Tag Archives: Amazon Athena

New – Export Amazon DynamoDB Table Data to Your Data Lake in Amazon S3, No Code Writing Required

Post Syndicated from Alex Casalboni original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-export-amazon-dynamodb-table-data-to-data-lake-amazon-s3/

Hundreds of thousands of AWS customers have chosen Amazon DynamoDB for mission-critical workloads since its launch in 2012. DynamoDB is a nonrelational managed database that allows you to store a virtually infinite amount of data and retrieve it with single-digit-millisecond performance at any scale. To get the most value out of this data, customers had […]

Handling data erasure requests in your data lake with Amazon S3 Find and Forget

Post Syndicated from Chris Deigan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/handling-data-erasure-requests-in-your-data-lake-with-amazon-s3-find-and-forget/

Data lakes are a popular choice for organizations to store data around their business activities. Best practice design of data lakes impose that data is immutable once stored, but new regulations such as the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), and others have created new obligations that operators now need to be able to erase private data from their data lake when requested.

When asked to erase an individual’s private data, as a data lake operator you have to find all the objects in your Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets that contain data relating to that individual. This can be complex because data lakes contain many S3 objects (each of which may contain multiple rows), as shown in the following diagram. You often can’t predict which objects contain data relating to an individual, so you need to check each object. For example, if the user mary34 asks to be removed, you need to check each object to determine if it contains data relating to mary34. This is the first challenge operators face: identifying which objects contain data of interest.

After you identify objects containing data of interest, you face a second challenge: you need to retrieve the object from the S3 bucket, remove relevant rows from the file, put a new version of the object into S3, and make sure you delete any older versions.

Locating and removing data manually can be time-consuming and prone to mistakes, considering the large number of objects typically in data lakes.

Amazon S3 Find and Forget solves these challenges with ready-to-use automations. It allows you to remove records from data lakes of any size that are in AWS Glue Data Catalog. The solution includes a web user interface that you can use and an API that you can use to integrate with your own applications.

Solution overview

Amazon S3 Find and Forget enables you to find and delete records automatically in data lakes on Amazon S3. Using the solution, you can:

  • Define which tables from your AWS Glue Data Catalog contain data you want to erase
  • Manage a queue of identifiers (such as unique customer identifiers) to erase
  • Erase rows from your data lake matching the queued record identifiers
  • Access a log of all actions taken by the solution

You can use Amazon S3 Find and Forget to work with data lakes stored on Amazon S3 in a supported file format.

The solution is developed and distributed as open-source software that you deploy and run inside your own AWS account. When deploying this solution, you only pay for the AWS services consumed to run it. We recommend reviewing the Cost Estimate guide and creating Amazon CloudWatch Billing Alarms to monitor charges before deploying the solution in your own account.

When you handle requests to remove data, you add the identifiers through the web interface or API to a Deletion Queue. The identifiers remain in the queue until you start a Deletion Job. The Deletion Job processes the queue and removes matching rows from objects in your data lake.

Where your requirements allow it, batching deletions can provide significant cost savings by minimizing the number of times the data lake needs to be re-scanned and processed. For example, you could start a Deletion Job once a week to process all requests received in the preceding week.

Solution demonstration

This section provides a demonstration of using Amazon S3 Find and Forget’s main features. To deploy the solution in your own account, refer to the User Guide.

For this demonstration, I have prepared in advance:

The first step is to deploy the solution using AWS CloudFormation by following the instructions in the User Guide. The CloudFormation stack can take 20-30 minutes to deploy depending on the options chosen when deploying.

Once deployed, I visit the web user interface by going to the address in the WebUIUrl CloudFormation stack output. Using a temporary password emailed to the address I provided in my CloudFormation parameters, I login and set a password for future use. I then see a dashboard with some base metrics for my Amazon S3 Find and Forget deployment:

I now need to create a Data Mapper so that Amazon S3 Find and Forget can find my data lake. To do this, I select Data Mappers, then Create Data Mapper:

On this screen, I give my Data Mapper a name, choose the AWS Glue database and table in my account that I want to operate on, and the columns that I want my deletions to match. In this demonstration, I’m using a copy of the Amazon Customer Reviews Dataset that I copied to my own S3 bucket. I’ll be using the customer_id column to remove data. In the dataset, this field contains a unique identifier for each customer who has created a product review.

I then specify the IAM role to be used when modifying the objects in S3. I also choose whether I want the old S3 object versions to be deleted for me. I can turn this off if I want to implement my own strategy to manage deleting old object versions, such as by using S3 lifecycle policies.

After choosing Create Data Mapper the Data Mapper is created, and I am prompted to grant permissions for S3 Find and Forget to operate in my bucket. In the Data Mapper list, I select my new Data Mapper, then choose Generate Access Policies. The interface displays a sample bucket policy that I copy and paste into the bucket policy for my S3 bucket in the AWS Management Console.

With the Data Mapper set up, I’m now able to add the customers who have requested to have their data deleted to the Deletion Queue. Using their Customer IDs, I go to the Deletion Queue section and select Add Match to the Deletion Queue.

I’ve chosen to delete from all the available Data Mappers, but I can also choose specific ones. Once I’ve added my matches, I can see a list of them on Deletion Queue page:

I can now run a deletion job that will cause the matches to be deleted from the data lake. To do this, I select Deletion Jobs then Start a Deletion Job.

After a few minutes the Deletion Job completes, and I can see metrics collected during the job including that the job took just over two-and-a-half minutes:

There is an Export to JSON option that includes all the metrics shown, more granular information about the Deletion Job, and which S3 objects were modified.

At this point the Deletion Queue is empty, and ready for me to use for future requests.

Solution design

This section includes a brief introduction to how the solution works. More comprehensive design documentation is available in the Amazon S3 Find and Forget GitHub repository.

The following diagram illustrates the architecture of this solution.

Amazon S3 Find and Forget uses AWS Serverless services to optimize for cost and scalability. The user interface and API are built using Amazon S3, Amazon Cognito, AWS Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB, and Amazon API Gateway, which automatically scale down when not in use so that there is no expensive baseline cost just for having the solution installed. These AWS services are always available and scale in concert with when the solution is used with a pay-for-what-you-use price model.

The Deletion Job workflow is coordinated using AWS Step Functions, Lambda, and Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS). The solution uses Step Functions for high-level coordination and state tracking in the workflow, Lambda functions for discrete computation tasks, and Amazon SQS to store queues of repetitive work.

A deletion job has two phases: Find and Forget. In the Find phase, the solution uses Amazon Athena to scan the data lake for objects containing rows matching the identifiers in the deletion queue. For this to work at scale, we built a query planner Lambda function that uses the partition list in the AWS Glue Data Catalog for each data mapper to run an Athena query on each partition, returning the path to S3 objects that contain matches with the identifiers in the Deletion Queue. The object keys are then added to an SQS queue that we refer to as the Object Deletion Queue.

In the Forget phase, deletion workers are started as a service running on AWS Fargate. These workers process each object in the Object Deletion Queue by downloading the objects from the S3 bucket into memory, deleting the rows that contain matched identifiers, then putting a new version of the object to the S3 bucket using the same key. By default, older versions of the object are then deleted from the S3 bucket to make the deletion irreversible. You can alternatively disable this feature to implement your own strategy for deleting old object versions, such as by using an S3 Lifecycle policy.

Note that during the Forget phase, affected S3 objects are replaced at the time they are processed and are subject to the Amazon S3 data consistency model. We recommend that you avoid running a Deletion Job in parallel to a workload that reads from the data lake unless it has been designed to handle temporary inconsistencies between objects.

When the object deletion queue is empty, the Forget phase is complete and a final status is determined for the Deletion Job based on whether any errors occurred (for example, due to missing permissions for S3 objects).

Logs are generated for all actions throughout the Deletion Job, which you can use for reporting or troubleshooting. These are stored in DynamoDB, along with other persistent data including the Data Mappers and Deletion Queue.


In this post, we introduced the Amazon S3 Find and Forget solution, which assists data lake operators to handle data erasure requests they may receive pursuant to regulations such as GDPR, CCPA, and others. We then described features of the solution and how to use it for a basic use case.

You can get started today by deploying the solution from the GitHub repository, where you can also find more documentation of how the solution works, its features, and limits. We are continuing to develop the solution and welcome you to send feedback, feature requests, or questions through GitHub Issues.


About the Authors

Chris Deigan is an AWS Solution Engineer in London, UK. Chris works with AWS Solution Architects to create standardized tools, code samples, demonstrations, and quick starts.




Matteo Figus is an AWS Solution Engineer based in the UK. Matteo works with the AWS Solution Architects to create standardized tools, code samples, demonstrations and quickstarts. He is passionate about open-source software and in his spare time he likes to cook and play the piano.




Nick Lee is an AWS Solution Engineer based in the UK. Nick works with the AWS Solution Architects to create standardized tools, code samples, demonstrations and quickstarts. In his spare time he enjoys playing football and squash, and binge-watching TV shows.




Adir Sharabi is a Solutions Architect with Amazon Web Services. He works with AWS customers to help them architect secure, resilient, scalable and high performance applications in the cloud. He is also passionate about Data and helping customers to get the most out of it.




