So far, we have satisfied one of the principles of a data mesh: we created a data product (federated view) that is decoupled from its originating source and is available for on-demand analysis by consumers.

Next, we take our data mesh a step further by using federated views in a multi-user model. To keep it simple, assume we have one producer account, the account we used to create our four data sources and federated view, and one consumer account. Using the producer account, we give the consumer account permission to query the federated view from the consumer account.

The following figure depicts this setup and our simplified data mesh architecture.

Multi-user model setup

Follow these steps to share the connectors and AWS Glue Data Catalog resources from the producer, which includes our federated view, with the consumer account:

  1. Share the data sources mysql, redis, dynamo, and data_lake with the consumer account. For instructions, refer to Sharing a data source in Account A with Account B. Note that Account A represents the producer and Account B represents the consumer. Make sure you use the same data source names from earlier when sharing data. This is necessary for the federated view to work in a cross-account model.
  2. Next, share the producer account’s AWS Glue Data Catalog with the consumer account by following the steps in Cross-account access to AWS Glue data catalogs. For the data source name, use shared_federated_catalog.
  3. Switch to the consumer account, navigate to the Athena console, and verify that you see federated_view listed under Views in the shared_federated_catalog Data Catalog and data_lake database.
  4. Next, run a sample query on the shared view to see the query results.

Result of sample query

Clean up

To clean up the resources created for this post, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon S3 console, empty the bucket athena-federation-workshop-<account-id>.
  2. If you’re using the AWS CLI, delete the objects in the athena-federation-workshop-<account-id> bucket with the following code. Make sure you run this command on the correct bucket.
    aws s3 rm s3://athena-federation-workshop-<account-id> --recursive
  3. On the AWS CloudFormation console or the AWS CLI, delete the stack athena-federated-view-blog.


In this post, we demonstrated the functionality of Athena federated views. We created a view spanning four different federated data sources and ran queries against it. We also saw how federated views could be extended to a multi-user data mesh and ran queries from a consumer account.

To take advantage of federated views, ensure you are using Athena engine version 3 and upgrade your data source connectors to the latest version available. For information on how to upgrade a connector, see Updating a data source connector.

About the Authors

Saurabh Bhutyani is a Principal Big Data Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS. He is passionate about new technologies. He joined AWS in 2019 and works with customers to provide architectural guidance for running scalable analytics solutions and data mesh architectures using AWS analytics services like Amazon EMR, Amazon Athena, AWS Glue, AWS Lake Formation, and Amazon DataZone.

Pathik Shah is a Sr. Big Data Architect on Amazon Athena. He joined AWS in 2015 and has been focusing in the big data analytics space since then, helping customers build scalable and robust solutions using AWS analytics services.

Find the best Amazon Redshift configuration for your workload using Redshift Test Drive

Post Syndicated from Sathiish Kumar original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/find-the-best-amazon-redshift-configuration-for-your-workload-using-redshift-test-drive/

Amazon Redshift is a widely used, fully managed, petabyte-scale cloud data warehouse. Tens of thousands of customers use Amazon Redshift to process exabytes of data every day to power their analytics workloads. With the launch of Amazon Redshift Serverless and the various deployment options Amazon Redshift provides (such as instance types and cluster sizes), customers are looking for tools that help them determine the most optimal data warehouse configuration to support their Redshift workload.

In this post, we answer that question by using Redshift Test Drive, an open-source tool that lets you evaluate which different data warehouse configurations options are best suited for your workload. We created Redshift Test Drive from SimpleReplay and redshift-config-compare (see Compare different node types for your workload using Amazon Redshift for more details) to provide a single entry point for finding the best Amazon Redshift configuration for your workload. Redshift Test Drive also provides additional features such as a self-hosted analysis UI and the ability to replicate external objects that a Redshift workload may interact with.

Amazon Redshift RA3 with managed storage is the newest instance type for Provisioned clusters. It allows you to scale and pay for compute and storage independently, as well as use advanced features such as cross-cluster data sharing and cross-Availability Zone cluster relocation. Many customers using previous generation instance types want to upgrade their clusters to RA3 instance types. In this post, we show you how to use Redshift Test Drive to evaluate the performance of an RA3 cluster configuration for your Redshift workloads.

Solution overview

At its core, Redshift Test Drive replicates a workload by extracting queries from the source Redshift data warehouse logs (shown as Workload Extractor in the following figure) and replays the extracted workload against the target Redshift data warehouses (Workload Replayer).

If these workloads interact with external objects via Amazon Redshift Spectrum (such as the AWS Glue Data Catalog) or COPY commands, Redshift Test Drive offers an external object replicator utility to clone these objects to facilitate replay.

Workload replicator architecture

Redshift Test Drive uses this process of workload replication for two main functionalities: comparing configurations and comparing replays.

Compare Amazon Redshift configurations

Redshift Test Drive’s ConfigCompare utility (based on redshift-config-compare tool) helps you find the best Redshift data warehouse configuration by using your workload to run performance and functional tests on different configurations in parallel. This utility’s automation starts by creating a new AWS CloudFormation stack based on this CloudFormation template. The CloudFormation stack creates an AWS Step Function state machine, which internally uses AWS Lambda functions to trigger AWS Batch jobs to run workload comparison across different Redshift instance types. These jobs extract the workload from the source Redshift data warehouse log location across the specified workload time (as provided in the config parameters) and then replays the extracted workload against a list of different target Redshift data warehouse configurations as provided in the configuration file. When the replay is complete, the Step Functions state machine uploads the performance stats for the target configurations to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket and creates external schemas that can then be queried from any Redshift target to identify a target configuration that meets your performance requirements.

The following diagram illustrates the architecture of this utility.

Architecture of ConfigCompare utility

Compare replay performance

Redshift Test Drive also provides the ability to compare the replay runs visually using a self-hosted UI tool. This tool reads the stats generated by the workload replicator (stored in Amazon S3) and helps compare the replay runs across key performance indicators such as longest running queries, error distribution, queries with most deviation of latency across runs, and more.

The following diagram illustrates the architecture for the UI.

Replay Performance analysis UI architecture

Walkthrough overview

In this post, we provide a step-by-step walkthrough of using Redshift Test Drive to automatically replay your workload against different Amazon Redshift configurations with the ConfigCompare utility. Subsequently, we use the self-hosted analysis UI utility to analyze the output of ConfigCompare for determining the optimal target warehouse configuration to migrate or upgrade. The following diagram illustrates the workflow.

Walkthrough Steps


The following prerequisites should be addressed before we run the ConfigCompare utility:

  • Enable audit logging and user-activity logging in your source cluster.
  • Take a snapshot of the source Redshift data warehouse.
  • Export your source parameter group and WLM configurations to Amazon S3. The parameter group can be exported using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), for example, using CloudShell, by running the following code:
    aws redshift describe-cluster-parameters —parameter-group-name <YOUR-SOURCE-CLUSTER-PARAMETER-GROUP-NAME> —output json >> param_group_src.json
    aws s3 cp param_group_src.json s3://<YOUR-BUCKET-NAME>/param_group_src.json

  • The WLM configurations can be copied as JSON in the console, from where you can enter them into a file and upload it to Amazon S3. If you want to test any alternative WLM configurations (such as comparing manual vs. auto WLM or enabling concurrency scaling), you can create a separate file with that target configuration and upload it to Amazon S3 as well.
  • Identify the target configurations you want to test. If you’re upgrading from DC2 to RA3 node types, refer to Upgrading to RA3 node types for recommendations.

For this walkthrough, let’s assume you have an existing Redshift data warehouse configuration with a two-node dc2.8xlarge provisioned cluster. You want to validate whether upgrading your current configuration to a decoupled architecture using the RA3 provisioned node type or Redshift Serverless would meet your workload price/performance requirements.

The following table summarizes the Redshift data warehouse configurations that are evaluated as part of this test.

Warehouse Type Number of Nodes/Base RPU Option
dc2.8xlarge 2 default auto WLM
ra3.4xlarge 4 default auto WLM
Redshift Serverless 64 auto scaling
Redshift Serverless 128 auto scaling

Run the ConfigCompare utility

Before you run the utility, customize the details of the workload to replay, including the time period and the target warehouse configurations to test, in a JSON file. Upload this file to Amazon S3 and copy the S3 URI path to use as an input parameter for the CloudFormation template that deploys the resources for the remaining orchestration.

You can read more about the individual components and inputs of JSON file in the Readme.

For our use case, we use the following JSON file as an input to the utility:

   "SNAPSHOT_ID": "redshift-cluster-manual-snapshot",
   "SNAPSHOT_ACCOUNT_ID": "123456789012",

   "PARAMETER_GROUP_CONFIG_S3_PATH": "s3://nodeconfig-artifacts/pg_config.json",




   "AUTO_PAUSE": true,
   "DATABASE_NAME": "database_name",

      	"TYPE": "Provisioned",
      	"NODE_TYPE": "dc2.8xlarge",
      	"NUMBER_OF_NODES": "6",
      	"WLM_CONFIG_S3_PATH": "s3://nodeconfig-artifacts/wlm.json"
      	"TYPE": "Provisioned",
      	"NODE_TYPE": "ra3.4xlarge",
      	"NUMBER_OF_NODES": "12",
      	"WLM_CONFIG_S3_PATH": "s3://nodeconfig-artifacts/wlm.json"
      	"TYPE": "Serverless",
      	"BASE_RPU": "128"
      	"TYPE": "Serverless",
      	"BASE_RPU": "64"

The utility deploys all the data warehouse configurations included in the CONFIGURATIONS section of the JSON file. A replica of the source configuration is also included to be used for a baseline of the existing workload performance.

After this file is fully configured and uploaded to Amazon S3, navigate to the AWS CloudFormation console and create a new stack based on the this CloudFormation template and specify the relevant parameters. For more details on the individual parameters, refer to the GitHub repo. The following screenshot shows the parameters used for this walkthrough.

Configuration parameters for Cloudformation Template

After this is updated, proceed with the subsequent steps on the AWS CloudFormation console to launch a new stack.

When the stack is fully created, select the stack and open the Resources tab. Here, you can search for the term StepFunctions and choose the hyperlink next to the RedshiftConfigTestingStepFunction physical ID to open the Step Functions state machine to run the utility.

Searching for ConfigTestingStepFunction

On the Step Functions page that opens, choose Start execution. Leave the default values and choose Start execution to trigger the run. Monitor the progress of the state machine’s run on the graph view of the page. The full run will take approximately the same time as the time window that was specified in the JSON configuration file.

StepFunction Execution example

When the status of the run changes from Running to Succeeded, the run is complete.

Analyze the results

When the Step Functions state machine run is complete, the performance metrics are uploaded to the S3 bucket created by the CloudFormation template initially. To analyze the performance of the workload across different configurations, you can use the self-hosted UI tool that comes with Redshift Test Drive. Set up this tool for your workload by following the instructions provided in this Readme.

After you point the UI to the S3 location that has the stats from the ConfigCompare run, the Replays section will populate with the analysis for replays found in the input S3 location. Select the target configurations you want to compare and choose Analysis to navigate to the comparisons page.

AnalysisUI example list of replays

You can use the Filter Results section to denote which query types, users, and time frame to compare, and the Analysis section will expand to a section providing analysis of all the selected replays. Here you can see a comparison of the SELECT queries run by the ad hoc user of the replay.

AnalysisUI filter results

The following screenshot shows an example of the analysis of a replay. These results show the distribution of queries completed over the full run for a given user and query type, allowing us to identify periods of high and low activity. We can also see runtimes of these queries, aggregated as percentiles, average, and standard deviation. For example, the P50 value indicates that 50% of queries ran within 26.564 seconds. The parameters used to filter for specific users, query types, and runtimes can be dynamically updated to allow the results and comparisons to be comprehensively investigated according to the specific performance requirements each individual use case demands.

AnalysisUI compare throughput example


As shown in the solution architecture, the main moving parts in the ConfigCompare automation are AWS CloudFormation, Step Functions (internally using Lambda), and AWS Batch.

If any resource in the CloudFormation stack fails to deploy, we recommend troubleshooting the issue based on the error shown on the AWS CloudFormation console.

To troubleshoot errors with the Step Functions state machine, locate the Amazon CloudWatch logs for a step by navigating to the state machine’s latest run on the Step Functions console and choosing CloudWatch Logs for the failed Step Functions step. After resolving the error, you can restart the state machine by choosing New execution.

Troubleshooting Step Function

For AWS Batch errors, locate the AWS Batch logs by navigating to the AWS CloudFormation console and choosing the Resources tab in the CloudFormation stack. On this tab, search for LogGroup to find the AWS Batch run logs.

Troubleshooting Cloudwatch logs

For more information about common errors and their solutions, refer to the Test Drive Readme.

Clean up

When you have completed the evaluation, we recommend manually deleting the deployed Redshift warehouses to avoid any on-demand charges that could accrue. After this, you can delete the CloudFormation stack to clean up other resources.


Some of the limitations for the WorkloadReplicator (the core utility supporting the ConfigCompare tool) are outlined in the Readme.


In this post, we demonstrated the process of finding the right Redshift data warehouse configuration using Redshift Test Drive. The utility offers an easy-to-use tool to replicate the workload of your choice against customizable data warehouse configurations. It also provides a self-hosted analysis UI to help you dive deeper into the stats generated during the replication process.

Get started with Test Drive today by following the instructions provided in the Readme. For an in-depth overview of the config compare automation, refer to Compare different node types for your workload using Amazon Redshift. If you’re migrating from DC2 or DS2 node types to RA3, refer to our recommendations on node count and type as a benchmark.

About the Authors

Sathiish Kumar is a Software Development Manager at Amazon Redshift and has worked on building end-to-end applications using different database and technology solutions over the last 10 years. He is passionate about helping his customers find the quickest and the most optimized solution to their problems by leveraging open-source technologies.

Julia Beck is an Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS. She supports customers in validating analytics solutions by architecting proof of concept workloads designed to meet their specific needs.

Ranjan Burman is an Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS. He specializes in Amazon Redshift and helps customers build scalable analytical solutions. He has more than 16 years of experience in different database and data warehousing technologies. He is passionate about automating and solving customer problems with cloud solutions.

Implement tag-based access control for your data lake and Amazon Redshift data sharing with AWS Lake Formation

Post Syndicated from Praveen Kumar original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/implement-tag-based-access-control-for-your-data-lake-and-amazon-redshift-data-sharing-with-aws-lake-formation/

Data-driven organizations treat data as an asset and use it across different lines of business (LOBs) to drive timely insights and better business decisions. Many organizations have a distributed tools and infrastructure across various business units. This leads to having data across many instances of data warehouses and data lakes using a modern data architecture in separate AWS accounts.

Amazon Redshift data sharing allows you to securely share live, transactionally consistent data in one Amazon Redshift data warehouse with another Redshift data warehouse within the same AWS account, across accounts, and across Regions, without needing to copy or move data from one cluster to another. Customers want to be able to manage their permissions in a central place across all of their assets. Previously, the management of Redshift datashares was limited to only within Amazon Redshift, which made it difficult to manage your data lake permissions and Amazon Redshift permissions in a single place. For example, you had to navigate to an individual account to view and manage access information for Amazon Redshift and the data lake on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). As an organization grows, administrators want a mechanism to effectively and centrally manage data sharing across data lakes and data warehouses for governance and auditing, and to enforce fine-grained access control.

We recently announced the integration of Amazon Redshift data sharing with AWS Lake Formation. With this feature, Amazon Redshift customers can now manage sharing, apply access policies centrally, and effectively scale the permission using LF-Tags.

Lake Formation has been a popular choice for centrally governing data lakes backed by Amazon S3. Now, with Lake Formation support for Amazon Redshift data sharing, it opens up new design patterns and broadens governance and security posture across data warehouses. With this integration, you can use Lake Formation to define fine-grained access control on tables and views being shared with Amazon Redshift data sharing for federated AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) users and IAM roles. Lake Formation also provides tag-based access control (TBAC), which can be used to simplify and scale governance of data catalog objects such as databases and tables.

In this post, we discuss this new feature and how to implement TBAC for your data lake and Amazon Redshift data sharing on Lake Formation.

Solution overview

Lake Formation tag-based access control (LF-TBAC) allows you to group similar AWS Glue Data Catalog resources together and define the grant or revoke permissions policy by using an LF-Tag expression. LF-Tags are hierarchical in that when a database is tagged with an LF-Tag, all tables in that database inherit the tag, and when a LF-Tag is applied to a table, all the columns within that table inherit the tag. Inherited tags then can be overridden if needed. You then can create access policies within Lake Formation using LF-Tag expressions to grant principals access to tagged resources using an LF-Tag expression. See Managing LF-Tags for metadata access control for more details.

To demonstrate LF-TBAC with central data access governance capability, we use the scenario where two separate business units own particular datasets and need to share data across teams.

We have a customer care team who manages and owns the customer information database including customer demographics data. And have a marketing team who owns a customer leads dataset, which includes information on prospective customers and contact leads.

To be able to run effective campaigns, the marketing team needs access to the customer data. In this post, we demonstrate the process of sharing this data that is stored in the data warehouse and giving the marketing team access. Furthermore, there are personally identifiable information (PII) columns within the customer dataset that should only be accessed by a subset of power users on a need-to-know basis. This way, data analysts within marketing can only see non-PII columns to be able to run anonymous customer segment analysis, but a group of power users can access PII columns (for example, customer email address) to be able to run campaigns or surveys for specific groups of customers.

The following diagram shows the structure of the datasets that we work with in this post and a tagging strategy to provide fine-grained column-level access.

Beyond our tagging strategy on the data resources, the following table gives an overview of how we should grant permissions to our two personas via tags.

IAM Role Persona Resource Type Permission LF-Tag expression
marketing-analyst A data analyst in the marketing team DB describe (department:marketing OR department:customer) AND classification:private
. Table select (department:marketing OR department:customer) AND classification:private
. . . . .
marketing-poweruser A privileged user in the marketing team DB describe (department:marketing OR department:customer) AND classification: private
. Table (Column) select (department:marketing OR department:customer) AND (classification:private OR classification:pii-sensitive)

The following diagram gives a high-level overview of the setup that we deploy in this post.

The following is a high-level overview of how to use Lake Formation to control datashare permissions:

Producer Setup:

  1. In the producers AWS account, the Amazon Redshift administrator that owns the customer database creates a Redshift datashare on the producer cluster and grants usage to the AWS Glue Data Catalog in the same account.
  2. The producer cluster administrator authorizes the Lake Formation account to access the datashare.
  3. In Lake Formation, the Lake Formation administrator discovers and registers the datashares. They must discover the AWS Glue ARNs they have access to and associate the datashares with an AWS Glue Data Catalog ARN. If you’re using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), you can discover and accept datashares with the Redshift CLI operations describe-data-shares and associate-data-share-consumer. To register a datashare, use the Lake Formation CLI operation register-resource.
  4. The Lake Formation administrator creates a federated database in the AWS Glue Data Catalog; assigns tags to the databases, tables, and columns; and configures Lake Formation permissions to control user access to objects within the datashare. For more information about federated databases in AWS Glue, see Managing permissions for data in an Amazon Redshift datashare.

Consumer Setup:

  1. On the consumer side (marketing), the Amazon Redshift administrator discovers the AWS Glue database ARNs they have access to, creates an external database in the Redshift consumer cluster using an AWS Glue database ARN, and grants usage to database users authenticated with IAM credentials to start querying the Redshift database.
  2. Database users can use the views SVV_EXTERNAL_TABLES and SVV_EXTERNAL_COLUMNS to find all the tables or columns within the AWS Glue database that they have access to; then they can query the AWS Glue database’s tables.

When the producer cluster administrator decides to no longer share the data with the consumer cluster, the producer cluster administrator can revoke usage, deauthorize, or delete the datashare from Amazon Redshift. The associated permissions and objects in Lake Formation are not automatically deleted.


To follow the steps in this post, you must satisfy the following prerequisites:

Deploy environment including producer and consumer Redshift clusters

To follow along the steps outlined in this post, deploy following AWS CloudFormation stack that includes necessary resources to demonstrate the subject of this post:

  1. Choose Launch stack to deploy a CloudFormation template.
  2. Provide an IAM role that you have already configured as a Lake Formation administrator.
  3. Complete the steps to deploy the template and leave all settings as default.
  4. Select I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources, then choose Submit.

This CloudFormation stack creates the following resources:

  • Producer Redshift cluster – Owned by the customer care team and has customer and demographic data on it.
  • Consumer Redshift cluster – Owned by the marketing team and is used to analyze data across data warehouses and data lakes.
  • S3 data lake – Contains the web activity and leads datasets.
  • Other necessary resources to demonstrate the process of sharing data – For example, IAM roles, Lake Formation configuration, and more. For a full list of resources created by the stack, examine the CloudFormation template.

After you deploy this CloudFormation template, resources created will incur cost to your AWS account. At the end of the process, make sure that you clean up resources to avoid unnecessary charges.

After the CloudFormation stack is deployed successfully (status shows as CREATE_COMPLETE), take note of the following items on the Outputs tab:

  • Marketing analyst role ARN
  • Marketing power user role ARN
  • URL for Amazon Redshift admin password stored in AWS Secrets Manager

Create a Redshift datashare and add relevant tables

On the AWS Management Console, switch to the role that you nominated as Lake Formation admin when deploying the CloudFormation template. Then go to Query Editor v2. If this is the first time using Query Editor V2 in your account, follow these steps to configure your AWS account.

The first step in Query Editor is to log in to the customer Redshift cluster using the database admin credentials to make your IAM admin role a DB admin on the database.

  1. Choose the options menu (three dots) next to the lfunified-customer-dwh cluster and choose Create connection.

  2. Select Database user name and password.
  3. Leave Database as dev.
  4. For User name, enter admin.
  5. For Password, complete the following steps:
    1. Go to the console URL, which is the value of the RedShiftClusterPassword CloudFormation output in previous step. The URL is the Secrets Manager console for this password.
    2. Scroll down to the Secret value section and choose Retrieve secret value.
    3. Take note of the password to use later when connecting to the marketing Redshift cluster.
    4. Enter this value for Password.
  6. Choose Create connection.

Create a datashare using a SQL command

Complete the following steps to create a datashare in the data producer cluster (customer care) and share it with Lake Formation:

  1. On the Amazon Redshift console, in the navigation pane, choose Editor, then Query editor V2.
  2. Choose (right-click) the cluster name and choose Edit connection or Create connection.
  3. For Authentication, select Temporary credentials using your IAM identity.

Refer to Connecting to an Amazon Redshift database to learn more about the various authentication methods.

  1. For Database, enter a database name (for this post, dev).
  2. Choose Create connection to connect to the database.
  3. Run the following SQL commands to create the datashare and add the data objects to be shared:
    create datashare customer_ds;
    ALTER DATASHARE customer_ds ADD TABLE customer;

  4. Run the following SQL command to share the customer datashare to the current account via the AWS Glue Data Catalog:
    GRANT USAGE ON DATASHARE customer_ds TO ACCOUNT '<aws-account-id>' via DATA CATALOG;

  5. Verify the datashare was created and objects shared by running the following SQL command:
    DESC DATASHARE customer_ds;

Take note of the datashare producer cluster name space and account ID, which will be used in the following step. You can complete the following actions on the console, but for simplicity, we use AWS CLI commands.

  1. Go to CloudShell or your AWS CLI and run the following AWS CLI command to authorize the datashare to the Data Catalog so that Lake Formation can manage them:
    aws redshift authorize-data-share \
    --data-share-arn 'arn:aws:redshift:<aws-region>:<aws-account-id>:datashare:<producer-cluster-namespace>/customer_ds' \
    --consumer-identifier DataCatalog/<aws-account-id>

The following is an example output:

    "DataShareArn": "arn:aws:redshift:us-east-2:<aws-account-id>:datashare:cd8d91b5-0c17-4567-a52a-59f1bdda71cd/customer_ds",
    "ProducerArn": "arn:aws:redshift:us-east-2:<aws-account-id>:namespace:cd8d91b5-0c17-4567-a52a-59f1bdda71cd",
    "AllowPubliclyAccessibleConsumers": false,
    "DataShareAssociations": [{
        "ConsumerIdentifier": "DataCatalog/<aws-account-id>XX",
        "Status": "AUTHORIZED",
        "CreatedDate": "2022-11-09T21:10:30.507000+00:00",
        "StatusChangeDate": "2022-11-09T21:10:50.932000+00:00"

Take note of your datashare ARN that you used in this command to use in the next steps.

Accept the datashare in the Lake Formation catalog

To accept the datashare, complete the following steps:

  1. Run the following AWS CLI command to accept and associate the Amazon Redshift datashare to the AWS Glue Data Catalog:
    aws redshift associate-data-share-consumer --data-share-arn 'arn:aws:redshift:<aws-region>:<aws-account-id>:datashare:<producer-cluster-namespace>/customer_ds' \
    --consumer-arn arn:aws:glue:<aws-region>:<aws-account-id>:catalog

The following is an example output:

 "DataShareArn": "arn:aws:redshift:us-east-2:<aws-account-id>:datashare:cfd5fcbd-3492-42b5-9507-dad5d87f7427/customer_ds",
 "ProducerArn": "arn:aws:redshift:us-east-2:<aws-account-id>:namespace:cfd5fcbd-3492-42b5-9507-dad5d87f7427",
 "AllowPubliclyAccessibleConsumers": false,
 "DataShareAssociations": [
 "ConsumerIdentifier": "arn:aws:glue:us-east-2:<aws-account-id>:catalog",
 "Status": "ACTIVE",
 "ConsumerRegion": "us-east-2",
 "CreatedDate": "2023-05-18T12:25:11.178000+00:00",
 "StatusChangeDate": "2023-05-18T12:25:11.178000+00:00"
  1. Register the datashare in Lake Formation:
    aws lakeformation register-resource \
     --resource-arn arn:aws:redshift:<aws-region>:<producer-aws-account-id>:datashare:<producer-cluster-namespace>/customer_ds

  2. Create the AWS Glue database that points to the accepted Redshift datashare:
    aws glue create-database --region <aws-region> --cli-input-json '{
        "CatalogId": "<aws-account-id>",
        "DatabaseInput": {
            "Name": "customer_db_shared",
            "FederatedDatabase": {
                "Identifier": "arn:aws:redshift:<aws-region>:<producer-aws-account-id>:datashare:<producer-cluster-namespace>/customer_ds",
                "ConnectionName": "aws:redshift"

  3. To verify, go to the Lake Formation console and check that the database customer_db_shared is created.

Now the data lake administrator can view and grant access on both the database and tables to the data consumer team (marketing) personas using Lake Formation TBAC.