Cristina Fuia is a Specialist Solutions Architect for Analytics at AWS. She works with customers across EMEA helping them to solve complex problems, design and build data architectures so that they can get business value from analyzing their data.


Extracting and joining data from multiple data sources with Athena Federated Query

Post Syndicated from Saurabh Bhutyani original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/extracting-and-joining-data-from-multiple-data-sources-with-athena-federated-query/

With modern day architectures, it’s common to have data sitting in various data sources. We need proper tools and technologies across those sources to create meaningful insights from stored data. Amazon Athena is primarily used as an interactive query service that makes it easy to analyze unstructured, semi-structured, and structured data stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) using standard SQL. With the federated query functionality in Athena, you can now run SQL queries across data stored in relational, non-relational, object, and custom data sources and store the results back in Amazon S3 for further analysis.

The goals for this series of posts are to discuss how we can configure different connectors to run federated queries with complex joins across different data sources, how to configure a user-defined function for redacting sensitive information when running Athena queries, and how we can use machine learning (ML) inference to detect anomaly detection in datasets to help developers, big data architects, data engineers, and business analysts in their daily operational routines.

Athena Federated Query

Athena uses data source connectors that run on AWS Lambda to run federated queries. A data source connector is a piece of code that translates between your target data source and Athena. You can think of a connector as an extension of Athena’s query engine. Prebuilt Athena data source connectors exist for data sources like Amazon CloudWatch Logs, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon DocumentDB, Amazon Elasticsearch Service (Amazon ES), Amazon ElastiCache for Redis, and JDBC-compliant relational data sources such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Amazon RedShift under the Apache 2.0 license. You can also use the Athena Query Federation SDK to write custom connectors. After you deploy data source connectors, the connector is associated with a catalog name that you can specify in your SQL queries. You can combine SQL statements from multiple catalogs and span multiple data sources with a single query.

When a query is submitted against a data source, Athena invokes the corresponding connector to identify parts of the tables that need to be read, manages parallelism, and pushes down filter predicates. Based on the user submitting the query, connectors can provide or restrict access to specific data elements. Connectors use Apache Arrow as the format for returning data requested in a query, which enables connectors to be implemented in languages such as C, C++, Java, Python, and Rust. Because connectors run in Lambda, you can use them to access data from any data source on the cloud or on premises that is accessible from Lambda.

The first post of this series discusses how to configure Athena Federated Query connectors and use them to run federated queries for data residing in HBase on Amazon EMR, Amazon Aurora MySQL, DynamoDB, and ElastiCache for Redis databases.

Test data

To demonstrate Athena federation capabilities, we use the TPCH sample dataset. TPCH is a decision support benchmark and has broad industry-wide relevance. This benchmark illustrates decision support systems that examine large volumes of data, run queries with a high degree of complexity, and give answers to critical business questions. For our use case, imagine a hypothetical ecommerce company with the following architecture:

  • Lineitems processing records stored in HBase on Amazon EMR to meet requirements for a write-optimized data store with high transaction rate and long-term durability
  • ElastiCache for Redis stores Nations and ActiveOrders tables so that the processing engine can get fast access to them
  • An Aurora with MySQL engine is used for Orders, Customer, and Suppliers accounts data like email addresses and shipping addresses
  • DynamoDB hosts Part and Partsupp data, because DynamoDB offers high flexibility and high performance

The following diagram shows a schematic view of the TPCH tables and their associated data stores.

Building a test environment using AWS CloudFormation

Before following along with this post, you need to create the required AWS resources in your account. To do this, we have provided you with an AWS CloudFormation template to create a stack that contains the required resources: the sample TPCH database on Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS), HBase on Amazon EMR, Amazon ElastiCache for Redis, and DynamoDB.

The template also creates the AWS Glue database and tables, S3 bucket, Amazon S3 VPC endpoint, AWS Glue VPC endpoint, Athena named queries, AWS Cloud9 IDE, an Amazon SageMaker notebook instance, and other AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) resources that we use to implement the federated query, user-defined functions (UDFs), and ML inference functions.

This template is designed only to show how you can use Athena Federated Query, UDFs, and ML inference. This setup isn’t intended for production use without modification. Additionally, the template is created for use in the us-east-1 Region, and doesn’t work in other Regions.

Before launching the stack, you must have the following prerequisites:

  • An AWS account that provides access to AWS services
  • An IAM user with an access key and secret key to configure the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), and permissions to create an IAM role, IAM policies, and stacks in AWS CloudFormation

To create your resources, complete the following steps:

  1. Choose Launch Stack:
  2. Select I acknowledge that this template may create IAM resources.

This template creates resources that incur costs while they remain in use. Follow the cleanup steps at the end of this post to delete and clean up the resources to avoid any unnecessary charges.

  1. When the CloudFormation template is complete, record the outputs listed on the Outputs tab on the AWS CloudFormation console.

The CloudFormation stack takes approximately 20–30 minutes to complete. Check the AWS CloudFormation console and wait for the status CREATE_COMPLETE.

When stack creation is complete, your AWS account has all the required resources to implement this solution.

  1. On the Outputs tab of the Athena-Federation-Workshop stack, capture the following:
    1. S3Bucket
    2. Subnets
    3. WorkshopSecurityGroup
    4. EMRSecurityGroup
    5. HbaseConnectionString
    6. RDSConnectionString

You need all this information when setting up connectors.

  1. When the stacks are complete, check the status of the Amazon EMR steps on the Amazon EMR console.

It can take up to 15 minutes for this step to complete.

Deploying connectors and connecting to data sources

Preparing to create federated queries is a two-part process: deploying a Lambda function data source connector, and connecting the Lambda function to a data source. In the first part, you give the Lambda function a name that you can later choose on the Athena console. In the second part, you give the connector a name that you can reference in your SQL queries.

We want to query different data sources, so in the following sections we set up Lambda connectors for HBase on Amazon EMR, Aurora MySQL, DynamoDB, and Redis before we start creating complex joins across data sources using Athena federated queries. The following diagram shows the architecture of our environment.

Installing the Athena JDBC connector for Aurora MySQL

The Athena JDBC connector supports the following databases:

  • MySQL
  • PostGreSQL
  • Amazon Redshift

To install the Athena JDBC connector for Aurora MySQL, complete the following steps:

  1. In your AWS account, search for serverless application repository.
  2. Choose Available applications.
  3. Make sure that Show apps that create custom IAM roles or resource policies is selected.
  4. Search for athena federation.
  5. Locate and choose AthenaJdbcConnector.
  6. Provide the following values:
    1. Application name – Leave it as default name, AthenaJdbcConnector.
    2. SecretNamePrefix – Enter AthenaJdbcFederation.
    3. SpillBucket – Enter the S3Bucket value from the AWS CloudFormation outputs.
    4. DefaultConnectionString – Enter the RDSConnectionString value from the AWS CloudFormation outputs.
    5. DisableSpillEncryption – Leave it as the default value false.
    6. LambdaFunctionName – Enter mysql.
    7. LambdaMemory – Leave it as the default value 3008.
    8. LambdaTimeout – Leave it as the default value 900.
    9. SecurityGroupIds – Enter the WorkshopSecurityGroup value from the AWS CloudFormation outputs.
    10. SpillPrefix – Change the default value to athena-spill/jdbc.
    11. SubnetIds – Enter the Subnets value from the AWS CloudFormation outputs.
  7. Select I acknowledge that this app creates custom IAM roles.
  8. Choose Deploy.

This deploys the Athena JDBC connector for Aurora MySQL; you can refer to this Lambda function in your queries as lambda:mysql.

For more information about the Athena JDBC connector, see the GitHub repo.

Installing the Athena DynamoDB connector

To install Athena DynamoDB Connector, complete the following steps:

  1. In your AWS account, search for serverless application repository.
  2. Choose Available applications.
  3. Make sure that Show apps that create custom IAM roles or resource policies is selected.
  4. Search for athena federation.
  5. Locate and choose AthenaDynamoDBConnector.
  6. Provide the following values:
    1. Application name – Leave it as default name AthenaDynamoDBConnector.
    2. SpillBucket – Enter the S3Bucket value from the AWS CloudFormation outputs.
    3. AthenaCatalogName – Enter dynamo.
    4. DisableSpillEncryption – Leave it as the default value false.
    5. LambdaMemory – Leave it as the default value 3008.
    6. LambdaTimeout – Leave it as the default value 900.
    7. SpillPrefix – Enter athena-spill-dynamo.
  7. Select I acknowledge that this app creates custom IAM roles.
  8. Choose Deploy.

This deploys Athena DynamoDB connector; you can refer to this Lambda function in your queries as lambda:dynamo.

For more information about the Athena DynamoDB connector, see the GitHub repo.

Installing the Athena HBase connector

To install the Athena HBase connector, complete the following steps:

  1. In your AWS account, search for serverless application repository.
  2. Choose Available applications.
  3. Make sure that Show apps that create custom IAM roles or resource policies is selected.
  4. Search for athena federation.
  5. Locate and choose AthenaHBaseConnector.
  6. Provide the following values:
    1. Application name – Leave it as default name AthenaHBaseConnector
    2. SecretNamePrefix – Enter hbase-*.
    3. SpillBucket – Enter the S3Bucket value from the AWS CloudFormation outputs.
    4. AthenaCatalogName – Enter hbase.
    5. DisableSpillEncryption – Leave it as the default value false.
    6. DefaultConnectionString – Enter the HbaseConnectionString value from the AWS CloudFormation outputs.
    7. LambdaMemory – Leave it as the default value of 3008.
    8. LambdaTimeout – Leave it as the default value of 900.
    9. SecurityGroupIds – Enter the EMRSecurityGroup value from the AWS CloudFormation outputs.
    10. SpillPrefix – Enter athena-spill-hbase.
    11. SubnetIds – Enter the Subnets value from the AWS CloudFormation outputs.
  7. Select I acknowledge that this app creates custom IAM roles.
  8. Choose Deploy.

This deploys the Athena HBase connector; you can refer to this Lambda function in your queries as lambda:hbase.

For more information about the Athena HBase connector, see the GitHub repo.

Installing the Athena Redis connector

To install Athena Redis Connector, complete the following steps:

  1. In your AWS account, search for serverless application repository.
  2. Choose Available applications.
  3. Make sure that Show apps that create custom IAM roles or resource policies is selected.
  4. Search for athena federation.
  5. Locate and choose AthenaRedisConnector.
  6. Provide the following values:
    1. Application name – Leave it as default name AthenaRedisConnector.
    2. SecretNameOrPrefix – Enter redis-*.
    3. SpillBucket – Enter the S3Bucket value from the AWS CloudFormation outputs.
    4. AthenaCatalogName – Enter redis.
    5. DisableSpillEncryption – Leave it as the default value false.
    6. LambdaMemory – Leave it as the default value 3008.
    7. LambdaTimeout – Leave it as the default value 900.
    8. SecurityGroupIds – Enter the EMRSecurityGroup value from the AWS CloudFormation outputs.
    9. SpillPrefix – Enter athena-spill-redis.
    10. SubnetIds – Enter the Subnets value from the AWS CloudFormation outputs.
  7. Select I acknowledge that this app creates custom IAM roles.
  8. Choose Deploy.

This deploys the Athena Redis connector; you can refer to this Lambda function in your queries as lambda:redis.

For more information about the Athena Redis connector, see the GitHub repo.

Redis database and tables with the AWS Glue Data Catalog

Because Redis doesn’t have a schema of its own, the Redis connector can’t infer the columns or data type from Redis. The Redis connector needs an AWS Glue database and tables to be set up so it can associate the data to the schema. The CloudFormation template creates the necessary Redis database and tables in the Data Catalog. You can confirm this on the AWS Glue console.

Running federated queries

Now that the connectors are deployed, we can run Athena queries that use those connectors.

  1. On the Athena console, choose Get Started.
  2. Make sure you’re in the workgroup AmazonAthenaPreviewFunctionality. If not, choose Workgroups, select AmazonAthenaPreviewFunctionality, and choose Switch Workgroup.

On the Saved Queries tab, you can see a list of pre-populated queries to test.

The Sources saved query tests your Athena connector functionality for each data source, and you can make sure that you can extract data from each data source before running more complex queries involving different data sources.

  1. Highlight the first query up to the semicolon and choose Run query.

After successfully testing connections to each data source, you can proceed with running more complex queries, such as:

  • FetchActiveOrderInfo
  • ProfitBySupplierNationByYr
  • OrdersRevenueDateAndShipPrio
  • ShippedLineitemsPricingReport
  • SuppliersWhoKeptOrdersWaiting

If you see an error on the HBase query like the following, try rerunning it and it should resolve the issue.

GENERIC_USER_ERROR: Encountered an exception[java.lang.RuntimeException] from your LambdaFunction[hbase] executed in context[retrieving meta-data] with message[org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RetriesExhaustedException: Can't get the location for replica 0]

As an example of the advanced queries, the SuppliersWhoKeptOrdersWaiting query identifies suppliers whose product was part of a multi-supplier order (with current status of F) and they didn’t ship the required parts on time. This query uses multiple data sources: Aurora MySQL and HBase on Amazon EMR. As shown in the following screenshot, the query extracts data from the supplier table on Aurora MySQL, the lineitem table on HBase, and the orders tables on Aurora MySQL. The results are returned in 7.13 seconds.

Cleaning up

To clean up the resources created as part of our CloudFormation template, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon S3 console, empty the bucket athena-federation-workshop-<account-id>.
  2. If you’re using the AWS CLI, delete the objects in the athena-federation-workshop-<account-id> bucket with the following code (make sure you’re running this command on the correct bucket):
    aws s3 rm s3://athena-federation-workshop-<account-id> --recursive

  3. On the AWS CloudFormation console, delete all the connectors so they’re no longer attached to the elastic network interface (ENI) of the VPC. Alternatively, go to each connector and deselect the VPC so it’s no longer attached to the VPC created by AWS CloudFormation.
  4. On the Amazon SageMaker console, delete any endpoints you created as part of the ML inference.
  5. On the Athena console, delete the AmazonAthenaPreviewFunctionality workgroup.
  6. On the AWS CloudFormation console or the AWS CLI, delete the stack Athena-Federation-Workshop.


In this post, we demonstrated the functionality of Athena federated queries by creating multiple different connectors and running federated queries against multiple data sources. In the next post, we show you how you can use the Athena Federation SDK to deploy your UDF and invoke it to redact sensitive information in your Athena queries.

About the Authors

Saurabh Bhutyani is a Senior Big Data Specialist Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. He is an early adopter of open-source big data technologies. At AWS, he works with customers to provide architectural guidance for running analytics solutions on Amazon EMR, Amazon Athena, AWS Glue, and AWS Lake Formation.




Amir Basirat is a Big Data Specialist Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services, focused on Amazon EMR, Amazon Athena, AWS Glue, and AWS Lake Formation, where he helps customers craft distributed analytics applications on the AWS platform. Prior to his AWS Cloud journey, he worked as a big data specialist for different technology companies. He also has a PhD in computer science, where his research primarily focused on large-scale distributed computing and neural networks.





Mercado Libre: How to Block Malicious Traffic in a Dynamic Environment

Post Syndicated from Gaston Ansaldo original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/mercado-libre-how-to-block-malicious-traffic-in-a-dynamic-environment/

Blog post contributors: Pablo Garbossa and Federico Alliani of Mercado Libre


Mercado Libre (MELI) is the leading e-commerce and FinTech company in Latin America. We have a presence in 18 countries across Latin America, and our mission is to democratize commerce and payments to impact the development of the region.

We manage an ecosystem of more than 8,000 custom-built applications that process an average of 2.2 million requests per second. To support the demand, we run between 50,000 to 80,000 Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) instances, and our infrastructure scales in and out according to the time of the day, thanks to the elasticity of the AWS cloud and its auto scaling features.

Mercado Libre

As a company, we expect our developers to devote their time and energy building the apps and features that our customers demand, without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure that the apps are built upon. To achieve this separation of concerns, we built Fury, our platform as a service (PaaS) that provides an abstraction layer between our developers and the infrastructure. Each time a developer deploys a brand new application or a new version of an existing one, Fury takes care of creating all the required components such as Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Amazon Elastic Load Balancing (ELB), Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group (ASG), and EC2) instances. Fury also manages a per-application Git repository, CI/CD pipeline with different deployment strategies, such like blue-green and rolling upgrades, and transparent application logs and metrics collection.

Fury- MELI PaaS

For those of us on the Cloud Security team, Fury represents an opportunity to enforce critical security controls across our stack in a way that’s transparent to our developers. For instance, we can dictate what Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) are vetted for use in production (such as those that align with the Center for Internet Security benchmarks). If needed, we can apply security patches across all of our fleet from a centralized location in a very scalable fashion.

But there are also other attack vectors that every organization that has a presence on the public internet is exposed to. The AWS recent Threat Landscape Report shows a 23% YoY increase in the total number of Denial of Service (DoS) events. It’s evident that organizations need to be prepared to quickly react under these circumstances.

The variety and the number of attacks are increasing, testing the resilience of all types of organizations. This is why we started working on a solution that allows us to contain application DoS attacks, and complements our perimeter security strategy, which is based on services such as AWS Shield and AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF). In this article, we will walk you through the solution we built to automatically detect and block these events.

The strategy we implemented for our solution, Network Behavior Anomaly Detection (NBAD), consists of four stages that we repeatedly execute:

  1. Analyze the execution context of our applications, like CPU and memory usage
  2. Learn their behavior
  3. Detect anomalies, gather relevant information and process it
  4. Respond automatically

Step 1: Establish a baseline for each application

End user traffic enters through different AWS CloudFront distributions that route to multiple Elastic Load Balancers (ELBs). Behind the ELBs, we operate a fleet of NGINX servers from where we connect back to the myriad of applications that our developers create via Fury.