Assign Lake Formation tags to resources

Before we grant appropriate access to the IAM principals of the data analyst and power user within the marketing team, we have to assign LF-tags to tables and columns of the customer_db_shared database. We then grant these principals permission to appropriate LF-tags.

To assign LF-tags, follow these steps:

  1. Assign the department and classification LF-tag to customer_db_shared (Redshift datashare) based on the tagging strategy table in the solution overview. You can run the following actions on the console, but for this post, we use the following AWS CLI command:
    aws lakeformation add-lf-tags-to-resource --cli-input-json '{
        "CatalogId": "<aws-account-id>",
        "Resource": {
        "Database": {
        "CatalogId": "<aws-account-id>",
        "Name": "customer_db_shared"
        "LFTags": [
        "CatalogId": "<aws-account-id>",
        "TagKey": "department",
        "TagValues": [
        "CatalogId": "<aws-account-id>",
        "TagKey": "classification",
        "TagValues": [

If the command is successful, you should get a response like the following:

"Failures": []
  1. Assign the appropriate department and classification LF-tag to marketing_db (on the S3 data lake):
    aws lakeformation add-lf-tags-to-resource --cli-input-json '{
        "CatalogId": "<aws-account-id>",
        "Resource": {
        "Database": {
        "CatalogId": "<aws-account-id>",
        "Name": "lfunified_marketing_dl_db"
        "LFTags": [
        "CatalogId": "<aws-account-id>",
        "TagKey": "department",
        "TagValues": [
        "CatalogId": "<aws-account-id>",
        "TagKey": "classification",
        "TagValues": [

Note that although you only assign the department and classification tag on the database level, it gets inherited by the tables and columns within that database.

  1. Assign the classification pii-sensitive LF-tag to PII columns of the customer table to override the inherited value from the database level:
    aws lakeformation add-lf-tags-to-resource --cli-input-json '{
        "CatalogId": "<aws-account-id>",
        "Resource": {
        "TableWithColumns": {
        "CatalogId": "<aws-account-id>",
        "DatabaseName": "customer_db_shared",
        "Name": "public.customer",
        "LFTags": [
        "CatalogId": "<aws-account-id>",
        "TagKey": "classification",
        "TagValues": [

Grant permission based on LF-tag association

Run the following two AWS CLI commands to allow the marketing data analyst access to the customer table excluding the pii-sensitive (PII) columns. Replace the value for DataLakePrincipalIdentifier with the MarketingAnalystRoleARN that you noted from the outputs of the CloudFormation stack:

aws lakeformation grant-permissions --cli-input-json '{
    "CatalogId": "<aws-account-id>",
    "Principal": {"DataLakePrincipalIdentifier" : "<MarketingAnalystRoleARN-from-CloudFormation-Outputs>"},
    "Resource": {
    "LFTagPolicy": {
    "CatalogId": "<aws-account-id>",
    "ResourceType": "DATABASE",
    "Expression": [{"TagKey": "department","TagValues": ["marketing","customer"]},{"TagKey": "classification","TagValues": ["private"]}]
    "Permissions": [
    "PermissionsWithGrantOption": []
aws lakeformation grant-permissions --cli-input-json '{
    "CatalogId": "<aws-account-id>",
    "Principal": {"DataLakePrincipalIdentifier" : "<MarketingAnalystRoleARN-from-CloudFormation-Outputs>"},
    "Resource": {
    "LFTagPolicy": {
    "CatalogId": "<aws-account-id>",
    "ResourceType": "TABLE",
    "Expression": [{"TagKey": "department","TagValues": ["marketing","customer"]},{"TagKey": "classification","TagValues": ["private"]}]
    "Permissions": [
    "PermissionsWithGrantOption": []

We have now granted marketing analysts access to the customer database and tables that are not pii-sensitive.

To allow marketing power users access to table columns with restricted LF-tag (PII columns), run the following AWS CLI command:

aws lakeformation grant-permissions --cli-input-json '{
    "CatalogId": "<aws-account-id>",
    "Principal": {"DataLakePrincipalIdentifier" : "<MarketingPowerUserRoleARN-from-CloudFormation-Outputs>"},
    "Resource": {
    "LFTagPolicy": {
    "CatalogId": "<aws-account-id>",
    "ResourceType": "DATABASE",
    "Expression": [{"TagKey": "department","TagValues": ["marketing","customer"]},{"TagKey": "classification","TagValues": ["private"]}]
    "Permissions": [
    "PermissionsWithGrantOption": []
aws lakeformation grant-permissions --cli-input-json '{
    "CatalogId": "<aws-account-id>",
    "Principal": {"DataLakePrincipalIdentifier" : "<MarketingPowerUserRoleARN-from-CloudFormation-Outputs>"},
    "Resource": {
    "LFTagPolicy": {
    "CatalogId": "<aws-account-id>",
    "ResourceType": "TABLE",
    "Expression": [{"TagKey": "department","TagValues": ["marketing","customer"]},{"TagKey": "classification","TagValues": ["private", "pii-sensitive"]}]
    "Permissions": [
    "PermissionsWithGrantOption": []

We can combine the grants into a single batch grant permissions call:

aws lakeformation batch-grant-permissions --region us-east-1 --cli-input-json '{
    "CatalogId": "<aws-account-id>",
 "Entries": [
 {  "Id": "1",
    "Principal": {"DataLakePrincipalIdentifier" : "arn:aws:iam:: <aws-account-id>:role/Blog-MarketingAnalystRole-1CYV6JSNN14E3"},
    "Resource": {
    "LFTagPolicy": {
    "CatalogId": "<aws-account-id>",
    "ResourceType": "DATABASE",
    "Expression": [{"TagKey": "department","TagValues": ["marketing","customer"]},{"TagKey": "classification","TagValues": ["private"]}]
    "Permissions": [
    "PermissionsWithGrantOption": []
    {  "Id": "2",
    "Principal": {"DataLakePrincipalIdentifier" : "arn:aws:iam:: <aws-account-id>:role/Blog-MarketingAnalystRole-1CYV6JSNN14E3"},
    "Resource": {
    "LFTagPolicy": {
    "CatalogId": "<aws-account-id>",
    "ResourceType": "TABLE",
    "Expression": [{"TagKey": "department","TagValues": ["marketing","customer"]},{"TagKey": "classification","TagValues": ["private"]}]
    "Permissions": [
    "PermissionsWithGrantOption": []
     {  "Id": "3",
    "Principal": {"DataLakePrincipalIdentifier" : "arn:aws:iam:: <aws-account-id>:role/Blog-MarketingPoweruserRole-RKKM0TWQBP0W"},
    "Resource": {
    "LFTagPolicy": {
    "CatalogId": "<aws-account-id>",
    "ResourceType": "DATABASE",
    "Expression": [{"TagKey": "department","TagValues": ["marketing","customer"]},{"TagKey": "classification","TagValues": ["private", "pii-sensitive"]}]
    "Permissions": [
    "PermissionsWithGrantOption": []
    {  "Id": "4",
    "Principal": {"DataLakePrincipalIdentifier" : "arn:aws:iam:: <aws-account-id>:role/Blog-MarketingPoweruserRole-RKKM0TWQBP0W"},
    "Resource": {
    "LFTagPolicy": {
    "CatalogId": "<aws-account-id>",
    "ResourceType": "TABLE",
    "Expression": [{"TagKey": "department","TagValues": ["marketing","customer"]},{"TagKey": "classification","TagValues": ["private", "pii-sensitive"]}]
    "Permissions": [
    "PermissionsWithGrantOption": []

Validate the solution

In this section, we go through the steps to test the scenario.

Consume the datashare in the consumer (marketing) data warehouse

To enable the consumers (marketing team) to access the customer data shared with them via the datashare, first we have to configure Query Editor v2. This configuration is to use IAM credentials as the principal for the Lake Formation permissions. Complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the console using the admin role you nominated in running the CloudFormation template step.
  2. On the Amazon Redshift console, go to Query Editor v2.
  3. Choose the gear icon in the navigation pane, then choose Account settings.
  4. Under Connection settings, select Authenticate with IAM credentials.
  5. Choose Save.

Now let’s connect to the marketing Redshift cluster and make the customer database available to the marketing team.

  1. Choose the options menu (three dots) next to the Serverless:lfunified-marketing-wg cluster and choose Create connection.
  2. Select Database user name and password.
  3. Leave Database as dev.
  4. For User name, enter admin.
  5. For Password, enter the same password you retrieved from Secrets Manger in an earlier step.
  6. Choose Create connection.
  7. Once successfully connected, choose the plus sign and choose Editor to open a new Query Editor tab.
  8. Make sure that you specify the Serverless: lfunified-marketing-wg workgroup and dev database.
  9. To create the Redshift database from the shared catalog database, run the following SQL command on the new tab:
    CREATE DATABASE ext_customerdb_shared FROM ARN 'arn:aws:glue:<aws-region>:<aws-account-id>:database/customer_db_shared' WITH DATA CATALOG SCHEMA "customer_db_shared"

  10. Run the following SQL commands to create and grant usage on the Redshift database to the IAM roles for the power users and data analyst. You can get the IAM role names from the CloudFormation stack outputs:
    CREATE USER IAMR:"lf-redshift-ds-MarketingAnalystRole-XXXXXXXXXXXX" password disable;
    GRANT USAGE ON DATABASE ext_customerdb_shared to IAMR:"lf-redshift-ds-MarketingAnalystRole-XXXXXXXXXXXX";
    CREATE USER IAMR:"lf-redshift-ds-MarketingPoweruserRole-YYYYYYYYYYYY" password disable;
    GRANT USAGE ON DATABASE ext_customerdb_shared to IAMR:"lf-redshift-ds-MarketingPoweruserRole-YYYYYYYYYYYY";

Create the data lake schema in AWS Glue and allow the marketing power role to query the lead and web activity data

Run the following SQL commands to make the lead data in the S3 data lake available to the marketing team:

create external schema datalake from data catalog
database 'lfunified_marketing_dl_db' 
iam_role 'SESSION'
catalog_id '<aws-account-id>';
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA datalake TO IAMR:"lf-redshift-ds-MarketingAnalystRole-XXXXXXXXXXXX";
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA datalake TO IAMR:"lf-redshift-ds-MarketingPoweruserRole-YYYYYYYYYYYY";

Query the shared dataset as a marketing analyst user

To validate that the marketing team analysts (IAM role marketing-analyst-role) have access to the shared database, perform the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the console (for convenience, you can use a different browser) and switch your role to lf-redshift-ds-MarketingAnalystRole-XXXXXXXXXXXX.
  2. On the Amazon Redshift console, go to Query Editor v2.
  3. To connect to the consumer cluster, choose the Serverless: lfunified-marketing-wg consumer data warehouse in the navigation pane.
  4. When prompted, for Authentication, select Federated user.
  5. For Database, enter the database name (for this post, dev).
  6. Choose Save.
  7. Once you’re connected to the database, you can validate the current logged-in user with the following SQL command:
    select current_user;

  8. To find the federated databases created on the consumer account, run the following SQL command:

  9. To validate permissions for the marketing analyst role, run the following SQL command:
    select * from ext_customerdb_shared.public.customer limit 10;

As you can see in the following screenshot, the marketing analyst is able to successfully access the customer data but only the non-PII attributes, which was our intention.

  1. Now let’s validate that the marketing analyst doesn’t have access to the PII columns of the same table:
    select c_customer_email from ext_customerdb_shared.public.customer limit 10;

Query the shared datasets as a marketing power user

To validate that the marketing power users (IAM role lf-redshift-ds-MarketingPoweruserRole-YYYYYYYYYYYY) have access to pii-sensetive columns in the shared database, perform the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the console (for convenience, you can use a different browser) and switch your role to lf-redshift-ds-MarketingPoweruserRole-YYYYYYYYYYYY.
  2. On the Amazon Redshift console, go to Query Editor v2.
  3. To connect to the consumer cluster, choose the Serverless: lfunified-marketing-wg consumer data warehouse in the navigation pane.
  4. When prompted, for Authentication, select Federated user.
  5. For Database, enter the database name (for this post, dev).
  6. Choose Save.
  7. Once you’re connected to the database, you can validate the current logged-in user with the following SQL command:
    select current_user;

  8. Now let’s validate that the marketing power role has access to the PII columns of the customer table:
    select c_customer_id, c_first_name, c_last_name,c_customer_email from customershareddb.public.customer limit 10;

  9. Validate that the power users within the marketing team can now run a query to combine data across different datasets that they have access to in order to run effective campaigns:
        emailaddress as emailAddress,  customer.c_first_name as firstName, customer.c_last_name as lastName, leadsource, contactnotes, usedpromo
        "dev"."datalake"."lead" as lead
    JOIN ext_customerdb_shared.public.customer as customer
    ON lead.emailaddress = customer.c_email_address
    WHERE lead.donotreachout = 'false'

Clean up

After you complete the steps in this post, to clean up resources, delete the CloudFormation stack:

  1. On the AWS CloudFormation console, select the stack you deployed in the beginning of this post.
  2. Choose Delete and follow the prompts to delete the stack.


In this post, we showed how you can use Lake Formation tags and manage permissions for your data lake and Amazon Redshift data sharing using Lake Formation. Using Lake Formation LF-TBAC for data governance helps you manage your data lake and Amazon Redshift data sharing permissions at scale. Also, it enables data sharing across business units with fine-grained access control. Managing access to your data lake and Redshift datashares in a single place enables better governance, helping with data security and compliance.

If you have questions or suggestions, submit them in the comments section.

For more information on Lake Formation managed Amazon Redshift data sharing and tag-based access control, refer to Centrally manage access and permissions for Amazon Redshift data sharing with AWS Lake Formation and Easily manage your data lake at scale using AWS Lake Formation Tag-based access control.

About the Authors

Praveen Kumar is an Analytics Solution Architect at AWS with expertise in designing, building, and implementing modern data and analytics platforms using cloud-native services. His areas of interests are serverless technology, modern cloud data warehouses, streaming, and ML applications.

Srividya Parthasarathy is a Senior Big Data Architect on the AWS Lake Formation team. She enjoys building data mesh solutions and sharing them with the community.

Paul Villena is an Analytics Solutions Architect in AWS with expertise in building modern data and analytics solutions to drive business value. He works with customers to help them harness the power of the cloud. His areas of interests are infrastructure as code, serverless technologies, and coding in Python.

Mostafa Safipour is a Solutions Architect at AWS based out of Sydney. He works with customers to realize business outcomes using technology and AWS. Over the past decade, he has helped many large organizations in the ANZ region build their data, digital, and enterprise workloads on AWS.

Migrating your secrets to AWS Secrets Manager, Part 2: Implementation

Post Syndicated from Adesh Gairola original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/migrating-your-secrets-to-aws-secrets-manager-part-2-implementation/

In Part 1 of this series, we provided guidance on how to discover and classify secrets and design a migration solution for customers who plan to migrate secrets to AWS Secrets Manager. We also mentioned steps that you can take to enable preventative and detective controls for Secrets Manager. In this post, we discuss how teams should approach the next phase, which is implementing the migration of secrets to Secrets Manager. We also provide a sample solution to demonstrate migration.

Implement secrets migration

Application teams lead the effort to design the migration strategy for their application secrets. Once you’ve made the decision to migrate your secrets to Secrets Manager, there are two potential options for migration implementation. One option is to move the application to AWS in its current state and then modify the application source code to retrieve secrets from Secrets Manager. Another option is to update the on-premises application to use Secrets Manager for retrieving secrets. You can use features such as AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Roles Anywhere to make the application communicate with Secrets Manager even before the migration, which can simplify the migration phase.

If the application code contains hardcoded secrets, the code should be updated so that it references Secrets Manager. A good interim state would be to pass these secrets as environment variables to your application. Using environment variables helps in decoupling the secrets retrieval logic from the application code and allows for a smooth cutover and rollback (if required).

Cutover to Secrets Manager should be done in a maintenance window. This minimizes downtime and impacts to production.

Before you perform the cutover procedure, verify the following:

  • Application components can access Secrets Manager APIs. Based on your environment, this connectivity might be provisioned through interface virtual private cloud (VPC) endpoints or over the internet.
  • Secrets exist in Secrets Manager and have the correct tags. This is important if you are using attribute-based access control (ABAC).
  • Applications that integrate with Secrets Manager have the required IAM permissions.
  • Have a well-documented cutover and rollback plan that contains the changes that will be made to the application during cutover. These would include steps like updating the code to use environment variables and updating the application to use IAM roles or instance profiles (for apps that are being migrated to Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)).

After the cutover, verify that Secrets Manager integration was successful. You can use AWS CloudTrail to confirm that application components are using Secrets Manager.

We recommend that you further optimize your integration by enabling automatic secrets rotation. If your secrets were previously widely accessible (for example, they were stored in your Git repositories), we recommend rotating as soon as possible when migrating .

Sample application to demo integration with Secrets Manager

In the next sections, we present a sample AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) solution that demonstrates the implementation of the previously discussed guardrails, design, and migration strategy. You can use the sample solution as a starting point and expand upon it. It includes components that environment teams may deploy to help provide potentially secure access for application teams to migrate their secrets to Secrets Manager. The solution uses ABAC, a tagging scheme, and IAM Roles Anywhere to demonstrate regulated access to secrets for application teams. Additionally, the solution contains client-side utilities to assist application and migration teams in updating secrets. Teams with on-premises applications that are seeking integration with Secrets Manager before migration can use the client-side utility for access through IAM Roles Anywhere.

The sample solution is hosted on the aws-secrets-manager-abac-authorization-samples GitHub repository and is made up of the following components:

  • A common environment infrastructure stack (created and owned by environment teams). This stack provisions the following resources:
    • A sample VPC created with Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC), with PUBLIC, PRIVATE_WITH_NAT, and PRIVATE_ISOLATED subnet types.
    • VPC endpoints for the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) and Secrets Manager services to the sample VPC. The use of VPC endpoints means that calls to AWS KMS and Secrets Manager are not made over the internet and remain internal to the AWS backbone network.
    • An empty shell secret, tagged with the supplied attributes and an IAM managed policy that uses attribute-based access control conditions. This means that the secret is managed in code, but the actual secret value is not visible in version control systems like GitHub or in AWS CloudFormation parameter inputs. 
  • An IAM Roles Anywhere infrastructure stack (created and owned by environment teams). This stack provisions the following resources:
    • An AWS Certificate Manager Private Certificate Authority (AWS Private CA).
    • An IAM Roles Anywhere public key infrastructure (PKI) trust anchor that uses AWS Private CA.
    • An IAM role for the on-premises application that uses the common environment infrastructure stack.
    • An IAM Roles Anywhere profile.

    Note: You can choose to use your existing CAs as trust anchors. If you do not have a CA, the stack described here provisions a PKI for you. IAM Roles Anywhere allows migration teams to use Secrets Manager before the application is moved to the cloud. Post migration, you could consider updating the applications to use native IAM integration (like instance profiles for EC2 instances) and revoking IAM Roles Anywhere credentials.

  • A client-side utility (primarily used by application or migration teams). This is a shell script that does the following:
    • Assists in provisioning a certificate by using OpenSSL.
    • Uses aws_signing_helper (Credential Helper) to set up AWS CLI profiles by using the credential_process for IAM Roles Anywhere.
    • Assists application teams to access and update their application secrets after assuming an IAM role by using IAM Roles Anywhere.
  • A sample application stack (created and owned by the application/migration team). This is a sample serverless application that demonstrates the use of the solution. It deploys the following components, which indicate that your ABAC-based IAM strategy is working as expected and is effectively restricting access to secrets:
    • The sample application stack uses a VPC-deployed common environment infrastructure stack.
    • It deploys an Amazon Aurora MySQL serverless cluster in the PRIVATE_ISOLATED subnet and uses the secret that is created through a common environment infrastructure stack.
    • It deploys a sample Lambda function in the PRIVATE_WITH_NAT subnet.
    • It deploys two IAM roles for testing:
      • allowedRole (default role): When the application uses this role, it is able to use the GET action to get the secret and open a connection to the Aurora MySQL database.
      • Not allowedRole: When the application uses this role, it is unable to use the GET action to get the secret and open a connection to the Aurora MySQL database.

Prerequisites to deploy the sample solution

The following software packages need to be installed in your development environment before you deploy this solution:

Note: In this section, we provide examples of AWS CLI commands and configuration for Linux or macOS operating systems. For instructions on using AWS CLI on Windows, refer to the AWS CLI documentation.

Before deployment, make sure that the correct AWS credentials are configured in your terminal session. The credentials can be either in the environment variables or in ~/.aws. For more details, see Configuring the AWS CLI.

Next, use the following commands to set your AWS credentials to deploy the stack:

export AWS_REGION = <>

You can view the IAM credentials that are being used by your session by running the command aws sts get-caller-identity. If you are running the cdk command for the first time in your AWS account, you will need to run the following cdk bootstrap command to provision a CDK Toolkit stack that will manage the resources necessary to enable deployment of cloud applications with the AWS CDK.

cdk bootstrap aws://<AWS account number>/<Region> # Bootstrap CDK in the specified account and AWS Region

Select the applicable archetype and deploy the solution

This section outlines the design and deployment steps for two archetypes:

Archetype 1: Application is currently on premises

Archetype 1 has the following requirements:

  • The application is currently hosted on premises.
  • The application would consume API keys, stored credentials, and other secrets in Secrets Manager.

The application, environment and security teams work together to define a tagging strategy that will be used to restrict access to secrets. After this, the proposed workflow for each persona is as follows:

  1. The environment engineer deploys a common environment infrastructure stack (as described earlier in this post) to bootstrap the AWS account with secrets and IAM policy by using the supplied tagging requirement.
  2. Additionally, the environment engineer deploys the IAM Roles Anywhere infrastructure stack.
  3. The application developer updates the secrets required by the application by using the client-side utility (helper.sh).
  4. The application developer uses the client-side utility to update the AWS CLI profile to consume the IAM Roles Anywhere role from the on-premises servers.

    Figure 1 shows the workflow for Archetype 1.

    Figure 1: Application on premises connecting to Secrets Manager

    Figure 1: Application on premises connecting to Secrets Manager

To deploy Archetype 1

  1. (Actions by the application team persona) Clone the repository and update the tagging details at configs/tagconfig.json.

    Note: Do not modify the tag/attributes name/key, only modify value.

  2. (Actions by the environment team persona) Run the following command to deploy the common environment infrastructure stack.
    ./helper.sh prepare
    Then, run the following command to deploy the IAM Roles Anywhere infrastructure stack../helper.sh on-prem
  3. (Actions by the application team persona) Update the secret value of the dummy secrets provided by the environment team, by using the following command.
    ./helper.sh update-secret

    Note: This command will only update the secret if it’s still using the dummy value.

    Then, run the following command to set up the client and server on premises../helper.sh client-profile-setup

    Follow the command prompt. It will help you request a client certificate and update the AWS CLI profile.

    Important: When you request a client certificate, make sure to supply at least one distinguished name, like CommonName.

The sample output should look like the following.

‐‐> This role can be used by the application by using the AWS CLI profile 'developer'.
‐‐> For instance, the following output illustrates how to access secret values by using the AWS CLI profile 'developer'.
‐‐> Sample AWS CLI: aws secretsmanager get-secret-value ‐‐secret-id $SECRET_ARN ‐‐profile developer

At this point, the client-side utility (helper.sh client-profile-setup) should have updated the AWS CLI configuration file with the following profile.

[profile developer]
region = <aws-region>
credential_process = /Users/<local-laptop-user>/.aws/aws_signing_helper credential-process
    ‐‐certificate /Users/<local-laptop-user>/.aws/client_cert.pem
    ‐‐private-key /Users/<local-laptop-user>/.aws/my_private_key.clear.key
    ‐‐trust-anchor-arn arn:aws:rolesanywhere:<aws-region>:444455556666:trust-anchor/a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE11111 
    ‐‐profile-arn arn:aws:rolesanywhere:<aws-region>:444455556666:profile/a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE22222 
    ‐‐role-arn arn:aws:iam::444455556666:role/RolesanywhereabacStack-onPremAppRole-1234567890ABC

To test Archetype 1 deployment

  • The application team can verify that the AWS CLI profile has been properly set up and is capable of retrieving secrets from Secrets Manager by running the following client-side utility command.
    ./helper.sh on-prem-test

This client-side utility (helper.sh) command verifies that the AWS CLI profile (for example, developer) has been set up for IAM Roles Anywhere and can run the GetSecretValue API action to retrieve the value of the secret stored in Secrets Manager.

The sample output should look like the following.

‐‐> Checking credentials ...
    "Account": "444455556666",
    "Arn": "arn:aws:sts::444455556666:assumed-role/RolesanywhereabacStack-onPremAppRole-1234567890ABC"
‐‐> Assume role worked for:
‐‐> This role can be used by the application by using the AWS CLI profile 'developer'. 
‐‐> For instance, the following output illustrates how to access secret values by using the AWS CLI profile 'developer'. 
‐‐> Sample AWS CLI: aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id $SECRET_ARN ‐‐profile $PROFILE_NAME
  "password": "randomuniquepassword",
  "servertype": "testserver1",
  "username": "testuser1"

Archetype 2: Application has migrated to AWS

Archetype 2 has the following requirement:

  • Deploy a sample application to demonstrate how ABAC authorization works for Secrets Manager APIs.

The application, environment, and security teams work together to define a tagging strategy that will be used to restrict access to secrets. After this, the proposed workflow for each persona is as follows:

  1. The environment engineer deploys a common environment infrastructure stack to bootstrap the AWS account with secrets and an IAM policy by using the supplied tagging requirement.
  2. The application developer updates the secrets required by the application by using the client-side utility (helper.sh).
  3. The application developer tests the sample application to confirm operability of ABAC.

Figure 2 shows the workflow for Archetype 2.

Figure 2: Sample migrated application connecting to Secrets Manager

Figure 2: Sample migrated application connecting to Secrets Manager

To deploy Archetype 2

  1. (Actions by the application team persona) Clone the repository and update the tagging details at configs/tagconfig.json.

    Note: Don’t modify the tag/attributes name/key, only modify value.

  2. (Actions by the environment team persona) Run the following command to deploy the common platform infrastructure stack.
    ./helper.sh prepare
  3. (Actions by the application team persona) Update the secret value of the dummy secrets provided by the environment team, using the following command.
    ./helper.sh update-secret

    Note: This command will only update the secret if it is still using the dummy value.