MELI Architecture - nomaly detection project-step 1

Step 1: MELI Architecture – Anomaly detection project

We collect logs and metrics for each application that we ship to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) and Datadog. We then partition these logs using AWS Glue to make them available for consumption via Amazon Athena. On average, we send 3 terabytes (TB) of log files in parquet format to S3.

Based on this information, we developed processes that we complement with commercial solutions, such as Datadog’s Anomaly Detection, which allows us to learn the normal behavior or baseline of our applications and project expected adaptive growth thresholds for each one of them.

Anomaly detection

Step 2: Anomaly detection

When any of our apps receives a number of requests that fall outside the limits set by our anomaly detection algorithms, an Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) event is emitted, which triggers a workflow in the Anomaly Analyzer, a custom-built component of this solution.

Upon receiving such an event, the Anomaly Analyzer starts composing the so-called event context. In parallel, the Data Extractor retrieves vital insights via Athena from the log files stored in S3.

The output of this process is used as the input for the data enrichment process. This is responsible for consulting different threat intelligence sources that are used to further augment the analysis and determine if the event is an actual incident or not.

At this point, we build the context that will allow us not only to have greater certainty in calculating the score, but it will also help us validate and act quicker. This context includes:

  • Application’s owner
  • Affected business metrics
  • Error handling statistics of our applications
  • Reputation of IP addresses and associated users
  • Use of unexpected URL parameters
  • Distribution by origin of the traffic that generated the event (cloud providers, geolocation, etc.)
  • Known behavior patterns of vulnerability discovery or exploitation
Step 2: MELI Architecture - Anomaly detection project

Step 2: MELI Architecture – Anomaly detection project

Step 3: Incident response

Once we reconstruct the context of the event, we calculate a score for each “suspicious actor” involved.

Step 3: MELI Architecture - Anomaly detection project

Step 3: MELI Architecture – Anomaly detection project

Based on these analysis results we carry out a series of verifications in order to rule out false positives. Finally, we execute different actions based on the following criteria:

Manual review

If the outcome of the automatic analysis results in a medium risk scoring, we activate a manual review process:

  1. We send a report to the application’s owners with a summary of the context. Based on their understanding of the business, they can activate the Incident Response Team (IRT) on-call and/or provide feedback that allows us to improve our automatic rules.
  2. In parallel, our threat analysis team receives and processes the event. They are equipped with tools that allow them to add IP addresses, user-agents, referrers, or regular expressions into Amazon WAF to carry out temporary blocking of “bad actors” in situations where the attack is in progress.

Automatic response

If the analysis results in a high risk score, an automatic containment process is triggered. The event is sent to our block API, which is responsible for adding a temporary rule designed to mitigate the attack in progress. Behind the scenes, our block API leverages AWS WAF to create IPSets. We reference these IPsets from our custom rule groups in our web ACLs, in order to block IPs that source the malicious traffic. We found many benefits in the new release of AWS WAF, like support for Amazon Managed Rules, larger capacity units per web ACL as well as an easier to use API.


By leveraging the AWS platform and its powerful APIs, and together with the AWS WAF service team and solutions architects, we were able to build an automated incident response solution that is able to identify and block malicious actors with minimal operator intervention. Since launching the solution, we have reduced YoY application downtime over 92% even when the time under attack increased over 10x. This has had a positive impact on our users and therefore, on our business.

Not only was our downtime drastically reduced, but we also cut the number of manual interventions during this type of incident by 65%.

We plan to iterate over this solution to further reduce false positives in our detection mechanisms as well as the time to respond to external threats.

About the authors

Pablo Garbossa is an Information Security Manager at Mercado Libre. His main duties include ensuring security in the software development life cycle and managing security in MELI’s cloud environment. Pablo is also an active member of the Open Web Application Security Project® (OWASP) Buenos Aires chapter, a nonprofit foundation that works to improve the security of software.

Federico Alliani is a Security Engineer on the Mercado Libre Monitoring team. Federico and his team are in charge of protecting the site against different types of attacks. He loves to dive deep into big architectures to drive performance, scale operational efficiency, and increase the speed of detection and response to security events.

Architecting a Data Lake for Higher Education Student Analytics

Post Syndicated from Craig Jordan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/architecting-data-lake-for-higher-education-student-analytics/

One of the keys to identifying timely and impactful actions is having enough raw material to work with. However, this up-to-date information typically lives in the databases that sit behind several different applications. One of the first steps to finding data-driven insights is gathering that information into a single store that an analyst can use without interfering with those applications.

For years, reporting environments have relied on a data warehouse stored in a single, separate relational database management system (RDBMS). But now, due to the growing use of Software as a service (SaaS) applications and NoSQL database options, data may be stored outside the data center and in formats other than tables of rows and columns. It’s increasingly difficult to access the data these applications maintain, and a data warehouse may not be flexible enough to house the gathered information.

For these reasons, reporting teams are building data lakes, and those responsible for using data analytics at universities and colleges are no different. However, it can be challenging to know exactly how to start building this expanded data repository so it can be ready to use quickly and still expandable as future requirements are uncovered. Helping higher education institutions address these challenges is the topic of this post.

About Maryville University

Maryville University is a nationally recognized private institution located in St. Louis, Missouri, and was recently named the second fastest growing private university by The Chronicle of Higher Education. Even with its enrollment growth, the university is committed to a highly personalized education for each student, which requires reliable data that is readily available to multiple departments. University leaders want to offer the right help at the right time to students who may be having difficulty completing the first semester of their course of study. To get started, the data experts in the Office of Strategic Information and members of the IT Department needed to create a data environment to identify students needing assistance.

Critical data sources

Like most universities, Maryville’s student-related data centers around two significant sources: the student information system (SIS), which houses student profiles, course completion, and financial aid information; and the learning management system (LMS) in which students review course materials, complete assignments, and engage in online discussions with faculty and fellow students.

The first of these, the SIS, stores its data in an on-premises relational database, and for several years, a significant subset of its contents had been incorporated into the university’s data warehouse. The LMS, however, contains data that the team had not tried to bring into their data warehouse. Moreover, that data is managed by a SaaS application from Instructure, called “Canvas,” and is not directly accessible for traditional extract, transform, and load (ETL) processing. The team recognized they needed a new approach and began down the path of creating a data lake in AWS to support their analysis goals.

Getting started on the data lake

The first step the team took in building their data lake made use of an open source solution that Harvard’s IT department developed. The solution, comprised of AWS Lambda functions and Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) buckets, is deployed using AWS CloudFormation. It enables any university that uses Canvas for their LMS to implement a solution that moves LMS data into an S3 data lake on a daily basis. The following diagram illustrates this portion of Maryville’s data lake architecture:

The data lake for the Learning Management System data

Diagram 1: The data lake for the Learning Management System data

The AWS Lambda functions invoke the LMS REST API on a daily schedule resulting in Maryville’s data, which has been previously unloaded and compressed by Canvas, to be securely stored into S3 objects. AWS Glue tables are defined to provide access to these S3 objects. Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) informs stakeholders the status of the data loads.

Expanding the data lake

The next step was deciding how to copy the SIS data into S3. The team decided to use the AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) to create daily snapshots of more than 2,500 tables from this database. DMS uses a source endpoint for secure access to the on-premises database instance over VPN. A target endpoint determines the specific S3 bucket into which the data should be written. A migration task defines which tables to copy from the source database along with other migration options. Finally, a replication instance, a fully managed virtual machine, runs the migration task to copy the data. With this configuration in place, the data lake architecture for SIS data looks like this:

Diagram 2: Migrating data from the Student Information System

Diagram 2: Migrating data from the Student Information System

Handling sensitive data

In building a data lake you have several options for handling sensitive data including:

  • Leaving it behind in the source system and avoid copying it through the data replication process
  • Copying it into the data lake, but taking precautions to ensure that access to it is limited to authorized staff
  • Copying it into the data lake, but applying processes to eliminate, mask, or otherwise obfuscate the data before it is made accessible to analysts and data scientists

The Maryville team decided to take the first of these approaches. Building the data lake gave them a natural opportunity to assess where this data was stored in the source system and then make changes to the source database itself to limit the number of highly sensitive data fields.

Validating the data lake

With these steps completed, the team turned to the final task, which was to validate the data lake. For this process they chose to make use of Amazon Athena, AWS Glue, and Amazon Redshift. AWS Glue provided multiple capabilities including metadata extraction, ETL, and data orchestration. Metadata extraction, completed by Glue crawlers, quickly converted the information that DMS wrote to S3 into metadata defined in the Glue data catalog. This enabled the data in S3 to be accessed using standard SQL statements interactively in Athena. Without the added cost and complexity of a database, Maryville’s data analyst was able to confirm that the data loads were completing successfully. He was also able to resolve specific issues encountered on particular tables. The SQL queries, written in Athena, could later be converted to ETL jobs in AWS Glue, where they could be triggered on a schedule to create additional data in S3. Athena and Glue enabled the ETL that was needed to transform the raw data delivered to S3 into prepared datasets necessary for existing dashboards.

Once curated datasets were created and stored in S3, the data was loaded into an AWS Redshift data warehouse, which supported direct access by tools outside of AWS using ODBC/JDBC drivers. This capability enabled Maryville’s team to further validate the data by attaching the data in Redshift to existing dashboards that were running in Maryville’s own data center. Redshift’s stored procedure language allowed the team to port some key ETL logic so that the engineering of these datasets could follow a process similar to approaches used in Maryville’s on-premises data warehouse environment.


The overall data lake/data warehouse architecture that the Maryville team constructed currently looks like this:

The complete architecture

Diagram 3: The complete architecture

Through this approach, Maryville’s two-person team has moved key data into position for use in a variety of workloads. The data in S3 is now readily accessible for ad hoc interactive SQL workloads in Athena, ETL jobs in Glue, and ultimately for machine learning workloads running in EC2, Lambda or Amazon Sagemaker. In addition, the S3 storage layer is easy to expand without interrupting prior workloads. At the time of this writing, the Maryville team is both beginning to use this environment for machine learning models described earlier as well as adding other data sources into the S3 layer.


The solution described in this post resulted from the collaborative effort of Christine McQuie, Data Engineer, and Josh Tepen, Cloud Engineer, at Maryville University, with guidance from Travis Berkley and Craig Jordan, AWS Solutions Architects.

Field Notes: Gaining Insights into Labeling Jobs for Machine Learning

Post Syndicated from Michael Graumann original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/field-notes-gaining-insights-into-labeling-jobs-for-machine-learning/

In an era where more and more data is generated, it becomes critical for businesses to derive value from it. With the help of supervised learning, it is possible to generate models to automatically make predictions or decisions by leveraging historical data. For example, image recognition for self-driving cars, predicting anomalies on X-rays, fraud detection in finance and more. With supervised learning, these models learn from labeled data. The success of those models is highly dependent on readily available, high quality labeled data.

However, you might encounter cases where a high percentage of your pre-existing data is unlabeled. In these situations, providing correct labeling to previously unlabeled data points would directly translate to higher model accuracy.

Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth helps you with exactly that. It lets you build highly accurate training datasets for machine learning quickly. SageMaker Ground Truth provides your labelers with built-in workflows and interfaces for common labeling tasks. This process could take several hours or more depending on the size of your unlabeled dataset, and you might have a need to track the progress easily, preferably in the form of a dashboard.

In this blogpost we show how to gain deep insights into the progress of labeling and the performance of the workers by using Amazon Athena and Amazon QuickSight. We use Amazon Athena former to set up several views with specific insights into the labeling progress. Finally we will reference these views in Amazon QuickSight to visualize the data in a dashboard.

This approach also works for combining multiple AWS services in general. AWS provides many building blocks than you can mix-and-match to create a unique, integrated solution with cohesive insights. In this blog post we use data produced by one service (Ground Truth), prepare it with another (Athena) and visualize with a third (QuickSight). The following diagram shows this architecture.

Solution Architecture

ML Solution Architecture

Mapping a JSON structure to a table structure

Ground Truth creates several directories in your Amazon S3 output path. These directories contain the results of your labeling job and other artifacts of the job. The top-level directory for a labeling job has the same name as your labeling job, while the output directories are placed inside it. We will create all insights from what SageMaker Ground Truth calls worker responses.

All respective JSON files reside in the path s3://bucket/<job-name>/annotations/worker-response/.

To analyze the labeling data with Amazon Athena we need to understand the structure of the underlying JSON files. Let’s review the example below. For each item that was labeled, we see the label itself, followed by the submission time and a workerId pointing to an identity. This identity lives in Amazon Cognito, a fully managed service that provides the user directory for our labelers.

    "answers": [
            "answerContent": {
                "crowd-classifier": {
                    "label": "Compute"
            "submissionTime": "2020-03-27T10:31:04.210Z",
            "workerId": "private.eu-west-1.1111111111111111",
            "workerMetadata": {
                "identityData": {
                    "identityProviderType": "Cognito",
                    "issuer": "https://cognito-idp.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/eu-west-1_111111111",
                    "sub": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111"

Although the data is stored in Amazon S3 object storage, we are able to use SQL to access the data by using Amazon Athena. Since we now understand the JSON structure from shown in the preceding code, we use Athena and define how to interpret the data that is relevant to us. We do so by first creating a database using the Athena Query Editor:

CREATE DATABASE analyze_labels_db;

Once inside the database, we add the table schema. The actual files remain on Amazon S3, but using the metadata catalog, Athena then knows where the data lies and how to interpret it. The AWS Glue Data Catalog is a central repository to store structural and operational metadata for all your data assets. For a given dataset, you can store its table definition, physical location, add business relevant attributes, in addition to track how this data has changed over time. Besides, Athena the AWS Glue Data Catalog also provides out-of-box integration with Amazon EMR and Amazon Redshift Spectrum. Once you add your table definitions to the Glue Data Catalog, they are available for ETL. They are also readily available for querying in Amazon Athena, Amazon EMR, and Amazon Redshift Spectrum so that you can have a common view of your data between these services.

When going from JSON to SQL, we are crossing format boundaries. To further facilitate how to read the JSON formatted data we are using SerDe Properties to replace the hyphen in crowd-classifier with an underscore due to DDL constraints. Finally we point the location to our Amazon S3 bucket containing the single worker responses. Recognize in the following script that we translate the nested structure of the JSON file itself into a hierarchical, nested data structure in the schema definition. Also, we could leave out the workerMetadata as we don’t need it at this time. The data would still stay in the files on Amazon S3, so that we could later change and add the workerMetadata STRUCT into the table definition for our analysis.

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE annotations_raw (
  answers array<
        struct<label: string>
      submissionTime: string,
      workerId: string,
          struct<identityProviderType: string, issuer: string, sub: string>
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.openx.data.jsonserde.JsonSerDe'
LOCATION 's3://<YOUR_BUCKET>/<JOB_NAME>/annotations/worker-response/'

Creating Views in Athena

Now, we have nested data in our annotations_raw table. For many use cases, especially for analytical uses, representing data in a tabular fashion—as rows—is more natural. This is also the standard way when using SQL and business intelligence tools. To unnest the hierarchical data into flattened rows, we create the following view which will serve as foundation for the other views we create. For an in-depth look into unnesting data with Amazon Athena, read this blog post.

Some of the information we’re interested in might not be part of the document, but is encoded in the path. We use a trick in Athena by using the $path variable from the Presto Hive Connector. This determines which Amazon S3 file contains data that is returned by a specific row in an Athena table. This way we can find out which data object an annotation belongs to. Since Athena is built on top of Presto, we are able to use Presto’s built-in regexp_extract function to find out the iteration as well as the data object id per labeling result. We also cast the submission time in date format to later determine the labeling progress per day.

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW annotations_view AS
  regexp_extract("$path", 'iteration-[0-9]*') as iteration,
  regexp_extract("$path", '(iteration-[0-9]*\/([0-9]*))',2) as dataRecord,
  cast(from_iso8601_timestamp(answer.submissionTime) as timestamp) as submissionTime,
  cast(from_iso8601_timestamp(answer.submissionTime) as date) as submissionDay,
  "$path" path
CROSS JOIN UNNEST(answers) AS t(answer)

This view, annotations_view, will be the starting point for the other views we will be creating in further in this post.

Visualizing with QuickSight

In this section, we explore a way to visualize the views we build in Athena by pointing Amazon QuickSight to the respective view. Amazon QuickSight lets you create and publish interactive dashboards that include ML Insights. Dashboards can then be accessed from any device, and embedded into your applications, portals, and websites.

Thanks to the tight integration between Athena and QuickSight, we are able to map one dataset in QuickSight to one Athena view. In order to further optimize the performance of the dashboard, we can optionally import the datasets into the in-memory optimized calculation engine for Amazon QuickSight called SPICE. With the datasets in place we can now create an analysis in order to interact with the visuals we’re going to add. You can think of an analysis as a container for a set of related visuals. You can use multiple datasets in an analysis, although any given visual can only use one of those datasets. After you create an analysis and an initial visual, you can expand the analysis. You can do this for example by adding datasets and visuals.

Let’s start with our first insight.

Annotations per worker

We’d like to gain insights not only into the total number of labeled items but also on the level of contributions of each individual workers. This could give us an indication whether the labels were created by a diverse crowd of labelers or by a few productive ones. A largely disproportionate amount of contributions from a handful of workers who may have brought along their biases.

SageMaker Ground Truth calls labeled data objects annotations, which is the result of a single workers labeling task.

Luckily we encapsulated all the heavy lifting of format conversion in the annotations_view, so that it is now easy to create a view for the annotations per user:

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW annotations_per_user AS
SELECT COUNT(sub) AS LabeledItems,
sub AS User
FROM annotations_view
ORDER BY LabeledItems DESC

Next we visualize this view in QuickSight. We add a visual to our analysis, select the respective dataset for the view and use the AutoGraph feature, which chooses the most appropriate visual type. Since we already arranged our view in Athena by the number of labeled items in descending order, there is no need now to sort the data in QuickSight. In the following screenshot, worker c4ef78e4... contributed more labels compared to their peers.