    Then, run the following command to deploy a sample app stack.
    ./helper.sh on-aws

    Note: If your secrets were migrated from a system that did not have the correct access controls, as a best security practice, you should rotate them at least once manually.

At this point, the client-side utility should have deployed a sample application Lambda function. This function connects to a MySQL database by using credentials stored in Secrets Manager. It retrieves the secret values, validates them, and establishes a connection to the database. The function returns a message that indicates whether the connection to the database is working or not.

To test Archetype 2 deployment

  • The application team can use the following client-side utility (helper.sh) to invoke the Lambda function and verify whether the connection is functional or not.
    ./helper.sh on-aws-test

The sample output should look like the following.

‐‐> Check if AWS CLI is installed
‐‐> AWS CLI found 
‐‐> Using tags to create Lambda function name and invoking a test 
‐‐> Checking the Lambda invoke response..... 
‐‐> The status code is 200
‐‐> Reading response from test function: 
"Connection to the DB is working."
‐‐> Response shows database connection is working from Lambda function using secret.


Building an effective secrets management solution requires careful planning and implementation. AWS Secrets Manager can help you effectively manage the lifecycle of your secrets at scale. We encourage you to take an iterative approach to building your secrets management solution, starting by focusing on core functional requirements like managing access, defining audit requirements, and building preventative and detective controls for secrets management. In future iterations, you can improve your solution by implementing more advanced functionalities like automatic rotation or resource policies for secrets.

To read Part 1 of this series, go to Migrating your secrets to AWS, Part I: Discovery and design.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the AWS Secrets Manager re:Post or contact AWS Support.

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Adesh Gairola

Adesh Gairola

Adesh Gairola is a Senior Security Consultant at Amazon Web Services in Sydney, Australia. Adesh is eager to help customers build robust defenses, and design and implement security solutions that enable business transformations. He is always looking for new ways to help customers improve their security posture.

Eric Swamy

Eric Swamy

Eric is a Senior Security Consultant working in the Professional Services team in Sydney, Australia. He is passionate about helping customers build the confidence and technical capability to move their most sensitive workloads to cloud. When not at work, he loves to spend time with his family and friends outdoors, listen to music, and go on long walks.

Migrating your secrets to AWS Secrets Manager, Part I: Discovery and design

Post Syndicated from Eric Swamy original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/migrating-your-secrets-to-aws-secrets-manager-part-i-discovery-and-design/

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” – Benjamin Franklin

A secret can be defined as sensitive information that is not intended to be known or disclosed to unauthorized individuals, entities, or processes. Secrets like API keys, passwords, and SSH keys provide access to confidential systems and resources, but it can be a challenge for organizations to maintain secure and consistent management of these secrets. Commonly observed anti-patterns in organizational secrets management systems include sharing plaintext secrets in emails or messaging apps, allowing application developers to view secrets in plaintext, hard-coding secrets into applications and storing them in version control systems, failing to rotate secrets regularly, and not logging and monitoring access to secrets.

We have created a two-part Amazon Web Services (AWS) blog post that provides prescriptive guidance on how you can use AWS Secrets Manager to help you achieve a cloud-based and modern secrets management system. In this first blog post, we discuss approaches to discover and classify secrets. In Part 2 of this series, we elaborate on the implementation phase and discuss migration techniques that will help you migrate your secrets to AWS Secrets Manager.

Managing secrets: Best practices and personas

A secret’s lifecycle comprises four phases: create, store, use, and destroy. An effective secrets management solution protects the secret in each of these phases from unauthorized access. Besides being secure, robust, scalable, and highly available, the secrets management system should integrate closely with other tools, solutions, and services that are being used within the organization. Legacy secret stores may lack integration with privileged access management (PAM), logging and monitoring, DevOps, configuration management, and encryption and auditing, which leads to teams not having uniform practices for consuming secrets and creates discrepancies from organizational policies.

Secrets Manager is a secrets management service that helps you protect access to your applications, services, and IT resources. This is a non-exhaustive list of features that AWS Secrets Manager offers:

  • Access control through AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) — Secrets Manager offers built-in integration with the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service. You can attach access control policies to IAM principals or to secrets themselves (by using resource-based policies).
  • Logging and monitoring — Secrets Manager integrates with AWS logging and monitoring services such as AWS CloudTrail and Amazon CloudWatch. This means that you can use your existing AWS logging and monitoring stack to log access to secrets and audit their usage.
  • Integration with other AWS services — Secrets Manager can store and manage the lifecycle of secrets created by other AWS services like Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS), Amazon Redshift, and Amazon QuickSight. AWS is constantly working on integrating more services with Secrets Manager.
  • Secrets encryption at rest — Secrets Manager integrates with AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS). Secrets are encrypted at rest by using an AWS-managed key or customer-managed key.
  • Framework to support the rotation of secrets securely — Rotation helps limit the scope of a compromise and should be an integral part of a modern approach to secrets management. You can use Secrets Manager to schedule automatic database credentials rotation for Amazon RDS, Amazon Redshift, and Amazon DocumentDB. You can use customized AWS Lambda functions to extend the Secrets Manager rotation feature to other secret types, such as API keys and OAuth tokens for on-premises and cloud resources.

Security, cloud, and application teams within an organization need to work together cohesively to build an effective secrets management solution. Each of these teams has unique perspectives and responsibilities when it comes to building an effective secrets management solution, as shown in the following table.

Persona Responsibilities What they want What they don’t want
Security teams/security architect Define control objectives and requirements from the secrets management system Least privileged short-lived access, logging and monitoring, and rotation of secrets Secrets sprawl
Cloud team/environment team Implement controls, create guardrails, detect events of interest Scalable, robust, and highly available secrets management infrastructure Application teams reaching out to them to provision or manage app secrets
Developer/migration engineer Migrate applications and their secrets to the cloud Independent control and management of their app secrets Dependency on external teams

To sum up the requirements from all the personas mentioned here: The approach to provision and consume secrets should be secure, governed, easily scalable, and self-service.

We’ll now discuss how to discover and classify secrets and design the migration in a way that helps you to meet these varied requirements.

Discovery — Assess and categorize existing secrets

The initial discovery phase involves running sessions aimed at discovering, assessing, and categorizing secrets. Migrating applications and associated infrastructure to the cloud requires a strategic and methodical approach to progressively discover and analyze IT assets. This analysis can be used to create high-confidence migration wave plans. You should treat secrets as IT assets and include them in the migration assessment planning.

For application-related secrets, arguably the most appropriate time to migrate a secret is when the application that uses the secret is being migrated itself. This lets you track and report the use of secrets as soon as the application begins to operate in the cloud. If secrets are left on-premises during an application migration, this often creates a risk to the availability of the application. The migrated application ends up having a dependency on the connectivity and availability of the on-premises secrets management system.

The activities performed in this phase are often handled by multiple teams. Depending on the purpose of the secret, this can be a mix of application developers, migration teams, and environment teams.

Following are some common secret types you might come across while migrating applications.

Type Description
Application secrets Secrets specific to an application
Client credentials Cloud to on-premises credentials or OAuth tokens (such as Okta, Google APIs, and so on)
Database credentials Credentials for cloud-hosted databases, for example, Amazon Redshift, Amazon RDS or Amazon Aurora, Amazon DocumentDB
Third-party credentials Vendor application credentials or API keys
Certificate private keys Custom applications or infrastructure that might require programmatic access to the private key
Cryptographic keys Cryptographic keys used for data encryption or digital signatures
SSH keys Centralized management of SSH keys can potentially make it easier to rotate, update, and track keys
AWS access keys On-premises to cloud credentials (IAM)

Creating an inventory for secrets becomes simpler when organizations have an IT asset management (ITAM) or Identity and Access Management (IAM) tool to manage their IT assets (such as secrets) effectively. For organizations that don’t have an on-premises secrets management system, creating an inventory of secrets is a combination of manual and automated efforts. Application subject matter experts (SMEs) should be engaged to find the location of secrets that the application uses. In addition, you can use commercial tools to scan endpoints and source code and detect secrets that might be hardcoded in the application. Amazon CodeGuru is a service that can detect secrets in code. It also provides an option to migrate these secrets to Secrets Manager.

AWS has previously described seven common migration strategies for moving applications to the cloud. These strategies are refactor, replatform, repurchase, rehost, relocate, retain, and retire. For the purposes of migrating secrets, we recommend condensing these seven strategies into three: retire, retain, and relocate. You should evaluate every secret that is being considered for migration against a decision tree to determine which of these three strategies to use. The decision tree evaluates each secret against key business drivers like cost reduction, risk appetite, and the need to innovate. This allows teams to assess if a secret can be replaced by native AWS services, needs to be retained on-premises, migrated to Secrets Manager, or retired. Figure 1 shows this decision process.

Figure 1: Decision tree for assessing a secret for migration

Figure 1: Decision tree for assessing a secret for migration

Capture the associated details for secrets that are marked as RELOCATE. This information is essential and must remain confidential. Some secret metadata is transitive and can be derived from related assets, including details such as itsm-tier, sensitivity-rating, cost-center, deployment pipeline, and repository name. With Secrets Manager, you will use resource tags to bind this metadata with the secret.

You should gather at least the following information for the secrets that you plan to relocate and migrate to AWS Secrets Manager.

Metadata about secrets Rationale for gathering data
Secrets team name or owner Gathering the name or email address of the individual or team responsible for managing secrets can aid in verifying that they are maintained and updated correctly.
Secrets application name or ID To keep track of which applications use which secrets, it is helpful to collect application details that are associated with these secrets.
Secrets environment name or ID Gathering information about the environment to which secrets belong, such as “prod,” “dev,” or “test,” can assist in the efficient management and organization of your secrets.
Secrets data classification Understanding your organization’s data classification policy can help you identify secrets that contain sensitive or confidential information. It is recommended to handle these secrets with extra care. This information, which may be labeled “confidential,” “proprietary,” or “personally identifiable information (PII),” can indicate the level of sensitivity associated with a particular secret according to your organization’s data classification policy or standard.
Secrets function or usage If you want to quickly find the secrets you need for a specific task or project, consider documenting their usage. For example, you can document secrets related to “backup,” “database,” “authentication,” or “third-party integration.” This approach can allow you to identify and retrieve the necessary secrets within your infrastructure without spending a lot of time searching for them.

This is also a good time to decide on the rotation strategy for each secret. When you rotate a secret, you update the credentials in both Secrets Manager and the service to which that secret provides access (in other words, the resource). Secrets Manager supports automatic rotation of secrets based on a schedule.

Design the migration solution

In this phase, security and environment teams work together to onboard the Secrets Manager service to their organization’s cloud environment. This involves defining access controls, guardrails, and logging capabilities so that the service can be consumed in a regulated and governed manner.

As a starting point, use the following design principles mentioned in the Security Pillar of the AWS Well Architected Framework to design a migration solution:

  • Implement a strong identity foundation
  • Enable traceability
  • Apply security at all layers
  • Automate security best practices
  • Protect data at rest and in transit
  • Keep people away from data
  • Prepare for security events

The design considerations covered in the rest of this section will help you prepare your AWS environment to host production-grade secrets. This phase can be run in parallel with the discovery phase.

Design your access control system to establish a strong identity foundation

In this phase, you define and implement the strategy to restrict access to secrets stored in Secrets Manager. You can use the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service to specify that identities (human and non-human IAM principals) are only able to access and manage secrets that they own. Organizations that organize their workloads and environments by using separate AWS accounts should consider using a combination of role-based access control (RBAC) and attribute-based access control (ABAC) to restrict access to secrets depending on the granularity of access that’s required.

You can use a scalable automation to deploy and update key IAM roles and policies, including the following:

  • Pipeline deployment policies and roles — This refers to IAM roles for CICD pipelines. These pipelines should be the primary mechanism for creating, updating, and deleting secrets in the organization.
  • IAM Identity Center permission sets — These allow human identities access to the Secrets Manager API. We recommend that you provision secrets by using infrastructure as code (IaC). However, there are instances where users need to interact directly with the service. This can be for initial testing, troubleshooting purposes, or updating a secret value when automatic rotation fails or is not enabled.
  • IAM permissions boundary — Boundary policies allow application teams to create IAM roles in a self-serviced, governed, and regulated manner.

Most organizations have Infrastructure, DevOps, or Security teams that deploy baseline configurations into AWS accounts. These solutions help these teams govern the AWS account and often have their own secrets. IAM policies should be created such that the IAM principals created by the application teams are unable to access secrets that are owned by the environment team, and vice versa. To enforce this logical boundary, you can use tagging and naming conventions on your secrets by using IAM.

A sample scheme for tagging your secrets can look like the following.

Tag key Tag value Notes Policy elements Secret tags
  • Lowercase
  • Alphanumeric only
  • User friendly
  • Quickly identifiable
A user-friendly name for the application PrincipalTag/ appname =<value> (applies to role)
RequestTag/ appname =<value> (applies to caller)
SecretManager:ResourceTag/ appname=<value> (applies to the secret)
  • Lowercase
  • Alphanumeric only
  • Unique across the organization
  • Fixed length (5–7 characters)
Uniquely identifies the application among other cloud-hosted apps PrincipalTag/appid=<value>
  • Lowercase
  • Fixed values (for example, web, msg, dba, api, storage, container, middleware, tool, service)
Used to describe the function of a particular target that the secret material is associated with (for example, web server, message broker, database) PrincipalTag/appfunc=<value>
  • Lowercase
  • Fixed values (for example, dev, test, nonp, prod)
An identifier for the secret usage environment PrincipalTag/appenv=<value>
  • Lowercase
  • Fixed values (for example, protected, confidential)
Use your organization’s data classification standards to classify the secrets PrincipalTag/dataclassification=<value>

If you maintain a registry that documents details of your cloud-hosted applications, most of these tags can be derived from the registry.

It’s common to apply different security and operational policies for the non-production and production environments of a given workload. Although production environments are generally deployed in a dedicated account, it’s common to have less critical non-production apps and environments coexisting in the same AWS account. For operation and governance at scale in these multi-tenanted accounts, you can use attribute-based access control (ABAC) to manage secure access to secrets. ABAC enables you to grant permissions based on tags. The main benefits of using tag-based access control are its scalability and operational efficiency.

Figure 2 shows an example of ABAC in action, where an IAM policy allows access to a secret only if the appfunc, appenv, and appid tags on the secret match the tags on the IAM principal that is trying to access the secrets.

Figure 2: ABAC access control

Figure 2: ABAC access control

ABAC works as follows:

  • Tags on a resource define who can access the resource. It is therefore important that resources are tagged upon creation.
  • For a create secret operation, IAM verifies whether the Principal tags on the IAM identity that is making the API call match the request tags in the request.
  • For an update, delete, or read operation, IAM verifies that the Principal tags on the IAM identity that is making the API call match the resource tags on the secret.
  • Regardless of the number of workloads or environments that coexist in the same account, you only need to create one ABAC-based IAM policy. This policy is the same for different kinds of accounts and can be deployed by using a capability like AWS CloudFormation StackSets. This is the reason that ABAC scales well for scenarios where multiple applications and environments are deployed in the same AWS account.
  • IAM roles can use a common IAM policy, such as the one described in the previous bullet point. You need to verify that the roles have the correct tags set on them, according to your tagging convention. This will automatically grant the roles access to the secrets that have the same resource tags.
  • Note that with this approach, tagging secrets and IAM roles becomes the most critical component for controlling access. For this reason, all tags on IAM roles and secrets on Secrets Manager must follow a standard naming convention at all times.

The following is an ABAC-based IAM policy that allows creation, updates, and deletion of secrets based on the tagging scheme described in the preceding table.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "secretsmanager:ResourceTag/appfunc": "${aws:PrincipalTag/appfunc}",
                    "secretsmanager:ResourceTag/appenv": "${aws:PrincipalTag/appenv}",
                    "secretsmanager:ResourceTag/name": "${aws:PrincipalTag/name}",
                    "secretsmanager:ResourceTag/appid": "${aws:PrincipalTag/appid}"
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:ap-southeast-2:*:secret:${aws:PrincipalTag/name}/${aws:PrincipalTag/appid}/${aws:PrincipalTag/appfunc}/${aws:PrincipalTag/appenv}*",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Sid": "AccessBasedOnResourceTags"
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "aws:RequestTag/appfunc": "${aws:PrincipalTag/appfunc}",
                    "aws:RequestTag/appid": "${aws:PrincipalTag/appid}",
                    "aws:RequestTag/name": "${aws:PrincipalTag/name}",
                    "aws:RequestTag/appenv": "${aws:PrincipalTag/appenv}"
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:ap-southeast-2:*:secret:${aws:PrincipalTag/name}/${aws:PrincipalTag/appid}/${aws:PrincipalTag/appfunc}/${aws:PrincipalTag/appenv}*",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Sid": "AccessBasedOnRequestTags"

In addition to controlling access, this policy also enforces a naming convention. IAM principals will only be able to create a secret that matches the following naming scheme.

Secret name = value of tag-key (appid + appfunc + appenv + name)
For example, /ordersapp/api/prod/logisticsapi

You can choose to implement ABAC so that the resource name matches the principal tags or the resource tags match the principal tags, or both. These are just different types of ABAC. The sample policy provided here implements both types. It’s important to note that because ABAC-based IAM policies are shared across multiple workloads, potential misconfigurations in the policies will have a wider scope of impact.

For more information about building your ABAC strategy, refer to the blog post Working backward: From IAM policies and principal tags to standardized names and tags for your AWS resources.

You can also add checks in your pipeline to provide early feedback for developers. These checks may potentially assist in verifying whether appropriate tags have been set up in IaC resources prior to their creation. Your pipeline-based controls provide an additional layer of defense and complement or extend restrictions enforced by IAM policies.

Resource-based policies

Resource-based policies are a flexible and powerful mechanism to control access to secrets. They are directly associated with a secret and allow specific principals mentioned in the policy to have access to the secret. You can use these policies to grant identities (internal or external to the account) access to a secret.

If your organization uses resource policies, security teams should come up with control objectives for these policies. Controls should be set so that only resource-based policies meeting your organizations requirements are created. Control objectives for resource policies may be set as follows:

  • Allow statements in the policy to have allow access to the secret from the same application.
  • Allow statements in the policy to have allow access from organization-owned cross-account identities only if they belong to the same environment. Controls that meet these objectives can be preventative (checks in pipeline) or responsive (config rules and Amazon EventBridge invoked Lambda functions).

Environment teams can also choose to provision resource-based policies for application teams. The provision process can be manual, but is preferably automated. An example would be that these teams can allow application teams to tag secrets with specific values, like a cross-account IAM role Amazon Resource Number (ARN) that needs access. An automation invoked by EventBridge rules then asserts that the cross-account principal in the tag belongs to the organization and is in the same environment, and then provisions a resource-based policy for the application team. Using such mechanisms creates a self-service way for teams to create safe resource policies that meet common use cases.

Resource-based policies for Secrets Manager can be a helpful tool for controlling access to secrets, but it is important to consider specific situations where alternative access control mechanisms might be more appropriate. For example, if your access control requirements for secrets involve complex conditions or dependencies that cannot be easily expressed using the resource-based policy syntax, it may be challenging to manage and maintain the policies effectively. In such cases, you may want to consider using a different access control mechanism that better aligns with your requirements. For help determining which type of policy to use, see Identity-based policies and resource-based policies.

Design detective controls to achieve traceability, monitoring, and alerting

Prepare your environment to record and flag events of interest when Secrets Manager is used to store and update secrets. We recommend that you start by identifying risks and then formulate objectives and devise control measures for each identified risk, as follows:

  • Control objectives — What does the control evaluate, and how is it configured? Controls can be configured by using CloudTrail events invoked by Lambda functions, AWS config rules, or CloudWatch alarms. Controls can evaluate a misconfigured property in a secrets resource or report on an event of interest.
  • Target audience — Identify teams that should be notified if the event occurs. This can be a combination of the environment, security, and application teams.
  • Notification type — SNS, email, Slack channel notifications, or an ITIL ticket.
  • Criticality — Low, medium, or high, based on the criticality of the event.

The following is a sample matrix that can serve as a starting point for documenting detective controls for Secrets Manager. The column titled AWS services in the table offers some suggestions for implementation to help you meet your control objetves.

Risk Control objective Criticality AWS services
A secret is created without tags that match naming and tagging schemes
  • Enforce least privilege
  • Establish logging and monitoring
  • Manage secrets
HIGH (if using ABAC) CloudTrail invoked Lambda function or custom AWS config rule
IAM related tags on a secret are updated, removed
  • Manage secrets
  • Enforce least privilege
HIGH (if using ABAC) CloudTrail invoked Lambda function or custom config rule
A resource policy is created when resource policies have not been onboarded to the environment
  • Manage secrets
  • Enforce least privilege
HIGH Pipeline or CloudTrail invoked ¬Lambda function or custom config rule
A secret is marked for deletion from an unusual source — root user or admin break glass role
  • Improve availability
  • Protect configurations
  • Prepare for incident response
  • Manage secrets
HIGH CloudTrail invoked Lambda function
A non-compliant resource policy was created — for example, to provide secret access to a foreign account
  • Enforce least privilege
  • Manage secrets
HIGH CloudTrail invoked Lambda function or custom config rule
An AWS KMS key for secrets encryption is marked for deletion
  • Manage secrets
  • Protect configurations
HIGH CloudTrail invoked Lambda function
A secret rotation failed
  • Manage secrets
  • Improve availability
MEDIUM Managed config rule
A secret is inactive and is not being accessed for x number of days
  • Optimize costs
LOW Managed config rule
Secrets are created that do not use KMS key
  • Encrypt data at rest
LOW Managed config rule
Automatic rotation is not enabled
  • Manage secrets
LOW Managed config rule
Successful create, update, and read events for secrets
  • Establish logging and monitoring
LOW CloudTrail logs

We suggest that you deploy these controls in your AWS accounts by using a scalable mechanism, such as CloudFormation StackSets.

For more details, see the following topics:

Design for additional protection at the network layer

You can use the guiding principles for Zero Trust networking to add additional mechanisms to control access to secrets. The best security doesn’t come from making a binary choice between identity-centric and network-centric controls, but by using both effectively in combination with each other.

VPC endpoints allow you to provide a private connection between your VPC and Secrets Manager API endpoints. They also provide the ability to attach a policy that allows you to enforce identity-centric rules at a logical network boundary. You can use global context keys like aws:PrincipalOrgID in VPC endpoint policies to allow requests to Secrets Manager service only from identities that belong to the same AWS organization. You can also use aws:sourceVpce and aws:sourceVpc IAM conditions to allow access to the secret only if the request originates from a specific VPC endpoint or VPC, respectively.

For more details on VPC endpoints, see Using an AWS Secrets Manager VPC endpoint.

Design for least privileged access to encryption keys

To reduce unauthorized access, secrets should be encrypted at rest. Secrets Manager integrates with AWS KMS and uses envelope encryption. Every secret in Secrets Manager is encrypted with a unique data key. Each data key is protected by a KMS key. Whenever the secret value inside a secret changes, Secrets Manager generates a new data key to protect it. The data key is encrypted under a KMS key and stored in the metadata of the secret. To decrypt the secret, Secrets Manager first decrypts the encrypted data key by using the KMS key in AWS KMS.

The following is a sample AWS KMS policy that permits cryptographic operations to a KMS key only from the Secrets Manager service within an AWS account, and allows the AWS KMS decrypt action from a specific IAM principal throughout the organization.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Id": "secrets_manager_encrypt_org",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "Root Access",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::444455556666:root"
            "Action": "kms:*",
            "Resource": "*"
            "Sid": "Allow access for Key Administrators",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": [
             "arn:aws:iam::444455556666:role/platformRoles/KMS-key-admin-role",                    "arn:aws:iam::444455556666:role/platformRoles/KMS-key-automation-role"
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
            "Sid": "Allow Secrets Manager use of the KMS key for a specific account",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": "*"
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*",
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "kms:CallerAccount": "444455556666",
                    "kms:ViaService": "secretsmanager.us-east-1.amazonaws.com"
            "Sid": "Allow use of Secrets Manager secrets from a specific IAM role (service account) throughout your org",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": "*"
            "Action": "kms:Decrypt",
            "Resource": "*",
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "aws:PrincipalOrgID": "o-exampleorgid"
                "StringLike": {
                    "aws:PrincipalArn": "arn:aws:iam::*:role/platformRoles/secretsAccessRole"

Additionally, you can use the secretsmanager:KmsKeyId IAM condition key to allow secrets creation only when AWS KMS encryption is enabled for the secret. You can also add checks in your pipeline that allow the creation of a secret only when a KMS key is associated with the secret.

Design or update applications for efficient retrieval of secrets

In applications, you can retrieve your secrets by calling the GetSecretValue function in the available AWS SDKs. However, we recommend that you cache your secret values by using client-side caching. Caching secrets can improve speed, help to prevent throttling by limiting calls to the service, and potentially reduce your costs.

Secrets Manager integrates with the following AWS services to provide efficient retrieval of secrets:

  • For Amazon RDS, you can integrate with Secrets Manager to simplify managing master user passwords for Amazon RDS database instances. Amazon RDS can manage the master user password and stores it securely in Secrets Manager, which may eliminate the need for custom AWS Lambda functions to manage password rotations. The integration can help you secure your database by encrypting the secrets, using your own managed key or an AWS KMS key provided by Secrets Manager. As a result, the master user password is not visible in plaintext during the database creation workflow. This feature is available for the Amazon RDS and Aurora engines, and more information can be found in the Amazon RDS and Aurora User Guides.
  • For Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), you can use the AWS Secrets and Configuration Provider (ASCP) for the Kubernetes Secrets Store CSI Driver. This open-source project enables you to mount Secrets Manager secrets as Kubernetes secrets. The driver translates Kubernetes secret objects into Secrets Manager API calls, allowing you to access and manage secrets from within Kubernetes. After you configure the Kubernetes Secrets Store CSI Driver, you can create Kubernetes secrets backed by Secrets Manager secrets. These secrets are securely stored in Secrets Manager and can be accessed by your applications that are running in Amazon EKS.
  • For Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), sensitive data can be securely stored in Secrets Manager secrets and then accessed by your containers through environment variables or as part of the log configuration. This allows for a simple and potentially safe injection of sensitive data into your containers, making it a possible solution for your needs.
  • For AWS Lambda, you can use the AWS Parameters and Secrets Lambda Extension to retrieve and cache Secrets Manager secrets in Lambda functions without the need for an AWS SDK. It is noteworthy that retrieving a cached secret is faster compared to the standard method of retrieving secrets from Secrets Manager. Moreover, using a cache can be cost-efficient, because there is a charge for calling Secrets Manager APIs. For more details, see the Secrets Manager User Guide.

For additional information on how to use Secrets Manager secrets with AWS services, refer to the following resources:

Develop an incident response plan for security events

It is recommended that you prepare for unforeseeable incidents such as unauthorized access to your secrets. Developing an incident response plan can help minimize the impact of the security event, facilitate a prompt and effective response, and may help to protect your organization’s assets and reputation. The traceability and monitoring controls we discussed in the previous section can be used both during and after the incident.

The Computer Security Incident Handling Guide SP 800-61 Rev. 2, which was created by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), can help you create an incident response plan for specific incident types. It provides a thorough and organized approach to incident response, covering everything from initial preparation and planning to detection and analysis, containment, eradication, recovery, and follow-up. The framework emphasizes the importance of continual improvement and learning from past incidents to enhance the overall security posture of the organization.

Refer to the following documentation for further details and sample playbooks:


In this post, we discussed how organizations can take a phased approach to migrate their secrets to AWS Secrets Manager. Your teams can use the thought exercises mentioned in this post to decide if they would like to rehost, replatform, or retire secrets. We discussed what guardrails should be enabled for application teams to consume secrets in a safe and regulated manner. We also touched upon ways organizations can discover and classify their secrets.

In Part 2 of this series, we go into the details of the migration implementation phase and walk you through a sample solution that you can use to integrate on-premises applications with Secrets Manager.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the AWS Secrets Manager re:Post or contact AWS Support.

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Eric Swamy

Eric Swamy

Eric is a Senior Security Consultant working in the Professional Services team in Sydney, Australia. He is passionate about helping customers build the confidence and technical capability to move their most sensitive workloads to cloud. When not at work, he loves to spend time with his family and friends outdoors, listen to music, and go on long walks.

Adesh Gairola

Adesh Gairola

Adesh Gairola is a Senior Security Consultant at Amazon Web Services in Sydney, Australia. Adesh is eager to help customers build robust defenses, and design and implement security solutions that enable business transformations. He is always looking for new ways to help customers improve their security posture.

How Amazon CodeGuru Security helps you effectively balance security and velocity

Post Syndicated from Leo da Silva original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how_amazon_codeguru_security_helps_effectively_balance_security_and_velocity/

Software development is a well-established process—developers write code, review it, build artifacts, and deploy the application. They then monitor the application using data to improve the code. This process is often repeated many times over. As Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers embrace modern software development practices, they sometimes face challenges with the use of third-party code security tools, such as an overwhelming number of findings, high rates of false positives among those findings, and the logistics of tracking open issues across code versions.

Customers tell us they need help to identify the top risks in their application code as it is being built and to receive actionable recommendations to mitigate these risks. In this blog post, we demonstrate how the new Amazon CodeGuru Security service and its fully managed, machine learning (ML)-powered code security analysis capabilities provide intelligent recommendations to improve code security and quality. Amazon CodeGuru Security enhances the overall security posture of applications that are deployed in your environment while reducing the time to deploy in production.

Amazon CodeGuru Security is a managed static application security tool (SAST) service that is also available through Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer, Amazon CodeWhisperer security scanning, the Amazon SageMaker Studio CodeGuru extension, and Amazon Inspector code scanning.

Solution overview

In this blog post, we introduce you to the features and capabilities of Amazon CodeGuru Security. Amazon CodeGuru Security helps you focus on security risks that are relevant to your environment, along with contextually relevant remediation suggestions (provided as code diffs). Integration, centralization, and scalability of the service are facilitated by using an API-based design, plus bug tracking to automatically detect code fixes and close findings without user intervention. Amazon CodeGuru Security currently supports applications that are written in Python, Java, and JavaScript, along with associated artifacts like scripts, configuration, and documentation files.

Created to improve the security posture of applications that were built for the cloud, Amazon CodeGuru Security rules are developed in partnership with Amazon application security teams, applying learnings and adhering to best practices that govern the development of Amazon internal systems and services.

Amazon CodeGuru Security offers multiple integration points:

In Figure 1, you can see one of the proposed architecture patterns that supports the integration of Amazon CodeGuru Security into your existing application deployment pipeline. In this scenario, developers write application code and get it committed into Amazon CodeCommit. This event causes AWS CodeBuild to start building the application and the static security code analysis of the application code, using a pre-build hook. The code and build artifacts are copied to a local Amazon S3 bucket within your account, and Amazon CodeGuru Security scans the application assets.

Figure 1: Example of CodeGuru Security integration with deployment pipeline

Figure 1: Example of CodeGuru Security integration with deployment pipeline

Amazon CodeGuru detection engine

At the core of the CodeGuru detector design is the idea of user action in response to findings. Detectors flag security risks or quality issues with a high degree of precision, such that action can be taken directly to remediate the finding. With this goal in mind, we have designed the Guru Query Language (GQL) toolkit. GQL enables precise expression of scenario-centric micro-analyzers that check specific properties (for example, misuse of a particular Java cryptography library or API) through a wide range of analysis constructs (more than 200 at the time of publication).

Among these constructs are capabilities such as type inference (determining the precise types of variables and fields), inter-procedural analysis (analyzing across function boundaries), and advanced taint tracking capabilities, where untrusted data (from taint sources) is tracked through the application to determine whether it reaches security-sensitive operations (known as taint sinks) without being sanitized.

By using GQL, the rule author can combine constructs as building blocks to precisely match the vulnerable patterns that are being targeted. As an example, you can specify taint sources and sinks in a contextual way so that only data read from remote (as opposed to local) files is considered untrusted.

We benchmark detectors against ever-growing datasets, and improve them based on feedback from our partner security teams and customers, as well as metrics that we collect. Detectors are subjected to a rigorous quality control process. Starting from the detector specification, we work closely with subject matter experts (SMEs) to make sure that the suggestions cover the most important application surfaces and are not overly defensive in the warnings they raise. Moving from specification to implementation, detections are reviewed and sampled from shadow runs on live codebases with the same SMEs as well as internal CodeGuru users. If detectors meet an internal performance bar, they are launched internally at AWS. After they are launched, the detectors are monitored by using weekly metrics. A detector graduates into the commercial CodeGuru service only if it meets a high quality bar for several weeks.

Amazon CodeGuru Security uses a detection engine to find security issues in the application code that is scanned. The engine uses a Detector Library, which is a resource that contains detailed information about the CodeGuru security and code quality detectors, to help you build secure and efficient applications. Each detection page within the Detector Library contains descriptions, compliant and non-compliant example code snippets, severities, and additional information that helps you mitigate risks (such as Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) numbers). The materials presented in the Amazon CodeGuru Detector Library are intended to be a high-level summary of the service’s capabilities, but might not be inclusive of all detectors or their functionality.

Bug Fix Tracking and code fixes

With user action as the ultimate goal, an important metric to us is whether code fixes are made in response to our recommendations. As such, AWS has designed a novel Bug Fix Tracking (BFT) algorithm, whose key functionality is to relate CodeGuru findings across revisions of a given codebase or application. If, for example, CodeGuru reports misuse of a cryptographic API on version V1 of codebase C, then BFT detects whether that misuse issue is still present when version V2 of C is scanned.

Tracking bugs and bug fixes are nontrivial. Code can be refactored into different locations within a file, and sometimes also into different files. In addition, syntax may be adjusted in ways that are orthogonal to fixing an issue (for example, if variables are renamed). The CodeGuru BFT algorithm constructs a bi-partite graph to relate a pair of findings across revisions, or otherwise declare a finding as either closed (no match in V2) or new (no match in V1).

Figure 2 shows the process that is used by BFT in tracking application bugs. After the application version being scanned is identified and the bug detection verification starts, BFT updates the database with its findings, validating the existing issues with findings uncovered in version N-1.

Figure 2: Overview of the Bug Fix Tracking algorithm

Figure 2: Overview of the Bug Fix Tracking algorithm

The algorithm is staged, starting from the simple case of 1:1 correspondence between findings, through cases where findings might have drifted to a new location but are otherwise the same. For the final, most complex scenario of fuzzy matching, we use advanced hashing techniques to establish the mapping.

BFT provides a metric that guides our own rule development and tuning process on an ongoing basis. Data about BFT findings is available to our customers through the CodeGuru Security API. With gathered data about fixes, security engineers and leaders can measure exposure to security risks, quantify the lifetime of high and critical security issues, monitor burn rate for security issues, and form other insights from the raw data.

Actionable recommendations and concrete remediation

To align with our goal of encouraging user action in response to our recommendations, we’ve added a feature powered by automated reasoning for including concrete remediation advice as part of CodeGuru recommendations. This comes in the form of a code diff, which you can apply mechanically by using standard utilities like patch.

The screenshot in Figure 3 shows how this functionality creates an important bridge between security engineers and software engineers—the former have the necessary security expertise, while the latter are often responsible for carrying out the code fix. Recommendations that are accompanied by concrete fix suggestions can cut through multiple correspondences, alignment issues, and validation cycles, which can help accelerate remediation.

Figure 3: Example of recommendation showing difference between compliant and non-compliant code

Figure 3: Example of recommendation showing difference between compliant and non-compliant code

To enable the reasoning illustrated in Figure 3, where the data reaching the addObject call goes through sanitization in the form of an HtmlUtils::htmlEscape call, the underlying algorithm performs several steps. First, a formal representation of the code, known as its Abstract Syntax Tree (AST), is constructed. The AST is then visited by one or more transformation “recipes,” whose goal is to manipulate the program such that the vulnerability is mitigated.

Code transformation is done in a contextual manner, so that syntax (for example, variable names) and formatting (for example, indentation levels) are preserved. To verify that the transformation is valid, the algorithm further runs post-processing checks on the resulting code structure and syntax.

An important refinement of the remediation capability is that Amazon CodeGuru Security performs pre-analysis ahead of running the security scan to classify code artifacts into application- versus library-dependencies. It’s more feasible to take action on a recommendation for code owned by you, compared to code in a third-party library. The classification algorithm has been trained on hundreds of thousands of open-source libraries to disassemble code artifacts, including bundling application and library content in the same file, and focus downstream analysis on the most pertinent scanning surfaces.

Critical security issues have been shown to sometimes take hundreds of days to address (as discussed in this study). Internal studies that look at use of CodeGuru have seen a steep drop in time to fix issues thanks to concrete fix suggestions, which is value that the service excited to share with you.


Amazon CodeGuru Security is a static application security testing (SAST) tool that combines ML and automated reasoning to identify security issues in your code. Amazon CodeGuru detection capabilities that use GQL (Guru Query Language), Bug Fix Tracking (BFT), and efficacy mechanisms and AppSec expertise can help you precisely identify code security issues with a low rate of false positives. High signal-to-noise ratio is a key enabler in integrating SAST into the daily work of security engineers and software developers.

In addition, Amazon CodeGuru Security provides thorough fix recommendations, which your development teams can use to improve the overall time to remediate application security issues. At the same time, the recommendations can help you to implement security best practices based on an ML model that was trained on millions of lines of code and vulnerability assessments performed within Amazon. Get started with Amazon CodeGuru Security.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.

Leo da Silva

Leo da Silva

Leo is a Security Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS who uses his knowledge to help customers better utilize cloud services and technologies securely. Over the years, Leo has had the opportunity to work in large, complex environments, designing, architecting, and implementing highly scalable and secure solutions for global companies. He is passionate about football, BBQ, and Jiu Jitsu—the Brazilian version of them all.

Omer Tripp

Omer Tripp

Omer is a Principal Applied Scientist on the Amazon CodeGuru team. His research work is at the intersection of programming languages, machine learning, and security. Outside of work, Omer likes to stay physically active (through tennis, basketball, skiing, and various other activities), as well as tour the US and the world with his family.

Optimize AWS Config for AWS Security Hub to effectively manage your cloud security posture

Post Syndicated from Nicholas Jaeger original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/optimize-aws-config-for-aws-security-hub-to-effectively-manage-your-cloud-security-posture/

AWS Security Hub is a cloud security posture management service that performs security best practice checks, aggregates security findings from Amazon Web Services (AWS) and third-party security services, and enables automated remediation. Most of the checks Security Hub performs on AWS resources happen as soon as there is a configuration change, giving you nearly immediate visibility of non-compliant resources in your environment, compared to checks that run on a periodic basis. This near real-time finding and reporting of non-compliant resources helps you to quickly respond to infrastructure misconfigurations and reduce risk. Security Hub offers these continuous security checks through its integration with the AWS Config configuration recorder.

By default, AWS Config enables recording for more than 300 resource types in your account. Today, Security Hub has controls that cover approximately 60 of those resource types. If you’re using AWS Config only for Security Hub, you can optimize the configuration of the configuration recorder to track only the resources you need, helping to reduce the costs related to monitoring those resources in AWS Config and the amount of data produced, stored, and analyzed by AWS Config. This blog post walks you through how to set up and optimize the AWS Config recorder when it is used for controls in Security Hub.

Using AWS Config and Security Hub for continuous security checks

When you enable Security Hub, you’re alerted to first enable resource recording in AWS Config, as shown in Figure 1. AWS Config continually assesses, audits, and evaluates the configurations and relationships of your resources on AWS, on premises, and in other cloud environments. Security Hub uses this capability to perform change-initiated security checks. Security Hub checks that use periodic rules don’t depend on the AWS Config recorder. You must enable AWS Config resource recording for all the accounts and in all AWS Regions where you plan to enable Security Hub standards and controls. AWS Config charges for the configuration items that are recorded, separately from Security Hub.

Figure 1: Security Hub alerts you to first enable resource recording in AWS Config

Figure 1: Security Hub alerts you to first enable resource recording in AWS Config

When you get started with AWS Config, you’re prompted to set up the configuration recorder, as shown in Figure 2. AWS Config uses the configuration recorder to detect changes in your resource configurations and capture these changes as configuration items. Using the AWS Config configuration recorder not only allows for continuous security checks, it also minimizes the need to query for the configurations of the individual services, saving your service API quotas for other use cases. By default, the configuration recorder records the supported resources in the Region where the recorder is running.

Note: While AWS Config supports the configuration recording of more than 300 resource types, some Regions support only a subset of those resource types. To learn more, see Supported Resource Types and Resource Coverage by Region Availability.

Figure 2: Default AWS Config settings

Figure 2: Default AWS Config settings

Optimizing AWS Config for Security Hub

Recording global resources as well as current and future resources in AWS Config is more than what is necessary to enable Security Hub controls. If you’re using the configuration recorder only for Security Hub controls, and you want to cost optimize your use of AWS Config or reduce the amount of data produced, stored, and analyzed by AWS Config, you only need to record the configurations of approximately 60 resource types, as described in AWS Config resources required to generate control findings.

Set up AWS Config, optimized for Security Hub

We’ve created an AWS CloudFormation template that you can use to set up AWS Config to record only what’s needed for Security Hub. You can download the template from GitHub.

This template can be used in any Region that supports AWS Config (see AWS Services by Region). Although resource coverage varies by Region (Resource Coverage by Region Availability), you can still use this template in every Region. If a resource type is supported by AWS Config in at least one Region, you can enable the recording of that resource type in all Regions supported by AWS Config. For the Regions that don’t support the specified resource type, the recorder will be enabled but will not record any configuration items until AWS Config supports the resource type in the Region.

Security Hub regularly releases new controls that might rely on recording additional resource types in AWS Config. When you use this template, you can subscribe to Security Hub announcements with Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) to get information about newly released controls that might require you to update the resource types recorded by AWS Config (and listed in the CloudFormation template). The CloudFormation template receives periodic updates in GitHub, but you should validate that it’s up to date before using it. You can also use AWS CloudFormation StackSets to deploy, update, or delete the template across multiple accounts and Regions with a single operation. If you don’t enable the recording of all resources in AWS Config, the Security Hub control, Config.1 AWS Config should be enabled, will fail. If you take this approach, you have the option to disable the Config.1 Security Hub control or suppress its findings using the automation rules feature in Security Hub.

Customizing for your use cases

You can modify the CloudFormation template depending on your use cases for AWS Config and Security Hub. If your use case for AWS Config extends beyond your use of Security Hub controls, consider what additional resource types you will need to record the configurations of for your use case. For example, AWS Firewall Manager, AWS Backup, AWS Control Tower, AWS Marketplace, and AWS Trusted Advisor require AWS Config recording. Additionally, if you use other features of AWS Config, such as custom rules that depend on recording specific resource types, you can add these resource types in the CloudFormation script. You can see the results of AWS Config rule evaluations as findings in Security Hub.

Another customization example is related to the AWS Config configuration timeline. By default, resources evaluated by Security Hub controls include links to the associated AWS Config rule and configuration timeline in AWS Config for that resource, as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Link from Security Hub control to the configuration timeline for the resource in AWS Config

Figure 3: Link from Security Hub control to the configuration timeline for the resource in AWS Config

The AWS Config configuration timeline, as illustrated in Figure 4, shows you the history of compliance changes for the resource, but it requires the AWS::Config::ResourceCompliance resource type to be recorded. If you need to track changes in compliance for resources and use the configuration timeline in AWS Config, you must add the AWS::Config::ResourceCompliance resource type to the CloudFormation template provided in the preceding section. In this case, Security Hub may change the compliance of the Security Hub managed AWS Config rules, which are recorded as configuration items for the AWS::Config::ResourceCompliance resource type, incurring additional AWS Config recorder charges.

Figure 4: Config resource timeline

Figure 4: Config resource timeline


You can use the CloudFormation template provided in this post to optimize the AWS Config configuration recorder for Security Hub to reduce your AWS Config costs and to reduce the amount of data produced, stored, and analyzed by AWS Config. Alternatively, you can run AWS Config with the default settings or use the AWS Config console or scripts to further customize your configuration to fit your use case. Visit Getting started with AWS Security Hub to learn more about managing your security alerts.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.

Nicholas Jaeger

Nicholas Jaeger

Nicholas is a Senior Security Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS. His background includes software engineering, teaching, solutions architecture, and AWS security. Today, he focuses on helping as many customers operate as securely as possible on AWS. Nicholas also hosts AWS Security Activation Days to provide customers with prescriptive guidance while using AWS security services to increase visibility and reduce risk.

Dora Karali

Dora Karali

Dora is a Senior Manager of Product Management at AWS External Security Services. She is currently responsible for Security Hub and has previously worked on GuardDuty, too. Dora has more than 15 years of experience in cybersecurity. She has defined strategy for and created, managed, positioned, and sold cybersecurity cloud and on-premises products and services in multiple enterprise and consumer markets.

Build and share a business capability model with Amazon QuickSight

Post Syndicated from Abdul Qadir original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/build-and-share-a-business-capability-model-with-amazon-quicksight/

The technology landscape has been evolving rapidly, with waves of change impacting IT from every angle. It is causing a ripple effect across IT organizations and shifting the way IT delivers applications and services.

The change factors impacting IT organizations include:

  • The shift from a traditional application model to a services-based application model (SaaS, PaaS)
  • The shift from a traditional infrastructure and hardware costing model to cloud-based containers (private and public clouds) with metered usage for resources (IaaS)
  • The shift from the lengthy traditional development and delivery cycles to continuous development and integration (DevOps)
  • The shift in application architecture from N-Tier to loosely coupled services

The portfolio of services delivering business capabilities are the new assets of IT organizations that need to be cataloged in a repository. The system must follow a well-defined business taxonomy that enhances discovery, analysis, and reuse by potential consumers, and avoids building redundant services. The traditional portfolio management tools within the organization need to be augmented with additional components that can manage the complexity of the services ecosystem.

This post provides a simple and quick way of building an extendable analytical system using Amazon QuickSight to better manage lines of business (LOBs) with a detailed list of business capabilities and APIs, deep analytical insights, and desired graphical visualizations from different dimensions. In addition, this tool enhances the discovery and reuse of existing business capabilities, avoids duplication of services, and shortens time-to-market.

Use case overview

Bob is a Senior Enterprise Architect. He recently joined a Tier 1 bank. His first assignment is to assess the bank’s capabilities to offer new financial products to its high-value retail clients. The only document given to Bob was PowerPoint slides and the names of the head of each department to get more information. The PowerPoint presentation provided high-level information, but it didn’t give an insight into how capable each department is to provide the required data through APIs for the new products. To collect that information, Bob gets in touch with the head of each department, who in turn refer him to their development leads, who in turn give him a bunch of technical documents that explain how APIs are being used.


Business analysts are familiar with business terminology and taxonomy, and often depend on the technology team to explain the technical assets associated with business capabilities. The business capabilities are the assets of the IT organization that need to be cataloged in a repository. The catalog must follow a well-defined business taxonomy that enhances discovery and reuse by consumers, and avoids building redundant services.

The better organized the catalog is, the higher the potential for reuse and the return on investment for the services transformation strategy. The catalog needs to be organized using some business functions taxonomy with a detailed list of capabilities and sub-capabilities. The following diagram illustrates an example of services information and interdependencies.

Example of services information and interdependencies

Defining and capturing a business capability model

If an enterprise doesn’t have a system to capture the business capability model, consider defining and finding a way to capture the model for better insight and visibility, and then map it with digital assets like APIs. The model should be able to showcase to LOBs their categories and capabilities. The following table includes some sample LOBs and their associations for a business that sells the services.





Manage Applicant Experience

Manage Application Activities

Process Application


Pursue Automated Leads

Sale Service

Engage Customer

Provide Needs Assessment Tools

Provide Service Information

After the map is defined and captured, each business capability can be mapped to APIs that are implemented for it. Each business capability then has visibility into all the associated digital assets and mapped metadata of the services, such as consumers of the API.

To capture the model, you can define a simple table to capture the information, and then you can perform further analysis on it with an analytical tool such as QuickSight.

In the following sample data model, each business LOB has several business categories and capabilities, and each capability can be mapped to multiple APIs. Also note that there’s not always a 1:1 mapping between a business capability, an API, and a service.

  • Business LOB – Recruitment, Sale Service
  • Business category – Process Application, Engage Customer
  • Business capabilities – Complete an Application, Follow-Ups
  • Digital assets – Recruitment API, Sale Service API

There are sets of other standard information that you can include in a data model, such as API consumers.

The following example shows a table structure to capture this information.

LOB table structure

The following figure visualizes the business capabilities and associated APIs.

Visualization of business capabilities and associated APIs

The remainder of the post highlights the key components to build the full solution end to end. The UI captures the business capabilities and associated APIs, and publishes the service information through a DevOps process. The solution also includes storage and a reporting tool that complement the applications portfolio management capability in place and expand its capabilities with the services portfolio.

Aligning APIs to a business capability model

To align APIs to a business capability model, you can follow these steps:

  1. Understand the business capabilities – Identify the key business capabilities of your organization and understand how they support the overall business strategy.
  2. Map the APIs to the capabilities – Review the existing APIs and map them to the corresponding business capabilities. This will help identify any gaps in the capabilities that can be addressed through new or updated APIs.
  3. Prioritize the APIs – Prioritize the development of new or updated APIs based on their importance to the business capabilities. This will ensure that the most critical capabilities are supported by the APIs.
  4. Implement governance – Implement a governance process to ensure that the APIs are aligned with the business capabilities and are used correctly. This can include setting standards for how the APIs are designed, developed, and deployed.
  5. Monitor and measure – Monitor the usage and performance of the APIs to measure their impact on the business capabilities. Use this information to make decisions about changes to the APIs over time.
  6. Regularly review and update – Review and update the mapping of the APIs to the business capabilities on a regular basis to ensure they remain aligned with the organization’s goals and objectives.

Maintenance and evolution of a business capability model

Building a business capability model is not a one-time exercise. It keeps evolving with business requirements and usage. Data management best practices should be followed as per your company’s guidelines to have consistent data end to end.

Solution overview

In this section, we introduce the ability to capture the business capabilities and associated APIs and make them available using the QuickSight business intelligence (BI) tool, and highlight its features.

The following approach provides the ability to manage business capability models and enable them to link business capabilities with enterprise digital assets, including services, APIs, and IT systems. This solution enables IT and business teams to further drill down into the model to see what has been implemented. These details provide value to architects and analysts to assess which services can be combined to provide new offerings and shorten time-to-market, enable reusability by consumers, and avoid building redundant services.

The following key components are required:

Organizations can use their existing UI framework (if available) to capture the information, or they can use one of the open-source services available in the market. Depending on the selection and capability of the open-source product, a user interface can be generated and customized.

Let’s look at each service in our solution in more detail:

  • Amplify – Amplify is a set of tools and services that can be used together or on their own, to help front-end web and mobile developers build scalable full stack applications, powered by AWS. With Amplify, you can configure app backends and connect your app in minutes, deploy static web apps in a few clicks, and easily manage app content outside the AWS Management Console. Amplify supports popular web frameworks including JavaScript, React, Angular, Vue, and Next.js, and mobile platforms including Android, iOS, React Native, Ionic, and Flutter. Get to market faster with AWS Amplify.
  • AppSync – AWS AppSync simplifies application development by creating a universal API for securely accessing, modifying, and combining data from multiple sources. AWS AppSync is a managed service that uses GraphQL so that applications can easily get only the data they need.
  • Athena – Athena is an interactive query service that makes it easy to analyze data directly in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) using standard SQL. In this solution, we use Athena as a data source for QuickSight.
  • Amazon Cognito – Amazon Cognito delivers frictionless customer identity and access management (CIAM) with a cost-effective and customizable platform. It easily connects the web application to the backend resources and web services.
  • DynamoDB – DynamoDB is a fully managed, serverless, key-value NoSQL database designed to run high-performance applications at any scale. DynamoDB offers built-in security, continuous backups, automated multi-Region replication, in-memory caching, and data import and export tools.
  • QuickSight – QuickSight is a serverless, cloud-based BI and reporting service that brings data insights to your teams and end-users through machine learning (ML)-powered dashboards and data visualizations, which can be accessed via QuickSight or embedded in apps and portals that your users access.

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

Business capabilities insights solution architecture

In the following sections, we walk through the implementation and end-to-end integration steps.

Build a serverless web application with Amplify

The open-source Amplify provides a CLI, libraries, UI components and Amplify hosting to build full stack iOS, Android, Flutter, Web, and React Native apps. For instructions on building a serverless web application, refer to the following tutorial. For this post, we created the following GraphQL schema with amplify add api:

type BusinessCapability @model {
  company_id: ID!
  company_name: String!
  company_desc: String!
  lob_name: String!
  categoray: String!
  capability: String!
  digital_asset_type: String!
  digital_asset_name: String!
  digital_asset_info: String!