Annotations per worker

This view gives you an indicator to check for a bias that the leading worker might have brought along.

Annotations per label

One thing we want to be aware of is potential imbalances between classes in our dataset. Especially simple machine learning models, which may learn to frequently predict a label that is massively over represented in the dataset. If we can identify an imbalance, we can apply mitigation actions such as upsampling data of underrepresented classes. With the following view we list the total number of annotations per label.

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW annotations_per_label AS
SELECT Count(dataRecord) AS TotalLabels, label As Label 
FROM annotations_view
GROUP BY label
ORDER BY TotalLabels DESC, Label;

As before, we create a dataset in QuickSight pointing to the annotations_per_label view, open the analysis, add a new visual and leverage the AutoGraph functionality. The result is the following visual representation:

Annotations per worker 2

One can clearly see that the Analytics & AI/ML class is massively underrepresented. At this point, you might want to try getting more data or think about upsampling data for that class.

Annotations per day

Seeing the total number of annotations per label and per worker is good, but we are also interested in how the labeling progress changes over time. This way we might see spikes related to labeller activations. We can also or estimate how long it takes to reach a certain goal of annotations given the current pace. For this purpose we create the following view aggregating the total annotations per day.

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW annotations_per_day AS
SELECT COUNT(datarecord) AS LabeledItems,
FROM annotations_view
GROUP BY submissionDay
ORDER BY submissionDay, LabeledItems DESC

This time the QuickSight AutoGraph provides us with the following line chart. You might have noticed that the axis labels do not match the column names in Athena. That is because we renamed them in QuickSight for better readability.

Total annotations per day

In the preceding chart we see that there is no consistent pace of labeling, which makes it hard to predict when a certain amount of labeled data will be reached. In this example, after starting strong the progress immediately went down. Knowing this, we might want to take action into motivating our workers to contribute more and validate the effectiveness of these actions with the help of this chart. The spikes indicate an effective short-term action.

Distribution of total annotations by user

We already have insights into annotations per worker, per label and per day. Let us now now see what insights we can get from aggregating some of this information.

The bigger your labeling workforce gets, the harder it can become to see the whole picture. For that reason we will now create a histogram consisting of five buckets. Each bucket represents an interval of total annotations (for example, 0-25 annotations) mapped to the number of users whose amount of total annotations lies in that interval. This allows us to get a sense of what kind of bias might be introduced by the majority of annotations being contributed by a small amount of workers.

To do that, we use the Presto function width_bucket which returns the number of labeled data objects according to the five buckets we defined with a size of 25 each. We define these buckets by creating an Array with 5 elements that specify the boundaries.

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW users_per_bucket_annotations AS
   WHEN bucket=5 THEN 'B' || cast(bucket AS VARCHAR(10)) || ': ' || cast(((bucket-1) * 25) AS VARCHAR(10)) || '+'
   ELSE 'B' || cast(bucket AS VARCHAR(10)) || ': ' || cast(((bucket-1) * 25) AS VARCHAR(10)) || '-' || cast((bucket * 25) AS VARCHAR(10))
END AS NumberOfAnnotations
(SELECT width_bucket(labeleditems,ARRAY[0,25,50,75,100]) AS bucket,
 count(user) AS numberOfUsers
FROM annotations_per_user
ORDER BY bucket)

A SELECT * FROM users_per_bucket_annotations produces the following result:

A SELECT FROM users_per_bucket_annotations

Let’s now investigate the same data via QuickSight:

Annotations per User in buckets of Size 25

Now that we can look at the data visually it becomes clear that we have a bimodal distribution, with many labelers having done very little, and many labelers doing quite a lot. This may warrant interviewing some labelers to find out if there is something holding back users from progressing, or if we can keep engagement high over time.

Putting it all together in QuickSight

Since we created all previous visuals into one analysis, we can now utilize it as a central place to consume our insights in a user-friendly way. Moreover, we can share our insights with others as a read-only snapshot which QuickSight calls a dashboard. User who are dashboard viewers can view and filter the dashboard data as below:

Groundtruth dashboard

Furthermore, you can generate a report and let QuickSight send it either once or on a schedule (daily, weekly or monthly) to your peers. This way users do not have to sign in and they can get reminders to check the progress of the labeling job. Lastly, sending out those reports is an opportunity to stay in touch with the labelers and keep the engagement high.


In this blogpost, we have shown one example of combining multiple AWS services in order to build a solution tailored to your needs. We took the Amazon S3 output generated by SageMaker Ground Truth and showed how it can be further processed and analyzed with Athena. Finally, we created a central place to consume our insights in a user-friendly way with QuickSight. By putting it all together in a dashboard we were able to share our insights with our peers.

You can take the same pattern and apply it to other situations: take some of the many building blocks AWS provides and mix-and-match them to create a unique, integrated solution with cohesive insights just as we did with Ground Truth, Athena, and QuickSight.

Field Notes provides hands-on technical guidance from AWS Solutions Architects, consultants, and technical account managers, based on their experiences in the field solving real-world business problems for customers.

Automating bucketing of streaming data using Amazon Athena and AWS Lambda

Post Syndicated from Ahmed Saef Zamzam original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/automating-bucketing-of-streaming-data-using-amazon-athena-and-aws-lambda/

In today’s world, data plays a vital role in helping businesses understand and improve their processes and services to reduce cost. You can use several tools to gain insights from your data, such as Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics or open-source frameworks like Structured Streaming and Apache Flink to analyze the data in real time. Alternatively, you can batch analyze the data by ingesting it into a centralized storage known as a data lake. Data lakes allow you to import any amount of data that can come in real time or batch. With Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), you can cost-effectively build and scale a data lake of any size in a secure environment where data is protected by 99.999999999% (11 9s) of durability.

After the data lands in your data lake, you can start processing this data using any Big Data processing tool of your choice. Amazon Athena is a fully managed interactive query service that enables you to analyze data stored in an Amazon S3-based data lake using standard SQL. You can also integrate Athena with Amazon QuickSight for easy visualization of the data.

When working with Athena, you can employ a few best practices to reduce cost and improve performance. Converting to columnar formats, partitioning, and bucketing your data are some of the best practices outlined in Top 10 Performance Tuning Tips for Amazon Athena. Bucketing is a technique that groups data based on specific columns together within a single partition. These columns are known as bucket keys. By grouping related data together into a single bucket (a file within a partition), you significantly reduce the amount of data scanned by Athena, thus improving query performance and reducing cost. For example, imagine collecting and storing clickstream data. If you frequently filter or aggregate by user ID, then within a single partition it’s better to store all rows for the same user together. If user data isn’t stored together, then Athena has to scan multiple files to retrieve the user’s records. This leads to more files being scanned, and therefore, an increase in query runtime and cost.

Like partitioning, columns that are frequently used to filter the data are good candidates for bucketing. However, unlike partitioning, with bucketing it’s better to use columns with high cardinality as a bucketing key. For example, Year and Month columns are good candidates for partition keys, whereas userID and sensorID are good examples of bucket keys. By doing this, you make sure that all buckets have a similar number of rows. For more information, see Bucketing vs Partitioning.

For real-time data (such as data coming from sensors or clickstream data), streaming tools like Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose can convert the data to columnar formats and partition it while writing to Amazon S3. With Kafka, you can do the same thing with connectors. But what about bucketing? This post shows how to continuously bucket streaming data using AWS Lambda and Athena.

Overview of solution

The following diagram shows the high-level architecture of the solution.

The architecture includes the following steps:

  1. We use the Amazon Kinesis Data Generator (KDG) to simulate streaming data. Data is then written into Kinesis Data Firehose; a fully managed service that enables you to load streaming data to an Amazon S3-based data lake.
  2. Kinesis Data Firehose partitions the data by hour and writes new JSON files into the current partition in a /raw Each new partition looks like /raw/dt=<YYYY-MM-dd-HH>. Every hour, a new partition is created.
  3. Two Lambda functions are triggered on an hourly basis based on Amazon CloudWatch Events.
    • Function 1 (LoadPartition) runs every hour to load new /raw partitions to Athena SourceTable, which points to the /raw prefix.
    • Function 2 (Bucketing) runs the Athena CREATE TABLE AS SELECT (CTAS) query.
  4. The CTAS query copies the previous hour’s data from /raw to /curated and buckets the data while doing so. It loads the new data as a new partition to TargetTable, which points to the /curated prefix.

Overview of walkthrough

In this post, we cover the following high-level steps:

  1. Install and configure the KDG.
  2. Create a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream.
  3. Create the database and tables in Athena.
  4. Create the Lambda functions and schedule them.
  5. Test the solution.
  6. Create view that the combines data from both tables.
  7. Clean up.

Installing and configuring the KDG

First, we need to install and configure the KDG in our AWS account. To do this, we use the following AWS CloudFormation template.

For more information about installing the KDG, see the KDG Guide in GitHub.