After we use Amplify to deploy the API in the cloud, a corresponding AppSync API and a DynamoDB table are created automatically.

You can use the Amplify UI library to generate a business capability intake form and bind the fields to your front-end code.

Amplify studio generated form

You can add authentication to your application using Amazon Cognito by running amplify add auth.

With that, you are now hosting a serverless web application for your business capabilities securely and at scale.

Set up Athena and the Athena DynamoDB data connector

The DynamoDB table generated by Amplify stores all the business capabilities. You can set up Athena and the Athena DynamoDB data connector so that you can query your tables with SQL. For more information, refer to Amazon Athena DynamoDB connector.

Enable QuickSight

Enable QuickSight in your AWS account and create the datasets. The source dataset is the Athena database and table that you created earlier. To connect, you need to allow access to query Athena and Amazon S3 via the admin user interface in QuickSight. Refer to accessing AWS resources for access requirements.

Sample reports

When all the components are up and running, you can design analyses and generate reports. For more information about gathering insights from the captured data, refer to Tutorial: Create an Amazon QuickSight analysis. You can export reports in PDF, and share analyses and reports with other users. The following screenshots are reports that reflects the relationship among LOBs, business capabilities, and APIs.

The first screenshot visualizes the capabilities and associated APIs. This enables the user to identify a set of APIs, and use the same API in new similar business functions.

Business Capability Visualization 1

The following screenshot visualizes LOBs, category, and capabilities. This enables the user to easily gain insights on these relationships.

Business Capabilities Visualization 2

Best practices

The following are some best practices for business capability modeling:

  • Define clear and measurable capabilities – Each capability should be defined in a way that is clear and measurable, so that it can be tracked and improved over time.
  • Involve key stakeholders – Involve key stakeholders in the modeling process to ensure that the capabilities accurately reflect the needs of the organization.
  • Use a consistent framework – Use a consistent framework to ensure that capabilities are defined and organized in a way that makes sense for the organization.
  • Regularly review and update – Review and update the capabilities regularly to ensure they remain relevant and aligned with the organization’s goals and objectives.
  • Use visual representations – Use visual representations, like diagrams or models, to help stakeholders understand and communicate the capabilities.
  • Implement a governance process – Implement a governance process to ensure that the capabilities are being used correctly and to make decisions about changes to the capabilities over time.


In this post, you learned how to build a system to manage a business capability model, and discover and visualize the results in QuickSight.

We hope that companies can use this solution to manage their enterprise capability model and enable users to explore business functions available for them to use within the organization. Business users and technical architects can now easily discover business capabilities and APIs, helping accelerate the creation and orchestration of new features. With the QuickSight web interface, you can filter through thousands of business capabilities, analyze the data for your business needs, and understand the technical requirements and how to combine existing technical capabilities into a new business capability.

Furthermore, you can use your data source to gain further insights from your data by setting up ML Insights in QuickSight and create graphical representations of your data using QuickSight visuals.

To learn more about how you can create, schedule, and share reports and data exports, see Amazon QuickSight Paginated Reports.

About the authors

Abdul Qadir is an AWS Solutions Architect based in New Jersey. He works with independent software vendors in the Northeast and provides customer guidance to build well-architected solutions on the AWS cloud platform.

Sharon Li is a solutions architect at AWS, based in the Boston, MA area. She works with enterprise customers, helping them solve difficult problems and build on AWS. Outside of work, she likes to spend time with her family and explore local restaurants.

Create a comprehensive view of AWS support cases with Amazon QuickSight

Post Syndicated from Yash Bindlish original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/create-a-comprehensive-view-of-aws-support-cases-with-amazon-quicksight/

AWS customers are looking for an efficient tracking method of support cases raised with AWS Support across their multiple interconnected accounts. Having a unified view lets the cloud operations team derive actionable insights across the support cases raised by different business units and accounts. This helps ensure that the team has a comprehensive understanding of the state of existing support cases and can quickly identify and work with teams to resolve them. The team can also prioritize their responses based on the severity of impact of the issues and take action on cases that need acknowledgement or additional information. AWS Systems Manager is the operations hub for your AWS applications and resources and a secure end-to-end management solution for hybrid cloud environments that enables secure operations at scale. AWS Systems Manager Explorer provides a summary of support cases across your AWS accounts to help you get better visibility into the operational health of your AWS environment.

This post describes how Amazon QuickSight dashboards can help you visualize your support cases in a single pane of glass using data extracts from Systems Manager. QuickSight meets varying analytic needs from the same source of truth through modern interactive dashboards, paginated reports, embedded analytics, and natural language queries.

Solution overview

The following architecture diagram illustrates the use of Systems Manager to provide a summary of support cases across your AWS accounts. The solution automates the collection process using a Systems Manager Automation document, scheduling automations within a maintenance window. When the Systems Manager configuration is done, the automation extracts the all support cases across the organization and creates a CSV file in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. From the S3 bucket, we integrate with Amazon Athena to create a table, and lastly we visualize all support cases in QuickSight. Note that for aggregating data across multiple accounts, they must reside within a single AWS Organization. Implementing the solution requires the following steps:

  1. Set up a Systems Manager maintenance window.
  2. Register an automation task in the maintenance window.
  3. Create a database in the AWS Glue Data Catalog.
  4. Create a custom classifier for an AWS Glue crawler.
  5. Create and run an AWS Glue crawler.
  6. Create views in Athena.
  7. Visualize AWS support cases in QuickSight.


Before you get started, complete the following prerequisites:

  1. Have a Business or Enterprise support plan for your AWS accounts.
  2. Enable and set up Athena.
  3. Enable QuickSight in your data collection account. For instructions, refer to Setting up for Amazon QuickSight.
  4. Create an S3 bucket where Systems Manager Automation will export support cases.
  5. Follow the steps in Centralized view of support cases opened from multiple AWS accounts using AWS Systems Manager to establish Systems Manager Explorer and create a resource data sync for data aggregation.
  6. Create an Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) topic. Use the following command to create an SNS topic named SSM-supportcases-notification and subscribe an email address:
aws sns create-topic --name SSM-supportcases-notification

You should see the following output:

	"SubscriptionArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:12345678901A:SSM-supportcases-notification:5d906xxxx-7c8x-45dx-a9dx-0484e31c98xx"

For more information, refer to Creating an Amazon SNS topic.

  1. Have an AWS Identity and Access Manager (IAM) Systems Manager Explorer Exporting OpsData role. The role AmazonSSMExplorerExport allows Explorer to export OpsData to a CSV file. For more information, refer to Exporting OpsData from Systems Manager Explorer.
  2. Have Systems Manager permissions for maintenance windows. For more information, refer to Use the console to configure permissions for maintenance windows.

After you have all the prerequisites in place, follow the step-by-step instructions in the rest of this post.

Set up a Systems Manager maintenance window

Maintenance windows, a capability of Systems Manager, help you define a schedule for AWS support cases to extract at a predefined schedule. For instructions on creating a maintenance window, see Create a maintenance window (console).

Register an automation task with a maintenance window

In this step, you add a task to a maintenance window. Tasks are the actions performed when a maintenance window runs. For instructions on registering an automation task to a maintenance window, see Schedule automations with maintenance windows.

  1. Provide a name for the maintenance task and choose the automation document AWS-ExportOpsDataToS3

2. Enter the following details in the Input parameters section.

Variable Description Value
assumeRole (Required) The role ARN to assume during the automation run The role you created as a prerequisite
filters (Optional) Filters for the getOpsSummary request Leave blank
syncName (Optional) The name of the resource data sync The sync name that you created as a prerequisite
resultAttribute (Optional) The result attribute for the getOpsSummary request AWS:SupportCenterCase
columnFields (Optional) The column fields to write to the output file “DisplayId”,”SourceAccountId”,”Subject”,”Status”,”ServiceCode”,”CategoryCode”,”SeverityCode”,”TimeCreated”
s3BucketName (Required) The S3 bucket where you want to download the output file The S3 bucket that you created as a prerequisite
snsTopicArn (Required) The SNS topic ARN to notify when the download is complete The ARN for the SNS topic that you created as a prerequisite
snsSuccessMessage (Optional) The message to send when a document is complete Leave blank
columnFieldsWithType (Optional) The fully qualified column fields to write to the output file Leave blank
resultAttributeList (Optional) The multiple result attributes for the getOpsSummary request Leave blank

  1. Choose the IAM service role you created as a prerequisite.
  2. Choose Register Automation task.

After you successfully register the task, the automation will run, and you will see CSV files getting created in your S3 bucket. In our use case, we set the rate expression as 1 day. However, you can use a lesser frequency such as 1 hour or even 5 minutes to test the functionality.

Create a database in the AWS Glue Data Catalog

Before you can create an AWS Glue crawler, you need to create a database in the Data Catalog, which is a container that holds tables. You use databases to organize your tables into separate categories. In our use case, support cases data resides in an S3 bucket.

  1. On the AWS Glue console, create a new database.
  2. For Name, enter a name (for example, aws_support_cases).
  3. Add an optional location and description.
  4. Choose Create database.

For more information about AWS Glue databases, refer to Working with databases on the AWS Glue console.

Create a custom classifier

Crawlers invoke classifiers to infer the schema of your data. We need to create a custom classifier because when we extract the support cases, every column in a potential header parses as a string data type. When creating your classifier, choose Has headings and add the following:


For more information on classifiers, refer to Adding classifiers to a crawler in AWS Glue.

Create an AWS Glue crawler

To create a crawler that reads files stored on Amazon S3, complete the following steps:

  1. On the AWS Glue console, in the navigation pane, choose Crawlers.
  2. On the Crawlers page, choose Add crawler.
  3. For Crawler name, enter support cases extract, then choose Next.
  4. For the crawler source type, choose Data stores, then choose Next.

Now let’s point the crawler to your data.

  1. On the Add a data store page, choose the Amazon S3 data store.
  2. For Crawl data in, choose Specified path in this account.
  3. For Include path, enter the path where the crawler can find the support cases data, which is s3://S3_BUCKET_PATH. After you enter the path, the title of this field changes to Include path.
  4. Choose Next.

The crawler also needs permissions to access the data store and create objects in the Data Catalog.

  1. To configure these permissions, choose Create an IAM role. The IAM role name starts with AWSGlueServiceRole-; you enter the last part of the role name (for this post, we enter Crawlercases).
  2. Choose Next.

Crawlers create tables in your Data Catalog. Tables are contained in a database in the Data Catalog.

  1. Choose Target database and select the database you created.

Now we create a schedule for the crawler.

  1. For Frequency, choose Daily
  2. Choose Next.
  3. Verify the choices you made. If you see any mistakes, you can choose Edit to return to previous pages and make changes.
  4. After you have reviewed the information, choose Finish to create the crawler.

For more information on creating an AWS Glue crawler, refer to Adding an AWS Glue crawler.

Create views in Athena

After the AWS Glue crawler is configured successfully, we query the data from the database and table created by the crawler and create views in Athena. The data source for the dashboard will be an Athena view of your existing support_cases database. We create a view in Athena with a group by condition.

Create the view case_summary_view by modifying the table name support_cases from the following code and run the query in the Athena query editor:

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "case_summary_view" AS SELECT DISTINCT DisplayId caseid , SourceAccountId accountid , Subject case_subject , Status case_status , ServiceCode case_service , CategoryCode case_category , CAST("substring"(TimeCreated, 1, 10) AS date) case_created_on FROM "AwsDataCatalog"."aws_support_cases"."aws_support_cases_report" GROUP BY DisplayId, SourceAccountId, Subject, Status, ServiceCode, CategoryCode, SeverityCode, TimeCreated

Visualize AWS support cases in QuickSight

After we create the Athena view, we can create a dashboard in QuickSight. Before connecting QuickSight to Athena, make sure to grant QuickSight access to Athena and the associated S3 buckets in your account. For details, refer to Authorizing connections to Amazon Athena.

  1. On the QuickSight console, choose Datasets in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose New dataset.
  3. Choose Athena as your data source.
  4. For Data source name¸ enter AWS_Support_Cases.
  5. Choose Create data source.
  6. For Database, choose the aws_support_cases database, which contains the views you created (refer to the Athena console if you are unsure which ones to select)
  7. For Tables, select the case_summary_view table that we created as part of the steps in Athena.
  8. Choose Edit/Preview data.
  9. Select SPICE to change your query mode.

Now you can create the sheet aws_support_cases in the analysis.

  1. Choose Publish & Visualize.
  2. Select the sheet type that you want (Interactive sheet or Paginated report). For this post, we select Interactive sheet.
  3. Choose Add.

Refer to Starting an analysis in Amazon QuickSight for more information about creating an analysis.

  1. In Sheet 1 of the newly created analysis, under Fields list, choose case_category and case_status.
  2. For Visual types, choose a clustered bar combo chart.

This type of visual returns the count of records by case category.

  1. To add more visuals to the workspace, choose Add, then Add visual.

In the second visual, we create a donut chart with the field case_status to count the number of overall cases.

  1. Next, we create a word cloud to display how often AWS support cases have been raised by which AWS account.

The word cloud shows the top 100 accounts by default (if you have data for more than one account) and displays the account with the maximum number of entries in a higher font size. If you wanted to show just the top account, you would have to configure a top 1 filter.

  1. Next, we create a stacked bar combo chart to display cases with service type, using the fields case_created_on, caseid, and case_service.
  2. Next, we create a table visual to display all case details in table format (select all available fields).

The following screenshot shows a visualization of all fields of support cases in tabular format.

19. Adjust the size and position of the visuals to fit the layout of your analysis.

The following screenshot shows our final dashboard for support cases.

You’ve now set up a fully functional AWS support cases dashboard at an organizational view. You can share the dashboard with your cloud platform and operations teams. For more information, refer to Sharing Amazon QuickSight dashboards.

Clean up

When you don’t need this dashboard anymore, complete the following steps to delete the AWS resources you created to avoid ongoing charges to your account:

  1. Delete the Amazon S3 Bucket
  2. Delete the SNS topic.
  3. Delete the IAM roles.
  4. Cancel your QuickSight subscription. You should only delete your QuickSight account if you explicitly set it up to follow this post and are absolutely sure that it’s not being used by any other users.


This post outlined the steps and resources required to construct a customized analytics dashboard in QuickSight, empowering you to attain comprehensive visibility and valuable insights into support cases generated across multiple accounts within your organization. To learn more about how QuickSight can help your business with dashboards, reports, and more, visit Amazon QuickSight.

About the authors

Yash Bindlish is a Enterprise Support Manager at Amazon Web Services. He has more than 17 years of industry experience including roles in cloud architecture, systems engineering, and infrastructure. He works with Global Enterprise customers and help them build, scalable, modern and cost effective solutions on their growth journey with AWS. He loves solving complex problems with his solution-oriented approach.

Shivani Reddy is a Technical Account Manager (TAM) at AWS with over 12 years of IT experience. She has worked in a variety of roles, including application support engineer, Linux systems engineer, and administrator. In her current role, she works with global customers to help them build sustainable software solutions. She loves the customer management aspect of her job and enjoys working with customers to solve problems and find solutions that meet their specific needs.

Access Amazon OpenSearch Serverless collections using a VPC endpoint

Post Syndicated from Raj Ramasubbu original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/access-amazon-opensearch-serverless-collections-using-a-vpc-endpoint/

Amazon OpenSearch Serverless helps you index, analyze, and search your logs and data using OpenSearch APIs and dashboards. The OpenSearch Serverless collection is a group of indexes. API and dashboard clients can access the collections from public networks or one or more VPCs. For VPC access to collections and dashboards, you can create VPC endpoints. In this post, we demonstrate how you can create and use VPC endpoints and OpenSearch Serverless network policies to control access to your collections and OpenSearch dashboards from multiple network locations.

The demo in this post uses an AWS Lambda-based client in a VPC to ingest data into a collection via a VPC endpoint and a browser in a public network accessing the same collection.

Solution overview

To illustrate how you can ingest data into an OpenSearch Serverless collection from within a VPC, we use a Lambda function. We use a VPC-hosted Lambda function to create an index in an OpenSearch Serverless collection and add documents to the index using a VPC endpoint. We then use a publicly accessible OpenSearch Serverless dashboard to see the documents ingested from Lambda function.

The following sections detail the steps to ingest data into the collection using Lambda and access the OpenSearch Serverless dashboard.


This setup assumes that you have already created a VPC with private subnets.

Ingest data using Lambda and access the OpenSearch Serverless dashboard

To set up your solution, complete the following steps:

  1. On the OpenSearch Service console, create a private connection between your VPC and OpenSearch Serverless using a VPC endpoint. Use the private subnets and a security group from your VPC.
  2. Create an OpenSearch collection using the VPC endpoint created in the previous step.
  3. Create a network policy to enable VPC access to the OpenSearch endpoint so the Lambda function can ingest documents to the collection. You should also enable public access to the OpenSearch dashboard endpoint so we can see the documents ingested.
  4. After you create the collection, create a data access policy to grant ingestion access to the Lambda function’s AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role.
  5. Additionally, grant read access to the dashboard user’s IAM role.
  6. Add IAM permissions to the Lambda function’s IAM role and the dashboard user’s IAM role for the OpenSearch Serverless collection.
  7. Create a Lambda function in the same VPC and subnet that we used for the OpenSearch endpoint (see the following code). This function creates an index called sitcoms-eighties in the OpenSearch Serverless collection and adds a sample document to the index:
import datetime
import time
from opensearchpy import OpenSearch, RequestsHttpConnection
from requests_aws4auth import AWS4Auth
import boto3

host = '<Insert-OpenSearch-Serverless-Endpoint>'
region = 'us-east-1'
service = 'aoss'
credentials = boto3.Session().get_credentials()
awsauth = AWS4Auth(credentials.access_key, credentials.secret_key, region, service,session_token=credentials.token)

# Build the OpenSearch client
client = OpenSearch(
    hosts=[{'host': host, 'port': 443}],

def lambda_handler (event, context):

    # Create index
    response = client.indices.create('sitcoms-eighties')
    print('\nCreating index:')
    dt = datetime.datetime.now()
    # Add a document to the index.
    response = client.index(
            'title': 'Seinfeld',
            'creator': 'Larry David',
            'year': 1989,
            'createtime': dt
    print('\nDocument added:')
  1. Run the Lambda function, and you should see the output as shown in the following screenshot.
  2. You can now see the documents from this index through your publicly accessible OpenSearch Dashboards URL.
  3. Create the index pattern in OpenSearch Dashboards, and then you can see the documents as shown in the following screenshot.

Use a VPC DNS resolver from your network

A client in your VPN network can connect to the collection or dashboards over a VPC endpoint. The client needs to find the VPC endpoint’s IP address using an Amazon Route 53 inbound resolver endpoint. To learn more about Route 53 inbound resolver endpoints, refer to Resolving DNS queries between VPCs and your network. The following diagram shows a sample setup.

The flow for this architecture is as follows:

  1. The DNS query for the OpenSearch Serverless client is routed to a locally configured on-premises DNS server.
  2. The on-premises DNS as configured performs conditional forwarding for the zone us-east-1.aoss.amazonaws.com to a Route 53 inbound resolver endpoint IP address. You must replace your Region name in the preceding zone name.
  3. The inbound resolver endpoint performs DNS resolution by forwarding the query to the private hosted zone that was created along with the OpenSearch Serverless VPC endpoint.
  4. The IP addresses returned by the DNS query are the private IP addresses of the interface VPC endpoint, which allow your on-premises host to establish private connectivity over AWS Site-to-Site VPN.
  5. The interface endpoint is a collection of one or more elastic network interfaces with a private IP address in your account that serves as an entry point for traffic going to an OpenSearch Serverless endpoint.


OpenSearch Serverless allows you to set up and control access to the service using VPC endpoints and network policies. In this post, we explored how to access an OpenSearch Serverless collection API and dashboard from within a VPC, on premises, and public networks. If you have any questions or suggestions, please write to us in the comments section.

About the Authors

Raj Ramasubbu is a Senior Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect focused on big data and analytics and AI/ML with Amazon Web Services. He helps customers architect and build highly scalable, performant, and secure cloud-based solutions on AWS. Raj provided technical expertise and leadership in building data engineering, big data analytics, business intelligence, and data science solutions for over 18 years prior to joining AWS. He helped customers in various industry verticals like healthcare, medical devices, life science, retail, asset management, car insurance, residential REIT, agriculture, title insurance, supply chain, document management, and real estate.

Vivek Kansal works with the Amazon OpenSearch team. In his role as Principal Software Engineer, he uses his experience in the areas of security, policy engines, cloud-native solutions, and networking to help secure customer data in OpenSearch Service and OpenSearch Serverless in an evolving threat landscape.

Running GitHub Actions in a private Subnet with AWS CodeBuild

Post Syndicated from original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/running-github-actions-in-a-private-subnet-with-aws-codebuild/

Last week the Developer Tools team announced that AWS CodeBuild now supports GitHub Actions. AWS CodeBuild is a fully managed continuous integration service that allows you to build and test code. CodeBuild builds are defined as a collection of build commands and related settings, in YAML format, called a BuildSpec. You can now define GitHub Actions steps directly in the BuildSpec and run them alongside CodeBuild commands. In this post, I will use the Liquibase GitHub Action to deploy changes to an Amazon Aurora database in a private subnet.


The GitHub Marketplace includes a large catalog of actions developed by third-parties and the open-source community. At the time of writing, there are nearly 20,000 actions available in the marketplace. Using an action from the marketplace can save you time and effort that would be spent scripting the installation and configuration of various tools required in the build process.

While I love GitHub actions, I often what to run my build in AWS. For example, I might want to access a resource in a private VPC or simply reduce the latency between the build service and my resources. I could accomplish this by hosting a GitHub Action Runner on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2). However, hosting a GitHub Action runner requires additional effort to configure and maintain the environment that hosts the runner.

AWS CodeBuild is a fully managed continuous integration service. CodeBuild does not require ongoing maintenance and it can access resources in a private subnet. You can now use GitHub Actions in AWS CodeBuild. This feature provides the simplified configuration and management of CodeBuild with the rich marketplace of GitHub Actions. In the following section, I will explain how to configure CodeBuild to run a GitHub Action.


In this walkthrough, I will configure AWS CodeBuild to use the Liquibase GitHub Action to deploy changelogs to a PostgreSQL database hosted on Amazon Aurora in a private subnet. As shown in the following image, AWS CodeBuild will be configured to run in a private subnet along with my Aurora instance. First, CodeBuild will download the GitHub action using a NAT Gateway to access the internet. Second, CodeBuild will apply the changelog to the Aurora instance in the private subnet.

Architecture diagram showing CodeBuild and Aurora in a private subnet with internet access provided by a NAT gateway

I already have a GitHub repository with the Liquibase configuration properties and changelogs shown in the following image. Liquibase configuration is not the focus of this blog post, but you can read more in Getting Started with Liquibase. My source also includes the buildspec.yaml file which I will explain later in this post.

GitHub repository with Liquibase change set

To create my build project, I open CodeBuild in the AWS Console and select Create build project. Then I provide a name and optional description for the build. My project is named liquibase-blog-post.

If you are note already connected to GitHub, you can connect using a personal access token as shown in the following image.

GitHub configuration in CodeBuild showing the GitHub personal access token

Once I have successfully connected to GitHub, I can paste the URL to my repository as shown in the following image.

CodeBuild configuration showing the GitHub repository URL

I configure my build environment to use the standard build environment on Amazon Linux 2. GitHub actions are built using either JavaScript or a Docker container. If the action uses a Docker container, you must enable the Privileged flag. The Liquibase image is using a Docker container, therefore, I check the box to enabled privileged mode.

Environment configuration showing the standard image on Linux and the privileged flag enabled.

For the VPC configuration, I select the VPC and private subnet where my Aurora instance is hosted and then click Validate VPC Settings to ensure my configuration is correct.

VPC configuration with private subnet selected

My Buildspec file is included I the source. Therefore, I select Use a buildspec file and enter the path to the buildspec file in the repository.

Buildspec configuration with Use a build spec file selected

My buildspec.yaml file includes the following content. Notice that the pre_build phase incudes a series of commands. Commands have always been supported in CodeBuild and include a series of command line commands to run. In this case, I am simply logging a few environment variables for later debugging.

version: 0.2
      - echo $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION
      - echo $URL
      - uses: liquibase-github-actions/[email protected]
          changelogFile: changelog-root.xml
          url: ${{ env.URL }}
          username: postgres
          password: ${{ $env.PASSWORD }}
          headless: true

Also notice that the build phase incudes a series of steps. Steps are new, and are used to run GitHub Actions. Each build phase supports either a list of commands, or a list of steps, but not both. In this example, I am specifying the Liquibase Update Action (liquibase-github-actions/update) with a few configuration parameters. You can see a full list of parameters in the Liquibase Update Action repository on GitHub.

I want to call you attention to the environment variables used in my buildspec.yml. Note that I pass the URL and PASSWORD for my database as environment variables. This allows me easily change these values from one environment to another. I have configured these environment variables in the CodeBuild project definition as shown in the following image. The URL is configured as Plaintext and the PASSWORD is configured as Secrets Manager. Running the GitHub Action in CodeBuild has the added advantage that I easily access secrets stored in AWS Secrets Manager and configuration data stored in AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store.

Environment Variables used to configure the URL and PASSWORD.

It is also important to note that the syntax use to access environment variables in the buildspec.yaml is different when using a GitHub Action. GitHub Actions access environment variables using the environment context. Therefore, in the pre_build phase, I am using CodeBuild syntax, in the format $NAME. However, the in the build phase, I am using GitHub syntax, in the format ${{ env:NAME}}.

With the configuration complete, I select Create build project and then manually start a build to test the configuration. In the following example you can see the logs from the Liquibase update. Notice that two changesets have been successfully applied to the database.

##   _     _             _ _                      ##
##  | |   (_)           (_) |                     ##
##  | |    _  __ _ _   _ _| |__   __ _ ___  ___   ##
##  | |   | |/ _` | | | | | '_ \ / _` / __|/ _ \  ##
##  | |___| | (_| | |_| | | |_) | (_| \__ \  __/  ##
##  \_____/_|\__, |\__,_|_|_.__/ \__,_|___/\___|  ##
##              | |                               ##
##              |_|                               ##
##                                                ##
##  Get documentation at docs.liquibase.com       ##
##  Get certified courses at learn.liquibase.com  ##
##  Free schema change activity reports at        ##
##      https://hub.liquibase.com                 ##
##                                                ##
Starting Liquibase at 18:33:23 (version 4.21.1 #9070)
Liquibase Version: 4.21.1
Liquibase Open Source 4.21.1 by Liquibase
Running Changeset: changelogs/changelog-1.0.0.xml::1::BobR
Running Changeset: changelogs/changelog-1.0.1.xml::2::BobR
Run: 2
Previously run: 0
Filtered out: 0
Total change sets: 2
Liquibase: Update has been successful.
Liquibase command 'update' was executed successfully.
Phase complete: BUILD State: SUCCEEDED
Phase context status code: Message:
Entering phase POST_BUILD

If I connect to the Aurora database and describe the tables you can see that Liquibase has created the actor table (as defined in the Liquibase Quick Start) along with the Liquibase audit tables databasechangelog and databasechangeloglock. Everything is working just as I expected, and I did not have to install and configure Liquibase!

mydatabase=> \dt
List of relations
Schema  |         Name          | Type  |  Owner
public  | actor                 | table | postgres
public  | databasechangelog     | table | postgres
public  | databasechangeloglock | table | postgres
(3 rows)

In this example, I showed you how to update an Aurora database in a private subnet using a the Liquibase GitHub Action running in CodeBuild. GitHub Actions provide a rich catalog of preconfigured actions simplifying the configuration. CodeBuild provides a managed service that simplifies the configuration and maintenance of my build environment. Used together I can get the best features of both CodeBuild and GitHub Actions.


In this walkthrough I showed you how to create a CodeBuild project. If you no longer need the project, you can simply delete it in the console. If you created other resources, for example an Aurora database, that were not explained in this post, you should delete those as well.


The GitHub Marketplace includes a catalog of nearly 20,000 actions developed by third-parties and the open-source community. AWS CodeBuild is a fully managed continuous integration service that integrates tightly with other AWS services. In this post I used the GitHub Action for Liquibase to deploy an update to a database in a private subnet. I am excited to see what you will do with support for GitHub Actions in CodeBuild. You can read more about this exciting new feature in GitHub Action runner in AWS CodeBuild.

Automated Code Review on Pull Requests using AWS CodeCommit and AWS CodeBuild

Post Syndicated from Verinder Singh original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/automated-code-review-on-pull-requests-using-aws-codecommit-and-aws-codebuild/

Pull Requests play a critical part in the software development process. They ensure that a developer’s proposed code changes are reviewed by relevant parties before code is merged into the main codebase. This is a standard procedure that is followed across the globe in different organisations today. However, pull requests often require code reviewers to read through a great deal of code and manually check it against quality and security standards. These manual reviews can lead to problematic code being merged into the main codebase if the reviewer overlooks any problems.

To help solve this problem, we recommend using Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer to assist in the review process. CodeGuru Reviewer identifies critical defects and deviation from best practices in your code. It provides recommendations to remediate its findings as comments in your pull requests, helping reviewers miss fewer problems that may have otherwise made into production. You can easily integrate your repositories in AWS CodeCommit with Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer following these steps.

The purpose of this post isn’t, however, to show you CodeGuru Reviewer. Instead, our aim is to help you achieve automated code reviews with your pull requests if you already have a code scanning tool and need to continue using it. In this post, we will show you step-by-step how to add automation to the pull request review process using your code scanning tool with AWS CodeCommit (as source code repository) and AWS CodeBuild (to automatically review code using your code reviewer). After following this guide, you should be able to give developers automatic feedback on their code changes and augment manual code reviews so fewer problems make it into your main codebase.

Solution Overview

The solution comprises of the following components:

  1. AWS CodeCommit: AWS service to host private Git repositories.
  2. Amazon EventBridge: AWS service to receive pullRequestCreated and pullRequestSourceBranchUpdated events and trigger Amazon EventBridge rule.
  3. AWS CodeBuild: AWS service to perform code review and send the result to AWS CodeCommit repository as pull request comment.

The following diagram illustrates the architecture:

Figure 1: This architecture diagram illustrates the workflow where developer raises a Pull Request and receives automated feedback on the code changes using AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodeBuild and Amazon EventBridge rule

Figure 1. Architecture Diagram of the proposed solution in the blog

  1. Developer raises a pull request against the main branch of the source code repository in AWS CodeCommit.
  2. The pullRequestCreated event is received by the default event bus.
  3. The default event bus triggers the Amazon EventBridge rule which is configured to be triggered on pullRequestCreated and pullRequestSourceBranchUpdated events.
  4. The EventBridge rule triggers AWS CodeBuild project.
  5. The AWS CodeBuild project runs the code quality check using customer’s choice of tool and sends the results back to the pull request as comments. Based on the result, the AWS CodeBuild project approves or rejects the pull request automatically.


The following steps provide a high-level overview of the walkthrough:

  1. Create a source code repository in AWS CodeCommit.
  2. Create and associate an approval rule template.
  3. Create AWS CodeBuild project to run the code quality check and post the result as pull request comment.
  4. Create an Amazon EventBridge rule that reacts to AWS CodeCommit pullRequestCreated and pullRequestSourceBranchUpdated events for the repository created in step 1 and set its target to AWS CodeBuild project created in step 3.
  5. Create a feature branch, add a new file and raise a pull request.
  6. Verify the pull request with the code review feedback in comment section.

1. Create a source code repository in AWS CodeCommit

Create an empty test repository in AWS CodeCommit by following these steps. Once the repository is created you can add files to your repository following these steps. If you create or upload the first file for your repository in the console, a branch is created for you named main. This branch is the default branch for your repository. If you are using a Git client instead, consider configuring your Git client to use main as the name for the initial branch. This blog post assumes the default branch is named as main.

2. Create and associate an approval rule template

Create an AWS CodeCommit approval rule template and associate it with the code repository created in step 1 following these steps.

3. Create AWS CodeBuild project to run the code quality check and post the result as pull request comment

This blog post is based on the assumption that the source code repository has JavaScript code in it, so it uses jshint as a code analysis tool to review the code quality of those files. However, users can choose a different tool as per their use case and choice of programming language.

Create an AWS CodeBuild project from AWS Management Console following these steps and using below configuration:

  • Source: Choose the AWS CodeCommit repository created in step 1 as the source provider.
  • Environment: Select the latest version of AWS managed image with operating system of your choice. Choose New service role option to create the service IAM role with default permissions.
  • Buildspec: Use below build specification. Replace <NODEJS_VERSION> with the latest supported nodejs runtime version for the image selected in previous step. Replace <REPOSITORY_NAME> with the repository name created in step 1. The below spec installs the jshint package, creates a jshint config file with a few sample rules, runs it against the source code in the pull request commit, posts the result as comment to the pull request page and based on the results, approves or rejects the pull request automatically.
version: 0.2
      nodejs: <NODEJS_VERSION>
      - npm install jshint --global
      - echo \{\"esversion\":6,\"eqeqeq\":true,\"quotmark\":\"single\"\} > .jshintrc
      - CODE_QUALITY_RESULT="$(echo \`\`\`) $(jshint .)"; EXITCODE=$?
      - aws codecommit post-comment-for-pull-request --pull-request-id $PULL_REQUEST_ID --repository-name <REPOSITORY_NAME> --content "$CODE_QUALITY_RESULT" --before-commit-id $DESTINATION_COMMIT_ID --after-commit-id $SOURCE_COMMIT_ID --region $AWS_REGION	
      - |
        if [ $EXITCODE -ne 0 ]
      - REVISION_ID=$(aws codecommit get-pull-request --pull-request-id $PULL_REQUEST_ID | jq -r '.pullRequest.revisionId')
      - aws codecommit update-pull-request-approval-state --pull-request-id $PULL_REQUEST_ID --revision-id $REVISION_ID --approval-state $PR_STATUS --region $AWS_REGION

Once the AWS CodeBuild project has been created successfully, modify its IAM service role by following the below steps:

  • Choose the CodeBuild project’s Build details tab.
  • Choose the Service role link under the Environment section which should navigate you to the CodeBuild’s IAM service role in IAM console.
  • Expand the default customer managed policy and choose Edit.
  • Add the following actions to the existing codecommit actions:

  • Choose Next.
  • On the Review screen, choose Save changes.

4. Create an Amazon EventBridge rule that reacts to AWS CodeCommit pullRequestCreated and pullRequestSourceBranchUpdated events for the repository created in step 1 and set its target to AWS CodeBuild project created in step 3

Follow these steps to create an Amazon EventBridge rule that gets triggered whenever a pull request is created or updated using the following event pattern. Replace the <REGION>, <ACCOUNT_ID> and <REPOSITORY_NAME> placeholders with the actual values. Select target of the event rule as AWS CodeBuild project created in step 3.

Event Pattern

    "detail-type": ["CodeCommit Pull Request State Change"],
    "resources": ["arn:aws:codecommit:<REGION>:<ACCOUNT_ID>:<REPOSITORY_NAME>"],
    "source": ["aws.codecommit"],
    "detail": {
      "isMerged": ["False"],
      "pullRequestStatus": ["Open"],
      "repositoryNames": ["<REPOSITORY_NAME>"],
      "destinationReference": ["refs/heads/main"],
      "event": ["pullRequestCreated", "pullRequestSourceBranchUpdated"]
    "account": ["<ACCOUNT_ID>"]

Follow these steps to configure the target input using the below input path and input template.

Input transformer – Input path

    "detail-destinationCommit": "$.detail.destinationCommit",
    "detail-pullRequestId": "$.detail.pullRequestId",
    "detail-sourceCommit": "$.detail.sourceCommit"

Input transformer – Input template

    "sourceVersion": <detail-sourceCommit>,
    "environmentVariablesOverride": [
            "name": "DESTINATION_COMMIT_ID",
            "type": "PLAINTEXT",
            "value": <detail-destinationCommit>
            "name": "SOURCE_COMMIT_ID",
            "type": "PLAINTEXT",
            "value": <detail-sourceCommit>
            "name": "PULL_REQUEST_ID",
            "type": "PLAINTEXT",
            "value": <detail-pullRequestId>

5. Create a feature branch, add a new file and raise a pull request

Create a feature branch following these steps. Push a new file called “index.js” to the root of the repository with the below content.

function greet(dayofweek) {
  if (dayofweek == "Saturday" || dayofweek == "Sunday") {
    console.log("Have a great weekend");
  } else {
    console.log("Have a great day at work");

Now raise a pull request using the feature branch as source and main branch as destination following these steps.

6. Verify the pull request with the code review feedback in comment section

As soon as the pull request is created, the AWS CodeBuild project created in step 3 above will be triggered which will run the code quality check and post the results as a pull request comment. Navigate to the AWS CodeCommit repository pull request page in AWS Management Console and check under the Activity tab to confirm the automated code review result being displayed as the latest comment.

The pull request comment submitted by AWS CodeBuild highlights 6 errors in the JavaScript code. The errors on lines first and third are based on the jshint rule “eqeqeq”. It recommends to use strict equality operator (“===”) instead of the loose equality operator (“==”) to avoid type coercion. The errors on lines second, fourth and fifth are based on jshint rule “quotmark” which recommends to use single quotes with strings instead of double quotes for better readability. These jshint rules are defined in AWS CodeBuild project’s buildspec in step 3 above.

Figure 2: The image shows the AWS CodeCommit pull request's Activity tab with code review results automatically posted by the automated code reviewer

Figure 2. Pull Request comments updated with automated code review results.


In this blog post we’ve shown how using AWS CodeCommit and AWS CodeBuild services customers can automate their pull request review process by utilising Amazon EventBridge events and using their own choice of code quality tool. This simple solution also makes it easier for the human reviewers by providing them with automated code quality results as input and enabling them to focus their code review more on business logic code changes rather than static code quality issues.

About the authors

Blog post's primary author's image

Verinder Singh

Verinder Singh is an experienced Solution’s Architect based out of Sydney, Australia with 16+ years of experience in software development and architecture. He works primarily on building large scale open-source AWS solutions for common customer use cases and business problems. In his spare time, he enjoys vacationing and watching movies with his family.

Blog post's secondary author's image

Deenadayaalan Thirugnanasambandam

Deenadayaalan Thirugnanasambandam is a Principal Cloud Architect at AWS. He provides prescriptive architectural guidance and consulting that enable and accelerate customers’ adoption of AWS.

Extract time series from satellite weather data with AWS Lambda

Post Syndicated from Lior Perez original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/extract-time-series-from-satellite-weather-data-with-aws-lambda/

Extracting time series on given geographical coordinates from satellite or Numerical Weather Prediction data can be challenging because of the volume of data and of its multidimensional nature (time, latitude, longitude, height, multiple parameters). This type of processing can be found in weather and climate research, but also in applications like photovoltaic and wind power. For instance, time series describing the quantity of solar energy reaching specific geographical points can help in designing photovoltaic power plants, monitoring their operation, and detecting yield loss.

A generalization of the problem could be stated as follows: how can we extract data along a dimension that is not the partition key from a large volume of multidimensional data? For tabular data, this problem can be easily solved with AWS Glue, which you can use to create a job to filter and repartition the data, as shown at the end of this post. But what if the data is multidimensional and provided in a domain-specific format, like in the use case that we want to tackle?

AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service that lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers. With AWS Step Functions, you can launch parallel runs of Lambda functions. This post shows how you can use these services to run parallel tasks, with the example of time series extraction from a large volume of satellite weather data stored on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). You also use AWS Glue to consolidate the files produced by the parallel tasks.

Note that Lambda is a general purpose serverless engine. It has not been specifically designed for heavy data transformation tasks. We are using it here after having confirmed the following:

  • Task duration is predictable and is less than 15 minutes, which is the maximum timeout for Lambda functions
  • The use case is simple, with low compute requirements and no external dependencies that could slow down the process

We work on a dataset provided by EUMESAT: the MSG Total and Diffuse Downward Surface Shortwave Flux (MDSSFTD). This dataset contains satellite data at 15-minute intervals, in netcdf format, which represents approximately 100 GB for 1 year.

We process the year 2018 to extract time series on 100 geographical points.

Solution overview

To achieve our goal, we use parallel Lambda functions. Each Lambda function processes 1 day of data: 96 files representing a volume of approximately 240 MB. We then have 365 files containing the extracted data for each day, and we use AWS Glue to concatenate them for the full year and split them across the 100 geographical points. This workflow is shown in the following architecture diagram.

Deployment of this solution: In this post, we provide step-by-step instructions to deploy each part of the architecture manually. If you prefer an automatic deployment, we have prepared for you a Github repository containing the required infrastructure as code template.

The dataset is partitioned by day, with YYYY/MM/DD/ prefixes. Each partition contains 96 files that will be processed by one Lambda function.

We use Step Functions to launch the parallel processing of the 365 days of the year 2018. Step Functions helps developers use AWS services to build distributed applications, automate processes, orchestrate microservices, and create data and machine learning (ML) pipelines.

But before starting, we need to download the dataset and upload it to an S3 bucket.


Create an S3 bucket to store the input dataset, the intermediate outputs, and the final outputs of the data extraction.

Download the dataset and upload it to Amazon S3

A free registration on the data provider website is required to download the dataset. To download the dataset, you can use the following command from a Linux terminal. Provide the credentials that you obtained at registration. Your Linux terminal could be on your local machine, but you can also use an AWS Cloud9 instance. Make sure that you have at least 100 GB of free storage to handle the entire dataset.

wget -c --no-check-certificate -r -np -nH --user=[YOUR_USERNAME] --password=[YOUR_PASSWORD] \
     -R "*.html, *.tmp" \

Because the dataset is quite large, this download could take a long time. In the meantime, you can prepare the next steps.

When the download is complete, you can upload the dataset to an S3 bucket with the following command:

aws s3 cp ./PRODUCTS/ s3://[YOUR_BUCKET_NAME]/ --recursive

If you use temporary credentials, they might expire before the copy is complete. In this case, you can resume by using the aws s3 sync command.

Now that the data is on Amazon S3, you can delete the directory that has been downloaded from your Linux machine.

Create the Lambda functions

For step-by-step instructions on how to create a Lambda function, refer to Getting started with Lambda.

The first Lambda function in the workflow generates the list of days that we want to process:

from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    Generate a list of dates (string format)
    begin_date_str = "20180101"
    end_date_str = "20181231"
    # carry out conversion between string 
    # to datetime object
    current_date = datetime.strptime(begin_date_str, "%Y%m%d")
    end_date = datetime.strptime(end_date_str, "%Y%m%d")

    result = []

    while current_date <= end_date:
        current_date_str = current_date.strftime("%Y%m%d")

        # adding 1 day
        current_date += timedelta(days=1)
    return result

We then use the Map state of Step Functions to process each day. The Map state will launch one Lambda function for each element returned by the previous function, and will pass this element as an input. These Lambda functions will be launched simultaneously for all the elements in the list. The processing time for the full year will therefore be identical to the time needed to process 1 single day, allowing scalability for long time series and large volumes of input data.

The following is an example of code for the Lambda function that processes each day:

import boto3
import netCDF4 as nc
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
import time
import os
import random

# Bucket containing input data
INPUT_BUCKET_NAME = "[INPUT_BUCKET_NAME]" # example: "my-bucket-name"

# Local output files
TMP_FILE_NAME = "/tmp/tmp.nc"
LOCAL_OUTPUT_FILE = "/tmp/dataframe.parquet"

# Bucket for output data
OUTPUT_PREFIX = "[PREFIX_OF_OUTPUT_DATA_WITH_TRAILING_SLASH]" # example: "output/intermediate/"

# Create 100 random coordinates
coords = [(random.randint(1000,2500), random.randint(1000,2500)) for _ in range(100)]

client = boto3.resource('s3')
bucket = client.Bucket(INPUT_BUCKET_NAME)

def date_to_partition_name(date):
    Transform a date like "20180302" to partition like "2018/03/02/"
    d = datetime.strptime(date, "%Y%m%d")
    return d.strftime("%Y/%m/%d/")

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    # Get date from input    
    date = str(event)
    print("Processing date: ", date)
    # Initialize output dataframe
    COLUMNS_NAME = ['time', 'point_id', 'DSSF_TOT', 'FRACTION_DIFFUSE']
    df = pd.DataFrame(columns = COLUMNS_NAME)
    prefix = LOCATION + date_to_partition_name(date)
    print("Loading files from prefix: ", prefix)
    # List input files (weather files)
    objects = bucket.objects.filter(Prefix=prefix)    
    keys = [obj.key for obj in objects]
    # For each file
    for key in keys:
        # Download input file from S3
        bucket.download_file(key, TMP_FILE_NAME)
        print("Processing: ", key)    
            # Load the dataset with netcdf library
            dataset = nc.Dataset(TMP_FILE_NAME)
            # Get values from the dataset for our list of geographical coordinates
            lats, lons = zip(*coords)
            data_1 = dataset['DSSF_TOT'][0][lats, lons]
            data_2 = dataset['FRACTION_DIFFUSE'][0][lats, lons]
            # Prepare data to add it into the output dataframe
            nb_points = len(lats)
            data_time = dataset.__dict__['time_coverage_start']
            time_list = [data_time for _ in range(nb_points)]
            point_id_list = [i for i in range(nb_points)]
            tuple_list = list(zip(time_list, point_id_list, data_1, data_2))
            # Add data to the output dataframe
            new_data = pd.DataFrame(tuple_list, columns = COLUMNS_NAME)
            df = pd.concat ([df, new_data])
        except OSError:
            print("Error processing file: ", key)
    # Replace masked by NaN (otherwise we cannot save to parquet)
    df = df.applymap(lambda x: np.NaN if type(x) == np.ma.core.MaskedConstant else x)    
    # Save to parquet
    print("Writing result to tmp parquet file: ", LOCAL_OUTPUT_FILE)
    # Copy result to S3
    s3_output_name = OUTPUT_PREFIX + date + '.parquet'
    s3_client = boto3.client('s3')
    s3_client.upload_file(LOCAL_OUTPUT_FILE, OUTPUT_BUCKET, s3_output_name)

You need to associate a role to the Lambda function to authorize it to access the S3 buckets. Because the runtime is about a minute, you also have to configure the timeout of the Lambda function accordingly. Let’s set it to 5 minutes. We also increase the memory allocated to the Lambda function to 2048 MB, which is needed by the netcdf4 library for extracting several points at a time from satellite data.

This Lambda function depends on the pandas and netcdf4 libraries. They can be installed as Lambda layers. The pandas library is provided as an AWS managed layer. The netcdf4 library will have to be packaged in a custom layer.

Configure the Step Functions workflow

After you create the two Lambda functions, you can design the Step Functions workflow in the visual editor by using the Lambda Invoke and Map blocks, as shown in the following diagram.

In the Map state block, choose Distributed processing mode and increase concurrency limit to 365 in Runtime settings. This will enable parallel processing of all the days.

The number of Lambda functions that can run concurrently is limited for each account. Your account may have insufficient quota. You can request a quota increase.

Launch the state machine

You can now launch the state machine. On the Step Functions console, navigate to your state machine and choose Start execution to run your workflow.

This will trigger a popup in which you can enter optional input for your state machine. For this post, you can leave the defaults and choose Start execution.

The state machine should take 1–2 minutes to run, during which time you will be able to monitor the progress of your workflow. You can select one of the blocks in the diagram and inspect its input, output, and other information in real time, as shown in the following screenshot. This can be very useful for debugging purposes.

When all the blocks turn green, the state machine is complete. At this step, we have extracted the data for 100 geographical points for a whole year of satellite data.

In the S3 bucket configured as output for the processing Lambda function, we can check that we have one file per day, containing the data for all the 100 points.

Transform data per day to data per geographical point with AWS Glue

For now, we have one file per day. However, our goal is to get time series for every geographical point. This transformation involves changing the way the data is partitioned. From a day partition, we have to go to a geographical point partition.

Fortunately, this operation can be done very simply with AWS Glue.

  1. On the AWS Glue Studio console, create a new job and choose Visual with a blank canvas.

For this example, we create a simple job with a source and target block.

  1. Add a data source block.
  2. On the Data source properties tab, select S3 location for S3 source type.
  3. For S3 URL, enter the location where you created your files in the previous step.
  4. For Data format, keep the default as Parquet.
  5. Choose Infer schema and view the Output schema tab to confirm the schema has been correctly detected.

  1. Add a data target block.
  2. On the Data target properties tab, for Format, choose Parquet.
  3. For Compression type, choose Snappy.
  4. For S3 Target Location, enter the S3 target location for your output files.

We now have to configure the magic!

  1. Add a partition key, and choose point_id.

This tells AWS Glue how you want your output data to be partitioned. AWS Glue will automatically partition the output data according to the point_id column, and therefore we’ll get one folder for each geographical point, containing the whole time series for this point as requested.

To finish the configuration, we need to assign an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role to the AWS Glue job.

  1. Choose Job details, and for IAM role¸ choose a role that has permissions to read from the input S3 bucket and to write to the output S3 bucket.

You may have to create the role on the IAM console if you don’t already have an appropriate one.

  1. Enter a name for our AWS Glue job, save it, and run it.

We can monitor the run by choosing Run details. It should take 1–2 minutes to complete.

Final results

After the AWS Glue job succeeds, we can check in the output S3 bucket that we have one folder for each geographical point, containing some Parquet files with the whole year of data, as expected.

To load the time series for a specific point into a pandas data frame, you can use the awswrangler library from your Python code:

import awswrangler as wr
import pandas as pd

# Retrieving the data directly from Amazon S3
df = wr.s3.read_parquet("s3://[BUCKET]/[PREFIX]/", dataset=True)

If you want to test this code now, you can create a notebook instance in Amazon SageMaker, and then open a Jupyter notebook. The following screenshot illustrates running the preceding code in a Jupyter notebook.

As we can see, we have successfully extracted the time series for specific geographical points!

Clean up

To avoid incurring future charges, delete the resources that you have created:

  • The S3 bucket
  • The AWS Glue job
  • The Step Functions state machine
  • The two Lambda functions
  • The SageMaker notebook instance


In this post, we showed how to use Lambda, Step Functions, and AWS Glue for serverless ETL (extract, transform, and load) on a large volume of weather data. The proposed architecture enables extraction and repartitioning of the data in just a few minutes. It’s scalable and cost-effective, and can be adapted to other ETL and data processing use cases.

Interested in learning more about the services presented in this post? You can find hands-on labs to improve your knowledge with AWS Workshops. Additionally, check out the official documentation of AWS Glue, Lambda, and Step Functions. You can also discover more architectural patterns and best practices at AWS Whitepapers & Guides.

About the Author

Lior Perez is a Principal Solutions Architect on the Enterprise team based in Toulouse, France. He enjoys supporting customers in their digital transformation journey, using big data and machine learning to help solve their business challenges. He is also personally passionate about robotics and IoT, and constantly looks for new ways to leverage technologies for innovation.

Backtesting index rebalancing arbitrage with Amazon EMR and Apache Iceberg

Post Syndicated from Guy Bachar original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/backtesting-index-rebalancing-arbitrage-with-amazon-emr-and-apache-iceberg/

Backtesting is a process used in quantitative finance to evaluate trading strategies using historical data. This helps traders determine the potential profitability of a strategy and identify any risks associated with it, enabling them to optimize it for better performance.

Index rebalancing arbitrage takes advantage of short-term price discrepancies resulting from ETF managers’ efforts to minimize index tracking error. Major market indexes, such as S&P 500, are subject to periodic inclusions and exclusions for reasons beyond the scope of this post (for an example, refer to CoStar Group, Invitation Homes Set to Join S&P 500; Others to Join S&P 100, S&P MidCap 400, and S&P SmallCap 600). The arbitrage trade looks to profit from going long on stocks added to an index and shorting the ones that are removed, with the aim of generating profit from these price differences.

In this post, we look into the process of using backtesting to evaluate the performance of an index arbitrage profitability strategy. We specifically explore how Amazon EMR and the newly developed Apache Iceberg branching and tagging feature can address the challenge of look-ahead bias in backtesting. This will enable a more accurate evaluation of the performance of the index arbitrage profitability strategy.


Let’s first discuss some of the terminology used in this post:

  • Research data lake on Amazon S3 – A data lake is a large, centralized repository that allows you to manage all your structured and unstructured data at any scale. Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is a popular cloud-based object storage service that can be used as the foundation for building a data lake.
  • Apache IcebergApache Iceberg is an open-source table format that is designed to provide efficient, scalable, and secure access to large datasets. It provides features such as ACID transactions on top of Amazon S3-based data lakes, schema evolution, partition evolution, and data versioning. With scalable metadata indexing, Apache Iceberg is able to deliver performant queries to a variety of engines such as Spark and Athena by reducing planning time.
  • Lookahead bias – This is a common challenge in backtesting, which occurs when future information is inadvertently included in historical data used to test a trading strategy, leading to overly optimistic results.
  • Iceberg tags – The Iceberg branching and tagging feature allows users to tag specific snapshots of their data tables with meaningful labels using SQL syntax or the Iceberg library, which correspond to specific events notable to internal investment teams. This, combined with Iceberg’s time travel functionality, ensures that accurate data enters the research pipeline and guards it from hard-to-detect problems such as look-ahead bias.