To configure the KDG, complete the following steps:

  1. On the AWS CloudFormation console, locate the stack you just created.
  2. On the Outputs tab, record the value for KinesisDataGeneratorUrl.
  3. Log in to the KDG main page using the credentials created when you deployed the CloudFormation template.
  4. In the Record template section, enter the following template. Each record has three fields: sensorID, currentTemperature, and status.
        "sensorId": {{random.number(4000)}},
        "currentTemperature": {{random.number(
        "status": "{{random.arrayElement(

  5. Choose Test template.

The result should look like the following screenshot.

We don’t start sending data now; we do this after creating all other resources.

Creating a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream

Next, we create the Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream that is used to load the data to the S3 bucket.

  1. On the Amazon Kinesis console, choose Kinesis Data Firehose.
  2. Choose Create delivery stream.
  3. For Delivery stream name, enter a name, such as AutoBucketingKDF.
  4. For Source, select Direct PUT or other sources.
  5. Leave all other settings at their default and choose Next.
  6. On Process Records page, leave everything at its default and choose Next.
  7. Choose Amazon S3 as the destination and choose your S3 bucket from the drop-down menu (or create a new one). For this post, I already have a bucket created.
  8. For S3 Prefix, enter the following prefix:

We use custom prefixes to tell Kinesis Data Firehose to create a new partition every hour. Each partition looks like this: dt=YYYY-MM-dd-HH. This partition-naming convention conforms to the Hive partition-naming convention, <PartitionKey>=<PartitionKey>. In this case, <PartitionKey> is dt and <PartitionValue> is YYYY-MM-dd-HH. By doing this, we implement a flat partitioning model instead of hierarchical (year=YYYY/month=MM/day=dd/hour=HH) partitions. This model can be much simpler for end-users to work with, and you can use a single column (dt) to filter the data. For more information on flat vs. hierarchal partitions, see Data Lake Storage Foundation on GitHub.

  1. For S3 error prefix, enter the following code:

  2. On the Settings page, leave everything at its default.
  3. Choose Create delivery stream.

Creating an Athena database and tables

In this solution, the Athena database has two tables: SourceTable and TargetTable. Both tables have identical schemas and will have the same data eventually. However, each table points to a different S3 location. Moreover, because data is stored in different formats, Athena uses a different SerDe for each table to parse the data. SourceTable uses JSON SerDe and TargetTable uses Parquet SerDe. One other difference is that SourceTable’s data isn’t bucketed, whereas TargetTable’s data is bucketed.

In this step, we create both tables and the database that groups them.

  1. On the Athena console, create a new database by running the following statement:
    CREATE DATABASE mydatabase

  2. Choose the database that was created and run the following query to create SourceTable. Replace <s3_bucket_name> with the bucket name you used when creating the Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream.
    CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE mydatabase.SourceTable(
      sensorid string, 
      currenttemperature int, 
      status string)
      dt string)

  3. Run the following CTAS statement to create TargetTable:
    CREATE TABLE TargetTable
    WITH (
          format = 'PARQUET', 
          external_location = 's3://<s3_bucket_name>/curated/', 
          partitioned_by = ARRAY['dt'], 
          bucketed_by = ARRAY['sensorID'], 
          bucket_count = 3) 
    FROM SourceTable

SourceTable doesn’t have any data yet. However, the preceding query creates the table definition in the Data Catalog. We configured this data to be bucketed by sensorID (bucketing key) with a bucket count of 3. Ideally, the number of buckets should be so that the files are of optimal size.

Creating Lambda functions

The solution has two Lambda functions: LoadPartiton and Bucketing. We use an AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) template to create, deploy, and schedule both functions.

Follow the instructions in the GitHub repo to deploy the template. When deploying the template, it asks you for some parameters. You can use the default parameters, but you have to change S3BucketName and AthenaResultLocation. For more information, see Parameter Details in the GitHub repo.

LoadPartition function

The LoadPartiton function is scheduled to run the first minute of every hour. Every time Kinesis Data Firehose creates a new partition in the /raw folder, this function loads the new partition to the SourceTable. This is crucial because the second function (Bucketing) reads this partition the following hour to copy the data to /curated.

Bucketing function

The Bucketing function is scheduled to run the first minute of every hour. It copies the last hour’s data from SourceTable to TargetTable. It does so by creating a tempTable using a CTAS query. This tempTable points to the new date-hour folder under /curated; this folder is then added as a single partition to TargetTable.

To implement this, the function runs three queries sequentially. The queries use two parameters:

  • <s3_bucket_name> – Defined by an AWS SAM parameter and should be the same bucket used throughout this solution
  • <last_hour_partition> – Is calculated by the function depending on which hour it’s running

The function first creates TempTable as the result of a SELECT statement from SourceTable. It stores the results in a new folder under /curated. The results are bucketed and stored in Parquet format. See the following code:

    WITH (
      format = 'PARQUET', 
      external_location = 's3://<s3_bucket_name>/curated/dt=<last_hour_partition>/', 
      bucketed_by = ARRAY['sensorID'], 
      bucket_count = 3) 
    FROM SourceTable
    WHERE dt='<last_hour_partiton>';

We create a new subfolder in /curated, which is new partition for TargetTable. So, after the TempTable creation is complete, we load the new partition to TargetTable:

                ADD IF NOT EXISTS
                PARTITION ('<last_hour_partiton>');

Finally, we delete tempTable from the Data Catalog:


Testing the solution

Now that we have created all resources, it’s time to test the solution. We start by generating data from the KDG and waiting for an hour to start querying data in TargetTable (the bucketed table).

  1. Log in to the KDG. You should find the template you created earlier. For the configuration, choose the following:
    1. The Region used.
    2. For the delivery stream, choose the Kinesis Data Firehose you created earlier.
    3. For records/sec, enter 3000.
  2. Choose Send data.

The KDG starts sending simulated data to Kinesis Data Firehose. After 1 minute, a new partition should be created in Amazon S3.

The Lambda function that loads the partition to SourceTable runs on the first minute of the hour. If you started sending data after the first minute, this partition is missed because the next run loads the next hour’s partition, not this one. To mitigate this, run MSCK REPAIR TABLE SourceTable only for the first hour.

  1. To benchmark the performance between both tables, wait for an hour so that the data is available for querying in TargetTable.
  2. When the data is available, choose one sensorID and run the following query on SourceTable and TargetTable.
    SELECT sensorID, avg(currenttemperature) as AverageTempreture 
    FROM <TableName>
    WHERE dt='<YYYY-MM-dd-HH>' AND sensorID ='<sensorID_selected>'
    GROUP BY 1

The following screenshot shows the query results for SourceTable. It shows the runtime in seconds and amount of data scanned.

The following screenshot shows the query results for TargetTable.

If you look at these results, you don’t see a huge difference in runtime for this specific query and dataset; for other datasets, this difference should be more significant. However, from a data scanning perspective, after bucketing the data, we reduced the data scanned by approximately 98%. Therefore, for this specific use case, bucketing the data lead to a 98% reduction in Athena costs because you’re charged based on the amount of data scanned by each query.

Querying the current hour’s data

Data for the current hour isn’t available immediately in TargetTable. It’s available for querying after the first minute of the following hour. To query this data immediately, we have to create a view that UNIONS the previous hour’s data from TargetTable with the current hour’s data from SourceTable. If data is required for analysis after an hour of its arrival, then you don’t need to create this view.

To create this view, run the following query in Athena:


SELECT *, "$path" AS file
FROM SourceTable
WHERE dt >= date_format(date_trunc('hour', (current_timestamp)), '%Y-%m-%d-%H')


SELECT *, "$path" AS file
FROM TargetTable
WHERE dt < date_format(date_trunc('hour', (current_timestamp)), '%Y-%m-%d-%H')

Cleaning up

Delete the resources you created if you no longer need them.

  1. Delete the Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream.
  2. In Athena, run the following statements
    1. DROP DATABASE mydatabase
    2. DROP TABLE SourceTable
    3. DROP TABLE TargetTable
  3. Delete the AWS SAM template to delete the Lambda functions.
  4. Delete the CloudFormation stack for the KDG. For more information, see Deleting a stack on the AWS CloudFormation console.


Bucketing is a powerful technique and can significantly improve performance and reduce Athena costs. In this post, we saw how to continuously bucket streaming data using Lambda and Athena. We used a simulated dataset generated by Kinesis Data Generator. The same solution can apply to any production data, with the following changes:

  • DDL statements
  • Functions used can work with data that is partitioned by hour with the partition key ‘dt’ and partition value <YYYY-MM-dd-HH>. If your data is partitioned in a different way, edit the Lambda functions accordingly.
  • Frequency of Lambda triggers.

About the Author

Ahmed Zamzam is a Solutions Architect with Amazon Web Services. He supports SMB customers in the UK in their digital transformation and their cloud journey to AWS, and specializes in Data Analytics. Outside of work, he loves traveling, hiking, and cycling.





Configure and optimize performance of Amazon Athena federation with Amazon Redshift

Post Syndicated from Harsha Tadiparthi original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/configure-and-optimize-performance-of-amazon-athena-federation-with-amazon-redshift/

This post provides guidance on how to configure Amazon Athena federation with AWS Lambda and Amazon Redshift, while addressing performance considerations to ensure proper use.