Testing scope

For our testing purposes, consider the following example, in which a change to the S&P Dow Jones Indices is announced on September 2, 2022, becomes effective on September 19, 2022, and doesn’t become observable in the ETF holdings data that we will be using in the experiment until September 30, 2022. We use Iceberg tags to label market data snapshots to avoid look-ahead bias in the research data lake, which will enable us to test various trade entry and exit scenarios and assess the respective profitability of each.


As part of our experiment, we utilize a paid, third-party data provider API to identify SPY ETF holdings changes and construct a portfolio. Our model portfolio will buy stocks that are added to the index, known as going long, and will sell an equivalent amount of stocks removed from the index, known as going short.

We will test short-term holding periods, such as 1 day and 1, 2, 3, or 4 weeks, because we assume that the rebalancing effect is very short-lived and new information, such as macroeconomics, will drive performance beyond the studied time horizons. Lastly, we simulate different entry points for this trade:

  • Market open the day after announcement day (AD+1)
  • Market close of effective date (ED0)
  • Market open the day after ETF holdings registered the change (MD+1)

Research data lake

To run our experiment, we have have used the following research data lake environment.

As shown in the architecture diagram, the research data lake is built on Amazon S3 and managed using Apache Iceberg, which is an open table format bringing the reliability and simplicity of relational database management service (RDBMS) tables to data lakes. To avoid look-ahead bias in backtesting, it’s essential to create snapshots of the data at different points in time. However, managing and organizing these snapshots can be challenging, especially when dealing with a large volume of data.

This is where the tagging feature in Apache Iceberg comes in handy. With tagging, researchers can create differently named snapshots of market data and track changes over time. For example, they can create a snapshot of the data at the end of each trading day and tag it with the date and any relevant market conditions.

By using tags to organize the snapshots, researchers can easily query and analyze the data based on specific market conditions or events, without having to worry about the specific dates of the data. This can be particularly helpful when conducting research that is not time-sensitive or when looking for trends over long periods of time.

Furthermore, the tagging feature can also help with other aspects of data management, such as data retention for GDPR compliance, and maintaining lineages of the table via different branches. Researchers can use Apache Iceberg tagging to ensure the integrity and accuracy of their data while also simplifying data management.


To follow along with this walkthrough, you must have the following:

  • An AWS account with an IAM role that has sufficient access to provision the required resources.
  • To comply with licensing considerations, we cannot provide a sample of the ETF constituents data. Therefore, it must be purchased separately for the dataset onboarding purposes.

Solution overview

To set up and test this experiment, we complete the following high-level steps:

  1. Create an S3 bucket.
  2. Load the dataset into Amazon S3. For this post, the ETF data referred to was obtained via API call through a third-party provider, but you can also consider the following options:
    1. You can use the following prescriptive guidance, which describes how to automate data ingestion from various data providers into a data lake in Amazon S3 using AWS Data Exchange.
    2. You can also utilize AWS Data Exchange to select from a range of third-party dataset providers. It simplifies the usage of data files, tables, and APIs for your specific needs.
    3. Lastly, you can also refer to the following post on how to use AWS Data Exchange for Amazon S3 to access data from a provider bucket: Analyzing impact of regulatory reform on the stock market using AWS and Refinitiv data.
  3. Create an EMR cluster. You can use this Getting Started with EMR tutorial or we used CDK to deploy an EMR on EKS environment with a custom managed endpoint.
  4. Create an EMR notebook using EMR Studio. For our testing environment, we used a custom build Docker image, which contains Iceberg v1.3. For instructions on attaching a cluster to a Workspace, refer to Attach a cluster to a Workspace.
  5. Configure a Spark session. You can follow along via the following sample notebook.
  6. Create an Iceberg table and load the test data from Amazon S3 into the table.
  7. Tag this data to preserve a snapshot of it.
  8. Perform updates to our test data and tag the updated dataset.
  9. Run simulated backtesting on our test data to find the most profitable entry point for a trade.

Create the experiment environment

We can get up and running with Iceberg by creating a table via Spark SQL from an existing view, as shown in the following code:

CREATE TABLE glue_catalog.quant.etf_holdings 
USING iceberg OPTIONS ('format-version'='2') 
LOCATION 's3://substitute_your_bucket/etf_holdings/' 
SELECT symbol, date, acceptanceTime, status
FROM glue_catalog.quant.etf_holdings

|symbol|      date|     acceptanceTime|status|
|   HON|2022-03-31|2022-05-27 13:54:03|   new|
|   DFS|2022-03-31|2022-05-27 13:54:03|   new|
|   FMC|2022-03-31|2022-05-27 13:54:03|   new|
|  NDSN|2022-03-31|2022-05-27 13:54:03|   new|
|   CRL|2022-03-31|2022-05-27 13:54:03|   new|
|  EPAM|2022-03-31|2022-05-27 13:54:03|   new|
|  CSCO|2022-03-31|2022-05-27 13:54:03|   new|
|   ALB|2022-03-31|2022-05-27 13:54:03|   new|
|   AIZ|2022-03-31|2022-05-27 13:54:03|   new|
|   CRM|2022-03-31|2022-05-27 13:54:03|   new|
|  PENN|2022-03-31|2022-05-27 13:54:03|   new|
|  INTU|2022-03-31|2022-05-27 13:54:03|   new|
|   DOW|2022-03-31|2022-05-27 13:54:03|   new|
|   LHX|2022-03-31|2022-05-27 13:54:03|   new|
|   BLK|2022-03-31|2022-05-27 13:54:03|   new|
|  ZBRA|2022-03-31|2022-05-27 13:54:03|   new|
|   UPS|2022-03-31|2022-05-27 13:54:03|   new|
|    DG|2022-03-31|2022-05-27 13:54:03|   new|
|  DISH|2022-03-31|2022-05-27 13:54:03|   new|
|      |2022-03-31|2022-05-27 13:54:03|   new|

Now that we’ve created an Iceberg table, we can use it for investment research. One of the key features of Iceberg is its support for scalable data versioning. This means that we can easily track changes to our data and roll back to previous versions without making additional copies. Because this data gets updated periodically, we want to be able to create named snapshots of the data so that quant traders have easy access to consistent snapshots of data that have their own retention policy. In this case, let’s tag the dataset to indicate that it represents the ETF holdings data as of Q1 2022:

ALTER TABLE glue_catalog.quant.etf_holdings CREATE TAG Q1_2022

As we move forward in time and new data becomes available by Q3, we may need to update existing datasets to reflect these changes. In the following example, we first use an UPDATE statement to mark the stocks as expired in the existing ETF holdings dataset. Then we use the MERGE INTO statement based on matching conditions such as ISIN code. If a match is not found between the existing dataset and the new dataset, the new data will be inserted as new records in the table and status code will be set to ‘new’ for these records. Similarly, if the existing dataset has stocks that are not present in the new dataset, those records will remain expired with a status code of ‘expired’. Finally, for records where a match is found, the data in the existing dataset will be updated with the data from the new dataset, and record will have an unchanged status code. With Iceberg’s support for efficient data versioning and transactional consistency, we can be confident that our data updates will be applied correctly and without data corruption.

UPDATE glue_catalog.quant.etf_holdings
SET status = 'expired'
MERGE INTO glue_catalog.quant.etf_holdings t
ON t.isin = s.isin
    UPDATE SET t.acceptanceTime = s.acceptanceTime,
               t.date = s.date,
               t.balance = s.balance,
               t.valUsd = s.valUsd,
               t.pctVal = s.pctVal,
               t.status = "unchanged"

Because we now have a new version of the data, we use Iceberg tagging to provide isolation for each new version of data. In this case, we tag this as Q3_2022 and allow quant traders and other users to work on this snapshot of the data without being affected by ongoing updates to the pipeline:

ALTER TABLE glue_catalog.quant.etf_holdings CREATE TAG Q3_2022""")

This makes it very easy to see which stocks are being added and deleted. We can use Iceberg’s time travel feature to read the data at a given quarterly tag. First, let’s look at which stocks are added to the index; these are the rows that are in the Q3 snapshot but not in the Q1 snapshot. Then we will look at which stocks are removed; these are the rows that are in the Q1 snapshot but not in the Q3 snapshot:

SELECT symbol, isin, acceptanceTime, date 
FROM glue_catalog.quant.etf_holdings 
AS OF ‘Q3_2022’ EXCEPT 
SELECT symbol, isin, acceptanceTime, date 
FROM glue_catalog.quant.etf_holdings 
AS OF ‘Q1_2022’

|symbol|        isin|     acceptanceTime|      date|
|   CPT|US1331311027|2022-11-28 15:50:55|2022-09-30|
|  CSGP|US22160N1090|2022-11-28 15:50:55|2022-09-30|
|  EMBC|US29082K1051|2022-11-28 15:50:55|2022-09-30|
|  INVH|US46187W1071|2022-11-28 15:50:55|2022-09-30|
|     J|US46982L1089|2022-11-28 15:50:55|2022-09-30|
|   KDP|US49271V1008|2022-11-28 15:50:55|2022-09-30|
|    ON|US6821891057|2022-11-28 15:50:55|2022-09-30|
|  VICI|US9256521090|2022-11-28 15:50:55|2022-09-30|
|   WBD|US9344231041|2022-11-28 15:50:55|2022-09-30|

SELECT symbol, isin, acceptanceTime, date 
FROM glue_catalog.quant.etf_holdings 
AS OF ‘Q1_2022’ EXCEPT 
SELECT symbol, isin, acceptanceTime, date 
FROM glue_catalog.quant.etf_holdings 
AS OF ‘Q3_2022’

|symbol|        isin|     acceptanceTime|      date|
|  PENN|US7075691094|2022-05-27 13:54:03|2022-03-31|
|    UA|US9043112062|2022-05-27 13:54:03|2022-03-31|
|   UAA|US9043111072|2022-05-27 13:54:03|2022-03-31|
|   LTP|US7127041058|2022-05-27 13:54:03|2022-03-31|
| DISCA|US25470F1049|2022-05-27 13:54:03|2022-03-31|
|  CERN|US1567821046|2022-05-27 13:54:03|2022-03-31|
|  IPGP|US44980X1090|2022-05-27 13:54:03|2022-03-31|
|      |US25470F3029|2022-05-27 13:54:03|2022-03-31|
|     J|US4698141078|2022-05-27 13:54:03|2022-03-31|
|   PVH|US6936561009|2022-05-27 13:54:03|2022-03-31|

Now we use the delta obtained in the preceding code to backtest the following strategy. As part of the index rebalancing arbitrage process, we’re going to long stocks that are added to the index and short stocks that are removed from the index, and we’ll test this strategy for both the effective date and announcement date. As a proof of concept from the two different lists, we picked PVH and PENN as removed stocks, and CSGP and INVH as added stocks.

To follow along with the examples below, you will need to use the notebook provided in the Quant Research example GitHub repository.

Cumulative Returns comparison

import numpy as np
import vectorbt as vbt

def backtest(entry_point='2022-09-02', exit_point='2022-10-31'):
    open_position = (historical_prices_pd.index == entry_point)
    close_position = (historical_prices_pd.index == exit_point)

    CASH = 100000
    COMMPERC = 0.000

    symbol_cols = pd.Index(['PENN', 'PVH', 'INVH', 'CSGP'], name='symbol')
    order_size = pd.DataFrame(index=historical_prices_pd.index, columns=symbol_cols)
    order_size['PENN'] = np.nan
    order_size['PVH'] = np.nan
    order_size['INVH'] = np.nan
    order_size['CSGP'] = np.nan

    order_size.loc[open_position, 'PENN'] = -10
    order_size.loc[close_position, 'PENN'] = 0

    order_size.loc[open_position, 'PVH'] = -10
    order_size.loc[close_position, 'PVH'] = 0

    order_size.loc[open_position, 'INVH'] = 10
    order_size.loc[close_position, 'INVH'] = 0

    order_size.loc[open_position, 'CSGP'] = 10
    order_size.loc[close_position, 'CSGP'] = 0

    # Execute at the next bar
    order_size = order_size.vbt.fshift(1)

    portfolio = vbt.Portfolio.from_orders(
            historical_close_prices,  # current close as reference price
            price=historical_open_prices,  # current open as execution price
            val_price=historical_close_prices.vbt.fshift(1),  # previous close as group valuation price
            cash_sharing=True,  # share capital between assets in the same group
            group_by=True,  # all columns belong to the same group
            call_seq='auto',  # sell before buying
            freq='d'  # index frequency for annualization
    return portfolio

portfolio = backtest('2022-09-02', '2022-10-31')


The following table represent the portfolio orders records:

Order Id Column Timestamp Size Price Fees Side
0 (PENN, PENN) 2022-09-06 31948.881789 31.66 0.0 Sell
1 (PVH, PVH) 2022-09-06 18321.729571 55.15 0.0 Sell
2 (INVH, INVH) 2022-09-06 27419.797094 38.20 0.0 Buy
3 (CSGP, CSGP) 2022-09-06 14106.361969 75.00 0.0 Buy
4 (CSGP, CSGP) 2022-11-01 14106.361969 83.70 0.0 Sell
5 (INVH, INVH) 2022-11-01 27419.797094 31.94 0.0 Sell
6 (PVH, PVH) 2022-11-01 18321.729571 52.95 0.0 Buy
7 (PENN, PENN) 2022-11-01 31948.881789 34.09 0.0 Buy

Experimentation findings

The following table shows Sharpe Ratios for various holding periods and two different trade entry points: announcement and effective dates.

Experimentation findings

The data suggests that the effective date is the most profitable entry point across most holding periods, whereas the announcement date is an effective entry point for short-term holding periods (5 calendar days, 2 business days). Because the results are obtained from testing a single event, this is not statistically significant to accept or reject a hypothesis that index rebalancing events can be used to generate consistent alpha. The infrastructure we used for our testing can be used to run the same experiment required to do hypothesis testing at scale, but index constituents data is not readily available.


In this post, we demonstrated how the use of backtesting and the Apache Iceberg tagging feature can provide valuable insights into the performance of index arbitrage profitability strategies. By using a scalable Amazon EMR on Amazon EKS stack, researchers can easily handle the entire investment research lifecycle, from data collection to backtesting. Additionally, the Iceberg tagging feature can help address the challenge of look-ahead bias, while also providing benefits such as data retention control for GDPR compliance and maintaining lineage of the table via different branches. The experiment findings demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach in evaluating the performance of index arbitrage strategies and can serve as a useful guide for researchers in the finance industry.

About the Authors

Boris Litvin is Principal Solution Architect, responsible for financial services industry innovation. He is a former Quant and FinTech founder, and is passionate about systematic investing.

Guy Bachar is a Solutions Architect at AWS, based in New York. He accompanies greenfield customers and helps them get started on their cloud journey with AWS. He is passionate about identity, security, and unified communications.

Noam Ouaknine is a Technical Account Manager at AWS, and is based in Florida. He helps enterprise customers develop and achieve their long-term strategy through technical guidance and proactive planning.

Sercan Karaoglu is Senior Solutions Architect, specialized in capital markets. He is a former data engineer and passionate about quantitative investment research.

Jack Ye is a software engineer in the Athena Data Lake and Storage team. He is an Apache Iceberg Committer and PMC member.

Amogh Jahagirdar is a Software Engineer in the Athena Data Lake team. He is an Apache Iceberg Committer.

Migrate from Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics for SQL Applications to Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics Studio

Post Syndicated from Nicholas Tunney original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/migrate-from-amazon-kinesis-data-analytics-for-sql-applications-to-amazon-kinesis-data-analytics-studio/

Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics makes it easy to transform and analyze streaming data in real time.

In this post, we discuss why AWS recommends moving from Kinesis Data Analytics for SQL Applications to Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink to take advantage of Apache Flink’s advanced streaming capabilities. We also show how to use Kinesis Data Analytics Studio to test and tune your analysis before deploying your migrated applications. If you don’t have any Kinesis Data Analytics for SQL applications, this post still provides a background on many of the use cases you’ll see in your data analytics career and how Amazon Data Analytics services can help you achieve your objectives.

Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink is a fully managed Apache Flink service. You only need to upload your application JAR or executable, and AWS will manage the infrastructure and Flink job orchestration. To make things simpler, Kinesis Data Analytics Studio is a notebook environment that uses Apache Flink and allows you to query data streams and develop SQL queries or proof of concept workloads before scaling your application to production in minutes.

We recommend that you use Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink or Kinesis Data Analytics Studio over Kinesis Data Analytics for SQL. This is because Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink and Kinesis Data Analytics Studio offer advanced data stream processing features, including exactly-once processing semantics, event time windows, extensibility using user-defined functions (UDFs) and custom integrations, imperative language support, durable application state, horizontal scaling, support for multiple data sources, and more. These are critical for ensuring accuracy, completeness, consistency, and reliability of data stream processing and are not available with Kinesis Data Analytics for SQL.

Solution overview

For our use case, we use several AWS services to stream, ingest, transform, and analyze sample automotive sensor data in real time using Kinesis Data Analytics Studio. Kinesis Data Analytics Studio allows us to create a notebook, which is a web-based development environment. With notebooks, you get a simple interactive development experience combined with the advanced capabilities provided by Apache Flink. Kinesis Data Analytics Studio uses Apache Zeppelin as the notebook, and uses Apache Flink as the stream processing engine. Kinesis Data Analytics Studio notebooks seamlessly combine these technologies to make advanced analytics on data streams accessible to developers of all skill sets. Notebooks are provisioned quickly and provide a way for you to instantly view and analyze your streaming data. Apache Zeppelin provides your Studio notebooks with a complete suite of analytics tools, including the following:

  • Data visualization
  • Exporting data to files
  • Controlling the output format for easier analysis
  • Ability to turn the notebook into a scalable, production application

Unlike Kinesis Data Analytics for SQL Applications, Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink adds the following SQL support:

  • Joining stream data between multiple Kinesis data streams, or between a Kinesis data stream and an Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) topic
  • Real-time visualization of transformed data in a data stream
  • Using Python scripts or Scala programs within the same application
  • Changing offsets of the streaming layer

Another benefit of Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink is the improved scalability of the solution once deployed, because you can scale the underlying resources to meet demand. In Kinesis Data Analytics for SQL Applications, scaling is performed by adding more pumps to persuade the application into adding more resources.

In our solution, we create a notebook to access automotive sensor data, enrich the data, and send the enriched output from the Kinesis Data Analytics Studio notebook to an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream for delivery to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) data lake. This pipeline could further be used to send data to Amazon OpenSearch Service or other targets for additional processing and visualization.

Kinesis Data Analytics for SQL Applications vs. Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink

In our example, we perform the following actions on the streaming data:

  1. Connect to an Amazon Kinesis Data Streams data stream.
  2. View the stream data.
  3. Transform and enrich the data.
  4. Manipulate the data with Python.
  5. Restream the data to a Firehose delivery stream.

To compare Kinesis Data Analytics for SQL Applications with Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink, let’s first discuss how Kinesis Data Analytics for SQL Applications works.

At the root of a Kinesis Data Analytics for SQL application is the concept of an in-application stream. You can think of the in-application stream as a table that holds the streaming data so you can perform actions on it. The in-application stream is mapped to a streaming source such as a Kinesis data stream. To get data into the in-application stream, first set up a source in the management console for your Kinesis Data Analytics for SQL application. Then, create a pump that reads data from the source stream and places it into the table. The pump query runs continuously and feeds the source data into the in-application stream. You can create multiple pumps from multiple sources to feed the in-application stream. Queries are then run on the in-application stream, and results can be interpreted or sent to other destinations for further processing or storage.

The following SQL demonstrates setting up an in-application stream and pump:

   "column1" BIGINT NOT NULL, 
   "column2" INTEGER, 
   "column3" VARCHAR(64));

SELECT STREAM inputcolumn1, 

Data can be read from the in-application stream using a SQL SELECT query:


When creating the same setup in Kinesis Data Analytics Studio, you use the underlying Apache Flink environment to connect to the streaming source, and create the data stream in one statement using a connector. The following example shows connecting to the same source we used before, but using Apache Flink:

   "column1" BIGINT NOT NULL, 
   "column2" INTEGER, 
   "column3" VARCHAR(64)
) WITH (
   'connector' = 'kinesis',
   'stream' = sample-kinesis-stream',
   'aws.region' = 'aws-kinesis-region',
   'scan.stream.initpos' = 'LATEST',
   'format' = 'json'

MY_TABLE is now a data stream that will continually receive the data from our sample Kinesis data stream. It can be queried using a SQL SELECT statement:

SELECT column1, 

Although Kinesis Data Analytics for SQL Applications use a subset of the SQL:2008 standard with extensions to enable operations on streaming data, Apache Flink’s SQL support is based on Apache Calcite, which implements the SQL standard.

It’s also important to mention that Kinesis Data Analytics Studio supports PyFlink and Scala alongside SQL within the same notebook. This allows you to perform complex, programmatic methods on your streaming data that aren’t possible with SQL.


During this exercise, we set up various AWS resources and perform analytics queries. To follow along, you need an AWS account with administrator access. If you don’t already have an AWS account with administrator access, create one now. The services outlined in this post may incur charges to your AWS account. Make sure to follow the cleanup instructions at the end of this post.

Configure streaming data

In the streaming domain, we’re often tasked with exploring, transforming, and enriching data coming from Internet of Things (IoT) sensors. To generate the real-time sensor data, we employ the AWS IoT Device Simulator. This simulator runs within your AWS account and provides a web interface that lets users launch fleets of virtually connected devices from a user-defined template and then simulate them to publish data at regular intervals to AWS IoT Core. This means we can build a virtual fleet of devices to generate sample data for this exercise.

We deploy the IoT Device Simulator using the following Amazon CloudFront template. It handles creating all the necessary resources in your account.

  1. On the Specify stack details page, assign a name to your solution stack.
  2. Under Parameters, review the parameters for this solution template and modify them as necessary.
  3. For User email, enter a valid email to receive a link and password to log in to the IoT Device Simulator UI.
  4. Choose Next.
  5. On the Configure stack options page, choose Next.
  6. On the Review page, review and confirm the settings. Select the check boxes acknowledging that the template creates AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) resources.
  7. Choose Create stack.

The stack takes about 10 minutes to install.

  1. When you receive your invitation email, choose the CloudFront link and log in to the IoT Device Simulator using the credentials provided in the email.

The solution contains a prebuilt automotive demo that we can use to begin delivering sensor data quickly to AWS.

  1. On the Device Type page, choose Create Device Type.
  2. Choose Automotive Demo.
  3. The payload is auto populated. Enter a name for your device, and enter automotive-topic as the topic.
  4. Choose Save.

Now we create a simulation.

  1. On the Simulations page, choose Create Simulation.
  2. For Simulation type, choose Automotive Demo.
  3. For Select a device type, choose the demo device you created.
  4. For Data transmission interval and Data transmission duration, enter your desired values.

You can enter any values you like, but use at least 10 devices transmitting every 10 seconds. You’ll want to set your data transmission duration to a few minutes, or you’ll need to restart your simulation several times during the lab.

  1. Choose Save.

Now we can run the simulation.

  1. On the Simulations page, select the desired simulation, and choose Start simulations.

Alternatively, choose View next to the simulation you want to run, then choose Start to run the simulation.

  1. To view the simulation, choose View next to the simulation you want to view.

If the simulation is running, you can view a map with the locations of the devices, and up to 100 of the most recent messages sent to the IoT topic.

We can now check to ensure our simulator is sending the sensor data to AWS IoT Core.

  1. Navigate to the AWS IoT Core console.

Make sure you’re in the same Region you deployed your IoT Device Simulator.

  1. In the navigation pane, choose MQTT Test Client.
  2. Enter the topic filter automotive-topic and choose Subscribe.

As long as you have your simulation running, the messages being sent to the IoT topic will be displayed.

Finally, we can set a rule to route the IoT messages to a Kinesis data stream. This stream will provide our source data for the Kinesis Data Analytics Studio notebook.

  1. On the AWS IoT Core console, choose Message Routing and Rules.
  2. Enter a name for the rule, such as automotive_route_kinesis, then choose Next.
  3. Provide the following SQL statement. This SQL will select all message columns from the automotive-topic the IoT Device Simulator is publishing:
SELECT timestamp, trip_id, VIN, brake, steeringWheelAngle, torqueAtTransmission, engineSpeed, vehicleSpeed, acceleration, parkingBrakeStatus, brakePedalStatus, transmissionGearPosition, gearLeverPosition, odometer, ignitionStatus, fuelLevel, fuelConsumedSinceRestart, oilTemp, location 
FROM 'automotive-topic' WHERE 1=1
  1. Choose Next.
  2. Under Rule Actions, select Kinesis Stream as the source.
  3. Choose Create New Kinesis Stream.

This opens a new window.

  1. For Data stream name, enter automotive-data.

We use a provisioned stream for this exercise.

  1. Choose Create Data Stream.

You may now close this window and return to the AWS IoT Core console.

  1. Choose the refresh button next to Stream name, and choose the automotive-data stream.
  2. Choose Create new role and name the role automotive-role.
  3. Choose Next.
  4. Review the rule properties, and choose Create.

The rule begins routing data immediately.

Set up Kinesis Data Analytics Studio

Now that we have our data streaming through AWS IoT Core and into a Kinesis data stream, we can create our Kinesis Data Analytics Studio notebook.

  1. On the Amazon Kinesis console, choose Analytics applications in the navigation pane.
  2. On the Studio tab, choose Create Studio notebook.
  3. Leave Quick create with sample code selected.
  4. Name the notebook automotive-data-notebook.
  5. Choose Create to create a new AWS Glue database in a new window.
  6. Choose Add database.
  7. Name the database automotive-notebook-glue.
  8. Choose Create.
  9. Return to the Create Studio notebook section.
  10. Choose refresh and choose your new AWS Glue database.
  11. Choose Create Studio notebook.
  12. To start the Studio notebook, choose Run and confirm.
  13. Once the notebook is running, choose the notebook and choose Open in Apache Zeppelin.
  14. Choose Import note.
  15. Choose Add from URL.
  16. Enter the following URL: https://aws-blogs-artifacts-public.s3.amazonaws.com/artifacts/BDB-2461/auto-notebook.ipynb.
  17. Choose Import Note.
  18. Open the new note.