If you use data lakes in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and use Amazon Redshift as your data warehouse, you may want to integrate the two for a lake house approach. Lake House is the ability to integrate Data Lake and Data warehouse seamlessly. When you need to query your data lake from your Amazon Redshift Data warehouse, you can use Amazon Redshift Spectrum, which works great in unifying your data lake and data warehouse. However, when you use Athena in the data lake and need to access data in Amazon Redshift for the following two scenarios which are commonly seen, there is no easy approach:

  • Team A has a data lake in Amazon S3 and uses Athena. They need access to the data in an Amazon Redshift cluster owned by Team B.
  • Analysts using Athena to query their data lake for analytics need agility and flexibility to access data in an Amazon Redshift data warehouse without moving the data to Amazon S3 Data Lake.

In these scenarios, Athena federation with Amazon Redshift allows you to seamlessly access the data in your Amazon Redshift data warehouse without having to wait to unload the data to the Amazon S3 data lake, which removes the overhead in managing such jobs.

In this post, you walk through a step-by-step configuration to set up Athena federation using Lambda to access data in Amazon Redshift. You also see a performance benchmark analysis of interactive and ad hoc TPC-DS queries, and learn some key performance considerations and best practices when using federation.

Solution overview

Data federation is the capability to integrate data in another data store using a single interface. The following diagram depicts how Athena federation works by using Lambda to integrate with a federated data source.

Athena is an interactive query service that makes it easy to analyze data in Amazon S3 using standard SQL. Athena is serverless, so there is no infrastructure to manage, and you pay only for the queries that you run. Simply point to your data in Amazon S3, define the schema, and start querying using standard SQL.

Lambda lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers. You can run code for virtually any type of application with zero administration and only pay for when the code is running.

Amazon Redshift is a petabyte-scale data warehouse designed from the ground up, natively for the cloud. Amazon Redshift is the most popular and fastest cloud data warehouse. It’s integrated with your data lake, offers performance up to three times faster than any other data warehouse, and costs up to 75% less than any other cloud data warehouse.

The following diagram depicts all the data source connectors available as of this writing in the AWS Serverless Application Repository.

The AWS Serverless Application Repository is a managed repository for serverless applications. It enables you to store and share reusable applications, and easily assemble and deploy serverless architectures in powerful new ways.

You can also create a custom connector for sources that aren’t in the AWS Serverless Application Repository.


Before you get started, create a secret for the Amazon Redshift login ID and password using AWS Secrets Manager.

  1. On the Secrets Manager console, choose Secrets.
  2. Choose Store a new secret.
  3. Choose credentials for your Amazon Redshift cluster, and set your user name and password.
  4. Choose the cluster you want to use.
  5. For Secret name, enter a name for your secret. Use the prefix AthenaJDBCFederation so it’s easy to find.
  6. Leave the remaining fields at their defaults and choose Next.
  7. Complete your secret creation.

Setting up your S3 bucket

On the Amazon S3 console, create a new S3 bucket and subfolder for Lambda to use. For this post, use the name myworkspace0009/athenafederation.

Configuring Athena federation with Amazon Redshift

To configure Athena federation with Amazon Redshift, complete the following steps:

  1. On the AWS Serverless Application Repository, choose Available applications.
  2. In the search field, enter athena federation.

  1. Choose
  2. In the Application settings section, provide the following details:
  3. Application nameAthenaRedshiftConnector
  4. SecretNamePrefixAthenaJdbcFederation
  5. SpillBucketmyworkspace0009/athenafederation
  6. JDBCConnectorConfigRedshift://jdbc:Redshift://<YourAmazon Redshift1Hostname>:5439/<DBName>?user=sample2&password=sample2
  7. DisableSpillEncyption – False
  8. LambdaFunctionNamerstpcds30
  9. SecurityGroupID – Security group ID where Amazon Redshift is deployed
  10. SpillPrefix – Leave default
  11. Subnetids – Use the subnets where Amazon Redshift is running with comma separation
  12. Select the I acknowledge check box.
  13. Choose Deploy.

In the next steps, you configure an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) endpoint for Amazon S3 to allow Lambda to write federated query results to Amazon S3.

  1. On the Amazon VPC console, choose Endpoints.
  2. Choose Create endpoint.
  3. Choose the VPC for your endpoint.

  1. Make any necessary security changes as per your security requirements.

  1. Choose Create endpoint.

Running federated queries with Athena

To start running federated queries, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Athena console, choose Workgroups.
  2. If you don’t see a workgroup called AmazonAthenaPreviewFunctionality, create one.

When this feature becomes generally available, you won’t need to use this workgroup name.

  1. Run your queries, using lambda:rstpcds30 to run against tables in Amazon Redshift.

Athena query performance comparison

Several customers have asked us for performance insights and prescriptive guidance on how queries in Athena compare against federated queries and how to use them. In this section, we use a TPC-DS 3 TB standard dataset and a select few queries that fall in the category of ad hoc and interactive. The comparison of their performance should give you an idea of what to expect when running federated queries against Amazon Redshift.

For the following tests, we used a 3 TB TPC-DS dataset in Amazon S3 data lake with Parquet compressed, partitioned and served by Athena, and the same 3 TB TPC-DS dataset on Amazon Redshift cluster running four RA3.4XL nodes.

The following table summarizes the dataset sizes:

Dataset Table Size (Records)
store_sales 8.6 billion
customer 30 million
customer_address 15 million
customer_demographics 1.92 million
item 360,000
date_dim 73,000
store 1,350

We ran the following four tests:

  • T1 – Queries ran in Athena without federation. All table data is in Amazon S3.
  • T2 – Queries ran in Athena with federation to Amazon Redshift. All table data is in Amazon S3, except the store_sales fact table in Amazon Redshift.
  • T3 – Queries ran in Athena with federation to Amazon Redshift. All tables and data are in Redshift.
  • T4 – Queries ran in Amazon Redshift without federation. All tables and data are in Redshift.

The following graph represents the performance of some of the ad hoc and interactive TPC-DS queries.

In the preceding graph, all T3 queries timed out at 900 seconds, depicted by the pink reference line, due to the Lambda 900-second timeout limit. This is due to overhead from store_sales fact data that needed to be transferred back to Athena.

The following graph removes T3 from the visualization, which gives better visibility when comparing the other tests.

Notice the query performance between T1 and T2 that completed in almost the same time while T4 queries ran significantly faster.

Amazon Redshift beats the performance of Athena in providing extremely low latency and should be the tool of choice if you’re looking for very low SLAs for analytics queries that Athena can’t achieve.

The following graph shows the data scanned in Amazon S3 for T1 and T2, which outlines why there isn’t much difference in query performance when compared to federated queries.

For the T2 federated queries, a small amount of dimension data is filtered in Amazon Redshift and brought back to Athena, instead of scanning the entire dimension tables. This is a typical nature for several ad hoc and interactive queries.

The performance of these TPC-DS queries between T1 and T2 is comparable because very little data is transferred back to Athena. You can see a similar behavior in several ad hoc and interactive query use cases because they use limited dimensions and scan a small subset of dimension data. Due to the 900-second timeout for the Lambda instances that connect to Amazon Redshift, it’s advised to minimize the amount of data the query brings back. Although Athena uses multiple Lambda instances in parallel to run your federated query, it’s also important to make sure the Amazon Redshift WLM queue has enough slots to process it, thereby not leading to queue wait time. For example, in some of the preceding queries, 20 Lambda executions were connecting to Amazon Redshift concurrently.

Key performance best practice considerations

When considering Athena federation with Amazon Redshift, you could take into account the following best practices:

  • Athena federation works great for queries with predicate filtering because the predicates are pushed down to Amazon Redshift. Use filter and limited-range scans in your queries to avoid full table scans.
  • If your SQL query requires returning a large volume of data from Amazon Redshift to Athena (which could lead to query timeouts or slow performance), unload the large tables in your query from Redshift to your Amazon S3 data lake.
  • Star schema is a commonly used data model in Amazon Redshift. In the star schema model, unload your large fact tables into your data lake and leave the dimension tables in Amazon Redshift. If large dimension tables are contributing to slow performance or query timeouts, unload those tables to your data lake.
  • When you run federated queries, Athena spins up multiple Lambda functions, which causes a spike in database connections. It’s important to monitor the Amazon Redshift WLM queue slots to ensure there is no queuing. Additionally, you can use concurrency scaling on your Amazon Redshift cluster to benefit from concurrent connections to queue up.


In this post, you learned how to configure and use Athena federation with Amazon Redshift using Lambda. Now you don’t need to wait for all the data in your Amazon Redshift data warehouse to be unloaded to Amazon S3 and maintained on a day-to-day basis to run your queries. You can use the best practice considerations outlined in the post to minimize the data transferred from Amazon Redshift for better performance. When queries are well written for federation, the performance penalties are negligible, as observed in the TPC-DS benchmark queries in this post. Happy query federating!


About the Author

Harsha Tadiparthi is a Specialist Sr. Solutions Architect, AWS Analytics. He enjoys solving complex customer problems in Databases and Analytics and delivering successful outcomes. Outside of work, he loves to spend time with his family, watch movies, and travel whenever possible.