Perform stream analysis

In a Kinesis Data Analytics for SQL application, we add our streaming course via the management console, and then define an in-application stream and pump to stream data from our Kinesis data stream. The in-application stream functions as a table to hold the data and make it available for us to query. The pump takes the data from our source and streams it to our in-application stream. Queries may then be run against the in-application stream using SQL, just as we’d query any SQL table. See the following code:

    `trip_id` CHAR(36),
    `VIN` CHAR(17),
    `brake` FLOAT,
    `steeringWheelAngle` FLOAT,
    `torqueAtTransmission` FLOAT,
    `engineSpeed` FLOAT,
    `vehicleSpeed` FLOAT,
    `acceleration` FLOAT,
    `parkingBrakeStatus` BOOLEAN,
    `brakePedalStatus` BOOLEAN,
    `transmissionGearPosition` VARCHAR(10),
    `gearLeverPosition` VARCHAR(10),
    `odometer` FLOAT,
    `ignitionStatus` VARCHAR(4),
    `fuelLevel` FLOAT,
    `fuelConsumedSinceRestart` FLOAT,
    `oilTemp` FLOAT,
    `location` VARCHAR(100),
    `timestamp` TIMESTAMP(3));


To migrate an in-application stream and pump from our Kinesis Data Analytics for SQL application to Kinesis Data Analytics Studio, we convert this into a single CREATE statement by removing the pump definition and defining a kinesis connector. The first paragraph in the Zeppelin notebook sets up a connector that is presented as a table. We can define columns for all items in the incoming message, or a subset.

Run the statement, and a success result is output in your notebook. We can now query this table using SQL, or we can perform programmatic operations with this data using PyFlink or Scala.

Before performing real-time analytics on the streaming data, let’s look at how the data is currently formatted. To do this, we run a simple Flink SQL query on the table we just created. The SQL used in our streaming application is identical to what is used in a SQL application.

Note that if you don’t see records after a few seconds, make sure that your IoT Device Simulator is still running.

If you’re also running the Kinesis Data Analytics for SQL code, you may see a slightly different result set. This is another key differentiator in Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink, because the latter has the concept of exactly once delivery. If this application is deployed to production and is restarted or if scaling actions occur, Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink ensures you only receive each message once, whereas in a Kinesis Data Analytics for SQL application, you need to further process the incoming stream to ensure you ignore repeat messages that could affect your results.

You can stop the current paragraph by choosing the pause icon. You may see an error displayed in your notebook when you stop the query, but it can be ignored. It’s just letting you know that the process was canceled.

Flink SQL implements the SQL standard, and provides an easy way to perform calculations on the stream data just like you would when querying a database table. A common task while enriching data is to create a new field to store a calculation or conversion (such as from Fahrenheit to Celsius), or create new data to provide simpler queries or improved visualizations downstream. Run the next paragraph to see how we can add a Boolean value named accelerating, which we can easily use in our sink to know if an automobile was currently accelerating at the time the sensor was read. The process here doesn’t differ between Kinesis Data Analytics for SQL and Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink.

You can stop the paragraph from running when you have inspected the new column, comparing our new Boolean value to the FLOAT acceleration column.

Data being sent from a sensor is usually compact to improve latency and performance. Being able to enrich the data stream with external data and enrich the stream, such as additional vehicle information or current weather data, can be very useful. In this example, let’s assume we want to bring in data currently stored in a CSV in Amazon S3, and add a column named color that reflects the current engine speed band.

Apache Flink SQL provides several source connectors for AWS services and other sources. Creating a new table like we did in our first paragraph but instead using the filesystem connector permits Flink to directly connect to Amazon S3 and read our source data. Previously in Kinesis Data Analytics for SQL Applications, you couldn’t add new references inline. Instead, you defined S3 reference data and added it to your application configuration, which you could then use as a reference in a SQL JOIN.

NOTE: If you are not using the us-east-1 region, you can download the csv and place the object your own S3 bucket.  Reference the csv file as s3a://<bucket-name>/<key-name>

Building on the last query, the next paragraph performs a SQL JOIN on our current data and the new lookup source table we created.

Now that we have an enriched data stream, we restream this data. In a real-world scenario, we have many choices on what to do with our data, such as sending the data to an S3 data lake, another Kinesis data stream for further analysis, or storing the data in OpenSearch Service for visualization. For simplicity, we send the data to Kinesis Data Firehose, which streams the data into an S3 bucket acting as our data lake.

Kinesis Data Firehose can stream data to Amazon S3, OpenSearch Service, Amazon Redshift data warehouses, and Splunk in just a few clicks.

Create the Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream

To create our delivery stream, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Kinesis Data Firehose console, choose Create delivery stream.
  2. Choose Direct PUT for the stream source and Amazon S3 as the target.
  3. Name your delivery stream automotive-firehose.
  4. Under Destination settings, create a new bucket or use an existing bucket.
  5. Take note of the S3 bucket URL.
  6. Choose Create delivery stream.

The stream takes a few seconds to create.

  1. Return to the Kinesis Data Analytics console and choose Streaming applications.
  2. On the Studio tab, and choose your Studio notebook.
  3. Choose the link under IAM role.
  4. In the IAM window, choose Add permissions and Attach policies.
  5. Search for and select AmazonKinesisFullAccess and CloudWatchFullAccess, then choose Attach policy.
  6. You may return to your Zeppelin notebook.

Stream data into Kinesis Data Firehose

As of Apache Flink v1.15, creating the connector to the Firehose delivery stream works similar to creating a connector to any Kinesis data stream. Note that there are two differences: the connector is firehose, and the stream attribute becomes delivery-stream.

After the connector is created, we can write to the connector like any SQL table.

To validate that we’re getting data through the delivery stream, open the Amazon S3 console and confirm you see files being created. Open the file to inspect the new data.

In Kinesis Data Analytics for SQL Applications, we would have created a new destination in the SQL application dashboard. To migrate an existing destination, you add a SQL statement to your notebook that defines the new destination right in the code. You can continue to write to the new destination as you would have with an INSERT while referencing the new table name.

Time data

Another common operation you can perform in Kinesis Data Analytics Studio notebooks is aggregation over a window of time. This sort of data can be used to send to another Kinesis data stream to identify anomalies, send alerts, or be stored for further processing. The next paragraph contains a SQL query that uses a tumbling window and aggregates total fuel consumed for the automotive fleet for 30-second periods. Like our last example, we could connect to another data stream and insert this data for further analysis.

Scala and PyFlink

There are times when a function you’d perform on your data stream is better written in a programming language instead of SQL, for both simplicity and maintenance. Some examples include complex calculations that SQL functions don’t support natively, certain string manipulations, the splitting of data into multiple streams, and interacting with other AWS services (such as text translation or sentiment analysis). Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink has the ability to use multiple Flink interpreters within the Zeppelin notebook, which is not available in Kinesis Data Analytics for SQL Applications.

If you have been paying close attention to our data, you’ll see that the location field is a JSON string. In Kinesis Data Analytics for SQL, we could use string functions and define a SQL function and break apart the JSON string. This is a fragile approach depending on the stability of the message data, but this could be improved with several SQL functions. The syntax for creating a function in Kinesis Data Analytics for SQL follows this pattern:

CREATE FUNCTION ''<function_name>'' ( ''<parameter_list>'' )
    RETURNS ''<data type>''
    [ SPECIFIC ''<specific_function_name>''  | [NOT] DETERMINISTIC ]
  RETURN ''<SQL-defined function body>''

In Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink, AWS recently upgraded the Apache Flink environment to v1.15, which extends Apache Flink SQL’s table SQL to add JSON functions that are similar to JSON Path syntax. This allows us to query the JSON string directly in our SQL. See the following code:

SELECT JSON_STRING(location, ‘$.latitude) AS latitude,
JSON_STRING(location, ‘$.longitude) AS longitude
FROM my_table

Alternatively, and required prior to Apache Flink v1.15, we can use Scala or PyFlink in our notebook to convert the field and restream the data. Both languages provide robust JSON string handling.

The following PyFlink code defines two user-defined functions, which extract the latitude and longitude from the location field of our message. These UDFs can then be invoked from using Flink SQL. We reference the environment variable st_env. PyFlink creates six variables for you in your Zeppelin notebook. Zeppelin also exposes a context for you as the variable z.

Errors can also happen when messages contain unexpected data. Kinesis Data Analytics for SQL Applications provides an in-application error stream. These errors can then be processed separately and restreamed or dropped. With PyFlink in Kinesis Data Analytics Streaming applications, you can write complex error-handling strategies and immediately recover and continue processing the data. When the JSON string is passed into the UDF, it may be malformed, incomplete, or empty. By catching the error in the UDF, Python will always return a value even if an error would have occurred.

The following sample code shows another PyFlink snippet that performs a division calculation on two fields. If a division-by-zero error is encountered, it provides a default value so the stream can continue processing the message.

@udf(input_types=[DataTypes.BIGINT()], result_type=DataTypes.BIGINT())
def DivideByZero(price):    
		price / 0        
		return -1
st_env.register_function("DivideByZero", DivideByZero)

Next steps

Building a pipeline as we’ve done in this post gives us the base for testing additional services in AWS. I encourage you to continue your streaming analytics learning before tearing down the streams you created. Consider the following:

Clean up

To clean up the services created in this exercise, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the CloudFormation Console and delete the IoT Device Simulator stack.
  2. On the AWS IoT Core console, choose Message Routing and Rules, and delete the rule automotive_route_kinesis.
  3. Delete the Kinesis data stream automotive-data in the Kinesis Data Stream console.
  4. Remove the IAM role automotive-role in the IAM Console.
  5. In the AWS Glue console, delete the automotive-notebook-glue database.
  6. Delete the Kinesis Data Analytics Studio notebook automotive-data-notebook.
  7. Delete the Firehose delivery stream automotive-firehose.


Thanks for following along with this tutorial on Kinesis Data Analytics Studio. If you’re currently using a legacy Kinesis Data Analytics Studio SQL application, I recommend you reach out to your AWS technical account manager or Solutions Architect and discuss migrating to Kinesis Data Analytics Studio. You can continue your learning path in our Amazon Kinesis Data Streams Developer Guide, and access our code samples on GitHub.

About the Author

Nicholas Tunney is a Partner Solutions Architect for Worldwide Public Sector at AWS. He works with global SI partners to develop architectures on AWS for clients in the government, nonprofit healthcare, utility, and education sectors.

Centralize near-real-time governance through alerts on Amazon Redshift data warehouses for sensitive queries

Post Syndicated from Rajdip Chaudhuri original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/centralize-near-real-time-governance-through-alerts-on-amazon-redshift-data-warehouses-for-sensitive-queries/

Amazon Redshift is a fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse service in the cloud that delivers powerful and secure insights on all your data with the best price-performance. With Amazon Redshift, you can analyze your data to derive holistic insights about your business and your customers. In many organizations, one or multiple Amazon Redshift data warehouses run daily for data and analytics purposes. Therefore, over time, multiple Data Definition Language (DDL) or Data Control Language (DCL) queries, such as CREATE, ALTER, DROP, GRANT, or REVOKE SQL queries, are run on the Amazon Redshift data warehouse, which are sensitive in nature because they could lead to dropping tables or deleting data, causing disruptions or outages. Tracking such user queries as part of the centralized governance of the data warehouse helps stakeholders understand potential risks and take prompt action to mitigate them following the operational excellence pillar of the AWS Data Analytics Lens. Therefore, for a robust governance mechanism, it’s crucial to alert or notify the database and security administrators on the kind of sensitive queries that are run on the data warehouse, so that prompt remediation actions can be taken if needed.

To address this, in this post we show you how you can automate near-real-time notifications over a Slack channel when certain queries are run on the data warehouse. We also create a simple governance dashboard using a combination of Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Athena, and Amazon QuickSight.

Solution overview

An Amazon Redshift data warehouse logs information about connections and user activities taking place in databases, which helps monitor the database for security and troubleshooting purposes. These logs can be stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets or Amazon CloudWatch. Amazon Redshift logs information in the following log files, and this solution is based on using an Amazon Redshift audit log to CloudWatch as a destination:

  • Connection log – Logs authentication attempts, connections, and disconnections
  • User log – Logs information about changes to database user definitions
  • User activity log – Logs each query before it’s run on the database

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

Solution Architecture

The solution workflow consists of the following steps:

  1. Audit logging is enabled in each Amazon Redshift data warehouse to capture the user activity log in CloudWatch.
  2. Subscription filters on CloudWatch capture the required DDL and DCL commands by providing filter criteria.
  3. The subscription filter triggers an AWS Lambda function for pattern matching.
  4. The Lambda function processes the event data and sends the notification over a Slack channel using a webhook.
  5. The Lambda function stores the data in a DynamoDB table over which a simple dashboard is built using Athena and QuickSight.


Before starting the implementation, make sure the following requirements are met:

  • You have an AWS account.
  • The AWS Region used for this post is us-east-1. However, this solution is relevant in any other Region where the necessary AWS services are available.
  • Permissions to create Slack a workspace.

Create and configure an Amazon Redshift cluster

To set up your cluster, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a provisioned Amazon Redshift data warehouse.

For this post, we use three Amazon Redshift data warehouses: demo-cluster-ou1, demo-cluster-ou2, and demo-cluster-ou3. In this post, all the Amazon Redshift data warehouses are provisioned clusters. However, the same solution applies for Amazon Redshift Serverless.

  1. To enable audit logging with CloudWatch as the log delivery destination, open an Amazon Redshift cluster and go to the Properties tab.
  2. On the Edit menu, choose Edit audit logging.

Redshift edit audit logging

  1. Select Turn on under Configure audit logging.
  2. Select CloudWatch for Log export type.
  3. Select all three options for User log, Connection log, and User activity log.
  4. Choose Save changes.

  1. Create a parameter group for the clusters with enable_user_activity_logging set as true for each of the clusters.
  2. Modify the cluster to attach the new parameter group to the Amazon Redshift cluster.

For this post, we create three custom parameter groups: custom-param-grp-1, custom-param-grp-2, and custom-param-grp-3 for three clusters.

Note, if you enable only the audit logging feature, but not the associated parameter, the database audit logs log information for only the connection log and user log, but not for the user activity log.

  1. On the CloudWatch console, choose Log groups under Logs in the navigation pane.
  2. Search for /aws/redshift/cluster/demo.

This will show all the log groups created for the Amazon Redshift clusters.

Create a DynamoDB audit table

To create your audit table, complete the following steps:

  1. On the DynamoDB console, choose Tables in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create table.
  3. For Table name, enter demo_redshift_audit_logs.
  4. For Partition key, enter partKey with the data type as String.

  1. Keep the table settings as default.
  2. Choose Create table.

Create Slack resources

Slack Incoming Webhooks expect a JSON request with a message string corresponding to a "text" key. They also support message customization, such as adding a user name and icon, or overriding the webhook’s default channel. For more information, see Sending messages using Incoming Webhooks on the Slack website.

The following resources are created for this post:

  • A Slack workspace named demo_rc
  • A channel named #blog-demo in the newly created Slack workspace
  • A new Slack app in the Slack workspace named demo_redshift_ntfn (using the From Scratch option)
  • Note down the Incoming Webhook URL, which will be used in this post for sending the notifications

Create an IAM role and policy

In this section, we create an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy that will be attached to an IAM role. The role is then used to grant a Lambda function access to a DynamoDB table. The policy also includes permissions to allow the Lambda function to write log files to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.

  1. On the IAM console, choose Policies in navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create policy.
  3. In the Create policy section, choose the JSON tab and enter the following IAM policy. Make sure you replace your AWS account ID in the policy (replace XXXXXXXX with your AWS account ID).
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "ReadWriteTable",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Sid": "WriteLogStreamsAndGroups",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:logs:*:XXXXXXXX:log-group:*"
  1. Choose Next: Tags, then choose Next: Review.
  2. Provide the policy name demo_post_policy and choose Create policy.

To apply demo_post_policy to a Lambda function, you first have to attach the policy to an IAM role.

  1. On the IAM console, choose Roles in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create role.
  3. Select AWS service and then select Lambda.
  4. Choose Next.

  1. On the Add permissions page, search for demo_post_policy.
  2. Select demo_post_policy from the list of returned search results, then choose Next.

  1. On the Review page, enter demo_post_role for the role and an appropriate description, then choose Create role.

Create a Lambda function

We create a Lambda function with Python 3.9. In the following code, replace the slack_hook parameter with the Slack webhook you copied earlier:

import gzip
import base64
import json
import boto3
import uuid
import re
import urllib3

http = urllib3.PoolManager()
dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb')
table = dynamodb.Table("demo_redshift_audit_logs")
slack_hook = "https://hooks.slack.com/services/xxxxxxx"

def exe_wrapper(data):
    cluster_name = (data['logStream'])
    for event in data['logEvents']:
        message = event['message']
        reg = re.match(r"'(?P<ts>\d{4}-\d\d-\d\dT\d\d:\d\d:\d\dZ).*?\bdb=(?P<db>\S*).*?\buser=(?P<user>\S*).*?LOG:\s+(?P<query>.*?);?$", message)
        if reg is not None:
            filter = reg.groupdict()
            ts = filter['ts']
            db = filter['db']
            user = filter['user']
            query = filter['query']
            query_type = ' '.join((query.split(" "))[0 : 2]).upper()
            object = query.split(" ")[2]
def put_dynamodb(timestamp,cluster,database,user,sql,query_type,object,event):
    table.put_item(Item = {
        'partKey': str(uuid.uuid4()),
        'redshiftCluster': cluster,
        'sqlTimestamp' : timestamp,
        'databaseName' : database,
        'userName': user,
        'sqlQuery': sql,
        'queryType' : query_type,
        'objectName': object,
        'rawData': event
def slack_api(cluster,database,user,sql,query_type,object):
    payload = {
	'channel': '#blog-demo',
	'username': 'demo_redshift_ntfn',
	'blocks': [{
			'type': 'section',
			'text': {
				'type': 'mrkdwn',
				'text': 'Detected *{}* command\n *Affected Object*: `{}`'.format(query_type, object)
			'type': 'divider'
			'type': 'section',
			'fields': [{
					'type': 'mrkdwn',
					'text': ':desktop_computer: *Cluster Name:*\n{}'.format(cluster)
					'type': 'mrkdwn',
					'text': ':label: *Query Type:*\n{}'.format(query_type)
					'type': 'mrkdwn',
					'text': ':card_index_dividers: *Database Name:*\n{}'.format(database)
					'type': 'mrkdwn',
					'text': ':technologist: *User Name:*\n{}'.format(user)
			'type': 'section',
			'text': {
				'type': 'mrkdwn',
				'text': ':page_facing_up: *SQL Query*\n ```{}```'.format(sql)
    encoded_msg = json.dumps(payload).encode('utf-8')
    resp = http.request('POST',slack_hook, body=encoded_msg)

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    print(f'Logging Event: {event}')
    print(f"Awslog: {event['awslogs']}")
    encoded_zipped_data = event['awslogs']['data']
    print(f'data: {encoded_zipped_data}')
    print(f'type: {type(encoded_zipped_data)}')
    zipped_data = base64.b64decode(encoded_zipped_data)
    data = json.loads(gzip.decompress(zipped_data))

Create your function with the following steps:

  1. On the Lambda console, choose Create function.
  2. Select Author from scratch and for Function name, enter demo_function.
  3. For Runtime, choose Python 3.9.
  4. For Execution role, select Use an existing role and choose demo_post_role as the IAM role.
  5. Choose Create function.

  1. On the Code tab, enter the preceding Lambda function and replace the Slack webhook URL.
  2. Choose Deploy.

Create a CloudWatch subscription filter

We need to create the CloudWatch subscription filter on the useractivitylog log group created by the Amazon Redshift clusters.

  1. On the CloudWatch console, navigate to the log group /aws/redshift/cluster/demo-cluster-ou1/useractivitylog.
  2. On the Subscription filters tab, on the Create menu, choose Create Lambda subscription filter.

  1. Choose demo_function as the Lambda function.
  2. For Log format, choose Other.
  3. Provide the subscription filter pattern as ?create ?alter ?drop ?grant ?revoke.
  4. Provide the filter name as Sensitive Queries demo-cluster-ou1.
  5. Test the filter by selecting the actual log stream. If it has any queries with a match pattern, then you can see some results. For testing, use the following pattern and choose Test pattern.
'2023-04-02T04:18:43Z UTC [ db=dev user=awsuser pid=100 userid=100 xid=100 ]' LOG: alter table my_table alter column string type varchar(16);
'2023-04-02T04:06:08Z UTC [ db=dev user=awsuser pid=100 userid=100 xid=200 ]' LOG: create user rs_user with password '***';

  1. Choose Start streaming.

  1. Repeat the same steps for /aws/redshift/cluster/demo-cluster-ou2/useractivitylog and /aws/redshift/cluster/demo-cluster-ou3/useractivitylog by giving unique subscription filter names.
  2. Complete the preceding steps to create a second subscription filter for each of the Amazon Redshift data warehouses with the filter pattern ?CREATE ?ALTER ?DROP ?GRANT ?REVOKE, ensuring uppercase SQL commands are also captured through this solution.

Test the solution

In this section, we test the solution in the three Amazon Redshift clusters that we created in the previous steps and check for the notifications of the commands on the Slack channel as per the CloudWatch subscription filters as well as data getting ingested in the DynamoDB table. We use the following commands to test the solution; however, this is not restricted to these commands only. You can check with other DDL commands as per the filter criteria in your Amazon Redshift cluster.

create schema sales;
create schema marketing;
create table dev.public.demo_test_table_1  (id int, string varchar(10));
create table dev.public.demo_test_table_2  (empid int, empname varchar(100));
alter table dev.public.category alter column catdesc type varchar(65);
drop table dev.public.demo_test_table_1;
drop table dev.public.demo_test_table_2;

In the Slack channel, details of the notifications look like the following screenshot.

To get the results in DynamoDB, complete the following steps:

  1. On the DynamoDB console, choose Explore items under Tables in the navigation pane.
  2. In the Tables pane, select demo_redshift_audit_logs.
  3. Select Scan and Run to get the results in the table.

Athena federation over the DynamoDB table

The Athena DynamoDB connector enables Athena to communicate with DynamoDB so that you can query your tables with SQL. As part of the prerequisites for this, deploy the connector to your AWS account using the Athena console or the AWS Serverless Application Repository. For more details, refer to Deploying a data source connector or Using the AWS Serverless Application Repository to deploy a data source connector. For this post, we use the Athena console.

  1. On the Athena console, under Administration in the navigation pane, choose Data sources.
  2. Choose Create data source.

  1. Select the data source as Amazon DynamoDB, then choose Next.

  1. For Data source name, enter dynamo_db.
  2. For Lambda function, choose Create Lambda function to open a new window with the Lambda console.

  1. Under Application settings, enter the following information:
    • For Application name, enter AthenaDynamoDBConnector.
    • For SpillBucket, enter the name of an S3 bucket.
    • For AthenaCatalogName, enter dynamo.
    • For DisableSpillEncryption, enter false.
    • For LambdaMemory, enter 3008.
    • For LambdaTimeout, enter 900.
    • For SpillPrefix, enter athena-spill-dynamo.

  1. Select I acknowledge that this app creates custom IAM roles and choose Deploy.
  2. Wait for the function to deploy, then return to the Athena window and choose the refresh icon next to Lambda function.
  3. Select the newly deployed Lambda function and choose Next.

  1. Review the information and choose Create data source.
  2. Navigate back to the query editor, then choose dynamo_db for Data source and default for Database.
  3. Run the following query in the editor to check the sample data:
SELECT partkey,
FROM dynamo_db.default.demo_redshift_audit_logs limit 10;

Visualize the data in QuickSight

In this section, we create a simple governance dashboard in QuickSight using Athena in direct query mode to query the record set, which is persistently stored in a DynamoDB table.

  1. Sign up for QuickSight on the QuickSight console.
  2. Select Amazon Athena as a resource.
  3. Choose Lambda and select the Lambda function created for DynamoDB federation.

  1. Create a new dataset in QuickSight with Athena as the source.
  2. Provide the name of the data source name as demo_blog.
  3. Choose dynamo_db for Catalog, default for Database, and demo_redshift_audit_logs for Table.
  4. Choose Edit/Preview data.

  1. Choose String in the sqlTimestamp column and choose Date.

  1. In the dialog box that appears, enter the data format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZ.
  2. Choose Validate and Update.

  2. Choose Interactive sheet and choose CREATE.

This will take you to the visualization page to create the analysis on QuickSight.

  1. Create a governance dashboard with the appropriate visualization type.

Refer to the Amazon QuickSight learning videos in QuickSight community for basic to advanced level of authoring. The following screenshot is a sample visualization created on this data.

Clean up

Clean up your resources with the following steps:

  1. Delete all the Amazon Redshift clusters.
  2. Delete the Lambda function.
  3. Delete the CloudWatch log groups for Amazon Redshift and Lambda.
  4. Delete the Athena data source for DynamoDB.
  5. Delete the DynamoDB table.


Amazon Redshift is a powerful, fully managed data warehouse that can offer significantly increased performance and lower cost in the cloud. In this post, we discussed a pattern to implement a governance mechanism to identify and notify sensitive DDL/DCL queries on an Amazon Redshift data warehouse, and created a quick dashboard to enable the DBA and security team to take timely and prompt action as required. Additionally, you can extend this solution to include DDL commands used for Amazon Redshift data sharing across clusters.

Operational excellence is a critical part of the overall data governance on creating a modern data architecture, as it’s a great enabler to drive our customers’ business. Ideally, any data governance implementation is a combination of people, process, and technology that organizations use to ensure the quality and security of their data throughout its lifecycle. Use these instructions to set up your automated notification mechanism as sensitive queries are detected as well as create a quick dashboard on QuickSight to track the activities over time.

About the Authors

Rajdip Chaudhuri is a Senior Solutions Architect with Amazon Web Services specializing in data and analytics. He enjoys working with AWS customers and partners on data and analytics requirements. In his spare time, he enjoys soccer and movies.

Dhiraj Thakur is a Solutions Architect with Amazon Web Services. He works with AWS customers and partners to provide guidance on enterprise cloud adoption, migration, and strategy. He is passionate about technology and enjoys building and experimenting in the analytics and AI/ML space.